#videos that make brain go brrr
rapogirl13 · 5 months
Wait, I never made a pinned post did I...
Welcome to my blog!
Have a snack! 🍪🧁🍿🍩🍦
About me,
I'm just a gal who loves gaming (mainly Nintendo), baking (mainly for other people), anime, and manga.
Generally playing games, reading manga, or thinking about my OCs,
(I have SO MANY OCs)
About the blog
I mainly just quick reblog stuff, lol. So expect a lot of reblog spam.
(sorry to my mutuals, it will keep happening. :3 )
I like drawing ( I'm not super good at it lol) and might post a doodle from time to time.
I don't post a lot of my own thoughts, mainly because I am a TERRIBLE speller.
The tags
I almost always quick reblog, so I don't tag stuff as much as I should. (Sorry!) But when I do...
#the cat's moo. This is my tag! For the rare occasion I actually talk!
#videos that make brain go brr. Pretty self explained.
#Tumblr cookbook. Recipes for all your baking needs!
And the general ones like #fav. #save for later. And the likes.
In conclusion
Thanks for dropping by! Hope to see you around! 👋
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king-krisu · 11 months
Shirtless Nace is something that can actually be so personal
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halscafe · 1 year
here's a thought that has hit me in this late hour:
in "what you deserve" from the cataclysm plot, as vega and vindemiator/gavin wait for FL to get the hard drive in, they communicate with avior via some type of walkie-talkie. however, vega is speaking telepathically as avior and vindemiator/gavin are speaking verbally.
my thought (or i guess observation) is as follows: how the hell is vega getting his telepathic thoughts through to avior??
the range of d(a)emon telepathic communication has never been mentioned, but i imagine there has to be some kind of limit. and if there is a limit, is the demonic trio here using some type of magical walkie-talkie that allows the waves(?) of the telepathy to be transmitted through?
this is all assuming that avior isn't in close proximity to vega and vindemiator/gavin, so there's that also (・з・)
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boilingrain · 1 year
No matter how often I replay Breath of the Wild, my sister is still always shocked when I've made a ton of progress in an incredibly short amount of time.
Bro these are just the powers that autism gives you
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icharchivist · 1 year
prev post bc i didn’t want to add non-a3 comments in the tag but it’s so jarring, like, on a knowledge level i know Homare a3 and Arthur gbf are played by the same VA, but the range is so different i never hear it, so i never think about it much
but as Homare was weeping and crying it’s insane my first reaction was “aw he sounds like Arthur” before even remembering he voiced Arthur. 
Baby Arthur defends his rights to being a crybaby and somehow this is when he’s being a crybaby that i hear the Homare voice???
for reference, a video where Arthur is crying. 
i can’t fucking believe i actually recognize Tosshi from one role to the next TO HIS CRYING.
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yellobb · 2 years
Phew! I have a tiny bit of time, so I should probably work on the two fest/project deadlines coming up soon. Or maybe finish planning for COC! :)
…….. but what if I started something that will take countless hours to finish with skills I don’t quite have yet that I will probably never get through and never tell anyone about because I want to wait until I get through it 🤔
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 3 months
Fuckboy Eddie falls in love, fwb, little bit of smut. Cocky Eddie, 18+ Mdni.
Fuckboy Eddie has met his match when it comes to you, he assumes because at first you're sweet and a little on the shy side that he will be the one calling the shots.
He's wrong of course.
On the night that the two of you meet it's at one of Steve's parties. He's recently started throwing them again for the gang, it's fun and he's met a ton of hot chicks because of it.
You're a friend of Steve and Robins who work with him at Family Video, At the party you stick close to the two of them, nervous about meeting new people.
Occasionally Eddie manages to catch your eye, he winks at you from where he's sitting, flirts heavily when Robin and Steve introduce you to the rest of the gang.
Seduce and fuck, that's his motto, he's not interested in seeing a woman more than once, and he much prefers the briefest flings if he does. That way no one expects anything more from him.
He doesn't see how tonight will go any different but boy he's in for a surprise. The first surprise is when he asks you out, you look him dead in the eye and smirk.
"Sorry pretty boy, I'm not interested" Eddie's brain goes brrr for a few seconds, he can't remember the last time his flirting attempts failed so spectacularly.
"I uh..." he stumbles over his words, tongue tied and growing frustrated with himself. You take pity on him.
"Look I haven't had sex in like the longest time, I'm horny as shit and even though I say I'm not looking for anything more than some hot sex, we all know someone always catches feelings for their fuck buddy and I'd like to avoid that"
He gapes stunned then recovers. "What a coincidence, I'm just looking for just some hot sex too" you eye him up and down, there's a small smile on your face.
