#v; salvatore school
genericmuses · 1 year
🐈 [ HOPE ] liked for a starter (Thea)
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“Do you have any more of that? I’m working on a spell.” 
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affectionatecorpse · 8 months
I dunno what it is about Violetta (Identity V) but she REALLY reminds me of Moreau (Resident Evil 8). Like maybe it's the design? They're technically both big hunchbacked people who wear dark green and keep their hoods up 90% of the time. Or maybe it's their personalities?? From what I've seen anyway, Violetta seems to be sweet, really damn weird and quite naive. Again, from what I've seen, don't quote me on that- or maybe it's because they're both commonly overlooked creatures, a spider and a fish, which, let's be honest, not many people pick as a favourite.
But yeah I dunno, they're just the same breed of character to me.
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badasshybridqueen · 10 months
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Legacies AU 3: In this verse after Klaus’ siblings were in coffins and Marcel had Klaus, Hayley was on a mission to find a cure and get them back. After being on the road a few years she found her way back to Mystic Falls just as Caroline was finalizing the opening of her school - they decided to help each other out and while she and Caroline worked on bringing the school to life she had access to the information she needed to bring her family back. So when Hayley finds the cure for the Mikaelsons they wake up in their old house in Mystic Falls which is where she and Hope have been living for the past two years. Caroline and Hayley have been working together, recruiting kids with gifts, creating a safe space for special kids and dealing with having to raise their kids while trying to keep everyone else safe and leaning on each other to do so. Alaric teaches hand-to-hand combat and hunting skills, Freya even pops in to teach some intro to witchcraft classes, Rebekah is all about planning the dances and helping pick out uniforms when she’s around, and there is no tolerance for using abilities against each other within the school. There is no Hollow in this verse. Once Hayley finds the cure, wakes the Mikaelsons up - they go rescue Klaus from Marcel and bring him back to Mystic Falls. [ Interactions in this verse can take place anywhere from when Hayley first comes to Mystic Falls all the way through to current Legacies Canon w/ the exception of Caroline & Hayley both being present at the school. ]
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peakyswritings · 11 months
Heart, Body and Soul || Tommy Shelby x OC
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Summary: As they get closer, Tommy and Nina start to realise that their time together is limited. However, an unexpected event makes the tables turn.
Warnings: mentions of arranged marriage, slow-burn, small age-gap (Tommy’s 30, Nina is in her early 20s), time-typical misogyny, mentions of war, mentions of mutilation, this chapter contains triggering themes, such as sexual assault and violence. Read at your own risk.
A/N: I hope this is worth the wait! Useful information: in the first part of this chapter Nina is 17. She’s depicted as naive, maybe a bit too much for a seventeen-year-old, but bear in mind that she grew up in an extremely conservative environment. Also, I wrote all the dialogues in English because it would’ve been too much of a mess to switch between the languages, so keep in mind that whilst the dialogues between Nina and Agnese could be in both languages since they’re bilingual, the ones between Nina and Stefano are technically in Italian. Last, some things from the previous chapters are really important for this one. I do not claim any ownership to the dialogues excerpts taken from the show. English is not my first language.
After this way too long note, I hope you enjoy this chapter☀️
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1915, five years earlier
“They say Italy might join the war soon.”
It was the first time Nina voiced her concerns. She always had the feeling that if she expressed what was troubling her out loud, it would inevitably, irrevocably become true. But she had been bottling up that fear of hers for weeks now, and it had been growing and growing, consuming her from the inside. The weight of the basket she was carrying was nothing compared to the weight of uncertainty, of not knowing what to expect.
“They say that at your school?” Agnese asked absentmindedly, looking in the windows of the small bakery they always used to stop by when they were children, because they knew the owner would give them freshly baked biscuits for free.
“They say that everywhere,” Nina murmured, kicking a stone with her foot.
Agnese had heard about that possibility, and it scared her as well, but she didn’t fully understand the extent of the seriousness of the situation. No one ever bothered to explain it to her, and every time she asked questions about it, her family would just brush it off. She shouldn’t trouble herself with such nonsense, they said. And although she could ask Nina, she never found the courage to do it, far too ashamed of her own ignorance. Her cousin knew lots of things, talked about serious matters, had opinions that contrasted with everything they had ever been taught, and most of the times Agnese had troubles following the things she said. But she said them with such conviction, such mastery that she couldn’t help but agree with her. And she suspected that the reason why no one ever listened to Nina was because they had troubles following her as well. There was something unsettling in her cleverness.
“I’m worried about my brothers,” Nina admitted. “They’re old enough to be enlisted.”
Agnese shifted her attention back on her cousin, sending her a sympathetic look. “Maybe we won’t enter the war. And even if we do, maybe they won’t have to go. Your father can find a way to-”
“They’re not cowards,” Nina interrupted her with resolution, shaking her head. “The Spinietta brothers are cowards. Pietro and Salvatore are not like them.”
“What do the Spiniettas have to do with it?”
“I heard my father say that if we join the war, Mr. Spinietta already knows who to talk to to make sure his kids are not enlisted. He’ll shake a few hands, make a few threats, and they will be safe and warm in their houses. He might even send them to America, they have relatives there.”
Truth was, Nina wished they’d be sent to America. She wanted them to be as far away as possible from her, from the village. They walked around as if they owned every street, every shop, every person; as if everything was owed to them, because they had money and power. But everybody knew where that money came from. And even though she was aware that her family wasn’t any different, that their own money was mostly blood money, she still believed that her brothers were better than them.
“They’re cowards. Cowards and bastards, that’s what they are,” she gritted her teeth.
“You can’t say things like that,” Agnese hissed with wide eyes, frantically looking around to make sure no one was there to hear her. “Lower your voice.”
“I’m just telling the truth. They’re bastards. Sick bastards. You’ve seen how they’ve dragged that poor girl in their car, last week.”
Nina watched as her cousin pressed her lips together, avoiding her gaze. The episode had left both of them with a bitter taste in their mouths, and a feeling of powerlessness that haunted them still. They didn’t know why they had done what they had done, what they would do to her, but somehow they knew it wouldn’t be anything good. Because despite the kind smiles they were wearing and the false gentleness with which they had guided her into the car, it was clear that they were forcing her. The two cousins heard some girls say that she wasn’t the first, and probably wouldn’t be the last, and that the reason why they targeted her was because she had no father nor brothers.
Everyday since that day, Nina cursed herself for not intervening. Would things have gone differently, if she had said something? Would she have been in trouble as well? What kind of trouble was that girl even in? She didn’t have the answers.
Now she carried a pocket knife with her. If they even tried to get close to her, or to another girl in her presence, she wouldn’t be afraid to use it.
“You still can’t say things like that.”
“It’s not like they can do anything,” Nina shrugged.
There was a delicate balance between the families, assured by mutual fear and by the possibility of a bloodbath that wouldn’t suit anyone. But even that wasn’t enough to guarantee peace, one wrong step was all it would take to disrupt that balance. It was like a bomb waiting to explode.
“I need to buy some thread for my mum,” Agnese changed the subject, stopping in front of a shop. “Wait for me here.”
As her cousin disappeared into the shop, Nina placed the heavy basket on the ground to clench and unclench her sore hand. She slightly rubbed the red marks which were appearing on her palm, wincing at the pulsating sensation. The rev of an engine came to her ears, and before her mind could register what was happening, a car stopped in front of her. Stefano Spinietta stuck his head out of the window and sent her a smile, showing a perfect set of white teeth. “You want a ride home?”
Nina frowned, trying to suppress the feeling of disgust that came over her at the mere sight of his face. “No.” She said firmly, the lump in her throat preventing her from saying anything else. She had always hated how nervous she was when he spoke to her, when he looked at her. He always looked at her as if he wanted something from her. What it was, she could not tell, but it made her feel incredibly uneasy. His handsome features and immaculate manners didn’t fool her.
“Don’t worry, I don’t bite,” he taunted her, getting out of the car. “Let me help you with that.” Stefano reached his hand towards the basket, but before he could take it, Nina pushed it away with her foot. A glimmer of amusement flashed through his eyes, lighting up his face.
Her hand went to her pocket, and she clutched the small knife tightly, the weapon giving her a new found sense of security. She looked right into his eyes, and spoke enunciating each word carefully. “I said no.”
“I just wanna take you home,” Stefano insisted, his stupid smile still plastered on his face. “C’mon, get in the car.” He took ahold of her arm, slightly squeezing it as if he wanted to reassure her.
A wave of uncontrollable rage coursed through Nina, and in a matter of seconds she had him pushed against his car, her blade grazing his throat. Surprise spread across his features as he looked down at her.
“Touch me again,” she said through gritted teeth, “and I’ll cut your throat.”
Silence fell between them as they glared at each other in an unspoken competition, both of them waiting for the other to cave in. Nina forced herself to keep her burning gaze on him, while every muscle in her body urged her to run away. Instead, she didn’t move, head high, hand steady. She wouldn’t bend. She couldn’t bend. Stefano slowly held his hands up in surrender, the shadow of a grin playing at the corners of his mouth. Under her confused look, he slightly leaned forward, causing the blade to pierce his skin, and a trickle of blood seeped from the small wound, red, thick. It ran all the way down to Nina’s hand, and its slimy texture almost made her flinch. Stefano, on the other hand, had regained his composure, as if he was the one in control of the situation, as if he didn’t have a knife pointed at his throat.
“I’m sorry,” he breathed out, staring at her with an indecipherable look in his eyes.
Nina hesitated for a moment, then, with a swift movement, she took a step back and placed the knife back in her pocket, suddenly aware that she had held her breath the whole time. Stefano sent her one last glance, before turning around and going back in his car without saying another word.
As he drove away, she glanced down at the crimson stain on her hand with wide eyes, her heart thumping in her chest. When Agnese walked out of the shop, unaware of what had just happened, she closed her shaking fingers in a fist, and hid her hand into her pocket.
“What’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” her cousin chuckled, looping her arm though hers. “Let’s go home.”
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Present day
“I swear to God, I swear to God…she gave me sixpence. She sends me to the shop for margarine, eggs and bread. When I came back…”
“With a top hat and a coconut,” Nina shook her head, a laugh escaping her lips.
“And that was all the money we had for the whole fucking week,” Tommy stopped to light his cigarette, then he raised his eyebrows, a smirk growing on his face. “And me mum beat me with a fucking frying pan.”
“Why the hell did you buy a top hat and a coconut?”
“‘Cause I thought she deserved it. I thought we all did. And I could never understand,” he hit his hand on the table, a hint of some old anger creeping into his voice, “why people like us only had bread and fucking lard. And I wanted to be different. That’s what I wanted.” Silence fell between them as he took a drag from his cigarette, his gaze getting lost in old memories.
