enigmatist17 · 6 months
WIP Folder Game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I was tagged by @cassiefisherdrake and @frombrad2worse :)
Stars - Order 66!AU
Unnamed Farscape fic - John mourns being stuck on Talyn without anything from Earth
Rise up - BG3 fic where Astarion remembers the first day of the rest of his death
Cry For Help - Angel and the gang help out Spike after he escapes the Initiative
Unnamed Buffy s5 fic - reworking season 5 a little bit
Side by Side - Booth meets a vampire who shares his face
Step by Step - Law and Order SVU/Criminal Minds crossover
Can't promise I'll tag the same number of people, but here goes! @luxshine @mcu-supersoldiers @the-bad-batch-baroness @niobiumao3
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silvermoondarkening · 5 months
I saw some ppl doing name HCs for the STP princesses and wanted to hop on that!
Most of these are based on some Tupperbox RPs, where my friends played some of them and they gave each other names, but I liked them a lot so that's just their name now
(If I don't mention someone in chapter 3, they share a name with their chapter 2, also Shifty is just Shifty to me I'm sorry girlie)
So here we go!
The Princess: Millicent (sounds like a princess-y name idk, fancy fancy, friends can call her Millie)
The Stranger: Doremi (as in 'do re mi fa so la ti,' I normally name my Dodrios this when I play Pokémon (one note for each head) but the one I caught yesterday I named The Stranger, so I thought it would be cute if they swapped names)
The Damsel: Primrose (often shortened to Prim, got it from a fanfic that changed my brain chemistry)
The Prisoner: Jade (because she's jaded)
The Beast: Dinah (like Alice's cat from Alice in Wonderland, Prim named her once they got close otherwise she wouldn't have one)
The Adversary: Crimson (she named herself and it kinda shows lol /aff Nightmare was like 'yas girlie you're covered in the stuff')
The Razor: Talyn (like talon, sharp like she is)
The Tower: Destiny (no comment she's definitely a Destiny)
The Nightmare: Mary (a friend named her, could just be short for Nightmare but imagine if it was like Bloody Mary lol)
The Witch: Tabitha (Prim calls her Tabby, I named her after my second Toralei monster high doll but also it's a kinda witchy name to me)
The Spectre: Wisteria (or Wisty, got it from a book and thought it fit her)
The Burned Grey: Hestia (after the Greek goddess of the hearth)
The Drowned Grey: Ophelia (saw someone else use it and. Yeah that fits her)
The Den: Regina (another Prim name lmao, queen of the junjle /ref)
The Eye of the Needle: Topaz (I feel like a gem that changes color with heat would suit her)
The Fury: Malice (like Alice but Scary)
The Moment of Clarity: Claire (Mary and Claire sounded cute together lol, sister vibes)
The Thorn: Willow (saw an edit of her with red hair and thought of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but also weeping willow because she's soooo soggy I adore her)
The Wild: Mercy (I feel like she'd have a virtue kinda name, she's either Mercy or Peace to me)
The Wraith: Belladonna (a poisonous plant, but more importantly it sounds like Beldam and my friends agree Wraith gives serious Other Mother energy)
Will try to update this when Pristine Cut drops!
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sagesparrow394 · 5 years
Monster AU Part 9
Haven’t read the other parts? You can start here!
“I’m really sorry about the others, they’re... interesting characters.”
After calming the three panicked humans down, and ushering the others from the room, Logan was sat with Thomas, Joan and Talyn in the drawing room. The other three were kinda concerned about the werewolf’s untreated wounds, but didn’t say anything, too shocked to really talk properly.
Logan ends up explaining everything to them, from the night he was bitten to the present.
The other three slowly start to come to terms with the whole ‘monsters are real and we just met a whole bunch’, especially given that Logan sweeped away any previous ideas they had about werewolves being dangerous and ferocious all the time.
However, as Logan talks, he becomes noticeably more drowsy, until right at the end, he cuts off.
“Oh gosh, I’m getting dizzy...”
The other three share glances, recognising that it’s likely due to Logan’s untreated wounds.
Thomas gets up and runs from the room. “Hey, um, monster dudes?! Logan needs help!”
The other monsters all run into the room. Ethan steps over to Logan, and starts muttering incantations which begin to heal the werewolf’s wounds.
Once he’s done, he steps back. “He needs rest, the transformation must take a lot out of him.”
“I’ll take him to his room!” Remus steps forward, picks up the drowsy wolf, and leaves the room.
“rEMUS, NO!” Roman calls, flying after him.
“I’m not gonna do anything!!! You need to trust me more, dear brother.”
The others turn back to the three humans.
“Sorry if we spooked ya earlier, kiddos. We just aren’t really used to being around humans.” Patton says.
“And it just so happened, in this case, fight won over flight...” Virgil adds, sending a look to Ethan, who rolls his eyes.
“Okay, Mr ‘should I drain them if their blood’, don’t judge me.”
“You... are all nothing like I expected monsters to be.” Joan says.
Virgil shrugs. “We are some of the nicer ones. You do not want to run into my dad.”
“Do you guys want to stay here for a bit?” Patton asks. “We have a lot of spare rooms, and you could finish filming.. whatever it was you were filming.”
Thomas, Joan and Talyn all share glances before responding with a resound “Hell Yes!”
Meanwhile, Remus tucks Logan into bed.
“Night, fluffbutt!” He grins, floofing the werewolf’s tail.
Logan just gives a soft glare, and bleps at him, too tired to think of a witty response. He starts to fall asleep...
Remus smirks. “Oh come on, you love me really, wolfy.”
Logan smiles a little, before falling fast asleep.
Remus gently strokes his ear, smiling as Logan purred, before leaving the room.
Roman, who had been watching closely, invisible to the other two, didn’t know what this small cute exchange between the two of them meant, but he knew he didn’t like it.
Taglist: @i-have-n0-idea-what-im-d0ing @spookilyfingergunsoutofexistence @urielthealienboio @mining-pup @jinxtheminx500 @youre-lazy-and-youre-gay0-0 @mycatshuman @mirror2thespirit @bookwyrminspiration @deathshadowrules @yalltookmyurlideas @theunknoen69 @onelargemcbitch @ask-emrald @the-geek-gurl @phantomstar10 @ironwoman359 @starryfansquid @dogwithpants @alchemicrogue @pixie--perfect @ab-artist @stellar-blue-bird @lemonyellowlogic @iampengwing @too-attached-to-fiction @indigo-the-neko @letsmoonkid @wigsnatchedhoteltrivago @rachybug2290 @aroundofapplesauce @poems-art-darkness-n-more @starrycari @ultrafangirlishness @althea-udaku @why-should-i-tell-youu2 @andrewisabraveboy @suspendthosesuspenders @thatonepersoninthebackoftheroom
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Retribution: Chapter Two
A/N: This chapter was meant to come out much sooner, but I got distracted by a fusion idea I had. So, here we are! Enjoy!
Ask the characters (or me!) at @amanamageandtwomisfits-asks
Monsters, Mythicals, and Misfits: Masterpost
Warnings: violence, vampire discrimination
Dr. Picani was… interesting, to say the least. If anything, he had enthusiasm. And he was very qualified for the job. After all, the man had a PhD in psychology. There was just one slight problem. Dr. Picani insisted on quoting a cartoon in nearly every breath.
“Dr. Picani… you do realize that this is a high school. You’d be a counselor for teenagers,” Logan pointed out.
“Jinkies, you can just call me Emile! And I’m not a fish out of water when it comes to teenagers, trust me,” Emile said, flashing Logan and Virgil a comforting grin. Logan tried his hardest not to wince at yet another cartoon reference, while Virgil merely raised an eyebrow.
“Why the water references?” Virgil asked. Emile paled slightly, while Logan gave Virgil a confused glance.
“Uh… water you talking about?” he laughed nervously. At that moment, Logan wanted to facepalm, but that would be unprofessional. Even if the interviewee was acting rather unprofessional.
“You made a comment about ‘land legs’ earlier. And just now you said you weren’t a ‘fish out of water,’” Virgil replied. Emile glanced around nervously, refusing to look either Logan or Virgil in the eyes.
“Uh, I- I’m just kind of a goofy guy, I guess!” he laughed nervously. Virgil didn’t look convinced, but Logan gave Virgil a slight glare, silently telling him not to press on the subject. It was clear that Dr. Emile Picani was hiding something, but Logan was confident that he was trustworthy, even if he was a bit… over the top.
“That is quite alright, Dr. Picani. Thank you for your time today,” Logan said, giving the doctor a thin smile. In return, Emile gave Logan a dazzling grin.
“Thank you! I guess th-th-th-that's all, folks!” he proclaimed, giving a cheesy impression of Porky Pig, waving at Logan and Virgil. While he was waving, Logan caught a glimpse of something on his wrist. It seemed to be a bracelet, made out of pale pink and blue seashells. But before he could comment on it, the exuberant doctor had left the room.
“Well that was…” Virgil trailed off, sagging in his chair.
“Interesting. But he is our best candidate,” Logan said. Virgil gave Logan an incredulous stare.
“That guy? Really? I think the short-tempered dwarf would be a better option,” Virgil huffed. Logan’s mouth set into a firm frown.
“Was that a pun?” he asked, his voice low. Virgil snorted out a laugh, covering his mouth as soon as the sound escaped his lips.
“Not intentionally. But come on, Logan. This Dr. Picani was clearly hiding something. What if he’s a siren?” Virgil protested.
“Sirens are supposed to sing about your heart’s deepest desires. Dr. Picani was making puns and wouldn’t stop quoting cartoons. Not really my heart’s wishes,” Logan replied.
“You do realize that you are dating Patton, right?” Virgil smirked. Logan’s face flushed slightly.
“I- um, that’s not the point! And if Dr. Picani really is a siren, then I’m sure you would have heard musical tunes and Disney quotes,” Logan shot back. Virgil rolled his eyes and groaned.
“Okay, so he’s not a siren. But there’s still something weird about that dude,” Virgil muttered.
“I did notice he had a seashell bracelet on. Perhaps he likes the sea? That ‘land legs’ comment could merely have been a reference to a trip to the beach he had taken recently. We very well could be reading into this too much,” Logan pointed out. There was silence for a moment, while Virgil mulled over what Logan had just said.
“Maybe you have a point. Guess I’m just paranoid, as per usual. So we’re gonna hire this guy?” Virgil asked.
“He is our best option,” Logan replied. Virgil let out a sigh.
“I guess you’re right,” he shrugged. Logan nodded, giving Virgil a small smile.
“Very well. I’ll take care of the paperwork and get it to Ms. Torres,” he replied.
“Sounds good to me,” Virgil said, standing up from his chair and stretching. Logan shuffled through the papers on the table, making sure that each document was in its place.
“I’m gonna head to my classroom, if that’s alright with you. See you at lunch?” Virgil asked, beginning to leave the room. He stopped at the doorway, casting a glance back at Logan.
“Of course, Virgil. See you then,” Logan replied, sparing a quick glance up from his paperwork, then focusing back on the pile in front of him. Virgil smiled, then left the room to get ready for the school day.
The day carried on rather uneventfully, however, Virgil was glad when lunchtime came around. While the morning had been uneventful, it had been quite boring. Then again, Virgil supposed, it was a Monday.
As he walked down the hallway to Logan’s classroom, Virgil hoped that a certain group of misfits would be joining them for lunch. That is, he was hoping to see Thomas, Joan, and Talyn. The trio, by invitation of Logan, would often have lunch with the two teachers. At first it was because they wanted to discuss the Mythical-Human Relations club meetings, seeing as Thomas, Joan, and Talyn ran the club along with Logan. However, now they joined Logan and Virgil for lunch simply because they wanted to.
“Mr. Caelius! Quick question for ya!” Joan asked, once Virgil had entered Logan’s classroom. Virgil raised an eyebrow, setting his bag down as he took a seat at the cluster of desks. It seemed that the three teenagers had once again rearranged Logan’s classroom, something that the science teacher didn’t particularly enjoy. However, having his classroom slightly rearranged to accommodate the five of them was better than the alternative of them not eating together at all.
“Shoot,” Virgil shrugged.
“Okay, so the vampire thing where you can’t see your reflection. Is that true?” Joan asked, leaning forward in their chair. Thomas and Talyn leaned in as well, while Logan rolled his eyes, and shook his head with a fond smile.
“Well… it depends on the mirror. If it’s made with silver, I can’t see my reflection. But if it’s made with a different metal, I can see myself just fine,” Virgil replied. Thomas and Joan immediately slumped back in their chairs, while Talyn smirked.
“You both owe me five bucks,” they said smugly.
“Wait, you guys bet on whether or not I could see my reflection?” Virgil asked, trying to suppress a laugh.
“Yeah, I bet that you couldn’t see your reflection, but Joan was convinced that the whole mirror thing was a hoax,” Thomas sighed, running a hand through his hair.
“And I told them that they were both wrong,” Talyn shrugged. Both Logan and Virgil chuckled at that, while Joan and Thomas gave out various mumbles of frustration.
“So tell me, has anyone heard anything from our undersea friends?” Logan asked.
“You mean Annika and Haven? I haven’t heard anything from them since Annika decided to go back to the ocean,” Thomas replied.
“Yeah, and Haven went with her. Something about wanting to meet aquatic fairies?” Talyn added, glancing at Joan for confirmation.
“Yeah, she also said she wanted to explore the world. Haven was held captive by D.O.M.E. for quite some time,” they said.
“Makes sense,” Virgil shrugged. However, Logan seemed puzzled.
“But how would she go in the ocean and visit the undersea creatures? She’s a fairy, and as far as I’m aware, fairies do need to breathe. And I don’t believe her tiny, delicate form could handle the deep sea pressure,” Logan pointed out.
“Maybe she has water wings?” Thomas grinned. Logan’s lips pressed together in a firm line.
“Or magic. Fairies use magic,” Joan added. A small, frustrated sound escaped Logan’s lips, and he brought one hand up to his face, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Fine. I suppose that makes sense,” he huffed. The teenagers and Virgil broke into laughter, while Logan let out a sigh.
The lunch period continued as normal, with the teens idly chatting with each other, Logan and Virgil occasionally joining in the conversation. Soon, the bell rang, signaling the end of the lunch period. Thomas, Joan, and Talyn said goodbye to Logan and Virgil, and then Virgil returned to his own classroom.
The day seemed to drag on slowly, until finally the final bell rang. Students rushed out of the building, leaving Virgil alone in his classroom. He straightened the papers on his desk, debating on staying late and grading them. As much as he didn’t want to, it probably would be better if he started now, rather than waiting until later.
