#we just dont know until ruby appears
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brunossan · 6 months
Part 2
The 4 Witches
*in the last episode, The Witch Hunter Jaune Arc entered in a Forest trying to find The Red Witch Ruby Rose. He found The Witch, but she was Stronger than him, and discovered that he was not a true Witch Hunter, but an apprentice. Now, Ruby is taking him to her home, as she found The Young Warrior to be Pretty to her...*
*Ruby kicks The wooden door of a cozy cottage in The center of The Forest, smiling as she sees 3 girls Inside her home. They are her friends:*
Yang Xiao Long, The Fighting Witch;
Weiss Schnee, The Snow Witch;
And Blake Beladona, The Faunus Witch.
Yang: Yeah! You forgot that we planned to dinner together today?
Ruby: No i did not. That's why i decided to bring a friend! *She pulls Jaune, who she Tied up with magical chains, gagged with a Ball gag* Surprise! I met a Boy and he is a-
*The 3 Witches casts together a spell that makes them get weapons: Weiss with its rapier, Blake with a Whip and Yang with Fire knuckles. The 3 Witches prepare all to Attack together until Ruby puts itself beetween them and him.*
Ruby: Wait! He is not a Witch Hunter!
Weiss: But he is wearing an armor similar to one of them! He is a Witch Hunter!
Yang: Even If its a rusty one, its a proof!
Ruby: He is an apprentice!
Blake: Even worse! Now that he is here he can rat us to other Witch Hunters!
Ruby: Not If he dont escape!
Yang: Ruby, honey, get out of our way.
Ruby: But...
*The 3 Witches move Ruby aside with a Flick of their fingers, grabbing Jaune. They are ready to Attack him until...*
*The three Witches stop their Attack, Yang looking in Shock at Ruby. Her little sister was looking at them with puppy eyes, a red blush in her cheeks.*
Ruby: Yang... Look at him. He is beautiful.
*Jaune in this moment was extremely scared, to the point that he was sweating buckets and trembling. Yang was bigger than him, and that was impressive. Suddenly, They unchain him and remove his gag, looking at his face and body.*
Yang: Hum... Yeah, he is pretty. *She says, holding his face with both hands*
Weiss: And bulky too. *She grabs his bíceps*
Blake: So you fell in love with him?
Jaune: I-i am not involved with her. She Just grabbed me and brang me here!
Yang: You kidnapped this handsome guy? Damn Ruby, you learned very well. Im so proud! *She pats Ruby Head*
Jaune: What?!
Weiss: Let me explain this to you, Blondie. *She points at his nose* When a Witch finds a Man worthy of her, she brings him home... Either way its necessary.
Jaune: But we Just met this morning!
Blake: Time does not matter. When we look at a potential mate eyes... *She looks at his eyes, a small light appearing on them for a second.* we see a signal.
Jaune: Like... A Light?
Weiss: Wait... You Saw It in Blake's eyes? *A small light appears in her eyes*
Jaune: In yours too! *He looks at Yang, and The same thing happens.* A-and you too!
Ruby: WHAT?!
Yang: Son of a Bitch... *she grabs him by his armor, removing It with Violence* YOU JUST SAID THAT WE ALL FOUR HAD THE SAME LIGHT?!
Blake: Well i Saw a light in his eyes too...
Weiss: Me too...
Ruby: That was one reason i brang him home to be honest...
*Yang look at Jaune's eyes, seeing a Bright light appearing in them for a Second. She then release him, turning around. She is Red as a tomato.*
Yang: Its True... This... Witch Hunter... Is made to be with us, The 4 Witches.
Jaune: Wait wait wait! *He gets up* You mean that i am...
Ruby: Our... Companion now. *She says in a shy tone*
Jaune: This cant be happening. Im a Witch Hunter! Im supposed to Slay Witches, not... Lay with them!
Weiss: Y-yeah! Yang, this cannot be True!
Yang: But It is! And we know How this work.
*The 4 girls look at eachother and at Jaune. Suddenly, The door gets closed with a loud slam, Jaune looking at them with a scared expression. The 4 girls now surround him, staring at him.*
Jaune: W-what are you going to do?
Ruby: You are our mate now, Jaune. And The Mate of a Witch its not permitted to leave.
Yang: And If you try, you must remember that we are witches... *She closes her Fist, embers flying from It.* we can get you anywhere.
Blake: For now, you must consider you to be Lucky. Because there's cases of fake mates.
Weiss: And If in one week The light dont appear again...
Blake: We can let you leave.
Ruby: So you can never come back...
*Jaune gulps, nervous and scared. But at The same time, aroused. He was now with 4 girls Who claimed him to be their mate, wich means one thing now:*
Jaune: That means... I got 4 girlfriends?
Ruby: Yeah. *she realizes a Dark smoke coming from the kitchen* Oh! My cookies! I left The Stove on while hunting!
Weiss: You Dolt! You are gonna set this house on Fire one day! *Weiss runs with Ruby towards The kitchen, a bucket appearing in her hands*
Blake: And The mood changed faster than i thought It would last. *She lies in The sofa, a window opening and The smoke leaving.* Here. All clean now.
Yang: Well, dinner aint gonna Cook itself. *Yang says, slapping Jaune's back. Then she grabs his neck from behind* Listen up, pretty boy. You are gonna stay with us but this doesnt mean i fully accepted you as my and Ruby mate. So let me make this clear... If you dare to do anything that would make Ruby cry or even break her Heart... Im gonna Punch you so hard in The nuts that They will reach your mouth. Got It?
Jaune: I-i got It.
Yang: Good. Oh and Tonight... *She gets Very close to his year, whispering* You are gonna let us see you without your rusty armor.
*Jaune gets Red, so Red that not even a tomato could compare. Yang smiles for a bit. He is so easy to tease. Blake Just look at him with a curious look, as she thinks How Jaune Will survive one week with Them...*
*well, only time can answer what is going to happen next.*
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bridgyrose · 7 months
Story idea: instead of Jaune being the one who ate the fruit and went back in time, it was Ruby, a Ruby who never met up with the others in the Ever After beforehand. (Basically what if Ruby was the rusted knight instead)
(I hope you're not disappointed with the start of this)
Ruby sighed as she trekked through the Ever After, parts of her outfit replaced with armor and one of Penny’s green swords at her hip while she continued to look for Crescent Rose. She had lost track of how long she had been wandering through the Ever After, but all she wanted to do was find her friends. She was sure Blake and Yang ended up here as well, but no matter how long she searched, she still couldnt find them. She brushed her bangs out of her face and sat down at the beach, looking up at the night sky as a couple of shooting stars streaked across the sky. 
Days passed until she heard a couple of voices coming from further down the beach. She slowly stood up and looked at the rusting red and green armor along her shoulders, arms and chest, letting out a sigh when she wasnt sure when she let things get so bad. Still, there wasnt anything she could do as the voice drew closer. 
“Everything will be alright, Lewis. We’ll wake up from this dream and get our way home.” 
“What if this isnt a dream? What if we’re stuck here?” 
“You worry too much!” 
“I just want to make sure we get home, Alyx.” 
Ruby paused for a moment when she heard the name Alyx, recognizing it from a story she hadnt heard of in what felt like a lifetime. Still, she made her way towards the voice, putting up a smile as the two children came into view. “I was hoping the next couple humans I’d run into were my friends.” 
“You’re a human too?” The boy named Lewis, she assumed, asked. “We’ve run into a few other creatures-” 
“Dont talk to her,” Alyx interrupted Lewis, getting between him and Ruby. “We dont know if we can trust her.” 
“I’m not going to hurt you,” Ruby said as she raised her hands slightly. “I’ve been waiting for my friends to come around, but you both look like you could use a friendly face. Where are you two from?” 
“Dont talk to her.” Alyx frowned. “We dont know if we can trust her.” 
Ruby smiled a bit as she heard the name Remnant, relaxing. “I’m from Remnant too. I know that all we need to do is get to the tree and we can find our way home. But first, we’ll need to find the Curious Cat.” 
Alyx glared at Ruby, still keeping between her and Lewis. “And how do we know we can trust you?” 
“You cant, but…” Ruby sighed, gently reaching for the sword at her hip as her words lingered. “All I want to do is get home. And the sooner I can find a way home, the better I’ll fear.”
“And how does this… Curious Cat fit into this?” 
Ruby smiled a bit and looked towards the tree at the center of the Ever After. “They’ll be able to get us to the tree.” 
Ruby sighed as she continued to travel alone through the Ever After, long having given up searching for Alyx and Lewis. It had been years since she was poisoned, years since they left with the Curious Cat, years since she had seen another human, ready to give up trying to find anyone that she knew. She wasnt sure anymore that Blake and Yang ended up in the same place as her, and after years of searching for a way out, she no longer believed the tree was that, instead just a place to go to die. 
“They’re not coming, you know.” 
Ruby sighed as she watched the Curious Cat appear beside her out of the corner of her eye. “They’ll show. I dont know how long it’ll take, but I know they’ll come.” 
“And how long have you waited?” the Curious Cat asked as they walked in front of Ruby. “Lewis and Alyx managed to make their way home to Remnant, leaving you behind. I’m sure if your friends made it here, they would’ve left-” 
“They wouldnt leave me!” Ruby growled at the Cat. “When they come, I’ll find them and then we’ll all get to go home to Remnant.” 
The Cat grinned for a moment as it walked out of Ruby’s way. “Are you sure they wouldnt leave you? The Ever After is a vast world after all, and I’m sure that they’d find a way back to Remnant before finding you.” 
Ruby started to walk again, trying to leave the Curious Cat behind. Though, she had to admit, the thought of her friends getting here and leaving without her was on her mind. She hadnt exactly been sitting in one place, and she hadnt exactly heard about anyone like her walking through any of the other acres. “They’d… they’d find me before leaving. I know they would.” 
“And how can you be sure of that?” 
“Because I know them!” 
“Then you might be interested to know that there’s four others walking around without you,” the Curious Cat said as they walked by Ruby’s side. “And last I heard, they were making their way through the King’s Acre” 
Ruby paused in her step for a moment. “What do they look like?” 
“A boy and girl with blonde hair, a girl with white hair, and a girl with cat ears.” 
Jaune, Yang, Weiss, and Blake. Ruby took a few breaths to try to calm herself, squeezing the hilt of the blade on her hip. She knew Blake and Yang had fallen, but Weiss and Jaune… if they had fallen and Penny wasnt with them, then that meant-
Ruby shook her head and started to walk, trying to push the thought of her mind. “I need to get to them.” 
“I could take you-” 
“I dont need your help!” 
The Curious Cat started to walk with Ruby again, grinning as his front half started to move ahead of her. “And you think you can get to the King’s Acre all on your own? Well, you might be able to eventually, but then they’ll be gone and you’ll have to try to find them again.” 
Ruby sighed and put on her helmet as she continued to walk forward. “Fine. Help me get to them and then you leave us alone.” 
The Curious Cat smiled at her just as they started to disappear. “Then we better get you to them.” 
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epic-arc · 1 year
Arkos,Lancaster,White knight kids: You are my dad! boogie woogie woogie
He would point to jaune who would have a smile on his face and pat each of his children on the head.
Jaune would be walking into his room until he sees an older version of him and would be confused and point a finger at that version of himself.
Jaune: Wait wait this dont make any sense... Who are you ?
Rusted jaune: I am you!
Jaune: I am me.
Rusted jaune: no sir you are you. 
Jaune: i dont know.. 2 is 2
Rusted jaune and Normal Jaune: Got 2 bust down diamonds blue.
Blake would walk into Ruby's room recording and the room would be all dirty and she would speak with a worried tone.
Blake: Ruby are you sad?
Ruby: YEAH
Blake: What we do when we are sad?
Ruby heard that and got out of the closet that was holding a bottle of vodka and blake seeing this was running towards ruby ​​who would be opening the bottle.
Blake: RUBY NO!
Ruby: RUBY YES!!
Blake: There are only two race the human and faunus race.
Nora appears out of nowhere hitting Blake in the face and apparently Nora had just had 5 cups of coffee.
Jaune and weiss would be walking on the beach until weiss stopped and jaune looked at her confused and curious and weiss was slightly blushing.
Weiss: Jaune-senpai i have a secrete but you can't tell anyone!
Jaune: What is weiss-chan?
Weiss: Is about your best friend (Ruby) its its SOMETHING I'M NOT GONNA SAY UNTIL LAST EPISODE!
Jaune: F-
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witch-sweets · 4 months
And it's a songfic
Also technically a horror fic because people die and stuff gets spooky
Please read the warnings in the tags before you read they are very serious
Killer Queen
"Earth to Crown boy!" The Prince snapped out of his thoughts "Sorry Lune!" "we have a test to do focus!" Right! he had completely forgotten. he was in the middle of studying the divorce process this was important! a smug smile appeared on his blue haired classmate. "your thinking about her aren't you~" Lune teased "how can i not!" "here we go again-" "she has beautiful silky blonde hair, she has eyes that shine like rubies, she is kind to all her subjects, her crown always sparkles-" "ok i get it your madly in love with her! some people aren't as lucky as you to score a literal queen!" "i mean she wasn't always a queen. i knew her before then infact! Ive know her for years." "If so then has she always been lovey-dovey around you?" The Prince looked at his classmate in confusion "what do you mean?" "its obvious she more head over heels than you are! it almost freaks me out how insanely in love she is!" he shifted his eyes away from Lune "i mean i guess shes always been like this even though i was the one to confess..." Lune looked at him with concern "just be careful ok? set boundaries, make sure she doesn't interfere with your life and your goals." "ok..."
