#vegan dining out
simzpy · 9 months
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Welcome to the Birchroot ♡ (Part 1) 〰 A Newcrest-based vegan restaurant
The Birchroot is the fresh semi-casual vegan restaurant recently established in southern Newcrest. Its proximity to the city is sure to attract starving city dwellers craving some farm fresh food. With a menu centered around fruits and vegetables, the Birchroot takes great pride in its nutritious international menu that tests the bounds of media-typical vegan cuisine.
The interior is not left untouched by greenery: wisteria lines the doorways, each tabletop is decorated with either lush ferns or baby pink flora, and ivy travels the length of the interior walls. Dining at Birchroot is an experience that immerses you in nature with each bite.
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the-brown-man · 1 year
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Jan '23 - END
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theonlinevegan · 1 year
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seogoogle1 · 2 months
The Impact of Positive Change Veganism
Introduction: In recent years, veganism has become more than just a dietary choice; it has become a movement for positive change. People all over the world are embracing a vegan lifestyle not only for their health but also for the environment and animal welfare. Let's explore the impact of positive change veganism and why it has become a powerful force for good.
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What is Positive Change Veganism? Positive change veganism is not just about what you eat; it's a holistic approach to living that aims to make a positive impact on the world. It goes beyond avoiding animal products and focuses on promoting sustainability, compassion, and social justice. By choosing to live a vegan lifestyle, individuals can reduce their carbon footprint, support ethical treatment of animals, and improve their own health.
How Does Positive Change Veganism Make a Difference? Positive change veganism has the power to create a ripple effect of positive change in the world. By reducing the demand for animal products, vegans can help lessen the environmental impact of factory farming, which is a leading cause of deforestation, water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, choosing plant-based foods can help alleviate world hunger by using resources more efficiently and ethically.
Benefits of Positive Change Veganism:
Improved health: A plant-based diet has been shown to lower the risk of many chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
Environmental preservation: By reducing our reliance on animal agriculture, we can help protect the planet for future generations.
Animal welfare: Choosing not to support industries that exploit animals can help reduce suffering and promote compassion.
Social justice: Many communities around the world are disproportionately affected by the negative impacts of animal agriculture, such as pollution and food insecurity. Positive change veganism can help address these injustices.
How Can Individuals Embrace Positive Change Veganism? Making the switch to a vegan lifestyle doesn't have to be daunting. There are many resources available to help individuals transition to a plant-based diet, including cookbooks, meal plans, and online support groups. By starting with small changes and gradually incorporating more plant-based foods into your diet, you can make a positive impact on your health and the world around you.
Conclusion: Positive change veganism is not just a trend; it's a movement that is gaining momentum around the world. By choosing to live a vegan lifestyle, individuals can make a positive impact on their health, the environment, and animal welfare. Whether you're motivated by health, ethics, or environmental concerns, embracing positive change veganism is a powerful way to contribute to a better world for all. Start today and join the growing community of compassionate and conscious consumers who are making a difference one meal at a time.
Meta Description: Discover the power of positive change veganism and how it can make a difference for your health, the environment, and animal welfare. Join the movement for a better world today! By following the guidelines above, we can create a compelling and informative article that showcases the benefits and importance of positive change veganism while engaging readers and encouraging them to take action. Let's continue to spread the message of positive change veganism and inspire others to make a difference in their lives and the world around them.
Website: https://cruelty.farm/
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sonatest · 10 months
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siriindian · 2 years
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eevisims · 10 months
organic bliss | a vegan restaurant 🤍 | cc build.
organic bliss is a charming vegan restaurant that offers a blend of healthy, plant-based cuisine and a soothing nature-inspired ambience.
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i present to you my first ever public cc build. after scrolling tumblr and seeing amazing cc builds i got really inspired to build something with cc. i wanted to keep it simple & have just a few cc packs, so anyone could easily download it. for the exterior, i saw this picture here on pinterest, i realize it kinda doesn't look the same but that's where i got the inspo. for the interior, i wanted to have a warm & organic type of feel, i’m proud of this restaurant build & i hope you & your simmies enjoy 🤍
this restaurant would go well with the dine out reloaded mod, since restaurants can be kinda buggy.
more information:
gallery id | eevisims
location | oasis springs
lot type | restaurant
lot size | 30x20
built with bb.moveobjects on
packs shown on the gallery
thanks to all cc creators 🤍
cc used:
google docs link here
if there’s any missing cc let me know! but everything necessary is listed so it wouldn’t be a big deal if some decor is missing. also let me know if any link isn't working properly.
download all the cc & make sure to mark “show custom content” when downloading this in gallery.
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headspace-hotel · 1 year
I think a critical flaw in the vegan’s user’s argument was that they clearly buckled down on how capitalist exploitation and overproduction factors into milk and meat markets… and then seemed to assume that vegan diets avoid capitalist pitfalls completely.
But you’ve already posted on your blog before about how crop production under capitalism has created huge environmental issues in terms of biodiversity, depletion of topsoil, and sustainability. Meaning even a non-animal diet can (especially on the scale necessary for every human being currently in existence) still create large-scale issues if that diet demands having specific foods in abundance to avoid eating meat.
Like, I’m sympathetic to what vegans want to do, it just feels like they’re ignoring a MASSIVE number of pressing logistical and environmental issues to push that agenda. There’s several intersecting problems here, and claiming humanity as a whole is poised to chuck eating animals completely seems to be jumping the gun.
This is basically exactly what I hope to convey to people. I feel like extremely pressing issues such as topsoil loss, pesticide and herbicide use, and pollution caused by nitrogen fertilizers, not to mention the severe biodiversity impacts of monoculture, are being disregarded in favor of a very simplistic "Meat is killing the Earth" argument.
And I think the "veganism to save the earth" idea is just...distracting, as a movement. I'm glad people are motivated to do it. I don't think it's bad. But we need people to take action beyond just Buy Product. Anyone telling you that the most important action you can take is Buy Different Product does not have your best interest, or the planet's best interest, in mind.
If you're eating a plant based diet, but your only relationship with your food is Buy Product, you are still alienated from the source of your food. You still don't know, and can't respect or care for, the ecosystem or the labor that gives it to you.
My agenda is far more along the lines of "society needs to be organized so more people are directly involved in growing food that feeds their community" than anything to do with animals, but it's clear to everyone who has studied it for 2 seconds that farming needs to change hugely and it's so, so much more complicated than "farming animals is bad, farming plants is good."
Also the fact is that veganism cuts you off from sources of nutrients that have been part of virtually every human society ever, a LOT of people have disabilities, allergies or nutrient absorption issues that mean going vegan isn't possible for them, and people who try to argue with me about this simply Stop knowing how to read when this is brought up. "Some people need animal protein to live" is a reality of the world but people who don't like this straight up refuse to consider it.
I have no food allergies or sensitivities, and I still struggle to eat enough food to live. I lost thirty fucking pounds in college because of stress, the dining hall being shit, and my roommate trying to control my eating habits (long story). Thats like...well over 1/5 of my body weight. Sometimes people Cannot restrict their diet safely.
Like, sure, I 85% agree with the vegans who like to comment on my posts, but the remaining 15% of things they say is completely insane.
And some of them are so out of touch with reality that they will swear up and down that it's impossible for humans to drink milk without someone having to murder a baby animal. They seem to think farming is exclusively some kind of horror show that happens in a warehouse somewhere, and don't understand the concept that "some people live in rural areas" or "it's not uncommon in some places to just keep a few dairy goats that provide milk for your family."
