#we got a lesbian we got a nb lesbian and we got a gay dude
squishylemonblobs · 1 month
Dude I saw the similar experience you had to me and... I fucking hate when people pull the "I'm not gonna force anyone to identify in this way! I'm just gonna say that you actually are anyway!" Same shit got pulled with me! "I'm not gonna force every nb person to self-identify as trans, I said they are trans" like bitch that's the same shit. "Some people under the umbrella might not want to identify as that but it makes no sense to voice that you do not identify as that!!" BITCH that's the same shit!
Also ig that person should know it's not on non-aptobinary people to clarify how they identify to avoid confusing aptobinary people. It shouldn't be on you to clarify "I'm not nonbinary because both of my genders are binary, BUT there are some bigender people that do call themselves nonbinary!!" every time you say you are not nonbinary. I guarantee you those who use the nonbinary umbrella don't always clarify "but some x people don't identify as nonbinary!!" when they say they are nonbinary. So objectively both are doing the same amount of "harm" to the other (which is, none, confused people can just ask for clarification if they see some multigender people call themselves nonbinary and some say they aren't.)
(just a note though: part of why I personally called myself nonbinary wasn't just being multigender; I'm not a man and woman, I'm a woman and aporagender so my being nonbinary was kinda a specific identity too)
yeahhh it's like... i think the original intention some people have is to say, like, "this experience is not a cis one, therefore it can be classed as trans" - but then because that is the case most of the time, they feel confident in jumping to "therefore it is always trans; anyone who disagrees has internalised hate" (or swap out whatever other labels are being discussed)
and it's like. i dunno, what happened to admitting you don't understand someone's experience but respecting it anyway, rather than trying to explain and rationalise how it "should" be? being an exclusively gay man i don't understand the experience of being attracted to women, but i'm not gonna go up to a lesbian and say "hey why are you into women? i'm not into women, i think that's weird" - i would rightfully be kicked in the nads for that lmao
YEAH i wanted to say that soooo bad but i wasn't sure i could do it gracefully lol!! i think i also mentioned that i can't speak so introducing myself is already hellish enough when it comes to things in-person, and i have some cognitive problems outside of that so i don't always do good at explaining myself even through text and writing. it's an effort that i can't really go through, and wouldn't be likely to yield helpful results even if i pushed it.
like i said, if someone has limited their view of "nonbinary" as "just neutral" or "exclusively agender" or whatever else, i can't just fix that with any amount of introductory spiel. that's something that takes discussion, and probably a pretty long one!
i think there's a point to be made that people who use "nonbinary" as a means of degendering do it specifically because they see it as "neutral/nothing", but even when that is exactly the case, again that's not an attitude or a line of thought that a little spiel will change.
and if someone's not going to respect bigender people, they're going to not respect regardless of if a given bigender person says "i'm nonbinary" or "i'm not nonbinary" - it's the being bigender at all that's a problem, not how it's labelled.
hell i once had a trans man say to me that depiction of a particular character as a male-female bigender man, especially while transmasc, would "muddy" the masculinity of said character, while himself depicting another character as male-female genderfluid. we sorted it out in the end but i'm still just fucking baffled as to how that line of thought even started - like a blatant admission of thinking that we aren't really who we say we are, that our genders are "incomplete." as if i don't categorically have more gender than him LOL.
and yeah that's fair, i'm blanking a little on what exactly i said (aforementioned cognitive problems) but i get you i think! i try not to be shortsighted myself but sometimes my brain fails me lol. (i worry it's hypocritical but i do try to understand where i went wrong instead of doubling down..)
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dysiver · 7 months
Playing witcher games in 2024 is funny dude bc you have canon lesbians, canon gays, canon nb characters, and powerful female characters that casually go 'yeah why do we need men we've been alive for centuries men are just for sex' and even one of the playable main characters is bi and she flirt with girls and boys. and if you prefer, you can make your geralt aro or aroace lmaoo I'm surprised people back then didn't scream about 'diversity' and 'woke' LOL
Cuz the woke movement only started when angry white men realized they aren't the main character anymore and got all the homophobos of every race to follow behind them
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The Empath
Throughout this journey, the Empath has no name, and no memories, however their role in the world was still incredibly important, for it was to protect all of Tamriel. The Empath is kind, gentile, loving, and all around a good soul. They can feel the emotions of those around them, and can sense foreboding, or unease in the air. Though they do good in the world, they still wish to know who they are.
2E, 718
The Empath is supposedly born this year.
2E, 737
The Empath, unconscious on the side of a road, is woken up by another Khajiit named Randarji, and the Empath has no memories. They tag along with Randarji as the only person they know in a world now unfamiliar to them. Randarji calls the Empath “Dear” until she finds out their name.
The two end up adventuring across Cyrodiil together, exploring caves and ruins, and helping people out. The Empath finds helping people to come naturally to them.
2E, 738
The two grow rather fond of each other, and form a relationship.
While adventuring, The Empath has a vision after finding the symbol of Kazin-Dar on a ring. They keep the ring, as they feel it has significant meaning.
Randarji wonders if perhaps the Empath’s memory problem is in relation to daedra. She suggests finding a daedra worshipper and asking them about it. First, they read up on the different daedric princes.
In a dream, the Empath is visited by Sheogorath, who has taken an interest in the couple’s adventure. He asks a favor for a reward of the wabbajack. The Empath refuses the staff, and instead asks for information on who they are. Sheo agrees and tells them of what they need to do: find an argonian named Gathers-Flowers and ask him where he gets his flowers. When he answers a certain way, allow him to join them, and take him to the shrine of Sheogorath. The Empath agrees and wakes up. The two do what the prince asks, and when they arrive at his shrine with the argonian, Sheogorath is there in person, and proposes for Gathers-Flowers to come to the Shivering Isles, where he will be safe from the people who hurt him. The argonian agrees, and a portal opens which he enters. Sheo asks the khajiit couple to come with, since his reward is still in need of giving, and they go with. Sheo offers to enter into the Empath’s mind and help her find her memories, and they agree. In the Empath’s mind, the two walk down a path of memories, all from after they had woken up. They get to the memory of them waking up, and cannot go any farther, but the Empath feels a wave of sadness flood them, leading them to know that they were devastated from something before losing their memories. They return to the waking world with only that clue and nothing else. The two khajiit thank Sheo and return to Cyrodiil to continue their adventure and hopefully find new information.
2E, 739
The two reunite with Gathers-Flowers, who is vacationing in Cyrodiil. He joins the two on their journey.
The trio go to Morrowind after being attacked by cultists of Hermaeus Mora, and finding information that they came from the province in search of the Empath.
They find a shrine to Hermaeus Mora, and the prince speaks to them saying that he has been watching them for a while. He introduces himself to the Empath as the prince of knowledge, fate, and memory. The Empath asks if he could help, since their memories were erased, and he says that he can. Randarji, however, sees right through this ruse, and tells her two companions that they need to leave. The daedric prince appears as a mass of tentacles, and drags the Empath into Apocrypha. Nothing is heard from them for the next year as Randarji and Gathers-Flowers go on a quest to free them.
2E, 740
The two find the Empath wandering in the forests of Valenwood, shaken and disoriented. They have a heartwarming reunion, and the Empath details their time in the daedric realm, and talks of their escape. They say that they had received help from a strange man in the realm who also desired escape, but in the moment of truth, he could not come with. They also found out that their memory was erased in part of a prophecy, “empathy shall overcome apathy, and when that is done, peace will rule all.”
The trio resume their exploits, and as they journey they find a cloud hanging over the people, as if their motivation has been drained.
During their journey, they realize that apathy is taking over, and that the Empath is the one who must defeat whatever is causing it.
2E, 741
The Empath has a flashback to Vashjhad’s time after finding a dark elf who had the necklace that he had. The dark elf introduces himself as Dorin Verayon, which causes the Empath to have another flashback to meeting him, and his betrayal. Dorin realizes that they are Vashjhad’s reincarnation, and tries to kill them, but is knocked out by Gathers-Flowers. The trio leave the scene after The Empath takes the necklace.
One night, they get a dream from Stendarr, who tells them that apathy is growing in strength. The Empath asks what he means, and he tells them that like how they are empathy incarnate, there is one who is the personification of apathy. For Apathy to be defeated, the Empath, now called Empathy by Stendarr, had to have their memories wiped clean, to be pure of heart and mind, and once Apathy is defeated, they will regain their lost memories. Empathy and Apathy will meet at the heart of Tamriel, and all will be brought peace.
