#wayward son rp
bloodsalted · 6 months
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>>hey god? i really don't know what you mean.<< you don't have time to be a kid, boy! there's a job to do. pick yourself up by the bootstraps, grab your gun and start learning how to shoot! >>seems like salvation comes only in our dreams.<< there's no time for tears. no time to be afraid! run, boy, go! save your brother while you're on you're way. he's yours now. your fates are out of your hands. both of you. no pressure. no escape! >>my head is filled with disease. my skin is begging you please.<< now, you're a man. the righteous one. the fight doesn't end until YOU do. heaven, hell, everywhere in between's gonna know your name. DEAN WINCHESTER! from supernatural. mature themed. horror based. 21+ only. with dixon riding shotgun! >>i'm on my hands and knees. i want so much to believe..<< ©
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artemis-moon23 · 5 months
Alternative ending to Supernatural:
So the supernatural finale was very anticlimactic and sad, so I have a better one:
‼️(Also spoiler warning)‼️
Okay, so, after Cas gets taken by the empty, instead of him just “being dead” Jack brings him back (cuz he is super powered now)
He is able to reunite with Dean and Sam and heals Dean when he got kebab-ed. Cas decides to keep hunting with the winchesters, saving people, stopping the apocalypses, etc.
After a few years, Dean and Cas convince Sam to live the normal live he always wanted too. They are sad he isn’t hunting with them anymore, but they always keep in touch. He finishes his degree and marries Eileen, and they sometimes join Dean and Cas on hunts.
Dean and Cas use the men of letters base to start a countrywide hunting operation where hunters can share information, weapons, ideas, and collaborate on jobs. (Similar to the Men of Letters, but MUCH better)
The amount of monster related deaths goes way down, and Dean finally gets a part time job. He still hunts and runs the hunting network, but he is able to do a lot more delegating. Both Cas and Dean help run it, so there’s always someone to help get extra information or help on a hunt.
He settles down, though even when he is old, he is still going on hunts. He and Sam meet up all the time, though Sam isn’t sure that it’s a good idea because Dean keeps teaching his son cuss words. (Best uncle ever)
Many years later, Dean dies on a hunt, protecting a family, as he expected to. Cas had told him beforehand that he shouldn’t be hunting at his age, but even old Dean is very stubborn. Sam dies from old age when his time comes not to long after.
Their lives of protecting people lands them in heaven, and Cas spends a lot of his time up there, either hanging with them, or advising Jack.
The hunter society they put together still stands, and in the end, they are proud of their time on earth. (And no one gets randomly kebab-ed!!)
Hope you like my ending better!! Thanks for reading it!! 🧂⭐️🎶🔪🧟‍♂️
(“Carry on my wayward son” starts playing in the background)
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sacred-algae · 2 years
Adapted from a discord texting rp with @emerson-loki96 as Baz and me as Simon
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It’s become a running joke with us… because a few months later…
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Enjoy the chaos of our headcanon
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tagedeszorns · 7 months
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It's a work in progress, since the RP is still going on.
And it needs some knowledge about how Saqqara got into Fabius' hands, who those people of the Consortium and in Erebus' inner circle and those pesky Harlequins and beautiful Noise Marines are. But if you've read "Shards of Erebus" and the first Fabius-novel you are fine.
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the-consortium · 4 months
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Erebus is so annoying right now!
(looking at you, @legiopraesagio !)
I mean, having to go mano-a-mano with the Galaxy's most gifted politician in his own arena? Phew, you have to be mad to try - or in possession of a planet sized ego. Or both.
Definitely both.
(it's so much fun writing the RP!)
