#ux ui
sonickitty · 10 months
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Gotta hand it to Tumblr for being the only site making its UI more noisy and cluttered
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ficwin · 9 months
I will do mobile app, website, dashboard, software, design, UX UI design with Figma, photoshp or xd
Fiverr Gig link : https://www.fiverr.com/s/Ajjml4
UI Design
UI design involves creating the user interface of a digital product, focusing on its visual elements and layout.
UI/UX Design
UI/UX design combines user interface and user experience design to create a seamless and user-friendly digital product.
Mobile App Design
Mobile app design is the process of creating the visual elements and layout for a mobile application.
App Design
App design refers to the overall design of an application, encompassing both its user interface and user experience.
Figma is a popular design and prototyping tool used by designers and teams for creating digital designs and collaborating on projects.
Mobile App UI
Mobile app UI design focuses specifically on the user interface elements of a mobile application.
UX Design
UX design, or user experience design, involves creating a positive and efficient experience for users when interacting with a digital product.
Mobile App
A mobile app is a software application designed to run on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets.
App UI Design
App UI design focuses on the visual elements and layout of the user interface within an application.
UI/UX combines user interface and user experience design to ensure a product is both visually appealing and user-friendly.
Website Design
Website design involves creating the visual elements and layout for a website.
UX UI Design
UX UI design combines user experience and user interface design to create an optimal user interaction with a digital product.
Figma Design
Figma design refers to the design work done using the Figma design and prototyping tool.
UX, or user experience, focuses on enhancing user satisfaction by improving the usability and accessibility of a digital product.
UI, or user interface, pertains to the visual elements and layout that users interact with in a digital product.
A prototype is a preliminary model of a digital product used for testing and evaluation before full development.
User Interface
The user interface (UI) is the point of interaction between the user and a digital product.
UX UI combines user experience and user interface design to create a cohesive and user-friendly product.
Mobile UI Design
Mobile UI design focuses on creating the visual elements and layout specifically for mobile devices.
App UI UX design combines user interface and user experience design for an application.
Web UI Design
Web UI design involves creating the visual elements and layout for web applications and websites.
User Experience
User experience (UX) refers to the overall experience a user has while interacting with a digital product.
Web Design
Web design is the process of creating the visual elements and layout for websites.
Mobile UI
Mobile UI encompasses the visual elements and layout specifically designed for mobile devices.
Website UI Design
Website UI design focuses on creating the user interface for websites.
Mobile Design
Mobile design involves designing for mobile devices, including both UI and UX considerations.
Landing Page Design
Landing page design focuses on creating a compelling and conversion-friendly webpage for marketing purposes.
A wireframe is a visual representation of the layout and structure of a digital product, used as a blueprint for design and development.
Figma App Design
Figma app design refers to using the Figma tool for designing mobile and web applications.
Wireframe Design
Wireframe design involves creating visual blueprints of digital products to plan their layout and structure.
UI UX Designer
A UI/UX designer specializes in both user interface and user experience design.
A website is a collection of webpages accessible on the internet, designed for various purposes.
Web UI/UX design combines user interface and user experience principles for web-based products.
Adobe XD
Adobe XD is a design and prototyping tool used for creating user interfaces and experiences.
Website UI
Website UI refers to the user interface elements of a website.
Dashboard UI UX
Dashboard UI/UX design involves creating user-friendly and informative dashboards for data visualization.
An application (app) is a software program designed to perform specific tasks or functions on a digital device.
Responsive Design
Responsive design ensures that a digital product adapts and functions well on various screen sizes and devices.
Dashboard Design
Dashboard design focuses on creating visually appealing and functional dashboards for data presentation.
iOS is the operating system developed by Apple for their mobile devices such as iPhones and iPads.
Mobile refers to devices like smartphones and tablets that are portable and typically run on mobile operating systems.
Android is the operating system developed by Google for a wide range of mobile devices.
Web App Design
Web app design involves designing the user interface and user experience for web-based applications.