With a sigh, he walked out of his room to let Logan know that he was staying late. Virgil could have just texted Logan this, but he needed an excuse to stretch his legs, as well as put off grading for just a little while longer.
While walking to Logan’s room, he noticed a girl standing in the hallway. She wore a mauve cape coat, black jeans, and black ankle boots. Her platinum blonde hair was pulled up into pigtails, her warm brown eyes glancing around frantically. There was something… familiar… about the girl, but Virgil couldn’t quite place it.
“C’mon, Zephyr, where are you?” the girl muttered. Virgil raised an eyebrow, stepping closer to the girl. She didn’t seem to realize he was there.
“Looking for someone?” Virgil asked. The girl jumped, eyes wide. She stumbled backwards slightly, and Virgil put his hands up in a placating gesture.
“Whoa, it’s okay! I didn’t mean to startle you. You just looked a little lost, and I wanted to help you,” Virgil said, giving his best attempt at a reassuring smile. The girl seemed to become more terrified.
“Vampire,” she gasped. Virgil stiffened, self-consciously running his tongue over his fangs, as if he had forgotten they were there. This caused the girl to thrust her hands out in front of her, shielding her face.
“Hey, don’t freak out! I may be a little… irritable sometimes, but I’m not gonna-” Virgil’s sentence was cut off as a sudden gust of wind blew him backwards, knocking him off of his feet. He groaned as his back slammed into the ground, trying to discern where that sudden wind came from. They were inside so how… unless…
“A mage?” he wondered aloud, slowly rising to his feet.
“That’s right, vampire,” she spat, hands held out defensively. Virgil sighed.
“Look kid, I’m not gonna hurt you. I don’t hurt anyone,” Virgil explained. A determined frown came over the girl’s face.
“Right. You probably use this school for some sort of sick feeding ground!” she scoffed.
“I’m telling you the truth. Not all vampires are bad, you know,” Virgil shot back. The girl’s eyebrows furrowed, and she took a deep breath.
“Eno degnaf eht nrub, nus fo syar nedlog!” she cried, and a brilliant light formed in her hands. Virgil hissed in pain, dropping to his knees. It felt like his skin was smoldering, and he squinted up at the light before him. Somehow, this girl managed to create sunlight in her hands.
Suddenly, as soon as the sunlight appeared, it faded away. Spots danced in Virgil’s vision, and he could barely stay upright. The girl didn’t seem to be faring much better, as she was leaning heavily against the wall. She managed to get her bearings, and straightened up, holding out her arm. A ball of fluff- which seemed to be a rabbit with wings, unless Virgil was really out of it- flew over and perched on her arm. The girl turned, casting one last glance at Virgil over her shoulder before darting away. Then Virgil fully crumpled to the ground, his vision fading to black.
Tag List: @alix-the-skeleton @allthemetalsoftherainbow @alyssadashrub @amazable01 @applecannibal @arandomkoalainaustralia @armageddonhascome @asalwayss @asymmetricalgarbage8888 @atomicengineerdetective @backatthebein @bangthekobrakid @bloodropsblog @bookwormravenclaw @bubblycricket @calimori @callboxkat @cats-with-blogs @completley-logical @coffeestudylive @cosmic-chu @cyndaquil17 @dani-jeanso @dapper-and-dysfunctional @datonerougecookeh @daysforrain @deathshadowrules @didsomeonesayprince @dragonangel-funandfire @emmared2210 @emphoenixcat @endreams-s @every-day-insomniac @everyoneinspaceisgay @fandomsandanythingelse @fandom-random2405 @freekiphotography @freepaperie081 @frigglishsprite413 @grump-septic-iplier @grxce-thompson @hanramz-the-fander @hiiicup @honey-youshouldseemeinacrown @horsesquid @i-am-absolute-fandom-trash @iaminmultiplefandoms @icecoldparadise @i-need-a-social-life-2710 @ironwoman359 @just-another-fan17 @justanotherpurplebutterfly @kanejandkrudge @keeshy-ekho @keys117 @kitsuneprideleader @kittyboof8 @le2712 @lexboydfandompanda @littlemiracle05 @lizaelsparrow @llamaly @loganpatton @lollingtothemax @look-its-meme @loverofpizzaandallthingssweet @lynlinked @mewsicalmiss @michealawithana @midnightcandy @migraine-marathon @moarfandomtrash @monikastec @moonstonefox12 @musicphanpie-b @musicsavedmefromdeath @mystrangedarkson @nightmarejasmine @ninjago2020 @nose-to-meet-you @not-as-smart @poisonlyra @punch-you-with-friendship @punsterterry @purplepatton @romanssippycup @roxiefox234 @royallyanxious @ruuworld @sanders-trash-4ever @save-me-oh-dream-of-mine @seas-space-and-stardust @shygirl4991 @sleepyssnail @softbludemon @sombraplayslazertag @somepostontheinternet @sorrybutyoutube @sweetinsomniac @thatrandomautist @thefamouszombiebouquet @thegreyacefromspace @thepusheenqueen @thestoryoferissur @thisrandomperson102 @thomassandersisanamazinghuman @thuriweaver @treblesanders @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @verymuchanidiot @vickyderpface @vigilantvirgil @wildhorsewolf @xing-baby @youngbloodedclique
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waokevale · 4 years
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Sanders Sides
-The Snow Queen AU-
[In this ver. The Frost King]
I just had to do this one after I reconnected with the book, yet...I made some major changes (big ones) for the roles to be more interesting and fitting, not just random I suppose.
[ If you haven't read the book, and wish to do so...I suppose it does quite matter for you to understand more but do as you wish from that point.........]
This version of the story is happening in the beginning of The 18th Century, and the characters who play the roles of the ones from the story, or have changed/replaced roles with suposedly similiar Input here are:
• Kai - Remus - (The boy who was the victim of the broken mirror’s fiendish shard.)
• Gerda - Roman (The main protagonist, i suppose)
[In the original story Kai and Gerda are not quite related but are as close as siblings can be, in this one although, of course the twins are, well...the twins.]
  • Instead of the Grandmother we have the father of the boys, that no one, literally no one would guess who plays the role of him.......Patton...!
• After that, there is also Logan, who gets the role of being The Frost King, The Cursed Frost King in fact (and by cursed I mean he literally pissed someone off [or broken their heart...] centuries before and they turned him into an ice dude)
• Speaking of curses and magic, Janus is the young Sorcerer instead of the Elder Sorceress from the canon story. And in this verse, let's say that Sorcerers are Immortal beings like vampires, because I felt like it, and let's say he's like... approximately 957 y.o
Janus in this version does not keep Roman for a while, because he is a really bored selfish prick, but because he is desperate and genuinely still sad from the time he lost his own kid (guess who that might be...If you know my obsession with familial anxceit you already know who I’m talking about, yes..) Virgil. 
[And no, Virgil is not dead as you see in the fanart, he is cute, alive and well.]
• Speaking about him, he is intended to replace the role of the robber girl. But in this version he was stolen from his Pa/Ma one Summer night...
He didn't age at all because...Well, I just said it, Janus is immortal and Vee in this one is actually his biological kid, so Virgil himself is like 53 y.o
• Pryce and Valery are the Prince and the Princess in the upper corner of the picture. (They are meant to be siblings here)
In the other corner are Thomas and Talyn playing the roles of these magical Finn and Lapp people. (I honestly have no idea how else to call them)
And the Crow and the Raindeer are Remy and Emile, because why not.
[To put it simply, like in the canon of TSS no one here is evil (well except the douchebags of Virgil's kidnappers, but they are not canon characters)]
Also before all of that, I wanted to have a little summery and explanation of some of the situations and short stories from this au
-Remus at first is quite a dork (heh) but really he is a pretty friendly and goofy kid, sure he is quite strange in general but he does show love and affection towards his family (well until the shard of The Mirror got stuck in his eye)
-Logan used to be a Prince from the 10th Century who supposedly felt no emotions and was like a stone husk, or a living statue as people used to say, which made his father desperate enough to the point, he literally set up a very great award for anyone who would make him.. feel something in that matter (The emotionlessness was more of an odd and quite unrealistic version of depression, as to be portraid) 
-There was one and only one person who succeded in the act and in which fell head over hills for him in the process actually (before the magic mirror of evils broke into pieces, one of the first ones then fell into his own eyes, destroying all the progress and hurting the one who loved him the most, who was the very exact person who freed him from his deep shelled abyss before.) 
[I’m not going to say who that was, you’ll have to figure it out by yourself, if you even bother, that is of course]
-Patton is a single father (wow)
He actually managed to find a way into the Garden of Enternal Summer when he was a kid and... As I quote myself:
 “ As a faint Memory, The boy saw the most Elegant and quite The most Beatiful man he’d ever seen, yet with a face halfly scarred with scales as if one cursen upon his soul, his outfit too as his posture spoke was vastly gorgeous, painted mainly in golden and black, but what was yet even more so intriguing, was what he held under his arms, ever oh so gently as it were a small and fragile feather. It in fact..quite was at some point, as it was a small child, very young actually from what it seemed...An Infant it was. The man then walked up to him and offered him his hand, one that wasn’t either of his main two, but nonethless he did so and shared one of the warmest of smiles too, no living creature, no beast nor no man would at this point decline and reject his proffer.”
[Yeah...I’m not good with poetry, especially as English despite it all is my second language...I’m even worse with my main one, so eh.]
Buuut he eventually left either way, so..
[Almost no one could find the secret pathway into the Garden of the Enternal Summer as it was well hidden behind the forests, lakes, caves and mountains. So Roman and his family were quite lucky at this point.]
That is all for now I suppose, I have only one question though...
-Roman is a very sweet kid who talks with animals and plants (but let’s make it a bit more realistic here, the plants do not respond in this version and he is confused but still continues to do so) He is although flawed because a character without flaws is like...A Pizza without the Sauce or a Knife without its blade, blunt and boring that is. Yeah...He has anger issues and is quite impatient and stubborn which is interpreted in both good and bad ways.
-Virgil was gifted with a flower magical hair clip (to help him whenever he was in trouble), a violet scarf and a guardian pet Goliath Birdeater Spider shafed like a Purple Pinktoe Tarantula to protect him from any dangers.
Do you think this is an interesting AU?
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illusion-of-evil · 3 years
The Splintered Soul: Chapter 1
Also on Ao3
The Splintered Soul Masterlist
Summary: Roman and Remus Prince, children of a large loving family with bright paths ahead of them. Roman inspires to be a famous actor and travel the world. Remus plans to be a Video Game Dev, famous for making Youtubers shriek with his games. They both have wild dreams and the determination to get them done. They plan on tracking down their shared soulmates together and bringing them along for the wild ride! They promised each other that through thick and thin, they will have each other's backs and protect each other from the harsh world they were barreling themselves into!
Then, Remus dies...
Then he doesn't?
Author's note: This was going to be named Twilight Twins, then I thought of a better name. This is a Pre-curser to One Too Many, the Creativitwins story!
Pairings: Platonic Creativitwins, eventually it will be Janus/Logan/Patton/Remus/Roman, but the full story and endgame is DLAMPR. This is just post Virgil.
Warnings: Violence, blood, blood-drinking, mind manipulation, mind-shattering, depression, amnesia. Remus has intrusive thoughts and those get pretty bad too, so other things that fall under that category.
Word Count: 5399
The Twilight Twin
When people hear the word “Vampire”, many things come to mind.
They think of an old being who dresses in ascots and sleeps in a coffin. They think of horrific demons who attack people in the middle of the night and who turn into bats. They think about burning in the sunlight and being repulsed by garlic. Some might think about sparkling and some teen romance. Some think about being as cold as ice and pale as the moon with glowing red eyes. Some think about speed and beauty.
Some things are always the same. Drinking blood. It’s the vampire's whole shtick, without it, they’re just zombies or something. Yeah, Vampires are just human-sized mosquitoes.
Why was his brain going on this rant again? Oh yeah, because of what happened not too long ago. Not too long meaning, ah… maybe five minutes ago.
He’s jumping the flaming, spikey, dynamite-filled barrel though, let’s start from the beginning, or well, not the beginning, more like ⅗ into the story.
His name is Remus Prince, the son of Clarissa and Leon Prince. Sibling of Veronica, Marsh, Leon Jr, Jessica, Erica, and Maximillion. Nephew of Aunt Patty. Found family of Tayln and Cam, two runaways that his parents adopted. Then, of course, twin brothers with Roman Prince. This is Remus’ long-winded way of saying that they had a huge ass family living in a huge ass house and he fucking loved it. Sure he could go into many, many details, like how he and Talyn have had a prank war going since he filled their hair bottle with fake blood and in return, they swapped out his favorite black licorice with 5 years old beef jerky. He can go into detail on beating the shit out of Erica’s bully after her transitioning. He could go on for days about how Max first found his soulmate and how he accidentally screamed “NO” in their face when they asked him out because he was terrified, so Remus had to back him up by being the weirdest thing in the room to slice through the tension.
He could go on for hours, but that’s not what this story is about right now, not yet, at least. Maybe for another time. No, what he’s here to talk about is Roman and him. Two sides of the same coin many would say.
He loved his brother, they were like vanilla and chocolate. Everyone says they’re opposites, but society made that shit up. Instead, Vanilla and chocolate go so well together, making something fucking amazing and delicious. That’s what Remus and Roman were, people, see them and think they wouldn’t work well together, but instead, they make the best shit in talent shows and have the most unbreakable bond!
Of course, everything has its downsides though.
Remus was always annoyed at the fact that he and Roman were identical twins. It got to the point where he died that silver strip in his hair and grew out his mustache so he was peak chaotic. No one could mistake him from being Roman now. The twins have their own styles, ways of existing. Roman was all about the boring shit, like romance and unicorns, but he never gets fun with it! What if a human and unicorn have a romantic relationship and fuck? Is that when the first centaur will appear? A unicorn version of a minotaur? Maybe it's the creation of My Little Ponies and all the ponies killed off the humans to establish dominance amongst the other creatures of the world! That’s what Remus wants to know, but no, Roman is too boring for that, so Remus keeps it to himself, sometimes. It’s impossible to shut his brain up and tell it to power down for a few moments. His thoughts are always racing, bouncing and twirling, and asking more unneeded questions that sometimes even make Remus want to flinch away from himself. The only outlet he has is to get it out, somewhere.
That’s where game design comes in!
“Remus, what do you want to be when you grow up?”
