#wanda sees right through it tho
inkblot-inc · 2 years
If Jaws has to be up by a certain time when they aren’t on a mission it’s been discovered that Wanda or Nat need to be sent to wake them. Because they’ll break any sort of alarm clock, including their phone, to make it shut up. And when Tony asked Friday to wake Jaws that just ended with Jaws trashing Tony’s lab. Wanda had put them in a ‘time out’ for that. Which just means that she floated them in the air with her powers while she continued on with her business till she thinks they have atoned for their guppy crimes.
I can see this happening a lot earlier on, but Jaws does fall back into that from time to time
Wanda just watching Jaws' intimidating figure flailing in the air and making no progress trying to get down 😂
"You can't keep doing this to me Wanda! Sharks are meant to float in WATER you know!"
Wanda looks up from her book and slightly tilts her head to the side, "I can do this for as long as I want, gup. You brought this onto yourself-"
"I know, I know, and I'm SORRY!"
Wanda raised a brow in doubt, "You're sorry about trashing Tony's lab?"
Jaws eyes glinted with hope, "Yes, yes I am!"
Wanda set her book down for a second. "Mm... Ten more minutes. It's not good to lie, guppy."
Jaws eyes widened as they watched her get up and walk out of the room without warning. "Wha-?! COME ON I HAVE TO PEE!"
Nat just recording the whole thing on the side for later-
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Sweet Summer | Pt. 1
Wanda Maximoff x f!Reader
Summary: The Xavier Institude is being renovated for the summer. With nowhere else to go, your best friends Billy and Tommy offer you to stay with them and their mom. But what happens when feelings start to spark between the two of you?
Word Count: 5.5k
Warnings: Trauma, Eventual Smut (in 2nd part), Age Gap (20yo reader, 37yo Wanda)
Tags: mutant!Reader (shadow manipulation), different timeline, everyone is alive (except Pietro, sorry Pietro), no Sokovia Accords, no Thanos, Wanda was young when she joined the Avengers, retired Natasha, top!Reader, bottom!Wanda, but they switch a bit, Vision is a bit of an asshole, divorced!Wanda, mainly cutesy, bit of angst tho
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"Are you sure it's okay?" You asked both of your friends as you stood in the doorway of their bedroom. Summer was here, and with it, Professor X decided to do some renovations to the Institute.
For most of the mutants, it changed nothing since they would go home for the summer, but for you, it meant two months in the streets - well not really since Xavier offered all students who couldn't go home to stay at a hotel with the resident teachers, an uncomfortable solution in your opinion that left you with a bad taste in your mouth, like you needed the charity (which you did) before going off to University. Lucky for you, your two best friends had offered you to stay with them. It took a bit of convincing, a lot of reassuring that it wouldn't bother their mother, but in the end Billy and Tommy managed to have you agree to come with them for the holidays.
"We're absolutely certain, stop worrying that much," Tommy said, speeding around to finish preparing his suitcase at the last minute. He disappeared from the room and Billy softly smiled at you.
"He's right. And mom already agreed. She always wants to meet our friends, so I'm sure she'd be disappointed if you changed your mind."
You wanted to ask him if he was telling you all that just to make you feel better, but you fought it off. It was a nasty habit you had to always feel like you were a burden and a bother. The twins always found a way to reassure you, so you knew better than to question them some more. You gave Billy a nod, and watched as Tommy disappeared from the room and came back a second later with more things to stuff in his suitcase. He threw everything in and closed it after fighting it for a few minutes.
"I'm ready!" He declared proudly in a hero pose. You rolled your eyes and looked at the time on your phone.
"Only ten minutes late, a new record," you teased him. The speedster was somehow always late with everything, which in turn made you and Billy late. It would drive the teachers crazy, since the three of you were a package deal. You had been since you were young mutants just joining the Institute, despite being older than them by two years - you were still in the same level classes as them. This proximity never translated during holidays when they were away, beyond staying in contact with your phones. It took you being forced out to finally agree to go to their place.
"We should go now," the more responsible Billy declared as he started to drag his suitcase after him with his powers. "Mom has been waiting for us."
Anxiousness filled you for a second, but you took a deep breath and you followed the twins. You adjusted your bag on your shoulder as you walked down the stairs, saying goodbye to the other people who were getting ready to leave. There were a few fist bumps and brief hugs as your classmates and teachers warmly returned the goodbyes. It was the last time you were going to see some of them as you were leaving for university at the end of the summer holidays. This left you feeling sad and nostalgic, but also happy that you were progressing in life despite everything that happened to you. Those feelings washed over you as you walked through the doors of the Institute into the sun. A bunch of parents were waiting there to take their kids home. You never got to join them until now, but you watched from afar plenty of time, never daring to step closer and meet your friends' parents.
Today, Ms. Maximoff was alone. A few years ago she divorced her husband and father of her children. It had been hard on Billy and Tommy, but eventually, and with some help from therapy, they got over it. They still saw him regularly, and you were going to meet him when they were going to spend a month at his place, taking you with them. Because there was no way you would spend a month alone with their mother.
The twins spotted her first and waved at her from afar. You turned your head to have a good look at her and almost stopped on the spot when you did. She was gorgeous. Her wavy light brown hair, piercing green eyes, small nose, and lips were working all together to give her this unique charming look. But most of all, her smile was radiant. As you kept looking at her, you missed a step in the stairs and almost fell. Luckily, Tommy got you and straightened you up. You could feel all eyes on you for a brief instant, making you blush profusely but briefly as you kept walking, looking where you were going this time. Only when the twins stopped did you stop too and looked up. And there she was, right in front of you, in a white with sunflowers sundress and an open red hoodie. You couldn't help but gawk again while Billy gave her a hug. Tommy noticed and smiled proudly.
"Never seen an Avenger up close before?" He asked, so sure that it was the reason why, and you weren't about to contradict him.
"No, never." Especially not one so utterly beautiful. You shook your head and got a hold of yourself while Ms. Maximoff was hugging Tommy and finally stepped closer to her to extend your hand. "I'm glad to finally meet you Ms. Maximoff."
You barely had time to get those words out before she took your hand and pulled you in a strong hug. You were immediately overwhelmed by her scent and her warmth. You were paralyzed.
"Thank you for looking over Tommy and Billy. And please, call me Wanda."
"Oh, huh, sure, I can do that," you answered before she let you go, her hands still on your shoulders.
For a moment, your eyes met and you swallowed hard, feeling your cheeks burn up before she let go for good. It was like there was a current going through the air and into your body, something you both shared. Your heart skipped a beat. You took a deep breath.
"Let's get going, put your packs in the trunk of the car."
And just like that, it was as if nothing had happened. To be fair, you probably just imagined the connection going on between you and Wanda, so you tried to ignore the way you felt and simply put your bag in the trunk of the car. It gave you enough time to recover before you slid in the back of the car with Billy, after the twins fought for the place at the front.
There was a lively conversation between the twins and their mom, and music, and as you watched the scenery go by the window you found yourself smiling. That was until you arrived in front of a colonial revival style house in the suburbs. It was painted white, with two stories, and a large balcony on the right. A tree in the front yard hid most of the left side of the house, and the lawn was well kept. You followed everyone inside and a smile graced your lips when you saw how homey the place was. It would have completely relaxed you if not for that gnarly feeling of intruding on the family. It was like vines growing alongside your heart, preparing to crush it at any sign that this was true. That thought was interrupted when Wanda addressed you.
"Y/n? Come, I'll show you to your room." She spoke softly and grabbed you by the wrist to direct you towards the stairs. Her hand was soft and warm, and the simple contact elicited a tingling sensation up your arm. "This is Tommy's room, and here is Billy's. This is the bathroom. Here is my room, and here is yours."
She opened the door to the guest bedroom. It was simple, impersonal, with a king sized bed, a dresser, and a full length mirror. Close to the bed there was a door leading to the big balcony, and you guessed by the way things were in the house that Wanda had that same access. She entered the room and went to the door to the balcony to open it.
"I aired the room a few times in preparation of you coming but it still feels a bit stuffy," she pointed out as she looked outside. You shook your head and put down your bag on the bed, offering your host a smile.
"It's no worries, that room is great!"
"I'm glad you think so." She turned around and looked at you, examining your features for an instant. You tried not to squirm under her gaze, before her next words shocked you to your core. "Are you going out with Tommy?"
Your eyes went big like saucers, you opened your mouth once or twice before finally your shock settled and a laugh came out of you. It quickly grew bigger and bigger until you had tears in your eyes. Wanda frowned in confusion until you calmed down enough to answer her.
"No, we're not… I'm not interested in him like that. Actually I'm not interested in men like that," you confessed. You knew Billy was gay and came out years ago to his parents, so Wanda shouldn't have any trouble with this. There was still some brief silence before she smiled at you.
"Good." Her smile got more mysterious and you tilted your head, unsure of what it meant. You took it as a good sign, that she simply was glad that she didn't have to worry about Tommy dating you. "Okay, I'm going to let you organize your stuff. I have some work this afternoon, so have fun with the boys."
"Thank you. And thank you again for letting me stay."
"They talk so much about you, it's my pleasure to finally get to meet you."
You nodded, and Wanda left the room. You followed her movements with your eyes, looking her up and down before catching yourself.
"She's your best friends' mom, come on," you muttered to yourself before starting to take care of your bag.
It had been a week since you arrived at the Maximoff's household, and you had been having fun so far. You enjoyed the pool the most, having fun with Tommy and Billy while Wanda was away most of the time on Avenger business. There had been a few touches between the both of you, a hand on your shoulder while she was passing you, lingering close to you when bringing food on the table. You were sure that you were reading too much into it, but at the same time your heart would skip a beat every time it happened, your skin lighting on fire just by her simple presence. You tried your best to ignore it, of course, and so far it was working. With any chance it was going to pass soon enough and you wouldn't make a fool of yourself in the process.
"Hey, Y/n. I just received a message from a childhood friend, he's having a party, you wanna go?"
"Thanks for asking Tommy," Billy said with a roll of his eyes, sitting in an inflatable donut in the pool.
"I already know you'll go, dummy. So, Y/n?"
You laughed at the twins' antiques and approached the edge of the pool. A party would be nice, and it would take you out of the house. Maybe even make you think of something else than Wanda and her mesmerizing green eyes. There were no reasons for you not to go.
"Yeah, that sounds great."
"Great! It's in a week so we should go buy some clothes for it!" Tommy exclaimed before he answered the text from his friend.
"I already have clothes," You groaned before pulling yourself out of the water. It's not that you didn't like getting new clothes, if you were honest, it was that you didn't have the money for it. Something that you had no intention to reveal to your friends.
"Come on, it'll be fun!"
You rolled your eyes, but you knew there was no way out of this. You put your hands up in surrender.
"Alright, alright, we can go all together, you big baby," you smirked as Tommy frowned and put down his phone. He sped at you and pushed you in the water in retaliation, before he jumped in turn to start attacking you. You fought back, ending up climbing on his back like a spider, when Wanda approached the pool with a raised eyebrow. She was wearing a smart casual business outfit. You didn't notice her immediately, not before Billy got to explain what was happening.
"Why don't I come with you? I have an outing soon," Wanda offered as she looked at you and Tommy with an amused grin, now that you noticed her, stopping your playfight. Her eyes were boring into you, waiting for you to answer the question more than anyone else.
"Sure. Yeah, that would be nice." You scratched the back of your neck, a smile on your face as you looked back at her.
The moment was interrupted when Billy's inflatable bumped into you. You all discussed the details and decided to go tomorrow morning, when there would be less people than usual. It meant waking up early, but it wouldn't be a problem for you; you usually slept very little.
When morning came, you prepared yourself and went downstairs to surprise everyone with breakfast. You started with eggs and bacon, then pancakes. You were preparing coffee when footsteps came from the stairs.
"It smells delicious," Wanda said before you could even see her. When she finally turned the corner to the kitchen, you smiled at her. She was wearing her hair up in a loose bun, a large gray sweater, and some black sweatpants. Even just in her relaxed state she was gorgeous, and you almost burned a pancake looking at her.
"Thank you. Why don't you sit down and I'll bring you your breakfast." She nodded and went to sit down at the table in the sunroom under the balcony, crossing her arms on it. You prepared a plate and brought it to her.
"What's the occasion?" She asked when you were putting down the plate.
"No occasion, I just want to pull my weight around here." You cleaned the traces of fingers on the plate with a dishcloth while turning the plate properly. "I hope you enjoy it."
"I feel like I'm at one of Tony's fancy brunch."
"Never been to one of those, but it sure sounds like the food would be good."
"It was." For a fraction of a second, her smile turned sad. "It was one of the first things I experienced after coming to the States. I couldn't enjoy the food properly, but having everyone with me… it was special. Especially after…" she cut herself, her eyes lost somewhere away. She came back quickly and turned to you.
"Thank you so much." She put her hand on yours briefly as she thanked you, and your heart skipped a beat. You grinned proudly.
"Of course."
With that you went back to the kitchen, feeling rejuvenated by the simple contact and closer to Wanda after the short conversation, despite being worried about what she decided to hide. You knew you could probably just do some research on her history and come to your own conclusions based on context, but it felt intrusive, so you decided against it. Once you were back behind the stove, Billy then Tommy appeared one after the other, in different states of awakening. With them finally present, you also sat down to enjoy breakfast, then everyone left to go get ready for the day. 
You were quick to arrive at the clothing store and grab whatever caught your fancy. You knew you weren't going to buy anything but it didn't mean you couldn't enjoy trying on nice clothes. There was a leather jacket that caught your attention and you put it on your arm to try it later as you kept going around the store. You looked at some things with Wanda while the boys were in the other section of the store.
"What do you think of this dress?" Wanda asked you as she held a nice black and white garment with a bit of a vintage style in front of herself. You tried to imagine her in it, and if you were honest to yourself you thought she'd probably even look good in a potato bag.
"I think it'd look great!" The woman smiled at you and added it to the small pile of clothes she had collected so far. Now you knew where Tommy's sense of style came from at least.