"Oh honey, you wouldn't be able to handle me, I'd rock your world" your hand brushes over his shoulder as you sashay pass him, he gently tugs you back and your eyes meet his, full of lust.
"Try me sweetheart"
Exactly twenty minutes later the two of you are in Eddie's room, the door locked and the two of you sweaty, naked and fucking each other until you're both spent and sated.
Eddie is lying beside you, his head empty of all thoughts except the fact that you did rock his world, repeatedly. The sex was mindblowing.
You lay with him for a minute before getting up and pulling on your clothes, "Where are you going?" He asked confused as you fix your hair and make up.
"Early start handsome, gotta run. That was fantastic" you blow him a kiss and then you're out the door, leaving Eddie speechless.
Well that was a first.
The same situation carried on for weeks, the two of you would have sex and it would be incredible but then either one of you would leave.
Except Eddie noticed that his bed was a lot colder without you in it, missed your laugh or you sarcasm when you weren't around. So he started going to Family Video more to spend time with you, flirt and see your pretty smile.
Whenever that smile was directed at him, it was like his whole heart went pitter patter very fast, he felt like he was a teenager again with his very first crush.
Butterflies, racing heart, sweaty palms, it was humiliating. He hated when some douchebag noticed you, so Eddie left little lovebites on your skin and pleased you for hours if some idiot tried to flirt with you. He liked reminding you that he could pleasure you better than some limp dick asshole.
He loved when you cried out his name, chanted it in sweet, reverent tones.
That's when Eddie came to the conclusion one day when you were laying fast asleep beside him after a long work day and a very hot shower session with him. His conclusion being that finally after all of these years he had met his match.
"Someone always catches feelings for their fuck buddy" that's exactly what you said all those weeks ago.
He just never expected that he would be the one who caught feelings.
The fuckboy was well and truly fucked... and completely in love with you.
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miss-atomic-blog · 6 months
Pretty ponytail man make brain go brrr
Process video on tinktonk
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andie-cake · 2 years
tech rules is the best youtuber solely bc of that one part in his ddlc video where he perfectly pronounces a keysmash
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achillean-knight · 8 months
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Woe, doodles be upon ye
HC's below the cut if you're absolutely interested in my Spiderverse Noir HC's + his world 👉👈
First the ones I agree with that I've seen a shit ton of people mention >:33
- He is a fatherly figure to Peni. I can imagine when they see each other again, she'd run to him and give him the biggest fucking hug ever. She experienced her Canon Event between ITSV and ATSV too, right? So I can see her needing comfort so badly, and the only ones she ever truly grew close to were Noir and Ham.
- He'd 10000/10 get along so well with Hobie. Along with Hobie legit mentioning his hatred for the AM, PM and fuckin NAZIS IN THE COMIC ,
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he'd be rambling so much with Noir about common interests and get along so well with him. Imagine he badazzles him in punk attire and based on this image:
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(I'll link where I found the image tomorrow when I'm on my laptop lol if I remember) but based on this image, he teaches Noir how to play the guitar and shit and OUYGG I WANNA SEE THEM INTERACT (they're my fave Spiderverse characters so 👉👈)
- OHOHOHO He loves the colour purple. So much. He can't see it, ofc but he has such a love for the colour that he sees any beautiful colour- or well, of what he can see of colours, and thinks every pretty colour is Purple.
- MJ see's Noir/Peter as a brother and he see's MJ as a sister in turn. There is no romantic attraction at all. Yeah, this means MJ see's Aunt May as a nice Aunt Figure she can go to and talk to about things.
Now onto some of my own headcanons- or some that I don't see mentioned a ton. These have probably been said before but oh well, these are just what I like and my brain go BRRR
- Felicia is taller then Noir. (For those unfamiliar, Felicia is a character from the comic.) Yes that'd probably make her freakishly tall based on how tall Noir is in the movie, but that comic panel of when he first meets her rots in my brain.
- Felicia still has her mask from her ordeals. However, unlike how she pushes away Peter, they actually become friends again. Comfort each other. They swore they'd never be in a relationship again.
- Noir is a combo of both his OG comics personality and 2020's comics personality. I see movie noir as anywhere between 19 - 21. He's learning and developing as a human still. He's calmer and kinder and resembles how his personality is in the newer comics, however, based on this deleted scene LOL, makes me think he looses his shit easily and goes actually feral.
(here's the link to where I found the video BC I actually saved the link lol yeah it's reblogged by yours truly, but the full post is there.)
- Oh yeah, Noir most definitely adopted Ding Ding btw. He probably is nearly at the newer comics stage of his life, being a private eye and such, drinking his fucking egg creams like newer comics noir SBSBBS So he found and adopted Ding Ding.
