#until 6 PM today. its 10 AM
sillysadduck · 1 year
guess who was forced to come to a church camping dayyy
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
02/10/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Long Post is Long. Cast & Crew Sightings; David Jenkins; Matt Maher; Clowning; Rhys Darby; Rosie; Samba; Max Trolling Reminder; Coyote Vs Acme Cont'd / Articles; Watch Party Reminders for Feb 11; SafeSpaceShip; Art Director's Guild Nominee; We Need to Be a Lighthouse! Game; AdoptOurCrew Choose Your Own Adventure; Love Notes; Daily Darby / Today's Taika;
= Cast & Crew Sightings =
Well as you can imagine, the David Jenkins IG is the big news of today. The clowning forecast has gone up significantly. Dad posted one of the late-blooming SaveOFMD banners in NY and attached Elton John - Candle In The Wind to the post. This song has some very specific significance to our fandom.
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Apparently back when we lost Lucius in Season 1, Chaos Dad posted this song to Nathan Foad. Src @cptn_brightsky's Twitter Post
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Now ADD to that... David Jenkins ALSO added this picture of Matthew Maher standing in front of a saveOFMD flyer found out on the street.
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NOW OF COURSE, we are all clowning, but I think as usual Chaos Dad is trying to give us info without giving us info since the fandom pays so much attention to every little detail.
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@saltpepperbeard has a theory that I'm down to clown with until I turn blue in the face. Src.
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So yeah, as always take the clowning how you will, but I'll be honest, this looks like great news to me. It really does. CLOWN ON MY FRIENDS.
= Other Cast & Crew Sightings =
Rhys Darby's going to be at The Bourbon Room Hollywood next Friday, 2/16 at 8 PM PT.
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== Rosie ==
Since doing cute stuff just doesn't stop in the Darby houshold, tonight I wanted to make a special shout out to Rosie Carnahan Darby, Rhys' Wife who has been active the last couple days. First and foremost, she knit a little blanket and hat for Samba's baby!
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Second apparently she's restocked the Awesomeness Comedy website with more Buttons McGinty books and Comedy Special DVD's in case you're interested.
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Oh and by the way, Samba loves the blanket:
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= Vico Ortiz =
Tonight Vico was out performing with Them Fatale Drag Kings at their last night at their home bar Redline! Just some shots from their IG stories, feel free to check out more.
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== Max Trolling ==
Gentle reminder luvs, if you're going to IG, or Twitter to troll Max posts, let's try to remember not to post OFMD/Negative comments on any posts that are celebrating underrepresented groups. We want to support those groups. Please note however, if you'd done it previously and didn't know, don't beat yourself up! We all make mistakes, just please try to keep it in mind going forward! (If you can delete your previous posts, great, if not, again not the end of the world).
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== Coyote Vs Acme Cont'd / Articles ==
Why Deleting and Destroying Finished Movies Like Coyote vs Acme Should Be a Crime
This article is from yesterday but this blurb was pretty damn specific so I wanted to make sure if you missed it you got to see some of the reasons why Max did cancel OFMD.
"Some of the company’s tactics post-merger were garden-variety ruthless, like eliminating 87 series from its streaming platform Max, so that they won’t have to pay union-mandated residuals to the talent that created already-existing programs or pony up funds to produce more seasons of existing ones (such as “Our Flag Means Death,” one of the company’s most popular and critically acclaimed comedies—canceled after just two seasons)."
= Watch Party / Event Reminders =
Feb 11: Q+ and AdoptOurCrew Season 2 Live-Rewatch Party
Times: 2PM GMT, 9 AM EST, 6 AM PST
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Watch Party Hashtags:
= Feb 11: Relax I'm From the Future Watch Party! =
Sunday February 11th, 1 PM PT. 4 PM ET, 9PM GMT
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Watch Party Hashtags:
== In Person Events: San Diego CA ==
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February 11, 2024 at 4 PM at Maritime Museum of San Diego
Costumes & Cosplay Encouraged! Location: Maritime Museum of San Diego 1492 North Harbor Drive San Diego, CA 92101
= Art Director's Guild Award Nominee! =
Sorry, I forgot to add this one yesterday!
Ra Vincent - Nominee for Half-Hour Single - Camera Series. Src: @AdoptOurCrew and ADG
Check out the Design Presentation: OFMD_s2_art.pdf
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== We Need To Be A LightHouse! ==
Have YOU heard of this awesome new Monkey Island Inspired Point and Click Adventure Game by @blueberreads and @eldawee? They've been working on it for months and it's FINALLLLLLLY HEEEERE!
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These folks are so incredibly talented! Please go check it out here! https://dawee.itch.io/lighthouse If you're using a MAC OS you'll most likely need to download an executable at the bottom of the main page. Just FYI! If it prompts you with the "you downloaded this from the internet" error just click OK. I already started playing with it and I'm in love.
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I pushed Ed and he asked if I wanna do something weird xD Okay no more spoilers, GO CHECK IT OUT!
== AdoptOurCrew Choose Your Own Adventure Game!==
In honor of the s2 watch party with Q! tomorrow, @adoptourcrew did a really adorable choose your own adventure game on twitter today! They did polls and let the majority pick which direction they wanted the story to go!
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Since it was a lot of pictures I made a separate post so you can see the whole story: @adoptourcrew Choose Your Own Adventure here on tumblr. Please check it out!
== Love Notes ==
Alrighty lovelies. It's been another busy day. Lots of clowning, lots of hope, lots of emotional roller coasters. I hope you had a good time and generally it was more positive than negative. I have a lot I want to say, but my brain is still pretty foggy. So I'll make this short.
Sometimes when things go well, our brain gets excited and then they overcompensate when we calm down. It starts to think a lot more negatively because it had so much extra dopamine for a time. When that happens, little things can be really devastating. I just want you to remember that we all make mistakes and YOU, you beautiful imperfect being are not your mistakes. They hurt, and we learn from them, but they don't define us. Try not to listen to your brain if it's telling you otherwise. You are so very wonderful.
Anyway, I hope that makes sense.
Here's a picture I found today I thought really applied to all you wonderful people. Thank you to all the folks who reached out to me and checked in and sent me love when you knew I was struggling (there are too many to list and I don't know if you want to be tagged so please just know how much I appreciate you). I love you all so much, and I'm so lucky to how found people who make me feel like it's ok to be me.
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== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Tonight is once again animal themed. I wish I'd made that Taika gif last night for the lovebirds theme, but here we are.
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kyday · 4 months
Solace | Kate Bishop
Summary: It's one of those nights again where Kate disappears and doesn't come back until it's early morning. You have finally had enough. warnings: bad writing (sorry not sorry), few swear words. light angst with a happy ending. enjoy!! wordcount: 1200+ ------------------
Katiee 💘: hey love, i know you’re at work right now, but im just telling you that ill be busy the entire day. I have so much to do today so i might not be able to open my phone as often.
You: hi babyyy, its fine. i get it,  just make sure to text me once everything  is over, okay? love you.
Katiee 💘: of course, dont worry. love you too, mwuah! 9:23 am
It was 11:34 pm, the flickering lights of NYC fluttered outside your window, and the constant noise of cars passing by was nothing new. You had been up all night waiting for a reply from your girlfriend, Kate.
Her last reply was in the morning, after that— radio silence. Her silence was unnerving, although you had gotten used to her doing this, it never was this drastic. You kept opening your phone every time it turned on, expecting it was her message, but still; nothing.
You: babyy, are you free noww? if not, i hope you finish up soon. mwuah. 6:02 pm
heyy, i know this is probably just one of your busy days but are you donee? lucky misses you already.  text me when you get this. 7:35 pm 
kate, Im getting worried. you haven't been answering the entire day. is everything fine? please text me once you see this. 9:00 pm
Kate??? Please tell me you’re okay. I'm worried sick. 9:58 pm
You anxiously paced around your bedroom, at the corner of the room Lucky was sleeping on his bed. He was planning on staying up with you but at 10 pm he accidentally fell asleep. You make your way to the dining room, leaving a light on— you’ll wait for Kate here.
You can feel your eyes slowly giving up, trying to keep yourself up— you try to rub your face to stay awake a bit more. 
This hasn’t been the first time Kate has done this. Ever since last year when she hit that large bell tower, she had changed. There were times you often pretended to not know when she had cuts or bruises— she was a bad liar. You can often see her limping or wincing every time she moves.
You never questioned her about it though. You didn't want to overwhelm her especially since her mother got sent to jail for murdering people. But ever since that— it seemed like she was burying herself in her work more and more. The cuts or bruises were more visible, you remember when she didn't come home for a day and she blamed it on her cousin who was in town and wanted some tour around NYC.
Right as you were about to fall asleep, you heard the sound of keys clattering and curses being mumbled as the person entered the front door. You recognized the voice to be Kate. “Fuck, fuck fuck.” 
She stopped in her tracks when she saw you standing in front of the couch. There was a moment of silence between you, “Where the hell have you been?” You questioned in disbelief. She puts down her bow on the nearest table, you watch her intently.
“The company had me go overtime since there were extra projects due. Look, I sorry-” 
She explains but you quickly cut her off. “Oh my god, then why the hell do you bring your fucking bow or why couldn't you even text me once? Do you think I'm stupid Kate?” She sighs, massaging her temple.
“Y/n, let's not do this right now.” She mumbles, giving you a tired look. “I'm tired, we can talk about this in the morning.” You shook your head immediately.
You stepped closer to her. “No, we are talking about this now. Because in the morning you’ll be gone even before I wake up. Goddamit, I'm not oblivious! I know that your work isn't from seven am to eleven fucking pm!” Kate is starting to become more irritated with you, trying to bite her tongue from saying anything.
“What the hell are you hiding from me? I was worried sick, I waited up until what? Eleve-” You look at the clock. 12:10 am. “Its fucking midnight!” Kate knows she deserves this, but she's tired, way too tired to fight right now.
“Who said you had to fucking wait for me?” She replies, stunning you.
You let out a sarcastic laugh, “Oh my god, maybe because I'm your girlfriend, Kate! Have you ever thought of that?”
As the tension in the room thickened, Kate's expression softened, and she let out a heavy sigh. "I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to worry you," she said, her voice tinged with exhaustion. "I know I've been distant lately, and I haven't been completely honest with you."
You can feel your frustration, but you are also worried. “Then why, Kate? Why do you keep shutting me out? Why are you not telling me the truth?” Kate looks down in guilt, her superhero duties have been such a huge thing for her that she forgot her true priority, you.
“I haven't been honest with you..” She starts off.
“No shit Sherlock.” You mumble, earning a smile from her.
She coughs, “I know this may uh- this may seem unbelievable but I've been working with Hawkeye to bring this organization down.” She stopped to see your reaction, but your face was like stone. “And just— today we were so close to getting them but they got away.” Kate continues, her voice turning into a whisper at the end, you can hear the disappointment in her voice.
“But you didn't have to hide it from me, Kate.” You start, tears welled up in Kate’s eyes.
“I didn't want to make you worry, I'm so sorry.” She whispers.
You walk over to her and wipe her tears. “I'm always worrying about you, you know that. It doesn't matter how crazy your story is. Hell, if you told me you were fighting aliens, I would believe you. Because I trust you, Kate. And I need you to put that same trust in me.” You explain, hugging her.
You can feel her nod against your chest. “No more secrets, okay?” 
