sonicasura · 4 months
My trauma loving ass thought of an idea. Knack but he is a walking soul container. His spirit and another(s) in the same body unaware of each other at first. Knack often having strange dreams about being in someone's shoes thrown into various situations that range from insane to terrifying.
The golem fully unaware that these are someone else's memories who slowly becomes more conscious the deeper he goes. A change which gradually gets noticed by his companions as Knack and this other spirit begin to sporadically switch control. One second he's normal self but then the next acts like a completely different person.
To Knack, the swap is equivalent to a blink. One second he is chatting and the next atop a skyscraper like a gargoyle. He absolutely grows nervous about these blackouts as no one knows what's going on. Then Knack looks into a mirror.
He isn't alone in the reflection. Someone is standing there next to him. An impossibility since he's by himself. Knack moves his hand and this second person copies him at first before acting of their own accord.
There will soon come a time where both souls can move together as one. Able to interact without any mental barrier keeping them separated. Sadly not now and won't be for quite awhile.
Knack is stuck having to understand this phantom that follows beside him. The same goes for his companion. Both face the unknown alone and are scared of what it all means...
When you don't know who or what you are.
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Hello! For your consideration, I was thinking of a Tech hurt/ comfort fic. The reader is hurt after a mission and Tech helps aid them. Maybe the injury isn’t close to being lethal, but it’s not good either. Ooo, I was about to say they’re in a relationship, but what if they are close but haven’t realized how much they deeply care until now.
By Your Side
Tech x Reader
Summary- During an escape from the Empire, you break your arm. Tech is quick to be at your side, fixing you up. At the intensity of the situation, feelings are revealed. DESCRIPTIONS OF BROKEN BONES!
A/N- Hi, honey! Thanks for requesting! I LOVE this prompt! Such a cute idea. <3 <3
Word Count- 1,549
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A gasp left your mouth, just before a scream. It took a couple seconds for your brain to register what had happened. You simply stared at your left arm, white peaking out on your forearm.
Another wail erupted, pain shooting up your arm. You left it in your shoulder as well.
The previous events finally caught up to you.
You were trying to redirect power in a crashed Imperial vessel. Cid had sent you all to get any valuables on the ship.
Luckily for you all, the ship was mostly abandoned. Plus, there was expensive equipment left on board that could be sold back to the Empire through a third party.
Hunter, Omega, and Wrecker had been headed back to The Marauder to haul parts of the medical technology back to Ord Mantell.
Things were moving smoothly until a fleet arrived. Apparently the Empire had also sent their own men to retrieve the equipment. Clones raided the ship, you and Tech struggled to stay unseen.
"Keep down." He instructed, you followed his order.
"Hunter, meet at the pickup zone. We are currently escaping through an air duct." Tech whispered through his Comms.
The position you were in had you flushed, crawling on your hands and knees was uncomfortable. Tech right behind you doing the same made you a little self conscious.
It wasn't a secret to Omega and Hunter that you liked Tech. Hunter picked up on your heart rate increase around Tech, and the way you grew nervous over simple activities with him. His heightened senses gave you away. Omega, on the other hand, had a knack for picking up your subtle blush when he talked on and on about something you didn't understand.
She teased you about it sometimes, and Hunter paid little mind. Wrecker was clueless, as usual.
"Are you okay? You're breathing heavily." Tech spoke quietly to you, concerned.
"Uh, yeah, yeah. Its just- its a tight space..." You responded, Tech hummed to let you know he heard you. Though, you doubt he believed your petty excuse.
The duct came to an end, a barred frame was the only thing blocking your escape.
You pushed at it, and when it didn't budge- you shuffled around and tried to kick.
"Not even a dent."
"I'll have to blast it, move behind me." He answered.
You leaned back, trying to contort yourself was a struggle in the small vent. There was no way to change positions without crossing over him.
"Sorry..." You mumbled out, flustered as your chest was soon snugly pressed into his.
He stopped moving for a moment, you both rested an inch from each other. "There is no reason to be. This was my plan."
You stuttered, "This?"
He let out a single breathy laugh. "Ah, no. Escaping through the air duct. Our predicament is only a consequence of that decision. Therefore, this is my fault. Not yours."
You gave a shy nod. As much as you would have loved to spend more time in your position, wasting time was not a luxury you had.
The two of you continued to switch spots, you were now behind him.
"After I blast it, the Imperial troops will be alerted of our location. We will need to be swift. Just follow me, I've been tracking our coordinates." He glanced over his shoulder when he spoke.
"After blast, run like crazy?"
"Sure. I guess you could put it that way." You smiled at his words.
You crouched down behind him as he pulled his blaster trigger.
It wasn't very loud, but enough for some kind of siren to go off.
Tech quickly crawled out, then waited for you to do the same. He grabbed your arm, pulling you up to him.
At that, the two of you took off. A few shots rang out, but nothing close enough to get you.
You were able to see The Marauder hovering above, peaking out of the tree leaves.
Maybe your mind was still hazy from the vent, or maybe you got cocky from seeing the ship.
Either way, when a blast was shot close to your feet it distracted you long enough to trip and fall...
"Tech!" You managed to gasp out, besides your screams. You didn't have to though, as he was at your side before you could yell a second time.
He didn't say a word, he was too focused on you. For once, he had nothing to say. His veins were struck with your screams. He'd never been so frightened in his life.
You found yourself propped against a tree, unable to walk. It seemed like you also did something to your leg. Tech was more concerned with your arm, though.
He held it gently, working steadily. It was incredibly painful, but you trusted him to know what he was doing.
Before you knew it, he had lifted you up with a strength you forgot he had.
In your pain stricken state, you did nothing but cling to the man holding you. He started to bring you to The Marauder as fast as he could.
You passed out before you made it, slumping into Techs arms.
Hours later you awoke, a dull throbbing in your leg and left arm. It hurt incredibly to move either, you sucked in with a hiss at the pain.
At the noise, Tech appeared at your side.
"How are you feeling?" He asked, eyes on his datapad.
"Not too good... My arm it-" You looked down at it, wrapped perfectly and tight in a white gauze.
"Yes, you managed to break where your ulna crosses your radius. I performed a minor surgery on it, with the proper care you will make a full recovery." He said, head still down.
You swallowed, what could be so important on his datapad. You apparently just had surgery and broke two bones! "What are you doing?" You tried not to sound passive aggressive.
"Checking your vitals. I am concerned with your risk of infection." He said, now looking up at you.
"Oh..." You felt silly now.
There was a moment of silence between the two of you, Tech then reached for your good arm. He set the datapad down, his full attention on you now. He guided you to sit up.
"When you fell," He gently rotated your arm to be palm up. "Your arm was like this." He turned your wrist. With the lightest touch you'd ever felt, he traced the outline of your two bones on your forearm. "See how they cross? You were unlucky, just breaking the ulna or radius would be a much easier fix. We will need to stabilize both now."
He was referencing some sort of cast.
"I have it wrapped now, as the bone did pierce your skin." He said.
"Thank you..."
"Of course, you needed medical attention. I am more than capable of administering it."
You bit down on your lip, very careful to notice he was still holding your wrist gently.
"No, I mean. Thank you, for saving me..."
He released your wrist, resting his hand next to your thigh. "Oh, well, you are welcome."
It was quiet again. You sheepishly scanned the room, trying not to look at him.
"I was, I-" He took a deep breath. "When you screamed, I felt... I was..." He thought on what word applied best. "Scared."
You tried to reassure him, "I'm okay now."
"I thought you had been shot." He couldn't meet your eye.
You shuffled closer, as much as you were able. "Tech-"
"I've never felt like that before." He admitted, now looking at you.
You reached your right arm out, a hand on his cheek.
With your name leaving his lips, "You are special. I recognize that- that my feelings for you are more exaggerated than anyone else."
Your cheeks felt hot, you were sure they were colored. "Tech, I completely understand the feeling.."
"You do?" He questioned, almost like he was writing mental notes down.
"Yes. I feel the exact same way." You confessed. "About who?" He got slightly defensive, stiffening up.
With a suppressed laugh, you smirked. "You."
He clicked his tongue, almost as a 'Eureka' moment.
Your thumb moved up and down on his cheek. You were unsure what he was comfortable doing with the new information. Though, knew he'd stop you if he was put off by you.
At that thought, you leaned in. Your heart swelled when he did the same, your lips meeting. He was soft, slow, and full of meaning. He was still aware of your injuries. You, however, forgot the second your lips touched his.
It was all promptly followed by a gasp of pain by you, as the leaning put pressure on your leg.
"Oh, you also fractured your fibula. Perhaps we shall continue later." He ran a finger up your leg, showing you where it was. It was an innocent act, but your brain didn't care. You were red as a tomato.
His datapad beeped, he picked it up. "Are you okay? Your heart rate has significantly increased the past minute." He looked at you warily.
His lack of recognition of your embarrassment just made your heart beat faster. "Yes, Tech. I'll be fine..." You said, a laugh finally breaking free at his confused face.
A/N- Thank you so much for reading!