And if they admit this exists, it's like "well, that's not where your dairy comes from, because the INDUSTRY—" thats. that's my point, you can get milk from a farmer who keeps a small herd that is well treated, we should start doing this actually, you can even keep your OWN goat
my ideal world involves "backyard chickens and goats are legal in suburban areas where there's space" because there's literally nothing innately unethical about keeping a couple dairy goats or healthy heritage breed chickens and you can quote me on that and you can even fight me.
That one person (the one who kept bringing up eating poop) (Lord what a sentence to have to write) eventually turned to "Well those sources are wrong because governmental organizations want you to keep eating animal products" which is already well into "conspiracy theory" territory. No thanks.
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cjsmalley · 8 months
Wished Away 7:
Happy Thanksgiving (Early, I Know, Shut up):
“Father, Mother, and Uncle Tucker wish to invite you to our Thanksgiving meal,” Damian said.
“Are you sure?” Bruce asked, “we’re a lot.”
Even without Damian, Bruce had many children and cooking for all of them was sometimes a tall order.
Damian smiled, “We are aware. You are not the only family we are inviting. Every child Father, Mother, and Uncle Tucker has taken in we have invited along with their remaining family if they have any. Even the non-Americans have been invited.”
“We’d be delighted to come,” Alfred said for his family, “should we bring anything?”
“You may,” Damian agreed, “however, the chefs and cooks of the Palace will be preparing the main meal. It will be mostly meatless. Seitan mostly, in observance with mine and Mother’s dietary needs and our beliefs. It will also be made in-line with kosher regulations.”
“Cookies,” Jason said, looking at Alfred, “we can make vegan cookies.”
“Very well, Master Jason,” Alfred nodded, already planning for such a large batch, or several batches.
Damian grinned.
Thanksgiving Day arrived and the portal opened.
They filed through and were greeted by Sam, the younger Sam on her hip, “Happy Thanksgiving.”
Sammy just waved shyly, gaining fond chuckles.
They all echoed the sentiment and were led through the palace to one of the ballrooms, “Not even the large dining room is big enough to hold our horde,” she said with humor.
“Everyone invited came,” Sam explained before visibly remembering, “Oh, and any red wine you see? Not red wine; we have a vampire in attendance. He eats human food but not really.”
“Of course,” Bruce nodded; only Dick was of age to drink, of his children, but neither one really drank. Still, it was good to know.
“’m assuming the vamp’s friendly?” Jason voiced.
“Friendly as in doesn’t eat humans anymore, yeah,” Sam nodded, “but, well, Spike’s Spike. You’ll understand once you meet him. Don’t go after his humans and he’s nice enough.”
“Fair enough,” Stephanie nodded.
“Also in attendance are a Vampire Slayer, several witches and wizards, two magic superheroes…basically everyone you met at Damian’s birthday party’s here. I know Spike wasn’t there; he had to babysit the Hellmouth that day, so he’s really the only new face. Him and his daughter, Hope.”
“Vampires can have—”
“She’s adopted, from a separate dimension. Danny brought her to the Hellmouth group to hide her. She’s being raised by Buffy and Spike.”
They finally made it to the ballroom; the doors were wide open; servants rushed forward to relieve the Waynes of the platters of cookies they carried before they entered the room.
Most of the room was divided down the middle by a cartoonishly long dining table, bench seating on either side of it. Settings were already in place.
In one corner was a padded and gated off area where Anakin and the baby that could only be Hope played. Well, played as only young babies could, which wasn’t much.
Dotted around the room were small clusters of regular chairs and beanbag chairs, some of which were already occupied, surrounding small tables with pitchers of water and juices and, yes, blood.
Spike the vampire was easy to pick out from the masses because he had a glass of what looked like red wine in hand. Nobody else did.
The Waynes spread out, first finding Damian to say hello, then mingling and visiting with the friends made at the birthday party.
Bruce made his way towards the vampire.
“’Lo,” Spike greeted lowly over his drink, Buffy at his side.
“Hello, Buffy,” Bruce said before smiling with a closed mouth, “and you must be Spike. Bruce Wayne.”
“Not an ape, mate,” Spike snorted, “won’t attack if you smile at me. Sit down, take a load off. Hear you’re Batman. The real deal one.”
“I am,” Bruce took a seat, reaching to fill a cup with orange juice, “where did you hear it from?”
“Dawn was excited; her little brother’s bio-dad is Batman,” Buffy explained, rolling her eyes fondly, “one of my friends, Xander, is a big comic book nerd.”
“Ah. I assume there won’t be any problems?”
“Not from us,” Spike agreed, nudging Buffy with a smirk, “my girl here’s a superhero too. Won’t be any trouble from our lot. Right, Slayer?”
“Yep. No problems from us. If Danny and Sam are good with you being…you know, you then we’re good,” Buffy nodded, “just as long as you don’t put Dawnie or Hope in a suit.”
“I don’t want them out there,” Bruce grumbled, “but if I didn’t help them, they’d all be dead by now.”
“We get it, honestly,” Buffy assured, “Dawn’s given us enough gray hair,” she grinned mischievously at Spike, “she’s even given Billy Idol here some.”
“Slayer, you know that pissant stole—”
Bruce laughed.
Everyone mingled and chatted for a few hours before the meal began; servant after servant carried food and drinks to the main table as everyone found seats on the benches.
Spike and Danny placed the babies into highchairs.
By the time everything and everyone was ready, the table was fairly groaning with the meal.
Danny gained everyone’s attention, standing and grinning, “Welcome to Thanksgiving Dinner at the Palace. Thank you all for coming, even our non-Americans for putting up with our silly traditions.”
The non-Americans laughed fondly, nodding; even Alfred cracked a smile.
“For those who’re probably wondering,” he continued, “our essential living staff celebrated at lunch and most will have the day off tomorrow. Everyone else had the day off today. Now, normally we’d go around and say what we’re thankful for but we’d be here forever if we did that tonight. So, while we eat let’s just think about what we’re thankful for and enjoy the food and the company. Oh, and just so you know, everything’s kosher and most of the ‘meat’ is actually Seitan. Real meat is on the green platters. But before we begin, let’s give a round of thanks to the kitchen staff for making the food!”
Everyone applauded.
“Now, tuck in!”
They all did so with gusto; the meal was magnificent and it was clear the Palace staff had put their all into it.
Most of the Seitan was shaped into meat product appearances, looking indistinguishable from the real turkeys and hams. And it tasted almost like the real things too.
The meal lasted well into the night and everyone went home stuffed and with leftovers.
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melanieph321 · 10 months
Ruben Dias x Reader - My Brother's Best Friend Part 1/4
I wrote this one at like 4 am 😅
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Summary - Reader rencounters her brother's best friend and the two of them hit it off quite well.
Five years at university. Non stop studying, no coming home for Christmas, Easter or any other holiday. Despite all of this no one in your family had the courtesy of picking you up from the airport. Instead they sent for somone else, a stranger, your brothers best friend, Ruben.
"Y/N, you grew!" He exclaimed, when he finally pulled up to the sidewalk where you stood. He hadn't recognized you the first time he past you with his car. You had to shout his name the second time.
"I did and one day I'm gonna grow old and die."
He chuckled.
You threw your bags into the backseat of his car, settling down in the passenger seat beside him.
He was practically like family, Ruben. He and your brother had been inseprable friends since they were kids, making you the annoying third wheel.
"Only two bags?" He frowned.
You shrugged. "I'm only staying for the weekend."
"For the game?"
You nodded.
It was the first time Ruben and your brother had been allowed to represent their country in a international game. Although it was only a friendly your mother begged you to take a break from school to come down and watch it. Everyone else in your family was coming, your aunties, uncles and cousins. All coming to support your brother. You were a bit bitter that none of them had come to visit you at school before, although it had been five years since you moved.