- Despite being young (19 - 21) he has serious eyebags man, dudes sleep deprived 😔 I'm also heavy on the Spiderverse portrait of him unmasked that I don't really draw/see him with facial scars but he could totally have them after the shit he went through 💀
- Noir is a part-time singer. I will not elaborate.
There's so many other things I wrote down that I want to share, but they're on my computer 😭 so you get these for now hhhh
Sorry if they're half-assed, it's 10:30 pm, I am tired
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shroudsupremacy · 3 months
Ignihyde ph by 吉ダ哉
This is the admin's take on the video:
The art style is giving admin, junji ito vibes because it's so retro yet modern?? Pardon my phrasing, this video really making the admin's brain go brrr
This video is 2 years old and the creator also made videos with other TWST characters like Jamil and Neige. The use of bright colors really distract the essence of misery in the illustrations.
In Idia's perspective, the eyes watching him from below really show how his social anxiety follows him everywhere even when he opens the gate to the underworld. All his emotions reached the breaking point when he smiled as his eyes continued to look uneasy at his feet.
A parallel to Ignihyde's dorm advertisement video, where a black blob held on to him and he held a look of acceptance as it lets it overtake his body. (The black blob was OG! Ortho, if you didn't know)
There were four crosses indicated which could symbolize, OG! Ortho, Kid! Idia, R! Ortho, and how he views the world.
PH also means Potential Hydrogen which is used as a property to check on the properties of water. If the PH level is too high, it can be easily absorbed into the body which is similar to drugs. It takes one intake to become addicted, which can be related to how Idia chose to cope with the loss of his brother by the thought of recreating him.
It just crossed his mind once and he became hyperfixated on that idea until he finishes, only to be left with a broken soul since he realizes that it's not a solution. He continues to stay in his comfort zone without deciding to quit or step out of it despite R! Ortho's persistence and continues intaking the drug of escaping reality. Eventually leading to his overblotting in chapter 6 when R! Ortho allows OG! Ortho to take over, making Idia snap out of his delusion for a moment before something else overtakes him. The adrenaline to get back what he lost.
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neowinestainedress · 2 years
HELLO can i ask for a drabble wherein reader was huffing and puffing mad coz gamer!hyuck was taking too long playing with his friends (jeno, jaemin and mark) and she was VERY need that time so she fingered herself in annoyance while watching porn and then gamer!hyuck caught her and then being naughty that she is, receives a punishment where hyuck tied her dominant hand down and then he says play with urself in front of my friends. show them how nasty u r then u struggle w/ ur left hand (pt.1)
+ (cont from the gamer!hyuck anon) and then you all look at them for some sort of relief when you cant take it anymore bcs your left hand cant make u cum and the boys enjoy it so much. then all of them are at the couch and ure seated on a single couch in front of them. hyuck will ask them “what shall we do with her” markmin will say dont let her cum and will enjoy her tears streaming down her face and the ruthless jeno will say [redacted] -end.
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— game over
— gamer!haechan x reader + mark, jeno and jaemin
— w!: exhibitionism, voyeurism, masturbation, fingering, dirty talk/teasing, dacryphilia
— a/n: you say gamer!haechan and my brain goes BRRR. dw, you'll find out what jeno says at the end of this ;)
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You don’t mind when Mark, Jeno, and Jaemin come over. Just like you don’t mind when they play games with your boyfriend Haechan. 
But you do mind when they keep going on, playing a game you don’t even care about knowing the name. 
“How much does this game last?” You ask, huffing loudly, rolling your eyes when your boyfriend doesn’t even spare you a glance. “Hyuck, for how long will this torture go on?” 
He turns around, briefly looking at you. “We just started another round. Go to our room if you’re bored, I’ll be there in an hour.” 
Your eyes widen. 
One fucking hour more? 
You’re about to complain but then another idea crosses your mind. You get up, reaching the couch in front of the one where you and Haechan are sitting to grab a blanket, trying to not disturb the other three before walking back to your seat. 
Haechan doesn’t notice immediately, of course, he doesn’t, his eyes are too focused on the screen of his Nintendo Switch to think about you. But then his eyes drift on you. 
“You’re wearing shorts and you put a blanket on?” 
“Worry about your games and not me,” you cut him off, picking up your phone and your earphones. “Just want to watch some TikTok videos without hearing your screams.” 
You surely aren’t going to watch Tiktoks.  
Your thumb doesn’t slide on the dancing app, or whatever it had become, but hit the blue icon with the white bird. 
You bite your lips when you start playing one of your bookmarked videos. You shift on the seat, trying to find a comfortable position while you mentally crY because you wished you were getting fucked like that. But it was useless to cry since your boyfriend found a stupid game more interesting than you, and the only thing you could do is help yourself with your fingers. 
