#we did that with esther and then he killed her and got a snack
bhaalsdeepbat · 9 months
I'm playing my struggle to resist Durge on tactician and we stormed Moonrise today. Jaheira apparently doesn't heal at all between Last Light Inn falling and storming Moonrise, so Grandma arrived looking like she had the shit beat out of her and had no higher level spell slots.
Jaheira spent the entire time cowering behind some barrels while maintaining Entangle. She single handedly kept a door effectively locked by the ogre being stuck in it, which let Astarion be the best little killer around. His killing spree in Moonrise will be a tale heard across all or Faerûn.
Astarion, equipped with Daddy's Favorite Bhaalspawn's cloak, took out the three cultists in the back room alone. He kept disappearing between hits with single hit shots. He took out four cultists on the main floor, then snuck up to the rafters and took out two of the archers before he finally got caught and the remaining cultists all rolled initiative. It was so funny.
I can't wait to give him a new bow when we reach Baldur's Gate. The Hellrider Longbow is going to decimate. He's going to be even deadlier I am SALIVATING. He's going to creep right up and shoot them in the face. If they have the luck of surviving that, he'll proceed to rip their throat.
Minthara was also there. She spent a majority of it twiddling her thumbs bc grandma had our choke point...choked.
Shadowheart didn't follow the corruption arc script, so she got to keep her radiant armor and learned some cool Selûnite shit (reclassed to light domain). She was a fucking beast with her divine intervention in the room she was defending alone. She had been the mvp of act 2 (after Astarion solo missioned stealing the Blood of Lathander without blowing the creche, and nailed it), and continues to.
Even if she is really mad at Ashe for killing Isobel.
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darling-blurbs · 2 months
Two OCs: Descendants and Dead Boy Detectives:
Cherie/Cherry - Daughter of Circe and Chernabog
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How does it feel when one knows they can never be apart of the rest. Having a mother who is too good for villains and a father too evil for heroes. There isn’t a place where Cherry is accepted. Her father roams deem in the earth, sealed away with her mother’s own powers. Her mother prefers her seclusion in a ruined castle.
Heroic children fear her because of her dad while Villain kids want to just avoid her path. Her own powers can shake the girl but wonderland children love her. They believe there is a grey area even if Cherry technically never liked either.
The first kid from wonderland she met was Bridget. A girl whose color palette of pinks clashed with Cherry’s whites. Bridget's outgoing and kind nature was one that would suck any into it especially her newest friend Ella. Ella was one of the scared girls who thought that parentage related to how Cherry acts. Despite Cherry’s birth name meaning dear, it never made anyone want to spend time with her.
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Cherry left the school for a while in relation to her mother and father's battle of the century. Where Chernabog rose and Circe had to banish him once more. Before, Cherry was a bit pitiful. Crying easily and wanting to just make friends. But she was hardened when she came back. New Villain kids meant people who didn't know her before.
At Merlin Academy, a place she got into since Merlin is a close friend of her mother's, she was famous for her beauty and grace. But also how likely she would punch someone in the face. During the first day of school, also known as orientation, a guy tried to grab her but instead got a nasty black eye.
Bridget and Ella sat with Cherry and ate with her as if the last five years that's all they have done. Cherry is like a scary dog for Bridget, even if Ella thinks that it's herself. Blowing bubbles in the courtyard and always out at night on the prowl.
Cherry has a few magical abilities. A spell book, gifted to her by her mother and father as well as the ability to live a prolonged lifespan. But with those strengths, she has weaknesses. Specifically that she gets very tired in the morning and afternoon. She gained her father's weakness of sunlight.
But, she has a secret no one knows (Bridget and Ella know). She has a crush on a dashing boy with a hook. She doesn't remember exactly when the arrangement started when he could come into her room and cuddle. Or be able to grab her arm without getting pummeled but it started at some point.
Cherry also has the ability to detect magic. Being the first to know that Red and Chloe were not in the correct time. It depends on if Hook is in time to convince Cherry to help the girls or just hurt their mission more.
Python | Esther - Daughter of Esther
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Sometimes, one doesn't even chosen their path. Sometimes we are dealt the wrong hand or even swapped a hand with another. In the 16th century, there was a woman named Esther Finch. She was a normal and loving woman until, after getting pregnant, she found out her husband was unfaithful. She looked into books to kill him. After she succeeded she had her child but her greed overcame her. Her wish to be youthful and immortal as well as her vanity made her name her child after herself. But that was not enough.
She manipulated Lilith to give her immortality which was granted but she wasn't youthful. The books spoke of a snake that can give her that youth and she found it. But it demanded a sacrifice, one the witch was all to willing to give. Her own daughter thrown into the snack pit.
What the witch did not know was that the snake linked with the young girl. Especially after Lilith seemed to favor her after her mother's fake sob story and with the young girl's only wish was to stay with her mother's familiar. A crow who seemed to favor the girl.
As the years went and the snack ate more and more, the wishes of the young girls fused with the first victim. She was becoming a snack with a dream.
One day, though, a boy 'killed' the snack, releasing the curse on the girl. Despite not seeing the light of day for eons it felt like, the snake had one goal. Her crow. She needed her crow. A deep sense of possessiveness and control settled into her brain. Perhaps it was the curse of a finch but who knew.
She found a cat before she found a crow. More specifically a cat threatening her crow. The snake was more powerful though. The whispers of past victims overwhelmed the cat but even then, it was intrigued by her. What was her goals. So started the journey of the animals three.
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They traveled for a small bit, probably a month. A snake, a cat, and a crow got to Europe. What they were searching for? The end of the world of course. Well the snake wanted the crow, the cat wanted chaos and the crow was oblivious to it all. The crow was meant only to go into the bookstore for an hour tops while the snake bought some groceries across town. The cat was on house duty but did come out with the snake.
The crow, Monty as he was called, met a ghost. Two in fact that he knew too well and started to catch up only for a moment. But the snake is a very possessive being.
Seeing the closeness, the snake grabbed Monty into her chest with a glare to the ghosts. The cat, also known as Thomas or Tom, gave a lazy wave and a smirk to the boys. Charles and Edwin, two dead boy detectives.
They both inquired about the new addition. "What is your name?" They asked. Both of her companions then realized they never said her name. It was often her saying their name. She thought about it for a bit before saying:
"Python. Monty's Python"
Ya so maybe I did a play on words but would that NOT be cute?? Monty and Python is such a cute duo name :3
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Lenny realizing he finally has the stable family he never had as a kid
Sundays are good.
Yes, he's tired from the gig the night before, but when he wakes up in the morning, Midge is using him as a pillow, and he can hear the TV playing softly in the living room, meaning at least one kid is awake.
He messily grabs for his watch on his bedside table and squints. Eight.
"Sweetheart," he mutters. "We have about ten minutes before the kids bust down the door."
She huffs and snuggles in closer. "That's not enough time for a quickie."
"We'll fit one in tonight after we put 'em to bed," he promises.
Midge giggles a little against his chest. "Fit one in."
He laughs. "Midge."
"Getting it out of my system before-"
"Mama!" Esther calls, swinging open the door. "Mama the milkman skipped us again. Did you call him a bad name?"
Midge lifts her head and thinks for a moment. "No. Yes. Maybe. I'll fix it."
"What did you say to the milkman?" Lenny asks, bewildered.
"Nothing a grown adult can't handle," Midge promises.
"I'm making toast!" Kitty calls from the kitchen. "Who wants toast?!"
"Me!" Lenny calls, and is joined by everyone else in the house. "I'll go help."
Midge holds him tighter. "Esther go away for a second."
"Shoo, we'll be right out."
She does, and once she's gone, Midge leans in and kisses Lenny slowly.
It's easy to fall into it, wrap his arms around her and hold her close.
She smiles against his lips. "Mm. Morning."
"Good morning, Wife-shaped person in my bed," he teases.
She grins and they both get up and start getting ready for the day.
Everyone eats toast. The kids drink juice and the adults drink coffee, and they watch a little TV together before the flurry of activity starts up again.
Ethan heads out to play baseball with some friends, and Kitty and Esther go to the park, taking snacks and jump ropes with them. Lily is too small to go without a grownup, but she does get handed off to Rose a little while later so Abe can give her a piano lesson.
They spend the afternoon doing some cleaning, and working on their acts, and Lenny winds up being the one to call the milkman, telling him Midge has a deep psychosis that causes her to say terrible things, but also, he's got to stop rubbing her long-ago divorce in her face.
It goes south from there.
"How'd it go?" Midge asks as she folds laundry in their bedroom.
Lenny flops down face first onto the bed. "I call him a twat waffle."
Midge bursts into surprised laughter. "Lenny!"
"I'm right!"
"We're never getting milk again," Midge keeps laughing. "Ethan will murder us all."
Lenny rolls over, grinning as he rubs his face. "Sorry."
"No, it's fine," Midge shakes her head. "We'll figure it out."
"Maybe we can let Ethan kill the milkman and then we'll have a new one who doesn't know you're on your second marriage."
Midge laughs again and sits down next to him, kissing him softly. "We'll figure it out."
Ethan comes home and grabs a shower, and the girls get back from the park. Rose and Abe come over with Lily and stay for dinner as Midge cooks for everyone, and Lenny plays cards with the kids on the floor.
"Really, Lenny they can entertain themselves," Rose points out.
"They're the ones entertaining me," Lenny grins at her.
They all eat dinner together, and Lenny cuts up Lily's food for her, simultaneously making sure Esther doesn't pilfer anyone's wine.
It's nice.
It's really nice.
Abe and Rose don't stay too late, eager to get home and turn in so they can get up early in the morning, and eventually they manage to get the kitchen clean and the kids to bed.
"it's funny," he says quietly as they get ready for bed. "When I was a kid I always wanted this. Just...normal days spent with family. And then when I got older, I told myself I didn't want it anymore. That it was boring. That it wasn't for me."
"I hate to break it to you," Midge says, wrapping her arms around his middle. "But we're not that normal. You called the milkman a twat waffle."
"I'm still-"
She kisses him deeply before he can finish that sentence, and he drops the subject in favor of holding her close.
"So you wanted this as a kid," she says softly. "And then you told yourself you didn't want it. And now you have it. How does it feel?"
Lenny takes a breath, thinking that over. "Good. Milkman drama notwithstanding."
Midge laughs softly and tugs him towards the bed.
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nolaimagines · 4 years
Hey can you do another neglect Mikaelson but different one like the she is the first born child Of Klaus and powerful witch who’s the Mikaelson enemy. And the Mikaelson don’t give her attention or anything basically focus on hope she leaves them and years later their looking for her only to see her married and has kids and is pregnant. The Mikaelson tries to earn her trust but one day hope tries to talk to her and end ups getting. Hurt and the readers husband yells them to stay away from her
I am going to attempt to write this from your point of view (hope that’s okay)
I totally got carried away with this...it is a bit long
“Hello?” You shouted out as you stepped into the home.
“Your dad has gone out, Elijah is god knows where, Rebekah…again no idea. And well I’m here…tired from the baby and bored.” Hayley explained as she walked down the stairs.
You groaned, “I’ve been calling them all day and it’s like I don’t exist…” you threw yourself on the sofa but quickly regretted it as you winced.
“What’s wrong?” Hayley sat beside you.
“Oh, nothing. It doesn’t matter.” You breathed through the pain, as you got comfortable.
Hayley rolled her eyes, “Fine, have it your way.” She sat on the couch opposite you and threw the control your way.
You sighed, switching on the tv before silently chanting a spell to heal your wound before your family could pretend as if they care.
Your father was the great original hybrid, Niklaus Mikaelson, son of Esther and her love but Mikael was left with the burden of raising him. Your mother was a powerful witch who Klaus had close relation with and soon came along you. Your mother’s bloodline was part of the greatest witch bloodline there was beside Esther’s. You were powerful and everyone knew better than to mess with you, and to make it worse, you were a Mikaelson. When you were young, your parents fought constantly, becoming quick enemies, fighting over you. But it led to you watching your mother die at the hands of Klaus Mikaelson. He didn’t kill her, but it was his actions that lead to her death. Yet you still stayed by your father’s side. He didn’t care much for you; you were a living and breathing reminder of your mother, and he hated it. He didn’t care if you lived or died. The only reason you are with them is because your Uncle Elijah comes up with some poetic speech that family is power. You didn’t feel like family. You were used for your magic and power. Whether you were caught in the crossfire, injured or nearly dead, it was your own problem to save yourself. No one cared much for you.
“Y/N!” your dad yelled your name through the house.
You rolled your eyes, and continued to watch the tv, pretending it was interesting.
“Y/N, why is it you choose to ignore me? I am your father, you dare to ignore me!”
“What could you possibly need from me? Go ask one of your witchy friends to perform a spell.” You groaned, sitting up and walking out.
Klaus grabbed your arm, pulling you back, “You will do as I say. You live under my roof, you will go by my rules.”
You shook your head, “Well I guess It’s time for me to move out then isn’t it. I won’t be such a burden to any of you anymore.”
“Y/N…” Hayley started but you cut her off.
“Hayley, I suggest you get out of here while you can. Take the baby and start somewhere new.” You pulled your arm out of Klaus’ grip and walked upstairs. Klaus rushed to you, pinning you to the wall.
“You dare threaten me.”
You snickered, “I haven’t threatened you…yet. I said I am moving out. I won’t be in the way.” You motioned your hand, sending Klaus flying across to the other side of the house, “Ooops.”
You grabbed a bag, packing the essentials before hopping into your car and driving off.
“Gracie, you be careful on those swings! Mind you don’t kick anyone!” You called out to your 6-year-old daughter as she ran to the swings with her sister.
You sat down on the bench, and sighed in tiredness, rubbing your pregnant belly.
“Okay mummy!” You daughter shouted back, taking her sister’s hand helping her onto the swing.
You watched your daughters on the swing, before something, or someone rather caught your eye behind her. Klaus. Your dad. You frowned, and blinked. He was gone. Were you seeing things or had your father found you? You shivered. Is this how it was when Mikael was hunting your Dad?
You shook your head, before sipping your water, and taking out the snack bags for the kids, “Gracie! Hannah! Come and eat your snacks and drink some juice please!” Thank god the park was quiet. It was so much easier to keep an eye on your daughters.  
It had been 8 years since you had left your so called ‘family’ behind and found a new one. Your new family, who loved you and cared for you. You missed your real family, but what was there to miss? You met your Husband, Harry, 6 months after you left New Orleans and things moved pretty quickly after. He was already aware of the supernatural world, despite being human himself. He accepted who you were with open arms and loved you all the same. He made you feel new, and beautiful, and loved. You weren’t alone, and he made sure you knew that. Two years later, here you were married, with 6-year-old twin daughters, and pregnant again with a boy. You unfortunately suffered a miscarriage due to a bad fall a few years ago and struggled to get pregnant after, so this was a miracle, but you were happy. Really happy.
Gracie and Hannah sat either side of you, thanking you for the snacks as they sat and ate quietly.
“Mommy, can me and Hannah watch a movie tonight?” Gracie looked up at you, her brown eyes shining.
“Of course you can. Are the snacks okay? Would you like anything else?”
Both girls shook their heads, “Right then, shall we head home then? Hold each others hands, and stay close to me please darlings.”
Hannah and Grace held hands, as Grace took your hand as you walked to the car to make your way home.
Back home, Harry had dinner ready on the table, “I assumed you’d be back around this time, so I had dinner ready.” He kissed you softly, but deepened it, “I missed you today. How are you?”
You returned the kiss, smiling before tucking the kids in for their dinner, “I missed you too. I’m okay. Feeling more tired than usual.” You rubbed your belly, “He’s a little more active today.”
Harry smiled and wrapped his arms around you from behind, softly rubbing your belly, “I can’t wait to meet our little boy.” Your husband kissed your neck before whispering, “Now please hurry up and be born so that your Mummy and I can do more baby making.”
You laughed softly and turned around and kissed your husband deeply. He groaned into the kiss before pulling away and smiling, “Now why don’t you sit down and rest. I’ll bring our dinners.”
You could feel your heart melt. What did you do to deserve such a loving husband? You held your tears back as you sat yourself down, “Thank you, my love.”
You tucked Gracie and Hannah in their beds, before closing the door softly and going to your shared bedroom. You changed into your pyjamas.
“Do I look fat?” You joked, as you looked in the mirror at your pregnant tummy.
Harry looked up, and scrunched up his nose, “In all honesty…you have put on a few pounds…”
You gasped, picking up a pillow and throwing it at him, “I thought you loved me!”
He laughed, catching the pillow and throwing it back on the floor, “I do, very much my darling. You could put on a thousand pounds, and I will still love you.”
You sat down beside him covering your legs with the duvet, “I…I have something to tell you. I don’t know if it’s the pregnancy but something weird happened today…”
Harry sat up and looked at you concerned, “What is it? Are you hurt?”
“No, no. When I took the girls to the park today…they were on the swings playing…I thought I saw my Dad…Klaus at the park.” Your voice was shaky. You didn’t know how you really felt about the possibility of seeing your Dad again after all these years.
Harry sat in silence for a second, “Did he say anything? What happened?”
You shrugged your shoulders, “I saw him standing there at the park, alone. I blinked, he was gone.”
Harry sighed, “If he does come back, and he does want to talk then that is up to you whether you give him that chance. If he dares lay a hand on you, I won’t hesitate to hurt him.”
You smiled softly. Harry was trained as a vampire hunter so he could defend himself…to a certain extent, “I just don’t want him hurting you or the girls…family isn’t his strongest point.” You sigh, “I don’t know how I feel about seeing him again.”
Harry nodded, “I can’t imagine how you feel, Y/N. I wish there was something I could do. But either way? You have me, and you have a family here. We aren’t leaving your side.”
You nodded and laid down, “I love you, so much.”
Harry kissed your forehead, wrapping his arm around you, “Now sleep, my love.”
*doorbell rings continuously*
You groaned, throwing off the covers, and making your way downstairs. The smell of pancakes filled your nose, and you hummed to yourself. Who is ruining your morning of pancakes?
“Hello…” Harry’s voice faded out.
“Hello Harry. I think you may be able to help me and my family. I’m looking for Y/N.” A British accent echoed through the house.
You gripped the bannister of the stairs before taking a deep breath and joining Harry at the door, “I’m sorry, but the person you’re looking for isn’t here.” You replied, before noticing that not only had Klaus turned up, the rest of the family came with him including Hayley and some random girl. You squinted at the girl…much to your surprise the miracle baby survived. She looked about…what 16?
Klaus’ eyes turned toward you, eyebrows raising in shock as he scanned your body and saw your baby bump.
“Y/N…we need to talk.” Your Dad’s expression was almost human.
“Mommy! Who is at the door?” Grace called for you as she ran towards you with her sister behind her.
“Who are you?” Hannah looked up at your dad, wrapping her arms around Harry’s leg.
“Um…girls go to your room please.” You kneeled down to your daughters, “Mommy has to do something.”
The girls glanced at Klaus again before going upstairs, calmly.
You sighed and stood up, “What do you want exactly?”
“Who said we want anything? Am I not allowed to visit my daughter?” Klaus replied.
You rolled your eyes and opened your mouth to speak. The amount of emotions running through you right now was uncontrollable, and to top it off you were pregnant.
“Well you better come inside before you cause a scene. One wrong move and I throw you all out.” You sighed, moving to the side and nodding slightly to Harry.
Harry looked back at you before glaring at Klaus, “You may come in.”
You set down the tray with drinks and sat beside Harry.
“So why are you here? How did you find me?” You asked.
