#uuughhhh what is wrong with me
visiosatanae · 6 months
I feel like horror movies shouldn't turn me on as much as they do...
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blazingstarship · 2 years
kinda vent I guess? more like confused junk
uuughhhh whats my lanuage (sorry if I spell stuff wrong, Im on laptop with no auto correction) I feel kinda akward in this class. I know Im here for myself but I kinda have more trouble to actual fit in. I just have this feeling since Im having with this one (1) friend the same diner time in the cafeteria, its an odd feeling and...somehow we both act like we dont see each other? Like ignoring on purpose? While I still have a need to talk to her. Yesterday I found stuff from her she gave me like a letter and it was just...how did we turn out like this? 
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Uuughhhh Steppppphhhh I hate being a woman sometimes 😂 it’s really annoying because my period cramps and symptoms are like ten times worse than anyone I know and my mum has this disorder thing to do with her period. I’m not really sure what it is but I’m expecting I have it but anyways that’s fun 😃
send help 😂 I’ve had like a shit tonne of pain killers and nothing is working and I’m literally curled up on the floor from the pain as I’m writing this. I know I sound really overdramatic but honestly it’s so awfulllllll….ANYWAY there’s a nice little rant for your Friday afternoon 😂
Hey Nonny *HUGS*
I'm so sorry about your painful periods! NOT a good time for any uterus-having people, ugh. Though Nonny, I am concerned because while my periods are painful, they aren't "ten times worse" and an extremely painful period can be a sign your body is telling you that something is wrong. One of my friends in high-school, she had VERY bad and painful periods to the point where she would miss school. When she was 16, she found out she had SERIOUS endometriosis (a disorder that causes tissue growth outside of your uterus where it's not supposed to grow) and thankfully she had surgery and had it successfully corrected, and as far as I know, 25ish years later, she's alright.
There's also something called Dysmenorrhea, which could also be linked to your periods.
Regardless, Nonny, even if you think it's just because it's genetic, those genetics CAN warp over time into something more serious, and in turn, while your Mum might have "X" disorder, you may actually have "X" and "Y" disorders, which can be corrected or given prescription relief for. Please, if you are able, talk to an OB/GYN; a doctor can refer you, and then it shouldn't be an exorbitant additional cost if you're in a country without universal health care. I know it's scary to even consider "the worst", but in the end, if you can help ease the pain, wouldn't you want to know?
I just worry, Nonny, because I recently had a couple of health scares, and while I'm not HAPPY with the diagnoses I received, I can begin the right steps to help myself in that course, and I want that for you too <3
It saddens me, because so little education, it seems, is given about the uterine health and vagina-having persons' cycles, and we're just told "it's normal, don't worry about it"... I had to learn a lot about my own body, and learn about how it SHOULD and SHOULDN'T feel. Extremely painful periods are NOT "normal", and I hope you do take the initiative to at least see a doctor to start the process.
I wish the best for you, and I hope you feel better soon. Love you Nonny, PLEASE take care of yourself.
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viperbranium · 7 years
Just so you know, I would wait 600 years for your EMT!Bucky/fake marriage trope story, but absolutely no pressure, seriously, I just totally loved the little bit that you posted. Also, I think you're adorable and fabulous, and that is all. :-)
I was just going to make a post complaining about how I wanted to scream at the fact that my most liked piece of writing, by far, is some stupid shit that I didn’t even bother to write properly because it was supposed to be a quick summary-thingy and no one was supposed to like it and I just threw some sentences together in terrible English without bothering to make it decent or to read over it, even…….. and now you’ve sent me this and I can’t make that post because I’d feel awful about it. Goddammit, nonnie XD
Hahah jk jk, i’m just super blown away by everyone’s reaction tbh, I really wasn’t expecting there to be any interest. Like, I was telling Penny about the idea and almost didn’t even bother to post it because I was too lazy to type it out, and then when I did post it I was dead set on it just being that summary and nothing else, unless someone wanted to run with the idea… But now you’re all starting to succeed at changing my mind, I’m seriously considering just caving and doing it at this point, lol!
Also, just so you know, you’re the nicest potato ever and adorable and fabulous yourself, and this ask just made my night *^*
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fxdele-blog · 7 years
17. Do you have any phobias/fears?18. Name 10 things you like.19. Name 10 things you hate.20. If you were the President of the USA, what would you do first?