Website UX
Website UX focuses on optimizing the user experience of a website to meet user needs and expectations.
An app, short for application, is a software program designed for specific functions or tasks.
Design encompasses the process of creating visual and functional elements for a product or project.
Web UI
Web UI refers to the user interface elements of a web-based product or application.
App Screenshots
App screenshots are images captured from a mobile app to showcase its features and design.
App Prototype
An app prototype is a preliminary model of a mobile application used for testing and demonstration.
App UI
App UI refers to the user interface elements within a mobile application.
App Development
App development involves the process of creating and building software applications.
Web Application
A web application is a software program accessed and used through a web browser.
NFT Website Design
NFT website design focuses on creating websites for buying, selling, and trading non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
App Mockup
An app mockup is a static representation of an application's user interface, used for design and presentation purposes.
UI Website Design
UI website design involves creating the user interface elements for a website.
UI UX Website
UI/UX website design combines user interface and user experience principles for web-based products.
Landing Page UI
Landing page UI design focuses on creating the user interface elements of a landing page.
Android App UI
Android app UI design involves designing the user interface for applications on the Android platform.
PSD Design
PSD design refers to creating design layouts and elements using Adobe Photoshop (PSD) files.
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andko · 2 years
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1001 books store
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kevincandy · 1 year
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Only designers will know the pain🥺
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professorfigma · 2 years
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Happy Monday! Have you ever just needed to get the original image out of a design Figma?! Get the original image by selecting it, going to the inspect panel and scrolling down to the fill area. You can pluck the originial, as-placed, unaltered image out of Figma.
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scientificmanoj · 2 months
Why user experience is an important part of SEO
Have you just checked a website and felt like damn… what a good look a website can have. The color combination of the logo to the website’s aesthetic look the sleekness of its payment method, and the easy check-in to easy contact form make your life easier and you hit like that design instantly. That’s the UI /UX of a website.This is not about having a UI UX design to look beautiful for your website. It also helps in Google ranking… User experience is an important part of SEO because search engines like Google prioritize websites that provide a positive experience for their users.
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prokopetz · 5 months
Okay, so: there's a local restaurant whose online ordering process involves various selecting various sauces to be included with one's order – so many units of teriyaki sauce, so many units of hot sauce, so may units of peanut sauce, and so forth.
The idea is supposed to be that you can select any combination of sauces you want, as long as it adds up to no more than four units. However, what the app actually required is that you select exactly four units of sauces; it wouldn't let you submit the ordering form if the total wasn't exactly four.
Just today I discovered that they seem to have fixed it... not by correcting the errant validation rule, but by adding a "no sauce" option, which counts toward the required total of four.
Thus, it's now possible to place an order with, say, two units of teriyaki sauce rather than four by entering 2x "teriyaki sauce" and 2x "no sauce". Similarly, an order with no sauce at all is 4x "no sauce".
This is quite possibly the least intuitive ordering process I've ever encountered, and I've literally worked in e-commerce.
