#united tiny house association
oneforthemunny · 4 months
You are so good with angst!! If you feel like it: thong, but with Mafia!Eddie Oops, he forgot to mention a business associate was coming over with him
i'm guessing and went with smut as the genre like the one thong request with older!eddie haha! here's mafia!eddie <3 minors dni
You closed your eyes, the cool air from the many box fans you had piled in the room finally cooling you. The dogs laid out with their own. You knew they wanted to touch you, they always wants to be near you, but today you'd commanded them to the floor. It was too damn hot for anyone, anything to touch you.
Clothing included.
You found yourself shedding more and more clothes throughout the day until you were left in nothing but your thong. You ridded yourself of your tank top last, calling it quits for the day and retreating to Eddie's office- the coolest and sunless room in the house, dragging all the fans into there.
The air conditioning unit had stopped working yesterday evening, of course, in the middle of the heatwave that was terrorizing Hawkins right now. Eddie had told you he'd get it fixed, that someone would be there soon. That was this morning, hours ago, and they still hadn't shown up.
The front door opened, closing with a heavy thud that had the dogs up and at alert. "Baby?" Eddie's muffled voice called from downstairs.
Diablo let out a commanding bark, ears erect and pointed, nose touching the door. "In here," You groaned, too tired to move. Why would you? It was too hot to, and the fan felt so nice on your hot skin, finally comfortable for the first time all day.
"In my office?" Eddie's voice got closer. You didn't bother moving, not even opening your eyes, the cool air and hum of the fan lulling you.
The dogs barked in excitement when Eddie walked in, running around him. Eddie clicked, a demand for them to get back. "Did they not come and get it fixed?" Eddie asked.
"No," You groaned, a soft pout on your features. "It's so hot, Ed. I don't kno-"
"-Baby!" Eddie's hiss came after another voice, your eyes snapping open. Eddie's wide eyed meeting yours, a blush rising up his neck, Jeff standing behind him, back turned from you, undoubtedly with the same embarrassed expression.
"Eddie!" You squeaked, hands flying to cover your pebbled nipples. You squeezed your legs together, hoping to hide what the tiny thong didn't. "I-I didn't- You didn't tell me people were coming over!"
Eddie snatched the blanket off the arm of the couch, covering it over you. Your skin pricked with sweat at the thick cashmere laying over you, but you didn't dare move.
"Jeff, gimme a sec." Eddie nodded towards him.
Jeff muttered something, back still turned as she quickly left the room. Your body burned, both with the heat and from embarrassment.
"Why do you not have any clothes on?" Eddie lifted a brow, voice dropping lowly when Jeff shut the door.
"I was hot!" You squeaked. "I didn't know people were coming over!"
"What about the air conditioning guy?" Eddie frowned at you, a dark, possessive look clouding over him.
"You said he wouldn't come in the house, and I didn't need to answer the door!" You countered, glaring at him lightly. "That's why I came in your office with all the fans, because I knew- Well, I thought, no one would come in here."
Eddie's face softened, a small huff leaving his lips. His hair was pulled back, curls frizzy from the heat. He had opted for a short sleeve shirt today, still black, but silk, the top buttons undone.
"My clothes are over there." You nodded towards the arm chair, where you'd lazily thrown your tank top and tiny cotton shorts.
Eddie walked over, switching your clothes for the blanket. You slipped the tank top over your head, the cotton clinging to your clammy skin. Maybe you'd have a cool bath instead, soak in the cold water and finally cool down.
Eddie lazily folded the blanket back, eyes watching you through a half lidded gaze. "When'd you get those?" He hummed, eyes lingering over your tiny, lacy thong. "That's new."
Your skin pricked with heat, excited, flushed, a little embarrassed still. "Last week," You muttered, looking up at him carefully. "When Nancy and I went shopping. I saw them and thought they were cute."
Eddie hummed. "Very cute." His lips twitched in a grin. "Keep 'em on for me, ok? I'm gonna try and get rid of Jeff. Send him to go get that lazy fucking asshole to fix this air conditioning." He huffed in annoyance.
You rolled your eyes gently. "Yeah? And do what? It's way too hot to have sex right now, Eddie. I'm already boiling."
Eddie grinned wickedly, eyes darkening in a way that made you shiver, body kissed in goosebumps. "I think I can find a way for us to cool down." He hummed, gaze rolling over your frame again. "Stay here. I'll be right back."
Eddie returned with his own shirt off, a champagne bucket filled with ice in his hands. The blanket was spread on the floor this time, fans still pointed all around you, before Eddie stripped you back down to nothing but the thong, dragging the ice over your nipples, down your sternum, holding it between his teeth when he drug it up the inside of your thighs leaving you shivering in its wake.
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So if team board game night rotates, who would pick which game?
Jamie, somewhat surprisingly perhaps, tend to bring out trivia games. Things often get heated on those nights because the boys argue over the correct answers a lot. Jamie himself tends to do shockingly well in some categories and insanely, horrendously bad in others; his knowledge is spotty, to say the very least. He gets a kick out of arguing his absurdly wrong answer even after he gets they're wrong, and he gets incredibly smug when they hit upon a category that he can surprise everyone by being super knowledgeable about.  
Dani is a fan of Dixit because the pictures are gorgerous, and you get to make up tiny little stories, like poetry! He very rarely wins, however, because his associations just run very differently than the others. Dani doesn’t care, though; it’s the joy of playing that matters.
Sam alternates between table top roleplaying games (preferably in a fantasy setting because he loves magic!) and word games (which he is fucking brilliant at but which he knows that Jamie doesn’t really like, so he mostly saves them for evenings when our No. 9 can’t join them).
Colin likes a bit of everything but makes a point of bringing Welsh made games because Welsh pride they include Welsh names that no one else knows how to pronounce, that’s just an extra bonus. In fairness to the boys, they all do their very best with the pronounciation and does not mind Colin shaking his head at their efforts. Well, he only shakes his head at the English players, and then him and Jan Maas bond over how hard some people appearantly find it so very hard to make simple sounds.
Isaac arranges poker nights. He’s got a room for it at his house and all, and always dresses for the occasion. Once in a while, when they’ve really got time, he brings out Risk and all hell breaks loose. (Isaac is the Worst when it comes to snacks, though, so Richard has taken it upon himself to make sure there’s drinks and appropriate niblets. That way, Richard also get to claim co-host rights and gets out of having the team over to his place, which he just thinks is too fancy for this lot. Also, Richard doesn’t really care for board games.)
Bumbercatch is into cooperative board games, especially if the goal is to work together to solve some sort of real world issue, like Pandemic. Uniting rather than tearing each other down is the way to go if they ever want to overthrow the unjust world order!
Jan Maas also enjoys cooperative board games, except he tends to opt for the ones that include traitors (like Unfathomable), because it’s just fun to watch the rest of the team succumb to paranoia and chaos. Mafia is good too! Jan Maas tends to do well in those games because he takes full advantage of the fact that everyone expects him to be very blunt, making it easy for him to get away with lies.
Zorro is a Card Against Humanity guy. Those nights are rowdy and loud affairs, and the coaches (Roy in particular) don’t like it all that much, because it invariably lead to the team shouting weird fucking phrases and sniggering about it the day after.
The coaches aren’t invited to these things, but if they were Nate would have the team play the most elaborate strategy games and he would crush. them. ever. single. time.
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fictionadventurer · 1 year
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Every time I think I'm tired of these guys and their endless rivalries, I learn about another crazy facet of the political system of the time and I get obsessed all over again.
You've got the chaos of 1840-1860, where slavery's increasingly becoming the all-important issue. The Whig Party is fracturing over it and turning into a bunch of tiny little one-issue parties that split the Northern vote. The only reason the South isn't seceding is because the chaos in the North keeps Southern-sympathizing Democratic presidents in power. By the time the 1860 election rolls around, the tiny little Northern parties have finally coalesced into the Republican Party, whose one issue is opposing slavery, and the Democrats are fracturing to back three separate presidential candidates. This allows the North to finally get a Republican in the White House, upon which the South immediately throws a tantrum and bails.
Which then transitions us to the political climate of the Civil War, where the war effort is vastly complicated by the fact that you've got to keep a jillion tiny little factions happy to prevent the country from splintering further. You've got the slave-holding border states who need to be placated so they don't decide to secede. You've got abolitionists who want to make the end of slavery the prime object of the war, which would be a great way to send all those border states straight into the arms of the Confederacy. You've got German-Americans and Irish-Americans and a bunch of different ethnic groups who all want representation among the high-ranking officers of the war. Within the Republican Party itself, you've got former Whigs and Know-Nothings and Radical Republicans and Free Soilers and anti-slavery Democrats who all agree that slavery is bad, but disagree about the best way to get rid of it, plus they all retain vastly different political beliefs from their former party associations. Plus, there are still some pro-Union Democrats you have to deal with, who also splinter among themselves into War Democrats and Peace Democrats who disagree on whether we should continue this horrific war or sue for peace.
