#very sorry to the sp boys it will happen again
1moreoffkeyanthem · 7 months
For the ask game!
11 - Share one of your favorite whumpy scenes that you have written.
13 - What is the most recent thing you have researched for use in your whumpy writing?
23 - Do you write whump for OCs or just canon characters?
Ayyy rock on these are some good ones!!! Gonna try to make this organized lmao so
11- probably one of my favorites recently is from In Poison Places, day 5 of my Style Week collection, with Knight Stan having to stitch up his beloved Elf King in the Dark Forest. I’ll put it and the other questions below the cut!
“I… I think it’s- can you check?”
Wiping the moisture from his eyes and not caring that he was probably smearing blood on his cheeks, Stan nodded, understanding. He pulled away the king’s coat, untucking his shirt to expose the pale skin beneath, something he’d done many times under different, much more pleasant circumstances.
The hole in his side was gruesome, gushing an alarming amount of blood, but the black veins of venom branching from the wound were retreating, fading. He breathed a sigh of relief.
“It’s working, my love.”
Kyle nodded, the movement drawing a small whimper from him. “Okay. Okay. Now we just- *shsss* -need to worry about blood loss. How deep?”
Stan cringed. “Deep.”
Kyle tried to crane his head up to look, but he wasn’t exactly in the best angle, or condition, to really see it. “I need you to stitch it up, then. You know where the medical kit is.”
“You’ve done sutures before, Stanley-“ Kyle was cut off by an involuntary groan as a fresh wave of agony hit.
“On MYSELF, Kyle! I’ve done emergency sutures on myself, with my dominant hand, ONE TIME!”
The elf’s green eyes hardened and he clenched his jaw. “I trust you, beloved,” he said softly.
With a newfound determination not to let his fear win, Stan rose to gather up their supplies, collecting their packs and weapons, making a point not to let his eyes fall on the monster’s stinking corpse. He pulled out the surgical thread and curved needle that he’d hoped they wouldn’t need but was glad they’d brought along.
“Good thing it’s pre-threaded,” he managed.
“Mhm,” Kyle hummed in agreement. “Fate must be looking out for us in some regard.”
Stan poured some water from his canteen over the wound, washing away enough of the blood to see what he was working with and wincing when Kyle sucked in a pained breath. “I’m sorry, dearest.”
Kyle squeezed his eyes shut. “It’s okay. Just- please do it quickly.”
Trying to still his trembling, Stan hovered close with the needle. “It won’t be neat,” he warned. “This isn’t really a one handed job.”
“I don’t care how pretty it is, my love, as long as I don’t bleed to death before we get the kingdom the help it needs. Just do it.”
Stan ignored the way his shoulder throbbed when he positioned himself to get started. He could worry about his own hurts later. “Okay. Scream if you need to.”
Kyle did, indeed, need to, cursing and shaking, ripping at the dry grass to anchor himself with the first pass the needle made through the tender skin. As for Stan, he blinked away the tears at his beloved in such pain, attempting to steady his own tremors.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, darling, just hold on.”
Kyle hissed and whimpered with each stitch, but stayed mostly still to the end, eyes red from crying and body wracked with intermittent sobs. Stan talked him through it the whole time through sobs of his own, clumsily closing the wound with his left hand and feeling his heart clench more with every passing second.
He fumbled to cut the thread and press a folded cloth to the stitches, grimacing when he realized he’d have to somehow sit Kyle up to secure the gauze.
“I- my lord, I’m sorry, you’re going to have to sit up now.”
“Don’t you “my lord” me!” Kyle snapped, then sighed. “Sorry, I’m sorry. I’m just… this is a lot. I’m frustrated.”
“I know, it’s alright.” Stan supported him as best he could, and they were able to bandage Kyle’s torso between the two of them. The king eased back down, his head in his knight’s lap this time, breathing hard but still wonderfully, miraculously alive.
Stan leaned down to kiss him gently. “You need rest, my dearest.”
“So do you,” Kyle choked out, spent from pain and poison. “You’re hurt too. But this isn’t the place for it.”
It really wasn’t. They needed to move. Dark things, even more sinister than the daylight creatures, came out in the night. This forest was no place for two injured people to survive when the sun went down. Stan turned his face upward, barely able to catch the red sun through the mist and thick canopy of black leaves.
“We have a little time before sunset,” he said, trying to force a buoyancy that he didn’t feel into his tone. “And if I’m right, we’ll be out of the woods in a half hour, maybe more with how slow we’ll need to walk. We’ll rest when we’re safe.”
Kyle hummed and slowly stood, using Stan’s uninjured shoulder for support. “I should’ve brought my staff,” he muttered.
The path lay before them, twisted and shadowed. With any luck, they’d stay out of trouble until they reached the end. The king was pale and visibly unsteady, and Stan was down one arm and not at full strength to fight back whatever they might come across, but they were together. They were always stronger together, and always had been. Nothing, no matter how vile, poisonous, or vicious, really stood a chance between the two of them. Stan wrapped his good arm around Kyle to hold him up and fixed his eyes ahead.
“Lean on me. I’ll keep you steady.”
Dude I loved writing this scene lmao stick of truth style on top
13- I think the most recent thing I actually researched for a fic was symptoms of hypothermia when I wrote Stay Frosty, because it occurred to me that I had NO idea what tf happens when you’re hypothermic but ya know I just enjoy putting the SP boys Through It
23- just canon characters! I’m not big on ocs in general, and when I find a whump muse they’re gonna SUFFER so they can be taken care of lmfao
Thank you so much for asking!!! I love being the Whumpshot Wizard
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Hello! about your malevolent ask
[long ass answer- many apologies]
its a slightly goofy, sort of horror soap opera, in the vein of call of cthulu/tma. I dont find it Super Scary, but idk what your milage for horror is.
The overarching plot is drivin by the patrions (sp sorry), in the style of a choose your own adventure novel- you can usually tell where the choices are; it'll be something like 'omg arthur, we're at a crossroads- do we go left, to the evil cavern (where the horrors live) or right, to the evil woods (more horrors).' You can also hear more overt RPG stylings in the beginning- dice roll sounds for perception checks, etc. These do fade out after the first season.
Rough outline (some spoilers): John (a spirit/demon type guy) possesses Arthur (a detective from Arkham MA) and, in doing so, takes over his eyes. Now Arthur must navigate the world with only the guidance of the voice in his head. Horrors unfold, walls are walked into the boys are in their get-along consciousness. Think venom, if both of them were way bitchier and prone to swearing. and also eddy was blind.
IS IT GAY: Yes and no. If its a friendship, its really intense- but cannonicaly it has been very firmly stated that they are just friends. However, the relationship is intertwined and deep enough that many people consider it to be queerplatonic- Arthur being aromantic is a very popular interpretation, if that sweetens the pot for you (idk how loosely you're using gay here). Glib answer: its pretty queer, but no kissing.
-A dramatic, intense relationship between a guy and the dude who lives in his head. They argue ( my god how they argue) they make up, they argue again.
-The saddest little english man (arthur) gets chucked off cliffs multiple times. Do you like men whimpering? This is the podcast for you!
-Very impressive voice acting: the writer voices absolutely everyone in the podcast (yes. everyone) and its genuinely almost unnoticeable. You really do have to have it pointed out to you.
-Fun, slightly campy (in the way of an rpg campaign) Lovecraft style horror
-Lovely piano soundtrack
-A gentleman called the butcher shows up in- what season 3? maybe?- and I adore him. Go singing irishman go. You get that violent homoeroticism.
Again, I don't really know your taste, but these are some of the things that might turn someone off from listening. YMMV etc.
-LOUD. If you dont like gentlemen yelling DIRECTLY AND ANGRILY INTO THE MIC then this is not for you. If you do like that, then you are about the have the time of your life. There is also just. An incredible amount of panting/heavy breathing. Also directly into the mic, and at length. Like, an 'i am secretly watching gay pornography' amount. I had it going on a speaker once and my roommate had questions, kind of amount
-Almost no women characters: understandable, since a dude is voicing Literally Everyone- but it is something of a sausage fest. Women exist in universe, they just tend to move in the backround/be unvoiced. Lots of 'oh heres whats happened to her' sort of describing around the 'I can't voice a woman' issue. One old lady has a few voice lines and thats it.
-Kind of a soap: This is a draw for me ngl, but if you are looking for TMA 2: the magnusing- she isn't it. Its a LOT lighter than tma, writing wise, and isnt exactly hitting any crazy new twists in its plot (if you've read Any lovecraftian stuff you probably wont be super surprised by anything)BUT. Its still very fun. Two dudes sharing a body, detective roadship shenanigans. They might kiss! Might see some skinned bodies or something.
The dynamics can be a lil repetative (wake up break up back together) and the plot can be a little- ehhhh. due to it being yk, patrion controlled- but that can be fun- it's pretty heavily a choose your own adventure story at heart, so if your down with that (and the sillyness that comes with it) then you'll like it.
-Gore: pretty gory. I enjoy that sort of thing/ am not really effected by it BUT if that not your cup of tea, then you might wanna skedaddle.
🤠 thats all. Again, apologies for the very long answer.
First off- don’t apologize! This gave me everything I needed- thank you for the detailed answer to my question! Looks like I’m giving this podcast a listen- everyone wish me luck 😭
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mell0bee · 2 years
CR asks: 1 & 17 if you're feeling spicy; if you're not, 9, 14, 25, 39 (feel free to pick & choose)
i took so long to do this because i had all the questions answered and then tumblr crashed and deleted it all :( but here we go (also thank u for the ask!!!)
9- Location in Exandria you'd like to see in a possibly canonical one-shot/EXU but with non-main campaign characters (as in Song of the Lorelei/The Darrington Brigade)
vasselheim!!! i doubt it will be a major location again for a full campaign because it was featured so heavily in c1 but an exu type deal could be so cool!!! i thought that vasselheim was SO underutilized in c1. when i was first watching it i was Big Sad that the no arcane magic thing was played for laughs, you could easily center a whole campaign around that idea. i wanted to see more of it during c1 and obvs after exu calamity i want to see more of it Even More. theres just so much to learn about it after the context of exu calamity. like i want inside information about the political system. i want to explore how decisions get made there. and like bro do u want a story about Hubris??? oh yeah??? you like critical role so are you perhaps a Hubris Enjoyer??? perhaps of the Magic User Variety?? imagine a wizard or a warlock trying to hide their magic in vasselheim. it basically writes itself. imagine a high-ranking cleric as a pc. or a noble. based on what's happening in c3 do you think they have like. an Old Secrets Protection Board? and perhaps some Scholar Spies trying to break in? idk man there's so much you can do there and i would like to See It Please Thank You
14-Describe the art you would most like to create or commission if talent/money were no object.
i have like 7 animatics in my head that i am not talented enough to make but honestly. this whole jester-focused animatic set to folding chair by regina spektor. it’s really good in my head i swear. also a post c1 animatic set to dodie's cover of blackbird which has been in my head since i finished c1 god i have actual brainworms
25-What class do you most want to see Matt play if he is in a future EXU campaign as a new (not Dariax) PC?
artificer. primarily bc as much as i love him, matt’s pcs tend not to be my kind of character. at least in cr oneshots he’s got a thing for the Generic Edgy Protagonist Boy type which i’m sorry buddy but like. no thanks. and based on artificer/engineer type npcs he’s played i doubt he will go for that archetype as a pc. matt loves some Insane Scientists and so do i, easy S tier character trope, so whether he plays it straight or goes for the more unhinged type like most of his npcs im down 100%. also i had a whole rant here abt how much i love dariax and i hope that matt continues to step out of his comfort zone for pcs because for me personally i think it works really well!!
39- favorite parental figure NPC?
I HAD A WHOLE RANT HERE ABT HOW MUCH I LOVE MARION LIKE I THINK I WROTE LIKE 300 WORDS. the gist of it was how i love that she is very much an imperfect parent which we can see in jester now, but she’s still a good parent!! she’s still trying!!! she’s got her own trauma but she’s trying!!! idk that is v important to me. also i love how she is a sex worker and is not shamed for it at all. and that she has agoraphobia (sp?) and its treated as like!!! fine and not irrational at all!!! idk man idk how matt and laura did such a good job with such a respectful and grounded portrayal of a character like marion but they DID also parent trap ftw
spicy answers under cut, just keep scrolling if u dont want to see my mildly lukewarm takes. thank u.
1- Character you don't particularly like, but will defend vehemently when people dislike them for the wrong reasons.
(also this is the only answer that saved lmao)
sadly i cannot think of any other characters so i have to talk about Mr. Warcrimes McTreason. i like canon essek okay though i do think he is Overhyped, but fanon essek is so annoying lmao which makes me not particularly like him. on the other hand i think people not liking him bc they don’t think he deserved redemption are Wrong. as a redemption arc it was like. Fine. not everyone can pull a zuko and like. whatever. and idk i think that redeemed heroes should be a little morally dubious. as a treat. i guess in a way i am glad that aeor arc essek doesn't get to actually be morally gray bc the fandom would be insufferable but Hot Take i am a Gray Morality Enjoyer i think that More protags should be war criminals actually.
17- You know that post that's like "I wish you could filter in ao3 on 'attitude towards a canon event'?" In the world of imagination, you can! What's the event or attitude?
*gestures vaugely at kingsley* to be completely honest i was pretty sad for a few moments there that they succeeded in rezzing molly, was tentative when whatever the end of 140 was, and i’m so happy kingsley is a thing. i think that people who wanted molly back have Missed The Point Entirely. molly needed to stay dead and talesin knew that (thank you talesin) (also not to mention fanon molly, who is infinitely worse than fanon essek. god can you imagine that. again thank you talesin.)
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englishknightsky · 2 years
the cissy for the sp ask game? idk what the episode number is sorry </3 -kencormicks
thank you @kencormicks , i actually went and watched the episode and wrote as i watched bc its been a while lol
Do I like this ep? Yeah, I think I do! It definitely makes me laugh a lot and is very inline with Cartman's general shenanigans.
Favourite moment?
"But this isn't a hurting, confused child! This is Eric Cartman!" I love that, I want to see more of Cartman manipulating people with this logic, that even though he's Cartman, if the media got ahold of any negative press from South Park, he'd just be a sweet, innocent child who's being harassed.
Stan questioning his gender identity and sexuality is so sweet, he kind of does it again in TxC, I want to see more of this!
I love that Lorde is actually Randy, not that he's just playing as her, and Lorde actually finding it hilarious is so funny, I've never heard a Lorde song before, but I always hum "I am Lorde, ya ya ya!"
Cartman's BDSM Toilet scene. Did he steal Liane's whip?
Wendyl has such a cute design. He's the best boy.
Stan fainting at Lorde's reveal.
"You're watching E! That's how low you've sunk."
Butters is so GNC I like that, he should wear skirts sometimes!
Sharon's speech is so heartfelt, it's nice to see Tratt saying nice things about the celebrities they make fun of lmao
South Park Elementary says Trans Rights!
Stan singing his dad's song at the end is super cute 😭
Least favourite moment?
I'm so offended at the portrayal of girl's bathrooms, they're just as disgusting as the boys and there AREN'T enough stalls and I will not allow these lies!
Unpopular opinion?
Idk any opinions of this ep tbh, I assume it's well accepted? I like it, but I can also understand why people might not, maybe it's not the best trans rep.
I have this same opinion about Board Girls, that there should be an actual trans character, kid or adult, to bounce off the fake trans characters, Eric and Heather, but Wendy in this ep was pretty close, I'd like to see Wendyl return as a character.
Maybe like a 4/5. Pretty good, pretty solid. Controversial take but I like the serialisation, it's just that they aren't the best written bc it seems like they forget the story halfway through the season lol, but season 18 is super good.
Anything else?
Apparently the spin magazine thing is based on like an actual thing that happened after the last ep, where a journalist claimed they were making fun of Lorde by having Randy in drag at the end of that ep, but like, I thought it was clearly a joke that they COULDN'T get Lorde so Randy dressed up and nobody could tell it wasn't Lorde lmao
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baileyjane3769 · 6 months
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Original Copy is on Quotev, for a better viewing experience and chapter by chapter reading head on over to my Quotev page @BobbyWolf3769 or click the link here
*Link to Book Cover Survey*
When a game is over and all hidden things have been found, what is there left to do? Move on. That's what you would have liked to have done after finishing the disappointing secret ending of a popular otome game. But when the story is over, and all things were said and done, you find yourself trapped in that very game. Faced with the task to keep everyone alive, can you make it to the end without falling in love?
Long read ahead
Chapter Five
Thoughts to Ponder
You were lost. You had no idea what you were thinking, saying you would go to the home economics class when you knew for a fact that the layout of this entire school was completely unknown to you. You would have asked a teacher but they were all in the teachers lounge, also a room unknown to you. “I’m so stupid,” you said outloud to yourself. “I should have asked Yuki to come with me…” ‘But Akui was with her, and judging by his insistent behavior, he would have not liked it if I convinced her to come with me.’
There was a moment during your walk where you ponder asking a fellow student for help, but then you remember what happened in class earlier. You were ashamed to admit it, but the whole situation embarrassed you. Not really Makino’s words, she was just being a bully, but rather the pitiful looks and words that the other students were giving you. You could tell that they had good intentions, you just didn’t like the fact that they were treating you as if you were completely helpless. You knew that if you asked around for directions, giving the same excuse that you forgot, then you would be met with the same sympathetic expressions.
“This is so stupid…” you whispered to yourself, feeling the sting of tears prick your eyes. At the beginning of your journey there was more of an urgency to your steps, but now you were just walking at a sad, snail's pace. You were so preoccupied in your self pity that you didn’t even notice a familiar brown haired boy walk by you.
“L/n-san?” It was Akihiko. 
“Oh, Fukumoto-san.” You turn your head away to hide your tear stricken face. “I-I didn’t see you there. Sorry, I am a bit of a mess right now. You can carry on with your lunch.”
“Clearly you are distressed, what happened?” He stood in front of you now. “Was it Makino-san again? You should know not to take everything she says seriously, she’s just trying to get under your skin.”
“No, no it’s not Makino. I just…” trailing off you try and think of an excuse but found none. “I’m just– I don’t know– lost, I guess.” You finally admitted with an exasperated sigh. “I forgot my lunch at home, so I don’t have anything to eat, and I thought that maybe I could make something in the home EC room, but then I realized that I had no idea where that’s at. Don’t-” You held up a hand. “Don’t look at me like that, just, please don’t. I already feel helpless as it is, I don't want anyone else to look at me like that.” By the end of your rant you had turned your head away in shame.
There was a moment of silence before Akihiko said. “Alright, let’s go together then.” 
Your head snapped in his direction, baring a confused expression. “What?”
��You need to go to the home economics classroom to make your lunch, correct?” He turned to face the opposite direction that you were going. “I can take you there. It’s our next class period anyways, so it shouldn’t be a problem.” He motioned for you to follow him to which you complied with, taking note of the hallways and classrooms so that you could better understand the school’s layout.
The classroom wasn’t as far as you thought it would be, you actually passed the hallway it was in at some point on your journey. When the two of you arrived at the classroom, Akihiko excused himself saying he would be back shortly, leaving you alone to your own devices. 
The classroom was fairly spacious with different cooking stations lined up in rows in the center of the room. Lining the back wall were various cupboards, cabinets, and shelves that presumably held pots, pans, and various other non-perishable items. There was also a large fridge, an oven, and a door that led to a smaller pantry. It all amazed you because, by the time you were in high school, home EC had become less of a popular class in America and your school didn’t offer it.
The sound of the sliding door opening had alerted you to Akihiko’s return. “Sorry to keep you waiting, but I wanted to make sure that we got the ‘okay’ to use the home EC room.” He said, adjusting his glasses. You noted he also had a few papers in his hand. 
“That’s fine, I wasn't waiting long.”
“Yes, well I also took the liberty to print out the basic layout of the school. This way you won’t have to worry about getting lost again.”
His statement made you pause, ‘He didn’t have to go out of his way to do that…’ In a way, you felt touched by his actions. “Oh, that was very kind of you. I mean, you didn’t need to go through the trouble, but thank you.” You took the papes from his hand.
“It was no trouble, really. I was simply doing my duty as class president.” After his words he gestured toward the home EC room. “We should probably get started if you want to finish eating before our next class.” 
