#uriel healing
elkaseltzer · 2 months
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sketch of how i imagine all of @scun-gilli 's morningstar boys!!!! uriel makes them look so tiny 😭
boys by themselves (+ wings!) below :>
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divine-nonchalance · 24 days
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muzzleroars · 1 year
V1 fighting Raphael, Uriel, and Micheal is such fun to imagine?? Incredible beast kicking x3 angel ass...
YEA it's a ridiculously hectic fight in my mind but it seems like it would be so much fun!! granted im not great at fully working out mechanics, but i think of it as a fight where v1 is pushed to the extremes of what it's learned and what it can do - yet it just keeps growing. it fights against archangels, the pinnacles of what they can achieve and made "perfect", but v1 has no pinnacle. it is capable of infinite, terrible growth, and so it outpaces them too when it gets the chance to learn from them so like. big mistake!!! all they did was make it far more powerful!!!!! and like at that point what can stand against something that has the datasets of all four archangels
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roseunspindle · 7 months
Supernatural Angels
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butchyblues · 1 year
crowley being incredibly powerful and choosing to use it on mild inconveniences for humans and pissing off every one of the powers that be is really funny but also incredibly tragic when you consider that he never wanted to fall. he’s naturally inquisitive and full of appreciation for the world and he was cast out because of it. he won’t even kill animals, and aziraphale has likely (inadvertently) caused more deaths than he has, in all honesty. it’s just heartbreaking
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fallensapphires · 2 years
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Religions: The Archangel Raphael
Restore the earth, which the [fallen] angels have corrupted; and announce life to it...
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God when people hug and you can see the love and they're all squished and wound up together and then they like close their eyes.
They do the thing where the hands go on the back of the hugging partners had to pull them in closer???
When one of them is smaller like with a parent hugging a child so the kid's all just cozied up and safe askjajknskd.
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letspiritguide · 2 years
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I am trying to work on my Skyrim alchemy skills and I am not made for this. This is not my skill. I am aware that you can't get the Purity perk until you hit level 100 but fucking hell, all I seem to do is create the most absurdly, uselessly fucked up potions imaginable. I'm like "Let's make a potion to heal me!" and then what I get is half a gallon of dubious liquid that's like "Will heal 27 hit points, deplete your stamina, clear your mortal enemy's skin, and legally change your name to Uriel Septim the Ugly."
Weirdly these potions are nonetheless quite expensive
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I am BAD at alchemy
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 1 year
soooo, we now know that Crowley was an angel of highest order and that heaven can’t cast another archangel down ~not AGAIN
in bible lore there weren’t any fallen archangels
what i’m trying to say is.. was Crowley an archangel??
Crowley cleverly didn’t introduce himself when he first met Azi in the cosmos
we already have Gabriel, Michael, Uriel, Saraqael, but where is the archangel of healing? where is Raphael? was he the one cast down in Good Omens? it makes me wonder why his name was never mentioned, as he’s one of the more prominent archangels
Hiya! The S2 season certainly hints at Crowley having been and Archangel...
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but which Archangel he was.... in Good Omens Universe more Archangel could Fall...
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maceofpentacles · 1 year
a bit of info on working with archangels 🕯️
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the archangels, and angels in general, are beings that will never intercede without your expressed consent! they believe in free will which means that they will only work with you, give you messages, etc., if you are open and willing to receive their divine messages.
a common misconception is that angels will only help those who are religious (i.e. christian, jewish, muslim) but that is not the case! angels have nothing but love for humans and nature so they aren’t tied to any specific religious affiliation, though they come from a more religious background.
each archangel, and angel, has their own areas of expertise when it comes to guidance but nothing is beyond them! so you can essentially reach out to any angel for anything and they will do their best to help you.
i’m going to briefly talk about seven of the main archangels and list some correspondences and offerings as well!
