#ville valo fluff
damonjuicyscock · 5 months
Hello you guys,
Sorry I forgot to give you news.
I once again had a car accident (I'm a good driver, others are not)
Someone just bumped against me and since then I'm resting my poor neck and as it wasn't funny enough, I got sick ✨️
I hope I'll be able to publish in two weeks that would be great.
At the moment, so I can be forgiven, I propose you a FAQ, you can ask me questions (about me, the future of this tumblr, the future writings), I'll gladly answer them !
Take care of yourselves !
Lots of love
DJC ❤️
(I also take this as an occasion to introduce you my new lovely 10 years old cat : Patrick)
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b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 3 months
I need more Ville Valo fics 😩 no one seems to do them anymore! I need another part to Love You To Death! 😍
Love You To Death (Pt. 2)
Y/N makes the painful decision to leave the romance she found in Finland behind, but fate has different plans in mind. By fate, I mean Bam and Ville.
Ville Valo X Fem!Reader, (slight Bam Margera X Ville Valo if you squint?)
(Fluff, angst)
2.5k Words
Warnings: Highly suggestive content, alcohol, manipulation, power imbalance, toxic relationships, unwelcome flirting, creepy guys,
An: Thank you so much for the request!! I had a ball writing this and I’m sure you’ll enjoy t as well :) This was the first fic I wrote after finishing finals, so I hope this is up to par with my usual work! I really wanted to explore how Bam was affected by what was going on with Ville and how Ville feels almost protective of Y/N. As a note, there’s a painting referenced in this fic that was based off of a real piece in the Philadelphia Museaum of art! Anyways, thank you so much for the request and please keep sending them in!
“You’re not actually gonna stay with him, are you?” Bam raised an eyebrow at you from where he was laying against the hotel room mattress. Continuing to fill him in on what happened that night, you cracked open your own tiny mini bar liquor with a sigh, “No, I mean- I can’t.” Bending down to pick up the steadily growing pile of bottles at his bedside, you rolled your eyes, “I mean- it’s not like I could just pack up all my shit and move to Finland!” Trying to ignore your heartbeat thrumming in your ears, you went over the same thing you had been rolling around in your mind since you left Ville’s flat no more than an hour ago.
Tomorrow, you would be flying back home to Philly, away from Finland and away from him, and as well as you knew you couldn’t stay, you didn’t want to go. But as unobservant as he usually was, Bam’s liquor-addled mind made a connection there. He respected Ville. Ville was in love with you. You were friends with Bam. It would be so easy to earn himself a little easy cred with him if he set the two of you up- you know, play Cupid. “So, you got his number?”
Too distracted with stress packing, you didn’t give Bam’s question a second thought, “Of course I did. Why do you care?” Good. He gave you some BS about how Ville is his friend, and if you hadn't gotten his number, he would say you’re stupid, “I know he’s really hot, but I get it- he’s moving a little fast. I mean, you guys just met!” The lip service continued and you were lucky you couldn’t see that smirk of his he was so not hiding. But Bam’s words hit a little closer to home than you expected and made you pause a bit. “Yeah, yeah- I hear ya…”
Bam was getting a thrill out of playing double agent- maybe more than he should. That night, far after he was sure you were out cold, guess who he was calling up? “Ville, man- I got just the idea for you to win over Y/N!” His giddiness was a contrast to Ville’s half-drunk stupor he dove into after you left, still somehow as smooth as ever, “Hmm?” Cupping his hand around the receiver in the dark, Bam went on a rambling, half coherent rant about this master plan of his, which Ville periodically hummed in agreement to. In both of their minds, it sounded pretty foolproof. And there you were, fast asleep about five feet away from where this whole trap intended for you was unfolding.
Months later, once the initial flames of desire died down, you kept in touch with Ville in the form of constant phone calls that seemed to stretch on for eternities. Even if he didnt go on and on about this romanticized, poetic vision he had of the two of you together in the future, you couldn’t help but find his voice so pleasant to listen to. It was hypnotic, the way he detailed something as mundane as how stunning the countryside in Finland was in the springtime, how plentiful and beautiful the wildflowers are there. “Of course, they couldn’t compare to your beauty, my dear.” Ville purred his words in a way that almost made you blush and giggle.
Based on the low chuckle he let out at your reaction, you were sure he picked up on it. “There is, however, something I’d like to discuss with you, Y/N.” His voice took on a conspiratorial tone that made you listen a bit closer. “I’ll be going on tour in a few weeks- and seeing as I’ll have a day off in Philadelphia, I was wondering if you would be interested in going out together?” Holy shit. You would be seeing him face to face- like, actually in person. “Oh- of course I’d be interested! That would be amazing!” A disbelieving grin spread across your face, your heart fluttering a little at the prospect, “I can’t wait.” Ville seemed content with your enthusiasm and the way this was trending, letting out a hum of satisfaction, “Neither can I, darling.”
Bam seemed pretty eager to get your ass out of the house the night before Ville was set to arrive in town. While you were perfectly content with spending the evening fucking around with him and the rest of the guys (because that’s you usually did on a Friday night), for some reason he couldn’t let that happen. “Y’know what? I’m really not feelin’ like going out tonight.” Excuses like this were uncharacteristic of Bam, but you suspended your dislebeleif as he got up from where the two of you were watching tv on the couch, grabbing something off the kitchen table, “It’s lady’s night at 15 North! I think you should go hang out with your girlfriends, have a few drinks, here-”
Turning around to where you had been following behind him, Bam shoved a handful of twenties into your hand and grinned, trying to sound nonchalant, “It's on me!” Part of you wanted to question why the hell he did this big three sixty from how cold he was acting towards you in Finland. But another part of you, a part with a little less shame, knew not to look a gift horse in the mouth, especially when said horse was buying you and your friends drinks. Considering your options for a moment, you nodded, “You know what? I will go out!”
That whole thing with Ville just happening to have that time off in Philly wasn't nearly as coincidental as he made it out to be, but that wasn’t the only dishonesty here. Even though they were more than capable of discussing it over the phone, Bam urged him to stop by the castle so they would have the opportunity to ‘talk about it more’. Really, the whole thing was a ploy to keep Ville in one place with him and to show off the castle in one big effort to impress him. Though he was unaffected by his childish attempts to win his favor, Ville decided not to say anything on his thinly veiled intentions or tacky choices in interior design. Bam was giving him some pretty useful information, so it wouldn’t be wise to write him off just yet.
Bam had told Ryan and the other guys the same excuse he told you, which they questioned even less. Adding to this web of lies was the fact Ville got in town a day earlier than he told you he would. You decided to stop by Bam’s to pick something up that you left there the previous night before retiring to your place, so you would only discover this fact when you stumbled through the door around the early AM’s to a figure in the darkness of the living room, lounging on the couch with a glass of something dark that he sat down on a table as you walked in. It was silent as you peered around a corner, still pretty tipsy. The light from the entryway illuminated this person’s silhouette enough for you to see a sliver of a swirling tattoo peek out from under a sleeve- one you instantly recognized. “Ville…?”
You should’ve known; who else would look that good in the dark? Of course, you had a lot of questions for Ville, but he gave you the rundown after you nearly pounced on him, “We arrived at a hotel around an hour ago, and while Midge and Linde- and the rest of the fellows were getting settled,” Ville ran his fingers through your hair idly while you pretty much sat on his lap, ”Bam rang me to ask if I would mind staying at his place for a night or two. Who am I to say no to that?” Gently taking your chin to tilt your head up, he pressed a kiss to your cheekbone, “All the more time I get to spend with you, my love.” A hummingbird couldn’t have caught Ville at work, the way he was playing you, and judging by the way you were blushing and melting onto his lap like warm butter, his charms were working their magic on you.