"You hungry?" Ruben asked, once you got on the highway.
"Does your family still own a restaurant?"
"They do."
"Then I'm very hungry. A broke student who usually lives off cooked ramen can never say no to free food."
Ruben chuckled. "I would have paid for your meal even if it wasn't from my family's restaurant."
"Well thanks." You blushed.
Pulling up to Ruben's family restaurant, they all greeted you with open arms and painful pinches of your cheeks.
"Look at you!" Ruben's mother gasped. "How skinny you've become. Pãi, make her something to eat, fast!" She took a second look at you. "With a lot of meat in it!"
"I'm actually a vegan."
"You are?"
"You are?" Ruben repeated.
"Is that okay?"
His mother's expression mellowed. "Of course sweetie. I'll inform Ruben's father, see what he can do. We don't have alot of vegan opinions on the menu though."
"I'm sure anything will be fine Mrs Dias, thank you."
"I didn't know you went vegan?" Ruben said, the two of you sliding into your dining booth, sitting on the opposite side of each other.
"Sometimes I think it's the reason my family doesn't invite me to family gatherings anymore."
"That's horrible."
"I'm sure it's not the case." You protested, seeing the expression that came across his face. But in reality you had no idea.
"A plant based diet is good. I do it all the time." Ruben said.
"Eat vegan food?"
"Yes. Especially before a game. It's hard to run an average of 12k a game with a giant steak digesting in your stomach."
"Huh?" You muttered.
"Defenders run 12k a game, you sure about that?"
Ruben threw his napkin at you but missed.
"I'm just saying." You chuckled. "I don't remember you as very agile to run."
"Or jump, or sprint..." His sister came by to take your drink orders. "Don't you remember Y/N, Ruben was a very chubby kid when he first started playing football. He would either play defense or goalie, those were his only options." She laughed.
You held your tounge seeing the deadly stare Ruben was giving his sister.
"Can we order our drinks now?" He grunted.
"Yes, of course." She brought out a pen and paper. "A water for you brother and what will you be having Y/N?"
"A coke?"
"A coke it is. See brother, get yourself a girl that isn't afraid of a few calories."
Ruben rolled his eyes as she left you to it.
"So... you only date girls with diet only in their bio's?" You teased.
"It makes things easier." He shrugged.
"Easier how?"
"Well, she won't complain over my strict diet, will she? Or force me to eat carbs two days a week?"
"Ohhh, poor Ruben is scared of getting little chub back on his cheeks?"
Another napkin was thrown your way, forcing you to duck this time.
"What about you?"
"What about me?" You said, throwing back his crumbled up napkin.
"Don't you think you'd be doing guys a favor by mentioning that you're vegan in your social media bio?"
"Nah, I like to see the look on their faces when I surprise them. My ex boyfriend thought my reason for going vegan was because I hadn't tried meat before, which resulted in him taking me on food truck spree. His idea of a good date."
"It would've been a great idea." Ruben objected. "I know alot of great food trucks with amazing vegan options. In fact my friend drives one. I could take you there if you're ever up to it this weekend?"
"That would fulfill your dreams, wouldn't it Ruby?" His sister said, making her stop with your drinks.
Ruben's silence was evident that he didn't enjoy the sudden interruption of your conversation.
"Do you remember that time he and your brother forced you into that shopping cart and pushed you down the hill?"
"One of my fondest memories." You said. You ended up breaking your arm that day.
"Well you should have seen the look on his face when he ran to tell our parents what happened. They were furious, but Ruben was inconsolable, which made all of us feel bad for him."
"Inconsolable how?"
You didn't rembering beeing told Ruben's side of the story before. Your brother on the other hand, told you how he had been by your side until the ambulance came, terrified of what your parents would say once he told them that he's killed you.
"Hasn't Ruben told you?" His sister frowned.
"Carolina, please " He sighed.
"He cried all night, begging our parents to take him to the hospital to go see you."
"Really?" Your eyes widened.
"Yes. He even cried at the hospital seeing your little body all patched up in the hospital bed. I thought it was cute." She said, patting Ruben's shoulders.
He ran a anxious hand through his hair, probably praying that his sister would leave.
"He gave you his favorite teddy though." She shrugged. "That must count for something."
Somewhere a costumer waved for her attention. "Coming!" She groaned and left you two to it.
The relief on Ruben's face was hilarious. "I'm sorry about that." He sighed. "Carolina can be...well Carolina."
"It's okay. " You giggled. " I had no idea that Rosie the whale was from you. I thought my parents brought her to me from the hospital gift shop."
He shook his head. "No, Eddie the whale..." He corrected. "...was all mine. I hope you took good care of him."
"Eddie?" You frowned. "My Rosie is a she."
Ruben snorted. "I don't think so. My Eddie identifies as He/Him he told me so himself."
"Is that so?"
"Ask him yourself."
"I will. As soon as I fly back home."
Somthing came across Ruben's face.
"You brought Eddie with you to university?"
You blushed, but was quick to collect yourself. "I did."
Ruben looked to his hands, hiding his smile.
The food arrived just in time to mend the longing pain in your belly. You enjoyed it so much that Rubens family promised to make the selection of vegan food a part of the menu from now on.
"I had fun today." Ruben parked his car alongside the driveway to your parents house.
"Me too Ruben. Goodluck during the game tomorrow."
"See you after?"
"The game?" You frowned.
"Most of the team are going clubbing after, depending on the finally score of course. Either way, your brother and I are celebrating making the national team, you down?"
"I don't know?" The thought of going clubbing with your brother was not a appealing one.
"Or we could do somthing just the two of us?"
"Oh." You stuttured, a reaction to Ruben's eyes staring back at you.
You can't remember the last time they'd stayed on you for as long as they had done tonight during dinner. You thought that to Ruben you were just his best friends annoying little sister,  but after hearing the story of how he had worried about you the day you broke your arm, somthing changed within you. Your feelings for Ruben changed.
"Ruben I didn't..."
Cleary somthing had changed within him too, because as you sat with one hand gripping the passenger door, ready to jank it open and jump out, Ruben had leaned forward, catching you off guard by pressing his lips against yours.
You spoke into the kiss, his breath warm against your face. He let himself enjoy it for a second, before his body stiffend and he pulled back, a terrified expression on his face.
"Don't tell your brother."
"But...I...you kissed me?"
"I know." Ruben was quick to try his lips with the back of his hand. His gaze facing the road ahead. "It was a mistake. Just don't tell your brother."
You got out of the car, confused to what just happened. You watched Ruben disappear down the street along with your stolen kiss.
"That was odd." You muttured. You had barely gotten a chance to react to his lips pressing against yours. Surely the feeling had been pleasant, but how could you know for sure when it all went down so fast?
Somthing else that came at you fast was the realization that your parents house stood empty. However a note was pinned to the inside of the door, saying: "Staying at your brothers tonight, calming his nerves ahead of tomorrow's game. Kisses, Pãi e Mamãe!"
Well who's gonna calm your nerves, you thought. Because they were all over the place for the moment.
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let-spretend · 4 months
hey guys !! this is the start to a platonic batfamily & reader fanfic series !! for some background, this is a crossover with re7/8 and batman. i tweaked a lot of how the mold works and the whole timeline with re7/8. if you have any questions, send through the ask ! i'll be happy to answer.
2/18/2024 - edited !!!
cw body dysmorphia/dysphoria, self-harm (self-destructive behavior), vomiting, over-thinking
mold for thought pt. 1
hit me on the head !
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Alfred’s carbonara had crispy bacon bits mixed in, with a fresh egg cracked on top. Damian sat ways away from you, across, five chairs down. It’s not like that was where he had to sit. He always just chose to. His pasta was different, a Lemon Basil vegan pasta.
