#v: crime crackdown
iamaweretoad · 9 months
Did you maybe get a chance to develop an idea for your Rogue Trader? What are they like? And, perhaps most importantly, how do they get along with the members of their retinue? 😊
I am so glad you enjoy the game, hope you have a great day!! 💜
Thank you for enabling me! 💜
god this game is giving me hella brainworms, so apologies in advance for how long this got!
His name is Mago Vanth, though he goes exclusively by his surname and has for a while now. It's a bit awkward with his fancy new surname tacked onto it (all those v's), but so is he, so.... XD
Crime lord background. Lawful neutral. Loyal to his people (crew/gang/etc) and nothing else. Ruthless when necessary. Fast talking. Pragmatic (until he's not). He has a talent for people and synthesizing information/perspectives. Good at tactics, bad at combat (he's gonna give Abelard a heart attack one of these fights). Be gay do crimes.
He was born in a hive world slum. Orphaned at 9 after his mother got sucked into a chaos cult and tried to sacrifice him and his sibling. Started his life of crime young and by his late 20s he was running a successful gang. Unfortunately the leaders of the larger syndicate that his gang was part of ALSO got involved in some Chaos shit, and Vanth was arrested as part of the investigation/crackdown.
I went with Shadow of Torment from the 'Darkest Hour' section of character creation ("You were arrested and thoroughly interrogated using creative and violent methods."), so.... yeah. He claims he lost his eye in a fight, but in reality it was a result of the interrogation.
He (barely) survives and manages to escape, but by that point he is a complete wreck and everyone he knows/cares about is dead, arrested or wants *him* dead for betraying them. So he runs, as far towards the outer rim (or whatever the in-universe equivalent is) as the money in his bailout stash will get him and begins the process of trying to piece himself and his life back together.
8? 10? years later, he's clawed his way up to being the leader of a successful smuggling syndicate (not huge, but a respectable size) when he gets press-ganged into the Von Valencias dynasty.
He's spent his whole life living/working outside of (and often in conflict with) the establishment. And now he IS the establishment and it's killing him. More than that, though, it's the title that he's really struggling with. Heinrix has that line at the beginning of Act 2, something about if you land on Footfall incognito it will be your last chance to be treated like a person -- and like, he means it in a subterfuge/reconnaissance way, not a existential way, but it's still very much true in an existential way. Vanth isn't a person anymore, he's a title, and it's terrifyingly isolating and lonely and he has no idea how to navigate it.
The only thing that is keeping him from drowning completely is a) he is very good at people, and b) he has never known stability in his entire life and is a firm believer in "no plan survives contact with the enemy" so he is very adept at improvising/adapting on the spot. But the amount of focus and energy this requires isn't really sustainable, and it's only a matter of time before he burns himself out.
Re: companions -- I just got to Footfall, so I've only got their Act 1 introductions so far (and haven't met the later companions yet). But in terms of very early impressions:
Abelard: Space Dad. They butt heads a fair bit, but his experience and advice is invaluable, and he's the one person Vanth can sorta lean on for support (professionally if not emotionally -- yet). He also seems unafraid to tell Vanth bluntly to his face when he thinks he's being an idiot, which is an indispensable quality even if Vanth doesn't always agree with his position.
Idira: Sibling energy. Someone else who found a way to exist outside of the system. The only person he can have a normal (to him) conversation with. Basically his reaction to Idira was "oh thank fuck someone sane".
Argenta: nails-on-a-blackboard levels of uncomfortable. She swings wildly between compassion, contempt and fanaticism and he cannot get a bead on her. He respects her skill in combat, but he does not trust her at all, AND she picks on Idira, so she's on thin fucking ice.
Cassia: He is trying to remember that she's still a kid (technically an adult, I assume, but he's in his mid to late thirties, so to him she's a kid). And she's a kid who has been intensely isolated, indoctrinated and infantilized her entire life and who has not, until like a week ago EVER come in contact with any information that challenges her perception of reality/worldview. He is also trying to remember that when someone is actually willing to talk to her about that conflicting information, she seems willing to sit with the discomfort and objectively consider it, and in some cases change her view/behavior in response (which is more than can be said for some of the other party members). He is trying to remember that and not have a kneejerk reaction every time she opens her mouth about commoners, but goddamn it's a struggle. Not helped by the fact that even if he succeeds, she can still tell he's angry because she's an empath. He's working on it. He likes her, he's just so fucking tired.
Pasqal: TBD. He doesn't quite know what to make of him yet. (i feel like Pasqual had a much higher ratio of exposition to personal dialogue than the other companions in Act 1 -- which entirely fits the character, but doesn't give me a lot to work with XD)
Heinrix: IT'S COMPLICATED. They got off on the wrong foot for starters, walking in on him interrogating an enemy. Instant trauma flashbacks for Vanth, and then Heinrix immediately escalated the tension by threatening Idira. As first impressions go, could not have been worse. Luckily there was still a station full of cultists trying to kill them and combat is a hell of an icebreaker. He's still a walking trigger and the way he asks questions sets Vanth's teeth on edge, but things are more or less civil between them for now. Vanth values his pragmatism, and he's been kind to Cassia and he helped Evayne (and even Idira in that last combat). And every so often there is a hint of a person underneath all the dogma and red-tape officiousness, which makes Vanth curious despite himself.
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absolxguardian · 6 months
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@crypticdoe Legal weed being technically unconstitutional has nothing to do with drug legislation itself. Rather it has to do with the Supremacy Clause of the constitution. If something is a valid federal law- not violating the constitution and given federal jurisdiction either through being an enumerated power or an implied power (the Wikipedia article on the Commerce Clause explains it pretty well, and specifically includes the justification for drug laws)- federal law preempts state law. Weed is still federally illegal, so the state laws legalizing weed are unconstitutional.
The executive branch of the federal government is currently executing prosecutorial/administrative discretion by not having the FBI/DEA arrest everyone involved in legal weed across the country. That's the same as a state prosecutor choosing not to press charges. They can change the situation at any moment if they wished. Congress probably also has the power to pass a 'actually do your job' law, but that's the kind of thing where it has to actually happen and have the constitutionality decided to be able to say if it would be valid.
I learned this from my AP Gov class, so here's what the textbook said:
The 1970 Controlled Substances Act remains federal law. What happens, then, when a state legalizes marijuana while the drug remains illegal at the national level? The answer depends on whom you ask, which level and branch of government are being asked, and the political mood of the nation and states. As the legalization movement was under way, but before it had crossed a tipping point, federal authorities in Republican President George W. Bush’s administration began a crackdown on marijuana growing operations and medical marijuana dispensaries in California. Legalization advocates and patients sued the federal government, arguing that states had the authority under the Tenth Amendment and the police powers doctrine to determine the status of the drug’s legality. However, on appeal, in Gonzales v. Raich (2005), the Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution’s commerce clause entitles Congress to determine what may be bought and sold. Thus, federal marijuana crimes were upheld.
Though that precedent still stands, the Justice Department under Democratic President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder took a different approach. Through his eight years as president, eight states—those laboratories of democracy—legalized recreational marijuana. In 2014, the attorney general announced the Obama administration’s revised approach to enforcing marijuana violations. In doing so, he did not rewrite the law. Holder did, however, declare that the Justice Department would not use federal resources to crack down on selling or using the drug in states where voters had democratically deemed marijuana legal. Ultimately, federal arrests for marijuana became nearly nonexistent.
Until recently, Democrats and Independents supported legalization more than Republicans. However, as Gallup reports, most Republicans now support legalizing marijuana. The policy debate on legalization and how federal law would be enforced surfaced in the 2016 primary and general elections for president with a variety of responses from candidates in both parties. After Donald Trump took office and Attorney General Jeff Sessions—an anti-drug conservative—was sworn in, pot users and medical marijuana proponents watched closely. During the Trump administration, the Department of Justice under Attorney General Jeff Sessions declared that local U.S. attorneys—those presidentially appointed prosecutors who bring federal crime cases to court in their districts across the country shall be the local determiners of how federal marijuana policy is handled. In fact, the Justice Department attorneys and the FBI deal with a variety of federal crimes on a daily basis and decide whether to prosecute and which crimes are higher on their priority list. This inconsistency from administration to administration may be confusing and destabilizing to some, but it is an inevitable element of administrative discretion.
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actuallyastingray · 2 years
So with Ed Boon confirming that Injustice 3 isn’t coming anytime soon, I decided to create my own dream roster for future Injustice games
As far as the franchise goes, I feel that it’s time for a reboot. The whole “Batman v Superman” trope has been done waaaay too many times and for way too long. Personally, I would rather see something like the storyline of Injustice 2, where a tertiary villain forces everyone to work together. Not to mention, exactly how many times are they gonna throw Injustice-verse Batman and Superman at each other before the story goes completely stale? Also, for those of you who don’t read comics, they ended the Injustice franchise with Injustice vs. Masters of the Universe by killing Darkseid, Skeletor, and Superman. So yeah, reboot time.
This plotline takes the theme of IJ1: Heroes against a corrupt, immoral society, with the twist of IJ2: the surprise villain Brainiac as the final boss. I based character design around the MKX variations system. Out of MKX, MK11, and IJ2, the MKX variation system was the only one that I liked (and no, I did not create this post to rationalize. It’s personal preference) I’m pretty happy with how this turned out overall. Remember this is completely fan made, but I would find it hilarious if some of these designs make it into Injustice 3.
(This is a long one. Better get comfy)
Earth has always faced threats from other worlds, and the Justice League was always present to face them. This time however, the outcome was very different. In a final showdown against the lord of Apokolips, Darkseid, abord the orbiting Watchtower, the world was stunned when the League headquarters suddenly exploded, taking the lives of all aboard. Though Earth was once again saved, the cost was immense. Darkseid’s army had left many cities devastated and the planet without its defenders. In the wake of this disaster and in the rebuilding of the world, the New Order Government, or NOG, came to power as an answer to the void of protection the JL had left behind. The new authoritarian government instigated a crackdown on vigilantes and criminals alike, reasoning that metahumans and costumed criminals were to blame for the world's injustices. Those who resisted were rounded up and imprisoned or executed. A few criminals chose to side with the NOG and became the new face of “peace”. Now years later, in a world devoid the Justice League, it's time for new heroes to step up and resurrect the legacy they left behind.
The Heroes
Superman (Conner Kent)
Cloned years ago by Lexcorp and Cadmus, Conner Kent grew up in Superman’s shadow as the teenaged Superboy. Despite public perception, Conner and Clark were not as close as they wished they could’ve been; too much tension regarding Conner’s conception kept them at arm's length. With the loss of his genetic father figure, Conner spent years agonizing over taking up the mantle of Superman, and whether or not he would be worthy. With the NOG crackdowns increasing everyday and no one else able to stand in as the symbol of peace, it’s time to make a stand and remind the world that Superman isn’t just a man, he’s an idea.
