#vincent is as full of mystery as v and
aurorangen · 11 months
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Perhaps it was Noah and Connie being there, but Renee was much more confident talking to Vincent. She began getting to know him better, asking about his hobbies and friends. And then came the awkward silence when she asked about his family.
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Vincent excused himself and went to get a drink. Clearly, he did not want to talk about personal stuff to Renee, not just yet.
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elvenbeard · 4 months
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(I was tagged by @cybersteal and @arcandoria for this a long while ago, and got real carried away with this idea xD also inspired by everyone else who took the "interview" bit a bit more literally, so yes! :D thank y'all for the great ideas and being an inspiring af fandom!)
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Juanita Tseng: V, thank you so much for taking the time today, so happy to have you here! Let me ask, is that your full name?
V: Hah. Well, obviously not, but it’s served me well for many years now.
J: Any special story behind it?
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J: What’s not a secret is that most of our viewers only know you as “mystery man” so far, at least that’s how the scream sheets often choose to refer to you. How do you feel about that?
V: Well, nothing I could say against either. I like my privacy and I’m a man, so they got that right at least.
J: Hahaha, that’s fair! Even more so I’m glad we’re getting the opportunity to get to know you a bit better today. As I told you in advance, there’s some burning questions our viewers have, and everyone’s been eagerly submitting them already as we speak. So, without further ado, let’s get to the first one. When is your birthday?
V: It’s in June, but I’d like to leave it at that.
J: Interesting! Gemini or Cancer?
V: Whichever is the one that comes first.
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J: That’s fair! Alright, how tall are you?
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J: Who is taller?
V: Me of course.
J: Of course! Okay, next question… Ah! Let’s stay on the topic of Kerry for a moment longer. From my last interview with him we know you two met through a mutual friend.
V: That’s right.
J: How did it go? Was it love at first sight, or more of a slow burn?
V: Well, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t attracted to him when we first met. But it wasn’t love at first sight, no, more… curiosity. We crossed paths a few more times, also thanks to that friend, and got to know each other better like that. We just clicked. That’s all there is to it really.
J: Awwww, that's so sweet! Now, it’s no secret that Kerry has led a quite adventurous life and there is a bit of an age gap separating you. So, I gotta ask:
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J: Only men?
V: Yup. And now the next question please, cause none of it matters.
J: Hahaha, sorry, I know I’m such a tease! But we gotta ask our viewer’s questions! Speaking of which, one of them is curious about your upbringing and cultural heritage!
V: Now that’s a 180° turn. Born and raised in and by Night City. Can’t say much about cultural heritage, as it’s a bit of a mix of many things.
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V: Mh-hm.
J: Let me see… would you be up for some quick shotgun-style questions?
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V: Ready when you are.
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J: Favourite season?
V: Anything that doesn’t involve sandstorms.
J: Favourite flower?
V: Lotus.
J: Favourite Scent?
V: Clean bedsheets.
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J: Average hours of sleep?
V: I aim to get at least 7.
J: Numer of Blankets you sleep with?
V: One or none.
J: Favourite Fictional Character?
V: Oh no, uuuhh… Hmm… No, I can’t just choose one.
J: Haha, that’s alright. Would you say you’re a bit of a nerd?
V: Oh yeah, unashamedly. Me getting started about my favorite fictional characters would be a whole interview on its own.
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J: Anyway, that’s right on cue, we’re almost out of time for today! I think we could fit one… no, two more questions!
V: Alright, let’s hear ‘em.
J: What would be your dream trip?
V: Hmmm… Kerry asked me to come along for his tour next year. I imagine that could be fun.
J: Oh, definitely! By the way, dear fans, don’t miss out on buying your tickets!
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V: Maybe.
J: It’s been really nice to have you here today, V!
V: Thanks again for the invite.
J: As you know, I like to end my show with a random fact, something fun I’ve heard about in the past week or something about myself! Would you like to share a random fact with the viewers today?
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V: I try.
J: Haha, well, I'm glad you found your way to my little studio, too! As I said, would love to have you over again anytime!
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########## a few minutes later ##########
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Thank you again for the tags! This was so much fun and really turned into its own thing beyond an OC ask meme XD I did this meme before with some slightly different and/or more in-depth answers for anyone curious [here] cause like stated back then, how Vince replies to personal questions always strongly depends on who's asking. And he might be more or less truthful about the information given or keep it all very surface-level instead, too.
For this lil story here the idea was obviously that the whole interview is basically just a promo thing for Kerry's upcoming tour xD So of course Vince is gonna support his bf if it helps boost ticket sales XDD A year earlier he might not have done it even then, because he was veeery reluctant about having their relationship be known beyond telling their closest friends. But here at this point some time in mid-to-late 2078, he'd feel secure enough with his life, their ilfe really, that he wouldn't mind being seen in the public together like this and also "outing" himself like that in front of a larger audience, for lack of a better word. It's the character growth and support of each other and a love language and everything \o/
Also: not sure who to tag at this point cause I think most of you already did this, but if you're reading this and havent answered all of Juanita's questions for your OC yet, consider yourself tagged!
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corleonewrites · 4 months
La Vérité
AU: Anatomy of a Fall (2023)
Vincent Renzi x Original Female Character fanfic.
Summary: Two people connected by the same past. Two lawyers. And one tangled case which brought them back together again, giving them the opportunity to sort out their feelings towards each other, no matter how painful memories are to both of them can be.
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Chapter 3. Suite Española No. 1, Op. 47: V. Asturias - Leyenda Arr. for String Orchestra
Isaac Albéniz music was playing in my headphones and my thoughts were running fast with the speed of the train on my way to Grenoble, when I was re-reading all the notes which Vincent gave me two days ago, trying to concentrate on the future case.
“You were always a cold-hearted strong and mysterious woman from when I saw you for the first time”, this sentence from my ex-tutor didn’t leave my head, keep repeating itself over and over again with the same tone of voice that he had.
This was true. Even with my close friends I was closed off, didn't open my soul because I wanted to keep my secrets inside me, thinking that they won’t understand me and my insecurities. Only with Vincent, when we became closer, I opened my soul a little. Because he wasn’t like the other men who I used to know. Despite the fact that for him I was always a little girl, which was obvious, because he was older than me. Funny how among my peers I felt myself older than I was when with Vincent, I let myself feel like a teenager, when we were separated by an age interval of fifteen years.
I chuckled to myself and dug deeper into the notes of the case.
“Do you have any idea what his age can be?”, Loise asked just if it was a completely regular question, when Vincent passed us by when Loise, Estella and I were standing near the university’s entrance the other day, after the lectures.
“Too old for you, for sure”, Estella laughed, “And definitely for all of us”
“How can you be so sure?”, Loise looked at her resentfully, and checked herself in a mirror, “For me he looks like he’s 30 and 50 at the same time”
“Because he’s got wrinkles at the corners of his eyes when he smiles?”, Estella pointed out, when I finally looked at both of them, after I watched him go as he sat inside his car: red vintage Mercedes and drove away, “He’s 39, Simone from the administration told me so”
“Simone told you what?”, Jean-Louis reached us, placing his hand on Estella’s shoulder, and winking at me
“Girls talks, Jean-Louis, that’s not so interesting”, I looked at both Loise and Estella once again, “Anyways, I’m off home now”
“Oh, wait, what about today’s bar night? Camille, did you forget about it? We planned it for a whole week”, Estella asked me, when I, honestly, completely forgot about our plan to spend the evening at the bar where all the students and teachers from Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne loved to hang out after studying hours.
“I’ll be there at 9, don’t worry”, I had to lie that I remembered about the evening. Well, at least I thought that I’d clean my mind and relax from weekend of research for my diploma essay.
The sun was getting down when the train stopped at its final destination in Grenoble. With my travel bag in one hand and with a bag full of documents on my shoulder, I caught a taxi and sped off towards a small hotel which would become my home for an indefinite amount of time which I was planning to spend during my work.
The door of the hotel room opened and I got inside a small, but cozy room with big bed, big table with a small bookcase and a painting The Boulevard Montmartre on a Winter Morning of Camille Pissarro on the wall. The view from the room’s window was breathtaking: huge mountains and white snow was covering the roads of the city, small ginger bread-like houses surrounded the area, it felt like I got inside winter fairytale.
Without even unpacking my luggage, I sighed and lay down on the bed, as I was completely tired and had sleepless nights as I was packing my luggage, preparing all the documents for the case when the unbearable desire to meet Vincent was overwhelming me at the same time. This anxiety left me with no sleep at all, so I was glad to finally have the opportunity to at least lay in bed and relax for some time.
I finally made my mind clear: it was the time to place dots on every i in relationships between me and my ex-tutor and my love affair; it was the right time to reduce all those romantic thoughts and hopes which I still had inside of me, which were trying to burst out, knowing how they were hurt before, but still believing in happy ending, despite the fact that the injury from this love affair that we had with Vincent didn’t cure at all.
Surprisingly or not, but when I got inside the bar, I saw not only Loise, Estella and Jean-Louis, but also our new tutor Vincent Renzi, who looked directly at me but quickly moved his gaze away, when I tried to get to my friends’ table, only noticing that he was sitting alone behind the bar desk. My only thought was: was it a pure accident that he was at the same time in exactly the same bar, as it was a very popular place among students and teachers from Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. I lowered my gaze, and reached the table, when Jean-Louis asked bartender for a round of cider for all of us.
At that time, I started to get angrier, because not only almost all the girls’ attention from my course was on Vincent. I got myself an idea that because of all this fuzz around him I would distract myself from the tutor, creating an appearance of indifference, maybe even disguise. But maybe it was because my interest in him was growing inside me, but I didn’t want to admit it in any case. And so, during that evening at the bar I decided to reduce all those crazy thoughts for some time and forget about him, even though he was at exactly the same place on exactly the same time.
Of course, Estella and Loise recognized him, but thankfully decided not to bother Vincent with their attention, and we continued talking about all sort of things, but particularly about our final exams and essays which we needed to write to graduate from university.
Sometimes, during my childhood, I didn’t want to study at all, I was lazy, maths was my least favourite subject at school, when French and English were the most favourite. But before entering the university I finally realized what I wanted to do in my life, as, probably, it was written in my destiny, because I was always paying attention to my parents’ work as lawyers, everything fascinated me, despite the fact that I knew that sometimes it was very hard.
And so, during my university years I began to study as hard and as passionate as I could, paying close attention to every subject and every rule, I didn’t even have time to relax properly during weekends. At that time, I wasn’t thinking about boys, relationships, all this kind of things, because I wasn’t interested in it, studies were priority to me.
