#upset by not having people around? you care about opinions for more than just practical purposes of not being annoyed? wow. sucks to be you
sweet-as-an-angel · 2 years
Ghost w/ an Innocent S/O
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Warnings: Reader isn't streetsmart, but they are booksmart, no pronouns used for Reader except 'you', mentions/implications of sex, fluff, Ghost wanting only to keep Reader safe 🥺, vague spoilers/implications of Ghost's past
You're the complete opposite of Ghost's brutal, cold personality.
And because of that, he worries.
He worries that someone would take advantage of your good nature, your eagerness to see the good in everyone and (potentially) misplace your trust.
And that's just when Ghost's home; imagine how he is when he's away.
Escorts anywhere and everywhere.
If you're smaller than him, absolutely no compromise.
Unless you know self-defense.
If you're as large as/larger than him, he'll be a bit more lenient, trusting that you'll be somewhat able to physically protect yourself.
Loves talking to you because your views and opinions are such a breath of fresh air to him.
No brutality, no intense hatred, no desire to see anyone suffer; just you and your wish that "Everyone would just get along."
Ghost knows it's not as simple as that. And you do, too.
You may be naive or innocent, but you're not stupid.
You're actually pretty booksmart.
You make up for things Ghost lacks, and he for you.
You provide the logical answers to something, he provides the practical.
He also adores how wholesome you are.
If you hold this man's hand when you're out and about, or even in private, he'll melt.
He won't show it, of course. But your delicate touches just do something to him.
Make life worth living.
Now, when it comes to sex, you're either quite bashful or absolutely oblivious, regardless of whether you and Ghost have done it before.
He usually has to initiate because there's no way you'll construe his hints the way he wants you to.
"Fancy an early night?"
A concerned look will cross your face.
"Oh, are you ill? Are you tired? You get your pajamas on and I'll bring you some water-"
You're so endearing, and were it not for the fact that Ghost is beyond horny right now, he'd laugh.
You're always willing whenever he initiates, though.
If you end up initiating first one day out of the blue after finally understanding how to give and take a hint, Ghost will likely be in your position.
Won't understand what's happening, believing that whatever vaguely erotic joke or request you'd just made was completely accidental.
Will only grasp the situation when he sees the mischievous look you're giving him.
You're not walking for a couple days after that.
This man lives for your kisses and cuddles, btw.
He loves engulfing you in his frame, protecting you from anything and everything.
He does love when you try and cover him, though.
Like a blanket trying to clothe a whale.
Doesn't care much for 'preserving your innocence' as he believes that you should be allowed to grow and learn as much as you want.
Will advise what you should stay away from, though, and only because he doesn't want you to be traumatised rather than enlightened.
Doesn't worry too much about the others making crude jokes around you since he knows you'll likely not care for them.
But if they make one to you or about you.
They will receive a near-deafening grinding-down, either in front of everyone or in private, depending on how lenient Ghost is feeling.
If you're ever upset about something, Ghost will try and fix it.
Without fail.
He loves how compassionate you are towards people and animals.
Complete 180 from the blood-drenched world he's inhabited for the better part of his life.
Coming back to you feels like reprieve. Like all the trauma and bloodshed can't reach him when he's with you.
Lowkey loves how you decorate your home, even if it's not his personal favourite aesthetic.
It feels like you. Smells like you.
If you're an introvert, Ghost would happily just lay with you all day and never leave the house.
His favourite activity, regardless.
If you're extroverted, however, he'll go wherever you go, unless you explicitly state you want him to stay at home. But only if you're good at self-defense.
Even then, he'll be nervous until you return.
Only asks that you keep him updated about where you are so he can come and find you if needs be.
Hates the idea of becoming a helicopter boyfriend; lets you have your freedom.
Just wants to protect you from everything he wasn't protected from, both as a child and now.
But that's why he does what he does; why he works as a soldier.
And he'd do it all again if it meant keeping you safe.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
Masterlist Masterlist [Continued] Masterpost Modern Warfare AI Masterlist
AO3 Wattpad
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milaisreading · 7 months
crossdresser! yn hears Sendou doesn’t want her and assigns him as babygirl immediately
Crossdresser!Yn: Hmmm?
Charles: Wanna go out finally?
Crossdresser!Yn: N-
Karasu: Move it. He isn't your babysitter.
Otoya: Besides, isn't it past your bedtime.
CD!Yn, seeing Charles get more upset: You two-
Yukimiya: They are right, tho!
Aryu: Besides, Yn over here doesn't want a kid as his boyfriend.
CD!Yn: Aren't we all kids here basically?-
Barou: Alright, leave him alone. He wouldn't date any of you when I exist-
Rin: You?! Why you?!
Barou: Because I can cook and clean
CD!Yn: I really do not care about that-
Isagi: I can do the same things you can. So I am a good candidate as well!
Bachira: Isagi, you backstabber!
Chigiri: I am better looking than all of you combined. So I am the clear winner.
CD!Yn moves away as they start arguing louder: You all are doing too much now...
Gagamaru: But, I am more calming to be around.
Tokimitsu: So am I!
Kunigami: You all, leave him alone. Yn would pick me anyway. I am the strongest one.
CD!Yn: Again, I really don't care.
Reo: I am the richest one here. Yn would be set for life with me
Nagi: I am a way better companion to be around, tho! We can play video games and-
Hiori: Yn can do the same with me. And I am way kinder than most of you.
CD!Yn: Kurona, Niko, please don't join in-
Kurona: But, I can be a better boyfriend than all of them combined. I will do literally whatever you want me to!
Niko: I am among the smarter people here. Brains should count more than looks, you know?
Charles: Unfair! Niko and I are the same age! Why can he say anything?!
Rin: Leave him out of this.
CD!Yn, feeling a headache coming: You all-
Sendou from the sidelines: Losers fighting over another loser. This is so stupid. What do people even see in you?
CD!Yn, turns to look at Sendou in surprise: What?
Sendou: I am just saying. Aside from your skills and height, there is nothing memorable about you. You are plain in my opinion.
CD!Yn, walks closer to Sendou: You...
Sendou, realizing he may have pissed Yn off and tried to save himself: I-I mean! I didn't mean it like that-
CD!Yn bursts into a smile as a flowery aura surrounds her: You-You think so?! That's quite refreshing to hear! We should eat dinner together!
Blue lock and Charles: WHAT?!
Sendou: Wha-
CD!Yn, takes Sendou's hand and starts dragging him towards a training room: Let's goand practice first! I have some passes I want to practice!
Sendou: I- What just happened?!
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rynnthefangirl · 26 days
Thoughts on Aegon III, his character flaws, and his relationships with Viserys and Daenaera:
(Note: this is all just my personal headcanon and interpretations. You may disagree, and that’s totally fine. There’s a lot of leeway in how to read these characters given the lack of POV stories and info on the post-Regency years.)
So, first to be clear— I love, love, love Aegon III. He’s my favorite Targaryen, I think he is a good man and a good king, and I empathize with his situation a lot. But it’s interesting to consider the darker side of his relationships, and how his experiences in the Dance affect his ability to connect with others. He’s such a fascinating character, and while I like the fluff of his family dynamic (and think there was a lot of mutual love there, with his siblings, Daenaera, and his kids), I love all the rich angst there is to read into it as well.
So that being said, in my opinion Aegon’s greatest flaw (at least when it comes to his personal relationships) is his lack of consideration and understanding for the emotions of others. Not a lack of care— Aegon cares deeply and wishes for his loved ones to be safe and happy— but rather a failure to recognize others’ emotional needs. I think this results from Aegon drawing a false dichotomy between himself and others. Aegon suffers from PTSD and depression, but he lives in a world that lacks the support or even the terminology help him understand and process his mental health issues. As such, he considers himself to simply be a broken individual. He is broken, while others are whole. And so in Aegon’s mind, everyone else is far happier, more put together, and more resilient than he is. Which, to be fair, is not entirely inaccurate, but I think this manifests as Aegon assuming that what people appear to be on the surface is how they truly are. He never smiles unless he is happy— so anytime anyone smiles, he assumes they are happy. If he is struggling, he shows it, through retreating into himself, hiding in his chambers, anger, panic attacks, etc— so if someone isn’t showing such behaviors, he takes it to mean they aren’t struggling. Aegon may understand in his head that people can put on an appearance, but I think he still underestimates to what extent that can hide their true feelings.
As such, I think Aegon is a man who is not in tune with the needs of people around him. He is very much centered around himself and his own emotions. This can lead to him being very casually cold or cruel without realizing it. Of course, when it comes to people not in his inner circle, he simply does not care— he knew he was being rude in his dismissal of Torrhen Manderly, that he’s cold to the lords of his court, but their feelings don’t matter to him, as long as they do their duties to the realm. But I think this can also leak into the way he interacts with the people he does love and care for— his siblings, his wife, his children. Aegon does not wish to cause them any hurt, and is quick to apologize, take accountability, and attempt to do better if someone tells him that he did something to upset them. But that’s the thing — you have to tell him. Because Aegon oftentimes will not realize on his own.
While both Viserys and Daenaera understand this about Aegon, Viserys has a much easier time dealing with it. This is due both to their personalities but also how they are raised.
Viserys is a very practical and assertive man. During his time in Lys, he had to grow up fast in an attempt to earn the respect of the Rogarres and older wife Larra, who was a very judgemental young woman. He did not wish to be seen as a sullen or emotional child, but rather a proper mature husband. So he learned not to take things personally, to be very direct with his thoughts, and above all to not be needy. As such, he has an easy time applying these traits to his relationship with his brother. If Aegon does something that bothers him, he will simply tell him, and Aegon is pretty good about apologizing and at least temporarily changing his behavior. Knowing this, Viserys is not sensitive to Aegon’s unconscious cruelty or casual indifference, often time just brushing it off as Aegon’s nature and not something to be offended by.
Daenaera on the other hand, was taught since she was a little girl that it is her job to care for and support the king. As a woman, she is expected to do the emotional labor of her marriage. This isn’t an expectation that was placed upon her by Aegon, but rather by the sexist and patriarchal society in which she was raised. While all women in Westeros face such an expectation, this is especially true of a woman who was Queen since age 6. She also is naturally a more sensitive and gentle individual than her brother-in-law. As such, while Daenaera knows that the best way to deal with Aegon is to simply be direct and forcefully honest, she really struggles to do so. She has been taught to suppress her emotional needs and to not put such burdens on her lord husband. With another more emotionally intelligent husband, this may not have been such an issue. But Aegon being Aegon, will not pick up on or give thought to her needs, and Daenaera feels she should not bother him with them. This is the biggest divide in their marriage, and Daenaera often feels resentment towards Aegon for not being anywhere near as present and attentive towards her as she is towards him. She feels guilty for this as well, thinking it unfair of her to hold resentment towards Aegon when she has not properly communicated with him. She also sometimes feels selfish, since her own issues and traumas are so minor compared to Aegon’s. (To be clear, this is how Daenaera feels about herself thanks to the gender roles of her society, not how I feel about her).
(Though, one area where this isn't an issue is when it comes to intimacy-- as someone who is extremely touch averse himself, Aegon is very cognizant of any indication of discomfort from Daenaera).
The issue has been brought up to Aegon, demurely by Daenaera and more forcefully by Viserys. And for a time, Aegon does try to be more attentive to his wife’s emotions… but eventually falls back into his old ways. In truth, Aegon does not see why it is an issue— to him, if he upsets Daenaera or she wishes something from him, she need only tell him and he will oblige. Same with the others in his life. He feels it is difficult enough for him to deal with his own issues and emotions, and he cannot be expected to also constantly interpret and deal with those of everyone around him. (Aegon does not realize to what extent Daenaera has always done this for him).
Anyway, those are some of my thoughts. I think the relationship of these three is so interesting, because there is no "bad guy" in any of this. Everyone is coming from an understandable place, everyone is trying and cares for each other. But they are all victims of their circumstances and the society they live it. Aegon was put through horribly traumatic experiences and is left to try to deal with the mental effect this has had on him, with no real understanding or guidance. Daenaera was married off at age six, taught by her society to play the dutiful wife and put her husbands heavy emotional needs before her own without complaint. Viserys may deal well with being a source of support for Aegon, but he is not superman-- he's running the realm, trying to help his brother, raising his children, being the face of the Targaryen dynasty that everyone looks to, trying to save the dragons, being a source of support for Daenaera, keeping the lords of the realm in line, dealing with his own trauma and grief, juggling so many balls that one eventually is going to drop (spoiler: it's his children). These are three kids who were forced to grow up so fast, they've never been able to rely on the adults in their life, their only support and trust is each other. And maybe they don't always handle everything perfectly, but damn they are trying their best. They are always trying their best.
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immasock · 8 months
Hi, its me again
I was wondering if you could do a platonic relationship with Luke and what the other characters react to that because they are like not very similar ig (also im sorry if this is too much)
It’s been god knows how long and I don’t really play either game anymore but I’m back and I’m doing all of the requests in my drafts
Also I wasn’t sure if you meant Child!MC or Adult!MC so I went with Child!MC. If you want me to do Adult!MC I will gladly do that tho. This one was fun
Platonic!Luke + Child!MC who aren’t very similar
Pronouns: They/Them
MC and Luke. The best of buddies. How? No one knows. Opposites attract, I guess
Luke has always been very energetic, loud, opinionated, and cheerful. Overall a joy to be around
MC on the other hand. Very much keeps to themselves. Doesn’t really speak up, is kind of a chronic people pleaser, and it’s rare you ever see them smile. Not that they’re upset, they just don’t smile often
Luke and MC are pure opposites, but somehow their friendship works
Well for starters
He already likes them more
They’re quiet, they don’t cause much trouble, they do as he asks
They’re easy to manage
Plus them not being an angel doesn’t hurt
He was a little surprised that MC and Luke seemed to get along so well, but kids will be kids and honestly, as long as it doesn’t mean more paperwork for him, he doesn’t care
It is a little nice to see MC enjoying themselves tho
I think that Mammon would still attach himself to this MC pretty quickly
They’re a people pleaser and so it’s likely that they would go along with his schemes pretty easily
Plus they’re a great listener and we all know Mams needs someone to listen to him without being an asshole
New friend
Mammon already acts like an older brother to Luke so I’m sure he wouldn’t mind doing that for MC too
He’s overall just happy that the two of them are getting along and that they have someone to hang out with when he’s off doing something else
I can’t see him caring all that much to be honest
I think he’d prefer MC over Luke at the beginning, mostly just because they’re not likely to cause a mess in his room
But he ends up adoring both of them of course
In his own way
I can see him being a little jealous at how quickly the two of them clicked
Not because he wants to be besties with Luke or MC
But because it was so fast and came so naturally
He wants a friendship like that
So I think he’d be kinda salty for a while
But eventually he’d get over it once he starts getting closer to the two of them himself
This man does not give two shits imma be honest
Don’t get me wrong
He likes MC and all
They’re a great reading buddy
But, the way he sees it, why would he care about two kids being friends?