"Princess ive returned!" the halls were silent claws marking the corridor. "i brought you flowers..." he said his voice unsure. "i thought you loved me!" even when she was upset there was still an air of elegance to her-wait upset? why was she upset? "my love what are you talking about?" he was confused to say the least. "YOU WERE HOLDING HANDS WITH HER!" "m-my love i dont know what your taking about how about we dicuss it over some tea?" "TEA WONT FIX YOUR TREACHERY!" he stepped back. ok maybe she was more upset then he thought but why? what did he do... "i understand your upset Nessa how about you explain what i did wrong-" an icicle shot up from the floor nearly impaling his chest right where his heart would be. "YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID! YOU WERE WITH HER!" who was she talking about? "N-Nessa please lets try to handle this maturely-" he felt ice cold claws swipe across his cheek. there she was staring straight through his soul with gleaming ruby red eyes, her crown glittering against the ice haphazardly spread across the walls. "N-Nessa p-please?" "GUARDS! LOCK HIM AWAY I NEVER WANT TO SEE HIS TRAITOROUS FACE AGAIN!!!"
"Nessa PLEASE!" his screams were fruitless. tears began to trickle down his cheeks. He couldn't believe he fell for her-her perfect face, and sweet demeanor, and-and her crowns, and her manor, and those ruby red eyes! wait... no stay positive this will all blow over right? right. she would release him and apologize for her actions and they would hold hands under the moonlight and everything would be ok! right? YES! STOP DOUBTING! she didn't mean any of the things she said they had fights before and it always turned out ok! it was getting colder by the minute. it was spring though? unless she froze the entire manor in anger which he absolutely believed she would-wait no he didn't she was better than this... wasn't she? his thought flipped between blaming Vanessa and blaming himself to the point where he didn't know who's fault it was anymore. "VANESSA PLEASE CAN WE WORK THIS OUT?" it had been 2 years since he called her name but the situation was desperate enough to warrant it... it had been 1day and the dread was finally setting in... He wasn't getting out he was going to die down here but that didn't stop him from begging until his throat was sore and all he could do was cry. 4 days passed and he couldn't cry anymore all he could do was remain as he was until death claimed him... he had lost all hope. the 5th day exhaustion finally set in as the cold lulled him to sleep... for the rest of eternity.
it was a calm spring day in the village. Ivy had just sold some flowers to Prince and everything was normal... until it started snowing. the residents were confused. wasn't it the middle of spring? as the snow continued to fall a dark shadow set over the village. the storm started small beginning as a strange but tame snowfall but as time moved on the winds slowly grew intense and the snow soon flurried to the point it was hard to see, the wind so rapid it could blow away a small animal with ease. and then the ice began to appear. spiking out of the ground nearly impaling several villagers. as it spread throughout the village blocking any possible exits. and in that moment all HELL broke lose. The ice began to encase people everyone running in fear from the crystals cold grasp but it was futile as more and more people were encased in an icy demise. screams echoed through the woods as everyone ran and panicked in fear. until SHE showed up... a shadowy figure with tangled hair black as the void, long claws tipped with frost, and ruby red eyes gleaming with malice. deranged laughter rang throughout the land as more and more villagers were frozen solid. children crying, adults praying to whatever god was out there for mercy, people hiding anywhere they could all in futile attempt to escape the fate that awaited them. once the last child was frozen the Queen let out a mad cackle as she returned to her manor... the woods were quiet once more...
Hat Kid had no idea what she was getting into. the cold wasteland greeted her. It was nothing like the rest of the woods to the point she was unsure of her choice don't get her wrong she did NOT want to touch an outhouse but at he same time the icy graveyard that awaited her wasn't a very good alternative. as she approached the manor she could feel eyes on her but she didn't know where. there were those weird shaped ice spikes coming from the ground but they were just ice... right? walking through the cellar was nauseating she could barely stand. she heard voices from all around her. desperate screams for someone named Vanessa to come back and when the screams ceased she heard familiar laughter ring out from all around her. she plugged her ears but i did nothing to cease the manic echoey laughs. once she crawled out of the cellar she managed to stand back up and shamble towards a door strange whispering surrounding her as she limped. "WHOS THERE WHO DARES ENTER MY HOME!" she fell onto her back as the floor began to shake and a blinding red glare filled her vision. she tried to stand but she couldn't. a large shadowy figure lunged at her grabbing her by her neck and slamming her against a wall. ice began to creep around her as she screamed for someone-ANYONE to help her! but it was no use... she stared the monster in its ruby red eyes right before shutting them. she didn't want the last thing she saw to be a monster. The ice creeped further and further up her neck. she just wanted it to be over already she BEGGED for it to be over soon. she felt drowsy she could barely stay awake... it was too cold.
"should've seen her back in the day kid! like dynamite with a laserbeam!" the spirit taunted her. she was already having a hard time avoiding the security penguins. "WHO? WHO ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT IM KINDA BUSY RIGHT NOW!" she leaped across sandbags and rolled onto to next platform "oh nobody of importance i thought you knew that kid?" she didn't admit it but she did know who he was talking about. he was talking about the The ice reaper, The Ruler who snapped... The Killer Queen...
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wildcardaces · 2 years
@ruby-static "bonnie omg" edition!
Where bonnie meets scout!
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Scout: hi! Its been a while!
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Anna: dont "its been a while" me! Its only been a single winter!
Bonnie: *gaSP*
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Bonnie: oh my god! baby bear!!
Scout: ???
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Bonnie: youre so smol!!
Farah: pfft..actually youre around the same size-
Bonnie: let me have this!
Bonnie just freaking out over the size of this lad. He is small but nowhere near as small as his brother hubert XD
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Anna: ok! We'll leave you alone!
Alroy continuing to be a menace, the epf promised to leave him alone until they can find someplace much more safer for him.
However this was the last time he was seen for absolutely y e a r s until he suddenly appeared out of the woodworks...and is still being a menace.
And the finale!
Speaking of!
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Jesse: ouff!
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Anna: hey whoa whoa what are you doing!? We promised to help you! You can't just start kidnapping agents!
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Anna: ALROY.
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Anna: put jesse down!
He hold jesse like hamburger
For some reason he sees jesse and while he was angry, he does end up putting him down and going back to who knows where on the island.
And because of this chance encounter, jesse decides he's going to try and befriend the Ancient old grizzly bear. Oh boy-
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trin-gvf · 2 years
s.f.k - glimpse of us
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sam x fem!reader
there's no warnings, its just sad.
based off glimpse of us - joji
sam laid there, holding her in his arms, hoping at some point itd start to feel like home. as she dozed off into her sleep he couldn't help but to be mad at himself. he missed you and the ache only got worse everyday. he looked down at her, cuddled into his chest when his heart started to hurt. she slept just like you. he wanted her to be you. he bought her your perfume so late at night his pillows would smell of you.
he bought earrings that looked similar to yours but they never fit her face as well as they did yours.
he couldn't just lay there anymore. he wrote a note to her, saying he'd be at daniels if she had woken up while he was gone.
the second he got in his car thoughts of you flooded his mind. times where you were simply bathing in the sunlight, or even times where he greeted you as he came home. before he knew it, he was at your doorstep. you opened the door and the look of you took over his body. something he'd so greatly missed.
"sam what are you doing here.." you asked.
he couldnt come up with an answer.
"i don't know...i just missed you."
"sam, you cant just-"
"listen. please? i know i said i'd move on but I'm only passing time in her arms. i look for even a tiny glimpse of you and i when im around her. rubi it's you. nothing feels right without you."
you didn't know what to say.
"come inside.." you opened the door more, moving your body to the side.
he quickly stepped into your home, letting the smell of you wash over him. he sat on the couch, watching you sit next to him.
"i miss you too but we can't. our lives clash against each others. youre a rockstar with millions of fans and i'd like to keep my life private. it doesn't work. dont you get that?"
"i know but-"
"there are no but's here. I'm sorry but i can't go through not seeing you for 2 months at a time. and you can't show up on my doorstep everytime it gets too much for you. you cant do this to me." your eyes stung as tears started to make an appearance.
"i think you should go...maybe to daniel's or jake's...anywhere but here." you barely could speak. your throat felt like it was closing up.
"i just ask one thing...then i'll leave. i promise." his voice was broken, he sounded so tired and beat. you looked over to him, softly taking in the look he had on his face. he had bags under his eyes and his hair was messier than usual.
"can you kiss me once more?" he asked quietly, scared of what youd think of him.
you took a deep breath in, pondering your answer.
he stood up, as did you. he brought your body closer to his, hugging you before closing his eyes and placing one last kiss onto your lips. his body was warm against yours. when you pulled away he had reddned eyes from tears threatening to fall.
no words were shared until he stood back on your doorstep.
"i promise i'll do better in the next life. i'll find you and i won't let you go."
and with that, he was gone.
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megashadowdragon · 4 months
rwby remake idea part 2
I am going to be frank I have always loved rwby and the show  Ido not ship bb and feel it comes off as direction change even if they did plan it from the start they didnt give it the buildup
1. we would take the original rwby and expand on it to be more than what it was like opm webcomic to the manga and ff7 original to the remake. In the ff7 remake we got to explore the other members of avalance more so we got to care about them. midgar would feel alot more alive then it had been before, and the exploration of the  wutai conflict etc.
taking stuff from the entire compilation like ff7 dirge of cerebrus  and before 0. rwby remake will take stuff from extra material besides the dc comics and ice queendom
Shinra in the original game was nowhere near as competent and manipulative as Remake Shinra like shinra/hojo in the original game didnt know ifalna died until he was told years afterward
In the opm manga characters got to be more than what they were   a characters relationships got to be stronger than it was where they got a meaningful conversations and this led to a positive choice/change on a characters part where in the webcomic it amounted to a guy appearing going to one guys house to play games etc
a character being much more heroic than they were in the WC ( it can be said that the WC of the character and the Manga version took their experiences and what a guy said in two different ways) and their relationship with a certain character was much better not to mention a g a certain group of  villains were more threatening , and this also led to a change of events for certain characters. ( like rather than side characters randomly meeting people who were good counters  , those fighters were specifically chosen to go against them) (also the side characters got better showings then in the WC This made it so that one character got to end in a better place than he ended up in the original opm webcomic, and the fact we got to see a fight that didnt happen in the webcomic. etc
blacksun would be canon  as for what the other ships would be involving weiss and ruby ( that depends on what ship becomes canon in the original .
 ( truth be told blacksun and renora were my only otp  in rwby) 
( like in the original arkos is also teased in the beacon era ( basically I am not touching the team jnpr ships ( as in the ones where they teased with their partners) 
rwby remake gets a full anime time I have always felt it would have done better if it had gotten that given how many times they brought up having to cut things out
psykoknight65.tumblr.com/post/645570800232153088/i-think-the-biggest-issue-with-rwby-is-its I think the biggest issue with RWBY is it’s pacing. Like, we have SO many characters and SO many ideas and so little time to explore them all in any depth that sometimes it just feels like a list of events that the writers need to get through. Season 8 has been the best season so far IMO but i still have to point out how rushed everything has been. Okay so we’re gonna have Emerald defect, we get one, maybe two lines acknowledging that she has in fact defected, and then within two episodes her semblence is the keystone in the plan to defeat ironwood. It feels…. utilitarian. The fact that Emerald was the one that "killed” penny the first time around? Implied through one line that was mostly a joke. I mean, her actions directly lead to pyrrha’s death, but JNR dont even seem to consider that because there’s no time to go into any depth with her character. I don’t in any way blame the writers because thats just… what happens when you have a project this high concept with this many characters as your first ever attempt at writing a story. But its still a flaw that needs to be pointed out. -berserk anon, again A: kob131: Yeah I see what you mean with Emerald. Ever since I started talking on Tumblr, I’ve said this- RWBY is bare bones. What I mean by this is that the show has very little if not zero extrenious elements or moments to it. In other shows you have a bit of extra time or fluff or something to make the show more fleshed out and balanced. Kind of like breathing room. RWBY on the other hand is constantly hitting off major point after major point without anything extra in it. Things like society’s view on depression due to the Grimm or how suicide is looked at in this society? Or any relationships the cast has of what is necessary at that specific time? Or just a little bit of time to develop things (like your example with Emerald)? Can’t do that. Got a giant ass world to go through, a tightly wound plot, a bunch of characters to consider and fucking more if I tried to think. Even something as simple as setting up the Pyrrha statue with a quick shot of it just slightly out of frame once is too much. Just about everything hits exactly as much as is necessary for the show to function before racing off to another necessary moment. The only show I’ve seen more bare bones than RWBY is Gunbuster. …And that was more of an OUTLINE of a show. But I have to disagree on one point: This is not their first story. Red Vs. Blue existed before this and the part that a RWBY writer was involved in (Chorus Trilogy, Season 11-13) shows similar issues (like the abundance of characters and being tightly wound though not to RWBY levels). This really is likely the result of inexperience. A few years in a writing class or practice probably would help RWBY out a lot. But Miles and Kerry didn’t start out as writers. They were interns that got roped into a story that got REALLY ambitious and big without knowing what would happen. That’s just how the cookie crumbles at times. … Also a longer production period to make longer episodes would probably help since, from what I’ve heard, a LOT gets cut in RWBY’s production. That last point is something I always say Especially when they said the reason why they took like a 2 month break in between this season was to make the last handful episodes better. Which makes me think why didn’t you just wait longer than a year to make this volume.