Empathy wakes from the dream, and tells Randarji and Gathers-Flowers that they need to return to Cyrodiil for the final confrontation. On the way, they explain to the two what happened.
The trio come to the Imperial City, and almost everyone they come across are apathetic. They realize that the confrontation between Empathy and Apathy is almost here. Empathy hears a voice call out to them, and sees Dorin coming to them. He says that he is Apathy, and has come to challenge them, taunting them that he has killed them once before, and will do so again. The two battle, and Empathy manages to defeat Apathy. In a blinding light, Tamriel is returned to a world of emotion and peace, but the flash blinds Empathy.
Empathy gets a dream that night, and Stendarr restores their memories, and Empathy finds their name, but wants to remain Empathy as a token of their successful mission. As well, they find out why they were sad before their memories were wiped, because their family had been attacked by cultists of Hermaeus Mora, leaving them to flee to the road they woke up on. They ask Stendarr about the memories of their previous lives, but he tells them that that is something he is not associated with. Empathy asks one more thing, that their name and family memories be erased, so as to not deal with the pain, but keep the memory of them asking this of the Aedra. He does so, Empathy awakens, and they resume life.
The trio continue to travel across Tamriel, helping out people and exploring old ruins for treasure. Empathy continues to get visions of their past lives, still unknowing of what it means.
Gathers-Flowers returns to the Shivering Isles, after saying his goodbyes to the two khajiit that have been his best friends.
Empathy learns about the reincarnation cycle after a series of flashbacks, and dedicates their travels to searching for more information. This, however, does not get resolved.
2E, 746
Empathy and Randarji are attacked by a group of bandits, and Empathy is killed by one of them, thus continuing the curse of Kazin-Dar. Randarji buries her partner by the place she first found them.
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heeyjuuuude · 4 years
i went for a walk around campus with a friend from high school today and it was fine we were dying a bit from the heat and he was walking kinda slow but it was fine and then this guy on a skateboard rounds the corner and he’s shirtless and i said ‘ugh why do guys just take off their shirts in public’ and without any hesitation my friend went ‘so i can stare at their abs’ and i haven’t stopped thinking about it
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deada55 · 2 years
I worry that writing all this out might actually make me lose steam on this project, but I've been thinking really hard about ladyklok and reality tv. I also love women.
I preface these headcanons by saying that I've thought a lot about these names, and there's one that's really undecided. Honestly I took a little bit of a Naoko Takeuchi approach and made them after my favorite types of girls, and I tried to diversify while maintaining a similarity to Da Boys.
We got Natalie (it was this or Shannon. idk why. Shannon. she'd be a fucking terrifying shannon) Explosion. I entertained the thought for five minutes that she'd sound like Morgan Lander. She's not built, but you know those women with straight, square, beautiful shoulders and big boobs and big arms? Rugby girls? Yeah. Her weight fluctuates, as does Nathan's, and so do their own attitudes towards it (Because You CAN be Bad-Ass And Also Have Body Issues They Are Not Mutually Exclusive.) Another odd factoid is that their hair would actually change the most in length and style for tours compared to everyone else. She's bi and demi and nb (she/they) and lowkey a girlboss, with the least yassified connotation possible. It's hard getting a band full of amazing, hurt women to keep from feeding into each other's drama and crying 24/7. "Unprofessional" is the new "gay." Bc alt wxmen are so Gay.
Stina. Stina Skwigelf. Unsexy name to the American, but she's been a big PR driver while the band was fighting the media during their come-up. Lots and lots of public sightings with different famous and ordinary dudes helped stir up controversy and raise record interest, but she's only so much of a trollop as she thinks men can actually deliver on what they claim, so not as often as she'd like. She's almost six feet tall. Absolutely gangly, but she has a natural pose to her that's *chef's kiss.* You know Surfeta fucked her self-image up. You know how she looks at herself in the mirror, but there's nothing more empowering than a pleather bikini top and matching pants. She's proud of herself. She's talented and beautiful. Cis, heteroflexible. Natalie has hit it. Pickles watched.
Ok. I really am struggling with what to call Toka/Trana/Aslaug, but. It's hard growing up Like That, and it's harder when you're not prepared to be like what we expect from modern, Western women. She's incredibly bubbly and playful, her fight/flight/freeze/fawn reaction is to fawn and fawn so hard. Knows how to make soap with lye. Horrible fingernails. No hair has ever left her body: she doesn't think about it, and waxing fucking hurts! Sincerely doesn't want to wear a bra, please. The fashion sense is just L. L. Bean everything but Worse. Small figured but 5'8", has an interesting posture, BIG feet. She/her, bi, a simp, maybe grey-ace. Prone to incredible "lashing out" and attention seeking behavior (ever watched Bad Girls Club? Ever heard of Ripsi? That's this girl.), but she doesn't really mean it against anyone when it happens. Still, leads to huge escalations with...
Tamara (Tammy) Murderface. I love it when she's got the Cool Curly Lesbian Shaved Sides but it's honestly too good to be true. We're repressing being a lesbian so hard that our hair looks like dogfaced "Believe" Cher-hair doing a Roseanne cosplay. We wear gold hoops, though, because they're cute as fuck and make us feel like a real somebody. She's a total pear shape (and we DO buy them with the cellulite yes ma'am), but that doesn't stop F-cups. Her and Natalie battle it out, but it gets tricky since Murderface has smaller ribs but wears the wrong size bra (like Natalie does any better when they're not just custom.) RIP this poor, poor lesbian. She thinks she's straight and "I just get bi when I'm drunk, you fuckin' lesbos!" Trana/Aslaug/Toka kissed her once and she thought she was going to Simply Die, So Blessed They're besties. Murderface simply struggles, but Natalie has conflict avoidance down to an anxious science. They're Not going to go there. They keep separate dressing rooms for a reason. Except for Aslaug/Trana/Toka. She's in Murderface's or Stina's. Sometimes Natalie's. Always on MySpace.
Pickles. Oh, Pickles. Aging really, really well. Beautiful hair, great performance quality, super cool... She had Toka/Trana drooling for a week. One time her and Natalie fist-fought and it was legitimately incredible how it made their friendship fully develop. She'll outdrink you, but that's not new or surprising. She/her, but anything works. Probably pan. huge feminine lean. Also you know she has gauges. She's pierced. Everywhere. She looks so fucking cool. Stare at her forever. Stina could never. Pickles had a centerfold back in the day, but her talent is indisputable. It simply wasn't a media issue. She might be divorced.
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tigerhart · 3 years
phoenix wright - bisexual trans man, chose the name phoenix for himself in like 3rd grade, you cannot change my mind about this
miles edgeworth - gay unfortunately cis dude that i am willing to gracefully bestow the label of demisexual upon. can also be trans if the mood calls for it but tbh we know von karma would not let a trans kid in his house
maya fey - lesbian. definitely nb. spent a significant amount of time worrying about her powers when she realized she wasn't a woman and is hyper-sensitive about it whenever she has difficulties
mia fey - bisexual trans woman you know it to be true. yes phoenix had a t4t respect-based crush on her for like a year before it began feeling weird yes she clocked phoenix at the doug swallow trial and thats one of the biggest reasons she took him under her wing
dick gumshoe - disaster bisexual, probably cis but we can respect him just as much as the normal characters
franziska von karma - lesbian. one of those (extremely valid) lesbians whose gender is lesbian. if she was ever asked the question "are you a man or a woman?" she would say she's a prosecutor. my evidence is that she is completely fine with gumshoe calling her sir, and also that she is a lesbian
kay faraday - bisexual transfem/nb. definitely either ironically or unironically identifies as crowgender (this is something i respect especially because she is 17 and well she is just very special to me)
lana skye - they LITERALLY told us that mia was """academically""" interested in her in college wtf of COURSE she's a lesbian
ema skye - u might be shocked to hear this from me but she's an ace lesbian. probably nb too but never actually explores it because it does not cross her mind she's got bigger things to worry about who cares about gender when you have luminol testing fluid
larry butz - token cishet. get him tf out of here. one of the first people to accept phoenix as trans and also uncomfortably transphobic sometimes it gets awkward
will powers - bear
adrian andrews - trans lesbian. you literally cannot tell me she wasn't in love with celeste that's fucking bullshit
diego armando/godot - bisexual. just fucking look at him
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let’s talk about lesbophobia in fandom
i don’t like to use the word “lesbophobia” unironically because of all the gross radfem terfy connotations, so i will clarify right off the bat that i am neither a terf nor an aphobe and that if you are i want you off my blog like, right now. unfortunately, the meaning of lesbophobia has been so warped by alt right lesbians that seeing it in an unironic context makes me, a lesbian, uncomfortable, which speaks volumes in itself. so to clarify, lesbophobia is essentially homophobia with a pinch of sexism thrown into the mix, and it’s running rampant in supposed safe spaces and, more relevantly, fandom. 
