#views other people and herself and it just doesn’t feel like the writing gives her that grace
fellhellion · 1 year
it feels like im reading against the intended tone of the relationship and character but god. if you take dana’s actions purely at face value the kind of person it paints is like. One I have a lot of complicated feelings about. 
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penkura · 2 months
Hello! I really like your writing! I've been on an angst kick (with a happy ending, I'm too soft) if it's alright can I request female reader getting annoyed at how flirty Sanji is with other women, because she likes him, he hears her calling herself ugly and when he compliments her, she just says "You literally say that to every woman, I'm not special to you." Or something along those lines? Thank you<3
Mmm I love angst with Sanji, he fits it so very well.
I've chosen to make this a two-parter with a happy ending, so keep an eye out for that once it's done and posted! 👀
Special [1/2]
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You understand how Sanji is and you’ve accepted it for the years you’ve known him now. He flirts and fawns over and dotes on every woman he sees, he’s chivalrous to a fault, is willing to forgive the lies other women tell him, and always wants to take care of others through food especially. You’ve become so endeared to Sanji over time, having developed a crush on him that you can finally admit to yourself is real, after swearing to Nami up and down that it wasn’t a crush, just admiration for your crewmate.
You never thought it was more than that despite the envy you felt when you’d see him flirting with another woman, whether they reciprocated or not. If they did you had to excuse yourself from the scene, but if they didn’t you felt relief yet disappointment for Sanji. You wish he’d see you that way, like someone he could like and flirt with, even if it was never real. Just knowing he sees you in a positive light, outside of being a crewmate, would be enough.
So why doesn’t he? Does he view you too much like a family member now to do that? Is it your looks? Robin says you’re prettier than any of the girls Sanji seems to gravitate towards, but maybe she’s just being nice to make you feel better. You had to leave the bar your crew was at when you got too annoyed seeing Sanji trying to woo another woman, it got to be too much for you after you thought you were making progress with him the other day. It led you to the bathroom on board where you’re picking yourself apart out of annoyance and maybe some hurt.
“Is it my hair…?” You stare at yourself in the mirror, pulling a piece of hair and letting go back into place, “Maybe my face is just ugly to him…or I’m too short…”
Staring for so long you lose track of time and hear everyone coming back, sighing to yourself before you make another comment that you must just be ugly then, leaving the bathroom. You only notice Sanji is there when you bump into him, he grabs your arms to keep you from falling just in case.
“Oh, Sanji, hey, sorry about that, I—”
“Who said you’re ugly?”
“…huh?” You tilt your head seeing the look on Sanji’s face, his brows furrowed and looking like he wants to kill someone, “Oh…oh! No, no one said that to me! I…just…think I realized something is all.”
He's so confused, how could you ever think you’re ugly? He thought he’d made it clear that he thought you were lovely, both looks and personality. Has he not shown or stated it enough?
“You’re not ugly at all, [Y/N]! You’re so beautiful, I can’t help but be blinded by you! I feel so lucky I get to see you every day and—”
“Enough, Sanji,” you pull his hands off your arms and push him away which surprises Sanji, you normally don’t mind when he’s so close to you, “You don’t mean that.”
“Of courseI—”
“No, you don’t. You say that to every woman you meet,” Sanji shuts his mouth as you sigh and smile sadly before you start to walk back to the women’s bunks, “I’m not special to you, I get it. I won’t bother anymore.”
Sanji knows when not to chase after people, so he lets you go off to bed on your own. Maybe he should’ve stopped you, explained himself and how he’s been flirting with other women simply due to his belief you have no feelings for him. He was convinced you didn’t like him back, never mind the few times he’s caught you giving him shy smiles or laughing at him while you help him cook. Sanji only thought you were like that because you’re friends and you liked hanging out with him, not that there might be some romantic feelings involved.
He feels terrible, how could he let you think it’s because you’re not attractive? It’s not true at all, he’s always thought you were the prettiest girl he’s ever met, but he was drawn to you for the fact you’d stay up and help him in the kitchen, you’ve stayed around when he's had his nightmares and fears of his past come to surface, helping him through them even if it kept you both up all hours of the night.
You’re honestly the most special person to him right now, and he’s made you feel so terrible about yourself.
I’m sorry, [Y/N]. I’m going to fix this.
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noonblight · 2 years
Nemona, Female Neurodivergence, and Good Representation
Spoilers for the plot of ScarVi ahead, but here’s my full analysis and breakdown of Nemona!
So, I know what you’re thinking, ‘Game Freak making an autistic female main character? You must be out of your mind. This is clearly projecting!’
I’d like to preface this gently by saying that this is obviously just my personal conclusion based on subtextual analysis, but also, I’d like to call attention to the fact that Japan isn’t like the west when it comes to neurodiverse representation, and there isn’t a lot of Japanese media that explicitly uses the word autism. It’s a little unrealistic to expect Game Freak to call it by name, especially considering they make games for children and topics such as neurodiversity are often viewed as a more ‘adult’ thing to discuss. You are free to disagree with me, but please be polite in the replies of this post, as I only wish to have a constructive conversation about a writing decision that has been made.
Anyway, on to the good stuff and I must apologise in advance for this post being long, but I wanted to be thorough!
I played through all of ScarVi and I’m actually very pleased with Nemona as a character. I feel like despite the game’s technical quality, there was a real effort made this time around to flesh out the named characters. Nemona is one of my favourite examples of this, because her arc isn’t solely about being autistic, but it’s clearly a large part of her character and affects her life in a lot of ways.
Nemona is a battle fanatic, and it’s very likely one of her special interests. It’s how she connects with other people such as the main character, and it’s something she devotes her entire being and effort to. She never says she does so in order to impress others, but rather because it’s something she heavily enjoys.
Right from the start, Nemona is a successful champion rank trainer and wants you to become a trainer who can rival her in skill, and feels like it would lead to a better friendship if you could do that. Nemona’s priorities always centre around battling, and doing as much of it as possible. She’s the one who asks Geeta for permission to bestow a Tera orb upon your player. She gives you tips about the battle courts at different gyms. She even raises a new team of Pokémon throughout the game just to have an excuse to battle you at your level and watch you improve.
Nemona even loves battling so much that she finds it a little strange when others aren’t as enthusiastic about battling as she is, below is a quote I found particularly interesting because it really does show that she can be socially oblivious at times when it comes to societal expectations about what is an appropriate place or time to have a Pokémon battle.
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Accompanying this, multiple times throughout the game she exhibits impulsive or oblivious behaviour and asks you to have another battle with her straight after another battle you’ve just had, usually due to being excited. Sometimes other characters will need to remind her that your Pokémon require healing first, or that there are other things that need doing. She doesn’t always understand how things should be handled in a conventional manner, despite being an expert on the topic of battling! (Or, she gets too excited and can’t help herself.)
In post-game, there’s even a scene where she doesn’t seem to understand that another student is reluctant to battle her and makes an excuse to leave early because she’s so far from being a casual trainer that it intimidates him. This is, in my opinion, actually quite a sad scene. She genuinely continues to think that he will challenge her to a battle at a different time, not realising that her ‘unusual’ enthusiasm and skill has scared him away, and that he has no intention of returning. A situation I’m sure a lot of neurodiverse children would connect with because it so accurately depicts what it’s like when others don’t share your interests to the degree that you hoped they would. This scene also hints at Nemona’s trouble with reading the emotions and intentions of others.
Nemona’s final post-game scene (which please, I BEG of you to go watch, it’s so good) confirms this outright, and also gives one of the most relatable lines in media about what it’s like to be neurodivergent in any way, especially as somebody who is younger:
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Something I like about Nemona is that despite being socially oblivious and pushy with her interests, she is still a very sympathetic and friendly character. Not only does she cheer you on throughout the game, but she doesn’t only do it for the sake of serving only her own interests! She’s genuinely caring about others around her too.
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(Nemona, congratulating the player when they beat her at the end of her storyline after she goes full-out. She is thrilled that you beat her! I love this moment.)
Throughout the last chapter in the game, there’s a lot of great moments with Nemona that show how caring she is. I think the best moments however, are where she tries to understand and support a scared Miraidon, and where she tries to help Arven.
Initially, she is misunderstanding and expects that the second Miraidon will be friendly and that it will be a family reunion, but once she realises this is not the case, she immediately switches to trying to support your Miraidon in any way she can. Despite not understanding why Miraidon is so afraid of returning to the Crater and facing the other Miraidon, she can be observed multiple times attempting to encourage it during the final battle, and can be seen in the final cutscene of the game with her arm around it as the group walks back to the academy.
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(Nemona, displaying an implied struggle with visually judging the emotions of others.)
Nemona is also the one who suggests after a very heavy story ending that everyone goes home, and that they take the scenic route back to town. She clearly doesn’t know what to say to Arven about what he’s just been through, but she attempts to make him feel a bit better regardless.
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I think this makes for particularly good representation, because not only is she less feminine than previous female rivals with her more sporty style and interests (something very common with autistic women) it also shows depth. I’ve seen autistic characters before that fall into the stereotype of coming across as emotionally detached or cold, or far too over-reactive. But I think Nemona strikes a lovely balance of caring, emotional, and socially lacking.
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Now, on to a smaller detail that I want to point out that I really like the inclusion of is that glove. I could talk about how Nemona displays memory issues at times or other smaller symptoms of autism, but I really want to talk about the glove. I made a post on this subject the moment Nemona’s design was revealed on the official website, but I like that the game content openly confirmed that Nemona has motor issues with her dominant hand.
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(Nemona, needing to support her arm when about to throw a Pokéball, or when she is about to terastalise her Pokémon. The burst of energy from the tera orb must make things a bit more difficult for her. A lovely small detail in her battles.)
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(Nemona, confirming that she has trouble with Pokéballs. Something her website entry also stated.)
Now I’ve saved this until last because this is, in my opinion, a smaller detail that they didn’t need to include to make Nemona read as neurodiverse, but I’m thrilled they did. Nemona is the only character who wears an arm brace, something I picked up on immediately in the trailers before the games released. No other trainers wear one for the terastalisation mechanic, unlike the Z-bands from Alola. And even though Pokémon battling is her bread and butter, she still struggles with certain aspects of it! Not only is this trouble with motor skills realistic, but it’s also a very accurate portrayal of motor dysfunction that a lot of neurodiverse people experience in their day to day lives.
To bring this all to a close, I think that even though it isn’t stated outright, I believe Nemona isn’t just representation of neurodiversity in women, but I think that she is also GREAT representation. She knows that she has problems, and tries her best regardless! She is kind, and caring, even though she has difficulties with reading the emotions of others and understanding social expectations. Her entire story may be about making friends with you through the medium of battling, but it’s also a story about how she’s struggled in the past to connect with others because of her love of that medium.
I truely do feel like she’s a lovely depiction to be in a children’s game, because she is a very positive depiction of something that a lot of kids go through, and in the end, she gets to be herself and she gets to be happy by being true to that self. She is never forced to change to make friends, and instead befriends you and the other characters simply by remaining as she is.
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kolsmikaelson · 11 months
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— a/n - have a soft spot for jace and heres what came of that :) special tag for @valeskafics bc she encouraged me to write this <3
— warning(s) - 18+ mdni, fem!reader, not proofread
join my taglist or follow @rodrickhefley to see when i post!