And then there's the Confederate politics. You have Davis, the so-called President-General who'd rather be leading troops and hates politicking so much that he'll allegedly cross the street when he sees a Congressman coming rather than risk talking to him and be accused of currying political favor. He's dealing with a Congress that's essentially the Anti-Davis Party, because it's made up of a bunch of men who thought they should have been president (and I cannot explain just how hilarious that is to me). They're uniting under their belief that slavery should be preserved, and yet by the end of the war they're considering emancipation efforts in a last-ditch attempt convince France or England to help them out. They seceded because of one issue and they're willing to throw that away rather than admit defeat.
The chaos just keeps going. It's a never-ending series of high-drama rabbit holes to jump down. You couldn't make this stuff up if you tried. Politics nowadays is crazy, but Civil War politics are crazier, plus we have the distance of history that makes it fun to just sit back with a bag of popcorn and watch the insanity unfold.
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devoted1989 · 7 months
easter 2024
how animals suffer at easter
Christ is often referred to in the Bible as the "Lamb of God". On Easter Sunday, lamb is often served. They are taken from their mother's sides at only a few weeks of age. They are hung up on a conveyor belt in the slaughterhouse by their back legs. Their throats are slit and they are then left to bleed to death.
The rabbit is a representation of fertility and rebirth. Every year baby bunnies are bought on impulse as a child’s gift.
Mary Cotter, vice-president of the House Rabbit Society, says that many of the bunnies adopted as Easter pets will never live to see their first birthday.
Some die from neglect or improper care, others are dropped off at animal shelters where euthanization is a common fate, while still others are simply abandoned.
The baby chick represents new life.
Every year around Easter time, thousands of chicks are dyed in brilliant colors. The dye is injected into the incubating egg or sprayed on the hatchling. Poultry farmers say it is harmless if a nontoxic dye is used, but many people object, saying it turns live birds into holiday playthings that are quickly discarded.
According to the American Humane Association, the majority of baby chicks die from stress or the lack of proper care within a few weeks of the holiday.
egg - laying chickens
More than 90% of all eggs produced in the USA come from battery hens. Here they live in crowded, tiny cages stacked tier upon tier in huge warehouses. They are unable to turn around or even spread one wing.
Male chicks – useless to the industry - are ground up alive or suffocated to death.
over - population
Another issue that rescues raise is that these bunnies and chicks are specially bred for the Easter period. The market is flooded with chicks and rabbits who may be abandoned.
Very few people will adopt an adult rabbit or chicken for Easter. Of the unwanted chicks and rabbits, the lucky ones will end up in a rescue where they wait for a forever home.
The tradition of giving chicks and bunnies as gifts is extremely cruel. Giving a gift that could be discarded when they are no longer cute or your child gets bored with them can teach them that animals are expendable toys.
With thanks to The Telegraph, Audubon, One Green Planet, The American Bible Society, Wikipedia, The Humane Society of the United States & The American Humane Society.
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 10 months
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From my mother's photos. Her childhood gang. Photo taken by her father.
* * * * *
Pablo Neruda's Greatest Lesson from Childhood by Lewis Hyde
Playing in the lot behind the house one day when he was still a little boy, Neruda discovered a hole in a fence board. "I looked through the hole and saw a landscape like that behind our house, uncared for, and wild. I moved back a few steps, because I sensed vaguely that something was about to happen. All of a sudden a hand appeared---a tiny hand of a boy about my own age. By the time I came close again, the hand was gone, and in its place there was a marvellous white toy sheep.
"The sheep's wool was faded. Its wheels had escaped. All of this only made it more authentic. I had never seen such a wonderful sheep. I looked back through the hole but the boy had disappeared. I went in the house and brought out a measure of my own: a pine cone, opened, full of odor and resin, which I adored. I set it down in the same spot and went off with the sheep.
"I never saw either the hand or the boy again. And I have never seen a sheep like that either. The toy I lost finally in a fire. But even now...whenever I pass a toyshop, I look furtively into the window. It's no use. They don't make sheep like that anymore."
Neruda has commented on this incident several times. "This exchange of gifts---mysterious---settled deep inside me like a sedimentary deposit," he once remarked in an interview. And he associates the exchange with his poetry. "I have been a lucky man. To feel the intimacy of brothers is a marvellous thing in life. To feel the love of people whom we love is a fire that feeds our life. But to feel the affection that come from those whom we do not know, from those unknown to us, who are watching over our sleep and solitude, over our dangers and our weaknesses---that is something still greater and more beautiful because it widens out the boundaries of our being, and unites all living things.
"That exchange brought home to me for the first time a precious idea: that all humanity is somehow together...It won't surprise you then that I have attempted to give something resiny, earthlike, and fragrant in exchange for human brotherhood...
"This is the great lesson I learned in my childhood, in the backyard of a lonely house. Maybe it was nothing but a game two boys played who didn't know each other and wanted to pass to the other some good things of life. Yet maybe this small and mysterious exchange of gifts remained inside me also, deep and indestructible, giving my poetry light."
(From 'The Gift: Creativity and the Artist in the Modern World', Lewis Hyde)
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theurbanologist · 20 days
Walt Whitman And His Window
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It is 10:50AM on a recent Friday morning and I'm standing in front of the wooden-frame house at 330 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard in Camden, New Jersey.
It's not as hot as you might think it'd be on a late August day in this part of the United States, but it's hot enough for me.
This generally undistinguished home was Walt Whitman's last residence and the only home he owned outright. When Whitman moved in during the spring of 1884, he wrote his friend Anne Gilchrist and informed her "I have moved into a little old shanty of my own." He would live here until he passed away in the upstairs bedroom on March 26, 1892.
As I learn on my tour, Whitman was not exactly in the best of health in his later years. Whitman suffered a serious stroke in 1873 and was largely confined to his bed during most of his time living at this residence. He was fortunate enough to have several tenants assist him during these years, along with the almost constant companionship of Mary Davis, a nearby widow who moved in to assist him, bringing a veritable menagerie of pets with her.
Making our way through the home, the guide, a retired National Park Service Ranger, informs our tiny tour group that Whitman had to be brought up and down the stairs multiple times a day by Mary for different medical treatments. His one constant request was that he be brought downstairs so he could look out the parlor window to see the "constant cacophony of people going about their business"
As you probably know, there were no mobile apps during the 1880s.
If you wanted something, you had to physically go out and get it---a strenuous requirement, indeed.
For someone so closely associated with what I like to call "sensual pastoralism", I found it a bit unusual that Whitman in his later years ended up being a city mouse. Sure, he had lived in Brooklyn for years (the first proto-hipster?) but that was before the muscular era of exponential industrial urbanism had made Brooklyn look and feel the way it did when it was annexed to the rest of Zoo York City in 1898.
What Whitman experienced from his window is one of the joys that most people experience from the urban condition: the ability to see what people do in close proximity to each other with great frequency, dare I say WITH A MILLION DIFFERENT PERMUTATIONS.
His window onto what is now Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard was in fact, his literal window into this world.
To use a contemporary phrase to describe a past condition or state of being, Whitman was truly able to "age in place".
We should all be so lucky.
Some related odds and ends:
I've always loved the Caedmon Records poetry albums. This one features Ed Begley reading some of Whitman's works, including "Crossing Brooklyn Ferry"
Camden, like most older American cities, has been mightily transformed by a host of processes over the past 75 plus years (residential red-lining, middle class flight, racism, etc). This feature from the folks at Segregation by Design visualizes some of those changes.
A team of scholars continues to work on the Black Camden Oral History project which brings together some compelling interviews and other materials detailing the Black Power Movement at the Rutgers University-Camden campus and in the broader community.
I took the 401 bus from the Water Rand Transportation Center to try one of the (cheese) steaks at Donkey's Place about a mile and a half from the Whitman home. Hot shredded beef with American cheese never tasted so good, let me tell you. Sitting at the bar was the place to be as people drank Donkey shots (don't ask) and talked about heading to the (Jersey) shore later in the day.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 4 months
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"THIRTY YEARS OF CRIME HAS COME TO END," Kingston Whig-Standard. May 28, 1934. Page 2. ---- Sam Behan Was Mixed Up in Famous Hochelaga Bank Hold-up --- Memories of the stirring riot days of October 17 and October 20, 1932, and the equally interesting prison trial days of May and June of last year were recalled on Saturday by the death at the Kingston Penitentiary of a man who for years was one of the most notorious criminals in the country - Convict Sam Behan - a death which ended a career of thirty years of crime, prison terms, more crime and more prison terms.