“A few witchy spells and well easy as pie.” Elijah replied, taking a sip of his tea.
“I assume that was you, Hope? You’d need to be a powerful witch and well a New Orleans witch is not powerful enough to break my protection spells.” You looked at Hope, “Glad to see you inherited your mother’s brains.
“Yes, that was Hope, who don’t forget, is your younger sister. Have you told your husband about her? About us?” Klaus looked at you.
“Yes, unfortunately I did. Again, I ask, why are you here?” You were becoming fed up with repeating yourself.
“We need your help.” Hope spoke up, “We need help defeating the Hallow. We…I accidently awoke this Hallow and well it’s sort of buried itself inside me.” Hope explained.
You felt your breathing increase, your heart rate shot up, “The hallow? Have you any idea what you’ve done? And you dare bring it here? To my home? Why do you expect me to help you? Any of you?” You glared at your father, “You hate me because I remind you of my mother. You’ve ignored me since the day she died. All of you have. You don’t bother to talk to me for 8 years. And here you are, in my home asking me for help.”
Hayley stood up, “Listen, we are all at fault here. We are all in the wrong here, but all our lives are at stake here. This thing, this hallow will consume my daughter whole, your sister. She hasn’t done anything wrong so please don’t use your anger that you have against us, against her.”
You sighed, knowing Hayley had a valid point. You looked at your ‘family’.
“Y/N, I can only apologise for how I have been since your mother died. What I did is unforgivable, but I would like to made amends if it is possible, if you will give me that chance.” Klaus got up and walked over to you.
You stayed silent, a thousand thoughts whizzing through your head. What were you supposed to do? Saying yes to helping them meant putting your family in danger, saying no meant putting your long lost sister in unreasonable danger.
You sighed, “I’ll help. But I swear, if any of my family get hurt…you will regret it.”
“Thank you, love.” Klaus gave you a small smile.
Hayley smiled, “Thank you, Y/N, you have no idea how much I appreciate this.”
You nodded, “Well, don’t thank me yet, we haven’t destroyed the Hallow just yet.”
“So when are you due?” She motioned towards your bump.
“I’m currently 7 months so not long to go.” You smiled at your bump.
“And you have twin girls?” She asked, smiling.
You nodded, “Yes, Hannah and Grace.”
“May I ask, why the long age gap?” Elijah set his glass down, sitting back in the chair now the serious talk was over.
“Uh…” You sighed, looking at Harry for some comfort.
Harry cleared his throat, “Y/N suffered a miscarriage a few years back from a bad fall and since then we’ve struggled so this baby…is our miracle.”
The room fell silent.
“I am so sorry. I can’t imagine how you felt…that must have been awful.” Hayley wiped her eyes before the tears fell.
You nodded, “It’s okay.”
You sat on your knees and flipped through the pages of your mother’s grimoire. You sighed, rubbing your belly.
“Come on little guy, not today.” You spoke to your unborn son.
“Do you need my help?” Hope came and sat beside you.
You shrugged, “I don’t know. This isn’t something that get’s written down. It was locked away and now it’s out. The only chance we have is someone who has encountered it before…and what are the chances of that.” You smirked as you came across the page full of details on the Hallow, “Thank you mother.”
You sighed, scanning the pages looking for a way to destroy the Hallow, “So it needs somewhere to live…with nothing to feed off, no energy, no other living thing with it…” you trailed off.
Hope sighed, “So why did you leave?”
You looked up, “Why did I leave? Our dad ignored me for years. My mother died as a consequence of his actions and he didn’t care. Since that day, he’s pretended as if I don’t exist. Really, I should have left earlier but I didn’t. Our Uncle Elijah has a way with words, you’ll find. But one day, I had enough. Klaus kept using me for my magic and didn’t care if I lived or died. So I left. But your mum is right, my anger isn’t towards you-“
“Exactly, it isn’t towards me, yet you left me alone. I had no one for so long. And all of a sudden I find out I have an older sister somewhere in this world!” Hope stood up, pacing around the room.
You got up, “Hope, calm down. Don’t you see? You weren’t even bought up knowing about me! You found out later in your life. I was completely irrelevant.”
“Oh, so this is about you now? I have this thing inside of me and it’s still about you!” Hope raised her voice, breathing heavily.
“Hope, control yourself.” Klaus appeared at the door with Harry behind him. Harry’s face was full of fear.
You studied hope, it was almost as if she had a blue glow around her, “Hope, breath. You have the Hallow inside of you. You can’t let it control you.”
Hope growled, “Don’t tell me what to do!” She drew her hands in the hair, throwing you across the room – thank god you landed on the sofa. You groaned, feeling something sharp in your leg.
“Y/N!” Harry ran over to you. He minded your hair out your face before standing up, raging with anger.
“Y/N…Harry…I’m so sorry…” Hope teared up, looking at her hands, “I didn’t meant to…I…it took control…”
“Get out. I want you all to get out of my house.” It was rare to see Harry angry, this was probably the third time you’ve seen him angry, “You turn up here with no explanation, demanding Y/N’s help. You ignore her for 8 years, not to mention before then. She deserves better and not a single one of you have any right asking my wife for help!” He was shouting, most likely scaring your daughters upstairs.
Klaus lowered his head, “I apologise…I can heal you if you let me-“
“I don’t want your blood.” You groaned as you got up, bearly standing on your leg. You took your grimoire, and took a photo of it on your phone, sending it across to Hope, “I’ve sent you something that might help. Now all of you, get out before I make you.” You turned to Klaus, “Leave.”
Within seconds your old family had left and didn’t make an appearance after that.
“My darling…are you okay? Should we get you to a hospital?” He helped you sit on the sofa.
You shook your head, “I can heal it, but can you tidy up before the girls come downstairs?”
Harry nodded, “Of course my love.”
“Harry…thank you for being here with me.” You gave a small smile, feeling all the regret of letting your old family back into your life.
“Of course,” Harry smiled finishing up making the room like home again, “I would never let you go through something like that alone.”
“I love you.” You smiled and pulled him in for a kiss.
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hazzoranstories · 4 years
Niklaus Mikaelson x Reader One-Shot | It Was Always Me
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Includes: Mild harsh language
*Chicago, Illinois; 1922*
After three drinks, one late-night snack, and much singing from Gloria echoing through the bar in Chicago, I was officially high off the pleasantness of the 1920s. It was so carefree compared to other decades before it. Too carefree. If it weren't for my restless boyfriend, then I would be running this crazy city.
"Hello, gorgeous. May I buy you a drink?" The voice of a gentle and unrecognizable voice said beside me. I looked to the right and scoffed, seeing the presence of another Vampire. I was rather gifted at seeking out which was a human and which was my own species. Something that impressed Klaus, which is rather hard to accomplish.
"No, thank you. I have a boyfriend, and I don't accept drinks from Salvatores. Let alone, Stefan Salvatore. Now, Damon Salvatore is a hesitant deny. But not Giuseppe's favorite," I barked back with a smirk tugging at my lips.
"You know who I am?" Stefan muttered and sat down at the barstool next to me.
"Of course I do. After about 700 years, you pick up on stuff pretty quickly. And how could I forget Katerina's boy toy," I said and took a sip of my martini.
"You knew Katherine?" Stefan questioned with an intense, emotionless stare. I could tell his switch was off, and by the looks of it, it had been for a while.
"I know everyone. I am dating an original after all," I traced the outline of my martini glass before popping the olive at the bottom into my mouth.
"That makes two of us," Stefan replied with a certain seductive edge.
"I know you're dating Bekah. Klaus hates you, and by the way, I do too. So scurry along before he catches you flirting with me, will you?" I snapped aggressively and downed the rest of my martini, seeing Klaus and Rebekah enter the bar.
"Well, I'm not scared of some British son of a bitch," Stefan declared.
"What'd you call me, mate?" Niklaus said from behind the Salvatore brother. Stefan tensed up just a bit to signal the feeling of being caught. The brunette turned around slowly to face my impulsive boyfriend, where Rebekah stood beside him with a hurt expression spread across her face. That's what she gets for dating a player, let alone a ripper as well.
"Stefan, what are you doing?" Bekah asked, trying to sound hopeful that her boyfriend wasn't trying to cheat.
"Oh, don't be thick, Rebekah. He was obviously trying to get my girlfriend into bed. Isn't that right, Stefan?" Klaus's thick British accent hissed at the young vampire. Stefan stayed silent. Klaus grabbed Stefan by his throat and held him up in the air, so his feet left the ground. The bar went silent, and everyone looked our way.
"Come, Niklaus. We don't want to cause a scene," I whispered in my own soft Russian tone I was slowly growing out of in exchange for an English one. Klaus looked at me through a harsh glare, but I only perked up my eyebrows and straightened my back to tell him to knock it off.
He dropped Stefan and didn't spare him another glance before grabbing my arm and dragging me out of the bar, leaving Rebekah to fend for herself. My boyfriend tugged me out into the street and let go of me abruptly, making me stumble under my heels. I turned around with a scowl on my face. "Niklaus," I scolded him.
"Why didn't you let me rip his throat out like I wanted to?! He was cheating on Rebekah and flirting with you!" He yelled in disgust, making me purse my lips together.
"Calm down, Niklaus. I put that boy in his place," I snarled with irritation.
"Did you? From as far as I could see, you just stood there and stated facts that women don't even need to know," he shouted, getting in my face.
"Are you saying only men can be smart while women shouldn't bother?" I inquired furiously. He knew how I stood on justices like this, and yet he still showed no reason to change the opinion his father ingrained in him since he was a boy.
"Yes!" He snapped, and I glared at him. "I mean -- uh -- n-no," he added quickly, and I bit on my tongue so I wouldn't snap his neck right outside the bar. But my immense anger got the best of me, and I slapped him across the face with my gloved hand.
His jaw dropped, and his eyes widened in fury. I hadn't hit him since 1237 when we first met in Kievan Rus' (otherwise known today as the Soviet Union), and he was insanely rude to my mother. He shot his head to look at me, and with no hesitation, he hit me back. It was almost like we were replaying the event in 1237.
"You don't get to hit me, love," he hummed. I knew what was about to happen. He was about to break and start lecturing me like he does when we fight. "Don't you get it? I created you! I turned you! Don't you see! I gave you this amazing life, and if it wasn't for me, you would be dead! You would have died with your disgrace of a family during the Mongolian invasion! You are here right now because of me! No one else! It was all me! Me! Not Rebekah! Not Finn! Not Kol! Not even my traitor of a brother Elijah! Me! I saved you! Not them! I loved you enough to protect you! Not them! It was always me!" he ranted with tears rimming his eyes. Over the years of vampirism, you learn how certain people will react and why they're reacting that way, and that's what I've done with Klaus. He wasn't yelling at me even if he was raising his voice. He just wanted to be loved unconditionally, something he had never gotten from his family once he killed Esther. Unless you count Rebekah, but she was craving affection just as much as Klaus was.
My boyfriend started shaking lightly. His lip trembled. After a minute of silence, I brought him into my arms. The second his head hit my shoulder, I felt tears trickle down his face and onto my dress. "I just --" he began again just I shushed him softly, running my hand through his curly brown hair. He hugged my waist tightly and let out a sob.
"I know, my love. And I'm grateful to have someone like you by my side for the past 700 years. I love you, Niklaus. And I always will, okay?" I mumbled into his ear, and he nodded.
"I love you too, Y/N."
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A Mere Mortal - Chapter Three
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A/N: This story is based on the prompt : Vampires cannot enter a house without your permission, but what if your landlord’s a vampire? It’s his house, he’s just letting you live there. Part of the Landlord Vampire Fic Frenzy hosted by the amazing @just-the-hiddles . I’m super nervous about this one, so feedback’s most welcome!
Series Masterlist
Pairing: Vampire! Bucky Barnes x Vampire! Loki x Human! Reader
Word count: 2570. Yep. This one’s a bit lengthy!
Warnings: 18+ stuff. Some smut!! Foul language. Vampire Diaries reference?
Tags: @buckybarnesplumwhore @ladyacrasia @tcc-gizmachine @alexakeyloveloki
Taglists open! Send me an ask if you wish to be tagged!
“What did you say?” your mouth hung open and eyes went wide as Bucky uttered those words.
He chuckled looking at your stunned expression and said, “You heard me. The town’s history is rich with legends and myths of vampires and ghouls. I’m sure you could find tons of books about them in the library.”
“That is fantastic! Oh my God I knew I chose this town for a reason!” you were practically giddy with excitement.
“You keep surprising me (Y/N). A normal reaction to this would either be a person packing up his things and getting the fuck outta here or laughing in my face.” He said as you both walked out of the store.
You rolled your eyes and repeated your previous statement, “And I’ll keep breaking the stereotypes Mr Barnes. I don’t usually fit into the ‘normal’ box. And it’s a good thing.”
It sure is, he thought gazing at your form in the street light. The warm glow of the sodium vapor lamps made your face appear warm and alluring. The cold air made your breath visible, creating wonderful patterns against the night sky. Your scent intoxicated his mind and he couldn’t simply say goodbye to you just yet.
“Let me walk you home doll, wouldn’t want you getting attacked by vampires on your first week here.” he said placing a hand on the small of your back as you both turned towards Chapel Street.
“I could kick his ass, I can kick box pretty well you know. Not outrun him though, if he’s anything like the ones in Vampire Diaries. You know where they go whoosh from one place to another in a second? Have you seen it?” you asked making an attempt to gesture the fast running from the show.
He doesn’t seem like a guy who would watch the teen shows with way too many hot vampire and hybrid guys. Why did you even ask that? You seemed to lose your ability to carry on a decent conversation with this guy. That was a first.
“Never mind. So gimme more information on the legends. I’ll pester Frank tomorrow at the library but nothing like stories heard from local peeps right?” you teased hoping he’d forget you had asked a stupid question initially.
“I’ve grown up listening to these stories from my grandma, my mom, just everybody. Though their versions vary slightly.
The one that’s stuck around for centuries is about Lucas and Morwenna Klyn.” Bucky looked at you, he had lowered his voice slightly and his hand hadn’t left its place from your back.
You were trying to adjust the weight of the shopping bags in your hands, but hearing those names you looked up and couldn’t help snort a laugh.
“They sure sound like names straight out of a horror book. Go on.”
“Morwenna was said to have migrated here from somewhere near Ireland about 200 years ago and had found this town most to her liking. She was this evil vampire who had witchy abilities-
“Like a hybrid? That’s one thing missing from the Vampire Diaries, they’ve got werewolf vampires but not witchy vampires. Oh but there’s that original witch Esther.”
It was like your mouth was out of control. Rambling absolute nonsense when this very hot guy was eager to tell you stories about his hometown.
“I’m so sorry. I don’t know why said that. I’m just a little crazy about all of this. I’ll keep my mouth shut now I promise.” You said physically putting a finger on your lips, adjusting the two bags in your left hand.
“I’ll forgive you this time.” He narrowed his impossibly gorgeous eyes seriously but the smile playing on his lips.
“So Morwenna had all sorts of powers, she was said to have the ability to control people’s minds, make them do her bidding. She met Lucas here in Dewsbury and he fell madly in love. Typical. Morwenna was beautiful, anybody would fall in love with her. She had a way with words too.
One day Lucas found her feeding on his younger sister Evelyn in these very woods. Her fangs dug deep in his sister’s neck, sucking the life out of her, Lucas watched in horror as Evelyn turned paler and paler in front of his eyes. He ran to stop her but was too late. Evelyn dropped to the ground like a piece of rock, her lifeless eyes still staring at Lucas even though there wasn’t any life in them anymore. Morwenna wiped the blood off her chin and approached Lucas, hunger still visible in her jet black eyes. She bared her fangs and Lucas made a run for his life.
Little did he know that she loved chasing her prey. Making them run for their lives, like feeble little lambs made her feel like a true hunter. She fed on him but didn’t kill him. Instead she turned him into a vampire. Evelyn’s ghost is said to haunt these woods till date. And here we are.” Bucky came to a stop abruptly.
“Whoa. You can’t leave me on this horrific info. I wanna know the rest.” You didn’t realize you reached your house so soon. You wanted to invite him in but he interrupted your thoughts.
“We’ll continue later. I’ve already taken up a lot of your time. You need rest (Y/N). Meet me for drinks at the pub tomorrow?” Bucky stuffed his hands back in his pockets and looked at you expectantly.
“Done. If you don’t show up at the pub on time, I’ll show up at your house and irritate the fuck out of you until you complete the story.” you threatened jokingly but you were very capable of doing that. Though you didn’t exactly know where he lived, you could figure it out sure.
He laughed out loud and the sound made your stomach do somersaults.
Even his laugh is fucking perfect.
“Relax I’ll be there. Goodnight (Y/N).”
He went for a handshake but you went for a side hug, you met somewhere awkwardly in between.
“Goodnight Bucky. Thanks for walking me home.”
“Even though you can kick box.” Bucky teased, making you chuckle.
He turned and started walking into the woods. You stared at his back for a good two minutes fighting the urge to say something but failed.
“Don’t let Evelyn haunt you in there.”
“Don’t worry I can kick box too.” He turned as he replied and shot you a wink.
You watched him until he disappeared into the night and turned to walk inside your house.
Setting the bags on your beige granite countertop, you looked out the kitchen window that overlooked the woods. They sure looked creepy, you were busy thinking about your extremely charming landlord though.
Smiling like an idiot, you were interrupted by a much too loud growl emitted from your belly.
“Shit! Dinner.”
You peeked open one eye to check the time, it read 6:01 am. You had woken up way too early. Maybe you could sleep in for a few more hours, but then you couldn’t once you were fully awake. Perils of being a light sleeper. Sprucing up the place seemed like a good idea, anyways there were a lot of boxes yet to be unpacked, especially your writing material.
What was the main reason for moving here? Writing!
And you were yet to set up your writer’s desk which you were very particular about. And couldn’t just have one writing spot. Inspiration struck at the most random places and situations and you had gotten pretty good at being prepared for that. It always helped to have a great view outside the window. Something about staring off into the distance made your brain come up with a thousand ideas.
The cabin bedroom was a large space, enough to set up a decent writing space. There was a ledge that ran along the bedroom window which was wide enough for you to sit and the bed was attached to it and it had the most gorgeous view of the woods; that would work too.
So you got to work after taking a shower and whipping up a quick breakfast for yourself.
A progress update meeting about your new book was in two months, which seemed like a long time but really you’d be needing all the time you could get to whip out another best seller. Which meant you needed to start writing as soon as possible.
After setting up the ‘work space’ you opened your computer, grabbed your glasses and stared at the blank word document for a few minutes.
Time to block out all the X rated thoughts about your super hot landlord (Y/N). Let’s get some work done, a draft, a outline structure, something. You can do this.
The concept of time soon lost on you once you began. It was going well, the ideas were flowing and you were typing them out at lightening speed.
A ding from your phone that lit up next to your laptop startled you out of your zone. It was a text from Bucky.
I’ll see you at the pub in fifteen? - James B
Had you really been writing for that long? Apparently you completely forgot about lunch. And now there wasn’t enough time.
Hurriedly you texted back a reply and got dressed. Drinks on an empty stomach never ended well in your case, you wished you had set an alarm or something.
You walked in the dimly lit pub and instantly the smell of booze and bar snacks filled your nostrils. You heard your name being called out from the far end and turned to see Bucky waving you over to a corner booth.
A warm smile on his face as you walked closer and you noticed he was wearing a leather jacket over a dark shirt, looking handsome as ever. He stood up to greet you in a hug.
