#vanny x roxy
vilegato · 1 year
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how could i be a real vanessa fan if i didn't post enough stuff about her smh. here's the girlfail
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the-autistic-spider · 4 months
please recommend some Vanny fics where she is manly in the costume
like any a
vanny in a fursuit
an animatronic vanny
just anything
vanny x [character]
pls just recommend some
Reblog Website
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abbythewritor · 1 year
"Janitor" Fnaf Security Breach x Fem reader. *2*
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Description: What happens when Y/n L/n lands a cleaning Job at the mega pizza plex? How will she handle all the Animatronics falling for her?
Warnings: Slight drama, blood, and jealousy, but other than that, none.
Rated: PG-13.
Other things:
-Bonnie and Foxie aren't dismantled, thanks to Gregory.
-Cassie and Gregory are in High School, working as security guards to keep Freddy and everyone else safe.
-I added a new Daycare attendant named Jester, who will be introduced later, and of course, the attendees got new Upgrades, thanks to Gregory.
-The OCs I will be using aren't mind, and the User names will be linked at the end of the chapter; the credits go to them :)
-Finally, no adult content will be included in this story.
Enjoy the second chapter :)
"Wow! Good Job, newbie, we cleaned up in under 2 hours!" Dj's room was finally thoroughly cleaned, and thanks to you, your bright Idea of using some sort of Shop-vac to pick up toys, candy, and other stuff left by kids made this whole Job thing a little easier.
Cyrus, who had just finished putting the vac away, stood by as you sat on the floor, sipping a freshly opened juice box. Looking at his fazz watch, the time read 1:15pm, and a satisfied smile formed his lips. "If we keep this up, we can reach the daycare area by 5. You get the gist of things quickly, Newbie; I knew you'd get the hang of it. Plus, I think you went to the top of Mr. Dj's new friend's list." Chuckling, you sipped more of your juice. "I'm not his friend, Cryus; I just complimented his sunglasses." Cryus sat next to you, slightly nudging your shoulder. "Yeah, and everything else. I knew you didn't say anything, but I can easily see a person's body language when they're geeking out. So you're a robot fan, huh?" Your eyes rolled. "Glamrocks, actually." His eyes widened. "No way, really? Wow, is that why you took the job? Wait... you're not planning on anything weird with Freddy and the others, are you-OUCH!! Hey!! Hey!" He laughed when you hit his shoulder.
"Take your mind out of the gutter; I got this job for the money. Besides, I may be a geek, but at least I'm not like one of those Crazed fans who always kiss their posters." Cyrus nodded. "True, we had a fair of those people come here, not to Freddy, but foxy, surprisingly. Poor guy, we had to close his meet and greet early one day because an older woman came to him with his shirt off." "PFFFT" Apple juice came out of your nose as you and he began to die with laughter. Not believing him, you turned to him with surprise once you stopped coughing. "Really? You're shitting me." His head shook. "Nope, not kidding; I got the whole thing on tape if you want to see it later?" Sighing, your head shook.
"Can this place even surprise me more? First, the pizza here is actually good, Second, I meet a Gianormous spider, who's not a human-eating creature, and finally, I get told a story where Foxy almost got molested." Chuckling, Cyrus put his arms behind his back. "You'd be surprised at what happens at the daycare; Poor Sun has to deal more with the kid's actions than Jester and Moon." Your head tilted.
"Jester and Moon?"
"Oh, they are the attendants with Sun, but their moment to shine is when Nap-Time happens. Jester was meant for both morning and Day, but he takes Tag too seriously." Smirking, you leaned onto your right elbow, now fully onto the floor. "Sounds like me; I hate kids." "Same...but someone has to take care of them while the Parents are gone, the same as we have to take care of this place..." Standing up, he stretched.
"Alright, if we head to the Glamrocks dressings rooms now, we'll still be able to make it while they are still performing, which makes perfect timing for us to clean. Now, being the Geek that you are...I doubt they would be out now, but don't worry, I will give you plenty of chances to see them when that time comes." Nodding, you adjusted your hat. "No problem, not in a rush when it comes to that anyway; I know how busy they all can be. Especially Freddy." Cyrus smiled at you. "Glad you understand, Newbie; now come on. DJ! WE OUTA HERE!!"
"Right on! Thank you, Cyrus and little lady! Don't be a stranger, ok?"
Chuckling, your co-worker held a thumbs up towards the tunnel. "Will do! Say Hi to Mini Dj for us!! Come on, Y/n, let's head to the VIP area." Nodding, you followed behind as he began to walk, grabbing the mop bucket as the both of you headed that way.
In all reality, Mr. Dj's room was pretty neat, even though it was large and a lot to clean; you had fun getting to know the spider, the area, and Cyrus a little more.
This job won't be so bad if the other animatronics are excellent as Dj.
Just as long as you keep your head up and do not embarrass yourself in front of the Glammrocks, you should be fine...
"Cyrus! What are you doing here?!" With a lot of walking, you both made it to the VIP area.
It was huge, right next to the entrances, as many different colored rooms were aligned inside a vast wall, each color representing a different Glamrock and their personalities.
Besides the rooms, you were taking in the mall itself, as the true size of it through your eyes was amazing. Multiple floors, stores, and people surrounded the structure, as familiar music from the Glamrocks played throughout the area.
Many children, adults, and teens walked passed the screen in many different directions, the camera focusing on you as you tried your best not to bump into any people, the mop bucket still being pulled by your grasp.
