#wait why do i need him to be in the new oceans movie so he can be sexy vintage racing driver
notspiders · 5 months
Liminal Spaces w/ COD:MW
Part 1
Credits for some of the ideas goes to: @angelcqre , @roller-rink-haruno , and @sentientcave / @bluemoonrover. I love all of you so much, thank you for the support!!!
It's more than just Task Force 141.
Don't like them? Consider these following options! :) Watch your back.
Phillip Graves - The Farm:
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There's really nowhere to run off to. Good luck.
His Shadows are the farmhands and the scarecrows.
His animals are... weird.
His horses are a bit too smart, and you think you seen them peering through your bedroom window. Which is nice, until you remember you're on the second floor.
They're... always crunching on something. Why is the family of mice decreasing?
Why do the dogs look human-like? Is it the eyes?
But, you know, ignoring them... the BBQ and steak isn't so bad. You'll get the juiciest steak here. The best baked bread...
Oh, hun. You're cooking, by the way.
He's waiting on that blueberry pie too, you know.
Look at the closet. It's filled with his favorite clothes for you. :)
Why don't you bend over that counter and let him...
Oh? No? You're saying no?
That's adorable. You now have until three to lay on his lap. :)
Alex Keller - Highway
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Well you do have to be in a car for this. Walking is a bit of a pain. :/
The endless highway... Sometimes you'll spot a car driving by. But they disappear when you try to speed up to them.
There's an occasional gas station smack in the middle.
And maybe the next hundreds of miles there's another...
Always stocked to the max. Anything you want, it's there.
It's cool inside too.
He's always there too.
You can keep driving but you need the gas. It'll be a pain to have your car broken down in the middle of nowhere. And the sun is scorching hot.
Princess needs somewhere to stay, yeah?
That motel looks sus but a place is a place, and a bed would be nice than the hard car seats.
You know...
Alex can do more than just fill your car. :)
Laswell - Cruise Ship:
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The cruise ship is always moving in the waters. You don't know where it goes, or when there will be land, you feel like the boat has moved for hours but...
All the clocks are not working. It's all frozen. The day is not changing either. No clouds either. Perfectly sunny.
You have everything in this empty cruise ship. The rooms are always open for you.
Beds are clean, no matter how many times you mess up the sheets, when you exit the room and enter it again- it's back to its pristine state.
The bathrooms are neat. The shampoo and conditioner go great on your hair. There's other products- makeup, medical, more toiletries- in the drawers, should you ever need them.
Theaters, arcades, casinos, restaurants- all free for you to use.
It feels great, if it didn't feel like you're being watched constantly.
You'd enjoy this place, if you didn't see things move in the corner of your eye. You sworn you saw and heard the splash of water in the pool. And that you heard the laughter of someone in a different room. And the chattering in the restaurant.
But every time you rush in, there's no one there.
No one is here in this cruise ship. No one but ghosts and echoes of families who've been here. They're harmless... Just ignore them, dear.
Good luck trying to avoid Laswell, too. She's always watching through the cameras. :)
Under any circumstances, do not jump out.
The ocean is not the ocean.
Nikolai - Airplane
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Let's get this straight, yeah?
Good girls stay in first class. Bad girls go to economy.
And if you behave like an animal, well, depends on our pilot's mood. You either get called into the cockpit...
Or down into the cargo you go! :)
Don't worry! He's very nice. If you're acting up, he gives you a warning.
That being turbulence. If the plane is shaking you better stop what you're doing. Now.
It's a strange plane... You can keep on walking and it just doesn't seem to end. Place changes too, when you try to go back. It's always something new.
Plenty of movies and games in the airplane for you to watch. Don't bother taking your phone out, it won't work.
There are very nice flight attendants that'll prepare you the best food you've ever eaten. Airplane food isn't so bad after all. You can have any drink you want too.
Just don't talk with them more than just about the food. If you say anything else, they'll leave immediately.
If you flirt with them, it's their death sentence. You'll wonder why they pale and walk away so fast...
If you glance at the window, you might just catch a glimpse of them flying out into the sky.
Speaking of which... It's pitch black outside. You do see the airplane wing and the red flashing light at the end... But other than that, you can hardly differentiate the night from earth... or sea.
König - Pools
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You stumbled into one of these rooms and found the naked Austrian in the pools.
Don't run! Please! You're the first human face he's seen in a while!
It's not all that bad. There's some food in the fridge- a microwave is nearby for you to reheat some foods- and the water is fresh.
The best baths are here. There's all of these shampoos, conditioners, lotions, bathbombs...
Poor König never used them because he doesn't know how to! Teach him please!
Seriously. Gaz gave him the 13 in 1 unlimited dish soap that has Johnny's face smack in the middle of it to shoo him out of his mall- and König's been using that to wash himself ever since. :(
Don't mind him cuddling you all the time.
You're the softest thing he's ever held in his hands. The towels and rubber duckies can't even compare.
Don't try to escape or leave his side now.
There are monsters here that'll be happy to drown you.
Alejandro Vargas - The Resort
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A massive upgrade compared to Ghost's Bachelor Shack by the sea.
It's still... very empty.
It's just you and Alejandro.
Food and drink are limitless. Ask for anything, Alejandro will deliver.
Relax, love. You deserve this break. You deserve everything.
No annoying seagulls squawking at you. You do see them flying in the distance though... They never come, nor do they ever land.
The waters are crystal clear. It's the perfect temperature to slip inside and just float in it.
You're never cold. It's toasty warm, with an occasional breeze. Feels perfect. The hotel has perfect air conditioning, if you want to stay inside.
You get a camera, instead of your phone. Go take some pictures!
There's so many things to do here. Scuba-diving, sailing, swimming, surfing...
Exploring tide pools with Alejandro. :)
Rodolfo Parra - Aquarium
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Enjoy yourself in the aquarium! Don't you worry, the animals here are all treated wonderfully.
Let him be your tour guide. He'll show you every marine animal in this domain.
And it seems he has everything here. You can take pictures! Just without the flash please. Seriously. No flash. In fact, how about just let him take the pictures for you? Pose with him and smile for the camera... :)
If you want, you can feed the animals here!
You can pet some of the animals in some spots. Rub the back of a patient orca. Allow a sea otter to sniff your hands. Pat the belly of a lazy seal.
Come over to the Ray Pool! The stingrays are eager to feel your touch.
The beluga swims beside you as you walk down the tunnel. A dolphin leaps out of the water to greet you. A manatee smushes its face against a window in an attempt to give you a >kith<.
Ah you're hungry? Not to worry. The cafeteria is down here. Anything you want to eat or drink, it's all here.
After lunch, how about you go diving with Rudy? Don't worry. It's safe. He'll take you to one of the biggest pools and you can dive in beside him.
The Humpback Whale nuzzles you affectionately.
Try not to stray away from Rudy. You can easily get lost in these halls... If you do, stay still and just let him come up to you.
There's no point in hiding. The fish are on his side. :/
Farah Karim:
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I truly believe that Farah actually doesn't have a liminal space.
She guides you instead.
She helps you go through the domains.
Farah is someone you can trust in this liminal region.
She'll watch your back as you two camp in Soap's woods. She'll lead you out of Price's suburbia. She sneaks you away from Graves's farm.
She'll protect you.
Bonus w/ Ghost:
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After you met with Alejandro and seen his beach, Ghost upgraded his domain.
Well, slightly.
There is a lighthouse now.
Do you remember playing in the beach with him? You two built sandcastles together.
He's awfully proud of himself when he tips the bucket and pulls it up. He's made his first sand tower, really.
"Tha's gonna be where you and me live, lovie."
...No wonder why that lighthouse looks awfully familiar.
It also explains why it looks like it's going to crumble any second.
Sure, there's blankets and lovely cushions, some food and drink in the corner-
It's... somehow colder here than the shack. :/
You can practically feel the tower shake as the waves crash against it.
Ghost assures you- as you curl up beside him on the small bed for his warmth- that it's perfectly safe. Trust him. Please.
Please don't leave him.
But if you really need to...
He'll light his tower to guide you through the dark.
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pong03 · 1 month
Go-to Date Headcanons pt.3
pt.1 pt.2
Movie Date in His Room He texts you later in the day around sundown inviting you to come over clarifying that you should be in comfy clothes if not just straight up pajamas emphasis on avoiding Haru as you get in. as you’re at his bedroom door he opens it, quickly pulling you in and closing the door behind you. He locks the door and then the window. Seeing your confused and flustered face he shakes his head "ugh…it’s not like that, that clown is… it’s Haru. I just changed the locks so we should be good,” still confused as why he called you here in the first place, You're still flustered at the implications.
“It’s this new movie, I just wanted to watch it with someone… its like supposed to be scary.” he sits down on his bed scootting and making space for you and he pats the space next to him. As you sit next to him he flicks off the overhead lights creating a nice cozy vibe. He starts the movie and slyly waits for the movie to scare you so you move closer to him. If you don't scare before he starts to get impatient he’ll pretend to get scared himself. You flash him a confused look knowing how the only thing to unsettle him being the ocean. he looks up at you clinging to your arm, “ah, I didn’t think it would actually be this scary” he says unconvincingly slightly loosening his arms , but not fully setting you free. He spends the whole movie exaggerating his fear, but over the top for him is still quite flat. After you finish the movie Ren convinces you to stay the night by feigning fear. Although you didn’t need much convincing yourself, especially with his cute act he’s been putting up all night. 
Amusement Park date Haru isn’t one to relax and often gets anxious if he doesn’t feel like he is doing enough. The amusement park is a perfect place as it keeps him busy with no real responsibility. Though as you walk through it he points out certain risks that he would never allow on the Jabberwock campus. You smile but as he continues you talk about work you grab his hand gently “Haru, don’t worry about work. Let’s not even talk about it” he laughs embarrassedly. You notice that he is quiet after your comment and take him to a booth with soft serve and insist on paying for him. Its your treat and even when you were in the process of planning this date you refused to let Haru know the price. You lied and told him a friend gave you the tickets for free so he wouldn’t pay you.
After a couple rides and games Haru seems to forget all his worries so distracted by the hustle and bustle of the crowds around you two, he wraps his arm around your shoulders pulling you closer as you two walk side by side. Having spent the whole day there as the sun goes down and the rides’ bright lights illuminate the area you pull Haru into a more private side street between attractions. The lighting dim as one side of his startled face is illuminated you pull him closer so your faces are inches apart smiling up at his blushing visage before pulling him into a passionate kiss. Although you two were quite affectionate on this trip with hand holding, sharing food, etcetera Haru’s surprise is not well hidden. His hands fumble for an appropriate placement stumbling from a harsh grip on your arms before setting with a much more natural home wrapped around your hips, you smile pulling away.
“You did a good job not worrying about work today Haru, keep it up for next time.” you flirt before pulling him back towards the larger crowds who are preparing for a firework show. 
Stargazing Date As you often find yourself restless you take many midnight walks. You wander the Darkwick campus and at this point you know every corner of the campus by now. After the first night he spotted you during your mission with obscuary, it didn’t take long before Towa noticed the frequency of your nightly outings, as it grew he began to join you more often. Pulling you to the tree and laying on the hill surrounding it beckoning you to lay with him.