“You look beautiful.” He said as you took off your jacket and sat opposite him on the semi circled sofa. This place looked like it belonged in the 80s. It probably did.
“Thanks you too.” your cheeks reddened further at your embarrassing response and the initial compliment, you closed your eyes and looked down. Fucking nerves.
Luckily he saved you by not dwelling on it further and asked what you’d have to drink.
“I’ll have the local beer please.”
Eyebrows raised in surprise as he probably saw you as a wine girl. You just shrugged at this point.
“Breaking stereotypes. Got it.” He replied nodding his head with a wide grin as he placed the order.
The conversation flowed as easily as the drinks and soon you had that much too familiar buzz. You were in the middle of explaining a funny incident that happened with you and Sam, giggling way too much when you were interrupted.
“Well if its not the famous (Y/N).” the smooth accented voice reached your ears as you slowly turned to see Loki standing near your booth grinning down at the pair of you.
“Famous? Am I famous?” you grinned back, the edge clearly off at this point. Loki had creeped you out in your meeting.
You missed the slight disappointment on Bucky’s face as you invited Loki to join you guys. Of course he covered it up and slid over to sit next to you, protectively close as Loki sat opposite you.
“So (Y/N), are you enjoying our little town?” Loki put both his hands on the table and leaned over to speak.
“I really am. People are so nice here, I’m not used to that. And Dewsbury has the most fascinating history!”
“So you know about the vampires?” Loki smirked as he glanced at Bucky who was shooting him a warning look.
“Oh yeah in fact, Bucky never got to finish the story last night because it was too late. I’m here to know the whole truth and nothing but the truth.” you said a bit too dramatically.
Damn this stuff was strong.
The men entertained you with stories of their own for the rest of the night and asked you about your life. You felt quite safe and were enjoying the little flirty banter going on between the three of you. You definitely had one too many pints.
You stood up to leave and instantly the room spun before your eyes. Loki’s hands landed on your shoulders to keep you steady.
“You alright there darling?” he asked, gazing into your eyes. You placed your hands over his as you nodded slowly and giggled.
Suddenly you felt Bucky slide a protective arm around your waist and pull you to his side, earning an eye roll from Loki.
“I got her. Let’s get you home (Y/N).” He said as he walked you both out of the pub, leaving Loki behind.
“I didn’t take you for a light weight doll.” Bucky looked at you as you had your arms around him to keep you steady.
“I’m really not. I just, I skipped lunch today.” you kept your eyes on the road as you approached your cabin much quicker than you realized.
“I just got into writing and lost track of time, not because I skip meals. I love to eat!” you clarified with another small giggle, as you both came to a halt in front of the house.
“Don’t sleep on an empty stomach (Y/N). I hope you have some food at home. If not we can go somewhere-
“No need Sir, I have some leftovers in the fridge. Thank you for walking me home. Again. You’re the best.” you leaned over and pressed a kiss to his cheek and lingered a bit.
He reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind you ears and glanced at your lips. He really wanted to kiss you, know what you tasted like. Know how your body felt against his. Though now wasn’t the time, it would be taking advantage.
He said goodbye and watched you get in before turning back and walking home. At least you were safe.
Your body was on fire. Every touch every kiss made your head spin. He was leaving a trail of hot kisses down your jaw and neck before reaching the spot that made you moan loudly as he sucked hard.
You rolled over and straddled his hips placing your hands over his toned chest. You leaned down to kiss him and he sighed opening his mouth to allow your tongue to explore it further. The fight for dominance continued as his hands tugged your hair. You slid your own in his raven black hair.
You rolled your hips against his clothed erection earning another grunt from him. You were placing wet kisses down his torso almost reaching the waistband of his underwear when he grabbed you and spoke in that deep honey dripping voice,
“We have plenty of time for that later darling. Allow me to taste you first.” Your eyes flew open as you stared at Loki’s lust filled face.
Your skin was on fire still as you jolted awake. Your arousal evident between your legs as you sat up. Grabbing a bottle of water from the ledge you took a big swig and walked into the bathroom.
Loki smirked as he noticed your flustered state through your bedroom window, before he turned and vanished into the night.
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Caught In Between 18. Lost In Thought
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Summary: Athena Dumont has finally found a place to call home after many years of foster homes and traveling. She had finally tamed her supernatural side and just wanted to live a normal teenage life. She quickly discovers that there is nothing normal about her hometown, Mystic Falls and gets sucked right back into the supernatural world.
Post Date: 09.15.20
Word count: 2.6k
Based off: 03x15 “All My Children”
CIB Masterlist
The next morning I come out of my room to find Rebekah and Damon leaving his room, “Well surprise, surprise. Ah not really,” I say as they pass my bedroom.
“I thought you’d be with Nik last night, seeing as you two have been getting closer and closer by the minute, guess I was wrong,” Rebekah taunts.
I scoff and roll my eyes at her comment, “And why are you so worried about Klaus and me? Thought you didn’t like me very much,” I question crossing my arms.
“I just think that--” Rebekah starts.
“Let’s not get into this ladies,” Damon interrupts pushing Rebekah passed my room. I follow them downstairs as Damon escorts her to the front door. As Damon opens the door a very confused Elena is found behind it.
“Did you stop taking your vervain?” Elena asks after making her way into the house.
“You think Rebekah had to compel me?” Damon questions back while putting a shirt on.
“What’s wrong with you? She tried to kill me less than 48 hours ago,” Elena explains.
“Can’t we just move past that, Elena?” Damon asks making his way across the room.
“So is that how it’s gonna be now? I hurt your feelings, and this is how you lash out at me?” Elena asks as I settle myself on the couch.
“Well, maybe, for once. Something I did had nothing to do with you. Plus I don’t see you grilling Athena for her and Klaus’ little affair thing,” Damon states pointing over at me.
“Don’t put this on me,” I respond.
“She’s not actively sleeping with an original,” Elena defends me. “You should know…that Esther’s planning on killing her entire family. She’s linked them all together with a spell. Whatever happens to one happens to all of them,” Elena explains as I hop up from the couch as quickly as I could.
“That’s great. Klaus’ll finally be dead. We win,” Damon states happily. “Why do you two look like someone just shot a panda bear?” Damon asks noticing the upset looks on both Elena and I’s faces.
“Because to kill Klaus, she has to kill all of them, including Elijah,” Elena states.
“And he doesn’t deserve that,” I quickly state after.
“Exactly,” Elena agrees.
“What about Klaus, Athena? Don’t you have something say about killing him?” Damon questions.
“Just because I’m sired to him doesn’t mean I don’t think he deserves to die. He hurt me worse than anyone else has in my life,” I state.
“Sure. And I’m supposed to care about Elijah?” Damon asks.
“Shouldn’t you at least care about Rebekah?” Elena asks as I look at Damon raising my eyebrows.
“Two seconds ago, you were pissed that she attacked you. It’s a win-win,” Damon states. Elena tries to walk away but Damon quickly stops her. “Don’t do anything to screw this up, Elena.” Damon threatens.
“Why are you doing this?” Elena asks.
“He’s right, you know. Klaus has to die. They all do,” Stefan states coming from the hallway.
“See? Democracy in action,” Damon states before Elena leaves bumping him, spilling his drink.
“Look I know they’ve all hurt us one way or another but we all know Elijah doesn’t deserve to die. He’s done the least to us,” I state to the brothers.
“I think you’re outnumbered on this one sweetheart,” Damon responds. I don’t respond and decide to head upstairs not feeling up for dealing with the brothers anymore.
Once I made it to my room I found another box on my bed. Knowing who it was from, I moved it into my closet, out of sight out of mind. Except after a few minutes, I let my curiosity get the best of me...again. 
Once I opened the box, on top was a note that said, “I hope this inspires you, Klaus.” On the flip side was a small sketch of me in a field of sunflowers. What remained in the box was an array of art supplies, a sketchbook, and a few canvases. As much as I wanted to toss the supplies away, I missed sketching and painting as I hadn’t had time since moving to Mystic Falls. 
I spent most of the day sketching and just disappearing in my own world. A few hours had passed until I heard a knock on my door. I open it to find Damon, “Yes?” I question.
“You seem to be in a much better mood,” Damon states hearing the softness in my voice. “Have you heard from Eleana? She’s not answering her phone calls and Ric hasn’t seen her since this morning,” Damon explains.
“Uhhh… no, I haven’t talked to her since this morning,” I respond.
“Well, let me know if you do. Stefan is out looking for her right now,” Damon says.
“Oh for sure. Hope she’s alright,” I respond.
I spent a few more hours sketching and soon enough it ended up being dark. I forgot how lost I could get while drawing. Realizing that I needed to eat something I decide to head downstairs. Once I made it down, I saw Stefan make his way into the house.
“Can’t find her anywhere,” He says frustrated.
“Hello, Stefan,” I hear Elijah’s voice from the great room. Curious of what’s happening I make my way over and find the Salvatores by the door and Elijah in a chair by the fireplace.
“He has Elena,” Stefan states.
“Elijah,” I say disappointed.
“Actually she’s with Rebekah,” Elijah says disregarding my disapproval for what he’s done. “As you can imagine. My sisters just dying to tear her throat out. So if you want to save Elena’s life, I need you to help me stop my mother,” Elijah explains.
“I’m a little embarrassed to admit, but when it comes to killing thousand-year-old resurrected witches, I’m a little rusty,” Damon responds.
“Yes, unfortunately even when killed, my mother doesn’t seem to want to stay dead, not with the spirits of nature at her side,” Elijah says.
“So what are we supposed to do?” Stefan asks stepping forwards.
“The witches that released my mother, she’s drawing her power from their bloodline. That bloodline needs to be broken,” Elijah explains.
“Broken?” I question.
“Yeah, he means…” Damon says and puts a finger to his throat meaning killed.
“You want us to kill them,” Stefan says.
“You know I’d do it myself, but I’ve absolutely no idea where they are. Besides, seeing me, they’d immediately know my intent. They won’t expect to be harmed by the likes of you.” Elijah explains getting up from this seat. “In any case, you have until 6 minutes after 9:00 to find them,” Elijah says.
“Oh, how superspecific of you,” Damon says annoyed.
“By 9:07 the moon’ll be full, my mother will have the power she needs to kill me and my family. If you do not stop her before then, Rebekah will kill Elena. So we all have our timeline. I suggest you get started,” Elijah says before letting himself out.
“And you were saying about Elijah being undeserving of dying?” Damon questions at me. I just scoff and head back up to my room, not wanting to talk about this.
A few minutes pass by before I once again hear a knock on my door, “Here to give me a lecture?” I ask knowing it was Damon.
“No, you, me, and Stefan need to come up with a plan come on,” Damon says walking back down the hall.
“And what makes you think I want to be a part of this, he clearly wanted it to be you two,” I state not shifting from my position.
“Because Elena is in trouble and I know you want to save her,” Damon says from down the hall.
“You really know how to push my buttons,” I state making my way out of my room. We head down to the basement where Stefan is debating on drinking from a blood bag.
“Clock’s ticking. You gonna help us brainstorm a plan, or you too busy fixing a snack?” Damon questions his brother.
“We need to call Bonnie. There’s gotta be a way for her to stop Esther from channeling all that power.” Stefan states closing the fridge lid.
“‘A’ what if shes with Esther? ‘B’ what is she can’t cut her off? ‘C’ I don’t know how any of this stuff works, and ‘D’ neither do you,” Damon states.
“You got a better plan?” Stefan asks.
“Wore-case scenario simple mechanics. Can’t draw power from a dead battery,” Damon states.
“Kill ‘em,” Stefan says knowing that’s where Damon was getting out.
“If it comes to that,” Damon says. He then takes the bag from Stefan’s hands and drinks from it.
“There’s gotta be another way,” I say.
“Well, what if I told you two I had a less diabolical plan?” Damon asks and holds up a dagger.
“You wanna dagger Elijah,” Stefan says taking notice of the dagger.
“Well, they’re all linked. One goes down, they all go down. The witches live. Elena’s safe. Problem solved,” Damon states.
“We don’t know how that’ll affect Klaus,” I state.
“Ironically, Klaus isn’t our current problem,” Damon states.
“Dagger’s lethal to any vampire who uses one,” Stefan says.
“Well, I just so happen to know someone crazy enough to give it a shot,” Damon says before making a call. The call was to Alaric to confirm if Klaus and Kol were still at the Mystic Grill.
“What’s the plan?” I hear Alaric ask over the phone.
“Divide and conquer. First, we’ll need a little brunette distraction,” Damon says eyeing me. I roll my eyes knowing that means I have to talk to Klaus. Damon explains the rest of the plan and then hangs up.
“Do I really have to?” I ask a bit whiny.
“If we want to take them down, without killing them. Keeping everyone safe. Then yes,” Damon states.
“You are so lucky I care too much about you all,” I sigh.
“Then it’s settled. Get to the Grill,” Damon says.
I quickly get myself ready from my little interaction with Klaus, hoping it wouldn’t go south on my end or the others. I make my way into the Grill and head on the way to Klaus and his brother. I take notice of Alaric and let him know I’m the distraction by a slight look over.
~At the Bar~
“I remember her from last night. She looks like a tasty little thing,” Kol says to his brother.
“Say another word, and I’ll tear out your liver,” Klaus threatens taking notice of Athena from across the room.
~Athena’s POV~
“Athena,” Klaus says gaining my attention, as needed.
“What do you want?” I ask crossing my arms.
“Join us for a drink?” Klaus asks as Kol raises his glass.
“I’m not in the mood for chit chat, but thanks,” I say before heading back to the door.
~Klaus and Kol at the Bar~
“Isn’t she stunning?” Klaus asks Kol.
“She certainly looks good walking away from you,” Kol responds.
“I’ll take that as a challenge,” Klaus says before heading to Athena.
~Athena’s POV~
I head towards the town square across the street, “Athena,” I hear Klaus from behind me, as I was hoping, for the sake of Damon’s plan but not my own wishes.
“What?” I ask stopping in my tracks turning towards him. “I’m not in the mood to talk with you,” I turn back around and continue to walk.
“Don’t be angry, love. We had a little spat. I’m over it already, I’m willing to fight,” Klaus states.
“I’m not and I don’t see you fighting,” I state still walking.
“Well, how can I acquit myself? You weren’t very clear on the instructions,” Klaus asks.
I stop in my tracks, “You know what you have to do. And I’m not really in the mood to talk about this,” I state.
“Take a chance, Athena. At least talk to me, no fights,” Klaus says sitting down on the bench beside us. I look at him almost like he was crazy. “Come on. Let’s catch up,” Klaus says seeming happy that he was even able to get my attention. “I dare you,” He smiles.
“Fine,” I respond after a few moments of making Klaus think I was debating it and sit next to him. Klaus continues to look at me intently, with that soft look he gave me the night before. “So, what do you want to talk about? Catch up on?” I ask.
“Well, for starters, did you get my gift?” He asks. “Then your hopes. Your-your dreams. Everything you want in life. The things you never told me when we first met. You were very secretive you know,” Klaus states.
“Well, being a teenager alone in the world, you learn to be,”  I laugh. “And you mean the art supplies, huh?” I ask.
“Yeh, did you like them? Did you draw or--or paint anything?” He asks.
“Uh yeah. Lost track of time today actually,” I state.
“What did you draw?” He asks. 
“Just some flowers,” I say. As much as I hated to admit to myself, but I missed the little talks like this with Klaus. I missed...him, being there for me, looking out for me. I almost felt at peace, like there was no one else in the world but us. 
“You know I miss you, I truly do,” Klaus says. “I miss our moments like this, where it feels like it’s just us,” Klaus takes a hold of my hands and stares into my eyes.
“Klaus--I,” I start but before I could finish my un-thought out sentence, Klaus  stands up and starts to breathe a bit heavy, “What is it?” I question pretending to not know what was going on.
“What did you do?” He questions me.
“Nothing,” I state, hoping the tone of my voice was believable.
“What did you do?” Klaus asks once more with urgency grasping the sides of my arms.
“I didn’t do anything. Stop it,” I say once more. 
Klaus lets go of me and looks back to the grill, “Kol,” He says before rushing off, leaving me by myself.
I quickly make my way back to the Salvatore house in hopes that they completed their mission. Unfortunately, it was just me, leaving me with just my thoughts. At this moment, not a great idea. I don’t know how to feel about Klaus and my friends. Part of me wants to be with him, part of me feels like it’s just the sire bond and part of me wants to stick with my friends. It doesn’t help much that I had a small heart to heart with Klaus and Elena is in danger. I feel like I’m fighting with my self.
An hour or so later I hear the front door shut, alarming me to the fact that someone is home. I make my way out of my room to see who it was. I notice Damon making his way to his room. 
“Did it work? Is Elena safe?” I ask. 
“Uh, I think so but Stefan would know better. We at least know we stopped Esther, so assuming Elijah keeps his word, Elena should be ok. Are you ok?” He asks me.
“Yeh, I’m fine. Just trying to sort my thoughts. But I’m glad you’re ok,” I respond.
“Have another quarrel?” Damon asks.
“No,” I respond not really wanting to give any details of Klaus and I’s conversation.
“Well, I’m just glad you’re not hurt either,” Damon says before continuing to head to his room.
“Night,” I say seeing as he’s not in the mood to talk. 
A/N: More reveals for Klaus and Athena’s relationship and feelings. I hope you guys enjoyed this little filler. BTW I’m skipping the next two eps because I can’t find a place for Athena to fit in and I want to get further in the show. So sorry in advance if some of the stuff seems weirdly placed (I guess?).
🏷: @tristanacarry​ | @commentaryfanfic​ | @april-14-blog​ |  @simonsbluee​ | @awkwardspontaneity​ | @keiko0​
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saiilorstars · 4 years
The Girl in the Forest
Chapter 16: Clarity
// Story Masterlist //
Fandom: The Originals
Pairings: Klaus Mikaelson x Original Female Character
Pronunciation of OC’s name: Ma-leh-nee
Requested tag: @queenmj10​
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Chapter Summary: Mikael has Maleny and is hell-bent on making Klaus finally pay for everything done in the past. Still, despite her situation, Maleny finally comes to terms with her feelings.
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Klaus angrily paced back and forth outside Davina's cabin as he left a voicemail to Elijah, "Elijah, where are you? Mikael is loose with the stake, and Maleny is a hostage, and I am weaponless and in need of reinforcement. Urgently!"
He hung up and returned to the cabin where Kol was calmly rocking back and forth in a rocking chair, Davina still unconscious, "Wake her up," Klaus ordered him, "Tell her to get Mikael back here, now."
"Well, let me- let me think about that," Kol tilted his head in pretend thought, "No! I've got nothing against Maleny, honestly - she was my little mischievous companion after all."
"Okay, now is our time, Maleny," Kol declared to the older blonde beside him.
The two were standing side by side a short distance from a table full of various snacks the villagers had put out for their evening celebration. No one was supposed to have any until the celebration properly started.
Just as Kol started for the table, Maleny anxiously grabbed his arm, pulling him back, "You know we're not supposed to touch anything," she reminded him, "There are rules-"
"Oh c'mon, Maleny," Kol turned to her, pleading with her, "We went over this - remember the plan?"
"Ummm..." Maleny looked to the side, feeling guilty for having even thought about going with his plan.
"Mal?" Kol asked again, giving her a pout, "I said we would share and you know I don't disappoint my adoptive sister, so..."
At that Maleny, arched an eyebrow, "You make Rebekah suffer some times."
"Yeah, but half the time she deserves it," Kol shrugged then smiled at her, "But you're not like her. You're nicer, you're definitely a lot more fun than she is. You're like the sister I always wanted."