Tags- (lmk if you want to be tagged as well!) @thethreeeyed-raven @dangraccoon @knight-of-flowerss
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charlotte-queen-owl · 2 months
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Swapped Personalities AU 🤡
Appearance explanation:
Yuuji Itadori (Megumi's Personality):
Yuuji has longer hair because he hasn't cut it since his grandfather's funeral, if he had OGumi's tendencies then bro is depressed. Instead of his "I don't wanna die alone so I'll save everyone to the best of my abilities while I'm still alive!" mindset, he's got the "Since I'm still alive I might well do what my grandpa's wishes, it's what he would've wanted." Mindset, bro is Sukuna's vessel and he's depresso expresso but like he's good at hiding it. He doesn't wear a hoodie inside his uniform and doesn't modify it at all because man's doesn't really see the point of it. Still likes to read manga and watch movies but doesn't outwardly says he does (he likes to do those alone). Can totally go insane and lose his will to live if he loses everyone he holds dear.
Nobara Kugisaki (Yuuji's Personality):
Kinda see Nobara as a kind of happy-go-lucky country bumpkin with OGji's personality, She's all happy to be here in the city!!! Meeting new fellow classmates and make friends!!! Trying out new foods!!! Killing more curses!!! All the jazz. Her grandma is safe back in her hometown alive and well, She's in Jujutsu Tech cause she wants to make a difference! She's got a lot of bandaids because she has a lil bit of a martyr complex and gets hurt a lot (she doesn't have Yuuji's super strength so). She also didn't dye her hair because she isn't looking to be scouted or be model so her hair is still dark brown. Likes to wear a jacket OVER her uniform to prevent bad curse blood stains.
Megumi Fushiguro (Nobara's Personality):
Oh baby boy. Where do I EVEN begin. He knows he's a pretty little darling with long lashes and he THRIVES in being gorgeous. OGsaki's personality has him wearing good expensive clothing (from Gojo's black card), amazing beauty products and a knack for Black Fashion. Not easily angered unless you touch or damage his expensive shit even though he can just buy 20 more of them with his Guardian's money if he wanted to. Eyelashes on more fleek because he takes his beauty routine seriously. Yes he wears eyeliner. Has black earrings because they look cool on him (Tsumiki's words). Paints his nails black because his older sister used to do it. The only non-black thing on him is his green clip-ons, those are a gift from his older sister when they were playing dress up and has been wearing them ever since. (Even more so now since she's in a coma.)
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jyeshindra · 8 months
Hey there folks! I'm back again to continue our ascendant series. Today we're going over our lovely Taurus risings, ruled by lady Venus.
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The ascendant is a highly personal point in the chart, revealing the ways in which our energy initiates. It is our mask, and the first thing the people who meet us see and experience. It is what we see when we look into the horizon for our next adventure, experience, or transformation. It is the ways we approach each area of our life and in its own way tells a story about how our lives will go.
Like always, it's good to start with the natural chart ruler of Taurus, Venus. Venus makes these risings charming, pleasant, and sensual people. Being bound to the earthly sign of Taurus, Venus isn't so much about connecting with others (more of a Libra quality) and more-so about enjoying pleasure and worldly things. You can be a little indulgent, Taurus, don't hide from it. It is Venus who is just as lusty and desiring as Mars. You wish to consume, and to possess, and to own, and to embrace all that the world has to offer, for it is the senses that guide your spirit and your vessel through this world. Some may call you greedy, but you know what the true worth of things are. This is also the gift of Venus. You manage your resources well, and are well-minded on matters of money and art. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and what an eye you possess, Taurus!
These risings usually have a sense for fashion and aesthetics, appearing well put together and fashionable. There's a sturdiness to these risings, with the neck and shoulders being accented. There's something unassuming and classically beautiful about them, with a knack for cultivating glorious spaces of art and comfort.
Being in a feminine sign, these risings are more internally focused, with a slow and conservative approach to life. They don't like to waste energy and approach things with a stark patience. They have the staying power to get what they want and they will get it. Think of the bull, grazing along in the pasture. That is, until there's something to attack! Don't wake the bull, for Taurus anger is something to be feared, and not something many see.
Taurus is also materially concerned and prioritizes security. Being fixed in nature, these ascendants aren't as dynamic, preferring to do things the tried and tested way. Here's where the stubborn bull rears its head. Taureans like consistency and resist change!
Venus is also, I think, responsible for their stable, calming qualities . Taurus you are a pleasure to be around and can put anyone at ease. You enjoy a peaceful, calming environmnent, right Taurus? And, you can certainly keep a secret. Taureans make great listeners!
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Taureans, ultimately you are here to attract. It's the principle quality of Venus. Your senses are your greatest asset as you approach each new environment, taking in sight, sounds, smells, tastes, feelings. You calibrate and you beautify with your fixed perspective. Do not succumb to inertia, but keep moving forward ever so gracefully, imparting your wisdom and your knowledge upon each new pasture. You remind me of the Queen of Pentacles, nurturing and guiding things to their fruition with care and ease and love.
With your 8th House being ruled by Sagittarius, I think your power is awakened the moment you adopt the mutability of the sign. Be open to change when necessary and don't be so stuck in your ways Taurus. Let life teach you and let life show you new ways of thinking and looking at a situation. Then your ability to impart your wisdom will be even greater.
That's the Aquarius Midheaven, after all! You have so much to share with the world! From your observations and your experiences, there is a deep wisdom others must hear. Even if it causes you to operate against what others may expect of you, even if it breeds feelings of loneliness and confusion. You know what you have to offer the world will change it. What you touch automatically increases in value and is long-lasting, perhaps even progressive and innovative!
Scorpio Descendant will reveal the kind of partners you crave, as well as your own shadow Taurus. You, who wants to possess and own, may find a kinship in your Scorpio partners who also bring a kind of intensity to their relationships. You want someone loyal, someone who will not abandon you, and someone who will listen to you. There are dark things brewing beneath your surface, Taurus and you aren't always so open about the traumas and pains of your life. Water will soften your earth Taurus and open you up, allowing you to confess about the demons assailing your heart.
For this is what exists in your shadow, Taurus! You go through intense periods of transformation and you endure tough, brutal emotions. You do feel things, and at times you hold grudges. You hold onto those emotions until you explode, which doesn't always spell well for the people around you or yourself. Learn to process those emotions and talk to someone. Learn the art of letting go.
Perhaps a Scorpionic partner can teach you these things?
I fear this post grows too long. I could go further, but I believe this already paints quite the picture.
Next will be my dear Geminis!
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ffxivxd · 11 days
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Koko of the Dotharl returned to the world in the vessel of a man after dying as a woman. At 25 years old, he has a knack for eating large quantities of food and fashions his hair in styles found attractive in his previous life.
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crossdressingdeath · 1 year
Y'know, it's wild to me that Nico's ability to pass completely unnoticed until he deliberately draws attention to himself is basically just dismissed as him being "creepy". ...I'm not talking about the whole "the Seven really did completely dismiss a very traumatized fourteen year old's obvious and serious issues as him being creepy huh" thing this time, I promise.
My point is that Nico can with no apparent difficulty completely conceal his location from a ship full of extremely stressed demigods and none of them ever notice he's there until he wants them to. A lot of attention is brought to how demigods are basically made for combat, and the Seven do kind of see Nico as an antagonistic presence (despite him never being a threat to them at any point- sorry, that's it, I promise); you'd expect their instincts to be honed to pick up on his presence! Especially with how often he's referred to as radiating death energy; that's the sort of thing you'd expect people to be aware of. But Nico can just... vanish. He can even vanish in pretty small and crowded spaces: the Argo II's a sizable vessel (200 feet long according to the wiki), it's possible that the Seven not generally having any idea where exactly on the ship Nico is just comes from it being a big space with very few people in it for its size, but the mess hall can't be all that big on its own considering everything else aboard the ship and Nico manages to go completely unnoticed in there while everyone else is also in the room until he deliberately calls attention to himself. That's a hell of a trick! And also might help explain how an untrained son of Hades managed to survive on his own for however long it took for Minos to track him down (and/or possibly how long it took him to find his father, since we don't actually know how he learned to control his powers); if his knack for staying hidden from people extends to monsters he'd have a huge advantage in terms of survival, and if he can hide from demigods he can absolutely hide from mortals, which would allow him to steal anything he needed to survive on the streets. And we know it can extend to very powerful beings, since back in TLO he heads to Mount Othrys and spies on the Titans with no evidence that they ever knew he was hiding close enough to them for him to watch and listen to what they were doing. But no one ever talks about his ability to hide himself so completely that the only time we've ever seen him get caught was in Tartarus (which is Tartarus, and doesn't follow the standard rules), and when his skill at concealment comes up people just call it creepy. That's actually a really impressive skill!
...Also I now want many many spy and/or assassin AUs featuring Nico's ability to easily conceal himself (and when in plain sight somehow managing to be beneath suspicion despite no one liking him, the fact that he gets away with going to Camp Jupiter with the only explanation being "Uhhhhhhhh, I'm an ambassador from Pluto" and no one seems to have seriously questioned that even though none of them like or particularly trust him is also something that I feel should get more attention).
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la-imp · 1 year
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Recoms!Deja Blu Unit - Science"Puke"! Reader
This is my first headcanon series and I am incredibly nervous because there are so many good ones out there already. I have read quite a few amazing headcanon series by various blogs who practically carry the whole Avatar Fanfic scene, which I am really grateful for! I know these sorts of scenarios have been done a lot by now, but I wanted to get one out and put my own spin on it. I hope to write more and update this series as well as take in requests, one-shots, etc, expanding on the characters as much as I can. I hope you enjoy! Avatar has consumed my life, lol...