“Anyways,” Glancing down at you, he quickly brushed it off as if he wasn’t just thrilled by how flustered he could make you with such a simple gesture, “I was wondering if you’d care to go out for drinks sometime?” Well, Bam had asked him if he wanted to continue their conversation tomorrow night over a few beers at Rex’s, which gave him the idea to ask you. Close enough. “Oh, I’d love to!” You giggled, laying back against his chest.
There was pretty obvious confusion in Bam’s half awake gaze the next morning when he saw first you in the kitchen making yourself some toast, then Ville at the coffee maker. Why the hell were you here? Wait, did the two of you…? “Y/N?” He thought he was having some kind of weird dream- some nightmare, but nope, this was reality. “Oh, hey Bam!” Turning around, you took a bite from your toast, “What’s up?” If the smirk on your face wasn’t telling enough, the fact that the two of you were half dressed certainly was. “You stayed here last night?” You could practically see Bam’s train of thought on his face as he looked between you and him, “Ohhhh…” Ville quietly chuckled at his reaction, not seeming to notice the traces of jealousy in his gaze.
You were completely oblivious to the fact that there were serious art museums in Pennsylvania until Ville took you to one. Well, you knew there probably were some out there, but the thought never really crossed your mind that people actually go to these places. But there the two of you were, strolling through the Philadelphia Museum of Art. The only sounds that echoed off the tall ceilings of the exhibit hall were the clacking of rubber soles on marble and the hushed whispers among people who actually had opinions on this kind of art.
Sure, you appreciated the stuff, but Ville understood the meaning in seemingly any kind of art that you couldn’t even begin to grasp. Stopping in his tracks, he turned to gaze at a painting that caught his eye: this Christophe Guérin piece titled L'Amour Désarmé. You looked at it as well, trying to gather any meaning from what appeared to be a pretty straightforward subject: a woman holding a bow and arrow away from Cupid, who was reaching to grab it. Standing there a moment next to you, Ville spoke up in a low murmur, “Even though I feel the Metamorphoses is a bit overdone, I’ve always found paintings depicting them impactful...” He didn’t even need to see you to visualize the confused look in your face from his words, so he explained. “See, the woman, Venus, is disarming her son, Cupid- but what she doesn’t know is that she’s already been pierced by his arrow.”
Well, you gathered some of that on your own. “So, now she’s going to fall in love with someone?” Eyes no longer fixed on the painting, he turned to you as you still admired the art, completely oblivious, “Yes. In the myth, it’s a mortal: Adonis. It’s symbolic of love as an uncontrollable force-“ In awe of the way he could just think so deeply about things, the double meaning of his words went completely over your head. “One that binds people together beyond what can be grappled with or comprehended by you or I…”
You didn’t really mind that Bam tagged along with the two of you to the bar after Ville finished the show that night, but you were starting to get an inkling that he did. Honestly, at this point, you didn’t really care. Sure, you had known him for way longer than you knew Ville, but not in a million years could he hope to compare to him in your eyes- not now. It was like Bam was some child, constantly vying for attention, and it was starting to get on your nerves. Almost as much as that guy who had been flirting with you since Ville left to use the men's.
“Y’know, I saw you from across the bar over there …Can I buy you a drink?” Looking over to Bam for any hope of getting out of this situation, the only response you got from him was the cold shoulder as he glanced away, pretending not to know you. Asshole. Glancing away, now both angry at him and the guy, you replied flatly, “I’m with someone.” Still, he kept pressing, not getting the hint in the slightest, “I didn’t ask who you were with- I wanted to buy you a drink.”
The aggression in his voice would’ve put you on edge a little if it weren’t for Ville’s return with incredible timing, sliding between you and the creep. “Hope you weren't too lonely without me, love.” Having seen everything, he still paid the guy no mind, leaning in to press a sweet kiss to your lips. Too preoccupied with your little victory, you didn’t notice that, barely out of your line of sight, this bitter look crossed Bam’s face as he took another swig of his drink.
Ville had to leave the next morning. You knew that when he showed up, he would have to leave- you would be an idiot for thinking this could end in any other way, but you didn’t want him to. There was no logic to how you felt, but yet again when did logic have anything to do with love? Bam wasn't awake, but even if he was he’d probably still be sulking in his room. He probably hated you now. But there you and Ville stood, in the living room at Castle Bam among all the dark velvet, the dim light of early day flooding in through the back window. “My heart aches for you, Y/N.” Delicate features bathed in cool blue, he took your hand in his and his words came to you, deliberate and earnest. “But you have a life to live. I have a tour to finish.” Your heart wept at his words. This whole situation with Ville- it was killing you. In three months, your life was turned upside down by a complete stranger, and you were helpless to do anything about it.
“No more of what’s keeping you here, and no more of what’s pulling me away from you. If not today then some day, my dear…You will be mine.” Lifting your hand to his lips, he pressed a kiss to your knuckle. “Only mine.”
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1800miserablethot · 2 months
A cannon of mine is Reader and Bam just cuddling on the bed and listening to romance songs from the band HIM or lightly making out yk?
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stratossphere · 2 years
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coffee | v.v
you and ville are still sleepy.
warnings: smut, unprotected sex, taking pictures, fluff :)
word count: 3.2k
a/n: for @spectralstormcloud 🫶🏻
tags: @asskickedbygirl @lieutenant-cinnamon-roll @kissofdawn666 @brandons-wife @valos-venus-doom @ghoulishguns @4377666
— —
It was early. Well, not super early, but you and Ville had done your best to stay up later than 11:30 the night before, so it felt early with the sun shining way too brightly through every window in the room as you came back in where you had left to retrieve two cups of coffee. Ville was still laying in bed where you'd left him, and you smiled softly at the bleary look on his face as he opened his eyes once he heard you coming in.
"Morning, sunshine." You teased as you rounded your side of the bed, amused by the sight of Ville trying futilely to block the sun out of his face with a lazy hand. He huffed out a large sigh before drawing himself to sit up in bed just as you sat down next to him, taking his coffee cup when you offered it gingerly over out of fear that he would sleepily drop it right in his lap.
"Good morning." He said groggily, leaning over to give you a quick kiss and then breaking away to take a large sip of his coffee as he leaned back against the headboard. "Thank you, love."
"Mhm." You hummed, reaching out to brush a hand through his unruly hair where he'd been sleeping with the blanket half over his head all night. He leaned into your touch slightly, his sleep-mussed strands not responding much to your attempts to tame them as he clearly tried to blink himself awake. You moved to relax next to him against the headboard so that your shoulders were touching, resting your head beside his. "You wanna do something today?"
"...get groceries." He said after a second, nodding decisively before taking another large sip of his coffee and then setting the mug on his nightstand. You rolled your eyes.
"We finally have a day off at the same time, and all you want to do is get groceries?" You mused, trying not to spill your coffee down your chin as he dropped his head heavily to rest on your shoulder. He chuckled softly, grabbing your free hand and lacing your fingers together before bringing your knuckles to his lips.
"You're better at it then I am." He supplied simply, biting at your skin just slightly before he suddenly yawned. "Let's go back to sleep."
"I just brought you coffee. Drink that." You knew that if you let Ville go back to sleep, he'd be out for another four hours into the mid-afternoon, and you didn't know if you were going to be able to stand three out of those four hours lying trapped underneath him with his snoring in your ear while you waited for him to wake the hell up. Plus, he always drooled all over your shoulder, and then liked to wake up and pretend like it couldn't have possibly been him.