“Right, let me see what would be the simplest thing to make…” After looking more closely around the room you settled on using the rice that was still warm from the previous class, eggs you discovered in the fridge, and mini hot dogs which, by the way, you did cut into little octopi. Since the rice was already cooked you just added simple rice seasoning to it, the eggs were scrabbled, and the hot dogs were fried in a pan. It wasn’t much, you didn’t have enough time to make a soup or anything fancy, but it was filling.
Akihiko had helped by frying the hot dogs while you were scrambling the eggs so that it would get done quicker. Neither of you said much during the cooking process, and that silence continued as you ate. You did ask where his lunch was to which he replied that he had already finished it, which quickly came about a new, more awkward, silence, at least on your end it was. 
When you had finished your meal, and washed the dishes, Akihiko lifted his wrist up to check the time. “Lunch is almost over, we should start heading back to our homeroom now.” 
“Oh? Alright then, let me just grab my papers,” you said before you began to gather the pages that held the school's layout. Shuffling them into a thin stack, you turned to face Akihiko. “Okay, I’m ready. Hmm?” You noticed he was staring rather intensely at your face. “Is something wrong?”
He shook his head saying, “No it’s nothing. You just got a little rice on your face, here let me-” His hand reached up to go and brush away the rice grains, but he quickly retracted his hand before he actually did. Your face went hot as you quickly went to rub away anywhere that might have had rice on it. “Sorry, that was inappropriate of me,” he said, his own face having a tinge of red. “It’s a bit of a force of habit. You see, I have two younger sisters, four and eleven respectively, and they can be messy eaters sometimes.” His look of panic briefly flashed over his face. “Which isn’t to say that I think you are a messy eater, this kind of thing happens sometimes. I don’t mean to be rude.”
“Oh no, I don’t think you're rude at all. There’s nothing to be at fault for, shall we go now?” ‘And end this embarrassing conversation?’ You had opened the sliding door and held your arm out, gesturing for him to go first.
“Please, lest I make an even bigger fool of myself.” He said in response, and his stoic look returned as he went to push up his glasses.
The two of you fell back into an awkward silence as you made your way back to class. By the time you made it there the bell had already rung, and the home economics teacher was there waiting. “Fukumoto-san, L/n-san, I know I gave you permission to use my classroom but that doesn’t excuse why you two are late,” she said, with a stern look on her face. “I understand that things are a bit more complicated for you, L/n-san, and that Fukumoto-san was helping you, so I will excuse it this time but don’t let it happen again.”
“Yes, sensei.”
“I apologize, sensei.”
As you went to take your seat you could feel the venomous glare that Makino was giving you, you ignored it, like you were ignoring the curious stares that your classmates were giving the two of you. It was obvious that they were buzzing to find out why you arrived late with the class president. ‘They will be disappointed to know that he was only helping me with directions.’ On your way to your seat you caught the concerned gaze of Yuki, so you smiled at her to reassure that you were fine. 
“Now that everyone is here we can head to the home EC room, where we will be discussing proper kitchen and cooking etiquette. I will give more instructions in the classroom.” 
By the time the end of the school day arrived, and the designated cleaning time was over, you were ready to just go home, but you had after school clubs to deal with. To be more specific, Yuki wanted to pick out a club to join and had asked you to come with. It was already the third week of the school year so many clubs stopped their advertising and instead were focused on teaching any new club member what they needed to know. But most clubs were open to new members anytime of the year. 
You weren’t part of a club either, and you weren’t sure if you wanted to join one anyways, but Yuki insisted that you at least looked around. You still weren’t sure if you wanted to join one but agreed to go with her because this was when Makino began her blatant bullying. 
“There are so many different clubs to choose from!” Yuki excitedly exclaimed from her place next to you. “A lot of them are the same as my old school but there are also some really interesting clubs that I have never seen before. Look here,” she said, moving to be closer to your side while all but nearly shoving a piece of paper in your face. She got a teacher to print out a list of clubs for her to look at. “There’s an embroidery club, doesn’t that sound fun?” 
You smiled kindly at her, taking a few steps away from her to make room, Akui was here after all, you nodded your head in agreement. “It does look interesting, should we check it out first?”
“Oh my gosh, yes!” she gasped in excitement. “Come on, let’s go, the classroom is not too far.” She linked her arms with both you and Akui and began to rush the three of you along to the embroidery club's designated classroom. 
“Slow down, Yuki-chan, we wouldn’t want to trip.” Akui warned.
“Oh, right, sorry.” Yuki bashfully apologized, slowing down her pace. “I guess I just got too excited, there's just so many different clubs I want to look at in a short amount of time.” 
“Don’t worry about it,” Akui started to say. “It was endearing, actually. I was just worried for our new friend here,” he gestured to you. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to rush her around like that, she might faint.” 
Yuki stared wide eyed as she exchanged looks between Akui and you, before she let out a small gasp of horror. “You’re right! I am so sorry L/n-san, I didn’t think about that. Do you want to sit down? Should we take you to the nurse? Water? Do you need water?” She began to fret over you, grasping both of your shoulders in her hands. She would probably be shaking you if it wasn’t for your head injury.
“No need to worry, Kobayashi-san, I feel fine,” you said, which was technically a lie. You were starting to feel a new headache form but it wasn’t a problem. You could handle it. “Let’s just go to the club room.” 
“But your head? I don't want you to push yourself.”
“The embroidery club is just up ahead, we can check it out for a bit, and, if it makes you feel better, we can take a small break afterwards. How does that sound?” You compromised.
It looked like Yuki was mulling it over before she finally agreed, “Okay,” she said. “We’ll continue to look around, but only if you promise to not push yourself. I don’t know what it's like to have an injury so bad that it affects my memory but I know it can’t be any good.” She took your hand in hers. “You’re my friend now and I don’t want to see you hurt.” Yuki smiled so brightly at you that it almost felt like you would need sunglasses to see.
You felt like a weight, that you didn’t even know was there, was lifted off your chest and you returned Yuki’s kind smile with your own. For a moment everything felt normal, you were so happy to have made a new friend, but then your eyes drifted over to Akui. He stood only a few paces away from you but his expression was slightly unreadable. A frown adorned his face as his eyes were locked on the interlocked hands of Yuki and yourself. 
‘Right,’ you thought to yourself. ‘He is a yandere, and Yuki-,’ you gently pulled your hand away from Yuki’s, still bearing a kind, sympathetic, smile. ‘Yuki is his object of affection, as sick as that sounds.’ Taking a step ahead of the two, you turned back to them with a small smile on your face saying, “Let’s go, you two. There are still so many clubs to check out.” ‘I’m sorry, Yuki, but I can’t risk my life by being too close with you.’
Akui, with a new found smile on his face, stepped forward and took Yuki by the hand, the same hand that you were holding. “Let’s hurry, we wouldn’t want to miss visiting all those clubs you wanted to see.” He seemed content with his place back at Yuki’s side, because of course he was.
As mentioned before, the embroidery club room was not that far and the three of you were there within a few minutes. To be polite, and to not suddenly interrupt the current club activities, Yuki knocked on the door. Shuffling could be heard on your end as well as voices that you couldn’t quite make out, before someone slid open the door. A tall, elegantly composed woman was the one to open it. She had black square glasses that sat at the edge of her nose and her black hair was neatly tucked away in a tight bun behind her head. She was the teacher in charge of this club.
“Hello,” she said. “What is it that you need?” 
“Oh!” Startled by the stoic nature of the teacher, Yuki said. “We just wanted to check out what the embroidery club was about. I am new here and I was looking to join a club.”
“Right. Come in then.” The teacher stepped to the side, allowing entrance to the three of you. She watched with a critical eye when you and Akui entered the room. “I see that you are looking for a club but what of these two? I know they are already students here, have the two of you not joined a club yet?” she questioned.
“Yes, sensei, I am actually on the basketball team. I just wanted to show an old friend of mine around the different clubs because she’s new.” Even when faced with a stoic and stern looking teacher Akui does not waver.
The teacher then faced you. “And what about you?”
You on the other hand were not so cool and collected. “O-oh, you see, I was just, you know, looking around as well. I haven’t joined a club yet but Kobayashi-san offered to look around with me, so I agreed.” Was what you managed to stammer out as the teacher's face grew ever more stern.
“Right,”  she said, loudly clapping her hands together once, which startled you. “Here in the embroidery club we focus on honing our talents in embroidery techniques such as needle work, cross stitching, chain stitching, and pattern transferring, as well as learn skills such as hand eye coordination, patience, and attention to detail. We take our work here very seriously, with discipline and dedication, and I expect the same from anyone else looking to join.” Her voice was monotone as she went on, extending her arm out, and she introduced to other club members, one of which you were surprised to see. “Here are the current members, many of whom have had their pieces displayed in magazines and art exhibits. Makino-san,”the said girl stood at attention. “Please demonstrate what it is that we do here.”
“Yes, Yoshino-sensei.” She quickly replied before turning to face your group. Her face was scornful but she wouldn’t dare say anything, not in front of that teacher at least. She went on to show you what it was that she was currently working on, a very detailed embroidered flower field. She was mechanical as she did so, clearly not wanting to waste her time with you, but she was very thorough with her demonstration, most likely due to the fact that the teacher was hovering around her. 
She was tame and well behaved up until the teacher needed to step out, paperwork she said, and asked the other members to demonstrate more of their work. You knew that with the teacher gone she would most likely begin her physical bullying, which was something you wanted to avoid, especially with Akui present. You had hoped that you could avoid Makino this afternoon, which is why you agreed to embroidery. The game never mentioned this club so you thought it was safe. You didn’t think Makino was in the club.
Originally, Yuki went to the sports clubs first. She suggested it to Akui and he agreed. They went around to all the sports clubs before they found themselves at the drama club, where Makino was consulting with a member about something, now knowing she is in the embroidery club it was probably about costume design. That was when she began to physically bully Yuki in very subtle ways, ways that could be excused as accidents without judgment.
Currently, Yuki probably suggested a random club to you because she didn’t know what you liked. You just met after all. She wanted to get to know you better and is basing the clubs she wanted to look at on your opinion.
“L/n-san,” Makino looked at you, surprisingly calmer than before. “Would you like to try?” The embroidery pattern that she was working on was very complicated and very detailed. Someone who was new at the hobby, like you, would have no understanding of what to do.
You stared, skeptical, at her. “I don’t think that would be a good idea.” 
“Oh, it’s not that hard. I can guild you if you want,” she replied, smiling innocently at you.
‘She is definitely up to something,’ you think to yourself. ‘There is no way she would be this nice to me, not after what happened at lunch.’ Glancing over at Yuki, you noted that she and Akui were busy talking with another member of the club. ‘Come to think of it, Makino doesn’t seem to be all that concerned with Yuki. Was it because I was receiving more attention? Or does it have to do with the fact that I arrived with Akihiko? I need to know what she is thinking.’ “Okay,” you said. “What do I do?”
Makino’s smile widened as she held out the round frame to you. “Here, you take this and hold it here. Now take the needle,” she had a firm grip as she guided your hand that held the needle. “And poke it, here!” She jabbed your needle bearing hand into the fabric and the needle deeply poked your hand that was holding the frame.
“Ow!” You let out a sharp hiss, reeling your hand back and letting the hoop fall to the ground. “Makino-san, what’s your-”
“Oh no! You pricked your finger,” Makino said with faux concern. “And look at that, you dropped my frame.” By now you have garnered the attention of the other people around you, noticing what was actually going on, the other girls in the club looked down fearfully. She picked up the dropped frame and inspected it carefully. “You also got a bit of blood on my fabric, now I’m gonna have to start all over.” 
You scoffed. “You were the one that-”
She cut you off again. “Maybe embroidery isn’t your strong suit, L/n-san. I think your fall did a number on your poor head that you can’t even concentrate properly. Maybe you should leave.” She stood with a triumphant smirk.
You had to take a deep breath and compose yourself, lest you said or did something you would regret. “It seems I have become clumsy in my coordination, my apologies. I’ll take my leave now.” You bowed politely with a fake smile and you turned to leave. The interaction left you with many things to ponder about. From behind you, you could hear a scraping chair and rushed footsteps. After glancing behind you at your place by the door, you noted that it was Yuki following after you with Akui right behind her. 
When you opened the door you came face to face with the teacher. “Leaving already?” 
“Yes sensei, I don’t think the embroidery club is for. I’ll be going now, “ you said, bowing deeply. Now the three of you were outside the classroom, your back facing the other two. “I think I’m gonna go home now,” you said, turning slightly to give them a reassuring smile.
Out of the two, Yuki looked the most concerned. “Go home? But we still have so many clubs to look at,” Yuki says, taking a step towards you. “Is this because of what Makino-san said? She’s just said all to be mean, I know it was an accident.”
Realizing that she mistook your now quiet demeanor as being upset because of Makino’s words, you quickly went to correct her. “No, no! It’s not because of her, don’t worry. I just have a lot on my mind and it’s kind of causing me to have a headache. Really, I’m just exhausted.” A part of you found her concern to be a little humorous. She doesn’t know that petty bullies were the least of your worries right now.
Yuki staring skeptical at your face for a good while before she finally settled down. “Alright, I believe you,’ Yuki says, shifting her weight to her other leg, looking slightly bashful. “I can tell you don’t actually seem that bothered by her. At least let me walk you to the front then.” 
 So that’s where the three of you went, of course you had to change your shoes before you left, a mistake you made when you first arrived. A mistake you would have made again if not for Yuki. Thankfully, she kindly reminded you like she reminded you this morning. You said your goodbyes, reassuring Yuki numerous times that you were fine and that she could continue looking around. When the two of them left, you took a moment of pause, allowing yourself to fully absorb everything that happened at school. 
“Where is my house?” 
Before your mind could spiral about how you were going to find your way home, you heard someone call out, “Y/n!” It was your mother. “There you are! I was worried sick.” She rushed to where you were. “I wasn’t sure if you were staying after school or if you got lost going home, and you weren’t answering your phone so I had no way of contacting you!”
“Mom, Mom!” you said, gently grabbing ahold of her shoulders. “My phone died so I didn’t get your calls. I’m sorry for worrying you but a new friend wanted to check out the school’s clubs with me because she’s new.”
Your mother let out a few labored breaths, composing herself. “Well, just–just tell me next time if you think you are staying after school. Let’s go home now, I need to start on dinner.”
Your house was one of the few things comforting about this situation, besides your parents of course. The look and feel of it was the same as it was back in your world. The decor was the same, the furniture was the same, your room was the same. Laying down in your bed, you felt like you could actually relax. The reality of being trapped in a different world was left at the door, and you were able to feel like you could just forget it all. But of course, your proactive brain wouldn’t let you for long. Thinking back to your interaction with Makino, your brain finally had an eureka moment. A solution to how you were gonna save her. ‘I will be her target,’ you thought. ‘If she is so focused on bullying me then she won’t be concerned with Yuki, and Akui won’t have a reason to kill her.’ Sitting up in bed, you say, “I should write this down.” 
There was a part of you that felt it wasn’t a good idea to write all your knowledge of this world down, but there was a bigger part of you saying that it would be horrible if you forgot something. You will just have to find a place where no one can find it. Taking out an unused notebook, you wrote down every little detail, no matter how small, you could think of when it came to the story and wrote a separate section for plans on how to save people. That page was rather short, seeing as you only had a solution to save Makino so far and no one else, but you don’t want to lose track of your thoughts. ‘This first day is over, and I only have two more days until Thursday. Only two days to make Makino hate my guts.’
A/n: I'm not gonna say much, since this chapter is already pretty lengthy, but I am so relieved to have finished this on time. I have been working on it all week and I was beginning to think I wasn't gonna have it done by Saturday. I had a soft tissue ultrasound appointment yesterday so I have also been worried about that all week but I won't get the results back until about a week from now but I'm praying it's nothing severe. That has been waying on my mind so it was a little hard to focus but I just had so much I wanted to add to this chapter. That's all I wanted to say so I hope everyone has a wonderful day, see you all next week.
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msnova-scotia · 2 years
I’ve been playing the Seven Deadly Sins anime at work all day so I’ve only been able to catch 1/4 (tops) of anything that’s been going on. I’ve also never seen it so I’m gonna describe what I think has happened!
Meliodas is a bartender who gets attacked by some lady in armor, then gets attacked by more people, and the lady (no longer in armor) (oh yeah, and her name’s Elizabeth) is about to die, so Melodias uses his broken sword to kill some people
Apparently he’s part of some old gang called the Seven Deadly Sins, and Elizabeth is a huge fan, so she wants them to get together again for old times sake like that one Phineas and Ferb episode.
Meliodas says what the heck and starts out on a journey to find them all, immediately stumbling upon Diane the giant girl
While talking together, they all get attacked again and Diane is unphased by what’s happening so she yeets the guy super far away
Somehow, Ban joins the party (I missed that whole part). Yay Ban!
Ban gets in a fight with some kid while wondering off somewhere
Something with mushrooms and shrinking women, very fan service-y
They unshrink and Diane kicks some ass
Elizabeth meets her sister
Her sister dies in the crossfire of Melodias and some other guy’s battle where Meliodas is raging out
The kid Ban was fighting turned out to be King, but he lost weight(?)
Diane drops a mountain on someone
Some twink and his giant friend are wondering through a forest, admiring the birds
One of them is Gowther(sp?), another Sin
Gowther and not!Gowther split up because whoever is in the armor needs more armor glue
Some mercenaries surround armor dude
The Sins surround mercenaries
It’s all a Mexican stand off
Twink boy casually walks into the middle of everything, totally oblivious to what’s happening
Oh he’s autistic
AND SHE MURDERED HER FRIEND? Armor guy?!? Goodbye I guess??????????
Oh he’s fine nvm. Also a demon? A curse? Idk
I guess Elizabeth knew Meliodas in a past life or something and has a sword to give him from her grandpa
Meliodas uses the sword to absolutely wreck the shit out of armor guy
Now they’re at a castle I think
Diane gets trapped in a hallway? I didn’t see much
But she stumbles out later, super dying with a hole in her
Some guards want to kill her because she keeps wrecking the buildings
Sorry, the guards keep wrecking the buildings because they want to kill her and justify it by framing her
Some guards don’t want to kill her though. One of them has a crush on Diane maybe?
Gowther shows up and gets in a fight with some important looking guy
Gowther puts him in an illusion but he breaks out and kills her. Transphobic tbh
King shows up and fights some fairy dude
Somehow Diane is a child now? Maybe she healed by reverting her age or something? Unclear
Fairy guy is also there, now friendly. And they’re back. No longer friendly. Another illusion?
Ban might be dead because I just realized I haven’t seen him in a hot second. Rip in peace
Some half purple guy shows up and is beating King like he’s the red headed step child
Meliodas shows up and gets beaten too, even though I thought he was invincible? And loses an arm???
Oh hey Ban, we thought you were dead
Now the important enemy guy (who I will refer to as Fabio because of his amazing hair) from earlier and is fighting the purple guy
There seems to be a lot of sexual tension between them
Purple guy won, so now the Sins are fighting against him
Gowther is back!! Trans rights 🏳️‍⚧️
I’m lead to believe Purple Guy turned into a demon, so now he’s EXTRA hot
Lots of battling
I didn’t catch the end so that’s it! Hopefully everyone lived through it.
But congrats, you’ve known experienced the first season of Seven Deadly Sins with me!
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collarximagines · 2 years
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Wow, so! I told you guys I am back and here I am! I went way way back in my asks and finally answered the oldest one I had. I'm sorry it took so long!!! T.T
Aiji Yanagi- 
Aiji would be confident and insist that he wouldn't feel jealous in that situation, despite Takeru teasing about the idea before the event.
Because of Takeru putting ideas in his head, Aiji would repeat the mantra 'I won't be jealous' in his head as they head to the party location.
He would hold his S/O tightly by the waist, despite not being entirely aware of it. Deep down he would be absolutely panicking and his eyes would be darting everywhere to find anyone who would do anything.
Aiji would ultimately have to go outside for a smoke at some point, especially due to his secret anxiety. It would be upon his return that he would witness someone dancing with his S/O.
He would be taking deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself down, but still be stood at the side with his hand clenched hard into a fist. A part of him would want to go out for another smoke and hope it was all over once he returned. However, he was unable to do it.
He ends up walking calmly (definitely angrily) over to the two, glaring at the other who had decided to dance with his S/O. 
"If you'll excuse me. My girlfriend has somewhere they have to be". 