“Okay.” She mumbles, latching onto you.
You chuckle, “Come on, we can cuddle in bed.” She protests for a second, saying she wants to lie down on the floor. But you manage to convince her into going to the bedroom for cuddles.
She plops down on the mattress, and you follow behind her. “I'm sorry again, I won't do it again, love.” She looks up at your eyes, you smile at her. 
“It's okay now. Just go to bed, okay?” She nods, and she inches closer to you before pressing her lips onto yours. “Goodnight baby.”
“Goodnight love.” Kate mumbles tiredly, cuddling up to you. And for a moment, the loud cars outside quieted down, and the bright city lights weren't so bright anymore. 
Kate realized that she could only have this comfort with you.
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Suicide of Jacintha Saldanha
On 2 December 2012, St James's Palace announced that Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, was pregnant. On 4 December, at about 5:30 am London time (GMT) or 4:30 pm Sydney time (AEDT), the hosts of the Hot30 Countdown radio programme, Mel Greig and Mike Christian, called the hospital and spoke to the main nurse, Saldanha. Impersonating Elizabeth II, Greig said: "Oh hello there, could I please speak to Kate please, my granddaughter." Saldanha responded, "Oh yes. Hold on ma'am," and transferred the call to the Duchess's nurse, who spent approximately two minutes speaking with Greig as well as Christian, the latter impersonating the Prince of Wales. The hosts used what were later described as "ridiculous comedy accents." 
The stunt was broadcast on 5 December, after it had been cleared by the radio station's lawyers. When hospital chief executive John Lofthouse learned of the prank call, he condemned it as an act of "journalistic trickery" that no nurse should have to deal with. 
The CEO of Southern Cross Austereo, Rhys Holleran, later claimed that station officials had made at least five attempts to contact the two nurses in the recording prior to greenlighting the call for broadcast – with Sydney University law professor, Barbara McDonald noting that his comments showed the station already understood they needed to "[get] consent (to air the interview) and they failed to". 
On 6 December, the radio station issued a brief apology for "any inconvenience caused" by their actions, although Christian continued to promote "the royal prank" on Twitter. Neither Saldanha nor the other nurse was disciplined or suspended by the hospital; St. James's Palace also indicated that they did not blame the nurses for their part in the incident. 
On the morning of 7 December 2012, Saldanha was found dead by security and other staff in her nurse's quarters at the hospital. She had died by suicide, and also had injuries. It was reported that Saldanha had left three handwritten notes, one of which blamed the radio stunt for her death. Another note discussed her wishes for funeral arrangements, while the third was directed at her employer, criticising their handling of events that followed the prank call.
Following news of Saldanha's suicide, Austereo CEO Rhys Holleran said that Greig and Christian were both "deeply shocked" and would not return to their radio show until further notice. A day later, as advertisers boycotted or threatened to boycott the station, 2Day FM suspended all advertising indefinitely.
On 10 December, Greig and Christian gave their first interviews since Saldanha's death, telling Nine Network's A Current Affair and Seven Network's Today Tonight that they were still "badly shaken" over the tragedy. 
Advertising on 2Day FM resumed 13 December, with Austereo announcing that it would donate the remainder of station advertising proceeds for 2012—a minimum of A$500,000 (£320,000)—to a memorial fund to benefit Saldanha's family. Austereo also cancelled its annual Christmas party for employees in Sydney and donated the funds for the party to the non-profit organisations Beyond Blue and Lifeline.
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Kenma hanging out with his 6 month old baby because her mom went to work (training is very rough now!!)
9:00 AM
“ Kenma!”
“ yes babe?”
He asks leaving the bedroom.
“ Are you really busy today?? I can’t leave karrie (THATS HER NAME OKAY) to kuro cause he said he’ll be having a meeting, and akaashi said his mental health is lower than the gas prices so he can’t take care of a child right now, but anyways can you take care of her??”
“ sure babe. I just have to go to some proposals and meetings and stream until 11pm.”
“Okay! I’ll be home around 6:30 be responsible kenma!”
“ Bye! say bye karrie.”
Your husband gets his daughter’s hand and makes a wave motion.
(Baby Karrie’s POV)
10:00 AM
You’re stuck in an uncomfortable baby seat in a car where the air freshener smells like cake.
You wail.
“ whats wrong sweetheart? C’mere”
your dad then lowers the air conditioning (he thinks it’s getting too cold and he unfortunately forgot to bought an extra blanket) (you threw up on the first one)
“ Okay we’re here. If anyone looks at you weirdly just wail at their faces.” He chuckles.
“ okay everyone, what’s up? What’s the new idea?”
 “ SEE? SHE’S SO BEAUTIFUL” kuro adds.
 “ We’re getting a little bit off-topic here guys.”
Akaashi says.
“ Can we get mcdonalds?” Bokuto asks.
“ Can you all tell me why I’m here instead of making my wailing daughter go to bed??”
Bokuto asks.
Hinata adds.
“ first off, stop yelling you’re scaring my child, second, you guys are volleyball players not superman.”
“ anything else?”
Kenma asks, getting impatient yet his daughter was chewing on the blonde tips of his hair.
“ CAN WE DO AN AD?” Bokuto says.
You see your father touching the bride of his nose.
You kept on babbling random things until-
“ dada??”
“Yes- wait what?” 
“ Oh my GOD! SHE SAID HER FIRST WORD!” Bokuto screams.
“ I am so proud of that baby!” 
Kuro says.
Akaashi fell asleep on the table while hinata broke the water dispenser (its leaking on the floor) bokuto’s drawing on the whiteboard explain how having sparkly capes on uniforms would make their performance better (newsflash he most likely would trip on them)
12:00 PM
“ I’m getting hungry and those guys wasted OUR time when we could be playing games, wanna eat fruits and lunch??”
You pointed to the chips.
“ these?? I don’t think you can have these.. but heres a peice of orange.”
(Kenma’s Point of View)
“ We’re finally home, thank goodness, you tired sweetheart?”
You put your tired daughter on the crib, it’s nice seeing her be peaceful for a while. she looks like her beautiful mother.
As the computer opens, you post an announcement saying you’ll be streaming at 4PM ( hoping your daughter is awake by then)
2:00 PM
(Kenma’s POV)
As you prepare to stream (updating games, preparing snacks and water also 3 cans of energy drinks and somehow a bag of chips bigger than your daughter)
You get a phone call.
“ Hey honey!”
“ hey babe? Hows work?”
“ Yeah it’s good, its just that-“
You hear what’s probably sakusa and atsumu screaming at each other, kageyama and hinata not agreeing to a single thing, and bokuto on the corner who managed to squeeze himself there.
“ Y’know you could quit, it’s not that big of a deal.”
“ silly. I can’t! I like this job, these idiots are my friends, and so are yours too.”
“ I got to go babie! Bye!”
“Bye.” You say dropping the call.
3:00 PM
Just an hour left, you started the stream with a timer popping up (R THOSE RIGHT I SEE PEEPS ON TWITCH DOING THOSE)
Getting all the stuff you need on a small table next to your desk, You kinda feel lonely, your daughter is sleeping and your wife is hanging out with her friends.
“She’s better with me.”
“I miss her so much.”
4:00 PM
(kenma’s pov)
“ she’s not awake yet? That’s weird.”
You check on your daughter on the other room ( she’s still there don’t worry)
“ that’s rare.”
As the stream starts everyone and the chat goes loud.
“ hey guys. What’s up?”
After 30 minutes of being focused on a game, you check up on your daughter again.
“ She’s still asleep?? Is this even normal? She’s not crying as if we’re cooking her alive??? wow!”
He goes back to the room.
“ sorry to keep you guys waiting. Let’s continue this.”
stancats4: Why do you keep on leaving the room??
You see the question, you get a bit irritated by this question yet answer by:
“ Just busy taking care of someone special. That’s all” you smile.
The chat somehow goes wild with you smiling, this is how far they can get with you anyways.
5:00 PM
( Kenma’s POV)
 “ She’s still asleep?? Wow.” 
You’re looking at your peaceful daughter, who’s been sleeping for 4 hours now.
It’s getting lonely, you miss them both even if they’re near.
As the last game comes to an end, you ask the chat what to play next?
“ this is like the last chapter what else do you guys wanna play??”
matchalatte: you should play animal crossing!
You squint your eyes to see the suggestion
“ animal crossing?? Sure i guess.”
Moments after joining the game you hear a famillar sound.
Your daughter was crying from the other room.
You rushed there.
“ hey baby, had a great nap didn’t you?? Come here with me.”
( here’s where more chaos starts.)
“ Okay guys, let’s continue.”
“ No karrie- thats my CPU that heats up, you’ll get hurt. No- karrie!”
(He’s not mad dw)
“ what are you pointing to??”
She’s pointing to the can of energy drink.
“ You can’t have that, anyways eat this.”
You paused the game.
Your daughter ends up crying really loud.
“ What’s wrong?, this isn’t even expired.”
You taste the baby food (just checking if its still good ofc)
 “ what the- YUCK. If i was an 8 month old baby and they told me to eat this, I’d cry louder than you, let’s get you nicer food.”
He brings his laptop, and then goes to the kitchen.
“ Okay you like bananas right? Let’s mush them with honey”
after minutes of doing the work you spoon feed your daughter. 
“ Okay guys, might aswell end this. Bye for now.”
He ended it early because he thought his daughter was getting tired and scared of the webcam.
6:00 PM
As the blue sky slowly and slowly fades, you craddling your daughter, knowing this won’t last forever.
Yes she’ll always be your daughter you think, but will she always need you? Will she ever call one day and tell you how was her day? Will she ever remember you when she has a family of her own? 
This sounds like he’s overthinking yet, he just likes to think how he’s enjoying every moment because all of this, everything that surrounds him, will never last forever.
He hears the doorknob jingle a bit.
“I’m home!” (Y/N says)
“ how’s our sweet cherry??”
 “ she’s doing good, just good.”
Shout out to Venn for keeping the live action headcanons rolling 🥰
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Proposing the Ready , willing and able territorial expansion act Doe Fund expansion act
All 5 borough inclusive plan and other cities and counties expansion act of the year 2023
Ready willing and able is a program that houses its employees , workers , that's right I said they house their workers , their workers are mainly men that are set out in teams of 7 on 9 am - 5 pm shifts the 10 am - 6 pm shift and the 11 am - 7 pm shifts to clean the streets from litter and debris all through New York City . Well mainly they only have two offices in Brooklyn and Manhattan New York City and have contracts to clean areas in Brooklyn considered commercial properties and some not so commercial areas and then in Manhattan they have contracts for areas like Madison Avenue , 5th Avenue , Park Avenue , York Avenue , 3rd Avenue , and well off and upscale neighborhoods . In the housing facility where the workers reside their are 3 course meals provided for free to the public as well as the people that work there this program also have employment for other people and they are currently and always employing new people . The food is thoroughly cooked and good nutritious meals and served to the people that work their and in the surrounding neighborhoods some people call it home away from home or for some others a safe place to eat and enjoy some television away from danger and idleness .