Their late-night chats had become a habit now. The night after the first one, for some reason, Nina went downstairs to make herself a cup of tea, and, for the same unknown reason, Tommy went into the kitchen with a dry throat. Just like every night since then. They stayed up late, sharing thoughts, doubts and memories, whispering them into the night and letting it take them away. Over the past week, Nina had come to realise that there was way more than Tommy let on behind his stoic facade, and she found herself wishing to know more. As for Tommy, he liked hearing her talk. She had something to say, and she wasn’t afraid to say it. It was refreshing, and a nice change from the hordes of people who repeated somebody else’s words like parrots, without fully understanding their meaning.
“And you are different, aren’t you?”
The depth of Nina’s eyes became too much to bear. For the first time, Tommy suddenly felt exposed. It was as if she was reading right into him, as if she had him completely figured out, as if every thought, every fear, every unspoken word was no longer a secret. It scared him.
He cleared his throat, stomping out his cigarette. “I heard your brothers also fought in the war.”
“Yes,” she nodded. “They were at Caporetto.”
Pietro and Salvatore still bore the marks of that defeat, both physical and mental. Pietro, the older one, had almost lost an arm in combat, and even though two years had passed, sometimes it still hurt. But in exchange for the arm, the war took something else away from him. There seemed to be nothing left of his once caring nature, and his innate attention for details had turned into a urge to have everything under control. As for Salvatore, the war had enhanced the restlessness that had always distinguished him. He was angry, easily triggered, spiteful. And now he had a deep scar which crossed the left side of his face, making his expression appear even more grim. However, in Nina’s eyes, Pietro was still the boy who fought for her to keep on going to school, just like Salvatore was still the playful kid who took advantage of their size difference to sweep her off her feet and spin her around. But they were not those kids anymore. A line was drawn between Nina and her brothers, and that line became a breach, and that breach had continued to open up until an abyss yawned beneath their feet.
Nina took a sip from her cup of tea, sensing that it might be time to change the subject. The war was clearly a sore point for both of them, although for different reasons. “Agnese told me you like horses,” she sat up straight in her chair, her gaze lighting up with curiosity.
“Yes, I do like horses.”
“When I was a child I wanted to learn how to ride. I even asked my father to buy me a horse for my birthday,” she reminisced, a small laugh escaping her lips. “My mum threatened to leave for good if he ever dared to come home with a horse.”
“So you didn’t get the horse.”
“I didn’t get the horse.”
“You know, I’ve got horses, I could teach you how to ride one,” he proposed, the words escaping his mouth before he could think about what he was saying. Then he realised, and he paused for a moment. He wouldn’t get to teach her. A faint, bitter smile appeared on his lips. “I mean, when you come to Birmingham to visit your cousin.”
Nina couldn’t explain the strange effect his words had on her, the sharp stab of sadness that hit her right in her chest. She brushed off that feeling, telling herself it was just the thought of not seeing Agnese - her only friend and the only ally she had in that family - to cause it.
But Tommy recognised the stinging sensation that was rising up inside him, a sensation he had already felt before. A sensation he couldn’t admit, not even to himself.
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“How are things with Tommy?” Nina casually asked her cousin, struggling to hang a bedsheet on the clothesline to dry in the shared backyard.
A sly smile flickered on Agnese’s face as she glanced at the black-haired girl, keeping on folding the dry clothes. “You call him Tommy now?”
Her question made Nina’s movements come to a stop. She shut her eyes for a moment, cursing herself for letting the man’s name slip out of her mouth. She hadn’t told anyone about how she and Tommy were on better terms, about the frequent conversations that had brought them to that point. She had been extra careful not to show the slightest hint of friendliness towards him in public, for she knew people would talk. She couldn’t risk Agnese getting the wrong idea. “Only when he isn’t around,” she murmured, starting to hang the laundry again.
That wasn’t too far away from the truth, though. Although Tommy did call her by her first name, she didn’t remember ever doing the same with him. She didn’t call him Mr Shelby anymore, either. She just didn’t address him. For some reason, calling him by his name seemed too personal. It felt like crossing a line that was not supposed to be crossed.
“I almost thought you were starting to approve of him,” Agnese joked, letting out a small giggle.
Nina forced a laugh, shaking her head, and a sense of guilt rose inside her. She told herself it was just an innocent, white lie; those secret conversations didn’t mean anything. It wasn’t even a lie, just an omission of truth. A justified omission of truth.
Then why did she feel so bad?
Agnese fiddled with the necklace Tommy had given her, pondering her words. “He doesn’t seem to be…taken with me,” she revealed, a glimpse of worry shining in her green irises. “Don’t get me wrong, he’s a gentleman, and he’s been nothing but polite to me, but… I don’t think he likes me.”
“Agnese, are you joking?” Nina hung the last shirt, before turning towards her cousin. It pained her to see her like that. She was the most beautiful person she knew, inside and out, and she didn’t deserve anything less than being happy. “I’m sure he does. How couldn’t he?”
“What if he doesn’t love me?”
“Love will come with time,” Nina walked up to her to take her hands in hers with a reassuring smile. “Everything will turn out for the best. You have to believe that.”
She felt relieved as Agnese nodded, worry starting to fade from her expression. Truth be told, even Nina didn’t fully believe her own words. She couldn’t be sure that Tommy would grow to love her cousin, nor that they would have a happy marriage; she couldn’t be sure that the war that would follow with Sabini would end well for them. But she said what Agnese needed to hear, because she didn’t have the heart to to make her fears seem even more real.
“Thank you, Nina.” Agnese whispered, wrapping her arms around her. When Nina awkwardly returned the embrace, patting her on the back, her cousin couldn’t hold back a chuckle. It was no secret that Nina wasn’t big on physical affection, but for a few selected people - that she didn’t have the courage to push away - she brought herself to tolerate it. At least she tried.
“I need to help my mum with lunch,” the brown-haired girl said, breaking the hug to grab the basket full of dry clothes. “She’ll have my head if I don’t.”
“You’d better go, then.”
As Agnese walked back to her house, Nina finished hanging the laundry, humming a little song to herself. She tried to keep her mind busy with futile thoughts, like what Winston might be doing in that moment, what she would eat for lunch, which book she would start to read after finishing the one she was currently reading. She thought about anything and everything in order to keep her mind off Tommy, Agnese and their departure, off her father and what he had told her that day in his study, off the uncertainty about how her life would turn out. It was a nice day, and she didn’t want to plague herself with such worries. However, in the back of her mind, all of that was still present, poisoning even the nicest of thoughts.
When she turned around, the figure of a man leaning against the wall of the house made her flinch. Stefano Spinietta was standing there in silence, observing her, and she had to fight the urge to ask him how long he had been staring at her. “What are you doing here?” She frowned, collecting herself.
“Business meeting. Your father gave me permission to spend some time with you, while he talks with mine,” he explained, pushing himself away from the wall.
A scowl formed on Nina’s face, and a new wave of irritation ran through her, this time directed at her father. All that speech about him wanting her to make the decision for herself was, indeed, just speech. Words he had said to keep her nice and quiet as he indirectly pushed her down the path he had charted for her. “What makes you think I want to spend time with you?”
Stefano’s lips curled in his ever-present grin, as if he found great amusement in her reactions. But that was exactly the point, to some extent. It had become a game to him, some sort of dark, twisted game. The more she rejected him, the more stubborn he became. Something that had started years ago as a mere interest, had slowly taken a different turn. He wanted her, he had been wanting her since she had drawn a knife at his throat. She was carved under his skin just like the scar her blade had left on his neck. There was something about her. Maybe it was her defiance, her refusal to bend, to mould herself into what she should be. He could make her. He could smother the flames of her fierceness and turn her into a quiet pretty thing. “Why do you always have to be so hostile?” He asked her, squinting his eyes.
His question made Nina’s annoyance grow even more. As if he had no clue of how much he had pestered her all those years. Now he had the courage to act all innocent, to play the part of the nice, polite guy who was just courting a girl he liked. He might’ve fooled everyone with that act, but he had never fooled her. “You asked my father his blessing to marry me.” She snapped, taking some steps in his direction. “Did you really think he’d say yes?”
“He never said no.”
“I did.”
Silence fell between them as they stared at each other, once again refusing to be the first to cave in. But this time it didn’t take Nina any effort to keep her eyes on him. She wasn’t a naive seventeen-year-old anymore. Now she knew what it was that he wanted from her. And his gaze didn’t intimidate her anymore.
“Listen to me, Stefano, and listen to me carefully, because I’m not going to repeat myself,” she said in a low voice, coming even closer to him. “You disgust me. You and all your kind,” she spelled out, making sure to emphasise each word. “And I’d much rather jump in front of a train than marrying you.”
Stefano didn’t say anything, at first. He just clenched his jaw, and his hands balled into fists by his side. Then he broke into a half-smile, one that didn’t reach his eyes, trying not to let his wounded ego show. “I’ve been nice to you, and yet you keep on insulting me.”
This time it was him who got closer, towering over Nina. His eyes darkened, and he looked at her with such contempt that for a moment she had the impression he might hit her. With a quick, sudden movement, he grasped her jaw, and before she had the time to react, he turned to push her against the wall. She looked up at him, trying not to show an ounce of fear as her heart increased its speed.
“My patience has limits. And you shouldn’t forget who you’re talking to,” Stefano gritted out through clenched teeth, digging his fingers in her cheeks. His whole body shook with anger, and the mask of politeness he always hid behind began to fall apart. “You’re playing with fire.”
The same uncontrollable rage that years ago gave Nina the courage to point a knife at him now gave her the strength to stomp on his foot, making him hiss and take a step back. Taking advantage of his distraction, she darted forward, but as soon as he tried to escape, Stefano forcefully slammed her against the wall again, holding her in place by the throat. A sharp sting of pain flashed through her spine at the impact with the cold surface, and a whimper escaped her lips as the air was knocked out of her lungs. Fury flared in Stefano’s dark eyes, but then something changed in his expression. His pupils dilated, and he seemed to lose any kind of control over his actions as his hand left her throat to slowly wander down her body.
An overwhelming sense of panic started to rise inside Nina. She wriggled, trying to free herself from his grasp. “Stop,” she raised her voice, but Stefano promptly covered her mouth with the other hand, pressing his body against hers. She squeezed her eyelids shut when his hand became more insistent, squeezing her small breast in a painful hold, then travelling down to her hipbone to keep her still with bruising force. His hot breath burned on her skin as he leaned over her, bringing his face closer to hers. Nina tried to turn her head in response, but the hand he still had on her mouth wouldn’t allow it. She emitted a muffled sound, bringing her hands to his chest to push him away, but he was too strong, and twice her size. All her desperate efforts to put some space between them were useless. He was a rabid animal, a wild beast devoid of any rational thinking as he ground against her, trying to slide his filthy hand under her skirt. Nina’s face scrunched in disgust, and her whole body stiffened under this touch. A whirlwind of thoughts swirled around in her head, endless, confusing, as if she couldn’t exactly register what was happening.
Then he stopped. Much to Nina’s surprise, Stefano suddenly seemed to come to himself, and he took his hand off her mouth. But there wasn’t a hint of guilt, or regret, in his eyes. On the contrary, he looked almost satisfied. And then she realised. He had been in command of his actions the whole time. “What, you don’t talk anymore?” He asked provocatively.