/i’d also like to clarify that i’m not only speaking on lesbophobia, but also the general disgust and disdain for all wlw in fandom, and am using it as a sort of umbrella term/
lesbophobia and disdain for wlw has been around forever, but whilst gay positivity, mlm and mlm ships have been steadily increasing in popularity within fandom over time, wlw and wlw ships have remained perpetual underdogs. why? because lesbophobia has become a fandom within itself. both in and outside of fandom, we see instances of casual lesbophobia every single day—from aggression towards wlw to something as simple and prevalent as the complete and utter lack of sapphic ships and characters in media. hatred of lesbians and wlw is practically a trend, and it’s seeping in through the cracks of fandoms who are already facing issues with minorities and marginalized groups (i.e. racism, ableism). if you honestly think that lesbophobia isn’t prevalent as hell in fandom right now, you’re either not a wlw, you’re not all that involved in fandom, or you’re dumb as shit. 
just look at ships. in almost every single fandom, the ratio of mlm ships to sapphic ships is ridiculously unbalanced. people are quick to ship male characters who so much as smile at each other (and i don’t condemn that) but would never do the same for two women—even on the rare occasion that the ship is actually canon. i once wrote a wlw fanfic for a [predominantly straight] fandom, and received messages like this gem:
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on the flip side of that, if there is a sapphic ship in canon or fanon, it is often fetishized and sexualised to a disturbing degree. there will be double the amount of nsfw art and fics, and ninety percent of it will be derogatory and fetishized as hell. having been actively involved in several fandoms over the past few years (and currently a content creator in one), i’ve seen instances of all this hundreds of times. people go crazy for mlm ships, but the second you say you ship/prefer a wlw ship, there’s always someone at the ready with, “i think all ships are great!” or “it’s not a contest” or “i prefer [insert m/m or m/f ship] actually” or “they’re my brotp!/why can’t you just let them be friends?”. not only do lesbians and wlw not get to have any rep in media, any rep that they try to create for themselves in fandom just gets attacked or ruined. this is so detrimental not only to all wlw, but especially to younger wlw who will end up being indoctrinated into this belief that their sexuality is something dirty, something that can never be tender and sweet but rather something that deserves to be preyed upon. 
building on that, let’s talk about engagement. i run an instagram account (where i have a significantly bigger following) as well as this blog for my fandom, where i post the content i create (mainly text posts). when i first started creating content, i made a lot for a relatively unpopular wlw ship, in which both girls are canonically romantically involved with a dude—though one of them is canonically pan. their canonical m/f ships are both very popular, and i noticed that my engagement was dropping every time i posted them, so i eventually just stopped. it wasn’t even a conscious decision; i merely resigned myself to the fact that the fandom didn’t want to see sapphic ships, and some people would even go as far as to condemn them. for reference, my instagram posts get an average of about 500 likes per post (popular ones usually exceeding 1k), but when i post this ship, my engagement drops to about 250 likes. similarly, my tumblr text posts have an average of about 140 notes per post (popular ones usually reaching up to 750), but my wlw content rarely surpasses 100. this just feeds the cycle of wlw never getting rep: if, like me, content creators become disincentivised by the lack of engagement with their sapphic content, they’re more likely to stop making/posting it, leading to further lack of rep—and when new content creators try to rectify that, they face the same problems. 
and then, of course, there’s the treatment of actual wlw in fandom. my best example of this is when my friend and i made an anti account on instagram (the first instagram anti account in that fandom), our bio saying something like “salty and bitter lesbians being salty and bitter”, and received an onslaught of lesbophobic insults and threats from angry stans within hours. (tw: r*pe) one commenter even went as far as to tell us that they wanted us to get r*ped. as well as this, i’ve seen so many instances of people using slurs against lesbians in arguments/in anons, often for no apparent reason other than they feel that they have the right. when i first mentioned i was a lesbian on instagram, my account only had about 200 followers, and within a day i lost 20. i also lose followers whenever i post f/f ships, not quite to that extent but enough for it to be noticeable, on top of the aforementioned engagement dips. in the face of all this adversity, i think a lot of wlw turn to mlm ships because they’re the closest thing we have to actual rep, but when we do we get accused of fetishizing them by the same people who fetishize us. there’s an endless list of double standards that non-wlw have been upholding for years, and i can firmly say that i’m really fucking sick of it. because of our sexuality, we will never be allowed to enjoy something without someone labelling it or us as dirty or otherwise problematic, when to them, the only problematic thing about us is that we aren’t pleasing men. 
as i mentioned before, the lack of rep for wlw in media is appallingly consistent, and part of that stems from tokenism. in a lot of modern mainstream media, you’ll have one, maybe two lgbt characters, and nine times out of ten those characters are white cis male gays. of course, there are exceptions to this, but generally, that’s it. script writers and authors (especially cishets) seem to have this mentality of, “oh, well, we gave them one, that’s sure to be enough!”, which means that on the off chance you do get your gay rep, the likelihood of also receiving wlw or any other kind of rep becomes practically non-existant. this belief that all marginalized groups are the same and that one represents all is what leads to misrepresentation on top of lack of rep, which is what makes tokenism so dangerous. if you treat your only gay character badly, you are essentially treating every single gay person badly in that universe. so not only is lesbophobia and disdain for wlw harmful to sapphic women via their exclusion in media, it’s also harming those minorities who do get rep. when people try to defend lesbophobic source material, that’s when fandom starts to get toxic. the need for critical thinking has never been more apparent and it has also never been less appeased—and wlw are getting hit hard by it, as always.
finally, a pretty big driving factor of lesbophobia is, ironically, lesbians. my lesbian friends and i often joke that though everyone seems to hate us, no one hates lesbians more than lesbians do. though i’d say it’s most prevalent on tumblr, i see traces of it all over the internet. the growth of alt right lesbian movements is not only reinforcing hatred for lesbians, but also reinforcing hatred for bi and pan women. here you have these terrible lesbians using their platforms to express their disgust for bi/pan women, for aces and aros, for trans women/nb lesbians, and people see them and say, “gosh, lesbians are just awful.” and just like that, all of us are evil. occasionally, lesbian blogs that i follow get put on terf blocklists for no other reason than the fact that they have “lesbian” in their bio. and the lesbians that actually deserve to be on those blocklists? they’re too busy spewing misinformation about trans women and bi women to care, boosted up by their alt right friends in an ever-expanding movement. i’ve found that this heavily influences fandom on tumblr, lesbians often getting branded as “biphobic” when they hc a female character as a lesbian rather than bi or pan. this criticism of both lesbians and wlw by lesbians and non-wlw alike only ever allows lesbophobia to grow, both in and out of fandom. that said, lesbians aren’t to blame for their own discrimination; rather, many of us have been conditioned into subconsciously endorsing it after spending our entire lives hearing heterosexual platitudes about lesbians and sapphic relationships. homophobic cishets are and always have been the nexus of this oppression—the only difference is that now they can hide behind alt right lesbians.
one thing has been made apparent to me throughout my time in fandom, and that thing is that no one likes to see men “underrepresented”. people hate sapphic ships and lesbians so much because there is no room for men, and men Do Not Like That. so, like the worms that they are, they slither their way in, be it through fetishization or condemnation of wlw characters and ships, and they ruin whatever good things we have going for us. the thing about worms, though, is that they’re easy enough to crush if you’re wearing the right shoes.
so to all my bi/pan gals and lesbian pals: put on your doc martens, because we’ve got ourselves some lesbophobes to stomp on. 