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learnershub101 · 8 months
25 Udemy Paid Courses for Free with Certification (Only for Limited Time)
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2023 Complete SQL Bootcamp from Zero to Hero in SQL
Become an expert in SQL by learning through concept & Hands-on coding :)
What you'll learn
Use SQL to query a database Be comfortable putting SQL on their resume Replicate real-world situations and query reports Use SQL to perform data analysis Learn to perform GROUP BY statements Model real-world data and generate reports using SQL Learn Oracle SQL by Professionally Designed Content Step by Step! Solve any SQL-related Problems by Yourself Creating Analytical Solutions! Write, Read and Analyze Any SQL Queries Easily and Learn How to Play with Data! Become a Job-Ready SQL Developer by Learning All the Skills You will Need! Write complex SQL statements to query the database and gain critical insight on data Transition from the Very Basics to a Point Where You can Effortlessly Work with Large SQL Queries Learn Advanced Querying Techniques Understand the difference between the INNER JOIN, LEFT/RIGHT OUTER JOIN, and FULL OUTER JOIN Complete SQL statements that use aggregate functions Using joins, return columns from multiple tables in the same query
Enroll Now 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://www.book-somahar.com/2023/10/25-udemy-paid-courses-for-free-with.html
Python Programming Complete Beginners Course Bootcamp 2023
2023 Complete Python Bootcamp || Python Beginners to advanced || Python Master Class || Mega Course
What you'll learn
Basics in Python programming Control structures, Containers, Functions & Modules OOPS in Python How python is used in the Space Sciences Working with lists in python Working with strings in python Application of Python in Mars Rovers sent by NASA
Enroll Now 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://www.book-somahar.com/2023/10/25-udemy-paid-courses-for-free-with.html
Learn PHP and MySQL for Web Application and Web Development
Unlock the Power of PHP and MySQL: Level Up Your Web Development Skills Today
What you'll learn
Use of PHP Function Use of PHP Variables Use of MySql Use of Database
Enroll Now 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://www.book-somahar.com/2023/10/25-udemy-paid-courses-for-free-with.html
T-Shirt Design for Beginner to Advanced with Adobe Photoshop
Unleash Your Creativity: Master T-Shirt Design from Beginner to Advanced with Adobe Photoshop
What you'll learn
Function of Adobe Photoshop Tools of Adobe Photoshop T-Shirt Design Fundamentals T-Shirt Design Projects
Enroll Now 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://www.book-somahar.com/2023/10/25-udemy-paid-courses-for-free-with.html
Complete Data Science BootCamp
Learn about Data Science, Machine Learning and Deep Learning and build 5 different projects.
What you'll learn
Learn about Libraries like Pandas and Numpy which are heavily used in Data Science. Build Impactful visualizations and charts using Matplotlib and Seaborn. Learn about Machine Learning LifeCycle and different ML algorithms and their implementation in sklearn. Learn about Deep Learning and Neural Networks with TensorFlow and Keras Build 5 complete projects based on the concepts covered in the course.
Enroll Now 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://www.book-somahar.com/2023/10/25-udemy-paid-courses-for-free-with.html
Essentials User Experience Design Adobe XD UI UX Design
Learn UI Design, User Interface, User Experience design, UX design & Web Design
What you'll learn
How to become a UX designer Become a UI designer Full website design All the techniques used by UX professionals
Enroll Now 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://www.book-somahar.com/2023/10/25-udemy-paid-courses-for-free-with.html
Build a Custom E-Commerce Site in React + JavaScript Basics
Build a Fully Customized E-Commerce Site with Product Categories, Shopping Cart, and Checkout Page in React.
What you'll learn
Introduction to the Document Object Model (DOM) The Foundations of JavaScript JavaScript Arithmetic Operations Working with Arrays, Functions, and Loops in JavaScript JavaScript Variables, Events, and Objects JavaScript Hands-On - Build a Photo Gallery and Background Color Changer Foundations of React How to Scaffold an Existing React Project Introduction to JSON Server Styling an E-Commerce Store in React and Building out the Shop Categories Introduction to Fetch API and React Router The concept of "Context" in React Building a Search Feature in React Validating Forms in React
Enroll Now 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://www.book-somahar.com/2023/10/25-udemy-paid-courses-for-free-with.html
Complete Bootstrap & React Bootcamp with Hands-On Projects
Learn to Build Responsive, Interactive Web Apps using Bootstrap and React.
