#us presidental election
notyonatto · 2 months
Great video explaining project 2025 in case you’ve been hearing about it but don’t quite know exactly what it is and why it’s a very scary thing
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youareinlove · 7 months
"Look, the next nine months or so - and maybe more than that, depending on the coup schedule - they're gonna suck. You're gonna be getting emails with insane subject lines like 'Hello, Jon, it's Chuck Schumer. Donald Trump is right behind you with a knife. Donate?' You're gonna get inundated with robo calls and push polls and real polls, and people are going to tell you to rock the vote and be the vote and vote the vote and finger-bang the vote. And it's all going to make you feel like Tuesday, November 5, is the only day that matters. And that day does matter. But, man, November 6th ain't nothing to sneeze at, or November 7. If your guy loses, bad things may happen, but the country is not over, and if your guy wins, the country is in no way saved. I've learned one thing over these last nine years, and I was glib at best and possibly dismissive at worst about this. The work of making this world resemble one that you would prefer to live in is a lunch pail fucking job, day in and day out, where thousands of committed, anonymous, smart, and dedicated people bang on closed doors and pick up those that are fallen and grind away on issues till they get a positive result. And even then, have to stay on to make sure that result holds. So the good news is I'm not saying you don't have to worry about who wins the election. I'm saying you have to worry about every day before it and every day after, forever."
- Jon Stewart on the US Presidential Election (x)
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asstrofem · 13 days
trump be saying some stupid shit like "so we caught the bird, knocked it out, and threw it in the cage." fucking dumb bitch.
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quotesfromall · 2 years
I had never felt more helpless. The power that defeated us was still at large, undefeated, and though quiescent for the minute we could hardly regard as doing otherwise than biding its time.
Agatha Christie, The Witness for the Prosecution and Other Stories
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rs-hawk · 2 months
I don’t like to be political on this page since I’m trying to stay professional, but my existence is political so here we go.
If you support Trump, unfollow me. I’m over it and don’t give a fuck. You don’t deserve to consume my content while not seeing me as a human being.
I am a queer Indigenous person. He wants me and my family forced onto the Reservation of our Nation for the CRIME of being registered. For the CRIME of acknowledging our ancestors and our families. He doesn’t want me or my family to be able to go to school or work off of that Reservation. Rights Indigenous Peoples have gotten in the last few DECADES (dancing our traditional dances, our religious practices, speaking our own fucking languages), he wants to take away. Trump fucking posted the National Guard outside of Reservations during COVID to prevent my people from getting medical care. Instead of medicine or help, he sent BODY BAGS. He was President and he let his own people die because of where they lived.
Don’t get me started on all the other ways he wants me dead. I have medical issues where it would be easy for me to die during pregnancy. I shouldn’t be allowed to love another adult because of our sex. I shouldn’t be allowed to work , have children or own anything because technically I’m disabled.
He is a convicted felon. If he can’t vote, he shouldn’t be President. If you are even considering voting for him, unfollow me, because you don’t see me as a person. I would rather never make another cent off my writing than have people that think my death and my rights being stripped away is a fair trade for another old White Supremacist to be in office pay me.
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i think kamala harris should get a big red buzzer that goes ‘ERR! WRONG!’ for the next debate so she can press it every time trump lies
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taylorscottbarnett · 3 months
I'm extremely eager to see Trump try to attack Biden's mental fitness for office when in just the past few weeks Donald Trump has:
- forgot what town he was speaking in last Sunday and had to be pulled aside onstage by his handlers to tell him about it.
- has told his supporters not to vote, "You don’t have to vote — don’t worry about voting, we’ve got plenty of votes."
- has claimed to have defeated Barack Obama in an election
- praised the intellect of Iranian-backed militant group Hezbollah
- warned that America was on the verge of WWII
- boasted about polls saying he's leading Obama in the Presidential race
- confused the Prime Minister of Hungary and called him the Prime Minister of Turkey
- said hummus was the Islamic terrorist group that attacked Israel on October 7th.
And not too long ago, he forgot the name of his wife.
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tdlosk-confessions · 2 months
Joe Biden officially dropped out of the presidential race.
Saiki Kusuo for president 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
(shssuushshs I know he lives in Japan let me have thsi )
[Confession 442]
I'm so sorry if any of you have to find out from this post 😭
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brinnanza · 3 months
"oh they both support genocide I'm not voting idc what happens to my rights" cool but it's not just your rights it's my fucking life. it's the lives of every disabled person, every queer person, every person of color, every poor person, every jew, every muslim, every single person who does not fit the white nationalist capitalist ideal. trying to survive as a disabled trans person is hard enough and I'm white!!! there are axies of oppression that do not apply to me and let me tell you I only barely survived the first trump term. I'd probably survive a second one, but a lot of people won't. A lot of people didn't survive the first one.
I don't know how to tell you that you should care about other people
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sees-writes · 2 months
Hey quick question for my fellow USA residents out there
If you don’t mind sharing your reasoning on your answer that would be awesome! Also please repost so we can get a good sample size!
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Look yall I hate both candidates as much as the next person and agree that Biden fucking sucks as a best option, but can we not with the speech impediment jokes? Make fun of literally anything else, please.
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dicapiito · 2 months
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I mean he'd literally wouldn't be able to resist getting racist in the first five minutes tbh.
Ten at most
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noecantsleep · 2 months
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violottie · 7 months
...so.... in 2022, the usa's republican party have publicly published a 920 page manifesto which is one part of their plan of turning the usa into a fascist conservative Christian nationalist theocracy via trumps re-election called Project 2025 or Mandate For Leadership: The Conservative Promise.
if you have the stomach for it but especially if you dont, read it. you can find the doc with a 3 second google. heres a video briefly discussing it.
their plan includes:
enshrining the traditional heterosexual family as the only recognised kind of family unit
pushing Christian nationalism
the complete, and i mean complete, restriction of all reproductive and lgbt rights and criminalisation of those who break those restrictions
the mass deportation of immigrants
enacting the Comstock Act which criminalises the mailing and distribution of "obscene, lewd or lascivious material" which mainly is focusing on abortion medication and pornography
it goes on.
...this is NOT me saying you should vote for genocide joe at all. all im saying is, yall need to get serious about getting a better person, NOT JOE BIDEN, into office. you better pattern up. FAST.
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