“I want to be a demon! A fire demon that destroys towns and defeats heroes!” The small child grins widely, green eyes bright with terrifying determination. His mother paused for a moment before smiling gently at him and laughing.
“That’s a very cool idea. Maybe, you should make a story about it. It can be your story for when you get older.” She suggests; the brown-haired woman’s hands work slowly to braid Jessica’s lighter set of locks. Remus pouts, shaking his head as he continues to play with his legos.
“Reading is so boring though!” He whines, flopping right back on the ground right after. He could hear his mother’s gentle hum before she spoke again.
“That’s a good point, okay. How about instead, you make a game? I know how much you like playing games and watching others play games. Why don’t you make a story about a fire creature who burns down towns and defeats the enemy hero?” The woman suggests, laughing even more when her son’s eyes light up with pure awe.
“I could do that?”
“Of course, you can do anything. And as long as it doesn’t hurt people, I and the rest of your family will be right behind you.” Clarissa says with a smile, Jessica nodding and raising her hands to sign out ‘If it has to hurt people, I’ll join if they deserve it.’
Jessica, of course, got scolded for that, but Remus couldn’t pay attention enough to care, his hyperactive mind already rolling and screaming in excitement of making a game with all his ideas for people to play. Ideas that would have nagging mothers crying on Facebook about their kids playing the game. His grin grew and he jumped up, running out of the room to tell his brother his new life goal.
Roman was the best twin Remus could have ever asked for. He was so supportive and willing to help, even when he could be a drama queen a lot of the time. For Remus’ 14th birthday, Roman had brought him this expensive game-making software for him to use and start his process in creating games. The first thing he made was a Minigame about a prince defeating a dragon. It took a lot of work, much googling and figuring out how to make characters jump, but he had Roman sobbing in delight, so he thinks he did good enough.
Either way, he knows he would do the same thing for Roman, like that red bomber jacket he’s been wearing since high school was brought with Remus’ own hard-made money working with their father at the mechanic's shop. The piece of shit was expensive as all fucking hell, but it was worth it when Roman went on stage wearing it for the shitty middle school play he was a part of. There have been many times when the two of them would sneak up onto the roof at night and just chat and bicker and sometimes just rant to each other about their days. Roman was there for him when he needed to vent out his mind, even if it was some really gross and dark shit that made both of them twitch and flinch. He would be there for Roman when he started questioning his sexuality, gender, and more things that have to do with the alphabet soup that is being queer. Remus was pretty lucky to get his shit straight (heh, straight) basically at the beginning of middle school when all the guys started looking much cuter and the girls were still just good friends.
It did help when they went to sleep on their 12th birthday and saw a very pretty Hawk, Snake, and Coyote. They partied together, Remus jumping around in trees and Roman snuggling and singing with joy. It was weird at first that they were twins, but after Clarissa explained what platonic soulmates were, everything was much better. Then came high school. He helped Roman come to the conclusion of “Not gay enough” by the time they entered high school.
By then Remus was decidedly punk because black and green was his toe jam and moldy bread! He easily scared away people, especially when he, Roman, and Marsh started going to the gym with their father. He was a sexy ass mother fucker and he Fate damn knew it! Hell, he knew it so well that when he went with the girls and Cam to the mall, he brought himself this silver and black thigh-high dress and flaunted it around everywhere at school the day after. Roman by his side and threatening any of the bigots who tried to say something about it.
Of course, that started the whole warthog hole of whatever the sexist fuck the school dress code was. Guys literally walk around shirtless but chicks shoulders were too much? Let him stop before he needs to fight the urge to whack someone in the face with a wrench.
He forgot where he was going with any of this if he’s being honest, but that’s normal for Remus, so he’ll just skip to what happened in the last 24 hours.
Emerald green eyes watched with annoyance as his twin once again checked himself in the mirror, straightening his hair, tilting his head, applying more chapstick, and then deciding his hair was too straight, so he fluffed it a bit and tried again.
“Roman, I will drive the car into the house if you decide to take any longer,” Remus says, grinning wide to let Roman know it wasn’t a threat, it was a promise. Either way, the dramatic twin rolls his eyes and huffs.
“Well, excuse me for wanting to look good for this!” He turns, standing up straight, fixing his jacket then posing like a prince standing in the wind. “Now, tell me what you think!”
“Slimy hippopotamus poop being used as hair gel!”
“What do you think about my outfit? Dingus.” Roman gave him a look that makes the green-wearing man cackle. He stood up, looking at his twin more seriously before shrugging.
“You look hot, but we’re just naturally hot people, so you could be wearing a trash bag and still look better than half the high school.”
Roman rolled his eyes, knowing that his brother was being genuine. Remus wasn’t often the type to lie unless it was needed, he preferred to be blunt and brutally honest and weird in his own impish way.
“Okay, okay. Let's go before I’m late.” Roman waves and the two of them leave their shared room, rushing down the stairs and yelling to everyone they were leaving before heading out the door. There was a sophomore dance that the sophomore committee had planned and it was casual, but still, look formal. It was one of those days where Remus wasn’t sure if he wanted to wear a dress and feel breezy, or dress warmly because it was cold. He decided to do a mix, his top being a suit and his bottom being a black skirt that he borrowed from Erica. He didn’t want to be here in the first place, but their dad said that Roman couldn’t go without someone else with him and Remus was the only one free. While these weren’t his normal style of parties, he's always been the type to create his own fun.
They took off down the street, Roman driving since, for some reason, no one seemed to like Remus’ driving, which is completely unfair since he not only gets people where they need to be, but he does it the fastest anyone ever could and he could usually avoid the cops!
Roman was rambling about the cute boy who was his date, his friend Azalea offering to stick with Remus if he wanted her to. The drive was going smooth and the sun was slowly starting to set. He had a great feeling about this night.
When they got there, the gymnasium was already filled with strobe lights and loud ass music. Remus had the passing intrusive thought of an epileptic kid having a seizure on the floor and everyone mistaking it for dancing before he slapped himself harshly to get his mind out of the gutter. He grinned widely at Roman, splitting off and wandering away when his twin went to flirt with his date or something.
There wasn’t anything to do here. He harassed a bunch of teachers, danced in the middle of the mosh pit of gyrating bodies. Grinding and twerking as if this was a club and not a high school pg dance. He found the guys who brought the weed and alcohol and stole some for himself, partying much better with the burning on his tongue that made his normal intrusive thoughts drift away. He danced some more, keeping an eye on Roman before a woman with dreads blocked his line of sight.
“Hey! You’re Roman’s brother right?” She was so preppy in that annoying cheerleader type of way. Leave it up to Roman to be friends with the popular girls. “I’m Azalea!”
“Have you ever tried to eat your hair?” Remus asked before grinning when she frowned in confusion. “Yeah, I’m Roman’s twin. Don’t need anything right now, unless you feel like causing some real fuckary around here!”
“Fuckary does sound fun!” She seems to study him for a moment and Remus could have sworn that the room had gotten just the slightest bit foggy for a moment.
Foggy static, rip out your heart, claw out your eyes, bash your head into the speakers, strangle the man next to you. Watch him die, die, die.
Hm? He could have sworn he took his pills today. Oh well, he’ll just have to keep his mouth closed a bit more than usual.
“You seem like the crazy type! Let's go around and see if we can play pornhub on the speakers!” She said suddenly, after seeming so put off by something. She was smiling widely as if she thought of something great.
He liked this chick, Roman has good taste sometimes.
They went around, Remus cackling when a woman's moaning came over the speakers and echoed around the gym. Azalea was giggling with him, though it was off in a way that creeped him out, He decided it was the booze's fault and that he needed some air, plus he needed to hide from the teachers interrogating everyone and rushing to fix the music.
Once outside, he snickered when he could hear the sound of the pornstar screaming over the speakers before they got shut off. At that point, he disconnected his phone and stretched, breathing in the night air with a wide grin on his face. He started to spin, moving away from the door and onto the sidewalk, wondering if he could get hit by a bus or something because some idiot wasn’t paying attention to the road and instead they were sexting their girlfriend!
The sound of the door opening and closing behind him gave the teen pause and Remus turned, seeing someone standing at the entrance, staring him down. It wasn’t a teacher, maybe it was a kid sneaking out of there too? After getting a closer look, he could see now that it was Roman’s date, standing there and seeming to be panting.
“Dude! You alright?” He didn’t want Roman to be left alone there or for his date to die out here with Remus- start hacking up blood and stuff. That would be a scene.
Blood? Blooood!
“One moment brain, let me see what’s up then you can go on a little tangent,” Remus said out loud, walking over to the man. The guy, with pale skin and a sickly look, watched Remus before turning and taking off down the sidewalk-
-and holy shit was this man fast!
Remus blinks in shock before running after him, refusing to let his brother’s date just disappear like that. The man was a lot faster than Remus thought though. He took sharp corners that nearly made the twin rush into traffic, he didn’t slow and the gamer had to wonder if he was breathing at all! They ran down streets and took two turns before the man seemed to duck into an alleyway. Perfect.
“Hey, come on out now! I only bite the first two times!” Remus yelled, peeking into the alleyway before blinking in confusion when he didn’t see anyone there. He tilted his head and slowly walked in, taking in the garbage smell and the muddy brick walls. He paused when he heard shuffling behind him, not having any time to breathe before he was shoved harshly against the brick wall, hissing as his skin scraped painfully against the clay. Panic and fear sparked through him when he realized that he couldn’t move and whoever was holding him was stronger than any person he has ever met. He tried to struggle, he even managed to turn and bite the hand on his shoulder, the taste of iron exploding in his mouth, but it was completely useless. He was punched hard, making him groan in pain.
“Hey man, Just a fucking joke- DAMNIT! ” Remus growled as his face was shoved into the brick wall, definitely scratching up his face before there was a sharp pain on his neck. It was excruciatingly painful, like lava being poured through his veins, spreading across his being and leaving him screaming out. How no one has come to see what’s happening is a wonder for him.
What was happening? The pain hadn't gone away, but he was getting very tired. He tried to pull away, struggle, punch, kick, but none of it was working. Eventually, he was too exhausted to even move, just laying against the brick, limp and drifting.
Is this how he dies? Not with some cool big bang or backflip off a building, but instead in some dirty alleyway after being attacked by his Twin brother’s date? Probably stabbed in the neck? So boring, especially for Remus.
He can’t even go to hell with a bang.
The man finally lets go of him, his body sliding down the wall and crumbling onto the floor like a flesh bag of potatoes. He lays there, blearily watching as the man stands, glowing red eyes staring down at Remus before they grin and turn to walk out the alleyway.
“R-Ro-” What’s going to happen to Roman? What if that asshole goes and attacks him too!? Come on stupid ass body, get up!
He tried, but it was no use, he couldn’t even move his pinky. It all went from burning to just completely numb. Tears built in his eyes as he thought of his family and Roman. None of them knew that he was dying right now, all by himself, in the darkness. Alone.
Yeah, That happened. Dying on the ground, really a fun Friday night. But don’t worry, there’s so much more to come. Like what happened when he woke up!
His eyes close and he gives his last breath to death.
That’s right, this dumb motherfucker got back up, bitches!
It wasn’t pleasant in the slightest bit, it was far worse than any hangover he had ever experienced. When his eyes peaked open, the sky was completely black and the moon was high with the sparkling stars, clearly past midnight. His body burned terribly and he felt very cold, ice below his skin. A soft groan escapes him, forcing himself up and into a sitting position. There were splotches in his eyesight, forcing him to blink a few times before he was allowed to get his bearings.
He was still very much in the alleyway, blood still pooling under him. He reaches up and grips his neck. He expected to feel holes there, but instead, there was just skin. It was smooth as if nothing had happened.
“What?” Could he have imagined it? No, the burning is very real and the most he had tonight was beer- unless he took some hard drugs and he’s remembering everything wrong because of the chemicals playing with his brain. There must have been something, yet he couldn’t feel any stab wound. Was he dead and just doesn’t know it? How the hell was he alive?
It took some effort to stand, his body pressing against the brick wall to keep himself up. He felt along his pockets, not finding any phone or wallet there, he hoped he didn’t get picked off too, that would suck chicken balls. Remus grumbles quietly to himself, flinching when he bit the inside of his cheek, damn it, he hates that. As he stumbles out, he slowly rubs his tongue over his cheek, wincing again when his tongue gets cut next, what the hell? When have his teeth gotten so sharp?
As he ponders the idea of metal teeth a new smell wafts over his senses making him pause and look up sniffing heavily and sighing gently at the delicious scent. It caused him to totally forget the pain. He wasn’t sure what that smell was, but it made his teeth ache and mouth dry. He was hungry, starving even, and needed to eat whatever was causing that smell. The urge was so strong that his legs took the initiative, forcing him to move and walk down the street, following his nose to a nearby car.
One look inside revealed a man, eyes closed and unmoving. A thumping coming from his body reminded Remus of a heartbeat- maybe it was a heartbeat. There were two small holes on his neck, leaking blood. The door was wide open, inviting him.
When Remus caught sight of the blood, the urge became unbearable. He delved down and yanked the unconscious person close, sinking his teeth into the man’s neck and drinking up the red nectar. Once he started, he couldn't get up, taking and taking into he couldn’t get anything else and he dropped the man. Remus licks his lips and stumbles back, one thought going through his mind.
Next was some woman with a few bags in hand, he left her in an alleyway, the body of a cop being laid right on top of her’s when he finished. By the third meal, he felt his mind steady and focused enough to where the reality of the situation hit him like a 10 wheeler dump truck. He gasps and stumbles back, staring at the lifeless bodies of the many people he just killed.
He’s a vampire!
He’s a murderer…
He needed to leave before someone came and got him. Remus turns and starts running, taking notice of how energized he felt and how fast he was. He zipped down the street, making his way back to the high school in moments. He could see people cleaning up, but it looked like there were no students there. No Roman.
What if Roman also got attacked and turned into a vampire? What if he’s laying in a dumpster somewhere, dead or dying?
“No, bad brain, let’s not consider that until we know he’s safe.” He says out loud, walking past the parking lot. No signs of Roman’s car either, that’s good news, he probably drove home. Next stop then. Remus ran as fast as he could, arriving at his home and spotting the car in the driveway.
He couldn’t go through the front door and risk being caught by his parents. There was no way to explain the blood and tears and paler skin to them. So, the next option, the window. Remus went to work, climbing up the side of the house, moving to the porch, and climbing up the pole and onto the roof of the porch. He pressed and hung off one of the windows, jumping higher than he ever has into the air and landing on the top face first. He grabbed the shingles before he fell off.
