#volcano steam
volcano-steam · 4 months
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accessoires-vape · 4 months
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atomiseurs-tunisie · 4 months
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rustybottlecap · 1 year
The game Goodbye Volcano High finally comes out tomorrow. Three long years after its initial reveal.
It's a story about cute dinosaur teenagers during the last months before a meteor hits the planet. It has elements of visual novel, point-and-click adventure, and rhythm game (likely among other things not yet revealed). It is animated and voice-acted like a 2D animated movie. The player interacts with the game in many ingenious ways to feel like they are inside the mind of the protagonist, a punk pterodactyl named Fang, as the story unfolds and decisions are made. The music is sweet too.
The developers would love to reach 50 thousand Steam wishlists before the game releases. They are very close to reaching it. If you are interested, here is the link:
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Can't wait.
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wormdramafever · 11 months
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The cast of Goodbye Volcano High as Steam animated avatars.
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helido24 · 11 months
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Well... i finished both snootgame and volcano high, i needed to talk a bit about them
2:. . .jeez, it's so difficult talk about both games without making parallels or comparing them
SG is a very simpler visual novel with a... very questionable reason to exist to begin with, but even with that it surprises you with a very beutiful story of self development and young love in the modern times. The multiples endings all of them are EMOTIONAL DESTROYERS, even the obvious joke-shouting-super edgy ending 1, but just 'cause all the care and love you have for the characters, you feel it in a more deeply way and you suffer watching them like this, giving you strenght to do the best ending possible and. . .oof, that destroys you too, but in a different way
I love Fang an Anon soo much, i wish them nothing but hapinnes
And talking about the elephant in the room? Well... i don't think snoot game is anti-LGBT propaganda
"B-but it's about fang doing destransicion"
That's the take talking about SG in GVH wiki and i'm not with that
Yes, anon is openly an ashole about lgbt themes and always talked shit about it
And the game treat the whole fang(they/them) with humor. . .both of those things happens between the first hour and the bad ending
As the game progress and anon makes the RIGHT choises you can see him at least try to comprenhend the pronouns thing, and perhaps he makes mistakes about it,but he get that is something important to fang
And yes, there's an ending where fang simply leaves behind all that identity and becomes a generic femenine wife? That's not the true ending
The true ending actually respect that side of fang, with her still liking that style,style being like that, still being fang, the only thing she doesn't keep is the pronouns
To me at least, fang's story isn't just about being no-binary. But being a young person trying multipples sides of their persona and life to try and found itself, with the help of the ones who cares about them to grow as a person
Fang could be a She,a he or them, and i would be perfectly fine with any of those
But if at the end she found herself more happy in this new version. What's the problem? If precisely that's the goal with this theme right?
BUT.... snootgame have a very heavy sin to carry and is. . .it's a 4chan game, and is a parody made to make fun about an openly pro-LGBT+ game
Even with how good the story is, with how NG never attacks directly the community and the movement, it's very hard to believe there's no bit of bath fait in the people behind
We still have all this early shit-talking about this theme after all
But having all in mind. . .i just can't hate snootgame, with it short experience it turned those characters in a very big part of my life (at least for this month lol), and the story touched me in various levels 'cause personal reasons (let's just say i had a "trish" in my life)
And well. . .thank you cavemanon for this very beutiful experience, i'm hoping your next project can shine your talent even more without so much controversy around it
And talking about conteoversy....
Goodbye volcano high. . .with you i have less things to say but still they're important i think
First of all: its FUCKING UNFAIR what happened to this game. An openly pro-LGBT+ visual novel with "tumblr aesthetic" being the first fucking thing they show about the fucking ps5??
