#water drain
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It’s like a portal to beauty.
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zhukzucraft · 4 months
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the most terrifying sight in Minecraft
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hinamie · 4 months
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summer is coming so i'm giving them the beach day they deserve
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Dave settling down for an evening of his favourite pastime: watching water drip from the tap.
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inkskinned · 1 year
as we enter the start of a semester and the dreaded Hour of Making Friends us upon us... if ur ever at a loss for what to say in one of those weird social situations where you only vaguely-know people, one of my favorite questions to ask is "what is your favorite food crime." a food crime is like the food combination that you love that other people find revolting. press them to take it further than pineapple on pizza, that's rote. food crimes is a good topic that has many benefits as it turns out all people are degenerates and also it will give you some cool ideas to try out later in the privacy of your own degenerate kitchen
the other good thing to ask is "okay but has anyone here ever been someplace haunted" bc it turns out if you ask most people directly they don't believe in ghosts, but many people are like "oh yeah i lived in a haunted house. ghosts aren't real tho"
#my food crime is that i regularly make a “pasta and tuna” situation that has somehow gotten even more evil and degenerate over time.#it is a ''white wine reduction'' (it's just white wine and garlic powder & seasoning)#and tuna from a can.#and plain pasta.#if i have the spoons i will actually chop garlic for it but this tends to be my comfort food for a REALLY bad day#bc its super easy to make:#boil pasta. drain. put into bowl for later. into same pot u used for pasta.#put tuna (with oil/water from can). let fry a little for like 2-3 min. put in whatever amount of wine. season to taste.#the tuna will get a little crisp on it which is nice. important side note:#this began as a Bolognese sauce.#and one day i had to sub for tuna. i know. not ideal. i cried about it too.#somehow over time it is now its own little evil thing. i would never make someone else eat it. it is beautiful.#but yeah i don't even stir the pasta in afterwards i just slap pasta into serving bowl#slap this ''''''sauce'''''''' on top#molto bene#(i really can cook fairly well btw. this is a food crime. not a suggestion of skill or ability)#(i LOVE baking but when i cook for myself. the autism is obvious. bc i just don't understand the point of most of the steps)#(.... i can just eat the deli meat out of the bag. it is protein. i don't even have to like it. i just have to eat enough calories.)#(also i used to cook MUCH more before this apartment which is so small that i can stretch my arms out and overreach the counter length.)#(.... i'm 5.2. so.)
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ylceon · 8 months
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talfrost beach episode ......
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snalz-artt · 3 months
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a brilliant Ability Forms fakemon trend started on twitter by @n0rtist, i remembered no one else on earth loves cradily as much as me so i decided to give it a go despite my utter inability to replicate the pokemon artstyle <3
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Danny keeps telling heros his tragic backstory buts just ripped from an old game no one really remembers that he liked. That or an old cartoon he watched as a kid.
Example: One day I just woke up and had this strange pink mark on my leg. I was freaking out but then started noticing all this stuff I could do. All of a sudden I liked fish? And these men would keep popping up and telling me I had to fight monsters. Telling me i was picked for it. I got this neat pendent though.
The league have no idea hes bsing them. But eventually he keeps getting closer and closer to the characters story that someone will figure it out. And I like to think it’s Redhood or Flash and no I wont explain why because if you know you know.
Bonus points if Danny switches it up like once he finishes telling the characters full backstory. Maybe it can become a game with him and the others. Who can guess his reference the fastest. Batman is not amused
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calicos-clones · 6 months
I don’t think people realize how freaked out fanfic readers get when their favorite author(s) doesn’t update their ongoing schedule ON TIME.
And it’s not cause we want the chapter…it’s cause we’re so fucking worried about the Author.
Readers no longer care about the story when they don’t get their usual update. We panic and flag S.O.S as we track down our wayward author who has been both blessed by the universe with a creative mind and cursed all the same with the worst luck.
So any authors who are reading this please understand— when we comment “hey are you okay?” in your comments. No, we are not asking about the chapter.
We are legitimately concerned for your wellbeing. Do not force yourself to shit out a chapter just to appease other ppl when you yourself are not in the mental state to enjoy it or even write it to begin with.
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carsaadi · 27 days
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This just in : Local dumbass eats glass.