"But you were so warm." He complained, turning on his side and fitting his head right in the crook of your neck where you were still fully sitting up in bed so that you could drink your coffee. "I'm still tired."
"Fine. You can go back to sleep, and I'll go grocery shopping." You were teasing, because you knew that there was no way you'd ever be able to leave him wrapped up in bed alone long enough to get anything done, but he didn't know that. He groaned.
"No. I need you." As he spoke, he pressed warm kisses to your neck, sucking just barely as he inhaled against your skin at the same time. You smiled softly at the whiny tone of his voice, finally reaching out to set your almost-gone cup of coffee down on your nightstand before you let yourself fall victim to his warm embrace.
"We have to go grocery shopping, baby. If we eat takeout for another night, you're going to die of a sodium overdose." You tried to hold your ground on the matter as he leeched his arms back around you and pulled you down further under the covers with him, but he was making it hard. Especially when he began to rub his hand up your leg.
"If it means you'll stay in this bed, I'm fine with dying." He said dramatically in response, his eyes closing with a hint of a grin on his lips as you ran your hand through his still-messy hair again. You then pressed a soft kiss to his lips, aiming just to give him a better kiss than the peck you'd greeted him with but instead getting pulled in by his hand suddenly cupping the back of your head.
The kiss was slow, and you smiled just barely as his tongue brushed against your bottom lip while his hand continued to rub at your bare leg. You knew he was trying to convince you not to get up, but it's not like you would've done so even if he hadn't been kissing you hungrily. As you kissed, he gently took your hand from his hair before beginning to push it between the two of you, pressing it right over where he was getting hard as he opened his eyes to look at you. You fully smiled then.
"I thought you were tired." You teased, rubbing your hand over his hard-on through the material of his boxer briefs and savoring the sound of his raspy groan at the feeling. There was a spark in his eye, and he only dipped down to suck at your neck again.
"You just smell so good. I can't help myself." He mumbled, rolling his hips into your hand slightly as he began to suck a little harder at your skin. You knew he was leaving hickeys for his own personal amusement, but you were too enraptured by the feeling to stop him.
"Are you sure you'll be able to stay awake?" You used your free hand to poke your fingers into his neck, pulling a laugh out of him as he pulled away from your throat.
"Yes! I swear." He insisted, trying not to grin as he pulled you in for another kiss. The kiss would've been deep, but he couldn't stop smiling against your lips as he gently pulled your hand away from between his legs before his fingers were finding the waistband of your underwear. "Have some faith in this old man."
"You're not old." You said dryly, rolling your eyes as you helped him get your underwear down and off your legs from under the covers. He blew out a scoff despite the fact that you were still pressing kisses to his lips, looking defiant to your statement.
"Yes I am. I'm practically of dying age." Here he was with his girlfriend almost completely naked in his bed (he was already working your shirt over your head as he spoke), and he was whining about dying. Figures. You fully laughed then, reaching back up to cup the back of his head softly after he'd peeled your shirt off.
"And yet I still want to have sex with you. Who would've thought." You crooned, pressing a wet kiss to his cheek as he finally fumbled to get his short boxer briefs down and off. "Stop talking about dying."
"Ok. Fine. I'll be good." He promised, licking strongly into your kiss when your lips found his again just as he pulled your leg gently over his hip. "Mm. You're so warm."
"I love you." You said softly, your breath catching just slightly when you felt him rub the head of his cock through your pussy and over your clit. His lip drew between his teeth as he did so, and only after he pushed into you slowly was he able to breathe out a response.
"I love you too. So fucking much." He spoke over the sound of your soft moan at the feeling of his cock sliding deep into you, the slow stretching making your head spin as your forehead dropped onto his shoulder.
As he gently began to roll his hips into you, he slid a hand up your back to hold you flush against him, moving at the same time your hand moved to his shoulder blade as your nails dug into his skin just barely. His low groan made your heartbeat pick up in your chest, your whole body reacting to the sound you wish you could've made your ringtone as his hand that was still holding your leg up tightened on your thigh.
His pace was slow and drawn-out, but you felt like you had no air in your lungs regardless as you whined with every brush of his cock against your sweet spot. He was barely even trying, and yet there you were falling apart in his arms.
You lifted your head to kiss him again, your hand that wasn't on his shoulder sliding up to his head to pull at his messy hair gently as he kissed you lazily. His breath tasted like nothing but coffee this early in the morning, and you couldn't help but smile at the domesticity of it all. When he felt you smiling against his lips, he broke the kiss to let his eyes slowly open again just as he exhaled shakily when you lifted your leg a little higher to allow him to hit deeper inside of you.
"What're you smiling about?" He asked after a second of regaining his breath, nipping gently at your lip as he held your gaze with soft eyes. You kissed him again, stronger this time as you tried to capture his essence through his mouth. It never felt like you could get enough of the man you needed more than anything in this world no matter how hard you tried.
"How good you taste." You managed to breathe out in response, your voice coming out strained and shaky as he began to speed up his pace just slightly. He chuckled at that, his eyes struggling to stay open as his eyebrows drew together with the soft groans that followed his laughter.
You were starting to get close, and his arm tight around you with his hands on you wasn't doing anything but bringing you closer, but you wanted more. Thankfully, he seemed to be getting to the same point, because after a while he rolled onto his back, his arm around you pulling you right along with him until you were straddling him while he continued to fuck up into you.
"Fuck. You feel so good, baby." You whined as you began to ride him in tune with his thrusts, his hands only encouraging you to move where they had cemented at your hips. His cock was now impossibly deep inside of you, and you were starting to lose control over the volume of your voice as you moaned with every simultaneous roll of both of your hips.
"I know, my love. I can feel your pretty pussy squeezing me." He cooed, letting you pull his hands from your hips up to rest over your tits. You wanted to feel his hands on you in any and every way you possibly could, and he didn't seem to mind. His thumbs rubbed torturously slow over your nipples and he held your gaze directly, the piercing green of his irises making you melt under his stare despite the soft adoration in his eyes. No matter how many times you'd looked into those eyes in your lifetime, your body would never learn to react normally at the sight of them. "Don't stop. You're gonna make me cum."
As he spoke, one of his hands moved away from your chest to reach over blindly towards the nightstand, and you watched in confusion momentarily before you felt your skin heat up considerably when you watched his fingers finally land on what he was looking for.
His phone.
"You’re so fucking beautiful." He murmured as he held up his phone. He continued to rub his thumb over your nipple and drag his nail over it as he put a little more force behind the roll of his hips to fuck his cock fully into your g-spot, the click of his phone camera going off with each of his thrusts. Your eyes were squeezed shut where you could no longer hold them open due to the ecstasy rolling through every single nerve in your body in continuous waves, but you could still hear his soft vocal encouragements as you ground down on his cock.
"I'm not gonna last." You gasped, trying to hold back as best as you could because you wanted him to cum with you but feeling close to failing miserably. You heard the soft sound of the phone being thrown to the other side of the bed, and you opened your eyes a split-second before his arms were both around you and he was pulling you back down on him until he could kiss you again.
"Me neither." He groaned, arms holding you so tightly that all you could do was take it where the strong slide of his cock in you was starting to get sloppy as he got closer and closer to his climax. "Inside?"
"Yes. Please." Your words came out a lot more desperate than you had been intending to allow, but you were too fucked-out to care, so all you did was let your cheek fall against his as you cried out where your voice was starting to go hoarse.
