#vanitas my dearest
yanderefairyangel · 1 year
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Ok I was so obsessed with being emotionally destroyed by a toothpaste colored dragon I completely forgot I am a VNC fan so have a quick little vani
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napstawantstosleep · 2 years
Update on self :
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fairy-writes · 1 year
Hey can you write a super cute fluff ler!roland fortis x lee!reader where the reader is dating roland and the reader is super ticklish, especially on her thighs and roland tickles her to see her bright smile because it makes him happy plz?
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Fandom(s): The Case Study of Vanitas
Pairing(s): Roland Fortis x Female!Reader
Genre(s)/Tag(s): Tickling, kisses, FLUFF
Notes: I’m going to be honest… I hate being tickled, so this was really difficult for me to enjoy writing. BUT I TRIED MY BEST
Roland was a bit peculiar when it came to visiting him at his home.
His home was a bit peculiar in and of itself for someone like him. It was a little red brick cottage with a white picket fence and flowers he tended to religiously in his time off (when he wasn’t visiting you), with a little pond by the front gate. Whenever you spent the night, you fell asleep wrapped in his arms, listening to the soft sounds of frogs chirping you to dreamland.
Back to peculiar. 
You fiddle with the key in your hand, juggling groceries in the other. 
“Damn key, just open!” You growl through gritted teeth, slowly losing your grip on the paper sack in the crook of your left arm. 
The door is flung open, and Roland leans in the doorway, a mischievous smile curling the corners of his lips. He was dressed casually in his button-down and slacks, his bare feet sinking into the plush rug at the entrance. 
“Need some help?” He asks, and you sigh, nodding reluctantly and handing the groceries over to your lover. He hefts them into his arms easily and steps aside to let you through. 
The inside is just as peculiar as the outside. With rosewood chairs topped with soft white pillows and matching couches in the front room, it was a stark contrast to what most people expected of Roland. 
It was probably because you had helped him decorate the interior of his home when he first purchased it. 
You toe off your shoes at the entrance and then make your way to the kitchen to put away the groceries. Roland follows like a puppy, with that same mischievous smile on his lips. 
The kitchen is just as bright as the rest of the house. The curtains in the adjoining dining room are open, letting in the natural sunlight and brightening up the picked flowers at the center of the table. 
Roland puts a hand on your waist and presses a light kiss to the side of your neck where it meets your shoulder. His hands trickle up and down your side, causing you to squirm as the ticklish touch itched you. 
“Stop. That tickles.” You mutter as you begin to put groceries away. Eggs go in the fridge. Flour in the cupboard. Sugar next to that. Ingredients for bread and cookies are safely stored away. 
All the while, Roland has attached himself to your side, shuffling after you adorably if not a bit awkwardly, given he was so much broader than you. 
“But I love tickling my dearest girl.” He whispers, and you shiver at the feeling of his lips brushing your ear. 
“Doesn’t mean I like it.” You grumble, and he chuckles, catching onto your little white lie.
“Of course you do. Don’t lie to me, love.”
After the groceries are put away, you and Roland are reading on the couch. A quilt is thrown over the two of you as you read quietly to your lover. He had his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder as his green eyes scan the words on the page. 
He seems content.
You feel fingers tracing shapes on your hips, trickling up and down your thighs. You squirm, and your voice wavers. 
“Roland…” You say warningly, and he tightens his grip on your waist, his fingers disappearing from your hips. 
“What? I’m not doing anything.” He says, and you can hear the grin in his voice. 
Your book is eventually abandoned when Roland’s hands begin to wander again, tickling your sides and thighs until you are giggling up a storm and drop the book to swat at his hands. You can’t even get the air to breathe to tell him to stop. 
He eventually does, with a kiss to your cheek and a tight squeeze of your back to his chest. 
Roland sure is peculiar. 
But you love him anyway. 
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duchess-kyuupid · 2 years
Hi! Your fic about Idia melted my heart.
Could I request a female reader singing Zero from Vanitas no Carte (it's in English) to Jamil at VDC because she admires and adores him?
Of course! I loved Vanitas no Carte, especially the ed song- like it's so pretty! Once again, for anyone who wants to listen along or has never heard the song, here it is! And sorry it took some time, dearie! I should be working on my college paper rn, but I've kept you waiting for long enough! Hope you enjoy <3
[Fem! Reader (no pronouns used, so it can be read as gn too), Fluff, Set in Book 5] {Uh,, this is a long one guys... About 4,600 words, for reference...Whoops, sorry not sorry I love this man to bits lol}
~Dedicating a Song to Jamil at SDC/VDC~
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Okay, well, admittedly, you may have been more relieved than you should have been that you were not accepted into Vil's little group to represent the school. You always thought that your voice wasn't that great, but Grim wanted to tryout with you, and Crowley was offering to improve your living conditions at the Ramshackle dorm, so reluctantly you had agreed. You felt quite fortunate that Grim's off-tune (and frankly horrid) singing drowned out your own at the audition. However, Grim did not share those same sentiments.
