#vixx male reader
kpopfanboy · 3 months
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Leo wants to break things off with you only to want you back years later.
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neomujinjja · 6 months
With every me is every you
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Pairing: Dino x reader
Genre: Mulitple Universes, Drama, angst with happy ending
Warning: not edited, super long (i'm sorry), i really mean long (you've been warned) 1st universe: rejection, going seventeen content reference (going company) 2nd universe: police brutality, going seventeen content reference (ego episodes), spoilers if you haven't watched going seventeen ego episodes, Vixx's error mv references, possible graphic description, Dino is "k*lled"(?), cloning 3rd universe: scamming, being scammed, crime, financial talk, Dino's character (Pi Cheolin), going seventeen content reference (2023 Best Of Going Seventeen 2) 4th universe: Dino's wait references (lyrics and mv)
Synopsis: "Me and him. We have met thousands and thousands of times. Sometimes it seems like a love story, sometimes it seems like a drama, sometimes it seems like a indie film. But whatever the genre is, it's still 'him' that I 'fall for'. Every movie has an end; even if this is the last chance, I will turn it into a happy ending"
Note: Inspired by the trailer for EveryYou, EveryMe. And the synopsis is the majority of the narration from the trailer as well. The quote in the banner is from the original (Norwegian) SKAM tv show, season 3/ Isak season. The flowers mentioned in the 4th universe actually mean constancy, goodness, and lasting affection; i thought it was a good fit plus i think they're the flower that you see in the mv so bonus points.
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˗ˏˋ Universe 1: Co-workers ˎˊ˗
"They're staring again" a voice said from behind you. "You know, staring isn't gonna help you?" it asked, this time addressing you. You turned around to be met with your team leader Cara and co-worker Mr. Yoon.
"Well, not all of us can be lucky to date our co-worker like you are, team lead" You responded. Cara was dating another co-worker named Joshua Hong. The two had joined the Going Company at the same time and began dating not long after that.
"But you could. Didn't you say out of your group, you're closest to Mr. Lee.?" Mr. Yoon joined the conversation as he sipped on his Americano.
"But that's only because of the teams we're in. So it's only because finance and promotion departments work closely together" you pointed back out to the male.
"Either way, just staring at the poor boy isn't going to make him like you back. A piece of advice, make a move" Cara told you with an annoyed look. Mr. Yoon nodded in agreement as he patted your shoulder on the way back to his department. You know the two are only trying to help you with your crush on Mr. Lee but you were fine with the way things are. Staring at him in secret and being work buddies was good enough for you.
"L/N, just the person I was looking for!" A voice you knew well, Mr. Lee's, called out for you in the hallway.
"Hey, Mr. Lee!~ What's up?" you asked, your voice slightly cracking when you said the male's name.
"I was thinking we could go out after work. I wanted to run some ideas by you and get your opinion" He told you as he flashed a bright smile in your direction. Your heart skipped a beat at the sight and you felt like flying at his request.
"Of course, we can go to that cafe down the street."
You and Mr. Lee walked together to the Green Room Café, it wasn't far from the company so many of the employees were familiar with it. You were hoping that Mr. Lee hadn't seen any of the encouraging gestures from Mr. Boo, Mr. Chwe, Mr. Yoon, Cara, and even Mr. Hong. It had been embarrassing enough that all of them were making a big deal out of the situation, you didn't need the male questioning you on top of it.
"So what did you want to talk about exactly?" you asked the male as the two of you sat at an open table. Mr. Lee picked one that seemed to secluded from the others which piqued your curiosity as to the reason why.
"Like I said earlier, I have some ideas I want to go through with you. I'm not as good as Seungkwan but bear with me on my slides" Mr. Lee said as he pulled his computer from his bag. You felt a fit disappointed that the male only wanted to talk about work. But this is what you should have expected, the two of you were work buddies and nothing more. Mr. Lee went through his ideas to advertise products, asking about their financial estimates and your opinion.
The one-time event had became a weekly routine for you and Mr. Lee. The two of you would go to the cafe to go over the male's ideas, and he'd message you if there was any updates. Cara was worried that he was using you to get ahead but you reassured your team lead, that wasn't the case. Mr. Lee walked over to your desk, placing a small treat on it. He had been doing that often too causing the butterflies in your stomach to increase.
"I have something I want to tell you. Meet me on the roof top during lunch break" he told you before winking and walking away. You felt giddy at the thought of meeting him on the roof type. It was rumored within the employees that it was the place to go to make a confession.
You were met the sight of Mr. Lee looking out as you walked through the doorway. "Mr. Lee!" you called out to him. You had decided that you were going to confess to the male as the occasion seemed to call for it. "I actually have something to say to you as well. Would it be alright, if I go first?" you asked, walking up to where he stood. You waited for him to nod before speaking. "I like you" you said, keeping it short and simple.
"Oh. Um," Mr. Lee awkwardly laughed. His response was making you grow more nervous. "I- um, I don't feel that way about you" he said with an awkward tone.
You hummed as you nodded your head and looked to the floor. You knew that you wouldn't and couldn't change the man's feeling. "So, what did you want to talk about?" you asked the man as you tried to hide any hints of your feeling in your voice.
"I just wanted to thank you for helping me. I've been able to gain more recognition in my department, the department head said I might be able to earn a promotion if I continue" Mr. Lee informed you before clearing his throat. It was obvious that he was feeling awkward about how the situation turned. "Um, so thanks" he coughed before turning to walk away and leaving you alone. As you heard the door close behind him, you allowed for yourself to began crying.
˗ˏˋ Universe 2: Clone Dino ˎˊ˗
You watched as the male on the table opens his eyes. "Y/N? Is that you?" he asked with a confused face and hoarse voice.
"Yes, it's me, Dino" you answered, helping him to sit up from his original position. "How are you feeling?" you ask him as you hand him a glass of water.
"I've got a slight headache but I just feel confused for the most part".
"That's okay. The headache will go away and you won't feel confused for long" you explained to the male as you grab his left arm. "Let's try standing up and walking" you said, helping him off the table. You put his arm around your shoulder before slowly walking out of the room.
