#we aren’t even short on money just housing is so expensive
ik it’s not a big thing but i do get bitter meeting wealthy ppl at my school. like ur going back home for break to a huge house, their own room and garage, their car. freedom to do whatever. idk expensive hobbies. backyard! when i go home and literally share a bed with my sister and drive my dad around if i want to be able to use the car. no floor space i keep my stuff in a backpack. house is very crowded. different lives!! boo.!
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loveharlow · 4 months
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SEVEN - 002
PAIRING ‧₊˚ JJ Maybank x Fem!Reader
SYNOPSIS‧₊˚[6.5k] based on 1x02.
WARNING(S)‧₊˚ swearing, mentions of parental neglect, mild violence, mentions of death/grief, disturbance of a graveyard (?)
A/N‧₊˚ I've been wanting to do an OBX rewrite for a very long time so here it is, the first chapter from yours truly.
˗ˏˋ series masterlist ˎˊ˗
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“DO YOU REALLY THINK BIG JOHN COULD STILL BE ALIVE?” Kiara’s slightly digitally distorted voice came from the other end of the line. Your phone was pressed between your ear and shoulder as you searched the hangers in your closet, bath towel wrapped snug around your frame and your hair thrown up into a bun, which was presenting more like a mess of damp strands.
“It doesn’t matter what we think, Kie,” You made clear, eyeing a cute shirt you thought you’d lost. “We should just be there for him.”
“Yeah… but what if we’re just feeding into a fantasy? Wouldn’t that make us bad friends if we weren’t honest with him?” You could hear her shuffling around on the other end of the phone as well, dresser drawers slamming occasionally. 
“Maybe you’re right.” You sighed, throwing your outfit onto your bed and heading back into the closet to find a bikini to wear underneath. Living in the Outer Banks meant you had a plethora to choose from. “But the way I see it? If it were my dad that went missing, I’d be looking for him too. I’d give anything to even have that small hope that my dad was still alive back, but I know he isn’t… so, I understand.”
“I didn’t think about it like that…” It was sad to hear her so conflicted, as if she’d said the wrong thing.
“Well, I wouldn’t expect you to. And I would never want you to be able to understand that feeling. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.” You reassured, putting the girl on speaker to toss the phone on your bed and slipping the bikini you picked out onto your frame and tying the respective knots. “That’s why if John B thinks his dad is alive and wants to look for him? That’s what we’re gonna do. Because alive or not, John B is like a brother to me and leaving him to do this alone is what would make us bad friends.”
“I guess you’re right…are you still meeting up with the guys today?”
“Just J and John B for right now. Pope said he’d be around later after helping his pops.” You told her, slipping an oversized shirt over top of the bikini, eyeing your closet shelves for a pair of shorts.
“Alright, I might swing by if my parents aren’t up my ass about work.” She complained. “Talk to you later.”
“Later.” Was all you said before the end-call sound rang out in the expanse of your bedroom.
A swift series of knocks met your closed door from the other side, you shouted for them to come in, assuming it was either your mother or your dog Marley’s tail hitting the wood. The 2-year-old golden retriever had a knack for sitting outside your bedroom door on the rare occasion that it was closed and she wasn’t inside.
The knob twisted and in walked your mother, adorned in her signature navy blue pencil skirt and blazer, still a half hour to spare before she had to head off to her office for work. Rebecca Reyes was the Outer Banks’ most notable and renowned lawyer. Even when you still lived on The Cut all those months ago, she was still the island's number one defender. Moving to Figure Eight and getting rich, almost overnight, just gave her the resources she needed. You still questioned where all the money spawned from, chopping it down to your father’s life insurance coming through.
But the bank said that could take a while and you never assumed it was enough to buy a house on Figure Eight. But that’s adult stuff, you thought to yourself.
“You got home late yesterday,” She began bluntly, adjusting the diamond bracelet on her wrist. The smell of her expensive perfume already wafting into your space. “Where were you?”
“Just out with John B and the others.” You said with a shrug, walking out the closet with a pair of sneakers in your hands as you undid the tied laces.
She hummed, eyeing the space around you as if she’d never seen it before. “Did you hear about the boat they’re searching for? Scooter Grubbs’ boat?”
You side eyed her quickly, not quick enough for her to catch however. “Yeah, the whole island is losing their minds over it.”
“You and your friends haven’t come across anything, have you?”
“...I doubt we’d have any luck coming across a Grady-White, mom. Especially after the hurricane. That boat could be oceans away for all we know.”
“Right.” She agreed, but she seemed far away. Off. Why’d she care about Scooter Grubbs’ boat? “And what’s this I hear about some kid with a gun at The Point?” Your heart dropped. 
“A gun?” You acted semi-shocked. “I don’t know, I wasn’t there.”
“Hm.” She droned. “Well, if you find anything don’t hesitate to tell me. Or Shoupe, for that matter. He said two out of towners showed up for the boat search yesterday, looked sketchy. So, be careful.”
You hummed in agreement, watching as the woman strutted out of the room without even a small ‘goodbye’. 
You and your mother were nowhere near as close as you used to be. Your father’s passing caused a rift between the two of you that seemed irreparable. You just felt like she had become so cold and closed off, nothing like the woman who used to bake every weekend or plan family nights in the backyard. She was more secretive, dismissive. You couldn’t even remember what her smile looked like. She’d changed so much. She used to hate Sheriff Shoupe, said he was a dirty cop who worked under the rich snobs of Figure Eight. Now, it’s like they’re business partners of some sort and she is a rich snob on Figure Eight. 
She even changed her last name back after your father died and wouldn’t tell you why. That was what made you feel the most alone. Rebecca Carter was now Rebecca Reyes but you were still Y/N Carter and your father would always be Owen Carter. 
It was like she was trying to erase him and everything they’d built together.
You hated to admit that sometimes you wondered what your father would think of the woman she’s become. If she would be as unrecognizable to him as she is to you.
YOU SAT IN THE BACK OF THE VAN, legs bent as your journal rested atop your thighs while you scribbled down your thoughts and recent events — namely the events of yesterday. You had one earbud in, your playlist on shuffle as you half-listened into JJ and John B’s conversation that was happening in the front seat, the bumpy ride making your handwriting a bit chicken scratch-ish.
“I don’t understand why you don’t at least try with Kiara,” JJ started, his heavy boots kicked up on the dashboard. “She clearly likes you. She’s like ‘Oh, John B!’. She’s sketchy about you diving and then she kissed you, bro.” The blonde continued. 
“She kissed me on the cheek. It’s not like we were makin’ out.” John B denied, brushing off the girl’s clear affections.
“Low-hanging fruit, bro.” JJ cut him off, the statement making you cringe in silence as you continued to scribble. “I see it in your eyes. You’re like ‘I kind of like that’.” JJ said in a mockingly low and seductive voice. 
“Okay, you want to talk about me?”
“Yeah, bro, I wanna talk about you and your lack of game.”
“My lack- my lack of game? Okay, what game do you have, JJ? ‘Cause I haven’t seen any improvement in your case.” JJ’s head whipped between you and the boy in the driver’s seat within milliseconds before he was swatting John B’s arm.
“C’mon, dude...” He warned in a hushed tone. John B just chuckled.
“That’s what I thought.”
Moments of silence passed before their voices were heard again. “I gotta admit, your dad’s compass in Scooter’s boat? Freaky, man…” JJ claimed, twirling the newfound object between his fingers.
“That’s why we’re going to talk to Ms. Lana and figure this whole thing out. She’s his wife, she has to know something.” John B told him. 
“And what makes you think she would want to talk to us?” You added, spooking the blonde boy in the passenger seat. 
“How long have you been listen-”
“I’m always listening.” You spoke bluntly, a blank expression on your face as you averted your attention from your journal to him. “Anyway,” you dismissed. “A group of teenagers showing up to ask her about her dead husband, the boat that the whole island is looking for, and the compass we found inside of said dead husband’s lost boat? She’ll either think we’re criminals, FBI, or crazy.”
“Well, this is our first resort.” John B replied, eyes looking at you through the rearview. “We gotta try.”
“KNOW WHAT THIS HOUSE LOOKS LIKE?” JJ said, leading the group of us to the front yard of Lana Grubbs’ residence. “Whoever lives here smokes too much weed.” He observed the small, shack-like house — the walls were overgrown with weeds, the yard looked like it’d never been cut, the place was a mess from the outside.
The three of you stopped, more like flinched, in your tracks when you heard glass-shattering from the inside of the house followed by crash after crash. It sounded like the outside of a rage-room or a gun range. 
“Maybe we should come back…” JJ advised, taking small steps back. But John B persisted, even as the two of you stood back in fear.
“No, no, shut up, JJ.” John B reprimanded absentmindedly. 
“Tell me where it is or I’ll fuck you up!” A deep, brassy voice boomed from the inside. The voice so authoritative it made you shudder, but it didn’t worry you as when a woman’s scream followed. You could only assume it was Ms. Lana. “I’ll sink you in the fucking-” A crash, louder than the rest, cut off the sentence, almost covering the sound of Ms. Lana’s blood-curling screech.
“You’re hurting me!”
John B beckoned JJ and you on with his hands, urging the both of you to move forward. Reluctantly, and after a weary glance at one another, you and JJ followed the brunette boy who was edging closer and closer to the side of the house. 
“Where the fuck is it?!”
“I don’t know!”
The three of you quickly dashed and ducked beneath the window seal on the only open window when you heard something hit the wall from the inside. You had just parted your lips to say that, just maybe, this was a bad idea. A terrible one, even, before a phrase yelled by the angry man inside had you shutting up.
“The compass wasn’t in the boat! Where is it, Lana?!”
“I don’t know!”
Your heart dropped as things continued to get thrown and slammed inside the house and you prayed those ‘things’ didn’t happen to be Lana. The paint and wood started to physically chip and fall off the walls outside, landing on top of the three of you crouched against the side of the house, wood particles falling into your eyes.
“Let’s get the hell out of here, man…” Another male voice commanded, followed by two pairs of heavy footsteps against the wooden floors inside. The three of you peeked around the corner to watch the two men disappear from the grounds through the front door, stomping angrily towards their boat. 
The same boat that had been shooting at you only 24 hours prior. 
“Those were the guys that shot at us.” JJ whisper-yelled. 
“Go back.” John B commanded, pushing you all back behind the safety of the wall so they wouldn’t see you all. Once the boat sped off, the three of you slowly tip-toed your way into the house. The sound of Lana’s cries getting louder and more heartbreaking the more you entered the house, shoes crunching on wood and glass. Photo frames and dishes all broken into smaller fractions and littered on the floor, holes in the walls, kitchen cabinets hanging on by a single hinge.
“Ms. Lana?” You called out, voice laced with concern, eyeing the broken windows before they found Ms. Lana’s curled up figure on the bathroom floor right below the sink that was hanging on by a singular pipe. “Oh my God.” You gasped, kneeling right next to the woman and laying a hand on her shoulder that caused her to flinch and shrink in on herself. 
She had tears running from her red, swollen eyes, curled up like someone’s child.
“She is tweakin’.”
“Shut up, JJ.” You hissed, shooting a mean glare at the insensitive blonde before turning your attention back to the feeble woman. “Do you need a doctor? We can call a doctor for you.” You assured, examining the multiple cuts adorning the woman’s face and arms.
“We can call the sheriff’s department-” John B was on the verge of suggesting before Lana cut him off frantically.
“No cops, please!”
“Mm, that’s not good. Let’s bounce.” JJ urged, weary of the woman’s persistence to avoid law enforcement. 
“You shouldn’t be here...” Lana cried, her eyes focused on John B, speaking as her lip quivered and her voice shook. 
The brunette’s face twisted, kneeling next to me to level his gaze with Ms. Lana’s. “Do you know those guys?”
“They were… looking for something.” Her voice wavered. 
“...Does it have anything to do with this?” John B asked her, pulling the compass from the back pocket of his board shorts. You and JJ shared a glance, both knowing John B probably shouldn’t have shown it to her. “This was my father’s and Scooter had it. Do you know why?”
Why did John B think showing a woman his father’s compass and saying he copped it from her dead husband was a good idea? You had no clue. Interrogation tactic? Impulsiveness? Stupidity? Lana’s eyes were wide and teary, she looked like she was seeing ghosts.
“Scooter didn’t have it, okay? Don’t tell anyone that you have that. They can’t know that you have that!”
Your lips pulled themselves into a thin line and you were starting to feel less bad for Lana and more suspicious of the distressed woman. Maybe she wasn’t as innocent as she appeared. She didn’t seem to be a threat but she clearly knew things that she shouldn’t. You nudged JB’s arm, whispering in his direction even though the woman could most likely still hear you. “We should go…”
“You’ve gotta get out of here!” Lana cried, fearful gaze eyeing the compass in John’s grasp.
“What do you know about the compass?” John B raised his voice over her frantic one, still questioning Lana as JJ pulled him back and the three of you stood to leave.
“Go! Get out!” Was the last thing you heard as the hysteric woman yelled at your retreating figures.
“SO, YOU SAW THE GUYS THAT SHOT AT US, RIGHT?” Pope asked with his head in his hands, stressed after listening to JJ’s dramatic rendition of events. The three of you had returned to The Chateau and summoned Kiara and Pope not too long after, the events of today on the tip of your tongue. “Did you get a good description of them? Anything we can bring to a police report?”
You shook your head along with JJ and John B as Kiara and Pope sighed at you all's lack of response. There was nothing special about these guys. Sure, they seemed out of place but that’s because nobody on the island knew them. That was one perk about living in Kildare, everyone knows everyone. But these weren’t leather jacket, ski-mask wearing criminals. They didn’t stick out like sore thumbs.
“That’s not very helpful…” Kiara huffed.
“But, but,” JJ started again. “They were burly. Like the men I’d see at my dad’s garage. You guys know he made cargo hides for drug smugglers...” He reminded you all carelessly. “I can tell you with full confidence that these guys? They’re square groupers.”
“Like Narcos square groupers?” Pope questioned with little amusement, his face dropping as he watched JJ smoke against the brick wall. 