Yellow Son: “Standard” Superman, focuses more on heat vision based moves
Man of Steel: Focuses on super strength powered grabs and throws. Can use Invulnerability to negate chip damage and reduce knockback from attacks
House of El: Conner dons a sunstone suit from the Fortress of Solitude. Can use Kryptonian technology such as Phantom Zone projectors 
Batman (Dick Grayson)
First Robin, then Nightwing, Dick Grayson now finds himself as the inheritor of the identity of Batman. Unused to the new identity, he mourns for both his adopted father and the simpler times before the NOG. Regardless, he honors his father by continuing Batman’s patrols across an NOG controlled Gotham. His mission goes further than stamping out street crime; he knows the Watchtower did not blow by mistake, and that it’s no coincidence that the NOG rose so quickly in the aftermath. It doesn’t take the world's greatest detective to realize there is something else going on behind the scenes. Something much more sinister
Vigilante: “Standard” Batman, focuses on grapple lines and batarangs
Dark Knight: Brawler based playstyle with multiple counter options and knockdowns
Acrobat: Double jump/air combos. Dick uses his escrima sticks during melees.
Red Hood (Jason Todd)
Jason never had it easy in life. Taken in by Bruce Wayne at the age of twelve, he had only a few years to enjoy life as the second Robin before being killed by the Joker. After his resurrection at the hands of Ra’s al Ghul and subsequent rampage against Gotham's underworld, he thought he could finally settle back into a life with his adopted father. Then the Apokoliptian invasion took that chance away. Jason still patrols Gotham as Red Hood, working in tandem with his adopted brother, but the loss of Bruce has left their relationship strained to breaking point. Not only that, but with the even increasing NOG threat in Gotham, Jason is well aware his vigilante days are numbered
Vengeance: “Standard” Red Hood. Combines martial arts with handguns and knives for quick combos
Lock n’ Load: Jason can manually load shotguns and grenade launchers for ranged attacks or to be used as combo finishers
Demolitions: Jason makes use of various hand grenades, such as flashbangs, smoke, and electric
Harley Quinn
The NOG made short work rounding up Gotham’s criminals and even shorter work trying and executing those they deemed too dangerous. Harley shed few tears over the Jokers execution, but his death and her life on the run from the NOG has given her new insight into his psych. When faced with an oppressive, power mad government, the world could use a little mayhem.
Enforcer: Harley gains combo extenders focused on her baseball bat. Harley can also use batarangs as a ranged weapon
Trickster: Harley can plant Jack-in-the-Box traps which trigger and launch opponents when they come near. Adds jack-in-the-boxes as part of her combos
Clown Princess: Harley uses a crowbar and several Joker themed gag attacks (Injustice 1 & 2 joker moves)
Catwoman (Selina Kyle)
Already on the road to redemption long before the Apokoliptian invasion, Selina Kyle has found she cannot outrun her past as a thief in the face of the NOG crackdowns. Forced to seek refuge with the Batclan, she puts her tricks and skills to use stealing intel on the NOG. Unknown to her new partners, her mission is much more personal than just avoiding jailtime. She and Bruce Wayne were due to announce their marriage shortly before his death, and with Dick Grayson’s suspicions that his death was not accidental, she’ll do whatever she can to find out who is to blame and make them pay
Safecracker: “Standard” Catwoman, gains whip attacks and combo extenders
Alley Cat: Selina loses whip and ranged attacks in exchange for empowered melee strikes and Sharpen Claws to boost damage
Saboteur: Selina gains new pounce attacks and Cat Scratch (from previous games). Pounce attacks can remove buffs from opponents.
Batgirl (Cassandra Cain)
Cassandra Cain was trained for one single purpose in life; to help her father kill the Batman. David Cain was unrelenting in his pursuit of vengeance against the Dark Knight, so much that he molded his daughter into an instrument of his revenge. Truly ironic that instead of facing Batman, he crossed the Joker’s lethal gags and fell prey to the clown's sinister traps. Cassandra was left without a father and without purpose in life. She had no further drive to continue his mission and considered approaching her would-be target for aid. After his death aboard the Watchtower, she slipped back into hiding in the Gotham underworld. The rising pressure that the NOG is putting on Gotham has forced Cassandra out of the shadows and forced her to seek refuge with the Batclan. This new Batman is not the man she once was sent to kill, and while he has accepted her as a sidekick, she cannot shake her fears that he will one day see through her facade
Elusive: Cassandra uses smoke bombs to teleport. Can also use smoke bombs offensively to stun opponents or turn invisible
Duelist: Cassandra can use Duelist Stance, pulling out a bo staff and gaining access to multiple parry options
Orphaned: A bat drone joins the fight alongside Cassandra. Can be commanded to launch attacks and can be grappled onto
Arsenal (Roy Harper)
Roy never had the best relationship with his mentor and guardian, Oliver Queen. Nevertheless, they remained close compatriots as Star Cities vigilantes. The loss of the Justice League cost Roy more than one guardian, losing his surrogate mother Dinah Lance as well as Ollie in the explosion. Following the rise of the NOG, Roy sought to distance himself from vigilantism, taking a job as a security guard and becoming a single father. As the NOG continues to remodel Star City, Roy watches as a new kind of crime and corruption takes hold and his suburban life threatened. For the sake of his daughter, and his mentor’s legacy, Roy steps back into the fold as Arsenal. 
Robin Hood: “Standard” Green Arrow/Arsenal, can equip trick arrows to be used as ranged attacks or during combos
Streetwise: Black Canary based build focused on martial arts. Roy’s bow is repurposed as a melee weapon
Outlaw: Roy uses guns instead of archery. Can now fire rockets from his prosthetic arm 
King Arthur dreamt of uniting the land and sea for peace. Despite his death aboard the Watchtower, his dream lives on through Mera, now queen of Atlantis. Despite the outcry from her people for revenge, Mera has continued Arthur’s work of brokering a peace between worlds. However, her sovereignty is constantly tested by the NOG, who pressure her to surrender to their laws. If she is not careful, Arthur’s dream of peace is likely to be washed away with the tide.
Hydromancer: Zoning playstyle revolving around water constructs/attacks
Queen of the Sea: Mera can summon sea life as part of new combo extenders/amplifiers
Memento: Mera loses hydromancy attacks. She now wields Arthurs trident as a melee weapon
Aqualad (Kaldur'ahm)
Kaldur lost more than a king when the Watchtower blew, he lost his mentor. Sharing a heritage of both land and sea, Arthur was one of the few people who understood his struggles in adapting to a new world. Despite the loss, he is committed to helping Queen Mera continue his Kings dreams of brokering peace with the surface, even if it means defending her from its denizens. 
Royal Guard: Rushdown build focuses on melee combos using Kaldur’s water bearers
Bioelectric: Kaldur can extend grabs and throws using electricity
Tempest: Combines hydromancy and bioelectricity for powerful combo extenders
Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner)
Following Hal Jordan’s death aboard the Watchtower, his ring chose a new bearer in freelance artist Kyle Rayner. Having always idolized the Justice League as a kid, Kyle finds himself woefully unprepared to become a hero, especially in an era where having powers can get you killed on principal. Nevertheless, the ring chose him because he could overcome fear, and he’s not going to disappoint the Green Lantern Corps.
Rookie: Kyle loses most construct/construct combos in exchange for simpler ring blasts or beams for finishers or launchers
Willpowered: Stronger constructs and more construct combos
Freestyle: Amplified constructs are now autonomous, allowing Kyle to use new attacks while they finish. 
Booster Gold (Michael Jon Carter)
The death of the Justice League had lasting impacts far into the future. Though Earth has been spared the horrors of Apokolips, by the 25th century the NOG would have wiped out all metahuman resistance and become a tyrannical power that rivaled Darkseid himself. Unable to fight back in his own era, Michael Carter was “volunteered" to be sent back to the origin point of the crisis facing his reality, hoping that the use of advanced futuristic technology could turn the tide against the NOG before it becomes the threat he grew up with. Hiding his insecurity behind cockiness and showboating, Booster ultimately failed to stop the Watchtower explosion, losing his time bubble in the process. Now stranded in a distant past, he is determined to carry out his mission and save the future once and for all.
Sidekick: Skeets can Scan opponents as a command or during throws. Booster gains bonus against Scanned opponents, such as block breaking attacks against fully scanned opponents
Buddy Cop: Skeets now assists Booster with his combos. Booster gains new combos/amplifies involving Skeets
Legionnaire: Booster wears a Flight Ring, allowing him to fly and gaining new air attacks
Captain Marvel (Freddy Freeman)
Prior to his final mission, Billy Batson trusted his secret identity and some of his powers to his closest friend, Freddy Freeman. Since Billy’s death, Freddy has assumed the mantle of Capitan Marvel, though a much more jaded and brooding version. The loss of his friend and the rise of the NOG has Freddy frustrated over his new identity. What good is being a superhero if the people you save don’t want to be saved? What Would Billy do in this circumstance? Just because he fanboy’s over superheroes doesn't mean he’s prepared to become one.
Power of Zeus: Playstyle utilizes lightning-based melee attacks. Certain combos charge Freddy with lightning for additional melee damage
Stamina of Atlas: Freddy can use Stamina of Atlas to absorb projectiles, converting into health. Can summon healing zones which restore health to Freddy or damage enemies
Courage of Achilles: Heavy melee focused with multiple gap closing/dash moves
Mary Marvel (Mary Batson)
Mary Batson always had an inkling that her little brother was up to something every time she caught him sneaking out at night. While she assumed it was just impromptu sleepovers with his friend, Freddy, she was completely unprepared for the realization that her brother was Fawcett’s own superhero. Her carefully organized world was further turned upside down when he shared his power with her and Freddy, making them the cities new protectors. Always one to rely on logic and planning, Mary tells herself that opposing the NOG as a costumed hero is crazy. But deep down, she knows that fighting back is the right thing to do, and that her little brother would never forgive her is she let Fawcett down
Speed of Mercury: Speedy/agile based playstyle, can use Speed of Mercury to slow down opponents (Nimble Reptile)
Wisdom of Solomon: Mary gains more ranged attacks, using magic and lightning attacks for zoning.
Strength of Hercules: Mary gains stronger melee attacks. Can deal additional damage to enemies with armor or whom are blocking
Captain Boomerang (Owen Mercer)
The Central City Rogues were well known for having a unique, almost friendly relationship with the Flash. Nevertheless, this relationship did not save them from the NOG’s crackdowns across the US as hundreds of criminals were rounded up for sham trials and execution. Having lost most of his family in the Rogues, as well as his secret idol in the Flash, Owen Mercer has finally decided that ‘enough is enough’. The Rogues are bound by their code of honor, and he’s determined to honor the Flash and all his fallen family members by taking the fight to the NOG
Trickshot: Owen can set up boomerang traps (Hat Trick Kung Lao) and can ricochet boomerangs mid-air for homing shots 
Speedster: Owen uses speed boosts to disorient opponents (Kabal). Can use dashes to quickly close or make distance
Rogue Justice: Owen uses gadgets from the Flash Rogues as part of his combos
Most of the Titans died while assisting the League aboard the Watchtower. Only Raven, who was chosen to stay behind and use her magic to teleport her teammates in and out, was spared. She now lives on as the last surviving legacy of the Teen Titans. Raven knows she is ill suited to rebuild the team, she lacks the charisma, positivity, and leadership her teammates had, but dreams of continuing their legacy in a new generation. For the time being, she has other problems to worry about. The rise of the NOG has been accompanied by a sinister darkness pervading world. A darkness she is all too familiar with.
Daughter of Sin: Raven can summon sin demons as part of her ranged combos or as throw extenders. Can activate Shadow Form for increased power.