"Hmph, they're missing out by not picking me, my singing is clearly superior to those two," Grim pouts as you carry him in your arms back home. He said that it'd make him feel better after basically being forced into a manager role in their group.
"Shouldn't you be proud for Ace and Deuce for making the cut? Besides, we're still helping out by letting them stay at our dorm. You'll get to watch them work themselves to the bone while you'll be getting tuna for doing basically nothing on the sidelines, isn't that a win for you?" You reason in an attempt to cheer him up a little.
"Hmm, I guess you're right! I'll be living in the lap of luxury while those two idiots do all the work!" he chuckles evilly with a mischievous smile. You supposed cheering him up wasn't such a difficult thing to do when you knew what to say.
"But don't you want to participate too?" he asks out of the blue.
"What? Me, participate? Nonono, that sort of thing isn't for me- I'm not that great, honestly. I think I'd just rather just settle with being their manager than going up there with them," you chuckle nervously.
"But you know," he chuckles, a gleam in his eyes that tells you that he's up to no good again, "I think I remember hearing a certain someone's voice singing in the middle of the night sometimes. 'Was so pretty I couldn't go back to sleep."
"I-I, well, are you sure that it wasn't just the ghosts pulling a prank on you?" your face starting to erupt in that tell-tale sign of embarrassment that revealed to Grim that he was exactly on the right track. With a haughty laugh and an evil smile, he replies,
"Nope. Asked them already, and they even said they saw you singing in the courtyard." Busted. You groan loudly and try to look away from Grim's teasing looks, but alas, as you were currently carrying him in your arms, facing yourself away from him would require you to rotate your head around like an owl- that or you'd just have to stop looking where you were walking and risk tripping over something.
"Please don't tell me how many times you heard me..." you say as your ears become redder than Riddle's hair.
"Fufufu, I don't understand why you're so embarrassed about it! You've clearly got some talent in singing- not as much as me of course, but it's still impressive for a human! So why didn't you sing like that at the audition? We could've been part of the team and had all the spotlight together!"
"Well, that's the problem," you half-heartedly laugh, scratching your cheek nervously, "I'm not a big fan of the spotlight. I've actually always wanted to be a singer, but I always got stage fright so I never went through with it."
"OHOHOHO, is my dearest Prefect of Ramshackle in need of my everlasting kindness?" you hear a sudden voice proclaim from above you and you shriek in surprise as Headmaster Crowley, quite literally, drops right in front of you out of nowhere.
"Hey! Stop showing up out of the blue like that! Ya nearly gave me a heart attack!" Grim exclaims (who may or may not have accidentally scratched your arms in his own shock). Crowley ignores Grim's complaints as he stares into your eyes with a wide, knowing smile.
"I couldn't help but overhear that you enjoy singing, and!" he emphasizes, "I just so happened to be nearby the area when you were doing your audition. I believe that should be sufficient to grant you a spot for a solo at the SDC."
"You need not thank me for my generosity! I know that I am just ever so kind to my wonderful students- it is simply a part of my job as the Headmage of this amazing academy! Oh, but, there is the tiny fact that you will not be representing our school in your performance, but I'm sure that you will be more than happy with the arrangements nonetheless!" Crowley proclaims excitedly. Your mind was still reeling in confusion, as is most encounters with this man, so Grim asks in your place,
"Right, so what's the catch?"
To which Crowley gasps dramatically as if he's been hurt by Grim's question, "To think of such a thing! Why, I'm merely extending my gratitude towards one of my favorite students who I only wish to see succeed!"
"Yeah, yeah, sure you do," Grim states with a pensive look on his face.
"Buuuut, if said favorite student of mine did want to sing at the SDC competition- the solo competition is considered separate from the group acts, and thus the first place winner of the solo's will also receive a fair compensation of around 25 thousand Thaumarks! Isn't that just enticing?" At the sound of that, Grim immediately hops on board; he looks to you with excited eyes, almost begging you to accept the offer.
"Uhm, why are you asking me for this specifically, headmage?" you ask quietly.
"Why, it's as I've stated earlier, I merely wish to see you succeed! Aren't I so generous?"
