#virtuous women
chrisshields18 · 7 months
Love & Basketball.
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trans-androgyne · 7 months
Transandrophobia theory is not incompatible with transmisogyny theory. Look into my eyes and understand this, I’m begging you.
Quote from Julia Serano’s 2021 article “What is Transmisogyny”: “For others (e.g., certain nonbinary people, trans male/masculine-spectrum people), misogyny may intersect with transphobia in different ways that aren’t adequately articulated by transmisogyny. This doesn’t necessarily make transmisogyny ‘wrong’; it may simply mean that we need additional language.”
From her 2016 article “Articulating Transmisogyny”: “I have observed people using ‘trans-misogyny’ as shorthand to suggest that ‘trans men are privileged, and trans women oppressed, end of story.’ I reject such oversimplifications.”
We are not on opposite sides. There are large misunderstandings at work here. Transmascs are as capable of (trans)misogyny just as much as anyone else, AND they have experiences with the intersection of transphobia and misogyny. These things can both be true.
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s/o to all the women who wear skirts and dresses etc not to match a feminine temperament but in order to balance out their masculine temperament
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enlitment · 3 months
It's honestly amazing to wittness the kind of mental gymnastics Rousseau goes through .
Like how he tries to justify to himself that Mme de Warens - a woman who has two lovers at the same time, lives with both of them under the same roof, and who does what is essentially the 18th century equivalent of sleeping with her drug dealer - is actually somehow the most pure and virtuous saint.
Your brain on the Madonna-Whore dichotomy, honestly.
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pacingmusings · 1 year
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"I think here I will leave you. It has come to seem
there is no perfect ending.
Indeed, there are infinite endings.
Or perhaps, once one begins,
there are only endings."
-Louise Gluck, "Faithful and Virtuous Night"
Rest in Peace, Louise Gluck
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web-novel-polls · 4 months
Web Novel Women Tournament 
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[Please be kind and respectful in the notes. Anti-Propaganda is NOT allowed.]
Qu Qing Ju from To Be a Virtuous Wife
Submission: She wants to have a safe, lazy life & in the process wraps her husband around her finger. In a culture where monogamy is not standard, he is so devoted to her he all but divorces his wives for her. She doesn’t ask it of him & he doesn’t even know if she likes him. Queen shit! 
Ling Wen from Heaven Official’s Blessing / TGCF
[No Propaganda Submitted] 
One of the Three Tumors - three Heavenly Officials that have some of the worst reputations after Xie Lian (“the laughing stock of the three realms”) - and was accused of, like, killing a dude or smth but was accepted back into Heaven on the sole basis that she’s the only administratively competent god
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bingobongobonko · 4 months
powerwent out so im sitting down and focusing and reading things and. Yeah
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wiirocku · 1 year
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Proverbs 31:28-29 (NLT) - Her children stand and bless her.    Her husband praises her: “There are many virtuous and capable women in the world,    but you surpass them all!”
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chrisshields18 · 6 months
Mickey Mouse Club.
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s1ll13rg00s3 · 1 year
Radblr stop outright saying that women don't sexually abuse people\a fully female separatist community would have no risk of sexual abuse challenge
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pirate-in-daps · 8 months
beware controversial uk football opinions below i don't watch football or follow football so don't come for my jugular please and thanks
i'm not a man city fan but the bare hatred people have for them is wild like
all footie teams but esp premier league teams are the same babes join us lot in league 1 if you're saying your team isn't "like that" and you'll see how "like that" they are
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owlpuddle · 2 years
Daddy Long Legs is so funny. Girl, your mystery man is the only other person on stage with you. Figure it out.
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tabellae-rex-in-sui · 2 years
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Okay 🧐
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puttingherinhistory · 2 years
A number of high-profile whistleblowers in the technology industry have stepped into the spotlight in the past few years. For the most part, they have been revealing corporate practices that thwart the public interest: Frances Haugen exposed personal data exploitation at Meta, Timnit Gebru and Rebecca Rivers challenged Google on ethics and AI issues, and Janneke Parrish raised concerns about a discriminatory work culture at Apple, among others.
Many of these whistleblowers are women – far more, it appears, than the proportion of women working in the tech industry. This raises the question of whether women are more likely to be whistleblowers in the tech field. The short answer is: “It’s complicated.”