Disclaimer: I do not own AVATAR, nor do I own its creative properties and original characters. I do, however, own the 'reader' character as well as other created figures that do not appear in the Avatar films, video games, or comic books. Characters involved: Miles Quaritch, Lyle Wainfleet, Alexander Ja, Mansk, Zdindarsk aka Z-Dog, Zhang, Lopez, Fike, Warren, Walker, Prager, Brown - mentions of Jake Sully
Plot Summary: The story takes place during the events of TWOW, right before the great reef battle. I won't spoil any crucial plot details (for those who haven't watched the movie yet), so I'll end it there. The reader is a militant medic with a biochemistry background, now assigned special care to ensure Project Phoenix's success. As their body chemistry is quite different and unique from that of humans, they require some help getting used to their new vessel. This is where you come in... and boy... you were not prepared for this. A bunch of Na'vi Human hybrids at the peak of their prime, fuelled by hormonal rage, primal instincts, and a knack for vengeance, they sure as hell turned your daily life topsy turvy. To them, you were nothing more than another science puke here to bore them out of their minds,  even though you had some military training as well. It is up to you to show them otherwise. To earn a place in their ranks.
Will (y/n) be able to handle this task or eventually fold like the others?
Warning(s): Cursing - Mild bullying - Negging - Foul language - Playful flirting
Content: SFW (Minors DNI) The reader is human and female. I plan to write specific headcanons for each individual character, but this was just a very long and detailed starter in order to get the ball rolling. Also this is not proof-read, so take this with a grain of salt. Happy reading! (also English is not my first language, so please bear with me) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Hailing from a gentle background of academics and artists, you've decided to take a completely different route from what your family had destined for you. Going against their wishes and dissapointing a few members here and there was a price you were willing to pay in order to fulfill a lifelong dream. The prize of independence. Or perhaps you were tired of people telling you what you could and couldn't do. The idea of an adventure, exploring new worlds and galaxies, far far away from home was far more attractive than spending your years trying to fix a dying planet. But you also had a knack for helping and aiding those in need. Being a healer with a vast background of medicine and herbs only came natural to you. And as you graduated top of your class, you sought a new challenge. So you joined the space force. Military training was hard but you managed adquedately.  And as you finally becamea full-fledged medic, you signed a contract with the RDA to be shipped off to Pandora.
Save to say, the six years of light-year travel did take a toll on your body. It was often emphasized that dreams do not occur during cryo sleep. Yet, your case was the opposite. Over and over you saw visions of a lush, prehistoric forest that almost looked magical and foreign. Due to overpopulation and pollution, nature seized to exist altogether back on earth, so thinking of what this mythical Pandora may look like, sparked a fire in the pits of your stomach. You began to wonder if these dreams held any meaning to them... or if it was just your brain chemistry running haywire during the cryogenic sleep. The closer you got, the giddier you grew - excited and electrified at the idea of setting foot on one of the most precious planet known to man. Perhaps in the entire universe.
After your space shuttle finally docked at the RDA's space station, you were quickly briefed on your assignment by the announcers, guiding you to the nearest secretary. The secretary looked over her glasses and tossed you an illegible glare before sighing with a shake of her head, handing you your paperwork. "May God have mercy on you," she mumbled before calling for the next candidate. You took the papers hesitantly, brows furrowing in confusion before your eyes cast down on  on these said documents. Your eyes widened as your heart nearly sank. You were assigned to assist military Avatar personnel? You looked back up at the lady who was now grinning at you, a glint playing in her gaze. "Fresh meat for the grinder. It's a bit crass they decided to assign a small girl such as yourself to help these beasts," You slowly nodded, an awkward semi-smile forming on your lips, "I guess I like a challenge," you said, tone matching her sarcastic one. You have studied them for three years now, after all. You were prepared.
A few labcoats accompanied by a good portion of cleanroom suits were helping you find your way before passing you your exopack mask. It was the first time you'd ever seen one of those from up close. The concept of not being able to breathe the atmosphere was somewhat daunting. But it was something you had to get used to if you wanted to survive Pandora's 'Adapt or Die' rules. Wasting no time, you quickly strapped them on and secured the clasps, allowing the small piece of machinery to flood your nostrils with fresh oxygen. Impressed, you found it was much clearer and cleaner than that of Earth's... sadly enough.  You then remembered the comment from the secretary earlier on, echoing in your mind over and over again until it festered in the back of your subconscious. Anxiety began to take a hold of you, shaking your confidence ever so slightly.
Inhaling and exhaling deeply, you then issued a curt nod to your superiors who lastly gave you a clipboard, detailing all of your duties and rank among the Recom unit members. "Ready, greenhorn?" Dr. Vasquez piped up, drawing you from your trance. You blinked at him with a wide-eyed deer-caught-in-headlights look, lips parting, "Y-yeah." he chuckled in response to your nervousness before slapping a hand on your shoulder in confidence. "Don' worry, they may look very scary at first glance, but you will soon realize they are professionals just like us, alright?" You nodded, swallowing the lump down your throat before clamping the board beneath your armpit. "Alright then kiddo, let's rock'n'roll," he said with a smirk before punching in a security code to unlock the doors to the decompressors.
The air was filtered to fit the atmosphere of the recoms. Which was in turn, extremely toxic to humans. Unconscious in twenty seconds - dead in four minutes. The prospect didn't sound like very glamorous death. As the door opened, a hiss emitted from the pressure, giving way to the bright light of the sun peaking through the glass windows. Vasquez marched forward before beckoning you to join him. Upon entering, the energy of the room immediately shifted. It was almost palpable to the touch.
A good part of your confidence was chipped away once you laid your eyes on your future teammates. Breath nearly caught in your throat. To say they were tall was a big understatement. They were huge - as a matter of fact - larger than life! Nothing could've prepared you for this. Most of them stood at around ten feet and nearly scraped the ceilings if they hadn't been adjusted to meet their physiology. You continued to saunter forward, one tentative step at a time, eyes still glued to their physiques without so blinking an eye. Their bodies were even more strange, striking you with awe. Slender, graceful, svelte, yet powerful. The complexion was a deep cyan or darker powder blue, decorated in interesting patterns and luminescent dots, all accompanied by a long prehensile tail that idly swung from side to side, giving them a more animalistic edge. They were all broad-shouldered, even the women, as you scanned the room with all the blue-skinned individuals lurking about, their poise signifying a certain strength and fortitude that of a warrior. They could easily toss a person across the room and break every single bone in their body with one blow if they wished.
Eyes were striking like molten gold peering from the shadows, intensely following your every move. Their previous chatter immediately died down as their eyes glued to you and the other scientists. Vasquez took his position next to someone who seemed much more commanding and authoritive compared to the rest. He stood slightly taller and wore a khaki tanktop, exhibiting a set of toned, muscular arms placated on his hips. You caught a glimpse of his tattoo on his left arm. A black eagle. A remnant of his previous life? Or something to distinguish himself from the others, perhaps?
The way he walked with a certain swagger, taking a stance next to Vasquez, sharp yellow eyes peering into the hall, had you nearly choke on your own saliva. He was an intimidating man,  "As you all know, we are sent here to accomplish a mission that we couldn't last time. To hunt down and terminate the leader of the Na'vi insurgency, Jake Sully.  And in order to ensure our success, we have been assigned our personal medical officers who specialize in Na'vi physiology. They make sure none of us step out of line and patch us up during missions. Treat 'em with respect, ya hear? They are as much our responsbilities as we are theirs," his tone was a low, commanding drawl, hinting at his possible origin back from Earth. He also sounded a tad older than his bio stats suggested.
"Wait, we're going to have these science pukes tag along?" Someone groaned in the background.
Doctor Vasquez nudged you with his elbow before whispering something into your ear. So he was the colonel. Colonel Miles Quaritch. The leader of the first recombinant unit Deja Blu, the first Avatar squad produced by Project Phoenix. Vasquez then nodded and brought you and another male medical officer. Thankfully you weren't alone. And as you peeked into the crowd, practically feeling their eyes rake over your forms in a very scrutinizing manner, you wished there were more human scientists to accompany you. "Listen up Recoms," Vasquez announced, matching Quaritch's energy. Which you had noticed, was now glancing at you over his shoulder with a lazed stare. You quickly turned away, hating that all of their attention was on you now. Just great. "Those are your new medical officers," he gestured to both you and your counterpart, earning him a few whispers and hushed conversations between the Na'vi hybrids. The heavily tattooed individual grunted loudly, expressing a clear distaste at the fact.
You watched as the one with the camo cap began to chuckle before leaning over to the tattooed female with the mohawk, gossiping something into her ear. Your eyes narrowed at her, hoping to God they weren't talking shit about you. The male medic next to you semed quite nervous himself, almost glistening with a faint sheen of sweat whenever the light hit his complexion. Oh man... what a great start. "This here is Mr. Ryan," Vasquez said confidently and clamped a hand on his shoulder before pulling you to his side with a toothy grin, "And this is Miss (y/n). They're going to do a quick checkup on your vitals before we make land on Pandora. Their status reports will affect your mission. If you have any further questions regarding any of that, feel free to ask them. Good luck and have fun," he said before departing, giving you a two-finger salute before vanishing out the door.