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archangel michael - the great defender
archangel michael is the great defender of all that is good. he can be called upon for help with strength and courage as well as general protection.
he is associated with the sun tarot card
offerings include: frankincense, rosemary, basil, white or blue candles, selenite, water, letters or prayers addressed to him
archangel raphael - the divine healer
archangel raphael is the divine healer. he assists with physical healing as well as emotional healing. he is especially popular with healers and those who work in the medical field.
he is associated with the strength tarot card
offerings include: lavender, rosemary, chamomile, peppermint, green candles, fresh flowers, emeralds, water, letters or prayers addressed to him
archangel gabriel - the messenger
archangel gabriel is a messenger who helps people learn how to communicate effectively. he can help you find the words you need to get your point across. he helps artists, writers, and teachers.
he is associated with the moon tarot card
offerings include: lavender, jasmine, lily, white candles, moonstone or clear quartz, water, letters or prayers addressed to him
archangel uriel - the hermit
archangel uriel is a wizened hermit figure who helps us deal with feelings of loneliness that can become overwhelming at times. he helps us learn how to be alone without feeling lonely.
he is associated with the hermit tarot card
offerings include: sandalwood, frankincense, cinnamon, red or gold candles, citrine, water, letters or prayers addressed to him
archangel chamuel - the peace bringer
archangel chamuels main mission is to bring peace to the world. you can call on him when you're suffering from anxiety or if you need help forgiving someone. he is especially helpful when it comes to relationship troubles.
he is associated with the lovers tarot card
offerings include: rose, chamomile, lavender, pink candles, rose quartz, love letters, water, letters or prayers addressed to him
archangel zadkiel - the forgiver
archangel zadkiel is who you should call when it comes to forgiveness as a whole. he helps regulate emotions and work through them so we can feel that sense of forgiveness for others and ourselves.
he is associated with the temperance tarot card
offerings include: rose, lavender, chamomile, eucalyptus, purple candles, amethyst, engaging in acts of service like volunteering or donating, water, letters or prayers addressed to him
archangel jophiel - the transformer
archangel jophiel is responsible for the positive transformations we go through in life. he encourages inner journeys that help us to discover our passions.
he is associated with the star tarot card
offerings include: chamomile, lemon balm, sunflower yellow or orange candles, yellow jasper, spending time in nature, practicing positive affirmations, water, letters or prayers addressed to him
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moodymisty · 1 month
Lately I’ve had blueberry on my mind so I was wondering if you could please do Uriel Venturis in a romantic reltationship with a female reader.
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Author's Note: Uriel is so cute I love him, here is something sweet and simple. I’m not proud of it but, whatever.
Relationships: Uriel Ventris/Fem!Reader
Warnings: A brief mention of a space marine being severely injured
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"Does it hurt to be in the armor for so long?"
The silence felt too heavy to be manageable as you cut Uriel's hair, trimming it back after weeks of neglect. He's only just returned, hair still somewhat damp from the barracks shower.
"It aches. The armoring suits make it feel fine enough."
It's hard to tell if he's really telling the truth or not; Sores and welts and dents heal so quickly on their skin, Uriel oftentimes says he was shot or stabbed but yet, there will be almost no evidence when you look for yourself.
You shave away the hair at the nape of his neck, and roll your eyes out of his sight.
"What if something itches?"
You're forced to move the blade, as Uriel turns to give you an incredulous look.
"Many of your kind will never place eyes on a space marine, and these are the questions you choose to ask?"
You only smile, trying to hide a guilty and mischievous laugh. Uriel turns back and lets you finish your work.
"I truly wonder if you are worth the effort it takes to hide you from Sicarius."
Hide is a bit extreme of a word; Sicarius and the other marines know that Uriel has a personal serf, however knowledge stops there.
As he wanted it to. He doubts things would go well if it was found out that he was indulging in things far outside of the norms of astartes. Well into uncharted and inappropriate territories.
Marines are not meant to, deviate, from the path set for them. Uriel treads that line quite closely and an angel of the Emperor.
But now that he’s on it, that path keeps pulling him farther down it. The feeling of your soft body in his grip, weak and exposed. A part of him wants to protect it, another part wants to smell blood. His brain was rewired long ago, and so what would’ve been normal, natural feelings ride along paths twisting and curling around each other on a broken ride.