Nina’s wide eyes rested on Stefano in shock. The lump in her throat kept on growing and growing, making it impossible for her to utter a single sentence. She swallowed, trying to regain some kind of control over her emotions, to force herself to speak, and when she did, she faked a confident tone. However, the trembling in her voice betrayed her fear. “Once my family hears about this, you’ll-”
“I didn’t do anything you didn’t want, love,” he interrupted her, furrowing his brows, his face assuming a perplexed expression.
“What…” she batted her eyelashes in confusion, her voice barely above a whisper. “No, I didn’t...” the words died in her throat as the awareness of his implications started to set in.
Stefano leaned in, bringing his hand to her cheek to caress it with fake tenderness, and a terrible smile made its way on his face. “Who do you think they’ll believe?”
Nina shook her head, a feeling of helplessness she had never felt before taking over her. She just wanted him to leave. She wanted him to take his hands off of her. She wanted to kick him, to scream at him, to dig her nails in his face deeply enough to make him bleed, and yet all she could do was look at him in silence.
But then someone must’ve heard her prayers, because Stefano was abruptly pulled away from her. It was as if some kind of supernatural gust of wind had ripped him away from her body, freeing her from the heavy weight that had her pressed against the stone surface. Except that it wasn’t some supernatural force. The person who had grabbed Stefano by the collar of his shirt was very much human.
“The fuck are you doing?” Tommy growled, his knuckles turning white from the tight grip he had on the man. Stefano, not understanding a word he had said, just raised his hands, as if to show that he meant no harm.
Tommy had recognised the guy. He was the one they had met two weeks ago in the city, the one who had given him a bad feeling as soon as they had met. He couldn’t explain the pure rage he felt when he caught him holding Nina against a wall. Her scared, helpless expression was all it took for him to see red and launch at the Italian man. The thought of what could’ve happened if the meeting with the Ferrantes and the Spiniettas had finished just a bit too late made his skin crawl. Still holding him by the collar, Tommy raised his fist, driven by the sudden urge to break his nose, but before he could land the blow, Nina’s voice stopped him.
“Don’t!” She exclaimed, causing him to look in her direction. “He’s Spinietta’s son,” she frantically explained, getting a bit closer, but still keeping herself at safe distance.
Tommy shifted his eyes on the Italian man again, his fist still in the air, and pondered for a few seconds. Although Stefano couldn’t understand Nina’s words, he probably had a vague idea of what she had said, because the corners of his lips tugged upwards as he stared at Tommy steadily. Nina held her breath, her heart skipping a beat at the Italian’s implicit provocation. Tommy was really close to doing something that might put him in a dangerous situation, and it seemed like Stefano was doing everything in his power to encourage him. It was part of his fun, of his sick little game.
Feeling his hands itch even more, Tommy charged again, nostrils flaring, almost letting his impulse win. Fuck Spinietta, he thought to himself. But he was not in Small Heath. Begrudgingly, he lowered his hand and let the guy go with a violent push, making him stumble backwards. “Fuck off,” he snarled, pointing towards the path that led to the main garden to get his message across.
Nina sighed in relief, and she wasn’t sure whether it was because Tommy had made the right choice, or because that situation was over. Stefano took the time to straighten his shirt with unsettling composure. Without saying another word and keeping on watching them, he walked past them, his wicked eyes shining with amusement.
The adrenaline started to wear off, leaving Nina in a growing state of dizziness. The panic, the disgust, the anger. All of that became a single, indistinct mass aiming to engulf her and suffocate her. Her ears started to ring, and she had to fight the instinct to cover them and scream at the top of her lungs.
“Are you alright?” Tommy’s voice came to her ears, snapping her out of her trance.
“Yes.” She nodded, blinking a few times. Now aware of her surroundings, she felt as if she was re-entering her body after rising out of it, and the reality of what had happened was crashing on her. Bile raised in her throat, and she knew that if she had had something in her stomach, she would’ve thrown up. “Yes I’m alright.”
“Nina, you’re shaking,” Tommy noted with a hint of worry in his voice, his own heart still racing in his chest.
“No, no I’m fine,” she insisted, turning her face to hide the tears welling up in her eyes. She tightly crossed her arms over her chest, hoping that her hands would stop trembling. “It’s fine.”
“It’s not fine.” He shook his head, tentatively reaching out to hear. He was approaching her slowly, almost with apprehension, with his palm open, like one would do with a scared stray cat. “Come here.”
Nina hesitated for a while, torn between what she needed and what she was supposed to do, instinct and reason endlessly fighting. For once, she chose to act without thinking. Cautiously, she pulled Tommy into a hug, resting her head against his chest. Hit by an implacable wave of tenderness, he gently wrapped his arms around her, placing his chin on the top of her head. It didn’t make sense, but having her safe in his arms brought him a sense of calmness and security, and his tense body began to relax.
The warmth of his body, his scent, the reassuring sound of his heartbeat, the unfamiliar softness he was showing her; the combination between all of that gave life to a feeling Nina had never felt before, and she couldn’t put a name to it. Between all of that, she was relieved by the awareness that, at least for that moment, she didn’t need to be strong. Tears began to spill out, and her facade fell for the first time.
When a suffocated sob escaped her lips, shaking her slender shoulders, Tommy’s heart painfully clenched in his chest. His hand found the back of her head, and he started to soothingly run his fingers through her soft dark hair. He wanted to say something, but he knew that there was nothing he could say that would make it better. So he held her tighter, as if he could shield her from harm with the sole strength of his arms.
“Breathe, love,” he whispered when he noticed that, in an attempt to hold back her sobs, she had tensed up a bit too much. “Breathe.”
Nina took a deep breath, focusing on Tommy’s deep voice and the delicate motion of his fingers through her hair.
“There you go,” he murmured encouragingly, feeling her calm down against him. She sniffled, snuggling even closer, and, once again, Tommy was overwhelmed by the need to protect her.
They couldn’t care less if someone saw them. In that moment, their embrace was the only thing that mattered.
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Laying on her side with her knees drawn up, Nina stared at the shadows created by the small lamp on her bedside table. She could still feel the heaviness of Stefano’s hands on her, the burning of his hot breath on her skin, the suffocating smell of his cologne. She only wanted to get rid of those hands, that breath, that smell. She would gladly rip off her whole skin if it meant to forget.
She hated herself for allowing him to make her feel small, weak, for he had made it quite clear that was what he wanted. Because even though for a moment he had indulged in the temptation, he wouldn’t actually dare go through with it, not in her house. His purpose was to show her that he could overpower her at any time.
But then came feeling of being wrapped in Tommy’s arms, of being pressed against his strong frame, the feeling she had been desperately trying to give a name to. Until it occurred to her. Safe. She had felt safe.
A soft knock on the door of her bedroom pulled her out of the vortex of thoughts. She sat up on the bed, crossing her legs beneath her. “Come in,” she said, but her voice was so feeble that she doubted the person on the other side had heard her. Still, the door opened, and in the dim, warm light, Tommy’s figure appeared on the doorstep.
He had never been in her room, but somehow it was exactly like he had imagined it. Ivory-coloured walls covered in a pattern of small flowers, dark wooden furniture, lace curtains. Handwritten sheets of paper scattered all over the desk, along with pens and pencils. It was bit messy and full of books, and it smelled like her. A mixture of lavender and honey.
When that night Tommy had come out of his room, the first thing he noticed was the unsettling silence. No rattle of pots coming from downstairs. But a half-light shone through Nina’s bedroom door, and he found himself desperately needing to know how she was. She had been avoiding everyone the whole day.
“I just wanted to check up on you,” his deep voice came out in a low sound, and it held some kind of uncertainty. He wasn’t sure that going to her had been a good idea. Maybe she didn’t want to see him, maybe knocking on her door was too much.
His doubts faded when the ghost of a smile formed on her face, and she motioned for him to come in. He carefully closed the door behind him, then went to sit on the edge of the bed, keeping his distance. A vice-like grip held his stomach when he noticed her puffy eyes and red cheeks. How many times had she cried?
“You’re paler than usual,” Nina teased him to ease the tension, but her voice didn’t hold the bantering tone he had grown used to hear. “You should get some sleep.”
Tommy half-smiled, shifting his gaze on the floor for a moment. But instead of spitting out a retort - contrary to Nina’s expectations - he just nodded. “You’re right,” he conceded.
A sigh escaped Nina’s lips, and she nervously fiddled with her own fingers. He was walking on eggshells, and she didn’t like it, not even a bit. “Please, stop treating me like that.”
“Like what?” He furrowed, looking at her again.
“Like I might break at any moment.”
Tommy said nothing. He could see why she didn’t want to be treated any differently, but she did look like she would break. Not once had she shown a single shred of vulnerability until that day, and it was disarming. Truth was, he didn’t know how to act.
“I’ll forget it ever happened,” she spoke again, this time with resolution, but she didn’t sound fully convinced of what she was saying. “And you should do the same. No one can know about it.”
“You should tell-”
“No,” she firmly interrupted him, Stefano’s veiled threat still echoing in her ears. “I can’t,” she continued, her voice becoming softer.
Tommy suddenly remembered what she told him a week earlier at the beach, and everything became clear. It was all it took to make his blood boil again. The room went quiet, but the silence was soon broken by a faint rustle of sheets, as Nina left her spot to sit closer to him. Honey and lavender filled his nostrils, and he had to restrain himself from inhaling deeply, eager to feel more. More than the light brushing of their arms, separated by the thin fabric of his undershirt. They were barely touching, and yet his skin burned. As hard as he tried to suffocate that feeling, to extinguish that fire, the flames kept on flaring, higher than before. He couldn’t fight it. She placed a hand on his shoulder, and that feather-like contact was enough to send sparks of electricity through his body. “Promise me,” she whispered, “you won’t tell anyone.”
Tommy turned to look at her, and the proximity allowed him to spot a small scratch on her cheek. Without thinking, he delicately ran his finger on it, and he was almost surprised by the feeling of her soft skin under his rough hand. Slowly, even hesitantly, his hand went to cup the side of her face, and he gently rubbed his thumb along her cheek. “I promise.”
Tommy’s hoarse voice, along with the warmth of his hand, sent shivers down Nina’s spine, and her pulse started to race. She couldn’t explain how the closeness of his strong body was making her feel, nor the effect his masculine scent had on her. Aftershave, cigarettes, and a hint of musk. And she couldn’t help but wonder: if she pressed further into him, if she let herself be held by him again, would it lift the weight off her chest? Would it take away the pain, the revulsion, the shame? Would his touch be enough to replace Stefano’s hands?
When he felt Nina unconsciously get closer, Tommy closed his eyes, drowning in her scent, and he could swear there was fire running through his veins. It was as if some unknown force was pulling him towards her, drawing him nearer, and when her soft lips brushed against his, his mind went blank. Every cell in his body was begging him to give in.
No. It wasn’t right.