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embersoftheorder · 1 month
Beldwin Storm
The Green Son
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The Basics ––– – Name: Beldwin Storm Nickname(s): Beld Age: 27 Birthday: Autumn Race: Human Gender: Male Marital Status: Single
Physical Appearance ––– – Hair: Black Eyes: Brown Height: 6 Build: broad, strong back, strong arms Distinguishing Marks: Scar around his neck; white scar along his forehead Tattoos: A large mural of a stag across his shoulders and back Piercings: None Common Accessories: old worn sword, bronze and copper plate mail, a well worn green travelers cloak, a broken antler at his belt, a large belt with a green gem in the center Likeness: Dev Patel
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Personal Information––– – Profession: The Green Son; Gallant of Athair Hobbies: agriculture, reading, storytelling, cooking, archelogy, herbalism Languages: Common, Drust, Whisper of the Wood Residence: Drustvar Birthplace: Unknown Religion: Servant of the Wood Patron Deity: Athair Fears: Heights, gnolls
Relationships ––– - Spouse: None Children: None Parents: Unknown; Orphan; Raised outside the Saladean Farm Siblings: None by blood, but as an orphan of Westfall a kindship is felt with all those in that life. Other Relatives: Unknown Pets: None
Sex & Romance ––– - Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Preferred Emotional Role: submissive | dominant | switch Preferred Sexual Role: submissive | dominant | switch Libido: He's young Turn ons: Confidence, compassionate, kind Turn offs: Cruelty, fear, helplessness Love Language: Kind gestures Relationship Tendencies: Few and far between
Traits ––– - Extroverted / In Between / Introverted Disorganized / In Between / Organized Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded Calm / In Between / Anxious Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable Cautious / In Between / Reckless Patient / In Between / Impatient Outspoken / In Between / Reserved Leader / In Between / Follower Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic Traditional / In Between / Modern Hard-working / In Between / Lazy Cultured / In Between / Uncultured Loyal / In Between / Disloyal Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– – Smoking Habit: Occasionally Drugs: Sometimes Alcohol: Occasionally
RP Hooks ––– – Born Under a Harvest Moon - Beldwin is an orphan and considered a ward of the county of Westfall, given the name Storm as is with most bastard children of Stormwind. Some wear it with shame or with anger, the young man has done well in accepting his past but seeking to rise above it as well. Raised amongst the wayward children of Westfall, a stiff lip was as strong as a closed fist to match an open hand in friendship. Life was hard living amongst the kingdoms farms but it wasn't impossible or dire as he learned and lived to become a man.
Lead by Legends - Throughout his youth, Beld was raised around old hearths and campfires among the poor of coin in the fields of the west. For what they lacked in coin to entertain, the people made up for it with the gold of story and song. There amongst his brothers and sisters of the country he would hear the old tales of heroes and tragedies of Stormwind's past. Lothar. Uther. Turlyon. Medvih. Windsor. Gavinrad. The spark that lit his mind as much as his heart to guide him to the path of honor and glory.
The Wilds - It was during the Fourth War did Beld find himself among the islands of Kul Tiras and eventually to the west in the rural country of Drustvar. Having been raised among farms and dark times, the autumn trapped land caught his heart and eye to assist in the tragedy that the Coven unleashed upon the small folk. He would rise among them, fight for them, and see that the dark would not consume them.
The Green Son - Time is strange and his deeds were not unseen, even with the influx of heroes who came to try and protect the lands of Kul Tiras, especially by the eyes of a deeper kind within the wild country. Much like the stories of his childhood he stumbled wounded to small lake and it's crashing waterfalls, his blood mingling with the cold waters that poured down from the mountain. Accepting a fate that may have meant the end, a gentle hum came to his mind before raising his weary sight up into the brilliant silver eyes of a white stag. Athair, Heart of the Forest, had heard the failing beating of his heart and deemed it should not be. No words or oath were spoken, only the matching of hearts and souls. The land had offered and the young knight had accepted with tearful joy.
HOW TO CONTACT: OoC - tumblr; Discord ( Mogwai Kraken#7988) Ingame - Beldwin (MG - 42 A-H paladin)
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IC - The Green Son wandered the lands of Drustvar with an easy smile upon his face, the air cool go skin and the sun setting into dusk. It honestly was how it always was in the woods, but he loved it and likely would beyond even the end of his service. Beldwin Storm was not a native to these shores but over the last few years he definitely was no longer a stranger.
