#victor likes his vibes <3
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Propaganda why Tony Stark is insufferable:
>Makes weapons
>Made multiple AI Surveillance Robots
>Gaslight a child into fighting a super soldier in a foreign country for him
>His fans are annoying
Portrayed as a hero because? He chose to no longer mass produce war weapons and bombs after suffering the consequences. Huge hypocrite. Doesn't care about anyone but himself. Will backstab people if they believe in human rights when it's inconvenient to him. Seen as a hero while he's the personification of privileged people saying they're not privileged
There’s the usual “he’s a war criminal who only felt bad about it when he realized his weapons were killing white Americans as well as Arab people” reason, and also he’s just super annoying. You had to be there for the original Avengers shitty dialogue a la “we have a Hulk” that had Tumblr in a vicious chokehold. Also he was supposed to FINALLY go away after destroying all his suits in Iron Man 3 but he just… didn’t! Which is bullshit.
Tony is so annoying. When they first meet he straight up bullies Peter into fighting for his personal bullshit, insults and objectifies Aunt May in front of him, spits into his trashcan and is in general being pushy af. He blackmails Peter when he doesn’t wanna come to Germany with him AND HE DOESNT EVEN EXPLAIN WHY HE WANTS HIM TO COME. Uncomfortable vibes lol.
Tony being the one to tell peter “if Captain America wanted to hurt you he would’ve” when Peter was trying to state his case, yet HE’S also the one who put Peter in harms way when he didn’t even want to go with him???
Telling Peter that he should stick to being a “friendly neighborhood Spider-Man” (stealing his thing once again) when that’s what Peter _was_ doing before Tony took him out of his zone and filled his head with grander things to be apart of….bitch? Die. Ohh waaaait (jkjk) but yeah
Super long, sorry lol
Thinking about how in Homecoming when Peter accidentally caused that boat to get split in half because the Vulture’s gun exploded and Tony was acting like as if Peter was completely in the wrong for going there just because he did it without his permission. He was acting like as if Peter was out of line and “disobeyed him”, trying to act like his father. And then I remember how in CACW he’s the one who scouted Peter in the first place just because he saw he might be useful against a personal squabble between him and Captain America despite knowing that he was a kid and he’s just now acknowledging how dangerous it is because Peter “acted on his own”
Completely hijacking Peter’s superhero story and trying to control his every move (Training wheels protocol and baby monitor thing he put in the suit), acting like Peter should’ve known that Tony would send someone in despite the fact that he’d been ignoring him for 2 months since Civil War and not keeping him updated on anything!!
How the hell is peter supposed to know Tony is going to listen to him when he treats him like a kid instead of a superhero when it’s convenient for him? And when Tony loses his temper after Peter says he’s 15 not 14 like “the adult is talking” bitch he could literally flatten you without your suit!!!
I guess in a way he is acting like a father but like the absentee kind. He’s more like a sperm donor father trying to act like he has any rights over Peter’s life smh.
It’s not that reprimanding Peter for the situation is bad, but the way he makes it seem as if Peter is irredeemable as if Tony wasn't a literal weapons dealer lmfao. He could’ve said what was the truth about it without completely invalidating him saying shit like “no thanks to you” after Peter asked if everyone is okay when it’s literally thanks to Peter finding a lead on those guys in the first place that they were even noticed and it’s not like the FBI being there could’ve in no way caused a similar situation.
And then near the end of the movie when he’s getting crushed by the building rubble screaming and crying for someone to help him where the fuck is Tony?? That scene just proved that he never needed Tony’s suit in the first place to be Spider-Man since he had to use 100% his own strength to lift it off of him. I know he would’ve found the motivation even if Tony hadn’t been involved in the first place to give him the suit, take it away from him and have the words “if you’re nothing without the suit you shouldn’t have it“ echo in his head. Why did Tony even take the suit away? Like as if he expects Peter to stop being spoderman without it??? Holy fuck. This is why you don’t make it out of endgame /j /srs.
When Tony took this suit away from Peter he was like “God I sound like my dad“ shouldn’t that be a red flag to him? Wasn’t he literally just saying that he wished his dad was better than he was?? Lmfao
Propaganda why Victor Frankenstein is insufferable:
Victor Frankenstein is so pathetic not even tumblr could love him. The best parts of Frankenstein are the ones where your blessedly saved from being in his whiny, self deprecating, self centered pov. He’s so conceited that when his creation tells him directly “In revenge for killing the wife you were making for me I’m going to kill YOUR wife to see how YOU like it!”, Victor Frankenstein thinks that the creation is going to kill him and *only* him. (A decision And on top of it, he’s a shitty dad. Truly the worst.
this fucker has zero self awareness, which could maybe be fun to read about! except that 3/4 of the book consists of him constantly woe-is-me-ing about his own mistakes and how he shouldn't be responsible for any of his own actions.
He's not irredeemable, but his refusal to take accountability til it's too late is irritating
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murdrdocs · 6 months
ugh god that little beach piece u just wrote for the baby odair was so good and cute but now i’m wondering if finnick has an extremely complex web of who to call if he needs babysitting….. tier lists upon tier lists that shift depending on the context/who’s available/what age they are….
i think peeta and katniss would be upper 1/3 all rounders due to them not being menaces with kids. gale isn’t allowed in the same district as the babies tho. prim is too young he would think but def a welcomed cousin(?) if katniss is chosen for auntie duty
he’s so biased for his district 4 victor friends and his own family (barring his partner cause that’s not babysitting in that case that’s just their baby)
maybe beetee n wiress as a duo? i also want to suggest glimmer n cashmere as a surpisingly high option…. the kids probably think enobaria looks cool but finnick would pass out if her teeth were near his kids sadly
the funny thing is, he has actual lists. like there's a binder with full tier lists and profiles and pros and cons. finnick is so serious about babysitting duty, and he rarely ever needs one. but there's times, instances where both his partner and him have something to do, so out comes the binder and he has glasses perched on his nose and a cup of tea and he gets to planning.
the top of the list is peeta, katniss, of course. peeta and katniss have two sweet kids of their own, peeta is responsible, the odair's love katniss. it's finnick's top choice often. but if it takes too much to get to twelve, there's a family in the victors village that finnick trusts. one of his fellow victors settled down, had three kids, and they're friends with the odair's so he'll just walk his kids down there and drop them off. also, mags is little odair's grandmother so she's totally allowed to babysit. the first option, actually, but finnick doesn't like to bother her so he goes the mellark-everdeen family.
gale isn't even considered. finnick doesn't trust him. just a vibe. and prim is entirely too young. not that finnick doesn't trust her, he just thinks she would get overwhelmed by his kids hyper attitude and constant needs.
then he has the "dire situation" category. other tributes from other districts that he would trust maybe. cashmere is high up there. finnick overheard her talking about how she wishes to have kids one day while he was in the capitol and he picked up a maternal vibe from her so she's an option. but enobaria is totally not there. at least, she wasn't. but the kids must've gotten ahold of the binder because one day finnick goes to check it, and scribbled in red crayon is 'enobra'.
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sukinapan · 7 months
honestly would be pretty interested in hearing about all of them, if thats alright
it's no problem o( ❛ᴗ❛ )o i like talking about this
for context, apart from making personal art i'm also an artist and character designer at Smarto Club, so I don't know if these count as OCs but i have posted art of them here: Haco from >Bubblegum Galaxy and Teacup from >Teacup.
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you can check the steam pages on those games for more info if u like. i love all my characters but i don't usually make personal art of these two since i already do it as my job.
my newest Smarto Club character is a bit different since she's more in the style of what i'm doing personally so i want to make more art of her soon. her name is Abigail:
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she's a kid who likes reading about bugs and catching them but she never hurts them : ) this is a short game in early development but it's about catching creatures called angels. it's got horrorish vibes but i don't think the end result will be full-out horror, since it's also kinda silly...
then there's Peklo, it's a game for which i created the whole concept and story but the plan is to develop it as a studio at Smarto Club. i wrote more context for it on this post, but for the characters, they're my favorites to make art about at the moment. the main ones are Kiku (the cat) and Mi (the bunny):
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i recently created these human forms of them for fun but i'm not sure whether i'll establish them as canon or not... they're trapped in limbo/hell so there's space for them to have a past human form. they don't remember their lives but Kiku feels a deep sense of regret about things unkown to her and wants to break out of Peklo. Mi feels trapped in an eternal sadness, she longs to see the ocean, she can always hear it but has never been able to reach it.
the antagonist in Peklo is a frog entity called Guppy but i haven't really shown him outside of his froggy logo
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i also have OCs from my smaller games. there's Hlina that i created specifically for >this game that was commissioned to me for a zine. i don't have any plans to use her again for now but i might make more art of her in the future for fun. she's part of a strange dream realm and is hostile to the player:
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there's iro from the >game with the same name who's my oldest game OC. i created that bitsy game for her story but she existed previously in my art degree final project, it was a version of the same story but just a section of it. it's a dream of mine to create a full-fledged 3D game for her some day.
she's a bit of a defective space exploration robot, sent to explore planetoid Iridium-3 in search of human contact. it's set in a future where humanity has dispersed among the whole galaxy so lots of groups have lost contact with each other.
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my latest game OC is Michtat, a wizard cat that i created just for this silly zine.
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lasty, there’s the characters from my comic that I’m working on, called The most distant planet. the main characters are Victor and Mitya, two 9 year olds whose families end up living together.
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i'd say these are the dearest characters to me of all. i don't post as much of them because they're mostly in the shape of comic pages and it doesn't spark as much interest as my games. i love drawing them though.
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they’re both little weirdos who isolate themselves and don’t fit in much with other children, so the friendship they develop is very special to them. they have almost opposite personalities where Victor (darker hair) is very shy and dorky but also very sweet to everyone, while Mitya mostly gives 0 fucks about what anyone thinks or says, he blurts out whatever he’s thinking and just wants to run around wild.
the story is mostly slice of life-ish but there’s also a science fiction element ^-^ Victor is obsessed with things like ghosts, aliens, etc but Mitya thinks it’s all just dumb tales.
another important character is Alyosha, Mitya’s 17-18yo brother. he doesn’t know how to talk or relate to his little brother and is kinda weirded out by him. they where very close when they were younger, but when Mitya was 2 he had an accident that Alyosha feels guilty about, and has been somehow different ever since.
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he still worries about his little brother and how isolated he is, though. at the beginning of the story the two of them live alone with their grandma who does love them but has kind of a cold and distant personality. 