To clean my mind from all those studies I found myself in films: I fell in love with cinematography, I watched a lot of films, finding my favourite actors, directors and films, I even attended some lectures about cinematography. Unfortunately, not every person among my friends were so passionate about my hobby, so most of my time I was watching films by myself, writing small reviews about them in special document on my laptop. I was believing that someday I’d find the right person not only to talk to about cinematography but also to fall in love with.
Who knew at that time that this person would suddenly show up at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and it wouldn’t be a student.
They are right when they say that for a drunken mind speaks sober heart. After two glasses of cider, slightly drunken, I left my friends for a couple of minutes to have a smoke outside the bar, to get my head some fresh air and almost bumped into Vincent, who was also smoking his cigarette in front of bar’s entrance.
“Oh, good evening, monsieur Renzi”, I said it with a little annoyance, because I absolutely did not want to run into him that evening. Or at that moment, I wanted it to seem that way to myself. Trying to light my cigarette, and realizing that my lighter had stopped working, I looked at Vincent again, realizing that after all, I would have to talk to him. Something clicked inside my head and I decided to play a game with him. Never knowing where it would lead both of us.
“You got a light? My lighter seems to be ran out”
“Of course”, he said calmly and got his lighter out of the pocket, opening it. I bent over the fire, placing my hand over his, trying to light my cigarette and feeling a pleasant wooden-like smell of his perfume.
I've always had a taste for fragrances, and I've always paid special attention to how a man smells, so, of course, Vincent was among the ones, whose smell of perfume I loved.
“And please, outside the university, I’m Vincent, not monsieur Renzi, we’re not at the lecture room”, he added, lightning his cigarette this time, when I took a puff from mine.
“Well, okay, Vincent, then I’m just Camille, without mademoiselle Cadieux outside the university”
“We got a deal”, he smiled and continued, “Well, Camille, why aren’t you hanging out with your friends who I saw at the bar?”
“Apart from taking a smoke? Honestly, I’m not that interested in hanging out with them. They’re all children”.
“Aren’t we all?”, he asked looking at me. And probably alcohol helped me to open my mind and heart more than it have been expected, so I replied, without paying attention to what I was saying, because at that time my mind was more opened:
“Maybe, but when it comes to my taste in men – I like being with someone who’s older than me”
There. I said it and the sentence disappeared into thin air of the night. Vincent just looked at me, this time even closer and more thoughtful and I felt like my heart just dropped. I probably crossed the line. But probably my heart started to act truly, without lies, as I began to notice that I wanted to get attention from monsieur Renzi, and not in the student-tutor common relationships. I’ve lost the game.
The sound of the incoming message woke me up from my thoughts.
“Hello, Camille. Hope you got to Grenoble safely. I’ll be waiting for you in front of your hotel tomorrow at 10, we’ll get my car to drive to Sandra’s house. The trip won’t take long. I won’t bother you any longer, see you tomorrow”
I smirked and typed “Okay” and put my phone on the bed, getting up from my bed and reaching the window, pulling back the curtain to look at the opening view.
The game just started again and this time I wanted to take revenge.
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roseverie · 2 years
pierced petal 💞
which line of prose or poetry would you have inked into your skin without hesitation ?
“She was like a flaming rose. I thought that she would burn away into perfume” - Heinrich Heine, from The Selected Prose Writings; “Reisebilder,”
“The flowers full of night… like sacred smoke” - Nina Cassian, from “Part of a Bird”
“Only fallen blossoms know the heart of those who roam.” - Su Shi, from Selected Poems of Su Shi; Silk-washing Stream.
“A flower of flame. A blossom of blood.” - Cecilia Woloch, from Reign of Embers.
“The world did not begin with me / it will not end with me / I am / one pulsebeat in the throbbing river” - Octavio Paz, from “Identical Time”
“We will meet again in the lake you as water I as lotus blossom You will carry me I will drink you” - Rose Ausländer, Love VI
“Dew-drinker, opium-eater, […]” - Bethany van Rijswijk, from ‘Opium-eater’
“… your flesh is lilies / Under a frozen moon,” - Arthur Symons, from Poetry & Prose; “Morbidezza”
“The moon-drunk, haunted, pierced soul,” - Isaac Rosenberg, from The Collected Poems; “Midsummer Frost,”
“—everything that touches us, me and you, takes us together like a violin’s bow, which draws one voice out of two separate strings.” - Rainer Maria Rilke, excerpt of “Love Song”
“I bow to the daydreams I buried myself in,” - Hannu Mäkelä, from Contemporary Finnish Poetry: “Dream On Happiness Number 5,”
“Out of jasmine the night’s blood streams white.” - Mahmoud Darwish, from Sonnet V; The Butterfly’s Burden: Selected Poems
“You will burn and you will burn out; you will be healed and come back again.” - Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov
“I’m making myself. I’ll make myself until I reach the core.” - Clarice Lispector, The Stream of Life
“ […] so that roses may bloom in the blood of our wound.” - George Seferis, from The Cistern
“you were the bride of mysteries adorned with lilies of shadow” - Nelly Sachs, from Night, night; O the Chimneys: Selected Poems.
“And no one is me. No one is you. This is solitude.” - Clarice Lispector, Água Viva
“The shadow is a narrow ribbon. I dip my hand in it as if I were immersing it in water.” - Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, from Marine Rose; “The Art of Poetry”
“You bring the siren note, the lotus-land;”— H.D., from “Morpheus”
“Walk with me and sometimes cover your shadow with mine.” - Milton Acorn, from “Live with Me on Earth under the Invisible Daylight Moon,”
Orpheus: how will you remember?
Eurydice: that I love you?
Orpheus: yes
Eurydice: that’s easy. I can’t help it.
- Eurydice by Sarah Ruhl
“Your heart is uncut jade,” - Han Yong-un, from The Silence of Love:  “I Love Love”
“I walk with my dream unfurled, and lose myself in my own labyrinths, and the dream unfurled carries me.” - Anaïs Nin, The Diary of Anaïs Nin, Vol. II 
“You and I have almost achieved that which is never achieved: we sit in each other’s souls.” - Edna St. Vincent Millay, from a letter to Arthur Davison Ficke
“I am captured in dreams of pearl,” - Maximilian Voloshin, from “I Looked Eye to Another Eye,”
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aggravateddurian · 10 months
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Brother's Shadow: Someone to You
> Things Have Changed - The Grand Lore Post
Six characters, three stories, one city.
Brother's Shadow returns in a revamped form! Valerie Ocampo-Gonzalez is the half-sister of the mysterious rising star of the Afterlife, V. When their mother dies on a job on behalf of the corporate intelligence agent Dorian Bautista, Val must reunite with V to unlock secrets of the past, before it's too late.
Full lore update below
Trey Marshall is the son of Loren Bode, the pack leader of an Aldecaldos pack that came afoul of the Biotechnica executive, Ainsley Mace. Basically, they saw something they shouldn't have. Trey was the only survivor, and changed his name to Trey Marshall to evade detection, fleeing east to Atlanta, where he established himself as a mercenary of some repute.
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The face of a man who's been pretending to be someone else as long as he remembers.
While in Atlanta, he met a Night City native named Victoria (Vicky) Santiago, allegedly, the granddaughter of Santiago Aldecaldo. Vicky's mother is the sister of Trace Santiago, son of Santiago Aldecaldo and an unknown mother. She does mention to him that if the gig (which is to raid the Crystal Palace orbital station) falls through, they could go back to Night City, as she has 'powerful relatives' in the NC merc scene.
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Vicky Santiago - wonder who her powerful NC edgerunner relative is?
Surprise, surprise, the gig falls through and down on their luck, Vicky and Trey get on the first OA suborbital flight to NC, arriving mere weeks before the Konpeki Plaza incident. They are hired by the Militech Internal Affairs agent Dorian Bautista, to help him foil an Arasaka plot to execute a false flag attack to start the Fifth Corporate War by framing Militech for attempting an assassination on Saburo Arasaka.
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The Bloodhounds of Internal Affairs: if they're onto you, just give up, you'll only die tired.
During the gig, Valerie's mother, Arianna Gonzalez, is mortally wounded by Arasaka cyberninjas and passes from her wounds, connecting Val and Trey through the death of her mother and revealing Val's secret half-brother, Vincent... or as Night City knows him, V: the fallen corpo, turned thief, turned ghost, now a rising star of the Afterlife.
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The Name's V. Just V.
That brings us to the first chapter, The Picture of Dorian Bautista, which I'm currently writing and will release within the next week.
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cheshirelibrary · 2 years
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Mystery Writers of America Announces 2023 Edgar Award Nominations
Mystery Writers of America is proud to announce, as we celebrate the 214th anniversary of the birth of Edgar Allan Poe, the nominees for the 2023 Edgar Allan Poe Awards, honoring the best in mystery fiction, non-fiction and television published or produced in 2022. The 77th Annual Edgar® Awards will be celebrated on April 27, 2023, at the New York Marriott Marquis Times Square.
Devil House by John Darnielle Like a Sister by Kellye Garrett Gangland by Chuck Hogan The Devil Takes You Home by Gabino Iglesias Notes on an Execution by Danya Kukafka The Maid by Nita Prose
Pretty Dead Queens by Alexa Donne Frightmares by Eva V. Gibson The Black Girls Left Standing by Juliana Goodman The Red Palace by June Hur Lock the Doors by Vincent Ralph
Click through to see the full list of nominees.
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terrifictoonman · 10 months
~Wereology 101~
[WP] A sitcom where a Werewolf Pack and a Vampire Clan are good friends with each other, going against the usual trope of Werewolves and Vampires are enemies of each other. Describe a scene from this kind of show. [u/Wixin74 - Reddit]
Inside the Crypt Cooler, a retro ice cream parlor with plenty of odd flavors, high schooler Doug Howlet (Werewolf) sits across from fellow student Phasma Crowe (Ghost). Doug looked over a page in his notebook labeled, "Ghosts, how do they work?"
"So, you were born a ghost?" asked Doug. "and not, like, you were reborn or anything like that. You were always a ghost?"
"Yep!" said Phasma as she took a long sip of her Boo Berry smoothy. "I was actually born not too far from town."
"Seriously?" asked Doug.
"Oh yeah, it's really a beautiful story," said Phasma. "It was late in December. My mom had just shot Santa- " Phasma was interrupted by a sudden *THUD* on the glass, surprising the two teens. A pale young boy has his face pressed up against the glass.
"HOOOOWLIE!" Howled the young boy. "Hello, Phaz!"
"Hey, Vin," replied Phasma. Vincent ran to the front door. A humanoid ghost appears wearing an apron with the restaurant's logo and name on it. The ghost opens the door and motions for the boy to come inside.