Okay, now to hope that the window is unlocked. Remus wonders if he could turn into a bat, that would make all of this so much easier. He slides down the wall slowly until he stands on the ledge of the windowsill. A car drove by below and he let out a soft breath that he realized quickly was useless because he didn’t need to breathe anymore in the first place. He should experiment at some point, but he needs to focus right now.
The Vampire startles and stumbles back, his foot slipping as he falls all the way back to the ground below. He groans, a loud snap in his ears as his head hits the ground first. There was a scream from above him and his head quickly turned to see Roman staring down at him from the window, eyes wide and full of tears.
Roman disappeared and moments later he was standing above Remus, phone in hand.
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck-” Roman mumbles frantically, putting the phone up to his ear. Remus could hear his heartbeat, accelerated and it took him seconds to realize that Roman was probably calling 911 and if they come and take him to the hospital, he’ll most likely end up in area 51 or wherever they bring paranormal things. He reached up quickly and grabbed the phone, gripping it tight and crushing it within his grip. Oops.
“W-what- Remus- What the hell! You fell- You’re covered-in- You need to go-” Roman was shut up by Remus’s hand being put over his mouth, the thespian grimacing and pulling away when dirt and blood were smeared over his face. The punk twin snorted and sat up, bones creaking and cracking harshly as they were set back into place. Fucking awesome, hyper regeneration! Oh, Roman, right. He has a lot to explain.
“I’m fine, let's go upstairs before mom or pops get up,” Remus mumbles, taking joy in Roman’s offended noise when he was picked up and thrown onto his shoulder with ease. He starts forward, whistling and heading up the stairs to their shared room. He closed and locked the door behind him, finally putting the complaining dramatic man down.
“Okay, where the fuck did you go? Are you okay? Why are you covered in blood? Is it yours?” Roman whisper yelled, glaring into Remus’ eyes. Remus sighed and glanced down a bit.
“Can that, like, wait? As awesome as I look, the blood has dried.” He asked, seeing the way Roman’s eyes widened before the twin looked down and sighed a bit tiredly.
“Fine, but you owe me an explanation when you get out!”
“Dick and all!” Remus snickers before leaving their room and heading to the bathroom.
Remus made sure to take a short shower just so he doesn’t give his brain time to think about everything that had happened. He didn’t want to consider the blood, murder, pain, the fact that he can’t die by normal means, and does that mean he’s going to be here until the end of the world? He’s not sure and he’s not sure he wants to know the answer.
He steps out and dries off, the normal movement making him feel cozy. It’s weird to think that not everything is different. He walks out of the bathroom and moves down the hall to where their shared room is. Remus peaks in, seeing Roman laying on his bed, looking so very tired and ready to pass out, but fighting to stay awake. The twin was fidgeting, playing with the blanket and his shirt and the strings hanging off his red PJs. Remus could hear Roman’s slow heartbeat, the way he breathed shallowly. It was weird because he’s reminded that the last time he heard a heartbeat, the person was killed by his own bare hands.
“Hey!” Remus yelled with fake enthusiasm, stepping into the room and grabbing clothes to quickly change into. The red-wearing twin hasn’t responded yet, but Remus was too afraid to turn and see why. He preferred to look around the bedroom then flop down on the bed.
“I was surprised to see you just left and I’m also surprised that Mom and Pops weren’t awake. Sorry about your phone, by the way, I’ll pay for a--”
“Remus, what happened?”
Pausing, the vampire looked over at Roman, seeing tired green eyes staring into his identical ones. He sighed and laid back, staring at the ceiling.
“I’m worried you won’t believe me…”
“Oh, Rem…” He looks over to see Roman’s sad face. “You know you can trust me with anything. I’ll believe you.”
They stare at each other, then Remus starts.
“I went outside when the speakers started to moan- best prank ever, by the way, when there was someone who walked out with me. It was your date.”
“So… that’s where he went?” Roman mumbled in a whisper that Remus didn’t have any trouble hearing, adding super-hearing to the list.
“Yeah, he was being all weird, so I went to ask him what was wrong and he fucking took off. So, like the good brother I am, I went after him! I don't know where exactly we went, just a few blocks before he stopped and ran into some shady alleyway, mom was right, those places are creepy. But I went in anyway and got attacked by the bastard.”
“He attacked you?!”
Remus paused, seeing the way his twin sat up in shock, body tensing up and heart starting to speed up. He was hesitant to continue, not wanting to risk scaring him, but then again, he trusted roman with everything, this wasn’t any different.
“Yes, he attacked me and bit me… I honestly thought I was going to die- well, I guess I did-”
“What does that mean!?” Great, Remus was only making him panic more. How the hell do vampires do this in movies? Do they do this in real life? They had to, it’s not like he’s the first vampire or something. Was there a book for this?
“I’m dead, Roman! Kinda. I’m dead but I can live?” Roman’s confused face made Remus shake his head, starting to get aggravated when all his brain was supplying him was very unnecessary thoughts. “I’m a vampire!”
Remus gasped, once again unneeded, and just couldn’t stop talking.
“I got bit and woke up freezing cold and numb and not breathing. But I woke up. I couldn’t feel my heartbeat anymore. Then I smelt something more delicious than Grans’ berry pie. So I followed it...and…”
The room was dead silent (heh, dead). Roman was staring at his twin, shaking on the bed, tears pooling in his eye sockets before trailing down his cheeks and dripping from his chin. The punk closed his eyes, a small shutter leaving him.
“I’m a murderer…”
Within seconds, Roman crosses the room and hugs Remus close, the warmth contrasting his paler skin making them both once again shutter. Neither moved though, hugging each other tightly and squeezing hard. Afraid they would lose each other if either one let go.
“You’ll get through this. I’ll help you through this…” The promise in Roman’s voice made Remus sob harder, holding the twin tighter. His heart beating in his ear and the smell of blood covering his senses. The vampire yanked back, eyes wide as he stared at Roman with terrified eyes.
“You’re bleeding..”
Roman looked confused then raised his hand to show a small Disney bandaid he had on his hand. “It’s just a papercut… Can you smell it? I can try washing it.”
Remus looked at his hand then into his eyes. There was the smallest craving sitting in the pit of his stomach, easy to ignore for now. He relaxed slightly and nodded.
“I can smell it, but it’s not strong. I was just making sure I didn’t hurt you.”
They stare at each other for a bit longer before Roman let out a yawn that he tried to cover up. Remus grinned and pushed his brother’s shoulder.
“Go to bed, we can talk in the morning.”
The prince seemed very unsure, but after Remus started saying the first thing that came to mind, the red twin was quick to give in.
Remus laid and stared up at the ceiling, trying to breathe in and feeling nothing.
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angst-art-writing · 3 years
I'll Break Your Promise
"Did you hear about what happened?" Diana exclaimed as she came down the steps of the Pheme Inn, tying her blonde hair into a ponytail quickly.
The Peheme Inn was Melanie’s Inn. In the war against Victor it was a safe space for injured soldiers to get treated and for families to stay. Now it was Talyn and Iris’s home. Who were the daughters of Melanie and Diana. Adopted.
Down there, Talyn, Iris and Melanie sat at the table. Melanie glanced up and raised a brow at Diana's stressed and angry expression, setting down Diana's plate of toast with jam for her. "No... What?"
"Three of the thieves escaped last night," Diana huffed as she sat down. She picked up the toast and bit in with a loud crunch, then kept talking. "Three! Apparently, some of their buddies came and bailed them out last night.”
Talyn and Iris shared a tiny glance but kept eating silently.
Talyn resisted the urge to smile- It was satisfying to see this reaction from Diana. She was her mother, adopted mother, of course...But things had changed. Talyn grew up and wasn't so blind anymore. She could see the suffering in their world, suffering kept behind a thin veil that Diana and others like her refused to uncover. They thought that because they had killed Victor, an awful king against non-humans because of their 'impurity', was dead that all issues were fixed.
This wasn't some sort of fairytale; one King dying doesn't magically fix every issue.
"Seriously?" Talyn said to Diana, feigning surprise and anger. She lied so easily, so smoothly. She had learned to lie for a while now. "How? That’s horrible!”
"Damn guards let them go." Diana grumbled irritably. "Someone's getting kicked. And I'll have to tighten up the guarding. We can't have this happening ever again."
It was the first time Talyn and the team had gotten this much attention.
"The thieves also stole the merchant's horses. You know the merchant, Gerald? Three of his horses were gone this morning. I got a letter and he's pissed off."
Good, Talyn thought.
Melanie patted Diana's shoulder and sighed softly, before offering a tiny smile. "Well... They're long gone now, honey. You can only try and prevent it from happening again."
Diana huffed and shrugged her shoulders.
Iris spoke up next after she took a sip from her water. "And how are things with Eira and Lilura? I hear something brewing between them?"
Eira was the kingdom up North, allied with the Ascian forest, Where the werewolves and shapeshifters lived. Lilura was a mysterious kingdom. But allied with Veles, underground city of vampires and witches. Ascian and Veles had their differences, but Eira and Lilura were never so tense that people actually talked about it. It made Talyn feel uneasy.
"Nothing serious," Diana replied as Melanie rubbed Diana's shoulder. "We don't know what's got their hair in a bunch, but we won't intervene. I'm sure it'll sort itself out." She looked over to the window then. The sky was starting to shift into blue.
"Ah... People will be waking up soon. We better get moving-" Melanie moved away to begin preparing for the morning rush.
Talyn crunched the last bit of her toast.
"I'm going to the library today," Iris said. Talyn glanced at her as she picked up the finished plates. Iris's mouth twitched. She was lying. "Is that alright?"
Talyn knew exactly where she was going- To visit her lover, Icarus. Diana didn't like Icarus, and honestly? Neither did Talyn. He always got in the way of their plans. And he was always hanging around Iris like a pest.
"Of course!" Melanie smiled and nodded. "Talyn and I can hold up the Inn just fine, right?"
"Right," Talyn mumbled. Iris smiled apologetically. Talyn just looked away from her.
"I just don't know if I have the strength to hold her back when she picks a fight with one of the guys," Melanie joked. Talyn was known for wanting to argue about why bow and arrows were superior to a broadsword, challenging many guards and men that came into the Inn showing off their blades and flexing.
"Eh, she'll be fine. One day she'll get her teeth knocked in and she'll learn to keep her cool." Iris turned and grabbed her satchel, swinging it over her shoulder.
"If someone kicks me in the teeth I'll hit them where it actually counts and-”
"Bye, hon!" Melanie cut off Talyn and waved after Iris.
The two lovers soon reached the meadow from their walk, soft green blades blowing softly in the wind as butterflies twirled around the flowers. There were few butterflies, orange colored ones- A clear sign of fall was on its journey.
Icarus turned and plopped down in the grass, dragging Iris down with him. He wrapped his arms around her as she leaned her back against his chest, smiling.
This is way better than scraping off food from the dishes, she thought. She felt a small twinge of guilt for not being there to help Talyn but ignored it. She would've stayed but...Icarus wanted her here.
"So, what'd you take me here for?" Iris asked.
"I have a gift for you." She heard him rustle around in the pockets of his trousers, before his freckled hands brought out a shiny object in front of her. A ring. "Here."
Iris carefully plucked the ring out from his fingers with surprise clear on her face. Her thought process momentarily stopped as she observed the ring closely, smiling wide.
It was silver, decorated with red gems.
She slipped it on- Feeling her cheeks flush as red as the ring. "Oh my... I love it!" The ring was big for her, but not wanting to upset Icarus- she said nothing and grinned gratefully. "Thank you, truly."
"It's a promise ring, to be specific. I promise that you'll never get rid of me." His arms wrapped around her tighter, and Iris leaned into his embrace trustingly and giggled.
"I like that promise," she murmured. She tilted her head up and kissed his chin gently.
"But trust me. I'd never try to get rid of you."
She could see the corner of his mouth turn into a playful smirk. "You better not."
That night, Talyn excused herself from her chores and gathered her stuff to go train at The Fort.
The Fort was a mountain- A special one. On the outside it looked like a mountain, but on the inside, it was a massive room, carved out from rock. There were many tunnels
Talyn and her friends would often go there to train with their weapons. They had to do so in secret because their guardians didn't want them to grow up with 'violence' as they once had. But not one of them wanted to live a humble life like the adults wanted them to. None of them wanted to sit still.
Talyn ran down the trail she had memorized long ago, using a lantern to light up her way. The sun was sinking beneath the horizon, lighting the clouds up in an orange flame as night came to extinguish it.
She came forward at the Fort, pushing aside the vines that hid the entrance, slipping inside. Here, it felt like home. The walls and ceiling were tall, the floor smooth with little cracks. There were boulders around, and to a wall hung their personal weapons they used. Swords, bows, quivers full of arrows, small daggers that Talyn stole, short blades. And Iris’s weapon, which was not like a normal one. Before she trained with a sword but the first gift from her boyfriend had been a whip, a whip with jagged pieces of sharp blades. Iris had taken a liking to it immediately. No one could wield it like her.
Talyn waited for everyone else to show up, stretching out her arms. Clint and Will came in soon enough.
"Careful," Will said to Talyn as he began to stretch as well, smiling playfully. "Clint's extra moody today. He didn't get his beauty sleep."
"And apparently neither did you because you're still ugly as all of hell," Clint snapped back. Will smiled at him and Clint rolled his eyes.
Talyn shook her head, now tightening the laces to her boots. “You are moody.”
“Watch it.” Clint huffed.
"Ah, well. That just means he's easier to beat when we spar today." She smirked. Never had she ever lost to Clint in a sparring match. Never.
"Today I'll get you."
"Sure thing. Keep tellin' yourself that. It's nice to see people with hope."
Clint huffed sat down on a rock, doing the laces on his own boots as well. Will stretched his back out with multiple pops and an ugly groan, before he looked around and asked, "Iris hasn’t arrived here yet?"
"Nope." Talyn pulled the laces a little tighter then. "She went out with her new boyfriend, Icahbod."
"Isn't it Icarus?"
Talyn grunted.
Clint looked up after a moment, pulling his arms over his head. "What did Diana say about last night, though?”
"Ah, she was pissed today." Talyn looked up then. "It was great. But- She is tightening up security. Bad news for us.”
"And that just means giving them more flashy swords and less rules for them to follow," Clint grumbled.
Talyn, as well as the rest, shared his frustration. The guards got away with everything and never spent a single night in a jail cell. She didn't want to imagine what they got away with when they were inside with the prisoners…
The vines rustled then, and Iris stepped through. "Hey!" She greeted, grinning widely. It was odd. She looked glowing.