Alyosha was the type of kid to be considered “gifted” but now feels completely burnt out and had to repeat a grade at school. he felt so humiliated by this he eventually stopped going entirely, so he now works part time and just studies at home. he cut contact with his old classmates but he still has 2 best friends from the last few months he spent at school in the grade below, Manon and Min Na. they’re the kind of friends who just show up unannounced at his house and job, and are very involved with his family’s life.
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i’ve also included Min Jie in some art, she’s Min Na’s younger cousin and comes into the story later:
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i should have like character sheets and stuff for all of these OCs but i’m the kind to just jump head first into drawing/modeling lol, that's why i included all these finished illustrations.
i really wanna publish this comic, i’ve been working on it for a long time and i’m currently waiting for the results of a public funding application here in my country to decide what i'll do next.
hope this could be of interest (^人^) thanks for the ask!
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i-smoke-chapstick · 3 months
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⋆ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 ; You're not used to being seen, especially not by Jim Gordan. And especially not by Don Carmine Falcone.
⋆ tags/warnings. GOTHAM!victor x female reader. SLOW BURN!!! This is a 4 part fic. LOTS OF PLOT SET-UP!! AGE GAP ROMANCE! (reader is still in highschool). Some gore in the beginning. Takes a while for reader to meet Victor. Can I write a gotham fic without Victor being obsessive? Victor ends up getting REALLY protective later on. But also, eventual really soft Victor. Like, you're his world. Set during season 1.
Special thanks to @adalwolfgang for giving me the courage to write this teehee
♫ “You are far too young and clever.” Come On Eileen by Dexys Midnight Runners
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Your life had been strange. Ever since you moved to this goddamn city. You're parents thought it would be such a grand idea; move to the city of innovation. With WayneTech and a good classy old fashioned vibe. More like the city of crime, you think. This place is an absolute shit hole!
Well, sometimes it's a shit hole. Other times you understand the strange appeal. The school wasn't half bad, aside from the weird drug dealers you saw counting money in the hallways.
You made plenty of acquaintances, but not enough, really. All of the gothamite students kind of stuck to their own. Rich cliques and street trash. You didn't really fit in as a new comer.
Everything got even more complicated one day after class. You decided to stay late at the library, brushing up on whatever homework you had. Apparently you stayed later than you thought you had, because once you were done, the night had clouded over into a cool darkness.
You knew you shouldn't be by yourself at night in gotham. It was the biggest rule to living in this city. So, you quickly packed your shit and left.
Coming outside, the parking lot was damn near empty. You gripped the straps of your book bag and centered yourself. It would be a small walk home. No harm no foul.
Well, your false confidence quickly died out when you heard a man wailing from behind you. You wanted to keep walking, but you couldn't. Damn you and your moral compass.
You made the decision to sneak a peak behind you. Just behind the overarching brick wall of Gotham high, laid a student. And another man hanging over him. With a bloody baseball bat.
Your ears began to ring as you saw the face of the student, practically decimated and beaten inwards. You could only make out the vague words of "Help me!" and "This will teach you to bring me my money on time." Their voices overlapped, and the sound of metal hitting skin in a loud ca-thunk and a crunch. The man getting beat looked at you for help; well, with what was left of his face.
You immediately knew this was a weird drug deal altercation, and also none of your business. You turned on your heel and bolted, running for your life. The sound of the baseball and the sight of your fellow student beaten bloody haunted you the whole way home.
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The next morning, it was all over the news. Well, not all over the news. Front page scoops were reserved for "Maroni's new take over! What's next for Gotham's Underground?" and "Wayne Enterprises launches new aerospace tech!" But if you looked hard enough and switched a few channels, you'd see the headline clear as day.
"Gotham High Student Found Beaten To Death on Campus"
You couldn't eat your breakfast that morning. A few bites an you needed to throw it up. You couldn't erase the memory. You did nothing.
You mustered up the strength to go to school though, knowing you would have too, or your mom would kill you. You felt sick the whole time getting dressed, brushing your teeth, and closing the door. What's worse was the walk to school, seeing your steps retraced from the night before. The city seemed awfully more cheery in the daylight.
When you finally made it to the campus, your heart dropped. At least 3 cop cars pulled up, caution tape and flashing camera lights. The body of the man was in the same spot you'd seen him in.
A cop was instructing wandering and gossiping students to get a move on to class and to stop staring. You heard them whispering. But you stayed stuck, unable to move. The memories played in your head.
You could hear the muffled yelling of the cop telling you to move, but you didn't seem to register it. Neither could you register the gruff voice of a man telling the cop to wait a minute.
A hand on your shoulder pulled you out of your thoughts. You turned around in a spasm, coming face to face with Jim fucking Gordan.
You'd seen him on the TV before. He'd been the cities hero as of late. Took out the balloon man. Red hood gang. Even the Wayne killer. Tons of others. You swallowed.
In a surprisingly gentle movement, he firmly grasped your shoulder and guided you to a more private area, away from the judgey glances of other students and cops who merely rolled their eyes at him. One in particular, which you knew to be his partner, Harvey Bullock, let out an obnoxious groan while taking a bite of a Sandwich.
"Hello. My name is Jim Gordan." He spoke to you softly.
"I know who you are." The words came out more defensive than you intended them too. He backed up a little bit, mouth open and nodding. He politely removed his hand from your shoulder.
He flashed a small, awkward smile. It made you furrow your brows.
"Did you see anything that happened here last night? Anything at all." His voice lowered to a whisper. Something about his voice was gentle, charismatic. His words illicited the memory of the student in a pool of his own blood.
Jim studied you and your every movement, and when you flinched, his eyes lit up. But he kept the same serious and soft expression.
"You did, didn't you?" He urged, bending down just a tad to be at your level. You backed up. "Listen, I need you to tell me what you saw."
You stayed silent. He inhaled through his nose.
"No one is going to hurt you. I promise. Just tell me your name, give me a statement." His tone is more firm this time, and nods in the far off direction of his partner. "I don't want to have to drag you down to the station."
You mulled over what he said, before sighing.
You bit your lip, and spilled your guts.
He took note of everything you said eagerly. And when he was done, he gave you a small thank-you. You nodded, and assumed that would be the end of things.
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Hah! You were wrong.
Almost half the student body had seen you and Jim Gordan talking. Before long, you were the talk of the town. The newbie in town was privy to a case with Jim Gordan.
When Gordan caught the culprit? Now that was front page news. One of Maroni's men caught in the act of beating an underage student half to death over a few milligrams of coke. Selling it to minors actively. It reflected poorly on the entirety of his underground empire. Apparently even criminals had a conscious.
And in a strange way, you also got to reap some benefits. You made a lot of new friends now, on both sides of the school. The rich cliques applauded you for helping rid the city of cretins and return it to its former glory. Some rumors had spread, and now the street trash students thought you were some badass who gave Gordan a tough time before helping him. It was all bullshit- you thought. You just helped with a stupid case.
But now, it seemed you were the only one with a hand in both pools of water. And god, it was a lot of connections. You knew about every murder cover-up the rich kids parents paid for. You knew about every ATM robbery and drug deal the street kids made. Every creepy teacher sleeping with a student. Every staff member who faked their taxes. You were a walking encyclopedia of all the crimes in Gotham committed by students and adults alike.
You didn't ask for it. But...you were glad you could help, in away. None of your friends were really real. No, the only real friend you had was Jim Gordan.
He'd made it a point to come to you for almost everything now. Figured you made a better information source than penguin. Plus, you didn't ask for anything in return. You were just thankful for the company.
He'd come down and meet you in the library when he needed you, after school, away from prying eyes. He'd sneak the both of you into a storage closet, before asking for your help.
You'd asked him a few times if you could get involved more; first hand. You thought you could do more than just being a reference. But he always just gave you that awkward smile. "Next time." He'd promised. Next time never came.
You were getting tired of your role as an informant. And you weren't the only one who noticed.
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You damn near kicked and clawed. You woke up one day, blindfolded and strapped to a leather chair. Light leaked through the blindfold, and you went to scream. But there was tape covering your mouth
You knew you shouldn't have told Jim Gordan any of this shit. God, were you a snitch?!? A rat for the GCPD. Of course some gang was going to tie you up and kill you at one point!
You felt your chest heave as you struggled against your restraints.
A voice boomed, and it shut up your struggling.
"Miss L/N." It was a mans voice. Much older. "Forgive me for shocking you."
The blindfold was taken off your eyes by another figure behind you. You squinted as the light hit your retinas, and you stood face to face with Don Carmine Falcone.
You were rendered speechless.
"Let me give you some context here," He continued, and you felt your heart drop. "I have a proposition, of sorts."
You breathed against the tape on your mouth, deathly silent. A proposition. What the hell did that mean? Were you going to get to choose the way you died?
"See, I admire those who have methodical approaches. Good work ethic. You seem to have both." He circled you, standing up. "I heard whispers of a young girl that seemed to have wormed her way into the GCPD."
He paused, looking you directly in the eye.
"You are an incredibly useful asset, Miss L/N. Does Gordan tell you that enough?" The man urged. You felt your heart rate settle; and your mind do flips. No, you thought. He really doesn't.
"...I propose, you do a job for me. A small one, I assure you." He put his hand up. "You attend school with a student whose father is deep into Maroni's operation. I assume you know who I'm speaking of."
You do.
"I also assume you know all about where said man resides, with the rest of his crew. I want you to tell me where exactly that is. And, I want you to go there with Victor."
The words coming out of his mouth were terrifying. Victor...Victor, Victor, Victor. You repeated the name over and over. And then it clicked.
Victor Zsasz.
Oh god, this couldn't be happening. A million questions rushed through out your head. Jim had told you about his incident with him.
You managed to turn to look over your shoulder in the direction Falcone nodded too. Sure enough, there the man stood.
Victor looked at you stoically, leather hand coming up to wave at you, like this was a joke. A frightening smile played on his lips as he took in your shaking form.
You looked back to Falcone, and he gently tore off the tape covering your mouth, and undid the restraints on your right hand. You breathed shakily.
"Why do you want me to go with Zsasz? I get being an informant- why do you want me to go kill a bunch of guys?!?" Your voice sounded strained. You meant for it to be more confident. You flexed your wrist where the restraints had been.
Falcone nodded. "That's for me to know." He stated bluntly, obviously not further elaborating. "Do we have a deal?"
"And If I say no?" You wavered, watching the Don stretch out a hand to shake on it. Falcone merely pursed his lips and frowned.
In a swift movement, he motioned back to Victor who stared you down intently. Victor mouthed the words, "I'm gonna stab you." With a stabbing gesture of his hand.
You swallowed.
And then you shook Falcone's hand.