Soul Self: Raven can use her soul self to absorb projectiles, to be fully consumed for damage buffs or to be later thrown back at opponents
Enchantress: Raven gains access to telekinetic attacks and ranged grabs 
The Villains 
Lex Luthor
If one were to ask Lex Luthor, the world under the NOG is perfect. Fewer constraints on business, more control on his employee, newer opportunities, and best of all; no Superman. The NOG is everything he worked for during the era of the Justice League, and he never had to lift a finger to make it happen. So what if that arrogant hag President Waller is taking all the credit? He knows how to deal with her. But first, he needs to deal with these new, so called “heroes” who would put an end to his good fortune. The Justice League is dead, and let them stay that way. 
CEO: Luthor uses a Lexcorp satellite in his attacks, dropping missile call downs and orbital lasers.
Genius: Luthor can activate a defensive shield on his power suit to negate attacks and prevent him from being staggered
Copyright: Luthor uses gadgets and tech taken from Apokolips as well as from deceased heroes
Major Force (Clifford Zmeck)
Introduced to the public as a new, improved Superman for the NOG, Major Force loves nothing better than lording over the general public. Few realize his history as a convicted serial killer and rapist, and indeed it was only a plea bargain with President Waller to serve as a test subject that spared his life. Powerful as he is, Major Force feels starved for a good fight since joining the NOG. He never had a chance to test himself against the Justice League in their prime, and Waller doesn’t approve of him “sparing” with new recruits. In fact, he sees these new upstart “Leaguers” as a welcome change. He finally has a chance to cut lose and savor certain thrills he has long kept buried.
Temporal: Major Force can use distortion fields to slow down enemies and projectiles, or speed himself up
Concussive: Major Force uses more explosive attacks and blasts. Can Self-Detonate to deal massive close range damage
Dominator: New grab combo that allows Major Force to steal life from an opponent, increasing his damage while lowering their own
One of many criminals rounded up during the initial NOG campaigns, Bane’s past as a member of the Suicide Squad meant he was lucky enough to be given a choice by President Waller: Serve the NOG or be executed along with his fellow Arkham inmates. Now years later, Bane is the tyrannical warden of Stryker’s Island. No longer a place the houses exclusively criminals, Stryker's has become a fate awaiting anyone who dissents against the NOG, including captured metahumans. Bane enjoys his position in breaking soldiers to serve the NOG, and forming his own Suicide Squad to round up anyone else who would dissent. And if need be, he is more than happy to demonstrate what it means to cross the man who broke the Bat
Luchador: Grappler based playstyle with multiple throw options at the end of combos. Venom boost becomes a one time use berserk 
Backbreaker: New combo setup for his Backbreaker move (Sun God Kotal Khan). Venom boost stacks for bonus damage
Warden: Multi-string basic attack moves designed for heavy pressure. Venom Boost is now passive that increases Bane’s damage the lower his health gets
Killer Croc
Waylon Jones was one of many metahumans brought to Stryker’s island for processing. As he suffered under the brutal treatment of the guards, his progressing mutation only made him a further target for abuse. The more he mutated, the more the guards and inmates pushed him, until the day he snapped back. Now little more than a glorified attack dog on the NOG’s leash, he vents his long-suffered hatred and rage against humanity on whomever they point him towards. While he hates the NOG and Bane in particular, his conditioning under the NOG means that he also blames the worlds would-be heroes for being unable to save him and is ready to lash out at the newly forming Justice League to get even
Cannibal: Croc gains access to more/longer grab/bite combos (Ravenous Millenna)
Predator: Croc can Submerge, allowing for teleportation or surprise low attacks/grabs
Uncaged: Croc wears a muzzle, preventing bites. Croc can now use his broken manacles to flail at opponents
The Amazons have had few reasons to trust man’s world. Against Hippolyta’s wishes, her daughter Diana sought to broker a unity between Amazons and humanity. Her death aboard the Watchtower has only confirmed what Hippolyta knew; man is not to be trusted, only destroyed. With the NOG preoccupied with the new Justice League, Hippolyta stands ready to bring the Amazons ashore and exact vengeance on humanity for her daughter's death
Hoplite: Hippolyta prioritizes using a sword and shield
Spearmaiden: Hippolyta uses a long polearm with high zoning
Demigod: Hippolyta uses Wonder Woman’s lasso and bracers
Ancient enemy of the Amazons and would-be tyrant of humanity, the goddess Circe has always plotted from the shadows as to how best to achieve domination. These days, she has no enemies. They fight and scheme against each other. The Justice League and her nemesis Diana are gone, the Amazons and mankind brace for battle, and the gods themselves have gone silent on the matter. For the first time in a thousand years, there has never been a moment more ripe for conquest than now. Circe has come to rule humanity, and the world is her oyster
Blasphemous: Circe uses an enchanted Amazonian great sword and shield as part of her combos (Injustice Ares)
Goddess: Circe uses several control based moves to disorient opponents and set them up for combos
Witchcraft: Circe gains a new counter and a new reversal that Hex enemies, preventing them from using certain moves
Ocean Master (Orm)
Always living in his brothers shadow, Orm never gave up resenting Arthur for stealing his throne. Had it not been for Arthur, Orm would be king and Atlantis would have long ago conquered the surface world. Instead, Orm was reduced to bargaining with surface worlders and rogue Atlanteans in order to gain a sliver of power that he deserved. Now, with his brothers death, the tide turns in his favor. Mera sits uneasily upon the throne and has few supporters backing her peace treaties with the surface. All it will take is one slip, and she will topple as Arthur did. Though at this rate convincing her to declare war on the surface world is going to be laughably simple. The surface worlder seem almost desperate for an excuse to make attempts on Atlantis, and Mera’s confidence in them wanes by the day. After decades of scheming, Orm can afford to be patient.
Monarch: Orm wields a trident and gains new counters and anti-air combos
Schemer: Orm uses Atlantean weapons, such as guns and rifles for set-ups and juggling
Abyssal: Orm can call in Trench to attack enemies or pin them down.
Wielder of the orange light of avarice, Larfleeze once faced off against Hal Jordan and came away with a healthy dose of fear and respect for the human. Hal’s recent demise has sparked Larfleeze’s curiosity surrounding Earth. What could possibly have killed the greatest Green Lantern of all? What he has found instead is a planet devoid of defenses and ripe for pillaging. Driven by his insatiable greed and utterly oblivious to the chaos his presence is causing, Larfleeze is committed to reap Earth of anything worth stealing
Covetous: Larfleeze can steal opponents special moves, summoning an Orange Lantern construct to repeat those attacks
Agent Orange: Larfleeze can charge his power battery to summon Orange Lantern constructs. These constructs can be spent to perform attacks (Stunt Double Johnny Cage)
Vain: Larfleeze can charge himself with orange light, increasing the power of his attacks and causing all his attacks to become armored for a short time. After this effect wears off, Larfleeze will become exhausted and take bonus damage
Granny Goodness
Granny Goodness worshiped Darkseid with a fanaticism matched by few. So confident in her masters capabilities, that his death alongside the Justice League shattered her. In the aftermath of his death, Granny was among the many who seized at power on Apokolips to fill the void. While she can never be the ruler Darkseid was, she believes that finishing his goal of locating the Anti-Life Equation is the best way to honor her fallen master. Earth will fall, be it the will of Darkseid or Granny Goodness
Warbringer: Granny uses Boom Tubes to attack her opponents, to teleport, or summon Parademons
Headmistress: Granny uses a Mega-Rod for a weapon. Can be used to release ranged blasts of energy or hold enemies in place for setups
Tough Love: Granny uses several Apokolitian torture devices and gadgets as traps for setups and combos
Leader of the infamous Female Furies of Apokolips, Lashina was first and foremost among her sister Furies, and is now the last of them. The other Furies were aboard the Watchtower when it detonated, leaving her their sole surviving legacy. Angered by the unjust death of her sisters and the loss of her master, Lashina dutifully follows Granny on her campaign back to Earth. This time it’s more than just conquest, this time it’s personal.
Pursuer: Lashina uses a mourning star flail and flexible metal whips for mid ranged attacks and ranged pulls
Bloodletter: Lashina uses Mad Harriet’s gauntlets instead of her whips. Can charge her gauntlets to become electrified at the cost of health
Blademaster: Lashina uses Guilotina’s twin longswords in her attacks. Ranged grabs are replaced with thrown blades
Talia al Ghul
The League of Assassins has always lurked beneath the veil of society, seeking to twist the world towards their founders goals of anarchy. However, in a stunning coincidence, the great Ra’s al Ghul perished not long after his nemesis, the Batman when the Lazarus pits failed to revive him. His daughter Talia resolved to continue his work after his death but found herself at odds with the NOG and it’s message of forced global order. One would not assume her intentions at first glance, seeing as she enjoys her position of chief advisor to President Waller. But like many things involving the al Ghul’s this is just a clever ruse. Talia knows the NOG had a hand in her beloved Batman’s demise. Once she finds out who is responsible, she stands read to burn this pathetic excuse for a government down around Waller’s head
Venomous: Talia uses twin daggers laced with poison. Her attacks apply an unblockable poison that stacks in intensity with each attack
Heiress: Talia can equip vials of Lazarus Water which can be drank to increase super meter, thrown to create damaging pools, or used as part of a new grab to debuff enemies
Agent of Order: NOG Talia uses a magnus sidearm, garrote wire, and tasers during her combos
Ra’s al Ghul
Immortal and unyielding, Ra’s al Ghul has seen the passing of thousands of years, gathered countless followers, and amassed an immense fortune of weapons and wealth alike, all in the name of global anarchy and chaos. So self-assured in his success and power, he never assumed his precious Lazarus pits would fail him. Their power waned and with it his immortality. Desperate for a means to retain his eternal life, he turned to any means to sustain himself, be it mystical or scientific. What he found instead was a force that existed far beyond Earth, that promised to grant him immense power and eternal life that his Lazarus pits could not. In his hour of desperation, Ra’s al Ghul has found deliverance.
Heretic: Ra’s can light his scimitar or even himself on fire to deal bonus damage. Gains new fire based attacks
Demonic: Ra’s can summon dark spirits during his combos (Possessed Kenshi)
Accursed One: Ra’s applies a Dark Seal to opponents during combos/grabs/throws. The seal can be consumed via command to deal damage based on how many stacks were applied
And, the final boss and antagonist for this AU is... (Spoilers ahead)
Trigon the Terrible, conqueror of ten thousand worlds, lord of the inferno, father of Sin. A demon who has laid waste not just in this universe, but in countless other dimensions that make up reality. An evil that surpasses all others, Trigon has tried multiple times already to invade Earth, only to be repulsed by the Justice League and Teen Titans. These are minuscule setbacks for Trigon, who has other ways of conquering his enemies. Whispering in the ears of those desperate for answers or deliverance from beyond, he engineered the placement of the device that destroyed the Watchtower and annihilated his long-time enemies. Now, under the guise of the NOG, Trigon’s servants work to eliminate or convert any who would or could stand against him. Once all resistance has crumbled and Earth is defenseless, there will be nothing to stop Trigon from adding this reality to the many he has already destroyed.
Defiler: Trigon can create zones of corruption that damage enemies standing in them. These zones can also be commanded to erupt and launch enemies standing in them
Father of Demons: Trigon can summon his sons to empower him with sin energy, granting him bonuses while they are active
Hellbringer: A giant astral projection of Trigon assists in his moves, crushing or grabbing opponents with giant limbs
Mortal Kombat/Crossover Characters
‘It’s a simple heist’ they said ‘Just grab the Sunstone crystals and you’re outta there’. Well that bloody went to s@#$ right off the bat. Not only did they muck it up dropping me way off course, but now I’m stuck in the middle of a bloody warzone. I’m not getting paid to fight “superheroes”, ‘specially not one who could toss Shao Khan around like a ragdoll. At least this wasn’t a total loss. Got some nice new gear from a couple of these drongos that’ll make even Tremor jealous. Not like they were using it no more. Still, soon as I get back to the keep, me and Kronika are due for a heart-to-heart.
