#utterly enamored with this freak
For all my pathetic man enjoyers I kindly direct you to this scene from Close Encounters
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steddiealltheway · 2 years
Coming back to say that this went in a completely different direction than I imagined, but I’m just gonna keep it.
Obsessed with the idea of Steve trying to be Eddie’s wingman.
Like one day Eddie is lingering around Family Video and Steve notices a girl eyeing his friend. And yeah, Eddie is cute, Steve isn’t afraid to admit that, but he’s never seen him even attempt to ask a girl out. So he decides it’s time to maybe encourage him or do it for him.
So, Steve follows this girl over to the horror section - and look at that, similar interests! - and notes that Eddie is following behind him. And yeah, the girl is pretty cute, she even has some metal looking band on her t-shirt that Steve is sure Eddie mentioned to him before. Oh! They’re definitely on the mixtape Eddie made for him. This is perfect.
So, Steve taps on the girl’s shoulder and smiles when he notices her staring at Eddie over his shoulder. “Excuse me, I was wondering if you needed any help.”
The girl replies in a higher voice than Steve expected, “Oh… I… I don’t know.” Jackpot. She’s utterly enamored by Eddie. And yeah, she should be when he’s wearing his hair in that messy bun and those jeans that fit just right.
Steve takes a moment to think about how well those jeans fit before shaking himself out of it. Weird. But he has a mission. “Well, my friend here knows all there is to know about horror movies, so I’ll let him help you.”
Steve gives Eddie a quick pat on the shoulder, noting how adorable he is when he looks panicked. He goes back to the counter and watches as the girl nervously twirls her hair around her finger, then she’s loudly laughing and Eddie looks startled. Steve tries to suppress a laugh.
Then the girl is picking a movie and thanking Eddie for his help while trailing a hand down his arm. Steve’s stomach churns. Must’ve had something bad for lunch or something, but that doesn’t explain why he feels so… angry with himself. He’ll deal with that later. But now the girl is rushing to the counter.
Steve notices Eddie lingering in the horror section, likely a little flustered by the whole interaction. So Steve winks at the girl and says, “So, I see my friend was a great help to you.”
The girl giggles in response and leans forward. “Does your friend have plans tomorrow night?” she asks then bites her lip.
“With you at nine o’clock? Absolutely. I’ll give him your number in case he needs to reschedule.”
The girl scribbles down her number on a notepad Steve hands her then they exchange notepad for her tape. “Have a goodnight!” Steve yells after her and looks down at the note. Why does he want to rip it to shreds? The front door shuts.
“What the hell was that?” Eddie asks and Steve jumps not realizing he was at the counter.
“I was helping you out, man. Being your wingman.” Steve shrugs it off and starts organizing the returns in piles by genre, struggling to find why Eddie is so pissed at him.
“Maybe let me decide who I want to ask out, Harrington,” Eddie bites out, shoving the tapes to the side.
What the hell? And Harrington? He hasn’t heard that in a while. And something about it pisses Steve off. “Well, Munson, if you actually went on dates then I wouldn’t feel the need to help you.”
“Help me,” Eddie scoffs. “I’m not some damsel in distress that needs saving King Steve.”
“Don’t call me that,” Steve says turning around to try to look busy at the computer so Eddie doesn’t see the way the name gets to him.
Eddie hops over the counter as Steve is typing the girl’s name into the system and finding her past rentals. “Why not? King Steve can’t help but try to save The Freak. Why not just call it as it is?”
Steve turns around and runs a hand through his hair. “Why are you getting so worked up about this? It’s just a date!”
“I’ve never been on a date, you asshole! And I certainly wouldn’t want to go on one with a girl because I want to go on one with you!” Eddie yells then the color drains from his face as he must realize what he’s just admitted.
Steve freezes to process what Eddie’s just said. But then Eddie’s backing up and saying, “I have to go.” He turns to jump over the counter again, but Steve comes to his senses and latches onto his wrist stopping him.
Eddie slowly turns to him and whispers, “Please, don’t hate me.”
“I could never hate you, Eddie,” Steve says still latching onto his wrist. “Just… give me a minute, and please don’t run.”
Eddie reluctantly nods at him as Steve lets go of his wrist. His eyes flicker to the door, but his feet remain in place.
Steve stares at him and processes. Eddie wants to go on a date with him. Okay. He’s had girls who have had a crush on him before that wasn’t reciprocated, and he easily turned them down. Some of them he even remained sort of friends with.
But for some reason the news is making his heart race in a good way. Like… a really good way. Almost like he wants to go on a date with Eddie. But he’s… not gay. Right?
His eyes slowly roam over Eddie, and then he stops when he realizes he’s blatantly checking him out. But when has that stopped him from checking out his friend before?
Oh. Oh shit. He thinks about the way he notices the fit of his jeans, and the way he loves when Eddie pushes the sleeves of his shirt up to expose more skin. He thinks about how he’s always been curious what it would be like for girls to kiss Eddie when he’s let his scruff slightly grow in. But then he imagines what it would be like for him to experience that. And his world kind of combusts.
He likes Eddie. Like really likes him. Not just physically but like, he loves the way he scrunches his nose up at the music Steve plays but sometimes reluctantly sings along. He loves the way his lame jokes make the corner of Eddie’s eyes crinkle. He loves that bright smile he gets on his face whenever he’s messing around with the kids. He loves whenever Eddie comes by the store and lingers for as long as he can just to keep him company.
He thinks back to the way he felt when the girl traced her hand over his arm, and the way the thought of Eddie using her number to call her made him feel… jealous. Holy shit. Oh he’s such an idiot. But an idiot who can make amends.
He notices how Eddie is practically shaking while Steve has just been standing there not saying anything. He needs to fix this. “Are you free tomorrow at nine?”
A look of betrayal crosses over Eddie’s face. “I’m not going on a date with that girl. You can’t make me straight-”
“No! That’s not… shit. That’s not at all what I meant,” Steve huffs out and runs a hand through his hair. He’s messing this up more. Shit. Okay, here it goes. “I’m asking if you’re free tomorrow to see if you can go on a date… with me.”
Now it’s Eddie turn to freeze and process. A few excruciatingly long seconds later Eddie is responding, “Are you kidding me?” Steve’s heart drops to his stomach. Eddie continues, “You’re asking me out before I got the chance to?”
Steve can’t help but burst out laughing. Eddie joins him but between laughs he says, “I’m serious! This is unfair!” For some reason this makes Steve laugh harder, and soon enough he’s wiping tears from his eyes as Eddie looks at him fondly.
“You’re free tomorrow at nine though, right?” Steve asks.
“No, but are you free tomorrow at nine o one to go on a date with me?” Eddie asks and Steve is cackling all over again.
The bell to the front door rings and Robin enters. She looks at the two and asks, “What the hell did I miss during my break? I was only gone for fifteen minutes.”
This only manages to make Steve laugh more as Eddie joins him.
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lalachat · 11 months
"And there you were..."
Author's note: WITERLLY WHAT THE HECK GUYS!!! You have made my heart so full! Almost 100 notes in under 24 hours😭❤️ yall gon make me cry! I am truly and utterly grateful that y'all are liking it so far! I'm a little insecure with my writing, but it's only because i'm so new. I am open to any kind of advice you can give me or constructive criticism that will help make this fic better for you readers. With practice comes improvement!! Also, look i'm evolving with my tumbler knowledge and added dividers, a tag list, and a masterlist that i hope works! Look at me go😭🤧 ANYWHOOOO... are y'all ready for this one?? I fully planned on posting this next week but i'm too freaking excited! Eheheheh writing this had me giggling and kicking my feet! Enjoy my loves<3
Summary: You and Lucien decided to leave Rita's after discovering your mates kissing each other. With no reason to stay, Lucien offers you the comfort of his home and a glass of your favorite wine to help decompress the stress of both your mates. How could you say no?
This is for all my Lucien girlies❤️
Warnings: usage of profanity, sexual tension growing between Lucien and y/n, some fluff bc why not, sharing a bed, potential grammar and spelling issues
Word Count: around 3,350
Chapter 2: "Scream my name..."
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As you and Lucien walked out of Rita’s, neither of you had noticed two pairs of eyes lingering watching you both leave after they heard Rhys’ commotion questioning Mor into oblivion about what the hell was going on. Mor had almost smirked at the fact that all it took was for you and Lucien to leave together to make Az and Elain both glance at y’alls receding figures. If it weren't for Rhysand in her face, she well would have. Even as Rhys is trying to get her to talk, she could not wait to tell you the plan had worked! Even if it was just a glance, it was still something! Small progress is still progress, right? Oh, she wishes she could have Feyre paint their reactions to you two leaving because it was priceless. Maybe Mor would and give it to you for solstice? But for now, she has a very upset cousin to deal with.
You and Lucien stopped at a local market to grab snacks and your favorite wine for your impromptu evening at his apartment. As you walk out of the market towards his place, Lucien can’t help but to ask about Azriel. 
“So... The shadowsinger is your mate huh?” Lucien asks while tucking his hands in his front pockets glancing to your face as he asked you his question. 
“Yeah... When I first met Az, it was when Rhys had offered me a room to stay in for a night. Rhys and I had quite literally run into each other a moment prior. I was traveling through the night court and was so distracted by the beauty that I ended up running right into Rhysand. I had knocked his freshly bought paint that he was planning to give Feyre all over us. I felt so bad that I kept offering to pay him for the cost of the paint along with his clothes, but he kindly refused. I had no mental shields back then, so he easily saw I was a nomadic traveler that had no place to stay or wash up. He offered me a room in his home for a night and a training over mental shields as payment, and I kindly accepted. I hadn't had a nice place to stay in such a long time. But, little did I know it would not be my peace and that my mate lived in the home I was about to stay at.” you said as you walked in tandem with Lucien down the streets towards his apartment.  
“Always so generous that high lord. And, I assume you know who my mate is then?”  
“That he is. And yes, I do. If you don’t mind me asking, why doesn’t she want the bond?” 
“The same reason your mate doesn’t see yours... She’s too busy being enamored by him to try and pursue or explore things with me.” He finds a rock on the pavement to kick along as you two walk. Lucien kicks it towards you. 
“At least she knows you’re her mate.” you shrug, kick the rock back, and Lucien chuckles. 
“You have a point, and Azriel would know if you would just tell him.” 
“Yeah, but would it change anything between us? Probably not. It would most likely end up like you and Elain if I told him...” Lucien stops and goes silent for a moment. “No offense of course!” 
“None taken. How did we even end up in this mess? You and I both having mates who do not reciprocate any kind of feelings toward us because they like each other is almost ironic.” He laughs at this situation you are both in. 
“You know now that you're saying it out loud, it is quite ridiculous.” You giggle. For a moment you had completely forgotten about Azriel and Elain. Lucien once again, being so alluring that you forgotten what you had just seen at Rita’s.  
Lucien glances at you and finally takes in your appearance. Your cheeks start to turn rosy at the sight of his eyes trailing over your body. Your dress still leaving little imagination for Lucien. Your body grows hot from the sudden attention. 
“He’s absolutely dumb as rocks for not looking at you tonight, because you look ravishing.” and gives you a playful wink. 
“Lucien you're just saying that to make me feel better.” 
“Y/n I kid you not, I truly mean it. You are one of the most beautiful females I have ever seen!” 
“Thank you Lucien, that means so much more to me than you will ever know,” as you look into his eyes and smile at him. He stares at you, smiles and dips his head to say you're welcome before continuing. 
“Almost there, it is right around this corner.” 
“Perfect, because I am freezing and in dire of more alcohol. I am too sober for all this emotional shit,” you say as Lucien laughs at your comment and you both turn the corner. 
“And we're here! Home sweet home!” 
You walk into his apartment and your senses are engulfed by the smell of cinnamon sticks, crisp apples, cedarwood, and roasted chestnuts. It felt like home. Everything in his apartment felt so warm and welcoming. You sat down the groceries you had gotten on the center table near the living room couch, and slowly took in his décor. You were surprised everything looked so coordinated. His apartment was filled with warm colors like reds, oranges, and yellows. It reminded you of your brief stay in the autumn court. You wondered if that’s why Lucien decorated it this way. Maybe he had found a sense of belonging in those colors. While you were taking in his apartment, you hadn’t noticed him grabbing you a change of clothes to wear along with a warm woolly blanket.  
“Here, these are for you to change into, and this is for you when you get cold later because I know you,” Lucien handed you the clothes and sat the blanket down on the couch. “The bathroom is through the hall on your left! Let me know if you need anything.” 
“Okay, thank you!” 
You started walking to the bathroom, the floor creaking beneath your feet as you opened the door. You stepped inside and quietly shut the door. You could hear Lucien in the kitchen popping the bottle of wine and pouring you both glasses, but what you forgot to realize is how you were going to take this dress off. After Mor’s last minute dress change, you had to call Nuala and Cerridwen to help you into it. You had not thought about how you were going to get it off. You slightly began to panic. “It’s okay... you can do this. It’s just a dress, can't be that hard right?” You tried to maneuver your arms into reaching the back of your dress but to no avail, Mor had to pick the most complicated thing you have ever seen. She was right though, this dress did look hot as fuck on you. You struggled a few times more before huffing and giving up. So, you had to do what you had to do...  
“LUCIEN, I NEED HELP!” You could practically hear him sprinting down the hall to get to you in the bathroom. Without thinking he pushes the door wide open. 
“WHAT IS IT? Are you alright?” His face scans you for any kind of injuries but finds none. The only thing he finds is you still in that damn dress that drove him crazy. “Why are you not in the clothes I gave you?” 
“First of all, I could have been indecent. Didn’t your mother ever teach you to knock! Secondly, you see, as a male you would not understand this predicament, but I cannot get my dress off by myself. I need help unfortunately... I swear this is all Mor’s fault!” 
Cauldron boil him... “So, you mean to tell me, you screamed my name to help you with your dress because you cannot do it yourself?” 
“Yes...” you can hear Lucien sigh. 
“There are much better ways to scream my name y/n and you know that but for the sake that you are quite literally stuck in that dress, I’ll help you. Turn around.” Your face turns hot at his comment, and you swat at his arm. 
“LUCIEN! This is not funny!” he can't help but chuckle at your flustered state. 
“Okay, okay, you being stuck in a dress is not funny. Got it! Now stop being stubborn and turn around so I can help.” 
“No, wait! You have to close your eyes!” 
“Y/n, how am I supposed to help you with your dress if I cannot see? Besides you act like I haven't seen you naked.” Again, your face betrays you as your cheeks turn bright red at the thought. You huff. 
