#video game in literature
prokopetz · 1 year
The terrible Gollum game is only the beginning, folks. The Hobbit enters the US public domain in just a little less than ten years, so the current rights-holders are going to be trying to squeeze every last bit of profit they can out of the little fucker before he becomes free to use. You have no idea what's coming.
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joncronshawauthor · 1 year
From Zelda to Epic Tales: Tracing Hyrule's Footprints in Contemporary Fantas
The Legend of Zelda, with its green-clad hero and captivating world of Hyrule, has been more than just a digital escape for many. Beyond the pixels, heart containers, and haunting ocarina melodies, it seems Hyrule’s winds have whispered inspiration to the realms of modern fantasy literature. Let’s dive into that Deku Tree of influence, shall we? A Link to the Past (and Future): Time is but a…
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ghost-in-a-cup · 8 months
hey guys, maybe before you pirate LEARN SOME ETIQUETTE
why are these important? well, if you openly share the sites, they wil get shut down. corporations are willing to copyright strike anything. you are only going to make accessing these resources harder.
if you want to share resources, don't post them on public forums like tumblr, twitter,instagram or any popular site. remember how zlibrary shut down? yall want that to happen to more sites? do you?
also like if they get shut down, people who can't access these otherwise because they don't have the means for it or its banned in their country are losing access.
Don't post links online. Only share in private conversations.
try and avoid linking the sites directly. a workaround is sharing the downloaded files via other file hosting sites similar to google drive and drop box
Use a VPN. i personally like proton vpn, it is a freemium model but the free version works fine.
These are just the basics, there are others but please keep these in mind.
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Minecraft, DDLC, Yandere Sim, FNAF, and Animal Jam 🫡
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pjberribear · 4 months
Little face expressions from each character! :
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Extra: Did a little sketch of how I wanted the player/viewer to look like before the official designs were released.
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I hope you guys like these lil squishy's! I'm gonna vanish now.
See ya next week on Friday again! <3
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viviraptor-art · 11 months
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cringetober day 30: videogame (undertale, FNAF, etc)
ddlc seems to fall nicely into this prompt's "etc" category
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retrogamingblog2 · 10 months
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Pokemon Corner Bookmarks made by MokosMakery
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do-you-ship-it-polls · 4 months
Do you ship it: crackship edition
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gagedraws · 11 months
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Wall of Villains
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shunolo · 1 year
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poyo--boyo · 2 months
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Yuri fanart
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prokopetz · 1 month
On the origin of oozes:
When googling it seems that ooze type enemies came about with dnd.
Are you aware of earlier origins? It does not seem farfetched to assume that some fantasy book had them before that.
(also, best ooze in your opinion?)
It's broadly correct that the ooze monster in its modern form comes to us via Dungeons & Dragons (with considerable influence from D&D-inspired Japanese console RPGs like Dragon Quest). However, like many other classic D&D tropes, its antecedents were present in the sword and sorcery literature of the 20th Century – ooze monsters just seem like they sprung into existence fully formed in D&D's monster manuals because nobody reads sword and sorcery lit anymore.
While there are no doubt earlier precedents, I'd be inclined to point to early 20th Century cosmic horror fiction as the point where the modern giant-amoeba-like notion of the ooze monster really became a standard trope. We can see a clear prototype of the modern ooze monster in Lovecraft's shoggoths, first described in detail in At the Mountains of Madness (1931), for example; from there, the line to the sword and sorcery literature that would go on to form the basis of Dungeons & Dragons is a short one. This certainly isn't the first example of the type – I just don't have an earlier one at my fingertips.
As for my favourite ooze monster, I've gotta give it to the gelatinous cube, one of the few examples of the type which truly is original to Dungeons & Dragons – in fact, it could only have come from D&D, owing to the peculiarities of its creation. It started out as a sort of dungeon hazard, an "invisible" ooze which concealed itself by being completely transparent and conforming perfectly to the shape of any passage that it occupied; however, since old-school D&D expected players to produce their own dungeon maps as they went, and made their job easier by abstracting dungeon floorplans onto a grid of ten-foot squares, the idea of the gelatinous cube quickly shifted from "ooze which perfectly fills any passage it occupies" to "ooze which evolved to be a perfect ten-foot cube in order to block a standard ten-foot-by-ten-foot dungeon hallway". It's incredibly dumb, and I love it.