What you'll learn
Learn the Bootstrap Grid System Learn to work with Bootstrap Three Column Layouts Learn to Build Bootstrap Navigation Components Learn to Style Images using Bootstrap Build Advanced, Responsive Menus using Bootstrap Build Stunning Layouts using Bootstrap Themes Learn the Foundations of React Work with JSX, and Functional Components in React Build a Calculator in React Learn the React State Hook Debug React Projects Learn to Style React Components Build a Single and Multi-Player Connect-4 Clone with AI Learn React Lifecycle Events Learn React Conditional Rendering Build a Fully Custom E-Commerce Site in React Learn the Foundations of JSON Server Work with React Router
Enroll Now 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://www.book-somahar.com/2023/10/25-udemy-paid-courses-for-free-with.html
Build an Amazon Affiliate E-Commerce Store from Scratch
Earn Passive Income by Building an Amazon Affiliate E-Commerce Store using WordPress, WooCommerce, WooZone, & Elementor
What you'll learn
Registering a Domain Name & Setting up Hosting Installing WordPress CMS on Your Hosting Account Navigating the WordPress Interface The Advantages of WordPress Securing a WordPress Installation with an SSL Certificate Installing Custom Themes for WordPress Installing WooCommerce, Elementor, & WooZone Plugins Creating an Amazon Affiliate Account Importing Products from Amazon to an E-Commerce Store using WooZone Plugin Building a Customized Shop with Menu's, Headers, Branding, & Sidebars Building WordPress Pages, such as Blogs, About Pages, and Contact Us Forms Customizing Product Pages on a WordPress Power E-Commerce Site Generating Traffic and Sales for Your Newly Published Amazon Affiliate Store
Enroll Now 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://www.book-somahar.com/2023/10/25-udemy-paid-courses-for-free-with.html
The Complete Beginner Course to Optimizing ChatGPT for Work
Learn how to make the most of ChatGPT's capabilities in efficiently aiding you with your tasks.
What you'll learn
Learn how to harness ChatGPT's functionalities to efficiently assist you in various tasks, maximizing productivity and effectiveness. Delve into the captivating fusion of product development and SEO, discovering effective strategies to identify challenges, create innovative tools, and expertly Understand how ChatGPT is a technological leap, akin to the impact of iconic tools like Photoshop and Excel, and how it can revolutionize work methodologies thr Showcase your learning by creating a transformative project, optimizing your approach to work by identifying tasks that can be streamlined with artificial intel
Enroll Now 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://www.book-somahar.com/2023/10/25-udemy-paid-courses-for-free-with.html
AWS, JavaScript, React | Deploy Web Apps on the Cloud
Cloud Computing | Linux Foundations | LAMP Stack | DBMS | Apache | NGINX | AWS IAM | Amazon EC2 | JavaScript | React
What you'll learn
Foundations of Cloud Computing on AWS and Linode Cloud Computing Service Models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) Deploying and Configuring a Virtual Instance on Linode and AWS Secure Remote Administration for Virtual Instances using SSH Working with SSH Key Pair Authentication The Foundations of Linux (Maintenance, Directory Commands, User Accounts, Filesystem) The Foundations of Web Servers (NGINX vs Apache) Foundations of Databases (SQL vs NoSQL), Database Transaction Standards (ACID vs CAP) Key Terminology for Full Stack Development and Cloud Administration Installing and Configuring LAMP Stack on Ubuntu (Linux, Apache, MariaDB, PHP) Server Security Foundations (Network vs Hosted Firewalls). Horizontal and Vertical Scaling of a virtual instance on Linode using NodeBalancers Creating Manual and Automated Server Images and Backups on Linode Understanding the Cloud Computing Phenomenon as Applicable to AWS The Characteristics of Cloud Computing as Applicable to AWS Cloud Deployment Models (Private, Community, Hybrid, VPC) Foundations of AWS (Registration, Global vs Regional Services, Billing Alerts, MFA) AWS Identity and Access Management (Mechanics, Users, Groups, Policies, Roles) Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) - (AMIs, EC2 Users, Deployment, Elastic IP, Security Groups, Remote Admin) Foundations of the Document Object Model (DOM) Manipulating the DOM Foundations of JavaScript Coding (Variables, Objects, Functions, Loops, Arrays, Events) Foundations of ReactJS (Code Pen, JSX, Components, Props, Events, State Hook, Debugging) Intermediate React (Passing Props, Destrcuting, Styling, Key Property, AI, Conditional Rendering, Deployment) Building a Fully Customized E-Commerce Site in React Intermediate React Concepts (JSON Server, Fetch API, React Router, Styled Components, Refactoring, UseContext Hook, UseReducer, Form Validation)