Beld would slowly come to a halt near a small copes of trees, his gauntleted hand coming to gently caress the bark of one of the old oaks. He could hear a soft hum in his head that could be considered unpleasant but had become a song that he could more feel than understand. It was a gift that Athair had bestowed upon him to hear the natural wild words of the land he had adopted as his own. The land had been ravaged for so long by the terrible powers of the Coven that its soft song had been drowned out in the silent screams of agony as the druid death magic warped it. The Crimson wood always made him shiver at the cacophony of agony that never ended from the wicker beasts that were drawn forth. He leaned his head to rest on the oak letting its own hum drown out the memory. He didn’t need that today.
Today was a good day that needed not the dour notes from the western provinces of the country. Birth was the note, not death, this day.
Releasing the tree, the knight continued on his journey making his way with ease but still with purpose. There was time yet to make it to the pool where his patron waited and there was much to rejoice with the wilds about him.
A new prince would be born this day.
There were many of the lineage of Athair but each had a purpose to fulfill. Some were short lived and bright, others long and steady like a bountiful season. Beld prayed for bounty but knew it was not his decision. The Word willed and spoke, the ending was already being written.
Storm would finally break the tree line and find himself before the mighty falls of the white stag.
Athair, Heart of the Forest, stood silent before the waters. White fur shone bright and clean in the waning light as it cascade to bring a silver sheen to the might crown of horns upon his head. Eyes black as midnight would stare at Beldwin, the stag lord’s demeanor calm and face regal as he tipped his head to welcome his wayward gallant.
Beld would stride forward and gently drop to one knee, the ancient bronze mail clinking softly with his motion of reverence and respect to the king. No words had been spoken as Beldwin would never be able to speak the language of his lord but honestly it was never needed. Emotions, thoughts, and dreams were the humans guidance to the will of the forest. It made it hard to question some of the motives of the lord, but the knight had yet to be lead astray by Athair’s will. This was a just lord and he was glad to have been found worthy.
The final streaks of evening light had slipped behind the mountains bringing the evening and darkness of night. Where Drustvar was a land plagued by the nights terrors in most shadows, it was not truly something to fear. It was just a part of the order of things and the will of the Word as it had written long ago. So too was there heralds and protectors of the night, as from the shadows crept the stout boars of the wood, courageous wolves who maintained balance, and even the black eyes ravens who always kept watch. But the night had one lady and she was as much a soul to the forest as she was consort to the heart.
Athainne, secret keeper of the forest.
Made of starlight and moon shine, the doe was beautiful in her own right as the violets of twilight were intertwined in the black coat of night. She was of smoke and shadow as she stepped across the waters to stand with her lord. Tenderness was easily determined to match the love the two beings felt for one another as eyes closed but a moment in honest trust.
As the grand gathering proceed a hush fell upon all the unsettling silence of the wild as it waited with bated breath. Even the waterfalls came to silent half, the rock below their pummeling drive growing dry as the river waited.
Beldwin would bow his head in reverence as did other subjects to the forest monarchs, all in silence as they awaited the ceremony of the moon.
Ages passed in seconds as night fully came and the moon shone full far in the heavens above. As the moonlight struck the pool, the heart and keeper of the forest turned to the pool of sparkling water of the still lake.
Stories would speak of thunder crashing or a flash of great light or perhaps the heralds of the night screaming with horns of glory. But that was not how it was done. It was subtle, it was peaceful, it was instant.
He was beautiful.
Upon the lake the faun had come to be. Born of moonlight, strengthened by starlight, guided by sunset, and welcomed with love. His eyes shone with brilliant blue, the gift of the mother, while his white coat brilliant white shone with the majesty of his father. He stood shaky upon the mirror surface of the lake, searching amongst the audience for some reaction. Fight or flight was all the newborn would know at this moment.
The Green Son stood. He would draw away his gauntlet to reveal his bare flesh, brown as the earth and rough as the oak’s skin. His hand raised as he spoke with not a cry or yell, but a smooth even voice. The reason he as chosen and granted this station among the forest. “Hail. Hail unto the Prince of the Forest. Welcome son of the heart and secrets, we welcome you.”