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ur-fav-is-autistic · 2 months
yuri from doki doki literature club ^_^
Yuri from Doki Doki Literature Club is Autistic!
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 months
Request for Doki Doki: Monika, Sayori, Yuri, and Natsuki having the ability tell when their normally stoic S/O is experiencing an emotion when most can't. (Ex: Tell when the S/O is happy, sad, angry, etc.)
Being able to understand their stoic S/O
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Monika, Sayori, Yuri, Natsuki ]
[ Doki Doki Literature Club ]
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A really interesting request! I missed write for my lovely ladies so thanks for the request <3 i hope I made it right, I almost forget how to write for them
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Monika accepts and love you just the way you are, not judge nor forcing to change, so you being quite stoic is something Monika will never take as something bad, is just the way you are and she loves you
Although it take her quite a while to get used to it, even if you are open to talk about whats on your mind not showing much emotions sometimes makes her a little anxious, but over time she just learn to love it too
There are a lot of diferent forms to express your feeling, not only by direct words or even facial expressions, and thats one of the reasons she loves so much poetry, it help her express a little better when she has problems to express whats on her mind or heart, so she may suggest you writing poems to help you express yourself more (or anything you want to try, she won't force you to exactly be poetry), she will teach you how or even learn with you how to do whatever you want to use to help you express
Also, Monika will write quite a lot of poems for you, she may be quite nervous and even shy at first to show them to you but she will give them to you anyways, and is thanks to all those poems she wrote for you and with what you decided to use to express more yourself (if you decided to do it) how Monika slowly start to learn how to identify what you feel, wich end up leading her to have more and more confident on herself and this relationship
Monika feels quite prideful about the fact that she can read you and tell what you are feeling (but she won't say it out loud), and with that security she will start inviting you over with her friends of the club more often since she can help you or them if they feel nervous or awkward about the other
Also, everytime Monika notice that you are happy she is happy too, it gives her a sense of satisfaction and also warm up her heart, it always give her a small boost of confidence that lead her to show some affection, like a silent sign of telling you that she is happy too (most of the time are small things like taking your hand or even leaning on you a little, small things that she want you to notice)
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Sayori finds it a little difficult to have a stoic partner, she loves you and she is sure about that but she is quite insecure, she has problems when relating to others and your stoic nature just triggers her to be really scare of messing things up between you two
Sayori really wants to make you happy, she wants for you to be happy with her but since you don't show much emotions she is quite scare of not doing it or even making you uncomfortable with how insisting she can be, so her worries goes from one side to another
If you are open with what you think and feel by words it will help her but at first it will still not be enough, and yet she wont ask for more, Sayori already feels quite anxious about messing things up to ask you for more
However, Sayori is clingy, affectionate and sometime a little bit invasive, so after some time of being close to each other Sayori will just learn how to read you perfectly, it happens so slowly but naturaly that Sayori practically didn't noticed it!