You move around to his front, seeing the mess of stubble that decorates his chin. You wipe the sides of the blade on your thigh and look back at him.
"Do you want me to do the rest?"
You ask, referring to his stubble. He thinks for a moment, before giving a hum in response. You take a step closer, and cautiously move inward to shave away his stubble.
His hands grip your waist, firm and too tight to be comfortable. He doesn't know how to be gentler than that, so you don't complain. There’s no point in doing so.
the blade smoothly slides over the skin of his neck, taking away the stubble that had been growing. You can hear the scraping of each hair getting cut away. His hands shift and flex while you do so, and his eyes are trained on you intently.
You know that despite how close you are with him, he will never trust you. His brain is hardwired away from it and formed into a specially bred creation built for the hardest environments this universe can offer.
Not that a slit to the throat would kill him anyways. He's told you many of times of men who have come back from worse; One who had a good portion of his neck and jaw blown away, but now only has a scar to prove that it even happened.
You finish quickly- So he pulls out of that defensive, sharp eyed mode where he's hyper aware of everything you're doing.
Granted, he always is.
"Done. Ultramarine standard."
Uriel runs a hand over his hair, it almost completely dry.
"You're quick with that." He's referring to the blade in your hands, that you put away.
"I've done this to a lot of astartes since I came aboard the ship."
He gives an irritated grunt, like he's annoyed at your confession; Possession is a common trait for Astartes. He has trouble remembering you are your own person, and not his toy.
His hands still hold your waist tight, enough that breathing is just a bit more difficult.
“Do you need anything else?” He furrows his brow a moment, and you watch him.
“No. But, stay here.” His voice softens.
“It has been many weeks and I, i have missed your voice.”
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cadykeus-clay · 2 years
a lot of people talking about vex donating the supplies for the rituals without batting an eye as a sign of how much she’s grown and healed, and that’s definitely part of it, it’s definitely a sign of her security, but also like.
her penny pinching was always trivial, she was the most altruistic of the party when it came to people who were otherwise beyond help. vex was the person who donated most of umbrasyl’s hoard to a ravaged westruun. the person who spent an exorbitant amount on the fire plane to buy two children out of slavery. her money has always been a measure of control, and she gave it away so others could have control when she felt guilty that her skills were not enough to help them.
and i think that seeing laudna, the girl who died because vex was careless with showing her face one night in uriel’s front yard, took her years and years back to that same traumatized unsure young woman, giving away the one thing that’s always made her feel safe to people she can’t think of any other way to help, people she failed by not being strong enough of skill. it’s not a just gift. its also penance.
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Good Omens. It has taken over many of our brains and will slowly drive us all insane before we get answers (hugs to those in the trenches.) I've been reading a lot of theories, gone down lots of rabbit holes, been rewatching and pondering on clues – and I have Things to Say. I'm going to throw them out here one at a time and maybe gather them up eventually into one place somewhere.
So I guess this is a theory or a prediction I've worked out:
Aziraphale is, or will become, the Archangel Raphael.
Many Good Omens fans have picked up on the fact that in Jewish tradition there are 4 main archangels: Gabriel, Michael, Uriel, and Raphael. In the GO universe Raphael is missing. Since we know that Crowley is a fallen angel many fans have specualted that he is Raphael. I think there is stronger evidence that it is Aziraphale:
• It’s literally in his name: drop the “azi” and rearrange a couple of letters and you’ve got Raphael.
• In the Book of Tobit Raphael goes by “Azariah” when he disguises himself as a human. That’s awfully close to “Aziraphale”.
• Raphael’s name means “God has healed” and he is known as a healer. We know that Aziraphale has the power to heal.
• In the Talmud Raphael was tasked with saving Lot when Sodom is destroyed. In season one Gabrial asks Aziraphale if he remembers Sandalphon from Sodom and Gomorrah. Aziraphale replies that he remembers him doing lots of smiting. In the Talmud Gabriel is tasked with destroying Sodom. In the GO universe Sandalphon seems to be Gabriel’s right-hand man.