Talyn stood up and smiled. "Hey, Iris!" Right after Iris stepped through, a red-haired boy followed. Ichabod. "And... Iris's friend."
"Boyfriend, actually," The boy corrected with a wink, throwing a casual arm around Iris's shoulders. "Iris said I could come watch you guys, she told me all about the training you do."
The three others shared a look. No one else knew about their training. Iris gave them a slight tilt of the head and an arched eyebrow, practically scolding them to be nice without any words. Diana had the same look.
She then looked at Icarus and smiled. "Do you want to spar with us?"
"No, no. " He shook his head and waved his hand in dismissal politely. "I'll just watch. I don't want to interfere with any plans you have." He moved away and sat down on a rock. "It's nice to meet you all, finally."
"Nice to meet you too!" Will said. Talyn and Clint grumbled in reply before Iris went over and discreetly pinched both their arms, in which they mumbled a more acceptable response.
Talyn felt... betrayed, in a sense. She let someone who they didn’t even know into a place so important to them? Why? Just because they stuck their tongues down each other's throats and called it love?
Talyn and Iris went to the wall where their weapons were, while Will struck up a conversation with Icarus. He always did that. Will would constantly talk to everyone he could. He was a summer boy, a warm radius all around him all the time. People always took a liking to him. Talyn took her bow off the wall, running her hand down it. Iris came over and stood next to her. Talyn looked at her and sighed."Why'd you let him in?" She muttered. "Why didn't you ask us first?"
Iris took her own whip off the wall. "I thought it would be okay." At Talyn's scowl she added, "Do you really think I'd let someone who I didn't trust completely to come here? No. And besides, he's just watching."
"What if you break up and he gets mad? And he snitches on us?"
"C'mon Talyn. He wouldn't do that. And besides, he gave me a promise ring today." She smiled reassuringly, but the smile didn't do its job.
What the hell did a promise ring have to do with this? It only made Talyn frown, but Iris turned away anyway. "Alright c'mon! We'll start off simple today."
And so, they began- and Icarus just sat and watched. Observing.
After training, windy whispers ruffled Clint's hair, blowing back the strands from his face as he and Will walked home. It was a long walk, especially when they took their time. The two always walked together, as Clint had been living with Will for a little less than a year now. They were walking through the town, tall buildings above them and clustered together.
"I want to join the Front," Clint blurted suddenly, breaking the quiet. He glanced sideways at Will, who had raised an eyebrow.
"The Front? Really?"
The Front was their army. No one knew much about them besides the fact they were heroes, born from some of the most valiant and brave soldiers that fought in the war against the Blood King, trained to be as tough as stone. " I want to be like them." He faced back forwards, his expression blank. "I want to do something good. Something that they do."
"But not all that they do is good, Clint. We hardly know anything about them-"
"What do you mean? They're heroes-"
"They're puppets."
Clint paused, right in an alleyway. The whispers of the wind turned into gentle murmurs. "Puppets?"
"I mean- They're just here for decoration. They hardly ever have to fight and everyone's too scared to ever provoke them. They only do things when someone tells them to. They're just to keep us behaved and good." He sighed and paused as well, turning to face Clint. "And their general, Pierce, looks absolutely out of his mind.."
"He's not out of his mind!" Clint scoffed, as if he himself had been offended. Part of him was. "He fought against the Blood King; he was second to Diana!"
Diana, their friends' mother, was the one to lead the rebellion against the blood king and was now heavily respected and feared. And now the one in charge of The Capitol. Really, she was a dictator. No one dared to say it out loud. After all, no one could repay her for what she did. She saved their world.
"And he's not the same, and neither is Diana. It's clea- Hey, what're yo-"
Clint had started walking forward, pausing to give Will a signal to shut his mouth. Will did so, and Clint turned around, pausing to watch what was going on around the corner. Usually, it was Will to be distracted so easily. With Will falling into silence voices could be heard.
Clint's eyes narrowed. Two guards were talking to a man, their heads tilted. He felt Will's breath on his neck, side-glancing him. His brown eyes were narrowed as well, watching the scene.
Clint turned his attention back towards the guards and listened.
"What're you doing out here, hm?" One of the guards asked, standing in front of the man. The other was behind the man, and he gulped before answering.
"I had to get some herbs for my kids, they're not doing so well..." His voice shook slightly.
"Oh?" The guard raised an eyebrow and moved in the way when the man tried to keep walking. "Well, you can't be out. There's a curfew now."
"There is? I haven't heard anything of it." The man looked as confused as Clint felt. There was no curfew.
"That's right," said the guard behind the man. "We're going to have to take you in for the night. As well as take this." He suddenly snatched the bag the man was carrying.
The man stared at him. He didn't even look angry or upset, more scared than anything.
"Please, sir. I need to go home and get this for my kids. I'll be sure to-"
The other guard just grabbed the man's arm and started walking. "Come on, now.”
"Please, I-"
The one behind him then just shoved him down. Clint felt himself going forward, but a hand on his arm stopped him. He glanced to Will again, who just shook his head and raised a finger to his lips. Will semeed to talk with his eyes. You have no armor. No sword.
Clint pursed his lips and turned to watch again.
"You can't resist arrest," barked the guard. The old man struggled to get up, assisted roughly by a hand yanking him up the collar of his shirt. They were heading to where Will and Clint were now, and Will turned, still holding onto Clint's arm and started walking away quickly, their footsteps hardly audible.
Clint followed, and with each step he placed walking away, his nails dug tighter into his fists.
Will led Clint to his house in silence, and only then he let go and paused, turning to him. "We need to tell Iris."
Fire crackling and the smell of warm food wavering through the air, the four sat at the table in the Inn and talked lowly under their breaths, disguised under other conversations of the best whiskey or the best swordsman in the latest tournament.
Clint and Will had just finished explaining what they had seen the night walking home, masked under the other conversations going on.
Iris's face was blank, her eyebrows arched. Talyn, on the other hand, wore her anger clear on her face and didn't even bother to hide it.
"Why didn't you guys intervene?" Talyn hissed when they had finished, leaning forward to the two of them. "You could have taken them!"
"We would've gotten caught; they'd have seen our faces-" Will started. Clint felt a pang of guilt, feeling his fingers twitch under the table.
"So, then you kill them!"
"Talyn," Iris said sharply, her eyes narrowing more. "We don't kill people."
"Why not? They do it all the time-"
"Because we will not stoop as low as them." Iris snapped again, her voice firm. “How stupid are you?”
Talyn stared, and Iris stared back before she sat back and crossed her arms with a huff. Talyn looked away from her again, clearly hurt. Clint knew she hated when people called her stupid.
"The most we can do now," Iris continued, "is to try and get them back and free them." She sighed and rubbed her face slightly, looking grim.
Clint couldn't help but feel guilt for not intervening. He looked over to see Will's soft expression. Despite the blankness, he knew he was feeling the same way.
"How are we going to do that?" Clint muttered after a small silence; his eyes narrowed.
"The guards aren't going to be as lenient. They had them out patrolling where Will lives. No guard ever comes around there.”
Iris pursed her lips. "I'll come up with something. We have some other people we need to let loose anyways..." Her voice faded as her brow furrowed, thinking. "'Course, we can't do it all at once, last time was way too close...” She was thinking aloud, rubbing her forehead.
"I can go." Talyn piped up.
"No, you'll end up killing someone."
"I will not. Come on...I really want to go. I'm the quickest out of you all and the smallest. They won't catch me, ever."
Iris frowned more. "No. You're rash and reckless." She glanced away from her and looked at Clint and Will. Clint could see that Talyn’s face was red.
"You two will go,” Iris said finally. “I'll gather news about his …uh....trial over the next week." Iris gave them a soft look, as if she knew they were feeling guilty. Clint gave an angry grunt and looked away.
Everyone knew that a ‘trial’ was merely a display of power.
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Wait why, Marissa? Like why get with Theocritus and give him Remy? So you could have an unknown and unsuspected servant?
Marissa: Oh, not just any servant.
Marissa: The top-performing Federal Spy in the Kingdom. The agent assigned to the Shaman case, direct and most trusted subordinate of the Master of Secrets, who just so happens to be best friends with Lord Thomas, Master Talyn, Master Joan, Lord Theocritus, Roman, Logan, Patton, and Deceit, and married to the city therapist, who is also a vampire that can slowly but surely drain dead anyone I please while sleepwalking and be totally unaware of it.
Marissa: ...So, I’d say I did fairly well with him~!
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acceberv · 4 years
Anyone else got Mavis vibes from Talyns look in the Incorrect Quotes video? They were rocking the vampire look
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what-even-is-thiss · 5 years
Virgil’s habits left over from being a dark side:
Making prison makeup out of colored pencils, sharpies, and coffee grounds. Why? He’s got an aesthetic going on and also Talyn has been lecturing Thomas about vegan makeup lately and the dark sides interpreted it in a really weird way.
Actively keeps his room messy on purpose
Bites in fights
Eats perfectly normally unless he’s eating a citrus fruit. Especially a lemon. Then he bites into it and sucks all the juice out like a vampire.
Used to Remus getting friendly so if someone hugs him from behind he automatically judo flips them, kicks their face, and parkours away.
Does elaborate summoning rituals in his room. One day Roman decides to spy on him and find out what he’s summoning. Turns out that’s where Thomas’ sleep paralysis demons come from.
Kind of just blankly stares at Thomas for hours on end. When Thomas finally asks him why he’s doing it he just hisses at him.
Still plays chess with Deceit. They never once say a word while they play. When Deceit inevitably starts to cheat Virgil reaches over and digs his nails into Deceit’s arm until he stops.
Spends hours in front of the mirror practicing his evil laugh and curses when it sounds too similar to one of the others
Checks under things constantly. When questioned why he just says “If Remus and Deceit visited your room once you would know.”
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cyraniadebergerac · 4 years
Sanders Sides High School Story AU
Guys, we could make this a thing!
Thomas could be the MC, new guy in town that ends up starting his own high school that'll accept anyone with the help of his first friend Joan, a writer. Then he befriends his Sides, Talyn, Terrance, Valerie, and his other friends, potentially mirroring different characters like Joan could mirror Autumn, then the rest of the students could draw from his shorts and other works. Then the main storyline could be a blending of the game's and of the series.
It could happen in various ways. Here are just some of my ideas of how it could work.
Thomas of course would of the nerd clique.
Joan would mirror Autumn's role, but be of the writer clique.
Patton would be a prep, mirroring Payton, regardless of the similarity of their names.
Logan as a clear nerd would mirror Nishan, though definitely be more passive aggressive in how he reacts to Max's (Anton's?) bullying.
Talyn I would say mirrors Sakura and is either a Gamer or Filmaker, though I'll admit that I don't know as much with them. Their previous history and relationship dynamic though is with Joan instead of Logan.
Roman would definitely be of the Actor clique, though his role would be a blend of Julian and Mia's, feeling constantly overlooked and furious over it while fearing he might be as stupid as everyone else in his life says he is while also feeling entitled to people's friendship at first just by 'gracing them with his presence', which of course means he has a hard time actually making friends until taught otherwise and could easily have the inherent perfectionism to struggle through the struggles Mia struggled with.
Virgil's tricky. On the one hand, it'd be easy to just make him a emo and directly mirror him with Wes. On the other hand, Janus could suit the Wes role better. Also, Virgil can be easily in a number of the other cliques from goth to wallflower, to slacker, werewolf, or vampire. This then more depends on what element of his more important to emphasize for you.
Janus can also be tricky to narrow down, though I consider the Yacht Clubber one the strongest contender personally, followed by class president though certainly needs to be some mix of prep and nerd. Or just be vampire. That would fit him too. And as stated above, he could work as Wes too, and really fit the past dark history, though he might also work for Bartholomew? (I haven't played the main story past halfway through the Pandora arc, so the rest I'm getting from a quick read of them).
Remus is clearly a rebel. And certainly could mirror Koh and be given a bad ex-boyfriend seeking to get him thrown out of another school. He could also just appear when Koh does, then only after that does everyone not in the know (such as our MC Thomas) find out that Roman has a twin brother.
As for other ideas. Remy would be a slacker. Dice would be a hipster. Emile Picani would be some prep clique, though my vote would go to making him an elf. Shorts!Dad would be a class clown. Shorts!Prince would be a prom king. Shorts!Anxiety could be one of the cliques Virgil ends up not being. Shorts!Teacher would be a nerd or some nerd derived clique. The Coach Ellis could be the one adult authority figure that appears in the game. Anyone else have ideas?
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False (red) Colours
As far as situations went, Virgil was pretty sure his was unique.
Not because of the whole hunting vampires thing; apparently there were tonnes of those people scattered around the globe. Heck, Virgil probably wasn’t the only hunter to join the cause because he’d been enamored by a goddamn beautiful idiot who he couldn’t just walk away from. But if he came across another vampire pretending to be human to go on vampire hunting trips with said idiot, then he had to congratulate them, because keeping this shit secret was hard.
Not that Virgil felt bad for the vampires they hunted down. He and Roman only went after the nasty ones anyway, the ones who took their strength and longevity and used it for their own gain, to punish or control those around them. So no, Virgil didn’t particularly care about those vampires. They were just bloodsuckers who abused their power, they were practically asking to be staked.
Which was why he didn’t feel bad for what they were about to do.
“Anything yet?” Roman asked from the drivers seat. They’d parked in a shadowy junkyard to observe the comings and goings of an old, disused storage facility on the edge of town. Virgil rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, now that you mention it, I saw a vampire earlier and decided not to mention it because I like sitting in a dark car in the middle of the night.” He drawled. Roman pulled out his sword to sharpen it lazily and Virgil hissed at him. “Put that thing away! You’ll end up stabbing someone.”
Roman snorted. “Kinda the plan, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, the plan to not stab me.” Virgil muttered. Roman, the gorgeous idiot, just grinned at him crookedly and rolled his eyes. The moment only lasted a moment, however, because his gaze sharpened and locked onto something through the window. The hairs on the back of Virgil’s neck stood on end. He quickly followed Roman’s stare.
Movement at the mouth of the building. A figure scurried through the entrance, shutting the door after them. They moved fluidly and disappeared inside within seconds. From their speed and coordination in the dark, Virgil was pretty certain he knew what they were, and it was just what he and Roman had come looking for. He tried to catch a further glimpse of the figure through the windows but they had all been boarded up.
“What’s the bet it’s a whole nest?” Roman said lowly.
