#watch me cry when they comeback
sk2lton · 2 years
we have a guest speaker in math class to talk to us about coping w stress as if this class isn’t the reason i felt like shitting myself this morning😭😭
#chant 𖦹 d’oiseau#‘what r things that stress u?’ THIS FUCKING CLASS THIS CLASS BRUH LET ME OUT OF HERE#I WANNA CRY CZ I GOTTA DO A STUPID FUCKING ONE ON ONE TALK WITH MY MATH TEACHER AFTER THIS SHIT AND SHE’S GONNA TEST ME ON SHIT#on the fuxking spot too. it’s like girl is it not enough that i finished ur fucking stupid assignment that made no sense#there’s literally videos there of me doing each fucking question too and i explain it while doing it#teachers who are like ‘i don’t wanna stress u guys’ then continue to fucking stress u the fuck out should burn i hare them#i js wanna watch the brazil vs switerland match#football is unfortunately my current hf if that’s not obvious and within the past week i’ve memorized most leagues and the teams within them#most players in these leagues. at least the notable ones. and it’s encouraged me to get back into football because growing up i really had —#— a talent for it but then my mental health came in and ruined everything#i was too anxious to do shit anymore so that’s such an L tbh but this isn’t meant to be depressing vent or anything i js wanna say i love fb#ive watched the wc and fb like since the day i popped out of the womb and i rmb the first wc i could rmb#i cheered for argentina so hard but got so upset when they were knocked out by brazil. now i’m cheering for brazil (argentina on the side)#so i feel like a trader to my younger self😭 little me would surely NOT appreciate me cheering for brazil#sk vs ghana was crazy cz i didn’t expect sk to comeback like that in the second half but it’s sad they didn’t tie. good game nonetheless#i’m so mad at team canada ngl cz we had good players but our defense was invisible😭 it doesn’t matter how good our midfielders or strikers r#as long as our def is shitty our team is shitty😭 that’s like building a house on poor foundation#it won’t last long and it’ll cause problems😭 davies goal was such a W and we have so many players from great clubs but i feel like—#— wasted them. i could go on and on and on and on about football#different teams. leagues. who fucked up by doing what😭 speaking of which… mexico’s fuckinf coach set them up idc#i rlly wanted to see lainez play. he’s a fucking game changer but mexico’s coach was like ‘how do i set us up…’ 😭#mexico was robbed by their own coach.. canada was robbed in the canada vs belgium match jts crazy 😭😭😭
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amourane · 5 months
hate the way you smile
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pairing: theodore nott x fem!reader
genre: fluff, angst, comedy, e2l + childhood enemies??
w/c: 4.7k
summary: from the second you met theodore nott you knew that your life would be torturous and that the boy would never leave you alone but maybe forever isn't so bad with theodore nott.
warnings: none just a lot of bickering
a/n: omg this one is a bit long but i finished it!
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From the moment that you met Theodore Nott at the bright age of five you knew you would hate him forever. Maybe it was the way he would sneer at you with distaste or the way he would mock you for being a big crybaby whenever he took your toys. All you knew was that you simply loathed his presence.
Your families had been friends and they had initially thought that you and Theo would get along since you were both the same age. What they didn’t expect was the young boy to rip the heads of your dolls and proceed to mock you for crying your heart out. Yet even with all of your constant bickering your families still met up every holiday, bringing the demon child with them to torment your life.
Since that day your childhood was filled with cruel laughter and the mischievous eyes that would watch wherever you went.  At age seven, Theodore Nott found it appropriate to fill your bathtub with toads causing you to shriek out in terror when you opened the bathroom door, and him, to run away with glee at your horrified face. At age nine, he thought it would’ve been funny to surprise you by dumping a bucket load of pumpkin juice all over you and he cackled at your expected screams of anger. What he didn’t expect was for you to retaliate by smashing a tray of cauldron cakes into his face. 
Needless to say the war between you two started way back then and it had continued, the only difference being that now you both were more mature and civilised and there was no room for childish pranks.
“Suck my cock you mangled prat, I hope you trip and fall to your death you insignificant shit goblin!” 
At least so you thought.
You made a move and lunged for Theodore Nott’s throat as anger flared in your eyes. No one paid mind to the scene that was unfolding before them afterall it was a common occurrence for the last six years. 
“You enchanted my hair green!” You shrieked as you shook the brunette violently. “Are you out of your mind Nott? I thought we agreed we wouldn’t mess with each other’s appearances, what happened to that?” 
Theodore simply smirked and you felt your fury bubble inside you. He tilted his head to the right and acted as if he was actually pondering your question. If you could you would have been breathing flames as you felt yourself grow more livid as every second went by. 
“Hmm…I like your hair L/n, really suits the whole vibe you’re going for, don't you think bella?” Theo flashed you a wicked grin as he reached out to twirl a lock of your hair between his fingers. You slapped his hand away.
“And what vibe am I going for Nott? Please enlighten me since you apparently are the one making decisions for me.”
You should’ve just walked away. You really should’ve just cursed him out and gone to Madam Pomfrey for some sort of remedy instead of staying and entertaining whatever shit-faced idea he had come up with. The moment you saw the smug smirk that spread across his face and the dangerous twinkle in his eyes you knew he was going to spew some absolute bullshit. And you were right.
“Well obviously it’s a statement declaring that you’re mine, why else would you dye your hair to match my house?” The Slythering feigned disbelief, clutching his hands to his chest innocently. “But Salazar, I didn’t know you would be so bold about your feelings towards me bella.”
You felt heat rise and settle on your cheeks as you tried to come up with a colourful comeback to wipe the stupid smirk off his face but the words die in your throat. It was against your will but you could feel your face growing hotter as he continued to stare at you with that flirty glint in his eyes. Your brain spluttered to a stop and you scrambled desperately for something to say.
“Fuck you Nott.” You seethed before storming away with your hands balled into fists. You could hear the whispers of students and you could feel their stares as you stomped to the infirmary, determined to find some way to get your hair back to normal. 
Theodore Nott was the biggest pain in the arse you knew and he had never stopped being one. You still remembered when you had received your letter to Hogwarts and he had scoffed at the sight asking why Hogwarts would want a half-wit like you. Needless to say your parents weren’t surprised at the cries that erupted a second later from both you and him.
Throughout your years the two of you had become known for the obvious tension and pure hatred you harboured for each other though it did seem to lean on your side a bit more than it did to his. It had been the same for the first three years, bickering, pranks and whatnot. Then fourth year came and the scrawny boy you once knew had magically grown much taller and his face had lost a lot of the baby fat it once had. All at once Theodore Nott became one of the most sought after boys in Hogwarts and it only made you loathe him more. It made his ego triple in size and it made him much more flirty towards everyone but you seemed to be his number one target. All you wanted to do was to take your wand and puncture that bloated head of his.
Though his appearance changed he still was the boy you knew since you were a child and whenever he smiled you could see the same boyish grin he had way back when he was five. He had always been the same but now he just had a much more pretty face to disguise the fact he was a blithering idiot.
Theo watched as you stormed off, his smile never once leaving his face. He loved to mess with you purely to see the visceral anger that radiated off you every single time. The way you would try to stare him down but the action proved useless as he was much taller allowing him to simply look down smugly. It amused him to see how your reactions never changed. 
Ever since you were five you held the same expressions: whenever you were mildly irritated by him you would chew on your bottom lip, whenever you were pissed your eyes would double in size and you’d look like a fire-breathing dragon, and whenever he made you upset you would stare blankly without a word. He’d only ever made you truly upset once and when seeing your face he knew he would never do it again because even if the two of you bickered and fought he would never hurt you.
“Sometimes I think you’re secretly dating because you should see the way you’re daydreaming hopelessly while staring at L/n’s retreating figure Nott, you look like a bloody imbecile.” Draco slapped Theo’s back startling him out of his own thoughts. He scoffed after realising what his friend was implying.
“Oh Salazar’s balls I think I’m going to regurgitate my breakfast. You’ve gone insane if you even think for a second there’s a chance I fancy that creature.”
Laughter erupted from his friends and they continued to mock and tease him obviously not being mature enough to handle the situation with grace.
“I would rather shag the giant squid than date L/n and I’m sure the feeling is mutual.”
Mattheo hummed to himself and smirked. He placed his arm on Theo’s shoulder. “Well then can I ask her out? She’s real hot and I think she’d be interested.”
“L/n might be stupid Riddle but she wouldn’t ever go out with you or even give you the time of day. So don’t even think about doing it.” And with that he left and his friends exchanged knowing glances before bursting into another fit of laughter at their friend’s own obliviousness.
This was so not your day. 
Never in your life had you forgotten to hand in homework yet one silly slip up had cost you to spend your free afternoon in detention. It wasn’t your fault you had mixed up the dates on when the transfiguration homework was due. 
You begrudgingly opened the classroom doors, finding a seat to sit down for the next hour. At least you were able to catch up on some other classes while you were in detention otherwise you thought you would’ve gone mad. You looked around the classroom save for Professor McGonagall who had already greeted you when you walked in there was no one else there. 
It hadn’t even been a minute when the doors burst open to reveal a very tall and very smug Slytherin.
“Mr Nott, glad for you to join us, find a seat please.”
Theo's grin faltered as his eyes locked onto yours, a flicker of confusion dancing across his features before it was swiftly replaced by his trademark smirk. He made his way toward you, closing the distance until there were mere centimetres separating you from him.
“Now L/n, Nott, I have important business to tend to so I assume the both of you are mature enough to sit through this detention. I hope that I don’t hear about any incidents when I am gone.”
It was as if your nightmare had all of a sudden come to life as you watched McGonagall leave the classroom. You tried to protest but it fell upon deaf ears as the professor had already left the room, leaving you stuck with your nemesis.
You whipped your head to face the brunette, irritation flashing in your eyes. Why had he chosen to sit next to you when there were plenty of other seats available? The classroom was far from crowded, yet here he was, invading your personal space with his mere presence
“Why are you sitting next to me Nott?”
“Why can’t I? Do you happen to own every seat in this classroom?” He teased. “I didn’t think you did, so I’m going to sit where I want.”
You grumbled under your breath at his stubbornness, getting up to pack your things. “Fine, but then I’m moving.”
Before you could make your move, Theo reached out and grabbed your arm. “Hey slow down, I have a perfect seat right here.” Your irritation flared at his audacity, and you shot him a scathing glare as he gestured to his lap with a smug smirk. “Why don’t you-”
“Nott, if you seriously propose that I sit in your lap I will hex you to oblivion.”
“Okay!” Theo held his hands up in mock surrender, his expression feigning innocence as he cocked his head to the side, the smirk never once leaving his face. “Stay here, I won’t bother you, I swear.”
You eyed him cautiously, your scepticism evident. You weighed the options before you reluctantly sat back down. “Fine.”
A quiet hush befell the classroom and all that could be heard was the scratching of quills on parchment. That is until you were interrupted by a persistent poking sensation that disrupted your concentration, each jab of the quill more annoying than the last. You clenched your jaw as you tried to ignore Theo but you knew he wouldn’t stop until you gave him attention and there was no way you were giving him the satisfaction of reacting. So he continued to poke and poke and poke. 
His incessant poking finally pushed you over the edge, prompting a sharp hiss of irritation from your lips. "What?" You snapped, unable to contain your frustration any longer.
“What are you doing here?” 
If there was a competition for incompetence Theodore Nott would sure have won first place.
“Detention obviously.”
“Oh you know what I meant, why are you in detention? Did you do something stupid? Wait, you do that all the time I forgot.” You rolled your eyes, resisting the urge to roll them right out of your skull. "Tell me, bella," He continued, his voice laced with faux innocence. "I don't bite."
“Forgot my homework.” You reluctantly mumbled under your breath, feeling all too claustrophobic at how close he was to you. “Not that big of a deal.”
“Oh but it is.”
“What does that even mean, Nott?” Your eyes narrowed. Theo’s face twisted into a playful smirk and he was so close that you could practically hear his heart beating.
He chuckled, undeterred by your hostility. "But it's not like you to forget your homework," He teased, leaning in closer. "There must be something distracting you. Perhaps... thoughts of me?"
As if on instinct your hands reached out to push the unbearable boy away from you and you immediately got up at his incredulous words. You saw the way laughter bubbled and slipped from his lips, mocking you which only added more fuel to the evergrowing fire.
"In your dreams, Nott," You retorted, your voice laced with venom as you rose from your seat, your movements quick and determined. "I would sooner volunteer for a Dementor's kiss than waste a single thought on you."
Theo’s smirk only widened and his eyes gleamed with mischief. "Oh, believe me, the feeling is mutual," He quipped, his voice dripping with amusement as he rested his chin on his palms, his gaze never wavering from yours.
You huffed out an angry breath before picking your stuff up and stalking to the opposite end of the classroom. Luckily, he didn’t follow and you were left in peace for the rest of the detention.
It had been a week and a half since your detention yet Theodore Nott hadn’t approached you once since. In fact, you hadn’t seen him around school a lot, not that you were paying attention of course. It was just weird. Usually his face would pop up in front of you multiple times a day yet he was nowhere to be found. You had even lingered around the Slytherin table at lunch to see if he would show up but he never did. 
There was this sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. Even though you did despise Theo you had known him since he was a kid and he never was one to skip lessons much less disappear for over a week. Even his Slytherin friends didn’t know where he went.
That is until today. The moment you had walked into the dungeons ready for your Potions lesson you spotted him. There was a part of you that hoped you would see him today, after all he was your Potions partner. But there was something wrong. His face looked gaunt, pale, sapped of life and his eyes were merely blank as he sat unmoving. His usual demeanour was replaced with one of hollow emptiness.
“Where have you been Nott?” No response. You frowned as you looked at him, he seemed to not even hear you. “Nott? Have you suddenly become deaf?”
“It’s none of your business.” He snapped voice obviously laced with malice as the words cut through the air. The sharpness of his tone caught you off guard, a twinge of hurt gnawing at the edges of your consciousness despite the fact you both had said worse to each other.
You chose to ignore the fact that Theo was obviously in a sour mood and sat down beside him, unpacking your things. There was nothing special about the lesson, nothing that you needed to particularly pay attention to. Not that you did since you were too focused on trying to figure out what was wrong with your partner. Theo didn’t look okay, not in the slightest. He seemed exhausted and his sluggish movements proved you correct as he diced the various ingredients. 
You were in the middle of stirring the cauldron when Theo dropped a dandelion root in the mixture causing it to bubble and spit. The concoction spilled onto your hand and you shrieked at the sudden burning sensation that seemed to consume your hand in flames. The sensation is unbearable, a sharp, burning agony that seems to penetrate deep into your very bones. By now the whole class had stopped to look at you not fully registering what had happened. You turned to Theo, tears threatening to fall from your eyes at the pain but he stood there frozen, an expression you couldn’t decipher on his face.
"Fucking hell, L/n." He spat, his voice dripping with disdain. "Would it kill you to not be such a clumsy moron? You could've hurt me as well. How can you even call yourself a witch?"
His words were sharp and spiteful. Through the many years of knowing Theodore Nott he had never blamed you for something he did. He might have been an incorrigible prick but he would still apologise if he had ever hurt you genuinely. But as you looked at him you couldn’t recognise the cold harsh look he gave you and you bit back your tears. You wouldn’t cry in front of him. 
Despite the fact your hand was in pain you felt something tighten around your chest and it made the air around you feel thick as if you couldn’t breathe. You stood up angrily, opening your mouth to snap back but your vision starts to fade, black spots invade your senses and that was the last thing you remember before you tumbled to the floor.
You woke up a few hours later as you felt the sun shine on your face. You blinked, disorientated, as you tried to get used to your surroundings. The familiar walls of the infirmary materialised and you felt some ease at knowing where you were. Confusion still gnawed at your mind as you struggled to piece together what had happened. How had you ended up in the infirmary? And why did everything feel so hazy, as if viewed through a foggy lens? 
Your gaze drifted to your hand, the source of the searing pain. And there, wrapped in a pristine white bandage, lay the answer to at least one of your questions. The memory flooded back in fragments, disjointed and incomplete.
Theo's careless mistake, the scalding mixture splattering across your skin, the sharp cry of pain that had torn through the air, all of it came rushing back with startling clarity.
“Miss L/n you’re awake!” Madam Pomfrey’s voice cut through your thoughts and you saw the woman make her way towards you hurriedly. “That was a terrible burn you had, lucky I had some burn-healing paste on me otherwise you would have had an ugly scar.”
You were still a bit dazed, trying to piece together how you even managed to make your way here. You distinctively remembered collapsing to the floor but that was where your memory stopped and it refused to give you any more.
“Sorry Madam Pomfrey but do you know how I got here? I really can’t seem to remember.”
“Oh dear.” The nurse frowned at your condition. “Mr Nott brought you here. He’s been here the whole afternoon. He's only just popped to dinner. I'm sure he’ll be back. Merlin, the boy did look worried.”
You resisted the urge to scoff at her words. Theodore Nott, worried. Not a chance. He probably only brought you here because Slughorn insisted, and he couldn't risk getting on the professor's bad side. No, you highly doubted he cared about what had happened to you.
The memory of his harsh words repeated in your head like an echo that refused to go away, a reminder of his indifference to your situation. And yet, despite your efforts to brush it off, a bitter laugh escaped your lips. Why were you even upset? After all, the two of you were experts at hurling mean insults at each other. It was practically a pastime. 
Rather you should have been mad at the fact he was the one who caused you to get this injury anyway. If it wasn’t for his stupid mistake you wouldn’t be in this predicament. Then again, you remembered his movements, how his usual nimble fingers were fumbling the ingredients, how he stared at the pages of his book as though they were in a foreign language. Something wasn’t right.
“You’re awake.”
The words startled you and you spotted the Slytherin boy approaching your bed as his face held the same blank expression as before. He sat down beside you and your eyes narrowed. You shuffled away, not wanting to be near him.
“I’m sorry.” He murmured quietly and the words caught you off guard. “These past few days just haven’t been the best and-”
“That’s your excuse?” You bristled at his pathetic apology, hoping that you had misheard what he had said. “You mess up our potion resulting in me getting hurt and then hurl insults my way trying to blame me for what happened. And you think simply saying ‘I’m sorry’ is enough? Using the excuse of having a few bad days as your way out?”
He stayed silent allowing you to continue.
“Theodore Nott, you always were an idiot.” You spat, the words tinged with disappointment. “But I never expected you to be such a heartless prick.”
As the final syllable fell from your lips, a heavy silence settled over the room, punctuated only by the shallow rise and fall of your breath. You held Theo’s gaze and as you studied him you noticed something you had failed to notice before. The dark circles that marred the skin beneath his eyes, the redness that rimmed their edges. The weariness that had been etched into his features. 
“I went home.” He finally said, breaking the silence with his words. “Father sent a letter saying it was urgent, that I needed to return home at once.”
You felt yourself deflate and your gaze softened. Theo and his father had never been on the best terms and ever since his mother died they drifted apart even more. Suddenly his attitude made sense and you felt the guilt seep into your senses.
“Turns out his urgent matter was that he found himself another potential wife. Some poor woman to endure his torture and he wanted to happily announce it to his son. He burnt all of my mother’s belongings and if I hadn’t stopped him he would’ve gotten rid of her grave as well.” Theo scoffed bitterly and you saw the way he was trying to stop the tears from falling. “That bastard calls himself my father but not once in his life has he ever cared about me.”
A heavy silence enveloped the both of you as you sat not uttering a word. You knew that he had always struggled with the strained relationship with his family. The death of his mother had resulted in Theo being distraught for weeks as he relived the nightmare whenever he closed his eyes. 
“I’m not going back there. I’m never setting foot in that house ever again.”
You placed your hand on his shoulder as you tried to offer some sort of comfort. His eyes locked with yours and you saw how his tears glistened as they fell silently. You felt ropes tighten around your heart and you squeezed his shoulder gently. It had been a long time since you saw Theodore Nott cry. It was a rare sight but that was what made it that much more painful.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.” You whispered. “I honestly…I’m so sorry Theo. He really doesn’t deserve a son like you. You’re incredible, you know that? You might be irritating and loud and downright infuriating at times but he doesn’t deserve you because you’re amazing Theodore Nott. And, Merlin, if I’m saying that then it must mean a lot because we both know my word is golden.”
You offered him a small smile and your heart warms when you see one tug at his lips too. He looked away for a second and you saw his eyes land on your bandaged hand and he winced.
“I really am sorry for messing up our potion. I didn’t mean what I said, you’re a brilliant witch Y/n, you always have been. I was just being a prat, I’m really sorry.”
“It’s fine, it’s honestly nothing bad. My hand will probably already be back to normal, I heal quickly you know.” You paused as your smile faltered and you chose your next words carefully. “If…if you don’t want to return to your house, you can always go to someone else's.”
Theo chuckled as he shook his head. “No one is going to accept me into their house without turning me into my father.”
“I will.” 
Silence. Theo looked at you, confusion clear on his face but your gaze was strong and he could tell you had meant what you had said. You felt yourself flush at his stare and you realised your hand was still on his shoulder and you quickly removed it.
“Accept you into my house I mean. My parents love you and you know they haven’t been on good terms with your father ever since what happened. We would be more than willing to take you in.” You watched as his face contorted into expressions that you couldn’t formulate. “That is if you promise not to fill my bathtub with toads again.”
Laughter fell from his lips, cascading like a melody. He lifted his hands to wipe away his tears that had been streaking down his face. His eyes no longer held the blank emotionless look but rather a certain warmth that you had missed seeing. Your grin widened upon hearing the sound and you found yourself joining in.
“At least you look pretty-”
Your words were cut off abruptly as Theo leaned in, his lips capturing yours in a sudden and unexpected kiss. You froze, unable to comprehend what exactly was happening as disbelief rippled through your body. His hands found their way at the back of your neck and you feel his thumb caress your cheek tenderly. You were still in shock when he pulled away and the last few words of the sentence you were about to say tumbled out of your mouth.
“-when you cry…”
You blinked as your mind tried to grapple at what had just happened. Theodore Nott had just kissed you. Theodore Nott, the boy you had despised since you were five, had just kissed you. He kissed you. Kissed…you. Immediately, your body erupted into flames and you felt your face flush hot at how close the both of you were.
“Your body temperature has risen extremely quickly.” Theo teased and you felt yourself grow even hotter.
“Shut it.”
“Like you’re actually a human radiator.” He continued undeterred by your glare.
“Nott if you don’t want to lose your head I would advise you to shut up.”
Theo grinned and you felt your heart stutter at the sight. “Oh so now I’m back to being Nott? What happened to Theo?” He said his name in a high pitched croon in an attempt to mock your voice and you smacked the backside of his head which only encouraged his laughter.
“You’re actually going to be the death of me.” You groaned as you slumped back down the bed, pulling the covers over your face as a feeble attempt to hide yourself from the pretty Slytherin.
Theo poked your arm and you peeked out to find him staring at you with a bright grin on his face. 
"Don't worry." He reassured you, his voice light and teasing. "I'll make sure to stay by your side forever and ever, like a blood-sucking parasite."
“How romantic.” You drawled as you rolled your eyes, trying to maintain a facade of annoyance as you retreated under the covers once more.
“Aren’t I just?” 
You ignored Theo’s playful whines for you to let him see your face. Your heart threatened to break out of your chest as you tried to calm yourself down. But even so, you were unable to stop the grin that spread across your face. Maybe, just maybe, forever wouldn't be so bad with Theodore Nott by your side.
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entitled-fangirl · 10 days
Stubborn man.
Cregan Stark x wife!reader
Summary: Cregan returns from a hunt, eager to see his wife. But he's hiding something from her.
Warnings: blood, making out, pain, talks about sex, I think that's it?
A/n: Based on an ask!!! Also... I need more Tom Taylor gifs RIGHT NOW or I'll cry. So fancast Cregan might make a comeback in the gifs
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She felt herself flinch when strong hands gripped her waist from behind and a kiss was placed on the back of her neck. 
"Did you miss me, my heart?" A deep voice whispered in her ear.
She relaxed at the sound, her body instinctively giving in to the hands that held her, "Quite terribly."
He grinned and playfully nipped at her ear, "Good, because I have as well."
She spun in his hold, now facing him. She ran her hands over his clothed chest and fiddled with his cloak, "The hunt was successful, I assume?"
"Three elks and a boar," he said with a hint of pride, "Should last Winterfell a while enough."
"You're very brave, my lord," she smiled with a teasing tone. "Facing a boar is quite a formidable task."
"Aye," he agrees. "But so is facing the Warden of the North, wouldn't you agree?"
"You're right," She said as he tugged on his cloak to pull his face closer to hers. "The boar didn't stand a chance."
A confident aura overcame the lord and he leaned further down and connected their lips.
She let out a soft groan, savoring the feeling of him after such a long absence.
His arms moved up and around her back to pull her to him.
Her chest collided with his and only then did Cregan falter.
She pulled away, disconnecting their lips as she gave him a small frown. "Cregan?"
His breath had quickened and his face paled, but he was eagerly changing the subject, "I've only missed you is all." He leaned in again.
As his lips brushed hers, she pulled away again as her worry doubled, "Stop. Stop doing that."
"Doing what?"
"Something is clearly bothering you," she pointed out. "Tell me."
His hands wandered up to her biceps, gripping her earnestly, as if trying to convince her, "I am just fine. I only wish to spend time with my wife. Is that a crime?"
"You and I both know it's not, but there's something you're not telling me."
They stared at one another, seeing who would break first. Finally, he did with a sigh. "It is nothing, I assure you."
"You're sure?" She asked in worry.
"I am." 
She stared at him for a while before nodding, deciding to believe him. "Very well. I dare say I would enjoy some time with my lord husband as well."
He grinned, "I can arrange that." 
She leaned forward and met his lips, hands beginning to wander. 
He led her backwards to the bed, careful to not lead her astray. She blindly let him, too caught him in his touch to care where he took her.
She fell onto the bed and Cregan leaned down and began to kiss down her clothed stomach.
"Will you let me indulge in what I've missed?" He asked softly.
She let out a breath at his admission. 
Watching her reaction closely, he pulled the skirt of her dress up.
As his fingers grazed her bare thigh, she moaned out, "I don't think I can wait. I need you."
He chuckled, "So eager for me."
She sat up to entice him to loom over her, but she noticed that the color still hadn't returned to his cheeks. "Are you cold?"
He frowned, clearly confused at the question, "What? No."
"You're pale. Cregan, please." She reached under his cloak to his chest. 