I mean, it’s interesting to observe
They’re so different, they don’t have anything in common
And yet they’re still close friends
But other than some slight intrigue over the dynamic regardless of the differences between the two, he doesn’t pay much mind to it
He’s obsessed
He already thinks MC is the cutest little thing and so when he sees them with Luke, he thinks it’s too cute
They’re just adorable together, yknow?
How could he not
MC is basically the brothers younger sibling
And Asmo knows that MC is very reserved and quiet
So seeing them come out of their shell a little and have fun with Luke?
Melts his heart
I feel like he’d take a bunch of videos to show his brothers cause look how cute this kid is
I feel like Beel would be another that was just happy that MC has a friend
He’s really that supportive older brother type that’s just happy you’re happy
Plus MC can help Luke make him treats
He’s not complaining
Beel would be happy that MC has a friend they’re so close to, but otherwise he’s got other things to be doing
It’s not that he doesn’t care, he does
He’s just got practice to go to and food to eat
He’s a busy boy
Once again
Just like Satan
This man does not give two shits
He likes MCs personality a bit better at the beginning tho
Cause like
He’s already pissed that he’s gotta spend time with a human
So he doesn’t need one that’s always super extroverted and loud and cheerful
He appreciates that if he’s gotta deal with a human, at least this one can chill the fuck out
They would honestly make a decent nap buddy once MC and Belphie start getting closer
He’s another puppy dog type
He’s really just excited that they’re here and that they’ve made a friend so quickly
After all, he doesn’t want them to feel alone down in the devildom
I feel like he would try to make the two of them have little tea parties with him
Luke and MC look like they’re having fun and he wants to be included too
Really, he’s got much more important things to be doing
He’s got a castle to run and a prince to watch over
I feel like he would happily schedule the tea parties that Diavolo wants to have with the two of them tho
Him and Simeon give off dads scheduling playdates for their kids vibes
He would absolutely be sure to make you both little treats tho
When I tell you that this man is so hyped
His son has a friend
He could not be happier
He is more than happy to let you both spend all the time you want together
He’s a little confused since you both are drastically different
But who is he to complain?
Luke has a friend
Really just a supportive dad
I love Solomon
He’s my wife
But I feel like he would be the type to view the two of them as some sort of lab rats
Or at least
He would try
Simeon, Lucifer and Barbatos would put a stop to that before it could start
No way in hell are they letting Solomon fuck with these kids
He’s a little shit and I love him dearly
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notmorbid · 2 months
hacks: season 1.
dialogue prompts from the first season of hbo's hacks. (some lines have been tweaked for rp.)
i didn't realize it was a shoes-off situation.
did you want a gold star for showing up?
you classist monster.
you're supposed to be on mute.
what are your feelings on the climate crisis?
i explicitly told you not to say my name.
we don't work together, you work for me. and not very well.
it doesn't get better. it just gets harder.
do i have big hands?
i have nothing left to lose.
fuck you, lemony snicket.
why do you keep sending me petfinder links?
i told you you were going to regret over-tweezing in the '90s.
the only thing i regret is not getting emancipated.
just don't do it on my time. or in my chair.
go ahead and disregard the picture i sent you.
i do miss you. as a friend.
you think you know everybody better than they know themselves.
you don't even have to go through security?
stop acting like a hillbilly and sit down.
i guess it's good you can be there for someone's kid.
i always drink too much when you're around.
i can radically accept that my mom is a cunt.
they say if you collect, it's not a problem, it's a hobby.
jesus. was it at least good coke?
let's blow this shit and go celebrate.
watching tv is practically like reading a book, at this point.
you're that girl who never got to sit with the cool kids and never got over it.
what a rush. i should blackmail more often.
i feel like we're about to win a bunch of money together.
do you want to do coke in the bathroom?
i would have had such a crush on you in high school.
sorry to be so blunt. we just did a lot of coke.
who even likes marvel movies, anyway?
you were right. i am a little shit.
i don't really have friends. i think that's a huge red flag about me as a human being.
the real work is in loving yourself for who you really are.
my father's in my phone as 'dickhead'.
i know two things: you are a good person, and we need to do some molly.
i don't think i've ever seen you not wearing pants. did somebody die?
what's going on here? premarital sex?
go get a book on attachment theory and a bottle of ativan.
you don't have my number saved?
this is why your building banned parties.
the keg-shaped hole in the wall could have been made by anything?
i have an amazing idea, but it's kind of insane.
that's such a creepy way to be woken up.
i have some weed edibles on me.
to be honest, i keep forgetting to have an opinion on it.
i think shitty things keep happening because i've been a self-centered asshole.
do you know how to play mahjong?
people would rather laugh at me than believe me.
it was great, until it wasn't.
you haven't even heard about when the vatican had it in for me.
it's the truth. it might be nice to finally fucking say it out loud.
you can make it funny. you can make anything funny.
i drink, like, a glass of water a month.
am i blushing?
maybe it's just because i watched carol last night.
i've honestly never met anyone like you.
pretty soon, you're gonna be the same age as me.
i am a grown-up, and you can't make me.
i'm gonna eat your dessert and go home.
i've never been this close to someone i wasn't hooking up with.
stop waiting for ___ to be proud of you and start doing things that make you feel proud of yourself.
hope you enjoyed the free show.
before you, i didn't care what happened to me.
you always make loving me feel like the easiest thing in the world.
what? i'm literally naked here.
oh, that's horrible. play it again.
you're young. you'll be fine.
the whole soul-baring thing seems awfully off-brand.
let's grab a table and talk some shit. come on.
i would have been more than happy to smoke weed with your mom.
well, anyway, he's dead now.
camping? how do i protect myself from bears?
if i'm not upset about it, you shouldn't be.
it's exhausting, beating everyone else to the punch.
never forgive, never forget, baby.
will you stay off webmd? it's bad for your personality.
i can't tell who's haim and who's just three people.
you've always had my back. that way it's easier to stab.
at least now we kind of get each other.
i promise not to send you unsolicited pornography anymore.
you know you're charming. it's annoying, actually.
true feminism is being able to just come out and say that some women are cunty monsters.
your accent makes everything sound smarter than it actually is.
when you share a sense of humor with someone, it's like speaking your own private little language.
we come into this world completely alone, and that's how we leave it.
i don't pretend. i never have.
did you change your signature scent recently?
can we get pulled over for having too much fun?
it's not from therapy, it's from mental health tiktok.
you do think about me, and i think about you. it's called a human relationship.
you don't get to tell me what's important.
i move forward. i always have. end of story.
who slaps people?
i'm worried if i don't say it now, i'll never say it.
do you want some coffee? i made some.
it involved an ice cream truck and a hot wire, and that's as far as i'll go.
my uncle really doesn't want me to do 23andme, so i'm pretty sure he's a serial killer.
i always felt really, really lonely here.
maybe my entire existence shouldn't just be a response to my shitty childhood.
you need to learn to cry without moving your forehead.
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solyxa · 1 year
Being in Hobie's band as the lead singer.
During shows, he always finds himself easing closer to you as he strums away on his guitar, throwing you glances and smiles whenever you do a particularly nice run. He always makes sure to find you backstage and tell you how great you did, throwing an arm around you as he sings your praises
"You blow me away every time we perform, honest! You're prolly the most talented of us geezers." The rest of the band had some opinions about that, but Hobie didn't really care as he kept gassing you up. When you compliment him back, he gives you a soft punch on the arm while brushing it off, saying he appreciates it but, "I've got nothing on you, luv."
At rehearsals, he has a great time changing the line and thinking of new things to try. You're always on board so you two come up with a lot of ideas for the group together. As you're going on about a new way to play a song, commanding the attention of the band, Hobie pays more attention than the rest as he can't help but notice how your eyes light up while you speak, and how he wants to be the one to make you light up that way.
When you two meet up one on one to practice, the air is charged as you sit on Hobie's couch together, talking about ways to switch up your next performance. Hobie is totally in his element as he's a pro at getting people's attention. He's talking animatedly about a new move for you to pull during the show, but you're more focused on how his beautiful brown eyes sparkle as he talks. The way that his wicks bounce with his movements, his full lips, and how much you wanna kiss them. So you do. You lay a hand on his shoulder before inching closer to him, angling your body so that your knees are just touching. He looks surprised and amused as you look up at him, "Damn, I always thought I'd be the one makin' a move on you, though can't say I'm upset it happened this way." He smirks as he wraps an arm around your waist and leans in towards you before catching your lips in a kiss. It's sweet and soft, you can feel him smiling against you as he gently caresses you. When he pulls away, you see the utterly smitten look on his face and get a feeling that things will be different from now on.
Being in Hobie's band as the lead singer WHILE dating him.
You always find yourselves near each other during shows. Whether you're back to back as he plays out a riff or sharing a passionate onstage kiss at the climax of the song, you two just find your way to each other. The rest of the band takes no issue with it because you both are amazing together, it's undeniable. The chemistry between you is electric, and that continues when you're backstage.
Backstage, you take every moment possible to steal a kiss before, after, or even in between shows. Pressed up against Hobie as he peppers you in kisses and showers you with compliments. "So pretty and talented... How'd I get so lucky, eh?" He's sure to never let you forget just how lucky and honored he feels that he gets to be with you. Kissing you is the last thing he does before a show and the first thing he does afterwards.
The energy between you during rehearsals is sweet and playful as you bounce ideas off of one another. "No, Hobie. We can't light the stage on fire." "And why not? When's there ever been creativity without risks, huh?" You have great fun busying yourselves with your little debate before getting to actually rehearsing for your next show.
And when you both finally get some one on one time, it's filled with shameless kisses and loving touches. Hobie all but pulls you into his lap, wrapping his arms around you as he kisses you deeply, moving from kissing your neck, to your jawline, all the way to your lips as he whispers sweet words to you. "You're so beautiful, love. Y'know that? Can't believe I get to be wit' someone as pretty as you, really." When you get all shy from everything he's saying, he just laughs before busying himself with covering you in kisses again and you think to yourself how lucky you are, and how you wouldn't trade the world for your perfect punk boyfriend.
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laura1633 · 3 months
I mean I'm not sure how much the rb20 is difficult and how much is skill issue of checo. I would like to see the second seat in the hand of a better driver like carlos or alonso to have a better understanding, but red bull doesn't seem to care about checo poor results since they renewed him
Sorry anon I ended up writing so much more than I was planning, I start talking about Max and all of a sudden I am wanting to write a thesis 😂 
I’m not a technical expert so I guess I am just going from the limited information I have (so there are likely errors in how I word this). Watching the onboards and looking at how they have struggled to dial that car in during practice sessions I do believe that that car has been a handful over the last few races and I think Max has been driving around the weaknesses of the car. There are other tracks where the car seems in its sweet spot and I am sure is much more enjoyable to drive but in terms of recent races it looks like it has been a struggle. The RB20 seems to suffer from balance issues over a bumpy track or when having to ride the kerbs.
I remember Alex Albon talking about how the Red Bull is not designed around Max but designed to go as fast as possible and that means a twitchy car that is hard to handle but if you can handle it then its quick. Not all drivers (even the good ones) will be able to extract the most out of the car. Some of it does come down to preferences and driving styles of course. 
To me it’s a bit like when you play a racing game - you can get a much faster lap time if you take all the driving assists off but you are far more likely to spin the car and it suddenly becomes a lot more difficult to control.
People do like to talk about the performances of Max’s teammates but don’t always factor in or give Max credit to how he makes those drivers look in comparison to what he is doing. I think it’s important to remember that people had positive things to say about Pierre, Alex and Checo prior to them lining up next to Max, it’s not like they are poor drivers (look at the positive way people talk about Alex now). I know people will have different opinions on this so I’m not going to go too deep into driver comparisons as I don’t want to upset anyone and I want this blog to remain a positive space no matter who you support.
To me personally I think Max would come out on top no matter who they brought in alongside him (I am sure different fan bases would think differently and that is fine, we are all passionate about the drivers we support). That’s not to say there aren’t drivers who couldn’t beat him in some races but I just think over the course of a season he would come out on top. I believe Charles, for example, would do well because I think he has similar preferences in terms of the way a car drives and how he handles a “twitchy” car. 
I just truly believe that Max is so good that his achievements are taken for granted and that even if you brought someone else in alongside him and he beat them week in week out people would just return to the argument that its because the car is built for Max.
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isobellenoire · 11 months
Solas is Neurodiverse.
This is of course my opinion, don't invalidate me, if you find comfort in this character then I'm glad, join the party!
• Info dumping (You boost his approval by asking him about magic & the fade... and oh my world does he have a lot to say about it!)
• Strong sense of justice... freeing the slaves, wanting to right wrongs. He feels so strongly about injustice, especially when he can sympathise (mages & elves) a strong sense of social justice is often linked with ND people because we are marginalised, mistreated and ridiculed. I can often get angry, irate and depressed when there's injustice in the world and for a lot of my ND friends it's the same.
• Likes to be alone (he still has friends who are spirits, but he doesn't actively seek out companionship with people) prefers his own company. (Hermit tarot... come on! I'm crying in INTP/INTJ here)
• Always reading, writing, he even paints a whole ass mural on the walls as skyhold in a short burst of time, hyperfocus/hyperfixation.
• Comes across as blunt. I've been told I'm blunt so many times it's infuriating when I don't mean to be, I'm just firm in what I know to be true and will say it without dancing around the matter.
• Speaks 'strangely' in a poetic rhythm. While not an exclusive trait, given everything else it holds merit.