At first you two talk frivolously Towa easing you back to a restful state with conversation. Each morning you wake up back in your own bed. The first time it happened you thought it was a dream that was just so realistic, until the next night you found yourself similarly restless and go venture in the chill of the night. Towa finds you again with a smile. The events of last night repeat, with a different conversation, focusing more on love and soulmates as you two watch the stars overhead glow brighter than the fruit on the tree. Towa pulls you to his chest sweetly, “you seemed cold” he nestles his head by your neck, before shifting his head back towards the sky. Towa begins to point out the stars, showing you which constellations he knows. The entire time pampering you with physical affection, hand running through your hair, commenting on your floral scent. his warmth seeping into your body as you begin to fade back to sleep while he continues to talk to you. You think about the stark contrast of Towa during the day to how when you’re with him at night where it seems he would never stop talking.
His voices fades with your consciousness before you know it the sun seeps into your vision. you find yourself in bed again wondering if it truly was another dream.
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cxrsed-angel · 1 year
as best friends do| eddie munson x fem!reader
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word count: 1k
warnings: drugs (weed), mentions of smut (but no actual smut yet my blog is 18+ but i’m just reiterating this 18+ only MDNI, (both eddie and reader are in theirs twenties)
A/N: i know i promised joel taking care of drunk!reader but this came out when i trying to get through writers block so i hope you enjoy this not proofread fic that i wrote in one sitting. (also ive never been high so sorry if some things aren’t accurate
gif credits:@/ lukepattrsns
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"wanna make an adult movie” you blink slowly trying to understand what eddie has just asked you
you imagined a gory, violent horror movie with fake blood and everything. Which would be fun to do, he was extremely creative so youre sure he would have a good script.
“like m-rated horror film or like a porno” it’s quiet as you wait for eddie to answer the air thick, the ocean documentary is the only thing keeping it from being dead silent. eddie takes another hit of the joint before passing it to, he exhales slowly before answering.
“a porno” you turn and face him not knowing if he was joking but the look on his face was serious.
suddenly the room felt thick and hot and the shorts you have on feel too short, your face feels hotter and swear you’re hearts beating so loud he could heart it.
“okay i think that’s enough weed.” you stand up from the couch needed to get water and create some distance between you and eddie after what he just said.
“oh come on you haven’t thought about it before” he leans back against the coach nonchalantly like he wasn’t asking you to flim a sex tape.
you shake your head laughing, you couldn’t believe you were having this conversation you’ve known eddie for almost 4 years yet he still manage to surprise you.
“no eddie i haven’t thought about filming porn with my best friend.” you couldn’t believe him.
you watch him get up from the couch and make his way to the kitchen and leans over the counter.
“what about when you were sucking my cock in the back of the van a few weeks ago.” you open your mouth to argue but he doesn’t give you a chance.
“oh before that when i was fucking you in the bathroom after my gig hmm?”
“well um still that’s different—” you stutter as he cuts you off again as he approaches where you’re standing.
“what about when you got that new skirt the other day and let me fuck you in was it because you looked to pretty in it i couldn’t resist was that different too?"
he steps closer to you trapping you between the counter your leaning against and his body, he moves a piece of hair that had fallen in front of your face, you don’t know why you were so nervous what the fuck was that weed you smoked, he stares into your eyes for a few minutes waiting for you say something but you stayed silent your brain unable to argue only think the times he mentioned and all the times that he didn’t mention.
but suddenly he backs away, “but i don’t wanna make you uncomfortable so just forgot i mention okay sweetheart” he smirks and takes your water and sits back on the couch and puts on a movie.
he knew you, he knew the affect he had on you and that you wouldn’t forget it, it had started out as a one time thing, you were both virgins and wanted to get it over with, you both promised to not make it weird after just friends helping each other out, but that one time had turned into basically an unspoken best friends with benefits situation.
you roll your eyes at how he know how to mess you with you, you sit back on the couch next to him and watch the movie. but you were still thinking about what he said.
“your not just asking cause you’re high right.” eddie takes his eyes off the movie and looks at you.
“no no been thinking about for while actually the weed just made me less nervous to finally ask.” he pauses reading your face “but like i said don’t worry about okay.” he places a hand on your knees rubbing it reassuringly and he turns back to the movie.
“i didn’t say no” but that has his attention back on you.
“oh so you’re saying yes.” you see the smile starting to form.
“not necessarily, do you have a shitty plot line?” you ask not really wanting to play a sexy nurse or something.
he frowns shaking his head “no no just me and you like usual just happens to be a camera” you open your mouth but he’s seems to know what you were gonna say.
“steve has a camera he said i could borrow even comes with a stand” you raise your eyebrows at how much thought he has put into this.
“and harringtons okay with us using his camera for porn.” eddie scoots and places an arm around the back of the couch and pulling you into close.
“well don’t get cum on the camera and he wouldn’t even know right, and you’re not a squirter—well that one time—“ you shove him away lightly before he continue.
“oh my god you said you wouldn’t talk about that time” he laughs and pulls you back into him.
“i’m sorry babe but it’s was so hot and you’re face after was so cute you were so embarrassed and shy“ he continues to teasing but makes up for by kissing your cheek, like best friends do right?
you roll your eyes and scrunch up your face pretending to be disgusted, which only makes him kiss you more placing kisses all around your face.
“Eddieee stoppp!”’ you beg in between giggles.
he stops for a second looking between your eyes and your lips before aggressively placing his lips on yours you’re surprised but you quickly melt against the familiar feeling closing your eyes and embracing the kiss, his hand move you off your sit on the couch into his lap, resting on your ass and squeezing it every now and then, you run your hands through his hair in the back lightly tugging it, you continue like this until you both can’t breathe.
he looks at you with his brown eyes blown with lust “so that’s a yes” you nod more quickly than you intended.
“yea it’s a yes— so are we like um gonna do it now” you ask as you start feeling yourself getting wetter and more turned on.
he lets out a small laugh “i don’t have the camera now sweetheart but i’m glad you’re excited i’ll ask steve about later this week ok?” his hands slowly rub up and down your back as you nod.
“okay” he catches the slight disappointment you were trying to hide.
“hey that’s doesn’t mean we can’t practice right.” he suggests before kissing your neck occasionally sucking on it knowing it would leave a mark.
you nod as you get up from his lap, grabbing his hand and leading him to his room, to “practice” for filming a sex tap, you know as best friends do.
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skrrts · 2 months
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♡ the last day of summer (one-shot)
✧ college graduate reader x hongjoong ✧ genre: non idol, slice of life, soft, summer, dating ✧ word count: 1,5k ✧ mentions: heartache, sadness
Reader and Hongjoong started dating about half a year ago after meeting in the local music store. Hongjoong works as a guitar teacher and Reader just graduated from college. Reader received a once-in-a-lifetime job offer abroad and decided to move there for one year. The two spend a sweet last summer day together.
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Ever since you were little, you dream of moving across the ocean to a country where it is Summer most of the time, unlike the rainy town you grow up in. Your parents always supported your wish, especially when you move to another city to study so you couldfulfill your heart's desire.
The first day of college had been exciting; everything was new, and you are ready for it. Now that your dream is about to come true, you aren't so sure anymore. Why is it that this time, your heart is heavy and you question if maybe, wishes can change over time?
The reason for all of that is walking ahead of you, balancing the weight of the guitar on his back while holding your hand without ever letting go of it as he carefully leads the two of you up the hill.
Hongjoong is the one thing you had seen coming; you always consider yourself dedicated to the dream and not to fall in love like those lovesick college students in movies. Yet here you are, you have never been happier, never been sadder.
When you met the guitar teacher at the store, just browsing shelves to pass time before meeting with some friends, you already had received that job offer you always dream of: a one-year internship at an infamous company in Spain, a once-in-a-lifetime chance that could be the foundation of your entire career.
Hongjoong only moved back to his hometown then, just half an hour from the city. For a few years, he traveled the country with a few friends and their garage band before now settling down, teaching mostly children how to play the guitar.
His fair features and confident smile won you over within one week and before the two of you knew it, you were dating. You never met anyone as kind or attentive as the man who is just a few years older than you. Time flies by too quickly, every week spent together magical, and the day of graduation was a curse all of a sudden.
But the day you told him about the job offer, there is no sign of hesitation, only encouragement to go for your dream. Hongjoong said a year isn't too long, but the idea of being separated for so long was difficult for you, knowing neither of you has the budget to simply fly overseas to meet easily.
The proud faces of your parents, the hugs of farewells to your friends, all of that was done and the ticket waiting for you on your desk: tomorrow, you are to leave the country and with that, your love. You decided to spend the weekend together with Hongjoong in his small hometown, hence why you are currently dragged up a hill.
"Ah, we are really lucky with the weather!" Hongjoong smiles as you finally make it to the top. You cannot help but admire the view for a moment, nature untouched unlike in the bustling streets of the city with a small village in the distance.
A few large trees offer a welcoming shadow from the sun that is shining like she wants to mock you for saying that you need to go far away to see her more often. "It's beautiful," you finally agree with a smile.
Hongjoong lets go and looks around, opening his guitar bag to pull out a blanket he somehow managed to shove in there and places it on the floor, falling down and patting the side to invite you to sit with him. You do not hesitate and look into his face, swallowing as your breath finally relaxes from the hike up here.
He leans in, a hand placed against your cheek as if he knows what you are thinking. This is your last day, and it is beautiful here, but you cannot shake away the sadness.
"You do well walking here. I told you, you can do it! Once it's done, it's not so hard and the view really is worth it, isn't it?" It's his way of saying that he knows but he believes it will be worth it. There were a few occasions where you say you just would stay, cancel your plans but Hongjoong was right, what if you would regret it one day? Not because of him, just to see if it truly was your dream life.
"Well, you dragged me up here, I have no choice," you joke, leading him to laugh. It's sweet and captivating as always.
"I guess, I did! I admit, it felt a little easier and faster coming up here when I am younger but I'd say, it's still worth it. I can appreciate it now even more, especially with you by my side. The beauty of nature and the beauty of the most stunning person I have ever known."
You roll your eyes dramatically: "Oh please, you are always such a poet." It makes you smile and your reaction satisfies him as he pulls out the guitar, brushing over it. You aren't surprised when he brought the instrument along, it is rare to encounter him without it, and thanks to music, the two of you met.
You love to listen to him playing, Hongjoong often just sat by your side while you prepared for your finals and played soft songs that helped you to relax. The melody he is playing now is a cheerful song but it somehow feels bittersweet.
Hongjoong is looking at you before his raw voice starts to sing, you remember the song well. He told you that it is one he wrote in the first week after leaving his family to travel with his friend, a song about being homesick but knowing you'd come back home, able to share many stories with your loved ones.
It is his wish for you to experience the same, move abroad, live your dream, and then come back to tell him about it. As you listen, tears well up a little in your eyes and you start crying without really noticing.
Hongjoong is alarmed right away, placing the guitar aside and leaning in, thumb brushing the tears away. "Hey, no tears. I promise you, everything will work out just fine," Hongjoong promises, pulling you closer to him so he could curl his arms around your figure.
For a moment, you allow yourself to be weak, for the tears to well and your face hidden against his shoulder. His hand soothingly brushes over your back as he comforts you and soon enough you find yourself relaxing again.
"Sorry, I feel silly. I am too old to be so emotional about this, especially since you all are right and it's just twelve months," you mumble, a little embarrassed. You move, just enough so Hongjoong can look comfortably at you.
"Sh, no feelings are ever silly. It's okay to feel that way, you know that. If anyone understands, then it's me. But you will do amazing, and I am proud of you. I know we haven't been together for long, but you have walked toward your wish for so long, I greatly admire you for it. Most of us give up on the way."