Ovulation week driving you insane, so horny that you lost count of how often you were begging to chase release. Always humping against Haechan like a fucking dog in heat, no matter how embarrassing it was. 
And you’re not really proud of yourself when your right hand creeps down, under the blanket covering your lower half, rubbing your hard clit through the panties after slipping past the rubber band of your pants. But you and Haechan had kind of started something before those three buzzkills ruined everything — you care about them a lot when they don’t come between your fuck sessions with Donghyuck. 
Your eyes drift from the phone for a second, the short video almost coming to an end, and fall on Haechan’s fingers. Your lips part seeing how quick he is with them, groaning lowly because you deserved to have them move like that inside you. 
“You okay?” Jeno asks from the other side of the couch. 
“Yeah, just saw a stupid take on a video,” you play it off. Not that you have to try hard to convince them because in a second their attention is not on you anymore. You’re convinced you could strip naked and finger yourself in the middle of the room and they wouldn’t notice. 
But you don’t, of course, you don’t, the only thing you do is curse yourself for wearing shorts that are getting in your way before you try to push to the side the fabric that is getting between you and your aching wet pussy. 
You bite your lower lip harder when you slowly push a finger in, eyes fixed on the video playing on your phone, imitating the rubs on your clit and the pumps inside you, but one finger is soon not enough, so you slip another one inside. 
Your brain blanks out, too focused on the videos playing, the moans, whimpers and lewd sounds filling your ears turning you on even more, and on the way your fingers are making you feel, reaching deep, and curling inside, making your toes curl. 
You forget to keep a straight face and you don’t even think that they might not hear the sounds coming from your phone but the ones coming from your sopping wet pussy can surely be heard. 
You gasp loudly when Haechan rips the blanket off your body, leaving you stuck in your movement, your phone falling on your lap, one earphone falling out of your ear, and your hand stuffed in your pants. 
“Really?” He’s looking at you with an expression you can’t really decipher, his typical mischievous grin is on his face, but his eyebrows are raised, and you know from the look in his eyes he’s mocking you. 
“You left me hanging…” you reply, shyly meeting his gaze, not turning around to see the other three, but you can feel their eyes dig deep into you and you don’t even want to know what they’re thinking about. “I’ll just go to our room.” 
The laugh that rolls out of your boyfriend’s lips stops you in place. 
“You’re not going anywhere,” he says firmly. “You had no problems fucking yourself right in front of all of us and you will keep fucking yourself.” 
You gulp, feeling a shiver run down your spine as you move to grab the blanket again, but Haechan stops you another time, clicking his tongue and throwing the soft fabric to Jaemin on the other side. 
“Strip.” That’s the only command he gives you, getting up with you but leaving you alone… 
“Where are you going?” You ask but once again he ignores you and you stomp your feet, sighing loudly. 
“You better listen to him,” Mark says, reminding you that you weren’t alone. You turn, facing them, your eyes immediately falling between their legs, a shy outline of their boner already visible. You want to comment, tease them even, as if you have any type of control in that situation, but Haechan’s groan makes you snap out of it. 
“I ordered you to strip, what are you waiting for? Do I have to rip your clothes off?” 
You shake your head — even if you wouldn’t have minded if he did — and your hands swiftly pull down your shorts and panties, leaving on the shirt you’re wearing. 
Haechan is tempted to remark again that he told you to strip and not to stay half-naked but, as much as he loves your boobs, there’s something incredibly hot in fucking you or seeing yourself fuck yourself, still partially dressed. 
So he walks over to you when you sit on the couch again, legs closed and feet tapping on the floor as you wait for the next move. Is he going to fuck you in front of them? Is he going to kick them out and fuck you all night? Other ideas cross your mind but nothing prepares you for what he does. 
“What are you –” the question dies in your mouth as he shushes you with a single glare, pulling your hand in his, wrapping your wrist around a scarf before tying it on the small table next to the couch. 
“Touch yourself,” Haechan orders with a smirk on his face, a smirk you don’t truly get, just like you don’t get the way he tied your hand, that until your right hand moves to reach between your legs and the table shakes, the expensive vase your mother gifted you almost falling. 
“Careful, baby,” he whispers. “With your left hand. If you pull, the vase you love so much will break.” 
Your eyes widen. “I can’t come with my left hand, you know it’s not the same.” 
You glare at the three-man in front of you when they laugh at what you said. 
“Damn, you’re not even worried about having to touch yourself in front of us but you’re worried about not being able to come?” Jeno snickers and your mouth falls open but no response comes out of you. 
“She is a nasty one,” Mark comments, talking to Haechan. 
“I told you.” 
“You told them?” You ask in surprise, but your boyfriend only rolls his eyes. 
“Nothing too specific, if that’s what you’re worried about.” He sits next to you, raising a brow to urge you to do what he requested you. “Spread your legs and show them how nasty you are.” 
