#unknown đŸ«¶đŸŒđŸ«¶đŸŒ
ceesimz · 2 months
Reverie - Part 1
Autistic Reader x Barça Femení - Part 2
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Hey, I have some things to say before you start reading. ASD is a very vast spectrum, no two people with it experience the same stuff on a day-to-day basis. This story is written with my knowledge from people I know, and also from my own experiences living with autism too. So don't take this as 'the' perspective, this is a drop in the ocean and this most definitely isn't a handbook on autism. If anyone has any questions or thoughts about this, or ASD in general, you are more than welcome to message me or drop something in my inbox! This is just part one, if you like this first half of the story (because I have no idea how this will go down), let me know if you wanna see the second part, it's ready to go whenever.
Big big thanks to @copper-16 for editing it and leaving such lovely comments on it, I wouldn't have the confidence to post this if it wasn't for your words. Thank you for taking a chance on this story and opening yourself up to learn more, the world needs more people like you and we're all much better off that you're heređŸ«¶đŸŒđŸ«¶đŸŒ
This is my favourite thing I've ever written, and I kinda feel like I'm giving away a piece of my heart by posting this (dramatic much), let me know what you think, hope you like it :)
“Are you ready to go in?”
Are you?
Are you ready to walk into a new setting, head held high, and show your teammates you are worth it? 
Or are you going to back out? Reverse right out the parking space, speed off to the airport, and catch a flight to god knows where?
That's simply not a possibility. Even if the thought of walking through those reception doors that stare tauntingly at you from across the car park perturbs you more than anything else, there's no backing out now.
Barcelona, the pride of Catalunya, the dominants of Europe, doesn't accept quitters. And that fact glares at you, along with all of its history and values held in the iconic badge that countless legends had adorned, and with it came a legacy you weren’t sure you had the strength to bare on your back. The new number nine, born and raised in Norway but made into the player you are now in Germany.
Here you were, after five years playing for Frankfurt, where you had grown accustomed to a comfortable routine with familiar faces and the same surroundings for so long, now in a new country that held so many unknowns. For someone with so many disadvantages ever present in their life, living in three different countries is a pretty impressive achievement.
Please, let it all be worth it.
After a few frustrating years in the Frauen-Bundesliga, you had signed for the best team in Europe and, arguably, the rest of the world too. Frankfurt had been a beautiful experience, one that had changed your life, but as a result of many, many long discussions with family and friends and psychologists, you had come to the terrifying realisation that it was time for a new challenge.
Why was that absolutely petrifying? Because you and life changes did not get along. Even after 26 years of living, it just wasn’t meant to be. But, such is life, and chances had to be taken.
You'd always be thankful for Frankfurt. Moving to play there was the first time you took such a huge leap of faith, and it had worked out well, eventually. In your eyes, the first season there was a disaster, but your mother would say it was the proudest year of her life. It had been difficult for her to see at times just how much you struggled at points, sure, but you made it to the light at the end of the tunnel and, by the end of it, you were a completely different person in the most incredible way possible. From then on, you continued to grow.
Yet, that was the thing with the German side. When you joined, they were a club with a legacy most teams would envy, but they never amounted to anything more during your time there. You fell in love with the staff, your teammates, and just about everything else during your time there. The only problem, which was pretty damn big in the grand scheme of things, was that you fell out of love with the football you were playing.
You were able to grow and survive at Frankfurt. You wanted to flourish and thrive at Barcelona.
Except, in comparison to the average human, there were a lot more obstacles ahead that could prevent you from accomplishing that aspiration. Over your life, you had overcome many bumps in the road, some leaving a harsh imprint on your self-worth and others hardly affecting you. For example, talking to the girl you were roomed with at 16 at the Norway Football Team camp had turned out to be one of the best things you could have done. Yet, in the same breath, playing for the national team had left you in a broken state, and as a result, you haven't played for them in a few years. 
The back and forth travel was too much, and opting out of playing for Norway, as much as it broke your heart that you weren’t strong enough to represent your country on the international stage, it allowed you to rest and recuperate so that you were at the top of your game for your club. Did you dream of wearing your country’s crest one day? Yes, all footballers did. But you weren’t in a place to do that, and you’re not sure you ever will be again.
Signing for Barcelona could be life-changing, but it could also be world-shattering in the worst way imaginable. This was a pretty sizable leap of faith, and the only way that faith could form into something incredible is if you made that happen. You, no one else. That thought filled you with both determination and crushing anxiety. This just could not be another failed attempt. There was no way you could come back.
Ultimately, it would have been downright psychopathic to turn down such an amazing offer from Barcelona. Two years playing for a club that's won three of the last four Champion's League finals? A team that had just completed the quadruple for the first time in their history? Yeah, nonsensical.
However, like always, there were a number of doubts that spiralled from those incredible stats. Did they need you? If they had a mostly flawless season, did they really need a 26 year old woman whose mind hardly functioned like every other person? Did they really need someone who couldn't even play for the national team anymore because they were too overwhelmed with their life? Did they need someone who needed their hand held through every life event, big or small? Did they-
“Hey, you ready?” 
That voice had some kind of magic to it. It was like clock-work, this always happened when she was around; that voice in your head consuming you with unwanted thoughts was erased as soon as you tore your eyes away from the doors and looked at the woman beside you. 
Ingrid. The one person that had single-handedly convinced you to come here. To Barcelona, playing in a hot country, with people you don’t know, speaking a language you can’t understand- oh my God, what have you done?!
 god, I don’t know.” You breathed out in a whisper, hardly intelligible. 
The world around you honed in on this one moment here, the peak of your career so far. Apart from Ingrid and the doors to the building and what was in store behind them, there was nothing else that could grasp your attention. There could be a blazing fire behind your car, a lion running full speed towards your car door, or a thief in the back seat for all you knew. Nothing else mattered. The two sides of your mind, the devil and angel on your shoulders were battling it out again, as they always were, whilst your hands fidgeted anxiously in your lap.
“You have to go in at some point, snuppa. You can’t stay in the car forever.” Ingrid softly reminded you, moving to take hold of your hand to comfort your stimming. “It will be a really good day, I promise. My years here so far have been the best of my life, everyone is so nice and welcoming. I never thought I could enjoy training as much as I do now. You will be fine, I have no doubts.”
“I’m not sure about that one.” You laughed nervously, eyes back on the building before you, now slightly glazed over and blurred. 
“I am certain about everything I just said.” Ingrid stated definitively, squeezing your hand. “Plus, not everyone in there are complete strangers. You have me, Mapi, you know Caro and you’ve met Jonatan and some other staff members. You know Loren, the team psychologist who you can go see any time you want. We’ll get you past this part of today, and then you have the whole afternoon to do whatever you’d like.”
You nodded at her words, desperately trying to remind yourself of them over and over so that they stick, and you can get through those damn doors. 
“You know how much easier my life would be if I knew how everything was going to play out?” You blurted out a moment later, Ingrid smiling in amusement. “It would be a breeze, Ingrid.”
“It would also make your life very boring, min skatt.”
“For you, it would be. For me, I'd live freely.”
Ingrid just laughed and shook her head, squeezing your hand once more before looking at the time on her watch.
“Come on. We have to do this one way or another, and I'm not letting you go in on your own. You want to make me late to training?” She teased, targeting your weak spot. Evil.
“That's cruel, Ingrid. So cruel.” You rolled your eyes but nevertheless stepped out of the car once you'd turned it off.
You didn't make it far though. Once you had gotten your kit bag from the boot of the car, you closed it and froze. Eyes unmoving from the daunting building in front of you.
“Would you like some company after training? We can stay at home, or go out for food, or do anything you'd like.” Ingrid offered, snapping you out of your anxious trance.
Even after
 god, ten years now, you were still sometimes left dumb-founded by how well Ingrid knew you. A lot of the time, you yourself are in the dark about what you need, but your fellow Norwegian just gets it, even when you don't. It's pretty safe to say that your life, your whole career, would look a hell of a lot different if you had never met Ingrid.
If you put her characteristics into a different section when it comes to your favourite things about her, the thing you love most about the defender beside you is how she treats you. Sure, the majority of people treated you with respect and kindness, but the defender's love and care was on a whole other level. Like in this scenario now, when she knows you're too overwhelmed by the situation that confronts you to be able to think clearly. But here she is, giving you clear and thought-out options that off-kilt the tunnel vision you have on this one miniscule event, and now gives you something to look forward to. 
It reminds you that the world won't end if this training session doesn't go how you want it to, that life goes on afterwards. It makes the road clearer, the journey easier, and allows solace to be found in a down-right terrifying moment.
The funny thing is, however, is that your new home is actually Ingrid's home. No, you weren't living with her, but you were indeed staying in her apartment. She basically lived at Mapi's apartment anyway, so the second she caught wind of your transfer, she immediately offered her disregarded apartment up to you. It was a huge item checked off the ‘things that need doing after uprooting your entire settled, content, perfectly routine life’ to-do list, but you couldn't quite relish in the relief yet.
That's because, though it went unsaid, another factor of Ingrid's offer of letting you stay was so that, if all went wrong and you couldn't make a life for yourself in Barcelona, there was no tenancy to rip up and ultimately it would be a lot less hassle than if you had rented an entirely new place. Ingrid's excuse of not changing your name on the tenancy for now was so that you could settle in with as little stress as possible, but you knew the underlying meaning. Basically, it was a giant get out of jail free card.
“I think I would like that a lot, actually. Thanks.” You said to the taller girl next to you, whose arm had come to wrap around your shoulders.
“Perfect! María has some things to do but I'm free all afternoon, so we can figure something out. For now though, we have to train.” 
Taking in a deep breath, you nodded once more.
“That's all it is. Just training.” You told yourself, physically shaking the anxiety off of your chest and marching forwards. You got as far as those damn doors before you froze on the spot again. “Fuck, this is so scary.”
“I know it is.” Ingrid sympathised, rubbing a hand up and down your back. “We've got this though. It's just training, right?” 
“It's just training. And a few introductions. And about a million new people.” You sighed. “Will you stick with me the whole time?”
“Like glue, sþster.” Ingrid said firmly, placing a kiss on your forehead. “Let's go.”
And just like that, you did walk into the building with your head held high, disregarding the burdening nerves and replacing them with a deep-rooted determination to prove you are worth it. Maybe your teammates would think otherwise if they knew the secret you were keeping from them, but for now, you would put up a front and act just like them. Your best bet at succeeding here is to fit in, and that's what you'll do. 
Ingrid wasn't impressed with this tactic of yours, not in the slightest. Jonatan and other senior staff members knew about you, Loren the psychologist knew about you, and Mapi knew. Besides that, everyone else was in the dark. There was only so long Ingrid could last before she had to tell someone at least, like Alexia or Irene or Marta, because she wanted the best for you and the best couldn't be given if your needs weren't catered for.
Like now, as she watched your whole face change in a split second as the mask came down so fast that, had she blinked a second later, she would have missed it entirely. The tension to the way you held your shoulders was all the evidence she needed that your whole nervous system was wracked with dread, and though she should expect it by now, it didn't stop the jab of sympathy she felt for you.
Of course she knew how difficult this would be for you, she just had really high hopes. Sometimes, even after all these years, it slipped her mind how much you still struggled with things. You'd gotten a lot better at dealing with various different circumstances and that mere fact could bring tears to her eyes if she thought about how far you had come, but moments like these were a snap back to the reality you still lived.
You lived so beautifully, you were so strong now, that your struggles were hardly visible anymore. Yet, when one knows a person for so long, they come to learn the signs. Ingrid knew you like the back of her hand. It still amazed her how quick you put the mask back up, normally being so care-free and light around her. But here, outside of the room everyone was due to meet in for the morning, a feigned smile on your face and a falsity to your posture signified all that Ingrid needed to know.
Even despite your dawdling in the car park, you and Ingrid were some of the first to arrive at the meeting, only a handful of unfamiliar faces scattered around the room. Jonatan looked up at the door upon your arrival and his face lit up, immediately dropping what he was doing to come and greet you with a beaming smile. He offers a gentle handshake, also being sure to speak in clear English so that your mind wasn’t overloaded more than it already was. All of it was reassuring, especially as he kept you off to the side as the room slowly began to fill up, before guiding you to the last chair on the front row beside Ingrid so that the meeting could start. Thankfully, to your relief, he gave you a short introduction to the rest of the squad, you only briefly turning and giving the room a general wave before allowing Jonatan to move onto more pressing matters.
From then on, you were rushed off your feet with introductions and training, all of which weren’t half as bad as you’d expected. During the short walk from the meeting to the changing room, a few others came along to properly greet you, all whilst Ingrid stayed close to your side. Mapi had also come bounding along after you the second you left the first room, Ingrid wincing at the excitement her girlfriend met you with but instantly that worry was erased as soon as you turned to Mapi with a matching overjoyed smile. 
By the time you actually got onto the pitch, you had spoken to almost all of the team already. And like Ingrid said, they were just as amazing as you had hoped they would be. Every single one, in their own ways, welcomed you to the team and made small talk with you for a few moments before letting whoever next came by to have their own chance at greeting you. But, it wasn’t until you were about to join in with the warm-up that the person you’d been most nervous about meeting came along.
Your new captain, Alexia. The powerhouse of the Barcelona team, the one you had to leave the best impression on.
A few days prior, amidst a conversation in the corner of Ingrid’s favourite cafe, you had sheepishly demanded that she give you a run-down of each and every single member of the team. There had been Ona, who Ingrid described as a lightning fast defender whose jestful clapbacks were even quicker than her sprint bursts on the pitch. Then Cata, the new number one goalkeeper whose cheek was sometimes too much for even the younger members of the team. Jana, a surefire future talent who was often found beside her quieter, more reserved but equally talented counterpart, Bruna. Patri and Pina were much the same, as were Vicky and Salma. Ingrid gave you a short but detailed profile of all of them, leaving the most important for last. Alexia, who initially came across as slightly cold due to the stoic, focused expression she usually wore. But, to her teammates and those closest to her, she was a world class leader, an even better player, and most importantly, a defiantly caring person with a personality that had more sides than a kaleidoscope. 
Upon hearing the exit door slamming shut, you turned your attention to the direction of the sound, only to be met with her. Casually strolling over, squinting in the face of the sun, she came over to you with a
 a smile on her face?
“Hola! You must be the novota, nice to meet you.” She beamed, inviting you into a quick, polite hug before standing back. “Happy to be here?”
As always with new people, especially someone like the woman before you, you floundered internally for a moment, so many replies flitting around your mind with so little time to react.
“Y-yeah! Really happy to be here, thank you, Alexia.” You landed on, and judging by her reaction, it was the right thing to say. 
“Good, I am glad to hear that. Sorry I was not here for the meeting, you’ve met everybody already, sí?”
“Yes, Jonatan introduced me in the briefing.” 
“Good. Bueno, let’s get started. I am excited to be working with you.” The Spaniard smiled brightly once more, before gesturing loosely for the pair of you to join the rest of the group.
The rest of the day, as they say, is history.
It honestly went by in a blur, and if Ingrid was at all surprised by the way you literally fell into your bed when you arrived home, not surfacing from the newfound safe haven until about an hour later, she didn’t show it. This was Ingrid after all, and every quirk of yours, new or old, still brought a smile to her face. Ten years later and she couldn’t help but love you more each time she saw you.
The first week goes a lot smoother than you could have dreamed of to be honest - it’s only the start of preseason after all. But, there is still plenty of time for cracks to show. It only takes two days for all your progress to tear at the seams.
On the first day of your second week, you’re walking into training on your own for the first time since you joined. Shouldn’t be a big deal, right? Wrong! Big fucking deal actually, because now it’s like walking blind, heading straight for what feels like danger. Unguided, no one by your side, only joined by the weight of an elephant seated right on your heart.
With the help of Ingrid of course, who else, you had established somewhat of a routine that made the transition so much easier. But it wasn’t quite clear until now, just how much easier it had made showing up to training everyday. Because, without your Norwegian counterpart who would be absent from training, you were left to show up all alone, and suddenly everything became ten times harder. 
Ingrid was more than just your friend, she was the one constant in this new life you lived that was always present. Anything you needed, one glance from you in her direction and she’d be with you in an instant. She, as stupid as it may seem, was the foundation of your routine, and now that she wasn’t here, all the hard work you’d made to settle in seemed to crumble under your feet. 
Three weeks of living in Barcelona, one week of training successfully completed, just for you to end up back at square one. And that meant you were trapped in your own body, limbs acting entirely on autopilot as your legs carried you over to those stupid doors that once again stood intimidatingly in front of you. Just like last week, except this time there was no one to coax you out of your shell, no one to mindlessly guide you over to one of the tables in the canteen, no one to walk you out onto the training pitch. You were all alone.
An unfortunate tactic hadn’t left your habits after all these years: avoidance. What better way to deal with something, then to not deal with it all, right? Right? 
Obviously, you couldn’t miss the whole day, you still had commitments and expectations you needed to live up to. If there was one thing that you couldn’t handle (apart from almost everything in this neurotypical world) it was letting people down, disappointing them.
So, if you opted out of breakfast for the day and beelined straight for the changing rooms instead, what business was it to anyone else? You were here, that’s all they could ask for. The plan was to get dressed into your training kit as fast as physically possible, before heading out onto the pitch for some time alone before everyone else came along. 

Except, just as you were lacing up your boots, hand trembling at an embarrassing intensity as you did so, the door opened prematurely. And, really, out of everyone, did it have to be her?
“Oh. I did not expect anyone to be in here. Bon dia.” Alexia smiled at you, heading to her cubby just a few seats away from yours.
“Bon dia.” You muttered sheepishly, keeping your head down and tying your laces at a wildly uncontrolled speed. If Alexia noticed, she didn’t mention it. Thank god.
“I was just going to get some extra practice in, if you wanted to join me.” She offered, swapping her trainers for her boots since she was already in her training gear.
Great minds think alike..?
“Yeah, I was going to do the same thing. Thanks.”
“Ay, it's nothing. It's great that you're so hard working, you’re already fitting right in.” Sorry, could you say that again, or write it down even? “Ready?”
“What? Oh- sorry, yes, I’m ready.” You gave her a tight-lipped smile before slipping past where she stood in the doorway and heading towards the pitch.
“How are you feeling about your time here so far?” The captain asked kindly, the beating sound of boots clicking against the floor echoing far too long in your ears.
“Um, good. It’s an honour playing for this team, so.” You shrugged, offering an almost robotic, rehearsed answer.
“And what about how you actually feel? Not what you’re supposed to feel?” Alexia inquired lightly, an earnest and sympathetic look across her face. Slightly suspicious.
 still good. It’s just different, isn’t it. Yeah.” You mumbled, cheeks flushing bright red as you crossed your arms tightly over your chest.
“Of course it is different. You were in Germany for five years, right?” You nodded affirmatively. “So it is a big, big change. I haven’t been anywhere else but here for twelve years, I cannot imagine adjusting to anywhere else.”
Oh, Ingrid. Seriously?
“I’m here though, I have to leave Germany behind.” You stated in a flat voice, honestly quite done with this topic but it’d be rude to voice so.
“If that is how you want to think, then do it like that. You have transitioned very well, we are all impressed.” Alexia shrugged with a soft smile, punching in the code for the storage cupboard and opening it soon after. “Grab the footballs, I will get some tiny goals. The others can get the rest when they’re done filling their faces.”
Thank god for that.
Alexia ended that conversation there, directing her focus on training from that moment on, much to your relief. All that you learnt from this day was that you needed to have a conversation with Ingrid. Your sixth sense was strong, even if to others it seemed like Alexia was just being an averagely kind person, you just knew. 
The good thing was, you couldn’t quite call that day a disaster. In the end, you got through it, even squeezing in a few jokes and laughs here and there throughout the day.
It’s the next day that the first incident occurred. It happened like this; Ingrid isn’t in again, you learn she’s got some kind of stomach virus, so you turn up once more on your own. This time, it wasn’t quite so scary, but like yesterday you skipped breakfast again. And just like yesterday, Alexia met you in the changing rooms to do some early practice again. Except, there was one fatal flaw to your routine this day. It came back and bit you in the ass pretty harshly.
“Ale, what are you doing after this?” Mapi wondered from your right as she stood up after Jona had ended training for the day.
“Eh, nothing.” She shrugged, going to ask you the same thing as she reached her hands out to help you up.
For all you knew, the Spanish pair you were sandwiched between could be speaking absolute gibberish, nothing was registering. As soon as you stood up, everything went hazy. And then
 your vision had gone, your body felt unbelievably heavy, and had it not been for Alexia’s tight grip, you’d have fallen back there and then.
“Hey!” Alexia called out in concern, feeling you go limp in her hold. “Mapi, she’s fainting!”
“What!?” Mapi cried, immediately falling to her knees as Alexia safely guided you to the floor.
“I don’t know, she just collapsed!” 
Her voice dripped with worry as Mapi frantically looked around, only to find most people had headed inside already. Meanwhile, you were still awake, not totally out cold, but your eyes ached unbearably and you’d lost all control of your movements. Alexia’s hands flitted over your body, looking for any obvious problems but she couldn’t find any. She repeated your name over and over, only receiving somewhat of a whimper in reply.
“Mapi, go find someone, now!” Alexia demanded, the defender instantly rising to her feet and heading for the door. The captain turned back to you, her hands gently coming up to cradle your face where you lay on your side. “Hey, I need you to listen! Can you hear me?”
“Mhm.” You whined, providing the woman before you with an ounce of relief.