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clovenhoofedjester · 3 months
jellicle lineups; part 2/4
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rumpleteazer | 💰 🍹 🃏
PIGTAILS RUMP! PASTEL RUMP. blond rump. that is all. i really love that design. so i use it. the face markings are also meant to look like a stereotypical robber mask. i realized she looks a little fox-like while drawing her, which i didnt mind ! its fun !
her clothing design was already laid out for her so i left it virtually unchanged, asides from the pattern itself. imagine wearing clothes w a print of your best friends hair . that is rumpleteazer
even though 1 of her 3 words are impressionable, i think she is smarter than she lets on. i also think skimbleshanks is her dad. she'd be about 21 in human years
mungojerrie | 💸 🎰 🍾
PIGTAILS JERRIE AS WELL, BITCH ! i saw a jerrie w pigtails after i drew this and i felt so vindicated. i also based his design directly on 2019 mungojerrie because ommgggg transgender calico? trans little calico? i thought he deserved some pearls too. as well as a bell collar! it makes cats sneakier.
his clothing design is left unchanged too, asides from some fluff. he is also wearing a print of his best friends hair . smile 😃
hes just a funny fella. he totally doesnt have a history or anything. hed be 21 in human years
coricopat | 🍷 🔮 ♟
coricopat is pretty close to their replica design—the biggest difference being that the red in their design is warmer/purpler. that and the silver collar! i also had no idea what i was doing with her fit, so expect it to change in the upcoming art i do of him. i just wanted something gothy and flowy
hes also based on thalia, the muse of comedy. to keep the greek mythology theme going, and because i thought it was funny, and because (2x) i like... The Gimmick
i swear to god this cat knows things we dont. hed be like 22 in human years
tantomile | 🎭 🍩 🗝
tantomile is also close to his replica design. she has a gold collar. like i said w/ coricopat, the outfit is subject to change
as she was based on melpomene, the muse of tragedy, i decided to sacrifice identical makeup for the white mark on their muzzle being downturned like the frown of the tragedy mask :] giggle. smile
listen to all advice tantomile gives you. shed be also like 22 in human years
george | 🥏 🧋 🛹
i just had to give this (technical) swing some love. bless this happy background cat and his little :D smile. i decided to give him a simple little fit and made his fur/markings less plain white w some stripes. i think i also based his makeup off a victor costume ??
i think hes pouncival's older brother. hed also be 23 in human years
mr. mistoffelees | 🪄 ☕ 🌬
my silly, my funny. my little guy. i based their general Vibe on his john napier concept art, obc mistoffelees, 1990 paris mistoffelees, 2019 mistoffelees, and like. a fairys kiss of brentoffelees. i wish id have given him a bit of that il sistina style but i already had so many things going on LOL
it was definitely a very fun challenge to balance all of these. i also draw attention to the single white shoe—the cutest detail of timmy scotts misto
i definitely prefer a more visually unnerving, grown misto. and absolutely torn between portraying him as mute or verbal because on one hand... mute misto is so good. on the other hand.... oh my god. timothy scotts voice.jesus christ . i think hed be 23 in human years
the rum tum tugger | 🎤 🍽 🪞
WELCOME TO MY TWISTED WORLD. i really tried to keep tugger as cis guys i really did. but the thrall of a visually transgender tugger was too much to ignore. i already explained a lot of his design choices in my first posted drawing of it but like... blauhh... thigh garter, heart, golden whiskers/lashes. they are there. i also made his makeup a wee more theatrical w/ white on the chin to visually separate him from partridges tugger
i also decided to base his fur more on his obc design. like. terrence mann tugger. platinum blond spotted mane and head fur and such. i think it looks really good
im trying to hit the sweet spot between the goofy/serious/whiny/promiscuous portrayals of the him..... the man contains multitudes, you see. hed also be like 24 in human years and it goes without saying that hes one of deuts sons
AND THATS IT. stay tuned for more !
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connorsnothereeither · 2 months
OKAY SO now that it’s released, I wanna talk about the process of the Ulysses Ambient ASMR video cause I put way too much effort into it lmao-
Over the course of the one hour video, there is a total of 25 individual sound layers, plus the video layer. Within those layers is literally hundreds of individual sounds and clips, but for the most part things can be broken up into what I’ve been calling “ambience levels”!
Level 1: Environmental
The smallest of the levels (3 audio layers) is the first, the “environmental layer”. This includes the crashing waves, the wind outside (since Ulysses study is upstairs I wanted a very attic-on-the-beach vibe with the howling wind) and the occasional seagulls!
Level 2: The Experiments
This is one of the bigger levels, and had a total of 6 layers. There is a consistent bubbling/simmering water sound throughout the video, but on occasion, there is slightly different, more active boiling/bubbling sound layered in to vary it. There is also a handful of sounds like jars being opened, liquid being poured, things being mixed/stirred, and glass vials being clinked together!
Level 3: Writing
This level has about 5 layers all up, between both writing and drawing sound effects (they’re subtly different, one is broader and the other more scratchy), several variations of books being opened and flipped through, and things being taken on and off bookshelves!
Level 4: Kelpie!
I really wanted something to make it feel more tailored to Ulysses than just a standard ASMR vibe, so I thought including the pets was a cute idea! Kelpie had one of the smaller levels, at only 3 sound layers. At about the 17 minute mark, you can hear Kelpie whining, howling and finally panting happily outside!
Level 6: Victor the Skeleton Cat:
Honestly? This might be my favourite of how the layers turned out. Victor had a total of 7 sound layers (the largest of the levels), and appears around the 37 minute mark!! There was so much going on that I wanted to make sound the way I picture it. Anytime Victor moves, the sound of his footsteps can be heard (either as claws on the wood/desks, or as little pads on the carpet), AND you can hear the rattling of bones layered over it too, since they click together when he walks! Eventually he meows a little bit (I like to think Ulysses doesn’t give him as much attention as he wants and he wanders over to the listener) before curling up and beginning to purr beside the listener for a while! Then, laced on top of the purring is a slight clicking, breathing noise, since he doesn’t need to breath, but I like to think that his purrs and meows do have a sort of hollow, clicking resonance, since he is just like… all bone-
ANYWAY I hope people enjoyed reading me talk about that I adore audio editing and soundscaping and this was super fun to work on! Who knows maybe I’ll do something like this for Virgil, Leopold, or even other Fable characters at some point, if there’s liked,,, demand for it lol. But I hope people enjoyed both the ambience video and the behind the scenes explanation!
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the-gay-prometheus · 1 year
A Compilation of Frankenstein Book Covers I Discovered Today Whilst Trying to Find How The Full Title Is Typically Written, and My Ratings of Each
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Starting off strong with this masterpiece, which apparently was originally an art piece about The Plague:tm:. I can't blame whoever decided this should be Frankenstein cover art, because going based on the description alone, the main figure do kinda look like the Creature. However, if I had no idea what Frankenstein was about and I opened this book to discover that the creature does not in fact ride around with a winged snake beast and does not in fact terrorize towns on said beast while wielding a crooked scythe, I would be extremely disappointed.
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Sick as fuck. This may not be how the creature was described in the book but now it's how he's being described in my heart.
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Who gave victor that beard
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Extremely offensive that somebody took a picture of me and used it as a cover for a copy of Frankenstein without my permission. I would've said yes if they had just asked. Adding bonus points for @mist-the-wannabe-linguist's caption though
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It's giving vibes but idk what those vibes are. I like his kind eyes though.
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This is probably the most sensible cover on this list but I can't get over Victor just pointing at the Creature like "YOU!!!1!!" and the Creature just being like "Who, me?"
Creature's Thick Fucken Legs/10 (my guy literally did not skip leg day ever)
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This isn't a cover but it definitely explains why Victor said "nah fuck this shit i'm out" when he saw the Creature staring at him in bed after that nightmare.
32 pearly whites/10
And finally, this is one I found a long time ago but it is absolutely legendary so I'm including it in this list
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Literally the cover of all time. Absolutely zero flaws. I have no idea who or what this is supposed to be or why they look like that but they are perfect.
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sitp-recs · 5 months
Anime Recs Pt 2
Any BL fan knows that sports anime is all about the homoerotic tension between the MC, his team players and his rivals 🤌🏼 trust this genre to serve in both aesthetics and feels - which means it deserves its own list! I tried to include a little bit of everything from hidden gems like Ryman’s Club to big hits like Haikyu. Most of these have 🌈 vibes if you squint (sometimes not that hard) with YoI being more intentional about it. And for those who love found family like me, you can’t go wrong with 1, 2 or 6. I hope everyone can get something for their tastes and find catharsis as they cheer for these pretty boys. This is the second part of my anime rec series, you can find the first list here. Enjoy!
1. Backflip!! 🤸🏻‍♂️
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Summary: Shotaro Futaba loved sports, but was never good enough. But watching a group of gymnasts in the park and seeing them in a gymnastics tournament, he decides to join their school and become part of the gymnastic team. With new members, Shotaro and Ryoya Misato, the team aims for the upcoming Inter-High tournament.
2. Big Windup! ⚾️
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Summary: The story follows the story of Ren Mihashi, a pitcher who was blamed by his middle school team for their string of losses, and as a result suffers from low self-esteem and transfers to a different high school. There, the school's first baseball team is being formed and Mihashi reluctantly joins as their Ace Pitcher.
3. Free! 🏊‍♂️
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Summary: Free is set in the town of Iwatobi, Japan, which is based on Iwami, Tottori. The story is centered on high school student Haruka Nanase, a gifted swimmer. After encountering his childhood rival, Rin Matsuoka from Samezuka Academy, he and his friends revitalize Iwatobi High School's swim team.
4. Haikyu!! 🏐
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Summary: Junior high school student, Shoyo Hinata, becomes obsessed with volleyball after catching a glimpse of Karasuno High School playing in the Nationals on TV. Of short stature himself, Hinata is inspired by a player the commentators nickname 'The Little Giant', Karasuno's short but talented wing spiker.
5. Kuroko no Basket 🏀
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Summary: The story follows Kuroko's journey to success with his team, with most of the episodes being based around one or part of one challenging game, in which Kuroko and his teammates, most notably Taiga Kagami, perform plays and have short conversations with opposing players in the heat of the match.
6. Run with the Wind 🏃‍♂️
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Summary: After abandoning competitive running back in high school, Kakeru Kurahara has no desire to return to the sport during his college years. But when an impromptu shoplifting-related sprint brings his talent to the attention of Haiji Kiyose, he soon finds himself wrapped up in an adventure he never imagined.