For many, whistleblowing is a last resort to get society to address problems that can’t be resolved within an organization, or at least by the whistleblower. It speaks to the organizational status, power and resources of the whistleblower; the openness, communication and values of the organization in which they work; and to their passion, frustration and commitment to the issue they want to see addressed. Are whistleblowers more focused on the public interest? More virtuous? Less influential in their organizations? Are these possible explanations for why so many women are blowing the whistle on big tech? 
To investigate these questions, we, a computer scientist and a sociologist, explored the nature of big tech whistleblowing, the influence of gender, and the implications for technology’s role in society. What we found was both complex and intriguing.
Narrative of virtue
Whistleblowing is a difficult phenomenon to study because its public manifestation is only the tip of the iceberg. Most whistleblowing is confidential or anonymous. On the surface, the notion of female whistleblowers fits with the prevailing narrativethat women are somehow more altruistic, focused on the public interest or morally virtuous than men.
Consider an argument made by the New York State Woman Suffrage Association around giving U.S. women the right to votein the 1920s: “Women are, by nature and training, housekeepers. Let them have a hand in the city’s housekeeping, even if they introduce an occasional house-cleaning.” In other words, giving women the power of the vote would help “clean up” the mess that men had made.
More recently, a similar argument was used in the move to all-women traffic enforcement in some Latin American cities under the assumption that female police officers are more impervious to bribes. Indeed, the United Nations has recently identified women’s global empowerment as key to reducing corruption and inequality in its world development goals. 
There is data showing that women, more so than men, are associated with lower levels of corruption in government and business. For example, studies show that the higher the share of female elected officials in governments around the world, the lower the corruption. While this trend in part reflects the tendency of less corrupt governments to more often elect women, additional studies show a direct causal effect of electing female leaders and, in turn, reducing corruption.
Experimental studies and attitudinal surveys also show that women are more ethical in business dealings than their male counterparts, and one study using data on actual firm-level dealings confirms that businesses led by women are directly associated with a lower incidence of bribery. Much of this likely comes down to the socialization of men and women into different gender roles in society.
Hints, but no hard data
Although women may be acculturated to behave more ethically, this leaves open the question of whether they really are more likely to be whistleblowers. The full data on who reports wrongdoing is elusive, but scholars try to address the question by asking people about their whistleblowing orientation in surveys and in vignettes. In these studies, the gender effect is inconclusive. 
However, women appear more willing than men to report wrongdoing when they can do so confidentially. This may be related to the fact that female whistleblowers may face higher rates of reprisal than male whistleblowers.
In the technology field, there is an additional factor at play. Women are under-represented both in numbers and in organizational power. The “Big Five” in tech – Google, Meta, Apple, Amazon and Microsoft – are still largely white and male. 
Women currently represent about 25% of their technology workforce and about 30% of their executive leadership. Women are prevalent enough now to avoid being tokens but often don’t have the insider status and resources to effect change. They also lack the power that sometimes corrupts, referred to as the corruption opportunity gap.
In the public interest
Marginalized people often lack a sense of belonging and inclusion in organizations. The silver lining to this exclusion is that those people may feel less obligated to toe the line when they see wrongdoing. Given all of this, it is likely that some combination of gender socialization and female outsider status in big tech creates a situation where women appear to be the prevalent whistleblowers. 
It may be that whistleblowing in tech is the result of a perfect storm between the field’s gender and public interest problems. Clear and conclusive data does not exist, and without concrete evidence the jury is out. But the prevalence of female whistleblowers in big tech is emblematic of both of these deficiencies, and the efforts of these whistleblowers are often aimed at boosting diversity and reducing the harm big tech causes society. 
More so than any other corporate sector, tech pervades people’s lives. Big tech creates the tools people use every day, defines the information the public consumes, collects data on its users’ thoughts and behavior, and plays a major role in determining whether privacy, safety, security and welfare are supported or undermined.
And yet, the complexity, proprietary intellectual property protections and ubiquity of digital technologies make it hard for the public to gauge the personal risks and societal impact of technology. Today’s corporate cultural firewalls make it difficult to understand the choices that go into developing the products and services that so dominate people’s lives. 
Of all areas within society in need of transparency and a greater focus on the public interest, we believe the most urgent priority is big tech. This makes the courage and the commitment of today’s whistleblowers all the more important.
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chrisshields18 · 6 months
Women, on a mission, with a vision, are impossible,to stop, it’s called virtuous. They always come out, victorious, despite the, situation or, circumstance.
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wolfes · 1 year
more unmotherly ruthless pragmatic arrogant egotistical female characters... who are the protagonist and not the mean girl archetype
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