“What’s wrong? You need to tell me so we can help you, cariño, you just fainted on us.” She said frantically, her wide eyes boring into yours when you opened them.
Identifying the problem, even in your state, was quite simple. It was a common problem, something you were well versed with, though you rarely ever let it get this bad.
“Forgot to eat.” You mustered up your remaining strength, which really was very little, to answer her and quell her worries.
Thinking back to this moment in probably an hour’s time, you’d laugh at Alexia’s face when you said those three words, because she looked utterly perplexed.
“You forgot to eat?” Alexia repeated with a frown, but she couldn’t dwell on it much longer because Mapi came running over with the medical team hot on her tails.
“Is she awake?” The brunette woman asked desperately, opting out of kneeling back beside you so as to not overcrowd you.
“Yes, and she said she forgot to eat today?” Alexia looked up at her friend, refusing to shift out of the way and instead choosing to stick by your side. 
“Oh, that would explain it.” Mapi sighed in relief, only puzzling Alexia more. Was this
 normal for you?
The medics fussed over you, asking you questions and ultimately overwhelming you way too much, something Mapi notices quickly.
“Oye, basta, slow down. Her blood sugar is low, she needs something quickly. Get her an energy gel.” Mapi commanded them, now joining you by your head and smiling her bright smile down at you, combing back some of your hair. “Hola preciosa, we'll get you back feeling better soon.” Just as she said that, a member of the medical staff pulled out one of the energy gels the team used for games. “Can you have this for me? It will make you feel better, I promise.”
With a nod, the people around you helped you to sit up as Mapi tore  open the gel packet, with Alexia still almost frozen in confusion. The defender noticed, grinning in amusement and quickly flicking her ear to bring her back down to earth.
“Ah! What's that for?” Alexia winced, watching on as Mapi shook her head and handed you the gel pack.
Your hand trembled as you raised it to your mouth, hardly possessing the strength to squeeze it enough to get anything out of it, but just as Mapi went to help you, Alexia got there first.
“It’s okay, here.” She does it for you, one hand on the packet and the other on your elbow that shakes under her hold. She seemed to be grounded now, knowing that it isn't the right moment to be wrapped up in her own thoughts when you're here in front of her, needing security and comfort whilst it takes a couple minutes to come back to yourself. “Easy with it. You'll feel better soon.”
And you did, literally no less than two minutes after having the energy gel, your nausea and dizziness and whatnot near enough disappeared. Though, your physical symptoms gave way for a barrage of anxiety, because this situation would consequently lead to an unwanted and challenging (but most likely necessary) conversation with Jonatan and the rest of the staff. They had also seen you, on the floor, near enough passed out, as a result of your own actions. You could only imagine the things they were thinking right now, and that unknown was scarier than the actual situation that had occurred beforehand.
“Feeling good now. Thanks everyone.” You said shyly, rising to your feet and avoiding everyone's gaze.
“You sure?” Alexia checked, giving you a look that tells you that you shouldn't even try to bullshit her.
“Well, a little bit
 woozy, I guess. But much better than before, I swear.” You nodded, hating the feeling of everyone’s eyes on you. 
“Let’s go inside, I’ll ask the catering staff to make up some food for you, if you want?” Mapi offered as her hand hovers against your back, not touching but guiding you back inside the main building.
“Okay.” You shrugged.
Meanwhile Alexia trailed behind, trying to figure out how, as captain, she could help this situation. It’s in her best interest to care for her team, and given what she had learnt, it was now clear that there was a lot more she could do than sit back and watch. She didn’t want to come across as overbearing, something Ingrid had warned her about, but she realised it was time to step in.
“Why don’t we go to one of the office rooms rather than the canteen?” She suggested just as Mapi went to open the door heading into said room. The defender should have thought of that sooner, but she’s glad her friend mentioned it, realising it’s most definitely the better option right now for you. 
You were taken to an empty office, followed into the room by Alexia and Mapi and some of the physios, and if they weren’t overcrowding you outside, they definitely were now. In all honesty, as much as you were grateful for their care, you wanted to burrow under your duvet in bed at home and not surface for probably about a week. You wanted to grab a tray of cookies, eat them whilst seated on the edge of your bed so you didn’t get crumbs everywhere, and crawl under the sheets safe in the darkness of the four walls you had struggled to leave the past two days.
But no, you were here, stuck in a reality that in no way felt real at all. What were you doing here? Sat at a round table, surrounded by medical staff chatting between themselves, not really bothered about your blip anymore, whilst two of Spain’s greatest players stand off to the side, both pairs of eyes trained solely on you.
You, a no-name off the back of an unsuccessful run in Germany that had just collapsed after training. Them, Champion’s League winners and well-established in the sport for years already, and decades to come.
“Preciosa?” Mapi appeared beside you suddenly, speaking softly as her hand fell on your shoulder. “Is it okay if I leave now? Ingrid is still sick at home, I promised I would get back to her as fast as I could. If you need me to stay, I can. They won’t keep you here for much longer, they’re just making sure you eat before you get back home.”
She should be with Ingrid, her girlfriend who is much worse off at home. Not with you, who simply made a foolish mistake and was now wasting everyone’s time.
“Go home.” You told her as your own hands squeezed anxiously at your upper arms where they sat crossed on the table.
“Okay.” Mapi smiled pitifully down at you, giving you a light forehead kiss before backing off. She pulled Alexia to the side, giving her a warning glare. “Look after her, for me and for Ingrid. Protect her, too. Don’t let them overwhelm her, she just wants to get home.”
“Sí. Of course.” Alexia replied firmly, a solid look in her eyes that Mapi knew to trust immediately. 
The defender slipped out of the room with no further fuss, leaving you alone with Alexia and the medical staff. Not for long, though.
“Guys, could you give us a moment? And can someone go collect her food from the canteen, please.” 
They nodded and stepped out of the room, Alexia closing the door softly behind them. She turned back to you, watching as you kept your head down and focused on the shapes you traced on the wood of the table. Your shoulders were visibly tense, so uptight they’re basically touching your ears, and she noticed just how intensely your leg was bouncing up and down.
“Do you need anyth-”
“Did Ingrid tell you?” You asked bluntly, gulping back the lump in your throat that really had no place making itself known at this moment - now was not the time for a meltdown. Save it for later, in the safety of your flat.
Alexia blew out a breath, coming over to perch on the edge of the desk a few seats away from you.
“If you’re talking about what I think you are, then
 yes. She did tell me.” She answered cautiously, trying to gauge your reaction but you didn’t give her much, just a single nod. “She did it with the best intentions though. It wasn’t to
 purposely go behind your back. She just wants the best for you, and the more people that know, the more support you can have here.”
“I guess.” You murmured under your breath, clearing your throat after and moving to rest your chin atop your arms.
 why didn’t you want anybody to know?” The midfielder wondered in a soft tone, trying hard not to scare you off or go over the top. If she wants to help you and understand you, which she desperately does, this is the pathway she has to, albeit reluctantly, go down.
“Wanted people to get to know me, not a label.” You frowned, hastily wiping the tear that slips out with the frustration slowly bubbling inside of you. “Didn’t want to be a problem for anyone. Wanted to fit in.”
Just like that, it all clicked for Alexia.
The feigned smiles, sometimes forced laughter, the troubled look on your face whenever you thought you were alone, all of it adds up. You had repressed parts of you so that things went as smooth sailing as possible, so that people didn’t think any differently of you or immediately feel drawn away like they often did. The biggest part of you, what makes you you, is the one thing you didn’t want people to see, out of nothing but complete and all-consuming fear. And Alexia would be damned if she let you go on like this.
“Can I take a seat next to you?” She said quietly, a hint of a smile on her face when you nodded again. She did exactly that; without making too much noise in the still room, she pulled up the chair next to you and sat down, her eyes raking up and down your face.
“If I told you that I don’t think any differently of you at all, would you believe me?” She began with. 
You just shrugged dismissively, not having moved a single muscle in the past few minutes apart from breathing and blinking. If you don’t move, if you don’t draw attention to yourself, perhaps this whole thing will disappear. A girl can dream.
“Because I don’t, cariño. I really don’t. You are not a problem for any of us at all. You face different struggles than us, but nobody thinks of you as anything less than a great player and an even better person. We are all glad you are here. I and others on the team will face different struggles than you, and I can bet you would never think any differently of us. Am I right?” 
Her words break through the defensive wall you’d put up to protect yourself from anything else around you. A common feature of the start of your meltdowns, except it’s quite possible that your captain had just stopped it from going any further.
Hesitantly, you sat up from your slouched position and wiped tiredly at your face.
“No, I would never.” You told her, slumping back against your chair and fiddling with the drawstring on your shorts.
“Exactly. You don’t need to worry about any of that at all, I promise. You are one of us now. A culer. We will take care of you.” She smiled brightly, you can hear it in her voice. So for the first time since you’d entered the room, you turned to look at her, only to find her eyes were filled with earnesty and kindness. And
 perhaps for the first time since you’d arrived in Barcelona, you truly did feel like you belong here. Like you could make a life for yourself here, against all odds.
“Thanks.” You sniffled, feeling the remnants of your outburst fade away, only to leave overwhelming exhaustion in its wake.
“It’s okay. You can come to me anytime for anything. There will always be someone here for you to talk to, and I’ll be the first to fight for you if that’s ever necessary.” Now, you were actually smiling. A genuine one, too.
“I think Ingrid might beat you to it, actually.” You teased her, watching as she grins.
“You’re probably right.” She chuckled, before pausing. You already knew what she was about to say before she opened her mouth. Neurotypicals are just way too predictable. “How did you know Ingrid told me?”
“You can just tell when someone knows. They treat you differently.” Alexia frowned anxiously at that.
“I didn’t
 did I treat you differently?” She questioned, along with a poor attempt at disguising the undertones of fear in her voice.
“You haven’t, not really, but
 I don’t know, I can just tell instantly. It’s hard to explain. You haven’t treated me differently, but I could tell you knew compared to when you didn’t know. The look on your face too. But thank you for
 just everything so far. You have helped a lot, so.” You shrugged. She smiled, a little in relief, but nodded nevertheless.
“You don’t need to thank me. Now, can I ask some more about what happened today? You said you forgot to eat?” 
“Yeah. It’s just because my routine was messed up, that’s all. Yesterday morning I ate before training because Ingrid had baked me some pastries, but today I had none left and then genuinely forgot. It happens sometimes, it’s just part of it.”
“Part of what?”
“Autism.” Duh.
“Oh. I did not know that.” Alexia stated simply. 
“Yeah, well, most people don’t.” You told her. Alexia nodded understandingly, a plan of action already formed in her mind.
“I’m sure you already know this, as an athlete, but it’s important for your safety that this doesn’t happen again. So I have a solution in mind that could help.” You hummed to tell her to continue. “I can ask either the catering staff here, or find a private chef, to start meal prepping for you. We can organise it on the club’s behalf so that you don’t have to pay anything. I will go with you, or for you if you’d like, to Jonatan and help sort it out for you. You can meet with a nutritionist to figure out what food you need and tell them what you do and don’t like, we can sort it all out for you. It wouldn’t be a problem.” 
Oh. You’d never thought about that before. 
“I guess that could work.” You decided after a few moments of consideration. 
That would actually be a really helpful solution. Certainly one less thing to worry about, and it could add a secure layer to your routine. An important one too.
“Would you be okay with that?” Alexia wondered, smiling when you nodded. “Good. Leave it to me, I will get it sorted for you.” 
She paused again, clearly hesitant about something. You raised an eyebrow at her, trying to coax it out of her with a look, but you couldn’t help the amused smile on your face at the sudden, faint blush that landed on her cheeks.
“What is it?” 
 there is no way to ask this without coming across as
 very forward, to say the least.” She started, shaking her head at her own ridiculousness. “May I get your number? For captain’s reasons, of course.”
“Right.” You smirked, watching as she shakes her head, this time at your teasing, and grabs a pen from the stationary pot in the centre of the table. “And what shall I write it on?”
 just use my hand, I guess.” She suggested, offering the back of her hand out for you. You grinned and gently took hold of it, jotting down your number for her. 
“There you go, Capi.” You smiled, clicking the pen and putting it back.
Not long after that, one of the staff members came in with the food Alexia and Mapi had organised for you. So, leaving your captain with a promise that you'll eat it the second you walked through your apartment door, you went home. It was a great meal, and if it'd be the catering staff at Barcelona that would do your meal prep, well, it'd be a great deal.
That night went just like the others; you relaxed for some time to decompress after training, until you eventually started feeling somewhat human again, and arose from bed to do one of any of your hobbies that you felt like doing that night. Reading, watching movies, drawing and painting, listening to music, or any others that pique your interest that night. 
On some occasions, you'll be so mentally exhausted from your day that none of them seem at all appealing, and it takes a lengthy period of time to feel yourself again. An hour, the rest of the evening, or sometimes even the whole week. After especially hard times, it could take weeks. Fortunately you hadn't been through such events in years, but the fear of falling into that hole ever again was always present in the back of your mind.
The thing about having this disorder is that some things never change. Most things never change. You learn to cope, you can heal from past experiences, but in the grand scheme of it all, things never change. Certain events, people, even words can still be triggers. No amount of therapy or coping mechanisms or whatever, can help. You were born this way, and you would die this way. 
You would live a life and still struggle with even the most mundane things. Washing dishes was a no-go, the sensory issues were way too intense for that one. A day without showering first thing in the morning was automatically a write off. Bad performances in matches could still lead to a meltdown on certain days. One wrong look from someone can send you spiralling.
Autism was a blessing and a curse. It made you who you are; you have no idea who you would be without it. Yet, at the same time, it could debilitate you to such extreme degrees that
 at night, when you were alone under the disguise of darkness,  you can't help but wonder what you could have done with your life had you not been born with this burden.
And with the day you'd had already, well, the only way you'd learnt to get over these things were to move on from them. That's what you had to do. If you become too concentrated on them, analysed every detail that went wrong, thought about every opinion those who witnessed it could hold, you'd suffer for it more than you needed to.
You couldn't move on if others couldn't move on though.
Unknown: Did you get home safe?
There was most likely only one person it could be, but where's the fun in that?
You: Depends who I'm talking to

Alexia: It's Alexia??
Too easy.
You: I knew it was you, dumbass. Yes I got home safe, thank you. Food was great too :)
Although, when a few minutes went by after that last text, the doubts came flooding in. Did you take it too far with her? It was a bit ballsy to say that, she's just checking in on you. Captain duties.
Then again, who was it calling you?
“Hello?” You frowned, and this was another instance where you're cursing yourself, because why was your heart racing and cheeks burning at one random phone call?
“Dumbass, huh?” Came a smug voice, and then your heart was racing for another, more light-hearted reason.
“Yeah, sorry about that
 apparently I'm a bit of a keyboard warrior.” You blushed sheepishly, relieved beyond belief when the woman down the line laughed.
“Don't worry about it. You're feeling okay now, sí?” 
“Yes, fine. You know, I didn't plan for today to happen. It just did.” You mumbled, still embarrassed by it all.
“I know, no one blames you for it. I just wanted to check in with you.” 
“I'm good, thanks. I've only ever had that happen like once before, I guess training on an empty stomach isn't the greatest idea in the world.” You joked lightly, Alexia humming in agreement.
“How does it happen? You said your routine was messed up, how did that lead to you forgetting?”
“It's a long story.” You sighed, but Alexia doesn't care.
“I have a free evening.” She said simply. This woman.
 every training session so far, Ingrid has met me in the morning at my apartment beforehand so we can travel in together. She normally checks in with me, asks how I'm feeling and if I've eaten and whatnot. But she was ill, which I obviously don't blame her for, by the way. So not having her with me these past two days has terrified me quite a bit. She's basically the thing that holds my whole morning routine together. I guess, because she wasn't there, everything just flew out the window.” You explained, but things still weren't quite adding up in Alexia’s mind.
“So how does that relate to you forgetting to eat? Do you not get hungry?”
“Not like normal people do. One of the things with autism is that
 we're not really in tune with our bodies? Like, I don't often get hungry or thirsty, I have to force myself to remember to eat and drink. And when I don't, I only realise I haven't done either of the two when I start feeling ill, like today. But food and drink feel like a chore, which is another reason I forget too. It's different when it comes to football though, being an athlete has taught me to be in tune with my body in terms of injuries, but not for anything else. It's weird.” 
“Wow, I never knew that before. That's interesting.” She commented. She's got a lot to learn.
“I prefer
 inconvenient.” You said with a shy smile, glad to hear Alexia chuckle at that.
Unexpectedly, for quite some time after that, the pair of you just
 talked. A lot. Like, for an hour. About everything - from what pastries Ingrid baked you, to a few more facts about yourself and your ASD, and everything in between. 
It's unnervingly natural. Fun too, but also a little odd. Is she doing it out of pity, or..?
“I almost forgot the other reason I called you.” She said out of nowhere, the smile on her face audible once again. “We have our pre-season dinner this Friday, the whole team is going. You should come.”
A dinner? At a restaurant? Oh god.
“Oh, I
 it sounds good, but I don’t know, I-”
“Hey, why not?” She questioned gently.
“Just, they’re not really my scene.”
In a split second, Alexia attempted to think back on all she knew about anxiety to combine it with the very little information she knew about autism, hoping the two overlapped somewhat. Luckily for her, they do.
“The club rents out the restaurant so it’ll just be the team and a few senior staff members. It shouldn’t be too loud. It’s more like a celebratory dinner before the season starts, so there's no partying or anything like that at all. I really hope you come, but I understand if not. There’s no pressure.”
Damn you, Alexia.
“Okay. Okay, I'll go.”
Normal order resumed for the rest of the week; Ingrid recovered from her short 48-hour bug and returned to training like she hadn't even had a day off. Her being back also meant your mind was a hell of a lot more at ease, even if Alexia had offered to see you every morning. 
There was one other thing you were blessed with: obliviousness. Because, during the car ride to training the day after your phone call with the captain, the smirk that Mapi greeted you with in the rearview mirror after you tell her what happened once she headed home, is definitely not confusing at all. Definitely not.
That smirk made a comeback far sooner than you'd like. 
“Say that again?” Mapi asked with a squint to her eyes, forcing down the laughter she so desperately wants to let out.
“Alexia is driving me to the team dinner.” You repeated the sentence you'd just said for her, looking to Ingrid for help. “Ingrid, tell her to behave please.”
“María, come on. Alexia is just doing her a favour, you know she's not a fan of driving.” Ingrid said whilst nudging her girlfriend, though secretly she's hiding some intense excitement levels under her very good poker-face.
“Exactly! Screw you, Mapi.” You sighed dramatically, turning back to the mirror as you put your earrings in.
“So you're sure you don't need us to drive you there?” Mapi asked suspiciously, and there was that stupid smirk again. 
“Ugh, yes! I am making friends, you should be happy!” You groaned, fixing the shorter defender with a dagger-like glare in the reflection.
“More than fr-”
“Okay! Are you ready, snuppa? When is Alexia coming?” Ingrid interjected, discreetly stomping on her girlfriend's foot.
“She's on her way, she'll be here any minute now.” You answered after checking your phone. “You know, I can't rely on you guys forever like you're my parents or something. I love you, but I don't love you that much. And I'm sure you feel the same.”
“No!” Ingrid cried out in a way that's entirely too theatrical. She came over to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “I do love you that much, it's María you need to worry about.”
“I do worry about her sometimes. You should too, Ingrid.” You murmured, Ingrid humming in agreement as you watched her Spanish counterpart
 busy herself in your fridge?
“María, out of there! We are literally going for dinner right now!”
“Ingrid, princesa, you need to work on your English- we're not at dinner ‘right now’, that is why I am in the fridge.” 
“Guys! Alexia is here, let's go. I'll see you at the restaurant.” You kissed Ingrid’s cheek and flicked Mapi’s forehead as you ushered them out the door, locking it behind you and making your way down to the ground floor.
Alexia was there, waiting for you whilst leaning against her car, and a smile tugged at her lips the second she saw you. You heard some commotion behind you, most likely Mapi being scolded by Ingrid, but you shut it out as you headed over to the midfielder, fighting back a ridiculously cheesy grin.
She greeted you the same way she did on the first day she met you - enveloping you in a warm hug that really shouldn’t be as comforting as it was. Not a big deal. Regardless, you both clambered into the car and made your way to the restaurant.
Thankfully, the evening went surprisingly well. It was a very low-key evening, just like Alexia said. In fact, you might even go as far as to say you enjoyed it, that’s a welcome revelation. And it seems you weren’t the only one that had discovered something new.
“Can I ask you something?” Alexia said on the drive back to your apartment.
“Sounds like there’s no stopping you.” You replied, smiling when she teasingly rolled her eyes.
“At dinner, when Patri asked why you don’t drink, you said ‘long story short, I don’t like it’ so I was just wondering what you meant by that?” Alexia asked, before almost immediately regretting it. “I mean, you don’t have to answer, it’s your business, but
 if there’s anything we should be mindful about, then let me know.”
Who needed alcohol when you had a tendency to lose your inhibitions whenever you got too exhausted?
“No, not really any problems. I don’t have any issues with people drinking around me, I just have a bit of a history with it but it’s nothing big. It’s fine.” You shrugged, trying to keep your eyes open as the streets of Barcelona passed by your window. 
 what happened?” Alexia pressed gently.
“Well, when I was about seventeen, I started going through a really hard time. I had just dropped out of school, I’d had some trouble with friends, I was basically struggling quite badly. I started partying and drinking a lot, way more than I should have. Then I began to rely on it too much, just to get me through really basic stuff. It made me feel normal, it got rid of the voice in my head and it made me feel like a functioning person of society because it was what everybody else did. One day I decided it was best that I don’t drink at all, and it’s easier to tell people I don’t like it but actually I’m just scared of drinking because of all it reminds me of. So, I avoid it.” You explained, rather nonchalantly. 