Hundreds of Kingstonians, who during the now-famous trials on rioting charges, held in the Court House a year ago, remember the fiery Sam Behan - the coatless, dishevelled convict, mopping his face with a faded red handkerchief, as he walked up and down in front of the jury, pleading his own case and winning! And just as many recall the verdict of "Not Guilty"; the break-down of the accused and his statement, in a quiet and shaking voice that it was "the first time in twenty years I have cried."
Today Convict Sam Behan's body is back in the United States; sent back to relatives whose request for the remains was acceded to. And so is ended the life of a convict who, since 1904, has seen more of the inside of prison walls than he has of the out side and who admittedly was more or less looked-up to by other convicts in the Kingston Penitentiary.
For more than fifteen years Sam Behan was known as one of the most notorious criminals to haunt the underworld. With a penchant for holding up banks, he was continually in trouble. There were stories that he had at one time been a member of an Al Capone gang in the United States; that he had been put "on the spot" by the Capone gang and that he was glad to be out of the United States and in the comparative safety of a Canadian prison.
Behan's most notorious escapade was alleged to have been his association with the gang of twelve men who held up the Bank of Hochelaga collection car in Montreal ten years ago. After watching the car make its rounds of branch banks months, they timed their attack to the minute, stretched a cable through a subway to halt it, shot down the driver and escaped with more than for $300,000. A motorcycle policeman gave chase and one of the robbers was killed. The motorcycle was disabled by the robbers' fire and the gang temporarily escaped. On the body of the robber who was shot by the police and abandoned by the other bandits, the police found a tiny piece of paper with almost indeci- pherable figures on it. After intensive investigation, the police finally found that it was the telephone number of a rooming house and inquiries led to information that two men and two women who had lived there had left immediately after the holdup.
Taxi drivers supplied information of their new home. For several days a constant watch was kept on the premises and when the men went out, the police entered, took the women into custody and waited for the return of the men who, taken by surprise, were arrested without a struggle. After nearly tearing the premises apart, the police found $60,000 of the loot. One of the men arrested, Negri, turned king's evidence.
By this time three others, one of them said to be Behan, had escaped. Through Negri's confession, eight were arrested and placed on trial for murder. Six were convicted and sentenced to death. The sentence of two was commuted to life imprisonment; four were hanged, including Louis Morel, a former Montreal detective, one-time all round champion athlete of Canadian police.
When the law finally caught up with Sam Behan, the chief crown witness, had disappeared and Behan went to jail on a minor charge. Later he was convicted of armed robbery and conspiracy to rob a bank, given a life term and transferred to Kings- ton.
Only a few days ago, one of the other two who escaped in 1923, Carreri, was arrested in California. The only witnesses against him are the two men in fall on a life sentence and the Quebec Government is considering whether there is any use for asking for the extradition of Carreri. And now, only one member of that band of twelve gangsters is unaccounted for.
Sam Behan was known to almost every convict of the penitentiary, because of the fact that for a long time he had been in the change-room gang. It is learned that he was regarded as unusually astute, and in the parlance of the inmates, was a convict with "a gift of gab." Behan loved to talk and, it is understood, fol- lowing his successful defence on a rioting charge, he lost little opportunity to tell other convicts how smart he had been.
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kp777 · 9 months
By Olivia Rosane
Common Dreams
Dec. 22, 2023
Israel's tactics in its assault on Gaza indicate that it is trying to force the Palestinians who live there to abandon it, a United Nations expert warned Friday.
Paula Gaviria Betancur, special rapporteur on the human rights of internally displaced persons (IDPs), pointed out that Israel had ordered civilians to flee to safety in the south of Gaza two months ago, only to demand that both the new refugees and the residents of southern Gaza evacuate again. She worried that Israel was engaged in forced population transfer and collective punishment, both war crimes.
"Where will the people of Gaza have left to go tomorrow?" she asked. "As evacuation orders and military operations continue to expand and civilians are subjected to relentless attacks on a daily basis, the only logical conclusion is that Israel's military operation in Gaza aims to deport the majority of the civilian population en masse."
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Betancur's remarks came as the Gaza Health Ministry raised the official death toll from Israel's attack to 20,057, or almost 1% of Gaza's population, The Associated Press reported. Israel began its bombardment of Gaza on October 7, following a Hamas incursion into southern Israel that killed more than 1,100 people and saw around 240 taken as hostages.
Israel has also displaced at least 1.9 million people, or 85% of Gaza's population. According to Israeli evacuation orders, civilians can now only safely reside within an area less than one-third the size of the entire Gaza Strip.
"Gaza has long been one of the world's most densely populated territories," Betancur said. "The confinement of the entire civilian population to a tiny fraction of the Gaza Strip has created an untenable situation for IDPs, particularly women, children including unaccompanied minors, older persons, and persons with serious medical conditions and disabilities."
"Gaza's housing and civilian infrastructure have been razed to the ground, frustrating any realistic prospects for displaced Gazans to return home, repeating a long history of mass forced displacement of Palestinians by Israel."
The situation for the displaced persons has been made worse by the fact that Israel has blockaded the strip from receiving essential supplies. A full 90% of people in Gaza are eating less than one meal a day, and those displaced in the south can only access one-and-a-half to two liters of water a day.
"Israel's illegal blockade and stranglehold on the entry of humanitarian aid have left IDPs living in appalling conditions," Betancur said.
At the same time, the evacuation orders themselves have not been reliable. Israel has issued contradictory orders, bombed people fleeing south or territories supposed to be safe, and relied on communications technology to disseminate orders despite the fact that it also imposes illegal blackouts. Betancur also noted that civilians who do not evacuate a war zone do not lose their right to be safeguarded under international law.
"Civilians in areas under evacuation order, as well as in so-called 'safe zones,' unilaterally designated by Israeli forces against international humanitarian law, have been the target of indiscriminate attacks which have killed nearly 19,000 Palestinians and injured over 51,000," Betancur said.
"Many others have said it before—but it cannot be said enough—there is no safe place in Gaza," she added.
Even if or when the bombardment ends, the extent of the destruction means that Gazans will have a hard time rebuilding.
"Gaza's housing and civilian infrastructure have been razed to the ground, frustrating any realistic prospects for displaced Gazans to return home, repeating a long history of mass forced displacement of Palestinians by Israel," Betancur said.
The AP reported Friday that Israel has destroyed more than two-thirds of the buildings in the north of Gaza and a quarter around the southern city of Khan Younis.
"Gaza is now a different color from space. It's a different texture," Corey Scher of the CUNY Graduate Center, who conducted an analysis of the destruction using Copernicus Sentinel-1 satellite data, told AP.
U.S. military historian Robert Pape said that the allies destroyed 10% of buildings in Germany during a World War II bombing campaign from 1942 to 1945. In less than three months, Israel has destroyed more than 33% of the buildings in Gaza.
"Gaza is one of the most intense civilian punishment campaigns in history," Pape told AP. "It now sits comfortably in the top quartile of the most devastating bombing campaigns ever."
Analysis suggests that most of those bombs were made in the U.S.
"I call on Israel to immediately end attacks on civilians, cease its campaign to alter the composition of Gaza's population through mass forced displacement, implement a permanent cease-fire, allow for the unrestricted passage of humanitarian aid, and prioritize dialogue to secure the safe release of remaining hostages," Betancur said.
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newstfionline · 7 months
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
High-profile Republicans head for the exits amid House GOP dysfunction (CNN) The GOP is facing a grand old exodus as the House of Representatives continues to struggle through one of the most turbulent sessions of Congress ever. So far, the 118th Congress has seen a historically-long race for speaker, the ousting of that speaker, an expulsion of a member, and a multitude of failed votes despite the GOP’s majority. 23 GOP Representatives have resigned or declared that they won’t be running for re-election, including five House committee chairs. Some Republicans are not concerned. “Brain drain? Why don’t you survey the country and see if there is any brain to drain in Congress. Congress has a 20% approval rating. Most of what we do to the country is bad,” said House Freedom Caucus Chairman Bob Good. “I think the retirements are a wonderful thing … I have no concerns, zero concerns. We probably need a few more retirements.”