There was nothing problematic the the white fangs portrayal they started off as good ( ghira) but got impatient and sienna took over ( and while she isnt as bad as adam she is a terrorist leader  who hada big impact on adam and we will emphasize that she is just not as bad as adam but still bad) 2.    we will delve into sienna and adams past and how adam became who he was and how sienna started the fire which led to her downfall  and adam falling into his inner darkness. and emphasizing that in the end ghira was right about his methods  while ghiras methods were slow they were  stable while violence would be quicker  in the short term but would be bound to fall apart  and lead humans to deem faunus a threat ) that siennas advocation of violence would be her starting a fire she couldnt control leading to adam and co seeing her as not violent enough leading to them betraying her for adam.  siennas semblance as a metaphor for this she saw adam in a emotionally weak position and his inner darkness and took him in to get him on her side and believe what she believes and that along with him giving into his darkness and his hatred would slowly corrupt him iinto the man he would become well I say corrupt but it would be more like enabling his worst tendencies leading to those tendencies to consume him for he wasnt criticized for his behavior. He  enjoyed seeing the humans in pain and had a sadistic smile a darker side of him but enabling him led him to becoming worse overtime also ( I would call sienna as opportunistic  taking advantage of young adams troubles and inner darkness to draw him to her side and beliefs and to help take over the fang and turn it into the violent terrorist which would fit with her semblance
( in the adam trailer its implied that sienna used adam to push her agenda when he wasnt mentally well sienna condoned/enabled his darker desires which led to him going from someone  who would go take what we deserve to take what I deserve. (sienna didnt stop adam from killing the sdc officer out of morality nothing shows that . they were on a mission so they couldnt take the time out of the day to kill one guard . also sienna didnt criticize those actions.
I would emphasize that  while sienna wasnt as bad as adam she is stil lbad  is  basically sienna started the fire which she couldnt control and that fire/darkness consumed her she was the one who advocated for violence and adams mentor  who he listened to and whose actions sienna condoned  never punishing him until he fell off the deep end and by then it was too late It had gotten to the point his influence spread to the rest of the fang and her guards with them believing she wasnt violent enough. think of it like sienna letting him listen to his inner darkness  his desire for violence enabling him to become worse than what he was 
maybe have someone bring up that in the end sienna’s was destroyed by the fire she made that she advocated for violent and this set up on the path which led to the white fang being so radicalized that they saw her as not violent enough.
Maybe have ilia realize that sienna' khan’s methods weren't good either  ( like have her be conflicted even with sienna’s methods and have blake bring it up  that  the radicalization sienna' started destroyed her.
or have sun comment it when he was suggesting destroying the white fang
 that if white fang got so radicalized that they would kill sienna' the one who started the radicalization   it needs to be destroyed
(maybe name drop sienna' in v2 and have sienna' outright show dislike for her)
maybe put a suggestion of changing the white fangs name to something like white paw ( to represent an outstretched hand to represent the desire to unite human and faunus together)
since even fangs carry the threat of violence and the Grimm had white fangs ( which is why the name still fits after the Grimm masks started being put on though part of me would want to suggest changing the name to red fang when sienna' takes over to help differentiate between sienna' and ghira’s white fang in discussions. ( I mean Monty gave faunus human ears  to help with cosplay)
since I recall that in the black trailer manga it was suggested the name was chosen to represent a fang untouched by bloodshed.
basically emphasize that the  violence sienna khan advocated  for  led to adam taurus and the people who supported him
that feeding to desire for violence the hatred   slowly warped the white fang into wanting genocide
that it was a poisonous
I would also emphasize that the ghira’s methods were working but sienna khan and others were impatient and felt it was too slow that it would be faster to get violent and force people to do what they want
basically ghira’s methods were methods that truly worked  but were slow and stable ( and during an argument  with sienna he brings up the rwby equivalent of rome isnt built in a day and says that while its slow its stable while your methods to build something would end up collapsing on itself you wont be able to control what you have built and sienna dismisses it )
sienna’s violent methods were were faster due to it being easier to inspire fear but created unstable ground that was bound to give out  due ot a mix of the hate humans would have of them  (  which would  win over fear   ) and 
the radicalization of the white fang ( since once she gave the okay for violent methods it would lead to radicalization by people who thanks to celebration for their violence  led to them getting worse and worse ( basically feeding into the fire of hatred to cause it to grow  and lead her to her destruction )
adam being given the okay to enact violence led to him getting worse and worse
emphasize that when you give the okay for violence its hard to control it and that sienna’s ideaology for causing fear isnt helpful for that
 4. include filler to have the characters interact more with each other , for example having blake and ruby mention fairy tales and talk about their favorite ones in some of the early episodes
like maybe as a joke ruby stumbles upon blakes journal and was about to read some fanfiction blake made about the rusted knight and blake catches her and diverts her attention into a talk about fairy tales  and the meanings behind them
 maybe do the same thing with blake and sun and have blake and sun go to tuckers shop to check out the books there. Sun due to finding out blake is really interested in books decides to start looking more into books/fairy tales  and asked blake what books are she interested in, what books does she recommend, and asking her to tell him a good place to get books etc 
This would make it so they found tuckers body. tucksons being a former white fang member who owns a book store would be a neat set up to have tukson and blake know each other. This would be a neat way to lead up to the v2 blake arc with blake being effected by tuksons death 5. we keep suns original v1-v3 appearance with blonde hair and dark eyes and tanned skin it has a nice contrast with blake having pale skin black hair and golden eyes. 6. For adam we can possibly go with him being a silver eyed warrior unless the crwby wants to say that being a SEW means you never go bad  for adam we can have him end up being grimmified by salem as a reference to how he references the beast from beauty and the beast and how he started to put the grimm mask on as a reference of becoming the monsters they think we are This  can have two avenues First Option:  The v6 finale fight never happened and he was captured by salem due to hazel who brings him in after seeing his silver eyes.In the adam trailer adams mask fell off so they could see his eyes right then, or maybe his mask would get knocked off during the haven fight 2nd option he survives the v6 finale fight ( yang just punches adam in the head )  is captured but freed by cinder who saw him as still useful and convinced him by telling him we are going to bring down atlas and the fact she saw his silver eyes and remembered the fact that salem wanted ruby rose  so she thought she could use him as a tool before giving him over to salem  in an attempt to please her.
it would neat for the grimmified adam vs ruby to happen given monty outright stated the difference between them is scatter vs wilt ( life ( propagation of seeds) vs death wilting is when a rose dies and turns ugly) and the whole bulls chasing the color red is of course this depends on how long the grimmification process takes
so maybe the grimmifcation process happens  after atlas arc ( the hound would still be a thing so during the v8  finale blake tried to warn him but he didnt believe her and  he ended up stabbed in the back in a metaphorical way  before taken to salem 
3rd the v6 fight still happen and adam isnt a sew and is knocked out 
if  the v6 finale fight stays Blake would say something to emphasize that she has no romantic interest in yang 
( I don't get why yang grabbed the knife when Adam was charging at blake (yang doesn't use weapons it would be faster for her to  just tackle Adam and grapple /punch him)
before someone brings up instinct given that yang doesn't use weapons wouldn't her instinct/reflex point to her using her body
(maybe  in 4th avenueif we go Adam still ends up dying we can make it so when blake grabbed the knife she closed her eyes  and went for the stab due to not wanting to see Adam die ( so instead of killing Adam while he was going for an attack it would be Adam while he was already subdued which would mess blake up a bit )
 the 5th  avenue is that he ends up encountering cinder leading to him after v5  so the v6 finale fight doesn't happen instead it happens in atlas 
( he isnt a sew  in this situation
4th avenue the blake and yang fight still happen like in canon
and blake brings it up when talking to yang about it 
and either
adam dies but blake ends up bringing up how she didnt need to kill him sometime afterwards ( like when yang tries to go they did what they need to do and yang actively chose to kill him)
or adam survives but isnt a sew
7. Sun wukong in the rwby remake knew how to read and write
and as aresult of hearing that blake died when the crew ended up in vacuo 
he would grieve  and wonder if he could have saved blake if he went there with his team
either 1 blake tells sun about salem
 ozpin explicitly tells Blake not to tell sun about Salem because ozpin felt it was a burden he didnt need to bear and brought upp  that  sun might let it slip ke blake would acknowledge that  its a burden while showing trust and respect for sun  
or sun does learn  about Salem  due to sun seeing the vision of salem emerald shows
 I think that blake should have been more sympathetic to ozpin ( comparing salem and him to adam and blake) and realizing that ozpin told salem about the relics   along with the other possible times his trust was betrayed leading him to his secret keeping and remarking on the infinite man)
and bring up how he
so while at first she is angry but she comes to sympathize with ozpin ( while still  losing hope)
saying she didnt tell sun because of the burden and it could be compared to ozpin not telling them  
(even in the scenario where sun finds out  about salem thanks to seeing emeralds trick
maybe  in a filler scene where they are talking about a book and sun comments about being a ninja  Blake doubts he can be an actual ninja given how he was with the blake being an ex white fang
or maybe sun in the scenario  where he isnt told there is a scene with blake taling about telling sun 
and blake tells sun about how they are heading to atlas and he asks her why ( he told her about the vacuo plan) ( and if he isnt told he starts wishing he was  after the fall of atlas and thinking about what he could have done to help blake  due to thinking about the possibility that she was dead
8.   blake or someone else during the v4-5 points out that sun left his team  and  sun will claim its different going they are fine he was planning on going back  and blake wasnt planning on going back to her friends which would just hurt them and her. 
he left to help blake
Also it would be outright stated that sun thought she was going to try and pick a fight with the wf due to her reaction to tucksons death ( he didnt know about her relationship with adam)
and sun would show trouble with  going to people / due to it not having immediate results (in btd it was stated that sun didnt  usually like doing something that didnt seem like it would have an end point but blake changed him so we can show suns  character development here) 
it would be added that sort of impatience swayed some people to join the wf or not try which caused suns tune to change
maybe bring up kali for this and have someone point out the similarities between blacksun and ghira x kali
Also blake would outright ask about suns past and family history due to a desire to learn more about him after realizing
and in this verse the white fangs flag after sienna took over changed to black and red basically replace the blue part with black 9. for the blake and yang moments ( keep the blake and yang moments in v2-v3 the same) 10. WEiss in the original rwby talked about how as long as she remembered they were being the faunus attacked her family but the wf only became violent  a couple of years ago either do one of two things Either  say that the there were other violent faunus groups besides the white fang but when the wf became violent siennas absorbed them. the other option being that change weiss’s dialogue to the last couple of years but that doesnt carry the strength  that the first option says so I prefer the first option I have an idea  maybe make it so  that  sienna and adam helped with the violent faunus groups with adam being told to do so,  and that the attack on the group happened due to people noticing adam. This could mean that they thought  they were with the violent faunus group who was part of the attack, which would lead to sienna taking advantage of it etc its possible that jacques had seen ghira as a thorn in his side to due the peaceful protests etc and it would fit the as long as i remember line. ( ghira caused change to slowly happen and that change cost jacques money. which would add how  ghiras change  slow  but stable rather then ineffective which I have seen some people claim
12. the whole jaunedice arc stays, dance arc stays, jaune being the one to kill penny and go to the ever after stays jaune is a main character  team e are main characters. jaune gets the screentime he deserves in the original rwby . the people who claim jaune gets too much screentime are being ridiculous
rwde has been connected with rwby hatedom due to how many times people bend overbackwards to attack rwby to the point they ignore basic things.
Or attack rwby for doing things which other shows have also pulled
the attack on jaune is partly due to miles being a writer so they try to use the bs that jaune is a self insert  to hit him with a cudgel to try and get him to do what they  want its why after v5 he got less screentime  and after getting volumes of not getting much they whine about jaune getting something to do in v8 . they just whine about him doing anything important or getting a moment of screentime.
like whining about how jaune and ruby being foils where  he was contrasted with rubys own breakdown 13. get rid of the cloaked skulking thing that sun was pulling when they both boarded on the boat ( I feel that the writers just did that to add some tension but make it so that sun doesnt pull that and straight up goes to blake) . also make it so that sun was just waiting  invasive moment to knock on the door, and warn Blake about a possible direct agent of Adam Taurus operating in Kuo Kuan ( I feel the bathroom lie was just for a joke sun didnt have a reason to hide this info from ghira  though its possible blake didnt want to get ghira involved
when sun and blake talk to each other he brings up that he thought it was going to be a repeat of ( the v2 situation) where she felt she was the only one who can handle torchwick and hurt herself with how focused she was
14. have blake and yangs relationship be like sisters they  are not romantically interested in each other  yang can still be bisexual or what ever I dont care blacksun is my otp so blacksun is endgame
and the tension between yang and blake will still be there after v6 ( with maybe yang  in relation to how due to not knowing sun chased after blake believing blake just ran with sun when she needed her
 ( which show in her feelings about blakes time with sun and wondering if she would have preferred being suns partner or thinking that blake chose to bring sun along of course this will be settled in v9 ( no romantic feelings would be involved 
and yang will fully trust blake ( I got this due to a rwby song which sounds like yang doesnt trust blake I believe its all that matters) 
or while the tension still lasted longer sun wouldnt have a part in the tension and the v6 finale would mark blake and yangs relationship healing/them becoming friends again  rather then it returning to how it was in v3.
or the relationship does heal .
either way yang and blakes behavior in v7-8 will be altered 
15. I would have a benevolent racist like the guy from teen titans 
“or a guy whose actually nice but…thinks lowly of the Fanaus without being mean. You know, kind of like how that guy in the Teen titans episode acted at the end but in general.The Youtuber Shady Doorags made a video about the 2000’s Justice League cartoon, about an episode where the heroes get transported into the setting of a 1950’s superhero comic. And in it, the Flash stand-in tells Green Lantern (whose an African American man) that he’s ‘a credit to your people’. And that’s kind of what I was thinking- Someone who is geniunely good but is still racist to show that racism is more complicated than 'racist equals asshole’. The person is good but still wrong, still a product of an ignorant society. Unlike say…Weiss, whose at her most racist AND antagonistic at the same time.“
and maybe have someone who hates white fang do to something bad happens to him ( like what ransik did in power rangers time force ( where after he helped a faunus ( a member of the white fang and saved his life they killed his family
or to quote sunder-the-gold
“The child of a human that Sienna Khan's methods got murdered, who has no reason to see faunus as anything other than the monsters who killed her parent.