“Well, boarded windows. They’re still young enough to be weak to the sun.” Virgil pointed out. “So our guy’s probably converting new followers and enthralling them while they’re still weak. That’ll be where all the disappearances are coming from, I guess. Another world-leader wannabe.”
Roman looked thoughtful. “Maybe. Either the missing people are already enthralled, or they’re dinner. No way we’ll be able to rescue any of them. We’ve gotta shut this down before they get anyone else.”
“Do we need to call Joan and Talyn?” Virgil asked. He wasn’t exactly thrilled to be calling in more hunters, as nice as the duo had seemed when they met up for lunch the other week, and thankfully Roman shook his head.
“They’re already busy tonight. Besides, we’ve got this.” Roman ran a hand through tousled brown curls and grinned. “Least kills buys pizza tomorrow?”
“You’re on.”
  Roman took the left wing while Virgil took the right. It was the best way to tackle newly-established nests – the sire would be resting, protected, in the heart of the building, sending his newly fledged underlings to act as guards on the outskirts. Virgil’s heart went out to the vampire standing guard in front of side door – she had obviously been turned only a few days ago at most. She flinched even at the soft glow of the moon as if it were the sun’s glare, and squinted around at her dark surroundings. Even her night vision must not have fully kicked in yet.
Virgil could remember what it was like to be newly fledged. He’d been scared, confused, hurt and hungry. He didn’t understand what was going on around him. It had taken weeks of hiding and feeding and adjusting to his new body for him to gather his mind enough to finally remember his own name. He’d recovered; eventually.
But Virgil hadn’t been enthralled by an elder vampire.
Which was why he didn’t hesitate to break her neck, as quickly and painlessly as he could before making his way further into the building. He encountered few fledgling on his way. It was a nest in its early stages, after all. Hunters had to make sure to close down any nests before they could be properly established and dig their roots in too deep.
Virgil’s anxiety levels rose the further he explored, knives at the ready. This place was quiet, eerie – it gave him the creeps. More so than the usual creepy vampire hangouts. And that was saying something.
A scrape. Virgil flattened his back against a wall, listening carefully into the quiet of the inner sanctuary. There was a muted rustling and rasp of voices. Virgil slunk towards the entrance.
No time to think, only act. As soon as the room came into focus, the gloomy concrete floors and the vampire hissing to its quivering subject, Virgil lunged.
The elder screeched and its eyes flashed – the fledgling jerked, against their will, into Virgil’s path. Virgil swiped them out of the way and found a pistol aimed at his face.
The elder vampire stared at him, and Virgil stared back. Since when did vampires need guns? This one apparently took no chances. Its face slowly split into a fanged smile as it regarded Virgil. At least Roman wasn’t here yet. They stood alone in a dark room that may have once been an office or a break room. Now it was torn up and water-stained. The air smelled mildewy.
“Nice place you got here.” Virgil drawled. The vampire’s head tipped.
“A hunter. I was wondering when you’d show up.”
Virgil’s lip curled. “Yeah, yeah, speeches and all that shit. I get the drill.”
“You’re not going to ask me about myself?”
“I don’t fucking care who you are.”
The vampire shrugged. “That’s fair.” It said, and then it pressed the trigger and shot Virgil in the chest with a deafening crack. There was a sharp impact that hurt like a bitch, and he hissed, clutching at his shirt with sharp nails. It burned, already itching as it began to scab over. The blood dribbled over his hand. It was hot and metallic and the scent of it made Virgil’s fangs burst free with the need to rip tear rend.
The vampire’s eyes widened comically. “You’re-”
Virgil didn’t realize a familiar figure stood frozen in the doorway.
He didn’t realize as he lunged at the gun-toting vampire with a roar; sank his fangs into its neck and tore out its throat; latched onto the hot, life-giving pulse and gulped greedily as he dragged its twitching body to the floor. He wrapped his legs around its convulsing chest and sucked down deep mouthfuls of liquid. Contrary to popular beliefs, vampires could still bleed. They had heartbeats.
But not enough, not fast enough to sate his hunger. Virgil tore through veins and arteries and sank his fangs in once again, feeling the strong throbbing of his prey’s heartbeat nearly push bursts of blood down his throat.
And then a voice that shattered his whole world into pieces.
Virgil’s appetite dropped like a stone. He snapped his head up – too little, too late, for the human in the doorway. The human who had been here this whole time. Roman stood white-faced with his sword clutched in one hand, and when Virgil met his horrified gaze Roman lifted it.
“No.” The sound that tore from Virgil’s lips was rough, somewhere between a whimper and a sob. He clapped his hands over his blood-smeared face.
But the damage was done.
Roman stepped forward and Virgil slithered back with a frightened cry. The gleam of the blade filled his vision. He scrambled in reverse until his back hit a wall – pinned, trapped.
And still Roman advanced. Virgil pressed his back against the wall.
“Roman, please – walk away now, don’t come any closer! Roman BACK OFF!”
Step after slow step. Virgil dug his nails into the wall and screamed, “BACK OFF! I’LL KILL YOU!”
Roman didn’t slow.
“Leave me alone! ROMAN! I swear I’ll kill you – I swear I’ll–”
But Virgil couldn’t swear anything. He curled up into a ball and hissed half-heartedly at the hunter who loomed over him, sword in hand. Roman. He couldn’t hurt Roman.
Roman moved, and Virgil closed his eyes and hoped it would be quick.
Seconds passed and the pain did not come, nor the sound of Virgil’s neck being sliced. He peeked out from under his eyelashes, still expecting the blow to come.
Roman’s sword had been roughly, hastily shoved into its sheath. And Roman – Roman had dropped down to his knees with his hands palm-up and empty. Virgil stared at him suspiciously – what was the trick? The ploy? The knife to spear him through the heart?
“Virgil.” Roman rasped. “Virgil, please. I’m not gonna hurt you. I’m not.”
Not? Virgil tucked himself in tighter. He hadn’t felt his eyes well up but he did feel the hot blood track down his face in a vampire’s imitation of tears.
“Virgil, listen to me. You’re safe. I promise you you’re safe.”
Virgil bit his lip – but he’d forgotten about his unsheathed fangs and now fresh blood welled up, sliding down his chin.
Roman opened his arms. “It’s okay.”
It was probably a ruse – a trick, to get him to drop his guard. What the hell. Virgil would die anyway. He may as well pretend to be loved, just for a little while.
So he tipped forward and into Roman’s grip – allowing the hunter to hold him while Virgil wept into his vampire-blood-splattered jacket. Roman stroked his hair feverishly. He was warm, solid, and the contact made Virgil relax against him almost instantly like a tired cat. Everything might even be worth it for this moment.
“Oh, stormcloud. Hey, it’s okay. You’re okay.” Roman whispered. “I love you. We’re gonna be okay.”
Definitely worth it. Virgil took a deep breath and steeled himself for the jab of a blade in his unprotected back. It… didn’t come. Roman was getting slow.
Maybe he wanted to draw this out. Virgil didn’t have it in him to fight anymore. Whatever Roman had planned for him it was justified anyway.
He let out a whimper of protest as Roman started pulling away, and was answered by Roman’s arms tightening again.
“We have to leave, okay Virge?” He whispered. “Let’s go home.”
Well, that was morbid. Virgil nodded mutely against Roman’s chest. If that was where he wanted to do it…
  Roman was deathly silent on the way home. Virgil pulled his knees to his chest in the passenger seat and looked out the window for the whole drive. The midnight city was alight – a collage of bright signs and dim alleyways and the stretch of charcoal sky. Occasionally Virgil would catch glimpses of his reflection in the window. His drawn face, the shadows under haunted eyes, bloodstains around his mouth and dripping down his chin. Looking every bit the monster he was.
Virgil tried to ignore that and focus on the view. After all, this was the last time he’d see it.
The drive ended all too soon, Roman pulling into a familiar driveway. The usually cheerful face of home now appeared dark and menacing. Virgil barely waited for the car to stop before he shoved opened his door and strode inside. With his pretense of being human blown, he didn’t need to turn the lights on. He did, for Roman’s benefit.
Virgil looked out the window and hugged himself as Roman’s footsteps followed him inside. Roman pulled off his bloodstained jacket and dropped it on a rack.
“Do you want the shower first?” Roman offered quietly. Jeez, he was really taking this seriously. Virgil shook his head. “Okay then.”
The hunter disappeared into the bathroom. He was being very trusting, assuming Virgil wouldn’t try to escape. Or maybe Roman knew that even if Virgil did run, he would just find him again. Roman always found his prey.
Virgil slumped bonelessly on the couch and buried his face in his hands.
It seemed like only a few minutes later that Roman emerged with wet hair. Virgil glanced up through his fingers, biting his lip. Roman was heading for the fridge.
“Shower’s yours. I’m gonna cook some ravioli, and then we should talk. Things always seem better after a meal, like Mama used to say-”
Virgil yelled, “Why are you doing this?”
Roman froze. Oh shit, Virgil hadn’t meant to say anything. But it was done now.
He stood jerkily from the couch. “I get that you want to do it right, or whatever. I’m a vampire. I get it. But – but now you’re just being cruel.” Virgil dug his fingers into his scalp, eyes prickling with bloody tears. “Why don’t you just get it over with? Do you want to set me on fire or something? Do you want to chop off my head? I don’t care Roman, just do it already!”
Roman looked horrified. “Virgil, what on earth are you talking about?”
“You need help? I’ll help you!” Virgil grabbed out his own dagger with shaking hands and pressed the tip to his chest. It pricked through his shirt and Roman paled. “Just do it already! Put me out of my misery, I don’t want – I don’t want to wait any longer.” His voice cracked. “Why are you making me wait?”
“Virgil.” Virgil winced up through a blur of red tears as Roman stalked forward. Roman grabbed the dagger from his hands and threw it away. It skittered across the floor. Virgil stared at Roman as the hunter framed his face, tears pouring from bright brown eyes. “Virgil, honey, please listen. I’m not gonna hurt you, I swear, Stormcloud. I’m not. You’re my Virge. We can handle this, I promise. Listen – listen!” He grabbed Virgil’s hands as the vampire tried to hide his face. “You’re safe, Virgil, I promise.”
Virgil shook his head and tried to shout, but his voice came out as more of a strangled sob. “I’m a bloodsucker. A parasite. I deserve to die, you know that-”
“No, Virgil, you’re so good. You’re so good. You don’t deserve to die and I’m not gonna kill you. Okay?”
There was no lie in his voice.
Roman was crying, and his eyes were so intense – Virgil couldn’t meet them. He could only nod mutely. Roman squeezed his hands.
“Now why don’t you go have a shower? You’ll feel better after that. And we can eat some food, and sleep, and talk tomorrow. Okay?” Virgil nodded again. “Do you wanna have a sleepover in my room?” Another nod. “Okay. I’ll take care of it.”
Roman kissed Virgil’s forehead before sending him to the bathroom. It was warm and full of steam. Homely in a way that Virgil didn’t deserve. He stood under hot water and scrubbed dry blood from his skin. He felt like he was in a dream.
When Virgil emerged Roman was making trips from the lounge to his room, carting pillows and – was that the fucking microwave? Virgil hesitated. When Roman wobbled though, instinct kicked in and he darted forward to catch the heavy machinery before it could drop.
“Thanks.” Roman wheezed, not flinching like Virgil would have expected. He was acting so… normal. Virgil would have been weirded out if he wasn’t so tired.
“Why the fuck are you taking the microwave?” Virgil asked quietly.
“Uh, because I want to make popcorn and it’s annoying to keep walking back and forth from the kitchen to my room? Duh. Hey, you’ve got that super vampire strength right? Can’t believe I’ve been carrying things for you all this time. Come on, we’re eating popcorn and watching movies and leaving all the knives and shit out here.”
Virgil blinked at the overload of information. “Um.”
“Are you coming or what?”      
Virgil shifted the microwave to his hip and stared at the exasperated hunter, whose eyes were still pink from crying and yet rolling like this was any other day and he hadn’t just discovered his best friend was a fucking vampire. Seriously. Virgil had known Roman was an idiot, but he’d expected the hunter to have some sense of self-preservation.
“I have fangs.” Virgil blurted out. Roman frowned at him.
“Yes. I thought we already covered this? Now get your ass into gear, Big Hiro 6 isn’t going to watch itself.”
…huh. Either Roman or Virgil were stupider than he’d thought, because this was not playing out how he’d expected.
For the sake of his dignity, Virgil chose to believe it was Roman who was lacking in IQ. He shrugged and went to carry the fucking microwave into Roman’s bedroom. His idiot had decided to keep him, and like hell Virgil was gonna throw that away by being moody and dramatic.
He managed to not be moody and dramatic up until Roman cheekily suggested they watch Twilight. At that point Virgil couldn’t be blamed for throwing a pillow at his face.
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talyn-the-warlock · 4 years
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Happy Festival of the Lost, Guardians!
I finally made enough bright dust to buy my costume this year! I make a pretty cute vampire, if I do say so myself- even if a lot of other Warlocks seem to be twinning with me!
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softestvirgil · 4 years
Do they make all of their costumes by hand like the vampire costume and virgil's jacker and stuff?
The vampire costume and Virgil’s hoodie were made by Joan and Talyn but Remus’ costume was made by someone else
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Plea for My New Self
Sanders sides Vampire College AU - it’s gay - it’s full of fun fluffy tropes - a bit o’ hurt/comfort - mostly fluff
Words: 5,346 Warnings:  Arguing, Violence, Referenced Gore (in a movie), food, blood Characters: Virgil, Roman, Patton, Logan, Thomas, Remy, Joan, Talyn Ships: Prinxiety, Anxceit, Roceit, Analogical, Remile, Joan&Talyn Universe: Plea for my New Self Rating: T Genre: Vampire Nonsense 
Chapter 30: A Noise Severe
Chapter 1 for New Readers - ffn mirror
   Virgil sighed with relief as the film came on, pressing his back into the base of the couch as he relaxed. He had been looking forward to some pleasant murder since Thomas first mentioned it. Virgil hummed a deep, satisfied noise as Logan shifted to get more comfortable in his lap. Virgil wrapped his arms around Logan and enjoyed his company. Logan continued to mess with his bracelet but leaned into Virgil happily. Logan didn’t normally do public displays of affection, but Virgil wasn’t complaining.
   Emile and Patton split half of Virgil’s head each, and he didn’t understand what was happening back there. There was lots of tugging at angles that made little sense for their braiding bonanza. He was happy as long as they were vibing and that Emile wasn’t pestering him. The others in his clan felt content. Roman was extremely satisfied in the hot tub. He was one with the bubbles. Deceit may have been cuddling Pat, Virgil wasn’t able to turn his head to check with the bubbly duo doing something strange to his hair. Virgil nuzzled into Logan’s neck while the intro to the film played out.