7. Salaryman’s Club 🏸
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Summary: The story follows Mikoto Shiratori, a recently unemployed badminton prodigy who has the ability of foresight. After getting fired from Mitsuhoshi Banking for losing a match for their company sports badminton team, he gets recruited by Sunlight Beverage to play for their team and become a sales rep.
8. SK8 the Infinity 🛹
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Summary: In Okinawa, a group of hardcore skaters participate in a secret, no-holds-barred competition after midnight known as "S", racing each other on skateboards down a winding road carved out of an abandoned mine. Reki, a high school sophomore and hardcore skater, takes new transfer student Langa to S one night, and ends up pulling him into the world of skateboarding.
9. Tsurune 🏹
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Summary: Minato joins the Kazemai High School Archery Club and along with his old friends and new teammates, Nanao Kisaragi and Kaito Onogi, they aim for winning the prefectural tournament while trying to overcome their doubts and shortcomings.
10. Yuri!!! On ICE ⛸️
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Summary: Japanese figure skater Yuri Katsuki faces a crushing defeat during the Grand Prix finals and heads home, unsure of whether or not he wishes to continue his skating career. After a video of Yuri mimicking Russian figure skater Victor Nikiforov's routine goes viral, Victor decided to become Yuri's coach, much to the dismay of his coach, his fans, and his fellow Russian skater Yuri Plisetsky.
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breadvidence · 8 months
Subjective ranking of I.VI.II versions, chapter title “Punish Me, M. le Maire”. Judged primarily based on horniness and comedy.
1. The Brick. The silent treatment. “The strength of your loins.” “It is lucky that you recognize the fact.” The long aside about accents and the evolution of names, because Victor Hugo wrote this, which somehow does not derail the vibes. I have serious thoughts on this scene but this list is not about literary analysis, it’s about how much Javert wants to be licking M. Madeleine’s boots (to the max), Valjean opposite him with actual dom energy (present), and the lol factor (top of the line).
2. ’98. No, hear me out. Rush’s Javert despairingly tries to lead Neeson’s Valjean to the right conclusion like an experienced sub guiding a vanilla top through a scene. Neeson is bewildered. Rush exudes frustrated erotic energy. I am having flashbacks to bad hookups and dying on the inside. A+
3. A hundred different fanfic rewrites of this scene in which dicks touch. Bless y’all.
4. ’78. Perkins doesn’t bring as much frustration to the table as Rush, making this less funny, but in his defense he’s opposite Jordan, who is as vacant as a beach ball. Solid rendition regardless.
5. ’25. Faithful to the novel, but lacks spice. Best moment occurs when Gabrio gestures with open arms and Toulout looks blankly horrified, as if thinking Gabrio might go in for a hug.
6. 2012 (Hooper). I debated the ranking but this *is* a scene that launched a thousand fics, so while it seems to me that Crowe’s Javert needs aftercare more than a spanking (so wrung out), clearly fandom disagrees. Loses points for lack of comedy.
7. Stage musical. “But Bread,” you might say, “The musical doesn’t adapt this scene.” I am counting the end of “The Runaway Cart” as an honorable mention, since it still includes Javert embarrassing himself.
8. ’35. All I remember is Laughton quivering and maybe a repetition of the line about laws good, bad, and indifferent (a line which reflects such a misunderstanding of the character I can only squint). Erotic levels at 0%, not amused.
9. ’52. I have zero recollection of how the scene plays out and can’t be fucked to rewatch.
10. BBC 2018. I do recollect this scene and I wish I didn’t. I watch, I’m bewildered, Oyelowo telegraphs meaningfully into the camera, his meaning is unclear, none of the implications are derived from the source text. Oyelowo tries to look like he’s experiencing gay lust and fails. They shake hands, I clutch my pearls. -100
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babiebom · 10 months
Would I give them head?
A/N: I am so sorry for this I'm writing it at 3 am and I couldn't get it out of my head. I've been giggling for the past 10 minutes like a 7th grader. Also if you are reading this let me know if I should do something special for 50 followers. I know it's not a lot but I am so grateful! If yes let me know what I should do!
Tw: sexual content. Not explicit but it like look at the title. Cursing.
Genre: headcanons nsfw
Wc: idk it depends on which person. Probably 2+ for each.
This is including almost every male stardew character(obviously no kids) plus ridgeside plus expanded but not all because I cannot remember every single character and I don't wanna research rn.
Duh no doubt about it
He is the love of my life (well one of them)
I would give him the best head wymmmmm
Yes boy deserves it
Golden retriever coded guys deserve good head idc
Love sad men it's a yes
Kinda wanna make him cry because it's so good.
Maybe I can cure him
Sorry it's not that I dislike him he's just not my favorite?
Maybe once as a treat but no other time than that
Yeah he's the doctor for a small town
I gotta
Maybe he will stop billing me everytime I die
I am not attracted to this man he is more bestie coded to me
If he asked i would allow him a handjob I guess
Maybe he gets a Lil handjob as a treat because his food is good
He kinda-
But not enough idk....
The reason I am writing this r n
The answer is no but the thought of doing it made me cackle
Absolutely not
Fuck you old man
I hate this lying ass bitch I give you a kick
No sorry
He prolly smells like fish and salt and I am not fond
Love him tho stinky man
would give him the sloppiest toppy known to man
He deserves it he needs it i want it pls bless me
I could beat Jodi's ass if it comes to it idc
I find him quite cute overlooking his slight classism.
Also for standing up to his mom for himself love that him
I'd rather give Robin head
He deserves no head for being crappy stepdad
As much as I like him he probably does not shower
Also he is for the marnie's only
I wanna punch him so bad
Mr Qi
I don't find him attractive
But at the same time I find him mysterious and the might just be enough to convince me
no what is wrong with you
Prolly tastes like battery acid
He also gives off racist vibes
He's chill he can get some head
Maybe for a discount
Im equating Joja to Coke and I like coke
So only if he promises to give me a discount on stuff I want
Another love of my life
It was unexpected for me to love him but he is so cute to me
Yuperoni pepperoni
We love a man who is talented
Could easily convince me to give him head if he plays the piano for me ngl
I love but also hate him
He also gives off bestie vibes
I feel like he needs it:(
I do however wanna smack his bald head
Not in a mean hateful kid of way I just wanna smack it
Dilf Ngl
Maybe its because of his name idk
Answer is yes
It was here where I started looking up characters bc i felt bad for leaving them out
No thank you I will not
Don't know much about him but I think hes cute so yes
His hair is cool
Again don't know much about him hopefully he is not a child
But yeah he's cute so he gets a Lil head from me
If he takes a shower yes
Otherwise no
I like his hair and I think he's cool for being an electrician
I know nothing else about him
Yeah he's cute so he can have some head
Im so sorry for not knowing im too busy simping over Seb and Phillip ngl
Im not attracted but unattracted to him so sure
He reminds me of family
Like his face
As I have said before I love a mysterious man
Love a man with a sword
I have no idea what this is
But I guess??
Have no reason to hate him so sure
He looks stinky :((
I also feel like his wife would beat my ass
He is for the Lola's only
I also feel like he wouldn't be able to feel it
Mr Aguar
I do not enjoy his face
Simply because im assuming his food is good
I'll say sure simply for free food
So sorry
But no
I will give him a platonic handjob
He deserves it bc he's a butler and probably does not get a day off with this family
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locallixie · 1 year
HellooOoO~ can I request a photographer!Yeonjun x model!reader angsty romance (like 5% angst but 95%romance/fluff hahaha) based on Tate Macrae's Song "she's all i wanna be". Thank you thank you~ <3
modeled beauty— yeonjun
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> summary . maybe this wasn't meant for you, how could you ever win against someone so perfect?
> genre . angst, fluff, romance, photographer!yeonjun, model!reader, strangers-to-lovers, gn!reader
> warnings . insecurities regarding body image, existential crisis, minor language
(wc) > 3.8k
(sunny's note) ☆ this took way too long as i was slacking off writing this fic. i want something sweet too but after listening to the song, it became so angsty. Sorry in advance!
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"Guess what?" Your manager barging into your room with most probably good news by the excitement plastered on his face.
You stared at him, lacking emotions on your face. "Beomgyu, can you please knock next time? Because I almost messed up my fucking eyeliner!" You yelled, immediately going back to lining your other eye.
Beomgyu paced around your room, the happiness not yet leaving his body. He began another one of his tangent, which would take a while for him to snap out of. And too, you needed to focus on getting this eye symmetrical to the other one, or else you are going to have a breakdown."[Y/N], you know how you told me you always wanted to get on the cover of the M.O.A magazine?"
"Uh-huh." You replied just to let him know you were still listening.
"And how it's the most competitive and difficult gig to get in?" He continued, reaffirming common knowledge in the industry you both were in.
M.O.A was one of the top fashion magazine globally. Usually featuring famous and upcoming celebrities, and on some occasions, professional models. The photoshoots were incredibly beautiful, the fashion were trendy and from high-end brands, the makeup were intricate and sometimes deceptively simple.
"I got you into the casting!" A black line slid up your temple in a sudden motion, the eyeliner pen shaking in your palm. Hearing those words that had just came out of his mouth felt untrue, because how?
"What?! How?!" You exclaimed, wiping away the smeared makeup on your face.
Beomgyu smiled, in a definitely not suspicious way. "Let's just say I have connections."
The casting happened on a random Thursday in March, there were models from all over the nation lining up from the casting place to the end of the next street from it. Filled to the brim with stunning visuals, you couldn't help but feel a sense of inferiority while standing there waiting for the same opportunity. You hoped you get in, you really did. If you did, it would completely elevate your career for more and more.
"Look, there she comes!" Someone in line spoke up, gathering every attention and total spotlight. Yeah, there she walked, that beautiful girl with such grace and poised. You didn't stand a chance against her, she was always the victor in all the games. Jang Wonyoung, Gosh, she was so pretty. And gosh, did everyone wanted to be her. The 'it' girl, how could you even compete? As she came into the picture, outshining all the competitions with those elegant vibes.
Beomgyu leaned over to you, though his eyes were definitely looking at her—so were yours, because who couldn't? He quietly whispered, "I'll treat you to a five stars Michelin restaurant if you can get on this month's cover." Glancing at you, just to see an expression that was silently anxious. "But your chances look quite slim, is it?"
Of course, she would be here too. This was a huge, massive opportunity, it was a blessing to even be able to attend the casting. Your hands were shaking, they sweating all of your anxiety. Beomgyu was aware too of how much of a big deal Wonyoung was, he would always be on your side and supporting you. But he also had his own doubts, and one of them was about wether or not you were going to make it to, at the very least, the final selection.