A shopkeeper who didn't want to have anything to do with faunus, who either had his store burned down, or who opened his store to faunus out of fear of having it burned down. How his resentment would fester, and he would decide that if the faunus weren't going to leave him alone, he wasn't going to leave them alone, so he started giving money and information to an anti-faunus group that promised to drive the faunus away from his home.
I'd show the faunus of Vale who abandoned the White Fang after Sienna took over, and who continued trying to peacefully protest for change. 
I'd show how Adam attacked and terrorized them because his ego and spite would refuse to allow faunus to act like they had any alternative than serving as soldiers in his personal war.I'd show the child of a human/faunus couple (like Velvet Scarlatina) getting harassed by the White Fang for having a human parent.“
16. again emphasize that  attempting to get rights through fear will only cause problems in the long run. Because it only works until the other group realizes that they’re stronger than you then you’re back at square one. Or even worse, considering that you may have caused some of them damage and thus they feel the same righteous anger you do. That’s why the Civil Rights Movement is so great- rights through respect caused a chain reaction that made racism the evil in society we see today instead of an accepted fact
17.  fix certain errors created by miscommunication with animators like instead of blake outright slapping sun she slaps him on the shoulder
instead of oscar just running down the corridor and punching neo when she should have dodged oscar will punch her right when she turns the corner when she cant see it
( neo will force ruby to drink the tea since I hear thats what she was supposed to do.
18. we will have the yangs and blakes meeting stay like it is  in drafts where yang got worried about how se could have hit blake but changing the weapons  to her gauntlets and show blake being  surprised 
Tumblr media
19. the first couple episodes would be based off the white black and yellow trailer ( well the episode after the first one which would be ruby confronting roman and meeting ozpin 
20. it would be outright stated that roman is from brunswick where he lost everything ( neo would compare her and roman to ren and nora ( with ren in romans place)
I have always felt team rwby and jnpr are foils so would do more stuff to emphasize that ( or just emphasize that in commentary
maybe if we keep adams confrontation with blake and yang  and adam be it in v6 or in atlas goeswhat does she see in you blake doesnt just go you are crazy ( which is what a good amount of people brought up  in refutation) she would flat out state that she doesnt think of yang like that she is like a sister to her
adam is the abusive ex (I imagine there are tons of abusive exs who would think their abused partner is in a relationship with someone  or their relationship with someone is romantic when its not.
I recall a story where someone tried to kill someone because they thought he was making moves on his fiancee when he wasnt
( there is nothing wrong with keeping the handhold scene as blake and yang face adam ( after blake held yangs hand after it was shaking) or the plane scene ( if still in v6)  since neither of them was inherently romantic
and outright contrast their relationship to renora
outright stating that while renoras relationship was romantic blake nad yangs is platonic
if we keep it in v6 we have to say that adam appearing in brunswick farms  and the train   was a hallucination to explain why adam didnt kill jnpr (or include a scene where they fought adam off maybe
or have the confrontation be
20. besides blacksun all the ships that were canon in og rwby for team rwby and jnpr  will also be canon ships for rwby and jnpr
21. you know given that first 3 volumes  episodes were so short I could imagine fitting  in one season
( basically add in filler to expand on beacon academy and give them bonding moments during the school year
or maybe just v1 and v2 with v3 being shorter
also it always felt like to me  that RWBY used the Japanese school year ( given how animesque it is and how v3 ended close to winter.
so emphasize that the when sun first appears it was during the summer vacation (and that every time there is a vytal festival the students spent the last part of the year at one of the other academies ( in the hope to foster good relations between the other countries with the huntsmen
expand on the world building and bring up that humanity correlated the faunus with the Grimm ( believing that they were Grimm trying to disguise themselves as humans ( to correlate with Adam wearing the Grimm mask to represent becoming the monsters they think we are )
and this is due to the fact that Grimm often take the form of animals so in their eyes something that is like an animal but clearly isn't =Grimm ( basically superstistions 
and expand on the world building  showcase that a good number of vacuons hold a grudge to be frank.
and this led to a variety of fairy tales demonizing the faunus etc
22.maybe make it so blake due to knowing about the infinite man fairy tale would make the connection and go ozpin is the infinite man
and after ozpins rant  about how often he is deceived ( she would end up thinking of that he is the infinite man or thinking of it ) 
and while she would be angry at first she would quickly regret being angry due to seeing what he went through ( understanding towards someone keeping a secret due to fear) though her feeling about learning Salem is immortal is the same    
  and Blake   would miss sun  and it would bother yang'  due to her feeling Blake would rather be with her boyfriend then someone who is like a sister to her( which would touch on yang’s abandonment issues)
and would think of how she didn't trust sun with the knowledge even though she does trust his character
23. make it so ozpin recruited yatsuhashi earlier then Pyrrha due to his memory erasure semblance ( and utilizing magic with It so that if someone agrees to have part of their memory was erased its gone unless yatsu chooses to bring it back)
this way if Pyrrha declined the offer to become a maiden at any point  her memory would be erased to take the burden of knowledge of the maidens
(and yatsuhashi would agree to erase his own memories about it
and coco gets bothered that yatsu kept that a secret from them.
24. if we adapt btd  and have sun know about salem maybe make it so that sun brings up oscar’s nickname little boy oz that he overhears and yatsu ends up letting on that he knows something ( by saying sun should be quiet  (due to assuming he knows the truth
or we can keep the rest of them hearing about Salem through ruby’s message but ruby ends up bringing up yatsuhashi’s name as well
to quote kob131 “Detail the conflicts between Fanus and humans as well as detail the history of Remnant with the Kingdoms. And also touch on things like how suicide, outbursts and public breakdowns are seen in Remnant due to the existence of Grimm.”
well I remember someone suggesting suicide for depressed people is encouraged due to the fact they would be Grimm magnets the idea came up due to jaune's reaction to thinking Pyrrha was telling him to kill himself ( also I would bring up that its possible that in remnant convicted by public opinion may have been a rule ( since if the public opinion thinks you are guilty and you aren't punished then there would be a lot of negativity ( maybe establish that in modern day vale etc that's no longer a thing since they are highly protected 
(due to his influence
and the desire to handle the mentally unwell is treated  more importantly then irl
though in some places like vacuo well they were put down in the past.
public breakdowns have been treated with worry due to the nature of Grimm and having a public breakdown/outburst can lead to Grimm ( or signs that this can cause Grimm to come)
“. You'd think a team of trained soldiers would notice all the signs of an impending mental breakdown - until you realize that Grimm-infested Remnant never needed to refine that skill. Every time a huntress started losing their grip, the stress would literally attract Grimm to their location, meaning other teammates could easily determine how bad the stress gauge was based on how aggroed the Grimm were. And if someone got angry enough to murder something, there'd be an endless slew of monsters to vent (or die to). “
maybe we can outright have this stated that if a huntsmen gets stressed   you can determine how bad it is by how agressive the Grimm are and the Grimm can be used to vent any negative feelings  ( this can be said about qrow and some stuff he did after summers death 
so if they were placed in a location with no Grimm that having a  breakdown can go uninterrupted
or bring up that ruby didnt look that upset
maybe a way we can make it so that blake and yang still end up separated from the rest of the group in ever after is make it so blake and yangs relationship wasnt fully healed in v6 ( after killing adam if that still happens) 
that they were on the path to healing and v9 is when their relationship is fully healed part of the things that hurt their relationship include ( blakes sympathizing with ozpin and suggesting they reacted badly) and blake talking about the time she spent with sun and wishing he could have come with . and yang being annoyed due to her abandonment issues and worrying that blake may have rather wanted sun as her partner instead
so the nonsense that yang spouted about blake being the only one to not be scared of her ( when we never gotten signs that this was the case in v1-v3)
howeve we will still keep some of the effects of yang being shown shooting an mercury in v3 by still having some people bad mouth yang and say she deserved to lose an arm for what she did to mercury or having glares   pointed at her by people who watched the festival
26. establish a timeline like say the length of sienna’s rule over the white fang and when  blake joins (maybe when she is 13 while showing a scene where adam  kills someone in self defense and says that ( maybe  the equivalent to the scene in v6 ( which we would change so ghira and sienna wasnt their ( instead he just calls sienna and she tells him what to do)
and then ghira and sienna showed up and ghira’s point was asking if he genuinely had no choice but to kill him or if he chose to kill them and was sadistic about it  prolonging it ( recognizing adam has darkness in him) and that it led to that guy being able to get close and questioning if it really was the only way to stop the guy or he just chose to make the attack with the intent to kill when he got that close ( maybe have this scene be the kill in self defense argument) bringinng up how fast adam is and his own personal skills/
also possibly change the reason for the attack ( just to make things diferent) since adam wore his grimm mask before that.
(I mean have the accidental kill be shown sometime before then ( which would be adam unlocking his semblance)
27. sun would be asked why he chose to become a huntsmen by blake and his response would be for fun( with the unmentioned part of being able to be useful enough to overlook his lawbreaking and his desire to find a place to settle down we would make it so sun shares the story about the tree with blake and he ended up coming to a realization that over time he began to view blake as akin to that tree) 
 and she ( maybe in v4 /5 ) would have a talk about that and how certain situations they are in mean they have to fight for more then just fun ( and sun will realize this that its his duty to help people even if he doesnt see instant results ( basically what they realized in v2) 
or maybe his answer to why he wants to be a huntsmen is a mix of allowing him to move place to place  with the underlying desire that he doesnt mention is to find the tree /home) 
, he is good at it , and he gets to help people ( so he already wanted to help people beforehand ( and blake would help him develop as a character by allowing him to be more patient and realize that there is  a point in doing something even if the results arent instantly apparent and he would compare it to how ghira’s methods ( og wf) methods were slow but they were better then trying to rush it with violent methods.
doing stuff that dont have instant results are still important
maybe he overhears about ilia overhearing adam talking about there being future attacks on other huntsmen academies
and this plays in suns head in vacuo
also ( maybe we can take rwby beyond ep 1 and sun can be more serious about thinking about where team rwby is and how they might not be dead even suggesting the ever after.
basically have a more serious version of ep 1 where sun convinced himself team rwby is in the ever after ( and he is doubted by some characters and maybe part of sun doubts it himself so he is shown crying )
maybe have sun not have any animosity towards the people of other counties ( and find it silly to express resentment for people from other countries for something their ancestor did 
and compare it to how some people looked at weiss
though he would not like coco’s get over it statement ( thinking she is saying get over what happened rather then get over the animosity  and pointing out the after effects of what happened)
 the animosity/tension lasts longer and that blake doesnt say to yang that I wll protect you line  instead she mentions that she talked about how she blamed herself for yang getting hurt  but that sun talked to her about how  she shouldnt  ( and yang took it as blake choosing to take sun with her. and abandon yang)
yang wouldnt have any romantic feelings for blake
if we do choose to have yang onesidedly develop a crush on blake ( which I would parallel with ilia)
I would show it and have it developed in between v2-v3
though I prefer not giving yang  romantic feelings for blake (
I think they were doing great showing the damage on Yang caused by Blake's actions but after they kill Adam we never see them talk about it, about why Blake abandoned her or how that make Yang feel. maybe add some roadblocks 
we can make it so Blake is more sympathetic to ozpin (maybe at first she got upset but afterwards she realizes the parallel with her situation with Adam and ozpin a situation with Salem (also we can possibly bring up sun since he was there for her during the timeskip Yang could be under the impression that blake specifically grabbed sun and took her with him ( what would you do with the ever after storm would you keep it (maybe Yang avoids talking about her abandonment issues due to hearing the bit with adams attempt to guilt trip blake and remembering the scene in v3 where Blake brought Adam up as to why she didn’t immediately say Yang didn’t do this
plus blake is a known reader she could have read the infinite man and realized it was likely ozpin so she knows what ozpin trusting the wrong person had led to.
( I meant that sun would be brought up in the talk since yang would have overheard a talk about blake and sun spending time with each other ( 
(or we could have blake bringing up the time she spent with sun as part of the tension and how him chasing after her  being there helped her
I mean with raven yang never knew her and after finding out about the portals she knew raven could have come back any time while blake is someone she was actually close with
and it bothers me that their relationship went back to how it was in v3 ( according to miles) after adam dies
it would feel better if there is still some underlying tension  in v7-v9 but blake and yangdont talk about it  until the thunderstorm scene. ( I think that in canon blake and yang getting together after the thunderstorm and seeing them be so happy while she is not getting alot along with jaune getting the attention due to being more obvious about not being in the right mental state  contributed to the breakdown which is why I am thinking about keeping the ever after storm but it being about yang and blake reconciling their friendship.)