Cutthroat: “Standard” Kano, uses knives for weapons and projectiles, as well as his eye laser
Upgraded: Kano uses Cyborg’s hand cannon. Can activate his implants for a movement and firing speed boost
Mercenary: Kano uses Deathstroke’s katana and Deadshot’s rifle. Deadshot’s optic scope prevents eye lasers but allows for homing bullets
Born to the nation of Edenia, Kitana’s homeworld was conquered by Shao Khan of Outworld not long after her birth. When her mother was forced to marry the tyrant, she became the Khan’s daughter and princess as well. After years of standing by her fathers side, serving as his personal assassin and watching as other realms suffered the same fate as Edenia, Kitana had a change of heart in the midst of Outworlds invasion of Earthrealm. Standing alongside her allies in Raiden, Lui Kang, and others, Kitana help to unseat Shao Khan and claim his title of Khan. Still, in a world defined by Kombat, there are few moments to rest. Finding herself lost in a realm on the brink of disaster and facing conquest by a demonic tyrant so similar to one she only just deposed, Kitana finds herself once again standing as a champion of Earthrealm
Empress: “Standard” Kitana, using her fans
Edenian Royal: Mournful Kitana, using a bo staff and glaves
Savage: Kitana uses Mileena’s sais and moveset, such as Tele-drop
Spiderman (Peter Parker)
Whelp, this is just classic Parker luck. One minute I’m stopping Vulture from robbing the art museum, next minute ‘bzzt’ I’m lost in some wacko, alternate universe. Yeah, that’s right, not ‘poof’, not ‘zap’, not ‘boom’, my life went crazy with a ‘bzzt’. This new universe is kinda the definition of “everything that could have gone wrong, went wrong” and that's impressive even for my standards. Oh well, I guess when I don’t show up for macaroni night the Avengers will come after me, wherever I am. Until then, the worst thing I have to worry about is the edgy guy in a motorcycle helmet who keeps chasing me around trying to get me to partner up with him. Or the world going to literal Hell, that too. Wish me luck folks!
Webslinger: Peter can use web shots, ranged web pulls, and combos that leave enemies tangled in web
Avenger: Peter uses higher tech versions of his existing gear, such as taser webs and spider probes
Iron Spider: Peter wears the Iron Spider suit. Prevents most web moves but allows for hovering and use of additional legs for attacks
He-Man (Adam of Eternia)
On a planet lightyears away from Earth, the world of Eternia owes its salvation and freedom to the Champion of Greyskull, He-Man. One of the strongest beings in the universe, He-Man is the identity of prince Adam, maintain while he battles the forces of darkness led by his nemesis Skeletor. But He-Man is champion to all worlds in the Universe, not just Eternia, and in times of need will be called upon to aid any world in peril. That is how Adam finds himself contacted by the wizard Shazam, guardian of the Rock of Eternity and keeper of magic. The wizard bears a message of a shattered world on the brink of domination by the demon Trigon, a creature as dangerous as Hordak himself. Should Trigon be released on Earth, it will spell doom for all worlds. 
Champion: He-Man can place Greyskull banners to increase his power in combat. Banners can be interacted with during attacks
Guardian: He-Man wields a great shield in addition to his power sword, allowing for shield bashes and shield charges
Legacy: He-Man can summon phantoms of previous Greyskull champions for additional range on his attacks
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mediamonarchy · 30 days
https://mediamonarchy.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/20240822_MorningMonarchy.mp3 Download MP3 Graffiti vandals, twice shy and a bundle of jerseys + this day in history w/Syrian boy and our song of the day by MrMenno on your #MorningMonarchy for August 22, 2024. Notes/Links: Biden’s Charlottesville moment? POTUS torched for telling DNC anti-Israel mob outside they ‘have a point’; Former President Trump has said he was contrasting proponents and opponents of removing a statue of Gen Robert E Lee https://www.foxnews.com/politics/bidens-charlottesville-moment-potus-torched-telling-dnc-anti-israel-mob-outside-has-point Portland sends graffiti vandal to prison — first since city crackdown https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2024/08/portland-sends-graffiti-vandal-to-prison-first-since-city-crackdown.html Video: Rough reception for New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham who made a series of stereotype jokes about the citizens of her state. “In my state, we like things spicy. A little chili on everything. A little kick in our campaigns. Let me tell you, we’re feeling en Fuego right now.” (Audio) https://x.com/amconmag/status/1826077764765774256 Fugazi – “Pink Frosty Demo” (Inst. // Vinyl // Audio) https://www.discogs.com/release/736434-Fugazi-Instrument-Soundtrack // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2PmPUj8ves Flights cancelled in Japan after scissors go missing https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cd9d7gg2599o Video: Charlie Kirk wants Trump to create “special zones” in the country with “no regulation” so people “can try whatever you want” and “try crazy things.” Kirk sent his “Wild West 2.0” plan to the Trump campaign. (Audio) https://x.com/patriottakes/status/1825949479469723942 Search continues for British tech magnate and 5 others after luxury superyacht sinks off Sicily https://apnews.com/article/italy-sicily-storm-tourists-missing-060bf26f426708c8eb59e81d88787d11 Another Titan Linked to Fraud Trial Missing in Superyacht Disaster https://www.yahoo.com/news/morgan-stanley-boss-among-six-104540593.html Eight out of the 68 people who died board the plane that mysteriously dropped out of the sky in Brazil last week were turbo cancer doctors who were traveling to a major vaccine conference to warn the public about a “bombshell” discovery they had just made. https://newsaddicts.com/8-turbo-cancer-doctors-killed-in-plane-crash-were-traveling-to-warn-public-about-bombshell-discovery/ Video: The plane that crashed in Brazil recently was carrying 8 oncologists heading to a conference to share their findings on a link between mRNA vaccines & the recent uptick in what’s being called “Turbo Cancer”. (Audio) https://x.com/realnikohouse/status/1824569475015790839 Top AIDS researcher and other scientists perished on MH17 https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/top-aids-researcher-and-others-in-field-perished-on-mh17/2014/07/18/2aa31972-0e85-11e4-8341-b8072b1e7348_story.html 4 Arrested In Shooting Death Of “General Hospital” Actor Johnny Wactor https://patch.com/california/los-angeles/4-arrested-shooting-death-general-hospital-actor-johnny-wactor Matthew Perry’s Assistant and Doctors Charged With Getting Him Ketamine; ive people have been charged with a conspiracy to distribute the powerful anesthetic that led to the death of the “Friends” star. Three of them are pleading guilty. https://archive.is/3HsHx Matthew Perry’s Death: Doctors, Perry’s Assistant and More Charged in Drug Investigation That Revealed ‘Underground Criminal Network’ https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/matthew-perry-death-arrest-made-friends-1236107618/ Charlotte woman dies at Vodou retreat in Haiti https://www.wcnc.com/article/news/local/charlotte-woman-dies-haiti-voodou-retreat/275-b1435287-e0b2-4faf-860b-a876976905ff Sophomore Ovet Gomez Regalado Passes Away; “Gomez Regalado is the fourth student at Northwest to pass away within 14 months.” https://smnw.com/27115/news/sophomore-ovet-gomez-regalado-passes-away/ Publicist Maxie Solters Dies at 37; Solters came from a long...
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yes-justice-seeking · 10 months
Is the CCP Warmonger? Timeline after 2019 Hong Kong Protests
While the world takes 2019 Hong Kong Protests as Hongkong people's voice against the CCP's unilateral breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration on Hong Kong, the CCP insists that it was a subversion attempt of the CCP regime by external forces. Every one who knows the CCP understands that suppressing the Protests wouldn't be the ending. I think the following tweet may reflect the CCP's ideology:
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Why do I think this person is voicing the CCP's ideology? In the post he pinned, he said "my only position is to put the national interests as the 1st priority" and the country he was referring to was obviously China.
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Bearing in mind, there has always been different factions of the CCP fighting each other for the top power. It's also well acknowledged that certain factions of the CCP somehow weaponized Hong Kong Protests in order to take over Beijing but failed.
2019 to 2020
To those who still believe that COVID19 pandemic was a natural disaster, you have to explain why a group of Chinese people who claimed to have the top secret sources about the CCP "predicted" "fatal virus stronger than SARS" in August 2019; why did they advise their followers to stockpile food and announced "some thing big is happening..." on November 30, 2019 or even earlier? We later learned that the 1st COVID19 case in records was found on December 1, 2019. It was also them who firstly introduced Hydroxychloroquine as the treatment for coronavirus disease (COVID19), the unprecedented disease in the human history. Why did Beijing close down Wuhan city but remain the international air flights open to the world?
All of those may be "co-incident" but the PLA does have its bioweapon plans announced years ago and their book "Unrestricted Warfare" was published with the subtitle "China's Master Plan to Destroy America".
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Myanmar Coup in 2021
The Myanmar Coup took place on the morning of Feb. 1st, 2021, deposed the democratically elected members of NLD and Myanmar's military took the power.
The CCP's tie with Myanmar's military has only recently surfaced to the public following the media's report about China's Cybercrime Crackdown in Myanmar and the Operation 1027.
As per VOA's report, "Myanmar rebels have launched a series of coordinated attacks known as “Operation 1027” that outside analysts say have given them new momentum in their struggle against the military junta. The operation also reportedly aligns with China’s interest in cracking down on transnational crime in the region, particularly cybercriminals who target Chinese consumers."
Behind the VOA's narrative that is probably approved by Beijing, here is what we heard from other channels.
The so-called "Myanmar rebels" had no money, hundreds people, and no weapons, before "Operation 1027", within few days, they managed to form troops with thousands of soldiers, obtained sophisticated weapons and accurate intelligence cooperation.
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Why? According to @tankman2002 who used to be a criminal investigator/police in China, on Oct. 20, there was a mass killing of Chinese people who were trying to escape from Crouching Tiger Villa/卧虎山庄, a telecom scam compound in Kokang, Myanmar. Four under-covered Chinese intelligence officers who organized the runaway were buried alive after they showed up their official identity. People may have the same question as I had, why did these officers reveal their identity after the runaway plan failed? It goes back to the CCP's support and cultivation of Myanmar Communist Party and Military warlords, the CCP is like the big brother of the Myanmar military warlords. The latter were supposed to show respect to Beijing, not dared to kill Beijing's official representatives.
VOA's report corresponds to the above mentioned details but not to the history between the CCP and the Myanmar military warlords.
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Whereas @tankman2002 pointed that the CCP's strategy was "killing with borrowed knife/借刀杀人": "attack using the strength of another when in a situation where using one's own strength is not favorable. For example, trick an ally into attacking them or use the enemy's own strength against them. The idea is to cause damage to the enemy via a third party."
The borrowed knife, referred to as "Myanmar rebels" by VOA, is the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army, MNDAA. Before Operation 1027, MNDAA was the weakest force among the armed organizations in Kokang, no money, no weapon and no soldiers. On Oct. 27, after Beijing government was determined to retaliate, the leader of MNDAA suddenly issued an open letter to Myanmar people, declared a war against the telecom fraud, with weapons, soldiers and accurate intelligence co-operation ready. By the way, it reflects the CCP's double standards, while criticizing Israel's counter-fight against Hamas' terrorist attacks, the CCP took a flash retaliatory military action and cleaned up the military and telecom scam group in Myanmar.
