lascowboys · 1 year
" Y la grabación de sonidos, pensábamos, a diferencia de lo que sucede al filmar imágenes, nos permitía acceder a una capa más profunda y siempre invisible del alma humana, del mismo modo en que un batimetrista sumerge su sonar en un cuerpo de agua para mapear las profundidades de un océano o un lago. "
"Supongo que todas las historias comienzan y terminan con un desplazamiento; que todas las historias son en el fondo una historia de traslado: nuestra mudanza hace cuatro años; las mudanzas previas de mi marido y también las varias mías; las mudanzas, exilios y migraciones de cientos de personas y familias que habíamos entrevistado para el proyecto del paisaje sonoro; la diáspora de niños refugiados cuya historia iba a intentar documentar; y los despojos y desplazamientos forzados de los apaches chiricahuas, cuyos fantasmas mi esposo comenzaría a perseguir en breve. "
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1kitap1fotograf · 3 years
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“Annelerimiz bize konuşmayı öğretiyor, dünyaysa susmayı.” #kayıpçocukarşivi #valerialuiselli Fotoğraf: @bookogina Lütfen alıntı yaparken kaynak belirtelim... Sitemizi ziyaret etmeyi unutmayın. www.1kitap1fotograf.com #1kitap1fotograf #kitap #👆🏼 (Antiocheia, Pisidya) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNQC5zghLuX/?igshid=snaz29rg8bx2
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ninjavolador · 4 years
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Comencé a leerla un 27 de diciembre, después de unos días que se sentían como esa calma que precede a una gran tormenta, y de inmediato me atrapó: no solo su estilo y su rapidez para establecer la historia desde las primeras páginas y captar la atención del lector, sino la belleza de narrativa para ir ovillando la historia de una pareja, a punto del colapso matrimonial, quienes realizan un road trip acompañados de sus hijos, él mayor, hijo del “papá”; ella la menor, hija de la mamá; con rumbo a las tierras donde habitaron los apaches: símbolo del último bastión de resistencia ante la dominación del hombre blanco en América. #valerialuiselli #desiertosonoro #novela #book #bookstagram #bookcoverdesign #bookphotography (at Colonia San Rafael) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8dJKCjhzMs/?igshid=cz45xu4k71qn
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ccohanlon · 2 years
a new map of berlin, 2
I am an inexperienced cyclist. As far as possible, I avoid Berlin’s main arteries and stick to the backstreets. Bike lanes constricted by car traffic, tram tracks and intrusion from roadworks and heavy construction make me nervous, so my routes are often haphazard interconnections of empty footpaths, public and corporate plätze, service alleys, old river wharves, canal towpaths, open-ended altbauten courtyards and gravelled paths through neighbourhood parks. Such journeys, shaped by inadvertent opportunity and a willingness to get lost, are difficult to map but over the past few months, they’ve taken me to some of the city’s more arcane, imaginative recesses. The topography of Berlin is pitted, scraped and always under repair. Thoroughfares are obstructed by thermo-plastic barriers, corrugated tin and plywood boardwalks, and wire fencing; multi-story refurbishments are masked by scaffolding and canvas. Then there are these voids – rubbled lots, hollowed-out structures, abandoned excavations, remnant concrete slabs – that the Mexican writer, Valeria Luiselli, refers to in Sidewalks, her compact collection of essays, as relingos. For Luiselli, a relingo “is an ambiguous space, a piece of waste ground without defined borders or limiting fences, a species of plot on the margins of metropolitan life, even if it is physically to be found in the very center of a city…” In Berlin, relingos are everywhere but these “urban absences” (Luiselli again) are not always by-products of careless real estate development, inconvenient off-cuts of speculative metropolitan subdivisions. They can be scar-tissue — of horrific mid-20th military destruction, of forced ideological segregation — unwanted fragments of no man’s lands. They can be reminders of pasts still too close for comfort. If my bike journeys in the city are shaped by anything, it’s curiosity about these spaces. On one of my first long rides across the city, north to the Turkish working class neighbourhood of Wedding along Gartenstrasse, past the walled Park am Nordbahnhof, itself a reclaimed relingo at the edge of what was once a death zone on the East Berlin side of the Wall, to a towpath along the cambered, fin-de-siècle bricked banks of the Panke, a thin tributary of the Spree River, I noticed disused, neglected spaces wedged into nearly every block. But it wasn’t until I ventured south-east, across the Spree itself, to Köpenicker Strasse, along the boundary between Friedrichshain and Kreuzberg, that I saw similar spaces co-opted as squatted encampments, vegetable