For a moment, you wished he hadn't abandoned you so soon, but as you stood there, again with the hundred yard stare, you instantly began pulling out your clipboard, training your eyes on the papers rather than the giant soldiers around you. Quaritch cleared his throat before stepping forward, closing in on your proximity. The heat practically rolled off of him. Almost radioactive in a sense. "Right. Welcome to the crew," he said as a deep rumble of chuckles resonated within the hall. You flicked your attention back on them, seeing as their expressions turned from scrutiny to amusement. The one with the hat flicked his chin toward Ryan, "So you get to touch us all around?" Ryan nodded cautiously, "Yes, in a sense. We need to do some physical checkups to make sure your bodies haven't mutated or caught any diseases on the way here and-"
"So you're gonna be cupping my big blue balls, too?" he said, making an obscene gesture as the team burst out in synchronized laughter. Mr Ryan pursed his lips in frustration. You felt his pain, it was nearly palpable.
You were so not ready for this... "Shut your horny mouth, Ja!" one of the female recoms hollered, smacking him on the back of his head.
Judging by the 'joke', you came to the conclusion that they were full-blooded jarheads. You sighed before ticking something off your clipboard. "And what about her? Is she good with her small hands?" At this your eyebrows twitched before you began searching for the miscreant of this statement. Seeing as the one with the bandana had crooked a finger at you. "Man, she does look cute tho... tiny lil thing. What's good, mama?" their banter continued, slapping and fist bumping each other, having the time of their lives. What a fucking farce - you thought to yourself begrudgingly. The behavior reminded you of teenagers experiencing the surge of hormones for the first time. You couldn't believe Vasquez had vouched for their professionalism. Perhaps he was in on the joke as well. "Shut your pie holes. They're here to help, not entertain you, you fucking lowlifes. Treat'em with respect or I'll have your ass handed back to the infirmary, you get me?!" Quaritch's voice boomed, immediately silencing the lively chatter among his subordinates.
Looking over at the colonel, you saw his hardened, chiseled features directed toward you with an unreadable expression. His pointed ears were tucked back against his head as he issued you a small nod. You repaid him with the same respect and inclined your head in acknowledgment before moving on to your first patient. "Brown?" you said, louder than originally intended before you flicked your gaze around the room, searching for any response. "Steven Brown?" you repeated with a bit more clarity. The mohawk lady merely snorted with arms folded, watching you as you searched for your first victim. Suddenly a blue hand lifted, alerting you of your designated recom, seeing that he looked a little less grim and intimidating. Although equally large, he seemed a bit more approachable, in your eyes at least. With that being said, it wasn't exactly a joyride pushing and squeezing yourself through, as some of them actively made an effort of staying rooted to the spot, entertained at your slight struggle. You could have sworn hearing someone wolf whistle at you but you pushed those thoughts aside when you reached your destination.
He was slightly shorter than the rest, not that you could tell right away as he was seated on one of the benches slightly hunched over, his posture overly lax. Much like the others, he sported that classical short military haircut and fade. "Alright doc, whaddya got for me?" he drawled with a certain bite. You decided not to overanalyze everything, as you were already extremely nervous. You meanwhile scribbled down all of the data before setting the clipboard down, looking him in the eye. He remained there, sitting there in silence, monitoring you with a peculiar glint playing in his topaz irises. "Alright, Mr. Brown, could you please stretch out your right arm? I need to take some samples and check your haemogram if that is alright with you," you explained as you flashed him a polite smile while the convos in the background resumed.
Brown simply nodded and muttered a small 'sure thing' before complying with your wishes. Once he extended his appendage, you got a chance to examine it closely - realizing just how large and sinewy his arm was. The texture was interesting too, differing not much from human skin, save for the lack of arm hair. "Finding a vein shouldn't be a problem," you jest before pulling out a small device for blood sampling. It was not a syringe, but a highly advanced gadget that locked down on the skin cell before drawing a bit of blood. "Alright, just let me disinfect this real quick..." you continued before wiping the spot with a small disinfectant wipe, clearing it from any bacteria. The feeling of his skin was curious, smooth yet somehow rougher to the touch compared to human flesh. Pandora's rough climates had evolved them to become perfect survivors as even their skin was harder to penetrate.  Brown tilted his head to the side, ears swiveling curiously when you placed the blood-letting machinery against the crook of his arm. A small pinch broke through his flesh, extracting only a few tiny droplets. "There we go, that's about it-" Before you could continue, however, you caught Brown sending you a mischievous wink. "Didn't hurt at all, doc."
"Got what ya need, Miss (y/n) or... did I get that right?" you felt blood rush to your cheeks, heating your face altogether. They were trying to rile you up on purpose now... "(Y/N) right, but just call me by my first name. No need for being formal," hoping it would somewhat diffuse the awkward tension between you and the recoms. However, things did not go as planned when Brown's brows lifted for a short moment before his ears rotated in your direction, more attentive than before. "Well good to know, (y/n), looking forward to working with ya," your breathing became heavy to his deliberate teasing as he allowed himself to lean forward. You nearly jumped at his sudden intrusion "So (y/n), what does my blood test say?" just then the analysis was completed, giving you a clear stats report on his bloodwork.
"So far so good... bloodwork looks normal. Cholesterol is in the green and.... well..." His face faltered a bit, "What?" "be sure to consume fewer sugary drinks or sweets but other than that, you're fine. Wouldn't want you to be the first adipose soldier on Pandora," his features continued to crack "You calling me fat, doc?" he said before warming up to a smirk. You leaned away from him to avoid his sudden boldness. "Nah, just reminding you to be on your best behavior if you want to keep up with the rest, alright?" Brown scoffed with a shake of his head as you took your clipboard with you, writing down all of the info as well as checking a few boxes. "I'll get back to you later, just need to do the same with.... uh.. Wainfleet?" you asked, squinting your eyes to spot someone a bit taller and a tad bit more athletic looking. He lacked hair, like some of the others as he wiggled his fingers at you flirtatiously, a crooked smile plastered on his lips. "The one and only," you grunted in affirmation, feeling some of the dread returning before you headed over.
A sudden ticklish sensation and force tugged at the crook of your knee, having you to stumble and nearly fall flat on your face. Walker clicked her tongue with a roll of her eyes, "Come on Kevin, leave the poor girl alone already!" Quaritch's nostrils flared when he caught Brown fucking with you. A move of his tail that hooked around your leg in order to trip you. "You better secure that shit, Brown before I clip that thing off, capiche?" He growled, causing Brown to stiffen immediately. Eventually, he lowered his head and ears ".... yes sir... sorry,"
You managed to calm your thundering heart as you eyeballed Brown with a mix of irritation and embarrassment. What an asshole. Is that how it was going to be all the time? Good lord... how much you began to regret signing up for this particular unit. "Mr. Wainfleet?" you said softly, approaching the man cautiously as he eyed you up and down with that same grin on his face.
"Call me Lyle, sweetums. Only my mother calls me Mr. Wainfleet. So.... here to check the goods? Or maybe even get a feel?" Lyle chuckled before flexing his built physique, making you watch his biceps bulge and swell. The action made your throat dry out like the Sahara desert. Just what in the world have you gotten yourself into...
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melancholitas · 4 months
Reading the Law novel in these dire times was probably not one of my best ideas.
What I definitely know is, I'd go haywire if the novel would be animated. I would even take the tiniest snippets, beggars can't be choosers.
Or even in general the backstory of the Hearts...Their past has so much potential, even if Oda decides to come up with a different approach.
Yes, it's only semi-canon, but still, excuse me while I sob into my pillows for a moment.
As not to spoil the novel or recent story events, I'll continue under the cut.
First of all, Wolf.
I don't know how he does it, but Law seems to have a knack for mellowing old mens hearts atp. Their growing friendship was endearing. Especially them actually verbalizing they consider each other dear friends is something healing for both of them.
The junker basically adopting all 4 of them because Law just said "deal with it! (please, can we keep them?)"..... He really missed being a dad it seems. Training them, together with Law.. Especially after standing up against the abusive relatives Penguin and Shachi were hiding from.
Gifting them the submarine, even painting it for them, so they can carry a part of his own dream with them broke me a little. Especially since he didn't want them drowning in the little wooden boat they bought on their own. So of course he had to gift him the "super endurable, nearly uncuttable" vessel.
Yeah, that cut through me instead.
*massive side eye to you, there, Blackbeard*
Don't even get me started on the 4 youngsters. I adore them to pieces. To smithereens. So I'll probably process that in my current fic series wip as I can't shut up about them.
Getting to see Laws inner growth albeit never losing his anxiety was also a precious pov. He didn't lose himself, despite all. And I'm glad he had at least a tatse of normalcy for 3 years, warming his shattered, naive little heart.
I can absolutely not stand to watch this if this turns worst case.
So I'm all the more heartbroken about what will happen. The freedom he promised Cora-san to seek is so tightly knit to these events and the Hearts (thinking of his crew also part Cora's). If Law lost ALL of these dear connections and convictions in that single happening, it would absolutely obliterate him (and me).
Wolf would probably get a heart attack if he reads about his little gremlins in the coo.
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sonicasura · 3 months
A few ideas that came to mind for the Vessel!Knack concept. The characters most likely to get affected are those who possible bad endings, died or been in a situation which had separate their soul from the body. Now I'm going to do something a bit differently around Knack 2.