This proposal is for their to be an expansion of that program the doe fund ready , willing and able program to new facilities in new neighborhoods and boroughs Staten Island , The Bronx and Queens to better clean the streets of New York City , making New York's inner city a safe place to visit and clean and beautiful . As you know I myself worked in the ready willing and able program years ago and personally by myself cleaned up Fox square in Brooklyn New York City the Downtown Brooklyn Neighborhood In Brooklyn New York . That are for my understanding was and had been filled with garbage debris for years and decades and decades until I got there with the program the Doe fund Ready , Willing and Able day program I cleaned up that part of the city in the infamous Brooklyn New York not too far from the Barclay center . Now today Fox Square is a place where people that work in that environment can go and sit and enjoy their lunch and chat with their friends and family . It is a safe and clean walkthrough and as of now ready , willing and able now have the contract to clean Fox Square daily because of my personal muscle work on that neighborhood in Brooklyn New York . Go Green and protect and preserve your environment and neighborhood .
The vision for New York City it is to turn it into the great city that it once was when the immigrants arrived here from Ireland , Europe , Germany , Scotland , Italy and Israel , all of those people migrated from their home country and packed the slums in New York City and then in progression those communities rose to power through their hard work and genius and they took care of their communities because they cared about their neighborhoods . I'm saying to you that ready willing and able is them guys and women the best crew of workers and clean up crew that New York has got the best gentlemen and women you could ever meet they want to make a difference and to keep their neighborhoods clean in the Bedford Stuyvesant neighborhoods , Brownsville neighborhoods in Brooklyn New York City , East New York area , Queens bridge , Ravenswood and Lefrak City in Queens New York City even the Saint Nicholas housing projects in Harlem , Drew Hamilton housing projects , Polo Grounds housing projects and Lincoln Housing projects also bin Harlem New York City with the expansion of the routes going more into the inner boroughs and cities of New York City . What I'm proposing if you look at a map of the city is that ready willing and able be given new routines that contract routes of inner city blocks to better clean those neighborhoods of graffiti , litter and debris in our city streets giving people of that community employment and a chance to then beautify their communities with clean parks , trees and areas like Fox Square to sit and enjoy themselves .
The Routes included in this new plan for expansion
110 th street Harlem New York from Madison Avenue , 5th Avenue , Park Avenue , and the east side of Harlem onto 7th Avenue , 8th Avenue , Saint Nicholas housing projects and its surrounding neighborhoods , Drew Hamilton housing projects in Harlem New York City , Lincoln projects and all the way to Colonial projects in Harlem . NYCHA can use the help .
Brooklyn Routes included : Gowannas projects and all other NYCHA areas and its surrounding neighborhoods in Brooklyn . NYCHA can use the help .
Queens : Queens Bridge and all other housing projects in New York City . NYCHA can use the help .
Staten Island : All housing projects in New York City
The Bronx : 3rd Avenue and NYCHA areas and their surrounding neighborhoods in New York City NYCHA can use the help .
Cities expansion
New Jersey Chicago Baltimore Washington DC Boston Detroit Connecticut
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headies-world · 2 years
I Had Dreamed of This Day For Forever
Hotchner x Reader One Shot  
Last night we spent the night together at our house because we knew we wouldn't be able to see each other today. We had to get ready and we agreed that he couldn't see me before I walked down the aisle to him. 
“Just stay here and leave early in the morning,” I said to Aaron. 
“Y/N, we made an agreement.” he said as he chuckled at my puppy dog eyes. “I'm not allowed to see you until you walk down that aisle tomorrow. I'm going to go to Rossi’s and spend the night there, so that in the morning I can get ready there.” 
“Fineeee, I guess you can do that,” I giggled as he came over and kissed my forehead. “I love you” 
“I love you too, Y/N. I can't wait for you to be my wife!” 
He grabbed his things and kissed me before leaving for Rossi’s. 
Later that night I called but he didn't answer. 
“Hey babe, I was just calling cause even though we have only been apart for like maybe 3 hours, I miss you like crazy,” I said leaving a voicemail. He was probably asleep at Rossi’s already. 
It's 12am and my phone is buzzing. I look over and see Rossi calling me. 
“Rossi??” I said groggily. 
“Hey kid, sorry to bother but is Hotch still with you” he asks. Um that's weird, did he not go to Rossi’s? 
“No, why do you ask,” I say. A slight panic is coming over me. 
“Well he’s not here yet, so I thought that maybe he ended up staying at home and just deciding to leave in the morning.” 
“He left at 10 to head over to your place. He said he wouldn't break our promise even though I asked him to stay,'' I say laughing a little because Aaron was so stubborn sometimes. 
“Okay maybe he just went out on a drive for a little while. Let me call him and ill get back with you. Does that sound okay kid?” He asked and I replied “Yeah, just let me know.” 
“Alright, get some rest, you have a big day tomorrow. Goodnight” 
“Goodnight Rossi!” 
I woke up around 6 am cause I couldn't sleep anymore. I was anxious because it was a big day and because of the call with Rossi last night. 
Hey Rossi, did Hotch end up at your house last night? 
Hey kid. No, I tried calling him but he didn't answer. I'll ask Morgan or Reid if he went over to their places instead. 
Okay, thanks. 
Why didn't he go to Rossi’s, I thought. I tried to call him again but all I got was “Its Hotchner, leave a message and I'll get back with you as soon as I can”. 
I immediately called Garcia. 
“Hiya sweetpea! Are you excited for today?! I can't wait to see you in that beautiful dress.” 
“Hey Garcia, actually can you do me a favor and track Hotch’s phone? He was supposed to go to Rossi’s last night cause we had a promise but Rossi called me at 12 and said he wasn't there yet. I just texted him and he said he never arrived. I tried calling Hotch but he didn't answer.'' I say nervously as my leg bounces up and down. 
“Yeah give me one second” she says in as calm of a tone as she can. “Um, it looks like his last location is on the side of the road on Highway 12. That's all I can find.” 
“Okay, thank you Garc-” 
“Wait, I just found something else.” 
“What is it?” 
“An article was posted early this morning that there was a single car crash on highway 12” 
No. This can't be real. 
“Y/N?” Penelope says slowly. 
“When did they say the car crash was?” 
“10:25 pm” Penelope whispers. 
My heart stops. I feel like im going to vomit so i rush to the bathroom head hung over the toilet. 
This can't be happening. 
“Garcia, I gotta go.” I say trying not to cry. 
My phone rings, I pray it's Aaron. Its not. I pick it up. 
“Hello”, I say softly. 
“Hello, is this F/N L/N? This is Sheriff Vasquez with the DC Police” 
“This is her.” 
“You are Aaron Hotchner's emergency contact. We wanted to inform you that he passed away last night at 10:30 due to a single car crash. He is at our quarters and we wanted to know how you would like to proceed.” 
“I can be up there in 2 hours.” I say straining my voice to get the words out. 
I had dreamed of this day for forever. Forever being when I met you. Your kind eyes and gentle smile made me think that I wasn't romantically hopeless. It's officially our wedding day.
As I’m sitting with my mom and dad, my mom looks over at me and says “Y/N are you ready?” 
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” I say back while looking in the mirror. 
My head was reeling back to the memories of the last four years together. I never thought that this day would come so quickly. 
“Mom, Dad?” 
“Yes, honey,” they said, looking back at me. 
“Let’s go,” I say as we walk to the car. 
I tried to keep it together. Today, I was supposed to be happy, but I couldn't be. I was supposed to walk down the aisle to you with all of our family and friends there. Now, I'm here in utter shock and confusion as the world around me spins and I can't do anything about it. 
I walk in the station with my mom and am met with Sheriff Vasquez. 
“You must be Y/N,” he says politely. 
“Yes, that's me.” 
“Follow me.” 
We get into the morgue and there is a body covered in a sheet. I pray that it isn't actually you under there. My mom nods towards me, silently saying that she's right there. The sheriff pulls back the sheet. 
The once sparkling brown eyes were lifeless and there was no trace of a smile on your face as I looked down at you. All that I knew was ripped away from me. I couldn't handle it. My knees gave out and I fell to the floor sobbing as the kind caring man that I love and was going to marry laid lifeless beside me. 
A week later
A week later I was at your funeral. I didn't want to go because that would make it more real than it felt like. 
You know when people get their arms or legs amputated and they get phantom limb syndrome? That's what it has felt like for me since you have passed. I still feel your body in our bed or I feel your arm around my waist. But it's not real. 
As I got ready, I looked through all of our pictures and wondered what our life would have been like. I dozed off as tears streamed down my face. 
“Y/N it's time to go, '' Emily says. 
“I said it's time to go, '' she repeated. 
I got up and grabbed my things as the team waited in the living room. It was a silent ride to the cemetery. When we got there we got out to hear the service. 
I couldn't take it. Morgan was sitting beside me and pulled me into a hug. I sat sobbing into his chest. 
When the service was over, I sat leaning my head on his headstone. The team standing by the cars waiting for me 
“Hey Aar. I know you can't hear me but I wrote you a letter.
Aaron my love,
I wish I could have told you this a million more times but I love you. You were the best thing to come into my life and I am eternally grateful. You had me wrapped around your finger the moment we met and I knew that you were going to be the person I married one day. You made me be my truest self and a better woman, and taught me how to love unconditionally through the ups and downs of our relationship. My favorite memory of you is when we were at rossi’s stupid dinner party after 2 months of dating and i had gone to the bathroom and when i was coming back i heard you tell the team that ‘this is the girl im going to marry’. I called my mom instantly and told her and she said ‘I know, he’s already asked for permission’. I blushed so hard that you had already asked her and my dad for permission to marry me. I knew it was way too soon but if i had known how things would have ended up i would have had Rossi marry us on the spot. I promise that you are my one and only love and will cherish our memories and time together for my life. I love you Aaron Hotchner and you were the dream I was waiting for to come true. 
As I get up I place the baby’s breath and yellow daisies on your grave and walk over to the rest of the team and my parents. I didn't want to leave because you were still there, but we got into the car and headed home. I knew one day I would see you again but until then, I would have to live with the dream of you constantly in my head. 