He then proceeds to tightly wrap his arm around his S/O's waist and walks away quickly. But not before shooting a very cold glare at the other person.
Of course Aiji isn't angry at his S/O, but it is clear he is very stressed after it happened. For the rest of the night, Aiji is on alert and looking out for anyone 'suspicious'. He won't want to leave his S/O alone and will even wait outside the bathroom and refuses to go outside to smoke.
Kei Okazaki -
Kei wouldn't necessarily know that he was going to be jealous of anyone at the party. He did, however, know that he didn't want to go and that he wasn't going to enjoy himself there.
"You know. Maybe we shouldn't go to the party. It would be more fun to stay home. And we don't often get time together" 
Kei would essentially whine often and more frequently as the party approached. Regardless of how many times his S/O would remind him that they will be going and nothing is going to change.
The day of the party came and Kei was still reluctant. Even going as far as to not set their alarm as early as S/O had wanted him to. However, being the skilled liar he insisted he was, he told his S/O that the batteries must have messed up. Why they were still using an alarm clock, no one knows.
Being the type who didn't really enjoy parties, nor did he feel like he fit in, Kei would sit at the side. His S/O would ask him to dance, but he would simply say he was incapable. So, S/O went to the dancefloor alone, only to then be asked to dance.
Kei didn't notice at first, though as soon as he noticed. He felt it. He didn't know what he felt and it was a strange sensation but what he did next, he couldn't stop. 
Kei waltzed over to the 'couple' rather quickly. His S/O saw him for a split second and the next, Kei had the other person in a tight neck. One which demonstrated his ability as an SP officer.
It took a lot of begging from his S/O to convince Kei to let go of the other person and to convince him to stop glaring. Needless to say, the two left the party not long after that and it took S/O an awful long time to consider taking Kei to another party again. Kei was very pleased about the last part.
Mineo Enomoto -
Mineo was very excited about the upcoming party. Not to mention all of his friends were going to be there. He was very excited to see his old friends and his new friends in one place, especially as it was an excuse to show off his S/O as he often did.
He would take a lot of time getting ready for the party, making himself look as 'cool' as he possibly could. Deep down, his S/O felt that he looked very uncool actually but would never hurt the gentle boy like that.
As soon as he would enter the party with his S/O, he would be approached by Mineo's old boss, Kenzo. He would warmly greet the two of them, before insisting Mineo go get drinks for all of them. Mineo had no chance to argue, as his S/O was quickly whisked away by the older man.
Mineo would grumble to himself but do as he was asked. It was too difficult and too annoying for him to argue with the older man. And so, Mineo would head to the bar, and buy the drinks. 
He was greeted with a very irritating sight once he was done at the bar. He saw Kenzo dancing with his S/O. Instantly, Mineo saw red and not only because of the colour of his hair. Mineo couldn't hold himself back and rushed over to the two of them. However, his anger looked more like a puppy or a child.
{S/O name}~~~~~ Why would you dance with him? Did I do something wrong?! Do you want to leave me for him? But he's so old~" 
Mineo's poor S/O was torn between laughing because of adorably pathetic he looked when he whined and wanting to cry because honestly, it did make his S/O feel just a little guilty. Kenzo simply chuckled, commented that Mineo had found a good one and walked away, after taking one of the drinks Mineo was sadly holding in his hand for the three of them.
Needless to say, Mineo spent the rest of the night pouting and remaining as close to his S/O as he could possibly be. S/O consoled the man as much as possible. However, that didn't entirely help. He continued to pout, even once they returned back home. And once back home, Mineo made sure to remain even closer to his S/O than at the party. Once relaxed at home, he was essentially glued to their side.
Takeru Sasazuka -
It had been very hard to convince Takeru to attend the wedding party of S/O's friend. Needless to say, his S/O had to do a lot of work to say yes and had to do it in various ways. Even up to the night before, he couldn't help but to comment on how lucky his S/O should have felt that he was blessing the party with his presence. Honestly, part of the reason was that he definitely didn’t trust any of the people who were going to be in attendance (not that he even knew any of them).
“I still don’t understand why you insist on us going. You must not be that close to them. You’ve never even mentioned them to me before”.Takeru commented with a roll of his eyes and with a sigh, as he walked up to the venue of the party. Though honestly, what he was saying was most definitely a lie. His S/O had in fact mentioned some of the attendees multiple times, it was simply because Takeru had deemed it not important enough for him to listen to.
Once inside, Takeru greeted and congratulated the couple, though through gritted teeth. And it was quite obvious he had been holding back some snarky comment. Regardless, his S/O had decided it would be best to keep him as far away from anyone as possible. And luckily, his S/O had managed to find a small table in the corner to keep him out of trouble.
Fate had different plans for that however, when an old friend from University asked his S/O to dance together. Considering S/O was so irritated by Takeru’s childish behaviour, she accepted the dance with a smile and they walked to the dancefloor together.
Needless to say, Takeru did not like that in the slightest. He made it clear by the way he was glaring at the couple as they danced. That was until a sudden idea came to him. The man chose to pull out his phone and had apparently decided to busy himself with that. S/O noticed him doing so when she glanced over for a second, but thought nothing of it. That was until she heard the music suddenly stop and a sudden announcement from the DJ. “Apologies to everyone. However, we must shut down this partly instantly. I have just received word that there is an infestation in the building and everyone must evacuate immediately”.
As was asked, everyone left very quickly, and many were very panicked about the situation. Takeru however, remained almost too calm about it all, save from the smirk on his lips. However, he simply took his S/O’s hand in his own, rather tightly at that, and headed home with her. His S/O was surprised, given he hadn’t mentioned anything about the dance on their ride home, though she decided against bringing it up.
“How surprising that the party was suddenly shut down. What a shame it was that the vermin had to ruin things for my beautiful girlfriend”.
Takeru commented with a somewhat amused grin on his lips and it was then his S/O understood what he meant. Her eyes widened in response and unsurprisingly, she was very angry with what he had done. She had been about to rant at him, though just as she was about to, he held a finger up to her lips.
“Next time I hope you’ll think again before you dance with some rat”.
Kageyuki Shiraishi -
A part of Kageyuki was interested in the idea of going to a party with his S/O, mostly because it gave him an opportunity to watch new people and see how they acted. He wasn’t expecting much, knowing that they were all probably very common and very normal people. Regardless, he had decided to go with his S/O. It didn’t seem like there would be such a problem with it. Besides, he thought there was a possibility it would have been fun in a way.
However, once Kageyuki had actually arrived at the party. He was beginning to feel differently about it. The attendees seemed to be even more boring and bland than he had originally anticipated. They were all making mindless conversation, drinking purely to get wasted and to make a mess of themselves. He supposed he shouldn’t have expected anything different. 
Kageyuki yawned. Though, his eyebrow raised in curiosity as a man approached his S/O. He was interested, wondering what could have been about to happen. He was somewhat surprised when the man asked Kageyuki’s S/O to dance. He wondered if that was something normal people would do, though he doubted that was the case. Not if the person quite clearly was there with someone.
S/O looked at Kageyuki as if to ask permission. The blonde simply gestured ‘shoo’, telling the woman to go ahead and do whatever she wanted. He didn’t want to stop her from doing something she deemed to be fun and honestly, he was intrigued. Was he finally going to see someone interesting that night? Was he going to find out that not everyone in attendance was boring and bland?
Kageyuki carefully watched the two. At first it seemed innocent enough. However, he noticed that the man’s hand was moving lower down his S/O’s waist and that was when Kageyuki started to feel something. He was beginning to feel irritated, though couldn’t entirely understand why. He figured the feeling must have been jealousy, though he wasn’t sure why he was feeling it. He especially wondered why he would have been feeling that way over such a bland way. Regardless, he couldn’t wait for it to be over.
It felt like a very long time to the blonde male, but eventually, the dance was over and his S/O returned to his side. 
“Well, it is getting late. I believe it is time for us to leave”. 
The way he spoke was somehow different to how he usually spoke. Though his S/O didn’t have the time to process what was going on, before Kageyuki grabbed her by the hand and began pulling her quickly out of the building and as far away from the place as possible. He was feeling so irritated and wanting to remove himself from the situation that had caused it.
Later that night, S/O really found herself wanting to question what was wrong with the male, but wasn’t sure how to do so. Not to mention, he seemed to have been irritated even once they were back home. Also, he seemed to be closer when they were back home, closer than usual at the very least. After taking in a deep breath, S/O finally decided to ask what happened. Kageyuki beat her to the punch and began to speak before her.
“If you really insist on attending a party again to dance with someone. In future, you may only dance with me”. Well, at least S/O understood what was wrong finally.
So first of all, I hope you enjoyed that. Especially as it's been so long since I last posted! Also, I've been working on this on and off all day so maybe the latter half is longer because that was when I got on my laptop xD
, Neko
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daenqyu · 4 years
promise me | bakugou katsuki
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( gif isn’t mine !! credits go to @birds-have-teeth )
pairing: bakugou x fem!reader
genre: angsty fluff
summary: you’re used to dealing with your problems all on your own, but sometimes the weight becomes too heavy. and just when you feel like you’re about to fall, bakugou is always there to steady you back on your feet.
warnings: suicidal thoughts, descriptions of a panic attack, dark thoughts in general
word count: 3.2k
a/n: at first i wasn’t gonna post this because it was more of a comfort fic for me since i’ve been struggling a lot recently and bakugou is my comfort character, but i thought this could make other people feel better too so yeah :)
small disclaimer: this is completely based on my OWN, PERSONAL experience !!!!! if you ever experience suicidal thoughts, please seek help; you’re not alone. and you’re loved. you’re worth it.
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IT was too much. you couldn’t handle it. you thought you could and that’s why you decided to not tell anyone, especially not bakugou. he knew about your struggles and burdens; at some point in your relationship you decided you felt comfortable enough to share that part of yourself with him and even tho he couldn’t really understand all of your emotions, he was still very supportive. but of course that didn’t mean you told him everything. sure, you trusted him with your life and you knew he would never judge you, but that wasn’t enough to make the voices in your head go away.
for a while everything seemed to be fine, you had managed to keep yourself distracted enough to not have to be alone with your thoughts. whether it was hanging out with friends, going on dates with bakugou, or watching tv shows, you were always busy with something. but there’s only so much one can do to stop themselves from thinking, or in your case, overthinking.
the nights were the worst. normally you’d watch random videos until your eyes started hurting from the brightness of you phone and then go to bed, but there were times when even that wasn’t enough. when not even heavy metal songs could be as loud as your dark thoughts, and they only seemed to intensify the more you tried to push them away. you tossed and turned on bed in hopes of eventually tiring yourself out, yet you ended up sitting on the mattress with hot tears streaming down your cheeks as you tried your best to catch your breathing.
all the emotions you suppressed for months now suddenly came crashing down on you, forcing you to face your inner demons and making you realize just how not okay you were. you couldn’t quite pinpoint what was bothering you so much; it was everything, yet nothing at the same time. it was about you, but also everyone else in your life. it was about not knowing who you were, about losing yourself and not really knowing what you were doing with your life. it was about thinking you were a failure, yet better than most people. it was confusing. and it was eating you alive.
your hands tugged at your hair so tight a part of you was afraid you were gonna rip it off and your chin rested on your knees as you brought them up to your chest in a feeble attempt to hug yourself.
this always happens. stop making such a big deal about it. why are you even crying? you’re so ungrateful. such an attention seeker. completely pathetic. why is bakugou even dating you? he might as well leave you for someone better. prettier. smarter.
loud sobs left your mouth as your thoughts mentally destroyed you, your insecurities getting the best of you. but it was more than that. this wasn’t just about not feeling good enough or thinking you didn’t deserve your boyfriend. it was about thinking you would be better off. after all you were just a bother, right? you would be doing everyone a favor if you just fucking did it, but you couldn’t. you wouldn’t. because you were scared. because you were a coward.
at some point it became too much, you could barely even breathe and your chest was hurting, or maybe it was your heart, along with your head, which’s pounding had become almost unbearable. your eyes burned from all the crying and you could feel the puffiness beginning to form around them. with trembling hands and blurry vision, you took your phone in your hands and dialed the only person you knew was capable of helping you in a situation like this.
the blonde haired boy groaned when he heard his phone ringing from the nightstand next to his bed. he rubbed his eyes before mentally insulting whoever was calling him so fucking late at night, but just as he was about to start screaming onto the phone’s speaker, he saw your name flash across the screen and his whole expression changed in less that a second. because you were his exception to everything. 
“y/n? do you know what fucking time it is? this better be-” he didn’t get to finish his sentence when a sob coming from your end interrupted him. suddenly he was up and about, his eyes widening as he sat on his bed, all the sleepiness he felt moments ago disappearing at the heartbreaking sound. “are you- are you crying?”
“k-katsuki,” he cringed, hating the way your voice sounded so broken and not like your usual self. and while he didn’t know what was going on exactly, he had a pretty good idea.
“i’m here,” he tried to assure you, but he hated how your sobs only got louder after that. “what happened? are you okay?”
“no. it’s bad,” you couldn’t bring yourself to lie to him, not when you needed him the most. “i’m s-sorry for calling you so late, i-”
“you don’t have to apologize. i wasn’t that tired anyways,” he bit his lower lip, debating on what he should do next. “do you want me to come over?”
“yes,” you didn’t even hesitate; it almost sounded like you were begging and bakugou could feel his breath hitching in his throat for a moment. “please, i need you.” that was all he needed to hear before he hung up, throwing the phone on his desk as he hurriedly put on whatever shirt he had laying around, not bothering to put shoes on. he didn’t have time to think about some stupid footwear. he stumbled while running towards your dorm room, not giving a fuck about how loud his steps were or if he could wake up his classmates.
much to his luck, your room wasn’t that far away from his so he got there in less than two minutes. he could feel his heart hammering against his chest as his hand gripped the door’s knob, but he didn’t waste any time before turning it around and letting himself inside. the sight before his eyes made something inside bakugou break. you were sitting down on the floor with your knees up to your chest, hands clutching your head tightly as choked sobs kept leaving your mouth. and he hated it. he hated it because he knew exactly how you felt; the same way he felt every night when he was alone in the confines of his room and his thoughts were the only thing keeping him company.
you hadn’t noticed him, too focused on trying not to pass out, so he made his way over to you slowly in order to not startle you. he kneeled down in front of you, quickly recalling the website he had read a few days ago that talked about what to do when a person was having a panic attack. his hand gently touched your shoulder, careful not to scare you, and while you still flinched at the sudden touch, your expression somewhat softened after seeing it was none other than your boyfriend.
“hey beautiful,” he smiled softly at you, or at least tried his best since all he wanted to do was scream and fight someone. because you didn’t deserve this. someone as kind as you didn’t deserve to go through all this shit. “can you hear me?” you nodded, tears still running down your cheeks and your whole body trembling. “good, now let’s take a few deep breaths,” he inhaled deeply before exhaling, wanting you to repeat his actions and you tried. your hands stopped gripping your scalp, instead opting for bakugou’s arms, which were at each side of you as they held onto your shoulders. “you’re doing great, just focus on me okay? only me.” you nodded once again, still trying to ease your breathing pattern as you stared into his beautiful vermilion eyes, the ones that always managed to intimidate you (in a good way of course).
after a few more minutes of breathing exercises, you managed to stop the pants that came out of your mouth, but tears still ran down your cheeks as the thoughts never ceased, perhaps getting louder and louder with every passing second. you wanted nothing more than to close your eyes and curl yourself into a ball, but you knew that wasn’t gonna solve anything. so you kept holding on to your boyfriend’s arms, as if he was the only thing holding you down to earth.
this better fucking work, bakugou thought to himself before he spoke up again, “y/n, can you tell me five things you can see?”
“you,” talking was still hard, yet you forced yourself to look around the room and answer his question correctly. “my p-phone, the desk, d-dirty laundry, and,” all this thinking made the pounding in your head worse, but at least you weren’t focusing on the voices. “my stuffed t-teddy bear.”
“hm, four things you can touch?” one of his hands tenderly gripped your shoulder, his eyes never leaving yours.
“y-you, your shirt, the c-carpet, and m-my pj’s.” the dizziness in your head started to come to a halt and you sniffled, thankful that bakugou was able to make things better. like always.
“that’s it, you’re doing so well. now three things you can hear?” his head turned around to leave an innocent kiss on the skin of your forearm, his gaze still focused on your face.
“your voice, t-the rain, and the air conditioner.” the feeling of bakugou’s lips made you come back to your senses slowly but surely. now your hands were the only thing trembling, not your whole body.
“you’re almost there baby, two things you can smell?”
“my diffuser and your perfume,” a small smile made its way to your lips as you breathed in his scent, letting out a pleasant sigh as the smell filled your nostrils. “caramel.”
bakugou scoffed, a soft blush splashed across his cheeks as he looked away from you for a moment.
“one thing you can taste?”
you took in a deep breath, not really knowing what to answer until you licked your lips and tasted the familiar sweetness of your chapstick, “cherry.” your grip on bakugou’s arm loosened, but still lingered there. he let out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding in, feeling a big weight off his shoulders knowing you could breathe properly again, but he was still bothered by the situation.
“dumbass, don’t ever scare me like that again.” his words were rather rough yet you knew he meant no harm, you knew he was genuinely scared for your well being and that was just his way of voicing out his concern.
“i’m sorry.”
“what did i tell you about apologizing all the damn time?” he groaned, letting his arms fall to his sides as your hands came up to wipe your remaining tears away. you sent him an apologetic smile before sighing, squeezing your eyes shut as you tried to wrap your head around everything that happened.
meanwhile, bakugou stared intently at you, wondering whether or nor he should ask what caused the sudden outburst. he didn’t want to make you feel worse, but if he knew you like he thought he did (which he does), you’d probably end up bottling everything inside until you had another breakdown. and he’ll be damned if he ever let’s that happen again.
silently, he crawled towards you. and once he was close enough, he positioned himself behind you so you could sit on his lap and you happily complied. you cuddled your face against his warm chest, enjoying the comfort it provided, and bakugou placed his chin on top of your head, keeping you close to him. you stayed like that for a few minutes, just basking in each other’s presence, but in reality bakugou was just giving you some more time to calm down before pestering you with questions that could possibly overwhelm you.
“you want to talk about it?” he was still keeping his tone low and gentle; anyone who heard him would’ve been extremely confused by his sudden change in demeanor. because he could be a lot of things, but gentle was not one of them. then again, you were his exception. you were different.
“i...don’t know,” your hands played with the hem of his black tank top, eyebrows furrowed together as you tried to find the right words to describe your internal turmoil. “it’s just...everything piling up and never knowing what to do,” bakugou leaned down to place a kiss on your temple, quietly letting you know that he wasn’t going anywhere, and somehow, that made you want to cry all over again. “you know when you get really tired of yourself and your life?” he hesitantly nodded, not knowing where you were going with this. “well i feel like that everyday. a-and sometimes i think it would all be better if i disappeared.”
it took him approximately 5 seconds to get what you exactly meant by disappearing, but when he did boy was he mad. his eyebrows furrowed and his grip on you tightened, an annoyed, yet concerned expression evident on his face. how could you say that? you were his everything, the only one who could calm him down, the one who made him smile by just breathing; his light. he wouldn’t know what to do without you, hell he didn’t even want to imagine it.
“you’re such an idiot,” a smile tugged your lips at his harsh choice of words, the complete opposite of the hold he had on you. “you listen to me because you know how much i hate repeating myself,” one of his hands grabbed your chin softly, yet firmly as he tilted your head to make you look at him directly. “feeling like this is not your fault. i know that it’s easier to blame yourself for everything that goes wrong in your life, trust me, i know. but there are things in life that we just can’t control and most definitely aren’t responsible for.”
you scoffed, “well you’re one to talk.”
“tch, such a smartass, aren’t you?” bakugou rolled his eyes at your remark. “that’s exactly why i’m telling you all this, dumbass. because i don’t want you to go through what i did, especially when you have me by your side to help you.” your eyes widened at his sweet confession, gaze softening at the boy in front of you. he avoided it, looking to the side with rosy cheeks.
“katsuki…” you lowered your voice, lifting your hand to place it on bakugou’s cheek and your heart jumped when he looked at you. his eyes reflected nothing but pure love and adoration, and you were sure yours were the exact same. without saying another word, you kissed him softly, fingers caressing his soft skin. the kiss was short and innocent, but it made bakugou smile ever so slightly.