“Fine, okay you can keep your eyes open but no funny business Mr. Vanserra. I am watching you!” Lucien chuckles at how flustered he had made you and he is living for it.  
You slowly turn your back to him and lock eyes with him through the bathroom mirror. Lucien takes the back of his knuckles and traces them delicately down the skin of your spine, almost like if you were made of glass and that you'd break at the slightest touch. His hand radiates so much warmth you must stop yourself from letting out a couple of sighs. The entire time he does this his eyes do not leave from yours through the mirror. His hand finally reaches the back of your dress, and he looks away to start undoing the claps. Thank the mother because his stare was driving you crazy. Each clasp he undoes, he makes sure to take his sweet time on. He doesn't miss the way your skin crawls with goosebumps at the slightest touch of his hands against your back. Gods, you had missed his fiery touch. It had felt like forever since he last touched you.
You slowly felt the dress getting heavier with each clasp undone. You could tell Lucien was near the end when your dress had almost slipped off your chest threatening to expose your naked breasts to him. Luckily, Lucien was too preoccupied to have noticed you trying to regather it back up for coverage. You couldn’t help but to selfishly think about turning around to look at him as your dress falls to the floor. Heat slowly began to warm your lower abdomen. You had to clench your thighs together in hope of Lucien not catching your growing scent of arousal. What would Lucien do to you if you did that? Would he pin you against the sink and truly make you scream his name? Gods you wished. Just then you caught a whiff of your scent. Damn your mind and body for betraying you! You were so worried about Lucien this whole time, when you should've been worrying about yourself. However, you decide that this is probably not the time to be thinking about such lewd things after what happened with Az.
As he was on the last clasp, Lucien couldn’t help catching your lingering scent in the air. You were going to be the death of him. He kisses the newly exposed skin of your back as his scent starts to slightly change and mix in with yours. Your head fell back as your eyes closed in anticipation. His eyes had wandered back to the mirror to see your eyes shut reeling in his touch as he peppered kisses up and down your spine. He marveled at this moment for a brief second before unclasping the last clasp of your dress. Your eyes met his as the last clasp was undone, and you let your dress pool to the floor as a test of restraint. For you or him, you didn’t know which. He held you gaze for a moment, never looking away from your eyes, before ghosting his lips on the nape of your neck. 
“All done...” he whispered as he slowly turned around, shut the door, and walked away back to the kitchen. Cruel wicked male.
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding and tried to recompose yourself. Gods would drinking more wine be safe anymore after what just happened? You sighed and you picked your dress up off the floor and folded it as nicely as you could. You grabbed the clothes Lucien had given you to change into and started putting them on. Immediately you are swallowed by the musk of Lucien's clothes. It is almost overwhelming if it weren’t for the fact that you loved the smell of the autumn court male.
You laughed at yourself in the mirror as you looked and saw his t hanging so loose on you, it was practically a dress. But let's be honest, you loved it. You slowly opened the bathroom door and made your way out with your former dress folded nicely in your hands. You sat your dress down on the table and turned towards Lucien with a smile. 
“So... how do I look?” and give him a twirl. Lucien looks at you and smiles. Gods, you looked even better in his clothes than in that dress but he wasn’t about to give in that easily. 
“Like a little boy.” Lucien said with a playful gleam in his eyes. 
“YOU TAKE THAT BACK RIGHT NOW!” as you shake a finger at his face. He laughs. 
“Fine... You look like a very cute little boy!” he says grinning from ear to ear loving the effects his teasing was having on you tonight. You instead stick out your tongue and give him that all too well known finger gesture. He is practically hurled over in laughter, but you just huff and plop yourself on his couch.  
“Be useful and get this “cute little boy” more wine! I'm definitely too sober now.” He laughs again and it warms your chest. You cant help but to grin back.
“Are you sure you can drink wine? You look a little young to be drinking such adult drinks” as he grabs the wine glasses along with the bottle for refills later.  
“Okay, okay. Here’s your wine doll.” He hands you your glass with a smile, “You actually look even more beautiful now that you’re in my clothes.” As he sends you a wink before sipping some of his wine. 
“Thank you...” you smile as you take a sip from your own glass. 
“So, other than your mate being an enigma to you, what else has happened since I saw you last?” you both get comfy on the couch and sip on your wine. 
You had failed to realize how long you and Lucien were apart. You told him about your travels through all the different courts, and he told you about his part in the war along with how he became a part of the night court. You both sat there and exchanged every story you could possibly think of, trying to catch up on every moment you missed together. Soon the stories turn into giggling. Neither of you could hold it together as one of you would say something slurred and the other could cry out in laughter. It was the wine-speaking now, but neither of you had minded. You both had forgotten what it was like to be in each other's presence. It was nice to rekindle old flames with your friend, but you had to be careful. Recatching old feelings would not be good for you with this whole Azriel situation. You looked out the corner of your eye to see Lucien trying to fight off a yawn.  
“Oh, don't tell me my lil fox boy has grown tired of me?” as you slightly pinch his cheeks. He grins as he sees you also fighting off your own tiredness. 
“Mmmm seems like my yawns are contagious then, because I could’ve sworn I saw you do one just now.” he raises an eyebrow at you. 
“Okay, maybe I did. All this catching up and wine drinking has made me sleepy.” You decide to grab the blanket Lucien sat on the couch for you earlier this evening.  
“I don’t blame you... Now if you excuse me, I am going to go change into something more comfortable, these clothes are killing me, and then we will call it a night.” he says as he sticks a finger in his collared shirt to loosen the neck and walks off still in the clothes he wore at Rita’s. You chuckle at his figure walking down the hallway to what you would assume to be his room. You don’t know how long he was in there, but you couldn’t wait any longer. Your eyes were too heavy, and you were too drunk to stop your movements down the hallway towards where Lucien disappeared. You find the door he dipped into and see it is cracked a smidge. You decide to knock, unlike Lucien earlier.  
“Hey Lu? Can I come in?” No answer. “Lucien I’m really tired and I don’t know where you want me to sleep...” you slowly push the door open but put too much weight on it and tumble forward into his room. Unlike your knocking, Lucien heard you tumble and was at your side to catch you in a heartbeat. You let out a laugh. “Oh, I'm too drunk for this shit... I'm sorry, I only came here too-” you look up to see him in gray sweat pants, hair loose, and no shirt. Mother blessed this man too much! Oh fuck. Get me out of here.  
“Y/n, you were saying something?” He looks down at you with mischief in his eyes knowing you couldn’t keep yours off his bare chest and gray sweatpants. Your eyes blink rapidly, and you shake your head trying to get that image out your mind but its seared its way in.
“Oh yes. I was just- um, why did I- OH! Where do you want me to sleep? I’m like minutes away from passing out on the damn floor!” Lucien laughs. 
“You can sleep in here, and I can stay on the couch for tonight. Is that alright?” 
“This is your bed and home Lucien. I can't let you sleep on the couch as I take your bed... it just feels wrong. I'll take the couch and you can keep your bed for tonight.” you say as you turn around to head back into the living room before you feel Lucien's hand around your waist stopping you.  
“Y/n I swear to the mother, do not be stubborn and take the damn bed please. It’s too late for this, I promise you it’s okay! I insist.” 
“I guess old habits never die. Always trying to get me in your bed Lu.” you smirk as you crawl in and wrap up in his silk auburn sheets. You thought his house and clothes smelled nice, but his sheets, his sheets were heavenly. You almost fell asleep then and there because it was so calming. Lucien walks over to you and kisses you on the forehead. 
“Goodnight doll, I am truly sorry for your mates behavior tonight. Sleep well...” He turns around, turns out the lights, and is about to walk out the door but hesitates as he hears you say-- 
“Lucien wait-” 
“We’re both adults here, right?”  
“Well one of us looks like a little boy, but yes. Why?” Lucien replied. You rolled your eyes at his playful remark from earlier. 
“Adults can share a bed, and nothing has to happen.” 
“Y/n are you saying you want me to sleep next to you?” 
“Yes, I am. I don’t want to sleep alone tonight.” you sigh. 
“Always so persuasive... scoot over.” You open the sheets and scoot over in the bed to make room for Lucien. You feel the bed dip down as he crawls in. You both lay there for a moment reeling in that you two are sharing a bed again. The only difference is now the lingering heartbreak you both feel from your mates. You turn around to face Lucien and ask- 
“Can I lay on your chest?” He doesn’t verbally respond but wraps his hands around your waist and softly pulls you closer to him. You lay your head on his chest, listening to his heart beat, and look up at his face. You tuck a couple of stray hairs that had fallen in his face and tuck them behind his ears and say, “Thank you for tonight, Lucien. Elain is so lucky to have you, she just doesn’t know it yet.” 
“Thank you doll, neither does Azriel. Now let's get some much needed rest. Goodnight,” said Lucien. 
“Goodnight Lu,” as you rest your hand on his bare chest next to your head and you feel Lucien's arms tighten around you. You can't help but to feel so at peace in his presence, and neither can he, as you both fell asleep holding each other all night.  
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@thelov3lybookworm @justdreamstars @character---obsessed @stained-glass-eyes0708 @acourtofbooksandshadows
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cuntghoulie · 4 months
Tall Goddess Reader
Reader x Josef (Creep)/ The Man (Hush)/Kurt Kunkle
I lost this request, but it essentially asked: What about a goddess reader who is taller than them, and who sleeps in her underwear with no top on?
AN: Ohhhhhhh baby,  It’s been a year and a half, but here we are. If anybody would want a full-NSFW part 2 of this with blurbs for each character… idk lemme know!
WARNING: SLIGHT HINTS AT NSFW, indication that reader is AFAB
The second he meets you, he’s basically enamored by you
Sure, he’s enamored by many, but he enjoys your height especially
The feeling of being smaller than you and being protected is a feeling this serial killer is not used to
He embraces it full-heartedly
Once you’re in a relationship, and he’s, theoretically, decided to keep you alive, he is utterly obsessed
We knew he would be obsessed, but you didn't’ expect how much he loved your height
He was obsessed with being protected by you, sheltered by you, loved and protected by you
When he sees your sleeping state, he goes nearly feral
He fights so hard to keep his hands to himself, so you should appreciate that much, right?
He can’t help but fondle your curves and skin and your chest as you sleep, wanting to be wrapped up in the warmth of you as much as humanly possible
This man is so clingy it’s absolutely suffocating, but hey, he DID let you live, so…
He will kiss every inch of you, his tongue flattening against your breasts
He only sees the underwear in front of him, with your otherwise unclothed state, as a sort of task
This is the kind of relationship you’ll need one of those underwear indicators: red meaning to go ahead, blue or otherwise meaning to hold back for the night
Can’t promise he’ll follow through though, we should remember who we’re dealing with
He’s incredibly desperate, starved, and loves you more than any other thing in this universe
He’s just GOT to have you, any time, any place
Hush “The Man”
Makes fun of your height at first
Mildly insecure about the fact that you’re taller than him at first, but gets over it fast once he sees the many advantages
AKA: tits in the face
He’s kind of a freak, sorry
He loves watching you and how you move, the way your hips sway when you walk
Not as much as he loves watching you sleep half-naked
His eyes trace over your body, highlighted by the moonlight filtering through the window
He’s outside the window, as per usual
Staring at you, pushing the window open oh so quietly
He crawls forward towards your sleeping state, sliding into bed
His hands immediately spread over your skin as his presses against you
His nose is pressed against your hair, and he wraps his arms around you tightly, giving you a BIIIIIIIG sniff
What a freak
He relaxes once the scent of you fills his senses, and he can finally start to find some sleep with your skin pressed against his
Sure, he loves to look at your nearly-naked body, but he loves the warm feeling of you pressed against him even more, as it lulls him into the only sense of safety he has
Kurt Kunkle
He is pure simp for you
He will get on his knees and worship you if you ask
Kurt is consistently confused as to why you’re in a relationship with him, being a tall goddess such as yourself
He’s such a nerd, such a loser, why would you be with someone lame like him?
Kurt can’t escape the massive ego boost you give him by even being in his life
The first time he sees how you sleeps, he basically loses all functioning skills for a few minutes
You are so gorgeous in every state, but in a peaceful, exposed state like that? Kurt is crawling towards you on his hands and knees.
He just can’t help it, with you so open to him in your sleeping state
He’s basically shaking the whole time, so you wake up the moment he gets onto the bed, the damn chihuahua 
You’re happy for it though, and the bright smile on blushy face as you make eye contact is all the go ahead he needs to bury his face right in your chest
He’s getting a bit too excited though, with all that skin exposed, so he’ll start rutting against you without even noticing it
Guess you’ll have to take care of that! Or you can shove him in the corner to do it himself, but he’ll be whiny the whole next morning.
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celabi · 2 years
been having scummy scara brainrot thanks to u and i cannot stop thinking about that one scenario where reader is also a yandere. love when two little freaks find each other <3 i actually uhh started writing a fic about it but like. idk. i never finish anything. i was hoping i could share some of it (all that i have rn) with u since it is directly inspired by ur blog lol. it's nothing special or interesting so feel free to ignore if u want but here's: scummy scara. from scummy reader's pov :)
Scaramouche is obsessed with you. You’re certain of it.
He’s so obvious sometimes that you have to wonder if he wants you to notice. The way his face flushes and his intense gaze flits away every time you make eye contact. The way he shivers and shifts his position every time you innocently tap him on the shoulder or brush against his arm. The way his typical insults stutter and fizzle out whenever you smile at him. The way he seems to inhale the slightest bit deeper when he’s in your presence.
(Just for fun, you had ruffled his hair once and called him a good boy. It was absolutely comical, the strangled noise that left his throat and the instantaneous widening of his eyes as he shot up from his seat and practically bolted to the bathroom. It took everything you had to school your expression into sympathetic concern - or at least, something other than the smug grin threatening to break through - when he came back several minutes later, all sweaty bangs and wobbly legs, mumbling something about a sudden stomachache.)
He’s so cute, how can you resist indulging him now and then? It doesn’t hurt to leave your used napkins and chewed gum at the top of the trashcan for him to pilfer when he thinks you’re not looking, does it? They’d just go to waste anyway! And so what if you started leaving your blinds cracked or switched out your curtains for more translucent ones? You’re just trying to let in more sunlight, and if that just so happens to make it easier for him to take his little photos - well, what’s the harm in that, really?