It makes Sayori relax the fact that she is able to read your emotions now, even so she didn't noticed imediatly, she is just too happy to know when you are happy at her side or when you need some space by just looking at you, she is too focus on being happy and that she can finally relax and finally don't feel like she will mess things up that she just take it as something natural
Honestly, its something that end up surprising her friends of the literature club! they are happy for Sayori since they have seen her being anxious about the whole thing and now that she can relax they are happy too, but they are even more surprised by the fact that Sayori just didn't noticed when it happened nor know how to explain how she does it, but at least she is able to do it now and they are happy for ther (although, Natsuki will may complain about how weird it is that she doesn't know how she even does it but she is happy for her too)
This is something that make Sayori inmensily happy, and once she become aware of her own hability she will be purposely saying and doing affectionate things just to be able to see your reaction, and everytime is a positive she becomes quite flustered and really happy (and, unlike you, she is quite obvious with how happy she is)
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Yuri is already quite anxious so her partner being stoic sometimes make her anxious and nervous, the idea of you may being judging her bugs her mind but she is not too afected by it when you reasure her and show her love in your own way, it easy her worries
Yuri is not someone who judge, she can considere herself as someone weird but she slowly learns to have more confidence, so she wont judge you in the slighest for being stoic and don't showing much emotions (honestly, sometimes she finds is quite fascinating and even envy it a little, considering it as a sign of being mentally stronge, wich she want to have)
Yuri isn't someone who ask for much in a relasionship since she is more used to be alone and still need time for herself, even so she still will want for your reasurance, she want you to remind her that you love her just the way she is and that is okay (but will never dare to ask for it out loud)
At some point Yuri will just learn to see thought your stoic expression and see what you truly feel since she spend quite sometime looking at you, between the admiration and the anxiety she just learned to identify those little hints you give her about what you feel
For Yuri it comes so natural to slowly learn to read you that she doesn't make a big deal out of it, she just notice that she can do it one day and considerate a personal victory but doesn't tell anyone else unless it comes to the topic, is something that she mainly keep to herself (close to her heart since is something that makes her really happy)
Being able to read your emotions gives Yuri more confidence, knowing how happy you are at her side or whenever you feel uncomfortable give Yuri a unique feeling of conection towards you, it makes her feel closer to you what lead her to be more open to you too, now with more confidence
It isn't exactly that is something Yuri hide from others, she won't deny that she can do it nor how make her feel to her friends of the club, but it is something that make her flustered whenever someone point it out, she becomes shy and blushy (but if is you the one pointing it out she will be way too flustered but still will want to know your reaction to that, hoping is a good one)
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Natsuki is not the best when showing her true emotions, most of the time she just come across as rude for being at the defensive, but for being in a relationship she had overcome that part and is able to be more open (even when at the start the idea of being in a relationship with you made her flustered and try to brush it off)
You being so stoic is both a good and a bad thing for her, from one side she find it quite cool and helps her feel more relaxed the fact that you won't make a face or express negative emotions toward her with your expression (wich she would hate), but it makes her feel troubles by don't being able to tell what you are feeling, specially when she is too shy prideful to ask you directly
As much as it can trouble her at times Natsuki will not judge you for just being you, she will just get used to your usual stoicismand is even willing to stand up for you if anyone dare to say something bad about it, even if you say that is not needed she can't help but get defensive over you too (is one of her ways to showing care and how much she loves you)
Natsuki can be a little clingy at times since, aside from her friends at the club, you are the only one she can rely on so after all the time you two spend together she will just learn to understand you through your usual stoic expression. Natsuki shows affection throught indirect ways, such as the poems or even baking cupcakes for you so she not only know how it is to express yourself by indirect ways but also she pays close attention whenever she does something for you because she wants to know your reaction (but tries to do it discreetly since she doesn't want to embarrassed herself when feeling so expoused by admiting it), thats how she end up learning to see throught your stoicism and, honestly, she is grateful that she can do it
Honestly, being able to tell what you feel despite your stoicism is something that make her quite prideful, she indirectly brag about how she can read you perfectly fine and even indirectly end up mentioning it to her friends at some point, just wanting to show how amazing it is! but more important than the pride is that she feel closer to you, like if, somehow, this can tell that you two have a deeper bond, making her flustered but also inmensily happy, as if this let her know she has somewhere to belong
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vulpix10000 · 2 years
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When do you think we're gonna get a sequel
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pjberribear · 4 months
Here are the designs for the DDLC AU! <3
Welcome Home made by: @partycoffin
DDLC is made by: Dan Salvato
WH DDLC AU is made by: stupid me! I'm not even sure if I'm a genius..
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There's more to come for their designs in the future, right now I'm done with some. Of course, the person on the right is the player/viewer's design. They are neither gender, I made their hair in between so it can be neither as well. I made sure the designs were basic but not too basic. If you ever want to draw this AU then here's a little thing about it for you to know. The player/viewer can be swapped with your own OC'S, or you can replace them! Basically I made this design as a place holder for the player itself. Technically they're half canon in the series, so yeah.
Enough yapping, I'll save my fingers to post something new next week!
Have a good morning/ afternoon /night! <3
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