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
he’s so sweet and soft with you. if he’d been able to take his time with you he calls for a warm bath to be drawn and sits with you pressed against his chest until the water’s gone cold. if you’d been rushed he’d still clean you up with whatever he had or could find and would promise to take his time with you later <33
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
your tits. he loves anything to do with them, laying on them as he’s falling asleep, sucking on your nipples when you’re riding him, leaving hickeys and bite marks all over them. it’s one of his favorite things. his favorite body part of his would probably be his arms, like he can’t get over how strong he is and how easily he can toss you around
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
he loves making you cum and then cumming inside of you and eating you out right after. he loves watching it drip out of you while he kisses at the inside of your thighs before eating you out and making you cum on his tongue again
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
loves people seeing you fuck but especially if it’s someone like aemond or aegon because he sees the way that they look at you and he feels so smug knowing that they can’t have you. except for the once or twice he gives in to you and lets one of them fuck you alongside him
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
not experienced at all. had no clue what he was doing because when he was younger he vowed to himself that because his future wife had to save herself for him that he should do the same for her
F = Favorite position ( goes without saying)
anything that has you on top of him because while he loves being able to throw you around he also loves it when you get dominant with him
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
in the beginning for sure but over time once he learns what he’s doing he’s not as goofy
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
carpet does match the drapes. he’s (surprisingly) quite well groomed. he’s not shaved completely but it’s all very neat down there
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
so so needy. he’s so in love with you and your body it’s like he can’t get enough of you. he’s on the rougher side but he always keeps your pleasure at the front of his mind and doesn’t care nearly as much about his own
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
jacks off so much when you’re just betrothed. he doesn’t want to dishonor you and do anything before the wedding so he keeps to using his hand until then
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
mommy and daddy kink. loves spitting in your mouth and on your pussy. loves choking but would rather be the one getting choked
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
anywhere you could get caught. he loves the idea of knowing that someone could turn a corner and find you shoved against a wall being fucked on his cock or on your knees gagging on him. aegon and aemond have both been victims of this and have both ended up fucking you too
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
everything about you gets him turned on. he loves it when you stand up for yourself against anyone but especially alicent or otto. he loves seeing you in red and black. and as basic as this is, he loves seeing you bent over because he usually gets a great view of your ass or your tits
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
there's not much he wouldn’t do honestly. the main thing i can think of is nothing to do with bodily fluids that aren't spit or cum. most other things he would at least consider before deciding
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
jace LOVES giving. he loves fucking your face but loves when you sit on his more. once he gets the hang of things? he’s a fucking god
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
so fast and rough and needy. he feels like he’s been waiting for you and to be able to fuck you for his entire life (you were betrothed for a matter of weeks) he’s like a dog in heat for a good while after getting married but eventually he can control himself more
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
loves them and wants them all the time. just about to leave for dinner? he’s got his fingers up your skirt and fucking into you within seconds. his mother wants to see him? she can wait he needs to fuck you before he goes
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
as long as he knows for sure you won’t get permanently hurt he’s game for a lot of things
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
god he can go for hours. he’ll start out fingering you before he moves on to fucking your face then eats you out and then finally he fucks you. he’ll do that for as long and you both can stand it
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
toys aren’t really a thing but he has heard a thing or two from aegons nights in the street of silk about jade being carved into the shape of a cock for women to use for their own pleasure. as discreetly as possible he has one made in a very similar shape and size as his. he surprises you with it one night and used it on you for what felt like forever
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
oh he’s the king of teasing you. will do anything to get under your skin
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
he’s not super loud but he’s not super quiet either. he grunts and groans and whimpers more than anything
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
he had one of his best orgasms the time that daemon walked in on the two of you. he stood in the doorway smirking as jace fucked into you
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
pretty nice in length, a bit above average and he has a gif but of girth to him too. it curves to the right just slightly
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
so high. he wants to be inside of you all the time. when he’s away for something rhaenyra needed from him he’s thinking about you as he fists his cock every chance he gets
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
passes out so quick, like within minutes. after all he is just human. after all this hours of taking you apart he’s worn out
© kolsmikaelson : please do not copy, repost, or modify any of my content.
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dividers by : @.cafekitsune
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skania · 4 months
OnK Chapter 149
I know it doesn’t mean much coming from me because I’m always complaining about Aka’s writing, but…
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And I mean it when I say that I expect nothing 😭 This was literally my first ever OnK-related reblog and its tags are more relevant than ever lmao
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These, too:
#honestly I didn’t think too hard about any of this during my first read #because the romantic endgame seems so obvious that it kind of discourages guessing lmao #but re-reading these chapters has made me appreciate Aqua’s side of his bond with Akane a lot more
Back when I first got into OnK, I mentioned that Akane was the entire reason I kept reading the manga. I didn’t care about the romantic subplot, found Aqua/Kana extremely obvious and predictable, and Aqua plain boring.
It’s only during my second read that I paid close attention to Akane’s interactions with Aqua and I ended up playing myself into both, caring about Aqua and shipping him with Akane lol
This chapter has made me realize that despite everything, I'm not emotionally invested in whether they end up together or not. I’d prefer it, obviously, because Aqua truly is at his most interesting whenever he’s around Akane, and their dynamic has the best development in the manga (so far).
But it’s just like I said before: If they don’t end up together, that’s just Aka’s loss, not mine. I’m just here for Akane 😂
And as an Akane fan, I feel like the best thing for me to do right now is to just take a step back and watch things unfold, because Aka will do whatever he wants regardless of how any of us interpret his manga lol
So instead of posting the long post I originally wrote about this chapter when the leaks came out, I'll just share a a clown gif because in hindsight it was silly of me to expect Kana out of all people to have any sort of meaningful insight into Aqua 🤡
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And a couple of things that caught my eye because I can't help myself:
Kana didn't even see Aqua and Akane have any sort of meaningful moment, just those two standing in each other's vicinity was enough to make her throw herself a pity party. How many more times is she going to pity herself and give up? How has Aka not tired of writing her this way? Where did her development from the Scandal arc go? 🤡
So Chapter 147 featured Kamiki thinking Ai doesn't love him and Kana thinking Aqua likes her. It even had a helpful "Cut 139: Misunderstanding" panel and everything. Will this mean something? Who knows!
Kana used guilt-trip! It was super effective!
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Oh the irony! Poor Akane looks like she's been hard at work convincing herself that she's over Aqua. And you know what? I cheer for her and respect her energy 100%. I'd rather see her doing her mightiest to help him without any ulterior motives than to have her crying for him and hoping to get back with him every other chapter lol
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Akane calling Kana out for her pity-party and for being cowardly was so cathartic that if I didn't already stan her, I'd have become a fan right now 😭 It also means that Aka is 100% aware of the way he writes Kana, so when will she finally be allowed to grow?
Kana's praise to Akane made me so sad though because yes, Akane is pretty and she's talented and she's kind. That's sweet of her to say. But that's not what made Akane someone special to Aqua: it was the way she understood him. The worst part is that Kana ends her praise by saying that Akane is a "goody-two-shoes" but... that's the opposite of how Akane views herself. She sees herself as someone who's not decent and not normal. So it's no wonder that while she gets flustered (it's her dear kana-chan praising her), she seems to get a bit sad/frustrated afterward. After all, for Akane it's probably the opposite. Men would prefer a decent, normal, bright girl like Kana - Aqua included.
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I wish someone would tell Akane that she is too ignorant of her own charms and that she doesn't have to act like an adult all the time. Truly the pot calling the kettle black! Sadly, unlike Kana, Akane seems to have no one in her corner in this manga. Aqua was the only one there and the poor guy is barely even a character anymore lol
Overprotective mother or controlling ex-girlfriend? Take your pick!
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The English translation left something pretty important out in these panels. Akane doesn't just say "if you have a girlfriend", she says "if you have a precious/important girlfriend". This distinction is very important because it goes to show that... as expected, Akane doesn't think she was an important girlfriend to Aqua. It's like she didn't count and Kana would be the real deal. Oh, Akane...
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Which takes me to her very silly, very convoluted yet very predictable plan (in true Aka fashion).
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When Akane thinks “I know exactly what you hate”, I imagine she means that Aqua hates hurting and endangering those he cares for. So I'm guessing Akane thinks that if she plays matchmaker and quite literally throws Kana at him, someone he has a soft spot, then Aqua won't be able to go through with his revenge because that would mean breaking Kana's very fragile heart.
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In other words, it looks like Akane is going to try and use Aqua's guilt-complex against him and her weapon of choice is love. But not her love, obviously, because as far as she's concerned, her romantic love already failed to save him.
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Granted, using Kana's romantic feelings to her advantage is kind of... well, wrong. To quote Akane herself, [Kana] is neither her pet nor her property, but a person. But I'm guessing that Akane may be falling victim to the same loophole she got caught in in Chapters 96 - 98. She thinks she knows what's best, so she's putting her own beliefs aside for the time being.
Kind of like Aqua, actually.
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And, ironically, it's Aqua himself who first realized how easy Kana is to use.
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So! All in all, I'm here for Mastermind!Akane but I hope that Aka will actually make it worth our while. Will Kana realize that she's about to be used as a chess piece in this Proxy War? Who knows, characters in this manga seem to walk in circles, only being allowed to grow when it fits the plot 😂
Last week we wondered whether Aka would subvert expectations or go the predictable route, and down the predictable route he went. His way of making it less predictable is by including a twist in the form of Akane's ulterior motives, but will this be enough to allow this ol' used trope to lead us someplace new? I guess we'll have to keep reading to find out, but given the quality of the writing lately, I'm not expecting much lol
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steveharrington · 5 months
can you elaborate on how fanon nancy is different from canon nancy?
yes <3 when i made that post i was mostly referring to how often i see people seeming to write nancy as like the voice of reason within the group or even the one who provides comfort and stability to others and i just personally don’t think that fits her at all. i think that dilutes what makes nancy so interesting, honestly!! 1. she is not very reasonable and 2. she has trouble expressing herself in a way that other people understand.
1. nancy’s defining character trait imo is her passion. in seasons 1 and 2 she literally v physically cannot accept just allowing barb’s death to be uninvestigated and subsequently covered up, even when steve tries to reason that going along with the cover up is the safest option that ensures no one gets hurt. nancy still can’t allow that to happen and moves forward with her plan to bring barb’s death to light despite it being dangerous and potentially hopeless because she’s acting on her instincts and her love for barb, not on the safest option. in season 3, again, jonathan tries to reason with her and persuade her not to investigate the rats any further for fear of losing their jobs, but in nancy’s mind it’s worth the risk. now im not saying nancy is dumb, because shes canonically extremely smart and even when she does take risks, they’re calculated and planned. but it kinda grinds my gears when people depict her as this levelheaded by-the-books kind of person when she has demonstrated multiple times that she will simply do whatever the fuck she wants, if she feels it’s justified
2. this one moreso, i feel like nancy has fallen victim to that trend of having characters talk like they’re 10 years into therapy. i see this a lot in ship-related content for her, whether it’s jancy or ronance or stoncy, etc. people will often have her make these declarations of love very outright and talk through whatever issues she’s having with someone, which is so….. she doesn’t do that 😭 she historically struggles to bridge the gap between someone else’s position and her own, and it clearly frustrates her. case in point, she isn’t honest with steve until she’s drunk! then afterwards she still struggles to communicate, to the point that in the alleyway scene steve just fully walks away after she fails to respond at all to his questions. with jonathan she’s the same way—their big car argument is clearly frustrating to her and ends with her simply saying “you don’t know what it’s like” after jonathan gives a multi-point argument explaining his point of view. even at the very end of s4, the most recent scene we have of her, there’s so much that isn’t being said between her and jonathan. they’re not being forthcoming with each other. even with robin, she can’t express why robin’s presence is clearly bothering her in s4, even after robin openly gives her the chance to be honest and says “please tell me if im coming off badly”. there’s an enduring lack of communication in nancy’s relationships, and that makes total sense because she doesn’t have a good example of a healthy relationship in her own home. her parents just leave the dinner table when they’re upset with each other. so it blows my mind seeing depictions of her where she’s like “guys our feelings are all valid <3” like she would nottttt say that omg. she may Think it, and Want to express it, but i think it’s a disservice to what makes nancy interesting to just skip 5 years in her emotional development and suddenly have her acting as this mother-figure of the group who addresses everyone’s feelings concisely and plays it safe.
i think it’s a liiiittle bit stemming from misogyny. the “mom friend” trope is kinda pushed on her automatically, even amidst mom steve jokes, because she’s a girl in the group so she MUST attend to everyone’s feelings and make sure all the kids have snacks or whatever. it just does not reflect the more interesting and unique character we see on screen
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chloe-skywalker · 2 years
Magic Divide - Arthur Pendragon (Part 1)
Arthur x fem!reader
Warnings: judgy-ness?
Word count: 2,310
Summary: Arthur has found out Y/n has magic. He didn’t react in the nicest way so Y/n decides to leave Camelot.
Authors Note: My first writing for Merlin BBC, love Arthur from the adventures of Merlin. Hope you all enjoy it! P.S. theres a part 2! (an its already written!)
Merlin BBC Masterlist
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Y/n stood not far from the stables as she packed up some of her stuff, getting ready to leave when she heard footsteps and yelling of her name.
“Merlin?” Y/n spoke as she turned to face the people she considered family. She was confused as to what the rush seemed to be.
“Y/n!” merlin shouted again as they all came to a stop around her. “What are you doing?”
Y/n looked to all their faces before looking to the floor feeling slightly ashamed. “Leaving.”
“Leaving Camelot?” Gwen wondered with a furrowed expression like the rest as to why she would be leaving.
“Why?” Lancelot asked feeling concerned about the girl he considered like a sister.
“Arthur found out.” Y/n sighed out softly.