   “Do you like horror films, or are you just here for scientific curiosity?” Virgil muttered into Logan’s neck, taking in the aroma that smelled particularly enticing after growing more hair for his shoulder demons’ amusement. He was perfectly aware he was torturing himself, and he did not give a single fuck. One benefit of being as old as sin is good self-control, even if he was batty.
   “For both,” Logan smiled and whispered back. “Horror films are fascinating. I enjoy critically examining the themes and the psychological tricks and tactics meant to instill fear in people who aren’t in any real danger,” He explained cordially, flipping a bead on his bracelet.
   “That is another cool thing about horror films,” Joan mused, not taking their eyes off the screen.
   “I just like the screams and blood,” Talyn smirked, looking extremely amused. Virgil thought Logan might have had a reaction to the obvious bloodlust, but he seemed just as happy as before as he reclined in Virgil’s lap.
   “There’s one less mental voice in here than there should be,” Deceit announced suddenly behind Virgil. There was a pause in which everyone in the room stared at Deceit.
   “What?” Thomas asked, looking incredibly baffled out the corner of Virgil’s vision.
   “I can’t hear one of you. Joan, I think? What’s your gift?” Deceit inquired curiously, shifting on the couch behind Virgil.
   “Oh, you have a telepathy type gift?” Thomas looked intrigued and leaned in Deceit’s direction.
   “Not exactly, I know people’s genuine feelings. Near Virgil, I passively hear thoughts. It’s a bit of a nightmare even if it is useful, so I’m always curious about gifts that prevent mine,” Deceit explained, affectionately nudging Virgil’s shoulder when he was mentioned.
   “Oh, that does sound annoying. I’ve got negation. It’s a boring one. I cancel out gifts and near Remy, I can also negate physical blows. It’s killer for fights, but other than covering Remy’s territory we’re barely in any conflicts,” Joan replied passively, watching the screen.
   “I know, it sucks,” Talyn whined emphatically. The sheer blood lust from them was surprising, but Virgil could relate.
“Roman probably has the coolest gift for both general use and battle,” Remy mused, splashing at the water. Virgil’s eyes shot to Remy in pure confusion. Roman’s look mirrored Virgil’s bafflement and breathless intrigue.
   “What?” Virgil and Roman both faltered at the same time, staring at Remy.
   “It’s better to tell you now, before you set a bed on fire… you’ve got pyromancy,” Remy said blithely, flicking some water in Roman’s direction.
   “Wait, what the fuck? How do you know?” Roman demanded, splashing his hand down in the hot tub.
   “Mine’s premonition. It’s also annoying. I lose track of which reality I’m in sometimes,” Remy explained. Wow, no wonder Remy was an already batty for an Alpha with a Brood. Virgil heard Deceit hum in agreement behind him.
   “Please, if I had future manipulation I’d use it constantly,” Deceit said flippantly, and the couch shook slightly from a dramatic motion.
   “Can we get back to the part where I have freaking fire powers?” Roman demanded loudly, sounding shocked and splashing both hands on top of the water surface.
   “I can’t believe you’re not interested in how you set a bed on fire,” Remy laughed boisterously, lazily splashing Roman in return.
   “He’s an idiot, I’m sure it has something to do with that,” Virgil joined Remy’s laughter, much to Roman’s disdain.
   “Oh, it might still happen,” Remy said smugly, winking at Roman.
   “Try to use it!” Patton cheered excitedly from behind Virgil, yanking hard on his hair.
   “Do not use fire in chemically treated pool water,” Logan insisted hastily, pointing at Roman.
   “Yeah, also not indoors,” Virgil chuckled and shook his head affectionately, stroking Logan’s arm.
   “Hey, shut up, the horror part is finally starting,” Talyn hissed in protest to their nonsense. Roman made a variety of upset sounds, but gave up for now and settled on being extraordinarily elated, bobbing in the hot tub.
   “Oh, awesome,” Virgil looked back to the TV in anticipation.
   ‘Pat, how do you use your gift!’ Roman mentally shouted, splashing more water as he begged Patton for answers.
   ‘Ro, no yelling,’ Virgil huffed and shot a glare to Roman. Patton paused with braiding. ‘He’s got premonition powers, we don’t know if you have them now,’ He rolled his eyes at Roman who glowered back for a second, but he was apparently too excited to stay mad.
   ‘Maybe I get it this evening! Come on, feed on me,’ Roman goaded Virgil on, and as wonderful as that sounded right now he had higher priorities.
   ‘I’m watching a movie, I need to see somebody’s freakin’ throat get ripped out before I go mad,’ Virgil thought to them desperately. The smell inside the suite was intense.
   ‘This is a ghost film, Virge, I doubt there’s throat-ripping,’ Roman thought irately.
   ‘Don’t I have enough thoughts to deal with in my head right now without these extras?’ Deceit made a dissatisfied noise behind him and bopped Virgil on the head with his cane, probably because he couldn’t reach Roman in the hot tub to do it to him. Virgil sighed inaudibly, and Logan leaned back to look at Deceit in confusion.
   ‘I want to know!’ Roman shot mentally, the water sloshing around him as he vibrated angrily.
   “Babes, quit harassing your alpha or he’s going to attack me,” Remy groaned, splashing water at Roman forcefully, a small amount of excess water landing on the tile around the hot tub.
   “Sorry,” Virgil huffed and blew a little loose hair out of his face, grinding his teeth. Roman sighed and sunk into the hot tub bitterly. Logan shifted to angle more towards the movie in interest but didn’t stop playing with his bracelet.
   “Emmy, get me something from the minibar,” Remy grunted sourly, beckoning at Emile. Emile hopped up from the couch, dropping a handful of tresses over Virgil’s shoulder. He walked over to the black mini-fridge with a clear door, considering the options before grabbing a few nips of vodka. Emile went to the hot tub and dropped them in Remy’s outstretched hands. Virgil could feel Roman’s frustration, and Patton made a concerned noise. Deceit sighed again, sounding excessively disgruntled.
   “Logan, love, can I go handle this?” Virgil whispered into Logan’s ear and stroked his arm in consolation. Logan nodded and shifted off of Virgil’s lap, climbing up to sit next to Deceit on the couch. Virgil felt his hair was half-braided in certain parts, and it felt odd when his hair swayed as he got up off the floor. He went over to the hot tub and twisted his hair into what was possibly the most lopsided bun in existence. After stripping to his boxer briefs, he stepped in next to Roman.
   “Cute tats, Virge,” Remy smirked, looking Virgil over as he settled into the hot bubbling water. It felt a little wrong. It surprised him how relaxed Remy seemed in here.
   “Thanks,” Virgil nodded and sat behind Roman. ‘Ready?’ He confirmed with Roman mentally, pulling him into his arms on the hot tub bench.
   ‘What, right now? Here?’ Roman looked appalled at the very concept of Virgil doing what Roman urged him to do a literal moment ago.
   ‘You’re throwing a clan-wide hissy fit and demanded I come over,’ Virgil stared intensely at Roman.
   ‘There are people here,’ Roman motioned to the room just barely above the water, looking embarrassed.
   ‘You’re seriously shy now?’ Virgil glowered at him irately.
   ‘It- I just don’t think it’s appropriate around others,’ Roman thought nervously, looking around the suite with concern.
   ‘Do you want to venom, or not? I’m tired, I’m thirsty, my body wants to punch the guy next to us, and I’m missing a horror movie,’ Virgil loosened up on Roman and leaned back in the hot tub, giving Roman his space to decide.
   ‘It’s, well, it feels…’ Roman turned beet red and sunk partially underwater.
   ‘I will stick his fangs in your neck myself!’ Deceit shot them both a glare and motioned threateningly with his cane.
   ‘Your coconspirator is not a fan of all these extra thoughts,’ Virgil looked critically at Roman. Roman sighed and reached around to hold Virgil, shifting into his lap. He exposed his neck and tapped on Virgil’s shoulder. Virgil bit down into Roman’s skin and the rush of fiery blood hit his dry throat like a holy blessing. Finally, some good fucking food.
   ‘You are incorrigible,’ Deceit thought. Virgil didn’t quite care at the moment. Roman tasted too fucking amazing. He was thirsty from the hair growth and smelling Logan’s neck wasn’t exactly making it better. Virgil got in a few good long drinks before Deceit tapped his cane on the floor. He took that as a sign that he tapped out Roman and sealed the wound. Virgil leaned back in the hot tub with Roman still in his lap, laying against him in a daze. Virgil turned back to the film, feeling very satisfied and rejuvenated by the fresh blood.
   They all watched in what was probably very blessed semi-silence for Deceit since he finally relaxed back into the couch and went back to watching the flick. He pressed partially against Patton with a pleased expression. Logan was watching the movie with a vested interest, leaning forward on his legs. The tension in the film was building, and the attack was imminent at this point. Virgil waited with bated breath for some violent action.
   When the ghost made its move, Patton and Emile shrieked from the couch, clinging on to each other for dear life. Deceit cackled in delight. Thomas shook his head and chuckled, and Remy looked extremely amused. Talyn watched with unparalleled interest, and Joan leaned back and smiled. Roman didn’t have much of a reaction, probably because he was facing away from the film and blissed out. Virgil’s instincts near Remy were still on edge, but he felt a little more in control with blood and some lovely brutal murder.
   Virgil was certain Roman fell asleep while they were watching, which didn’t seem like the best idea in a hot tub. The movie is back to them dealing with the terror over actual terrors, so Virgil hopefully had a minute before there was any more gore. Virgil carried Roman out of the hot tub and dripped his way to the bathroom to towel off the water.
   There was a giant standing shower with a bench he propped Roman up against to dry him with a towel. The food should be here soon, so having to wake up Roman to eat conflicted Virgil. Obviously he needed the nutrients since Virgil just fed, but Roman also kept staying up too late and needed the rest. That was probably why he got sleepy when he lost a bit of blood. Virgil shouldn’t have fallen for their pestering and made Roman fall asleep in the middle of a movie party with other vampires Virgil didn’t fully trust.
   Virgil sighed and opted to let him nap for the time being. The guy slept like a rock to be capable of sleeping through this, but Virgil tried to be light and gentle nonetheless. He dried Roman off carefully and picked one of the empty rooms to lay him on a bed. He tucked in Roman, leaving him laying on a towel so his swim trunks wouldn’t soak the sheets. Roman was still feeling warm from the hot tub, But Virgil laid a towel over him, anyway.
   He went back into the living room and slid his clothes back on to rejoin the movie, though he left his leather jacket on the back of the couch. Patton, Emile, and Logan were now all under blankets on the couch. He had no idea where ever they ran off to find them since Virgil wasn’t gone that long. One of the closets they found earlier could have been a linen closet? Logan would have known, probably, considering he ran around checking everything when they first got here.
   Virgil moved to sit back on the floor in front of Patton, but they caught his shoulder. Virgil looked to Patton, and they shook their head and pointed to the spot next to them and looked scared. Virgil chuckled and sat down, letting Patton burrow under his arm, holding on tight to Virgil’s torso. Deceit leaned against Virgil affectionately on the other side. Logan seemed happy with his space, for now. He watched the movie tensely while his hands gripped his knees.
   Room service arrived a short while later, and Emile looked ecstatic to have an excuse to look away from the film. Patton also finally left the couch to eat the dinner they intended to at least thirty minutes ago. They both looked like they were watching with wide eyes from across the table as they ate, though. Virgil got up from his seat and went into the bedroom to grab Roman.
   Roman was sitting up on the bed looking dazed when Virgil came into the room. He rubbed his face and seemed lost, furrowing his eyebrows, and didn’t notice Virgil enter. Virgil frowned in concern as Roman spaced out.
   “Shit, are you okay Roman? Did I take too much?” Virgil stressed, hastily moving to Roman’s side next to the bed.
   “Oh, Virge. No, I’m just-” Roman yawned widely and covered his mouth. “-still kinda feelin’ it other than being tired,” He ran his hand through his hair and blinked a few times.
   “Well, the food’s here if you want to change and come eat,” Virgil offered his support. Roman took it, and Roman was oddly warm to the touch. “I think you were in that hot tub too long, you’re still pretty warm,” Virgil muttered.
   “I feel dandy, I’m just a little out of it,” Roman said cheerily. “Get out of here so I can change,” Roman pointed to the door lazily and Virgil helped him off the bed before leaving back to the couch.
   Virgil returned to his spot in between Logan and Deceit. Deceit cuddled up to him immediately. It looked as if Virgil had made it back just in time because murder: part two was gearing up. The swelling of the background music and the close zoom of the camera attracted Virgil’s interest right away. Virgil heard Roman come out and sit at the table with the others, and it relieved him Roman was finally eating. Plus, there was blood everywhere on the screen. Roman quietly uttered a disgusted noise, but there was a splash from Remy leaning forward excitedly and the other vampires all tensing for the kill.
   There was a collective sigh as the remains of the foolish homeowner collapsed on the ground. Deceit nodded slightly, maybe to someone’s thoughts. Virgil leaned into the couch happily and Deceit played with the hair at the base of his neck, also relaxing again. They watched out the rest of the film quietly. Patton and Emile must have been too tense to return to the couch because they never moved, but eventually, Roman came back and laid in Deceit’s lap.
   When the movie was over, Roman got up to flip through the other movie disks with a curious hum. He still looked very satisfied, but less out of it while he examined the cases.
   “Alright, what are you feeling next? Castle of Terror or Mystery of the Marquis?” Roman said, holding the two movie cases up to see.
   “What are the descriptions?” Deceit asked lazily, nestled under Virgil’s arm. Roman flipped over the case to read it.
   “Castle of Terror has the phrase ‘murder frenzied’ on it,” Roman supplied, grimacing slightly.
   “Sold!” Virgil and Remy both called out at the same time.
   “Aw, but Mystery of the Marquis is supposed to have neck ripping,” Talyn whined, opposing their selection with some extraordinarily pertinent information.
   “That one!” Deceit blurted out eagerly.
   “Yass, bitch!” Remy cheered, also changing his mind.
   “We can watch all three, we have the room all night and none of you sleep,” Roman chuckled and shook the cases at them.
   “Logan would go to bed earliest, hand him the cases and let him pick the next one,” Virgil suggested, pointing to Logan.
   “I will stay up tonight. It would be hard to sleep. There is an unsettling intermittent crawling sensation up my spine,” Logan supplied, shaking his head.