17. Lice. I am terrified of lice for some reason; I get really paranoid when I touch heads with people. I got lice only once in 7th grade and it was a nightmare for me, felt the little fuckers crawling on my head and I cried. xD; I'm a baby hahaAnother phobia is flies. If they get anywhere near me I will curl up defensively and can't relax because Uuughhhh I don't want them touching meeee, they're filthy and gross and blargh18. Ten things I like:Videogames (especially RPGs), learning languages, sleeping, roleplaying, writing, historial fiction, science fiction, animation, singing, voice acting, and political discussions (though I don't do that last one on tumblr much)19. Ten things I dislike:People who always refuse to admit they're wrong about anything, social justice/radical feminism (especially terfs), tumblr discourse, people who piss all over toilet seats and don't clean up after their damn selves, licorice, sparkling water, celery, zucchini, pickles, and fruit-flavored water20. If I were president, I would try to put out a healthcare plan that lacks the problems in both the ACA and Trumpcare (its actual name is escaping me rn sorry). Find a happy balance so that the biggest number of people possible are happy and can get health insurance. Because dang America needs to stop the tomfuckery with health insurance :V
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ohhowelllovely · 7 years
Mistletoe and Parchement (Pt.1)
(Hogwarts Fanfiction. Hehehehe)
I slowly placed my quil down on the desk, the parchment crackling slightly as I lifted my head up enough to take a glance to my right. The continuous swaying of the massive pendulum at the front of the great Hall was giving me a headache, though Alisha, my best friend, didn't seem to have one, or if she did she wasn't going to let it sway her chances of an Outstanding in her O.W.L.s. The room, I had noticed during the last 2 hours, smelt of wood and metal. The sort of metallic taste that is left on the tip of your tongue if you press a penny to your lips. I looked down at the smudged mess that was my test paper, and thought about the point in time that we get our results back and how much I'd hate myself for not trying to finish the paper up until the very last minute. Not only that, but Alisha will have her O, while me, average old Andy, will get another A for Acceptable. Perhaps even a P for Poor. I picked up my quil once again, feeling my headache begin to branch down into the bridge of my nose, and as the rumbling of the pendulum filled my mind once more and the soft scratching of quils on parchment became a distraction once again, I dipped the tip of my pen delicately into the black ink and put the feather to paper, rattling my brain for any scraps of information I could muster in those stressful last 10 minutes of my Ordinary Wizarding Level Examinations.
"Time is up students, if you would please put your quils down and the caps on your ink pots!" Professor McGonagall held her wand to her chin, broadcasting her voice across the hall. I looked up sharply as my paper was pulled out from under my nose and added to the floating pile of test papers making its way down my isle of seats.
"Hey!" Alisha came over to my desk as I got up slowly. "How d'ya think you did?" She asked.
"Crap." I said through gritted teeth.
"You always say that."
"Because it's always true." I said as lightly as I could muster, slipping my hand into hers and beginning to make our way out the great hall.
"Well... yeaaaah okay." She sighed a little before continuing. "Anddyyyyy?"
"Yeahhh?" I raised one eyebrow at my best friend, watching as she scanned my face for any signs of a smile.
I flicked my long brown hair out of my eyes before saying again "Yeahhh?" This time with an even more prolonged 'a'.
"Well. We have the Christmas holidays coming up, and that was the exam before our last OWL, so we need to go down to Hogsmede."
I laughed as I began heading towards the common room. "Why do you say that?"
"Shopping." She explained, picking up her pace to catch up with me.
"Shopping?" I asked, "For what?"
"Presents for eachother obviously. Maybe for Ducky and Carlos too but mainly just for eachother."
"Ducky and Carlos don't deserve presents, especially not from Hogsmede, let alone Honeydukes."
She let out a small snort of laughter before continuing to follow me up the stairs.
"They aren't THAT bad." She said, "besides; they're our friends."
Now it was my turn to let out a snort of laughter. "Yeah. Okay. Most annoying friends ever."
Alisha rolled her eyes at my comment as we turned the corner of the corridor, heading straight toward the Slytherin common room.
It was stifling in the common room. I had much preferred it when it was in the dungeon, but it was recently transported upstairs due to the "inequality of the houses". According to McGonagall, it was unfair.
Perhaps the way we are segregated and dismissed verbally is a bad thing, but being separated physically isn't. I crossed the room, my feet echoing on the flagstone tiles. Oh how I wanted to lie down on the cool floor and have it pressed up against my cheek, but somehow I didn't think that would be socially acceptable. My collar was beginning to choke me in the boiling room, and I could tell Alisha was hot too. I continued down the hallway to the girls dorm room and pushed open the door, heading straight down another hallway and into our room, holding the door open for a second to let Alisha in.
Our dorm isn't what you would expect of a Slytherin. Or perhaps should I say the stereotypical Slytherin. Our dorm is mainly created with magic.