“About your magic?” Merlin questioned now feeling alittle worried.
“Yes. And feels betrayed, as he should.” Y/n added feeling disappointed in herself. It was a lose lose situation. Tell him about her magic and risk losing him or he find out and still lose him. Or worse.
“No, he shouldn’t.” Morgana stated shaking her head ‘no’ as she walked forward to wrap her friend up in a hug. They grew up together, practically sisters. Morgana always trusted Y/n and Y/n always trusted Morgana. It hurt Morgana to see her hurting over stupid Arthur.
Y/n turned to look at Morgana, she could tell the y/h/c-ed girl had unshed tears in her eyes. “Yes, he should. He had every right to feel betrayed and angry. I kept something big from him.”
“No, Y/n. If anything he should understand why you never said anything.” Lancelot agreed with Morgana. With how Arthur was raised, and his views on magic he should’ve understood why Y/n didn’t say anything.
“Doesn’t matter now. He hates me. Arthur hates me now because I possess magic.” Y/n’s voice cracked and it broke their heart to hear. Y/n snuffled and cleared her throat before giving them a tight smile. “So I’m leaving.”
“You can't leave.” Lancelot wanted to change her mind.
“We’ll miss you to much.” Gwen gave her a sad smile.
“Don’t leave. Not because of Arthur.” Morgana scoffed at the future Kings idiocy.
“I value my friendship with all of you. With the other knights, with Gauis. But-” Y/n didn’t want to leave but what was holding her for good anymore. “I don’t have anything holding me here anymore. Not in the way I was. With Arthur and I’s relationship- or even just friendship. I don’t feel welcome in the castle, and if I don't feel welcome where I’m staying what's the point?”
“Your not just staying in the Castle, but in Camelot. We’re-” Lancelot waved around to acknowledge them all who were there. “In Camelot.”
Gwen smiled at Y/n, stopping forward. “You could stay with me.”
“Or me. Gauis loves you.” Merlin added, also smiling at the princess.
“No one want’s you to go.” Morgana pointed out smiling at Y/n. They all would miss her so much if she decided to leave. Who knows when they’d see her again. “You could stay with me. We’re like sisters.”
“I love all of you.” Y/n smiled gratefully at them but she needed time to think. Plus she hadn’t been home in what felt like forever due to her and Arthur's somewhat courtship. “But I think it’s time I go back home. I haven’t been in almost a year.”
As much as it saddened them they all also understood where she was coming from. “You better come visit me.DOn’t leave me alone in that Castle forever okay?” Morgana smiled getting both of them to laugh alittle.
“I won’t.” Y/n smiled at Morgana, who didn’t know that castle needed more women. Y/n looked to Lancelot, Merlin, Gwen, and Morgana smiling at them with a mixture of sadness and happiness. “An your always welcome to come visit me as well. All of you are welcome. Anytime.”
“I’ll miss having you here.” Gwen told her with watering eyes. 
“I know.” Y/n gave her a tight smile. She’d miss them to.
“Be careful.” Lancelot stated as he pulled her into a hug, resting his head against hers.
“I will.” Y/n smiled into the hug.
“An expect a visit soon.” Lancelot smiled sending her a wink as they pulled out of the embrace.
Y/n laughed nodding. “Ok.”
“Arthur’s a clotpole.” Merlin said shaking his head at what the princes’ actions were causing.
“Sometimes.” Y/n nodded in agreement. Arthur could be at times.
“Please visit.” Merlin pleaded pulling her into a hug.
Y/n smiled at his actions. “I will. But I need to be home right now.”
With goodbye’s said and hugs done they did try to get her to stay once more, especially once the rest fo knights found out she planned to leave. Y/n decided she had to tell the her main reason for leaving. The things Arthur had said to her since he found out, they were horrible things. About something, she had no control of inheriting. After she told them they all agreed she needed to get out of Camelot for a while, and away from Arthur.
^     ^     ^
“What's with the look’s Morgana?” Arthur grumbled, he was getting fed up with the looks she had been sending him for a while now.
“Screw you, Arthur.” Morgana scoffed before she stalked off out of the castle, pissed.
“What’d I do now?” Arthur asked looking to Gwen for an answer since he was confused.
“No offense your majesty but I agree with Lady Morgana on this particular topic.” Gwen stated before following out where Morgana had went.
Arthur now shocked and even more confused turned to his knights before asking. “What’d I do?”
“Sorry Prince but we-” Gwaine turned guestering to himself and the rest of the knights, then back to himself looking at the prince. “Agree with the women.”
Arthur walked over to Merlin in a slightly dazed state of shock before asking his servant. “Merlin-”
“Don’t look at me sire.” Merlin shook his head, looking away from the prince. In fact, looking anywhere but at Arthur.
“You agree?” Arthur questioned, with raised brows.
“Yeah.” Merlin gave him a quick nod before he pursued his lips together. Leaving Arthur with no real answer.
^     ^     ^
“Have you seen Y/n around, Merlin?” Arthur asked curiously. He hadn’t seen her in a while even though he had been avoiding her. When Merlin stayed quiet Arthur called his name. “Merlin?”
Merlin gulped he decided having to be the one to tell him this sucked. “She’s no longer in the castle, sire.”
“Then where is she staying?” Arthur asked puzzled to where else she would stay.
“At her home.” Morgana stated giving him a deadly look with her eyes.
“Morgana-” Merlin tried to cut in but Morgana wanted to rip Arthur a new one. She’d been holding her tongue long enough.
“No. He should know. After all if he’s just now aksing after a week of her being gone from Camelot,and many more weeks that he had avoided her. He should know what he did. What he caused.” Morgana continued, letting out her thoughts she’s held in.
“What are you talking about, Morgana?” Arthur squinted at Morgana’s rant. Not knowing what she was talking about. Not a clue.
“Y/n left.” Morgana stated plain and simple. Maybe that he’d understand.
“Left?” he repeated now very interested.
“Yes, left. Y/n left Camelot and went home about a week an half ago.” She explained and watched Arthur’s face morph into one of shock. “You look shocked Arthur? Did you really think she’d stay? After you said such horrible things to her. About something she was born with. Something she’s only used to help people with. You ignoring her, not speaking to her, acting as if she did the most terrible thing in the world.”
Arthur sighed. “She has magic Morgana-”
“So what?” Morgana shouted,how could he just forget about all the good times, how could he forget his love for Y/n over something so little. “Not everyone that has magic uses it for evil intentions. Y/n has saved her kingdom, Camelot, my life, yours, she had done nothing but good things with her magic and you made her feel awful about it. . . SHe thought you loved her more than that- hell Arthur most of us thought you loved her more than that. Thought you loved her enough that something like that wouldn’t matter. Guess we were all wrong.”
Arthur felt hurt by all the things Morgana was saying. He knew they were true which also hurt a lot. But magic, he’s been taught it’s evil. Didn’t that matter? “She kept it a -”
Morgana thought she knew Arthur but if he kept this up she knew she’s been dead wrong.
“From you? Yeah, she did. She kept it a secret from everyone the only reason some of us knew was because we caught her saving someone or something.” How could he not see she was scared? How could he not see why she was scared to tell him? “Arthur, don’t you get why she hid it from you? Uther hates people who wield magic. An you sometimes tlk the same, because he taught you to think it’s all bad and to kill them when you find them.”
That stunned Arthur. Y/n actually thought he would hurt her? Is that why she left? She feared for her life and feared him. “She thought I would’ve had her killed?”
Morgana looked at Arthur and really looked at him to see his emotions. He looked distraught in his eyes, so she sighed. “With the things, you said, how you looked at her and then how you treated her after? I would’ve thought you might of if I was in her shoes as well.”
Morgana left to let him think on her words. And he did. Arthur turned to Merlin. “Was I really that awful to her, Merlin?”
“Yeah, Arthur. You were cruel to her.” Merlin admitted to the blonde. He kinda felt for him though.
“y/n really left?” he whispered hoping if he spoke softer his voice wouldn’t crack.
Merlin sighed sadly. “She said she was here because of you. She no longer had you, so she left. Went home.”
“God, Merlin.” Arthur rubbed his hands over his face and then through his hair. “How do I fix this?”
“I don’t think anyone but you can fix it, Arthur.” Merlin told him, it was one of the rare times he actually wanted Merlin's advice. So he was happy to give it to him.
“Yeah. But how do I fix it is the question.” Arthur muttered to himself before he headed off to his room. He needed to think on this one.
^     ^     ^
“You asked to see me, father?” Arthur spoke as he entered the throne room. Hoping he wasn’t in trouble.
“Yes, Arthur. It seems Morgana would like to go visit Y/n. Now since she had gone home she’ll have to travel. I have to much to do so you’ll be escorting her. You and your knights. For Morgana’s safety.” Uther explained to his son. He was way to busy with King Duties to leave Camelot right now. Besides he had other motives for sending his son. Y/n had gone home 2 months ago maybe this was the chance he needed to fix things between them. The chance he’s known Arthur has been looking for.
“Yes, father.” Arthur nodded, ready to leave now if possible.
“You all leave tomorrow so inform your knights. All of you should pack tonight.” Uther stated.
“Yes, father.” Arthur answered turning to leave to go inform his knights to pack.
“And Arthur.” Uther spoke up stopping Arthur before he could leave through the double doors. “I don’t know what happened between the two of you, but you might want to fix it.”
Arthur nodded in understanding. “I have a plan.”
“Good. Now go pack.” Uther dismissed his son to leave the room.
“Yes, Father.” Arthur said before leaving the room, nervous and excited.
^     ^     ^
“So where are we heading out to this time, Prince?” Lancelot asked as they finished packing up the horses.
“Valmore.” Arthur stated as they got ready to head out.
Everyone looked at eachother in question before Gwaine spoke up. “Valmore?”
“Isn’t that-?” Leon questioned out loud looking to the others for confirmation.
“Y/n’s kingdom.” Morgana finished and confirmed with a nod and smile. Morgana mounted her horse. “Yes, it is. I miss my friend.”
“So we’re visiting.” Arthur stated as he to mounted his horse and the others followed.
“So, do you have a plan?” Merlin asked as he came up beside the prince also on a horse like the others.
“Yes, Merlin. I have a plan.” Arthur rolled his eyes at his servant's question.
“Is it good?” Merlin turned his head to look at the prince.
Arthur scoffed and turned to glare at the scrawny manservant that gets on his nerves all the time. “Yes, it’s good, Merlin. I don’t have bad plans.”
Merlin squinted and gave a tilt of his head, teasing the prince. “Well…”
“Back off Merlin.” Arthur stated before he went ahead of everyone else, leading the way.
“He have a plan?” Gwen asked as her and Merlin became parallel on their horses.
Merlin shrugged his shoulders at Gwen's question. “Says he does.”
“It better be a good one.” Morgana said riding next to the two. Morgana hoped Arthur would pull his head out of his ass and fix things with Y/n. She missed her friend and truthfully she was worried about Arthur. He’d been different since Y/n had been gone, not the bright Arthur he was usually was.
“Hopefully.” Merlin sighed.
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@gruffle1 @padawancat97 @mininjageek
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anemonelovesfiction · 8 months
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Tonowari X Ronal
Warnings ⚠️: Arguments leading to smut, NSFW content, P in V, fingering, Dom Tonowari and Sub (ish) Ronal
Thank you to @ana-maria456913 for requesting this; it took a bit to finally publish it but thanks to your brilliant mind I have conjured this up for you, I’m hoping you as well as many others enjoy the work.
Secondary Warning ‼️: This work is NOT proofread, I’m feeling under the weather and was surprised I even managed to write it… don’t be afraid to let me know where a mistake might be, I appreciate you all!
Translation Station
Olo’eyktan: Clan leader
Tsahik: Spiritual leader; shaman; Olo’eyktan’s spouse
Eywa: The great mother (The Na’Vi goddess/creator)
Marui: Home
Tewng: Loincloth
Ma’Paysyul: My waterlily
Rutxe: Please
Ma’Muntxate: My wife; my female mate
Paysyul: Waterlily
Tsurak: A warriors mount (For water Na’Vi)
Sran: Yes
Kehe: No
Word Count: 2.5k
“You have heard what he has said. He took the blame for everything, that family has caused nothing but trouble the moment they arrived.” The woman sashay’s her hips as she walks down a hill of sand making her way toward the netted walkway leading to their marui at the center of the village. They wanted to be close to everyone, the plans had included the biggest marui- the one that would belong to the Olo’eyktan, his Tsahik, and their family- to be set near the heart of the people.