( maybe blake misinterpre
( and possibly yang avoiding talking about her own feelings of abandonment  due to overhearing about adam trying to guilt trip blake about the abandonment and she remembers blakes comment in v3 about how she doubted her due to someone  she cared about ( adam)
or we can have adam fight scene take place in atlas ( where adam attacks blake in the portal world)
yang still saves ruby but it would be in a different way so she doesnt fall ( immediately
at the end of v5 instead of yang reaching out it will be ruby
and in the remake we will keep to what yang said at the start of v6 about how it will take time for them to get back to normal ( so v6 wont end with their relationship  going back to normal)
when their  relationship goes back to normal yang will start teasing her about stuf be it sun orthe fact jaune turned out to be the guy he made fanfics about
and yang will go to ruby when the apathy grimm come 
“So basically what I’ve been told and seen, is that the short scene after they kill Adam is Blake reassuring Yang that she won’t break her promise and her making up with her. So there was no need for a conversation about all that happened . and thats stupid “ I agree with this take we should have the tension with yangs abandonment and trust issues  last longer it wouldnt be solved with just weiss’s talk with yang in v5 ( we can either keep it in v5 or have it happen in atlas arc either way that wont solve everything)
and blake sympathizing with ozpin ( who in her eyes broke her trust broke his word and ran away  after being revealed to be a liar   ) will hurt their relationship/be a roadblock since she  has some trust/abandonment issues due to blakes action (and she already stated at the start of v6 that it will take some time to get back to normal)
also blake can make comments about 
 about sun (like saying he would likely have brushed off the reveal about ozpins lie  or stopped qrow from punching him ) as blake  saying she would prefer him as a partner  ( due to seeing vernals relationship with raven and thinking raven replaced her due to  someone making a comment implying that raven replaced yang with a new daughter. or qrow accusing raven of doing that
or yang thinking of that possibility ( due to raven being able to use vernal for the portals
(maybe some jerk  in v1-3 implies that raven could have  ran off with a new family and a new daughter and seeing vernal makes her remember this
maybe the guy overhears qrow talk about raven and after the mercury  situation he says this to hurt her due to taking a liking to mercury.
 ( also the mercury incident will be referenced post v3 by people having a negative view of her  in mantle/atlas ( they saw it and wouldnt have learnt about mercurys actions in mistral ( no bounties)
blake would regret not trying to stop qrow from punching oscar
 and yang understanding ozpin in v8 will be a step in that
“With Adam fight, just have Yang point out it’s 2v1, and some dialogue like “You think that will make a difference?” “You think it won’t?”.  the thunderstorm things we never said could be blake apologizing and yangs talking more about how she felt“
maybe change adam's line to what does she see in you humans and bring up blake abandoning him ( so maybe yang remembers blakes reaction to mercury incident so maybe yang could suppress how she feels about blakes abandonment not wanting to remind blake of adam (
as for the rwby remake equivalent of rwby beyond ep 4 and rubys breakdown in v9 it  will center more on ruby and her own flaws that ruby should have tried to rely more on her teammates and open up about how she was feeling 
“That question implies that it's intentional. The point of the scene is that Weiss, Blake and Yang all relied on Ruby so much she didn't feel she could rely on them. It's the same kind of situation Jaune had all the way back in Volume 1 with his struggling at Beacon and Cardin: Jaune was going solo when he should have been relying on others.Personally I don't particularly like the way it's framed. It's not really Yang or Blake or Weiss's fault Ruby ended up that way. It was Ruby's own flaw that caused it and I think centering it on her is what should be done.But hey- at least they didn't have the characters talk about what Ruby did wrong in Atlas so they didn't retread TWO beats they already went through.“
the rwby remake will have more consistent writing  and better world building
 so if one of my ideas for future wouldnt be consistent with the writing of the rest it will be changed
the consistent thing that will always be the same for the rwby remake  is blacksun is endgame
and the white fang is portrayed as in the wrong and the violence that sienna khan wants is shown to not truly work and only make things worse for the wf in the long run
and there will be better portrayals of racism against the faunus
with some of the racists being actual good people ( do not just make all of the racists bad people as if only bad people can be racists
0 notes
or-something-better · 2 years
April 30, 2022
(Nightly RP)
the shadow is hiding with the ledger, as she opens it, the pages begin to glow… she speaks a few words and the ledger vanishes, and the shadow is now a more solid shape…. She looks somewhat familiar…. But not like anyone you know. She smiles and heads into another room to see what other things she can use…… the bunker is empty, only dean sits inside at the table
trying to make sense of what i just saw I grab a bottle of whiskey and start drinking it what the hell was that damn thing and what did it say?
Leaving my room, I close the door tight and make my way into the kitchen, surprised that Mrs Butters isn’t standing watch over the place. Taking a beer from the fridge, I twist off the cap and toss it into the garbage as I head out to the ART room. Tonight, I was finally going to tackle that dark brown trunk that appears to have been left in the corner since the place got up and running. I’ve been putting it off because it was a pretty safe bet that the paperwork for whatever was inside didn’t even exist. Turning into the map room I see a strange guy seated there. What the hell Hey... uhh hello? Can I help you?
Walking into the map room, I stop to see who Sam is talking to.
Sammy what’s up little brother? I um was looking for you
Looks around at the empty room Are you here with some one?
"Who's this Sam?"
walks in with my new husband Crowley but stops and pulls out my gun to point it at Dean +"Wo da fuck are you an what you doing here???+"
Sam what the hell are you talking about? You're my brother we are tight. What the hell is wrong with you? Did you hit your head? Dude really? You know who I am I was Crowley’s best man!
sees the stranger as well and draws a blade  +Who the fuck is this?+
Notices Ruby and raises my hand at Derek's quick draw +Hey, Hey, just wait a minute... So he asked you a question, who are you and what are you doing here?+
I come in chanting binding dean to the spot
Crowley... do you know him?
Whoa whoa seriously??? jumps up from the table You guys dont know who the hell I am? What are you talking about? You all have gone fucking crazy! stops as I feel as if I can’t move what the hell are you fucking doing? Come on we are all family!
How does this place manage to go from normal to chaos in just a few seconds! What about family?
"Sure Sherlock. I draw my blade at someone I bloody know. For once use that lump in your head I'm sure God gave you." turns back to Dean "I'm not one for repeating." walks around table "who are you ¢99 looking lumberjack?"
Of course he fucking does i was his best man while you were Derek’s at their wedding last week bro
I jump in front of Crowley +take one step I'll shoot your kneecap+
I've never seen you before now
We are fucking family! How the hell do you not know who I am??? We have been brothers our entire damn life!
Beginning to think we've got someone crazy on our hands How did you get in here?
Crowley you fucking moron what is wrong with you who has possessed you??? I am dean your fucking best man!
Be careful Sam.
I fucking live here! So do you!
"You know what I do to liars, hm?" aims my blade at you
Agreeing with Ruby, I just make sure to stay far enough away and not in Derek's line of fire should he need to take it
"Put him in the dungeon. That should keep him"
+Someone fucking tie him up!+
What the hell is wring with all of you???how the hell do you not know who I am!!! Dont fucking touch me!
I think until we can figure this out, that's the best bet. Watch him. I'll get something to tie him up Goes for a length of rope in my room
Sam! Dont do this! You are my fucking blood!!! Family dont end in blood and dont start there either remember???? What the hell has happened to you all????
Comes right back with the rope Stand still, look we don't want to hurt you, but we will if we have to
I am family I am dean FREAKIN WINCHESTER GABE DAMNIT! LET ME GO YOU SON OF A BITCH! SAMMY dont fucking do this listen to me Damnit! I am Dean fucking Winchester you are my fucking brother!
shadow is hiding in the dungeon and laughs silently
Struggles to get the intruders hands tied all the while listening to the crazy shit coming out of his mouth. What the hell was going on?
There is something else fucking here !! That is causing this why the hell wont you all get your heads out of your assess and realize what is happening?!?!?
As soon as Sam has him tied up I put my blade away and pick him up by the rope slinging him over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes, getting to the dungeon I throw him in and against the wall I don't know who the fuck you are, or what the fuck you want, but you will not hurt my Damned Family slamming the door shut I make sure its bolted so he cannot escape
I pop in as we are bored Lucifer  is piggyback on my back last stop!
As Crowley slides the bolt, I breathe a bit easier How did someone like that get in here?
Makes a train noise and hops off your back what the fuck is going on
growling +Why don't you tell me smart ass? This place is supposed to be warded and locked from intruders+
struggling as I’m carried and thrown into the dungeon Its not me DOUCHEBAG! WHY THE HELL WONT YOU FUCKING LISTEN get pissed i walk over to the door and start kicking it as the bangs from me kicking echoes through the bunker
I roll my eyes stop talking shit. It’s impossible. This place is a freaking fortress.
running my hands through my hair, I slam the gun down on the table +how the fuck was an outsider suppose to come here?? I thought this place was secretive?? Who's been inviting boyfriends?+
He's human in case you didn't notice! Wards aren't going to do shit! It's the regular locks I'm worried about now Stomps off to go and check them for myself
shadow vanishes from the dungeon
+Another good question, who do we know that might bring someone in without telling us?+ shouts after you STILL NEEDS A FUCKING KEY MOOSE
I crack my back and shake my head at the mad men in the bunker I'll go investigate this so called stranger I pop into the dungeon
hears Derek's remark, but snaps my mouth closed on my own. Goes up the steps to check the Bunker door
Wai.. and he is off..
"Did anybody think to check for ID on him?
The door locks appear to be working. Coming back down the stairs He had to have gotten inside another way. This place needs a good look-see
+Yes, yes let’s ask the intruder for ID, should we also him tea and biscuits and sing Kumbaya with him?+
lurks around the bunker just out of sight but Abbadon can feel my power. I am silently laughing at the chaos
"Sometimes less is more
I sit on the map table kicking my legs it's no fun no fu  staring to the wall
( just ask Rowena )
I skip over to you and I can't help but laugh at you, keeling over a little oh my Gabe...you look a little tied up there
Not helping Crowley
+Not my fault no one around here can use a brain+
"Apparently the answer to the question is....NO"
Not funny Luci tell them I know you know I know you sense the bitch that’s here! Tell them you ass!
I look around feeling a strange feeling of power
Well then why don't you just share yours with everyone huh? How do YOU think he got in? And more important why?
+The how is not as relevant as the WHY+
If you speak to me like shit then why the fuck would I do anything to help you. Honestly you being tied up like this is such an improvement.
Disagree, no reason to believe that he's up to whatever he's doing alone.. we just never get that lucky!
Come on Luci we are all family I am pissed not AT you but about whatever the hell the thing I saw that’s here!
I punch you in the face, covering my fist with your blood from your Nose I could but I don't want to I leave the dungeon and appear next to Abby
hiding in medbay reading some lore
seeing Derek Lane comes in are you ok?
walking in Holding Donna I reach in the bag  I got you this belle
+And you dont think for even a millisecond that he is after something dangerous? We have him in the dungeon, give me and Abbadon 5 minutes with him and we can get the truth out of him+
Perfect pregnancy shirt
Notices the blood on Lucifer when he reappears and walks over What did you do?
I smiles have lot fun with Gabe and Donna for babies shopping and I walk with Donna and Gabe it was fun
sits down at the table as I don't really do torture
ohh I want on
You get stop for your cubs too?
Looks at my hand and suddenly puts on a mad voice He threatened the family, he wants to kill you all, I don't know who he is or how he got in, I got angry and I punched him.
Yep I can’t wait they try on after they are born
Of course
another powerful presence is felt in the dungeon, and you see a whisp of bright blue smoke go out the vents
Let’s put it in the nursery Charmander made. That woman must never sleep
drums my fingers on the table +we need new locks+
No… cause I love carrying our baby! I kiss you soft and deep! Babies!
Breaths hard to try and keep things from escalating How about we find out what's going on by talking to him,  before we just start pounding on him.
Yes sir I smiles walk over to nursery that Charlie build and she set down
How do we start? You wanna put his eyes I'm a cold eye scream
Just use Abby’s ass, it's big enough.
walking in seeing Henry. hey kiddo what are you doing in here ?
Reading lore dad  sets my book down
(who said romance is dead ?)
WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT? As I see the blue smoke DAMNIT WHY WONT ANYBODY FUCKING LISTEN kicking at the door harder making the banging echo through the bunker more
fuck you!
(Right 😂)
Find anything good
Later sweetie later
I’m a fan
(I did)
That is one way, I was going to go for the easy method, smirks A man's well, Manhood is quite sensitive
the shadow makes its way to the armory to watch unseen
blinks +I’m serious. The protection on this damn hotel needs to be better+
Mmmmm I’ll never stop loving you carrying our babies
you wish
You found heaven?
+I agree, it need an upgrade+
Pats head +Don't worry you have us to protect you small human being+
No a lore book on angels like Cass
Aww.. yes. I can cut it off
Oh and? What did you learn ?
+He doesn't need you to protect him, he is capable of doing it himself, can we FOCUS on the subject at hand?+
Donna I hear the team what is going on over there and hey Donna let see what going on with other
blushes red I love you too!
Good idea!
I was thinking more...chemical castration, hurts worse
Thanks you
Until the stars fall from the sky darlin .
No!! I want some torture!!!
ducks +don't touch my hair please+
+Or we can get super fucked up and see who can do a handstand the longest+
Let’s see what’s going on Henry
Ok? Just make it very slow!!!
+Didn’t you say he threatened the family, would that not include Bear Dumbass+
+please!+ pinches the bridge of my nose
I walk over see the team and I rise my eyebrows what in world is going on
drops off my bag in the nursery and hurries after!