Vincent rushed to his friends via a cloud of smoke, sliding through Phansma so he could sit on the inside.
"There are other kinds of were-animals!?" asked Vincent, eyes wider than good china.
"Yeah...you didn't know that?" asked Doug.
"No, I just ran into a glass window on purpose," said Vincent. "Of course, I didn't know, you're the only were-anything I have ever met! Old country, remember?"
"Right, my bad," said Doug. "But yeah, there's not much to it. Over time, through evolution, magic, or mad science, depending on who you ask, the were-curse spread to other animals. Fish, birds, some cryptids, and I think there's a were-dinosaur somewhere in the southwest."
"My sister once met a were-cat at Comic-con," said Phasma, "beat her in the cosplay contest."
"Let me guess, Felicia from Darkstalkers?" asked Doug.
"Nope, genderswapped Beast Boy," said Phasma.
"Anyway, why are you freaking out about this?" asked Doug. "It's not that big of a deal."
"Says you!" said Vincent, "You have spent most of your life as a werewolf, the coolness factor has worn off for you."
"I've woken up with a dead rodent in my mouth, butt naked, several times," said Doug, "How is that cool?"
"My point exactly," said Vincent. "Other were-beasts means cool new power for me to photograph and document for my family back home! Ooooh! Do you know any were-cats? My Mama loves cats!"
"How would I know?" said Doug, "It's not like there's a group chat for were-animals."
"But there is a support group for the newly turned," said Phasma. "They meet at the school the week before a full moon." The two boys look at Phasma, curious and confused. "Ghosts don't need to sleep, and I like to wander. Sue me."
"This is perfect!" said Vincent, "A detailed look into the work it takes to control the beast within!"
"Don't make it sound too fun," said Doug sarcastically.
"Hey," said Phasma, "you're the one who didn't want to help Vin with his report. Don't be mad at him for finding an alternative source because of your baggage. Who knows? Maybe a support group is just what you need. A little extra training and social interaction never hurt anyone."
Welcome to Hallows Town.
To most of the world, The Hallows is a mysteriously abandoned town and the basis for most scary stories. Vamiperes in the church, haunted ice cream, and sewer people all started in this little eerie town.
However, if monster blood runs through your veins, you can see the ruins of Hallows Town for what it really is: a quaint little suburban town straight out of a sitcom.
Vincent Ikgor V is an exchange student from a traditional vampire community in Europe. He came to Hallows Town on a mission to show his community the joys of the outside world and to get them to open their borders fully.
Vincent stays with his exiled distant Great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather and quickly meets his new neighbors, The Howlets, who are Werewolfs. In the Grim Era, werewolves and vampires were brutal enemies, but as times changed, so did relations.
Now, Douglas "Doug" Howlet acts as Vincent's pessimistic guide and best friend as the two explore the human & monster worlds in...
Hallow Dreams
Only on ToonTV. Starting October 32nd, 3023
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ednajoness · 1 year
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toastywindow · 2 years
TOP 100 MOVIES IN 100 SECONDS (window's recommendations)
All thanks to Elvis the Alien for making this possible! It helped out with the stress that's going on with my life right now
Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d60zSwswoAU
Gonna post the list of the movies down below the pinned comment so it's easily read by all.
These aren't objectively good movies. These movies are deemed top 100 for me based on how many times I've watched it, and the good and happy memories that are attached thereto. So while to some of you there are bad movies in the list, for me, they're the best things in life that makes me look forward to another day. Cheers to the new movies to come!!!
See you guys later!
P.S. putting these clips on beat is highkey hard asf
Press read more to see the full list of the movies I've placed in the video
Top 100 Movies as seen in the video
The Prince of Egypt (1998)
Design for Living (1933)
Professor Marston & the Wonder Women (2017)
Marrowbone (2017)
Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Shallow Grave (1994)
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
Bandits (2001) 
 The Man in the Iron Mask (1998)
Ophelia (2018)
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
Hunt for the Wilderpeople (2016)
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again (2018)
Blue Ruin (2013)
The Adventures Of Tintin (2011)
What We Do In The Shadows (2014)
Amadeus (1984)
Barbie as The Princess and the Pauper (2004)
Inglourious Basterds (2009)
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)
Odd Thomas (2013)
The Three Musketeers (2011)
 Star Trek IV: Voyage Home (1986)
 Ratatouille (2007)
 The Green Knight (2021)
 Rocketman (2019)
 Loving Vincent (2017)
 Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
 The Road to El Dorado (2000)
 The Addams Family (1991)
 The Incredible Burt Wonderstone (2013)
 Pride & Prejudice (2011)
 Jennifer’s Body (2009)
 Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2013)
 Sleepy Hollow (1999)
 Pride (2014)
 Pearl (2022)
 Citadel (2012)
次元大介の墓標/ Lupin the III: Daisuke Jigen's Gravestone (2014)
 Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian (2009) 
 Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
 The World’s End (2013)
 Treasure Planet (2002)
 Star Trek Beyond (2016)
 John Wick (2014)
 Grave Encounters (2009)
Bridget Jones’ Diary
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2012)
 High School Musical 2
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) 
Now You See Me (2013)
Knives Out (2019)
 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Rurouni Kenshin (2012)
 Doctor Sleep (2019)
 Bad Times at the El Royale (2018)
 Toy Story 2 (1999)
 Little Miss Sunshine (2006)
 Cabin in the Woods (2012)
 Hot Fuzz (2007)
 Klaus (2019)
 Emma (2020)
 The Man from U.N.C.L.E (2015)
 The Producers (2005)
Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022)
Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014)
Hotel Artemis (2018) 
The Mummy (1999)
Pacific Rim (2013)
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)
Captain Fantastic (2016)
The Lego Movie (2014)
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
How to Train Your Dragon (2010)
Mulan (1998)
 1917 (2019)
It (2017)
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007)
Pitch Perfect (2013)
The Pirates! Band of Misfits (2012)
Men In Black 3 (2013)
The Sea Beast (2022)
Constantine (2005)
Alice In Wonderland (1951)
Rocky III (1982)
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)
Pokémon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew (2005)
Booksmart (2019)
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)
Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005)
Rise of the Guardians (2014)
Children of Men (2006)
 Beauty and the Beast (1991)
 Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989)
Killer Klowns From Outer Space (1988)
The Batman (2022)
Anastasia (1997)
Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)
Nope (2022)
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ariana-maryse · 3 years
Top 10 Hottest for June
The thirst continues.
Tex Sawyer (Viggo Mortensen, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III)
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He’s got that southern charm down to a T, and it works. I mean, he’d kill me, but he’d look good doing it.
Cybil Bennett (Laurie Holden, Silent Hill)
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Between the pixie cut and her incredible posture, I’m not sure which thing I find more attractive.
Ambrose Spellman (Chance Perdomo, The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina)
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Gotta love the witty with a heart of gold type. Plus he’s pretty dedicated to people he cares about. V hot.
Jack Ferriman (Desmond Harrington, Ghost Ship)
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It should come as no surprise that I actually find him more attractive once we know why he’s there and he gets to doing what he’s supposed to do. Also transformation is hot.
Glenn Rhee (Steven Yeun, The Walking Dead)
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That was my boy right there. I cannot tell y’all how upset I was when Negan did what he did.
Rachel Keller (Naomi Watts, The Ring)
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/chanting Milf Milf Milf Milf! She’s tenacious as hell and it’s very attractive.
Brent Ryan (Nicolas Cage, Mom and Dad)
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Okay, listen. He’s kind of a douche. But when he goes full chaos it spoke to me.
Long Haired Fiend (J. Larose, Insidious)
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I kept almost typing Long Haired Friend and that would be one of the more inaccurate things I’ve put up. What that tongue do tho?
Lirio (Assumpta Serna, The Craft)
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She’s mysterious but also seems to be a good person and that’s hot. Just offering advice to the only baby witch to not steal from her outright.
Marius de Romanus (Vincent Perez, Queen of the Damned)
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His character actually didn’t stick out that much to me beyond, “attractive man... man hot... hot hot leg...”
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Final Fantasy 7 prompts # 34
1. Sephiroth makes Cloud have a full on mental breakdown and now he feels bad. On the other hand the blond is crying into his chest, and he's really not sure what to make of that.
2. Cloud Strife: King of the Chocobos
Yuffie wouldn't stop calling him that, particularly on the account that they were being followed be no less that nine chocobos. It doesn't help that it's mating season. Yuffie keeps telling him to flirt with them to get a free ride.
3. AVALANCHE giving Nanaki a bath, which somehow induces a water war
4. Protective Cloud looking out for Tifa. He somehow gets pulled into the "Bouncer" role
5. Vincent scaring off one of Clouds many stalkers (of which, Cloud is oblivious)
6. Tifa's wolf ring can call to/ summon Cloud in cases of emergencies via the wolf emblem on his pauldron. Kinda like a summon materia
7. I'm in love with the Commander Strife thing where he joins Shinra post time travel shenanigans and fixed everything.
A. Commander Strife being babied by Genesis
B. Commander Strife becoming Zack and Clouds pseudo big brother
C. Sephiroth, Genesis, Angeal, Zack and Cloud try, and fail, to find out Commander Strifes first name.
D. Commander Strife babying the Infantrymen and looking out for them since few people in the company actually care about them.
E. Sephiroth and Commander Strife exploring the bond through the J-cells
F. Commander Strife is given a soft light blue sweater, "so he doesn't have to wear his uniform at the mall again"
G. Kunsel is obsessed with discovering Commander Strifes backstory. He has the corkboard with pictures and string and everything!
H. "Bold of you to assume I know what I'm doing." - Commander Strife
I. Someone vandalized six large walls within Shinras training facilities. Six whole beautiful and highly detailed paintings, each portraying one of the Commanders and one of the General. The last one was all of them together, standing side by side with thier swords at the ready.
The five people in question were so flattered that the investigation was halted and the paintings remained. The perpetrator(s?) was never caught.
J. Cadet Cloud sending home a picture of him and Commander Strife together, to his mom.
She couldn't help but laugh at the goofy faces they were making.
K. Commander Fair cackling madly as he sprinted down the corridors carrying a blushing Commander Strife while being chased by an enraged cake covered Reno.
....the troops decided that they saw nothing.
L. A picture at a holiday party with the four Commanders and the General, all with hot chocolate in hand and wearing a whipped cream mustache
M. Commander Strife just hands Zack a whistle and walks away.
Curious, Commander Fair blows the whistle, and is immediately swarmed by dogs.
N. Genesis drags Strife out on a spa day
O. The Commanders were all in a room when Zack started asking hypothetical questions about thigh high socks and stuff.
He questions how they keep them from sliding down.
Strife answers the question without thinking, and grumbled about how uncomfortable sagging thigh highs were.