What the fuck
It was throwed to one of the most savage and closed-minded fandoms in all the internet: """hardcore gamers"""
And just when they're waiting to some assasins creed, GOW or any other super big HD IP with muscles in the muscles of the characters
I can't think about this choise as nothing but an homicide, forgive for the comparation but. . .this shit was taking your 8yo cousin of color to a place you KNOW is full of neo-nazis with guns and criminal precedents. You know what you're doing or you are extremely stupid
And then internet folks started all this controversy and harassement and hate to the game and the studio by a lot of sides and themes and. . .i feel so sorry for the studio and the people working in volcano high, as a snootgame fan i'm truly sorry for what you passed trought, im hope with all my heart this doesn't make you to give up this style of game, and i'll be waiting to see your next project with heart ^^
And now talking about the game. . .fuck
Fuck fuck fuck
I'm sorry,i know what i said but. . .volcano high is broken by so much sides
I really wanted to enjoy it, i really wanted to love this version of the characters and the story but. . .fuck, i can't
Almost all the characters are soo flat (personality i mean)
All and everyone of them talk about ona (1) thing that they like and never shut up about it, you can be talking about anything else and- OH here's comes trish to talk about her worm. . .again, or sage and their cooking, or fang and their band. . .i get it, they're character traits and you need to use them but... i don't know these people, i don't know at all these characters at all.
In the first hald of the game you need to at least try to tell me something about them, their relationships, their past and problems, give me a reason to give 2 and a half shit about them... and they try, but everytime they talk and seems to be about to give some context they start to just talk about that one and only thing they like, leaving me with nothing to work with
And that's the problem of volcano high in general to me. Is obvious there's a story, there's a background to these characters and there's real context to almost every conversation they have. . .but we don't know it, we can't see it, we don't KNOW these people and is frustrating. After the 2 hours i just shuted down my brain and every time this happend i just go "oh yeah,some cute experience we don't know about them)
The two musical montages (there's 2 right?) With photos of the group living their lives and interacting with each other. . .they're very cute and seems to be fun, but we don't live any of this. Fuck sake i WANTED TO BE SAD in the ending, i wanted to feel the characters and their lives sliping away at the end
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See al these beutiful and impactful moments? Well. . .i'd love to see them, to live them with them
But we don't. They're just a bunch of PNGs passing by at the end as the music continues. And that upset me a lot...
And what upset's me the most. . .you know why i care so much about the characters? Why i need to know their lives and feel something in this story?
They made me to care about fang and the gang, abour nazer, about naomi, about stella and rosa, i cared about this characters soo much that. . .i feel attatched to the GVH ones too. Even if volcano high do close to nothing to make me care for them at this level
It's to sad and so unfair, volcano high obviously was made with a lot of heart and they OBVIOUSLY cares about the characters a lot more than almost anyone in both fandoms, just the "memories" from above show it. But with the game story and characters as they are right now. . .i don't want to compare them so much, but honestly without NG being so important i wouldn't finished volcano high
And about the story itself? Well... is very rushed to say at least
As i said earlier they spent too much time trying to made us meet the characters (but without letting us know them)
To sudenly introduce the meteorite plot and. . .it feels zero important. Yeah it drives the characters to the harsh decisions they're making and how they interact with each other, but for half the game the meteorite is just there in the background and just mentioned over here and there as a reminder. Just to sudenly be the most important thing in the world at the last hour and half of the game.
Before that all the plot is about fang,the band and the battle of the bands (wich i hardly care about at this point)
But. . .fang and the band? Here they made it a very good work
Yeah, fang talk almost exclusively about the band as is their (1) personality trait, but still they manage to make me feel and understand how important is this to them, and. . .wow, i really felt how fang was feeling reed and specially trish leaving them behind and not taking the band seriously (and still having fang at the edge with promises of being a team but without helping them AT ALL)
I mean, there's no problem with reed and trish don't seeing the band as something more than some fun friends time after school and wanting to make something else for their life. The problem is they seeing fang talking 24/7 aboud the band their future together and openly taking life decisions about it and never saying "hey pal, i think you should focus more in a solos career, we don't want to live with the music but we're still friends" or something like that. . .and they do
Trish says this to fang. . .in the battle night, just in the most important night in fang's life, just to say that she's leaving the band in this very important moment and taking choises she never discussed with fang (as fang did talk with trish about theirs)
And the story insist on pointing out fang as the bad person here, who makes all the bad choises and burn all the bridges with everyone. . .but they doesn't
Even at the end with everyone crying and yelling each other, is fang who talk to everyone and says they're a horrible person and you can blame everything on fang because. . .reasons? Idk because with all the choises and talking options we taked at this point, we clearly made fang a very patient and caring person, but still there's one and only way the story was made and was with fang being constantly a bitch with everyone, so it doesn't matter if you take the bad or good options to talk about 6 hours, the dialogues are all about the bad ones almost constantly. And that's fucked and unfair for my dude fang the pterodolphin, i love them so much
But. . .not everything is bad with volcano high
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The background arts are beautiful and very colorful, a lot of cute dettails and i love them
The characters? Well. . .it's weird, i love them a lot and they're very unique, in the special images and animations they look soo good
But in the normal gameplay...
