#very sick to my stomach. probably not a good idea to show up when i cant even eat
risingsunresistance · 8 months
hi i xalled in sixk from work i will either be incredibly active or disapear for three days
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the-moon-files · 6 months
I love the idea of humans being space orcs. I’ve always wondered about the potential differences between Hylians and Humans some of my ideas include:
Humans are heavier than Hylians (they have bird-like bones)
Hyrule is the lightest of the links since is half fairy (personal hc)
A hit that would break a Hylian’s bones, just majorly bruises a human
Reader can carry multiple small links or a bigger link
They are limited by the size of the Link being carried, not weight
Reader is shorter than Time (personal hc), so it’s a little awkward carrying him in smaller spaces
Can double carry (piggy back one Link on their back, carry another one on their front) easily
Will carry both Four and Hyrule, going through portals and after since they both get sick (personal hc)
I feel like Twilight would initially be the Link most resistant to being picked up, shaped as a Hylian or Wolfie, when they are first picked up. They just freeze for a solid minute or two before relaxing. He loves it after that.
More resistant to weather (heat & cold)
Have iron stomachs (compared to Hylians)
Humans can eat pretty much every plant and not get sick unlike their Hylian counterparts
Can easily eat Hyrule’s cooking, it may not taste as nice but it’s still edible
Wild pouring in Gordon spice is still palatable, like eating a dorito (not really spicy, just adds flavor)
As a population, humans expand faster (more fertile, pregnancy is shorter than Hylians)
It’ll blow their minds if you have 2+ siblings
I mean, is there even a large Hylian family (I think once I saw a family with 3 kids once?) (imagine if they saw the show 19+ kids and counting)?
Resistant to magic, but also can’t use any
Hyrule’s magic healing does nothing, good thing humans don’t get injured easily
It’s okay Rulie, it’s not your fault
Humans heal slower than Hylians (since in Wild’s world they can eat and instantly recover)
Hylian metal is thin compared to what humans use
I don’t know why, but I just imagine it like thick aluminum foil, very pliable, but resistant to cuts and stabs
Could you imagine human!reader finding a dent in Times armor, and just smoothing out the dent with their bare hands
Four is probably swooning in the background
Also shows how dangerous their enemies are compared to humans
Earth doesn’t have Hylian monsters, all of Earths monsters are just evil/bad humans
Wind is astonished you can swim against the tide with ease
Their Hyrule’s ocean currents are 1/2 as strong as Earths
Think of Hyrule’s stormy oceans as swimming in a strong lap pool (you know those small long skinny pools with a current so you can swim straight in them and go no where?)
To end all of this, could you just imagine, the Chain and human are fighting a group of monsters. Human’s sword breaks (one of Wild’s), so human throws the sword away, they look defenseless so the monsters target the, all Links are freaking out, so what does human do? They start punching, kicking, and decking every monster in the face. Turns out humans are Hylian One Punch Man (/men?). Their punches are lethal if it hits the right spot. Link (all of them) is dumbfounded, how are they that strong? Are our monsters weak to them? How strong are their monsters? They don’t have any?-well it makes sense,if all humans can do that then they clearly eradicated them all!
Sorry for taking all of your time and spamming you with my thoughts, I just love, love, LOVE, the idea of humans being space orcs to Hylians!!!
AHHHHH I cant believe so many ppl (like 3?) are into the humans are space orcs to Hylians AU :’)
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erratic bits i wanna add on to ur incredible list u got going on here
Sun: Masc/Male!Reader (he/him)
Orbit: ERRATIC Headcanons, ADHD-influenced headcanons, if you will
Stars: little bit of all the Chain
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: mild typical loz violence, mild cussing, & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
like how tf else u livin in the sky?? lol
or riding all those birds and creatures, like ofc u weigh on avg exactly 8 apples lmao (btw i got this from botw, where someone tested how much Link weighs for game physics and it was about 8 apples i think)
smth about u being a game nerd boy, may or may not be that fit, and yet goes to take a blow for a Link that had them all wincing, only to walk away with a nasty bruise like,
yes pls be impressed by me literal versions of Link from Legend of Zelda, along with now being real life heroes who have literally fought evil itself and won <3333
would literally start flexing my (nonexistent) muscles like LMAOO
that's going straight to my head ngl
like can u imagine the amount of times you have to resist just sweeping a Link up to princess carry them around?? like poor boy you've always done the princess carrying, allow me 🫴 (gentlemanly bows with hand out for him to take) LMAO
Gay tension thru the ROOF one time u playfully did this lol
some of them rlly out here trying to find a reason not to be picked up like??
Twilight: look u can pick me up, but im too big compared to you so it just wont work out…
You, seconds away from ur dream of picking up Twilight Princess Link, not about to stop now: SO WHAT ur bigger than me? All the more room to get a good hold on you babieee >:)
and Time,
Time: i have armor on, and im taller than you. itd be awkward, i can just lean on you until we can splint my ankl-
You: u think the little details gonna stop me? cute, get on my back rn. 😐
on another related carrying Links note,
I thought as soon as I posted other ask abt this abt how Rulie/Four get sick and how others have had to carry them before,
but with you here??
Rulie and Four are livvinggggg >>>
so if we go on bird hylians theory, they actually have a higher body temp (bird base contribute to burning thru food quicker too? birds have a higher metabolism too right? would make more sense with how they consume food a lot for both healing and bc they hungrier more often than humans)
so u know that feeling of being nauseous, laying stomach down on the cold bathroom floor or smth and suddenly all ur problems are solved?
Hyrule and Four getting carried by u, their lovely Guide become physical, after portals ^^^
getting carried by u/physical affection from u is by far the best thing to come out of you becoming physical, all links have secretly decided lol
so unlike previous posts, if we’re being more true to humans are space orcs/australians tumblr side, i think I've heard over there abt eating/human diets being radically different a lot!
like how originally caffeine/capsican (the spicy part of peppers) was poison, or kept animals from eating that plant bc that was their defense,
then humans came along, said, “hm, makes my mouth tingle, more energy, i like it.”
and then made coffee, energy drinks, and a million spicy dishes/snacks worldwide lmao
anyway the Links are scared lol
esp after u talk abt stuff like this, or try Goron spice
my fav scifi idea thing i ran into somewhere was how these aliens gave their human meat to eat, human got curious (which, human curiosity a whole different beast of a post to get into, so many ideas)
and tried to gnaw on bones, like u do with stuff like ribs u know, and then broke the bone, found the marrow tasted great, and then the bone was so flimsy/broke down so much that they ate it too lol
So now, imagine the Chain did that to you LMAO
Four/Wild/Wind are fascinated by ur bone/jaw strength, Wars/Hyrule/Sky/Twi are mildly horrified but cant look away, Legend and Time are surprised but also at the stage of just acceptance of ur human bullshit lmao
unrelated to above, abt the fertility thing
one side of my family is super big (mom is 1 of 5, one of which is her identical twin) then each of them had about 3 kids, then some of my cousins are now having their own 1-2 kids, along with some of my adopted cousins thrown in/somebodies stepkids or like divorced situation where they sometimes show up to this side of the family, like 💀
Chain want to hear everything about ur family ngl if ur in a situation like this lol
the absolute shock on their faces after u tell them about twins/triplets/quintuplets/etc. existing lol
Bro, the amount of things I could talk abt with magic resistant reader pros/cons, like have u ever seen that in animes before? where it'll have a character who can negate stuff?
its so OP, it might just be worth not being able to use their magic much in hyrule
so i included that gif bc a scenario i can totally see happening that i didnt get to include in other posts is a guardian firing a laser at you and it just,, bounces off
or gets kinda absorbed, like maybe you got the equivalent burn of like touching a hot pan, stings for like an hour then is gone by the end of the day
Wild would literally not let go of you or let you out of his sight if he saw that happen poor thing ToT
Guardians were already so tricky for the Chain, esp black blooded (robots have blood? unclear)
then ur ass shows up all heat resistant to their world, and ur slow ass gets got by the beam, everyone’s horrified and poor boys are regretting you ever getting a physical form, bro you think your dead-
and then u just sit up, chest kinda burny, but just like described above, not even a real burn
even better, the guardian takes out ur weapon and u just have to like, square up to a guardian ASFHLJSL-
tbh most battles ur absolutely set,
u got magic resistance, so like wizzrobes who are all magic-based do nothing to you, u can literally punch ur way out a situation, as long as u keep ur guard up ur good, but even if u get hit physically, like u said, bruises at worst, bc at worst in a battle you'd get a broken bone
maybe if something had the strength to like, sever a limb, a step up from broken bones, then they manage to actually bruise u badly + cut you or smth
so basically ur biggest challenge in battles is working up the courage to get into them LMAO
like u know that thing from Oot with the bloody hands and shit?? dead hand or redead or smth?? skulltulas???? (esp if u have phobias related to it, like having arachnophobia like me for skulltulas💀)
Chain: Charge! cmon Guide!
You: I got your back girl! …from over here!
ur so perfect for fighting and ur biggest obstacle is just how fucking terrifying fighting that shit irl would be 😭 😭
the Links don't give u battle advice really, they instead just have to encourage you so you'll be less afraid and can fight LMAO
(makes sense to them tho bc ur world doesn't have these same monsters, most of them tbh would've had a harder time relating before this adventure, bc now they get to a new hyrule with entirely diff monsters they can relate more lol)
(Oh, and yes. Four is honest to god falling in love with you all over again seeing you sharpen edges of swords by pinching ur fingers, or dipping ur hand in lava casually to help the harder metals soften, or smooth out dents in armor. Time may have also felt some type of way the first time you reached out and smoothed a dent right in the middle of his chest.)
could've said SO much more, but my ideas sometimes go too quick for my fingers to type, so this was all i could catch for now
dw ill never shut up about this AU so ill prob get them all out eventually, GOD i wanna write a male!reader fic with this so bad
but i keep forcing myself to at least finish 1/3 fics im updating rn before i launch into another lol
TYSM for this!!
I LOVE hearing ppls idea abt this AU, esp if u include male/gen neutral reader, like just take my heart ig <333
Sorry abt the late reply btw!! :’(
Peace out Daicinia,
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evanpeterspeter · 3 months
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AN: In celebration of me being on my period, (yay being a woman..) I figured, why not there be head cannons of the Evan’s response to you being on that time of the month. It’s something small but why not. Theres also a little bit of NSFW, so fair warning.
Ps. It is my birthday today 😽🫶
TW: Blood, NSFW, oral, fingering, unprotected p in v and stuff
Tate Langdon
Tate would set up a heating pad for you and
Grab you your favorite book to read
Play your favorite music and rest his head on your lower stomach, in hopes the weight of him might help the cramps.
Would pepper kisses everywhere to help distract the pain
He would sit criss crossed on the bed facing you and will rub your clit to help ease the pain, until you finish
Kit Walker
Kit would kiss your lower stomach and give you a deep massage where your uterus lays
Would buy you chocolate and your favorite desserts
Would do all the house work and chores for you, whilst you get plenty of rest (He'll be wearing your frilly apron while doing all the work)
He would dick you down so good, it'll cure those cramps by how deep he hits in you, completely bottoming himself out
Kyle Spencer
Kyle would take you out for a nice dinner
He would take you shopping and even surprise you with flowers
He doesn't know what exactly the difference is between pads and tampons, so he buys them both.
He is very respectful when it comes to sex on your period and no matter how horny he is, he'll always respect your boundaries. Which turns you on.. so now you guys are going missionary
Jimmy Darling
Jimmy would take care of you like as if you were sick
His mom would also make you some soup and home baked buttered bread, then he would hand feed you
He'd make sure that nothing and nobody would bother you
Would finger fuck you so hard, that your legs would shake and quiver afterwards.
