#was bleeding non stop on the implant
cynical-things · 5 months
I wish I never went on the fucking implant ffffffjdjdjdjdnd it fucked my body up so bad and it’s still not better even tho I got that piece of shit taken out 10 months ago
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thedreamlessnights · 8 months
Non-Ascended Astarion x F!Reader - NSFW
Synopsis: After falling into mysterious spores in the Underdark, you start to experience some... strange side effects. Astarion is more than happy to assist.
Warnings and tags: 18+ (and I cannot stress this enough), aphrodisiac/glorified sex pollen, established relationship, discussions of consent, fingering, oral sex (both giving and receiving), blood drinking, multiple orgasms. Takes place post-game and includes mild spoilers.
Word Count: 5.7k
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There’s not much that surprises you anymore.
It’s true - being kidnapped by illithids, having a tadpole implanted behind your eyes, facing the gods themselves - all of that does make it difficult for mundane life to come anywhere close enough to truly shock you. Your days aren’t necessarily peaceful, but they never seem quite as exciting as that blind haze of companionship in the aftermath of the nautiloid, trekking through the wilderness and shadow-cursed lands and the city, finding yourself in the company of strangers but soon-to-be family.
Still, these days, there’s something every now and then that catches you off guard. The trouble is, you’re never quite left in a space to know how to handle it. Unlike your earlier adventures, things are rarely solved with a dagger in your hand or a dash of flattery in your words. No, the burdens of day-to-day life are much more complicated than that.
Falling into a patch of mysterious spores, for one.
The Underdark is full of various mushrooms. Poisonous. Explosive. Befuddling. You could go on and on. You’ve had your number of close calls with them, but the sensation coursing over your skin feels like nothing you’ve ever experienced - and it doesn’t help that you’ve never seen spores like this.
Hells. Of course this is where your day would end up. 
Just a little stroll, you’d told yourself. It’ll be harmless. And it had been, for the most part. There’s an unearthly beauty to the Underdark that you’ve never encountered anywhere else, one you’ve come to appreciate just as much as the upper surface. But halfway through your usual route, your feet had snagged on a branch and you’d gone tumbling, and now - now you’re in a patch of glowing, red spores, feeling like…
Gods, what do you feel? 
Hot. You feel very, very hot. Sweat trickles down your back. Warmth blooms like poppies in a number of strange places - your cheeks, your lips, your neck. The feeling is spreading fast, bleeding through your ribs as you get to your feet.
Alright, you think to yourself, ignoring the sharp, bleeding panic in your throat that’s threatening to take over. Situations like this call for a sense of rationality. You’re going to get out. 
It takes much longer than it should for you to slowly stumble back to familiar ground. Your movements are jerky, as if you’re being puppeted around, and it’s getting harder to think straight when you’re feeling as if - whatever this is - is slowly consuming you. The heat is in your lungs, coursing fire near your pounding heart, raging with every inhale. 
You need to get this off of you, and as quickly as possible. After that, maybe it will fade and maybe it won’t. You’ll… you’ll figure it out. 
By the time you make it to the river, your knees are trembling so much that you nearly fall in. The water barely scratches the surface of the fire when you splash it over your skin, but the coolness of it is euphoric. You go as quickly as you can, covering area by area - your clothing, your arms, your face and neck - until most of the spores are off, but the feeling pulses and throbs in you all the same. Whatever it is, it isn’t killing you, but it certainly isn’t pleasant. 
You could tell Astarion. He’d tease you a little, but he’d also be certain to search endlessly to find something to stop your discomfort. And you ache for him. His touch, his voice, the fondness in his eyes when he looks at you. 
Had it really been just this morning when you’d last seen him? It seems like lifetimes away - lost to a very, very different type of ache in your veins that won’t seem to fade. You’ve just made up your mind to go find him, rising to your feet again, when the heat rushes to a very specific place between your legs and all thoughts of looking for Astarion are instantly cast out.
Oh, you think, somewhere between dizzy, needy, and utterly humiliated. So that’s what this is.
You’ve read about things like this - plants, pollen, potions -  but most of them had been in bad romance novels, and none of them had ever come with any mention of an antidote. And, needless to say, you won’t be making your way to the Myconid Sovereign to learn more. It’ll have to be handled on your own. 
You could risk going home and pretending to be ill, but Astarion is far too perceptive for that. He’d see through your ruse immediately. Which leaves the only option: hiding in a cave and waiting this out, praying he won’t notice you’re gone and come searching for you before you’re back.
And really, how bad can it be?
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Bad. It can be very, very bad. 
You’ve been sitting in this cave for who knows how long, and your sanity is fading more and more by the minute.
It had been manageable at first. The heat spread through you like warm cider on a cold night - a slow, steady increase, the way a candle gradually burns down to the wick. You’d thought it would stop at a certain point (it had to, didn’t it?), but no. It just… kept going. 
Now, every inch of your body feels like it’s on fire, and it’s not slow, or steady, or even remotely bearable. It’s a strange, pleasurable flame, but a flame nonetheless. You can’t even decide whether touching yourself would even help at this point. Even just grazing your hand along the length of your thigh sends the fire rising, and you’re not keen on experimenting at the moment.
Your hands have gone stiff from balling your fists. Your mouth keeps switching between being as dry as sand and overly salivating. Each breath ignites more warmth, and you’ve been trembling for so long that you don’t remember how it feels to be still.
Gods. If you trusted yourself to get to your feet, you’d go see the Sovereign - a lifetime’s worth of humiliation or not. You don’t have any clue what time it is. There’s no sun or moon down here to guide you, no mechanism to spell out the hour. Has Astarion noticed your absence? How long until he’s concerned?
You know enough to know that you should have been back by now - that it’ll be unusual for you to have been gone so long. At least this spot you’ve found for yourself is relatively private. A dark, dry little place with a stone floor; fluorescent ivy in shades of lavender and coral; remote enough that, if your willpower fails and you end up making some noise, no one will be around to hear. 
You attempt to swallow, but the action dies on your tongue. You attempt to breathe, but you can’t seem to suck in any air. You’re just thinking you really might die in this painful, mortified state when the pad of footsteps on stone hits your ears, and your whole body pulls as taut as a rope. 
Oh, gods. Please not him. Anyone else. The Sovereign. The Society of Brilliance. Anyone.
But it’s him, because of course it is. He slowly makes his way inside, pressing through the narrow entrance and around the corner, and when he sees you curled against the cave wall, his brows rise - alarm.
“Wait,” you blurt out, determined to speak before he can. “Don’t come any closer. Please.”
Astarion stays where he is, but his eyes start instinctively scanning you over, searching for ailment or injury. “What’s wrong?” he asks, tilting his head. “You aren’t hurt, are you?”
“I’m fine,” you tell him, even though you’re anything but. You want to say more, but your thoughts trail off as another wave of heat flares inside of you. You’ve started trembling again. Your fingers accidentally graze against your thigh, and you let out a small, involuntary noise.
Astarion hesitates, then takes a step closer. “Darling,” he starts, raising a brow, “you make a terrible liar.”
Of course you can’t fool him. Not even a little. You let out a laugh, but the sound hitches into a strange, choked sob. You pull your knees to your chest and let out a long, shaking breath, trying to get a grip. “I know,” you say softly. “Gods. I’m sorry.”
He takes another step closer, and concern writes itself into his expression. “Gods below,” he exclaims. “Er - my sweet, I don’t mean to be rude, but you look...”
“Horrible?” you finish for him. “I know.” 
“I… was going to say ill, actually,” Astarion replies, laughing a little. “This dark cave lighting looks beautiful on you, my dear.”
You can’t resist another laugh. It’s less burdened this time, but it fades away as you hesitate, very pointedly gazing down at your fingernails instead of meeting his eyes. “I may or may not have fallen into a patch of mysterious spores.”
“And?” Astarion says, lifting a hand into the air and giving a small, contemplative gesture. “Go on, darling. Seeing as you aren’t dead - I’m assuming they weren’t poisonous?”
You shake your head, swallowing hard. How the hells are you going to phrase this? “No,” you answer. “I just feel… hot. Not like the explosive ones, just… hot.”
“Well,” Astarion says, “That’s… interesting. Alright - let me take a look at you.”
Half of you wants to protest, but what’s the point? He’ll find out the truth sooner or later. So, instead, you nod.
He steps closer, kneeling down at your side, and you have to ball your fists to keep from doing something stupid. You’re expecting more flame at his touch - a painful flare, like when you’d grazed your thigh - but when the back of his hand meets your forehead, his touch is like a salve. Soothing, cool, sweet. It mellows out the fire, makes you feel sane again.
You shut your eyes in relief, staying as still as you can, and when you open them, you find him giving you a look you know all too well. Smug. Affectionate. A glint in his eye that can only mean trouble.
“My, my,” he purrs. “Darling, I’m no healer, but… a racing pulse, dilated pupils, feverish to the touch? That, I know.” He leans in, his voice low in your ear. “And I can smell how much you want me.”
A shudder runs down your back, betraying you. Astarion leans in to kiss you, his lips brushing against yours - soft and gentle and perfect - and it takes everything in you to pull away.
“Wait,” you protest. 
He instantly halts, pulling away from you and scanning over your expression. “What is it?” he asks. “Is everything alright?”
“Everything is fine,” you say quickly. “But you don’t… I mean - I can manage this on my own, you know.”
His brows rise. “My dear, you do realize I am very capable of helping you in this situation?”
“Gods, Astarion,” you say, biting back a delirious sort of laughter. “Believe me, I’m well aware. But I don’t want you to feel like you have to do this. I can manage this.”
A fondness enters his expression - the rare kind, reserved for the most meaningful of moments. He leans closer, placing a gentle kiss on your lips. “I know,” he says softly, the words tender and delicate. “Trust me. I want to do this.” He trails a finger along your thigh, and you shiver again. “I’ve missed you,” he murmurs. “And, unless I’m wrong, you’ve missed me, too.”
After searching his gaze and finding him entirely present, you let yourself relax into his touch. “I’ve missed you more than anything.”
“Good,” he says. “I was almost worried.”
He skims his knuckles over your jaw, leaning in to kiss you once more, and the flame in you seems to bend to his touch. It rages in you like a furnace, bellowing and cruel, but with every frigid brush of his fingers, the feeling subsides. Even the feel of his lips on yours seeps away the discomfort.
He’s slow with his actions, but he doesn’t tease, even though you can see the amusement in his eyes when he pulls away to look at you. He’s enjoying this, and if you’re honest with yourself, you are, too. If only it didn’t come at the price of your dignity - but if it’s going to fall away in front of anyone, it might as well be him. 
His hands slide down to your thighs, and your whole body pulls tight, torn between wanting him to touch you now and not wanting him to stop what he’s doing.