The Great Compression: Smaller Houses (NYT) America is the land of the free, the home of the brave, and the country where everything is just bigger. At least, that used to be true—now, as the cost of materials, land, and mortgages continue to rise, people are looking into smaller and smaller houses for a chance at home ownership. Builders have begun constructing ever-smaller homes (sometimes the size of studio apartments) in recent years as part of an effort to tap into the first-time home buyer market. “Their existence is telling,” said one economist. “All the uncertainty over the past few years has just reinforced the desire for homeownership, but land and material prices have gone up too much. So something has to give, and what builders are doing now is testing the market and asking what is going to work.” Suburban developments across the country have joined the trend, building more 800-square-foot “tiny homes” and cutting back on the 2,000-square-foot, two-story cul-de-sac houses that Americans have been sold for decades.
Why some travelers are skipping the US: ‘You guys are not afraid of this?’ (USA Today) What Uneaka Daniels experienced the last couple of times she was in the United States was enough to keep her away for a long time. Bermuda-born and raised Daniels was in Atlanta in 2019 and decided to get her hair done. On her way to the salon, she stopped a man to ask for directions. Suddenly, everyone ducked. It was a drive-by. “I could actually see the gun and see it being fired,” she told USA TODAY. “The people on the street acted…as if it didn’t happen, and I’m here trying to crouch behind a tree. I said, ‘You guys are not afraid of this,’ and he said, ‘It happens so often.’” Besides this experience and another, Daniels has been turned off by the U.S. due to the rise of mass shootings and rates of homelessness. For the past four years, she’s avoided travel to the U.S. A growing number of international travelers are opting out of trips to the U.S. There were 12 million fewer visitors in 2023 than in 2019, according to a recent study by the U.S. Travel Association and EuroMonitor International. The U.S. ranked 17th out of the top 18 travel markets, slotting in just above China, with one major factor being safety following visa time barriers and the strength of the U.S. dollar.
Pro-Israel group targets Post reporter (Semafor) Pro-Israel groups, deeply critical of American news outlets such as the Washington Post over their coverage of the war in Gaza, have been working in public and behind-the-scenes to discredit specific journalists seen as biased against Israel. The 10/7 Project, a consortium of five Jewish organizations, has been keeping tabs on reporters that it felt were reporting and tweeting unfairly about Israel, and putting pressure on major national news organizations to punish or remove these reporters from the beat. In particular, the group has singled out the Washington Post and its foreign correspondent Louisa Loveluck, who has covered the war in Gaza with an emphasis on Palestinian civilians impacted by the violence. The group has compiled a dossier complaining about everything from her current reporting to her past tweets and participation in college activism against tuition fees in the UK in an effort to get her taken off the story of Israel’s war with Hamas.
Afghans blocked from UK by special forces’ veto (BBC) Afghan commandos accompanied British special forces on some of the most dangerous missions of the war in Afghanistan. When the Taliban swept to power in August 2021, soldiers in these units were among the groups most at risk of reprisals. They were eligible to apply for resettlement to the UK. But leaked documents seen by the BBC show UK special forces rejected hundreds of applications, despite some containing compelling evidence of service alongside the British military. Dozens have reportedly been beaten, tortured, or killed by the Taliban since. “I was sure that my British colleagues and friends, who we worked for several years alongside, would help me to evacuate to safety. Now I feel that the sacrifices I made have been forgotten,” one told the BBC. “I have been left alone in the midst of hell.” At the time the applications were vetoed, UK Special Forces were at the centre of an independent inquiry, to which Afghan Special Forces members could have been asked to provide evidence, had they been in the UK.
How much is a baby worth? A $75,000 bonus, this South Korean firm says. (Washington Post) Successive South Korean governments have tried pretty much everything to try to persuade women to have babies. Now corporate South Korea is getting in on the act, trying to stave off a demographic crisis that could see the country’s workforce halve within 50 years. Some are pledging millions of dollars in bonuses for their staff who become parents. “We will continue to do what we can as a company to solve the low-birth issue,” Lee Joong-keun, the chairman of Booyoung Group, a Seoul-based construction company, said last week after awarding a total $5.25 million to his employees for 70 babies born since 2021. Both male and female employees at Booyoung are eligible for a $75,000 payout each time they have a baby—no strings attached. This development has come about as South Korea’s fertility rate—the average number of children a woman has over her lifetime—has plummeted to be the lowest in the world, at 0.78 in 2022. That means the population is aging rapidly. By 2072, half the population will be over 65—meaning companies big and small will have trouble finding people of working age to employ.
The sailor straining US-Japan relationship (BBC) US Navy officer Ridge Alkonis was sentenced in Japan to three years jail in 2021 for killing two Japanese citizens in a car accident. His release on parole from a US prison after less than two years, following a pressure campaign from his family, drew public anger in Japan. The incident highlighted the resentment and frustration Japanese people hold against the 54,000 US servicemen in the country. Since the US-Japan Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) was inked in 1960—enabling the deployment of US military forces in the country—there have been hundreds of criminal cases involving US military personnel. Few have forgotten the infamous 1995 incident where three servicemen raped a 12-year-old Okinawan girl, sparking months-long protests.
Israel May Put New Restrictions on Visiting Aqsa Mosque as Ramadan Nears (NYT) The Israeli government was locked in debate on Monday on whether to increase restrictions on Muslims’ access to an important mosque compound in Jerusalem during the holy month of Ramadan, leading to predictions of unrest if the limits are enforced. On Sunday, Israeli cabinet ministers debated whether to bar some members of Israel’s Arab minority from attending prayers at the Aqsa Mosque compound, according to the two officials. Israel has long limited access to Al Aqsa for Palestinians from the Israeli-occupied West Bank, and since the start of the war in Gaza, it has imposed extra restrictions on Arab citizens and residents of Israel. Some had hoped those limits would be largely lifted for Ramadan, which is expected to begin around March 10—but the talk now is of increasing them, instead. Dan Harel, a former deputy chief of staff in the Israeli military, said in a radio interview that such a move would be “unnecessary, foolish and senseless” and might “ignite the entire Muslim world.” One Arab Israeli lawmaker, Waleed Alhwashla, said on social media that it would be “liable to pour unnecessary oil on the fire of violence.”
Israel orders new evacuations in northern Gaza, where UN says 1 in 6 children are malnourished (AP) Israel ordered new evacuations from parts of Gaza City on Tuesday, as a study led by the U.N. children’s agency found that one in six children are acutely malnourished in the isolated and largely devastated north of the territory, where the city is located. The report finds deepening misery across the territory, where Israel’s air and ground offensive, launched in response to Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, has killed over 29,000 Palestinians, obliterated entire neighborhoods and displaced more than 80% of the population. On Tuesday, the military ordered the evacuation of the Zaytoun and Turkoman neighborhoods on the southern edge of Gaza City, an indication that Palestinian militants are still putting up stiff resistance in areas of northern Gaza that the Israeli military said had been largely cleared weeks ago.
Crew abandon UK-registered cargo ship after Houthi attack off Yemen (BBC) On Sunday night, a Belize-flagged, British-registered cargo vessel was struck by Houthi missiles, causing the crew to abandon ship. According to security firms, the ship was carrying “very dangerous,” highly explosive fertilizer. A spokesman for the Houthis has claimed that the ship was forced to a “complete halt” thanks to the attack, and the owners are reportedly considering towing the vessel.
Big stink in Cape Town (AP) What stinks? Authorities in Cape Town launched an investigation Monday after a foul stench swept over the South African city. City officials inspected sewage facilities for leaks and an environmental health team was activated before the source of the smell was discovered: a ship docked in the harbor carrying 19,000 live cattle from Brazil to Iraq. The ship was due to depart soon, likely to the relief of residents.
When Eyes in the Sky Start Looking Right at You (NYT) For decades, privacy experts have been wary of snooping from space. They feared satellites powerful enough to zoom in on individuals, capturing close-ups that might differentiate adults from children or suited sunbathers from those in a state of nature. Now, quite suddenly, analysts say, a startup is building a new class of satellite whose cameras would, for the first time, do just that. “We’re acutely aware of the privacy implications,” Topher Haddad, head of Albedo Space, the company making the new satellites, said in an interview. His company’s technology will image people but not be able to identify them, he said. Anyone living in the modern world has grown familiar with diminishing privacy amid a surge security cameras, trackers built into smartphones, facial recognition systems, drones and other forms of digital monitoring. But what makes the overhead surveillance potentially scary, experts say, is its ability to invade areas once seen as intrinsically off limits. “This is a giant camera in the sky for any government to use at any time without our knowledge,” said Jennifer Lynch, general counsel of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. “We should definitely be worried.”