With that in mind, you joined back with the boys to try on what you had found in the store. Like you, Billy only had a few items, so you went first to try the clothes, putting on a mini show. You really liked the leather jacket, the twins and Wanda complimenting you on it, and you thought for a second that maybe you should buy it. But upon seeing the price again you grimaced and decided to put it with the rest of the clothes you couldn't buy anyway.
After you, Wanda and Tommy started their own mini show of trying their clothes. It was the occasion for you to admire the woman some more without feeling like a creep. You were right in your earlier assessment; Wanda could wear anything and look gorgeous. As both Tommy and Wanda went back into the fitting room, Billy decided to wander back into the store, leaving you alone on the bench where you waited for the rest of the show.
"Billy? Can you come help me with the zipper of my dress?" Wanda called, and you looked around. With your friend gone, you hesitantly approached the fitting room curtain.
"He went back into the store," you simply said to her. A few floating seconds passed.
"Can you help me then?"
You hesitated. On one hand, being in such a small space with her not technically fully dressed seemed like a bad idea for the blooming crush you had on her, and on the other hand, it's not like she was naked or like it was anything more than innocent. In the end, you got a hold of yourself.
"Yes. Yes I can." You entered the fitting room quickly so as to not expose her. There she was, her back turned on you, her back in full view while she was holding the dress up to cover the rest of her body. Your mouth felt dry when you came closer to her.
"I can't catch the zipper, so if you could just…" she trailed off but you understood clearly what she needed.
"Okay, let me just…"
You chased a few strands of hair away from her back to go with the rest, the soft texture burning on your fingers. You noticed a few goosebumps on her skin at this point, and you wanted nothing more than to trace along them on her back. It was easy to imagine the silky skin under your fingertips, the warmth of it against your lips, and the taste between your teeth. There was a dull ache inside of you, like a deep resonance that called to you. But you controlled yourself. With as much delicacy as you could manage, you took the zipper between your fingers and brought it up carefully until it hit the top of the dress.
"There you go," you almost whispered before looking up. Your eyes met in the mirror and you could swear you saw the same hunger as yours deep inside her green irises.
"Thank you," she told you, and you saw her neck bobbed slightly as she swallowed hard. Electricity ran through you and your hand raised, ready to meet hers so you could turn her around and get more than you did the past week.
"Where is everyone?" You heard Tommy ask. You stopped in your tracks, back to reality. After blinking a few times, you took a step back and came out of the fitting room trying to look casual.
"Sorry, I was helping Wanda with something."
She actually came out in turn and showed the dress to Tommy. She looked like nothing had happened - and technically nothing had - but you could still feel the blood filling your ears like the single most important decision of your life had been taken away from you. You contained a sigh and went back to sit while the rest of the time spent in the store flew by.
A few days went by, during which you tried to control your growing feelings. You quickly realized it was a futile endeavor the one day Wanda joined you to swim in the morning. Seeing her in her swimming suit, you couldn't help but appreciate the display of skin and how utterly beautiful she looked - leftover traces of pregnancy and all. She caught you looking at her a few times, and without ever missing a beat she smiled at you. It was a simple moment that cemented your attraction to her and whatever else you weren't ready to admit you were feeling. But despite that simple interaction, the peace that came with her small reciprocation didn't last.
You were playing on the PS5 with Billy, while Tommy was outside working on his tan. This day had been slow, until now when Wanda started getting ready for her outing.
"I'm almost ready to leave," Wanda said as she adjusted her long hair over her shoulder, then her carmine dress. She put on her heels and looked herself over in the mirror. "I left you with enough money for whatever you want to order, don't break the house, I'll be back late so be in bed before I come back."
"You hear that Tommy?" Billy relayed.
"No, sorry, the sun is blocking my ears!"
You paused the game and stood up with Billy to see her out when you noticed the luxurious car waiting in front of the house. A man stood up next to it, dressed in a relaxed suit. You frowned slightly as you looked back at Wanda, and it hit you. This 'outing' was definitely a date. Your heart sank to the bottom of your stomach.
"Have fun, mom," Billy said as he gave his mother a hug. Meanwhile you stayed standing in the hallway, frozen as every little sign you thought you saw her give to you came to your mind. Had you been imagining it? Your focus came back on Wanda when you felt her gaze on you, very briefly. You took a deep breath to ground yourself.
"I'll see you all tomorrow," she said before she disappeared through the door. Without another word, Billy taped you in the shoulder on his way to the console. It was enough to get you to automatically join him, your mind lost in speculations.
You spent the rest of the evening coming in and out of your thoughts, unable to share them with anyone, even when the conversation veered towards Wanda's date as you were eating your pizza.
"So, what did the guy look like?" Tommy asked his brother, who shrugged.
"He was a bit far so I didn't get to see well enough but he looked okay."
"What about you, Y/n, saw anything?"
You went back to the moment you saw the man in your head, only the feeling of hating the man for no reason. "There was nothing special besides his cool car."
Tommy groaned at your answer, looking at his pizza with distaste.
"You guys suck at gossiping, I swear."
You laughed lightly, and Billy pushed the last slice of pizza towards you as he spoke very wisely.
"Mom doesn't want us to meet the guy, we shouldn't force it. It's only their second date, there is really no reason to push."
You took the pizza slice, listening intently as you ate.
"I just wish she'd date someone fun or something," Tommy pouted.
"You can't think only of yourself." Billy had a point there, and his brother knew it, but it also hit you. You had to consider them in the equation of whatever you were feeling, whether Wanda liked you back or not. You couldn't just keep thirsting over their mom like that. With that new revelation in mind, you all watched a movie and went to bed. 
The shadows around you were your only company, until you heard someone open the door downstairs. By the sounds she made, it had to be Wanda who was trying to be discreet as she was coming up the stairs. You followed her tracks around the house with your hearing, until she was finally in her bedroom. You closed your eyes, thinking she was going to go to bed but instead she opened the door to the balcony and took one of the chairs to sit on it. You frowned slightly, trying to visualize what she was doing but there was no point, you couldn't hear a thing anymore. You stayed in bed some more time until the curiosity was killing you, then you stood up and joined Wanda on the balcony. She was leaning against the railing, back in comfortable clothes, and looking at the sky hanging so far away from her. There was a glass and a bottle of wine sitting next to her. It was clear that she was lost in thoughts and didn't notice you.
"How was your date?" You asked rather bluntly, surprising her. She turned around quickly, wisps of red at her fingertips that vanished when she saw it was only you.
"Why aren't you asleep?" She returned on the defensive, her accent coming through for once. You approached and leaned against the railing like she did earlier.
"I just couldn't find sleep. Your turn now."
Wanda let out a sigh and resumed her position, not looking at you as she answered.
"I don't think I'm going to see him again." That answer made you feel conflicted. Your heart was making jumps and bounds at that, but her voice was so dejected that you couldn't help but feel bad for her. She grabbed her glass of wine and drank a sip. "Honestly I don't even know why I accepted a second date to begin with."
"That bad?" You tried in support to allow her to empty her mind.
"He just loved talking about himself, would try to order in my stead, and he had questionable opinions. To the point where I wondered why he would go on a date with me, a lowly woman with powers." You frowned at that last bit. Clearly the man was an idiot with an inflated ego.
"If he was that bad, why did you give him a second chance?" There was no blame in your voice, just pure curiosity. She took some time before she answered you, drinking a few more sips of wine.
"Part of it is loneliness, I suppose. Another part is…" she trailed off, her head briefly turning to look at you. "It doesn't really matter."
You hummed, half catching on to what she wasn't telling you. That you were part of the equation, even if she hadn't known you for long. But you had had your epiphany that night, so knowing that didn't matter anymore, you couldn't betray the twins.
"Loneliness sure sucks," you simply agreed. You took the glass of wine from her hand to take a sip while looking at her. Even in the dark you could see a small blush on her cheeks. "Makes us do dumb stuff."
"Aren't you a little bit young for that?" She arched an eyebrow at you and you smirked in return.
"I mean… yes," you admitted. "But not by much. Plus, it's not the first time I drink."
You winked at her and took one more sip before you put down the glass. She took it in turn and drank some more, then refilled it. There was peaceful, comfortable silence between the both of you as you shared the glass.
"Can I ask you something?" Wanda finally asked you, turning more towards you with a concerned but curious look. You shrugged slightly.
"Go ahead."
"How come… where…" she fiddled with her fingers and changed the leg she was most leaning against. "Where are your parents?"
You looked at her, no surprise on your face that she would ask that. It made sense after all that she would worry about it considering that you were invading her place for most of the summer. You linked your hands in front of you and looked away.
"I don't know, and frankly, I don't care. They're monsters." Memories started to surface as your eyes darkened. Visions of a dark basement and blood, of horrible words and terrible faith. When her hand landed on your shoulder, it took you out of those moments and anchored you to the now.
"I'm sorry," she whispered before her arms linked around you in a tentative hug. Her warmth and smell enveloped you like a reassuring blanket and you found yourself melting against her. Your vision became blurry; a few tears trailed down your cheeks. It took you some time, but eventually you calmed down enough to start enjoying the contact with Wanda.
You took a deep breath as you nudged your face closer to her neck and enjoyed the smell of cinnamon, sandalwood, and wine coming off of her. One of her hands made small circles on your back and you relaxed some more, until you emerged from the embrace and your gazes locked. The iridescent greens of her eyes were dancing under the moonlight like otherworldly flames ready to engulf you in its fire. It would have been so easy in this instant to lean closer and capture her lips, caress her rosy cheeks, and make her yours. And she did lean closer, her eyes fluttering shut, as you yourself started to initiate a kiss. But as you felt her breath on your lips, and could almost taste her supple mouth, a small voice in your head stopped you.
"I… I can't," you said, and she straightened up, looking red in shame.
"Oh. It's… I'm sorry, I shouldn't have…" she hid her face behind her hand and turned around, her back to you. Your lips formed a line and you took a step back.
"No, it's not you. I just… now… it's not a good time."
"No, you're right. We can't."
"I'm sorry," you said last before you fled to your bedroom, leaving Wanda alone on the balcony.
The dark basement had been your home for the last two years. At first, it wasn't that bad. You were in chains, but you got three meals a day and your parents would come and see you, trying to understand what happened, and encourage you to lose your powers somehow. And you tried, but you could always feel them in you, lurking in each shadow that you could see.
Then came the torture. New ways to deprive you of your 'gift from Satan'. First the exorcisms, then the cold of winter, then the electroshocks, then, then, then. One day, they simply didn't show up. No food and no water were brought to you. But no torture either. At first it happened maybe one time a week, they would forget you. It quickly became a habit. Two days a week, three days a week, five days a week. They would make sure you stayed alive, but it was like they had forgotten you. You were getting weaker and weaker, until one day you heard it.
Your doom.
A baby crying upstairs.
And at that moment you could feel in your guts what was their next step, what they needed to do to make sure that baby would be blessed by a life in the light of God. You almost accepted it. You felt so weak, ready to depart that torturous world that had been so unfair to you. So when the steps came down, you did nothing. When you saw the hammer, you did nothing. You laid there like a lamb waiting for slaughter.
He sat down next to you on your makeshift bed and caressed your hair with a tenderness you hadn't known the past two years. He told you it was going to be okay, that your suffering was over. You wanted it to be. Until you saw his smile amidst the tears, the happiness of finally getting rid of you overtaking him. It made you sick. He brought his hammer up. And then there was blood. Not yours, but his, as you held up a dagger made out of shadows. You stabbed him a second time. A third time. Almost went for a fourth but you couldn't see anything anymore. Everything was blurred by your tears and his screams.
She must have heard him, because she came downstairs. You threatened her for the key, and once the chains were down, you ran. You were no lamb. You were alive.
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marvelfilth · 8 months
The Witches Trap 2
Part 1
Pairing: dark!Wanda Maximoff x f!reader
Warnings: ghosts, description of death, paranormal activity, gore, blood, a bit of horror ig, typical ghost hunting stuff, nothing too scary tho
Summary: you try to leave, but something stops you
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"For the last time, there are no available rooms left," Agatha hisses from the front desk.
No matter how much you plead (and bribe) the older woman, she doesn't relent.
"There must be something!" Peter groans, indignant. "The hotel is practically empty."
She sends him a tight lipped smile, before forcing through gritted teeth, "You're welcome to try your luck on the road."
As if on cue, thunder rumbles again, making the whole building shake. Wind picked up in the last ten minutes, along with the downpour, making it all impossible to see two feet in front of you. A large branch hits the front window, making Yelena jump up.
You shudder from the cold, falling on the plush pillows on the couch in the lobby. Lightning strikes, illuminating the space blinding white for a second. "I'd rather sleep here, to be honest," you mumble, and Kate agrees beside you, burrowing her face in her palms.
"No sleeping in the lobby!" Agatha screeches, shoving Peter out of the way and stomping to you. "Get up and go back to your rooms."
Yelena scoffs at the commanding tone, a retort on her tongue, but ultimately stays silent at Agatha's withering glare.
The elevator ride back to your floor is spent in silence, the five of you - Agatha insisted on following you back to your rooms to make sure you don't break in any of the staff rooms - are bundled close, watching the numbers go up. Agatha elbows her way out as soon as it dings, accidentally jutting Yelena in the ribs.
You're the last one to get off, following closely behind the group, your eyes on Kate's back.
The door is there again.
Instantly, your friends' voices disappear, a low hum of electricity filling your ears instead. You gulp, and take a step away from the group, closer to the door.
Everything around you is hazy again, the walls and the floor blurring into one singular mass, leaving only the old wooden door in focus. Your head hurts, waves of pain hitting your temples with each step you take, but you're so close, you can't go back now.
You fall to your knees just before you reach it, cradling your head and curling down. Pain dissipates slowly, allowing your mind to clear a slightest bit. You look up, your hand trembling violently as you reach for the handle.
You need to know what's behind this door.
Suddenly, your body turns to lead. You can't move anymore, your hand freezes midair, the only part of your body you're in control of are your eyes. They flicker to the side, wondering where your friends went, hoping they'd realize you're no longer following them. When you look back at the door, you see an eye staring at you through the keyhole.