And you obey. You needed an orgasm, and as hard as this was going to be, maybe you could’ve done a miracle with your left hand. 
But no miracle comes to your aid. You can’t. You just can’t. It doesn’t feel the same and the mocking chuckles and comments coming from all of them are not helping either. 
“What, baby? Can’t come? Bet you were so fucking close before. Touching yourself in front of my friends, fingering your needy dirty hole until it left a wet patch on your clothes.” 
You don’t answer, too mad to even give him the reaction that he wants, but you are giving him what he wants, what they want. 
Eyebrows knit together in concentration, fingers working desperately trying to give you the amount of pleasure you want, and low huffs and whimpers escaping your lips, a mix between enjoyment and annoyance. 
Just when a belt hits the ground your eyes lift up, seeing that their pants are sitting at their feet and their hands are palming their boners. 
You shouldn’t find it hot, but you do. 
You try to get off to that, to them looking at you so intensely and to your boyfriend. You can see from your peripherical view that his cock is out, hard and throbbing, and his hands are pumping it. But you wish that was your hand, or to be honest, you wish it was inside of you, so you don’t look, suffering already enough at the memory of how good he feels and how well he fucks you. 
That frustrates you even more, and as you edge yourself over and over without being able to come, tears start streaming down your face, slowly painting your cheeks with black stains of your mascara. 
“Shit.” You hear Mark say, turned on at seeing how your light make-up was ruining your pretty face and how you couldn’t hold the moans anymore, a weirdly exciting mix between huffs, cries and whimpers of pleasure. “You’re so hot.” 
His comments make your eyes open and your brain tries to come up with something that could bring you over the edge even if you’re left without your right hand and Hyuck’s cock. 
You don’t feel the same for his friends, right? They are hot but you have no idea what they feel like, you can’t get so mad because you can’t have them. So you let your eyes wander on them. You just know that they’re fighting against themselves to don’t take their dicks out and do what Donghyuck is doing. But even if they don’t, their hands rub against their underwear, trying to find some pleasure too.  
And if they are so turned on by this, if they crave more just like you do, they will surely help you, right? 
But what they say catches you by surprise. 
“Fuck, you’re so funny like this,” Jaemin chuckles. “You’re fuming in anger and yet you want to come so badly.” 
You nod, not caring that it’s clear as the sky that he’s mocking you. He’s the nicest of them, you know it, maybe he will make Haechan give in. 
And finally, your boyfriend talks, “what should we do with her?” 
You turn to look at him with a snap of your neck, so fast that you almost hurt yourself and make the small table at your side tremble anyway. 
Why was he letting them decide? Since when he let other people have control over you? 
They all snicker at your reaction to his unexpected questions, and even if they are clearly amused, you see that they are just as surprised as you. So you plead, fingers stilling inside you while you pull your sweetest, biggest doe eyes you could ever make, more tears striking down your face, and even if you couldn’t control those salty drops, you hope his best friends would’ve pitied you in that state. But somehow that makes you get the exact opposite of what you want. 
“Don’t make her come.” Jaemin and Mark comment at the same time, giggling at their coordination and then at your face. 
You want to get mad but you don’t. 
You have one last hope. 
“So, what do you say?” Haechan asks. You’re not looking at him but you hear the smirk in his voice. 
Your eyes lock in Jeno’s, a never seen before flame burning behind them as the smile on his face turns into a smirk. 
An evil smirk you don’t like because it doesn’t promise anything good. 
He looks ruthless but he sounds even more ruthless when he finally opens his mouth to answer Donghyuck. 
“Make our cocks fit in her before she fucking cums.” 
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tommyssupercoolblog · 4 months
IM SORRY THIS ISNT MEANT TO BE AGGRESSIVE i have not been on this part of the internet in a long time so things might have changed but.... last i heard the proship label encompassed things (in fiction) like inc/st, abusive relationships, p/do shit, etc... is that still correct? idk if thats what you were talking about in your tags because i do not know Anything about minecraft youtubers but usually when people put proship in their dni theyre denouncing that stuff. just wanted to clarify im understanding your complaints, no harm intended!