“let me finish,” he said once you pulled away and the determination in his voice made you nod, knowing he needed to say whatever was on his mind. “i know there’s nothing i can do to make your pain disappear or for you to change your mindset because that’s not how it works. but i am and will always be here for you. i don’t give a shit if you think you’re gonna bother me or if it’s late or if you think it’s something stupid, you just tell me. and if the thoughts continue then maybe we can even get a professional to help you, but please don’t give up on me.” the crack in his voice at the end of his sentence made your heart stutter.
both of your hands cradled bakugou’s face, your eyes desperately looking for his once again. when he finally looked at you, you saw the tears threatening to fall from his eyes and how hard he was trying to hold himself back from breaking down. he needed to be strong. he couldn’t be weak in front of you. you were the one who needed to be comforted, not him. so with those thoughts in mind, bakugou sniffled and roughly wiped the unshed tears away. but you didn’t move from your place.
“so promise me,” he pulled you impossibly close, your faces barely inches apart. “promise me you won’t give up, that you’ll fight and be stronger than your demons because you fucking are. you’re so much stronger than you think, shit you’re probably stronger than me!” your eyes widened, surprised he even said something like that, but knowing he 100% meant it. because bakugou didn’t lie. “promise me.”
you nodded multiple times, taking out your pinky to show him you were serious about this. and while bakugou thought you couldn’t be any more childish, he still grinned and interlaced his own pinky with yours, “i promise.”
“good, now let’s sleep because i’m tired as fuck.” you rolled your eyes at the sudden change in attitude.
“knew it was too good to be true.” he raised an eyebrow at your comment, standing up to lay down on your bed, the soft sheets welcoming him with your scent. 
“the fuck is that supposed to mean?” 
“nothing, let’s just sleep.” you sent him a smile before laying down next to him, his arms quickly wrapping themselves around your waist to pull you even closer.
you turned around in his hold to properly look at him. his head rested comfortably against the pillow, his hair messy and sticking up in all different directions, while his eyes lazily looked over at you. he looked angelic, ethereal even. without thinking it twice, you ran one of your hands through his hair, giggling when he let out a happy hum and gripped your hips, as if telling you to keep going. he looked so pretty, lips slightly pouty as he forced himself to stay awake for a little longer. at least until you fell asleep. 
“wanna know something really cheesy?” he sounded tired and you felt bad for keeping him awake so late when he probably had a long day. nevertheless, you hummed and continued to comb your fingers through his hair. “you’re fucking amazing. absolutely mesmerizing,” bakugou opened his eyes to look at you better, a small smile tugging his lips upwards as he saw your flushed expression, trying to look away from him, but he didn’t let you. “i love you, y/n.”
he’s said it before, and you should be used to it by now, but it never fails to make you heat up and feel all fuzzy inside. bakugou looks so serious, because he wants you to know he truly means it, yet so soft at the same time and you know this isn’t easy for him. he doesn’t like showing his vulnerable side to people, thinking it makes him weak, so to have him open up to you and declare his love for you so openly makes you feel special. because you’re the only one who knows this side of him. 
“i love you more, katsuki.” another genuine smile grazes bakugou’s lips after hearing you call him by his first name, your voice sweet like honey.
he presses a kiss on your forehead as he lets you snuggle up against him, “go to sleep, i’ll be here when you wake up.” 
that night, you slept peacefully, knowing you’re safe in bakugou’s arms. you don’t know what tomorrow or any other day holds for you, but if you have him by your side, you know you can overcome anything. 
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imalemonthatrants · 3 years
Height Gap Modern AU LawZo part one
It's more like a detailed summary. Not a full on fic. Sorry. I dunno how to write. Lol.
Law is slowly recovering from a previously incurable disease, but it leaves him shorter, weaker, and scrawnier than the average kid his age. He's 17, and while Law is a brilliant kid, Corazon is worried his sick, adopted child will be bullied in college when he's not there to intimidate the assholes.
Corazon begs Law to join a local dojo, and Law, despite being an angry, angsty teenager that hates everyone, joins because he loves and respects Corazon too much and knows that it'll ease the older man's worries.
Of course, the overprotective older man alerts the dojo master and teacher of Law's disease, which said man proceeded to politely explain to everyone else in Law's combined classes and leads for everyone to treat him like glass.
Exactly like Law expected would happen. Except for the crazy green haired kid.
Roronoa Zoro, the dojo teacher's son, who was 12 years old, a boy far taller than all his other peers due to an early growth spurt, who was the same height as Law, and who literally beat Law down to the ground without any mercy. Heckling and taunting very much included with each of their practice spars.
And of course, Law is livid. First of all, what the fuck were they feeding kids nowadays to be so fucking tall? Second of all, a fucking 12 year old was HANDING HIS ASS to him, illness be damned, and the idiotic comments the child made only made him wanna win even more.
("What? You're older than me? Why are you so weak and short then? We're the same height!"
"You're sick? Maybe you should sleep more then. It looks like you don't sleep enough. Kuina and dad said that sleep helps you grow taller, you know?" Yes Law does fucking know that, a fuck you very much, stupid child.
"You're only gonna eat that little? That's why you're so small!" Seriously, Law was going to commit murder over the comments of a dumbass.
"When you get better, you gotta train lots, cause that'll make it so you can't get sick again." No, it doesn't, you dumbass.)
And Law kind of gets serious. Something he hasn't really felt like doing for YEARS due to his illness, because he always felt like things wouldn't change until he beat it. School was always easy, but training and working out? Not so much.
But Law DOES. He fucking researches the best way to gain muscle, how to build up power and speed and deal with his lower than normal stamina, because Law was a damn nerd, and follows his regimen seriously despite the coddling lessons he was receiving at the dojo. He starts eating more due to his increased activity, started sleeping more cause he was exhausted from his exercises, started working harder on just about all his lessons.
All so he could beat up an arrogant idiot of a 12 year old.
Of course, all good things come to an end. 6 months into lessons, Law's illness flares up in the middle of a practice spar between him and Zoro. He's suddenly unable to breathe, shinai clattering to the ground as he drops like a rock. His muscles are spasming and everything is suddenly heavy and painful and sucks.
His surroundings are just as chaotic as his flare up. The adults are running around, shouting for a doctor or calling for an ambulance, the kids are all trying to gather around him, trying to help him up or support him or whatever, and the adults are trying to prevent them to do so. And Law feels WEAK. Weak and hopeless and mad at himself for thinking that him working out or doing any of the shit he's been doing for 6 months would've changed ANYTHING.
He doesn't know how long his flare happens, but he's covered in a cold sweat and shivering and gasping for air and when he looks up, Zoro has his hand out, eyes firm and calm.
"We haven't finished sparring, yet." Zoro says to him. And everyone around them hears that, starts yelling at the green haired idiot because why would a sick person that's not feeling well want to keep sparring or fighting AT ALL?
And Law's staring at him, trying to see the pity or the stupid sympathy or the coddling and stupid worry that he always got whenever he had a flare up, whenever he feels he's lost control of his body and can't do anything to fight it.
Except there is none.
There is simply a calm acceptance, a simple wait for an answer to his simple question. And Law takes Zoro's hand, which infuriatingly enough, is larger than his own, feels sturdier and stronger than his, but it was also WARM.
"Yeah. We haven't yet." Law gasps out in reply. And he simply picks up his shinai with clammy hands after receiving help up and readies up. And Zoro does, too. But everyone around him is shouting at him, at Zoro.
"Wait, no. Law, stop. You're not feeling well! Go lie down and take a break."
"Zoro, stop inciting a fight! He's sick and he needs to rest! What are you even doing?"
And Zoro, voice firm and clear, eyes dead set and focused on his opponent, on him, simply says
"Law isn't weak." And then proceeds to wipe the floor with Law.
It's later, when Law is sprawled out on the tatami mats, gasping and a little bruised that Zoro comes over with a plate of riceballs and water. There's a blush on Zoro's face, maybe something akin to worry, but not the pitying kind he got from strangers.
He passes the things over to Law and sprawls out next to him, but he doesn't say anything for a bit. It's only when Law realizes he WAS kind of hungry and thirsty and gets up, with a bit of struggle, to eat that Zoro starts talking.
"I don't regret winning." And Law kind of glares at him through a mouthful of riceball, and ignores him. Zoro doesn't seem to care, and keeps talking.
"Everyone keeps telling me you're sick and that I should be going easy on you." And Zoro looks at Law then, with the most mature expression he's ever seen the kid have outside of a spar. "Is that what you want?"
"No." Law eventually grunts out. "I don't want you using that as a stupid excuse when I wipe the floor with you."
Zoro, right then and there, gives him the biggest smile in the world, one that Law finds is not as irritating as he normally feels it is.
"Yeah," Zoro says, laughing. "Of course not. Not that you'd ever win against me anyways!"
Of course, Zoro, being the annoying fuck that he truly is, knew how to piss Law off as always, and he finds himself in a childish squabble of words against the younger boy, who's much more creative with insults and taunts than a 12 year old fucking should be.
Later, when Law is leaving, he stops for a second, looks over at Zoro, who always stays with the stragglers that leave the dojo last and watches over them.
"Did you mean it?" Law asks. Because he couldn't help but wonder if what Zoro had said earlier was something the ridiculously strong boy meant. And at first, Zoro looks at him kind of confused, and just when Law starts feeling embarrassed, because he's actually caring about what a 12 year old thought about him, Zoro gives him a serious look.
"I don't think you're weak." Zoro says, sounding almost careful, as if trying to find the right words to say. "Cause, even though everyone says you're sick and stuff, your sickness... it's not the only thing you are. It doesnt... it doesn't define who you are."
There was something about those words that seemed to hit Law in a strange place, seemed to make him feel lighter, his chest and stomach fluttering, because he had only ever known people that saw him simply as an unfortunate sick teen. And maybe it was a little endearing seeing the normally unrestrained boy acting so careful for once.
Maybe because the younger boy felt embarrassed because Law hasn't said anything back, just standing there awkwardly staring at him, but Zoro flashes him an arrogant smile, despite the slight blush in his face and of course, says
"You're not stronger than me though." And the floaty feeling is gone and Law is scowling at him as Zoro laughs at his reaction before telling to head home so Law could stop taking up space at the entrance ("Look, I know you're small, but you're still big enough to block the entrance. Go home, unless you need Mr. Rosinante to come pick you up...?" Insert haughty smirk that Law wants to smack off his face.)
Law's opinion of Zoro changes after that. He notices things about the younger boy more, like how he fights with all the girls equally, how he loses to Kuina, his older sister, but endures the heckling and taunting from the other boys ("Haha, Zoro lost to a girl!") without excuses or complaints, simply the evident frustration of "I'm not strong enough, yet." whispered into open air and written onto his face. How Zoro silently watches out for the less talkative ones within the group, correcting form and stopping others from harassing them, how he plays along with the younger people of the groups, acting surprised by their display of "skill" or giving out compliments like candy to the excitable ones and awful words of consolation to the losing spar partners. He takes their complaints and listens quietly to all the mundane problems everyone had("Sarah rejected me!" "I failed my math test today and my mom's gonna kill me!") And Zoro trains. A lot. Law finds he liked Zoro the best when the younger boy is quietly working hard, eyes blazing with a determination that Law may never quite understand, or when the boy spars, his calm and composed self completely different from the normally arrogant boy's unrestrained personality.
Law also gets stronger. He's starting to grow taller, as he now has half an inch over Zoro, ("That's only cause you're older." Zoro grumbles when Law points it out with a smug expression on his face. "And what are you so proud of being taller than a 13 year old for, huh?!") He also becomes more skilled. Maybe Zoro's dad had noticed it too, because his lessons became more serious, more varied. He learns beyond the simple Kendo swings, given lessons on hand-to-hand combat, and given a larger pool of people to spar against, all boys his age, most taller than him. He wins against all of them except for the one he's yet to win against, Zoro.
Zoro seems to notice his remarkable improvements, too, as he seems more eager to spar with him, the fire in his eyes burning similar to the way it did whenever the boy challenged his sister. This goes on and on, and before he knew it, Law is a senior in high school, a full ride to a prestigious university is placed on his lap and he accepts it without hesitation.
He doesn't think to bring it up with Zoro until the last day of his lessons because he figured the boy has seen plenty of others come and go just as he was going to. Except, on his last day of lessons, when Koshiro lets the class know of his permanent departure from the place, it is Zoro that suddenly tackles Law to the ground. The boy is latched on to him, angry words spilling out of his lips, as eyes reddened and watered until tears spilled from the boy's eyes like a neverending stream.
("Why didn't you say anything?" And "Why are you leaving?" And "We haven't finished our spars, yet!" And "Was our battles not worth it?" And"I thought we were friends!" And "Was our friendship a stupid joke to you this entire time?")
And for the first time, he sees the boy throwing perhaps the biggest and childish tantrum Law has never seen from Zoro. Zoro, who never cried, never threw a fit when things were unfair, when he was wronged or told he was doing something wrong. When others were yelling angrily at him, hurling insults or making fun of him, or treating him unjustly, Zoro was always calm and almost completely indifferent. ("Why do I need to say anything when I can just show them who's wrong in a spar?")
Yet, Zoro was crying, because of Law.
In the end, Zoro is dragged and pulled off of Law while he's still stunned and unsure of how to deal with the crying, younger boy. He doesn't see Zoro for the rest of his last lesson, and they end up parting ways without Law able to speak with the boy again. He leaves for university, never forgetting the look of tears streaming down Zoro's reddened face, expression twisted into into one of anguish and betrayal.
Years later, Law becomes the first person to completely recover from his disease and gets a dramatic growth spurt. He breezed through undergrad and medical school, skipping grades like it was hopscotch, and he's well on his way to being a full on practicing surgeon at 26.
Law is now a man that has become a source of envy for others, with dashing looks and a career path that's well developed. He's never stopped his work out regimen, perhaps out of habit, and maybe out of guilt from images of teary silver eyes glaring at him in his mind. And that's kept his body looking quite fit, as well as earning the admiration from many on his surprising strength.
He ends up making quite a few friends as well. Some were deadly loyal, supporting him as well as Corazon did, and perhaps being somewhat like a fanclub to him, while others were akin to a rival, which sparks memories of a green haired boy smirking arrogantly at him. It wasn't quite the same, though, his rivals. They were truly mean-spirited at times, which Law was more than willing to return, and others tried to take advantage of his weaknesses, to which Law, again, was more than willing to return the favor for. Not quite like the boy in a dojo so far away from here.
Some friends, like a certain, very young man wearing a strawhat, were certainly more pushy and demanding than others. He meets the man named Luffy after the idiot had apparently done some crazy stunt for a social media video and fell on his head. To ensure that Luffy was okay, his other friends and sworn brothers had brought him in to the hospital while Law was on duty for his residency and the man had, oddly enough, taken a liking to him. ("Dr. Tra... tral... Torao!" Excuse me, what the fuck did you just call me?)
The man ends up pestering him into friendship and months later, he gets invited to a party with Luffy and his friends and Law reluctantly goes, if only to make Strawhat-ya shut the fuck up and leave him alone. The bar was surprisingly bright, not as crowded as he expected it to be, and Luffy's friend group is more wild and insane than Law had expected or wanted them to be. Perhaps after the third time of Luffy trying to get him to eat bread (he fucking hates bread and how Luffy found out about this and now uses it to harass him is beyond his understanding.) And Law is about 5 seconds away from losing it and storming out when Luffy stops and calls out a name. A very familiar name.
"Zoro!" Luffy calls loudly and dragged out. And Law was certain he almost got whiplash from turning his head so quickly. "You finally made it! Did you get lost again?" Luffy says, prompting a wave of laughter from the group, but he's not quite paying attention to it. Instead, he's looking at the green haired man in shock because it was Zoro. His Zoro. And somehow, while Zoro was squawking out some disgruntled reply, Law finds himself standing up and walking over to him. He doesn't even realize it until he's standing close enough to realize, with some childish sort of glee, that he's half a head taller than Zoro.
With him standing so close, Zoro was bound to notice him, and there was a brief look of confusion that passed through mature eyes, eyes widened as recognition set in and Law smirks, leaning over the younger man teasingly.
"Wow, Zoro-ya, you're shorter than I remember. Are you eating enough?"
Part 2: here
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the-bau-quinjet · 4 years
But with you, it’s different...
So, I’ve combined two of my great obsessions: Criminal Minds and Taylor Swift. Pretend the reader is Taylor Swift in the sense that she wrote and recorded the songs, but that’s it. Also, the songs are all out of order and not from the albums so just pretend that’s okay. I don’t reference the albums, but individual songs and yeah. It’s honestly kind of a mess, but also makes me happy. This is part 1! I have most of it written, so I should be able to post the other parts pretty soon. I think there will be 3 actual parts and then a short epilogue! Last thing, Spencer is a little out of character. I (try to) explain that later!!
Summary: Reader is a famous singer with a murderous stalker. Spencer has to go undercover to protect her. 
warnings: mentions of murder, anxious reader
Word Count: 7940
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You weren’t expecting anything out of the ordinary to happen tonight. It was just the usual Saturday night. Honestly, you were looking forward to having a boring two weeks off. You absolutely loved touring and performing and seeing your fans, but it was going to be great to have some time just to write again. Writing music has always helped you de-stress and get your emotions out, and you were supposed to finally have a chance to do just that. However, the universe had different plans. Plans that involved the FBI.
This was your second night in DC. It was the first of some of the bigger cities on your tour where you were doing two shows, so you are even more exhausted than normal. You really only just started the US leg of your tour, but the two weeks off was well earned from the Europe, Asia, and South America legs.
 As you begin to perform the second to last song, you start to feel the familiar sadness you get when finishing a show. It’s almost as though the adrenaline rush from the excitement of so many screaming fans is wearing off and you can’t help but feel a bit sorry that the fun is coming to an end. After so many performances though, you’ve learned how to hide the emotions and give the audience your best fake smile. The last song is where you have some real fun, so just make it there.
 As you duck off stage to change for the final performance, you can’t help but notice the small group of people conversing, quite tensely, with your security team. They don’t look like the normal fans who would try to sneak backstage, too official. You make eye contact with one of them. He looks to be about your age, but you’ve never been great at guessing. There’s something about him that makes you want to find out exactly who he is right now, but you can’t. 
You’re left wondering about his identity as you run back onstage for the grand finale. You feel a genuine smile appearing as you feel the heat from the fireworks and listen to the happy cheers from the crowd. You’re last song goes off without a hitch, but you’re exhausted. There’s nothing you want more than to just shower and sleep, but there’s always a buzz about the cast and crew that prevents anyone from leaving right away.
 “Thank you for a great second night DC! Goodnight!” You shout into the mic as you duck back offstage to ride out the post show high. You are still chatting with some of the dancers you’ve become friends with when Carrie, the head of security, comes up with one of the men you saw arguing with her earlier.
 “Y/N? Can I talk to you for a minute?” You turn, surprised to see the stern man standing behind Carrie. “Yeah, sure.” You turn to excuse yourself from the dancers, wishing them a goodnight before turning back to Carrie.
 “We can go do your dressing room, that’s where the others are waiting.” Carrie says with a nervous smile on her face.
 “The others?” You ask confused, jogging to keep up with the brisk pace she has set for you and the stern man. “Who are we talking to?”
 “I’m sure you have a lot of questions. We will explain everything as soon as we meet up with the rest of the team.” The stern man spoke quietly, but with confidence as he followed behind you and Carrie. Before you could ask anything else, you were being ushered into your dressing room, coming face to face with the other two people you saw arguing with Carrie earlier. The first one you notice is a woman with jet black hair and fierce eyes. The other is the tall, lanky man you made eye contact with.
 You’re a little excited to get a closer look. He looks a little awkward at first glance, but you can tell he’s a sneaky sort of attractive underneath the perfectly placed tie and the comfy cardigan. Before you can get too caught up in how good looking these three strangers are, you turn to the stern one and ask “Who are you, and what are you doing here?” Your tone clearly indicates the confusion you’re feeling. 
 “Ms. L/N, my name is Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Hotchner. I am the Unit Chief for the Behavioral Analysis Unit at the FBI.” You can feel your eyes go wide as he shows you a badge with his picture and title. Before you can respond, he begins talking again. “These are SSAs Emily Prentiss” the woman gives you a reassuring smile and slight wave, “and Dr. Spencer Reid.” The sneakily attractive one nods his head in your general direction.