James Patrick March
James would make everything romantic no matter what
Would set up a warm bubble bath with candles, with rose petals on the surface of the water and with a glass of wine on the side
Would pamper you and caress you up and down, leaving kisses and love bites all over
Would kiss up your thighs and eat you out. Even when it's all a bloody mess, he loves the taste. Especially since it's you
Kai Anderson
Kai isn't really the kind to pamper you. He thinks it's being vulnerable
You're only allowed to skip one meeting for cramps/major discomfort, but you would have to make it up to him later
He also gets irritated when you're PMSing, but will soon apologize, not by words but by showing physical touch, such as in hugging behind you, nuzzling your neck and much more
Kai's idea of curing your cramps is to fuck you with a vibrator hard and fast. Your whole body and core will be shaking after, and once you finish he'll rail you to the bed. No protection, no towel, he'll leave the blood everywhere to show what mess he created from you
Warren Lipka
Warren would let you lay in his flannel and will spoon you in bed, placing his warm hands over your lower belly to cradle
He would pass you a blunt to ease the pain and to help you relax
He's too lazy to cook, so he'll probably make you a bowl of cereal
He would let you ride him all much as you wanted. Until of course when he finishes in you.
Peter Maximoff
Peter would do anything for you, no matter how crazy the request might be
Would "buy" you junk food in seconds
He would let you sit on his lap while you play one of his video games on the tv, while rubbing your lower tummy in a circular motion
Sure he's fast, but you don't know fast until he finger fucks you and using his other hand to rub your tender aching clit like a vibrator
Tag list: @evansonlylove @xrag-dollx @warrenlipkaswife
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stop-talking · 5 months
How do you think jhutch characters would handle a baby?
I'm not quite sure if you're asking "what would they do if you handed them a baby" or "what would they do if you told them you're pregnant" but I'm gonna assume you meant the latter. (feel free to send another request if I got it wrong)
Ranking Jhutch characters from worst to best fathers:
☆ Would play dumb when you hand him the pregnancy test.
☆ "What's this? Oh, you're pregnant? Can't be mine. My pull-out game is too strong." (literally has NO pull-out game, refuses to use condoms because he "can't feel" with them on)
☆ Basically ghosts you until the paternity test proves it's his. Then he actually ghosts you.
☆ Drops off the face of the fucking Earth for years. Doesn't pay a dime in child support.
☆ Maybe he comes back like 3 years later drunk and demanding to see "his" kid idk. Literally the worst.
☆ Honestly I headcannon he had a vasectomy at like 24-25.
☆ His mom hit him up once she heard about his prostitute scandals and chewed him out. Gave him "the talk" even though he's a grown ass man... finally got him to get snipped when she brought up the possibility of paying income-based child support for 18 years.
☆ Assuming he doesn't have one, though...
☆ He'd initially be mad and blame you. "I thought you were on the pill!!"
☆ Then he'd be like "Is it too late to... you know... get rid of it?" (and kind of dance around the subject because he's too much of a wimp to just say the word abortion)
☆ Wallace and his mom would both force him to get his shit together and apologize. Eventually he'd come to terms with the fact he's gonna be a dad.
☆ He'd be the kind of bastard to throw an over-the-top gender reveal party. The kind that burns down half of California or pollutes a major water channel.
☆ I think he'd be a really good girl dad. He'd let her paint his nails and stuff. Spoil her. <3
☆ He would treat a son completely differently. Teach him to "be a man" or whatever when he's still learning to walk. Force him into random ass sports.
☆ He'd have them mostly taken care of by a nanny. That's probably how he was raised, anyways. Derek Danforth is NOT changing a diaper.
☆ Whether we're talking pre-show or post-show, he'd freak the fuck out if you handed him a positive pregnancy test. I'm talking full-on pass out.
☆ Pre-show Josh would be like "Babe we can NOT afford a baby I literally live at home with my parents and work as a janitor."
☆ His parents would be so crazy supportive though. They've been hinting that they want grandkids for YEARS.
☆ They literally clear out a room IMMIDEATELY after hearing the news and offer it to you to use as a nursery.
☆ His mom buys you more baby clothes than you could possibly need. His dad builds a crib from scratch.
☆ Overall Josh is stressed asf but he does his best to be there for you, and his parents are OVERWHELMIGLY supportive.
☆ Post-show Josh, on the other hand, doesn't have that support. But he's survived unspeakable horrors across multiple dimensions, how hard could a baby be?
☆ Extremely hard, apparently. One day he just loses it and makes a huge decision without asking you.
☆ "Josh WTF happened to our savings??"
☆ "TRUST ME BABE we need to invest in Apple!!"
☆ You're pissed but it pays off in a few years and you're both able to live comfortably.
☆ Then in 2015-ish he did the same thing again, pouring all your savings into bitcoin. This time you SWEAR you're going to leave him, but it all pays out in the end. He gets your kid through college with that money.
☆ Overall he's a really good father, too. He had great parents, and even if he's not experienced with kids, he's naturally a very caring and attentive person.
☆ Cries when he sees the pregnancy test. He's not even sure if it's happy or sad tears.
☆ Gets sick to his stomach overthinking about how he's going to be a terrible father. His dad walked out on him, so he has literally no idea how to act.
☆ Abby, on the other hand, is absolutely delighted. She's always wanted a "little sister". Mike has to remind her that technically it's her niece. Or nephew. There's no guarantee on the gender yet.
☆ Eventually he comes to terms with it all. He's taken care of Abby for ten years, he isn't completely clueless.
☆ Takes you to all of your Dr.'s appointments, checkups, etc. Holds your hand. Makes all of your weird pregnancy cravings and doesn't judge.
☆ After the birth, he lets you rest. Nearly works himself to death trying to take care of the baby all on his own because he wants you to recover.
☆ I'm talking getting up bleary-eyed at 2am every night to microwave some formula and feed the baby. After working a 10 hour shift.
☆ Pulls the "I have a baby on the way" card at work in an attempt to get a raise. It works, thankfully. (In the novel version of the movie; it says he gets a job as a contractor at the end. So hopefully he can afford a kid...)
[Remember: these are just MY headcannons. If you think differently that's fine. I didn't include Clapton because he's literally in highschool... and we all know Peeta is an amazing father.]
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aihaitahm · 1 year
hsr + genshin characters being your tattoo artist <3
idk! just an idea while i was driving:)! but i thought it would be hot to think abt kafka telling you its okay or seeing alhaitham having a tattoo sleeve bc of his arms ^_^
cw tattooing so mentions of pain ! maybe slightly suggestive.
very punctual and ready when the job needs to be done, so if your late, he would be irritated and would charge you a bit more. luckily you arrive in time but he couldnt help but observe you. he wont deny that he finds you cute.
doesn’t like to do small talk, just quietly sits there and he works on your tattoo. though he does listen to you talk if you talk. he would simply nod to most of his customers but for some reason he found himself talking to you and enjoying a conversation. cyno and dehya noticed this and quickly eyed on each other.
you couldnt help but stare at him and the way he is working. he is doing an incredible job while being so hot with it. seeing his amazing tattoo sleeve, you decided to ask him about it.
“did you do that yourself?” you pointed curiously.
“yes i did with the help of cyno. it was challenging but overall i think it came out amazing.”
queue dehya nudging cyno and snickering at the back. alhaitham looks at them and glares.
when he is finished with his work, he musters up the courage to ask you out. feeling a bit of pride since you complimented him and gave him a huge tip.
“i think you are lovely. would you want to go out sometime? its okay if not.” he bluntly asked, not caring about the looks he was getting in the tattoo shop.
“oh! yes of course i would love to. here’s my number!” you smiled.
when you went home, you received a text from alhaitham, asking if you want to go to the movies or eat somewhere to get to know you more. you cant help but be flustered and be excited to get to know him more. on the other hand, alhaitham could not stop grinning at his phone that dehya had grab his phone so that he could clean up his work station.
yae miko
her tattoo work station is so pretty!! it is filled with pink and purple colors. she makes sure her customer feels welcomed and comfortable.
as soon as you walk in, she would compliment you already. “ah you’re my adorable guest today, take a seat if you may please.~”
she smells so good. she smells so expensive with a hint of sakura and vanilla. she is literally enchanting you with her scent. of course you compliment her and she flirtatiously says thank you!
probably has a really chill, lazy cat that lays beside the guest whether by your arm or leg or tummy, he is just there and loafing.
wouldnt do this for most of her customers except maybe her friends but she asks if youre hungry and would order food for you. you insisted at first but you gladly accepted the offer.
“arent you hungry dear?” she asked as she grabbed her phone to order.
“ah no its okay!” you said but suddenly youre stomach decides to grumble so loudly.
“well, you’re stummy says otherwise babe. let me order you some food? and no need to pay me back. i know how tattoos can be expensive already. take it as a treat since im very interested in you. ~” she flirted, leaving you blushing and flustered.
he does piercings and tattoos. very skilled and professional at it too. has taught a lot of people and is known for original designs to go viral.
i think he can be a clean freak. everything has to be organized and his equipment has to be clean or else he cant work at all and he will have a bad day.
when you walked in for your session, blade had to fill in since the person who was supposed to tattoo you became sick.
he deeply sighed and fixed his equipment, getting ready. he was mentally preparing himself too because he has to tattoo someone who he thinks is attractive. he has to make his work perfect so that maybe you’d come back to him if you wanted more tattoos. maintaining his composure properly until you compliment him.
you were searching for ideas and he showed you his original designs. looking with awe, you didnt realize what you said.
“these designs are so pretty and unique just like the creator himself. though i think i’ll pick this spider lily flower.” you decided.
“o-oh thank you. and this spider lily it is.” he mentally facepalmed. why did he stutter.
this made kafka turn her head because of what she overheard. she smirked and of course silverwolf was curious so she turned to witness what was happening.
“wooo! thats our bladie. he’s a little bit awkward sorry!” she teased.
when it was done, you paid your bill up front and tipped him a great amount. stealing shy glances and light touches whenever you were paying him your tip. before you went out, kafka pushed blade to give you his business card filled with his phone number.
“xxx-xxxx-xxxx text me i think you’re cute.”
she loves to play music in the background and loves to talk to you while tattooing you. gives her customers free drinks of your choice except yours has a little note with a smiley face in it.
she is definitely not shy and up front when she says she is interested in you but she certainly knows her boundaries. you can spill her some gossip or any random topic and she will talk to you.
when she notices you stare at her a lot, she would give you a wink and smirk. she just laughs when you get flustered for being caught.
she smiles to you a lot and likes to gaze on you. she makes sure she is extra gentle with you and tells you to take deep breaths if it hurts.
“take a deep breath in 3… 2… 1…”
“ good job baby your doing so well.”
“im sorry this might hurt a bit…. there you go i knew you could do it. mmmm good girl/boy. take it like a champ.”
she smirks when she sees you flustered. she knows it makes you blush and she loves to see it. at the end of the session, she makes it known that she wants to take you out and shop.
did i mention she flirts with you a lot? winks at you whenever your gazes meet.
“if you clearly cant tell, i want to know you more. i would like to take you out. just you and me how does that sound?”