He froze, jaw closing with an audible click and slowly looked behind him to see Genesis and Zack looking at him with an odd gleam in thier eyes.
"And pray tell, little bird," Genesis cooed with a overly sweet voice, "how would you know that?"
The blond panicked a little, "It's a long story."
Zack snuck up to his side and linked thier arms together, "A story that you will definitely be telling us...if you don't want any rumors!"
Cloud stared that them in disbelief, "You're blackmailing me?"
"Of course!" The redhead sang.
P. Cloud making Genesis a custom LOVELESS themed motorcycle as thanks for letting him cry on his shoulder. Literally.
Q. Everyone is in honeybee outfits. Reno snaps a picture, and runs for his life.
R. Commander Strife is confronted by a man who claims to be his father, which he knows is impossible for time traveler reasons.
He quickly realizes what the man wants when the guy demands a DNA test...after all, the science department has been practically foaming at the mouth, wanting a sample of his DNA.
S. Sephiroth never gave up on figuring out what the mysterious blonde was hiding. He becomes even more invested in his investigation when he hears him mention the Wutai princess by her first name. Suspicious.
T. While he was on the run with AVALANCHE, Strife had always slept with his group. Being the way he was he unconsciously sought out things that were both soft and firm to use as a pillow, which often lead him to sleeping on his team mates.
He wake with his head resting on Vincents chest, Barrets arm or Tifas abs and always, always, always, they would wake him gently by running thier fingers through his hair.
He missed them so much.
U. Vincent has rejoined the world, but refuses to fully rejoin the Turks. This doesn't stop them from throwing him a birthday party.
V. Vincent is commonly referred to as "Vincent the Vampire" and "My Valentine" by Zack and Genesis respectively.
W. Cloud met the chairman/ chairwoman for his fanclub and he realy wishes he didn't.
X. Commander Fair is forbidden from picking movies at movie night. Thats what he gets for bringing X-rated movies, Though the part that Strife didn't like was that everyone was trying to cover his eyes and ears. He wasn't a child!
Y. Commander Strife runs into younger Tifa and has to explain that no, he is not Cloud.
She doesn't believe him.
Z. Zack, Kunsel, and Sephiroth somehow wind up inside Commander Strifes head and decide to snoop. They find out everything and aren't sure how to proceed.
8. Time travel fix it, but from Kunsels perspective
9. Time travel fix it, but from Zacks point of view and he gets caught up in the madness
10. Time travel fix it, but from random SOLDIERS/ Turks point of view
11. Clouds mom goes back in time and takes her 13 year old son by the hand and, armed with only a few materia, marched into the ShinRa mansion and went strait to Vincent.
She gives the wide eyed Turk the tounge lashing of a lifetime. She becomes enraged however, after the former ShinRa spy gives her some flimsy excuse and slams his coffin closed. Long story short, she drags the man out by his cloak with her son close behind, fiddling with his small sword and glaring at the man as if daring him to do anything to his Ma.
Valentine is baffled.
12. Reno makes the wrong move and Cloud finally snaps, telling him exactly where he can shove his rod
13. Cloud is just so tired of being grossly hit on and sexually harassed. He starts coming up with one liners/ insults /refrances to combat the crude remarks.
Woman: How big is your ****?
Cloud: *said in the tone of those tootsiepop commercials* The world may never know.
14. Tifa gets turned into a frog, but doesn't turn back. Even when using maidens kisses and ensuna she remained an amphibian.
Aerith convinces Cloud to kiss Tifa, which he does, shyly on the cheek. She poofs back to her normal self and they both blush while the flower girl giggles.
No one even suspected that it was her doing.
15. Sephiroth revives and meets Cloud and Tifa's kids, who took one look at him and decided to latch onto his legs and demand his attention.
They also boldly declared him to be thier uncle/ the moon God, and tell him all about thier wierd family.
They told Sephiroth that he'd fit right in with AVALANCHE, to which he genuinely laughed at the irony of the situation.
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halo-jpeg · 4 years
I know I asked one already today but what about slashers with a male SO? Like, a soft boy?
Y E S. I’m writing this one on my laptop (The first time I’ve done that!) so there will probably be a lot more information. Writing on my laptop just makes ideas flow better. Maybe I’ll do this from now on.
Slashers with a Soft Boy S/O
Michael Myers
Opposites attract- he’s obsessed with you. He values that you don’t feel like you have to follow the stereotyped gender norms. You’re different, and unique and absolutely adorable. 
Every single instinct inside of him that usually screams ‘Kill kill kill!’ scream ‘Protect protect protect!’ and he likes the change. It’s also, in a way, similar to getting your parents approval- if the voices don’t want you dead than the two of you must be meant to be. 
He also enjoys the contrast you two share. You’re kind, and you speak quietly and wear light coloured clothing. Meanwhile, he’s dark and brooding and the opposite of nice, preferring darkness and evil. 
He appreciates your softness, it’s calming. After a long night of difficult hunting, he appreciates your love and affection. 
His favourite thing is when you comb your fingers through his hair or pepper his face with kisses. He can feel vulnerable, he can let his walls down around you. That’s something he’s never had before. 
His trust in you is absolute. You get to see his face, you get to hear his voice, you get to tell him what to do and you get to place whatever boundaries you want. He will respect them and you until the end of time. 
Jason Voorhees
Soft boy? Yes please! If he was a human of normal shape, strength and lifestyle, he’d probably be a soft boy as well. He likes flowers and small animals and the quiet nature. 
Speaking of flowers, he’ll want you to teach him how to make flower crowns. If you don’t know how, then you can learn together! Along with flower crowns he’ll also make any other gifts or pressed flowers for you that he can, collecting nice looking plants and pressing them to keep in a scrapbook he insists you keep. 
Your calm mannerisms are a nice break. Like Michael, his days are usually filled with chaos, screams and bloodshed, so coming home to you curled up on the couch is amazing. He’ll pamper you, hugging you and playing with your hair. 
He won’t let you stray too far from the house without him, afraid that you could get hurt- or spotted by other people who think you’re as cute as you are. He doesn’t want to be childish, but sharing is not something he’s willing to do. 
His mother loves you too. You’re kind, and she knows you’d never ever be rude to him like this kids were all those years ago. She thinks you’re a perfect match for her boy. 
He’ll do whatever you want- want to spend your evening reading? Sure! Maybe a movie? Okay. You’re so kind to him, you always get to pick how your days are spent. He never complains, he loves you too much for that.
Billy Loomis & Stu Macher
Billy, Stu and you are three points to a triangle. Billy is a bit of an edgelord, mysterious and threatening, while Stu is the definition of an energetic crackhead. You balance each other out- or maybe you create the perfect storm. 
Billy is a calmer guy than most, so he likes to spend his free time hanging out with you in a chill environment, like watching a movie or something similar. Whether you chat quietly as you do or just enjoy each others company, he’ll be satisfied.
Stu, on the other hand, likes to cuddle, cracking jokes all the while. Again, he’s more energetic than Billy so calmer times like these are a break to you. 
Billy likes to be big and strong, so having a softer S/O makes him feel like he needs to protect them. He’s clearly more than capable of it, too, so don’t ever worry about being in danger. 
Stu is similar, but he’s more up front about it. If anyone even implies anything that he doesn’t like, he’ll call them out for it in a playful but clearly passive-aggressive way. 
One of them will always be with you, yet most of the time it will be both of them. They’re attached to you and they aren’t subtle about it. 
Danny ‘Jed Olsen’ Johnson
Danny will never call you by your real name, not when you’re as cute as you are. You’ll constantly be called things like ‘Sweetheart’ or ‘Honey’. He usually calls everyone nicknames like that, but now that you’re here, they’re for you and only you.
He’ll pull out his old, classic Polaroid camera since he thinks it matches perfectly with your whole soft boy aesthetic. He strings any good photos along the walls with fairy lights.
He likes to go out in public with you, flaunting his adorable S/O and waiting for people to send him jealous glances as if you’re the worlds greatest prize- which you are. 
However, if anyone ever makes a move or compliments you he snaps and gets super territorial. God forbid anyone ever tried to take advantage of you. Their body would turn up days later for sure.
He’s pretty much an opposite of you, wearing dark clothes and loving dark comedy- and, of course, killing people. He thinks it’s cute that you love him so much when he’s so different from you.
He stares at you almost all the time. If you’re ever sitting on the couch, silent, not doing much and you look over at him, he’ll be looking right back at you already, a smirk splitting his features. ‘Just takin’ in the eye candy.’ 
Brahms Heelshire
Brahms is also a soft boy. He was more than surprised when you showed up as his nanny, but he fell in love with you the moment he realized how similar you were to him.
T e a p a r t i e s. If you act like him you must like the same things as him, so he won’t ever even ask. He’ll just... take your hand and drag you to the table where he’s already set out a teapot with some of his best tea inside. That’s the one thing he can make without wrecking it, and he makes it good.
He loves when you read to him in your calm, sweet voice, and swears he could listen to you forever.
He’ll trust you quicker than he’s ever trusted anyone, so he’ll use his normal voice and show his face quite often, either babying you or being babied, playing with your hair or having you play with his.
He’s a cuddle fiend, so he’ll cling to you all the time at random, hugging you for minimum 10 minutes whenever he gets in a clingy mood.
He’s so scared when you leave the house, afraid that you won’t come back (choosing not to or being stopped) so he’ll actually go into public with you. He hates it, but your calming energy makes him feel much more comfortable. 
Norman Bates
Literal definition of soft boy (at least most days). He’s like your carbon copy, doing the things you do and acting the way you act. 
He’s a poor nervous little guy, so he’s never too keen on PDA, but he’ll hold your hand and try to be confident while doing so. He’ll also apologize a million times, saying that he really want to hug you but he’s just too scared. 
If you are ever threatened he’ll go crazy, snapping much more common than he normally would. He tries to keep it under control, but in the right environment and with the right scenario he’ll go crazy and beat the offender to a pulp- or to death, sometimes. Eek. 
After his explosive episodes, he’ll feel so bad for potentially scaring you. He’ll hug you tightly and he’ll promise he won’t let it happen again. You both know he can’t control it, but these promises soothe both him and you.
He’s usually always working, cleaning, etc. but with you he’ll take a step back and relax with you when he almost never does. 
The best at making you feel perfect. He’ll compliment you every second he can, kissing your hands and cheeks and nose. you can also see the pure unadulterated love in his eyes. 
Vincent Sinclair
Vincent l o v e s you so much, you’re just the type of person he needs in his life. You’re so sweet and kind to him, which counter’s Bo’s snappiness, while you’re also very calm and soothing, a good counter to Lester’s high energy. 