“Like, Pablo Escobar square grouper?” You added on, just as skeptical from your seat on the patio floor, legs stretched in front of you and crossed over one another while you leaned on your elbows for support. JJ just nodded, blowing out smoke. 
“You guys, not everything is a kingpin movie.” Kie reprimanded from her place next to Pope on the patio furniture.
“Okay,” Pope started. “What does a square grouper look like? Hm? Because clearly, you don’t know what you’re talking about-”
“Okay, you weren’t there! I wasn’t taking little mental polaroids the entire time, dude! I was under duress!” JJ whined to which you and John B rolled your eyes.
“Why would they want the compass?” Kiara probed, leaning forward in her seated position, resting her forearms on her thighs.
“That thing’s a piece of shit, you could pawn it off for five bucks if you wanted to… No offense, John B.” Pope claimed honestly, watching as John B flicked the object open and stared at it longingly, paying no mind to the boy’s insult.
“Well, clearly it’s worth something.” You popped in. “Considering these guys are willing to kill for it.”
“...The office.” You all turned to the scruffy brunette. A silent question on everyone’s face. “My dad’s office.” John B continued, shooting up and walking inside The Chateau as you all scurried to follow, shooting one another confused glances. “He always kept the office locked ‘cause he was worried about his competitors stealing his Royal Merchant research. Remember?” He directed at you and JJ, looking back but still walking forward. “We used to laugh at him like he was actually going to find it. But now that he’s…gone, I just left it as he kept it.” He said despondently.
“Yeah. For when he gets back.” Kie backed him up with a light-tipped smile. Keys jangled as John B unlocked the room you hadn’t seen in years. Not since before Big John went missing. Before all of this.
“I’ve slept over here like six-hundred times and I’ve never seen this door opened.” Pope said aloud, eyeing the office like a museum. 
This was like being hit by a tidal-wave for you. And you’re sure it was the same for John B. You can remember the countless nights you’d slept over before and after Big John went missing. Before he went missing and you, JB, and JJ would peek inside just to watch him just write and type like his life depended on it. It even brought back memories of when your dad would stay a while after dropping you off to spend the night just to share beers in the backyard with Big John. 
The nights after his disappearance weren’t as sweet though. Sleeping in a group hug around John B after his dad went missing. Then your friends all slept in a group hug around you after your dad went missing. Then they slept in another group hug around you when your dad’s body was found, washed up on the shore for the entire island to see. With the plethora of events, The Chateau became a haunted house in your mind.
“Look,” John B said, pulling you out of your stupor. He’d taken a bulletin board down off of the walls that was decorated with paper scraps and old pictures. His index finger pointed to the photo at the very top, a sepia-like tint to it. “This was the original owner of the compass.”
The paper pinned against the photo read ‘Robert Q. Routledge. 1880 - 1920’. 
“There’s the lucky compass right there.” Kiara showed you all, pointing to the object clutched in the old man’s hand in the picture. You wouldn’t exactly call the compass lucky, though. And if it was before, it surely isn’t now.
“Actually, um. He was shot after he bought it…” John B informed. “Then the compass was shipped back to Henry.” He continued guiding you all through the timeline, pointing to the next picture. “Henry was killed in a crop-dusting accident when he had the compass.” You happened to look up at the exact same time as Pope, the two of you locking eyes with visible worry. “After he died, the compass was given to Stephen. Stephen had it when he died in Vietnam.” The boy ranted. “After that, Stephen passed the compass down to my dad.” 
“This is painting a very bad picture, JB…” You warned, hand on the back of your neck as your face twisted.
“Yeah, he has a death compass.” Pope deadpanned.
“I do not.” John B denied, rolling his eyes and sitting down in the nearest chair with the compass still in hand. “My dad used to talk about this compartment here.” He explained, fiddling with the article between his fingers. “Soldiers used to hide secret notes.” He twisted the back of it off, revealing a word scratched into the top. He sat up with surprise as he spoke. “...This is my dad’s handwriting.” 
Pope scoffed. “How can you know that?”
“He’s right.” You assured the doubtful male absentmindedly, squinting your eyes and craning your neck down to see the word written into the metal. “Big John had horrific handwriting and his R’s always had a point to them. I always used to think they looked like big-headed baby chicks, in a way. That’s definitely his handwriting.”
“Weird observation…but she’s right.” John B backed you up, his eyes going back to the compass. “Redfield…” He muttered. “What’s Redfield? Is it a clue?”
“A clue? C’mon that’s-” Pope began until you shot him a nasty glare, silently telling him to be helpful and supportive or shut up. His eyes widened as he gulped. “If it is a clue, m-maybe it’s an anagram?”
“Yes!” John B jumped up from his seat, beckoning you all to back up some. “Anagram. Perfect. You need paper.” He directed at Pope, eyeing scanning the cluttered space. Handing the boy an old, crinkled sheet of notebook paper, Pope got to work with the help of JJ and Kiara as John B and you scoured the desks for anything else of use.
Your ears were quick to pick up on the sound of an engine over the chatter of the brainiac bunch behind you. Eyes perking up to see a black truck pulling onto the yard.”...Guys?” You spoke, but not loud enough. “Guys!” You shushed them, all eyes turning to you. “Somebody’s here.”
The five of you crowded around the window, peeking through the blinds and peering through the dusted glass. Two males got out of the car and you recognized them immediately. “Those are the guys from The Marsh and Lana’s house.”
John B was quick to turn towards JJ. “Where’s the gun?”
“I don’t know-”
“Now you don’t have the gun? The one time we need the gun?” Kiara panicked.
“It was in my backpack and then I-...it’s on the porch.” JJ quickly realized, sighing before biting his lip out of frustration.
“Go. Go get it.” John B urged quietly but you were quick to step up, tugging the short sleeve of JJ’s shirt before he could open the door.
“No, no, we are not sending JJ out there to be pummeled by square troopers, square groupers, whatever they are-”
“We need the gun-” The bandana-wearing boy hissed.
“I don’t care. We stay put. We stay together.” You insisted. But JJ gently swiped your hand down and backed out of your reach, one hand up in surrender. “What’re you doing-”
“It’ll be quick, I swear. I’m like a ninja-”
“JJ.” You said simply, disappointed as you curled your fist in annoyance.
“I’ll be on my Batman shit.” He whispered before leaving the room quietly with the door cracked behind him, allowing you all to see him leave.
“John Routledge!” A country man’s voice boomed, causing JJ to turn around and slide his way back into the room quietly before he’d even made it two steps outside of the office. “C’mon out now!” JJ closed and locked the door as you all heard the pairs of footsteps enter The Chateau. The men began smashing and throwing things around just as they did Ms. Lana’s house. Was this their MO or something?
‘Window’ Kie mouthed, pointing to the window that led straight into the yard, towards the chicken coop and the surf shack. JJ and Pope rushed over to it as John B held down the door, which was just him standing against it with his hands above his head. JJ and Pope tried to lift the frame but it wouldn’t budge. Your face twisted in confusion, walking over to where the two boys were struggling and attempting to pull up the window seal yourself with no better luck.
“It’s painted shut.” You couldn’t help but smack your teeth, cursing under your breath as your eyes quickly scanned the room for something sharp as you patted the back of your shorts, feeling an object in your pocket. Digging your hand in to reveal a pen, the one you’d been using to journal that morning. You whispered for the guys to move before ejecting the pen and sliding it quickly along the seal to break it as quickly as possible. 
Suddenly, one of the square groupers began kicking the door down, John B running across the room.
“Hurry!” Kiara whispered.
“I’m going as fast as I can!” You hissed. When the seal was completely broken, you wasted no time in opening the window, being the first to jump down into the backyard and making a b-line for the coop. The five of you piled inside one by one, the space surprisingly big enough for five fully grown teenagers as you crouched in tense silence. Just then, you heard a shot ring out from the inside of the house, assuming the man shot the door down.
Everyone could hear everyone breathing, shaky breaths all throughout the small enclosure. And the roosters. One rooster would not stop crowing. You were hoping, praying the damn thing would stop making noise. It wasn’t long before the guys were seen leaving the house, carrying at least two crates of books and research each.
“Pope, shut him up.” JJ demanded, referring to the rooster next to Pope that was making the most noise.
“What am I supposed to do?”
“Pet it or something, I don’t know.” Kie cried. Suddenly , JJ got up and grabbed the rooster by its neck, pressing it into the ground until its neck audibly snapped and its clucking ceased. You couldn’t help but cringe and look away, the sight somehow prompting you to gag. JJ’s eyes met yours as if he was making sure you were okay, you giving him a sickly nod in return. One that wasn’t as reassuring as you hoped. Kie was crying silently and you didn’t miss the way John B grabbed her hand in comfort. 
“WHAT BETTER PLACE TO HIDE A MESSAGE THAN A FAMILY HEIRLOOM?” John B tried to muse from the driver’s seat of The Twinkie.
“Maybe somewhere more easily accessible.” You said bluntly, laying back on the floor of the van, your foot on Pope and head in JJ’s lap, Kiara in the passenger seat. “Like a hidden jewelry box compartment or a locked drawer. Not inside of a death compass on a dead man’s sunken boat.”
John B simply ignored you. “He had to know it was gonna get back to me, right?” He spoke hopefully, referring to his father. 
“It’s possible.” Kie agreed from the passenger seat next to him, not wholeheartedly however. 
“It could also be possible that you’re concocting wild theories to help deal with your sad feels- Ow!” Pope was interrupted when you kicked his knee, shooting him a glance that said ‘what the hell'. 
“You know how I process my sad feels,” JJ started, your eyes drifting to him as your head craned slightly back from its place atop his thighs. “Dank nugs and the stickiest of ickies.”
“Preach.” You agreed, dapping up the blonde boy.
“Look, I’m not concocting, okay?” John B nearly shouted in frustration. “My dad’s trying to give me a message.” 
“...If it helps you believe, John B.” Kiara tried softly. 
“I don’t need a therapy session. I’m not trippin’ out.” He dismissed the four of you. “My dad is missing, okay? Missing. You guys don’t know what it’s like to have the person closest to you vanish and have no idea what happened.”
Suddenly, the two pairs of eyes in the back of the van turned to you. You couldn’t help but curl in on yourself slightly. “Stop it.” You demanded, averting your eyes to the window, watching the palm trees pass by. You hated when they acted like you had to be shielded from things because of what happened to your dad. 
“It’s been almost a year.” Kiara nudged JB, letting it go. “But fine. What do you think the message is?”
“Redfield.” The brunette reiterated hopefully. “Redfield Lighthouse. My dad’s favorite place.”
THE LIGHTHOUSE LOOKED A BIT DIFFERENT THAN YOU REMEMBERED. It looked older, more rickety. You could swear it was leaning now. The five of you stood staring up at it before John B turned around to face JJ.
“You’re gonna post up out here and look for bogey’s. Alright?”
“Wait, why me?” JJ asked pitifully.
“...JJ, there are independent variables and dependent variables. You’re an independent variable-” Pope tried to reason.
“Shut up.” The blonde-haired boy dismissed with a snarl.
“We don’t know what you’re gonna do!” 
“Just shut up!”
“Listen to me,” John B broke the boys up, pointing an assertive finger. “Pope, you stand lookout with JJ. Y/N, you make sure they don’t rip each other’s heads off. If we get split up, we meet back at JJ’s house.” You watched as Kiara and John B hopped over the fence and onto the lighthouse property. You slid your back against a nearby tree, one earbud placed in your ear as you drummed your fingers against your thigh, playing with blades of grass between your fingers.
“I’m gonna work on my merit scholarship essay. I’m trying to keep felonies to a minimum.”
“All right, would you just shut up already?” JJ sassed, you rolling your eyes and scoffing at them both. A few beats passed before JJ spoke again. “They’re probably boning in there right now.”
“Jesus, JJ…” You breathed out.
“What? You don’t honestly believe they don’t have a thing for each other, do you?” He defended.
“Maybe you’re just jealous.” Pope offered from his place in the grass.
“Jealous? Of what?”
“Because John B’s trying to move in on Kie and you have a thing for her.” 
“Listen, dude,” JJ started with his hands out in front of him. “Kie’s hot and all but she’s a kook. I don’t see her like that.”
“That’s what they all say.” You sang playfully, causing JJ to whip around to face you. 
“Oh, really? And what about little miss pretty & popular?”
You visibly cringed. “Ew, don’t ever refer to me like that again.”
“You’re telling me you aren’t crushin’ on someone? No rich, polo-wearing kid swept you off your feet during you and Kie’s kook year?” He egged on.
“Knock it off, JJ.” Pope defended when he saw how your face fell at the mention of it. You hated when they brought it up. Technically Kie’s kook year was longer than yours, considering you’d joined her kook friend group when you moved to Figure Eight. That was an era of your life you’d love nothing more than to forget.
“Fine, fine,” He backed off, his hands thrown up in mock surrender as he backed some steps away. Just then, the three of your heads whipped to the dirt road behind you at the sound of police sirens. You snatched the earbud out of your ear and pocketed it, standing up from your place against the tree. They were clearly headed for the lighthouse.
“What do we do? Do we wait?” Pope asked frantically.
“We can’t, man, c’mon.” JJ urged, sprinting towards the van with you and Pope following close behind. He jumped into the driver’s seat, pulling off before you and Pope had even closed the side door completely. You could only have faith that your other two friends made it out okay.
 “NEXT TIME YOU END UP AT THE SHERIFF’S OFFICE, YOU CALL ME FIRST. DO YOU UNDERSTAND, JOHN BOOKER?” Your mother reprimanded the poor boy, her heels clacking against the pavement outside of the department. You didn’t expect a call from John B after you all had run from the lighthouse, coming from the Kildare County Sheriff’s Station from John B saying he and Kiara had been “arrested”. 
“Yes, ma’am.” He affirmed. By the time you’d arrived at the station, Kiara had apparently already left with her dad who’d refused to bail John B out as well, leaving the boy with only one other option. The three of you stopped in front of your mother’s car as she now turned to face the two of you.
“Shoupe already has enough to deal with. The sheriff’s office doesn’t need a couple of rowdy teenagers on their radar. I don’t know what you kids were doing up at the lighthouse that led to this, but drop it. Do you understand?”