Coming down to eat, it was always just the two of you. Damian ate with class, properly spinning the fork in the pasta. Honestly, you hated watching him eat. Something about it always screamed like he was trying to seem better than you. He was always judging your way of eating, or anything for that matter. Digging your fork into the egg yolk, you watch it spill over the pasta. Your mouth felt dry. Food has made you antsy because of what happened three years ago. Your fingers touch your mouth. You’re fine.
Copying Damian’s movements, you flick the fork and swirl it to collect the pasta. Nothing was wrong with it at all. If anything, it looked perfect. The sauce, creamy. Pepper decorating the pasta and the yolk running down it. You remember the rotting food and foul smell of the Baker’s dinner table. Fighting to not let them shove the rotten food down. Ethan screaming in pain from the prying Jack did to him.
Damian was staring at you intently, waiting for you to eat. You push past the memories and chow down on the pasta. It was good. Really good. “Glad to see you’re enjoying the carbonara, Mastress Y/N.” Alfred hands you a white handkerchief. The white was now stained with a yellowish sauce. 
“Thanks, Alfred.” You say, slightly embarrassed. He collects your plate and you struggle to hold in your food. It was tasty, but it felt like it was fighting its way up. You hastily get up, running to the nearest bathroom. Damian was staring at your sudden outburst, but who cares. With no time to lift the seat up, you just splurged into the toilet. The burning sensation in your stomach disappears, instantly. The barf didn’t even have food in it. It was all black, mixed with some blood. The mold. Oddly, there’s always no smell or difference in color. You sigh in relief and waste no time flushing it all down. 
When you were first getting used to the Wayne manor, you used to cut to see if your blood was also mold. You convinced yourself it was just to check. Partially, it was true. With Superman’s help, you’ve slowly just accepted that you have mold. It’s always tempting to go back, but you know it only spirals for the worst. Throwing up was also self-destructive and you knew. You don’t know why you keep doing it. You touch what scars you could see, some self inflicted, from that place in Dulvey, others from crime-fighting. It never gets easier.
You needed to go out today. The mold was practically screaming at you to release some of it out of your body. Washing your hands and scooping some of the water into your mouth, you feel somewhat refreshed. Going back to the dining area, Damian was nowhere to be found, except his dishes were left on the table. You collect them and help Alfred with the dishes. “I gotta go out tonight. I’ll shovel the snow before I sleep, deal?” He chuckles and places the two clean dishes on a drying rack.
“Be careful, Mastress Y/N.” Alfred lightly smiles. You smile back and wave before leaving. Gotham in December was beautiful. You could almost forget the horrors of the city when it was silent and the moon was out. The lights hit the snow and everything seemed brighter. 
Your backpack was hidden within some trees, containing your costume and weapons. It wasn’t anything special. Just baggy clothes, some gloves and a mask that covered your entire head. All black but has white where your eyes would be on the mask. Changing into your costume, you feel safer somehow. Your identity being unknown, just felt, nice. Your abilities come from the mold. Besides the mold, it gave you superhuman strength, the ability to reattach limbs, and heightened senses. The mold comes in handy to grapple around the city. You don’t use it to apprehend people or touch anything living. It’s not that you’ve actually seen people get infected with your mold, but you’ve seen non-sentient living items crumble from it. You aren’t going to risk anything. You’re reluctant to let anyone touch you if not necessary.
Fighting petty crime was your thing. Not fighting global threats, not busting huge gang activity, but small robberies, stopping physical or sexual assaults and more. It made you sad that these crimes were considered petty and too small for major heroes to handle. The people named you, the Peril. Which was funny since, what exact peril were you bringing to Gotham? It didn’t really bother you since the name was cool, but you don’t go around calling yourself the Peril.
Being a vigilante, there were its perks and disadvantages. For you, a disadvantage is the Bats. You would encounter them every other time you would leave to be fighting for civilians. 
While swinging around, you find a man being mugged. You swoop down and kick the robber’s face in. She falls to the floor and drops the man’s wallet. You grab her by the shirt and threaten her with anything you can think of. The robber looks you in the eye and scurries off, holding her cheek. You try not to engage in combat. It’s not like you were bad at it, but you were a dirty fighter. Unlike the Bats, you don’t know any martial arts. Just street fighting and your ability to use guns. You don’t want to kill anybody. So no guns. Plus, being in Batman’s “turf”, you had to respect his no gun policy. But you were working on making guns with safe bullets. 
You could feel a presence watching over your encounter. Maybe Batman? Silently, you give the man his wallet. He thanks you profusely and runs off. You tend to not talk when it's not necessary.
You turned around and cock your head, gesturing he talk. Batman seemed surprised that you knew he was there. Robin stands next to him, disinterested in you. His arms crossed and his head looked the other way. You pay no attention. 
“The Peril.” Batman says. You let out a stifled laugh, you always do. He never gave you the time of day out of costume. Without him even asking, you knew he was trying to recruit you. 
“No.” You answer, curtly. Grappling away, you leave Batman and Robin in the alley alone. He asks you at least once a week. Which you feel is both a perk and downside. You wish for his approval and want to be of use to Batman. At the same time, you want to lash out toward the man, for being so ignorant.
You feel your phone buzz, deep in a pant pocket. Superman. You like his company. Compassionate and a symbol to the people, yet, an outsider. Being infected with the mold, you feel out of place and in the wrong body. Superman is an alien, trying to find his place within Earth. He’s taught you to be okay with the fact that you are different now. But you feel like he’s hiding something from you. He was sitting on a rooftop of an abandoned building. “Superman.” Your feet land on the ledge he was sitting on. 
“P.” You both meet up when you can. He has been the one guiding you through the vigilante scene. Other than him, you have only worked with the Red Hood. He was a mystery to you. From what you’ve seen, he’s somehow related to the Bats. You don’t really care for his identity. He can be nice to you, but he often does his work in ways you disagree with. He’s erratic and does what he wants. One thing you both have in common, is your distaste for Batman.
You knew Clark’s name because he told you. You never really knew why. He doesn’t know your name. Or at least, he hasn’t called you by it. He could easily look through your mask and see your true identity. You’re grateful he’s respecting your privacy. You decide not to call him by his name when on duty.
Superman takes off at a slower speed than normal and you swing after him. “Batman tried to team up with me again.” You say, defeated. Laughing a bit and sighing at the same time after you confess. It feels so stupid to be sad about it every time. You stop on top of a building. “I declined. Again.” He also stops. Superman lightly lands and leans close. He decides not to say anything. 
Clark gives you a piggyback gesture and you get on. He heads for Metropolis, fast enough to be there in mere minutes but slow enough to keep your skin on. At least once a week, you and Superman band together and work on whatever it was at that moment. Today it was Lex Luthor shenanigans. Although smaller threats were your preferred thing, fighting big threats wasn’t bad. 
After the fight, you go out and eat ice cream; Being with Superman helps you forget things. He puts a hand on your shoulder. “Are you sure you don’t want me to explain things, kiddo?”
“Definitely not. I’m honored that he’s interested in my skills. But, he doesn’t know it’s me. I know when he finds out he’ll lose interest and stop me from doing this. Or, maybe he won’t. I don’t know. I’m not going to risk it.” You latch onto Clark’s back again and he starts flying toward Gotham. You peer down to the bottom and admire the small people and buildings. You slightly tug at Superman’s shoulder to get his attention. “I’m going to be gone for a week. I don’t know when, but I’ll text you then.”