He reached out to grip her wrists, but it was too late.
Her hands pulled back with red staining her palms. Her eyes widened in horror. "W…What-"
"-Look at me." He grabbed her face with both hands. "I am fine."
"You're hardly-"
His eyes showed the purely determined tone to his voice, "I am fine."
Her breath began to become shorter and her voice softened, "You… you've seen the maester?"
"I don't need the maester. I just need you," he said as he leaned in again.
She turned her head as she denied his wishes. "You're injured."
He sighed and pulled away from her. "It… it is just a scratch."
She stared down at her hands that now had his blood on them. Her fingers were shaky, and her voice was soft, "…you're injured."
He panicked when she began to only repeat her worry. "Dear wife-"
She stood and smoothed her dress out in a rush, "I'll get the maester."
He reached out and grabbed her wrist. His face twisted in a wince when the movement caused pain to shoot through his body.
She paused. "Cregan."
He forced himself to overcome the pain. Determination ran through his eyes as he looked up at her. "I. Am Fine."
She looked at his hand on her wrist, then back to him. "Even wolves show weakness on occasion."
It was clear that he took her words to heart because his eyes softened and his grip on her loosened. 
She slowly pulled her hand away and moved to the cabinet, pulling out bandages and cloths
Cregan watched in silence.
She set them onto the bed softly before leaving the room. She returned with a small basin of water. "Undress."
His head tilted. "Alright."
He pulled his cloak off, and only then did she notice how badly he was injured. 
His tunic was soaked in blood across his chest. 
It felt as if she had been dunked in cold water. Panic settled into her gut.
Cregan reached down to the bottom of the tunic, beginning to slowly peel it away from the injury. It clearly hurt him. His jaw was clenched to the point she worried for his teeth.
"Let me," she offered, pulling it the rest of the way off of him and throwing it to the side. 
A long cut ran down his chest, blood staining his skin. Cregan didn't bother to look at it. He kept his eyes on her and her alone.
She forced him to sit on the bed and sat down as well, reaching down to the cut. Her fingers grazed it lightly, earning a hiss from him. "Sorry," she whispered.
He shook his head as he studied her face, "'s fine."
"Get comfortable, my love," she finally forced.
He grunted in acknowledgement and pushed himself against the headboard.
She stood and grabbed the basin, setting it on the nightstand. The woman got up on the bed, throwing her leg over him to straddle him. 
If he wasn't in such pain, the night would've went much differently.
She leaned over and wet a cloth, beginning to gently run it over the cut to clean it. 
Cregan rested his head back against the headboard. His gaze stayed on her face.
"I don't understand why you didn't say something sooner," she whispered as she focused on healing her husband.
His eyes moved down to her lips, "I've had worse."
"How did it happen?" She pressed down unintentionally, and he hissed again. She muttered an apology.
"The boar," was all he said. He tried to read her expression, but it was hard when she wasn't looking at him. One of his hands moved to her waist.
"Did you face it yourself?" She asked incredulously.
"It caught us off guard is all."
She hummed as she grabbed a new cloth and continued to clean him with gentle hands.
His thumb rubbed across her waist comfortingly. "You're angry."
"Not angry," she sighed. "Only worried." Once the cut was clean, she began to slowly rub the cloth across his shoulders and up his neck, cleaning the dirt from the rest of him. 
The feeling made him close his eyes, "I do hope you'll forgive me then."
She shook her head, "You haven't asked for it yet."
He reached up with his free hand and stopped her motions. "Forgive me." His eyes studied her intensely, his voice serious.
She finally let out a sigh and a hint of a smile came to her. "You're a foolish man."
"I am," he admitted.
She took the cloth with one hand and held his chin with the other, cleaning the dirt off of his face. Their proximity brought a soft blush to her cheeks. "I don't know what I would do without you."
His eyes moved to her lips again and he began to slowly lean in. "You don't have to."
"Promise me something," she whispered.
He nodded, "Anything."
"You'll not put your health aside to appear strong to me."
"I am the Warden of the North-"
She leaned away and held his chin in a tight grip. "Not here. You're my husband, Cregan."
A little grin came across his lips. "I promise."
She leaned forward and connected their lips. 
His hands found her waist, holding her in a vice grip as he pulled her as close as possible. She was careful to avoid the cut on his chest as her hands wandered over him. 
He pulled away and began to trail kisses down her neck, "I'm a blessed man."
She let out a content hum. "Are you? You have a gash in your chest. I hardly see-"
"-I have you." His teeth nipped at a sensitive spot, soothing it with his tongue. 
Her eyes began to close in bliss as she gave in to his touch. She caught herself, and forced her eyes open. "I haven't finished bandaging you."
He continued his movements, "You'll have time later."
"If you want anything from me, you must let me finish, you stubborn man."
He pulled away at that to look up and her. "Fierce girl."
She grinned and reached over to the bandages she had gathered. She wrapped them around him, "I forgive you."
His large hand came up to grab her jaw gently and force her to look him in the eye. "I will not take it for granted. Thank you."
"Do this again and I'll gut you myself."
A chuckle came from his throat. "I have no doubts of that." He pulled her face to his and his voice lowered, "I'll have to be extra cautious, won't I?"
"Or perhaps… don't leave at all," her soft voice suggested.
"Oh, my girl," he grinned. "When you finish this bandage, we are not leaving this room for a long while."
A bright red hue came to her cheeks.
Taglist: @twinkletwinklenotastar, @kidd3ath,@yujyujj, @misswynters, @cosmosnkaz, @sithapprentice, @kaniromi, @lovemesomevesey, @its-jackie-bb, @8812-342, @thorins-queen-of-erebor, @kingdomzeldaquest @nyxbranwenn, @callsignwidow, @a1lexh-blog, @alyssa-dayne, @ethereal-athalia, @ashovertheriver,
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astonmartinii · 7 months
a spoonful of sugar part two | oscar piastri social media au
pairing: oscar piastri x fem chef!reader
cheffing it up all over the calendar, here we go again
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri and 201,844 others
tagged: oscarpiastri
yourusername: we're in JAPAN 🇯🇵 WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!! yeah suzuka is cool and all but more importantly - SUSHI TIME and my oh my that spread is glorious if i do say so myself
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user1: oscar babygirlism is so real
yourusername: boo fucking hoo, i've had enough of your whining buddy
oscarpiastri: i mean i would take the home-cooked meal from the professional chef but that's just me
landonorris: stop shaming me :( i can't help it :(
yourusername: okay stop being dramatic, you can comeback from your hiding place i made chicken sushi as well
landonorris: oh thank you 😊
oscarpiastri: when i came in as the YOUNGER teammate, i didn't think y/n and i would be babysitting you
landonorris: you guys love me really
user2: i think y/n might have the patience of a saint
user3: i think i would die happy if i got a sushi spread from y/n
yukitsunoda0511: personally offended i was not invited :(
yourusername: nooooooooooo yukiii :((((( - i'll bring left overs ?
yukitsunoda0511: yes please (i'm much nicer than lando)
landonorris: when will the slander end?
oscarpiastri: i'm personally offended that any time y/n is visiting ME she ends up cooking and looking after all of you :(
yourusername: i love you the most though
oscarpiastri: hehehehehehe
user4: this relationship is so precious to me actually
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liked by logansargeant, landonorris and 1,094,558 others
tagged: landonorris & yourusername
oscarpiastri: over the moon to get my first podium in f1 in my rookie season. p.s. get yourself a girlfriend that gives you a candy bouquet to celebrate your podium
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user5: oscodium i know that's right
mclarenf1: we don't think that's in your meal plan, but we'll let it slide for just this once
yourusername: damn right you will 🔫🔫🔫
oscarpiastri: okay no threatening my team on a post about my podium
yourusername: i guess they're fine (FOR NOW) (the next time i see team orders it's on sight)
mclarenf1: ... does this mean no more pasta parties? :(
yourusername: get my boy his first win and pasta for life for all of you
user6: the way y/n and oscar's mum both fell into each other when oscar crossed the finish line
user7: they're so real for that
user8: y/n is REAL wag representation, i too would go FUCKING mental if my boyf got a podium i would also be spraying champagne all over the garage and crying my eyes out
oscarpiastri: I LOVE YOU MORE, THANK YOU FOR ALWAYS SUPPORTING ME - and looking after my mum after you caused a stampede in the garage
yourusername: hold on nicole is just as crazy as me
oscarpiastri: my two favourite women EVA
user9: when you're besties with your boyf's mum >>
landonorris: congrats oscahhhhhhh - how does one procure one of these bouquets?
oscarpiastri: hands off pal 🤨
landonorris: i just want CANDY STOP ACCUSING ME OF STUFF
yourusername: oh so now you want my food ....
landonorris: why are you ganging up on me ??? I'M JUST A CHILD ???
user10: i love watching oscar and y/n ganging up on lando
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourusername and 309,788 others
tagged: yourusername & oscarpiastri
logansargeant: category is: thirdwheeling - the food is a definite plus
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user12: the real best trio in f1 ... sorry 2019 rookies
alexalbon: logie bear beating the unseasoned allegations... i am impressed
logansargeant: i am cultured?
yourusername: logan had no choice, he was eating what i made him
logansargeant: but i liked it!
yourusername: you did, i'm a proud mother
alexalbon: what are the chances of me and james getting some of the y/n food, we deserve it more than mclaren
yourusername: name the price...
user13: i love how oscar and y/n have collected so many drivers this season despite being the youngest
oscarpiastri: not even finished my first season and we've accumulated so many "children"
logansargeant: don't have a gf who is such a good chef if you didn't want to babysit me
yourusername: we can't help it we're mOTHER
oscarpiastri: 💅
charles_leclerc: @oscarpiastri did our post podium dinner in aus mean nothing? you're neglecting your 26 year old child
maxverstappen1: classic treatment of the eldest girl 😔
yourusername: you guys done being dramatic?
charles_leclerc: one second
charles_leclerc: okay done :)
oscarpiastri: ok... idk what the fuck is going on here
maxverstappen1: we want food [bangs cutlery on imaginary table]
user14: oscar going from being the shy one on the grid to wrangling charles and max is killing me
user15: him and y/n have the grid wrapped around their finger
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris and 730,844 others
tagged: oscarpiastri
yourusername: this is everything you have ever deserved
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user18: i am going to throw myself on the track and let oscar run me over and put me out of my misery
oscarpiastri: i love you so much, couldn't do it without your support
yourusername: NUH UH you're SUPER DUPER AMAZINGLY FAST and i am lucky to be here to witness you :)
oscarpiastri: okay.... but no more passing out in the garage
yourusername: i'm just a girl 🎀
oscarpiastri: my girl x
yourusername: YOUR GIRL (i've seen the tiktok edits BACK OFF)
user19: the way the other team members and teams let them have their moment was so cute
user20: zak brown pushing her to the front to be able to see him on the podium... maybe i don't hate him as much as i thought
user21: her taking ten billion photos while crying her eyes out was so cute
yourusername: they're all blurry 🧍🏻‍♂️
maxverstappen1: i guess you're the only one i'll tolerate outshining my championship win... congrats oscar!
oscarpiastri: thank you max :) also thank you to gp for giving y/n an ice pack
yourusername: gp got his name on a piece of cake
maxverstappen1: what about my cake?
yourusername: i guess i can spare another slice for you
oscarpiastri: we can give you a whole cake tomorrow if you let me win tomorrow?
maxverstappen1: nice try dude
yourusername: you haven't tried it yet
oscarpiastri: it's laced with crack (literally, DQ coming fast)
maxverstappen1: ????
yourusername: we jest
oscarpiastri: or do we?
user22: is gp another person they've collected?
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liked by landonorris, logansargeant and 1,094,873 others
tagged: yourusername
oscarpiastri: no one else i'd rather celebrate with
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user23: they don't know it yet but they're actually my parents
user24: yeah, yeah oscar won a race woo BUT MAMA DROP THE RECIPE FOR THE THIRD SLIDE LOOKS LIKE IT BANGS
yourusername: i'm so unbelievably proud of you oscar, crying in the club right now
oscarpiastri: i didn't know the shower was also called the club (i can hear you crying and though i'm grateful you are this happy for me, it's getting slightly concerning)
yourusername: i just can't contain my excitement for you and it's turned into tears HAPPY TEARS
oscarpiastri: my mum can hear it from her room as well
yourusername: can't believe i'm being shamed like this
landonorris: will you cry this much for my first win
yourusername: nope, actively praying against it
yourusername: i only want oscar to win every race from now until he retires soz buddy
oscarpiastri: idk that sounds like a good deal to me lando
landonorris: @yourusername i hope you drown in your tears
user25: well that escalated
danielricciardo: proud of you baby aussie !!! how can we get some aussie bbq in the paddock as celebration @yourusername 🤭
yourusername: someone get me a grill asap
danielricciardo: okay max it's time to stop being selfish, let oscar win another race so we can get more bbq i'm homesick
maxverstappen1: that's cute and all but FUCK THEM KIDS
yourusername: well no bbq for you then
maxverstappen1: you and oscar love me really
oscarpiastri: ???
user26: the way y/n tussles with these men kills me
user27: at this point get her a microphone and get her on that grid walk
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc and 1,024,550 others
tagged: oscarpiastri, landonorris & yourusername
mclarenf1: y/n delivered the pasta party she promised (admin is now in a food coma no more posts for the rest of the day)
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user28: the way we all thought this was a joke... i am now unwell
user29: dead ass the cutest thing i've ever seen
yourusername: thank you for having me besties, thank you for giving oscar a fast car and i hope you all actually make your flights in your pasta-induced naps
mclarenf1: that carbonara has me snoozing up a storm
oscarpiastri: (we nearly missed our flight)
landonorris: worth it, that pasta banged
yourusername: why thank you everyone i am blushing
yourusername: but real talk when does all this pasta translate into team orders in oscar's favour
mclarenf1: i don't think that's in my job description
landonorris: ...
oscarpiastri: well....
yourusername: you're making me look like a bad person 😭 i just want oscar to have the best possible time ever
oscarpiastri: i love you <3
landonorris: ugh... i guess that's cute
user30: i have never been more jealous ever in my life and it's over PASTA
georgerussell63: i am mobilising the GDPA against this. it's either pasta for ALL of us or NONE of us
yourusername: bring back seb you big wet wipe
georgerussell63: EXCUSE YOU!
charles_leclerc: i am an honourary italian and i am quite frankly offended i was not at least offered the left overs
oscarpiastri: but this was my special pasta party for my sprint win :(
georgerussell63: don't try and use that very cute and wholesome excuse with me mister, we have been robbed of pasta
yourusername: you queens are so dramatic i can't
user31: this sport is so unserious, they wouldn't protest over the conditions this weekend but pasta is where they draw the line 😭
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liked by maxverstappen1, landonorris and 621,945 others
tagged: oscarpiastri
yourusername: if you're at COTA come on down to my bbq station it's mr america (@logansargeant) approved
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user33: miss ma'am is really raising the bar for all wags at this point
user34: who else is doing up masterchef at the track
logansargeant: i can confirm it is very good
yourusername: i knew there was a reason we love you logie bear
logansargeant: the ribs were so good you should honestly get an american passport
user35: guys i went and omg IT WAS SO FUCKING GOOD + y/n was so fucking nice and said all proceeds are going to helping disadvantaged children get into karting
user36: my heart is so full i love them
maxverstappen1: slowing me down by making me have bbq i see how it is
yourusername: no one forced you to eat it buddy
maxverstappen1: well it's steak and mac and cheese ur dumb if you think i'm NOT fucking it up
yourusername: you got me there
danielricciardo: that was scrummy
charles_leclerc: petition for this to be here every week
georgerussell63: this just makes me more angry about missing out on pasta
user37: oscar is so much stronger than me cause if i had y/n i'd be asking for an absolute feast all of the time and would not stick to my meal plan
oscarpiastri: my favourite person doing her favourite thing <3
yourusername: you're my favourite thing
landonorris: keep that to yourself
yourusername: i can't love my bf now?
landonorris: that man is a child keep it PG
oscarpiastri: you made it not PG
yourusername: stop forcing your agenda on us lando
landonorris: i can't win with you people
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liked by logansargeant, yourusername and 803,884 others
tagged: yourusername
oscarpiastri: first season done. proud. ready to eat like a king
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user38: i don't think i've ever barked in response to a picture of food
landonorris: where's mineeeeee :((((((((
oscarpiastri: season is over mate. y/n is back to being mine and mine only, we're hibernating in aus
landonorris: selfish
yourusername: let us eat our sushi in peace this off season
user39: oscar ready to keep y/n to himself what a king
oscarpiastri: tired of sharing my gf :( i know she's the bestest ever but still i was getting separation anxiety when she was stolen to make food for george
georgerussell63: no regrets
yourusername: you were always a king, but i'm ready to treat you like royalty
oscarpiastri: right back at you, queen
yourusername: all the food WE want all off season
maxverstappen1: okay guys we can hear you
charles_leclerc: this is no way to talk about your 27 year old children honestly
landonorris: i'm calling childline actually
yourusername: feel free girl, kiss my ass cause you won't see it for months
landonorris: GASP!
oscarpiastri: that's been brewing, stop asking y/n to make you chicken dippers bro
landonorris: :(
yourusername: regardless of all the tomfoolery and the stray cats (drivers) we've picked up, i'm so proud of you oscar - here's to an even better year next year
oscarpiastri: thank you, my love. couldn't do it without you. i love you.
yourusername: i love you too osc
note: heyyy?? yeah i've kinda gone missing in action. i am working on the last two WIPs but i am so busy and my writers block is so bad i had to revisit an old fave lol. hope yall enjoy !
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rosemarydisaster · 3 months
I made some sort of alignment classification based on whether they're impulsive or if they plan ahead for the Batfam. Feel free to correct me (politely please, I'll cry) or to add your opinion. I'm not trying to be super canon, just based on their characters' vibes.
Bruce Wayne: 100% planner. This man could be a Bene Gesserit, plans within plans, and they always work even if they shouldn't (because DC can't have him be wrong). It's like a choose your own adventure, you follow the plan and each time something new happens that is sure to chase things up he pulls a subsection specifically for it. Senior Justice League Members just don't question him anymore no matter what. "You had a contingency for getting invaded by mind controlling ballerina spiders? Yeah, sure, tell us all about it".
Barbara Gordon: she plans around her impulses. She is self aware enough at this point to know she's a bit of a hot head. It is what it is, she's called Batman an Emo Boy's idea of Therapy enough times to his face to know she just can't help herself with some stuff. So instead of working against it she plans around it. In the end, it was her plan all along. Canary thinks she could just hold her tongue, but considering the vigilantes Oracle manages, her experience in planning for these situations is invaluable.
Dick Grayson: Impulsive, not because he can't make plans or because he isn't smart. Quite the opposite. He just has that ADHD dog in him. He would be guiding the Titans through a mission and they'd be thinking "Woah, everything is going according to his plan", meanwhile inside his head is Bear Grylls saying "Improvise, Adapt, Overcome". It's not so much that he comes up with plans on the spot but he ends up changing it along the way because he thought of something better for that specific situation. He may use B's protocols for a general structure but then trusts his instinct to come up with something better on the spot.
Cassandra Cain: Neither. She's not one to be coming up with elaborate schemes but, as much as she relies on her instinct, she's able to stop before jumping. She doesn't need to plan, she knows what works. She observes and then takes the best course of action. When Bruce goes on and on about the importance of planning she just answers "Skill issue" and leaves.
Jason Todd: impulsive planner. This is a man that makes plans, okay? He's theatre kid coded, he needs to know his little monologues by heart. The thing is, he's also very emotional and has the impulse control of a toddler in front of the cookie jar. He can't help himself, he has to punch the asshole and make the witty comeback or he will explode. The outlaws have been grilled to death on the importance of following the plan but then watch him like ten minutes later throw it out the window. They find it both endearing and annoying.
Stephanie Brown: Queen of Chaos. She can plan. She's good at it too btw, she just doesn't want to if she can avoid it. She works best when she's improvising and it drives Bruce and Tim up the walls. They just hate to see women winning. She's the best one out of all of them at turning a mistake to her advantage in a matter of seconds. It's quite impressive.
Tim Drake: Chaotic planner. Everyone is so sure Tim is a mini Bruce and to a certain extent, if you squint your eyes, then yes. But Young Just Us know the truth: his plans are extremely effective but only in the most chaotic way possible. There's the Batman plan, and there's the Red Robin plan, which is like the first one but faster and with more fire. He also has to be periodically reminded to take into account his own wellbeing when making his little schemes.
Duke Thomas: plans on the go. I don't know how else to explain it but it's like those sequences in the Sherlock movies (the ones with RDJ) where he's watching his surroundings and opponents almost in slow-mo till he puts together a plan. It's similar to Dick from the outside, but if you pay attention you can see the wheels turning in his head as he goes along. He actually stops and thinks (metaphorically, most of the time his thinking is done while he distracts enemies).
Damian Al Gul Wayne: he's a strategist, not a planner. This is an important distinction because whenever Batman or Red Robin are explaining one of their convoluted plans he feels like he's actively losing braincells. He's closer to Cassandra in the way he prefers a more direct solution. He also gets palpitations anytime Jason or Stephanie just start doing things without thinking. If he knew what Dick's thought process was he would have probably developed an anxiety disorder in his time as Dick's robin. He doesn't understand the need for such high detail planning and hates the idea of making it along the way. No, he just needs to come up with the most efficient strategy and that's all.
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mypoisonedvine · 2 years
𝘧𝘢𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘧𝘶𝘭 || joel miller x reader
𝘴𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺 || joel wasn't looking for a follower, or a protégé, or an employee— whatever you're supposed to be— when he saved some dumbass kid from a couple runners. but he ended up with you anyways, and you swore to always be faithful to him... in every way.
𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵 || 9.2k
𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 || smut (18+ only; oral f receiving, unprotected sex, very slight dacryphilia kinda?, a touch of degradation and dumbification in there, and virginity loss with some pain and one mention of blood), heavy age gap (not specified but the reader is absolutely an adult), insecure crybaby reader, unrequited love/pining, reader wants to fuck joel so bad it makes her look stupid (and we love that for her cause same), angst, tess getting kinda screwed over but only because it's absolutely necessary for the plot, emotionally repressed joel, mention of reader's parents being deceased (implied to be infected)
this fic does not contain spoilers for anything but minor details from episode one!
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They were doing that thing again— where they talked in front of you, as if you weren’t there.
“So we make the run tonight,” Tess decided, standing while Joel sat on the worn-out sofa with his hands clasped and his elbows resting on his knees.  “We should be back by four, that’s when the FEDRA boys have their shift change, so we can avoid too much risk of getting caught.”
“What should I do?” you piped up.  They both looked at you with that oh yeah, she’s here glare and Tess sighed; she didn’t try very hard to hide her frustration with you, but at the same time, she was actually nice to you when she was in a good mood (which was rare).  Joel was less mean but also less nice— he stayed steady in his neutral-to-mildly-irritated state, and you figured if he wanted you to fuck off, he would’ve said so (probably in those exact words, too).
At the same time, they both instructed you flatly: “Keep watch.”
You sighed, shoulders sinking.  “Again?  Can’t I at least—?”
“You’re safer here,” Joel insisted.
“Yeah, and your gun is safer in the box under the bed, but it’s not gonna do shit to protect you if you never take it out,” you countered.
Tess scoffed.  “And what are you gonna do to protect us?”
“I wasn’t,” you admitted.  “You know I’m a great shot, but I wasn’t gonna try to shoot anybody.  I’m quieter than both of you.  I can get in and out better— and nobody’s looking for me.  Everybody knows you’re smuggling—”
“Not everybody,” Joel defended himself in a mumble.
“ — so if I do get caught, I can probably get out of a search,” you bargained.
“And what are you gonna do to get out of a search?” Tess smirked.  “Bat your eyelashes?”
That did sting, but you rolled your eyes and hoped you had effectively looked like it didn’t affect you at all.  “If implying that I’m pretty enough to get out of a search is supposed to be an insult, I can’t wait to hear one of your compliments, Tess,” you replied— but your voice was soft and almost shaky, not as confident as the comeback merited.  That summarized you pretty well: you had the will to be tough, but when it was time to really go for it, your body failed you and your hands got shaky and your eyes watered.  Almost anything could make you cry, Tess had already made fun of you for it; Joel just seemed to get really uncomfortable when you started crying, but you always did your best to hide it from him.  It just didn’t usually work.
Your whole face probably lit up when you caught Joel’s suppressed smile— did he think your joke was funny?  He hadn’t been smiling when Tess made fun of you, so it had to be what you said— or maybe he was thinking of something he would say if he cared enough to say it, some comment about how you could do more than that to get out of being searched.  He didn’t seem the type to make comments like that, but he was well aware what guards might let (or make) a girl do to avoid punishment.
“Whatever,” Tess decided, shaking her head, “you’re not coming with us, that’s the point.”
“Joel gets a say, too!” you blurted out.  “You can’t just pick for him that I’m not coming, he has to—”
“You’ll stay here,” he interrupted.  So much for getting Joel to let you go— you thought maybe he would side with you, for once.  Deflating, you nodded, and they stopped paying attention to you at the same time that you stopped paying attention to them.
Your mind wandered in times like this, when they were talking and it was clear that it didn’t concern you; Tess said once that you had an ‘overactive imagination’, but she hadn’t said it in a really mean way (like she said most things).  You didn’t want Joel to think that you were always daydreaming, but you couldn’t help it sometimes— you really just hoped that he didn’t know he was the subject of so many of your thoughts.
Truth was, he’d caught your eye long before he even knew you existed.  You’d seen him around, doing all those odd jobs he did to make ends meet, and thought he was… well, handsome, but not just that.  Mysterious.  Intimidating, though he didn’t exactly intimidate you— okay, he did, but not like he did everybody else.  He intimidated others because they were afraid he would hurt them; he intimidated you because you kind of wanted him to hurt you.  Not, you know, bad, just… maybe a hand around the neck or pinning you to a wall or something?
It wasn’t in spite of your inexperience that you had thoughts like that— it was because of it; you had been lonely for a long, long time, and maybe it was just fantasy, but you always wanted someone like Joel.  You wanted someone to take care of you, protect you.  You were just guessing that he was capable of that, but he proved it when you met for the first time.
It wasn’t exactly a meet-cute, or even just a pleasant way to meet; you were short on rations, because you’d given most of yours away to Mrs. Davis who was too old and weak now to earn any extra for herself, and someone offered to pay you ten if you snuck something they could sell out of the old mall in the QZ… well, that went about as poorly as anyone would’ve expected.