Another media report likely from China on the Operation 1027 is similar to @tankman2002's report, except it covered-up the source of the weapons that MNDAA obtained as "mysterious" and "unknown".
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According to @tankman2002, Kokang, where many telecom scam centers located used to be part of China in the history, the language and culture there are same as that of Yunnan, China. Kokang even shares with China the telecommunications networks, area code and the currency: RMB.
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In his YouTube video, @tankman2002 presented details about China's export of the Communism to southeast Asian countries in 1960s and said the CCP's attempt to overturn those countries' government was the reason of the anti-Chinese sentiment and violence at that time. China trained Myanmar Communist leaders in Beijing, sent Myanmar Communist key personnel to the 54th Field Army of the PLA to study. Pheung Kya-shin, the chairman of the Kokang Special Region in Myanmar (Burma) and the leader of the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), was one of them.
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In July 1967, China's official media openly appealed that "Firmly support the armed struggle of the Myanmar people under the leadership of the Communist Party of Myanmar". They dispatched military advisory team to Myanmar, sent PLA soldiers to join Myanmar Communist's military force.
By the way, @tankman2002 is not the only one who revealed the close tie between the CCP and the Myanmar Military forces as you can see below:
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Someone even pointed finger at the CCP for the telecom scam:
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Echo to the above allegation, the CCP officially revealed that two wanted fugitives in the telecom fraud case of Myanmar Bai Yinglan/白应兰, aka Li Mengna/李梦娜 and Wei Rong/魏榕, aka Chen Rong/陈榕,actually have their civil registration record in China! They are literally Chinese! For those who don't understand China's Civil Registration System/户籍制度,it's a system that records every natural citizen born in China.
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As for the CCP's proxy war strategy in 1027 Operation, here are Mark Yang's words in his article: "(China) executed a comprehensive operation through proxies to completely solve the problem of telecom fraud in northern Myanmar".
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Note that on the official website of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we can find the following statement "we have never invaded other countries, nor engaged in proxy wars..." Turns out, they are saying one thing and doing another.
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Russia's Invasion of Ukraine in 2022
There is a Wikipedia page created for "China and the Russian invasion of Ukraine" saying "following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, China's position has been ambivalent. On one hand, it has blamed enlargement of NATO, which Russia has stated as a reason for starting the war. On the other hand, it has stressed respect for Ukraine's territorial integrity."
I think the page was created by western people because the CCP's position isn't "ambivalent" at all, in my point of view. The CCP's pro-Russia position is for real whereas its so-called "respect for Ukraine's territorial integrity" is merely a diplomatic cliché saved as a justification for its military invasion of Taiwan under the One China policy.
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The CCP's fake respect for Ukraine's territorial integrity can be proven by removing the official statement published on Jan. 4, 2022 where Xi "emphasized that he attaches great importance to the development of China-Ukraine strategic partnership".
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On April 18, 2023, An article was published on the CCP's mouthpiece web side 红歌会: "China's Defense Minister's visit to Russia Has Made the US and NATO to tremble".
In the article, it says "China needs a strong and successful Russia. Here is the message to the US: except military aid to Russia to attack Ukraine, China is doing everything else". Meanwhile, it sets the bottom line: "anyone who wants to dismember and destroy Russia, you step on China's bottom line" and repeated again the China-Russia joint-declaration "China needs a strong and successful Russia".
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As for the CCP's intention of using Russia's invasion of Ukraine as a proxy war and a test for its military attack against Taiwan, copying Russia's recovery of Crimea, here is what I heard in Twitter Space:
Please click the link below to my Rumble video and listen from 4:50
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More over, the CCP used Elon Musk, the new power stepped into the global politics, to lead the public opinion towards in favor of China-Russia Alliance. On Feb. 23, 2023, Elon Musk posted "A Russia-China alliance is inevitable. It will grow much stronger over time".
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CCP, Russia and Elon Musk: World Totalitarian Alliance in Construction?
Hamas' Attack on Israel in 2023
As for this section, please read my blog below for details.
Who’s Behind the Hamas Attack?
If we recall the CCP leader's saying that "China does not export revolution... and it does not mess around with you", it was not true in the CCP's history, and it still remains in question when we review Myanmar Coup in 2021, Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022 and Hamas' attacks on Israel in 2023.
(To be updated)
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ailtrahq · 1 year
Four Chinese nationals and a Lao citizen were arrested over their role in a Cryptocurrency fraud that caused victims 2.7 billion Baht (approximately 76 million) worth of losses. The Cyber Crime Investigation Bureau (CCIB) of Thailand shared that at least 3,280 people have fallen victim to this Cryptocurrency scam, with reports occurring since November 2022, The Bangkok Post reported. Not just one case of fraud Victims were said to being approached by strangers or foreigners who invited them to invest using foreign Mobile Apps and other online platforms, promising a high return on Investment. Pol Col Kissana, the spokesperson for the CCIB, shared that many victims invested their life savings into this scam, even taking out a second mortgage on their land or home. The investigation found that several of the people running the fraudulent website (bchgloballtd.com) were also linked to other fake platforms. With support from Homeland Security Investigation and other law enforcement agencies, the court was able to approve arrest warrants for the five suspects, four Chinese nationals and Lao citizen. The arrested are accused in colluding to commit transnational crime, public fraud, putting false Information into computer systems and money laundering. A crackdown on fraud Thailand continues to crack down on bad actors in the Cryptocurrency space. In an Aug. 22 News/detail/7229-%E0%B8%94%E0%B8%B5%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%B5%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%AA-%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%94%E0%B8%B7%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%94--%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%95%E0%B8%A3%E0%B8%B5%E0%B8%A2%E0%B8%A1%E0%B8%A3%E0%B9%89%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%87%E0%B8%A8%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%A5%E0%B8%9B%E0%B8%B4%E0%B8%94-Facebook-%E0%B9%83%E0%B8%99%E0%B9%84%E0%B8%97%E0%B8%A2-%E0%B8%AB%E0%B8%A5%E0%B8%B1%E0%B8%87%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%A1%E0%B8%B4%E0%B8%99-%E0%B8%9B%E0%B8%A5%E0%B9%88%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%A2%E0%B8%A1%E0%B8%B4%E0%B8%88%E0%B8%89%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%8A%E0%B8%B5%E0%B8%9E%E0%B8%A2%E0%B8%B4%E0%B8%87-Ad--%E0%B8%AB%E0%B8%A5%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%81%E0%B8%9B%E0%B8%A3%E0%B8%B0%E0%B8%8A%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%8A%E0%B8%99" target="_blank" rel="noopener">report, the country also warned Facebook and its users of a shutdown due to the increase in Cryptocurrency-related scams and other misleading ads that were being found on the platform. In the latest update, the Minister of Digital Economy and Society was taking action against these activities, sharing plans to present their findings in Thai court.  [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsA3W_wHn5U[/embed] A February report from Chainanalysis continues to caution users on the prevalence of crypto scams, highlighting while scam revenue has technically dropped, successful scams (like Hyperverse) are still costing users billions.
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newstfionline · 2 years
Friday, February 17, 2023
U.S. on Track to Add $19 Trillion in New Debt Over 10 Years (NYT) The United States is on track to add nearly $19 trillion to its national debt over the next decade, $3 trillion more than previously forecast, the result of rising costs for interest payments, veterans’ health care, retiree benefits and the military, the Congressional Budget Office said on Wednesday. The new forecasts project a $1.4 trillion gap this year between what the government spends and what it takes in from tax revenues. Over the following 10 years, deficits will average $2 trillion annually as tax receipts fail to keep pace with the rising costs of Social Security and Medicare benefits for retiring baby boomers. To put those numbers in context, the total amount of debt held by the public will equal the total annual output of the U.S. economy in 2024, rising to 118 percent of the economy by 2033.
Study shows ‘striking’ number who believe news misinforms (AP) Half of Americans in a recent survey indicated they believe national news organizations intend to mislead, misinform or persuade the public to adopt a particular point of view through their reporting. The survey, released Wednesday by Gallup and the Knight Foundation, goes beyond others that have shown a low level of trust in the media to the startling point where many believe there is an intent to deceive. Asked whether they agreed with the statement that national news organizations do not intend to mislead, 50% said they disagreed. Only 25% agreed, the study found. Similarly, 52% disagreed with a statement that disseminators of national news “care about the best interests of their readers, viewers and listeners,” the study found. “Americans don’t seem to think that the national news organizations care about the overall impact of their reporting on the society,” said John Sands, Knight’s senior director for media and democracy.
In Ohio Town Where Train Derailed, Anxiety and Distrust Are Running Deep (NYT) EAST PALESTINE, Ohio—All around the once-thriving industrial town in the quiet hills of eastern Ohio, there were signs this week of business as usual. But all around, too, were signs that nothing was normal at all. People sniffed the water coming out of their taps, checked rashes in the mirror and gazed down into creeks at the green-white shoals of fish and frogs floating belly up. The smell lingered, reminding some of a tire fire, others of burning plastic, mixed with model airplane glue or nail polish remover. Nearly two weeks after a Norfolk Southern freight train derailed in East Palestine, and a controlled burn of toxic chemicals it was carrying forced hundreds of residents to evacuate the area for days, the normal for many here was dread. Perhaps the most frightening thing for the town’s roughly 4,700 residents is how much remains unknown, and whether dangers that may be addressed in the short term will pose a threat years down the line. Confusing and seemingly shifting messages from government and railroad officials have frayed the local trust, which was already thin in a town battered by decades of mill and plant closures.
El Salvador vows gang crackdown will go on as citizens cheer safer streets (Reuters) El Salvador’s state of emergency to combat gangs, which has widespread public support despite a growing prison population and allegations of human rights abuses, will be maintained until all criminals are captured, the country’s security minister told Reuters. Since President Nayib Bukele asked the country’s congress to approve a state of exception in March last year, security forces have arrested more than 64,000 suspected gang members and associates. Authorities estimate they have around 10,000 more arrests to make and the measure has been regularly extended. The crackdown on El Salvador’s notorious gangs has more than halved murders in one of the most crime-ridden countries in the Western hemisphere, drawing the interest of other nations struggling with gang violence and raising questions about what rights citizens are willing to exchange for living on safer streets. With nearly 2% of its adult population behind bars, El Salvador has the highest incarceration rate in the world and recently inaugurated one of the region’s largest prisons, with a capacity for 40,000 inmates.
Russia has deployed about 97% of its army in Ukraine, according to the U.K. defense secretary. (WSJ) Despite intensifying attacks along the front lines in eastern Ukraine, Moscow is struggling to advance. Kyiv has warned of a renewed Russian onslaught to coincide with the first anniversary of the invasion next week, but some Western officials doubt it’ll be a single event. Also out of London: The think tank International Institute for Strategic Studies said Russia has likely lost 2,000-plus tanks in the Ukraine war—more than half of its operational fleet.