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killersfool · 11 months
hii! not sure if you’re open to requests but i’m going to give u a few ideas! most of these are for elijah hewson😭
falling asleep on the couch, waking up to not only a blanket around them, but eli squeezed in behind them
being in the studio with the band and messing about?? making jokes and being silly!
kissing and dancing in the kitchen to an old singe they both like?
eli taking care of you when you’re sick and just being super soft and caring!
spending valentine’s day together!
something about the reader playing with eli’s fingers to calm them down?
softly smiling at each other from across the room and also reassuring touches!
telling each other how much they love them
them cuddling in bed and pulling eachother closer
hope these spark your writing :))))
Kiss It Better | ELIJAH HEWSON
here's a short little thing inspired by this request!
PAIRING: elijah hewson x f!reader
WORDS: 1.5k
SUMMARY: eli's girlfriend is ill, elijah comforts her.
GENRE: hurt/comfort, fluff
WARNINGS: references to throwing up
I've never been so ill in my life. My nose is so runny. I've almost used every single packet of tissues in the kitchen cabinet right under the sink — which used to be a lot and now is very little. I've thrown up my insides into the loo way too many times to count on my fingers. Bent over the toilet, eyes pricking with tears, I've never felt so useless. At least the thought of my boyfriend getting back after his gig gives me something to look forward to. But it's far too late.
I'm staring at the TV screen. I hug my knees to my chest, attempting to generate some warmth. The blanket is upstairs — probably hiding in the space between the bed and the wall. Surely, if I attempt to stumble upstairs now, I'll just get stuck and end up falling asleep in the corridor.
I can't stop glancing at the door. I'm hoping for a doorknob twist, knock, ring of the doorbell, stamp of boots, low and raspy post-concert voice. But I'm just met with nothing. No signs of his arrival. He hasn't called me. He usually doesn't. He likes to surprise me. After having the worst migraine of my life, it would give me some comfort if he just gave me a hug. A warm Elijah Hewson hug would cleanse my mind.
Starting to realise that the TV is doing more harm than good, I switch it off. I'm beginning to see blurry triangular shapes and my eyes burn like they're on fire. The living room is pitch black. I'm freezing. I'm tired. I take two paracetamol tablets and chug some water. Curling up on my side, legs on the armrest, I close my eyes.
I wake up. Sunlight gleams through the gaps in the white curtains. My body is wrapped in a duvet, soft and warm. Skin is against mine. Arms are around my body, squeezing me tightly. He's shirtless. I can tell by the tufts of chest hair flicking at my shoulder. His head is on my back, curls all over my skin, lips between my shoulderblades. I don't want to move. I don't want to speak. He's asleep. Gentle snores, deep breaths, in and out.
I must've fallen into a deep sleep because I have no recollection of his arrival or him ever taking me upstairs. I'm usually a light sleeper. This migraine fully knocked me out. That's the best nights sleep I've had in a while. I'm especially thankful I managed to escape from work for the rest of the week.
Elijah's normally the little spoon when we hug like this. It's funny how the tables have turned. I think I prefer this though. But lying awake and tracing the muscles in his back always seems to calm me down.
I want to ask him how the show went and the reason for his tardiness. He had been playing in Glasgow, thankfully only a few miles away from me and had bought me tissues, chocolate and gave me an endless supply of kisses before he had to run down to meet the band.
Opening my eyes fully, I take a peek over at the bedside table. He's brought me more tissues, face masks, more chocolate and a box of sleep teabags.
I realise Elijah's awake when his fingers start to walk along my bare stomach and his mouth is at the juncture between my back and shoulder. He pulls my hair to the side, presses his wet mouth to my neck. He smells clean. I'm sure he's showered. His hair feels a little damp.
He keeps pulling me closer. Arms tightening like he's a boa constrictor. Cool rings on my stomach, large hands tugging at the waistband of my shorts.
"You feeling better?" He asks, between kisses, tongue tracing my jugular vein. It's unsettlingly nice. His words are always gruff the morning after the show. All the singing takes a toll. Makes him sound more mellow. Sometimes I worry for his vocal cords.
"Not really." I groan. A mind-numbing headache is still prodding at my brain and the brightness of the sun makes my eyes burn. He's got a hand on my forehead, cool fingers against fiery skin — checking the temperature.
"God, you're pale. And you're burning up. I should get the thermometer." He gets out of bed. The loss of weight of his body makes the mattress shift. I glance over at him. His hair has stuck up at the top, his bare back glows under the sunlight. He stands up. Sweatpants cling loosely to his hips, revealing the muscles of his abdomen and a chain circles around his neck. He leaves the room — not even giving me time to utter a word of annoyance at the sudden lack of touch.
Then he's back. He crawls into bed. The thermometer is between his index finger and thumb. I look at the cross tattoo on his palm, see the concentration on his face as he plays around with the buttons.
"It's just a migraine," I say but he's already turning it on and pointing at my mouth. I roll my eyes and separate my lips. He gives me a sly smirk, just making me sit like that for a moment. Then he puts the device beneath my tongue and waits patiently. I'm trying not to laugh at how awkward this is. I close my eyes to evade his gaze but I can still feel the force of his stare.
"You've got a fever." Dr Hewson alerts me with his expert diagnosis although the furrow of his brows makes him seem unsure. He looks down at the numbers displayed, rubbing his face with worry. "A really bad one." He's now searching up on his phone what it means.
"Should I go to the doctors?" I shuffle away from him. I don't want him to catch what I have. He has gigs all week, I don't want to ruin anything for him.
He notices my movement. Shaking his head, he drags me back towards him, making me nestle into his chest. His eyes are still darting along a website.
"I think you just need to rest. I'll make you breakfast." Elijah kisses my nose before running downstairs with his mind set solely on making some decent food.
Through the corridor, into the kitchen. He's forgotten where half the things are in the room. Opening cabinets, searching through the fridge, putting water into the kettle. Most of the time he'll get his breakfast on the way to a show. Maybe a café, maybe he'll steal some food from Ryan. Today, however, he's lucky enough to not have a gig and actually have time to look after his girlfriend. Although he's definitely going to make a mess of the place.
His final decision is to make omelettes. Oil on the frying pan, ham—leaving it to heat up until it's a little crispy. Two eggs, cracked and swirled in a glass. Cheese on top, grated with masterful excellence—at least that's what he believes. Folds it over to make it fill half of the pan. Let's it continue to fry. Then he's running over to make a cup of tea. He uses one of the sleep teabags he bought. He's just about to plate up when footsteps echo behind him.
I have to stop for a second when I walk into the kitchen. It's a rarity to see Elijah here, cooking for me. We started dating at the beginning of the tour which unluckily means that he's hardly ever home. He has to leave early in the morning and gets back really late. Whenever he has days off, he takes me on dates and walks, or we just laze around at home, basking in eachother's presence. There's times when he brings me along to the recording studio so that I can reprimand all the band members or give an outside opinion of their new songs.
Elijah seems so focused on getting this omelette perfect. He's running around the place. He grabs two pieces of bread to turn his dish into an omelette-sandwich. I stand in the doorway for a while, just watching him. But, I can't stop myself from nearing him. As he cuts an apple into a slices, I slide my arms around his stomach, pressing my head to his shoulder. He sighs quietly. I breathe in his scent, his comfort.
"You should be in bed," he whispers, although he doesn't seem to want me to let go. I shake my head as he looks at me.
There's music playing on the radio. I turn it up. It's a song by The Smiths. I'm swaying to the beat, moving Elijah along with me. He's still carefully chopping fruit into perfect pieces. Watermelon, strawberries, mango. My mouth is watering just looking at the vast array of flavours.
Elijah drops his knife, turns around to face me. His hands find my waist, his lips find my neck, his head burrows into my chest like he's a mole hiding under soil. We dance along to the crackle of music, feeling the melodies trickle into our bones. Just his presence makes me feel better, every kiss turns my negative thoughts to mush.
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clangenrising · 8 months
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Content Warning: This piece includes content that may be triggering to some viewers. A description of that content can be found here.
Month 11 - Leafbare
The snowstorm lasted for longer than expected. Scorch and Mystique had been planning to get her Name Charm interpreted the day it started but the intensity of the snowfall had caused them to bury their plans until further notice.
On the second day of snowfall, Scorch had tried to slip away. The snowstorm likely wouldn’t be pleasant to walk through but she thought there was a chance that it would cover her escape. Unfortunately, the plan had quickly fallen apart when she discovered the snow piled two feet high, blocking her flap completely. She had tried to tunnel through it but her Folk had pulled her away and tried to entice her into a game and she had reluctantly agreed that it probably wasn’t the best idea to go wading through snow deeper than she was tall. The third day was mostly the same.
On the fourth day, with the snow having melted to a more manageable depth, she carefully ventured outside. As she picked her way through the yard, she began to hold her breath. Each new step was the furthest she had walked without an escort in weeks. 
Her mind began to buzz, flicking over the layout of the neighborhood she had memorized while walking with Mystique. The woods were North of her, across a few blocks of houses and a small stretch of city. If she was quick and quiet, maybe she could make it! She leapt onto the fence and winced as it rattled. 
Hurry, she thought. Not much time. 
She stepped quickly, paw over paw, down the thin line of the fence. Every sense was on high alert. Every sound made her feel sick to her stomach. A dog barked nearby. A car door slammed down the street. A door flap fluttered noisily to her left. 
“Hey!” Mystique’s voice sounded, like a collar tightening around her throat. Scorch stopped in her tracks and put on a smile even as her hopes shriveled and died. 
She turned to look at Mystique and said, “Oh! Hello, there. I hope you’re having a good morning.” Mystique bounded casually across her yard and sprang neatly onto the fence beside her.
“It’s not bad,” she smiled. “Are you heading out? I’d love to keep you company.” 
Scorch sighed, desperation squirming in her stomach. “Can’t I just go out on my own for once? I’m going to go crazy with all these escorts.” 
“I’m sorry,” Mystique grimaced sympathetically. “If I let you go alone and something happened Razor would kill me.” She meant it hyperbolically but Scorch swallowed tightly nonetheless. “And I’d be pretty upset too. I like you, ya’know?”  
Scorch laughed with a coy look away. “Oh, please.” 
“Really!” Mystique pressed, swiping lightly at Scorch’s ear. “You’re fun company! And I need more girl friends.” 
“That’s very sweet of you,” Scorch said, looking over again. She made the smile genuine but underneath she fell into despair. 
“So where are we going?” Mystique asked. 
“I don’t know,” Scorch admitted. “I was just going to explore.” 
“We could go see Portia,” offered Mystique. 
“Oh, yes,” Scorch said, resigned to whatever they were going to do. “I’d forgotten about that.”
“Yeah!” grinned Mystique, “It’s not far. This way!” 
And they went off. Scorch kept up the conversation when Mystique addressed her but her heart wasn’t in it. Her heart was twisting inside her and choking up her throat. She had no idea what she was going to do. She only knew she had to be gone before Razor returned. 
Eventually, they came up to a fancy looking stone house crawling in ivy. It was definitely one of the older houses in the area, Scorch could tell just by the smell of it. Mystique led her to the back garden through a wrought iron fence and a snowbound flower bed. 
“Obviously, you know,” Mystique said over her shoulder, “we’ll need to be on our best behavior when we talk to the Interpreter. We’ll show her your collar and she’ll tell us what name the Folk have given you.” 
“It’s that simple, is it?” Scorch asked. 
“From what I’ve seen, yes,” said Mystique, “but I’m sure it's more complicated from Portia’s point of view.” Scorch hummed thoughtfully.
Ahead of them stood a stately structure attached to the back window. Its bones were wooden but there was wire mesh stretched across it like a transparent skin in such a way that the other side was only accessible through the small tunnel that led to a flap in the window pane. 