It is, drip by drip of acid
+He threatened everyone. Explained in great detail how he was going to kill each and every one of us+
Not much that I already know
+I'm trying too!+ Picks up the beer I sat down and takes a long drink Okay, suggestions on what do you suggest we do first about this?
+And you...are unfucking believable+
I smile and start with the balls!
Bangs on the door louder kicking it as hard as i can GABE! CALL FUCKING GABE! HE WILL KNOW THIS ISNT RIGHT! I AM TRYING TO PROTECT THE FAMILY!
+Start with the warding, change the Gabe’s Damned locks, and maybe NOT let everyone and their mothers live here!+
Lucifer what’s going on?
"That would be a good start."
+We can handle this+
+Arguing back and forth isn't getting us anywhere. I’m going to go check the control room and see if any sensors are showing as burnt out, or any alarms tripped... you guys fight it out+ Walks out
Steps back from the group Something is happening. No one can remember dean, they have him locked in the dungeon and there's a weird someone with us, watching everything, everyone
+give me a moment I'll go get my spell book and we can re work the warding maybe even make it stronger there's a few more sigils I can work in+
Guys? What going on? I look over Donna
I sit down near you! Resting my feet woo
Dean? Jimmy Dean? James Dean?
I sit with Donna put my feet up and took a deep breath
Dean Jordan the football star
oh I’ll kill him make it easy
walk to where everyone is sitting
The name dean comes up and I just get stabby for some reason
Honest Gabe, it's Dean Winchester, I mean we can still kill him, but later
doesn’t ring a bell
KICKING THE DOOR HARDER DAMNIT why wont they listen or hear me out??? get tired from kicking and drop to the floor sitting catching my breath before getting up and kicking again DAMNIT LUCI, CROWLEY, SAMMY PLEASE!
appears in the dungeon and ties Deans laces together
wait wait there as the ugly guy with the micro manhood red was dating , was his name Dean? red brings home so many things _
Oh my gosh yes, I swear his name was Dean, or was it Jean, or Sean?
((he is thinking you wouldn't hear that love))
Mark, Fergus, Charles, no idea normally we know since she’s a screamer with him, not a peep 
+Good fucking idea+ walking over to Derek and Sam  +lets go check the damn control room like Moose suggested+
Henry SPN let's go kiddo we are going to check the locks
She really lucked out on this one honestly, easily forgettable
waits silently close to Gabe and Luci listening in to their thoughts and giggles quietly
by everyone apparently. Wait, maybe we should redo the warding ?
nods and gets up +what will we be looking for?+ follows you there
Seems like the smart choice
I tag along to the control room
+ I'll go grab it and get to work+ I vanish to the stairs
Yup  starts locking doors
Once in the Control Room I make the rounds checking for any tripped sensors. Nothing is flashing red outright, so that's a good sign
C’mon Lucifer let’s redo some sigils
+Anything out of the norm Ruby thanks for helping+ "hope I can help"
walking in I look around and start checking the machines
Groans lazily and drags my feet Fine let's go, with blood or paint?
walks with you looking at the locks. Not touching them
Checks the run meters and everything appears to be online, that is ever online. +Looks pretty good in here+
I start checking the wires and the cords to see if there's any tampering
I went to kitchen make 2 cup of tea and I take 2 cup of tea and walk over to Donna I hand to donna here your cup of tea ma’am I smiles and I sit next to donna
I start painting sigils over the main doorway, and around the staircase
finishing my check I don't see anything out of the ordinary and I growl in frustration  +How does this even happen? Could he have hacked the systems? I thought only Techie could do that+
locks everything with telekinesis
Feeling much better about the basic safety of hte place, we now had to take a look at the extra wards put in place I guessed. +Might just come down to the warding after all+
Snaps some paint and paints sigils over other entry ways and in some rooms
relaxed back putting hand over the bubbles
pet your head good job kid
+but you said he was human?+ I turn around
I did all the work you did nothing
Your welcome donna I smiles I sip mine tea
I really didn't but you are powerful enough to do that!
+Doesn't mean that who he's working with is+
Should probably put these around the bunker…. Let’s start in the library
+Crowley, we need to get him to give us some answers, and quick I think+
silently makes my way back to the armory with all the ingredients I need now
smirking  I can arrange that,  Any limits?
Goes to the library on my way I paint Abaddon’s face
shrugs I wanted to eat cookies
Gabe where are you can you talk some sense into everyone there’s a shadow figure person here and everyone is in danger I was trying to warn them and protect them but nobody is listening to me
What? Of course there are limits! The guy's human.. think Derek fragile, just see what you can do without killing him+
That's no fun.
you're delusional, enjoy this time to think over some things
Makes a face at him for being so Crowley and leaves the room
makes a face back at him behind his back mocking him
Lucifer junior
Calls back to him I know what you're doing back there just keeps walking
Worst Hunters EVER
I’m not delusional and you know it I just want to protect my family ok? Yes I’ve been a dick yes I’ve made mistakes I’m sorry but this family does mean everything and I hate not being able to protect all of you please what’s happening isn’t right that thing shouldn’t be here
Snaps my fingers and Gummy bear plays in the dungeon
I laugh loudly
walks into the armory
in the armory I mix the last of the ingredients and sparks start to come from the ledger and what used to Be a whisp of smoke is now a full-sized woman before me. She chants some words and I gain a solid form and then she vanishes, the ledger now ashes before me
jumps and runs to Gabe hug cling. dad save me I'm scared
Stands still, sensing something. Can't make it out. It's definitely there.
grabbing Derek I pull you towards where I hear the commotion and see Henry clinging to Gabe +what is happening?+
Ruby? What's wrong?
looking at you and running after you
"There's something else here. I don't know what it is, but I can feel it."
I scoot over to the door and while lying on the floor I use both feet that are tied together to kick at the door feeling like I’m a floppy damn fish trying to kick the door
Nods. Know s its true Come on Follow the rest to see what happened
draws out my gun again
I head toward the others with Sam
mumbles what I saw
+Where were you Henry, when you saw this?+
You ok kid?
Hands you a smoke
takes it. give me a sec to get henry with donna and we’ll go check it out
I look up and sip tea
Lights smoke Sure just give me a call
leading Henry over to Donna you got these guys belle?
muster up courage while still clinging blue light in armor room
after listening I guide Derek over to where Donna is as well glaring at Lucifer How about not smoking around the pregnant ones
+I can handle myself love+
How about you shut up and mind your own business
going to donna
+I agree, so we stay here and help keep Bear safe+
nods +I can protect people.+ smiles
Luci let’s go check it out. Henry might get scared, but he never lies
+you should be concerned for Bear too+
Puts out the cigarette on the map table and Skips behind Gabe I'm here
Of course
realizing my kicking is getting nowhere I stop and think about how much I miss my family and want to be there for them and how hard it is to sit around knowing something is coming and not being able to do anything about it cussing myself in my mind because I know I’m an idiot
I look over
still clinging
Thanks mommy angel kissing your cheek You can stay with them kiddo your uncle and I got this Luci and I make the Mikalsons look like toddlers
blushes red! be careful daddy angel!
Can you two argue later, somethings really out of whack here
Only time I don’t have protection is with you darlin
Exactly what he said. You'll be okay Henry
Shadow In Solid Form
in the armory hiding in the corner
starts heading in the direction henry came from  Luci! pointing at the figure
let go and curls up on couch
Not sure the dynamic duo of angels are our best bet, but realizes there isn't shit I can do about it
Stops next to Gabe and glares at the figure What in your creatures is that
wishing I knew what was going on outside the locked door that I can’t get out of
That thing looks obnoxious, power hungry and mouthy reminds me of someone …..
Shadow Figure
Grabbing the ledger I run out past the archangels toward the rest of the team, once in the light I vanish again
blushes red and stands up with Oof!
blinks +hey um... someone have any salt??+
pacing the floor of the room I twirl my blade in my hand pissed off
Watches the figure run past and vanish Shit!!!
dicing after the figure as it runs just missing it LUCI!
"Sam. That is what I was sensing."
Did you see that?! Watched whatever it was vanish
walks over to you and hugs you to calm you +hey, we'll solve this+
WHAT I TRIED I run after where the figure was heading
looking around the bunker where did it go?
sees it vanish right before you hug me  +What the fuck was that?+
+What the hell was that? It vanished+
Pulls my blade out and also looks around
curls tighter in my corner of the couch and shrieks
+I saw it too+
No clue did anyone else actually SEE it though ? It looked familiar ….
The heck?????  I do a double take! who … what? Was that? I know right?!
Maybe one of your exs?
No, didn't get a good look. It moved to fast and was then just gone
I did! I hurry to your side
+What the fuck was it? Did the fucking intruder get out somehow?!+
No I’d know  them from the back side…..
I look around where the fuck are you. I glare come on mother fucker
Rolls my eyes Of course you do
+salt the doors and windows?+
wrapping an arm around you
Our intruder is human, I think we've got bigger problems than him now
+Im with you!  Where the fuck did it go?+
And you wouldn’t?
Actually yes...
I like the idea!
+That thing isn't in our books+
I want it dead. keeps looking DEAD I say!!!!
+And let me guess, you took the time to test he was human?  Not a Witch? Shifter? Smart One strikes again, has it ALL together+
Did you look behind the curtains? It’s where I found Jesus
Leaves the others and runs down to double check that the dungeon door is still bolted. It is, so I jog back up +Door is still locked+
I step in close to you my hand on my arm as look around in high alert!
Not helping
glare at you DEAD
+doing more than the dumbass moose+
What is that horrid noise ?
+Soon, you will have your chance+
I come to Abby’s side and poke her nose with my blade calm we will find it and destroy it
Oh oh oh know it’s like that scene from dumb & dumber the most obnoxious sound in the world
Is that a demon in our dudgeon
There is one, yes, possibly fucking two now cause the supposed smart one didn't bother to test and see what exactly we caught
my Hand on Your arm (the one you are holding me with!)
(mute spell)
Right what the heck is that
Yep that’s it snaps silencing the noise
+you don't know that+ growls
We’ll figure it out darlin we always do
Just the guy we discovered in here earlier Henry
That bitch
+I am searching the Damn bunker, we need to find it, let's go, Derek are you with us, anyone else wanna join+
looks around bunker
Of course Mon Bete I kiss you softly again! Let’s see if we can find it! Come on Alex!
I stand up and walk with donna we need find it
+Don't anyone go off alone! We don't have any idea what this thing is, or what it wants. Stay with someone!+
+I think we need to split up to cover more ground?
I look at you and try to relax promise?
"I am coming with you."
+Does it sound Like I am going alone you overgrown bean stalk, I am taking people with me+
I promise Wraps my arm around your waist and squeezes you reassuringly
+Yes, teams lets go+
Lucifer what did you catch on that thing? Did you get a glimpse at the book?
You think I read?? Jokes I did glimpse but honestly, I don't know what it is, we need to figure it, it's so familiar though. Doesn't it seem familiar
GABE please let me out so I can help?
I nod fine then
I look around donna! Where is it?
I'm coming with!
Just like the figure itself I mean it has to be something we’ve seen before
nods +I'm with y'all+
high in the rafters above the team I make the lights go out, causing the lock on the dungeon door to open
That's what I mean when I say it's familiar Gabe.
Nods again and leads us both towards the ART room Let me know if you feel anything, might be the only warning we get Grabs a piece of iron from the umbrella holder we repurposed, just in case
jumps I can't see
Stops when the lights go out
No idea. walking and looking. this Is aggravating!!! It’s the bunker it can’t just escape!!!
Coming to a complete stop when the lights go out, I listen
+lets go Abbadon and Lucifer, we need to do this shit+ starts walking down one of the halls with my blade out
I frown my feet is killing me
A HECK… yea know what! Bitch!
I try several locater spells I can't seem to track the shadow I begin to get frustrated and run my temples trying to think
You ok bear bear???
holds my gun out and starts searching each room as well go down the hall
My feet is killing I need go sit down
comes along pushing Lucifer along
I hear the lock unlock and struggle to get my knife out of my pocket and cut the ropes off my hands then untie my laces and run out of the dungeon and follow the halls until I make it to the main room DAMN WHY WONT ANYBODY FREAKIN LISTEN TO ME I AM NOT THE DAMN ENEMY HERE AT THE MOMENT I WAS TRYING TO PROTECT YOU
grabs my phone and turns in the light! And head back to main room with Alex to sit!
Walks next to you  with you on my arm
It's the demon tackles
I sit down and feet up I took a deep breath what was that?
Get knocked to the ground henry it’s just freaking me! Come on get off of me!
No I don't know you are
Turns at the sound of the intruder and runs back the way we came. Jumps to help Henry hold him
keep pushing
hearing the intruder yelling I turn around and run back  BOLLOCKS runs back and helps Henry keep the intruder pinned
Sammy no! Come on we have to stop that thing so things can be normal again!
I really don’t know I move my light around d like crazy ..worried!
Taking out my cellphone, I turn on the flashlight feature "Maybe this will help"
"What do you see Sam?"
Stop Struggling! I don't KNOW you!
wrestling with the intruder I pin him to a chair Sam tie his ass down!
Damnit crowley not you too! Get the hell off me all of you! struggle to push everyone off me
I look around I am scared donna
Can you just tie him already!
telekinesis ties him to chair
🎵we're having a gang bang we're having a ball we're having a gang bang against the wall🎵
Pulling a nearby charger cord over I bind his hands as tight as I can. Maybe a little pain will slow him down*
Thank you kiddo steps back and over to where you are  +How the fuck did he get free+
try to get up damnit why won’t any of you listen? There is a spell on you all so you dont remember me damnit! yelling as I try to shove you off me
I know bear! We will figure it out I’m sure. bit stopping looking around pulls out my archangel blade and holds in defense with the light! sweets are you okay? Nearby?