The woman doesn’t even acknowledge that her husband had held the curtain open for her to pass through, in the case where she would nod or verbally give her appreciation, there was tension making itself comfortable instead.
“You know as well as I do that our son was at fault, he is aware of the rule of hunting away from the reef, and in the instance that he saw Lo’ak attempt to leave, it should have been his priority -as the eldest son and next in line for taking my place- to guide him back to the reef. Not to make a show out of everything and leave the boy stranded when they aren’t as familiar with our home as we are.” Tonowari’s timber voice resonated and almost made Ronal wince, had it not been for the woman’s anger she would have apologized to her husband and attempted to see his point of view, but she was angered.
“Those children are not our people. They ran when they couldn’t control their pests, now they hide amongst strangers, making one mess after another, they do not belong here.” She stated and waved her hand as if the conversation was done with, not wanting her husband to lengthen this conversation any longer.
The truth is, she was nearing what would have been her heat cycle and she wanted it to go through without a hitch, but considering they were housing a different kind of Na’Vi that needed to be watched, her days have become stressful. Heats are normal for every Na’Vi and it’s mostly started when partners are mated before Eywa, once the woman becomes pregnant, what should have been her heat cycles just become a couple days of being incredibly horny- not for the purpose of producing an heir but to strengthen the bond between parents before the baby arrives- Eywa outdid herself with her own creation.
“Do you hear yourself?” He states as a dry scoff leaves his mouth, a look of disbelief on his face, what is usually a soft smile spread on his lips lies the look of a warrior ready to attack if need be, his face hard like stone, and his frown deepened to show his distaste for his wife’s words.
“Our son is at fault for what happened, you are aware of his tendencies, Lo’ak taking responsibility has thrown us in a whirlwind of confusion, but we both know the fault is not his.” Tonowari stated as he bit back his own anger, the last thing he wanted was to lose control of his emotions on his wife, not that he would do anything terrible, just that he’d be unable to forgive himself if he ever yelled at her. He was beyond the point of seething, and if it were possible, smoke would have been streaming out his ears.
“This discussion is over.” The tsahik speaks as she turns her back on her husband, not bothering to give him the attention he so clearly had two seconds ago, she was beyond frustrated because she knew her son was at fault, but they had to present themselves as a perfect family, and if that meant letting the forest boy take fault for going out of the reef unsupervised, so be it.
“It is not over.” Tonowari is quick to grasp the back of Ronal’s neck, hand not encircling the entire length of it, but enough to get her attention. As he feels her tense up he uses that bit of distraction to force his hand to turn his wife back to facing him, a wide eyes Ronal staring back at him. Without missing a beat he takes a step forward, hand still on the back of her neck, forcing her to take a step backward until the backs of her calves where being tickled by the frayed edges of the marui’s wall. Her expression is quick to change as she is ready to say something relatively rude until Tonowari speaks.
“As your Olo’eyktan, I am not granting you the permission to speak, and as your husband, kneel.” He states the last word venomously, his mouth in the position ready to growl at his mate for not having followed his instruction, one of his fangs barred at her.
Ronal is quick to close her mouth as she feels the grip on the back of her neck loosen, his hand still holding her there as a sense of control, she knew she had to follow what he said now, given his attitude- but the wet patch in her tewng wasn’t helping either, it’s like she almost forgot she was going through her faux heat. The events of the day had clearly clouded her internal calendar, but she knew she had a few seconds to listen to her husband or else he’d-
“That’s it, over my thigh. Now.” He is quick to demand, the warmth his stable hand had provided on the back of her neck was gone, and the breeze of the ocean air had somehow made its way into their home, causing her spine to shiver. She knows not to discard her tewng before being told to do so, and he is gentle while she settles over his legs, but he left room for her bump to fit through comfortably without pressing on her, and for this she was grateful.
“I am disappointed in how you have acted, Ronal, the children behave better than you.” He mumbles as his hand instinctively settles over her pert ass, rubbing one of her cheeks lovingly, she immediately bites her lip as she feels his hand leave the comfort of her ass, tensing up as she prepares for the worst, only to feel his hand returning the loving gesture onto her second cheek, a wry chuckle leaving him as he knew what she was expecting.
“Why is it hard to admit you’re wrong, ma’paysyul?” He asks tenderly and she only moves her head to look at him, seeing through his faux smile, but remembering his words about not being able to speak.
“Must be perfect.” She signs only to feel a stinging sensation on her bum, knowing she was being reprimanded for her answer.
“We make mistakes, we learn from them, we cannot be perfect all the time. That is reserved for Eywa.” He mumbles as he swats his hand back down onto her bum once more, a moan escaping her lips, mouth hanging open as she pants a couple of times, feeling her body warm up.
“You like this punishment, hmm?” He asks sweetly as he continues rubbing on her bum to help cool down the heat of the sting caused by his heavy hand, knowing he wasn’t imagining the movement of her hips to attempt to relieve her aching core, her smell starting to leak through the tewng and tantalizingly dance its way into his nose.
“I’ll take this-“ He manages to snake his hand through the weaves of the skirt she had been wearing, sliding his finger on the wet patch on her tewng, and sliding it down to expertly find her clit, slightly pushing his finger into it as he rubs slow circles.
“-As a yes.” He finishes his sentence as she moans loudly, the sound coming from her making his ears flutter slightly, wanting nothing more than to fill their marui with her desperate moans, begging him to let her come, only for him to edge her one more time.
“Such a needy thing, always ready for me, but your attitude makes it hard for me to want to reward you.” Tonowari talks to himself once more, noticing the slight dip in his mate’s ears, knowing she wanted to respond but refused to answer to prevent herself from getting punished for not having listened to her Olo’eyktan, of course he knew this, but he also wanted to see how many lines he could cross before she finally spoke.
He delights in the fact that her hardened bud slips easily past his fingers, even without him having to dip his fingers into her tewng, knowing she was undeniably wet, biting his own lip as he feels his own length harden. The melodious moans of his wife resounding within their home, her slick starting to make his finger feel sticky, meaning she was getting wetter by the second.
“Ahh, rutxe, rutxe!”
And all it took to cross that boundary was for him to shove two of his thickest fingers into her awaiting -and currently fluttering- cunt, and thats all it took for Ronal to finally break her silence and speak, even though the two of them knew she wasn’t allowed to. He would have rather stuck something else into her fluttering cunt but he was too busy watching her hips attempt to move back onto his fingers just to get herself any kind of relief, and at the angle that she was laying on his lap, it would have been impossible for him to stop her hips from rutting back into his hand.
His quick thinking had him pull his fingers out in a lightning quick reaction, bringing his palm to strike the cheek closest to him, Ronal sucking in a deep breath as it happens, the slick from her cunt starting to leak out like a river, a thick gush of liquids fills the air and Tonowari pauses for a second and notices that his mates thighs are wet.
“What else are you needing to be punished for, Ma’muntxate?” He asks rhetorically as his fingers find their way back into her warmth, feeling his own jaw clench at the need of wanting to desperately sink himself inside of her, knowing deep down thats where he belonged.
“First speaking rudely to me, second for speaking, and third for releasing your sweet nectar without my permission, what are you thinking?” He surprisingly asks smoothly, no waver in his voice.
“I am sorry. I do not like drama, you know this-“ She hisses as his thick fingers continue working their way in her slippery cunt, the feeling overwhelmingly pleasurable for her, she was close already but knew she had to hold back on her approaching orgasm. Although it was proving to be difficult as her sensitivity from having squirted over her own thighs and the emotions from earlier having tired her out a bit.
“I am aware of what there is to need to know about my wife.” He stated as a warning, fingers starting to work themselves faster into her cunt. “But I do not recall giving you the permission to speak either time you have felt the need to open your ungrateful mouth.” He removes his fingers from her sopping pussy and spanks her again, this time no orgasm having come from it, but instead, a lustful moan.
“Tonowa-“ Another spank landed on her bum, making its neighbor jiggle from the force, a broken moan escaping her mouth, a gasp being sucked in.
“Hush, woman.” He was starting to crack as he sounded irritated that his wife wasn’t catching on to him telling her she needed to stop talking. He’s quick to slip her off his lap and place her on the floor on all fours, the woman frantically turns her head back, thinking that their fun time was over, only to see her husband dip his hand aggressively into his own tewng, and pulling out his large cock, dripping in precome, large bulbous head already sporting a dark purple color.
He doesn’t hesitate in lining himself up with her hole, making sure to collect as much of her slick as he could in such short notice, licking his lips right as he sinks his big head past her entrance and feeling his entire body shudder. His chest pressing up to her back as he continues sliding his hips into her slower than ever before, Ronal knowing not to call out to him as she wanted to desperately come, but talking could prevent her from being able to.
“You feel divine paysyul, every time I enter, you take my breath away-“ A moan leaves his own lips and straight into her ear, making her throbbing pussy react by contracting once around his organ, biting her lip as it happens and feeling her nipples rub against the marui floor through the lined beads of her top, moaning at the sensation. Tonowari’s hands caging her in and keeping her still for him but its not like she’d attempt an escape from the pleasure he had yet to give her.
He hisses himself once he reaches the hilt of her pussy, his balls squeezing up against his body to confirm that this is where he was content, Ronal’s hips slightly pushing back to take more of her husband in if possible and wanting nothing more than his come to fill her needy hole.
“Hmm?” Tonowari asks her and she opens her eyes, blinking several times after having missed whatever instruction he had stated, or question he might have asked, she wasn’t sure.
“I am sorry, Ma’Olo’eyktan, I wa-was lost in the pleasure-“ Another moan leaves her hips as he brings his cock out and rams himself inside of her.
“I do not like repeating myself.” He grumbles in her ear before biting it gently, nibbling it at the slightest and watching- and feeling- his wife begin to shake as a high pitched whine leaves her mouth, a desperate attempt at making him move by attempting to ride him in her current position was a mistake as he lifts himself off of her, without pulling himself out, grasping his wife’s braid and wrapping it in his arm the way he would the leash for the tsurak, and giving it a tug, causing her head to pull back, eyes making contact with his.
He starts thrusting his hips in one fluid motion, Ronal’s eye contact ceasing as her eyes roll to the back of her head, he uses his other hand to slap her cheek lightly to attempt to get her to focus.
“Will you apologize to the new members of our clan once we are finished?” He asks sternly, continuing to thrust into her fluttering cunt, knowing she was close and feeling his orgasm nearing.
“S-s-sra-an.” She stutters through her words as her back is arched further the more Tonowari tugs on her braid, his cock hitting wonderful new spots inside of her and giving her newer sensations than the previous time they’d had angry sex.
“And not fight me about punishing our son for clearly being in the wrong?”
“Kehe, no fighting.”
“Then cum.”
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taexbankai · 8 months
I only want you
This is chapter 2, chapter 1 is here https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/taexbankai/741076154678755328
also a few warnings: so this story will include foul language, weed/smoking, drinking, sexual themes and maybe more. So if you’re not comfortable with those things and not over the age of 18 (for the sexual themes) please don’t read ahead!
Also sorry for any spelling and grammar mistakes! I wasn’t able to proofread this chapter
today is my birthday which means i’ll finally tell satoru how i feel.
“shoko i’m so nervous i feel like i could throw up right now” i said as shoko was helping me with my hair and makeup.
“don’t be nervous, it’s just gojo” she said as she tried to calm me down
“but what if he rejects me?”
“then it’s just time to move on” she said.
i sighed and looked at myself in the mirror as i let shoko finish up doing my hair. Shoko is in the same grade as my brother and satoru, we became close because she would always hang out with suguru and satoru, so we ended up naturally bonding since we were the only two girls. when she graduates i don’t know what i’m going to do without her at school with me.
“listen y/n” shoko started “you’re extremely beautiful. you’ve rejected at least 8 different guys already because of gojo and you’re not even dating him. If gojo doesn’t feel the same about you then you can finally move on and start a relationship with someone” she said
“it’s your birthday, don’t let a boy ruin your day for you” she finished
“yea you’re right” i said “plus i’m only 15, i have a lot of life left in me” i said as i felt a little better.
“exactly! now lets starting partying!”