"Oh, don't be rude," Maleny playfully hit his arm, "And fine...but I want some berries," she pointed to the bowl of her favorite fruit.
"Got it," Kol beamed, sloppily kissing her cheek before heading out to do their plan.
Maleny chuckled to herself, heading to do her task of distraction in the meantime. She was to distract the one preparing the tables, Miss Heartfield - a terrible, strict old woman. If Maleny was honest, she was terrified by the woman but Kol promised her it wouldn't take more than two minutes max for him to snatch up what they wanted.
Kol kept to his word - in two minutes flat he was motioning to Maleny it was time to go. Giggling like a child would, the blonde scurried after him.
"I told you it would be easy," Kol said as they sat down on the ground, their backs against a home wall, both of them munching on their respective snacks.
"I am never doing that again," Maleny warned him as she dropped a couple of berries into her mouth, but both knew that was false.
She had said the same thing mere days ago.
Kol smiled to himself after reliving his memory. He then looked back at Klaus who remained furious than ever by the entrance of the cabin, "Self preservation, you see," he continued his excuse, "I stay in here, Mikael can't get to me. Well, go on then."
Klaus actually felt like killing Kol on the spot for his dismissal at the problem. But he saw there was no use in wasting time with Kol, "We're not done here!" he warned and then sped out to find Maleny.
~ 0 ~
Somewhere deep in the woods by the bayou, Mikael dragged along Maleny in a tight hold.
"You know, I remember you being awful and unnecessarily cruel but this is beyond ridiculous!" the blonde angrily shouted, almost able to hide her fear that coursed through her blood.
"And I seem to remember you weren't a big mouth back then," Mikael replied in a snarky tone, "I assume Niklaus taught you that."
"Who, by the way, is already looking for you," Maleny glared at him, "And we all know what happens when Klaus Mikaelson loses his temper."
Mikael sneered as he came to a stop, "Oh, you are an amusing girl - always have been. But let me tell you, amuseming and entertaining will have you killed eventually," he pointed Papa Tunde's blade at her, "And because you are oh-so-close to Niklaus, your end will be even sooner."
Maleny raised an eyebrow, "And you believe somehow this will make me go against him? If you believed you could do that you wouldn't have taken me as leverage. Because that's why you took me, isn't it?"
Though Mikael was irritated the plan was so easily visible, he stated, "Once I threaten to dismember you in front of him, Klaus will hesitate. And, in that moment of weakness, I shall end him."
"This is so wrong!" Maleny erupted into angry shouts, shaking off Mikael's arm in the process. He knew she couldn't out run him anyways so he let her be, "You have never seen Klaus as your son and when there was finally real proof that he actually wasn't, you went hysterical. You've literally been obsessing over the death of someone whose fatal flaw is that he was fathered by another guy! If there's anyone you should be going after it's Esther - she's the one who betrayed you."
"Hush! You are the enabler of the weak!" Mikael pointed, "No wonder he always sought your company."
"Cos I understood him, clearly," Maleny argued, but her mind wronged her by reminding her of a period where that wasn't true.
Maleny was quietly tending to pile of cloths inside her home when she happened to look up and see Klaus passing by. Immediately, she dropped her things and called for him, "Klaus!" she ran for her open door.
"Stay there!" the newly made vampire (or hybrid) ordered her just as she came to the door.
Startled, Maleny froze in her spot, "I...I know what happened out there," she nodded for the forest, "Rebekah, she...told me."
"Then you know what I have become," Klaus opened his arms and walked towards her, unable to really look her in the eyes, "A beast..."
Maleny's eyes lowered in clear sympathy for him, "I'm sorry...I..."
She'd heard from Esther about the savagery state Klaus had entered early at dawn, unable to control himself (as well as the others) after trying to decently feed off people in the forest. They would have died if they hadn't been stopped by Mikael and Finn. She'd wanted to go find him immediately but Esther had stopped her, warning Maleny of the danger she would be placing herself in.
"You are going to stay in there, Maleny," Klaus pointed towards Maleny's home, making the blonde take a quick glance back, "and you are not going to look for me-"
Maleny blinked in confusion, "What? But I-" and when she tried taking a step out of her house Klaus shouted.
"Stay in there!"
The blonde flinched under the harsh tone. Her blue eyes had widened, not in horror but of pain. She was quite used to her father using the same tone to talk to her, but never from Klaus.
"Maleny, I am...something bad," Klaus said, putting in simpler terms, "I have to feed off people to survive and it is a difficult struggle to have control."
"That's not your fault," Maleny whispered, her hand reaching out to his only to have him step back, "Klaus, why are you doing this?" her eyes began rapidly blinking as they watered, "I know what you are. I am not afraid."
"But I am," Klaus confessed under a shaky tone, "You do not understand Maleny. I can hear your heart pumping blood, blood I now crave, blood that warms your pink cheeks. And the last thing I want is for you to become my next prey."
Maleny's tears had begun running down her face, "I know you won't hurt me…"
"Give me time, Maleny. Pain is the last thing I want to cause you."
"Then stop this madness right now," Maleny weakly ordered, stepping out of her home's boundary. She purposely inched closer to him, running her fingers up his arm, "Let me be there for you. I can...I can help you..." she offered, though no specific ideas came to mind at the moment.
Klaus nearly fell under her charms as she brushed her lips against his. But her delicious, human scent became more prominent in the air, and her heartbeat rang in his ears. He pushed her away, making her stumble back into her home, " Stay away from me, Maleny," he whispered, doing a surprisingly good job of hiding his tears, "Stay indoors, where I cannot reach you - nor my siblings," with his final warning he turned away and walked off.
Maleny shut her eyes as she remembered the awful period she'd spent lonesomely whilst Klaus kept away from her. She didn't realize Mikael had taken an interest in distant music that had carried over through their silence.
"I hear music," he declared, glancing back at her, "And, where there's music, there's food."
"Oh," Maleny crinkled her nose, "leave them alone."
"Would you rather it be you I feed off, then?" Mikael challenged, coming back to her.
"Frankly, yes," Maleny nodded, making him laugh.
"How heroic of you," he snagged Maleny by the arm, dragging her towards his next meal's location, "Where'd you learn that one? Because it certainly wasn't from that hybrid."
"This may come as a shocker to you, Mikael, but I do have qualities that are all mine," Maleny rolled her eyes.
But Mikael sneered in return, dismissing her statement, "Oh please, ever since I could remember you were after my family like a lost-"
"I had lost my mother, you ignorant fool!" Maleny snapped, and soon saw the error she made when Mikael abruptly stopped and faced her with rage. Knowing he would break her if he overdid it, he settled for a hard strike across the face. Maleny fell to the ground, drowning her painful screeches as best she could. She looked up, mustering up her courage, "My life was hell after my mother died. My father was cruel and did nothing but hit me and treat me like a servant. I wasn't 'after your family' - I loved them like they were my own."
"Oh how truly sappy," Mikael rolled his eyes and turned away from her, trying to once again locate the distant music.
"Don't be snappish because you weren't able to learn what love was," Maleny said, earning herself a threatening glare back.
"And you think you know what that is?" he challenged, quickly getting the answer.
"Yes, I do-"
"Oh, really?"
"-I know what it is," Maleny spoke over him, "I do. I felt it before I even knew what it was."
Mikael stalked back to her, leaning down as she was still on the ground, "You think what you felt for Niklaus was..." he sardonically laughed, "...love?"
Maleny looked to the side, "Yes...there was no other word for it. Finn, Elijah, and Kol, I loved them to bits and pieces but...as brothers. They were my brothers. But Klaus, I..." she sighed, "...he made the simplest of things such puzzles..."
"Maleny," Rebekah came up to the blonde girl that was just coming out from the forest with a basket of damp clothes on her side, "Oh, thank God I found you. I need your help!"
Maleny didn't even get a word in before Rebekah dragged her by the arm towards a wooden table full of materials needed for basket making, "Let me guess," Maleny began when Rebekah cut her off frantically.
"I completely forgot I had to do this and now my mother is going to come back and shout at me or worse - she's going to-"
"Rebekah," Maleny rose her voice, completely amused by her. Rebekah blinked rapidly, trying to calm, while Maleny put down her basket on the edge of the table, "I can help you. I just finished washing clothes so I have time."
"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" Rebekah beamed and got straight to work with the blonde beside her.
"Now dear Maleny," they heard Elijah's voice, "don't tell me you're honestly falling for our sister's clever lies."
Maleny looked up, as did Rebekah, and saw Elijah and Klaus coming towards them. Immediately her hands fumbled with the bits she held between her fingers.
"I am not lying," Rebekah huffed, indignant of her brother's accusation.
"Just last week you asked poor Maleny to help you in..." Klaus stopped a moment to remember the task but frowned and looked at Maleny, "...what was it again, Mal?"
"U-uh...fruit collecting," Maleny answered almost instantaneously.
"Right, and then two days ago she asked you to...?"
"Help her wash clothes."
Rebekah looked between her brother and Maleny, at first annoyed Maleny was just giving into the accusations but then she saw Maleny's face and, well...she sighed in defeat. Anything Klaus wanted to know from her she would automatically spill. However, she failed to see Klaus' face whenever Maleny spoke.
Elijah did not. He was outright bemused by the sudden silence that fell between the four. Maleny had returned to her basket making, though her fingers seemed to have lost their talent like if she had never even learned. Meanwhile, Klaus took to staring at her like she was doing the most interesting craft in the world.
But Maleny's yelp cut through the awkward air. She had accidentally poked herself and drew blood from her index finger. "Maybe I won't help," she said afterwards, wincing as she touched her finger, "Ow..."
"Here," Klaus gently took her hand into his, startling Maleny. She blushed madly, rapidly blinking. She felt her heart beating so violently she actually thought for a minute it would simply burst. It was an annoyance sometimes, honestly, to constantly be nervous around someone to the point where it became true fear they might muck it up some way. But she never wished for it to stop.
Maleny smiled to herself, forgetting the monstrous man she had inches from her, "Even to making a bloody basket was difficult for me..." she actually forgot the feelings Klaus provoked - and probably without even knowing it.
Mikael had heard enough and yanked the woman to her feet, gripping both her wrists, "You were doomed from the start, then," he declared and dragged her for the nearby human camp settlement, ignoring her struggles.
~ 0 ~
"Hayley!" Cami came frantically through the courtyard of the compound, "Hayley!"
"What!?" Hayley came out from one of the rooms upstairs, "I know you're kinda new at this but you realize I have super hearing, right?"
Cami ignored the sarcasm with a shake of her head, "Has Elijah came back yet!?"
The name of the Original put Hayley on edge, "...no."
Cami deeply sighed and ran a hand through her hair, "He's gonna MIA and that's not like him. I told you, he should've came in last night."
Hayley shifted on her feet as she admitted, "I couldn't quite track Oliver either."
That sent Cami a whole new wave of worriment, "If they're both missing then something happened, something Esther did I'm sure."
"We've got to find them," Hayley muttered and hurriedly went for the stairs.
"Please," Cami nearly sounded like she was begging, but she simply couldn't help it.
Even Gia had told her to calm down and just let Elijah call her when he called her. She made Cami rethink all of this 'distancing' idea with how worried she was over the Original. It certainly didn't seem like Cami wanted to stay away.
~ 0 ~
Mikael dragged Maleny into a run-down warehouse and once they were at the center of the prime room he shoved her to the dirty floor.
"You're a monster!" Maleny pushed her hair out of her face and glared up at the man, "But then that's nothing new. You've always been a monster, a cruel man, and always towards Klaus."
"I didn't always hate him," Mikael interjected, "When Klaus was born, I was overjoyed. I thought, 'This one- this one has the eyes of a warrior. He will be worthy.' But, my hope was short-lived. And, when I found out that he wasn't really my son, my relief was glorious. But, that passed with the knowledge that he was begat of a beast."
"Esther's infidelity was not his fault!" Maleny felt like a broken record as she said those words, "How do I get that through your thick head!?"
"Everything that followed was because of Niklaus' obsession with the wolves! He ventured out to watch them turn under the full moon, and he took my youngest son, Henrik. He was but a child, and he was torn apart."
"But that was an accident!" Maleny got up to her feet.
"An accident?" Mikael nearly lost it then, "AN ACCIDENT? HE MURDERED MY WIFE! HIS OWN MOTHER! Who sought to cleanse him of his beast-like nature! He betrayed me. He turned my entire family against me! And yet, you defend him?"
"You didn't need anyone to make your children turn against you!" Maleny shouted right back but her voice hardly equaled his roar, "You were an awful father right from the start! Everything that happened was because of you - you and Esther."
"And what about you, my dear?" Mikael appeared to be amused by her, "Are you going to forget you participated in the very spell that created vampires?"
A distraught Esther and Mikael were coming out of a friend's (or ex-friend now) house when Maleny approached them, appearing rather nervous.
"I can help," the blonde declared, her fingers playing with each other as a way to relieve her nervousness. Esther looked at the young woman, expecting some explanation, "I know what you're trying to do to Klaus and the others...and I want to help."
"You?" Mikael couldn't help the scoff come from his mouth.
However, Esther seemed less reluctant, "Now wait a minute, I have taught her everything she knows and she is Abigail's daughter, meaning her power is grand."
"I will help as much as I can," Maleny promised.
"Do you even understand what we are trying to do?" Mikael wondered.
"Not completely," Maleny admitted sheepishly, "but I know you are trying to help Klaus and I will do anything to facilitate that."
Esther exchanged a brief glance with Mikael and quickly compiled an easy lie to really get the girl, "We want to strengthen our children, make it so that no one can hurt them."
Maleny seemed pleased with what she heard and smiled, "Then I will most definitely help. All I ask in return is that you allow me to keep seeing your children. I have lost who I loved most when I was a child and I do not wish for that to repeat itself."
Mikael smirked and nodded, "Then it is a deal, child."
"No, I stand by what I did," Maleny straightened up, "Because when I did it I was told it would strengthen them, never to make them into vampires. You and Esther lied, and that is why it's your fault. Do not stand there and blame me, Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah or any of your children for being what they are - for what you and your wife did."
Mikael super sped up to her and grabbed her by the neck, "I used to have appreciation for you," he seemed to be studying her face, "As a child you reminded me of my eldest daughter who died. When you grew up, I thought you would make a fine addition to the family as the wife of one of my sons..."
"I would've happily done that," Maleny coughed as the air struggled to get into her lungs.
"Oh no, no - you speak of Niklaus when I speak of my true sons," Mikael gripped her throat just a little tighter. Maleny's hands flung to his arms, trying to push him off, "Perhaps Finn? Elijah? or Kol? He was nearer to your age..."
"That would've happened over my dead body!" Maleny shouted and kicked his shin. While it did no actual harm, Mikael was forced to let go of her from the sudden spark of pain. Maleny immediately took a deep breath.
"You are a stupid girl," Mikael snatched her by the arm, baring his fangs out for her.
"N-n-n-n-no! Don't-"
But Mikael bit down on her neck and Maleny screamed in utter pain.
~ 0 ~
In the location of Mikael's earlier meal in the woods stood Klaus who finished feeding off the remainders of the living humans. He needed all the bits of strength he could gather if he wanted to save Maleny. His mind was buzzing with all the different strategies that could possibly guarantee Maleny returning home with her life, even if it was just her who was left alive. He hadn't stopped cursing himself for being the complete careless man he kept swearing to Maleny he wouldn't be to keep her safe. Every time he got the smallest distraction (and usually by her ironically) she was hurt.
His phone ringing interrupted his grim thoughts, and when he answered he didn't bother hiding his impatience and rage, "What the hell do you want now, Hayley!? I'm a busy."
"That's rude, even for you," Hayley said back, and Klaus could picture her rolling her eyes, "I take it you've done no progress with Maleny whatso-"
"Don't speak further if you know what's good for you!" Klaus snapped, "Was there a point to this phone call?"
"Something has happened to Elijah. He was supposed to be our decoy last night, and now he's vanished. There's blood everywhere- werewolf and vampire. There's a trail. Cami and I need you to help us track it."
Klaus pinched the bridge of his nose as he mentally added one more problem to his list, "Well, as much as I might like to help you find my brother, I have more pressing matters as the moment."
"What's more important than your own brother?" Hayley indignantly inquired.
"Not 'more important' simply a main priority," Klaus clarified, "Starting with the only one out of all of us that still has a live, beating heart."
"Maleny?" Hayley repeated, confused, "What's happened?"
"Mikael took her," Klaus answered, his rage bubbling in each of the words, "He took her and I'm trying to find her - on my own - before she's truly hurt."
"So you have a plan, then?"
"Not exactly. Mikael now has Tunde's blade and the white oak stake but I'm sure I'll come up with something."
"Klaus, are you out of your mind!?"
"Frankly, yes, but I'm sure that'll go away once I find Maleny...because I will find her," Klaus almost promised at the spot, "And then I'm gonna end this. Either Mikael or I will be ash by day's end."
"I think we would all prefer for the ashes to be Mikael's," Hayley cut in, sounding less irritated than before, "Be careful, and bring back Mal. Cami and I will work to get Elijah back."
"Sounds like a plan," Klaus said, though really the thought of his family hadn't even crossed his mind once since he'd began searching for Maleny. There was no room to think of anything else that didn't involve Maleny.
~ 0 ~
Cami was inside the bedroom she often used in the compound when she stayed overnight. She held Elijah's gifted journal in her hands, skimming a couple paragraphs across several pages. When she heard footsteps nearing, she looked up and saw Hayley coming in. She closed her journal, awkwardly placing her hands over it like she were protecting it from unwanted eyes.
Hayley saw the action and lightly smiled, "I'm not gonna pick the lock and peek," she playfully warned.
"Sorry," Cami flushed and looked down.
"You know Elijah often looked at that thing while you were gone," Hayley leaned against the dresser, smirking at Cami's horrified face, "I literally mean staring at its covers," Hayley clarified, "As if Elijah would peak into you diary."
"Right..." Cami bit her lip, feeling slightly guilty for thinking Elijah would read her private thoughts when he was the one who gifted her the journal.
"He missed you a lot," Hayley said quietly, "I think he would be happy to see you this concerned over him."
"Just because I left didn't mean I stopped caring for you guys," Cami shrugged.
"Oh c'mon, Cami, if Elijah had done the same thing you did wouldn't you feel a little distraught?"
Cami sighed, rubbing her face in frustration, "God, I messed up. I didn't...I didn't mean to cause all this trouble. I was having problems of my own and I just...I took an abrupt decision, okay? Everyone does it."
"Agreed," Hayley raised her hands to show her neutral side.
"I just...I just want him back here," Cami then said quieter, "Is Klaus on his way?"
"Yeah, about that..." Hayley pushed herself off the dresser and walked about in the room, "...see, there's another problem that he really has to take care of right now."
"What?" Cami frowned. "Is he serious? We need him here to help us find Elijah!"
"Cami," Hayley sharply looked at her, "he's trying to find Maleny."
Cami blinked rapidly for a couple seconds, "C-come again now? Why would he need to find Maleny? I thought he was following her?"
"They found Mikael, apparently, and I guess he broke free from Davina's spell or something because he took Maleny..."
"What!?" Cami jumped from her spot on the bed, letting her journal fall to the floor, "My cousin's missing and you didn't tell me right away!?"
"Sorry," Hayley meekly apologized, "Look, he's going to find Mal and we're going to find Elijah."
"We need to help find Maleny," Cami shook her head, quickly prioritizing in her mind.