It only took a few more pointed slams of his hips before you were coming undone, your legs shaking at either side of his hips where you were still straddling him as his arms around you essentially held you together on top of him. You had lost all control that had been used to hold yourself up, but all that did was allow for him to fuck deeper inside of you before he was cumming too, his voice raising more than a couple pitches as his muscles tensed underneath you.
"Oh...fuck. Fuck, yeah." He was breathless as he continued to thrust shallowly into you, his grip relaxing on you slightly where it had been impossibly tight. One of his hands slid down your spine to squeeze your ass absentmindedly, his head nuzzling against yours while you continued to shake on top of him. "Feel okay?"
"Amazing." You finally hummed hoarsely, lifting your head to give him a satiated smile as your hair just barely started to fall in his face. He snorted as you began to press kisses to his face, squirming slightly when your lips reached the sensitive spot just under his ear.
"Good. Now we can go back to sleep." He said with satisfaction, his face drawing into a slight wince that mirrored yours as he gently pulled out of you. You let out a morose sigh as he gently moved you off of him so that he could get up and out of bed, in turn making him look back at you. "What's wrong?"
"It's cold now." You complained as he grabbed a couple of tissues out of the box sitting on the dresser. "Can you bring me clothes?"
When he agreed and went to grab your shirt (which was actually borrowed from him) off the floor where he'd tossed it after taking it off (your underwear were still abandoned in the sheets somewhere), you instead pointed to his other shirt that he'd been wearing the night before. Which was also on the floor.
"I wanna wear yours." What was the point of having a significant other if you weren't allowed to share clothes freely? Hell, you were pretty sure you'd caught Ville wearing your shirts on a few rare occasions. His eyebrows furrowed.
"This is my shirt." He said, holding up the shirt he'd already retrieved from the floor in confusion to show you the Type O Negative decal on the breast. You shook your head with a coy grin.
"I want it to smell like you." At your words, he only stared at you for a second before just grinning and shaking his head as he bent down to retrieve his more-recently-used shirt for you. You were staring hard as you then watched him pull his underwear back on.
"I think when they said 'love makes you do crazy things', they just meant you." He teased as he came back to sit on the bed next to you before gently drawing your legs apart to clean you up, his head dipping so that he could kiss your knee as he did so. You couldn't help but smile, pushing stray curls of his hair out of his face.
"Well, I think it makes you do crazy things like avoid groceries for a week straight so that you never have to leave the bed." Two could play that game. Especially when your side of the argument included an embarrassing amount of delivery charges. He tossed the tissues in the trash before handing you his shirt so that he could fish your underwear out of the bed.
"So I've been told." He replied simply, wiggling his eyebrows at you as he shoved his arm deep under the covers and felt around until he came up victorious with your missing underwear. "I'm going to make it up to you. I'll cook you something."
"You? Are going to cook something?" No offense to your lovely boyfriend, but this was coming from the person who, as mentioned before, avoided buying any real food like the plague, and often used his stovetop as a collection table for his bills as opposed to...literally anything else. He seemed unphased by your tone as he pulled your underwear back on for you.
"Why not? I'll improvise, and if you get food poisoning, then I'll just get to take care of you." He said confidently as he clambered over you to get back into bed while you put his shirt on, barely giving you a second after you’d pulled it over your head before he was immediately pulling you into him. "Or. if you'd rather...I can just have you for dinner."
"God. You make it so hard to decide." You said dramatically, watching with fond eyes as he yawned deeply. He was blinking slowly, and you knew he was barely holding on before he crashed out due to the body heat you were currently sharing. However, he lifted his head up just enough to give you one last kiss, his lips soft against yours before he dropped his head back to where his face was pushed in the crook of your neck and his arms were holding you both tightly together. You were enveloped in the smell of his cologne, both from his shirt and from his skin, so you weren't much further off from falling right back asleep with him.
"You'll hold my hand in the store, right?" He mumbled out after a second, his hand suddenly fumbling out against you before he located your hand and then laced your fingers together. You breathed out a laugh.
"Yeah. I will." You reassured, pressing a kiss to his temple as he relaxed again once he had a tight grip on your hand. He hummed.
"Good. Love you."
"I love you too."
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cemetarywoman · 8 months
Its come to my attention that no one writes fics about any of my interests so ill have to take one for the team and do it myself 🙏🤕
Ill take requests for:
-the chilling adventures of Sabrina
-ville valo
-motionless in white
I will write:
-platonic/family dynamics
-poly relationships
-fem/gender neutral reader (could possibly make exceptions for male readers occasionally)
I wont write:
-anything to do with Self harm, r@pe, or abuse
-obviously no weird shit like illegal age gaps, piss, or anything super weird LMAO
-i will not write angst, im far too sensitive for that sorry LMAO
-i dont like write the reader as a dom so I’ll probably do sub!reader only, sorry!! (Ill make some exceptions for this tho if i like the request enough lol)
(ill add more to this list later lmao but these are my favorite things atm)
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reneetje · 4 months
Ok I wanna write more blurbs about Ville,
I can do M/M or M/F, villexreader or villexrealcharacter, smut, fluff and most kinks
You can leave a prompt in my Anon!
@spectralstormcloud @pentacuore @intechnidolorhues @sinnysioux @thexhostess @valos-venus-doom @nyxotiine @luzifer13
And everyone else!
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valos-venus-doom · 4 months
Bored. Thinking about writing later. Give me Ville Valo fanfic one-shot ideas. Fluff, smut, idc.
(DM anonymously if you must)
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bl00dycraniumm · 4 months
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( i follow back/like from @m3talidk )
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★ i didn’t want to mix up my writing with my main account so that’s what this is and bc im kind of nervous to put my writing out sooo idk idk 😭. but, yes it’s me axel :)! if you care to know more about me my main is @wh3r3v3rimayr0am
★ i write for only male/trans male readers!
★ i will only write x reader unless someone requests otherwise - it’s not 100% that i’ll still write the “ship” or “duo” tho! if not, i’ll just leave the request alone!
★ don’t be upset if i don’t get to your request right away, IM A PROCRASTINATOR IM SORRY!!!!
★ i won’t write rape, sa, pedophelia (age gap is fine as long as both are 18+!!!), female readers, piss/shit/vomit play, male pregnancy, age regression.
★ i’ll write smut & fluff - angst isn’t really my thing. also headcannons are ok to request too!!!
★ if there is sth i wont write that i’m not sure of yet, ill politely decline, im not obligated to write if i dont want to.
★ here’s the MASTERLIST
discord/airbuds/snap: dav.mustards (yes my bitmoji is ennis del mar 😸)
insta/tiktok: wher3verimayr0aam
pinterest: wh3r3v3rimayr0am
my main account: @wh3r3v3rimayr0am
my viva la bam/jackass account: @viva-la-axe
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★ people i’ll write about/for (can change):
james hetfield
dave mustaine
jason newsted
ron mcgovney
kirk hammett
lars ulrich
robert trujillo
cliff burton
duff mckagan
izzy stradlin
steven adler
jonathon davis
brian (head) welch
david silveria
corey taylor
sid wilson
joey jordison
mick thompson
mick mars
ville valo
bam margera
fred durst
wes borland
ryan dunn
brandon novak
raab himself
dallas winston
johnny cade
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please be respectful & patient while requesting! follow the rules or i’ll ignore your request! <3
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asskickedbygirl · 2 years
Asskickedbygirl Masterlist
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need a place to keep all my fics so it’s easy for people to find (: i’ll write for anyone listed below and maybe more if you want to dm or send me a request for someone that’s totally cool! i won’t write any *weird* kinks or anything so if you request something i’m uncomfortable with i’ll just ignore it.