Lounging on the other side of the window sat Portia, her creamy white and tortoiseshell fur lit up by the morning sun streaming through the glass. Scorch had met Portia once or twice when shadowing Razor but she had never spoken to her. Only the exalted were permitted to engage her in conversation except in emergencies. She took a deep breath, smoothed over her chest fur, and followed behind Mystique who approached the window. 
“Good morning, your grace,” she said and Portia opened one of her sharp green eyes. 
“Ah, good morning, Mystique. What brings you to my garden?” Her eyes flickered over to Scorch’s face, narrowing briefly, but then widened with interest at the sight of her collar.
“We seek your wisdom, your grace,” Scorch purred with a bow. “I’ve recently been Exalted and would be deeply honored if you could interpret my Name Charm.” She stood from the bow and lifted her chin to better show off the little trinket. 
“Of course,” Portia said, then yawned. She stood with an indulgent stretch of her spine, and padded through the flap and into the tunnel. “I live to interpret the will of the Folk. Please, approach my domain.” 
She dropped down from the tunnel and onto the tiled stones that made up the floor of the structure, beckoning gracefully with her tail. Scorch glanced at Mystique, who gave her an encouraging jerk of her head, and approached. 
“Sit,” Portia purred, flicking her one speckled ear. Scorch did. “Now let me see.” Portia opened her mouth to drink in Scorch’s scent. She closed her eyes and leaned in, sniffing lightly, then opened them and looked Scorch up and down. Scorch couldn’t help but wonder what that all had to do with interpreting her charm. She concluded that it was mostly for show. Portia’s eyes eventually came to rest on the charm and Scorch watched them dance sideways across it. 
“Oh, the Folk have blessed you with a fiery name,” Portia nodded sagely, “one that speaks to your wit and passion while also inviting you to explore the more feminine side you ignore. Your name evokes the image of a home, warm and gentle but ready to support and protect the cats relying on it for shelter.” 
Scorch smiled, thinking, tooth and claw, just get on with it already!
“Scorch is no more,” Portia continued, her voice as gentle as a blossom. “A new cat stands in her place, a cat with a duty to her Folk and to her mate.” Scorch swallowed through a wave of nausea. “The Folk have given you a name befitting this role. That name… is Gingersnap.” 
“Gingersnap?” Scorchplume said, somewhat surprised. She couldn’t help but recognize how Clan-like it sounded, although the pieces put together didn’t convey any meaning she could comprehend. How did those words evoke the image of a home? 
“Yes,” purred Portia. “It’s lovely, isn’t it?” 
“Yes, it is,” Scorchplume lied, looking down to try and catch a glimpse of the Name Charm itself. 
“It really suits you,” Mystique agreed. 
“Of course it does,” said Portia. “The Folk do not give Name Charms thoughtlessly.” 
“Oh, of course not,” Mystique said, wincing in embarrassment. 
“Portia,” Scorch said, then quickly added, “your grace. May I ask a question?” 
Portia smiled. “Absolutely, Gingersnap. What is your question?” 
“I hope it isn’t… blasphemous,” Scorch said with a coy glance at her own paws, “but I’m so intensely curious; how do you know what the Name Charms mean? Is it just… a sense or… is it something I could learn to do?” She hoped that the phrasing she had chosen would be the most disarming way to put it. She wasn’t skeptical, no, of course not. She wanted to be like Portia! 
“It can be taught,” Portia nodded, to Scorch’s surprise. “Although many do not have the knack for it like I do.” 
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“Really?” Scorch tried to fluff up with a hopeful expression. 
“Yes,” chuckled Portia sweetly. “I have a few Pages who are learning to interpret as I do. I won’t be around forever, after all, and there are some cats who are confined to their own homes and can’t visit me here for their readings. My Pages visit them where they are and then return to me if the cat seeks further insight into the gifts the Folk have given them.”
“I see,” Scorch hummed. “Could I be one of those Pages?” 
“Perhaps,” hummed Portia. 
Across the yard, a deep voice called, “I think that’s a great idea.” 
Scorch’s blood suddenly ran cold. No, she thought, no, it can’t be him! Paw pads slick with sweat, she turned slowly to face the voice, or at least, slower than her pounding heart would have liked. Careful, she warned herself, he has to think you’re happy to see him or you’ll lose everything! 
Forcing her fur to lie flat and her smile to stay in place, she looked out across the yard. Striding through the snow was Razor, his tail raised above his back warmly. She had known his house was next to Portia’s but she had assumed he was still at the front! How hadn’t she sensed him coming?! Whiskers twitching, she realized with sinking dread that the wind had been blowing in his favor. Silently, she cursed the wind and him and herself and all the world.
“Razor,” she managed, hoping the tearful edge to her voice sounded loving instead of fearful. 
“How are you, my little bird?” he rumbled, stepping into her space.
“Better now,” she lied, rising to rub her head against his shoulder. She even managed to purr. His scent was smothering and when he curled around her to nose the fur on the back of her neck, her stomach flipped, like the flash of a sickening memory. No! she screamed internally. Being around him never made me feel this sick in the past! What is wrong with me? 
After a moment they stepped back from each other and he looked her over in a way that made her feel utterly exposed. 
“Tell me,” he said, “what’s your new name, dear?” Portia opened her mouth but without looking at her, his tail twitched to stop her and she fell silent. He wanted Scorch to say it.
“Gingersnap,” she said. “Isn’t it lovely?” 
“It’s got a kick to it,” he purred with a suggestive grin. “Very you.” She laughed and looked down at her paws to avoid another second staring at that face. 
“How goes the front?” Mystique asked. 
Razor’s expression darkened. “Not well. Apparently the savages attacked during the snowstorm and they killed Sycamore.” 
“Woah, seriously?” Mystique said, her casual demeanor turning grim. 
“That’s horrible!” Portia gasped. Scorch looked back at Razor in stunned silence. 
“Yeah,” he said, the storm of his anger building underneath the surface. “There were at least twenty according to the survivors - way more than we had originally thought.” So they had united the Clans to fight Razor. Scorch felt a flash of hope for a moment before another realization hit her.
“Did they at least manage to kill any of the savages?” she asked. 
“No, I don’t think so,” Razor said. “The chaff there were not fighters, it seems. We’ll have to be more careful about who we send next time.” Scorch nodded quietly, trying not to be obvious in her relief. 
“Yeah, no kidding,” Mystique frowned. 
“But enough about that,” Razor flicked one ear. “You girls shouldn’t trouble yourselves too much with that kind of thing. You said you were thinking of becoming a Page?” He turned his focus back to Scorch, ears perked with interest. 
“Yes,” she nodded, “if Portia will have me. I’d love to help interpret the will of the Folk.” 
“There is no higher calling for a molly,” Portia said. “If you’re truly interested, I’d be happy to teach you.” 
“I’m happy for any excuse to have you in this neck of the woods,” Razor grinned. Scorch laughed and gave him a girlish shove. Get away from me! she thought. 
“Did you need me for anything, your excellence?” Portia asked. 
Razor glanced in her direction and then shook his head. “Not right now.” 
“Then I’ll excuse myself,” she said with a little dip of her head. “Gingersnap, please feel free to visit sometime and we can start your training.” 
“I will,” Scorch said, stifling a wince when Razor stepped even closer and wrapped his tail around her. “Thank you, your grace.” 
“It was my pleasure,” Portia purred. Then, she turned and slipped back inside. 
Mystique shifted to focus on the remaining cats. “Should I… leave you two alone?” She grimaced in a very sisterly way.
No! Scorch thought.
“I think so,” chuckled Razor. “I’ll make sure Gingersnap get’s home safely.” 
“Alright,” Mystique nodded and stood with a swish of her tail. “See you around, Gingersnap.” 
“Yes, see you around,” was all Scorch could say. Mystique frowned a little, her eyes narrowing for a split second, but then she nodded and turned to leave through the wrought iron fence. Scorch felt like she might faint.
“Well, now,” Razor rumbled lowly, turning his attention fully onto Scorch. “I’ve missed you, little bird.” His tail brushed up her leg. “Where have you been all this time?” 
“I went exploring,” Scorch laughed as if it were a trivial little thing. “You know, my time with you was the longest I’ve ever stayed in one place. I wanted to see the sights.” 
“Without a word of goodbye?” he asked, shifting his weight ominously. This was a dangerous line of questioning and Scorch realized she needed to do something quickly if she wanted to keep up appearances.
“I’m sorry,” she pouted cutely. Her next words took tremendous effort to say. “Let me make it up to you?” 
Razor’s lips split into a toothy grin. “Make it up to me? Now how would you do that?” He looked her up and down again, practically smirking.
“I’m sure I can think of something,” she murmured with a sultry look, stretching up on her toes to look him in the eyes. She was going to have to placate him sooner or later. She might as well make it her decision. This way she stayed in control. This way she wasn’t helpless. 
“Why don’t we find somewhere quiet,” Razor said and Scorch purred. 
“Lead the way.”
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nahoyasboyfriend · 8 months
Run from me
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Warning: very vague gore at the end tried to keep that as short as possible. If you don't want to read about being chased this is not for you
Word count: 1k
Tagging: @slvt4jamesmarch
A/N: This is my first time writing anything like this so I hope it's good. Sorry if there are any errors. I tried to fix most of them, but I may have missed a few. To whoever requested this I love you so much!!!
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You awake to the sound of someone knocking on the door. It's probably someone who got their room mixed up. sluggishly, you drag yourself out of bed, carefully ambling to the door. You yawn, blinking the last bit of sleep from your eyes. You don't bother to grab your phone. You plan to go back to bed anyway. It's still dark outside, and your alarm hasn't gone off.
You open the door and there's a man standing before you. He dressed like he was ripped fresh out of the 1920s. His hair slicked down, and he had a thin mustache. Your eyes scan over his outfit, a pin striped suit with an ascot around his neck, and a bowler hat to top it all off. He donned a charming smile, and you brush off the unease that settles in your stomach.
"I think you have the wrong room," you state plainly. All you wanted to do was go back to bed, and sleep the weirdness of this encounter away.
"No, I don't believe I do. if I recall correctly, this is room 74." he says, his inky black eyes never leaving your own.
Sighing, you lightly shake your head, taking a step closer to him, "this is the room they gave me, so there must be a mix up. I can even show you the key they gave me. It has the room number."
You turn around, and you're yanked into the firmness of his chest. Before you can even think of screaming, his big hand clamps over your mouth. "when I let go, I want you to run," he purred, voice molasses-smooth, and you shudder from the feeling of his breath against your ear. You don't make a noise, afraid it'll make everything more real. "And if you make it to the lobby, you get to live."
You think, for a brief moment, if you pray hard enough you'll wake up in your bed, and this will just be a horrible nightmare, but it isn't. It's very much real, and when his bruising grip is finally released you realize the only thing you can do is run like he requested.
And that's exactly what you do, you dart off, hoping that if you're fast enough you'll be able to make it out of here alive. You glance behind you, expecting him to be right on your tail chasing behind you. Strangely, he isn't. You see him back where you left him, taking his time. His gait is steady and slow. He's playing with you and that thought alone makes you sick.
The idea sends a wave of determination through you. You can't let it end here in an old shitty hotel. You duck a corner, and you're met with more rooms with no end in sight. Tears prick at the corners of your eyes, blurring your vision. You scream out, and your lungs ache from the exertion. You feel aimless in a way, unsure of where you are going. You don't know where any of the exits were located, or if there even are any. You wonder if this is pointless; if all roads lead to your inevitable doom.