The party had way more people there than i had invited. Everyone kept bringing me gifts and tons of people i’ve never met before kept saying hi to me
“happy birthday y/n! i love your dress! you look so cute!” i turned around to see yuki. She smothered me in a hug
“thank you yuki! you look super cute as well” i said, smiling at how kind she is
“thank you honey! have you seen your brother?” she asked
“no, i was actually just looking for him. want to look for him together?” i asked her. she nodded her head and grabbed my hand as we walked through all the people dancing and partying in my house. she led me to the backyard and suguru was there as well as satoru, shoko, a girl, and 3 other guys i’ve never seen before
“i knew he would be back here” yuki said to herself as we both walked up to him
“y’all smoking without me? wow i’m hurt” yuki said as she went to stand by suguru
“my bad babe, i didn’t know if you wanted to smoke any weed tonight since you were already drinking” suguru said to her as he wrapped his arm around her waist. I smiled watching the interaction
“yes i want to smoke, where’s the blunt?” she said as suguru and their other friends laughed at her. shoko passed her the blunt and then waved at me. I waved back at her. I suddenly started to feel a little out of place and decided i would talk to my brother later
i began to start walking back into the house before i felt someone grab my wrist. I turned around and was met with gojo’s beautiful blue eyes
“wait i didn’t give you your birthday gift yet” satoru said. my heart skipped a beat
“toru you didn’t’t have to get me anything-“ i started but he cut me off
“turn around” he said. I did as he said and felt him put a necklace around my neck. i looked down at the necklace and it was a beautiful heart necklace, in the middle of the heart was a huge diamond the same color as satoru's eyes. the necklace looked extremely expensive, but giving satoru’s wealthy background, i’m not surprised.
“toru..” i started as i turned back around and looked up at him, tears threatening to spill
“i know, i know i’m the best. I saw it and it reminded me of you so i bought it. happy birthday!” he said. If i wasn’t sure if i loved him yet, i was now certain that i was madly inlove with him
“i love it, thank you so much!” i said as i gave him a hug. he hugged me back almost immediately
“ you’re welcome. don’t cry it’s your birthday” he said and laughed at me
“aww how cute” suguru said in a sarcastic tone
“yea don’t cry, you look terrible when you cry” suguru added, earning him a little slap from yuki. i stopped hugging satoru and walked over to suguru
“shut up. where’s my birthday gift from you?” i said jokingly
“i cash apped it to you already” he said as he took the blunt from yuki and took a hit
“mhm… and also why is there so many people i don’t know at the party? is this my party or your party?” i said. his friends started laughing. Suguru turned towards me
“okay this is nanami, choso, haibara, and she’s riko” he said pointing to everyone. I said hi to everyone and they said hello back
“happy birthday!” the girl named riko said to me. i told her thank you with a smile and turned back to suguru
“okay well i’m going to go back in the house and go find some of my other friends since you stole my best friend” i said to him and looked at shoko
“wait… do you want to take a hit?” suguru asked me as he held the blunt towards me
“what?… are you serious?” i asked in disbelief
“yes it’s your birthday do you want to take a hit?” he asked again with a slight chuckle. i’ve never smoked weed before so i was a little nervous but excited
“okay” i said and took the blunt from him. I put it up to my lips before i looked back at suguru
“wait, i don’t know how to smoke it” i said. suguru and all his friends bursted out laughing at me.
“here take it, i don’t want to try anymore” i said, embarrassed
“here let me help you” choso said as he walked over to me. As he walked up to me i took a good look at him and realized that he’s actually extremely attractive. I then took a quick glance at satoru but saw that he was laughing and whispering something in riko’s ear. before i could really think about what he could have possibly been whispering in riko’s ear, choso was already in front of me and had took the blunt from my hands
“it’s pretty simple. you just inhale like this. hold it in your chest for a little and then blow out” he said as he took a hit of the blunt to show me how it’s done. He then handed me the blunt and i tried to take a hit. I immediately started coughing and choso patted my back as he laughed. Nanami gave me a water bottle
“thank you” i said to him as i took it and started drinking the water.
“lets try again” choso said. I took another hit and this time was able to hold it a little better than the first time.
“there you go” choso said as he smiled at me. I smiled back at him and passed him the blunt so they can keep the rotation going. I looked over at satoru again to see if he was jealous that choso was teaching me how to smoke but he was still talking to riko. He had an arm wrapped around her waist as she said something to him before they both started laughing. My heart had dropped. Are they dating? does he like her? maybe they’re just really friendly? all types of thoughts were going through my head.
“y/n” i quickly turned my head to see suguru standing in front of me. Choso had went over to mess with shoko and yuki as nanami had lit another blunt and haibara had dared them to see who could take the most hits in a minute.
“you okay?” He asked me, his gaze slowly following to where i was just looking, stopping on satoru and riko. He then quickly looked back at me, his face turning into an expression i couldn’t quite read. My brother is really smart, even my own parents didn’t know me as well as suguru did. I knew it was only a matter of time before he put together that i had a crush on satoru and that was the last thing i wanted
“yeah i’m fine!” i said and put on the best smile i could muster up.
“you sure? you know you can tell me anything right?” he said as he looked me in my eyes.
“was it the weed? did you feel pressured? i’m sorry if-“
“no it wasn’t the weed” i said and chuckled
“ i’m happy you let me try it, you usually say no” i said and gave him a hug
“i love you. thank you for putting together my party” i said to him. He surprisingly decided to let the topic go and hugged me back
“i love you too. and you’re welcome, you know i’d do anything for my little sister.”
“i’m going to go back into the party now and hang out with some of my other friends okay?” i said as i backed up and slowly started to walk backwards into the house. Suguru said okay and turned back around to his group of friends. I turned around and walked back into the house. i went and found my group of friends, yuji, nobara, and megumi and stayed with them the rest of the night.
Once the party was over only a few close friends of mine and suguru’s were still at the house.
“babeeeee” yuki said as she clung onto suguru
“lets danceeeeeee” she slurred. She was clearly cross faded
“it’s 1 in the morning, it’s time for bed. Just stay the night here” suguru said to her as he walked her upstairs. Shoko and haibara were in the kitchen together cleaning up some trash but also clearly flirting. I laughed to myself as i watched them, making a mental note to make fun of her later. I walked over and grabbed the last piece of trash in the living room and threw it away, i turned around and saw satoru talking to riko again. She looked like she wasn’t sober as well. I watched satoru gently walk her over and then place her down on the couch and give her a bottle of water to drink. He sat down next to her on the couch and watched her as she drunk the water.
Jealousy started coursing through my veins. There’s obviously something going on between them and i wanted to know, i also have to confess my feeling to satoru still.
“hey toru, can i talk to you for a quick second?” i asked as i walked up to him
“yea sure” he said as he stood up
“actually can we talk in my room? it’s kind of private” i said, nervousness starting to creep up my spine
He nodded his head and followed me up to my room. On the way up the stairs suguru ended up coming out of his room.
“what’s going on? is something the matter” he asked me, a serious look on his face
“no! i just need to talk to toru really quick” i said to him. He looked at me for a few seconds before he muttered a quiet okay.
“if you need me i’ll be downstairs. I wanna have the house cleaned tonight so when mom and dad come back home tomorrow everything isn’t a mess” he said before he started his way downstairs. satoru and i continued to my room. Once we entered he sat down on my bed. I closed the door and locked it. Satoru looked to the door nob and then to me with a look of confusion on his face
“i-i just don’t want anyone walking in!” i said trying not to look even more crazy than i already did. Satoru nodded his head in understanding
“okay, so what did you want to talk about?” he asked
“well.. i.. um.. so i actually…um” i stuttered, now extremely scared of rejection. All the years i’ve had a crush on satoru, all the times i imagined myself in a relationship with him, all the times i wanted to be able to call him my boyfriend, all the times i practiced how i would confess my feelings to him, and here i have him alone in my room. It’s now or never
“is… is riko your girlfriend?” i asked. I mentally face palmed. that wasn’t what i wanted to ask him but that’s all that was on my mind at the moment
“well….” satoru started
“not yet. We kinda just hook up from time to time but i plan on asking her to be my girlfriend soon though” he said seriously as he looked at me
“so… you love her?” i asked, my hands started to shake out of anticipation
“yeah” he said without hesitation . my entire world stopped. tears immediately began falling from my eyes, i looked down at my feet, unable to look at satoru anymore
“y/n what’s wro-“
“i’m in love with you” i cut satoru off
‘i’ve been in love with you for so long. I’ve been trying to muster up the courage to tell you but… i was scared. So i planned to finally tell you tonight”
“Once i saw you and you gave me this beautiful necklace i thought for sure you had the same feelings for me but…” i said, cutting him off again
“… i saw you laughing and touching on riko so i.. i still wanted to tell you though because i love you so much and i-“
this time satoru cut me off by abruptly standing up and pulling me into a hug. I broke down and started crying in his arms
“i’m sorry y/n. If i gave you any false hope i’m sorry. I gave you the necklace because you mean a lot to me, but you’re my best friends little sister. You’re also only 15, i’m 18, i just wouldn’t feel comfortable dating you right now. I love you y/n, but… i’m not in love with you…. i’m sorry” satoru said as he hugged me tighter
“i’m really sorry y/n” he said again
“it’s.. alright satoru” i said through broken sobs
“satoru?” he asked
“no more toru? you know i don’t let any other girls call me toru-“
“sorry but can i be alone please” i said, cutting him off for the third time tonight
“y/n…” he started but trailed off
“you can have the necklace back too” i said as broke out of his hug unlocked the door, opening it after
“no, the necklace was a gift to you” he said as he walked towards me, now standing in the doorway. I began taking the necklace off anyway, too hurt and embarrassed to listen to anything he was saying
“give it to your girlfriend instead” i said holding the necklace in my palm waiting for satoru to grab it, tears still running down my face. out of the corner of my eye i saw suguru and shoko standing at the top of the staircase, but i didn’t care. i was too hurt to care about who was watching
“y/n stop-“ satoru said more sternly this time pushing my outstretched hand back towards me
“take it and leave me alone! i hate you!” i yelled and threw the necklace at satoru, i then slammed the door closed in his face and locked it
“y/n… i… i’m sorry” satoru said from behind the door. i heard him walk away and say something to shoko and suguru. I then heard suguru ask satoru to tell him exactly what happened and their voices faded so i assumed they began walking downstairs. A few seconds later a soft knock came from my door. There was a brief moment of silence before i heard “it’s me” i immediately unlocked the door and swung it open to see shoko looking at me with a sympathetic look on her face. she hugged me and i started crying again. The rest of my night consisted of me crying to shoko until i fell asleep.
hey y’all! i hope the story isn’t too confusing, it sounds better in my head but i feel like i’m not very good at getting my words/ thoughts across in story form. So just in case anyone is confused let me clarify a few things
so, y/n is 3 years younger than suguru and his group of friends which is satoru, shoko, choso, nanami, riko, and haibara. For any other characters i add in as suguru’s friend they’ll be around his age.
For the other characters like megumi, nobara, yuji, and any other characters in y/n’s class/ characters i add in as her friends are the same age as y/n.
i hope that’s not too confusing!
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jben073 · 9 months
Grace Chasity and Bliklotep Headcanons!
Here are the Grace and Blinky headcanons that I made bc I misunderstood the last ask! Hope you all like these bc they were really fun to make!
- Grace has always had poor vision. She’s supposed to wear glasses but she has always hated how they felt on her face and hated the sensation of contact lenses even more so she just kind of suffered through not being able to see super great and accommodated herself whenever possible for most of her life. After coming into contact with Blinky/being under his influence, however, her vision becomes exceptionally sharp and developed.
She becomes abnormally aware of even the smallest movements or visual changes in her surroundings. One day she has the sudden realization that she can now see in the dark because Blinky needs his vessel to be able to see at all times so that he can watch at all times.
- Blinky likes to ‘passively’ possess Grace and essentially just (figuratively) sit in the back of her mind while Grace remains conscious and keeps (majority) control of her body. This is because he likes to watch things through her eyes/point of view. 
When he’s doing this, she tends to become a lot more still and quiet, and her irises are tinted purple like the people in WatcherWorld. Most often, he does this when Grace is witnessing something that he would find entertaining (usually arguments or violence). She’s like a front-row seat to the action for him!
- While Grace carries on with her day (at school in this case) during Blinky’s ‘passive’ influence, she will occasionally realize that she has been unconsciously doodling eyes all over her paper alongside the occasional Blinky ramble exposing her classmates’ secrets (which she promptly rips up and wishes she never saw in the first place.)
He will also sometimes push forward enough to very minorly take control and use Grace’s voice to speak for a moment. Typically it’s more of the same with him saying something ominous about knowing/seeing what someone has done and possibly taunting them about eventually being punished.
Her classmates are unphased because honestly, Grace is just kind of like that all of the time anyway.