"Well, I mean, you probably heard what I was saying earlier. I'm not good with crowds, so I-"
"Hush, hush with that nonsense!" Crowley interrupts you by bringing up a finger to your mouth to stop you from speaking, "I know I already promised you better living arrangements for lending the Ramshackle dorm to Vil's group, however, if you decide to agree to this solo act, then I will also arrange for free personal catering for you at Ramshackle....But only for lunch!" And he steps back from you with his hands on his hips, standing proud at his joke of an offer.
"Isn't that just like lunch at the school cafeteria? And besides, I'm not even at the dorm at lunchtime during the school week."
"Sounds like a great deal, sign me up!" Grim exclaims, despite your words.
"Wonderful, wonderful! I'm so glad that you've agreed! I look forward to your spectacular performance!" And without another word, Crowley flies away to who knows where, almost as if to avoid having to answer to whatever you had to say next.
"Grim, you're grounded from eating any tuna until after the SDC is over."
By now it was far, far too late to be changing your mind about this- if you've even had a choice in it to begin with. You wish right now that you could have just turned Crowley down when you had the chance, but now you were stuck with this. Stuck with having to come up with something for this show. Stuck here sitting in the middle of the night with only two weeks before the event, with nothing but a blank page to showcase for your 'routine.'
Half of it's because of your work as the new 'manager' for Vil's group, half of it's because you're also trying to keep up with your normal school work too, but the biggest reason why you've hardly touched it is because you just...don't know what to do.
Most of the time, the songs you'd sing out in the courtyard would be songs your parents wrote and sang to you as a child, so they became your way of connecting back to home. Sure, you've written one or two songs of your own because you really did want to become a singer, but you always felt that those songs could never compare to the ones other people would write. And now, having to watch over Vil's group like this, you can't help yourself from comparing yourself to them.
But you technically made a promise, and you were going to go through with it. So, you decided that you would not go to sleep until you've written at least one (1) verse. Unfortunately, this has resulted in you staring at a blank piece of paper for the past 5 hours, with nothing coming up in your head to write about for your song and the time was nearing almost 5 a.m. Vil was definitely going to reprimand you tomorrow for getting no sleep, but it is technically also your fault for deciding not to tell any of them about your entry.
There's no hard feelings against them, of course, it's just that, you thought that if you did decide to tell them that you were also participating in the event, maybe it wouldn't work out too well for you. Sometimes, they can be a little bit...overbearing, to put it kindly, so you didn't want them to influence the song you're writing with their strong personalities. Vil would probably make you go through his own special skincare routine, both Rook and Kalim would give you so many compliments that you wouldn't be able to find any constructive criticism, and Ace and Deuce would probably give you too much criticism, under the guise of teasing you. And Epel? You honestly don't know how he'd react. He might just be in agreement with you as you both mutually didn't want to do this, but in the end you don't see him being very helpful seeing as how well he's been doing recently.
Jamil was probably the only one you could bring yourself to trust with this. He'd give you his solid, honest opinion without being too harsh or too jokey about it. He knows a lot about a lot of different things, so he could offer some advice on your song- what to change, what might sound better, and the like. Which would be helpful, if you had anything written down to begin with.
And in your tired, sleep-deprived state, you thought it'd be a great idea to go to him and ask for advice at this hour. So you leave your room quietly, knocking upon his door to get his attention. It didn't really take very long to wake him up in this way, and he answers the door in his pajamas with his face looking like he was fully awake and ready for anything.
"What's wrong? Did something happen?" he asks gravely as he sees the look on your face (to be fair, you almost looked like a dead person with your tired eyes and your hunched over posture).
"Not an emergency. Need advice," you mumble.
"Advice for what? Can it wait until the morning? What are you even doing up this early?" he sighs.
You take a second to respond to his questions in your sleepy, delirious state, but when your mind finally processes it, you just give him a tiny shrug and a measly, 'I dunno.'
So with yet another sigh coming from him, he gently escorts you back to your room, assuming that you're just one of those types of people who lucidly sleepwalk sometimes. But when he tries to set you back in your bed, you stubbornly stand in place, crying out, "No! I'm not going to sleep until I write something down."
"You're trying to write something?"
You nod, "Mhm, but I don't know what. My parents would write about each other. They would write about the things they love. I wanna be like them, but..." your words drift away as your mind tries to succumb to sleep.
"So you want advice on what to write?" he asks with yet another sigh, and you manage to nod your head again, stubborn as you are to not sleep until you've gotten something done. "Then my advice for you is to go to sleep. Forcing yourself like this isn't going to get you anywhere. Having a clear mind is essential to writing. And when you've got plenty of rest, go outside and try out some new things. Sometimes all it takes is a change of scenery to get your inspiration going. I'll tell the others not to bother you today, so just rest for as long as you need to," he says quietly. If you were actually lucid enough to pay attention to his body language, you'd have noticed the soft looks he was giving you, or the way that he was being as gentle as possible with you as he led you back to your bed successfully.