You asked Joel what he was doing there, after he’d saved you from the runners, but he refused to tell you.  Either way, it was the best luck you ever had that he showed up and fought them off.  For a moment, he’d held you close to him as he pulled you away from the Infected; you wished, later, that you hadn’t been too terrified to appreciate that.
Ever since, you’d sworn yourself to him— in more ways than one, but he only knew about the main one: you wanted to assist him however you could, figuring after he saved your life that you should dedicate it to his service.  Well, Joel had never been interested in your assistance, or anything else about you.  It was actually Tess' idea to let you stay: "if she wants to help, let her do it for free," she whispered to Joel, and he shrugged, and he did.  That was how it ended up like this: you were the squeaky, wobbly third wheel of Joel and Tess’ operation, more often than not doing the least important work if not filling your time with essentially goose-chase tasks they invented to keep you occupied.  Keep watch and listen to the radio were your biggest assignments; just wait here was another common one, when they were too lazy to call it one of the other two.
Tess left a little while later, and Joel laid down on the sofa.  You broke away from your thoughts and tried to make yourself useful— you got up to rinse the dishes, humming a random tune to yourself as you worked.  You were already back inside your head, wondering if you should tell Joel it was a song you’d heard on his radio and had stuck in your head ever since.  Probably not worth it; it usually didn’t go well when you tried to talk about things like that.  Joel and Tess talked about before a lot— well, it wasn't that often, because it wasn't very productive to talk about it.  But they talked about it occasionally and you never had anything to say.  Once, you tried to weigh in: they were reminiscing on concerts before the outbreak, bands and artists they remembered, and you chirped about how "I read about that in a book once!"
They both glared at you, and you didn't say anything else.  But you didn’t take it too personally, they just didn’t want to feel old— but you didn’t think either of them were old!  These days, old wasn’t a matter of years, it was really just about usefulness— like poor Mrs. Davis, she was old, she couldn’t do much for herself anymore— and they were both… actually, they were both significantly more useful than you.  That made you sad.  But at least Joel had helped you get better with guns— not that he ever let you carry one. 
“I didn’t ask you to do that,” Joel broke the silence as you washed his favorite mug.
“I know,” you said back, voice light and chipper.  “You don’t have to.”
You felt his eyes linger on you for a moment after that, but he didn’t say anything else.
Though they had decided already that you weren’t joining them on the run, you ended up there— mostly by happenstance— when Joel and Tess met with the buyer who wanted half of what they managed to bring back.  Not many people in the QZ could afford that kind of contraband, so it made sense that it was one of the FEDRA soldier’s bankrolling this.  They were by no means rich, but they had a lot of pull and could provide all sorts of ration cards and promises to look the other way if future issues arose.  He couldn’t guarantee safe movement out and back in through the boundaries of the city, but he at least promised to look the other way in any future run-ins with the law.
“So that’s it: you’ll leave at eleven, you’re back by four, and you bring me my share the next day during my break?” the soldier confirmed.
“Yep,” Tess agreed.  “Quick and painless.  Hopefully.”
You didn’t expect the man’s eyes to land on you, but you didn’t particularly care for it.  "Is your little lap dog coming, too?" he smirked, glancing at Joel after he was finished raking his stare over you.
Your face got hot instantly, with shame and confusion.  "I— I'm not in his lap," you denied, "that's not— we don't—"
“No,” Joel interrupted firmly, “she’s not coming.”
There was an awkward silence, the place where he might’ve said and she’s not my lap dog, if he cared much about the accusation.  Tess seemed to be hanging onto that silence nearly as tightly as you were.
“Whatever,” the soldier finally brought everyone’s attention back to the conversation, “just meet me here tomorrow at half past one, and we’ll see what you’ve got.”
You were still thinking about that conversation that night— while you were keeping watch, like Joel had asked you to.  It was really boring; you spent most of the time on the couch, reading a book you’d bought off someone for a few rations.  After a while, your curiosity got the better of you, and you started snooping around Joel’s apartment.  There wasn’t much to look at… he didn’t own much, just a few shirts— actually, you thought those jeans he always wore might be his only pair…
Your search led you to his bed.  Even with no one here to see you do it, you were a little embarrassed to lean in and take a whiff of his pillow— but it was totally worth it.  It smelled just like him, that warm piney kind of scent he had; in times like this, not many people could afford to smell nice, but Joel could.  Not to say that he was the type to splurge on all the nicest stuff, you were pretty sure he didn’t even own cologne, but he owned shampoo and deodorant, so that put him in the 80th percentile for hygiene in the Boston QZ.
But it wasn’t just those products you smelled on his sheets— there was something quintessentially Joel to it all, something impossible to define but incredibly addictive.  It was instinctual, the way you got in his bed and curled up in those sheets, burying yourself in the comfort of him.  It was so easy to imagine how he might hold you, now that you were here— all you were missing was his strength, his weight, slow and steady breaths behind you as he drifted to sleep…
You woke up when you heard the door shut.  Startled into sitting up, you were hoping you’d have time to get out of his bed before he saw you— but he was already standing there, staring at you.  He was just a shape in the dark, so you couldn’t see his face, but you heard the exasperated sigh.
“I thought I told you to sleep on the couch,” he said.
“R-right, sorry,” you coughed, recalling last time this happened with a pained wince.
“Better yet, I thought I told you to keep watch!”
“You know you just say that,” you mumbled, “so you can keep me away from the real work.”
He didn’t say anything, probably because he knew you were right— but even if he’d wanted to, he couldn’t, because Tess walked in a second later.  “Can’t believe he tried to stiff us,” she was saying as she walked in, half-laughing in frustration.  “Well, yeah I can,” she added a second later.
Her attitude changed when she saw you in the bed.  “I— I’ll go back to my—” you started, but you ended up just getting up and leaving in a hurry before you could really finish your thought.
Wiping a small tear from under your eye quickly, you walked out of Joel’s apartment and started for your own bunk across the city— even though it was more likely than not that somebody would hassle you for walking around during curfew.
Yes, if you had a little more self-respect, you would just stop hanging around those two and find some other work to do, but Joel had done something for you that you could never repay and never forget.  He didn’t have to love you the way you loved him— and you’d been sure for a while that he never would— but couldn’t he at least be a little nicer?  You wouldn’t feel right being anywhere but at his side, no matter how much he made it seem like he never wanted you there at all.
Honestly, you did consider not going back the next morning— but you figured they might actually need you for the next part.  Okay, not need, but they could at least use you for something: after smuggling anything in, you need a fence, someone to pawn this stuff off.  Joel and Tess did a decent job of keeping a low profile, but it was even easier to do so when they had someone like you moving contraband around Boston’s population.
So, after a few hours of sleep on that radically uncomfortable cot, you decided to head back to Joel’s place.  The sun was just above the horizon by this time, but only the people working early shifts for their rations were up now; you liked the city best when it was quiet like this, but then again, you liked almost everything better quiet.
Usually, Joel’s apartment was the same way.  But when you walked in, the energy was completely different than you were used to.  Where you’d normally find Tess counting up the score while Joel sipped on coffee (or liquor, depending most on the hour), instead you walked in on what was clearly a lover’s quarrel.
The thing was, this was not your typical argument— they were doing it Joel and Tess style, which is to say, as repressed as possible.  In fact, they weren’t even talking when you walked in, but just the way they were standing was indicative of the discomfort they were clearly trying not to acknowledge.
Tess was at the window, arms crossed, looking at the view; and you knew that was a bad sign, because there was no view to be had, the QZ was an eyesore and she complained about it all the time.  Joel was sitting at the table, facing the other way, his hand squeezing his own fist instead of the handle of his mug— it didn’t look injured, but his face still had a hint of pain on it.
“I’m sorry—” you mumbled, not sure what you were apologizing for yet, but Tess interrupted you.
“I’ll go,” she decided, walking over to the table.
“Okay,” Joel agreed, not looking at her.
Well, you were no relationship expert, and you didn’t even know what they were arguing about… but you knew that was pretty cold.  “So that’s all you’re gonna say to me?” Tess prompted him, her tone tight and her eyes red.
You kept your head low, as if that would hide the fact that you could clearly see and hear all this.  
“Yeah,” Joel decided, not as aloof as usual; it reminded you of how he usually spoke to you, that frustration, but it was definitely different.  More… exhausted.  “Yeah, it is.”
Tess put her weight predominantly on one leg, her hips shifting, as she let out a scoffing sort of breath.  For a moment, she looked at you; you looked back at her shyly from beneath your brows before looking away.  Why would she look at me right now?
Shaking her head, she left, mumbling to herself but you couldn’t make it out.  The door slammed behind her.  Joel sighed next.
“Everything okay?” you asked sheepishly, twisting your boot on the floor to watch the shapes it made in the thin layer of dust.
“Clearly,” he insisted, and the sarcasm was obvious though his voice was neutral.  You could tell he didn’t want you to prod more— anyone who knew Joel for two minutes would know that— but you still chewed your lip as you wondered what you should do.
Your attention turned to the stacks of contraband on the table; most of it was perfectly legal material to own, just not legal to acquire from outside the city’s perimeter.  “Looks like a good haul this time,” you noticed, hoping a change of subject would soothe him a little.  Maybe it did, but he didn’t show it.  He just kept squeezing his fist, and you gently sat down across from him at the table— and you started doing what you figured you should, going through what they’d brought back and starting to figure how much you could get for it.
For a while, he entertained that conversation, though with as short of responses as possible.  Not even a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’, just hums and grunts that got the point across.  You could tell he was thinking, but you could also tell he didn’t want to be— that he’d rather forget about all that.  For once, he was struggling to do that.
It scared you to imagine doing something he so obviously didn’t want you to do, but you knew you couldn’t ignore it forever.  “What made her so upset?” you asked softly, finally.
He paused for so long that you thought he was just ignoring your question, but he did eventually say something.  “She told me something I wasn’t ready to hear,” he answered, “and… and I guess I said the wrong thing.”
“What did you say?”
“Actually, I didn’t say anything,” he admitted with a thin laugh.  “But, I said nothing in the wrong way.”
"... Do you think she'll come back?" you pressed, and his sigh was answer enough.
You had to wonder if he'd make you a real partner in all this now.  Probably not, right?  He thought so little of you before, that wouldn't change just because Tess was out.
“I’m sorry,” you decided.
“It’s not your fault,” he promised.  “It was me.”
You didn’t press on that, already thankful and pleasantly surprised by how much he’d shared.  He stood up a moment later, leaving the table and moving to the kitchenette so he could make some coffee; oddly, that comforted you.  Like things were going to go forward now, like life could be normal again and he would still drink his coffee.
For a while, it was quiet— just how you liked it, and how you figured he liked it, too.  He was humming a song at one point but you didn’t think he realized he was doing it.
It was so quiet, in fact, that when you went to lay on the sofa later, you ended up accidentally dozing off.  You couldn’t say how long you were asleep— you were pretty underslept, but it didn’t feel like more than an hour— just that you were awoken to the sound of movement in the kitchen area.
Sitting up, you tilted your head when you saw Joel had begun packing up the contraband haul— well, half of it.  “What are you—?” you began to ask, but then you saw the time, and you remembered; but he answered you anyways.
“Our buyer’s on his break now,” Joel announced as he stuffed a pack of bandages into his bag.  “I said I would meet him to show him what we got.”
“I can go with you!” you announced.  “You know, if Tess isn’t—”
“It’s fine,” he insisted, “I can do it myself.”
“Joel, please,” you pressed, “I promise I’ll do whatever you need me to, I just wanna help—”
“I need you to stay here,” he frowned.
Some things never change, huh?  “Why don’t you just let me go?  Let me help you?” you whimpered, lip shaking as you started to cry.  You hated yourself for it, but you knew you couldn’t stop it.
There was a pause before he responded.  “I don’t like the way he looks at you,” Joel explained, but you doubted that was the real reason he didn’t want you to come.  “It only takes one of us, you’re better off here.”
“Tess was gonna go!” you reminded him, getting more upset.  "I know I'm not…" you trailed off as you tried not to cry too much or too loudly.  "I can't do what she can— I'm not strong…"
He sighed as he knelt down in front of you, resting his hand on your knee.  You peeked out from behind your fingers, but looked down again.
"I'm not— I'm not smart, either," you whimpered.  "I don't know anything, about before, about now—"
"That's not true," he mumbled, but you weren't finished yet.
"Nobody knows why you even keep me around, I sure don't," you shrugged, dropping your hands defeatedly, hot tears running faster down your face and dripping onto your pants; his hand reached up and wiped your cheeks with a gentleness you never knew he had.  “M’not… I’m not tough, like you guys…”
"You know what you are, little girl?" he replied quietly.  "You're good.  You're sweet.  Me an' Tess, we need someone like you to keep us from bein' sad old assholes all the time…"
He sighed, and you thought was done talking, until he spoke again, softer.
"I need someone like you."
Your heart swelled, and light filled your chest, until you had just enough confidence to finally blurt out what you'd been holding in for months: "Joel, you should know that I always—"
"Shh," he soothed, nodding.  "I know."
Your face got hot instantly again, and your heart sank.  "I think everybody knows," you mumbled awkwardly, giving him a half-smile through the drying tears.  "But I thought— it's just that you never—"
“I couldn’t,” he insisted.  “You understand that?  I couldn’t, not with you—”
“Why not?” you snapped.  “Why can’t you?”
“If you don’t know why, you’re more hopeless than I thought,” he frowned.
“I know— I know I’m… a lot younger than you…” you mumbled, almost not wanting to say it in case he actually hadn’t noticed that.  “I know you think I’m not very mature and stuff… but that shouldn’t matter when you really love someone—”
“Woah, hey,” he coughed, “love?  Sweetheart, you’ve got a crush—”
“No!  Don’t tell me how I feel,” you snapped, surprising both of you with your sudden ability to stand up to him.  “You can tell me what to do but not what to feel.”
“Okay,” he softened up, “fine.  That’s fair.  But it’ll pass—”
"I've never loved anybody before," you whimpered, "and I'm never gonna love anybody like I love you.  I know that!  I know you think I'm just a stupid kid who doesn't understand love, but I know that I really love you!  Okay?  So just… just stop talking!  Doesn’t need to take this long for you to reject me, geez…”
There was a pregnant pause, you were too caught up in your own frustration to really notice it: the way he looked to the side, chewing on the inside of his cheek for a moment.  You weren’t expecting him to say anything after that, so it nearly startled you when he spoke.  “It was last night, after you left,” he explained.  “I— I thought about telling you to come back, figured you’d be safer on the couch than walking back across the city at that time…”
Wrapping your arms around your chest, you smiled a little imagining that, but you knew you couldn’t have taken him up on that offer: it would’ve killed you, trying to sleep on that sofa while Joel and Tess shared the bed.
“She told me not to,” Joel continued.  “That’s… that’s how it started, I guess…”
“That girl’s so obsessed with you,” Tess laughed lightly, toying with Joel’s lapel.  “It’s cute, really.  I mean, it’s sad— but it’s cute.”
“Hm,” Joel said first, not really listening— it took him a second to properly react.  “Why is it sad?” he asked when her words processed completely.
“‘Cause she thinks she might actually have a chance,” Tess explained.
That was it, what he did wrong; he sees it now, in retrospect, but at the time he figured saying nothing was his safest bet.  Apparently, he didn’t have to say anything.
“Shit,” Tess said suddenly, moving instantly from shock to anger.  “Are you fucking serious?”
“What?” Joel spat.
“You know fucking what,” she returned sharply.  “That look— you looked away.”
“Okay?  So?” Joel tried to defend himself, but he knew that she knew now— believe it or not, he really wasn’t much of a liar.  Especially with her.
“She’s a goddamn fetus, Joel,” Tess reminded him.  “She hasn’t seen a hundredth of the shit we’ve seen, she hasn’t lost anyone—”
“Lost her parents,” Joel corrected.
“Well, we all lose our parents,” Tess rolled her eyes, “that’s part of life.”
Not the way she lost them, Joel wanted to add, but he was going back to his original plan of saying nothing.
“She’s not like us,” Tess insisted.
“Maybe that’s a good thing,” Joel decided.
That was the point of no return; because Tess had never thought of you as competition, she barely even thought of you at all, but if innocence was something he wanted… then the competition was already over before it even started.  The silence was heavy, more sad than angry, and Joel knew he really fucked up because he’d never really seen Tess speechless before.  Is it bad that he didn’t regret it, though?  Maybe he could’ve handled things better, but telling her the truth couldn’t be wrong.  It’s not like he’d been hiding it, really— he never even acknowledged it himself, not often.
“I can’t believe you,” she shook her head, and shame twisted in his gut.  “Part of me always— not always, I guess, but part of me wondered.  Sometimes the way you looked at her…”
As she trailed off, Joel looked down, too afraid for her to look in his eyes now.
“You’d do anything to keep her safe,” she said instead of finishing that last thought.  “I told myself you didn’t look at me like that because you knew I could protect myself.”
“I do,” he promised.
“So what do you want?” she asked point-blank.  “Something you can protect, or something you don’t have to?”
“And what did you say?” you asked hurriedly.
“I told her what I wanted,” was all he replied, and your heart skipped.  “And that’s… that’s why she left.”
Joel nodded slightly, looking away.  But you reached out and touched his face, turning it back towards you.  Impulsively, you leaned forward and kissed him; it took all the courage you had, and a hand on his shoulder for balance, but you felt him kiss you back after a moment.  It was gentle, for how sudden it was, and you sighed as his hand moved higher up your leg.  
You were still crying, because of course you were, but he didn’t mind as much as you’d worried: he only wiped your tears away, holding onto your face, standing up and pulling you with him.
“I love you,” you whispered as he embraced you, wanting to say it a thousand times now that it wasn’t the worst-kept secret in Boston.  “I love you, Joel—”
“I know,” he promised, whispering back into the kiss which got deeper with each passing moment.  “I know, darlin’.”
That was enough for you— that was plenty: the way he kissed you, and held you, calling you darlin’ in that rough-yet-gentle voice… you were weak already, melting into his touch, ready to give him anything.
In fact, he had to put a hand on your shoulder and gently push you away to get you to calm down, and your face heated up as you realized how eager you’d been.  “Don’t need to get so worked up, m’gonna take care of you now, okay?”
“You always take care of me,” you noticed.
“A different way,” he explained.
Just the way those brown eyes darkened, just the way he said that made your thighs clench against each other.  “Y-you’ll miss the meeting with the buyer,” you realized.
“Fuck,” Joel grumbled, and you smiled a bit.  “Waited this long and now I’ve gotta fuckin’ leave you again.”
Your hand rested on his chest, the soft flannel of his shirt transmitting some of the warmth of his body, and you looked up with him with wide, wet eyes.
“I know you hate waitin’ here, but… I always liked it,” he admitted, his voice softer yet deeper.  “I always liked knowing you were here, waiting for me…”
Your heart swelled.  “Y-yeah— I didn’t mind waiting for you so much,” you admitted in return, “just didn’t want you to think that’s all I was good for.”
He kissed your temple, making your chest flood with warmth.  “I know,” he promised.  “You’ll be here when I get back, won’tcha?  Can’t disappear on me now.”
“I won’t, I’ll be here,” you assured, turning your face to peck his cheek in return.  It seemed to surprise him, like he hadn’t had tenderness of that sort in a long time.
Funny how you’d waited for him all night before, but that half hour felt longer than all of them combined.  You were quite sure you knew what he meant before— about how he would take care of you in a different way— and it put you on edge all afternoon.
You couldn’t stop thinking about the way he’d kissed you, about his hands pulling you closer.  Or his eyes: if he’d ever looked at you like that before, you hadn’t noticed (which was probably what he intended).  
For how much time you spent wondering what you would do, what you would say, when he returned, you ended up not doing much of either: he was on you the moment he stepped in the door, though that was sort of what you’d been betting on when you decided to strip down to just your underwear and wait for him like that.  Not that you minded the idea of him, you know, tearing your clothes off like one of those romance novels— you just didn’t like the idea of having to wait any longer than you already had and this shirt had way too many buttons.
He did take a moment to stare you down when he came back, to appreciate your nakedness, and despite imagining showing yourself to him many times before, you felt a little self-conscious with his eyes just piercing through you like that: you didn’t cover yourself, ignoring a slight instinct to do so, but you did wrap your arms over your stomach and cross your legs as you sat on his bed.
Waiting for him to say something— or, possibly, waiting for yourself to find some courage to speak— you were a little taken aback when he grabbed you and kissed you.  And you realized, as his lips moved with yours even harder, deeper, needier than before, that there was nothing else to say.
He climbed on top of you on that bed, laid you down on it gently, as his weight pressed you down into the mattress.  You could've sworn you heard him growl when he rocked his hips against yours, a firm bulge in his jeans pressing right up to where heat had gathered between your legs.
Fingers weaving in his hair, you hummed as you did all you could to keep him close, as if he might just disappear if you didn’t hold him near to you.  But he didn’t seem like much of a flight risk, considering his tight grip on you— so tight it could leave marks, which you hoped it would.  You needed more than just memories of this.
“Tell me this is what you want,” he demanded, his voice breathless yet somehow not weak at all.  “Need to know you want this.”
“Fuck, Joel, f’course,” you promised— wasn’t it obvious?  It probably was.  But you could understand if he was still fighting back some guilt; you just wanted to do everything you could to help him forget about that.  “So bad,” you continued, “for so long…”
“Since I saved you?” he assumed, his teeth grazing your lip like a threat to bite down harder— a threat that made you throb from the inside out.
“Before,” you admitted, smiling sheepishly.  
“Didn’t even know me before,” he noticed, raising an eyebrow.
“Saw you around sometimes—” god, am I blushing as hard as it feels like I am? — “thought maybe you could… you know…”
Protect me.  Hold me.  Take care of me.  And fuck me like the world is ending even though it already did.
He smirked at you proudly, leaning in to kiss your neck this time, following some invisible trail that made you even more sensitive to the touch of his lips; after he kissed right under your ear, he whispered to you.
“Then just go ahead and take what you want, darlin’.”
After a shiver ran over you, so strong you thought it might never end, your hands shot down between you so you could get to work on his belt and fly; you felt his smile against your skin, then his teeth a moment later, as his hand rubbed the curve of your waist gently.
Both of you gasped when your fingers wrapped gently around his cock, for different reasons.  The skin was so smooth, it was hard to believe something this soft and silky was part of Joel— and it was hot, or maybe your fingers were just cold, but you hoped that didn't bother him.
He was already starting to move his hips just a bit, rocking into your touch, and you hummed when he suddenly grabbed your hand to force it to press firmer against himself.  "You thought about touchin' me like this before?" he asked in a voice that was breathy and low— you loved hearing the pleasure in his voice.
"Y-yeah," you admitted shyly; when he let your hand go, your touch wandered, your hands sliding up under the bottom of his shirt so you could feel the skin there— the firm muscle, the thin scars, the graying hairs that formed a trail down his stomach…
Grabbing your wrists, he pinned them down above your head, and you let out a joyful whine.  "Keep those there," he ordered, and you nodded as you watched him intently.
His hands traced down your body, making shivers run all over your skin; how could a man with so much strength touch you so delicately?
He purred as his fingers ran down to your panties, toying with the edge of the fabric before carefully pulling them down your legs.  You tried not to wiggle too much, but your hips were desperate for some friction, for some attention from him— they didn't have to wait long, though.  He groaned at the sight as he parted your legs, grabbing himself to rub his fat head through your folds.  "Fuck," he mumbled, your channel clenching on nothing as you saw how far apart his tip forced your swollen lips, "so wet for me already, bet I'll slide right in…"
Your back arched with a moan just imagining that, and he pushed your stomach down flat with his free hand so you wouldn't angle too far away from him, laying his body atop yours.  Though you tried to stay still, you couldn’t stop shaking as he lined himself up; it felt surreal, it felt hyperreal— his skin against yours was unlike anything you could’ve imagined.
You’d sort of wondered if he’d say something before he put it in, maybe a quick you ready? or even here it comes which would’ve been stupid but an appreciated warning nonetheless.  Instead, he just looked at your face carefully, and pushed inside.  It was sudden, sharp; your whole body tensed up and you sucked in a breath before biting your lip.
He only made it halfway in, struggling against how tight you were.  You were doing everything you could not to give away your pain, but he must've seen it in your expression.
"What's wrong?" he asked in a hoarse whisper.  "I'm hurting you…"
"No— Joel, please don't stop—"
You wrapped your legs around his hips to try to keep him inside, but he pulled out most of the way and looked down— and you winced when he saw the blood.  "Baby, you… are you— is this your—?  Fuck, why didn't you say something?"
"You wouldn't have done it with me if you knew it was my first time," you explained with a whimper.
"No, baby— I just would've taken my time with you, s'all," he sighed, "would've helped you— sweetie, it didn't need to hurt like that…"
Clutching tighter at his shirt, you pulled him down into a needy kiss. "Hurt me more, Joel," you pleaded into it with a breathy whisper, "do whatever you want to me.  I'm yours— that's all I want, just to be yours."
He kissed you back, slow but passionate; but, much to your dismay, he pulled out and sat up.
"No, Joel, I'm sorry," you whined, "I'm sorry— I didn't mean to lie, I'm so sorry, I promise I can be good!  M'gonna be really good for you!"
But he just shook his head, and you bit your quivering lip as tears ran down your temples.  He smiled, just a little.  "Such a crybaby," he scolded you softly.  "What am I gonna do with you, little girl?  You can't even keep yourself together."
He leaned down again, but he slid his knees down on the bed so he could position his face between your legs.  He kissed your inner thigh first, and you jumped because it tickled.
Then he held your hips, running his thumbs over your skin soothingly, and you tried not to squirm too much as he looked up at you with those dark eyes— much darker than before.  “You want me to taste you?” he asked, like it was your idea or something.
“Uh, yeah,” you mumbled sheepishly, and he actually laughed for a moment.  
“Yeah?” he repeated.  “Could you be a little more specific?”
Oh— he wants me to beg.  “Um— please?  Taste me, Joel…”
He smiled, but not like a haha funny smile or an oh that’s nice smile— a really dirty kind of smile, even though his teeth were actually in better condition than most out here.  “Okay, baby,” he agreed.
He was subtle about it at first, just giving gentle kisses all around; you felt… exposed, even more than you had with his face between your legs before.
“Is that alright?” he asked, his voice rougher than the last time you heard it.