"What happened?" Dino asked. He looked around the area as if he didn't recognize it. You only hummed in response, ignoring his question as you brought him into another room. "Y/N?" he asked again, this time his voice raised upon entering the new room. In the middle was a pile of bodies, ones that if closely inspected looked similar to him. Your actions made it seem like this was a normal thing which only added to Dino's concern.
"I'm sorry, my sweet boy. I'll figure this out" you said as you caressed his cheek and giving him a kiss on the other.
I wonder what the problem is? Why was that one so confused?" you asked to yourself, turning your head as you looked at the papers laid out in front of you. Shaking your head, you resolved to trying again. You were determined for this to work. It needed to work; you couldn't live without your boyfriend, Dino, by your side. Loading up the data again, you threw yourself back into creating.
You watched as the male on the table opened his eyes. He didn't move or try to say anything making you feel worried. "Dino?" you asked, leaning in closer to him. "Are you okay?" you continued as you brought your hand close to his face. As you brushed his hair out of his eyes, they suddenly opened like he had been shocked. You back away just in time before Dino sat up, narrowly avoiding smacking your head onto his. Still saying nothing, Dino brought you into a hug. His head laying on your chest and his arms tight around your waist. "Dino?" you asked once again as you stroke the hair on the back of his head.
"I'm okay" he said, looking up at you with his twinkling eyes. You sighed, feeling relief, and leaned over the male. It felt like you finally had the love of your life back. You missed this, you missed him.
"I missed you" you whispered, deciding to tell him how you felt at this moment. He pulled away from you, although still keeping his hands on your waist.
"why? I didn't go anywhere".
You just sniffly laughed before nodding your head. It was best that he believed that rather than knowing the truth. Suddenly the door burst open interrupting the moment between reuniting lovers. Before you had a moment to understand, they were pulling the two of you apart. Two officers detained you while three surrounded Dino, who was still on the table, forming a wall. The next events happened too fast and suddenly you were pushed onto your knees while being yelled at. The wall of officers separated and Dino sat with his head facing downward. He had a hole in the side of his neck and his hands were limp. You let out a gut wretching scream at the sight before further falling onto the ground. You had just gotten him back and yet again he was taken away from you.
˗ˏˋ Universe 3: A Scammer & his Lover..or a Victim ˎˊ˗
"Don't you think you should be more careful with your money? I mean your first card declined, that's not like you" your best friend, Cara, mentioned as the two of you walked out of the store.
"Yeah, typically you're the frugal one out of us. Is something going on? We can help, you know that right?" another one, Cubi, joined in, their face showing their worry. You laughed and waved them off.
"No nothing going on. Remember I told you guys, I got a boyfriend. I've just been helping him out" you told them with a shrug.
"And that's the problem. P- what was his name again?" Cara starts again, her pace quickening to match yours. Cara and Cubi flanked you, theirs gazes still filled with worry.
"Pi Cheolin" you answered her before continuing non-chalant. "And there's no problem with partners helping each other out when they need it. I honestly glad that he trusts me enough to tell me his problems". Your face heated up at the thought of your relationship and your boyfriend. Cubi shook their head, you were seemly to innocent, more like naive, and love blind to see what was happening.
"Tell me, honestly, do you think this Pi Cheolin would do the same for you?" Cubi asked, stopping the three of you from walking any further. You nodded adamantly but you were growing annoyed at your friend's accusations. You knew your boyfriend; he loved you and right now, he was just going through a rough patch. As if sensing your annoyance, your friends stopped their questioning instead reassuring they were there if you needed help.
"Cheol, you won't believe what Cara and Cubi was telling me today!" you yelled out into the small house. Because Pi Cheolin was struggling, you let him stay at your place despite how small it was just for one person. The place was dark and quiet like there was nobody occupying it. That was odd because your boyfriend tried to cook around this time as a form of payback. "Cheolin!" you called out again as your finger fumbled for the light switch. Nothing happened as you flipped the handle up and down. "What the hell? I gave him the money for the bills?" you whispered to yourself confused as to why the lights weren't working. It wasn't a power outage because your neighbors had working lights but you definitely gave Pi Cheolin the money to pay the bills. Maneuvering in the dark to find your entry table and stumbled for the flashlight stored there. Now with some form of light, you were met with a disaster. It looked as if a storm had gone through your home, items were knocked over and cushions overturned. Worry grew inside of you at the sight; where was Cheolin within this mess. You couldn't help but think that someone had gotten to him. Taking out your phone, you hurriedly dialed 119.
"Hey, the police send there was no sign of a two-person struggle or breaking-&-entering. I'm sorry to say it but they believe this guy scammed you" your friend Cara said to you after speaking with the officers. They had tried telling you earlier but you didn't believe them. Cubi brought you in for a hug, holding you close to their side.
"You can stay at my house until you get your money together again" Cubi offered with a small smile. Cara nodded as they looked back over at your small place with polices filing out.
"And we can go to the bank to see what we can do. It'll be okay" they reassured you, placing a hand onto your shoulder.
˗ˏˋ Universe 4: Please don't tell me wait ˎˊ˗
You looked at the pressed flower you had hidden in your recipe book. You caressed the page it sat on with your finger before letting out a sigh. "I thought you said that the date went well?" Nara asked you from their spot at the front counter.
"It did" you told her as you looked up from the book. "And we've been talking but our relationship status is still up in the air" you continued after a moment of hesitation. You grimly smiled as you thought back to the few dates you had been on with Chan.
"Hmm, maybe you just need to wait" Nara said, turning back around to face the front of your bakery.
"I don't want to wait though~" you whined but it fell on deaf ears. You poured at your friend's back before humphing and turning back to to your recipe book. "I don't want to have to wait" you said again, this time whispering to yourself as you continued to look at the pressed flower. The oven beeping distracted you from your wallowing and pulled you from your seat. You had become busy checking on the pastries causing you to miss your phone screen that lit up with a message.
'Can I see you tonight?'
"Y/N's not replying to my text" Chan whined to his hyungs. He had texted the baker about 30 minutes ago and yet his phone was still showing delivered.