Finally, it was your turn to impress the judges. The room was so bare, surrounded by four white walls, only a small table and a blank backdrop behind where the models would stand. There were three people sitting at the table—the other staff members were in the background. The pressure was real, especially in front of the young fashion powerhouse, Kai Kamal Huening—known professionally as Huening Kai. Ah shit! Beomgyu might be setting you up for failure instead of success.
"[L/N] [Y/N], under Bamtori modeling agency." One of the judges looked through your file, at the same time, reading main points out loud for the others. "Former calendar model, been on five runways, overall good profile."
Another one spoke up, "Alright, could you show us a few poses?"
You began posing, some casual poses that were suitable for fast fashion, some were more vogue-ish poses. They didn't say much, simply looking intently and nodding or shaking their heads. You saw one whispered to Huening Kai, he shot you a glance then returned. You hoped that was a good sign, but all of them were equally hard to read. Gripping the back of your shirt as a way of comfort, eyes trying to find your manager who was somewhere in the room. You were praying, praying on your last hope.
"Thank you, [Y/N]. Next!" That was it? That was all they were going to tell you? You could only nod, thanking them for their time and walked over to the door to leave. As soon as you stepped out of the room, Jang Wonyoung was the next to come. Peering over your shoulder, how the room practically lit up when she stepped in. As if they were expecting her presence more than all of the participants here. Who wouldn't? She knew she was winning, everyone's affection and attention were poured out onto the floor for her.
Such a gorgeous girl that Jang Wonyoung was. A perfect and slim body, a pretty smile that made hearts swooned, looked graceful at whatever she did. She wore the nicest clothes, has the most perfect makeup, has the greatest advances. She was everything that you wished you were, all that you wanted to be.
Beomgyu came by your side, "Good job, take it easy, okay?" You two left the casting place soon after, silent enveloped the entire atmosphere. He knew you felt down, since you barely talk during the car ride, but there was not much he could do for you.
"Hey, even if you didn't get pick, there are still many good gigs waiting for you." Beomgyu smiled, trying to stay optimistic despite himself losing bits of hope along with you. Thoughts flying across your head in a constant manner, Beomgyu's voice of encouragement slipped right into your ear and out the other. Nothing was going to help break out of that blank stare and offline state you were stuck in, he should just give you some space for you to process your own problems.
Beomgyu dropped you off in front of your apartment building, a small and slightly broken-down building with five floors—six if you count the rooftop. Beomgyu had a meeting back at the agency in the afternoon so he must drive back, that was when you two bid goodbyes to each other for the day. You felt bad for your manager, Beomgyu was always working so hard to get you places. He worked his ass out for you to fulfil your dream of getting on the cover of a famous magazine. And worst of all, you just had to burden him with you own internal problems. How could you ever thank him enough?
You sat down on the steps leading to the front door of your apartment building, not wanting return to the lonesome home of yours and drowned in your feelings, at least not yet.
As you were about to contemplate on giving up on modeling, someone entered your vision. Almost come crashing to the ground with their loads of stuff, you were quick to assist. Catching a few large scrolls, them filling up your arms quickly. Your empty hand held the guy to prevent him from falling over backwards.
"Thanks, I would've been dead if it weren't for you." The unknown guy said, his head peeking from behind the large box he was carrying by hands.
"No problem, where are you headed?" You offered to help him carry his stuff to his destination. Poor guy, carrying so much on his own, he was going to risk ruining everything in his possession if he continue like this. You might as well help out when you could.
He kept walking, while you followed behind. "Just a few blocks down."
You two didn't talk too much, exchanging general informations with each other but awkward silent couldn't help itself from interrupting. What was he doing with all of this stuff anyways? You couldn't see his entire face the whole time you have been walking behind him, he didn't turn around once. Not until he stopped abruptly in front of an equally small building as your place, there was an adorable jewelry store on the first floor.
The guy dropped the box onto the front step, finally facing you after the walk to his stop. The build-up to this moment, what was with you and constantly meeting beauts? This random guy that you just met only mere moments ago, had the face of a high fashion model! That outfit, he should be on the cover of ELLE magazine, or a celebrity stylist.
"Thank you, I'm so sorry to make you come all the way here." He apologized.
You shook your head, "No, no, it's okay! I live nearby."
He furrowed his eyebrows a bit, staring at you with strange concerns. Though that expression, he wore it well. Pretty people looked pretty in everything they do, kind of unfair. "Are you crying?"
Panic filled your stomach, what an embarrassment! Immediately wiping away stray tears that stuck on your eyes. To be honest, you didn't know you were crying until someone pointed it out. You probably looked like absolute shit right now, but you would rather gaslight yourself that you looked pretty while brawling your eyes out. Makeup? Smeared. Hair? Messy. Outfit? Wrinkly and full of sweat stains. God, you looked like you have already given up.
"Rough day." You simply explained, to which he could sympathized with. Shit happens, life was just not as easy as what the media might promote it to be.
Encouragement through a sweet smile, "Choi Yeonjun, nice to meet you."
"[L/N] [Y/N], nice to meet you too." You gave a smile back, ignoring the way you presented yourself in front of him.
Yeonjun happily asked, "Do you want to get coffee sometime? I know a really cute café down the street from here." Wether friendly or flirty, you weren't sure. Look at it this way, this invite that now just popped up after the situation you were in, was mostly a way of his to repay for your good deed.
A bit surprised, despite being a fairly well-known model, you didn't get asked out as often as you though you would be. Not to inflate your own ego, but a model should be in some type of high demands, correct? And too, how often does one person get asked out by hot people? Maybe they must have some irresistible charms for getting so many date offers on a daily basis, good for them.
"Yeah...Yeah, definitely!" You replied, your hands shaking once again. Luckily, not because of anxiety but excitement. Exchanging phone numbers, and quiet, awkward glances. That was how you got a date, or a date according to you, solely from how weak your dating game was. Big surprise, you could barely pull to save yourself out of your seasonal depression, especially bad during the month of February.
Beomgyu called you up early in the morning to tell you that you already got booked for a photoshoot, and he was coming over to pick you up in ten. When you received his call, you were still nuzzled in your bed and half-asleep. Literally falling out of your bed like the start of every high school rom-com, almost ripping apart your apartment to find your things. No time to make coffee, no time to make your bed, and absolutely no time to properly wear your shoes.
As soon as you opened the front door of your apartment building, the usual car was already waiting for you with its impatient demeanor. Rushing into the car, you were close to tripping over the steps with one of your shoes still hanging halfway on your foot. The vehicle took no time to began its run, faster than you were able to put on the seatbelt. How the fuck did your manager get his driver license? Beomgyu drive like he was in 'Fast and Furious', like who was he running away from?
"Slow down! Are you trying to get a ticket?!" You scolded, tying the undone laces back together.
Beomgyu glared at you, in the most judgemental way possible. "You are late! Beauty+ magazine is putting you on the cover, and they are waiting at the studio right now." He went back to the road, then at you again. "Did you not brush your hair?"
You pulled down the sun visor, there was a mirror on it for you to check your appearance. Yeah, your hair looked like a mess, bird nest kind of mess. What a mistake it was to immediately go to bed without blow-drying your hair, now those weird, unwanted spikes and curls kept making themselves known to everyone. You felt bad for the hairstylist already, they must hate working with you.
Beomgyu and you ran up three flights of stairs to get to the shooting studio, both having to stop in front of the door to take a breather after that near marathon run. Beomgyu told, breathing heavily through his mouth. "I think I lost my fucking vision."
You opened the door, "Hi, sorry we're late, we ran into a few difficulties on the way."
A staff member came over to you and guided you to the stylists to get you ready, while the others ran over the photoshoot details with your manager. They had put you in a very natural look, subtle makeup, a monochromatic outfit. Embarrassment filled you when you heard the hairstylist physically sigh when they walked into the room, putting down the curling iron and grabbing a spray bottle to wet the hell out of your hair.
Another staff member brought you out to the set, with makeup artist and hair stylist making final re-touches before shooting. It was a simple set-up, a blank cream colour backdrop and a single wooden stool in the middle. You sat down on the stool, flattening your clothing for the pictures. Props to the stylists, for being able to turn you from a seven point five to a ten and a half, trash to treasure with how you showed up to the studio earlier.
"Yeonjun?" You suddenly blurted out, seeing the one holding the heavy professional camera. "Is that you?"
The guy you thought was Yeonjun looked up from his camera, and sure it was him. Flashing the same smile from yesterday, as charming as you remembered, the Yeonjun you just met last night after a terrible casting day. "[Y/N], so you're my model, what are the odds?"
He came closer to get a better look at you, "Wow, you look lovely."
You blushed, saying nothing since nothing came to mind. What a coincidence, was it? The night before, you kept thinking about when you would get to see him again. 'Sometime', so vague, when is this 'sometime' going to be? No fixed date, no specific time period, no text message saying 'let's meet up tomorrow.' Maybe you might be giving yourself false hope, you two literally just met yesterday. Look at you, already obsessed with him. Slow down your heart, you idiot.
The photoshoot went well as per usual, a few snaps and editing, Yeonjun showed you each and every pictures until you were satisfied with how you looked on camera. The majority were denied by you, it was one of those days where everything was not to standard. Your smile in the third picture looked weird, you didn't like how your face practically expanded, that outfit made you seem to weight a little more than you actually did. Only five pictures out of the dozens that was taken got your approval, that was not a lot but enough for them to work with.
However, when you saw your magazine cover at the store next to hers, all the doubts about this career you chose to go into and about the perception of your self image. Maybe this weren't meant for you, not to discredit the amazing team that you worked for this photoshoot, and the talented photographer, but you hated this. You left, couldn't bare taking another look at that magazine cover.
"You look beautiful on the cover, you really fit this type of style." Yeonjun complimented, gazing at the magazine cover across the table from you. His iced Americano halfway finished, the coldness of the ice melting outside down the glass and onto the coaster.
"You think so?" You asked sadly, smiling over your emotions. "Don't you think Jang Wonyoung would fit this more?"
Yeonjun dragged his eyes towards you, thinking for a few seconds before giving his opinions. "She is really pretty, she can pull off tons of style. She does have quite a face and figure for modeling."
You gripped your drink, there weren't anything new about that opinion. Heard from hundreds or thousands of new sources and magazines, sometimes even luxury fashion designers, that she was one of the most beautiful person in the entire nation. No chance of winning ever, forever stuck being a runner-up to someone so great like her. For the next couple years, you were sure no one was going to steal her place anytime soon. It seemed that not a lot, or anyone at all, can surpass a unique kind of beauty such as Jang Wonyoung.