Of course, you had to make sure it was only you that he loved before rewarding him too much. Although you’ve painstakingly ensured that his reputation is just negative enough for most others to avoid him, the occasional rumor here and there, surely it’d only be a matter of time before someone realized how adorable he really was. His eyes had sparkled with nothing but awe and reverence for you when you gave him that cat plushie for his birthday, too infatuated with you to even think about checking it for the listening device you implanted inside. Ever since then, you’d gotten your confirmation many times over; every night, as a matter of fact, with a symphony of sweet, pathetic moans and whimpers of your name into the plushie - accompanied by very familiar slick, wet sounds - until his voice was hoarse. (It was a shame you hadn’t installed a camera instead, but you’d been worried about it being too conspicuous.)
But no matter how utterly endearing his obsession with you is, you can’t help feeling frustrated. Just a bit. Because if he’s really this enamored of you, why hasn’t he made a damn move yet? He hasn’t asked you out, hasn’t even attempted to drug or kidnap you, and he’s only broken into your apartment twice. You’d even done him the courtesy of pretending you were asleep, but the following mornings, the only notable changes you’d discovered each time were that a few pairs of dirty underwear had disappeared from the laundry hamper, and a few new cameras had been hidden around your bedroom. Not a single mysterious stain on your pajamas or inexplicable mark on your skin. It was almost insulting.
At this rate, you might just have to take matters into your own hands.
Oh wow this is hot 🫣 he’s so cute jfc, I’m in love with this ??1!1? Your writing is 💋, and you captured him perfectly what 😭😭 and reader knowing of his obsession and purposely teasing him??? 🤭🤭 I love it so much, thank you for sending this!!
sorry for replying so late, I’m not feeling too good atm. <33
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
Yandere Petunia Evans w/Muggle!Sister!Reader Headcanons (platonic)
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Petunia, Lily, and you had all been close but it was Lily who you were closest to. She did primarily hog you to herself more often then not, gluing herself to your side and never parting from you for very long. Petunia didn’t have very much one on one time with you when Lily was around. She didn’t pay it much mind though, it was no secret that Lily utterly adored you to no end. It reminded Petunia of how excited she had been when Lily was born so she could understand why Lily was so enamored with you from the beginning.
Things didn’t really start to become strained between Petunia and Lily until Lily and you had taken up befriending the odd boy next door. Not to mention Lily’s magical capabilities becoming glaringly apparent. That’s when Petunia slowly started to drift away from Lily but it wasn’t until Lily received her Hogwarts letter and started attending the magical school that really caused Petunia to completely turn her back on her sister. She was envious and resentful of Lily for something Petunia herself couldn’t have and it constantly ate her up inside.
Once Lily was away for school that left you with Petunia and she took complete advantage of it. She saw this as her chance to grow closer to you now that Lily was out of the picture for the most part. Petunia wanted desperately to pull you over to her side and get you to see Lily how she saw her; as a freak. Petunia really took to life without Lily around and getting to actually have her own time with you, it was nice not having Lily there to take you away or to hog up all your attention. She never really realized what she was missing out on when Lily was keeping you to herself and it made Petunia resent her all the more.
As much as she enjoyed having one on one time with you, Petunia knew it would eventually come to a halt once Lily came home for the holidays or once the school year finally came to an end. It was already frustrating when Lily’s letters would arrive and you would stop what you were doing without a second thought just so you could read them and write a reply back as quickly as possible. It really irked Petunia especially when the two of you were in the middle of spending time together, even if neither of you were talking or paying attention to each other it still bugged her that Lily could still have your complete and utter attention on her when she wasn’t even around.
Even though she loathed it, Petunia could still tolerate having Lily back home and around you again, albeit begrudgingly. But that all changed when you got your very own Hogwarts letter. The second Petunia laid eyes on it her heart nearly gave out. She didn’t even hesitate to take it and hide it away where you or anyone else wouldn’t find it. She was so thankful she had been the one to come across it first otherwise you would surely be off to Hogwarts too and Petunia couldn’t have that. She couldn’t lose another sister, she didn’t want to have to cut you out either and leave herself all alone. Sure she feels a little guilty about it, especially when seeing your sullen and downhearted reaction upon the realization you won’t be able to be by Lily’s side and experience the world she gets to be a part of. But Petunia justifies her actions and thinks of herself as saving you the trouble of becoming just like Lily and being able to leave Petunia behind like she believes Lily already had.
When Lily invites her friends from Hogwarts over to spend time with and get to know you, letting you in on their own experiences being part of the magical world and sharing what all there is to it, Petunia absolutely detests it. She sees them as nothing but troublesome and trying to take you away from her, trying to coax you into their world. Why can’t they leave you out of it? Why does Lily have to be so stubborn and try to involve you into her new life outside of you and the rest of the family? Why can’t Lily just let her have this one thing? Why can’t she just let Petunia have you?
Out of the two, Petunia is the most controlling when it comes to you, especially after Lily’s been attending Hogwarts and Petunia’s been the one to be around the most now. She feels entitled to have a say in what you do, how you live, and who you interact with, particularly due to her being the eldest sister and she has no shame in using that as her justification. She’s only looking out for you and since she’s older she knows better. Petunia really has no difficulty in speaking out against what she doesn’t like or flat out hates about who or what you decide to put your time and attention into. She is very vocal and extremely nitpicky when in comes to who you bring into your life, whether it’s ‘normal’ people like you and herself or if it’s the ‘freaks’ like those that Lily surrounds herself with. At least that’s how Petunia categorizes it. Either way, she won’t like anyone you befriend or end up having a romantic interest in or relationship with. She doesn’t see anyone being worthy of your time, let alone your love, except for herself and eventually her own family when she has one.
When the fated day comes and Lily and James are killed, Petunia does feel some remorse and guilt for how she treated Lily and hating her so much. But that all is overshadowed by the absolute relief that fills her that you weren’t in any way, shape or form harmed or killed along with them given how often you were around the couple and at their home, especially once Harry came along. Petunia wouldn’t know what to do with herself if you had also been a casualty because of Lily and her new family.
And when Albus leaves Harry with Petunia and Vernon to raise, there’s an overwhelming part of her that wants nothing to do with the dreaded child whatsoever and she’s even more than willing to ship him off to an orphanage. But she knows how completely and utterly devoted you were to Lily and her family (you still very much are even now) that you would have no problem taking in and raising Harry as your own without so much as a thought in mind. Petunia knew that if she were to let that happen then you wouldn’t have nearly as much of a reason to come and see her and her own family anymore, especially her precious Dudley. So, begrudgingly she and Vernon keep Harry and you even go out of your way to move in for a bit to help take care of him and Petunia couldn’t be happier. As long as she kept him around then you would surely stay close to her, even if it was solely for Harry’s own sake that you did so, Petunia couldn’t careless just as long as she had you in her life.
She wouldn’t let the relationship between the two of you turn into anything like the one she had with Lily. She would never let it get that bad, she could promise that. She wouldn’t be able to bring herself to cut you off like she had Lily, even if Vernon wanted her to. Petunia would have no problem fighting him tooth and nail over that. It doesn’t help that after Lily’s death, Petunia would become all the worse in her attachment to you. You’re all she has left now of her own family and she can’t lose you. And given how similar to Lily you are she would inadvertently use you as a way to redeem herself. She would do good by you in her own way, making up for what she had lost out on with Lily.
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fairyschooldropout · 7 months
I am just as tickled by and enamored with DT and MS’s friendship as anyone, but I am still freaking dying just thinking about whoever the hell was in charge of the cameras and editing and broadcasting and all that literally deciding to especially focus on Michael Sheen’s reactions to the most mundane things. As in, this was just some random, well-yet-sedately dressed, polite-faced, fifty-something year old man the camera kept slewing back to for no truly discernible reason to a good portion of humans everywhere, lmao.
What an utterly confusing night for so many people.
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arielhopepeace · 1 year
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Welcome to another Joel and y/n fic. One of these times I’d like to write one that has the breakout, because zombies have always really freaked me out lol.
Anyway, in this fic, Sarah is 9, and y/n is her 4th grade teacher. Obviously it gets GOOOOOOD later on hehe. This fic was an idea recommended by @viclgrd ❤️
As always, pleaaaase enjoy.
Part two is here
Part three is here
Part four is here
Final part is here
Part One
18+ only
Tw: mention of cancer, mention of death, panic attacks, anxiety
4,770 words
Joel POV
  "Sarah, come on!" I urge my very stubborn nine year old daughter.
There's nothing I love more in this world than her. She's a spitting image of my late wife, and she was honestly an easy, laid-back baby with a surprisingly calm toddler stage. Getting her to school is the only real issue I've faced with her.
Sarah loves to sleep. I've taken her to pediatricians with my concerns on why she loves to be in bed so much, but they assured me it's only due to her enjoyment of it, and the fact that she's constantly growing, making her more fatigued. Waking her up every morning before I have to go to work is difficult, and rather taxing. Luckily, I'm able to leave right after I walk her to her bus stop, always making it to work in the nick of time.
I'd like to say that I'm a good father to Sarah. My wife passed away when our daughter was only one, so Sarah doesn't have any memory of her. I've always wondered if that made it easier, never knowing her, but I've always been too terrified to ask how she feels. She's still so young that I don't want to fill her head with dark and agonizing subjects.
Of course I'll talk about her mother if she asks and explain that she passed away from cancer, but I never linger on her death with Sarah. I always do my best to turn it into a beautiful, light thing, hoping that she never develops that crippling anxiety in her sternum as I have.
"Daddy, why can't you ever take me to school?" Sarah whines as she holds my hand, both of us leaving the house.
"Because," I begin as I peer down at her, "I have to work, baby."
Her eyes twinkle up at me with their hazel hue, my lips twitching up as I admire her, completely enamored with my little girl.
"So many other kids at school have their parents visit them for lunch. Can you visit me one day?" her gaze becomes teary.
I crouch down once we're at our stop sign, giving her a kiss between her brows. "Hey," I say softly, "don't cry. I'll ask when I go in today if I can have lunch with you sometime soon, okay?"
Sarah nods with excitement, wrapping her little arms around my neck. "Thank you."
Her gentle embrace and the softness of her solemn voice tugs at my heart, making me want to just quit my job so I can stay here to hug her all day.
The bus pulls up, hissing to a stop as the doors sigh, opening with a slight squeak.
"Have a good day, baby," I kiss my fingertips, waving her off as she steps onto her bus, her head scarcely turning to give me a mildly forlorn smile.
Working in construction as I do, I'm never able to take my lunch at Sarah's school. Not only are our lunches at different times, but my jobs are usually over a half an hour away or more. It's a demanding and grueling occupation, but it pays well and allows us to live comfortably; not living paycheck-to-paycheck as we used to.
When my wife passed, I was utterly, wholly gutted. Within a month of us finding out she had cancer, she was gone. It was dreadful knowing she was in pain, knowing there was nothing I could do to help her, and watching her rapidly decline until she drew in her last weak, delicate breath on this earth.
I promised her I'd take care of Sarah, and raise her to be as incredible as she was. Every single fiber in me prays that I'm doing everything exactly as she would've wanted it.
Being alone for the last eight years hasn't been difficult for me by any means. I've gone on a few dates here and there, but never anything that has stuck with me. It's usually just one date and then it's over, never hearing from the woman again, or I never reach out.
Part of me enjoys the wilderness within where my heart lies dried up in the sun. There's no possible way I can ever be left or have my heart broken if I'm alone. I'd be perfectly content with never having a woman again; just me and Sarah until she's old enough to move out and get on with her own life. She may only be nine, but I think about her growing up every day, and how in another nine years, she'll be graduating high school.
Those thoughts always fill me with sheer, all-consuming panic, knowing that she'll be leaving one day, and I'd never prevent her from doing so. All I want is for her to be happy and live the picturesque life she deserves, and she can't do that if I'm already having empty nest syndrome before she's even in the double digits.
On the drive to work, my cell phone begins ringing through the Bluetooth of my truck. My heart stops when I see it’s Sarah’s school, immediately answering the call.
“Hello?” I try to keep my voice steady.
“Hello, Mr. Miller! This is Principal Sanders, and I’m just reaching out to all the parents of students in Mrs. Peters’ class to let them know that unfortunately she won’t be returning to school this year. She’s still out with a broken hip after her fall, and we’re afraid she won’t make a full recovery as soon as we anticipated.”
My pulse settles, relieved Sarah is okay. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I know Sarah loves her, so I’m sure she’ll be sad.”
“Aw, that’s very good to know! We’re having a welcoming party for the new teacher tomorrow at the park right across the street from the school. We thought we’d make it a special occasion to lift the student’s spirits a bit about Mrs. Peters. We’re just doing a little head count to see how much pizza we should order. This isn’t going to be school funded, it’s just some of the staff getting together to welcome her. Are you and Sarah interested in joining?”
I shrug as I keep my eyes fixed on the road. “Sure. I’d like to chip in if you’re accepting donations, or I could even bring some food myself.”
“That’s very nice of you, Mr. Miller. That would be a big help either way.”
“What time? It’s Saturday, so I don’t always work on those days.”
“It’ll be at one o’clock.”
I’ll just make sure I don’t pick up any overtime tomorrow. I usually always try to, just for the extra money, but it would be nice to take a day off and go to the park with Sarah.
“Okay. We’ll be there. I’ll bring two pizzas and maybe a tray of cookies.”
“Thank you so much, Mr. Miller. That’s very appreciated. See you tomorrow.”
“Bye, Mrs. Sanders. See you tomorrow.”
We hang up, my lungs letting out a gentle sigh of relief. I’ve never gotten a random call from Sarah’s school like that except for when she’s sick, and I always seem to be assuming the absolute worst about everything. Truthfully, I think it’s the left over apprehension I feel from my wife’s passing.
“Hi, I have a pizza order under Joel,” I say as I look around the pizza shop, the teenager at the register sighing at me.
“Your total is twenty-five dollars even,” the boy replies flatly.
My fingers fish into my wallet, handing him cash as a woman comes up beside him and places my pizzas on the counter. The boy takes my money as I grip the pizzas in my hand, the warmth from the bottom of the box radiating through my palm.
The door to the pizza place dings its bell as I leave, making a b-line for my idling truck that has Sarah in the passenger seat with a tray of cookies on her lap.
“Here, let’s put these on the floor,” I say as I set the pizzas onto the ground beneath her. “Just don’t step on ‘em.”
“Foot pizza doesn’t sound good to me, dad,” she giggles, making me laugh with her. “I’m excited to see my friends!”
“Will Rachel be there today?”
She nods enthusiastically as we head toward the park. “Yeah, she’s supposed to be. Everyone was really excited about it yesterday in class. I know some people couldn’t get their parents to go, though.”
“Well, at least Rachel will be there,” I beam at her before turning my eyes back to the road in front of me.
“And us,” she replies fondly. “I didn’t think we’d be able to go. You always work on Saturdays.”