A small triangular widow sits in the far wall, the walls are painted in a light cream, and the ceiling in a light pink, but in the dark it erupts with bright stars and an iridescent moon, along with ripples of purples and blues, shooting stars and swimming planets, like the great hall at night; of course Alisha did that. She learnt about it during charms when her teacher went off on a rant about spells. Being who she was, Alisha noted them all down. Among other spells she learnt that day, she learnt how to set wood alight for many hours and how to create an invisible coffee table.... small things that don't compare to the night sky spell but are still cool in a strange way.
Near the door is Alisha's bed, a light pink blanket thrown over and a rainbow quilt folded neatly by the dark blue pillows. My bed is on the opposite wall, black pillows covering almost every inch of the bed and a grey fur blanket thrown over the rest of it. Carlos bought me the blanket from Hogsmede in our first year. At the end of my bed is a small, thatch table, covered in books and parchement. A shelf is on the opposite wall, holding more books and a photo frame with a picture of me and Alisha in it. Our closet is just underneath that. It sounds tedious to share a closet but thanks to another useful spell that Alisha learnt from her ranting charms teacher, she managed to expand the inside of it.
A white, netting curtain is drawn over the window blocking out some of the light. I look over at Alisha as she walks over to her bedside table and switches on the yellow lamp, flooding the room in a warm glow. For the next hour we indulge in gossip and then I fall asleep as Alisha begins reading a book on Pigmy puffs.
After what feels like fifteen minutes of sleep, Alisha nudges me slightly and then harder and then harder, and before I know it, she's prodding and poking me in my forehead.
"What?!" I let out an exasperated yelp as I glare up at her.
"Dinnnnerrrr" She smiles as she begins walking to the door.
"Uuughhhh" I pull myself out my cocoon of warmth and shuffle my robe onto my shoulders before following Alisha out the door, putting it back on the latch before continuing down the flagstone hallway.
In the great hall we are greated by 4 tables covered in a beautiful abundance of food. We select our seats on the green table and sit down. Alisha tucks in straight away, pulling a massive chicken leg onto her plate, and following that with some creamy mash potato and green beans.
As I stare down the table at some spaghetti, I am met with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. It's suddenly overwhelming.
Alisha looks over at me as buckle slightly.
"Andy are you okay?"
"Yeah. I'm fine." I say, pulling my tie slightly looser around my neck.
"I was just completely overwhelmed with this sensation that something has happened."
"What? You're pulling my leg here." She muttered. "I don't under-"
"GUYS!" We both turn around to see Ducky sprinting down the isle toward us, his face blotchy and panicked.
"Ducky? Wha-" Alisha began before being cut off.
"Have either of you seen Carlos?" His voice rising slightly.
"What? No. We've had 2 Owls today." Alisha explained. "Why? What's wrong?"
"I... I..."
As Ducky stuttered to find the right words a harsh wind swept across the hall, sending the candles a flicker. I looked up as the sky above us began to swirl. It was no longer a glowing mass of colours, with clusters of stars scattered across its pages. It had now turned to a completely black mass.
What was happening?
I turned back to Ducky as he was still trying to find words to explain it.
"Ducky you're scaring us." I said.
"Carlos is m-missing." He blurted out.
People were beginning to yell now, but it seemed to be completely quiet as my mind blocked out everything. Missing?
"How?" Alisha cried, standing up.
"I don't know-"
Ducky was cut off by a thunderous crack. I turned around trying to locate the sound. Then there was another and another. I wanted to believe it was a gunshot but I knew it wasn't.
Someone had just apparated into the great hall. Only the headmaster could do that, but there were multiple cracks. I raised my head once again, scanning the crowds of people that were scattering across the hall. I continued to search, trying to find people out of Hogwarts uniform. Another crack, then another, then another. I bolted round to try to grab hold of Alisha but she wasn't there. I saw her blonde hair through the crowd as I jumped up and down. Another crack. Another. Another. In the back of my mind I was still hoping it was gunshots. Hoping and praying. A flash of green light pelted across the room. "AVADA KADAVRA" I heard a man's voice bellow across the room over the sound of the screams. Another crack. Another. I was running toward the door now. I wanted nothing more than to be in my bed, looking up at the endless space, hearing the occasional page of a book being turned as Alisha read into the early hours of the morning. I wanted nothing more than that.
As I was being pushed as pulled I managed to catch a glimpse of figures dressed in cloaks, their faces covered in silver masks, decorated and etched into horrific patterns and faces. As I ran my mind etched the pieces together, forming a finished puzzle and as I began to figure out who these people were.
Death eaters.
Why here?
Why now?
My mind rushed through possibilities and questions.
I thought death eaters didn't exist anymore.
Why are they here?
My wandering mind was interrupted as my feet were swept out from underneath me. My head hit the stone floor, and my hearing became muffled as my eyes flittered slowly closed.
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