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sinfullyrosey · 1 year
Bobbing for Apples
Epel Felmier X GN!Reader
Warnings: Blowjob, Bath Sex (orally only)
Congrats, you’re Vil’s cousin in this fic for the sole purpose of pissing Vil off even more! Also, I had originally wrote this up with a male, crossdressing Reader in mind, making the bath scene less awkward, but changed it to gender neutral since no pronouns or physical traits are given.
All Characters are 18+
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Laughter rang out at one of the more secluded spots of the Pomefiore Dorm as two figures were playfully giving chase. It had just rained and cleared up, leaving behind a fresh, crisp scent in the air and rain puddles scattered throughout the cobblestone pathways and grassy patches. Some of these very puddles comprising of not just leftover rainwater, but dirt that mixed into a slurry of soupy mud.
Mud that was now covering both you and the little apple farmer as you threw balls of the brown muck at each other in an impromptu mud fight. It had started with the two of you just going on a walk together, out getting some fresh air as Epel showed you around, your cousin being too busy with dorm duties to do so himself.
Only for it to turn into an outright brawl after you jumped into one of the puddles, splashing some of it onto the boy’s poor uniform and sending him into a tizzy at what his dormleader would do if he saw it. You merely laughed it off, poking fun at his rather cute, frustrated expression. In retaliation, he scooped up a small amount of mud and threw it at you, knocking your sunhat clear off.
You gasped and puffed your cheeks as he held back laughs. Narrowing your eyes, you bend down to retrieve your hat, filling it with mud, and unassumingly walking over to him. Before he could ascertain what you were up to, you quickly flopped the hat onto his head, showering his lavender locks in liquidy brown.
And while he was still reeling over what you had just done and trying to process his emotions, you grabbed onto either side of the hat’s brim and pulled him into a deep kiss. His powdered cheeks darkened into a bright red, resembling little apples. You pulled away and smiled at him.
Only for him to smirk and take your hat off to shove it back onto you, mud seeping into your own now messy locks.
And it all went downhill from there.
What was just supposed to be a simple tour of the dorm, now became an outright war between you, the relative to the Schoenheits and him, the reluctant Pomefiore student. Both were an absolute mess, hair tangled and sticky with clumps of mud. Some of his and your makeup had since started to run off. You even forgot about your hat in the scuffle.
Taking in his disheveled appearance, you couldn’t help but cover a hand over your mouth to stifle the giggles.
“Haha, if only Vil could see you now.” You teased, now settling down and looking for your discarded hat.
Epel froze up and gawked at the flippant audacity of your jab.
“Don’t even joke ‘bout that! If Vil saw how mussed up we are right now, he’d have a cow!”
“More like a whole barn.” You deadpanned.
The little Felmier blinked at your weighted retort before bursting into a laughing fit. His head flung back as the slew of chuckles escaped past his wide grin. You grinned and joined in, letting out muffled giggles of your own. An absolutely blissful moment shared between the two of you.
“Epel! Y/N! What in the name of Pomefiore are you two spudlings doing?!”
The both of you jumped at the all-to-familiar voice of the blond queen himself. You both looked over to see Vil stomping his way over to the two of you, a stern, disapproving scowl on his usually pristine face.
“Oh no…” Epel mumbled out, mentally preparing for the earful he was about to receive.
Also concerned, but significantly less so, you gently picked up your discarded hat and brushed off the mud and grass, now clutching the brim in your hands as your older cousin stared you and Epel down.
“Vil, we were ju-“
“Hush now sweet potato. Epel, how dare you act in such an uncivilized manner and drag my own cousin into your uncouth nonsense! Just look at you, you’ve ruined, and quite possibly stained, your uniform! Your makeup is just too dreadful to look at! You’ve got mud and Sevens knows what else in your hair! And you-!”
Vil now turns his attention to you, eyes blazing with dissatisfaction and judgement.
“Look what you’ve done with your dress! Your brand new, elegant dress is ruined! Covered in mud and soaked all the way through! Do you know what material that dress is made from, Y/N?!”
You both looked down in shame and embarrassment.
“I’m so disappointed in you both.” He sighed. “Now you’ll need to be scrubbed down to get that gunk and grime off you. And then I have to reapply your makeup and redo your hair all over again…“ He trailed off, mentally having to check off all the tasks he’ll have to do to make you two presentable again.
