#walking novel
dragonsbluee · 3 months
I love the idea of Cale getting flirted with and it just absolutely flying over his head. Regardless of whether he's aroace, aro, ace or neither, at his core Cale is OBLIVIOUS to how people view him.
It gets even better if his protective family knows EXACTLY what's going on, and are determined to keep everyone away.
Some visiting noble at a gala spends a few hours chatting him up, and the whole time, Cale thinks they're just trying to use him to get to his friends. Either by making a good impression by being friendly, or he's trying to manipulate Cale into giving away secrets. Jokes on him, Cale would never reveal their secrets and plans so easily, and definitely not for free! Meanwhile, Choi Han, Alberu and Eruhaben are just glaring this man down, and keep interrupting their conversation when they can. Alberu makes sure he isn't invited back.
Some lady tries to trap Cale in a scandal but Roslyn just pops up and demands to know how she could ever even think the Young Master wants her when Roslyn is right there. Cale of course thinks this means the young lady is trying to replace Roslyn as Owner of the Magic Tower, and sends her off before she can get another word in. He worked way too hard to get Roslyn her tower and position, no way is he going to let some random person steal it. The next day rumours float around that Cale will only consider eligible young ladies who are extremely proficient in magic. The Roan Kingdom's number of mages grows exponentially in a few months.
As Cale grows older, more people approach him expressing a desire to "have his children". The first time Cale hears this, he grabs Raon, On and Hong and books it out of there before these kidnappers can make their move. How prepared were they to take the kids if they had the guts to tell him to his face?! The kids aren't allowed out of sight for a week, and enjoy the extra pampering, even as the others hunt down anyone who might consider blatantly propositioning Cale.
Cale gets tired of people approaching him with their weird questions and asks Raon to keep a permanent shield around him so that no one can get too close unless allowed. To the public and many of his family, however, this just looks like Cale is so worried and stressed that he's had to keep his shield up just to have some peace. The people band together to defend their hero, and soon no one approaches Cale unless he approaches them first. Children are given a free pass, but anyone else who tries is quickly intercepted by random passerbys. Cale believes people are nervous, intimidated, or have finally stopped considering him to be a major hero.
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herbgerblin · 2 months
I knew The Suffering Game graphic novel was going to wreck me but it’s actually doing this to me
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zombiekombi-if · 3 months
Zombie Kombi
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An interactive story by @josru
The cities are barren.
Not a soul has been seen navigating North America's metropolitan landscapes in years.
The undead are considered soulless, anyways.
In the late 2040s, zombies have overtaken the greater part of North America. You live on the outskirts of San Francisco, in an old, beat-up, secondhand Volkswagen Minibus. Also known as a Kombi (not sponsored).
You've been alone for as long as you can remember. Your elderly parent is long gone, and you have yet to meet another person, let alone one you're sure can be your ally.
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Play as male, female or NB/GNC.
Choose your hunting level. Pick between amateur, alright, and advanced.
Romance one of four potential options (or keep them as friends, adversaries, or enemies, depending on your choices)
Choose your path:
Discover what happened to the world, causing it to be filled with the undead, by traversing to the city.
Find out about the first owner of your Kombi. (#??? videos found so far.)
Navigate conspiracies about a local settlement that seems too friendly.
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Howard "How" Ngam
A mid-thirties, quiet, skeptical Thai-American man, How Ngam hates everyone and everything that's happened to him. He's the previous (read: not the first) owner of the Kombi- imagine his surprise when he stumbles upon you, living in a place he was sure he left locked and empty, meant to be his personal solitude.
He isn't the easiest to talk to, but his bristly attitude has it's purpose in this world. He's discovered a lot about the city, and How could take you there, but he's protective of those he cares about, which might include you.
Appearance: Tan-olive skin, deep-set eyes with wrinkles and dark circles, wide nose, prominent lips, shaggy, ear-length black hair, brown eyes, and stubble/mustache going on. About 5'8", fairly lean, some muscle. He's usually wearing a hand-me down, dark green jacket, and a copper-toned beanie. Heavy worker boots. Non-descript pants and shirt.
Dylan Chase
A late twenties, Half-Irish woman, Dylan is always searching for a greater purpose. She's scared, but determined to find herself in the midst of the apocalypse. You could worry that she's read too many self-help books, but she knows herself. Even if she can be a bit harsh about it.
Dylan wants more than anything to be caring, to prove to others that she's not a bad person. She lives in a well furnished settlement, where lack of resources seems to never be an issue. The guilt of being there, when everyone else is suffering, eats at her, but you could soothe her feelings, if you wish.
Appearance: Pale, warm toned, freckly-orange skin, hooked nose, sharply defined, thinner lips, deep red long hair past her shoulders, (basically think of a tomato), green wide eyes. About 5'6", very skinny, long runner legs with muscular calves. Despite the cold of San Francisco, Dylan runs hot and wears jean shorts, cropped shirts, or athleisure like hoodies and leggings.