In any case, you accepted his advice, falling dead asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow, and Jamil is left shaking his head at your (adorable) antics as he walks back to his own room.
When you woke up, it was nearly 2 in the afternoon, and as promised, no one had bothered you at all. In fact, the whole dorm was quiet, with not a single soul to be seen. Which was completely reasonable, seeing as how technically school was still in session right now and the others would have practice for a few more hours in the ballroom of the Pomefiore building after that. In other words, you had the whole place exclusively for yourself for the rest of the day.
And yet, you found something quite peculiar sitting on your bedside table. It was a tea set, with a piping hot cup of tea sitting in the middle and a small note leaning against it. Holding up the note closer to your face, you can see that it reads,
'I've used magic to make sure that the tea stays warm no matter how many hours pass, but it starts to wear off when you touch it. The tea is an herbal remedy, supposed to help you clear your mind and stay focused. I wish you luck with your writing. Signed, Jamil'
Jamil made this? For you? Your face grows red in embarrassment as you recall asking for vague advice last night (or this morning, technically). You take a sip of the tea anyway, and you could feel inspiration coming to you as your thoughts continued to wander to Jamil.
'His smile. His kindness. His determination and his thoughtfulness. There's a million different things I could write about him and yet never reach the end of all the amazing things about him.'
And for the rest of the day, it was as if your pen had a mind of its own as it flew across the paper to retell your experience of you finding something that has always been there, yet you're only just realizing it now.
And so finally, the day of the event had arrived. It was organized so that the groups would perform first, then the solo performers would come after, and then the results of the competition would follow that, which admittedly made you nervous because it meant that the person you've dedicated this song to will be watching you perform said song. You dreaded the idea of being so vulnerable in front of this many people, however, if it meant that you could release all of these pent-up emotions within you, then perhaps it might do you some good to let it all out...
You dressed as nicely as you could, given the limited amount of clothing you had available to you since you've come to this world, but you thought you did a pretty good job at making yourself look presentable out there.
But now, it was finally go-time. All of that preparation, the secret trips to the woods at night to practice your singing and your dancing, the little glances over to Jamil as he's practicing his own routine- all of it is going to be put to the test here and now. The only barrier between you and first place now is your conviction to sing about your love for a certain Scarabian dorm member.
Your name gets called on the speakers, and you sheepishly walk up on stage with your microphone. Your eyes instinctively begin to search the crowd for your friends, but you stop yourself before you could find them because seeing their faces might make you even more nervous than you already are. You stand in the middle of the stage for a moment as the crowd quietens and the instrumentals of your song begins.
'Jamil, I dedicate this song to you- you who gave me the inspiration to compose, you who has given me the courage to follow my dreams. To you, who I've loved for all this time without realizing it. Please, accept my feelings as I sing just for you,' you think, taking a deep breath, and you start to sing.
'Ahead in the empty distance, Fading away unanswered, I turn off the lights to see all the colors in the shadow, Travels across an instant, Far beyond tomorrow, I'm watching a faint breath send a ripple through the water'
Your voice rings out softly, with a gentleness most wouldn't expect for a song appearing at SDC as it echoes through the stadium. And you smile as you get lost in your thoughts again about Jamil. He has always been the type of person to stay in the shadows, always trying his best to avoid any unnecessary attention being drawn to him, but alas, it was exactly because of this that his presence made such faint ripples in your heart to begin with. As the music kicks up a notch, you begin to start your carefully choreographed dance that accompanied this song.
'When I lose myself, I become you, Ichi kara juu leads me back to, Here inside your veil, Finer than a grand view, We'll take a dive, Not even tides can come between us,'
And you recall clear as day how when you were basically delirious from sleep deprivation, your mind's first thoughts were to go to him. Because you knew that you could trust Jamil with anything (despite his many warnings that you shouldn't trust him as much as you do). Your dance suddenly changes its slow momentum as the song progresses to be a bit faster.
'Was it you who I've been searching for, Spent my life alone and waited for, So tenderly and endlessly, You made me whole, you made me whole'
Coming to Twisted Wonderland has been in equal parts exciting and fun, yet so terribly lonely for you. You were lonely even in your own world, never having many friends who would support your interests, but Jamil always made you feel like you could be yourself around him. He was always just,,, safe.
'And the walls I built they melt away, With every touch in your embrace, Every day, every night, every note I play, You made me whole, you made me whole.'