The mental exhaustion was hitting hard that night, it was evident in the way you spoke. There was one explanation; dissociation. Dinners were not your favourite things in the world, they were a challenge to get through even when you were in the best company. Small talk, food, the sound of people eating, the scrapes of cutlery against ceramic, and the attention on some occasions being entirely on you? Yeah, a big no go. Which is why you were so tired, so distant, because your mind was in protection mode to keep you running until you got home.
Talking about your past was difficult, you’d come a long way and it felt counter-intuitive to talk about the bad times when you’d worked so hard to come to a good place. Yet, here you were, baring your soul about a topic you normally kept to yourself. You don’t even feel at least a little bit anxious at the fact you’d just spilled that secret. Alexia takes all the concern you normally feel and keeps it for herself.
“I’m sorry you went through that, cariño. Thank you for telling me.” She smiled sadly over at you, an ache growing in her heart at your defeated demeanour where you sit in her passenger seat. “Are you feeling okay? You don’t seem like yourself.”
“Tired. So tired.” You sighed. Even just talking felt like a chore in that moment. “Wanna get home, s’all.”
“Okay, we’re almost there now.” She said, “I’m proud of you for coming today. I know you weren’t a fan of the idea initially but you came, and everybody was so glad that you did. I am really proud of you, and so are Ingrid and Mapi too.”
The woman to your left surprised you everyday with each act of kindness she was showing. She hardly knew you, she hardly knew of your struggles, but she was adamant to learn and show just how deeply she cared. You were beyond grateful for her and all she’d said and done, even if you couldn’t verbalise that just yet.
All you could do was offer a simple nod, almost entirely mute as a result of how utterly overstimulating the day had been. You had loved it, sure, but sometimes when days like today left you in such a dejected state that you could hardly talk, there were still times if you wondered if fighting for a somewhat normal life was worth it. 
From then on, the rest of the drive home was silent. Alexia dropped you off, made sure you knew to contact her or Ingrid or whoever you felt comfortable speaking to should you need them, and that was that. You got inside, were barely able to get yourself changed, before passing out as soon as you got into bed.
A few weeks went by and it was more of the same. After that dinner, the team really clamped down and focused on getting everybody ready for the start of the new season. Training at Barcelona was different to anything you’d ever experienced before; it was intense, but light-hearted. There was competition, but it was healthy, everybody egged each other on even if they wanted to win. Ingrid was right, you had never found training this enjoyable before. You had to put that down to the people though, if it wasn’t for them then you’d never feel as comfortable as you do now. 
There were blips, there were still obstacles, but apart from that time you fell ill after training , there hadn’t really been any meltdown-inducing moments. Just a lot of burn-out and exhaustion, but you were near enough a pro at dealing with that now. 
The environment was
 perfect for you. And one factor of that outcome is definitely down to the help of the famous three you had near enough attached yourself to since your arrival.
But the main factor to how well you had settled in was down to you. At some point along the way, not that the exact date mattered or anything (at exactly 12:02 on Monday the 26th of August), you hit a milestone that you had never managed to reach before. 
It was unplanned, but once the initial shock had worn off and the anxiety left, you teared up in the arms of Ingrid at the pride you felt towards yourself. Then Mapi joined in with the hug, and so did Alexia, then
 so did the whole team too. 
For the first time, you were honest with your team. For the first time, you told them that you had autism. And for the first time, you weren’t suffocated by that prospect. When they all came together to hug you, it wasn’t just a physical embrace, it was them fully accepting you even with this burden you held and championed every day of your life. Though, with the support of others, it was hard to think of it as a burden. The gravity of a secret this big had weighed you down for years, but
 now, your chest had never felt so light.
They supported you when you arrived, but the extremes this Spanish team took didn’t quite register until the week before the first game of the Liga F season. Fortunately for you, the first game of the season was at your new home of football, the Estadi Johan Cruyff. So, to help settle the rising nerves you were feeling as game day got closer, the club had organised a training session for you at the stadium a few days before. The more familiar you were with your surroundings, the less you had to worry about on the day. And, as everybody knew, the only thing you needed to worry about for your debut would be how well you did on the pitch.
What you didn’t know though, was that every member of your team was waiting in the stands for you to walk out. And the second the sound of boots hitting the floor echoed from the tunnel through the empty stadium, Mapi was up on her feet to cheer and encouraged her teammates to do the same. The only person that hesitated was Ingrid, but when she saw the look on your face as your te- your friends outwardly rallied behind you so openly and so freely, she became the loudest one of them all. That was the perfect way to prepare for game day, you really couldn’t have asked for a better group of people to work with everyday.
Were you jittery and wracked with nerves as you waited on the sidelines to be substituted in at the 70 minute mark? Yes, but the second you took your first step on the grass with the crowd’s applause as your welcome, you fixated on the game and everything else was just background noise. 
From a young age, before you had even heard of the word autism, football had very obviously been your special interest, otherwise known as the one random topic out of everything in the world to take over your life. 
You would spend hours in your backyard, kicking a ball against the side of your house, driving your family crazy. The walls of your bedroom were covered, corner to corner, in posters ranging from your favourite players, to clubs from all over the world. Christmases and birthdays as a kid were, to you, all about what from your presents you could add to your collection. Kits, boots, scarves, match-day programmes, magazines, even trading cards. Back at your childhood home in Norway, all these things were stored away in the attic, still items you cherished. 
As you got older and life got a bit more difficult, football became your escape. School was exhausting, people were exhausting, but football was something you could do on your own. No one bothering you, no one expecting anything from you, it was a time you could forget the world and all its misdemeanours, and just relax. And honestly, that’s all you planned for it to be. It was hard to imagine it being anything else than just a hobby.
All it took was one game to change the whole trajectory of your life. A game of girls against boys at your school at the age of only eleven, and the next day your sports teacher had gotten you a trial at the local academy. You passed it with flying colours, and flourished in the sport from there.

Until one random day when you were fourteen, your mother sat you down for a conversation you never could have expected. But once you'd had time to dwell on her words, everything made sense. 
You had autism spectrum disorder. 
It wasn’t made official until the assessment process was over and you received your diagnosis, but that was the day it felt like your life had been irreversibly changed. Your view of the world changed with one conversation, and it was as if everything you thought you knew was wiped completely. Like you had been thrown into the ocean with no one and nothing around to help. 
All the tantrums, the bad behaviour at home compared to being a model student at school, the fussy eating habits, and the endless list of out-of-the-norm habits you had - it added up to this one, new label. The tantrums became meltdowns, the reasoning behind your behavioural differences were from spending the whole day surrounded by people and masking to fit in which led to you being so overwhelmed and overstimulated, your mind went into overdrive and didn’t know what to do. The fussy eating turned out to be sensory issues, with the textures and tastes of certain foods making you physically ill.
There was so much to learn that some days it felt like too big a challenge to tackle. Then there would be the days where you were up all night, the light of your family laptop kept hidden under the blanket you draped over yourself, as you researched this life-changing disorder until the sun rose.
It’s funny, really, how quickly your life can change with just three words.
For years, you had been defeated by it, succumbing to the assumptions that you could never amount to anything more than the label forced upon you, but look at you now. Providing a world class through ball to the most recent Ballon D’Or recipient to tie off a 3-0 win in the first game of the season.
You had learnt at some point in the last twelve years that the only choice you had was to live with it. Make the most of it. This was your one life, you had to make it work. You were adamant to thrive for the others that couldn’t, for the 1 in 13 women that didn’t believe they were strong enough to fight back, and to prove to the world that this disorder didn't hold you back.
They wouldn’t know that your mind could be your own worst enemy, or the self-deprecating thoughts you could have whilst your face gave away no hints, or that sometimes you didn’t believe in yourself and the anxiety was so intense that you could be stuck in bed for days, even weeks, at a time. All they saw right now was your team, FC Barcelona, rushing over to celebrate you rather than the goal scorer because they knew what it meant to you. The world would only ever see your victories, because they had no business to strike you when you were already down. You were strong, you were worth it, and most importantly, you had done it. You’d made it to the exact point you dreamed of. That’s all that mattered.
Unfortunately, it only takes one bad thing to set you down an unwanted path.
Part 2
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love-belle · 1 year
promise me you'll lie !!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ in which their post break-up era is them lying to themselves and to each other; saying that they don't love them.
for when you can't help but lie because it's better than facing the truth. ˚ àŒ˜â™Ą â‹†ïœĄËš
warnings - language
author's note - back to back updates!!!!! i hope u like this <3
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kellypiquet so beautiful đŸ’đŸ«¶đŸŒ just like you
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liked by y/nsblackcatera, y/ntheloml, mewheny/n and 76,527 others
stargirl y/n y/l/n and oscar piastri called it quits almost 9 months ago and it seems like the singer is ready to move on. she was seen out on a "date" with her close friend and her producer of her sophomore album, this is how you fall in love, which she — ironically — wrote for piastri. the reason for their split is still unknown although sources close to the pair claim, "it was just too much work and they both were busy with their own things. it was about time that they broke up." for more details about piastri and y/l/n and the singer's new flame, click on the link in our bio.
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liked by landonorris, alex_albon, maxverstappen1 and 799,245 others
oscarpiastri can't promise i'll lie
username i js fell to the floor what.
username someone sedate me what the fuck
landonorris you've been lying the whole time but okayyy
-> oscarpiastri i'll block you
username the cats 🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁 babies of divorce 🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁 weekend with dad 🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁
username no bc the way that one post from a literal fan acc managed to get him log in into his ig acc and post a shady caption abt his ex gf like boyyyy
-> username fr like js say you'd be on ur knees for her to take u back
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starkwlkr · 1 year
Can you do max having a son? Nobody knew he had a girlfriend or a child except his mother and sister
 until they see him interacting with a child that’s running around the paddock calling him daddy at one of the races.
daddy max | max verstappen
idk if max’s mom lives in the netherlands so for this imagine her and victoria live there đŸ§đŸœâ€â™€ïž ok? ok đŸ«¶đŸŒ
Noah was a daddy's boy, it was clear. From the day he was born, Noah was declared Max's buddy. They did everything together, except when Max was racing of course. The two parents wanted to keep the young boy away from the spotlight so they never posted about him on their social media. Noah’s existence was unknown to many, fans, press even the drivers. Of course Max and Y/n’s family knew about the little boy. While Max was racing, Noah and Y/n would stay with Max’s mom, Sophie, and his sister, Victoria.
Once Noah had turned four years old, Max had a talk with Y/n. He wanted no more than to show the world his son. He would never admit it, but Max was jealous of Sergio. He got to celebrate his wins with his family while Max had to wait for a phone call from Y/n. But he always looked forward to that phone call.
“Come on, he’ll love it.” Max said over the phone. The next race was the Australian Grand Prix and he really wanted his son and partner to be there.
“He has been asking when his daddy is coming home. We both miss you. And he did ask when he can see the big cars in person.” Y/n sighed. “What about the press?”
“What about them?”
“What are they going to think when they find out the golden boy of Red Bull is a dad? They’re going to put two and two together and find out I had Noah at twenty.” Y/n said. They were young, even Jos was against them having Noah, but Max wasn’t going anywhere. He was going to be there for his son even if his father didn’t like the idea.
“Who cares if they find out we’re young parents. I love you and Noah and I finally want Noah to see his dad race. Sergio is constantly asking when you and I are going to have kids, you know?” Max chuckled.
“Of course. Listen, I’ll talk to you later. You need to rest.” Y/n spoke.
“But are you and Noah coming?”
“Bye, max.” Y/n said as she ended the phone call. Little did Max know, she and Noah were on the way to Max’s hotel room. Noah was almost half asleep, but he claimed he wanted to stay up to surprise his dad. “Go to sleep, baby. We’ll see daddy soon.” Y/n whispered to her son.
Max was getting ready for bed when he heard a knock on the door. He figured it was someone from the team or Daniel. When he opened the door, he immediately hugged his partner and his son even he the little guy was passed out with drool coming from the corner of his mouth.
“Surprised?” Y/n chuckled as Max took Noah from her arms.
“You’re evil. You had me thinking I wasn’t going to see you two at all this weekend.” Max kissed Noah’s forehead then set him on the bed and covered him with the sheets. He then walked to the door to help Y/n with their luggage.
“Don’t you think it’s about time Noah sees his daddy win?” Y/n smiled as she set her bag on the table.
“Don’t be so sure about that. Anything can happen.” Max said, sitting on the end of the bed.
“Yeah and what’s going to happen is you’re going to win. Noah and I believe in you, your family, your fans, you team. We all do.”
And it was no surprise that Max won that weekend. Little Noah was so happy to finally see his dad win. Jos was also in attendance, but the mom and son didn’t cross paths with the older Verstappen. Yes, he was in a somewhat happy mood since Max won, but he still wasn’t on good speaking terms with his son’s partner.
“Look, Noah! Daddy won this for you.” Max spoke to the four year old, showing him the trophy he had just received.
“Pretty.” Noah said looking at his and his mom’s reflection.
“Max, congratulations!” Daniel’s voice could be heard from miles away. Y/n adored the Aussie and his contagious smile. “And who’s this little fella?” He crouched down to reach Noah’s height.
“Tell him your name, baby.” Y/n encouraged her son.
“Noah.” The four year old said in a low voice.
“Hi, Noah. I’m a friend of your parents. My name is Daniel.” Daniel held out his hand for the boy to high five. Max watched the interaction between Daniel and Noah and thought it was the cutest thing on earth. After Daniel said goodbye to the family, Max enjoyed a moment with them before he was pulled away for interviews.
“Say bye to daddy.” Y/n waved goodbye to Max with Noah.
“But I want him. I want daddy.” Max’s heart broke hearing his son’s cries for him.
“I can take him.” Max offered.
“You have interviews. We’re going to go find some food, I think he’s hungry.” Y/n adjusted the boy in her arms.
“I want daddy!” Noah cried even louder.
“Let me take him. Nothing is going to happen.” Max took the boy from Y/n. “Ready to meet some people, Noah?”
Y/n watched as her partner and son walked around the paddock. She could already see the headlines on every news article.
‘Max Verstappen mystery child?’
‘Red Bull golden boy is a father?!’
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listofwhyyouloveher · 4 months
could you write the gang (not separate), all having a crush on fem reader, like they’re all DROOLING over her and then someone tells her that the whole gang has a crush on her and she’s just like shook
Btw, i love your blog so muchđŸ˜›đŸ«¶đŸŒ
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Summary: The Outsiders all crushing on you.
Warnings: none Author's Note: oh to be y/n
It was not an unknown fact that the gang was crushing on you, well maybe to everyone but you. Your personality slotted nicely in with theirs and you were definitely not lacking when it came to looks. They followed you around like lost dogs and each one often tried to hangout with you. However, you were oblivious to this special treatment, just thinking about how kind they were. Even Dallas had let go of some of his bad habits around you since he was too busy watching your every move when you were around.
You and your friend were hanging around the diner when Johnny and Pony walked in sitting across the diner from you. Your friend nudged you and smirked when you saw who she was directing your attention to. “Look, it’s your boyfriends,” She giggled and you rolled your eyes. “They’re not my boyfriends, we’re good friends” You punched her lightheartedly and she just scoffed. “They don’t seem to think so,” Your face twisted in confusion and gestured for her to explain herself. “It’s so obvious that they both have a crush on you. Like, I can literally feel them looking at you.” She whispered and winked at the last part. You looked up and she was right, even if they averted their eyes quickly you still caught them staring. “Oh god, I never noticed.” You put your hands against your cheeks to cool the blush and your friend just looked mildly amused. “That’s not even it.” She said, poking you lightly and you groaned. “The rest of the gang like you too.” You put your hand over your mouth in shock. “What?!” You whisper-shouted and she laughed. “Oh my god you’re so oblivious! Darry took off work to go see you, he never does that! And Two-Bit invites you to take care of his sister to ‘get closer to you’, and Steve and Soda have been getting into competitions about who would win your heart first!” You were open-mouthed in shock but she wasn’t done. “Johnny and Pony have been following you around like moths to a flame, and don’t even get me started on Dallas!” “Dallas too!?” You ran a hand through your hair in exasperation. “Yes! He literally never smokes when he’s around you because he’s totally enraptured by you. You have all of them wrapped around your finger!” She makes a twirling motion with her pointer finger and you groan, dropping your head to the table. “Oh my god, what am I gonna do?!”
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w2soneshots · 2 months
Train -George clarkey
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words: 0.7k+
warnings: none.
summary: you create conversation with a cute British boy after the train your both on breaks down.
notes: hi! I’ve had some people ask for a George fic and I’m also majorly crushing on him rn so here we aređŸ«¶đŸŒ. I’m not sure how I came up with this idea but I love it! EnjoyđŸ€—đŸ’˜
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I spent my day running errands and was just about to get on my train home when I spotted a good looking man who seemed to be around my age. I admired his brown hair, blue eyes and how tall he was. Since it was pretty late there weren't loads of people on the train meaning it was only me, the mystery man and a few others in the cart.
I took a seat then got my headphones out of my bag and popped them on so I could listen to some music and relax. After almost twenty minutes the train abruptly came to a stop. I furrowed my brows.
Suddenly a woman's voice was heard through the speakers as she announced that they were having some technical problems but not to panic.
After a few minutes the woman's voice could be heard again telling everyone that they were working on the problem but that it could be a while before we start moving again. I sighed deeply, removing my headphones and looking around.
My eyes locked with the mystery man I'd seen earlier. "Is this a sign that we're meant to meet?" My delusional mind thought. He stood up, walking towards me. My heart began to race.
He sat down opposite me. "Hey. I'm George." He began. I smiled lightly. "Hello George. I'm y/n." It was silent for a moment before he spoke again. "You on your way home?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah, are you?"
The conversation continued to flow as we spoke about our lives. He explained his job to me and that's when I realised that I'd seen him on tiktok before. "Wait, were you the guy with a beep in his garage?" He chuckled. "Yeah, I was." "Ah! That's why you looked familiar. I remember being really invested in you finding it."
He cleared his throat after a little while. "So do you have a boyfriend?" I shook my head with a light sigh. "Nope. Do you have a girlfriend?" "No," Relief washed over my body. "Could I get your number then?" He asked. I smiled. "Sure. Pass me your phone." I typed in my number then gave it back to him.
He slipped it back into his pocket with a quick "thanks." Then he spoke again. "So, where do you live?" "London." I replied, getting comfy in my seat. He smiled. "Oh, same! Whereabouts are you?"
It turns out we live just five minutes from each other. My mind was racing by this point. I'd just met this cute guy, we're stuck on a train that broke down, we live super close and he's funny. I couldn't believe my luck.
After almost an hour the train began to move. A smile spread across both of our faces but secretly we were really enjoying each other's company and slightly sad that the conversation was about to end. As the train approached our stop we both stood up.
"Well, it was nice to meet you George." I said as we now stood outside of the train station. "Yeah you too. I'll call you." He replied sweetly. We shared a quick hug then went our separate ways.
Once I got home I called my friend. "You'll never believe what happened!" I exclaimed as she answered the phone. "What?" She asked inquisitively. "I met the cutest guy! The train we were both on broke down so we started talking and he asked for my number." "Oh my god! What does he look like?"
I searched "garage beep guy" into tiktok and his account immediately popped up. I clicked on the link to his instagram then told her the username. "y/n! He's adorable! Wait is he famous or something?" "He's like an influencer I think. He has a podcast, he does tiktok and youtube." I replied.
The next day I woke up to a message from an unknown number. It took my brain a second to register who it was from. The text read; "Hey, it's George from the train yesterday." "Hi :)" I replied quickly. "I was wondering if you wanted to meet up sometime for a drink?" He asked. I smiled slightly at my screen, suddenly exited and quite surprised that he'd actually texted me in the first place. "Sure, I'd love that."
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accio-victuuri · 19 days
one day i will write a proper per episode post about yibo’s show, but right now, just sharing some really heart felt reactions from people who watched the documentary. đŸ«¶đŸŒ
yibo is so easy to love if you just give him the chance!
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(P1) "exploring the unknown" is a must-see for every postgraduate candidate preparing for the exam. I originally watched it with the mentality of watching a documentary about wilderness science, but after watching it, I realized that I was narrow-minded. This is not just a documentary about survival in the wilderness. In the journey of exploring the unknown, we are often driven by a desire to conquer, eager to challenge the limits and prove our strength. However, there is such a documentary that subverts the traditional concept of exploration. It is not about how to conquer nature, but about how to coexist harmoniously with nature and how to love every inch of land on this planet. The protagonist of this documentary is none other than Wang Yibo. He was not challenging the authority of nature, but challenging his own limits. I really like what he said: "I never believed that I couldn't complete it, it was just a matter of time." This sentence really gave me a lot of thoughts. Looking back at the time when I was taking the postgraduate entrance examination, if I had seen such a documentary, I would really have less anxiety. In the process of the examination, everyone is challenging their own limits. Because I took the postgraduate entrance examination relatively late at that time, I didn't have much time left. At that time, I was anxious and uneasy. Fortunately, I met a group of very good people at that time, which allowed me to quickly get out of anxiety. The postgraduate entrance examination is a long and challenging process, which requires you to have a firm will and good qualities.
(P2) In order to get to know my daughter's idol better, I watched it again..."Exploring the Unknown" made us feel a different Wang Yibo.