Not being bothered by Cyrus, he was heading over to a familiar yet older boy, who was shocked to see your Co-worker at this moment. "Gregory! My man!" Giving each other a hug, Gregory fisted his shoulder. "Look at you, man; Summer treated you well." Cyrus was shocked by his comment. "Look at me?! Look at you! You are all grown up! Just yesterday, you and Freddy were being chased by killer Vanny and the others! Just think of how it would go down now!." The boy chuckled while scratching his neck. "It was 8 years ago, Cyrus; Vanny's gone now, unable to hurt anyone again." "Thanks to you! Man, you Kicked that bunny's but! From the beginning, you knew she was involved with the Animatronics going a wall; now, none of them are shut down because of you. Look! You're even freddies personal security guard! How's that going?" Gregory slumped. "It's tiring; Freddy takes every chance of the day to see every. Single. Child. It's annoying enough that I must deal with the crying Kid's parents above it all. They say some...vulgar things..." Cyrus chuckled while his hands went to his hips. "That's Freddy for yah, and yes, sure, the parents suck, but hey, on the bright side, you get to spend more time with him, right?" Gregory shrugged. " I guess your right? But since he's always busy, I tend to hang out with Cassie more than anything. But enough about me, what about you? How's life going for you, and who is that? Is she your girlfriend?" He looked to you, who was being an airhead and was too busy looking around more, stars filling your eyes. Cringing at the sight of you, Cyrus turned to Gregory. "One, I still live with my mom; two, that is Y/n, the newbie; and three, no, she is not my girlfriend." "Huh." Gregory crossed his arms. "That's the Newbie? She doesn't look shy and timid to me-" "Yeah, Dean said that to Dj too...but she's a total geek; you should have seen her when I beat her at a race, anyway, are the gang still performing?" Gregory nodded. "The Guys are; Foxie and Chica don't perform until later tonight; they're practicing for their Duo downstairs. Do you guys need to clean their rooms right now?" Cyrus nodded. "Might as well, since we are on time; we just want to get it cleaned before they get done so fan girl over here....doesn't get too overwhelmed." They both looked to you, who was standing there like an idiot, who played with the ends of her hair and fiddled with your Tee-shirt. Gregory laughed at his statement, his hand lifting his hat up slightly. "I get that; I know Bonnie and Freddie can get a little touchy around new people, so I'll try to keep them distracted until you are done." Cryus patted his back. "Thanks, Gregory, always the hero; hey, Newbie!" Getting your attention, you looked at him as he motioned to you with his thumb. "Let's get started; follow me!" Nodding your head, you grabbed the mope bucket to follow him, walking past Gregory as he told you the plan, both of you heading to Freddie's room first.
Gregory, who just shook his head, sighed as familiar sounds of doors rang through his ears. Turning, he saw Freddy and Familiar animatronics coming toward him, which made him smile.
"Freddy!" He yelled, catching the attention of the bear, who was talking to Bonnie on his right side. "Gregory!" He replied, tail wagging as the boy ran up to him, latching himself onto the robot. "Look at Ya, boy, all dressed up and everything," Foxy spoke, referring to his uniform as the boy adjusted his hat. "Yeah, I never expected this outfit to be this fancy; it feels kinda weird." Monty glared at him. "You're making it feel weird, kid; it looks good on ya." Bonnie nodded. "I agree; besides, it's better than wearing those clothes daily, right?" Gregory huffed, his arms crossing. "At least those close were comfy." Freddy chuckled while putting a hand on his back. "Well, I'm proud of you, superstar; it's a rare opportunity for a high schooler to get this job; you should feel honored." The boy crossed his arms. "I'll feel honored when the stupid parents stop bullying me. Everyone besides him and Monty laughed, Freddy looking at him again. "Greggory, if I can ask, is there a way can we go to our rooms yet to recharge? There is a malfunction I need to check; my left eye seems to be a bit more blurry than usual." "I wish you guys could, but Cyrus has a Newbie with him; they're cleaning your rooms as they speak." Bonnie's eyes widened. "Theirs a new Janitor? Why isn't Dean here then?" Gregory shrugged. "Dunno, but Cyrus doesn't want to overwhelm her, so it's best if you guys do something else for now." Freddy nodded with a smile. "No problem, superstar, we'll think of something." Foxy did a stretch. "Yar...might as well be heading to my ship; I don't want Roxy putting her dirty paws on me, gold..." Bonnie's eyes rolled. "I told you, foxy, it's not roxy who steals it; kids sometimes swallow those things, you know?"
"Doesn't matter; my gold matters too much; I need to protect it." Watching Foxie walk away, trying his best to avoid crowds and kids, Bonnie just sighed. "Him and his Gold, I'm off to go play bowling. El-chip has bets of years of free tacos if I can get a perfect strike score; wanna join, Monty-Monty?" The gator just huffed, a pissed-off look hinting on his face as Freddy and the bunny grew concerned. He walked away from the group, probably heading to Gator Golf, as the three watched, unable to do anything else about it. Gregory sighed, looking at Freddy. "Did his guitar break again?" Freddy nodded sadly. "The instrument is not what it used to be, he got it before Vanny corrupted him and the others, and it was the only thing that could keep him calm. But now, it keeps breaking during performances, which concerns people and his fans." Gregory's brows furrowed. "Can't he just get it fixed?" Bonnie shook his head. "No, he doesn't trust anyone with it, especially when Cyrus switched to Daycare; he is the only one who can fix his guitar." "Then why not ask Cyrus to fix it himself? It's not like he'd turn Monty down, right?" Freddy sighed. "It's not that simple for Monty; he cares about Cyrus a lot, but since Cyrus switched to daycare, it made him angry enough to be a threat. When Vanny corrupted everyone, he went straight to Cyrus, doing something horrible that none of us can forget. " "Wow...and he doesn't want to hurt him again...I understand...Vanny caused him that fear, and to get rid of it must be hard." Bonnie nodded. "Yes, But I'm afraid for him..." Gregory tilted his head. "Why is that Bonnie?" sighing more, Bonnie looked to Monty, who seemed to be kneeling down to a Toddler, who touched the Gator's snout with pure love and fondness. Even the gator didn't show his genuine emotions; he tried to put on his best face for the toddler, not letting his Guitar or the past get to him. "Each day, that fear grows more and more, kids are getting ignored, he lashes out if nothing going right, and heck, even Roxy can't put him back in line. If something doesn't happen to help the poor guy."
"He'll just end up getting worse, day by day."
"And finally, we are done!!!" It took a while, but the rooms of the glam rocks were finally cleaned.
Cyrus was impressed as you cleaned Montie's room by yourself, picking up every destroyed object, dirt, and even leftover presents from fans on the floor or the walls.
You ensured not to touch the robot's personal stuff, as everything in the room was essential and organized. This wasn't even a part of your payroll, but doing the extra stuff made at least your OCD ten times better.