“Relax,” he murmurs, his lips ghosting against your ear. “I’ve got you, darling.”
You let out a shaky breath and try to coax your body into cooperating, shutting your eyes and letting the feel of him drown out the path of your thoughts. The sensation of his mouth, trailing down your neck, ranging between feather-light kisses and the barely-there sting of his teeth against the skin, making every inch of you melt into his touch like clay. His hands, sliding to the front of your top, deftly unlacing it and pulling it away from your skin.
Thank the gods no one is anywhere around this area - if anyone were to interrupt you, you’re sure you’d die right here and now. The simmering need that lies under your skin is bordering on painful, a white-hot delirium of impatience that will not be ignored any longer.
Astarion’s fingers skim across your sternum, further soothing the burning inside your chest, and his lips soon follow downward. You let out a soft noise from the back of your throat, something choked and desperate, and he hums against your skin in response.
When your eyes flutter open again, you find that he’s staring up at you as he kisses down your abdomen, eyes dark and hands curled lightly around your ribs, ardor and affection both palpable in the heat of his gaze.
Your instinct is to shut your eyes again - to shut out the intimacy and vulnerability that comes from holding his stare - but you don’t. Instead, you move the stiff muscle of your arm and coax your hand into working again, gently tangling your fingers into the silky-smooth, silvery curls in your lap.
He gives you a roguish grin, tugging on your bottoms until they finally, mercifully, pull away from your skin, leaving you in nothing but your smallclothes.
“Gods, you’re beautiful,” he mutters, the words dark and heavy on his tongue, but they feel more for him than for you. His brows crease together and his actions turn sure and firm and quickened - as if he can’t wait to have his mouth on you.
Beautiful. It’s the second time he’s called you that word tonight, but it doesn’t stop the heat from rising back into your cheeks, and that feeling of the warmth seems to spark a chain reaction. 
It’s as if his voice is stoking the fire - more heat, all rushing to the very place his lips are heading to now, only to be soothed by his touch. He gently pulls at your thighs, coaxing you to lay on your back, and you’re so desperate that you nearly knock your head against the hard floor laid out beneath you in your effort to obey.
Your mind isn’t processing things the way it usually does: in an even, progressing line of events, every moment spread out from one to the next. Rather, everything comes in bursts of feeling, flashing between being a thousand miles away and all too close, all too present. You barely feel the graze of fabric when he removes your smallclothes and leaves you entirely bare, but the gentle, wet press of his tongue against you feels amplified a thousand times over.
“Astarion,” you gasp, your hand tightening in his hair. 
He hums again, and the feeling of it has you shivering, muscles going slack in pleasure. Short, soft flicks of his tongue over your clit and you’re left a shuddering mess, not thinking to try to be quiet - not really thinking at all, anymore. He grips at one of your thighs, looping it over his shoulder as he pulls away for a moment, nipping at the tender flesh there. Soothing it with a gentle kiss, then returning to his work.
You’re a walking - or perhaps laying - contradiction. Your arousal is lava hot, but your pleasure is cold as ice. You can’t decide if you’re cold or hot or both or neither. You’re not in a place to think, not as blinding bursts of pleasure course up your spine, rendering you a lump of skin and bones and not much more. His mouth is nothing if not fervent.
You aren’t sure how long it lasts - your hand in his hair, his mouth against you, writhing in dizzying pleasure against the hard, stone floor and barely feeling the discomfort. It might not be very long at all - but it feels like hours before his fingers enter you.
You’re soaking wet. If you weren’t so focused on, well, everything else, it’d be humiliating. Still, when two fingers slip into you and meet no resistance whatsoever, Astarion groans. The pace he’s setting with both hand and tongue is torturous, slow and even, and it takes everything in you not to beg him for more. 
But when he goes a little faster, a moan pulls from your throat, and you look down to find him grinning as he pulls away, fingers still at work. “Look at you,” he says, praise lilting the words as he curls his fingers - sending your hips rolling. “You’ll come for me, won’t you, darling?”
And as if he’s flicked a switch in your mind, you’re coming around his fingers, gasping and shuddering and clenching. Electricity seems to coarse through your veins, hot and sharp, flaming and radiant, and when it’s gone, there’s only the slickness between your thighs, a slight breathless laughter that escapes from you without a thought, and the fading warmth of the spores.
For a moment, it seems as though there might be relief. Your thoughts clear and the heat wanes, but after a sparse second or two of relief, it comes back as strong as ever. 
You’d be disappointed at its reappearance, but then Astarion is crawling over you, using his knee to coax your legs apart for him, so how could you ever be disappointed? Everything else slips away except for him. His eyes, dark with want, his lips, molding against yours, his tongue, gently pressing into your mouth as he buries a hand in your hair.
He’s hard for you. You can feel it, and that realization has you grinding against him. He groans, cursing under his breath, then reaches down to undo his trousers. “Are you ready for me, love?” he asks, his voice half-broken with want.
You laugh, still trembling from your climax. “You know I am.”
“Mm,” he hums, his eyes glimmering in the dark. “But maybe I wanted to hear you say it for me, darling.”
Gods. He’s beautiful - always so beautiful - even here, in this dark, cold cave you’ve found. A work of art down to the dark circles under his eyes, the crow’s feet around his eyes, his smile lines. 
You could spend a thousand years studying the art of him and never, ever get bored; not of his voice, and the way his confidence sometimes, ever so rarely, breaks into something real and raw. Not of his hands: nimble fingers and the calluses from his blade and soft skin - and not of his eyes, which seem both dark and light depending on his mood, and which can seem so sharp and severe at times, but sometimes soften into something soft and round. Sometimes. When they’re looking at you.
You could spend a thousand years admiring him and never, ever get tired of him, and never, ever deserve him. And he’d never believe it.
He’s noticed you staring, because of course he has, and he tilts his head. “What’s going on in that pretty little mind of yours?”
You can only smile, deliriously happy and wanting and both hot and cold - hot where the warmth burns uncontained, and cold everywhere his skin meets yours. “I love you.”
Your words must catch him by surprise, because it’s shock that meets his expression first. It fades away into affection, placing itself on his lips in a soft smile. “I - I love you too,” he answers, brushing a stray strand of your hair out of your face. “More than anything.” 
He clears his throat and shifts, and as you feel his erection brush against you, only then do you remember the conversation you two had been having. Him between your legs. You, still needing him inside of you.
“I’m ready for you,” you breathe. “Please. I want you.”
“How could I say no?” he asks, leaning in and biting at the lobe of your ear.
He presses into you slowly, even though you don’t need it - not after the effects of the spores and your first climax still evident on your thighs. Only when he once again begins a slow, torturous pace do you realize that he’s doing it to tease you, and when you look up and find a certain amount of devious intent in his eyes, a shudder runs down your back.
He’s always seemed to enjoy watching you fall apart. How many times have you looked up in the middle of one of your late-night trysts to find his eyes on you, the darkened ruby gaze that seems as starved for you as his hunger for blood? 
How many times has he eased your arm away from your face when you felt the need to hide yourself, and how many times has he gently pulled your hand away from your mouth so he could hear the noises you made for him? 
There’s never really been a question about it; Astarion gets off on your pleasure, and the feeling is very, very mutual. Vulnerability aside, it does something beyond words to you to know how much he enjoys giving you pleasure. And, sure as the hells, you like to give it right back to him. So, keeping your gaze locked on his, you grind your hips down to meet him and let out a moan.
His jaw clenches and he swallows hard, his thrusts deepening as he props himself over you. You watch the lovely path of the action over the bob of his Adam’s apple, then flit your eyes back to his, letting out another noise.
“Gods,” he says, and his pace quickens. His hands wrap around your shoulders and he groans, panting as he rocks into you, his grip turning into something almost bruising. 
Part of you desperately wants him to keep going - but the other part of you wants to give him something, and now seems the proper time for it. So you tilt your head to give him access to your neck and murmur a few, soft words, and he slowly comes to a halt: breathing heavily, nails digging into your skin as he tries to regain some semblance of composure.
He kisses down your jaw, slowly drags his teeth along the skin, then sinks his fangs into your neck. You’re used to the sharp pain of his bite, but it’s different today. Intensified. It’s as if his mouth on your skin, the barely-there pain, is salving through that fire and every single limb of yours goes slack with…
What is it? Pleasure? Affection? Relief? It’s something in between, something warm but not scorching, something sweet but not overly-saccharine. He starts moving his hips again and you’re instantly on the edge, planting your hands on his lower back underneath his scars and resisting the urge to dig your nails into the skin.
He’s drunk from you enough times since you met to know where the limit lies, even on the cusp of his climax. He drains you until you’re sufficiently lightheaded, but not enough to harm you, then pulls away, planting a messy kiss on your mouth. 
Messy. It’s how you know he’s close. His actions are usually so graceful, his movements lithe and calculated. Only on the edge of orgasm do the pretenses fall away - his shaking thighs, soft moans into your lips, panting, blood smeared across his lips and almost certainly yours. 
There’s a blinding moment of pleasure as he thrusts harder, deeper, neither of you caring about the level of noise you’re making, and your nails dig into his back. He lets out a groan of approval, then - gods, you’re climaxing again, your whole body trembling with the waves of pleasure that crash over you. Overwhelming at first, then receding into the brief moment of clarity that lasts a minute or two this time. 
Then the spores start their work again.
The heat isn’t nearly as intense this time, but it’s still there. Part of you wonders if it’ll ever really fade. You lay still, gasping, as Astarion slowly pulls out of you. Then he brushes the damp hair out of your face and kisses you again. 
“Darling,” he starts breathlessly, flashing a mischievous grin at you, “if this is where we’ll end up, you should fall into mysterious spores more often.”
You laugh, sending a playful, light hit toward his shoulder. He catches your hand mid-action, pressing a kiss to your palm, holding your gaze the entire time. “You’re not the one who feels like they’re on fire, Astarion.”
He hums, kissing back down your neck, cleaning up the remnants of blood from his bite. “I wouldn’t say that,” he says, his voice gravelly with want. 
That gives you pause. “What do you mean?”
“Well,” he says with some effort, propping himself above you, “whatever those spores were - they seem to have entered your bloodstream, my dear. It’s - an interesting sensation, I’ll admit.”
You’re searching his face for a tell that he’s not being serious, but instead you find wide, blown out pupils, flushed cheeks, and nothing beside his usual mischievousness. Any blood left in your face quickly exits. “Gods, I didn’t even think. I’m so sorry-”
“Don’t be. I’m not.” He presses another soft kiss to your lips, and you see a small smear of your blood on his lips. When you lick your lips, you can taste the iron of it on your tongue.
Astarion is watching you. His gaze darkens, and he lets out another thin, broken groan. “Darling. At this rate, we’ll be going the whole night.”