The second player or Blue Knack is a prototype vessel for the other soul in our hero's chest orb. Heavy emphasis on prototype as the moment it breaks then the other spirit returns to their previous containment and the destroyed body needs to be repaired. There are further changes than just this.
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Unlike in Knack 2, this temporary vessel will mimic physical traits of the soul when using relics to increase their side. Their Sunstone powered abilities also change to fit the respective fighting style. When combining with Knack like in the game's Co-Op, the appearance and abilities are much closer to an actual fusion.
There is one more detail I sorta forgot to mention. Should Knack be in a area heavily saturated in Relic or Sunstone Energy than the spirit within his chest becomes visible to everyone around him. This 'form' acts more like a phantom as their voice can be heard but they can't interact with the outside world.
Now with that outta the way, we can truly get started.
Jonathan Joestar
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Figured I start with a pick from an older fandom I'm in: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Couldn't resist the irony of an archaeology enthusiast awakening inside sentient ancient relics. Jonathan isn't fully aware about this new situation at the start.
His mind's really hazy during Chapter 1 of the first game. Jonathan barely get a few snippets from Knack's viewpoint so he's heavily confused about this new situation. Unlike the other picks, he becomes conscious much faster due his and our golem hero's powers being connected to sunlight.
Not exactly a good thing as frequent vision obscuring illusions(memories) throughout very hostile uncharted territory full of bottomless pits is an awful combination. Or that it makes your allies concerned about unknown glitches being left unnoticed until now. Doctor can't exactly reboot Knack.
The first swap between both souls occurs during the boss fight against the Goblin Chief. For those unaware, there is a unique martial arts in JJBA called Hamon. A breathing technique which allows one to channel sunlight like energy for various effects from healing to enhancing one's own weapons. Combine that with a golem who can channel sunlight into different forms of destructive attacks and you got a lethal force to be reckoned with.
Knack is essentially the perfect vessel for Jonathan to take his Hamon to unimaginable heights. The golem however was a bit rattled upon seeing the Goblin Chief's mech utterly destroyed in a blink of an eye(to him). A black out that continues to happen even more frequently.
Doctor and Lucas being the only ones to help piece together this strange new personality for Knack to understand. Though the story Jonathan tells is very bizarre to them with his evidence being the Hamon technique. A stone mask that turns those who wear it into an eldritch vampire and a evil foster sibling that uses said mask for world domination.
Now neither souls has seen their shared body so Jonathan is a bit suspicious about everything that has happened so far. (He thinks he is in a trap made by Dio.) At least until the golem gets tossed into the ravine and sees the spirit. Jonathan's phantom like form visibly apart from Knack's own destroys the remaining doubt.
It takes until final boss of the first game for both to become in sync. Jonathan still has difficulty trying to adjust to this new reality. You have to remember that his psychotic vampiric foster brother is loose in his world and completely unaware of what he's up to.
Knack does try to ease Jonathan's worry, usually letting the man take control so he could take a walk or blow some steam. The Joestar is quite happy once the Doctor creates his vessel as he won't lie that being cooped up without a body tends to suck. He does miss his old one but makes it work in the end.
At least Jonathan can officially try to become an archaeologist! He can't exactly stay far away from Knack but studying relics goes hand in hand with his work. A win-win situation although Jonathan might have a few bumps in the road.
Those being Knack 2 but also a destined encounter involving his past and the bloodline he left behind...
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I figured the next pick would be a character who I haven't experimented with that much. Plus someone needs to kick this devil's ass into gear at some point. Why not shove the Dark Knight's soul inside a the core of a little size shifting golem.
It takes longer for Sparda to gain consciousness since devil spirits take a bit longer to fully connect to a non human vessel. This has led to his power seeping out on occasion. Knack often finds his attacks or abilities more destructive than normal. Only warning anyone has is the chest orb's crystal flashing violet.
First swap happens at the very start of Chapter 4 once Knack connects with the giant relic in Viktor's mansion. Sparda is super confused and concerned about this new situation. He is unaware of what to his wife nor kids.
This body has another spirit inhabiting it whose already on their own respective mission. Sparda helps the group nonetheless as it may lead to more answers. Knack's a bit conflicted about him considering most of the memories he seen from the devil are quite gruesome. (Devil May Cry games in general very violent plus it took some time before Sparda decided to fight for humanity.)
It took quite awhile for Knack to become accustomed to the more brutal memories but does decide to trust Sparda in the end. He feels less instinctively isolated with the devil around from how different they are to others. A feeling that allows them to fully become in sync around Chapter 10.
Once the temporary vessel is made, Sparda's routine sums to wandering, reading or training. It is the only thing to keep him from overthinking about the family he left behind by his death. Knack does try to help Sparda with his worries even if the most the golem can do is reassurance.
The devil does drag Knack into some of his work routines which includes swordsmanship. He figured it would do some good that the young hero expands his skill set as he really doesn't have a fighting technique at all. Sparda stills retain some of his magic and often contemplates about making new Devil Arms from it.
He often tests the Doctor's new inventions mainly out of curiosity. A great way to spend some time but also experiment with the possibilities. Sparda wonders if he can incorporate Sunstones into magic or creating Devil Arms.
A thought that might decide whether the two will be ready for their new adventure. Or when the time comes for Sparda's past comes to show itself. Guess it's time to pull that Devil Trigger.
Tangeth Toborn
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I decided the final example should come from a series that has faded into the background for a decade, Chaotic. The heroic lion-like Overworlder who gave up his life to save the world of Perrim: Tangeth Toborn. Lore wise, he came from a place called the Spiritlands and could only exist outside the realm through his weapon, the Sword of Kh'yat.
A blade later broken to summon him when a dangerous threat from said land came to attack Perrim. Taking this tidbit into consideration, he's the second fastest to gain consciousness as his spirit still had issues adjusting to Knack's chest orb. It did speed up the bombardment of visions between Tangeth and his new host.
Knack had to take a short break multiple times as the memories were so vivid to the point he gotten minor dysphoria. Lingering taste of foreign food, the stickiness on matted bloody fur, and hot flames that burn his flesh. Tangeth wasn't having fun either as it became apparent he's in the human world. Or at least some variation of it. (First Creature on Earth!)
First switch during the boss against the Goblin Chief like in the Jonathan scenario. Tangeth uses fire and earth elemental attacks which took some time to learn how to use again since Knack wields solar based energy. He also wanted to know the entire situation before he willingly decides to help the Doctor and Lucas.
Tangeth truly begins to open up during his shared time with Knack down in the ravine. Chaotic Players(humans) have often caused chaos for his tribe to the point that some were willing to destroy precious locations for personal gain. Knack is the only person who's able to get Tangeth to at least give this new world a chance.
Both fully synchronize with each other halfway through the last chapter of the first game. Tangeth adjusts very quickly to the prototype vessel the Doctor creates much faster than expected. He does have experience with soul binding artifacts after all.
Tangeth usually spends his time reading, exploring or training. He has some difficulty trying to adjust in a world with way fewer conflicts between its nations unlike back in Perrim. Tangeth later asks the Doctor to make him a new sword, one powered by Sunstone he calls Kiru. He swore a new oath on the blade that he protect this world from danger.
Tangeth has a tendency to drag Knack into his training sessions as he also believes the golem should learn some actual fighting styles. Why waste such potential with just simple punches and kicks? Yes, Knack ate dirt a few times cause Tangeth was a general for an army before his death so no holding back.
It definitely helps when the next adventure proves itself to be much harder than the last. Or the possibility of a certain dream episode could potentially come true in this reality. No worse way to test loyalties.
At least that's how I see all these particular scenarios.
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tobiasdrake · 1 month
Loving your breakdowns of the DBZ casts' fighting styles! While you mentioned Gohan already I'm honestly excited to see you explore Piccolo's traits as a fighter. There's a huge shift after he's reborn where he goes from hating and fearing martial arts to learning them to better defend himself from tricky moves like the mafūba, but between his unique physiology and sharp mind there's a lot to think about when it comes to our second favorite Namekian (obviously Dende is number 1. Little Green for life!).
Piccolo is the go-to Ideas man. He's often considered the "strategist" of the Dragon Ball cast, and that title is not without merit. His greatest asset is his intelligence. Though he can be prone to some boneheaded decisions and unbelievable oversights when he gets in his own head. Piccolo aptly demonstrates why every talented strategist needs talented field operatives too; He's better at making plans than executing them.
Piccolo shows up to every fight with a plan. In a sense, he's Goku's polar opposite. Goku is an adaptational genius; An ever-evolving counter-fighter who reads his opponent's moves and then tailors his approach to them. Piccolo is a schemer. He excels in the space between fights - but his ideas rarely survive contact with the enemy.
That's not his fault, mind you. It's just how it goes in a fight. Even when you can control for every other variable, you can't control for the other guy.
We first see Piccolo's knack for innovation at the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai. The main thing hanging over his head has been the risk of being imprisoned via the Mafuba/Evil Containment Wave again. In his past life, he had a bit of an unconventional solution to that.
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Awful plan, Piccolo. Just. Just awful. Scared of being pursued by martial artists, Piccolo decided to pick a fight with every martial artist on the planet before he'd even gathered the Dragon Balls and rejuvenated himself.