I write for Jackass/CKY/Viva La bam/Haggard/ HIM etc.
Join my taglist <3
** - smut • - fluff ! - angst ^ - hurt/comfort
my favs - 🩻 most popular- 🛒
Radio Bam Series 🩻
episode one
episode two
episode three
episode four
Bam Margera
The CKY Groupie **• 🩻 🛒
Please **
The Tattoo ~ part two ** 🩻 🛒
Cam Girl **
Green-Eyed Monster ** 🩻 AO3 🛒
The Other Woman !** AO3
Release **
Brandon DiCamillo
The CKY Groupie **• 🩻 🛒
Everybody knows •
Hotel Room •
Tonight, Tonight •
Jealous? !**
The Blackest Day !**• ~ part two !** 🩻
Moment [Drabble] •
Stupid Fucking Grin [Drabble] !** 🩻
Ryan Dunn
The CKY Groupie **• 🩻 🛒
Long Day •
He’s Not Here • 🩻
Photos of You **
The Other Woman !**•
Tell Me •
Johnny Knoxville
Temporary Girl !** 🩻 🛒
Hot For Knoxville **•
Going Up ** 🩻 🛒
In Charge **
Raab Himself
The CKY Groupie **• 🩻 🛒
For the first time, again **•
The Workplace Flirt **•
Spike Jonze
Secretive **
Jess Margera
Hush Hush **•
Liar !
Ville Valo
coming soon…
Chris Pontius
coming soon…
Stephanie Hodge
coming soon…
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☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
last update: 27/01/24
total works: 16
fluff: ♡ angst: ♪ (I'll add more soon)
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Ville Valo
you make it durable ♡
Leon S Kennedy
4am ♡
nights like these ♡
See you in my dreams ♡
I'll make it go away pt.1 / pt.2 ♡ ♪
All too well pt.1 / pt.2 ♡ ♪
My girl ♡
Donnie Darko
Five more minutes ♡
Rodrick Heffley
I hope this night never ends pt.1 / pt.2 ♡
Tommy Shelby
Blue eyes pt.1 / pt.2 ♡ ♪
Angel Face (Fight Club)
My angel pt.1 / pt.2 ♪ ♡
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philipjohnclapp · 2 years
Johnny Knoxville
Out of Control (Angst, featuring Knoxville as Clay Barber from Reboot, mentions of character death, substance abuse, and Reboot spoilers)
CKY Member Dating Knoxville Headcanon's (Mentions of the band and the show and Jackass, and relationships with the other CKY guys, pretty much fluff and barely nsfw)
T-Pee (It is a series and it’s on AO3, angst, silver fox Knoxville, hurt, dark comedyish)
Johnnny Knoxville Dating Pregnant Reader Headcanons (Young Johnny, fem reader, fluff for the most part)
Quietus of All Drugs (Angst, no comfort, all cannon, also includes Johnny, and Chris, extremely triggering)
The File (Fluff, Gender Neutral Reader, humor, slight gore)
My Annoying Neighbor Steve (Kinda hate at start, fluff, female reader, humor, kinda ship)
Steve-O Dating Reader Headcanons (No gender implied take it as you will, fluff)
Steve-O Dating a Popstar Headcanons (Female reader, fluff, a bit of smut, funny and wholesome.)
My Suicide: Steve-O's Cut; How to Write a Letter? (Angst, hurt, mentions of all the guys, series on AO3)
If You’re Gonna Be Dumb, You Gotta Be Tough(Goretober Prompt 1, super bad writing, angst, mentions of Knoxville.)
Dave England
Dating Dave England Headcannon's ( Headcannons, fluff, no gender specified, humor.)
Bam Margera
I’m Y/N And I'm Gonna Tease Bam All Day Long (Drabble, fem reader, smut.)
Sex Pollution (Imagine, fem reader implied, smut, slow burn, jealous, reader is Johnny Knoxvilles sister.)
Rigged Game of Ping Pong (Drabble, angst, Jackass Forever, issues, Goretober prompt 3.)
Chris Pontius
I think that you made it up, I think that your mind is gone. (Long Fic, Female Y/N, noncon, smut, Jackass MTV)
Ryan Dunn
Ryan Dunn Headcanons (Mostly fluff & wholesome, a bit of reader/yn.)
Preston Lacy
Ehren McGhehey
Submissive Ehren McGhehey Smut Headcannons
(Headcannons, smut, fluff, no reader specified, no character specified, just whoever you’d like.)
Jeff Tremaine
Spike Jonze
Car Jacking
(Smut, masturbation, mentions of ships, rough)
Brandon DiCamillo
Chris Raab
Rachel Wolfson
Brandon Novak
Tony Hawk
Ville Valo
(Will edit as requested)
Chris Pontius and Steve-O
Chris Pontius and Steve-O Dating Headcannons (Fluff, humor, mentions of light drugs, mentions of Wild Boyz)
Vomiting Lust (NSFW, humor, mentions of Wild Boyz, and vomit. )
Johnny Knoxville and Steve-O
Johnny Knoxville and Steve-Os First Time Together Headcanons (NSFW, humor, dirty, ship obviously.)
Clowning Around (Bromance, not really a ship, denial?, humor, fluff.)
Cheap cologne, even cheaper cigarettes, and Tennessee whiskey. (Goretober prompt 2, Slight NSFW, rough, substance abuse.)
Bam Margera and Johnny Knoxville
Rebel Against The Man (Implied Relationship, mentions of smut, drug and alcohol abuse, character death, angsty, suicide implied?)
Will edit and add as requests flood in, plus there’s too many pairings, so that make it easier.
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Taking Commissions—Personalized and Kink/Fetish Fics for $10-$15
Figured I’d go ahead and make this official! I’m currently taking commissions. For $10 I’ll write you a personalized smut fic that will be similar to my x reader fics except instead of the reader, you get to choose the name, personality traits and characteristics of the main character; you can use yourself, an OC, anything you want as specifically detailed as you want. You can also choose to have another canon character or person used instead of yourself or an OC (for example, a Harry Potter x Draco Malfoy fic instead of a Harry Potter x Reader fic). I’m also taking commissions for hardcore kink and fetish fics for $15, which can also be personalized upon request. Continue reading for more details!
Fandoms I Take Commissions For:
Jackass (Johnny Knoxville, Dave England, Danger Ehren, Chris Pontius, Steve-O, Bam Margera, Ryan Dunn, Wee Man, Preston Lacy, Stephanie Hodge, Jeff Tremaine, Spike Jonze, Rachel Wolfson, Poopies, Zach Holmes, Jasper Dolphin, Eric Manaka)
Viva La Bam and CKY (Bam, Ryan, Brandon DiCamillo, Rake Yohn, Raab Himself/Chris Raab), Brandon Novak, Tim Glomb, Lord Bottaro, Joe Frantz, Jess Margera, Chad Ginsburg, Deron Miller, Ryan Gee)
Game of Thrones (too many characters to list, just ask upon request)
Harry Potter (pretty much any character, just ask upon request)
Gotham (most characters, just ask upon request)
Shameless (most characters, just ask upon request)
Jimmy Pop and Evil Jared from Bloodhound Gang
Ville Valo from HIM
Any character from Haggard or Minghags
The Mighty Boosh (Vince, Howard, Naboo)
Peep Show (Mark and Jeremy)
IT Crowd (Moss, Jen, Roy, Douglas, Richmond)
Peaky Blinders (most characters, just ask upon request)
Slipknot (all members)
Pretty much any rock band, including Guns N Roses, Motley Crue, and KISS (check my old account @creativewritingpracticestudio for some of my old rock band fics)
Pretty much any British comedian featured on Would I Lie To You, Taskmaster, Big Fat Quiz, 8 Out of 10 Cats, 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown, and Mock the Week
Dead Poets Society (any of the main guys honestly, I’m not picky)
Inbetweeners (most main characters and Mr. Gilbert)
Umbrella Academy (most main characters, ask upon request)
Types of Personalized Fics I’ll Write ($10 Per Fic, $15 if Hardcore Kinks and Fetishes are involved)
Smut (angry smut, fluffy smut, jealous smut, anything really)
Song fics
Drabbles or short concepts
M/F, M/M, F/F, anything goes
Types of Hardcore Kinks and Fetishes I’ll Write For ($15 Per Fic)
Hardcore BDSM (bondage, dom/sub dynamics, mild pain play, punishments, use of gags, sex toys, and bondage gear, etc)
Consensual Non-Consent
Piss kink, piss play, bladder control, etc
DDLG/MDLB and all variations, but no pedophilia.