And, honestly? With the rate the heat is returning - you don’t doubt it. 
Still, you gently ease him off of you to sit up, then make your way into his lap and wrap your arms around his neck. 
There’s something addictive about Astarion - there always has been. From the moment he’d had you against the dirt, a dagger to your neck, he’s been your fix.  
In those first days when you’d had to hide your want for him - not even lust or sheer desire, but want; the ache to run your finger through silver curls, the warmth in your cheeks when he held your gaze just a moment too long, and the rare moments of vulnerability that came more and more as you’d gotten to know him - it had been torture. 
And then he’d propositioned you. And all at once, you’d found yourself in a clearing under silver moonlight, alone with him, long before you ever knew the extent of what had been done to him - and after all this time, the craving for him, the need to lay beside him in the long nights and find him there come morning, has only ever gotten so much stronger.
The heat is somewhat bearable now. Enough to take a moment to admire him, head tilted as he gazes up at you, pure need simmering in his eyes. Dark, glinting rubies. His fangs, barely visible under parted lips. Flushed cheeks. That will fade before long; the rosiness of drinking never lasts more than a few minutes, but you admire it all the same. 
“You’re beautiful.” The words are hushed. You hadn’t even meant to speak them, but your mind isn’t really yours at the moment, not wholly, not as firm as it should be. You feel half-drunk, half-needy. 
The corners of his lips flick into a smile, and he raises a brow. “Oh?” he asks, clearly stealing for more flattery. “Do you think so?”
You lean in, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “You know I do.” 
You gather a single, loose curl in your fingertips and gently roll it between your thumb and index finger, admiring the softness of it. You could use the same soaps, wash your hair with the same things he uses a thousand times over, and it’d never matter. It’d never be as soft as his.
“Anything in particular?” he asks. His voice is particularly airy; he’s battling between begging you for what he needs, and the compliments he likes so much.
You think back to when you’d first described him - that night beneath the stars, when he’d tossed the mirror aside and asked how you viewed him. Words hadn’t been enough then, and they still aren’t, but you’ll try.
“Your eyes,” you start, running your finger over his crow’s feet. “They change color in the light. Right now, they’re dark. Hungry. I can tell you want me, and I like that.”
His hands, which have strayed to the back of your thighs, tighten against your skin. “And? What else?”
The heat’s strength is back, clawing its way up your abdomen. “The way your hair curls around your ears,” you murmur.
He frowns, and you know you’ve gone too poetic. To distract him, you lean in and nip at the lobe of one, and any of his upset disintegrates. 
“Gods,” he murmurs, bringing his hands up to your waist. “Darling, I can’t wait much longer-”
You’ve trailed down to his jaw, alternating between kisses and sharp little nips just like the ones he likes to give you, and the words die in his mouth in favor of a sharp inhale. 
You won’t keep him waiting much longer. In fact, you have a plan. A plan that’d hatched from the moment you’d realized that the spores were in his system, too. Since you’d seen the hungry look in his eyes - every inch a predator circling around its prey.
Only, you’re not content to be the prey. You want to disarm him, and if any of the time you’ve spent together means anything, you’ve gotten very, very good at that.
His shirt is still on, so your hands are quick to remove it, tugging it away from cooling porcelain skin, silky under your fingers as you drag them down his sternum. He shudders, and you remember how it’d felt when he’d first touched you. If it’s anything like that, he’s probably dying to beg you for more.
Your lips soon follow the path your hands are sitting, taking your time with the softness of his abdomen before you pull his trousers away. He’s panting now, and a frenzied sort of desperation lies in his gaze when you look up at him.
And he’s hard again. Leaking.
You lightly trace your nails down his thighs, silently relishing in the way his breath hitches - the way his hips unconsciously buck toward you. 
“Gods,” he says again, and though it isn’t a direct request, with the broken way it falls off his tongue, this time it is every bit a plea. 
And you’re in a mood to please.
You take his cock in hand, swiping your thumb over the head, where precum is slowly leaking, and he lets out a long, breathy noise. You hum in response, taking his length between your lips, and the sound becomes strained, more needy. His hand gently makes its way into your hair, very lightly guiding you where he wants, but not forcefully.
You alternate between things: long, even movements of your mouth as you drag your tongue down the shaft, swirling your tongue around the head, then sucking him hard and slow. Eventually, simply following the guidance of his hand. His grip tightens in your hair - not painful, just encouraging - and his noises become more drawn out, less coherent.
When you pull away for a moment, using your hand to continue what your mouth had just been doing, you find him dangerously close. You press a kiss to the head and take him in again, increasing pace, accommodating him as you take him in as far as you possibly can, and he starts whimpering. 
“Please,” he says, and if that isn’t a rare word to hear from him. 
On another day, you might tease him, but you don’t want to. Not now, while he’s begging to have you. Instead, you take him as deep as you can again and suck harder. Astarion tugs at your hair and his thighs shudder and you know he’s close.
“Please,” he says again. “Gods, don’t stop.”
And you wouldn’t dream of it. What you can’t take into your mouth, you use your hand to stroke, and that’s it. He’s coming.
There’s something artful about it - the tremor that runs through him, the salty taste of him in your mouth, and those seeking, breathless sounds that come out of him as he spills onto your tongue. A long, shaky inhale as he pumps his hips, still chasing out his pleasure, then the trembling exhale as his mind starts to come back to him.
He doesn’t soften, and you don’t take your mouth off him. Not yet.
Usually, Astarion can be counted on for two orgasms, but if those spores are doing anything remotely like what they were doing to you, there’s certain to be much, much more than that.
“By the hells,” he murmurs airily, running a hand down your back. “You’re going to kill me, darling.”
You pull away for a moment, kissing at his abdomen, keeping his eyes locked on his as you do. “Does that mean you want me to stop?” you ask sweetly, trailing your nails along the skin of his thigh.
He swallows hard. “Gods, don’t,” he pleads.
And you don’t.
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neuromedical · 11 months
1 year as an anaesthesia & intensive care resident
I started working last August and it's been a very surreal experience! I wanted to write a little summary, maybe to remind myself of the beginnings, maybe to help other med school graduates a little... Just keep in mind that my experience is European and it has nothing to do with the US system. Also, in my country anaesthesiology and intensive care are in one specialty - you can't have one without the other (though as years go by some people specialise more on either anaesthesia or intensive care).
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I had my current job pretty much secured before I finished school so my only job was to pass my last state exam. When I first started in August (and let me just say that I think everyone deserves that one month off after graduating) it was pretty damn hard. And I'd like to say that it got easier over the course of the year, but that would be a lie. When you first start, everything is tough, because there is so much damn stuff you need to learn. You realise that med school was next to useless and that all your knowledge of all the rare disease is useless as well.
At first, you learn all the most commonly prescribed drugs at your ward. As I do intensive care, our most common drugs are the ones we use post-op. Mainly analgetics, some heart medications, fluids, respiratory meds. And then a million others when it comes to the non post-op patients. You need to learn the drug, the dose, and when and how to use it. At first it's ridiculous and you ask everyone around why the hell did this patient get tramadol and this one got metamizole when both of them underwent the same procedure. It takes many months to figure out these little things. A certain sixth sense that physicians have - the ability to look at a patient and think "okay, this one will get this drug because in my experience I assume that it will be better for them". I felt like the dumbest person on the planet, because I had no idea, no experience, no way of knowing these things. I tried many textbooks, but none of them teach you this. Even one of my colleagues laughed at me (in a friendly way, not maliciously) when I said I wanted a textbook where you'd find these kinds of things. She said there was none. It's simply experience and you get that only with time. So, I felt very stupid for a very long time.
I spent the first few weeks in the OR. One of my very first surgeries was... well, pretty damn traumatic. It was an aortobifemoral bypass where they had to first explant the old infected bypass and implant a new one. I was there with a senior coworker and I pretty much just looked. Well, that was until the patient lost so much blood that all we did - me, my senior coworker, and the nurse - started ordering blood, plasma, platelets, coagulation factors... From that point on it was one giant blur for me, I had no idea what was happening, because I kept shaking up one vial of fibrinogen after another. (Honestly, damn those fibrinogen vials!) That case left me thinking I will never be able to do that alone. Never. The patient passed away in our ICU later that evening. An unfortunate and dangerous thing about infected bypass grafts is that it's very hard to then clamp the aorta around them - the tissue becomes inferior and weak and it's almost impossible to stop the bleeding. But if you don't operate, the patient will die either of severe sepsis, or the weakened aorta will burst on its own. I didn't know it back then. Now I do.
A few weeks ago I came back from a week long holiday and on Monday I was supposed to do a case of a patient with an infected aortic graft and some very serious comorbidities. Alone. Somehow, I did it, but it was extremely similar to the traumatic case from almost a year ago. It was very close to an MiT, mors in tabula. But alas, we took the patient to the ICU. I was exhausted and during the surgery had to leave the OR for a few minutes and wipe away some tears. But I did it. I did everything I could for the patient, the surgery took around 6,5 hours. And they still passed away later that night and I had nightmares about it, but... such is this field of work. My coworkers said it was my trial by fire. I think I passed?
A year in and out of the OR taught me a lot of technical skills as well. How to actually start an IV, how to place central lines, arterial lines, Foleys, how to work with an ultrasound probe, how to put on those damn sterile gloves, how to do spinal and epidural anaesthesia, intubate, solve some minor intubating problems... A lot of anaesthesia is problem solving. And I mean a lot of it, It's so much fun. At first, nothing works. My first days were super depressing, I came home and felt like I should just quit, because I couldn't put on those sterile gloves. Do you know what it feels like when you sit behind a patient to attempt your first ever spinal anaesthesia and while putting on the gloves the nurse silently shakes her head at you three times in a row because each time you touched something unsterile??? Good grief. Oh and don't get me started on the shaky hands. Your hands will shake. A lot. You're poking someone with a giant needle, of course they will shake. But you have to do it. Take a few deep breaths and just poke. It's not the end of the world. Even if while placing a central line you find the carotid first. Just apply pressure, take a few deep breaths and try again. God, so much of medicine is just... trying again, isn't it?