This awful plan revealed him before he was ready and nearly resulted in the very thing he was so afraid of.
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There but for a stroke of luck, Piccolo's revenge would have been over and done right there. Aggroing every single martial artist on the planet simultaneously was a bad plan. D-
When he shows up to the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai, however, Piccolo has had three years to devise a far better counter for the threat of the Mafuba.
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Piccolo's Mafuba Gaeshi or Evil Containment Wave Reflect nullifies any risk of ever being sealed this way again. Instead it imprisons his would-be captor in the vessel that had been prepared for him.
This is the kind of shit Piccolo comes up with when he's given time to plan. His fight with Goku gives us this shit. Piccolo has a new technique!
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No idea how he taught himself to do that, but it's not half as weird as some of the shit Tenshinhan can pull so I'll allow it. Giant Form Piccolo is the first of many brilliant ideas Piccolo's had that will ultimately be thwarted once fists begin flying.
Because Piccolo excels in the space between fights, but Goku excels in the fight itself. Piccolo's brilliant new technique merely provides Goku with something new to adapt to and overcome.
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This isn't the only cunning technique Piccolo brings to the table that Goku thwarts either. His shiny new homing ki blast suffers a similar fate.
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Look at that smug grin. Goku was made for this.
When the chips are down, Goku plays him like a sucker. Because that's precisely what Goku does. In a sense, GokPu and Piccolo are perfectly suited to hard-counter each other's styles. Goku's exceptional adaptation and counter-fighting makes it difficult for Piccolo to plan against him. Whatever Piccolo comes up with, Goku will adapt to it.
But Goku's biggest weakness is his exceptional gullibility. Goku's a born sucker. He's too good-natured, innocent, and honest for his own good. While Piccolo?
Piccolo is really good at sucker punches.
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Piccolo is really, really good at sucker punches.
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Piccolo is sort of a Final Exam Boss for the martial arts crew. He combines Yamcha's aggression, Krillin's underhandedness, and Ten's weirdness into a bizarre, ruthlessly innovative assault.
As the years pass, we see him continuing to innovate and scheme. By the time Raditz arrives, Piccolo has a new new technique!
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A drilling ki blast designed to concentrate immeasurable power and then penetrate through a target. Made for the express purpose of punching far above his weight class.
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Uh. If he can land it. Once again, Piccolo's plan fractures upon contact with the enemy. But that's okay because this time he has Goku on his side. And, as noted, while Piccolo excels in the planning stages, Goku excels at execution.
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There ya go, Piccolo, I fixed it for ya!
Piccolo's next big scheme is, of course, Gohan.
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Once more, for all the work Piccolo puts into preparing Gohan to fight the Saiyans, things don't work out so well when the time comes to put his plan into action.
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Despite all the effort he put into preparing Gohan physically, when push comes to shove he isn't able to coax a fighting spirit out of Gohan once they get into the field. His plan shatters on impact with Nappa.
Trying to grab Nappa's tail goes about as poorly.
And yet he is vindicated for it all the same, when the Gohan he forged becomes the key to defeating Vegeta. Once again, Piccolo's innovation is the key to victory, but he needs Goku in the field to carry the ball for him.
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The Android arc brings Piccolo his greatest innovation yet, and one of my all-time favorite techniques. Goku's Warp Kamehameha is my #1 but this is fucking cool.
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Piccolo has a NEW new new technique! I love this move. Turning the sky into an inescapable minefield to corner an opponent and then converging it all at once. Called Hellzone Grenade in English which is frankly a fantastic name for it.
And yet. Once again.
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Yeah, apparently 17 has an impenetrable force field. That's just cheating. I mentioned before that Piccolo's schemes never survive contact with the enemy, but the Android arc is where it gets completely unfair.
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Against 19 and 20, he tries to set up one of his patented KO-fakeout sucker punches only for Vegeta to show up and steal his thunder.
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Every time. This poor man isn't allowed to pull off a scheme. This isn't even about his dynamic with Goku anymore; Piccolo's getting robbed by the plot.
But that is where Piccolo's career largely ends. However, much like Krillin, Piccolo's particular traits give him staying power after he's fallen behind as a fighter. Piccolo's talents have always lied in sharpening weapons moreso than in using them, so the Buu arc sees him pivot to doing exactly that: honing Goten and Trunks into a sharpened blade to unleash on Majin Buu.
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Which goes about as well as every other blade he's sharpened.
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Man, Piccolo is not allowed to win at anything.
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melit0n · 5 months
The line "I want to choke up chunks of my own sins" from Blood Sport is such a violently graphic line that has no right to be so.
First off, sin is biblical (obviously), and this line paints the picture of how and where is resides; deep down in someone's being that, if to be forgiven, they have to run the risk of choking on it all if only to reach sanctity. Afterall, It's not 'spit out' or even 'throw up' sins (I know, in retrospect, neither sound particularly good lyrically but just roll with me here), it's choke up.
Plus, the line reminds me a bit of Vore; being stuck in the throat of a God, wondering if the pain will stop if they go deeper. Although Vore comes way after Blood Sport, it puts us in the perspective that Vessel himself is sin, or, at least, views himself as so, stuck in the throat of a two faced God.
And then the following lines (ouch); "Even if the sky cracks in the morning, and the heavens just won't open up for me."
In Calcutta, we're met with the idea that The Night becomes sacred holy time for Vessel during his relationship with Sleep. Therefore, in multiple songs, the morning is treated, at first, with joy and happiness, but then it's greeted almost as an enemy. Something to avoid.
Then, in Euclid, we have the line "and if your wings won't find you Heaven, I'll bring it down like an Ancient Bygone." He's already said that the Heavens won't open up for him anymore, so, he gives whoever he's talking to in Blood Sport his place. He brings down Heaven for them even though he knows neither of them deserve it.
This is then followed by Vessel asking questions he will never be given an answer to, and wallows in what he already knows; loving them is a blood sport, and his sin will stay stuck in his throat until he leaves and realises he has to change.
And don't even get me started on how Vessel sounds in that entire song.
(if anybody wants to send me lyrics for me to have a knack at, go ahead in the reblogs or through an ask! I've been wanting to do little analysis bits like this more :D)
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klapollo · 2 months
in retrospect macklemore had a knack for making incredibly ridiculous songs with the most dopey lines and while he was no beastie boy all these guys who have tried to be him since just havent had it. yung gravy means nothing to me. lil dicky. jack harlow. empty vessels. they wear silliness like a costume, constantly signaling "hey look how silly i am, look how nonthreatening and fun." macklemore was sincere about whatever the fuck he is to the point of frequently embarrassing himself without meaning to and also he said shit like "when i was in the third grade i thought that i was gay cause i could draw" stonefaced serious and shit like "theres layers to this shit player tiramisu" for a laff. im not saying that makes his music GOOD but i think it at least makes it something interesting whereas i do not give a fuck about the other wannabes
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sadgirlbadpoems · 2 months
Some thoughts on the Winchester brothers.
The alignment of Sam with Hell and Dean with Heaven happens well before we learn that they are the true vessels.
Sam refers to seeing himself as unclean or tainted due to Azazel's (yellow eyes). As though by ingesting the blood of a demon he fell from personhood so something othered and twisted.
Dean is Sam's savior, he pulled Sam from the flames as a child and raised him in their father's absence. Dean sees himself (and Sam) as righteous and good as they save people and fight evil.
As Sam uses his abilities both he and Dean fear that he is straying from this righteous path, even when the visions are beyond his control. When Sam discovers that Azazel wants him to lead the armies of Hell we see this cemented in his character, from birth he was watched over by Hell's forces to become a weapon.
Dean acts as a counter balance even before the boys discover the existence of angels where Sam seems to have a knack for falling in love or in lust with monsters, Dean's interests lie in humanity (until the angels enter the chat (Anna/Cass)
When Sam starts drinking demon blood he unwittingly offers himself to Hell in a way, allowing the lifeblood of the damned to enter him of his own free will.
When Sam made the decision to leave John and Dean not once, not twice but three times he was mirroring Lucifer leaving the Kingdom of his father, feeling undervalued and slighted by the favor of his father being given to another.
Alternatively when Dean stayed he was the faithful soldier modeled after the heavenly host. Unwaveringly faithful to the father that had forsaken and banished his brother.
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iamnot-crazy · 3 months
Pages of Promise, We'll meet again
Chapter 1
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Summary: You have always itched for adventure and when an interesting vessel appears you take your chance and jump aboard. Now the Straw hat pirates present an offer you can't refuse but before you take them up on it you first need to speak to your grumpy captain.
Trafalgar Law x reader
Law's initial assumption was that your boundless energy and lack of boundaries would be a constant annoyance, but since you have been aboard he learned how wrong his assumption was. Yes, you were a handful with your knack for finding trouble, and extricating you often became Law's personal headache. But he'd come to appreciate that side of you too. When you weren't excitedly soaking up new information or peppering the crew with questions for your ever-growing log, you were a surprisingly calm person.
For a good part of each day, you'd disappear, engrossed in recording the Heart Pirates' adventures. Your passion seeped through the pages of your beautifully illustrated log, showcasing your love and thoughtfulness for the crew.
It wasn't until he saw you gazing at the Straw Hat captain with the same unwavering determination you'd had when you first boarded the Polar Tang that Law realized what he'd taken for granted.