He’ll teach you how to sculpt like he can as best as possible, spending hours standing behind you and guiding your hands over his work-in-progress. 
He enjoys towering over you, making him feel big and strong- again, the opposite of how Bo makes him feel. you give him a purpose, he feels useful when here’s there to protect you. 
He’ll soak up any praise you give him, returning it full-force in the form of flowers, wax gifts, and stuff he’s scavenged off of tourists. He knows he’ll never be able to repay you for all you do for him but he’ll sure as hell try his best.
He refuses to kill in front of you. From time to time Bo will drag an unconscious (but still breathing) victim down into the basement for him to wax alive so the form is easier to get right, but Vincent will usher you out of the room so you don’t see the body or the following process. It’ll taint your perfect personality. 
He soothes his insomnia simply by looking at you. Your calmness lets him know that everything is okay, and sleep comes easier when your nestled against his side snoring gently. 
Bo Sinclair
Bo thinks its hilarious and impossible that you ever fell for him, a big, dangerous man with no sense of mercy. It’s also strange that he fell for you, since no one else had ever caught his eye before. 
He trusts you not to run to the police, and by god you’d never even try. He thanks whatever god may be listening for the gift that is your love, wondering every single day how he got so lucky. 
Your softness is foreign to him but once he gets used to it he noticed that it’s slightly similar to how Vincent acts. He is soothed by the familiarity that this realization brings. 
He’ll want nothing more than to cuddle you day and night, but he knows he has to work so he’ll request that you work with him to keep him company. He also wants to keep an eye on you but would never admit to that. It’s not like he’s always terrified for your well being or anything baka
On days where he feels extra sweet he’ll make you breakfast and ask for Lester to pick up some flowers from the nearest town, wanting to make you feel special since he doesn’t ever have the chance to shower you with the love he wants to.
He’ll never believe that you know he loves you, he’ll always doubt it, and he’ll always claim he needs to show you better. Whatever gifts he can get his hands on go to you. 
Lester Sinclair
Your softness is something he’s never properly seen before. He’s curious to learn about every single one of your likes and dislikes, and soon enough he knows every little thing about you. 
He won’t have any spare cash- he uses it all to buy you things or to gather things for a nice date. His favourite, as I’ve said in other headcanons, are picnics at night in the bed of his truck, staring up at the stars. 
If you’re ever in his truck with him while he’s working, when driving down the road, if he ever sees some pretty flowers he’ll pull over just to pick them for you, tucking them behind your ear or bundling them into a bouquet.
He treats you like glass. Even though he isn’t strong and would never accidentally hurt you, he is scared anyways. 
He’ll hold your hand and kiss your knuckles whenever he’s got the chance.
Whenever Bo yells at him, your soothing voice calms him right back down. It’s so soft and gentle he can’t stay sad or angry, so he gives into the smile trying to crawl onto his face at the sound of it.  
Bubba Sawyer
You’re everything he wishes he could be. He tries to be soft and gentle in nature as not to scare people (unless he’s trying to of course) but he’s just too tall and burly to do so. 
He’ll try to examine how you act, incorporating it into his own actions so he can seem more like you and less intimidating. It doesn’t help much but it’s endearing that he wants to be so much like you.
Despite Drayton’s shouting and demanding he still clips sunflowers to gift to you, and you have so many sunflower-crowns, wilted and new. He also presses and dries flowers for you.
Your softness completely contrasts the chaos of his life. His brothers, all three of them, are loud, energetic, and obnoxious, but you’re the polar opposite, the calm within the storm. You make every day worth living. 
You’re so sweet towards all of his siblings despite how difficult they can be, and it warms his bog ‘ol heart.
P R O T E C T. He’ll sacrifice his own life to save you, and when your life is on the line, depending on the day he can act two ways- p a n i c, where he loses track of himself and freaks out, or c a l m, where he knows EXACTLY what he’s doing at all times, and acts with strange precision and determination. 
Thomas Hewitt
You are as different from him as one could get. You remind him of his mother, and he loves you just as much as he loves her. He likes standing beside you and seeing how different he is from you.
He’ll try to imagine the two of you with swapped personalities, where he’s the soft one and you’re the big scary one. He can’t imagine it no matter how hard he tries. 
He’ll ask you every day if you actually choose to be with him, and when you say yes he gets just as happy and giddy as always. 
He’ll collect things off of victims to gift to you in exchange for your ‘adorableness’, as he puts it. 
He won’t let anyone get too close to you- not even his brothers, only his mother. The same goes for victims. Anyone who gets even a step too close to his basement gets a quick mallet to the head. He won’t take any chances. 
He gets a n g r y when anyone says anything remotely bad about you. That goes for his brothers as well. He’s usually a pushover, obedient, but if they so much as say your name in the wrong tone he’ll snap and turn into a menacing beast not to be messed with.
Billy Lenz
S o f t b o y ? Y e s
He cherishes you more than any other slasher here. You aren’t a rude asshole like most of the people he’s seen in his life, you’re so perfect and different and fantastic.
He’s a soft boy too, so he’ll ask you to play with his hair while he plays with yours, like some sort of two-sided braid train. Speaking of which- braid this poor boys messy hair, he loves it.
No attic for you >:{ it’s too dark, you could hurt yourself! He doesn’t want that, it would be his worst nightmare to lose you! After explaining why you can’t go in the attic he’ll start crying simply because of the thought of losing you. 
You’ll have to cuddle him lots or else he’ll cry. This little dude is a cry baby, but like all cry babies he just needs love. Lots and lots of endless love. 
He will never want you leaving the house because he can’t go with you, and he gets lonely very quickly. Before you met he was always lonely, but now that he knows he has someone to love and spend time with the loneliness is amplified tenfold. 
Leslie Vernon
You’re the cutest!! He appreciates every little thing about you, and analyzes you in the beginning of your relationship to learn every tiny thing you do. All your quirks, traits and nervous tics are imprinted in his mind. 
He knows your daily routine and lines his up with yours so he can keep an eye on you at all times. He knows you can handle yourself but he enjoys every little thing you do and wants to see you at all times in your natural environment.
He likes to plan his hunts with you at his side to talk to him about anything you want, even if it has nothing to do with what he’s planning. Your whole aura gives him energy and creativity since you’re so different from what he’s used to. 
He makes sure never to involve you with his killing, afraid that it could be traced back to you and get you sent to jail. Even if he got caught, you would still live your normal life and that’s comfort enough for him to go on.
Always missing you, every second of the day. It’s like he can’t breathe the air if you aren’t breathing it too. 
He is in love with every little thing you do, trailing off mid-sentence and getting distracted by your stunning eyes or heart-stopping smile. 
Pyramid Head
As far back as he can remember everything has been dark and scary. You don’t belong in a dark world like this, but here you are, with him of all people! The scariest, most dangerous one here, but you have him basically purring like a kitten, putty in your hands. 
Nothing even thinks to mess with you since P.H. is never far away. You basically own the place, and no matter how nice you are to all the beasts they’re all still terrified of you and the promise of death hanging around with you in the form of an S/O.
He wishes you were in a happier place than this. You don’t deserve the fear and danger, you deserve a perfect life where you’re treated like you deserve to be treated. He feels so bad that you’re stuck here too.
The rage inside of him gets to be too much sometimes, but he’s always soothed by your presence alone, the sound of your voice washing away any negative emotions. 
Huge separation issues. He doesn’t know why but he can’t be away from you for long or he’ll break down. 
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Masterlist 2020
Nobunaga Oda
- A Summer Eve’s Date (Word prompts: alcohol, horseback riding)
>> Smut <<
- Public Claim (Nobunaga takes you out on a special kind of stroll)
- Make a wish (word prompts: eclipse, hide and seek, scavenger hunt and shooting stars)
-The Transit of Venus (word prompts: Eclipse, hide n’ seek, scavenger hunt, shooting stars)
- The Cries of Lovers (word prompt: ghosts, full moon, ghost stories)
- Dear Fireball (prompt: first valentine’s together)
Mitsuhide Akechi
>> Fluff <<
- Secret Wish (Mitsuhide hugging you while you work)
>> Smut <<
- Sweet Touches ( +angst and fluff; “Let me show you why you should stay in bed.”)
- Shibari with the Kitsune (You and Mitsuhide play with shibari)
Mitsunari Ishida
>> Smut <<
- In the Woods (word prompt: shooting star)
Shingen Takeda
>> Angst <<
- A Warm Rain (word prompt: rain)
>> Fluff <<
- Summer Rain (word prompt: rain)
- For Now (+slight angst; word prompt: a secret love affair, stealing a heart)
Kenshin Uesugi
- Fervor (Word prompt: Sweaty)
- Melt in My Arms (word prompt: Fireworks, Summer festival, Heat, Melting)
- As Long as I’m with You (+fluff word prompt: Fireworks, summer festival, heat, melting)
Other Pairings
Nobunaga/Hideyoshi >> Smut <<
- NSFW Alphabet (head cannons)
Ray Blackwell
>> Fluff <<
- Mystery Date (Ray sets up a blind date for you)
Fenrir Godspeed
>> Fluff <<
- Mr. and Mrs. Godspeed (word prompt for balter: to dance gracelessly)
- A Letter for You (prompt: snuggles and cuddles)
Seth Hyde
>> Smut <<
- Man (”If you don’t like my teasing, then why are you moaning?”)
Edgar Bright
>> Angst <<
- Nexilis ( +fluff; “You look like you could use a hug.” + "Who hurt you?”)
- Pumpkin Spice and Bite (word prompt: pumpkin spice, bite)
>> Angst << - All that matters (”I don’t care what anyone thinks.”) - In Defense of You ( +fluff; “I don’t care what anyone thinks.”)
Harr Silver
- Not Close Enough (word prompt: masquerade, costumes, candlelight)
Other Pairings
>> Fluff << - One Winter Night (”I sleep better when you’re around.”)
-Dressed to the Nines (+Thriller; word prompt: stalker, bite)
Napoleon Bonaparte >> Fluff << - Ease (word prompt: road trip, camping and stargazing)
- Komorebi (word prompt: waterfalls, sunbathing)
- Valentine Letter from Napoleon (prompt: bundle of joy)
- Pride and Joy (prompt: bundle of joy)
>> Smut << - Insatiable (”Can you feel what you are doing to me?”)
- A Delightful Treat (word prompt: ice cream)
-Redamancy (word prompt: Summer festival, Fireworks, Dancing)
-Vanilla Sweetened (word prompt: ice cream)
Arthur Conan Doyle >> Fluff <<
- Tender Love and Care (Arthur treats MC’s cut on her finger)
- Childlike (word prompt: halloween)
Vincent van Gogh >> Fluff <<
- What Makes You Beautiful (”When you laugh like that, it’s just so beautiful, you know?”)