Nina was vulnerable, too vulnerable, and probably unable to make any conscious decisions. He couldn’t take advantage of her like that. It took all his strength to move away and bring her in to press a kiss on her forehead instead. He lingered there for a few seconds, savouring the moment. When he let his hand fall from her face, the warmth left him, and it seemed to him that his fingers had sharply gotten cold.
Feeling her confused eyes following him, Tommy got up and walked to the door, ignoring the invisible string that was pulling him in the opposite direction. He couldn’t stay in that room any longer. If he did, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to restrain himself.
“Goodnight, Nina.”
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Tag list: @iamngoclinh08 @lilywinchesterlove @fandom-puff @capitanostella @caelys @lucillethings @peakyxtommy @queenofkings1212 @lyarr24 @kmc1989 @call-sign-shark @jomarch-wannabe
Heart, Body and Soul tag list: list: @zablife @queenofshinigamis @raincoffeeandfandoms @call-sign-shark @kmc1989 @babayaga67 @kmhappybunny240 @diorrfairy @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @gaslysainz @brummiereader
Tommy Shelby tag list: @50svibes
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topherbuttz · 11 months
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Uhhh future Clone High AU stuff I guess. :V
Catholicism is a hell of a drug Mr(s). Columbus.
Info about the kids under the cut ↓
Toph and Otto, both around 42 years old now. They live in Italy, Toph has a government job, makin' laws and stuff. Otto is a fashion designer and often has his daughter, Bianca, model his stuff. They're both well-known and well-off.
Salvatore (24) is their firstborn. He's very, very flat. No emotion, no empathy, nothing. He used to also work in more local government, but after a suicide attempt he's been taking time off. No hobbies or friends and doesn't really want any or care. Fully aroace.
Bianca (21) is very... intimidating. She's a lot. Bold personality, demanding, intense. She works as a model and is debating about breaking further into the industry, but it's still very harsh in the year 2065... Straight.
Lorenzo (21) is much less intimidating than his twin sister. He's relatively good with his hands, likes working on things and fixing stuff if he can find it. Soft-spoken and gentle but... somewhat unsettling. Works as an assistant nurse, also straight.
Alfonso (19) is also brash and tough. He's incredibly resistant to authority, hates doing what he's told, loves playing LOUD metal music and working on his own with his bandmates. Very disrespectful, drinks and smokes, too. Bisexual.
Marcello (17) is a ball of anxiety on legs. He tries to catch a lot of the heat off his siblings if there's tension, and is often blamed for things he didn't do. Is very popular in school and well-liked for his easygoing personality and friendly demeanor. Straight.
Ciena (16) is a freak. Completely into anime and cartoons, desperately wants to be a news reporter in her future. Never seen without her cameras. Big, loud and bright personality perfect for TV. Likes hyping people up. Biromantic Asexual.
Dominic (15), also resistant to authority, but much less aggressive about it than his older brother. Resents Topher. Very popular in school as well, with his own 'in-crowd'. Helps run several clubs as well. Complete daddy's boy and wants to make Otto proud. Likes girls, but struggles to call himself straight (he's transmasc).
Dante (12), even more of a freak than Ciena. Special interest in religion and very very annoying about it. Has an unfortunate tendency to police people to follow his own moral guidelines and pray for them if they don't. Mommy's boy and choir kid. Probably straight...?
Bella (12) is trying to hold it together. Desperately wants to be the 'good kid' her parents don't worry about but she's an anxious mess. Gifted, sure, but hot damn would she rather be writing fanfiction than doing her extra homework. Closer to her twin brother than anyone else, even if she's not religious herself. Aroace.
Ella (11) is much like her oldest brother, but doesn't speak. Ever. She isn't fond of communication boards, either. Also very expressionless and empty-seeming, but shows an affinity towards animals. Doesn't define her sexuality and doesn't care to.
Viviana (7) is the youngest and the baby of the family. Often watches instead of does, and keeps notes on people. Often found around Ciena due to their shared love of observing people. Timid, and not often verbal herself either. Unknown sexuality.
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veryqueermovies · 2 years
My list of Queer books.
Now my labeling only has to do with the main protagonist, except for the books labeled "Queer" some of those the main protagonist is not Queer but the book has lots of Queer main and side characters. I only included the first books to make it easier but some of these are series.
The problem with making lists for books is that there's So. Goddamn. Many! New ones are being released every single day so all I can really do is add as I go. I also take recommendations so let me know of books I missed (specify what category they go in please 😊). I could also add specific Sexualities and Genders but right now I'm just doing basic categories because this is going to take time.
Winter's Orbit by Everina Maxwell
Ocean's Echo by Everina Maxwell
In Deeper Waters by F.T Lukans
So This Is Ever After by F.T Lukans
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
The Gentleman's Guide To Vice And Virtue by Mackenzie Lee
The Fever King by Victoria Lee
Red, White and Royal Blue by Casey Mcquiston
The Taking Of Jake Livingston by Ryan Douglass
Interview With The Vampire by Anne Rice
Right Where I Left You by Julian Winters
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
Call Down The Hawk by Maggie Stiefvater
Zachary Ying and The Dragon Emperor by Xiran Jay Zhao
The Disasters by M.K England
Summer Sons by Lee Mandelo
And They Lived... by Steven Salvatore
The Black Flamingo by Dean Atta
Be Dazzled by Ryan La Sala
If This Gets Out by Sophie Gonzalez and Cale Dietrich
Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall
The Song Of Achilles by Madeleine Miller
A Lesson In Vengeance by Victoria Lee
Burn Down, Rise Up by Vincent Tirado
The Unbroken by C.L Clark
The Black Veins by Ashia Monet
Escaping Exodus by Nicky Drayden
The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri
The Space Between Worlds by Micaiah Johnson
The Coldest Touch by Isabel Sterling
The Girls Are Never Gone by Sarah Glenn Marsh
Cinderella Is Dead by Kalynn Bayron
Deliah Green Doesn't Care by Ashley Herring Blake
The Lesbiana's Guide To Catholic School by Sonora Reyes
She's Too Pretty To Burn by Wendy Heard
You Should See Me In A Crown by Leah Johnson
One Last Stop by Casey Mcquiston
The Girl From The Sea by Molly Knox Ostertag
She Who Became The Sun by Shelley Parker Chan
Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao (F/M/M)
The Dark Artifices by Cassandra Clare (F/M/M)
A Dowry Of Blood by S.T Gibson (F/F/M/M)
The Fifth Season by N.K Jemisin (F/M/M)
Strange Grace by Tessa Gratton (M/F/M)
She Whom I Love by Tess Bowery (F/F/M)
Knell, Mr. President by Lauren Gallagher (F/M/M)
Chameleon Moon by RoAnna Sylvester (F/F/F)
Midnight At The Orpheus by Alyssa Linn Palmer (F/M/F Poly V)
Ascension by Jacqueline Koyanagi (Multiple Interlinked Poly V's)
The Fell Of Dark by Caleb Roehrig (M/M/M)
Books Of Raksura by Martha Wells
Lifelode by Jo Walton (M/M/F/F)
The Elemental Logic by Laurie Mark (6 person polycule)
The Tale Of The Five by Diane Duane (Group Polycule)
In The Ravenous Dark by A.M Strickland
Lead Me Astray by Sondi Warner
All Systems Red by Martha Wells
Queer (Books that have characters of many different identities):
Legendborn by Tracy Deonn
A Song Of Wraiths And Ruin by Roseanne A. Brown
Six Of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
The Fifth Season by N.K Jemisin
The City We Became by N.K Jemisin
Heartstopper by Alice Oseman (everything written by them is Queer)
Chef's Kiss by T.J Alexander
The Long Way To A Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers
Mooncakes by Suzanne Walker and Wendy Xu
The Backstagers and The Ghost Light by Andy Mientus and Ryan Sygh
Once & Future by A.R Capetta and Cory McCarthy
Nimona by N.D Stevenson
Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas
A Million Quiet Revolutions by Robin Gow
Lakelore by Anna-Marie McLemore
The One True Me And You by Remi K. England
All Boys Aren't Blue by George M Johnson
When The Moon Was Ours by Anna-Marie McLemore
Felix Ever After by Kacen Callander
Pet by Akwaeke Emezi
Self-Made Boys by Anna-Marie McLemore
Aro/Ace Spectrum:
Loveless by Alice Oseman
Radio Silence by Alice Oseman
The Cybernetic Tea Shop by Meredith Katz
Elatsoe by Darcie Little Bardger
Every Heart A Doorway by Seanan McGuire l
Tarnished By The Stars by Rosiee Thorr
Let's Talk About Love by Claire Kann
Hazel's Theory of Evolution by Lisa Jenn Bigelow
The Sound Of Stars by Alechia Dow
Thaw by Elyse Springer
The Ladies Guide To Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzie Lee
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perzysprumia · 6 months
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full name: hope andrea mikaelson species: witch/werewolf/vampire tribrid age: 18-21 birthday: january 2nd zodiac: capricorn gender: cis woman pronouns: she/her sexuality: demiromantic pansexual race: white (alt verse: mixed black/white) hair color / style: auburn brown eye color: gray-blue height: 160cm / 5'3" traits/personality: wiki. family: hayle(y) marshall (father/mother; deceased), klaus mikaelson (father), elijah mikaelson (uncle; deceased), rebekah mikaelson (aunt), kol mikaelson (uncle), esther (grandmother; deceased), mikael (adoptive grandfather; deceased), ansel (grandfather) fandom: the originals faceclaim: madison davenport (verse specific alt fc: troian bellisario)
C A N O N D I V E R G E N C I E S :
canon up until S05E06 of the originals. after hayle(y)'s death, hope does not go back to the salvatore school and instead stays in new orleans with her family. marcel homeschools her as much as possible, considering klaus and rebekah can't come near her and she wants nothing to do with elijah.
even though klaus cannot come near her, he changes how much he stays in contact with her and the two of them grow extremely close very quickly, somewhat resolving hope's issues with his previous absence in her life. she clings to klaus after losing her other parent.
like in canon, klaus and hope still end up going near each other and causing issues. after regaining his memories, elijah's guilt over hayle(y)'s death consumes him, and when klaus tells him of his plan to take in the entirety of the hollow, elijah intervenes and convinces freya to give it to him instead.
klaus is still the one to kill elijah, in the same way as in canon. i have issues with how the white oak was magically there the entire time after the entire last half of season 3 was spent fighting over "the last of the white oak" so the stake was not hidden by klaus decades ago, it was magically made from the remaining fragments of white oak that could be found around the city.
another thing i'm addressing that season 5 did not is elijah's sireline. because he was never disconnected from them, 1/3 of all remaining vampires on earth died.
hope does not find out that elijah did this for klaus until after it's done. she has unresolved emotions about it, and refuses to talk about it when it's brought up.
hope becomes even more attached to klaus, and because the hollow is now gone, she is by his side at almost all times. anything that takes his attention/interest away from her is seen as a threat. she completely falls into the daddy's girl trope, very quickly.
freya teaches her magic, klaus teaches her everything else. like in canon/legacies, hope has issues containing her magic and it is very heavily tied into her emotional state. if she gets too upset, the entire city risks experiencing a blackout if she is not wearing her bracelet.