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They look kinda derpy all the time, and the few animations they constantly use for everything get repetitive after a short while (take a shot everytime trish does the eyebrow rise grin animation, tell me how you died)
((Btw perrito tacita epic cameo))
The art style in general of the game is very cute and i love it, but for the in-game animations they needed some more time to make them. . .feel alive and les akward
And the music?
Hell yeah this is good shit, i love fang's voice and definitely i'm gonna check more of their music soon
In conclusion...
I can see where all of this came from, if that leaked script is real it just makes soo much sence about how the final product ended,i can see every original plot being planted as seeds in the final game but never having the chance to grow or even blossom, just a little sapling in the dirt, and that make me so sad. . .
Even with all of that,they managed to launch the game,and leaving out all the controversy i think the game got very descent sales and everything was kinda worth, i really hope they don't give up again with this type of story
But Ko_On and cavemanon are full of talented people and they deserve a chance to grow and shine by themselves
Both without being a perhaps-bad-faith parody, or without so massive backlash from the wrong people who's not are even interested in the quality but the politics in the games
I don't make this kinde or post so often,but i had to speak my mind about something so important to me
Thank you very much if you readed it 'til here and sorry for the mess,i was typing things as they apeared in my mind lmao
Check it out my art, i just recently made this piece of fang and i really loved the result ^^
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redgriffinsphotos · 2 months
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The North Atlantic Voyage (Part 32) Seltún Geothermal Area, Iceland
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talesfromthebacklog · 9 months
Adding to The Backlog: Christmas Sale Pickups.
This is the time of year I pick up the most titles (which I then work on for the rest of the year.). And why not? Everything is on sale! I actually budget for this time of year.
It’s “Tales From The Backlog” not “We buy nothing until I finish the backlog”. The backlog will never be finished.
So let’s go over what I got! Links for everything will provided. As I find people are more likely to engage if the work was already done for them. Me included. This is not necessarily a suggestion list. If you want to see if any of these games are actually any good follow my blog. But I do think it’s interesting to show people what kind of gamer you are, the games you’re attracted to, their difficulty level.
A gamer’s library says a lot about a gamer, in my opinion.
For Playstation 5:
Goodbye Volcano High:
TLDR: I put this one first because if you don’t see any of the other games on my pickup list, I AT LEAST want you to consider this one. This was the only Playstation title I picked up on sale (It is also on Steam). This is pre(historic)-apocalyptic coming of age visual novel with killer animation and music. I’m surprised I don’t see folks talk about this one more. It’s maybe the most stunning looking visual novel to come out this year. (At least at a glance)
Which is a hefty claim considering titles like Jack Jeanne and Virche Evermore: Error Salvation dropped this year. I can’t WAIT to play this one.
For Nintendo Switch:
Roots of Pacha:
I came back around to this one. It looks like Stardew Valley but with cavemen. You don’t see cavemen touched on a lot anymore so it seems different and interesting.
Wylde Flowers:
This is one see that keeps popping up in conversations and videos as a great cozy game. It’s supposed to be really good. I’m honest enough to admit that it being on the Apple app store as well as Switch makes me REALLY skeptical. But I’ve seen enough gameplay where I’m willing to take a chance.
I enjoy Pokemon-like titles. I don’t think we get enough of them. I love Pokemon. And you’ll be seeing my update on how I feel about Scarlet/Violet’s last piece of DLC the Indigo Disc here pretty soon.
However Pokemon is so domineering on the market that a lot of these smaller collector games get unnoticed. This seems to be a very unapologetic Pokemon-clone much like Monster Crown. Which is fine by me.