 The woman just introduced as Emily chimes in “we are here because we believe there is a killer targeting fans of your music. We have been tracking murders for the past two weekends. The first was in Louisville, Kentucky, then Columbus, Ohio, and then two right here in D.C.”
 “I was just in Louisville… and Columbus.” You feel yourself beginning to get dizzy as you try to comprehend what the agents are telling you.
 “Yes, and now you’re in DC.” The boss man is talking again. “We made the connection this afternoon as you had two shows here in DC.” The room is starting to spin as you listen to the man talk. “After more digging, we found each victim had purchased a ticket to your show. Additionally, they all had social media accounts dedicated as fan pages to you.” Agent Hotchner continues speaking as you nod along, trying to comprehend how this was happening. You don’t even realize you are tuning him out as you begin to sway on your feet. You can see his mouth moving, and the growing look of concern on his face is the last thing you see before the world goes dark.
 You can hear a faint beeping as you begin to wake up. For a moment, you are blissfully unaware of the murders before the memory of meeting the three agents comes back to you. You instantly sit up and look around, trying to figure out where you are. You can see a very muscular bald man through a window, talking to someone in scrubs.
 Scrubs. A nurse. You are in the hospital.
 Your heart rate begins to calm down before skyrocketing again when you hear “Ms. L/N?” from the other side of the room. Turning with wide eyes and a scared expression, you throw your arms up to defend yourself from the unknown voice.
 “Sorry! Sorry, uh- I didn’t mean to scare you! I’m Dr. Spencer Reid.” Instantly you relax again at the familiar face. You drop your arms back to the bed, shifting into a more comfortable position before asking “Okay, Doctor. What’s wrong with me? Why am I in the hospital?”
He looks at you with a sheepish expression, rubbing the back of his neck before he admits, “Oh, I’m not that kind of doctor. I’ll go get a nurse or someone. Try to think back on what you remember before waking up here.” He shuffles out of the room as you try to replay the conversation with the other agents.
 Well, it wasn’t much of a conversation with them doing all of the talking, but still. The unknown man from outside your room window and the nurse he was talking to come into the room with Dr. Reid. The nurse begins checking your vitals as she asks you some questions.
 “Hi there. It’s good to see you up. How are you feeling?” She wears a small smile.
 “Oh, um, I feel fine. I think. I’m just confused about how I ended up here. I remember talking to the agents at the arena, but that’s it.” You close your eyes as you try to remember more, but nothing comes to you.
 “That was only about 45 minutes ago, dear.” The nurse’s kind voice helps settle you. “You fainted while the agents were talking to you. They brought you here. You should be good to leave in a few minutes as long as your vitals are good.”
 “Thank you.” You return her kind smile as she marks information on your chart before leaving the room.
 “Ms. L/N, this is SSA Derek Morgan.” The Doctor Agent is talking again.
 “Please, call me Y/N.” You rub your head, continuing to try to remember more about your condition. Before either man in the room can speak up, a new thought occurs to you. “If I fainted, why doesn’t my head hurt? The floor in my dressing room is not soft.” You look between the two men for an explanation.  
 The doctor shifts his weight from foot to foot a blush appearing on his face as Agent Morgan speaks up. “That is because Pretty Boy over here” he claps a hand onto the doctor’s shoulder “caught you before you hit the ground.” “Oh, um… Thank you.” You can feel the blush beginning to form as you think about his arms being around you.
 “It was no problem, really. Can we ask you a few questions?” He moves on quickly. “Oh sure thing Dr. Reid. Or Agent Reid. Agent Dr. Reid?” You can feel the blush growing as you ramble.
 “Just Sp-Spencer is fine.” He cuts you off before you can continue suggesting different honorifics. “What do you remember from what Agent Hotchner was telling you?”
 “He said someone was mur-murdering fans of me.” Tears spring to your eyes as you think about it. “That someone was killed in Kentucky and Ohio and then two people here in DC.” You squeeze your eyes shut, willing the tears not to fall.
 Get a hold of yourself.
 You feel a new weight on your hand before hearing Spencer begin talking again. “Take your time.” You open your eyes to see him patting your hand delicately. He moves back after you take a few deep, calming breaths.
 “I’m sorry. I just feel awful knowing people are dy-dying because of me. Is there anything I can do to help?” You choke on the words a bit, realizing the full gravity of the situation.
 “Do you recognize any of these people?” Agent Morgan pulls out photos of three women and one man, handing them to you to sift through. He seems to be staring at Spencer, but you just focus on the pictures. You can feel the tears building again as you realize who they are.
 “I do.” You take another breath before continuing. “I haven’t met them before, but they are all really active on different social sites. I try to talk to as many fans as I can ya know? They are why I am where I am. Is that why they were killed? Oh god. No no no no.” Your breathe increases in speed as you think about everything that is happening.
 “Hey, hey, hey, none of this is your fault.” Spencer is patting your hand again as he tries to calm you down. Just then, the nurse comes back with some paperwork for you to sign in order to leave.
 “You are free to go Ms. L/N. Just sign these forms and hand them in at the desk on your way out.” She exits the room swiftly.
 “Would you mind coming back to our office to finish talking?” Agent Morgan asks.
 “Of course not. Anything I can do to help.” You turn in the forms before following them to a black SUV. Spencer opens the door for you to get in the back before he slides in next to you. You don’t even have the brain power to consider why he isn’t sitting in the front. You just grab his hand and squeeze it, unable to get the thoughts out of your head that this was all your fault.  
 “This is not your fault. You had no idea what was happening, and now that you do you are trying to help.” Spencer looks at you reassuringly as he squeezes your hand right back. You simply nod back. You don’t trust yourself to speak without crying. You just need to calm down before you get to the office.
 About 15 minutes later you pull up to the FBI building that houses the BAU. They must’ve brought you to a hospital near Quantico. They lead you through security up to the fifth floor. You walk through a set of glass doors, passing a few desks before entering a conference room. “Do you need anything? Coffee, water?” Spencer asks as Agent Morgan leaves the room.
 “Oh, um, no I’m okay for now.” You stare at your hands as you go to sit down. “Actually, could I get a jacket or something?” You gesture to what you’re wearing as you ask. You haven’t had a chance to change yet, meaning you are wearing a black, sequined romper that is basically a leotard with how short it is. Perfect for performing, but not exactly FBI attire. “Of co-course! I’ll be right back.” He practically runs out of the room.
 A few minutes later, he pushes the door back open. “Here’s some clothes you can change into if you want. Or just a sweatshirt.” You look up from your position in the chair, rising to take the clothes.
 “Thank you.” You look from the clothes to him realizing you need to change, but are in a room full of windows in an unfamiliar building.
 He catches on a few seconds later, leading you out of the room. “The bathroom is this way!” He squeaks out as you both walk down a hallway outside the glass doors you came in. “I’ll wait here to show you back.” You smile as you brush past him, whispering thank you as you close the door.
 You instantly take off the romper, sliding on some FBI sweatpants and a matching sweatshirt that smells like vanilla and new books. The scent is oddly comforting. You would think a standard FBI sweatshirt would smell new, but this scent is calming your nerves. You fix your makeup as best you can before heading out of the bathroom. Spencer is a few feet away talking to a beautiful blonde woman. She looks effortlessly gorgeous. She smiles as she notices you, waving you to join them.
 “Ms. L/N, it’s lovely to meet you, although I do wish it was under better circumstances. I am SSA Jennifer Jureau, but you can call me JJ. The rest of the team is waiting for us to join them.” She smiles kindly, but you are frozen in place. You feel like a deer caught in the headlights.
 Spencer grabs your arm lightly, pulling you out of your trance. “It’s okay. Just breathe.” He whispers as the three of you start walking back toward the conference room you were in earlier.
 He lets your arm fall back to your side before guiding you back into the room behind JJ. You freeze again upon entering the room. You recognize Agents Hotchner, Prentiss, and Morgan, but are surprised by the other two faces. There is an older man with salt and pepper hair smiling kindly at you. He reminds you of your father. Then there is a very bubbly blonde, in a very colorful dress and matching glasses.
 They introduce themselves as SSA David Rossi and technical analyst Penelope Garcia. The unit chief begins to describe the case again, going slower this time given your earlier episode. “We believe the unsub is targeting fans of yours who he believes is unworthy of your attention. He worships you and views his victims as people who are not devoted enough to you.”
 You can’t decide how to respond, so you wait for another agent to continue. “Do you know of anyone who might be overly obsessed with you? Maybe they sent you letters that were a bit more personal than normal?” At this point, you decide you are done being controlled by this situation. What happened to those people is awful, but you can’t change it. You need to be strong to help prevent it from happening to anyone else.
 “I haven’t finished my fan letters from this week yet. I try to go through as many as possible, but there is only so much time in a day.” At this point you are pacing. Walking around has always helped you with thinking things over. “There is one letter that sticks out from three weeks ago. That was before the murd-” you stutter on the word. “Before anything happened though. Could that be relevant?” You ask, looking hopeful. If the agents are surprised by your change of attitude they don’t mention it.
 “It might be. What did it say?” Agent Hotchner asks, the same stern expression adorning his features.
 “I don’t remember all of it, but it looked like it was written on a typewriter, so it stood out. It said something about how they wondered if my hair smelled like peaches after I finished a show. I thought it was weird because my shampoo is peach scented, but how could they possibly know that? I figured I must have met them in passing, you know. I meet a lot of fans just walking around the different cities. Something just felt weird about this letter though. Like a bad feeling. I mean, my hair doesn’t really retain the scent of my shampoo all that much. So how could he know that unless he knew what shampoo I use? But actually, I use a personalized shampoo so I can change the scent every time I but it- it must’ve been a lucky guess, right? Maybe I just look like I would use peach scented shampoo” You feel like you are talking a mile a minute, but you can’t get yourself to stop. You practically fall back into your chair as you finish rambling about the letter, looking up to see unmistakable expressions of concern on the agents’ faces.
 “What? What does that mean? Oh god- How does he know my shampoo smells like peaches?” You look between all the agents as they seem to be communicating with just their eyes. You resort to taking calming breaths again. They’ll fill you in eventually, you need to breathe. You drop your head between your thighs as you push your chair away from the table. Breathe in for 7 seconds, hold for 7, and breathe out for 7. This always helps calm you down before a show.
 You choose to ignore the agents quietly talking to each other again as you focus on slowing your heart rate back to a normal pace.
 “Ms. L/N?” You look up exasperatedly, “Please, just call me Y/N.”
 “Then you can call me Penelope!” The woman has such a kindness to her that you can’t help but smile back at her.
 “What can I do for you Penelope?” She seems a bit surprised, but she responds in kind.
 “I just wanted to ask if you wanted some coffee. Or water or anything?” You smile at her kind gesture, rising from your seat.
 “Actually, some tea would be wonderful. But, please, let me come help you. These guys seem like they need to talk and it would probably be easier if I wasn’t in the room.” You smile as you walk out the door, leaving the agents slightly stunned at your observational skills in your distressed state.
 Penelope follows you out and leads you to what you assume is the break room. “We don’t really have much tea, but I know where the good doctor keeps his private collection.” She whispers conspiratorially as she searches through a small cabinet. “Aha! Here it is.” She presents you with a pretty impressive collection of teas. You opt for the simple peppermint. You have always found peppermint tea the most soothing.
 She hands you a mug before gesturing to the Keurig on the counter. You place the teabag in the cup, selecting the largest cup on the machine, and brewing hot water for your tea. The two of you don’t say anything while it steeps. Penelope speaks up when you move to sit down at the small table.
 “I just have to say, I am a huge fan of yours.” You can’t hide the smile that forms on your face. You have always loved meeting fans. They are just so sweet and you appreciate them beyond belief.
 “Thank you so much!” She seems a bit relieved at your response. “That’s honestly so nice to hear right now. I kind of feel like a mess.” You gesture to the oversized clothes you’ve got on.
 “Please, you look so gorgeous right now. It’s amazing. Your music is amazing too. I absolutely love Begin Again! It’s so romantic!” She gushes over the song.
 “Honestly, that one took me forever to write. I was in a pretty bad place after a bad breakup, convinced I would never love again. Dramatic, I know.” You roll your eyes at yourself. “But then I saw these two people in a café, and they just looked so happy. The idea of a new love forming so casually right in front of me was beautiful.” You smile thinking about the couple, wondering if they are still together.
 “Wow, so you can really right about anything?” She looks while asking the question.
 “Pretty much. I mean, they won’t all be good. It could be the tiniest moment or a huge thing in my life. Inspiration comes from everywhere. A lot of songs actually draw from multiple experiences, not just one thing. I could totally see myself writing a song about you.”
“No way! That would be insane.” You smile at her enthusiasm.
 “I’m serious! You just give of this energy that is so positive, it’s hard to remember ever being sad. I think it would be about how confident you are. Something like…” you trail off as you begin to hum, setting up your phone to record. “You’re the only one of you, baby that’s the fun of you. And I promise that nobody’s gonna love you like me!” You hum a few more bars before ending the recording.
 “That was insane. How do you do that?!” She has a wild kind of excitement in her eyes.
 “I don’t know. You just inspired me.” You grin at the shocked expression in her eyes.
 “Sing it again!” And you can’t help but give her what she wants.
 You hum a bit more of a melody that could work before jumping into the words you already said. You add a few more here and there, but nothing concrete. In your focus on singing, you don’t hear the door open behind you.
 “I’m the only one of me, baby that’s the fun of me. Oh oh oh. You’re the only one of you, baby that’s the fun of you. And I promise that you’ll never find another like me.” “I don’t doubt it.” You turn in shock to look at the person behind you, seeing none other than Spencer Reid in the doorway. You don’t notice the flush of embarrassment on his cheeks that you heard his comment, just like he doesn’t notice the matching expression on your face. Penelope though, she notices. And, she can’t wait to tell Derek.
 Spencer clears his throat before speaking again. “We’re ready for you to come back in if you’re up for it. We want to talk to you about a plan to keep you safe.”
 “Sure thing.” You grab your tea from the table before you and Penelope follow Spencer back to the conference room. You sitting cross-legged in your seat. You feel much calmer after chatting with Penelope. Song writing has always been cathartic for you, and it is reassuring that hasn’t changed.
The agents waste no time getting down to business. “We believe the unsub has broken into your tour bus. If the letter was from him, it would explain how he knows about the peach scent.” Agent Rossi starts.
 Agent Morgan continues, “It’s an easier target than a hotel room or your personal home since fewer people would be securing it.” You nod along with them. You are determined to stay strong through this.
 “We want to completely ensure your safety, so we think it best to send an agent to stay with you while we work on the case.” Agent Prentiss chimes in. You feel like you’re going to get whiplash looking between all their faces.
 “Since we haven’t ruled out people on the crew, we want this to remain as secret as possible. We will inform the head of security on your team, but other than that the agent will be undercover.” Agent Hotchner, stern as ever, appears to be studying your reaction.
 “Okay.” You sigh. “Okay, I can handle this. I’ll be fine. I’ll have an agent with me. Who’s going undercover? Do you have a cover story planned?” You look at Agent Hotchner with nervous eyes.
 “We wanted to plan the cover story with you to make it as believable as possible. What are you planning on doing for the next few weeks?” You consider what your plans consist of. Honestly, nothing but songwriting.
 “I plan on mostly working on songwriting. I usually go to cafes, parks, or anywhere really with people for inspiration. If I already have an idea, I’ll write from my hotel room or from home if I’m there. If any of you have any musical experience, then we could make up a cover story about a new writing partner. Nobody would really question it because I write with new people all the time.” You glance around the room to see if anyone is willing to take you up on your offer. Nobody says anything for a minute. They are communicating with looks again.
 Penelope chimes in “Reid knows how to play the piano!” You can’t help but latch on to the statement as you turn toward Spencer.
 “Really, that would be so helpful! I normally write to piano or guitar and then add any additional instrumental later in the studio. If you can play, then the story would look even more believable!” You are actually getting excited about this idea working out. You finally feel like you’ve helped them with something. They probably could’ve figured it out without you, but still.
 “Yes, I can play. I mean, it’s just mathematics if you think about it.” Spencer responds quietly, like his mind is somewhere else.
 “Reid, if you feel comfortable with it, that story sounds like great cover.” Reid nods at Agent Hotchner. “Great. You can go to your place and grab some clothes and anything else you’ll need.” He says to Spencer before turning his attention to you. You watch as Spencer walks out with the rest of the team before turning to meet Agent Hotchner’s eye. “It’s best if we stick to your plans as closely as possible. If the unsub is someone who works with you, he will likely notice if you start changing your behavior too much.” You nod in response, mentally going through everything you do from day to day.
 “Agent Reid will stay with you in your hotel room if you are comfortable with it. That is the safest arrangement since he will be close by if anything happens. We will also have agents tail you when you go out in public. We’ll have a rotation of agents in the rooms around yours each night to allow Reid to rest as well. He knows how to contact us, but we will program our numbers into your phone as well for backup. Do not hesitate to call any one of us if something feels even remotely wrong, no matter the time. Do you understand?”
 Again, you nod in response. It’s a lot of information to take in and honestly, you’re still thinking about sharing a hotel room with Spencer.
 “We will need to see the letter you mentioned earlier if you still have it. We would also like to go through the fan mail you currently have and any new mail that comes in. If you see anything else that feels off or seems suspicious, tell Reid or call one of us. If you remember anything else, tell Reid or call one of us.” He gives you a questioning glance to ensure you are following.
 “Basically, tell Reid everything. Got it.” You try to remain lighthearted even though Agent Hotchner’s serious expression hasn’t waned in the slightest.
 “It’s good to see you’ve got a good attitude about this. It’s hard to remain calm, but it will help limit any suspicion on the part of the unsub. We don’t want to escalate his plans. Do you have any questions for me?” He gives you a reassuring look as you contemplate everything he’s told you.
 “What does unsub mean?” you blurt out, surprising both of you. “Sorry, that was loud.” You cringe. “I just meant, why do you call the criminal, unsub?”
 You can see the faintest of smiles on his face as he replies, “Right, we can get pretty wrapped up in a case. It stands for unidentified subject. We try not to assign nicknames or anything to the perpetrators as it can affect their behavior.”
 “Right. Behavior.” You try to sound like you understand, but honestly this is so much different from all the detective shows you’ve seen. Apparently, Agent Hotchner notices and explains more.
 “We catch criminals by analyzing their behavior and trying to predict what they’ll do next.”
 “Like psychology? Nature vs. Nurture and mental disorders?” You ask, suddenly very curious about how this all works.
 “Yes, just like that, although we normally go a little deeper.”
 “So what can you tell about this unsub? That way I know what to look for.” Agent Hotchner seems pleased with this question.
 “The unsub is a man, likely 25-40. Age is the hardest thing to predict, so don’t follow that guideline too strictly. He likely suffers from antisocial personality disorder stemming from negligent parents and has always had trouble interacting with people. He is highly organized, which usually indicates high intelligence, but in this case could be due to the time he spends alone planning. His lack of social skills has resulted in him only working menial jobs. He won’t have worked anywhere for more than a few months before finding a new job since people find him odd or off-putting. He has always felt as though he deserves more because of his self presumed high intelligence. It is possible you met him in passing and any act of kindness toward him resulted in an obsession with you. He doesn’t have the courage to approach you, so he watches from afar or online. That’s how he found his earlier victims. Since you don’t have any shows in the next few weeks, his MO might change slightly. That’s why we want to be so cautious and make sure we can ensure your safety.” You sit quietly for a moment, trying to picture anyone who fits the description. You try to meet the people who work with you, but you certainly don’t know everyone. You were honestly hopeful the description would point you toward a suspect, but you’ve got nothing. “I can’t think of anyone like that, but now I know what to look out for. Thank you Agent Hotchner.” “Please, call me Hotch. Do you have any more questions?”
 “Just one, you said earlier that maintaining a sense of normalcy will prevent us from escalating his plans. What plans exactly?” You were nervous to ask this question, wondering if you really wanted to hear the answer.