3 years post series (when she is 21) hope forgets to take her magic-dampening bracelet off when she is trying to track someone she thinks is trying to hurt klaus. it ends up being aurora, and hope realizes she isn't powerful enough to protect herself too late. aurora kills her, and she turns.
these details are slightly different for my klaus's family business verse, as hope is not klaus's only child there:
hayle is not dead, elijah is not dead, klaus is not dead. we do what we want. because of this, hope still attends the salvatore school and goes to college there.
because she is considered one of klaus's firstborn children (via dahlia's firstborn curse resetting each millennia), hope is still far more powerful and uncontrollable than the rest of her siblings, and thus feels alone because of it.
she is also the only one of her siblings that does not have a direct sibling, as she was hayle's only child. this also contributes to her feeling alone.
because she is one of klaus's firstborns under dahlia's curse, she has a doppelganger who was born roughly two years after her; her name is jackie kenner-west. she is jackson's child, and because of this, hope considers jackie her sister.
hope's relationship with klaus is completely different in this verse as opposed to her canon/main verse. she is far more attached to hayle than she is klaus.
also refer to tricursed's no humanity verse for info on my hope's split!verse.
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the-sun-princess · 2 months
Emi Plays Revue Starlight: El Dorado Part 1
yeah sure why not i'll reblog my thoughts. we'll see how it goes lol. i havent done a live reaction On Tumblr in Years. block #emi plays el dorado if u dont wanna see it
so their last summer....and ofc hikari has already disappeared. tsk
ah class B....are we just gon be a rando class B member that's fine. amemiya backstory! she kinda reminds me of mashiro and tomori lmao just kinda....sorta wrote stories/lyrics n then got urged to make them a real thing. not nearly as shy as them tho
....amemiya and masai and the teacher seem to be narrating from a first year standpoint despite us being shown the 3rd year classroom? lmao masai was a lil fangirl of amemiya's script. cute
huh masai says she wants to be a director but her og interest seems to be set design. which obv they go hand in hand but still
awwwww they fans of each otherrrrr cuuute. they both go 'partner pls? partner?' AND THEY WERE ROOMMATES. I never did think about class B's dorm situation lol.
ok yeh it is 1st year baby B's
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i mean it wouldnt be starlight if it wasnt gay immediately. shion and kiriko like i Technically knew that but also i tend to mess up who is who. snort
amemiya just goin to 'masai' with 0 honorifics and when masai is taken aback she's like 'AM I MOVING TOO FAST?'
then masai just immediately goes with shion-chan lol
girls girls i already ship u ur killin me
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tbf me shipping them has nothing to do with the VN lol. tho i might end up having to actually draw them for once
stop acting like summer is 'right before' the seisho festival its not i Know the stupid festival takes place late feb/early march
THEY HAVE A PET AXOLOTL?? gimme its name. now
masai is not a morning person. tho at least she slept ksjhksjdhf
el dorado is the new national troupe specialty huh....no wonder mahiru/maya/futaba prob wanted to do it
oo i wonder if sakura or her friends will be in this. or at least mentioned
opening time doo doo
YAY WE START WITH MAHIRU she wants salvatore it's her dream role. well. if im in charge mahiru. i agree. u can have it
maya wants alejandro
futaba salvatore. sorry futaba but since u three are the ones goin to the new national troupe whoever is the 3rd most important i'll give to you. or maya.
salvatore: mahiru, futaba, claudine, kaoruko, junna
alejandro: maya, nana, karen
so many people are going to go for claudine salvatore and maya alejandro first huh
kjhsf kaoruko wants salvatore bc as a kid futaba always gushed about the role. wants futaba to praise HER salvatore
damn nana are u that bitter about junna crushing u in your revue skjdhf i THINK this happens after the movie revues.
yeah this def happens after the movie revues since junna's actin diff than her lil showcase for the newbies. so is karen
sjkhf kaoruko wanted judy's role zulfikar. she does like bein the villain
mm so hikari Did go back to the royal academy. i mean i knew she went back to london but that doesnt mean she went back to the school. diff terms after all
i assume we're technically masai + amemiya in this so i am kinda interested in who the other chiefs are gon pick
alejandro salvatore
karen (didnt care til mahiru oops) futaba | (i THINK art?) nana | (lighting) mahiru (music) maya | (props) kaoruko (stage setting) claudine (production) junna (costume)
kjkjxh props chief maya didnt even AUDITION for salvatore but ok yeah wants her as alejandro now
music chief gushing over mahiru :)
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truly mahiru has the best appeal
u cannot follow up a vote for mahiru with a vote for KAORUKO kjhjhdf
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kaoruko's niceness doesnt often feel Genuine lmao
alrighty now I get to choose
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starlight sure knows how to be homophobic to Me Specifically
well now i dont even care so whatever i guess i'll just go down the list.
i am upsetti spaghetti
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mahiru angy. same
poor futaba gets the shortest stick tho even when she's a lead role she's not the one she auditioned for.
snort nana sounds in awe that junna's salvatore. maya meanwhile is like 'aijo-san if u dont give it ur all i will kill you'
so kaoruko is lord cavallero. papa. futaba is carmencita-
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....how tho. nana's miguel. snort. futaba shoots back with a 'it seems fitting youre an assassin' which is hilarious
claudine is columbus, maya is luigi
that does leave mahiru as isobel but no ones metioned it and now im even grumpier. how dare. evil.
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:( no its not that jun jun-
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kjhkjfhsf junnna
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'stop with the gay drama already i s2g'
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skjfhsf gon get revenge for karen beating her TWICE at the auditions. valid. i support u junna
junna: i'm vindictive and stubborn like that karen: aha you really are junna: >:O
well that's enough for now
part 2>>
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kiss-my-freckle · 3 months
Full Episode Commentary
2x2: Brave New World
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I think it's important to note the title of this episode because of Elena's transition to vampire in season 4. A "Brave New World" for the girl that's too scared to admit she wants Damon. Understand this, and you'll know why Elena becomes a vampire. They could either have her settle for Stefan, or allow her to be with the brother she really wants. You'll see Delena in some of this.
Caroline opens the episode, and she's insane to watch because girl is in the right place to complete her transition lol… she's craving human blood at the hospital, and craving it badly. She devours an entire blood bag. Bonnie and Elena talk about Katherine, about how she's not a typical ancestor because they look exactly the same. "And I don't want to talk about Damon or anything else that's vampire related, okay? I'm human. And I have to do human stuff. Otherwise, I'm going to go crazy." Elena acts like Stefan is human, that's how blind she is. I'm ilke... you do know you're dating a vampire, right? "Well because she's not human, obviously." lol! Here comes vampire Caroline. Jeremy has his scene with Stefan. "You're pretty confident in yourself telling me all the different ways I could kill you."
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Damon doesn't just tell Elena how to kill him, he shows her. "Yeah, Damon is the one that deserves it." Jeremy is pissed that Damon killed him, and he has every reason to be, but… he's gonna change his mind because of their scene in 1x22. He knows that Damon has his humanity, so he will be kiling an actual person. "I want you to forget about Damon, all right? He's hundred times stronger than you and right now -he's not stable." Damon is a one and done. I consider him more stable now than he's ever been. I refer to it as a one and done because that's what being impulsive is. Damon doesn't snap Kol's neck twice, he takes Rebekah to bed.
"Jeremy, if I thought you wanted to kill me, we would be having a much different conversation." This is a nice backdoor threat. "We're going to be boring high school students who live in a world where the 'v' word is not uttered." Again... you do know you're dating a vampire, right? Girl is so blind to the truth of her life. "We're going to be boring high school students who live in a world where the 'v' word is not uttered." Girl is literally dating the "v" word, like hello. I blame Stefan for being a wolf in sheep's clothing. For Elena, it's no "D" word because he's a "V" word lol... Girl is in total hate mode, and I love it.
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"Unfortunately, Katherine showing up has him in a little bit of an odd place, little off-kilter, kind of dangerous. Who knows what he's up to?" Stefan doesn't know his brother very well. Damon is exactly where he needs to be… investigating the Lockwoods. Unless Stefan doesn't care to know that a single werewolf bite could kill him. "With Richard gone, I'll be acting as interim mayor until the elections and I'm going to need someone to spearhead out the council. I'd like that person to be you." Damon is now head of the founders council. Hell, I'm just gonna say it… if not for Damon, the Salvatore School wouldn't exist. As I often say, rebels change the world. Peacemakers tend to keep things as they are. If you want a town to stop hating on vampires, put Damon in charge. That's just the way it is. And I kinda view it as a whole, really. Mystic Falls is built from hate just like Delena is. I think it's altogether beautiful how Damon basically fell into his calling with the founders council, and the best way to change it is from the inside. It's something that I imagine him still being part of while he's human.
Damon is listening into Tyler's conversation with Mason. He's looking for supernatural elements similar to his own vampirism… strength, speed, etc. Mason talks to Tyler about his anger and aggression, and that's all Damon. The only word Damon needed to hear… amplifies. Vampire emotions are amplified, magnified, heightened. Choose your synonym lol. So Mason and Tyler give Damon reason to continue his investigation. He wants to know what they are because he knows they're not vampires. If they were, the mayor wouldn't have been able to move with a full injection of vervain. Carol has no idea that Damon has been listening in. Apparently she buys him spacing out mid-conversation.
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"Close it." Caroline finds out that vampires don't sparkle in the sun and her boyfriend looks good enough to eat. I know I shouldn't be laughing, but this is too funny. Let's talk about being very sweet when you want to be.
Damon is fixing himself a blood bag snack when Stefan walks in. "Are you worried that one day, all the forest animals are gonna band together and fight back?" lol! I wanna know why Stefan picks the small animals. Like why not feed on a bear? "I'm just happy that's a blood bag and not a sorority girl supplying your dinner." Stefan still doesn't get Damon. He was expecting four sorority girls like Damon had in 1x15, but no. Damon is done, like done - done. "I like this. You, walking on eggs shells around me because you think I'm gonna explode. Very suspenseful." Damon is having a bit of fun because "exploding" was yesterday's news.
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"Is Elena worried too? I bet I'm your every conversation."
Stefan still doesn't get it because he wasn't there. Damon hearing from Katherine was yesterday's news lol. Stefan isn't supposed to know about Damon's scenes in 2x1 because they play their own role in Stelena's argument. "Is this your new obsession?" Love magnified would look like obsession. Just thought I'd point that out. Elena is literally the only reason Damon involves himself with Katherine at this point. He'll do what he has to for the sake of protecting her. But yeah, Damon is done - done, so Stefan is left to deal with Katherine's infatuation with him lol... Cheers!
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The Lockwoods being supernatural could pose a threat to their humans. That's why Damon tells Stefan about it and refers to "our town" rather than worries about them alone. His role on the council is no longer just self-preservation for him. I view Anna's death and Vicki's death like I view Stefan's season 3 summer and season 5 summer. Damon can't pick and choose when to help someone, so he's forced to watch Anna die. Stefan can't pick and choose when someone helps him, so he's forced to drown for an entire summer.