The prince would raise his head. He would stare at Beldwin. The knight would look back.
The prince would step forward onto the land that was called Drustvar.
The waterfalls cheered once more.
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d3adgayw1zzyr3ad3r · 4 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers 💜💜
1- Reading!!!
I love reading! I'm currently reading Simon Snow: Wayward Son, and I read a LOT on ao3!
2- Trees and nature in general
I love going outside, being in the forest, running around, playing in creeks, being as enthusiastic as a 5 year old!
3- my family!
When I say this, I don't mean the ones I live with or see at reunions. I mean the people who found me at my worst and stuck around till I was my best! My best friend, Willow, my girlfriend, K., and all my other friends, you mean everything to me!! These are the people who helped me be who I am!! A proud trans-masc-fluid (depends on the day, it's complicated)
4- my rp accounts!!!
These accounts have given me so many wholesome interactions, kind moots, and general sense of community!! Also, rp is just fun in general (moots if you see this; I love you, gurlies!!)
5- My pets!!
I love these cuddly bastards, my black cat, grey cat, and labradoodle:)
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rubyisms · 11 months
venting below the tags, carry on my wayward son. or read it, you do you
save for my gf, it seems that everyone i end up RPing with on anything, and they're people i genuinely enjoy writing with (because man i've found some horrible RPers out there), they end up just. ghosting me or never replying to my OOC messages when i ask how they are
and it really sucks, because i get it; people have lives and things to do outside of the internet! i only really get the urge to RP with multiple people on my days off, whether that's vacation time or scheduled days off, because when i'm working, i really only have the spoons to write with my GF
still, despite that, the anxiety/worrywart part of me can't help but wonder 'is it me? am i the problem?'
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eclipsecrowned · 1 year
also s/o to all my beloved trans muses. specify muse for a starter w any of my trans-spectrum characters on this, their big day :) this list is v. long maybe do not read more and instead view it on my blog proper soit doesn't gunk up your dash.
danielle o'the wold: fluid, a crackshot archer and outlaw from fantastical medieval england called into a quest to save the realm of magic from those who would use its power for great evil.
amalthea: nonbinary to human perception, a unicorn-turned-woman on a great quest in a fantastical world that leads her to no longer be the last of her kind, but more lonely for it.
un*hana r*tsu: agender, leader of a specialized team of shinigami focused on the healing arts -- in this life, at least, because we do not want to open the can of worms of how much brutality it took to be so soft.
pip bernadotte: trans man, a mercenary based in the 90s all the way up to the modern era via au who perceives the horrors as spouse material, actually.
kayden connors: nonbinary, daughter of a 616 mad scientist just trying to stay afloat after his incarceration largely via art and taking in wayward antiheroes.
raisa wolfe: agender, new york's first mutant elected official even if that position is only a molehill in the great machine that is east coast politics, believes magneto is right actually.
jonathan crane: trans man, supervillain and supergenius in equal measure, obsessed turning the fear that was used to beat him down in his conservative southern upbringing into everyone else's problem.
dream of the endless: agender masc, an embodiment of dreams, exactly as advertised, who has neither want nor need of human labels or gender experience. he just is.
mystery whitethorn: nonbinary, a tiefling shopkeep who is hiding an adventure-filled backstory and a number of illegal dealings in his current life.
marika corvinus: nonbinary, a lone werewolf who is slowly being domesticated into a found family pack by her elders when not found being the loudest party person at human functions.
seth plate: trans woman, a former angel of death who fell for love of a human surgeon, so in love with humanity that now she has the chance to experience it for herself.
modeste lachapelle: nonbinary, notre dame's native daughter and everyone's favorite 4'11" butch, a friend to all pigeons and outcasts that cross her socially anxious path.
claude di montoya: fluid, a 19th century agent of savoy espionage who was designed for the count of monte cristo but by the power of rp crossover is also being a sourpuss in the v*mpire chronicles.