You scream, falling back, your body back in your control as you crawl away. You quickly get to your feet and sprint to the stairs, forgoing the elevators altogether in fear of getting stuck. You yell out your friends names, hoping they'd come get you, but no one replies. You jump down, skipping the last few steps, and stagger back when you find yourself back in front of that old door.
You cry out, pressing your hand against your open mouth to muffle a sob, and turn back to the stairs, this time running up. You pant, sweat building at your temples, as you run in hopes of getting to the roof. As far as you know, it's the only place that's not haunted.
When you get to the landing, you run into Kate, her face a picture of concern, that old door right behind her. Only now it's rattling violently, like someone's trying to knock it down.
"We need to run," you urge, reaching for her hand.
"Are you sure you want me with you?" Her voice comes out distorted, almost guttural.
When you look up again, it's not Kate looking back at you.
The figure is purely black, a face with no eyes and no nose, only a big mouth, with rotten teeth, emitting a smell that makes you want to throw up.
You jump back, only to stumble through something freezing cold.
There are shadows all around you, some floating in the air, some lurking around the corners, waiting for you to come closer. Disfigured bodies hang from the chandeliers, their blood drips down the stairs, pooling at the bottom.
You scream, sliding down the wall to your knees, but no sound escapes your lips.
A little girl comes to your side, a flower in one hand and a floating balloon in the other. Her head is split open.
"Do you want to play?" She asks, eyes full of hope.
You stay silent, praying she would leave you alone, praying you'd wake up in your bed back home any second now.
"The red lady plays with me sometimes," she whispers conspiratorially. "Everyone thinks she's mean, but I think she's actually really nice. I told her I was lonely, and she made an old couple stay here forever so they could be my parents! Can you believe that?"
You shake your head, flat against the wall with nowhere to run. You see two people holding hands in the corner of your eye, their expressions vacant.
The girl frowns. "Are you scared?"
You nod, biting back a sob.
Another dark figure floats past you, barely sparing you a glance.
"Do you want me to leave?" Her lower lip starts to tremble, eyes brimming with tears.
"N-no," you whisper, "please stay."
This little girl is the only thing separating you from these creatures, you can't afford her to leave.
"I will!" She's smiling again, playing with the stem of her flower.
"I think… I think I'm stuck here. The red lady, can she help me?"
The girl frowns in thought, and looks back at the old door. "Well, she is a witch, I'm sure she'll figure something out!"
Your heart drops to your stomach. The red lady is the Scarlet Witch. Of course.
"Come on!" She waves her hand and you're back on your feet, following her like an obedient servant.
"No! No, we can't go there!" You try to stop, but your feet won't listen. "Something evil is in there, we can't go-"
"The red lady is not evil! I just told you that." The girl interrupts you, her hands closing in fists. "She doesn't like to be disturbed, but I'm sure she'll understand!"
You gulp, watching as your hand reaches to the knob. It turns, and you tug it open.
You don't get a chance to glimpse inside before it's snapped shut, a manicured hand flat against polished wood, 'Employees only' written in bold.
"What are you doing here?" Agatha hisses.
You lock eyes with the older woman and promptly pass out.
R is going through it
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abbyromanoff · 1 year
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PAIRINGS: Little!Wanda Maximoff x Mommy!reader
WARNINGS: angst, comfort, little spaces, usage of mommy/momma in a non sexual way, thunder, lightning, harsh rain, oral fixation, lactation (not really tho), think that’s all :)
This is inspired by the tornado warnings we keep having in my town sooooo :)
Sounds of thunder flashed through your ears along with the harsh rain, it didn’t scare you, but the woman in your arms disagreed. She didn’t like loud noises, it brought back memories she wished to never remember. You knew of her fear, even if she tried to hide it to her best ability.
She was embarrassed to say that she, a twenty-one-year-old woman, was scared of mother nature’s tears and screams. You weren’t, so why should she?
“You ready for bed, angel?” It was nearly fifteen minutes past her bedtime and, while you usually wouldn’t let her do such a thing, you knew having her cuddled up in your arms with her favorite movie playing calmed her down in such situations. Her eyes were locked on the window where she could see puddles forming along with strikes of bright light. She jumped, holding her stuffed bear closer to her chest.
“Wanda?” Your calling of her name caught her attention, causing her to whip her head in your direction.
“You ready for sleepy time?” You repeated, receiving a shy nod after moments of silence. She crawled to the end of the couch and raised her arms, giving you free roam to grasp onto her waist and lift her into your arms. Her legs simultaneously wrapped around your hips as she used one hand to hold your shoulder while the other loosely held onto the bear. You kept your hold on her bottom, securing her weight as she bounced ever-so-slight with each step you took.
“Would you like to sleep in my bed tonight?” You asked when settling her back down on the ground, tossing through her sets of pajamas until she stopped you on one of them. It had little seahorses with a pink background, and the words spelling “Sea you in the AM”, never failed to make her giggle. The shorts were a light blue and also adorned the little creatures on them.
“No, I’m okay.” She bit her lix anxiously, only to replace it soon after with her thumb as she suckled on the skin. You took a few steps and found yourself towering over her, giving her a hand to help her off the floor.
“Hey, stop that. Let me get you your paci, okay?” She nodded and, when your vision wasn’t rested on her, she quivered with fear from the loud, rippling noise that felt as though they were bursting through the walls.
“Here you go, baby.” You gave her a warm smile as her lips wrapped around the object, watching as it bobbed back and forth in her mouth.
You removed her current clothes and replaced them with the colorful set before helping her brush her teeth, praising her every few minutes for the small act. The softness you gave her almost made her forget about the one thing that had been haunting her all day, that was until you were getting ready to leave.
“Are you sure you don’t want to spend the night with me?” You asked when tucking her in, the pink comforter hiding the soft blanket underneath.
“I’m a big girl, mommy, I’ll be okay.” You removed the pacifier to let her speak, smiling to yourself at her soft-spoken words. You handed her the same stuffed animal she had been holding onto all day, brushing the small bit of hair that was blocking her face and getting small giggles to erupt from her mouth.
“Oh, does that tickle, hm?” She thrashed around as you continued your actions, this time on other parts of her body. She tried pushing your hands away but failed due to your overpowering strength.
“Okay, okay, I’ll stop.” You announced after a minute or two of this. She let out rushed breaths with an occasional chuckle still leaving her.
“Remember, I’m right next door if you get scared-”
“I’m not scared!”
“I know, I know, you’re a big girl, you don’t get scared. But, still, you’ll come to me if you need me?” You stuck out your pinky finger which she latched onto with her own, giving a toothy grin when you kissed your interlaced fingers.
“Alright then. Sweet dreams, my love, sleep well.” You traveled your peck to her forehead and did the same to her bear, Raspberry. It was a silly name, really, but Wanda loved it to death. She brought it everywhere, not caring for the judgemental stares in public.
“And goodnight, Raspberry, sweet dreams.” You turned on the night light that was plugged into the wall right next to her bedside table, causing little stars to shine on the ceiling. You turned off the lamp and exited with a blown kiss sent her way, she acted as though she caught it and brought it close to her heart. Then, she plummeted into darkness, the scary sounds from outdoors hadn’t stopped yet and weren’t going to for the next few hours.
“It’s okay, Raspberry, Mommy said it won’t get us, we’re safe.” She jumped once again when the noise seemed to get closer, her breath quickening as her heartbeat felt as though it was in a race. She gulped fearfully, pulling the blankets closer to her face as if it would block out the fear. But it failed to do so.
“It won’t get us from here, we’re safe.” She repeated the words you told her only hours ago. The more she was alone the more she found herself falling into a deep headspace. She felt cloudy, but it was as if the clouds were grey and had bolts of lighting coming from them. She curled her knees into her chest, forgetting the paci you left for her on the nightstand and sucking on her thumb. It was a bad habit of hers that she never seemed to let go of, one that you tried to ease her out of.
Eventually, after what felt like an eternity of sitting in her bed, crying and whimpering, hoping for it all to end, she gave in. She stood up on shaky legs, not caring to put on her fuzzy slippers as she rushed to your room, nearly tripping over herself before she knocked hurriedly on your door. She felt as though her chest was closing in on her, which only caused her to cry out more.
You were half asleep when you heard the noise, rushing out of bed as you instantly knew who it was. You opened the door right as she was about to knock again, your eyes locking with her sorrowful ones. She raced into your arms and you let her, rubbing her back softly as you shushed her softly.
“Shh, you’re okay, Mommy’s here.”
“M-Mommy?” She hiccuped, feeling your watchful gaze fall onto hers as you leaned back.
“That’s right, Mommy’s right here, you’re safe now.” She stuffed her head onto your shoulder, using her palm to wipe her tears as shame filled her.
“‘M sorry, Mommy, I thought I was a b-big girl.” You sat her down with you on the bed, letting her crawl onto your lap without complaint.
“Hey, don’t apologize, I understand. I’m not mad at you, okay?” She nodded, still not completely believing you.
“You’re such a brave and strong little girl, I’m so proud of you, baby.” You ran the pad of your thumb across her cheek soothingly, tears of your own starting to pool in your eyes as you listened to her whimpers.
“‘M so scared.” She mumbled, clawing at your back in order to keep you close. You kissed the side of her neck that was left uncovered, cooing softly as her hiccups continued. You patted her back as she bounced gently on your lap, causing a small yawn to tumble from her lips.
“I know, princess, I’m so sorry Mommy wasn’t there to protect you.” You knew she wanted to prove that she was able to do such things on her own and that she could keep herself safe, which was why you let her be and didn’t protest when she asked to sleep in her own bed. But you still felt a pang of roaming guilt, like you hadn’t done enough to keep her safe. All you ever wanted was to protect her from harm, yet you failed at doing so.
“C’mon, let’s get you into bed.” You laid her down softly, her body once again cuddling close into yours the moment you joined her.
“Please hold me, Momma.” You were already planning to do so before she asked. You placed one hand on her thigh that found itself resting over your waist, your free arm going to her back where you drew small shapes. Her stuffed animal was still clamped tightly in her hold, the fur pressing against your skin in feather-like touches.
Wanda played with the strap to your tank top, giving you a questioning look to which you nodded in response. She pulled down the clothing, your breasts freeing themselves and being hit by the cold air. She smiled giddily to herself before wrapping her lips around your hardened bud, feeling your fingertips that were placed on her back start to scratch softly at her scalp.
“Be careful with your teeth, baby.” You muttered when they brushed against your nipple, making a small gasp erupt out of you.
You noticed the tiredness in her eyes start to grow more as sounds drowned out, her only focus being on her caregiver. She felt blurry, and before she knew it, her eyes were closing for the last time that night. You grinned to yourself as she finally fell into a slumber, grabbing your phone as you played soft white sounds to cause calmness to float through her, even in her sleep.
“Goodnight, angel.” You kissed her forehead once more.
“Goodnight, Raspberry.” You kissed its forehead and sighed, letting your eyes close as you sunk into a deep resting state.
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ginnsbaker · 1 year
shattered (drabble)
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Summary: Yelena learns about you moving on for good through a phone call.
Word count: 1.3K | A/N: Set in the ILGOSS universe, this one was suggested by @canvascoloredin; not sure if this counts as drabble, but there's really no other context here than Yelena finding out you're getting married to Wanda.
A direct sequel also to Rivers and Roads Til I Reach You
She finds out about it right in the middle of a casual hookup.
Yelena’s small apartment located in a rural section of Leeds is quiet, lit only by the yellow light of the street lamp outside her window. She'd brought him home from the bar—dark hair, sharp jaw, and a wit that kept up with hers. Names hadn't mattered; their chemistry spoke for itself. But as they are tangled on the couch, fervently exploring one another, her cell phone begins to ring persistently from the coffee table.
At first, she tries to ignore it, her lips not leaving his for more than a breath. But when it starts ringing for the third time in a row, she groans in frustration, pulling away.
“Sorry,” she pants, “Just... give me a second.”
Expecting perhaps a miscall, the name flashing on the screen siphons the breath from her lungs. Natasha. Immediate and family, requiring her attention even amidst the haze of…whatever it is she’s been doing with these strangers for the past few years. Apologies form a tight lump in her throat as she delicately extricates herself from the man’s grasp, scooping up the phone with a trembling hand. 
Whatever she's expecting, it isn't a ghost from six years past being thrust back into her present. An abyss opens up beneath her, swallowing the words she might have formed in reply. The man, mere feet away, dissolves into nothing—because he’s nothing. Compared to you, he means nothing. None of them ever mattered to her as much as you did—still do. Even if her connection to you has been silent, a chapter she’d folded neatly away into a corner of her mind, trying to erase the memory of tears staining long-distance calls to New York.
“Yelena are you there?”
It takes two more seconds for Yelena to collect herself. “Y-Yes…”
“I said Y/N’s getting married,” Natasha says.
The numbness that enveloped her shatters suddenly by a biting sensation at her earlobe. The man, perhaps thinking the call isn’t of importance, tries to recapture her attention by nibbling at her. In an unexpected, almost involuntary reaction, Yelena pushes violently against his chest. The force sends him stumbling off the bed, surprise coloring his widened eyes.
“Hey! What the hell?” He exclaims, humiliation etching across his face. For a second, Yelena's gaze flits to him, seeing but not really registering his indignation. The burning gravity of the revelation about you consumes all her thoughts.
His anger brews as he hastily gathers his belongings. He shoots her one last incensed look before storming out of her apartment, slamming the door behind him.
Yelena just stands there, phone still pressed to her ear.
There’s silence on the other end of the line before Natasha's voice filters through, softer now, even though she has no idea of the impact of what she’s just revealed. “Lena, are you okay?”
But how can she be?
“When what?” Natasha responds, genuinely puzzled by the abrupt question.
It’s then that Yelena realizes how deep into her own world she's drifted. She clears her throat, the words forming barely above a whisper, “When are Y/N and her fiancé getting married?”
There's a pause, and Yelena can almost picture Natasha's brow furrowed in mild confusion. “Lena,” Natasha finally begins gently, “I was asking when you’re coming home. You should be here for the big moments, don't you think?”