gardens, makeshift markets, and open-air craft workshops, sharing street access with metal pipe and plastics factories and grimy post-war warehouses repurposed as artists’ ateliers, photography studios and industrial-chic offices for tech’ start-ups. In Berlin’s east, relingos are fertile territory for experimentation: fluid, immersive social alternatives, re-construed and resurfaced as resistance against a future being shaped elsewhere in the city by a newly acquired enthusiasm for capitalism. Whole blocks of erasure — or disused buildings, several stories high — have been abstracted with swathes of aerated acrylic, monochrome paste-ups, oversized sculpture, and improvisatory architecture and landscaping, to suggest a more thoughtful, human approach to urban occupation than the callous, antiseptic redevelopment the city’s planners probably have in mind. An acquaintance of mine, Matthias Gephart, a.k.a. Disturbanity, has appropriated several of these spaces for large-scale artworks that, in a few cases, are as recognisable — and as elemental to the persona of the city — as der Berliner Fernsehturm, Berlin’s television tower, the bulbous, phallic hold-over from a ‘60s, Jetson-like Soviet vision of a space-age future. The experience of these works, in situ, can be unsettling: some infect rather than impose, hinting at toxic, viral, post-industrial decay, but others might be read as arcane cryptography, feral clues to secret escape routes, maybe, like the tunnels once dug under Berlin’s infamous wall, ways out if what passes for modern civilisation suddenly goes tits up. The improvised ubiquity of Berlin’s street art is sometimes used as an argument against its relevance and value —and against Berlin’s insistent claim to be taken seriously as an art city. But its practitioners are very serious, exploring themes that echo those of older, more venerated, post-war German artists, Anselm Kiefer and Gerhard Richter come to mind, in whose works the jagged national traumas of Nazism, followed by the totalitarian Communist re-configuring of East Germany, still reverberate. There’s also a sardonic humour, a stiff, paint-stippled middle finger jabbing the rectum of a too-formal German art and design establishment. But there’s no ignoring the simmering rage — dark, non-specific, frustrated — because, let’s face it, the Sisyphean challenge facing every German artist under 50, whatever their medium, is to cut through the murk of their 20th century history and gain not just some clarity but maybe even that ugliest and most dangerous of German ideals, purity, and so be able to see another way ahead. Then again, given the weight of more recent history, maybe the way just isn’t there. In which case, a darker interpretation of what I’ve come across in Berlin’s relingos, contradicting the inherent optimism of Germany’s youthful popular culture, might make even more sense.
First published in The Learned Pig, UK, 2016.
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pedrofcoalmaida · 3 years
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Poderosa novela de #valerialuiselli sobre el olvido que se levanta sobre todos aquellos que sucumben tratando de cruzar las fronteras del mundo o sobre esos otros cuyas tierras fueron devoradas por los mismos hombres que inventan fronteras. #desiertosonoro #sextopiso #lecturas2021 #librosrecomendados https://www.instagram.com/p/CVvmanUNVnk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lecturesdefemmes · 6 years
JOUR 137 - L’histoire de mes dents, Valeria Luiselli
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« À ma grande désillusion, on ne m’offrit que 2500 pesos pour la dent mélancolique de Borgès. » 
Rien que ce genre de phrases peut me faire tomber amoureuse d’un livre je pense. J’aime tout de ce genre de phrase - l’oralité émue, la référence à Borgès, le sens de l’absurde intrigant. 
Ici, tout est à l’avenant - une fantaisie géniale. Ode au langage ou plutôt aux histoires et la valeur qu’elles confèrent aux choses, ce roman joue avec les codes tout en racontant une histoire aussi inattendue et loufoque qu’attachante.
Voilà comment se présente le héros, Grandroute : 
« Je suis le meilleur commissaire-priseur au monde, mais personne ne le sait parce que je suis un homme du genre discret. Je m’appelle Gustavo Sanchez Sanchez, toutefois les gens m’appellent Grandroute, avec affection, je crois. Après deux rhums, je suis capable d’imiter Janis Joplin. Je sais interpréter les devises des fortune cookies chinois. Je peux faire tenir un oeuf droit, comme Christophe Colomb dans l’anecdote fameuse. Je sais compter jusqu’à huit en japonais : ichi, ni, san, soi, go, rock, sichi, hache. Je sais faire la planche. »
En moins de 160 pages, on a un délice de narration et de plaisir de langage. Les références littéraires ou artistiques sont irrévérencieusement détournées, l’oralité du personnage alterne avec les citations structuralistes, la vérité n’a pas de camp et c’est très bien, c’est la vie.