Though the assumption of what he'll do to you if he catches you pushes you on. Being tortured didn't sound like the way you wanted to go, but not dying at all would be the preferred option. You could hear him humming behind you, a faint sound. Something you wouldn't have noticed if you didn't focus. Adrenaline is pumping through your veins, and you're sure if it wasn't you would have collapsed by now.
The halls of the hotel slowly start bleeding together the more corners you turn. Every hall looks identical to another, so much so you start to wonder if you're going in circles. You slowly begin to believe that this wasn't a hotel at all, and more like a labyrinth. A place designed to swallow helpless people like yourself whole. Losing hope, you scream louder, begging for anyone to save you. You weren't the most religious, but you found yourself wishing that somehow god would save you.
The man lets out a deafening laugh, muttering something you couldn't catch. He sounded closer than before. More tears rolled down your face, your eyes flitting around searching for another person. Goddamnit, does anyone work here?
The sound of his footsteps got quicker and louder. The sound was maddening. You couldn't tell if he was right behind you, and you were too frightened to check. The exhaustion was slowly starting to catch up with you. Your feet felt like rocks, every step taking more effort than the last. Your skin is covered in goosebumps from the chill of the hotel. The flimsy nightgown you have on doing nothing to shield you from the bite of the air conditioner.
You can barely force enough air into your lungs, each sharp breath sending a rush of pain through you. You could see another corner coming up. You could only pray that you'd finally reached an exit. That maybe your key to freedom was right in front of you. You quickly discovered It wasn't. When you reach the corner, a flood of dread is washed over you. A dead end. You let out a broken sob, stumbling down the hall. The sound of his mellow hum, creeping closer and closer.
As you staggered down the hall the only thing that ran through your head was: why? Why was he doing this to you? Why couldn't it be someone else? Why is life so cruel?
When you reach the end of the hallway, you just stand there for a moment, silently listening to him walk to you. When he's within your reach you whip around, wildly swinging your arms to hit him. He catches one of your hands, but the other lands a clean strike on his jaw. You freeze for a moment, uncertain of what to do next. He regains composure almost immediately, squeezing your wrists in a tight fist.
"you did good, dear. very good," he croons and thrusts your body against the wall and you groan out in pain. You feel a searing pain in your stomach, and you hesitantly look down to see his knife buried to hilt in your stomach. You try to scream but only a wet gurgle comes out. He twists the knife for extra measure before pulling the blade out of you. You slump forward, your consciousness slipping through your fingers like sand. Right before you lose your last bit of consciousness you hear him add, "unfortunately not good enough."
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annahxredaxted · 8 months
saw your Sam and Darlin pregnancy headcanons ....
if you haven't already , could you do Milo/Sweetheart?
theyre so perfect for each other , I'd love to see Milo as a dad/caring for Sweetheart through the pregnancy aww 🙏🏽🙏🏽
OHHH YEAHHHH i mean i did do “dad milo hc” but it’s not really the same… 😏
tw: pregnancy
Milo/Sweetheart Pregnancy headcannons!
he was a little nervous because of his dad but not as much as you’d expect
“really? no fucking shit? your fucking with me! really? like really really? holy shit!”
when they tell him he immediately demands they sit down and relax, he makes them their favorite dinner and cuddles with them for a while
he stopped cussing completely by like month 5 of their pregnancy
“fu— crap i dropped my phone..”
he kisses their belly when he leaves for work
^ “bye sweetheart,” *kiss on the lips* “bye baby..” *kiss on the belly*
milo makes them sit down when their face shows even the slightest hint of discomfort
if you have long hair he will definitely hold it back during morning sickness and rub sweethearts back
he gives them loads of massages and cuddles
definitely wanted to do a maternity photo shoot
when he spoons them at night he holds their stomach
he missed one because of a job and he was pissy for a week
brushes sweethearts hair and helps them do it and stuff
he made very long name lists
sweetheart proposed the idea of a “milo Jr.” and he cried (if it’s a boy)
he makes sweetheart drink 3 full water bottles in a day
he definitely helps them wash their hair and their body and stuff in the shower
sweethearts water broke late at night, they had a few contractions before waking milo up
he didn’t panic and he was relaxed but he was STRESSED on the inside
he grabbed everything all the bags and chargers and pillows and whatever
held sweethearts hand the whole drive to the hospital
“i can turn with one hand relax..”
he didn’t faint! he was really good the whole time
he did yell at a hospital staff for making him fill out so much paperwork before getting them to a room
sweetheart had to calm him down and he felt really bad
“if you guys don’t get your heads out of your asses so you can see that their about to!—“ they put a hand on his arm and he sighed
“nevermind just give me the damn clip board..”
when baby greer was born he sobbed like a lot
“awh they look just like you sweetheart…” he said while sobbing
skin to skin almost immediately putting the baby on his bare chest
“milo give me the damn baby—“
he shushed them and smiled
he took a picture of sweetheart holding baby greer and the two of them were sleeping in the hospital bed and that’s his lockscreen and it probably will be for a while
be considered proposing for a little more security considering they had a kid now
milo has thick curly hair
guess how the baby came out?
with a full fucking head of hair
aw he plays with baby greer all the time, peek a boo and baby things
when baby greer can walk and kinda talk he plays hide and seek
hide and seek makes sweetheart nervous because they like to know where the baby is
awh they have such adorable family photos
he keeps a different picture of sweetheart and baby greer in his wallet
it’s of sweetheart kissing the baby and smiling really widely while the baby’s smile is just as wide if not more
heheheh that’s all :3
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gurathins · 3 months
toby + drastic!
YEAA ‼️ have a drawing too (also found here)
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Summary: As one of its attempts to disturb the doomed project, Tobias hides very important information regarding it behind a passcode only it knows. Without the data, there is no way Samuel could continue the project. But what Toby forgot is that despite everything, the man was chosen to lead the project because of his ability to always get what he wants.
Captured, Tobias tries to survive for as long as it can, or at least to wait for a perfect opportunity to escape.
Warnings: blood, violence, death, (mild) torture, injuries
"You're surprisingly strong," the guard, Amanda, murmured into Tobias's face, "for some lab loser."
It smirked slightly, looking into her eyes, and spat blood at her face. "Gee, thanks, trying my best here. First time for everything, am I right," it giggled, ignoring the pain in its right side.
A cracked rib, possibly. Tobias tried to think when was the last time it had one. Possibly back when it was still figure skating?
It wasn't as annoying as the guilt in its head, feeling deeply bad about its actions. It wasn't like this, why the fuck would it do this?
Amanda stepped back, almost tripping over a cable behind her, shaking her head. "You little bitch, you-" she tried to reach for the tissue box on the table, but it kept sliding away from her bloody hands. Another guard, Robert, came closer, took out several tissues and wiped her face. She thanked him, grabbed the box and threw it towards Tobias, missing its face only a few centimeters.
It tried to keep its expression as calm as possible, despite the feeling in its stomach, and the heart beats so loud it thought the others could hear if they were close enough.
Tobias knew what they want, what Samuel wants.
It could just say it and have the whole thing end. Not suffer more and more until Samuel could finally get what he wants, or until-
It groaned at the impact of Robert's fist into its cheek.
"You think you're funny?" Amanda said loudly, gesturing the guard to hit again, "The only thing you are is annoying."
Tobias looked at her. "You know, you're probably the only one who has said that to my face."
It knew how desperate its actions were, and how they were based on a pathetic little hope it had that someone could maybe get here in time, to save it from all of this.
And if drastic, unusual behavior was what could let it hold on until that, then it really didn't see another choice.
It's not like Tobias wanted to give up and just tell everything to these fucking corporates, either.
The idea of the project being continued and reaching the next stage Samuel has planned made him feel even more sick than whatever was happening now.
"What are you doing?" Samuel's voice rang across the room, making both guards quickly turn to the door.
"Katz is acting brave," Robert began and pointed at Amanda, "and she's taking it a bit too personally."
"Too personally? Fucker spit into my face-"
Samuel sighed. "And why would it do that?"
"She decided to annoy it, I guess."
Another sigh. Samuel rubbed his chin and gave a sign with his hand. Robert turned to Amanda and shot her in face.
"What the fuck?" Tobias flinched in its chair as the body fell right next to it. "You're killing your own people now??"
"You know what's good about being in an actual lab?" Samuel said calmly, taking a few steps towards it. "The local cleaning nanobots do an incredible job. I don't know why you ever bothered to clean things by yourself."
"Robert, could you please help Dr. Katz get up on its feet? I'd love to show Toby something."
The guard grabbed its shoulders and jerked it up. "Come on now, doctor."
Tobias tried to take a step, winced at the pain in its knee and fell down on the floor.
"Now, now, no drastic movements, and no smart-in-your-opinion remarks. Our friend here," Samuel glanced at his guard, "has a twitchy finger."
"Good for him," Tobias muttered while getting up slowly. It tried to stand up properly, only to wince at the pain again, "though it does sound like something he should get checked out," it added. The guard groaned and shoved him a little, not enough to make him fall but enough for the scientist to let out a surprised yet exhausted gasp.
"I warned you, Toby."
"Oh, fuck off, will you. Frankly, I doubt you'll let him blow my brains out before I tell you what you want," it smirked, "by the way, how are you going to do it? Doubt your little trick you used for Erin will work this time."
"They were more...cooperative...than you, yes."
"Didn't know turning one's back to you and getting shot counts as cooperating nowadays."
"Well, aren't you smart," Samuel said, "Robert, help our chemist walk, will you?"
The guard nodded, wrapping his arm around its shoulders.
"Where are we going?"
"Observation hall," he glanced at Tobias, "That's what you and others called it, right? Because whoever walked there could see what's happening in main lab?"
Tobias nodded slowly. "Mmhmm."
"It's good to hear office rumors every now and then."
"That the only reason you stopped by the break room?"
"Of course! I had an espresso machine in my office. It's much better than whatever you had from that coffee machine. I decided to take a sip once, it was a big mistake. But it also showed the reason why I always saw you with a latte from a neighbor cafe," he smirked, "How do you and your wife divide the cost of your little 'lunch meetings'? I know for sure she has a higher salary than you."
"That's none of your business."
"Hey, you two did meet up during work time."
"Fuck off, will you?"
"Sure, sure," Samuel stopped and rose his arms, "Ah! We're here. Now, you said this plan of yours, journalists and internal investigations, was all yours, right? No one else is involved?"
What the fuck is he doing? Tobias thought. "Yes. Why the hell would I endanger someone else's life? Do I look like an idiot?"
"Well, okay," he gestured to join him by the window, "Then what was she doing in the servers?"
Robert pushed it towards the window and stepped away. Tobias took a small step, leaned on the rail and looked down. A blonde woman, sitting on a chair, another guard standing next to her, aggressively asking questions. "Wh- Lydia?"
"Yes, your assistant. You sound surprised, interesting..." Tobias felt him standing right behind itself, watching over its shoulder. "Funny, I could swear that she was doing all this because of you. Though, of course, in a way, she is following your opinions."
"Wh- what do you mean?"
"Oh, you know. You being against my decision probably drove her to go destroy all the data we have."
"She was doing what?"
"You heard me, Toby. Funny thing, if you would've been behind it, I would've let her go. But, now-"
"Wait, wait, wait!" Tobias turned to him and grabbed his jacket, "Don't do it, I beg you, she's just doing what she thinks is right. She's just young. Who isn't acting foolish when they're young?" It shook his shoulders. "Come on now, please."
"Bargaining, are you?" He stared at Tobias and pointed at the window. "Do you have something to do with this?"
"No, I swear!"