Then there's the ICU part. That one used to absolutely terrify me. I had to... talk to patients? Conscious ones? I had to actually do a physical exam and... prescribe drugs for the day???? Oh my god. A lot of that time was just googling drugs. Of course, I kept forgetting something. I forgot to check the post-op chest x-ray. I forgot to check their chronic medication. I forgot how much insulin to give. I kept forgetting. Everything. Then I had to learn how to put together a dialysis set and start a dialysis. How to ventilate the patient in the ICU. To take a ventilated patient to have a CT scan and safely get them back. And then the nurses would always ask something and I couldn't answer, I had to go ask someone senior and go back to them. Then they'd ask me to do something I never did before and I just said "sure! but you'll have to help me" and we did it, somehow. A lot of medicine is also that - having a great nurse who helps you get through these awkward stages. NEVER BE RUDE TO NURSES! Trust me, you do NOT know more than them. And it's much more appreciated to say "look, I have no idea how to do this but if you tell me, we'll somehow do it together and I will learn". I swear to god, you'll have a laugh (if it's something not too dangerous, of course) and the nurses will accept you faster. Also - don't know the dose of something? Sometimes it's faster to just go "excuse me, how do we usually dose this?" and the nurse will tell you and you will love them forever for it. Also, always listen to what they have to tell you about your patient. They spend a lot of time with the patients, they know them a lot more than you do. Nurses are a godsent and the sooner you understand that, the better your start will be.
Now I'm not as terrified of the ICU anymore. It's actually kind of comfy - I don't have to change into OR clothes and spend the day listening to the surgeons bickering... I examine the patients, sit down, write them up, and then actually have lunch and sometimes even *gasp* a cup of coffee.
And then there are the shifts. Our shifts are 24 hours. You work with the rest of the team for the first eight and then they all go home while two of you stay and take care of critically ill patients. Sometimes an acute case comes to the OR. A ruptured abdominal aneurysm. An aortic dissection. Sometimes it's a heart transplant. I saw a heart transplant in my second ever shift. Thankfully as one of the doctors on shift is always a consultant, I just stood there and watched while they did the case. There is always work until midnight, but after midnight you hope to lie down and sleep for a few hours at least. I only had four shifts so far, but oh my god my confidence grew SO much. I'm starting to feel like a doctor. Yes. Now. When nurses ask me something, I can tell them without asking someone else first. Sure, I still ask a tonne of questions, but mostly I can solve the most common problems we have. And I can do it confidently. A year ago, an idea of being sent to an OR with no preparation would terrify me. Now I can simply do it. One time during a shift I was called to the OR to a case in local anaesthesia (surgeons do those without us) because the patient started having trouble breathing. I ran there running over everything I could do in my head and damn I was like "WHAT COULD I POSSIBLY DO?!". But I did the right thing and I felt like the (rather strict) nurse who called me was a bit proud of me. The patient felt better. I felt good about myself. God, I was starting to feel like a doctor...
All in all, it's been the wildest year ever. I couldn't possibly imagine all this while I was in school. I remember sitting with my mum and we were both just wondering "how the hell do they learn this? and how do they learn that?". I had no idea. Turns out, you simply learn by doing it. And you make mistakes and people will correct you a lot, but that's a part of it.
So if you're a new grad and you're starting to work these days, I wish you the best of luck. It will be very, very hard, but this job is unlike any other. I love every bit of it. I hope you will find joy in it as well :)
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health-wellness-26 · 1 month
Steel Bite Pro Supplements - Health
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Steel Bite Pro: A Reliable Supplement for Oral Health
I've been using Steel Bite Pro for the past few months, and I'm truly impressed with the results.
Natural Ingredients for a Healthy Smile
This supplement is packed with natural vitamins, minerals, and herbs specifically chosen to support oral health. I was impressed to see ingredients like turmeric, which has anti-inflammatory properties, and licorice root, known for its soothing qualities. These natural elements give me peace of mind knowing I'm supporting my oral health in a safe and effective way.
Improved Wellbeing and Confidence
Since using Steel Bite Pro, I've noticed a significant improvement in my overall oral health. My gums feel firmer, and my breath feels fresher. This has definitely boosted my confidence, especially when interacting with others. I no longer feel self-conscious about smiling or speaking in public.
An Easy-to-Use Daily Regimen
Steel Bite Pro comes in convenient capsule form, making it simple to incorporate into my daily routine. I take two capsules with a meal, and that's it! The capsules are easy to swallow and haven't caused any digestive issues.
What Is Steel Bite Pro?
Steel Bite Pro is 100% natural service that you can utilize to reconstruct your gums and teeth beginning today.
By the way, a great deal of individuals are asking me where to purchase Steel Bite Pro so low-cost, so I discovered the site where you can get it with fantastic discount rate. Connect in the description.
Click Here: -https://www.digistore24.com/redir/348582/amarjeetnawadih/
How and why does Steel Bite Pro work?
Well the method this works is quite basic really …
Gum illness, dental caries or halitosis have nothing to do with how excellent your oral health is, however with a dangerous germs buried deep inside your gums, eating at your roots and spreading out like an afflict to your throat, nose and respiratory tracts.
No teeth cleansing approach can reach the locations where the harmful germs conceals, and the only compound that can reach the germs concealing location is your saliva.
The only service is to turn your saliva into an exceptionally effective disinfectant & teeth strengthener by utilizing natural however incredibly powerful components.
This technique is actually low-cost and has no side-effects and works exceptionally well!
When all the germs are ruined, Steel Bite Pro will assist you to:
Stop bleeding and declining gums, while you restore their healthy look.
Stop the discomfort and infections (this alone will conserve your thousands in agonizing root canals and other oral expenses)
Make the unsightly plaque accumulation actually fall from your teeth;.
Escape gingivitis and gum illness;.
Eliminate halitosis and all the humiliating minutes brought on by it;.
Take pleasure in the self-confidence of having whiter teeth, without cavities;.
Never ever need to toss all your cost savings on oral implants and run the risk of nerve damage and even facial paralysis …
And never ever, ever need to go to the dental expert.
Never ever need to toss all your cost savings.
To develop Steel Bite Pro, just the purest, highest quality 23 plants, herbs, minerals and vitamins, were utilized, determined the precise amounts required and put them into a simple to swallow pill to take once a day.
Every pill is produced in the U.S.A., in FDA authorized and GMP accredited center, under sterilized, stringent and accurate requirements, so you can be 100% sure it's safe, tidy and of the highest quality.
Additionally, Steel Bite Pro pills are non-GMO.
They do not consist of any hazardous stimulants or toxic substances, and they are not routine forming.
Not just is Steel Bite Pro revolutionary in its technique …
However it can be utilized by anybody, at any age, no matter their medical condition …
Even after years of overlook and decrease.
To date, more than 57,000 Americans similar to you have actually currently utilized the Steel Bite Pro personally, or shared it with a liked one.
And across the board, the outcomes are extraordinary.
Since today the discount rate is still legitimate, however I am uncertain for how long it will last.
Click Here:-https://www.digistore24.com/redir/348582/amarjeetnawadih/
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90363462 · 2 years
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Birth Control 101: Choosing The Best Contraceptive Method For You
There's short-acting, long-acting, and barriers of protection. Which one suits you?
Shonda White
Sep. 23, 2020 08:00AM EST
I remember the day of my wedding…when I started feeling my contraception ring coming out of my vagina. I had only recently started using the ring even though I was more used to taking the pill. There I was in the bathroom stall with one of my bridesmaids, and she was literally helping to guide my ring back up into my vagina because I could feel it slipping out of me. Although quite embarrassing, let's just say that we're forever bonded by that experience. So, have you ever tried a new birth control method that wasn't the best for you but it seemed to work well for others?
During a recent interview with Board Certified Obstetrician & Gynecologist, Dr. Chimsom Oleka, she provided a list of all of the birth control methods currently available, which can potentially serve as a starting point for those of you who may be exploring new contraceptive methods.* As you continue reading, you'll notice that the list is organized based on what Dr. Oleka refers to as Short-acting (hormonal and non-hormonal), to Long-acting, to Barriers of Protection. 
Before we dive into the list, let's first clarify specifically what birth control does. As. Dr. Oleka explained, for most methods, birth control releases certain hormones in your body which contributes to the ultimate end goal: block ovulation or keep an egg from being released, thicken the mucus in the cervix so that sperm can't pass through, and/or thin the lining of the uterus, which decreases chances of implantation. Each birth control method is designed to do each or all of these things, but depending on the method, they will either do them better, worse, or not at all.
Choosing The Best Birth Control Method For You
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Note: Throughout this section, you will notice references related to "continuous" or "extended" usage. As Dr. Olekaexplained, many of us have a false idea of what the period is supposed to do. Contrary to popular belief in terms of what our menstrual cycle does and why it's "necessary" every month, ultimately its main purpose is for pregnancy. That's it.
As Dr. Oleka expertly pointed out, "It's the birth control's period, not your period. Your birth control will start stimulating the lining and doing all of the things that cause you to bleed." So, as long as you have a hormone that's assisting with protecting and keeping your uterus lining thin, and as long as you've consulted your physician beforehand, then you don't have to necessarily worry about shedding the lining every month (i.e. having a period).
Consider, for example, women who have bleeding disorders (i.e. their bodies bleed too much or won't stop bleeding), female athletes, as well as those who may suffer with things such as menstrual migraines…situations like these support the case for continuous or extended methods.
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Method: Birth Control Pill (Hormonal - Estrogen and Progesterone)
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How It's Administered: Self-ingested orally, daily
Efficacy: 7 to 9% failure rate (i.e., approximately 1 in 10 will get pregnant)
Description & Overview:
Birth control pills usually come in 28-day pill packs (four rows of seven pills) including a week of placebo, non-active pills. There are different variations as well, but it's critical that you take it every day at the same time.
The most commonly used pill has both estrogen and progesterone. With estrogen, it tends to help provide more stability of the lining. However, some people may not want estrogen or they may have an underlying medical issue that conflicts with the estrogen. There is a risk of blood clots, although fairly low, but the risk of this goes up when you're pregnant. With the pill, it helps regulate the bleeding, which in turn, helps make it predictable. It's known to have protective benefits such as helping to decrease risk of certain cancers and it can help reduce symptoms related to fibroids.
Also, you can use this method, as well as other methods, continuously or in an extended way so that you can delay or skip the bleeding (i.e. going on vacation). For example, if you wanted to try an extended use, then you could delay the withdrawal bleeding (period) for a set number of weeks or months by skipping the last row for let's say two months. Then, you would take the last row of inactive pills the third month, so that you would only bleed approximately every 10 weeks.
On the other hand, if you're someone who decides "I don't want to bleed at all," then you could skip the last row of inactive pills and move forward with starting the new pack each month. Keep in mind, if you don't bleed or you bleed too heavily already, there may be other medical issues going on, so as always, you'll want to consult your physician about this.
Side effects can vary, but some of the most common side effects include: nausea, breast tenderness, and initial irregular bleeding.
Method: Birth Control Pill (Hormonal - Progesterone Only)
How It's Administered: Self-ingested orally, daily
Efficacy: 7 to 9% failure rate
Description & Overview:
This method basically works pretty much the same as the first pill mentioned above, but it doesn't include estrogen. It only includes progesterone.