“Y-yeah,” you choked, clearing your throat.  “Don’t… don’t stop, please…”
When he got back to it, he was much more aggressive— long, slow licks between your lips, sloppy kisses with his eyes shut tight; and you whined as you held on tighter to the sheets.  You didn’t realize how hard you were shaking until his grip on your thighs was bruisingly tight.  And as he held you down, he just dug in deeper: every time you thought he’d stop escalating the intensity of it all, he just did it more— he just did everything more— until you couldn’t control your moans and gasps anymore.
His tongue was the fucking devil; he slid it inside you and your eyes rolled back.  He sucked greedily on your clit until your hips bucked uncontrollably, moaning against your skin just enough that you could hear it over your own shameless cries.
"Joel, fuck, how are you—?  Oh god—"
"Mm?" he encouraged you to finish your thought without breaking away from you.
"How does that feel so good?" you sobbed.  "Oh my god— please don't stop, never stop, oh fuck!"
All he was doing was flicking his tongue over your bud, such a small interaction with a tiny little organ, and your whole body was shaking.  Reaching down and grabbing his hair, you didn't mean to tug on it so hard but you also didn't expect him to moan deeply when you did.  
His mouth moved a little higher, focusing on the bud you were sure had never been this swollen or this sensitive.  Doing so freed your opening, and one of his thick fingers prodded at it.  "Please," you panted, wanting any part of him to be inside you again.
He pushed it in, the roughness of his skin creating the perfect friction on your delicate walls.  You were waiting to feel his knuckle against you, but instead he only put it in maybe halfway, not very far at all.  It didn’t make much sense to you, until he started to rub one place just inside and a gasp instantly inflated your chest.
“Oh—” you choked, and he was licking harder on your clit at the same time that he added a second finger; you’d never felt anything like it before.  “Joel!” you squealed, hating how girlish it sounded but helpless to the control he had over your body with just two fingers and his tongue.
His rhythm wasn’t all that fast but it was relentless, the exact tempo you needed for that pleasure to build and build, toes curling and vision getting all spotty— you tried to look down at him sometimes, but your head wanted so badly to tilt back and let everything go black.
“I— oh, fuck— I’m gonna— fuck, Joel!” you sobbed, grabbing on tighter to his hair; you took one glimpse at it, and when you saw the scattered silver hairs peeking out from between your fingers, it just made you even more overwhelmed.
He hummed and looked up at you, encouraging you— his fingers pumped faster and faster suddenly, and when it hit, you felt like your whole body was going numb.  It started where he was touching you, but then a moment later it was in your head, then it was just running all over and you were too weak to do anything but give into it.
Suddenly it became too much, and the hand that had been holding him down by his hair was suddenly pushing him away; you blinked away the spots in your vision to catch a glimpse of him with that beard soaked in you, but his fingers hadn’t stopped yet.  “Oh… ohhh my god…” you whined, breathing harder than you could ever remember breathing before, your head getting all dizzy and cloudy as he smirked up at you and continued fucking you with his hand.
Your hole was pulsing, flexing over and over, waves of slick leaking out until you could feel the puddle spreading under you.  Your cheeks burned with humiliation, even though he kept praising you as his fingers milked everything from your swollen spot.  "Good girl, good girl," he said over and over, "fuck, good job, soak the sheets, baby— soak my fingers, keep going…"
"Joel," you sobbed, desperate for some relief from the overwhelming sensation.  He didn't really stop, just slowed down a lot, but he kept twisting his fingers and rubbing that one place until your quivering body collapsed completely onto his mattress.  And then he went on for just a little bit longer after that.
Then he stopped.  When you thought you might fucking pass out.
He climbed up your body and brought his two soaked fingers to your slack lips.  
"You want a taste, too, baby?" he purred.
You dutifully opened your mouth and did your best to clean his fingers off, sucking and licking as he hummed a bit; his eyes got a little darker as he felt your tongue run all over his rough fingers.
"What do you think?" he prompted when he pulled his fingers away, and you swallowed as you made a little face.
"I dunno if I like it," you admitted nervously.  "Kinda sour."
"Really?  I think your pussy's fuckin' delicious."
Your face flushed, but you didn't say anything else because he was reaching down to hold his cock again— and your heart started racing.
"Ready to do this the right way?" he prompted, and you nodded eagerly.  "S'gonna feel so much better, now you're all ready for me.  Ready for something this big inside ya— but it might still sting at first, okay?  Just hold onto me tight."
That you did, tighter than you thought you could— apparently you were stronger than you realized, especially considering that orgasm nearly took you out a minute ago.  But you had to hold on that tight as he began to push that fat head inside you, stretching you so wide before he'd even gotten the ridge of it past your opening.  It didn't sting like before, or at least not as much, but it was still completely overwhelming.  You forgot to breathe until he was halfway in: you gasped out his name, reminding yourself he was inside you and above you and everywhere, everything.
"See how much— fuck— how much easier it is now?" he grunted, sliding into you slowly until his hips met yours.  "See how you're takin' all'a me?  God damn, still tight as hell, though."
You were delirious already, he hadn't even moved yet.  You didn't think it could get much better than his mouth on you, than coming because of him, but this?  This perfect stretch, this addictive friction, knowing he was completely inside you and that he liked how you felt?  This was ecstasy, bliss.  And he hadn't even fucking moved yet.
"Gonna have a hard time being gentle with you now," he admitted with a growl beside your ear.  "You've got one of those perfect little pussies that just needs to be fucked hard— suckin' me in, just beggin' for it rough and fast."
"Joel," you whined, "fuck me however you want, please… I can take it, I swear, I want you so bad…"
Still, when he moved, it was slow and patient.  Too goddamn slow.
"Fuck," you sobbed, back arching up off the bed as he carefully savored every detail of you.  "Fuck, Joel, I can't— I can't believe you're— I can't believe it's you.  I wanted you so much I couldn't fucking breathe."
He smiled at you, and leaned in to kiss your neck; you let out what could only be described as a joyful whimper.  “Wanted you too,” he finally admitted.  “Tried not to, you’re so young… jus’ couldn’t help it after a while.”
"Faster," you whined, "please, fuck, please please—"
"You are so goddamn spoiled, you know that?" Joel grunted— but then he did it, he fucked you even faster than you'd imagined.  His thrusts were still deep and long, but they came at you quicker than you could process and you nearly screamed.  
You were even more sensitive after he’d made you come the first time; it was just overwhelming, the feeling of him, and you felt like your mind had left your body— like your mind had left you entirely.
“Y’feel fuckin’ perfect, darlin’,” he praised lowly, kissing your neck with all the gentleness and patience his thrusts lacked.  “So good for me.”
Maybe it was pathetic, but being good for him felt fucking amazing— not just physically, obviously.  It felt like having a purpose; you’d never really felt that before.
You lost track of time; honestly, you lost track of everything.  Everything that wasn’t this had fallen away, and it was just you holding on for dear life as Joel wrecked you all over again with every motion.  "Hear that?  How wet you are for me?" he groaned, and yes, there was a squishy-wet sound that filled the room with each thrust.  You tried to answer him, say something witty about how he made you that wet so many times, but only moans came when you opened your mouth.  "I asked you a question," he reminded you.  "Can you fuckin' hear it?"
Whimpering, you could only bite your lip and nod.
"Oh," he smiled, "I see— you get stupid with cock in you, huh?  Get fucked right and that silly brain just turns off?"
You nodded again— wasn’t much else for you to do.
"Just gonna be a dumb whore for me now?" he asked.  "Just kidding, I know you already were."
“Fuck— Joel—” you choked.
"No no, it's okay— it's good,” he soothed you, kissing a tear from your temple that you hadn’t even realized was there.  “You don't need to think.  I don't need you to think.  You can just be my fucktoy, okay?  You can just be my slut.  Say it."
"I-I'm your slut, Joel…"
He hummed appreciatively; your moan caught in your throat, and you tried to hide your face in his shoulder— you couldn’t believe he was still dressed, for all you knew he still had his boots on, and meanwhile you were stripped of everything.  Not just your clothes: you were stripped of all pretense (didn’t need it) and dignity (didn’t want it).  You’d thought of yourself as his for quite some time now, but now that he’d really made you his, it was more than you could’ve imagined.
When you came with him inside you, it wasn’t like how it was before— definitely similar, obviously the same thing at the core of it, but very different.  Before it was so… sudden, like a firework going off and then glittering into darkness (at least, that was how you understood fireworks to be, you’d only ever had them explained to you).  This was more like a deep pressure that just built and built and built, and then at some point you’d crossed that threshold and you were there but it didn’t go away, it just stayed at the peak while he kept moving inside you.
He grunted as your walls beared down on him, watching the tears of ecstasy stream down your face.  “Tryin’ to milk my cock, huh?” he accused with a snarl to his tone.  “S’that what you want?”
You weren’t really paying attention, you couldn’t while he was fucking you like that.  Digging your fingers into his shoulders through the flannel shirt, you just whimpered and nodded.
“S’workin’, baby,” he smiled, “little pussy’s got me so tight— is it a little too much, honey?  You’re cryin’...”
“I— I always cry,” you sniffled.
“M’not gonna make you take too much more,” he promised, “doin’ so good honey— gonna let you rest soon—”
“No, d-don’t stop,” you begged, and he laughed a little.
“I’m close,” he explained, and even though that should’ve been obvious, it made you feel better.  “Normally takes me a little longer, but… never had a pussy like this.”
That was probably just flattery, but you were happy to believe it.  Happy enough to just lay back and let that pleasure wash over you, but of course, he expected more of you than that.
"Tell me where I can come," he ordered.  
"Fuck, Joel— anywhere you want, anywhere," you pleaded, struggling to keep your train of thought but desperate to appease him as best you could.
"Inside you?" he pressed.
"Yeah, fuck, anywhere," you insisted.
"I bet that's what you want— you want it inside.  You want this cunt full and dripping."
“Fuck— yeah,” you agreed, “s’what I want— please, please—”
“Shh, don’t need to beg,” he assured sweetly, kissing your neck again— burying his face in the crook of your shoulder, until his panting breaths echoed on your skin.  “Don’t need to beg, darlin’, gonna fill you nice and deep—”
“Please,” you said again, ignoring his assurances.
“Just like you need it—”
“Please, Joel— love you so much,” you sobbed, your thighs starting to go a little numb where his jeans were rubbing against them and your clit getting sore from the way he stayed deep inside and grinded himself against you.
“I know,” he promised again, “jus’ say it one more time.”
“I love you, Joel,” you cried, and it was over somewhat suddenly: he stayed still, and you could feel his grip on you tighten, and you heard that sound that was like a groan and a sigh at the same time.  You’d hoped you’d be able to really feel it inside you, the warmth of his come, but everything was so hot that it was all the same— what you did feel was full, even more than you had just from his cock in you, and it was enough to make you clutch at his shoulders again despite having almost no energy left in you.
Though he stayed inside for a little while after, he did eventually have to pull out; you were too exhausted to even think about trying to close your legs when he stared down at you— at his come leaking slowly from your hole.
You knew there would need to be a conversation soon about what this all meant— what should happen now with the business, with your relationship, even just what should happen tomorrow morning since you’d both given in to instinct rather than take the safer route and have Joel pull out…
But that would have to wait; you still couldn’t think straight, you couldn’t think about anything but him in fact.
Thankfully, Joel was just fine with the silence.  He just held you, let you wander between sleep and wakefulness, and wiped that last stray tear away from your face.
“I’m sorry I keep crying,” you offered quietly, breaking a long silence.
“I don’t mind,” he promised.
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inniebin · 1 year
What nicknames bf!skz would give you~
Pairing - ot8 x reader
Genre - Fluff, angst-ish for Seungmin (sorry minnie stans 😭)
CW - Smacking (affectionate!!), mention of worshipping, bad language.
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There was one time when him, Changbin and Jisung were working on an upcoming comeback and you were sitting on the couch with the younger members of 3racha while Chan was on his chair. He had gotten a notification on his phone and looked down to read it and spoke without looking up, "Baby girl, can you go get the food we ordered? It's just arrived." You stood up and ushered a quick "Yeah" as you left the room while Changbin and Jisung were looking at each other with their eyes wide. Chan hadn't realised he had called you 'baby girl' until you had left and he heard the other two burst into laughter and tapping his shoulder. He quickly smacked their heads and told them to shut up before you came back in. You came back and didn't even question why Changbin and Jisung were wiping tears from their eyes and catching their breath while Chan was blushing like crazy.
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You two were just cuddling on the couch watching some shitty movie on the TV when you looked up at Minho and called his name. "Hm?" he hummed without taking his eyes off of the screen. "I want a kitten" you said which got him to look down at you, smiling "Already have one." He laughed when he saw your confused face. "You do?" You thought he only had Soonie, Doongie and Dori. "Yeah, you. You're like a kitten, clingy as hell and always pestering me." You smacked his arm, "Hey! Rude..." He smirked at your reaction. "I never said that was a bad thing, Kitten." You blushed and tried to focus on the movie again, not before catching him smirking into your neck before giving it a peck.
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Honestly? He calls you by a bunch of nicknames but his favourite has got to be 'princess'. He thinks that you look like a princess so he most definitely thinks that you should be treated like one. He pretty much worships you and the ground you walk on. You can't even go an hour without him calling you 'princess'. Be it when you're spending time together and just chilling or when he texts you while he's producing another song or practicing in the dance studio. If he's the one to text first then you should fully expect to see it starting with 'Princess' or 'Hey princess'. His goodbyes definitely include the word too, "Bye Princess!!" or "I love you, see you later princess ❤". Blushes like mad and tells you to stop when you call him a nickname but thinks it's fine to call you by one 24/7. Gets all giggly when you call him 'Prince' because he thinks it's cute that you two have matching nicknames.
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Stays want to know why his favourite thing to paint are flowers. The answer? That's the nickname he has for you. He has a whole sketchbook just for drawing and painting flowers. If you dye your hair? He paints flowers only that colour until you change it. He has a second sketchbook that he fills with flowers. Every page is covered, except the middle two. Those two pages have a drawing of you in the the middle and at the top "My Flower" is written in cursive. Around the drawing of you are things he has written himself. Things that remind him of you and how he feels about you. On your 1 year anniversary he had given you the complete sketchbook and once you see the middle pages, you start to cry which in turn makes him cry too. Little did you know that he would do this every year and when your 4 year anniversary hit, instead of it being a drawing of you it was a drawing of a ring with the words 'Will You Marry Me?' at the top.
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I know this is simple but... 'baby'. Whenever he's writing a romantic song he makes sure to have at least one 'baby' in it. He knows that you know it's his nickname for you so he found a way to dedicate every song to you without mentioning your name. I also think that Jisung would want to be more private with relationships. I'm talking private, not even the members know about you. Jisung told his members about you a few weeks after your 1 year anniversary, announcing it publically 2 months later. He thought that his first live after the announcement was hell. STAYs were constantly teasing him in the comments about finally knowing who 'baby' was in all his songs, making him blush while you're laughing at him from the other side of the room.
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He called you 'Chick' once when you firsted dating and it kinda just stuck with him. He was so happy when he was able to choose his SKZOO to be a chicken. Whenever they are touring and you're not able to join them, he'll steal some of his favourite perfumes of yours and spray Bbokari with them. He likes to pretend that it's you that he's hugging every night to help him fall asleep. Not before sending you a 'goodnight' voice message obviously. If you wear an outfit that he loves then he'll try find Bbokari a matching version and get you to take photos together and put the in the 'family photos' album on his phone.
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He doesn't really like nicknames so when he does use one on you it's normally 'love' and it normally means he's done something that he thinks you'll be mad at or he's just not had a good day. Today? His day was horrible. He kept messing up choreography to the point where he had to sit out and he just couldn't get his lines right in the studio. You walk through the front door to see all of the lights off, the only source being the reflection of Seungmin's phone on his face as you see him lying on the couch with himself wrapped in a blanket as you go to make yourself a drink in the kitchen. He notices you and whispers a small "Hey, love." Your attention is immediately shifted from your glass to him. "What's wrong?" You look at him with a worried expression. His eyes start to tear up, "Today was just shitty..." You rush over to him when you hear a quiver in his voice and kneel down so you can hug him. "Hey... you're fine, tomorrow will be better. I promise." You say before you tell him to scooch over and let you under the blanket so you can smother him in cuddles.
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He had just got back to your shared apartment after a long day of preparing for a comeback, stuff like practicing choreo and recording lines. He was too tired to even get himself to your bedroom because he caught sight of you watching TV on the couch and literally plopped next to you. His head was resting on your right shoulder and you moved your left hand up so you can play with his hair. "Hm... Bub that feels nice." He muttered as he started nodding off to sleep, 'Bub?' you thought. You decided not to wake him up and quiz him on it, deciding to do that in the morning so you could also see his flustered face.
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secret-sturniolo · 6 months
trouble in paradise - matt sturniolo
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-one bed/enemies to lovers trope. CONTAINS SMUT! (1.9k words)
warnings - lowkey asshole!matt, arguing, unprotected p in v (pull out method not recommended), pussy eating, fingering
a/n - will this be my writing comeback?
"Y/n, please! We're gonna have so much fun, I promise!"
I was laying in Nick's bed as he desperately tried to convince me to come on this trip. The boys go to Hawaii every year, and this year he wanted me to tag along. Of course I was skeptical. Being stuck on a tropical island for a week with my best friend didn't seem so bad, but when one of his brothers hated me? I wasn't so sure. After a few days of convincing though, I made up my mind. How bad could it be, right?
(time skip - 10pm @ the hotel)
"You're fucking kidding, right?"
While in a particularly good mood, I agreed to room with Matt. At least we would each have our own bed, we didn't even have to talk to each other. Until we scanned the card to unlock our room, revealing the single king bed against the wall.
My heart dropped. "This has to be a sick joke." I say, my eyes wide.
After calling both Nick and Chris and the front desk, it was revealed that there had been a mix up with the reservations. The cherry on top, though? The hotel was fully booked. Not a single extra room was available we could switch to, leaving reality to sink in.
I try to keep a level head, knowing Matt was on edge. I move around the room silently so as not to give him any reason to be angry. I watch as he flops onto the bed.
"Have fun sleeping on the floor." He says, expressionless.
I scoff. "You're not serious, right? There's no way you're making me sleep on the dirty hotel floor."
He relaxes his arms behind his head, closing his eyes. He was clearly ignoring me. I let out a small laugh in disbelief.
"Matt, come on. Now you're just being childish."
He opens his eyes, not moving. "Oh, I'm being childish? You're the one who throws a fit every time something doesn't go your way!" He shoots back at me.
"I didn't come to Hawaii to sleep on the floor!" I say, my frustration growing.
Matt sits up harshly, his eyes boring into mine. "You shouldn't even be here at all!" He yells, his words sharp as a knife.
My jaw drops as I take a step back, surprised by his sudden outburst.
"Why were you even invited on this trip?" he continues. "Seriously, I'd like to know. Because it sure as hell wasn't by me!"
I feel my chest tighten, tears welling in my eyes as he yells. I begin to speak, but he cuts me off.
"Oh, are you gonna cry now?" he taunts. "Grow up."
I clench my jaw, grabbing a room key and my phone as I walk toward the door.
"Let me know when you're done being an asshole." I say before slamming the door behind me.
I wander down the hotel hallways like a labyrinth before finding the elevator. I ride down the the first floor, the lobby was empty as most people were sleeping already. I sign on the wall points to an exit. I follow the path, leading me to a small outdoor spa area. Underwater lights lit up the hot tub, curls of steam rising into the cool night air. I slip off my shoes, sitting on the edge of the tub as my feet dangle into the water.
"What is wrong with me?" I whisper to myself, letting a tear slip from my eye. Was he right, should I really not have come? I think about texting Nick, but I figured he was asleep, tired from the jet-lag. I sit in silence as time slips by, letting my thoughts and doubts spiral.
I open my phone, typing a search into google. The screen displays a list of flights, my eyes scanning down the page. There was one flight tomorrow morning, showing 3 seats left. My finger lowers to tap the purchase button before my phone is swiped out of my hand.
"What?!" I jump, looking up. "Matt? What the fuck are you doing?" I say harshly.
He frowns at my screen. "You're leaving." He says, more of a statement than a question.
I reach for my phone back. "Yeah, I was trying to!" I shoot back, clearly annoyed.
Matt's eyes widen slightly at my serious tone. "You're actually serious?" He still holds my phone away from me.
I stare at him, not trying to hide the hurt on my face. "I thought that's what you wanted."
He sighs, running a hand through his hair. "Look y/n, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that."
"Then why did you say it if you didn't mean it?"
He pauses, choosing his words carefully. "Because I was overwhelmed and tired, and I took it out on whoever happened to be near me."
I sit quietly, not buying his excuse. I hear him sigh as he slips his own shoes off, sitting down next to me.
"Why do you hate me so much?" I blurt out.
I hear him take a deep breath as he tries to collect himself.
"I never hated you, y/n." he pauses. "It's actually kinda the opposite."
I look over at him, confused. "What?"
He kicks the water, sending ripples of small waves into the hot tub.
"You make me feel things I'm scared to feel."
I freeze, wondering if I heard him correctly. "Like what...?" I ask cautiously.
He hesitates for a moment, fidgeting with his fingers. "Like... attraction."
My heart beats faster as I nod slowly, acknowledging his words. My thoughts race, as everything I thought I knew was suddenly changing. He speaks again, nervously.
"It's stupid, I know. I'm just scared that if I let myself feel those things, I'll lose you." He looks down into the water.
I let out a small laugh, grabbing his hand softly as I intertwine our fingers. "I've stuck around this long. I don't think that would change anything."
I watch as he looks down at our hands that rest on his thigh, smiling softly with a small breath of relief.
"I don't want us to hate each other anymore, y/n." He says honestly.
I squeeze his hand. "I don't think we ever did."
A warm blush spreads to his cheeks as he meets my gaze. He leans in closer, pausing briefly to gauge my reaction. I close the gap, our lips meeting in a soft, tentative kiss. Our lips seem to fit together like a mold. Matt brings hi hands up to cup my cheek, my own hands resting on his shoulders as we get lost in each other. Desire surges through us before I pull away, my lips slightly parted.
Matt smiles softly, still blushing. " We should probably get out of here, right?" He stands, offering me his hand.
I nod, giggling softly as I take his hand. I let him lead me back through the hotel, up to our room on the third floor. He pulls me into the room, kicking the door shut with his foot. He smiles softly at me before pulling me back in, his lips meeting mine once again, passionate and needy.
His hands wander from my cheeks to my waist, down to my ass, and back up. I sense his desire as I pull away slightly to slide my t-shirt over my head, revealing my simple, black lace bra. His head immediately ducks down, planting wet kisses on my exposed skin. I sigh at the feeling, before urgently tugging at the hem of his own shirt, which was quickly discarded. He tugs down his sweats before walking me backwards to the bed, laying me down gently.
He makes quick work of slipping my shorts down, tossing them away. His eyes rake over my body hungrily.
"God, you're beautiful." He mumbles loud enough for me to hear, causing my cheeks to redden.
He leans over me, his fingers hooked into my underwear. "Can I take these off?" He asks gently.
I nod quickly, desperate for his touch. He pulls them down my legs teasingly slow. I lean up, simultaneously unclasping my bra, leaving me bare before him. His thumb reaches down to rub slow, tentative circles over my clit.
"Matt, please!" I beg, causing him to smirk.
He grabs my legs, sliding my body to the edge of the bed as he brings his mouth down to my core. I feel his hot breath against me as he teasingly kisses my sensitive nub. Using the tip of his tongue, he flicks back and forth, eliciting a soft moan from my lips.
He takes this as a signal to continue, thrusting his tongue into me. He groans as he finally tastes me, sending pleasant vibrations into me. I throw my head back, tangling my fingers in his hair, giving it a tug when it feels especially good.
"Oh, fuck!" I let out a gasp as he suddenly enters a finger into me, thrusting it while he continues to lick my clit.
My legs shake, squeezing against him as my orgasm bubbles in my stomach. I let out a loud moan, a string of curses leaving my mouth as I come undone. Matt continues for a few moments, letting me ride out my high before pulling away, licking his lips with a sly smile. I open my mouth to speak, but his lips are back on mine before I get the chance.
Without breaking the kiss, I feel him reach down to pull his boxers up. I hear a faint slapping sound as his erection hits his stomach. I pull away, looking between us at his dick, dripping pre-cum.
"Do you want this...?" He asks me, seriously.
"More than anything." I reply honestly.
He smiles, sitting back as me pulls my legs once again, letting them rest on his shoulders. I places his hand under my chin.
I give him a confused look, but I quickly oblige as his eyes pierce mine. He uses my spit as a lubricant, slowly stroking his dick as he looks into my eyes.
"Matt..." I urge him.
He nods knowingly, lining himself up with my entrance. He doesn't take his eyes off of mine as he pushes into me, giving me a chance to get used to the stretch. After a few seconds, I give him the okay to move.
His pace starts off slow and sensual, attaching his lips to my neck. Upon my request, he picks up the pace, finding a comfortable rhythm. His forehead rests against mine as he thrusts into me, our lips meeting every once in a while in a quick kiss.
The only sounds leaving our mouths are soft, breathy moans. We didn't need to use words, it was like we could reach each other like a book. Matt changes the angle slightly, causing his tip to hit me in just the right spot.
"Yes, Matt. Right there!" I feel myself getting close once again, my walls squeezing around him.
"Come for me, baby." Matt breathes against my neck.
After a couple more thrusts, my second orgasm comes crashing over me like a wave. Matt isn't far behind me, quickly pulling out and cumming on my stomach with a grunt.
He collapses on top of me, both of us sweaty and tired. After a few minutes, he props himself up on either side of me, smiling down at me in adoration.
"You're incredible." He tells me, causing me to giggle slightly.
"Yeah, we're definitely doing that again."
He kisses me, and in that moment I knew I was right. This was only the beginning.