“Yes.” You both blurted out simultaneously, your mother having a newfound knack for intimidating people. She didn’t hesitate to jump in her car and start the engine, giving one last look as a goodbye.
YOU WERE AT THE DOCKS WAITING ON JOHN B, SITTING ON THE WOOD AND SWINGING YOUR FEET. You’d gone with him when he realized it was time for him to work, an employee saying Ward was looking for him as soon as the pair of you had arrived. He was up on The Druther’s, Ward’s boat, talking to the man himself. You couldn’t tell what the conversation was from your seat on the docks, so you waited. It was only minutes before the boy himself came stomping down the marina, prompting you to get up and dust yourself off.
“Is everything okay-”
“I just got fired.” He blurted, not even making eye contact with you and he brushed past you. You stuttered at his passive nature, scurrying to follow behind him.
“What do you mean you just got fired?”
“Ward found out about the gear.” He scoffed, and even with his back to you as he breezed through the working people to leave the dock, you could almost feel his frustration. “I can’t believe her.” He muttered.
“Who? Who are you talking about, John B?” You soon got your answer as Sarah Cameron walked by, you and the girl making brief eye contact with a mutual snarl on both of your lips before her attention turned to John B, who she somehow saw after you. 
“Hey, John B.” She greeted, her hands full of paper bags that were filled to the brim with groceries, a large, brimmed hat on the top of her head. You weren’t surprised when he continued walking as you followed without a word to the girl, but she persisted. “That’s it?” Sarah scoffed. “Not a ‘hey, how you doin’’? Not a ‘kiss my ass’?”
You didn’t expect John B to turn around and swiftly walk over to the girl, getting all in her face. With the noise of the busy marina in the back, their close conversation became hushed but it was still audible enough.
“Your secret’s safe with me? Really?” Your friend pressed the girl. “I just got fired because of you. And I know you can’t imagine that but some people need jobs, so they can eat.” Nothing shocked you more than when he smacked the bag of goods from her arms, leaving Sarah stunned as fruits rolled in front of her sandals. Her jaw slack and eyes wide.
“What the fuck?” She hollered.
“You are exactly who I thought you were, Sarah Cameron.” He reprimanded, turning and leaving behind a stunned kook girl. Although, you would’ve paid money to see that again, it was such an odd interaction.
You knew he worked on Ward’s boat so he was bound to come across her but you weren’t aware they really talked. If you didn’t know either of them, you’d assume they were a high school couple arguing out in public.
The brunette brushed past you once again, taking his time and seemingly building up the courage to break into a run.
“Wh- John B!” You called from your place in the parking lot. “John B, where are you going?!” But it was no use as he simply left you behind and continued sprinting away. You figured you’d just give him some space to himself.
YOU’D RECONNECTED WITH POPE AND JJ SOON AFTER BEING LEFT IN THE DUST BY JOHN B, meeting them on the docks in The Cut. The three of you had been there for some hours, you helping Pope fix a generator while JJ smoked unhelpfully to the side when John B pulled up in The Twinkie.
He honked, beckoning the three of you into the van with a finger and none of you questioned what was happening or where you were going as you hopped into the rickety vehicle. You were mildly pissed about being left at The Marina but you got in nonetheless.
THE SUN HAD SET AND YOU ALL STILL HADN’T ARRIVED YET. John B briefly explained the destination and plan but you half-listened. You���d been driving for a long time, picking up Kiara along the way, with no clue as to where the five of you were going.
“Do you mind if I sit this one out?” JJ asked tiredly. “It’s been a long, weird day…”
“Look, I know I was wrong about the lighthouse.” John B acknowledged. “And wrong about everything else. But I was right about one thing — my dad is trying to tell me something.”
Just then you pulled up to a graveyard, the five of you piling out of the van with a flashlight each in your hand. “This place is scary.” Kie voiced. “John B, what are we doing?”
“You know how you’re trying to remember a song but you can’t remember who sings it?” He started. “Redfield. This whole time, I thought it was a place.” He explained as you all followed him further into the mess of graves and tombstones. “But it’s not.” He held the lantern in his hand up once you all stopped in front of a tomb, one of the tallest ones in the yard, revealing “REDFIELD” engraved in the stone. “It’s a person. My great-great-grandmother, Olivia Redfield. That was her maiden name.” He spoke longingly, looking up at the stone letters. “Help me with the door. C’mon.”
Pope stepped forward as the remaining three of you flashed your lights in the pair’s direction as they attempted and failed to push the tomb door open. 
“Are you pushing?” Pope said to the brunette.
“Yes, I’m pushing.” John B strained out. Then JJ was jumping into help but even with his addition, the boys had no luck opening the door. They all jumped back when a snake hissed, peeking its head out from a crack in the stone structure.
“Woah! That’s a moccasin, alright” JJ started, jumping back almost cartoonistically. “Ye-old cottonmouth. Death in tall grass. Roof! Roof!” JJ started barking at the snake. Sometimes, you questioned his sanity.
“JJ! Shut up!” You warned the erratic blonde. 
“You’re gonna wake the dead.” Pope slapped him on the shoulder, grimacing.
“Dude, they’re afraid of dogs. Everybody knows that.” He breathed out, straightening himself back out.
“Look, John,” Pope sighed, turning his attention back to John B. “We’re not gonna get in there, it’s not budging. We should probably just go.”
You were examining the tomb carefully, flashlight trailing the structure up and down before you noticed something. “I think I can get through.”
“...What?” John B spoke.
“You think you’re gonna fit through that hole?” Pope asked, worried. 
“I’ll do it.” You reassured them, ignoring their concerns. “Just help me up.” They all shuffled to help you up — Kiara and John B holding the vines away and to the sides while JJ and Pope intertwined their hands for you to use as a human step-stool. 
“What am I looking for?” You inquired, eyes fleeting to John B.
“You’ll know when you see it.” Your hands slapped your thighs. Helpful, you thought, but you didn’t ask anymore questions. You put your flashlight in between your teeth, like a dog carrying a bone before laying a hand on each of the boys shoulders, you put your foot over their connected hands and boosted yourself up. 
It was a tight squeeze but you made your way through, landing on your feet and removing the flashlight from your teeth. It took your eyes a minute to adjust, staring at the walls of the spooky space.
“You alive in there?” JJ called.
“Alive and kickin’.” You called back, aiming the flashlight everywhere, scanning over everything. But the space was much bigger than you thought and your one flashlight didn’t seem to be enough. “I need more light, please.”
“Gotcha’.” John B said, pushing his arm holding the lantern through the crack of the wall, illuminating the space by tenfold. And that light was just what you needed. 
“Oh my God…” You breathed out. John B may not have led you all on a goose-chase after all.
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feedback is appreciated! thanks for reading.
SVN Taglist; (let me know if you'd like to be added!) @esquivelbianca @fallingwallsh @calmoistorm
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aothotties · 9 months
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Rachel and I are experiencing MAJOR Suguru brainrot so here's what we came up with. Part 2 is NSFW. Enjoy and please leave feedback or send us a message!
Warnings: Suguru is madly in love and a lil obsessive, mentions his dick like twice,
Suguru as your ex-husband
Ex-Husband Suguru Geto
Ex-Husband!Suguru who still calls you his wife to strangers, because he refuses to believe that y’all aren’t together.
Ex-Husband!Suguru who still wears his wedding ring and hasn’t taken it off since the day you two got married.
Ex-Husband!Suguru still texts you on your wedding anniversary, it’s been three years since the divorce and he still sends you flowers every Sunday.
Ex-Husband!Suguru always makes sure that you have everything you need without having to ask. He’ll send you money for groceries, makes sure you have gas in your tank. You tried declining in the past, but he would just have Satoru bring you groceries so you decided to accept the money instead. 
Ex-Husband!Suguru has breakfast delivered to your door every morning before you go to work
Ex-Husband!Suguru comes to all your family holiday events because your parents still love him even though you're not together anymore
Ex-Husband!Suguru still buys you the most expensive gifts for your birthday/Christmas/etc.
Ex-Husband!Suguru frequently stalks your socials to see if you're seeing someone new
Ex-Husband!Suguru bought the house right across the street from yours to see you everyday
Ex-Husband!Suguru rubs his dick through his pants when he sees you walk to the mailbox in those tiny shorts he used to love 
Ex-Husband!Suguru has a pair of your panties that he kept after you split stashed in his bedside drawer next to the sexy polaroid pics he took of you on your honeymoon  
Ex-Husband!Suguru feels jealous when he sees you run out the door and directly to the all black hellcat parked in front of your house.
Ex-Husband!Suguru cant deny the bulge forming in his pants when he sees the skimpy black dress you're wearing as you climb into the passenger seat
Ex-Husband!Suguru who can't stand to see you with another man so he decides to drown his thoughts in liquor 
Ex-Husband!Suguru who ends up texting you that he misses you while you’re on your date. 
Ex-Husband!Suguru jumps up quickly and runs straight to the door when he sees your “hey can you come pick me up? This guy is a complete asshole and I'm hiding in the bathroom” text. Once you send the location he speeds off, not wanting to make you suffer any longer than you already have 
Ex-Husband!Suguru gets to the restaurant in less than 15 minutes and rolls his eyes in disbelief that this man would really take you to AppleBee’s on your first date. A waste of that bomb ass outfit you had on 
Ex-Husband!Suguru drives you back home and has to hide how excited he is that this is the closest you two have been since you the divorce.
Ex-Husband!Suguru who decides to be a gentleman and walks you to your front door. “Just wanna make sure you get in safely” is the excuse he uses.
Ex-Husband!Suguru who eagerly accepts your offer to step inside for a cup of tea as a small thank you for tonight, trying his absolute best to hide the excitement on his face.
- Ari & Rachel
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sugarbell · 6 months
Batfam X Neglected Batsis Reader
Part 2
It was the day, or night of the fundraiser and you were jittery. With both nerves, and excitement. For starters it was your first time at an event like this by yourself. Usually at least your siblings were there, but being around them was like being alone anyways.
Harry had a package sent to the house two days before and Alfred had brought it up to your bedroom. A note was inside the box on top of a black dress. It wasn’t anything too flashy, but it was definitely a jaw-dropper. It was short, black, and had long sleeves but the sides were ruched and had two strings that tied into loose bows at the sides and dangled down your thighs. He had also sent a pair of black suede heels, and you had never worn any before so you were especially nervous about those, but you had been practicing in your room almost all day when it was sent. There was also a diamond clutch purse, and a matching thin diamond necklace and earrings. You had gasped when you pulled everything out of the gift box. You could tell the diamonds were real.
When Alfred brought it up he seemed a little puzzled, but also had a little knowing smirk on his lips. Probably from the little tag on the gift box that read, “To Miss Lana Lang” with a drawn heart and a kissy face. You had wanted to tell Alfred that it wasn’t what he thought but you decided against it, and simply thanked him for bringing the package up. Immediately you set it on your bed and sighed. You had barely known this boy for longer than ten minutes and he was already embarrassingly flirty. But you couldn’t deny that it made a little smile pull at your own lips, and turned your freckled cheeks a little pink. You hadn’t really been able to stop thinking about him ever since that time on the sidewalk where you met him.
Although you weren’t actually planning to go, even when he sent the dress. You did feel a little pressured, feeling a little bad that he would’ve spent all this money on clearly expensive clothing and accessories, just for you to not even show up. And you had really wanted to see him again. You thought about sending it all back with an apology letter, but when you read the letter inside the box your mind was half changed. What happened with Damian just sealed the deal.
“Lana, I’d really love it if you’d wear this and join me at the fundraiser event in two days. There’s no pressure though, if you aren’t interested. Maybe we could meet up and do something else instead. However if you do decide to come, it would really make my day. 8:00 sharp. Even if you don’t decide to come, keep the outfit. Maybe I could see you in it another time.
P.S., the diamonds are real. You’d look lovely in them, Kitten.”
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After you read that letter, your head was spinning, and your heart was beating ten times faster. You did feel a little relieved that he wasn’t pressuring you to come. And was he asking you out again? If you didn’t want to come? It was too much for you to think about at the time, so you had packed it all up, we’re preparing to write up a letter explaining why you couldn’t come. Probably using some bullshit excuse of having to finish a paper for school or something.
But after you had that incident in the kitchen with your younger “brother”, you had made up your mind. You were going. You needed a distraction anyway. A break, and you wanted to do something for you for once, instead of constantly trying to please everyone else in the household and tripping yourself up in the process.
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(Present Time)
You were currently getting dressed in your room. You had to wear a black strapless bra because of the sweetheart cut and curved breast line of the dress. You weren’t sure how he knew your size, but he probably took a gamble. It wouldn’t have been hard to figure out that you were an extra small because of your build. It fit perfectly. It hugged your body, you didn’t really have many or any curves for that matter, it it made you look incredibly flattering. You slipped into the black suede heels that also fit very well. After dumping all your necessities into your diamond clutch(, wallet, keys, pads, candies, pepper spray-you never know-) you had fastened the dazzling necklace and earrings on and next was your hair. You let it down and it was already straight, but you used a flat iron to bump it inwards a little at the ends. You painted your lips with a dark-wine colored lipstick. You had bought it a while back but never used it. That was the only makeup you put on as you looked in the mirror.
You were happy with your appearance. “I hope Harry is too.” You thought but instantly, you brushed the intrusive thought away. “You hardly know him, Lana” you told yourself.
Now for the hard part..sneak out the house at 7:50 pm and try not to get noticed by nine people. Piece of cake. It wasn’t necessarily ray you weren’t supposed to go, it was more you didn’t really want to have to explain to anyone why you were dressed for a party, and leaving the house at 8:00 p.m., when all you’ve ever done was stay inside the house shut up in your room. You crept through the house as quietly as you could in nine inch heels. You were down the stairs and now all you had to do was cross the spacious living room to reach the kitchen. And you were almost home free when you heard footsteps. Slow, but sure. Fuck.