- Blinky likes to mess with Grace by making her unintentionally cheat on tests. He knows that oddly, the things that get to her the most are the little things that challenge her specific morals rather than the blatant violence he might enact to mess with others. While writing tests, Blinky will flash images of the answer sheet in her mind before Grace is able to think of the answer on her own so that now it’s impossible for her to get the answers wrong and thus she is wracked with guilt for having an unfair advantage over her classmates.
- Blinky will constantly try to influence Grace into snooping through her friends' things or just generally invade others’ privacy. Often he does this by filling her head with all kinds of distrustful thoughts: telling her that they’re hiding things from her, that they're talking behind her back, that they stole something from her, that they’re going down the wrong path, etc. Anything to make her stick her nose where it doesn’t belong. If she’s kind of zoned out, he’ll sometimes subtly influence her into walking within earshot of private conversations so that she overhears things that she shouldn’t know.
Grace has now taken to holding her hands very tightly clasped behind her back while in others’ homes because it makes it easier to avoid the temptation to rifle through things that are none of her business.
- Blinky is a huge gossip (a bit of a lighthearted word for an eldritch god but it suits him!) and he specifically is the one who (very gleefully) directs Grace toward her victims. He’s always in her ear telling her about the sins of her peers and giving suggestions as to which “dirty dude” she should go after next.
- Oddly, I feel like Blinky has a little bit of a soft spot for Grace compared to the other humans that he’s encountered but that doesn’t mean he won’t mess with her. Because of this, Blinky tells Grace what people say about her behind her back. Part of this is because he wants to hurt her, but part of him also wants her to know so that she can stick up for herself and get revenge (plus there’s the added bonus of it being free entertainment for him!).
When he’s having a rare moment of empathy, he will simply inform her of the sins of the person who was saying nasty things about her and encourage her to use the Black Book on them without ever disclosing that they were saying anything about her.
- Grace is the most paranoid about Blinky out of all of the LIB. She’s not necessarily afraid of him, but she is constantly aware that he could be watching her, especially when she’s doing something that she thinks is wrong or sinful (even if it wouldn’t actually phase him at all) and she is afraid that he will use this information against her or tell others. 
He lets her continue to think this way because it gives him greater power over her but realistically, he would not want to betray her trust in this way and risk his most powerful asset becoming disobedient/disloyal to him.
One more silly one to end on!
- Blinky constantly wants to antagonize Bill when Grace sees him at church but she has set that as a hard ‘no’ boundary because she refuses to be disrespectful to ‘a good churchgoing Christian’ like Bill.
She’s nice to him at church!! She can’t lose that!
That's all I've got rn but this was very fun!
Anyone can feel free to send me asks about hcs :D I definitely have a bias toward Grace-related hcs (including stuff like this where it’s her dynamic with another character) bc my brain is rotted for her, but I’m willing to try others if someone wanted that :)
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onthewaytosomewhere · 4 months
It's Sunday ... ya know what that means
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ok .. so sentences cuz it's already sunday - Let's do this!
so my sentences this week are actually one of the ficlets I wrote over the weekend cuz the only other thing I've written recently is not ready for public viewing
so i wrote 8 ficlets this weekend and they're all on ao3 if ya want to peruse - to pick which to post I used an 8-sided die to determine which we'd post here - I rolled a 1 so it's a good thing I wasn't actually playing a game lolz
ficlet and tags behind the post (cuz ooops it might be a bit long for a ficlet)
Henry sinks into the chair on the dock. His friend June invited him along to her family’s lake house in Texas for a long weekend, and as Pez wasn’t in town and had nothing holding him and Will, his toddler son, at home, he decided to tag along. Now, sitting here watching her younger brother, Alex, swim across the lake, hoist himself up on the dock, and slowly walk over to plop in the chair next to him, he wonders why he thought his dog wouldn’t be enough company for them over the long weekend. He’s so lost in thought he misses what Alex is saying to him. He attempts to recover but is so entranced by the drops of water trailing across Alex’s chest he’s surprised he doesn’t offer to lick them off.
Instead, he gets out, “Um … I’m sorry, what was that? I was a bit lost in thought.” It’s not a lie; he was lost in thought. He’s just not sure he should admit those thoughts were all the things he wanted to do to his friend's brother. Alex is ten years younger than him and just graduated from college; he doesn’t need pervy older men lusting after him. Henry is certain he has plenty of people his age lusting after him. Honestly, he thinks there’s probably a new circle in hell being created for him as they speak after some of the thoughts he’s had this weekend. It doesn’t help that Alex is legitimately perfect; he seems to love David, who loves him back in a way he hasn’t loved anyone since Pez. And Will—Will is utterly smitten with Alex, much like his father, only, of course, with less pervy thoughts.
“I was just wondering if Will was still napping. I promised him I’d take him into the lake today.” The blush that rises in Alex’s cheeks as his eyes seem to roam Henry’s body makes Henry wonder if at least some of his feelings aren’t returned. Of course, that is most likely just his overactive imagination at work. “That is if you’re still all right with that.” The way Alex nibbles at his lip gives Henry thoughts he really shouldn’t be having when talking about his son.
“Of course, Will would be distraught with me if I denied him that. I trust you to care for him in the water, Alex.” He attempts to smile in a non-predatory way, but all of the very horny thoughts running through his head make him wonder if he was successful.
“Besides, you’ll be right there with us, right?”
The thought of standing in the water with Alex, as Will no doubt clamors all over him, is doing things to Henry. He knows he has a bit of a competency kink, and Alex has shown just how competent he can be with Henry’s son all weekend. It makes Henry wonder how competent he could be with Will’s father, and he really needs to stop thinking that way.
“Of course –“ Luckily, before he can embarrass himself further, June walks over and plonks Will into his lap.
“Someone woke up from his nap and wanted his dad.” She says as she walks past and plops herself onto the edge of the dock.
Henry’s never been so happy to have his son wake. He has something to focus on other than the devastating man across from him. Well, at least until Will sees Alex and practically throws himself from Henry’s lap to get to him, his loud “Alex” echoing through the silence. Apparently, his thoughts are not the only thing focused on Alex.
so ya made it through the ficlet - it's time for some tags
(no-pressure) tag you're it! to @adreamareads @agame-writes @anincompletelist @bitbybitwrites @blueeyedgrlwrites
@dragonflylady77 @duchessdepolignaca03 @england-would-fall @firenati0n @firstsprinces
@forever-fixating @getmehighonmagic @henryspearl @heysweetheart-writes @hgejfmw-hgejhsf
@inell @inexplicablymine @itsmaybitheway @jellibuns @jmagnabo92
@junebugclaremontdiaz @kiwiana-writes @littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @mikibwrites
@msmarvleouswinchester @nocoastposts @piratefalls @priincebutt @softboynick
@sophie1973 @sparklepocalypse @stellarmeadow @suseagull04 @tailsbeth-writes
@taste-thewaste @thedramasummer @theprinceandagcd @thesleepyskipper @thinkof-england
@tinyarmedtrex @typicalopposite @wordsofhoneydew @yrsacdfox
@indestructibleheart @everwitch-magicks @cricketnationrise @orchidscript @cha-melodius
@captainjunglegym @eusuntgratie @bigassbowlingballhead @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @oxfordslutphase
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maidstew · 3 months
lily, please elaborate on your clemmie and lyssie post 😔🙏🏽
i know i did this to myself but i’m actually nervous to write this out because i don’t think anyone is going to agree with me but here i go!
before i start- i do want to clarify that i love both characters and this is in no way me hating on clemmie or implying that lysistrata is perfect! clemmie is miles ahead in terms of being caring versus her peers.
however, i do not see clemensia as a truly good, kind person. (again, this is all my personal interpretation and i could be way off!)
a few things stick out to me about clemensia that make me feel this way (pre-snake bite, obviously! def unfair to hold post snake-bite against her).
the first example is when they are discussing how to force people to watch the games.
clemensia says-
“The real problem is, it’s sickening to watch”
lysistrata says-
“Most of us don’t want to watch other people suffer.”
to me, i see this as lysistrata acknowledging and putting focus on the children suffering- where clemmie focuses mainly on how it makes her feel to watch.
clemensia also talks about her first meeting with reaper-
“Mine wouldn’t speak. Not a word”
not horrible by any means- but it still feels lacking in empathy (and not great that she referred to reaper as ‘hers’).
another example that comes to mind is when clemmie and coriolanus are discussing the games after arachne death and she says this-
“Yes, or make them Avoxes, or something,” said Clemensia. “It’s awful, but not as bad as the arena. I mean, I’d rather be alive without a tongue than dead, wouldn’t you?”
this isn’t a bad thing necessarily! but to me, i see it as misguided and failing to actually put herself in the shoes of these children and sort of failing to have genuine empathy.
another example is regarding iphigenia-
“Clemensia had once told Coriolanus it was the only revenge she could take on her father, but refused to give any more details.”
again, miles ahead of most of her peers because she refused to elaborate further but i believe that exposing that to coriolanus at all was a deeply unkind thing to do.
and then here are some examples where i see lysistrata displaying kindness (though i’m aware that it may be unfair to bring up things lysistrata did during the games bc clem didn’t get the same chance to bond with reaper!)
she makes the effort to help jessup even before he protects her in the bombing-
she’d apparently been working hard to connect with Jessup “I brought you some cream for your neck,”
she is grateful to jessup after he protects her instead of just assuming that her life is worth more. she’s also willing to speak out and tell everyone this despite knowing how people view district citizens.
“She’s going around saying that big, ugly boy from District Twelve protected her by throwing his body over her, but who knows? The Vickers family loves the spotlight.”
it’s also worth noting that coriolanus follows this up by saying he’s never seen a vickers trying to claim the spotlight.
she also says this-
“And who wouldn’t rather be the victor than the defeated?”
“I don’t know that I have much interest in being either,” said Lysistrata.”
which i think is very decent considering she lived through the war just as much as her classmates.
she displays empathy and understanding for dill & reaper when her classmates do not-
“Isn’t he the one who promised to kill all the others?” asked Pup.
“Doesn’t look so tough to me,” said Urban.”
“She’s his district partner,” said Lysistrata. “And she’s almost dead now. Tuberculosis, probably.”
she’s also quick to call out her classmates during the games-
“Like musical chairs,” said Domitia with a pleased look.
“But with people dying,” said Lysistrata.”
when jessup has rabies and is chasing lucy gray-
“If Jessup can’t win, I want Lucy Gray to. That’s what he’d want. And she can’t win if he kills her,” she said. “Which might happen anyway.”
to me, this shows that she has been able to empathize and understand who jessup is as a person.
also while other classmates display anger or frustration at losing the prize she says this-
“Coriolanus could barely hear Lysistrata whisper, “Oh, don’t let him die alone.”
because she cares about jessup. she also sends food to lucy gray directly after that.
and of course there’s this interaction which i think speaks for itself-
“I do.” She took a deep breath. “What I’d like people to know about Jessup is that he was a good person. He threw his body over mine to protect me when the bombs started going off in the arena. It wasn’t even conscious. He did it reflexively. That’s who he was at heart. A protector. I don’t think he would’ve ever won the Games, because he’d have died trying to protect Lucy Gray.”
“Oh, like a dog or something.” Lepidus nodded. “A really good one.”
“No, not like a dog. Like a human being,” said Lysistrata.”
but the fact that she firmly and openly asserted his humanity in front of the entire capitol essentially is massive to me.
and of course there’s the fact that she had been nice to sejanus-
“Snow had invited Festus and Lysistrata to join the party, as they’d liked Sejanus better than most of his classmates and could be counted on to say nice things.”
of course this is all rambling that doesn’t actually answer the question but i feel like it was important to try to explain why i saw them as slightly different.
essentially i think my thoughts on kind vs nice can be summed up by this quote-
Niceness, then, is often expressed through words or gestures, while kindness is often expressed through acts.
and lysistrata proved repeatedly that she is willing to act by speaking up consistently despite how taboo it is in the capitol. whereas i don’t view clemensia as someone who would be as willing to directly assert a district citizens humanity so publicly (again, my own personal interpretation.).
because of this- i believe lysistrata is a lot more likely to get herself in trouble quicker by opening her mouth and sticking up for the district citizens, especially after this experience. whereas i do not think clemensia would be as likely to risk her safety to do so.