Blood Kink and/or weapon play
Breeding Kink and Pregnancy Kink
Belly Kink/Weight Gain Kink (this does include feederism and force-feeding)
Cucking, Threesomes, Sharing, Free Use, Cheating Kink, etc
Degradation and Humiliation (and on the opposite end, Praise Kink and Body Worship)
Impact Play and Mild Pain Play
Foot Fetish
Exhibitionism and Voyeurism
Wax Play and Temperature Play
Tentacles (yeah sure, why not)
Inflation (I highly doubt anyone’s gonna request this but it’s there as an option)
Note: Extremely gross fetishes like scat, farting, armpits, etc are a possibility but you’ll have to make a pretty decent offer, definitely more than $15. Pedophilia, Bestiality, and kinks involving explicit torture/mutilation or murder are out, no matter what you offer.
Please note that all requests for these fics need to either be sent to me in DMs or through a non-anonymous ask (the ask won’t be posted, it’ll just tell me who to DM to send the link to the fic or to ask questions about the fic). Once the fic is completed, I’ll ask you to send the $10 or $15 through Venmo, PayPal or CashApp (preferably Venmo but it’s your choice) and I’ll either send you the link to the document the fic is written on or email you the PDF of the fic. You can also choose to have me post the fic on ao3 and just not state who requested said fic. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, I don’t kinkshame or judge and I like to be given as many details as possible to ensure that you get the fic you want.
Also, don’t feel obligated to ask for a commission if you’re one of the people who reads my x reader fics! This is just a way for me to earn some money while I’m in college, I will never demand that any of you ask for a commission. Happy requesting :)
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b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 1 month
Then do you mind doing age gap(obviously legal) headcanons with current ville but dark? Like he uses it to get you to do things like move in w him super early and rely on him?
Ville Valo Age Gap HC’s
Ville Valo X Gn!Reader
Warnings: Suggestive content, toxic relationships, controlling behavior, manipulation, insecurity
An: Thank you for the request!! As a note, it is implied that Y/N is American and does not speak Finnish in the slightest (as the language barrier is kind of integral to some points)! I always love writing dark fics, and this was no exception! Please feel free to shoot me an more requests of a similar nature! :)
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You had been living in Finland for three months while not having any knowledge of the language, meaning that you had to rely on your boyfriend, Ville, for just about everything
Not that he minded having you on his arm 24/7.
Though there was no denying he made enough money for the two of you, as he assured you whenever you brought it up, lazing around your shared flat had left you seeking purpose
At first, when you brought it up, he’d come with with ways to distract you- fill your time a little
Like the time he suggested you go look for homes in the countryside: that little apartment was clearly too tiny for the two of you, and he knew you loved the rolling hills and lush forests Finland was known for
Or that day he offered to introduce you to his father, which wouldn’t be that awkward for you if he didn’t own a sex store (and the fact you met him for the first time there)
But Ville knew he had to give in at some point so, just to keep you busy, he worked out a plan.
Without your knowledge, he put in a few good words (and a handful of euros) at a radio station owned by one of his friends and got you hired
You spent all day buzzing around- running coffees, grabbing papers from the printer
But you were thrilled to finally have something to do that you came home everyday and gushed to him about how exciting your day was!
Ville would just sit back with that smirk on his face, finding your enthusiasm cute
Like a puppy chasing it’s own tail :)
And also like a puppy, he just couldn’t stand to leave you at home while he went on tour.
When you had concerns about how much time you would be taking off, he just told you not to worry about it
When you brought it up, your boss was…surprisingly fine with you taking four weeks off work (which Ville also arranged)
Finnish employers, he said- they’re very lenient about this sort of thing.
And as you followed on his heels for that dizzying whirlwind of a month, you started to notice he caught the attention of a lot of women
A lot of women who were likely more attractive than you.
Despite your concerns, it was clear Ville only had eyes for you
Wether it was on the road or at your flat, he was near constantly doting over you like some prized possession
Life couldn’t get much better than this, you thought,
So what sense was there in ever returning to the states?
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stratossphere · 1 year
Been thinking about ville with an absolute sweetheart of a gf for a good while now…i just LOVE the grumpy X sunshine dynamic sm😭
(Ik hes also a sweetheart when he wants to be but hes also so mopey sometimes💀)
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sweetheart | v.v
you manage to drag ville along on errands, and he takes it really well.
warnings: general grouchiness, fluff
word count: 3.3k
a/n: i loved this req! my fav trope ever 🥹
tags: @asskickedbygirl @lieutenant-cinnamon-roll @kissofdawn666 @brandons-wife @valos-venus-doom @ghoulishguns @4377666
— —
Sometimes, you wondered if Ville Valo had been born on the wrong side of the bed. You loved your boyfriend to death, and there was not another person in this world that you would rather be around, but you had never met such a grouchy human being in your entire life.
You'd managed to drag him along for what was mostly a day of errands and just shopping in general, and the man was miserable. Sure, he'd held your hand the entire time, and hadn't refused to do anything that you wanted to do (which you appreciated), but that didn't mean he couldn't complain the whole time.
"I don't understand how this is fun for you. This fucking sucks." He grumbled as you held up another shirt to his chest to gauge whether or not you wanted him to try it on, pouting down at you as you hummed indecisively between the two shirts in your hand. He refused to give any opinions on what he liked and/or disliked, so you were on your own for picking. You'd decided to go into a clothes store despite knowing you were setting yourself up for a shitstorm of whining, because Ville's shirts all had more holes than they didn't, and it was going about how you had expected it to go.
"Lighten up, honey. You're going to have women falling at your feet if you wear the clothes I'm picking out." You said reassuringly, deciding on a shirt and then throwing it over your arm where you had a couple more picked out. He rolled his eyes.
"I don't want women falling at my feet. I want to take a nap." He looked morosely at the pile of shirts you had amassed, and you could already tell that getting him into a dressing room was going to be like pulling teeth. You only reached up to cup the back of his head so that he leaned down before you kissed his cheek, getting in three before he pulled back.
"Well, at least these'll be comfortable to nap in." That was your consolation, because it's not like he was really going to listen to anything else you could've said, anyway. "If I come in with you, will you please try these on?"
"Ugh. Fine." Sometimes, he kind of reminded you of an angsty teenager. You only smiled and took his hand back where you'd slipped yours out to sort through shirts, leading him towards the dressing rooms so that you could force him to give you a mini fashion show that you knew he would hate.