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realmeganamram · 2 years
HELLO, all! Gwynnie here! Welcome to another issue of Goop, my newsletter for people who enjoy the finer things in life. I’m proud to present our annual gift guide. Just because I’m Gwyneth Paltrow, it doesn’t mean I can’t kick back and enjoy the holidays. I put my winter-capris on one cashmere leg at a time, just like you!
Here, I’ve compiled my favorite buys for every type of person. Whether you want to spend $7,900,000 or $8,000,000, we’ve got the right gift for you!
Trinket vessel ($339)
If you’re like me, your trinkets end up all over the place: hidden inside your artisanal peony terrarium, strewn on your wicker birthing chairs, veiled behind a piping hot cup of acai-and-clamshell tea. Keep your trinkets neat and tidy with this minimalist, torus-shaped vessel. So stunning.
Candle masseuse ($197 per hour)
This moderately priced candle masseuse will massage your candles (votive or taper!) for a clearer, more intense burn. Why not treat your candles to a little holiday cheer?
Free-range dream catcher ($418-$523)
Did you know that the human body is 70 percent dreams? Most dream catchers sequester a dream until it’s cramped and broken, like a calf for veal. This dream catcher, made from organic, non-G.M.O. wheats and berries, allows the dream to roam free until the moment of humane confinement. The People for the Ethical Treatment of Dreams (PETD) gave it three “Zzz’s” up!
Very tiny tarot cards ($196)
This adorable gold-leafed tarot set is perfect for a tiny bird, or even a small mouse!
Geranium eye mist ($515)
If you happen to have lost the ability to cry through a combination of Botox and cocktail of personality disorders, this floral-scented eye irritant will produce extremely realistic tears immediately upon contact! Perfect for funerals, Oscar speeches and haggling with your local fishmonger.
Porcelain-and-crystal bisque ($3,400)
This soup looks better than the real thing! A sculpture of a bowl of soup made entirely of solid porcelain and healing crystals. Can be used as decoration or a meal replacement. I lost 64 pounds by replacing three meals a day with thinking about crystals!
Leather divorce papers ($279 for pack of four)
He can’t not sign these! Made from the tanned hides of Wagyu show-steers, these gorgeous, legally binding divorce papers will make consciously uncoupling a pleasure. After the divorce is finalized, treat yourself to thinking about a crystal bowl of ice cream. Your body will love you for it.
‘We Are the 1 Percent’ Globe ($2,914)
Ever think to yourself, “there are just too many countries”? Well, then, this beautifully enameled, reclaimed, no-kill ivory globe is just for you. We removed any countries with a G.D.P. of less than $2 trillion, according to the World Bank, leaving the United States, China, Japan, Germany, Britain, France, Brazil, Italy and India. These countries have been arranged according to celebrity child consultant North West in a cute, minimalist neo-Pangaea land mass.
Human picture frame ($670-$1,890 plus annual food and water stipend)
A picture frame for people who don’t do picture frames. Hire this human adult man to hold your photos silently in front of his face. Comes in three practical sizes: tween, medium and Swedish.
PETD membership ($530,700 for one year)
Give the gift of a one-year membership to this up-and-coming association created to protect and advance the art of dreams. It’s very exclusive. There are very few members. There is only one member. I am the only member.
Real-Life Monopoly set (about $42,420,595)
Why still play old-fashioned board games with rinky-dink pieces and flimsy dollars? It’s 2015, for my-close-friend-Pete-Sampras’s sake! We’ve found an incredible option for the serious gamer: a real-life Monopoly set using real U.S. currency, houses and hotels. Each kit comes with thirty-two (32) actual, livable houses strewn across the Eastern Seaboard, each worth $200,000, and twelve (12) fully-functional hotels each worth $3,000,000. Price includes a beautiful locally sourced burlap sack with actual bills worth $20,580.
Floor-length jean shorts ($4,415)
As if jorts couldn’t get more stylish! A bit pricey, but you’re paying for the detail: The seamstresses who make these fashion essentials have painstakingly pulled out the seams of jorts to create an entirely new kind of pant, one that stretches down to the floor.
Twister With Gwyneth ($4,600)
I’ve put my own spin (pun intended!) on the classic contortion-based child’s game. Instead of a bunch of colored dots on a mat, my Twister is just one ecru dot in the middle of the tarp. It’s sleeker and has a gorgeous minimalist aesthetic. To play, you just stand in the middle of the mat and have your human picture frame read you a Basho haiku. So fun.
D.I.Y. novel set ($13,000)
These inspirational books will have you writing in no time. We’ve found a whole set of first-edition Jane Austen novels, ripped out all the pages, and replaced them with blank pages. You’ll feel her spirit in every line that you write.
One hundred dollar bill ($1,000)
What says “holidays” more than cold hard cash? Plus, Ben Franklin looks adorable here. Hang it on the wall as cute art for a nursery or fringe the edges and use as garnish for a summer salad.
Yoga mat (market price, around $106,500,500)
This yoga mat is made out of a Picasso.
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geeknik · 1 year
Buzzing with Potential: Bees and Organic Semiconductors Unite for Explosive Plume Detection
Picture this: a team of honey bees working alongside cutting-edge technology, helping us detect explosive plumes in a fraction of the time it takes to train dogs. It may sound like a scene from a sci-fi movie, but researchers have harnessed the power of nature and combined it with the capabilities of organic semiconductor films to create a biohybrid system that could revolutionize explosive detection.
Traditionally, dogs have been our allies in sniffing out dangerous explosives due to their exceptional olfactory prowess. But training these canine heroes can take months, and there are limitations to their availability and accessibility. This is where our tiny friends, the honey bees, step in. With their incredible sense of smell and quick learning abilities, bees are proving to be a formidable force in the world of explosive detection.
At the heart of this biohybrid system lies the organic semiconductor film. These thin, flexible films are engineered to mimic the capabilities of a dog's nose. By capturing and amplifying the odor molecules present in an explosive plume, they provide valuable information to the bees, who can quickly and accurately identify the presence of explosive materials.
The training process for bees in this biohybrid system is remarkably efficient. In just a matter of hours, these remarkable insects can be trained to associate a specific odor, emitted by the organic semiconductor film, with a sugar solution reward. Through a process called classical conditioning, the bees quickly learn to extend their proboscis, or tongue, in response to the targeted odor, signaling the presence of an explosive plume.
Not only do bees learn this association quickly, but they also showcase impressive retention of this information. Studies have shown that bees retain their training for several days, allowing them to be consistently reliable in detecting explosive plumes over an extended period.
One of the major advantages of using bees in this biohybrid system is their sheer numbers. A hive can house thousands of bees, providing us with a scalable and versatile detection system. Additionally, bees are easily transportable and can be deployed to various locations, making them highly adaptable for different scenarios, such as airports, public spaces, or even disaster zones.
The collaborative efforts of nature and technology offer us a glimpse into an efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable solution for explosive detection. By utilizing the honey bee's natural abilities and combining them with the innovation of organic semiconductor films, we can potentially enhance our security measures, while also respecting and preserving the environment.
However, it's important to note that this biohybrid system is still in its early stages of development. Challenges such as optimizing the organic semiconductor films' sensitivity and stability, as well as ensuring the safety and well-being of the bees, need to be addressed before widespread implementation can occur. Researchers are actively working towards overcoming these hurdles and refining the system to ensure its effectiveness and reliability.
As our understanding of nature and technology continues to evolve, so does our ability to create groundbreaking solutions. The honey bee biohybrid system holds tremendous promise in the field of explosive plume detection. With bees' remarkable learning capabilities and the power of organic semiconductor films, we are on the cusp of a new era in security technology. The future is buzzing with potential, and these tiny creatures might just be the key to unlocking it.
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handeaux · 2 years
A Passel Of Curious Cincinnati Street Names, Part One (A to E)
Annwood Street (East Walnut Hills) Most Cincinnati streets that memorialize people recognize men, but there are several honoring women. Anne (Bryan) Wood (1780-1867), for whom this street and a connecting lane is named, is also responsible for the nearby Wold Street, named for her estate. A native of England, Mrs. Wood and her husband James arrived early in Cincinnati and made a fortune in merchandizing. Their daughter Ellen married Judge Timothy Walker, one of the founders of the Cincinnati Law School. Although she died 30 years previously, warm memories inspired the neighboring community to preserve her name through the street signs.