"Don't worry 'bout others too much, think about yourself too." Yeonjun smiled, one held a hidden layer of adoration that lit up in the glints of his eyes. Over a near hundred pictures he took of you last week, he loved every single one of them. There was something in your expression in some of the pictures, so sad yet strangely captivating. A tragic beauty, longing for something unreachable out there. He thought you were genuinely attractive, comparing both the you from the night you two first met to the one in the studio, you were an attractive person in his eyes. In whatever state you were in, regardless of how put together or rough you looked, Yeonjun adored how authentic you were.
You gazed at the magazine with her face on it, "I knew I wouldn't get in."
Yeonjun took the magazine from you over to his side, M.O.A magazine newest model in collaboration with the most admirable fashion designer of the era. He gazed back at you, "You went for the casting?"
Letting out a sigh, exhausted with yourself. "Yeah...Beomgyu went out of his ways to get me in. That's one more luxury dinner missed."
"I'll treat you to dinner." Yeonjun blurted out.
"What?!" You spoke out, dumbfounded in front of the date offer that appeared out of the blue.
Calm and acting like everything was normal, making you think that whatever he felt for you was completely platonic, it was his comfortable personality that acted up. "Do you like steaks? Or maybe you're a lobster person?"
"Wait! Wait a minute!" You interrupted him, feeling a bit overwhelmed with the all the things that was happening at once. "Are you asking me out on a date? 'Cause I— I really have to get that out of the way!"
Yeonjun held your hand, the same enthusiasm on his face. "Yes! Yes, I am asking you out! Was my intentions not obvious enough?"
Unsure if it was anger or bewilderment, or something else in between, were you upset or happy about his proposal. "I thought that was just how you are! I didn't know you took a liking to me?!"
He furrowed his eyebrows, absolutely flabbergasted by your assumption about him. "What do you mean by 'that's just how I am'?! God dammit, I like you, [Y/N]! I think you're such a beautiful person, and you make everything great when you're around, and I would happily choose you to be on the cover of M.O.A if I could!"
At this point, yours confusion had turned into a compliments battle. People in the café didn't know if they should be annoyed or happy for the both of you, they were quietly rooting for the two of you to get together, but was it necessary to be screaming at each others' faces in an absurdly loving manner? But whatever, go you!
You have never heard of this restaurant up until Yeonjun introduced it to you, getting reservations was quite hard as you heard from many of the wealthier people in your neighbourhood. You were wondering how he could afford to eat at an extravagant place like this, especially with a salary of a photographer. Well not to wage shame, it wasn't like yours was any better—could be worse, depending on the time of year.
You two had a good table, with the night view and the summer breeze on the balcony. Starters with a bottle of fine red wine, and some bread with rich oil dipping. Apparently, the restaurant here was given three Michelin stars, which was already an incredible title to have.
"I got a few things for you." Yeonjun began. First, giving you a small box the size of your palm. Inside was a minimalistic bracelet, chic and simple, with only a few teeny tiny white gemstones.
"Do you remember that jewelry store under my place? My friend, Soobin, made all of the jewelries himself. I got the bracelet from him." He explained the origin, helping you put it on your wrist. He has an eye for things, it was one of those accessories you could wear with any type of outfit and it wouldn't look out of place, and look how much it complimented your skin.
Yeonjun put his hands under the table, "And I made you this." He handed over to you a magazine.
This was so cute, using his talents on useless yet endearing gifts. In bold letter was M.O.A, and usual layout that the actual magazine used. The only thing was, it was you on the cover. An absolutely not illegal issue of M.O.A magazine, with one of the headlines being 'the nation's sweetheart.' The contents inside was filled with just pictures of you, from your instagram posts and past photoshoots you did, and even recent unseen photographs from when he asked you to model for his 'creative profile.'
"You're joking!" You laughed, "This is the confidence boost I need!"
Yeonjun placed his hands on yours, intertwining his fingers. "I take it that you want a second date?"
You laughed a bit louder, blushing in joy. If you got accepted into the M.O.A magazine that day, you wouldn't have met him. Yeonjun bombarded you with compliments on how breath-taking you looked,
"I'm serious, you're so beautiful tonight." He whipped out his camera from out of thin air, with the long HD zoom lens attached and everything, "Let me take a few pictures!"
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10 reasons (and then some) you should read Akira Amano’s Deranged Detective (especially if you love or used to love Sherlock BBC, but basically love Doyle’s SH, not spoiler-free)
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1) if you have a penchant for the height difference trope between the protagonist and the deuteragonist; with the lanky one as the private detective and the smaller a keeper of his adventures. Ron Kamonohashi sports black hair that hides the eyes. Reminiscent of Cumberbatch’s iconic SH dark curls. Police detective Totomaru “Toto” Isshiki is a blonde-/light brown-haired guy that gives off MF’s John Watson vibe.
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The two met during the depressing phases of their lives. Ron lost his detective license shut out to the world for years with part memory loss and a flaw. Toto experienced a major slump at work, tied to do office tasks instead of investigating like a proper detective. Okay, Toto wasn’t a military doctor here.
2) Fine. There has never been a Turkish bath scene on Sherlock BBC, but on Doyle’s original writings SH and JW have fondness for Turkish baths and have visited there together several times. Ron and Toto went to an onsen already with them wearing yukata in their early days of acquaintance (Chapter 3).
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3) Ron is a descendant of Sherlock Holmes by referencing a famous passage from “A Study in Scarlet.” And then Akira Amano confirming it in the succeeding chapters. Ms Amano took that premise when Sherlock Holmes was framed for a crime that he didn’t commit. She ran away with this idea that has become the focal point of her plot. This feels like an alternate universe.
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But there’s a catch. There lies a difference among the three works. His scar that looks like “96” has a meaning. (If you scour the tags, you’ll find more super spoilers!)
4) Ron used to have a passion for the architect Le Corbusier that only a few people close to him know about. He told a “friend” that if he left England, “he’d build a vacation home in a country with one of Le Corbusier’s buildings.” An obvious nod to Sherlock BBC’s SH’s ubiquitous Le Corbusier black leather armchair.
5) Ron’s classmates at the prestigious Blue Academy in the UK nicknamed him“the freak” with negative connotation.
6) Ron might not be taking a recreational drug, but him consuming brown sugar is his addiction.
7) Toto supporting and protecting Ron has become his ethos. But there’s a major if. Some readers deduce that there’s something more than meets the eye. Is Toto a friend or a foe? Once again, an homage to season one’s “The Great Game” where SH initially thought JW was James Moriarty.
8) Ron’s eyes light up and makes a grin whenever he reaches an epiphany, as in he’s solved the mystery.
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9) Moriarty. Of course. But who are they? And how many?
10) Toto’s “jealousy” every time Ron’s attention is not on him. (Elmer Stingray is the Victor Trevor.) Likewise the glances Ron gives Toto whenever the latter does or says something that pleases or amazes him. They have become each other’s world, won’t exist when they aren’t together.
And so many other things. Choice of phrases, words. (“The curtain rises… “Because you are an idiot.” ) The gestures. They give me a nostalgic kick because they remind me of Sherlock BBC. Naturally, these are the reasons that draw me to the manga.
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Ps: there’s no Toby neither Gladstone here, but a cat that slumbers like dead.
(In case you’d love to know more, @clouds-of-peach )
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lesharl-eclair · 9 months
strollonso fic recs part 1: fics
4 fics from authors who have just the one strollonso fic, and who somehow added SO MUCH to the genre. whose other works are equally insanely mindblowing (the charles/bono fic that i am still not oVER BY THE WAY... the painfully high-quality webbonso. charlos and landoscar.) im crying how do you guys do it (these fics actually changed my life i am not kidding:
all fics below the cut; if you enjoyed these fics, please show the authors comment and kudo love; should you be the author of a fic that's here, and don't want to be here, please reach out to me and your wish is my command :)
victor's spoil by venerat (E, 1.9k)
Two hours later Lance is told he’s going to the winner’s room. “Oh,” Lance says stupidly. "Uh. Me? Now?”
ouUEGHHGEUGHHH the rancid vibes. it's all mind games here. lance's desperation vs nando's casual (playful????!!!) viciousness.
the attention to detail is so stunning. the way the scene is set, the inherent power imbalance, lance so eager to please it's almost painful to watch....
"Even when Fernando aims it warmly, it still makes Lance shiver. That’s because Lance, of course, is fucked up. He’s already getting hard between his legs, just because Fernando chose him. Just from being here, from the anticipation of knowing his role. From the uncertainty of sitting there, waiting." im sobbign <3
this one rearranged my brain a lot. one of my favourite renditions of their dynamic.
in the hold by @pressurizer2 (M, 1.9k)
Lance scrunches his nose and makes a noise of protest as soon as Fernando’s hand leaves his ankle.
im still reeling at this concept okay. i havent gotten over it yet i don't think my review is sufficient to describe how good this is but can we talk about this like
"Mouth open and sucking in air, trying his best to keep quiet, Lance feels both compressed and torn apart by the intensity of Fernando’s attention, redirected. He’s being talked about, but not talked to. Praised but not acknowledged. Lifted up high and pushed down hard." such a waaay with words!!!! i am very extremely enamoured.
the push and pull here is perfect: bratty lance (<3) trying to elicit a reaction, nando willing to indulge despite his discipline (he's actually so into it.....it's all a game for him.......uuuueegeghheheu.....) the way tension is built and released is so so masterful and a delight from start to finish :)
A Little Bit of Exhibition by @sweetpeapoppy (M, 5.1k)
He’d heard all of the rumours about the way Fernando operated in Formula One, how ruthless he was, how he terrorised his teammates, how he would grind you down until you doubted your own abilities. Lance knew he didn’t need that. But he also knew he didn’t have a choice either, Fernando was coming to Aston Martin whether he liked it or not.
nando as an exhibitionist is...something. how he draws lance in to do the most brazen things, how lance is powerless to resist, is such a tantalising prospect. lawrence's obliviousness makes me want to shake my head patronisingly ("Lawrence agreed, feeling grateful he had another driver pairing that were getting along." ??????? ?????) this fic really shines because of all the details (sweater paws?? hand on nape??? the actual db12 feature???) the "canon compliance" makes your concept so true to life and now i can't unsee it.
the thing that stayed with me was the image of nando bent over the car. it still makes me lose my shit to think about.