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starlightandfairies · 11 months
Daryl Dixon x plus!size reader: Daryl and the reader are friends (but the reader wishes they were more because she is in love with daryl) and the reader joins Daryl to find more people they run into a bad group and it ends terribly and the reader and Daryl end up in France when they get to the nuns she notices Isabelle getting a little to close to Daryl the reader is jealous of course but she is very good at hiding her emotions so when they find the pre school with the kids that are surviving there before the reader joined Daryl to help get some medication for the kids teacher the reader ask Daryl if there is anything going on between him and Isabelle Daryl said there is nothing going on and why did she ask the reader tells him to forget she said anything but Daryl won���t let it go so the reader tells Daryl about her feelings and that he doesn’t have to say it back because she thinks he doesn’t feel to same way she just rambles on about how she finds herself ugly and Daryl shuts her up by kissing her and telling her he feels the same way and to stop talking bad about her self when they are back on the road taking Laurent (where Ever he needs to be taken sorry forgot the place) Laurent is being stubborn and won't get on the carriage so the reader gets down to talk to him and tells him that the reason he needs to go with him is because he is special and he is the key to curing the zombies and she promises that she won't let anything happen to him and that she will protect him with her life Laurent looks up to the reader because she is very pretty and she is a total badass because she is a good fighter and she puts herself in danger first so the people she cares about won't get hurt and she is very fearless and she doesn't like seeing good people die.
Description: The reader is forced to confess her feelings for Daryl after having suspicions that he loved Isabelle.
Warnings: swearing, fluff, she/her pronouns, twd violence, mentions of injury, insecurities. Based on Daryl's tv show episode 2
*Requests are open, please send through as many requests as you want, check my character list and requesting rules.*
Thanks so much for giving this request!!! I had fun writing it!!!
Key: Y/N = Your Name, POV = Point of view
Word Count: 1623
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Daryl and I had know each other for quite a fair few years. After the battle of the Commonwealth, Daryl and I decided to go looking for Rick and Michonne. However, we got fucked over by another fucked up group of people and ended up in the water. I lost track of the days, I have no clue how long we have both been in the water. I felt a slapping against my cheeks, groaning and rolled to my side as woke up to find Daryl hovering by my side. 
After Daryl helped me up, I glanced around, knowing that we were not in America anymore. It was a matter of finding out where we were and what to do. 
“Guess we aren’t in Kansas anymore.” Daryl shot me a look, I stuck my tongue out and gave a smile, sometimes it honestly felt like the best that I could to do. 
“Can’t believe that after all this time you are quoting movies.” 
“What can I say? It’s what you love about me.” God I wish it were true 
After realising we were are in France; Daryl and I began searching for supplies to keep ourselves going for the night. Daryl found an French to English book to help with translations. After a little while longer, these two assholes screwed us over, tried robbing us after we killed two other men that tried attacking all of us. 
A group of nuns brought us in, treated Daryl’s acid burn from the walkers, which I’m glad was treated. Then came Isabelle, I hate to say that it’s been 12 years since the world turned to shit and I still get jealous feelings. Isabelle was too close to Daryl, maybe she hadn’t had a nice man in her life for a while but her beauty and her pretty smile made me feel insecure of my own looks and inability to tell Daryl how I feel made me feel shittier than when I realised I’m going to die before the world is fixed. 
All respect to the nuns; I understand why they did what they did but at the same time, after seeing it go wrong a thousand other times. Keeping a walker alive as a message or just the emotional trauma of losing that loved one is obviously horrible to go through but as soon as we realised that the father was a walker we left as soon as we could only to return and take Laurent, honestly a sweet little boy to safety. 
Daryl and Isabelle were walking ahead, I stayed behind, kicking my feet in the dirt like an upset little kid and carried on as I drowned in my own feelings. 
“What’s going on with you?” Daryl questioned, I glanced up, placed on one of my award winning smiles and shook my head. 
“I’m all good. Honestly, I just want to get back to America.” Daryl nodded believing what I said, turning back to the front and it allowed me to wallow in my emotions again. I loved Daryl, he’s a good man, even if he doesn’t think he is a good man, he is a good man and I wish that he knew that more often. 
Isabelle is gorgeous, more so than compared to me. I mean, I’ve got rolls, even during this shitstorm I’ve got all these skin problems still and I clearly have no confidence in my appearance, even if it doesn’t matter now. I thought the end of the world would mean less problems when it came to appearance and self esteem. But noooo, it still means the same shit goes through my mind like it did when I was dating in college. 
I mean, I can handle the shitty groups that survive off of anarchy. I can handle them, because just a couple of hits to the head and boom not a problem anymore. But my insecurities, they kill me and I hate that I am not strong enough to deal with problems that shouldn’t matter anymore. Staring at what used to be a preschool made me want to cry, the place is being run by children and I wish that these children didn’t have to go through this horrible stuff and could be children in a decently safe world where they didn’t have to deal with no familiarity of what we grew up with. 
“Hey, that teacher needs some medicine, want to come with?” I nodded, glad to finally be getting that one on one time with Daryl again. Walking in the silence became uncomfortable and noticing that Daryl was hanging out with Isabelle a lot I want getting curious to know about where he stood with her. 
“So, Daryl… what’s going on with you and Isabelle?” Daryl shot me a look, as if I really just asked him about something that sounds so childish and like a teenager experience. 
“There’s nothing going on between her and I. I’m just finding out what I can from her that can help us get back home… why?” There it was, that one little question that I wish wasn’t a word. I shrugged slightly, cringing internally as I realised my capabilities to hide my true emotions decided not to work today. 
“No reason.” Fuck my voice is giving me away, all nervous and defensive. Daryl stopped in my tracks, he grabbed my arm, getting me to stop in my tracks. I couldn’t meet his eyes, I insecurely wrapped my arms around my body to cocoon into myself as I always did when I was feeling insecure. 
“Don’t give me that crap. What’s going on?” I tried one more time, hoping that Daryl would give it a reason and not think to ask about it again. That was just wishful thinking. 
“Please, just forget it!” I snapped, Daryl took a step back, shaking his head and grabbed ahold of both my arms gently. I took a shaky breathy, shaking my head and sniffled. 
“What is going on?” 
“I’m in love with you! Okay?” Daryl looked surprised by my outburst, I pushed myself out of his arms and began pacing around the tree covered area we were in.  
“Me! Fat little me, I’m in love with you! And I know you won’t say it back because I know you don’t love me back because I am nowhere near as attractive as the girls I know you’d be with if the world was still normal.” I shook my head, keeping my eyes focused on the ground as my tears fell from eyes and I didn’t want Daryl to see me like this. 
“I’m overweight, I’m ugly, I’ve got rolls and eczema. I’m an insecure little girl who hasn’t changed since high school. My acne scars make me look like I’m a fucking walker. I am ugly and I am not worth anyone’s love, not even in this world because I don’t have that kind of beauty. I am no pretty nor worth anyone’s love and I-“ Daryl grabbed my face in his hands, his lips being placed upon mine and I know it sounds incredibly cliche but it really felt like the world literally stop. Why was Daryl kissing me? I mean I was kissing him back and holy shit it was one of the greatest kisses I’ve ever experienced and I did not want it to stop. I honestly forgot the world we currently lived in is the way that it is but having Daryl actually kissing me until I needed to pull away for air made me feel like I was in a world of a book that I would’ve loved to read in the before. 
“I love you. I love you more than I can even begin to say. I ain’t good with words. But you gotta stop talking down about yourself. You are gorgeous, you are exactly as you should be and I love you. I find you incredibly gorgeous and you have a heart of gold. You are not what that stupid little insecure voice inside your head says that you are. You understand me?” I nodded, smiling as he grinned at me and rested a kiss on my forehead. 
After leaving the preschool, Laurent was angry with Isabelle and wouldn’t get in the carriage that we acquired. It was honestly a very useful invention that made life so much easier. I decided to get out of the carriage to talk to the kid and figure out a way to get him in the carriage. 
“Listen Laurent. I understand that you’re upset and not feeling the greatest in regards to that you feel Isabelle is lying to and I won’t lie to you. Not about something like this. The reason why you need to go with us is that you could be the cure to helping understand a cure for these walkers. But I promise to you I will not allow you to be hurt, I will protect and you so will the rest of us. I will protect you until my very last breath, you’re one of us and we won’t let you get hurt. I promise you and if you feel that I break your promise then you can do whatever you want if it means you feel safe.” 
“I look up to you. You’re… you’re this badass lady that knows how to fight and is a good person because you won’t let bad things happen. You are also very pretty.” I turned to see Daryl watching with a smile, he winked at me and nodded softly as I got Laurent into the carriage finally. 
Daryl took my hand as I squeezed in beside him, resting a final kiss on my cheek before offering his shoulder for me to sleep on. 
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samesanegirl · 2 years
10 Fanfictions that Characterised Rose Weasley Better than the Cursed Child
1. Four Times Rose Weasley Woke Up In Places Other Than Her Bed - Maybe the best Rose Weasley written out there (take notes Jack Thorne). Rose’s narration is absolutely brilliant due to her relativity and funniness. There are so many embarrassing things she does and you just cringe for her. And I am happy that the writer did not write her as a perfect human who is beautiful and poised all the time. Despite this, Rose IS a very endearing person although she pretends to be tough around Scorpius. She is definitely her own person and her love life doesn't define her as she is focused on her career and dreams. And can we appreciate badass Rose Weasley kicking ass in the Quidditch field? Yes please!
2. This Is(n't) Acting - This fan fiction is so beautiful (SOBS). I think one of the reasons why the relationship is so beautiful is because Rose brings the best out of Scorpius. She was extremely awkward, but had a kind and caring heart. While she was self-conscious, she also seemed to value herself and didn't let anyone treat her like shit. One of the reasons why I loved Rose was because she was imperfect. She had heaps of embarrassing moments, can be impulsive, had a temper and made plenty of mistakes. Nonetheless, her affectionate nature and character development is enough for you to fall in love with her, very much like Scorpius did.
3. Solitary Confinement - You must be wondering...why am I putting a smut fan fiction on this list? Other than this being one of the best Scorose smut fan fictions ever, Rose’s character was full of energy and spark. She is passionate, she is courageous and she is not afraid to get what she wants (intimate time with Scorpius). Under her feisty attitude, she has a compassionate heart and does what she thinks is right, despite the consequences. She won't sit back and see Muggles suffering. I appreciated her sense of justice, which is a trait that she would undoubtedly have.
4. The Thing (that is by no means a relationship) - One thing I like about Rose in Graeliars’ stories is that she is very blunt and direct with people and her own internal monologues. Which provides so much comedy and makes you appreciate her character. She is incredibly authentic, vivacious, adventurous and kind-hearted. These are all the qualities Rose would undoubtedly have. I also love the relationship she has with Scorpius! It is so sweet and fluffy (with smut)
5. Adverse Side Effects - Ugh, this story gives me all the feels!! This story is from Scorpius’ point of view so you see how he falls for Rose over the course of the story. One thing that is for certain is that Rose’s loving nature, bravery and kindness is positively influencing Scorpius’ life. She definitely has Hermione’s intelligent, dedicated and sensible nature as well as Ron’s wisecracking humour and loyalty. She treats everyone around her with kindness, is dedicated and she is sassy as hell.  The dialogue between Scorpius and Rose is some of the best I’ve ever read as well (and the story is romantic as hell too)
6. One of the Boys - Yes, Rose is “not like other girls” here. While I am not fond of this trope, Rose’s character retained energy and charisma nonetheless. I really liked the male friendships she had as it provided enough banter and laughter. Despite that she was a tomboy, she had relatively good relationships with her female cousins, which I liked. She also learns to appreciate femininity in some regard and pleased herself. I am sick of fanfictions where Rose is Hermione’s clone and has none of Ron’s characteristics. In this fan fiction, she was definitely Ron’s daughter as she was funny and was not afraid to let loose.
7. Before Malfoy Had It Going -  (The author of the story deleted bot of her stories but she said she was planning on updating them. So I linked her profile @weasleykingrocks )The prequel to Malfoy's Got It Going (so when she was a teenager). I think she is the perfect combination of Ron and Hermione. She is funny, loves Quidditch and is sarcastic whilst being a perfectionist and overachiever. One thing I appreciated is Rose’s constant need to live up to her parents. Yes, Ron and Hermione are awesome, but it would be hard for their daughter being compared to their hero status. Thus, you feel awful for her as she is drowning in negativity and self-doubt. Her relationship with Albus and Scorpius is special, as you could see her imperfections and love for others. 
8. Malfoy’s Got It Going - Rose is the perfect combination of Ron and Hermione. She is friendly and charming, but is stern and tough when life is difficult. She is funny and playful but she is emotional and hot-tempered. She is intelligent and sweet, but she can be argumentative and judgemental. One thing that the writer was able to pull off well was her charisma and why many of the people around her were drawn to her. She has a heart of gold and her relationship with Scorpius and Albus is beautifully written. Despite this, Rose is not morally perfect and is capable of doing awful things. As we see, she does certain things that are definitely problematic, which allows character development.