Shocked as hell, his mouth was open wide as you stood up, whipping the sweat from your forehead. "It took a lot of elbow grease, but I think I managed to get it mostly cleaned-" "MOSTLY CLEANED?!" You squealed a bit as Cyrus's hands went everywhere. "THE WHOLE ROOM IS SPOTLESS!!!" You chuckled. "Yeah, guess I got carried away; I hope that isn't a problem, Cyrus." "Are you kidding?" You looked up at him smiling. "That isn't a problem, Y/n; it's a great skill to have, I wish I was like that when I was little, but of course, I had to be a pain in the ass." "Well, I am not like that; I get terrible OCD when things are misplaced, so cleaning Monty's room was basically therapy for me." You replied, feeling a hard slap coming from him onto your back. "I'm glad, newbie!" He chirped, throwing a towel over his left shoulder. "Monty can get pretty angry sometimes, even after the whole hacking incident; things have changed, and doing this for him makes the Gater a little bit happier each day." He then sighed.
"Though, that's all we could do; he didn't used to be like this." Your brows furrowed."What do you mean?" Cyrus was silent for a while before looking to the ground. "Before I transferred to Daycare, I was a mechanic for the Glamrocks." Your eyes widened. "Really? That's cool!" He chuckled. "Yeah, it was cool, alright, being able to hang out with the most excellent Robots in history, Freddy, Bonnie, Foxy, Chica, Roxy, Monty. Honestly, out of all six of them, I seemed more attached to Monty than everything; we were best friends. Whenever he malfunctioned, he came to me with the saddest eyes, or when Roxy or even Foxy said something wrong, we would always talk about the situation and work the stuff out."
He paused before pouting, trying his best not to cry just a little. "I fixed his damn guitar before every. Single. Show. His temper tantrum was the death of me of my time there, but somehow I always managed to fix it and make the gator happy. I miss that feeling....but when the glitches happened, and Freddy and the gang started to act weirder than usual, the company switched me over to daycare, which hadn't been touched by the virus at the time." Your eyebrows furrowed, and one of your hands was on his back as he struggled to get the following words out, his eyes looking at the guitar Monty o-so cares about. "He hated me leaving, and trust me, I didn't want to transfer either, but it was for my and other people's safety as well; Monty was like a brother to me. Sometimes when I try to talk to him now, I get an angry huff, and he walks away. It hurts, yes, but it's not his fault...I should have stayed when I should..." His hands ran through his hair, and shaky breaths and sad motions came from him, which made your heart instantly break. You don't know why he's telling you this when you only met him today, but hearing the story of his and Monty's bond is hard to ignore.
"Cryus...I-I don't know what to say..." He chuckled sadly, looking at you. "You don't have to say anything, Newbie....what's in the past is done, and now what I can try to do to lift his spirits is clean, clean, and clean....thank you for your help, Y/n, but, I think we should cut training today short." Your eyes widened with surprise. "A-Are you sure? We still have a lot to do-" Cyrus smirked. "Go home; night shift people will take care of the Daycare area tonight, just as long as you're ready to clean again tomorrow, alright?" Watching him get up, you were confused at first but understood since the Situation and tension were high right now; no, you nodded in agreement. "Alright, but at least let me finish up here; there are just some holes I need to patch up." He snorted at your stubbornness. "You don't quit, do you?" Shrugging, you smirked. "What can I say? You hired a germaphobe." Shaking his head with a smile, he rummaged through his pockets before throwing you something. "Alright, here." Catching it, you looked to see it was a pair of keys. "Monty's room will need to be locked when you are done; he rarely goes in here, so you don't have to worry about him coming in anytime soon." You nodded again. "Alright...thanks." "Just, when you're done, give the keys to Gregory; we don't want anything happening if those keys are found by kids or teens, okay, Newbie?"
Saluting to him, your face went cute. "Yes, sir!" He cringed. "Just finish up you doof." And with that, Cyrus left you in Montie's room.
Looking around and out of windows to see if no one was coming, your body turned, looking at Monty's broken yet elegant guitar.
Hearing his story replay in your head caused your heart to break while staring at it more, as your hands gently grasped the large instrument.
You play a little guitar at home, and you had a fair share of broken instruments, special ones. So hearing that story, knowing Monty's pain and anger, it's like looking in a mirror.
Everyone has bad days, but this Monty has been dealing with a lot of them for many bad days.
Yes, you are a Janitor, and Yes, you shouldn't be thinking this, and yes, it's only your first day, but if you were going to work here forever, you might as well start building a relationship with your co-workers and even the glam rocks. Feeling the guitar, every inch, string, and flaw this machine has, you knew exactly how to fix it. "Alright, Monty, you suffered enough days of anger......Now..."
"It's time to make things right."
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Monty's guitar :)
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silverswiss · 1 year
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My favorite cartoon lesbian ships! Again I’m not a lesbian I’m just doing it for fun!
Which are your favorites?
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scarletwaffles · 3 months
Im bored
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astarryeclipse · 10 months
~The information chapter~
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Requests are Open!!
I write on my other side blogs, but as I delve into planning a Security Breach story, the idea struck me: why not create a dedicated FNAF side blog?
Glamrock Freddy
Glamrock Chica
Glamrock Monty
Glamrock Roxy
I will write x Readers, but I will not write for any ship or x Readers involving children, even if they are aged up. While I lean towards not writing smut, it's not entirely off the table. If there's a character I missed or you want Bonnie or Foxy, feel free to make a request. Please note that I have the right to reject requests if I choose to.
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nastymensimp · 2 years
When people tell you to take any opportunity life throws at you, they fail to mention that one of those opportunities would be a job with infamous Fazbear Entertainment.