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lexis3npaii · 2 years
Late Night Talking
We've been doin' all this late night talkin' 'Bout anythin' you want until the mornin' Now you're in my life I can't get you off my mind
2k words
(fluff and angst a little but not really)
2:24 am
unknown: so when do you want to work on the project
you: ummm who is this?
unknown: lee minho? from creative writing?
unknown: sorry just kinda figured you saved my number when i wrote it down…
you: omg sorry :/ i totally forgot to do that
you: but dude the project just got assigned today and it’s not due until a month from now…
unknown: well technically it was assigned yesterday 
you: ya know that leads me to my next thought
you: why are you awake at 2 am???🤨
unknown: why are YOU awake at 2 am?
you: touche
unknown: i have a lot of things outside of that class so i just want to get this project done
unknown: so when do you want to work on it?
unknown: hello???
unknown: QUICKLY!!!!
you: holy cow calm down my guy. i was brushing my teef
you: and ur the one with a life outside of class
you: what days are you free🙄
unknown: lets meet at the library on friday at 3. does that work for you?
you: yes sir🤑
11:14 pm
lee minho from class: you left your sweater in the library
you: now why didn’t you tell me when i was walking out🤨
lee minho from class: i didnt notice until after you left
you: and you just remembered at 11:15 at night…
lee minho from class: i forgot about it. I stuffed it in my bag when i left cause i had to catch my bus
you: hmmm sure
lee minho from class: ?
you: i seen you eyeing it when we were writing
lee minho from class: if youre suggesting that i want to steal your sweater, youre wrong
you: yea sure i believe you
lee minho from class: i dont want your sweater y/n.
you: geez a name drop😟you must really not want it
you: what is it about my sweater that repulses you minho?
you: the little puffy sheep?
you: the yellow sleeves?
you: the cropped fit?
lee minho from class: im just gonna bring it to class on monday.
you: i- ok
3:58 am
you: do owls live in nests?
you: minho?
you: i know youre awake🙄
you: u dont sleep
you: minnie~
minho: ok first of all never call me minnie ever again
minho: second of all im not google
minho: third of all why are you awake and wondering?
you: ok mr points😒 you caught me😒 i was bored and i knew you’d be awake to entertain me😒
you: so…
minho: so what?
minho: how?
you: idk send pics
minho: HUH???
you: NO
you: i saw your lock and home screen. sorry for assuming😔
minho: oh yeah. i have 3 cats sooni, doongi, and dori
you: send pics dude. 
minho: here. 
minho: *insert pics of 3 cats*
you: awwwww so cute
minho: do you have any pets?
you: i used to have a hamster
minho: used to?
you: yea… he passed
you: rip cedric the entertainer😔🙏🏾
minho: interesting name
you: i was obsessed with madagascar when i was younger
minho: the island?
you: the movie?
minho: never seen it
you: 😧😧😧😧
you: we gotta watch it
minho: together?
you: i-
you: well not together
you: unless you want to
you: haha 
you: …
you: um well. my my my would you look at the time. gotta wake up early for class 
minho: goodnight y/n
12:47 am
minnie: i cant believe you know the loud menace 
you: who? jisung? 
you: its kinda hard not to know him
minnie: yea but thats really just a facade. hes actually pretty shy 
you: honestly i can tell
you: in class most days hes on 10 but every once in a while he might be at a 4 or 6
you: but whenever im with him we’re both at a solid 8
minnie: yea your personalities seem to match quite nicely
minnie: you’d probably get along with changbin and hyunjin. their both loud and annoying like jisung
you: geez minho, arent these people your FRIENDS
minnie: they’re leeches
minnie: chan, jeongin, and yongbok i like
minnie: seungmin is a whole other story
you: well id be happy to meet them. you live with 2 of them right?
minnie: hyunjin and yongbok
you: why don’t we work on the project at your place one day? 
minnie: trust me you dont want that
minnie: we’d never get anything done
minnie: also the loud one told me you have my contact saved under ‘minnie’ 👀
you: WHAT😧😧😧
minnie: haha
you: and hes back lol
you: yes i maybe might have you saved as minnie
you: but it just shows that ur moving up my friendship ladder
you: were bestie now😁❤️🥺❤️‍🔥
minnie: define ‘besties’🤨
you: jerk. 
you: well im gonna try to work on some hw before going to sleep
you: goodnight BESTIE😤🖤
minnie: goodnight y/n :)
10:19 pm
minnie: congratulations. youre the first girl to not be charmed by thee hwang hyunjin
you: awww thank you thank you *pagent girl wave* 
you: also ive known guys like hyunjin before. i know exactly how to crush their egos😈
you: besides i was too distracted by changbin’s chest😩🥵
you: ive been in need of a new pillow😴🥱🤤
minnie: gross y/n
minnie: im gonna send him this
you: shiiiiii ill send it myself
you: no shame in my game. hes hot
minnie: …🧍🏻‍♂️
minnie: moving on
minnie: you can just send your files for the project to me. ill put it all into one document and email it to the prof
you: aye aye captain
12:08 am
bestie minnie: wanna come by the dance studio tomorrow 
bestie minnie: or today i guess
you: will changbin be there?
bestie minnie: hyunjin, yongbok, and jisung will😒
you: sigh🙄 i guess
4:11 am
you: can you proofread my lit paper?
you: ive been writing since 12 and i can barely see straight
bestie minnie: send it. 
bestie minnie: im gonna facetime
5:33 am
bestie minnie: i know your probably sleeping but i just had the weirdest dream and you were in it
you: omg what was it about?
you: omg what was i wearing?
you: omg did i smell good?
bestie minnie: noooo y/n ur not supposed to be awake😩
you: well i am and im curious🤨
you: answer the questions boy🤨
bestie minnie: ok…
bestie minnie: it was really strange…
bestie minnie: have you been awake or did i wake you?
bestie minnie: alright alright. In my dream we were dating
bestie minnie: MS Y/N L/N DO NOT LEAVE ME ON READ😤
bestie minnie: i knew i shouldn’t have told u😩
you: SORRY 
you: i was imagining it
bestie minnie: i havent even explained the dream yet…
you: hold on now🤨
bestie minnie: what
you: u said u had a weird dream
you: what was so weird about us dating
you: 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
bestie minnie: idk. ur my friend
you: lee minho did you just friendzone me😭
bestie minnie: NO
bestie minnie: YOU DIDNT ASK ME OUT
you: ugh thats even worse😩
you: my bestie thinks im undateable😩😩😩
you: 😭😭😭 gn min
bestie minnie: goodnight y/n🙄
3:01 am
you: waffles or pancakes? no further questions asked
bestie 4 da restie🖤: waffles
you: HA
you: changbin owes me 5 bucks😈
bestie 4 da restie🖤: ur with changbin at 3 in the morning?
you: no were texting
bestie 4 da restie🖤: oh
you: ???
bestie 4 da restie🖤: do you guys text often?
you: what are you getting at mr🤨?
bestie 4 da restie🖤: nothing. just curious. 
you: not as often as i text u if that is what u want to know minho. 
bestie 4 da restie🖤: i was just asking y/n. 
you: yea sure. i gotta go
bestie 4 da restie🖤: oh. well goodnight <3
2:50 am
bestie 4 da restie🖤: madagascar 2 isnt as good as the first one but i liked it
10:11 pm
bestie 4 da restie🖤: im sorry if what i said the other night upset you
bestie 4 da restie🖤: i just miss talking to you. you didnt  wait for me after class today, so i figured something was up
4:22 am
bestie 4 da restie🖤: ok this time i really hope youre not up but its been a few days and i really just miss u a lot so here goes
bestie 4 da restie🖤: i like u a lot y/n. i think i have since the first time we met up in the library and you came rushing through the door in that cute sheep sweater. i like talking to you. i like the sound of your laugh. i like that my friends like you. i like that youre always awake and willing to talk. i like that you remember my cats names. i like that your favorite movie is madagascar and that you forced me to watch it cause now its one of my favorites. i like that youre yourself no matter who youre around. and i like that you stuck around and did everything you could to befriend me cause i know im not the easiest person to talk to. im moody, blunt, and reserved which most people take as rudeness but you didnt and i really really like that about you. and i know you like changbin but i just had to say that
bestie 4 da restie🖤: ok im gonna turn off my phone before you can reply
you: WAIT
you: dont go
you: at least let me read it before you go ghost
bestie 4 da restie🖤: ok
you: wow
bestie 4 da restie🖤: ok turning off the device now
bestie 4 da restie🖤: wait what?
you: ok first of all i dont actually like changbin. i mean i do like him as friend and he is hot (sorry) but i genuinely really like you minho
you: second of all sorry ive been ignoring the past couple days. i wasnt upset about what you said. i was just a little annoyed but also it made me realize how much i liked you because i was happy that you sounded jealous but then i got scared cause i was afraid you didnt feel the same and i didnt want to ruin what we had
bestie 4 da restie🖤: WELL YOU ALWAYS SAY IM YOUR BESTIE i thought you didnt like me the way i did
you: ok valid but i call everyone bestie min
bestie 4 da restie🖤: i know but it just hurt a little more when it was directed towards me
you: omg can i facetime rn
bestie 4 da restie🖤: why?
you: cause i know ur pouting and i wanna see 👀
bestie 4 da restie🖤: …ok😒
2:22 am
min❤️: hated madagascar 3🤢
you: thats why i didnt wanna watch with you
min❤️: and you didnt warn me? worse girlfriend award
you: u shouldve taken me not wanting to see it as a sign. not knowing my tells, worse boyfriend award
min❤️: ok well now i wanna see the first one
you: and whats stopping you?🤨
min❤️: ur door
you: HUH???
min❤️: im outside
min❤️: just open the door🙄
you: when hes bossy😍🥵
min❤️: geez
you: sorry i was laughing so hard i fell off my chair. coming now <3
min❤️: remind me again why i like u?
you: would you like me to copy and paste your confession🥺
you: hehe love u 
min❤️: love u too
a/n: that other minho fic im writing seems to be putting up quite a fight. its always the middle for me, like i know how i want it to end but everything in between is a struggle. but i decided to write this in the meantime just for funsies. ive always been good at writing dialogue (probably because im a screenwriter lol) so this was fun for me. if i dont finish the other minho fic, i think ill write something with han or changbin🤔 ive been really into harry’s new album and this idea came to me. i hope you enjoy and as always feedback is greatly appreciated :)
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weight-loss-ok · 11 months
The Truth About Eating for Fat Loss Goals
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Greetings everyone! Today we are talking about nutrition and debunking myths that prevent us from achieving our goals. Before we begin, I want to say upfront that you may doubt some of what I say. There is more misinformation about fitness, nutrition, and healthy lifestyles than even in politics. I don’t know of any other field so riddled with myths, empty promises, and confusing methodologies. In a future article, I will explain in detail where all this wildly contradictory information comes from, why you can always find positive reviews for any method, and why you can find any recommendation you want, even if it doesn’t actually work in practice.
The Critical Importance of Nutrition
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Nutrition is not just important, it is the most important part of achieving our goals, accounting for 75-90% of success. No amount of exercise, techniques, or supplements can outweigh poor nutrition. No matter your goal, you should always start with nutrition before going to the gym.
The good news for those who simply want to lose weight is that you may not even need the gym at all. Nutrition comes down to three things:
How we eat
How much we eat
What we eat
It all matters tremendously.
How We Eat and Its Impact
Let’s start with the first point – how we eat and what impact that has. I want to introduce you to the sacred cow for anyone who cares about their physique and health. Remember this, without which no goal can be achieved, from the simplest goal of losing weight over the summer to the most complex goal of building an impressive physique for competition. 
No goal can be achieved without increasing your metabolism. Remember that word, you will encounter very often – metabolism, also known as metabolic rate. This is the sacred cow of all bodybuilders, those trying to lose weight by summer, and just people who want to add vitality and prolong youth.
Our bodies have two constant processes from birth to death:
Anabolic (building up tissue)
Catabolic (breaking down tissue)
The rate at which these processes occur is determined by metabolism. Our hated fat can’t just disappear, dissolve, sweat out, or shake off. It can only be spent for the body’s needs. And the rate at which you will lose weight is determined by your metabolic rate. Likewise, when you build your body, how quickly you gain muscle mass and recover will also depend on that infamous metabolism.
With a low metabolic rate a person typically becomes sleepy, sluggish, and slow. They gain fat, lose it very slowly, and can’t build muscle mass – there is no energy to train. Therefore, for the average person trying to change their physique, the goal is to increase their metabolic rate. The higher it is, the easier it is for us to lose weight. Metabolism slows down with:
Infrequent eating
Skipping breakfast
Eating only 2-3 times per day
Large dinners
What can help accelerate metabolism? How we eat.
Frequent Small Meals
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There is no better way to accelerate metabolism than frequent small meals – eating approximately equal-sized portions no less frequently than every 3 hours. When I lost 30 kg (66 lbs) in 4 months, I ate 5-6 times per day. Is this difficult? Does it seem time-consuming? Not at all, it’s very simple. I’ll explain in a future article how you can do this automatically.