Enroll Now 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://www.book-somahar.com/2023/10/25-udemy-paid-courses-for-free-with.html
Run Multiple Sites on a Cloud Server: AWS & Digital Ocean
Server Deployment | Apache Configuration | MySQL | PHP | Virtual Hosts | NS Records | DNS | AWS Foundations | EC2
What you'll learn
A solid understanding of the fundamentals of remote server deployment and configuration, including network configuration and security. The ability to install and configure the LAMP stack, including the Apache web server, MySQL database server, and PHP scripting language. Expertise in hosting multiple domains on one virtual server, including setting up virtual hosts and managing domain names. Proficiency in virtual host file configuration, including creating and configuring virtual host files and understanding various directives and parameters. Mastery in DNS zone file configuration, including creating and managing DNS zone files and understanding various record types and their uses. A thorough understanding of AWS foundations, including the AWS global infrastructure, key AWS services, and features. A deep understanding of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) foundations, including creating and managing instances, configuring security groups, and networking. The ability to troubleshoot common issues related to remote server deployment, LAMP stack installation and configuration, virtual host file configuration, and D An understanding of best practices for remote server deployment and configuration, including security considerations and optimization for performance. Practical experience in working with remote servers and cloud-based solutions through hands-on labs and exercises. The ability to apply the knowledge gained from the course to real-world scenarios and challenges faced in the field of web hosting and cloud computing. A competitive edge in the job market, with the ability to pursue career opportunities in web hosting and cloud computing.
Enroll Now 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://www.book-somahar.com/2023/10/25-udemy-paid-courses-for-free-with.html
Cloud-Powered Web App Development with AWS and PHP
AWS Foundations | IAM | Amazon EC2 | Load Balancing | Auto-Scaling Groups | Route 53 | PHP | MySQL | App Deployment
What you'll learn
Understanding of cloud computing and Amazon Web Services (AWS) Proficiency in creating and configuring AWS accounts and environments Knowledge of AWS pricing and billing models Mastery of Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies and permissions Ability to launch and configure Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances Familiarity with security groups, key pairs, and Elastic IP addresses Competency in using AWS storage services, such as Elastic Block Store (EBS) and Simple Storage Service (S3) Expertise in creating and using Elastic Load Balancers (ELB) and Auto Scaling Groups (ASG) for load balancing and scaling web applications Knowledge of DNS management using Route 53 Proficiency in PHP programming language fundamentals Ability to interact with databases using PHP and execute SQL queries Understanding of PHP security best practices, including SQL injection prevention and user authentication Ability to design and implement a database schema for a web application Mastery of PHP scripting to interact with a database and implement user authentication using sessions and cookies Competency in creating a simple blog interface using HTML and CSS and protecting the blog content using PHP authentication. Students will gain practical experience in creating and deploying a member-only blog with user authentication using PHP and MySQL on AWS.