>> Smut <<
- All Yours (Vincent gets jealous of Theo and Reader)
- Made of Stars (”You’re bigger than I expected.”)
Theodorus van Gogh >> Angst <<
- It’ll Always Be You ( +fluff; “I’ll never give you up.”)
>> Smut <<
- Nothing to Fear (first time with MC)
- Hot Summer Nights (word prompt: fireflies, songs and shooting stars)
Comte de Saint Germain
- A Taste of Envy (word prompt: bite, goosebumps, full moon)
-Breathe in the Moonlight (word prompt: bite, goosebumps, full moon)
- Vampire in a Bottle (word prompt: cursed object)
Isaac Newton
- Caramel Love (word prompt: caramel apple)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
- Tipsy Prince (word prompt: mulled apple cider, party in the woods)
Leonardo Da Vinci
- Dear Cara Mia (prompt: favorite memory as a couple, ending a relationship)
Jean D’Arc
- The Savior of His Soul (prompt: Soulmates & Celebrating an anniversary)
Other Pairings Theodorus/MC/Arthur - Three’s Company (”Do you like it when he watches?”)
Jihyun Kim (V) >> Fluff << - Letters to Heal a Broken Heart (V writes a series of letter to the Reader)
Other Pairing:
- Unmistakable (Angst) (prompt: promise you forever, watching the one you love on a date with someone else)
Gavin >> Smut << - Taste You  (”Shouldn’t you be with her?” + “I can’t wait to taste you.”)
- The Woes of Winning (word prompt: water balloon)
- Fortune’s Favor (word prompt: water balloon)
- Trick-or-Treat (word prompt: trick or treat)
Victor >> Angst << - Runaway (Victor drives a late Reader)
>> Fluff << - Kalon (”What’s cooking, good looking?”)
- Love Letters (word prompt: a love confession)
>> Smut << - More Than Friends (Victor shows MC how much he wants her more than friends)
- Stupid (word prompt: lost in the woods, ghost stories)
- A Love Letter from Kiro (word prompt: roses are red, violets are blue)
Other Pairings:
- Treat You Better (+angst; prompt: watching the one you love on a date with another, unrequited love)
>> OBEY ME! <<
Beelzebub >> Smut << - Wanna Taste? (”Wanna taste?”)
Belphegor >> Smut << - A Dreamy Encounter (You summon Belphie in your ‘dream’)
-V-Day Letter (prompt: first valentine, a love confession)
>> Smut << - A Smutty Fanfic (first time with Reader)
- A Two Player Game ( word prompt:  tentacles, bondage, suspension, sensory deprivation)
- Want (word prompt: werewolf, full moon, heat scenario)
>> Kissed By the Baddest Bidder <<
Soryu Oh
Dine on Me (word prompt: snow cone)
Eisuke Ichinomiya
- A Raunchy Rendezvous (prompt: lingerie)
>> Kings of Paradise <<
Taki Kozaki
His Shining Star (word prompt: star watching, rain)
Yosuke Sagara
- A Delectable Appetite (prompt: snuggles and cuddles)
320 notes · View notes
tilbageidanmark · 4 years
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Movies I watched this week / 11
Ship of Theseus, The awesome Discovery of the Week:
A philosophical 2012 Indian art-house masterpiece, based on the Heraclitus thought experiment that asks, if an object that has had all of its components replaced remains the same object.
It tells 3 separate stories that are seemingly unrelated. The first introduces a young Egyptian photographer who is blind and creates her street art based on sounds she hears. The second is about a dying Jain monk, fighting to ban animal testing in India. The third is about a poor bricklayer whose stolen kidney was sold illegally to an unsuspecting Swedish man. The uniting finale is a moving reflection on Plato’s allegory of the cave.
It may not sound appealing, but the film is absolutely beautiful, surprising, compelling and original.
Also found on YouTube in 720p BluRay Quality. Good reviews by Nona Prince and an essay: Visual Metaphors in the film (Please read only after seeing the film itself)
First watch: Laura - 1944 absurd film noir mystery directed by Otto Preminger.  “I shall never forget the weekend Laura died.”...
Style over substance. 8/10.
Also, I didn’t know that Vincent Price was so tall.
Theme from film.
Steven Soderbergh‘s The Girlfriend Experience. Real life mega porn star Sasha Grey in her first cross over role. She plays a high-end escort who is paid to act as her clients' emotional companion.
I loved it as a first act, but the story was missing act two.
The fantastic history of R. "Bob" Dobbs and The Church of the SubGenius! Better than wikipedia!
I haven’t seen any Louis de Funès films for over 50 years. Surprisingly, Jo, The Gazebo, a typical 1971 screwball comedy, stayed relatively funny and fresh with all the mimicry and jokes I remember from my childhood. 5+
The Night of the Iguana, John Huston’s classic drama. Richard Burton is a disgraced minister at the end of his rope who is ready "to take the long swim to China". Tennessee Williams in Puerto Vallarta.
“What is important is that one is never alone...”
2 X Alfonso Cuarón:
* Road to Roma - Interview with Cuarón, deconstructing the ‘making of’ his wonderful 2018 movie. Seeing the colorful process Behind the Scenes, in comparison to the Black and White canvas, is breathtaking. 10/10.
* His previous film - Gravity: A mainstream movie with only 2 actors. Exciting, too thrilling for me.
First watch: Russian Ark, an experimental story and a technical tour de force. It was recorded in a single, unedited take of 96 minutes at the Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, on 23 December 2001, with a cast of over 2000 costumed actors. It follows 300 years of Russian history, guided by a 19th-century French diplomat.
✴️                        Lost in America - “This is just like ‘Easy Rider.’ Except, now it's our turn. I mean, we can drop out and we can still have our nest egg!”
Loved it then, loved it now.
Another, similar film from the same time (1991) and atmosphere, Steve Martin’s LA Story - Adored it then, loved it now.
“Some of these buildings are over TWENTY years old!”
Of Alan J. Pakula‘s “Paranoia Trilogy”, I always preferred “The Parallax View” and “All the President's Men”. Maybe because even Pakula had a hard time describing an affair between a call girl and a client without resorting to tired old cliches. But watching Klute for the first time in many years, all but the predictable ending is actually first rate.
He should have called it Bree, though.
Appreciation of composer Michael Small, who scored Klute as well as eight more of Pakula’s movies.
Butter - a nearly-wonderful comedy about a little orphaned black girl who competes at a butter sculpture contest at the Iowa State Fair.
Hitchcock's favorite plot, “Innocent Person Wrongly Accused”, in North by Northwest, with opening-credits sequence by Saul Bass, and still effective crop dusting attack.
Most of it is ridiculously dated (55 year old accidental hero Cary Grant who has to get his mother’s approval, and the final shot of the Freudian train speeding into the tunnel). It’s still a fun ride.
My first Almodóvar, All About My Mother. A melodramatic Telenovela world of junkies, transsexuals, AIDS, prostitution and the theater. It’s only during the second half that the film clicked for me.
The Visual Effects of Psychedelics, from Effectindex. Must be watched in full screen. Real life example.
I spent 4 long hours entangled with Woody Allen’s sexual abuse in the new disgusting documentary Allen v. Farrow.
Technically, the worst part of this are the unbearable, constant layers of background music that drowns every scene with emotional guidelines. I wish they would stop doing it once and for all.
Not necessary me, but Why I Will Never Watch a New Woody Allen Film Again.
Another short Haring bio - How Keith Haring Injected Childlike Joy Into His Art.
The 2020 Invisible Man, Peggy Olson version: Somehow-interesting horror premise, but not my cup of tea. Points for the plot twist at the end. 2/10.
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Throw-back to the  art project:
Annie Hall Adora.
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(My complete list is here)
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thenightling · 5 years
My top 15 love interests for romantic incarnations of Dracula (No, they’re not all Mina)
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If I was to do a list of favorite love interests for Dracula it would be...
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Keep reading for a full list...
16. Bonus:  Lydia from Dark Prince: the true Story of Dracula.
 I list this one here because she’s technically an historic figure and the rest are fictional so I am not sure if she should count or not.  The historic Dracula’s first wife’s name has been lost to history even though the river tributary under Poenari Castle was named for her.   The film Dark Prince: The true Story of Dracula starring Ruldolf Martin names her Lydia. 
Though this film is mostly historic the ending implies that the two are both vampires and walking together through eternity.  
Vladislaus Drakuyla AKA Vlad III of Wallachia, AKA Vlad Tepes (The Impaler)’s first wife died by suicide and the film hinted that this might have been enough to enable her to come back as a vampire.   
Right before Vlad’s assassination in 1776 or early 1777 (at age forty-five or forty six) in the movie we hear her voice, which suggests she’s either waiting for him or has set into motion turning him into a vampire to be with her.
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15. Sir Integra Hellsing from the Hellsing.
In the manga and anime Hellsing (and Hellsing Ultimate OVA), instead of having been destroyed by Doctor Abraham Van Helsing after the events of the Dracula novel, Dracula was instead captured and through arcane means bound to serve the Van Helsing bloodline for eternity.  The family founded the Hellsing organization for fighting monstrous threats.  Dracula took on the name Alucard (his own name spelt backward) and may have gone slightly crazy...
He became fiercely loyal to Integra Hellsing, the most recent descendant of Abraham van Helsing to become his Master.   It is a very strange relationship to say the least...
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14.   Xander Harris from Buffy The Vampire Slayer.
In Buffy The Vampire Slayer season 5 we have Buffy encounter Dracula for the very first time.  Here he is played by Rudolf Martin, the same actor who played Dracula in Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula.  In the episode Dracula takes Xander to be his Renfield-like henchman.   At the end of the story Xander is free from Dracula’s spell however the story of their relationship is not over yet.
According to the Buffy: The Vampire Slayer season 8 comics Xander and Dracula have formed an unusual relationship.  Xander taught Dracula about modern fun and pleasures and Dracula became more and more protective of Xander.  When Buffy came and retrieved Xander (again) from Dracula, this time Dracula fell into a deep depression.  Refusing to feed or take care of himself Dracula’s hair and claws grew and he deteriorated into his elderly form.   When he found out that Xander was coming to pay him a visit, he hastily made himself presentable and de-aged to a more attractive / youthful appearance.   
Now the two bicker like long time lovers.   I ship it.
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Oh, and Xander still calls him master, despite himself.
Further note on this one: Dracula is actually smart for NOT getting a smartphone.  All cellphones can be traced via GPS.   Do you really want a tracking device in your pocket while hunting human prey?   You just made Blade and Buffy’s jobs a little too easy there.  A practical vampire would not carry such a device while hunting.  