For now, I promise time savings and an energy boost by the end of the first week, and if your goal is to lose weight, then weight loss as well. The key is to get the ball rolling so you see that the new life, started properly, pays off immediately and you won’t want to quit it.
Time savings? I know it sounds crazy. But let’s take a stopwatch and calculator and count. At first, you’ll need to eat every 3 hours. How long does it take to eat a small portion? About 4 minutes. If you eat your first meal at 8 am and then every 3 hours until 8 pm, that’s about 5 eating occasions. 20 minutes total. Add another 10 minutes for getting containers back and forth. 30 minutes total.
Now let’s compare that to the standard 3 meals per day when you don’t bring food from home – going downstairs to the cafe, ordering, waiting, paying, eating is already 40 minutes. Plus morning coffee, breakfast, and dinner. Trust me, I have the experience to compare it to. Carrying your own food saves a lot of time.
So to summarize:
The iron rule is to eat every 3 hours. This is how we eat.
It helps accelerate our metabolism.
The higher it is, the easier it is for us to lose weight.
Metabolism slows down with age, alcohol, sedentary lifestyle.
One of the main goals is to increase metabolic rate.
And this is frequent small meals.
However, is it enough for us to just eat candy bars and cake every 3 hours and expect the heavens to smile upon us and we’ll lose weight? Of course not.
Calorie Deficit
Our body expends energy on everything – breathing, working, heart function, body heat, and more. The amount of energy produced is determined by metabolism. By the way, the body really hates calorie deficits. It doesn’t know we live in the 21st century and don’t need to hunt mammoths, which is why it gets fat – just in case of lean times. And as soon as it senses a deficit, it reluctantly tries to tap into reserves. After all, from its perspective, this is a life threat! It tries to reduce calorie expenditure so there is enough. How? Very simply. It tries to reduce metabolic rate. This is very similar to a computer’s energy-saving mode.
Oh, there’s not enough energy we can use? Shut down digestion! Less movement? Let him be sleepy. And so on. It’s very different with frequent small meals. The sensation of hunger is essentially your blood glucose or sugar level. When we constantly provide the furnace with a little fuel, we prevent sugar levels from dropping so low that the body panics and identifies it as a life threat, and switches to energy conservation mode.
So we need to eat every 3 hours to prevent our metabolism from slowing down and keep calories consumed slightly below what the body burns – just slightly. Not too much. Because as soon as we start starving too much, glucose levels will drop, and hello energy conservation mode, goodbye fat burning. This is why you can’t lose weight too quickly.
Let’s summarize:
To lose weight, you need to consume slightly fewer calories than your body burns.
To build muscle, you need to consume more calories than you burn.
This is why it is impossible to simultaneously lose fat and build muscle mass – it has to be one or the other.
The body burns energy. The more the higher the metabolic rate. Blood glucose levels determine if we feel hungry or full and the relative calm of our body. If we tape our mouths shut, nothing good will happen. Glucose levels will drop so low that the body will see it as famine times and immediately slow metabolism to conserve energy. This is why you can’t lose weight infinitely quickly. It seems obvious – we’ll just eat one candy bar or cupcake every 3 hours and we’ll lose weight. Not so fast.
What We Eat
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This brings us to the last point – what we eat. Broadly, everything we eat can be seen as:
Proteins – the building blocks
Carbs – our energy stores
Fats – high energy supplemental materials and reserves.
This is the info you see on any food label along with calories – proteins, fats, and carbs. Despite the fact that all foods contain some combination of proteins, fats, and carbs, it’s more than enough for us to focus on the main components.
So what are proteins? Lean meats, chicken breast, turkey, beef, fat-free cottage cheese, egg whites without the yolk, fish.
Carbs are nearly all grains, oats, rice, buckwheat, anything sweet, anything made from flour. And of course, sugar.
Fats are fats – oils, animal and vegetable fats, and lard. That’s the basics.
Carbohydrates and Insulin
So what and how should we eat? Let’s start with the stumbling block – carbs.
We talked about glucose. Aside from determining if we are hungry or not and triggering fat-burning or conservation mode, it directly impacts insulin production. Our body monitors blood sugar levels and as soon as they spike, the pancreas starts pumping out insulin to store the excess blood sugar as fat. Additionally, insulin prevents tapping into existing fat stores for energy.
Why do our sugar levels spike instantly? Sweets. All carbs can be loosely categorized as simple or complex, with a high or low glycemic index. All simple carbs cause a blood sugar spike, insulin release, and fat storage – as well as blocking existing fat from being used. Which essentially stops any fat loss in its tracks. The conclusion is obvious – nothing good comes from sweets and flour products. Even a small candy bar can halt fat loss for a long time.
To summarize:
Simple carbs with a high glycemic index are in sweet and floury foods.
If you are trying to lose weight you need to eliminate them.
What about grains and pasta? You need to eat them, by no means cut them out entirely, because they are where the body gets energy and glucose. And as soon as glucose levels drop too low, metabolism will slow. The only difference is when you eat them. Nature is such that all metabolic processes slow down at night – slower pulse, slower breathing. We don’t need to move much. Therefore, if you eat carbs at night, they will keep your blood sugar levels high all night long.
Which again interferes with fat burning. If glucose levels drop at night, it does no harm since nighttime metabolism slows anyway. The conclusion – you need to consume your required carbs approximately 3 hours before bedtime.
Proteins and Fats
What about proteins and fats? Proteins are our building blocks. If you are not training, I don’t recommend eating more than 1.5 grams per kg of body weight. Fats are simpler. We need some fat, but not too much. We need about 0.5 grams of polyunsaturated fats per kg of body weight – fats containing omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Fish oils, flaxseed oil. We need these for proper endocrine system function, and hair and nail health. We cut out animal fats – lard and butter.
The only remaining questions are about fiber and water consumption. You can and should drink plenty of water. But make sure it’s actual water without sugars – compotes, juices, tea, and coffee don’t count.
Fiber, meaning broccoli, cauliflower, etc, is very beneficial. It increases intestinal peristalsis and helps cleanse the body.
That’s really all there is to it. Now I’ll briefly tell you how I lost around 50 lbs (23 kg) in 4 months before I started going to the gym and building my body from scratch.
My Personal Experience
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Eating every 3 hours is ironclad.
I cut out all sweets except for one cheat meal per week where I would replace one meal with something sweet.
Due to being busy, I didn’t count calories precisely – I just ate about 2 cigarette pack-sized portions per meal. That’s not optimal but it worked.
I ate carbs in the first half of the day.
More protein and fiber closer to evening.
No food before bed.
Lean meats, boiled.
Difficult? No.
Anything new? No.
I will tell you about my training and diet. But success lies outside of just advice at the level of “tell me what to eat and what to lift”. These things have been known for ages. There are no new methods, especially for beginners.
I anticipate you will have many questions and doubts – come on, this can’t be true, I heard otherwise, my friend says, etc. And that’s why before I continue with specifics like calculating calories, organizing 5 daily meals, or home ab workouts, I need to spend some time debunking myths and uncovering why the industry of miracle cures thrives. Information is intentionally distorted to throw us off track.
For now, your assignment is to start eating every 3 hours. You need to make this a habit. Don’t worry about calories or macros yet. Just take your normal diet but break it up throughout the day. Most importantly, keep reading my articles and you’ll see no special diets are needed. You have all the willpower you need, I promise, and your quality of life will only improve.
Any discomfort will be temporary and not too serious because a little discomfort is always part of life. I have to explain this before I start giving recipes.
So subscribe, like, share with friends, and comment. It’s always more fun together. Looking forward to your feedback and questions. Bye for now!
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Bill Newton's birthday and age theory.
Sigh, back to my all-time favorite mechanic and prfessional driver. My brain cannot stop reminding on him almost everyday, I need to take a break, but not today. Let me tell the whole information about Bill for huge explanation, bend it over here...
About 4 months ago, I had made the solution/calculation to get Bill's actual age by putting the day and month of his birthday, that is 18 and 10. I decided to combine them to 28 as his former age [C = 28] Then drag the year when was HCR2 made [D = 2016], minus with his former age, and...he is not even born on 1988 [E = 1988], step away from his former birthyear. What if I include one thing... Just figured that I had to make the formula to solve the number, A for Bill's birthday on upper fraction, while B is for the date when was HCR2 made. (e.g. A1:A2 = 18:10, B1:B2 = 6:10) Next, divide into another, the result is 3 [F = 3] only number can change final result of Bill's age. At last point, I put his former birthyear minus with the number from [A1/B1 * A2/B2 = F] and TADA...! Final result is 1985, so it means he was born on 1985, and his only chinese zodiac is Ox, too.
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Let's move on to the racing permit of Bill, which from the Official Fingersoft image source on Instagram and their Fandom Wiki. This makes me feel curious what did he really want to reveal himself.
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See? What was wrong with only short information? I feel like he doesn't like to open to people at all (like me) the one he wrote "hates: everything else" is a lie. Just the point that he does not want to know his weakness, fears, even though what make he hate. I had made some observation around the Hill Climb Racing 2 cup races' title about months I had played before. I hinted the "I Hate Water" pretty sure that he does not like to get soaked by raining weather, splashed by the wheel of a car. And the obvious one title "Thalassophobia" means he has fear of drowning. Imagine what if he does not know the way guide to somewhere, then drove straight away to the bridge, until his car getting down to the ocean, likewise, this part of Bill Newton's weakness could be a hidden info outside the Racing Permit.
Additionally, the strange part in his birth of date, it made me want to search the number of tarot card. Some number is way related to their meaning in each decks (I meant, cards) Number 18 is related to the Moon, their meaning can be: imagination, darkness, mysterious, unseen, and wondering of its own. There was many words to say on Bill that he might avoid his feelings and hurt inside, it sounds similar to the context of Moon tarot card, which compare to the sea, and the crayfish/lobster float on, this is him trying to say something but no one else listens. This could possibly make Bill get sick and get the lunatic act (e.g. feeling mad) the howling domesticated dog and wolf is what Bill express out there. These explanation is this paragraph is unexpectable, I was not realized until I get solved why his birth of date is 18, and the number can reflects his true person. Next, his birth of month is October, the word Octo- from Latin and Greek mean eight, but the October is the tenth month, which means his birth of date is combined from the tenth month with word Octo- [eight] then again, another calculation from Finland's Independence Day [6th December(12)] is also included.
Thanks for reading my theory I like to share, have a great day!
drafted from aNotepad: 12:20 AM (+7 GMT), 17/12/2022
posted: 10:30 PM, 18/12/2022
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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U.S. Air Force retires its first RQ-4 Global Hawk Block 30
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 06/24/2022 - 11:00 AM in Military, UAV - UAV
The aviators perform a maintenance check on June 6, 2022, on an RQ-4 Block 30 Global Hawk aircraft piloted remotely on the Grand Sky at Grand Forks Air Base. (Photo: U.S. Air Force)
Aviators from the 319th U.S. Air Force Reconnaissance Wing withdrew five RQ-4 Block 30 Global Hawks from operation, transferring them to civilian partners at Grand Sky earlier this month.
The 319th RW will sell a total of 20 remotely piloted Global Hawk aircraft, and they should be transferred to Northrop Grumman in Grand Sky by the end of July.