Enroll Now 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://www.book-somahar.com/2023/10/25-udemy-paid-courses-for-free-with.html
CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript And PHP Stack Complete Course
CSS, Bootstrap And JavaScript And PHP Complete Frontend and Backend Course
What you'll learn
Introduction to Frontend and Backend technologies Introduction to CSS, Bootstrap And JavaScript concepts, PHP Programming Language Practically Getting Started With CSS Styles, CSS 2D Transform, CSS 3D Transform Bootstrap Crash course with bootstrap concepts Bootstrap Grid system,Forms, Badges And Alerts Getting Started With Javascript Variables,Values and Data Types, Operators and Operands Write JavaScript scripts and Gain knowledge in regard to general javaScript programming concepts PHP Section Introduction to PHP, Various Operator types , PHP Arrays, PHP Conditional statements Getting Started with PHP Function Statements And PHP Decision Making PHP 7 concepts PHP CSPRNG And PHP Scalar Declaration
Enroll Now 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://www.book-somahar.com/2023/10/25-udemy-paid-courses-for-free-with.html
Learn HTML - For Beginners
Lean how to create web pages using HTML
What you'll learn
How to Code in HTML Structure of an HTML Page Text Formatting in HTML Embedding Videos Creating Links Anchor Tags Tables & Nested Tables Building Forms Embedding Iframes Inserting Images
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Learn Bootstrap - For Beginners
Learn to create mobile-responsive web pages using Bootstrap
What you'll learn
Bootstrap Page Structure Bootstrap Grid System Bootstrap Layouts Bootstrap Typography Styling Images Bootstrap Tables, Buttons, Badges, & Progress Bars Bootstrap Pagination Bootstrap Panels Bootstrap Menus & Navigation Bars Bootstrap Carousel & Modals Bootstrap Scrollspy Bootstrap Themes
Enroll Now 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://www.book-somahar.com/2023/10/25-udemy-paid-courses-for-free-with.html
JavaScript, Bootstrap, & PHP - Certification for Beginners
A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners interested in learning JavaScript, Bootstrap, & PHP
What you'll learn
Master Client-Side and Server-Side Interactivity using JavaScript, Bootstrap, & PHP Learn to create mobile responsive webpages using Bootstrap Learn to create client and server-side validated input forms Learn to interact with a MySQL Database using PHP
Enroll Now 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://www.book-somahar.com/2023/10/25-udemy-paid-courses-for-free-with.html
Linode: Build and Deploy Responsive Websites on the Cloud
Cloud Computing | IaaS | Linux Foundations | Apache + DBMS | LAMP Stack | Server Security | Backups | HTML | CSS
What you'll learn
Understand the fundamental concepts and benefits of Cloud Computing and its service models. Learn how to create, configure, and manage virtual servers in the cloud using Linode. Understand the basic concepts of Linux operating system, including file system structure, command-line interface, and basic Linux commands. Learn how to manage users and permissions, configure network settings, and use package managers in Linux. Learn about the basic concepts of web servers, including Apache and Nginx, and databases such as MySQL and MariaDB. Learn how to install and configure web servers and databases on Linux servers. Learn how to install and configure LAMP stack to set up a web server and database for hosting dynamic websites and web applications. Understand server security concepts such as firewalls, access control, and SSL certificates. Learn how to secure servers using firewalls, manage user access, and configure SSL certificates for secure communication. Learn how to scale servers to handle increasing traffic and load. Learn about load balancing, clustering, and auto-scaling techniques. Learn how to create and manage server images. Understand the basic structure and syntax of HTML, including tags, attributes, and elements. Understand how to apply CSS styles to HTML elements, create layouts, and use CSS frameworks.
Enroll Now 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://www.book-somahar.com/2023/10/25-udemy-paid-courses-for-free-with.html
PHP & MySQL - Certification Course for Beginners
Learn to Build Database Driven Web Applications using PHP & MySQL
What you'll learn
PHP Variables, Syntax, Variable Scope, Keywords Echo vs. Print and Data Output PHP Strings, Constants, Operators PHP Conditional Statements PHP Elseif, Switch, Statements PHP Loops - While, For PHP Functions PHP Arrays, Multidimensional Arrays, Sorting Arrays Working with Forms - Post vs. Get PHP Server Side - Form Validation Creating MySQL Databases Database Administration with PhpMyAdmin Administering Database Users, and Defining User Roles SQL Statements - Select, Where, And, Or, Insert, Get Last ID MySQL Prepared Statements and Multiple Record Insertion PHP Isset MySQL - Updating Records