• He does have a great deal of empathy if you romance him/get to know him, but on a surface level he seems distant because he doesn't open up personally! It takes a LOT to crack that egg. I'm 4 years into a committed relationship and I still get told I don't open up enough when I'm struggling with emotions because I keep them internalised... probably a trauma response but in Solas' case... yeah, definitely a trauma response.
• Comes across argumentative when talking about stuff to which the group (Dorian especially during party banter) will ask if he's upset with them, and he says he isn't. ND people are always stuffed in the 'uncanny valley' and seen as outsiders, or stand-offish... we're just not very good with social nuances in terms of delivery, but are deeply self aware of that and prefer to observe, and I argue Solas is incredibly self aware. (Knows when he is being 'selfish' or 'foolish')
• Incredibly knowledgeable on a lot because he's intensively researched it, has to know everything about that subject and becomes deeply immersed in it.
• He never lied about anytning, he just didn't throw it out there... Autistic people can lie you know... however not once did he lie, he just kept his secrets hidden, that's very different to lying. Lying wild be 'Are you Fen'Harel'?... 'No' I've kept secrets from people for a long ass time to spare their feelings and my own self interest. (Not as bad as it sounds ahah! Just an example)
• History nerd... C'mon most of us have a favourite time period that isn't this one...
• I mentioned the paintings, he's also an artist, as well as a dreamer. A lot of us have infiltrated science or the arts... or both! Most of the world's leading scientists and artists are ND. He probably has an idetic memory.
I have more if people care to hear it, but in my opinion and based on my own personal experience being AuDHD, I'd say he is. I resonate with his character more deeply than the others because no ND person is alike and we all have our own personal struggles/wins.
A similar example in media to Solas would be (and hear me out ahah) Walter White (minus the drugs) but intelligence and the way he speaks to others, hides stuff from people (and assumes an alias to seperate himself) I definitely see WW as Autistic. So why not Solas?
Can we please stop infantalizing ASD, and applying the manic pixie lense to it, there's so much more to it that just 'quirky'. Cole is practically confirmed, people have debated Sera being ADHD, but also they are painted with a similar 'childish' brush.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk ahah.
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akunya · 2 years
utapri anon (again)
i don't have much this time i'd just like to ask your opinion on the baby my strawberry duo ... i have so many thoughts ab them
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“good kitty!”
pairings: camus x m!reader x ren
summary: hitting the jackpot with two lovely boys to call your own!
tw: fluff, overstimulation, cuddling, dubcon. hate sex, petplay, cum eating, jealousy, bdsm, etc. dom/sub undertones.
notes: they’re actually my favorites, so here’s some little thoughts on them. probably terribly ooc but i don’t care.
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ren is the most doting, caring boyfriend a guy like you could ask for. while camus has his own ways in taking care of you, ren is the perfect mix of physical and spoken affection.
chaste little kisses on your skin before you have to leave for the day. ren whispers sweet nothings into your ear as he wraps his arms around you, and while sometimes his affection can be overbearing, he can’t help it! he loves the way you become so flustered when he comments on how cute you are, the array of petnames making camus cringe.
however, camus will try his best to step up to the title of being your partner. while he can’t serenade you in tangents about his undying love like ren, he most definitely tries to make your day easier by acts of service. taking you where you need to go, cleaning, errands — if he notices youre especially burnt out, let the prince take care of you for a bit.
ren cant help but smile when he sees you in camus’s arms, sleeping soundly. his hold on you is a bit firm, but not uncomfortable. a gentle reminder that he’s there, rubbing little circles into your skin and watching you rest. it’s hard for him to admit it, but you make his heart flutter a bit more than he would like.
of course, i am desperate for these two, so onto the nsfw portion.
considering that in this situation you’re getting them as a duo, be prepared for LOTS of overstimulation. ive seen some people write ren as more vanilla and turned off by anything dubious, but i have to disagree. once he sees how ethereal you look completely fucked out and sobbing in pleasure, ren isn’t going to stop pounding into you anytime soon — neither is camus.
i cant see camus ever letting you on top, but ren doesnt mind- just know he's going to tease you the entire time you try and move your hips. at some point, it feels embarassing, sniffling in rens neck and whining about how good it feels. "aw, do you need some help, baby?" you cant find it in yourself to be upset when he makes fun of how you cum too fast inside of him, instead begging for him to take control. the closest you're getting to camus bottoming is him letting you eat his ass, and that's already a long conversation before he hesitantly agrees..
camus introduces you and ren both to some new bdsm elements whenever you all get frisky with eachother. the blonde loves to have his ego stroked, and when he puts a thick collar on your neck attached to a heavy leash, his cock is throbbing from the power trip it gives him. he doesn’t have to worry about being too mean, something he’s secretly insecure about ever since you three became a couple, so scenes like this are a perfect outlet.
camus is indifferent to petplay, but ren is all over the idea. “who’s a good kitty, hm? that’s right, you are. such a pretty boy.” he practically purrs in your ear, nails scratching at your scalp. camus scoffs in response, yanking your leash closer to your bowl — you’re a cat, aren’t you? “go on, lick up your reward, y/n. there’s more where that came from.”
god, ill pray for you if you ever managed to tick them off. camus is already a bit scary on his own, so if he’s having a bad day or you two get into a nasty argument, his solution is to just fuck the apologies out of you. nothing sounds more sincere then you constantly screaming you’re “sorry” as he makes your poor little dick cum over and over. there’s always a safeword, but most of the time your brain is too dizzy to try and get him to stop.
while ren wouldn’t normally take his anger out on you, i like to think he’s a jealous man. go ahead, flirt with another member of starish or any unit in front of him and see where it gets you. you’ll regret your choices when you see him slip a nice, tight cock ring onto your dick before he breeds you like a bitch in heat. brats don’t deserve to cum, and you havent been on your best behavior today, have you?
all in all, a very nice duo to have. if you can handle the whiplash of an overly flirty boyfriend to a stoic borderline asshole, then they’re perfect for you.
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rintarousgirl · 1 year
kiss me better, baby - an atsumu miya two-shot
synopsis -
you and atsumu had been living together happily after your marriage, but after conflicting work schedules and bottled-up feelings, the two of you break into a heated argument. now, it's up to the two of you to mend it, maybe with a kiss? | tags: lack of communication, angst, making up, hurt/comfort, toxic relationship.
a/n: for my more dedicated followers (and those of you who simply are curious) i now have a nsfw blog so this blog is now strictly sfw! ofc, i will still post some suggestive stuff but for nsfw requests and works go to @tarousbaby!
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"you look horrible," osamu drawls from the foot of the couch, eyebrows raised. you scoff, shifting so you're upright as you wipe at your red and splotchy face.
"thanks," you mutter, "you're quite the charmer."
osamu rolls his eyes, moving around the couch to sit beside you. he picks up your legs, dropping them back down into his lap as you huff. "why're you here? have you come to apologize on your brother's behalf?" you grumble, resting your cheek against the couch.
it'd been a week, and you'd been so down that you'd called sick out of work. you'd changed maybe once in the past seven days, and you're sure you stink. your shirt has a stain on it, and your hairs a rats nest but you couldn't find it in you to care. there wasn't anybody for you to bother looking pretty for.
"'tsumu told me what happened," he explains, rubbing small circles into your ankle, "though I'd like to hear your side of the story too. i don't trust half of what he says when he's angry."
you frown. you knew atsumu had a bad habit of blowing things out of proportion or simply not caring about them enough that he undermines them. it makes you wonder what story he'd spun for his twin.
"what'd he say?" you ask first, your shoulders hunching a little.
osamu clicks his tongue. "ah, ah, your story first remember? after, i'll make you something to eat, 'kay?"
you nod, partially enticed by the idea of osamu's cooking. falling back into the plush of the couch (which still smelled like his cologne) you begin to share what had occured that night and the events that led up to it.
you watch as osamu connects pieces of your story to atsumu's, and where he finds gaps too. you see his thoughts clear as day on his face, and moments where he judges you and then atsumu as well. at least it was good to know he had a fairly neutral opinion.
you finish of your long rant with a simple question, "where is he now?"
"my place, doing pretty much the same thing you are. he skipped practice too, multiple times. hinata came over once, but atsumu's kind of shutting people out so he left fairly quickly."
something in you aches, and for a moment, there's nothing you want to do more than break down the door and hold him close and beg him to apologize so the two of you could get over this. atsumu's sweet stubborn heart wouldn't let anyone in but osamu, and hopefully you.
but he'd also treated your insecurities as if they were nothing. he pretty much ignored you throughout the day. and when you'd confronted him about it, he'd blown you off. you shouldn't feel bad that he's wallowing in his own self-pity without you, but you do.
osamu stands, reaching above his head to crack his back. it pops, and you follow him as he makes his way to the kitchen. "is he okay?" you find yourself asking to which osamu chuckles.
"he's fine, just pouting. he'll get over it eventually and worm his way back to you," he says whilst rummaging through your cabinets. he finds a few boxes of rice, before turning to your fridge, "you shouldn't do the same. you have a life, a job. he can miss a few practices; you can't miss work."
he's right, and you know it. in the pocket of your sweats, you phone buzzes. probably another text from your co-workers wishing you a swift recovery.
"am i not allowed to be upset over my stupid husband?" you shoot back, despite it all.
osamu hums, and takes a very long very noticeable look at your barren ring finger. "do you still consider him your husband even?"
after that, you can't even find the words to reply.
☆ - - -
going back to work wasn't as hard as you thought it would be. it was easy for you to slip back into a routine, it kept your mind of atsumu.
so, for the next week, you went on with your life. you ignored how empty your hand felt without the comforting pressure of your ring, and how much you missed atsumu's arms around your waist at night.
it was almost easy to forget he existed but then you could look around, see your wedding pictures framed on the walls, smell his cologne on your sheets, see his laundry baskets in the basement.
it made you sick. sick with how much you missed him, and sick with how much you never wanted to see him again.
you'd spent too many nights curled in on yourself in bed, his cologne on your pillow, spotted with your tears.
you wake up one night to a knock on your front door. sitting up blearily from the couch, you rub at your eyes, brushing your hair out of your face. the clock reads 11:37. your tv is still on, some animal documentary lighting up your living room in blue light.
confusion settles in you along with a thick level of wariness. getting up, you try to keep your footsteps light as you approach the door. hovering your hand over the lock, you peek through the peephole and feel your heart skip a beat.
atsumu stands on your porch, hair wet with the rain outside and skin pale and clammy. he looks borderline hypothermic, but his cheeks are still flushed and pink. you stumble back from the door and stand there for a second, jaw dropped.
you move quickly to pull the door open, startling him as he jumps back. he blinks at you, and then he's crushing you.
his arms wrap around you, holding you close and tight and sweet. his face buries in your shoulder, and he lets out a weak pathetic sob into the fabric of your shirt. your hands twitch at your sides, unsure of what to do as he clings onto you.
swallowing a thick lump in your throat, your hands slowly reach up to rub up and down his spine in a comforting manner.
atsumu smells strongly of alcohol, thick and sour. it's clear he was drinking before coming home, and you weren't quite sure what to do. atsumu had never really been a drinker in your years together.
"'tsumu," you mumble, pushing him back lightly. he stumbles, looking at you like a hurt puppy. "let's go to the kitchen...i prefer you sober."
he follows you to the kitchen, struggling not to trip over his own two feet. you prepare him a glass of water and a bowl of food to eat. he digs in happily, small water droplets slipping down his chin.
you watch in silence as he eats, taking in his condition. he looked haggard, frozen, and just overall horrible. and despite all that, he was still just as beautiful as he was the day you married him.
sighing, you walk behind him, and pat his shoulders. "i'm going to set up the couch for you tonight. i don't want you going back out in that storm," he hums, looking up at you with tearful eyes.
“mkay,” he says, slurring his words. he stares up at you with an emotion you can’t quite place. without thinking, you reach out and stroke his cheek, pushing away wet hair that stuck to his face.
there aren’t any words said, but he leans into your touch. even drunk atsumu knew to look for you for safety.
you watch as he finishes his food, before scrambling to his feet to stumble over to the couch. you help him, supporting half his weight as he plops down onto the couch with a drawn out groan.
“thank you,” he says, a little more sober than he’d previously been, taking your hand. “i love you…”
your bottom lip trembles and you lean down and press a kiss to his forehead. his eyes flutter before slipping shut as he falls into a deep sleep. “i love you too, ‘tsumu,” you choke, tears threatening to spill over.
you love him so much.
- - - ☆
you wake up before atsumu does, which you’re kind of relieved about. you were scared that if you slept in, he’d wake up and run back to osamu and you’d blow your chance at a healthy conversation with him.
when you walk into the living room, he’s tangled up in the blankets you’d given him. a small chuckle escapes your lips, and you grab some aspirin from the bathroom and place a glass of water on the coffee table for him.
turning to the kitchen, you begin breakfast. it was a saturday morning, which meant you fortunately didn’t have work. you remember reading somewhere that eggs were good for hangovers so you open your fridge and grab some from the cartridge.
atsumu wakes up not long after that, awoken by the smell of the sizzling eggs and bacon. he sits up with a groan, clutching his temple, and you quickly sprint over to close the curtains to block the sunlight.
“good morning, sleepyhead,” you find yourself saying, the tease slipping off your tongue as easy as water. you catch yourself a second after, and bite your lip.
atsumu looks at you like he’s lost, hurt, and in pain all at the same time which he probably is. you give him what you hope is a comforting smile. “c’mon let’s talk over breakfast.”
you extend a hand to help him up which he takes hesitantly, leaning into you subconsciously. he slides into a bar seat, and you quickly tend to the food for a few minutes before plating it.
besides the stove top, the kettle hissed, letting you know the tea you’d begun to brew was finished. you pour him a cup to have with his food.
he takes it gratefully, but his eyes don't stray from your figure as you make your own plate. "y/n," he calls softly, pushing back his plate. he stands up with a sigh as you turn from the counter, and walks around so you're face to face, only three feet apart.
"i'm sorry," he whispers, "not just for this...for everything."
you watch in silence, swallowing the thick lump of emotion in your throat. he'd said it drunk, but it'd been easy to tell yourself he didn't really mean it then, no matter how much you wanted him to. now that it happened, it almost didn't feel real.
"are you? i mean, like, really?" you end up croaking, eyes darting to the ring glinting on his finger. he brings up his palm and places it over his heart.