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bones4thecats · 6 months
Beelzebub, Poseidon, Jack and Nikola with a s/o that's like 10X stronger than they are, like reader doesn't look like it at all but they can just pick them up and throw them over their shoulder with not even a little bit of their power wasted, reader is also known all around like a powerful and authority figure, they're a head god/goddess (kinda like Zeus and Odin)
Them With a Head God and Strong! S/O
Type of Writing: Request Characters: Beelzebub, Poseidon, Jack the Ripper, and Nikola Tesla Name: Them With a Head God and Strong! S/O Requester: Anonymous
A/N: These readers are all from different FAKE Pantheons, so you won’t be able to find any information out. But, they are all slightly inspired by the Bible, the Sinto, and the Greek Pantheon. By the way, here are the four different regions the FAKE Pantheons are from/set; Hierarchie - Germany ║ Hiérarchie - France ║ Jiēcéng - China ║ Ierarhie - Romania. By the way, these all mean ‘Hierarchy’ just so you guys know
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🪰 You had met Beelzebub back in 2000 B.C.E. at one of your first Gods’ Council Meetings as the leader of your Pantheon, Hierarchie
🪰 He was a very quiet person, and that interested you, due to being a fairly quiet person yourself. And the only reason that Beelzebub actually looked up from his hands was when someone tried to offend him, resulting in you sending a lightning bolt to strike them directly in the head
🪰 When you guys first met, Beelzebub had tried to keep his distance from you, as he didn’t want your Pantheon on his ass if you were to be harmed by this God-forsaken curse he was born with
🪰 Surprisingly, despite his obvious care for you, this curse had never harmed you, it was as if Satan had seen you as worthy of the affections of Beelzebub’s, which made him nearly cry tears of joy
🪰 Now, when it was decided that Ragnarok would have to produce 13 Gods for fighting, it was decided that there would be a Head of Pantheon fighting against a well-respected member of Humanity fighting
(Ignore the Beelzebub and Nikola Tesla fight)
🪰 It was you who was chosen to fight against Humanity’s representatives, the Greatest Warrior in History and by-far the most Successful Military Commander in History, Alexander the Great
🪰 The man had readied his Völundr sarissa as you stood there as he claimed the care that Humanity had and how they could better themselves if given the chance, your husband softly chuckled at your comeback to the pledge
" Let me guess, Brunhilde has been filling your heads with that nonsense? How fitting. She’s always been such a blood-thirsty and crude woman, I wouldn't put it behind her to lie to her assets. Though, despite the ignorant comment, you are not the dumbest man I’ve met, though, you better pray that he doesn’t die, mortal. "
🪰 The Gods erupted in laughter at your insult, and hearing Brunhilde’s swears only made it even better
🪰 Due to being well-known for your barbaric actions in battle and that you loved working your opponents up so they lost due to anger made your Pantheon cheer as Heimdall called out the starting word for Round 8 of Ragnarok
🪰 Now the only thing your husband could do is watch and hope that you come out of this unscathed, if a human could take down the likes of Poseidon, Heracles, and Hades, who knows if they can get you
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🔱 As a new head to your Pantheon, Hiérarchie, that originated in the northern land of Gaul, now known as France, by the migratory people
🔱 Poseidon was not amused when Hades had sent him a letter explaining that he was required to come to a meeting between the most powerful members of the multitude of Pantheons across the world
🔱 He had only been there a few minutes when you appeared in complete smoke, covering your feet as you strode in as your right-hand, the God of Life, Vie (life), appeared next to you, spreading light whereas you spread darkness
🔱 During that meeting, Poseidon had snuck quick glaces at you, and the only one to even come lose to noticing was Hades and Vie, who only glanced at you both and shrugged their shoulders
🔱 As you and Poseidon began to speak more and more over the next few thousand years, your relationship grew into a full-on marriage, settling a union between two of the most powerful Pantheons in mythology
🔱 Now, when Ragnarok was proposed by Brunhilde, you were chosen by Zeus to represent the Gods in the third round against an unknown human contestant
(Ignore the Poseidon vs Sasakii Kojiro fight)
🔱 You were set to go against the well-known Greek physician, Hippocrates, also known as the 'Father of Modern Medicine', who had written many different things he had discovered about illnesses, which helped Humanity grow in healing one another
🔱 Staring at the middle-aged man, despite the fact he (supposedly) lived to a very old age, that being 90 years, you scoffed lightly. This action made the physician cock and eyebrow and ask you what the matter was
" You. You are the matter. I'm the head of a Pantheon, a Supreme Deity, and I have to battle against some old man? How repulsive. " " You sound quite arrogant, ma'am/sir. " " Arrogant? Y'know, I was going to be nice and allow you the win so I can get back to doing my real job and handling my people, but now? Forget it. Grab your weapon and ready yourself, human. Because I'm not as nice as some say I am. "
🔱 Gripping his trident tighter as the second passed in the battle, Poseidon was interrupted in his thoughts by his nephew, Ares', screams of support to you as Heracles smiled and cheered for you more quietly
🔱 You were stronger than him... and if he knew he could defeat a human in battle, you definitely would. Right?
" Please be safe, my love... "
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🩸 Jack knows for certain that you're powerful, far more powerful than him. Even if he had a clone of himself, you would still win against both, no doubt. You are a Supreme Deity for a reason, after all
🩸 As your Pantheon was made many centuries before England was, you would normally curse people out underneath your breath in severely ancient Chinese, and whenever Jack asked you about your travels back home, you would rather he call it 'Zhongguo', as that is what it was called when you were made
🩸 When Ragnarok was hailed and you walked out of the Council with your smaller-Pantheon following you and the Valkyrie sisters, you were worried... what if Brunhilde chose your husband?
🩸 Unfortunately, Brunhilde had asked if your husband would be willing to participate in the battle to the death. And, being a protective spouse, you shut it down and said you would take his place
🩸 Hearing that news made Jack nearly spit out his tea, he knew you didn't want him to die again and all, but why would you sacrifice yourself like this?
" My love, I am truly sorry for not notifying you about this issue. But, I must admit, I do not wish to see you get thrown around by some punk-God who just wants Humanity destroyed. Unlike them, I know for certain that Humanity is worth fighting for, and I- I don't want you possibly dying for that cause. I'd rather die than live without you for the rest of my life. " " As your husband, I admit the same. An afterlife without you would be like living on Earth without oxygen, I would not be able to handle it. " " How about this; we fight together? After all, neither of us can live without the other, right? " " You always find the most crafty ways of getting out of this accidents, am I correct, Y/N? " " Yes you are, dearest. "
(Ignore that his original opponent was Heracles, he deserves to live U-U)
🩸 Humanity was not happy to hear that they were being represented by a killer duo, that being the supposed Jack the Ripper, a man who killed multiple women throughout the year 1888, and a Deity of Blood-lust and War, one that had tortured many in their conquest to rid the world of threats against your people
🩸 The Gods chosen to fight you both was the twins of Egyptian Mythology, Geb, the God of the Earth, and Nut, Goddess of the Sky. You just so happened to be close to Nut, which resulted in you and her going apart from one another as the battle commenced
🩸 When you and Geb looked into one another's eyes as Jack and Nut looked into their opponent's, Brunhilde looked over you all and clenched her fists
🩸 You both better come out of this alive; she doesn't need to lose someone she holds very dear to her again
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🧪 As the Supreme God of the Ierarhie Pantheon, which hailed from the European Country of Romania, you knew of many people coming from nearby lands, including the famous Nikola Tesla, who migrated from his home village in Smijan, Croatia, to North America
🧪 When you both first met, you were speaking to one of your close human friends, Marie Curie, and he noticed how your eyes lit up with amazement as she explained the suit's mechanisms
🧪 He hasn't seen anyone other than his fellow scientists look so gleefully at a piece of machinery before
🧪 As you stood and listened, Nikola had looked at you every once and a while before he was called by Marie, making him turn around and officially meet you
🧪 And he had to admit, you were one of the most gorgeous beings he has ever laid eyes upon. You were even more beautiful than the first invention he ever made
🧪 Ever since that day, you had always come in on your free-days away from Supreme-Deity duties and you would assist the many scientists on what they could do to improve the giant suit for Ragnarok
🧪 Speaking of Ragnarok, when you found out that the man you had grown close to was fighting Beelzebub, one of the most ruthless and mysterious Gods in the entire mixture of Pantheons, you had put your foot down and begun to speak with him about it, resulting in Brunhilde and Zeus making the exception for you to help out during the round, like a fight happening during a fight
🧪 When it was announced that you and Nikola were needed on the battlefield, you had hugged him tightly as he and his Valkyrie, Göndul, prepared and performed their Völundr
🧪 As you gripped your weapon, he looked down on you, gifting you the most gorgeous smile you had ever seen in your entire life of millions of years, and hearing the love-sick words pour out of his mouth made you nearly cry and kiss him for the possible first and last time
" Ljubavi (my love, I think?), I must confess this to you before we make an ultimate sacrifice. I love you, I have ever since I had laid my eyes upon your darling form. And I must do this if we do not make it out alive. "
🧪 When you felt him kiss you, you wrapped your arms around his neck, making him sigh contently as you kissed him right back. His and your shared fears leaving your minds for a while as the moment continued, the only thing snapping you away is the sound of Heimdall beginning your introductions
" I love you, Y/N. " " And I love you, Nikola Tesla. "
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taeyeonschild · 1 year
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《sleeping apart, after a fight || maknae line ver.》
pairing: maknae line (separate) x gn!reader
genre: i dunno, you tell me. (fluff? angst?? SMUT??!?? no it’s not smut dw😌)
contains: exactly as it says in the title
warnings: !!!uncomfortable couch!!!
A/N: idk what i’m doing, any more than you do. why did i choose to write this? i have no clue 🤷‍♀️
on a completely unrelated note: here’s a song i’m obsessed with right now
hyung line | maknae line
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He watches as you grab your pillow and blanket from the bed, then angrily stomp into the living room.
When he hears the door slam, he sinks to the ground in a sigh.
He sits there, in silence for a few minutes, just to calm himself down, before anxiously tiptoeing into the living room, and approaching you.
“How about, I take the couch, and you go take the bed? I know your mad at me, and I feel bad, but I’d feel way worse if you wake up tomorrow with a sore back from this couch.”
You silently agree, while getting up from the couch to hand him the pillow and blanket.
“We’ll talk tomorrow morning?”
You reply with only a nod, too tired and overwhelmed to do much else.
The bed is a lot more comfortable than the couch, it’s a good thing you have a boyfriend who cares enough to make that trade for you.
An hour later, Jisung is still lying on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. It's not comfortable at all, and he can feel every spring poking into his back. He rolls around, doing anything he can to try to get comfortable, but it is no use.
He groans quietly to himself, and he eventually picks himself up off of the couch and walks to the bedroom.
A strong arm wraps around your waist. Still angry, but you don’t fight it.
“The couch is uncomfortable. I’d rather be here with you. I love you”
In the morning the fight is forgotten, and all is well in quokkaville.
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He can’t sleep without you.
He’ll lay alone in the guest bedroom for an hour or two, scared to anger you more.
At 3am he finally sneaks into the bed beside you.
(If you’re asleep, he will quietly climb under the covers, and wrap you in his arms, very careful not to wake you up.)
If you are awake he just sits there, looking at you.
His hand gently rubs up an down your shoulder.
You are stubborn, and refuse to face him.
“Y/n i’m sorry… okay?”
“I forgot our date I know, I’ve just been so caught up with work… and I know that’s not an excuse, it’s my fault for forgetting. but I promise it won’t happen again, my love. I’m so sorry”
He practically begs you to forgive him
“Please darling… forgive me. I love you, and I can’t stand you being angry at me. I’ll do anything to make it up to you. I’ll take you out tomorrow, and the day after, and every day after that. I’ll never forget a date again. I’ll even take friday off of work, and we can spend the whole day together!”
He rambles on and on, just trying to convince you to look at him.
But he stop’s suddenly when he sees your shoulder shake slightly, and he hears a sniffle.
“Oh god, oh no. Are you crying? Y/n I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to!”
He holds your waist tightly and kisses your neck, doing anything he can to comfort you.
“i just feel like, i’m not a priority anymore. we haven’t gone out in a month.” you speak through sniffles, and choked sobs.
“No no no! Y/n you are always my number one! I’ve just been really busy with this new comeback, i haven’t had much time to think about really anything else. But i’m sorry, truly. I never want you to feel unloved. You are, and will always be, the most important thing to me, my love.”
He hugs you, and rocks you slowly off to sleep. All is well, all is forgiven, all there is, is love, between you.
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“I’m done!! I’m sleeping in the guest room. We’ll finish this tomorrow!” you finally snap, then storm out of the living room.
Stubborn x equally as stubborn, is your relationship trope. You both know that this fight won’t end, until one of you puts your pride aside, to start the apologies.
Tonight, you refuse to be that person.
The guest bedroom is cold and lonely, you spend the whole night wondering how Seungmin is doing… He’s probably having a fantastic time in the big bed all to himself…
Your prediction couldn’t be any less correct.
Seungmin is eating himself up inside with guilt, he can’t sleep any more than you can.
Part of him is glad that you aren’t in the same room, since he always wants to appear strong infront of you. He would never want you to find him weak and crying like he is now..
The night is long, and uncomfortable, and cold, and neither of you can sleep.
After an hour or so, of suffering, Seungmin gives into the pain, and knocks on the guest bedroom door.
Angrily, you ignore him, but he enters anyways.
You look like a mess, your hair is a rats nest from hoe much you’ve tossed and turned, your face is all red and puffy from crying.
Without speaking, he crawls into the bed beside you, wrapping his arms around your torso.
He gives you no space to refuse, but it’s not like you’d want to anyways…
“Let’s just stop fighting. I love you. Goodnight y/nnie”
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“I’m sleeping on the couch tonight”
His disappointed, quiet tone, hurts you even more that it would’ve if he had yelled it.
Before you have any time to rebut, he leaves the bedroom, closing the door behind him.
“Jeongin!!” he ignores your call.
He sets up the couch to the best of his ability, but it is anything but comfortable.
He lays in silence staring at the ceiling for what feels like an eternity, till he hears your footsteps echo down the hall.
Your sniffles break him, but he wants to remain strong. He knows that looking at you will break him, so he pretends to be asleep.
You kneel beside him, on the floor, and gently stroke his arm.
He doesn’t reply initially, keeping his eyes closed to stay in character. But hearing your sniffles breaks him.
“Please come to bed. We don’t have to talk, we can stay on opposite sides of the bed. I just need you with me.” you beg.
Hearing this hurts him. He tries his hardest to avoid eye contact, knowing that he will instantly forgive you, if he even so much as looks at your face.
“Okay, i’ll come. I just need some time. We’ll talk tomorrow, alright?”
He then gets off of the couch, slowly walking to the bedroom. He climbs into his side of the bed, and you follow after.
You lay, facing away from eachother. Both wide awake, and unable to sleep.
There’s no way to prevent the tears that fall from your eyes, and you begin to choke back sobs. You try your best to stay quiet, to allow Jeongin peace and quiet. But of course, he can hear you.
As much as he wants to pretend he’s asleep, he feels bad seeing you like this. It’s clear that the guilt is eating you up inside, and it’s making him feel even worse.
Carefully, he wraps his arm around your waist, and you can feel his breath on your neck.
“Sshhh, lovely.. It’s okay. I am mad, but we’ll figure it out tomorrow. I still love you. Now go to sleep”
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xomakara · 2 months
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Full Version is released! → Here!!
SUMMARY |  You're in love with Jaehyun, your best friend, but he has no clue. You have suffered in silence as you have watched him date countless of girls left and right. Graduation is coming up, and you are running out of time to tell him how you feel. Will he finally see that it should have been you all along, or will he break your heart forever? PAIRINGS | Jaehyun x Reader GENRE |  college!student!Jaehyun, college!student!Reader, college au, friends to lovers trope, smut, unprotected sex (wrap it up ya’ll!), fingering, dirty talk, oral sex, (other things that might be added) RATING |  Mature LENGTH |  tbd (halfway there ya'll) TAGLIST | let me know if you'd like to be tagged for when I release this! AUTHOR’S NOTE |  Mama Linda is back and ready to feed you with neo food~ This is a small preview of the beginning of the story since I'm about half-way finished with it. 'Walk' comeback has literally fueled my loins and I've become feral for the neo men. Things might change from the preview and the final release, so please be aware of that! Much love 💚
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You sat in the coffee shop, tables away from your best friend as you watched him flirt with that pretty girl he met at the latest NCT frat party. It was another girl this week, but you still hoped. You hoped he would turn and look at you. You hoped that he would see that it should be you.
It was never you.
He laughed at something she said and you sipped your tea. The hot liquid scalded your throat but you barely registered the pain, your eyes on Jaehyun, your heart shattering every single time he smiled at her. He would never smile at you like that. He would never look at you with those soft brown eyes.
And yet you continued to sit in the corner, watching, hoping, praying for something you could never have.
You got up and walked past them, ignoring Jaehyun's questioning glance. Your head was down as you pushed open the door and stepped out into the hot summer air.
The walk back to your apartment was quiet. The heels you wore were a nuisance today, and you kicked them off halfway through the walk, your feet now padding barefoot across the concrete. You could see a group of guys approaching and you sighed, picking up your pace. You didn’t want to have to talk to anyone.
The group stopped and turned towards you, calling out. You could hear their footsteps following and you bit back a curse.
“Y/N, seriously, are you listening to us?” One of the guys, Mark, said.
You slowed your pace and turned, plastering a smile on your face.
Mark stood before you, Taeyong, Johnny and Haechan close behind. You knew them from high school. You had been friends, and you had always found them attractive. But nothing, nothing, compared to how you felt about Jaehyun.
Your eyes drifted to the ground.
“Who made our girl cry?” Taeyong asked, wrapping his arms around you. He could see through your fake smile.
You couldn't help but relax into him and rest your head on his shoulder. He rubbed your back gently.
The others came forward and touched you gently, Mark taking one of your hands, Johnny placing a hand on your head, and Haechan standing beside you and taking your other hand.
You didn’t want to cry anymore.
They held you for a while, silent. They had known for years about how you felt about Jaehyun. You couldn’t count the number of times you had called Taeyong, crying and begging him to come and hold you, the number of times Johnny had taken you for coffee or to the cinema, anything to get you out of your apartment and away from the sight of Jaehyun with someone else. Mark had sat up with you late at night, watching bad romcoms and eating popcorn. Haechan had brought you a new book every single day since the start of university, and you knew that the reason you had done so well was because of him.
They helped you through your worst times. And here they were again.
You finally stepped back, looking up at them and wiping the last of the tears away.
“Another girl this time?” Haechan asked softly.
“The one Yuta introduced him to at the last frat party.” You sighed, running your hand through your hair. "I've got all dolled up today thinking that something was different, that maybe today would be the day when he suddenly asked to meet me at the coffee shop alone. But I guess it was to introduce me to whatever her name was."
The boys stayed silent.
"Why don't you just tell him how you feel?" Johnny asked quietly.
You shook your head.
"He doesn't need to know. I'm okay." You sighed. "Besides, no matter how much I wear pretty clothes or put on makeup, or wear these stupid heels like always...he never looks my way. He never sees me. I must be ugly or something, I don't know."
"You are beautiful. Any guy would be lucky to have you." Haechan whispered.
"You guys are the best." You smiled and kissed their cheeks.
"Why don't we have a movie night? We can get pizza and snacks and just chill." Johnny smiled, linking his arm with yours.
"Drinks included?" You asked, your heart a little lighter than it had been a few moments ago.
"Of course." Mark laughed.
"And popcorn, lots of it." Taeyong grinned.
You walked with them back to your apartment, smiling and laughing at their jokes, letting yourself relax and forget about Jaehyun, at least for a little while.
Haechan opened your front door, grinning.
"Let's get wasted!" He whooped, making a beeline to the cabinet that you had stored all your drinks.
"Get some glasses." Mark laughed, following the younger boy.
You and Johnny made your way into the living room and dropped down onto the couch. Taeyong came back from the kitchen with plates and napkins, placing them on the table and sitting beside you.
Haechan and Mark carried all the drinks and snacks to the table and sat on the floor, sorting out the snacks.
You smiled, grateful for the four men in front of you. You would have gone mad without them.
The night was going well, you were sat between Taeyong and Johnny on the couch, leaning on Johnny and giggling as the film continued. Haechan was curled up on the other side of the couch, half asleep. Mark had disappeared into the kitchen, returning with a huge bowl of popcorn and settling on the floor next to Haechan.
Your phone buzzed and you frowned, looking down and seeing Jaehyun's name. You groaned and threw the phone to the other side of the couch, turning your attention back to the film.
"Don't you want to see what he wants?" Taeyong asked softly.
"Nope." You popped the 'p' and took another sip of your drink. "He can go fuck himself."
"He's texted you like a hundred times already." Haechan frowned, holding the phone out to you.
"Y/N, just look. It could be important."
You groaned and snatched the phone from him, opening the messages and rolling your eyes.
Jae: Are you mad at me?
Jae: Seriously, you can't ignore me forever. Please reply. What the fuck did I do wrong? You are my best friend, talk to me.
Jae: This is not fucking funny. What is wrong with you?
"What's wrong with me?" You looked away from your phone, letting out a frustrated sigh as you passed your phone to Mark.
"You want me to reply?" Mark asked.
"Nope. Just turn off my phone. I don't care how many messages he leaves me." You got up, downing your drink. "I'm going to get more alcohol."
"You are going to regret this in the morning." Johnny called.
"At this point, I don't fucking care. I'm done with this. He wants to date the whole world then that's up to him. Not my fault."
You stumbled into the kitchen and opened the fridge, grabbing a bottle of vodka and poured a good amount into your cup, and making your way back to the guys. "I'll regret it later, but right now, I'm getting absolutely, fucking trashed."
The movie finished, and you had drunk more than enough alcohol to kill a horse.
You were lying on the couch, the others sitting around you.
"I don't want to be in love anymore. Why can't I stop?" You slurred, your eyes closed as you lay across the couch, your head on Johnny's lap and your feet in Haechan's.
"There will be someone else. Someone better." Johnny stroked your hair, smiling softly.
"I hope so. I really fucking do." You sighed.
You were drunk, you were sad, and you had cried a lot. But you were also tired.
And within minutes, you were asleep.
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Jaehyun was worried. He had texted you, and called you. His texts went unanswered, his calls went straight to voicemail, and everyone else that was with you weren't answering his texts.
"What the fuck is going on with everyone tonight?" He muttered, throwing his phone onto his bed and falling onto the pillows.
He sighed, looking up at the ceiling and wondering why you wouldn't talk to him. He had seen you walk out of the cafe, and had wondered why you hadn't waited for him, why you had left so quickly.
He had wanted to ask, but had been distracted by the pretty girl that was sitting in front of him.
He couldn't deny that she was gorgeous and that he liked the way her dress clung to her figure.
But she wasn't you.
Jaehyun sighed and looked at his phone. The girl, Minah, had asked him out, and he had said yes.
She was the most recent in a long line of girls, all of whom had asked him out. He could barely remember their names. They were just something to occupy his time, something to fill the void in his chest when his mind drifted back to you. You, his beautiful best friend, who probably doesn't think of him as anything but a friend.
Jaehyun could imagine holding you, loving you, kissing you until your lips are red and swollen, only pulling away to pepper your skin in small, soft kisses that make you giggle. He wanted to be able to run his fingers through your hair, kiss the top of your head as he pulls you against him. He could see you wrapped up in his arms as the sun comes up, your soft breaths against his skin, your fingertips gently dancing across his body.
He wanted to be with you, wanted you in his life, not these random, forgettable girls. But he didn't know how to tell you, and so he resigned himself to this half-life.
He grabbed his phone and called you again, but still it rang and rang until finally the voicemail picked up. He didn’t bother leaving another message, knowing that you were deliberately not answering.
He knew that he should probably let you be, but the worry was building inside him. He was concerned. He couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong.
It was almost 2 am and you still hadn't replied to him.
Jaehyun stood up, his mind made up. He grabbed his keys, jacket, phone, wallet, and made his way out of his apartment to head to yours.
He walked slowly, thinking about you, wondering what had happened today. Had he done something wrong? Why had you left the coffee shop without him?
He reached your apartment, surprised that the lights were still on.
He knocked loudly, waiting impatiently for someone to answer the door.
After a moment, the door opened, and Mark stood in the doorway. "Hey, can't this wait? She's asleep."
"Is she okay?" Jaehyun tried to push past the shorter man, but Mark stopped him.
"Look, man, just go home. She doesn't want to talk to you." Mark sighed.
Jaehyun gave him a look. "Why the fuck not? I'm her best friend."
"Well, you have a fucking shitty way of showing it. Do you even know what you have put her through?" Johnny walked up behind Mark and glared at Jaehyun.
Jaehyun paused. "What are you talking about?"
"You are her best friend and you are so blind that you can't see what is right in front of your eyes." Johnny continued.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Jaehyun furrowed his eyebrows.
"For fucks sake." Johnny sighed. "Go home, Jae. Leave her alone for now."
"Tell her I'll call her tomorrow. I'll be back to check on her." Jaehyun turned and walked away, his head full of confusion.
Mark and Johnny shared a look.
"This is getting out of hand." Mark muttered.
"It'll work out. Let's get back inside. She needs us."
They closed the door and walked back into the living room, the others glancing at them.
"Is he gone?" Haechan asked.
"Yeah, for now. But I don't know how much longer we can keep this up. If he doesn't realize how she feels soon, it will destroy her." Mark sighed.
Taeyong moved from his seat and sat on the floor next to Haechan. "How many girls has he been with now?" He asked.
"I've lost count. There was the girl at the party last week, the one with the green dress. He dated her for two days before he realized that she wasn't going to give him anything other than her time. Then there was that blonde girl, she was nice, lasted a couple of weeks." Mark listed the girls that Jaehyun had brought around and introduced to you.
"How many of those girls did he fuck?" Haechan asked.
"Too many." Mark sighed.
"And she watches them all. She sits and listens to them talk about their dates and the things they've done, and she never says anything. She pretends to be happy for him, pretends that she is okay." Johnny looked over at your sleeping form.
"This needs to end." Haechan frowned. "Can't we just lock them in a room or something? Let them fuck it out or something? Surely it has to happen at some point."
"I'm with him." Taeyong looked at the rest of them.
"That...I guess that would work." Johnny nodded slowly.
"I could knock her out." Mark stood. "Give her something to drink, make it sweet or something... I could pick her up, put her somewhere..."
"No, Mark. No." Taeyong stopped him. "I'm pretty sure drugging her is illegal, even if you are doing it for a good cause. We don't need you getting arrested as well."
"Fine, fine." Mark threw his hands up and flopped down beside Haechan.
"Doesn't have to be drug-free." Haechan suggested.
"Again, Hae, not helping. We need Y/N and Jaehyun conscious if this is to go ahead." Johnny explained patiently.