He's a zombie. Gloor's skin is a pallid green-blue, with splotches of beige that reminds you he was human at one point. There are chunks of skin and flesh missing from his body, but he persists on, in the way the undead always do.
He can barely hold a fully fledged sentence with you, but you can tell he doesn't mean any harm. There's something lifelike in his eyes as he stares with you, a strong purpose held in his pupils, untouched by the typical fog that zombies carry. It's even more obvious in the way he seems to still have fine motor skills: he's capable of writing a few letters for you, if you want him to.
Appearance: Green-blue skin, brownish-grey hair that's mostly all fallen out, brown eyes. No nose, lips receding. 6'2", surprisingly wide in the middle due to his ribcage. He's wearing an old, dilapidated suit, and a wrinkly dress shirt, and torn up pants.
Alia Jacobs
Named after Saint Alia of the Knife, Alia is a mid-thirties, black woman that absolutely adores pop culture and trivia. She's a massive, optimistic nerd, and maybe one that's a bit obsolete in this current time- nobody really cares to get into escapist fantasies the way she does. Either way, she's got a cabin filled with comics, old video games, and DVDs. You wonder where and how she's collected so much paraphernalia, and mainly why-  and she's willing to share that with you if you don't judge her.
Appearance: Deep cool toned skin, natural loose afro to about the end of her neck, brown eyes, slight smile lines, prominent lips, straight nose. 5'3", pear shaped, hourglass body. She wears billowy, silky tops, and well structured cargo pants. She wears a lot of jewelry like rings, bangles, and earrings.
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blessedsweetgirl · 3 months
Literally husband and wife
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ghoulisheous · 2 years
I love those dp x dc fics where Danny is a boy on the run and for some reason or another the bats are trying to track him down, but Danny is a boy on the run. Cause they always give off this vibe
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mxtxfanatic · 5 days
Was Wen Ning so special as a corpse because he regained his consciousness, or was he special as a corpse because Wei Wuxian was able to return his consciousness?
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black-and-yellow · 1 year
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Oops! All Micnight
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vela-pulsars · 2 months
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not enough stonjourner art out there
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mewtwo24 · 9 months
I just started reading the svsss volumes (and re-read them again because A LOT IS GOING ON) but like. This shit is so hysterically funny I don't even know where to begin.
Was no one????? Going to tell me that one of the cornerstone jokes in the damn series is that lbh's adoration for his one and only 'tism person who literally cannot express his emotions to save his life is basically genetic?????????
Was no one???? No one AT ALL going to tell me that Mobei-Jun straight up yeets Airplane at the problem in one of the scenes?????? And that in the most hilarious twist of fate Airplane then unyeets Mobei-Jun not twenty minutes later?????
It's one thing to see people joke about sqq and lbh being unable to communicate but it's on a league of its own when you have to read HUNDREDS OF PAGES of sqq's inner monologue be like 'that's my darling boy. my baby. my sugar plum pumpy umpkin you're my sweetie pie' but on the outside he says "get lost binghe" and somehow deems that an effective expression of his affection that lbh will surely understand. 'Why is lbh whining and crying and tugging at my sleeve like a plaintive wife, why is he so angry?' Sqq asks, the entire circus, as lbh is about to fling himself off a cliff for attention--
In short, MXTX is the queer comedian of our generation and nobody appreciates her enough
#svsss#bingqiu#shen qingqiu#luo binghe#mxtx what must it be like to carry the gays on your shoulders like this#she ran so that the rest of us could walk oh my actual god#i just can't get over how much of the novels are sqq panicking because he needs to 'do right' by lbh#aka make lbh the absolute lunatic from the original#so its just this uproarious back and forth between a guy trying to make a bbg desperate for his love into a human weapon#AND make himself disappear before that weapon is turned on him (also probably the self-hatred talking)#amazing showstopping spectacular **slaps sqq's back** you can fit so many repressed internalizations of toxic masculinity in this mf#legit as i read these volumes i just kept thinking of that meme like 'congrats sqq buddy that's the worst anyone's ever done it' (joke)#not that lbh is any better but in fairness the lad is going through a lot too so i spare him too harsh a judgement#also sincerely i dont think i was prepared for just how stupid how crazy lbh goes for sqq. it was. MAGNIFICENT#I was like 'surely he isn't that dramatic' and then by god everyone. by god I started reading and went#'jesus christ that's a nuclear missile shaped little meow meow and that's HILARIOUS'#i also just can't get over sqq insisting 'IM NOT GAY. I DONT GAY. IM THE STRAIGHTEST STRAIGHT!!!!'#while. literally. saying full stop to lbh of like 'wym i smile more genuinely at everyone else they're just scarecrows around me'#sqq--the man who couldn't bear to see lbh suffering as a young boy.#who was so affected he was crying in his sleep and calling out lbh's name over and over#ON WHAT LEVEL IS THAT HETEROSEXUAL SQQ. THE JIG IS UP#literally EVERYONE around sqq being like 'congrats on being the last to know' about his love for lbh#and can we talk about sqq being like 'we used to communicate so seamlessly that we had no need for words. there was no greater joy for me.'#and highlighting that though gongyi xiao was a similar and talented young lad he fell decidedly short because he did not have above quality#and then sqq still being in denial; i swear i LOVE the little hints mxtx drops i feel like the happiest mouse scampering around for crumbs#additionally a question: how does anyone take liu qingge seriously#when he's displeased he just yells 'HEY' and does nothing about it (most times)#that is the most boomer dad energy i think i've ever seen#also :(((((((( all the jokes about tianlang-jun (though accurate) were so deceptive my heart was broken at the end of vol.3