You sigh, shaking your head a little: "Poet altogether. How about you kiss me instead?" You tease him further but Hongjoong shows no sign of hesitation. He leans down, your lips crashing together in a wanting kiss.
You could always kiss him for hours, the way arms just curl comfortably around each other's figures, the warmth being the best kind of comfort. Passion, longing, want. They always mix together and make you breathless; today is no exception.
When they part, he chuckles a little: "Very eager to kiss me today, I see. Now, let me look at you properly." You sit up and he cups your face entirely, thumbs brushing over your cheeks and his dark eyes admire you like you are a piece of art.
"I was wrong, I think I prefer this above the scenery here. The trees make it a tight decision, but I feel generous," he jokes in an attempt to cheer you up and you end up laughing. "Oh? I guess I will have to keep up my game then to make sure it won't change."
You laugh together and embrace each other. "I love you, just always remember that," Hongjoong's voice is soft and he places a gentle kiss on top of your hair.
"I know, I love you too...." you mumble, but this time, no tears only smiling. "You can call me anytime if you miss me. Who cares about the time difference? I will just start to live an unhealthy life, and besides my lessons, we can make it work, you will see."
Hongjoong never breaks a promise; this is something you learned quickly, and the thought makes you smile. "I will make sure to call often but also make you proud so you can brag how smart and stunning I am, working a fancy job in Spain." He chuckles, smirking: "Good, I am counting on it." The next kiss is short and sweet.
This Summer truly is the best of your life, and as you look at how the sun begins to set, you feel happy and content.
Maybe you can approach it differently. Instead of leaving, you'd think of all you have to come back to, as a cool person, one that makes them proud while knowing you are loved.
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annas-hair-donut · 9 months
Bundle Up, Scooch In
Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: Frozen (Disney Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Anna/Kristoff Characters: Kristoff, Anna, Bulda, Elsa, Honeymaren Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Historical, Alternate Universe - Colonial America, 18th Century, Love at First Sight, (sort of), Angst and Fluff and Smut, Porn With Plot, Family Fluff, Sharing a Bed, Snowed In, Cuddling & Snuggling, Awkward Sexual Situations, Clothed Sex, interruptions, Blow Jobs, Vaginal Fingering, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Sex, Woman on Top, Kristoff Needs a Hug, Minor Elsa/Honeymaren (Disney) Summary:
Anna, a woman Kristoff just met that day, allows him to sleep in her bed so he doesn’t have to go home in the middle of a blizzard. Will he overcome the pain of his past and open himself up to the possibility of true love? Or will he walk away, lonely and cold in the dark? 18th Century, Colonial New Arendelle AU.
Written for the Frozen x Beauty and the Beast Yuletide Exchange
“When will we get to Living Rock Township?” Kristoff’s passenger Anna was only talking to him because he was there and she was bored, which was almost worse than ignoring him. 
He wasn’t in the habit of conversing with strangers, especially pretty, high-born women who were cheerful even when there wasn’t a reason to be. He didn’t see the point.
“When we get there.”
He wasn’t trying to be funny, but Anna laughed anyway. Rather than ignore the daggers he shot at her, she laughed even more.
“I’m sorry!” she said as she caught her breath. “It’s just that, well, are you always this talkative?”
He answered her with a smirk. This was why he bought a wagon and not a carriage: he’d have rather delivered parcels and mail than people any day.
But Mrs. Stone, the pastor’s daughter and one of the only nice people in Living Rock Township, had specifically requested he be nice when he collected Anna at the harbor, so he attempted conversation, though it didn’t help much. 
“What are you even doing here?”
“I beg your pardon?” Her wrinkled forehead didn’t dampen her bright eyes. “That attitude is completely unnecessary.”
Kristoff whistled and his horse Sven stopped. Then he turned on the bench to face her. “You had to have a good reason to leave your family and probably very comfortable life in Arendelle to risk crossing the ocean. Especially alone-”
Then he remembered there was supposed to be a man with her.
Anna scooted away from him on the bench and folded her arms. “That’s none of your concern.”
Kristoff rolled his eyes when she lifted her nose in the air like she wanted an apology.
Instead, he said, “Fine,” and told Sven to walk on. So much for his attempt at friendship.
Then it crossed his mind that perhaps she had lost her companion on the voyage so he swallowed his pride. “It’s just unusual, that’s all.”
She let out a deep breath instead of crying and Kristoff relaxed. “My fiance was supposed to come with me.”
“I guess things didn’t work out with Prince Charming, there?”
Anna shook her head and added, “Well, see, I met him at a ball.”
Kristoff rolled his eyes. He already knew where this story was headed.
“It was amazing and magical. He was dreamy and divine. And he asked me to marry him that night! Of course, I thought it was true love so I-”
“You agreed to marry a man you just met? That day?”
Anna stopped talking and glared at him.
“I mean, sure. Yeah, that sort of thing happens all the time,” he said sarcastically.
“Anywho, my sister lives at North Mountain and I haven’t seen her in years—she got accused of witchcraft and had to leave in a hurry, long story-”
She said it so casually that it almost didn’t register. “Wait, what!?”
“How far is North Mountain from Living Rock? Do you know how to get there?”
“You might not want to talk about that kind of stuff too loudly here. Personally, I think it’s a bunch of hogwash, but other people seem to take it pretty seriously.”
It almost seemed like she was mocking him when she said, “Anyway, we were going to join her at North Mountain. My parents actually passed away a few years ago-"
"You lost your parents?"
Anna paused and smiled at him. "They were trying to find Elsa, but their ship never made it. That was about three years ago or so."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
She smiled again. "Well, obviously I wanted my sister's blessing since I couldn't get my parents. So I made all the arrangements and wrote to her. But I don’t know if she even got the letter-”
“So she doesn’t even know you’re coming?”
“Well, no…” Anna twisted her mittened hands in front of her and she looked off to the side. “Maybe. But I also wrote to Mrs. Stone gave. She gave me an open invitation when she and her husband left Arendelle. So I thought at least we’d be on the right continent.”
Then her voice dropped. “At least, I’m on the right continent.”
Kristoff pursed his lips. He hated to ask, but he was invested in the story. “So where’s your handsome prince now?”
She folded her arms again and spoke softly. “I guess he didn’t love me enough.”
Unfortunately, that tugged on Kristoff’s heartstrings and he couldn’t tell her what he really thought.
“I don’t believe it was love at first sight, in case that’s what you were thinking.”
Kristoff didn’t mean to snort.
She narrowed her eyes. “It was blind attraction, which can be even more problematic.”
“Not exactly the best way to start a life together.”
Not expecting silence, Kristoff turned his head. She was biting her lip, but he knew it wasn’t supposed to be suggestive. Or endearing.
Then she peered up at him, eyes blue-green like the sea, but constant, unwavering. “I still believe in love at first sight, but I’ve learned my lesson.”
He desperately wanted to look away from her but he couldn’t.
“Next time I’ll take a closer look.”
Kristoff’s heartbeat quickened until she wrinkled her nose and giggled, finally looking away.
“I’ll know him when I see him! And when I find him I’m going to hold on tight and never let go. True love is worth it.”
Kristoff turned his head again. The huge smile plastered on her face locked him in the moment, even though stared far into the distance.
But then he shook his head and remembered the last time a woman looked at him as closely as Anna had. That had been some time ago, and she hadn’t offered him a passing glance since then. There was no reason to believe Anna was any different.
Continue reading at AO3.
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mulderscully · 1 year
henlex ficrecs? i don't know where to start
i was like who tf is that til i realized some of u are calling firstprince that lol i'm sorry but i bring you porn only so i hope that's what you want 🫣
some of these are bookverse and some are movieverse and tbh i see no great difference bc it's the same relationship to me but i added a * to the ones that are specifically movieverse, the others are either an au or bookverse or a mix of movie and book
familiar gravity
"Yeah,” Alex breathes, and he pulls back to look Henry in the eyes. “I’ve been fantasizing about you fucking me in this chair for, like, weeks. Every time you sit down here with your stupid book.”
Henry likes it when Alex speaks Spanish and Alex has a request.
in the teeth of strong opposition
"You know what?" Henry says loudly, annoyed beyond belief that he has to hear for the millionth time how fucking cool Alex is with Henry's sexuality. "If you're such a good ally, why don't you suck me off? Since you're so insistent, why not get on your knees, Alex?"
He regrets the words as soon as he says them, but it's not like he can shove them back into his mouth; he can't take them back. He closes his eyes so he doesn't have to see the shocked expression on Alex's face and takes a few deep breaths.
"Sorry," he says tightly a moment later, eyes still closed. "That was uncalled for."
"Do you want me to?"
the red side goes up
Henry brings home a little something new to try in the bedroom. Or: The One Where Alex Gets Jealous of a Butt Plug.
bedroom warfare (3 part series)
Looking back at it, it's all Nora's fault.
Or, the time Henry and Alex bet on who can last the longest without sex.
voted most likely to run away with you*
Alex drifts into consciousness in a bed full of tangled limbs and warm, sleep-rumpled skin. He’s lying half on his stomach and half on his side, the shoulder smushed against the bed protesting in a way that tells him he’s going to have a crick in his neck for the rest of the day.
But fuck if he cares, with Henry stirring next to him, one of his long legs draped over the back of Alex’s thigh. Alex doesn’t need to open his eyes to know the room is hazy with filtered sunlight, spilling pale yellow through the carelessly drawn curtains.
who knew polo was such a turn on?*
Henry had no idea the horseback riding lessons he started as a child would lead to this.
save a horse, ride a cowboy
“Forget about walking,” Henry tells him boldly, giving him a hard kiss before he pushes himself back up vertical. “Just wait until you see me ride.”
Henry has plenty of pet names for Alex, but how did Henry end up with the pet name "Baby"?
i dream your name backwards
Three times Alex wakes up from a dream and can’t help but tell Henry about it, although they're apart and an ocean is between them.
And one time, Henry wakes up from a dream and Alex is there.
isn't it amazing how every line of our hands align
Alex knew it was going to be one of those days the moment he realized his third coffee of the day had absolutely zero effect on the turmoil of his thoughts. It was not even nearing ten in the morning when he had to face defeat, annoyed and broken down to a single thought: Henry was right. Not that he never was, far from it, but Alex had this kind of constant competitive streak with his boyfriend — and he hated admitting when Henry was right.
Or Alex is having a bit of a day, and Henry knows exactly how to help him out.
it's a scene (and we're out here in plain sight)
"I don’t want us to be in the press for anything other than how good I am at polo, and how charming you look in that shirt.”
Henry just wants the Fifth Annual Okonjo Foundation Polo Match to run smoothly, but that's harder than it seems.
i like that thing you do
Ever since the first polo match Alex attended, his obsession with Henry on a horse has only grew. Years into their relationship, Alex is still hanging onto the pitch's fence, watching with rapt fascination. Read to find out what happens when Phillip asks a question that creates a lust monster Alex can't control. No one ever said those white pants Henry wears aren't meant to be destroyed.
alright that's all 4 now i can do a non smut one later too but say hey if u see urself on her @ authors!
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octopus-in-disguise · 10 months
This is an absolutely off the wall AU but I was listening to the Spirited Away soundtrack and started wondering what would happen if I shoved my darling blorbos into a similar plot and here we are.