"I'm sure you can wait until they reply" Wonwoo pointed out to the youngest male. Vernon just patted the other's shoulder before returning his attention back to something else.
"I don't want to wait" Chan slightly whined at the response. "I mean what if Y/N loses feelings or worse thinks I don't have feelings" he continued with his eyes growing wider at the thought.
"If you don't want to wait then go to them" Jeonghan advised as he looked to him. At Chan's confused face, he continued. "If you're so worried then go. It's as simple as that". Jeonghan and his statement made it seem like it was simple math (which it was). Chan nodded his head and got up from the table. He felt determined to not leave it to fate. As Chan left to get dressed, he sent another text out.
'I'll see you later tonight ◡̈'
"Are you sure that you're okay closing alone?" Nara asked as they hung up their apron and replaced it with their coat.
"Yes, I'm sure. There's one more order left and then I just have to clean up a bit. It'll be fine" you told them, waving them out of the door. Watching Nara walk down the street, you let out a sigh before looking at the clock. You let out another sigh at the time; another day passed and you're still confused about your standing with Chan. You walked to the back, turning off the lights as you went. You didn't bother to keep the lights on as all of the chairs were put up and no one else should be coming in. You began preparing the last order and the start of a long cleaning process.
Chan stood outside of the bakery, trying to see if anyone was inside. It was dark inside but he felt the need to double check. He had changed into a leather jacket on-top of a grey shirt and bought a bouquet of red Zinnias. Chan walked through the unlocked front door, he'd warned you about being more careful later. He looked around in the dark bakery, the only light coming from the streetlights and the light he could now see spilling from the back. Taking a deep breath, Chan tapped the bell on the counter separating the two areas.
You looked up at the sound of the bell ringing. From your spot, you could see Chan waiting which caused your nerves to rise in anticipation. You hadn't expected from him to show up, especially unannounced and at this time. Rushing to your recipe book, you took out the pressed flower and then grabbed the last order. You clipped the flower onto the bag with the item sheet. Giddiness was running through you as you walked to the front counter, but you tried acting nonchalant to the male there. You placed the bag down before pushing it in his direction. Your heart was beating wildly and you hoped he understood what you were trying to convey. Rustling from his side made you look up, only to be met with a face full of flowers.
"I don't want to wait anymore. Would you date me?" Chan said, putting the flowers down just enough for you to make eye contact with him. You nodded as a laugh spilled out of your lips and watched as a smile grew on his face. Not caring for the counter in between the two of you, Chan embraced you as close as he could. There was no need for the either of you to worry about your relationship, someone just need to make a move.
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anabsolutemyth · 1 year
Shinee Requests Open
Requests I currently accept:
Most to Least - eg. “Who in Oneus would enjoy roleplay the most/least”
Scenarios/Headcanons/Imagines - eg. Ateez hyung line as one night stands, How Vixx would propose, etc. (short one-shot style writing) you can use the prompt list in my pinned post for ideas as well!
Reactions - eg. OnlyOneOf’s reaction to catching you kissing someone else
A-Z/NSFW Alphabet - see the template here
This really is a smut blog, designed so that my followers on my original main don’t have to deal with my smutty nonsense. So really, if you would like fluff or crack or angst, I’m not your gal.
I’ve  been writing for years, so I’m not shy with what I’ll write. I’m open to most things.
Hard limits (stuff I will not write):
Anything underage (it disturbs me that I need to even mention this, but I’ve seen far too many kpop fics tagged with this)
I am happy to write almost anything else, but I will list some things below that I’ve seen a lot of people put as hard limits.
Happy to write:
Dubious consent (dub-con)
Non-consent (non-con)
As I said, this list is far from exhaustive. If you’re not sure whether or not I’m happy to write something, just send in an ask and I’ll let you know 😊
When writing I will default to writing a fem!reader (because it’s what I am when I read), however if you want to request male!reader, trans!reader, etc. I am more than happy to do that.
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mint-yooxgi · 2 years
Kinktober 2022 Request Rules
It's officially that time of year again, and just like I mentioned before, I will be doing Kinktober this year! What does this mean? Well, everyday in October starting on the 1st, I will be posting a short drabble based off of, you guessed it, your requests! I cannot guarantee I will do all of them that get sent in, but I will pick the ones that most interest me and create a list when the time comes of the release dates and posting schedule. Rules and regulations found below!
Only one member per request
I will most likely only be doing two prompt requests per one specific idol so as not to oversaturate the list. There are a variety of groups to choose from, so this should not be an issue. However, I may make certain acceptors if I particularly enjoy the request :)
You can have up to two kinks per request, i.e. sensory depravation & asphyxiation
You can have up to two tropes per request, i.e. Yandere!vampire!Idol
You may combine tropes with kinks, i.e. yandere!Idol x demon!reader with marking & bondage
Please only request idols, tropes, and kinks from the lists below
If you think of a trope you'd really like to see that isn't listed, please message me first to see if I am willing to write it before sending an ask, otherwise I will ignore the ask and immediately delete it if it does not comply with these rules
All requests will be written with a female reader unless otherwise stated (meaning you can request for a male reader if you'd like!)
Additionally, all requests will be written with the premiss that all parties involved are consenting to the actions being performed
Please request a variety of things, too!!
Groups I will accept:
SHINee (Nothing for Jjong, obviously)
NCT (2001 line or older)
EXO (OT8 - no Jongdae please!)
Stray Kids
Red Velvet
Note: Please do not send anymore requests for Yunho, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, or Bang Chan. I will also not be doing every request for them I get as I do not want my prompts to become oversaturated by one member in particular. Thank you :)
Tropes I will accept:
Supernatural (Ghosts, Vampires, Wolves, Angels, Demons, Hybrids, Kitsunes, etc. - specify the type of creature in the ask)
Monster (Tentacles, Symbiotes, etc. - specify the type of monster in the ask, but please no arachnids)
Kinks I will accept:
Possession (mutual or otherwise)
Masturbation (mutual or otherwise)
Orgasm Denial/Edging
Sensory Depravation
Oral Fixation
Body Worship
Face Sitting
Happy requesting ;)
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authornoona · 1 year
Request Rules [Read Before Submitting Pls!]