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For reference about what i said about Enid's werewolf height the other day, this is how crazy her size is in wednesday's description in the novel and i hope SO MUCH they never change it cause it's both fun and funny as fuck
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Example 3:
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And now the side by side with my favorite werewolves one of them having until now the title of biggest werewolf
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PLEASE NETFLIX THIS IS SO FUCKING FUNNY IT OPENS SO MANY POSSIBILITIES, KEEP IT, like, bring it into the show, also because the novelization as many others more likely than not was based on the show's early development and then still got approved in the end means that despite the weird ass golden retriver we got they were probably really going for a horror inducing werewolf in the finale, in the final side by side specifically if she was on all fours like in the show she would still be around Van Helsing's own height, this is insane, can my fellow werewolf nerds come talk about this we got a gold mine here on teenage show territory and i need more
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aspiringnexu · 1 year
Okay so I sort of fell face-first into the Star Trek fandom and went on a Spirk fic reading spree. And, as is usual with my reading, I latched onto a plot that my brain is going nuts over.
There was a fic where Kirk found out he was like, 1/16th Vulcan because some industrious Vulcan lady a while ago decided the only logical way to experience Earth was to settle down and have kids there with a native and not tell anybody. Anyway, its very amusing, turns out Kirk is the last living descendent of some noble Vulcan house and as such can inherit quite a few profitable investments and a potential future High Council seat if he wants, though his taunts of assuming such a position to annoy Spock fall on the back burner when he suddenly goes into Pon Farr because of course he does.
But my brain immediately latched onto 'part-Vulcan Jim Kirk' and went a tiny bit rabid.
So the idea arrived. Kirk, completely unaware of his Vulcan ancestry, encounters Shenanigans on an Away Mission as is customary. Alien medical tech goes a bit bonkers and the captain is hit but physically okay, just unconscious. Bones will still give him hell when he wakes up but Spock can breathe easy. The Shenanigans were mild this time. Or were they? Turns out the medical tech actually did do something. It stimulated the latent Vulcan genes, artificially encouraging growth and change at an incredibly rapid pace, not eleminating Kirk's humanity but elevating him from Human with Vulcan spice, to almost even half n' half.
So we get poor Kirk waking up with undisciplined telepathic powers, a much stronger body, and the worst headache known to humanoids. Bones discovering his patient has miraculously decided to switch species overnight. And poor, poor Spock who just got over the minor heart attack of the previous incident and is now face to face with the prettiest Vulcan he has ever fucking seen.
Because half-Vulcan!Jim is blond, blue-eyed, and radiating 'confused kicked puppy' vibes like the world's most attractive telepathic foghorn.
Bonus points if Spock goes into Pon Farr early because Jim is projecting so much emotion and is also just That Pretty.
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childrenofcain-if · 1 month
Does the MC drive or do we have our very own Alfred who takes us everywhere?
Oooo did we ever have an Alfred type figure in MC's life?
you’ll get the option to choose if MC can drive/have a driver’s licence, or they’re too snobbish/scared/lazy to get a licence and prefer being a passenger princex.
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“Just go on dancing with me like this forever and I'll never tire. We'll scrape our shoes on the stars and hang upside down from the moon.” -The Long Walk, Peter McVries
Had to draw my favourite characters from one of my favourite books, The Long Walk by Stephen King. A really heartbreaking story.
prints + patreon
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to-be-a-dreamer · 1 year
Anyways, in the Newsies book, Davey refers to Jack as “dashing” in his inner monologue that is all thank you
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souheki-lovechild · 6 months
ethereal beautiful meaningful soukoku and cringe fail loser soukoku are two concepts that can and should (and do) coexist
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myokk · 4 months
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“Class, today we’re going to repot the baby mandrakes because they’re getting a bit too big for their current homes! Aren’t they cute?”
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