In Bleak Russian Cemetery, Sea of Crosses Signals War’s True Toll (NYT) It was a lonely funeral. Four narrow coffins, recently pulled from the back of a covered truck, rested on stands under an insistent snowfall as an Orthodox priest performed last rites. “Lord have mercy,” the priest chanted as he blessed the bodies of fallen Russian soldiers with incense, his cassock buffeted by a freezing wind. Once those corpses were lowered, four more dead soldiers in crimson-covered coffins were sung their last rites. This is the final resting place for many of the men who lost their lives fighting for the private mercenary force known as Wagner, which has been leading the Russian military effort in the monthslong battle for the Ukrainian city of Bakhmut. Wagner’s founder, Yevgeny V. Prigozhin, a tycoon who has a close relationship with President Vladimir V. Putin, has lauded his force as “probably the most experienced army in the world today.” But the rapidly growing cemetery in Bakinskaya, a town near the Black Sea, is evidence that his mercenary army—which includes many poorly trained ex-convicts—is sustaining tremendous battlefield losses. Those observing the cemetery say between four and eight soldiers are being buried per day, on average; local media estimates are even higher, reporting as many as 16 graves per day.
Turkey quake revives question about nuclear plant being built (AP) A devastating earthquake that toppled buildings across parts of Turkey and neighboring Syria has revived a longstanding debate locally and in neighboring Cyprus about a large nuclear power station being built on Turkey’s southern Mediterranean coastline. The plant’s site in Akkuyu, located some 210 miles (338 kilometers) and 245 miles (394 kilometers) to the west of the Feb. 6 tremors’ epicenters, is being designed to endure powerful tremors and did not sustain any damage or experience powerful ground shaking from the 7.8 magnitude earthquake and aftershocks. But the size of the quake—the deadliest in Turkey’s modern history—sharpened existing concerns about the facility being built on the edge of a major fault line.
Syria, Turkey struggle to care for orphans after quakes (Washington Post) More than a week removed from the disaster, with the death toll above 41,000, extended families and authorities on both sides of the Turkey-Syria border are still trying to figure out how many children have been orphaned, and how to care for them. They are spread across tents and hospital wards, sleeping in cars or in the apartments of the closest relatives they have left. Some children have emerged from the rubble stunned or crying. One aid worker recalled how a girl tried to fight the rescue team who pulled her to safety, screaming hysterically at them that she wanted to be returned to her family, still buried under their house. While Turkey is doing its best to track the number of new orphans—the government there said Friday that the families of 263 rescued children could not be reached—Syrian authorities face a more complex struggle. Records are often missing or not shared between the government and the rebel-held northeast where the quake occurred.
India, soon world’s most populous nation, doesn’t know how many people it has (Reuters) In two months, India is projected to become the world’s most populous country with over 1.4 billion people. But for at least a year, and possibly longer, the country won’t know how many people it has because it hasn’t been able to count them. India’s once in a decade census, due in 2021 and delayed due to the pandemic, has now got bogged down by technical and logistical hurdles and there are no signs the mammoth exercise is likely to begin soon. The United Nations has projected India’s population could touch 1,425,775,850 on April 14, overtaking China on that day. The 2011 census had put India’s population at 1.21 billion, meaning the country has added 210 million, or almost the number of people in Brazil, to its population in 12 years. India’s census is conducted by about 330,000 government school teachers who first go door-to-door listing all houses across the country and then return to them with a second list of questions.
China blasts US over response to Chinese balloon incursion (AP) China’s ceremonial parliament has accused American lawmakers of trampling on the sovereignty of other nations after the U.S. passed a measure condemning a suspected Chinese spy balloon’s intrusion into U.S. airspace. The statement issued Thursday by the National People’s Congress’s Foreign Affairs Committee repeated Beijing’s insistence that the balloon was an unmanned civilian weather research airship, a claim the U.S. has dismissed citing its flight route and payload of surveillance equipment. While China at first expressed regret over the Feb. 4 incident, it has toughened its rhetoric in a further sign of how badly relations between the sides have deteriorated in recent years. On Wednesday, the Foreign Ministry said it will take measures against U.S. entities somehow related to the downing of the balloon, without giving details.
Lebanese depositors smash up, burn Beirut banks (Reuters) Several dozen Lebanese protesters attacked banks in a Beirut neighbourhood on Thursday, while blocking roads protesting against informal restrictions on cash withdrawals in place for years and rapidly deteriorating economic conditions. At least six banks had been targeted as the Lebanese pound hit a new record low on Thursday, a spokesperson for Depositors Outcry, a lobby representing depositors with money stuck in the country’s banking sector, said. Since 2019, Lebanese banks have imposed restrictions on withdrawals in U.S. dollars and Lebanese pounds that were never formalised by law, leading depositors to seek access to their funds through lawsuits and often by force. The Lebanese pound has lost more than 98% of its value since the country’s financial sector imploded in 2019. It was changing hands at around 80,000 pounds per greenback on Thursday, dropping from 70,000 pounds just two days earlier.
Melting ice, rising seas (Guardian) Scientists say that sea ice in the Antarctic has shrunken to never-before-seen levels, and U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres has declared that rising sea levels as a result of that melting will cause “a mass exodus of entire populations on a biblical scale.” “The continental shelf, an area the size of Germany, is now completely ice-free,” said Professor Karsten Gohl, a polar researcher who’s visited Antarctica multiple times. “It is troubling to consider how quickly this change has taken place.” Gohl added, “I have never seen such an extreme, ice-free situation here before.” According to federal data, Antarctic sea ice shrunk to an area covering just 737,000 square miles on February 13. Secretary-General Guterres predicts a massive human rights crisis if sea levels continue to rise. “Low-lying communities and entire countries could disappear forever,” he declared. “We would witness a mass exodus of entire populations on a biblical scale. And we would see ever fiercer competition for fresh water, land, and other resources.”
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creatiview · 2 years
[ad_1] Democrats in the US House of Representatives issue a letter denouncing Peru’s deadly crackdown against protesters.A group of Democrats in the United States House of Representatives has urged the Biden administration to suspend all security assistance to Peru over a “pattern of repression” against antigovernment protests that has resulted in more than 50 civilian deaths. Their letter, a copy of which was shared with The Associated Press news agency, asked the Biden administration on Monday to halt its security assistance until the government can confirm that the crackdown in Peru has ended and the Peruvian officials responsible for human rights abuses are being held accountable. Peru’s foreign minister is in Washington, DC, this week seeking international support for President Dina Boluarte’s increasingly besieged government. Pressure has been mounting on Boluarte, formerly the vice president under ex-President Pedro Castillo, to resign the post she inherited last month when Castillo was impeached and arrested for his ill-fated attempt to close Peru’s Congress. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0CIZ7_EQf8[/embed] “Security forces have indiscriminately responded with almost no regard for protestors’ human rights,” according to the letter, which was signed by 20 mostly progressive House Democrats. “Rather than working to deescalate tensions, the Boluarte government has substantially increased tensions — including classifying protesters as ‘terrorists’ and limiting citizens’ right of movement.” The US provides more than $40m annually to Peru in security assistance, according to the Washington Office on Latin America, a research nonprofit. The vast majority is aimed at helping Peru counter drug trafficking. While protesters were initially demanding Castillo’s release from jail, the unrest has spread across the country, galvanising the support of many poor, Indigenous Peruvians who have benefitted little from Peru’s mining-driven economic boom. Protesters demand that both Boluarte and Congress stand down and that new elections be held this year. Legislators rejected that on Friday. But after another protester died and Boluarte urged them to reconsider, Congress narrowly agreed on Monday to debate a proposal to hold elections in October, with 66 votes in favour, 49 opposed and six abstentions. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKjwMLncQ9w[/embed] Meanwhile, as the protests stretch into their second month, beleaguered security forces have become more forceful. Among the incidents cited in the letter, organised by Representative Susan Wild of Pennsylvania, was the national police raid on student dormitories at San Marcos University in Lima, which included the mass arrest of nearly 200 people. That shocked many Peruvians because campuses have long been off-limits to security forces except when crimes are being committed. The campus invasion drew sharp condemnation from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, which said it collected testimony from civil society groups who alleged law enforcement officers invaded the bedrooms of student leaders, slung racist remarks at Indigenous activists, and forced women to strip naked and do squats. Officials from the United Nations and European Union have strongly condemned what they consider the disproportionate use of force. The Biden administration has been more measured, calling for impartial investigations into abuses while also expressing support for Boluarte’s efforts to restore calm and seek a political solution. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbXwTjcYYmM[/embed] Amid the unrest, outgoing US Ambassador Lisa Kenna announced an additional $8m in US support for coca eradication efforts in the remote Upper Huallaga valley, part of the Amazon basin in Peru. Kenna has also met with the defence minister and other Cabinet members. Such actions send an “ambiguous message”, according to the letter, which was also signed by representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of
New York, Pramila Jayapal of Washington state, and Jim McGovern of Massachusetts, a longtime voice for human rights in Latin America. “The US government can and must do more,” they wrote. “We believe our proposed actions would send a powerful signal in support of fundamental rights and help promote effective engagement for a political resolution.” A copy of the letter was also sent to Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. [ad_2] Source link
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getlayd · 3 years
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Yixing as officer Lin Hao in 《Crime Crackdown》
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fyexo · 3 years
210806 扫黑风暴官微
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V unnie, Crime Crackdown surpassed 1,000,000,000 views in only 7Days which is a blockbuster hit !!
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eretzyisrael · 4 years
It is absolutely wrong to say that Arab residents of Mandated Palestine did not suffer a NAKBA (catastrophe) in 1948. History shows that from their perspective, whatever the truth of the conflict itself, the end result was a catastrophe for them. But is accepting they suffered a catastrophe the same as accepting that the Palestinian NAKBA narrative is true? No, it most certainly is not.
This is not about where you sit on the issue of settlements, Gaza, the PA or a Palestinian state. This isn’t about what you think of Tzipi Hotovely either. The position here is one of historical truth.
Oral v Written history
The Jews were a state within a state and meticulous record keepers. The Arabs had been virtually leaderless since the brutal British crackdown during the uprisings in the 1930s. The Jews were a community – a people, the Arabs were a clan based, disconnected society.
When the dust settled, the Jews had it all written down. The Arabs had virtually nothing. The two situations naturally create completely different dynamics. One side has a written history, the other almost totally dependent on an oral one:
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Written – Over time the chest-beating myths give way to a more balanced view of events. With the periodic publication of sealed historical records, adjustments are made allowing for further introspection. As generations fade into history, a far more critical approach begins to take place. The graph is an over-simplification, but in general, the narrative should begin to reflect more of a balanced truth.
Oral – People are terrible witnesses, they personalise everything, are the heroes of their own stories, exaggerate, hide their own crimes and demonise their enemy. This gets worse over time and narratives become further twisted according to fading memories or necessity. Handed down to the children and removed from facts and context, oral history often turns into a quicksand of self-glorifying – or self-victimising, mythmaking.
Read More: Here
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sob37uj · 4 years
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia will strike those who threaten the kingdom's security and stability with an "iron fist
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia will strike those who threaten the kingdom's security and stability with an "iron fist", the crown prince said on Thursday, one day after an attack on a Remembrance Day ceremony injured two in the kingdom.
Islamic State claimed Wednesday's attack on a non-Muslim cemetery in the Saudi Red Sea city of Jeddah during a World War One remembrance ceremony involving French and other embassies. The group provided no evidence for the claim.
"We will continue to hit with an iron fist against anyone who thinks of threatening our security and stability," Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the kingdom's de facto ruler, said in a speech carried by Saudi state news agency SPA.