In the past, we felt more about him in film and television works, and documentaries are different from film and television works, because the characters in film and television works are more about the plot settings, while the characters in documentaries are closer to the characters themselves. But the documentary is different from ordinary documentaries. It is not just about recording scenes and processes, but about challenging and experiencing the extreme geographical environment.
First of all, you must have the courage to challenge, and dare to challenge, especially when facing an unknown and uncontrollable environment, people will involuntarily produce fear, which really tests the courage and courage of the participants, and in "Exploring the Unknown", Wang Yibo showed it vividly, allowing us to feel the power from him. Just like what Wang Yibo said in the film, "I used to think that every time I did something new, the first time in my life would become less, but after trying, I found that there would be infinite first times. Secondly, you need to have super physical fitness. The complex natural environment of Ba Wang Ling, what you will encounter and what will happen in the process of chasing gibbons are all unpredictable and uncontrollable, and the necessary condition to face it calmly is that your physical fitness must be absolutely super. Long-distance hiking and swimming, Wang Yibo's super physical fitness is fully displayed. Super physical fitness is not trained overnight, nor is it obtained by persistence for one or two years. It is the result of more than ten years of accumulation, perseverance and self-discipline. It also shows the superhuman perseverance.
(P3) I have a new understanding of the stars my daughter likes. Last night, I watched the documentary "Exploring the Unknown" created by Wang Yibo. This is the first time I have watched a star program carefully from beginning to end. Although Wang Yibo's name has worn calluses on my ears, why do I say that? Because my daughter is his die-hard fan. After watching the program last night, I really got to know him and it really touched me. In the Hainan Bawangling Nature Reserve with a temperature of up to 35 degrees, we all know that the temperature is 35 degrees, but people may feel nearly 45 degrees. At the same time, they are also tested by various animals. In such an environment, in order to throw a rope to the opposite tree, he threw it for a whole hour, doing repeated actions again and again, and thinking about the skills and strength of the actions again and again. In the middle, the explorer said to take a break and come back, but he did not stop and still insisted on throwing it down. Seeing this makes me admire him, and it makes me understand why he can succeed. His tenacity, perseverance, his determination to achieve his goal, his fearlessness of hardships, and his courage in the face of adversity are destined to make him successful. He is the spiritual representative of the younger generation. I remember his donations and on-site disaster relief during the 21st flood in Henan. He is a public figure with a sense of responsibility and mission. So my daughter likes him, which makes me feel relieved. Because I believe that she can definitely draw more positive energy from Wang Yibo, because she likes him, she will definitely make herself better.
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chrissv4mp · 4 months
back to black , CHRIS S.
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summary: you thought chris was one of very few nice guys, but when he doesn't show up to your performance because he wants to smoke, you start to think twice. (if this is wrong, put all the blame on me, i can't write summaries 4 the life of me💔💔)
pairing: chris sturniolo × singer!fem!reader
warnings/topics: smoking, vulgar language, some mention of blood, etc.
a/n: just watched back to black & that shit had me bawling, rip amy winehouse, she was such an amazing singerđŸ«¶đŸŒ
an unknown guy caught your eye from across the bar, and you couldn't help but walk over to him. he was playing pool with his friends, bragging about how he was winning with a grin on his face.
your eyes went down to his lips, they were a light pink, and they looked soft. you wanted to feel them on yours, on every part of your body.
the brunette boy was swaying his hips, the motion subtle and most likely only noticeable to your precise eye. he was dancing to your song.
his lips parted, and he began lip-syncing as he stalked around the pool table, waiting for his friend to make a move.
you chuckled quietly just as he walked by you, and the boy turned around.
he smiled, raising an eyebrow before he walked over and leaned against the wall next to you, "who are you laughin' at, huh?"
your smile widened, and you placed your drink on the windowsil beside you & the unknown boy.
"i'm laughing at you," you said with a giggle, eyeing him up and down and getting a good look at the outfit he was wearing.
his white polo shirt was unbuttoned, and his jeans hung low on his hips, exposing the waistband of his black calvin klein boxers.
he smiled with his teeth, blue eyes staying on your e/c ones, "and why's that, pretty lady?"
your cheeks flushed a light pink at the nickname, and you exhaled quietly before breaking eye contact.
"and, hey, remind me, who's song this is again?" the brunette boy asked in faux confusion, cocking an eyebrow as he stared at you with a smirk.
you rolled your eyes playfully, crossing your arms, "i actually can't seem to remember.."
he chuckled quietly, biting his lip before standing straight, "that's a shame. y'know i've always wanted to meet the girl, she seems like nice. in all her interviews, she looks amazing, like some girl straight outta movie."
at this point, you were sure your face was a bright red. did this guy seriously watch your interviews?
"that's funny." you said, a grin on your face from the boy's compliments.
the brunette nodded slowly, cheeks a light pink color as he opened his mouth again, "i'm chris. it's a pleasure to meet you, miss y/l/n."
chris offered his hand to you, and you shook it, "it's y/n, no need for the formalities, chris."
he hummed in reply, eyes meeting yours again before he stepped closer. his blue eyes seemed lighter at this angle, and so did his smile.
"play me?" he challenged, sticking out the cue stick that he held in his left hand.
a smirk played on your face, and you took it from him before walking around the pool table.
chris stayed leaning against the wall, watching as you set up the balls and leaned over the table.
"you sure you wanna play me? not to brag, but, most people usually lose." you said with a smug smirk, e/c eyes landing on chris' blue ones.
he shrugged, "i like challenges. c'mon make your move, y/n."
"you're writing is on another level, y/n, i don't think i've hears songs like yours. they're all so amazing," chris mused, sipping from his cup as he stared at you.
you tapped your fingers on the counter, eyes on the bartender serving guests drinks, "i just wanted more people to have the chance to listen to jazz. it's not very populated anymore, and i'm happy to be the one to bring it back, y'know?"
the brunette nodded, all of his attention focused on you, "i love jazz girls, don't care if it's a band or just a singer, i love 'em. especially you, you're music is so catchy."
there was a glint in his eye now, like he wanted you, "you always have me hooked whenever i listen."
chris took a few steps toward you, and suddenly he was towering over your body. he bit his lip, leaning down to meet your lips.
your eyes couldn't stay in one place. always switching between each of his eyes, then his lips, repeating over and over again until you finally felt him.
and you were right, his lips were soft. your tongue ran over his bottom lip, and he cupped your face with his cold hands.
you only came here to get your mind off of things, and now you were kissing one of your fans.
you felt as if the kiss was only a few seconds, but when chris pulled away he was already out of breath.
"i'm that good of a kisser, yeah?" he joked, licking his lips and getting a taste of your chapstick.
your eyes fluttered open, and you smiled, "something along those lines."
chris hummed, running a hand through his hair before taking the seat beside you. he turned his head to look over at you, eyes going down toward your lips again.
"will you let me walk you home? can't let a pretty girl like you go alone," he asked, a smile on his face.
you nodded, blush clear on your cheeks, "sure."
it's been a month since that interaction with chris, and now he was in your bed, his things scattered all around your house.
chris had asked you to be his girlfriend after the second week you guys had been around each other, and you said yes. he was a good guy. he would never hurt you.
he was supportive of your career, following you everywhere you went and guiding you away from paparazzi. chris knew what you liked and disliked, always payed attention to whenever you spoke.
he would pay for anything you got, too, always being the first one to drop his credit card on the table.
you would always see him in the crowd of venues you performed at, always pointing him out in between songs and blowing him a kiss.
the crowd would always go crazy, and every other guy that was near chris would think the kiss was for them.
the past few weeks, though, chris didn't show up. he said he was busy those days, but you never saw him when you passed by the place he worked at. you saw him at the bar you guys met on your walk home once, he was talking with some girl.
she was close to him, and it looked like he was going in for a kiss.
you remember that night very well, when you almost broke the doors off their hinges running into the place. you recount grabbing chris by the back of his shirt and dragging him outside of the place.
it was darker than usual that night, and you can't forget the scratches you left on your boyfriends face when you got done with him.
he said words that he knew he could never take back, and every time you guys had little arguments, it would always bring you back to them.
"baby," you whispered, scratching his scalp softly as you sat up.
chris breathed calmly as he lay on your chest, arms wrapped around your waist in a possessive manner.
he mumbled out incoherent words, lips parting as he huffed.
you smiled at his actions, leaning down to kissing the top of his head.
"hmm?.." his eyes fluttered open, and he turned his head to look up at you.
"we have to get up, it's already 2:36pm." chris raised an eyebrow, sitting up and moving to sit beside you.
he laughed, "we were out that late last night?"
you nodded, getting out from under the covers before going towards the bathroom.
"get ready, we have to be to the venue by 3:30!" you called out from inside the other room, and chris got to his feet quickly.
chris kissed your cheek with a smile before pulling away to admire you. his gaze was soft, full of love as he stared into your eyes.
"you're gonna be amazing, i know it." he said with a grin, hugging you one more time before the stage manager told you it was time to go out.
chris left from backstage, making his way out into the crowd of people in the venue. it was always packed the nights you were performing, and he was happy for you, he really was, but sometimes it was just too much.
chris was also a little tired of hearing the same songs over and over again. he always encouraged you to write, and you did, but you had only put out one of the many songs. there were at least 12 full songs in your notebook, and you had yet to go to the studio and record them.
they were amazing, too, and chris always asked when you were gonna release them. your reply was always, "soon, don't worry, baby."
15 minutes into the performance, and you were now about to sing the song you wrote for him. you had a huge smile on your face as you stared directly at him.
"now, this song i'm gonna sing is very special to me. i wrote this song on my bedroom floor with the person i love most in the whole world," you announced, saying the song title and earning a loud roar from the crowd.
chris loved you, he did, but he couldn't be here. his head was throbbing, and people were bumping into him every second.
he just needed to go outside for a few minutes, get himself together, and then he would come back in. 5 minutes, he swore.
the brunette tried to leave unnoticed, and he did, but definitely not by you. you watched as he pushed past people to get to the exit, and just as he was about to leave, he pulled out a pack of cigarettes.
you felt your heart flutter in hurt, smile twitching slightly as you watched him leave the venue. what the fuck.
the show ended no more than 15 minutes later, and the first thing you did was storm off the stage and burst through the exit doors.
you audibly scoffed when you saw chris leaning against the wall of the place, smoking a cigarette with his friend.
"are you fucking serious, chris?" you said, voice filled with hurt at his actions.
he turned to look at you, taking the cigarette from out of his mouth with two fingers. his smile dropped as he saw your state, "y/n,"
he dropped the cigarette, stepping on it to put it out before looking back up at you.
there were tears in your eyes now, your bottom lip quivering slightly as you stepped closer to him. a look of anger and betrayal played on your face as you looked up at him.
"the fuck is wrong with you, chris?! you're so fucking selfish!" you raised your voice, pushing him back and making him furrow his eyebrows.
his eyes widened at your actions, and he stepped back over to you, "baby, hey, calm down. please, just let me talk to you, yeah?"
you took a step back, face streaked with tears as your eyes widened at the boy, "no! chris, you came out here just to smoke? how fucking addicted are you?!"
chris pinched the bridge of his nose, head pounding with all of the voices he heard. you continued screaming at him, yelling about how selfish and addicted he was.
before you got to speak again, a lady's voice came from behind you, "oh my gosh! it's y/n y/l/n!!"
the girl came up behind you, and the second she put her hands on you, you lost it.
"get the fuck off me!" turning around, you pushed the girl to the floor, breathing heavy and heart pounding loudly in your ears.
the blond fell to the floor, gasping as she looked up at you in surprise. chris tried to walk back over to you, yelling over all the commotion.
"y/n! what the fuck? stop, just-, shit, let's talk about this, y/n!" he called, hands reaching out to grab your shoulders.
he placed his hand on your shoulder, and you turned back around. you couldn't really believe he wanted to help you after he left you alone to go smoke.
your hand went up to his face, and you couldn't stop yourself from hitting him multiple times. your nails dragged along his cheek, and from the grunting, you were sure you drew blood.
"y/n!" chris yelled, pushing you away from him.
his hat had fell to the floor during the whole thing, and when you pulled away to look at him, his face was covered in scratches.
you let out a shaky breath that quickly turned into a sob before you spoke again, "fuck you, chris."
chris didn't stop you from walking away, reaching down to put his hat back on before he touched his face.
he winced at the sting, pulling his hand back just to see blood on the tip of his finger, "shit,"
you looked at yourself in the mirror, fingers running over the tattoo of chris' name on just below your collarbone.
tears pricked in your eyes once again, and you sobbed quietly at the memory of the incident that happened 5 days ago.
you didn't mean to hurt him that bad, you were just angry. you were so fucking angry at him for leaving during the song you wrote for him.
chris hadn't texted you or even came over to your house since that night, and you just assumed your relationship was over. you couldn't go back anymore.
"stupid fucking tattoo." you grumbled, deciding to just leave it be and wash your face.
that day was lonely, and all you did was sit around. chris would never let you be lazy, but now that he wasn't here, you couldn't find yourself wanting to be entertained.
all you wanted was to stay in your bed and cry.
your phone was blowing up, and there was already multiple videos capturing what you had done to that girl that night. the internet was bashing you, and the other part was supporting you, sticking up for you.
chris stayed silent on his socials, but you had seen late that night that he had posted on his private story. it was a picture of the lower half of his face, his pointer finger dragging his bloody lip down.
he had only put a shrugging emoji, and from that, you felt as if he didn't even care what he did to you. you felt like he didn't care that he hurt you.
now, you were back in that dark place you were in 6 months ago, isolating yourself from the entire world and not even caring to talk to anyone.
on wednesday chris had posted on his private story again, and this time your heart had dropped. it was a picture of him and his ex-girlfriend, tongue deep inside of he mouth as he grabbed her waist in the way he did to you.
you couldn't believe it, you couldn't even process the picture.
chris seriously didn't care about your feelings, and he surely didn't care about your current state.
you were back in that dark place. you were back to black.
. . . . . . . . . . .
tags: @cindylcuwho @adirtylittleheart
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cupidseok · 8 months
riize as enhypen songs
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WARNINGS mentions of blood ; do not read if uncomfortable with these topics !
AUTHOR'S NOTE pcd is so real 😞 fate con actually changed the trajectory of my life,, LEE HEESEUNG WE WILL MEET AGAIN đŸ«¶đŸŒđŸ«¶đŸŒ all songs listed here are from the fate setlist btw !!
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đŸ“· — SHOTARO as polaroid love
photographer!shotaro who always emphasizes on professionalism and is strict on how “proper” and “good” photographs should be taken with an expensive camera, perfect lighting and flattering poses from the model. but his favourite photos are blurry and unfocused photos of you taken on a cheap polaroid camera. the photos in which you are smiling so brightly, just for him.
unknowingly, when you call my name. heartbreakingly, my heart is pounding. it's like a polaroid love.
👑 — EUNSEOK as one in a billion
knight!eunseok and princess!reader who weren’t allowed to freely love each other in their past lives meet again in this life, this time as normal people. when you both meet for the first time in this life, your heart aches for an unknown reason. as if your heart has loved him since the beginning of everything.
i feel it, the fate that binds you and me. fate chooses you. drawn to you, this sweet spreading pain.
🔗 — SUNGCHAN as criminal love
demon!sungchan and angel!reader who technically weren’t even supposed to talk to each other. in the day, they bicker with each other, acting like they hate each other so their demon and angel friends don’t suspect them of anything. but at night, you can see fleeting shadows of a demon and an angel holding hands.
under the moonlight for a moment, fill up my empty self in the allowed heaven. got my hands cuffed, criminal love.
🧛 — WONBIN as bite me
human!wonbin who is willing to do anything for vampire!reader. he’s willing to give up on his human life to turn into a vampire if it means spending an eternity together with you. human!wonbin who nearly faints at the sight of blood, is willing to turn into a blood-sucking creature just to be with you.
leave your mark on my neck, it's yours. just come over and bite me.
đŸ· — SEUNGHAN as sweet venom
vampire boyfriend!seunghan who wouldn’t stop annoying you. ever since he found out that you were alright with him being a vampire ( and that you weren’t going to run away from him ), he has not stopped asking if he could have a taste of your blood. just one sip, he says. he promises not to drain you of your blood.
i would give up heaven if i had to. just to get another taste of your sweet venom.
💐 — SOHEE as 10 months
boyfriend!sohee who looks so cute and harmless. but when he finds out that you’ve been struggling all alone because you didn’t want to “burden” him, he gets upset. did you think that you couldn’t trust him with your worries because he was too young and too immature ? he’ll show you that he can protect you too.
starting from tomorrow i will protect you. all day, all night, you can rely on me now.
🌊 — ANTON as tamed-dashed
lifeguard!anton who is always keeping an eye out for you at the beach. you could barely float on water, so why are you playing water volleyball with your friends in deep water ? he almost gets a heart attack every time your head slightly submerges in the water.
searing heart take me now. burning thirst, i can't stop me like summer, just dash.
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© cupidseok — do not copy / repost / translate my works
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satorusplayplace · 1 year
headcanons on gojo satoru as your classmate pls! can be platonic or romantic :D
Gojo Satoru as your classmate!
☆ pairing: teen!gojo satoru x classmate!fem!reader
☆ content warning(s): cussing!
☆ A/N: i added my own little twist! and i’m so sorry if you didn’t want fem :( i’ll rewrite it! just lmk :) i also made the reader around 5’8-5’10 for my tall girlies!! we need more tall!reader inserts đŸ„ČđŸ«¶đŸŒ
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you were a student at kyoto’s jujutsu high, while the sashisu group came over for some reason unknown to you. you were definitely caught off guard when you were laying in the grass under a shaded tree when two huge men (boys.) covered some of the sunlight beaming through the tree leaves.
“may i help you?” you asked them both and a girl comes up, you noticed it was shoko! shoko was your childhood best friend!
“SHOOOOKOOOOO~~!” you cried. you haven’t seen her in over two years! you hugged the girl and towered over her a bit. the two boys watched in surprise. they were going to ask you for help and just bother you but now that you know their best friend, they definitely needed to bother you.
“y/n! wow! you’ve grown. seriously.” she says to you, looking at the height difference between you two. you smile and laugh because she used to be taller when you two were younger.
“y/n huh
 we’re your new classmates. you’re transferring to tokyo’s tech now, a request from the higher ups and yaga.” gojo says to you. you look at him and nod. you already knew you had to transfer, just didn’t know it was this soon

✰ oh gojo as a classmate is annoying!!
✰ he didn’t care for you at least but after a few months you would hang out with their group. making you apart of the sashisu group.
✰ gojo started to crush on you after you would buy the group gifts often. you remembered his favorite things and after that, he hung around you as much as possible.
✰ “y/n!! you brought me kikufuku!!” he pouts and hugs you.
✰ gojo tended to follow you to your dorm room as well knowing after certain hours, the boys shouldn’t be on the girls side.
✰ “y/n!! mochi!! let meeee innnnnn!!!! PLEASSEEEE!! i wanna hang out with you.” you always let him in because of his whines.
✰ oh it was so obvious with how much he liked you. he teased you in class, in the hallway, on missions, everywhere
✰ he couldn’t help but flirt with you time to time, making suguru and shoko run away from you two. and you ended up falling for his charm.
✰ “y/n!!! you’re like mochi, so sweet
” and he ended up kissing your cheeks.
✰ oh the feeling of embarrassment flushing over you was overpowered by how much you wanted to kiss him.
✰ when you ended up kissing his lips after months of relentless teasing, he was blushing from how unexpected it was.
✰ when you guys got together. it was sooo annoying. he couldn’t help but have his hands everywhere on you. even your face, as much as you adored the man, it was annoying!
✰ when he noticed how touchy he was being, he always pouted and stopped himself from touching you, to the point where he didn’t even touch you at all.
✰ “satoru, i swear to god, if you don’t fucking cuddle me, i will literally break up with you. fucking kiss me already.”
✰ least you say, he was very content that night.
✰ satoru’s the perfect classmate, always helping you. he just wants you to ask him. not anyone else, only him.
✰ he just loves your attention
✰ he loves your height. omg. he doesn’t have to bend down too much. but also it’s perfect because he likes your legs

✰ do not leave him alone for a long period of time!!! he gets sooooo pouty and whiny.
✰ overall, gojo is a 10/10 classmate and boyfriend. he just wants to marry you already.
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deltaromeo3 · 1 year
ᮍᮇÉȘÉŽ êœ±áŽ„ÊœáŽ€áŽ›áŽą ⋆ Mick Schumacher
pairing: mick schumacher x teammate!reader
summary: “we don’t meet people by accident, they cross our paths for a reason.”
warnings: this is a long one! google translated german
✼ mein leibe - my love
✼ mein schatz - my treasure
✼ mein podiumssiter - my podium sitter
ă‚· A/N: just a little something for the Mick girliesđŸ«¶đŸŒ ps. lets just pretend that Mick isnt a reserve driver!!!! also lets just pretend 2019 was 2 years back LOL.
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It all started two years back, when you had just transferred from Alpha Tauri to Mercedes, but Covid suddenly hit.
Video conferences were a thing and Mercedes was holding a team meeting online. Everyone was required to join.
This was a regular thing and often times they would just go over talks about where the team will be moving forward and so on so you didn’t really pay that much attention.
Suddenly, your phone dings. It was from an unknown number but you knew it was from Mick because the text read,
“Do you understand what Toto is talking about?”
You quickly saved his number before replying to his text, not realising a smile has made its way to your face. It’s unexpected really, you weren’t really close to Mick. He’s much closer to Jack and Sebastian.