count dracula: beyond gender per his own definition, a classic gothic horror villain on the prowl for blood, world domination, and success in his chosen field of dual-honors classy and feral villainy.
henry winter: trans man, a student of a 1980s liberal arts college whose love of the classics steps well over the line and leads to several murders, the ultimate dark academia bitch in all of fiction.
sylphrena / 'syl': agender femme, an ageless spirit of honor and oaths who just wants to have fun and learn more about the physical world alongside her clinically depressed human bestie, a menace and a baby.
hoid / wit: trans man, an immortal with a few thousand years of space-faring shenanigans under his belt, who steps into worlds where plot is happening and inserts himself into the action more often than not.
cirila montoya: agender, a shrewd heiress from 17th century spain who falls in and ou of adventures with a team of four cavaliers and the beautiful frenchwoman who opposes them.
gabrielle de lioncourt: trans masc, 18th century vampire and dilf who chucked his assigned gender in the trash the second he came into the blood, a recluse who just can't avoid his ne'er-do-well son's drama.
kris lindholm: nonbinary, florida teen thinks her older sister is on a cult centered around a local island, instead calls the irs on a pair of vampire businessmen, obsessed with 80s rock act the vampire lestat.
lyfrasir edda: nonbinary, an alien detective looks into the remains of a decades old train derailment and instead finds out the apocalyptic horrors are within their comprehension, actually.
the snow queen: agender, the winter winds care not for gender, and the freshly driven snow understands nothing of sex in the sense of male or female or other.
hel: demiwoman, jotnar society does not align to human sexuality, so this is as close as she can get to explaining her gender identity, and besides, jotnar physiology is implied to be quiet fluid.
laufey: demiwoman, same as above but in a fun milf package.
utgard-loki: demiman, same rules as his fellow jotnar relatives, except he's king over all the jotnar.
odin: genderfluid, which is actually myth-accurate if you get into some of the weirder roads that the original stories take. typically presents as a masc king of the aesir, though. due to his jotnar heritage he might be physically fluid as well.
sigyn: nonbinary, frankly queerness was all over mythology and i will sprinkle it all over at my own pleasure, especially on a certain ambassador within the aesir court.
enkidu: transmasc, was designed to act as a foil/echo to the hero-king gilgamesh, which included an assigned sex that did not align at all with his identity.
dolores gordon: genderless, an agent of a fear entity which is based around the uncanny valley, a part that the ever shapeshiftng dolores plays to perfection.
the host: INFORMATION ERROR, current gender identity unknown, but identified as a nonbinary individual in their pre-avatar life.
the mole: agender, a wee beastie that worships the dirt and is known for reverse graveobbing -- pushing the dead back aboveground so as not to tarnish the sacred world below.
catherine rice: nonbinary, the kind of person who says paranormal investigator but really means paranormal instigator because she's still looking for answers about avatar-based trauma from years before.
lothric, younger prince: agender, a lab-grown draconic abomination in their mainverse who is making the journey from sacrificial lamb to antichrist out of spite for their hellacious upbringing.
victor deshayes: trans man, newly freed from his conjoined twin who is a woman, so the math is solid that victor is not cis and is instead in your walls :)
zevran arainai: genderfluid, beautiful elvhen assassin swinging in every gender direction, gracefully, with a knife in hand and an accent their own va described as sounding like 'sexed up inigo montoya'
einmyria lavellan: nonbinary, super-femme elvhen historian is here to advise the inquisitor and occasionally flip darkspawn like a fucking pancake with her yoked af warrior strength.
taran lavellan: masc agender, over the years has forgotten his birth clan, his birth name, and even his fuckin gender. oh well, we love this roguish elf all the same and want only the best for him.
aria mahariel: nonbinary masc, has no human-defined gender in the dalish standard, but has settled comfortably into masculinity socially and in presentation. if only her baby face got the message.