"dead serious," he says, before taking your hand. his face falls when he notices the lack of ring, and he brings it up to his face to cup his cheek. he presses a kiss to the inside of your hand.
"i was so stupid, baby. i should've listened to you. i was stressed and couldn't think of anything but myself and that was so foolish of me. when i married you, i promised myself you would always be my first priority and i broke that promise. i am so, truly sorry, y/n."
his eyes are a bit red, but he doesn't cry, and there's a dimple in his chin as he tries to hold back his emotions. your heart breaks and shatters into little glass pieces, spilling out of you and crashing onto the floor.
"oh," you say softly, the wind having been stolen from your lungs. "i...i forgive you, 'tsumu..."
you take a step forward, and his face lights up. you lift your hand from his cheek, and he opens his arms for a hug.
bringing your hand down, you land a harsh smack onto his shoulder, the sound filling the room.
he winces, an immediate hand raising to clasp over his shoulder. "i deserved that," he laughs lightly, and you find yourself smiling back despite it all.
you crash into his arms, burying your nose into the fabric of his shirt.
his arms rub up and down your spine, squeezing you tight. "i promise i'll never disregard you again. i'll listen to everything you say, understand every insecurity. you are apart of me, baby, i wouldn't want to ever hurt you again."
"i love you," you whimper wetly into his shirt, "i always have."
"i know," he replies, "i love you too."
you look up at him and smile. he smiles back, sweet and soft and genuine, and you think it's the most beautiful thing this world has ever seen.
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taglist: (anyone who interacted last post)
@snail-squasher | @yamaguchikinnie | @radtragedyarcade
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littlebabytimmybird · 2 years
gonna be an unpopular opinion but the way fans treat tim is really indicative of how society views autistic people. tim is HIGHLY autistic coded, from his extreme interests to his social awkwardness.
in early comics with him in them, tim is actually a pretty good representation of autism. he is shown to have a strong interest in batman and robin/nightwing, he doesn't realize when he's upsetting people, and he often goes about things in a blunt, clumsy way. even the way he speaks fluctuates between being incredibly articulate to incredibly childlike. he seems simultaneously innocent and all-knowing, childish and an old soul. all of this is common in level 1 autism spectrum disorder. tim is clearly gifted but he isn't a super-genius, he's just a talented and dedicated kid. although he didn't have to work the hardest of all the robins in general by any means, he did have to work the hardest to become a robin, as he lacked any training before that and came from a privileged background where he had been somewhat coddled by his families wealth. even jason had fighting experience, tim did not.
another aspect of tim's character that is a good representation is his empathy. there is a theory of empathy that says there are 3 types, emotional empathy, "I feel as you feel", cognitive empathy, "I understand how you feel", and compassion, "i want you to feel better" like many autistic people, tim is somewhat lacking in the second category but has an abundance in the third. he talks openly about the death of jason in front of bruce dick and alfred without realizing it could upset them and is shocked when they react with anger. he often gets himself in trouble by saying things that come across as rude or blunt without meaning to. however, he is incredibly compassionate and deeply cares for the people around him, showing that he is very capable of empathy.
a major autistic trait tim embodies is what psychiatry calls an "uneven profile". uneven profiles are when someone is very skilled in some areas but behind in others. tim is a clear example of an uneven profile because he is highly intelligent and learns practical skills like fighting quickly, but he is lacking in non-practical skills. he has a black-and-white way of thinking about good and evil that is more commonly seen in young children than in teenagers. he idolizes batman and nightwing and it takes him years to learn that they have flaws like any human. a large part of tim's journey is learning to overcome this style of thinking but it is still a clear developmental delay in the beginning.
overall, tim is a compassionate, warm, and intelligent, yet flawed character. he is a sweet and clever kid with a big heart (sometimes too big).
so why is it that in fanon, tim is portrayed as a cold, calculating, all-intelligent super genius with no autonomy? disregarding the fact that it is an insult to his character, it is also an insult to autistic people in general, especially when people claim they headcanon him as autistic but use the fanon version of him.
there are 3 main ways that autistic people are viewed in fandoms:
The Artificial Intelligence. the artificial intelligence autistic stereotype pins us as robots, capable of great feats of intelligence but incapable of emotion. this is the most neutral of the stereotypes, as we are not seen as human and therefore not stigmatized as humans.
The Man Child. despite its name, the man-child autistic stereotype can apply to any age or gender. the man-child autistic's primary trait is being annoying. they are likely savants, but they use their skills to be obnoxiously pedantic. they are unreasonable and demand everything be to their specifications at all times. sheldon cooper from the big bang theory fits into this category.
The Woobie. these woobified autistic characters will always be found wearing oversized clothes and having shutdowns but NEVER meltdowns. they cry often and need to be held and comforted by friends and family who serve as caretakers to the 'helpless baby autistic.'
and when the people who claim to like him write about him, tim is never held responsible for his actions, he never takes others into account, he is a tech genius and he has questionable morals, or doesn't seem to have a moral code at all. he has a troubling coffee addiction and lacks sleep at all times but, like any good supercomputer, he can go out and patrol just fine despite it. he is a machine, running on air and spite.
it is mostly tim's haters who portray him in the second way. that's when you get a tim who is selfish and snobbish, mostly towards poor innocent damian wayne who has never done anything wrong in his life.
sometimes, tim is written so he can't take care of himself. when he does have emotions, they're all sad ones. he cries himself to sleep, and dick or bruce or even jason for some reason have to come and comfort him. they force him to stop drinking so much coffee and to go to bed at a reasonable hour even as an adult.
now, don't get me wrong. there are some autistic people, quite a few actually, who do need to be taken care of as adults. hell, I'll probably be one of them to some degree. but even with someone who will never be able to live alone, autonomy is the most important thing to remember. people should always be allowed to make their own decisions as much as they are capable of. and tim in fanon has almost no autonomy. it is, plainly speaking, a huge fucking insult to the disabled community.
When the first and third stereotypes are mixed, you get a cruel mockery of an uneven profile. similar to the manchild trope, this is a tim who needs everything his way, but this time it's all given in to by those around him.
so, in conclusion: in early comics tim was an excellent accidental portrayal of low support needs ASD, but fanon took away all his positive autistic traits and turned him into a shallow stereotype of an autistic person and a mockery of all his actual autistic traits. even the seemingly harmless coffee-lover headcanon feeds into the horrific stereotypical treatment of his character.
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valuunit · 1 year
Cornerstone. i
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Harry Styles x Reader
Inspired/based by the Arctic Monkeys’ song by the same name.
Content: Fluff to Angsty. Use of people to move on? Really shity environment. Use of Y/n. Use of she/her pronouns, sorry :(
Disclaimer: English is not my first lenguaje so if there’s any mistake i’m sorry, i’ll try to correct it. Don’t mind the face claims, they are just for illustrative purposes xd. Also, some dates are mixed up, so the real life time line would be a little bit affected.
3rd person narrator.
Y/n and Harry were their lifetime sweethearts. That’s what everyone around them said.
They were inseparable, always sat next to each other in class when they had the opportunity. Always were their prom date. Always at each others house. Even convince their parents to make last minute changes to their summer vacations, just to be together.
Since they were kids, they had a sweet spot for one another. With the time, their innocent and adorable relationship had evolved into a less platonic one, still very adorable though.
As teenagers do, they started exploring new forms of seeing the world around them, including the relationships they have, re-evaluating everything about them. Including their close friendship, of course.
Harry started watching his friend into a more intense way, you could say. Starting with more superficial stuff like her physique. For example: her face wasn’t so round now, although he kind of misses her puffy red cheeks. Or her new style, with more experimental outfits that make her shine, as well as her body.
But what really made him fell head over heals for her was her new empowerment. When she was younger, she was shy and passive, always giving in for people choices over her. People perceived it as kindness and sweetness, but Harry knew her, knew how sometimes she wanted to speak out loud and protest, but always was afraid of what they will say. Over the course of years of ‘fake it 'till you make it’ and self improvement, she finally doesn’t care about the destructive opinions of other, having a lot of confidence in herself.
On the other hand Y/n also founded herself in a dilemma about Harry Edward Styles. How his sweet personality made her feel loved and wanted, important. How he was in her process of improving her self esteem and always was there to help, not only her, but others. And speaking of physical appearance, he also changed, his jaw was prominent now, he was getting more and more tall everyday.
“What’re you thinkin’ about?” his deep voice interrupted her string of thought.
“You know, the immortality of the crab” she put her head back on his shoulder, which shook a little bit as he let out a chuckle. They were watching to the nothing from her bedroom’s window.
“I wanna to tell you something.” Harry’s voice sounded unsure for a second. Y/n raised her head again, watching his eyes, before she could said anything he continued “Please, please promise me that you’re not going to get upset”
“What did you do Styles?” she joked, but he didn’t laughed at that. “ ‘S everything okay?” she asked in a more serious tone.
“Yeah, yeah, everything’s alright. It’s just… I-I” he let a pause to reorder his sentence. “We’ve been friend for a long time-”
“Y/n/n! Omg look!” Y/n’s sister entered with no warning. She erupted from the door and practically jumped to the bed, getting between Harry and Y/n.
Her older and only sister was holding her phone with the biggest smile you could see in someone, ear to ear.
“Why’d you look like the Joker?” Y/n laughed, Harry also let out a quiet laugh.
“Shush, look! Oh, hey Harry” the other one greet friendly. Harry only shook his head.
“Am. What am I suppose to look?”asked the younger in the room asked.
“Remember Walter, the guy you gave me advise for?”
“Oh, okay, this is Walt.”
“Yeah, he asked me out!”
“Yep, I see.”
“And all because of you! Than you, thank you!”
“No problem, always here to help, baby girl.” Y/n brushed her fist with her chin giving and wink. Harry wanted to laugh out loud so hard since moment one, but this killed him.
“I should start planning what to wear”
“Definitely!” everyone and everything in that room could see the sarcasm in Y/n’s voice, expect for her sister, apparently. Y/n wasn’t trying to be rude, well, a little, but she was annoyed of always hearing her sister only talking about boys. She could talk about girls also, Y/n thought.
Like her sister entered that’s how she went out of it.
“What were you trying to tell me again? Sorry about her” she directed her eye towards his.
“Uhm, nothing, it was nothing.”
“I don’t think so… tell me.” she began to insist. She was curious.
“No” he said calmly.
“Tell me.” again, this time she got up from the bed.
“No…” he said unsure of her next move.
“Tell… me…” she was getting close to him again, with a pillow, which he didn’t realized when or where did she grab it.
“No…” he let out a nervous chuckle. Getting further into the bed.
“You’re gonna get that attitude with me, huh, Styles?”
“What are you taking’ about” he said laughing.
“Come here.” she also got into the bed, being on top of him. She forgot about the pillow, beginning to tickle Harry. Both giggling, every now and then screaming. Very open to interpretation, to be fair.
“Stop it. Sto-op” he begged laughing, obviously.
“No, ‘till you tell me what were you were about to tell me.” her breathing was heavy, for the laugh and for the activity.
“Agh, all-right” laugh “just let me g-o”
“Okay” she raises from her core, didn’t realizing she still was straddling him.
He let a deep sigh laying in the bed, putting his hands over his forehead looking at the ceiling. That catches Y/n’s full attention. “I’ve been thinking ‘bout a lot of things-“
“What in the hell‘s going on here?”
“For fuck sake!”
“Both of you, get out of that bed.”
It was their mothers. Anne and your mum. They were at the fully open door, with dropped jaws. Now they realized the compromising position in which they were found.
“I-It’s not what it lo-looks like” A very flustered Harry stuttered quickly. Y/n rolled her eyes at the sentence.
“What it was supposed to look like?” you muttered.
“Pardon me?” your mum asked. “You, young lady, don’t realize what you were doing? Here, all alone, with a guy, that you-” she stopped herself before speaking more than she should, Y/n also saw what was about to come if she didn’t stop. “A guy. In your bed?”
“Mum, you know Harry. He’s not just ‘a guy’ you know him and you know me, we wouldn’t to anything.”
Anne and Harry remanded in silence. But the looks that the woman was giving her son were scary enough.
“We just want you to be more respectful. Alright?” Your mum breathed.
“Yeah, okay, we know it.” Y/n said.
“Harry, i think’s time to go home, come on.” Anne said going to the other side of the bed, where the younger ones were.
“I, can you give us a minute? please?” Y/n asked.
Both women looked at each other before shaking their head in signal of a yes. They left, but they didn’t fully close the door.
Now the young ones were laughing and laughing and they couldn’t stop.
“I’m so so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault, in any case i should be thankful.”
“You know, you ‘defended’ me with your mum”
“My mum loves you, what are you taking’ about? She probably loves you more than me. It was just the hotness of the situation, i don’t know.”
“Right. Uhm.” he scratched the back of his neck “i think I have to go, see you later.” he was leaning to give his goodbye cheek kiss when Y/n pulled away shaking her head in disapproval. That made Harry froze.
“Tell me, please, I don’t care if it’s a silly thing, it won’t let me sleep at night” she laughed once again.
“Exactly it’s somethin’ silly, it doesn’t matter.” he shrugged it off.
“Tell. Me. I give you 8 seconds ir i will not talk to you tomorrow at school.”
“You know how to play, Y/n…” she started counting with her fingers. “Okay, don’t hate me, but…” another second passed by “I-I th-think i’m… in love with you” he started slowly, and the it was light speed, Eminem speed. “No. No.” at this point Y/n wasn’t counting anymore. “That doesn’t sound correct. I- I am in love with you.”
“What?” she muttered.
“I am in love with you… Y/n.” he said watching to the floor.
“Wow- I…” she was in shock, but she could put herself together to say “I am in love with you too, Harry, since like i don’t know so much time…” she was muttering at the beginning and got a bust of confidence in the middle of the sentence.
The stare at each other for a couple of seconds.
“Then what are we waiting?” Y/n whispered, watching how Harry was leaning towards her.
“Right. Uhm, can I-can I kiss you?” Y/n smiles for a little second for the nervousness of the boy in front of her, she nodded and stand in the tips of her feet, with one hand wrapping sweetly Harry’s cheek and the other was in the nape of his neck.