Yet here you stand, resume gripped in one hand as you stare at the plethora of neon signs and cartoon posters scattered throughout the lobby. An overwhelming smell of pizza hung to the air making you wonder if the few human staff ever got used to it or if they felt as nauseous as you did in that moment. Taking a deep breath you move towards the only person in a uniform, a young blonde woman slouched against the farthest wall from the door. Though she kept her head down the tired stature she held was obvious. Trying to keep a low voice to not startle her you shifted your weight and spoke,” excuse me miss?” Her head snapped up along with her shoulders tensing. When her eyes meet yours she relaxes a bit,” don’t sneak up on someone like that…” Her voice was low and had a rough tone that would have been intimidating had you not seen the bags under her eyes. Fiddling with the resume yet again you smile,” I’m sorry, just had a question is all. I’m here for an interview but can’t seem to find where I need to go.” The small chuckle you let out when unheard at the blondes attention turned to your hands. Letting out a sigh she stands straight allowing her back to let out a few ‘Pops’ before filling looking you up and down. As she stood tall her name tag was finally visible, the small gold plate spelled out the name ‘ Vanessa’ and seems pretty fitting in all honesty. “ Right well, the boss’s office is off from the main antrum, think you can get there, or should I send you with a S.T.A.F.F. bot?” She was uninterested in you at all even as she stared you down. The mention of a S.T.A.F.F. Bot made you almost nervous, if they had robots to do everything what was the point of being here? Clearing your throat you shook your head, “ No I think I can get there, just use those elevators right?” It wasn’t a real question but rather a way to calm your nerves and show you at least knew something. The only response is a nod as she opens the small gate allowing you to bypass paying your way in. With a small ‘ thank you’ and a monotone’ anytime’ you round the small corner allowing you to look around yet again. The gift shop was filled with novelty toys, complaining kids, and annoyed parents. A tall statue of the star attraction stood in the center of the room, the gold reflecting the lights seemed to make it look bigger, if that was even possible. Pushing past the crowd and waiting for an elevator was hopefully the worst that would come of today. When the group you stood with finally had a turn in the elevator it was crammed, nobody wanted to wait any longer. Getting one final look at the statue you let your thoughts take over, ‘ maybe things won’t be so bad’
| this is the first I’ve written an actual story so please bare with me as I struggle on this journey. Hopefully I will be posting this on AO3 soon.|
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factual-fantasy · 1 year
29 asksss
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Aw! Thank you! :DD
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The elven style ears are meant to make them look less human and to match the Wario bros. :0 My AU's Peach and Daisy are these tall elf like creatures, not humans. They are the same species as the Wario bros.
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Jangles would prepare himself for this brutal duel in "put em up" type battle stance. Ready to give this fight his all.
Only to be squashed by Jangle. Alas, he is made of plastic <XDD
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XDD Thought that was a bunny at first-
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:DD Thank you! But hey, nothing's stopping you from book marking the post or saving the link to it somewhere :0
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Honestly I have no hope. I'm thinking its gonna bomb like the Ruin DLC did, lore wise. Calling it now there's gonna be a character named VANESSA and her nickname is VANNY even though this movie is about the first game and has NOTHING TO DO WITH VANESSA. There's gonna be a kid named Cassidy, another kid named Gregory, circus baby is gonna come out of nowhere, there's gonna be a nightmare animatronic reference, one kid is gonna look like the crying child for no reason, Springtrap is gonna talk a lot and take away the horror- its gonna be a mess. The lore will be a terrible. mess.
Horror wise it might be awesome but I am NOT looking forward to all the crap they're gonna mix in with the lore. Its soooo simple, just make a spooky movie that captures the terror that the first game created. Recreate the mystery and horror. Bonnie disappearing, Foxy running down the hall. Freddy's music. Maybe Golden Freddy?? Hints of a darker past with dead kids. It would be awesome. They don't gotta complicate the lore by adding all the other games into it but I know they will-
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@palettepainter :DD Thank you!!
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@randox-talore Nope! The flowers don't make them bigger. They just give the bros ice/fire powers :}
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Pretty much XDD
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:DDD Thank you so much!! Honestly I'm surprised by the number of my followers that are into the same fandoms I'm into. Sounds like I've found my people! XDD
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Thanks, I'm hoping it finally gets through to people and they'll just leave me alone..
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It is! But ya gotta DM me for it so I can sus out your blog :x
I need to have some idea of who I'm letting in-
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:DD Thank you so much! Also sorry, I don't take requests :/
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THANK YOU! I don't support any ships from any fandoms, I just personally don't like them. So having people harp on me and my AU because a "canon ship" isn't in it was really annoying.. 😓
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Glamrock Bonnie and Foxy would be thinking "Wow, they look different/great! :00"
Glamrock Freddy and Chica are like "WHY IS BONNIE SO LARGE"
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Oooo that would be cool! All my versions of Bonnie are slow, so having him throw things at Gregory would be terrifying-
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The reason why I haven't drawn any classic mermaids like that is because it felt kind'a weird to add a half human creature into the Octonauts universe. Considering humans don't exist in it.. Now that post with the mermaid thing actually has the creature looking humanoid for sure. Because it would look more alien if it was human. But I kept the scales because a straight up half human mermaid would just feel out of place-
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Firealpaca! :}}
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XD Thank you!! Also my WHOLE BLOG?? Dang. I apologize for all the Gravity falls cringe you had to see-
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XD Factual Fanta, that's great 🤣🤣
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I think those people are just salty because they wanna draw my stuff but I wont let them. My true fans will have basic human respect and just not draw fanart without sending me hate and rude comments.
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Monty is much more mellow and kind in the Partial swap. Although he still can be a bit of a grump sometimes. The way Bonnie is treating everyone (mostly Foxy) really angers/upsets him.
Roxy hasn't changed a whole lot tbh. Full of grief and self loathing. Except I don't think she'd have this "I'm better than you" attitude. Her thinking that Freddy's death was her fault would crush her. Just like Monty was crushed in the OG au.
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:DDD Thank you!! Also really? :00 Wow, great minds do think alike! XD
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Aw, I'm sorry that you relate to Bonnie's struggles, <:(
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I was thinking he would do 1 of 2 things.
Either this bombshell that his late friends of 10 years are alive, would be so emotionally overwhelming that he would completely shut down. Literally. They would break into his room and Bonnie is collapsed on the floor. And cannot be reactivated. And when he does eventually reactivate, he absolutely refuses to acknowledge or speak to anyone in anyway..
OR, hearing that Chica and Freddy are alive, would completely drown out any other feeling. They're alive, he would rush out of his room to go see them. All of his stress, all of his anger would be swept away in favor of his anxiousness to see his friends again. And finally, he would talk to people again somewhat. Every day would get easier knowing that once its over he can go see Freddy and Chica again.
