#vince prime
vince-prime · 16 days
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this came to me in a dream
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daftaiyo · 16 days
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Babe, turn on Die anywhere else by Alec Holowka
It's nitw pd time
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doubletalkingmaeve · 10 months
I need to invent time travel and go back to the 80s to get my men
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floofyfungi · 15 days
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Sari's safety is of utmost importance. Now that she is permanently living with the Autobots, Prowl adds to the base's defenses. These new additions are designed to keep Sari safe from both the Decepticons and nefarious organics. But magic is a fickle thing, and a single mistake may put the Autobots in grave danger.
Meanwhile, Sari has far more important things to worry about than safety. Her school is awarding a mysterious prize to whoever gets first place in the New Year festival. She and Raf join forces, because like hell are they going to let Vince win.
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Behold memes I made for my tfp sg au that I'll hopefully write in fanfiction form before I loose interest! I actually have part one of a two part fic for this au on Ao3 called A Shattered Glass tf Prime two-shot by Alice20o1.
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I couldn't decide whether or not to called Sg Bumblebee Bumblebee or Goldbug. Also Bee has to deal with Jack, Miko and Raf on his own before the 'cons find out about them and worst of all I gave all three of them Miko's chaotic nature and lack of self preservation.
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Yeah Vince, Sierra, Jack, Miko and Raf are all friends in this au.
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This boy is too pure for the Autobots but he has his reasons why he doesn't want to join the Decepticons.
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He has favorites.
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They are going to be so surprised when they learn that the other three idiots actually befriended Bee and they weren't kidnapped.
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Does anyone remember what that cylinder thing was called? Ya know the know that had the formula for syn-en?
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They are having flashbacks.
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theoneandonlyphilly · 5 months
@starry-skies-116 jack and mine
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Also, after we kidnapped him and give him everything he deserves
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And um
Bonus: vince is a hello kitty shirt
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Oh but a tfp au where the human kids are cybertronians AND the bots (and cons) sparklings.
Vince and raf are bee's kids with certain mute decepticon.
Miko is bulkhead sparkling with certain spider decepticon
And it's very obvious who's kid jack is. (Megop baby).
Sierra can be a breakout baby and wildbreak's older sister.
This came to me in a very profetic dream.
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velathetanager · 5 months
What does the SG!humans thinks of the SG!autobots?
Fowler thinks all of them are different shades of crazy, especially Optimus Prime. He's honestly surprised none of them have realized he's playing both sides yet.
Jack is alright with Arcee, scared of Optimus, and indifferent to most everyone else. He thinks what Ratchet did with Vincent is funny (but he's no longer dumb enough to say it out loud because of what Vincent almost did to him when he did).
Raf loves Bee like a father and gets increasingly nervous when he's not around (which Bee wants). He thinks Optimus Prime is basically Bee's creepy dad, Ratchet is a mad scientist that keeps looking at him weird, Arcee is Bee's big sister that's weird about Jack, and Smokescreen is Bee's cool little brother; if Bee isn't around, he will usually go hang out with Smokescreen. If neither are around, he stays in one secluded corner of the base.
Vincent HATES most of the Autobots. He blames them for what happened to him, and he only really listens to them because he was literally programmed to. He gets along with Smokescreen, though. He thinks the Phase Shifter is cool. As for Wheeljack, Vincent doesn't like him either, but he'll put up with him because he doesn't want him to stop letting Miko visit. Miko is the only one who understands, and he doesn't want to lose that.
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tfppainter · 7 months
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Heyy guess who's back from the Dead!!
Hehe >:3
Part 1 | previous | Next?
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kirwell · 6 months
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There's no lullaby in this nowhere land What's the meaning when you have a broken home, home, home? Where's the love when you were left on your own? 🔥
a vince moodboard,, tho it's specifically catered for my lil work in progress project ! I shall link my headcanon/story post for this boy when it existsヾ⁠(⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠*⁠)⁠ノ one day,,
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starry-skies-116 · 3 months
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My version of the absolutely despicable trio <3
Left to right: Sierra Yeoung, Vince Evans, Gayatri Patel
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vince-prime · 2 years
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reblog this and put in the tags what would happen is the character you choose could use the power of the god of thunder asalksJSKJlsk
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crowned-ladybug · 1 year
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With weathered wings and broken bones A flight for the fallen flies the crow
@riftwalker-limbro's fashionable math problem Vince here to kick some ass and love his fiancée and unfortunately one of those is maybe currently not available
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So I’ve been inactive for a tad second, honestly How To Train your Dragon caught my eye and I’ve left TFP on the drying rack for a week or two. So to keep myself active and get back in the transformers mood, I’ve come up with some stuff about the kids. Their home life, some Headcanons, and just about them.
So let’s learn about the kids!!
Jack Darby is up first! Jack is the oldest of the teens, though he’s yet to hit even his young adult years. He’s a 17 year old teen. Tall and lanky, he stands around 6’7. At this point taller than his mom and even Fowler. Kids at his school often joke that he is emo, due to his tendencies to wear darker and baggier clothes. Also there’s the fact that he hasn’t cut his hair for awhile and it grew out. For the longest time he’d let his hair just fall over his face, only recently did he start pulling it back into a bun. He’s considered the quiet kid at school and around town. He doesn’t talk much, tends to stay home when he can, and rarely does he allow his emotions to show. He’s quite to a point that most kids at his school thinks he’s mute, only a few people know he’s not.