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What is your opinion on straight passing privilege? I (bi) don’t think it exists, but a close (lesbian) friend of mine insists that it does bc “You can hold hands with your SO (nb cis passing man) in public without risking being the victim of a hate crime.” I have been researching but keep seeing this same argument coming up, and I’m unsure and don’t want to be making anyone upset if I’m being ignorant here.
I think that there's a lot of fucked up internet politics around who is and isn't allowed in the community. Which is ridiculous.
Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Pan, Poly, Ace, Aro, Trans, Intersex, etc.
The only people who shouldn't be in the community are cishets, and pedos, none of that 'it's a sexuality' nonsense, it's predation.
The concept of straight-passing is ridiculous, primarily because it's all based on assumptions. If you're in an m/f relationship, and you are both cis and heterosexual, it's straight.
But here's the catch, if you identify as any LGBPT+ then it's not straight.
Two trans people in an m/f relationship is not straight passing.
Two bi people in an m/f is not straight passing, it's queer babes, it's in the name. If you're bi and your partner is like, straight, it's still queer from your side of the fence.
It's the 'pick a side' argument from another direction, this straight passing nonsense. Where you are villified by the straights if you have a same-sex relationship (or fetishised, let's be real, every part of the acronymn has it's own p*rn category aimed at straight people with a kink), and if you have a relationship with the opposite gendered person, the queer community gets cranky.
Two things:
1) Is this friend between 13 and 25? Bc they could still be working this out or being mentored by t*rfs, or had some bad info. IT could be jealousy or fear of being open where you live. Perhaps you could question what makes her say that; has she had a bad experience, or did someone say this to her. where are you Are you in america? are there snake wielding jesus warriors near you? Blink SOS if you need an escape route, child
2) Who wins when everyone in the queer community is divided and policing one another? Telling everyone off for dating this person or that person or not at all
I didn't get an invite to the big queer conference to make these decisions, so like, they're not valid. It's some pocket of internet active idiots who think they can speak for everyone.
What we need to do is stop pulling this bullshit on one another and get back to asking just why the fuck it's not okay for people who are perceived as not-straight or cis etc to hold hands in public.
There's a problem for every facet of the acronym, babes and dudes and theys. Lesbians are heavily sexualised by straight cis dudes. Gays are heavly fetisihed by straight cis women. to the point where even saying 'I'm gay' is considered to be an obscene, sexual act that you should not let children be exposed to.
And there's always someone from the opposite gender who thinks they 'are confused' or 'haven't met the right (gender) person yet', or 'they could fix them with their magic genitals' or mumbled religious nonsense. There's such intense stereotypes that people can't stand women who look butch, but also you can't 'really' be a lesbian unless you are' or gay men can't just be, like, a normal dude, instead of some flamboyant in-your-face charicature.
Of course people who match the stereotype exist, too. And they get no respect for fitting into the stereptypes either, it's just another reason for disrespect. There's no winning.
Bi's can't talk to anyone without hearing a question of a threesome come up or being attacked from either side for coice of partner.
Pans, same, but also kitchenware jokes. Both Bi and Pan are considered sluts and whores and can't decide or are going to cheat, etc. Or the 'you're being special snowflakes', 'choose a side', 'you're secretly gay and won't admit / you're secretly straight and want attention' etc.
Ace/Aro - everyone under this banner gets the whole 'you just haen't found the right person' or 'when you're older/you're a late bloomer' or 'how do you know?' or 'maybe you're straight/gay and haven't worked it out yet?' invalidating them completely and trying to push sex onto them. The queer community has always let Ace and Aro in under the Bi banner, and they are welcome. But the internet community, usually young people, are tearing each other to shreds over it lmao.
Non-binary, trans, intersex. They have been here for ages, but people from one community try to destroy their credibility, despite them existing since humanity has. It's big on p*rn and fetish sites too, lot of straight dudes think these things are hot and sexy, but would spit on trans people in the street. Hypocrites (I mean, every second low-brow comedy movie out there makes a thai-l*dyb*y joke, and how it 'doesn't count' like yikes).
Nb has only just been recognised, which is funny bc society literally made up gender and the rules and pretended that was how its encoded in DNA lmao.
Transpeople have it bad though. Between the cis straights, the cis queer community (primarily t*rfs and those who fall for misinformation) and the fetishists, and the medical community who treats them like an illness rather than people. Like, they are afforded respect if they 'pass', but even then it's still an EW factor.
Transwomen are seen as 'men in dresses who want to break into women's spaces' and treated horrifically; assaults are very high. Transmen are seen as butch women, and 'gender tr*itors' by the Crazy Motherfuckers we mentioned before; their assaults are high. They're not considered Real People unless they meet the ridiculously high standards for each gender; unless they perform Right.
I remember, but did not understand at the time bc I recall i was little, that there was a gameshpw bachelorette style and there was a big twist. You know what the twist was? That the bachelorette they'd been dating and trying to win over... was trans. I don't think that she knew it would be the big twist, either; of the two men remaining, bother were angry and one might have been sick. Might be on youtube.
But like, that's funny to the non-queer community. They put a huge fucking target on this woman's back, put her in danger of being hurt, abused, killed, by anyone who watched it. By the men who she had 'lied to' as they chose to frame it, of their weird white american families who could have sought revenge. Like yikes.
And intersex people (called h*rmaphrodites for a long time even by medical personnel) were also a p*rn category and/or medical curiosity for centuries. Not to mention all the cases of parents who just went with 'make them a (specific gender)' if there was mixed presentation, at birth, and got mad at the kids for being like "Hey so, you flipped the coin wrong and I'm ___" even thought the potential for this was always on the cards.
And the parents often make a big messa bout how their baby ___ is dead and gone, even if they DO accept the person/child as who they really are. It's like, I get it they have changed but you didn't mourn their first haircut or lost baby tooth like this and that was change too, chill.
Straight-passing is a projection and a weapon. Like, is it the people in the relationship's fault that society looks at the pair and decides they are m/f, straight and cis? Nah, it's what people are conditioned assume and that's on them.
We can't bring it into the queer spaces and keep perpetuating that shit, because it's nonsense. Queer people are dying in other countries and your friend wants to being smart-assed about the fact you hold hands with your nb datemate in public?
Nonsense. That's right up there with t*rfs and the gold-star bullshit that was going on for a few years there. Probs still is among the younger people lmaoooo.
'Passing priviledge' is a myth, and it is used to hurt people. Vulnerable people and those who need support / guidance and assistance from their queer communities more than ever. So try to talk to your friend or try The Whole Friend disposal services, either way, chill.
The real issue here is that any of us are at risk of a hate crime for daring to even show affection in public. That even in safe spaces, 'allies' and those wise enough not to be openly homo/trans/bi/pan/ace/aro/other phobic are still side-eyeing you and wanting to talk 'for you' without listening to the community itself.
We have bigger issues than this, and your friend (and some others on the internet) need to get a grip and prioritise.
[Insert strained analogy about being pro-child but childfree in a suburb where everyone got married out of high school and anticipates you and your partner will too, no matter how often you remind them No Thanks. But you babysat the other day and people thought you and your partner looked like 'naturals' when you took child to the park and played with them. And you remind them, hey, chill, we like kids too but it's not for us. And they get pissy and pushy.]
I can only point it out from my perspective, I'm certain there other queer people from the above acronymn community who can present their thoughts on the matter to and what it means to them.