"Yo, isn't the summer frat party coming up? We could lock them up in the laundry room since the door lock is broken?" Mark asked. “Like that shit won’t unlock from the inside.”
"Who knows what they could do then...no, wait. What if we kept them under a watch, like literally, all the time, until the frat party. At which point, we shove him in with her and she will have nowhere to escape to." Johnny sat up straight, eyes wide, an excited smile on his face.
"Okay. So far we have a plan to trap them at a frat party, and make sure they won't have any outside influences." Taeyong leaned back.
"Any other suggestions before we call this a success?" Johnny asked.
"Don't get caught." Haechan replied, grinning.
"Don't. Get. Caught." The others nodded.
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loveanton · 2 months
er trips and dino plushies | lee anton
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OVERALL: kids are hard enough to look after let alone when they’re sick, good thing you have your husband and dino stuffies to the rescue!
❀ 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: husband!anton x f!reader ❀ 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: slice of life au ❀ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 7.5k ⟶ 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: sick kids, mentions of pregnancy, protective anton, hospitals, pregnancy cramping, passed out child. please let me know if i missed anything !
┆彡 𝑎/n: daddy anton has made a comeback
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The first rays of sunlight stream through the curtains, gently rousing you from sleep. Beside you, Anton stirs, his arm instinctively wrapping around your growing belly. At four months pregnant, you’re starting to show more prominently, and Anton can't get enough of talking to the baby.
"Good morning," he murmurs, his voice still thick with sleep.
"Good morning," you reply, smiling as you place your hand over his.
Anton shifts closer, pressing his ear against your belly. "Hey there, little one," he whispers, his breath warm against your skin. "Daddy can't wait to meet you. Your sisters and brother are so excited too. Just a few more months, okay?"
You chuckle softly, running your fingers through his hair. "They'll be here before we know it."
Reluctantly, you both get out of bed. Anton stretches and yawns before turning to you. "I'll get started on breakfast. You go wake up the kids."
You nod and head to Chanwoo's room first. Your two-year-old son is still snuggled under his blanket, his favorite giraffe stuffie clutched tightly in his arms. As you gently shake him awake, he immediately reaches up, his sleepy eyes blinking open.
"Mama," he mumbles, wrapping his tiny arms around your neck and burying his face into your chest.
"Good morning, sweetheart," you whisper, kissing the top of his head. Despite the slight strain on your back, you can't resist holding him close. You know Anton would scold you for carrying him, but those morning cuddles are just too precious.
You carry Chanwoo to the twins' room next. Yechan and Chanmi are five, and while they usually wake up easily, today is different. Both girls are still curled up in their beds, clearly not wanting to get up.
"Come on, girls, time to wake up," you call softly, gently shaking Chanmi first.
She groans and finally opens her eyes, looking at you with a pout. "I don't feel good, Mommy," she says, her voice weak.
You press your hand to her forehead and feel the heat radiating off her. "You have a fever," you note, your heart sinking. "You can stay in bed. Daddy and I will bring you breakfast soon."
You move to Yechan's bed next, but as soon as you touch her, she feels even hotter than Chanmi. "Mommy, I don't feel good either," she groans, and before you can react, she bolts out of bed and runs to the bathroom.
"Chanwoo, go downstairs to Daddy, okay?" you instruct, putting him down gently. He clings to your leg, his eyes wide with worry.
"wan stay with you," he protests.
"I know, baby, but your sisters are sick. You don't want to get sick too, do you?" you reason gently.
Pouting, Chanwoo reluctantly lets go and makes his way downstairs, leaving you to follow Yechan. You find her in the bathroom, crying and vomiting into the toilet. Your heart breaks at the sight.
"It's okay, sweetheart," you soothe, holding her hair back. "Mommy's here."
Once Yechan is done, you help her strip out of her pajamas and run a warm bath. She shivers and whimpers, clearly feeling miserable. You wash her gently, trying to comfort her as best you can. After the bath, you dress her in fresh pajamas and tuck her back into bed.
"Mommy will bring you some medicine and breakfast soon, okay?" you promise, kissing her forehead.
You then turn to Chanmi, who has watched the entire process with tired eyes. "Do you want a bath too, sweetie?" you ask.
Chanmi nods weakly, allowing you to pick her up and carry her to the bathroom. The bath seems to do her some good, as she’s cooling down a bit compared to Yechan. After dressing her in clean pajamas, you tuck her back into bed and kiss her forehead as well.
Feeling more exhausted than ever, you finally make your way downstairs. Anton is in the kitchen, flipping pancakes while feeding Chanwoo cut-up strawberries. He looks up when he hears you enter and smiles softly.
"How are the girls?" he asks, concern evident in his eyes.
"They're both running fevers," you reply, sitting down at the table with a heavy sigh. "Yechan seems worse than Chanmi. I'll check their temperatures again after they eat and take some medicine."
"Call your mom and ask for advice if they don't get better," Anton suggests, his eyes flickering with worry. "She always knows what to do."
You nod in agreement. "I will."
You make yourself a bowl of cereal and feed Chanwoo some of your food as you update Anton on the girls' condition. "Yechan is really struggling. Chanmi seems a bit better after her bath, but Yechan… she threw up and looks so miserable."
Anton frowns, flipping another pancake. "We'll keep a close eye on them. I've made their favorite pancakes. Maybe that'll cheer them up a bit."
You smile at his thoughtfulness, grateful to have such a caring partner. Once you finish your cereal, you take a cooked pancake, top it with blueberries, strawberries, and a little whipped cream—just how Chanwoo likes it. You cut it up into tiny pieces so he won't choke, but as you place the plate in front of him, he immediately starts to pout.
"don' want pancakes. I want ice cream!" he declares, crossing his arms defiantly.
You try to explain gently. "Ice cream isn't for breakfast, sweetie. You need to eat what Daddy made."
Chanwoo's pout deepens, and he looks like he is about to throw a tantrum. Before he can, Anton steps in. "Chanwoo, you need to eat breakfast first. If you're good and eat your food, you can have some ice cream later. Deal?"
Chanwoo considers this for a moment before reluctantly nodding. "kay, daddy."
As he eats his food, you help Anton plate up the twins' breakfast. By the time Chanwoo finishes eating, Anton is done with the rest of the pancakes. You take Chanwoo to the living room, turning on Gracie's Corner to keep him entertained while you and Anton bring the twins their breakfast.
You carry a tray with pancakes, cut-up fruit, and a glass of juice upstairs, while Anton follows with a similar tray. Chanmi is half-asleep but smiles weakly when she sees the food.
"Thank you, Mommy. Thank you, Daddy," she says softly, trying to sit up.
You help her get comfortable and place the tray in front of her. "Eat up, sweetie. It'll help you feel better."
Next, you go to Yechan, who is lying in bed, looking miserable. "Hey, princess," you greet softly, placing the tray on her bedside table. "How are you feeling?"
Yechan shakes her head weakly. "Not good, Mommy."
You sit on the edge of her bed, brushing her hair back. "I know, baby. Try to eat something, okay? It'll help."
She nods reluctantly, picking at her food. You make sure both girls have their medicine and check their temperatures again. Chanmi's fever seems to be going down a bit, but Yechan's is still high.
"I'll call Mom and see what she suggests," you tell Anton, who nods in agreement.
Back downstairs, you find Chanwoo still engrossed in his show. You take a moment to catch your breath, sitting down next to him. Anton joins you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
"You're doing great," he says, kissing your temple.
"Thanks," you reply, leaning into him.
He smiles and squeezes your shoulder. "They’ll be okay, don’t worry, it’s not good for the baby.”
"I'll call Mom now," you tell Anton before walking away.
You step into the kitchen for a bit of privacy and dial your mom’s number. It doesn’t take long for her to pick up.
"Hi, sweetie. How are you?" her warm voice comes through the line.
"Hey, Mom. The twins are both running fevers, and Yechan’s really struggling. Chanmi seems a bit better after a bath, but Yechan threw up," you explain, trying to keep your voice steady.
"Oh dear, that sounds rough," she responds sympathetically. "Keep a close eye on them. If they don’t get better within the next two hours or their fever continues to rise, you should take them to the hospital. Make sure they stay hydrated and rest as much as possible."
"Okay, thanks, Mom. I’ll do that," you say, feeling a bit more reassured.
"Call me if you need anything, and keep me updated," she adds.
"I will. Thanks again. Love you, Mom."
"Love you too, sweetheart," she replies before hanging up.
You return to the living room, where Anton is playing with Chanwoo. He looks up at you expectantly. "What did she say?"
"She said to keep a close eye on them. If they don’t get better in the next two hours or if their fever keeps rising, we should take them to the hospital," you relay, feeling a bit more in control of the situation.
Anton nods, his expression serious. "We’ll keep a close watch."
Chanwoo looks up from his show, his eyes bright with an idea. "Mama, I want to make sissies a card! Make them feel better."
Your heart melts at his sweet suggestion. "That’s a wonderful idea, Chanwoo."
Anton stands up, ready to help. "I’ll grab the supplies."
While Anton gathers paper, crayons, and stickers from the craft cupboard, you watch Chanwoo’s excitement grow. Anton spreads everything out on the coffee table, and Chanwoo eagerly dives into the project, his little hands moving quickly as he draws and decorates the cards.
You sit back and watch, feeling a swell of pride and love for your family. Anton helps Chanwoo with some of the trickier parts, like spelling out "Get Well Soon" on the cards. Together, they create colorful, heartfelt masterpieces.
Once the cards are done, Chanwoo beams with pride. "I’m gonna give them to sissies now!"
"Alright, go ahead," Anton says with a smile, giving Chanwoo a gentle pat on the back.
Chanwoo runs upstairs, his little feet pattering against the floor. You and Anton share a tender moment, watching him go.
"He’s such a good brother," you say softly, leaning into Anton.
"He really is," Anton agrees, wrapping an arm around you. "And you’re an amazing mom."
You smile, feeling the warmth of his words. "I couldn’t do it without you."
Anton tilts your chin up, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. "We make a great team."
As Chanwoo is upstairs sharing his cards with his sisters, you and Anton take a moment to just be together. The house is unusually quiet, save for the soft sounds of Chanwoo’s enthusiastic chatter upstairs. Anton pulls you closer, and you rest your head on his shoulder, savoring the calm.
"Do you remember the first time we had to deal with the twins being sick?" Anton asks, a nostalgic smile playing on his lips.
You laugh softly, nodding. "How could I forget? We were so worried and clueless. You spent hours researching everything you could online, and we called your mom like three times."
Anton chuckles, shaking his head. "Yeah, we were a mess. But we got through it."
"And we’ll get through this too," you add.
Anton kisses your forehead and pulls back, looking at you with a mix of admiration and love. "You know, I’m really proud of how you handle everything. The kids, the house, this pregnancy. You make it all look so easy."
Your heart swells at his words. "It’s not easy, but having you by my side makes it manageable."
He kisses your forehead. "I feel the same way. We’re lucky to have each other."
You sit in comfortable silence for a few moments, just enjoying each other’s company.
Chanwoo’s footsteps echo down the stairs, and he comes running back into the living room, his face lit up with excitement. "Sissies love the cards, Mama! They said thank you!"
You smile warmly, pulling him into your lap. "That’s wonderful, sweetheart. You did such a good job."
Chanwoo beams, snuggling into you. Anton wraps his arms around both of you, and for a moment, everything feels perfect despite the chaos of the day.
Chanwoo looks up at you with hopeful eyes. "Mama, can we watch a movie?"
Anton glances at you, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Why not? With the new baby on the way and the twins growing up so fast, we rarely get time to just relax with our baby boy."
You nod, feeling the same way. "What do you want to watch, Chanwoo?"
"Inside Out 2!" he exclaims, bouncing with excitement.
"Inside Out 2 it is," Anton says, grabbing the remote and navigating to the movie. 
You settle onto the couch with Chanwoo nestled between you and Anton, the warmth of your family creating a cozy atmosphere. As the movie begins, you feel a sense of peace wash over you. It’s been a long day, but these moments of togetherness make it all worthwhile.
Chanwoo is captivated by the movie, his eyes wide with wonder as he watches the characters on the screen. You and Anton exchange a smile, enjoying the rare quiet moment. As the movie progresses, Chanwoo’s eyelids grow heavy, and soon he’s fast asleep, his little head resting against your lap.
Anton gently lifts Chanwoo, careful not to wake him. "I’ll put him down for his nap," he whispers, carrying him to his room.
You follow, watching as Anton tucks Chanwoo into his bed. He looks so peaceful, his tiny body relaxed in sleep. You both stand there for a moment, gazing at him with love.
"Let’s go check on the twins," you say softly, and Anton nods in agreement.
You head to the twins' room, finding them still resting. Anton checks Chanmi’s temperature first, and she stirs slightly, her eyes fluttering open.
"How are you feeling, sweetheart?" you ask, brushing her hair back from her forehead.
"I’m okay, Mama," she whispers, her voice hoarse. "Just tired."
Anton nods, reading the thermometer. "Her temps down but she still has a slight fever. She’s getting better, though."
You both move to Yechan’s bed next, and your heart aches seeing her so unwell. Anton checks her temperature, and it hasn’t improved. Yechan cuddles into his side, tears streaming down her face.
"It’s okay, baby girl," Anton soothes, rubbing her back gently. "Can you try to drink some water for daddy?"
Yechan shakes her head, her tears coming harder. "I don’t want to, Daddy. It hurts."
You exchange a worried glance with Anton. "Sweetie, we might need to go to the hospital if you don’t get better. Do you want to go now or wait a little longer?"
Yechan’s eyes widen with fear. "Wait, please. I’m scared of the hospital."
Anton kisses the top of her head, his voice soft and reassuring. "Okay, we’ll wait another hour. But you need to rest and try to drink some water, okay?"
Yechan nods reluctantly, snuggling deeper into his side. You feel a pang of helplessness, wishing there was more you could do.
After making sure both girls are as comfortable as possible, you and Anton step out of the room, heading to your own bedroom. The weight of the day presses down on you, and you can feel the stress manifesting physically. Your stomach tightens with cramps, and you take a deep breath, trying to steady yourself.
Anton notices immediately, his brow furrowing with concern. "Are you okay?"
You nod, but the tears in your eyes betray your true feelings. "I’m just so worried, Anton. What if she doesn’t get better?"
Anton wraps his arms around you, pulling you close. "I know, love. But we’re doing everything we can. You need to stay calm for the baby’s sake."
You try to take a deep breath, but the cramps intensify, doubling you over in pain. Anton's worry deepens, and he gently guides you to sit on the edge of the bed. "Okay, we need to get you to relax. Let’s do some breathing exercises, alright?"
You nod again, but it’s hard to focus with the pain radiating through your abdomen. Anton sits beside you. "Look at me, love. Breathe with me. In... and out... nice and slow."
You follow his lead, struggling to match his calm, even breaths. The cramps are relentless, each one worse than the last. Panic starts to set in, and you clutch Anton’s hand tightly.
"It hurts so much," you whisper, tears streaming down your face.
Anton’s eyes are full of worry, but he keeps his voice calm. "I know, I know. Just keep breathing. You’ll be okay. I got you."
Minutes feel like hours as you fight to control your breathing, trying to push past the pain. Anton’s unwavering presence is the only thing keeping you grounded. His hand never leaves yours, and his words are a constant source of comfort.
"You’re strong," he murmurs. "Remember how strong you are. You can do this."
Slowly, agonizingly, the cramps begin to ease. Your breathing becomes more even, and the tears subside. Anton’s hand gently strokes your back, soothing you.
"That’s it, love. Just keep breathing."
Finally, the pain diminishes to a manageable level, and you collapse against Anton, utterly spent. He holds you close, his own relief palpable.
"Are you okay?" he asks softly, his lips brushing your forehead.
You nod, still trembling. "I think so. It’s just... the stress of everything. It was too much."
"I know," he says, kissing your temple. "But you have to take care of yourself. Our baby needs you to be strong."
"I’m trying," you whisper, leaning into his embrace. "It’s just so hard."
"I know it is," Anton replies, his voice filled with love and concern. "But we’re in this together. We’ll get through it, one step at a time."
You take a deep breath, feeling a bit more stable with Anton’s arms around you. "Thank you for being here for me."
"Always," he says, his eyes full of reassurance. "Now, let’s rest a bit. You need it."
You both lie down on the bed, and Anton keeps his arms wrapped around you, his presence a comforting anchor. As you lie there, the events of the day replay in your mind, but you push them aside, focusing on the steady rhythm of Anton’s breathing.
After a while, Anton speaks softly. "How about we call your doctor tomorrow, just to be safe?"
You nod, appreciating his thoughtfulness. "That sounds like a good idea."
After what feels like an eternity, you check the time. It’s been an hour. You exchange a glance with Anton, the decision unspoken but mutual. It’s time to take Yechan to the hospital.
You head back to the twins’ room, finding Yechan half-awake. She looks up at you with a mix of fear and resignation. "How are you feeling, sweetheart?" you ask gently, but she doesn’t answer, her eyes glassy and unfocused. Anton checks her fever and finds it’s gotten even higher. He gently shakes her, but she can barely keep her eyes open.
"We need to go to the hospital now," Anton says, his voice firm yet calm. He picks up Yechan in his arms, carrying her bridal style, and races her to the car. You quickly get Chanmi out of bed, her little face crumpling with fear for her sister. Tears spill over as she clings to you.
"It’s okay, sweetie. We’re going to help Yechan get better," you say, trying to soothe her while moving as quickly as you can. You enter Chanwoo’s room and take him out of bed. He wakes up, crying from being pulled from his nap, not understanding what’s happening. You do your best to calm them both as you buckle them into their car seats.
Anton places Yechan in your lap in the back seat, and you hold her close, trying to keep her awake. "Stay with me, baby girl. We’re going to the hospital to make you feel better," you whisper, brushing her hair back from her forehead.
Anton drives with a steady urgency, his eyes flicking to the rearview mirror to check on you and Yechan. As he drives, he calls your parents, asking if they can meet you at the hospital to take Chanmi and Chanwoo.
"We’ll be there as soon as we can," your mom says, her voice filled with concern.
Yechan's breathing is shallow and rapid, and she’s barely responsive, which only heightens your fear. You stroke her cheek, murmuring comforting words, trying to keep your own panic at bay. The drive feels like an eternity, every second stretching out painfully.
Finally, you arrive at the hospital. Anton jumps out and rushes around to help you get Yechan out of the car. A nurse sees you and immediately brings a stretcher. Yechan is placed on it and rushed inside. You try to stay calm for Chanmi and Chanwoo, but the worry is etched deep into your features.
Your parents arrive just as the medical team wheels Yechan away. They quickly gather Chanmi and Chanwoo, who are both crying and frightened. "We’ll take care of them," your mom assures you, her eyes soft with understanding. "Focus on Yechan."
You give Chanmi and Chanwoo quick hugs, promising them that Yechan will be okay, and watch as your parents take them to get some food and comfort.
In the emergency bay, you finally allow yourself to cry. Anton pulls you into his arms, holding you tightly as you sob against his chest. "She’s going to be okay," he whispers, his own voice thick with emotion. "They’ll take care of her."
You nod, clutching his shirt, trying to believe his words. "I should have noticed sooner, Anton. This is all my fault. I should have seen the signs."
"Hey, no," Anton says firmly, pulling back to look at you. "This is not your fault. You’ve been doing everything you can. Kids get sick, sometimes quickly, and there’s nothing you could have done to prevent it."
"But I’m their mother," you say, tears streaming down your face. "I should have known. I should have done more."
"Don’t do that. You’re an amazing mother," Anton says, his voice filled with conviction. "You’ve been taking care of all three of them, and now you’re taking care of Yechan. That’s what matters. We’re here now, doing everything we can."
You take a shaky breath, leaning into his embrace. "I just feel so helpless."
"I know," he murmurs, kissing your forehead. "But she’s getting the help she needs, she’s going to be okay."
Time passes in a blur of anxiety and waiting. Anton never leaves your side. Finally, a doctor approaches, and you both stand up, your hearts pounding. "Mr. and Mrs. Lee?"
"Yes, that’s us," Anton replies, his arm still around you.
The doctor smiles reassuringly. "Yechan is stable now. She has a viral infection, which is causing the high fever and dehydration. We’re treating her with fluids and medication, and she’s responding well."
Tears of relief spill over as you cling to Anton. "Thank you. Can we see her?"
"Of course," the doctor says. "Follow me."
You and Anton follow the doctor to Yechan’s room. She’s lying in a hospital bed, looking small and fragile, but her breathing is steady, and she’s hooked up to an IV and heart monitor. You rush to her side, gently stroking her hair.
"Hey, sweetie," you say softly, trying to keep your voice steady. "Mommy and Daddy are here."
Yechan’s eyes flutter open, and she looks at you with a weak but relieved smile. "Mommy... Daddy..."
Anton kneels beside the bed, taking her hand. "Hey, princess. You’re so brave. The doctors are taking good care of you."
You sit by her side, holding her other hand, feeling a mixture of relief and lingering fear. "We love you so much, Yechan. You’re going to be okay."
As Yechan drifts back to sleep, you lean against Anton, your heart finally starting to unclench. The weight of the morning begins to lift, though the anxiety still lingers. You take a deep breath and glance at Anton, who looks equally exhausted but relieved.
"It's hard to believe we're here," you say softly, breaking the silence. "The first time one of our kids has been hospitalized... I never imagined it would be this overwhelming."
Anton nods, his eyes filled with worry. "I know. Seeing her like this... it's my worst nightmare. I feel so helpless."
You squeeze his hand reassuringly. "But she's strong, remember? And so are we. Everything will be okay."
Just as the room falls into a comforting silence, Anton's phone buzzes loudly, shattering the moment. He fishes it out of his pocket, glancing at the screen. His expression immediately hardens. "It's my manager," he mutters before answering the call. "Hey, what’s going on?"
You watch as his face shifts from concern to anger. "What do you mean, there are articles about us? The kids?" His voice is low but fierce, barely containing his rage. "Are you serious?"
You can hear the faint sound of his manager's voice, rapid and urgent, but not the words. Anton's grip on your hand tightens, his knuckles white. "Do whatever you have to do to take those pictures and articles down," he says through gritted teeth. "I don't care what it takes. Just get it done."
He ends the call, taking a moment to compose himself. His eyes are dark with fury as he looks at you. "Dispatch got pictures of us leaving the house," he explains, his voice tense. "They're already posting articles about our family, speculating about our kids."
Your own anger flares up at his words. "Are you kidding me?" you exclaim, shaking your head in disbelief. "We're dealing with a sick child, and they have nothing better to do than write stupid think pieces about our family?"
Anton nods, his jaw clenched tight. "I can't believe this. We do everything we can to shield our kids from the public. And now this."
You can feel the heat of your anger rising, your frustration boiling over. "It's infuriating," you say, your voice shaking. "We’re just trying to take care of Yechan, and these vultures are sitting behind their screens, writing about things they know nothing about."
"I know," Anton says, his voice filled with a mixture of rage and despair. "We’ve worked so hard to protect them. They don’t deserve this."
You nod, feeling a mix of anger and helplessness. "It's not fair," you say. "We shouldn't have to deal with this on top of everything else. Our children deserve to grow up without this kind of intrusion."
Anton sighs deeply, running a hand through his hair. "I just hate that they’re dragged into this. They didn’t ask for any of it."
You place a hand on his cheek, forcing him to look at you. "Anton, listen to me. This isn't your fault. You can't control your fame or your fans. What matters is that we’re here for our kids. They know they’re loved and protected, and that’s what counts."
He closes his eyes for a moment, leaning into your touch. "Thank you," he whispers. "For always being here, for always understanding."
His phone buzzes again, and he quickly checks the message. "The statement's been posted," he says. "They’re working on getting the pictures taken down."
You nod, still seething but feeling a bit of relief. "Good. It's all we can do right now."
Anton looks at you, his expression softening with guilt. "I'm sorry," he says quietly. "I feel like this is all my fault. If it weren't for my career, none of this would be happening."
You shake your head, pulling him into a tight hug. "It's not your fault, Anton. None of this is your fault. You didn’t post those pictures or write those stupid articles."
He hugs you back, his grip strong. "Thank you," he murmurs. "I just wish things were different."
Before you can respond, the door to Yechan's room opens, and the doctor walks in with a warm smile. "I have good news," he says. "Yechan is responding well to the treatment. She should be cleared to go home in a few hours."
Relief washes over you, and you feel Anton's body relax beside you. "Thank you, doctor," you say, your voice filled with gratitude.
She nods, giving Yechan a gentle pat on the head before leaving the room. You turn to Anton, a smile breaking through the exhaustion on your face. "She's going to be okay," you whisper.
Anton nods, his eyes shining with relief and love. "Yeah, she is," he agrees softly, pulling you close once more. "We’ll all be okay."
As you bask in the moment, the door opens again, and your parents walk in with Chanmi and Chanwoo in tow. Yechan stirs at the commotion, her eyes lighting up when she sees her siblings. "Chanmi! Chanwoo!" she exclaims, her voice still a bit weak but filled with joy.
"Yechan!" the two shout in unison, running to her bedside. "Can we sit with you?" Chanmi asks, her eyes wide with excitement.
Yechan nods enthusiastically. "Yeah, come up."
Anton gently lifts Chanmi and Chanwoo onto the bed, positioning them on either side of Yechan. Chanwoo grins and pushes out a small, brightly colored dino plushie he had been trying to hide behind his small back. "Grandpa bought one for all of us," he says, stumbling a bit over his words. "This one is yours, Yechan."
Yechan laughs, her eyes sparkling. "Thank you, Grandpa!" She takes the plushie and hugs it close. "It looks like daddy!" she giggles, pointing to the plushie's wide grin and height.
Chanmi and Chanwoo burst into giggles, making comparisons between the plushie and Anton. "It does!" Chanmi agrees, clapping her hands.
Chanmi then takes off the headband she had been wearing, one that she had insisted her grandmother buy for her. "Daddy, wear this," she says, holding it out to Anton.
Anton raises an eyebrow but smiles, taking the headband and placing it on his head. "How do I look?" he asks, striking a silly pose.
"You look pretty, Daddy!" Chanmi declares, and the room fills with laughter. Anton reaches out and starts tickling the kids, their giggles echoing around the room. Yechan joins in the laughter, the sound soothing.
You watch the scene unfold, your heart swelling with love. Absentmindedly, you begin to stroke your tummy, hidden beneath your hoodie. The warmth of the moment is almost enough to make you forget the chaos outside this room.