No problem!! it can be confusing lol, nothing wrong with being unsure. All-in-all, you're kinda close with that idea, but still not on target. explanations of proship vs anti, the d/mp fandom's take on it, and my thoughts on it all under the cut:
So proship as a philosophy is about wether or not things like that (in fiction) translate to real life, which is why it's connected to censorship like i mentioned in the post- if you believe that watching or reading something problematic will make more problematic things happen, that someone reading a book with a child/adult relationship makes them more likely to (or is on it's own already the same as) a person pursuing that in real life, that makes you an anti; and it also gives you a big reason to push for works like that being taken down or removed, and for people who make or read that stuff to be put in real prisons or face other real life consequences for fictional acts- because the idea is that, to an anti, these things bleed into each other.
being proship isn't equivalent to enjoying dark fiction like that, but it IS equivalent to believing that, similar to fictional violence, fictional crimes or acts of any kind can be created and consumed by artists and audiences without people actually condoning it IRL. a proshipper would say that if someone plays a video game where they murder someone, and then does it IRL, thats on the PERSON, not the media- and they hold the same position for fictional portrayals of incest, abusive relationships, and pedophilic relationships. the name comes from being pro- as in for- ships, and other content, as a whole; without it having to meet IRL moral criteria.
dark fiction freaks me out personally; the biggest ick (and actually a trigger for me) being incest; It bothers me and i stay away from it. but I don't think that people who read or make it are going to condone it IRL directly because of that media, and I believe that if they WERE to do something bad like abusing someone, it'd be an unrelated/seperate issue: an independent choice that only they are responsible for, not anything they made or watched or read.
That makes me fall under proship, even though I don't like any problematic (as in incest, abuse, adult/minor) ships. Personally, I literally follow people who like things that bother me in that way: i just block the tags so when they post something i really don't wanna see, tumblr tells me, hey, this post has this thing in it so we've spoilered it. If someone likes shipping their silly little blorbos and those silly little blorbos are kinda fucked up in a way that makes their brain go brrr, that's totally chill with me as long as they aren't hurting anyone- which, because i don't think fiction equates to reality, I believe they aren't when they're playing with their blorbos. (and since i'm pro-rpf, it's worth mentioning i feel the same about that. rpf is still FICTION, at the end of the day. you don't actually expect those people to do the things you write or draw. it's still removed from reality. that's personal preference though, many proshippers would disagree.)
So basically proship or Anti is a label that represents your philosophy on how human thoughts and behavior link to fiction. anti means you believe that consuming something fictional is equivalent to doing it in real life, or at least will make you do it IRL later, while proship means you believe that consuming something fictional is unrelated to doing it IRL, and you can enjoy something fictionally without actually enjoying it or condoning it when it's real people.
you will, of course, see more people who enjoy dark fiction under proship, and that's because they themselves consume it- so of course they're going to say it's not the same as doing it IRL. You will also, of course, see more people who don't like dark fiction at all under anti, because when you're disgusted by something like that then that reaction can be taken as "evidence" that it's morally bad. (personally, disgust-based morality doesn't hold up as a concept for me- it's a big reason why bigots believe the things they do, so using the same logic path makes me uncomfortable, but it is still common for people to use it as a way to measure wether something is okay or not.)
so, the part about silly block game.
there's lots of censoring in this part to avoid harassment, so bear with me.
In the early days of the d/mp, people decided that creating romantic content around the b-nchtr-o (Tmmy, tvbb0, and rnb00, who were all around 16 at the time) was inherently problematic. I'm not sure why, exactly, but the idea became that a fan crushing on one of them (at the exact same age!!!) or shipping them with each other, even as characters, was equivalent to being a real life child predator. again, even if the person doing it was ALSO a minor.
because it was seen as inherently problematic, behaviors like those were lumped in with other things problematic- shipping characters on the smp who had fought or killed each other, shipping characters who were related or were minor/adult, etc. there was no distinction; i was there!! it was all problematic, and all of it was seen as evidence that you were a real life predator of some kind regardless of age or disclaimers put under your content.
the label that developed for this group of "problematic content" enjoyers within the fandom became "poppytwt" or "ppytwt". (twt being there because it was mainly localized around twitter). as i explained above, because it could be because of dark fiction OR be//htr/o content, poppytwt content and ships doesn't even require it being dark fiction necessarily, nor does it require it being b//chtr/o; just one or the other, although usually the assumption is that it's both, since that combines the two reasons for being under that label. some people also call any proshippers in the fandom poppy even if they don't engage in anything problematic in-fandom, but that's generally the antis and not people themselves. if someone self describes as poppy, it's for the two main reasons above.
Additionally, the d/mp fandom has this concept of "maintagging". what this means is that if you make problematic content, you are NOT ALLOWED to tag it under the fandoms or characters it's about, because people don't want to see it in their results. ao3 has a tag filtering feature for this exact purpose, but people generally disregaurd that; you're still not supposed to tag it on the "main" tags, and doing so is seen almost like "asking for" harassment, like how some people talk about wearing crop tops alone at night.