"Then why are so keen on defending her?"
"Because she doesn't deserve to die."
"Very well. Tell me the password."
"What, no, that's-"
"Last chance."
"It has nothing to do with-" Tobias gasoed as Samuel grabbed its shoulder and pushed it into the window. The guard had taken out a gun, a blaster. "No, no, please! I-" it took a deep breath, "Okay, fine. You'll get what you want."
"God, you're pathetic," Samuel took out a notepad from his jacket and gave it to Tobias. "Write."
"Okay, okay, fine," it sat down and scribbled something on the paper, then folded it several times. "Here."
Samuel chuckled. "Now that wasn't hard, was it?" he twirled the paper in his hand for a moment, gave it to the guard still standing behind them, and took out his communication device. He turned to the window with a wide smile on his face and murmured into the device, "Kill her."
"No!" Tobias turned to the window, only to see the light blue flash of the blaster. "Why...why did you do that? You promised-"
"I didn't promise you shit, Toby," Samuel turned around, leaving the sobbing mess of a scientist leaning on the rail, and walked to Robert. The guard was still messing around with the laptop, trying to find the right program. "Did you get it open?"
"I haven't tried yet, sir. I-"
"Ugh, let me," he opened the program, "Finally, now, let's see," Samuel carefully unfolded the note, his smirk suddenly turning into a frown. "You think this is funny, Tobias? You think writing 'suck a dick, corporate shithead' will offend me, huh? Drastic, for sure, I wouldn't know you were this brave, but-" he turned to the window, only to see that there's no one there. "What the fuck? Where did it go?"
Robert shrugged. "I have no idea, sir."
Samuel ripped the note into pieces and grabbed the guard's shoulders. "Then go and FIND IT," he hissed.
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octopotto · 1 year
Yandere! Azul Ashengrotto General Headcanons
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OCTO NOTE: Okay I know I said that I would work on the Cloud Strife hcs but then I got sad and thought about Azul lmaooo
Think of this as a celebration post for the live action The Little Mermaid release!! Has anyone seen it yet?? 
Warnings: NOT PROOF-READ, Yandere behaviour, manipulation, obsession, OOC madness, blackmail, insecurities, Jade and Floyd, this is a mess lmao I’m sorry.
REMINDER: Yandere behaviour of any kind is unhealthy behaviour. It should not be something to seek out in real life. If you are experiencing any sort of inappropriate behaviour, please contact help/seek out help.
**The reader will ALWAYS be Gender-Neutral! 
- Azul can be described as a greedy, manipulative, and intelligent individual who uses logical reasoning and sometimes solid ‘evidence’ to succeed, whether it be his business or his education. 
- At least on the outside.
- On the inside is an insecure, isolated, and paranoid little octopus that when cornered, just can’t help but slowly become unable to contain the facade he worked on for years.
- Now imagine this sad lil’ octopus as a yandere
- Not good lol
- I mean yes, the manipulative and intelligent nature of Azul are probably the main reasons as to why he’s one of the more terrifying yanderes in the TWST cast.
- But it’s because of him being very self-conscious of everything, as well as years of being isolated from his peers at a young age, Azul can be very much a clingy type as well. Especially to ones he cherishes the most. 
- Which is unfortunately you! :D
- At first, Azul thought nothing of you
- Only seeing you as a pawn for his own selfish gain.
- But as Book 3 progressed and the on-going reports from the Leech twins, Azul can’t help but become curious of your character, dear prefect.
- Why do you care so much about those 3 fools? You haven’t even known them for a year and yet here you are! Sacrificing your well-being to save them.
- It sickens him.
- The thought of your selflessness makes him sick to his stomach.
- But despite that, he starts to think about you more.
- And begins to imagines
- What if he was the one you were going all out for?
- The one you were taking care of?
- The thought of that shell-shocked him for a bit.
- He shook it off and proceeded to his planning once more.
- Once everything ended with Azul’s overblot, you decided to personally talk to him.
- Telling him that you also went through some of the same issues that he had as well.
- Pointing out your flaws, outwards and inwards.
- It’s just you trying to show Azul that he wasn’t alone when it came to these problems. That’s he’s not the only one who’s worked so hard to cover up their past in order to move on.
- To say that Azul was shocked was an understatement.
- In fact he didn’t really say anything while you were talking to him.
- All he did was listen to you.
- And for the first time
- He felt that he wasn’t being made fun of or mocked.
- It was…comforting.
- Azul is clingy.
- Be it in his human form or his octopus form.
- During the museum scene in Book 3 (when the gang looked at the field trip photo), you couldn’t help but hug him after seeing lil’ smol and chubby Azul.
- He looked soo cute and cuddly!! 
- Bby Azul!!
- He was in shocked
- He couldn’t move
- But didn’t try to leave your embrace.
- He just stood still.
- He didn’t understand 
- For the first time in a while, he felt at peace.
- But at the same time, his heart was starting to beat uncontrollably and his breathing was becoming heavy.
- Ace was weirded out.
- Deuce had no idea what was going on .
- Grim was hungry.
- Jack wanted to leave.
- Floyd and Jade were snickering in the background while this unfolded 
- Azul was fuming out of embarrassment when he heard them snicker.
- It was at this point where Azul fell in love with you.
- So ever since then, he secretly longs for your company.
- Walking beside you
- Asking if you’re in needs of favours that only he can fix for you
- If you give him a hug, that man will hold onto you for a while.
- He doesn't even realize it until you mention it to him.
- Even if you’re in the Monstro Lounge, as long as he knows you’re somewhere in the same vicinity as him, he’s at peace for a bit.
“Ah! D-dear Prefect! I didn’t even notice you’ve arrived at the lounge. W-well I know! I know that I wasn’t in the lounge when you came in, I was in my office working on our marriage contract— I mean—! Contacts for fellow peers who need some assistance. And— Floyd! Jade! I can hear your mocking from here! Stop it!”
- Speaking of Floyd and Jade,
- They very much enjoy having you around the lounge.
- Or just when you’re around in general.
- You provide so much entertainment for them, it’s amusing to watch.
- Especially if Azul is around.
- They haven’t seen Azul like that since he was a lil octopus.
- But, like Azul, they also grown fond of you.
- Not like that tho
- Like a sibling
- A lil Shrimpy for them to protect and play with!
- As they grow more fond of you, they start to see you as a pitiful and defenceless Shrimpy.
- Despite you saving them from Azul’s blot form but oh well—
- They have to protect you!!
- So don’t try to run away from them
- It’s pretty much useless at this point.
“Hey hey, Shirmpy~ Let’s play together!! You know it’s useless struggling! Especially since you’re soo puny~ *Giggles* C’mon! I promise that if you stay good, I’ll squeeze you less tight than usual~”
“Fu fu fu~ Floyd please be gentle. You don’t want to scare them more than they already are. Dear prefect, don't be alarmed. We simply want to spend a little quality time with you before Azul orders us to bring you to the lounge.”
- Despite Azul being a very cunning and manipulative individual, he’s also very self-conscious. 
- Azul puts these precautions and restrictions on you because he’s scared that you’ll leave. 
- He’s paranoid that you’ll just run off and find another person that’s better than him.
- He’s always been casted aside for almost all his life.
- That’s why he made sure to cover up all of his past self.
- He doesn’t want to be that ‘octo-twerp’ anymore.
- He doesn’t want you to think of him as that twerp he was years ago.
- He doesn’t want you, the person he loves so much, to see him like that.
- Even with all the reassurance from you.
- Believe it or not, Azul takes your opinions of him in high regards
- Meaning if he finds out about something you don’t like about him (beside the obvious problematic traits he has), he would make sure to change, if not conceal them, in order  for you to stay happy with him.
- As long as you’re happy, he’s happy.
- He just doesn’t want you to leave him, is that so hard to ask for?
- So please just stay
- For the sake of his own being entirely.
- And if you don’t?
- Hoo boy—
- You thought Azul was bad during the 3rd book with his contracts? 
- It’s gets worst 
- Especially since it’s business mixed with love. 
- Let’s get this outta the way, this man will search high and low for any flaw or problem you have. 
- He’ll find anything and I mean anything.
- Whether it be you’re struggling with (school, education, etc) or something you did. 
- If he can’t find worthy material, he’ll just make up something believable. Then will exaggerate that shit till you can't even defend yourself.
- He will find a way, he'll find something to use against you.
- And once he has all of the information he needs to trap help you, all he has to do is call in one (or both if you’re slippery lmao) of the tweel twins to ‘kindly escort’ you to his office!
- This is Azul we’re talking about. He’s always ready to lend a hand to a fellow peer in need.
- And it’s totally out of the kindness of his 3 pure and selfless hearts.
- What a saint.
- 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
- Whatever problem Azul decides to blackmail you with, the only way for him to solve it is for you is to give your unconditional love and devotion to him.
- He will also give you his love and devotion as well. But he didn’t say that out loud.
- At this point, you just have to give in.
- I mean, look at what could happen if Azul leaks out the blackmail material he’s using against you.
- You could possibly get kicked out of Night Raven.
- Where would you and Grim go? You’re not even from here! You don’t even have enough money saved up.
- Even if you could threaten Azul with fraudulence (if the accusations he presented were false), there’s nothing that Floyd and Jade can’t do when needing to silence someone.
- And both are glad to do so if you’re planning to leave them. 
“My dear Prefect! Why are you looking so downcast? Is it because of what I said? Oh, don’t worry! If anything happens to you, it will be alright as long as you sign this contract I have provided before you. You don’t want to? Then hopefully you don’t mind Floyd and Jade kindly convincing you to do so? I promise you, prefect, you’ll be fine with me as long as you do what I say. My generosity and unconditional love holds no bounds when it comes to you.”
OCTO NOTE: OKAY! This is probably the most out of character fic I’ve written so far. So please forgive me!! 😭😭😭
But I hope you enjoy this lil fic! I will be working on Cloud’s Headcanons now! <33
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mymultiverse00 · 1 year
Mrs. Blum
My head is pounding. Over and over again, it’s drumming out a cadence in 4/4 time that I can feel behind my eyes, and in my ears, and all the way down to my stomach. I feel sick and hung over, but I have no idea Why I’m hungover. I don’t remember getting drunk last night. Actually, I don’t really remember anything from last night, but whatever I got up to has left me feeling sick as hell and I do not like it.
I pry my eyes open slowly and am momentarily blinded by a blazing hot sun shining in through a wall of very tall windows. Where the Hell am I? I wonder, taking a moment to try to focus on what’s going on outside, sitting up with a start when I finally start to recognize the landmarks. There’s an enormous fountain outside with dozens of people standing around it, and loud music playing in the distance. The Eiffel Tower stands across from that, looking very regal and pretty, but somehow not quite the right size. Eventually, my turtle slow brain clicks over. I’m in Las Vegas. Why the hell am I in Las Vegas? I really need some answers.
I look around the room a little and confirm that I am in a very large suite at the Bellagio Hotel, and judging by the overturned bottles and dirty glasses everywhere, I’ve been having a party. A tiny twinge between my thighs and complete lack of clothing tells me I’ve also been having sex, and likely quite a lot of it, but with who? That mystery is about to solve itself when the bathroom door suddenly flies open and a very naked and very aroused Roland Blum steps out.
“Roland! What the fuck are you doing here?” I shout, yanking sheets and blankets up over myself to hide my naked body.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Y/n!” He growls back. “Could you keep your screeching to a minimum this morning? I’m hungover as fuck and that’s not helping.”
“Sorry, you just surprised me is all, but what in the world is going on here? What are you doing in my hotel room and why the hell are we in Las Vegas?”