So I figure the premise would be Trevor moving a fair distance for work—the company he works for (probably something pretty similar to INAC) has opened a new headquarters somewhere and is relocating a significant number of its’ staff. Trevor, not having much to tie him down to his previous home, is pretty ambivalent towards uprooting himself to go somewhere else.
He’s giving his work friend Gus a ride to Gus’ new apartment (idk why Gus doesn’t have his own car, I just need someone to function as the same catalyst that Chihiro’s parents were because tbh I can see no way that Trevor would enter a creepy abandoned theme park of his own volition and Gus seems to fit the bill pretty well). Gus is helping Trevor navigate with a big ol’ road atlas and he’s doing a pretty good job of it up until he misreads the atlas and accidentally sends them up a remote country lane. Just like the movie, they wind up in front of a crumbling facade—the entrance to an abandoned theme park. Trevor is immediately ready to turn around and try to recalculate their route, but Gus is tired of driving and lobbies to take the opportunity to stretch their legs. Trevor isn’t so sure—something feels off to him—but Gus announces that he’s going to go explore with or without him and there’s no way Trevor’s going to let him go in there *alone.* So he grabs Kovacs, because he doesn’t know how long they’re gonna be out and he doesn’t want to leave his beloved turtle alone in the car, and reluctantly follows Gus inside.
They have a look around, but it starts getting dark and Trevor is more than ready to head back. Gus says he can smell food and wants to find out what it is. Now beginning to feel that something is seriously amiss, Trevor argues that whatever food they find here probably won’t be that great because the place is abandoned, to which Gus teasingly responds that maybe if Trevor had stopped at that McDonald’s he’d pointed out an hour back instead of forging on, he wouldn’t be forced to take such extreme measures. Naturally, they find the spirit restaurant and Gus tucks in. Trevor, seriously spooked, wanders off to wait for Gus with Kovacs. Then the spirits start coming out. Trevor freaks out, rushes back to find Gus and get the hell out of there, and promptly finds that Gus has been transformed into an animal (I’m not sure which kind—it feels sort of mean to turn him into a pig but maybe that’s just me). Trevor attempts to go back only to find a massive ocean has appeared where the exit once was. So all in all Trevor is having a bad time of it. Enter Angela!
She guides Trevor into a secluded spot away from the chaos of the emerging spirits and explains that the theme park is actually a theatre meant to entertain the residents of the Spirit Realm, run by the witch Vivian. Angela herself is a permanent employee of the theatre, as she can no longer remember her true name and is thus eternally at Vivian’s service. Trevor is terribly confused about everything and still quite frightened, but Angela manages to get through to him that the only way to remain safe here is to secure employment under Vivian, and Trevor decides to trust her. She sends him to seek out her colleague Gene, who might have work for Trevor or otherwise be able to help him get a meeting with Vivian. Trevor sets off with Kovacs in hand, determined to at least try his best to get out of this insane situation.
Gene has no work for Trevor to do, and instead guides him through the Theatre to have an audience with Vivian. Initially insulting Trevor by stating he’s too boring and untalented to be part of any of the actual performances, Vivian assigns him work as a stagehand in exchange for his name, which she replaces with the number 10-3-92.
That’s all I’ve got so far. I know Angela probably spends most of the plot trying to thwart Vivian and find a way to get Trevor back to the human world, but I haven’t thought up all the details of how that works out yet. Does Vivian have some kind of master plot here like in the original game? I have no idea. Possibly Angela decides to leave with Trevor after he helps her remember her real name (which I figured in this AU would be Àngela Guardiana)? Idk there’s a lot of loose ends here I just had to get the brainworm out.
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
So I was gonna just post this myself but then I thought: nah it's s mermaid au so it has to come via yone's ask. that's the law
Nico is a prince, Jason is his deeply devoted naval captain. One day Nico is sailing out on the seas and he disappears. Jason obviously is distraught, and goes to look for him. (Idk why he wasn't with him in the first place maybe he had a cold or smth) After many months he finds the spot Nico's ship was last seen and he is lulled beneath the waves by the voice of a siren. This siren (Percy) had taken Nico and was keeping him in his underwater palace, and Nico had fallen in love with him. To twist things further, Jason realises Siren!Percy is actually his first love whom he lost at sea 15 years ago.
Idk if it ends with tragedy or polyamory or both. Do they break the spell on Percy or do they all become fish people ever after? I don't know but I thought you might enjoy <3
From Feb 6 to May 20 because it's Mermay!!!
No that's just a lie I'm so sorry I got carried away. adksadkasda pls know that my love's present even when I'm not. 😭😭😭
Firstly just let me say a million thank yous because I indeed love this. Well I've always loved Perjasico. Moreso when it's just a mess and none of them is requited---- I love you too so there's that
This prompt hides so many things. I'm delusional just looking at it.
I like the way you make it that Percico, compared to Jasico, appears very fabricated - idk if it's your intention but just let me explain.
As it is, I'm assuming Nico and Percy come together because Percy uses his siren magic (sinking his ship, luring him to the palace, etc...), which implies that the feelings might not be completely willing from Nico's side. There's the interference of magic - and I'm all for magical but untruthful love (hello Jason and Piper----)
On the other hand, let's just say that I prefer more complicated feelings, I think it should be that Percy only keeps Nico because he feels lonely. As in: his requirement for Nico's presence stems from loneliness, not fascination/infatuation. This implies that Percy isn't technically interested in Nico as a person - he's only using him to abate his painful isolation. That's why he's actively using his magic to bind him.
Now, to complicate things further (because I've always been in love with emotional baggage), I think Percy should become a siren because of the heartbreak over Jason.
Now, here's the fun part. What if Percy was a merman who - in a typical The Little Mermaid fashion - came to the land for Jason? Their story was of that Disney movie - a merman overcoming difficulties, signing a contract to reach his love. And they did have their happy ending!
But then that happy ending all broke up because of some reason. I have yet to come up with one but I just need it. Idk maybe there was a strife/ a misunderstanding/ idk! and Percy fell into the ocean, subsequently suffering the curse of heartbreak and becoming a siren - as the witch's way for the sea to reclaim its child. to say that the people on land are nothing good. only the sea would love you.
And now, 15 years later, it all came back to Jason, now with his new love in danger.
I'm vibrating with joy and I'm not even ashamed (I'm so sorry Jason).
But wait. All of this just makes Percy the antagonized antagonist of a Jasico story. Eh. Where's the fun in that? So anyway. I say we put Nico in as the reason for Jercy's breakup.
Yes, I'm having too much fun with this.
Anw. I have yet to come up with one logical reason.
I have some dramatic ones though - like maybe Nico had a crush on Percy when the two were together and something happened that made him the indirect catalyst to a fighting (bc here I'm assuming Jason has his own duties of serving the prince (or the royal family at least) which means Nico has some semblance of power over him)).
Jesus Christ this is all a mess and I'm still cackling. I haven't even touched the ending yet. I just want them all in pain and in blood. jasdhadka
Anyway this is everything I can come up with in the mean time LMAO Your idea never fails to enrapture me 😭🥺🥺🥺 I'm just too incompetent to reply on time askdjakdaajdsahk i love u with everything in me
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fenrislorsrai · 1 year
I Know Where I'm Going
Season 2 is just Neil Gaiman attempting to get us to read and watch all his favs while looking for Clues.
so got "I Know Where I'm Going" from the library.
as a mundane note on the DVD, the subtitles are incredibly hard to find on the menus for some reason. I finally gave up using the onscreen menu and forced it through opening a track direct on my player. So if you get the DVD, there ARE subtitles, you just gotta work for 'em.
also there's several points where they just subtitle it as "speaking Gaelic". It's effectively shot from a non-Gaelic speaker's POV so I'm okay with it not being translated but it would have been nice is there were subtitles, in Gaelic, for those sections.
This movie rates an enormous HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM from me. Many interesting coincidences.
Free fic title for folks: "may your pulse beat as your heart would wish"
Rest under the cut in case you want to watch this.
You can read the plot on WIkipedia so I'm not gonna focus on the relevant bits for Good Omens cause that's why you're reading this.
First up you get the female lead meeting with her father for dinner, who specifically mentions coming from Eccleshall to see her off. This is a different town than Eccles of the Eccles cake, but did make me go look that up.
The tartan hills sequence really is direct from this movie as part of a dream sequence. Joan's father had warned her she was marrying a man, not his company, but the dream sequence does involve actually marrying the company as shown off by some large industrial machinery. big HMM there on theme.
She's clearly marrying this guy for safety and financial security but you never really learn much else about him. She seems to have worked for him and then climbed into position of getting married. You hear this guy's voice on a shortwave radio but never actually see him. He's also described with general disdain by the locals as an imposter. He's not the real lord, he's just the guy with the money.
Which is something that comes up repeatedly thematically as New Money vs Old Money. even the Old Money doesn't have much and that's why they're renting out to the New Money because they're land rich, cash poor as are post of the people that are in the area.
There's a bit where the rich new folks go call on one of the old nobles and comment on how she's only got three servants on a quite big house and she comments on "don't need them when I have guests" and then you get to see Torquil, who actually is a lord (and the love interest here) getting told to set the table for the elderly noblewoman he's visiting. Which he does. and for the rich New Money folks who do nothing to help.
You also have a conversation with some of the locals making fun of the rich industrialist paying money to import salmon, when he's got salmon swimming in the stream of the land he's renting, but isn't catching. He's also having a swimming pool built... on an inland, which they all think he's mad for. (considering the ocean murdering people is a plot point, wanting to swim in warmer non-murderous water seems pretty reasonable)
But there's an overall Vibe of the new money having MONEY but not class.
Torquil has class but also responsibilities. He's only here because he's been serving in the Navy and is home on shore leave. Catriona, who provides Torquil and Joan somewhere to stay while waiting out the stormy weatehr has been providing housing a unit of soldiers up until about a week ago. So you get that clear "they're doing their part for the war, the New Rich aren't".
You also get Joan attempting to pay a local fisherman quite a lot of cash to take her to the nearby island in heavy weather. It's really too much cash for him to refuse. That could buy him ability to marry and buy a boat of his own. Torquil is Pissed Offabout it though because he considers it thoughtless. You could wait and not risk that man's life over this. He eventually gets talked around but goes with on the boat trip since he actually IS in the Navy and can manage to help get engine restarted in boat when they get swapped.
So a lot of themes in common, but lets get back to the real meat here: THE CURSE.
Torquil has never been in the nearby castle, which is basically just a standing square tower. Not have any of his immediate ancestors because everybody knows about the curse and that he can't set foot in the castle of Something Terrible Will Happen.
This gets called back to several times but without any indication of the exact nature of the curse.
This IS a romance so the whole point is this delay in the travel makes Joan reconsider marrying the rich guy. but before that, you have Joan and Torquil split up. They have a farewell kiss and then part ways. Torquil wishes her well and suggests since some pipers got hired for this delayed wedding, she should have them play a tune they heard earlier in a dance scene.
meanwhile, he's been delayed so many times getting to the same island (which is his home), his shore leave is now over, he has to go back to the Navy. So is walking off to catch a ride and goes past the castle.
Stares at it and is "okay, Joan's right, this is stupid I've been scared by this curse the whole time" so goes into castle to climb the tower actually see the curse carved in stone.
OH HEY, THAT CURSE AIN'T WHAT YOU THOUGHT. It's one of those written in such a way it can be read several ways. One of which is "you can never leave this place without the person you love." oh hey, are those bagpipers playing Our Song???