He has a shit eating grin with the touch, he mimicked the move of the girl, cupping her face with one hand while on the other hand, literally, he let it levitate to her back.
With a clumsy beginning they started a sweet kiss, they understood each other pretty quickly. They wished they could stay like that for a little while, but the knock on the door let them know it could be in another occasion.
“I’m coming mum…!”
“Go, i’ll see you later.” Y/n encouraged Harry to go giving him a peek, being new to that sensation.
“Yeah. Bye. See. You. At. School.” with every pause he let a kiss on Y/n’s face.
That summer was unforgettable for the both of them. They experienced so many new and exiting things together and apart that made them feel like the wanted to eat the world in one bite. They just had sixteen, but the felt so much older.
Then Harry got signed up for the X Factor by his mum. Y/n was so excited to see him perform his undeniable talent.
And after some months of uncertainty, One Direction was founded. It still was a shock for everyone. Now they were talking about recording an album and selling it and doing a tour, that with luck will be all around the world. That was obviously exiting, right.
To Y/n that was a daydream, even though she has almost nothing to do with the situation. She was exited for Harry.
Harry was as exited as Y/n, but also, thinking a lot about it, he would have to be apart, like completely apart for the people he loved the most for a very long time. He didn’t know any better than his girlfriend, friends and family, so he had to learn.
Harry’s POV
I was stuck in my hotel room doing nothing. I was bored, and I could just easily sneak up into some of the boys’ rooms, but I just wanted some comfort. The type of company that is warming, and home-like.
“Hey, mate.” said Louis entering through the door. He never called me that, we are not 30.
“Hi.” I returned my gaze to the ceiling.
“‘S everything ‘lright? his accent sometimes could become very thick.
“Yeah, all good.”
“Are you sure?” that was not Louis’ voice anymore, it was more high pitched and sweet. I quickly get up knowing that voice perfectly.
“Y/n/n” I run towards her, picking her up while hugging her. God I missed this. I could hear an ‘Ouh’ from her, I almost make us fell over Louis, who was just behind her.
“Sorry Lou” Y/n apologized leaving the embrace for a slight second.
“Ah, ‘s okay, just don’t start fucking in front of me, lovebirds.” he said. “Now, I’ll let you guys catch up. Uh, and Harry, they wan’ us in the back lobby in an hour, don’t be late.”
“Yeah, thanks Louis. See you” We shared a side embrace, since Y/n was in cuddled up in my left arm. She sent a kiss towards him, he catches it and threw it to the trash can, Y/n/n gives him the middle finger.
“Hi.” I said.
“Hello, Mr. Bandana boy.” she smiled passing her hand through my hair, that I was letting grow.
“D’you like it?”
“I love it.”
“Thanks, m’girlfriend asked me to let it grow.” I said sitting down on the edge of the bed, I pulled her between my legs hugging her hips.
“She has such a good taste...” Her hand left soft touches all over my hair.
“I know, she’s a genius”
“I agree with you.”
She was fixated with my hair, I just stared at her while she is distracted.
“Hey” I whisper. She hums in response. “hey…” I drag my try to make her look at me. “Can you give me a kiss?”
“Sure” she says before smiling widely and leaning down to meet my lips. I felt like it was forever since the last time i felt like this, when it was probably less than a month ago. I feel my face warm up, my stomach tightened, i felt like the butterfly on my chest was about to fly out. “I’ve missed you.” Our forehead were together, our eyes looked funny being like this.
“I’ve missed you too.” I laughed.
“I know.”
“Nice” she giggled.
“How have you’ve been?” she sat down next to me.
“I’m ‘kay.”
“Are you sure?” she repeated her first sentence in this room.
“Yeah, and now that you are here with me i’m perfect.”
“You’re so silly sometimes.”
“And you love it.”
“Yeah, I have a thing for goofballs”
“Well, thanks. How have you’ve been? I feel like we haven’t talked in forever.” And it was true, with my weird and tight schedule and her university and projects we barely talked outside our daily good morning and good night messages.
“Yeah… but you have me this week, and the next one.” she said kissing my cheeks.
“Oh, I’m so so so lucky” I said exaggerating.
“Okay, then bye” before she could stand up, I hugged her waist pulling her towards me.
“No. You’re trapped now.” I laughed to her mute scream as I pushed her to the big mattress.
“I’m gonna fall off the bed” she exclaimed.
“I got ya, love.”
We stare at each other for a while. But it was enough of the corny stuff.
“Now, let’s make up the time apart.” I shoot an exaggerated wink.
“You have less than 20 minutes, hun” she said sassy.
“I jus’ need 3, don’t worry ‘bout it.” she laughed so hard I laughed at my own joke too, or it was more for her laugh.
Y/n’s POV
“Please, answer…” It was the 7th call in the last hour or so. But nothing. Directly to voice mail.
Then I heard the door of the apartments open. I got into my robe and walked to the loud noise.
First it was the sound of the keys hitting the glass table, then the fight with the shoes to take them of, and the a curse.
“Agh, stupid shit” he said. I was so mad, but seeing him safe was a relief.
“Good morning Harry.” I said. Clearly upset.
“Hello, Y/n.” He said in the same tone before letting out a dumb chuckle, he was drunk.
“Oh, please welcome! D’you need something? A coffee, or an aspirin, maybe?”
“Nah, ‘m alright, thank you.” now he was staggering towards the couch. If I heard that condescending tone one more time…
“Oh, good, good to know you are okay. Thank you very much.”
“Yeh, now, can you let me sleep, please?” Oh god.
I wanted to yell on the spot, but now i was just gonna have no response, so i take a deep breath and went to bed again.
The next morning was like any other one in the past few months, i woke up in an empty bed. I was tired even thought i just woke up. I knew what was coming up, and i didn’t want to step out of the bed.
I was in the bathroom washing my face. Today was the day. I was going to give him the ultimatum.
It’s been months since Live on Tour ended, i supposed that Harry would be enjoying his time home, with his family, friends and, well, me. But it looks like he’s still in the chip of partying and wild rockstar life. At the beginning i was kind of okay with that but when he kept living as if he was single, not in a way of cheating, as far as i know, but neglecting that he has someone that is waiting for him at home, that’s what upsets me.
I’ve been staying up whole nights worried about Harry. He’s not a ‘normal’ guy, he is a world wide known celebrity and most importantly, my fiancé.
I went up to the kitchen counter for a cup of coffee that i definitely needed. I saw a the back of a messy hair sticking out of the couch. He was looking to the nothing, with a cup of coffee, a glass of water and some aspirins on the coffee table.
“Morning’ ” i said calmly. He turned his head in my direction.
“Hello, love.” he said under his breath, i saw a hint of shame in his attitude, i was hoping he understood the meaning behind our fight.
“Are you feeling good?” i asked. He went up from the couch and walk to the counter, right next to me.
“I don’t know how you do it.” he put me into an embrace from my waist. His head was in my neck.
“What’re you taking about?” i giggled lightly, i couldn’t be upset at the moment.
“You know…” he let moment of silence, thinking. “being… patient with me…” he started kissing and biting “and so good, so beautiful… so sexy...” what.
I immediately took off pushing him from his shoulders. I looked at him directly in the eyes, frowning “What?”
“What? What?” he joked. I shook my head saying no and returned my body to face the counter.
“You don’t know why I am upset, do you?” i began to play with the only ring in my finger.
“Are you upset?”
“Yes, Harry, I am upset. Thank you for noticing.”
“Did somethin’ happened at work?” Was he fucking serious?
“No, wait. Is it because I was out yesterday? Nothin’ happened, it was a band thing.”
“I don’t care about that, Harry. I wouldn’t mind if you drank all the bar or kissed every person out there, ‘cause i’m fucking done.”
“What are you saying’?” his tone had a bit of panic and another bit of anger.
“This Harry. Whatever this turned into.” i couldn’t look at him. “It’s been like, what? Three months, tell me, have we have eat together once, have we even talked more than ten minutes? I don’t know nothing ‘bout your tour, you don’t know nothing about this past months, and you don’t seem interested at all.”
“I’m no interested? What about you! Always stayin’ at home, never wanting to go out.”
“You have never invited me out since you return. Not in a date. Not in one of you funny little night bar adventures, saying that where ‘band things’. Even Sarah invited me over sometimes.”
“Then why didn’t you go?”
“Because if you, my partner, didn’t tell me about it was obvious that you didn’t want me there”
“Of course i wanted you there!”
“Congratulations, i don’t care!” i took a deep breath “I don’t want to fight or yell… I-I don’t think that this is working.” I removed the ring from under the counter.
“Please, tell me it’s not what i’m thinking, you are not giving everything of this up just for some nights out, are you?”
“It’s, not just ‘some nights out’ it’s you neglecting me. I just think if this is gonna be the same every time you tour and i don’t think i could handle it.”
“Then we’ll work on it” he grabbed my hand, the one without a ring on. I’m sure he did noticed, but decided not to comment on it.
“No, you haven’t seen how dysfunctional everything has been since i finished my major?” He shook his head “No you didn’t, you were focused on your album, and i understand, but right now nothing’s stopping you from being here.”
“I’ll do it. I’ll be here”
“Harry… I promised to myself that this would be an ultimatum, i do want to keep being a part of this relationship, i want to do a family with you. But i’m not gonna put my needs and mental peace under the carpet. It’s not worth it, nothing is.” I put the ring on the marble surface. I could hear Harry’s breath began to be faster.
“I understand that, and i promise you that i’m going to fight for this to keep going. Please give me the chance,”
“I’m gonna give it to you.” i simply replied.
“Why are you trying to give me your ring?” he said with shaky voice.
“H… I thought that you would see it. It’s obvious that we are not ready for a compromise as big as it’s being engaged.”
“We’ve been together for eight years, Y/n!”
“Okay, let’s calm down.” I don’t want yelling.
“You don’t want to get married, ‘s that it?”
“No. It seems so convenient to me that when you’re about to go back to London for that… work opportunity… you magically try to return me this.”
“Harry, that was, like, half a year ago.” I couldn’t believe how quickly he was fucking this up. He looked at me, he was thinking the same. He tried to excuse his comment. “No, i’ve heard enough.” I began to walk trough the house, with him following me immediately. I blasted into the bedroom.
“Wait. Y/n.”
I didn’t responded. I entered into the closet, making sure that i closed it with lock, grabbed a suitcase and began to pack.
“Don’t call me that.” I whispered while changing into the first thing that i picked out, a black loose pair of pants and a tank top, not the greatest, not the worst, but i couldn’t care less about that.
Before going out of the closet i picked up my phone, fortunately i had it in my robe’s pocket, as always. I called Nick.
“Y/n/n, please, i’m so sorry. This is exactly what i want to work on.”
“I was about to give you the opportunity, you were the one messin’ it up” I said through the door. Then i opened it, he was sitting in the bed, his elbows in his knees as he passes his hand through his hair, in frustration.
I walked pass him to go to my nightstand, grabbing my journal, my passport and a key.
“W-what’s that?”
“Your new car. Congrats for your album.” I said as dry as i could sound, my childish self wanted that, the hurt in him, like the one he made me feel. I threw the keys to the bed, getting out of there, also hoping that they were enough distraction for him not to reach me out.
I took the elevator until i reached the first floor, on my way down i couldn’t help but started crying, i was about to explote if i didn’t. Then, to get to the ground floor, i used the emergency stairs, exiting the building from the back door.
Just two seconds later there it was Nick, in the black van and his usual suit. “Is everting good, Ms, Y/n?
“Uhm, y…es, thanks.” i said giving him my suitcase.
Then I went to the airport and bought the fist ticket to the UK and fuckin’ go.
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Kaia @kaikei • 3h
This is clearly a very intimate moment. Leave her alone.
arg 👾 @argusbmd • 2h
and they were getting married????? 😭😭😭😭
sn @oldpanic •3h
i hope they are okay :(
rebb @revelrebecca • 1h
HOLY SHIT I i hust saw her gettting into a plane to th UK
Hssss 🐍 @snakeszs • 2h
Why can’t you just put her name without the [name of the partner]? she is a human on her own.
Part ii
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Bright Like The Moon: Chapter 8
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Chapter 8: I Was So Much Younger Yesterday
Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors - DNI
Fandom: Night Hunter
Pairing: Walter Marshall x Black!OFC
Word count: 3K
Summary: Kamaria Mansfield is hired at the Minnesota Police Department as an intern. Detective Walter Marshall is overworked and unsatisfied. Takes place post-film.
Chapter Summary: It’s time to celebrate Faye’s 16th birthday. Also, Walter works out a way for Kam to practice expressing her needs. 
Chapter warnings: crying, Daddy kink(if you don’t like this, turn back now because damn), slight dumbification kink, oral (f receiving), vaginal fingering, p in v sex, creampie, creampie tasting, the term ‘cumslut’ used lovingly
A/N: New Story Art! *cheering and applause* Now, it’s time to get to serious business. Um, I like Angie. And I wrote her like I see her. Also, this chapter gets quite kinky so heed those warnings, please. Un-beta’d, we die like people who tried their best.
Dividers: @firefly-graphics
Support/Reblog banner by me
Cover Art by me, model for Cover Art credits
Cross-posted on AO3
Spotify Playlist
Series Masterlist
My Masterlist
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Kamaria’s POV
Three Months Later
“...Happy Birthday dear Faye, Happy Birthday to You!”
We all cheer as Faye blows out her sixteen candles. Her parents stand by and film their child celebrating with her friends. Angie starts to cut the cake and gives Walter slices to hand out. They work so well together. You’d never know they went through such a rough separation.
Sweet Faye with her curls and her chubby cheeks, looking for all the world like the baby she was. Her purple cocktail dress matches the flower in her hair that I helped her with. 
It was nice to feel like a part of the team, working with Walter and Angie on organizing the party for Faye. But, let’s face it, it was mostly me and Angie doing the planning and Walter nodding along. Angie and I got along well enough, I think she just appreciated that I cared about Faye and that meant more than anything.
Angie says goodbye to the last guests leaving while I finish tidying up Faye’s gift haul. She dozes on the couch curled up on Walter who is snoozing as well. Angie moves a blanket over both of them and comes to help me clear away dishes and any lingering trash.