Tntd/o managed to cross over, actually, from poppy to main/normalized in the fandom as the creators leaned into it with their characters. but for awhile even that was considered poppy.
different members of ppytwt have different opinions on RPF, but RPF was also considered poppy on it's own sometimes depending on who you were talking to and how militant they were on what got a pass and what didn't.
as be/chtr/o aged....it didn't stop?? all of them hit 18, but still, to this day, you can be cancelled for shipping them with each other or ANYONE else. it's why i'm so damn scared of the d/mp fandom, if i tagged a fic about my source with his character tag, with ANYTHING other than platonic relationships for him/me, I run the risk of being sent threats or doxxed- don't get me wrong, many antis keep to themselves, but there are also those who try to play vigilante- remember, if something fictional is equivalent to IRL, then attacking someone for enjoying a "bad" fictional thing becomes a charitable, heroic act; so sometimes antis might pursue proshippers with the goal of keeping people "safe". Many people in related fandoms or under the same creators also adopted the same ideals handed down from the d/mp fandom, so i'm wary of people who just watch my source too, or of people who like the q/mp.
people joke about the old fandom going crazy if they say tvbb0 and tmmy today, and that's because they would. they'd be furious at tmmy for doing this bit and putting himself in danger, they'd be cancelling anyone who ran with the bit in chat or had a photo of them hugging or kissing like in the music video as a profile picture, it'd be a whole mess. even today though it's still...scary.
((paused there to take a strawberry milk break, im back now))
the somewhat exception to this rule is Rnb00- people literally thirst for them and make nsfw comments openly, so while im not sure about the shipping aspect, i do know simping is widely okay- you couldn't even say you wanted to kiss them before, but now people are saying wayyy more than that...
inversely, i feel like my source has it the worst, because people won't even talk about him- or anything related to him- as an adult. it's always child this and child that, "who let him drink" and "get the alcohol away from the baby!", and of couse "don't ship him or his character with anyone that makes you a pedophile!!!" while the grown ass man they're talking about outright says he's alright with sfw fanfiction in a video where he reacts to someone's x-reader and then makes flirty nsfw jokes with every other adult man in the vicinity. every fanfic is platonic and almost all of them both irl and in game write him as sixteen. they take place in the past or, more commonly, they just straight up age him down. hell, sometimes they even age him down to like eight. even in fics where he IS an adult, he gets called a child or a teenager but never an adult.
poppytwt, like the stigma against writing for the creators or their characters, lives on. and even outside of benchtrio, again, ships between other characters that are problematic are poppytwt, so that also is still clinging on for dear life in some corners of the web. most poppytwt posts that are tagged as such usually include b//chtr/o, but not all of them; and it's worth noting many creators avoid tagging at all even if it's just the poppytwt tag, because they don't want to get swarmed.
because I ship myself with my husband of course, and also make fictional content with our sources as an extension of that (think dungeons and dragons but the character is just you...or, actually, SMPs are a great example of this since the appearance/name is generally the same, so think like an SMP!!!!!) I am poppytwt. I will always be poppytwt to most people who don't like poppytwt. and I have friends who are poppytwt and I like art made by people under poppytwt. I don't need to ship incest to be a part of that, i just need to not think the people who do aren't doing anything harmful when they ship that, and to write/draw....well, anything about septicinnit, which i do all the time.
if someone has poppytwt dni in their bio, i can't interact. if someone has proship dni in their bio, i can't interact. it doesn't matter if what they really mean is "people who like abusive ships because that triggers me", I still can't interact.
Because i think we SHOULD be tagging our content exactly so that we can filter it and find what we personally enjoy (and avoid what we dont), the concept of a DNI is technically something i'm kinda for- it is a way of monitoring and controlling your experience- but it also can be used as an excuse to harass people who forgot to read it, and i have no way of knowing if that's the case in advance.
ADITTIONALLY, because I know and care about people who consume dark fiction, I also don't want to be around people who think that makes them a bad person, regaurdless of wether or not they think i can stay. and "proship dni" is about proship, that fiction isn't reality philosophy- they are saying right out of the gate that they think it DOES make them a bad person. and I don't agree with that. it frustrates me and it makes me upset. those DNIs are based in a place of disgust and hatred for the people I care about, because of content that isn't real, and i'm never going to feel super okay with that...
there's people who don't understand what it means and use it anyway when it's really just about the content; but again, how am i supposed to know which is which?? ESPECIALLY on twitter, the anti philosophy is extremely popular and relevant and yes, trendy. people believe it, HARD, and so i can't assume they don't when they say they do. I've met real flesh and blood people in person who think that way, so if you are using these words, i'm assuming you know what they mean- that way I don't run the risk of making an actual anti upset and violating their boundaries.
you don't have to agree with me on this- if you're anti, then that's your worldview and i'm not going to change that. but that's what those words mean, the history of the block game side of things, and how they're correlated to censorship.