"What? But what about Elijah?"
"You said that this place," Cami gestured to the compound, "was home for me too and that everyone here was family. We find the person who needs more help. Elijah's an Original and wherever he is he can't die but Maleny can. He would want us to go find her first."
Hayley could hear Elijah saying something similar, as he once showed it when he chose her before Klaus and Rebekah during Celeste's awful game. It was necessary prioritizing.
~ 0 ~
It wasn't long before Klaus caught up with Mikael's trail to the abandoned warehouse. He was walking in with no weapons save a makeshift stake from a discarded shovel he found outside. It was nothing compared to what Mikael possessed but it was all there was and he was going to fight no matter what.
He barely contained himself he came into the warehouse and found Mikael holding Maleny at knife-point. He could see Maleny already weakened by the dried up blood on her neck from an earlier feeding - her face of cuts and dirt were the prominent second. Her eyes begged to be helped as the knife poked her flesh.
"You're gonna pay for hurting her," he angrily warned, moving for them but Mikael purposely pricked Maleny's neck to keep him back, "You always talk about what a 'man' should do and yet you use a mortal in your fights?"
Mikael scowled at the accusation, "I don't need a mortal in my battles - I already have two weapons that could easily kill you. She was merely insurance that you followed the trail. However, I did make her a promise that I'd drain the rest of her right in front of your eyes, just before you burn."
"LET HER GO!" roared Klaus, baring his hybrid face. He charged with enough speed to prevent Mikael from threatening Maleny again. He pushed Mikael across the room towards the wall, but from the great blow they broke into the second room.
Maleny fell to the floor and gasped, her hand flying to her blood-covered neck. She winced at the many crashes from the other room and looked around for anything that could help bring down Mikael. She decided nothing could beat the white oak stake but it didn't mean she couldn't use her magic to help Klaus get an advantage over Mikael. Pushing herself up to her feet, she drew a big breath and focused on a spell.
In the next room, Klaus had gotten Mikael down to the floor and was able to retrieve the white oak stake. However, Mikael then flung to Papa Tunde's blade towards Maleny, making Klaus leave speed into the main room to catch the blade before it could hurt Maleny. In doing so, he allowed Mikael to retrieve the white oak stake again from the floor. Mikael wasn't one to waste time so sped up to Klaus and stabbed him in the chest.
To Maleny, it almost felt as if her world has stopped then, "NOO!" she screamed in horror.
Klaus gave his own shriek of pain, his face beginning to desiccate with the stake embedded in his chest. Mikael eagerly awaited for the fire to begin and truly end Klaus but when nothing happened he became furious.
"Why aren't you burning? If you were dead, it would burn. Burn!"
Maleny's breath hitched in her throat when she realized the same thing. There was a spell brewing and it was close by. Whatever it was, it was holding back the stake's power, meaning there was still time to save Klaus. As soon as Mikael left the room to find the mysterious spell's origin, Maleny dashed towards Klaus.
She dropped to her knees and began pulling on the stake, trying to get it out, "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon," she grunted, ignoring her teary eyes as best she could. She didn't know when the spell would stop so she needed to be quick, but her weakness had proven a little stronger, "Isabelle, please help," she whispered and took a deep breath and she reached out to her French coven's help. Once she felt the power source through her veins, she finally pulled the stake from Klaus' chest.
She began smiling when she saw the color return to his face, even though it would take a little longer for him to wake up. What she would give to hear one of his sarcastic remarks, or anything for that matter. Because if he spoke, he would be fine, and then she would be fine too.
"What do you think you're doing?" Mikael's voice startled her into getting up.
She gripped the stake in her hands, holding towards him, "Stay the hell away from us! Or, I swear to God, I'll kill you myself."
Mikael looked mildly impressed, "You have a warrior's heart. Perhaps I'll keep it as a souvenir."
"That's funny - you think I'm alone in this," Maleny smirked with a tilt of her head, "One thing about witches, most of us stand together," she lowered the stake and mustered all her energy to match Isabelle's coven's and with a powerful gust of wind flung Mikael back against a wall, "I am not the naive girl of forest anymore, Mikael. I've learned my share of battle techniques with the centuries!" she made for it to cause an aneurysm, though it was simultaneously draining what little energy she had left.
Thankfully, Hayley appeared, along with Marcel, and started pounding on Mikael. Cami ran straight in for her blonde cousin who wobbled on her feet.
"Now, ENOUGH!" Mikael roared in rage, finally able to shove Marcel backwards, "This night has been a long parade of fools. I'll enjoy killing every last one of you."
Klaus finally woke up with a gasp and wasted no time in getting up. Hayley grabbed a silver chain off the floor and threw it around Mikael's neck, pulling hard enough to knock him off his feet.
"Yeah, I wouldn't bet on it," she cast a smirk.
Davina entered the room in a hasty run, her neck oozing with blood Mikael had decided to feed on due to her spell. She went straight for Maleny, feeling awful she'd let her get caught in the crossfire. Though that also added to the many opponents Mikael already had - and that he knew.
"It's over, Mikael. You're outnumbered," Klaus called out to the man, "Are you going to beg for your miserable life?"
Mikael laughed, "You think having people makes you strong? It proves how weak you are. Come find me when you don't have fools, women and children fighting your battles," he threw them a scrap of wood at them before speeding out of the place.
The relief flooding the room became evident with the sighs that came out of everyone. After things got settled, Hayley and Marcel went to give the immediate area a final check for Mikael. Davina knew she had to get back to her 'friend' Kol who was outside, probably unconscious from Mikael's attack, but she wanted to have a word with Maleny first. She only took two steps forwards when Cami blocked the way.
"Cami, I just want to-"
"You've overdid it this time, Davina," the blonde scolded, though it was clear Cami struggled to be severely angry. She was still used to seeing Davina as just some kid who continued to be caught in crossfires of supernaturals. But now that she was a vampire, she had to force herself to see Davina as what she was: a witch with great power.
"I know," Davina agreed, but she wasn't sorry for trying to kill Klaus. She was only sorry Maleny got hurt and Marcel nearly died.
"Then you know I don't want to see you right now," Maleny called from her spot across the room, now sitting down on a wooden bench. She was waiting for Klaus to return with something to help her clean herself up. She needed Davina to be out of the room by that time that happened. God knows what the raging hybrid might do to the teen then.
"Mal, I'm really sorry," Davina ran a hand through her hair, frustrated.
"I know you are," Maleny could tell by her face the teen was genuinely sorry for her actions but it didn't erase all that happened, "I just don't want to see you right now. I think I'm entitled that after the day I had."
"If I can just explain-"
"Explain what, Davina?" Maleny couldn't help the cold tone lacing her words. She would've stood up if she felt herself again but for the moment she was stuck to the bench, "That you wanted to kill Klaus? Yeah, I heard the story. There's nothing to explain."
"You can't defend him, Mal! He's not a good person-"
"And neither are you, but you don't see me calling you out," Maleny said sourly, "I know what Klaus did to you and you don't know how sorry I am for that. You didn't deserve it."
"He killed Tim!" Davina exclaimed, her anger getting the best of her, "How can you defend that? Do you know how that feels?"
"See that's what I want you to think about," Maleny replied with, "If you know how that feels, losing someone you care about...why would you want to condemn to feel the same thing? After centuries of this curse, I...I don't think I could bear losing him anymore. If he dies then I will follow him."
"Mal, he's not…" Davina's eyes widened, gesturing back, "...he's not...he's not a good person! He's not worth it! You can do so much better-"
"I already have what I want from life and rest assure I will fight against anyone who threatens that," and however she could, she managed to stand but when Cami saw her wobbly legs she ran over to help, "And I'm sorry Davina, but if that means I have to fight you too...then I will."
Davina's eyes became glossy with the declaration, but she would not back down from what she felt was right, "Well," she swallowed down, "then I guess you've picked your side."
"I don't hate you Davina," Maleny whispered, "You're like a little sister to me..."
"I don't hate you either," Davina replied with the same whisper-like tone. Seeing there was no other thing to do, she turned on her heels and walked out.
Maleny sniffled and Cami slowly sat her down, "I'm sorry, Mal."
"For what?" Maleny sighed, "It wasn't you that tried to kill Klaus. I should be thanking you, actually. I heard Elijah's missing and yet you came down to help."
"Yeah well, Marcel learned what was going on and if Klaus dies so does he so that's how we got our ride here."
"And you?" Maleny looked at her cousin studiously, "You've gone for two weeks and you suddenly came by to help?" Cami guiltily looked to the side, "What happened, Cami?" Maleny asked quietly, "Elijah came back and said you two had a disagreement or something…"
"Petty disagreement," Cami dismissed the Original's topic with a clear of her throat.
"Right, well that 'petty disagreement'," Maleny did air quotation marks, "had Elijah moping around like never before," she then noticed the blush creeping over Cami's cheek, making her begin to smirk, "Cami...is there something you'd like to share with me?"
Cami thanked her lucky stars that Klaus came into the room as she was no where near ready to talk about that with Maleny.
"Not much but I did find this," the hybrid waved a long towel in his hand, "Marcel might be pretty irritated I ransacked his car."
Maleny smiled as he came up to them and Cami felt it was time to for her to go, "I'll go see if Hayley and Marcel are back," she excused herself with rapidness and hurried out.
"What's wrong with her?" Klaus asked curiously as he watched the blonde vampire head out rapidly.
"Oh, I'm pretty sure she's got the hots for your brother but doesn't realize it yet," Maleny shrugged casually and took the towel from him, "But don't tell anyone I said that."
Klaus would've laughed at her if it hadn't been for everything that had happened earlier. He bent down in front of her to clear up the dried blood from her when she noticed the stab wound on his chest hadn't cleared up yet.
"Is that going to hurt longer?" she whispered, gently placing a hand over the wound.
"It'll be fine soon enough," Klaus took her hand and gripped it, "You pulled the stake out in the nick of time. A moment longer, and I would have been done for."
Horrified to even hear that thought, she shook her head, "Don't even say it. I don't...I don't ever want to hear the possibility of that. Instead, I'd like to hear how we plan to kill Mikael as soon as we get the chance. Because I want him dead - to ashes if possible."
Klaus raised an eyebrow, taken aback by the cold bluntness in her tone, "Well, and here I thought you'd be getting rest and-"
"Listen," Maleny stopped him with her other hand, "When we stop Mikael and find Elijah then you can be a good nurse this time and put me to bed…" and then she thought how that sounded out a second later, "...okay, that sounded less awkward in my head," Klaus smirked and Maleny, embarrassed, laughed and hid her face behind her hands, "Shut up, just shut up and don't say anything."
Klaus lowered her hands from her face and softened as he reached to touch the bite marks still clear on her neck, "You shouldn't have been caught in this…"
"I've always been in this and that's the way I want it to be," Maleny firmly told him, "This is my side, my choice and no one's going to take it from me," surprised, Klaus blinked and slowly began to smile.
"You made your decision," Klaus felt like a child the way he said it, unable to hide his relief and happiness as he cupped her face.
"In the end, this is my family," Maleny softly said, purposely leaning forwards, "I came so far and I'm not losing any one of you for anything nor anyone."
She had the most beautiful of smiles across her face, so Klaus thought. He traced her lips with a thumb, wondering what kind of scold he would get from her if he stole a kiss off her. Unfortunately, mere seconds after he decided going for one, the others returned.
"So, Mikael's no where to be seen," Hayley announced, eyeing the pink-faced Maleny.
Klaus rose to his feet and turned to the trio, looking less embarrassed than Maleny, "I appreciate your assistance."
Marcel smiled, "Well, hey! You die, I die. Just call me selfish," but his eyes moved to Maleny and for the first time since they met, he spoke to her a in a kind tone, "I'm glad you're okay too, Maleny."
The blonde nodded, "Thank you. I'm glad my cousin's been in good care for this past week. I really appreciate that."
"And now that everything's a little better, I think we all need to turn our attention to Elijah," Cami reminded them all, hoping she didn't sound rude, "And we should hurry up."
And just like she wanted, they did.
~ 0 ~
One day passed and to everyone's misfortune (especially Cami's) Elijah was no where in sight. It led Klaus to do his common strategies when time was turning precious - torture. Consequently, in her piano room, Maleny desperately tried to drown out the shrill cries of pain by trying to successfully reproduce a tune Elijah had been meaning to teach her.
"Lavender's blue..." she mumbled to herself, wincing every now and then, "...lavender...lavender..." but then came the biggest scream possible and she quit, "Ah!" she growled in frustration and raised her hands, balling them into fists.
It had been her ridiculous attempt to get over being kidnapped and nearly killed instead of going for the usual 'take a rest and nap' thing. Clearly, nothing would be working. Taking a breath, she got up and left the room.
She passed Klaus' bedroom in favor of Hayley's, knowing the first was locked for clear reasons. Hayley was already having a conversation with Klaus in the nursery room, the connecting doors of Klaus' room also shut.
"So, the word 'interrogation' has lost the meaning I knew about," Maleny walked in more or less annoyed with the disturbance.
"Turns out witches are delicate creatures," Klaus said without thinking and earned himself a mock glare.
"Thanks," Maleny crossed her arms.
"Of course not you, love," Klaus casually corrected himself, unaware of the blush and smile the blonde acquired from the comment, "No matter! I suspected my mother had Elijah captive."
"Great," Haley started fishing for her phone in her jeans' pocket, "Then let's call Cami and tell her. She's been out looking with Gia."
But Klaus refused with a shake of his head, "Esther is too powerful. She won't be easily found. I need to draw her out."
"On your own," Maleny blinked, "That's too dangerous."
"Well you can't come with me, can you?" Klaus countered with and quickly shut Hayley down before she nominated herself, "And since you need someone to watch over you, Hayley's staying here."
"Are we really going through this whole babysitting thing again?" Maleny raised an eyebrow, "Because I think I've dealt with worse things now."
"Look, if either of you come," Klaus gestured between her and Hayley, "then my mother will be sure to use one of you - if not both of you - to thwart me. I can't save Elijah if I'm busy saving you," he moved to close the doors again when Maleny stopped him.
"Can we talk afterwards, then?" Maleny inquired in low whisper, "It's really important," and yet even though it was so important she hadn't had the chance to talk to him about it since they returned from Mikael's adventure. Klaus had immediately set to finding Elijah all through the day and the morning.
"Afterwards," Klaus promised with a wide smile, moving back into his room.
Maleny sighed and whirled around to Hayley, looking more than disappointed. Hayley patted her arm and started leading her back to her own room on the other side of the nursery, "There, there, you want a drink?"
Maleny playfully rolled her eyes, "You can't get me drunk to forget my problems, Hayley. One of these days, it's not going to work."
Hayley laughed as they walked out of her room when they both heard a new voice calling out from the courtyard.
"Hello?" it was a young woman's voice...and French too, "Hello? Is anyone in here?"
Maleny's eyes widened as she recognized the voice and therefore the woman. She quickly ran up to the banister and looked down to see a tall, dark-haired woman standing in the middle, curiously looking around.
Hayley came up beside her, confused of what was happening, "Who's that, Mal?"
Maleny smiled at the woman below, "Amarrah!"
~ 0 ~
Cami and Gia walked into Marcel's apartment wearing glum faces, though the blonde looked more upset as was expected. After patrolling the Quarter, and the Algiers, they came up with nothing new on Elijah.
"So I'm assuming the search wasn't a success?" Marcel asked from the couch.
"Do you see an Original with us?" Cami sarcastically motioned to the space around her.
"She's a bit cranky cos she hasn't slept at all," Gia sarcastically smiled as she plopped down to the couch across Marcel, "We did what you advised - kept a low profile - went all over the city but there's no sign of Elijah anywhere."
"Yeah," Marcel nodded, "The humans I know said the same thing. Maybe Klaus is having better luck?"
"He would've called me already," Cami rubbed her face in pure frustration. She could not believe Elijah had been gone for days now and without leaving a trace.
"Actually," Hayley strolled into the room, "He would not have. Mal would kill him if he did."
Cami quickly turned around for the brunette, "Has he found him yet?"
"No," Hayley shook her head, "But I could use a rescue mission team again."
"For Elijah…?"
"Nope, that's all Klaus," Hayley clarified, "I'm talking about Oliver. Now, he and Elijah were fighting the werewolves together. I've heard that Oliver's been captured and is about to be executed. Now, look- if we can save Oliver, then we might be able to find out where Elijah is."
Marcel thought the plan wrong and made his question, "Kay, so what do you want from us?"
"Just a little distraction. Esther's son, Finn, he's the one that's controlling the werewolves. If you can keep him out of the way, I can go get Ollie myself."
"You can't take on all those wolves by yourself. You'll get killed, and then I'll get killed for letting it happen."
Hayley sighed, "I'm not going in alone. The werewolves may be answering to the witches, but they still have an Alpha. I just have to find him."
"Jackson?" Cami recalled the name of Hayley's supposed betrothed and frowned, "He's been gone for months now. How do you expect to find him?"
Hayley didn't have a clear plan but she knew she was going to find him no matter what, "Are you in or out?"
Cami bit her lip, glancing at the window, "But Elijah…"
"Will be found by Klaus," Hayley assured.
"And Mal…?"
"She sort of has company today," Hayley crossed her arms, "So she'll be pretty safe with that woman. Cami, I really need your help. Can I count on you?"
Cami looked at the brunette and nodded, "Of course," and she motioned for Hayley to lead the way.
~ 0 ~
Amarrah Collins, daughter of one of the heads in the French coven that helped Maleny recuperate, sat on the foot of Maleny's bed intently studying every aspect of Maleny's bedroom. The expression on Amarrah's face led Maleny to believe she was angry - or at the very least annoyed. To be fair, Maleny was also annoyed with her abrupt presence because she knew Isabelle had sent the daughter to look after her.
"You were kidnapped," Amarrah broke the tensed silence in the room, finally returning her emerald green eyes to Maleny, the blonde leaning against her dresser.
"I suppose Isabelle felt the channeling of powers..." Maleny sighed, but was far stunned after Amarrah made a revelation.
"I have been in the Quarter for two weeks now and I am, frankly, appalled with your situation and the Mikaelsons."
"How in the hell does this all powerful hybrid think it safe for you to wander the streets on your own when you could be hunted down?"
Maleny was blinking rapidly, her mind racing to let it sink in that Amarrah had basically been witness to all that occurred in the last two weeks. Amarrah was a genuinely fun person to be around with - a very witty woman - but when she was angry God help the people who are on the receiving end.
"Maleny, I thought this man, though impulsive as you said, was responsible," Amarrah crossed her arms, quite frankly disappointed she hadn't gotten a chance to meet this Klaus to give him a piece of her mind.
"He is-" Maleny meekly began but Amarrah wasn't finished.
"You have been in and out of this compound and mostly on your own. Very few times have I witnessed either the brunette woman accompanying you. My mother was right - you are in way over your head."
"Now wait a minute," Maleny straightened up, "People can't be with me 24/7. I can walk now, Ams, and I have enough power to defend myself."
"That's not the point," Amarrah interjected, "If someone finds to your last corpse and so happens to know witches they can bring you down."
"Thanks Ams," Maleny walked away from her French friend.
Amarrah sighed, softening somewhat, "You know I care for you, Mal, but I am very concerned for you alright? You told my mother Esther was back and, well...she's crazy!"
"I noticed," Maleny sarcastically said back, pretending to fiddle with a cardigan draped over her vanity desk chair.
"And then you were kidnapped. Do you know how crazy I went when I figured it out!? Mal, I was up and ready to call Mum!"