• Now here’s the kicker: in Islamic tradition Raphael is the one who blows the horn that announces Judgement Day. And what did Metatron say he needed Aziraphale for? The Second Coming. 
I don’t know how to reconcile that he is Raphael when we’ve only ever known Aziraphale by that name, even “before the beginning” – or that we know him as a principality. Could be that his name changes when he becomes an archangel? 
I don’t think we will ever know Crowley’s angel name. I think it will be like a dead name. We should all understand what that means to a person in this day and age. I also think that Crowley is a much more powerful angel than an archangel. He is probably more powerful than any of the angels we have met, including Aziraphale. Does he know how powerful he is? Probably, but he’s not telling!
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imaginesforfandom · 2 months
Reluctant Guardian
I know its been a while and I'm sorry :( of course, if you have any requests, mine are still open and welcome!! Now onto Sammy Winchester!!!
Smile Cute GIF - gif used
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Sam Winchester x Reader
No pronouns used for Reader
Summary: After Sam gets injured on a hunt alone, Castiel sends a trustworthy angel to heal him. There's a catch though, the reader and Sam seem to butt heads all the time.
Reluctant Guardian
Sam Winchester had been on the trail of a nest of vampires for days. With Dean off handling a haunting in another town, Sam insisted he could manage this one on his own. But now, as he leaned against a tree in the dense forest, clutching his bleeding side, he wasn't so sure.
The vampire lay dead at his feet, its head severed from its body. But the satisfaction of victory was overshadowed by the pain radiating from the deep gash in his side. He needed help, and he needed it fast.
"Castiel," Sam muttered as he fumbled for his phone. He dialed the angel’s number, hoping against hope that his friend would be available.
On the other end, Castiel was in the midst of a heated argument with several other angels. The celestial conflict was growing more intense by the day, leaving him stretched thin.
"Sam?" Castiel's voice came through, strained but concerned.
"Cas, I’m hurt. I need you to heal me," Sam gasped, his vision starting to blur.
"I'm… I'm tied up with something crucial," Castiel replied, glancing around at the other angels. "But I'll get someone to you."
Before Sam could protest, Castiel ended the call and turned to the angel beside him. "I need you to go to Sam. He's hurt."
The angel, you, narrowed your eyes. "Why me? Surely there are others who can—"
"There's no time to argue," Castiel interrupted, his voice stern. "Go now."
You crossed your arms defiantly. "Cas, I am in the middle of handling other pressing matters. Why can't Balthazar or even Uriel take care of this?"
Castiel’s gaze hardened. "Balthazar is dealing with a demon incursion in Europe, and Uriel is… well, Uriel. You're the best option right now."
"Best option, or just the most convenient?" you shot back. "You always do this, Cas. Every time Sam or Dean gets themselves into trouble, I'm the one you call. Why?"
"Because I trust you," Castiel replied, his tone softening but still firm. "And because I know you care, even if you won’t admit it."
You looked away, the truth of his words hitting harder than you wanted to acknowledge. "This isn’t about me caring. It’s about you using me as a crutch for your human friends."
"They’re more than just human friends," Castiel said quietly. "They’re family."
The word 'family' struck a chord. You sighed, running a hand through your hair. "Fine. I’ll go. But this is the last time, Cas."
Castiel gave a small, grateful nod. "Thank you."
With a heavy sigh, you vanished from Castiel's side and appeared in the forest where Sam was barely holding on to consciousness.
"Sam Winchester," you muttered under your breath, annoyed at the task. "Always getting into trouble."
Sam looked up, his eyes widening in surprise. "You’re not Cas."
"No, I’m not," you replied curtly, kneeling beside him. "But I’m here to save your sorry hide, so hold still."
As you placed your hands over his wound, a warm light emanated from your palms, healing the gash almost instantly. Sam winced, then sighed in relief as the pain subsided.
"Thanks," he said, looking at you with a mixture of gratitude and confusion.
"You're welcome," you replied, standing up. "Though I don’t understand why Castiel sends me to you every time you get yourself into trouble."
"Maybe because he knows you’re capable," Sam suggested, standing up slowly. "Or maybe he enjoys seeing us butt heads."