“Not at all. I’m not listening. Are you?”
You looked up at your laptop screen, realising Mick was smiling to himself.
“That makes two of us then.”
Little did you know, this was the start of something bigger.
From then on, the two of you just grew closer and closer. He would bring you around on his bike.
You remembered how you didn’t have a helmet so you had to use his spare race helmet. But when your birthday came, Mick had gifted you your own even though you didn’t ask for one. You were happy nonetheless because it meant more rides around with him.
The two of you were always caught on camera always together, like that time in Singapore when it was raining. The camera caught Mick rubbing your sides so that you would warm up. They even caught Mick hugging you from the back whilst you were talking to Toto. You remembered this day clearly because you managed to clinch a Mercedes 1-2 with Mick by your side.
It was like the two of you were joined at the hip, everywhere he went, you were there and vice versa. Even during the drivers briefing, he would sit next to you even when there were plenty of empty seats all around.
And when you won your first podium, Mick was there, cheering you on the loudest.
After you came down from the stage, he immediately engulfed you in a hug, congratulating you, not even caring that you were sticky from the champagne.
Of course, not far behind were his mom and his sister, who were already walking towards you with open arms, ready to congratulate you.
“Liebling, darling, now you have no excuses not to come for dinner. Come, let’s celebrate your win!”
You looked over to Mick, he was smiling at you with his gleaming green eyes, hopeful that you would accept his mother’s offer.
“Cmon y/n!” Gina says.
“Okay okay, ich komme! I’ll come!”
She goes wide eyed, “You can speak german?”
You laughed at her reaction, “A little.” You pursed two fingers together. “Mick is teaching me, I’m still learning!”
She looks over to Mick, whispering something to him.
Mick chuckles, “Ich weiss. Ich werde versuchen Mama,” was all you heard. But that didn’t do you much good did it? I know
Good god this was definitely a sign for you to take up German so you can understand the gossip between Mick and his mom better.
You looked at Gina, hoping she would translate it to you.
“Don’t look at me! I’ve no idea what she said to Mick,”
You smacked her arm, “You’re lying!”
She laughs.
Of course, everyone had their suspicions, but nobody spoke up and you didn’t think anything of it. Not until Jack came up to you.
Mick had invited you to come surf with him and Jack. You had always wanted to try surfing so you tagged along.
You were new to this so you really had no idea what you were doing, but lucky for you, Mick was there to teach you the ropes. After multiple attempts, you managed to ride a wave.
“That’s it! You got it mein schatz!”
After tiredly trying to surf, you decided to take a break, now seated down when Jack came and joined you. Mick was still busy chasing waves.
“Y/N,” He says as he sat down beside you.
“Jack,” You replied.
“He’s good, you know.”
“What, at surfing? Yeah you got that right.”
Jack shakes his head as he laughs to himself.
“No, not that you idiot!” He smacks his forehead. “I meant, he’s good for you. And you’re good for him, y’know?”
? What’s that supposed to mean?”
He shrugs, quickly walking off after he sips his drink.
You didn’t think much of it, brushing his comment off because deep down you knew Mick didn’t like you like that.
It was finally the end of the season. Last race down, and now you were on your way to spend Christmas with the Schumachers.
Initially, Mick asked where you were gonna be this Christmas and you replied with “at home.”
and he thought home was with your family, but after your Dad passed, home was your flat in Monaco.
He was appalled that you were gonna spend your Christmas, all alone in a flat with no Christmas tree and decorations.
“Mein schatz, how about you come spend Christmas with me instead?”
You stopped packing your stuff, “That’s so sweet of you Mick, but I can’t do that. I don’t wanna trouble you and your family,”
He gasps, “Der unsinn! nonsense! Mama and Gina would be more then happy to have you around! In fact, they asked if you were coming.”
You smiled, “Really? If it’s no bother to y-“
He interjects by placing a finger on your lips. “Pack what you need. I’ll pick you up tomorrow,”
You nodded in response but quickly panicked, “Oh my God Mick! I don’t have gifts for them!”
He laughs, “Don’t worry mein schatz. Those are not important,”
And so here you are, in Switzerland, en route to the Schumacher residence. Gina was driving the car while Mick was asleep behind at the passenger seat. You were seated in front, beside Gina.
“I’m so happy you decided to join us. Mama has been talking non-stop about your arrival!”
You smiled at her remark.
“I really didn’t want to trouble your family, but Mick insisted I come when he heard I was gonna spend Christmas alone,”
Gina chuckles, “I think my brother has taken a liking to you, don’t you think?” She turns to look at you for a second before quickly looking back at the road.
“Yeah you’re not the first to say that
After you insist you help to clean up dinner because that’s the least you could do, you excused yourself, making your way to the balcony where it overlooked the huge backyard. Not to mention, the stars were particularly bright that night.
You leaned over the railing, looking at the scenery upon you, taking it all in, realising this is probably one of the best (if not the best) Christmas’ you’ve ever had. Your eyes welled with tears, extremely grateful to have spent Christmas with Mick and his family and not alone, sipping your sorrows away on a glass of wine.
You were so engrossed in your own feelings you didn’t even realise Mick was standing in the doorway.
“You okay mein schatz?” He asks as he walks over to you, hugging you from the back as he places his head on the crook of your neck.
You quickly wiped your tears, “I’m good. Just happy. Thank you Mick,”
He smiles, “Don’t worry about it. We’re happy to have you here.”
He lets go of the hug, walking off but he quickly returns with a mug.
“Here,” He says, passing you the mug. “Mama made hot chocolate,” You took a sip, moaning because it was delicious and it was just what you needed.
He suddenly giggles when he looks at you.
“What’s so funny?” You start to giggle when you heard him giggle.
“Y-you have a lil’ s-something,” He says mid laughter, pointing to your upper lip.
“Oh here?” You said as you touched your upper lip. “You’ve got a little something too!” You said as you point at his upper lip.
The both of you laugh, realising that you each had a foam moustache.
“Come here,” Mick gestures and you leaned forward. He swipes his thumb over your upper lip, wiping the foam away, afterwards sucking it clean off his thumb.
“There, no more moustache.” He smiles.
Flustered at his sudden action, “W-what about you?” You asked, trying to play it cool. He quickly licks it clean.
“You’re so silly Mick,” You smiled at his antics.
“Yeah? Tell me something I don’t know,”
Unbeknownst to you, Corinna and Gina caught this little moment.
“Glaubst du, dass Micki sie mag? Do you think Micki likes her?” Gina whispers to her mother.
“Mag sie? Dein Bruder ist verliebt. Likes her? Your brother is in love.” Corinna whispers to Gina.
Gina lets out a soft chuckle, “Glaubst du, sie weib es? Do you think she knows?”
Corinna chuckles, “Ich glaube nicht, dass sie es wissen. I don’t think they know.”
“Sollten wir etwas dagegen tun? should we do something about it?”
Corinna shakes her head.
Now back home in Monaco, you were unpacking your luggage when you suddenly spot a paper bag you’ve not seen before.
Curious, you took it out, opening it to reveal the contents inside.
There were a pair of white Chanel fluffy slides (you took a liking to them after seeing Gina wearing a black pair), a framed photo and a small square box.
It was a photo of a 1-2 podium of you and Mick back in Singapore. There was writing on the glass, “To many more wins with you, mein podiumssitter! :)”
You smiled, proceeding to open the small square box, only to realise it was a necklace of the Circuit de Monaco, your favourite track, and also where you got your first podium.
You shook the bag just to make sure there was nothing else inside but to your surprise, an envelope came dropping out.
It was a letter from Mick.
“I remember the day we met. You always think it’s on that conference call but you were wrong!
It was on that day when we had to do the pre season shoot. I remember I had no one else to talk to that day other than Toto, but as soon as you waved at me, I knew that we would be the best of friends. Never would I have thought that I’d be here
 writing you this.
We have been friends for some time now; and not one day has gone by without me thinking of you. And when I do, the biggest smile comes across my face. I feel warm all over whenever i’m with you.
I thought this would pass, but when you came over and spent Christmas with my family I knew that this wasn’t something temporary.
You mean so much to me. I don’t know how to tell you face to face so I am going to put my feelings into words on a paper.
Mein schatz, ich habe mich schon vor so langer zeit in dich verliebt, und obwohl ich nicht weib, was du fĂŒr mich fĂŒhlst, könnte ich keinen weiteren tag verstreichen lassen, ohne dir zu sagen, was ich empfinde.
(My treasure, I fell in love with you so long ago and while I don't know how you feel about me, I couldn't go another day without telling you how I feel.)
Lots of love, Mick.”
You jaw was now on the floor. This is unreal, absolutely unreal.
You quickly took your phone, clicking his contact, calling him up.
The line rings, and rings, and finally,
“Schatz,” Mick says, in a sleepy voice.
“Mick,” Your voice cracks.
“Schatz? Ist alles in Ordnung? is everything okay?” You hear ruffling on his side.
“Mick, Ich
 habe mich
 auch in
 dich verliebt. I fell in love with you too. Did I say that right?” You struggled your way through the sentence, stuttering like an idiot.
Mick lets out a soft chuckle, afterwards the line goes silent. “Wait, you feel the same?”
“Yes silly! That is why I’m calling you!”
You heard whoops and cheers from him. He quickly clears his throat, “I’m glad I listened to Mama,”
“Remember she whispered something to me? That day when you got podium in Monaco?”
“She said ‘sie ist ein guter Mick, ich mag sie. Behalte sie, ja?’ Which means, she’s good Mick. I like her. Keep her will you?” He chuckles as he recalls back to that day.
You let out a soft chuckle, “Gosh I should really start learning German so I can better understand the gossip happening around me,”
Mick laughs, “Meine leibe, as long as youre with me you don’t have to worry about that,”
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wonwoosthetic · 9 months
Hi there! Hope you are doing well! thanks for responding to my ask, I totally don't expect you to respond immediately. I really enjoyed the latest fan videos and social media posts you've uploaded!!! I'd also love a Minnie-Dino video! She'd be so supportive of his mixtape <3 All those variety shows you listed would be fun, also seeing how she and BM can bond over being in co-ed groups would be interesting. I wish Jessi's showterview was still a thing. Maybe Somi's yes or hot? --boo's pld anon
series masterlist
word count – 15k
a/n: I had troubles with the tags, but I think this will show up
 let’s hope sođŸ„Č thank you babes for your opinion and help! I decided to start with the minnie x dino fan video since I’ve also gotten private requests on my google form for a chapter like this so a big thank you to everyone you has sent in ideas for this through my form ˙ᔕ˙ Minnie and BM would be PURE chaos as well and I can’t wait to write something about them hahaha I thought maybe about doing a past Jessie‘s showterview kind of chapter bc I just love those videos so much, she’s so unhinged😭 but yes! Somi‘s yes or hot could also be an idea, I’ve only ever seen clips from her with hyuna, but I loved it hahahđŸ©· anyways, I hope you and everyone else enjoys this chapter, thank you as always and please stay happy and healthyđŸ«¶đŸŒ
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minnie and dino: the adorable noona-dongsaeng duo of seventeen
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[welcome, welcome]
[this video will for one, warm your heart]
[and two, tear you to shreds when you remember that you neither have a minnie or a dino in your life]
[have fun]
[when I tell you, this woman would literally defend this man with HER LIFE]
[i mean it]
The mood was abruptly changed to 'anger', already calling out for chaos as Minghao was just passing around the bottles of different drinks he had brought for the group. Speaking normally was unknown to the members from that moment on. They only knew how to converse in shouting.
Hoshi had come up to the '97 Liner, ordering him to go back again and get more drinks.
[the entire episode was so chaotic, good god]
He got on his way but stopped a few feet away from the rest of the group to ask for specific wishes as to what drinks the members would want. When Dino offered to come along and help him, Hao shouted at him.
[everything about this scene was so freaking funny]
[i literally almost peed my pants]
Getting an immediate response from the maknae in doing exactly that. The girl next to him chuckled, hiding her grin behind her hand as she tried to keep the juice she had just drank from the bottle in her mouth. It was rare to see Minghao in such a state of anger, even if he was just acting. The dancer disappeared around the corner when at the same time, Jeonghan decided to speak up.
"Dino, go with him!" He demanded.
The youngest, who was just about to sit back down between Minnie and Jun, decided to stay up and turn around.
"But he- he doesn't- he said DON'T!" He shouted out, making all of the other members chuckle and laugh out loud. 
[okay but why do i kinda want dino to scream at me now...]
Hoshi leaned onto the female member, almost unable to control his laughter.
"I want to, but he says not to!" Dino continued to argue with the '95 Line on the far left in the camera view as they continued to order him around, trying to get him to follow Minghao.
"Ya!" Minnie surprised everyone by suddenly standing up, "Leave him alone!" 
[minnie not taking shit from man, even if it's just acting, even if it's her own members, LET'S GOOO]
Getting a hold of the maknae's lower arm. "If you want your drinks, go get them yourselves!"
[her defending him is so fucking cute omg]
"You can go with him if you talk back to us like that!" S.Coups stood up, making the girl subconsciously take a small step back.
[not minnie or dino related, but i just KNOW that was muscle memory and our girl here was SCARED]
[i mean, who wouldn't be, yk]
[but i'd also be turned on bc it's scoups]
"Yeah, go with him!" Joshua joined.
Followed by Jeonghan, "You have to respect your elders, Minnie!"
[why could i actually hear them fr using these arguments with her omg]
She was just about to open her mouth again, a small smirk making her lips curl that she tried to hide so hard when she felt a soft tug on her arm.
[oh she was ready to go OFF on them]
[i'm so sad she didn't]
[i need the evidence of scoups constantly talkign about minnie talking back to him]
[i need it]
"Come on, noona," Dino dragged her along with him. "They're not worth it."
With a sarcastic shake of her head, she sent one last glare towards the three eldest of the group before following the younger member.
[the comedic duo we never knew we needed just disrespecting elders]
In the Soop 2 Ep. 2
[there's wayyyyy too much in the soop content]
[i should make a solo video of just minnie moments with certain members from in the soop bc it's literally my fave thing ever]
[but anyways, here we go]
Some of the members had gathered outside, drinking a bit and eating their dinner even though it was already late at night. Seungcheol, Jeonghan, and Dino, who before had been on their own in a tent a little further away from the others, joined them - some other members, like Wonwoo and Vernon, had already left, leaving Seungkwan, Dino, Dokyeom and Minghao on one side of the table, while Seungcheol and Jeonghan were occupying the other seats opposite of them. 
[they're were just enjoying their time together so much and i'm praying they'll get to do this OR things with na pd more often]
[pledis pls]
[but i know these bitches won't listen]
Minnie and Mingyu had decided to stand up with the rapper standing closer to the maknae line, his position fixed at the grill, and the girl resting her hands on Cheol's shoulders. The oldest member had put his right hand on top of hers, his thumb gliding over her skin comfortably. 
[again: not dino-minnie related, BUT LIKE...]
[are we interrupting something here?!]
[i mean we know how close they are... platonically... right...]
[we'll never know]
[but it was a cute scene either way, so you better bet i kept it in]
After the not-so-few few drinks she had had, she needed every little bit of support she could get.
She had blended out most of the conversation that was going on around the table, too occupied with trying to understand what Mingyu was trying to tell her - how the hell am I supposed to be able to read lips while drunk, she thought to herself. 
[i don't know what kind of messages they were sending each other but istg minnie and mingyu are something else]
[or maybe just when they're in the soop, i don't know]
[but i freaking love it]
Only snapping back into the present when Dino's voice rang through her ear.
"Have you ever lit a campfire before?"
Jeonghan's answer, was, as expected, "No, I haven't."
"Oh, he hasn't!"
"So, let's try lightening it tomorrow," the '95 Liner proposed.
Minnie let her hand drop from the leader's shoulder before walking to the other side of the table, passing Joshua, who had also joined them again. S.Coups' eyes followed her form as she walked up to Mingyu. To whisper something into his ear, she placed her hand on one of his arms, that he had crossed over his chest, to make him lean down to her height. As he raked himself up again only two seconds later, he smiled with a nod.
Her attention was then immediately back on the maknae.
"If there's no fan with your mouth-" he spoke but stopped to show them how to blow onto the imaginary fire he was trying to create. "You have to blow like this to light it up," he continued explaining.
The female member was already grinning from ear to ear, listening attentively to every word the youngest was saying.
[she loves him so much, i can't]
[he's literally just talking and our girly here is looking at him like that]
"Honestly," Jeonghan pointed at him, "You did this to look cute, right?" Minnie smiled to herself as this was exactly what she was also thinking.
[oh he most definitely did]
[gotta impress the noona]
As soon as the '95 Liner and Seungkwan started to imitate Dino's antics, there was no going back for him. They reenacted his pretended cuteness, getting chuckles from everyone at the table.
"Ok ok, then let's say that's not it and say it again," Jeonghan tried his best to get the maknae to repeat himself.
"Yeah," Dino started again. "When I went camping with my friend, we tried to light a fire, but we couldn't."
The '95 Liner played along. "Oh, then how did you light it?"
[jeonghan is such a parent HAHAHAHAHA]
[gotta love him]
"So, I just- I thought I should blow on it a lot. Like this-" the youngest repeated his action, adding an extra tint of cuteness as he imitated a 'blowing onto a fire' facial expression.
Not able to hold back anymore, along with the rest of the members, Minnie started cheering and laughing out loud at the over-the-top cute antics of their maknae. 
With quick steps, she was right behind him, throwing her arms over his shoulders to pull him back against her.
"Aaaah, our Dino's so cute! So grown up, but still so cute!" She squealed, getting a chuckle from the man in her embrace as he petted her arms. 
[mine's a rat fr]
[but for minnie...]
[it's like once she looks at dino, nothing else is important anymore]
[but tbh, same]
The two swayed slightly before she released him again. In the next second though, her hands hand his cheeks, squishing his face in between her palms.
"Look how cute he is!" Getting another round of giggles from the guys surrounding them. 
[i love how this seems such normal behaviour for them]
[i desperately need to drink with them one day]
[i want to be hugged and squeezed like that by minnie]
"Our little maknae!" She let go of him completely after pressing a kiss on the top of his head.
Minnie Birthday Live 231222
The female member's eyes were fixed on the screen in front of her, frantically moving up and down and left and right as she tried to read through the comments Carats were writing. The cake she had only eaten a little bit of, was still in front of her, on the table in the hotel room she was staying in.
[i have so much to say about this birthday live]
[and just want to quickly adress how proud i am of her for adressing the airport issue]
[a queen]
[and now back to how much dino and her love eacht other]
"'What are you listening to these days?'" She read out loud, a small smile immediately appearing on her lips. "Well... I don't know if you've heard about it, but there's a new song that came out in... November- at the end of November. It's called 'Wait' and it's by this really cool artist called Dino," she couldn't help but chuckle at her own antics. 
[and y'all are still arguing over who is the biggest dinonara, when this girl right here exists]
"So, yeah. In case you haven't looked up that song, I highly recommend it."
[of course you'd just try to mention him literally whenever you can]
[and of course, i've already listened to the song]
Right away, the comment section was filled with different coloured hearts - mostly pink and blue ones.
She giggled. "But jokes aside, I really have been listening to Wait a lot. It's really good and I really enjoy seeing this side of Dino. It's different... a little. But... it's good. And I'm really proud of him, so I want to support him, of course."
[she really is the best big sister ever wtf]
"Oh, is Dino watching? Some of you guys are saying Dino's watching." 
[he can't miss his noona's live]
The girl looked down at her own phone, which she wasn't filming with, chuckling down at the screen. "Ah yes, he is watching. He asked me how much longer I'll be live. Wait a second, Carats."
[he's actually a fan just like us, i'm telling you]
After a few taps on her phone, she put the speaker up to her ear. Only a couple seconds later, she spoke up.
"Hi, I think I'm still gonna be live for a while. Do you want to join me?" 
[i'm actually convinced her voice changes slightly whenever she talks to him]
[but i'm also delusional af, so it's probably just my brain telling me that tbh]
The corners of her lips curled up at what came from the other side of the call.
"Ok, ok. I understand. Of course, yeah. Alright, we'll see. Bye-bye." She ended the call and looked back into the camera.
"Dino's gonna make a quick trip to the gym downstairs, and then he might join us," she explained and grinned at the end of the statement.
A knock echoing through the room made her head shoot up towards the door.
"I'll be right back, Carats." She was quick to leave.
[girl is SPRINTING to let in her favourite little brother]
In the background laughter could be heard, coming from both male and female voices - everyone obviously immediately knew who was out of the camera's view.
After a few short moments, steps became louder and heavier as the two got closer to the table again.
"Look who's joining me!" Minnie called out, letting the maknae appear on the right side of the screen. "Dino-yaaa." 
[shout it out girl, yes]
With a big smile, she patted the empty chair next to her. Without having to be told twice, the youngest sat down and right away, scooched closer towards the female member, both now perfectly filling out the screen.
"Hi everyone!" He greeted into the camera, waving his hands. "How was the live so far? Is Minnie entertaining you enough?"
[i could literally watch her just sit and it would be entertaining enough]
[i wish i was joking]
With a smile, the girl shook her head. "I've been entertaining them very well," she answered for herself.
"Have you been enjoying the cake?" He turned towards her, looking at her with expecting big eyes as she nodded.
"Yess. It's really good, thank you." She patted his arm comfortably. "Do you want a little bit?" Not even waiting for his answer, she was already putting some of the cake's dough, along with the icing onto a fork. But before she could bring it up close to his mouth, he stopped her.