So, in this conversation regarding the Lockwoods, you have Damon protecting a vampire Anna AND a human Vicki. Yeah, I think Anna's death affected Damon that much. His role on the council shifted, and I feel it shifted at the right time.
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This is one of those Delena scenes I was talking about. Caroline puts the necklace on that Elena gave her, having no idea it's gonna burn her because she knows nothing about vervain. So when 3x4 rolls around, Caroline knows what she's saying there. Yes, pay mind to her backdoor Delena shipping lol... "Maybe it's a sign you shouldn't be wearing it. What, I'm just saying. If you're going to be cooking without Stefan." She may hate Damon, but she's got scenes like this that will wow you. Caroline starts vamping out in her hospital room, so they make it clear that completing the transition is possible on blood bags, it just has to be human blood. And she's... freaking out as I'd expect for a high maintenance girl. Caroline finally caves and feeds on the nurse, that's how hungry she is.
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I can't stop laughing. Would Bonnie be so hard-pressed to kill Damon if she weren't crushing on the guy that Caroline kills? lol… probably not, and Caroline feels the same way about Jesse. These young girls and their crushes, I swear. Expect death because you've got vampires in your lives, seriously.
Mason is looking around the Lockwood estate for the moonstone. Yeah, so it's no coincidence that Mason and Katherine arrived in town at the same time. I feel for Tyler. As dangerous as it is to know their secret, he should know why he is the way he is. He catches Mason snooping.
I'm gonna skip over Damon's scenes with Jeremy... for now. I'll get back to them later. "I don't know how that works, but it's brilliant." Caroline has me cracking up. Damon already knows about the Lockwood rage, now he's checking out their strength. Mason and Tyler are arm wrestling. Stefan laughed in Damon's face when he told him John is Elena's father. Now he's telling Damon that he's reaching. Stefan is an idiot. However, this arm wrestling scene has a parallel that sits in Stelena's argument. Damon isn't reaching in this scene, and Elena isn't reaching during Stelena's argument.
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Anyway, their arm wrestling scene is another one that I always point out whenever I talk about Stefan being the stronger brother. Damon put the Salvatore strongest against the Lockwood strongest. That's why he's so upset with Stefan in believing he didn't try hard enough. He did, Damon just can't believe how strong they are. Damon's like, what?! And Stefan wants to joke about it by referring to them as ninja turtles. Like man, you won't be laughing when you have newbie Caroline out in the woods ready to get eaten. "No comedic timing at all." Typical Stefan crap, not taking dangers seriously. He does the same thing when Damon warns him about Silas. Damon has better comedic timing, but he's even better at seeing people. That's why he's almost always right. He tells you what's gonna happen before it happens. "That Tyler kid is incapable of walking away from a fight. Let's see who intervenes. Maybe it's the ambiguous, supernatural mystery uncle."
"Game on." Damon has a moment of insanity because he's basically realizing Katherine turned Caroline, and she just delivered Katherine's message. Like, he really doesn't wanna be bothred with this bitch because he's done - done. The last thing he wanted was a message from Katherine. "You suck." Oh Caroline, you should know that all vampires suck. Their survival literally depends on them sucking lol. Stefan watches as Mason and Tyler fight with Bonnie's crush. No, Stefan isn't all hero, he plays peacemaker when it suits him. Well, it's pretty obvious that the Lockwoods are supernatural because Mason's eyes turned. I'm not a fan of werewolves, but whatever. "Whoa, hey, nice shot, killer!" Matt is too funny. Caroline can't be silly enough to believe that anyone would believe those bottles were already broken lol
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Elena hates Damon right now, and he knows it. He's been... giving her space to deal with her feelings about him while burying himself in his Lockwood investigation. "I know I'm the last person you want to see right now, but I need you to come with me. Yeah, I need you to come with me right now, Elena." But Caroline becoming a vampire gives him an excuse to talk to her, to intrude despite how she feels about him. He's not happy about Caroline being a vampire, but he's happy that he gets to have this moment with Elena. "Because Katherine is a manipulative, nasty, little slut." I swear Damon gets off on saying this. Just listen to the way he says it.
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Damon is hilarious. He warns them, but they rarely listen, and he's almost always right. Liz is gonna find out they're vampires. There's really no way around it, and stupid for them to believe otherwise. "We're not gonna kill her." If only Stefan were this dedicated to not kill Vicki. "Your silence is deafening, Stefan." This comment of Damon's… you'll understand the lyrics to Beauty of the Dark by Mads Langer. "The beauty of silence Is the noise of no words." Stefan's silence is so loud that it'll make you deaf. You'll find this type of silence throughout the show. Caroline is like Harper. She apologizes before draining Bonnie's crush. Sorry, but girl's gotta eat lol
"Yeah, I'm used to the insecurities and all that. It's who she is, love it or hate it. But this seemed… I don't know… different… more. I can't explain it." I love their "more" dialogues, which they typically use for vampires. But Elena… she talks this way about Damon before she turns, that's how deeply she feels for Damon. That's why I tell fans there's no comparison, Delena will always be better than Stelena because Elena will never love Stefan as deeply as she does Damon. She feels "more" for Damon before becoming a vampire, then feels "more" for Damon in her emotions being magnified as a vampire. That's the reality of Delena. Trust me when I tell you that Charlotte is your biggest clue. She was "crazy" about Damon before he turned her. Elena was too, but she hid it in denial.
Damon found a stake because he's not playing. He knows Liz will find out sooner or later. Stefan is so pissed that he punches one of the carnival stands. Yes, he knows Damon is right. They both tried to hide Katherine's vampirism from their vampire-hating father, hiding it from a parent would be so much harder. Especially a parent like Liz. "Damon's right, not about what we should do but about what's gonna happen. Katherine already signed Caroline's death sentence." Mason and Tyler fight over what they are. It is dangerous for Tyler to know. He'll be terrified of triggering his curse which could make things worse, that's why it is dangerous to know. But I'm being honest in saying that Tyler should know. The secrecy doesn't help.
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"Yes, I can be sweet." Soft with Caroline just as he was with Vicki. I wish he'd let his caring side out more often. Yeah, he's beautiful when he wants to be.
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This is the moment Elena sees what Isobel saw… the power she has over Damon because he's in love with her. Elena is the perfect detour for impulsive Damon… "See vampire, kill vampire." The way he looks at Elena... it's extremely gorgeous. I'm 100% certain had Elena stood between them, Damon wouldn't have snapped Jeremy's neck. That's how real this scene is. "Whatever happens, it's on you." lol… I love Elena's face because she knows Damon isn't playing. She stopped him from killing Caroline, so yeah… it's on her.
I'm laughing at Bonnie as she flips out. She finds out that Caroline is a vampire, then finds out Caroline devoured her latest crush. "She hates me! Bonnie hates me." A reason Damon calls them judgy little things. But yeah… nature requires balance. People live and they die. Vampires are monsters. But Bonnie... she's so twisted in her hate for Damon that she can't see how deep she's digging herself. But Elena is gorgeous as hell in this scene. Even in her hatred for Damon, she's like… you're not gonna kill him. You're not even gonna blame him for something that isn't his fault. "Why… Why did you stop me?!" Bonnie doesn't get it. Even in her hatred, Elena is still Elena. It makes me laugh how Bonnie tries to blame Damon for Caroline's eating habits. It's like Stefan blaming Damon for him being a ripper. Like stop already lol. And Bonnie knows exactly what role she played in all of it. She urged Damon to heal Caroline using his blood, then she turned to Katherine and told her all about it.
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This was the first time I felt Steroline. Stefan's cleaning the blood off her face and doing the whole breathing thing, and I'm like… damn. I also think it's insane how they pulled this full circle. Damon's plan to kill Caroline when he got through with her in the first season. Now that she's a vampire, he's back to feeling the need to kill her.
"I promise you I will not let anything happen to you." Because Caroline gets her memories back as she becomes a vampire, she's left with the knowing that Stefan is the only reason Damon didn't kill her the first time. It makes their scene all the more powerful. Sorry not sorry, but Steroline is gorgeous.
lol Tyler knows exactly where the moonstone is. I'm actually surprised that the mayor put something so important in a safe that Tyler has access to. I mean… I'm sure Tyler's father would've given him access to it eventually when they had their whole father-son talk, but Tyler shouldn't already have the code to the safe when he has no idea what the moonstone is for.
So back to Damon and Jeremy. This collage is the only way for me to explain their scenes. 2x2 is written opposite 1x22. Damon's neck snap in 2x1 not only falls in between them, it also pushes the parallel they have coming. I won't tell you the parallel until I get there, but trust me when I say the parallel is relative in season 3.
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For now, just focus on how 2x2 is written opposite 1x22. "Jeremy, it's so good to see you alive." This is Damon's hope. He needed to see Jeremy alive for the same reason he needs to know Sarah Salvatore survived. Even though he had no idea Jeremy was wearing the Gilbert ring, he IS still alive. Damon is able to cross him off his sin list. Only time and effort can heal the wound that he caused, and Damon will put in the effort.
As much as fans hate the fact that Elena forgave Damon for what he did to Jeremy, she's not the only one. Jeremy was the one that died, and he forgave Damon. Alaric was the one that died, and he forgave Damon. Understand it or not - like it or not - it is what it is. That's me spitting facts, and why I often refer to 3x6. You can't have Elena pushing Alaric to pick up his friendship with Damon after Damon literally killed Alaric right in front of her.... while at the same time, have Elena expect different for Jeremy just because he's her brother. Girl views Alaric as a parental figure in season 3, and she watched Damon snap his neck.
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Jeremy is being an absolute idiot, and Damon pushes him not to be. Consider his threat a favor. "This is what we're not gonna do: we're not gonna walk around like we are invincible when it's this easy for me to end you." Despite the fact that Jeremy was there to witness Isobel take John's ring in 1x21, and despite the fact that they all know Katherine took John's fingers in 2x1, he's actually threatening to out Damon while showing off his Gilbert ring. He's acting as if Damon can't take that ring from him. As harsh as Damon can be, he always gets his point across. He did the same thing with Elena in 1x6, literally made her fear him killing her for the sake of educating her on home invitations. As great as it is for Jeremy to be courageous, he has to be careful about his threats. Sure, vampires have humanity, but it is their basic instinct to survive. They are predators, period.
This scene basically shows the truth of their parade in 1x22, about the fact that Stefan's interruption was unnecessary. As rough as Damon was with Jeremy, it's not like he was gonna kill him. Stefan was being jealous - as he typically is.
"You don't lock your front door." I can't stop laughing. There's no point to vampires locking their doors. They need human homeowners to keep other vampires out, and humans…. they can just eat those who trespass. "Look, I don't do the big brother thing very well. Sorry, I don't have any milk and cookies to offer you." Damon isn't trying to be a dick, he's being honest. He hasn't been the big brother in a very long time, and he knows he's not good for Jeremy. But Jeremy is... desperate to get the side of Damon that he got in 1x22. The side of Damon that apologized for what he did to Vicki.