Progesterone-only pills can be harder for some women to use because you have to be really consistent. If the daily pill ingestion time is missed by as little as three hours, then it loses its efficacy. Hence, it's critical that you take the pill every day at the same time.
With the progesterone-only pill, there's also a greater chance of irregular bleeding. Hence, this method is usually recommended by the physician if there are estrogen-related conflicting medical issues.
Method: Vaginal Ring (Hormonal – Estrogen and Progesterone)
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Michael Kraus/Shutterstock
How It's Administered: Self-inserted through Vagina
Efficacy: 7 to 9% failure rate
Description & Overview:
The vaginal ring is a soft, flexible ring approximately two inches wide and four centimeters thick that is self-inserted and removed in/out of the vagina. Some women will tie a string to the ring and there's also an applicator that can be used to assist with insertion and removal.
The vaginal ring stays in for three weeks and releases hormones every day. Once removed for seven days, it allows withdrawal bleeding (period) to occur. Then, a new ring is inserted every four weeks. This method can be used continuously if you bypass the seven days and move forward with inserting the new ring every three or four weeks, or in an extended way if you bypass the seven days every few months or so.
The ring has been known to cause breakthrough or irregular bleeding. Not to mention, there are times when the ring can slip out during sex, which of course can directly impact the efficacy.
Method: Copper IUD  (Non-hormonal)
How It's Administered: Inserted vaginally by physician (through opening of cervix, into the uterus)
Efficacy: Less than 1% failure rate
Description & Overview:
Similar to the IUD previously mentioned, the copper IUDis a latex-free, t-shaped, plastic piece but it also includes areas of exposed copper. By releasing copper salts into your body, the copper tricks the uterus into thinking something foreign is inside, creating an appearance of a "chaotic" environment in your system, which ultimately blocks sperm and prevents reproduction. It can last for 10 years, but it has been known to be effective for up to 12 years.
The copper IUD is ideal for someone who doesn't want to deal with hormones, or someone who is certain they don't want children for a long time. There are instances where it can be used as emergency contraception but it won't work if something has already been implanted.
Because this method doesn't affect ovulation, this method is also ideal for women who want to continue bleeding or women within certain cultures where the idea of contraception isn't readily accepted. This can serve as contraception method without anyone else truly knowing that you're taking it because you will still have a period as normal.
The most common side effects usually include more painful cramping or heavier bleeding.
Method: Contraceptive Implant (Hormonal – Progesterone Only)
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Michael Kraus/Shutterstock
How It's Administered: Implanted in arm by physician
Efficacy: Less than 1% failure rate (the most effective method)
Description & Overview:
The contraceptive implant is a flexible, plastic rod that's placed inside the upper arm. It's small and thick - approximately 4 cm long and 2 mm thick. It releases hormones daily, and lasts for three years, although recent data shows it may last longer than that. After three years, you get a new one if you choose to do so. Otherwise, you will return back to your baseline fertility.
Some of the most common side effects can include irregular bleeding, no bleeding (approximately 6%), or heavier bleeding. For those who experience irregular bleeding, there are ways to decrease it and make it more manageable. Also, there are rare occasions where, if placed improperly, it can shift or migrate.
The most common effects for any of the following methods can include vaginal discharge and irritation. After the use of these, the return to fertility is usually fairly quick.
As it relates to a lot of these barriers of protection, Dr. Oleka likes to think of it this way, "Condoms should be used more so for STD and HIV/AIDS protection, and less for pregnancy prevention." Nevertheless, they are still considered methods for both pregnancy and STD/HIV prevention.
Method: Male Condom (Non-hormonal)
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Michael Kraus/Shutterstock
How It's Administered: Applied by male on his penis
Efficacy: 15% failure rate (research across the board states this although it seems quite questionable by both the expert and the writer)
When to Apply: Right before sex 
Description & Overview:
Condoms are usually latex or you can opt for lambskin if you're allergic to latex. However, anything non-latex has been known to be less effective in preventing pregnancy as well as STDs. With condoms, common things like inconsistent use, slippage during sex, and the risk of it tearing are a few factors that can directly impact the overall efficacy. 
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Featured image by Shutterstock
The Difference Between Your Period And Ovulation - xoNecole: Women's Interest, Love, Wellness, Beauty ›
Birth Control - Mayo Clinic Health System ›
Which Birth Control Method Is for You? 19 Types, Pros, Cons, More ›
Find Your Birth Control Method 2020 | Power to Decide ›
Choose the Right Birth Control - MyHealthfinder | health.gov ›
5 types of birth control options: which is best for you ... ›
Birth control options: Things to consider - Mayo Clinic ›
Best Birth Control For Me Quiz | Choosing the Right Contraceptive ›
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radiology-center · 11 days
Pioneering Interventional Radiology: Innovative Diagnostics and Treatments at Dokki Scan
In the ever-evolving landscape of modern healthcare, the field of Interventional Radiology has emerged as a game-changing force, transforming the way we approach the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of medical conditions. At Dokki Scan, we are proud to be at the forefront of this revolutionary field, offering our patients access to the most advanced Interventional Radiology Examination services available.
The Power of Interventional Radiology
Interventional Radiology is a specialized branch of radiology that utilizes minimally invasive, image-guided procedures to diagnose and treat a variety of medical conditions. By leveraging the latest advancements in imaging technology, such as computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and ultrasound, Interventional Radiologists are able to perform complex procedures with unparalleled precision and accuracy.
At Dokki Scan, we have made it our mission to harness the power of Interventional Radiology to provide our patients with the most comprehensive and effective diagnostic and treatment services available. Our state-of-the-art facility is equipped with the latest generation of Interventional Radiology equipment, allowing our team of highly skilled and experienced Interventional Radiologists to deliver the most advanced and innovative care.
Comprehensive Interventional Radiology Examination Services
Dokki Scan's Interventional Radiology Examination services encompass a wide range of specialized procedures, each designed to address the unique needs of our patients.
Diagnostic Angiography:
This non-invasive imaging technique allows our Interventional Radiologists to visualize the blood vessels and assess the flow of blood throughout the body. Diagnostic angiography can be used to identify a variety of conditions, including blockages, narrowing, or abnormalities in the blood vessels.
Dialysis Catheter Insertion:
For patients undergoing dialysis, Dokki Scan offers the insertion of dialysis catheters, a critical procedure that provides access to the bloodstream for the dialysis process.
Drug-Eluting Beads TACE:
This advanced technique involves the targeted delivery of chemotherapeutic agents directly to a tumor, improving treatment efficacy while minimizing systemic side effects.
Our Interventional Radiology team is highly skilled in performing embolization procedures, which involve the intentional blockage of blood vessels to stop internal bleeding, treat vascular malformations, or cut off the blood supply to tumors.
Guided Aspiration, Biopsy, and Tapping:
Dokki Scan's Interventional Radiologists utilize image guidance to perform minimally invasive procedures, such as aspirations, biopsies, and tapping, to obtain tissue samples or drain fluid collections for diagnostic purposes.
Hepatic Vein Stenting:
We offer the placement of stents in the hepatic vein to improve blood flow and treat conditions like Budd-Chiari syndrome.
This procedure involves the placement of a drainage tube directly into the kidney to alleviate blockages or drainage issues.
Pain Management:
Dokki Scan's Interventional Radiology team specializes in the use of image-guided techniques to deliver targeted pain relief, including the injection of medications or the application of thermal ablation.
PICC Line Insertion:
We provide the insertion of Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters (PICC lines), which are used for the long-term administration of medications, fluids, or nutrition.
Port Catheter Insertion:
Our Interventional Radiologists are skilled in the placement of implantable port catheters, which are used to provide long-term vascular access for various medical therapies.
The Dokki Scan Advantage
At Dokki Scan, we are committed to delivering the highest quality of Interventional Radiology Examination services to our patients. Our state-of-the-art facility is equipped with the latest generation of Interventional Radiology equipment, ensuring that our patients receive the most accurate and reliable diagnostic and treatment results.
Our team of highly trained and experienced Interventional Radiologists are at the forefront of their field, constantly exploring new and innovative techniques to enhance the safety, efficacy, and accessibility of our services. We understand that undergoing Interventional Radiology procedures can be a source of anxiety for many patients, which is why we strive to create a comfortable and welcoming environment that prioritizes patient safety and satisfaction.
Moreover, we take pride in our commitment to continuing education and technological innovation. Our Interventional Radiologists regularly undergo training to stay abreast of the latest advancements in Interventional Radiology, ensuring that our patients benefit from the most cutting-edge and effective medical care.
Pioneering the Future of Interventional Radiology
At Dokki Scan, we are at the forefront of Interventional Radiology innovation, constantly exploring new ways to enhance the accuracy, efficiency, and accessibility of our services. Our team of dedicated researchers and engineers are continuously working to develop and implement the latest advancements in Interventional Radiology technology, ensuring that our patients have access to the most advanced and effective diagnostic and treatment tools available.
From the implementation of AI-powered image analysis to the integration of advanced Interventional Radiology techniques, Dokki Scan is committed to revolutionizing the world of Interventional Radiology. By investing in the latest research and technology, we are paving the way for a future where minimally invasive, image-guided procedures are the norm, empowering our patients to take control of their health and well-being.
At Dokki Scan, we are dedicated to providing our patients with the most comprehensive and advanced Interventional Radiology Examination services available. Our state-of-the-art facility, equipped with the latest generation of Interventional Radiology equipment, and our team of highly trained and experienced Interventional Radiologists, work tirelessly to ensure that every patient receives the accurate and effective diagnostic and treatment services they need.
Whether you require a diagnostic angiography, a dialysis catheter insertion, or a specialized Interventional Radiology procedure, Dokki Scan is committed to delivering the highest quality of care, ensuring that our patients have access to the most cutting-edge Interventional Radiology technologies available. Join us as we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible in the world of Interventional Radiology and transforming the future of healthcare.
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mani1986-blog · 2 months
Endometriosis is a chronic and complex condition that significantly impacts the lives of many women, particularly in the realm of fertility. This condition occurs when tissue similar to the lining of the uterus starts to grow in other parts of the body, typically within the pelvic region. The repercussions of endometriosis on a woman's reproductive capabilities are multifaceted and profound, warranting a closer examination. Endometrial cells can grow on or within the ovaries and fallopian tubes. They may also attach to other pelvic organs, such as the bladder or intestine.  