You thought you were done for, but when you saw Alfred’s frame round the corner with a neutral look on his face you breathed a sigh of relief. At least maybe you could try talking to him. “Alfred! Um, hi…” you said with a nervous smile on your face. You were a dead giveaway. “Ahem. Going somewhere, young Madame Lang?” He asked. You sighed and shook your head. There was no point in trying to lie or dance around the truth. “I’m going to Harry Osborn’s fundraiser tonight, Alfred.” You said with a sigh.
“Then won’t you be needing this, young madame?” He asked, raising up your phone, with the red superman phone case facing towards you. “Of course! Thank you so much, Alfred!” You grinned jumping into his arms as he handed you the case. “You’re a lifesaver, Alfred!” Alfred smiled down at you before pulling away and patting your back towards the door. “Yes, of course I am, Madame. Now go have fun.” You lean up and kiss his cheek before nodding and leaving as Alfred locked the door behind you.
When you arrived at Harry Osborn’s manor, you were shocked. There were more people than you thought filtering into the house. There were press scattered around inside and outside of the place, but nothing that threw you. You were used to this kind of stuff, being Bruce Wayne’s daughter and all. At least you didn’t appear thrown. On the inside, no matter how many camera shined or flashed in your face you would never get over the anxiety of it, but on the outside, you were always the composed and calm daughter. And that’s how you appeared now as you made your way inside.
You were stunned when you saw his ballroom. It was incredibly large, and again, you had been to tons of places with large, beautiful ballrooms, and none of them ever really compared to Bruce’s at home, that was used for galas, balls, and events at his own home, but his was still pretty and large. There were a few tables set up where mostly older people were sitting down and talking, there was a little bar posted in the far right corner of the large room where adults were also drinking and mingling, and others were standing around the ballroom talking and mingling as well. There was also two large spiral staircases leading down from the top floor to the ballroom area. Bruce had staircases just like that I’m his ballroom too, except it was a bit more grand, but you loved this one just the same. It was much more crowded than you thought it would be.
On shaky legs you made your way over to the bar. These heels looked nice, but they were truly little devils. It was your first time walking in them and you were sure you looked ridiculous, but you were actually doing rather well. You tried not to kill yourself, and cause a scene in the process with each step you took over to the surprisingly large bar.
You had been there for around thirty minutes, and Harry was nowhere to be seen. You felt out of place among all these people. Older people with good jobs, lots of money, established places in society. You weren’t that far off, it’s just that you got a lot of stares from being so young, and you were alone. You took a deep breath, sat down in one of the stools a couple seats down from where a couple was drinking and laughing, and quietly ordered an apple juice in a wine glass. That way you would at least maybe look a little more like you belonged here.
The bartender was a female, around early forties who gave you a small smile as she poured your juice into the cup on the down low. You smiled back at her. She had red hair curled up to her chin, and slight wrinkles along her face. She was plump and a little short. She grinned. “Nice choice.” You crossed one leg over the other on the small stool you sat at. “Thank you,” You replied with a giggle. “It’s one of my favorites.” She was about to say something else to you when she was called over politely by an older male at the other end of the bar.
She walked over to him and took his order, leaving you alone again just like that. You had sighed and looked down, feeling all the nervousness and anxiety rush back again. Where was Harry? He was the one who invited you here in the first place, one of the main reasons why you came, and now he was nowhere to be found? He was thirty-five minutes past being ‘fashionably late.’ Your dark brown eyes scanned the room looking for him, but to no avail. You were becoming increasingly frustrated about it. Maybe this whole thing was a mistake. You swirled the drink in your wine glass around before you topped it back and finished the whole thing in just two gulps.
“Easy there.” You heard a voice say. You turned your head ti the side to see a beautiful, goddess-looking women sitting beside you. She looks to be in her early/mid thirties. Wow…she’s insanely gorgeous. She has long jet black hair curled flawlessly. Her face is soft, but sharp around the edges, showing maturity. Dark eyes, but the way the ceiling chandelier and the little lights installed in the roof of the bar hits them makes them able to be recognized as a dark honey color. Thick eyebrows arched, lips full and defined perfectly, and coated with the perfect shade of bright red. Her skin is tan, and her accent is incredibly hard to place, but her voice is smooth and mature.
At your confused and mildly shocked look she just smiles softly and holds her hand out. Her nails are perfectly manicured red to match her lips, and the knee length red bodycon dress she wore, contrasting your dainty hands with shiny black polish. “Diana Prince, museum curator.” She smiled, as your dainty hand shook hers. You weren’t sure why, but you couldn’t keep your composure, (surprising right?), and you immediately blurred out, “L-Lana Lang, high school senior.” she laughed at the last part of your sentence. “You seem nervous.” She states matter of factly, and the sheer amount of woman confidence and power that radiated off of her made you even more nervous but you admired it.
“I am,” you admitted truthfully. “I was invited here by an…acquaintance, but he’s nowhere to be found, and this isn’t really my kind of scene and…I feel tremendously out of place.” You said, hanging your head with a sigh. “Is it that obvious, though?” You asked, and she smiled reassuringly. “Only if you’ve felt that way yourself before.” She says and you smile back at her, your spirits lifting a little. You sigh exaggeratedly and wipe a drop of fake sweat away from your brow. “Good.” She laughs again, and the nice bartender is back. “I’ll have whatever she’s having.” Diana tells the bartender, and nods her head towards you so she knew what you meant. The bartender laughs a little and nods. “You got it.”
When she hands Diana her drink, she takes a sip and arches an eyebrow at you, giving you a playful look making you snort and laugh a little. “I’m not old enough to drink…and I wanted to feel in place.” Diana smiled but scoffed a little making you give her a questioning look. She shook her head at you. “Why do you do that?” She asked, and you frowned in confusion. “Do what?” She sat a little straighter in her stool, if that wears even possible because you noted from the beginning that her posture was impeccable. “Act so unsure of yourself. I noticed you earlier, and you seemed so nervous and anxious. So uncomfortable in your own skin. You’re beautiful, funny, and you seem kinder and more good-hearted than anybody else here. That alone should be more than enough to make you tremendously confident in yourself. You ought to walk with your head held high.” She said, raising her perfectly arched eyebrow at you again and her words shocked you. She really thought that of you?
You had only just met her a couple minutes ago, and already she was praising your beauty and qualities and you accidentally wondered aloud how she could tell all of that from you already, to which she replied with, “I can feel it.” It perplexed you, but it brought a smile to your face. “I-wow…um, thank you. Nobody’s ever told me anything like that before. I think you’re beautiful too…you’ve got this aura of confidence and it’s…envious.” She smiled at you like she had known you forever. “Don’t be envious. You have it inside of you as well.” She stood up from her seat and grabbed her ‘wine.’ “It was lovely talking to you, Lana, but I must be going. And I think your acquaintance is looking for you. Remember what I said, won’t you?” She shook your hand again, and began walking to a small group on the other side of the room.
You nodded, still a little stunned, and turned to see Harry coming down the stairs and entering the ballroom. He was already looking at you when you turned around and met eyes with him. His eyes seemed to light up when you finally noticed him. He began making his way towards you, but he was stopped by quite a few people on the way. He plastered on a handsome smile and talked with them each until he was finally able to greet you at the bar. You stood up when he reached you.
His voice was smooth, with just a little bit of raspiness. “Hi, kitten. Miss me?” You had no idea how a man you just met was able to make you that weak in the knees with just four words and a smile. At the moment you were caught between your feelings that were at war. The half of you that wanted to schoolgirl and kick your feet and shyly stutter out a response, or the bolder you that wanted to place your hands on your hips, raise an eyebrow, and ask him just what was the point of inviting you here and then making you wait an hour for him to show up to his own ‘party.’ You settled for the latter, after remembering Diana’s words.
You stood up straight and arched your brow, giving him an unimpressed look. He looked down sheepishly but he still seemed to have such an air of arrogance around him. “Okay, I’m sorry, I got caught up with last minute business stuff and it couldn’t wait.” He said, giving you an award winning smile like that would instantly make you forgive him. And you hated how it did.
You sighed and nodded and he took a step back from you to run his eyes up and down your body, and he whistled before his eyes met yours again. “I knew you’d look incredible in this stuff…” and you hate the way that you blush and avert your gaze like a schoolgirl. He “tsks” and takes your chin in his thumb and forefinger and makes you look into his striking emerald eyes. “Look at me, yeah kitten? Lemme see those eyes.” *and the shocked gasp that come from your throat makes him smirk a little as he releases your chin and praises you when you keep your eyes on him. “Good girl.” He mutters, his eyes trained on your lips.
You were sure that you had serious daddy issues that manifested somewhere during the time you had met Bruce. Not having a great father figure in your life instantly gave you them and they were bad. The way he praised you and how you found yourself practically willing to do anything on the inside to hear more of it, after only knowing him for such a short amount of time confirmed your suspicions.
He wasn’t even that much older than you either, only around twenty-six or twenty-seven years old, maybe it was the idea that he was older even by a little. Maybe it was the idea that he was running his own business and throwing fundraisers and charity events and galas and balls. You weren’t sure but you were hopelessly attracted to it.
Harry had noticed from the first time he met you how adorably shy and weak you got when he called you nicknames, so he took it a step further here, and he was more than please with the results. When he got home from meeting you, the first thing he did was look you up and see if he could get anything on you. You had zero social media presence of your own, but you had a google page and there were countless photos of you with your other siblings at charity events, balls, galas, and fundraisers. Some at different places, and some of you at Wayne Manor. He also looked up all of your siblings to learn what he could about them. He found himself growing more and more infatuated with you since he met you last week.
He couldn’t wait to see you again, and he was pissed when his assistant had apologetically dumped more paperwork on him, telling him it had to be finished before he went downstairs. He wanted so badly to see if you had showed up. And you had, looking ethereal, no less.
He watched your hazy eyes snap back into focus as you remembered where you were and looked around to see if anybody had seen that, but it didn’t look as though anyone had. Everyone too caught up laughing and mingling amongst themselves to notice you with Harry. You took two steps back from him and smiled. “Hi Harry.” “Hi, kitten.” He repeated making you nudge his side harshly. “Shh! My name is Lana—“you didn’t seem to mind when I was calling you that before.” He chuckled with that same mischievous fire dancing in his eyes again. You weren’t sure just how badly you were going to get burned if you got too close, but if he kept being this alluring, you were going to have to find out.
“I’m glad you showed up after all. Wasn’t sure if you were gonna come.” He said as he looked to you. “I decided what the hell. Has nothing else to do, so I figured I’d entertain you for a bit.” You giggled, teasing him, but he just grinned a little. “Oh yeah?” “Mhm. Yeah.” You said, not taking your eyes off of his. He stepped closer to you and you waited for him to get close enough. What he deemed close enough, and suddenly you were grateful you had decided to sit in the back of the bar on the far side, secluded from prying eyes.
His wolfish grin never stopped even as he slowly wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close into him. Like he was testing the waters, and giving you time to pull away. You never did. And it made his heart swell, surprisingly so. Nobody had ever made him feel the way you did. And he was obsessed with it.
You braced your hands against his chest. He wore a black three piece suit and tie with a white shirt and the classic black shoes. “He looked good in a suit.” You thought. “How’s your side?” He murmured lowly, his cool breath fanning your face as he spoke. Your eyes still locked onto each others. “It’s fine.” He eyes your own eyes suspiciously. “Yeah?” He asks, still in that low tone and it’s absolutely killing you. “Yeah.” You mumble. He hums, as if in deep thought, his eyes still never leaving yours. “You sure? Cuz I could take you upstairs and we could have a look at it, make sure it isn’t bruised or anything. And then maybe I could give you something as an apology for hitting you. How’s that sound, kitten?” The way he says it is so unabashedly suggestive and in no way subtle and you’re really grateful that you’re in a more secluded spot. You giggled softly. “I thought you said inviting me here was an apology for that?” You asked, and he frowned before nodding like he did remember saying that. “Well, think of this as a second one. So what do you say?”
You stopped and truly considered it for a moment. The offer was so incredibly tempting and sweet, but there were a few factors that came into play regarding your answer.
One, Harry had literally just gotten down here to his own event, and while you didn’t doubt that he had probably ditched more than enough times, considering the way he was so ready to take you upstairs without a second thought, you knew it probably wouldn’t look good.
Two, you didn’t really see how you two could just escape upstairs without anyone seeing you and you didn’t need a headline in the paper, titled, “Bruce Wayne’s adoptive daughter Lana Lang, and Harry Osborn, now head of OsCorp seen going upstairs together at charity event.” Just really wasn’t the kind of attention you wanted to attract.
Three, you weren’t really too sure about Harry. Of course you were embarrassingly wrapped around his finger, but you were very smart and intelligent. You didn’t know Harry well enough to go upstairs with him, and while people had one night stands just like this all the time, you weren’t ready.
Four, related to reason number three, you were also a virgin, and you were positive you weren’t ready for that to change just yet.
You sighed a little and gave Harry a soft smile. He still patiently awaited your answer and had busied himself with taking in deep breaths of the perfume you had decided to wear tonight. A roses and wine scent that you had put on. It was far from what you usually wore which was more milder, softer, sweeter scents, but you wanted something a little more…adult today.
“Maybe another time, tiger.” You said, as he was leaning in probably to begin pressing losses against your neck, but he stopped when he hears your words. He gave you a little smile to let you know that it was no problem. “Alright…alright. God, you make me crazy, you know that?” He asked, like he was trying so hard to restrain himself. He took a step back from you and already you were missing the warmth of his arms wrapped around your waist. “Do I?” He just stared at you like this was basic common knowledge. Like this was something you should already know. He gave you a curt nod and took your hand, placing a kiss on it, as he steered you towards the crowd to mingle.
No matter how much Harry wanted nothing more than to whisk you upstairs and fuck you into his bed until you were seeing stars, he knew he had to take it slow with you. You two had only met a little while ago after all, and you might not be as infatuated with him as he was with you yet. That was okay. He would make sure that you were soon.
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After around two and a half hours of mingling around, talking with people, and raising awareness about the situation. The reason you were there in the first place you were both mentally and physically exhausted. Harry was steering you outside by the small of your back. You two had also gotten closer during the night and he invited you on a coffee date sometime next week, to which you had accepted.
You felt as though you really had made a difference. At the end of the night, a little before Harry had taken you outside, the number of money that would be put into renovating orphanages, and getting better care for the children there was a surprisingly high amount.