 “We don’t know exactly. It is possible the unsub has been trying to work up the courage to talk to you, but since you won’t be doing shows, it is unclear how he would make contact. Reid and the other agents will be looking for anyone who appears to be in a lot of the same places you are. If you notice anyone more than one time in a day, don’t hesitate to-“
“Tell Reid or call one of you. I got it.” You smile at him again. “Thank you again.” He nods as you both exit the room. Spencer isn’t back from picking up clothes yet, so you aren’t sure exactly what to do. Penelope notices you searching the room and waves you over to her. She is talking with Agent Morgan.
 “Y/N! I was just telling my Chocolate Thunder about the song you started earlier. I just need to know, what does this fine specimen inspire you to write?” She sounds so excited you can’t bear to let her down. You study the man in front of you, searching for something to sing. You don’t know why, but there’s a certain sadness in his eye. He hides it well with his masculinity and the clear smirk on his face, but you know he’s been through some shit.
 You don’t want to kill the mood though, so you stick to something a little lighter than past pain. “Well, Pen, I have to say he looks like a heartbreaker.” This only encourages the smirk on his face. “The type to love ‘em and leave ‘em.” You have had a song in the back of your mind for a while so why not break it out now. Penelope shrieks as you start humming, drawing a crowd. Again, you set up your phone to record. The rest of the BAU agents crowd around Morgan’s desk as you start singing.
 “Magic, madness, heaven, sin, saw you there and I thought, oh my god, look at that face. You look like my next mistake.” That draws a few chuckles as you continue humming. More words pop into your head as you think about past relationships and what the media loves to say about celebrities. “Screaming, crying, perfect storms. I can make all the tables turn. Da dada da da, Keep you second guessing like, Oh my god, who is she. I get drunk on jealousy.” You hum some more, really getting into the flow of the song. “Cause darling I’m a nightmare, dressed like a daydream.” The group claps as you end the recording.
 “That was actually pretty impressive.” Agent Morgan smirks at you some more.
 “Well, to be honest I’ve had the melody in my notes for weeks, but I just couldn’t think of the right words.” Yet again, his smirk grows.
 “I guess I’m just that inspirational.” You choke back a laugh as you roll your eyes. You hadn’t realized the size of the crowd you had garnered. You can’t help but knock him down a few pegs.
 “You know what, I changed my mind. Agent Morgan’s song would be called I Knew You Were Trouble.” The entire group laughs at that one, but all the sudden you actually have another idea.
Before long, Penelope is asking you what songs you would write about the entire team.
 “Start with Hotch!”
 “Well, Hotch is so serious. So it’s kind of hard. His face just screams ‘I’ve been through it and dealt it out’. Maybe something like… your string of lights is still bright to see oh, who you are is not what you did, you’re still an innocent.” Even as you half sing it, the one line feels like it could lead somewhere big. It’s not quite right, but it’s a start.
 “That’s so cool. Do me next! And please, just call me Emily.” You nod at her as you think back over your previous interactions.
 “Alright, don’t get mad but something just popped into my head and I can’t un-hear it. They say I did something bad, then why’s it feel so good. Most fun I ever had, and I’d do it over and over and over again if I could.” The smile on her face told you everything you needed to know, but so did JJ.
 “You absolutely nailed it. That is Emily to a tee.” JJ chimed in. “I’m kind of scared to see what you can come up with for me!” Your head is swimming with lyrics and melodies, but it has been so long since you’ve had this much fun writing music with a group of people. It’s become such a solo activity for you, but these people just have so many stories to tell.
 “Okay, let me think.” You pause as you observe JJ. You can tell that she is such a sweetheart from the few hours you’ve known her, but you know you would be intimidated if you went to high school with her. “Sorry to be blunt but, you’re so gorgeous, I can’t say anything to your face. Cause look at your face.”
 “Why thank you!” JJ smiles as you defend the lyric choice.
 “I know you are so sweet and I of course don’t mean to say you are just a pretty face, but you really do have a pretty face.” The group chuckles again and nods in agreement. “Oh, wait! I’ve got another one. You took a Polaroid of us, then discovered, the rest of the world was black and white. But we were in screaming color.” That one came out of nowhere, but it felt right.
 “Beautiful. Okay, okay! Rossi’s turn!” Penelope says right as the man walks out of his office.
 “My turn for what?” He looks skeptical of the group, but in a loving way.
 “Y/N is coming up with song ideas for everyone! She just did Morgan, Hotch, Emily, and JJ! She did mine earlier. So it’s your turn!”
 “Well then by all means, be my guest.” You close your eyes as you think through the words swimming in your head.
 “While, Rossi, you have a kind aura. You seem like a parent to this group of rowdy children. Reminds me of my dad.” Again, the group laughs. You begin humming, lightly patting the desk in front of you as you think back on memories of your own parents. “I don’t know why all the trees change in the fall, but I know you’re not scared of anything at all. Don’t know if Snow White’s house is near or far away, but I know I had the best day with you today.” This tune was softer than the rest, more emotional. Everyone stops laughing as they listen to the soft melody you created.
 “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to kill the mood.” You feel slightly awkward with the new found silence.
 “Please, bella, that was beautiful. You really know how to read people.” Rossi hugs you as you blush, thanking him for the compliment.
 “That only leaves the resident genius. What would you write about Reid?” JJ poses the question and suddenly all eyes are on you. In all the commotion with the other songs, you didn’t notice Spencer exit the elevator. He walked in soon enough to hear the question. Deciding not to interrupt the conversation, he hangs back to listen to your answer.
 You can feel the blush heating up your face, subconsciously hugging the sweatshirt he gave you to wear earlier. After all the short melodies and lyrics you’ve come up with, you are way too tired to put your feelings toward Spencer into words.
 “I’ll be honest, it’s been in my head all night.” You begin to hum, knowing this would be a song about how you felt when you first saw him backstage, to when you spoke to him in the hospital room and all the little moments since then. “Your eyes whispered have we met…” you fill in for lyrics you’ve yet to write by humming. “All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you.”
 “That was beautiful.” Spencer says from behind you. You jump in surprise, nearly falling out of your chair. You didn’t even realize he was in the room.
 He looks sheepish as he apologizes for scaring you. “Are you ready to go?” He asks, reaching out a hand to help you up. The rest of the profilers share a knowing look as you rise from your seated position. They all wish you a goodnight as you and Spencer enter the elevator to head to your hotel. The ride to the parking garage is quiet. You keep humming that same melody, looking for the right words to fill in the blanks.
 Spencer leads you to another black SUV opening the passenger side door for you to get in the car. He tosses his bag in the back before getting in and starting the drive.
 “Penelope said it was my turn, did you do songs for everyone?” Spencer beaks the silence. You turn in your seat to look at him before responding.
 “Kind of. Mostly just ideas of songs. Morgan’s was the most put together, only because it was a song I already started. I recorded the whole thing though. That way I won’t forget any ideas. I can play it for you when we actually start to write some music!” You are honestly surprised by the range of ideas you have.
 “Wh-what? You actually want me to help you write songs? I th-though that was just a cover.” All of the sudden Spencer seems nervous and shy. You put the ideas swimming through your head on pause so you can devote all your attention to him.
 “Spencer, don’t worry about it. You don’t have to come up with any profound lyrics or brand new chord progressions. But, since we are going to be spending a lot of time together, you do have to talk to me. Otherwise it would just be weird.” You try to lighten the mood. You can tell by the way he relaxed his shoulders it worked a little. He nods in agreement as he parks the SUV in the garage dedicated to the hotel you are staying in. You take the elevator straight up to the 11th floor. It’s honestly reassuring to be able to lead him somewhere after everything that happened in the past few hours.
 You dig around in your bag- that somehow followed you on your journey from the arena to the hospital to the FBI building and now back to your hotel- to find the room key. No matter what you try, you can’t seem to slide the key card into the slot in the right way. Every time you try, the little light glows red before beeping indicating the door is still locked. After the fifth try, you are about ready to scream.  
 Suddenly, you can feel the heat from Spencer’s body as he slides up behind you to take the room key. He slides the card into the door, wiggles it around, and then slides it back out. To your surprise, the light glows green and the door unlocks. You must be exhausted to be this shocked at the fact he opened the door. You can’t even seem to force your feet to move. You just stand there like a fool, mouth agape.
 “Why?” Spencer turns to look at you with a confused expression. “Why couldn’t I… How did you…?” You just point to the door. He places his hand on the small of your back, guiding you into the room. He places his bag just inside the door before he turns around to close the door and lock the deadbolt.
 Even after he led you into the room, you turned around so you could keep staring at the door. You don’t even realize you started crying. Spencer guides you to the bed and tucks you into the blankets. You know that you are going to wake up in an hour because you never sleep in pants, but you just don’t have the energy to fight him on it. He turns off the lamp, but before he walks away, you grab his arm.
 “Can you stay?” You have never heard yourself sound so frail. You squeeze your eyes shut, willing the tears to stop. Spencer looks conflicted, but ultimately sits down next to you, his back against the headboard. You lay next to him in the dark, not quite touching. Once your breathe calms enough that you can talk without bursting into tears, you ask “how do you do it?”
 “Do what?” You smile at the sound of genuine concern in his voice.
 “How do you deal with this kind of stuff all the time? I feel like I’m falling apart. I want to be strong about it, so I can help. But then all of the sudden I can’t keep it in anymore. I just… how do you make it seem so easy?” You feel sniffly again, but you try to focus on your breathing.
 “It’s not easy. I hope it never becomes easy. It’s gotten easier, of course, but the minute I stop feeling everything is the moment I let them win. To feel pain in situations like this is human. Somebody wise once told me our best defense is our ability to empathize. It’s a completely natural reaction to experiencing something so traumatic. 70% of adults in the U.S. have experienced some type of traumatic event at least once in their lives. That's 223.4 million people. It would be...” He trailed off.
 “It would be what?” You angled your head up to look at him even though you couldn’t see him in the dark.
 “Oh, it’s nothing. I tend to ramble. I’m sorry.” He sounded so dejected, you couldn’t stop yourself from reaching for his hand. You had to shift on the bed a bit to reach his arm, so you ended up leaning your cheek against his thigh, tossing your arm over his lap in a sort of make shift hug.
 “I like it. It’s calming… and informative.” You couldn’t help but smile into his leg. “People who complain are just jealous.” That actually makes him laugh, but it doesn’t sound like a happy kind of laugh. More like a self-deprecating one. “I’m serious. You are clearly smarter than everyone else is, and you are sneaky attractive. There is a lot to be jealous about.” You dig deeper into his lap as you squeeze his hand in yours. The last thing you remember before falling asleep is the feeling of Spencer running his free hand through your hair.
You wake up slowly, eyes adjusting to the dark. You can just make out the numbers on the bedside clock to be 4:37. You must have fallen asleep talking to Spencer. Your head was still resting on his lap, his hand in your hair. You untangle yourself from the sheets to rid yourself of the extra layers that woke you up. It takes a few minutes of digging around in the dark to find one of the t-shirts you normally sleep in. In that amount of time, Spencer, still sleeping, rearranged himself to be laying on the bed rather than leaning against the headboard. You stopped for a minute to observe his sleeping form. He looks so at peace compared to the furrow of his brow and the glint in his eye that normally mean he’s thinking too hard.
 As soon as you lay back down in the bed, Spencer gravitates toward you. Before long, your head is resting on his chest, his arms wrapped around you. You breathe in the scent of vanilla and new books; the rhythmic pattern of his chest rising and falling lulls you back to sleep.
Part 2
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cabensonsgirly · 3 years
👼Home Is Wherever I'm With You (Alice Macray)[NSFW]👼
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Alice Macray x Fem!reader
👼Part 2 of SP getting reader pregnant👼
👼Wordcount: 2714👼
👼Posted on AO3: Read Here👼
👼Content: Fluff, some angst, homophobia, Phyllis and Alice's husband are trash garbage, some smut, strap-on, wlw magic, pregnancy, Alice is an angel, mentions of religion.👼
👼There was one person who never left your side though, even if it meant they were put in the firing path of Phyllis, and that was Alice. She, in all her sweet innocence, didn’t understand why it was such a big deal that you happened to like women, surely if God didn’t want the “lovely lgbts” then he wouldn’t have created them. Alice was religious, went to church on Sundays, said grace before eating, prayed before bed, but she wasn’t the type to go around telling people that they were sinning or judge them because they weren’t religious, if anything, she just wanted people to be happy.👼
It had been a number of years since you had moved to a slightly more progressive part of town, ever since Phyllis found out that you had – as she put it – “homosexual inclinations” it was made very clearly that you were no longer welcome in that area. And because she ruled with an iron-fist, no one dared to speak out against her, even if they had said to you in private that you were still the same wonderful person they had always known.
There was one person who never left your side though, even if it meant they were put in the firing path of Phyllis, and that was Alice. She, in all her sweet innocence, didn’t understand why it was such a big deal that you happened to like women, surely if God didn’t want the “lovely lgbts” then he wouldn’t have created them. Alice was religious, went to church on Sundays, said grace before eating, prayed before bed, but she wasn’t the type to go around telling people that they were sinning or judge them because they weren’t religious, if anything, she just wanted people to be happy.
It had hurt when you moved because you had grown close with Alice and her kids, even if her husband harboured ill feelings towards you because you were a “dyke” and “we can’t let our children around that dyke, Alice” but she managed to calm him down enough so that you could still come around. But you hadn’t seen Alice and the kids much since moving, and you missed them something wicked. Yes you had spoken to them, mainly Alice, on the phone but it was brief and happened very rarely. You missed her. You missed them.
The days where she called you had you wanting them to last forever, you could wander around your home just listening to her talk about how things were going, how much she enjoyed her job, how the kids were doing in school. You found yourself feeling like a high schooler talking to their crush after school on the phone, laying down on your bed with the dumbest grin on your face. However, that grin changed to a shocked expression when you let slip how you feel about her. “Alice, fuck – sorry I know you don’t like swearing but… Alice, I love you so much and I miss you, I miss being around you and being with the kids. It’s been miserable not being able to see you, but-“ you hear a sharp intake of breath “I- I’m sorry, I have to go.” Before the line goes dead.
Seven months, twelve days, thirteen hours, and fifteen minutes it had been since that call and you hadn’t heard from her. You weren’t usually the type to count these things, even when you had important events to look forward to, you wouldn’t count down the days. You guess it was some form of way to torture yourself, counting the length of time since you fucked up one of the few good things you still had in life. She was radiant like an angel, put the beauty of the moon to shame, and you- you were like a horseman of the apocalypse, ruining everything you touched. Maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration, you haven’t ruined everything you touch but you certainly have relationship wise.
You had a few spare rooms in your house, you’d hoped that one day you would be able to have your own family, a bedroom for each kid: two bedrooms and one room as the nursery. No, that was a lie, you had dreamed about having Alice live with you - be with you – the boys would have their own rooms to decorate how they please (under the watchful eye of Alice) and… a nursery so you and Alice could have a child together, so that the boys would have a little sister (hopefully) to protect from the big kids.
To be honest, you had already started making renovations on the house so that it would be better suited for a family like that anyway, the bedrooms had a fresh coat of paint, nothing that was specifically catered to boys or girls – you wanted the kids to pick the colour themselves if they wanted a change – and made sure the windows had latches to prevent them from opening too far so that no one could fall out of them.
You were most proud of the kitchen though; it was your pride and joy of the entire property. That’s where you currently find yourself, applying the final sealing coat on the marble countertop so that no liquid seeps into the pores of the material. You had music playing through the radio, just loud enough to drown out the sound of the odd car that drove by. You were humming along to this when you heard the doorbell ring, this surprised you because not many people stopped round to your place, and if they did they would usually knock. You put the paintbrush in the sink and put the lid back onto the tin of sealant before you made your way over to the door. You didn’t bother to check your appearance or anything because you thought it was probably some girl scouts or a random, so in all your messy renovation glory you swung the door open to greet whoever was on the other side.
“Hi there, what can I-“ Your voice catches in your throat and colour rushes to your cheeks as you lay eyes on the woman before you. Now you were wishing you had at least wiped the sweat from your face and the grime from your hands.
“Hi… I- I know we- I know I haven’t spoken to you since…well…” She trails off quietly, looking down. You bite your bottom lip slightly and shake your head, willing the tears to remain unshed “It’s- It’s fine Alice, really. It’s in the past… You don’t need to explain yourself. It’s fine.” The older woman shakes her head and looks at you again, her eyes glistening slightly “I want to. Can- can I come in, please?”
You step back and hold the door open so she can make her way inside, closing and locking the door behind her before leading her to the lounge. “I- I wanted to apologise for hanging up the way I did…and for leaving your life without saying anything.” She takes a seat in an arm chair, hands immediately starting to fiddle with the cushion “I just- I didn’t- I don’t”
“You don’t feel the same way. I- I know. It’s okay. I- I got over most of the hurt-“
“No- no that’s not what I meant. I didn’t understand why you felt that way and- and I didn’t understand why I- why I” she shakes her head, her grip on the cushion tightening before she blurts out “why I felt something I hadn’t felt since the joy I felt when I had my boys.” She lets out a sob and buries her face in her hands as she starts crying.
You rush over to her and wrap your arms around her gently, rubbing her back as you hush her gently. “It’s okay, it’s okay. Shhh… It’s okay, Alice” She moves so she can hug you tight, burying her face in your shirt as she continues crying. “hey, hey it’s okay. It’ll be okay. Shhh.. It’s okay, Alice.” You continue rubbing her back, only slowing down more as her breathing starts to return to normal. “There we go, there we go. It’s okay. It’ll be okay.”
She doesn’t pull back but you hear her mumble out “my- my husband- ex… he- he found me crying after the call and he asked why. I- I told him that it- it was because I think I- I was in…love with someone else. A- A woman… And- and he” she lets out a sob before continuing “he told me how- how disgusting I- I am. That- that I was going to- to ruin my- my kids. We- He filed for divorce a few weeks later… It’s- it’s supposed to be split custody but- but I guess the boys like me more so- so they stay with me a majority of the time. They asked why I was so sad, why I didn’t bake apple pie as much anymore, why I- why I never called you. I didn’t answer them for so long, just- just said it was some- some trial that God was putting me through. But… a few days ago they asked again, and- and the looks in their eyes…” she lets out a bit of a laugh “they looked like they wouldn’t judge me no matter what I said, they- they really are my boys. So…I told them.”
Your breath catches and you still your movements before continuing, encouraging Alice to continue. “I told them everything. Well- well excluding what their father said about- about me. I just- I said that their father didn’t- didn’t approve of- of who I had…fallen in love with. They- they were confused and asked how it was possible for someone to- to fall in love when already married. I said sometimes- sometimes it happens and that it- it doesn’t mean I never loved their father, but I had discovered that- that maybe I…liked women. A woman. Gosh… You should’ve seen the looks on their face, it was like I’d given them their birthday presents early. I hadn’t even told them who but… they’re so wonderful.”
She pulls back and wipes her eyes on her sleeve, giving you a small smile “I told them that the woman I was- I am in love with is you. That- that I hadn’t known what to do so that’s why I was sad for so long because I just… Anyway… They said I was silly and should go tell you everything because they miss you and want to see me happy again.”
You blush deeply and look away, a shy smile settling on your lips before Alice gently turns your head to face her. “I- I love you, yn.” She leans in and tentatively brushes her lips against yours before kissing you, you gasp softly in shock before melting into the kiss.
One year, three months, two weeks, three days, and nine hours. That’s how long Alice and her boys – your boys – have been living with you for. After she kissed you that day, she asked if she could make love to you but emphasised that you would have to guide her because she’d never been with another woman. Alice was a quick learner and once she had a solid understanding of what you enjoyed…she made it very clear that she was the one in charge in the bedroom. This surprised you but you weren’t going to complain, if the love of your life wanted to be called “Miss” in the bedroom and boss you around, you bet your fucking ass you’re going to do just that. Although she did burst into tears after you went down on her because she didn’t know something like that was supposed to feel that good.
She asked you why there was an empty room one day while the boys were at tutoring, and you told her it was because you hoped to have a baby one day… Hopefully with her. She was shocked and had blushed profusely but the smile on her face reassured you she wasn’t put off by the idea. You said you knew it wouldn’t actually be possible for her to get you pregnant but you saw a fierce determination in her eyes that made you feel like she would find a way. Alice didn’t bring it up again for quite some time, and you didn’t press about it either, just put it down to her having forgotten or maybe not actually being into the idea.