9. Art and Alchemy - @languidbones In most Scorose fan fictions, Rose is written as a popular, sassy and fierce Gryffindor who intensely plays Quidditch and studies all the time. Rose in this fan fiction is completely different from anything I've ever read. She’s a quirky Hufflepuff who has no interest in studying or Quidditch and spends all her free time painting. I’ve become so comfortable with Gryffindor Rose who is academically competitive, a Quidditch star and has a feisty personality. This Rose is absolutely adorable, creative, endearing and she will make your heart melt. 
10. Bouquet of Scandals - @languidbones Believe me when I tell you that this fan fiction has made me laugh, cry, gush, smile, scream and everything in between. Partly because of Rose’s fascinating and unique character. She has her undivided attention to magical creatures, her pygmy puff and classical music. She isn’t interested in studying, Quidditch, or dating, until she spends time with Scorpius. The fan fiction is utterly beautiful and captivating, with a Rose Weasley who is so loveable and you don’t question why half the boys in her school fall in love with her. It’s best if you just jump to it and read the whole thing. I hope the author writes more!
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pinkeoni · 1 year
Can you talk more about the issues with jancy and why they need to do a lot of talking if it is to be endgame?
Anon, are you giving me permission to once again complain about Jancy’s unresolved problems?
I always took issue with how the fandom tended to view their relationship through these rose-tinted glasses, especially post vol. 2, when there were some major issues regarding their relationship that was yet to be addressed.
I think Jancy is in love and could believably be endgame, but GOD if these issues get brushed off simply and they stay together without these conflicts being resolved, it would be bad writing.
The two main conflicts between Jonathan and Nancy are the same thing that kept them seperated: Jonathan’s daddy issues and Nancy putting her career ambitions before the people she loves.
Jonathan can’t bring himself to do what he wants out of fear of becoming like his father. Moreover, but Emerson isn’t even the college that Jonathan wants to go to, which isn’t even counting the NYU thing from season one. He plainly states that he doesn’t want to go Emerson to Argyle!
For Nancy, I’m in no way trying to say “working woman bad” but Nancy does need to find a balance between her ambitions and her loved ones. In season two, Nancy uses investigative journalism to bring justice for Barb, but in season three her passion for it escalates to where it blinds her and she doesn’t consider Jonathan’s feelings (“Here comes the Oliver Twist routine”) and in season four she doesn’t visit him despite clearly wanting to because she dedicates herself to the school paper instead. I’m not saying Nancy shouldn’t be career driven, but I don’t think it would be very “empowering-girl-boss” if she closed herself off from everyone she loves for it.
For Nancy we do see a bit of a change from her when she opens up a little and lets Robin in. With Robin, Nancy learns to lean on others for help and allow them to influence her work. It doesn’t, however, resolve her miscommunication with Jonathan, and unfortunately Jonathan’s personal issues have not yet seen a resolution either. And at the end of the season, Jonathan has still not told Nancy about not applying to Emerson, and Nancy did still have that whole wierd thing with Steve this season.
My ideal ending for these two would be for them to stay together but go to seperate colleges, although only time will tell for that. I do believe that these two can work out their problems given how much we are shown that they do genuinely care about each other and want to put in the work, but oh god, if all of that goofiness happened last season and it’s just brushed off without even a conversation? That would just be bad writing. What was it all for then?
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luveline · 1 year
hi jade i hope life is treating you well <33 would you please write something for the asf universe maybe where fred invites ghost to come with him to something that he has to go to, and ghost doesn’t know how to say no so she tries to drag herself there despite how exhausted and sad she is, thank you for everything, take care of yourself <33
thank you for your request lovely! fem!reader, 2k
cw for mental health issues
Eyes dry as sand, you lean down in the hallway of Lee's flat to retie your shoelace. You'd done them haphazard, late to get ready. Fred doesn't notice you've stopped, swinging around the corner, each part of him beside his fingers on the doorway disappearing from view. 
"Hey, guys. Alicia, what have you done to your hair?"
"I've dyed it."
"I can see that. Feeling morose, were you?" He pauses. You look up in anticipation of his confused gaze. "Love?" he asks. 
You spring up with your shoelace half tied again to meet him in the doorway. Easy, Fred wraps his arm around your shoulders. He is, unquestionably, showing you off to his friends. "Hi guys," you say. 
You don't mind talking to them —they're not the problem, his merry band of twenty-somethings, reminiscent of their school selves but with enough piercings, tattoos, and bold haircuts to tell the difference. You're different enough that half of them didn't recognise you the first time they saw you again after leaving school, Lee Jordan's ill-fated birthday party, Freddie and a handful of bruised knuckles. You're the girl Fred defended unshakingly. It bought you a lot of street cred. 
What's so special about her that Fred would bother making such a mess? they must think. You honestly don't have a clue. It has more to do with Fred's big heart than your deserving, probably. 
"Hey," Angelina says, knees up at the table, a coke sweating down her arm. "Thank god you're here, George hasn't shut about you both since you cancelled on him." 
"I had salmonella," Fred says, arm steadfast behind you as he guides you into the kitchen. He encourages you into an empty chair by Angelina, likely George's considering the familiar worn wallet laid out by an empty coke. "Couldn't really de-salmonella myself." 
"Freddie!" Lee says, bottles clinking together in his hand. 
"Alright?" Fred asks. 
"Man, I'm glad you got here early. I wanted to talk to you about Melena before her lot come over at seven. Her gran just died so now she has a lot of money and nothing to do with it." 
"I don't like being responsible for other people's money," Fred says, his hand toying with the back of your shirt as he talks. Totally distracted, doting on you anyhow. 
"I thought you'd say that." 
You pick George's wallet up, unthinking. Neither of the twins has ever felt much possession of their possessions, nor have they ever withheld anything from you, and so you've a lack of manners all their blame. You run your thumb over the plastic window where a photo of Molly holding a smaller, younger Ginny on her knee takes centre stage. 
"Hello," George says, his reappearance surprising you enough to lose your grip on the wallet. His arms cleave you from Fred's grasp, all guy smells and squeezes as he hugs you roughly. "Things aren't so dire as to pickpocket me, surely." 
Fred is your very best friend on the whole planet. George is an extremely close second. You smile at the fierce pressure of his arms and pat him on the wrist. 
"Sorry, I was being nosey." 
"Wait, I've forgotten I was mad at you." 
"For what?" you ask, though you know.
"You didn't come to game night! What the fuck, ghost? Fred had salmonella, whatever, but you weren't sick. I missed you." 
I didn't feel well enough to come without Fred, you almost say, but it's still not fair. George really is a best friend. "I should've come. I'm sorry," you say. 
"That's okay. Come to the next one, yeah?" He stands up, giving your back a whack and a half. "You okay?" 
Honestly? No. You're tired. You don't feel like a very good person, and being with your friends makes it worse. You would've said no to coming tonight, but it's not as easy as it is with George to say no to Fred. Fred asks you for things, hand on your hand or your elbow or your knee, and you can't entertain letting him down.
"We've been invited to Lee Jordan's for drinks next Friday," he'd said. At that moment your shins were over his lap, his new phone precariously held in his long fingers, "you'll come, won't you? It was rubbish without you last time." 
"Yeah," you'd said immediately. "Course." 
Why? you think now, a sharp knife of dread sliding beneath your ribs. What a stupid idea. Your hands are clammy where you wipe them in the knees of your jeans, your mouth uncooperative as you answer George's inquiry. "I'm okay. How are you? Did you get your new sofa yet?" 
The night pulls on in dribs and drabs. You're better at hiding how you feel now you've reason to hide it, someone who loves you enough to pay attention, but it always shines through. Like grease on silk held up to the light, the pervasive oiliness of how you feel seeping, seeping. You jump from room to room, bump shoulders with people you know and strangers alike, swap a coke for a vodka and, at Fred's proud production, an ice cold mimosa with a fresh orange slice hooked on the rim. 
"A mimosa? At 9PM?" you ask, taking it anyway. 
"Vitamin D, doll. It's good for you." Kiss to the top of your head. Fred is stolen away again by an old friend. You sit in the pit of a deep chair, the comfiest, softest seat in the house, a fresh drink in hand, music you like playing to the left and a shouted promise of pizza and potato wedges called from the kitchen. 
Everybody cheers. You take a sip of your drink and decide to go home. You can sidle up to George and tell him you're not feeling well, he can tell Fred when your boyfriend notices you're gone. No one will panic, and there will be no need for him to go home. 
But Fred doesn't work that way. Doesn't trust you to tell the truth about how you're feeling; you're a liar, and he knows you'll undersell the weight of whatever it is that's wrong. 
When George pops by to steal your drink, you don't spin a lie about headaches or cramps. 
You're loved into telling the truth. 
Fred wanders back your way eventually. He sees it on your face (he must), the disconnect between your eyes and your surroundings. It isn't everything about you —you see him approaching and you smile, opening an eager hand to his arm— but he's well read in your feelings. He hips you along the big chair and sits back, pulling you with him, his arm again protectively held over your shoulders as he tucks you into his neck.
"You look tired, lovely girl," he says, his voice weak in the quiet.
"I'm trying not to be." 
"I don't think it's something you can try your way out of." Stronger, fonder, he's reassured by your smile, but he knows you better than anyone. "You've drunk your mimosa!" 
"George," you correct.
"Ah. Did you like it at all?" he asks. 
Things don't always taste right to you. "The fizzing was making my nose hurt." 
Fred turns your face to his. "Not your gorgeous nose," he laments, lips barely parted. He strokes you cheek with the soft pad of his thumb like he's trying to smooth away a line, eyes pinching into a squint. Handsome squint on a handsome boy. 
"I'm okay." You answer before he can ask.
"I know. Wish you'd said something earlier, is all." 
"I can't… ruin your fun. Every night." 
"Every night," he repeats. He tips your chin up to kiss you. "That's ridiculous," he says when he leans back. "You don't ruin any fun, ghost. You make it fun." 
"Make what fun?" you ask, sounding more and more tired with each word. You mumble into his shirt. "This should be fun… don't know what's wrong with me."
Fred goes soft like butter in the sun, though what's warming about your limp disposition is anyone's guess. "You're sick of hearing me say this," he begins, words slow, "but you have no reason to… feel so disgusted with yourself. I can hear it, sometimes… in your voice. You don't have to know what's wrong with you, you don't have to force yourself to have fun, you don't have to be so angry. Not with my girl, she doesn't deserve it." He kisses your cheek, a sudden cheerful punctuation to his serious moments. "You feel rubbish, you don't know why. It doesn't matter, so long as you can feel better in the end." 
"I'm just tired," you say, as you've said a hundred times before. 
"You're always tired." 
It makes your throat ache, that simple acknowledgement. 
"You can kip on me if you want to," he says. 
"Here?" you ask. 
He shrugs, jostling your shoulder. "Don't see why not. Unless you want to go home. We can go home, sweetheart."
It's unsaid. Staying here, even when you don't feel good, will mitigate the guilt you'd feel if you dragged him home. He doesn't care, he'd never hold it against you, but you're paranoid anyways, and self-hating to a fault. There's no need to add fuel to that fire, so you can stay. But if you really can't manage it, Fred will take you home. 
"Maybe I'll just lean on you, for a bit." You meet his eyes fully, brown and big and looking down at you with a shiny kind of love. "If that's okay." 
Fred drops his arm to the small of your back and wraps it around, his thumb searching for your Jean pocket. He hooks it there, his chin rubbing a short line into your temple. "Oh no, my beautiful girlfriend wants to snuggle. Whatever will I do." 
"You don't have to, Freddie. You can enjoy your party. I could just go home." 
"I don't want you to go home," he whispers, a secret. "I want to be where you are. I like parties, but I like you more." 
"Are you sure?" you ask. 
Fred lays back with the affect of a gluttonous Prince, as though he has everything he wants right there at his disposal. You can't imagine being the pretty girl under his arm, and yet you are. No matter how awful your head hurts, he makes you feel like you've nothing to be ashamed of. It's the kindest thing he can do. 
"Take a breather," he says. "Let's have fifteen minutes. If you feel worse, we'll go home. 'Kay?" 
You look at his lap, curling your fingers into the hem of his pressed button down. "Okay. Thanks, baby." 
He sounds pleased at the pet name. "Melena's coming over here. Quick, pretend to be sleeping. I'll stroke the back of your neck if you promise not to laugh." 
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