Happy reunion had, Joan wants to be with Torquil nevermind marrying the company for riches. what they do about Torquil's leave being over, IDK, movie over, this is a romance, off we go.
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senditcolton · 1 year
Oak with Brock Boeser because that man has been THRU it (emotionally)
oh this man really does need a long hug and I would be happy to be the one to give him one. soft blurb incoming for this soft boy!
word count: 1k
There were so many things you loved about your boyfriend Brock. If you were to make a handwritten list, it may as well span across the Pacific Ocean.
You loved his smile, his compassion, his drive. But the thing you loved the most was his capacity to feel. Brock Boeser felt more deeply than anyone who had ever met before.
Unfortunately, like most people, his greatest strength was also sometimes his greatest weakness.
In the years that you had been with him, you learned that sometimes Brock got lost in his emotions, both the good and the bad. When he became hyper-fixated on a positive feeling, it was magical to be with him, to be around him. Being in his life when that happened felt like something out of a fairytale.
But when he started to drown in sadness or anger or doubt…
You knew him. After all these years, you should know him. Which meant that you recognized the warning signs that told you when Brock was spiraling. You never blamed him for his low moments. There was never anything to blame him for. All you could do was offer a hand and hold him through the storms that occasionally blew in.
This was one of those storms.
The Canucks were struggling and now, it seemed as if everyone was either being whisked away and lost in the shifting tides or they were abandoning a sinking ship before it was too late. Their coach who genuinely believed and cared about the players under his wings was fired. Their captain, the man that the team and the city looked to in order to lead them down the path to victory, had been traded, going off to join a team that had the will and skills necessary to win.
Now there were so many people looking to Brock, the golden boy, to be the new hope – the ray of light that would guide them all to a better horizon.
It was too much to place on one person’s shoulders. Even if that person may act like they would carry the burden with a smile on their face.
Brock loved his fans, he loved the team, he loved the city. He wanted to do right by them. But he didn’t realize that he couldn’t be their hopeful sun if he burnt himself out before they really needed him.
That’s why you had been waiting for him when he came home from practice, with a new pair of soft pajamas and one of his favorite movies queued up on the television. That’s why you had spent the last few hours with him silently curled up in your arms. And now, with one of your hands running through his golden hair, you wanted Brock to stay as peaceful as he was now.
“I’m going to let everyone down,” he whispers, uttering the first words he’s said since stepping through the doorway. You glance down at him and see his gaze turned elsewhere, far away from you and the present moment.
“What makes you think that?” you ask, knowing not to deny or minimize his fears. To let him work through them.
“I’m not what they need. They need someone who regularly preforms, who is a leader on and off the ice, who will drag the team where they need to be kicking and screaming. Someone strong. That’s not me.”
“You’re stronger than you think,” you reply, continuing to stroke his hair. “I know that if that’s what they need from you, you will take up that responsibility. But I need you to remember that you don’t have to do everything yourself.”
Your gentle words cause Brock to finally look up to you, his eyes looking into yours as you continue.
“You have a whole team behind you, Brock. People who want the same thing you do. People who will do what they need to do to achieve that dream,” you explain, taking a deep breath before you speak your next words – voicing a fear you always had when it came to your ocean of a boyfriend and the depth of his feelings.
“I just know don’t want you to become someone you’re not just because you think that’s what people want you to be. What people need – actually need – is you; the perfect, gentle, sweet soul that you are. And if the hockey world or culture or whatever doesn’t think those are the characteristics of a leader… then it’s them that needs to change, not you.”
You let your bold declaration linger in the stillness of your bedroom, watching Brock’s expression shift as he takes in your words. Another moment of silence passes between you before Brock connects his eyes to yours again and you smile at the softness reflected in his pupils.
“How am I so lucky? That I get to call the most caring person in the world mine?” he asks, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. You can’t stop the light laughter that falls from you at his words.
“I think I should be the one asking that question.”
There is no hesitation as you lean into him, Brock welcoming you and it is only a brief moment until your lips touch his, capturing him in a gentle kiss. A kiss which you pour all of your love into. A kiss with a certainty and ferocity that Brock reciprocates.
The two of you stay like that for a moment, tangled in each other’s arms, pressing soft kisses into the other’s lips. It is Brock that pulls away first but he doesn’t move far. Instead, he just inclines his head forward so your foreheads are touching and you can feel the heat of his breath fanning across your cheekbones,
“Thank you,” he whispers to you. And somehow, you know he isn’t just thanking you for your words of kindness and encouragement. He is thanking you for being his anchor, his lifeline in the vastness of the oceans that exist both around him and within him.
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Matt sturniolo -enchanted
About-Y/N and her best friends go to a movie premiere where a secret reveals itself in a moment of need
Warnings -mention of anxiety, anxiety attack .Not proof read
My first ever fanfic please be kind 😅 not sure how I feel about it please comment and like .Any tips would be appreciated . Loosely based off the song enchanted by Taylor swift .
Word count -722
Tumblr media
"forcing laughter , faking smiles"
I've been dreading this night for weeks .Ever since my good friends nick, Matt and Chris invited me to go with them to the new scream premiere.I stared at myself in the mirror my pale skin glowed and my smokey eyeshadow and red lip complimented my green dress perfectly.
My Auburn hair fell into its natural waves and rested down my back , stopping at my waist.I looked amazing but with my anxiety and knowing that I'd be seeing Matt very shortly, I certainly didn't feel amazing .I contemplate excuse in my head on why I have to cancel last minute .My phone ringing brings me out of my state ...it's Nick "hey we're outside , hurry up Matt's stressing about being late."He says already sounding fed up with his blue eyed brother ." Coming now" I say with a half hearted laugh as I grab my bag and head for the door.
"i was enchanted to meet you"
After Matt barely sticking to the speed limit we arrive at the premiere in time .Their manager Laura quickly met us explaining that I was welcome to walk the carpet and get my photo taken along with the triplets and after will have to wait for them at the side so they can finish the carpet themselves.
I smile for the cameras with Chris to my left , Matt to my right and nick the other side of Matt .I smiled at the flashes when deep down all I wanted is to be in the safe place of Matt's car.
I start to walk to the of the carpet to stand behind a make shift wall waiting for my 3 best friends to finish their photos .I stood and admired how they looked .They looked so handsome but Matt ... well he looked so angelic, he made my breaths shallow as he looked over at me with his perfect smile on show .I have always loved Matt in fact it's safe to say in love with Matt.They start walking towards me , finishing on the carpet .My eyes are completely lost in Matt's as they walk closer to me .I am completely enchanted by him , I could never have the courage to tell him.I will always just be his friend .
" wishing you was at my door , I'd open up and you would say hey"
We make our way to the theatre ready to watch the film .I sit in the middle of Matt and nick with Chris on the other side of Nick.We settle down and the film begins.I try to focus on the slasher film but the way Matt's hand is so close to mine I can feel the heat radiating of it and the anxious voice in my head reminding myself that I'm a burden to the 3 boys I love so much , doesn't allow me to enjoy the film .
My heart starts to race .my chest starts to feel tight .I feel like i cant catch my breath.My hand that was once so close to Matt's is now sweaty.Im having a anxiety attack , i need to get out of here i tell myself ."im just going to the bathroom" i whisper to matt quickly.Before i can hear his response im walking down the stairs and out of the theatre door.
I get out into the theatre lobby and it's so quiet you could hear a pin drop.With my head running in circles I sit on the plush seats before I faint.I hear the door close and I see Matt , my sweet Ocean eyed Matt walking towards me .I can't do this conversation right now ."y/n what's wrong" he says ."not now Matt" I say with tears streaming down my face ."is it your anxiety?" He asks looking concerned at my distressed state.I nod my head in response "it's not just that , I can't stand it anymore" I say in-between sobs "what are you talking about?" He asked confused." I can't be your friend anymore it kills me being so inlove with you and knowing that you wouldn't feel the same , it physical hurts my chest to know that matt." I exclaimed with added tears running down my face
He looks at me so blankly it feels like I'm waiting a life time for him to say something.He doesn't , instead he wipes a tear off my face and the next thing I know our lips are crushed against each others and the whole world feels like it's spinning .I pull that , I can't believe that just happened.
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lit-80soul · 1 year
Inside your mind (Chapter II)
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pairing: Wednesday Addams x male!hybrid!oc (Reed Turner)
summary: Wednesday goes to confront Reed about his absence and to finally question the boy about the attacks. In the end, she gets the answers she needs… but also new questions.
warnings: language, mentions of injury death, underaged drinking, and fight
word count:
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Wednesday knocked twice on Reed's door and waited for the answer.
— Said I'm fine, Eugene. I just don't feel like going to class again — Reed answered without opening the door. His voice was afar, but still audible. — I'm just tired, mate.
— It's not Eugene.
It was just this simple answer that made Reed stop in his tracks. The boy was walking, or better saying, limping through his room. He had a pack of ice on his ribs and was returning to bed and heard the voice. Suddenly felt like he wasn't in pain for 2 days in a row when heard the voice of the raven girl. He practically ran to the door.
— Addams — he said still in disbelief when opened the door. The smaller one looked down at his entire body, landed attentively on his shirtless body, and then fixed her dark brown coloured eyes,  almost black, on the boy's face. He was haggard and bruised, but she was looking at him with her expression completely unreadable. As always, except for that night.
— Hm, at least you seem hurt indeed.
— I'm happy that you're okay too, Addams — the boy cracked a half smile and stepped aside to give her space. — Do you want to come in? I'm sorry it's a mess, I wasn't expecting visitors.
— That's not an excuse to be not organized — she simply responded and entered the boy's dorm.
This place was the exact idea of what a teenage boy would look like, except for the uncommon amount of books.
The bedroom had a single bed in the middle of the messy room. It was unmade too. There were lots and lots of books filling the space, some on the floor, by the bed, filling the bookshelf, and everywhere else Wednesday's eyes spotted. There was an acoustic guitar hanging on the wall, some posters of movies and rock bands and... clothes all over the place.
— Make yourself at home — Reed said after he pulled on a gray old shirt that was on the floor.
— I highly doubt that — she said directly once again.
Okay then... The boy thought but didn't say a word.
— What are you really doing here, Turner? What are you up to?
— Hm… you're the one in my bedroom, Addams — Reed chuckled.
— I know that you don't bother to attend class, but you're not stupid, so don't play dumb. I hate when people do that. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Why didn't you kill me right there when you had a chance? — she spat the haunting thoughts. — I mean, no one would catch you and now that I know your secret, you don't seem to mind that I could just tell Weems or the police that you're the killer.
— C'mon, Wednesday... seriously? I can't believe you came here just to accuse me again — the boy rubbed his forehead interrupting the girl's talk. — I'm not the monster, I was fighting it.
— That's the answer I was expecting, the lack of creativity of the people here shouldn't disappoint me at this time.
— It's the truth, Addams. Why do you think I was all fucked up before I found you and your friend… Enid, innit? How is she doing, by the way?
His piercing ocean-blue eyes seemed carrying and interested, Wednesday stared at them thinking how could he be such an actor.
— She's just fine, stop changing the subject, please — she finally took the chair from the desk and placed it in front of his bed, sitting with her legs crossed and leaning her back against its backrest. — I'm just going to ignore the fact that you were probably trying to murder another person when we got there at the exact time and will carry on — Reed just sighed, rolled his eyes and then got the pack of ice again putting on his hurt ribs.