One evening while the boys were at their fathers Alice said she had something to show you, said it was really important. When you walked into the bedroom you nearly choked on your bottled water, Alice was standing there, looking down as she adjusted - what appeared to be a strap-on – to fit her comfortably. She still had her simple white bra on but to you she still looked sexy, with or without clothing you were attracted to her; the look of utter concentration on her face made you giggle though, drawing her attention to you, a blush settling on her face as she smiles.
“I- Hi. I- So I did some… I did things to try and- and figure out if there was a way I could get you…pregnant… And- well, I know you don’t always come to church but- No I didn’t ask around church, silly. Every time I prayed, I asked for there to be a time where it would be possible for me to get you pregnant, so- so I could have a baby with the woman I love. And- and so it turns out that tonight is that night. I saw a sign, and I know that sounds cra-“ You cut her off with a deep and slow kiss, hands cupping her cheeks gently before you pull back “Alice, baby, nothing you say sounds crazy to me.”
She blushes more and flusters a bit before continuing “I saw a sign, well- well what I hope was one and knew that it would be possible tonight. That- that it would be possible for me to- to” she tears up, some tears spilling onto her cheeks which you wipe away gently “to get you pregnant so we can have our baby.” You sniffle a little, having teared up at her words “Alice… You’re so- you’re so wonderful. Please take me to bed, make- make love to me.”
Alice takes your hand in hers gently and leads you to your shared bed where she lays you down gently on it before crawling on top of you, her hand stroking your cheek gently. “I love you so much, yn.”
“I love you too, Alice.”
You looked up at the woman you loved, her hand ghosting gently between your legs and roaming over your body before she starts to remove your clothing, kissing your skin as each item is removed. She trails kisses up your thighs before moving up to kiss you, her lips were still sweet from the dessert she had made, her tongue slips between her lips and runs against your bottom lip before you part them to brush your tongue over hers, you both moaning at the feeling. A gasp falls from your lips when you feel her touch your slit, fingers rubbing your clit lightly before dipping the tips of two into your pussy.
“You make the most beautiful noises, my love.”
There had never been a moment before now where you had felt so much love when having sex with someone. It wasn’t only because your girlfriend had managed to find a way to try having a baby with you – having her baby, it was because there wasn't a single moment the entire night where the love in her eyes disappeared.
You wouldn’t know if Alice’s prayers had been heard until you took a pregnancy tests a few days later, but there was a feeling in your bones that made you think that things would work out – that you would have her baby. On the off chance, or more likely chance, that you didn’t get pregnant, that would be okay too. Your sweet Alice would probably try her best to find another way though, she was determined like that.
You and Alice both shared a nice bubble bath after your lovemaking, just enjoying being in each other’s arms. “Alice baby, I love you so much. Thank you for tonight. Thank you for coming back to me. Just- just thank you.” She hums softly in response, her eyes drifting closed “I love you too, Yn. I’d always find my way back to you anyway.” You press a kiss to her head, enjoying the feeling of being content and happy with a woman you love, and with the chance of being pregnant with her child.
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dear-wormwoods · 3 years
you said in one of your posts that kyman is one-sided. may i ask how exactly? from kyle's side? most of the fandom portrays it as one-sided from cartman's side which doesn't make much sense…
This message is super old so I'm sorry if you're long gone, anon! The nice thing about SP is that there's really no wrong way to interpret the show in terms of what could happen in the future. Everything is up in the air and feelings can change a lot between ages 10 and 15 or 20 etc. But here's why I personally see it as one-sided from Cartman's side, not Kyle's:
The two moments I'm thinking of that some people might use as evidence that Kyle has feelings for Cartman are when he puts Cartman to bed in Jewpacabra and when he is shown crying over a picture of Cartman while all the other boys are getting dumped at the end of Skank Hunt. I can see why the juxtaposition in that second example might be seen as evidence, because, well, Kyle is literally crying over Cartman while everyone else is crying over their girlfriends... and I think people are welcome to interpret it that way! But I think Kyle was just feeling immense guilt over what they did to Cartman, and while everyone else is preoccupied with their breakups, he's able to focus on what really matters because he's single. As for the first example, I don't see it as evidence that Kyle likes Cartman, even as a person let alone as a crush. I see it as evidence that Kyle is inherently good and willing to put his own negative feelings aside to make sure another human being is safe. He would have done the same for anyone else, it's just that Cartman is the only one who would actually put himself in that situation.
Kyle is an idealist, and he wants to believe that everyone is good deep down. This includes Cartman. He hates Cartman but he keeps hanging out with him because he thinks that there is hope for Cartman, and that he can help him or fix him somehow. He needs to believe that everyone has the potential to be good, otherwise his entire worldview would have to be brought into question. That's why he gives Cartman chance after chance after chance. That's why he can't just shrug off Cartman's shit the way Stan can, or Kenny (most of the time). That's why he can't let it go when Cartman does shitty things. It's also why he's, in general, so easily manipulated by Cartman. He wants to hold Cartman to a higher standard and genuinely wants Cartman to meet that standard, and that's why he's so angry and hurt when Cartman fails time and time again to do that.
I also think Kyle feels beholden somehow, like it's his duty to put up with Cartman's shit so other people don't have to. I think that's part of why he gets so preoccupied with 'saving' Heidi... it's not that he actually has a crush on her, it's that she's acting as Cartman's emotional punching bag and he feels like that's his role. I'm not saying he was jealous of Heidi or thinks of himself as Cartman's significant other... Kyle is just a martyr and willing to put himself in Cartman's way time and time again. With Heidi getting the brunt of Cartman's mistreatment, Kyle was feeling purposeless.
So I think Kyle's feelings for Cartman are complicated, but not affectionate. I think, however, that he could easily misunderstand his own feelings and end up in some kind of relationship with Cartman. Especially if, as with Heidi, someone on the outside was like "you must like Cartman because of x y and z". Then Kyle, who feels things very deeply but kind of sucks at affect identification and regulation, might actually listen and then reframe his entire approach to Cartman around this new "information". That's really the only way I can see Kyman happening from Kyle's side of things - Kyle coming to the conclusion that having faith in Cartman must mean he likes him, and then resigning himself to that fate. I think he absolutely does have strong feelings for Cartman, they just aren't romantic and probably won't go in that direction unless Cartman puts a lot of effort into manipulating things accordingly.
As for Cartman... I think that's also totally up to interpretation, but in my opinion it's easier to read Cartman's preoccupation with Kyle as a "crush" than it is the other way around. I put crush in quotation marks because I don't really know if Cartman is capable of having one in a traditional sense... his idea of "love" is one person being in control and the other being subservient. It's the kind of relationship he has cultivated with his mother, though she's been getting better at asserting herself, and it's the kind of relationship he wanted to have with Heidi. He feels entitled to people's time and energy and feels a sense of ownership over certain people in his life. He wants authority and sees others as either property (what he would call "love") or tools to further his own self image (in general, his "friendships"). I want to explain that first because I agree with you that Cartman having romantic feelings, the way most people would feel them, doesn't make sense. However, I do think his obsession with Kyle will eventually turn into what HE would consider romantic.
I think Cartman is/would be interested in Kyle mostly because Kyle poses a challenge for him. Kyle is headstrong and morally secure, and he also has a solid support system in his mom, Ike, and (until recently) Stan. He's easily manipulated and gullible, but he bounces back easily so no matter what tactics Cartman uses on him, any influence he has over Kyle is temporary. With Kyle, Cartman would never run into the issue he had with Heidi, where he eventually pushed her so hard and isolated and manipulated her so much that he turned her into his clone. That's one reason why he wants Kyle around, he basically says as much in Smug Alert - Kyle is interesting and fun because he reacts to Cartman's bullshit but doesn't give into it. Cartman could chase him forever and never get bored of it, and that's why he's the ideal recipient of Cartman's "love".
Cartman's obsession with Kyle involves those aforementioned ideas of domination and ownership. Cartoon Wars showed that they're evenly matched when it comes to physical fighting, which is all well and good for Cartman but what he really wants is to use domination to humiliate Kyle. He took full advantage of Kyle's vulnerability in Ginger Cow and he was obsessed with getting Kyle to fulfill his side of their bet in Imaginationland because it involved humiliation and showing off his control/authority over the situation. He wanted everyone to see Kyle submit to him. Despite being a sexual act, at least in Imaginationland, Cartman isn't motivated by sex yet. However, I do think that as he gets older, his need to humiliate Kyle will become more and more of a sexual preoccupation that he'll interpret as romantic because he doesn't understand the difference. And once he identifies his feelings for Kyle as "love", he won't stop until he gets what he feels he's owed.
So in general, I don't think Cartman will ever be truly in love with Kyle (unless something about his current character trajectory drastically changes), but I do think he will think he is and pursue him in his own way. Maybe he could eventually wear Kyle down, maybe not... that mostly depends on what Kyle's support system looks like in the future. But no matter what it's not healthy.
Maybe that explanation helped? My thoughts on Kyman are complicated, I'm sorry. And I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes here either, these are just my own thoughts!
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Riverdale//i didn’t realize how important you’d end up being
Request: Riverdale imagine the reader is from the Northside and is a Cooper and she changes her name when she's on the southside and she feels guilty for it but she didn't want her last name to be a problem for anyone bcuz of Alice and the Northside and either Sweet Pea finds out or Jughead is there and busts her and SP looses his temper and the reader feels bad and gives him a good explanation and Jughead too.
hey! i hope you like this!! it’s a little bit angsty at times and there’s a hint of a romance between the reader and sweet pea, but it has a happy ending and that’s really all that matters isn’t it? 
The moment you step foot over the threshold of The Wyrm, you can feel your heartbeat thumping in time with the loud music. Neon lights cast shadows over your skin and your face blends in with the crowd. It must be happy night tonight, because every time Betty has been, it’s been practically empty with only the regulars occupying the seats. 
Teenagers squash together in booths while older serpents sit at the bar and watch them carefully, just waiting for one of them to breathe the wrong way so they have an excuse to start a fight. 
Normally you wouldn’t be seen dead in a place like this. In fact, you would be better off dead if you’re mom caught you. You’ve seen the effect that her coldness has taken on Betty and even though she tries to remain nonchalant to practical abandonment, you know Betty’s just as upset as Alice is. They’re just too stubborn to talk to each other. 
But desperate times call for desperate measures, and with Betty locked in her room like Rapunzel, you’ve been sent on a suicide mission to find Jughead and tell him that she is currently unreachable. And if Jughead steps within 30 feet of the Cooper residence, Alice will kill on sight. 
A boy stumbles past you, his beer tipping over the edge of the glass as he tries to stay standing and you watch him drunkenly shouts across the room at a friend. A glass smashes from behind the bar and the people sat around groan collectively while watching a pink haired girl clean it up. 
You can see a lot of serpents, but none of them are the one that you want, making you huff loudly before spinning on your heel. You’re about to walk out and just ring him in hopes that he’ll actually answer his phone, but instead you walk straight into the chest of a very tall boy and now suddenly you feel the eyes of half the bar on you. 
“Sorry.” You dip your head down and try to move past him, but his hand grabs your arm, stopping you from going any further. “What the fu-” 
“Who are you?” He cuts you off, clearly unaffected by your tone or the way you pull your arm from his grip. You’re the one that has to stop yourself rubbing the sore bit of skin while he just stares at you, a scowl growing on his lips as the seconds pass. 
“Y/n...Pool...table? I mean, Y/n Pool. I’m Y/n Pool. I’ve said my name too many times haven’t I?” You ramble. Guilt worms its way into your heart, forcing you to think about the repercussions of changing your name. You love your family of course, but The Coopers can be a bit intense, and the only one that isn’t well known for something is you. 
So maybe it was wrong of you to change it, but it’s not like you’re ever coming back here again, and it’s not like it’s an official name change. 
“I’m looking for Jughead.” You say when you notice him staring. He’s smirking at you and a heat creeps up your cheeks when you realize you must have been staring at him for an awfully long time. 
Oh God, what if he thinks you were checking him out? Okay, maybe that wouldn’t be a lie. 
“Why the hell would you want to hang out with Jones?” He asks, a snarl replacing the smirk as he stands up straighter. 
“I don’t want to hang out.” You roll your eyes. “You must be Sweet Pea.” You add and he looks at you confused. You’ve heard Jughead complaining about some guy named Sweet Pea for weeks now, and to be honest, it was boring the first time you heard it. So what someone doesn’t like him, he also doesn’t get along with many people. “I need to tell him something.” 
“And you had to come all the way here to tell him? Don’t you have a phone?” He teases, a small smile playing at his lips and you have to suppress your own. A black curl falls in front of his face and he pushes it back before looking you up and down. 
“I do.” You nod and try not to show just how flustered you are. “It’s just he doesn’t use his.” 
“Well I use mine, I could always give you my number and then whenever you need to tell him something, you can text me and I’ll tell him.” He suggests and you narrow your eyes suspiciously. 
“Why? Do you not want to see me around here anymore?” 
“Nope. I just wanted an excuse to get your phone number.” He replies making you choke on air. If the bar didn’t already feel crowded, it certainly does now. 
“Sweet Pea, stop flirting with-Y/n?” Jughead’s surprised tone thankfully stops the conversation from going any further and you quickly turn around to face the beanie-clad boy, a slightly awkward smile on your face. “No offence, but what exactly are you doing here?” He asks, leading you away from Sweet Pea who you’re sure looks slightly disappointed while watching the two of you leave.
You look at him one last time, sending him a wave and a small smile before disappearing through a set of doors. 
“Hey Jug. Betty wanted me to tell you-” You start talking, but you’re not listening to yourself. You’re too busy watching the doors and wondering if you’d ever see him again. 
There’s only one light in the parking lot of the Whyte Wyrm, and it’s been broken since before you started coming regularly. Normally it doesn’t bother you, the light from the neon sign outside is enough to light your way into the surprisingly welcoming bar. 
Tonight however, there’s no light. Not even the sign is lit up and as you make your way across the dusty parking lot, you can’t help the frown that pulls on your lips. You pull your jacket tighter to you and crane your neck to see if there’s anybody around. 
Usually the place is packed with old trucks, new bikes and at least a few people standing around. Either drunk and puking against the wall, or sober and trying to have a conversation with someone that they’ve bumped into. But tonight it’s empty. 
You pull your phone out, ready to text Sweet Pea to ask if he knows what’s going on. You’re hoping that it’s just a last minute serpent meeting, but a part of you fears that it’s something worse. 
Over the past few weeks, you’ve been in pretty regularly, mainly talking to Sweet Pea, and the thought that something bad could have happened and that he could possibly be involved is enough to make your heart skip a beat. 
“There’s no need to text.” Sweet Pea says and you let out a relieved sigh. Your face lights up as you watch him come out from the around the back of the bar, his breath visible in the chilly air and the hairs on the back of you neck stand as you watch him slowly approach you. 
Is this it? After weeks of flirting is he finally making the move? Your heartbeat pumps with excitement and you stand waiting for him to close the gap. Your palms are clammy and you shake them out a little, trying to get rid of the nervous energy that still seems to be clinging onto the moment. 
“Why didn’t you tell me you were a Northsider?” He asks and your eyes widen. “More importantly, a Cooper?” He adds and your face falls. He stares at you, an expectant look on his face as he waits for you to answer. If it wasn’t for the full moon, you wouldn’t be able to see the disappointment on his face, and for the first time in you’re life, you wish the moon would disappear. 
Without it you wouldn’t have to see the hurt and betrayal that he’s trying and failing to hide. 
“Yeah, Jughead told me? He said he never thought he’d see me take an interest in a Northsider, let alone a Cooper. And when I asked him what he meant he told me you were Betty’s sister.” He adds and you gulp. 
He stops a few feet away from you and your gaze drops to his muddy boots. You can’t quite force yourself to look at him. You knew as soon as you lied it would catch up with you at some point. Either he would find out or your mom would, and before you weren’t entirely sure which one is worse. 
Now you know though. Because you’re mom’s been upset with you before, in fact she kind of is at the minute because you’ve ben defending Betty and her choices a lot recently. You can deal with Alice Cooper being pissed at you. It’s something she is at least once a week. 
But this is far worse. The way that he’s looking at you makes you feel sick and if you could go back a month, you never would have set foot in the bar in the first place. You would have told Betty to just text her boyfriend like a normal person and then you’d never have to see him look at you like this. 
“I’m sorry.” You start and look up at him. But the look in his eyes make you stop and drop your gaze again. 
“Sorry?” He repeats. “You know, the worst thing is, is that I actually liked you. You just turned up one day and you were all awkward and you looked so lost in there, but you looked nice and for some weird reason I wanted to help you.” He sighs and runs a hand over his face. His curls fall in front of his eyes and you move step forward, your instant reaction being to move them for him but he takes a step away from you, leaving your hand awkwardly hanging in the air.
“Okay, I lied too. I bumped into you on purpose so I had an excuse to talk to you, but at least I didn’t change or hide myself. At least I was honest.” He says and tears pool in your eyes. 
“Okay, yeah. What I did was bad. But I didn’t murder anyone and that’s what you’re acting like. All I did was change my last name, but can you really blame me? If I’d said ‘hey, i’m y/n cooper’, would you have honestly given me your number? Or would you have kicked me out the of bar yourself?” You glare at him and now it’s his turn to avoid eye contact. 
“I know it was a shitty thing to do, but I know what my mom is like and I know what her and the rest of the town have put you through. I just, I didn’t want to be associated with them. I was only supposed to be here to tell Jughead something and then I was never gonna come back. I didn’t think it would be worth the hassle of me telling you I’m not only a Northsider, but a Cooper too, all for two minutes of conversation.” You argue and stomp towards him. “So, I’m sorry. But at the time I didn’t realize how important you’d end up being to me so I thought it would be ok-what?” 
“I’m important to you?” He asks, his eyes wide and you feel your cheeks heat up at the confession. 
“Of course I do.” You say, your voice a lot softer. You dare to reach out for his hand and he lets you take it. “This past month I have been the happiest I have ever been and that’s because of you.” 
“It’s okay.” He nods. “I lied too. I don’t really use my phone.” He shrugs and you send him a look. “Okay, I lied again. I’m never off my phone. Now we’re even. Now I have a very important question that must be answered immediately.” 
“Go ahead.” 
“Do you even know how to play pool?” He asks and you shake your head with an embarrassed smile. “Come on, I’ll show you how to play.” He says and leads you to the front door of The Wyrm. 
“It looks closed.” You stop and stare at him confused. “Should we be going in?” 
“It’s okay. If we get caught you can just tell them you’re really convincing fake name and then we’ll just be able to leave.” He says. Your jaw drops as you stare at him annoyed before a loud laugh leaves your lips and you shove him. 
“You’re an ass!” 
“And you’re a liar.” He replies, his tone happy as he dances down the stairs. “Are you coming?” He asks from the bottom of them. “Y/n Pool...table? Hey if you were to marry a pool player that would be so cute!” 
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simplee-dreaming · 3 years
A/N: Thank you so much to the anon who gave me this prompt! I had a lot of fun writing it and I think it's one of my personal favourites so I hope you enjoy it too!
Summary: Ginny pranks all of her brothers and pays the price for it.
Word count: 2,022
An ear piercing scream came from upstairs, waking Arthur up from his nap.
“SP….SP….SPIDER!” Ron yelled. Arthur and Molly ran up to his room and found him staring at his bed, his body in shock.
“What the….wait...that’s mine!” Arthur said. Molly looked at him, astounded.
“What do you mean that’s yours?” She asked.
“I mean it’s from work. The department asked me to take this home and study it further. It’s called a toy spider. Fascinating concept from the muggles, you see they place these tiny objects in called batteries which makes it look like the spider is alive. It is very clever, don’t you think?” He asked. He looked at Ron who was as white as a sheet.
“Arthur just take that thing away. Ron dear, it’s okay. It isn’t real.” Molly said, reassuring him. His breathing went back to a normal pace and he slowly nodded.
“I wonder how that got there,” Arthur mumbled under his breath. He left Ron’s room and went downstairs to his own.
Molly left Ron’s room and bumped into Charlie.
“Ah, Mum, have you seen my wand?” He asked.
“No love, why?”
“My meditation dragon isn’t breathing out smoke. Someone has turned it into a stone dragon and I need to turn it back.” He said, a hint of annoyance in his voice.
“I’m sorry love, I haven’t seen it. I’ll let you know if I do.” Molly said, calmly. She followed Charlie downstairs, into the kitchen, when another yell echoed around the burrow.