They will be equipped with different sensor technologies before starting their new careers as part of the high-speed system testing department of the Test Resource Management Center.
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This will be a pivot for the Global Hawk, which traditionally "looked down" at altitudes of up to 60,000 feet while wandering for more than 12 hours at the station in locations around the world.
"There is no way to count how many American and allied lives this specific sensor payload saved between the improved set of integrated sensors and air signal intelligence," said Colonel Timothy Curry, commander of the 319th RW. “Putting these capabilities in the hands of our aviators has created almost real-time intelligence for fighters, decision makers and command centers.”
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The divestment of Block 30 is part of the U.S. Air Force's plan to restructure intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance to meet national defense priorities and support joint command and control capabilities of all domains. Divestment also helps to finance modernization and increases the ability to combat threats posed by competitors such as China and Russia.
"We must transform our strength today into the USAF that we need tomorrow," said General C.Q. Brown, Jr., Chief of Staff of the Air Force, in the divestment execution memorandum. “The divestment of this weapons system was a difficult but necessary choice of resources that we had to make to start achieving a budgeted savings of more than two billion dollars.”
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The U.S. Air Force plans to budget for construction and renovation projects that will take place during 2023-2026 to support future 319th RW missions.
As these new missions take shape, Grand Forks' 319th RW will continue to operate RQ-4 Block 40 aircraft until the end of the 2020s.
Tags: Military AviationDronesNorthrop GrummanRQ-4 Global HawkUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air Force
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in a specialized aviation magazine in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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godsnameisjoy · 1 year
Date: 8 February 2023
Duration: 31 minutes at 10:43 PM
Right now, I can’t remember a thing about this session other than the discomfort in my left leg towards the end of the session. I remember thinking that if only my leg was alright, I would go on much longer than what I have. It had to do with the way I seated on my cushion.
The involuntary bodily shakes and vibrations were minimal. It’s the most amazing change in the way my body has accepted the rise of Kundalini energy. 2 years and 10 months back, I would experience spinal vibrations in the lower back.
In the time that has lapsed since, the point of dissipation of freed energies has shifted gradually. The point has gone up the spine over many meditations and then it has gone back to the tail after having reached shoulder level. There has been a whole new round of vibrations emanating from the tail to the neck. In subsequent rounds, the vibrations have been strong enough to make me stop meditating.
Ever since blessed life forces cut a trickle into the head, strong involuntary shakes have become less in frequency. I am assuming that my present stage of practice is about my head brimming with Peaceful life forces. Now, even the intensity of shakes are at most medium and not frequently strong.
I don’t think it is possible to place one’s attention at one point uninterruptedly unless freed energies stop dissipating via distracting involuntary movements. The energy that runs my human body becomes free of the body with optimal calmness of body and mind.
Freed life energy finds residence in the spine, by default. Spinal life force is attracted to the meditating head. Every meditation after the initial Kundalini stirrings, is about life forces carving a proper path along and up the spine. Life forces want to be in the head, after they find themselves in the spine.
In the head, life forces are perceived as Peace. Life forces don’t lose their fluidity even after they take residence in the head. The greater the amount of life running energies in the head, the stronger is one’s sense of Peace. When the head begins brimming with life energies, one simply knows that these blessed forces don’t want to dissipate away in every direction.
From all the risings along the spine, I know that them energies want the right way up. They want my body to contain them better, my head included. They don not wish to dissipate. They will carve a pathway so wide along the spine that your entire back will be straightened involuntarily.
I just find it amazing that the Hindu saint Patanjali is attributed to have lived any time between Jan 101 AD and December 400 AD. For Sage Patanjali to have written possibly the first yoga syllabus in an 8 step form, is incredible. For Him to have placed the steps of Pranayama, Pratyahara and Dharana in that order, is amazing. Those are the names of steps 4, 5 and 6.
Pranayama is about breathing in a way to calm the body and mind. There are several non-violent breathing techniques available in the world today. Pratyahara, I read somewhere, is the fasting of the senses. It simply means to learn to not go all the way to the seams of your being while meditating. The limit of the seams keeps getting closer until it isn’t about thought but the energy that supports thoughts.
Pratyahara in its advanced stages is about energy running along the spine and filling the head. Patanjali knew that once the head brims with motionless and silencing energies, the practice is about gathering all one’s Peace and entering one-pointedness of Dharana.
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houseofchirontx · 1 year
February 2023 Intuitive Astrology Forecast
The month begins with all planets in a forward trend. Until the end of April, we have momentum and progression at our fingertips. The choice is yours to walk through the open doors! Our retrograde season was intense, whereas the remaining part of winter and the start of spring will bring ease. 
February's lunar cycle involves a Leo Full Moon that activates the fixed energy again. The Lunar nodes are still navigating through Taurus and Scorpio, so things could get pretty intense at the start of the month. Much of what is destined has to do with releasing and receiving; the lunar nodes remind us of that. This month's new moon is occurring in poetic Pisces, helping us to create a life we could only dream of. 
Full Moon at 16º Leo
February 5th, 2023
12:28 pm CST
Leo is the bold and expressive sign of the zodiac. Full moons are the biggest and brightest time of our lunar cycle. As the Moon reaches its greatest illumination in the courageous sign of Leo, it will form a tense aspect known as a T-Square in the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Aquarius). T-Squares are made of one opposition and two squares between 3 astrological bodies. In this case, we have the Sun in Aquarius opposing the Moon in Leo while both square Uranus in Taurus. Current situations may seem chaotic, tense, petty, and even entertaining. Still, we are being pushed to release what isn't working, ignore the drama, let go by choosing which battles to fight and make the necessary changes to live our lives courageously. The Moon in Leo will form a loose sextile to Mars in Gemini, while Uranus sextiles Venus in Pisces. Although it's a relatively quiet time in the Universe, the inner world of an individual determines how one will manage this intense energy. It's all about having the internal tools to solve the problems that are present to get to the other side.
Mercury conjunct Pluto at 28º Capricorn
February 10th, 2023
11:15 am CST
Mercury is our communicator, and Pluto rules our psyche and secrets. Secrets and revelations could surface with this mighty conjunction. It’s an ideal time to study, research and dive into the abyss of the unknown to uncover mysteries or perplexing topics. This energy is also favorable for psychological analysis, so self-awareness, shadow work, therapy, or simply speaking with someone with great skill and knowledge will be beneficial today.
Mercury enters Aquarius
February 11th, 2023 - March 2nd, 2023
5:23 am CST
Mercury in Aquarius helps us tap into the genius energy we all possess. We can think outside the box, build a community to expand our network, and create plans to achieve our goals. Mercury is a busybody this month! Mercury sextiles Jupiter and Chiron in Aries to broaden the views of our self-image and increase our confidence and enthusiasm. There is also a lovely trine to Mars in Gemini to give us the drive to go after our goals with the plans we’ve created under the Aquarius new moon. Although Mercury in Aquarius feels electrifying, the Mercury square to Uranus in Taurus will intensify the restrictive and chaotic vibes we’ve experienced with the fixed signs. 
Venus conjunct Neptune at 4º Pisces
February 15th, 2023
6:25 am CST
Conjunctions indicate new beginnings; Neptune and Venus rule creativity, artistry, love, and spirituality. During this time, new connections in love can form, or we could be embarking on a deeper level of harmony in our existing relationships. With these two planets connecting, we can dream, which could increase our creativity. Alternatively, we may feel less enthusiastic about getting things done or seeing our situations clearly.
Sun conjunct Saturn at 27º Aquarius
February 16th, 2023
10:48 am CST
Sun conjunct Saturn gives us the focus, determination, and discipline to get the job done! With structure and patience, we can forge through our responsibilities with a sense of accomplishment. We could receive recognition from someone in a position of authority or even take on the role of a knowledgeable advisor for someone else. Saturn can restrict our creative self-expression when it connects with the Sun, so we may have difficulty showing up boldly. Additionally, the Sun will shine a light on anything that needs structure or organization.
Sun enters Pisces
February 18th, 2023 - March 20th, 2023
4:35 pm CST
Happy Solar Return Pisces!
As the sun shifts into Pisces, we will feel a sense of romance and peace. We are embarking on the zodiac's final sign and the astrological year's end. It's ideal for reflecting on the experiences from the start of Spring Equinox 2022 to the present. What is coming full circle for you at this time? Pisces is represented by the two fish, yin and yang, swimming in opposite directions but ultimately flowing in the same trajectory. The Pisces New Moon helps us to set goals that will assist us in flourishing and flowing with the tide. Get creative about your desires this season.
New Moon at 1º Pisces
February 20th, 2023
1:05 am CST
It's the time to dream of our desired realities externally, but first, it begins with our internal realities. Pisces is about the spirit, the soul, the ending, and the beginning, and sometimes we have to go back to the start to understand the path's trajectory. Using our imaginations and spiritual gifts to set our intentions today is essential. Visualization, meditation, and any form of art are great tools for mapping out the futures we desire. Pisces isn't about attachment to a particular outcome; it's more about flowing to the destination and remaining open to the natural flow of things.
Venus enters Aries
February 20th, 2023 - March 16th, 2023
1:56 am CST
Less than an hour after our Pisces New Moon, Venus leaves the sign of its exaltation and enters passionate Aries. During Venus’ transit in Aries, she will conjunct Jupiter and Chiron, square Pluto in Capricorn, and sextile Mars in Gemini. The connection to Jupiter and Chiron will bring ease and understanding to our path to embrace truth and sovereignty. A new beginning toward healing the wounds of our identities will help build confidence. Jupiter and Venus bring new beginnings within our finances and love lives. As the square to Pluto may surface our tendencies to hold onto things well beyond their expiration date due to obsessions and attachment issues, the sextile to Mars in Gemini will give us the confidence to accept ourselves and release. Aries Venus is naturally bold, vibrant, and confident; we get to harness that energy wholeheartedly this season.
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purplecraze · 1 year
Beauty and the Beast AU 21
orange-plane-boy — 09/07/2021 12:07 AM
He sighed, but he had to be stronger-
"...ok" he kissed his forehead and stroked his cheek
"You too, you should rest"
purplecraze — 09/07/2021 12:10 AM
he nodded. "hm. I will....uhm...."
He took his cravat off and tied one end of it around Narancia's wrist, not too tight, before tying the other end around his own wrist with some trouble.
orange-plane-boy — 09/07/2021 12:10 AM
He giggled "is this how are we gonna to hold hands?" He asked getting down his lap
purplecraze — 09/07/2021 12:11 AM
"in a way..... but this way I'll know it wasn't a dream."
orange-plane-boy — 09/07/2021 12:13 AM
He smiled softly at him, grabbing his hand as long they were still in the dome
"Is not; i promise you"
purplecraze — 09/07/2021 12:21 AM
"......." he stared back, looking hopelessly longing for the other.
orange-plane-boy — 09/07/2021 12:22 AM
Narancia looked at him and gived him another kiss on th cheek
"Ehy, a month is not that long ok? We will handle it"
purplecraze — 09/07/2021 12:30 AM
"..." he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "right... you'll be alright sleeping here?"
orange-plane-boy — 09/07/2021 12:32 AM
"Mh?" he looked at him curious
purplecraze — 09/07/2021 12:35 AM
"you want to stay here? or you'd prefer a bed?"
orange-plane-boy — 09/07/2021 12:38 AM
He sighed "...Sleeping here together would be dangerous right?"
purplecraze — 09/07/2021 4:08 PM
Fugo looked off, ignoring the fact that he totally fell asleep down here beside him before.