— I saw you the day before Weems informed us that you were a new student. You were hurt too and were assisted by Eugene. What is your connection with both of them? They clearly know something else about you or they wouldn't cover it up for you.
What didn't make sense in this whole story, was that neither Eugene nor Larissa looked like they would compact in order to protect a murderer. Hell! Reed could hurt one of the Nevermore Academy students and Weems was just simply devoted to the institution and its students. She wasn't just the principal of the school, she was like a guardian to everyone there.
— You really are intelligent, Addams, connected some dots, but not so slick at stalking — Reed responded. — But you actually saw me back then or you already have put your pet to spy on me?
Alright. Wednesday was taken aback. He knew he was being watched all of this time.
— You knew about Thing?
— Of course. This whole time. I knew that you were suspicious about me as well since day one, to be honest. I noticed that someone was watching me in the hall that night and the next day I saw the class I recalled it was you.
— Well... you being the taciturn kind and always alone feral creature here, when a massive attack starts to occur, could make anyone suspicious, Turner — Wednesday said in a flat tone. 
The Addams girl couldn't believe she was caught. She thought she was being smart but Reed was one step ahead of her. That was the first that something like that happened to her, she was never overtaken before.
— Yeah, but look who's talking. You're not so far from all you've just said. If the monster wasn't so tall and strong I'd think you're the most capable of killing anyone. 
— That's the most flattering thing someone told me here.
— You're funny, Addams — a smile appears on the boy's face until it turns into a laugh, which didn't last long because of the pain in his ribs. He hissed and shrank a little in pain.
— I thought hybrids had a fast healing system. Why haven't you recovered yet?
— Worried? — the boy raised one eyebrow.
— Absolutely not. But it wouldn't seem fair if had to extract the answers I need from you by torture if needed. You're already hurt — Wednesday simply said crossing her arms.
— I always suspected you were the kinky kind — the boy chuckled quickly.
He then stood up and put the ice pack which was starting to melt, on the small fridge that was in the bedroom and returned to his place in front of the raven girl.
— But I don't know either and that's kind of concerning me lately if I'm being honest… I don't know why I'm taking this long to recover… well, I'd love to see your torture methods one day, but that won't be necessary, I'll answer whatever you want.
— Simple as that?
— It's called conversation. We could have done this before you go jumping to conclusions, stalking me, and most importantly, almost getting killed in a forest — he pointed out the obvious facts.
— Will you be honest? — she ignored his sarcastic tone.
— 100%.
— What's your connection with Weems?
— Whew... okay. I knew someone would notice sooner or later, course it had to be you — he lifted his thick eyebrows quickly and smiled. — She's my mother.
— What?
— She's my mother. What was the other question again?
— You said you wouldn't lie — Wednesday clenched her jaw.
— I'm not, Addams — the boy rolled his eyes. — You wanna see my ID? — the taller one received nothing but a deadpan stare. He scoffed and shook his head, but pointed at some place on his desk nevertheless. — My wallet is right there. You can go get it if you want, I'm not standing up again.
He carefully laid his back on the bed and adjusted the pillow under his head, watching Wednesday heading to the place indicated.
Reed Weems Turner.
There was also other information about him and the headmistress’ full name alongside his fathers' name. Wednesday couldn't believe it. Wednesday guessed correctly that no one was aware of this, otherwise, Morticia surely didn’t know that her ex-roommate had a child. And Wednesday’s mother would definitely tell her.
They had the same colour of eyes, but the resemblances just stopped there.
— Why did she not tell anyone about it? Why haven't you always studied here? — she put the wallet in the previous place and sat on the chair again.
— This is a bit personal, Addams — he looked away. — But I guess I answered your previous question, you have anything else?
— Yes — Wednesday decided to brush it off. For now. — The night I saw you, past midnight, being carried by Eugene… What happened? 
— Oh, that… you see, nothing serious. I was just a little bit drunk and ended up in a fight with my old mates. I'm not proud but that's what happened.
— Why was Eugene helping you?
— Weems asked him to — he shrugged. — And also asked him to not tell that to anybody. She didn't want anyone to find out that one day before I was presented to this school I was drunk and got into a huge fight, which was bloody idiot, it was 5 against one.
— Why?
— Because… I'm still underage and that's illegal? — he asked half unsure, half confused if he understood the question.
— Not this, idiota — Wednesday sighed deeply. — I mean why did you drink? 
— You know, just trying to be cool — he shrugged one more time.
— Don't lie to me, Turner.
— Fine! — he sighed. — My father passed away. That's why I'm here now. I've been living my whole life just me and him and then… he just… — Reed shook his head and swallowed dryly. — Anyways, I was sad, drank a bit too much, and got into a fight, that was it. Nothing exciting like killing anyone, I'm sorry I disappointed you. I'm just a bibulous idiot.
For the first time Wednesday sympathies for someone other than Uncle Fester, Thing, Enid, or Pugsley. But she only felt that way for her own brother once when he stopped breathing for 1 minute. Her emotion only lasted minutes then they were both doing dangerous things again.
— And before you ask, the night I went to the forest I was looking for the monster, I saw a strange movement out there and went to investigate. And as you can see, we fought, but I couldn't see its face, it was way too dark. It was too quick and agile as well. Then I saw it ran away and almost ran over you two when it was trying to escape so I let it go, it wasn't important anymore. I had to make sure you were okay.
— I'm sorry about your father — the tone of the girl made Reed look up at her again. He thought she wouldn't believe him, that she would say that his father's history was a lie as well as the story he just said, or she would make more inquiries, but that wasn't the case. Even though her stoic face was showing any emotion, she was being sincere.
— Thanks.
— And... thank you — she stood up.
— What for?
— Well, for the time to answer my questions. I know you didn't lie. And to… helped me and Enid.
— Anytime, Addams — he smiled. — Whenever you need my help, you know where I am.
— I won't need it. That was just an unusual casualty.
Reed laughed a bit. That was the pure form of the Addams girl he had heard about.
— Sure, Addams. 
— I hope you recover well, I'll let you rest.
— You don't have to go yet.
— And be here and do what? 
— I don't know… talk?
— I thought I heard you say you were tired — she was leaving already when turned back to look at him.
— I thought you were Eugene — the taller one mumbled.
— Why do you want me to stay?
— Because I feel like I'm being interviewed. Everything you say starts with “why…” — he joked. — But honestly, I liked chatting with you.
— Is that so? — Wednesday raised an eyebrow quickly and crossed her arms. — That's a first.
— See? I love that mistrust connection we're building here — he gesticulates. 
Wednesday almost, almost showed a faint trace of her smile. She did not allow herself to, though.
— I can stay for 30 minutes. Then I have to go to practice my cello.
— That's more than fine for me — Reed smiled and Wednesday stared at it. Puzzled again by this boy.
She did believe him now, but why was she feeling weird looking at his smile?
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bropunzeling · 1 year
jamie/trevor #24 in danger :)
"Should we be doing this?"
"What do you mean?" Trevor takes another step onto the roof. "It's perfectly safe."
"We're two stories up." Jamie's voice is flat and unpersuaded. "Why couldn't we stick to the balcony?"
"The balcony is boring," Trevor retorts. Another step. He's almost to the chimney now, which will be the perfect place to lean against while watching the sunset.
That is, if Jamie ever gets his ass up here.
"The balcony is fine." Jamie does not sound like he's moving.
The balcony faces east. The roof faces west. And ever since they moved in to their new place -- perfect location, smack dab between a hipster coffee place with perfect dog watching material and a Chipotle -- Trevor has wanted to check out the view. They live in California, for fuck's sake. Who doesn't want an ocean sunset?
More specifically, he wants to check out the view with Jamie. Trevor doesn't know what it is, why he feels so compelled to -- to convince Jamie of all the good things here. It's not like Jamie's ever expressed a desire to be anywhere else. But there's something deep within Trevor that has to be sure. That has to know Jamie wants to be here: in Anaheim, on the Ducks. On the roof, sitting next to Trevor.
"Jamie," Trevor says, giving up on any attempt to sound chill. He just -- Jamie needs to come up here. Trevor needs Jamie to come up here.
One second. Two.
An enormous sigh. "Fine," Jamie huffs. There's a scraping sound as he gets up on the chair Trevor used as a stepping stool to haul himself up on the roof. "But if I fall and break my skull open, it's your fault."
"You're not gonna fall," Trevor says, bizarrely relieved. "Just get over here, it's nice and flat."
Soon enough, Jamie's made it, sitting heavily next to Trevor and leaning back against the chimney. He's in a sweatshirt and shorts, like he can't decide how warm he is. Trevor looks out of the corner of his eye at the 34 on Jamie's chest, newly out-of-date.
"So," Jamie says. "Why am I risking my life again?"
"Shut up, Jimbo," Trevor says, nudging him with a foot. "Look."
They both look west.
God, Trevor can't get over living out here. Can't get over these colors, persimmon orange and indigo and streaks of purple all blending together. It's like the movies, but real; it's like nothing he's ever seen before. Bright, and warm, and he gets to have this every fucking day.
Him, and Jamie, sitting next to him, their calves pressed together.
"Okay," Jamie says softly after a few minutes. "It's a pretty good view."
Trevor bumps him with a shoulder. "Told you so."
"You could've just said," Jamie replies, grinning at Trevor sidelong.
No, Trevor wants to say. He couldn't have just said. It had to be felt -- the sunset, the evening breeze, the two of them pressed along the sides of their bodies. There was no way to put it into words, no matter how hard Trevor tried. No way to express what it means, to have this together, the two of them, here and now, on the cusp of a new season.
Jamie is still looking at him. There's a hint of a smile, curled in the corner of his mouth. It's stuff like this that makes it hard for Trevor to feel chill and relaxed and normal. He needs to dig his fingers into Jamie's mouth, pull that smile out, know that it's for him and him alone.
"Trevor," Jamie says. His eyes are bright in the growing dark. Light pollution, Trevor thinks nonsensically.
"Hey," Trevor says. He can't stop looking at Jamie's mouth. "Do you..." He doesn't know what to say. There are too many thoughts in his head, too many desires crashing together over and over, atoms going nuclear with wanting.
Jamie waits, looking back.
Jamie's mouth is cool and dry. He inhales through his nose, a raspy sound, when Trevor kisses him. He doesn't lean in, but he doesn't lean away.
Trevor pulls back. For all his talk about how safe it is up here, now he feels dizzy. Like he could go tripping off the roof. "Yeah?"
Jamie swallows. Licks his lips. Slowly, slowly, a smile uncurls.
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littlebookmermaid · 1 year
i saw The Little Mermaid on Friday (after all these years...) and it's taken me a while to process it. I've been waiting for this movie for so many years, like even before it was announced it would happen. And especially after 2015 when Cinderella came out. So being the obsessed mermaid fan that i am here are my thoughts. If you would like to discuss it with me please do! I want to talk abut this movie with everyone. SPOILERS BELOW!
The feeling of seeing your favorite movie on the big screen but in a brand new way was very emotional and i cried and laughed and then i cried again. I loved it though, so much and i have so much to write so here we go. I only had three things that i didn't like too much. Three kinda big things but still it doesn't matter too much because overall i did love it so much. It was fun, sweet and Halle really was the star (fish) of this!