Thanks for the question, good-bi.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 4 years
Please tell us abt yr dnd characters holy shit
im in the process of making aesthetic blogs for them too so like ...... check out my main if you want em @turntechgodhcad 👀
-mod dave
ok so my first one is my chaos elf. glenn meldarion is my stupid idiot bitch boy and i love him and he lives in the woods. hes a rogue and hes chaotic neutral, hes 20, hes aroace, and naturally hes an amazing shot with a bow and arrow. also his full name is glennodad gonk meldarion and each of the names has a meaning
i looked up some elvish translator a while ago and “glennodad” translates to “jared”. jared 19
“meldarion” translates to “dave”. so his name is Elf Jared Dave
“gonk” is the name of my worm on a string so his middle name is gonk
theres nothing particularly angsty about glenn, he doesnt have a sad backstory or anything but he sure has a dumb one. so this fuck head ass starts out on a vegetable / fruit farm and hes minding his own business, he hunts for meat and stuff, and what he doesnt eat he sells. so hes got his own little market goin on but hes not exactly the most Popular of the vegetable sellers because yknow everyone and their mom on the edge of town is a vegetable seller so while glenns not selling fruit hes pickpocketing. and ONE DAY he pickpockets a Haughty Noble and gets caught. so this dude is like “ok” and places a little bounty on his head and hes run out of the town by this nobles goons and shit cause He Wants Payback, so up until he finds a home he just bounces around the woods from kingdom to kingdom camping out and shit. and he still pickpockets
my SECOND boy is named cas, full name casteris emsworth, and hes human, hes my beautiful baby son and i love him and hes a druid (circle of the shepherd) !! hes a neutral good, hes 19, hes got himself a little Knife and hes bi !! and hes . very 👀 at this one tiefling of banes (if yall dont know bane thats my partner ^^).............his names lucas and oh boy cas has the Big Gay...............
cas’ main focus in his druidism is just plants. like people have specific focuses for some of their characters, cas just fucking likes plants. he absolutely excels in potions, and he fucks around with alchemy too. he keeps this big ass tome of plant sketches that hes seen on his travels, and he bakes bread when hes stressed and hes really good at writing! and hes fucking terrified of Really Big Fish . 
his backstorys kinda sad but not really fleshed out; he was raised druidic in a kingdom that outlawed magic, his family got Found Out, they were ordered to be executed and cas escaped. usually this is where people would get vengeful and angry and wage a personal war against the kingdom, but cas doesnt have an angry bone in his body and instead went fucking asap to another place to keep practicing in his parents’ names !! he stayed with a cousin until he got a little hut of his own and now hes just Vibing. his main goal right now is to recreate this potion that he did. he was just fucking Mixing Shit and he grew a baby ent. and now hes like. Hellbent on trying to figure out how the FUCK he did that
then i have a fire genasi whos kind of just in physical character development right now, his name is mathias ganteoran and hes a fighter !! hes 21, chaotic neutral but a Different Flavor than glenn, more Harsh, he fights with a bo staff, his hair is Literally Fire and hes trans demi and gay
mathias is the Grumpy Friend who Doesnt Have Time For This Bullshit but he gets roped into a bunch of stupid stuff anyway and its really great. also he has a rebellious streak and hes just Big Punk. or at least as punk as 1394 can get. also i know for a fact that the way he did his top surgery was that he just went up to some magic friend of his and went “de-tit me” and they did and long story short Magic Top Surgery .
also i didnt have a name for him for six months and i called him “motherfucker unlimited” until i named him
aaryn mendalyn is my next character i love her so much shes my triton, and i really want to use her in a campaign soon. shes a monk (way of the open hand), chaotic good, 19, pan as hell, and this bitch has GAUNTLETS !!!!!
and let me tell yall aaryn is here to do three things and three things only. punch the fuck out of things, party like a rock star, and EAT DIRT
she has a bit of a backstory that involves dirt actually, so shes kinda got a little mermaid complex going on but not cause she finds a guy or smth. so tritons as a species act really superior cause theyre underwater and shit (think amporas) but aaryn always thought “but hm. the land is pretty cool. it has dirt, we have dirt but wet, its the same shit??” so she decides “ok im gonna go be on land now” and she just fucking loves the dry dirt. shes not worried about what her family will think cause shes really fucking impulsive and hey if she doesnt go back then she doesnt go back. she is having the time of her life
for the characters that are still in progress, and all of their info is “X until further notice” cause i still have a lot of research to do on these species and classes
i have a 21 y/o lawful neutral nb lesbian aasimar cleric named kirijah whose entire aesthetic is half-victorian, half-classical, all sun / clouds. theyre trying their best to be poised all the time but god theyre confused as to why they hang out with these people
then theres my 19 y/o chaotic neutral-turned-good human witch named myra !! shes my only character with a homebrew class so im gonna have to figure out how to work with that. shes an aro bi demigirl, and she doesnt have a Full backstory but i Do know that she was definitely forced to commit a Major Crime, it left her fucked up, and now shes trying to move in a new way better direction. so now shes the cheerleader of her friend group !!
and FINALLY my latest and least developed, my DWARF CLARISSA !!!!!!! shes a barbarian, probably neutral, DEFINITELY chaotic, im probably gonna end up making her trans (if i write her character well enough that is. i want to flesh her out to where it makes sense cause i really want to avoid the “barbarian trans woman” stereotype, obviously thats really fucking harmful) and out of the seven she is the ONLY one with a brain cell
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cow-i-guess · 4 years
About LGBT ships in fandom
If you’re in a fandom that has several lgbt ships with even a little popularity, you’ve probably come across someone that says “you don’t have to make everything gay” and then proceeds to follow it up with several thinly-veiled homophobic comments and logical fallacies.
This is me rebutting them.
“You don’t have to make everything gay”
Actually, yes, we do. When you grow up with media that only ever shows cis-het relationships, it can truly make you feel invalidated. People who say this don’t have an adequate handle on what it’s like to grow up queer. And they fail to take into consideration queerbaiting. A lot of the time we only “make it gay” when there’s subtext in the piece of media.
“Then can I make gay characters straight?”
No, you can’t. There’s a difference between people who are underrepresented headcannoning that X character is part of their minority and a straight person getting pissed off that they made a character gay in a reboot.
One is someone who’s starved for representation trying to find some and the other is a person in privilege refusing to let anyone else have characters in media that are similar to them.
“Think about the children!!!”
This one is just plainly homophobic.
What seven year old child is on tumblr? There’s an age limit and it’s fine for us to assume that most people on here abide it. And if they don’t, it’s not our fault.
Plus, what makes gay relationships or trans people inherently sexual? Nothing. You just haven’t been exposed to it, so you think that it has to be sexual.
“Then go read gay stuff”
Oh wow, I didn’t think of that, thanks!
Seriously though, sometimes we want a story that’s about lesbian superheroes and isn’t just about the hardships of being gay.
Also, I could name like 90% of the YA books with a trans or non-binary in less than a minute (dreadnought is about a trans MC and I Wish You All the Best has a nb protagonist), so it’s not like there’s a well of representation that we’re just refusing to accept.
And even if we do read “gay stuff” I’m betting that the person who says this is also the person that’s against representation in media.
“But it’s not cannon!!1!”
If you think this, say to yourself: what if this was with straight ships? Do you say the same thing when people ship Uraraka and Deku.
You’d say “nooo, that’s different!! there’s evidence!!”
Excuse me, sir (or ma’am or a non-gendered term) Queerbaiting is a thing that exists. Johnlock is basically cannon, but the cowards creators haven’t confirmed it. And I know people are going to discount me because I mentioned Johnlock, but why don’t you go look at one of the scenes that the fandom always talks about. Now, replace Sherlock with a girl. Do you see it now?
Many times creators deliberately do things with people of the same gender that, if heterosexual, would be pretty clearly romantic-coded.
“There’s no evidence.”
Okay, let’s give this person the benefit of the doubt. Let’s say they’re talking about a ship that doesn’t partake in queerbaiting.
Then I say to them: do you say the something about straight ships? No, you don’t.
You don’t treat people that ship Bakugo and Uraraka with the same level of scrutiny that you treat a Drarry shipper. And we all know this is because it’s a dude and a guy.
“It wouldn’t add anything to the story”
Oh, I’m sorry. I must have forgotten the extremely important plot-relevant role that the Sophie-Keefe-Fitz love triangle plays in the story.
Oh wait: there isn’t one.
In writing there’s a thing called subplots (or b-plots). These are separate from the original story, and removing them wouldn’t cause that much of a change. This is what romances are.
People who say this make it seem like straight relationships are integral parts of stories, and lgbt relationships are always shoehorned in for diversity points.
Okay, folks.
That was pretty long, but I there’s a lot of ignorant arguments out there that are really dumb once you get down to it.
That’s all I’ve got. Feel free to add on. And sorry about any grammar mistakes.
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bee-is-away · 4 years
BNHA 1-A headcannons
By my demand
1. Yuga Aoyama
Either Pansexual or Bisexual, but no one can tell because he just blatantly flirts with everyone but also the people he sees look either male or female presenting (Also worth noting that he may just not know anything about gender because he's dumb but no one wants to tell him)
2. Mina Ashido
Flaming Pansexual™
Definitely intersex, no way she do not got a MASSIVE pp
3. Tsuyu Asui
A lesbian.