I haven't decided which one is better <XD
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@burningmusicfunnygiant (Post in question)
Oh a whole mix of emotions. Mostly joy and sadness though.. Joy to see them alive after all these years. But sadness too see the horrible states they're in.. Mostly Freddy's state-
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<XD Don't worry I wont. I know some of the angsty bits of Bluey but not enough to draw stuff and traumatize you all-
You are spared this time! XDD
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More post-betrayal ruin redemption headcanons yall
Other headcanons: x x
Cassie occasionally gets mild dizzy spells after somewhat physically taxing tasks, likely resulting from having hit her head in the elevator drop. They're mild and usually last only a few minutes at a time.
In those moments, M.X.E.S locks her out of the vanni mask as the AR world can prolong the dizziness with one in such more weary condition. It also discourages Helpi from talking to her through the implant during those moments.
Additionally, M.X.E.S no longer needs the inhibitors to restrict Cassie's vanni mask controls-- after she offered her mask as a new security node, M.X.E.S achieved further incorporation into it, like Helpi. It tends to restrict her mask controls now only with her best interest, such as to prevent her from using it during dizzy spells.
As it appears that Helpi would get tampered with several times (yellow eyes, pulsing vein,) mostly likely by the Mimic pretending to be Gregory. However, with M.X.E.S now also incorporated into the mask, it prevents the Mimic from pulling the same stunt, effectively securing Helpi from future tampering. As a result, his misleading and gaslighting was reduced by a huge notch if not nulled completely, as those instances weren't really him. Unfortunately his sassiness is all his. M.X.E.S has had to become intimately familiar with it now.
Chica has her voice back, thanks to Cassie! She also functions slightly better (as in not randomly powering down,) since Cassie went out of her way to dig and pull all the trash, rotten food, and goo off Chica's body and endoskeleton, as all the accumulated junk in her inner components were interfering with her functions.
Not only you can find Monty's legs in that hidden Monty shrine, but also his sunglasses and even his bass (formerly Bonnie's, as we've learned by now.) For now there's not much to do about his legs because reattaching them back to him require a complex level of repair that they just don't have the means to achieve in their current situation. But gator boy is very happy to have his sunglasses back, and his bass for the emotional value it has even though he can't play it in his current condition. It's the best Monty has felt in a long while now.
While Roxy prided in her appearance, and yes she's upset she hardly resembles who she was, she doesn't dwell on it as much as she used to, far more concerned about her twice no.1 daughter child. But she still greatly appreciates when Cassie lets her know she's still pretty in her eyes.
That can literally be seen with the vanni mask, with Cassie seeing Roxy exactly as she was with holographic filling even through her ruined state.
In fact, that phenomenon gradually spreads over to the other robots as well with holographic filling over their missing parts, seemingly based on how much Cassie bonds with each of them.
In the AR vision, Chica gets her beak back, as well as her hair crest and bow, over her most exposed endo leg/foot, and an entire holographic arm where the physical one is missing and holographic casing over her endo arm; She also gets an holographic eye in place of the one she donated to Roxy.
Monty doesn't get his legs or tail but his entire upper body gets his former pristine holographic looks.
Prototype Glamrock Freddy no longer disappears in the AR world, gets holographic casing over his endo hands as well as his exposed endo foot, then his stomach hatch lids filling in the broken parts and highlighting the bolt pattern, and lastly an entire holographic Glamrock Freddy head (which allows him slightly better communication with Cassie with the mask on, even if mostly through facial expressions and body language since he still can't speak.)
The Daycare Attendant has Sun's sunrays filling the broken parts in with holographic bits, holographic bell at the tip of Moon's cap as well as more holographic bells on his wrists, holographic casing filling in over his hands and an holographic leg filling over his most exposed one.
Bonnie doesn't really fit this phenomenon since he's technically not missing parts, he's just busted as hell. He does however get an holographic filling on his chest highlighting the star symbol he's supposed to have there, and curiously, an holographic earring where his physical one's missing, matching Freddy's earring (the "You & me forever and ever" got me ok.)
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vilegato · 1 year
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If you support women rights, then you must support women wrongs too
Designs I used on this piece:
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Spent too much on them </3
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dykevanny · 1 month
Animatronic Vanny/Vannesa x Roxy.
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Ok but only caus e i wanted to draw van animatronic
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amphiptere-art · 3 months
List of little things I believe in/prefer for the daycare attendant mostly but also just security breach.
I prefer to imagine security breach as the cut version then the final version.
I enjoy soft moon. Still a gremlin with the virus. But normal moon is just soft boy.
I enjoy sassy Sun. But I believe he was the once childish artistic fella before he got burnt out.
I do like the idea of Sun and Moon being one personality. At least before the virus. Then they become too. And there was no reverse.
I like the idea that Vanessa and vanny have a reflection in sun and moon.
I believe Jack-o-moon is the base daycare attendant. And is super old. He's hiding somewhere in the back of their code, or was deleted so Sun and Moon could have the body.
I think Moon came first in some way or fashion. Either because jack-o-moon was a moon first. Or that moon is sort of the older brother in coding.
I like to imagine that the eclipse in the arcade machine. Is either Jack or some outdated code of the daycare attendant. I usually imagine it as the theater attendant code.
I used to imagine the arcade Eclipse as the security code. But that has shifted.
I like to think that the daycare attendant was infected through the arcade machine somehow instead of through the security protocols.
I've always liked the thought that the daycare attendant was first. That they were infected first. And that they fell from grace first due to the strain of their job/life.
I believe that for the most part. The security protocols are what was infected. DJ being an exception because of his different bouncer protocol.
I like to use the old maps of security breach instead of the current one. Meaning that there is a lot more connecting hallways and less elevators.
I like to believe that the daycare was once more themed as a shoreline than what is today. I believe there was a lot more pirate theming before the jester and Castle came in.
I don't think foxy was ever built. But I do think there was a plan to have him. And that he was just throwing around attractions so fucking hard He never actually got past the idea.
I enjoy foxy Dad, DCA attendant son stories.
I enjoy Roxy X DCA more than glitter golf. I think it's the same personality, Just a less proximity sort of thing.
I like the thought that the endo daycare hallways. Is a place that a DCAs frequent. A sort of second home. Mostly for moon.
I like to imagine that at some point. Sun and Moon did perform in a theater like environment. Whether it was small time for testing. Or big time.