I obviously loved Halle. She was amazing, she is amazing. Long before Halle was announced as Ariel I had this slight fear over who they would cast. I was worried that they would only see "mermaid" and age Ariel up and make her a mermaid al a Pirates (this fear only grew when weirdly enough, it would be directed by the same guy). I really didn't want them to make Ariel this gorgeous super model siren just because she was a mermaid. Instead they, thankfully, left her young, curious, beautiful in a very cute way and Halle really embraced the character perfectly.
Ariel and Eric were so adorable together! What a rom com this turned out to be. Ever since i was a kid i always wanted the "Tour of the kingdom" scene to be longer and this movie really delivered! I loved their date to the market place (with the Jodi cameo!) and the boat ride was so soft and lovely. I hope we get a sequel to this movie cause i need waaaay more of Halle and Jonah as Ariel and Eric together.
Speaking of! I adored how they connected them even more by giving Eric a collection too! What a fun idea. And the shot of his room mirrored the shot in Ariel's grotto. Also, having Ariel showing him a bunch of oceanic stuff was so fun and Eric was so patient and observant while she expressed her emotions without her voice and it was the most romantic thing i've seen in a long time (maybe ever).
I liked how fun Sebastian was in this and especially his banter with Scuttle.
I thought Awkwafina was fun as Scuttle, no complaints.
Flounder my love i'm sorry they didn't give you much to do. I really thought they would give him the deleted scene from the original where he stopped the shark again but no. At least he swam to get Triton so that was something.
The mermaid lore! I wish we could have gotten more of that but i love what we got.
i loved Eric's new song and I liked Ariel's new one. I do think Beyond my wildest dreams from the broadway show did it better.
i loved how beautiful the tail looked underwater.
Okay i need to get on to the three things i didn't like so someone can argue with me and change my mind.
I didn't love how they did Ariel and Triton's relationship in this one. I think it missed the point from the original. In my opinion, their relationship in the original is the main thing. Ariel and Eric are actually like second place (if this make sense). Because in the original it is clear that they have a very loving and strong bond, they share traits which is one of the reasons why they had trouble understanding each other. Ariel is rebellious, Triton is protective and they're both very stubborn. It's also why I always liked how in the original there's this scene where Ariel wishes him good morning (with the flower) right before under the sea and the destruction which shows them being close to each other. It's just one tiny scene but it makes a lot of difference cause otherwise he would just be yelling at her the entire movie- which is what he did in this one. Only because they didn't include a scene where they were just talking kindly to each other. The guilty look Triton gives after destroying the grotto also shows how he already regrets it but in this one he was all "Never leave again," while she's crying and i'm so confused. It also took Triton waaay to long to come around like the anti climax i felt when he came back to life and still ordered her away from the surface was so weird lmao However, i do understand that this is a new take and a new movie with new mermaid lore so... it is what it is but i wish we could have gotten a bit more of a glimpse of the sweet father/daughter relationship from the movie ( and the tv series... honestly they did it the best).
Gods this is long okay. Kudos if you've read this far. Anyway... second thing was the fact that Ariel steered the boat into Ursula. I understand why they did it and I'm not mad about it. But it does change part of the point of the movie. Like, I'm all for women in movies taking charge, please do more of that. However... i have always loved the balance and parallel between Ariel and Eric. Ariel rescues Eric at the beginning of the movie and Eric rescues Ariel at the end of the movie. It also takes away the whole idea that Eric saves Ariel which is why Triton understands that he really does love her and that all humans can't be bad cause this man saved his daughter and almost died doing it. And in this movie Ariel's all "Eric was there too." And i just thought, doing what exactly?? haha But seeing Ariel crawl on a ship in a storm to steer it was really cool and she deserved to be the one to to do it cause this was obviously very personal (I mean her father had just died because of Ursula). So i'm obviously fine with it but maybe they could have given Eric something else to do besides... throwing a harpoon?
There was not enough dresses. Where was my sparkly "i just turned into a human"- dress??? Why did that last scene not show her walking out of the ocean in a blue, sea foam dress??? Why was she back in the blue one?? Disney... i want more dresses!
Okay one more thing. Under The Sea deserves a choir.
I think i'm done for now.
Overall i did love it so so much! I can't wait to see it over and over and over again. I'm so happy that The little mermaid got a deserving remake. It also opened with my favorite quote from the original story by H.C. Andersen so good job Disney.
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skylarstark4826 · 6 months
“If you are my friend, help me, to leave you. Or if you are my lover, help me, so I can be healed of you. If I knew, that the ocean is very deep, I would not have swam. If I knew, how I would end, I would not have began.” - Letter from Under the Sea, Nizar Qabbani
Shuri had stopped believing in the ancestral plane. Also, maybe in some part, the ancestors. Maybe because she’d been jealous. Jealous when her mother or Okoye spoke about how they'd heard or seen or felt T’Challa. While she had not. So she chalked it up to it not being real. They were consoling themselves which was normal and expected, but the ancestral plane wasn’t real. Otherwise, why would he come to them and not to her?
She remembered waking up from her journey after drinking the Heart Shaped Herb and thinking that she’d wasted it. In her anger. In her sorrow. She’d wasted it. She wished to see her brother the most. But, as tales of old tell, the journey to the ancestral realm does not show you the ancestor you want to see, but the ancestor you need to see. She felt now that perhaps she wasn’t meant to see Killmonger because she had to listen to him, but so that she could see how destructive and volatile her rage could be. To disobey instead. Or maybe not. She didn’t really know. Even now.
It had been months after Wakanda’s battle with Talokan. After her battle with Namor. She wasn’t entirely sure why she stopped at the end of the fight. When she’d been so close. It felt bad to admit, but she still wanted…someone to hurt alongside her. Even after staying with Nakia. Even after taking a break. Even after burning her funeral garments. Even after doing all the things she was supposed to do. She was still angry. Perhaps she would always be angry. Perhaps that was the answer she was looking for. She hated not having the answers. So, as she had been for the past several months, she tried to think of an answer on her way back to Wakanda.
She knew she’d have to go back. She was the queen now. Sometimes she thought about not being queen. Just letting that go. She never thought about ruling Wakanda before all this. Not even once. In theory, she was never supposed to. It was always supposed to be him. Just like he was supposed to be the Black Panther. She was that now too. Still, as much as she thought about letting it go, she felt she couldn’t. She could take a break, but at the end of the day, it was her responsibility. Her nation. She was its protector and she had to guide it.
Either way, she entered her lab first thing upon returning home. Everything else was hollow, but her lab still felt like it was hers. Ross was there, waiting. The man stood with his hands folded in front of him, but instantly began to approach as soon as she arrived.
“Awesome. I knew you were getting back today. Listen, have you seen the news lately?”
“I just walked in the door.”
“Well, you do rule a nation now Shuri. And this is a little important. ”
He was a funny man. Always a bit on edge, matter of fact in a hesitant sort of way, typically a few steps behind but useful when he wasn’t. He tilted his head and raised an eyebrow as she walked past him, checking her devices instead. She hadn’t shut him down yet and thus he took that as his sign that he could chuckle awkwardly and carry on.
“If you have watched it you’d know that America is pissed.”
“Aren’t they always?”
“Historically yes, but right now they are pissed at you. Well, Wakanda, but the point is they’re after you guys. A-And they’re not gonna stop. And since they blame you for the mining ship thing, other nations will probably be on their side a-”
His anxious tirade was cut off by another entrance into her lab. How she had naively hoped she might be alone here. Just until she could get settled enough to go to the throne room and start business. Now that she was back in Wakanda, business followed her. M’Baku interrupted Ross’ speech with a scoff and a playfully accusatory finger pointed in the man’s direction.
“Eh, you told me you would not intercept her! This is what happens when you trust the White man. Princess- Or- …Shuri, what has this man told you?”
Shuri sighed, massaging her temples, knowing all these conversations were important, but she hadn’t even been able to gain her bearings. She hopped up onto a table and swung her legs back and forth. What he had told her was that things were about as bad as she expected. She knew things would be bad. Sometimes, as much as she missed T’Challa, she resented him too. Resented him for telling the world about Wakanda. Maybe the way they did things before was wrong too though. Letting all those people out there like them be subjugated and crushed under the weight of colonialism when they could’ve helped those nations centuries ago. Perhaps this was their judgment for that. As far as she could see, Wakanda had not a true friend in the world. Alone. 
“Told me that the American government is less than happy with us. Which I expected. I expect we will have to patrol for them and keep on our toes.”
“I agree. Though The Council and I…and Ross were thinking we might want to be more prepared. For bad things. Now I am not saying I doubt Wakanda’s strength, especially against their "technology”, but it is always better to be a few steps ahead.”
Not this. Not now. She could hear how M’Baku’s typically high energy and talkative tone began to slow and become more tranquil as he trailed off. Shuri was highly intelligent, that was kind of her thing. She could read between the lines. She just… Ross cleared his throat and rocked back and forth before finishing the thought that didn’t really need the extra help.
“We think you should meet with Talokan. With this Namor.”
“I figured as much. Just…let me get settled first and I’ll…try to summon Namor.”
M’Baku nodded dramatically, walking over to Ross and throwing his arm around the man’s shoulder enough to shake his balance. They started for the door as M’Baku rounded off the conversation.
“Right right. All the other reports from when you were away are already uploaded and when you want to leave you should contact Okoye-”
“I’ll go alone. I’m the Black Panther now, remember?”
Then she was alone. 
But now her head was more crowded than before. In all fairness, she never really stopped thinking, but sometimes it could get too crowded. Too much at once. Everything she was already thinking of and now Namor. That was the only thing that she was supposed to do and hadn’t done. She hadn’t seen nor spoken to the man since their battle and their truce. Since she dragged him into the ocean with a hole in her own abdomen. Since they agreed to be as pleasant to each other as the events that got them there would allow. It would’ve been the logical and responsible thing to meet and discuss more formal terms of being allies or…something before the nation actually needed something. She hadn’t wanted to see him. She’d been angry before, but never as much as she had been during their fight and it frightened her. So she hadn’t wanted to see the person that made her like that. It didn’t matter regardless. She was always angry. 
That day, she’d felt like herself and not. The day she almost killed him and started a much bigger issue with Talokan. It was odd that way. Her mother’s call had stopped her, but that was because it was her mother. Not because it was who she was. Shuri wasn’t…all too sure who she was anymore. She stared at the bracelet that had helped her figure all this out. Left in her lab all this time. Sometimes she wondered if he knew she’d be able to do what she’d done with it. Of course not. Otherwise, it would still be with him. As she looked at it and counted the beads despite knowing by heart how many there were, she noticed. Her mind was quiet. 
The water was almost pretty. Pretty when she just took it for what it was. Water. Not so much when she thought about what, who , was in it. She held the shell so tightly the entire way there. She hadn’t even realized it until she stopped in the sands, no one around, and readjusted her grip in preparation to use it and felt her knuckles ache at the release of tension. She didn’t know how she would feel upon seeing him. She assumed the hatred would come rising back up, and as she brought the shell to her lips she was afraid. Not of him, she had beaten him in a fight and almost killed him after all, but afraid to be like that again. To feel the way she felt during battle. For Wakanda, she could put herself aside. Always.
She stood idly, watching the sun slowly begin its descent as the day drew to a close. It was taking longer than anticipated. It was entirely possible that he would not come at all. That he might ignore her. That their treaty meant they’d leave each other alone, but they wouldn’t be allies. She turned away from the water, shaking her head.
“You are impatient.”