You scoffed. "Or maybe he just enjoys seeing you get under my skin."
Sam, despite his condition, couldn’t help but grin. "It's mutual, you know. You have a knack for pushing my buttons."
"Funny, I was going to say the same thing about you," you shot back, crossing your arms. "Why do you always insist on taking these solo missions? You know you can't handle everything on your own."
"I'm perfectly capable," Sam retorted, the defensive tone in his voice unmistakable. "And I don’t need an angel babysitter."
"Clearly, you do," you said, your voice rising in frustration. "You were about to bleed out here, Sam! Do you have any idea how reckless that is?"
"Reckless?" Sam's eyes flared with anger. "I was handling it. I had it under control."
"You call this under control?" you snapped, gesturing to his bloodstained clothes. "You’re lucky I got here in time."
Sam opened his mouth to argue but then closed it, taking a deep breath. "Look, I appreciate what you did. I do. But you don’t get to lecture me about taking risks. It's part of the job."
"Taking risks is one thing. Getting yourself killed is another," you replied, your tone softening slightly. "I don't enjoy seeing you like this, Sam. I care too much to keep watching you hurt yourself."
There was a stunned silence as the words hung in the air. You immediately regretted letting your true feelings slip, and Sam's eyes widened in surprise.
"You… you care about me?" Sam asked, his voice softening.
You looked away, feeling vulnerable. "I… I didn't mean it like that."
"But you do care," Sam said, stepping closer despite the lingering pain. "I didn’t know."
"Well, now you do," you replied curtly, trying to regain your composure. "Just… try to stay out of trouble, okay?"
Sam hesitated, then took a deep breath. "You know, you're not the only one who cares."
You blinked, taken aback. "What?"
"I care about you too," Sam confessed, his voice steady. "Probably more than I should. And it's not just because you save my life. It's because you're there, even when we argue, even when things get tough. You're there."
You stared at him, feeling a mix of emotions. "Sam…"
"Look, I'm not saying it's easy," Sam continued, his eyes locked on yours. "But I think there's something here, between us. Something worth fighting for."
You felt your defenses crumbling. "I… I never thought you felt that way."
"Well, I do," Sam said softly. "And I think maybe, just maybe, we can figure this out together."
For a moment, you both stood there, the forest around you silent. Then you nodded, a small smile forming on your lips. "Okay. Let's try."
Sam smiled back, relief and hope evident in his eyes. "Yeah. Let's."
You nodded curtly before vanishing, leaving Sam alone in the forest once more. As he started making his way back to the motel, he couldn't help but feel that despite the friction, a deeper connection had been forged between the two of you—a reluctant but undeniable bond that might just be the beginning of something more.
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the-archangels7 · 2 months
hi! were the archangels!
im raphael, the only one with a prior tumblr account ( @theetherealraphael ), so go check me out there for more stuff! i use he/they/it/any neos for pronouns, and im married to @shakespeare-official-account! my sin counterpart is envy, and i created space, and i can heal!
my name is onfiel. xe/him. my sin counterpart is sloth. i created the animals.
howdy, im gabriel! (and no, i dont act like the one from good omens, please stop asking me that!) i created humans, and my sin counterpart is wrath. he/her/xe!
samael. xe/she. dont make me and raphael interact. theyre a fucking asshole who doesnt know how to calm the fuck down. i created the earth and all the plants. my sin counterpart is greed.
hi there, im uriel! i created emotions and stuff, such as lying, and love! i use they/xe pronouns, and my sin counterpart is lust.
hey, im zachariel. he/it/xe, please. i created colours, and helped with plants, not that samael would tell you that, hahah. my sin counterpart is pride.
and im michael. i created scientific reasons for everything the others created. she/xe/they pronouns for me, and my sin counterpart is gluttony.
((( hi! uh, basically, this is a gimmick blog for my lore! feel free to send asks to the archangels lol. youll be able to tell its me and not ic raphael bc therell be brackets around the text, so keep that in mind! and if you want to send an ask to me specifically, head over to my main, mentioned earlier in the post! )))
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