“I have to thank you for helping out with Faye earlier. She’s in that stage where everything I say is just not ‘cool’ enough,” Angie wipes her hands on a dish towel and looks from Faye’s sleeping form to me, “I remember this time in my life where my little girl valued my opinion above all else. And now it’s like she chooses the exact opposite of what I suggest.”
“Don’t worry. She’ll realize one day that she is so lucky to have a mother who actually wanted her,” I squeeze my eyes closed, deciding to open this old wound, “My mom never wanted to be a mother and she made that abundantly clear by leaving me and my Dad when I was a kid. He was never emotionally available so I had some interesting times in life, to say the least. But, just know that I’m sure she’ll come around. It may be in a year or two, but for now, you have a Daddy’s girl on your hands.” I laugh, trying to lighten the mood. 
I don’t notice Angie coming to my side until she puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder. Having a loving mother next to me offering me comfort is suddenly too much to handle and my eyes start to blur from unshed tears. I begin to protest my emotional reaction but then Angie speaks.
“It doesn’t make you weak to cry when you’re upset.” 
Her hushed words are like a soothing balm on a decades-old burn. One shaky breath is all I take before the tears are streaming down my face. Angie’s face crumbles as well and she wraps her arms around me. I realize that it has been a long time since I’ve had a “Mom hug” and I cling to that warmth as I quietly weep. 
When my sobs turn into sniffles, Angie rubs my back in calming circles. We separate and she cups my cheek in a display of affection. I nod and smile in appreciation before taking a deep breath to collect myself.
Walter and Faye pick this moment to finally wake up. Thank goodness for small favors, they missed my little moment. I wipe my eyes and face quickly before smiling at my boyfriend and his daughter. While Faye is none the wiser, I can see the gears working behind Walter’s eyes. He can always see right through me, but he won’t make his suspicions known until we’re alone. Something I truly love about him, he is not a scene-maker.
I walk over to Faye and give her a big hug before sitting down next to Walter and holding his hand. “How did we do on your big day, sweetheart? I’ll take you falling asleep as you had quite a time.”
“It was perfect. It was everything I wanted. Thanks, Mom and Dad. Thank you, Kam.” The grin never left her sweet face. It is all worth it to see her happiness. 
“You’re welcome, love,” Walter cupped Faye’s face and she beamed back at him. Truly a Daddy’s girl.
“Alright, birthday girl. You are welcome to stay up as long as you like. Just for tonight, that is,” Angie walks over to us and kisses the top of Faye’s head before smiling at Walter and me, “I am going to bed. Thank you both for your help today. Goodnight.” She pats my shoulder before heading upstairs.
If Walter notices our non-verbal exchange, he doesn’t mention it.
“Alright, girlfriend. Who was that adorable kid with the curls? He was cute.” I can’t help but make Faye blush and make Walter roll his eyes. It’s like my talent. 
“That was Albert. He’s in my English class. He likes Federico García Lorca and Mission: Impossible movies. That’s all I needed to know.”
“Which means he either knows enough to seem intelligent or enough to actually be intelligent,” I smile and yawn before stretching.
“On that note, I think it’s time for us to get home and for you to get to bed.” Walter ends the conversation without adding his two cents about this Albert kid. Faye gets the hint and follows suit.
“Yeah, I’m tired anyway. Thanks again, you guys.” Faye yawns sympathetically.
Walter and I leave after hugs and final birthday wishes. On the car ride back to his place, Walter decides to bring up his worries. 
“So, did something happen while Faye and I were out?” He broaches the topic carefully.
“Angie was feeling a bit left out of her daughter’s life. I simply told her that she has a Daddy’s girl on her hands.” I smile at the side of Walter’s face and look back at the road.
Walter surprises me by pulling the car over and turning to face me. “You want to try that again, Princess?” The pet name is enough to put my brain in gear and answer fully.
“I told Angie about how my Mom never wanted me. And then I cried. A lot.” I hated how he was so good at getting me to say what I didn’t want to say. But I had to respect his abilities.
“Why do I always have to work so hard at getting the truth out of you, Princess?” He reaches over to hold my chin between his thumb and forefinger, “You’ll work on that tonight, do you understand?”
“Yes, Daddy. I understand.” Suddenly out of breath, I slip into subspace with ease.
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Walter’s POV
I love this woman, I do. But there is nothing harder than getting her to face her emotions. Getting her to tell me when she’s dealing with sadness or anxiety is like pulling teeth. I have literally been in the line of fire before. But getting her to admit when she has cried is harder than any S.W.A.T. mission I have ever been on.
We get back to my place and after her shower, I instruct her to stay undressed. I have her sit on the bed against the headboard. While I undress, I deny her the ability to touch herself. I watch her squirm while I slowly remove my last piece of clothing.
My dick throbs between my legs as I lock eyes with her. She licks her lips and fights the urge to reach out and touch. I settle on her punishment and a little piece of me actually feels sorry for her. This one might wreck her.
“Since it’s so hard for you to be honest about your feelings, we’re going to work on that tonight. You have to express when you have needs. All you have to do is tell me what you need when you need it. You must use your words, Princess. Is that clear?” I cross my arms and look down at her.
“Yes, Daddy.”
“Good girl,” I smile as the praise washes over her, “How do you feel about restraints, baby?”
She shifts on the bed a bit and plays with her hands. “I like being restrained.”
“Good,” I reach into my nightstand and pull out a silk sash before beckoning her to sit at the edge of the bed, “Put your hands together for me, palm to palm,” She does as she’s told and I tie her hands together. “How does that feel? Not too tight?”
“Feels fine,” She scrunches up her nose and looks up at me, “I won’t be able to touch you, though.”
“Yeah. That’s kind of the point, Princess,” I push lightly on her shoulder so she lays down flat and her hands stretch above her head, “Just lie back and let me work. And you tell me when you need more or less, alright?”
She nods and I raise my eyebrows. “Yes, I’ll tell you what I need.”
“Good girl.” I lean down and capture her lips in my own. I poke at the seam of her mouth until she lets me enter. I lick into her mouth, tasting and sucking on her tongue. Moving my kisses to her jaw then to her neck, I suck and bite at her sweet spot until she lets out that precious little moan of hers.
Trailing my tongue across her clavicle, I kiss down her chest and lavish attention on her breasts. These perfect fucking tits I love so much. I kiss both nipples and knead the soft flesh but don’t go any further until I hear a whine. “Use your words, Princess. What do you need?”
“Your tongue…can you suck on my nipples, please?” Her breathing speeds up.
“That’s my good girl.” I swirl my tongue around one nipple while running my thumb over the other. I suck the pebbled peak into my mouth and tease it with my tongue. Suckling at her for a few moments more, I switch to the other side to give just as much attention. I feel her thighs rubbing together in search of friction, so I kiss down her soft belly, stopping to nip at her hips. 
Pulling her legs apart, I can finally see my prize. I want to dive right in, but this is an exercise to have Kamaria tell me what she needs so instead I kiss at her inner thighs for far longer than I normally would have to prove a point.
“Daddy, please eat my pussy.” She pleads, moving her hips closer to my face. Such a good girl for me, and I tell her as much before I kiss her mound and then slide my tongue up and down her wet slit.
“Fuck! You taste amazing, Princess.” My hands grip her thighs tight before I begin to lap at her like a man starved. Her sweet nectar is more than enough to satisfy me and I want to drink her in and never look back. Her whimpers only make me work that much harder. Sucking on her clit, I let my tongue dance against the swollen bud and am rewarded with a squeal. 
“Need your fingers, please.” Such a polite little thing, isn’t she?
“Yes, baby.” I reward her good manners with two fingers straightaway. She’s soaked and they slide in easily. We both groan and I massage that inner bundle of nerves before returning my attention to her clit. I flick my tongue on her button before working my fingers in and out of her core.
“Just like that, don’t stop!” Her words go straight to my dick and I curve my fingers. Before long, I can feel her channel clamp down on my fingers but I keep working at her as her juices coat my hand.
“Too much, too sensitive!” She cries, her body shaking under me. I lift off her clit and still my fingers before licking them clean and wiping them on the comforter.
“You did so good, Princess,” I kiss up her body and nibble at her neck, “But I’m not done with you yet, baby.” I get up from my spot between her legs and move her to the center of the bed. Maneuvering her on her side, I slide up behind her and lift her leg. I enter her swiftly and we moan in tandem.
I pull back out until just the tip is inside then I slam back in. Gripping her hip, I start a punishing pace inside her walls. The way her cunt squeezes me is like paradise. She was made to take my dick. I was made to claim her pussy.
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck,” All she can utter is a string of curses and I feel triumphant that I fucked language right out of her brain.
“That’s right, Princess. Let this dick fuck you stupid, baby,” No sooner do I finish that sentence do I feel her walls flutter around me, “Oh does my baby like being fucked dumb on Daddy’s dick?” The answering whine tells me all I need to know. Adding ‘dumbification’ to the list of kinks my baby girl has.
Pulling out and moving Kam onto her back, I get to my knees and push her legs open, Entering her again, I reach up and hold her bound hands in one fist. From this angle, I can slam into her and stimulate her clit at the same time.
“Need to…touch you. Please…Daddy?” Her words are punctuated by thrusts, the look of yearning in her eyes.
I pull the knot free on the sash. Her hands immediately go to my hair to tug me down for a kiss. I can taste her desire and hunger for closeness. I growl into her mouth and she whimpers back. Her legs wrap around my waist and pull me in deeper. We pull apart from the kiss and rest our foreheads together.
“Tell me what you need, baby girl.” At this point, I am panting. So close to release. I just need to hear her say she needs it.
“Look at me while you cum inside me, Daddy,” This little brat actually smiles up at me as she shatters me.
“Fuck!” The dam breaks and my hold on reality fucks all the way off. My eyes search hers while I empty my balls into her waiting cunt. I keep stroking inside her and the sensation is heightened once I feel her come around me. She could gonna be the death of me, and I’d love every minute of it.
I lean down and slot our mouths together as I pull out. I swallow her whimper at the feeling of emptiness before I look down to see her thoroughly ruined snatch. My cum still leaks out and I can’t help but feel proud to see her so full. I smile down at her before getting up from the bed.
I clean up a bit in the bathroom before fetching a damp washcloth. Entering the room again, I find Kam lazily playing with herself. “Enjoying yourself, Princess?” I reach down and clean her gently.
“I love how sensitive I am right now. It feels so good.” Her eyes roll back in her head as my hand moves over her folds.
“Do you think you can give me one more orgasm, Princess?” I know I might be pushing it, but seeing her so aroused is making it worth asking.
“Yes, please, Daddy. I wanna cum again for you.” 
That was all I needed to hear before I’m between her legs again. I lean down to lap at her slit. Tasting my spend and her juices mixed together is heavenly. Can’t believe I’ve never done this before. By the surprised moans coming from Kam, I’d say she was enjoying this as well. 
After making out with her pussy for a while, my fingers find their way inside her tight wet heat. Curving my fingers as I move them in and out, I’m rewarded soon after with a strangled moan and her walls fluttering around my fingers. I wait until the convulsing stops to remove my fingers. A dirty thought enters my head and I run with it.
“Open your mouth, Princess,” As she follows direction, I lock eyes with her as I put my slick-coated fingers in her mouth until they disappear, “Such a good girl for me. Sucking our cum off my fingers like the hungry little cumslut you are.”
She moans around my fingers and if I didn’t literally just cum a liter, I’d be balls-deep in her again. When I remove my fingers from her mouth, she actually whines in protest. I can’t help but kiss that adorable pout before grabbing the washcloth again to wipe away the evidence of her arousal.
I throw the cloth in the hamper and lay down next to my love. I check her wrists to make sure the sash didn’t dig in too deep before kissing her forehead. “How’s my baby feeling?”
“I feel amazing. Spectacular,” She stretches and cuddles into my chest as I wrap an arm around her, “I think that was the best sex I’ve ever had.”
“I’m right there with you. I probably fried a few brain cells but it was so worth it,” I hold her chin and bring her gaze up, “I’m also proud of you for saying what you needed. Now, we just have to get you to do that out of the bedroom.”
“Practice makes perfect, right?” There’s my little brat.
“Cheeky. But not wrong. We’ll work on it together, yeah?” I say, pulling the comforter over both of us as Kam’s eyes start to close, “Love you, Princess.”
“Mhm,” Her short answer lets me know that she is absolutely fucked out and I’m chuffed, “Love you, Daddy.”
Her fingers work their way through my chest hair, something I’ve noticed as a comfort activity for her. If I was a cat, I’d be purring every time she does it. But if she ever found out how much I liked it, she’d probably use it against me somehow. Little minx.
I listen as her breathing evens out and I’m not far behind. I can safely say today was a good day. Nothing can ruin this feeling.
Can it?
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Chapter 9
A/N: Ehehehe, that ending sounded menacing at all, did it…? Well, anyway. This chapter’s song was “Starving” by Hailee Steinfeld & Grey. “Starving” is about a relationship that’s getting more adventurous in and outside of the bedroom. I really enjoy writing in Walter’s POV, especially the kinky stuff. Hopefully, you enjoyed it too. 
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Good afternoon Sex Witch!
I was hoping you could help me figure out how to change how I think about sex and unlearn some prudishness/ disentangle it from more genuine concerns and red flags.
Yadda yadda conservative small town childhood, classic backstory. I definitely got a sense of… I guess, safety and rightness by being very “these things are always bad”; not just sex things but sex was, of course, still one of the big things. Of course, then came puberty, and getting out of my comfort zone, and realizing how toxic purity culture was. Growing up meant, in part, my learning to do better by re-examining things I’d taken for granted.
That’s why I’m asking: there’s a lot of… lingering discomfort with a few things. I realized I still feel pretty… uncomfortable around people who have a lot of sex with multiple partners, along with the topics of polyamory and open relationships. I’m monogamous and I’m not ashamed of that, and of course I keep my opinions to myself when around friends who are happy in non-monogamous relationships. Cuz like, this is ABSOLUTELY a me-problem. I would just like to not feel like this and be unambiguously happy for people I otherwise love living their best lives.
(I’m also single and shy; I strongly suspect that envy over people who can attract multiple partners when I can’t seem to even attract one is a polluting variable.)