Upon hearing his voice, nothing struck her. Not anger, not fear, not sorrow. Quite the opposite. She didn’t feel anything like a jab or a pull or something tightening. Instead, she felt the generally permanent tension in her body slide away from her. Relief. She was relieved. Why? She turned at the sound of the water’s disturbance and there he stood, water up to his knees, as regal as ever. He seemed neutral in his expression, but she could’ve just been hoping he wasn’t too upset so they could talk. 
“I know how fast you are. I assumed you were ignoring me.”
“I was considering it, but here I am.”
“Yes. I wanted to finally talk about more formal terms of our truce. It was the baseline. It needs more.”
“I see. How fair and logical. Very like you.”
Shuri walked closer to the water while Namor exited it further. She looked down at his ankles, still obscured by the water. She wondered about his wing, but it would be bad form to ask. She was the cause of the injury after all. She tapped the shell with her index finger, not knowing how to ask without sounding demanding. Or weak. She didn’t want to come to him for anything. Yet, this was the calmest she’d felt in a while. Even with her mind still racing. As it always did.
“Ah. Something troubles you.”
Not the best opener, but she’d take it since he offered it. He seemed genuine in his calmness. She didn’t quite get it. Though, she didn’t understand her own either.
“The United States government is moving with attempts to destabilize Wakanda. I was wondering if we could count on Talokan. If need be.”
When her eyes met his, he didn’t really seem to be thinking about what she’d just said. He was just…watching. Watching her. What he was looking for, she couldn’t decipher. His eyes trailed lower and lower until they stopped. She was puzzled for only a second before lifting her arm and untying the bracelet from her wrist.
“I brought it to return to you. I’m sure you were missing it.”
He reached and took it from her, but when she went to lower her arm, he held it up to her. As an offer. Far more intentional than the first time it was given to her.
“It was a token of the hope that we could work together. Which we very well still might. It is still yours. Here.”
He tied it back onto her wrist and she furrowed her brows in confusion, shaking her head. She didn’t get it. Was he not upset with her? She was upset with him. He’d taken all she had left. She couldn’t feel it right now, but she knew it was there. Every time he wasn’t in front of her and she thought of him she could feel it with ease. Did he not?
“I expected you to be angrier.”
“Me too. I respect you though. You are a good ruler as I am. It was all fair.”
“Was killing my mother fair to you?”
“I do regret what it led to, but I promised her what I would do. I haven't broken a promise ever. I don't plan to. She died a noble death. She was a noble woman."
She scoffed and chuckled ruefully. She could tell he wasn't trying to push her buttons. Everything he said was just what he believed. 
"Whatever. That's not what this is about. Will you be there if we need it?"
"Of course. My people aren't bitter either if you're wondering. Bothered, yes. But we understand that sometimes this is just the way of things."
"...Good. That was all. Hopefully, I won't need to see you."
She turned to walk away but there was the sound of the water sloshing behind her. He called out.
"Wait. I have something I need to ask you."
"...What is it?"
"Why do you hesitate? Now that you know what I've said about the nations here on the surface world is true. I can see your rage. It's still there."
She sighed because she had thought about it. It was one of the many things still on her mind. She was holding it back. She didn't want the world to suffer. She kept telling herself that over and over. She knew they wouldn't stop. That they wanted to hurt them and consume them the way they'd done other nations. Wakanda had not a friend in the world. Untrue. One. One friend.
"You don't get to tell me what I feel."
The sound of the water had gone back to the constant waves. She could feel him behind her even though he wasn't touching her. 
"No. I suppose not. I know how I feel. I still feel hatred for the surface. I still feel determined to destroy it. I still feel that we need Wakanda's help to do that. That is what I feel. Now you tell me if you feel the same."
She hadn’t even noticed how close he was until she turned her head to see that he was right behind her, their faces separated by the smallest distance. She thought about T’Challa. About everyone else. What they would say. What they would do. What they thought was best for Wakanda. Then she cleared them from her mind and thought about what she would do instead. Not T’Challa. Not Killmonger. Not Mother. Not Father. Shuri. What would she do? How would she care for Wakanda? Namor circled around to stand in front of her in her moment of hesitation and she looked down at the sand and the shell still in her hands. She hoped she might find the answer she was looking for in a grain of sand. She shivered when something cold touched her chin, dropping the shell in surprise. Cold and wet. A hand. His hand held her chin and gently tilted her head up.
“It’s a yes or no question, Queen Shuri.”
No one had called her that yet. People were still in the habit of calling her princess or just using her name. It still felt strange to everyone else. When he said it, it sounded as natural as the way he soared through the air. She thought she would hate hearing people call her that, but the sound of it from his lips caressed her ears and tempted her pride. She knew her answer, but what would everyone think if they could hear it?
“Yes. I do.”
“Then why don’t we?”
Shuri raised her hand to his wrist to pull his hand away, but it just rested on his wrist instead. A loose grip. Hardly a grip at all. His hand slid to her cheek, fingertips brushing her ear, thumb hovering just above her bottom lip. It sounded so enticing. The thing that made it worse was the way he wasn’t trying too hard to sell it to her. To convince her. He didn’t need to. He must’ve known that. Perhaps it would be what she needed. To placate her vexation. She inhaled slowly and could smell the salt from his skin as she stepped a little closer. Though there wasn’t much closer they could be before they would touch. She felt like she was barely balancing on the edge of a cliff, rocking, and swaying, waiting for that one gentle wind to come by and knock her over the side. She didn’t know what would be waiting for her at the bottom of the cliff. Rocks, icy water, a current, nothingness.
“Because it’s wrong, Namor.”
“My enemies call me Namor. Please, if we’re at least allies now. Even if you recite things others tell you instead of what you’d rather say.”
Her mind was tranquil. Her thoughts were ordered and graceful. She felt so focused when he talked to her. It was the center of her focus that gave cause for concern. She could almost feel her heart fluttering. She’d already admitted what she felt. So why didn’t she? She took another step forward and there was no space left. She could feel the stray water droplets from his skin latch onto her clothes and retreat into the fabric. She didn’t feel conflicted when she only thought of what was the right thing to do now. Not what would’ve been the right thing before or to someone else. His eyes held no judgment. Only patience.
“...K’uk’ulkan. If I take the fight to them, will you help me?”
“Do you promise?”
He smiled and there was even the softest hint of laughter chasing right behind it. His thumb tugged at her lower lip gingerly as he hummed in what seemed to be contemplation. Every time she thought on him, she felt detestation. Now that he was in front of her it didn’t feel so simple. It was that same way, but only for a split second when she’d pulled him back into the ocean after their battle. Respect? Admiration? Did she feel safe in the sense of being able to relate to him? Even now as the feeling seemed to be drowning her, stealing her breath, accelerating her heart rate, making her hands unsteady, she couldn’t place it.
“I promise you, Your Majesty. Would you like to seal it?”
He looked at her mouth after his last sentence and back at her. She’d answered question after question with less and less room for thought between each one. Yet, her mind became more and more clear.
So they did. The first kiss was chaste and cautious, but there was another. And another. And another. Each one longer than the last. In that particular moment, she felt nothing in the way of uncertainty or fury. She’d wanted him to kiss her, but she still didn’t know what it was she might call the mysterious emotion that had filled her lungs. Whatever it was, she’d be fine to drown in it. 
“Love is an anguish, a question, a luminous doubt suspended. It is a desire to know the whole of you and a fear of finally knowing it." - Love is an Anguish, Xavier Villaurruita
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x3kristax3 · 2 years
Eternal Love
A/N: here is your warning to be ready for the tears!
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Chapter 1
I’m standing the spot he told me to be, today is six months since Hannah was found and we found out the truth about Richy. I've kept in touch with the gang but it's been different since Hannah was found expect with Jessy and Dan. 
I saw him in Duskwood but between the FBI, Hannah and Lilly we didn’t have much time alone. I knew that was going to happen. He stopped by my apartment three months ago and spent the night. We were curled up on my bed watching movies cuddling all night. I woke up to us tangled together and he took my breath away while he was still sleeping. I knew sleep wasn’t a luxury for him so the fact he felt safe enough with me to fall asleep even if it was just a little bit was all I needed to know our souls were interlocked.
I’m outside a motel, nothing fancy but it's where he told me to stand and wait for him. I’m looking at my phone but nothing new is coming through. I’m so focused I don’t realize someone came up until they wrap their arm around my waist. I fight until whoever is trying to take me until I hear his voice in my ear.
“It’s me, my love,” his voice soothes me like no other and I spin around looking into those ocean blue eyes full of love. I want to kiss him but he is wearing his mask so I nuzzle into his shoulder as I pull myself closer to him.
He grabs my hand and takes me inside the motel I had been standing outside of. He takes me to a room and unlocks it and I see this is where he’s been staying at last for a couple days and my heart breaks. His bags are always ready to go but he decided to let me see this side of him finally. He pulls me towards the bed and kisses me. I melt into his arms not wanting to break this kiss. I put my hands on his arms not wanting to let him go as I know every time with him is limited. We are so into the kiss that both jump when he computer goes off and he pulls away. He looks at his computer and it shows his pursuers location and I realize this might be even shorter than I expected it to be tonight. I sit on the bed and sigh.
“MC, I don’t have to leave yet” he grabs my face. “They are just close but not that close that I can’t spend a night with you.”
“Will you sleep tonight?” I ask as now I see the dark circles under his eyes and how tired he is.
He leans into me and whispers in my ear “ i don't think either of us will sleep tonight.’ he turns my head so my eyes are looking into his and my body melts. We kiss deep again and he lays me back on the bed.
As we lay in bed afterwards, I run my fingers along scars and he kisses me softly. I can see he’s tired but I know he won’t sleep with them being so close. He puts the TV on and I curl into him. My head on his chest not wanting to let him go, afraid of when I’ll see him again if I do. I feel my eyes getting heavy and I fall asleep.
I wake up to the sun coming in through the window which is weird because I remember them being closed last night. I sit up and see his stuff is all gone and my heart breaks. I feel the tears falling down my face but this is part of loving him.
I see a note on the nightstand by my phone.
I will always love you but I had to run. As you were sleeping they got even closer. This isn’t the life I wanted for you. While I love you with all my heart, please don’t wait anymore for me. Please move on with your life.
I look at my phone and see our last text message and my heart breaks because he deleted where to meet him so it's him telling me he loves me and will always be there. I want to text him but decide not to and I get dressed. I see the key for the room on the desk and I sigh. I hope the room is at least paid for. I head down and check out for him, thankfully it was paid for and head out to my car. As I get to my car I see the FBI and I sigh. I head back to Duskwood even though I have no idea why. I would rather go looking for him but I have no idea where to even start.
I pull up in front of the house I found and break down crying right in the car. I never expect him to do this to me. I knew what I was getting into but my heart loves him. My phone goes off and after I stop crying I look at it. 
Jake: Please don't be upset with me. I had to do this for your safety. I hope you got out before they showed up. I will always love you.
I don't answer him but I head into the house and Jessy is there taking care of my dog. She sees the tears on my face but instead of saying anything she just hugs me and I fall to pieces.
"It's gonna be okay. You will see him again and forget all about how it hurts when hea leaves," her voice is soothing but she doesn't know the reason for the tears.
I shake my head and head to my bedroom and curl up under the blanket with my dog and sob. I hear the front door open and I know she is leaving me alone. I  can't admit the truth to anyone right now.
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