You’d had to tell your ‘story’ to lots of people there, explaining what happened to your parents during your childhood and how you ended up with Bruce now. Lots of people were inspired and put in even more money. A lot of them really weren’t as snobby and stuck-up as you expected them to be, however you did run into a couple of assholes like that. One of the people you spoke to regarding your life experience was Diana, and when you told her who your parents were she didn’t seem surprised in the slightest. When you asked her why not she explained that she had known your parents, specifically your mother and they were rather good friends before she passed.
She said that she had worked in your mothers company as her secretary and right hand woman until she got a new job, and that’s when she became a museum curator because she had a love for history and historical art. All this information shocked you very much and you asked her why she hadn’t told you earlier. She explained that she hadn’t truly recognized you until she started talking with you, and she realized you looked familiar but when you said your name, it confirmed her earlier suspicions that you were Eleanor’s daughter. She said she was planning to tell you all this but when she saw Harry looking for you, she decided she’d come find you later before you left. Which she did. She caught you when Harry was without you, talking to someone else.
You were very shocked and you asked her so many questions about your parents. She wasn’t able to answer many about your father, other than what your mother had told her in passing, because she hadn’t ever met your father directly before. But she said that when your mother talked about your father, she was beaming. Like she had been married to her soulmate. Hearing that made your heart melt.
She told you how strong, brave, independent, bold, fiery, and confident your mother was. But how she also had the capacity to be soft, and caring, and kind, and loving and compassionate and gentle. She was beloved by many of the women who worked in her industry and many were saddened when she left. How she lit up any room wherever she went and brought smiles to people’s faces, but how she could also make any who unjustly opposed her cower in fear. She said your mother was very shy, a sweet wallflower before the two met in college and how Diana had helped her grow out of her shell into the girl boss she was up until her death.
Diana explained how she didn’t even know that your mother had a baby. Since you were orphaned when you were a baby, Diana had been living in another part of the world for a short time, excavating something for her new job, and when she returned and heard the news, she was devastated. Diana and your mother kept in contact and frequently spoke just as often as they did before, even with Diana having a new job and moving away for a short period of time.
She seemed to feel so guilty about the fact that you were in such a terrible orphanage for eight years, and trust maybe she could’ve done something about it, having known your mother so well, and been employed under her. You asked Diana why, instead of your parents writing it down that you should go with Bruce, seeing as all your other family was either supposedly dead or unable to take you in, instead of perhaps going with Diana when your mother knew her so much better than she knew Bruce. You had always thought it odd, knowing that your parents were good surface friends with Bruce but not much more than that. You always chalked it up to you having nobody else besides him to go to…but now you knew about Diana. So why didn’t your mother send you with her? Life might’ve been so much less lonely and cold being with her.
Diana told you that her and your mother trusted each other a lot, but if there was one thing your mom was, it was selfless. She was stubborn in that kind of endearing way, Diana had said. She probably viewed it as saddling me with you when you were such a young age and my job allowed me to travel all over the world, but seeing as Bru—Mr. Wayne, (she had corrected herself, which you thought was strange but you brushed it off as her wanting to be polite especially since he was your “father.”) already had kids at the time. She said and it made sense.
However, Diana was quick to assure you that she would’ve loved to have you as her adoptive daughter no matter what. She said, it would’ve been a lively experience for the both of us, I hope. And that was something you truly believed. You and Diana ended up exchanging numbers, and she told you that you could talk to her about anything at all, any time at all. Knowing you had another friend made you happy. Maybe Diana could fill the hole in your heart with stories to your mother and her. Just maybe.
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Anyways, as said before, Harry was steering you outside by the small of your back, but when you shivered against the cool early-spring air he frowned. “You didn’t bring a jacket?,” he asked, “Dammit, I should’ve bought you one as well.” You cut him off by shaking your head and smiling. “It’s fine, I’m fine. I actually had a lot of fun tonight.” Harry have you a genuine smile at that, and then it turned into his signature arrogant smirk. He took off his suit jacket and placed it around your arms. “For the ride home. G’night kitten.” He said, and debated leaning in for a kiss, but decided against it. He just sort of squeezed the small of your waist before heading off back inside.
When you got home that night you were practically breathless. You weren’t really sure if your plan would go as planned in the beginning. If you would actually make a difference, but so many people there seemed so moved by what you had to say, and easily gave three times the moment they would’ve in the beginning just from you talking to them. It felt so good to do some to ing like that at your age. You were already helping people but you felt like you could do more. You thought about what it would be like to be a vigilante like the rest of your family. You had your heart set on that as well, and you were sure going to make that happen. But you did need a plan for that first. You couldn’t well just make a suit and go out fighting crime with no training. You weren’t fighting or killing machines like your siblings were, so you would need to train for a long time before you’d be ready for any of that. But that was later to come.
Right now you were just in bed and fangirling. So incredibly excited about what had happened today. So many new relationships has blossomed. You were surprised that so much could happen in just one night. Raising that much money, making connections with wealthy, powerful people, finding the truth about Diana and your mother, and you and Harry.
Harry. You thought about him a lot lately too. You wondered if what you two had might blossom into more, and maybe even love if you two continued to spend time together. You wanted something like what your parents have. How Diane a spoke about the way your mother talked about your father.
You wanted to be able to talk about someone like that, and in turn they talk about you the same way. You wanted to feel true love so badly that it hurt you. When you were old enough to learn about your parents and why you were with Bruce, you learned also that your parents were found the next day when someone took the w highway and called the police because of the broken rail. You learned that your parents both drowned in the car together, but that they were found holding hands over the glove compartment. They had accepted their fate, but they still loved each other so much, that even in death they were together. You wanted something like that. A relationship like that. You wanted to die for someone and someone who would die for you.
Be careful what you wish for.
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degenrcy · 1 year
only i can hurt you (chapter 2)
same warnings as last one but with more highlight on the ed part of the relationship! 
you two were out grocery shopping for the league with a whopping budget of barely 120 dollars. it was getting hot out, summer not just rolling but suddenly jumping you from around the corner with multiple day long heat waves predicted for the next 2 weeks. this meant no one wants to smoke drugs in a non-air-conditioned in an already heated car. this meant dabi and shigaraki weren't making much on their deals. this meant 120 dollars for groceries. for a house full of adults.
minus you two of course. "it's perfect tomu, we don't have enough for all of us so me and you can just... not eat for a little. nothing we can't handle, right tomu?" you clung to his skeletal form, instinctually running your hands up and down the length and wrapping your fingers around different parts of his arm. it was self-soothing yet a burdening reminder you two were only centimeters apart when it came to gaps and circumfrences of limbs and calories and weight and food and disgust and fat and-
"don't call me that in public. good idea i guess," he sighed, then motioned to the shelves of the current aisle you were in. "but look. we buy two packs for 12 dollars and we can get another THREE for free. i can be set for like, 2 weeks more if we invest in this."
you scowled, tugging him away into a different aisle. shigaraki was addicted to every diet soda out there, making it his mission to try every flavor before he dies as if he has 3 months left to live. full sugar soda was his vice when you two first met, cliche mountain dew drinking gamer with fast food bags inside more fast food bags inside grocery store plastic bags- he was disgusting. his teeth were nothing short of rotting and yellowed. but he was skinny. unintentionally omad-ing a burger and fries with a bunch of soda to wash it down after going days with either snacks and energy drinks or nothing at all when he was grinding out gameplays. you had grown up trying every sort of diet and eating all types of food but god has cursed women for eternity and blessed shigaraki tomura and every other male you've known with statistic-breaking metabolisms and simple cravings.
the only thing that ever worked for you was him. someone else's force. him forcing you to not eat by keeping you in his room for days. forcing you to purge those fries you got because can you imagine how much fat is actually in there? they don't weigh your food out, and look, all the fries are different sizes. the calories aren't gonna be accurate, you know that. it was fun to eat, but now all that salt is gonna make you look fat. actually, be fat. you're fat. go to the fucking bathroom and get that disgusting shit out of your stomach before you get fatter. by making you feel so horrible about yourself, you couldn't even stomach the thought of eating anything with sustenance.
you tossed a couple boxes of gauze and this really good disinfectant cream you two use, a lot, in the cart. sometimes he cuts you- one for every extra piece of food over your limit, every pound gained or not lost within acceptance, for even suggesting eating. how else would you have learned without him? without shigaraki's love and dedication to you, you'd be lost. and fat.
you tossed in some of toga's requested items- this new organic ramen cup rip off that was 2 dollars more expensive than being normal. a new pack of razors- but in an artistic way. toga likes to make art pieces with razors. and blood. who's blood? no one asked. everyone knew. some fruit went in the cart that everyone could enjoy. a lot of sale-priced store brand microwavable foods followed. cucumbers and pickles were the only vegetables you and shigaraki could handle. salad was to expensive. the biggest budget-denter was all of jin's mass amounts of protein. chicken, turkey, protein bars, protein powder, protein drinks, shit you guys didn't have money for anyways. you could only buy a nice pack of chicken for him. some tofu for dinner and broth.
"he can buy the rest with his gym-guy money. we don't owe him." you tugged on shigaraki's hoodie again, and he jerked his shoulder away from you. you gripped his forearm, and he frowned. haha, shigaraki, you can't hurt women in public.
by the time you guys got home, everyone was there.
"when the fuck did we all get days off, huh?" shigaraki yelled as he entered the house with two packs of strawberry flavored diet coke. he won that argument, judging by the three shakily stacked up in your arms. dabi got up from his permanent spot on the couch and the smoke around him twisted and curled until it reached the open door. they dapped eachother up, as boys do, dabi handing off the blunt without missing a beat to your boyfriend and showing him something on that god-forsaken beat up iphone 7. you couldn't really tell what was going on, didn't care much, just focused on bringing in the last few bags. you heard some expressions of disbelief, some anger, some laughing.
"i gotta kill her." dabi was saying as you put the final bag down, taking a few moments to catch your breath. you felt like you were gonna pass out.
"shit, i'd kill mine too if she did that." they were both leaning against the wall now, you could tell they were trying to inconspicuously get to the couch to knock out.
"shiiiiit," dabi ashed the blunt on the floor, then pointed to shigaraki with it. "you'd kill yours for breathing too fat."
there was an awkward moment of silence for you, followed by the two guys laughing their asses off and shigaraki not disagreeing.
"hey," you panted. "can you help clean out the cabinents?"
they looked at your hunched over form, hands on your knees, panting like a dog. and laughed at you. dabi slapping his thighs while he died of laughter and shigaraki stomping his boots against the floor, also laughing, also driving the ash further into the grains of the wood.
"gotta kill you now, y/n. out of breath over one set of stairs." he shook his head, giving one last hit to the blunt before letting dabi finish it. "fat bitch. clean this place up yourself." he spat, pulling off his hoodie after carefully peeling it away from his arms. your eyes started to well with tears, stinging. you pulled off your own hoodie, setting it on the couch and getting to work. you had thirty minutes left till your fast was over, it was enough time to clean out the old food from the kitchen and organize all the new stuff. enough time to get some wet paper and clean the floors. (what's a swiffer?) enough time to think about how hungry you were while staring in the fridge absentmindedly. fat bitch. enough time to chug a glass of tap water and physically shake your head free of food thoughts. dog.
you held the warm mug of soup in your hands, always cold and shaking. now recently added, veins sticking out more. it made you want to slice up your hands and fingers. you sighed, swirling the soup around with your spoon. you wish you could put bread in the soup, or maybe have a bowls worth and not just a cup. it wasn't on the plan shig had you on though, and it probably would never be. you gave up bread months ago, along with things like cereal and any soda at all. however sugar was always the hardest part, going strong for a month or two then ultimately binging on a whole candy bar one of the roommates gave you.
shigaraki comforted you that day, holding you in his arms. "i know it sucks you ate all that candy. you've been doing good so far, and i'm disappointed, but it could be worse. just make sure you're back on track tomorrow like you have been." he kissed the top of your head. "they never offer me candy or their food, you know."
"...what?" you lifted your head to look at him, clutching onto him tighter.
"yeah," he nodded. you felt like a little kid listening to his story. "i think it's because you're almost bmi 19, finally, but don't look any different from when you first were starting to lose weight. i mean, look at me babe. would you ever offer someone like me something so depraving as chocolate?"
your lip trembled.
"they know what i am. they can already tell i don't need it, that i won't take it from them. you know why?"
"cuz' your so skinny." you sniffled, trying to hide in his sleeve. he nodded again.
"and they all know you're the fat girl that they can buy a hershey bar for. that they can share their food with and you'll finish it for them. is that what you want?"
"...nooo!" you cried out, tears dripping down your cheeks. he kissed them, pink and hot from the shame of being his fat girlfriend.
"good... fix it then."
you were now barely bmi 17, and your boyfriend was nearing 15. you cried every time you thought about it, which was everyday. every gash on your arm for all the binges and regret and disgust and hatred and anger and all those gross feelings you got about being alive were imprinted on you forever now. you wanted thin forever, you wanted to be beautiful for your boyfriend forever, even if it wasn't gonna be shigaraki. you saw how amazing jin treats his women before his next episode, toga's insanely strong adoration for the same person she's been on about for years- yet her ability to do it for her current partner anyways. how dabi sleazes up girls at parties to be his customers and in his bed by the morning. even some of shigaraki's cut-off family seems nicer than what he's ever told you. they speak fancy and dress nice, they're rich. they pay the rent here for shigaraki and his 'friends', he was a rich boy living the poor life.
"you have money shigaraki, we could buy a new car or fix the fucking washer if you just called your stupid fucking uncle!" you were arguing again, not really remembering what really started it. the missed car payment might've been it, but no one really cared about paying off a car you guys bought for like 5k- oh, then wanting a new one, you were caught up now. "we could maybe have a kitchen, with, you know, real food!"
he scoffed.