I make two grand an hour by @kritischetheologie (E, 3.1k)
Lawrence had made Lance read an entire fucking book on this history of Formula 1 before he started the job, and all Lance could remember from the 2000’s was the German guy who won all of them, before the other German guy started winning all of them. But still, who did this guy think he was, trying a line like that on him? Aston Martin wasn’t the type of team that could hire a double world champion. “Michael Schumacher won in 2005,” he said, trying to project more confidence than he felt. “Nice try.”
the voicing is nailed doWN to a tee and i am thriving. there is one very interesting roscoe related comparison in there that i will not be forgetting any time soon. this ticks all the boxes for me - backstory, characterisation, humour, there is even Plot !!
also love the offhand mention of glance.....they could have been together in another universe..... "Everyone was short except for George Russell, who was both tall and fast. Why couldn’t his father have invested in Mercedes instead?"
this author brings so much delight and depth to every single one of the pairings she writes about, and i will not be forgetting about this any time soon.
that's all for today :) i DO have more strollonso fic recs on the way so keep your eyes peeled if you like what you see !!
if you enjoyed this, or if i missed any fic, please let me know :) drop me an ask mayhaps if you would like more fic recs, and i will try my best to give timely unqualified opinions <3
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3d-wifey · 5 months
So idk if you’ve thought about this but since star “attends” I’ve thought about how star could remind snow of Lucy gray??? Lucy gray has an Appalachian accent and the Appalachian mountain range goes through what would be district 11 (from what I understand at least???) and the whole thing about how star is also a musician kinda makes me thing that star reminded him of Lucy gray (not necessarily by looks but by…vibes???? Idk how to describe it)
(This could also be my thoughts because I was told like 3 times I look like Rachel Zeglar and I’ve never lived it down)
Oh yeah that's exactly the case. This isn't a spoiler bc it's something the characters will never know. But Snow knows, and we as the audience knows. Like, they're both pretty, young, poc victors, both musicians, both can command a crowd, very persuasive, natural leaders, both from butt fuck poor districts, both have that heavy lower district accent (southern). Both rebellious, both kind and care for their little communities. Both incredibly desired. Both pretend to be dumb/unassuming, but are very clever/observant. Snow saw 15 y/o Star in the arena, saw how much the ppl rooted for her as an underdog, and didn't think twice about claiming her in his own way. Seeing how she acted in her interviews afterward only further cemented that this was his second chance. Bc he never loved Lucy, he loved knowing she was his. He didn't even fuck with her music fr until she made a song for him. It's why he alway has Star perform for his birthday parties where she composes a song for him as a present (she's actually just improving on the spot).
here's a note i left for my beta reader:
in the book, Lucy Gray is quiet but cunning. She doesn't have the "girl bossified quirky" demeanor she does in the movie and I blame Disney for that. As such, she doesn't have the "loud and proud/nothing affects me/cocky without a cause" attitude in my canon. What attracted Snow to her was that survivor instinct he saw in her that he felt he himself had. Everything that made Lucy Gray interesting to him can be found in Star. I think Katniss's personality is so much like Sejanus's that it pissed him off. close enough to District 12, but not exactly. district eleven has the exact background that Snow wishes he had with 12. He has more control over Eleven, they're easier to control/oppress as opposed to the free-spirited District 12. With Star, he strives to fix what mistakes he made with Lucy Gray.
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think about it
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jasonrae117 · 5 months
Just Another Hollywood Scene
Just in time for the new year! Please enjoy the next installment!
Also on Ao3!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/49727071/chapters/133334152
Chapter 3: New News
Damian was heading to Dick’s house to have what he called a celebration, but what seemed to really be a ‘I hope the media takes the news well’ support group. Most of the people that worked in the offices were going to be there so Damian really had no choice but to come.
The costume consult went pretty much as expected and like many of his other ones he’s done in the past. The superhero costume itself was slightly uncomfortable yet manageable and defined his physique. His only complaint was that it was the colors of a traffic light, a little more red and black heavy but yellow and green definitely made their appearances. The costumer, Rita Parr, who had a 1950s vibe told him it’s to reflect his background of being from a circus. Damian snorted, the fact that Dick used his own backstory to fuel this character was still very funny to him, especially when others don’t know it and think it's so absurdly original.
The craziest thing about this movie was that Dick was not only directing it, but he is the primary writer too. He didn’t want to come across as too bold and open his sure to be box office smash to criticism because an actor turned director could also write a script well. So he put it under a pseudonym. Damian was quite surprised when he found out, the script was well written, the characters all seemed grounded, and it was more than just an action movie. Dick had found a way to work a compelling romance amongst his characters too. That is why Damian would have begged his brother to be in the movie, of course he didn’t have to, Dick was all too eager to have Damian be a part of it, but Damian would have begged if it came to that. 
When Damian’s town car pulled up to Dick’s small mansion, he could already see the cars of about seven others, and by some of the specific vehicles he knew that the majority of the production team leaders were here. And sure enough when Alfred, his family’s butler that Bruce requested help host Dick’s gathering, opened the door, he could already hear some of their voices.
“Welcome Master Damian. Wonderful that you could make it this evening.” The gentle older man stepped to the side, gesturing for Damian to enter.
“Good evening Alfred. I’m afraid I wasn’t allowed to RSVP no to this event.’
“Well, nevertheless, I have brought your favorite bourbon to help you settle in better. Master Grayson is in the theatre room with some of the others. He requested I direct you there upon your arrival.” Alfred walked along beside him.
“Great, already jumping into work talk. I’ll take a double of that bourbon when you get the chance.” Damian shrugged off his coat and put it in the coat closet, politely denying Alfred’s assistance.
Approaching the theatre room, he could already hear the familiar voices of a good chunk of the production team:
Wally West ( Director's Assistant)
Barbara Gordon (Secretary/PA)
Zatanna Zatara (Producer)
Clark Kent (Cinematographer)
Garth Bernstein (Casting Director)
Victor Stone (Sound Designer)
Rex Mason (Production Designer)
Along with Jason Todd, Slade Wilson was also present. Slade Wilson was cast to play the villain and arch nemesis to Robin, Deathstroke. Damian wasn’t a huge fan of the older man, throughout his long tenure of acting he was known to be vindictive, manipulative, and only watch out for himself. He ran his own talent agency poaching other managers of their clients to fill his arsenal. It worked, however, his name and his wealth always convinced the young and naive actors and actresses to buck over to his team. So before him, he had an army of good talent that made him richer and made membership under his agency ridiculously pricey. As for the actors and actresses, Slade saved the best roles for himself and his favorites, so every audition season was cutthroat and everyone sucked up to Slade to gain his favor and potentially better roles. Damian was disgusted by it and was appalled that Dick would include him in his project, but Dick argued that the new movie needed a genius villain and Slade was the best to play the evil man.
He had to agree with his brother, while Slade was unquestionably a terrible man in real life, he elegantly portrayed one even better on the big screen. Once he aged out of the roguish antihero type leading man, he began getting typecast as the man pulling the strings or the mob boss. Slade loved it because people loved his bad guys and he won a multitude of awards for them. It killed Damian to say it, but he was a perfect choice for the role.
Damian took a deep breath and opened the double doors to the large projector screen with luxurious plush red velvet reclining chairs creating three rows facing the front. The various men and women standing or sitting around the room, each with a drink in their hand. They turned their heads to see who the newcomer was. Dick came bouncing toward him while the others raised their glass in acknowledgement, waved, or called out a greeting. 
“Hey Dami! I’m so glad you could make it!” Dick embraced him, but really just hugged around Damian’s hanging arms.
“I had no choice in the matter and you know it, now get off.” Damian resisted.
“Well I’m still glad you listened to my threats.” Dick laughed and guided him inside. “We were just going through the final candidates audition tapes, I’ve decided we’re going to decide tonight as a team!”
“We’re casting everyone tonight?” He looked at the screen to find it paused on someone’s audition. An average height, lanky male with blonde hair and green eyes, no doubt someone auditioning for Changeling. 
“No, not everyone, but the main team. Well those we haven’t cast yet! We already signed Kori as Starfire, and yesterday we finalized Connor Kent as Super Boy!” Dick practically cheered.
Damian rolled his eyes at the last casting announcement. “Clark’s brother? And I’m the one that gets called out for nepotism.” He crossed his arms. 
Clark snorted, “You know I really thought you guys would have been the best of friends back then. Bruce was right though.” He chuckled again, few of the others joining in as well.
“He really does play cocky and arrogant well though, and you can’t play both roles!” Zatanna called out, making the rest burst into laughter.
“Ha ha. You all know he is a diva. Not everyone that fits the description of the character everyday of their real life should be the actual character. We’re actors because we can be things we’re not, not because we can portray ourselves on screen too, that's why we have reality TV trash.” 
“Yeah that’s why we cast you as Robin, a leader, noble, maybe a little romantic, hero. You sure aren’t any of that in real life.” Garth hollered, Jason cackled with him. Damian’s eyes narrowed at the pair.
“Oh, but that’s why he’s an actor, because he can sure as hell act like a badass but isn’t one!” Jason added, their laughing continued. Damian dared a glance around the room, seeing Clark trying to hide his enjoyment, Rex’s smile and the way he nudged Zatanna as if they all agreed. Slade was sitting a glass of whiskey in one hand and a smirk on his face. Once his eyes landed on Barbara and Dick who also got caught giggling, he felt his anger start to rise. 
“Your own words are biting you in the ass, Wayne.” Barbara snorted, emphasizing the use of his last name and punctuating the snarky comment with a sip from her glass of wine. 
“Laugh all you want, you know I’m right. Now can we please just get on with it so I can go home?” He snapped.
Dick, still chuckling, clapped him on the back. “Sure thing. We actually started a bit early and just voted on our Mark Beast A.K.A Changeling! His name in Garfield Logan-”
“The guy from Space Trek?” Damian scoffed.
“The very one! He has a great following and a pretty solid comedic timing. His fans adore him and he’s already got green eyes! The rest will be easy! Plus he is already trained in gymnastics and does parkour, so stunts should be a little easier and perhaps more practical!” Garth chimed in.
“See, watch!” Dick pressed play and the screen brightened to life, displaying Garfield’s audition, followed by some footage of him at a training facility doing parkour and gymnastic routines. In Damian’s opinion, he wasn’t a poor choice, but he was still skeptical. 
The group resettled into their chairs and watched clip after clip of auditions, until they narrowed it down and finally selected someone for the remaining roles. After Garfield Logan, they agreed upon Jaime Reyes to play Dan Garret A.K.A Blue Beetle and Donna Troy to portray Wondergirl, or Cassie Sandsmark. Alfred had arranged some catering to come in and supply them with a delicious meal as they were already a few hours deep into deliberation. 