"No, no, thank you."
[he broke her heart with that, i just know it]
With a pout, she glanced at him. The fork still in midair. "Why not?"
"I just came from the gym. I have to be careful what I'm eating."
"Because of your diet?"
Dino nodded quietly. Minnie wasn't going to let him go off like that so easily.
"But it's good if you have a little bit of cake. Just a little."
[minnie lot letting him diet is soo big sister of her]
The maknae chuckled at her. "Says who?"
"Me!" She exclaimed as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, chuckling afterwards along with him. 
[i agree]
A few seconds later, she was back in her 'big sister agenda', "But it's really not good to diet too strictly. If you eat cake you'll be happy. And being happy is more important than to be in good shame." She kept up her guard by still holding the fork.
[i love her so much]
With a sigh, he gave in. "I know, you're right." Leaning forward to eat the small piece of cake. "Noona's always right."
[jesus christ]
[they're so much closer than just siblings]
[this is the kind of platonic love i just don't get]
[but i love it]
Minnie laughed out loud as he chewed. "I'd be careful with that statement. I might use that against you later," she pointed out.
[i mean, at least she's warning him]
"Oh," his face dropped immediately, "you're right." 
[this, my friends, is the look of immediate regret]
Before laughing together with her, knowing damn well she will FOR SURE use it later at some point.
The two continued to spend a comfortable time together, going through some more comments, and talking about the tour, the upcoming concert, a little bit about the Christmas time, and his mixtape.
[they kept talking and talking and talking, like damn...]
"'Minnie and Dino haven't done the 'Wait' challenge yet', you're right!" The youngest member pointed at the screen in front of them. "We haven't yet. We still need to."
[i was actually so surprised that she wasn't one of the first ones though]
Without missing a beat, the girl just spat out, "Do you wanna do it now?"
[i love her]
Dino turned his head to look at her. "Do you know it?"
"Of course, I know it!" She scoffed. "How dare you think I wouldn't!"
[she was so offended omg haha]
He raised his arms in defence. "I don't know! We haven't learned it together yet, so I wasn't sure."
"Let's do it now," Minnie impulsively decided, standing up quickly and getting her chair out of the way - Dino copied her every move. 
[there wasn't even a 'yes' or 'sure' from him]
[she just wanted to show everyone that she knew the dance even without actively learning it]
[bc I BET she watched that mv an unhealthy amount of times]
[girly is probably half of the streams]
Soon enough, they had also moved the phone they were filming with a little further back, giving them more room and showing more space of the hotel they were staying in.
"Wait, we need the music," the maknae remembered, looking around to find his phone.
Minnie pointed towards something on the right side of the screen, "You can take mine."
Dino looked at her with scrunched eyebrows. "I thought you were using your phone for the live? Who's- ah, ok," he started but cut himself off before walking over to where she had pointed, coming back into the shot with the female's member phone in his grasp. He unlocked it, and a few taps later, the intro for his Mixtape was already playing. 
[such a small thing, but i just noticed it: he knows her passcode?!]
To get to the chorus quicker, he moved the bar on the music app, stopping shortly before the part they'd be dancing would start.
"Are you sure you know it?"
Minnie just nodded enthusiastically. "Of course!"
And sure enough, she did.
[she freaking killed it]
[INSIDE SEVENTEEN] Golden Disk Award Sketch
The group was in the middle of their practice session for the upcoming award show. Diverted into different small groups, the members were scattered around the room.
The group consisting of Jeonghan, Dino, Seungkwan, Hoshi and S.Coups, was up next to not only practice their own little moment but also ready to perform it and let their choreographer film it.
Youngjoon growled as soon as Seventeen's leader walked up to the camera. But once Dino had stepped into view, it was Minnie's voice that called out from the background.
[wonwoo and minnie are fr fighting for biggest dinonara and she is giving it 110%]
"LET'S GO DINO!" Getting a smirk from the maknae before he started his solo movements.
"WOW, SO COOL," she continued to cheer him on, making not only him but every other member too, chuckle, along with their choreographer. 
[imagine being loved as much as dino is]
As soon as Hoshi moved into the middle, she fell quiet again.
In the next shot, after the practice round was finished, the camera was on the '96 Liner, who just looked at something out of view. A pout was evident on his lips.
Minnie chuckled, making the cameraman move over to her, letting everyone know that it was her, who Hoshi was looking at. "What?" She giggled.
"Why were you only cheering on Dino? What was that?" He asked her, keeping up the disappointed expression. 
[compare this moment to all those stories they told about minnie being literally terrified of hoshi]
[how are these the same people HAHAHA]
This only made her chuckle again.
"Well," she sighed, "I guess you just have to work harder for me to cheer on you too."
Before the performance unit leader could say anything, their maknae appeared from the right side, rushing over to the female member. 
"No, Minnie just likes me more than you," immediately throwing an arm around her shoulder. 
The girl giggled against his side before wrapping both arms around his torso, cuddling even deeper into him, as he put his other free arm around her frame as well - both now just standing in each other's embrace with big grins decorating their faces.
[i would actually do anything and everything for them]
Hoshi just continued to stare at them.
Dino was in the middle of getting interviewed by the cameraman when in the middle of the sentence, the female member of the group surprisingly appeared. She engulfed him in a side embrace, her arms around his upper body and arms, holding him close as she let her chin rest on his shoulder. 
[just IMAGINE being minnie and just getting to do that on the regular]
[he literally just continued talking as if this was nothing new to him]
Absentmindedly, she nodded along to everything the youngest was saying. After a few moments, he stopped and looked moved his head to look at her.
She answered him with a simple nod and smile before opening her mouth to answer him.
"But don't worry Carats, Dino's body will keep me warm." Her comment got a chuckle out of the maknae, whose hands had started to rub her arm, trying to create some form of warmth, knowing she was one of the members to easily get cold.
"You know," she glanced into the camera. "Whenever I'm hugging Dino these days, it feels like I'm hugging Mingyu." 
[but she just had to mention it once again]
She dropped her arms to free him just in time as her compliment made the maknae laugh out loud, giving her his signature contagious bright smile as he threw his head back. She grinned at him.
He shyly smiled at her, "Ah, noona, don't overreact-"
[don't get all shy now]
"Hugging Mingyu?" Suddenly the familiar voice of her fellow '97 Liner appeared from the side she had just come from as well. "What about hugging me? Do you want a hug?" 
[this man has ears EVERYWHERE when it comes to minnie]
[my god, my guy, she just mentioned you, calm down]
Without waiting for an answer, Mingyu copied her stance from before, wrapping both of his arms around her shoulders, her left arm buried into his muscular chest as she chuckled.
"I just said that hugging Dino feels like hugging you nowadays," Minnie glanced up into his eyes. "He's been working out a lot."
[also: can we talk about when the hell minnie went from pushing mingyu away to literally MELTING in his embrace?!]
[what chapter did i skip?!]
[bc i literally remember her avoiding his hugs to annoy him like it's yesterday]
[and now she's suddenly like this?!]
The rapper nodded, both of the '97 Liners smiling at the youngest, who had a subtle, yet noticeable blush brightening his cheeks.
"That's true."
"But be careful not to get too big, Dino," the girl added, still in the embrace of the older member.
With a frown, Mingyu looked down at her, his arms loosening around her frame. "Are you saying I'm too big?" He wondered. 
[no mingyu, don't worry]
[minnie noona is just looking out for her favourite little dongsaeng]
No answer, just a pat on his chest and a loud laughter from the maknae followed.
'sleepover live hihi'
[i really do think that we as carats have moved on way too fast from this]
[their sleepovers... who seem to be like an almost REGULAR occurrence?!]
[but anyways, here are some of my favourite moments]
[mind you, this live is almost two freaking hours long... it's so hard to cut out only a few parts for this video]
The live started with no members in frame. The only thing Carats could see was the edge of a table and a navy couch in the background.
The comments were skipping over the screen at a quick pace.
'Who is this?'
'Which member put on the live and forgot?'
'Who's sofa is this?'
'omg they're having a sleepover????'
Then all of a sudden, two heads popped into the frame from each side.
Minnie and Dino greeted the livestream with wide smiles as they showed their faces, scooching in closer to sit right next to each other. Both of them were not wearing any makeup and in sweats, along with him in a black sweatshirt and her with, what appeared to be the same one in cream.
"Hi Carats," the girl leaned forward with a grin, her eyes scanning the comments. "Ah, everyone's so shocked to see us."
[not surprised]
[but i definitely wasn't expecting it ngl]
[but this has to be one of the best lives in svt history]
"That means our surprise worked," the maknae added, a proud smirk on his lips. He leaned back against the sofa, swiftly brushing a hand through his hair.
Minnie nodded, "Looks like it." She stopped for a second before continuing. "'Dino and Minnie look so cute so late at night'" Thank you," she chuckled. "Even though we've already had a few drinks, Carats still say such nice things about us."
[i feel like she gets so giggly when drunk and just even more beautiful fr]
[y'all see that GLOW?!]
"Mm," the youngest nodded, now joining the girl by leaning forward to also read through the comments. "Yeah, we've already had a few drinks, but we only now decided to put on the livestream."
"I think not a lot of Carats expected us to drink together like this."
"Hm, yeah, that could be true," Dino stated before his eyes fixed on one specific comment. "'Are you really having a sleepover?'-"
"Yes!" Minnie showed a bright smile to the camera, stretching out her arms to the sides.
[you gotta love her, come on]
The youngest changed his seating position slightly. "Minnie invited me over to her place."
[defo not crying]
"Because you haven't slept over here yet," she glanced at him as he nodded.
"That's right, not here yet."
[didn't know wtf they were talking about back then]
[now we know: mimiwon moved into a new apartment]
[and minnie needed dino and her to have a sleepover at the new place]
A yawn escaped her lips, making Minnie cover her mouth and close her eyes for a second. "But I'm more tired than I expected, to be honest," she commented.
Dino smiled at her, his hand patting her shoulder comfortably. "We've been preparing for the album very hard, that's why maybe."
"Mm, probably."
After a few minutes of just casual conversation flowing between the two idols, as if the camera wasn't even recording, the girl had gotten up to get them something more to drink.
It was now Dino who was in charge of entertainment.
"Okay," he looked down at his own phone, which he had put on the livestream, so he could read through the comments more easily. "'Do you have sleepovers like this often?'" He read out before speaking up slightly louder, looking to the right side of the screen where the girl had disappeared into. "Would you say we do this often, noona?"
[there's just something... about him... he's just too adorable]
Minnie's distant voice could be heard in the background. "Not as often as I would like to." Her comment got a wide grin from the maknae in return, who tilted his head to the side.
"Awww, noona! You're so cute!" He almost squealed, making her laugh out loud. 
"Carats, Minnie-noona is really so sweet, right?' For a second he went quiet, now back to looking at his phone. "They're all saying how sweet you are!" Dino called out to let her know.
[well, gotta let the queen know that we love her, yk]
Minnie chuckled, "Thank you, guys!" She shouted out to make sure her voice could be heard in the live.
"Oh-" the maknae suddenly stopped mid-sentence.
"Some are saying Vernon is watching- is he watching? Hold on" After tapping around his phone, his lips curled up. "Aaah, he really is watching. He commented 'Wow, now I'm jealous', 'Minnie is making drinks for you?'"
[of course vernon is jealous of them]
[i'd be too]
[minnie pls take good care of him as well]
[god... minnie and vernon are also so adorable together]
With quick steps, the girl was back in the living room,
"What? No! I asked him if he wanted to come too, and he said no!" She whined out loud as the sound of clinking glass rang through the background, coming from everything she was placing on the table for them to drink.
[missed his chance i guess]
"He's regretting his choice now," Dino stated. 
[i'd be regretting it for weeks tbh]
Once the girl went back into the kitchen, the youngest's eyes went wide as soon as they landed on the amount of liquor on the table that was hidden from the view of the livestream.
"Noona! You really think we're gonna drink that much?"
[let's gooooooo]
"I don't know, maybe," she just answered. "Maybe Mingyu wants to drink something too."
[she really thinks of everyone, doesn't she?]
[god, i'm gonna cry]
"Aaah, ok ok," Dino nodded, going back to reading through the comments while the girl came back with takeout containers, putting them somewhere behind the camera and onto the floor before she made herself comfortable again next to the maknae. "'Is Mingyu invited too?' He... I don't- I don't know, is he invited?" Directing the last question to the girl, who just chuckled.
"I can't not invite him. He lives here."
[she knows that we know and i know that we know, but will i ever get enough of mimiwon living together? No.]
[i need all the domestic shit about them, pretty please]
[including dino, their child, having fun sleepovers at their place]
"Exactly!" A loud voice surprised the two younger members, making them jump up and look to the right side, groaning when they came to sight of the culprit.
Minnie was holding her chest. "You idiot! Stooop! Don't scare us like that!"
Mingyu ignored her scolder and started chuckling, "Did you buy the entire liquor store? Are you crazy?"
[not him judging her for that]
[bro, when i tell you i bet he drinks even more than her]
"I can buy whatever I want. It's my money, and I'm an adult," she fought back and sat up straighter, making the maknae clap and nod proudly as he was just sitting there, listening to the two '97 Liners bickering around.
[love supportive feminist dino]
"Wow," the rapper sighed, "You two... you guys are really- wow..."
[he's so done]
[he is sooooo done HAHAHAHA]
"'Dance cover now please'" Minnie chuckled after reading a comment she found amusing, "Right now? I don't think that's a good idea." And oh how right she was, but that wasn't gonna stop the maknae.
"No, noona, let's do it!" 
He turned towards the camera, "We've been wanting to film a Danceology video, but we can never decide on just one song. We have so many songs we want to do, so it's hard. But we can show you now." Without wasting another second, he pushed himself up from the floor, only for Minnie to quickly reach out for him.
"No, Dino, stop," she laughed, "You're gonna hurt yourself. Don't. We can do it another time, but not after drinking," she assured him with a nod.
[when i tell you: she will in fact be the most amazing mom]
[i don't care that they're 'only' two years apart]
[the way she acts with him, takes care of him, AND TALKS TO HIM]
[perfect sister and perfect future mom]
[minnie pls adopt me]
Slowly, but surely, Dino lowered himself onto the floor again, landing on his butt with a heavy sigh. "When did you become so responsible?" 
[but in all seriousness: jesus, just call her out like that]
[minnie just gets responsible when it's about dino]
[her favourite]
Making the girl laugh out loud.
[melting every single time.]
"Hm?" Minnie hummed in wonder while her eyes were still trained on the comment section on her phone in front of the duo.
Dino, who was still looking at his own screen, leaned forward, tapping his older sister on the shoulder to make her turn towards him as he pointed at the screen.
"Read it," she told him with a nod, but he shook his head.
"I don't know how to pronounce it."
Her frown at first quickly turned into a kind smile as she tilted her head in awe. "Yes, you do. You can speak English. Read it."
"Ah, noona, I don't want to. You do it." Pushing his phone towards her.
But even with his cute voice ringing through her ears, Minnie stood her ground, "No, you can do it."
[the way she keeps insisting on him reading it]
[like yes, go on]
[i love how supportive he is of every member whenever they speak english or want to speak it]
"Then I will look for a different comment," he shook his head and leaned back against the couch, getting another chuckle from the girl.
[but then, she also doesn't push him to make him feel uncomfortable, but just lets him do his thing]
[UGH, probably looking way too much into this, you don't have to tell me, but just leave me to it pls]
"'Is Dino... your... fa-vourite member?'" Dino read out loud in English.
With a wide smile, the girl turned her head to glance at him, "Of course, you are."
"Ah, noona!" With a shy squeal, he hit her arm, making both of them chuckle in synch. "You are my favourite member... too."
[stop, he's actually the cutest]
"I'd hope so."
"It means I would hope that that's true."
The maknae surprised the female member with his sudden laughter.
"'Minnie and Dino have couple hoodies?'" 
"What?!" She whipped her head to look at him, shock written all across her face. "Those aren't couple hoodies!" Minnie whined out while all Dino could do was fall onto the floor, his laughing continuing.
"Why would we own couple hoodies?!" She wondered out loud, more to herself than to anyone in particular, before looking back into the camera. "You guys," she pointed a strict finger. "Ew, why would we wear something like that?"
"Hey!" The youngest pushed himself up again, glaring at the girl. "Why 'ew'?"
[oh no dinooo]
Minnie sent him an unamused facial expression. "What else am I supposed to say? It's weird."
Dino shrugged, "It's funny. Maybe they are couple hoodies and we didn't realise when we bought them."
With a pout, the female idol leaned back against the couch. "Now I don't know if I want to wear them anymore."
[she's so dramatic, i love it]
"No, you can't take it off," the maknae was quick to tell her, his eyes giving her a serious look.
"Why not?"
"Because... I would be really hurt," he simply told her, making Minnie giggle. 
[well now she REALLY can't]
[she'd never do that to him, we all know that]
She threw her head back against the cushion, reaching forward with one hand to push the younger member away from her.
Dino chuckled at her reaction, touching the spot where she had shoved him. "I mean it, noona. Let's just continue wearing them."
[love how persistent he is about this]
"Okay, okay," Minnie agreed, running her fingers through her hair to get them out of her face. "But let's not call them couple hoodies."
"Yeah... it feels a bit weird," the youngest admitted shyly, sending a quick look towards the camera when a sudden touch from the girl surprised him.
"I told you!"
[you gotta understand]
[if dancers do a livestream, they gotta also dance]
'That That' by Psy feat. Suga was blasting through the speakers in the living room of the apartment. The coffee table had been pushed back, the phone still prompt up on it. Minnie and Dino's bodies were eliminated by the colours reflecting on them from the video the beamer was displaying on the wall. The duo had the choreography perfectly memorised- of course, they did.
[i just imagine wonwoo and mingyu somewhere in the apartment, just praying that minnie and dino will get tired and just go to sleep]
[it was way too late for them to be up and have this much energy for dancing like this istg]
Along with the, at this point probably too much, alcohol in their system, singing and dancing had become much harder than each of them expected - now rather slurring and panting through the lyrics of the song. 
Shortly before the song had reached the end, the female member fell to the floor, her hands on her knees.
"Jesus..." she breathed out heavily.
A laugh erupted from the maknae as his eyes fell on her crouched frame. "Noona! You're a main dancer, come on!" Reaching out and grabbing her arm to pull her back up.
[oh to have dino's energy]
Minnie groaned as she straightened her back, "I'm not as young as you anymore, Channie." Only making him shake his head and laugh even more.
[she really just took over jeonghan's old person personality]
He turned around to snatch the phone from where he had thrown it onto the couch and tapped on its screen. "What do you want to do next?" He moved his body around to let the girl get a look at the screen as well. "This?" He asked her, to which she nodded,
"Let's do that."
[whatever the baby wants, the baby gets]
Vernon stepped into the shot first, greeting the camera with a quick "Hello" as he passed the cameraman. Dokyeom, Wonwoo and Minnie were already taking their seats by a table that wouldn't be used in the scene the crew and Dino were filming.
"Our Dino's first mixtape," Seokmin smiled into the camera as he spoke. Behind him, the girl was standing up with her phone in her hand, filming and taking pictures with a big grin on her face.
[insert kris jenner's camera meme]
Wonwoo took a quick glance to his left, the same direction Minnie was focused on. "Woah, so cool!" He shouted out proudly, getting a chuckle from the other members.
[again: the fight for biggest dinonara continues]
[why not just agree they're both the unofficial parents and leaders of the dino fanclub?]
"Dino-ya!" The female member called out, making the maknae turn around, immediately smiling when he saw her with her phone on him. He sent her a quick grin and a thumbs up. The girl's smile widened.
[she's such a mom omg]
One last picture later, she put her phone down, turning towards the other members, who were looking at her in amusement, when she noticed the camera was still filming her.
"I'm gonna send those pictures to Dino's parents." She explained, taking a seat opposite Wonwoo, who was still gazing at the youngest member.
[her sending his parents pictures of their son, omg stop i'm already about to cry myself to sleep]
[this is too much for my heart]
Seungkwan and Mingyu had joined the group, also deciding to visit their maknae on set. The younger of the two was speaking into the microphone as Minnie joined them, walking up to them behind her fellow '97 Liner to stop by his right side. With her arms crossed she kept her eyes on the younger member, who had started to comment on Dino's hair.
[i love how literally whenever there's seungkwan bickering with dino, there's minnie showering him with even more love]
The girl suddenly got closer to Seungkwan, motioning for him to hand her the microphone, not wasting a second, to voice her opinion.
"I love your hair, Dino-ya!" She smiled brightly. "And I love you too!" 
[gotta let the world know yk]
Her quick addition earned her a gentle smack on her arm by the '98 Liner while Mingyu just chuckled at the duo, as Minnie had started to hit him back.
[don't even get me started on seungkwan and minnie, my god]
DINO Mixtape 'Making of Wait' EP.1
The youngest member was in the studio with Seventeen's main lead vocalist and producer. The two were going through the lyrics Dino had written for his upcoming solo.
"Minnie said she'll be here in ten minutes," he explained to Woozi. "I want to show her before we record."
[stop being so adorable, dino, please]
[for the sake of my well-being]
"Ok ok," came as an answer from the '96 Liner who was out of the shot, his voice only barely noticeable.
The maknae turned towards the camera after reaching for his water bottle on the couch behind him. "I really trust noona when it comes to lyrics. Maybe she has better ideas for them."
[you don't want to know the noise i made when he said that]
The next moment, Minnie entered the studio, greeting the room with a cheery, "Hi!" Getting a wide smile from the '99 Liner in return. His eyes lit up as a plastic cup of coffee was placed right in front of him, slightly covering the camera's view.