Percy bolted down the stairs and into the kitchen.
“What’s wrong with you?” Molly asked.
“They put the engorgio spell on my prefect and head boy badges and put them in my wardrobe. One just fell onto me and nearly crushed me! Where are they?” He said, clearly frustrated. Charlie bit back a giggle as he continued to find his wand.
“FRED! GEORGE!” He yelled again.
“Not so loudly.” Molly scolded. The twins stepped out from round the corner, both sipping cups of tea.
“Yes?” They responded in unison.
“You are going to put my badges back to the normal size.” Percy demanded. The twins looked at each other and raised an eyebrow.
“Did you hear what I said?” Percy asked.
“Yes but I don’t know why you want us to do that.” George said.
“Because you enlarged them!” Percy bellowed. The twins looked at each other again.
“Don’t you think we would’ve waited to see them crashing on you if we did?” Fred asked.
“What?” Percy responded.
“It wasn’t us. But whoever did it is a bloody genius.” George said.
“Don’t you dare lie to me, I know it was you! I demand you fix them immediately!” Percy roared.
Just before the twins responded, another loud screech was heard upstairs.
“What now?!” Molly asked, irritably. Bill came running down the stairs. Molly’s jaw dropped. Percy looked shocked. Fred and George both spat out their tea simultaneously. Charlie was the first to speak.
“What the hell happened to you?” he asked. Bill stood there, bewildered. He was bald.
“I...I was in the shower. And...and instead of shampoo, someone must’ve put in hair removal cream.” He said. Ron appeared at that moment, his eyes shot to Bill’s head.
“Bloody hell,” he said. Molly turned to Fred and George.
“Right. Whenever there’s trouble it’s normally you two.”
Fred and George looked at each other then back at Molly.
“Us two?” Fred asked.
“Yes, you two.”
“But we didn’t do anything!” George said in protest.
“You’re usually the prime suspects when it comes to pranks.”
“Our own mother doesn’t believe us.” Fred said to George.
“Don’t you think we would’ve owned up to these pranks? They’re so clever I wish we could take the credit.” George said to Molly. She let out a deep sigh.
“ARTHUR!” She yelled, making everyone jump. Arthur appeared in a matter of moments. The first thing that caught his eye was Bill’s head. He stared at it.
“Blimey Molly, I knew you didn’t like his long hair but I didn’t think you’d go this far.” He said. Molly smacked him on the arm.
“Blithering idiot. Someone has been messing around today. The spider in Ron’s bed, Charlie’s dragon turned to stone, Percy’s enlarged badges and now Bill’s hair.” She informed him. Arthur turned to the twins.
“Did you….” He began, George cut him off.
“No we did not. We definitely would have owned up to these, I’m shocked and hurt that we’re the first accused culprits. Fred, pass the biscuits.”
Fred nodded and slid the tin of biscuits over. They sorted through the array and settled on a custard cream each. They both took a bite. Immediately afterwards, two human sized canaries stood in the kitchen. A moment's silence was followed by a roar of laughter.
“WHAT THE?!” Fred cried.
Charlie and Ron were wiping their tears away. Percy was pointing at them and laughing. Bill was laughing so much he forgot about his bald incident. Molly and Arthur were the first to compose themselves after a while. A minute past and Fred and George had malted all their feathers off.
“I don’t think either of them would be stupid enough to prank themselves, do you?” Arthur asked Molly. She steadied her breathing and nodded in agreement.
“Well if it wasn’t the usual suspects then who was it?” Bill asked. All the brothers looked at each other. One by one the look of realisation spread over their faces.
“Ginny.” They all said in unison.
Ginny was sitting in the living room, her nose stuck in a book. Charlie cleared his throat. She looked up to find Charlie, Percy, Ron, Fred, George and Bill standing just over the threshold. She looked at them all, one by one, with a raised eyebrow, her eyes widened when she got to Bill. She accidentally let out a little giggle.
“Something funny?” He asked. She shook her head.
“We know it was you.” Ron said.
“What was me?” She asked.
“The brilliant pranks,” Fred said. Charlie elbowed him. “Uh, I mean, the ridiculous pranks.”
Ginny smirked at them all.
“Took you long enough.” She sassed.
“So, what was the point in the pranks then?” Charlie asked. Ginny put her book down.
“Because I’m constantly the victim of pranks by tweedle dum and tweedle dumber over there and none of you ever do anything to help me. So I thought I’d get my own back by pranking everyone and letting Fred and George get the blame for it. Of course, I couldn’t just let them be blamed, I had to prank them too. So, what better than to use their own products against them when they least expect it.” She said. The boys looked at her, astounded.
“Our little sister is an evil genius.” George said, proudly. He mocked wiping a tear from his eye.
“Well then, I demand you put my badges back to their normal size.” Percy said, firmly.
“Nu-uh, not until she apologies for what she’s done.” Bill said. Ginny looked at him and giggled at his baldness again. “You will fix this, but first you’re going to pay.” He said sternly. She wasn’t threatened.
“You don’t scare me. None of you do.” She said.
“Oh really?” Charlie asked.
“Those two once put a mini pool outside my room which I fell into and nearly drowned in when I was 7. Nothing you guys do scares me anymore.” She said, pointing at the twins who looked down in shame.
“Yeah...we’re still sorry about that.” Fred said.
“Well I’m not sorry about any of this.” She snapped back.
“Fine. If we can’t scare an apology out of you then I know another way that will work…” Bill said. Ginny looked confused.
“I’m not going to apologise.” She said again.
“You will.” Bill replied. He turned his back on her to face his brothers. He slowly brought his hands up and wiggled his fingers. They all caught on instantly.
“This is ridiculous. I just want her to fix my badges.” Percy snapped.
“She will after we do this.” Charlie said.
“No.” Percy said. He turned to Ginny. “You fix my badges right now.”
“Nope,” she responded.
“Ginny! One of them nearly crushed me!” He cried.
“Serves you right for constantly going on about them.” Ginny stood up. “Out of my way! I’m hEaD bOy” She mocked, copying the stance Percy makes. Everyone laughed but Percy, who stormed out of the room in disgust.
“You’re still not off the hook,” Bill said as Ginny sat back down.
“Nothing you do will make me apologise.” She said.
“I know for a fact that this will.” Bill said. She narrowed her eyes at him as he slowly walked towards her. He gently pushed her back on the sofa and started squeezing her sides.
“WA-WAIT BILL NOHOHOHO!!” She screamed out. Fred and George ran towards her and started tickling her feet. She kicked out and screamed louder. They grabbed a foot each and locked it tight under their arms so she couldn’t kick.
“MUHUHUHUM HEHEHEHELP” She yelled out in between her laughter.
“She won’t come to help, her and Dad buggered off upstairs cause they didn’t want to get involved.” Ron said. He had joined in on the tickling and shoved his hands under her arms. She had trapped his hands there by slamming her arms down. Her laughter became shrieks.
“Not until you apologise” Charlie said. He had taken to tickling her neck which made it hard for her to protect her neck and armpits at the same time. Despite none of them pinning her down, she was still trapped and weak from laughter.
Percy appeared again and leant against the doorframe.
“Seriously? This is so childish.” He said.
“Watch it pinhead, or you’ll be next,” Fred said, still tickling his poor sister.
“Come on Percy, give us a hand. She’s still yet to apologise.” Bill said, his hands spidering across Ginny’s tummy.
“Just apologise and we’ll stop.” Charlie said, his fingers wiggling deep into her neck.
Percy walked over and gave her a single poke to the side.
“Come on, you can do better than that.” Bill said.
“I don’t want to, this is stupid. Just make her apologise.” Percy said in a strop.
“Funny, that’s almost like what we’ve been doing this whole time.” Ron said.
Ginny was now falling in and out of silent laughter. With Charlie tickling her neck, Ron’s wiggling fingers trapped in her armpits, Bill switching between spidering across her tummy and squeezing her sides and Fred & George tickling a foot each, she was in ticklish agony.
“SOHOHOHOHORRY” She screamed out.
“What?” The boys all said in unison.
“I-I’M SOHOHOHORRY” She cried out again.
“Sorry for what?” Charlie said, teasingly.
“FOHOHOR PRAHAHAHANKING YOHOHOHOU” She bellowed out. She fell back into silent laughter and the boys eased up. They all got up and stood away from the sofa. Bill started stroking her hair.
“Okay, okay. Breathe.” He said. Ginny took in a few deep breaths and let out some residue giggles.
“Told you that would make you apologise.” Bill said, winking at her. She rolled her eyes and scoffed. “Now you need to put everything right or Percy will go all head boy on you again,” he whispered.
“I heard that.” Percy said. Ginny giggled.
“Okay fine.” She said, standing up. Fred and George shook her hands.
“You’ve made us very proud.” They both said. Ginny rolled her eyes at them then got to work on fixing her mess. Within the space of half an hour, she had apologised to Ron for the spider, apologised to Fred and George for the canary creams, made Charlie’s dragon smoke again (and gave him back his wand), made Bill’s hair grow back to it’s normal length and restored Percy’s badges to normal size….whilst telling Fred and George how she hid them in the first place...for future reference...
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lumilasi · 3 years
I'm kind of curious what that alternate idea for an ongoing story is?
Ah, in regards to my table flip post I presume! Well it's bit of a long explanation (and I'll have to talk about the fic it could've been for. No major spoilers though!)
So the idea was for Shadowed Pages, where the starting situation would've been massively different to what it is right now, to the point of adjusting AFO's story and character more from canon than what the fic currently does/will do. Basically it would've been more FS Hisashi-ish.
(To put it short, his relationship with his brother wouldn't have been abusive, just dysfunctional due to poor communication skills. This is kind of how I have approached all the versions of AFO that are more protagonists in a fic than the antagonist like in canon. Canon AFO is great for his role as a villain in the official story, but doesn't work as a protagonist for fic AU's in my eyes lmao)
This past dynamic would've changed how I approached AFO and Tomura's relationship massively, let me explain;
The current situation for SP is this:
Tomura was picked up by AFO like in canon, only at this time they were already working with the MLA. AFO again tried to possess Tomura eventually, but unknowingly to him, when he placed his quirk into the boy, he also put something else there unknowingly; something that protected Tomura throughout the years from his worse influence and eventually helped him to stop the possession and kill his mentor. The teen shaped ghost that follows him around. (what he is exactly will get explained later in the fic)
Tomura lives with Kurogiri now, hiding in plain sight in an old library his Sensei secretly owned, with a fragment of AFO living within him as that teen ghost. The evil one is still there too however, as well as....something else.
Something that is eventually very vital for the endgame of the story, and explains a lot of things about why AFO is the way he is in this particular AU, why Izuku exists, and why AFO self-sabotaged himself to begin with when it came to his plan with Tenko.
Now, let's get to the actual point of your question lmao, sorry it took so long, I just felt I need to give some context first;
In this alternate take, AFO would've actually quit his villain bullshit, either during Nana's tenure, or after the first fight with Toshinori (without turning into a potatohead, maybe just some scarring) because he was so tired of it all (again, goes back to his core nature and backstory being different from canon in this AU idea; he's not a narcissistic opportunist, but someone who let his power get into his head, and became self destructive and dangerous due to guilt) and just lives like a normal person, hiding from any heroes and law enforcement in general. He probably wouldn't work any normal jobs or anything, he'd be a recluse so mostly just use his quirk to get what's needed. (While cashier AFO is a funny idea, I find it too crackish, and my second-hand embarrassment is too strong to write cracky stuff like that lmao)
He does find little Tenko on the street again after what happens with his family and picks him up, but instead of being a manipulative abusive asshole, he just ends up being a proper dad as he should've been. To the point that when some other villains end up kidnapping Tenko alongside some other kids, he actually comes out of hiding and shows he's alive to All Might (and maybe Nana if she's alive) just to basically kick them out of the way to save his boy lmao
As for the DFO angle, IDK how I'd do it in this version; it'd be pretty fun though, especially if Toshinori would be Inko's friend, and he'd be curious to meet this new person/single dad she's met and is very fond of, but for some reason he's never present or able to greet him...? (Cue afo/Hisashi internally freaking out when he finds out All Might is Inko's friend. No he does NOT want to meet him, no thank you) Don't even get me started on when he finds out Inko is pregnant, that's even worse; the kid could inherit a massively corrupting quirk like his, or be quirkless, or just be in danger because of the ties with him..... (cue internal mumbling like Izuku, just not spoken out loud as he's better at hiding it) Also he'd probs end up sort of parenting all of Tenko's friends too, who Tenko would naturally attract as he's a LOV magnet hehe. (probs some would be alongside the kidnapped kids I mentioned earlier)
He would also suffer from memory loss somewhat, tho not as much as what FS Hisashi had at the start, and it'd last longer. Basically he'd have forgotten the thing I mentioned earlier in the description for SP; why he did the things he did. Either because of the mental mess and trauma from the past decades, or the fight with either Nana or All Might damaging his brain. He'd eventually connect the dots again and it would lead to the same/similar endgame I have planned for SP currently.
So yeah. I'm still mad at myself for not thinking of this sooner. Sure, the current setting for SP is fine, but I really like this idea, and feel like I can't use it because I don't have any ideas for an alternate ending that'd differ enough from what SP has planned :T
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dappersheep · 4 years
Food Fantasy: An Analysis on what killed a Golden Goose (1/3)
So first things first, disclaimers! I do not claim nor pretend to know every nook and cranny, ins and outs of the history of FooFan's conception, existence and uncertain future. I do not own the game nor its characters, only the opinions and thoughts stated hereon out.
This was born to vent out my frustrations with how a game like this was abused poorly by its own developer and publisher instead of being nurtured to become its full potential that could have overshadowed and remained better than the likes of Tencent's Tales of Food --I could dream, but it honestly had the potential to be.
Out of respect for the main tag, I personally will not be tagging this post and the following two with the main tag. If you want to tag it yourself with it, that's your choice. Only followers of my blog will see this.
This analysis is divided into three parts: Funtoy, Elex, and the Community. It starts under the cut. Well let's get started.
Ah yes, the creator. The developer. You'd think that with their sudden rise to fame during their global launch, they'd have used the massive profits they earned within the first quarter of 2018 to improve certain things about the game and then trickled it down as quickly as possible towards Global, right? Yeah, I thought so too.
After playing the game since launch, I've seen and experienced way too many things that just hammer in the fact that this is one of the most unfair gacha I've played in years. Some reasons being the following:
(Note: These are experiences ONLY on Global's version, it may also apply to CN being the original server)
⦁ The game's gacha model is aimed towards maximum predation on its players. F2p are forced to either spend some money (and thus tempt them to keep spending after getting a taste of it), or risk not even getting a good ascension of the unit to be useful at all. Paying for the event packs also doesn't guarantee that you would be able to secure a spot in the ranks. In fact, if you can't comprehend how the battle mechanics work, you could even de-rank. Fun way to burn that 800$, huh? At least you have the skin from rebates.
⦁ A little less known thing and probably theoretical at worst, the long joked about spaghetti coding of the game along with an outdated spine technology for the sprites could very well be the reason why a 2D game like this experiences the shittiest lags. Also how easy it is to hack this game with the right know-how.
⦁ Speaking of bad gameplay mechanics, did you know you could spend over fifty Mirrors and not get that final enhancement from +9 to +10 simply because there's absolutely no tangible safety net before +10?
⦁ If you're F2P, this game is terrible in giving you resources to stockpile. Because Funtoy certainly doesn't have a lot of weekly/monthly or even friendly events wherein you can get resources without spending another kind of resource. The Hawthorne event's rewards are lackluster at best, Bingo is severely limited in what it gives, and Recall also doesn't give much for a big event that only happens (supposedly) every 6 months. Did I also mention that daily resource rewards also kinda suck compared to how much you burn in just one event?
⦁ Monthly subs are a scam. Yes, you heard that right. My point of comparison here is Arknights. A monthly in AK allows you to have enough to 10-pull after 30 days, on top of a bit of stamina to help you. In FooFan? You have two monthly subs that do different things and even then, you won't have enough to 10-pull by the end of 30 days, nor is the stamina you get enough to even stockpile and ease the pressure of your need to save for the Gates or that stamina event that suddenly popped up.
⦁ A conga line of 'Must procure this unit at a high ascension to do well in the following events!'. You missed the first Pizza event? Missed the first Turkey event? God forbid, you weren't able to 5* your Beer on his debut? Well sorry, that 5* Black Tea of yours isn't gonna do squat to give you good damage. No, your 2* B-52 also isn't going to do much of anything with his lackluster damage capabilities. If you want a chance to get those event URs again, you have to wait for their pool with laughably limited pulls... and a bloated price to even pull.
⦁ The events starting after the first iteration of Turkey event get even more paywalled. As far as I remember, by the time Minestrone rolled around, an F2P with ample crystal resources can only get 2* at best. 3* and above are paywalled.
⦁ The game has incompetent balancing. The devs themselves likely have little experience in gameplay design and balancing, especially for a game with a growing roster of characters . A prime example of them launching a character not knowing it would pretty much unbalance the game? Look no further than Beer. The guy had to have a couple of nerfs done to him because he was just too meta. You know what's sadder? Before the 'switch' to Brave meta, almost all meta units was built to benefit off the Beer meta.
⦁ Artifacts. Do I even have to explain how the introduction of such a game feature so early into the lifespan of this game essentially fucked over the balance even more? Not to mention, all the more reason you'd be crying with the Gates of Trials demanding so much out of your stamina and crystal resources. F2Ps are again, the ones that suffer in this part. What's their reason? Profit, of course.
⦁ The nerf of resto chests. This was the primary source for people who were saving up stamina for the Gates... until Funtoy decided they were being too generous to their playerbase and dropped the stamina probability rate to 1% or less.
⦁ Terrible UI layout and design. Come on, be honest now, you've lost several thousand of your hard earned crystals buying screws in the fishing shop because you didn't notice that shiny warning in small text and a green button with the crystal image slapped on it, didn't you?
⦁ Look at all these SRs! All of them! Wow, they even outnumber the Rs by at least 80! What's that? There's more URs now too compared to Rs and Ms combined? That can't be real. But seriously, you'd think Funtoy could make some of these SRs into Rs and add them to the perm pool/shard fusion so people aren't stuck pulling Macaron or Dorayaki every time. They could have also populated the Team Up rewards with SRs instead of Rs. But you know... that won't bring them profit. Haha... haha.... Oh and I haven't even told you about the SP class...!
⦁ Lore. Yes, I'm sure by now you're aware that the in-game lore is different from the ones in the non-SP Food Soul bios, in the SP Food Soul bios that sort of ties in with the New World story (that global will never be getting btw). At this point, Funtoy handwaves the confusion away by saying, 'they're all different timelines'. Yes yes, an easy and cliche move to explain how shitty the writing direction went after a while. I don't know what happened, all I know is that lore got weird(er) when they introduced SP Rice.
⦁ They. Keep. Adding. More. Characters! They fail to see that a lot of their earlier players have imprinted on the first few waves of Food Souls and they sadly also fail to properly give some of them more story expansion... or skins. At the moment, they're shelling out so many JP-centric Food Souls because... as I see it? They're pandering to the last bastion of whales they have.
⦁ Merchandise. And I mean a variety of merchandise that isn't using the same official art every time. Like they couldn't afford to commission a couple of artists one or two times to make unique merchandise that would sell. They started too late on that train, and they even made it too hard for anyone not in CN or JP to even procure what already exists. Not to mention, they keep using the same 'popular' set of characters for their merchandise and never really expanding out to making merch for other characters.
These are all the things I can list off at the top of my head why Funtoy as a developer sucks ass. They could sweeten their words all they want, it won't change the fact that they've certainly made way too many bad decisions and found out about it too late, and now they're desperate to keep Food Fantasy alive to keep their profits coming in to make whatever that cat girl game they have and that supposedly 'side-game' FF2 they announced.
There may have been problems out of their control that I or you do not see, but one thing is for sure, they were blinded by greed for the money they were raking in on all their servers at the start, and never actually bothered to invest in more manpower in the right places to improve the game, both gameplay-wise and worldbuilding wise. It's actually saddening that this game could have been so much more with several QoLs and a more fleshed out lore, perhaps even spacing out the number of new units they keep introducing while going back to giving their old units more attention.
That's it for Funtoy. We're moving onto Elex in the next part and boy is that also a trip.
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