“Well, Mrs. Blum,” he began, swaggering over to join me on the bed. “First of all, it’s our hotel room. And second, it was your idea to come here in the first place, but I guess you chose to forget that.”
“My idea…? Wait. What did you just call me?”
“Mrs. Blum. Unless you want to keep your maiden name like some kind of bra burning feminist? We got married last night, kid.” He flashes his left hand at me, showing off a gold wedding band.
“What?!” I squeaked, scrambling to check my own ring finger and finding an enormous diamond resting there.
“Yeah. You came over to my place last night, crying about some shit that probably doesn’t matter and I offered to fuck you. You said the only way you would ever fuck me is if we got married so… there you go,” he concluded with his hands spread wide like some corny magician, giving me that self satisfied smile he always wears when he knows he’s won an argument.
“So you’re telling me, you drove us all the way to Vegas - to marry me - just so you could get some pussy?” I ask in disbelief.
“You’re damn right I did.”
“Huh.” I sit back against the headboard, taking in this new information and trying like hell to recall any of those events. “Was it any good?”
Roland gives me an offended look. “I’m gonna pretend you didn’t ask me that, doll.”
“Well, I don’t know! I’ve never had sex with you before, not sober or as a married woman. I have nothing to compare it to.”
“Well then, let me tell you, wife,” he says lasciviously, slowly pulling down the sheets to expose my bare breasts to his eyes. “Married pussy is the best pussy. You wrapped your long legs around my head so goddamn tight last night, I thought I was going to pass out a couple of times! Then you did this thing to my ass…,” he shivers at the memory. “You’re a real freak, Y/n, and I gotta say, I like it!”
“And you’re ok with being married? To me?” I ask timidly.
“Fuck yes, Y/n. I’ve wanted to get inside your snatch for years! I got my trophy now, and I’m keeping it.” He leans over and kisses me roughly on the mouth. His beard tickles, but in the best way.
“So what do we do now?” I ask.
“Well, if you’re hungry, I can feed you my dick. If you’re not, I’ll eat your ass until you pass out. After that, who the fuck cares?”
I giggle. I’m beginning to come around to the idea of being married to this foul mouthed lawyer, and I’m thinking it might be helpful if I could remember having sex with my new husband, so I give in.
“Tell you what, husband. I’m going to order some room service from downstairs and then I’m going to eat it while I sit on your face.”
He growls in response, sliding in closer to me so his massive cock rubs against the side of my thigh. He starts sucking a bruise onto the side of my neck and pulling at my nipples.
“After we eat, if you’ve been a good boy, I’ll let you rail me against those big glass windows over there, for all the tourists to see.” His head pops up and he smiles widely.
“Goddamn it, Y/n. I fucking love being married to you.”
“Good. Now, I’ll sort out my breakfast, why don’t you sort out yours?”
“Yes, Mrs. Blum.”
The End
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wellntruly · 11 months
Blogging, vol. v
I’m having surgery tomorrow. Why this is always happening in November is beyond me, but it sure is an aesthetically kind month to not work and be extra-grade cozy in soft knits, sipping soups, while outside it rains grey on amber.
Unlike my gum surgery last year, this one I had no idea was coming for me, and the weeks getting up to the point of finally knowing what was going to happen were, not to exaggerate, not good. It's odd that it's better now, since it was indeed something you don't want to find. But then you can start to process. Process, process.
I actually tend to do quite well with surgery, both as a concept and a thing to heal from, even before I spent my recovery from the previous one watching a 50 year old TV show about surgeons. I find the kind of pain engendered by things you need stitches about to be quite reasonable mentally; it hurts, it hurts there, for this reason, you have pills to dull it, and it will gradually heal. Simply “feeling sick,” or worst of all nauseous, that’s what can make me wonder what it’s all even for. Miserable, derogatory.
So the fact that it really seems a predominantly surgical approach is going to be most of what we need to take care of this problem has me almost overwhelmed with gratitude. It could have been far, far worse for me. But I have all the most treatable metrics for this, even being rather young for it has the silver lining of meaning I should heal well. And I’m so lucky to have a warm, funny, exceptionally skilled surgeon who actually went through the same thing when she was also my age, and that honestly, I’ve absolutely the Edward Gorey illustration body type to probably even end up looking pretty chic going down to just a bit of an A cup, which is what she's going to be able to do, not to bury the lede. Surprise top surgery, is what I’ve been calling it, and thank you to the boys for the re-contextualizing dream that is the phrase ‘top surgery’, a concept of such positivity; life-affirming, life-saving.
It is a strange, swift-approaching change to reckon with though, impossible to avoid that. I've always tended to dress as if I don’t even have the actually, admittedly, great boobs that I've had up til now, but it is still the body I know. I’ll roll onto my stomach in bed and think, for one that I soon won’t be doing this at all again for a while, and that when I do, it’s going to feel different. Fascinating to consider.
I'm leaning into a sort of Orlando-like curiosity about it, this vague physical transformation just spontaneously befalling me in my adulthood. How will this be. What sort of opportunities might this actually grant. I’ll be endeavoring to hardly ever wear a bra again, I’ll tell you that for certain. Should I use this as the push to finally get a bespoke suit, soft and wide-legged, with a jacket that can fall in just a clean draped line from my shoulders? Will I be able to wear suspenders? I think about watching Margaret Qualley in The Stars At Noon this summer, how I watched her just drop a loose sundress over her bare body, entirely backless, and walk out the door. I think, of course, of "Keira Knightley Atonement," as my inspiration board folder is called.
I’ve also been thinking about this blog, what I think Tumblr user sashayed once called her secret public journal. Sometimes what I or others will post can break into the very real & personal, like this, for the benefit that comes from just releasing, sharing the large challenging things in our lives. I think about a long-time mutual who posted about some of the strangeness she felt during hospitalization for an accident, how recalling some of what she wrote about has brought me a feeling of solidarity in this.
But there’s also how I’ve actually been blogging about this for weeks and weeks, it’s just only been for me. Another kind of secret public journal. This butterfly coming out of a row of cocoons in a window: this was for how I was, fully insanely yes, watching A Zed & Two Noughts while I was wracked with anxiety over what might be going on with my body, but/and the idea of emerging after this surgery new and striking and light. This is self-explanatory. This tiny-chested witch vaulting skulls is “literally me” goals this time next October. This was actually exactly, exactly my vibe getting my biopsy, with the sweetest nurses.
And now at last it all comes together, the public and private journal, on the eve of really what we’re all waiting for, oh god me for sure: the return of painkiller diaries. Painkiller diaries is a lifestyle, actually, it’s an ethos. I let myself so wholly rest after my gum surgery last year that the rest of November was the happiest I’d been in years. Please, again. Return to cashmere convalescence. And would you look at this beautiful soup sippin' mug I’ve gotten since then:
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Oh I think we’re ready.
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writerpey · 1 year
Regressor Carmy Berzatto
I haven’t seen ANY agere content for the bear! and you know what they say… if you want a thing done, do it yourself. so… here’s an incredibly long post all about carmy as a regressor! side note: this is probably my favourite agere piece I’ve ever written. I just love the show so so much and understand carmy’s character very deeply (TW for bereavement, anxiety, typical carmy things etc etc)
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Carm regresses for blatantly obvious reasons. His tumultuous family structure both before and after Mikey’s death, his time spent in New York under a verbally abusive head chef, and his overall inability to cope with it all. There’s a deep longing in him to go back to a time before he knew something was terribly wrong with both his family and himself.
He started regressing for the first time when he moved away from home to New York. Carm started paying more attention to the haze that would cover his eyes and grip his heart tightly when he felt so anxious it’d make him sick, his confusion from the familiar sensation of panic fading interchangeably into an odd feeling of comfort that he simply didn’t have the strength to hold off. As he spent more time working in NY, the feeling grew and grew, until one night he found himself coming out of his haze and realizing (as if a lightbulb appeared above his head) that feeling like a kid again, feeling small, helped the hurt in his heart go away, if even for a moment.
Carm started regressing in small ways. He’d make a comfort meal that reminded him of good times spent with his mom, or he would have the TV playing cartoons in the background as he perfected a veal consommé. He lied to himself about it in the beginning, convincing himself he needed the noise of the television to replicate what being in the kitchen was like, or that he wanted to see if he could perfect his mother’s recipes.
He didn’t truly understand how deep his regression went until Mikey passed. The child inside him cried out for his big brother, in desperate heaving sobs that left Carmy in a ball on his living room floor and his fingers in his mouth. Carm spent many nights battling horrid panic attacks by curling up on the cold floor in this manner.
And so while The Beef was sinking and Carmy was in charge of it all, he stayed afloat amongst his nightmares and reality which was the nightmare by regressing.
Carmy is a sweet, quiet and stuttering little. Always a shy boy, from his childhood onwards, he’s the least likely person to tell anyone about his regression, let alone his anxiety and trauma. So he spends most of his time regressing alone. Carm loves to draw and colour and make art when he’s regressed, usually sketching his favourite cartoon characters or funky dish ideas that come to mind even when he’s small. Most of his works of art end up crumpled and thrown in the trash because of his self-conscious nature, but occasionally he’ll be very happy with his work and he’ll put it away at the bottom of a drawer somewhere to look at when he’s little again.
He’s also keen on cooking when he’s little, but doesn’t do a very good job at it. His patience is even shorter than when he’s big, and his attempts at cookies have ended up in frustrated tears and an empty stomach. Carm has a tough time getting enough to eat when he’s regressed, and so he ended up freezing portion-sized meals that are simple for him to warm up when he’s feeling small.
Because Carmy is naturally shy, he has a difficult time accepting some of his traits and desires when he’s regressed. He doesn’t have anything child-like aside from a plush puppy that he keeps stuffed away in his dresser under a thousand white t-shirts, and it only comes out on nights when he’s feeling significantly smaller than usual. Its ears have been chewed at and its stuffing is lumpy, but Carm would rather set fire to his restaurant than walk into the children’s aisle of a store and buy another plushie.
Carmy is an emotional little. When he’s happy or excited his eyes practically twinkle and sparkle, and when he’s upset or embarrassed he turns red from his ears to his neck and his eyes prickle with hot tears. A tell-tale sign that he’s about to cry is when his bottom lip trembles or he runs to hide somewhere. Being in a small, dark space makes Carm feel safer to cry.
Nat and Richie are the only two people who truly know about Carm’s regression. He told Nat, in a longwinded roundabout way that made half the sense he wanted it to, but Richie found out by coming over uninvited and interacting with a Carmy who was half regressed and half trying to act like his usual self. A screaming match about Richie being an everyday asshole and Carmy being a stubborn asshole ended with embarrassed tears running down Carmy’s face and a rather shocked Richie. Richie drew Carmy into his arms and apologized while Carmy failed in shoving him off and instead quietly accepted the comfort.
Carm’s regressed at work before, a prospect drawn on by a panic attack outside during his break from being overstimulated in the kitchen, alongside the impending feeling of doom that came with the thought that he wasn’t good enough to be at the helm of anything, let alone Mikey’s lost dream.
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Upon coming back to the kitchen, he completely shut down, frozen in place with his eyes focused on nothing, his mind somewhere else. Richie’s concerned utterances of ‘cousin’ and the feeling of his hands patting his face and shaking his shoulders brought him back to the surface, his eyes wide and terrified when he looked up at Richie. One glance around the kitchen to see Syd staring at him with a mixture of pity and concern made a garbled, strange sort of whine leave his throat, and Richie immediately led him back outside. The older man knew what was going on when Carmy declined a smoke with a jerky shake of his head, and called Nat to take him home.