I nod
I could cause more if you would just let me!
The power went out
How did he get out? I just checked that door!
pissed that I’m tied to the chair trying to fight against everything holding me SAMMY WOULD YOU JUST LISTEN TO ME I AM YOUR BROTHER!
I grab my phone and turn on flashlight and look around
Stop saying that! WE are in NO way related!
I noticed that, I meant the ropes, he was tied Kiddo
Knife  shrugs
Positive now it’s just an insane human, probably hyped up on some kind of drug. Shut Up! Just STOP talking!
He's not related to you gets in front of Sam with my dagger out
Do you mean the moose didn’t even search him for weapons
Was a little busy at the time Crowley, you were the one who took him downstairs
Puts my hand on Henry's shoulder Watch him Henry
can I stab him  innocently smiles with dagger in my hand
starts pacing +how did this happen?+
I Crack my knuckles and chuckle evilly I know what to do with that sucker! Let's burn his eyelashes. Then his eyes. Then, let's start cutting his little brain and after that we burn that too. Cut his tongue out and mutilate every other part until all that's left is one little toe.
Not Helping Abby
I wide who is that? I scared I whisper
So the fucking moose screwed up again
YOU took him downstairs! Jesus! Can't understand how this night went to hell
You saw him before me!
I roll my eyes it does to me. Cause YOU WONT LET ME KILL HIM
Pats head there there
Who does he work for
Wait.. SHE? You said she's running around her.. Who is she, what is she?
The Easter bunny
glare at you
Or evil Santa
Or Krampus
But yes it’s a fucking SHE not ME!
This requires pie eating later
Intruder pie?
No I want pie
Paces back and forth, everyone talking back over each other isn't getting us anywhere on anything
walking into the commotion what is going on? snapping the lights come back on Lucifer?
Snaps pie in your hand
I turn off my flashlight from my phone
Thank Gabe maybe now somebody will have some sense
eats pie he escape
thinks there must be more to this, but what?
frustrated I stalk over to a chair and sit down
Let there be light. The intruder escaped the dungeon I point to the strange creep One ugly little fellow
Shutting the flashlight off I hold on to it just in case I'll need it again.
Luci you’re an ass but I will be glad when somebody listens to me for a change
He gave me pie
I dont know who the fuck you are, shut up
gives you a coffee
You do and you knew from the get go when you came to the damn dungeon
looks puzzled. that’s not what we saw, and why doesn’t anyone recognize dean?? Forgettable maybe…. But not usually by this bunch
smirks at you so go get him
Dad that's a demon  points to Dean
Thank you finally somebody freaking knows me
Recognize who? More confused, is the intruder’s insanity catching?
I think it's to do with what we saw. I think they put a spell on everyone, making them forget who dean is. Meaning maybe this thing is a trickster, right up your street
+or a shifter, or a reaper, could be any damn thing+
No I’m not I am Not your issue the hooded bitch is!
shakes my head Feels human, just know that it is
nods annoying or not…he’s a good hunter… Relax guys I know him… and in reality so do you. Luci… fix them….. Dean what did you see?
eats pie and sits on floor no touchy
Fix us? We are not broken
Awww but I wanted them to kill him. Moans like a toddler then snaps my fingers and the spell wears off on everyone
blinks and looks confused why Dean tied up
One fugly ass bitch that’s all I fucking know and I am pretty sure she summoned something bigger. She appeared in front of me when I was here alone and ramble some gibberish shit and gone, I’ve seen her like 3 times since then
Looks around the room, wondering where everyone came from... didn't just enter in here with a beer Dean? What's going on?
The fun is over Sits on the ground and crosses my legs
I was reading in med bay
Finally thank Gabe. We need to find the fugly ass bitch that’s running around here lurking in the shadows
sits on Luci
What the hell is happening? Someone? Anyone? waits hoping someone will explain
Looks around and sees that I am sitting on the couch  +What the fuck, how did, when did Dean get here, Derek​+
Pats head enjoying the pie?
confused, I look around the bunker. I don't remember even getting here from the apartment.
appears again and runs through the bunker, too fast to be caught
"What the hell was that?"
+why is he in a dungeon?+
There she is! Let me the fuck up so we can go get her!
unties Dean
Huh  looks at what I'm eating yes but what in games name is that
It's pie
No the blue figure person
+Why the hell are you asking us? Not a clue+
thank you as I take off to try to find the evil shadow bitch
Dean, wanna explain to me why you're tied up and why I can't seem to remember what the hell is going on here?
Picks up Henry and places him at the map table with his pie Henry. Chases after the shadow
There’s a black shadow something here in the bunker! We need to stop her as I run after her
Bollocks taking off after him looking for the shadowy figure
shadow keeps running, in and out of the rooms
running after it growling as it escapes me
That was all the information I needed. The Bunker had been breached by something and we needed to find it
Come back you evil bitch!
runs after the thing
sees it enter and then exit a room and curses under my breath fucking damn it
(Scooby doo music plays as everyone runs in and out of different doors)
People running back and forth didn't seem to be doing any good and I still hadn't seen the shadow they spoke of GUYS! We need a plan for this!
I run in one room and out into another trying to find her
Donna we need a plan
(👀 No it doesn’t)
Planning on staying put and waiting for it to come to me.
Anybody see this bitch?
Ruby can you feel where it’s at? Or where it’s going next?
Keeps looking for the shadow
Shadow Figure
runs between Sam and Ruby then back to the armory
I gather my energy and slowly expand outward, searching...
Agreed! walks to his side
"It went that way" I told Sam pointing toward the Armory
runs out of a door seeing her go between Sam and Ruby, I run towards the armory
Jumps back Okay THAT I saw! Whatever it is, it’s fast!
Let’s see if we can chase her into the bunker, you and Lucifer use your powers and hold her pulling out an enchanted rope I’ll tie her and we can take her out of here
keeps trying to find the thing
I got you but you're asking me to hold a figure that might not even have a body to hold just saying Cracks my back and gets ready
runs into the armory and she seems to have vanished again
Pretty sure you can handle it and you belle?
Thinks that as much as I don't like it Gabe and Lucifer seem to be our only chance at stopping whatever this thing is How can we help?!
runs through the map room
charge at you
Yep yep I can handle it, I got it Spots the Shadow figure then Flashes my eyes red and holds it in place
Give chase… let’s lure it to the dungeon
heads towards the dungeon as fast as I can
Follows them to the dungeon
gives up
follow to towards the dungeon
Follows Sam
I'm gonna need this whole story one more time as soon as we get this thing
Donna, Lucifer hold it in place!
No problem
Runs into the dungeon and looks around
"I hear you!"
I chase the shadow into the dungeon
follow into the dungeon
I GOT IT I throw my hand out in front of me and holds the figure
using the celestial rope I turn it into a lasso and spin it above my head
missed the shadow I keep looking for it back in the map room. Then the kitchen
sees Dean and rushes at him pushing him into a wall hard trying to run out
gets slammed back into the wall SON OF A  BITCH!
taking the lasso I trap the shadow in the ropes and pull it toward me Donna we need to secure her… she looks familiar somehow…. But I’m not sure…..
Makes it to my brother's side
I keep holding it in place, my body slightly glowing from power
struggling against you
Drop to the ground trying to catch my breath as the wind was knocked out of me I'm....ok.....Sammy
tied by the rope now I struggle even harder but it’s useless
I can feel the increased energy in the room. The hairs on my arms are standing on end. It's building like static
snapping the shadow is made still, I pick her up and carry her out of the bunker with Donna and Lucifer we need to figure this one out…. Let’s go home
as I am carried through the bunker the ledger falls from my pocket  
Suddenly it was over. Just like that What the hell just happened?
I pick up and flip pages and look up guys! It the empty!
REMEMBER ME ABBBBYYyyyyyy Voice trails off when I vanish with the other two
"Let me know when you figure it out."
look over at Alex what the hell?
I've been one page behind this entire storyline, what the hell...
Nooooooooooooo I crush something
Finally free from that wretched book, I see one of my old allies… funny how I still knew her after all these years… I needed to gather strength and the fun would start
to be continued
1. Dean is sitting at the bunker table a bit shaken from what he’s seen. Sam walks in and is angry at the “intruder” Crowley and Derek come in behind him and ask who the stranger is. Dean tries to tell them but they aren’t listening. Rowena comes in and holds dean with a spell while the rest of them tie dean up and hold him in the bunker dungeon.
2. Dean protests from the dungeon but the team leaves him there. Luci and Abby pop in and see that Sam is irritated so he asks what is going on. Derek is panicking about there being a stranger in the bunker when they got back.  Abby says how impossible that is and luci decides to go investigate so pops into the dungeon. Once he argues with the intruder for a moment he goes back to the team
3. Alex, Gabe and Donna return from some baby shopping and  put their bags in the nursery Charlie built in medbay where Henry was hiding reading a book. He and Gabe chat for a moment then go out to where everyone is sitting. Hearing all the commotion and everyone talking over one another donna gets their attention and asks what is happening. Meanwhile Gabe and Luci are having a mental conversation.
4. They all discuss renewing some warding on the bunker. Rowe gets her spell book, and gabe and luci set to work putting up some sigils. Sam, Crowley and Derek go check out the control room while Henry and Abby check locks on doors and windows. Alex gets a cup of tea and relaxes at the table with Donna.
5. A shadow is in the armory and while walking through Henry sees a bright blue light and gets frightened and runs to Gabe and Luci. Hearing the commotion the others go to see what is happening. Henry explains what he saw and Gabe and Luci look concerned. Making sure everyone was safe and with Donna the two go investigate the armory.
6. Gabe and Luci see the shadow in a very solid form, and a familiar red book lying on the table. The shadow quickly grabs it and Gabe and Luci try to catch the shadow. Gabe says it looks familiar but he can’t place it and Luci agrees. The shadow runs out toward the others and vanishes in front of the entire team. (Everyone has seen her now)
7. Everyone reacts to the shadow and Donna and Alex question if that was the intruder they had seen. Abby wants to kill it and is looking around like a wild animal . The rest of the team is asking what they have seen and Gabe and Luci don’t quite have an answer for that. Sam, alarmed at this new danger comments on how the intruder was human so the least of their worries right now. (Dean can hear this and should react from the dungeon)
8. The team searches the bunker and aren’t able to find the shadow person. Donna is annoyed and bear says her feet hurt so goes to sit down.  Gabe and Luci discuss what they saw and are trying to make sense of it as they search. Rowena is trying to use a locator spell and it’s failing. The lights go out at the bunker. The dungeon door opens and dean comes out to the others but is met by an angry Sam, Henry and Crowley who wrestle him down again.
9. Now tied to a chair dean is really angry and he and Sam begin to argue with Dean explaining he is Sam’s brother. Henry gets protective and Crowley snarks. Derek is confused . Abby has an evil smile on her face and starts listing things she would like to do to the intruder and Alex is scared.  Gabe walks in and Luci points to dean as the intruder. Gabe comments about that not being what they saw and chats with dean.
10. The shadow reappears and Gabe and Luci finally relent and let dean out of the chair. The shadow is running through the bunker and they all attempt to catch her without success. Finally donna Gabe and Luci make a plan and trap the shadow and take her with them for the time being. The ledger falls from her pocket and Alex picks it up and starts flipping the pages but now it is empty……
0 notes
Regarding the new characters in obey me; im super happy their giving us more gender diverse characters. We love that representation
However… to be blunt about it- While i like how the mc can be imagined to be any gender, ethnicity, sexuality, appearance, etc; if they were really going for inclusivity and diversity, they shouldve already had female, non-binary, trans, etc characters from the start and not just adding them in later on. It just feels cheap to do that now. There are characters in the cast that couldve been female or non binary or even trans and the story will be unaffected if not even better. Hell, it would make so much more sense if asmo was gender fluid or enby.
I can understand how some people who didnt pay attention think that this was just any other otome game targeted to a mainly female audience because the entire cast is composed of all cis males. (Unless canon states otherwise and i missed it) but its not. It really infuriates me how petty some people become with just seeing a feminine silhouette. We dont even know much about the new characters and their role in the story yet.
Tldr; solmare should’ve given us the women and enbys from the start of the game. This drama couldve been avoided. But its better late than never i guess.
Sorry for making you read my rant, Thank you and goodnight
Ps: I dont know if this is a real hot take or i just need to chill. But oh boy do i have alot of grievances to the story and gameplay already
Okay so about Solmare not giving us nb, female and trans LIs from the beginning- I completely understand your frustration and I would have loved that However:
Look, I'm not trying to defend Solmare or whatever but you gotta consider their side of things too:
1.) I genuinely don't think they had a concrete plan to add more LIs than the brothers. The game advertises romancing the 7 brothers and that's it. Usually an otome game would advertise their large variety of male LIs. I don't think they expected OM! to grow so popular in such a short period of time (specially considering they have loads more games that never reached this level of popularity). They probably did have a plan of maybe making the side characters dateable but I feel like 13 and Mephisto were both (relatively) rushed jobs?