Challenges in Diagnosis
One of the primary challenges in managing endometriosis is its diagnosis. The symptoms of endometriosis are often non-specific and can vary greatly among individuals, ranging from severe pelvic pain to no symptoms at all. Women with endometriosis may experience symptoms, such as: 
Pain - Discomfort is common during ovulation and menstruation, as well as during sexual intercourse
Stomach upset - Constipation, diarrhoea, and bloating are common during menstruation
Bleeding - Menstrual bleeding is common, and it can be heavy or irregular
Laparoscopy remains the gold standard for diagnosis, allowing direct visualization of endometrial implants. However, advancements in non-invasive imaging techniques, such as transvaginal ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), have enhanced the ability to suspect and diagnose endometriosis without surgery.
Endometriosis and Fertility
The impact of endometriosis on fertility is a major concern. Approximately 30-50% of women with endometriosis experience infertility. The condition can lead to the formation of cysts in the ovaries, known as endometriomas, and cause scarring and adhesions that distort the pelvic anatomy. This can interfere with the ovulation process, egg pick-up by the fallopian tubes, and embryo implantation. Endometriosis can also affect egg quality and lead to an inflammatory environment that is detrimental to sperm and embryo.
Treatment Approaches for Endometriosis-Related Infertility
Management of endometriosis-related infertility involves a multi-pronged approach. Pain management and control of endometriosis progression are the initial steps, often achieved through hormonal treatments like birth control pills or gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists. However, for women trying to conceive, surgery to remove endometriotic lesions and adhesions may be recommended to improve fertility chances.
Assisted Reproductive Technologies
In cases where conservative management is ineffective, assisted reproductive technologies (ART) become crucial. In vitro fertilization (IVF) has been particularly beneficial for women with endometriosis, offering a higher chance of pregnancy. IVF bypasses many of the fertility issues caused by endometriosis, such as fallopian tube obstruction or impaired egg and sperm interaction. The psychological impact of endometriosis and infertility cannot be overstated. Women facing these issues often experience significant emotional distress, anxiety, and depression. Comprehensive care for endometriosis should, therefore, include psychological support and counseling.
Endometriosis: More than Pain, it's a Priority
Endometriosis is a major health problem that needs more resources and attention. People should stop thinking of endometriosis as just a source of pain and start seeing how it affects women's health and well-being in a bigger way. It calls for comprehensive care and research, stressing that understanding and treating endometriosis is important not only for easing pain but also for making the lives of millions of women around the world better. This is a step towards a future in which endometriosis is not only treated, but also understood and given maximum attention at all levels of medical care and study.
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aakashfertilitycentre · 6 months
Could A Cyst Stop Me from Having a Baby?
Approximately 7% of women encounter ovarian cysts at some stage, making questions about their connection to infertility a common concern. Certain ovarian cysts may impact fertility due to their influence on hormonal balance and the ovulation cycle. The impact of a cyst on fertility depends on various factors, such as the type of cyst, its size, location, and whether it causes any complications. Not all cysts will necessarily affect fertility, but some can potentially have an impact. It’s essential to consult with a top gynecologist or reproductive endocrinologist, Dr.Niveditha Kamaraj and Dr. Jeyarani Kamaraj at Aakash IVF hospital, Chennai, for personalized advice based on your specific situation.
What are Ovarian Cyst?
Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that form within the ovaries and can range in size from as small as a pea to as large as a cantaloupe. These cysts may develop individually or in groups. While the majority of ovarian cysts are noncancerous (benign), there is a possibility of some being malignant (cancerous) ovarian cysts.
What are the types of ovarian cyst?
Ovarian cysts come in various types, with some being more prevalent than others. Let’s explore the different varieties and the causes behind ovarian cyst formation.
Functional Cysts:
Functional ovarian cysts, forming monthly as part of the follicle growth process, are a regular aspect of the menstrual cycle. Typically harmless, they do not generally impact fertility. There are two subtypes:
Follicular Cysts: The most common type, arising when the ovarian follicle fails to release its egg, leading to the development of a larger follicular cyst. Most resolve on their own, but in rare cases, surgical intervention may be necessary.
Corpus Luteum Cysts: Formed after ovulation, these cysts result from the persistence of the empty sac (corpus luteum). While they usually disappear within a few months, they can grow larger, causing pelvic pain and bleeding.
Non-functional Cysts:
Cysts falling outside the functional category are considered abnormal and may have implications for fertility.
Hemorrhagic Cysts: Develop during ovulation when an ovarian follicle releases an egg, filling with blood and forming a cyst. Often asymptomatic, these cysts usually resolve on their own.
Endometriomas: Associated with endometriosis, a condition where uterine tissue grows outside the uterus. These cysts, linked to low progesterone levels, may be associated with fertility issues.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS):
PCOS is a medical condition characterized by the development of small cysts on the ovaries, leading to irregular periods. It can hinder pregnancy by affecting the release of eggs. PCOS is associated with elevated levels of male hormones (androgens), such as testosterone.
Can the presence of ovarian cysts affect pregnancy?
Certain ovarian cysts are linked to hormonal imbalances that can impact fertility. For example, endometriomas and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can hinder pregnancy. Additionally, the size, number, and location of cysts may lead to complications, including rupture, which can cause internal bleeding, scarring, and damage to the ovaries, potentially disrupting ovulation and implantation. Ovarian cysts may also block fallopian tubes, impeding the journey of sperm to the egg. In some instances, cysts produce hormones that interfere with the ovulation process.
What are the treatment options for Ovarian cysts?
Upon discovering an ovarian cyst, the initial approach involves routine monitoring to assess its natural disintegration or growth. In some cases, doctors may prescribe birth control pills to prevent further cyst formation, although they cannot shrink existing cysts. If a cyst becomes too large, causing pain or posing a risk of rupture, surgical removal may be necessary. The surgery can be laparoscopic for smaller cysts or involve a larger abdominal incision (laparotomy) for larger or potentially cancerous cysts. In rare instances, removal of the affected ovary may be required. While it’s not possible to prevent ovarian cysts, regular pelvic exams aid in early detection. Any changes in menstrual cycles or persistent unusual symptoms should be promptly reported to a qualified healthcare professional. Seek checkups and testing from top doctors in Chennai Dr. Niveditha Kamaraj and Dr. Jeyarani Kamaraj at Aakash IVF hospital, who are highly knowledgeable about ovarian cysts and dedicated to assisting you in overcoming any obstacles for a healthy pregnancy.
– Aakash Fertility Centre & Hospital
Book Appointment : +917871233333
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bansalhospital · 1 year
Understanding Balloon Valvuloplasties: Its Types And Need
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Understanding Balloon Valvuloplasties: Its Types And Need
A valvuloplasty treatment can fix a heart valve with a narrowed aperture. The arm artery or the area around the groin is used to implant the catheter, a long, thin tube with a balloon on the tip. 
Inflating the balloon widens the valve aperture and aids in the valve flaps' separation. The catheter and balloon are removed by deflating the balloon. Suppose the valve opens up again after some time. In that case, a second valvuloplasty or cardiac operation may be indicated, frequently involving valve repair or replacement. 
Balloon Valvuloplasty: What Is It? 
One can open a heart valve surgically with a balloon valvuloplasty. Dilation or balloon valvotomy are other names for balloon valvuloplasty. The four heart valves are the aortic, mitral, tricuspid, and pulmonary valves. The four heart chambers' junction is where these valves are situated. 
What Kinds Of Balloon Valvuloplasty Are There?
There are two types of balloon valvuloplasty:
1. Balloon Mitral Valvuloplasty 
Patients with high-risk aortic stenosis and mitral valve stenosis may also have blockages of the pulmonic valve. Patients with these issues frequently gain from balloon mitral valvuloplasty, which uses balloon catheters. 
2. Balloon Valvuloplasty Of The Aorta
Patients who need non-cardiac surgery due to significant aortic stenosis have this technique. The safest and most effective surgery is balloon aortic valvuloplasty, or BAV. 
What Distinguishes Valvuloplasty From Valvotomy?
Both a valvuloplasty and a balloon valvotomy are the same surgery. Consequently, balloon valvotomy is another name for valvuloplasty.
When medical practitioners use the term "valvotomy," they may mean "surgical valvotomy." For instance, a surgical valvotomy, or open heart operation, is done to remove the valve leaflets. These tissue flaps open and close to control blood flow.
Valvuloplasty Technique 
You might have a valvuloplasty when you're a hospital patient. Depending on your health, Some processes might change. A valvuloplasty typically proceeds as follows:
1. Take off any jewelry or other anything that can obstruct the operation. You may wear them if you wear either dentures or a hearing aid.
2. Before the procedure, change into a hospital gown and let your bladder run its course.
3. If necessary, a medical practitioner will begin a hand or arm with an intravenous (IV) line so they can administer IV fluids or an injection of medication.
4. If there is excess hair at the catheter insertion location (groin area), it can be shaved off.
5. A medical professional will examine and record your pulses below the injection location, which'll be compared to yours after the procedure.
6. A local anesthetic will be applied at the insertion site below the skin. When the local anesthetic has finished working, your doctor will insert an introducer, also known as a sheath, into the blood vessel.
 7.  After the local anesthetic is injected, the area where it was given may sting briefly. This plastic tube will push the catheter into the heart through a blood duct.
8. If you have trouble breathing, perspiration, numbness, allergic response, chills, nausea or vomiting, or heart palpitations, let your doctor know immediately.
9. The doctor can watch the contrast dye injection on a monitor. Then, he or she might urge you to inhale deeply and hold your breath for a few seconds.
10. A sterile dressing will be applied if your doctor uses a tool to close the wound. When applying manual pressure, the doctor (or a helper) will keep pressure on the insertion site to encourage clot formation. Once the bleeding has stopped, the area will be covered with a very tight bandage.
11. Your doctor might advise that you hold off removing the introducer or sheath from the insertion site for 4 to 6 hours. This allows the effects of the blood-thinning medicine to lessen. It would help if you remained flat on the ground throughout this time. If you cannot maintain this position, your nurse may prescribe medication to ease discomfort.
After A Balloon Valvuloplasty, What Happens Next? 
After receiving therapy, you move on to the recuperation section. If the catheter enters your groin, you can not move your leg for a few hours. Then, depending on several factors, you might spend the next two to six hours in bed.You need to drink a lot of water to flush the contrast dye from your body. While on bed rest, you must use a bedpan or urinal. 
The Final Say
Heart valves that are too narrow can be widened via a procedure called valvuloplasty. Cardiologists use minimally invasive techniques to do a valvuloplasty by inserting a deflated balloon into the heart valve. When the balloon expands, the valve is thrown open.Due to this therapy, your heart pumps blood more efficiently because blood flow is enhanced the heart's blood flow,
About Bansal Hospital
Bansal Hospital is a multispeciality hospital and is one of the leading, reputable and reliable healthcare providers trusted by patients and their families across the region. It has all the major departments, including cardiology, neurology, oncology, orthopedics, gastroenterology, urology, liver transplant, bone marrow transplantation, nephrology, gynecology and more. The hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and technology and has a team of highly qualified and experienced doctors and medical staff who provide round-the-clock care to the patient.