Nat doted on Carmy like a mother when she got him settled into his apartment, the younger completely silent and meek as she bustled around his bedroom, fluffing pillows and bringing him hot tea that he accidentally sloshed all over his sheets. She uncovered his plush puppy from under one of his pillows and he had smacked it out of her hand while holding the tea. He practically cowered when she stared him down angrily, and reluctantly accepted the puppy when she picked it up and pushed it into his arms with a resounding, “that wasn’t very nice, Carm.” It’s safe to say Carmy didn’t call her for over a week afterwards, ashamed to have let her see him in that state. Telling her about his regression by no means meant that he would ever feel ready for her to really see it. His puppy was back to being jammed in his dresser in no time. But Nat was more than happy to be able to take care of her brother, content with seeing him deal with his feelings in a way better than fading after a panic attack and cussing out his employees and chain smoking. It did break her heart a little to see him so much like the baby brother she once knew, but it wasn’t as if it was unfamiliar territory to take care of him.
Carmy’s regression took on another layer when he decided to close The Beef and start fresh. Syd seemed to make sure of it, at least. She had no idea he regressed, and the thought of her finding out squeezed Carm’s insides with a vice grip. But her kindness and willingness to forgive him when he slipped up helped him to focus— both on the restaurant and the thought that maybe he could be kinder to himself when he felt small. Syd made him feel small sometimes, and not in a way that was an escape from his own issues, but rather a warm, safe place to come to when he felt comfortable, alive, and strangely contented. Her reaction to his food art did that, for one.
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Her praise of his drawings made him less critical of his own when he was regressed at home, and the mere thought of her being impressed put the softest of smiles on Carmy’s face after he drew the latest dish she had been working on. He smacked it on his fridge with a magnet and didn’t take it down even when he was no longer feeling small.
Even just the domesticity of having Syd over to test new dishes and techniques made him more comfortable and willing to embrace his inherent small-ness. He liked being around her outside of the restaurant, her company giving him a sense of family without the sting of Mikey’s memory. Carmy found himself thinking about her more often when regressed, daydreaming about how she would treat him and quietly asking his puppy what it thought of Syd.
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With newfound confidence from Syd’s steadying presence in his life, Carmy was willing to throw crayons into his basket while doing a grocery run. On top of the crayons came a head of lettuce, and then beside it his favourite childhood snack. He allowed himself a little more happiness, a little more to make him smile instead of climbing into his closet with his hands over his ears.
Things were far from perfect, but Carmy knew that if any part of his long broken heart wanted to heal, he had to be willing to let his regression — and his loved ones — be a part of that process.
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yujeong · 6 months
For a fic prompt, I’d love to read something about Pete being sick or hurt and needing care that isn’t related to aftercare post-sex. I’ve found a fair few fics centered on Vegas dealing with being sick and cared for (and Pete basically bullying Vegas into letting him care for Vegas), but haven’t found nearly as many focused on Pete in a non-sexual context. I think that would be interesting and lends itself to your style of writing (at least from what I’ve read of your writing, which is just the VegasPete posted on AO3). I love your work, btw! Thanks for being a fandom author-y’all never get enough credit ❤️
Hello, my dear anon! Thank you so, so much for your kind words and your gorgeous prompt ❤️ Generally, Vegas taking care of Pete is one of my favorite concepts. We got crumbs in the show, crumbs, and I desperately need more of that. Thank you for giving me the incentive to do it myself, though I have dipped my toes into it a little bit before with the things you can(not) change, which had Vegas taking care of Pete emotionally. Btw, I'm very sorry for being late in replying to this, but I had a bit of trouble coming up with an idea for it until I got hit with some very specific feels, and now here I am, with 5 whole ass pages of words that made me decide to turn this concept into a proper fic. Looking forward to posting it in 2025 lmao. Here's a part of it: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pete woke up laying on his bed, with no recollection of how he got there. The last thing he remembered was going to the kitchen for some water and the noise coming out of Macau's room. It was probably because of that new game he bought last week that he wanted to play so much. His whining suggested he wasn't very good at it. Pete didn't know what happened after that. He was feeling disoriented, floaty. His head was throbbing. There was bile stuck at the back of his throat, which he couldn't swallow. His mouth was dry. His body was heavy, restricting his movements. He tried opening his eyes, but he got dizzy by the light coming in from outside. He closed them again. "Why didn't you tell me you were sick?" Fuck. When did Vegas come back? Where was Macau? Pete took in a shallow breath, trying to quiet down his heartbeat. He didn't open his eyes. Vegas sounded angry. He had to calm him down, somehow. "Vegas..." "Macau called me in a panic, because he found you unconscious in the kitchen. He thought you died. I did too, when I saw you."
Vegas was holding back tears, Pete could tell; there was a certain way his voice hitched when he spoke like that, vulnerability leaking from his tongue. He sounded small, too, like when he used to do comparisons that led him nowhere. Pete didn't like it when Vegas was talking like that. The fact that he reverted to that state because of him made it even worse. "I'm sorry." "Don't-" He didn't conclude what he was going to say. Pete could hear sniffing, but nothing else. Not looking at Vegas' face was killing him. He opened his eyes with extreme difficulty and found Vegas staring at him, with red smeared across the edges of his own eyes and sweat gathered on his forehead. He was too far away. He wasn't touching him. "Vegas," Pete said, lifting his arm in Vegas' direction, despite how much he couldn't. Vegas widened his eyes and dropped his gaze. He held back a sob. He didn't take Pete's hand. "You look the same as back then." Pete let his arm fall on the bed, stunned by Vegas' words. How could he be so stupid? He completely forgot. He didn't know why. Maybe because everything that had happened at the safehouse had always seemed like a weird dream to him, one that he never really woke up from. Pete didn't have any words of comfort to give. His stomach started acting funny. He hoped it wouldn't lead to vomiting. He hadn't done that since his adolescent days, which had been filled with boxing and violence. "It's not your fault I'm sick," was all he could offer in the end. "I should have been here, taking care of you-" "You had an important meeting with Porsche," Pete reminded him. "Fuck Porsche." He had thought about it once. How it would feel to have sex with Porsche. Pete imagined it'd be simple. Uncomplicated. Fun, even. Now, it sounded painful, more so than all the things Vegas did to him. Perhaps Vegas was right getting concerned about Pete's health after all. He felt a hand touching his forehead. It was cold and sweaty. Pete wished it could get glued there. "Shit, your fever is high. Have you eaten anything?" "No." He felt Vegas suck in a breath, before he heard it. "I'm cooking you something to eat." He tried to get up, but Pete caught him before he could escape. A low, whining sound scratched his sore throat. "Sleep with me. You look tired." "Pete," Vegas warned. "You're burning up and you need to eat." "Just for a little while. It'll help." Vegas sighed. The sound came out unsteady. His bottom lip quivered, or Pete thought it did. His vision was too blurry to be sure. "Fine, but you're taking something for the fever first." Pete smiled tiredly at him. He didn't thank him. He would hate that.
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applejuicefruit · 2 years
Hi loveee Im literally obsessed with your writing so i thought i would submit a request 🤭
Could you write an Olivier giroud x reader!F magine where reader is sick bc of her period and he just take care of her
just overall A LOTT of fluff 🫶🏻
This was the request I needed since it’s currently my shark week 🥲
tw: period pain
olivier giroud x reader
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Shark week
You were currently laying in bed while eating some chips trying your best to not to cry. The pain filling your lower stomach was hitting you very hard. Cramps and headache never leaving you from the moment you woke up this morning and what made it worse was that you were spending this horrible day all alone because your boyfriend Olivier was at practice and he would be home very late.
Your period pain was always the worst. You hated how it made you bloated and emotionally unstable. One moment you were happy and the next moment you were crying and screaming. All you needed in this moment was Olivier and his huge hands who always worked miracle on your skin when you were on your periods.
Unfortunately you had to wait a few more hours before he was at home again so you tried to sleep, tired and drained from waking up very early this morning due to the pain you were feeling.
Some noises coming from the living room woke you up so you decided to check what was happening, still too tired to even care if a thief just got into your apartment.
Your face lifted up when you saw Olivier making something to eat in the kitchen.
“Oli…” you hugged him from behind.
“Hey mon amour” he turned around so he could kiss you “you were sleeping I didn’t want to wake you up…” he said caressing your cheek.
“No it’s okay…I wasn’t getting much sleep anyway” you confessed and he looked at you a bit worried. He wasn’t there when you woke up this morning so he didn’t know you started your period yet.
“Is everything okay?” he asked you.
“What? Oh yes I simply got my period…not a joyful morning…not a joyful day at all” you laughed a bit trying to ease the tension.
Olivier knew you and he knew how much you suffered from period pain and he hated seeing you in pain.
“I’m so sorry baby…” he hugged you.
“It’s okay…it’s something I can’t do nothing about it anyway so…” you said keeping your head on his chest.
“But I can do something…” he smirked at you and you had no idea of what he was talking about “…why don’t you do to bed uh? I’ll get you something to eat and some pain killers and then we can lay in bed all night long watching some movies? What you say?” he said with a hopeful smile.
You loved how he knew you so good.
“I say it’s perfect” you smiled at him.
“Okay…go to bed baby…I’ll be right back” he told you and you went straight into the bedroom and laid under your fluffy blankets waiting for him to come back.
He came back almost twenty minutes later and he brought you your favorite dish. He got you some smoked salmon with some fries and you couldn’t believe he just cooked your favourite meal just for you.
“Thank you so much Oli…” you almost started crying if it wasn’t for him showering your face with small kisses.
He got in bed with you and he helped you laying between his legs, your head on his chest and his arms around your waist gently massaging and keeping you warm where you were hurting. You started to eat and started to feel a little more comfortable, probably it was only Olivier’s presence but he made you feel better in just a few minutes. You started watching your favourite tv show and once you were done eating he gave you some pain killers just to help you with your headache and cramps. You really weren’t fond of pain killers or medicines in general when it was about your period but you knew that sometimes they were necessary, otherwise you would be crying on the floor in this moment.
You snuggled more into Olivier trying as his hand went straight to your hair, gently stroking it because he knew how much you loved when he did it.
“You feeling better?” he asked you and you hummed to lost in the comfort of his arms.
“Thank you Oli…” you whispered.
“It’s okay baby you don’t have to thank me…you know how much I love taking care of you…and you know how much I hate seeing you in pain…” he said while his other hand went back on your stomach, massaging the same spot where it hurt the most. That gave you a sense of peace for a bit and with the pain killers kick in it you felt much better.
“Still…you didn’t have to do that for me…” you murmured.
“I love doing it…taking care of you is my favorite thing in the world” he kissed your cheek.
“You love it more than football?” you smirked.
“Yes. I love you more than football” he confessed and you pretended to be shocked. You knew that he would drop his football career if you asked him to do so. He would do anything for you.
“Fine…I believe you” you joked and he laughed.
“You better believe me future Madame Giroud” he called you and your eyes went straight to the engagement ring you were wearing, only thinking about that in a couple of months you would be the one in white.
“That sounds amazing…” you referred to the way he called you a few moments before.
“I know…” he whispered with a smile never leaving his face.
You got a bit tired and Olivier felt that so before sleeping you went to the bathroom and did all of your things, you took a quick shower and then changed clothes and when you got back in bed he helped you laying down as he scooped you into his arms so he could keep you warm. You fell asleep just by listening to the rhythm of his heart and that was your favourite way to fall asleep.
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