“I know, but I thought it would be nice to just hang out in the park with you for the day.”
“Thank you,” Sarah says softly. “I love you.”
“I love you too, honey.”
Pulling up to the park, I see several children and parents everywhere. It looks like her entire class has shown up, the thought of Sarah being able to see all her friends making me happy for her. I’m really glad I decided to not get that overtime in today. She deserves to have some fun.
Sarah carries the cookie tray as I carry the two pizzas, opting for just cheese and pepperoni. My eyes land on the principal, guiding Sarah towards her with my palm on her shoulder. She’s so ecstatic that she nearly ran away with the damn cookies.
“Hello, Mr. Miller. Sarah,” the principal says warmly. “You can set everything down here,” she gestures to a table.
“Hey, Sarah,” I hear from beside me. “Is this your dad?”
“Yep!” she replies. “This is my dad, Joel!”
After setting the pizza down, I turn with an outstretched hand, my breath being caught in my throat as I take in the appearance of Sarah’s new teacher. She’s absolutely stunning, and my god she looks young. Sarah’s last teacher was easily in her mid-sixties, but this one can’t even be thirty yet.
“Hi, Mr. Miller. I’m Sarah’s new teacher, Ms. Y/l/n, but you can call me y/n.” Her voice is feminine and light, making goosebumps trail across my skin as our palms connect.
“Please, call me Joel,” I reply with a quick lick of my lips.
Sarah toddles away, joining several of her classmates on the playground.
“I’ve only been teaching them for a day, but Sarah is the most well-behaved,” she leans in to whisper. “And no, I haven’t said that to every parent,” y/n giggles.
Her little laugh forces me to join her, my nose being caressed with the scent of her perfume from her standing so close to me.
“Well, I’m glad. She was the easiest child, really.”
“Do you have any others?” she asks, her eyes on mine, completely melting me.
I shift, doing my best to focus on the conversation rather than her effortless beauty. “No,” I smile. “Just her.”
“I’m an only child, too,” y/n grins, her eyes flitting over to the playground briefly before meeting my gaze again.
“I wasn’t lucky enough,” I tease, watching a laugh pass her delicate, rosy lips. “I have an older brother.”
“I always wished to have a sibling, but my parents were never successful when trying again.” Her voice fills with melancholy. “My mom had ovarian cancer, so it was pretty impossible to conceive after me. I was a miracle baby.”
My brows fit together, that familiar anxiety blooming in my chest at the mention of cancer. I place my hand on my sternum, as if I’m trying to catch that feeling and push it down.
“I’m sorry,” is all I can muster out to say. “My late wife passed away from cancer when Sarah was one.”
Why did I say that? I’ve never spoken about her to anyone other than family before, but for some reason, I felt the need to tell y/n.
Her hand reaches out and rests on my bicep. “I’m so sorry,” her gentle eyes soften even further. “My mom died when I was ten, and my father just passed away last year.”
“My god,” I respond with disbelief. “You’re way too young to have lost both of your parents already.”
Y/n’s eyes track to her hand that rests against my arm, quickly removing it as she clears her throat. “Oh, they were older when they had me, but still not old enough to pass away.”
“How old were they, if you don’t mind me asking?”
She smiles. “I don’t mind at all. My mom was only forty-six when she passed, and my dad was older, he was seventy-six.”
“They were a few years apart, then?”
“Sixteen,” y/n laughs awkwardly. “Everybody always finds that so strange, but they didn’t see how in love they were. I never saw them fight once.”
“That’s beautiful, y/n,” I smile warmly at her.
She blinks up at me, tucking her gorgeous hair behind her ear as her body shifts. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to get so depressing.”
“No,” I laugh lightly, shaking my head. “You didn’t. It’s life.”
Her lips spread with that breathtaking grin, my eyes all over her face before a voice rips me from my waking dreaming at her parted mouth.
“Hi, Ms. Y/l/n! This is my mom,” the little boy turns to his mother. “Can I go play now?”
The woman laughs, nodding.
The boy dashes away, joining the rest of the kids on the playground. My head bobs around a bit, looking for Sarah until I finally spot her, seeing her go down the slide with a vast grin on her face. I smile fondly at her, feeling guilty that I was so caught up in a conversation with her teacher, that I forgot to check on her.
Y/n and the mother of the little boy begin chatting, so I quietly make an exit, sitting down at one of the picnic tables with a full bottle of water in front of me.
My fingers twist the plastic top open, the crack of the seal popping as I press the bottle to my lips, tossing it back for a drink. I can’t help but gaze at y/n, taking in her figure with complete admiration. She’s wearing a yellow sundress that comes down to her knees, pairing it with a white cardigan over the straps. Her feet are donned in ivory flats that match the unnecessary cardigan she has on her arms.
It’s Texas, and it’s hot as hell out here. Maybe I’m being a bit of a pervert, though. Her skin is absolutely flawless in every sense of the word, and I just want to see more of it. I haven’t been this taken back by a woman since I first met my wife. That thought consumes my chest with guilt, a sharp pang internally piercing my abdomen.
My hand grips my stomach through my shirt, the tips of my fingers digging into the fabric. My wife had told me that she wants me to move on once she passes, and I’ve tried, but I haven’t found anybody. I haven’t even slept with anyone since her, only a few dates here and there that didn’t even end up with a kiss.
“Joel?” a voice interrupts my racing thoughts. “Are you okay?”
I look up to meet the eyes of y/n, soft and vast with concern. “Yes,” I answer quickly. “Just a little light headed. I think I need to eat.”
Her gaze loses a bit of its scrutiny. “Let me grab you some pizza or something. Do you have low blood sugar?”
I laugh. “No, I don’t.”
Y/n briefly leaves, returning with two slices of meat lover’s pizza on a paper plate. “You seem like a meat guy.”
“I am, actually,” a laugh pushes past my lips, my anxiety slowly easing away as I grab the plate of food, taking a bite. “Thank you.”
She sits adjacent from me, a piece of pizza in front of her as well. “You’re getting some color to your face again,” she chuckles.
“Did you really think I was so old that I had diabetes?”
Y/n laughs loudly, her head thrown back, exposing her kissable throat. “Diabetes isn’t always an old person thing, Joel. You could have type one, which you could be born with.”
“You didn’t really answer my question,” I tease.
Her cheeks flush with a hint of maroon, a satisfied smile spreading onto my own face. “No, I don’t think you’re old.”
“God, I feel it. I’ll be forty-one this year, Sarah will be ten. It’s crazy.”
“I’ll be twenty-five, and I’d like to complain about how I feel old, but I feel like you’d just judge me,” she beams vastly.
“I’d never judge you,” I say gently. “I was the most scared of turning thirty, though. It was like I should’ve been planning my retirement already.”
Y/n laughs heartily. “That’s how I feel now. I only just finished college a year ago, and I’m already a teacher. When will I need to plan my retirement?”
I chuckle. “Not for a long time.” My eyes flick between hers, “What made you want to be a teacher?”
A fond smile parts her lips. “My mom was a fourth grade teacher, and I wanted to be just like her.”
“She’d be proud of you,” I say before even thinking. “Sorry,” I instantly apologize, shaking my head. “It just came out.”
“No,” she beams wide. “Don’t apologize. You’re very kind, Joel.”
“Hey, there you are,” a deep voice echoes throughout the shaded gazebo.
An attractive, tall man saunters over to y/n, giving her a quick peck on the cheek that she awkwardly leans towards him for.
“Oh, hi. Joel, this is my fiancé, Sam. Sam, this is one of my student’s parents, Joel,” y/n says with her delicate voice that reminds me of wispy summer clouds.
“Nice to meet you,” Sam nods as he shakes my hand, sitting down beside y/n.
I can’t help but feel disappointed by the fact that she isn’t single, not like I had a chance anyway. Her fiancé does seem to be older though, appearing closer to my age than to hers. He has brown hair with a red tint to it, and bright blue eyes that pin you into place. It’s not hard to miss his light Scottish accent, or his incredibly toned physique. If this is her type, I definitely never had a chance.
“Oh, fiancé,” I say nonchalantly. “Congratulations.”
Y/n shifts as Sam wraps his arm around her shoulders, placing a kiss against her temple. “Thank you,” she says, but not without a hint of disdain in her tone.
“I’ve been trying to urge her to start planning the wedding, but it’s been a year since I proposed and still nothing,” he says humorously.
“And I’ve been focusing on my career,” y/n replies sharply, but with a clear faux smile on her face. “So, I haven’t had time for much else.”
“Hire someone,” Sam says through gritted teeth. “It isn’t difficult, darling.”
My head moves around the incredibly uncomfortable situation in front of me, spotting Sarah on the swings beside Rachel. Part of me wishes there was some sort of excuse I could use to leave this picnic table, but I’m afraid I’m glued here against my will.
“Ms. Y/l/n?” a student comes up beside her, “I brought these for you.” The girl hands her a bouquet of flowers, y/n’s entire face lighting up.
“Oh, my goodness, Felicity! Thank you so much!” She places her nose against one of the roses. “I love roses. They’re my favorite.”
The girl bashfully giggles as she walks away, the mother coming up to speak to y/n.
“She insisted on getting you flowers,” the mother gushes with enthusiasm. “I’m happy to see the kids love you so much after your first day. Clearly you’re a wonderful replacement.”
“Oh, thank you so much. I didn’t feel like I did anything special, but I’m glad they like me. They’re all so amazing.”
The mom smiles fondly as she walks away towards the pizza table, grabbing herself some food.
I honestly feel guilty that we didn’t bring anything specifically for y/n. The thought didn’t even cross my mind, and now I know I have to make up for it. Perhaps I could send Sarah to school on Monday with something special for her. Would that come off as creepy, though? That’s the last thing I want to do, is freak her out.
Sam stands up and walks away, adding some fruit onto a plate from one of the platters.
“I’m really sorry you had to witness that,” y/n says quietly. “I specifically asked him not to come.”
“Oh, it’s okay. I understand,” I smile politely. “He seems like a nice guy.”
Her eyes wander over to him, a forlorn expression spreading onto her perfect face. “Yeah.”
I catch a glimpse of Sarah running past me, completely sweaty as she dives her arm into the cooler to fish out a bottle of water for herself. Her eyes meet mine and she gives me an excited wave as she chugs her drink. I wave back with a small laugh, watching as she tosses the empty bottle out and runs back to the playground with her friends.
“She adores you,” y/n says softly. “Everybody introduced themselves in class yesterday, and she talked about you.”
A warmth spreads in my chest. “Really? What did she say?”
“She just said that your name is Joel, you work in construction, and that you’re the best dad in the world.”
My cheeks ache as I smile, laughing slightly. “I love that kid so damn much.”
“I can tell,” y/n replies with a vast grin. “She’s a lucky girl.”
“Please, I’m the lucky one. When I told you she was an easy kid, I meant it. I’ve had to raise her alone for the last eight years, and it’s almost like she knew I was a single parent. She never made anything difficult for me,” I laugh, “well, until recently. Her growth spurts have made her so tired and now it’s almost impossible to get her out of bed for school.”
Y/n laughs, the sound being music to my ears. “Oh, god, I don’t blame her. I’m the same way and I’m done growing.”
Our laughter mixes together, being cut off by Sam’s sudden presence again. He plops down his plate of fruit, only having one piece of pizza beside it.
“Did I miss something?” he asks with an arched brow and a grin.
“No,” y/n shakes her head. “Just saying it’s hard to get me out of bed in the morning.”
“Oh, I have my ways,” he says suggestively.
My brows raise as I shift uncomfortably on the bench.
Y/n slaps his arm as she scowls at him. “Jesus, Sam, this is my job. There’s kids here, can you please be quiet?”
“Oh, come on, they’re all the way over there. They can’t hear me.”
“The parents can,” she continues to scold. “Please.”
“Only Joel can hear me, and I don’t think he minds,” Sam looks pointedly at me.
“Oh,” I flick my eyes between them. “No, it’s fine. I’m fine.”
“See?” he beams. “Relax, darling. This new job has you all uptight.”
Y/n crosses her arms, looking anywhere but at the man beside her. It’s honestly making me uneasy to be around them any longer, so I decide to stand, excusing myself to use the bathroom.
As the sun greets my skin, I let out a sigh of relief, a million different thoughts running through my mind right now. Almost all of them are focused on y/n, wondering if I’ll ever see her again in person after today. What possible excuse could there be for me seeing her? She’s Sarah’s teacher, and there’s no logical, normal way to see her outside of school unless I asked her out, but she’s already with somebody.
It’s hard to hide my disappointment at that fact, but truthfully I think she’s out of my league, even if she apparently is interested in older men. Sam and I are polar opposites in all the worst ways. He’s toned and ripped with colored eyes and hair, while I have the softened dad bod with shaggy hair that’s dark brown mixed with a bit of gray, and normal, non-alluring brown eyes. If there were ever a man to compete against for a woman’s affection, it isn’t him. He would win every single time.
I’ve never gone for a woman who’s more than five years younger than me, and y/n is sixteen years younger than me. I’m reminded of the story she told about her parents, and the fact that they were sixteen years apart. She spoke so fondly of them, that clearly she would never have an issue with being someone my age.
God, who am I kidding? She’s engaged and far too stunning for me. I need to quit my daydreaming now before I end up in a fictional spiral about a woman I barely know.
As I leave the humid bathroom, I see Sarah over at the playground, running around in the sand barefoot with Rachel and another girl chasing her. I make my way over, placing my hands on my hips as I watch her sprint away.
“Playing tag?” I ask, Sarah not even looking at me for a second.
“Yep!” she answers quickly. “Don’t distract me!”
Laughing, I walk away, heading towards the table that I’m dreading to sit at again. To my relief, y/n is alone, gazing down in her lap as I sit across from her again.
“Where’s Sam?” I ask her, looking around.
“Oh,” her eyes meet mine, “he’s on a call for work.”
“What does he do?”
“Physical therapy,” she shrugs. “Boring.”
I laugh. “Not nearly as boring as construction.”
“Please,” she scoffs, “I’d much rather hear your work stories than his, I’m sure. He just tells me how he gropes women all day,” y/n laughs.
“Professionally gropes,” I jokingly correct her, resulting in an effortless giggle. “At the end of the day, he comes home smelling a lot better than me, I promise you.”
She chuckles, gazing at me. “Thank you for talking to me so much, Joel. I was nervous I’d be lonely at this thing.”
“You’re very easy to talk to, y/n, you don’t have to thank me.”
There’s a moment where we sit silently, just looking at each other, and I’m wondering if she feels the same spark between us as I do.