Home. A term that has morphed and twisted in meaning for Yelena over the years, especially since you became part of her past. And even in its twisted meaning, she still envisions home as being exclusively you and her sister.
Yelena swallows hard. “I don’t know, Natasha. I haven’t thought about home in a long time.”
“But you should think about it. You've missed so much, and we've missed you,” Natasha persists, her voice threading through the line with an edge of vulnerability that's rare for her.
“Nat, I—”
“And don’t you think it’s time to tell me?” Natasha asks, exasperatedly.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Natasha snorts, the sound failing to get a rise out of Yelena, who continues to stay quiet.
“Come on, Yelena,” Natasha presses. “You think I wouldn’t notice? Ever since you left for the UK, every time Y/N comes up in conversation, you shut down. Why do you do that? Why won't you talk about what happened?”
Yelena grips the phone tighter, feeling as if she's been cornered. She hasn’t ever really talked about it, not with anyone. Because doing so would mean facing the fact that she chose to leave you behind. And now you’re planning to live the rest of your life with someone else.
“I just...” Yelena starts, her voice trembling. “It's in the past, Natasha. What’s the point in bringing it up now?”
“Because,” Natasha says. “It’s clear it still affects you. And maybe if you talked about it, let it out, you'd feel better. Holding onto it hasn’t done you any favors.”
Yelena sighs. “Fine. But you have to promise me you won’t say a thing to Y/N.”
When all has been said, her story ends just as it did when it actually happened: with tear tracks on her cheeks, trouble breathing, her hands shaking, and her eyes swollen and red.
Natasha doesn't say anything the entire time she's pouring her heart out, with only her steady breathing confirming her presence on the other line.
“I’m sorry,” Yelena whispers, her voice choked up, “I didn’t mean to unload all of this on you.”
“I love you,” Natasha says softly, filling the silence. “And I want you to come home, to be with us. But now that I’ve heard everything… I understand if you can’t. I understand if it's too much.”
“Does it get better?”
“I… I don’t know. Maybe. It has to.”
The call ends abruptly, with neither of them saying another word. The phone slips from her hand, landing with a muffled thud on the carpet below. Her gaze lifts, scanning the surroundings of her apartment—her sanctuary. A place she had built from the ground up when everything else in her life seemed to be crumbling. The well-kept shelves, the carefully selected art pieces, the sofa that had cradled her through many solitary evenings.
And yet, despite the comfort her sanctuary has provided, it has never been able to shield her entirely from the bouts of loneliness that creep in, often in the stillness of the night. Now, as she stands in the center of it, Yelena realizes that those earlier moments of isolation were mere ripples compared to the tsunami engulfing her now.
She wraps her arms around herself, wandering to the window, and peering into the night. After this, she doesn’t know if she’ll ever find the strength in her to come home. She’s deluded herself into believing that when she comes back, you’d still be there waiting for her. Those dreams of returning to a world where you'd be waiting for her, where everything would magically revert to the way it was, now seem like fantasies. Perhaps they always were. She had crafted them as a lifeline, a comforting illusion to help her cope with the loneliness and the consequences of the decisions she’s made.
But tonight, reality has shattered that illusion. She’s been strong for so long, building barriers and facades, and in this moment, the façade wavers. Had she known that the last ‘I love you’ spoken between you would truly be the last, would she have said more? Fought harder? Stayed?
She’s left with the bitter acknowledgment that sometimes love stories, no matter how epic, don’t always have the resolution we crave. Sometimes they simply end, fading away in the unsaid and undone.
She lingers by the window a while longer, lost in her heartache, before finally turning away. 
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imnotasuperhero · 2 years
Look into my eyes (search your soul)
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Summary: Your love for Wanda could make you go the distance and more, just to see her happy.
A/N: Here’s me with a brand new story. This is planned to be a multi chapter, and I know I should have everything written before posting but i need the validation, okay? Hope this is enough to hook you up and you enjoy this ride.
Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII, Part VIII, Part IX
Any and every word you were about to say flew your mind at the body at the other side of the door that just opened.Granted, your attraction to the redhead wasn't new. But just seeing her in that unique glow that pregnancy gives her was something that never failed to take your breath away.
"Hi," Wanda smiled something warm and your inside felt burning. "Didn't know you were coming."
"Neither did I." You smiled timidly. Truth is, you didn't even think about coming here when you left your client's house.
"Come on in," Wanda stepped aside as you entered the threshold. "How are you?"
Following her to the kitchen, you sat on the stool as Wanda umpromtedly filled the kettle with water, placing it on the stove. Eyes never looking away from her every little movement, as if a hypnotic spell was cast over you.
"I've been better," you smiled tiredly.
"At least tell me you got to sleep last night?" Wanda took your hand over the kitchen island.You felt your fingers burning as your thumb smoothed away the cute frown that formed between those green eyes.
"Don't worry, it's almost finished." You bit the inside of your cheek as your fingers ran the contour of her left side, caressing her warm cheek. "I did sleep," you sighed as your hand found its previous place.
"Good, I don't want you to get sick over work."
"Hey! I'm not that bad of a patient," you stuck your tongue out, earning a giggle from the woman in front of you.
"I never said you were," Wanda smiled as she turned around.
After both teas were ready, you moved to the couch in the living room, talking about everything and nothing, enjoying each other's company.
But said calmness was cut short when a guttural scream filled the room. Wanda's mug shattered as it collided against the wooden floor. Your senses woke up all at once as your mind ran a mile an hour.
Scrutinizing her over, your breath stopped at the wetness on Wanda's lap. "Wands,"The redhead looked down just to meet your eyes, after. Panic was written all over her face.
"It's too soon,"
"Shh, it's gonna be okay," you kissed her forehead before picking her up in your arms, walking fast toward your car.
"Y/N, please." Wanda grabbed your hands after you placed her on the co-pilot seat.
"It's gonna be okay," you smiled confidently, squeezing her hands. "Imma get the babies bag, okay? Just keep breathing, baby. You three will be just fine," you promised before hurrying back inside, running to the nursery.
The whole ride to the hospital had you multitasking as one hand was placed on the steering wheels, your right hand was clutched in Wanda's as she squeezed it to no end and your focus was divided between cooing Wanda, paying attention to the road and trying multiple times to reach Vision -thanks to technology for inventing the free hands. But the last one was to no avail.
"Are you the mom?" The gentle nurse smiled at you, freezing your mind.
"N-No," you frowned, seeing how the doctors hurried Wanda deeper into the building.
"Y/N, don't leave me," Wanda looked over her shoulder with pleading eyes, and you swore your heart did a somersault.
"I'm right here," you hurried yourself to her side, taking her hand in yours.
You tried one last time to get a hold of Vision, but the call was sent straight to voicemail. Switching through apps, you sent a quick message to Natasha, letting her know of the birthing of the twins and to tell the others, before you prepared yourself to get into the operating room.
Walking timidly to Wanda's side, your heart broke at the look of utter panic in those beautiful green orbs.
"You will be okay," you smiled warmly as you leaned down to kiss her sweaty head.The pause that settled between you sent shivers down your spine.
"If anything happens to me-"
"Nothing will happen, honey." You promised the redhead, trying to convey in those words all the love and trust you held for her. "You're gonna get out of here with your babies."
"I love you," Wanda groaned as another contraction took over her.
"I love you too," 'more than what a friend should.' You smiled. "Now let's get those babies."
Nothing had prepared you for what you witnessed that day. And you felt honored Wanda trusted you enough to let you see her. From now on, you'd never doubt her -not that you ever did- for your admiration for her grew exponentially at the work she's performed.
The tears finally ran down your cheek as your eyes landed on the bundle of joy being placed in Wanda's arms. Rosy cheeks and swollen face taking your breath away.
"Thank you," you looked at Wanda, seeing her too immersed in her baby to even pay attention to you. "He's beautiful."
Before you could get a response out, another contraction took over her, signaling she should birth her second child.
And the result was nothing different than the previous one.The warm feeling that settled inside you got you clutching onto Wanda's hand, not knowing if the reassurance was for you or her.
Once Wanda and the babies were moved to a private room, you looked up at the knock on the door. Adjusting Billy in your arms, you walked towards the door, smiling when you saw the woman behind the huge teddy bear on the other side.
“Oh, my. Look at him,” Natasha coed as she caressed the baby’s forehead with her index.
“There you are,” the redhead walked towards a tired Wanda, a lazy smile displayed on her lips.
“Hi, Nat.”
“They’re beautiful,” she repeated, looking at the sleeping baby by Wanda’s bed. “What are their names?”
“This one’s Tommy,” Wanda smiled brightly at the sight of her son. “And that one is Billy,” she introduced calmly, looking at you two. You felt your body on fire at the look on Wanda’s face. Granted, you couldn’t put your finger on what it meant, but you surely knew it was something you’d never seen before.
Placing Billy on the hospital crib beside his brother, you then moved to sit beside Wanda, squeezing her hand in a silent gesture.
“We decided I’d be the one coming to not overwhelm you,” Natasha spoke quietly, afraid the twins would fuss at any sound. “The big teddy is from all of us,” she explained, looking at the plushy animal sitting atop Wanda’s bag.
“It’s beautiful, thank you.” Wanda nodded smiling.
After a few more minutes of you three chatting - mostly you and Natasha, as Wanda tried too hard not to snooze off, Nat said her goodbyes and you walked her outside the room.
“He’s on his way,” Natasha frowned with pitiness.
“About time he picked up,” you sighed leaning against the wall.
“That’s not your family, Y/N,”
“You think I don’t know that?” you retorted, angriness showing in your voice. “I just…”
“I know,” Nat hugged you tightly.
“I’ll stay till he comes.”
 “I’ll be home if you need anything. Yes?”
“Thank you,” you smiled her goodbye before taking a moment to just, breathe.The whole rollercoaster you endured drained you, even more so knowing Vision was on his way to his family, and you’d be sent to your lonely home. Daydreaming of Wanda and what it involved.
Once you calmed down, you entered the room just to find her with her heavy eyes, fighting the sleep she so much needed.
“You should rest,” you looked over the twins, smiling warmly before you sat in the chair.
“Lay with me?” Wanda pleaded. And you knew this was a dangerous game, but you couldn’t find it in you to deny her. So you complied, being careful not to hurt her.
“Better now?” You joked as you watched how she moved closer to you.
“Yes,” she looked up at your eyes. “Thank you,” she spoke truthfully.
“It’s nothing,” you kissed her forehead. “Now sleep. I’m here.” You just prayed Wanda couldn’t hear your erratic heartbeat, for every cell in your body vibrated at the close proximity of the body in your arms.
It was close to midnight when you heard someone enter the room, too busy to even be gentle with their movements.
“This is just great,” Vision growled as his eyes burned a hole in your head.
“Lower your volume,” you stirred awake, carefully getting up from the bed to not wake up a fast-asleep Wanda.
“Thanks for the help, but you can go now.” The blonde spit out venomously.And that just served to boil up your blood, waking up the courage inside you.
“I’ll go, but you should be more caring towards them,” you spoke quietly as you picked up your jacket. “Next time instead of getting drunk in a bar, pay attention to your phone.” You were stopped suddenly by a hard grip on your upper arm. Looking up, you sent daggers to the man holding you in place.
“Watch your words.”Freeing from his grip, you laughed something wicked.
“Watch your family,” you barked, trying your best not to cause a scene and wake up the sleeping redhead as you walked away.
As always, comments and reblogs are appreciated :)
Taglist: @summergeezburr @wandabear @xxxtwilightaxelxxx (if you want to be added, let me know!)
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natsglorifiedsimp · 1 year
Age: 3 years old
Hi!! It's been a while since I've written a fic... Uhm so i don't have any ideas whatsoever and i was hoping you guys could lend me some of your requests!! Hehe I'll try my best to write them
Taglist: @diaryoflife @xxromanoffxx @lissaaaa145 @fxckmiup @mmmmokdok @sayah13 @karmasgxrl @meurgen @simp-erformarvelwomen @lilaswidowspark @snowdrop1026 @beholdagaywriter
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Thoughts were roaming around your head. It wasn't unusual for you to have that. Everything you see was a thing that needed to be questioned.
The moonlight shining through your window and the clouds passing by it piqued your curiosity. And then you noticed the stars. It was oddly a different shape than the ones you have on your ceiling which glow at night.
You tried to shake it off and let your body rest. "I'm gonna figure you guys out tomorrow," you said to yourself.
You snuggled yourself in your blanket and closed your tired eyes.
"But wait why does the stars in my room glow different than the ones outside?"
"Well, it's store-bought" You rolled your closed eyes.
"But why is it that the stars are a different shape tho?"
Your eyebrows were all furrowed. Questions were swirling in your mind.
"Ugh, I'll figure it out now" you grumbled to yourself.
You got up from your bed and scurried your way to your mother's room.
The sounds of the door creaking didn't fail to wake Natasha but with the hurried little footsteps and stifled yawn, she knew that it was you.
"Mama, wake up!" you whispered shouted.
Opening one eye, she looked at your distressed face, "What is it, honey? Why are you up?" she said.
"Why are the stars in my room different from the ones outside?" you tilted your head in question.
Natasha silently giggled hoping the other redhead won't wake up, "Is that what's keeping you up, malyshka?"
"Well, come here" she ushered. She tucked you in while you snuggled comfortably.
Natasha took a deep breath in thought about what should she answer to a little girl like you who's smart and also likes knowing about fantasy.
"Honey, stars outside are a big circle just like our planets" she explained. "But stars glow and has different colors because fairies paint them according to the stars request."
"So does that mean the stars in my ceiling should be a circle?" you questioned.
"But if they were they would become a circle, right?"
"Mama." you deadpanned. "That doesn't make sense"
This time the other redhead who appears to be sleeping is now chuckling. Natasha's glare burned Wanda's back.
"Mommy?" you addressed Wanda.
Wanda turned to face you, "Yes, baby?"
"Tony said that babies are made when women and men make love. But you're both women and you guys don't have bananas." you pondered.