Arcadia Place (Hyde Park) Soon after this 47-lot subdivision was platted in 1916, the new residents formed a neighborhood association that survived for decades. Every family on the street was automatically enrolled in The Arcadians, an organization devoted to fostering neighborhood pride. The Arcadians sponsored annual Halloween and Christmas parties as well as regular gatherings. They elected officers annually. When the subdivision was first constructed, none of the houses had addresses, so the Post Office refused to deliver mail. The residents adopted addresses based on the lot number of the parcel on which they had built their houses, so today’s addresses don’t match the standard city system.
Back Street (Over-the-Rhine) When Back Street was first scratched out of the northern reaches of the city, it was literally a “back street,” and that is apparently how it got its name. That’s according to Ray Steffens, a Cincinnati Post reporter who penned an invaluable series of articles, “How Was It Named?” that are treasured by local history buffs. So invaluable are these articles that they were collected by a dedicated librarian at the Cincinnati Public Library, where they occasioned a bit of a literary spat. Steffens pooh-poohed the idea that Hamilton-born novelist Fannie Hurst drew any connection between Cincinnati’s Back Street and the titular “Back Street” of her 1931 best-selling pot boiler. Apparently, on one of her trips through Cincinnati, Miss Hurst paged through the library’s scrapbook of Steffens’ columns, because this handwritten note is scrawled through the clipping for Back Street: “Not correct. Miss Hurst researched here, because I am Miss Hurst.”
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Belsaw Place (Clifton) For reasons perhaps known only to the family, the estate of Thomas Sherlock in Clifton was named Belsaw and was uniformly praised for its beauty by the newspapers of the day. Mr. Sherlock immigrated from Ireland and made a fortune in Ohio River shipping and insurance. He died in 1895. Two years later, a short street on the southern side of Ludlow was renamed Sherlock Avenue in his honor. (Sorry, Baker Street Irregulars!) When Thomas’ widow, Nancy, died in 1899, the rural estate in north Clifton was bequeathed to the couple’s five daughters along with all the jewels, horses, carriages and artwork. When the estate was subdivided in 1921, it was announced as the “most exclusive” development in the city, with no houses allowed to be constructed for less than $20,000.
Boudway Lane (Westwood) Perhaps the most maladroit street name in all of Cincinnati sprang from the unrelenting necessity of police paperwork. Right on the border of Westwood and West Price Hill lies a minuscule stretch of pavement with no addresses, but lots of traffic accidents. In the early 1990s, the police appealed to the city’s public works department to slap a name on this anonymous wreck magnet. Since the tiny strip of asphalt, no more than 250 feet long, connected Boudinot Avenue and Glenway, the poets at City Hall coughed up a portmanteau word and christened it Boudway Lane. A few years later, the dolorous Boudway was subsumed as an extension of the equally mellifluous Glenhills Way.
Calhoun Street (Corryville) In 1843, John C. Calhoun, United States Senator from South Carolina, was very popular among the Democrats of Cincinnati. A proponent of states’ rights and limited government, Calhoun fiercely defended slavery and the interests of white supremacy. A group of Cincinnati Democratic businessmen wrote a public letter to Calhoun that year, inviting him to visit Cincinnati. One of the signers of the invitation was William Corry (1811-1880), among the children of William Corry (1778-1833) who owned all the land that was later known as Corryville. The southern boundary of Corry's property was a road named Calhoun Street in the 1840s, apparently in homage to the Southern firebrand.
Camargo Road (Madeira) A lot of folks, mostly men, are memorialized in Cincinnati street names. We have lots of streets named for presidents, governors, generals, businessmen, property owners and so on. Camargo Road – although its origins remain somewhat obscure – is likely the only street in this area named for a ballerina. Marie Anne de Cupis de Camargo (1710-1770) was known as “La Camargo” and lived the extravagant life of an Eighteenth-Century sex symbol. She was the first ballerina to wear slippers instead of heeled shoes and she is often credited with adopting the shortened skirt for the stage. As her name indicates, she had Spanish roots – Camargo is a very small village in northern Spain – but indications are that it is the dancer, not the municipality, that gave its name to our road.
Carrel Street (Columbia-Tusculum) When Columbia was annexed by Cincinnati, that venerable old town (older than Cincinnati) had its own Main Street and, of course, that duplicate name had to go. Reaching into history, the city fathers renamed the street in honor of Hercules Carrel, a legendary boat builder, whose operations were based nearby. Mr. Carrel also had a riverboat named in his honor, but don’t you wish the city would have named that street for his first name? Hercules Street! Now, there’s a name to be reckoned with!
Catawba Valley Drive (Columbia-Tusculum) Readers of Dann Woellert’s exhaustive history of Cincinnati winemaking know that most hillsides on the north bank of the Ohio were given over to vineyards in the decades before the Civil War. That was certainly true in the area around Alms Park. One remnant of those long-gone vines is a little street named Catawba Valley Drive, honoring the Catawba grapes that once grew here. At one time, Wine Press Road ran nearby, but was later incorporated into Alms Park.
Cross Lane (Walnut Hills) Walnut Hills was platted by the Reverend James Kemper, pioneering Presbyterian minister, who built his own residence there in 1794. That log house is now preserved at the Heritage Village Museum inside Sharon Woods Park. As an energetically religious man, naming a street after the cross would not be unusual, but Kemper’s intentions had nothing to do with his proselytizing zeal. He named all his east-west streets “Cross Lane” and numbered them. The only lane retaining that designation was originally named “Cross Lane No. 1.”
Dublin Court (Dillonvale) It’s a mystery why Cincinnati’s annual Saint Patrick’s Day shenanigans aren’t scheduled out in Dillonvale. Joseph Dillon, a proud son of the Auld Sod, platted the Sycamore Township community that he would christen with his own name in 1951. He remembered his birthplace by naming streets for Dublin, Belfast, Antrim, Killarney, Wicklow, Donegal, Wexford, and Limerick, and that’s no Blarney!
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Elberon (Price Hill) With the popularity of J.R.R. Tolkein’s fantasy novels in the 1960s, folks could be excused for believing that this street was named for some elvish prince. In fact, capitalizing on that association a (very good) Cincinnati folk-rock group took Elberon as their band name. The actual origin of this street traces to the assassination of President James A. Garfield in 1881. After being shot in Washington, DC, Garfield was moved to Elberon, New Jersey, along the Atlantic shore, where it was hoped sea breezes would help him heal. That treatment failed and Garfield died in Elberon. Cincinnati was devoted to Garfield and commissioned a statue, still standing on Vine Street. Boyle Avenue was renamed Elberon in 1889, shortly after the statue was installed. Which only begs the question: How was the New Jersey town named? Turns out it has nothing to do with elves, nor (as believed for a long time) Native Americans. “Elberon” is a contraction of L.B. Brown, among the early settlers of that little seaside resort.
Eppert Walk (Mount Washington) Josephine R. “Josie” Eppert was 60 years old when she died in 1939. She had been a schoolteacher her entire adult life and was beloved by generations of children who attended Mount Washington Elementary School. She lived at the corner of Plymouth and Oxford avenues and walked home along a footpath that was later paved. Clifton Merriman, local real estate broker, suggested memorializing Miss Eppert by placing her name on the route she had traveled for decades.
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The Rise of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and Custom Tiny Homes: A Smart Housing Solution
In recent years, Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and custom tiny homes have emerged as innovative housing solutions that address modern challenges such as urban density, housing affordability, and sustainable living. As people seek creative ways to maximize their living spaces, these compact dwellings offer flexibility, functionality, and a smaller environmental footprint. Whether you're looking to accommodate extended family members, generate rental income, or downsize your living situation, ADUs and custom tiny homes present exciting opportunities.
What Are Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)?
ADUs are secondary residential units located on the same lot as a primary home. These units can take various forms, such as detached structures, garage conversions, or basement apartments. While they are often smaller than the main house, ADUs offer a fully functioning living space with a bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, and living area.
ADUs have gained popularity in urban areas where land is scarce, and zoning regulations increasingly support these structures to help alleviate housing shortages. By adding an ADU to an existing property, homeowners can create additional housing without the need for extensive development. These units can be used to house aging parents, adult children, or even rented out for extra income.
ADUs not only enhance property value but also contribute to more efficient land use. Many cities have relaxed zoning laws to promote ADU construction, recognizing that this approach helps increase housing density while preserving neighborhood character.
The Allure of Custom Tiny Homes
Custom tiny homes have become a movement unto themselves, with people embracing minimalist lifestyles and reducing their ecological footprint. Typically ranging from 100 to 400 square feet, tiny homes are designed with space efficiency and functionality in mind. Unlike ADUs, which are attached to or located near a primary residence, tiny homes often stand alone on a separate property. They can also be built on wheels, allowing for mobility.