"You didn't actually do that did you!?" Maleny had whirled around in terror of the idea.
"No," Amarrah assured, "But I feel like I should have. I had no idea how to find you without anything of yours."
"I'm back, and I'm okay," Maleny gestured to her perfectly well appearance.
"I am very relieved," Amarrah sternly said, "But I am very serious about your security guards around here."
Maleny groaned and walked over to her bed, promptly letting herself fall flat on her back. She shut her eyes, "Please, not you too. Anyone but you. You're the fun one! The party one!"
"Am not," Amarrah shot her an offended look, "I'm a Police detective for crying out loud! I don't party."
"But you are still the fun one," Maleny insisted, opening her eyes, "And I am begging you not to talk about my 'safety measures'. For all that is good please spare me it."
Amarrah held her hands in surrender, "I suppose I'm not the first one who's brought it up?"
"You suppose right. Everyone does it - it's like the hot news of every freaking day. But oh! There's no one who does it more than Klaus."
"Hm, I guess there had to be something he did right in the midst of all this," Amarrah pretended to mutter to herself and got a whack on the arm from Maleny, "He couldn't be all bad, I meant."
"He's not bad to me, Ams. We can have our arguments and silent treatments but...even when you saw me out in the Quarter alone I knew he was somewhere in the crowd watching me over."
"Seriously?" Amarrah glanced at the blonde, doubtful. She had figured out there must have been a falling out between Maleny and Klaus during the two weeks she had been there, but she did come to believe the hybrid had just let her friend roam the streets on her own. "How would you know that? Did you see him?"
"Then how would you know?" she insisted again.
Maleny smiled to herself, staring up at the ceiling, "Because that's what he always does. It's actually kind of cute that he thinks I don't know he does it."
Amarrah made a face at that but Maleny didn't see it due to her dreamy stare up above, "You have one weird relationship, have I mentioned?"
Maleny sighed, "It's unique. And I like unique. But you know what I would really like more?"
"To actually be in a proper, official relationship."
Amarrah gaped then, "You mean you're still..." she made a gesture with her hand, "...not together?"
"We've been busy," Maleny mumbled, "Arguing...and then solving problems...and arguing...a lot…" at the look Amarrah gave Maleny groaned, "It's not because of him. It's actually my fault."
"How so?"
"It's me being afraid, like usual," Maleny sighed, "It took one of my friends to give me a reality check. I've been meaning to talk to him but there's been some interruptions. But hopefully, when Klaus finds his brother we'll get some free time and I can tell him that I love him."
"I mean...if that's what you want to do," Amarrah scratched her head. Maleny rolled her eyes, knowing quite well that her friend disagreed with her love life. But, unlike Davina, she didn't constantly try to turn her away from it. She understood that it wasn't something she could understand. She was barely twenty six and hadn't really left her ranch town home in France in all of her life.
"I do," Maleny said with absolutely no doubt in her mind.
Amarrah then looked at her again, amusingly smiling, "You have such a weird relationship though..."
Maleny matched her smile, grateful they were slowly falling into their normal selves again, "Hey, at one point in our lives, Klaus and I were normal. It just another story of girl likes boy, boy likes girl."
"Yeah, before boy's parents turned boy into a hungry vampire," Amarrah reminded.
"Something girl also helped them to do," Maleny sat upright and shrugged, "But even after that, it was all good. I mean, there was a point where Klaus pushed me away while he learned to control himself, but eventually he did and we were okay again. All this that's happened, while bad, I wouldn't give up for a 'redo'."
"Seriously," Maleny nodded, "Because if we had stayed human we would have been dead for centuries now. There would be no New Orleans, no Cami, no Hayley, no Amarrah," she nudged the dark haired woman, "No French ranch...no little Hope Mikaelson."
"But there could have been different Mikaelson children," Amarrah didn't fail to bring up, "A child, Mal. Children. And they would be yours and Klaus. You wouldn't have been a step mother to some kid."
"I haven't even met Hope and I already love her to bits so please don't ever make it sound like it would be a burden to care for her," Maleny sharply scolded, understanding it hadn't been Amarrah's intention but she never wanted to hear something like that again, "And as for my own kids...they would've been nice - Klaus and I did have plans - but...it didn't happen. And it's sad, but there's nothing to do now."
Amarrah put an arm around Maleny's shoulders, "You're right, though," she said, in an attempt to uplift the mood she had brought down, "All this may be weird but you do sure love your weirdness."
That Maleny chuckle, "Oh Ams, I've missed you. And I'm fairly crossed you didn't come to me the moment you arrived to the Quarter."
"Sorry," Amarrah retracted her arm and stood up, Maleny noticing the sudden change in her tone, "I got, unintentionally, mixed up in a problem."
"What do you mean?"
Amarrah bit her lip nervously, "Mal, there's something you need to know."
"Okay," Amarrah sucked in a big breath and said it all in one go, "By accident I sort of made myself friends with the man I believe is your almost-boyfriend's older brother."
"Finn?" Maleny's mouth fell open.
"Mhm, please don't tell my mother! She will definitely kill me!"
"Ams, what's wrong with you!?"
"I didn't know who he was until a week ago! I thought he was just some guy renting me my apartment!"
"He's passing himself off as your landlord?" Maleny made a face, beginning to grow angry.
"I swear I was going to handle it on my own but I don't exactly know how to deal with a Mikaelson! Especially with a powerful witch like Finn."
"We'd need more people for that job," Maleny pointed, "But for now, I think you may be able to help out with another problem. Ams, I seriously hate to ask you but do you think you could help one of my friends today?"
"Sure, I guess," Amarrah shrugged, "But what's that go to do with this?"
"Because I'm pretty sure you're the key to helping Hayley save her friend from execution today," Maleny sighed and got up, walking to her nightstand where her phone laid.
~ 0 ~
And so that was how Amarrah found herself opening the door to her apartment for 'Vincent' (Finn) later on that day. Meeting up with this Hayley woman, they devised a plan in which Amarrah would keep Vincent occupied for an entire afternoon while she saved her friend Oliver from dying. That was why her kitchen's sink was an utter disaster.
'Vincent' may probably not even leave until late night came by.
And Finn having no idea who Amarrah herself was nor the trick being played, went right along with it.
~ 0 ~
Maleny read the text message Amarrah managed to send her a couple minutes back. She then texted Hayley to freely move on with her plan to save Ollie. Afterwards, the blonde headed for her room in the compound, still glum she'd been practically sent back like a kid to wait out the danger. Without Klaus, Elijah nor Hayley to 'look after her' Maleny was put under Cami's jurisdiction...though Cami herself wasn't too pleased with the plan. But since Hayley had technically found a much easier way to distract Finn, there hadn't been a need for much backup.
"Still nothing," a distraught Cami walked into Maleny's room, throwing off her jacket in frustration, "I thought Klaus was supposed to be good at hunting people down. Why hasn't he called?"
"Because he's still looking," Maleny said the obvious and earned a mock-glare from Cami.
"This isn't funny!" the blonde vampire exclaimed, "Elijah disappeared without a trace. Esther could be hurting him right now!"
"I doubt it, honestly," Maleny dismissed it casually as she continued ripping out pages from her journal, "Esther can be twisted but her methods are non life-threatening. She just wants them to accept her offer."
"You mean the one to place them, Hayley and I into mortal bodies?" Cami scoffed at the absurdity and went to sit on Maleny's bed.
Maleny sat at the edge and was filling up her area with balled papers, "The very one. Of course for me the offer is to get my previous corpse back and finally end the curse."
Cami shifted to face the blonde, "But can she really do it, though? Can she find your corpse?"
"I don't think she has to look very far," Maleny said and Cami tilted her head curiously, waiting for a clarification. Maleny stopped ripping up papers to look at her cousin, "It took me longer to figure out but I finally did. Esther has had my corpse this entire time."
Cami's eyes widened, "What!? How would you know!?"
"Because she never said to find my corpse, she was always keen on making sure I understood she could end the curse," Maleny elaborated the brief clue but clue nonetheless, "Anyone offering me a deal would begin more specifically by assuring me they would help me find the corpse. She's so calm about this curse and someone who has no pawns to play wouldn't be. She has my corpse somewhere, hidden no doubt."
"And you say this calmly?" Cami blinked rapidly, "If you've known this why didn't you say something?"
"Because I only just realized it," Maleny sighed.
"Are you going to tell Klaus?"
"Eventually, but after he gets Elijah back. Priorities."
Cami gave a nod of understanding. She seemed to be grateful for Maleny's way of thinking. Right now, their main priority was getting Elijah back. She really missed the Original in the sharp suit. Time seemed to pass far slower than it normally would, and it would continue to until Klaus returned with Elijah.
~ 0 ~
"You know, I liked this whole distracting thing," Amarrah chuckled over the phone, making Maleny roll her eyes. She should've figured Amarrah would be laughing over the grave situation. Amarrah always talked about adventure back in France, how she wanted to travel and do new things. Maleny wondered if these were the sorts of things Amarrah was thinking about.
"Well, Hayley says thanks," Maleny stood at the doorway of her room, actively waiting for the return of Klaus and hopefully Elijah, "She got Ollie back. She's in the bayou right now with him and apparently Jackson."
"But you know, speaking strategically, this thing could be good for you guys," Amarrah paused for a minute, "I think he may like me."
"No, trust me," Maleny shook her head, "Finn has only ever loved one woman and I doubt she'll ever make an appearance. You're some type of pawn for him and Esther."
"Oh, thanks," Amarrah laughed for a minute before going sober, "I meant that this little thing your friend Finn has with me can come in handy when you need another distraction - or even information. Haven't you heard the saying? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer?"
"Except I doubt that saying was talking about a thousand-old witch and her son," Maleny leaned off the door fringe and sighed.
"I'm only saying, Mal. It can come in handy."
"Thank you Amarrah, seriously," Maleny said quietly, "And I'm glad you decided to tell me you were here. Though I'm still not content that Isabelle made you come just to keep an eye on me."
"It's alright," Amarrah said, "The entire family's worried about you, Mal. You've been our most precious possession for centuries."
"Because that doesn't make me feel weird," Maleny laughed, her cheeks a bright pink.
"You are, hush! Now, I must leave you for sleep. Goodnight, Mal. And...good luck with your special talk tonight."
Maleny then blushed deeper, "Goodnight Amarrah," she quickly said back then hung up.
Just as she returned to her bedroom, she heard noise from downstairs. She quickly left her cellphone in her room and ran out, barely catching Klaus going into Elijah's room upstairs.
"Cami!" Maleny immediately called for and ran for Elijah's bedroom. Elijah was laid flat on his bed, his clothes torn and disheveled, "What happened to him?" she asked Klaus quietly.
"My mother," Klaus muttered just as Cami hurried inside.
"Oh my God!" the blonde was in horror but nonetheless ran for Elijah's side, "What the hell happened to him?" she didn't know how to care for him, nor even how to touch him fearing she would only hurt him. He was breathing erratically and shifting in his sleep, which Cami figured wasn't really 'asleep' but some sort of trance or spell.
"It was Esther, she had him in the cemetery and did God knows what," Klaus shook his head and headed out of the room.
"How do we help him?" Cami turned after him but remained put.
"I don't know yet," Klaus answered and glanced to his brother, for once having no idea how to help, "Esther said he would be asleep for an entire day, and then...I don't know..."
Esther had shown Elijah 'the error of his ways' and left him in that state. There would be dire consequences and Klaus could only fear what they were.
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twilightbimbo · 4 years
Solstice pt. 4: Twilight AU
Solstice is a Twilight AU with my own OC characters. 
I crouched down on a small cluster of boulders. I felt my lips curl back as I narrowed in on my target. A herd of deer, five of them, grazed the forest greenery. I had hoped that I would get over it by now. I hate killing those deer, I feel bad. There. I said it. Also, they taste kinda gross. It’s just not the same. 
With just a  quick leap off the boulder, I launched myself in the direction of the biggest one. My mom used to yell at me so much for how much of a messy eater I was. I guess some things never change. Gross, I know. 
“Oh fucking hell,” I exclaimed. “I just bought this shirt!” I moaned, hitting the palm of my hand against my forehead in frustration. Blood soaked the upper third of the front of my top and splatters dotted my sleeves. I sat on top of the poor dead animal, dabbing the front of my shirt in vain. I finally gave up and rested my head in my hands, my elbows firmly planted on my knees. 
I felt exhausted. Mentally, of course. Physically? I felt like I could demolish a tank. I had talked to more people in the past thirty six hours than I had in months. 
Suddenly, I heard the soft crunch of a leaf being stepped on in the distance. I stood silently, appraising my early morning breakfast. If my heavy-footed friend was a human, maybe a fisher or hunter, they couldn’t find this deer and get suspicious. I kneeled quickly and made the wound look more animalistic, more feral. It wasn’t hard to do since my messiness helped me in the beginning. 
Curiosity got the best of me, I wanted to see who intruded on my introspective wallowing. I climbed up the nearest fir, finding the best branch with a view that also allowed me coverage. I became still as a statue. 
While the sounds of the footsteps sounded closer, they also sounded lighter. Maybe my friend slipped earlier? I listened carefully as faint grey-green light began to leak through the crowded forest ceiling as I waited. 
Rigor mortis started to set in on the poor animal when the footsteps became loud enough for a human to hear. I craned my neck a bit further to the west, the direction the person was coming from. In one lithe and dramatic jump over the boulders, my guest was directly under the tree I perched on. This was no human. 
The vampire was definitely a woman, she was short but I couldn’t see much else as she wore a long and black hooded cloak. She hesitated by my kill, briefly analyzing it before moving on. I could tell it distracted her, she must be curious about what, or who did that. 
My chest tightened and a phantom feeling of my heart pounding ached deeply. Her vampire scent wasn’t familiar to me, but it didn’t mean that she didn’t recognize mine. There was no way I was followed all the way out to Brookings, much less this deep into the forest. My mind raced as I replayed all my movements over the course of the late night into the early morning. I was certain that I was alone the whole time. 
So who was this visitor? This area of the woods was too far away for humans to be wandering into, so it wasn’t ideal hunting grounds. Maybe they are hiding a body. I’ve stumbled across quite a few discarded meals with the iconic two point bite mark. 
I waited patiently for a long time before even considering relaxing my posture. The sunlight faded as the cloud cover settled deeply into the sky. When the stranger’s scent finally dissipated and I was positive that only the scattering of birds was my only company, I made my way down the fir tree and started to make my way back to town. 
The brief encounter with the other vampire never quite left my mind but I focused on making my new apartment my own as the days of the weekend slowly melted together and passed me by. 
My animal based diet gave me golden eyes when my thirst was down. They looked a bit unusual but allowed me to blend in with the humans. Thanks to my gift, the local coffee shop was hiring. I didn’t need a job but I thought having a job gave me a better chance at blending in. And, it gave me something to do. When I was in high school, and a human, I was a barista. I saved up quite a bit and put it in a bank, my parents prided themselves in teaching me finical responsibility. It gave me a bit of comfort that they had inherited my pocket change when I went missing and eventually declared dead. 
I missed my little sister the most. She’s only fourteen months younger than me and everyone would mistake us for twins. We had the same green-blue eyes and messy dirty blonde hair, but she kept hers way nicer than mine. She was driven, determined, and was wildly competitive. She thought she was stuck in my shadow. I always knew that Margot would do a million times better than me in life. I was right. It’s probably the hardest thing to do every day to not check in on her. 
I wasn’t too close to my mom. She’s too much like me. We’re stubborn, opinionated. We would argue all day and night, but I knew she loved me fiercely. Fierce is a good word to describe Josie. She was the CEO of a record label, climbing her way to the top and taking about every man down along her way, my father one of them. My dad liked that she was in charge and bossed him around. My mom was lean and slender, with a mildly obnoxious boob job. Margot and I got our hair from her, but my mom chemically treated it to be straight. Vanity is a deadly disease in Southern California. 
My parent’s marriage is rocky, to say the least. They took “breaks” often. When I was thirteen I thought they were about to actually divorce but after sticking my sister and me with an au pair for a nearly two months long trip to some private island off of the coast of Mexico things settled down for a couple of years. I never asked what they did down there. 
Beau, my dad, was about twenty one years my mom’s senior. “Spineless bastard,” My mom often muttered behind his back. My dad was quiet and an avid believer in red wine. He spent more time in his cellar and vineyards than he ever did with us, which I didn’t mind. It was pretty obvious that it bothered Margot but she wasn’t one to talk about her feelings. It was a family trait. It’s not like my dad didn’t love my sister and me or anything, in fact in some ways I felt more loved by him than my mom. He just did it in his own way, like making sure my favorite snacks were always stocked or carrying my sister to bed when she stayed up too late studying. 
I wouldn’t call us a happy family, but we were family. I miss them. It made me sad to think about what they about me since my disappearance was framed as drug-related. I try not to fixate on that, though.
I was weirdly excited to go back to school. But, I was also scared. What if I couldn’t control my thirst? What would they say happened on the news? “Crazed teen ruthlessly murders entire class, more at eleven”?
I want to stay. I want a home. I decided I was going to feed as much as possible before my first class. I wanted to be so full that the smell of humans would be overwhelmed. But that could never happen, not for a vampire.  Satisfying our thirst was our number one priority, always. I’ve heard that some very, very old vampires don’t have the same obsession anymore but I find that unlikely.   
My thirst was the first thing I noticed when I came to. My transformation was painful. It felt like I was set on fire and every pore on my skin had a sharp needle stuck through it. I wouldn’t wish that pain on anyone. It didn’t help that I didn't know where I was when I woke up. 
I shook my head rapidly, almost like I was trying to physically get those thoughts out of my head. I was nearly done re-furnishing and decorating my apartment. The large windows were shielded by blackout curtains with delicate lace accents weaved into it. I kept things minimal as possible, light, and beach-y. I updated the furniture to the twenty-first century and hung the one personal item I owned, a photo of my family. The one thing that I probably had too much of was plants. Something had to be alive around here. 
“Are you sure it’s one of us?” I asked again, two days later after Stella announced her discovery. 
“I’m not a dumbass, Sam” Stella snapped. Stella hates when vampires roll into town. We all do. They usually fuck things up and leave us to clean up the bloody mess. Literally. “Also, shouldn’t you be able to tell?” She pointed out. 
It was true, if she was lying I would know it. But, it’s still shocking. We haven’t encountered a nomad in the three years we have lived in this town. When we lived east of Seattle it wasn’t surprising to get four or five nomads a year.
Suddenly, a wave of calm washed over the room. I could see my siblings relax, Esther’s eyes drooped, the new trashy book she was way too invested in relaxing slightly in her hands. If she was a human, she would pass out on the spot. 
“No fair, Sun,” Stella rolled her eyes. 
“This was supposed to be a nice family game night, you kids are ruining it by getting worked up,” Sunny said sternly.  
“You shouldn’t forcibly quiet us,” Stella retorted. Stella hated being told what to do. Sometimes I’m shocked she even chooses to live with us. 
“I didn’t shut you up, I wish I could!” Sun said, chuckling to herself and patting me on my head. “I just calmed you down, you all are children,” 
We sat around the “dinner” table, Sunny at the head with me sitting on her right. The mahogany table was oval shaped with an ornate red and tablecloth runner. Stella sat facing Sunny on the other side of the table glaring at Sunny with hands folded neatly in front of her and her hair braided and resting on her shoulder. Everett sat on Stella’s left staring intensely at her, most likely talking to her in his own complicated gift’s language. Chip and Esther sat together, Esther perched on his lap, engrossed in her book and Chip absentmindedly played with her hair. 