“Okay,” Sam’s voice causes me to jump slightly, “sorry about that, I was just answering a client’s questions about what exercises they can do at home.”
I nod. “No worries. Physical therapy sounds like an interesting job,” I smile, y/n giving me a dramatic eye roll.
“Thank you!” he answers loudly, looking over to y/n. “See? I told you it’s not boring.
There’s a light thump beside me on the picnic table, seeing a sweaty, panting Sarah beside me. “Daddy, I’m tired. Can we leave?”
I chuckle, nodding. “We can leave whenever you want.”
“It’s too hot out.”
“Then we can leave.”
Sarah smiles up at me, turning to look at Sam and y/n. “Who are you?” she asks curiously.
“I’m Sam, Ms. Y/l/n’s fiancé.”
“Fiancé?” Sarah looks to me. “That’s before marriage, right?”
I laugh, nodding. “Yes.”
“Well, that’s good. She’s a very nice lady.”
Y/n laughs, shaking her head. “Thank you, Sarah.”
I stand off the bench, Sarah standing with me. “It was lovely meeting you, y/n. And Sam,” I nod.
Y/n stands, shaking my hand. “Thank you for coming, Joel, and for staying to talk for so long.”
“Of course,” I smile. “Have a good rest of your day.”
“You too.”
Sarah and I walk back to the truck, my mind reeling with everything y/n and I spoke about. I’ve decided that there’s nothing stopping me from seeing that beautiful woman again, even if I have to call off work just to stop by the school. I’ve been meaning to just to spend lunch with Sarah, anyway, and now I can see her and y/n at the same time.
I need to see her again.
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wowbright · 2 years
Fic: A Misunderstanding
Klaine Valentine’s Challenge 2023: “Same Old Country Love Song" by Brian Falduto (Day 9 prompt)
Words: ~2000 words
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: The missionaries have a double date with Chandler and his boyfriend.
I’m back with more vignettes from my Mormon!Klaine universe for Klaine Valentines 2023! This vignette takes place between Sweet to My Taste and Summer Skies.
My Mormon!Klaine Masterpost.
Thanks to @honeysucklepink for reminding me of Rumtopf! (And @gleefulpoppet and @coffeegleek for listening and brainstorming as well.)
It wasn't Blaine's fault. Not really. It was a misunderstanding. Surely, God would forgive him for that.
Everything had started out so well. Ever since Blaine’s call to Chandler asking for help figuring out if he was gay, they had become fast friends and persistent texting buddies. Chandler had helped Blaine through his freak outs. Blaine had sent a coded announcement after coming out to (and kissing) Kurt, and Chandler had responded appropriately with heart and fireworks emojis.
It had been sweet of Chandler to invite them over for dinner. He’d done it before, of course, but now the invitation had no hidden motives, since he was no longer trying to get into Kurt’s pants. It was friendship and kindness and “a sort of celebration of the fact that you two are no longer being mutual idiots,” as Chandler put it.
His boyfriend Jean, whom they had met briefly at the quadruple baptism, was there. He was intense, and started the evening out on an uncomfortable note. “So, you're the famous Elder Hummel,” he’d said in his thick French accent, folding his hands together and cracking his knuckles with a grotesque a series of pops after Chandler had disappeared back into the kitchen to finish preparations.
“Famous?” answered Kurt, unperturbed. “If you say so.”
“I do. And I can see the allure—though I understood it a little better when you walked out of the baptismal font in your soaked whities. It's like a wet T-shirt contest, but with Jesus.”
“Hey!” Blaine snapped. “That is no way to talk to my boyfriend.”
"Calm down,” said Jean Baptiste. “It was a compliment.”
“Jean, are you being an asshole?” Chandler called in a singsong from the kitchen. His face appeared around the door jamb. “My little bear, this is not a competition.” And then, to the missionaries, as if Jean weren’t there at all, “He’s super competitive. Likes to psyche out everyone else at auditions, talent competitions, reality TV shows— Have I mentioned he was a finalist on France’s and Germany’s Got Talent? The tabloids couldn't get enough of him. Everyone loves a cocky son of a bitch with a heart of gold.”
“I don’t have a heart of gold,” Jean grumbled.
“Right, so that’s why you insisted your competitor get a retry after that technical failure, even though it meant she won.”
Jean crossed his arms. “Losing in a fair competition is no shame. Winning on a technicality would have been humiliating.”
“See?” Chandler leaned over Jean and hugged him from behind. “He's all pudding inside. And Jean, you don’t need to intimidate Elder Hummel. My interest in him was fleeting, and he definitely has no interest in me.”
Jean cocked an eyebrow at Kurt. “Why not? Chandler’s perfect. Are you blind?”
Chandler rubbed Jean’s shoulder. “Because his heart belongs to Elder Anderson, Jean. Now play nice while I finish up in the kitchen. Remember, not everything is a contest.”
That wasn't the misunderstanding. And it had quickly evolved into a pleasant dinner. Jean calmed down and proved not to be without charm. He warmed up as Blaine asked questions about the TV shows and his studies in Munich, and he became utterly entranced by Kurt when he discovered their shared interests in costuming and Celine Dion—and anyone entranced by Kurt was alright in Blaine's book, as long as they didn't take it too far. While Jean didn't ding any bells for Blaine, but he could see why Chandler was so enamored with him. They were both intense, all-or-nothing types, with Chandler’s cheerfulness smoothing out Jean’s hard edges, and Jean’s pragmatism balancing Chandler's flightiness.
They were cute. And gay. Blaine had to keep reminding himself of that—they were, all of them, gay. They were on a double date. He had to remind himself of that not because he might actually ever forget it, but because everything felt so normal, so comfortable—more comfortable turn all the double dates he'd gone on in high school. This was supposed to feel new and strange and different. But it felt like returning home.
The moment he realized he could hold hands with Kurt in front of them, and that Kurt would happily take it, brushing his thumb against the back of Blaine’s hand and letting Blaine run his fingers over Kurt’s CTR in unspoken gratitude—Blaine had never felt more accepted by a group of people than he did in that moment.
Dinner was wonderful: vichyssoise with crusty bread and so much delicious butter, with sharp spring greens with radishes on the side; watching Kurt come out of his shell, playfully dueting on Celine Dion songs with Jean, his face so relaxed, his smile so happy; seeing that other men could appreciate Kurt’s beauty, too; and Kurt looking at Blaine, like he lit up the room and the stars as well.
The misunderstanding came later.
Dessert was a luscious pound cake with the option of caramel drizzle and whipped cream on top.
“No Rumtopf?” Jean asked when Chandler set the dessert tray on the table. “But you like it so much with Rumtopf, mon chéri. Have you run out?”
“Me? Run out? Of course not, little bear. I make enough every year to last at least two years. But they”—Chandler glanced at the missionaries—“don't drink alcohol.”
“What is Rumtopf?” Blaine asked. “I'm not familiar with that drink.”
"It's not a drink,” said Jean. “It's a sort of fruit sauce made with rum alcohol.”
“And sugar,” Chandler said, his eyes wide with enthusiasm. “So. Much. Sugar.”
Blaine eyed Kurt, who showed no signals of being scandalized by the mention of Rumtopf. The opposite, really. He smiled sweetly at Blaine. He rubbed his thumb over the outside of Blaine’s thigh and said, “We Mormons do love ourselves some sugar.”
It felt to Blaine like Kurt was referring to something altogether more carnal than dessert. He turned back to Chandler, attempting to recover the ability to speak. “We— We drink— We don't drink alcohol, but it's fine to use in cooking. Do you want to try it, Elder Hummel?”
Chandler snickered. They'd sat through an entire dinner, and he still could not seem to get over the fact that the missionaries could hold hands in front of company, but were physically incapable of referring to each other by their first names under the same circumstances.
“Sure, I'll try it,” said Kurt. “If it’s on offer.” Those words, too, seemed to drip with sensual meaning. Yes, Kurt, I’m on offer. Anytime. Always, for you.
So Chandler got out the Rumtopf. Blaine had expected something like a raspberry coulis, but it was much more substantial than that. Large chunks of fruit floated in a rich, red syrup. There were tiny strawberries, whole red currants and raspberries, pitted cherries, halved apricots, sliced peaches—like a progression through the German summer, but instead of being separated out over weeks and months, the flavors merged together into a unified chorus. No, a symphony. A symphony like the one he had attended with Kurt, when they’d held hands in the dark and the world felt new and bright, and Blaine had watched Kurt lean back in his seat, his eyes closed in thrall to the music, and he was so beautiful, and Blaine felt an intense joy and also a longing—to be everything to Kurt, to be one with him, to carry him through the darkness and share a life in the brightness of the sun.
How had Blaine not known he was in love?
They all enjoyed some Rumtopf with their poundcake, and then Blaine enjoyed it on its own, in big spoonfuls right on his plate, because it was delicious and Chandler said to go ahead, there was plenty, it was meant to be enjoyed. Blaine searched for every fruit and tasted it individually, biting through the medley of flavors to find its unique voice.
And Blaine laughed. He laughed because the Rumtopf was so delicious and also because Jean was very funny. Blaine hadn't noticed this during the savory portion of their meal, but during dessert, it became obvious. If he stopped to think about it, he couldn't discern anything different in Jean’s tone or delivery. But it was true. He was hilarious, and Blaine could barely stop laughing long enough to take another bite of fruit.
Kurt was laughing, too, and he was so stunning, and Blaine didn't worry that he should look away or try to pull a poker face, because here, he didn't have to hide anything. “I love your laugh. Did you know that?” Blaine said, caught in the blue of Kurt’s eyes. “I love it because you’re amazing and you deserve to feel joy.”
“Awwww,” Chandler cooed from across the table and squeezed Jean's hand.
Kurt, however, did not coo. He eyed Blaine suspiciously.
Blaine, in turn, eyed Kurt’s plate. His beloved had consumed one slice of pound cake with a dab of Rumtopf. There was no way that little spoonful had contained all the complexity of the sauce. It hadn't even included a representative of each fruit. This concerned Blaine. His beloved deserved everything good. “You don't want more Rumtopf, Kurt? How can you not want more?”
“Finally,” Chandler sighed in loud relief. “This last-name-only business was getting creepy.”
But Kurt looked startled. Then worried. His long sexy eyebrows furrowed together. His delectable mouth pursed into a frown. “Do you think maybe the sugar is getting to you a little, Elder Anderson?”
“Call me Blaine, love. We can do that here! And, no, not at all.” Blaine scooped up a half apricot and spooned it into his mouth. The symphony exploded on his tongue. “It's like that time we went to the orchestra. It's complicated and sweet, and my heart feels like it's going to burst, I loved you so much back then and I didn't even know it. Isn't that a shame?” Kurt didn't answer. He looked like a cloudy day in winter. Blaine couldn't understand. Maybe Kurt didn't like to be reminded of Blaine’s stupidity. But somehow, that made Blaine want to confess it even more. “Isn't that a shame?” he repeated, turning now to Chandler and Jean Baptiste. “I mean, you, Chandler, you know how hot he is, and you haven’t even seen him in blue jeans. Or burgundy jeans. Or the white ones with tiny navy pinstripes that he bought in the Altstadt—the way they fit, he looks so fine. I mean, Kurt is always looking fine, but the first time I saw him put on those jeans, I got so many butterflies in my stomach they couldn’t fit in there so they flew down to my penis, and I got so hard I didn’t know what to do with myself. Well, not until we got home and I could finally get into the shower and—”
Now Chandler's eyes went wide. He seemed to be suppressing a laugh. Blaine didn't understand why Chandler would be laughing. This was serious business. This was the stuff of Blaine’s heart. “I don't think it's the sugar, Elder Hummel. I think it's the alcohol.”
A bit of chaos ensued. People talking over each other and around each other. Blaine did not like seeing Kurt angry. He kept reaching for Kurt to calm him down, and Kurt kept slapping his hand away.
“I wasn't even going to serve it to you two!” Chandler squealed in his own defense. “But you said it was OK!”
“It's OK if alcohol is cooked out,” Kurt said sternly. “How should I know that a fruit sauce isn't cooked?”
“How was I supposed to know that cooking was required?” Chandler retorted. “I'm not a Mormon!”
Jean rubbed soothing circles over Chandler's back. It wasn't fair. Why was Chandler letting Jean touch him, but Kurt wouldn't let Blaine touch him? Jean frowned. (Too much frowning going around.) “I feel bad now. I'm the one who brought it up.”
“It's not your fault," Kurt sighed, the wind blowing out of him. “And it's not your fault, either, Chandler. It was a misunderstanding.” The tension was gone from Kurt’s shoulders. Blaine thought maybe now Kurt would let him take his hand.
He didn’t.
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Hello!! I haven't used Tumblr for any interaction in YEARS, but I just wanted to stop by to say that in my decade (yikes) of reading fanfiction, I'm completely and utterly enamored by your writing and your attention to detail in your scenarios. I'm so happy to have stumbled upon your writing last night when I couldn't sleep. Please, please, please - I've never said this to anyone in my life - WRITE A BOOK. Like, genuinely, I would buy every single copy if you did. The way some freaking Ateez scenarios made me sob and tugged at my heart like it hadn't in so long should be studied. Everything was so beautifully and painfully written that I woke up this morning and can't stop thinking about it. Congratulations for your beautiful mind and the creativity that flows from it. Have a great day <3
i'm ugly sobbing rn this actually made me so :')) i literally am at a loss of words rn ahaha thank you sooo much 😭🩷 and you've never said this to anyone in your life- i- 😭😭
i'm just so happy rn. this means a lot to me! and 'write a book' is literally the highest compliment me, a ff writer, could receive :') i'm so glad that you enjoyed my writing so much and feedback like this really makes me want to write an actual book tho the thought of it seems daunting 😅 but maybe one day hehe
again, thank you so much for your lovely message. i won't forget this 🫶
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God is a woman, but she's not mine Smooth like satin Patience ages like wine An accidental kiss intertwines us In the middle of the night In the middle of the night
And now she's something and I'm Too close to crushing and I'm Too close for comfort, I'm rushing But I smile and she's blushing Her girlfriend's out of town And I come over When the sun goes down
Her lip's a cherry bomb And I'm getting lost in The boom, boom, boom This is how it is now Getting lost in The boom, boom, boom I can't take my eyes off you
Rose-colored glasses mask Her rose-colored cheeks As we exchange lies in the spotlight On an unfamiliar street She stares at the sky And I stare at my feet
And I could slam the brakes and break her But I love the chaos that we're in I ask how she's so mellow And she tells me her shades are in yellow
Her lip's a cherry bomb And I'm getting lost in The boom, boom, boom This is how it is now Getting lost in The boom, boom, boom I can't take my eyes off you
Lips on my forehead I lose focus, I lose focus I want her out of your head I lose focus, I lose focus
Lips on my forehead I lose focus, I lose focus I want her out of your head I lose focus, I lose focus
Your lips are a cherry bomb And I'm getting lost in you This is how it is now Getting lost in you I can't take my eyes off you
Her lip's a cherry bomb And I'm getting lost in The boom, boom, boom This is how it is now Getting lost in The boom, boom, boom I can't take my eyes off you
@karatecaulfield back to writing the girls!!! A longboi of a ficlet this time XD
(btw this is all going off the theory I have that Yasmine and Moon had a secret fwb thing going on during S1, but Yasmine was way too concerned about her rep to tell anyone or come out as liking girls to anyone except Moon)
So the song Cherry Bomb by Julianna Joy popped up on my spotify one day, and I couldn't stop thinking about it in the context of Yasmine and Moon reconnecting at the end of S2/beginning of S3...but Yasmine has to contend with the fact that the girl she never had the courage to openly be with is in a happy relationship with another girl now. One who proudly shows Moon off and doesn't keep her a secret backseat hookup, no less!