You've become truly entranced into your thoughts, the lyrics and the dance movements coming to you naturally as your mind focuses on other things. From the crowd (that you've long since forgotten about), the people listening in were stunned to silence, enchanted by your voice and your song. Even your group of friends were staring at you with wide eyes as you continued to sing. Especially Jamil.
'How could I have been so blinded, Running away in circles, I hear my doubts drop, When I see you in the mirror,
Right beneath the surface, Washed away my sorrows, I feel your heartbeat, As it echoes through the hour'
Jamil can only stare at you with his eyes as wide as saucers, just like everyone else. Has he ever heard you sing before? No, he doesn't think he has, but he knows that you auditioned with Grim, Ace, and Deuce in front of Rook and Vil, so with a voice as beautiful as yours, why weren't you picked to represent the school? There must have been some sort of mistake in the auditioning process. You clearly had more talent than Ace and Deuce combined...
'When I lose myself, I become you, You are the moment I belong to, Here without our names,'
'Yes, a rose by any other name would smell as sweet... Jamil is so much more than just a servant to the Al-Asims. Oh, to be rid of the Viper name so that he no longer needs to suffer like he has.'
'We're back to being brand new, There's no need to hide, Just you and I until forever'
And as you repeat the chorus, Jamil can't help but to feel like certain parts of this song are quite familiar to him. Like the lyrics are grabbing hold of his heart and caressing it with the tenderness of a lover.
'Was it you who I heard through the door, When I cried and had no place to go? Every day, every night, every note I play, You made me whole, you made me whole.
Tracing and tracing the sunset, Appearing a zero and finally, Now I remember, Oh I have never lived a day without you
Untie the layer of memories, Louder we spin with the melody You are the only, only one for me'
No no no, this couldn't possibly be what he's thinking. This song is clearly a romantic ballad for someone that you must've fallen in love with at some point in time (either here or in your world). This 'familiarity' is just something his mind is making up. And just as he begins to dismiss his initial thoughts, you happen to finally make eye contact with him. You repeat the chorus again with a look in your eyes that convey everything that you're singing and more as you lose yourself to the music.
'I'll never believe I'm alone, In the end, we begin, 'till we meet again, You made me whole, you made me whole
I know I'm never alone.'
And with that, the song comes to an end, and the instrumentals fade out until the auditorium just sits still in complete silence. About a solid minute passes of silence, and you stare up at the crowd with an awkward look on your face. Thinking that this was something that the crowd has disliked, you were just about to apologize for your performance, but then the entire place erupts in an excited cheer.
"WHAT AN AN AWE-INSPIRING PERFORMANCE FROM A STUDENT AT NRC! WHY I DO BELIEVE THAT THIS MUST'VE BEEN ONE OF THE BEST WE'VE SEEN SO FAR!" you hear the announcer exclaim loudly on the speakers. You stare in shock at the loud crowd, looking at all of the happy faces (some were legitimately crying, namely Rook) cheering for you. In your embarrassment, your face reddens and you try to hide it behind your hands as you let out a meek 'thank you' to the microphone. You bow quickly and move to go backstage, but then you hear someone starting to chant 'Encore!' with many others following suit.
You leave it to the announcers to try to calm the crowd- there was absolutely no way you were going to sing another song up there again. You walk through the halls of the backstage area to get back to... Well, you didn't know where you wanted to go right now. Your face was so red right now and you were so embarrassed that you didn't know if you'd be able to handle the reactions of your friends congratulating you. Even worse, you don't know how you'd handle having Jamil congratulating you, with his stupidly cute smile and his devilishly charming eyes. You'd probably faint.
But speak of the devil and he shall appear, you see Jamil and the rest of your friends in Vil's group walking up to you with various different reactions on their faces. Predictably, Ace was teasing you for hiding away your good singing voice, Deuce and Epel both congratulated you like a normal person would, and Rook and Kalim were both brought to tears at your performance- to the point where Vil and Jamil basically had to rip them away from you (with the condition that you'd give Rook your autograph). Vil stared at you with his normal stern look at first before smiling and patting your head, saying something along the lines of you becoming yet another rival of his.
Jamil, though, he waited until everyone else was done with you before approaching you. Your heart had calmed down tremendously by then, but when you saw him walking up to you, you could feel your heart pounding inside your chest nervously. He gives you his most charming smile with a proud look on his face, and he says gently,
"You were amazing up there. I had no idea you could sing like that."
"Hehe, thanks," you chuckle nervously, looking anywhere but his handsome face, "I-uh... Remember that time I went to your room asking for advice on what to write?" he nods. "Yeah, well, that was for this, so uhm... Thank you, for, you know- giving me inspiration to write that song..."