He keeps facing forward but acknowledges your message with a slight nod. “I’ll miss you a lot. I like our talks.” He breathes deeply out of the nose. “I’ll try to do what I can with Bruce. Without being obvious.” You’re very grateful he’s doing all this for you. He lands at the same spot you met up at.
“Thank you. Oh, and here. For Jon.” You hand Superman a cat keychain from your backpack. “He told me about his cat. My stitching isn’t very good but maybe it’ll cheer him up a bit.” Superman pocketed it safely, god knows where. You check the time and sigh. “I gotta go. Told Alfred I’ll shovel up the snow at the manor.” You swing away while waving goodbye. Still, that looming feeling hasn’t left you and it’s definitely not Batman this time.
Stashing your backpack in the same place as before, you tread quietly into Wayne's property. It was two in the morning. Rubbing your eyes, you take the shovel. You sigh at the amount of land Bruce owned. Deciding to just shovel the snow on the pavement, you treat it as training. Scooping as much snow as possible and carrying it around, tossing it or regular shoveling. You wish you could train where and how your siblings did. 
Staring at the gigantic pile of snow, you put your hands on your hips and lean backwards. Back problems at 17? You laugh at the thought. Entering through the front door, Alfred greeted you with some hot chocolate. His infamous hot cocoa, filled with mini marshmallows. “I could never pass up your hot chocolate.” Alfred makes eating much more enjoyable and feel safer. The hot chocolate was right in the middle of a tray. The liquid burns your tongue but it warms up your insides. 
“How was patrol, Mastress Y/N?” Alfred asks.
“Oh, nothing special.” You quickly turn it down. You don’t really let Alfred entertain any thought about your work. He knows of your secret “vigilante-ing” and decides to keep your promise of keeping it a secret from Bruce. You don’t really understand why, but you guess Alfred understands your situation and tries to get Bruce to be a parent to you. He tries to remind Bruce every now and then. Wants Bruce to notice himself, but his work consumes him. Bruce also thinks you’re okay because you can't physically and mentally be hurt anymore like his other children, who fight crime. While that could be true if you didn’t, that doesn’t mean you should be put aside. 
“Thanks for waiting for me, Alfred.” You add. He nods.
 “You must go to sleep. It is a school night after all.” You set the mug back onto the tray and apologize for the extra dishes to wash. Quietly slipping into your shared room with Damian, you celebrate when he’s not in the room. He was a light sleeper and he always questions why you’re out so late. You made him believe you’re some party animal. Which, you admit, would be cooler than being a vigilante.
You’ve always wondered why you and Damian shared a room. The manor was spacious and had ample room for both of you to have your own. You sometimes think they somehow knew you were being self-destructive and made him monitor you. Or, maybe to punish him by being with you. You try not to question everything Bruce decides, but it’s hard not to.
You sink into the silky bed sheets and just stay that way. Not bothering to get into them. Your room was a place of comfort, but being in the manor always tired you. It reminded you of the absence of Bruce and your siblings. Being away from Ethan, you feel you miss out on so much. Bruce and your siblings have a bond over being Bats, Ethan has Rose now, and Alfred doesn’t just take care of you. You’re happy that he gives you any attention.
Alfred the Cat climbs up onto your bed and snuggles into you. One reason you’re happy you’re rooming with Damian and not somebody else. You’re reluctant to pet him because of the mold. But you convince yourself you can do it. You pet him softly and sigh. He meows quietly from the petting and begins to purr.
A quiet click comes from behind you, quiet footsteps ensue after an hour of your sulking. “Are you still up?” Despite knowing he knows you’re awake, you decide to fake it. Your hand is still on top of Alfred the cat’s head. “I know that you are awake.” You sigh and decide to face upwards. 
You couldn’t make out exactly where he was standing but look in the general direction of where his voice was. “Okay, maybe I am. Why?” He also sits on his bed, slightly creaking.
“Was just wondering why you were throwing up your brains out after Alfred’s dinner. Rude, much?” Shit. He heard that? That’s why he was gone when you were back. You think back to when he was Robin a couple hours ago, giving attitude. Rude, much?
“Just nervous ‘bout the trip.” Which was true. “I’m going to visit Mr. Winters for a week, to see the baby. I want her to like me.” He lets out a sound that seems like he half believes you, but he doesn’t care enough to pry. “Anyways, I’m going to pick you up sometime next week. For publicity, as Mr. Wayne says.”
He sighs. “I know.” You wait for more, but all he does is settle in bed. What a cute little brother. No thanks or comment. Guess that’s just how they all act. 
Also trying to settle in bed, you feel bad again. Not trying to alarm Damian, all you do is put a hand on your closed eyes and try to soothe yourself. Ethan will understand this feeling, right? Your body doesn’t feel like your own anymore and you hate that you can’t even control your mold well. You still have to listen to it, have to release it. What if you suddenly couldn’t control it and it infects Damian right now? Turn out like the Bakers? Shutting your eyes tight, you flop your body so that you are lying on your stomach. Breathing deeply into your pillows, it slows. You turn your head sideways for fresh air. The cat was sleeping peacefully next to you.
Right. Tomorrow’s school. You had to be okay. You flip onto your back and close your eyes, letting your brain take over. Mold, mold and more mold. Accepting that your dream was going to be about mold, you sigh, letting sleep take over you. Damian watches, recognizing that you had some sort of stress-induced breakdown before bed. He jots something down and puts it away in this nightstand.
You wake due to a feeling of being watched, your eyes open to Damian looming over you. “What’s wrong, Damian? Are you okay, need something?” More worried than anything, you quickly get up. He never was this attentive towards you. Though, Damian was the one you talked to the most. 
“Nothing. Just confirming things, L/N” You were too tired to comprehend what he was trying to say. Rubbing your face, you force yourself to the bathroom, which was also shared with Damian. He follows you in, watching you brush your teeth. You roll your eyes.
“I’m doing my regular morning routine like always, Damian. You’ve got to get ready too.” Pointing to his body with your toothbrush, which was still in pajamas. He clicks his tongue in annoyance but follows your orders. 
Stepping out of the car, you thank Alfred for the daily rides to school. Tim was off before you could catch up or talk. You sigh.
Gotham City High school. Something happens here at least once a week. You don’t really talk to anyone like Tim does. Your mind was busy a lot and people couldn’t understand or want to wait. When you first were settling into the Wayne household, you remember Damian being upset with you because you were zoning out. It's happened more than you can count with regular people. It also seemed like people knew something was different about you.
During math, your body starts to feel weak. You could sense Tim staring like how Damian was yesterday, like he was assessing you. You stare down at the worksheet, trying to focus. Touching your face, you try to calm down. That burning feeling creeps up in your stomach again. Having no choice, you decide to go to the bathroom. One rule you had was to never throw up the mold at school. Anyone could come in at any moment and hear you. You slip toward the back doors of the school and open them slightly, just enough to see the grassy plains of the field. From your hands, you release your mold onto the grass. It turns black and crumbles into the air. It horrifies you everytime. If you could've, you would have preferred throwing it up for this reason. 
You were running back to class, realizing you were taking longer than what a normal bathroom break would be. “L/N.” Before you could open your mouth, you were redirected by the teacher. You slide the bathroom pass back with irritation and grab your things. It was not the first time you had to attend detention for your tardiness. Sometimes you were glad Bruce didn’t notice your slip-ups, he would be up your ass. 
You took as long as you could to the classroom. Touching the cold lockers as you went by, looking at posters and ignoring people passing.
“Again, L/N?” The supervisor hands you a reflection form for you to fill out. You were running out of excuses to write on them. Sighing, you decide to just sleep and not fill it out.
“L/N?” You raise your head up slowly, waiting for you to be scolded. “L/N!” You whip your head toward the voice of the supervisor. She looked frightened. What had her yelling? Feeling a hand grab your neck, you immediately push the person off of you with your elbows. They fall to the floor with a grunt.