« Après tout, comme dit Quintilien, une hyperbolique n’est jamais qu’ « une fissure dans la relation entre le style et la réalité. » »    
Les allégories, les hyperboles, les ellipses (dé)structurent allègrement le récit et créent un héros plus large que vrai.
« Les vrais écrivains ne montrent jamais leurs dents. Les charlatans, en revanche, exhibent un sinistre sourire à pleins dents. Regardez bien. Trouvez des photos de tous les écrivains que vous respectez, et vous verrez que leurs dents demeurent en permanence un mystère occulte. »
L’histoire de mes dents, Valeria Luiselli. Traduit de l’anglais par Nicolas Richard. Edition originale : 2015. Editions de l’Olivier pour l’édition en langue française, 2017.  
Valeria Luiselli est née en 1983 au Mexique et vit à New York. Elle a publié des essais et un roman, Des êtres sans gravité (Actes Sud, 2013). L’Histoire de mes dents a reçu un extraordinaire succès critique et public aux États-Unis (a reçu le Los Angeles Times Prize, le Azul Prize et a été finaliste du National Book Critic Circle Award) et a fait de son auteur l’un des écrivains les plus prometteurs de sa génération. En 2017, elle publie aux États-Unis Raconte-moi la fin, un essai consacré à son expérience d’interprète dans les tribunaux américains de l’immigration. Ce livre rencontre un très grand succès critique et public, et paraît en 2018 aux Éditions de l’Olivier dans la collection de non-fiction, « Les Feux ».  Valeria Luiselli vit dorénavant à Harlem et écrit en anglais.
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javiernavarronovo · 3 years
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Manual de prácticas para alimentar la lucidez. Capítulo intermedio. Tomado de #valerialuiselli https://www.instagram.com/p/CI0rXXQHej5/?igshid=1t2zebe3dx2r2
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thebookdragon217 · 4 years
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Tell Me How It Ends. The title of this book says it all and explains exactly how I'm feeling today. I hope you are all taking good care of yourselves today and are surrounding by people and things that bring you joy. I'm so grateful for all the genuine souls that make this my happy space. Usually I am full of words and full of thoughts and full of ideas. Today I'm running on empty. Numb. By the way, innocent children are still in cages. No one is illegal on stolen land. 📗 SYNPOSIS: Structured around the forty questions Luiselli translates and asks undocumented Latin-American children facing deportation, Tell Me How It Ends (an expansion of her 2016 Freeman's essay of the same name) humanizes these young migrants and highlights the contradiction of the idea of America as a fiction for immigrants with the reality of racism and fear both here and back home." #anxiety #latinxbookstagram #latinxbooks #ownvoices #books #immigrationstories #booksarelife #childrenarestillincages #didyouvote #election2020 #bookdragon #valerialuiselli #tellmehowitends #coffeehousepress #bookworm #escapismisaprivilege #reading #bibliophile #selfcare #bookish (at Bushwick) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHMCGoeAy6q/?igshid=1ttz55a7ogj9y
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ioviaggioleggendo · 4 years
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Un'altra #citazione da questo romanzo denso, struggente e delicato al tempo stesso, fatto di di echi, di altri romanzi e di musica. 𝔸𝕣𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕧𝕚𝕠 𝕕𝕖𝕚 𝕓𝕒𝕞𝕓𝕚𝕟𝕚 𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕕𝕦𝕥𝕚 di 𝕍𝕒𝕝𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕒 𝕃𝕦𝕚𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕚 è un libro ricco di suggestioni sonore tanto da che sembra quasi di ascoltarlo leggendolo. • • • #archiviodeibambiniperduti #valerialuiselli #lanuovafrontiera #lanuovafrontieraedizioni #lostchildrenarchive #citazionelibro #storie #futuro #passato #letsbooktells #letsbooktogether #ioviaggioleggendo #estradizione #rifugiati #bambiniperduti #candestini #dispersi #mexicanborderwall #usamexicoborder #bookfriends2020 #libriamoci1 https://www.instagram.com/p/CAxCR-wnBgE/?igshid=12l0skdpg8ng2
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coldhotsaucekiss · 4 years