This scene basically shows you that Damon was being honest in his scene with Jeremy at the end of 1x22, he's simply limiting himself because he doesn't want Jeremy to think he's the right person to look up to. He's not a role model, he's a vampire.
Damon and Jeremy have a great deal in common, and I see this more as the seasons move along… to such an extent that it's as if Jeremy is taking on some of Damon's traits. But yeah... be ready for the parallel that's coming... you will find that Jeremy is as blunt as Damon lol
I love everyone Caroline is with, I simply prefer Steroline over all of her other ships. But yeah, I like this scene where Matt sneaks into her bedroom window. They really know how to cut scene.
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Elena: It's not going to get any easier, is it? Stefan: No, it's not. Stefan: Ah, it'll get easier. Elena: But I don't want it to get easier.
This is the beauty of Delena. "It's no one's fault, you know? It is what it is." Elena can say the words, but she still doesn't see it where Stefan is concerned. Girl's bf is a vampire and she treats him like he's human. Just wait, the necessary parallel for season 3 is coming.
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silverwolfstuff · 4 months
CHAPTER SIXTEEN (RadioStatic) Human AU: High school
8:00 am New Orleans, Louisiana Having just arrived at school, Alastor Hartfelt parked his car and got out, taking his driving gloves off and storing the pair of gloves in the glove compartment of the car. He smiled over at his partner, taking in his blue accents. The two complimented each other well despite the other’s slight obsession with the picture boxes. Vincent looked over at Alastor and squeezed his hand, kissing his cheek. The two did love each other but everyone made it seem like they were rivals, so of course they had to keep that reputation up. Vincen got out of the car first, joining his group of friends. The Vee’s as they were nicknamed. Vincent, Violet and Valentino. Al couldn’t stand Valentino, but Violet was a different story. The young British woman was snappy from time to time but that didn’t change his opinion of her. After another minute of contemplating things in his head, the young radio host got out of his car and walked the opposite way of Vincent and his friends, though he purposely dropped a letter by his feet. Not surprised, the taller man rolled his eyes at the shorter one and picked it up, quickly reading it before shoving it in his pocket.
“What did it say, V?” Val asked, stubbing out his cigarette.
“Nothing important. Same as always, y’know?” he said, playing it off before leading the group into the building. They split up for homeroom. Val and Violet went to the second floor while Vin went to the first floor, joining Alastor in homeroom, spooking the other by lightly patting his shoulder. They didn’t do much in homeroom, so Al, Vin, Anthony, Valire(Vagatha, nicknamed by Alastor, and Vaggie as called by her girlfriend Charlie), Henry, Nicole (Nifty), Molly, Arthur (Pentious), Cherri, Charlie and Salvatore, as well as Ash, made this period their “catch up/hang out” period as they didn’t have classes all day with one another.  Surprised, Alastor jumped and turned in his seat, meeting Vin’s smile in return. He rolled his eyes behind his glasses, putting his book away before swivelling around on his chair and looked between the group, frowning as he saw Anthony discreetly answer texts from none other than Valentino. They were all trying to get Anthony out of this “deal” with Val and it wasn’t working very well. Molly looked at her twin and frowned, seeing a rope burn on his wrist.
“Tony, what happened?” she asked, giving her twin a knowing look. The blonde looked away from her and tucked his phone into his pocket.
“Val... Tried somethin' new... That's it. I'm good. What the fuck is he doin' here?" He directed the last part of his statement to Vincent who simply flipped him off, fixing his bowtie, secretly locking hands with Alastor, who only met his eyes for a quick moment, not once saying anything that came to his mind to tell the blonde to keep his mouth shut about his partner. Charlie just gave a shy smile to the blonde.
“He’s welcomed, Anthony,” she tried to reason, pushing her hair back behind her ear.
“Doesn't mean we like da guy,” retorted Anthnony as he pushed his hands through his hair, laying with his head on Henry’s lap and his feet in Cherri’s lap. Vincent rolled his eyes and stood up, moving behind Alastor, draping his arms around the shorter’s shoulders, shocking everyone in the room.
“Wait. You and Alastor?” Vaggie started, standing up in complete shock. Alastor nodded before speaking.
“Our relationship does not leave this group or so help me, you’ll regret it immensely. Do I make myself clear?” asked the Radio host with a slight growl in his voice before he got up, saying something about needing to do morning announcements. He pecked Vin on his forehead before grabbing his school bag and headed down the hall towards the front office. The second he left the room, Henry and Nif both shot daggers at him and Valire pointed her pocket knife at him.
“Harm him and you’re next,” warned Nif as she scampered around the small room, killing bugs and cleaning up a little. She knew Al’s OCD levels would sky rocket if things weren’t in place or the correct order. The taller one nodded as he backed up and grabbed his school bag as well, running out into the hallway after announcements went off and the bell rang. Six hours of school, they could get through it. Hopefully. He just had to keep Val from interfering, as well as keeping him from pushing himself upon him out of jealousy.
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freezegirl · 9 months
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verses (more to be added at a later date):
SKY HIGH: set during and after the movie. see here for the lore.
SKY U: main timeline. (sky high & sky u are marvel adjacent on this blog and i will write a post on that later.) khione has graduated from sky high and is now enrolled in sky u. but of course the life of a hero in training is never easy. it wasn't in high school and it won't be in college slash university, either.
THE BOYS / GEN V: khione has been injected with compound v much like her parents before her. she's got access to cryokinesis and hydrokinesis, though. she's currently enrolled in god u and, due to her parents, chose the crimson countess track despite the fact that she's got what it takes and actually wanted to try her hand at getting into the lamplighter track. while people called her freeze girl in high school, these days, her chosen hero name is frostbite.
INVINCIBLE: third gen with hydro/cryo abilities. goes to the same school as mark and samantha. declined an invitation to join the teen team and joined up with the stronghold six, which then turned into the stronghold seven.
MARVEL: mutant with hydro/cryo abilities. think iceman. (she wants to meet iceman so bad.) her parents wanted to send her to xavier's but ended up relenting when khione made it clear that she wanted to go to sky high and sky u (but that win came with a price).
the gifted: a mutant with hydro/cryo abilities. she's with the mutant underground and has made a sizable donation (it's not like her parents will miss the money.)
DC: metahuman with hydro/cryo abilities. think caitlin snow. except khione's had hers since birth. she has an undisputed love for ice heroes and ice villains.
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY: has hydro/cryo abilities. her parents - who have similar powers - run in the same affluent circles as allison.
DESCENDANTS: a well known auradonian. daughter of two retired heroes (permafrost and ganga) who have been planning out her entire life. her parents have since retired and are now tv celebs.
TEEN WOLF: third gen ice (and water) elemental who has lived in beacon hills since forever. it doesn't take her that long to figure out that werewolves are a thing. she's not part of any pack but wouldn't balk at helping out if need be. has a soft spot for scott mccall and the mccall pack as a whole.
TWILIGHT: vampire who has a combination of hydrokinesis and cryokinesis as her special ability. comes from a long line of vampires with similar abilities.
FIRST KILL: legacy who comes from a long line of vampires with extra abilities: her dad is a cryokinetic and her mom is a hydrokinetic. khione has inherited both powers, which is great. she's also inherited their enemies, which is not so great.
TVD: third gen ice (and water) elemental who is around jeremy's age and has been posing as an ice witch so far. not really part of the mystic falls gang but wouldn't say no to helping them either.
THE ORIGINALS: third gen ice (and water) elemental who is wandering around new orleans in search of her friends.
LEGACIES: third gen ice (and water) elemental, starts out at mystic falls high but ends up transferring to salvatore's when her powers get exposed. thinks malivore is a dumb name. not part of the super squad or the anti squad but helps both out if need be. she mostly hangs out with the stronghold six (and when she joins the group as their seventh and final member, the name changes from the stronghold six to the stronghold seven).
COBRA KAI: khione is trying her best to stay out of the karate war, lest anyone finds out that she actually has powers. but her parents want her to get lessons from daniel, specifically, because he's so well known. khione would really rather not, though.
ONCE UPON A TIME: khione arrives in storybrooke much like elsa did in season four, turning storybrooke into a winter wonderland. the young elemental is only here for one thing and one thing only: finding her friends.
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stregh · 1 year
PARROCCHIA SAN CRISOGONO - (5.000x14.000 pixel) da Annalisa Giuseppetti Tramite Flickr: Storia L’edificio non sembra di origine cristiana e può attribuirsi ai primordi del secolo IV. La nuova basilica è stata costruita sull’antica dal Card. Giovanni da Crema nel 1123. Il Card. Scipione Borghese la ampliò e la restaurò nel 1625 dandole l’aspetto che attualmente presenta. La parrocchia vi fu eretta, secondo una lapide vicina alla sacrestia, nel 1127, ma risale certamente a prima della metà del secolo V: i suoi presbiteri infatti si trovano tra i sottoscrittori dei sinodi romani del 499 e del 595. Il papa Gregorio III (731-741), come narra il "Liber pontificalis", vi instituì un monastero che mantenne distinto dal "titulus", i cui presbiteri erano addetti alla cura d’anime. Il Card. Giovanni da Crema, come dalle due lapidi vicine all’ingresso della sacrestia, vi costruì nel 1128 un oratorio con chiostro (V. Forcella, "Iscrizioni", iII, 169 nn. 486-487). Calisto II, il 17 aprile 1121, ed Innocenzo III, il 23 luglio 1199, intervennero per risolvere i problemi di amministrazione parrocchiale di S. Salvatore della Corte nei confronti di quelli di S. Crisogono. Innocenzo III sostituì i monaci con i Canonici regolari del Salvatore i quali vi rimasero fino al 1480 quando Sisto IV affidò la parrocchia ai Carmelitani. Pio IX, il 1 giugno 1847, insediò nella basilica i Trinitari, i quali tuttora l’amministrano. Lo stato attuale architettonico si deve al card. Scipione Caffarelli Borghese, nipote di Paolo V che lo commise a Giovanni Battista Soria (1581- 1651). Nell’abside, Madonna con il Bambino tra i santi Crisogono e Giacomo, mosaico della scuola di Pietro Cavallini (c. 1290). La proprietà, per la legge del 19 giugno 1873 n. 1402 è passata al demanio del Regno d’Italia. NOTIZIE: PARROCCHIA SAN CRISOGONO Basilica Minore Piazza Sonnino 44 - 00153 ROMA Settore Centro - Prefettura III - Rione Trastevere - 1º Municipio Affidata a: Ordine della Santissima Trinità (Trinitari) (O.SS.T.) ___________________________________________________________________________ History The building does not seem to Christian origin can be attributed to the beginning of the fourth century. The new basilica was built on the Cardinal Giovanni by Cream in 1123. Cardinal Scipione Borghese enlarged and restored it in 1625 giving the appearance of which is at present. The parish was erected, according to a plaque close to the sacristy, in 1127, but it certainly dates from the first half of the century V: her priests are in fact among the subscribers of the Roman synods of 499 and 595. Pope Gregory III (731-741), as recounted in the "Liber pontificalis" we instituted a monastery that kept distinct from the "titulus", whose priests were involved in the care of souls. Cardinal John of Crema, as the two tombstones nearby the entrance to the sacristy, built there in 1128 a chapel with cloister (V. Fork, "Subscriptions", III, 169 nn. 486-487). Calisto II, April 17, 1121, and Innocent III, July 23, 1199, intervened to solve the problems of administration Parish Church of St. Savior of the Court in relation to those of S. Krševan. Innocent III replaced the monks with the Canons Regular of the Savior which you remained until 1480 when Pope Sixtus IV entrusted the parish to the Carmelites. Pius IX, June 1, 1847, settled in the basilica, the Trinitarians, who still administer it. The current state of architecture is due to the card. Scipione Caffarelli Borghese, nephew Paul V, who committed it to Giovanni Battista Soria (1581-1651). In the apse, Madonna and Child with Saints James and Grisogono, mosaic of the school of Pietro Cavallini (c. 1290). The property, by the law of 19 June 1873 no. 1402 has gone to the State the Kingdom of Italy. NEWS: PARISH SAN CRISOGONO Minor Basilica Piazza Sonnino 44-00153 ROMA Central Sector - Prefecture III - Trastevere district - 1st Hall Entrusted to: Ordine della Santissima Trinità (Trinitari) (O.SS.T.)