Epel’s face flushed at the comment about being scrubbed down, knowing the implication behind it, being all-to familiar with the extent of Vil’s methods. He stole a glance at you to see your unaware, still ashamed frown. He looked back up at Vil, gulping.
“You… you do mean that we’ll be bathing separately, right..?”
Vil crosses his arms, eyebrow quirked up, and gave a Look.
Epel’s face darkens.
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“This is just embarrassing…”
Epel grumbled as more warm water was dunked onto his head, cascading through his hair and down his face. The stream of water dripped into the tub, painting the water in a light brown from the dirt and other residue. His head was gently yet forcefully tilted up.
“Keep your head up Epel. You’re going to get mud in your eyes.”
Another dunk of water before the shampoo was applied, the scent of honey and apples not lost on the young Felmier. He could only sigh and pout as manicured fingers massaged their way through his tangled, curly locks, lathering it more and more.
“I’m a grown ass adult. I don’t need anyone bathing me.” He mumbled.
“Language.” Vil scolded, sitting next to the rather large tub, sleeves rolled up while he scrubbed all the dirt out of the younger male’s hair.
The whole ordeal was embarrassing enough, with Epel being stark naked in front of not only his dormleader, but now his friend-turned-crush-turned-‘possible romantic partner?’ After all, you did kiss him on the mouth earlier, so that’s got to count for something, right?
You sat in the same tub as him, though at a distance, back turned to him as you washed your own hair while Vil washed Epel’s. You were also bare, but with all the suds from Vil’s bubble soap acting as a barrier, it’s not like either of you could see each other. Epel snuck a glance your way in an attempt to gauge your reaction to all of this, only to have the same hand from before roughly grab his chin and turn it away from you.
“Eyes forward, Felmier. Don’t even try to sneak a peek at my little cousin.”
“I wasn’t-!”
“Hush. And that means you too, Rook.” Vil warned.
A brief shuffling was heard from the bathroom doorway before going silent once more.
Vil tilted Epel’s chin up once more and dumped another cup of water onto his head to rinse it. Once the dormleader had finished cleaning the last of the mud from his dormmate, he checked to see if his cousin had finished before preparing to take his leave.
“I’ll give you two some time before we move onto the rest of the routine. I’ll be getting things ready and set up, so don’t dottle too much!”
And with that, Epel and you were finally alone to relax.
Shyly, Epel tried peeking over at you again to see you just finishing up rinsing your hair. You were still facing away from him, but he caught a glimpse of bare shoulder and got too nervous, turning his head away. The bubbles may hide yourselves from each other, but the thought of being so close while exposed still sent the poor boy’s heart racing.
The memory of you kissing him earlier played on repeat in his head. How you had pulled him close with such confidence, without hesitation. The feeling of your soft lips against his and how it took his breath away. The sudden spark that ignited in his head, sending off a slew of fireworks for the briefest of seconds.
“You should probably pull the stopper out so the water can drain.”
He was broken away from his daydreaming, processing what you had just said. The stopper? Drain the water? Oh, the tub’s stopper, right, you and him need to get out and dry off before Vil scolds you two again.
He pulled the stopper out and put it aside, then looked around for where Vil left your towels, to see them on the countertop. The countertop that was out of arms reach. Meaning either you or he would have to get out of the tub to grab them, leaving either exposed to the other.
His face flushed again.
“Dagnabbit…” He muttered under his breath.
Maybe he could use the remaining soap bubbles to cover himself and quickly grab a towel for himself, then toss you the other one? Or maybe you could grab your own towel while he looked away? But what if you thought he was just trying to be a creep and sneak a peek while you grabbed your towel? What if you called for Vil and he got his ass handed to him for trying to perv on his cousin?!
“Hey, Epel.”
At the soft call of his name, he instinctively turned to you, only to come face-to-face with you, a mere inch from his face. Your noses were nearly touching and your eyes were looking at him with lidded adoration. When did you get so close?!
He didn’t have time to question as you leaned your body closer, grabbing onto the side of the tub to steady yourself. A familiar twinkle of mischief sparkled in your eyes as you grinned at him.
“Do you want to have some fun before we have to deal with Vil?”
Mind racing, his face felt even hotter at the suggestion, unable to believe what he was hearing. Surely you couldn’t mean what he thought you meant? Surely he was just projecting! There’s no way the cousin to the Vil Schoenheit wants to do that with him, and in such a place so close to said cousin!