What sets custom tiny homes apart is their adaptability. Homeowners can work with builders to design a space that meets their unique needs and aesthetic preferences. From built-in storage solutions to multifunctional furniture, every inch of a tiny home is carefully planned to maximize livability. This customization allows for a personalized living experience that reflects the owner’s personality and lifestyle.
Tiny homes have gained appeal among those who seek simplicity, financial freedom, and a reduced environmental impact. The lower costs associated with building, maintaining, and heating a tiny home make it an attractive option for those looking to downsize or live more sustainably. Additionally, the flexibility of tiny home living has caught the attention of people interested in off-grid or mobile living.
A Smart Investment in Today’s Housing Market
Both ADUs and custom tiny homes offer cost-effective housing solutions, especially in markets where property prices have skyrocketed. For homeowners, building an ADU can create a new revenue stream while providing flexible housing options for family members or guests. Meanwhile, custom tiny homes offer an opportunity for a lifestyle change, promoting simplicity and sustainability.
As demand for alternative housing solutions continues to grow, cities and developers are taking notice, offering incentives and streamlining regulations for ADUs and tiny homes. Whether you’re seeking a rental investment, a downsized living space, or a creative way to expand your property, these options provide long-term benefits that cater to modern living needs.
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teenytinyhomesblog · 1 month
Portable Granny Flat
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Portable granny flat products are offered for sale by suppliers on our company, of which container houses accounts other prefab houses account. A wide variety of portable granny flat options are available to you, such as house, guard house and office. You can also choose from graphic design, total solution for projects and cross categories consolidation portable granny flat, as well as from container, steel, and sandwich panel portable granny flat, and whether portable granny flat is free spare parts, onsite inspection, or return and replacement - tiny homes financing.
With all the changes in granny flat design, it seems appropriate to explore and evaluate the differences between permanent and portable granny flats. We’ll explore their different strengths so you can be sure you’re building the right one for you. A permanent granny flat is often built on-site, whereas a portable granny flat is often prefabricated (manufactured offsite in advance) and then shipped and assembled. This means that a portable granny flat does not have to be built into specific foundations - Tiny Houses in Australia.
As the two differ in construction, they may potentially also differ in affordability. A permanent granny flat may be more expensive, as the on-site construction will take longer therefore the costs associated with on-site construction will also be accounted for. With a transportable granny flat, however, it will be shipped in a modular unit, meaning it will simply have to be assembled onsite, however this doesn’t take into account the shipping distance which would also influence the cost. Assembling involves connecting plumbing and electricity, and the process takes up to few days to complete subject to site availability. As you can see, these options are available to you to decide which suits you best, in regards to timing, cost, and ease of management.
Therefore, if you have an interesting and potentially difficult design in mind, it will be easier for this design to be created offsite, instead of having it be constructed onsite as with a permanent granny flat. This is not only relevant for interesting roof designs, but also for those with specific needs. Perhaps you are interested in building a granny flat that will be accessible to someone with a physical disability. These types of adaptions are significantly easier to implement in a modular granny flat. For more information, please visit our site http://teenytinyhomes.com.au/
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homeimprovementway · 8 months
How to Pass a Radon Test: Expert Tips for a Clean Bill of Health
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To pass a radon test, you need to complete a 48- to 72-hour short-term test or a 90-day long-term test in your home or property. These tests should be conducted in the lowest lived-in level of the building, away from drafts and windows, and left undisturbed for the entire testing period. Additionally, it's essential to follow the specific instructions provided with the radon test kit to ensure accurate results. Radon is a radioactive gas that occurs naturally in the ground and can seep into homes through cracks and gaps in the foundation. Prolonged exposure to high levels of radon can be harmful to your health, so it's crucial to regularly test and mitigate radon in your living environment.
Why Radon Testing Is Important
Radon testing is crucial for ensuring a safe living environment. To pass a radon test successfully, homeowners should consider proper ventilation, sealing cracks, and investing in a reliable testing kit. Don't take any chances when it comes to your family's health and well-being. The Dangers Of Radon Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that is odorless, colorless, and tasteless. It is produced from the decay of uranium found in soil, rocks, and water. But why is radon testing so crucial? The answer lies in the potential dangers it poses to our health and well-being. Radon gas can enter your home through cracks in the foundation, gaps in floors, and through well water. Since radon is invisible, we often don't realize its presence until it's too late. Exposure to high levels of radon over an extended period can lead to severe health implications. Health Risks Associated With Radon The health risks associated with radon exposure are significant and should not be taken lightly. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, responsible for an estimated 21,000 deaths each year. Prolonged exposure to elevated levels of radon increases the risk of developing lung cancer, especially for smokers. When radon gas is inhaled, it decays further, releasing tiny radioactive particles that can damage the cells lining the lungs. This damage can eventually lead to lung cancer. What makes radon particularly concerning is that symptoms of radon-induced lung cancer may not appear until many years after exposure, making early detection crucial. Regular radon testing is essential to ensure your home's safety and mitigate the risk of long-term health issues. Identifying and addressing elevated radon levels will allow you to take necessary measures to protect yourself and your loved ones. Conclusion: Radon testing is imperative to safeguard our health and minimize the risks associated with prolonged exposure to high levels of this radioactive gas. By prioritizing radon testing, you can take proactive steps to create a safe living environment for you and your family. Don't underestimate the importance of radon testing; it could save lives. Note: Information on radon's health risks and the importance of testing should be thoroughly researched and validated to ensure accuracy and compliance with local regulations.
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Preparing For A Radon Test
If you're planning to buy or sell a house, scheduling a radon test is an important step toward ensuring the safety and well-being of your family. Radon is a colorless and odorless gas that can seep into homes through cracks in the foundation or water sources. Prolonged exposure to high levels of radon can pose serious health risks, including an increased risk of lung cancer. To ensure accurate test results, it's crucial to properly prepare for a radon test. This article will guide you through the essential steps you need to take to get ready for this crucial test. Understanding Radon Testing Before diving into the preparations, it's important to have a basic understanding of how radon testing works. Radon testing measures the concentration of radon gas in a property and determines if mitigation is necessary. There are two main approaches to radon testing: short-term and long-term tests. - Short-term tests: These tests are the quickest and most common method for initial radon screening. They typically last between 2 to 7 days and provide a snapshot of the radon levels in your home. - Long-term tests: If short-term test results are inconclusive or if you want a more accurate average radon level over time, long-term tests are recommended. These tests extend over a duration of 90 days to a year. Both types of tests are effective in determining radon levels, but short-term tests give you faster results and help you take immediate action if needed. It's crucial to follow the testing guidelines provided with the test kit to ensure accurate results. Getting A Professional Radon Test Kit Now that you're familiar with the different types of radon tests, it's time to get a professional radon test kit. These kits can be obtained from authorized radon testing companies or local health departments. Since accuracy is key, it's highly recommended to use a professional test kit to obtain reliable results. Benefits of Professional Radon Test Kits ✓ High-quality testing equipment ✓ Accurate and reliable results ✓ Detailed instructions for proper usage ✓ Assistance and support from radon experts Professional test kits are specifically designed to provide accurate measurements and often come with detailed instructions to ensure proper usage. Additionally, you can rely on the expertise and guidance of radon professionals if you have any questions or concerns during the testing process. Note: Avoid test kits available in general stores that may provide inferior results. Choosing a professional radon test kit is an investment in your health and the accuracy of the results.
Conducting A Radon Test
Conducting a radon test is an essential step in ensuring the safety of your home and the well-being of your family. Radon is a radioactive gas that can seep into buildings from the ground, and long-term exposure to high levels of radon can increase the risk of lung cancer. Therefore, it is important to conduct regular radon tests to detect and mitigate any potential issues. In this article, we will guide you through the process of setting up a test kit and monitoring radon levels in your home. Setting Up The Test Kit: Setting up a radon test kit is a straightforward process that can be done by following a few simple steps. Here's how: - Start by selecting a suitable location for the test kit. It is recommended to place the kit in the lowest livable area of your home, such as the basement or ground floor. - Ensure that the test kit is placed at least 20 inches above the floor and away from exterior walls, windows, doors, and air vents. This will help prevent any interference with the results. - Open the test kit and remove any packaging, making sure not to touch or tamper with the testing materials. Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer. - Place the kit in the designated location, ensuring that it remains undisturbed for the duration of the testing period. - Seal the test kit according to the instructions provided, and record the start date and time on the designated space. This will help you accurately track the testing period. - Remember to keep doors and windows closed as much as possible during the testing period to ensure accurate results. Monitoring Radon Levels: Once the radon test kit is set up, it's important to monitor the radon levels to determine if any further action is needed. Here are some key points to keep in mind: - Allow the test kit to remain undisturbed for the recommended testing period, typically between 2 to 7 days. - Avoid moving or tampering with the test kit during this time, as it may affect the accuracy of the results. - After the testing period, carefully seal the test kit and send it to a certified laboratory for analysis. - Once the results are obtained, take appropriate action based on the recommended guidelines provided by local authorities or professionals. - If the radon levels are found to be high, it is recommended to consult a radon mitigation specialist who can help you develop a plan to reduce the levels. By following these steps and conducting regular radon tests, you can ensure the safety of your home and protect your family from the potential risks associated with radon exposure.