Hey everyone, Kitty here!
I'm so excited to start sharing my writing on here and I hope you all enjoy it too :) That being said, I am open to taking requests but I have a few rules that need to be adhered to before you submit a request from me:
Please understand that I am a mother and a wife, so I will get to your request as soon as possible but it may take some time. If you hound me in my asks about your request or why I haven't done it yet, I will be forced to block you.
I will NOT write underage smut. Fluff is okay, but please do not ask me to write about idols who are under 18 in a smut format.
That being said, if you are a minor (under 18) I would prefer that you not interact with my smut pieces or request smut from me.
I will only write for the idols/groups I have listed below and that's IT. Please do not request anyone not listed as I may not know them or know them well enough to feel like I can write for them. But please do check back often if your favorite idol/group is not listed- I am constantly trying to stan new groups, so they may be added later on.
Remember that this is for FUN and I am writing about REAL people but NOT real events. This is all made up.
If your request has anything to do with a potential trigger for someone, please start the request with the words TRIGGER WARNING so I am aware before reading. I may deny the request depending on the trigger, as there are some things that make me uncomfortable and I would not be able to write like that.
If you are requesting a One Shot, please give me as much detail that you would like to see with your scenario as possible so I can accurately fulfill your request! I will also try to write with gender neutral pronouns unless otherwise specified & I will always tag the fiction as such.
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Who I Will Write For:
Boy Groups: BTS, Stray Kids, Monsta X, NCT (all units), GOT7, VIXX, SHINee, Astro, P1Harmony, EXO, Seventeen, Big Bang (minus Seungri), Pentagon & TXT.
Girl Groups: Black Pink, Red Velvet, Twice, Everglow, f(x) & Mamamoo.
Solo Male Artists: Jay Park, Crush, Woosung (The Rose) & Eric Nam.
Solo Female Artists: Ailee, Chungha, CL, HyunA & Sunmi.
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Requests I Take:
Imagines (Reader x Idol)
One Shots (Fluff/Smut/IdolxIdol/ReaderxIdol)
Astrology Pairings
Picture Pairings
Description Pairings
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Astrology: I will need you to send your astrology sign and the group(s) you want (up to 4 groups at a time). Please also tell me if you want an explanation or if you want it written as a MTL.
Picture: I will need you to send me one or two pictures of yourself as well as the group(s) you want (up to 4 groups at a time). I will then tell you who I think you would pair well with based off of looks alone.
Description: Please send me a 3-4 sentence description of yourself (looks, hobbies, interests, etc) and the group(s) you want (only 2 groups at a time). This will be written as a description back of why I paired you with the member I chose.
I look forward to fulfilling everyone's requests & talking with you all! Feel free to also just send me messages if you want to chat about kpop <3
-- Kitty Noona
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kpopmalereader · 4 years
the hug ; cha hakyeon
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• summary: you’re shorter than Hakyeon and every time you hug eachother, you snuggle into his chest • pairing: cha hakyeon x male!reader • word count: 767 • to do
The first time it happened, you weren’t dating yet. You knew each other for a while and you were friendly enough, but nothing came of it. He may or may not have been harboring feelings for you but didn’t act on them. Mostly because you were dating someone at the time. Hakyeon is sad to say the first time you were alone together and the catalyst of you growing closer was when you and your previous boyfriend broke up.
You were supposed to come over to their dorm, but you didn’t show. You hadn’t texted anyone for a while and Hakyeon was getting worried. The other members thought you would text soon, or you couldn’t get to your phone, but Hakyeon couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. So, under the guise that he was just going for a walk, he went out to see if you were waiting in the lobby.
He found you outside. You were shivering in the cold, hunched over on the benches outside their building. There weren’t any obvious signs that something was wrong (other than sitting alone) until he saw your face. Your face was puffy, and your eyes were red, tears still pooling on your waterline.
You saw him and turned away, hiding your face in your sweater’s sleeves. He walked over to you and kneeled down. You made eye contact with him and almost burst into tears. In your blubbering, you told him your boyfriend dumped you over text message and told you that he was leaving you for someone else. You tried to wipe your tears away as you were telling Hakyeon but they kept telling you. He didn’t know what to do. You were sitting in front of him sobbing and he couldn’t do anything to help you. So, he hugged you. He grabbed your shoulders and helped you stand up and hugged you as tightly as he could.
You were still crying. Snot was probably running down his shirt, but he couldn’t care less. The height difference between you two was never a specific point of conversation until that moment. You gripped the back of his shirt and buried your face in his chest, the sobs and shaking shoulders becoming more subsided.
You calmed down after a while and the sad smile you had the rest of the night broke his heart a million times over. He wasn’t even sure he had real feelings for you until the anger he felt at your ex-boyfriend rose in him until he felt like exploding. And the feeling of your arms around his back with you pressing your face into his chest until the world disappeared stayed until he fell asleep. It was gone in the morning and Hakyeon wanted nothing more than to hug you the same way a thousand more times.
The next time, the hug was much happier. You got good news, Hakyeon can’t completely remember what it was but he does remember how as soon as he opened the door, you jumped into his arms. You swung around a second before you landed on your feet and cuddled your face into his chest, repeating “thank you, thank you” but you weren’t thanking him.
Every time you hugged, you did the same thing. And every time it happened Hakyeon’s heart soared then fell right to his toes.
He dealt with his emotions and feelings for you, happy enough to be just friends as long as you continued to hug him in that way. Whenever he thought about confessing, the chance that you weren’t yet over your ex weighed heavy in his mind.
Finally, though, he confessed. He told you his feelings while you were still in his arms. He told you he was happy about a song he wrote and as you listened to it, you said you were so proud of him and gave him one of your hugs. You still had one of his headphones in your ear and your cheek was pressed against his chest, and he said everything. You pulled back with wide eyes, the cheek that previously was pushed up against him red from the pressure. You blinked once, thinking over what he said before nodding your head. You smiled and leaned up on your toes, kissing his lips softly. He gasped and leaned down, capturing your lips one more time when you pulled away. You giggled after you both kissed the other one more time. Your eyes shined as you looked up at him before you melted back into his chest, returning to the position he’ll never get over.