"always thinking about food," he rolled his eyes. "even if i did get more money from them, i'm sure you'd waste all my gas money on driving to food spots. spend all the water in the washer washing away the grease and food stains from your clothes. your clothes, which go up in size," he got closer to you, back against the wall. "if i called my stupid-" his fist collided with the wall, actually breaking through it. it crumbled and fell in small pieces on your shoulder and to the floor, you flinched but didn't dare to scream. "-fucking uncle. for more money. you'd just spend it on filling up the kitchen, with real food. is that what you're telling me?"
he was in your face, seething. eyebrows pinched tightly, looking into your sunken eyes. you shrugged. he smacked you.
"you don't eat shit unless i tell you to." he grabbed your jaw, forcing you straight, then smacked you again. with similar force that he gave the wall apparently, knocking you to his feet and oh shit you were actually seeing stars. his boot pressed between your shoulders, holding you on the floor. "lay here while i make jin his retarded fucking pre-workout. if you get up, i'll kill you."
you sobbed as quietly as you could into your arms, phone buzzing in your pocket. the fast was over. you had 2 hours to eat. start with something light, maybe a cup of soup. some fruit for fiber, or something. uh, maybe tomu will make you some of his good tofu... takes too long though, it'll be 7 by then, and you don't eat past 7. you lay there. even after tomu walked by you, even after he came back to tell you to get up, even when he kicked you.
you felt small as he picked you up, grumbling and cursing, setting you down into his bed. he rubbed your head, down your spine, over your hip bones. he pushed you flat on the bed, running his fingers up over your flattened stomach and feeling up your ribs. he kissed your collarbones, each side, then your forehead. "just a few more." he whispered to you as you whined. few more pounds, okay. few more hours, okay. whatever tomura wanted, you would gladly do. you love hurting yourself, but he does all the work for you. you loved losing the weight, loved the perfect scars, loved the feelings that weren't complete distain so it surely meant they were good-feelings.
you loved tomura.
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
I can think of two reasons why Danneel is doing CrossRoads con in March. The first is she’s going for the same reason Jensen is: they need the money. We know networks only pay for the first ~6 episodes of a season unless the show proves to be successful, and it’s up to the production company to find the rest of the funding. And we also know that CMP has struggled to get investors since the very beginning, and there’s no way TW is getting more network funding based on how things are going (41% audience loss by episode 2? Ouch) so it’s up to CMP to finance the rest of the episodes. Considering that the prequel is CMP’s only source of potential income, the Ackles have to open up their own wallets // Mommy Ackles wallet. And not only are they hemorrhaging money on the production company front, they don’t have enough money coming in to keep up their current lifestyle. Probably should have invested the money they were given in the CMP deal in the company instead of buying a fancy car, Colorado mansion (which they’re selling/sold), and a new face for Elta. Oh wait, they spared some money for Danneel to buy the rights to some books, what great business people. I do would trust Danneel to pick future IPs to work with🙄
The majority of Jensen’s work post SPN has been guest star roles and voiceover work. Amazon is known for paying it’s actors horribly, so The Boys was not a big pay day between that and his limited screen time over the course of a short, 8 episode long season. Rust was/is a small production with a budget that couldn’t even cover proper accommodations for their crew workers. Plus, Jensen was a last minute hire to replace the original actor, who I believe left after they already started filming, meaning their limited budget was drained further by reshoots. Both jobs (TB and Rust) were to boost his status after being on the CW for decades rather than paycheck picks. If his role in Buddy Games 2 is anything like the first movie, it’s a very short cameo that he probably got paid the bare minimum for. Big Sky is probably his best post-SPN paycheck, but it’s nowhere near what he was making on SPN and doesn’t have the longevity/guarantee that SPN did. And it’s about to be over because I’ve heard rumors his character leaves/dies this season. Voiceover work is at an all time low pay wise, so he’s not getting huge paychecks for his WB animated universe work. Certainly more than voice actors by trade due to his name and relationship with the network (which is BS, they’re the ones who deserve his pay), but again not SPN money. Radio Company only makes money on merch, because artists make pennies on streaming platforms and you need tour and merch income to make money. And that profit depends on how much of his own (let’s be real, it’s not Steve’s) money on studio time and other expenses. Notice how in order to win a guitar, you first had to buy merch. Which is illegal, but that’s going to need a separate anon lol. He has the brewery, but breweries are horrible investments (I worked in the restaurant industry for years and have many friends who work in or own breweries) because the overhead is so high, you’re lucky to break even. And the pandemic has all by destroyed the hospitality industry. If he didn’t get the deal that allows him to sell his beer in stores, the brewery would have gone under. Something he alluded to at a con recently (will try to find the video + time stamps). Jenneel love to buy and sell real estate and call themselves house flippers, but they def do that just to afford their next McMansion. They aren’t making income on their real estate ventures. Jensen could have investments/businesses that aren’t public knowledge, but he’s proven to be a very poor business man over the years so he’s probably doesn’t have the same passive income that Jared (a great businessman) has.
And not only does Danneel not work so she’s not bringing in any money, she’s a major drain on resources. They have two different mortgages/household expenses (Jensen’s condo and the house Danneel and the kids live in…though gossip is the new “family” house was a major downsize) on top of paying for the kids schooling, their nannies, and their housekeeper. Plus their vacations and summer spent traveling on Danneel’s part. Both Jensen and Elta get cosmetic work done which isn’t cheap, plus all of the money she spends on “looking pretty” (hair cut, color and extensions, esthetician/dermatologist visits) and they both spend a ridiculous amount of money on clothes. Everything about them screams living beyond their means to try to keep up appearances.
And if it’s not money that’s prompting Danneel to show her face at a con, it’s certainly not fans. The last con she did was back when FBBC first launched, and she interacted with no one at NOLA con last fall. They’ll give her the praise she desires all without having to leave her home, you’ve seen how long they milk “content” from her for and how she moves them to tears just because they know she’s breathing potentially near Jensen. I think she’s going to the con because the only time she gets to be with Jensen (or more importantly, seen with him) is for work engagements. She can’t prove she’s still Mrs. Ackles through her Instagram anymore, so she had to find another avenue. Very reminiscent of back in the day when she would show up where Jensen was to force them into going public after years of being just friends with benefits.
Sorry that got so long! I really thought it would be a quick one 🫠
Absolutely, Jensen has been living above his means for a long time and you explained everything perfectly. The house flipping is something people do as is taking out "loans" on properties they own to increase their income even more. I forget the exact real estate terminology but anyone can research this. Except the Ackles are bad at it and yes, they ended up downsizing big time.
Please never apologize for long posts, I enjoy reading them and it's impossible to truly explain something without writing quite extensively because there are many aspects to factor in. Thank you for having the patience to share, I deeply appreciate it. 🥰
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nanamikeento · 1 year
two for one | levi ackerman; erwin smith | #04
ao3 | read the full work here
Levi Ackerman x reader x Erwin Smith | chapter four
Summary: You’re in the brink of getting evicted. Your income barely pays for the monthly expenses. You’d do anything not to get back to your parents’s house. You’d do anything for a better life, for a little more money. Even if it means having an polygamous arrangement with not one, but two sugar daddies. But what happens if you get in the way of their relationship? Or worse, what happens if you fall in love with not one, but both of them? [Modern AU]
Read tags and notes for more warnings
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Needless to say, the amusement park is packed with people. It's the last weekend before fall officially arrives, so I guess people wanted to enjoy the last bits of summer. I walk in the middle of Levi and Erwin, squished between their biceps, feeling the warmth of their bodies in the midst of so many people. It's good, because the weather is chilly today and I'm wearing nothing more than denim shorts and a sweatshirt that barely warms me up.  
“How about the roller coaster?” Erwin suggests, pointing to the huge steel mountain far in the park. So far, we've walked around, looking for a ride to go.  
“I'm not going on that.” Levi replies, shoving his hands in the pockets of his jacket.  
“Oh, I want to try the new slingshot ride,” I say, watching as people inside a crate scream as they're launched upwards, like a reverse bungee jump.  
“I'm definitely not going on that either.” Levi argues, walking in the opposite direction of that ride.  
"C'mon Levi, we can't play shot-the-target all day.” Erwin laughs.  
“Actually, that's a great idea.” I chime in, noticing Levi has been a bit distant the whole time. Maybe amusement parks aren't his thing, “Since the rides are crowded, I don't think we'll be able to enjoy some anytime soon... So why don't we play some games in the meantime?”  
I can tell Levi loves the idea of playing games all day, mostly because he pulls me to a Balloon and Dart tent. Erwin follows us, chuckling softly, but ends up joining when we start playing. We go from tent to tent for a while, and I lose most of them. Erwin and I also persuade Levi to go on some rides, but the only one he accepted to join us was the Teacups.  
“I have to let you know, we're pretty good at this,” says Erwin when I suggest we play a game in the shooting gallery.  
“What, shooting fake ducks?” I ask, picking up a fake gun and taking a look at the scenario: metal ducks and a few targets hoover over cardboard drawn water. Yeah, I can do this.  
“Taking down targets.” It's Levi who answers, taking the fake gun beside me and testing its weight.  
I frown, “Cause you play shoot the target a lot?”  
Erwin snorted, standing on my other side, “Yeah, we own a videogame console.”  
Oh. That's not that bad. Right? Everyone plays videogames now and then and to imagine Erwin Smith, thirty-seven, playing videogames with is boyfriend... It's something I long to see with my own two eyes.  
“Did we not mention that?”  
A ring bells and all targets start moving, I try my best to shoot them all. They're actually pretty good, I can't lie, but I'm better. In the end, I tie with Levi who looks at me impressed.  
“My grandfather taught me to shoot.” I explain, smiling at him, “Did I not mention that?”  
From my left side, Erwin barks out a laugh. Levi just stares at me dumbfounded. 
“I want a rematch,” he says, simply, and we play again.  
I end up winning and choose the biggest stuffed animal – a red panda – and give it to him. He looks displeased, but I can see the way he fights to keep that façade. A microscope smile fights to curve the corners of his lips and it makes me happy. The rest of the day is summed by Erwin and I trying to convince him to go on rides and playing games with them. I have a great time; I laugh and have fun. Erwin and I go on the roller coaster, Levi and I compete to see which one of us is better at winning those stupid game tents.  
“Is it okay if we go on the Ferris Wheel?” I ask by the end of the day. The sun is beginning to set and the wind is getting chillier and chillier by the second, but I don't want to miss the opportunity of getting a nice view of the city from up there. My question is directed to Levi, but he doesn't answer, instead clutches the huge red panda I gave him as he looks up at the ride, “I mean–” I back off, “We don't have to...”  
“We'll go,” answers Erwin for the both of them, but I don't feel good about forcing Levi to go on it.  
“I don't want Levi to feel uncomfortable...”  
“I'm fine.” His tone is sharp, but he still clutches the stuffed animal as if his life depends on it. He has a reason to not go on all those rides, and I wonder if he's just afraid of heights or if it's about something else. Either way I wouldn't like if someone force me to do something I don't want to.  
“You know what.” I smile at them, “I changed my mind. It's getting a little cold, so why don't we head–”  
“I'll go.” Levi interrupts me and I turn to see he's looking at me. Deep into my eyes.  
“Levi, I don't want you to–”  
“I want to.” There's nothing but honesty in his eyes and something I see as... desire.  
“O-okay.” I stutter.  
The Ferris Wheel cabin is a bit tight, but I manage to fit perfectly between them, our thighs pressed together as we sit beside each other; I notice Levi grips the security bar a little too tight when the security person closes it at around our waists. The ride starts moving slowly and comes to a halt for the people who were behind us in line to get in as well. Levi sucks in a deep breath and I suddenly feel bad for suggesting we go on this stupid ride. It moves slowly again and then stops again.  
I'm so selfish. Why did I am even making this about myself? He's clearly upset about this.  
“Levi is afraid of heights,” Erwin speaks when the Ferris Wheels moves again.  
“Stop talking about me as if I'm not here.” He quips then exhales sharply when the cabin moves slightly as the Ferris Wheels halts abruptly, “It's more of falling than the height itself.”  
I feel as if ice has been dropped inside my stomach, “Levi, I'm sorry, I didn’t know–”  
“Quit it.” Levi interrupts me, “I wanted to come. All I did was play those dumb games with you... wanted–” He inhales sharply, closing his eyes when the cabin moves again, “Wanted to do something– something fun with you.”  
Through the sunset light, I can see a pink color painted on his cheeks and on the tips of his ears. His eyes don't meet mine, but I can sense honesty in what he says and I feel butterflies fluttering inside me.  
“But I did have fun with you,” I tell him with a soft smile on my face. He finally looks at me, dumbfounded, speechless, “those stupid games were the best part of my day.”  
The ride moves again and he doesn't panic like before; Erwin wraps his arm around my shoulders to reach and rest a hand on his shoulder. In a moment of boldness, I take his hand, peeling it off from the bar where his grip had lightened a bit. I'm cozy, fitting right in between them, their legs warming mine as we reach the top, our cabin enlightened by the golden hour sun. The view from up here is breath taking, we can see pretty much the entire city and some of the vegetation around it. The sunset makes it all worthy, painting the sky with oranges and yellows and I'm pretty sure I'll never forget this. I wish I could take my phone to snap a picture, but it wouldn't be the same. It wouldn't feel the same.  
“Thank you both for today,” I say, words flowing out of me naturally, “I had a great time.”  
Erwin looks at me softly and then shares a knowing look with Levi. He takes my hand and holds it between his fingers, takes a deep breath and then speaks.  
“We were wondering if you'd come over to our place tonight.”  
Read the full chapter here
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starlightswitch · 2 years
Least Replaceable
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@flashfictionfridayofficial Definitely influenced by packing for a move, although for us it's more "what will we be living without for a week?"
“No! What? Mom…”
“I do not want to hear it. Everyone gets one bag.”
“You and Dad get more than one bag,” Peyton argued, even though she knew what the answer to that was going to be.
“The things not in our bags aren’t Dad’s and mine, they’re for the whole household. Your birth certificate is in the fireproof box too.”
“I’m just asking for one extra thing.”
“A large thing.”
“The most important thing in my life.” Peyton didn’t realize what the answer to that was going to be until after she’d said it. At that point all she could do was wait for Mom to say it.
Mom didn’t say it. She just looked at her over her glasses.
“Thing. I said thing. Not including people.”