Unfortunately this comic retconned a few important aspects of the TV show version of Dracula and even claimed he doesn’t actually conjure storms, but senses them coming (contradicting the beach scene from the Buffy vs. Dracula episode.)  I wish people would stop de-powering Dracula.  
13.    Jonathan Harker (Multiple versions):   
Dario Argento said that his version of Dracula was attracted to Jonathan Harker.   And in Frank Wildhorn’s Dracula The Musical (Particularly the German production called Dracula das Musical) the scene “Fresh Blood” (Blut) is very errotic.
Fresh Blood (Blut) now featured Jonathan Harker being tied to a bed and his shirt removed as he’s fed upon by Dracula.  But first by Dracula’s brides and grooms of the castle.
Also one of the lyrics in the English language version of the song indicates he wants Jonathan AND Mina as his and plans to make them both vampires.   Thus reaffirming the polyamorous version of Dracula.
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Dracula gets particularly “grabby” with him during his de-aging sequence.
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The relationship is pretty one sided...
12.  Renfield (multiple versions).
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   The German production of Frank Wildhorn’s Dracula the musical (Dracula das Musical) has Dracula with brides and grooms as opposed to just brides.  Despite this change toward bi or panasexuality, this particular relationship is very one sided.   
Renfield is very much in love with Dracula in many depictions of the character.   This mad man is obsessed with “The Master” and in the Frank Wildhorn Dracula musical he sings a song about how much he loves The Master and how wonderful he is.  The reprise version looks as if Dracula is about to kiss him as they sing a slowed duet version of the refrain but this is where Dracula, instead, snaps his neck.   
Here is the English language version of The Master’s song (Not the slowed reprise duet.)
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There is a deleted scene from Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992) where Renfield laments that he has lost Dracula “to the pretty woman.”   
In Love at First bite, and some other films Dracula actually does give Renfield immortality however.  I suspect the Love at First Bite version is a half-vampire since he can go in the sun (this version of Dracula burns in daylight) and he still needs glasses for his nearsightedness but he has apparently worked for Dracula for at least a century so he was clearly granted immortality even if he can’t turn into a bat or hypnotize.   
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11.    Carmilla Karnstein from The Batman vs. Dracula.  
 Carmilla is an odd one because in her original novel she’s portrayed as a lesbian.  She is a vampire whose novel predates Dracula’s own novel.  Her prey of choice are young virginal women.  And she can turn into a large grey or black cat.   She is powerful and independant and in The Batman vs. Dracula she somehow ended up Dracula’s wife.  So I will assume this version is bisexual and they’re probably polyamorous and not at all monogamous. 
The version of Dracula in Fred Saberhagen’s Dracula books, and the 1979 Dracula movie starring Frank Langella are also polyamorous though he claims Mina (Lucy in the 1979 film) is above the others.  Poly-Romantic / Pan-Romantic / and Demi seem to be recurring traits for romantic versions of Dracula.  
 Dracula spends part of The Batman vs. Dracula trying to bring Carmilla back from the dead, using the very life essence and soul of VickI Vale to fuel the spell.  Unfortunately things don’t quite go as planned.
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10. Dracula’s mysterious male lover from Marvel comics, Avengers issue 016 (2019).  
Marvel’s Dracula has been confirmed as having had male and female lovers.  This is not the only bisexual or panasexual Dracula in pop culture.  The German production of the Frank Wildhorn Dracula the Musical (Dracula das Musical) gives him brides and grooms in his castle, Dario Argento has said his version of Dracula is bisexual, and Marvel has now confirmed that their version of Dracula has had male and female lovers.      
I don’t know much about this pretty elfish, semi-androgynous character.  Identified as a male vampire lover of Dracula’s from Marvel’s War of the Vampires storyline, Dracula wept blood tears when this unnamed character was killed.  And he (the lover) was clearly willing to die for Dracula.  So this spot is for you, you poor, unnamed elfish male vampire lover! 
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I don’t know his name so I am going to call him Samuel.  And in my mind he was the pretty castle librarian whom Dracula became infatuated with.  There.  Headcanon achieved.  
Further note: Usually if you make Dracula cry, it means he’ll take brutal and violent revenge. This is a universal truth with all versions of Dacula.  Never make him cry.  
I would put him at a MUCH better spot on this list but he doesn’t get a lot of time in the comic and we don’t know much about him.   If we only knew more about him he would have a far better spot on this list.  Look how adorable and tragic he is!  He could easily be one of my favorites but all we know is that his death brought Dracula to tears and that yes, they were lovers.  I seriously considered moving this one up the list but I’m bias for this sweet, androgynous, vampire-boy.
Seriously, I want to know this guy’s story.  Dracula cries for him!  In front of his enemies, he weeps for him!   Give us this story, Marvel!   Who is he???
 9.     Amy Peterson from Fright Night (original 1985 version). 
This one is a bit dubious because the vampire is Jerry Dandridge but the 1985 novelization of the film suggested that Jerry is actually count Dracula.   Fright Night played with popular vampire tropes and a few were homages to the 1960s soap opera, Dark Shadows.  In Dark Shadows the vampire, Barnabas Collins, discovered that the young waitress (and later governess) Maggie Evans, was the uncanny look-a-like of his lost love, Josette.  Because of the physical similarity he was convinced she was the reincarnation of his lost love even though with reincarnations you could literally end up looking like anyone or even being another gender after reincarnation.  Barnabas had a painting of Josette that showed the physical similarity.   
In Fright Night Jerry Dandridge meets Amy and becomes obsessed when he realizes how much she resembles a woman he, too, has lost and is pining for.   When Jerry is finally destroyed by the has-been horror actor turned real vampire hunter, Peter Vincent, and also by Amy’s boyfriend, Charley Brewster, his last words are crying out for Amy.   
Though this relationship is very one sided and Amy is clearly under age, when you’re a teenager (as I was) we can’t help but find ourselves fantasizing about being Amy in Jerry’s arms during the nightclub dance scene or the “Come to Me” scene.  Because of problematic aspects of this relationship and because Jerry was never officially revealed as being Dracula in the film, that’s why this is at spot number 8.
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The Jerry Dandridge / Dracula character is apparently in a polyamorous relationship as he has a live-in (apparent boyfriend) Billy Cole.  Billy does not exist in the 2011. Fright Night remake, which removed all romantic aspects of the character.   
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8.     Evan Barrington-Cabot from the Graphic novel Series Dracula: The Company of Monsters.
In Dracula: The Company of Monsters graphic novel (published in 2011) an evil corporate executive known as Conrad orchestrates raising Dracula from the dead in the hope of using and exploiting him. Conrad’s nephew, Evan comes to understand and respect Dracula and Dracula’s code of honor.  The two respect each other. And like with most stories where Dracula falls in love with the protagonist he decides to stalk him and declare him his.
   When Dracula takes his revenge on his captors, Evan is the only one that he spares.   
He even watches the young man sleep, the way Dracula is often depicted doing to female love interests.  And he makes it very clear he plans on making him a vampire down the line.
This relationship is kept somewhat ambiguous otherwise I might consider putting it at a better spot on the list. 
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7.    Ericka Van Helsing from Hotel Transylvania 3.  
 A direct descendant of Abraham Van Helsing (the famous monster hunter) Ericka has a cruise ship for monsters with the sole purpose of luring Count Dracula, whom falls in love with her.  He “Zings.”  Monsters supposedly can only zing once so there is a fan theory that she is the reincarnation of Mavis’ mother.  This is likely true since reincarnation or look-a-like of a first love (or both) is a popular trope in vampire fiction started by Dan Curtis for his TV show Dark Shadows and later carried over into his Dracula movie starring Jack Palance.  
Ericka ultimately realizes she loves Dracula too and the cruise ship captain and hotel owner end up together. Dracula proposes to her at the end of the film and she says yes.   
Also though Dracula is several hundred years old in Hotel Transylvania he is physically in his forties, I suspect Ericka (as a mortal) is biologically older than him, which is a clever touch since Dracula is usually going after young girls in pop culture.  It’s good to see him with an older (well, in appearance) woman.  (”When you’re six hundred years old there’s no such thing as a cougar.” - The Emo Vampire Song.)    Hotel Transylvania 3 is actually my favorite of the franchise and is a sweet film.   
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6.  Cindy from Love at First bite.   
Love at First Bite is a comedy from 1979.  Think of Coming to America meets Splash in that a supernatural character, a proverbial fish-out-of-water comes to New York looking for love. 
Dracula believes Cindy to be the reincarnation Mina (“But I lost her in that damn London Fog!”).  He knows her from magazine pictures and interviews and after communists drive him out of his castle he moves to New York where he plans to seduce her.  This consists of licking her ankles while in dog-form, telling her that she is more than merely her appearance, that he understands her and her anxieties.  And dancing to “I love the Night Life”.   The two ultimately fall in love and knowing the truth about Dracula, Cindy opts to spend eternity with him as his vampire queen.  The ending has them fly off together, in bat form, to Jamaica.
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5.   Lucy from Dracula (1979). 
  In the 1979 version of Dracula, Frank Langella plays Count Dracula.  Though technically a remake and based on the same play the Bela Lugosi Dracula was based on, there are some distinct changes.  For starters in this version the character we mostly know as Mina in most adaptations is named Lucy and the Lucy character is named Mina.  The names are swapped.   
Not only that but in this version it’s Dracula who is initially seduced.  Though engaged to Jonathan Harker in Edwardian England (set roughly twenty years after most versions of Dracula, which are usually set in 1891) Dracula arrives for dinner at the home of his new neighbors.  Here he offers to hypnotize the sickly Mina to relieve her of a headache (that he very likely induced). Lucy protests, showing her dislike and distrust of such methods and the manipulation of the will of others.  This bold reaction delights Dracula as he is not used to conflict from women.
The next step in the possibly-accidental seduction of Dracula comes when Lucy turns on a phonograph record player and asks him to dance with her, improperly, right in front of her fiance.  
And later after some tragedies, when the rest of the household is unable to uphold an invitation to Dracula’s house for supper, Lucy goes alone.  
I like this one because in this one it’s mostly Dacula who gets seduced.  Lucy wants him and she gets him.  She knows what she’s doing.  Also Dracula isn’t a whining, brooding, emo vampire.  He is lonely but he LIKES what he is. He’s proud of what he is.  He’s fierce and predatory and has all of his traditional powers, including being able to turn into a bat, and wolf, and conjure storms.   So few adaptations remember the wolf form these days.
This was the first truly empowered version of the Mina character (though named Lucy).   And she is not some look-a-like or reincarnation of a previous love.  No.  He simply falls in love with her for who she is. 