“Fuck!” You yell out. The Scarecrow. He looked worse in person. “Sorry.” You stop in your tracks. Why were you apologizing to this man? He grabs your leg and brings you down with him. The supervisor runs out while the Scarecrow is distracted with you. Screaming from the halls leaks into the room. “What did you do?” He laughs and ties your arms behind your back.
He leads you to a getaway car which has one student already inside. Students and teachers were all yelling and screaming at the air. Scarecrow must’ve released fear toxin into the school. Did Tim also inhale the fumes? Was he okay? Did Scarecrow know you were of relation to Bruce Wayne? He shoves you aggressively in and gets in himself. The girl next to you was crying her eyes out, snot drooping down into her mouth. “Do I frighten you?” He asks. He laughs quietly from your silence and the girl’s loud sobbing. “I’m conducting an experiment, if you will. You two are my constants.” You eyebrow furrow. Constants? Is he going to create a new strain of the fear toxin? You decide to stay quiet but try to comfort the blonde girl next to you as much as you could. 
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lottiecrabie · 1 year
What about cockwarming with line cook matty
is cockwarming in the lottiecrabie brand now😭
your father announced to you a few weeks ago that he was rebranding the franchise, completely scratching the menu and starting anew. you nodded vaguely along, biting on a pink highlighter as you copied a friend’s macroeconomics notes, neck deep in finals.
you should’ve listened more. you’re back at the restaurant for the summer again, and the whole world seems to have shifted beneath your feet. the dining room is skewed, the waitresses are new, and the menu is actually fucking different.
sure, it should be easy to learn, but something childish and petulant digs its heels in your brain, refusing change as it’s already slapped you in the face. you keep forgetting what kind of soups you serve, which ingredients compose the chickpea salad or if there’s parsley in the new green sauce.
thankfully, matty graciously offered to help you memorize it.
which you thought was a line, dabbing perfume on your pulse points and putting on a black lacy underwear under your skirt, entirely forgoing the bra. imagine your surprise when you arrive and the menu is actually printed out, scattered across his kitchen table.
you opt for seduction, kissing his neck and raking your hands through his unmade curls as he reminds you of the ten new entrees. his voice grows rough, but he’s undeterred by your efforts, even when you bite at his earlobe, vaguely humming, metal earring tasting bloody in your mouth.
annoyed, you double down, sitting on his knee and rubbing on his thigh, sighing every time the material of his jeans grazes your clit. still, matty ignores you, going on and on about gluten-free options. you grind quicker in answer, pleasure twisting around your belly, the very beginnings of relief peeking their noses through.
when you let a moan slip out, matty finally snaps. he lets out a groan of annoyance, frowning, unbuckling his belt in jerky moves. thrill climbs up your head. you bite your lip, trying to contain your smile in front of this very grumpy man.
‘you want my fucking dick so bad? there you go. sit on it.’
matty sneaks under your skirt, tossing your underwear aside, lowering you over his hard cock. you gasp, rolling your eyes back in your skull, giggling with striking euphoria. it’s instantaneous relief; it’s shortlived relief.
although you try to raise your hips up, matty presses a hand over one of them and locks you in place. cunt fluttering around him, you’re desperate to start moving already, but he’s unflappable.
‘now where were we?’ you cock your head, frowning at him, working brain swirling down your spine with each second he spends buried so thoroughly inside of you. matty nods. ‘ah, yes. vegan options.’ he tsks, ‘that’s bullshit to me, if you’re asking. a life without meat isn’t worth living.’ he smirks to you, snapping his hips into you once. pleasure immediately blooms in your belly, making you moan pathetically quickly. ‘bet you agree,’ matty continues, smug.
you think it’s it, now. that he’ll start moving. but he looks back to the menu, going over the beans patty, muttering his disdain of it as he does so. you stare at him incredulous. ‘you’re not kidding.’
you give him a deadpanned look, clenching around him. ‘you’re inside of me.’
he looks down at your joined bodies, smirking to himself. ‘yeah.’
again, he says nothing else. ‘so fuck me!’
‘we’re not done yet, princess.’ matty taps your ass in encouragement. ‘i said i was gonna help you.’ your lips narrow in a displeased line. he sees it, rolling his eyes. his fingers pinch your lips. ‘what’s this pout about? you think you deserve to fuck me?’
as if to make your point quite clear, you open your mouth, sucking two of his fingers into it, swirling your tongue around them. he groans, watching in wonder. ‘god, you’re so fucking filthy.’ he slips them out, saliva strings the tips of them. he taps his fingers on your lips, coating them in spit. ‘but i need you to be good and listen. can’t have my favorite waitress falling behind.’
you scowl, but let him talk your ears off about this godforsaken menu, which is officially your worst enemy. the act of paying attention is almost torturous when he’s this hard and big inside of you, unfairly still. when he reaches for a faraway paper, his cock digs into a sinful spot of you, and the shock is tectonic. your face breaks open. you drip on him, growing impossibly wetter through each minute move. your face flushes, falling into his shoulder, quietly mewling as he explains the desserts.
matty does manage to make the lesson engaging. when he’s finally done monologuing, he asks you to recite back the menu. the first few meals are hard to recall, but you get quite involved in this memorizing act once he starts rewarding a correct answer with slow circles on your clit, growing in rapidity every time you get one more right.
he takes your shirt off, throwing it on the floor carelessly. your naked breasts, pebbled from the razing pressure building inside of you, press against his chest. every time it rubs against his shirt, a shiver runs down your spine.
your breaths fall in quick successions, panting through the meal descriptions. the quicker he rubs at you, the harder it is to remember, the further away your orgasm seems to be. your eyebrows knit together, desperately trying to recall the last ingredient of the shrimp pasta.
you clench uselessly around him, over and over, practically begging for him to just fuck you. he doesn’t budge, cooing and encouraging even as you stumble on your words. his free hand rakes through your sweaty curls, pushing them beyond your shoulder, falling down to your nipples to twist one. you cry, scrunching your face close, mind wiping with any sense of coherence.
still, matty asks you to recall the twelve dessert options, and you think you might melt on him from the effort. small rolls of your hips start absentmindedly, and matty lets you have them indulgently.
when you finally name the very last cherry, matty grins down at you proudly, pinching your clit and biting down at a nipple. the orgasm wrecks you thoroughly in an instant, already unfairly close to your fingertips. you grin loosely, head falling back as you scream his name.
‘fuck, princess, you did so good,’ matty smiles. ‘was that so hard? is it so difficult being my good girl?’ you shake your head. ‘you deserve a treat.’
matty grips you by the waist. still buried deeply into you as he pushes off the menu, dropping you on the now free table. he doesn’t waste anytime; he fucks frantically into you, quick and hard as you cry for him, gripping his hand.
and, sure, now you know the menu front and back by heart. but you can’t say a single item off of it without blushing to your roots.
you wonder if matty did it on purpose.
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octuscle · 10 months
I need to take a work trip to Germany, Leipzig to be precise. Should be a nice change from my NYC life.
I guess, your suitcase won't make it to Frankfurt... Then I guess I have to organize a replacement. Damn Airlines!
The only thing I can offer you so spontaneously is an old army backpack from GDR stocks, covered with graffiti tags, stickers and patches. Pretty heavy... And maybe not necessarily suitable for your classic suit… So, take your rucksckand head to the airport train station. Your train to Leipzig will depart in 20 minutes.