“Mm. People do have to fit in the cars, you realize.”
Peyton gave the biggest sigh she could muster. “Okay, so to you stuff is just stuff. You don’t get–”
“I do get it,” Mom said firmly. “There are many, many things in this house I am not happy about leaving behind. It would be faster to count the things I don’t mind leaving behind. And hopefully it will not matter, and the house will still be standing for us to come back to. But in case it is not, there are certain things we need to prioritize, because some things are less replaceable than others.” The ‘end of discussion’ tone would have been recognizable even if Mom hadn’t resumed packing her bag.
Peyton went back down the hall in a way that Mom would probably have referred to as ‘galumphing’ if she hadn’t been busy. To her sister, who was standing in the doorway with her bag already packed, she grumbled, “How replaceable does she think my computer is?”
“Well, you did build it yourself,” said Josie. “Can’t you build another one?”
“Is she going to give me the money for that? Is she going to let me get a job? I spent my entire life’s savings on this one!”
“I’m pretty sure Mom and Dad’s insurance gives them money if a natural disaster happens to the house. I assume she’d give some to you to replace your computer. Since, you know, it’s one of the things in the house covered by the insurance.”
Josie had it easy. The biggest thing in Josie’s life was basketball. The equipment wasn’t that expensive, and the school gave it to you anyway. “Well, if they give me how much it cost, that’s not going to replace it. Do you know how much the cost of a graphics card has gone up since I built it?”
“Well, can you take the graphics card?”
Peyton stared at her.
“Is that a dumb question?” said Josie, staring back. “Is the graphics card, like, enormous? It doesn’t sound enormous.”
“I have to take my computer apart,” said Peyton, still stunned by the obviousness of the solution. “Duh. Do you know if we have any bubble wrap?”
“Hall closet. Like always.”
“Don’t let them leave without me.”
“Are you packed at all?”
Peyton didn’t want to answer out loud in case Mom was listening.
“I’ll pack you.”
“Thanks.” She had no idea what Josie was going to pack. She didn’t really care. Anything she didn’t pack would be cheaper to replace than that graphics card.
Screwdrivers, bubble wrap. She should have grabbed tape to tape the bubble wrap but didn’t want to waste the time. She couldn’t go too fast or she was going to drop or break something. When she’d put the computer together, methodically, Dad off to the side in case she needed help, she would never have guessed she’d take it apart only a couple years later, in a barely-contained rush, in the path of a natural disaster.
Hard drive, too, since she was here. She wrapped them both up and left the rest, and the case, on the floor. Good thing she’d never gotten around to upgrading the monitor.
Josie met her at the door of her room, Peyton’s duffel in her hands. “Jeans, shorts, socks, underwear, like half your shirts, and that dress you really like. And sandals. We should wear sneakers since they take up more room. The side pockets are empty– Oh.” She had seen the size of what Peyton was carrying. “Which isn’t going to help, clearly.”
“That’s okay,” said Peyton, grabbing the duffel to find things to move to a side pocket. “I really appreciate it.”
“I’ll go grab your sneakers. I actually packed your bathroom stuff when I packed mine so don’t worry about that.”
“I really do appreciate it,” said Peyton, looking up this time.
Josie gave an open-handed shrug. “I hope it turns out not to matter.”
Peyton took a breath. “Me too. Can you get the tape too? I’d feel better if it was taped.”
“Yeah. Good idea.”
Mom came out with her bag as the sound of the garage door signaled that Dad was home with the other car. Finished reorganizing and figuring she could tape the bubble wrap later, Peyton quickly zipped her bag and stood up. “Turns out I didn’t need more space.”
Mom looked warily behind her as if Peyton was five years old and badly hiding something.
“You said one bag. I have one bag.”
Mom looked down at and back up at Peyton. “Okay,” she said, light disbelief in her voice.
Peyton lifted the bag to her shoulder. “I’m ready to go.”
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farginen · 2 years
Gracia looked over at Riza and gave the other woman a tired smile. "I'd love to rest," she said, sitting a cup of tea in front of Riza and taking a seat on the couch herself, "but I have to keep pushing hard. It's not easy raising a three-year-old on your own, and providing for both of you."
Riza had come by to check on her and Elicia, something which Gracia was grateful for. Maes had so many wonderful friends, and many of them had become her friends too. To know that, even after his death, they came to check on her and Elicia, it made Gracia very grateful and very thankful.
It also meant that her friends had a clear view of just how run down she was. That part, Gracia was not so grateful and thankful for.
She looked down into her tea. "Maes's pension only covers so much, and will only pay out for so long. He made sure that we had enough money put back so that we would be alright for a bit, but all in all, its not quite enough." Her hands tightened around the teacup a bit. "Being a medical transcriptionist pays well, and the hours aren't terrible. I can usually get off to tend to Elicia when I need to. And it makes good use of the knowledge I gained in nursing school."
Nursing school, which she'd never finished. She had just been about a year short, but she had decided to marry Maes instead and not finish her degree. She should have gone back to finish it. Maes wouldn't have minded.  In fact, he would have cheered her on.
Just like he always did.
Gracia shoved that thought and those emotions to the side, and shook her head. "I have to keep pushing hard, now. If I don't, I could lose my job, or fail to be there when Elicia needs me, or both." She looked back up at Riza and gave her another tired smile. "I honestly don't know if I can rest right now."
the lieutenant welcomed the cup of tea, taking in her hands and letting the heat radiating from the ceramic warm up her cold fingers as she listened attentively. ceremoniously, even. she had the feeling mrs hughes didn't get to say these things out loud very often, listening was the least she could do.
admittedly none of it was exactly unexpected to riza. many enlisted as a means of finding a stable income, access to military housing and healthcare. but even with those benefits the pay was never good, let alone for those with a family to provide for.
the salary for her rank was barely enough to keep herself and her dog afloat, which was more than okay ⸺ riza's own expenses were rather limited, having grown up well used to a rather austere life, and pretty much exclusive to black hayate's care. savings or having a family had never been part of the plan for her, she figured she would never live long enough for either.
she couldn't imagine the pension of a brigadier general going a long way for a family.
knowing gracia did not rely solely on her husband's pension was comforting, however. of course, she could not relate to the woman's circumstances as a mother but she did remember being a very small child with a widowed father struggling to keep them afloat. 
she'd been barely older than elicia was, so small and confused about why her mother was suddenly just gone. and soon the memories of her mother faded as she'd been too young to retain them, instead they were replaced by thoughts no child should be burdened with. fear and worry that she wasn't a good daughter, that her mere existence was a hindrance on her father's livelihood. as he exhausted their savings his cognisance too withered away proving in her young mind the fact of her worthlessness. 
riza had a whole lot more faith in mrs hughes, though. gracias was understandably tired, but all hope was not lost.
“ did you not finish nursing school? if you don’t mind me asking. ”   she asks finally after some time in silence while she'd been listening carefully. riza never meant to be presumptuous so her tone was that of a question, although also a guess. working as a nurse might have been an option if her schooling was completed, the pay might be better, childcare might be available.
“ you can't keep pushing hard if you don't rest. ”   riza points out, her voice equal parts firm and kind, and offering an understanding, yet rare, smile. “ what would it take for you to be able to rest a little? and for you to finish your degree ⸺ if that is something you'd be interested in. ”    she suggests tentatively, conscientious in every chosen word as not to overstep and offend gracia.truly, she just wants to help like hughes helped everyone he met.
“ if it's funding what's the problem we can figure it out, and if you need someone to look after elicia to give you more free time i'm sure something can be arranged ⸺ i wouldn't mind babysitting. i'll be out of commission for a while so i have time. ”
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
💭Thoughts of the day:
Po pierwsze : Rich people shouldn’t give advices about “trying harder” or “life being too short to stay in one place”. Like first of all it’s not like we are not trying hard, some of us just don’t have that much luck and second of all , it is easy to say that while owning a big amount of money to allow yourself for such adventures . Most people in the world don’t have much money
Po drugie : Rich people should stop for fuck sake saying that they are “opressed”. All priveleges come with money: privelege to not be hungry, privelege to own a house, privelege to not deal with financial problems, privelege to travel and see the world… privelege to be a free person. I don’t care what is their race, skin color, ethnicity, nationality… RICH PEOPLE AREN’t OPRESSED! Some of us cannot even afford buying their own house and their whole life they have to move in / move out to different places , renting different places just to keep roof under their heads. Rich people are opressed? Please don’t be fucking funny rn
sorry i never responded to you ! i saw your ask, wrote out was i was gonna say, and then never clicked post lol
also ngl when i saw "Po pierwsze" and "Po drugie" yesterday after coming home from work, i thought i became illiterate bc they looked like words but i couldn't register what they were saying.... and then i realized they were just in another language haha
that's what happens when you run on little to no sleep.
finally, to get to your ask….
i agree with you on both parts. it's weird to me how often rich ppl don't realize how being poor limits you. it's even weirder when it's someone that was once poor and is now rich. it's like they forget how stuck being poor can make you feel and just realistically makes you. the sentiment of adventure and travelling is great, and if you can do it you should. but that's just not the reality everyone can live. travelling is expensive. having adventures are expensive. most ppl can't do that.
i haven't heard too many rich ppl say they're oppressed, but nonetheless… yeah, they aren't lol that's an insane thing to believe.
when you can literally get up and go where ever in the world right now if you so chose to, no - you're no oppressed.
there's probably specific and niche hardships rich ppl face that poor ppl don't, but that's not oppression.
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people2u · 1 year
How Labour Hire Is Changing The Face Of The Mining Industry?
Labour hire is a huge part of the mining industry, with many companies using it to fill their labour requirements. However, there are some concerns that this method of hiring workers is unfair on employees and on companies as well.
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The fact is that labour hire companies allows business to get more from their workforce by taking them away from other jobs if they need them but also giving them flexibility when they don't need them. They can hire workers for short term projects or just for one day at a time if needed.
Improved Workforce Flexibility
The flexibility of the labour hire company is one of its biggest selling points. The ability to hire for specific projects, and then let go at the end of those projects, means employers don't have to worry about finding new employees every time they need them.
They can also hire for long-term or short-term positions as needed. This allows employers more control over their costs while still maintaining a high level of quality and service for their customers or clients.
Labour Hire Is Cost-Efficient
It is no secret that labour hire is a cost-effective way of hiring workers. Labour hire can reduce your overall recruitment, training and other related costs by up to 30% compared with using permanent staff.
This means that you get more bang for your buck when it comes to finding employees who will be productive in the workplace without having to pay for their salaries during periods where they aren't needed as much (e.g., during holidays or on weekends).
Find Skilled Workers
If you're a mining company, it can be hard to find skilled workers. If you have specific skills that are needed in your industry, or if you only want to hire people with certain qualifications and experience levels, then labour hire is the perfect solution for finding the right candidates.
The best part? Labour hire allows employers like yourself to source workers from all over Australia--and even around the world--without having to worry about relocation costs or other associated expenses like training programs or housing assistance.
Stay Updated With Specialised Labour Hire
If you want to stay up to date with the latest developments in your industry, it's important that you stay updated with specialised labour hire.
The best way to do this is by subscribing to one of our newsletters or following us on social media. This way, every time we update our site with new content that could be relevant for your business--like tips on how hiring workers through a temporary employment agency can save money and improve efficiency--you'll be notified immediately so that you don't miss out on any important information!
As you can see, labour hire has a number of benefits for the mining industry. Not only does it allow for greater flexibility in hiring and firing workers, but it also saves time and money by allowing companies to find skilled labourers quickly and easily.
If you're interested in learning more about how labour hire company could benefit your business, contact professionals today!
Source  By :  
How Labour Hire Is Changing The Face Of The Mining Industry?
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rollershuttersaus · 1 year
Transform Your Home With Custom-Made Plantation Shutters
It's no secret that we love our custom made plantation shutters. Whether they're outdoor or indoor, custom-made is the best way to go. And now you can use them as a way to transform your home as well! We'll tell you how below.
Plantation shutters aren't just for the outside of your windows anymore.
Plantation shutters aren't just for the outside of your windows anymore.
You can use them to cover up an ugly view, like an alleyway or busy street.
They're also a good alternative to curtains and the best quality outdoor blinds if you have limited space in your home--or if you're just looking to change things up!
Use shutters as a room divider. You can use them to create an intimate space in your living room or bedroom, or you can use them as a way of separating your kitchen from the rest of the house.
You can transform your home with custom-made plantation shutters.
If you're looking to transform your home, custom made plantation shutters are a great way to do it. Whether your goal is to make a room look bigger or smaller, match the decor of your furniture and walls, or simply add some color and style, custom plantation shutters can help you achieve it.
Although they may seem like an expense at first glance, when you consider how much money people spend on decorating their homes with furniture and other items that are only used for short periods of time (or even just once), custom plantation shutters actually save money in the long run by providing years of use as well as beauty.
Plantation shutters are easy to install, which makes them ideal for DIYers. They can also be painted or stained to match any color scheme you have in mind. Best of all, there are so many options when it comes to choosing the style, size, and look of the plantation shutters that you’ll never run out of ideas.
Save money by choosing plantation shutters instead of blinds or curtains.
You can save money by choosing plantation shutters instead of blinds or curtains. This is because they're a long-term investment, and you won't have to replace them for years. They also come in a variety of styles that will match any home decor theme, so you don't have to worry about replacing them again once you've gotten used to their look.
In addition to saving time and money, plantation shutters offer many other benefits:
They provide privacy while still allowing light into your room through their translucent material (called louvers).
They keep out insects like flies and mosquitoes without using chemicals like sprays or lotions on yourself or others who spend time inside your home.
They're easy to clean and maintain. They add style and beauty to your home by enhancing its décor. They can improve the energy efficiency of your house by keeping out hot or cold air, depending on which type you choose.
If you're looking for a way to make your home more stylish and energy-efficient, then custom made plantation shutters are the perfect solution. They can help transform any room in your house and they're also great at blocking out light while keeping noise out. Plus, they don't require much maintenance at all! If you want to save money on window treatments while still getting the look of custom curtains or blinds then consider having these installed instead.