"I'm gonna kill Tony" Natasha mouthed.
"Unless you guys are hiding bananas down there" you squinted.
"WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?" Wanda mouthed back
"So how did you guys make me?"
"You answer that" Natasha pointed at Wanda and bailed, pretending to sleep.
You turned your head to Wanda waiting for the answer. Wanda looked horrified like she got asked the hardest question in the whole world.
Oh God this is gonna be a long night
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alexawynters · 9 months
Scarlet Whispers pt 6
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Gif not mine
A/N: I edited this while stoned. Probably not my best idea. Also this feels so filler. Should I upload chapter 7 as well??
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Female!Reader
Trigger warnings (let me know if I forgot to tag anything): Mentions of past child abuse, stalking, horror, dubcon, kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, gaslighting, angst, smut. There will be bits of fluff tho.
Rating: M. Minors DNI
Masterlist with parts 1-5 here
Chapter Six
The next morning, you found yourself unusually attached to Wanda, refusing to let her out of your sight. You had always disliked the idea of being clingy with the few friends you had, but with your mind in disarray from the events of the previous night, she was the only bastion of comfort you knew. Playing your games only reminded you of your suspicions, and the fact that you could only watch hard copies of anything had the same effect. Instead, you longed for the witch to hold you, alleviating your treacherous thoughts. Unfortunately, you couldn't express this to her without giving away what you had discovered, so instead you clung to her side whenever possible.
Not that Wanda minded, of course. If anything, she was wondering why she hadn't thought to arrange a little home invasion or something to draw you into her arms sooner. But better late than never, right? The witch cooed and fawned over you in her native Sokovian every time you pulled her back to you when she started to get up or go to her garden. Part of you wanted to ask her for a translation - she always called you some nickname or another - but you never had any idea. Another part just savored the way her language rolled off her tongue. You began to consider that you didn't need to know exactly; you could grasp the gist of it well enough.
Wanda, on her part, began sharing more of her work with you. She didn't reveal everything, of course, but she would show you snippets, especially since you were so intent on being by her side. She wanted to make you more familiar with what she was doing. The witch would demonstrate how she observed the multiverse using one-way portals she would conjure, to ensure your protection from external dangers. Naturally, Wanda made sure to only show you versions of the Avengers who would actually be a threat to you, who were truly evil in their universe. She hoped this would sway you further to her side, seeing the atrocities they would commit, the powers they wielded.
For sure this made you fearful of the Avengers. However, you never forgot what Wanda initially told you about her origins, her experiences with her versions of the Avengers, and your own involvement. The current situation didn't align with what Wanda had previously shared, sowing doubt to further creep into your heart and mind. These individuals were supposed to be heroes, just like Wanda once was. So why were they now posing a threat to you specifically?
That's what you couldn't understand. All Wanda seemed to care about was keeping you by her side, keeping you safe. But why would the "Earth's Mightiest Heroes" have any interest in you? You weren't a villain. Incapable of harming even a fly, you had never harmed anyone in your life, despite times when you should have defended yourself. So if they didn't want you, then who did they want?
Your gaze turned from the portal Wanda was observing to the witch herself. Could they want Wanda? You had witnessed what she had done in Westview, but she had done the right thing in the end. Surely that counted for something, not just in terms of morality but also with these so-called-heroes. Wanda wasn’t a villain.. Was she?
As you looked at her focused figure, you reflected on all the ways she had supported you. Openly confessing to journeying through multiple universes just to locate you; she rescued you from an abusive family, shielded you from the monotonous 9-to-5 existence, and brought you to your new home. Throughout your time together, Wanda had consistently shown nothing but care and affection, fulfilling your every desire. If Wanda was considered a "villain," did that moniker truly matter to you?
Captivating green eyes, flecked with bits of gold, sparkled with intensity as they met yours. In that moment, you made a firm decision: you didn't care if she was a villain. Perhaps you wished she had been more honest about her intentions and actions, but as far as you knew, she hadn't done anything truly villainous. If her "crime" was saving you, she shouldn't be punished for it.
"What is it, lyubov moya?" she asked, amused, having caught you in the middle of your intense gaze. Wanda wasn't sure exactly what you were thinking without reading your mind, but the way you looked at her, as if you had appraised her and found her to be the perfect answer to all you were seeking, made her feel weightless. Warmth bloomed in her chest as she gazed fondly at you.
Caught in your staring, you blushed and shook your head in denial, trying to hide any thoughts you may have had. Instead of responding, you leaned your head on her shoulder and wrapped your arms around her closest arm, indicating to her to continue her work.
Wanda smiled at you briefly before returning to her task. She didn't want to spend too much time observing the multiverse, as she had already set up multiple wards and alerts in case anything significant happened. It seemed that you wanted to cuddle, and she saw no reason to decline. Finished with her goal, arm in arm, Wanda led you to the living room and turned on the TV to watch the Dick Van Dyke show, knowing you enjoyed it almost as much as she did, despite its age. Contentedly, you nestled into her embrace, inhaling the faint scent of vanilla, and settled in comfortably.
Although you had decided to accept Wanda for who she was, you couldn't completely shake the persistent doubts in your mind. Those doubts crept into your dreams, turning them into nightmares.
Unlike most of your dreams, and even nightmares, these were fragmented. They appeared as flashes, resembling memories almost. In some of these fragments, a woman dressed in black and red was chasing after a man in a cape, and a teenage girl, as they hurried through what seemed like a monastery. The same woman in red effortlessly utilized puddles and mirrors to traverse through the monastery, pulling people back through. Although her face remained unseen, the outfit seemed familiar; a feeling of dread and unease overwhelming you whenever you came close to catching a glimpse. 
Unable to do anything, you were a helpless bystander to what was surely a slaughter. You hoped that this woman was just letting these people go, simply getting them out of the way. In your heart somehow you knew that was likely not the case. Suddenly, you had a close-up view from directly behind the woman, as she pulled another unsuspecting victim through a puddle, swiftly snapping his neck.
You woke up to the sound of screaming, and it wasn't until Wanda held you in her arms, turned you to face her, shushing you gently, that you realized the scream was yours.
It took Wanda longer than usual, but eventually she was able to calm you down and get you to go back to sleep next to her. However, you were uncharacteristically stiff and silent, a stark contrast to the affectionate person you had been earlier. Wanda was tempted to read your mind, but she had been making a conscious effort to refrain from doing so. She wanted the connection between you both to be genuine, and invading your privacy by reading your thoughts would not contribute to that. If it were anyone else, she wouldn't hesitate, but you were the one person whose privacy she respected and didn't want to intrude upon if there was any other way.
Night terrors were common for you, which was expected given your level of trauma, and how often you had them in Wanda’s presence. This one felt different to her. You had never recoiled from her touch before, even in the beginning when she first brought you to Wundagore. Wanda's touch had always been a source of comfort, capable of dispelling your fears. So why were you suddenly so tense in her embrace, as if you wished to be anywhere else?
Her heart clenched with fear and hurt that you weren’t comfortable sharing what had upset you. However, she knew that pressuring you would only make you shut down. Instead, the witch took a deep breath through her nose promising herself to be patient. It was incredibly vexing that she always seemed to make one step forward with you, and then two steps back. Wanda believed that you would eventually come to her, if given enough time. She hoped at least.  If Wanda couldn't trust you, then who could she trust? She couldn't bear to entertain that train of thought. 
Gentle rays of sunlight streamed through the curtains into your shared bedroom, rousing you from your restless sleep. The bed felt cold, and the delightful aroma of pancakes filled the air, wafting in from the kitchen down the hall. You concluded that Wanda must be preparing breakfast. Yawning, you got out of bed and padded your way towards the witch and the enticing aromas that made your stomach growl.
An adorable sight greeted you, causing your heart to flutter pleasantly in your chest. Wanda, clad in her favorite blue plaid robe, black pajama top, and dark grey sweatpants, dancing around the kitchen as she cooked for you both, listening to some 90’s pop. What a dork, you thought, affectionately. 
As if sensing your presence, the witch spun around. “Good morning, detka! Breakfast will be ready in just a sec!”
Your lips quirked upwards in a grin. How could this woman be so perfect, you wondered?
“No rush. Is there anything I can help with?”
Viridescent eyes twinkled with appreciation. Her girl always had such good manners, so sweet, so helpful. “No, dorogoya, I have it covered. Sweet of you to offer though.” Wanda walked around with your pancakes and set them on a plate in front of you, before placing a quick, but gentle kiss to the top of your head.
On contact, your body froze. A furtive glance cast in the witch’s direction but Wanda had already turned her back to you, completely unaware. You didn't understand what had just happened, but when the former avenger had entered your personal space, you felt an unexpected and almost overwhelming urge to run. Even now you were actively resisting it, trying to stay seated. It would look weird if you suddenly fled from the room, and you weren’t sure how to explain to Wanda when she inevitably would ask you why.
 Taking a few moments to breathe through your nose, you swallowed nervously and willed yourself to remain in place. What the fuck? What was wrong with you? This was Wanda, not some stranger out to get you. Gods, how traumatized were you anyway?
Before the witch could notice your discomfort, you quickly devour the breakfast she had prepared for you. With a disarming grin, you tried to regain a sense of normalcy by complimenting the chef. Wanda responded with a brilliant smile and plated her own breakfast before sitting down in the chair next to you. A soft, cool hand gently brushed across your lower back as she passed by.
This time, you shivered pleasantly, grateful that your body had recognized the familiarity that was Wanda, and she posed no threat to you. The anxiety that had been coursing through your veins just moments before began to fade. In an attempt to regain that sense of safety that the witch typically provided, you moved your chair closer to Wanda, earning yourself an affectionate look from the older woman.
Your behavior was a significant departure from the stiff and silent demeanor you had the night before, and Wanda was relieved that you weren't still pushing her away. If you had continued to distance yourself, she had resolved to read your mind without your permission to understand what was troubling you. Understanding that you had trust issues, and some uncertainty was to be anticipated, but Wanda was growing weary of every bit of progress being quickly overshadowed by your own lack of confidence. The witch contemplated how to better help you grow more than she already had been.
Conversation between the two of you flowed easily once again. Wanda had promised herself to be patient with you, although personally she knew patience wasn't her strong suit. For you though, she would try. A breakthrough in your relationship felt imminent. Maybe all you needed was a gentle nudge. Perhaps time for Wanda to stop allowing you to doubt her intentions and take a more direct approach with you. As ideas began forming in her mind, she had to muster her facial expression so as not to inadvertently reveal her plans for you, and how excited she was to surprise you.
A/N 2: ehhh... how are we feeling about where this is going? Again, edited when stoned so sorry if its... rambly.. Rambles? Words are hard.
Again thanks as always to @flowers-shouldnt-die as well as my friend Brooke for beta-ing these for me. You guys are so helpful and the best cheerleaders and I appreciate y'all.
Taglist: @dorabledewdroop
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halevren · 6 months
FHJY Spoilers || my live thoughts as I watch episode 11
three hours. three hours along. this might take me a bit to get through 😭😭 I might not note every little thought because that's. A lot. But definitely a good portion of the normal random stuff
Ally Brennan Beardsley Mulligan
"What if just shows up for the interview" well I guess that means riz and fig have to create a
"Cause if I say it to Brennan, I'll just be wrong"
im showing my emo autistic friend this session because they know literally everything about emo bands and apparently Pete Wentz has drank piss multiple times before. Hm.
"Let him sweat"
Mommy/baby time??????
"You are my little baby"
Sklonda embarrassing Riz to Fig is so real and accurate
spys tongue
spy's tongue or spies tongue
Very Humanoid Animals 😭😭😭😭😭😭
19 steal orangutan tho
oh goodness
Something happened here
Riz asking his mom to see dead bodies
omg did Kalina say Ragh Barkrock because she wanted them to investigate everything that she did back then in reference to him specifically (like the killing clone Lydia / destroying the house, etc.)
Emergency meeting. Even you Fabian.
rage kills
CRRRRRRIT it's a 7
oh no. Brennan why you asking the state of emotions
Identify spell is overwhelmed
The rot of dead gods??
gross gross gross gross
"gorgug..... very good....."
"You have to tip me this time" "nah"
building a God??? oh my...
The daymare queen
Bobby Dawn.
Asking what would make Kristen angry is such a loaded question. So much stuff
"My president!"
gorgug just grabs the angry shard
"I did not tell you I shit." "No, the whole school knows about it"
"I have so much love to give exclusively to cats"
Camaraderie in toxicity
omg aelwyn and fabian boned
"Fuck you. Bitch"
"Tell Kristen to not come back."
zac's little shrugs hehehehe
"I drive down to bastion city and do crimes."
"I shall steal everyone's bones"
aelwyn my beloved I love her so much
Ruben is just constantly being terrorized by fig in the dreamscape
devil's nectar Gertie infodump
"Okay, well let's go out sometime. I'm painfully single, uh, and none of my friends wanna see me naked anymore." Kristen Applebees you are so fascinating
"Kristen, you know that's my nemesis right?"
"I pooped right now."
Adaine over break research paper of curses
He leaves the motherboard.... I worry that it might be stolen by someone else
"Seems suspect." "What do you mean suspect?" "Seems Suspect" their sibling dynamic is so real
how did they get Zayn through TSA
Hillariel is so pretty
Gilear is the only person who has made the fig curse the main priority
"I want the yogurt back on my shirt"
(High pitch voice) "how did she bring winter?"
I heavily fw gertie x tracker
oh fig.... I feel so connected to you
"Who's Wanda Childa....?" "She's my alter emo"
Sandra is so true. I often ask my friends how they percieve me so I can understand myself better.
"What if I punished this man to eternal rock"
"I don't want to see that." Sandra grabs fig's cigarette and takes a hit instead.
Kalina with the Spy's Tongue........
I love this lore and conspiracy theories talk
they're annoying but have great record keeping
Narnia burning man
Fig and Fabian are living it UP
tracker............. i can't say I like her very much after that phone call. So I'm not the most thrilled to see her.