It is very likely this version of Dracula is demi (falling in love with personality before any physical attraction) which is also true of the Castlevania version of Dracula and the version in Fred Saberhagen’s Dracula books.
Also based on the last dialogue from Dracula to Lucy (that he would return to her once they stopped hunting him) I choose to believe he faked his death in this version, especially by the wolf howl at the very end and the cryptic smile on Lucy’s face before the end credits.   Long live The Count and Lucy!
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4.  Mina from Fred Saberhagen’s Dracula books.
Very similar to Lucy in the 1979 Dracula starring Frank Langella, this is a romantic interest where Dracula sees the person as his equal.    
This Mina is not the reincarnation of a lost love, nor does she resemble a lost love.  When we first see this version of Mina it’s in the novel The Dracula Tape (retelling of Dracula from Dracula’s point of view.)  Dracula shows up at her door to deceive her and try to manipulate her into getting the heroes to leave him be but she doesn’t fall for it. And she wrings the truth out of him.   She’s clever and also manipulative and the two become lovers. 
And in the contemporary world of the later books, though Dracula is having affairs with Mina’s own descendants (It’s a bit weird, I know but at least he’s honest about it.)  he still seeks her for comfort and guidance.  And constantly refers to her as his greatest love.   It’s creepy yet sweet.  
In this continuity he fakes his death at the end of the Dracula Tape.  And when Mina finally dies of apparent old age she comes back as a vampire because his blood is in her system.  As his kind of vampire can change their age based on how heavily they feed, she (like Dracula) can look any age she chooses. (Dracula usually looks roughly forty-five-years-old since that’s about the age he was when he died in his mortal life but sometimes he deliberately abstains from feeding to look older or even elderly.)   
And with Mina to guide him, Dracula becomes the protector (and casual seducer...) of her mortal descendants. 
    Mostly the relationship and personality (as well as powers) are very similar to that of the 1979 Dracula film starring Frank Langella. 
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Another reason I like this version of Dracula is the cause of how he became a vampire is sort of ambiguous.   He dies as the historic figure dies but in the Fred Saberhagen novel “A Matter of taste” (Book six of his Dracula novels) it’s revealed that loyalists stole his body and severed head and left a look-a-like in his place.  
They prepared him for burial where candles kept going out and the wounds started to heal (including his head apparently re-attaching itself) so they hastily buried him.   He rose as a vampire and insisted that it was a “transition of will” that he refused to die.   In other words he has no idea how or why he came back as a vampire. 
 Considering most vampires in the Fred Saberhagen Dracula novels are created by a mortal drinking the blood of a vampire, after having been fed on, this made Dracula very unique and mysterious.   I really like this origin.  It’s my favorite origin for Dracula since it explains nothing while explaining everything.
 It’s a lot better than someone renouncing God and drinking blood from a stone cross...    
This one could easily be my favorite female love interest for Dracula, tied with the one I have listed for number 1 but I put two others between this and the number one spot because of their significance to pop culture and my love of some musicals.  
3.  Mina from Frank Wildhorn’s Dracula the Musical.
This is essentially the musical adaptation of the 1992 Bram Stoker’s Dracula movie. The biggest difference is there is no mention of Dracula’s mortal life’s wife and no suggestion that Mina resembles (or is the reincarnation of) an old love. The only problem is there is little explanation given as to why he falls in love with her other than that he seemed to have a mysterious psychic link with her all along.  
Still, the songs are beautiful and the relationship is sweet and this version of Mina is very likable.
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 2.   Mina from Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992 film):
Before I proceed with this one, yes.  Yes, I know Dracula and Mina are not actually lovers in the original Dracula novel.  I know that when he makes her drink his blood in the novel that it’s more of a rape.  But this version plays with the love story Dan Curtis created for his Barnabas Collins and later carried over into Dracula.    
Dracula is seeking the reincarnation of his deceased mortal-life wife.   And not only was he lucky enough to find her in a look-a-like body but she’s also the age the first wife was when she died (by total coincidence!).   At first it seems like he just thinks she looks like his dead wife and he can seduce her but he seems shocked when she starts to actually remember details of his home. (watch his expression as she starts to talk about his homeland.  He’s genuinely surprised).  
The two begin a consensual love affair that sadly ends with Mina putting him out of his misery.   
A least it’s implied he was forgiven and got to go to Heaven despite the things he had done (Much like in Stoker’s original novel.  No, really, that’s in there.)
I like the Frank Wildhorn musical adaptation of this version of Dracula slightly better than the original non-musical movie because in the musical you don’t get the weird bleeding cross / renouncing God origin for Dracula’s vampirism.   and 2.  Mina doesn’t seem to be anyone’s reincarnation or look-a-like.  They’re just in love (Even though yes, I know that is not in Bram Stoker’s novel.)  But I do have a soft spot for this one because most of it does follow the novel and the musical probably would not exist if not for this movie.   
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1.    Lisa Țepeș from Castlevania.
Lisa fast became one of my favorite love interests for Dracula.  She went to Dracula’s castle seeking knowledge and bravely stood up to the antisocial vampire.
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Much like Lucy from the 1979 Dracula film she talked back to him.  She was bold and brave.   She wanted to learn and she wanted the ability to save lives and damn it, she would risk her own life to do it.  Dracula fell in love with this personality almost instantly.   It was her personality, not her physical beauty that he became infatuated with.    
And they were both happily nerdy together.   She humanized Dracula and reminded him that there is good in the world.   Dracula married her and the two had a son together.  
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For her sake he learned to trust and love. But it was for that love that he was driven to madness by her death...
Lisa was only forty-five-years-old when she was burned at the stake as a witch while simply trying to help people as a medical doctor.  
This version of Dracula was a good man deep inside but pushed to madness and governed by his vampiric instincts he couldn’t bear to be without her.  And when she was murdered he blamed almost all of humanity (save for a select few) for it.    
  And so Dracula began a subconscious quest to be destroyed by going through the motions of wanting to destroy the world. This is not the only plot where Dracula plans to destroy the world and the protagonist catches on that it’s an elaborate and “world’s longest suicide note”.  This was also done in the Hammer horror film The Satanic Rites of Dracula.   But here it was for heartbreak of a deeply lonely man.   
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andrewtillman · 5 years
Day 19 Epilogue
The flight from Melbourne to Singapore was 7-1/2 hours long and my cunning plan was to stay awake to try and get onto UK time as soon as possible. That meant that, by the time we boarded the Manchester leg of the flight in Singapore, I’d have been awake for 25 hours😱 Maybe not the best plan, I’ll admit, but I was determined. Alan, maybe more sensibly, decided to have a kip
I was also determined not to know the rugby World Cup final score as I’d recorded it and wanted to watch it at home. More of that later, but I wore headphones or airpods for pretty much all of the journey home so as not to overhear any conversations and therefore, according to Alan, I talked in an annoyingly loud voice for the duration of our journey home.
The Singapore to Manchester leg was 14 hours long so I figured there would be plenty of time for a meal, movie, then 10 hours sleep.
I’d like to report that my experiment was a complete success.
Unfortunately, however, I can’t😟
I managed maybe three hours and arrived to the customary Manchester fog and rain welcome, knackered and still with a two-hour drive home. - Thanks to Thea for providing a life-saving bagel breakfast en route.
On the other hand, my other myth-busting experiment was a complete success...
Everyone knows, of course, that the water goes down Australian plugholes in an anti-clockwise direction, the opposite to the northern hemisphere, where the water goes down clockwise. Right?
Here is an Australian sink, filled with Australian water, moments after pulling out the Australian plug...
... so now we know, it goes down the same way, clockwise. Myth busted!
Except... If you think about it, in Australia, you are looking at the world from upside down so, if you were looking at that same sink, through a hole drilled from England, it would indeed be going down the hole anti-clockwise. In fact it would be going UP the hole anti-clockwise.
So, like everything in life, it depends entirely on your viewpoint so I’ll maintain an air of mystery on the subject and let you all draw your own conclusions.
Anyway, all good things must come to an end, and so we come to the end of our Australian Adventure, and also the end of this blog 😓
We had an amazing time. We met lots of interesting people and perhaps, like the plughole, we saw things from a different perspective once we got out into the wild on our bikes with our biker friends.
All the Aussies that we met were warm, friendly, incredibly hospitable and helpful people. Every one had either an interesting story to tell us, or were genuinely interested in the story of our bike adventure.
Now, I said I’d come back to the rugby. You may remember that we watched the England v Australia rugby quarter final in a club in Merimbula. To add interest, we put a $20 bet on England to win that match at 7.5 to 1.
Well, as we all know, we beat the Wallabies, but they wouldn’t pay out, claiming that I’d placed the bet on England to win the tournament, not the match. 🤬🤬🤬
We then realised that we would be on the plane back to England when the final was played, so we gave the ticket to Charlie before the All-Blacks semi final game, which we won so, all England had to do was win the final and Charlie would be $150 better off!
Unfortunately, as I have just found out, we didn’t win the final ☹️ so Charlie can’t go claim his winnings as compensation for the ordeal we put him through as resident blog curmudgeon and butt of all our jokes for two weeks.
Sorry Charlie, but you’ll just have to accept our thanks for being a great host, showing us your fantastic country, giving us an education in Aussie fauna and flora and putting up with us and our strange foreign ways - (Unnecessary sat-navs, Apple watches full of money, motorcycles with electric starts, tiny wireless telephones that fit in our pockets) 🤣 .In fact, anything introduced after 1967 🤪. I promise you that I will now get a move on, and finish my own Vincent restoration.
For those of you who like statistics:
Here is a map of our journey....
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Ignore the mileages on the map. We actually covered 819 miles in the car and 1,541 miraculously incident-free miles on the bike. That’s over 150 bike-miles every day, often in dangerous conditions (thank you Alan and Charlie for leading me through it and putting up with me in general) - so we did 2,360 miles in total.
And that brings us to the end of this blog. I hope you enjoyed it.
Thank you for all your messages of appreciation and support and maybe I’ll do another one, one day.
Inspired by their life-changing adventure, our intrepid heroes have all gone on to achieve greater personal success than they could ever have dreamt of before realising the extent of their true capabilities:
Following his encounters with his furry little friends in the wild, Alan has gone on to become the most successful koala breeder in the West Yorkshire area.
Charlie had an epiphany, cast-off his curmudgeonly veil and is now the most tolerant, happiest and most loved Vincent restorer in the entire southern hemisphere.
Andrew went on to win the Motor GP world championship, narrowly pipping Valentino Rossi to the title in the last race of the season and is now widely considered one of the all-time greats.
15.00 3rd November, Kirkby Overblow
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