Interpreting Radon Test Results
Get accurate results in your radon test with expert interpretation. Learn the best strategies to pass the test and ensure a safe living environment. Once you've conducted a radon test in your home, it's essential to interpret the results accurately to understand the potential dangers and take the necessary actions. This section will guide you through understanding the radon levels and the recommended actions based on the test results. Understanding The Radon Levels Radon levels are typically measured in picocuries per liter (pCi/L). It's important to note that there is no safe level of radon, as even low levels can pose a health risk over time. Here's a breakdown of the different radon levels and their implications: Radon Level (pCi/L) Implications Below 2 pCi/L Although below the recommended action level, it's still advisable to reduce radon levels further. 2 – 4 pCi/L Consider taking action to reduce radon levels, especially if you spend a significant amount of time in the affected area. Above 4 pCi/L Immediate action is necessary to mitigate radon exposure. Consult a professional radon mitigation contractor to develop a plan and reduce levels. Recommended Actions Based On Test Results The appropriate action to take depends on the radon levels detected during the test: - Below 2 pCi/L: Even though the levels are below the recommended action level, it's still advisable to take steps to further reduce radon levels. Implementing preventive measures can provide peace of mind and ensure the long-term safety of your household. - 2 – 4 pCi/L: While this falls within the acceptable range, it's still wise to consider taking action to reduce radon levels. Especially if you spend a significant amount of time in the area where higher levels were detected, it's essential to take measures to mitigate radon exposure. - Above 4 pCi/L: Immediate action is necessary to protect your health. With radon levels exceeding 4 pCi/L, it's crucial to consult a professional radon mitigation contractor. They will assess the situation, develop a customized plan, and implement effective measures to reduce the levels of radon in your home. Remember, no matter the test results, it's always better to err on the side of caution when it comes to radon exposure. Taking proactive steps to reduce radon levels can significantly reduce the risks and ensure a healthier living environment for you and your loved ones.
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Mitigating Radon Gas In Your Home
Radon gas is a serious health risk and it's important to take action if high levels of radon are detected in your home. Mitigating radon gas can help create a safe living environment for you and your family. In this section, we will discuss when to consider radon mitigation and different techniques you can use to reduce radon levels in your home. When To Consider Radon Mitigation If you've conducted a radon test and the results show levels above the recommended limits, it's crucial to consider radon mitigation. Radon levels can vary from season to season, so it's important to conduct multiple tests to get an accurate average reading. If the average reading exceeds 4 picocuries per liter (pCi/L), it's time to take action. Radon Levels Recommended Actions Below 2 pCi/L No action needed 2 - 4 pCi/L Consider radon mitigation Above 4 pCi/L Take immediate action for radon mitigation Radon Mitigation Techniques There are several effective techniques available for radon mitigation. The technique that is right for your home depends on various factors, including its design, foundation type, and geographical location. Here are a few commonly used techniques: - Sub-Slab Depressurization (SSD): This technique involves creating a pressure differential to prevent radon gas from entering your home. A vent pipe is inserted through the foundation and connected to a fan, which draws the gas out from beneath the building through the pipe. The gas is then safely expelled outside, reducing the radon levels indoors. - Sump Pit Radon Mitigation: If your home has a sump pit, it can be used as an entry point for radon mitigation. A PVC pipe is installed in the sump pit and connected to a fan, which redirects the radon gas from below the floor into the pipe. The gas is then vented safely outside. - Crawlspace Radon Mitigation: For homes with crawlspaces, installing a vapor barrier along with a ventilation system is an effective method. The vapor barrier helps to reduce radon gas seepage, while the ventilation system ensures proper airflow to prevent radon buildup. - House Pressurization: This technique involves pressurizing the home's interior to prevent radon entry. By using a fan, outdoor air is blown into the house, creating positive pressure and reducing the potential for radon infiltration. It's important to consult with a professional radon mitigation contractor to determine the most suitable technique for your home. They have the expertise to assess your home's specific requirements and provide effective radon mitigation solutions.
To sum it up, passing a radon test is crucial for the safety of your home and your family's health. By following the steps outlined in this blog, including testing your home regularly, sealing any entry points, and employing the help of a professional, you can ensure a safe living environment. Remember, radon is invisible and odorless, so taking proactive measures to combat it is essential. Stay informed and take action to protect what matters most. Be proactive, be safe! Read the full article
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airgenerationau · 9 months
Air Conditioning Repairs Denham Court
Air conditioning Repairs Denham Court can fit you with the perfect air conditioner for your home or business. They will review your floorplan and discuss cooling/heating needs to determine the right system for you.
The team can also install inverter air conditioners, which offer a lower upfront cost and power savings. They also have multi-split systems that work for properties with multiple users and temperature control preferences.
Inverter air conditioners
The compressor motor in air conditioners with inverter technology can vary its speed to match the room temperature. This conserves energy and can lower power bills by up to 70%, according to ACHR News. These systems typically cost more than noninverter Air conditioning Repairs Denham Court models, but they can save you money in the long run.
Standard air conditioners switch on and off frequently, which consumes a lot of electricity. They also require the compressor to work at full capacity for longer periods of time. The problem is that this overheats and damages the compressor, which leads to costly repairs and replacement.
Inverter air conditioners have more complicated circuit boards than conventional systems. These boards can corrode over time, especially in salty environments. Therefore, they must be cleaned more often and are harder to repair than conventional units. However, they have a significantly longer lifespan than noninverter air conditioners. They are well worth the investment. They can also be more efficient than regular air conditioners.
Reverse cycle air conditioners
When you have a reverse cycle air conditioner, you can save money by heating and cooling your home with just one device. This can also free up space in your house, so you can decorate it as you wish. You can switch from cooling to heating with the press of a button.
Reverse cycle air conditioners use a special technology to reverse the refrigerant flow. This makes them more efficient than traditional AC units, delivering better performance and lower electricity bills. Choosing the right size air conditioning unit for your home is vital to maximise energy efficiency. You should avoid installing a system that is too big for the space, as it will waste energy.
There are several different types of reverse cycle air conditioning systems available, including ducted and split system models. Ducted systems are the most expensive, but they provide whole-home heating and cooling in one system. They are usually capable of heating rooms up to 80m2. A ducted system consists of an indoor unit and outdoor unit connected by ducting.
Duct cleaning
If you’re considering having your ducts cleaned, it’s important to find a qualified professional who uses industry standards for cleaning. A good contractor will inspect all access points to the ductwork, assess its condition (by looking inside), and use proper techniques to clean your system.
A thorough cleaning of your ducts will remove odor-trapping dust and pollutants, leaving your home with a fresher scent. It’s also a great idea after a renovation or if there’s a pest infestation in your house. Rodents and insects love to take shelter in ductwork, and the tiny fecal particles they leave behind can be blown into your home.
Some duct cleaning companies offer chemical biocides and other treatments to encapsulate and seal the ducts, claiming that this will improve indoor Air conditioning Repairs quality. These practices are not yet fully tested, and they may be detrimental to your health. Duct cleaning may also be unnecessary if you keep your filters regularly and clean floor registers.
Multi-split systems
Multi-split systems are great for homes with multiple room needs and individual temperature control preferences. They offer the convenience of ductless cooling without the energy losses associated with central forced air systems that rely on ducts to distribute cool air.
Multi split systems allow you to choose from a large lineup of indoor units, so you can build the system that suits your home. For example, you can install a highcapacity unit for your living space and smaller, quieter units for bedrooms.
These systems are also ideal for replacing old ducted units. They work much the same way as a traditional ducted air conditioning system, but they are more costeffective to run since they don’t use as much power. They also save on installation costs because you only have to install one outdoor unit. This can make it a great option for people with limited outdoor space who still want the benefits of a ducted system.
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