•Jack doesn’t have a dead beat dad, he just has a dead one.
•He likes drawing, he and Miko bond over it. He prefers realism, and neutral colors
• he has a thing for short more rounded women (hint at how Sierra’s gonna look ;)
•He’s interested in history and has an extreme curiosity that cannot be quenched!
•Jack has tendency’s to panic over those around him, always stressed about someone.
•unfortunately he’s also dealing with some mental issues (ones that we’ll have to learn about on the way.)
Miko Nakadi is up next! Miko is a young Japanese teen, she’s eccentric and loud. Standing at only 5 feet, and is 16 years old. Nothing seems to bother her, and she’s seems to have distaste for authority. This is due to her life in Japan. Miko grew up on a boat, raised by fishermen. They weren’t her bio family, though they still took her in. For most of her life in Japan she was raised on the water, not even going to a public school. These fishermen influenced most of who she is. They’re loud and enthusiastic, always encouraging her to be her real self. That combined with her little interaction with those her own age and others that lived in Japan, she has no fear to show herself. Unfortunately due to an accident on the sea, Miko got injured, permanently leaving some health issues. Due to this accident the local authorities deemed that she wasn’t raised in a safe environment and took her away, this left a bad taste of authority’s in her mouth. Eventually she managed to get enrolled in a exchange student program and was sent to America.
•She has no idea who her bio family is and doesn’t want to know.
•like Jack she loves drawing, though she prefers a more fantasy setting with bunches of colors.
•she has yet to know her type, though seems to be very open when it comes to sexuality.
•she struggles when it comes to understanding danger, as she’s been introduced to a considerably large amount of it since she was young. She also struggles understanding people and their emotions, due to not being around many.
•other than her health issue, Miko was diagnosed with Autism at a young age, and she believes that she has some ADHD.
•She loves music, especially rock and metal. If it’s loud, it’s fun. (She’s mostly deaf, having to wear hearing aids) she loves to play instruments, and has an easy time picking up on how to learn them.
Rafael Esquivel is our final one of the main trio. At 12 years old he’s only 4 1/2 feet. He’s a child prodigy, practically skipping middle school and most of elementary school. Soon it’s believed he’ll be able to go to college. He’s from a Hispanic family, a large one, having 10 siblings. Raf is from a family of geniuses, his parent both being engineers, and his sibling all aiming for high grades and phd’s. Since he was young, Raf loved to absorb knowledge. He read as many books as he could, took a lot of notes, always asked his siblings to teach him all they know. So his older sister taught him coding, while her twin taught him how to hack. One of his older brothers showed him how to start in the engineering field, often giving him little projects to build and learn from. His other siblings will teach him about biology and chemistry, despite him not being as interested in those fields. Then theirs his eldest brother, he makes sure everyone is taken care of in their parents place, always making sure that a break is taken. He also make sure that Raf keeps an open mind.
•His parents are rarely home, always on the job and making sure their family has enough to live a comfortable life. Their eldest son became the primary caretaker of the house, after Raf’s Abuela passed.
•He doesn’t show much interest in doing art like the other two, but he does enjoy the beauty of it. Especially since one of his aunt’s constantly shows him the beauty of the world.
•He’s too young and too into his education to even think about sexuality and romance. Even though one of his brothers is into psychology and sociology and is especially all about romance.
•Since he’s been so focused on learning and not socializing, his only friends are his siblings, he moved too quick through school too actually get to know kids his age. Sure the older kids treat him well in school, but they’ve never been friendly.
•His family believes that he has autism (I know a stereotype) but they’ve never diagnosed him or put him on any medications.
•other than his love for engineering, computers, and science, Raf has shown to be interested in a few other things. He loves reptiles and other little critters. He especially loves gaming and racing in games or with toy cars. He’s also shown an interest in archeology, especially since his uncle is an Archeologist, and gave him a necklace with a claw fossil attached to it.
That’s all I’m going to share for now, I feel like it’s best to learn about them as we go through the story. I also wanna mention that Jasper will be much more alive, bringing in more human characters and rounding out the few we get to see. Jack and Vince will still be rivals (it’s mostly one sided, Vince can’t handle Jack’s quite self.) sierra will have more to her than just being Jack’s small crush. Her friend will go through a race change and will have a twin, her family will also be the one fostering Miko. There will also be more characters introduced, you will just have to wait to meet them.
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riftwalker-limbro · 6 months
in the World of Warframe there's humans (or. adjacent) on pretty much all the planets, right? there's bases of grineer, corpus, presumably at one point of orokin, pretty much everywhere
and there's the difference of a closed-off, controlled base (ships, gas planet bases) versus one built on a planet that's like. tolerable (venus, earth, mars - the rocky boys. it's been too long since i've been to mercury perhaps that one too)
so wouldn't it be fun if there was like. a difference in the immune systems of people who were raised in completely controlled environments. versus those who were raised somewhere where there are uncontrolled spaces where. oh i don't know. germs and such could flourish
jupiter-born-and-raised jay would have SUCH a time adapting to rocky deimos is all i'm saying. yes it IS tiny enough to have (require) climate control like a ship. no it's IMPOSSIBLE to control All the rocky nooks and crannies. also that's a uni planetoid you're not telling me those snotty students aren't importing their germs from all over the solar system
pule who's from venus is torn between laughing his ass off at jay's third cold that month and being Genuinely Concerned (he does both. he hands poor jay the hot chicken soup Before he loses his shit)
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