4. Tenya Iida
guess we gotta give the cishets their representation.. (Dramaic sigh like im throwing meat to starving wolves but the wolves are full)
5. Ochaco Uraraka
Says she's bisexual (suspicious)
6. Mashiraio Ojiro
7. Denki Kaminari
A pan idiot™
8. Eijiro Kirishima
He's gay. Thats like twice the man dude why wouldn't he be
9. Koji Koda
ASEXUAL by DEFAULT because they are INNOCENT and PURE. Fuck you, nb koda
10. Rikido Sato
The only cishet male I can respect tbh (but if you are one hmu because I still think ur pretty!! Everyones pretty!!!!)
11. Mezo Shoji
The REAL reason he wears that neck thing is to hide his hatsune miku binder
12. Kyoka Jiro
Listen she has weird ears thats basically like a catgirl so she can't be cis. Also she is a flaming homosexual ©
13. Hanta Sero
pansexual but quiet about it so everyone thinks he's straight
14. Fumikage Tokoyami
Ace/Aro. Prince of darkness has no time for romance
15. Shoto Todoroki
homodsexualt with a d for daddy issues and a t for top
16. Toru Hagakure
Listen she's invisible,,, she could be hiding anything. She could be a catgirl. You don't know. Also no one knows her sexuality because they're too afraid to ask but they assume she's gay because of the sheer amount of PUSSY she gets
17. Katsuki Bakugo
18. Izuku Midoriya
Pan because he'd explode if he hurt someone's feelings
19. Minoru M*neta
20. Momo Yayorozu
A. l e s b i a n.
If this gets like 5 notes I'll do another one either with 1-B or some heroes
P.S. If you don't agree I'm very sorry for your blindness and I hope you get a nice seeing dog
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acephysicskarkat · 4 years
The thing I want to point out about the stream is that it’s the capstone on a long list of issues caused by a writing staff dominated by white and able-bodied writers, not the dividing line between “this is fine” and “this is not fine”.
The thing with Bow’s brother who works the fields (not “who is a farmer”, mind, “who works the fields”) would be awkward and a sign that they needed a more inclusive writer’s room by itself, but it’s not by itself. It’s existing in the context of a show where the Black main character mostly existed to support the other main characters and never really got an arc to himself, and the ultimate villain is voiced by a Black man and had a hairstyle with a strong similarity to dreadlocks, and the only in-show Latinx character is a lizard person who has no dialogue, and the character they claim they “always considered Latina” is violently obsessed with a white woman, and then there was the whole haircut thing, you get the idea.
(Disclaimer: I am a white dude. The stuff I’m saying here is mostly stuff I picked up from people like @softpastel-lesbian and @therodrigator6 who have experience of these issues that I never will.)
Similarly, whether or not Noelle called Entrapta and Hordak “perfect representation” or not, the fact is that the show’s one autistic character is dragged around on a leash on multiple occasions and is even represented with a dog-walking emoji in the S5 leadup spoilers, and the one chronically ill character is a warmongering despot whose chronic illness plays a significant role in his motivation to commit atrocities. These are decisions that were made!
And then there’s Double Trouble. Look, I like to see Double Trouble onscreen, and yes, Noelle Stevenson has since come out as nonbinary. But the one NB character being an androgynously built nonhuman still has issues as NB representation, and these are worth talking about.
Are there people taking it too far or jumping to conclusions based on incomplete information? Fucking absolutely. But this is a discussion that really should happen. Having a lot of LGBT writers in a show with a lot of LGBT characters is good, but that doesn’t mean it’s exempt from criticism when its representation of other groups lets them down, any more than a show with an entirely Black writer’s room should be exempt from criticism if it portrays its gay characters as toxic stereotypes. We need to be more willing to talk about the strengths and weaknesses of the media we consume, instead of a childish binary where shows you like are perfect and beyond all criticism and shows you don’t like are problematic trash.
The only shame is that it took the crew having a giant faceplant on a public stream to make people pay attention to these issues, when fans of colour, neurodiverse fans, fans with chronic illnesses and so on have been talking about them for quite a while.
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rittz · 4 years
it’s really interesting seeing all these “mlm only, nbs/women DNI” tumblrs now that are almost exclusively run by trans guys. when i was 16 and first figuring out my identity, realizing that i was a gay guy made everything make sense-- i wanted to be able to embrace femininity and say “but it’s not because i’m a girl, it’s because i’m gay!”, and i wanted to distance myself as far away as possible from straight girls and lesbians because that’s what i didn’t want to be perceived as (because it pretty much was what i was perceived as). now that i’m an adult, passing, and more involved in my local LGBT community, being a gay man is still an important part of my identity-- but i don’t feel the same desire to “prove it”. so when i see these blogs, they all reek of the same insecurity i had when i was 16. every ask is answered defensively, the disdain for women and nonbinary people is covert but sensed. 
the defense of these blogs is always “i’m creating a safe space”. but i think these blogs are self-serving, not community-oriented. who do you need to be “safe” from? offline, most gay bars cater to men. there are more mlm dating apps than those geared towards women and nb people. when you say “women fuck off”, you sound like a catty gay guy sneering at women in a gay bar. are you really so offended by the idea of a nonbinary person or woman identifying with what you say about men that you put warnings on every post you make? i understand that gay love is different, guys being dudes, whatever. but if a girl loves her boyfriend, why does that upset you? who cares? examine the internalized misogyny at play here. at the end of the day, you’re still a man telling women what they can and can’t do, when the topic at question is as innocent as internet posts about relationships or pics of hot boys. newsflash, just because you’re gay doesn’t mean you don’t have male privilege.
i just think these blogs serve as a way for trans gay guys to feel more secure in their identities at the expense of women and nonbinary people. it’s like this is elementary school and a group of boys saw the other kids having fun and got jealous and made a fort with a “no girls allowed” sign. it’s immature as hell. a LOT of the mlm-only blogs i’ve seen are run by minors, and while i think it’s important for teenagers to express themselves and make friends with similar people, i don’t think it’s good to have these networks of blogs where exclusion is used to boost egos. trans guys policing who is and isn’t trans, policing who can and can’t interact with their blogs, policing who is and isn’t allowed to use certain words. when we say “stay in your lane” this is not what we meant fam. consider the shocking possibility that interacting with women and nonbinary people will make you a more empathetic and accepting person.
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zeldary · 4 years
AHHI JUST SAW UR FE TRANS HCS POST.... U saif some have hints could u tell me the hints(sorry im really intrigued!! I'm trans too so)
Ahhh thanks for the ask dear!
I’ll try to list some of the reasons, though keep in mind some are pure headcanon! Some include spoilers so I’ll go game-by-game, from oldest-to-newest
Fire emblem Gaiden/ Fire emblem echoes: Shadows of Valentia 
Saber - Agender: As my friend put it best: Saber lost his gender on a mission and never cared to go look for it. I just think he’s agender, all jokes aside, no much reasoning here!
Sonya - Trans lady: Sonya reveals that her two sisters were turned witches while she was sent away, as a kid. I like to think it’s because her father didn’t know at the time she was a girl. She’s also got great style and she’s a queen, and all trans women are queens, baby.
Genny - Trans non-binary girl: I like to see Genny as enby simply cuz non-binary people aren’t all androgynous. She’s also a super cute character and I love to think about Sonya and her bonding over being transfemmes because their friendships is super cute!
Celica - trans lady: Not in the original post but I’m adding it out of spite; Celica is trans and a wonderful character :)
Fire emblem Path of Radiance / Radiant dawn
Ike - Gay: i know you were referring to trans characters, but since he was included in the post, I decided to include him too. Basically; shows 0 interest in women, only has a platonic relationship with Elincia(?green haired lady), and that shopkeeper whos horny for him doesn’t interest him at all. However, he has two possible “bro” endings, where he elopes with a dude, with Ranulf and Soren! (Some might think it’s a reach, no way there could be a gay character, but keep in mind Jenny, in those games, is canonically a lesbian!)