"I gave you inspiration?" he hums, "I only told you to rest. I don't recall doing anything particularly inspiring." You let out a tiny squeak as you try to explain,
"Well! You know how it goes, one day you've got nothing and then another, you've got everything! You don't need to do anything specific to be inspired, it can just come out of nowhere!" you chuckle awkwardly, and in your nervousness you continued to talk, "And besides, you're plenty inspiration for me without even having to do anything! I wrote it for you, after all!" After the words left your mouth, you gasp and cover your mouth with your hands as your face burns bright red in embarrassment.
Jamil stares at you in shock for a moment after hearing your words. You wrote that...for him? Really? Him?
Well, he did have his suspicions of that at first, with the lyrics sounding as familiar as they did, but he brushed it off earlier, thinking that there would be no way that you would've written something so...so... romantic, for him. Did you really feel that way about him? Did you really reciprocate his feelings for you-- the ones that he's decided long ago to bury beneath the ground because there was absolutely no way you were going to like him that way?
Only one way to find out, he supposes.
Jamil slowly brings his hand to lift your face to look at him. The look in your eyes betrayed many of your emotions- embarrassment, anxiety...and hidden in it's depths, he thought he could see hints of adoration within them. In the past, he has considered using his unique spell to make you fall in love with him, however he has always decided against it, for one reason or another. So he knows that the emotions behind your eyes are real- that the lyrics for your song, which was made for him, was real.
So he takes a small leap of faith, choosing to kiss the side of your cheek, "Thank you, Prefect. It was a very lovely song."
"No," you say breathlessly (you were also in shock because you thought he was going to kiss your lips), "Thank you for being my muse."
OKAY, admittedly, this took me forever, but that's mostly on me for writing so much exposition before getting to the *actual* request part of the story lol Anon I hope that I didn't keep you waiting for too long for this request, and I hope that it was to your liking!
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aritsukemo · 1 year
Welcome! 🤍
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Theme Song - Wildflower - Billie Eilish
Hi!!! I see you've wandered into my little account so allow me to introduce myself! I'm AriTsukemo but most people refer to me as simply Ari! I like to write scenarios and fics for fun!
I made this account with the intent of getting better at writing as well as broden my horizon and writing for different animes! That being said, some animes I have watched ( Or are currently watching ) and will attempt to write for are..
Demon Slayer | The Case Study of Vanitas | Toilet Bound Hanako Kun | Blue Lock | Yona of the Dawn | Haikyuu!! | My Hero Academia | Tokyo Revengers
And more! They're also games that I'm willing to write for such as..
Genshin Impact | Omori | Danganronpa
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Things You Need to Know/Rules
Please don't be rude to the people reading my blog! You can be impolite towards me all you want but I will not tolerate you being rude towards everyone else!
I tend to refer to people who read my works "Dearest", "Love", "Sweetheart", and things like that so I apologize ahead of time if that makes you uncomfortable!
I'm taking requests! If you want to know more regarding my rules for requesting and things like that, you should click here!
I'm always willing to be friends/moots with you, but be warned that I am a bit awkward and may not be very verbal at first so bear with me..
I have an obsession with using emojis/emoticons so I apologize if that upsets you! 🤍
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My Wattpad Account
As some may already know, I mainly write on my Wattpad Account! If you like Genshin Impact, Demon Slayer, or Omori, I definitely suggest clicking the link and checking my books out! 👀✨
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About Me
I am a pan female and go by She/Her pronouns but I'm not at all strict on what you refer to me as so feel free to use any pronouns!
My top favorite characters are Muichiro Tokito, Yuichiro Tokito, Mitsuri Kanroji, Chifuyu Matsuno, Ciel Phantomhive and Astolfo Granatum!
I'm a Cancer and my birthday is July 15th!
My favorite music artists at the moment are Billie Eilish, Alec Benjamin, Chase Atlantic, and Melanie Martinez!
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Dividers were made by me, pictures used are from Pinterest, post formatting is inspired by @xxsabitoxx
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
Happy birthday dearest Void! Since I’m broke AF, I would like to offer you some fic reccs as presents! I hope you don’t mind the Kingdom Hearts fics, I thought you might be interested in these. Totally fine if you’re not though, no pressure!