Tbh I am just. Enamored with the idea of Piney Yasmine, and the frustration that comes with knowing how utterly she lost her chance. Moon and Piper are far from hiding their relationship, too, not caring in the least who knows they're together and holding hands everywhere they go. Just. Seeing that, and every time it's this painful reminder that you never had the courage to tell that beautiful girl you loved her when you had the opportunity??? While she hopefully, desperately, and unconditionally loved you, and wanted so badly to be more than your dirty secret???? OUGHHHH I am DEVOURING that angst :O The pain of realizing someone was perfect for you just a little too late, and the only one responsible for tanking your chances was you.
Anyways, I got uh. A bit carried away I wrote a whole ficlet thing to go with this ^^; Go read it under the cut!!!
I'm just imagining in the couple of weeks before school starts up again (pre S2 disaster party), Piper goes on a family trip. Yasmine gets back from France, having done a lot of self-reflection and re-evaluated her relationship with Moon.
All things considered...as betrayed as she felt when Moon sided with the losers and the freaks, Yasmine knows deep down that she can't lose her. She'd rather get another wedgie than admit it, of course, but Moon was--and still is--the best person in her life.
Her parents would reject the real Yasmine out of hand. If they knew she wasn't the perfect beautiful socialite they thought she was--at least not anymore--they wouldn't want anything to do with her.
Kyler and Brucks already don't, with her popularity gone. The other girls at the "rich girl" table won't answer her texts. And Sam, well...
She always preferred fucking Aisha's company, anyways. Come fall, she'll be back at the nerds' table.
So when Yasmine gets a text from Moon offering to let the beach party be water under the bridge--offering to be friends again--she isn't about to say no.
Hey Yas. I know we haven't talked in a while, but...I'm really sorry about how we left things. Can we hang out?
And so they do. They meet up at a cafe--an old favorite brunch place they used to always cut class to go to.
Yasmine learns Moon isn't with that blue-haired freak from the botched birthday party anymore. He turned out to be a douchebag.
She could've told Moon that from the jump, but whatever.
Moon is dating someone new now--a girl. Piper. Absolutely gorgeous, brazen and shameless in a way Yasmine can relate to.
Moon sure does seem to have a type.
They're tanning by the poolside, sipping cherry lemonade on the tail end of a surprisingly relaxed conversation, when Yasmine finds her eyes glued. Trailing over every smooth bronze curve of Moon's body. It's bringing back memories of her hands brushing over that skin, her fingers weaving through the brown hair splayed on the deck chair.
Moon is a beautiful tableau of serenity, watching clouds roll by through red-tinted, heart-shaped glasses.
Rose-colored. Literally.
It seems fitting, given the beaming, optimistic way Moon navigates life. The way she navigates Yasmine. For her, whatever remote possibility that tomorrow could be good negates any concerns of tomorrow being an utter shitshow. And even if it is...
Well. The misery doesn't seem to stick around.
She watched her best friend walk out of her life and her boyfriend become an unrepentant jerk who beat up her other friends over dojo Yelp reviews (which Yasmine had to agree was very stupid) and half the Valley get mixed up in some asinine, violent karate feud and still she came out of it all with the unapologetic hope that people would see sense and choose kindness. That she could help fix what was broken, both in her own relationships and others'.
It was unduly idealistic. Unquestionably naive. And yet...
There was something almost inspiring about it all. About how there was not one person Moon was willing to give up on and not one bridge that Moon believed was too burned to rebuild.
A comfortable silence has fallen (another oddity--Yasmine expected there to be enough tension between them to fill that entire swimming pool) when Yasmine finally speaks up.
"I don't know how you do it."
Moon turns, peering at her through those rosy glasses. Yasmine knows her well enough to know that there's a nearly-identical rosy sheen just under the bottom rims, coloring Moon's cheeks.
They bought the blush together. It seems like a lifetime ago now.
"How I do what?"
"Be so cheerful all the time." Yasmine looks away, studying the pool. "Be so, like...blithe about all this. We were pissed when we last saw each other, and you're just whatever about the whole thing now. Is it really that easy to let it all go?"
Moon pauses.
"Well...didn't you? You're here talking to me, and I don't think you're still mad."
"I was for a long while. I guess being away for the summer just...gave me some time to think." Yasmine sighs. "But you were stuck here, right in the middle of all this stupid karate drama, and you still want to be friends again, even after I..."
Even after I treated you like an accessory?
Yasmine can't bring herself to say it.
Either way, she doesn't seem like a person Moon would want back if she's trying to minimize the drama in her life.
"I don't know." Yasmine keeps her eyes on the rippling pool water. "I didn't think you'd come back. I didn't think you'd want me back, after like...you know. How I was."
Moon only laughs good-naturedly.
"We were best friends, Yas. We did everything together. Told each other everything. You think I don't know by now that there's more to you than that?"
Yasmine still can't meet her eyes.
"I hurt you, though. All you did was stick by me, and I left you behind the one time you wanted something for yourself."
Even if it was a stupid blue-haired prick.
It's still the most genuine she's been in a while. For weeks, Yasmine fought tooth and nail not to admit to herself that perhaps, in some theoretical manner of speaking, she'd been in the wrong.
That she'd wronged the only person she'd managed to give one tenth of a metric shit about in a long, long time.
"How do you just brush it all off like...like it doesn't matter anymore? How are you so certain that I'm...that I'm any different now?"
"You ordered my favorite at the cafe."
Yasmine freezes.
"You remembered I love almost croissants, and you bought me half a plate of them. And, well...don't take this the wrong way, but you did not used to be that considerate."
Yasmine's cheeks heat up.
"Sheesh. Can't a girl do nice shit for her friends sometimes?"
"Of course she can! But you used to be embarrassed to be openly kind like that. Now you're just..."
Moon seems to struggle to find the words.
"You're just nicer," she says finally.
Yasmine scoffs.
"I'm not nice. I'm a vapid bitch people tolerate sometimes because they can eye-fuck me when I'm not looking. And that's all I'm ever going to be. I've kinda made my peace with that."
Moon sighs in an almost pitying way. Not enough for Yasmine to snap at her, but enough to make the blonde bristle.
"People aren't static, Yas. Anyone can get better. Growing as a person...that's the whole nature of the human experience, right?"
Despite herself, Yasmine laughs.
"Okay, Gandhi."
"You want to know my real secret, though?"
She finally looks at Moon. The other girl's wearing a rare smirk, mischief glinting in those brown eyes.
Yasmine smirks back.
"Duh, Houdini. Like I wouldn't turn down an opportunity to be one of the privileged few a magician reveals their secret to."
Moon plucks off her sunglasses and reaches into her bag. What she pulls out glints golden in the bright afternoon.
She swaps out one pair of heart-shaped lenses for another, and Yasmine laughs.
"Of course. Mellow yellow."
"When everything looks like sunshine, it's hard to be too sad about anything," she says brightly.
Yasmine wishes it were that easy.
The afternoon rolls by, and they slip back into old patterns. Manicures, shopping, some Pretty Little Liars bingeing back at Moon's place. They're lounging on the couch just past dusk when Moon perks up that they should go for a night walk.
"I know a great park," she says. "It's up on a hill so you can see the city, but you can also kind of see the stars."
Yasmine scoffs. "What, are you crazy?! Do you want to get murdered?"
Moon only laughs.
"You're so dramatic, Yas. We live in Encino. It's like...the safest neighborhood there is."
And that's somehow all it takes for Yasmine to give in. There's a kind of allure to it, the idea of a stroll in the moonlight with a beautiful girl.
Maybe she can finally formulate the thoughts that have been tormenting her all afternoon.
It's a couple minutes away from Moon's house that Yasmine says sorry. Or, well...she does her best to.
The kisses of freshman and sophomore year started out accidental. They were both crossfaded the first time, sloppily dancing into Yasmine's guestroom in their attempts to "practice" before the Halloween dance. Before they knew it they were on the bed, tongues in each others' mouths.
That night could have been a moment of weakness. It could have stayed a moment of weakness. The problem is that they both liked it a little too much.
And so on it went, just out of sight of disapproving parents and peers until it escalated to more than make-out sessions.
Yasmine knows it was shitty, using her best friend as a secret hookup for almost 2 years and then turning around and publicly scoffing at the idea that she could ever like girls. Treating Moon like a minion in public and roaming every curve of her body as soon as they were away from prying eyes.
Now, breathing in cool night air and just on the cusp of a second chance, Yasmine's trying frantically to articulate anything of substance.
Moon's always looked soft, but in passing porch lamps and flashing car headlights, her pretty features seem even more delicate. She watches Yasmine with far more patience than Yasmine deserves, listening attentively to her fumbling explanation about why she acted like such a raging bitch for the better part of their friendship.
"It's all right." Moon squeezes Yasmine's hand, and heat tingles through her skin. "I remember how scared you were. You were trying to figure yourself out, and you were terrified that people would see the real Yasmine, and...hate her as much as you hated you."
That's a generous way of putting it.
That was one thing about Moon that didn't change. All this time, and she still gave you the benefit of the doubt. Even when you didn't deserve it.
Especially when you didn't.
It feels even nicer now, given the massive shithole that Yasmine's been slowly digging herself into since high school started. Whether she's the queen of the school or less than nothing, Moon treats her with the same unconditional kindness.
And it's a rare thing. She's always wondered if people were only really nice to her because of her social status, and now, with her social circle in shambles after one humiliation, she knows it's true.
But despite all that, Moon looked at what Yasmine had to offer and decided that underneath it all, there was still something worth her time. Yasmine can't fathom it.
The truth was that Yasmine loved the thrill of having control. Of being in charge. Even if that meant being cruel and backhanded and an utter liar.
It kept her on top, and it kept her from ridicule. It certainly kept the rest of the school from suspecting its two queen bees were screwing each other. It absolutely kept her parents from thinking their beautiful daughter, with her promising future in modeling or acting or what the fuck ever, had no interest whatsoever in the type of ab-laden, burly men her "type" of girl was supposed to be so besotted with.
But when she lost it all--and she lost Moon--she found the control isn't what she missed.
The night glides by, and Moon gets started chattering about some new sustainable, recycled brand of eyeshadow where half the profits went toward helping endangered duikers or Iraq war refugees or something like that. The more she talks, the more Yasmine finds she can't look away.
Moon's always been beautiful, but right now, bathed in the soft, golden glow of streetlights, she looks nothing short of divine.
Her cherry lipgloss is gleaming, luminescence just catching the sparkles in it. 2 years, and she's still wearing the same brand.
Yasmine remembers what it tastes like.
It tastes like summertime and pure, unfiltered elation and the thrill of refusing to play by the rules.
It tastes explosive, like fireworks.
And she misses it so badly that it feels like she's dissolving from the inside out.
But this is how it is now. All she can do is admire Moon from a respectful distance, thinking about what she used to have while Moon gives tastes of that cherry lipgloss to someone else.
Someone probably much better for her than Yasmine ever was. Someone who didn't fuck up her chances beyond repair.
It shouldn't eat at her as much as it does.
They end up lying on a narrow patch of grass under one of the park streetlights. It's a part of Moon's neighborhood Yasmine's never been to before, but something about the unfamiliarity makes it enticing.
Everything about that grass strip is still fresh and new--their own private world, not yet soiled by pain and drama and cruelty. A pocket universe where Yasmine hasn't made her shitty-ass bed yet. A place where she can get a fresh start. Treat Moon like she deserves.
Moon talks about astrology. Which planets are rising, which are falling, which are in retrograde, all that. The further into it she gets, the less Yasmine can follow.
Her gaze drifts down to her feet as Moon's finger flicks all over the sky, chattering so fast that the circuits of Yasmine's mind are already starting to exhaust themselves trying to keep up.
Yasmine doesn't stop her. Moon's voice pours over her like a lotion, sinking into her skin and cleansing every pore and leaving her fortified and rejuvenated like nothing else can.
It's one of the few things in the world that can still relax Yasmine completely.
Yasmine wonders sometimes if star signs are all a load of bogus. Nothing but personality traits assigned to people at random so they could feel special about something completely arbitrary.
But the way Moon's entire being shines when she rambles about it, the way she speaks with the kind of heart and certainty and conviction that Yasmine rarely has about anything...
She can almost buy it.
"Look, there's Gemini!" Moon pipes up after a while. "That's you!"
She laughs, shaking her head. How Moon is managing to find any stars in the hazy, smog-filled LA night, let alone an entire constellation, is beyond her.
Still, it feels strangely fitting that Moon should stumble on her star sign tonight. The night they really started to mend things.
Like destiny, in a way. Something that tied them together on a cosmic level. Something indicating they were meant to be here tonight, together, lying in a puddle of light and imagining the infinity of a boundless sky.
And Yasmine has to admit. She's strangely touched that Moon still remembers where Gemini is.
But she doesn't say any of that sappy shit. She only scoffs.
"Yeah, checks out I'd be the two-faced one."
Moon pauses.
"You know...I was pretty two-faced, too. But that doesn't mean we have to stay that way, right?"
That's a lie. Moon was nowhere near as bad as her, nastiness paling in comparison to the queen bee's.
Because Moon was a follower. She did as Yasmine said and didn't question it. Well...until she did.
But it wasn't fair to hold her accountable when she was only trying to be a good friend. The best friend Yasmine could want.
The best screw Yasmine could want.
"You didn't do anything wrong. You didn't fuck over Sam like I did."
She supposes that's also a lie. Being complacent might be just as bad, standing back and letting Yasmine shoot to kill with poisonous words.