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klonoadreams · 2 years
If I remember right scarnoa's main outfit is miriam's hand me downs right? Since she's basically adopted by the entire school staff are any of the other teachers contributing to her wardrobe?
The first set she gets are hand-me-downs, since Scarnoa's on the petite side, but Mimi eventually just buys her actual clothes - like new stuff that fits her super well. And the old stuff just becomes casual lounge wear of sort, since it's very comfy.
Raifort actually got Scarnoa the boots. Heard her lecturing Jacq for his chanclas (sandals) in the lab and thought it was hilarious, and just decided "have these boots. It's on me." Thank you for entertaining her by making a man know fear.
Tyme went all out on making sure that she got Scarnoa some quality tights and a nice thermal turtleneck that she KNOWS her sister wears at the Montenevera Gym, where there is snow and it's cold, and Ryme is knocking it out of the park in her dress. :V
Keeps Scarnoa's legs nice and toasty without having to really change much of her uniform wear. good for the Autumn uniform. Except she rarely wears the damn school uniform so oop.
Saguaro got her the thigh highs after she asked for some, because the sock catalog DIDNT have them and she WANTED them. Because tights are nice, but she doesn't WANT tights.
But also, Mimi's being doing so much for her, that she didn't want to bother her. and Saguaro also likes cute stuff too, so she's all "do you know where I can get some cute socks? The one that go up to the thigh?"
She's got a few more colors and patterns besides solid black, but yeah, that's something. Living the dream I wish I could have in this game sob sob.
Salvatore gives her hair accessories that his wife has been picking out, because she's been hearing a lot about the child that the school has collectively adopted.
And Jacq gave her a cute phone cases (and more) for her efforts but also as an apology for setting her off with his terrible lab habits. Please go easy on him, he literally just got hired alongside Clavell after they left their previous positions as researchers, where Jacq was Clavell's assistant (fun fact: this is probably why I see a lot of Jacq/Clavell art on pixiv, so...good for them - especially Clavell, get it old man. You somehow managed to land one of the handful of Pokemon characters that made the 2022 Yumejoshi popularity poll, in which Arven was #5 and Rika was #1, beating both Getou and Gojo - Volo was #38 and Steven, despite all these years, was #77...ftr, Jacq was #85)
(I didn't know the ship existed until I saw it at the side while I was looking up Larry/Rika on Pixiv, and then went "INTERESTING."...*adds it to my list of ships*)
Dendra is still looking for the perfect gift - it might not even be clothes, but just battle items, BUT SHE'S TRYING.
And Hassel contributed to MANY of Scarnoa's living expenses, because of how SUDDEN she appeared. And obviously, he's got the funds, so he just... "Here's your room."
Will find out what she likes and proceed to sent it to her room, like random plushes, figurines, cute curtains and throw rugs....want a different wallpaper? Here's a catalogue - pick what you want.
Hassel is genuinely still choked up about Scarnoa's situation, like...where are her parents??? IS SHE OKAY???
"Did I make you mad?" because she missed out on one of his math classes, only to find out that "oh, you got a badge." and then he immediately nyooms to the next gym the instant he gets a notification to congratulate her and give her a headpat, BECAUSE SHE IS STILL PLAYING HOOKY, GOD DAMN.
later finds out she just has shit memory, and that she still is attending school. Eases his concerns, but also, "Try not to get hurt - your Rotom Phone has an app for these sorts of things. It's excellent for keeping you on task, should you get distracted with thing such as the fineries of art."
She says she'll use it, and then promptly forgets about it until Hassel sets it up herself...and then her Rotom Phone decides "Nah, TOO LOUD."
Because each Rotom inside one's phone is unique and has its own personalities, so if you have one that clashes with you, you can either switch with someone else...or deal with it. Most people choose to deal with it because by that point, they're attached to that Rotom like people get attached to Roombas. :V
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mariedemedicis · 2 years
loosely collected thoughts on the vampire diaries: the awakening
spoilers for a 30+ year old book below
I thought the intro was way more intriguing than the pilot’s although the payoff kind of ehh took way too long to connect
interestingly Elena mentions Caroline first of all her friends even though by this point they kind of aren’t friends anymore, then Matt, then Meredith and finally Bonnie (probably reading too much into this ordering but it’s intriguing) - Meredith is also the only mainish character whose last name isn’t dropped, apparently it’s that important we know the full names of Dick Carter & Raymond Hernandez but not Meredith’s last name
I knew that both Caroline & Bonnie were redheads in the books and I knew Caroline had green eyes, but I didn’t know that Bonnie had brown eyes, respect for the least common type of redhead (now we just need a redhead with blue eyes for the full set shgghhgh)
Stefan ending up in Fell’s Church was more a coincidence/happenstance than anything else, he did pick it based on the strong connection to its past - the civil war, but he has no past there and did not know or know of Elena before enrolling, I kind of prefer how it isolates him in comparison
Stefan is dark haired (which I did know), both Salvatore brothers are and most likely look much more alike, but with green eyes, which I didn’t
Meredith is...very inscrutable, both Bonnie and Elena have very obvious personalities but Meredith’s is hard to discern, she’s definitely being set up to know more than she lets on but I’m hoping for a bit more sense of who she is in the next book
Part of ‘the Powers’ (which as a terminology does absolutely crack me up a bit) that come with being a vampire include, not so much being able to read minds but get like a sense of personality, I’m explaining this poorly so let me just copy one of the relevant passages: ”So many minds. The pressure of so many thought patterns, so many mental voices surrounding him, was making him dizzy. It had been years since he had been in a swarm of people like this. One mind in particular stood out from the others. She had been among those watching him in the main corridor of the school building. He didn’t know what she looked like, but her personality was powerful. He felt sure he’d recognize it again.” Stephanie Meyer did you plagiarize this? (extra funny in light of Stefan having been called a knockoff Edward Cullen)
wild to find that Mr. Tanner is drawn almost as he was in the show from the books, all the way down to his showdown with Stefan on the first day, he teaches European History instead of American and the correction is about the Renaissance (this Stefan’s area of expertise) but otherwise, yeah same asshole teacher, same actually you’re wrong Stefan
Tanner’s death is way more dramatic and gruesome here though
Tyler dressing up as a werewolf for Halloween, bro you’re wild for that
I really like that Elena is the one to pursue Stefan rather than vice versa even if I don’t exactly love the writing of how she does it
book!Matt >>>>
the differences in the relationship between Stefan & Damon is also really interesting, Damon was apparently quite close to his unnamed mother who died a few years after Stefan’s birth and it’s implied that Stefan believes Damon blames him for this (v. interesting contrast to Lily Salvatore in the show who is blatantly written to be very similar to Stefan and for him to be her favorite); the relationship between them was antagonistic before Katherine ever showed up; whereas in the show, Stefan nearly immediately knows Damon is around, here Damon essentially gaslights Stefan into thinking he’s turning into/on the verge of turning into a killer without the memories of what he’s been up to, it takes Elena to help him work out that it’s Damon
Katherine is portrayed very differently given that the brothers believe they saw her dead, she was also involved consensually with both brothers, no compulsion involved, although neither was happy with her involvement with the other
she is also roughly the same age as the brothers
here are some comparisons between Elena & Katherine that have me very smugly thinking oh what little do you know: Stefan: “‘But,’ he added slowly, as if puzzling something out for himself, ‘you’re not like her, really. She looked like you, but she was fragile, delicate. Vulnerable. Inside as well as out.’ ‘And I’m not.’
He made a sound that would have been a laugh if there had been any humor in it. ‘No. You’re a fighter. You are ... yourself.’“ Damon: “’You’re wrong about her, you know. You think she’s sweet and docile, like Katherine. She isn’t. She’s not your type at all, my saintly brother. She has a spirit and a fire in her you wouldn’t know what to do with.’ ‘And you would, I suppose.’ Damon uncrossed his arms and slowly smiled again. ‘Oh, yes.’“
I probably won’t get to the next book, The Struggle, until next year but then I’ll be back with thoughts on it
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
My Oc’s and their Primary Fashion Aesthetics:
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An: some of those are categories I made up cause I can’t find a name for them, but I’ll try to explain them. This also includes my side blog personas, lol.
Side Blogs:
Aurora: Cozy Classy (like Elle woods on a lazy day)
Sammy: I mean he wears his costume 99% of the time but, Cozy Halloween.
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Slayter: Romantic Goth (with more edge)
Harmony: Soft Grunge
Darius: Let’s be real, he’s just a DAMON SALVATORE knock off… I still love him though!
Noah: Classic Jock (with soft boy on the side)
Pierre: 1920’s French Country Side
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Magnolia: Girl Next Door
Villain Magnolia: Femme Fatale
V: 90’s Lesbian
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Basil: Classy Cowboy (like Bo Sinclair in his funeral suit)
Frances Lecter: Because if their job they flip between Off Duty Ballerina or Business Couture
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Newt: The ✨Bella Swan✨
Blinky: Monochromatic Circus-core
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Odessa: Hyper-femme Dark Academia
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Scorpius: In The Matrix
Marceline: Black Widow
Morfan: 90’s Basketball Casual
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Birdie: 70’s Nerd
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Midge: ✨Euphoria✨ (but in a Cassie sort of way)
Andromeda: School Girl Prep
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Jasper: Stoner Chic
An: Yes Classic Jock and 90’s Basketball Casual are different. Think like what you see the football team wear at a casual party.
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mysterymirrors · 17 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage Ralph Lauren 100% Cashmere V-Neck Knit Sweater - Brown - S.
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