Your mom notices and cuts in with a gentle smile. "Anton is really good with the kids," she comments.
You stop stroking your stomach, reminded that you haven’t shared the news of the new baby with your families yet. "He really is," you agree, your voice filled with affection.
You turn to your parents. "The doctor said Yechan is cleared to go home in a few hours. You don't need to stay."
Your mom nods, giving you a warm hug. "I'll go home and make some food to drop off for you later," she says.
"Thank you, Mom," you say, returning the hug. "That would be wonderful."
Your dad gives you a tight hug too, and then you turn to the kids. "Say goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa," you instruct.
The kids pout, not wanting them to leave, but they obediently give hugs and kisses. "Bye, Grandma! Bye, Grandpa!" they chorus.
Once your parents have left, Chanwoo looks up at Anton with wide hopeful eyes that resemble his father. "Daddy, can we have ice cream now? You promised."
Anton chuckles, remembering his promise from breakfast. "I did promise, didn't I?"
Yechan sits up a bit, her eyes bright. "I want ice cream too!"
You hesitate, not sure if it’s a good idea. "We have to ask the doctor first, Yechan."
Heading to the nurses' station, you explain the situation. The nurse smiles kindly. "As long as she feels up to it and eats slowly, a small treat should be fine."
You thank her and head back to the room.
"We can have ice cream, but you need to eat it slowly, okay?"
The kids cheer, and you and Anton share a relieved smile. Anton calls down to the hospital cafeteria, arranging for three cups of ice cream to be brought up. While waiting, you sit back, watching Anton entertain the kids with stories and jokes.
"Remember the time we went to the zoo?" Anton starts, his voice animated. "And the monkey stole Mommy's headband?"
The kids burst into laughter, the memory clearly a favorite. "And Daddy chased the monkey!" Chanmi adds, giggling.
“And Daddy fall!" Chanwoo finishes, eyes wide with excitement.
You laugh along with them, feeling the day's stress slowly melting away. The ice cream arrives, and you help distribute the cups, making sure Yechan takes her time.
"Thank you, Mommy," she says, her voice soft but happy.
Your heart swells with emotion, and you kiss her forehead. "I'm so glad you're feeling better, sweetheart."
After the kids finish their ice cream, you and Anton clean them up, wiping sticky faces and hands. Anton then pulls out his phone, dialing his parents on FaceTime. "Let's call Grandma and Grandpa so they can see you," he says, positioning the phone so the kids are in view.
As the call connects, Anton's parents appear on the screen, their faces lighting up when they see the children. "Hi, my babies!" Anton's mom exclaims. "We've been so worried about you!"
"Hi, Grandma! Hi, Grandpa!" the kids chorus, waving excitedly.
Anton and you step back a bit, letting the kids have their moment. You can see the relief in Anton's parents' eyes, even through the screen. They had been texting Anton for updates after reading the articles, and now seeing their grandchildren safe and happy brings them comfort.
While the kids chat with their grandparents, the doctor re-enters the room. "Mr. and Mrs. Lee, can I speak with you outside for a moment?"
Your heart skips a beat, and you glance at Anton. He gives you a reassuring nod, and the two of you follow the doctor into the hallway. The doctor turns to face you, her expression serious but calm.
"We ran some additional blood tests on Yechan," she begins. "The results indicate that she's highly anemic. This anemia is likely the reason it took her longer to recover compared to Chanmi."
You feel a pang of worry, but the doctor continues quickly. "The good news is that this can be managed with iron supplements. I'll be referring Yechan to a hematologist for a consultation, but for now, I've prescribed antibiotics and iron pills. She should start feeling better soon with these treatments."
Anton wraps his arm around your shoulders, offering support. "Thank you, doctor," he says. "We appreciate you letting us know."
"Do you have any questions?" the doctor asks.
"Is this something that will affect her long-term?" you ask, your voice tinged with concern.
"It's manageable," the doctor reassures you. "With the right diet and supplements, Yechan should do just fine. The hematologist will provide more detailed guidance."
You and Anton nod, absorbing the information. "Thank you," Anton says again. "We'll make sure she follows through with everything."
The doctor smiles. "The nurse will be by soon with the discharge papers. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask."
You both thank her again and head back into the room. The kids have finished their call and are now playing a game on Anton's phone. Yechan looks up as you enter. "Grandma said she's coming to visit soon!"
Anton isn't shocked; he knows how much his mother adores the kids. "I'm not surprised," he says, smiling. "She loves you all very much."
You and Anton exchange a look, silently agreeing to discuss Yechan's diagnosis more in-depth once you're home. You don't want to alarm the kids any more than necessary.
Soon, a nurse arrives with the discharge papers for you to sign. She also brings stickers and candy for the kids, who eagerly thank her and start trading stickers while munching on their treats.
As the kids are occupied, you and Anton finalize the paperwork. Anton then heads down to the pharmacy to pick up the prescribed medications while you dress Yechan. She giggles as you help her into her clothes, clearly feeling better.
When Anton returns, he scoops Yechan into his arms and holds Chanmi's hand. You carry Chanwoo, who seems content after the long day. Anton doesn't comment on the arrangement; he knows it's well-deserved after what you've all been through.
You make your way to the car, the sky beginning to darken with clouds. Once everyone is buckled into their car seats, Anton starts the car, and you begin the drive home. As you pull out of the parking lot, raindrops start to splatter against the windshield.
"Can we bake cookies and watch movies when we get home?" Chanmi asks from the back seat, her voice filled with hopeful excitement.
You smile and turn to look at her. "Of course, sweetie. That sounds like a perfect idea."
The drive home is peaceful despite the rain, the rhythmic sound of droplets creating a soothing backdrop. You glance over at Anton, whose expression is a mix of relief and exhaustion. He catches your eye and gives you a small, tired smile.
When you arrive home, Anton carries Yechan inside, careful not to jostle her too much. You follow with Chanwoo in your arms, and Chanmi holding your hand. The house feels warm and welcoming after the sterile environment of the hospital.
"We're home," you announce softly, setting Chanwoo down.
"Bath time!" Anton declares, giving the kids a gentle nudge toward the bathroom.
"Do we have to?" Chanmi groans, her face scrunched up in mock dismay.
"Yes, we have to," you say firmly, though with a smile. "We need to wash off all the hospital germs."
Chanwoo perks up, tugging on your sleeve. "Can I have bubbles, Mommy?"
"Of course, sweetie," you reply, pinching his cheeks.
You and Anton guide the kids to the bathroom, where you fill the tub with warm water and plenty of bubbles. The kids' initial reluctance dissolves into giggles as they splash around. Anton kneels by the tub, gently washing Yechan's hair, while you scrub Chanmi and Chanwoo, making sure they're squeaky clean.
"Look at all the bubbles!" Chanmi exclaims, blowing a handful of foam toward Chanwoo, who laughs and tries to catch them.
Yechan smiles, her eyes sparkling with happiness. "This is fun," she says softly, enjoying the attention from her dad.
Once the bath is done, you wrap the kids in fluffy towels and help them into their pajamas. Chanwoo grabs his favorite blanket, clutching it tightly as he heads to the living room. 
"Alright, who's ready to bake some cookies?" you ask, clapping your hands together.
"Me! Me!" Chanmi and Chanwoo shout in unison, their earlier tiredness forgotten.
Anton settles Yechan on the couch with a pile of pillows. "You get to pick the movies we watch, okay?" he tells her, handing her the remote.
Yechan nods eagerly, scrolling through the options. "I want something funny," she decides.
"Good choice," Anton says, smiling as he sits next to her.
In the kitchen, you start mixing the cookie dough, with Chanmi and Chanwoo eagerly helping. Chanmi measures out the flour with precision, while Chanwoo enthusiastically stirs the bowl, occasionally sending flour puffing into the air.
"Careful, Chanwoo," you say, laughing as you gently guide his hand. "We want the flour in the bowl, not on the floor."
"Oops, sorry Mommy," Chanwoo giggles, his cheeks dusted with flour.
"No worries, baby boy," you reply, kissing the top of his head.
As you work, you can't help but glance into the living room, where Anton is making Yechan laugh. He's found a silly cartoon, and the sound of their shared laughter fills the house, blending with the kids' chatter in the kitchen.
Once the dough is ready, you help the kids scoop it onto baking sheets. Chanmi is meticulous, ensuring each cookie is just the right size, while Chanwoo plops haphazard mounds onto the tray, his excitement evident.
"Perfect," you say, sliding the trays into the oven. "Now we wait for them to bake."
You clean up the kitchen with Chanmi and Chanwoo's help, their spirits high. "Can I lick the spoon?" Chanwoo asks, his eyes wide with hope.
"Sure," you say, handing him the spoon covered in leftover dough. He happily licks it clean, and Chanmi takes the spatula, scraping off the remaining batter.
As the cookies bake, you set up a cozy spot in the living room with blankets and pillows. The smell of baking cookies fills the house, bringing a sense of normalcy and comfort.
Once the cookies are ready, you bring out a tray, and everyone settles in to watch a movie. Anton sits next to you, his arm around your shoulders. The kids snuggle up with their cookies, their laughter filling the room as the movie plays.
You lean into Anton, feeling a deep sense of contentment. "This is perfect," you whisper, glancing at your kids. Chanmi and Chanwoo are cuddled up next to Yechan, all of them engrossed in the movie.
Anton squeezes your hand. "It really is," he agrees, his voice full of love.
As the movie progresses, you can't help but think about the doctor's news earlier. You glance at Yechan, who is giggling at a particularly funny part of the movie, and your heart aches with both love and worry. You'll have to monitor her anemia closely, but knowing that you have a plan in place brings some comfort.
Your thoughts drift to the baby on the way. You place a gentle hand on your stomach, feeling a flutter of excitement mixed with anxiety. There's so much to prepare for, but moments like this make it all worth it.
The movie eventually ends, and you start to usher the kids to bed. "Time for sleep, my loves," you say, guiding them to their rooms.
"But I want to stay up," Chanwoo protests, yawning despite his words.
"How about we read a story in bed?" you suggest, knowing it will help calm them down.
"Okay," Chanwoo agrees, a sleepy smile spreading across his face.
"Alright, let's get you brushed up and ready for bed, Chanwoo," you say, leading him to the bathroom while Anton helps the twins.
"Can we brush our teeth together?" Chanmi asks, looking up at Anton.
"Sure thing, sweetheart," Anton replies, smiling as he guides the twins to their bedroom.
You head to Chanwoo’s bathroom and carefully brush his teeth, making sure each little tooth is clean. Anton comes in soon after. "All done, buddy," you say, wiping his mouth. "Ready for your story?"
"Yes, Mommy!" Chanwoo says, his eyes lighting up.
You and Anton tuck Chanwoo into bed, and grab his favorite storybook. Anton sits on one side of the bed, and you sit on the other, each of you taking turns reading. Chanwoo listens intently, his eyes drooping as the story progresses. When you reach the end, he’s already fast asleep, his small chest rising and falling steadily.
"Sweet dreams, baby," Anton whispers, giving him a soft kiss on the forehead.
You both quietly exit Chanwoo's room and head to the bathroom where the twins are finishing brushing their teeth. "Ready for your story, girls?" you ask, and they nod eagerly, excitement still in their eyes despite their obvious fatigue.
You lead them to their room, tucking them in snugly. Anton picks out a story, and you both sit beside them, taking turns reading again. Yechan and Chanmi listen with wide eyes, occasionally giggling at the funny parts. By the time the story is over, they're barely keeping their eyes open.
"Goodnight, my sweet girls," you whisper, kissing their foreheads.
"Goodnight, Mommy. Goodnight, Daddy," they murmur sleepily.
You and Anton quietly leave their room, closing the door softly behind you. 
"Finally," Anton says with a sigh of relief, wrapping his arms around you. "That was a long day."
"It really was," you agree, leaning into him.
Anton nods, his eyes reflecting the same mixture of exhaustion and contentment that you feel. "Let's get some rest," he suggests, guiding you to your room.
As you lie in bed, you can't help but think about the doctor's news earlier. You glance at the ceiling, your mind racing with thoughts.
"Hey," Anton says softly, sensing your worry. "Everything will fall into place."
You turn to him, finding comfort in his steady gaze. "I know. It's just... a lot to take in."
He nods, understanding. "One step at a time, right?"
"Right," you agree, feeling a bit more at ease.
As you drift off to sleep, you feel grateful for Anton's support and the love that the two of you have crafted over the years. The sound of the rain pattering softly against the windows lulls you into a deep, restful sleep, your heart full of love.
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jude5bellingham · 7 months
tbt pt.2 ౨ৎ trent alexander-arnold
part one here!
pairing: trent alexander-arnold x f!reader
summary: part two of throwback thursday, reader is lfc's photographer but people start thinking there is something off when she is exclusively posting tbts
notes: hope u guys enjoy :3
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tagged trentarnold66 and liverpoolfc
liked by trentarnold66, liverpoolfc and 102,549 others
yourusername my first heartbreak tbh.. #tbt
view all 80,435 comments
trentarnold66 mine too
yourusername wrong actually! your first heartbreak was when i laughed in your face when you asked me out cause i thought you had to have been joking
ibrahimakonate oh wow😂😂
user1 trent getting aired out on a tbt of 2021/2022 ucl finals post of yn's is crazy😭😭
trentarnold66 it was just a misunderstanding 😒 we are literally married now anyways
virgilvandijk no need to open old wounds
yourusername sorry skip im running out of content
mosalah you will have more if you comeback!
yourusername soon mo!!!!
andyrobertson94 comeback to work soon
yourusername hopefully
user2 yn isnt at work???
user3 we miss you yn
user4 real lads' first heartbreaks💔
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tagged trentarnold66 and england
liked by trentarnold66, england and 100,878 others
yourusername throwback to when my (now) ex-boyfriend made me pay stupidly expensive tickets to see him #tbt
view all 60,090 comments
trentarnold66 did not
yourusername did too
joegomez5 you two are such children
yourusername 🤫
trentarnold66 stop calling me your exboyfriend
yourusername you literally are mate
andyrobertson94 your exboyfriend sounds terrible
yourusername he didn't even score! why'd i spend all that money!
ibrahimakonate 😂😂😂
szoboszlaidominik what's your exboyfriends @
yourusername oh hell no....
user5 her calling trent (her husband) her ex boyfriend 😭😭😭
user6 they're literally so funny 😭😭😭
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tagged trentarnold66 and england
liked by trentarnold66, england and 120,432 others
yourusername shouting out this young lad from liverpool #tbt
view all 80,003 comments
trentarnold66 ...
andyrobertson94 up and coming young scouse lad
curtisjr young lad just trying to make it
judebellingham that is broski 🙏
user7 i wonder how trent felt seeing these pictures 😭😭
user8 has anyone else noticed she's only been posting tbts?? i know she does normally but she hasn't uploaded a not tbt in a while..
user9 she might just be going through old content!! she has a habit of uploading extra pics from old tbts later when she feels like she needs to post more!!
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tagged trentarnold66
liked by trentarnold66, liverpoolfc and 109,883 others
yourusername even with setbacks, just know YNWA ❤️‍🩹 #tbt
view all 65,556 comments
trentarnold66 i miss you at the games
yourusername alright pack it up loverboy
yourusername i miss you at games too... GET BACK ON THE PITCH!
judebellingham mate can never catch a break huh
yourusername nope!
user109 WE also miss you yn
harvelliott we miss you
❤️ liked by yourusername
liverpoolfc yn YOU need to remember that ynwa ❤️❤️
curtisjr ^^ ❤️
mosalah ^^ ❤️
ibrahimakonate ^^ ❤️
virgilvandijk ^^ ❤️
yourusername okay relax guys i'm going to cry and i'm a real ugly crier...
trentarnold66 @yourusername liar
andyrobertson94 trent's just a sap after all
user10 is yn okay? why did lfc comment that?
user11 did yn leave lfc?
user12 why are they all leaving hearts and saying ynwa?? did yn leave??
user13 i hope everything is alright yn ❤️ YNWA❤️
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tagged trentarnold66 and england
liked by trentarnold66, england and 100,409 others
yourusername when @england hired me for the season and then i literally just watched him have stronger bonds with men than me but that's ok i guess #tbt
view all 80,867 comments
trentarnold66 i'm not even going to say anything
aaronramsdale you're acting like trent didn't kick me out of the room to spend time with you
yourusername okay don't get dramatic! it wasn't even your bed!
aaronsramsdale 🙁
england 😳
yourusername 😳
judebellingham no photos of trent and i?
yourusername yeah as if i was gonna post my ex-boyfriend's side ting
judebellingham ex-boyfriend 😭
user14 did yn leave lfc for the england nt???
user15 if you left for the england nt, we still love you yn ❤️❤️
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tagged trentarnold66 and liverpoolfc
yourusername yes i have heard the news, trust me we are all devastated but YNWA klopp and thank you for the memories, especially the ones in the making ❤️❤️❤️ #tbt
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tagged trentarnold66 and andyrobertson94
liked by trentarnold, andyrobertson94 and 101,255 others
yourusername no words can describe how i feel about this friendship but maybe this ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 emoji can! #tbt
view all 90,888 comments
andyrobertson94 love you both❤️❤️ can't wait for your return
trentarnold66 ❤️
szoboszlaidominik that should be me 💔
yourusername leave my ex-boyfriend and his husband alone... homewrecker...
user16 we hope you feel better ❤️❤️ we miss you and klopp
user17 klopp hasnt even left yet
user18 tell that to the hole in my heart
yourusername and trentarnold66
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liked by trentarnold66, andyrobertson94 and 150,809 others
yourusername hi everyone! i'm so sorry i did not say anything during these last few months... if i'm honest they were very difficult. I was not myself for the last few months so I took a leave of absence from lfc, that i'm so incredibly grateful for, and i tried to post like usual even though i was running out of photos and energy. Trent's injury, Klopp's announcement, and everything else in this world felt incredibly hard to deal with but even in those times I could always turn to this community to put a smile on my face. I'm so happy to let you all know Trent and I have welcomed a beautiful and healthy son to our family. anyways, long story short, always remember that i love you and that ynwa❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
view all 109,004 comments
andyrobertson94 Proud godfather here!❤️❤️
user229 omg😭😭😭
liverpoolfc congratulations yn! we love you & ynwa❤️
virgilvandijk ❤️
curtisjr new young scouse lad about to become a superstar 💫
judebellingham 🤍
aaronramsdale ❤️
jordanhenderson ❤️❤️
szoboszlaidominik ❤️
ibrahimakonate ❤️
user19 we love you yn❤️❤️
user20 im so glad you put yourself first❤️❤️
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liked by trentarnold66, andyrobertson94 and 109,899 others
yourusername my pretty boy 🤍🤍
view all 30,990 comments
yourusername trent is there too i guess
andyrobertson94 you know you could've asked me to take a picture of the three of you right
yourusername you don't get it andy
andyrobertson94 🙄
virgilvandijk two very stylish lads in the pics
yourusername it's cause i styled them after you skipp😁
curtisjr didnt know your exboyfriend could dress so well
yourusername he can't without my help 😕😕
user21 sobs... this is so cute😭😭
user22 dilf trent
❤️ liked by yourusername
user23 theyre soo cute together 😭😭
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tagged trentarnold66 and liverpoolfc
liked by trentarnold66, liverpoolfc and 120,389 others
yourusername some day my kids will know the winner that their father is #tbt
view all 89,343 comments
liverpoolfc they'll watch him win another with their own eyes
❤️ liked by yourusername
andyrobertson94 more importantly, they'll know how big of a winner their godfather is
yourusername honestly... you kind of are the captain of scotland and a member of the great british empire ...
trentarnold66 okay stop agreeing with each other
yourusername no need for jealousy in my comments
user24 KIDS??? AS IN PLURAL????
user25 omg is this a pregnancy announcement 😭😭
yourusername and trentarnold66
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liked by trentarnold66, andyrobertson94 and 100,445 others
yourusername i don't think i could even begin to describe how happy and grateful i am, but i will try. i love the family i have created here in liverpool with the help of everyone. you are all family, thank you for the love and support you have always shown me. ❤️❤️
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gureumz · 1 year
come to me, make it right
rating: explicit
member: heeseung
notes: fem-bodied reader, backup dancer!reader, slight dom!heeseung, canon-compliant (?), dirty talk, semi-public sex, choking, unprotected sex, creampie, fingering, cum-eating, reader breaches professionalism lol
a/n: let's give heeseung a break and let him have his (your) cake 😔 so here i present the backup dancer fic! don't lie to me i know y'all wish it was you bc i do
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"he's really something, isn't he?"
the question catches you off guard, your head turning abruptly as you give your friend a look. sion, dressed nearly identically to your all-black get-up, scoots closer to where you're seated on the floor, shoving her shoulder right up to yours.
"what are you on about?" you question before taking a big gulp from your water bottle.
"heeseung," she whispers, gesturing with her eyes to the tall figure standing across the practice room. he's typing on his phone, back turned to you.
"what about him?" you ask.
"he's good. like really good. one of the better idols i've worked with," sion explains, hooking an arm around yours.
"oh, please, you wish you could work with him personally," a different voice whispers from your right. serin, another one of your co-backup dancers, slides up to where you're sitting.
"too bad _______ got the gig first," serin adds, nudging you. you roll your eyes as the two of them collapse in giggles.
it's been two weeks since you were onboarded onto this project for enhypen's comeback. today was the dance practice filming and you can say that so far, it's been smooth sailing for the most part. the company was generous enough and the performance directors were easy to work with. the members themselves gave you no problems whatsoever, though you could only truly speak for one of them.
heeseung was nice enough, extremely polite, but also tremendously serious when it comes to performing. you've only known him for all of the two weeks, but you know better than to get in his way. you stepped on his foot once and you remember wanting to disintegrate right then, but to your surprise, heeseung merely smiled, reassuring you that it was fine.
it was rather easy to fall into rhythm with him. you don't know if it was your doing, or his, or both, but it's like the two of you spoke the same dance language. there were barely any words uttered, but understanding passed between you effortlessly.
he was kind of sweet too, always asking if you've eaten, if you need any more water, if his hand placement was too much. you appreciated it, a far cry from some other people you've worked with that barely spared you a glance. you'd be fine with the bare minimum of friendliness, if it was all out of courtesy that heeseung asked you all these questions. but the way he stares down at you attentively has your stomach churning. whether that's a good or bad thing, you've yet to decide.
your eyes draw towards heeseung as he pockets his phone, his gaze somehow finding yours in a split second. before you could look away, he smiles, waving rather cutely at you.
you wave back politely, quickly signing a 'have you eaten?' to him. heeseung shakes his head and points back at you as if to ask, 'how about you?'.
you reply no and heeseung pouts.
'eat soon, okay?' he mouths to you. you hold up the 'okay' sign and heeseung nods, satisfied.
sion and serin fall silent as the three of you watch heeseung gather with the rest of enhypen, all seven excusing themselves to go eat. heeseung locks eyes with you briefly one more time and smiles, eyebrows raised.
and then they were gone.
"what was that?" sion asks, grinning like a feline.
"he's being nice," you contest. "doesn't jungwon tell you to eat when you should?"
sion balks at that, clearing her throat. "he does. he's very considerate."
"but that," sion continues. "that look is different, ________, i'm telling you."
serin nods enthusiastically in agreement. "right? do the two of you talk outside of practice?"
"you guys are so unprofessional," you complain, though a smile creeps onto your face.
"and, no, we don't."
"did you see my kakao request?"
you peer up at heeseung, eyebrows knitting together. it takes you another few seconds to register what exactly he was asking.
"you added me on kakao?" you finally ask back.
his hands are in his pockets, a fluffy blanket wrapped tightly around his frame. the weather in poland is more than a little chilly this time of year, a struggle for you all as you drag yourselves through the music video filming.
heeseung chuckles, his eyes squinting down at you. "yeah, last night."
"sorry, i must have missed it," you reply sheepishly, pulling your own blanket tighter around your shoulders. "i have about a dozen requests at any given time."
"ooh, someone's in demand," heeseung teases, nudging you lightly. you laugh nervously, scanning the set around you.
the members and their respective dancers have gotten friendly over the course of the comeback preparations. nothing too chummy, but all of you are comfortable enough to strike up conversations with each other on and off schedule. it was nice, getting to know the guys of enhypen a little better.
but the way heeseung caught up to you in this dark, secluded part of the set where you were merely looking for cell service makes it look a little too suspicious.
'what do you want?' is what threatened to come out of your mouth. you often think you would rather be dead than be caught in a dating scandal with an idol. not that you're assuming anything, but you've seen this behavior before, and heeseung really is just a man at the end of the day, so who's to say that—
"um, is everything okay?" heeseung asks, waving a hand in front of your face. you blink, your surroundings coming back into view. you look up and are met with heeseung's grey-colored lenses. you stop a shiver from running down your spine at how hard he's staring down at you.
"yeah, sorry," you respond hurriedly, clearing your throat. "what i meant to say is, i have messages from people asking for dancers for a program or shoot or what-have-you, all those stuff."
heeseung nods before looking away, eyes scanning the staff as they arrange the set. before neither of you could say anything more, jake's head pops out from behind a stack of equipment boxes.
"hyung? oh, there you are," jake says with a start, noticing you at the last second.
"hi, _______!" he adds cheerily.
you smile warmly at him, slightly relieved that someone is there to interrupt.
jake turns back to heeseung. "jungwon says to drop by the hair and makeup tent for a bit."
heeseung nods at the younger, brushing past you to get to jake.
"see you in a bit," heeseung says, fingers lightly curling around your forearm. you tense up but nod in reply.
"see you," you return weakly.
you wait until the two of them are gone before sighing, stalking off to the other end of the set to where the dancers' tent is set up.
studio choom is one of your favorite parts of being a backup dancer. the staff was nice, the set was wide and airy, and the lighting was amazing. your excitement concerning the last part was evident in the way you couldn't take your eyes off your phone as you held it in front of your face.
"i look so good," you comment with a laugh, surveying yourself on the camera display. "even with the mask and all."
"right?" serin agrees from behind you, getting into frame with you. you quickly snap a couple photos.
the director barks out an order to get into blocking and you quickly hide your phone away, silently thanking in your head one of the other dancers for bringing in the large tote to hold all of your devices.
you walk under the bright multicolored lights onto the actual filming set, hovering over the general area of where you're supposed to be blocked. you wait for the members and other dancers to find their places, eyes downcast as you try to find your exact spot.
a hand brushes your arm and you look up to see heeseung smiling down at you.