"That wasn't all our fault. We didn't know Kyler was lying to us."
Perhaps they should have suspected. Kyler wasn't exactly the paragon of virtue.
Yasmine had known that from the jump. Moon probably had, too.
"No, yeah, you're right. We couldn't have known we were being manipulated."
Yasmine may as well keep the chain of self-vindicating lies going. Maybe what they need to feel better about the people they were is a little sugarcoating and a lot of bullshitting.
Or maybe Yasmine should tell the truth for once in her fucking life.
"I don't know, I just...I feel like I'm genuinely kind of a crap person. I get drunk off this power and I act like a bitch and I somehow hurt the only people I actually give a shit about. And people hit the road as soon as I start being more than hot eye candy. Because...that's all they care about. And maybe that's the only part of me that...that doesn't kind of suck. Maybe people are right about me."
Yasmine turns. Moon is lying on her side now, gazing at her with those big brown doe eyes with everything in them so alarmingly exposed and so alarmingly vulnerable.
All of Moon's fondness and adoration and utter devotion, laid completely bare.
And it occurs to her that Moon is at her mercy again. The walls she finally managed to put up at the beach party are crumbling away, leaving behind the same Moon who was gone as fuck for Yasmine for 2 years.
She could shred her, Yasmine realizes. She could take the trust they've been piecing back together all day and throw it to the wolves, shattering Moon just like she did on that phone call after that ghastly failed birthday party. Moon is offering herself up to Yasmine again, and Yasmine could shank that offer right down the middle. Mock her ex best friend for believing even for a moment that she could forgive Moon for telling her off and siding with the freaks who ruined her in front of the entire school.
She could smash Moon's heart all over again. Start a cycle of her destroying the other girl over and over, waiting for Moon to come crawling back before rinsing and repeating. If she wanted.
It might make her feel strong. Invincible. In control. Fill her with the satisfaction of having someone so impossibly obsessed with her that they can never truly leave, no matter how much they try.
But all of that just seems...old hat. Lifeless. Mind-numbingly boring.
Of course Yasmine could play out the exact same story the same way with the same person. But repeating couldn't sound more dull when there's something so gripping about unpredictability.
And that's where she and Moon have found themselves--a strange kind of mania where they truly don't know what's coming next, but they do know they've been drawn back together. For better or for worse.
Things can't be like they once were. Not really. Moon's heart belongs to someone else now, and is protected somewhere Yasmine can't jerk it around. She's not the same person Yasmine spent her weekends getting high with last year.
She's grown, and Yasmine has no idea how many of Moon's buttons she can still press. How much she can still glow with blinding radiance in the eyes of this brand new person.
But from the way Moon still looks at her...
The doting isn't gone. It's just different now.
Yasmine doesn't know what will come of it. What will come of the embers that still burn in her own chest.
And that's why whatever's happening tonight is not something Yasmine tries to stop. Their new story is exhilarating in a way that keeps her along for the ride, strapped in tight.
"You're a good person, Yas. I know you are." Moon scoots toward her. "I can feel it in my Ajna. You just...need to get in touch with your aura. Who you really want to be. That'll make everything better."
Ah. So they were back to lying.
Yasmine bites her lip. "You think?"
She's wrong.
She needed to stop making everything sound so simple when there was no possible way it could be.
"You've made a few mistakes, but...who hasn't?"
Moon shrugs. Their faces are inches apart now.
"We're still young," she says softly. "We're all still figuring out who we are. But we've got all the time in the world, and it's okay if there're some bumps along the way."
"But what if I keep looking at myself..." Yasmine swallows. "And I don't like what I find? What if no one else does, either?"
"Hey. You're a good person, Yasmine Pyne." Moon is close enough that she can probably hear Yasmine's heart hammering. "And I'll keep telling you until you believe me."
And then she feels sticky cherry lipgloss pressing against her forehead. Yasmine's head spins, sending her floating into some kind of indeterminable ether.
Nothing seems solid anymore. The world is ablaze with color and sound and explosions and sensations, but she's careening through space with wind rushing by her and there's nothing she can hold onto.
What a fool she was, thinking she could come out here and get Moon wrapped around her finger again without accounting for her fingers doing some wrapping of their own.
It's what Yasmine has always known, but would never say aloud. She has a weakness for the strange girl who always smells of wildflowers, incense, silk scarves, and cherry lipgloss.
Yasmine's hand slides around Moon's wrist, trying to steady herself. As she pulls herself from out from a tidal wave of emotions, her buzzing thoughts all converge into one.
Is she thinking about Piper right now?
And maybe it's selfish, but...
Yasmine has to wonder if there's some way of persuading Moon to think about her instead.
So I spent all this week trying my best to recreate it ;_____; In fairness, I think I ended up pretty close to the OG ficlet, so...that's something.
Truly angsty lesbian love triangles from a ridiculous karate show are something that can be so personal--
To be clear I do also ship MoonPiper but I also like to torture my poor blorbo Yasmine Nolastname. Don't worry, it's a sign of love!!! :D
In all the timelines I make she and Moon will be #endgame anyways because I'm a menace
Anyways making a red and yellow-themed moodboard for these two was actually super fun :O Like the color combination suits them so well??? Moon has this pleasant, sunny energy that pairs really well with yellow, and Yasmine has this kind of passionate, fiery, sassy, hyperfemme vibe (but in kind of a femme fatale way?) that is extremely red-coded. Which is ironic, because Yasmine tends to wear more yellow (especially in S1) and Moon wears a lot of reds and dark oranges. Her go-to nail polish color is actually bright red! So apparently they like wearing each other's theme colors <3 <3 <3 Now fellas is it GAY--
As always, pic credits available upon request!
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allthingsfook · 1 year
can i get a ship, please? im asking anon due to my lane preference being on my profile! :)
i am 5’0ft and on the thicker side (more down towards my lower half). i have honey blonde hair that hits in the middle of my back. i can be described as a funny outgoing social butterfly, but i also can reserved due to who i am around or how i am feeling. i love to make others smile and laugh. i love being outdoors either with my dog or in my hammock reading. if it is a rainy day or a day i am feeling a dat under the weather, i stay inside watching movies and cuddled with my cats. i love nature and love the entire earth. i am a huge environmental freak. i also hate to consume red meat because one i just get sick and two it just isn’t for me (not judgement towards others who eat it tho). i love to read, write, and dance. i also really love meditation, please it is my time to be by myself, relax, and self reflect. i am a education major because i believe teachers are very important to society, and we are in need of better teachers who understand and care. i am very passionate and determined about things i want to do or need to do. i hate dishonesty and violence. violence kind of gives me the shakes and the jitters. im not a huge hugger unless i am completely and utterly in love with you. i also have a very open mind and up for debates and discussions with my partner as long as they are up for it and will not argue to try to force their side on me :)
thank you < 3
Hello amazing anon!!! THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for being so patient! I did not forget about you 💗💗
I ship you with…
Sammy!!!! Screaming Sammy for your ship!!!!!
Socially, you and Sam are similar. No doubt he is the life of the party; always smiling, laughing, joking… I think people tend to overlook his professional/serious side. He is extremely smart in anything he puts his mind to. His work ethic is impressive along with his dedication and creative vision.
Nature would be a huge bonding point for you and Sam. If you wouldn’t have said it, I would have. Sam in a hammock with Rosie?! Sounds like everyday he has off! Imagine the both of you cuddling in a white linen hammock, tied between two shady trees. The breeze softly blows the both of you, rocking you to slumber. The faint noise of your dogs rustling in the background.
During those gloomy, rainy days Sam would be so down for a movie marathon and homemade meal. He’d let you pick out all the movies, then whine a little bit when you present that one movie you watch 24/7! He’d be in charge of the meal, making you his favorite vegan meal ☺️
As for hobbies, Sam would be totally down for anything! Get that man dancing!!!! Watching him let his guard down and be utterly goofy with you would be worth the world! When you need time for you; a break from the hustle of his life..Sam would be the first to support you and give you space. While meditating, I could see him admiring you from a far. Taking in your peaceful beauty with his whole being.
Sam would adore your career path, as he grew up with amazing mentors that happened to be teachers. Honestly, I could see Sammy being a teacher if the boys hadn’t perused music. I don’t feel like he lets it shine as much now, but he’s a HUGE nerd. His love for space, lore, and nature makes him extremely inquisitive which leads him down rabbit holes when he’s ‘researching’ 😂
Sammy is also a really passive person, aside from his playful sass! He is enamored by people and how we interact, especially when we are curating a beautiful planet and society. If he had the world in his hands, it would be extremely peaceful and everybody would be required to adopt a pitbull 🥰
Any Kiszka boy is up for a healthy debate, so I’ll open it up to any of them. I could see you going back n’ forth with Sam over something random, but I could also see all of you hanging out and josh picking your brain on various topics OR Jake rambling on about such philosophical bullshit that you can’t tell what the hell he’s saying 😂 (they all tend to do that often)
Anyway!!!! I hope you enjoy your ship… for being so patient I wanna make you a collage and ship you a song as well 😊 I hope this finds you well after all this time 💕
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takecareluv · 2 years
baby fever || vinnie hacker x reader
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vinnie’s periodic visits to his hometown were always a big deal in the hacker household. once his mom caught wind of his upcoming return to seattle, she immediately created a group chat with his relatives, inviting everyone to a family barbecue.
they were all quick to accept, excited to see the infamous hacker boy, and even more so his girlfriend, y/n. his whole family absolutely adored the girl ever since vinnie first brought her home with him a little over a year ago; and she loved them just as much. they were all so welcoming towards her even when she was incredibly nervous during their first encounter, and kind through all of the jitters that followed. if you were to ask her, she made an absolute fool of herself that entire day. however vinnie assured her a hundred times that was far from the truth and her “pretty little mind was playing tricks on her”.
the couple arrived in seattle much earlier in the morning than either would typically prefer to be awake for, greeted by the unvarying gloomy weather that comes with a seattle spring. immediately, the pair gravitated towards the bed as soon as they made it through the doors of their airbnb. the faint sound of rain tapping against the window lulling their already tired bodies right to sleep.
they napped for most of the day, tangled in each other’s arms, until both were abruptly woken up by the ringing of vinnie’s phone. reaching his arm out to grab the device, wanting to quickly put an end the loud noise, he answered the call.
“hey mom,” he mumbled.
y/n couldn’t hear what maria was saying on the other end, but based on vinnie’s responses she assumed it was something that would require her to get out the surprisingly comfy bed she was very much content in.
“mom wants us there in an hour for dinner,” he said after hanging up.
“noo, i’m too tired. i don’t wanna get up,” y/n responded, smushing her head further in the pillow as if that would hide her from going anywhere.
“i know. trust me i would much rather stay in bed with you all night,” he smirked. “but my whole family’s gonna be there.”
this instantly made y/n shoot up, slightly freaking out. “shit i forgot about that. i need to shower, i feel so gross after that flight. and what am i gonna wear?”
“baby calm down, it’s okay. it’s only a barbecue, you don’t have to dress up or anything. you could wear sweats and you’d still look perfect,” he replied, placing a kiss to her forehead, knowing that always calmed her.
“but it’s your family, vin. you know i like to make a good impression. i don’t want them to think i don’t care.”
“why? they already love you more than me,” vinnie joked, although he wasn’t so sure it actually was one. his family was utterly enamored with her, more so than he’s seen with any other girl he’d previously brought home through the years. but then again, he couldn’t blame them, she was perfect after all.
“you know that’s not true. now c’mon, let’s go shower,” y/n said, dragging her boyfriend out of the bed and into the ensuite bathroom, both shuddering at the contrast of the cool tile floor compared to the warm bed they were lounging in moments ago.
“damn if you wanted to see me naked, all you had to do was ask.” vinnie teased, sneaking a grab at his girlfriend’s ass, making her jump.
“that’ll be enough out of you,” she deadpanned, despite the giggles that left her mouth.
as if by magic, the couple made it to vinnie’s childhood home precisely on time, even with the inevitable funny business that took place in the shower, adding more than just a few minutes.
they were instantly greeted with the loud welcome of the boy’s entire family, hugs approaching from all directions, including y/n’s legs, prompting her to look down to see vinnie’s baby cousin squeezing her legs, wanting some attention from the girl.
y/n bent over in attempt to get closer to the little one, “well hello there cutie. what are you up to?”
however the little girl didn’t answer. suddenly getting distracted when she saw the tall, messy haired boy standing next to y/n. “vinnie!” she squealed, reaching her arms out for him.
vinnie scooped her up in his arms. “what do you want, monkey?” he smiled, resulting in the small girl to burst out in a fit of laughter.
as vinnie continued to mess around with his adorable cousin, y/n was swiftly whisked away by his mom who wanted an update on anything and everything that’s happened since the couple’s last visit.
while engaged in a conversation with maria, along with a few of his aunts, y/n helped prepare the copious amount of food that looked as if it could feed an entire army. how many people were they expecting? she thought to herself.
although, the girl wasn’t much help. too distracted by watching vinnie play with his younger cousins across the room, she almost cut her finger chopping up some tomatoes. she decided then it was best to leave it to the professionals, instead doing what she does best: munching on some chips.
the kids were running around and climbing all over vinnie, but he didn’t seem to care; he was too occupied with the tiny two year old that laid in his arms who seemed to be just as infatuated by him as he was with her. y/n couldn’t help but smile at the sight, he was so gentle with the baby while also keeping the other kids entertained around him. she couldn’t look away, it might have been the cutest thing she had ever witnessed.
it had the girl thinking about how great of a father he would be to their own kids one day. even though she knew they were still very young, being only a couple years into adulthood with a lot of life left to live. seeing vinnie with the toddler made her want to forget all that nonsense and make a baby as soon as they got back to the airbnb that very night.
maria noticed y/n was in her own little world, having missed the last few minutes of their conversation. following her eyes to see what had the younger girl so dazed, she immediately understood. as her boys started to get older and mature into fine young men, maria began to get more and more excited about the idea of grandbabies in her future.
she didn’t say anything to the girl beside her, but only grinned, knowing she apparently had the same thing on her mind.
ten short minutes later, vinnie’s dad walked through the back door with two plates full of hot dogs, hamburgers, and one veggie burger made just for y/n. she thought it was so sweet how they always remembered to make something for her with no question about it.
“food’s ready!”
grabbing the specially made burger, a handful of fries, plus some yummy looking mac and cheese, y/n settled onto the couch beside her boyfriend. “hi bub.”
“hey baby,” he replied placing a kiss on her cheek. “what have you been up to? haven’t talked you all night.”