The Straw Hats each have their own fascinating stories and ambitious dreams and you listen in awe. You scribbled furiously in your smaller travel notebook, capturing their every word so you could later transfer it to your larger masterpiece. Your pen barely kept pace with the torrent of tales they poured out.
Law's frown deepened as your eyes glowed with a familiar spark. Sure he didn't want you on his crew at first but he'd grown attached to you, and so had the rest of the crew. From your cheerful good mornings, while whipping up breakfast to your one-on-one sessions with each crew member to write their stories, you have become an indispensable part of their lives.
But what Law appreciated most was your silent companionship. He'd often find you tucked away in a quiet corner, diligently writing and sketching while he read a medical book, the rhythmic sounds of the waves serving as a lullaby.
His heart tightened when the Straw Hat captain finally reached his boiling point. He bounded over to you, his declaration echoing across the decks, "Y/N! We go on crazy adventures every day and someday I'll be King of the Pirates! If you want to write about a legendary crew, you should join ours!"
Law's gaze darted between you and the captain, his knuckles turning white as he gripped his sword hilt.
Luffy grabbed your shoulders in a playful chokehold. "Every legend needs a chronicler! What do you say, Torao?! Can Y/N join my crew?!"
All eyes turned to Law, the air thick with anticipation. The smile that had bloomed on your face faltered. You'd been so caught up in the Straw Hats' infectious energy that you'd completely forgotten about your crew.
His jaw clenched, and his grip on his sword tightened further. "I don't control them,"
Luffy jumped up in excitement grabbing onto your shoulders and cheering for his new crew members. The others also joined in celebration making you feel welcomed and warm compared to Law's cold glare. You pulled yourself out of the straw hat's grip and bowed your head, guilt gnawing at you. "I'm so sorry, Straw Hat-ya, but… would you allow me some time to think about this?"
Luffy's infectious grin faltered slightly, but he nodded. "Yeah, but don't keep me waiting too long!" He quickly bounced back to his usual cheer, rejoining the festivities.
You felt a pang of longing as you turned away from the vibrant scene, seeking solace with your captain. Sitting awkwardly next to him, you struggled to find the words. Law finally sighed, the tension slowly draining from his shoulders. "You should join them," he muttered, surprising you.
Your head snapped up, eyes wide. "But what about the Heart Pirates?"
Law pulled off his hat and ran a hand through his hair, his gaze fixed on the horizon. "I already reached my goal. Doflamingo was defeated. I don't know what the world has in store for us next, but I do know whatever the Straw Hats' will be doing, it will be far more interesting. Your dream is to write about the new era, and I played my part. The Straw Hat captain… he isn't done."
You were frozen, your mind racing. "But Captain…"
Law stood up, cutting you off. "Just go join them." He turned away, his voice thick with emotion. He stormed away to the Polar Tang slamming the hatch shut behind him.
Just as Law disappeared in the tang a whistle pierced the air. Turning, you saw Shachi, Penguin, and Bepo approaching, their faces etched with concern.
"He seems mad," Shachi commented, plopping down on a nearby crate.
"You aren't really going to join the Straw Hats, are you?" Bepo asked, his voice trembling.
You shook your head placing it in your hand "I don't know."
Penguin shrugged. "Maybe you should join them. You're almost finished with your book on us, and the Straw Hats are going to need someone like you to tell their stories."
Bepo scowled. "But she's a part of our crew!"
Penguin sighed. "Look, Bepo, she has a dream too. Documenting the new era, the Straw Hats are definitely going to be leaders in that. It doesn't mean she doesn't care about us."
"But what about our Captain? Or do you not think he can become King of the Pirates?" Shachi interjected, glaring at Penguin.
Penguin flinched. "No, it's just… you saw them. Besides, Captain said it himself."
"But Y/N joined our crew first, doesn't that count for something?" Bepo whined.
"I just mean Y/N has served her purpose with our crew joining the straw hats would be the best for her." Penguin countered, his voice firm.
The conversation devolved into a heated debate, leaving you feeling even more overwhelmed. You excused yourself and retreated to your favorite porthole, the one offering the best view of the open sea. As you approached you found another figure leaning against your window staring off at the sea.
You smirked slowing your approach and dancing toward your grumpy captain "Anything interesting out there?" You sang leaning into his view.
Law jumped at your appearance but relaxed when he realized it was you and leaned his back onto the wall. "Nothing new." He sighed rubbing the back of his neck, "I'm sorry for being brash earlier."
You crossed your arms and smirked playfully, "You were?"
He chuckled softly, shaking his head. "But I was being sincere earlier. I think you should join the Straw Hats. But…"
"But?" you urged, your heart pounding.
He looked away, his voice quieter. "But we'll miss you."
A warm smile spread across your face. "Awe, did I finally grow on you, grumpy Captain?"
He scoffed playfully turning to his side and looking back out the porthole, "You did a while ago." He admitted.
His comment took you off guard, "What is that supposed to mean?"
Law sighed, "You might have been a little much at first but I have grown to enjoy your presence and passion."
You tilted your head, studying him curiously. "Enjoy?" Your tone was laced with surprise, "The entire time I have been aboard you have been so pouty."
He scoffed, "I have not been pouty." You gave him a knowing look causing him to roll his eyes, "Fine I might have been a little pouty but that's just because I didn't know how to feel about you."
"Feel about me? Captain, do you like me?" You playfully teased.
Law's cheeks turned a faint pink. "Forget I said anything!" He pushed himself away from the wall and started to walk off.
"Wait!" you called out, reaching out to grab his arm. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to tease. Please."
He turned back, his gaze meeting yours. His eyes softened, and for a fleeting moment, you saw a vulnerability you hadn't noticed before.
"Y/N," he began, his voice low and husky. "When you first boarded the ship, you were full of this chaotic energy, but there was another side to you that I learned to appreciate. You care so much about the crew and documenting every adventure." He reached the wall again and sat down, "The first time I saw you here, drawing and writing your stories…"
"Our stories," You interrupted with a chuckle, joining him on the wall.
Law smiled faintly. "Yes, our stories. I didn't think you had it in you to be so focused. It was… nice to hear your pen scratching against your sketchbook as I read my medical books. I think that's when I started having conflicting feelings for you."
You felt a blush creep up your neck. You hadn't expected such a confession. "Why didn't you say anything sooner?"
Law shrugged, a hint of frustration in his voice. "It's not like I could act on it. I'm your captain and there was so much that needed to be done. And if you don't feel the same it would backfire more on me."
Hesitantly, you admitted, "I would be lying if I said I didn't feel the same way. I never imagined you could feel the same." You pause looking softly at him, "So what now?"
Law sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Now you join the Straw Hats and complete your dream. Then, hopefully, one day our paths will cross again."
The thought of leaving Law and the Heart Pirates ached, but you understood his reasoning. "But what if I don't want to join the Straw Hats?"
Law raised an eyebrow, surprised. "I saw how you were looking at them, how you blended in with them."
You bit your lip. "They're constantly getting into trouble, and I don't think I'm strong enough for that."
"They'll protect you," Law reassured you.
"Just like you have?" you asked.
"No." Law averted his gaze, a wry smile playing on his lips. "With me, it was different. I pulled you out of trouble. With them, it'll be different. They'll pull you into trouble, they'll challenge you, push you to your limits, but they'll also have your back."
"But I like things the way they are here. With you," you confessed, a pout forming on your lips.
Law grabbed your chin pulling you to look at him before he pulled you into a kiss. You were taken by surprise at first but his soft lip calmed your nerves as he deepened the kiss.
When he pulled away, his eyes held a mixture of sadness and determination. "Y/N," he said in a voice rough with emotion, "go chase your dream, and when you do, we'll meet again."
He stood up abruptly and disappeared down the hall, leaving you staring after him in a daze.
Taking a deep breath, you knew what you had to do. You grabbed your bag and made your way to the library. There, in the quiet solitude, you began writing the final chapter of your time with the Heart Pirates.
With a heavy heart but a burning determination, you finished the entry, pouring your love and gratitude for your experience onto the pages. Closing the book, you turned to the empty one – the one that would chronicle the adventures of the Straw Hat Pirates. You place the new empty book into your bag leaving the completed version of the Heart Pirates book on the table for everyone on the crew to read.
With your bag full and a new empty book, you walked out of the polar tang. Outside the party, the two ships have started to die down and many lay asleep on the ground. Your eyes darted across the dock for your captain but he was nowhere in sight, before you could turn around in search of him you felt a rubbery hand wrap around your waist.
"Y/N! I see your bags are packed! Did you make a decision?" A bubby captain pulled you off the deck of the Tang and onto the deck of the Sunny.
Your feet wobble as you try to brace your new bearings. You scratch your head, "Yeah I think I did but I was hoping I could say goodbye to Law first."
"No need." Robin appeared at your side, holding a folded piece of paper. "He stopped by earlier and left you a note."
You took the paper, your heart pounding. Written on the paper in handwriting that could only be written by a doctor said, "We'll meet again."
"Hey, we should probably get going soon if we want to make it to the next island by tomorrow!" Nami shouted from above you cutting off your thoughts.
"Alright then, let's set sail!" Luffy declared, his voice brimming with infectious energy.