I enjoy having Suns rays as an expression. I think Moon uses them somewhat too. But to a different degree.
I believe Gregory is a true evil gremlin.
Since I go off of the cut versions of security breach. It means there's a lot more Vanessa and less Vanny. Plus Vanessa is a lot nicer. Vanny or control struggling Vanessa, typically takes the traits of the current game Vanessa.
Since I go off of the cut versions of security breach. Burn trap is allowed to crawl a little further. I mostly imagined him in unutilized parts of the Plex or the utility tunnels.
The clicking that sun and moon do. Especially the extreme that moon does. I like to imagine is there parts being broken. Or over exerted in some way. With moon especially. With him contorting and shit. I think he's pushing his mechanisms.
I've always liked to think that the daycare attendant and the DJ weren't made by fazbear. Or at least we're made by an extension company owned by fazbear. They just always seemed far too different than the rest.
I like to go for a mid level of Monty guilty. I think Monty definitely attacked Bonnie. But I don't think he was planning on replacing them. A slash of rage that went too far. Probably the virus. Desperately covered up in a panic. Although I do believe in Canon. It was with purpose.
I think that the nightmare plush. Is some sort of ghost of Plex. Sort of like an extension of the blob. Next up with much more thought.
I believe the nightmare plush is doing something to the characters of the Plex. Particularly with the daycare attendant Moon. Mostly because of their closeness with kids.
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another-fnaf-ask-blog · 9 months
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The King🐰, The Wizard🐻, and The Apprentice🐥
What a happy family :)
I didn't change Cassie too much, just gave her a red streak in her hair, Roxy makeup, and a Roxy themed jacket! Her shoes are also different, but I need to design them first :3
For Teddy I decided to lean towards a more masculine look sense Vanny is very feminine and also imagining this guy stalking around the Pizzaplex like Mr. X is absolutely terrifying. I based the head shape off of the Vanny statue and I finally figured out how to add brown to Teddy without it looking out of place :3
For Malhare, I leaned into the 'malicious computer program' from Glitchtrap and slight wooden puppet vibes :3
Below the cut are the flats :3
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viarayy01-blog · 11 months
Guide to Parenting - fnaf fic
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50957647
something i wrote to pass the time! - enjoy!!
Roxy leaned in closer to the book, attempting to read the words lining the page. “Wait.. say it one more time?” She turned to Freddy, extremely confused. “I'll reread it again. Ehem…” Freddy cleared his throat and scanned the book pages. “To be a good parent, you must always be monitoring your children. If they seem suspicious, then that means they are doing something inherently wrong, and 110% dangerous. If they keep secrets, or hide things from you, they are going to rebel sooner or later. We don’t want that, do we?” Freddy paused and waited for Roxy’s response. “We…don’t?” Freddy gave her an encouraging look, and continued reading, “All you have to do is remember this simple acronym. A.P.P.L.E. Assess, Prod, Punish, Last chance, and… Execute?” Roxy’s confused expression did not falter, even after a second read.
“Execute? Like kill them?” Her voice started to rise. “Are you saying we have to kill the kids?” Roxy became flustered and angry, attacking Gregory was one thing, a thing he completely deserved, but why would she ever harm Cassie?
“No…” Freddy replied quickly, sensing Roxy’s worriedness. “Perhaps it means to execute the previously stated retribution. Such as, following through with the punishment. Still.. what a strange way to put it.” He trailed off, deep in his own thoughts.
“So.. we have to always watch them, and stop them if they act suspicious in any sort of way? There’s not even any danger at the apartment, aside from that security guard.” She smiled to herself, and Freddy sighed, slightly amused.
“Officer Van-…” he paused. “I mean, Vanessa would never hurt the kids, you know that Roxane.” She scoffed.
“Whatever, just keep reading.” She said irritably and waited for Freddy to continue.
After reading for 20 or so minutes more, they closed the book and tried to figure out what to do next. “Perhaps,” Freddy began, “we should go use our knowledge and test ourselves on what we’ve learned!”
“Alright!” Roxy exclaimed. “Ill deal with Cassie obviously, and you’ll take care of..” she paused and let out a mocking sigh. “Gregory.” Freddy smiled and they went to each of the kids' respective areas in the apartment.
The apartment had 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, and a joint kitchen / living room area. Vanessa’s room was completely off limits, it was where she monitored M.X.E.S and kept an eye on all things that happened at the Pizzaplex. Her walls were a dark grey. The kids bedroom was painted blue, since before Cassie arrived, Gregory had the room all to himself. The room was covered in Gregory’s drawings, mostly of strange and twisted events occurring to Vanny and Freddy respectively. One even depicted a strange rotting corpse in a bunny suit and a huge amalgamation of wires with loose animatronic heads. On Cassie's side of the room was a huge poster of a cartoon she liked and a few Roxane drawings that Gregory had drawn for her. On each of the kids bed’s were a wide array of stuffed animals. Gregory had a Freddy and Sundrop set, while Cassie had a Roxane and Chica pair. A Monty plush sat on the single desk placed in front of Cassie's bed.
Usually, the animatronics would recharge in the living room or rest in the car, which was where they got their main energy supply. Vanessa would go out every week to get a full tank of gas so that the car had enough energy to recharge Freddy and help with some of Roxy’s repairs. Right now she was out of the house, going to pick up groceries. Freddy was in charge while she was gone, and Roxy served as his only way to get anything done, due to the fact he was only a head.
Roxy picked up Freddy and brought him to Gregory, who was typing on his computer in the bedroom. Gregory looked up from his work, somewhat startled by the sudden presence of two robots. He saw Freddy and relaxed his shoulders. He looked up further to Roxy, who growled at him before storming off. He giggled and then returned his attention to Freddy.
“What’s up, Superstar?” Freddy tried to get a better look at the laptop Gregory was typing on. Gregory tensed up once again and clicked a few times, his hands moving swiftly across his laptop.
“Everything ok, Gregory? Why do you look so nervous?” Gregory tried to keep a smile on his face.
“Nothings wrong! I'm just showing you what I'm working on!” He motioned to the screen. It had a huge line of text covering it, and at the top of the tab the document was called, ‘Practice Code’. Nothing seemed too suspicious. Freddy remembered what he had read, and prepared to dig deeper into what was really going on.