Enroll Now 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://www.book-somahar.com/2023/10/25-udemy-paid-courses-for-free-with.html
Linode: Deploy Scalable React Web Apps on the Cloud
Cloud Computing | IaaS | Server Configuration | Linux Foundations | Database Servers | LAMP Stack | Server Security
What you'll learn
Introduction to Cloud Computing Cloud Computing Service Models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) Cloud Server Deployment and Configuration (TFA, SSH) Linux Foundations (File System, Commands, User Accounts) Web Server Foundations (NGINX vs Apache, SQL vs NoSQL, Key Terms) LAMP Stack Installation and Configuration (Linux, Apache, MariaDB, PHP) Server Security (Software & Hardware Firewall Configuration) Server Scaling (Vertical vs Horizontal Scaling, IP Swaps, Load Balancers) React Foundations (Setup) Building a Calculator in React (Code Pen, JSX, Components, Props, Events, State Hook) Building a Connect-4 Clone in React (Passing Arguments, Styling, Callbacks, Key Property) Building an E-Commerce Site in React (JSON Server, Fetch API, Refactoring)
Enroll Now 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://www.book-somahar.com/2023/10/25-udemy-paid-courses-for-free-with.html
Internet and Web Development Fundamentals
Learn how the Internet Works and Setup a Testing & Production Web Server
What you'll learn
How the Internet Works Internet Protocols (HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP) The Web Development Process Planning a Web Application Types of Web Hosting (Shared, Dedicated, VPS, Cloud) Domain Name Registration and Administration Nameserver Configuration Deploying a Testing Server using WAMP & MAMP Deploying a Production Server on Linode, Digital Ocean, or AWS Executing Server Commands through a Command Console Server Configuration on Ubuntu Remote Desktop Connection and VNC SSH Server Authentication FTP Client Installation FTP Uploading
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Linode: Web Server and Database Foundations
Cloud Computing | Instance Deployment and Config | Apache | NGINX | Database Management Systems (DBMS)
What you'll learn
Introduction to Cloud Computing (Cloud Service Models) Navigating the Linode Cloud Interface Remote Administration using PuTTY, Terminal, SSH Foundations of Web Servers (Apache vs. NGINX) SQL vs NoSQL Databases Database Transaction Standards (ACID vs. CAP Theorem) Key Terms relevant to Cloud Computing, Web Servers, and Database Systems
Enroll Now 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://www.book-somahar.com/2023/10/25-udemy-paid-courses-for-free-with.html
Java Training Complete Course 2022
Learn Java Programming language with Java Complete Training Course 2022 for Beginners
What you'll learn
You will learn how to write a complete Java program that takes user input, processes and outputs the results You will learn OOPS concepts in Java You will learn java concepts such as console output, Java Variables and Data Types, Java Operators And more You will be able to use Java for Selenium in testing and development
Enroll Now 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://www.book-somahar.com/2023/10/25-udemy-paid-courses-for-free-with.html
Learn To Create AI Assistant (JARVIS) With Python
How To Create AI Assistant (JARVIS) With Python Like the One from Marvel's Iron Man Movie
What you'll learn
how to create an personalized artificial intelligence assistant how to create JARVIS AI how to create ai assistant
Enroll Now 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://www.book-somahar.com/2023/10/25-udemy-paid-courses-for-free-with.html
Keyword Research, Free Backlinks, Improve SEO -Long Tail Pro
LongTailPro is the keyword research service we at Coursenvy use for ALL our clients! In this course, find SEO keywords,
What you'll learn
Learn everything Long Tail Pro has to offer from A to Z! Optimize keywords in your page/post titles, meta descriptions, social media bios, article content, and more! Create content that caters to the NEW Search Engine Algorithms and find endless keywords to rank for in ALL the search engines! Learn how to use ALL of the top-rated Keyword Research software online! Master analyzing your COMPETITIONS Keywords! Get High-Quality Backlinks that will ACTUALLY Help your Page Rank!
Enroll Now 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://www.book-somahar.com/2023/10/25-udemy-paid-courses-for-free-with.html
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tofupixel · 14 days
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another UI for sprite festival to match a variegated monstera plant, which will be a special reward for kickstarter backers!!