"Do you stir in your sleep?"
orange-plane-boy — 09/07/2021 4:10 PM
"....Yeah" He looked away "and kinda kick around" he laughed awkardly
purplecraze — 09/07/2021 4:39 PM
"mmmm....yeahmetoo..." he sighed too. "I got careless before... sorry..." he untied their hands again. "I guess this won't work..."
orange-plane-boy — 09/07/2021 4:40 PM
He sighed
"Then we will do it next month! When we get here early and so we can snuggle together"
purplecraze — 09/07/2021 4:41 PM
Fugo nodded. "seems so far away. 6 times the amount we've spend together until now."
orange-plane-boy — 09/07/2021 4:42 PM
"Ah? A month is not made of 4 weeks? And the full moon is once at month right??"
purplecraze — 09/07/2021 4:43 PM
"Narancia, how much is 4x7?"
orange-plane-boy — 09/07/2021 4:45 PM
He stopped and counted on his fingers "7...14...21...28! 28 days! Almost a month!"
purplecraze — 09/07/2021 4:45 PM
he nodded. "And how much is 5x6?"
orange-plane-boy — 09/07/2021 4:46 PM
purplecraze — 09/07/2021 4:46 PM
"hm hm. how big is the difference between 28 and 30?"
orange-plane-boy — 09/07/2021 4:47 PM
"Two-?? Why are we dong math can we go back kissing if we have time fir this??"
purplecraze — 09/07/2021 4:48 PM
"you are correct, a month is 4 weeks, and 2 days. full moon happens every 29.5 days. hence, 6 times the 5 days we've spend together until now."
But he did kiss him again. "Last one, and that's final."
orange-plane-boy — 09/07/2021 4:50 PM
He pouted, but he kissed him back
"Nhh...Well if we cant sleep here together then i guess i prefer to sleep in a bed" he giggled
purplecraze — 09/07/2021 4:53 PM
"yeah, that makes sense. let's be off then. the sun will be rising soon...."
orange-plane-boy — 09/07/2021 4:56 PM
He nodded "yeah..." he fixed a lock of hair on Fugo's face and kissed his cheek
"Lets go then; we will find a way to stay close without touching"
purplecraze — 09/09/2021 6:16 PM
Fugo frowned, rather troubled. "Actually....I think it's better if I keep my distance for the next few days..."
orange-plane-boy — 09/09/2021 6:51 PM
"Ah..." He nodded "Its ok, i guess if the curse is stronger from tomorrow, its better for you to rest in the day then! We will catch up as soon you feel better and then maybe you could start to teach me magic!"
purplecraze — 09/09/2021 7:42 PM
"err, no, that's not quite it..." he looked off. "It's just, after today, I think it'll be all the more difficult to--.... well, to stop myself.
I think I might get withdrawal symptoms." he joked to hide his awkwardness.
orange-plane-boy — 09/09/2021 7:43 PM
"Ah-! I see!" He laughed awkardly
"Nh..we should leave the dome, but at leadt we can watch the sunrise together before going to nap mh?"
purplecraze — 09/09/2021 7:52 PM
"oh. yeah, that sounds nice~" he smiled, though it was hard to hide how he was disappointed that their time together was over for another month.
orange-plane-boy — 09/09/2021 7:59 PM
Oh trust me Nara was disapointed too, but he realized he had to be the mature one right now.
"Ehy, is not that long ok?" He grabbed his hand "cmon lets go"
purplecraze — 09/09/2021 11:36 PM
Fugo took a deep breath and nodded. he raised Narancia's hand and kissed it once more.  "you really are... very precious to me." he let go of his hand after pinching it and left the dome with heavy feet.
orange-plane-boy — 09/09/2021 11:41 PM
Narancia looked at him and sighed, he would miss it, but also felt sorry for Fugo, at least Narancia had some contact with the outside before, seeing people everyday etc Fugo on the other hand was in complete solitudine, so probabily it was way harder for him.
"...C'mon lets go the sun will rise soon!! Hehe, sun, soon~" and started to run to some more high ground to see better
purplecraze — 09/09/2021 11:48 PM
Fugo rolled his eyes at the weird wordjoke. "this way, there's a spot where you can see it well, up in the house. " and he went back inside, climbing the stairs.
orange-plane-boy — 09/09/2021 11:50 PM
"Oook!!" He chirped following him, keeping still some distance
purplecraze — 09/09/2021 11:52 PM
he took him along to the highest tower, which had access to a large balcony. "I usually go here to watch the stars at full moon."
orange-plane-boy — 09/09/2021 11:54 PM
"Ohhh so pretty!" He exclamed as a thin line of orange was starting to color the sky
purplecraze — 09/09/2021 11:55 PM
it sure was. Narancia's face in awe, that is, which was far more interesting than the sunrise.
orange-plane-boy — 09/09/2021 11:58 PM
Indeed Nara was someone that got excited over the little things.
"I havent seen the sunrise in a while"
purplecraze — 09/10/2021 2:38 PM
Fugo leaned on the railing of the balcony, staring over the horizon. "Late riser? Or any other reason?"
orange-plane-boy — 09/10/2021 2:42 PM
"Both i guess, being homeless it means you sleep when you can and at some point you fuck up your internal clock. You kinda have to sleep with one eye open or someone is gonna steal your shit or worst" he shrugged "so those times i have a bed to sleep in i rater stay there as much i can"
purplecraze — 09/10/2021 2:44 PM
"mm..." Fugo nodded. "Makes sense, yeah.... 'worse', such as?"
orange-plane-boy — 09/10/2021 2:45 PM
"Oh yknow, police finding you etc, tecnically speaking being homeless is illegal" he laughed "and people dont like to have street rats sleeping next to their houses or shops"
purplecraze — 09/10/2021 2:48 PM
He frowned, annoyed. "Because being homeless is totally a matter of free choice, not at all subject to being hit by misfortune or anything. bastards...."
Your boyfriend may or may not be planning murder with his handy dandy cursed sin hands right now.
orange-plane-boy — 09/10/2021 2:50 PM
"Tell me about it" he snorted sarcastically
"Its ok, you get used to do power naps here and there" he shrugged "also in winter at night being still for too long is not a good idea, its better to walk around anyway"
purplecraze — 09/10/2021 3:11 PM
Fugo was quiet for a little, just frowning upset. "I'm... glad you got through it all. That must have been terrible.
I..... never really considered that all the things you longed for were things I never questioned myself on having. I'm sorry.."
orange-plane-boy — 09/10/2021 3:26 PM
"Ehy no problemo, i got pretty lucky! Im not ill, im pretty strong and i still have all my libs AND fingers!" He laughed "And also you dont have to apologize-"
purplecraze — 09/10/2021 3:44 PM
"it's almost funny how opposite we are. just the number of limbs and fingers are the same, huh?'
orange-plane-boy — 09/10/2021 3:45 PM
He smirked
"Maybe is this why we get along! We have a lot  to chat about too!"
purplecraze — 09/10/2021 3:54 PM
"opposites attract, huh?" Fugo made some motion with his hand and Narancia could feel some kind of preasure on his head as if someone gave a rub through his hair. "it feels like fate that we met..."
orange-plane-boy — 09/10/2021 3:56 PM
He touched the back of his head in surpirse but then he smiled, going back to his kitty cat expression
"Maybe we are soulmates" He giggled "dunno, ive know you for so little, but we really click together well"
purplecraze — 09/10/2021 4:03 PM
Fugo nodded. "Well, I don't just kiss any guy I've known for 5 days after 3 years solitude." he made the hand motion a few times over, patting narancia's hair like that.
orange-plane-boy — 09/10/2021 4:08 PM
"Right~" He giggled
"Nhh you are gonna make me fall alseep here"
purplecraze — 09/10/2021 4:08 PM
"it's a deep fall if you tumble over the railing." but he did stop.
orange-plane-boy — 09/10/2021 4:11 PM
Narancia yawned
"Yep i see that-"
He looked at the sky, slowly turning into a light blue
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
Journal Entries of Bipolar sh*t compiled to Show the Mind of Someone with BP:
[Entries from my mood journals:] 
TW: Mental Health
These entries are personal, I wrote them as I was going through whatever I end up writing about, I took out any personal details so it reads like ANON.
Energy Levels: 
July 15th 2020: 
Questionable levels of energy. Went to bed at 9am and woke up at 6pm. Just really tired, I feel just,,,, exhausted in an empty almost depressive kind of way. Could a depressive episode be looming on the horizon? Conversely, however, my energy has been pretty high the last three-four days at least. I’ve been somewhat motivated, getting work done, and also having major problems with insomnia that really kind of came out of nowhere. That’s why I couldn’t fall asleep until 9am last night. (Though my time blindness when doing things I enjoy certainly doesn’t help.)
July 16th 2020: 
(went to bed at 9am, awoke at 7pm)
Another feeling of low energy. I’d rate it about 3.5/10 (5 being normal.) Mood wise, I'm in a rather neutral mood, though I’m starting to worry that it’s getting more and more apathetic. (Especially when I’m dehydrated.) 
Executive dysfunction is rearing its ugly head. It’s hard for me to do things, I kinda want to curl into a ball and do nothing for great periods of time. I find it hard to really be motivated or to make myself WANT to look nice when I see my friend tomorrow. It’s actually kind of worrying, but my overall mood (as I said) is still pretty neutral. 
July 17th, 2020: A solid 3/10 
(Bed @ 7/8-ish am. Woke at 1:09pm to go to a friend’s.) 
I just feel tired and kinda zen, not gonna lie. Like relaxed and ready to slip into unconsciousness at any moment. Not necessarily as apathetic as yesterday, but that could be because I am around my good friend, and being around my good friends makes me happy, distracted, and more energized, even with barely any sleep.
July 18th 2020: 
Bed time:  Close to 11:30 pm Wake Up: Close to 9am. (Like 8:40 am or something) 
A solid 2.2/10 
I’ve had low energy for a bit now and I know it’s starting to roll into my apathetic depressions. Today [friend] wanted me to go to the gym/pool with [them] and I was REALLY not feeling it, but [they] were  gungho for it and were talking about it like it was already going to be a done-deal. This kinda soured me because I really do not want to move around much when I’m like this and I ESPECIALLY did not want to go to the pool—  I knew I’d be the only one in the pool, alone, because I didn’t bring shoes so I either had to wait horrendously by myself in the locker room or pool it out alone until someone joined me after their workout.
I DID feel great when I stepped into that lukewarm shower before having to get into the pool, but like, WOAH MAN, I got super apathetic, I contemplated just staying in the shower for an hour and like hOO wow. Not great. 0/10 would not recommend. 
I did actually enjoy the pool though and after about 15 minutes of [friend] joining me I began to go back to a more neutral state of mind, so that was good. 
When we went to the mall it was fun too, but for some reason (I can’t even explain why) I hit a low— low, and started to second-guess everything (even my friendship with them) and wondered if I should never talk or see them ever again from then on. It was really melodramatic and I don’t even know why I thought about it for a minute there. After a few minutes I was snapped back to normal by hanging out with my friends and then I was kinda okay again. 
Emotionally (when I’m not feeling low energy/apathetic/empty AF) I feel on the verge of just breaking down into tears and laughing like a maniac.