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zhongli-simp-blog · 4 years
Rules for Requests
I will not write smut for underage, no self harm, no mpreg, and no suicide.
Currently only doing Scenarios
Will be defaulted to Male reader or non-binary upon requests
Who I write for:
NCT(all Units)
Monsta X (OT6)
Stray Kids
Park Seo Joon
Ji Soo
Lee Jong-Suk
Ahn Hyo-seop
Kang Daniel
Eric Nam
I hope everyone will enjoy this blog ☺
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koko-bopp · 4 years
Overtime — leo
jung taekwoon x male!reader
word count – 0.7K
genre – angst
warning(s) – arguments,
synopsis – leo hasn't been home as much as you like, you know it's because of his job, yet you dont know if you can take that as an excuse anymore.
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The clock blinked four in the morning. All the lights in your shared apartment were closed except the small dim night light next to the television. The room was so quiet you'd be able to hear a pin drop from three rooms down. Your eyes were threatening to close, you knew your body was tired, but you needed to talk to Leo. It wasn't a topic that could be left for the following morning.
This entire situation was common. Your boyfriend wouldn't come back from work until late at night or extremely early in the morning. It was so frequent that you were barely able to remember what Leo looked like, it was like the public and media knew him better than you did. You weren't even able to stop by at his work setting because the knowledge of your relationship with the singer was limited to the two of you and very few members of in and outside VIXX, it would be a risk to his celebrity image if you were to be visible in the open eye— and you absolutely hated that.
The sound of a key entering the lock of the apartment was heard from the main entrance. Your heart started beating faster. When the click of a now unlocked door was heard, everything seemed to move in slow motion. Leo stepped into the room with tired eyes and sweat-stained, messy hair that was lying carelessly across his forehead. He kicked off his shoes and placed it next to the door before throwing his jacket on the kitchen counter... did he even notice you?
You were cold and your arms were folded in hopes to create some sort of friction to warm yourself. An unintentional yawn left your mouth and Leo’s head snapped towards the new sound.
"Jagiya?" A sleepy smile formed on his lips as he went over to wrap his arms around your, noticing your tired demeanor.
But you stopped him, and placed the tips of your fingers on his chest to halt his actions, no matter how much of his affection you needed and wanted from him.
All he did was give you a confused and slightly offended look, "Jagi? What's wrong?"
You sighed sadly, "Taekwoon." You've never said his real name. Ever. "We need to talk."
His face went from tired to shocked. He felt his heart started to uncontrollably beat, and his limbs felt like they were internally shaking, "What— Why? What's wrong?"
A shaky breath fled from your lips as they started to quiver and tears started to well up, "I... I can't do this anymore.”
The physical and emotional shattering of his heart from those words could be heard from everyone within a hundred mile radius. There was no way he heard that right. "What?"
A tear slipped and made it's way swiftly down your cheek as you looked at the white carpet to hide your vulnerability as best you could and continued with a shaking voice, "This isn't working anymore. I… Tae... we need to break up."
The only expression on the boy's face was utter distraught and pure devastation. He couldn’t believe what his ears were exposed to, "Jagi, I don’t—"
"Don’t call me that!"
Leo flinched backwards at the sudden outburst.
"You stopped calling me jagi months ago when you disappeared into your work! You have no right to call me that!" You yelled as your tear-stained cheeks and teary eyes met with Leo's visibly frozen ones.
"Is this what this is about? Me working?" Leo frowned, regaining his posture, "I don't exactly control my schedule, [Y/N]."
You sniffled a bit, you weren't happy with his response, since he could clearly see how this was effecting you, and yet he still found a way to point blame and misunderstanding. You took the side of your hand to wipe the tear, getting yourself together, even if it's just for half a second. "Did you even try? I'm a fucking manager, Tae, I have work too, but I find time to a simple text."
"It not the same."
"No," you spat, "It's selfish."
Ouch. He didn't even know how to respond to that. He knew that being busy was not at all a valid excuse for how long its been going on. "[Y/N], I'm so, so sorry. I swear I didn't realise how much this was hurting you."
"Sorry doesn't fix months of neglect, Tae." Your jaw tensed and you crossed your arms, a discreet yet still shaky breath leaving your lips, "I made time for you, and you never did."
“Y/N. I'm so— I’m so sorry.” Leo genuinely felt so shitty for mistreating you like that, nobody deserves to feel unloved, yet the fact that he was the one that was causing the heartache you were feeling was too much for him to ignore, “I know it means nothing right now, but please don't leave me. I promise I'll try harder...” He took a step forward so that he was now standing exactly in front of you. “Just one more chance? I won't mess it up, I swear."
You let him hold your cheek as you looked at the floor, you weren't ready to face him, especially with crying eyes, but you nodded quietly. "Okay."
He sighed, gently raising your head up with the side of his index finger that rested under your child. "I love you, and im so sorry."
You smiled at him softly. "I love you too.."
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minghwasbf · 5 years
New Reactions Blog For Male Readers !!
Hello guys i just created this account for “x male readers” cuz We Exist
Groups I Write For:
• Ateez
• iKON
• NCT (specify which unit)
• Seventeen
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thisissammysblog · 5 years
Tell me something about you and who's your bias from one of the groups below and I'll tell you if I ship you with them/who I ship you with.
Block B
Monsta X
Stray Kids
The Rose
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updated ; 4th May 2019
Info : until now, everything has a male reader insert, except female idols who have female reader insert
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Byun Baekhyun
Oh Sehun
Park Chanyeol
pastel pink.
Shin Hoseok
late night shopping.
Park Seonghwa
12:00 am.
Lee Taeyong
Lee Mark
skater boyfriend.
Kim Jungwoo
Kim Wonshik
Bang Yongguk
smoking with his boyfriend.
Lee Taemin
his ice skater boyfriend.
Kim Kibum
with his grunge boyfriend.
Woo Jiho
random pink/purple.
Kwon Jiyong
not normal.
Wang Jackson
his boyfriend, dark theme.
Nam Taehyung
road trip.
his boyfriend.
her girlfriend.
her girlfriend.