Half the party is living it up having hot coco while the other half is experiencing / witnessing a very emotional moment
"Oh shit they're so practical. I have to wear bracers. What can I do? They're so tactic?"
"Is this legal?" "It's Not."
assisted pull ups 🔥🔥🔥
Naradriel is actually so sweet
Hillsong / wolfsong close enough
negative one initiative........
okay thank god fabian did jump in
what dimension are they in. What is riz's briefcase
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heroesfixated · 2 months
50/50 Heroes - The Mysterious Symbol
There's one more mystery scattered throughout the episodes I have yet to discuss: the mysterious eye-question mark symbol.
Episode 12B - The Invisibles
This is the first episode that we officially see this symbol appear on a book that J.C. is reading.
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From this book, he has discovered a map leading to a secret room in the library, marked by the symbol, as well as having it on the door's handle. He calls the room a "lost time chamber", however, his description of it being a "fun room to escape the teachers" is only based on a legend.
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Upon opening the door, the room appears to be empty and long abandoned.
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That is, until Lenny discovered a secret switch, revealing the actual hidden room. It's interesting to point out, that we never get to see what's inside, not even a peek, leaving us with only Mo and Sam's reactions, as they remain the only people (including Lenny) to have seen the inside of this room.
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As of right now, I have no idea what this room could be, or what secrets may lie in there. Their reactions don't indicate it being anything dark or mysterious, but either way, I am certain this room will come back to play a major role in season 2.
However, this is not the only episode we get to see that green book...
Episode 25A - Sam Plays With Time
In this episode, when Sam and Mo time travel 10 years back and search their grandmother's house for some information on how to get back to their timeline, Sam is seen checking this book before being interrupted by Mo and closing it.
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This prompts a question (assuming there is only one copy of this mysterious book/journal): how did it end up in J.C's hands in the present time, if it used to be in Wanda's possession? The only thing J.C. says is that he "found" it, which doesn't explain anything.
And in true Gravity Falls fashion, let's not forget the question of all time: who's the author of the journal?
However, the journal and the room are not the only times we see this symbol. Interestingly enough, several adults in the show seem to have/know about this symbol as well.
Episode 13B - A Sizable Problem
For example, the symbol appears on Peter Witherspoon's (Amber's father) ID card, which we can see when Sam is calling Mo from his pocket.
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Episode 16A - A Dazzling Future
We can also see it on the janitor's ID card in this episode when he announces that he is quitting the job.
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Episode 22B - Good Old Mo
It was also seen drawn by Mr. Brick. Even tho his conscience has been turned into a baby by Mo's half-power, he still seems to know about the symbol and purposefully draw it on the door.
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How and why do the adults know about it? Perhaps it's not a symbol representing one single person, but instead it's a group of people, which some adult characters we know belong to?
That's not all, though, as we still have a few more random appearances of the symbol to go through.
Episode 15A - Dramedy My Friend
Kevin, the town's first police dog, has this symbol on his collar in both the big picture and his statue.
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Episode 25B - Who Took the Fly Swatter
Moreover, J.C. and Amber's detective board has two pieces of paper with the symbol, one is seemingly some kind of document or note.
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And in that same episode, when J.C. is talking about his ancestors, the very first one is shown with the symbol on the beetles.
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Episode 26 - Swatteroo the Sublime
And this collection wouldn't be complete without the mysterious person's hand. The symbol on it could be a drawing, a tattoo, a mark left after some magic, or even possibly a scar, like the one Gruncle Stan from Gravity Falls had burned onto his back.
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How does all of this connect, what does it imply, and what does that symbol mean? It is seen in many almost random places and it's hard for me to pinpoint any correlation between these moments to come up with one fully explained theory. Hopefully, this mystery will also be explored and explained when or if season 2 comes.
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inkblot-inc · 1 year
The Widow's Nest
Summary: There are plenty ways one could choose to handle their issues: knitting, drawing, sex, taking up a sport.....wait sex?-
Pairing: Mutant!MobbBoss!Wanda Maximoff x Hyena!Mutant!Reader
[S.S AU Masterlist]
Warning(s): This is a dark AU, so 18+ ONLY MEANING MINORS DNI....Anteeways- There isn't a fully explicit sex scene in here, but there are some pretty obvious indicators of sexual content. Pretty brief tho. Dark Themes; it's probably best to just assume language is in this too.
Note(s): there's nothing especially spooky-ooky about this one, but we're back on it for Friday the 13th. We're also jumping back to the past buddy! Timeline-wise, this is not too long after A Simple Meet-Cute, so we'll see what we get up to this time around. I hope y'all enjoy :3
Word Count: a bit more than 2k
ALSO: *squints* I give NO ONE permission to repost or translate my work. Make your own shit
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Solace for some is in the company of their own mind. To have time to recoup and separate from others. For some…
The streetlights highlighted your face as you stood in front of the building, your blank stare directed at the “Club 69” sign before going around to the back of the building. Brushing past inebriated patrons as you made your way through the cramped alleyway. You eventually reached another entrance with no one else around.
Walking up to the heavy door you watch as a small compartment slides open, eyes suddenly meeting your own.
Their eyes narrowed. “Special entry only.”
You held their stare, “I'd-....like in.”
You watched them eye you up and down for a second, “'You don’t need many hands to make light work,'”
Nodding along, you pulled your hood down exposing your face. You took a deep breath at the strain you were putting on your voice. “'....Need busy work-... for idle hands.'”
Their eyebrows quirked upward before the person behind the door closed the slot without another word. You heard the door unlock from the inside, the door eventually sliding open.
The person behind the door was a tall and muscular woman pulling down her face mask, her eyes changing with her pupils becoming side slanted.
She chuckled as she watched you work your jaw in the red hue of the hallway. “You’re back early, Y/n," The dark-skinned woman handed you a water bottle for your throat. "Should I get Violetta or Summer? I think both are free right now,”
Your ear twitched, “Both.... I'll pay more, Dee.” You stayed put after you handed crumpled bills to the bouncer. As you watched her head to the back, the moans from the occupied rooms already fogging up your mind. Just what you needed.
Dee comes back with another woman in tow. One that you vaguely recognize by the fairy-like wings that sprouted from her back and stood out against her honey bronze skin.
'Purply-pink bug wings = Letty.'
She sends you a smile as she catches sight of you. The corner of your mouth twitches upward as you focus on her taking your hand to lead you to an unoccupied room. Violetta blows out the scented candles that were left burning in the room. The lighting is dimmer, but your nose is more than grateful for her consistent attention to detail.
Violetta finally gets to closing the door, but she doesn't turn the lock as she looks at you from over her shoulder, "Summer is on break, but she'll be done soon enough. She heard Dee say you were here." Violetta strode over to you before planting herself in your lap. "Until she comes~ we can have plenty of fun ourselves, don't you think?" Your eyes focused on her own deep browns while your hands found purchase on her hips.
The pleasant fog began to build as you focused soley on the beautiful woman in front of you. Your hands tangled in the back of her dark waves as you brought her into a feverish kiss.
You fought against the ache in your muscles as you used Letty the way you needed to. You couldn't help but chase the fog that Letty brought with her contact, to relish in the intensity each of her orgasms hit her with while she tugged on your hair, the urge and the need to stay in the moment with her moans accompanying you out of the dark of the past.
This is your peace.
Neither of you stopped indulging in each other when you heard the door open, assuming it was Summer finally come to join. Violetta was the one to eventually look up and realize it was Dee at the door, not Summer. She lightly pushed your head away from her pussy to focus more on what Dee had said for the third time now.
You let go of one of Violetta's thighs as you turned to Dee and raised a brow in a mix of annoyance and confusion. “Mmm, what?”
Dee's face gave nothing away as she waited for both of you to be decent. "The boss wants to talk to you." Your eyebrows furrowed before looking at Violetta for some sort of answer. The winged woman only shrugged her shoulders, holding the bedsheet up over her breasts.
You got up from the cushy bed to put your hoodie back on and pick up Violetta's discarded clothes, handing them to her with a quick kiss to the side of her head. "You okay?"
Violetta let out a chime of laughter before she reached to caress your hand in her own. "I'm fantastic, baby. I'd be more concerned about myself if I were you though. Now, don't keep my boss waiting for too long." With a kiss to your hand, she lightly pushes you toward the door where Dee was patiently waiting for you.
Dee motioned for you to follow her to the back office, and you obliged while fixing the rumpled state of your clothes. Dee knocks twice before eventually opening the door.
Inside, you saw a blonde woman sitting at a desk wearing her own relaxed business attire.
“They're here, Yelena.” Dee stated from behind you now. The woman pulled the phone from her ear.
“Good. thank you, Dieufely.”
You were greatly confused now, ‘is there something wrong? Did I do something?’
Yelena eyed you up with a scrutinizing eye while she was on the phone until she hung up.
“It would be you, wouldn't it?” She was talking more to herself than she was to you.
Yelena got up from her desk and made her way over to you. Her eyes went from your pointed and slightly furred ears to your neck, which was covered by your hoodie. She went to pull down the collar of your hoodie when you grabbed her hand to stop her, leaning back slightly as a low rumble came through.
She made steady eye contact with you. “I just want to check something. Can I move this please?”
You slowly released her hand to let Yelena proceed as she moved to lower the collar and expose your scarred neck, running from the jugular notch up to the bottom of your jaw. The discoloring angry and obvious.
Yelena looked at the scar, nodding to herself before letting go of you. You moved the collar of your hoodie back in place as Yelena sent a message through her phone. Soon enough, another knock was heard at a separate door at the rear of the office and you looked over your shoulder as Yelena walked pass to open it. In came a familiar head of red hair, but this time she was alone.
“You rarely call in favors sestra,”
Yelena brought the redhead in for a brief embrace that she wound up returning after her initial stiffness.
The older woman sighed as she pulled away, “Well this is for Wanda, so that changes things.”
"Enough said. I will say it's unexpected, since Y/n hardly says a word to my girls, even as a regular.”
“I presume you know why.”
“Only until now. Not many people have their description, however, Discretion is a part of our policy at The Widow's Nest, you should know that, Natasha. It’s not my business. It still isn’t.”
"Well, you rarely seem to follow your own policy these days, so excuse me if I think differently." Natasha had a stoney countenance as she held Yelena's stare, the younger woman doesn't respond, but she also doesn't back down from the accusing tone.
You simply watched the two exchange words for the next while. The tension you'd sensed earlier seemed to have dissipated, so you allowed it. You didn't have anywhere to rush back to, and you were curious more than anything. Someone, presumably the woman that you helped at your job Wanda, was looking for you. Your eyes wandered around Yelena’s office, your interest quickly wandering. The two other women had yet to acknowledge you directly, but that was fine. Their conversation helped take the edge off, like white noise.
"She'll be pulling up soon to talk to them directly Now that they've passed her two-factor authentication."
And What does Wanda want with them exactly? I assume she's told you,"
"She wants to bring the unknown into our ranks. Wanda see's something in them that I haven't. She's been almost infatuated with them since last week."
"You believe that's all this is?"
That's all I can think it is. There are some decisions Miss Scarlet makes that even I don't understand. Not fully anyway." Natasha was exasperated, not at anyone in particular, but at the situation. She could never fully settle without having all the details of a plan. Hopefully the waters will be less muddled once Wanda makes her intentions clearer.
Another round of knocking comes from the rear office door, and Yelena goes to open it, revealing the woman you helped however long ago: Wanda. She takes her sunglasses off of her face, placidly folding them before setting them on the desk..
Wanda turns to Yelena first, giving her a brief embrace as well. "Thank you for looking into this matter for me. I do hope this didn't disturb your business, Yelena."
Yelena shrugs her shoulders impassively, "Not at all. my people just happened to be closer to this than I previously thought."
Wanda then shifts her attention toward you, who had yet to make their presence known while silently sitting in one of the extra office chairs.
"Ah you, Y/n. I hear you line the bras of all of Yelena's girls. Must be difficult to do with a job in a mutie diner." Wanda's tone is deceivingly conversational. Monica can't afford to pay well, and she has it on good intel that you don't work anywhere else.
You blink slowly, "I manage."
Wanda noticed a familiar orange gleam in your eyes; the same glow that made Hayward curl up and blubber well into his old age. Your eyes weren't as bright now, only a slight tinge was visible outside of your normal color. Curiosity drew Wanda back to your mind to find the answers for herself.
The orange glow your eyes cast was a second mutation you'd developed after being auctioned off to America. This mutation gave you the ability to draw fear out of others. By simply observing someone, you could pinpoint one's personal vices and reflect them back at your target to get them to cave in on themselves at varying intensities. Much different from simple intimidation.
From what Wanda could glean, you were semi-aware of this ability and how to use it and it only worked on the weak willed, and those you viewed as lesser than you. But there is much potential Wanda sees in you. Potential that Wanda can use.
The more Wanda prods around in your head, the number your memories feel, not unlike during your times with Summer and Violetta, except their aura's didn't leave your brain humming like Wanda's did. You could swear you felt yourself salivating, something akin to ravenous as you felt Wanda pull away from your mind.
"Please-" Your eyes were intense as you looked up at Wanda, your hand loosely clasping her wrist to keep her close. "Again...Please."
Wanda cocks her head to the side, not just to get a better look at you, but to show that she was pondering her next decision. "Just one time, dear?"
You wordlessly nod, your eyes wild and unfocused.
"It could be as often as you want if you agree to work for me. Not just for me, with me to shape the world for people like us." Wanda is aware that she's dangling a carrot in front of your face, but it's a necessary one to ensure you have an incentive to join and stay by her side. Even if you're only half listening, Wanda would bet anything you would say yes if you were at full coherence.
The carrot was just her insurance.
Wanda grasps your chin between her thumb and forefinger, light wisps of red seeping into you through your ears.
"Follow me."