The stars shined brightly tonight and despite the thick coverage from the forest encasing our home, the moonlight lit up the dining room. Our entire south facing wall was a glass with a view of the Rogue River snaking around our home. I paid little attention to Sunny and Stella’s bickering, focusing on the light bouncing off the crystals of the chandelier which reflected rainbows on the walls, reminding me of my skin in the sunlight.  
“Sam, what do you think?” Sunny asked, nudging my elbow. I cocked my head to the side and gave her a funny look. 
“Huh?” I said quickly and then went over the conversation the family carried on that I barely processed while I was zoning out. “Oh, I don’t know about hunting this vampire down,” I shrugged. “I don’t really see the point in doing that, they might just be passing through,” I continued. 
“If they were just passing through Sam,” Stella said sharply, she hated when I challenged her gift. “I wouldn’t feel their presence anymore,” She finished bitterly. 
I rolled my eyes at her and started to fiddle with the dice that came with the game. “Give them a chance Stells,” I mumbled under my breath, knowing that would just piss her off more. She narrowed her eyes and chucked her phone at me which bounced off my head and landed on the hardwood floor, surprisingly not breaking. 
“I do think it would be best if we got the upper hand on our visitor,” Chip said quietly without interrupting his focus on Esther and her hair. 
“What if they are cool?” I asked jokingly. 
“When are nomads ever not a pain in the ass?” Esther teased, poking fun at Chip who is our newest addition to the family. Chip was a nomad for roughly a hundred years. 
“That is a good point, Esther,” Sunny said, her face soft and thoughtful. “It’s worth looking into who this nomad is,” 
“I’ll round up the search party!” I exclaimed, standing up and slapping the table in excitement. 
“We are the search party, dumbass,” Stella huffed in exasperation. 
My family decided to waste their evening arguing about the newcomer and then later doing a run around the perimeter of the town, coming up empty-handed. Stella, Everett, and Sunny returned solemnly, a bit defeated early in the morning. Sam was oddly excited to plan another search. 
“Should we go again tonight?” Sam asked, about bouncing on his feet. 
“Let’s wait until their scent leaves a trail,” Sun said, her decision final. While they were chasing down a ghost, I got ready for my first day of school. My seventy-sixth first day of school. 
Thanks to an old friend in Seattle, all of us had forged official documents so no one questioned us enrolling. In my human life, I was Esther Rosenburg. After joining the coven, all of us took the surname King, except for Stella and Everett who kept Stella’s last name Hayes. Samson, Chip, and I typically went to high school while Stella and Everett did community college. This time around, I switched it up and did community college with Chip while the rest abandoned education. 
“Let’s take a first day of school picture of y’all,” Sam said chortling, slapping Chip on the back. 
“Yay!” I exclaimed gleefully. Stella rolled her eyes, yet again, at us but still helped set up the camera to take a tasteful photo of Chip and I standing in front of the spiral staircase. Chip wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close and kissed the top of my head. I looked up at him smiling and I heard the lens of the camera shutter. 
“Beautiful,” Sunny said, looking over Stella’s shoulder at the digital screen of the camera. 
“Thanks, Mom,” I grinned at her. Chip laughed quietly and squeezed me tighter. 
“Shall we?” He said, taking my hand lightly. I stood up on the tips of my toes, kissing his cheek. 
“We shall,” I whispered. In the human blink of an eye, I flashed to the side table by the door and grabbed the keys of my black Volvo. 
“Be careful,” Sun warned, both of blending in and the possible threat of the vampire in town. 
Our home was on the outskirts of town, tucked deeply in the forest. Chip drove us to school, following the winding road. Trees crowded the sides of the road with fog clinging to the asphalt. Chip and I listened half-heartedly to the morning news by the local public that droned on quietly from the car radio in the background, but nothing disturbing happened to indicate that the nomad vampire was active. 
Chip kissed the back of my hand that he was holding as we pulled into the parking lot of Brookings Community College. I looked into Chip’s red eyes and kissed him. When I pulled away, his eyes were brown and I knew mine would be the same color, even though I could pass with my golden eyes. 
“Master illusionist,” I smirked. 
“You know it, baby,” He winked in response. He got out of the car and walked leisurely around to my door, opening it for me. 
We only had two classes today, Introduction to Marine Biology and World History. History is one of my favorite courses, it’s fun to see how wrong textbooks get it. Chip grabbed my hand and we walked to the light blue science building, weaving between the humans hurrying to their classes. 
As we walked into the classroom, Chip immediately stiffened and pushed me back half a step as he let out a low snarl that only I could hear. My jaw dropped as my eyes landed on a girl with dirty blonde hair and golden eyes whipped around to stare at us, her mouth shaped in a small “o” of surprise. 
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ASKS (28)
Anonymous said: Hi ily💓
I love you too! There is love in my heart and you may take some
Anonymous said: Hey hey hey Amesssss!!! what was the first fic you ever wrote?
Well. Technically the first written piece was a play I wrote at around 13? It was about all of the characters from the Percy Jackson series watching Disney’s Hercules together
My first bat fic was this one, back in I want to say 2014
Anonymous said: You are a snack . So cute ❤❤❤❤
[Lizzo voice] baby I’m the whole damn meal 
Anonymous said: You may’ve done badly but you looked fine as heck doing it. (I’m aroace—I’m not hitting on you, I promise). Besides, everybody has off days. Even lawyers.
akhfasufgdlfeas I appreciate the clarification <3
Anonymous said: For my summer job I went through a lawyer’s disaster of an office and let me tell you. 90% of it was Westlaw printouts. Those things are the effing best. They tell you what’s going on, they give you the info you need, they’re not weirdly complicated and hard to find—Westlaw. It may be prohibitively expensive and a symptom of the flaws in our legal system, but by golly it’s the best option.
When you hit that “forms” button......... the magic....... the beauty.....
andromeda270 said: My legal research class got us two free weeks of westlaw(I’m still in college) and when I didn’t finish a paper I made a free trial for the wrong site but they emailed me anyway asking if I was interested in buying and could they talk over the phone. I fessed up and they gave me another free week to work on a paper for some class
That’s how they get you!!!!
collidinglegends said: Lexis is shinier, WestLaw is better
Amen babe
Anonymous said: Please sleep
Who’s got the time
Anonymous said: hi !! quick question . I’ve followed you for a while and i think i asked you this previously but im not sure... do you write Duke ?? would you be comfortable writing him if i sent in a prompt including others in the fam ?
Sure, if I like the prompt. I write Duke every once in awhile, although I wouldn’t say I’m confident doing it. He’s a fairly new character and I stopped reading weeklys about the time I hit law school three years ago
Anonymous said: Hope you feel better soon... I'll pray for you
Ah thank you friend I appreciate you
areverieofchaosdreams said: I'm probably pretty late to this cause I'm not great at time, but your thing is making All the Feelings tm. But in a good way. You and dapanda were the first batfam blogs I ever followed, and it's been a helluva ride. Your way of writing things just pulls me in a way that few do, so thank you. :)
A single tear falls from my lashes, followed by several more because I cry a lot 
hades-in-a-handbag said: Your thing is being the embodiment of goth mom energy Don't know if it's just your literal handle or what but you're so encouraging and motherly and also dark and emotionally scaring with your writing. Very sweet, very spooky
goth mom energy 
Anonymous said: Omgggg ames, ginny is so grown up!!!!!
She is! She’s a teenager 
morallyunequivocal said: not a prompt but oh no i just made myself sad with that last ask
that’s a mood
Anonymous said: You make plushies? Wtf, how did you get to be so talented and adorable at so many things. You’re amazing and I hope law school goes well.
Oh you’re so so sweet
Anonymous said: What law school things have you learned that you could see the bat family deals by with?
Well, I’ve had to take classes about forming and maintaining businesses, finding tax loopholes, writing and litigating contracts, and real property. Those are all things that WE would deal with on the regular. I also took classes on juvenile and adult criminal law, evidence, and police misconduct, which all seem Bat-relevant. At this exact moment I’m taking family law, which would include adoptions, and I have in the past taken classes about trusts and estates.
Anonymous said: Noooooooo no nono 🙏🙏🙏 dont ignore her 💔
Bad kittens get ignored instead of cuddled
crayolapumpkins said: hope the printing isn't too boring !! + I'm loving the fics , your work is always *chef's kiss* !! thank u for ur hard work ✨✨✨
[heart eyes]
Anonymous said: Since you have a big brother and a tiny sister, with that huge gap, what do you feel when you see those Dick & Damian fics or headcanons where Dick sees Damian as both a brother and a son? I know it's kind of canon now, but fandom has even gone as far as having Dick adopt Damian in various situations. Their age gap and their positions in the family allows for that kind of dynamic and I know it's reality for a lot of people too. But what's Your opinions on this? And maybe your brother's?
Huh, that’s a good question. My littlest brother and I are ten years apart, and Dave will tell you flat out I’m his favorite sibling because when I’m home we do everything together. I think the thing those fics are collectively missing is that there doesn’t need to be a brother/father hybrid because the role of Older Sibling With Age Gap is already its own distinct thing. 
Dave and I don’t have the same dynamic as the kids I actively grew up with. We had very limited contact during his growing up years, because I was off at school. Now that he’s a teenager, we communicate like adults but with the caveat that I am In Charge. I dictate the agenda, and I make the decisions unless I choose to delegate them. 
I’ve indulged a request about an adoption before, but I don’t really like that idea very much. Like I said, I don’t feel the need to add “father” into a dynamic that already exists on its own. 
hollyhock13 said: Listen. You’re a middle kid, but not the middle middle kid. You’re towards the older end, but not the oldest. Maybe second or third, depending on how many siblings you have
Anonymous said: That is the coolest blanket I've ever seen!!
Isn’t it just 
Anonymous said: We're having a big adoption event tomorrow in Houston and we sent all the animals in our shelter down there. Our supervisors are in Houston too so us few kennel techs left at the shelter are scrubbing the place from top to bottom. We have music playing on the loud speaker and just ordered pizza. It's a great day. :)
Anonymous said: Pls continue the Tim and hallucination Damian thing im on edge
Anonymous said: Bls bls bls continue the tim hallucinating dami fic, bc its killing me in the best way. My heart. It hurts. That shit hurted.
Anonymous said: Ames, thoughts on the new joker movie?
I haven’t seen it, although I probably will when I get the time
Anonymous said: Idk if this is a secret, more like a guilty confession. I really, REALLY hope Damian turns out asexual, or at least romantically unattached. I LOVE that most of his good interactions are with his vaious Bat siblings, Jon, Maps and his pets. Everyone loves shopping him with varuova characters and it makes me hesitate to share my opinion incase I'm looked at weirdly. But having a character I look up to be asexual would be amazing.
I would really like that too anon
Anonymous said: what do you think about Drake & his new outfit?
Anonymous said: Alfred Pennyworth is the baddest bitch
You are not incorrect
bruciewayneisbatman said: Amy and Kenza are the bittersweet queens of this fandom. The both of you are absolutely evil and tooth-rotting sweet at the same time. I love you two for that, btw.
<3 thanks Esther 
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honestgrins · 8 years
Coming Home || Klaroline
Klaroline Infinity Day 5 - Fusion
He left his depressing family legacy for a reason, and even Mikael's death couldn't make the funeral home business an attractive prospect. An old flame, on the other hand, just might be the push Klaus needs to make a change. (Six Feet Under AU)
"You want me to what?" Klaus wondered if his mother had finally gone insane. It figured she would wait until after Mikael died, when he might actually bear to come home again to visit her - the keyword being 'visit.' "I'm not staying in Mystic Falls to help Elijah run the business."
Esther regarded him coolly from across the breakfast table, imperiously stirring her tea. "Your brother is quite versed in the business dealings, but he's never had your artistic hand," she explained. "Without Mikael to do the restorations, we stand to lose potential intakes."
Jaw slack, Klaus processed just what she was asking. "I'm a painter, not a mortician."
Mikaelson Funeral Home was well respected in the community, somehow despite the coldness of Mikael Mikaelson. His terrible father, in name only, managed to fool the neighbors into seeing him as a businessman caring for those in their darkest time. No one understood what Klaus did, that Mikael got a perverse pleasure in gouging a grieving family for every cent they had just to bury a loved one.
"Don't be silly, Niklaus," Esther dismissed with a wave of her hand. "You're hardly making a steady income in New York, and you can paint just as well here. Mikael, for all his faults, he always knew you were suited to this work, which is why he made you assist with the embalming during your school years."
"Which is why I fled to New York the first chance I got." Klaus stood abruptly, nearly knocking over his chair. "I can't do this right now."
Just before he could leave, though, Esther pinned him with a knowing stare. "If you're going to town, please stop by the market. I'll text you a list."
Klaus slammed the door on his way out.
After storming out of the house, Klaus found himself wandering the town he hadn't missed at all. He enjoyed seeing his siblings, especially since he seemed to miss so much of Henrik's life; the quiet teen was hardly the little boy he left behind ten years earlier. And as much as he enjoyed his life in New York, his career hadn't taken off as he hoped and his savings were dwindling faster every day.
Still, moving home felt like defeat.
He sighed as he ducked into the market for his mother's list. Acquiescing might be a sign of weakness in his resolve, but Klaus had to admit she made a good case. His experience in the bleak, basement workshop of Mikaelson Funeral Home was a valuable trade, as reluctant as he was to say that Mikael did him any favors.
To seriously consider staying, Klaus would need to straighten out the licensing requirements for Virginia; his ten-year-dormant apprenticeship probably wouldn't matter much to the state. Restoration was more delicate and invasive work, and only Mikael's political connections Klaus to learn the intricacies as a student without official mortuary schooling.
Partnering with Elijah would be its own hurdle as well. The prodigal son returning to the family business was scandalous enough, but Klaus's natural abilities already exceeded those of his elder brother who never dared to leave in the first place. He worried that Elijah wouldn't be so amenable to the idea as his mother was adamant.
Lost in his thoughts, Klaus turned the corner to find crackers only to bump into a smaller body, sending a flurry of blonde curls to the floor. "Pardon, love," he said, automatically bending to help the girl up. He froze when he recognized her light giggle.
"No worries." She stood up, brushing off her jeans before meeting his shocked gaze with one of her own. "Klaus."
"Hello, Caroline," he greeted, still in awe to find his high school sweetheart just where he left her. "I thought you went to school in Chicago."
Clearing her throat, Caroline shifted uncomfortably as Klaus's eyes couldn't help roving over her. "I did, but I just moved back home last year," she answered reluctantly. "What about you? Last I heard, you were opening a gallery in New York."
"Just contributing," he clarified. "Mother and Henrik finally convinced me to visit after-" Klaus luckily didn't have to explain his new freedom in light of Mikael's death the month before; he could tell Caroline understood by her sober expression. "Anyway, there's not a lot left for me in New York."
He wanted to ask about her, a luxury Klaus had refused himself since all but abandoning her after their high school graduation for the greener pastures that turned dull once he no longer had Caroline in his corner. It wasn't her fault he needed to leave, but she was the one to cut all ties with him.
Perhaps if he had told her about his plans before, or at least said goodbye. But she had looked so beautiful, happy to shed her cap and gown so she could organize the event clean-up. He hated to watch her smile fall as he explained about the small inheritance from his birth father, money he planned to use to establish himself up in the city - alone.
It wasn't that he wanted to leave her; he just didn't want to screw up the future she had meticulously laid out for herself. So, he left with a final kiss on her cheek.
And looking at her, ten years older but no less beautiful, Klaus had no idea how he managed such a feat.
"You look well," he said, rubbing his neck awkwardly. "Are you…"
Klaus trailed off, too many questions bouncing around his head to ask only one. Just like old times, he could see her irritation growing: her eyes narrowed, her arms crossed, her foot began to tap. Unlike old times, however, she sternly remained silent opposed to the burst of anger she couldn't hold back for long.
When she raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to answer, he had to bite the bullet and ask the question that scared him the most. "Are you happy?"
It must have taken Caroline by surprise, though he wasn't sure why. "Um, I-" She stopped herself, eyes wide as she seemed to be seriously considering her answer. A tear pooled at the corner of her eye unexpectedly. "I should go."
"Wait, Caroline." He reached for her wrist before she could flee. "Please."
"I don't owe you anything," she snapped, pulling herself free.
Klaus held his hands up peacefully. "I know," he admitted.
Softening, Caroline loosened her stiff posture ever so slightly. "Sorry, I'm a little on edge." She swallowed, as though unsure whether to continue. "I wasn't expecting to see you, ever again, and now you're here the day…"
"The day…?" he prodded gently. Klaus was never a warm person, but Caroline always seemed to be his exception. "Sweetheart."
She scoffed, crossing her arms again. "Today, Mom asked me to go back to Chicago," she finally answered. "I moved back to help during her first round of chemo, and she's officially in remission as of a few hours ago. I was stocking up for our celebration tonight."
Glancing down to her cart, Klaus noted Caroline's favorite ice cream among the various snacks and bottles of wine. He worried he was misunderstanding her, too afraid to hope. He kept quiet, waiting for her to fill in the blanks about what leaving Chicago had to do with his sudden arrival.
"God," she sighed. "I was actually thinking about staying in this godforsaken town, only for you to show up and remind me why I was so ready to leave all those years ago."
Klaus frowned. "Fair enough, I suppose," he muttered. "But you want to stay?"
"I like my life here." Slowly, the anger dissipated from her eyes as she spoke. "I'm working at the news station, an on-air reporter. It's a much better gig than the production assistant job I had in Chicago. I also help to advise the journalism club at the high school," she said. "It's been nice to feel like a part of the community again."
"That's the part I don't miss," he admitted. "The anonymity of the city was leaps better than the gossip on every corner here." Klaus could see at least two older ladies whispering and watching them have this very public conversation.
"Hello, Mrs. Fell!" Caroline called mischievously, wearing her 'kill them with kindness' smile. The ladies quickly found another aisle to continue shopping, leaving Klaus and Caroline to chuckle amiably with each other. Her smile sobered, though, when she glanced up at him. "So, when do you go back?"
Smirking, Klaus toyed with the rim of her cart as he edged closer. "Funnily enough, Mother doesn't want me to."
Caroline's face fell slack in surprise again. "W-what?"
"She wants me to help Elijah with the business," he explained. "I was actually considering it when I bumped into you."
"You hated it here!" Her whole face scrunched in utter confusion. "Why would you- How could- Why?"
Klaus shrugged, enjoying her familiar and expressive behavior. "New York isn't everything I wanted it to be, and it'd be nice to be around the family without Mikael poisoning everything." With his heart in his throat, he took another step toward her. "Do you maybe want to get lunch tomorrow?" Before she could even begin to formulate a reply, he rushed to assure her, "I know today is about your mom, but I'd really like to catch up."
Watching him shrewdly, Caroline was quiet for a long moment. "Okay, the Grill at noon," she agreed quietly. "I should get going, though, the ice cream is melting."
As though he couldn't help himself, Klaus tugged lightly at a curl lying on her shoulder. "I'll see you tomorrow, Caroline."
He watched her go, pleased at the small smile tilting her lips. For once, he felt hopeful about staying in Mystic Falls.
Maybe he should take his mother up on her offer after all.