“What kind of fun?”
Your grin widened as a hand carefully reached down and he nearly jumped as it came into contact with his semi-hard dick, still submerged in the remaining water. You palmed at his member, fondling his balls and pumping along the length, making him harden under your touch. He bucked his hips, splashing some of the water and making you giggle.
“The kind that would make Vil pop a blood vessel and ruin that pretty face of his if he ever found out.”
That got his attention.
You tilted your head, lazily stoking his dick while you waited for an answer from your partner in crime. Hazy blue eyes looked at you, then towards the closed door, seemingly contemplating, before finally looking back at you. This time, he matched that sparkle in your eyes and smirked in that same way that made you fall for him in the first place.
He suddenly grabbed you by the shoulders and pulled you in for a messy kiss, much like how you did before, catching you off guard and making you near topple onto him.
Guess that was an enthusiastic yes.
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Epel watched, memorized, as you bobbed your head up and down on his cock. Your mouth swallowing down the full length so easily, lips wrapping around his girth and cheeks hollowed out to make room.
He couldn’t help but to stare at you, even when your eyes caught his gaze. They were half lidded and drunk from sucking on his hard length. They looked almost glassy, like a porcelain dolls, beautiful irises unfocused with a few tears gathered at the corners.
You smiled around his cock, tongue licking the underside and lips slurping noisily. Your hands were busy fondling his balls, gently massaging them and raking your manicured nails to elicit twitching from his member. You gave a suck before popping off his member to properly speak.
“You taste so sweet, Epel. Like apples!~” You slurred, looking up at him with pure adoration and lust. You licked off some of the precum from the tip and chuckled when it twitched once more. “I could just eat you up a~all day.~”
Pride swelled in his chest as the young farm boy couldn’t help but smirk giddily. Knowing that he was that attractive, that you’d be willing to get down on your knees and blow him all day, was a huge boost for his ego, especially considering your status. His dick was just too good to pass up, a true mark of manliness!
‘Ha! How’s them apples, you pompous asshole?!’ He mentally jeered while you continued to slurp all over his cock.
With his newfound confidence, Epel grabbed at your still soaking wet hair, and pushed you down onto his cock, properly deepthroating you. Your eyes blew wide from the sudden intrusion poking at the back of your throat, making you gag and sputter around him. The tightening of your throat egged him on as he began to roughly bob your head along his length. All the water was drained by this point, offering him more room to position himself and you so that he could use your mouth like a proper fleshlight (without drowning you by accident).
He harshly thrusts into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat repeatedly while you tried to keep up. The audible sounds of squelching and slurping echoed in the bathroom as a few tears fell and ran down your cheeks. You can’t recall ever being treated so roughly before, like you weren’t made of glass and could break at the slightest touch. It was all just so messy and rowdy and thrilling..!
His thrusts started to become more irregular and slow, focusing on being more precise and deep. His grip on your locks grew tighter and he held you close as he gave one last thrust, pushing his dick as far as it’d go. You felt him twitch and suddenly, tasted the burst of a wave of hot, creamy fluid rush into the back of your throat, forcing you to swallow.
You sputtered, unprepared as some stray semen squeezed past your lips and drip onto the tub, mixing in the soapy suds that had yet to dissipate. He held you in place until he was sure that he had completely emptied in you. Only then did he finally let go and lean back, allowing you to slip his dick out with a noisy pop.
Panting, trying to catch his breath, Epel looked down at you to see your flushed face and open mouth dripping with his sticky release. Your eyes looked glazed over, lidded as they stared up at him tiredly. His heart skipped a beat at the sight of you.
You looked completely fucked out and if it was the hottest thing Epel has ever seen-!
Too lost in his daydream, he hadn’t noticed you lavishing his cock in attention once more, warm mouth sucking and lapping up the stray cum. After cleaning him up, you finished him off with a kiss on his reddened tip and smiled up at him. He gave a crooked smile in return.
“Better hurry and get dried off. Vil’s probably impatiently waiting for us.”
Oh, right, he had completely forgotten about that. Ugh, back to the same old grind…
The two of you made quick of drying off, brushing through your hair, and cleaning up any evidence left behind from your activities. Once you were both dressed and presentable, you made your way out of the bathroom and towards where Vil had everything set up and ready to go. Vil looked displeased and impatient but gestured for the two of you to sit down.