Wednesday's attack occurred two weeks after a Saudi man wounded a security guard at the French consulate in Jeddah with what has been described as a "sharp tool" and after recent Islamist militant attacks in France and Austria.
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Prince Mohammed said Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam, is committed to confronting extremism, and rejects and condemns all terrorist acts.
He said actual terror attacks in the kingdom, the world's top oil exporter and a key U.S. ally, had "fallen to near zero" following a restructuring of the interior ministry and reforming of the security sector that began in mid-2017.
Prince Mohammed became heir to the throne following a palace coup in 2017 that ousted the then-crown prince.
The prince also said the kingdom would continue to combat corruption after the state recovered 247 billion riyals ($65.86 billion) in settlements in addition to assets worth tens of billions of riyals in the past three years. [L1N2HY2L6]
In January 2019 Saudi Arabia ended a sweeping anti-corruption campaign in which many members of the kingdom's economic and political elite were detained.
Critics saw the crackdown as a power grab by the crown prince, who has moved to sideline any rivals to his eventual succession to the throne. Prince Mohammed has defended the campaign as "shock therapy" as he tries to overhaul the economy.
Story continues Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting. Pennsylvania Republicans plan 'extraordinary measures' to delay election results Yahoo News Pennsylvania Republicans plan 'extraordinary measures' to delay election results Republicans in the Pennsylvania state legislature on Tuesday said they would take “extraordinary measures” to find out whether the election in their state was fair, despite having no evidence of any wrongdoing. State Rep. Dawn Keefer, a Republican from York County, announced that Republicans in the state legislature would move to conduct an audit of the election, and that the state should not certify the election results, or select electors to the Electoral College, until it is completed. The General Assembly needs to take extraordinary measures to answer these extraordinary questions,” Keefer said while speaking in front of a group of a dozen or so House Republicans.
Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis after 2005 AdGuardian Legal Network Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis after 2005 Women with ovarian cancer have secured millions of dollars in judgments against baby powder manufacturers. Check your eligibility now!
What we can learn from the Amish about coronavirus Yahoo News What we can learn from the Amish about coronavirus As Americans prepare to gather for Thanksgiving, and as the approach of winter drives those gatherings indoors, a coronavirus outbreak in a rural Amish community offers a warning of what could lie ahead for other parts of the nation. Although the pandemic began in large cities including New York and Seattle, the coronavirus ravaged rural communities throughout the summer. Rural communities pose a concerning set of challenges, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which on Thursday published a study of the Amish outbreak.
Trump supporter files restraining order against neighbours who celebrated Biden win The Independent Trump supporter files restraining order against neighbours who celebrated Biden win A Trump supporter filed a restraining order against his neighbours who he claims taunted him over Joe Biden's election win. Michael Mason says he took legal action after being “harassed” by his Democratic supporting neighbours who he says mocked him over Trump's loss. Mr Mason filed a restraining order to have the neighbours stay 100 feet away from his home after Mr Biden became the president-elect.
Doug Emhoff quits law firm amid White House role rumours The Telegraph Doug Emhoff quits law firm amid White House role rumours Doug Emhoff, the husband of vice president-elect Kamala Harris, has quit his law firm amid speculation he may be given a role in the White House. Mr Emhoff, who will become America's first ever "second gentleman" from January, has been on leave from DLA Piper since August when Ms Harris was formally nominated as Joe Biden's running mate. "Mr Emhoff is working with the Biden-Harris transition team to develop the portfolio he will focus on to support the work of the administration," a campaign spokesman said on Wednesday.
How He Made $2.8M Trading Stocks Part-Time At Home AdRaging Bull How He Made $2.8M Trading Stocks Part-Time At Home Kyle Dennis took a leap of faith and decided to invest his savings of $15K in the stock market — $2.8M later, he owes his success to these strategies
Saudi will strike those who threaten its security, crown prince warns Reuters Saudi will strike those who threaten its security, crown prince warns Saudi Arabia will strike those who threaten the kingdom's security and stability with an "iron fist", the crown prince said on Thursday, one day after an attack on a Remembrance Day ceremony injured two in the kingdom. Islamic State claimed Wednesday's attack on a non-Muslim cemetery in the Saudi Red Sea city of Jeddah during a World War One remembrance ceremony involving French and other embassies. "We will continue to hit with an iron fist against anyone who thinks of threatening our security and stability," Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the kingdom's de facto ruler, said in a speech carried by Saudi state news agency SPA.
Trump is reportedly 'very aware' he lost the election but is putting up a fight as 'theater' The Week Trump is reportedly 'very aware' he lost the election but is putting up a fight as 'theater' President Trump is reportedly challenging the 2020 election results primarily just as "theater," as he puts on a "performance" for his supporters despite knowing he will not begin a second term in January. Trump is "very aware there is not a path to victory," but he believes the 72 million who voted for him "deserve a fight" so he's battling as a form of "theater" for them, a top White House aide tells me. Similarly, The Washington Post reports that Trump's team, which is mounting legal challenges in battleground states, has "no grand strategy to reverse the election results," and The Associated Press writes that Trump has a "greater understanding of his predicament" than you might think but thinks he "needs to keep fighting almost as performance."
Turkey offended by Pompeo's plan to discuss religious issues Associated Press Turkey offended by Pompeo's plan to discuss religious issues Turkey took offense at a U.S. statement that said Secretary of State Mike Pompeo would promote religious freedom during an upcoming visit to Istanbul and called Wednesday on Washington to focus on racism and hate crimes in the United States instead. The State Department said in a statement Tuesday that Pompeo would travel to Istanbul to meet with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, the spiritual leader of the world's Greek Orthodox Christians. The top U.S. diplomat plans to discuss religious issues in Turkey and to promote “our strong stance on religious freedom around the world,” the statement read.
Ex French President Hollande asks Macron: 'How are you doing? Is it not too hard right now?' Reuters
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masterge77 · 5 years
A brief list of atrocities committed by China in recent years
You hear about the Hong Kong Protests, you’ve most likely heard of the Tienanmen Square massacre, and you probably know of the Uyghur genocide, but it goes FAR beyond just that: This was taken from a comment made by Ender12123 on this YouTube video, credit to him for compiling this list: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ebMI2xDtn4
Hundreds of human rights lawyers (not even dissidents, just the LAWYERS who defended people) were snatched by gestapo all over China in what is known as the 709 Crackdown [1].
One of those lawyers, Wang Quanzhang was sentenced to 4.5 years for "subversion of state power" [2]. But that's not enough. China actually went after Wang's 6-year-old son, forcing him out of his school and banning any other school from taking him in [3].
A dissident, known as Wang Bingzhang was kidnapped by Chinese agents in Vietnam and sentenced to life in prison after a closed trial that lasted 1 day. [4]
A man wore a t-shirt with the word "Xitler" on it and was disappeared [5]. Eventually he was tried for "subversion of state power" while barred from meeting with lawyers. [6]
Another man, Wang Meiyu hold up a placard calling for Xi’s resignation & democracy. He was arrested for "picking quarrels”. He ended up dead in custody. [7]
A woman live-streamed herself splashing ink on a Xi poster. She was disappeared [8]. Her last social media update: "Right now there are a group of people wearing uniforms outside my door. I’ll go out after I change my clothes. I did not commit a crime. The people and groups that hurt me are the ones who are guilty" [9]. Later on, there was report of her being sent to a psychiatric hospital [10]. After the ink-splash woman's disappearance her father made a series of broadcast to call attention to her plight. He ended up getting taken away by the police in the middle of a live stream. [11]
5 people associated with a Hong Kong bookstore that sold titles such as "Xi Jinping and His Six Women" were disappeared. Only one managed to escape back to HK. He held a press briefing to tell the world about his kidnapping by China. He's now in exile in Taiwan. The other 4 are still somewhere in China. [12]
And, of course 1.5 million - 3 millions Uyghurs rounded up in concentration camps [13], including leaked footage of a large number of blindfolded Uyghurs shackled together. [14]
A Canadian journalist wanted to debunk reports of Chinese anti-Muslim repression so he went on a stage-managed show tour put on by China. That means he only saw a fake Potemkin village that China actually thought was acceptable by Western standard. But the brutality of even this fake Potemkin village stunned him. Now imagine what's really happening in the real concentration camps where millions of Uyghurs are being held. Imagine how bad the true situation is. [15]
Using minorities & political prisoners as free organ farms [16]. A doctor's eye witness account: 'The prisoner was brought in, tied hand and foot, but very much alive. The army doctor in charge sliced him open from chest to belly button and exposed his two kidneys. Then the doctor ordered Zheng to remove the man’s eyeballs. Hearing that, the dying prisoner gave him a look of sheer terror, and Zheng froze. “I can’t do it,” he told the doctor, who then quickly scooped out the man’s eyeballs himself.' [17]
Call for retraction of 400 Chinese scientific papers amid fears organs came from Chinese prisoners. [18]
15 Chinese studies retracted due to fears they used Chinese prisoners' organs Cultural genocide (and organ harvests, of course). [19]
A uyghur's testimony: "First, children were stopped from learning about the Quran, then from going to mosques. It was followed by bans on ramadan, growing beards, giving Islamic names to your baby, etc. Then our language was attacked – we didn’t get jobs if we didn’t know Mandarin. Our passports were collected, we were told to spy on each other, innocent Uyghur prisoners were killed for organ harvesting" [20]
And now China is moving beyond Uyghur and cracking down on its model minority Hui Muslim. 'Afraid We Will Become The Next Xinjiang': China's Hui Muslims Face Crackdown: "The same restrictions that preceded the Xinjiang crackdown on Uighur Muslims are now appearing in Hui-dominated regions. Hui mosques have been forcibly renovated or shuttered, schools demolished, and religious community leaders imprisoned. Hui who have traveled internationally are increasingly detained or sent to reeducation facilities in Xinjiang." [21]
Along with the Uyghur and Hui Muslims, Christian churches are being closed down throughout the country, with some churches being forced to replace the Ten Commandments with quotes by Xi Jinping, and portraits of Mao Zedong as a means of forcing people to adhere to the party at all times. [22]
One church had it’s cross torn down [23], and throughout the country, Christians have been being hunted down [24].
Just like the Nazis, the Chinese are now burning books that don’t comply with the party’s stringent and intolerant ideology, most especially religious texts. [5]
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. What is occurring in China is horrible and appaling, and big corporations continue to prop up this inhumane government, and nobody's doing anything about it, the corporations are blinded by greed that they don't see the atrocities in China.
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thebluemeany · 5 years
DS9 Community – Ways to support the protesters in Sudan
Most of us (including me) like to keep our fandom and escapism separate from the real world. Plus we want to stay respectfully away from the actors personal lives. However, most of us know Alexander Siddig was born in Sudan and that his family was politically active there/ had to leave during 80s. So…
What has been going on in Sudan in the last few months:
Since last year, widespread protests have been occurring in Sudan. The unrest was sparked by high prices but then changed to protesting against the oppressive regime.
The Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA) has led the peaceful demonstrations. The SPA is an organisation of doctors and lawyers.
Many people have been killed or injured. The official figure is 38 dead since December, however the actual number is believed to be higher.
Many of the protesters are women (by some estimates as high as 70%). Sudan has a terrible record concerning both women’s rights and how it deals with female political dissidents.
What happened today:
Omar al-Bashir, Sudan’s President for the last 30 years was ousted and arrested this morning. He has previously been accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
The Military has now taken control, released all political prisoners and put the country under a state of emergency.