isn’t it poetic that the sky is what we leave behind? by kirpy https://archiveofourown.org/works/36331276/chapters/90575314 (mostly features Kakashi learning about his clan’s history and culture, which is based off of the Norse myth of Fenrir which is pretty awesome)
sabotage by stirringwinds https://archiveofourown.org/works/16439483 (In which Itatchi has a bit of a mental breakdown and spills the beans about the mission he’s been given to kill his clan to Kakashi. Which is not going to happen on Kakashi’s watch)
The Fox and the Hound by WyrmFood https://archiveofourown.org/works/30301365/chapters/74685978 (Kakashi decides he’s not going to let his past or the council keep him away from Naruto after one too many instances of Naruto being abused by the orphanage feat. Orochimaru being Kakashi’s mama)
The Jinchuuriki Nine (and Saving the World) by LesbianOzoneLizard https://archiveofourown.org/works/35945257/chapters/89614636 (The rookie 9 all time travel back to their genin days. How? Because they’ve all been turned into jinchuuriki of course. Naturally they’re going to change quite a bit)
Hawthorn Bakes the Sweetest Bread by QuinsValoria https://archiveofourown.org/works/27457198/chapters/67126525 (Naruto has mokuton and is pretty much raised by his ANBU guard. Sweet and fluffy)
Kingdom Hearts:
A Shadow, a Light, and a Sky verse by UnknownUnseenUnheard https://archiveofourown.org/series/2419987 (in which Ventus is much more active after taking refuge in Sora’s heart and Vanitas is there too; Sora immediately adopts the two as his older brothers)
(i don’t need you to) Worry for Me by Cygna_hime https://archiveofourown.org/works/501160/chapters/879821 (Explores Vanitas’s time as Xehanort’s apprentice and his trauma because of it)
deadlock by orphan_account https://archiveofourown.org/works/18086636/chapters/42751559 (Bit of a role swap AU where Vanitas is the one initially healed by Sora instead of Ventus. Technically a Sora/Vanitas fic, but they’ve only interacted twice(?) I believe so no shipping just yet)
the language of unborn stars by llien https://archiveofourown.org/works/33263368 (more of a character and relationship study between Sora and Vanitas. Romance is vague enough that it can be read more as qpr though which makes my aro heart happy; HIGHLY recommend)
Of Grilled Ducks and Painted Boats by PoltergeistPanda https://archiveofourown.org/works/31311527 (In which Donald has bad mouthed Sora one too many times so Riki and Kairi decide to do something about it. Mentioned/implied SoRiKai but not the focus)
Oh thank you darling!!
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16th Day: Of Icons and Dolos
Vanitas x gn!reader, Kaito x gn!reader
Advent Calendar
Warnings: some angst in Vanitas' part, heights in Kaito's
Wordcount: about 200-300 each
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Heartless were Paris and his storms. Vanitas asked himself - as he gazed upon your figure standing at the window, watching snowflakes swirling with the wind - if you were Helen or Patroclus. What would that make him? He shivered. He did not think himself Achilles, yet the icon´s sad complexion seemed a mirror of his own face and tragedy.
“Come, hold me, Vanitas.”
Your soft voice brought him back to reality. He moved as if you were his puppeteer, and he couldn´t find it in himself to mind. He was glad; one burden less.
Gently, his arms circled your waist and drew you close to his body. He rested his chin opon your shoulder and watched the snowflakes outside dance with the storm.
Achilles or not, he felt content with you in his arms.
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“You are absolutely insane.” Your voice was cut by the sharp and unrelenting wind, but he heard you, nonetheless. His laughter rang in your ears, seemingly endless in the midst of the snowstorm.
“C´mon, chicken, just hold my hand.”
“I am!” you glared daggers at him. “This is just-“ you looked down. Below you were thousands among thousands of pine needles; illuminated with crystal-like lights and adorned with red and golden glass - and the ground. Dauntingly out of sight.
“Too low?” he asked, smugly, “Even with me, the Greatest Magician of all times by your side? You must be joking, dearest snowflake. Do you truly believe me to do something as foolishly as letting such a beauty as yourself fall to their doom?”
Your unamused stare barely affected him. If anything, it spurred him on even more.
He grinned at you as he slowly walked backwards, and before your heart could even jump out of your chest, he was already falling; his grasp on your hand tight as he brought you down with him.
He laughed when he heard the scream he had drawn from your lips. Quickly, he tugged you toward him and silenced you with a kiss. By the time you opened your eyes again, he was already flying you both over a scenery of white.
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vibelladonna · 4 months
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𝔀𝓱𝓸 𝓪𝓶 𝓲?
Hello dearest reader,
Allow me to introduce myself—I go by Vi. At the ripe age of twenty, I find solace in reading and writing, passions I had since about ten-years-old now as hobbies.
I tend to keep my writings close to heart, sharing them sparingly, for I am one who loves privacy. As a dedicated student in university life, with a major in sociology, a minor in psychology, and aspirations toward a premed track, my schedule is busy af T_T.