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forevercaroline · 8 years
The Pantry
For @scarlet-fire1918 Who when I told her the idea she loved it and was so excited. Xxx Klaus Mikaelson opens the pantry door to get powdered sugar for the brownies his seven month pregnant wife needs when he quickly shuts it and turns around. His wife Caroline is at the island putting a brownie and some chocolate covered caramel popcorn on her plate. Caroline is craving chocolate. "Did you get the powdered sugar?" "No the pantry is occupied at the moment." "What do you mean occupied?" Caroline opens the pantry at the same time the kitchen door is opened and both her and Klaus run into the pantry. And join Klaus's older sister Freya and her boyfriend Lucien who happen to be naked. Freya is behind Lucien while he has a cereal box in front of him. "What are you doing in here and why are you naked?" "Funny story while you guys were out shopping and the brownies were in the oven the chef was eating lunch with the rest of the staff and Lucien surprised me with flowers and we end up on the table and when we heard the door open the staff scattered and we ran in here." "Why were you on the table we eat there and why didn't you just run up to your room?" " I told you he surprised me he's not supposed to be here father hates him and we didn't run upstairs because one we were naked and two everyone would of seen us." Freya and Lucien have been dating for almost two years. When Lucien was first introduced to Mikael and Esther he made a really nice first impression but Mikael wasn't having it in his eyes Lucien was trying to take his daughter away. Every opportunity Mikael has he says something nasty about him it got so bad Freya told him she broke up with Lucien. He's not allowed to come to holidays, birthdays, graduations, anything that could possibly have Mikael and Esther in attendance. "We need Rebekah." Klaus is confused why his older sister needs his younger sister. " Why?" "Just please get Rebekah" The pantry was not build for four people to be in and definitely not one who is pregnant. All this food is making Caroline and the baby hungry and she left her snack on the counter. " How are we going to get Lucien out of the house he's naked and the chef is a gossip. If she sees Lucien she's going to tell the housekeepers and they can't keep a secret to save their lives. Plus if Mikael sees him he's dead." Xxx Klaus and Caroline go back into the kitchen and the chef Sophie is cooking dinner. "Mr. And Mrs. Mikaelson is there anything I can get for you?" They shake there heads and Caroline picks up her plate of chocolate snacks. Xxx They enter the living room and Klaus goes over to his sister while Caroline sits next to her best friend/sister in law Elijah's wife Katerina. "We need to talk." Klaus and Rebekah go by the window " We have a little problem Freya and Lucien are naked in the pantry and Freya needs you. " Rebekah looks over at her boyfriend Enzo they've been dating for a year. She brought him home to meet Mikael and Esther. " Fine make sure father doesn't threaten to kill Enzo...Oh wait I'm not Freya I'm the spare daughter so he doesn't care if I date anyone I could of brought home Enzo's friend Damon home and he still wouldn't care." Klaus pushes his sister towards the hallway " Just take care of our sister." Xxx Rebekah is walking to the pantry when Sophie sees her "Miss Rebekah do you need something?" Rebekah turns around and thinks fast " Chocolate, Caroline wanted chocolate curls on her popcorn. I told her I would get it I remember mother saying she bought some for Caroline." Rebekah enters the pantry to the sight of Lucien's naked back with her sisters legs around his waist. " Thanks for asking for me and I can see why you keep him he has a great butt." Lucien grabs his cereal box and turns around while Freya puts her arms around his chest " Bekah we need clothes and is there anyone in the kitchen?" "Sophie she's making lasagna." Freya has her head on Lucien's shoulder but reaches down and eats some of the cereal in the box Lucien is holding in front of him. " I have a plan Caroline and Katherine distract Sophie, Elijah and Klaus stand I front of the door so Sophie doesn't see him leave, while you, Enzo, Kol and Davina keep our parents out of the kitchen." Rebekah goes to leave when she remembers what she told Sophie and grabs the chocolate curls. Xxx When she gets back to the living room she tells her parents that she heard a crash coming from upstairs. Both Mikael and Esther going rushing to see if anything broke. Rebekah then turns to fourteen year Henrik and asks him to leave telling him it's an older sibling thing. Henrik rolls his eyes and goes to his room. " We have a problem Freya and Lucien are trapped in the pantry naked and Sophie is in the kitchen and we can't let father know Lucien is here." "So how do we get them out of the pantry." Rebekah tells them Freya's plan. Xxx While Rebekah is trying to find their clothes Mikael and Esther come back downstairs and Mikael starts to head to the kitchen. They need to stop Mikael Klaus looks at Caroline who nods. She grabs her stomach and groans " It's to soon she can't come yet." Everyone looks at Caroline. Katherine and Klaus help Caroline to the ground Caroline whispered to Katherine that this was a distraction. " Mikael as grandfather you have to deliver the baby." Esther is concerned about her daughter in law " Did you say she your having a girl." Caroline nods as she fake breathes deep and squeezes Klaus fingers. Rebekah couldn't find their clothes so she grabbed some of Klaus clothes he left when he moved out and some of Freya's clothes from her suitcase. Klaus sees Rebekah go into the kitchen and nods to Caroline. Caroline is moaning on the floor while Mikael is kneeling in front of her. " The pain is gone I'm not in labor false alarm." Xxx Rebekah sneaks back into the pantry while Sophie has her backed turned. She once again sees the back of Lucien except this time instead of holding Freya up he's kneeling on one knee. "I'm done pretending to be broken up and not being allowed to go to family functions with you. I will stand up to your father if I have too but I'm done pretending. So my lovely Freya the love of my life will you marry me." "Yes of course." Lucien picks her up and kisses her. Freya whispers his ear " I'm done pretending too and your the love of my life." Rebekah is so happy for her sister but feels a little uncomfortable. " Congratulations and here are your clothes. I suggest you get dressed quickly I don't know how much longer Caroline can fake being in labor." With the confused looks from both Freya and Lucien Rebekah explains. "Mikael was heading to the kitchen and we needed a distraction. So Caroline is faking labor." Lucien put on the jeans and reaches into his pocket and doesn't feel anything. " Theses aren't my clothes. I had a ring in my pocket." " I couldn't find your clothes so I gave you a pair of Jeans and a Henley Klaus left behind." As Rebekah is coming out of the pantry Sophie turns around from putting the lasagna in the oven. "Everyone keeps coming in and out of the pantry today. Did you find the chocolate?" Rebekah nods and goes back Into the living. Xxx Lucien crawls out of the pantry and to the back door and opens it enough to get his body out. While Freya tries to sneak past Sophie who is getting the plates out of the cupboard. Freya casually sits down next to Henrik and Mikael notices her right away. " Freya where have you been?" " My bedroom. I was reading and lost track of time." Freya found her phone sitting on the table when she left the pantry and its in her lap and it rings. " I can't leave I don't have my keys." Freya looks up from the text and Mikael and Esther are looking at her " Is everything ok?" "Yes I'm going to go check if dinner is ready." Xxx "Sophie i overheard the housekeepers talking about you." "What have they been saying its all false. I love cooking for your family and have never stolen things. Camille and Hayley steal things when Mr. Klaus and Mr. Elijah come to visit." Freya was not expecting that " Ok well you better go tell them to stop spreading lies about you also tell them to not steal from my brothers." Sophie rushes out of the kitchen and Freya rushes to the back door and let's Lucien in. " Did you find my jeans." " I didn't look I had to get Sophie out of the kitchen hurry we don't have much time." Xxx They found his shirt on the other side of the kitchen. They found his jeans under the table. The timer on the stove goes off as Lucien is placing Freya's princess cut engagement ring on her finger. " We need to get you out of here now." As they are about to open the door Sophie comes in " Miss Mikaelson, Camille and Hayley weren't talking about me. Why is Mr. Castle here?" Freya scrunches up her nose and turns around " Is there any way you could pretend you didn't see this." Mikael and Esther come in to the dining room upon hearing the timer, but they can see into kitchen and see Freya and Lucien. Everyone tries to stop them but it doesn't work. "What is he doing here. Esther where did the housekeepers put my gun?" " Mikael you don't have a gun." " Sophie give me a knife I told Lucien if I ever saw him with my daughter I would kill him." Freya put her hand across Lucien's chest " No you can't kill Lucien." Esther notices her daughters left hand across Lucien's chest " Freya are you engaged?" Freya smiles down at her ring " Yes I'm marrying Lucien." " I forbid this marriage. You two broke up. He is not worthy of you." Lucien knows he shouldn't say another but he has to tell Mikael this. " Mr. Mikaelson I love your daughter so much. I would never do anything to hurt her." " Father I'm done pretending I love Lucien we have been living together in New Orleans for a year and a half." Esther smiles at her oldest child " Congratulations Freya." " Thank you mother." Mikael storms out of the room furious his oldest and favorite child has been lying to him. Esther rushes after him to try to calm him down. While everyone else surrounds the newly engaged couple to celebrate. Half an hour later Mikael returns to the dinning room and Sophie who kept the lasagna warm in the oven serves it to them. All throughout dinner Mikael is glaring daggers at Lucien.
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Caught In Between 20. One More Loss
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Summary: Athena Dumont has finally found a place to call home after many years of foster homes and traveling. She had finally tamed her supernatural side and just wanted to live a normal teenage life. She quickly discovers that there is nothing normal about her hometown, Mystic Falls and gets sucked right back into the supernatural world.
Post Date: 09.29.20
Word count: 2k
Based off: 03x20 “Do Not Go Gentle”
CIB Masterlist
It was the night of the decade dance and as much as I didn’t want to go. I knew I needed something to distract me. As soon as I woke up, I got a text from Caroline asking me to help with finishing touches for the dance. Again, another thing to distract me. Plus I think Caroline would kill me if I didn’t help. I get ready and head over to the school.
“So Alaric is trying to pull himself together. Why is that a bad thing?” Caroline asks Elena as she makes her rounds.
“Just I wish there was something I could do. Where do you want me to hang this thing?” Elena asks picking up a small chandelier.
“You know what?” Caroline takes the chandelier from Elena. “If Rebekah wanted to hang this monstrosity, she should have shown up to do it herself. Just no,” Caroline hands the chandelier to a girl. “What are you doing?” Caroline asks Matt and Jeremy as you and Elena sort the drinks.  “You can’t just hang them. They’re supposed to trickle down,” Carline says as Matt mocks her. “Look at them all bromancey,” Caroline says as she watches the boys hang the stars.
“Yeah, I asked Matt to help Jeremy readjust. He got him his old job back at the Grill,” Elena explains.
“That was nice of him,” I say still organizing the snack table with Elena.
“Mm-hmm. Jeremy’s got a lot on his mind. The whole thing with Alaric has got him really stressed out,” Elena says.
“You sure it had nothing to do with witnessing you and Damon getting hot and heavy in a skeevy motel?” Caroline asks as I raise my eyebrows in agreement.
“I didn’t tell you guys that so you could torture me with it,” Elena says.
“Ah, what are friends for?” I ask as we laugh together.
“So who are you two bringing to the dance?” Caroline asks.
“What do you mean?” Elena asks throwing a black boa over her shoulders.
“I thought us three and Bonnie were going as girl dates,” I add.
“Bonnie has a date,” Caroline says.
“What?” Elena asks just as confused as I am.
“Jamie called and wanted to see her, so she asked him,” Caroline explains. “So here’s a thought. Why don’t you ask Stefan, Elena? And Athena, ask Klaus?” Caroline suggests.
“You’re joking right?” I ask back in a more serious tone.
“Yes I’m kidding, but you could always ask Jeremy or Matt as like a friend date,” Caroline chuckles.
“I don’t know. I’m fine on my own,” I respond.
“Well, if not I’d be glad to be your honorary date,” Caroline says.
“I’ll keep that in mind, thanks,” I respond.
“Well whatever you choose, I want you to have fun. Elena?” Caroline says shifting her eyes to Elena.
“I--I can’t ask him on a date. I just made out with his brother,” Elena says making her voice quieter.
“All the more reason. Like you’re supposed to be figuring out what you want. That’s what Stefan wanted you to do, right?” Caroline asks.
“Yeah, but--” Elena starts.
“But nothing. I’ve watched ‘The Bachelor’ Ok, fair is fair. It is Stefan’s turn,” Caroline says.
“Yeah, and you’re not biased or anything,” Elena says clearly knowing Caroline is on team Stefan.
“I’m sorry, but Stefan is your epic love. And I’m not going down without a fight,” Caroline says.
“I’m on team Stefan with Caroline. Stefan deserves a chance,” I say. We spend a few more hours on the finishing touches before we all make it home.
I spent the last few hours before the dance sketching on the, great quality might I add, sketchbook Klaus gave me. Once the time came I got dressed in a red and black 1920s inspired dress. Even though I came to the dance alone, I was prepared to have a good time. I walk into the gym with lively 20s music playing and students dancing.
Caroline notices me standing off on my own and to no surprise, she comes over, “Come on, just because you don’t have a date doesn’t mean you can’t have fun,” She says.
“I don’t care and neither does Tyler. Come on,” She pulls me in to dance with them. Soon enough the music slows down and I let Caroline and Tyler have their moment together.  I stand off to the side watching them and the other couples dance. But soon enough I see Klaus walk-up in an all-white suit.
“Where have you been, mate?” Klaus asks making his way to Tyler and Caroline.
“I just got back in town,” Tyler responds as I make my way to them.
“That’s funny. I don’t recall giving you permission to leave in the first place,” Klaus says. 
“Now if you don’t mind. I’d like a dance with my date,” Klaus says.
“She doesn’t have to if she doesn’t want to,” Caroline answers for me.
“She’s not your plaything too,” Tyler says as well, stepping in front of me.
“You two shouldn’t mind as you have eachother,” Klaus says.
“Why do you always have to prove you’re the alpha male?” Caroline asks annoyed.
“I don’t have to prove anything, love. I am the alpha male. Come on, let me have one dance with her. I won’t bite,” Klaus responds, holding out his hand for me to take.
“I’ll be fine Caroline,” I say and move towards Klaus. I take his hand and he pulls me further into the crowd, slowly spinning me before he slips his arm around my waist and starts to slow dance with me. 
“You would have loved the 1920s, Athena. Girls were reckless, sexy, fun,” Klaus says into my ear. “They literally used to dance until they dropped,” He says as he sways me quickly to the right, turning me around. 
“Ha, are you referring to when I literally blacked out that one time?” I ask, remembering the parties we used to attend.
“Maybe. I’m leaving town tomorrow. I want you to come with me. I want to show you what the world has to offer, I know you want to travel,” Klaus says as our eyes meet. 
“You know I can’t,” I say looking into his eyes. I notice his face fall flat before it shifts into an unhappy look.
“You will one day. You can’t keep fighting it. I know you want to see the world, and I know you’ll want to with me,” Klaus says before storming off. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to get a handle on what just happened.
“You ok?” Caroline asks coming up to me.
“Yeh, I’m--I’m fine. It’s just the closer we get, the more I feel the pull. It’s getting really hard to fight it,” I respond. 
A few minutes later I find myself being dragged out of the gym by Damon, “Wha--what the hell?” I ask as he pulls me.
“Esther put a boundary spell on the school. Bonnie is working on breaking it,” He explains.
“And I have to be dragged into this why?” I ask.
“Because we want to make sure everyone is accounted for,” Damon states.
“Klaus wants to make sure I’m safe. That’s it, huh,” I say stopping myself and him as well.
“No, we--” Damon starts as he tries to pull me.
“I know it’s Klaus. You guys want to kill him so what’s the point in keeping track of me if I’m just gonna die with him?” I ask.
“You know what. We’re not getting into this. We need Bonnie to break the spell so we can find Elena,” Damon says and walks away.
“Well, if you opened with that. I would’ve been more than willing to tag along,” I say following him. We make our way into a classroom where Bonnie is chanting something in front of lit candles.
“She does this all the time, right?” Jamie asks.
“What’s taking so long? All boundary spells have a loophole,” Klaus says before anyone can answer Jamie’s question.
“People are walking right out of the dance, past the barrier,” Matt says bursting in.
“Well, if Matt and I can leave, we could stop Esther ourselves. We just gotta find out where she is,” Jeremy responds.
“Suicide, Jeremy,” Stefan responds. 
Klaus quickly moves to hold Jamie by the throat, “Suicide would be disappointing me. Now work your magic, witch, or I’ll start killing people you fancy,” Klaus says with haste in his voice.
“Let him go,” Bonnie demands.
“Not until you get us out of here,” Klaus responds.
“Ah, don’t be stupid, Klaus. Bonnie doesn’t give a damn about us. The only reason she’s helping right now is to save Athena, Caroline, and Tyler. If you start killing the people she cares about, she’ll tell us all to go to hell,” Stefa states. Not soon after Klaus reluctantly lets go of Jamie.
Clearly because breaking the boundary spell wasn’t working, we decided to go with Jeremy’s plan instead. As I didn’t want to stress Bonnie any more than she already is, I make my way to the gym, where Tyler and Caroline were.
“Hey, how are you guys holding up?” I ask.
“We’re fine, you?” Caroline asks back.
“I’m fine too. I just hope Elena is ok,” I respond.
“Athen, I need to tell you something,” Tyler says from the bleachers.
“What’s up?” I ask.
Tyler looks around cautiously before speaking again, “I broke the sire bond,” He whispers.
“You did how?” I whisper back. But before Tyler could speak a word, Stefan comes strolling in.
“They’re at the old cemetery. Jeremy and Matt are headed there right now,” Stefan explains.
“You let them go? They’re gonna get themselves killed,” Caroline says.
“We didn’t have a choice, Caroline, We’re useless right now stuck in here,” Stefan quickly responds before turning away with a stressed position.
“Hey, she’ll be fine,” I say from the bleachers.
“Elene always manages to find her way through this stuff,” Caroline adds.
“Yeah, well, I’m just as worried about what Esther’s up to. SHe led Klaus here for a reason. If she succeeds in whatever she’s doing--” Stefan says.
“Klaus could get killed… and Athena and I die along with him,” Tyler interrupts.
“No one’s gonna die, ok? Bonnie’s still looking for a way around the boundary spell. It’s not too late,” Stefan responds before walking off.
“So, best-case scenario, Bonnie gets us out of here, Klaus hauls ass to Timbuktu, and we’re home free,” Caroline says making way to Tyler and me on the bleachers.
“Or we let Esther come and kill him,” Tyler states.
“That’s not a best-case scenario. That’s not even a remotely acceptable scenario,” Caroline responds.
“It would be an option if we knew he wasn’t the one who turned your bloodline,” I say.
“Exactly, you’d be safe. At least he’d be gone,” Tyler adds.
“How could you say that? Both of you?” Caroline asks back.
“Because I’m angry. Because I hate him. He hurt me more times than I can count,” I respond before walking out of the gym.
“How’s the breaking boundary spell going?” I ask making my way into the classroom, Bonnie was in.
“Esther’s still fighting me,” She responds before chanting again. Soon enough Bonnie stops chanting and looks of confusion fill her face.
“What happened?” I ask.
“She stopped fighting me,” Bonnie responds.
“So, that means the boundary spell is broken then?” I ask.
“Yeh, I’ll-- umm go let everyone else know,” She says walking off. 
A few minutes later Bonnie and I get a text from Damon to meet him at the cemetery. Once we got there the whole gang was standing outside of the tomb Alaric was in. We all knew he wasn’t going through with the transition and so we used this time to give him the send off he deserved. We watched as he disappeared back into the tomb before all heading off on our own ways.
I head back to the Salvatore house and get ready to settle into bed. No longer wanting to think of all the pain the Mikaelson family has done to us, I just lie in bed and try to fall asleep.
A/N: Again just a small but important filler. I hope you guys enjoyed this part.
🏷: @tristanacarry​ | @commentaryfanfic​ | @april-14-blog​ |  @simonsbluee​ | @awkwardspontaneity​ | @keiko0​
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