"you look good," he mutters quietly before walking to center, getting on his hands and knees as he settles into his starting position.
serin passes in front of you, eyes expressive enough that you instantly get what she's saying despite half of her face being obscured by the mask.
'what was that?!' her eyes seemed to cry out.
you shake your head. 'i have no idea,' you respond as best as you can with your own confused gaze.
the director calls out another command and everything else is dropped as all of you fall into performance mode. autopilot takes over you, every take passing by quickly, much to your surprise.
an hour and a half later and on the last take of the chorus, you find yourself restless, stomach already grumbling. you pick at your long black gloves, wishing for this day to be over.
enhypen are in formation in front of the camera, with the dancers at the wings, ready to approach for the chorus. somehow, despite blending into the shadows of the set, heeseung finds you, tilting his head to the side in a sort of greeting.
you mirror his action and heeseung instantly smiles. you can't help the grin that breaks out behind your mask.
"last take, everyone!" the director calls out.
with a little more difficulty than you'd like to admit, you rip your gaze away from heeseung's, a tingling feeling settling in your stomach.
almost all thoughts of heeseung disappear from your mind as you get home later that day, too exhausted to pore over every interaction you have with your dance partner. you lay sprawled out on your bed, having just finished freshening up, eyes heavy as you feel drowsiness creep into your consciousness.
the keyword is almost.
you hear a notification ping from your phone and your sleepiness is immediately replaced with pure adrenaline. your read the notification over and over again just to make sure you weren't imagining it.
이희승 (lee heeseung): hi
you sit up, your heart pounding. leaning against your headboard, you watch as another message comes in.
이희승: you up?
you snicker, opening your kakaotalk app. heeseung's name is at the top of the chat room, easily indicating just who you're talking to. you quickly type a reply.
너 (you): ooh he finally messaged ㅋㅋ what an opening tho
you chew on your lower lip as you send the message, the 'read' sign immediately appearing. you watch as heeseung types out his reply.
이희승: lol sorry did that come off too creepy?
너: not at all. why the sudden message tho? was my performance that bad that it has you staying up at night?
이희승: oh no nothing of that sort. just wanted to say thank you for your hard work today
you blink, cheeks growing warm. he messaged you at ass-o'-clock to thank you?
너: thanks! you did super well today too
이희승: don't i always? (pouting face)
it's at this moment that you realize, without a shadow of a doubt, that lee heeseung, a member of a globally renowned k-pop idol group, is flirting with you.
you lock your phone, laying back down on your pillow, contemplating on what to do.
you could always flirt back, then act as if nothing happened the next time you see him. see how far the two of you can take it. you might end up sneaking around green rooms and closets, but, hey, half of the fun is the thrill of getting caught. or you could shut it down now, rejecting him gently because what kind of unprofessional loser would fold at the slightest display of romantic interest from an idol?
you sigh.
you would.
you're a (slightly) unprofessional loser that would fold at the slightest display of romantic interest from an idol.
you open up your phone, fingers moving at lightning speed.
너: my bad. you always do well (wink)
a whole minute passes by, heeseung typing then stopping then starting up again, before he stops once more for a few seconds. you feel anxiety seeping out of every pore on your body.
이희승: good girl ㅋㅋ that's what i like to hear
you gape at your phone, a strange tingle spreading all over you.
you take a moment to scream into your pillow.
you're waiting for it to boil over. to culminate into something. for shit to hit the fan, as you would inelegantly put it.
you left heeseung on read last night, at a total loss for words at his reply. he doesn't press further, either. in your mind, he's probably thinking one of two things: 1) that he deeply offended you, or 2) that he's achieved the desired effect.
you don't have to think too hard about which one of those is true.
you enter the assigned green room to you and the other dancers, poking your head in first, eyes landing on your coworkers lounging about.
"oh, _______!" sion calls out excitedly. the rest of them turn their heads to you, erupting into similar squeals.
"close the door!" serin orders. too stunned to protest, you do as you're told, leaning against the wall as all of your friends talk over each other.
"heeseung was looking for you," sion's voice rises above the rest and your eyes unconsciously widen, your heart rate picking up.
"yeah, he came here himself and asked where you were," serin adds, nodding.
"what's going on with you two?" another dancer, yeeun, asks in a singsong voice.
"n-nothing's going on," you say with a laugh, waving them off nonchalantly.
"like we'll believe that," sion retorts. "we'll keep it a secret, promise!"
the rest of them agree, sounding like a chorus of schoolchildren hearing about their teacher's boyfriend. you sigh, setting your things down on the floor.
"we're messaging on kakao, that's all," you admit, shrugging.
"sexting already?" serin chides with a laugh. you give her a look as the room erupts in laughter.
"you guys are hopeless," you say with a shake of your head, but you can't help but laugh along.
"we're not sexting. not...yet," you add. there's a pause before the laughter grows louder, all of them throwing jokes around about being safe and dating scandals.
"luck you," yeeun says with a sigh. "it's taking jake forever to make a move."
the whole room shifts its attention to her and you breathe a quiet sigh of relief. your phone vibrates and you feel your whole body grow hot as you read your screen.
이희승: come out for a second
before anyone can stop you, you quickly slip out of the green room, looking down in both directions of the hallway. to your right, you see heeseung standing outside enhypen's own waiting room, eyes staring at you intently.
with a nervous glance back behind you, you make your way to him. the hallway seems empty at this time, with most artists and staff in their respective rooms, the early prerecording hour hanging heavily over everyone.
"hi," heeseung says with a grin the moment you're near enough to hear him.
"hi," you respond, fidgeting with your hands. you scrape over your knuckles with your nails, waiting for heeseung to continue.
"about last night, i'm sorry if i went too far," heeseung begins, voice dropping, eyes looking around nervously.
so he's thinking option number 1.
"oh no, not at all," you reassure him. "i appreciate the gesture. i know you were only trying to be friendly."
heeseung raises his eyebrows as you say this. he purses his lips before speaking.
"friendly isn't the right word, exactly...," heeseung says, trailing off. he bites down on his lip, eyes momentarily flitting up and down over your figure.
it's your turn to be surprised.
"i see," you reply.
there's a long stretch of silence after this, both of you avoiding each other's eyes. an awkward laugh escapes you and heeseung follows, scratching at the back of his head.
you finally look up to meet his eyes, his pupils blown wide as he seems to consider his next words.
"i mean, i'm down if you are," heeseung says, stepping closer. "i won't hold it against you if you aren't, though."
you don't need to be told what his words meant. with the way he's staring at you right now, eyes unmoving but filled with something you can only describe as desire, you know full well what heeseung is implying.
"i am," you say after a moment. you're still fidgeting, hands clasped together in front of you. heeseung notices, his own hand coming up to lay on yours, stilling your movements. his fingers curl around your wrist.
"are we waiting after the recording or...?" you ask, letting heeseung pry your hands apart. he grips you firmly and you feel yourself practically igniting from his touch.
"i could use a pick-me-up right now" heeseung throws out casually, as if merely suggesting that the two of you get coffee. he jerks his head towards the door right next to their waiting room.
"this one's empty," heeseung informs. "i checked."
you can't help but grin up at him. he licks his lips as if he's looking down at his next meal, which you know, isn't that far from the truth.
"and no surveillance cameras, either," heeseung says, leaning down to whisper next to your ear.
without replying, you walk backward in the direction of the empty waiting room. heeseung follows, still gripping your arm, letting you pull him along. you never break eye contact, even as you reach behind you to turn the knob, pushing the door open.
only now do you avert your eyes away from him, stepping into the dimly lit room, a single weak lightbulb turned on in the farthest corner. with heeseung right behind you, you hear the door close, and without missing a beat, heeseung tugs you back, hands grabbing you by the waist.
he shoves you against the door, his face impossibly close to yours, your breaths mingling as you practically pant in anticipation. heeseung reaches down, locking the door, the click of the mechanism deafening in the silence.
"you can still say no," heeseung whispers.
"why would i do that?" you say before leaning forward to kiss him.
heeseung sighs against your mouth, his hand holding one side of your face to keep you steady. you're both still in your casual clothes, and you thank the heavens for this because your hands slip easily underneath his oversized hoodie. your palms smooth over his toned stomach and up his chest where you lightly rake your nails back downward.
you gasp when you feel heeseung roughly grab one of your boobs through your shirt at the same time he pushes a knee between your legs. you belatedly realize that it's today of all days that you've decided to wear a miniskirt.
"making my job easier," heeseung teases, as if able to read your thoughts. he smirks at you, planting a brief kiss on your lips as he angles you better on his thigh.
"your job...," you say in between labored breaths. you feel yourself growing wetter as you grind down on the taut muscle. "...is to fuck me before anyone notices we're gone."
heeseung grunts, pulling his leg away, ignoring the way you whine at the loss of friction. he pulls your skirt up roughly, letting it bunch around your waist. you gasp as you hear the sound of ripping fabric.
"heeseung!" you say in disbelief as he pockets your now torn-up lace panties. he merely chuckles, leaning in to kiss down from below your ear to your conveniently exposed chest, a feat made possible by your skimpy tank top.
"turn around, baby," heeseung whispers, planting another kiss, but this time, on your nose.
you stare at him for a moment, eyes bleary. are you really about to do this?
"please?" heeseung adds, eyes wide and round as he utters this one word so sweetly.
with weak knees, you do as you're told, letting heeseung press his chest flush against your back. you mewl when you feel his rough fingers slip between your slick folds, rubbing up then down, circling around the relative area of your clit. he finds it a second later, pressing down and working it expertly.
"fuck," you say, voice trembling. you let out a startled noise as you feel heeseung press a large hand over your mouth.
"no one can see us here but that doesn't mean they can't hear us," heeseung says against the shell of your ear.
"so i need you to be quiet for me, baby, okay?"
melting at these words, you could do nothing more but nod. heeseung kisses the back of your head tenderly. you hear him tugging his sweatpants down, letting it pool around his ankles.
you whimper when you feel a hard poke on one of your asscheeks, anticipation bubbling in you. you wriggle around, spreading your legs slightly apart and sticking your hips out.
"good girl," heeseung praises you, pressing his tip right against your hole. "doesn't need me to tell her what to do."
heeseung keeps his hand pressed firmly on your mouth, ensuring to muffle any sound that escapes you. and it's a good thing, too, because you're tempted to sob when you feel him push in, filling you in one swift motion.
"god," heeseung grunts as he bottoms out. "spent so long imagining what it would feel like to fuck you like this."
heeseung lets go of your face in favor of bracing himself against the door. you gasp out, the feeling of him quickly overwhelming you. and to think he hasn't even moved, yet.
"tried so hard not to let my hands wander but, fuck, you make it so difficult," heeseung says directly into your ear. he gives his first thrust and you decide to take on the responsibility of covering your own mouth because the stretch from his cock threatens a scream out of you.
"those goddamn stylists putting you girls in those tight dresses," heeseung continues. "and they expect us to keep our eyes and hands still?"
your eyes roll back at the filthy admission. heeseung grips you harshly by the waist and the whole world falls away from view when you feel him hammer in and out of you.
it's unknown to you how you could keep yourself upright, your knees feeling as if they could give out any moment. heeseung fucks into you roughly, your words about finishing quickly before your absence raises any questions seemingly spurring him on.
"so good, so fucking good," heeseung blabbers on, surely lost in his own pleasure. you lean back against his large frame for support and heeseung is quick to wrap a hand around your throat.
"yes!" you gasp out, blood rushing loudly in your ears as you feel heeseung squeeze down around your neck.
you wonder what you must look like right now. if anyone on the off chance would walk in on you and see your clothes and hair disheveled, your already short skirt pushed up even further, back arched in pleasure as heeseung fucks into your throbbing, drenched pussy. as if reading your mind again, heeseung prods against your mouth with two fingers, slipping them inside, leaving you no choice but to suckle on the salty skin.
at this moment, the two of you are possibly the very image of sin.
"squeezing me so tight, babe," heeseung breathes out against your neck. you gasp when you feel his teeth sink into the skin of your shoulder, soft moans escaping his own lips.
heeseung pulls his fingers out of your mouth and drool drips down your chin. he grabs at your neck once again, tighter this time, his other arm wrapping around your midsection as he picks up the pace.
"fuck, i'm getting close," heeseung practically growls, maneuvering the two of you away from the door.
"help me out, baby," heeseung pleads in your ears. "tell me how good you're feeling."
you finally let out the sob that's been fighting its way out of you.
"h-heeseung you feel so g-good," you comply, voice breaking from heeseung's vice grip around your neck.
"want you to ruin me like this every day. need you to f-fuck me in front of the practice room mirror," you continue, trying to find the right words despite the growing haziness in your head.
heeseung lets out a noise. "yeah? wanna watch yourself get split open like this? every day, huh?"
you nod frantically. "yes, yes, yes! d-didn't know i needed you this bad."
heeseung grows quiet as he holds you against him, hips snapping up erratically. you're sure that you've made a mess on the floor by now, seeing as you're absolutely drenched. the thought pushes you closer to your own release.
"c-cum for me please," you implore, feeling yourself shake at the thought of your impending orgasm.
"yeah, angel, gonna cum for you. g-gonna cum in this tight, gorgeous pussy. so good for me, letting me fuck them in s-some dark room right next door to m-my manager and members and all the staff, fuck—!"
heeseung abruptly stills, hand falling away from your neck. you take in a gulp of air, your fingers frantically reaching down to rub at your clit. you feel heeseung twitch and spill himself inside of you and you squeeze your eyes shut, coaxing yourself closer to euphoria.
finally, the floodgates open and your whole body seizes up from your orgasm. heeseung's face is buried in your neck and you can vaguely register him encouraging you through it.
you relax after a few seconds, leaning hard against heeseung as you feel your body nearly give out. heeseung pulls out but quickly replaces his cock with two of his fingers. you whine weakly, head lolling back against heeseung's shoulder.
"i got you," heeseung coos, working his fingers in and out of you at a languid pace. you twitch in oversensitivity, complaining how it's too much.
heeseung retracts his fingers and you catch him licking them clean just as you turn to face him. your eyes have adjusted in the dim lighting, heeseung's features coming into focus.
"you just tasted yourself," you say in half surprise and half bewilderment.
heeseung breathes out a laugh, letting his fingers out of his mouth with a soft pop.
"had to keep it in somehow," heeseung says nonchalantly. "seeing as i, ah, compromised your underwear."
you roll your eyes, giggling. "i think you more than compromised my underwear. you tore it in half, heeseung."
heeseung shrugs, donning an unapologetic expression. you swat at his chest playfully but you stop mid-laugh when you feel something drip out of you.
"oh god, fuck—," you start to complain, but before you could get another word out, heeseung drops to his knees, doe eyes peering up at you.
heeseung prods your legs apart, sticking his tongue out just in time to catch his own cum dribbling out of you.
"i'll clean you up, baby," heeseung says, mouth already pressing against your leaking hole.
all you can do is grab onto his shoulder, eyes rolling back as you feel your clit twitch with newfound arousal.
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ronance4everbrainrot · 2 months
Some more little mostly Glassheart/CharmingHeart incorrect quotes
(with other ships)
Bridget: Why do you act like we’re three year olds?
Ella, exasperated: WHY?!?
Ella points at Red: YOU TRIED TO HYJACK A CAR!
(Ella is so done with them. Red wants to leave. Chloe wanted to do some parkour. And Bridget forgot they weren't in Wonderland.)
Red: I don’t know, this plan seems complicated.
Chloe: You once said that about an orange.
Red: They don’t make sense. Apples, you eat their clothes but oranges you don’t.
(Red finds Auradon weird)
Red: Are you okay?
Chloe, crying: Yeah, it was just the onions.
Red: *Picks up an onion* What the fuck did you say to Chloe?
(That's adorable. Red, honey. You're not in wonderland. Not everything can talk)
Red: Mom, if you don't shut up I'm going to throw myself out of the car.
(She cares. Even if it's just for her own gain.)
Red: *on the phone* Hey Mom, do you know my blood type?
Queen of Hearts: Of course, it's B-.
Red: Oh, I guessed wrong. Excuse me, nurse-!
((Red is in the hospital with Chloe. Red doesn't know her blood type so she just shrugs and guesses. She tells Chloe that she doesn't know and Chloe then makes some comment about getting the wrong blood type and it not being good, red finally decides to call her mother and ask her.))
Chloe: But what about Bridget?
Ella: Don't worry about them.
Ella: I once watched them fall down 5 flights of stairs, stand up, and keep eating their cupcake like nothing happened.
(Either Bridget is a people pleaser or she's just incredible. Probably both.)
Bridget: *accidentally eats something too spicy so their eyes start to water*
Ella: Bridget, look at me. It's okay. I would die for you. I love you so much. You're the best person I know.
Bridget: I'm not crying?
Ella, hugging Bridget's head: Shush baby, it's okay. Ella is here and they love you with their whole heart.
(wHy iS It sPicY. Bridget gay panicking)
Ella: Well, if you're not at least a little bit gay for your friends, then what kind of friend are you?
(Facts. But also. Stop trying to deny the gay. Accept it fully)
Red: Sometimes, I don’t realize an event was traumatic until I tell it as a funny story and notice everyone is staring at me weirdly.
Chloe: You use humor to deflect your trauma.
Red: Awww, thanks-
Chloe: That’s not a good thing.
Red: All I’m hearing is that you think I’m funny.
(trying to deflect again. You can't run forever Red)
Chloe: Stop thinking whatever you're thinking.
Red: Huh?
Chloe: You always make that face when you're about to say something stupid just to piss me off. So cut it out-
Red: I love you.
Red: Also, cereal qualifies as a soup.
Chloe: I KNEW IT!!
(Red had her Cheshire cat Smile growing. Canon)
Red: I was arrested for being too cool.
Chloe: The charges were dropped due to a lack of supporting evidence.
(Go Chloe! She and her comebacks are like this 🤞)
Chloe: I'm a nice person, but I'm about to start throwing rocks at people.
(Red was being crowded by a group of people and Chloe was about to throw hands. Or well, rocks.)
Chloe: You know, Red, you are the sun in my life.
Red: Why? Cause I'm smoking hot?
Chloe: Because it hurts my eyes looking at you.
(the only person that can bully Red is her Girlfriend, Chloe)
Cinderella: I’m not mad, I just need to know why you two had a fake ID.
Red: *Incoherent mumbling*
Cinderella: Huh?
Chloe: …You need to be 18 to hold the puppies at PetCo.
(Ella hadn't had a good laugh in a while. She's so relieved and amused)
Red: Are you mad?
Chloe: No.
Red: So sharpening your sword at 3 in the morning is just a hobby?
(Actually yes. But maybe not at 3 am... Better watch out..)
Cinderella: How has life been treating you lately?
Queen of Hearts: Horribly.
Hope you liked it!
I have more but not for now.
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fairyofshampgyu · 2 years
pairing: subby gyu x dom! reader
genre: smut, fluff
warnings: sleepy lazy morning sex, soft sex, blow job, riding, titty sucking
word count: 1.4k
song: My Cherie Amour - Stevie Wonder
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─── ・ 。゚☆*.☽ .* :☆゚.───
You awoke to the sunlight seeping in your bedroom through the windows, nearly blinding you as you squint your tired eyes. Being able to hear the birds that always chirp early in the morning and you watched as a petal from the cherry blossom tree that stood just outside flew onto your window sill from leaving it slightly open last night when beomgyu whined he was too hot. You always loved blossom trees. They were so pretty to look at, the tell tale sign that spring had begun.
You swap your gaze to your sleeping boyfriend who lies next to you, snoring softly looking pretty as ever like he always did especially when he was sleeping. It’s moments like this where you think damn, how did I manage to bag this? Heart swelling up at just how cute he looked with his gorgeous eyelashes you’ll never get over touching his cheeks making him even prettier, hair fanned out across the pillowcase, framing his pretty face, soft lips in a little pout as he slept. Sometimes just looking at beomgyu makes you overwhelmed with emotions you just want to cry. It’s disgustingly cringey, you’re aware. But you’re in the mood to feel disgustingly cringey.
You press a kiss to the rounded tip of his absolutely adorable nose that looks even cuter in the mornings. And then give him one more just for good measure. Beomgyu cutely scrunches his nose and flutters his eyes ever slightly open, humming and grinning at you.
“Good morning, sleeping beauty.” You say to him, giggling and softly rubbing his cute nose with your own.
“Mmhhh… good morning, Prince Charming. I’m just so irresistible that you can’t help kissing me even in my sleep huh?” Beomgyu teases, speaking in his gruffy, sleepy morning voice that never fails to drive you a bit crazy— A lot crazy.
He was expecting you to roll your eyes or tell him to shut up like you usually do but you just hum in agreement this time, cupping his puffy face and giving him a kiss on the forehead, “Yeah. You’re a pretty a sleeper.”
He doesn’t know what to say to that, mouth shutting from the comeback he was planning to use as he does that little pouty shy smile thing he does whenever he gets compliments. “Woah what happened to y/n? Who are you?”
You roll your eyes. "Also you got two fairytales mixed up, you fucking doofus. Prince Charming isn't even in sleeping beauty."
“Ah, there they are.” He chuckles.
“Anyway, get up. We gotta organise your party later on and get everything done for it.”
He groans at that, wrapping his arms around your waist tightly and burying his face in the crook of your neck. “I’m way tooooo tired though. Why don’t we just stay in bed together all day instead.”
“Beomgyu. It’s your party. And I wonder why you’re so tired.” You sarcastically say. “Maybee if you weren’t playing video games all night long with heeseung.”
“It wasn’t all night long! You were playing as well. Horrendously, I must add. I’m never letting you be on my team ever again.”
You grab a pillow, hitting it in his face. “You made this so unromantic. I was trying to serenade you with my love and kisses.”
“Ah, please do then. I want kisses.” He puts his lips into a little kissy face.
You sigh but caress his face again, stroking your thumb against his cheek and peppering kisses all on his face and he giggles, feeling ticklish and all mushy inside. He shuts his eyes, liking the feeling and then he’s already in a deep sleep again. Typical.
But you carry on kissing, drifting to his neck where you start to place little love bites and hickeys, he hums at that, signalling he’s somewhat awake right now. And you trail the kisses to his chest.
You rub your thumb in circles on one of his pretty nipples and suck the other, swirling your tongue around the bud and he gives you soft little whimpers in return. Then, you give his waist and cute tummy you adored so much a massive load of kisses. It was just too cute and soft, heaving up and down in his half awake state.
You moved further down, lifting one of his legs up so you can give all your attention to his creamy, plush thighs. Them not being marked yet a crime. So you suck the inside of his thighs until they’re covered and filled with bruises that most likely won’t go until a while, beomgyu restless and whimpering the entire time, his thighs too sensitive.
You sit back once you’re done to admire your work and the beautiful sight, absolutely covered in hickeys from the neck, chest, stomach and thighs.
“You look so fucking gorgeous marked baby. Should be marked like that all the time.”
“Need you please…” Beomgyu whispers and whines out, sleepily, eyes still closed.
“Yeah?” Beomgyu nods his head fast for you and so you take his hard dick out, slowly wrapping your lips around them and he whimpers continuously as you start to suck him off in his sleepy state, bobbing your head back and forth on his cock which was dribbling little beads of cum. One of your hands, gripping the flesh of his thigh tightly, making him moan even more.
You pull off of him for a second to spit a little bit of saliva onto his tip before you go back to work, thigh twitching and dick jerking as you continue to give him a blowjob.
"You can cum, baby." You tell him when he’s close which extracts the prettiest whines out of him, popping him out of your mouth so you can see him make a pretty mess of himself on his thighs and stomach.
He's even more tired now and so are you but you slowly get on top of him, kissing him in the process and lining up his sticky dick to your entrance. Ever so slowly, sinking down on him, the both of you lifting your heads back and groaning.
You ride beomgyu lazily and leisurely, feeling like you could probably go to sleep again anytime soon. Lips never leaving his as even your mouths moved slow against each other.
"Hold…" Beomgyu whimpers out, extending his hand for you and you intertwine and lace your fingers with his. Hand holding one of his favourite things and it always made you so soft.
You pick up your movements but not very significantly, sloppily and very lazily pumping his dick in and out of you with the slickness of his previous orgasm and your own wetness.
He throws an arm over his head, lips parted, eyebrows furrowed, eyes shut and look on his face pure ecstasy, both of you losing yourself in the pleasure and he elicits the most mellifluous sounds ever. His moans literally the prettiest to your ears, especially right now in the morning.
You reconnect your lips to his, kissing him feverishly, literally devouring every quiet soft moan he lets out into your mouth. His pretty lips quivering and eyes fluttering open and closed, grasping your hand so tight and he draws out the longest, loudest and most gorgeous moan of your name ever to exist before he’s cumming heaps into you, both of you cumming together, eyes rolling to the back of your heads.
Beomgyu pants, exhausted, and then rolls on top of you, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his face in your chest contently. He lays on you like this for a little while, then he looks up at you with big puppy eyes and a pout, “Wanna suck your tits.” Spoilt, but you’ll let him have his way today.
He instantly lifts your shirt up, latching his pretty round lips onto one and groping and kneading the other, eyelids blissfully closed as he sucked and left wet kisses and bruises on your chest, swapping every now and then so he can give both attention, he lets out a little whimper just from sucking your tits.
You move his hair out of his face, giving him a peck on his forehead. Beomgyu’s eyes begin to get heavy and he’s already drifting off to sleep again, mouth still latched onto your nipple and face resting in your chest, you a few minutes from sleep again as well.
“I love you. I’m genuinely being serious, I’m fucking in love with you. You’re like…my favourite person in the entire world. You are my world- okay ew nevermind. I was trying to be romantic and poetic but it didn’t work. But I really do love you. Happy Birthday, gyu.”
Beomgyu hums in acknowledgement with a soft lazy smile appearing on his face, a little incoherent ‘love you’ coming out of his mouth which was still on your tits and you both fall asleep cuddling.
Please actually reblog !! and comment !!!! if you like the fic. It’s really appreciated tysm !<3🙏💕😊 It’s discouraging when fics have such little reblogs 🤨👎Feedback is always appreciated it makes me happy :)
A/n: we love being delusional 😍😍 I never reread this bc I couldn’t bring myself to so if it’s actually bad I’m sorry 😭 ANYWAY ITS BEOMGYUS BIRTHDYAJSND I LOVE HIM SM I HOPE HE HAS A GOOD DAY CRYING CRYING CRYING FIGHTING BLEEDING LOSING I LOVE HIM !!🎉💕🫶
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