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vector3-digital · 2 years
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silverbridge-harbor · 10 months
Iconography in modern UI has so many relics of the ancient past
save icon being a floppy disk
the phone app being an old bone shaped handset
voicemail being a picture of a recording tape
"home" being represented by an actual house
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kevincandy · 1 year
Differnce between a DESIGNER and DEVOLPER
Developer - we have something to create.🤩
Designer - we need to create something😎
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niko4696 · 4 months
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loboianakisdiary · 2 years
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Как часто вы не берете предоплату за не сложные проекты? Ситуации бывают разные, особенно когда клиент говорит: “Сейчас ну вообще ни как не могу скинуть оплату надо идти кидать деньги на карту, а у меня уже 5 утра...”
Что делать в таких ситуациях? Мы же понимаем, что оба заинтересованы, он в получении заказа, а ты больше всех мотивирован ибо - деньги! Но всегда есть риски, как с твоей стороны, так и со стороны заказчика! Риски, что не вывезешь проект, получишь бабки сольешься, это естественные страхи заказчиков, поскольку им скорее всего повезло наткнуться на недобросовестных исполнителей. Наши риски дизайнеров, мы прекрасно знаем, это не выплата обещанного гонорара.
Рассмотрим несколько вариантов, когда деньги сегодня ты не получишь: 
Собрал заказ на бирже, на которой он есть давно и в которой заказ просто так нельзя отменить. Это поможет тебе хоть как то себя чувствовать себя безопасно
Договор об оказании услуг с паспортными данными с двух сторон. Подобный договор при маленьких суммах конечно будет выглядеть, как может показаться заказчика глупостью, но чел привет ты не можешь скинуть предоплату, а риск что сольешься не оплатив всегда велик.
Взять тайм-аут до того дня когда он сможет оплатить. Тут нужно сказать, что не всегда рабочий способ, особенно если горит заказ, но в определенных моментах сможет выручить вас
Испытать удачу! Сделай вотермарки, вдруг это будет твой постоянный клиент, который сможет озолотить тебя и посоветует всем своим друзьям и коллегам по цеху, ни когда не узнаешь точно пока не попробуешь!
Я на фрилансе уже наверное лет 7. С начала своей карьеры фрилансера я не один раз наступал на такие грабли! И если честно, бывает что даже сейчас наступаю на них! 
Например, заказчики из моего родного города, не всегда привыкли платить сразу или вносить предоплату! Последний раз меня так нагрели когда попросили сделать постер с Путиным. История забавна тем, что ребята не смогли до конца сформировать их желания косательно глаз путина и куда они должны смотреть....дали другой проект мол возьми щас этот, а предыдущий мы закроем как нибудь.
Я уже понимал, что денег мне не видать. Предложил им выплатить сразу за 2 проекта иначе теряете дизайнера, на что сказали подумают и пропали благополучно) 
Подводя итог, хочу сказать, берите авансовую часть по возможности всю сумму за проект, заключайте договора и если будет подобная ситуация, тут все зависит от вас - попробуйте испытать удачу!
Кстати изображения с последнего проекта, по которому не было предоплаты 
Плейлист на день: 
1) Magic - Pilot 
2) 99 Luftballons - NENA
3) Dreams - Fleetwood Mac
4) You Make My Dreams - Daryl Hall & John Oates
5) Angel Of The Morning - Juice Newton
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prokopetz · 1 year
Like, I'm not saying that this is a good thing, but it's kind of bleakly entertaining how over the course of my life my skill set as an online researcher has gone from being:
Hugely valuable in the late 1990s and early 2000s because the discoverability of information in public-facing databases was fucking terrible and nobody knew how to organise anything; to
Effectively useless throughout the 2010s because search engines enormously and rapidly improved and computer literacy was at an all-time high; and
Back to being hugely valuable once again because SEO bullshit and the proliferation of AI-generated content have degraded online discoverability back to pre-2000 levels and computer literacy is in accelerating decline due to mobile devices deliberately obfuscating basic functionality so that app vendors can sell it back to you with embedded advertising.
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thisisrealy2kok · 2 months
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Nintendo in 2001
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