July 24th
Bed: 9pm-ish  Woke: 5am 
Energy: 4-ish (Maybe even a bit more of a 3.5 rn) 
These last few days have been a blur tbh. I went on a webtoon-reading, what-music-was-I-listening-to-in-middle-school binge these last couple of days and so I remember not much. The hyper focus really had me there lol. 
July 28th 2020: 
Bed: 1:15 am Woke: 6:30 am 
Mood: When I was awake earlier and reading, about a 3. RIGHT NOW??? 1.5/10 and quickly approaching a meltdown. 
I am SO SO tired and almost about to have an emotional breakdown for no reason. I have no idea where this is coming from but I am going to tuck into bed and disappear from existence because I need to sleep for 19hrs or I WILL throw a fit. 
**Some notes for July 28th. I tried to sleep at 7/8pm because I felt an incoming meltdown. But then I was suddenly wide awake? Like my energy was at a 7 while my mood was at a 0.5. Basically, not fun, would never repeat again. 
July 31st, 2020: 
Bed: Around midnight/1 am woke: 3pm. 
Energy: 4/10
I don’t know why I slept for so long, but I def. could have slept longer. In fact most of the day I felt kind of bleh. 
Not terrible enough to lie down but also not normal-normal. 
August 26th, 2020: 
Woke: 7pm Slept: 9/10am 
Mood: 4.5/10 
In general I’ve felt fine. Not as exhausted, and definitely  in a good mood. Maybe it’s because I’m purposefully taking it easy while still trying to accomplish the small things. Ahhhh I feel so accomplished, yo!!!
But just as a general warning, I don’t know how long I’ll be able to stay optimistic. (Hopefully for a long time.) I just feel the depressive episode on the horizon. For now, I’m doing self care so that I can fight  it off, but hopefully it won’t be “only a matter of time.” 
Thursday — September 17th, 2020: 
Slept: 1am woke: 7:30am 
Mood: 5/10 ENERGY: 2.5/10 
Though I’m in a pretty genial mood, I just feel so tired. Which makes no sense because yesterday I woke up at like 7pm and went to bed at 1am. So WHAT TF bro. I’ve just been lying in my bed all day because that’s like the only way I feel somewhat decent. 
Kinda want to take a nap but I know that’ll do me absolutely no good whatsoever, so I’m gonna stay awake and try to be as productive as I can be when I’m lying down in a horizontal position.
[Journal Entry] 
“Saturday: October 10th, 2020 —  Around Night
Right now I feel invincible. Like I can write and capture that perfect melody. Pen to paper. Pencil to sketchbook. For this moment, just right now, I feel as if I could do anything, and that makes me so, so, happy. 
Today is a happy day, which is made funnier or perhaps more ironic by the fact that I didn’t even want to wake up today. [Which I did, begrudgingly, at 6pm-ish.] 
The tides really do come and go. So never feel too down. At some point you’ll feel like this again. The cogs keep turning and life goes on. 
Mood: 10/10 Energy: 10/10.”
[End quote] 
“October 13th, 2020 — Tuesday, 10:45 AM. 
So many thoughts have taken travels in my hand. Today I feel invincible again. Much like I did in the last entry. I have been an unfortunate disappointment to my family, though. My energy, motivation, and time has been entangled lately. Entangled deep into my mind, my media, and the interests I partake in: The Void ™. 
Therefore I haven’t been of much help, entertainment, or enjoyment for my loved ones. Last Sunday our relatives gathered at our house to celebrate [my brother's] birthday. Yet I stayed in bed. I did not celebrate with them, and ignored their asks of me. I’m quite disappointed in myself for being this way. I can only strive to be better. I may not have been energetic or involved these last few days, but I feel much better now that I’ve gotten rest. 
Though I’ll always be fighting with that void that distracts and captures my attentions, I won’t let these strings choke me.” [End Quote] 
October 18th 2020:
Slept: 10am Woke: 4am
Mood:2.5/10. Energy:2/10
I just feel very anxious (like pit of nervous energy going 100mph in my stomach) anxious. I’m gonna try and nap the wired energy off cause it’s making me panicked 
[Journal Entry] 
“October 18th, 2020 — Sunday, 3:46 AM
I’ve gone and slept all of saturday. But hopefully this will fix my sleep schedule. I’m also (not quite anxious, but I know the tension is there, rising, ready to explode on the horizon. Already it’s October 18th, and yet it feels as if I’ve accomplished nothing. And perhaps I haven’t.”
[End quote] 
“October 24th, 2020 — Saturday, 9:55 PM.
At the beginning of this page I felt indescribable emotion fill me. Everything was pointless. I’d forgotten how to fly and instead remembered how to nap. For a singular moment I wanted to sleep into nonexistence. I wanted to cry, too. But mostly, I was just tired. I could do nothing but sit and want to sleep, and I had not even the strength or energy to loathe myself for this. So I decided to scrapbook instead and then maybe sleep after I’d written all this leak in me from pen to paper. But in the (time it)  took for me to design the page I fell out of my emotional range. Instead I felt calm. Pacified. Silly, isn’t it? I’m supposed to edit today and tomorrow, but I’ve let today slip away. 
I’ve also eaten too much again. I feel sick. Like I’m eating as much as I can before a hibernation. Does my body feel a depressive episode coming before I do? Is that it? Or is my overeating and lack of control leading me into a spiral? I shouldn’t be feeling like this. So much anxious, emotional energy. I’m wired as shit and I hate this jittery-ness. 
It’s suffocating. Like a snake’s wrapped itself over me and keeps constricting, tighter, and tighter, and tighter, till there’s nothing left.”
[End of entry] 
“November 10, 2020 — Tuesday 
Pros: I watched lupinranger like 3 times in the span of 3 days. 
Cons: I watched lupinranger like 3 times in the span of 3 days.”
[End Quote] 
[Around 3 month time skip]
[Sunday, February 28th, 2021 — 2:04 AM] 
“I’m treading water. Another month passes. Hopefully I’ll make all I can of this last day. I walked some, but I still haven’t reached my desired destination. Guess I have no choice but to keep going! Everything has a time. I can only continue trying. That’s all I can do. To quit is to have nothing for myself, not even dreams. ‘Being confident that he who began a good work in you will carry on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ.’ (-Something Phillipians.) 
I dream of many things. I pray that March gives me what I need. Please be here with me, hold my hand in these times and keep me close in your thoughts. I’m trying. I’m always trying. Day by day, hour by hour, sometimes minute by minute. I can’t do this alone. (I wish I could.) My brain is so easily distracted and it’s hard to get by even doing things I joy. I wish I had something that could force me to function. All I have is myself.  
One day I won’t just be writing dreams with no evidence. Every step is part of the journey (even if it doesn’t feel like it.) So thank you for walking with me. I don’t have the strength to do this alone. Please, please hold my hand through the anxieties and whisper that it’ll be alright. I’m blindfolded, and I’m walking on a tightrope, and I need you to tell me when and how to jump so that I’ll land in the net. I’m blind but I’m listening. September 30th feels a lightyear away. It’s hard to forget the lack when you’re faced with it everyday. And I’m unsure. Please tell me that it’s worth it. Please. Please help me. Please. Please lead me. Please help me.” 
[End of entry.]
Part: [1], [2], [3], [4]
This is the first part of the journal entries, I'll be uploading another compilation after each newly posted PPT essay.
Bipolar PPT Essay: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]
Visuals of depressive episodes: (1), (2)
PPT Essay Extras: (1), (2), (3)
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Weekly Report: June 21st, 2022
🐝 What a bee-utiful day it is today, the first day of summer! A bright sunny day ONLY filled with happy memories! Starting today, we will try to issue a weekly report on the events of Cookie Run every Tuesday while the scores for the week’s Guild Battle season are being tallied. For the Editor’s convenience, all recorded times are being posted in EST.
⚔️ Break Your Limits!
June 21st - July 6th, 10:59 PM
🐝 So… you wanna make some happy memories in the Arena? Now’s your chance! Complete these Arena Tasks and advance through the tiers to claim Medals of Victory and some extra goodies to spruce your own home, 60 at a time! You can expect to see these following missions:
Compete in the Arena (10, 20, 30, 50, 80)
Win Arena battles (10, 20, 30, 40, 50)
Win with ALL of your Cookies alive (1, 3, 5, 10, 15)
Win Revenge Battles (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Win Arena battles with less than 30% of your Cookies’ total HP times (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Complete missions in this event (6, 13, 20, 27, 34)
🐝 Completing enough of these missions will give you hundreds of House Oyster’s Emblems and chests containing an Ancient soulstone from Pure Vanilla, Hollyberry, or Dark Cacao Cookie! It’s your choice in which one you get.
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⚔️ Radiant Heroes Season 1
🐝 Speaking of Arena… the new season is currently ongoing, and it’s the first series to not feature a Legendary or Ancient Cookie in the title! Reach the Master Tier to claim the Slumbering Paladin’s Sanctuary for your kingdom! Or… you could get the Kingdom pass and get the Magic Clockwork Yacht and enough supplies to make Mala Sauce Cookie even stronger! Oh yeah, that… “Old Rags?” Cookie with too many bad memories is the gift Cookie of the Month.
💀 Don’t call me Old Rags Cookie! I am LICORICE COOKIE, and I am this month’s spotlight! All fear me!
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⚔️ Arena Frenzy
🔄 Repeating Event: June 16th - June 24th
🐝 Win or loss, why not compete in the Arena and make some memories for yourself?! Fight 70 battles in the Arena and get rewards just for playing!
💰 Bounty Missions
🔄 Repeating Event: June 20th - June 23rd
🐝 Only 3 days long, complete Bounties (or time-jump them) to get a few more rewards.
🎁 Daily Gifts
🐝 Looking for even more rewards? Log back in every day until June 26th for some free stuff in your mailbox!
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🔥 Cookie Alliance: Season 7
🐝 Rewards are out, now go make some memories with your friends and bring back some relics for your museum!
Season Effects: 💥 Team CRIT Damage +20%, ✊ Charge Cookies CRIT% +10%
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🕰 Incoming Events
🏆 Flawless Victory (6/24 - 7/2)
♦️ Dark Mode Marathon (6/23 - 6/26)
🎈 Balloon Marathon (6/26 - 6/29)
🔜7️⃣ Season 7 Countdown
🐝 There are only 6 days left until Ovenbreak Season 7 starts, and we leave bee-hind that tragic memory they called Invocation Cards in Season 6! Remember those other four dragons? We might be meeting number five with the Ivory Dragon VERY soon… but for now, you can log in and find a special coupon code every day in the events tab! As a result, Team Fight, Peperoncino Cookie’s Trial, and the Essence of Conflagration Trial are all ending once Season 7 goes live!
Fragrant Lotus Paradise will have its weekly rewards postponed to June 27th, 7:00 PM as a result, possibly to make way for a new Breakout Main Episode! Take advantage of the extension if you haven’t run yet!
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🗞 Dev News
🐝 Sea Fairy Cookie celebrates her first anniversary of making landfall in Cookie Run Kingdom today! You’ve met her, right?! I’ve only seen her in panes of sugar glass…
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https://twitter.com/DevMicMac/status/1539055061141032960 Editor here, and I just want to wish CM Mic Mac and his wife a warm congratulations on welcoming a new daughter to the family! As such, he will not appear in the preview video for Season 7 and will be taking some time off work for the time being. Other CROB event dates around this time remain unchanged.
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