Shit, Frankfurt airport is bigger then expected. When you arrive, you thaught, that you missed your train. But luckily, the train is delayed by 15 minutes. Enough time, to relaxe. And for a smoke. You search the side pockets of the backpack. No cigarettes. But tobacco, cigarette paper. And weed. Shit, that could have ended badly at customs...
Ahh, smoking this feels great. I really needed to decompress a bit after this whole travel shitshow. Don't take offense, but a middelaged man in a conservative suit and a classic haircut smoking weed with an army backpack on the platform of the airport station looks a bit special... You have to admit that, too, when you see your reflection in the window panes of the high-speed train rushing in.
No one had told you that you had better have made a seat reservation. The train is packed. Getting a seat is out of the question. With a little luck, you will still get a seat in the dining car. You order a beer (what else in Germany) and check the contents of your backpack. On top of it lies a hat. It looks funny, you put it on. Otherwise, the backpack is not necessarily neatly packed. Everything is stuffed in more like this. There's a MacBook... You open it. And of course you know the password. Feels perfectly normal to open it. As normal as your pierced earlobes feel.
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It is a low-coding platform open to any Big Data AI application. You scroll through the application. Sure, the prototype of an app for digitizing queues in doctors' offices. You open the library of useer stories and start developing the app further. A few hours ago, you had no idea about software development.
It's 9:00 p.m. when you look out the window. Gotha train station. Wherever that may be. You are looking at your reflection. Let's see what the others think of the fact that you have let the beard grow out...
The train is half empty by now. You have not even noticed how it has emptied. It's still a good hour to Leipzig. You close the computer. That's it for today. You order another beer and the vegan curry. Actually, you're also in desperate need of a joint. But of course you can't smoke anywhere on this train.
But you take tobacco, weed, cigarette paper and your cigarette case, which you inherited from your grandfather. And while you're waiting for the food, you roll a few joints on reserve. It will be after 11:00 p.m. by the time you arrive at your shared apartment. But you assume that you will sit together until 01:00 or 02:00. Your roommates are all rather night owls....
You don't notice that you're wearing high-laced DocMarten's boots instead of welted penny loafers as you step off the train. You also don't notice that your hair has grown considerably longer and falls tousled under your hat into your forehead... You pause for a moment as you see the tattoos on the back of your hand as you light up a joint to tide you over until the bus leaves. And after asking the bus driver for a ticket to Connewitz, you wonder if you actually just spoke German with quite an American accent.
The elevator in your house is of course defective again. Old building from 1873, last renovated in 1980 or so. That was long before the fall of the Wall in the GDR. But the rent is cheap. And the atmosphere is energetic and creative. When you met Kevin, Lukas and Emma at university five years ago, you were immediately on the same wavelength. Even though you didn't speak a word of German back then. You would never have thought that a semester as an exchange student would turn into a lasting collaboration. The fact that you found an apartment together where you could work on your startup at the same time was a real stroke of luck.
Upstairs in the apartment, Kevin already opens the door for you. As if he had been waiting for you.
„Sieht heute gut aus”, you say with your strange American accent.
Kevin hugs you and answers „Dude, it's good to have you back! We have missed you! Tell me, do you have new tattoos? Looks hot! And did you bring weed from Amsterdam? Our dealer is on vacation... Shitty situation!“
“Of course, i’d never leave you without”, I say, opening up the cigarette case and offering you one of the hand-rolled contents.
Kevin grins. „What do you say we smoke the first one not at the kitchen table but on your bed? I missed you, stud!“
“I’m so tired after this trip, so the bed sounds just right.”
There is nothing left of your suit right now. Yes, you are still from NYC. But you weren't a lawyer then. You studied computer science. And that was a long time ago. Now you are a Leipziger by heart
You both lie on the bed. You take a deep drag. And blow the smoke into Kevin’s mouth with a deep French kiss. The bulge in your skinny jeans looks painful. “Oh man, Kevin, I need some relief!” you growl.
It doesn't take long and we both have the tank tops off. You discover Kevins new nipple piercings. And can't stop playing with them. And Kevins bulge starts to hurt too.
“Man, let me provide some relief”, he says. And open your jeans. Your boner jumps out of your boxers like a jack-in-the-box.
Those new piercings… You just can’t help yourself… You’ve gotta feel them in my mouth! “Are they sensitive? Does it still hurt?” Kevin starts breathing more heavily. “What are you waiting for you prude Yank! They've been waiting for you for two weeks now!” You take a deep drag and blow the smoke over Kevins chest, which you caress with your tongue. Kevin moans “Fuck! You're doing so well! Sure it hurts. It's supposed to. You make me so fucking horny with your tongue! I love your tunnels on the earlobes!. I can not stop playing with them with my tongue.”
Dude, your dick is producing precum like a broken faucet. Kevin starts to massage it into your dick! You take one last drag from the joint, push the butt into the ashtray and blow the smoke over Kevins boner.
While Kevin rubs your hard dick, You begin licking his uncut cock. Damn man, these uncut European cocks will never not surprise you! Oh man, you love how it feels on your tongue.
Kevin doesn't stop breathing heavily, but still has to grin. “Fuck, admit it, you certainly didn't just talk about user interfaces with Milan and Sem in Amsterdam. You did practice your tongue game. Fuck, you know how to bring someone to ecstasy with the tip of your tongue!”
Oh man, Kevins precum just takes so good. You can’t get enough of it. Kevin reads your thoughts. “I want to lick your precum too. Let's make a 69! I need to suck your powerful circumcised cock.”
Yes, please!, you think in ecstasy. You just love how his balls feel in my mouth. And Kevin has fun to. You must have been sweating like a dog on the trip. Your balls are salty, your cock is deliciously cheesy. “Fuck, I can not tell you how I missed you.” Kevin moans.
He always feels so good, just keep going please, you think. His cock is so hard. His precum is spectacular. It’s like you’re in sync — in and out, in and out, in and out. “Fuck, your balls are so huge”, Kevin grunts. “I didn't jerk off all the time you ve been away. My balls are bursting”.
You both are perfectly synchron. Like one organism. “Please cum at the exact moment that I also cum. I want to make this old house shake.”, you think.You can’t wait to make you explode. Kevins moans “I can't take it much longer. Fuck, you are a master with your tongue. Fuck... Oh yeah... Yes! Fuuuuuuuck!”
Oh god! That was heavy. You both really try. But that was too much. Boy, what a load you both shot! Kevins cum is so thick! So potent! You ’ve got my whole mouth full, not able to swallow everything at once. You both exchange a deep French kiss. The cum runs from the corners of your mouths down our cheeks and necks. Kevin licks the cum traces from your skin. And you his. One last kiss, you pull up our pants again. And go to the kitchen with a joint. Lukas and Emma grin. The whole house could listen to you having sex.
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“Incredible, as always, Kevin” You tell him, as you pass him the joint. And as if nothing had happened, you ask Emma if she has any new user stories for your app.
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peachybutch · 9 months
How Good the RvB Main Cast is at Cooking, Ranked from Best to Worst
1. Donut
Donut gives off the vibe of one of those gay men with a baking channel on YouTube. This man's out here rolling up to the red team monthly dinner club with frenched rack of lamb with a pistachio mint crust and wine accompaniment, then earl grey souffle with creme anglaise for dessert. He spends hours experimenting with new and interesting ingredients. Remy Ratatouille, send-you-back-to-rural-France ass man. Donut's food fucks hard and everyone knows it.
2. Grif
You really think my man Grif loves food as much as he does and doesn't know how to make it? C'mon. He doesn't, like, relish the act of cooking as much as he does having a good plate of food at the end of it. And he's not typically much for sharing. But my guy makes a damn good short rib and bechamel lasagna. Give him the day to let something slow cook, and god damn.