“i was helping your mom get dinner ready. although i don’t think i did much. i was a little distracted.”
“how come?” he said half paying attention, too busy shoveling food into his mouth.
“because of you” she simply stated, now gaining his full attention.
“oh yeah? why’s that?” he said with a smug look on his face.
“because you looked so cute playing with the kids. and don’t even get me started on you with the baby. i’ve never seen something more adorable,” y/n said slightly blushing once she glanced up to see vinnie intently looking at her. beginning to get shy, she quietly continued, “just had me thinking.”
he took the plate of food from her hold, placing it on the table in front of them before pulling the girl onto his lap.
since the couple’s first date, vinnie knew y/n was the one he was going to marry, the one he would have kids with. he knew they would eventually grow old together and stick by each other’s side through everything else life brought their way. with that being said, he always got extreme baby fever whenever he saw his girlfriend with kids. even just the way she was so nurturing towards his cat, hera, had him feeling domestic.
he was thrilled to know she felt the same way after seeing him with his baby cousin; but kept it cool, not wanting to overwhelm her.
noting how quiet the girl had become, he brushed some of the hair out of her face, placing a kiss to her forehead. “what are you thinking about in that brilliant mind of yours?”
“how much i would love to go back the airbnb right now and start a little family of our own.” y/n answered, not leaving room for hesitation, which had vinnie’s cheeks now turning red at her unusual bluntness.
“i mean i’m down if you are,” he smirked.
“baby i was kidding. as much as i would love a mini you or me running around, we’re too young. we got a lot of time left, plus i want you to myself for a little longer.” y/n giggled, leaning her head on the boy’s strong, but comfortable shoulder.
“well i guess we could always just practice for tonight,” he countered, a sly grin on his face leading y/n to roll her eyes.
the two cuddled on the couch for a little longer once they finished their food, discussing everything they planned to do while on their short trip.
feeling the couch shift under them, the couple noticed vinnie’s mom now sat next to them with a big smile on her face, happy to her son so in love.
“so when are you two giving me grandbabies?” maria asked candidly.
y/n and vinnie just turned to each other and laughed.
not soon enough, they both thought.
a.n. not sure how i feel about this one but it’s been sitting in my drafts for weeks so i figured it was about time i post it. hoping to start writing more again and get out of this rut i’ve been stuck in, but we’ll see how that goes… all my love 💌
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bellesowl · 4 years
oh no there’s only one bed!
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- multiple characters
⤷ atsumu, kuroo, ushijima, sakusa
genre: fluff leaning towards crack ; kinda mutual pining?
okay so background info: y’all are bffs but are both completely and utterly enamored w each other
- a/n: hi! so i was scrolling through tiktok and saw this trope and was like huh and then this popped into my brain. also tsumu’s is kinda long sorry HAHJANA
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- atsumu
cocky ass mf
super chill on the outside but freaking out™️ on the inside bc like wtf he gets to share a bed w the love of his life???
is probably already lying down on the bed when you get inside
you look around & .... what
only one bed
“where will i sleep?”
“idk, i’ll be sleeping on My bed, but feel free to join me” with a wink
yeah but you sleep on the bed anyways
let’s pretend you like to sleep w the ac super cold and he doesn’t right so y’all prob argue abt it but he gives up & lets you make it colder
but ofc he grumbles the whole time
but after all that y’all finally get to sleep
so u wake up to go use the bathroom but can’t bc there’s a heavy weight keeping you in place
you wake up a little more are realize that you and tsumu are cuddling
he’s very warm and ur in love so you don’t mind it and cuddle closer to him
atsumu wakes up before you, surprised
he takes a couple minutes to admire you tho bc how tf are you so gorgeous w drool on your chin & ur mouth open
he kinda just ..... basks in your warmth
gives u a tiny peck on the forehead
okay then you wake up the next morning but are still very groggy
and hear “well look who cuddled next to me. you were cold, weren’t you?” whispered in your ear
you kinda are shocked bc
1. atsumu’s morning voice is so hot
2. wtf he snuggled up next to you???
but ur in no mood to argue so you just roll your eyes
“what time is it asshole?”
“it’s 9 am babe, you slept in”
okay ur shocked bc babe but it’s wtvr
“wtf u mean slept in, let’s go back to sleep mk?”
yeah y’all go back to sleep but before you do he pulls you in closer, and in a moment of bravery, he admits his feelings
ofc you tell him you love him back and he kisses your cheek bc “gross morning breath!” yeah he still kisses u on the lips right after, the simp and y’all cuddle for the rest of the day
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- kuroo
i Know this mf is unbothered
he doesn’t want you to sleep on the floor but also he doesn’t wanna sleep on the floor so he suggests that you guys just sleep on the bed together
but Absolutely No Touching and Stay On Your Side
u didn’t expect kuroo to sleep with three (3) pillows
and the mf stole the blanket and everything
so you unconsciously scooted closer to get a little warmer bc the room is probably freezing
yeah you also end up using him as a pillow bc he stole all of yours
anyways y’all end up tangled together the next morning
you wake up first and freak out bc like that’s your longtime crush?&&! and he was so close to you ?&$&!
you trace the patterns of his face, from the curve of his nose to his sharp jawline
his lips slowly curve into a smile and he decides that he wants to wake up like this everyday for the rest of his life
and he decides to do something about it ;)
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- ushijima
probably the most respectful of the group
like kuroo, he doesn’t want you to sleep on the floor but he also doesn’t wanna sleep on the floor
so his solution: pillow wall
it’s kinda a failsafe just in case one of y’all move a lot while sleeping lmao little did y’all know
toshi is def a cuddly sleeper
idk i just feel like the poor baby is touch starved >:(
so while y’all are asleep he kinda just... reaches over w his long ass arms and pulls you closer
it’s 100% unintentional but he has this little smile on his face like he’s having the best sleep of his life
anyways, he def wakes up first bc mans has to go on his morning run
but he wakes up, sees you- your head a hair away from his and your arms wrapped around him ... he just .... can’t leave
so for the First time he decides to skip the run
instead, he smiles and pulls you closer before drifting back to sleep
sorry babe you’ll have to tell him your feelings when you wake up because
1. he’s too oblivious to realize you like him back
2. it’s obvious he likes you back because of the way he’s holding onto your waist like his life depended on it <3
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- sakusa
okay but tbh id be surprised if you could get him to sleep next to you
he’s def comfortable with you, seeing as though you always take the proper precautions to make him as comfortable as he can be
that’s why he fell in love with you in the first place
but to make him even more comfortable, y’all do that thing where you sleep under the comforter and he sleeps on top
but the problem is that he got super cold during the night
he shook you awake at like 3 in the morning with a “hey, are you awake?”
and ur like “no tf”
“i’m cold”
“okay what do u want me to do abt it”
he gives u the :(( face & you ask if he wants to get under the covers too
he obv agrees but you make sure to stay as far apart as possible
sakusa wakes up first and wow
he’s never slept that well in his entire life
he looks over at you, drool and all, and decides it’s because of you
he kisses your cheek before pulling you impossibly closer to him
you wake up a could minutes after and are greeted with him just kinda staring at you
you enjoy the warmth he gives off but then realize
“oh my god kiyoomi, i’m so sorry” you panic while trying to move away
he doesn’t let you, obv and is like
“i don’t mind, in fact, i never mind when it’s you”
you’re kinda stunned because did he just confess ???
spoiler alert: yeah he did
you tell him your feelings and y’all spend the rest of the day cuddling <3
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a/n pt 2: yeah its like 3 am and this is not proofread at all but i hope you enjoyed it! also the tsumu one was so self indulgent HAHA
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kitkatt0430 · 2 years
Looking Super
Winn Schott meets Cisco Ramon in high school, not too long after Winn's dad goes off the deep end, declares himself a supervillain, and is promptly sent to Arkham - National City Branch - by Superman. This is well before Superman moves to Metropolis, which in turn happens shortly before Supergirl takes over protecting National City.
But, anyway, Cisco and Winn meet. Cisco's the only kid in school who doesn't treat Winn awfully about his father, doesn't act like he thinks Winn is a bad day away from turning into a killer just like his father.
It's post Columbine so the things people say and assume about Winn are... but Cisco never once says those things. Not once.
So Winn maybe develops a crush on Cisco based on being treated with respect alone. Not that he'd say anything, but Winn's utterly enamored by Cisco and is his biggest cheerleader when Cisco decides to start growing out his hair despite his parents arguing against it.
They have a number of classes together that year, but their last class of the day is Home Ec. Winn is nervous about it because he used to do these kinds of projects with his dad. He already knows a lot about cooking and baking and sewing because those were skills his dad told him were important to have. Before he snapped, Winn Sr. was a good dad and Winn hasn't seen that man since he was fired and descended into this pit of toxic masculinity that ended with blowing up his former employers with toys turned to bombs. So Winn signed up for the class in a fit of nostalgia, wanting to remind himself that his father wasn't always a bad person.
Except his first day of school arrived, Winn spent the whole day getting vitriol spat at him by a lot of people - including teachers - and his only bright spot of the day was this nice guy who made sure to sit next to him in every shared class they had and who made Winn feel like maybe he wasn't really a freak no matter what other people said. But he's approaching the Home Ec classroom alone, thinking about his dad, and wondering if he made a mistake. Except... there's Cisco again. And Cisco perks up, beaming widely at Winn as he walks in, waving for Winn to come sit beside him. And... that's basically where things start.
It turns out they both really enjoy sewing, taking the time to meet up after school to do increasingly complicated projects. For Halloween they design and make super hero costumes for themselves and their small group of friends - Caitlin Snow, Kara Danvers, and Ronnie Raymond - and Cisco tells Winn that he's 'looking super' when he tries on his own costume for the first time.
Winn's pretty sure Kara - who accidentally came out to them as a Kryptonian at homecoming - can spot the heat radiating off his blush before she even comes in through the door to join them for pre-trick or treating costume checks.
After high school, Winn and Cisco go into fashion and it's a cut throat world. They decide they're not cut out for competing on runways and retreat back to National City where they open a boutique of their own.
Cisco kisses Winn for the first time at their grand opening, doing what Winn's always been afraid to, and everything changes for them. In a good way.
The boutique is named 'Looking Super', of course, and they officially cater to clientele who wouldn't normally be able to afford designer clothes or items specifically tailored to flatter them. Unofficially, they become clothiers to the super heroes of a number of cities, starting with Kara when she decides to step up to become Supergirl. Then Ronnie and Caitlin when fate transforms them into Firestorm and Frost. Word spreads and they wind up designing costumes jam packed with safety features to the paranoid members of Team Arrow in Star City Washington and even as far away as the Flash in Central City. And if Dick Grayson is serious about his 'discowing' idea, then Bludhaven is about to become the next city to sport a super hero wearing a 'Looking Super' design.
And it's been a very, very long time since Winn was afraid of turning out like his dad. And a long time since Winn was afraid that still loving his dad - the person his dad used to be before everything went wrong - made him a bad person, too. Because Winn has been through hard times and come out the other side still himself. He has Cisco's love and his dear friends and the respect of so, so many super heroes.
All because of Winn's choice not to let his good memories turn sour... and because he accepted Cisco's friendship all those years ago.
Edit: Updated to say their shop is in National City and not Central City (I'm just so used to writing stuff set in Central City... whoops)
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 years
I hope this isn"t too much and that's cool with you, but can i request a senpai x reader but the roles are reversed? Like y/n is now the most popular girl in school, and senpai just kinda blends into the crowd? Or something like that, thank you!
'Look at her, perfect and wonderful in every way..unlike me.’ Senpai could only sigh as he sat by the fountain, watching you despondently. 
All the other male students were just fawning over you, asking about your day, what your class schedule was, and more. But they just really wanted an excuse to talk to the most popular girl in school.
He looked down at the envelope in his hands, debating on whether to get rid of it or not.
Today he was planning to confess to you, though even making small talk with you in the classes you both shared was difficult--no thanks to the other boys who shoved him back into the crowd. He gave up hope and just blended in, trying not to be bothered by the fact you’d never notice him again.
Yet his heart ached for your love..
He couldn’t understand how you weren’t already with someone. Any man in the school would’ve died to have you as their girlfriend.
Oh, and not to mention your wonderous singing talent. Senpai was truly enamored by your latest performance, but of course that’s not the only reason he fell in love with you.
Even so..he felt like nothing he did could ever compare to you.
Not the singing. Not the way you aced exams-
“Well, well, what do we have here?”
Suddenly the envelope was snatched from his hands, and he looked up to see his male classmates trying to open it. “H-HEY!! Give that back!!” He tried to snatch it from their grasp, but one student just scoffed and pushed him, knocking his backpack into the fountain. 
In a panic he tried to get it out, but by then it was completely soaked.
“Don’t tell me you’re gonna try to give this to [y/n]. No way would she ever notice a loser like you.”
His heart sunk at the taunt; it took all of his willpower not to cry as he turned around, hoping to stand his ground. “S-Stop!! I..I just-”
“Boys, what do you think you’re doing? Leave him alone or I’ll report you to the headmaster.”
The students jumped at the sound of your voice, quickly scattering and dropping the now opened letter as they did so. When Senpai saw you, he blushed, frozen in place as you picked it up, about to hand it back to him when you noticed your name on it.
“Hm? Is this..for me?”
“U-Um..” He stammered, unable to form proper words. 
This wasn’t how he planned to confess at all. You came by at the worst possible time--when he was being bullied, his shirt and backpack were drenched in water, and his hair was an absolute mess.
He expected either disgust or anger when you were done reading the letter, but instead you looked up and...
“Awh, Senpai. This is..absolute poetry!”
“The way these words flow is just incredible! You really should be in the literature club, y’know. But..I am moved by your confession.” Your eyes sparkled as you placed a hand over your heart. “And I accept.”
Senpai couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Though as joyful as he was, he was utterly confused and a bit skeptical. “Y-You like me? But...w-we hardly ever talk and I’m a mess and surely there’s other boys who-”
“I’ll let you in on a little secret...those other boys are just freaks to me.” You muttered, shaking your head. “They only like me for my looks and talent, and drool all over me like I’m some piece of meat, but you? You love me for who I am as a person. And that, my dear, is what true love is all about--loving someone for who they are, and not what they look like.”
Then you offered him your hand. “C’mon, we can explain the situation to the headmaster and get you a new backpack..and any supplies that might’ve been soaked. I’ll pay for it all as my first gift to you~” You winked.
His heart was racing fast as you smiled sweetly at him. Though when he realized you were being serious, he shakily took your hand.
He felt like he was in a movie, but this was...real.
This was real, true love.
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