Once you had coerced him into a dressing room and had the door shut, Ville immediately dropped down on the bench, looking like he'd just been through a torture chamber. You hung your shirt collection on a hook so that you could hand them to him one by one, crossing your arms when he didn't move from where he was sitting.
"Ville. You have to try on the shirts." You reminded him of your agreement, not falling for his miserable look because it wasn't going to make you change your mind either way. He groaned.
"But this is so boring. Why do I have to try them on if you know my size already?" He insisted, essentially throwing a fit as he shot a glare at the shirt already in your hand. You just laughed, because he was almost painfully dramatic, before running a hand over his hair.
"Because I want to see how handsome you look." You cooed, handing over the first shirt and then motioning for him to get up so that you could sit and watch him change. "And hey. I'm having fun."
"Yeah. That's because you like torturing me." Like you said, dramatic. You were still laughing, and it only got worse as you listened to him huff the whole time he was pulling his extremely-ratty shirt over his head.
"If this is what you consider torture, I'm worried about how you function in real life." You teased, appreciating the sight of him shirtless paired with the extremely-low waist of his jeans as he finished getting his shirt off. It was easier to deal with his attitude when you had such a beautiful sight in front of you.
You went through each shirt slowly, mostly because it took about a minute of him fighting you on it, but eventually he'd tried on every single one. And, low and behold, every single one looked good on him. Who would've ever been able to guess.
"Mm. You are so handsome." You hummed as he peeled off the last shirt that he had been forced to try on, wrapping an arm around his waist just over his belt while you grinned up at him. "Give me a kiss."
"I'm glad you find this so funny." He muttered as he gave you your requested kiss, getting caught when your arm wrapped around his neck so that he couldn't get away when you pressed multiple kisses to his lips.
"I don't find it funny. I'm having a good time because I love you." You rephrased, rubbing your thumb over his cheek before you let him go. "Even though you're being whiney."
"Am not." The implication apparently offended him despite the fact that whining was all he'd been doing relentlessly all day, but he took your hand when you offered it to him regardless.
"Whatever you say, baby. I promise we're almost done."
Well, that was until you were walking down the street, bags in Ville's hand after he refused to let you carry anything, and you realized that you were on the same street as Kari Valo's sex shop.
"Oh! Let's go say hi to your dad!" You said excitedly. You'd just been at Ville's parents' house three days ago for dinner, but you never passed up an opportunity to at least pop into the store to say hi when you had the chance. Ville let out the world's loudest groan right there in the middle of the street, holding you back by his grip on your hand.
"We just saw him. The man is going to talk your ear off." He pointed out not untruthfully, and you knew that if he had a watch, he would've been checking it. Ville was on old person time when it came to how long he allowed himself (and you, by association) to be out and about. You scoffed.
"He's your dad. You'll survive." You yanked him right along then, ignoring his grumbles of complaint as you crossed the street with a perfected skill. You liked to remind yourself of the hours upon hours you'd spent watching him make the same sound repeatedly in a studio into the late hours of the night when everyone else had gone home when he started getting impatient. Once whatever activity you forced him into beat that, then he could complain all he wanted.
Kari was stocking when you stepped into the shop, but when he turned around and saw you walking in with his macabre son dragging along behind you, he was immediately on his feet.
"Oh! My dear! I didn't know you two were around!" He said ecstatically, pulling you into a hug as soon as you were close enough. Once you had been squeezed into breathlessness, he pulled back and eyed up his older son. "I see you brought the moper with you."
"I'm not deaf." Ville said dryly as he was also pulled into a bone-crushing hug, his unimpressed glare making its way back to you over his father's shoulder. Kari tutted.
"Why must you torture my poor daughter-in-law with your attitude?" He asked, clapping his son on the shoulder before he was motioning for the both of you to come further into the store. "What are you two up to today?"
"I got the crust-punk wannabe some new clothes considering his were literally falling apart at the seams." You revealed, ignoring Ville's disgruntled look at being called a crust-punk wannabe in favor of taking the bags from his hands. "You're not going to believe it, but some of these aren't even black."
"I was forced. I've been in shopping malls all fucking day." Ville added on, shaking his head at the thought as he leaned against the check-out counter to watch as you pulled out his new shirts to show Kari. Kari only snorted.
"That's a good thing. Maybe she'll finally be able to reform you into a suitable dresser." He teased. Well, half of the shirts you'd bought him had a band logo on them, because there's no way you would've been able to convince him to wear all nice shirts, but the idea was there.
"Yeah. Can't you tell?" You pointed to where the collar of Ville's t-shirt had started to rip away from the rest of the shirt material, leaving a long, thin hole between the two parts. Of course, he absolutely refused to throw it away, so the hole only continued to get bigger considering he wore the shirt around three times a week.
"I think you look like a homeless person when you wear stuff like that." Kari said disapprovingly, waving off the holes in Ville's clothes as he shook his head. Ville rolled his eyes, clearly building a retort, but you just laughed.
"Hey. He's still devilishly handsome." You defended your boyfriend, your grin widening because 'devilishly handsome' pulled a small chuckle out of Ville as you wrapped an absentminded arm around his waist and hooked one of your fingers in his belt loop.
You continued to talk to Kari for quite a while (although you loved Ville's dad, Ville was right in saying that he really knew how to talk your ear off) until he eventually shooed you out of the store so that he could be with customers and so that you two could 'go spend some time outside'. Which, much to Ville's relief, meant that you could finally go home.
"Well? Did you survive your horrible day?" You asked with dramatically-feigned sympathy, swinging both of your arms back and forth where you were holding his hand between the two of you as you walked. Ville shot you a look, squeezing your hand softly.
"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm having fun." And he sounded genuine, too. You let out a sigh, half of exasperation and half of disbelief, as you looked back at him. How in the world could someone even try to enjoy themselves when they did as much complaining as he did?
"You are so ridiculous. People probably think I'm torturing you." Or maybe that you were being tortured, considering how intimidating Ville's frowning could be. It didn't much affect you anymore unless he was really mad, but other people didn't have to deal with him whining in dressing rooms, so you had the upper hand. "If you're having such a good time, does that mean we can do more stuff?"
"No." See? Exactly what you thought. He yanked you by your hand until you were close enough for him to wrap his arm around your waist, holding you close so that you had no choice but to be stuck in his grasp. "You've been banned for the day."
"You know, I would get a lot more done if you weren't such a downer all the time." You huffed, leaning against his shoulder despite your words and grinning despite your best intentions as his thumb rubbed over your hip. He rolled his eyes, scoffing it off.
"You still love me even though I am." He said, sounding sure of himself as he led you along quickly like he was afraid that if you were able to read any shop names, you would've diverted off the path to home. You chuckled.
"Yeah. Sure." Your voice was barely a mumble, but of course he still heard you, and then he was squeezing your hip a lot tighter as he looked over at you with an eyebrow raised and a challenging look on his face.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Would you like to explain to me how I'm wrong?" He was, as always, completely straight-faced as he spoke, but you could see the amusement playing in his eyes, and you couldn't bite back your grin because you knew you were lying out of your ass by insinuating that you didn't love him despite his grouchy tendencies. You let out an overdramatic groan, squirming in his grasp.
"Fine! No!" You complained, laughing through your attempted groan as you tried and failed to get out of his grip and instead just ended up almost stumbling on the sidewalk. "I still love you even though you complain about everything and never let me do anything fun."
"Hey. I'm fun, and I let you do me all the time." He refuted, a hint of a grin cracking on his lips when you reached your slightly-cold fingers up to shove them into the crook of his neck.