To Summarize:
Anti : Fiction Equals Reality so Fictional Crimes are Real Crimes (ergo we should censor them to stop the crimes)
Proship: Fiction does NOT Equal Reality so Fictional Crimes are Harmless (on their own)
Anti-Anti: Not sure if Fictional Crimes are Harmless, but Don't Like that Antis think Proshippers are The Exact Same Level as IRL Criminals
Poppytwt/ppytwt: Problematic silly block game stuff, OR things that have to do with these three specific block people being hot/dating someone. Sometimes both.
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leobashi · 11 months
How do you feel about aggressive chase?
Chase with anger issues is also very good. We don’t know why he and Stacy were getting a divorce, and although I often like to write in my AUs that it’s because Chase prioritized his work over his family, alcoholism and anger issues also makes my brain go brrr. There was that one “trick” in his original video called the “drive by”
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
Thoughts on Autistic/Adhd Joestars and eye contact:
Jonathan- doesn't mind eye contact, but doesn't naturally make eye contact, and then upon being told he wasn't doing it enough as a kid, overcompensated by doing too much for a while. Managed to mostly figure out how much is appropriate and when by adulthood, but it's never quite natural for him.
Jotaro - NOT A FAN. Uses his hat to block line of sight as much as possible. When he does make eye contact, there's always a Meaning to it, typically trying to get something across without words during the heat of battle or if he just doesn't want to talk.
Giorno - alternates wildly between absolutely none, (particularly when he's scared and trying to appear deferential) and a 'creepy' staring-into-your-soul thing. Can mask it pretty well if he tries, but it's always an effort and tends to err on the side of too much.
Josuke - mostly seems normal in this regard, but finds himself subconsciously more comfortable talking in situations where there's an excuse to not be making eye contact - someone's driving, they're walking next to each other, playing video games, watching a movie, etc.
Jolyne- similar boat to Jonathan where it doesn't come naturally to her but she can mask it. Figured it out slightly earlier due to better resources and less vague and unhelpful feedback.
Joseph- never looks at a single object for more than a few seconds unless he's hyperfocused, if the object is an eyeball or not is immeterial.
Y e s s s s s s s s s
I want to eat these headcanons they’re so delicious and make Brain go brrr
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emeritus-fuckers · 11 months
Ohh, if your receiving matchups, then may I have one for the papas? I'm a 5'1 nonbinary person with medium-long hair, black has sort of faded to a dark brown but my hair is half black half magenta red but like top black bottom magenta red. I am the embodiment of raccoon and golden retriever at once. I'm usually a follower and not a leader, and I love affection/attention but honestly I'm usually too shy or anxious to straight up ask for it. I like video games, and the genre varies a bit. Horror, RPG, gacha, ect. Even Minecraft and Animal Crossing. I have autism and ADHD as well as anxiety and depression. Struggle with social cues because of it but once I've gotten attached to someone I just wanna be happy, spend time, cuddle. I'm on the heavier side so even if I am short I'd likely be hard to carry. I am ambiverted as in sometimes I feel quite social, other points I am social but I need my "hand held" (figuratively and sometimes literally) through social situations, and other times I don't even wanna leave home to interact with people. I struggle with insomnia but with melatonin and uhhh 🍃 I can manage sleep. I do sleep better in my loves arms though I've noticed. I can literally listen to anything but country or gospel. My main music focus though is Ghost, some Mother Mother, indie songs, and video game soundtracks as well the playlists inspired by your special interests and what songs make my brain go brrr on those. Being gay is unbashedly a personality trait of mine, but my favorite colors are fall colors, dark green, and black/grey. I prefer darker colors in general. 8/10 Summary, I am feraly emotionally and neurodivergent and when I love I love strongly.
(if you aren't taking those requests at all, then I apologize I just saw someone else receive one and got excited!)
Your match is...Copia
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You followed him into the faith. You were naturally drawn to him, he is such a charismatic leader that you couldn’t help yourself.
But then you both found yourselves spending more and more time together. Missing each other when you were apart. It became so much more.
You don't even need to ask for love and affection from him. He adores you so. He’ll often wrap his arms around you and kiss you.
You get less shy asking with him, it's Copia, you don't need to be anxious around him.
You both love days when you have nothing on. You can cuddle on the couch together and play video games.
He'll know instinctively if you are struggling with a social situation, he'll take your hand in his and give it a reassuring squeeze. He won't let go until you are okay again.
If you don't want to go at all to something he'll be totally okay with that. He's more than happy to just chill at home with you.
He notices you have problems sleeping. He'll do whatever he can to help.
He'll hold you in his arms stroking your hair until you fall asleep. If you can't sleep even then, he'll stay up and keep you company.
You are a perfect match, he loves you very very strongly too :)
This post is a part of Match-up Event. The Event ended on July 15th.
Written by Nyx
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