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strugglingatart · 8 months
Jr Year ep 3
This is me live blogging bc I need to get thoughts out also would love fandom friends full spoilers bellow the cut just so no one accidentally reads anything they don’t want to this will be long
EX GIRLFRIEND I will legit fight Brennan why did we at least not see it....
btw me saying I will fight brennan is mostly a joke like I get why we made all these changes, I don't actually love everything but I do trust all these people enough that it will serve the story and play out great
Immediately clocking the fairy festival (Frosty whatever it is I'm so sorry Brenan says it and then it's immediately out of my head) connection we love
love love looove the aguefort projections, so many Arthur statues!
Riz's manic energy is such a vibe, not exactly healthy but a vibe I get
the astral realm where all the dead gods go
lowkey love that Gorgug and Fabian are solid like the boys lowkey play them so dumb but that's just teenage boys for ya (also thought maybe Fabian would be in less trouble but still some so this makes my anxiety relax a bit, only issues we already knew off)
Actually for the wizards I'm really chill is an A+ and also probably true sentence
ah the answer I needed about Fig's multiclass
Ah the society of shadows again, and a college for sad alone adventureres lol
their record is bad but it should be worse when talking about the one person sports team is SO FUNNY to me
the friends bit is so good, everythig about it, all the laughing, Emily failing intentionally, Ally letting it work even tho it shouldn't, perfection
Lydia still making half orc meals we love and stan
Adaine-Riz friendship is SO IMPORTANT to me
the sibbling energy our girls have are amazing
the Thisstlesprings will literally just go into sex ed and Gorgug's reaction is gold everytime
"Can I run from you?" LMAO
ok I'm getting the silly energy they were talking about now
listennnn we are gonna get into Gorgug isn't a good barbarian according to his teacher again aren't we? it's why it wasn't pre approved? I will fight this teacher he literally saved the world twice as mostly a barbarian let him be a chill barbarian
yes Fabian make Fig go to class
yay new lunch lad
also I legit thought the time quangle was just an explain continuity errors away and also get rid of the agueforts who break encounters thing but it might be related to the plot now that it's come back up in the recap and in the intercom in story
Fig has Gillear's luck confirmed ok
Zac's physical comedy continues to be SO GOOD
the sillies really are here I'm laughing so much
straight away this lady is insane
four different dogs is such a good burn, love agro Kristen
do not trust this people at all
ohhh skullcleaver, Katya's aunt? cousin? I don't recall the seven mentioning that
listen Fabian's house being party house is lowkey dangerous
Kristen being a disaster gay even when trying to help friends flirt is a mood and a half
ooohh I like mazey
don't trust the attomaton tbh
also yes I just thought of this now so it's late but going back to Kipperlilly whatever her name is, like homegirl can't make big institutional changes youre class president not on staff
rules always being followed to the letter is tbh scary there has to be room for interpretation, perfect order doesn't exist
YES PLOT love how it's already too much bc mood and "yeah I cannot think about that right now" and "embodyment of writers block" oh this season is gonna continue to hit me in the face
Wanda Childa is wild
she was a turncoat, more importantly she was a mirror
why is Ally's hey girlie voice so terrifying
fully forgot porter was the barbarian teacher and I will fight porter LET GORGUG MULTICLASS...
aaaa I'm going into a worry is here, legit thought it was gonna be in battle but I love Gorgug's energy here bc I've been there where you do things kinda nontraditional way and have teachers make the achivements sound so much worse just bc i didn't get there through the path they wanted me to take
love terpsichore immediately
they get 30's fairly often now we love level 10
fabian is such an arsty kid at heart and always was like Lou wanted to make a jock maybe but never did
listen trashbag sandwich is worrying but it was indeed fine
I get that Riz is type A but he is the non annoying kind
homegirl who desn't like technicalities and ppl gettign away with stuff got out in one huh? also I have no idea what that means the teacher found her? what?
Jawbone I love you and also I worry about how much I relate to Riz
I so hate this girl I'm with Adaine, she's the worst we've had
oh no the Applebee's
ok so I have a huge like essay somewhere about both why I don't like how Kristen is dealing with Cassandra but also how I 10000% understand her as someone who abandoned religion but was then forced to still be in similar roles and religious enviornments after that somewher in my head buut also who cares but just know it exists
omg Bucky giving her a hug I cry
Kristen is not doing well but that was actually a pretty good parental confrontation tbh I'm proud
oh damn poor Adaine I'm sosorry my dear you don't deserve this
Brennan really went you know what? we are not having your wildness work for you this time Emily, your shit is catching up to you
yay fig went to class finally
we got SO many designs with all the teachers and such and they are all so great
oh nooo Kristeeen, each step I take the step behind me vanishes is such a raw ass line like this poor teenager is legit so lost like someone help her please (also that was a relatable little monologue.. am I ok?)
love the cleric teacher a lot
ok but i love cassandra alright twilight, mystery and doubt are such a cool ass domain you can sell it and embrace it Kristen I belive in youuuu
but also again: a good ass teacher
awn I love that they're back in the forest
again Siobhan promised no taers and I have cried twice now maybe three times in three eps??? rude af
the bad kids should've helped with the whole Cassandra stuff I just realised I'm so sorry
oh shit not Kalina again.... I feel like i got stabbed in the heart
oh I am sooo pumped for next ep!!!!!
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hi hello how are you? i have a genuine question, hope it’s appreciated but like im literally curious on how your mind works, ANYWAY SO.
first of all, have you already thought about the general lines of the whole plot of your stories or are you freestyling your way through them?😭 like do the ideas pop up from time to time, even tho you have the story “mapped out” OR you don’t have a clue and just go with the flow (and somehow it turns absolutely perfect)
staying on that, do you think/already know if you’ll be adding Wanda in Love and Liabilities too? would be an interesting turn of events, LIKE SHES IN HER CLASS AND THEY BECAME FRIENDS AND AGATHA GETS JEALOUS (sorry my mind wanders, im mixing up the stories😭) but yeah maybe it wouldn’t make sense you’re right…wait you haven’t even replied yet OKAY IM CHAOTIC goodbye
(THOUGH even if it’s “nothing new” im sure that if u did add her, you would do it in such an inventive way that it would be perfect, cause your ideas are golden and sorry i’m a sucker for your writing i can’t get over it. I WILL STOP…eventually…or even if u tell me to stop cause i don’t wanna weird u out idk)
I always have the main plot mapped out in my head for my fics. Usually I get ideas based off of songs, I listen to way too much music lol. So for example, with Lark there were two pieces of music that inspired it, and I had the whole fic from start to end planned out while listening. I will typically not be quite as set with subplots, secondary characters, and things of that nature, as within editing I almost always change a lot. Not sure if that's the best way to go about it, but that's how my brain has always worked lmao. Everything is music based, you see.
Sooooooo with Wanda in Love & Liabilities, she is the defendant in the case, and is Agatha's client. I haven't introduced her directly for a reason, just brief mentions in the present day chapters, but she will be popping up more as the story progresses and we get to the trial. How Wanda got to know Agatha, why Agatha's representing her, that sort of thing. I do loveee your idea though, haha. Wanda is one of my favorite characters to write- I find her to be very very intriguing, especially in the MCU and her connection to Agatha, and I'm praying for her inevitable return.
Also thank you so much for sending this in!! I mainly just talk about my writing process with my girlfriend since she reads over all my stories and edits for me :) But it's nice to type it out as well, haha. I hope my thoughts make sense! Thank you again <3
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Surviving Sokovia - Chapter Seventeen
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x Reader
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Work Summary: 
You were a Sokovian orphan living on the streets of Novi Grad, until Strucker offered you a choice.
Now you are a part of his human experimentation programme, trying to survive an entirely different world of horrors. The kind boy with the beautiful eyes is the only thing that keeps you going.
This story contains dark themes. Please read the notes on chapter one for more details. Dialogue in {these brackets} is in Sokovian.
Chapter Summary: The baby's coming.
Series Masterlist
Word Count: 3322
Read on AO3.
Taglist: @mcximffs @noz4a2 @rottenstyx @xlucyintheskywithdiamondsx @lanemarvels @marrigold-2002 @kathrinchek @ifilwtmfc @officiallykuute @the-skys-musical-echo @mrs-kai-anderson @ang3l1te @missryerye
Taglist info.
Previous Chapter
Hello hello, sorry it's a week late, I've been busy with NaNoWriMo. But here it is: the LAST chapter. Thank you for going on this journey with me. Enjoy.
Also, warnings in this chapter for: childbirth, fear of a dog hurting a child (nothing happens tho dw Odeta would NEVER), references to overprotectiveness, pain and blood, medical stuff, very very brief reference to the attempted rape in chapter 8 of this fic. But it's mostly fluff.
Since you and Pietro had returned from your honeymoon, you’d become a little less shy around the other Avengers. They were mostly polite to you, but kept their distance, which may have had something to do with Pietro’s fiercely protective – some might say overprotective – hovering.
So sometimes you ate dinner with the other Avengers. You never said much. You weren’t as comfortable with English as either of the twins. You spoke it fairly fluently, but having to translate every sentence in your head was exhausting.
Today, you were sitting in the rec room, a bowl of cereal resting on top of your bump, and Odeta curled up at your feet. You chewed and swallowed slowly. American cereal was a lot more sugary than what you were used to back home, and right now, you felt as though you needed the boost.
A textbook lay open but forgotten on the side table next to you. After the battle of Sokovia, you had mused that you might like to become a medic. It seemed to be something you were good at.
SHIELD jumped at the chance. Since you were nine months pregnant, they had given you books and allowed you to work through them on your own schedule. There would be classes, eventually, but again, on your own schedule.
Given how flexible and permissive they were being, you assumed ulterior motives. Sure, the idea of having a super-powered medic was enticing, but if you stayed, that meant Wanda and Pietro stayed too. Not that they’d shown any desire to leave. Still.
As you took another bite of cereal, you felt a cramp in your lower abdomen. It was probably a Braxton-Hicks contraction. God knows you’d gotten used to them over the last few weeks.
You set your half-eaten cereal down next to your textbook and pushed down on the sofa, trying to get to your feet. Walking around usually helped. It felt like a bad period pain.
Odeta got to her feet as well, and watched as you tried to stand up. She was antsy, like she wanted to help you but didn’t know what to do.
“{It’s okay, girl},” you said, trying to sound soothing, but it was hard to catch your breath. As soon as you were on your feet, you were going to pet her, and then maybe take her for a nice walk around the compound.
Or at least, that was your plan.
You felt a gush of liquid escaping your vagina, beyond your control. Before you had a chance to feel embarrassed, the pain of the contraction flared up.
“Oof,” you said, your face contorted as you fell back into your seat. You clasped your hands over your belly and rocked forward, trying to manage the pain.
Odeta began to bark, and then ran from the room. Hunched forward, you put your hands on the back of your head and tried to breathe.
“Hey, are you alright?” You looked up to see Steve Rogers standing in the doorway, staring at you. Odeta was by his side, anxiously pawing at the ground.
“I think my waters just broke,” you said, and you watched the colour drain from Captain America’s face. “Can you help me up? I need to walk around.”
“Of course.” He stood over you, clearly unsure how to help. You shuffled forward in your seat and he put an arm around your shoulders. Very carefully, he pulled you to your feet.
As you stood there, clutching at your stomach, you noticed that there was a wet patch where you’d been sitting on the sofa. Steve was very politely pretending not to notice.
Suddenly, this all felt very real. You were going to have a baby. Tears sprang to your eyes, and in spite of your best efforts, began to roll down your cheeks.
“Hey, it’s okay, it’s okay,” said Steve. “F.R.I.D.A.Y? Call Pietro. Tell him he’s needed here.”
You closed your eyes and clung to Steve’s arm. It hurt. A lot.
Suddenly, a familiar hand was curling around the back of your neck, and then Pietro was pulling you into his arms.
“Shh, shh,” he murmured, stroking your hair. He was sweaty. He’d just come from some kind of physical training. You wanted to melt into his warmth. “{What’s wrong?}”
“{The baby’s coming}.” You felt him freeze beside you. “{They need to clean up in here. I- I made a mess}.” Embarrassment flooded you.
“{Don’t worry about that. I’m gonna take you to the medbay, yeah? Stark will send a cleaning crew}.”
With Pietro’s arm around you, you started walking towards the medbay. Odeta made an inquisitive noise and bounded in front of you. You stopped walking.
Captain America was still standing by the door, hovering awkwardly, like he didn’t know what he was supposed to be doing.
“Steve, can I ask a favour?” you said, and he straightened up immediately.
“Of course.”
“Could you watch Odeta for a little while? I was just about to take her for a walk. I think she’s feeling a little pent up.”
“{Go with Steve, Odeta},” you said, waving her towards him. “Thank you, Steve, you’re a lifesaver.”
“Any time.”
When you arrived at the medbay, the doctor directed you to lie down on the bed and put your feet up in the stirrups. You froze, staring at the bed. Your mind flashed back to every medical test, every experiment Hydra ever did to you. You remembered the doctor’s unwanted hands touching you.
Pietro must’ve noticed your discomfort, because he asked, “do we have to do it this way?”
The doctor looked at you sympathetically. “I need to check the dilation of your cervix. But I could get a female doctor or midwife to do it if that would make you more comfortable?”
You swallowed. “Okay.”
Pietro helped you change into the hospital gown while the doctor was out of the room. His hands were trembling so much that they looked blurry.
“{Piet? Are you okay?}”
“{I just… can’t believe this is actually happening}.”
“{Are you scared?}”
“{Yes}.” He said it so abruptly that it surprised you. He was normally so reticent to show any kind of vulnerability. “{Are you?}”
He helped you up onto the bed. While you waited for the doctor, he pulled up a chair next to you and rubbed your stomach soothingly. You closed your eyes, and another contraction starting. You gasped in pain, and Pietro was on his feet instantly, cupping your face in his hands.
“{What’s wrong, sweet girl? Did I hurt you?}”
“{Contraction}.” You grabbed his hand and squeezed. If it hurt him, he didn’t show any sign of it.
When the second doctor came in, she introduced herself. You lay back and tried not to think about anything as she checked your cervix. It didn’t hurt, but it wasn’t a pleasant sensation. Pietro was very tense beside you.
“That’s about 5cm,” said the doctor. “It’ll be a little while yet. The team will keep checking on you regularly to ensure everything is alright, but you can relax for now. I’ll have someone bring you something to eat to keep your energy up.”