Source: https://bestrollershuttersadelaide.blogspot.com/2023/04/transform-your-home-with-custom-made.html
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survey--s · 1 year
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Describe your hometown. What’s it like there? I grew up in a really safe, white, middle class country town lol. It was very pretty and had lots of nice landscaped parks and pedestrianised streets. I found it boring as a child but looking back there was a fair bit to do - we had a couple of cinemas, a bowling alley, a skating rink, bars and clubs and some decent shops and restaurants. It was a good place to raise kids but I’m glad I don’t live there as an adult.
What did you do yesterday evening? Absolutely nothing and it was heaven lol. We ordered chippy for tea and then just chilled on the sofa and watched movies. This is my first weekend off for weeks and it’s been SO nice to just chill. And for once I’ve not been sick, or had a sick dog to care for, or had horses or cats or whatever to feed lol.
Are you comfortable with leaving the house without any makeup on? I can’t remember the last time I left the house WITH make-up on.
Do you have any expensive hobbies? Horse-riding - my lessons cost me £35 a week and then beach rides/hacks out are at least £90 a go as well, but my dad VERY kindly gave me money towards riding this year for my birthday so I don’t need to worry so much about the cost anymore.
What length do you like to keep your nails at? Short, otherwise they get caught on leads and stuff at work.
Have you ever felt physical pain in a dream? I don’t think so.
What is the oldest online account that you still use? Probably my Yahoo! e-mail address.
Have you ever had Christmas carolers come to your house and sing for you? Yeah, a few times when I was younger, but it doesn’t really seem to be a “thing” anymore, at least - not since COVID.
Do you know anyone whose family has lived in the same house for…3+ generations? Not to my knowledge, no.
What was the last video game you beat? BeatStar - then they released an update for it which is really annoying and now I don’t really play it as much.
What’s your favorite Studio Ghibli film? I’ve never seen any of them.
What did you learn from your last failed relationship? That some people really aren’t worth it.
What country does your favorite band hail from? England.
What’s something on your to-do list that never actually gets done? Finish decorating the bathroom. It’s been two years since we started it and we’re still not even halfway through hahah. It’s just expensive and a hassle as it’ll involve being without a shower for a few days too.
Have you ever been really passionate about something but then lost interest? If so, what was it? Yeah - reading, for sure. I used to read everyday and would get through several books a week, but then I ended up on medication that killed my concentration span and I just never got back into it. I do read on holiday (like, by a pool or something) but that’s about it. It’s not that I don’t still enjoy it, I just got out of the habit really.
Do you sleep with the TV or the radio on? Not on purpose, but I’ve fallen asleep in front of the TV more than once.
What’s the worst thing about being male/female (whichever you are)? Periods, the pressure to have children and do traditionally female things.
What movie has the best special effects? I don’t really pay attention to that kind of thing.
How many work hours per week is too much for you? I work about 30 hours and that’s fine for me, but I work outdoors in a physical job so it’s much more tiring than working indoors sitting down, lol. I’ve done 40 hour weeks in this job and it nearly killed me, I was so sore and tired hahah.
What habit is essential to your daily life? Getting at least an hour of peace and quiet to myself, every single day.
What is your favorite documentary? Anything by Louis Theroux or David Attenborough.
When did you last have a vision test? Years ago, ha. I’m way overdue an eye test but it’s SO expensive to get new glasses that I keep putting it off lol.
What do you typically eat for breakfast? Lately it’s been peanut butter and sliced banana on toast with a coffee and a glass of fruit juice. I go through phases of eating the same thing for weeks then I switch to something else lol.
What are three things you need to do tomorrow? Go to work, feed the animals, spend time with my mum.
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cardwellthaxton · 1 year
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How To Sell Your House in New Jersey Without ANY Hassle!
By Cardwell Thaxton
For many people, the thought of selling their home can seem like a lot of work accompanied by a long list of expenses. It might seem even more overwhelming if the property is in disarray or needs repair. However, it doesn’t have to be that way! In our latest post, we will explore the ways you can sell your house in new Jersey without any hassle whatsoever! 
When selling a house in New Jersey, most people immediately think about hiring an agent and listing the property on the MLS. This is a great solution for many people; however, you should know there are other options available to you. There are many ways to sell a New Jersey house! Consider your options to discover which selling method is right for you and your situation!
Sell Directly to A Professional Home Buyer
You can sell your house without using an agent, ultimately saving a ton of time and money depending on the situation. There are companies such as The Cardwell Thaxton Group that will buy your New Jersey house using a straight-forward and simple process. With a direct sale, you won’t have to worry about commission, repairs, cleaning-up or waiting for a buyer to come along. You will immediately know the amount you are receiving as well as the closing date so you aren’t left in limbo, wondering when your house will sell.
Direct sales are becoming increasingly popular, however, not all buyers are the same. Make sure you do your homework on both the local market and the buyer you are working with. A direct sale may not offer full price, but for some people, the amount saved on repairs and wasted time more than makes up for the difference in price.
List Your Home With An Experienced Agent
Of course, listing your New Jersey house is an option. Take the time to learn about everything that is involved and what will be expected of you. No two agents work exactly the same and there are no guarantees. Your property can be listed for any price, but there is no guarantee you will receive it. Watch out for agents who try to “wow” you with a high listing price. If it’s priced too high, it will likely sit on the market, possibly for months at a time. You will inevitably have to lower the price, while your property drops down the list of homes available on the MLS. If you decide to list, make sure your agent prices your home to sell. Not just setting a high price to convince you to sign a listing agreement.
Offer Seller Financing
This can work for some people who don’t need the cash from the home immediately. You can elect to carry the note setting up a “rent-to-own” structure. Your tenant will “rent” the property at a higher than average price, with some of the money going toward a down payment on the home. They will then have the option to buy the property outright at the end of a certain period of time, typically around 2 years.
Consider Your Other Options
If selling simply isn’t in the cards and you need to move, there are other options. You can rent the house out as either a short- or long-term rental. The trouble with this can be finding great tenants and retaining them for as long as possible. Renters can be quite nomadic, and tenant turnover can cost you dearly. If you haven’t done this in the past, consider hiring a property manager to help you keep everything in order.
Do you want to sell your house in New Jersey? Find out what we can do for you! Give us a call today! (908) 456-1593
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kirlewlawfirm · 2 years
New Year, New You: 4 Resolutions For Those Going Through a Divorce
As we turn the page to a new year, it's a great time to reflect on the changes we can make to create a better life for ourselves. This is especially true if you're currently going through a divorce. Divorce can be a difficult journey, and New Year's Resolutions can be a great way to focus on the process’s positive aspects and ensure you come out on top.
From sorting your finances to seeking the advice of a family lawyer in Miami, these four resolutions can help you gain control of your life and move forward in 2023.
Get your finances in order.
As you embark on a new chapter, now is the time to evaluate your finances and ensure they are in order. Although divorce can be financially challenging, focusing on the positives of having greater control over your budget is important.
It all starts with a financial assessment. You need to know exactly what money you have coming in each month and what expenses you must pay. Make a list of your fixed expenses such as rent or mortgage, utilities, car payments, insurance premiums, and other regular payments. Then add up all your variable expenses like groceries, eating out, entertainment and clothes.
Once you know how much money is coming in and what your expenses are, it's time to look for areas where you can cut back. Make an effort to reduce your spending on things that aren't absolutely necessary. 
If you're carrying any debt from your marriage, now is also the time to start chipping away at it. Start by focusing on high-interest debts like credit cards and student loans, and then work your way down. 
Set your priorities.
Divorce is never easy, but by setting your priorities at the beginning, you can feel confident that you're making decisions that reflect what matters most to you.
Before you start negotiating with your ex, it's crucial to identify what is non-negotiable for you. Is it custody of your children? Staying in your house? Or something else? Taking the time to figure out your top priority can help ensure that your needs and values are addressed.
It's also important to understand that everything else is more malleable once you set your priorities. That doesn't mean you have to sacrifice your interests — it simply means that you need to be willing to negotiate other issues. By recognizing this early on, you can better prepare yourself for the difficult conversations ahead and be confident in your decisions.
Take time to care for yourself along the way.
Going through a divorce can be an emotionally exhausting experience, and it's easy to let it consume your life.
This year, make it a priority to take care of your physical and mental health. Make sure you're getting enough rest and eating healthy meals every day. Remember to exercise regularly too. Even if it's just a short walk around the block or some yoga in your living room, taking care of your body can help keep your spirits up.
Also, make sure you have time for yourself each day. Take a long bath, curl up with a good book, watch a movie, write in a journal, or spend time meditating. It's important to take moments to reflect and relax so you can recharge and move forward.
Finally, don't forget to reach out for support when you need it. Many online resources or counseling services are available if you're feeling overwhelmed. If you have friends or family you can talk to, make sure to reach out to them as well. You don't have to go through this difficult process alone.
Seek legal counsel.
It can be challenging to navigate the legal aspects of a divorce, but it is important to seek legal advice during this process.
A qualified divorce attorney in Miami, FL, can provide invaluable guidance on how to navigate legal proceedings, as well as provide support in making sure your rights are protected. They can also help you understand the implications of any settlement agreements that may arise during the process.
Taking the time to consult with a lawyer will ensure you are armed with the knowledge and resources needed to make informed decisions about your future. Contact the Kirlew Law Firm, PLLC at 305-521-0484 or visit us online to get more information on starting the divorce process.
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beyondtsh · 2 years
How to Be Rich: Pursuing God's Purpose
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How to Be Rich: Pursuing God's Purpose
A lot of people search online for how to be rich. Some are looking to actually make more money than they need. They want to enjoy a higher quality of life, travel the world, and retire in comfort.
There are thousands of business opportunities in the world today and many other ways you can make money to accomplish your goals. However, these aren’t the only ways to achieve wealth and financial success. Every dollar you have belongs to God, and His money is merely a tool He gives us to accomplish His purposes.
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How to Be Rich: One Way Doesn’t Work for Everyone
A lot of people want to know how to be rich. The truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. There are, though, some key principles that can help you pursue God’s purpose for your money and become richer in the process.
Investigate: Do a deep dive into every business opportunity carefully so you know if it is worth investing your time or money.
Be Diligent: Find a balance between being too cautious and reckless when evaluating opportunities.
Be Patient: Never give up on an opportunity, even if it takes what seems like a long time for it to yield fruit. Remember, God doesn’t live in our earthly time. His time is endless and without limits; ours is not.
Above all, remember that God wants you to succeed. He is working in your life and with you at every step of your financial journey. If you want to be rich, go after it—but not just because of what money can do for you; pursue riches so that you may serve Him and others better!
How to Be Rich By Budgeting Your Spending
A lot of people want to know how to be rich, but the truth is that you can’t become rich overnight. It takes time, patience, and most importantly, knowledge. You need to know how to budget your money and where to spend it in order to make the most of it.
For example, if you want to invest in a house, you need to know how much your down payment is and monthly mortgage payments will be. And if you want to invest in a business, you’ll need an idea of how much money it will take and how much time it will take.
So make sure that you’re keeping track of all of your spending and saving throughout these phases. How well do I budget? How well do I save? How many months do I have in savings?
Budgeting and spending will also help you figure out how much money you’ll need on a monthly basis. What are my monthly costs and expenses? Saving money is vital because it helps keep you from falling into bad debt traps and buying things you can’t afford.
Tithing: Giving Back to God
One way to pursue God’s purpose for your money is by tithing. Tithing is the act of giving 10% of your income back to God. It is an act of worship that shows we trust Him with our finances. When we tithe, we are also acknowledging that everything we have belongs to God and we are His stewards.
Saving Some Money is Critical to Your Wealth
You might think that saving money isn’t that important, but in reality, it is one of the most important factors in being rich.
Think about what you’re saving money for. You could be saving up to buy a house, or you could just be saving up because you want an emergency fund. Saving money isn’t always about buying big things. So make sure that you have both long-term and short-term goals in mind when you’re working on how to be rich so that it can help guide your daily spending decisions.
Finally, be wise when it comes to spending. This can be challenging in a consumer-driven culture. But try your best not to spend more than you have, and do your best not to rely on credit cards – especially when you’re not sure if you’ll be able to pay back that debt. Again, we want to make sure we’re using God’s money wisely.
How to Be Rich by Investing
When it comes to investing God’s money, there are a few things to keep in mind:
Don’t forget that everything belongs to God and He is the ultimate source of our wealth.
Remember that His money is a tool to be used for His purposes, not ours.
Invest wisely and don’t be afraid to take risks – after all, we want to make the most of what God has given us.
Give generously – both with our time and our money.
Think about why you are investing. Are you doing it to make more money, or is it a way of serving others and glorifying God? As you invest, pray that your heart would be drawn closer to Christ as you steward His wealth.
After all, we do what we do because we love Him and want to be like Him. We live with a purpose – our purpose – so let’s continue on in faith and see how much He will bless us as we trust Him with everything He has given us.
God’s Word About How to Be Rich
Realize that even if you’re not a millionaire in earthly terms, if you have the Holy Spirit in your heart and you’re living for God’s purpose, you’re already rich!
It took me getting back to church and getting closer to God to realize this fact. We live in a humble house, not a mansion. We raise livestock and give to those who can’t.
We own three old vehicles that all need work to stay on the road. I figure, if the Good Lord wanted us to have new cars, He’d provide the money to do so. I believe He’s just teaching us patience. It’s not His will or in His time that we have new cars, so we simply rely on Him to keep our old cars going – and be grateful that we even have cars!
Personally, we’re already rich! No, we don’t have a massive savings account or any investments to speak of, other than our home and property. But we don’t need material things on earth to show how rich we are.
Earth is temporary; our permanent home is in Heaven with Jesus Christ. Those are where our true riches are. And I think more people should be thinking about how to be rich eternally rather than getting rich on earth – because you can’t take it with you!
From the Bible:
9 “But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition. 10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” 1 Timothy 6:9-10
“He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, And He will pay back what he has given.” –Proverbs 19:17
“Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5
“And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19
All we have is His, all we earn is for Him and His purposes, and He’s going to want to know what we did with it when He returns.
What are your thoughts about how to be rich? Is it something you pursue, and if so, why? Or why not?
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