“Is this for the lessons Vanessa has been giving you, Superstar?” Gregory loosened a bit, and then nodded.
“She wants me to help her when she goes to the Plex next, I have to be able to stay in the car while she goes and assess the M.X.E.S. module. It’s a lot to learn, even if I had been really good at coding before she gave me lessons.” Freddy looked over the page again, it was a simple code line that was mainly used for a debug command. Gregory may have only been experienced in coding games and more so hacking, but he was still exceptional at learning new things. “It looks great,Superstar. I'm sure Vanessa will be proud of your work.”
Gregory smiled, tilted his head and turned the laptop back towards him. “Thanks, Freddy.” He quickly tapped a few more times on his mousepad before his face turned stone cold and he began to type. What was he really working on?
__ __ __
Roxy knocked on the bathroom door. “Come in!” said Cassie, who had her hands full of makeup brushes and pallets. “Cassie? What are you doing?” Cassie turned her head away from the door, obviously hiding something. “No! Don’t look!” The bathroom was a disaster. Different colors of eyeshadow were sprawled across the mirror and counter, chunks of lipstick and loose blush were caked in the sink, somewhat clogging the drain.
“Cassie.” Roxy said sternly “I cannot see anyway.” A silence followed.
“Oh. Right.” Cassie said, sheepishly turning around to face her. Roxy felt around the bathroom, trying to find a wall to lean up against. Her hands found a towel, which she placed on the floor for her to sit on, so her rough wires and exterior wouldn’t scratch the tiles or wall.
“What’s wrong? Explain to me what you're even doing, I can only hear so much.” Cassie sighed and sat next to Roxy.
“I was putting makeup on. Again. But…” She was quiet for a second before she, unprompted, started to cry. “It looks nothing like how I wanted.” She sniffed. Roxy, startled, tried to remember the A.P.P.L.E. acronym from earlier. Her heart swelled with confidence, she was going to make everything perfect.
“So uh… to ASSESS the situation better, why don’t you explain exactly what happened.” Wow.. Roxy thought to herself, I really am the best! If she kept up at this pace with this much ease, she wouldn’t even have to get to the end of the acronym.
Cassie wiped her face, her sleeve becoming stained with mascara and eyeshadow. “Okay… it all started when I found a picture of Vanessa in her nightstand drawer.”
__ __ __
Freddy had assessed the situation, but now he had to dig deeper. “Uh.. Gregory..” He started, trying to organize his thoughts. “I think that I should go through your laptop.” Gregory stopped typing, staring blankly into his computer.
“Huh.” Gregory slowly turned his head to meet Freddy, his face completely deadpan. “What do you mean? You just wanna look at the outside?” Sweat beads formed on Gregory’s forehead.
“No, I mean I want to go THROUGH your computer.” Nothing. Gregory did not change his facial formation. “Such as the files and documents. Is that a problem?” Freddy hadn’t seen Gregory so dogdey since he had taken Roxy’s eyes, he must be hiding something for sure.
Freddy opened a hatch under his ear, and a usb drive slowly whirred out. Freddy motioned to the laptop with his eyes, waiting for the computer to be plugged in.
“I…uh… I don’t want to.” Gregory said, voice wavering. “My laptop is for me and me only.” Freddy’s eyes widened. Backlash. Gregory had always been stubborn, but he usually obeyed what Freddy asked of him. He thought back to the next letter from the book. Punish. This was going to be difficult.
“Gregory, I don’t want to force you to do this, but I think its in your best interest if I go through everything on your laptop. It’s for your safety. I don’t want to take your laptop from you, but you can’t just outright say no. I’m in charge, remember?”
Gregory drew his eyebrows together, his stone cold gaze becoming dagger-like. “How are you gonna take it from me?” He said defensively, holding the laptop close to his chest. “You don’t even have arms to grab it with!”
Freddy gasped and let his eyes go wide. “What a rude thing to say! Superstar. This is your LAST CHANCE. Plug the computer in, or I'll call Vanessa and tell her how you’ve been behaving. This is your final warning.”
Gregory’s face dropped a little. He was so looking forward to going to the Plex with Vanessa. He wanted nothing more than to help, to fix all the hurt he caused when he was originally trapped at the mall. Instead of feeling scared or sad though, Gregory got angry.
__ __ __
Roxy couldn’t believe what she just heard. “You went in Vanessa’s room?? Why were you in there?” As much as Roxy disliked her former security guard, she understood wanting to have her own space.
After all, it was in her bedroom that Roxy was able to get all her feelings out, no matter how messy they were.
What else might have Cassie seen in her room? Disturbing files? Secrets? What if Cassie was fascinated with Vanessa now, and she didn’t like Roxy anymore? Roxy immediately spearheaded herself deeper.
“I don’t know… we were talking and she said something about…uhh…” She got a bit nervous about mentioning the Vanni mask, so she quickly found an alternative. “about … makeup! Yeah… makeup.” She managed to catch herself. “So I wanted to see what other makeup stuff I could find in there. But I didn’t find much, just this photo of Ness with a girl. They look around the same age.” She pulled out the photo. “They’re holding hands and leaning next to each other. I really liked the girl’s makeup, so I wanted to surprise Ness with a re-do of it myself. But, I'm not very good, and I made a mess in the bathroom. She’s been working hard at the Plex to make things right, I just wanted to do something nice for her.” She had stopped crying, but looked genuinely sad.
Roxy sat quietly with Cassie for a moment. Her thoughts quickly jumped around. Screw this stupid system. She doesn’t need a strict parent. She needs a good role model. She needs advice. Roxy pulled Cassie's hand away from her face, where she had continued to rub her makeup off.
“Listen Cassie. I understand that you wanted to do something nice for…Vanessa. But you know better than to go snooping around. You might have found something Vanessa didn’t want you to see. Something about her past she would rather keep away. I’m sure she would’ve loved to see your makeup anyway, but how about doing something else nice for her instead?” Cassie looked up at Roxy, with a look of thanks and relief.
“Okay. What could I do for her then? I don’t know what she likes to eat, otherwise we could make her something. Or maybe she would like a drawing!” Roxy looked deep in thought too, but suddenly a loud noise came from the bedroom.