Soren - Trans man: I just want to preface this by saying that when I discovered those games I was just learning about LGBTQIA+ issues, and some of my reasoning might not be that good, but here goes: the first playthrough I watched, Soren was constantly mistaken for a girl by the guy playing the game. He’s also (spoiler alert!) half beorc, half laguz, and i felt his treatment of society could be very relatable for trans people. There is also the fact that Ike has a great great great grandchild in Awakening, whom I think is also Soren’s (I like to think their paired ending is canonical), so Ike is still gay, he was just able to have a kid biologically with Soren :)
Fire emblem Fates
Forrest - Non-binary: I feel this is a touchy one: on one hand, people tend to see this character as just a gender-non-conforming boy, and I think a lot of people like him as is, and some might feel represented. On the other, Ive seen some NB people say his presentation and character reminds them of themselves. I also feel his struggle with his father is something a lot of us can relate to. As a non-binary person, while I respect any headcanon for him, I tend to fall for the latter. Also I’m starving for rep lol.
Fire emblem three houses
Byleth - Non-binary: Because I said so. (Nah just kidding the real reason is; everyone uses “they/them” for them anyway and I’m non-binary and playing them and they’re MY avatar. Ergo: they enby :3)
Leonie - Trans woman: When it comes to leonie, I just feel she’s trans, due to constantly having to remind people that she /is/ a girl. That’s a sentiment a lot of trans people share: just having people like “but... you don’t look like one lawl”. I also love the idea of trans girl leonie still being a bit of a tomboy, GNC trans people for the win lol (I also like to think her post timeskip design being pretty different is after 5 years of magic HRT lol)
Yuri - Non-binary: So basically i got super excited seeing the trailers seeing an androgynous character, thinking “THIS IS IT!! FINALLY!! NB REP!!!” But nah. Again you could make the same case as Forrest but I was just so excited,only to be so disappointed, I stick to my guns on that one, as I’m very petty. Yuri also got great style and not to brag but I feel we Enbies do have great style.
Bernadetta - Non-binary: I saw a shitty meme using her once to mock non-binary people, so I decided to have her be enby. Also I related hard to that character.
Dorothea - trans lady: Same as Sonya tbh: she’s majestic. But also: I find it interesting that (slight spoiler ahead) she was thrown in the streets as a child. I know it’s gross, /but/ I think it’s brought up in the game that sometime,s daughters were given away for money: my question is; why not give Dorothea away? Ferdinand’s support shows she was already beautiful when she was young. My answer: her father didn’t know she was a daughter. It also explain why, years later, he did not recognize her.
Manuela - Trans lady: My headcanon for Manuela is kind of an extension of Dorothea’s. I /Love/ the Idea of Manuella being Dorothea’s trans Icon, someone to admire both for her talent and for what she might have gone through. I also love the idea of Manuela seeing a /lot/ of herself in Dorothea, and thus making her her protégée at the opera. Just trans ladies helping each other Bruh.
Dimitri - Trans man: buckle up I kept one of the best for last. (Spoilers ahead!) First of all, his support with Catherine reveals he was very “feminine” as a kid, so much so that Catherine thought he was a girl. Fast forward, as a teen he’s very nice, a trait commonly shared by trans men. What makes me believe he’s trans most is the fact that as an adult, he does not have a beard. This might seem minor, but knowing his father had a lovely one, I find if weird that he does not, especially since we can assume he wouldn’t shave it since he looks...like... /that/, post-timeskip. I think he just has difficulty growing one, Dimitri is trans, change my mind.
So yeah my proof is circumstantial hope u still like it lol, thanks again for the ask anon!
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marowreck-archive · 4 years
boy juice chronicles
i forgot to do this for 2 whole months. anyway. big one this time
these have been some fun months. I’m filled with anxiety due to everything related school and all shit but transition stuff has been nice. actually im late for this shot so ill take it at friday. ill shove here some random ass points in no particular order because im not in the mood to write pretty words any soon due to school stuff
main stuff first so! i havent been noticing any changes i havent reported so far so these are still the basics: body hair darkening, voice fucky (christmas cracker edition), i think maybe strenght?? i havent used a single drop of muscle for the past month or so so i have no idea, i AM gettin chubbier on a more dude way, which is annoying because i dont wanna gain any more weight but im fine with it. my cousin has pointed out i seem taller and id love it if it was true!!! ill measure myself soon. bottom dysphoria has gotten bigger while it was completely nonexistent before starting hrt, which checks out with what everybody says :’)
ive been doing voice training just for the laughs of it and it’s pretty fun! both fem and masc voice are very nice to do! singing is getting a bit easier cuz my voice seems to have stabilized a tad more i guess! my fave part so far is the voice!!! its one of the changes i was hoping for the most
im at this point where people just roll with whatever gender and name i tell them. i have a pretty feminine dude appearence and my voice on its normal register is androgynous at the best, so i can literally just go with whatever sort of presentation and people will just. go with it, no questions asked. my nb ass finds it very amusing.
ive changed my name again from iago to Lago because i want to be as inconvenient as possible.
i got some new clothes and ive been matching stuff and boy do i love mix stuff around!!
now for the bad points whatever might they be:
my head hair is still absolutely fucked with no signs of going back to normal and this is kinda sad and also filling me with aditional anxiety lmao. i dont know if this is because testosterone specifically, hormonal imbalance or just plain old stress. either way i dont like it!!!!!! anyway, i wanna grow my hair out again because i miss looking like a lil lion and i hope as time passes, it fills in again, cuz seriously its not even in pattern baldness at all????? its all over and ugly as shit, even my eyebrows are fucked.
the weirdest thing is that im having lots of self doubt but its the kind of self doubt that makes no sense at all. my brain is legit going at me like “U SHOULD STOP YOUR TRANSITION AND JUST BECOME A NICE LIL LESBIAN ALREADY” but sir we are p much gay. we are attracted to men and other enbies, we literally do not date women. we have literally never IDed as a lesbian. theres a t/rf living in my brain and im trying to strangle her to death because she makes no sense and thats just more anxiety into my poor poor head lmao
but yeah, i indeed dont plan to go on t for my entire life, ive talked to my doctor about it and she said its totally doable! i wanna go for at least one year to get as many perm changes i should expect to happen (specially voice and some body hair, specially face) and then maybe if i feel like it go for an extra year! 
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briek58454521 · 5 years
Cancel Culture?...
I’ve seen this shit going around for a while. I feel obligated to correct the record.
In the wake of multiple Breadtube users being eviscerated by the public in the last year, I’d like to talk... about “cANceL cULTurE”.
But first, some back-round. I’ll be brief.
Over a year ago, Youtuber Lily Orchard’s video about Steven Universe blew up the internet, invoking praise from many facets of online culture, as well as a sizable backlash, as any video criticizing Steven Universe will invariably do. In an attempt at a response, Breadtuber Sarah Z uploaded a video titled “Bad Media Criticism”, which around 17 minutes in, talked about said video.
The response was filled with, let’s face it, lies and actual bad faith criticisms towards the content, misinformation, omission of context in important bits, and general shoddiness in action (yes, I’m biased. Reality is biased, sometimes). Criticism was swift to arrive, and the video provoked Lily herself to respond. And in the face of the factual corrections, and legitimate criticisms... Sarah doubled down, and in her infamous Twit-Longer, decided to continue to assure herself and others that her criticism was valid because regardless of whatever Lily actually said, it was still bad faith criticism.
A short while after that, fellow Breadtuber Lindsay Ellis uploaded a video discussing Black Ariel, claiming that the decision to make Ariel black was entirely a decision made because of “Woke Branding” to make more money off of people and continue raking in more and more cash, citing HBomberGuy’s “WOKE BRANDS” video essay. Many commented that this was rather racist, considering that Cartoon Network is just as much of a greedy bastard corporation as Disney was, yet, denounced criticism of Steven Universe, a show of Cartoon Network’s body of work, because “support minority voices”, with the same people commenting that this looked rather selective.
Lindsay doubled down on the criticism, and would continue defending it and publicly shitting the bed as more shitstorms (PLURAL) would erupt (lol).
After THAT, Breadtuber CONTRAPOINTS/ NATALIE WYNN would publish many videos that kept pissing of trans and non-binary viewers with a fuck-load of back handed remarks and general derogatory comments about them, as well as getting pissy that people ask for her gender and pronouns in public safe-spaces. In “The Aesthetic”, Natalie had a character playing the role of the people who make the CORRECT claim that gender is eternal and that you are what you say you are, and ANOTHER who was a truscum who would repeat the arguments that “kinda hypothetical” and, “kinda a weak argument”. This would create a backlash, and Natalie would respond with a thread that, contained a lotta shit, but also contained THIS BULLSHIT. Straight from the horses mouth, fam.