"You keep telling yourself that, baby."
When you finally made it back to your shared apartment, Ville acted as if he had survived the gauntlet and had made it to safety in the way he immediately dropped facedown onto the couch. You snickered as you shut the door behind you, coming after him slower and leaning over the back of the couch to rub a hand up his back.
"My poor baby. Are you gonna survive?" You cooed, smiling when he hummed softly at the feeling of your nails scratching his back. When you didn't get a response in return, you decided you were going to have to force one out of him. So, while he was off his game and not looking at you, you rolled over the back of the couch and landed square on top of him. "Hey! I asked you a question!"
"Jesus fuck!" He groaned at the feeling of your sudden weight crushing him down into the couch, your laughing almost overpowering the sound as you struggled to pin him down so that he couldn't wrestle out from underneath you. "Get off!"
"Make me!" You cried, struggling against him as he tried to flip you over so that he had the upper hand. You used your knee to hold him down as you startled to tickle him, working your fingers under his shirt to tickle his sides where you knew he was the most sensitive. He let out a sound that was between a laugh and a gasp at the feeling, his face making an appearance out of the couch as he babbled for you to cease your assault.
"Alright! I'll say sorry or something! Stop fucking tickling me!" He cried out his surrender when he finally got a hand out against your chest to push you away, his voice barely audible over your breathless laughter. You sat straddling his hip where he was still lying down sideways, grabbing his wrist with both hands and holding his arm just in case he attempted to try anything on you while you still had the upper hand.
"Alright. Let's hear it, then." You goaded, motioning for him to continue. When his face screwed up in confusion, you raised your eyebrows. "I wanna hear your sorry or I'm going to keep tickling, so it better be good."
"Sorry you're a psycho." Of course, Ville could never just simply admit his faults and beg for forgiveness like any good boyfriend should, and all you could do was tsk in amused (but not surprised) discontent before you stuck your fingers under his shirt to tickle him again.
"What was that, honey? It's a little hard to hear you when I've got your ass pinned." You sang, catching just a glimpse of his fiery, eyeliner-accentuated glare as he struggled between laughing and trying to get out from underneath you. He failed the latter at the hands of the former, however, and all he did was continue to subject himself to your torture before he finally tapped out against your leg.
"Okay! Okay! I'll say it for real." He groaned, his voice breathless as he finally got ahold of your wrist before ripping your hand out from under his tattered shirt. You just beamed down at him, allowing him to keep his hold on your wrist because it was the closest thing you were going to get to him actually holding your hand.
"Make it good or I'll tickle you until you cry." You threatened sweetly, lifting his hand where it was still gripped tightly around your wrist to press a kiss to the top of it. He scoffed out a laugh at that, turning as best he could with your weight still on his hip so that he could look at you before he sighed.
"I'm sorry I'm a dick and that I make you deal with me all the time." He caved, not able to keep a grin from spreading to his lips when you caught him trying to worm a hand underneath you so that he could shove you off. When you gave him an expectant look, his grin widened. "...and I also love you dearly and will do whatever you want."
"Aww, that was such a terrible apology. Thank you." You teased, finally lifting off of him just enough to let him roll onto his back so that he wasn't pinned before you laid right back down on top of him and gave him a soft kiss. "Are you really going to do whatever I want?"
"No. I'm going to do what's good for you." He then shifted you so that you were trapped between his body and the couch, his arms wrapping tightly around you and completely caging you in where there was zero room for you to move. You sighed, accepting your fate and sliding one arm out to rest over his side just underneath his shirt.
"Yeah? And what's good for me?" You asked, feigning interest as you used his shoulder to muffle your laughing whilst trying to hold up your unimpressed front. Your stomach was starting to hurt from so much laughing, and it's not like he was doing anything to go easy on you. He let out a hum, nuzzling his nose against your cheek as your nails scratched gently at his back.
"A nap." Who could've possibly guessed that he was going to say that. Suspicious that a nap was best for you considering he'd been whining about wanting to take one all day. You leaned into him as he kissed softly at your cheek, knowing there was no way you were getting out of a nap now but intending on fighting him on it just for your own entertainment.
"I'm not tired. You want to take a nap." You rephrased, rubbing your foot against his and then snickering when he tried to shove said foot away from him. His apology for being a dick had clearly just been an easy out from being tickled, because here he was right back at it again.
"Shh. Just go to sleep." He muttered, clearly not listening to what you were saying as he yawned and stretched out further with his arms still around you and his legs half over yours. There wasn't a lot of room for the both of you on the couch, but he was clearly taking up every inch he could get. "I love you."
"I love you too." You hummed, rolling your eyes at his clingy behavior before just getting comfortable underneath his weight and reasoning that a nap really didn't sound too terrible anyway. "When you get up, I'm gonna make you do a movie night with me."
"Mhm. Whatever you want, my love."
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0urlady0fs0rr0ws · 9 months
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• I go by Sorrow, I'm 19, and I prefer She/Her Pronouns ^^
This blog will mainly be an art blog, as writing has been difficult! Occasional writings might pop up, but feel free to send requests when they're open!
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Writing Rules~☆
    - I will only write Gn!reader or Fem!reader for now until I get better at writing for Masc!readers.
       - I will NOT write anything other then fluff involving minors.
       -My blog will share my art and my interests along with any of my writings.
•Dividers by @cafekitsune & @animatedglittergraphics-n-more !
-Requests are: Opened!
- I'm open to writing almost anything.
- If I ignore/deny your request, it's because either I don't have motivation or I feel uncomfortable with the idea/topic.
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I will write for...
-Gerard way
-Frank Iero
-Ville Valo
-Izzy Stradlin
-Johnnie Guilbert
-Jake Webber
-Bam Margera
-Eric Draven
-(More soon to be added! ^^)
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damonjuicyscock · 3 years
Here is my masterlist
* means contains smut
+ Means contains fluff
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Damon Albarn:
To the end (fan fic 90s Damon Albarn x reader):
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6 +* Chapter 7 +* Chapter 8+* Chapter 9 Chapter 10 +* Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13+* Chapter 14 * Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Epilogue
The new singer (fan fic Dilf! Damon Albarn x reader):
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3+ Chapter 4 +* Chapter 5* Chapter 6+* Chapter 7* Chapter 8+* Chapter 9 +* Chapter 10+* Epilogue
Power failure +* (Dilf! Damon Albarn x reader)
Never have I ever +*
Insecure +*
The Icelandic Album +*
Daddy issues (Coming soon) *
Charger *
Forever young +*
The Cottage+ *
His favourite number * (coming soon)
Fragrance +* (coming soon)
Wandering eyes +* (coming soon)
Loneliness+ (coming soon)
Fun fair*
Lausanne +*
Caught *
A little help+*
Broken I lie, all my feelings denied, blood on your fist+
Red Lights*
Liam Gallagher:
Pictures of you (fan fic 90s Liam Gallagher X Reader) :
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5+ Chapter 6+ Chapter 7* Chapter 8+ Chapter 9+* Chapter 10+* Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13* Chapter 14+ Chapter 15+ Chapter 16+* Epilogue
The proposal +*
Perfect to me +*
Mile High Club*(Coming soon)
Fucked up*
Shake along with me+
My Hero +
Noel Gallagher:
Playlist (90s Noel Gallagher X Reader)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2+* Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7+ Chapter 8 Chapter 9+* Chapter 10+* Chapter 11 Chapter 12 +* Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15+* Chapter 16+*
We were meant to be +*
If I had a gun +*
Shout it out loud *
Protège-moi +
Ville Valo: Coming soon...
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