"Wow, thank you, noona." As Dino reached out for it, the female member gently patted his head with a grin before letting herself fall onto the sofa.
"Oh-" he stopped himself before he went to take a sip, snatching a piece of paper from the table the camera was placed on. "Here are the lyrics." Turning around to face her, Minnie stopped him by waving her phone.
"I read through them on the file you sent me."
"You already looked at them?"
With scrunched eyebrows and a slightly shocked facial expression, the girl gazed at him. "Of course, why wouldn't I?"
[how dare him even question this]
Dino shrugged, taking a sip from the Iced Americano. "I thought you were busy maybe."
Minnie had started to hunch over her phone, her screen brightening up the lower half of her face as she looked up at him. "Yeah, but this is important to you. Of course, I'm gonna look at it right when you send it to me."
[... i am so not okay]
[i don't even think i know people that care this much]
Before the youngest could answer her again, Woozi spoke up from the right side of the screen. "You never do that with my lyrics. You always text 'I'll take a look later, I'm busy now.' And then you never do."
[lee, i'm so done with this girl but i also love and cherrish her so much and even let her stay in my studio when i'm not here and will always support her but also annoy the hell out of her and be an annoying ass brother who just loves her so dearly and will support her till my last day, jihoon]
"Stop lying!" Minnie exclaimed. "I don't say that! And you never look at MY lyrics!"
[the money i would pay to be a fly on the wall in the studio when they're there]
The maknae chuckled at the silly argument going on behind him, laughing out loud as Minnie tried to throw a pillow at their producer.
[and he's just sitting there enjoying this PLS HAHAHA]
"Alright," she took a deep breath as she pushed herself up to her feet. "I'm gonna go now."
"You're not staying?" Dino turned around, looking up at the older member.
Minnie stopped in her tracks, "You wanted me to stay?"
He shrugged, "No no, I just thought maybe you want to."
"Aah..." she let out a sigh, "I'm sorry. I'm meeting up with someone. If I knew you wanted me to stay, I wouldn't have made plans."
[just drop them, minnie]
[drop them]
[stay with him]
[pls he needs you]
"It's okay, don't worry," he assured her. "Go, don't make them wait."
[noooo dinooooo]
The girl couldn't help but chuckle after she finished putting on her jacket again. "I shouldn't 'tell them, wait'," she imitated the sound of the song he was about to record, getting a laugh from him in return.
[... girl has been spending too much time with wonwoo bc good god, that was even worse than a dad joke]
"Exactly," he chuckled.
Before she left the duo to finish the recording, Minnie leaned down to be back in the camera's shot.
"Carats, please support Dino's solo well. It's gonna be really good and I know you're gonna love it."
[and she was right]
[we did]
[INSIDE SEVENTEEN] UNESCO Youth Forum Special Video Sketch
Seungkwan was grasping onto the sheets of paper in his hand, the maknae of the group right by his side as they read through the lyrics they had printed out. They were going through the English version of the group's song 'Together'. With both of them unsure about their pronunciation, Dino started looking around.
His eyes stopped scanning the room. "Noona!" He called out for the female member who was out of the cameraman's view. 
[i could literally make a compilation of just him shouting out for her and wouldn't get tired of it]
"Can you help us?"
With quick steps, Minnie jogged up towards the two, coming to a halt by his left side. "Hm?" She hummed as her eyes fell onto the black-on-white text in front of them.
[girl was so quick]
[she'd definitely drop everyone and everything to help him]
[reminds me of when wonwoo called her with na pd-nim and she was on her way literally while they were still talking]
[she loves them so much, like HOW]
"You and I are never losing our way. You and I, we will be walking straight." The two younger members sang along to the song that was playing in the background. Seungkwan went over the lyrics with slightly more ease than Dino, who started chuckling at his own struggle.
"Try going slower first," the female member placed a comforting hand on the younger's upper arm.
[she is so patient]
[... god... please let me have my own minnie]
[or dino honestly too]
"But it's supposed to be sung at a quick pace," he told her.
Minnie nodded. "Yeah, but try speaking the lyrics slowly first and then increase the speed. That way your pronunciation will be clearer and you won't stumble over your words."
[the way she's also explaining it to him so softly]
[as if he was delicate keramic]
[what a comparison, wow...]
With a grin, Dino turned towards the camera, "Everyone," his arm was thrown over the petite shoulders of the '97 Liner. "I have the best English teacher." 
Getting a shy giggle out of her and a smack towards his chest, making him chuckle.
After his somewhat decent acrostic poem to UNESCO, Dino called out for the girl as she walked past the cameraman's back. Without having to be asked twice, Minnie showed up right next to the younger member.
"We're filming for UNESCO right now and we'll be in Paris in a few days, right?"
"Mm," the female performer nodded with a grin, the strong wind blowing through her hair, making her squint her eyes and tighten the colourful jacket around her body.
"Are you excited?"
"Of course," she smiled, "I can't wait to finally be in France with almost all of the members."
Dino nodded along with her answer. "Should we learn a little bit of French? Can you teach me something?"
[he really wants her to teach him, stoooop]
[omg imagine if he just started learning french from her]
[he'd be unstoppable]
Minnie chuckled, "What do you want to say?"
The maknae looked around the open field for a second as he thought to himself, the girls' eyes never leaving his form. He turned back towards her. "Something like 'thank you for your support'."
"Merci pour votre soutien."
[fuck, she's so hot]
"W-What?" Dino just glanced at her dumbfounded, taken aback by her quick answer, not remembering a single syllable that just dropped from her mouth. "What did you just say?"
[same dino, same]
Minnie couldn't help but laugh out loud at his reaction, stumbling back a few steps. Her cheerful sounds must've caught the attention of Wonwoo as he suddenly showed up next to her, bringing the girl into the middle of the two male members.
[and oop, there we go, the next dinonara appeared]
"'Thank you for your support' is 'merci pour votre soutien'"
"Ok," the youngest nodded slowly, "Merci-"
"Hm," Minnie supported him with a smile, "pour."
"V- Votre."
"Soutien. Sou-"
"Tien. Soutien?"
"Exactly," she nodded proudly.
"Merci pour-" Dino stopped himself before continuing, glancing at her with squinted eyes as he tried to remember the correct pronunciation.
"Votre soutien," Wonwoo suddenly spoke up. "Merci pour votre soutien."
[just when we thought he couldn't get hotter...]
With a shocked facial expression, the maknae looked at the '96 Liner. He pointed at him, "Who on earth do you know how to say it so perfectly?" 
[i mean i'm no french expert but that sounded pretty freaking good]
[also: if you have minnie as a teacher, you're gonna learn well either way]
Getting the rapper's signature deep laugh in return.
"I already taught him," Minnie chuckled, looking back at the other member as he caught himself again, a small smile still on his lips.
[this is a minnie x dino video, so could you quit acting like the cutest freaking lovebirds, my god]
"Aaah, ok ok," the '99 Liner smiled along with the older duo. "Ok, so... Merci pour... votre... and then?"
"Soutien is support?"
Minnie nodded.
"Merci pour votre soutien," Dino repeated her phrase slowly, looking straight at the French speaker of the group, whose eyes went wide in pride.
"Yes!" The girl clapped her hands, Wonwoo joining her.
[#proud #oursonisagenius]
The youngest turned towards the camera. "Carats, merci pour votre soutien."
"Well done," she patted his back, the proud grin not leaving her face.
[i could actually cry from the way she looks at him]
[Relay Pick] BALANCE GAME with SEVENTEEN ┃Performance Team
[teacher minnie strikes again]
[but yk, sometimes you gotta teach 'em about life]
The next two scenarios were presented to the unit.
"Peeling perilla leaves or peeling shrimps," Hoshi read out loud. Minnie's head popped out from behind his shoulder, trying to get a look at the screen ahead of them.
Dino, who was standing right behind her shook his head, "I don't really know this."
"Really?" The female member whipped her head around, looking up into the wide eyes of the maknae. "You never heard of that?" But he just shook his head. 
"Do you know this?" He asked her, to which she nodded.
"Of course, it was a big debate."
Jun, who was just as lost as the youngest of the group, had walked up to the screen, disappearing out of the camera's view.
"Look, it's like this, Jun," the performance unit leader started explaining. He took a step back, urging the others to do the same to create more space between them as he started.
"But why must it be perilla leaves?" Dino suddenly wondered, getting a chuckle out of the female member and making her turn around to describe the situation to him.
"Perilla leaves get easily stuck together, that's why they chose it."
He nodded along, "Aaah, ok ok."
[just accepting everything she tells him]
[i love them]
Mingyu's sudden voice surprised the duo that was deep into their own conversation.
"You're seriously so old fashioned," the '97 Liner commented, "it's a famous topic nowadays-"
"But that just means that he doesn't get jealous easily, that's good," Minnie fought back to the man she shared an apartment with.
[oh- there we go again hahahahaha]
"But he's part of the MZ generation, come on."
"No," a gentle pout formed on her lips as she took a small step back to place a hand on Dino's upper arm, "He's not the jealous type, it's a good thing. Old fashioned isn't bad anyways."
With a smirk, the youngest turned towards his older sister. "But that means that you're really jealous, right? You know a lot about this topic."
[wow dino...]
[she got called out fr]
Minnie's expression changed when she glanced up at him with an open mouth, surprised by his statement. Hoshi moved to the side to take a look at the duo, chuckling at the situation when laughter in the background could also be heard, followed by Minghao and Jun who joined in.
"No!" The girl defended herself quickly, shoving him away from her. "I'm just... I'm into popular stuff at the moment, so I know about discussions like this."
[MH, sure...]
"No, noona. You just admitted that if you know about this, you're a person that gets easily jealous-"
"Alright, but it's not a good thing!" She quickly gave in, getting another round of laughter from the members in front of and behind the camera.
[this is were the real sibling energy is coming through]
[why would he call her out like that in front of the camera hahahaha]
"But how can it be considered normal for a friend to do things like that with your partner?" She whined out loud.
"Well," Hoshi answered her, "It depends on how good their relationship is, I guess."
"It's TOO GOOD if my friend does these things!" 
[ngl... i feel a very deep and desperate need to see jealous minnie]
[i NEED it]
A soft hit on her shoulder made her chuckle. Turning to the side, she found the youngest leaning into her, his laughter ringing through her ears.
"It's okay, noona." Infecting her with his joy.
[little siblings, istg...]
"I'm okay with peeling shrimps," the leader made his final decision, "but the perilla leaf one is weird." He stepped to the side to leave a stunned Minnie in the middle - Dino, with a matching facial expression, right behind her.
"Amazing..." Minghao added to the shock.
[they were NOT having it]
[but i get it bc same]
"Peeling it by hands like this," the maknae imitated the action of peeling a shrimp to the rest of the group.
"That's so much worse!" The girl agreed with him. "You take your time to peel it... only to then give it to the partner of your best friend?!" She turned to Hoshi. "That's not okay."
"I agree," Dino nodded, linking his arm with hers as he dragged her in the opposite direction in which their leader had gone.
[dino went from not knowing anything about this topic to agreeing with his noona]
[gotta love them]
[i'm so obsessed with every pi cheolin x minnie/a minnie character interaction]
[why do her characters literally ALWAYS have beef with him HAHAHA]
[but i think that might need to be a seperate video ngl]
[anyways, the following few scenes have still made it into this video just bc i love them so much]
"And I've also been working with a lyricist recently," Woozi explained to the man in front of him.
"Ooh," Pi Cheolin sat up straighter, "Who is this new lyricist?"
"Her name is Minnie, but she sometimes goes by Minhee."
"Minhee?" The man's face scrunched up in almost disgust. "I don't like that name." 
['i don't like her name' when it's literally her government name😭]
Getting a chuckle out of Woozi that he couldn't hold back. "Where's she from?"
"She's from abroad. Europe," the '96 Liner continued. "Young and very talented."
"I see..." Dino, deep into his character, glanced around the room. "Then she must be really good in English, right?"
Woozi nodded, "Yeah, she lived in England before. She writes a lot of her lyrics in English, actually. And I, ehm-" he cleared his throat. "I actually asked her to accompany me here today to this meeting, I hope that's okay."
"Oh, of course, of course!" Pi Cheolin raised his arms up into the air. "The more, the better!"
The producer nodded with a smile, "Good, good. She should be here any second, I think." Just right after he had said that, a knock shook through the door.
"Come in!" Pi Cheolin shouted out. 
Only a second later, the door opened to reveal the face of the girl they had just mentioned, peaking in to look around. Her eyes held still on Woozi's form, but before she could say anything, the man in the hat shot up from the chair.
"Minnie! You must be Minnie!" With a hard push, he jumped up onto his feet, his chair hitting the wooden shelves behind him before rushing over to the female member. 
[bruh HAHAHA]
"What a beautiful young lady!" 
[he's too good in this role, i love him]
Without warning, he grabbed her by her upper arms and pulled her in, letting first their right cheeks touch, then the left ones. Each time, he added an overly dramatic kissing sound.
"O- Oh- ok-," Minnie looked at him taken aback as soon as they were face to face again.
[so this was definitely not scripted, i guess]
Pi Cheolin smiled brightly at her. "That's how you greet people in Europe, right?"
"I- sure? I guess?" She just shrugged.
[her new personality: europe]
Harsher than needed, the man patted her arms, making her almost wince.
[i can't] 
"I'm glad to finally meet you!" Without looking at her again, he turned back around to go to his seat. "Please, take a seat! I heard so much about you."
Minnie directed her eyes towards Woozi as she claimed the chair right next to him, raising her eyebrows to ask him 'Really?"
He shrugged, "I only just started telling him about you. I don't know what he's talking about."
With a slow and unsure nod, she sat down.
[they're too good]
"I have to be honest with you, Minnie," Pi Cheolin suddenly turned seriously after the three had just negotiated the producer-writer duo to join his agency.
"Ok..." the girl carefully answered, fiddling with her fingers in her lap.
With his teeth tightly pressed together, he hissed in a breath. "Minhee. Your other name."
"My legal name, yes."
"We have to change it." He simply stated.
"What?" Minnie stopped with every little action she was previously doing, glancing over at the man. "But that's my real name. My grandma gave me-"
"We need to change it," he interrupted her, making her send an unamused look right into the camera. 
[he really don't give a fuck about the grandma huh?]
For a second the room fell into complete silence. Pi Cheolin had a finger on his chin, looking like he was deep in his thoughts. "What about..." he spoke before stopping for a bit again. "Minstar!" He shouted out, surprising both members, making them cover their mouths as chuckles escaped their lips.
"Minstar?" The girl wondered.
The man nodded. "Yeah. 'Min', from Minnie. And 'star' because you are A STAR!" The sudden change to English was all it took for another round of quiet chuckles to fill the room.
[he's so random for what]
After not getting an answer in return, with Woozi covering his face with one hand and Minnie turned around towards the wall, trying to calm down her laughter, Pi Cheolin continued.
With his arms opened wide and a big grin plastered on his face, he stared at the two. "Do you love it or do you love it?"
The girl just sent him a thumbs-up.
[i just KNOW i could never hold it together in front of the camera]
[i know, out of all the members minnie falls out of character the most, but i would be so much worse omg]
[how could you not if you have someone in front of you playing this old man just a little too well for it not to be real?!]
As soon as the three walked into the recording studio, where Wonwoo, Jeonghan and Dokyeom aka Leo, Charles and Seokmin, Minnie was holding her hand up to cover her mouth, unable to keep any grins hidden as soon as her eyes fell on her fellow members.
[she was having a hard time keeping it together for literally the entire episode]
[but who could blame her]
They stood up to greet the CEO, producer and lyricist.
"Have you seen these guys before?" Pi Cheolin asked, pointing at the trio in front of them.
Minnie and Woozi shook their head. "We've never met them before," the '96 Liner answered for both of them as the female member was busy wiping away the tears that had fallen from her eyes due to her laughter.
"Oh, is that right?" The man exclaimed. "Then I'll introduce you-" As soon as he turned to the girl, who was crouched over, he stopped. "Are you okay? What's so funny?" 
She was quick to catch herself, standing up straight again, "Nothing. Nothing. I'm okay."
With a slight squint, Pi Cheolin glared at her. "Lyricists need to be a bit more serious, I think."
[oh okay]
"I'll try my best," she promised him.
"Well then, let me introduce you to the best singers in the industry! Say hello, starting with you," he pointed at the '95 Liner, who revealed his age and name, followed by Wonwoo until they landed on Dokyeom.
But instead of talking to them, the '97 Liner started moving around, showing them a variety of what could only be described as 'tiktok moves from 2019'. Minnie couldn't hold it again and gave in as she turned to the side slightly, trying to ignore her fellow member in front of her. Pi Cheolin was having none of that.
"No, no," he grabbed her shoulders and turned her back around. "It's rude not to look at people when they introduce themselves." The girl just nodded.
After a few more seconds, the CEO took the word again. "Your name... what's your name?"
"Seokminie," Dokyeom answered him.
"Oh, Seokminie?" Pi Cheolin's eyes widened. He surprised the girl with a slap on the back. 
[why is he like this]
"See! Another reason why you have to change your name." But she just continued to stare at him. "So people don't confuse you two!" Pointing between the '97 Liners.
"So they don't confuse us?"
"Yes! Look at you two. You could be twins. Both young. Both attractive." 
No comment was made to his statement as everyone was trying to hold in their giggles. Minnie shook her head.
After a few more jokes back and forth, including Seokmin shouting into their ears and bursting their eardrums, everyone had sat down.
"So!" Pi Cheolin suddenly stood up again. "Now, I'll introduce my trusted people right here." He placed both of his hands on the female member's shoulders, making her tense up slightly, which he noticed right away.
"Aah, don't be so tense, Minstar," he started massaging her shoulders, clearly not in a comforting way though as her face scrunched up and she tried to free herself from his grasp. 
[he's really going through with it]
After a few seconds, he stopped, only to squish her face in between his hands. "This is Minnie. We call her Minstar because she is A STAR!" His hands started moving around, squishing her cheeks a slight bit more. "
[minnie is so much stronger than i am bc i would actually beat him up as soon as the cameras go down, but i just know she lets him do this bc he's dino and she loves him]
[bc imagine if this was seungkwan]
I mean look at her." The room went quiet. "Look at her beauty. Her talent. You can smell her intelligence." Another moment of silence washed over the group after he took a big and loud sniff. 
"I see, you agree with me." He freed her again, making her touch her own cheeks again and frown at the camera.
"Let's move on to Woozi, the genius producer!"
[something about dino in this episode was just so pure and cute]
The members cleaned up nicely. Each one of them was wearing a personalised, colour-coded outfit for the filming of the third part of their Don't Lie series. Minnie was sharing the couch with Minghao, Seungkwan and Jeonghan, sitting between the '95 and '98 Liner.
After going through the casualties and flaming Mingyu along the way, the group decided to let Dino be the first in the starting round of the Lie Detector test.
He got down to the floor, to sit right in front of the coffee table with the machine on top of it. After securing his hand with the velcro seal, one of the producers behind the camera started to explain the rules.
"After detecting your heart rate, when you're asked a question, press the button and answer-" 
The members listened attentively, some nodding along to her words, but the maknae seemed as lost as he possibly could be. Dino looked to his left, making the girl chuckle as she could practically see the wheels in his head turning.
"How?" He suddenly asked, his eyes wide in lostness. 
[oh dino]
The group couldn't hold back laughing at his reaction.
Not even a second later, Minnie was already up on her feet, Jeonghan's hand on her back, dropping down to his side. 
[she literally only smiled before she SHOT UP to get to him]
[the older sister instincts KICKED IN]
[also: pretty sure jeonghan kinda like pushed her forward bc he saw his baby in need]
She walked over to him and crouched down on the floor, her knees hitting the carpet as she tried to explain it again in simpler terms. But his eyes told her everything she needed to know - he still had no idea what to do. It just made her chuckle even more.
[minnie pls he just needs your help]
[pls help him]
"I'll do it for you. I'll activate it," Minnie placed a hand on his shoulder while her other one was on top of the coffee table, close to the lie detector. All Dino now had to do was listen to the question and answer truthfully.
The female member whipped her head around at the sound of the youngest's voice. An awaiting smile was already plastered on her face.
With quick but short steps, Dino was right in front of her within a second.
"Is there a pharmacist?" He wondered in a hushed tone.
[i love how she was the first person he thought of to ask]
With scrunched eyebrows, clearly confused by the random question, the girl looked at him.
"Is there a pharmacist in the game?"
"A pharmacist? Like... someone that works in a pharmacy?" She repeated his words, still unsure if she had understood him correctly. After getting a nod from the maknae, she spoke up again. "Why?"
Dino quickly glanced at his left and right, before leaning into her just a little bit closer and lowering his voice. "Jeonghan said he's the pharmacist," he explained, "I didn't even know there was such a role."
[well ngl i wouldn't believe anything that comes from jeonghan's mouth after being with him in the same group for this long of a time]
[the trust issues i have with this man are unreal]
"Aaah," Minnie nodded, almost unable to hold back her chuckle. After having dealt with the older's mischief for far too long, and getting involved in it for just as long, she immediately saw right through the lie.
You could see her eyes looking around the room as she debated her next statement - she could play into it, or she could tell him the truth.
But with those boba eyes looking right at her, she only had one option.
"No," she shook her head with a grin. "He's just joking with you. There's no pharmacist role."
"Really? Are you sure?"
Minnie nodded.