Visit Our Website
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twentyonedental · 1 year
Top Tips for Caring for Your Dental Implants and Extending Their Lifespan | TwentyOne Dental
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Care for New Dental Implants
A dental implant is a titanium post designed to replace a patient's missing tooth. It is then topped with an artificial tooth known as the crown. It is designed to integrate with the jawbone and maintain good oral health. The right dentist in Hove for dental implants will be able to assess your teeth and gums to see if you qualify for the implant procedure. Then, they'll perform each step carefully and precisely, keeping you as comfortable as possible throughout the treatment. Of course, you need to be extra cautious post-placement of the dental implants, as discomfort and swelling might occur for the next two to three days. 
Here are some points to be considered that are suggested by a Dental Implant Specialist in Brighton after the completion of the procedure:
Do not rinse your mouth immediately after the surgery.
Use gauze for about 30 minutes to stop bleeding after the implants.
Avoid moving unnecessarily, and keep your head elevated for 10-12 hours.
Take only soft and fluid foods in the initial 24 hours post implants.
Take the prescribed medications to avoid swelling and pain.
Apply an ice bag to your cheek after an interval of up to 15 minutes.
Do not drive immediately after the implants.
Tips To Extend The Lifespan Of Dental Implants
A dental implant is made up of titanium, designed to fill the gaps of a missing tooth, which is then covered with an artificial tooth called a crown.
The right dentist can assess your teeth and gums to check if you qualify for this procedure. So choosing the best dental implant clinic in Brighton is necessary. Then, the dentist in Hove will perform each step with care and precision. 
Dental implants need proper care and maintenance to ensure longevity and prevent infection or implant failure. There are several dental implant advantages if appropriately taken care of. Here are some tips for caring for your dental implant and extending its lifespan:
Healthy lifestyle: A healthy lifestyle goes hand in hand with the extended lifespan of dental implants. Choosing dental implant specialists in Brighton is not only a priority, but living a healthy life post-implant is also essential. Your dentist in Hove will suggest proper maintenance procedures to improve your oral health.
Brush twice: Just like natural teeth, dental implants require regular brushing. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste to brush your teeth twice daily. You should avoid touching them too hard with implants to extend their lifespan.
Floss regularly: Dental implants need regular flossing to remove plaque and bacteria, which can lead to gum diseases and implant failure. The best time for flossing is before brushing, and it should be done once a day.
Quit Smoking: Smoking increases the risk of dental implant failure. It's very detrimental to your oral health and just harmful to your teeth, but it increases the chances of cancer. Smoking slows down the healing process of the implant.
Avoid hard and junk food.: Hard food can damage the implant and the artificial tooth as they'll stick around the implant and cause plaque. 
Regular Checkups: Proper cleaning and regular checkup are essential for extending the lifespan of the dental implant. Regular checkups by the dentist in Hove help prevent the implant from bacteria, plaque, and any damage caused due to food. 
Antibacterial mouthwash: Rinse your mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash to help prevent infection and keep your mouth clean.
Your dental implants' lifespan depends on how much you care for them. As much as the dental implant procedure is complicated and costly, it is easier to care for them.
By following these helpful tips on how to care for dental implants, you can keep your implants clean, healthy, and lifelong. Please schedule an appointment with your trusted Brighton Dentistry today to learn more about the procedure to get a healthy smile; contact us. We have an advanced dental implant center at TwentyOneDental.
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aegislifescience · 1 year
SURGISPON® Absorbable Hemostatic Gelatin Sponge is a quick and effective hemostatic which stops bleeding fast. It reduces intra operative bleeding and surgery time. SURGISPON® is non-toxic, non-allergenic, non-immunogenic, and non- pyrogenic. SURGISPON® is already gamma-sterilized, and thus does not need to be resterilized. It is available in a convenient, ready to tear sterile blister/envelope, SURGISPON® unlike many haemostatic agents, does not require special storage conditions. The uniform porosity of SURGISPON® guarantees a favourable haemostasis. When implanted in vivo, it is completely absorbed within 3-4 weeks, with no residue and no encapsulation.
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enby-nyc · 2 years
MTF Breast Augmentation Surgery | ENBYNYC
Are you considering MTF breast augmentation surgery? If so, you're probably wondering what the procedure entails, how much it costs and what to expect afterward especially if you are currently undergoing hormone replacement therapy. This article will provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about whether or not breast augmentation is right for you. Keep reading to learn more!
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What is MTF (female to male) Breast Augmentation Surgery?
MTF breast augmentation surgery is a type of gender-affirming surgery that helps transgender and gender non-binary people achieve the breast shape and size that they desire. The surgery involves placing implants under the chest muscles, and it can be done using either saline or silicone implants.
Incisions are usually made either around the areola or in the crease beneath the breast, and the surgeon will then create a pocket for the implant before inserting it.
In some cases, transgender breast augmentation surgery or transgender breast augmentation can also involve reconstructing the nipple and areola to create a more natural-looking appearance.
Recovery from MTF breast surgery typically takes several weeks, and breast augmentation patients will need to wear a special support garment during this time. Although breast augmentation procedure for transfeminine individuals is considered safe, as with any surgery, there are some risks involved. These include bleeding, infection, and asymmetry.
Overall, breast augmentation surgery is a safe and effective way to help transgender women and gender non-binary people achieve their desired appearance.
Before undergoing breast augmentation surgery, you should be aware of the following:
What Does the Procedure Involve?
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The first step of the procedure is to consult with a qualified physician to see if you are a good candidate for the procedure. If you are deemed a good candidate, the next step is to schedule the procedure.
The procedure itself is relatively simple and only takes a few minutes. Hormone therapy should be stopped two weeks before breast augmentation surgery, as this can affect the healing process.
First, a small incision is made in the skin or near the breast tissue.
Next, a tiny needle is inserted into the incision and used to numb the area. Once the area is numb, a thin tube called a cannula is inserted into the incision and connected to a suction device. The suction device is then used to remove excess fat from the underlying tissue.
Finally, the incision is closed with stitches and covered with a bandage. The entire procedure usually takes less than an hour to complete.
The Different Types of Breast Implants
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1. Silicone Breast Implant
Silicone breast implants are the most popular type of implant used today. They are made of a silicone outer shell and filled with either saline or silicone gel.
The main advantage of silicone implants is that they tend to look and feel more natural than other types of implants. They are also less likely to ripple or sag over time.
Transgender women typically prefer silicone implants due to their more natural look and feel. However, silicone implants are more expensive than saline implants, and there is a slightly higher risk of complications such as capsular contracture.
Overall, silicone breast implants provide a safe and effective way to achieve larger, fuller breasts.
2. Saline Breast Implant
This is a type of breast implant used for cosmetic and reconstructive purposes. The implant is filled with a sterile saltwater solution, which gives it a natural feel and appearance.
Unlike silicone gel implants, saline implants are less likely to rupture or leak. In the event that a saline implant does leak, the body will absorb the saline solution without adverse health effects.
Saline implants, on the other hand, may be more likely to cause skin rippling or wrinkling over time. Saline implants come in a variety of sizes and shapes, and they can be tailored to each patient's specific requirements.
If you are considering saline breast implants, consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to learn more about the risks of implants and the benefits of this type of procedure.
How To Choose The Type of Breast Implant?
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Breast implants are classified into two types: saline and silicone gel. Saline implants contain sterile salt water, whereas silicone gel implants contain silicone gel. Both silicone or saline implants have silicone outer shells.
When choosing the type of breast implant, it is important to consider the following factors:
Size and Shape
The first factor to consider is the size and shape of the breast. If you have small breasts, saline implants may be the best option. However, if you have large breasts, silicone gel implants may be a better choice.
The second factor to consider is the firmness of the breast. Saline implants tend to be less firm than silicone gel implants.
As a result, they may be a better choice for women with more delicate skin.
Finally, you should also consider your budget when choosing the type of breast implant. Saline implants are typically less expensive than silicone gel implants.
Ultimately, the decision of which type of breast implant to choose depends on your individual needs and preferences. Be sure to discuss all of your options with your doctor before making a final decision.
How soon can I return to my daily routine after the surgery?
You can usually return to your normal daily activities within a few days after breast augmentation surgery. However, you should avoid strenuous activity and heavy lifting for at least two weeks to allow the incisions to heal properly.
It is also essential to follow any post-operative instructions provided by your doctor to minimize scar tissue. Breast growth may take up to several months, so it is important to be patient and follow your doctor’s advice.
How much is the cost of Breast Augmentation Surgery?
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Top surgery cost typically ranges from $3,500 to $8,000. The exact cost will depend on factors such as the complexity of the surgery and the type of implants used.
It is important to discuss all costs with your surgeon prior to the procedure in order to ensure you are aware of any additional fees associated with the surgery.
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MTF breast augmentation surgery can help you achieve the look and feel you desire. It is important to take the time to research your options and discuss them with a qualified plastic surgeon to ensure that you make an informed decision.
Additionally, it is important to consider all of the potential risks and costs associated with breast augmentation surgery. This can be a difficult part of your gender transition but it could be very well worth it.
This article discussed breast augmentation surgery tips, costs and everything you need to know during your transition. By understanding the key points of MTF breast augmentation surgery, you can make an informed decision and ensure that you get the results that you desire.Pedro Santos is the founder and CEO of ENBYNYC, We at ENBYNYC are committed to helping our community and other members of the LGBTQIA+ family by creating a safe and welcoming space and providing the tools necessary to thrive. To learn more about him visit his bio.
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rainset · 2 years
One mile away. Two miles. Three. They keep counting.
It is simple to trace a frequency like a wrist implant. There’s no rush.
Till.. well.
IAVI strolls through Treas and stops before the ice cream parlor. Analyzing it, it steps inside.
It’s owner is peering out above to the window, then looks down at it coming in and jumps. “Oh! Hello, how may I help you?”
It scrolls through the different images before it, the vats of ice cream and then, the images of pops.
Its claw touches the night popsicle.
“I like this one.”
“Okay! Ok.” The man nods and turns away, not looking at its face.
IAIV waits with hands behind there back and look to the sky line. There’s another massive vibration that shakes the whole shop. Entire village really.
Their readings scanned a frequency in predictable timing but another comes sooner. It becomes another shake.
A shaking hand holds out a plastic piece. IAIV turns it’s head. Through latex, it produces physical, foreign coin.
The owner looks to it confused. Putting it on the counter. He takes on a glare to his face.
“..you know what that is..?”
It peels off the plastic, then removes its lower helmet. Gushing out a river of saliva and it strings from its teeth. Then takes a bite and chews. Dripping purple and blue ooze from its gnashes.