So, sometimes I carve out precious time to indulge in writing/reading that brings me immense joy whenever time allows.
Maturity of time on this blog, I will be interacting such as reposting my favorite interests! And though I typically keep my writing to myself, on occasion, I may be tempted to share a piece of fanfiction, if available.
As for my literary preferences, I find myself drawn to drama, mature romance, mystery, psychological thrillers, video games (Bayonetta) and horror—a diverse palette that offers endless avenues for exploration.
Among my favorite manga/anime fandoms lies Death Note, Black Butler, The Study Case of Vanitas, Bungo Stray Dogs and Witch and the Beast. Of course, there are many others fandoms I love that relates to my preferences above.
With warm regards,
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mirick-vn · 7 months
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s0akie · 11 months
A very needed about me post
Here you will find all relevant links, hashtags, and information about your dearest Alastair, so that you don't get lost in my sea of reblogs and gay art.
This blog is my main blog, full of reblogs of things I find interesting or important, as well as my own art and (very occasional) original thoughts.
If you are only interested in the art, which tends to be TTRPGs as well as OC focused (even if my interests may stray away from time to time), I shall redirect you to my art only side-blog, where I reblog all the art I make.
I also have an Art-focused Pinterest Board that I update semi-regularly, for references and more
My commissions are currently [CLOSED] although I have plans to open them back up soon!
NSFW warning ahead! I may reblog/post some generally not safe for work stuff, rarely if ever porn, but just in subject itself (nudity, sex talk, etc.)
- Now for some relevant tags I use:
#my art #aartsy - for my creative brain vomit
#soakie's thoughts #text post - for my general brain vomit and the occasional media analysis
#rb tag - general reblog tag
#art rb - reblog tag but make it art
#me queue tip - queue tag
- Current interests/fandoms:
Dungeons and Daddies ( #dndads )
Case study of Vanitas ( #vnc )
Hades game ( #hades game )
Genshin Impact ( #genshin impact
Wuthering Waves ( #wuwa )
Dungeon Meshi ( #dunmeshi )
The Magnus Archives/Protocol ( #tma #tmagp )
Deadlock (#deadlock #valve deadlock)
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burniingup · 1 year
I'm putting all the pictures under the cut here so its not a huge post on everyone's dash of me and my tattoos.
First my little guys. Flash designs, and my first tattoos just to see how I could sit and stuff.
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Then ORCAS they're my favorite and I used to live in the Puget Sound where we have a resident pod that hangs out all year round and I've been able to go see them out there in their native habitat and they're just an animal that's important to me! So they were my first big tattoo, and my most visible one
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Then Dabi and Vanitas! My intent is to piece by piece get various manga characters all on one leg so the whole leg is like a big page with different characters in each panel. My intent was always to start with Akutagawa or Phos from HNK but hyperfixations take over you know? So I got my two nearest and dearest overdramatic blue-coded boys!
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yanderefairyangel · 1 year
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Draw the brothers
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mcwscollective · 1 year
@kitxkatrp || wanted vanitas
"My beloved Jeanne~" Vanitas purred, sliding one arm around her shoulders to pull her in close to his chest. His lips pressed to the shell of her ear and he smirked. "I had to see you, mon petit chou." With the sky creating chaos for the vampires of the world, of course he would seek out his dearest love and make sure she would be able to cope in his absence if he were to end up focused elsewhere. "There's no telling where I'll be when the Blue Moon rises, but if it happens to be anywhere but your side, I need to know you'll be able to endure the time and space between us."
He moved to grasp her hands, kissing her knuckles as though readying to leave for war. Pouring it on thickly always got the best reactions out of her, after all.
"Can I trust you'll not do anything rash without your powers? The moon is known for its effects of lunacy... the last thing I would want for you is to be driven mad by love, lust, despair, and the moon all at once. Just thinking about you breaking under the weight of it all... Quelle horreur!" Bright eyes closed and he shook his head, playing up the dramatics without letting go of her hands even for a moment. As they flickered open again, he drew her hands to his face again, nuzzling against her flesh. "Tell me, my love... Promise me you'll still be mine when the sun rises once more, even if my body lay not beside yours when it does."
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atomic-taco-muffin · 1 year
Y/N adopted by xehanort au:
Invi: ... *Watched Y/N from a distance* I'm glad you're doing alright my dearest daughter..
Y/N: *stops and looks into the distance* ??
Vanitas: hey you coming?
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bakuten · 3 years
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from 0 to 100 real quick; chibi edition [ep 1-3]
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cheekbites-moved · 3 years
yes i did lose my mind & will continue to forever over the fact that there’s a canon non-binary character in a mochijun work that i share a name with, btw-
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