“What was that?” Cassie asked. Roxy peered her head out the door, it seemed to be an argument. She stood up.
“Let’s go see… stay behind me okay?” Cassie nodded and helped Roxy up, pulling her up by her hand.
“Superstar! I warned you! I have to EXECUTE this procedure!” Freddy had extended the usb drive all the way to the computer, clicking it into place and locking it. Gregory tried to pull the USB out, tugging as hard as he could.
“No! You can’t see what’s on here! It’s MY laptop! Let go!!” Roxy burst through the door, slamming it against the wall, startling not only her but everyone else. The sounds of Gregory trying to pull his computer away from Freddy did not waver or stop.
“What is going on here!? You're scaring Cassie!” Cassie snuck around Roxy’s legs, diving between them and bolting into the room. She came between the two and tried to pull Gregory’s hands away from the computer.
“Gregory! What are you doing? Just let go!” She tugged his hands away, and pushed him away from the laptop. He stumbled a bit, running into his bed before tripping and falling back.
“Gregory! Are you okay?” Freddy called out, worried. Cassie placed the computer next to Freddy on the desk, and went to help Gregory.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to push you that far. You just wouldn’t let go!” Gregory shook his head and stood up.
“It’s not your fault Cassie, I got carried away.” He turned to Freddy, who while looking concerned also looked somewhat far away. He was analyzing the files.
“Freddy, its not what it looks like.” He quickly turned to Cassie, bracing for impact. His eyes grew wide and worried, and he mouthed out words to help get his point across. She in turn looked very worried.
“What happened? Someone tell me what’s going on?” Roxy was tapping the doorframe, trying to find a safe space to stand where she wouldn’t knock anything over.
Freddy had finished. He blinked a few times before removing the USB from the laptop, pulling it out with force. “Gregory..” His eyes readjusted into place, pinning his focus on Gregory. “Why didn’t you tell me about this?”
The laptop screen was covered in blueprints. There were photos of each animatronic, not just Roxy and Freddy, in each corner of the screen. Detailed instructions and directions were typed along the edges.
Cassie pulled Roxy into the room, and then returned to Gregory’s side.
“Sigh.. It was supposed to be a surprise, Freddy.” Cassie said guiltily. “We were working so hard to get it all done for you, before you caught on.” Gregory shuffled beside her.
“I wanted to find some way to thank you for everything you’ve done for me. I feel like I always get everyone into trouble, and never get them out. I was trying to figure out a way to save all the other animatronics from the PizzaPlex, so that Ness and I could repair their AI and hardware. So that they could be free from the virus.” He turned to his side.
“Cassie was helping me out, since she only got out of the Plex recently. She said she found someone, another animatronic, in a hidden room. She said she found Bonnie.”
Freddy was in shock. He felt so much relief over what he found, but so much distrust, too. Bonnie? It had been forever since he had heard someone else talk about him. Not even Roxy mentioned him anymore.
“Is this true, Cassie?” Roxy said from behind her. She looked so hopeful.
“Yeah.. we were going to get Chica first, then Sun— I mean… Eclipse, and Monty.”
“That’s why Vanessa has been at the Plex so much recently, she’s been trying to find the Mimic, and keep it away while I go in to lure everyone out. Once everyone was fixed, then Monty could go get Bonnie from behind the bowling alley. We were going to save everyone. And fix them. Fix you and Roxy too.”
“Superstar…this..” Freddy tried to find the words. “Thank you. I’m sorry for trying to invade your personal space. I should have never trusted that book. ” Gregory looked a bit surprised.
“What book?” He said, narrowing his eyebrows.
— — — —
Pulling the book up on her lap, Cassie read the cover. “A Guide to Parenting, by Fazbear Entertainment.” Her nose scrunched. “The Fazbear company wrote this?” She flipped through the pages, landing on the one Roxy and Freddy had been reading.
Gregory leaned in closer, resting his hand on Cassies shoulder. “The A.P.P.L.E. acronym, huh? Yeah, I remember seeing this before.” He flipped ahead a couple of pages, scanning the letters that lined them. “This is what they train all their employees off of, majority of them are parents or take care of kids majority of the day, so they're required to read this book. I always thought the ending of it was weirdly violent?” He leaned in closer, seeming to be looking for something. “Still, standard Fazbear Entertainment behavior.”
After flipping through a few pages more, the group landed on a section with detailed spring lock suit failure instructions, including a drawing that was painted on the pages. It was very gorey, to say the least. “Ohhh kay.” Cassie slammed the book shut, somewhat bewildered. “Enough of that.”
Gregory took the book from her, placing it on the coffee table. “Yeah, I don’t think that is the book that anyone should base their parenting off of.” Gregory said with a smile. His gaze ever so slightly shifted over to Freddy. Cassie slid off of the armchair and brushed off her shorts, turning to face the group.
“I think we should clean up before Ness gets home. There’s nothing better than coming home to a clean house.” She fiddled with the cuff of her shirt, someone complacent. “Plus…I don’t think she’ll like how much of a mess I made in the bathroom.” She giggled.
After cleaning up the bathroom and the rest of the house, Cassie and Gregory were sent to their rooms.
Even though everything had still worked out, they couldn’t get off scot-free. They each broke a rule, and for that they would be grounded for a week.
Their spirits were still high though, and when Ness got home, she went to her room to find a book on her bed. There was a loose paper sticking out, its edges just barely visible. She opened the book to the outstretching paper.
It was a drawing, done by Gregory. It was of Gregory and Cassie, holding a red heart with pink letters inside that said; “Thanks! :)” underneath, text in scratchy black pen wrote, (PS. GET RID OF THIS BOOK! NOT SAFE FOR THE KIDS!) that was obviously from Freddy, written by Roxy judging from the incomprehensible handwriting.
She pulled the drawing out of the book, when another paper fell out from behind it. It was a polaroid. She bent down to pick it up, flipping it over. The photo was of her and Lia. Before Vanny. Her hand glazed over the image, such a distant memory in her mind. She wished so badly to talk to Lia again, but there was no way Lia would want to. Dropping the oddly twisted book in her small mesh garbage can, she smiled to herself, put the drawing and photo on her desk, and went out to make dinner.
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