Protesters are demanding that a civilian council rather than the army should handle the transition of power.
The situation remains highly volatile and the military could hold on to power or issue a crackdown.
What can I do to help:
Because this hellsite currently stops all posts with links showing up in the search (wonderful move tumblr) I’ve put the other post with links in the comments. 
If you are a UK Citizen you can sign the parliamentary petition to support the declaration of the SPA. 
And you can sign the petition for the UK government to condemn the violence ( this is an old petition that has been running since December but probably worth signing anyway).  
If you are not a UK citizen, you can visit Amnesty International’s page on the issue or Human Rights Watch. Similarly, Stand With Sudan: Dafur Women Action Group has more info and suggestions on what you can do depending on the country in which you live.
All of the above is free and quick to do.
Will it actually do anything?
The petitions and groups on their own, probably not. However, international pressure is vital in situations like this and we can make sure our own governments respond and act.
For example, if the petition reaches 10,000 signatures the UK Government is obliged to issue a written response. If it reaches 100,000 it has to be discussed in Parliament and that could lead to international pressure if a military government does refuse to give up power.  
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newstfionline · 3 years
Tuesday, July 13, 2021
For democracy, it’s a time of swimming against the tide (AP) The old Nicaraguan revolutionary, with his receding hairline and the goatee that he had finally let turn grey, spoke calmly into the camera as police swarmed toward his house, hidden behind a high wall in a leafy Managua neighborhood. Decades earlier, Hugo Torres had been a revered guerrilla in the fight against right-wing dictator Anastasio Somoza. In 1974, he’d taken a group of top officials hostage, then traded them for the release of imprisoned comrades. Among those prisoners was Daniel Ortega, a Marxist bank robber who would become Nicaragua’s elected president and later its authoritarian ruler. And on this hot Sunday in mid-June, amid a weekslong clampdown to obliterate nearly every hint of opposition, Ortega had his old savior arrested. In the last few months, the growing ranks of dictators have flexed their muscles, and freedom has been in retreat. The list is grim: a draconian crackdown in Nicaragua, with laws that now let the government paint nearly any critic as a traitor; a military takeover in Myanmar, with bloody repression that the United Nations says has left more than 850 people dead since Feb. 1 and more than 4,800 arbitrarily detained; a tightening grip by Beijing on Hong Kong, the semi-autonomous enclave where activists and journalists have been harassed and imprisoned under a sweeping national security law. 2020 was “another year of decline for liberal democracy,” said a recent report from the V-Dem Institute, a Sweden-based research center. “The world is still more democratic than it was in the 1970s and 1980s, but the global decline in liberal democracy has been steep during the past 10 years.”
Companies Target a New Market: The Stressed Out (WSJ) Drivers climbing into the new Lincoln Nautilus enter “a sanctuary,” Lincoln declares in the car’s ads. Seats offer massage, vents emit refreshed air and sound-dampening materials eliminate outside ruckus. Long before Covid-19 hit last year, rising stress was identified as one of Americans’ major concerns. Now, more than a year into the pandemic, consumers’ stress levels have been soaring. In June, nearly one-third of Americans reported experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression, according to a survey from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 2019, only 11% of Americans reported such symptoms, according to a comparable survey from the National Center for Health Statistics. With so much of the population stressed out, more consumer product companies see soothing anxiety as an opportunity. Makers of everyday goods from cars and note paper to makeup, cereal and beverages are framing marketing messages and launching products to target worried consumers. Many consumers say they are receptive to mental health advice coming from companies. They are looking for support for their emotional well being, and many say they welcome products that promise to make them feel better. Younger consumers especially report having a new perspective on managing their mental health. Some 50% of consumers ages 18-24 reported that they have changed their approach to mental health, compared with 28% of people ages 57 to 75, an Ernst & Young survey of 1,001 U.S. adults conducted earlier this year found.
Residents in Florida Condos Fear They Could be Next (NYT) In the days since the collapse of the Champlain Towers South condominium complex in the town of Surfside, residents of other condos are increasingly worried that their homes could also be at risk. The Champlain Towers collapse has brought rattling uncertainty to the long line of high-rise residences that abut the South Florida coastline. At Crestview Towers in North Miami Beach, seven miles from the collapse in Surfside, residents had just hours to go in and recover their belongings on Friday, a week after an evacuation was ordered to make way for long-delayed repairs. A second condominium in the city also evacuated its residents last week, while a private engineering firm warned officials of dangerous conditions in a condominium in Kissimmee, south of Orlando. The problem was not only with residences: Miami-Dade County officials on Friday announced the full evacuation of the old Dade County Courthouse after an engineering survey identified safety concerns that warranted an immediate closure of the upper floors.
In Honduras, it’s raining fish (El Heraldo) “Sunny with a chance of fish...” In one area of northern Honduras, weather forecasters await the unlikely arrival of a kind of “fish storm” in the summer months, which allows locals to feast on small silver pesces. It’s a phenomenon with no clear scientific explanation. The most recent “Lluvia de Peces” (“Fish Rain”) happened in Yoro, the department along the country’s Caribbean coast, as the Honduran daily El Heraldo reports. Locals say it has been observed in parts of Yoro since the 19th century. After a strong rainstorm subsides, they go out with buckets to collect the fish—experts have compared them to sardines—and enjoy them collectively; in many places the bounty is distributed equally and it’s looked down on to profit from the harvest. Indeed, many in this religiously devout region see the bizarre event as a blessing. Many locals believe that the fish began to appear after Catholic missionary Manuel de Jesús Subirana prayed to God to alleviate the poverty he saw in Yoro when he arrived in 1858. It seems he got his loaves and fish, and then some.
Cubans Denounce ‘Misery’ in Biggest Protests in Decades (NYT) Shouting “Freedom” and other anti-government slogans, hundreds of Cubans took to the streets in cities around the country on Sunday to protest food and medicine shortages, in a remarkable eruption of discontent not seen in nearly 30 years. Hundreds of people marched through San Antonio de los Baños, southwest of Havana, with videos streaming live on Facebook for nearly an hour before they suddenly disappeared. As the afternoon wore on, other videos appeared from demonstrations elsewhere, including Palma Soriano, in the country’s southeast. Hundreds of people also gathered in Havana, where a heavy police presence preceded their arrival. Hundreds of people marched through San Antonio de los Baños, southwest of Havana, with videos streaming live on Facebook for nearly an hour before they suddenly disappeared. As the afternoon wore on, other videos appeared from demonstrations elsewhere, including Palma Soriano, in the country’s southeast. Hundreds of people also gathered in Havana, where a heavy police presence preceded their arrival. The protests were set off by a dire economic crisis in Cuba, where the coronavirus pandemic has cut off crucial tourism dollars. People now spend hours in line each day to buy basic food items. Many have been unable to work because restaurants and other businesses have remained on lockdown for months.
Gangs complicate Haiti effort to recover from assassination (AP) Gangs in Haiti have long been financed by powerful politicians and their allies—and many Haitians fear those backers may be losing control of the increasingly powerful armed groups who have driven thousands of people from their homes as they battle over territory, kill civilians and raid warehouses of food. The escalation in gang violence threatens to complicate—and be aggravated by—political efforts to recover from last week’s brazen slaying of President Jovenel Moïse. Haiti’s government is in disarray; no parliament, no president, a dispute over who is prime minister, a weak police force. But the gangs seem more organized and powerful than ever. While the violence has been centered in the capital of Port-au-Prince, it has affected life across Haiti, paralyzing the fragile economy, shuttering schools, overwhelming police and disrupting efforts to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. “The country is transformed into a vast desert where wild animals engulf us,” said the Haitian Conference of the Religious in a recent statement decrying the spike in violent crime. “We are refugees and exiles in our own country.” Gangs recently have stolen tens of thousands of bags of sugar, rice and flour as well as ransacking and burning homes in the capital. That has driven thousands of people to seek shelter at churches, outdoor fields and a large gymnasium, where the government and international donors struggle to feed them and find long-term housing.
In symbolic end to war, U.S. general to step down from command in Afghanistan (Reuters) The U.S. general leading the war in Afghanistan, Austin Miller, will relinquish command on Monday, U.S. officials say, in a symbolic end to America’s longest conflict even as Taliban insurgents gain momentum. Miller will become America’s last four-star general on the ground in Afghanistan in a ceremony in Kabul that will come ahead of a formal end to the military mission there on Aug. 31. While the ceremony may offer some sense of closure for U.S. veterans who served in Afghanistan, it’s unclear whether it will succeed in reassuring the Western-backed Afghan government as the Taliban press ground offensives that have given them control of more territory than at any time since the conflict began. Biden acknowledged on Thursday that Afghanistan’s future was far from certain but said the Afghan people must decide their own fate. “I will not send another generation of Americans to war in Afghanistan with no reasonable expectation of achieving a different outcome,” he said.
Jordanian ex-royal court chief sentenced to 15 years for alleged plot (Reuters) A Jordanian court on Monday sentenced a former royal confidant, Bassem Awadallah, and a minor royal to 15 years in jail on charges of attempting to destabilise the monarchy. The court said it had confirmed evidence backing the charges against the pair and that they had both been determined to harm the monarchy by pushing former heir to the throne Prince Hamza as an alternative to the king.
Frenchman starts hunger strike by Tokyo Olympic Stadium in desperate bid to see his kids (Washington Post) Frenchman Vincent Fichot began a hunger strike this weekend close to Tokyo’s Olympic Stadium in a desperate bid to regain access to his two young children, who were taken away by their mother three years ago and whom he hasn’t seen since. Japan is unique among developed nations in not recognizing the concept of joint custody. In practice, its courts almost always award sole custody to whichever parent is physically looking after the children at the time. The policy creates a cruel incentive for parents—flee a marriage with your children at your side and you will almost certainly win custody of them, without any enforceable obligation to grant the other parent access. Lawyers say that is exactly what happens in tens of thousands of Japanese families every year, and it’s exactly what happened to Fichot: When his marriage broke down and he sought a divorce, his Japanese wife simply took off with their nearly 3-year-old son, Tsubasa, and 11-month-old daughter, Kaeda. That was Aug. 10, 2018. “My children were kidnapped three years ago and since then I haven’t heard from them,” Fichot said in an interview on Sunday, on the second day of his hunger strike. “I don’t know where they are. I don’t know if they are healthy, or even that they are alive.”
6 dead in South Africa riots over jailing of ex-leader Zuma (AP) Rioting triggered by the imprisonment of former South African President Jacob Zuma escalated Monday as shopping malls in Johannesburg were looted, major roads were blocked by burning tires and the police and military struggled to contain the violence. The unrest started last week in KwaZulu-Natal province after Zuma was imprisoned for contempt of court. What began as fairly small-scale blocking of roads in Zuma’s home area intensified and spread to Gauteng, South Africa’s most populous province, including Johannesburg, the country’s largest city. At least six people have been killed and more than 200 arrested, according to a police statement issued Monday. Soldiers have been deployed to help the police.
Oh Deer (WSJ) North America’s got a deer problem. Having killed or removed pretty much all of their natural predators, white-tailed deer in the Eastern U.S. have exploded in population. Prior to European settlement, there were about two to four deer per square kilometer. Once that density passes eight deer per square kilometer, they eat everything, and that significantly harms the ecosystem, with songbird populations declining and native plant species in free fall. In some developed parts of the U.S., there are 50 to 114 deer per square kilometer.
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