cyra cross: nonbinary masc, a mad scientist in training clinging onto that last hinge of medical ethics, works for shinra but their genius level intellect says these people are idiots killing the planet and they can fix it.
ardyn lucis caelum: agender, a divinely-wrought, kin-betrayed abomination seeking to put the entire world out of his two thousand years of misery, with a cool hat thrown in for free.
master invi: trans woman, an ancient master of both magic and the in-universal super special magical blade, aligned with serpents and ever playing the pious daughter to her master.
kokoro kyriakou: nonbinary, badass normal defies the aging scala council to seek answers for what happened to a relative and his three students that went missing over a decade prior and has character development throughout.
riku: agender masc, local teen put through absolute hell, keeps pressing onward in a clear metaphor for mental illness that he refuses to let him hold him down as it once did.
julia mayfair: agender, where most people have gender, there is only trauma for this spy, but also the clear-cut knowledge that this is her identity and she is beyond more 'basic' definition.
"nikolai": queer, that's how he ids in pretty much every sense of identity, and plays with gender and roles and sex in a way that is awesome to witness.
albel nox: nonbinary masc, his clothes are his clothes and they are his prerogative and if you try to define him he will use his clawed prosthetic to carve out a nice reminder for you.
gensai shizuka: fluid, former king of the kamur0cho gay cabaret scene grows up to become the best defense attorney in town and a friend to honorable men, yet lives in a tiny closet identity-wise.
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bloodsalted · 3 months
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>>hey god? i really don't know what you mean.<< you don't have time to be a kid, boy! there's a job to do. pick yourself up by the bootstraps, grab your gun and start learning how to shoot! >>seems like salvation comes only in our dreams.<< there's no time for tears. no time to be afraid! run, boy, go! save your brother while you're on you're way. he's yours now. your fates are out of your hands. both of you. no pressure. no escape! >>my head is filled with disease. my skin is begging you please.<< now, you're a man. the righteous one. the fight doesn't end until YOU do. heaven, hell, everywhere in between's gonna know your name. DEAN WINCHESTER! from supernatural. mature themed. horror based. 21+ only. with dixon riding shotgun! >>i'm on my hands and knees. i want so much to believe..<<
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losingmymindrps · 3 years
Hi, would anyone wanna do a SnowBaz rp? I've been so hyperfixated on them and would love to do one.
I have no triggers and I'm open to pretty much everything. Just send me a message :)
Thank you!
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roleplayfinder · 4 years
Hi~ I’m 21 and looking for a SnowBaz RP from Carry On/Wayward Son! Please be 18+, I’m fine with smut or no smut. I rp on discord, so like or reblog and I’ll reach out to you!
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huntersdrive · 3 years
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〝 your 𝒐𝒘𝒏 father didn’t care whether you 𝔩𝔦𝔳𝔢𝔡 or 𝔡𝔦𝔢𝔡. 〞
indie and selective writing portrayal for the one and only : righteous man . written by reyvn ( she / they ; 22 years of age ) . this blog will contain mature themes that is not suitable or created for younger admins / viewers . these themes contain — but are not limited to — NSFW , gore , violence , substance abuse with alcohol , suicidal ideation / thoughts / tendencies, unhealthy coping mechanisms, internalized homophobia, and busty asian beauties .
account started on 9 / 3 / 2021 . 🥃 . PSDs and edits created by yours truly on adobe photoshop , 2021 edition .
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thomasrpblog · 3 years
Maybe-vampire seeking prophetic hero because life isn’t hard enough already
Me: An undead university student who enjoys a well-cut suit, plays violin, and excels in all areas of academics.
You: The worst chosen one ever chosen. DM me, Snow. (18+ required, 21+ preferred. Add me on Discord if you want Brackett#8388))
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stopbeingartsy · 4 years
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Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch
“I’d wake up every morning and think, ‘This will end in flames.’ ”
( (OOC: after 4 attempts at Baz over the past 3 years, I think I’ve finally got it) )
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First imprint Castiel left on Dean.
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Last imprint Castiel left on Dean.
His handprints. It broke my heart.
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