Regardless, do you have any links to point me to or thoughts to help me dismantle this ugly bigotry protoplasm? Cuz I know I’m wrong; I’d just like to get the bit of my brain to stop sending these stupid alarm signals.
hi anon,
okay, so, first I just want to say congrats to you on the obvious massive amounts of work that you've done to identify the biases you were raised with and work to uproot them. I know you're here because you feel you still have work to do, and I respect that completely, but I think it's also important to recognize that you've clearly come very far from what you were raised with. being able to recognize when something is a you-problem is HUGE.
I also want to say, as gently and with as much love as possible, that it may not ever be possible to totally 100% possible eradicate thoughts that we don't like. in a way, the idea that we can and should be able to control our impulsive reactions to things is still very conservative, right? it's the idea of "thought crime," except now instead of being upset at yourself for having a sexual thought it's being upset for having a thought that's not sexually open enough.
while I understand wanting to eradicate that unpleasant little "yuck" response out of your brain forever, I also believe very firmly that your thoughts alone don't define you or your values. okay, so your knee-jerk reaction to someone you love announcing that they're in an open relationship is discomfort. but what are your actions? what are you saying and doing? are you lecturing them about their immoral lifestyle, or are you pushing that discomfort aside and doing your best to be supportive of someone else's happiness even if you don't personally get it?
your actions and how you're treating the people you care about matter a lot more than the thoughts that you can't help.
having said that, it's still nice to have some framework for how to work through those feelings of discomfort to at least see if it's possible to diminish them and change that line of thinking. luckily, sex educator Nadine Thornhill just wrote about this in her latest newsletter, which I definitely recommend checking out - Dr. Thornhill is gem.
so, with full credit and hoping that she would forgive me for borrowing, here's an excerpt from Dr. Thornhill's newsletter:
Like all humans, I have a judgey little mind that is constantly observing, assessing, assuming, inferring, and drawing conclusions based on random stimuli. That’s always happening, even when I’m in sex-educator mode. But what I can do (and you can, too, if you want) is practice being mindful of my judgements, especially negative judgements. The most critical part of the practice has been getting curious about my body signals. When someone makes a sexual decision I don’t like, a question I try to ask myself is: What does that feel like in my body? Sometimes, I’ve struggled to maintain that level of in-the-moment mindfulness when working with real people and consequences.Movies and TV have helped me explore some of that stuff. It’s a safe place to judge fictional folks and their fictional sexual choices freely. Meanwhile, being able to pause, rewind or replay a provocative scene lets me take the time to take stock of my physical reactions. With time and practice, it’s become easier to recognize the specific muscle tension and rapid breathing that signals disapproval. Why is this important? We may not be able to stop ourselves from forming judgements about other people’s sexual choices. But if we understand and acknowledge them as judgements rather than facts, we can work to avoid imposing our will on other people. One way we might do so is by asking ourselves the following questions: Does this person’s decision affect my body, relationships, or autonomy? What would have to be true for me to want to make this same choice? What might make this a positive choice for this person right now? How might my own experiences or situations be affecting my opinion? How can I express kindness and compassion while still respecting their right to make their own choice?
much appreciation to Dr. Thornhill for putting this so succinctly; I'd definitely recommend checking out her work for anon and anyone else!
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whitelilynh · 1 year
I don’t personally ship NejiHina, but I can see the appeal and I understand why it was the preferred pairing in Japan. I was wondering what you think of NejiTen? I personally hate it and don’t know why it’s so popular. People act like they were supposed to be canon, but I just don’t see it.
I first want to start this answer by saying I respect every ship and everyone's right to ship whatever they like regardless of my personal taste. Nevertheless, I have my own opinion and if it's not positive towards some specific ship, please do understand that's MY view and opinion, and no one is forced to think or see the things the way I do.
Having say that, I personally dislike NejiTen. I would say I'm indifferent towards it, and I am most of the time, I mean, it doesn't upset me if I find occasionally some NejiTen art by accident while watching something else, and I don't find it a hideous ship. Furthermore, I personally have never had bad experiences with NejiTen shippers either, though I've known and/or seen some of them harassing my friends from NejiHina and other ships, and there is exactly where the "dislike" part starts. Because, indeed, the persons that I've seen doing such comments act as if NejiTen was canon, when it isn't, furthermore, there is, at least at my eyes, no evidence of any kind that even hints Neji's romantic interest on Tenten and viceversa.
Going to the content, Neji is only seen worrying and caring profoundly for Hinata (when it comes to women), no one else. If we add RLSD, his crush on her is totally accepted and obvious on that, but it's just a Spin-off.
When about Tenten, I'd say we see almost equal care and worry from her to both Neji and Lee, except, maybe for Lee's energetic (and problematic) nature, she tends to spend more time closer to him. And maybe because of Lee's life story, she also seems to be more observant of Lee's feelings than Neji's. Even when Neji died, her reaction was to console Lee, her thoughts went to Lee, she was worried because of Lee. I'm not saying she didn't care for Neji or that she wasn't hurt, but her feelings for Lee on that moment (worry, sad, caring) were bigger than her mourning for Neji.
I think it is so popular because the fact that Neji and Hinata are cousins is taboo in many places around the world, although actually it is perfectly legal in more countries than those were it isn't, it was common practice amongst noble families both on West and East until not that long ago, still are many cousin marriages and the genetic/biological risk for the possible future children of such a couple isn't as big as we might believe. Is about double than non-related couples, but that equals 3-4%. That's about the same risk an "older" (35+) woman's baby would have. Anyway, the thing is since Hinata is by this Taboo "forbidden" for Neji, most people would try to pair him with the other woman he interacts with: Tenten. That is, the way I see it, the only reason to pair them. I don't even think they'd had an interesting dynamic and on the few content of them I've paid attention to, usually Neji's or Tenten's or both's personalities are changed so they fit and the ship becomes more interesting.
I think it takes from both of them to pair them together, it is nice to see Tenten as an independent woman who's life, for once, doesn't revolve around her crush on a boy.
And Neji seems a traditional tranquil man, if he wasn't so focused on and devoted to Hinata I don't think he would care about marrying or being on a couple. That's why I can't see him with anyone else but Hinata.
Sorry for the long answer, in the end as I say, everyone is free to ship what they like 🩷
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iceswords · 2 months
Garden, Finch And A Trial
with everything else figured out from the watchmaker's legacy to gallagher's true identity, the only thing left was to find out what happened to mikhail and thus here yanqing was again at timesplit square. it was hard to not notice the new building -
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- that had appeared after the astral express crew passed through dreamflux reef as yanqing walked up from the stairs from slumber town and headed towards it's direction. stopping in the middle of the flower design on the pavement gound where the tombstones lay.
" you wanted to find mikhail." came gallagher's voice causing yanqing to look over at him with a sour expression as he crossed his arms. the lieutenant was a little bit upset over having been lied to. while normally a thirty year old looking man couldn't possibly be thirteen years of age, there were the pepeshi running around and it can be hard to determine whether or not someone is the age they claim with how many different short life and long life species there are on penacony.
gallgeher nodded his head towards the fore mentioned building, not paying any mind to how yanqing was reacting to him as it was quite warranted. " there's where he'll be- his final resting place." he informed the boy as he was very aware of how close misha and yanqing had gotten.
" what exactly happened though?" yanqing decided to ask after practically glaring the man down. there was no more reason for gallgeher to keep lying now. nobody seems to be acknowledging misha as the watchmaker's grandson. was that because nobody else knows about that? was it something yanqing only learned from talking to misha and spending so much time with him?
most likely yet still the idea that the oh-so precious legacy mikhail had left behind could be anything other than misha was.. yeah, no. it was obviously misha. everybody else was just too far behind to realize it yet. it doesn't seem like a lot of people paid attention to misha in general. " I'm sure you get the guist of it. mikhail got into a disagreement with the family, mikhail left and never returned."
" yeah. I know. left misha behind." yanqing replied and shook his head at the very mention of what mikhail did. he didn't care much for mikhail but misha had been hurt by the man's actions, " but I was also thinking he left the planet yet you're saying that he's been sleeping up there this whole time."
" oh?" gallagher placed a hand to his chin as he looked down at the boy with interest, " so I take it you're of the opinion misha is the watchmaker's legacy then. quite the nice sentiment."
" I get that mikhail didn't get along with the family but.. did he really have to leave misha like that? his actual family." perhaps it was more personal for yanqing because he knew misha and perhaps the lieutenant related to the feeling of having been abandoned by your own flesh and blood. yanqing often got emotional whenever he watched a movie or show about an child who had lost their parents somehow and either were living on their own or ended up with terrible caretakers.
he paused and took a breath. wouldn't want to get too worked up or else yanqing would wake up. he looked up and out at the garden. he wondered if misha had ever gone up to see his grandfather yet.
" hmm.. afraid that is a question I can't answer but you are free to check it out for yourself, lieutenant." gallgeher informed and that was exactly what yanqing did. having to walk up quite the few stairs to reach the tranquil garden and then a few more to get to the gazebo like stature where mikhail sat in his wheelchair.
yanqing almost wanted to shake the old man awake yet when his eyes landed on him.. he knew that mikhail was long gone now. giving one of the wheels of the chair a kick out of frustration. " listen to me, old man. I don't care about your stupid stellaron or that stupid bubble you're holding.” lashing out at a person who couldn't even hear him. it was the only thing yanqing could do in that moment as whatever was inside the bubble could only ever hold any significance or meaning to the nameless and yanqing wasn't one of them, “did you really think some petty disagreement was more important than your own grandson!?”
before yanqing could kick at the wheel chair anymore, he would feel arms grab him under the armpits and pull him away though yanqing continued to yell at the dead man, “ coward! didn't even die an honorable death! just slept away up here in your dang wheelchair. " if yanqing had something to throw at the ‘asleep’ mikhail, he would even as he was being held back by arlan. “ could you stop it already? you don’t need yet another charge put against you.” the security guard noted as he stood there almost as tiff as a board and with feet practically rooted into the ground. they really didn’t need yanqing to throw off the handle again. it was much too much energy, frustration- yanqing didn’t feel as sunny as usual but there was still a fire in him. one that was currently being fuelled by so many different emotions and some of those emotions were new to yanqing. he just wanted to do.. something. put all this information and energy to good use somewhere.
once arlan knew that yanqing wasn’t going to do anything towards the sleeping old man, that was when he finally let go of him allowing the lieutenant to see who had decided to follow him up to the garden. he could see down below misha anxiously cleaning up the place, mumbling himself as he likely hadn’t come here before and looked nervous to see his grandfather again. huohuo without her tail had also been present in dreamflux reef and upon seeing a familiar face in yanqing likely had followed him up here. “ uh, um.. lieutenant yanqing. is-is this a g-good time to mention that.. somebody wants to talk to you? he said to tell you to meet him in the church later.” came her quiet and timid voice as she reached to ling onto her tail only to frown and look about ready to cry when she remembered that it was no longer there, opting to ling onto her skirt instead. “ yeah. the key word there being later. did he happen to say when this ‘later’ was?” yanqing asked the girl, knowing he would have to be a little more patient and gentle with her- just because of how huohuo naturally was but also because of the recent loss of mr tail. “ no.” huohuo answered with her foxian ears pointed down and her eyes drifting away as if feeling guilty from not having any useful information to give to the lieutenant while the lieutenant merely looked over her shoulder down at the hellhop for a moment before stepping over to the top of the stairs and deciding to call out to the boy, “ doing great, qīn'ài de!” that bellhop really needed some positive reinforcement, perking up upon hearing yanqing’s voice whilst huohuo heard the affectionate term the lieutenant used for misha and looked over in slight confusion, “ q-qīn’ai de..?” though yanqing’s focus was more on misha and watching his reaction therefore arlan had to ask her what that term meant before explaining the situation to her.
misha looked so pleased with himself after getting that stamp of approval even though he didn’t really understand what yanqing just called him, he could hear the tone of voice and get an idea that it was something sweet and nice. this positive reinforcement from yanqing would continue to go on while arlan and huohuo had their discussion about what has been happening and what huohuo missed. “ what happened to your tail?” arlan asked at one point certain that foxians usually had both a tail and ears whilst huohuo only had the ears but that question only caused the girl to burst out into tears. arlan panicked in reply as he tried to find some way to calm her down or undo the damage he just did without even knowing the context of why it was making her so upset. “ bad arlan! you never ask a lady about her physical appearance- has nobody told you that? also, misha, you can take a break now- spotless job as always!” yanqing scolded one boy and praised the other.
“ I am certain I have seen you ask a lady the same kind of question, yanqing, you egotistical hypocrite!” replied arlan.
“ knowing and doing are two different things.” retorted yanqing.