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Wang Jackson
Park Jinyoung
spending quality time together.
christmas tweets.
Kim Taehyung
reading at a late night.
random tweets.
Kim Seokjin
random tweets.
Min Yoongi
random tweets.
Jay Park
his boyfriend visit him in the studio.
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Kim Jong-woon
his boyfriend loves him in a suit.
Zhong Chenle
confessing to his older crush.
mini series » Bambam has a secret crush on an older asian model
pt I.
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Cai Xukun
Huang Zitao 
Lu Han
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apogrcpha-blog · 6 years
note to self [ k. wonsik ]
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words // 3.0k
pairings // Kim Wonsik x reader
warnings // none
summary // It’s a normal day of Wonsik working in his studio, he goes to take a break but there’s a box. 
Wonsik was a work addict, he had no problem denying that because he very much knew that he was a work addict. Where a lot of other people would take time between albums to relax and to enjoy themselves, Wonsik never really stopped working and he couldn’t really see himself ever stop working. He was someone with an endless stream of ideas and couldn’t just keep those to himself, he needed to execute them, to work on them and to make them something fully. Whether it was writing lyrics for upcoming albums or producing songs for other groups, Wonsik just never stopped working in all honesty and in a way it was hard for him to think about taking a break, he knew that it probably wasn’t the best thing, especially not as he said it out loud, but it was just part of him, to always be buzzing with ideas for songs and keeping them all to himself or keeping them inside of him for a long time seemed a little impossible for him to do.
Everyone in the building was aware of the work addict that Wonsik was, everyone from their staff knew it but generally everyone that was part of the company in whatever way knew it. It was always brought up, the amounts of songs he had produced, the amount of work he did and it was definitely something that Wonsik was very proud of. He poured his heart and soul into those songs and for all the work he did he was getting recognition, that was enough.
Today was not a different day from any other day, Wonsik had gotten to his studio a little late as he had overslept but it wasn’t too much of a worry since all of their songs had already been finished, now it was just him playing around with ideas he had, nothing that needed to be handed in or had any kind of due date, it was just him, experimenting with a different sound he could start using or different methods to get to work and to approach songs.
Time always passed impossibly fast for Wonsik, the day went by too fast and had too little hours for him to do all the work which he had wanted to do but so long as he reminded himself that there was always a tomorrow, he was able to deal with the annoyance of not quite finishing things up or making them the way he wanted to. He knew he had more time so he didn’t care as much. The moment Wonsik took a break was a very specific moment, the moment his eyes wanted to just disappear from the world was that exact moment but there was something which definitely accompanied it, the smell. Wonsik didn’t smell, he had showered this morning, there was nothing in his studio that could smell because he usually didn’t snack much and what he did eat was usually processed, in bags and nothing that had a strong scent so it was something else, and he needed to know what it was.
When he stood up he felt his legs ache, only when he stopped working did he ever really feel how much he ad pushed himself and how badly his body took to it sometimes. It was like adrenaline, he only realized what he missed once it was gone and it usually hit him pretty hard, harder than he thought it would.
Wonsik opened his door, it didn’t, It didn’t open fully as he noticed immediately that it was blocked by something. He glanced outside, frowning, that’s when he saw the box that was stopping him from opening his door. The box was in a plastic bag and he picked it up, the door shut before his eyes again and Wonsik headed straight back to his desk. There was a small note attached to the bag, the handwriting was quick and a bit illegible but Wonsik had definitely seen worse and written worse himself before so it wasn’t the absolute worst.
I think this is your favourite, I hope so.
Don’t forget to take breaks
There was still a frown on Wonsik’s face as he opened up the bag and boxes, it was his favourite food. Without thinking much he started eating, he hadn’t realized that he had really been hungry but now his body made it very clear that it had wanted food in the past hours and he wasn’t going to deny it any longer. Only when he had taken a few bites did Wonsik start to think why someone had just given him his favourite food, It was still warm even.
It wasn’t from someone from his band, he assumed. They wouldn’t have left it at the door, they’d have just barged on inside and announce themselves, even Taekwoon wouldn’t just leave it at the door wordlessly when he knew that Wonsik was sitting inside and it probably wasn’t the most important minute of his life where he really couldn’t interrupt.
It was probably someone he didn’t know or they’d leave their name at least, most would really just come on inside. There was still the possibility that this was all a misunderstanding, whoever put this there could’ve had the wrong door and all of this ended up being a very happy accident for Wonsik. He wasn’t sure what to make of it but after eating and stretching his legs out a little
There wasn’t much he could do and he had gotten quite absorbed into his work that he wasn’t even too interested in doing anything, for now he considered it a one time thing, a one time thing that had been amazing for Wonsik. The workday passed quickly and by the end half of the company was already deserted as Wonsik headed back to their dorm, even though he had gotten quite a lot done and had been focused on his work the entire day, the question about who had never left his mind completely.
It was two days later when Wonsik ran into another box. He needed to go to the bathroom but found his way unexpectedly blocked as he pushed a little harder before his door opened. It was another box, this one was smaller and wasn’t in a bag but there was still a little note attached to it. The handwriting seemed less sloppy now, like the last time had been in a hurry and needed to be done as fast as possible.
Wonsik set the box down on his desk.
This is a lot less healthy but it’s good for energy
Take care, don’t forget to stretch your legs sometimes
As he opened the box he discovered the definition of less healthy. It was nothing on the too extreme side but it wasn’t that great when it came to being healthy, nonetheless he knew all of the snacks and he knew that he really liked how they tasted so it was good enough for him.
After peeing he went back to work, occasionally snacking on the food he had been given. At one point Wonsik went to take a break and decided to think about who this could be, he wasn’t really sure. Even though it was only the second time he assumed that it wasn’t much of a coincidence anymore. It had to be someone who he didn’t know, a secret admirer. Yet, the whole idea of a secret admirer was that the person was a secret, nonetheless Wonsik was very curious and definitely wanted to discover who was behind this, who was sending him food. Even if he didn’t like the person as in love said person, he definitely wanted to thank them for the food because whoever send it, he or she knew very well what Wonsik liked and he loved it.