Epel nodded and did as he was told, but as you two made your way over to the seating, you leaned close to his ear and quietly whispered, so only he could hear.
“Next time, I’ll let you put it in me.~”
You giggled at his flushed face and gave a quick kiss to his cheek, making him grow even redder. Vil scolded you for such action, but you simply ignored him and sat down prim and proper. Epel shuffled his way over to sit next to you, gaze facing the ground in embarrassment and secret pride.
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(#) = Notes at the end of post
(*) = Other ideas relating to the prompt
To Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
Jason stayed dead for about six months before he was resurrected. That left his spirit plenty of time to fully manifest in the ghost zone, but time flows a little weird in the Infinite Realms so it feels like he's been dead a lot longer.
Regardless, six months is enough time for him to make plenty of friends and enemies alike. Enough to fall head over heals for the white-haired boy named Danny who just so happens to also be his king. Enough time for Jason and Danny to finally confess their feelings for each other and form a relationship. Enough time for them to grow to adore each other down to their very cores. Enough time for Jason to become the King's consort and earn the title of Prince of the Infinite Realms.
Not enough time, however, when Jason's spirit is unwillingly dragged back to the broken husk of his body buried in a coffin six feet under. Not enough time when the sheer amount of trauma his body and mind suffered causes his memories of the afterlife to sift out like grains of sand through a colander, mindless in his continued existence and search for a man named Bruce that he only half recalls.
Not enough time for when his body is stolen and dunked into the foulist pools of ectoplasm to ever surface in the living world and he comes back with unbridled rage he only half understands. Where is he? Where was he? Why does green flood his vision? Something is missing but why can't he remember? He shouldn't be here. Why was he here?? (1)
Jason tries to navigate his way through the world he'd previously left behind and discovers what happened after his death. The Joker was still alive. Another child was running around in a traffic light costume in the dead of night. Bruce had replaced him, seeming to forget he ever existed and the consequences of training a child to be a vigilante. That just won't do. He cries. He rages. He plans.
Meanwhile, the King of the Infinite Realms is apocalyptic over the fact that his lover was ripped from his arms, their kingdom, their home. He can sense Jason's torment like echoes in a cave. Can sense when his body enters the fringes of his territory when dunked into the toxic Lazarus waters created by the previous king. How dare they taint his lover's spirit with such filth?! Danny's core rears its head, chanting, growling to protect his soulmate.
Danny is beyond unhappy and he's about to make it everyone's problem.
(1) Jason forgets everything he experienced in the afterlife with Danny and is even more confused than he previously would have been when resurrected. Memories only come back to him in bits and pieces when he comes into contact with beings of the supernatural and Danny himself or possibly when he sleeps.
(*) I believe an interesting way to show the events and progression for this prompt would be to switch back and forth between the current events of Under the Red Hood/Phantom's anger and the days they spent together in the Infinite Realms before they were literally torn away from each other. Either as standalone info or through the dreams Jason has as he sleeps but doesn't remember when he wakes.
The events of Under the Red Hood still happen, there's just the question of where he even was for the six months that he was dead added into the equation. Dead on Main tossed in there for flair, because why not? Been seeing a lot of "Jason becomes Danny's Fright Knight" fics, but I wanna see one where they're literally just a royal couple who rule the Infinite Realms with a just and fair hand.
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shalom-iamcominghome · 5 months
So I learned the reason why my dad (and some other xtians) believes a rabbi has to bless things to make them kosher is because priests actually do bless things and those things become Super Special
Like, he said that the bread they get for communion is bought from a supermarket and then is blessed by the pastor, and the moment she blesses it, it cannot be tossed - it has to be used up. So somebody took the leftover Holy Bread and made a grilled cheese out of it, which is... actually, it's iconic. Imagine having Holy Grilled Cheese
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wise-girltm · 21 hours
guys the dorm room is on water
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leandoer 2001 shit
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apollo-zero-one · 6 months
Everybody talking about how lucky PC players are to get to play 1.6 but I've seen no one mention that aaaallll the mods don't work now and it's the first time some of us have played unmodded in years, I forgot how hard the beginning of a new save is 💀
Also hey if you can and want to, I bet your favorite mod creators would love some donations as they work on updating compatibility! I know that's what I'm doing today!
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