“I’m sure this is not the experience of many NBs. I’ll leave it to them to articulate what NB existence looks like in a binary world. I do not and cannot speak for them. But surely(sic) an account that begins and ends with “I’m not a man because I don’t identify as one” is pretty weak”
Later, after deleting the thread and getting more shit for it, she would upload an absurd non-apology video called “Pro-nouns”, where she would dress up like a fucking clown-ass Oompa-Loompa who just escaped from Wonka’s Chocolate Factory, and make several dumb-ass claims and a fuck-ton of truscum arguments, including stating that she “wants to be a convert” to “believe” NBs, and that she would listen and respect NB people’s beliefs “so long as those beliefs are valid” After more backlash to that happened, she would continue this trend, platforming actual truscum like Buck Angel, selling anti-semetic reptilian agenda merchandise, and hosted a Patreon stream where she just... basically shat on everyone. She shat on people like HBomberGuy, for performativity in regards to the meme “Donkey Kong said Trans Rights” (yes, she is that desperate. She will accuse people who raise 340,000 fucking dollars of performativity and virtue-signaling), stated that older trans people would be considered truscum, and even that most of her friends were truscum.
The one thing that was consistent in these stories was the insistence that the criticism was just an attempt at Cancel Culture.
Cancel Culture is essentially the point where in an attempt to either exclude, harass, or target others for political views, religion, ethnicity, race, sexuality, gender, etc., people will devolve into many forms of online harassment and abuse of the media outlets, among other things, in order to silence the target, or deter the target from making an argument. It can even happen just because people don’t like someone.
For Sarah, this took the form of accusing the people criticizing Steven Universe of having a dishonest double-standard, because if a straight, white, cis-dude made it, no one would be saying shit about it. Even though the show is historically praised by WHITE progressives, and criticized by EVERYONE else.
For Lindsay, it was that the people making this claim were just fooled by the “Woke Brand” train.
For Natalie, it was “the Left is eating itself”.
I would like to say this right now. The only time I actually saw Cancel Culture in action was during the shitstorm that erupted with VivziePop and her pilots for Hazbin Hotel, and Helluva Boss came out and everyone was looking for a bunch of shit to bring up about Vivzie personally, her apparent “transphobia”, “homophobia” as understood by Steven Universe fans, and generally just a bunch of bullshit that Rebecca Sugar got away with when she pulled the same shenanigans.
That is Cancel Culture.
And the only reason I can see for it was just because Vivzie (to my knowledge, at least) isn’t a member of the LGBT community. (Those same people would respond to her stating that she plans on having Alistor, the Radio Demon, be ace with “Hey, did you hear something?”, btw)
(EDIT: I initially stated, as shown above, that Vivzie wasn’t a LGBT community member. She is. She’s bi. Apologies for getttin that bit wrong. I’d also like to mention that she’s Latin as well, but is also shit-talked for apparently being too white to be Latin. 
So......yeah. Can’t begin to imagine why all of those mentioned weren’t given the same treatment.... Was there any doubt when Lindsay said she was Native?......)
And that wasn’t the case with any of the aforementioned. Natalie wasn’t “cancelled” until she kept shitting on people for the fiftieth (hyperbolicly fiftieth) time. Sarah was never cancelled. She got away with slander, and was quickly forgiven just because she’s a leftist. Lindsay is getting away with excusing away, and flat out DEFENDING PEDOPHILIA, AND IS STILL POSTING. She ain’t cancelled.
Cancel Culture may happen sometimes, genuinely, like with Vivzie, but those are the exceptions that prove the rule. It’s mostly just “this person said I sound completely contrary to what I believe, it must be (insert cause)”
It’s Lily’s fault, it’s a dishonest double-standard, it’s the radicals, it’s Woke Brand brain-washing, it’s “bAd faITh cRitISIsm”, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...
Let me tell you something. In Sarah’s case, not all criticism is because there’s a dishonest double-standard. And even if it were, that doesn’t make doing something horrible because of your identity the right thing to do. Because NO ONE should be putting in the most racist, bigoted, and frankly gross and disgusting shit in their work, regardless of whether you’re white, black, gay, lesbian, trans, NB, Gen Z, Boomer, etc. Like the human zoo, the Amethyst-Garnet fusion, Bismuth, the Pearl-Rose dynamic, the Nazi woobification, and the blatant disregard for the very people the show claims to be an ally too.
See also, the N-Word.
Despite the belief that white people can’t say it while black people CAN, black people don’t use it in a conversation formally, and can’t really use it ANYWAY because it’s still a fucking slur. And if you say it in public, there will be consequences, whether it be social repercussions, or legal action. And people have been saying it less and less as a result of this attitude becoming more present.
In regards to Lindsay, we know, bitch. We fucking know. We know that Disney wants our money like crazy. We know that this could be just another woke branding thing. We know that brands aren’t our friends, we know, we know, we know, we know. We know, Lindsay, we know. But, don;t chat shit about it if you aren’t going to criticize Cartoon Network for Steven Universe, Amazon for selling Pride merch, and Target for Pride clothes. Because then we know that you’re being very selective about what you’re labeling as “woke branding”.
In regards to Natalie, SHUT THE FUCK UP. SHUT THE FUCK UP. That is literally all you have to do. Just SHUT. THE FUCK. UP. And accept that you aren’t as woke as you like to think you are. The left isn’t eating it’s own by disowning shitty people. It’s doing itself a favor for it.
Remember R. Kelly? Everyone said that black people were just turning on each other when actual, legitimate evidence came forward, showing that he;s a FUCKING PEDOPHILE. And that attitude would continue for almost three decades before someone FINALLY said, “No, this man is dangerous, lock him up”. You know the phrase “A few bad apples?” People only say that, and just ignore the rest when defending shitty people on the Left, mostly because they don’t want to disown them. The phrase, however is ACTUALLY “A few bad apples SPOIL THE BUNCH”. If you don’t weed out the bad ones, they’ll spoil the tree.
Most of this bullshit would have been solved easily if ANY of the aforementioned had looked at their behavior, ACTUALLY apologized, expressed due diligence, and STOPPED FUCKING DOING THE SHIT.
The only reason people get away with this is because A LOT OF PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET HAVE FUCKING TERRIBLE PRIORITIES.
People take more offense to someone shutting down an opinion rather than someone being a scumbag.
People jut decided not to care about Sarah’s lies ENTIRELY because “It’s Lily”.
People defended Lindsay entirely because “Fuck Disney”.
People defended Natalie because “The Left is eating itself, we need to support minority voices”.
Because the myth of Leftist-Cancel Culture is just an excuse to not have to change. To not commit. To not put in effort. To not expand time to bettering yourself or the environment around you. To jerk off to how woke you are while criticizing others who tell challenge that. To wax poetic because it’s good for your ego.
It’s not just them. It’s many of their fans, and hundreds of thousands, if not, millions of people on the internet. And by far, their worst deeds aren’t that they inadvertently or otherwise attract Nazis, keep sucking off incels, truscum, TERFs, pedophiles, and other facets of human garbage while disemboweling others for far, FAR lesser crimes on the basis that they aren’t woke or nice enough for their liking, or EVEN the harassment that they’ve engaged in, caused, and instigated.
It’s that they’ve convinced themselves that by doing all of the above, that they are in any way superior to the people they cry foul against. The people who call them out on their bullshit when it arises. The people who raise $340,000 for their OWN people while the most they’ve done is play dress up and recycle Eddie Murphy’s shtick for the 500th time. The people who are part of the very minority voices they claim to support yet disregard on the basis that they said some mean words, or argued in bad faith, or just have a personal grudge against the people that they criticize. The people of color who FLAT OUT know better than them, yet, who they write off at every possible opportunity as just believing that companies care, or that Disney is good, or even just write ‘em off as having the wrong priorities or being stupid, as if they are in any way super clever and superior for coming to a conclusion that many more talented, creative, intelligent, and just frankly BETTER people came to years ago. 
They are MORE PERFORMATIVE, more ENTITLED, more ARROGANT, more IGNORANT, more UNAWARE, more BIASED, more SELFISH, and more SELF-INDULGENT than a good 98% of the people they criticize.
They hate these people so much...because they hate looking in mirrors.
And Leftist Cancel Culture is just a manifestation of that psychological projection. Simple as.
If you skipped to the end, fuck you. No TL: DRs in this neck of ‘da fuckin woods
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