“ h-hey! don’t call the lieutenant that!” cried huohuo who was more crying over her own issues than what arlan called yanqing and yanqing picked up on this as he watched her and debated if it would be right for him to comfort her when he couldn’t do anything about what happened to mr tail. in the end yanqing decided to pull out his flute and play a little tune that always relaxed any orphan he came across as the group found somewhere in the garden to sit down. misha having curled up in yanqing’s lap. it was a calm and peaceful garden and the longer yanqing stayed there, the less he found himself blaming mikhail for choosing this as his final resting place yet he could never forgive the man for what he had put misha through no matter how long the lieutenant stayed in that garden. and all the while in the back of his mind, yanqing was thinking about the man who asked for his arrival in the church and wondered if it would be a good idea to go- could it have been sunday? that man was a priest or something, right? did he want yanqing to confess to his ‘sins’? or perhaps yanqing finally had gotten a bounty on his head and a galaxy ranger was coming to collect? he always wanted to meet a galaxy ranger! heroes who fought for what they believed in but unfortunately that acheron woman hadn’t truly been one of them. huohuo continued to sniffle but had slowly started to stop crying while arlan awkwardly stood on guard and watched for any disturbances while having an ear out for the tune that yanqing played as it seemed to not be that bad.
eventually yanqing decided to go out to see who had asked for him and what he could have wanted. walking into the place and immediately being greeted by church music that was in line with the path of the harmony but only managed to irritate the cloud knight. it would appear to not yet be time for his dual or trial as many people were present ranging from locals to guests- guests ranging from the pepeshi to the more mechanical lifeforms. yanqing stepped to the side, staying out of people’s way while not getting involved in what felt to him like a cult gathering. he would spot sunday up in the front beyond the rows of benches and talking.. about the harmony. how the harmony arrived in penacony and changed it into what it was today. that the harmony was what guided the family. he would also catch a glimpse of what appeared be a cyborg cowboy who was currently doing about the same thing as yanqing but instead the cowboy had found himself somewhere in the benches to sit with hat covering his face so that nobody knew if he was shut down or sleeping whilst sunday’s preaching and talking went on.
those were two of yanqing’s potential opponents- a bucket of bolts and bullets or a pigeon cooing - that sounded more like squeaking in yanqing’s ears - as loud as he can about the harmony. which one will be the one to strike first was left to be determined as yanqing waited until the church session was over and everyone else left.. leaving only yanqing and the cowboy in the room by themselves. a galaxy ranger and a cloud knight. putting these two in a room together was just asking for trouble as yanqing rested a hand on the helt of his sword, waiting to see what the cowboy will do. his yellow ember eyes were trained on the older man who eventually pulled out his gun and pointed it at the lieutenant who in turn withdrew his sword and pointed the tip of the blade at the cowboy.
silence continued to linger for a second longer until yanqing let out a prideful huff as he smirked to himself, “ what? I thought this was just how galaxy rangers said hello.”
yanqing walked out into the wide space of the church, restricted only by the benches that left enough room to crawl and hide for cover if the cowboy ever started to fire his gun at him yet the boy remained calm and vigilant with the tip of his sword still pointed at the cowboy. it was like the boy was in the middle of a western flim in which he arrived to a gunfight with a sword. typically you think that decision unwise but yanqing was quite efficient with the blade and felt confident that he could handle this with just his swords as he finally felt that his ice swords could finally pierce their way into the memoria and enter the dream.
the cowboy let out an amused chuckle at the boy as the barrel of his gun followed yanqing’s movements. “ really gettin’ friendly now, aren’t we?” the man remarked in reply and it wouldn’t be long now before the cowboy pulled the trigger and bullet went flying at yanqing who was able to move and think quickly within a second and slice the bullet in half. the dual had finally started as ice swords flew around the room, positioning themselves in a way that the cowboy had no where to run or hide- acting in a way similar to birds of prey as they watched for the man’s movements. the cowboy would shot a bullet at one of these ice swords only for the bullet to bounce off the icy cold blade and off to another resulting in few of the floating swords to end up playing a game of tennis or ping pong with each other using the bullet as the ball. at one point the game became hot potato until one sword decided to toss the bullet back to the cowboy who simply caught the bullet with his mouth and ate it before starting to go for the master of these swords who was floating off the ground now.
both yanqing and boothill were quick on their feet and able to dodge, block or counter attack each other’s strikes until yanqing summoned up the largest ice sword he could and send it flying down at the cowboy, wanting to see what he would do with that. he was filled with adrenaline and was currently raving off of the dopamine and vibrant firecracker-like signals in his brain that just kept going off one after the other. the dual only ended when a door opened and yanqing watched as the cowboy’s eyes looked over for a split second allowing the boy to get close enough to have the tip of his blade at the man’s throat. yanqing breathing in and out with sweat dripping off his forehead while a smirk slowly crossed his figures at having seemingly gotten the upper hand when boothill held up a finger for him to wait as sunday walked into the room from somewhere in the back and had a sour look on his face as if disappointed that the two had gotten into a fight but yanqing would soon realize that their fight had made a mess of the interior of the church.
“ oh. yes. it seems you have.. bonded in a way. have a good discussion while I was away? good, good.” sunday spoke using words to make it seem like he cared but yanqing knew better than that. the pastor didn’t even wait for either of them to answer his question before snapping his fingers and the damage that the two hunt pathstriders had caused was undone. not only that but yanqing soon found himself sitting in one of the benches, unaware of how he got there and without his sword this time while his ice swords had vanished.
boothill meanwhile was placed in a bench far away from the boy to keep the two from fighting again. as if distance would stop that. “ I have summoned you both here.. for a confession. if that confession leads to a trial, so be it. you will both be given your time to privately speak with me. any questions?”
“ yeah.. how does this ‘confession’ thing work exactly?” asked yanqing who had never been in a church even a day in his life until that day. sunday only shook his head to show any annoyance he had about the boy’s question before carefully considering how to answer it in a way that would make sense to the young boy, “ do you see that brown box behind me? that is a confession box. I sit in one side and you sit in the other. you speak, I listen and give guidance. anything you say in the box will not leave the box unless I deem what you said suggests danger towards yourself or others. do you understand, lieutenant?” he explained to yanqing who did his best to listen and take in the information before nodding in reply when sunday asked him if he understood, having looked over to the confession box in question when it was pointed out to him in the explanation.
“ what if.. we don’t want to confess?” was yanqing’s follow up question to which he would hear the cowboy give up a ‘oohh! that’s a good one’ as neither of the two were very thrilled about the concept of confessing to the man. “ fine. you can sit in silence if you wish but not saying anything at all may make things much more harder for you than lying if you wish for me to.. get off your back.” sunday had answered, “ but please do not think to lie to me. I will know. do not ask how, lieutenant, I simply will. and no, I am not reading your mind. please remain seated here until I call for you.” and when sunday was done explaining that, he would turn on heel and head into his side of the confession box.. letting the two sit in silence for a moment or two longer. an attempt to teach the both of them some patience.
yanqing chose to investigate his side of the church but found himself unable to stand up from the bench but could still move around of his own accord otherwise, looking along the books and papers that were kept in some kind of shelf on the back of the bench in front of him. many of the books were harmony textbooks, some were advertisements for soulglad or some toy or a line of clothing and some were pamphlets for therapy or dealing with mental illness. how to overcome imposter syndrome was on one of the covers of such pamphlets and another read stop buying so many swords! you have enough! but he also happened to spot a few books in the style of children’s stories. picked up one which cover featured birds- a charmony dove, a finch, a few pigeons and a swallow. he opened and flipped to the chapter on the swallow which graphically showcased the story of a swallow who grew up with lions and ended up getting eaten by the lions when it’s ground was let down.
yanqing became startled by the imagery and quickly closed the book before rushingly shoving it back into the little shelving unit. he really wanted his dad right now.. but instead took in a breath and pulled himself together. he can handle whatever this was. " hey, kid, you good?" came the cowboy's voice who had seen the boy's reaction to whatever he was seeing and started to become a little worried.
" what does it matter to you, sharkman?" the boy retorted doing his best to act tough but you could see the way he was shaking, exhausted from the fight and now dealing with whatever mental game sunday was putting him through.
" it matters because you're shakin' like a leaf!" replied boothill who would soon think more on what yanqing said before cackling, " sharkman.. good one." causing the boy to lighten up a little and smile. boothill would see this and sit up more straight. " you did real good back there. never seen swords play ping-pong with my bullet before and you were.. real fast. where'd you learn that from?" he asked in attempt to distract yanqing from whatever was bothering the boy since boothill knew that the boy had a lot of fun in that duel.
" I.. well. I was taught by general jing yuan but I've been getting into a lot of sparrs or fights with different people. it is important to pick up techniques from every encounter you have- learn at least something. that's how you become a better warrior!" yanqing enthusiastically explained to the old man, quickly switching from a defensive yet slightly frightened kitten into a excited little lion cub. still a kitten either way but now more happy and prideful.
" hah! that's right!" exclaimed boothill watching as the young boy practically shine with pride as yanqing stood up straight with chest puffed out and arms crossed. it seems the distraction was working. who knew when sunday would call for one of them though, " general jing yuan though.. I heard that name before. it's the fella that runs that rufou flagship, right? haven't had the pleasure of meetin' the man yet but he sure as hell raised a good kid here. gettin' into a little bit of trouble is natural for someone your age, don't worry too much about that."
hearing a complete stranger who had become more of a friend now that the two bonded, yanqing couldn't help but feel reassured by the older's words of praise and admiration. being told that you are a good boy was never something one could grow tired of hearing no matter how many times yanqing hears it in one day.
still.. hearing it from an outsider's perspective was even more rewarding because boothill didn't hold the same expectations or views of yanqing as any back on the xianzhou luofu would have. " boothill. it is time." came sunday's voice to interrupt their conversation and now finally boothill found himself able to stand, giving final words to the boy before heading into the other side of the confession box.
it was silent for a few seconds before suddenly the confession box exploded with shouts and screaming as whatever sunday had said offended boothill and in turn boothill started to throw insults at sunday as it seemed boothill's weapon had been taken from him too. a sweat drop and sigh, yanqing would pull up his phone and text jing yuan.
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yanqing would look over the message he wrote out for a second or two, taking in a breath and letting it out before deciding to click send. and within moments he would see those three dots indicating that jing yuan was typing out a reply and soon that reply followed.
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yanqing looked over the reply, reading the words and taking it in. calling jing yuan dad wasn't something that the boy normally did- this was something that jing yuan was fully aware of and hence the mere term being used was something akin to sending a flare, an sos as the boy felt scared and needed reassurance. boothill had helped of course but yanqing really needed his dad.. especially after reading that chapter about the swallow and lions.
his eyes eventually just stared at 'I will wait outside' as he took in deep breaths and tried to relax. didn't want to wake up just yet - not that whatever spell sunday casted would allow the boy to wake anyway. yanqing had the comfort of knowing jing yuan would be outside the church when it was time to leave. that was good enough for now when suddenly- " lieutenant yanqing." sunday's voice called out causing yanqing to look up and notice that boothill had left the building entirely.
he would pocket his phone, take another breath as he stood up and headed towards the confession box. no more door on the confessor's side of the box as it appeared that boothill somehow broke it at some point and therefore yanqing merely stepped in and sat down, placing hands on his lap.
sunday gave the boy another moment to adjust before speaking up to start them off, " through me, the harmony speaks and through me, the harmony listens. speak now, child, and speak honestly. of whatever troubles you."
it didn't exactly help to know that an aeon was using the older man's body to listen in on yanqing. he thought this was supposed to be private and yanqing didn't exactly believe in the aeon of harmony. he was on the path of the hunt. " that children's story book.. you should have known that I would see it." the boy started with a side eye at sunday through the window that separated man and boy, " the one about the birds. were you tormenting me? it had your fingers all over it. or well.. your thoughts anyway."
" right now I am a vessel for the harmony." sunday calmly answered void of all emotion or expression as if he truly was possessed by a divine being or devil, completely ignoring the boy's antagonising demeanor and focusing on giving words of advice, " I cannot speak on my own thoughts but it is clear you have suspicions and doubts towards me. perhaps you should ask yourself why you see only evil in my intentions. do you have any evil within yourself? I can assure you that the harmony only wishes to help you.. to guide you.. towards a better path or at least to the more correct path for you."
yanqing squinted at the man with some both confusion and annoyance. mind games were quite tiring and frustrating to be in the middle of. yanqing didn't like them at all but here he was again.. " I am on the correct path for me." two can play at this mind game. aventurine showed him how and yanqing found out the hard way who not to play this game with, "perhaps you should ask yourself why you allow an aeon to control your actions and words. do you not trust your own judgment? I trust mine. my judgement has served me quite well so far." yanqing responded to the questions with his own. all honest. all as straightforward and direct as yanqing liked it to be.
yanqing's mind and tongue having grown to become as quick and sharp as his sword. he could see a hint of irritation on sunday's face at the deflection and smirked to himself. either he was annoying sunday himself or yanqing just managed to annoy the harmony THEMSELF. a win on yanqing's part no matter which it was though.
" yes. so well that you ran upon the bloodhounds catching scent of your dishonour. aren't you ashamed as a xianzhou native, as a warrior? your word is your bond yet you were willing to break it upon entering penacony." sunday spoke.
" yes and with my judgement, I have found a way to restore that honour. I found the true legacy of the watchmaker. " yanqing revealed knowing full well that the man wouldn't be able to tell anyone about this, " you want to know what it is, right? I can't tell you that. I gave my word that I wouldn't spoil anything for others."
" how considerate of you, lieutenant yanqing." sunday spoke calmly yet you could see his eyebrow begin to twitch a little when the boy spoke about the watchmaker's legacy. clearly feeling somewhat annoyed that the boy took full advantage of the anything-being-said-in-the-box-not-leaving-the-box deal that they made earlier. " it does appear that you have truly reflected on your actions and had endured the consequences yet you haven't been punished enough- not for entering the golden hour. something has been letting a few children slip in unnoticed.." he explained to the boy before shaking his head, " no. you did not do that. "
that smirk of yanqing's slowly faded as he started to see the effects of angering an aeon as it felt as though all the lights in the church went out. the door on the ground flying up and closing yanqing in the confinement he now found himself in. it felt much smaller because of that.. the only source of light was sunday's halo and some kind of rainbow and bright white rays that was coming off of the man. " you.. you have caused much more trouble in the past, haven't you? yet you never seem to learn.. to truly learn." the halovain's voice almost echoed into what could have been the vacuum of space itself right now if yanqing couldn't feel the seat he sat on and his fingers didn't claw at and ling to the wooden walls of his side of the confession box.
holding on for dear as if the box would suddenly spin around and drop yanqing into the middle of no where. he couldn't even look at sunday now- much too much light. it was nearly blinding. " I'm sorry- I'm sorry- please don't be mad!" came the boy's pleas for forgiveness as he found himself terrified for his life, " let me out of here! sorry sorry sorry sorry-" he kept on repeating that one word until eventually it didn't even sound like a word anymore but yanqing didn't know what else to do as he watched as the rainbow and white light moved away from him and soon the boy was left in the darkness. in nothingness.
it was hard to tell where he even was anymore.. was it still that church? yanqing was trapped, that's all he knew. he clawed, kicked, punched and did everything he could to get out but nothing was working as he balled his eyes out. maybe.. maybe sunday would come back. no, he couldn't count on that man. all yanqing could hope for was that he was still in the church and jing yuan would be able to hear him.
" dad! daaaddd!! come get me, I'm scared! can you hear me?" yanqing eventually stopped apologizing and just kept calling out to his father who he truly hoped would come running to help him and eventually.. the blade of the ever so familiar spar sliced the box open allowing the boy to run out, be picked up and held in the arms of the man who raised him.
yanqing cried himself even more exhausted within those seven system hours of being put into a 'time out' by sunday. laying head on jing yuan's chest and falling to an even deeper sleep as jing yuan held him close and carried him out of there.
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