It was finally time to face the choice Damian dreaded the most. Who will play the Sorceress? He hadn’t stopped thinking about how important it was that she get along with him and be a good actress herself. The role was the second largest in the movie and could cost them dearly if they choose incorrectly. That and the fact that the office didn’t stop discussing this one girl’s audition for two full days, luckily it died down after that but Damian didn’t want Jason’s new plaything to be involved at all and certainly didn’t want her too close to himself.
Garth, the casting director, had narrowed their choices down to three different women that had been the best of the bunch. The first audition wasn’t memorable, the girl had played it safe, and while it was still very well done, it was missing that certain something.
Damian recognized the second woman instantly, and all he could think of was how horribly wrong the choice would be. Terra Markov, or better known as Slade Wilson’s lapdog. She was his pet, and she also got any audition she could dream of. No doubt Garth was bribed or in some way coerced to give her a shot, because her look did not scream sorceress at all. To give credit where credit is due, she was a decent actress, she just had a temper and her questionable ties with Slade didn’t sit right with him. They still watched her performance and the crowd seemed rather pleased.
“I really like how she delivered that line!”
“Her blue eyes are so pretty!”
“Imagine if we just dyed her hair or used a wig, I think we have a winner!”
Damian looked to Slade who was sitting there with a smug grin on his face. “She is quite talented isn’t she.”
“She’s great, but we’ve got one more. So let’s not make any decisions quite yet.” Dick answered.
“What? You don’t think she is fit for the role?” Slade pushed back.
“No, no. She did very well, I’m just saying we have one left and we should watch it first. Terra is a strong actress, no question why you signed her under your agency.”
“Mr. Grayson, it’d be most efficient to just call it here, everyone approves of her.” A general nodding of heads and agreements filled the room following Slade’s words.
“True, or we can suck up watching five more goddamn minutes like the fucking director wants, and see all the possibilities. Or is it past your bedtime grandpa?” Jason barked.
“You listen here-” Slade was cut off.
Damian had marched over to Dick’s spot in the theatre and snatched the remote out of his hand, he walked back to his place towards the back of the room and away from everyone else and pressed play on the last audition tape.
The slam of the door and the energy that filled the screen silenced everyone. However, no one was more stunned than Damian, who had just realized that the very woman auditioning was the same from the lobby. It was made evident by the large brown coffee stain he caused on her blouse.
Damian watched the audition speechless. This couldn’t possibly be the one everyone was talking about. To his dismay, he had to admit that he was captivated. He knew that she had been late which explained the sudden start to the tape and lack of a slate, but despite what he caused, it seemed to fuel her annoyance of being disturbed by the alarm. She had added some lines and improvised her movements, Damian knew because he practically had the whole damn script memorized. 
He almost laughed when she forced a poor assistant to become her scene partner, the shuffle of papers being thrown at the young man caused a few giggles from the small viewing audience. His eyes widened when she pulled her shirt off and he quickly berated himself for appreciating the fullness of her breasts and how prettily they were wrapped in her beige lace bra. While the woman on the screen addressed her apparel, Damian ‘respectfully’ averted his gaze and was curious to see what the others were thinking.
Barbara and Victor were smirking, seemingly appreciating the woman’s strong presence and how she kept going even though the brainless men were stuck on her wardrobe malfunction. Victor and Dick shared a look that confirmed that whatever they were thinking, that they were on the same page. Once the girl appeared back on screen wearing Jason’s signature jacket, the owner proudly grinned and nudged Garth in the chair beside him whose eyes seemed to be glued a little too much on her body. Rex and Clark were happily enjoying the audition and had even put down their food and snacks, fully entranced. What caught Damian’s eye the most was that Slade has shifted his posture, going from neatly relaxed with one ankle resting on the opposite knee, to leaning forward, fingers laced under his chin and elbows planted on his knees merely observing.
Damian’s focus shifted back to the screen, watching her move about so confidently before sitting in a lotus position and chanting lowly.
“Azerath, Metrion, Zinthos.”
Then Dick called cut and jumped in the scene beside her before the tape was stopped seconds later. A few seconds of silence and processing followed before everyone excitedly looked around and began discussing what they had just seen.
“It’s got to be her!”
“Her eyes are so unique!”
“She improvised all that? That’s incredible!”
But all Damian could think about was the war in his head. There was no denying that she was clearly the best, but he knew he already screwed up with her and was certain she hated his guts. He wasn’t sure if they would be able to work together.
“Okay, so that was the fantastic Raven Roth! She is a phenomenal actress whom you might have seen on Skulls as the forensic scientist.”
“I think it has to be her. Even her look is spot on, she is mysterious and cool.” Barbara said.
“I don’t know…didn’t it seem kind of amateurish to just storm in there. That would not fly on set!” Zatana chirped.
“She wouldn’t do that on set, some jerk spilled coffee on her which made her late! I completely sympathize for the poor girl, and to give us a performance this strong? Incredible! Trust me, I’ve seen a lot of auditions over the years.” Damian’s cheeks started to burn at Garth’s words, unknowingly calling him out. 
“I for one agree with Mr. Bernstein, here.” The mumbles around the room silenced at Slade’s approval, he never sided with anyone that wasn’t his own talent. 
“You do? But isn’t Terra your client?” Dick asked outright, sparing any tiptoeing around the subject.
“Yes, I am not blind and I know when to fold if my hand is not strong enough. Terra cannot out-perform this girl, at least in a role like this. This girl doesn’t seek attention, she demands it with her screen presence, it’s powerful, impactful. Terra’s performance was surface level, good, but inadequate. I’ll coach her about this later. But nevermind that. Miss Roth would be an excellent addition to the cast, as well as my agency. Does anyone know if she’s being represented?” Slade asked the room, Damian noticing a certain look in his eye that he couldn’t quite name.
“Alrighty then.” Dick looked around the room, everyone nodding in agreement to the unspoken question. 
Damian felt a weight in his stomach. No way they all almost unanimously chose the vile woman from the coffee shop. Sure she had done well, but they couldn’t see past that? They’d soon find out her temper and Damian would enjoy watching them regret their decision. But still… he’d have to go to work everyday and look at her stupidly, definitely not in any way attractive, face and convince her to like him. It wasn’t fair. Maybe he should speak up? But to speak up would be to reveal himself as the ‘asshole’ and he couldn’t have that. They’d just side with Raven, and he wouldn’t even be able to explain himself. He had to get out of there, he couldn’t risk anyone realizing that he hadn’t given his usually very vocal opinion. Quietly, he snuck out the door just as Dick was finishing his statement.
“It looks like Raven Roth is our Sorceress!”
He could hear the applause from the hallway but he didn’t look back, he proceeded to the kitchen to grab some water and hide. Feeling the cold water slide down his throat, cooling the anger and frustration within him slightly, Damian took a very needed deep breath. Just then, the last person he wanted to see found him.
“Damian, why’d you leave? We just broke out the champagne to celebrate the completed casting!” Dick held his flute of champagne out, swirling the contents as if to entice him.
“I don’t care for champagne.”
“Suit yourself.” he shrugged and took a large sip. After pulling the glace down from his lips, he leaned his hip against the kitchen island and stared directly into Damian’s eyes. “Don’t think I didn’t notice that you didn’t speak up in there.”
“I had nothing to say.” Damian tried to sound nonchalant. 
“If there’s one thing I know about you Damian, it’s that you always have something to say, especially when it directly affects you.”
Dick was good, he always knew when something was up, and usually Damian reluctantly found it endearing but right now it was definitely not the time. “It’s not like I have a choice in the matter. You all seemed very pleased with her so there is no point in voicing my opinion for it to be met with criticism.” He shrugged.
“Criticism huh? So you didn’t like her?” 
Damian opened his mouth to protest but once again, Dick had caught him. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he figured he might as well get the interrogation over with. “I had the displeasure of meeting Miss Roth sometime before her audition. She was inconsiderate and rude and I don’t think we need that kind of behavior on set. Oh and she’s Todd’s new plaything which also poses a problem.”
“Oh, I had no idea. She certainly seemed nice and courteous enough when we talked to her. But I suppose she could be putting on an act for her benefit and given that she wouldn’t know that you were already cast she'd have no reason to give you better treatment. I was also under the impression that Jason and Raven had never met prior to her audition.” He rubbed his chin in thought, “I will take this into consideration as we onboard her. I don’t want to react harshly without further investigation. As it stands, she will continue to be our Sorceress with Terra Markov as a potential backup if Raven falls through.”
Damian crossed his arms, frowning slightly. “I don’t think this will end well for me…I mean us.”
“Everything will be fine. I’ll look into it and adjust whatever needs adjusting. I’ll tell Jay to back off and we’ll make sure she’s not a diva. I appreciate you telling me and not brooding to yourself about this like Bruce. 
“Yeah, whatever.” He relaxed slightly, dropping his arms in surrender. “I’m going to go back to my place.”
“You don’t want to stay for the rest of the party? We were gonna watch some of the segments announcing your casting!” 
Just then the sound of shattering glass echoed in from the entryway. Dick winced and looked back to Damian who barely reacted..
“Absolutely not. I can watch them on my own time”
“Fair enough, thanks for coming anyway! I’ll see you soon!”
“I still had no choice.” Damian called over his shoulder as he headed out the kitchen and toward the entrance. He bid Alfred farewell and departed back to his condo.
Finally settled into the peace and quiet his own space brought him, he started searching for the articles about himself. Most of the articles had received and reported the news positively, stating that the casting choice was a no-brainer and how excited they were to see the cast built around him. A few wireless welcoming but they came from more unpopular sites, and some outlets hadn’t reported anything yet. But the information was still new so it will keep trickling down through the circuit until everyone has given their mostly unsolicited insight. 
The one thing that still popped up everytime his name hit the headlines though started popping up right in front of his eyes. It never failed to make him feel less than and unworthy.
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rou-luxe · 26 days
"Now, is that a lie or is it the truth?"
guys I kinda forgot about the playlists HERE'S HARRY'S!! it's mostly focused on his vibe 😭😭
"why does harrison's playlist have california gurls?" TO MATCH WITH LIAM'S!! WHY ELSE ♥
🔗 William (published)
Harrison (you are here!)
Liam (next)
🔗 Elbert (published)
🔗 Alfons (published)
Roger (queued)
Jude (queued)
Ellis (queued)
Victor (queued)
I still gotta work on the thumbnails sorry ☹
let me know if you'd like to be pinged for a specific character... though I will say the Roger and Ellis ones feel out of character. but the polls said I should publish anyway
I started Harrison's path and Harry lowk feels so Fullmetal Alchemist wtf
ikevil fma au when
okay I shut up now!! thank you
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