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“This whole country is an enormous cemetery, but only some people get proper graves, because most lives don’t matter. Most lives get erased, lost in the whirlpool of trash we call history.” • • • Mind blown, heart broken, eyes wide open. This book touched the depths of my soul in a way that doesn’t happen often. It is important to note that this book is FICTIONAL but it is based upon FACTUAL history. This compelling narrative is brilliantly told from multiple perspectives and reads almost like a manuscript rather than a traditional novel. History is written in hindsight and is based upon the artifacts we (individually & collectively) preserve for the future. Our actual brain memory is a finite resource and eventually our memories only remain in photographs, heirlooms, and hearsay. I highly recommend this book to everyone but especially to Americans who have suffered the unforgivable erasure of their culture and history. 10/10. • • • #sundayreads #bibliophile #readersofinstagram #read #reading #booklover #bookworm #alwaysreading #2020 #lostchildrenarchive #valerialuiselli #history #erasure #immigration #euphemism #undocumented #refugee #americanhistory #borders #facts #geronimo #eagles #nativeamerican #apache #memory #novel #fiction #booknerd #bookaddict #bookreview https://www.instagram.com/p/CAR4VqegYfG/?igshid=gcnlgddtotfh
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planetaeris · 4 years
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“No sé qué les diremos a los dos niños en el futuro, mi marido y yo. No estoy segura de qué partes de nuestra historia decidirá, cada uno por su lado, editar o suprimir, ni qué secciones reordenaremos e insertaremos de nuevo para crear la mezcla definitiva...” Desierto sonoro Valeria Luiselli Lost Children Archives Traducen Daniel Saldaña París y Valeria Luiselli Edita @sextopiso_es . . . #libros #books #readersofinstagram #playmobil #playmobilscenes #playmobilfans #booknerd #bookme #booking #bookish #bookblogger #bookstagrammer #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #valerialuiselli #lostchildrenarchives #desiertosonoro #planetaeris (en Editorial Sexto Piso España) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8YWu4gIMFc/?igshid=17h4ss7m56q7l
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laysamina · 4 years
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Taze ayın kitapları eski yıldan tabii. #okumahalleri #kayıpçocukarşivi #valerialuiselli #sedaersavcı #sirenyayınları #lostchildrenarchive (Çanakkale, Turkey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6-FizRA7u5IcTOfx4nIoMsqLyouYIPHJJhJfY0/?igshid=w7wz7q5gjj1f
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yazdikdaneoldu · 7 years
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Geçtiğimiz ay oldukça bereketli geçti. Dahasını okudum ama bunlar beni benden aldı. Görseller arasında Murat Gülsoy'un "Öyle Güzel Bir Yer ki" ve Ayhan Koç'un "Sırlıçeşme"si yok ama onlar da naif ve kıymetli kitaplar. Okuyunuz efendim. #kurtvonnegut #mezbaha5 #aprilyayincilik #yeraltıdemiryolu #colsonwhitehead #sirenyayınları #philindehşetvericikısasaltanatı #georgesaunders #delidolu #valerialuiselli #kalabalıktayüzler #dişleriminhikâyesi #neokuyorum #okumalistesi
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ishadash92 · 5 years
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This is one of the most beauty, heart-capturing story... 🧐🧐🧐 Which starts with a normal middle class family survival and changing of a place. And suddenly some tragedy happens and stays with them for life time... 🤓🤓🤓 #bookstagram #book #books #bookworm #bookstagrammer #booklover #lostchildrenarchive #valerialuiselli #journal #writing #reading #reader #bookish #booklife https://www.instagram.com/p/B4K4UsfhEdq/?igshid=i4r4fgirn98v
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edutokeshi · 5 years
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la maravilla de la palabra @valeria.luiselli #valerialuiselli https://www.instagram.com/p/B2jth8_BZsg/?igshid=18c08a6v3cu9g
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gasstationb · 5 years
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Looking forward to the @thebookerprizes shortlist Sept. 3! 📚 I’m a big fan of last year’s winner, George Saunders—and even managed to start reading his ‘Lincoln in the Bardo’ before being buried alive in a TBR pile avalanche..... 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’m way ahead of the curve though since I read Oyinkan Braithwaite’s ‘My Sister the Serial Killer’ and have two other books on my to read list already. Braithwaite’s book was fantastic and left me wondering which sister was really the most dangerous..... 📚 Congratulations to all of the authors whose books have made the #BookerPrize2019 longlist. #margaretatwood #thetestaments #kevinbarry #nightboattotangier #mysistertheserialkiller #OyinkanBraithwaite #lucyellmann #ducksnewburyport #BernardineEvaristo #GirlWomanOther #JohnLanchester #TheWall #DeborahLevy #TheManWhoSawEverything #LostChildrenArchive #ValeriaLuiselli #AnOrchestraofMinorities #ChigozieObioma #maxporter #lanny #Quichotte #Salmanrushdie #10minutes38SecondsinthisStrangeWorld #ElifShafak #JeanetteWinterson #Frankisstein https://www.instagram.com/p/B17ESG4Bfkj/?igshid=1t9kfr593w8ow
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