“Thank you,” you said, breathing a sigh of relief.
With Pietro’s help, you pulled your legs out of the stirrups and shifted into a more comfortable position. Just as you’d sat up, Wanda came into the room.
“{Is it happening?}” she asked.
“{It’s happening},” Pietro confirmed. “{Well, sort of. They said it will take a while}.”
Wanda pulled up a chair. “{Well, I’m here. Anything you need, I’m here}.”
The two of them sat with you, keeping you company as you ate the light meal that a nurse brought you. Wanda remained in her seat, but Pietro couldn’t seem to stay sitting down. If there was ever a break in conversation, he was pacing and wringing his hands. It was starting to stress you out.
“Piet,” you said, and he was by your side in an instant, holding your hand.
“{Yes, my love?}”
“{Do you want to go for a run? Wanda can keep me company, and it’s not like anything’s happening right now}.”
Pietro scoffed at that. “{I’m not leaving you while you’re in labour}.”
“{The pacing is getting really agitating, Pietro},” said Wanda. She stood up and began to herd him towards the door. “{If anything happens with the baby, we will call you. Go use up some of that energy. Okay?}”
He looked at you over Wanda’s shoulder, and you nodded.
“{You could check on Odeta? I feel bad for foisting her onto Steve like that},” you said.
“{I will},” said Pietro. “{Call me if anything happens, okay? Anything}.”
“{We will},” said Wanda. Pietro sped from the room. She leant against the wall and sighed. “{I love my brother but he can be exhausting}.”
“{I love your brother too},” you said. “{That’s why I married him}.” You giggled. Even though you’d been married a couple of months now, it still felt surreal to say.
She returned to her seat beside you. “{Do you need anything?}”
You sighed. You didn’t think there was anything that concrete that would help right now. You were just stuck in waiting mode.
“{Just keep me company?}”
“{That I can do}.”
“{So… How are things going with Vision?}” It wasn’t something you could talk to her about in front of Pietro. He didn’t like or trust Vision, and you were getting sick of the two of them arguing about it.
“{Really well}.” She gave you a shy smile. “{I thought… I thought that maybe once Pietro was better, I would feel different. Like maybe I only liked him because he was kind to me when I needed him. But it’s not just that. He’s smart and he’s funny and sweet. And I think he really likes me}.”
“{I think he does too}.” You had seen the way he looked at her. “{I’m happy for you}.”
You were about to say more, but then another contraction hit you. You gasped in pain and threw out your hand.
“{Contraction?}” Wanda asked, grabbing your hand and squeezing it. Too pained to speak, you just nodded. “{Okay, okay, just breathe with me, okay?}” You tried to match her breathing. It helped a little, but it still hurt. You rode out the wave of the contraction, squeezing her hand, and when the pain subsided, you slumped back onto your pillows. “{Better?}”
When Pietro returned, his hair was wet. He had changed into comfortable, clean clothes, and there were damp patches around his collar. He stooped to kiss your forehead, and you caught a whiff of his shampoo.
“{Did you shower?}” you asked, pushing a lock of damp hair behind his ear.
“{I hope that’s okay? I was sweaty after running around}.”
“{Of course it’s okay}.” You tugged him towards you so that you could kiss his cheek. “{How is Odeta?}”
“{Steve is happy to look after her for the moment, but if there are any issues, Tony has staff on hand to look after her. You don’t need to worry, my sweet girl}.”
He pecked you on the lips, and your eyes fluttered shut. “{Good}.”
To your eternal gratitude, the doctor let Wanda stay with you and Pietro throughout the birth. One of them stood on each side of the bed, clasping your hands tightly in their own.
“{You’re doing so well, sweet girl},” murmured Pietro, “{I love you so much}.”
You began to sob then. You had heard plenty of stories of women screaming horrible things at their husbands during birth, but you didn’t have that urge. Any anger you might’ve felt turned to despair. You were afraid. You weren’t ready for this. You were too young, and so was Pietro.
Gasping, you squeezed Wanda and Pietro’s hands again. Your chest was heaving with sobs, and you were stalled.
“{You need to breathe, sweetheart},” said Wanda, smoothing your hair out of your face. You were drenched in sweat, certain you looked a mess right now. You gasped and shuddered, but couldn’t steady yourself.
“{Breathe with me},” said Pietro, and the two of them started doing the breathing the doctor had showed you. You tried to mimic it, but sobs kept breaking through, disrupting the rhythm.
“{It hurts, Piet},” you whimpered.
“{I know, baby. But you’ve got to breathe}.”
“{You don’t know},” you said, feeling too weak to say anything else.
“You’re almost there,” said the doctor. “Push. Push.”
“I am pushing!” you yelled. Your heart hurt. You felt like you might die. Pietro was holding you, his arm around your shoulders and his hand gripping yours. He was whispering sweet words to you, but you could barely hear him. You pushed.
And then it was over.
You heard your baby crying, and your jaw dropped. Even through the haze of pain, something primal activated within you, and you knew you had to hold your child. Pietro wasn’t looking at you anymore. He was staring at the baby that the doctor was holding. It was a boy. Your son.
“You still need to pass the placenta,” said the doctor. A nurse brought your baby over and placed him into your arms. You blinked.
Nothing in the world could’ve prepared you for how you felt in that moment. He was so tiny and precious and strange. He barely looked human, and it would be a while before he could open his eyes. You could see Pietro in the ridge of his brow, the shape of his nose. Your heart had never felt so full.
They were still telling you to push. You did as you were told, although it now felt like you were just a gaping wound down there.
The nurse ushered Pietro over to cut the umbilical cord. His hand was trembling as he did so. When he was done, he stepped back, and Wanda grabbed his hand.
You don’t know how long they let you hold your son, but soon, the nurse returned to you.
“We’re just gonna get him cleaned up for you, okay?” she said. Reluctantly, you let her take him from your arms. Immediately, you felt empty. “And weigh him and just do a couple of minor tests. It’ll just be a couple of minutes.”
You watched forlornly as they took your son away. Pietro was by your side immediately again, taking your hand and kissing the top of your head.
It felt like an age before they handed him back to you, with all the blood and goop wiped free from him. The severed umbilical cord was tied in a knot, and they’d put a diaper on him. You lifted him up to your face and inhaled his smell.
“{Can I hold him?}” Pietro asked quietly. You had almost forgotten he was there. For a moment, you felt guilty. Pietro had been your world. But you had a son now. Your world was bigger.
Carefully, you passed him into Pietro’s arms. His eyes were very wide as he stared down at his son.
“{He’s beautiful},” he whispered.
Once he’d had his first feed, your son was a bit more active. He flailed and kicked around, trying to discover this strange new world around him using all of his limbs. He grabbed Pietro’s finger in his tiny fist and squeezed, and Pietro’s mouth fell open. You’d never forget the look in your husband’s eyes in that moment.
For your part, you were exhausted. You relished holding him, but you also enjoyed the breaks you got when Pietro and Wanda both took turns. Your entire body ached, you were hungry, you were sore and your nipples were leaking. You just wanted to sleep.
After a couple of hours, the doctors said you could go back to your room. You were exceptionally sore, but you could walk, so you managed to make it mostly unassisted.
Wanda held your son so that Pietro would be free to catch you if you stumbled. As soon as you got back to your rooms, the baby began to fuss and cry. Pietro plumped up some pillows for you on the couch, and Wanda handed the baby back to you so that you could feed him.
“{How are you feeling?}” Pietro asked, stroking your hair out of your face.
“{More exhausted that I’ve been in my life. And like I need a shower}.”
He made a sympathetic noise, and murmured, “{Soon}.”
When your son had calmed down again, Wanda took over. She was taking to her duties as aunt very quickly. She rocked him and cooed at him while Pietro helped you shower. The baby was still calm when you emerged, so you got into bed.
“{Wake me if he needs anything},” you said to Pietro, voice hazy with sleep.
“{I will, my love}.” He kissed your forehead.
As it turned out, you didn’t need Pietro to wake you. As soon as your baby made a soft crying sound, you were awake instantly, your breasts sore and leaking. At least you’d managed to get a few hours of sleep.
“{Give him to me},” you said to Pietro, who was trying to rock him back to sleep. He handed him over, and then shifted another pillow behind you so you could sit up more easily. “{Where’s Wanda?}”
“{Asleep}.” Pietro settled down next to you on the bed. “{It’s late. She said to call her if we need anything, any time}.”
You exhaled, eternally grateful for aunt Wanda.
When your son started being able to keep his eyes open, you decided it was time to introduce him to Odeta. Pietro was nervous about the idea at first, but Odeta had always been gentle with you. Besides, Pietro would be there. There was no way she would be able to hurt the baby with his superspeedy dad running interference.
Wanda opened the door, and Odeta bounded over to see you, barking. It had been days. She had clearly missed you. At the commotion, your son opened his eyes and began to cry.
“{Shh, shh, my love. My sweet boy},” you murmured. Odeta back off immediately, looking chastened and confused. She stared at the tiny bundle in your arms. “Odeta?”
Cautiously, she took a step forward. And then another. When she got close enough, she sniffed at your son. Pietro was right beside you, ready to act if anything went wrong. Odeta nuzzled against your hand. You petted her gently.
“{Odeta, this is Olek. Olek, meet Odeta}.” The two of you agreed that you were going to name your son after Pietro’s father. It had seemed right. Wanda had teared up when you told her.
Olek stared at Odeta. He reached out his tiny hand and touched her nose, and then pulled back when he found that it was wet. Odeta stayed very still throughout the exchange. Carefully, you guided Olek’s hand so that he stroked the fur at the top of her nose. Again, Odeta stayed frozen. When you were done, Olek closed his eyes, and went straight to sleep.
From then, it was hard to drag Odeta from Olek’s side. She slept under his crib, with the posture of a guard dog. It brought you a lot of comfort to know that if anyone wanted to hurt Olek, that would not only have to go through you, your super-powered husband, and an aunt with mind control powers, but also a faithful guard dog.
And sometimes those early weeks were hard. Your body ached with the pains of childbirth. Your breasts were constantly sore and swollen and leaking. And sometimes you couldn’t stop your son from crying, no matter how hard you tried.
But you got through it. Because you weren’t alone. You had Pietro. And Wanda. Odeta. The rest of the Avengers.
And more importantly, you knew you could get through it, because you were a survivor. You had survived Sokovia, after all. You all had.
Thank you for reading. Who knows, maybe some day I'll write a sequel, but I definitely need a break rn
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vvviktor · 1 year
Spoiler for Wanda #8
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Didn't this stop being a problem in AoA?
Ok, technically AoA loki was a different person...until Defenders right? Like AoA loki was fully out of the timeline but then they did enter it. Aoa loki and Current god of outcasts loki are the same now. I kind of feel like post AoA loki stories give him issues that were kind of already solved?? The whole idea behind becoming god/dess of stories was to have control over their life. And even if you can define two different lokis (aoa and god of outcasts) wouldn't GoA loki be influenced by AoA lokis memories(? Perceptions? What) when aoa loki got back inside the current timeline? Why does loki have the same problems as last decade's with just a different wording? (Im not mad at the Wanda comic writer im mad at loki's characterization in past and current comics bacause im a picky bitch and it feels a bit stagnant to me)
Also this is just sad
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Context: this is a word fight using only the truth
In the comic about wandas healing and bettering? Really? We are similar but youll never reach my same bettering? What. Like i get it, the story has to go forward and hes just a random character appearance but it's still sad yk.
Being one's absolute true self is incredibly hard and implies a lot of work. Could loki do it? That's an interesting question. Don't answer it so easily.
Generally speaking, current loki feels a bit stagnant? Static? I want to see the differencies between 2019 loki and 2023 loki. Where is the growth? I want to see more of how they rule Jotunhiem. Does he understand his people? What is jotun culture? In the ongoing loki comic she gave them books about norse myths to learn how to read. How about specifically jotun myths? How does it feel to rule with a disconnect to the ppl you rule over? Does loki see his ppl through asgardian propaganda? Is he aware? How does he feel about that? Cmon give me something new.
Anyway hot people are doomed by the narrative (and deserve to be kissed)
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lunarfly-studios · 5 months
Knuckles 2024 spoilers while I’m musing about some stuff:
At first I wasn’t overly sure about turning Chief Pachacamac into a silly old retired guy from Florida, as funny and goofy as he was. But after sleeping on it and thinking about it for a bit, this change from the original is actually pretty solid when you stop and think about it.
Knuckles has this huge thing about honor and loyalty and has been betrayed and stabbed in the back over the years.
In canon he just kinda knows about what happened in the past, hears about what his people did, but here, where Pachacamac comes to him at the wEIRDEST time imaginable, Knuckles actually knows him.
He not only has a great deal of respect for Pachacamac, but also feels grateful to him for helping him when he needed it and has been endeared to him through these vision talks.
So how much of a gut punch is it gonna be when we get to Sonic 3 and he has to learn everything Pachacamac did not only to others but to his own tribe in pAINSTAKING detail?
Assuming they’re keeping the stuff about chaos, they HAVE to keep the stuff about the echidnas’ role in that, right?
Can you IMAGINE how much this is going to challenge Knuckles’ view of his people and one of their “greatest” chiefs?
I think if they do end up sticking to that, it wouldn’t feel quite as strong if we just jumped straight to Sonic 3 and getting to the lore we know. I don’t think it would hit quite as hard if we didn’t get to see Knuckles showing so much adoration and respect and fostering this sense of gratitude towards
Ya know
Who he doesn’t know is basically a war criminal
Which I imagine the movie itself just wouldn’t have the time for, ya know?
As silly and goofy and campy and legitimately dumb as this series kinda was, I think it fostered a lot of good character work for Knuckles.
The Shabbat episode was like legitimately good content tho, I’d have just watched that by itself, that shit was wholesome and heartwarming as FUCK
Even if Wanda was completely insufferable. seriously idk if it's the actress or the directing but she was
annoying and unpleasant
the mom was fantastic tho, i loved her
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