And with that, the Sunny pulled away from the dock and the Heart Pirates, charting a course towards a new adventure. You stood at the railing, the wind whipping through your hair, your notebook clutched tightly in your hands. The future stretched before you, an open book waiting to be filled with the stories of the Straw Hat Pirates, and perhaps, someday, a reunion with a certain grumpy doctor. A smile bloomed on your face – the adventure had just begun.
A/N: Wanna read more of my work check out my MasterList
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whirligig-girl · 9 months
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Star Patrol rocket Piccard-5 encounters an artifact of the incredibly powerful White Marble Civilization. circa 2169, colorized & shipgirlified.
Commission for @foxgirlchorix, based on a render by Holly for @torchship-rpg
This is some of my best rendering work ever! These commissions do have a knack for putting me out of my comfort zone enough to continue developing my technical skills and style.
Image ID: Digital art of two ship girls in a black and blue nebula background. One girl is a very large solid white marble statue with a naked feminine form, pitted and cratered with meteoric impacts, drifting belly-down though space. Instead of a face, her head has a large hole which glows yellow-orange, with a white marble sphere held in space outside of it. A green tractor beam is being emitted towards the second girl, a Torchship named Piccard-5. She is a silver girl with her body resembling a star patrol jumpsuit. Warp drive rings circle her waist like a hula hoop. She is wearing a spherical ball helmet. She is wearing white rocket boots. She has glowing red-orange radiator panels as wings on her back. The white marble sphere's tractor beam is slowly disassembling her into individual hull sections, disconnecting her radiator wings, removing her boots to reveal the rocket propellant inside her legs, and taking her body apart. Piccard-5 is reacting with a worried or confused expression. End Image ID.
Artist's notes and concept sketches in the read more:
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When this render was posted Levana immediately had the idea to make it one of a series she was planning on commissioning me for, of shipgirls based on Torchship's Star Patrol (and alien) rockets. So we quickly brainstormed how it would go down and what she could afford price-wise.
When I do big commissions with new characters where I'm creating the design without an existing OC reference, I charge extra for character design. That doesn't just go to waste! Here's the concept art page:
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The White Marble shipgirl is inspired by the Eerie and Enigmatic Empty Vessels by @murmurlilies, which Levana really likes--if you look at her blog you might see one of those posts reblogged multiple times. I wanted to pay homage to the eerie and enigmatic empty vessels without directly ripping them off! The first sketch on the upper left is imagining the girl poses by breaking her arms into segments and moving them around, but that never looked quite right to me. The second is basically just a direct study of the empty vessels (with a ball head). The third is after a little more refinement--I liked the cute hair on the empty vessels so I wanted to keep the head mostly intact, and I found a way of keeping the silhouette of the jagged angular hips on the empty vessels but in a very different way! Meteoric impact damage, just like on the original Torchship render. I also used an edited version of one of the Empty Vessels drawings for the thumbnail sketch in the lower right out of laziness.
There's also a sketch of what Piccard-5 looks like when she's not being disassembled. Piccard-5 has a rounded main hull, so it looks much more like a regular space suit helmet than the frustum-shaped helmet on the Newton-2 shipgirl I sketched a while back. The Newton-2 shipgirl had heat radiators as wing shapes on her boots, but making them actual wings on her back makes the disassembly image all the more unsettling.
I changed the hairstyle on the white marble girl when I drew the main drawing because I wanted to evoke like, greco-roman marble statues, and so a curlier/braided look worked better than the cute pixie cut of the empty vessels. I'm really happy with how the final product looks. I knew I wasn't gonna be able to half-ass it with the rendering, you know, just a little shading along the edge; this required a lot of careful thought and it was a lot of fun to do! Especially where the craters interact with the terminator (line between light and dark), just like on the Moon, which I have a lot of experience sketching (see below--the following sketches were made while looking through telescopes at the Moon at night)
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Here's a WIP of just the line-art:
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and with the basic shading done on the marblegirl
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I started with like, a cel-shaded look (?), and then went in and softened the edges, then went over it again to fix the craters. I also added the marble texture to the unshaded base layer.
For the Piccard-5 girl, I spent a lot of time trying to get the pose right. I wanted it to be a little stiff, she's in a suspension beam after all, but not too stiff? And I had to decide like, what pieces should be detached, and where should they be going. In the render, hull pieces are often displaced towards the side, but when doing that to a humanoid, it ruined the pose too much, so i avoided doing too much weird stuff to the torso and kept the disassembled pieces largely to one axis. The cross sections are hollow because they're ship decks. She's a spaceship, not a robot girl. The warp ring was suspiciously untouched by the dissassembly beam in the original render, but i had the marble girl pull a few pieces off of it in my drawing.
Probably the one thing that isn't based on something happening in the render is the belt. Like, rockets don't have belts, cosmonauts do! So that was a fun little touch.
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good-beanswrites · 8 months
Revamped my fantasy Milgram au a bit!
Haruka: Son of nobility, human. His parents were too busy with their own business and self-image to care for him. Haruka’s little sister is the darling of the household/town, and he grows more strung tight and jealous as she gets so much attention all the time. The family used to have hunting dogs and a beautiful decorative fish pond on the grounds, but the animals have gone missing (along with the Duchess’ prized necklace). They live right on the shore, and looking out on the water, Haruka is often confronted with the thought of drowning.
Yuno: Vampire who lives lavishly in isolation. She’s very active in the nearby cities, though, enjoying everything and everyone the kingdom has to offer. She’s cold to the touch, and reveals an equally cold attitude when she’s not using her powers to charm and flirt. Her perpetually young appearance makes it difficult to convince others to treat her with the maturity she desires.
Fuuta: Human who joins a band of local knights. The group hasn’t sworn loyalty to a single lord, believing their own sense of justice will prevail. While he can’t use magic himself, Fuuta stumbled onto a fire sword and believes he’s been chosen as its owner. He believes he can wield it with ease, even though he hasn’t quite seen its full capabilities yet... The group catches word of a witch in a nearby village and charges in. And yes, he’s addicted to his sending stone.
Muu: A beautiful elven princess from a foreign country. She travels overseas to this kingdom, staying on the shore near Haruka’s family. (She’s much higher ranked, but takes an interest in him.) She had hoped to gain more knowledge of the world, as she’s next in line for the throne, but her treatment at the new school isn’t what she expected. There’s nature magic in her bloodline. She hasn’t mastered the animal/insect tendencies and transformations that arise in moments of strong emotion.
Shidou: A mysterious healer who’s known for his helpful magic and beautiful garden of medicinal plants. No one suspects he dabbles in a tiny bit of dark magic/necromancy on the side, which is what actually made him as successful as he’s been. No one notices when his carefully-tended garden starts to wilt, and townspeople go missing. However, the death of his family marks an obvious change in him. Having made one sacrifice too many, the cost of the magic really starts to affect him.
Mahiru: A faerie from the woods near a major city. She’s heard all about society, becoming captivated by stories of true love and fairy tale romance. She leaves her forest for the first time to try and live with them. Her knack with nature allows her to pick up a florist job easily, but there are plenty of things she still doesn’t quite understand – things about the people’s culture and boundaries that she misses in her focus on love. She claims to never use any charm or control over humans, though people wonder why that man followed her back into the dangerous forest alone…
Kazui: Bard with dragon blood who travels the kingdom with his wife to perform. They’ve made a livelihood of their signature act, one of picture-perfect lovers, so he knows he can never tell her that it really is just an act to him. His dragon traits make him big, strong, and masculine – all the more reason for him to hide parts of himself that aren’t typically associated with that.
Amane: Aspiring priestess who has never left the temple she grew up in. She's the chosen vessel being trained to channel/communicate with her deity. She feels immense pressure from the monks and priests around her, as they insist she be perfect in all ways or risk punishment. She claims she was successful in channeling her god, some say she was possessed by a demon instead, and others suspect there was no possession at all –, but either way, an incident occurs one rainy day inside the church.
Mikoto: A witch who has a normal job in a normal part of the city, bookkeeping and such. For fun, he also advertises his clairvoyance and spirit medium talents. When strange happenings begin in his house (things not where he left them, blacking out, concerning bloodstains), he assumes he’s just being haunted by the ghosts he reaches out to. No matter how careful he is, he can’t seem to shake it. Meanwhile, his alter(s) stay quiet, but are always ready to leap in and protect him when the need arises.
Kotoko: An ex-knight druid. She left her lord after witnessing corruption in their ranks. She calls herself an assassin, and though she’s not associated with any kind of guild or group she desperately wishes to be. She can’t find any that meet her standards, yet. She's in tune with animals, speaking with wolves and other beasts to rally them to her cause. There’s a nice aesthetic contrast between her animal wildness/raw power compared to the civilized justice systems she left behind.
(If sticking to the plot,) all ten wake up one day in the mysterious Milgram Fortress, with a cell in the dungeons for each of them. There’s powerful magic throughout the whole place, but even the more magic-inclined prisoners can’t tell its source. As well as Jackalope (who is exactly the same and probably speaks with modern slang/references still), the prisoners meet the warden Es. They are an incorporeal spirit whose voice doesn’t always seem their own. As time goes on, however, they seem to be getting more and more tangible. Es casts some kind of truth/sleeping spell after the interrogations that allows them to peek into a segment of the prisoner’s musical dreams.
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