"But he keeps on collecting little pieces of paper that he finds," Dino imitated the size of the mentioned paper slips.
"I don't know... maybe he wrote them earlier? He was writing something before we started filming." The female member dropped the truth, making the youngest look at her with an open mouth.
[she even reveals jeonghan's secrets to dino, like what]
"Aaah... wow..." he shook his head. "He's really passionate about this game."
[he IS REALLY passionate about that game]
[but so is everyone else of you, sooo...]
The female member laughed as she agreed with him by nodding again.
[GOING SEVENTEEN] Runner-Up Sports Day #2
Part of the members were standing in a line, waiting for the next instructions during their filming. Vernon was holding the ball they'd be using for the dodgeball match that was coming up. It was fairly windy, but Minnie had found out the Mingyu was a good wind blocker, explaining why she was standing to his left. 
[the gose producer's caption 'the great wall of mingyu' was perfect]
Dino was next to her, on her other side.
The group had fallen into a comfortable conversation, forgetting about the multiple cameras on them for just a few minutes.
After finding out that the only members to know about 'Shaun the Sheep' were Vernon and Minnie, Dokyeom had another question,
"Who knows 'Fairly Odd Parents?"
The youngest member of the hip-hop unit turned to the '97 Liner, continuing to subconsciously play with the ball in his hand.
"Ah, the Nickelodean cartoon?"
Dokyeom confirmed his wonder.
Minnie was fixing her hair when the maknae spoke up after a chuckle fell from his lips,
"My nickname in elementary school was Jimmy Neutron." The girl next to him fell into a fit of giggles, her head falling back as she was surprised and most definitely amused by the sudden comment. "My head was so big back then," Dino continued to explain.
With a pout, the female member reached out to touch his arm, leaning forward to rest her forehead on his shoulder, hiding her amusement.
[she adores this man so much]
Without even thinking twice, Mingyu opened his mouth, "It still is." Followed by a chuckle.
[no filter]
Minnie's head immediately shot up. Her eyes wide, but her lips pressed together, trying to keep the corner of her lips from curling. She turned to her side and got a groan from her fellow '97 Liner in return as his hand flew up to where she had just smacked him on the chest.
[go off big sister minnie!]
[getting ready for defence]
With a sarcastic unamused facial expression, Dino commented on his statement. "You say such nice things." To which the girl was quick to turn to him, 
"Awww," she laughed out and let her hand come up to cup his cheek, leaning onto his shoulder once again.
In the Soop 1 Ep. 2
[what i want to say:]
[i am very sorry to end this video with this in the soop moment]
[it's literally probably my all time favourite minnie x dino moment, EVER]
[we see them always acting all sweet and loving and just caring for each other]
[but this... this was so much than that]
[and i still cry whenever i watch it]
All of the members left to do their individual things. Some had started getting ready for bed. Others were already sleeping. A few had gone into the kitchen for snacks. The only ones left outside were Dino and Minnie. As it was starting to get colder, Minnie had thrown a blanket around her body, while the maknae had chosen a jacket to keep him warm. The girl had started to collect some of the trash left behind by the other guys and put together the empty bottles of alcohol, so they'd have it easier to throw away.
It was quiet. The only sounds filling the open outdoors were coming from the river from a distance and the crickets and other insects that you'd find close to the woods.
Dino's eyes were trained on the female member, following her every movement. 
[i don't know what it is, but dino just gazing at her is something that hits me so hard]
[like, a lot of the members look at minnie in a specific way, but dino... it's very special]
[again: pure adoration]
He stayed quiet, feeling just a bit sorry that he wasn't helping her, but the sudden rush of tiredness had surprised him - Minnie knew that and wouldn't comment on it.
Then the maknae suddenly broke the comfortable silence, "I'm really proud of you, noona."
The girl stopped in her tracks. She lifted her head to meet his gaze. "What?" She chuckled. "All of a sudden?"
"No," he shook his head almost shyly, immediately crossing his arms in front of his chest. "I've been wanting to tell you things like that, but... I've never found the right time."
The female member stopped her actions, taking a seat in the chair that Seungkwan had previously occupied. 
[notice how she literally dropped everything and just sat down to listen?]
"Well..." she took a deep breath, "Do you think now is the right time? Do you want to talk to me?"
"I always want to talk to you, but...," Dino admitted, looking down at his hands before up at the older member again. "I don't really know... how to say it well."
"You can always talk to me. I'm always all ears for you, you know that," Minnie reached out to get a hold of the glass of water one of the members had left for her.
[first tears started falling]
"I know- Of course, I know." The maknae gulped. "But I really am proud of you."
The girl's eyebrows shot up as she tried to fight a pout. "Thank you, I'm really proud of you too."
Dino nodded. "You've been working so hard, so I... I just wanted to tell you that. Especially this year, you've been working a lot- I mean, you've always been working very hard with writing lyrics and helping Woozi... and also doing photoshoots and promoting Seventeen so well."
"Thank you, Channie," she smiled at her younger member who had been trying to avoid her gaze. 
[something about her using his real name seems so special]
[i mean, maybe it was the alcohol]
[but also maybe not]
She continued, "But you should be really proud of yourself too. You've been doing a lot for not only the group but also for yourself. You've grown a lot over the past few years. You can be very proud of that."
Dino's eyes were fixed on nothing specific as he just glanced into the dark emptiness to his right.
"Do-" he suddenly started again. Minnie was still waiting patiently for him to speak, a soft smile plastered on her face as she couldn't take her eyes off the maknae. "Do you ever feel like you've missed out on something?"
She scrunched her eyebrows, "What do you mean with 'something'?"
He took a deep breath, brushing his hands over his thighs as he looked down. "That's something I've always wanted to ask you... but I was never sure if... if you wanted to talk about it." He took another second to let the question fall from his lips. "...Do... you ever feel... like you've missed out on something because you're in a group with us?"
"Because you're guys?" She wondered.
The maknae nodded. "I've been wondering about that for a long time I think, but especially now... and... after our contract renewal- I don't know-" he shook his head slightly. "I just... I was asking myself that. And if... like- do you ever think about how you're life as an idol in a girl group would've been?"
[bc of the contract renewal]
[makes me kinda think what if he was scared that she wouldn't want to renew it bc of that exact reason]
[brb gotta dry my tears]
A nearly sad chuckle tumbled from Minnie's lips as she looked at the younger member in front of her. "Why are you wondering about that?" Sounding almost concerned.
[fr don't make us cry like that]
Dino shrugged. "I was always wondering about you... and the group... but... when the contract renewal became a topic... I... almost started to feel bad, I think." Minnie decided to stay quiet to let him continue and give him as much time as he needed. "I was thinking about if...if we were maybe taking something from you... or... just in general... if you feel pressured into resigning maybe for some reason."
"Ah..." Minnie sighed, looking down at her own hands, "Why are you worrying so much, Dino?" As soon as she looked up again, the camera, as well as the youngest, caught her glassy eyes. She didn't get an answer from him in return as he just continued to look at her.
"I..." she started quietly, her right hand brushing through her hair as she looked up at the sky and gulped. "I definitely- during the contract negotiations, thought a lot about the future and... also, of course, the past and... everything that has happened and what we've been through and... also how my mindset used to be in the beginning, you know? Because it changed a lot."
"What do you mean?"
"I... I- like you asked about me missing out on something. I never felt like that. I never thought that I was missing out on... for example, being in a girl group. Because... all of you make me so so happy. And... I know that every single member is, like- I know that all of your guys' kindness and support, and... just everything about you... I couldn't ask for anything more, because... it's so much more than I could've ever imagined already. And so much better and... I don't deserve any-"
"No no, stop," he was quick to interrupt her. "You deserve everything, noona. You deserve so much more."
[i don't want to interrupt this beautiful moment but yes, I'm crying]
"No, stop!" She chuckled.
"You really deserve this."
"Well, you do too!"
"But you're doubting yourself right now!" He argued back with a sad smile.
Minnie stopped him with a wave of her hand. "No, no, I'm not, don't worry. I mean... I don't know who even in this world would deserve a group as wonderful as Seventeen, you know?"
"You do, noona."
"Ah, stop, you're gonna make me cry!" 
[you and me both sis]
The female member chuckled as she covered her sight with one hand before trying to wipe away the tears that had gathered in the corner of her eyes.
"No, don't! Please don't" Dino giggled along with her trying to find a napkin he could hand her. After his eyes landed on one clean one, he reached out with it for her to grab. Minnie thanked him.
"There were definitely times where... I doubted if I should be in a group like this, you know?" 
She continued, and the maknae nodded while listening attentively. "Especially shortly after our debut... and during our trainee years," she cleared her throat, sitting up just a bit straighter. "None of the members have ever made me feel... like... I'm not a part of the group. You've always made me feel very included and... accepted... and just... never made me feel different, but... just... my own mindset and a lot of other things, you know? It sometimes told me that... I'm not- I'm not supposed to be here. That it's supposed to be only you guys-"
"But without you, something would definitely be missing."
"Thank you," she whispered, feeling the tears pool up again. "But I've learned not to listen to that and... just enjoy the time that we have right now. And... that made me realise that there is nothing better I could ever ask for. During our trainee days, I- I've definitely felt a bit lonely at times, of course, because... I was also growing into an adult, and that's a hard time already. But... I'm just so thankful for all of you... that's why I renewed it. I definitely didn't feel pressured by anything. I just... I couldn't imagine what else I would be doing, you know? I love you all so much, and I'm so thankful... I just want to hold onto every single member for as long as I can."
By the end of Minnie's speech, Dino's eyes had also turned slightly more glassy than before, but he continued to nod along to every word she spoke.
[seeing him like this in front of her is actually breaking my heart]
"During our trainee days, I don't think I thought much about it, but as I'm getting older, I started to realise that some times must've been very lonely for you. And I couldn't help but to feel sorry about that. Because... I don't want you to ever feel lonely. We all appreciate you so much and we hope that you can see and feel that... we really do. But when I was younger, all I thought was that it was weird but cool to have so many older brothers and one older sister because I never had that. And then... especially to have you as a sister... someone I know I can always rely on and ask for help and who I know will support me... but getting older, I just had to start thinking about what this all must be like for you. And that it must be very- ah, noona!"
And this point, there were already too many tears to count that were running down Minnie's face. She chuckled at the youngest's reaction, trying to pat away the stains on her cheeks, the silence of the night now also filled with her sobs.
"I didn't want you to cry, I'm sorry," the maknae spoke gently as he stood up, quickly wiping away his own tears that had started to fall before he pushed one of the chairs as close as possible to her. After taking a seat, he was quick to wrap his arm around her shoulder, pulling her into a comforting side hug.
"I just wanted to talk to you about this because I was thinking about it and I noticed that you're never complaining about it and have never said anything about this."
[i will stop interrupting now bc i don't even know what to say anymore]
[i love them so much]
[both of them deserve the world]
"What?" He chuckled at her sigh.
"You've grown so much. You shouldn't be worrying about me or us in general like that," the tears were still running down her cheeks, but she was able to speak normally.
The maknae shook his head, "Don't say that. We all worry about each other."
"Yeah, but," she snuffled, "You're our maknae..." and looked up at him as his grip around her softened. "You haven't acted like a maknae since... I don't even know... since never. And... it's kind of... really hard to watch you grow up so quickly because... it's okay if you want to act like the maknae. You can act like a maknae! It's okay. That's what we expect from you. To see you all grown up like this and think so much about worries that shouldn't even cross your mind is really scary..."
Now it was Dino's time to look up, trying to blink away his tears. Minnie took his hand into her grasp with a sad smile.
"Please don't think that you have to grow up quickly. I feel like you couldn't even enjoy your youth much because you became a trainee so young-"
"You became a trainee at 13 too," the youngest told her with a somewhat chuckle.
Minnie nodded with a smile, "Yeah, but I was almost an adult when we debuted. You weren't. And... I feel like that may have made you want to grow up quicker than we wanted you to." She reached out to touch his cheek, running her thumb over the fresh tears that had escaped his eyes. "Please don't worry about us so much. Focus on your youth and enjoy it. And be a maknae at times. Don't be so mature, you're gonna make me sad to see you grow up!" Her scolding made both of them laugh and lean into each other.
"But-" Dino cleared his throat, "I feel like you never talk about your struggle and that worries me. I can't help but worry. You're a special person in the group. Of course, I'm gonna worry about my older sister."
"But you shouldn't," she patted his hand again. "I... I sometimes do talk to... Coups-oppa, especially. But you know... everyone has their own worries, so I don't want to hurt anyone with my worries even more."
"I know..." the maknae copied her soft tone.
"It's hard sometimes, but... yeah... everyone is struggling a little bit differently, but we all learn how to deal with it. And... we know that we can always rely on each other."
Dino nodded again. "And I just wanted you to know that you can always also rely on me."
"I know," Minnie told him in a whisper, another round of tears already making their way down her cheeks again. "But don't worry," She took a deep breath, "A lot of happy things have happened recently, so... I'm very happy as well." And smiled shyly, making the maknae copy her expression.
"I'm really happy for you." His whisper hit her ears oh so softly.
"Thank you." With a big smile, she wrapped her arms around the muscular frame of the '99 Liner. "Just remember that you'll always be our maknae. You're not the oldest here, so don't feel pressured to act like it."
"I know," he buried his face deeper into her neck. "You're a very important part of the group. And also to me. I mean it... I don't know what I would do without you, noona. I really love you."
"I love you too, Channie," she tightened the hug, noticing him doing the same, making her smile. After they released each other again, the female member took another look at the maknae. 
"And you can always talk to me. You don't have to wait for a good moment or something like that. If you need to talk to me, I will listen. Doesn't matter when or where."
Dino decided to just nod, scared of the lump in his throat that was about to appear again.
[they both have been through literally so much individually]
[i'm so glad they found towards each other]
[if none of the moments from before convinced you that they need each other, i hope this one did]
[i really hope that they will be forever happy and healthy]
[i'm actually convinced that finding someone that cares about me as much as minnie and dino care about each other would heal me from inside out]
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Taglist: @waosobii @chaebb @lunarxsun @hoe4wonwoo @kimhyejin3108 @soobzao @billboard-singer @cosmicwintr @zwiehe @alixnsuperstxr @angie-x3 @smooore @allthings-fandoms
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2treez · 17 days
The Lie said to the Truth, "Let's take a bath together, the water is very nice.
The Truth, still suspicious, tested the water and found out it really was nice. So they got naked and bathed.
But suddenly, the Lie leapt out of the water and fled, wearing the clothes of the Truth.
The Truth, furious, raced out of the pond to get her clothes back.
But the World, upon seeing the naked Truth, looked away, with anger and contempt.
Poor Truth returned to the pond and disappeared forever, hiding her shame.
Since then, the Lie runs around the world, dressed as the Truth, and society is very happy-because the world has no desire to know the naked Truth.
Painting: “Enchanted Pool” by Twatchman John-18th century
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mygaynesshasnolimits · 3 months
Some Key Dates/Locations [for everyone's convenience]
Aces play Mystics in DC tomorrow - I could see P wanting to go to this one.
Seattle: Storm a six game home stretch from July 1 to 14 so probably when Paige will show up. Azzi tends to go to Vancouver at the end of one month/beginning of next month I've noticed. She went late April/Early May and then again Early June. So I'm guessing she has monthly appointments.
LA: ESPYs are July 11th. The panel is July 12th. I imagine lots of NIL stuff during this time and training.
Montana visit the week after ESPYs or maybe after Phoenix: All Stars which is July 19-20th.
DMV visit: Azzi's Camp in DMV is July 27 and 28.
Atlanta hosts Overtime Select event that starts August 3-7. Paige mentioned Overtime Select during that Jada Live.
The unknown date is SC30 Select Camp - Steph has Olympics warm ups and the games that will keep him busy July 10 - August 10 (probably right after July 4 to get training in) so I don't know if/when that will happen but I don't see it happening in July and instead in August when he gets back. I imagine Azzi will have another trip to Vancouver before heading to Minnesota.
Minnesota State Fair: Aug 22 – Sep 2. I imagine camping at Azzi's grandparents cabin will be beforehand and then probably end with the Fair before transitioning back to UConn. I could also see them going to the August 15th Lynx vs Mystics game in Minnesota before heading north to the campground and then coming back for the fair before flying out.
UConn move in August 22-25. Fall Semester starts on August 26.
Full Schedule for the season is in September.
Media Day (Both UConn and Big East) and First Night is October.
the way I actually love u rn đŸ«¶đŸŒ
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shunsuiken · 2 years
Imagine when everyone is sitting on the sofas with the creator and the traveler and Xiao are fighting over who sits next to the creator, so the creator asks them to do rock paper scissors to decide, but the creator prevents the person who won from sitting on your side and let the person who lost sit on your side, the person who won the breeder sits on your lap ^^ (big text.) đŸ‘ș
tags. sagau+ gn!creator!reader + u mentioned ‘traveler’ so u guys can just imagine either aether or lumine in this, whatever fits ur preference the most + fluff + some crack lmao + pretty xiao biased + some xiao x reader towards the end bc i can’t help it đŸ«¶đŸŒ
everyone’s minding their own business, conversing amongst each other in the living room. you lean on the armrest, your free hand holds a book, eyes only scanning over the pages because your thoughts are occupied by something else. you purse your lips, closing your eyes in exasperation.
the traveler and xiao have been glaring at each other for who knows how long. at this point it’s becoming a little ridiculous that none of them have yielded—or even just expressed what they had in mind (which was to clearly be the one sitting next to you). and you’re not very fond of your acolytes resenting each other for things like this. if they want something—just say it! you are their creator. there is nothing in this world you cannot do.
“how about a game of rock, paper, scissors?” you suggest, opening your eyes to exchange gazes with the traveler and xiao. “maybe if you both can relax the tense air radiating off of you, i will grant you what you want.”
now this gets the two of them going. childe even butts in to be a human-scoreboard. then the game begins. but for some unknown reason, xiao is
 winning? you try not to display the confusion on your face as you watch the scene unfold in front of you. you must say, it is rather amusing to catch the traveler so flustered and bewildered by the hidden skill of the guardian yaksha.
eventually, after five rounds, xiao wins three while the traveler won two.
childe whistles dramatically at the result, looking at you to announce the winner. “your grace, the conqueror of demons won!”
“excellent work,” you comment, before patting the spot beside you. “take your place now, traveler.”
xiao’s heart drops. it’s like he was just smacked in the face. but he continues to look forward, masking his disappointment with a blank expression. he should have known this would happen.
on the other hand, the traveler’s previously saddened eyes light up immediately at your words. their chest blooms in warmth at the unexpected turn of events. they leave their seat to sit next to you as you offer your arm for them to wrap theirs around. the traveler obliges in milliseconds, a blush dusting across their cheeks at the physical touch.
you turn your gaze. “xiao,” you call. he looks up at you, a blank stare to the normal eye but to you, you see an amber storm of disappointment and sadness swirling within it. as expected of the creator of teyvat, nothing goes unnoticed by you.
“yes, your grace?”
nothing prepares anyone for the words you say next.
“sit on my lap.”
someone in the background chokes on his wine, a cup of tea shatters and the temperature of the room has somehow also risen. you silently neutralise the elemental energy in the air, hehe, these boys sure know how to get jealous.
xiao blinks owlishly at you, unable to process the words you spoke. he shifts in his seat. awkwardly holding his stare with you until you beckon him to come closer with a small laugh.
“i’m not going to bite you, now come here, xiao.” you smile at him and only then does he hesitantly trudge his way over to you.
you adjust yourself on the couch, asking the traveler beside you if they are comfortable in a hushed voice and when they gave you a quick nod of the head, you prepare your lap to receive xiao.
the yaksha’s skin grows cold with every step he takes towards your sitting figure. sweat forms on his back as he spins on his heel to lower himself on your lap but then some weird excuse of a yelp leaves his lips when your free arm snakes around his waist to pull him down onto you.
pink covers his skin and his toes go cold. what are you doing?! he wants to ask, but the lump in his throat doesn’t let him. with pursed lips, he keeps his hands neatly on his own lap, nails nearly scratching through his pants as stares laser beams into the wooden floor.
the tense figure on top of your lap makes you giggle, raising your hand to tilt his chin towards you. “dearest, why have you turned to stone?” you tease and xiao turns into this even more impossible shade of red that even the traveler gapes in shock. you can only imagine everyone else’s reactions.
“your grace
 is very generous,” xiao manages to murmur after one successful attempt of clinging to his string of sanity.
you place a hand on his shoulder blade, your touch lighting up the goosebumps on his pale skin. before you reply, you place a chaste kiss on his nape, making xiao snap his back straight up in surprise at the gesture of affection he’s still unaccustomed to.
xiao’s knuckles turn white. “y- your grace?!” he stammers out, amber eyes the size of saucers meeting yours—excitement, relief, shyness—it’s written all across his face. this is probably the most expressive he’s ever looked in front of you too!
you grin, a twinkle of mischief shines in your eyes. “now, now don’t act like you weren’t expecting this
” you continue to tease him, watching him squirm on your lap so adorably.
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nodalstudies · 7 months
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whereabouts of february 13, 2024 đŸ’»
time blocking and the 5 min rule are serving me wellll! i finished an annotated bibliography today đŸ«  valentine’s is tmr! i’m so excited to spend time with my family and my valentine hehe. it’s a super chill study and social day.
on my mind: staying responsive to the present/unknown vs. trying to recreate the past đŸ«¶đŸŒ
🎧 making the bed by olivia LOL
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accio-victuuri · 26 days
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wang yibo @ exploring the unknown presscon đŸ«¶đŸŒ
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