3. Wash
Wash has been living off of MREs for probably his entire adult life, but I feel like he's got a few dishes he can whip out for a date night, or if he's feeling fancy. He knows how to read a recipe, and he has a pretty good idea of what flavors go together to make something good. He probably has a really nice papardelle with vinho verde sauce that he has sitting around in the back of his head for special occasions.
4. Tucker
Okay, Tucker isn't a bad cook by any means, ok? He's great with breakfast food specifically. It's just that he isn't especially fancy about it. He was probably, like, a line cook at Denny's in high school, so all his food tastes like food you would get at Denny's. Which isn't a bad thing! You would just never call Denny's "fine dining". He has his niche, and he does it well, and he never feels even a little bit inclined to do anything different or better.
5. Church (Alpha)
Church isn't much of a foodie right off the bat, but someone's got to pack Caboose's lunch, and he ends up learning how to cook fairly well after that. After a certain point, he figures out how to make things from scratch--mostly things like chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, pancakes.
6. Simmons
I feel like Simmons mostly lives off of shit like green smoothies and homemade granola. Like, hardcore, low carb, vegan, all organic, high protein diet. And, like, it doesn't taste BAD. But it definitely isn't the kind of thing you bring to the red team dinner club. He does make a really nice sunbutter brownie that he has to hide from Grif.
7. Caboose
Caboose has been banned from using any objects in the kitchen that involve a heat source--which isn't HIS fault! How was he supposed to know that you're supposed to take the spoon OUT of the mac and cheese before putting it in the microwave? That's just a recipe for a cold spoon! Anyways, he manages just fine without the microwave, thank you very much. He can make ants on a log like it's nobody's business. Cleaning up afterwards is another matter entirely.
8. Carolina
Carolina is one of the most competent individuals you will ever meet. She could kill you in under a minute, in 30 different ways, and that's just with her bare hands. The fourth time Sarge tries to recruit her into red team is by inviting her to the monthly dinner club. She shows up empty handed, and when Donut very politely asks what she brought, she replies that it's very interesting that they expected the only woman on the team to go all out with cooking. They move on. Carolina spent 5 hours in the kitchen this afternoon trying to figure out how to use the oven. But they don't need to know that.
9. Tex
Now, listen. Tex can't be called a bad cook, precisely, because that would require she cook for herself or others. Which is something she does not do. That's what Church is for, isn't it?
10. Sarge
Sarge refuses to step foot in a kitchen after the fifth shouting match about how flamethrowers are not a universally recognized kitchen appliance.
11. Church (Epsilon)
One time, while blue team is shooting the wind, Caboose asks Epsilon what his favorite breakfast food is. Instead of calling Caboose a dumbass, as per usual, he instead goes into extensive detail about how he eats computer keys like cereal. Caboose tries it. It isn't very good.
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Wibta if I refused to go to Christmas Dinner? Or insisted on bringing my own food?
Cw: food, hygiene, mental health
My mum normally invites one of her best friends (let's call her Maria) for Christmas Dinner and I love Maria too. I think of her as an aunt. She's more likely to get an invite to my wedding than any of my blood relatives aside from my parents.
This year, Maria said she'd love to host Christmas Dinner and my mum agreed. Tbh, I think she would be grateful for the break because she always had Maria, Maria's husband, and my grandparents over. (Maria's house wasn't accessible so it wasn't practical for her to host until my grandparents died.)
The trouble is that Maria's house isn't clean. And I don't mean stuff like, she always has piles of clothes on her sofa waiting to be ironed or there's dust on the mantle or her dining table is always covered in craft projects.
I mean stuff like her crockery or cutlery always having dirt on them. There's food stains (like spilt gravy) on her work surface. And the place is so cluttered that you couldn't even wipe it down.
If you go to the bathroom, there is mould in there. You always have to watch where you're walking because there's always something on the floor in every room.
Because of this, I try to avoid going there ever. The last time I had dinner there was in 2013 and I found hair in my food. (Actually, once I went over for my uncle's birthday in 2018 but brought Chinese take out for everyone and insisted I was fine to eat out of the container with chopsticks but that's obviously not going to work this time.)
The other day, I went round to walk her dog when she worked late and I was waiting for her to get home so that we could go to the cinema together. She told me to help myself to a coffee and a snack while I was waiting (it was a last minute thing her having to work late). I looked at the cups and decided I'd rather not have anything until I got to the cinema.
The thing is I know that the mess is due to a mental health issue, so I don’t want to encourage any mockery of her. Her husband was sick for a decade before he passed and she was his carer, so she didn't have time to keep the house. And I feel like she hasn't dealt with that.
But I don't know what to do. I can't just sit there on Christmas day, inspecting my food and cutlery for anything that shouldn't be there. (I think my parents would just deal with it like that but I have something in my brain that just means I can't.)
I feel like I can get away with bringing vegan meats that cook in their foil packaging. But that still leaves me with the veg and other sides.
This is making me dread Christmas.
What are these acronyms?
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ezekiel-krishna · 1 year
Favorite Food Types Based on Moon Signs 💫
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Aries Moon:
If you have an Aries moon, you are likely to enjoy spicy and bold flavors. Your favorite foods might include hot sauces, chilies, and fiery curries. You also have a love for grilled meats and barbeque.
Taurus Moon:
People with a Taurus moon are known for their love of comfort food. You are likely to enjoy hearty and indulgent dishes such as mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, and meatloaf. You also have a sweet tooth and enjoy desserts like chocolate cake and ice cream.
Gemini Moon:
If you have a Gemini moon, you enjoy variety in your food choices. You might be a foodie and love trying new cuisines or experimenting with different ingredients. Your favorite foods might include sushi, tapas, or small plates.
Cancer Moon:
People with a Cancer moon have a strong emotional connection to food. You might enjoy comforting and nurturing dishes that remind you of home cooking or childhood meals. Your favorite foods might include chicken soup, mashed potatoes, and warm bread.
Leo Moon:
f you have a Leo moon, you enjoy foods that are bold and luxurious. You might prefer to dine out at upscale restaurants or enjoy fine dining experiences. Your favorite foods might include steak, lobster, and champagne.
Virgo Moon:
People with a Virgo moon have a love for natural and healthy foods. You might prefer to cook your own meals using fresh and organic ingredients. Your favorite foods might include salads, smoothies, and whole grains.
Libra Moon:
If you have a Libra moon, you enjoy foods that are aesthetically pleasing and visually appealing. You might enjoy dining out at restaurants with beautiful ambiance or hosting elegant dinner parties. Your favorite foods might include sushi, fine cheeses, and wine.
Scorpio Moon:
People with a Scorpio moon enjoy intense and complex flavors in their food. You might be a fan of spicy and bold dishes or rich and indulgent desserts. Your favorite foods might include dark chocolate, espresso, and spicy curries.
Sagittarius Moon:
If you have a Sagittarius moon, you enjoy adventurous and exotic foods. You might enjoy trying new cuisines or exploring different street food vendors. Your favorite foods might include tacos, pizza, and street food.
Capricorn Moon:
People with a Capricorn moon have a love for classic and traditional foods. You might prefer to cook your own meals using family recipes or enjoy dining at classic restaurants. Your favorite foods might include roast beef, mashed potatoes, and apple pie.
Aquarius Moon:
If you have an Aquarius moon, you enjoy foods that are unique and unconventional. You might enjoy experimenting with plant-based or alternative ingredients. Your favorite foods might include avocado toast, tofu, and vegan cheesecake.
Pisces Moon:
People with a Pisces moon have a love for comfort foods and sweets. You might enjoy indulgent desserts or rich and creamy dishes. Your favorite foods might include chocolate, ice cream, and macarons.
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