   “Sorry, Logan,” Virgil frowned. Perhaps he should offer to take Logan back to the dorm again.
   “I would have stayed awake even if there wasn’t some kind of strange prey instinct occurring,” Logan shrugged dismissively. Roman passed off the cases to Logan to make his choice, anyway.
   “Ugh, I relate. The feeling on my neck is getting a little weird,” Patton agreed, rubbing their neck with a perturbed expression.
   “I think the Mystery of the Marquis would be a superb choice,” Logan decided, holding up the case. Roman nodded and took both disks back and loaded up the movie. Remy got up and climbed out of the hot tub to go dry off, walking across the room confidently.
   “Emmy, babe, feed Joan before the next movie,” Remy waved as he disappeared into the bathroom doorway. Emile stood from the table and dropped himself into Joan’s lap with a bright grin.
   “Come here often?” Emile laughed playfully. Joan groaned loudly and pulled on his arm swiftly to feed on him. Emile’s smile softened, and he relaxed against the chair. Roman came back over to the couch after he loaded the disk into the player and returned to cuddling Deceit. Deceit leaned into Virgil and angled Virgil’s head facing down to steal a kiss. Virgil smiled happily into it and Deceit pet Roman’s hair in his lap. Patton got up from the table and climbed up the back of the couch to sit behind Virgil on the top of the couch. They started playing with his hair again after freeing it from the lumpy bun.
   “Did you want to finish the hairstyle?” Their determination amused Virgil, shifting to let Patton slide their feet into a more comfortable position before leaning back again.
   “Yes! It will look amazing,” Patton said fervently.
   Remy came back out a moment later, tossing a towel on the splashes on the floor. He pulled his clothes back on right after and dragged his foot around the towel to sop up the water and chucked it in the bathroom’s direction. Remy walked over to Joan’s recliner and lifted Emile right out of Joan’s lap. Remy sauntered to the couch, holding on to the out-of-it Emile, and deposited himself on the couch.
   “Bring the suffering, girl, let’s get some throat-ripping action!” Remy commanded, pointing excitedly to the TV. Roman sat up enough to reach the remote and settled back against Deceit’s chest. He lazily lifted his arm and pressed play on the next movie before nestling his face and closing his eyes. Logan pulled back up the blanket and leaned back, looking interested in the new movie. Patton kept braiding as the movie started up, and Virgil sighed happily as he stroked Roman’s hair slightly with the arm around Deceit.
   This movie was much less eventful in that most of the people in the room were watching it so intensely that the vampires barely moved and the humans mostly shifted nervously. Patton got distracted again from their braiding, but Virgil’s hair felt mostly put together when they stopped and held on tight to Virgil’s head while they leaned forward. The movie had less suspense than the first movie and more brutality, which was incredibly gratifying. It wasn’t so much a mystery as much as it was historians and a greedy person getting slaughtered violently by a vampire. This one might have been by a vampire, it had so much blood and throat-ripping.
   Patton buried their face in Virgil’s hair after things got intense every time, and they slid down the couch and hid behind Virgil more than halfway through the movie. They made little squeaks of terror and flinched every time there was a loud noise. Logan threw a blanket over Patton and they didn’t come back out. Virgil held up his arm and Patton slid into it instantly and grasped it tight, laying on Virgil now and hiding behind the blanket. It was very cute.
   Other than noises of disgust, Roman seemed to put up with the movie alright. Logan had that expression he sometimes got while taking notes, and Virgil did not understand how to parse that information. If it meant anything, Virgil had no inkling as to what. But Logan was too invested in whatever way he was and didn’t make any tiny noises. Emile was also hiding under a blanket at this point, but he was still watching, his eyes barely peeked out from his safety blanket.
   The various vampires, on the other hand, often let out various levels of satisfied hisses and didn’t move much. Remy had a deeply contented grin, Joan and Talyn looked absolutely stoked, and Thomas was rigid, but he still had an invested expression. Remy and Virgil had shot each other a few glares and glances and met eyes, but they held their own despite the growing urge again.
   Virgil tried to focus on the movie that was extremely tailored to his murder instincts, but he felt his muscles stiffening. They appeared to have it under control, though, and Remy could just tell them if they needed to change something to avoid an event. Though Virgil wasn’t sure if Remy cared if they started attacking each other. He was unpredictable. Constantly changing things in seemingly strange ways to alter the future probably gave that impression rather than the reality of it.
   Virgil was still tense when the film was finally over. Roman got up with a hop from Deceit’s lap, and Deceit looked concerned about Virgil’s hard expression while Roman messed with the movie disks.
   “Are you doing alright, love?” Deceit asked quietly.
   “I’m fine,” Virgil hissed and gripped Deceit’s shoulder, a little too rough for an affectionate side hug. Deceit didn’t seem fazed, at least.
   “Clearly,” Deceit drawled sardonically and rolled his eyes, shoving at Virgil irately.
   “Hey, um, is the neck tingling supposed to get worse? Because it feels weird. It feels weird, right?” Patton asked softly, no longer shaken from the film and popping their head out from under the blanket. They hadn’t watched the last half, so it must have been recovery time from their panic.
   “Oh, yeah, it’s giving me shivers,” Roman nodded in agreement as he put the next disk in the player.
   “Hot tub might help,” Virgil grunted, barely moving his lips to talk. He stared stoically ahead. The smell in the suite was overwhelming him.
   “Oh!” Patton perked up excitedly. “Will you join me, Lo-Lo?” They asked, dropping their blanket shield completely.
   “That sounds delightful,” Logan nodded and dropped his blanket, then got up from the couch. He offered his hand to Patton and Virgil cautiously released them, trying to keep himself under control. He took a deep breath in an attempt to steady himself, but that was a bad idea. The smell made Virgil grip at his leg and tear a new hole in his pants with his nails. No more air for him.
   “Virgil,” Deceit chided with a hard voice. But Virgil was done with breathing, so he didn’t respond. He shot a look to Deceit in response and shrugged. “That’s ridiculous, just go fight again,” He insisted pointedly, shoving at Virgil again.
   “I agree. Remington and Virgil need to take it back outside,” Emile replied airily, still a little dazed. “You did get cut off earlier,” He pointed out, lolling his head back.
   “I want to fight Deceit!” Talyn suddenly proclaimed and stood from the recliner, rolling their shoulders.
“Alright,” Deceit shrugged, letting go of Virgil. Deceit slid his suit jacket off and started rolling up his shirt sleeves. “But no tearing at the suit,” He added curtly. Virgil exhaled and looked around nervously. He didn’t want a repeat of earlier today.
   “Is… is everyone okay with me punching his face in and/or my face getting punched in?” Virgil’s tone was acrid with the strain, but he meant it with concern. He was looking specifically at Logan and Patton standing in front of him.
   “Kick some ass!” Roman cheered on the couch next to him. “I’m watching,” He beamed, heading to the patio door.
   “I suppose, though I am not fond of the idea of your face being punched in,” Patton crossed their arms and looked displeased but resigned.
   “I’ll punch where his liver would be if he was human, then,” Remy said brightly, getting up and dropping Emile on the couch. Emile giggled as he bounced on the chair from the height Remy dropped him. He cleared his throat and fixed his hair promptly when he saw people staring at him.
   “Do you have to?” Patton whined, looking sad and pouting out their lower lip pleadingly.
   “That feeling on your neck is going to get worse. Just have a nice time in the hot tub and try to remember they’re very hard to hurt and heal quickly,” Emile offered consolingly. Patton nodded, still upset, but headed off into one of the bedrooms in the suite. Logan went to the bedroom next to it but paused in the doorway.
   “You will be safe?” Logan asked Virgil, his eyebrows furrowed with concern. Virgil was positive if he opened his mouth he would hiss, and he looked to Deceit to answer for him. He didn’t want to be rude or scare anyone.
   “He will be fine,” Deceit reassured him, stretching out his arms. “No gifts and try not to think about your next move or we’ll both be bored,” Deceit said dryly. Talyn bounced in one spot with delight, looking intense.
   “You want to just brawl, babes?” Remy suggested airily, a lazy grin on his face spreading to show his fangs.
   “Remington, love, please don’t cause property damage. It’s not fair, anyway, it would be unmatched even if Thomas sits out,” Emile chided him, pointing at him with a disapproving expression.
   “Aw, but look at him,” Remington pouted. Thomas’s foot was tapping up a storm, and he crossed his arms as he sat on the couch with a scowl.
   “I’ll be better once you two shitheads go punch each other,” Thomas hissed, glowering at them. Patton gasped loudly from the room they were in. Virgil didn’t quite expect that language from Thomas, either, but was kind of impressed Patton could hear it behind a closed door. He wondered if they had good hearing before getting venom.
   “Let’s take it outside before things escalate any worse,” Deceit pulled Virgil off the couch and started shoving him towards the door to the patio. He was happy to be pushed out of the way because he felt roughly ten seconds from going for Remy’s throat if he moved on his own.
   As soon as the fresh air hit Virgil’s nose he breathed with relief, taking a deep breath of clear air. Virgil rolled his shoulders and neck to stretch out a bit, glad to be able to think again.
   “It really was fucking bad in there. We should open the windows,” Joan huffed, coming out next behind Virgil. “We should probably scatter after the third movie or Remy and Virgil might go for the neck,” Joan said, eyeballing Virgil’s exceedingly stiff stance as Talyn came outside with Deceit.
   “Sounds nice,” Virgil grunted darkly. “Get the fuck out here,” Virgil called to Remy. Remy shot out the door and tried to tackle Virgil, but he wasn’t having it this time and braced against the tackle just to have the angle to punch him hard as Remy rammed into him. They grappled for a moment and they threw Deceit into Virgil. Deceit pushed off of Virgil instantly and went after Talyn again. Roman cheered as Virgil successfully lifted Remy and threw him behind himself. Remy launched off of something to tackle Virgil from behind that sent Virgil rolling.
   Roman jeered as Virgil and Remy tumbled around, Talyn getting launched into them at one point, but Virgil’s sole focus on kicking ass without fangs or claws that he longed to use. Remy hissed as Virgil kicked Remy off of him. Joan went flying past for a moment, which confused Virgil, but attacking Remy again was his priority. He felt a powerful blow on Deceit, though, and tossed Remy immediately, launching off to protect Deceit on instinct, landing in front of him and taking a hit from Talyn, who froze as soon as they made contact.
   Remy came and tackled Virgil out of the way and they were back at grappling for dominance across the rooftop and over the edge onto which earned a scream from Emile. But Virgil flipped to the building side and managed to throw Remy back up before things got too dicey. Virgil ran up the wall to join him before they attracted any attention.
   “Be careful, you fucking idiots!” He heard Joan call as Virgil landed and went for Remy again.
   Virgil felt the urge to rip out Remy’s throat fade and he could have more fun with it instead of fighting himself with every hit. Remy smirked and landed a hard hit into Virgil’s side, so he must have been feeling similarly. They tossed punches, kicks, and each other for another few minutes. Roman cheered on Virgil excitedly, and Thomas applauded Remy in turn. Virgil spun rapidly to slam Remy to the patio by the arm, and Remy barely managed to change gravity polarity in time to avoid ruining the stonework.
   “Boo! Kick his ass!” Thomas jeered and Remy used his legs to flip Virgil swiftly onto the ground and they tumbled across the tiles. There was an opening for Remy’s throat he nearly took and had to bounce back for a moment.
   “What the-” Roman shouted as Virgil bit his own arm, careful not to penetrate his skin, before going back in to attack Remy and landing a punch right in his smug face.
   “Having fun?” Remy snarled and swept at Virgil’s legs and kicked him while he was down. Virgil twisted and grabbed Remy’s leg, causing them to grapple for dominance across the patio once more. “Come on babe, just one bite,” Remy hissed and Virgil had to punch him in the face to stop Remy from angling his head to attack.
   “I’m not a fucking venom junkie,” Virgil snarled, shoving him away with enough force to send him skidding a few feet. Remy dove to bite and Virgil struggled to push him off, opting to roll to dodge instead. Remy went in for another bite, and then there was a bright flash of light out of the corner of Virgil’s eye.
Personal Taglist: @elizabutgayer @ollyollyoxinfree
The Taglist Repository (ask to be removed): 
DLAMP: @somehow-i-got-an-account @a-fandom-trashdump @averykedavra @legendsgates @notveryglittery 
Dating (for real)/Cuddles (but also lots of other tags): @idont-freaking-know @aceawkwardunicorn
Virgil-Centric: @demoniccheese83 @thatgaydemigodnerd @arya-skywalker @rainbowbowtie @lookingforaplacetosleep
Humans:  @starlight-era  @just-your-typical-trans-guy @potatsanderssides
Supernatural Beings: @callboxkat @nonasficcollection @10moonymhrivertam
Everything Taglist: @katelynn-a-fan @dwbh888 @royal-stormcloud @thefivecallsExceptions @ananonsplace @intruxiety @brain-deadx0 @the-grounded-raven @just-your-typical-trans-guy @grouptalekindnesssoul @the-hoely-bleach @anvil527up @fanficloverinthesun
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I had a dream that Thomas & Co. were working on the next video to post on “Thomas Sanders And Friends” but it includes this nightmarish, haunted scene. So to get a good shot, on Halloween night they invited all fanders to come to this movie studio set to be extras in the video. So I went and the movie set was outside in this industrial area where there was two, eight story buildings and a creepy forest off the edge of it. Talyn and Joan were doing everyone’s makeup, making all of the fanders look like some type of ghost/Zombie/vampire and once our makeup was done we all had to stand in line to start the video.
So one by one Leo would tell a group of twenty of us fanders to go into the first building (like you do at a haunted house) and when my group went inside we ran up some stairs before being chased by a bunch of dark shadows that were controlled by Virgil and Logan. My group and I ran from the shadows towards this bright red door before stumbling in. On the other side of the door was Patton and Roman clapping excitedly while they sat on tall directors chairs. I remember them shouting a bunch of compliments about how well we did and that our acting was nice etc etc. But then they froze and disappeared into tendrils of smoke.
As my group and I panicked (bc we didn’t know if this was part of the show or not) the floor fell out from under us and we just kept falling endlessly. Then (as we’re falling) Thomas’ voice echoes around us saying, “This isn’t part of the video! I don’t want them to meet him yet!” And suddenly we freeze in midair.
Then another voice, that’s slightly silky but also raspy, croons, “Hello adoring fans!” But before any of us responds Virgil shouts “CUT!”
Then I woke up.
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