He decided to keep the note, he still had the last one too somewhere in a drawer, once he found it he put the small stack of two on the corner of his desk, this way it was something that he could look at quite a few times and it might end up being a proper reminder for him to take breaks, he wasn’t sure if it would work but he also knew that whenever someone else told him to take a break, Wonsik was usually far more inclined to do so, there was only one way to find out if notes would work for him.
A full week had passed and Wonsik had moved the notes from the corner of his desk back to a separate drawer just for them as the stack kept falling over and it was becoming a bit strange to have on his desk. Everyday he got the little notes along with food, and every day it changed. Sometimes it was even multiple times a day though that didn’t happen too often and it would usually be two snacks. Other times it were entire meals that were delivered to the door of his studio and after a few days he had decided to start asking around. No one had the slightest idea, for Wonsik it was quite easy to rule out a lot of people whom he personally knew but he hadn’t really assumed it would be someone he knew very personally, to him it just didn’t seem like something they would do, most people he knew would just be honest with him.
Wonsik’s first clue came when 9 days had passed. He had worked out around when the food would usually be delivered and he made note to open his door then. It had gone somewhat successful, he hadn’t been able to catch the person doing the deed but he did see the back of whoever it was and he felt relatively safe assuming it was a guy. He had an undercut, was probably a little shorter than Wonsik but that might’ve also been the distance. He was wearing a slightly oversized shirt, jeans and sneakers. It wasn’t anything too extraordinary in any way but Wonsik felt a sense of pride that he had been able to at least see this secret admirer and have something of a clue as to who they could be, it was still quite a bit question but just a little less.
So Wonsik continued to think, the clue was a small one but it was something nonetheless. He felt safe to assume it had to be someone in the company, part of the company or just related to it in a way that they were there on a daily basis. It wouldn’t be some random visitor, that was impossible so it had to be someone who worked at the company, otherwise the access to his studio made absolutely no sense and how regular they had become didn’t make much sense either. He asked around a bit but still it seemed as though no one had a single idea as to who it could be which made Wonsik both amused and annoyed, whoever it was must have a very solid act, he must’ve either told no one or just kept it a secret that no one would betray. It was amusing, the search as it was something very different but at the same time it was annoying, all Wonsik wanted to do was show appreciation to whoever kept bringing him food and adorable notes but the person seemed very set on hiding themselves.
Finding someone with an undercut wasn’t necessarily an impossible task considering the situation, say he had half of the company to look at it really wasn’t anything impossible for him to do but at the same time it felt like a very strange thing to do, it was a weird thing to do and there was a better way to approach it, Wonsik knew that and he was going to try that before just constantly looking at people their haircuts.
It took a month, a total month before Wonsik advanced in any kind of way but it was also the last key he needed before he was able to confront the person about it. The entire month he still got gifts through food, snacks and drinks. All of it must’ve been worth quite a lot as Wonsik started to mentally add up a few things when it came to the all the costs of the food and it definitely started to add up which made Wonsik feel even more guilty and feel even more like he had to at least thank the person for all the food.
The notes had become something entirely on their own, he had decided to keep them in a box instead of sprawled across a drawer and he opened the box at least once a day, validating the break that he was taking because his brain sometimes didn’t want to accept it as something that was necessary for him, when someone else told it, it just seemed more important to him and he was far more likely to follow it, no matter how strange it sounded. They had become a daily part of Wonsik’s life and something that he really enjoyed if he was honest, the reminders were very nice regardless of the situation.
Wonsik had gone on a small break, he was just going to take a small walk outside and enjoy some sunlight along with stretching his legs, there was nothing bad about it and Wonsik did genuinely need more Vitamin D if he was being honest. He had passed a hallway, just on his way to head out and that was when he heard something.
“I can’t believe you’re still doing this.” Wonsik had stopped, just out of sheer curiosity, there was no hurry to go on outside.
“It’s just nice, I guess.”
“I also can’t believe you’re still not broke Y/N.” There was a laugh, it was a deep genuine laugh and Wonsik felt something tingle.
“Food is literally all I spend my money on, I know how to get the best deals.”
Y/N. A name was all he needed, literally. A single name and a bit of an ask around and Wonsik was set. He left the company feeling quite excited, he went and took a walk though it didn’t last as long as he had initially thought, he felt quite anxious to go and get back to the company.
When he got back Wonsik asked the first person he saw, which was a visitor who gave him a dazzled look and so he moved on to the next person with a bit more thought before asking them. Wonsik recognized them as part of staff, someone who worked with audio if he remembered correctly and that person did know them. Y/N was a trainee and producer. It surprised Wonsik but at the same time he knew most of the staff quite well so it had to be someone new in one way or another. Through some gossip and asking around out of curiosity Wonsik discovered that Y/N had originally auditioned as a producer but the company had wanted to push him more in the idol direction as it fit him quite well. In a way Wonsik agreed, he had seen photos and objectively and subjectively speaking, Y/N was handsome and seemed to have a personality that would work well with the hectic schedule of idols.
Now that he knew who it was, it still took Wonsik some time to track Y/N down. Originally he had discovered who exactly he was before the clock had turned twelve yet by now it was closer to eight. He found Y/N in one of the practice rooms, there was an echo of music, a song which Wonsik didn’t recognize and he heard sneakers squeak underneath the wooden floors.
At first Y/N didn’t notice Wonsik as he watched for a few seconds. The song was extremely catchy even if it was only an instrumental and Wonsik was a little surprised as Y/N danced. It was in a way that held the same fluidity as modern dance yet also felt more rigid because of the popping, it was that mix that was very interesting to see.
“Wonsik-sunbaenim, I uh I didn’t see you there.” Y/N said, clearly surprised and in a way, a little awkward.
“You looked really good,” Wonsik said, it was the first thing that came into his head and so he just said it. In a way Wonsik really hadn’t expected to meet him this soon which made it a bit hard, he didn’t really know what to say because he hadn’t planned it. “Just hyung is fine.”
“Thanks hyung,” Y/N said, smiling. “Dancing’s still pretty new to me but I’m trying my hardest.”
“You’re not to bad, you’re pretty good from what I’ve just seen.”