It speaks: “No. But it was something, once.”
There’s another quake and a loud raging cry pierces the sound waves, disrupting electrical output.
IAIV walks out the parlor before the man could grab them from over the counter. It walks out to a crowd in agape to the sky.
A sky that bleeds to red and a flood of mist thrusts into the sky.
It keeps walking past the towns people, still as statues. Registering the point of what is impending before them. It carries on without regard. Sending non-verbal signals to the exit routes of Alderado, where to go to return to the bulwark, and as well as the waves of a wrist implant that’s scoring up to five miles out from both Treas and Alderado.
Teeth and tongue polish off the sickle. Leaving a plastic stick that’s licked clean. It flicks it away. Licking its teeth clean now.
Behind it, a massive black thing is rising out from the waste land, going all the way to the edge of Treas.
Everyone now, begins to run.
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abingtoncenter22 · 2 years
Endodontics Seattle Endodontist Seattle Root Canal Seattle
Our state-of-the-art bleaching system will make your teeth whiter and brighter. You may use our other take house bleaching system to realize a brighter and whiter smile in a matter of days. Mountain Grove Dental accepts insurance and works with most major dental insurance coverage. We are at present in-network with CSEA, and we are going to do everything we can to help maximize your insurance coverage benefits.
Not solely is this an infection harmful to the well being of a tooth, it's often very painful. A root canal dental procedure reduces ache and saves an contaminated tooth. The tooth roots and tissues inside your tooth, often recognized as the pulp, can become infected if bacteria get into a damaged or diseased tooth.
During remedy, your general dentist or endodontist removes the diseased pulp. If the pulp stays wholesome, then no other treatment is important. However, if the pulp becomes broken or infected, root canal therapy shall be required.
If bleeding persists or is too extreme, go to your dentist or emergency middle. Knocked-Out or Loosened Tooth– as a result of trauma, call your dentist. If the tooth was knocked out – if at all attainable, gently insert the misplaced tooth again in its socket simply by holding the tooth by the crown utilizing a clean washcloth. If reinsertion isn't potential, hold the tooth beneath the tongue and see your dentist instantly. Root canals typically cost anywhere from $700 to $1,500 per tooth. An X-ray might be taken on the session visit to determine the necessity for a root canal.
Certain byproducts of the an infection can injure your jawbones and your general health. Generally, a root canal is all that is needed to save lots of tooth with injured pulp from extraction. Occasionally, this non-surgical procedure won't be adequate to heal the tooth and certainly one of our medical doctors will recommend surgery. Endodontic surgical procedure can be used to locate fractures or hidden canals that don't appear on X-rays however nonetheless manifest as ache in the tooth.
Most endodontically treated enamel will last so lengthy as other pure teeth. In a number of circumstances, a tooth that has undergone endodontic therapy doesn't heal or the ache continues. If the tooth becomes painful or diseased months and even years after profitable treatment, redoing the endodontic procedure could root canal services save the tooth. Generally, a root canal and tooth restoration, or placement of a crown, is less expensive than having the tooth replaced with a bridge or implant. With root canal treatment you save your pure teeth and your money. To understand endodontic remedy, it helps to know one thing about the anatomy of the tooth.
When the bone heals totally, the patients will cease experiencing any symptoms. Once the infection is resolved, every canal will be crammed in to stop any additional an infection. Usually a core build-up and crown is recommended for restoring a tooth that has had root canal remedy.
Since it is among the many most utilized services of dentists, the price of treatment is type of reasonable. The medication used could range relying on the patient’s condition and supplies. You can find out the typical value within the Treatment Summary desk or Price List page below. You can contact us and make a preliminary state of affairs evaluation with our specialist dooctors and get detailed information. Root canal therapy is very profitable; the procedure has greater than a 95% success fee. We will at all times deal with every affected person with respect and provide the very best quality care based mostly on each patient’s needs and greatest pursuits.
To ensure your surgical procedure goes smoothly, our dentist is the one from which to choose. They've helped tons of patients with their surgeries through the years. At the workplace of Robert E. Spatafora, DDS, we use the latest know-how and most effective methods of care to provide root canal services precise and mild care. Once the tooth is completely cleaned, it goes to be sealed with either a everlasting filling or, if further appointments are needed, a quick lived filling shall be placed.
Damaged root surfaces or the encompassing bone may be handled. The most common surgery used to keep away from wasting damaged tooth is an apicoectomy or root-end resection. It is equally and essential root canal services to schedule visits with your dentist and/or dental hygienist for regular checkups and cleanings to forestall tooth decay and gum illness.
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"No uterus, no opinion" and other ways to say cismen shouldn't dictate abortion access
1. There are women who presumably do have uteruses that want abortion to be widely inaccessible. Based on the data, they are admittedly few and far between, but they exist and one of them was a driving force behind the overturn of Roe v Wade. As far as I know, Amy Coney Barrett has a uterus.
2. LGBTQIA+ can have a uterus and be non-women. This is more for those cases of "men shouldn't have a say." Some men have uteruses. Some intersex and nonbinary people have uteruses. Everyone with a uterus should get to make the rules of their uterus, woman or not.
3. AFAB/intersex LGBTQIA+ people who no longer have uteruses shouldn't be excluded from the conversation. Just because someone who was born- and even lived with, for years- a uterus no longer has one, does not mean they are unqualified to have opinions on the existence of laws and statutes surrounding them. A trans man whose had a radical hysterectomy and bottom surgery is allowed to have opinions about abortion. He may have even had one, or had children prior to surgery.
4. Cis women sometimes do not have uteruses (at all, or any more) and they deserve the right to chime in on abortions. It's kind of dehumanizing to imply that women who don't have a uterus don't get to speak about abortion access, especially when you're spouting non-stop "men don't get an opinion, nobody with a uterus does." Not having a uterus can also be a major point of contention in some women's lives. Most cis women without a uterus didn't become that way by choice.
5. Not every person with a uterus is able to become pregnant. If you've had a bilateral oophorectomy, there's no eggs to fertilize. The fact that a person has a womb does not mean they should be able to control whether other people get abortions, especially if they're physically unable to become pregnant and therefore extremely unlikely to need one. Anecdotally, women who can't have kids are very hostile toward those who have them accidentally or terminate pregnancies.
6. You can get pregnant without a uterus. If you have ovaries, you can get pregnant whether you have a uterus or not. If you've had a total hysterectomy, you still have ovaries. Pregnancy without a uterus is dangerous, it's called an extrauterine pregnancy or an ectopic pregnancy. It happens when the zygote implants into the wall of the fallopian tubes, intestinal tract, or literally anywhere else it ends up in the body cavity because it didn't end up in the uterus. It will inevitably rupture the tissue it implanted in and the person will bleed to death if immediate care isn't administered. People with no uterus who are pregnant are among those who rely the most heavily on Roe v Wade. To exclude their opinions because they have no uterus is egregious garbage.
7. Having a uterus just doesn't correlate to whether you're allowed to have an opinion on abortion. Everyone is allowed an opinion, and the opinions that matter are the ones of people who are able to become pregnant - whether that's a woman or a non-woman, a person with a uterus or a person without a uterus.
8. Having an opinion, valid or otherwise, or abortion doesn't mean anything because nobody should be allowed to regulate whether a pregnant person is allowed to terminate a pregnancy. Especially if it means doctors can't give life-saving care to their patients. It's unethical.
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corneliaavenue · 2 years
Lets talk about birth control
There are many different forms, that all have their pros and their cons, but let me tell you some things I have learned in medical school so far!
Oral Contraceptive Pills: Most traditional oral contraceptives contain 21 active tablets and 7 placebo (or iron) tablets, resulting in 13 scheduled withdrawal bleeds per year. They contain both estrogen and progesterone (the female sex hormones). If you use them correctly (taking them at the same time every day) you have a .3% of failure, while the average is 7% chance of failure. A recent side effect that has gotten a lot of publicity especially due to the Covid vaccine is the increase risk of clots. While this is true, the OB GYN that gave us this lecture reminded us that pregnancy has a greater increase risk for clots than oral contraceptives do. There is also the added benefit that 5 years of oral contraceptive use has been proven to decrease the risk of ovarian cancer.
Copper IntraUterine Devices (Paraguard): Personally, I have the copper IUD. How this works is copper makes the uterus a infavorable environment for sperm, not the uterus. This also works as an emergent contraceptive because it makes it hard for the fertilized egg to implant in the uterus. Some cons that are seen are an increase in bleeding and pain during your period. You can also keep this in for 10 years, some reports have even said up to 20 years.
Hormonal IUDs: Unlike Copper, there are different types of hormonal IUDs. Since they are hormonal, they affect the ovarian cycle not implantation, so some people do not get their periods while having the IUD. These do not last as long, but can last up to 7 years. Some complications can be perferation of the uterus during implantation, which is rare, but an important complication to know about. Implantation can be painful (personally they were the worst cramps I have ever had in my life). Take an NSAID before you go, and ask your physician for other ways to lessen the pain! Every OB Gyn I have talked to has said personally they use some form of IUD.
Injectable Contraceptive: Once every three months, this injectable progesterone is administered. Great for those who don't want to deal with daily adherance. It can cause bone density loss, but reports show that bone density can come back after stopping this contraceptive. Typically, a patient should only be on this for 2 years unless no other contraceptive option is available. It can take up to a year for fertility to return after stopping.
Implantable Contraceptive: A single rod is implanted in your non-dominant arm. It releases daily estrogen. Once implanted, don't need any other maintainance, just need to be replaced every 4 years. They can cause spotting for the first few months after implantation, but then can make your period go away. Fertility does return rapidly after removal.
Vaginal Rings (Nuva Ring): You place this ring into your vagina once a month, take it out, and then replace it. It delivers a daily dose of estrogen. A pro to this is that if you want to get pregnant, fertility returns very quickly. To the point that if the ring has been removed for more than 3 hours, you will need a back up contraceptive device (condom) to prevent pregnancy. It is just as effective as oral contraceptives, and users report less instances of acne, depression, and irritability while using this device. It can cause some discomfort and vaginal discharge.
Barrier Methods: Does not require a prescription! Condom effectiveness are user dependent. The average failure rate of condoms is 20%, but with proper use you can lower the failure rate to 2%! Condoms are also the only contraceptive method to prevent Sexually Transmitted Infections. You can get condoms for free! You can also use condoms along with the other forms of birth control mentioned above. Condoms typically expire after 3-5 years.
Pull Out and Cycle based: Not recommended. 20% chance of failure. Based on information about your menstrual cycle and daily morning basal temperature to predict when your most likely to be fertile and remain abstinent or use barrier methods during that time.
This is obviously just a quick run down on all of the different forms of birth control, and there is so much more information out there.
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