Nexomon + Nexomon: Extinction bundle:
Another very obvious Pokemon clone. But it’s obviously prettier than its Coromon counterpart. (Kinda wish the names were more unique.) I have nothing new to say here.
Monster Sanctuary:
Pokemon… but it’s a Metroidvania. $3.99. I swear the theme wasn’t intentional they just all popped up on sale at decent prices.
2021 Moon Escape:
This is from the same people who did Traumatarium. I did a review on that one a few months back. It’s on sale for $2.49. And this ISN’T my cheapest pickup for this year. The gameplay reminds me of Zelda or Star Tropics. But I don’t know much about it other than what the trailer already shows us. But also it was $2.49. It’s okay with me if it’s just okay. Not all games have to be 10/10.
Mythic Ocean:
I have a soft spot for ocean games. Even the more spooky ones like Subnautica or Dredge still have this serene element to them. Mythic Ocean is no different. You apparently help a pantheon of gods find themselves. Which in turn those choices shape the world around you. Sounds simple, short, and cute. It looked a bit explorable too? We’ll see. I’m unsure about that part. It’s on sale for $1.99. And this was my cheapest pickup this season.
For Steam:
Sonic Forces: Overclocked (Steam version REQUIRED for this)
I have, in no uncertain terms. Have played this game. I 100%ed it even. I like the game. Played better but I still like it.
HOWEVER. I haven’t played Sonic Forces Overclocked. Which requires the PC version of Sonic Forces!
This is a FAN MADE incredible mod that blows the original game out of the water apparently. This is, perhaps, my most high priority game purchase of the YEAR. And it’s only $10 to buy Forces right now. This is literally a no brainer.
Slay The Princess:
I felt like videos on this one sprung up seemingly overnight on Youtube. I watched someone play the demo and it was an awesome looking game. A horror visual novel about saving a princess is a neat little premise. This one was barely on sale, but I see myself playing this one soon because of the hype. The full voice acting is great.
Magical Diary: Wolf Hall
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The original visual novel Magical Diary: Horse Hall was a game a friend showed me back in high school. Pretty innocent and cute. When this dropped in 2020 I was surprised the game got a sequel at all. The thing I remember most about Horse Hall was that there was a route where you could date Professor Snape. That wasn’t his name but… it might as well have been.
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wolfnanaki · 11 months
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The Goodbye Volcano High Steam points shop is now open!
There are avatars, backgrounds, and more that you can purchase with points, or earn from crafting badges with trading cards!
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pittipedia · 2 years
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#Photography 'Björk, Steam Fields, Iceland' by Stéphane Sednaoui (1994)
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volcano-steam · 4 months
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accessoires-vape · 4 months
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heliosharbour · 10 months
The Steam Awards are ON!!!
And I know exactly wich game I'm voting for in the Outstanding Visual Style, Best Soundtrack, Outstanding Story-Rich Game, Sit Back and Relax and Game of the Year catagories:
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(Labor of Love meanwhile goes to Omori <3)
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cheeto-mareto · 1 year
Warning: Glitching/Flickering
Lesba Edit <3
All images and audio (voicelines) are from the game! <3
Audio by @.villaky #volcanoprincess#lebsa#steam
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wormdramafever · 1 month
Goodbye Volcano High is 33% OFF on Steam!!!
Get your LGBTQ Cartoon Dinosaur Game just in time for it's One Year Anniversary!!
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I picked up a game called “volcano princess”, it’s a Chinese game that for some reason the only audio options are Chinese and Japanese, but the only language options are Chinese and English? Weird. The English translation is also really bad lmao
But the game is so damn fun!!!
There’s just so much to do.
Basically, you’re raising your daughter (even though you basically stop being a character after a few turns) as she becomes a knight. And you can do so much that it’s staggering that it was only £7.
Achievements are a game mechanic that give you temporary buffs so to compensate there are 200+ lmao
But yeah, it literally just released and is on sale, so if you’re looking for a really cute and fun and BIG game about raising a daughter to be a great night, maybe try picking it up. If you don’t like it, just refund it after 2 hours.
For reference, I’m at ~8 hours of play time, not even an adult yet, and I’ve done 1 of potentially 4 different routes (maybe even more). There’s so much content it’s a bit scary
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