“Anyway, what are you doing here? I don’t want to be rude but it’s pretty late.”
Wonsik smiled, he noticed that Y/N was getting a bit more nervous though he was extremely goof at keeping his cool if Wonsik was honest, he didn’t really slip up and all of it were in small gestures like quickly looking away, things he was only able to catch out of pure coincidence.
“You’re the one who left me food and notes, right?” Y/N blushed just slightly.
“I might have been, yeah.”
“I really wanted to thank you, I mean, I’ve actually been taking more breaks, it genuinely helped not to mention the food was amazing.”
Y/N blushed even more and even harder, Wonsik enjoyed every second of it if he was being honest.
“Well, that’s good. That was the whole purpose after all.”
“Hmm, right so thank you for that but also, I know a great ramen restaurant just a block away and I think there’s enough time left for that today, right?” Wonsik said, there was a small grin on his face though he did feel a little anxious if he was being honest. Y/N seemed very surprised but with no hesitation immediately said. “Of course.”
“Let’s go then.”
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Ravi has a whole new friend and why doesn't the group know about the stranger till they see him taking a nap with a manga on his face.And now he seems to be popping up everywhere Ravi is and now they have questions and someone better answer them!
Who told the world that they were allowed to gift this boy into his life. Ravi has a new friend and the soft-spoken boy seem to be keeping to himself with cameras shoved in his face every corner he turns. They have the name but was his relationship to Ravi? Childhood friend? Cousin? A Crazed Fan? HIS BOYFRIEND?! The group wants to know right now!
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kpopmalereader · 4 years
future mornings ; lee hongbin
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• summary: lazy morning with hongbin • pairing: lee hongbin x male!reader • word count: 466 • to do
Your doorbell rings. In reality, it’s only a room away. But when Hongbin’s asleep on top of you with his freezing hands resting on your stomach, even just stepping out of the warm blanket kingdom for your ordered breakfast seems like an impossible task.
“Darling,” You gently rake your fingers through his hair. “Our food is here. I have to get the door.”
Hongbin’s voice is raspy and whiny. “He can leave it by the door, we already tipped on the app.”
“If he leaves it by the door someone else will grab it.” You kiss the top of his head. “I’ll be right back, I promise.”
“Don’t flirt with the delivery man.” He mumbles. He rolls over, diving further into his blanket burrito.
You stick your tongue out at him. “I’m going to flirt with him because you said that.”
“Only if he’s not as cute as I am.”
You pick up the food and go back to the bed, setting the food down before you jump on top of him. You dig your fingers into his sides. “Breakfast.”
He steals one of your pillows to cover his face. You sigh and climb off of him. “Fine, I’ll eat your waffles.”
“You’ll feel bad about it and make me more later.”
“Nope, nuh-uh. Not this time.” You open the takeaway boxes and pull your silverware out of the plastic.
He sighs sits up, blankets falling off his shoulders. His collarbones peek out and you smile at the much more whiny and cuddly version of your fiancé.
You open your arms wide. “Would you like to sit with me, darling?”
His resolve holds for two seconds before he sighs and joins you. He moves one of your arms to wrap around his shoulders. You smile and kiss his jawline.
He takes two bites of your eggs before working on his own food. He leans into you and hums in delight. “This is always some of the best food.”
“I think it’s because every time we have it you haven’t had anything to eat in 12 hours.” You mention. “But it is still pretty nice.”
“Can I have some of your coffee?” He asks, already reaching out for it.
“Of course.”
He takes a few sips and opens his eyes wider. “Thank you for waking me up. I feel better about being awake than before.”
You nod your head. “You always do. One of these days you’re going to realize I’m not trying to wake you up to be mean.”
“That day will not be any time soon.”
You smile and he starts groaning already. “We have our entire future for it to happen.”
“I saw that coming from a mile away.”
You stick your tongue out at him. “And you can’t do anything to stop them.”
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k-pop-texts · 6 years
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❣ Requested ❣ Vixx accidently confess to male!reader - part 2 Feel free to request anything - k ❤❤
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sunflowersoonyoung · 3 years
requests - status: [ open ]
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masterlist | about me | request here
Hi~! I’d love to write something that meets your fantasies!
I write anything: smut, fluff, angst, short hcs, etc. I specialise in smut, particularly with sub/dom and rougher themes. If there’s something on your mind, send it in! 
Please don’t request smut for idols below 18! I will delete it immediately!
If you submit a request, check my works in progress below to see if I’m working on it and where I’m up to. 
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currently writing for :
girl groups :
aespa dreamcatcher gfriend (g)i-dle itzy oh my girl purple kiss
boy groups :
ateez cravity p1harmony (excluding jongseob & soul) pentagon seventeen vixx wei
groups coming soon :
pixy billlie bvndit
enhypen verivery stray kids cix txt
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works in progress (in order of priority) :
» university au!seongmin x fem!reader | fluff, angst, suggestive | planning stages - requested your close friend seongmin gets jealous when you start getting close to his friend group.
» dom!allen x fem!reader | smut | planning stages - requested your boyfriend allen gets worried about you when you come home late. he makes sure to take care of you when you do get home.
» sub!hongseok x gn!reader | smut | planning stages - requested
» jungmo x gn!reader | smut | planning stages - requested
» minhee x gn!reader | fluff, smut | planning stages requested
» dom!yuju x fem!reader | smut | planning stages - requested 
» vampire!shinwon x fem!reader x vampire!yanan | fluff, angst, smut, horror themes | series | requested
you’re the only maid that’s stuck around with them, because you refuse to look beneath the surface. by the time you finally do look, it’s too late for you to leave.
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rules (tw!) :
» no underage idols
» only fem!idol x fem!reader, fem!idol x gn!reader, male!idol x fem!reader and male!idol x gn!reader
» i'm uncomfortable with certain fetishes (ask first, be respectful if I reject you)
 » no scenarios containing self harm or suicidal ideation (if you need to reach out please come to me in private or call a local hotline, but I will not write anything containing these topics)
 » no scenarios containing sexual a**ault or topics in that vein
 » no scenarios containing eating disorders
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