2.) I don't what the situation is like in Japan - ik being gay is not illegal but I don't know what the actual situation is like there when you're creating lgbtq+ media. I do however live in an Asian country and I do know that getting any type of lgbtq+ media that isn't all awfully stereotyped is hard. I do know that even in Western countries where things are supposed to be generally more accepted that creators can struggle to get lgbtq+ relationships out there. That (though this is somewhat outdated) they had to fight to let Asami & Korra hold hands, or to let Ruby & Sapphire get married (& that in certain dubs Ruby was voiced by a man), that they had to keep hints of Catra & Adora and Marceline & Bubblegum subtle until the last episode. That the producers of Gotham (the tv show) kept referring to two female characters who were canonically in a relationship and who had slept together on the show, as "best friends" despite the writers insisting they were girlfriends, that they had a canon gay character and his possible love interest referred to "as brothers" within the show itself. I have no idea who heads Solmare or who greenlights these games but I can't imagine it wasn't an uphill battle.
3.) Look at the end of the day OM! is an otome game and they are known for having a tiny fair skinned MC with long brown hair. Anime itself is not really the most inclusive of lgbtq+ relationships (and though this has changed recently and there have been more realistic portrayals of them - for the most part they have been either a.) completely ignored b.) used as the butt of a joke c.) grossly fetishized d.) weirdly noncon/dubcon for no reason). So OM! first of all giving us a MC without a confirmed gender who uses they/them pronouns within the game is huge!? I played this game thinking it was gonna be about another petite girl and that I would delete it after about a month and when I realised MC used they/them pronouns within the actual game it felt like I got hit by a speeding train? It was amazing. And now they're adding a nb character with a feminine aesthetic as a LI????? Like hello??? Is no one else impressed? If OM! keeps getting popular they may follow wizardess heart and add more LIs (after all Michael still isn't there yet) meaning potentially more diverse characters. Maybe it's because of what the situation is like where I live (aka being gay is still illegal and - though the law has never been implemented - punishable by 10yrs in prison) and so maybe I have low standards but to me this is a lot and I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and let them have their slow start (specially considering Solmare has never done anything like this before and they're breaking their own mould and I'm generous enough to let them stumble and take baby steps. Hopefully other new otome games will see om! and its popularity and follow in its footsteps while also improving and picking up OM!'s slack)
Yeah I've been annoyed at people too cause of how they're reacting to a feminine silhouette but I don't really think you can blame anyone else but those people if:
a.) They have no reading comprehension when the game clearly states in the description that it was for all genders
b.) They can't read the note next to the silhouette which says the new character is for people who would prefer them and that they're not there to steal away the other LIs
c.) They're facing some weird internal misogyny/bigotry and are now demanding that anyone who wants a variety in the LIs' gender should get their own game. <- Look if someone is saying this I AM NOT gonna blame Solmare or the OM! team. I'm gonna blame that particular person for being a grade A asshole
Here's a link to a post I made about people feeling anxious about 13 and reasons why they don't have to be, it also touches on some of the stuff I said here -> here
Tldr: all my points basically add up to this ->
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fraidy-farfelle · 3 years
This is my attempt at the Fluff ABCs for Frankie the Undead. Please be gentle with criticism because I cry easily. I’ve taken some ideas from @lovestruck-lasagna.
Taglist: @writingfromthetomb @beebubb
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
Your dry sense of humor. It perfectly matches his insults and he doesn’t have to go out of his way to make you laugh. He just says what he’s thinking and you laugh and agree.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
Frankie appreciates a good smile, and for many reasons. He learned to read smiles (fake vs real) early on and uses it to gauge people, so he pays particular attention by default. He’s a sucker for cute dimples, and loves the way your nose scrunches and your eyes close.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
He loves late at night when you share the couch and he can read a good book, sip on some whiskey, or puff on a cigar. He really doesn’t care what you’re doing, he can tune out the TV or you prattling on about your day and make comments to show he’s listening. Put your feet in his lap, lay on top of him, make yourselves mummies in blankets, so long as he can reach his glass he doesn’t care. He just wants to be with you.
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
Stay in date nights are his favorite. He doesn’t really like to “share” your attention. He likes to either cook a meal together or order takeout and watch a movie. Particularly black and white gangster ones, or older horror films. Likes to tease you if you get scared and grab onto him. He’ll pat your head and say something like “oh there there, don’t be scared! I won’t let the big, bad monster getcha!” (Like your neighbor isn’t a 7 ft tall children murdering clown demon) If you go out, he prefers less crowded places outdoors.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
He’s a spitfire and he knows it. He tends to explode and then after a few minutes apologizes gruffly and explains himself. “WHY WERE YA OUT UNTIL MIDNIGHT, THATS SUCH A STUPID THING TO DO!” “Sorry, Frankie.” “…… ugh just, please get home earlier from now on. It’s dangerous and I worry about you.” Definitely doesn’t hug you close so you don’t see the relief and worry on his face. Nope!
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
He misses Amy desperately. He wants a little girl in his life again, although he’ll never ever admit it. He’s hesitant to make relationships because he doesn’t want to be hurt again. But, if you go out with him to the living world, you’ll catch him staring longingly at parents and daughters when he thinks you’re not looking. If you ask him what he’s looking at, he’ll shake his head and spit out a line about children being obnoxious but you can tell he’s blowing smoke.
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
If the underworld wasn’t so dangerous, he’d love to drape you in the finest silks with diamonds and rubies dripping off of you. However he doesn’t want you to draw any unnecessary attention to yourself. So, he settles for things you don’t really see in public. He also doesn’t like to be found out about it. Your gas tank is filled, the bill you were worried about has mysteriously been paid, your favorite ice cream is in your freezer when you know you ate the last of it yesterday, and hey, didn’t you spend this $20? Why is it in your wallet? If you ever bring it up he’ll just shrug and say “How strange!”
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
He’s torn about PDA because he doesn’t want you to become a target because you’re associated with him, and people stare at him enough because of his appearance. But on the other hand, he wants to show the world that someone as worthless as him (don’t say that we love you Frankie) has such an amazing person that loves him. Will absolutely grab you and passionately make out with you with one hand on your ass and the other flipping the bird to the cheeky bastard that told the broad beside him to watch out for the zombie.
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
Panic. Sheer panic. He’s so afraid to lose you, any injury is serious and cause for alarm.
Frankie:*bursting into a hospital lobby, screaming to be taken to f/n l/n immediately**running in the opposite direction the nurse pointed in panic**bursts into exam room 30 seconds later* “Y/N!!!!! I came as soon as I got the message, WHATS WRONG!!!”
You: *sitting on the table, reading phone* “Oh, I have a sprained ankle and they don’t want me to drive so can you give me a ride?”
Frankie:*slowly blinking* “Uh, yeah no problem…”
You: “lemme guess, you heard my name and hospital in the same sentence and ignored everything else.”
Frankie:*hanging his head* “go wait in the car, I’ll go apologize….”
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
Not actual jokes, but he loves to sit with you and insult people. He’s an incredibly sweet person to you, but no one else. (Except service people, like nurses and waitresses. Just the general public) he doesn’t think pranks are funny or practical, which is one of the many reasons he and LJ butt heads. If LJ or Will prank you or him, he’s raising hell.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
Love kissing your lips. He’s actually really self conscious about his mouth stitches and constantly frets they feel weird to you. Neck kisses are another favorite and are extremely private to him. He also likes to hold the back of your hand against his lips and tell you what he’s thinking, no matter how mundane. Kiss his stitches. Please. Just do it.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
He has trouble saying it to your face. He’ll whisper it to you when he thinks you’re sleeping, and he’s been known to leave little notes around for you to find. He thinks protecting you is the best way to show he cares.
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
The day you finally broke down and told him you loved him. He knew as soon as he looked into your eyes and saw your smile his goose was cooked. He was very abrasive and hoping against hope that you’d leave him be. He knew you deserved better. He was so afraid to build a relationship and love again, he wanted to distance himself and if he was an asshole to you, it would be justified and you’d do it on your own. What he didn’t expect is for you to be so kind to him. Upon your initial meeting, he had been a little harsh, but helped you (if there’s enough interest I’ll do a fic about it) and so when he subsequently was a jerk to you, you were curious and determined to find out what he was hiding. He finally had been mean enough to make you cry. He had never regretted something he did before. He immediately wanted to cradle you to him and beg your forgiveness. Normally when he insulted you, you’d have a snarky retort in reply. But not this time. You fell to your knees and clung to his legs and demanded to know why he treated you so poorly and proclaimed your love for him. It was probably by accident and you were so distraught you didn’t even know it flew from your mouth, but hearing it, he couldn’t take it anymore. He didn’t care about the consequences, he just wanted you. Hearing that you loved someone like him made him so happy, he knew he’d treasure the memory forever
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
Losing you. Period.
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
What ISNT odd about this man?! A cute one is he always winks with his green eye.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
I HC that he was born in the 30’s, so he calls you “doll” a lot but only in private. He uses your name otherwise so it’s not as obvious to people watching you’re together. He will absolutely refer to you as “the dame” to others. The equivalent of “the boss” or “old lady.” “William! The Dame is trying to take a nap, so shut up or I’ll shoot you!” You call him stitches to tease him in private and are the only person allowed to do so.
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?) Either taking naps or couch potato time. Also, low key likes to cook with you. He can’t cook for shit, but likes to “help” by handing you things or chopping things for you. Is a super good taste tester, self appointed.
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
Stitches by Shawn Mendez (PLEASE DONT HURT ME!!)
We don’t have to Dance by Andy Black (referring to how he can’t really show you affection in public but he loves you)
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
He’s open about himself and what he’s thinking, and will always take what you say into consideration. He doesn’t like to keep things from you, but he does omit some detail about his jobs if you ask about them. He just feels like you don’t need to be stressed about it.
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
LJ picked up on Frankie’s fondness of you almost instantly. He and Will decided to do what they could to get you together in the interest of making Frankie less of a grouch. If it hadn’t been for them insisting that he was good guy to you, you probably WOULD have let Frankie’s prickly nature drive you away. It took a year or so for you to break down.
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?) A powder keg of insults, foul language, and bullets. Has actually never called you a name outright, and would absolutely never physically hurt you. When he was deliberately being rude to you, he’d insult your actions rather than you. “Stop acting like a dumb broad!” Vs calling you a bitch to your face. He usually calms down quickly, and is hardly ever angry at you, only when you put yourself in danger.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
He likes that he’s scary and tough looking so that when you’re with him, other men scatter pretty fast. Has had many occasions where he stepped away and someone came to flirt with you and he came back and had the pleasure of scaring them.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
You are not allowed to do anything dangerous, ever! Will teach you how to use a gun and how to counter things like chokeholds, so you’re less vulnerable. Will absolutely lose his mind if he learns you’ve put yourself at risk. He will shoot someone so fast for you. Takes every person as a threat to you and will pick fights with somebody that accidentally bumped into you. Do NOT test this man.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
You are an open book to him. He’s learned to read people well, and he takes his time studying you. Can tell if you’re getting sick before you can. More than once he’s handed you a bottle of Tylenol, leaving you bewildered, and shrugged and said to take them because you’ll have a headache in a few minutes. He can pick up on your emotions easily and has learned what to do to handle them.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
Honestly, marriage isn’t that important to him. He’s not opposed to the idea at all, but like you’ve been together for this long, you love each other, is it really necessary? You’d have to tell him you want to be officially married. He’ll buy you a ring, to show that you’re taken, if nothing else, but he’ll wear his around his neck under his tie so it’s not obvious he’s attached to anyone to discourage his rivals using you to get to him.
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
The smell of your perfume. Holding you in his arms and taking deep breaths makes all of his troubles go away.
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honeypirate · 3 years
What’s a Carnival w/o a Kiss?
Nishinoya, Tendou, Kuroo, and Bokuto visit you at your kissing booth.
Fem reader
Choose your character ending!!
Your best friends name is Mina bc I’m watching MHA and needed a name.
Not edited.
When they approved your VBC kissing booth you were shocked. You thought for sure it would be denied but apparently they thought it would be fun. “What’s the harm in a kiss?” The principle had said while following it up by stating if anyone was truly uncomfortable they didn't have to participate, it was the person’s choice to participate in the kissing booth.
You spent the day preparing the booth and painting it for the carnival tomorrow. You were nervous about it even though the kissing booth was your idea. You only suggested it becasue you thought it would be a great way to raise money since everyone on the girls and boys teams were well know. Plus you thought you could get out of it. nope, if your best friend Mina was participating there was no way she would let you out of it since she knew if you were really uncomfortable with it you wouldnt have thought of the idea yourself. “Too bad so sad” she said while you poured. The girls team would be the ones in the booth Saturday morning and the boys in the booth in the afternoon. Your time was scheduled for noon and youd be in there for fifteen minutes.
You werent just nervous because you had to kiss people, but what if no one wanted to kiss you? What if the entire fifteen minutes you had no one would show up? Just lines and lines for Mina who was right after you. You would feel so embarrassed and it might wreck your self esteem. You sigh and wipe off a bit of paint where you spilled and fixed your other mistakes.
“This looks amazing y/n!” (Noya/tendou/kuroo/Bo) said as he came over to you and you laughed softly “really? Thanks. It isnt hard though it’s just two colors” he laughs and picks up the paint brush with red on the end and placed a bit on your nose and you gasp, your cheeks flushing “doesnt mean you arent good at it!” he says and you smile softly. Somehow just his presence seemed to calm you down “thank you” you said softly and he nods with a grin. you take the white and paint a stripe down his cheek and then giggle as he gasps in shock.
Somehow in the paint fight ended up with him holding your hands above your head and painting doodles on your face while you chuckled and stared up at him. He was so pretty, you didnt get much time to appreciate his looks but you thanked whatever gods were above for this chance
“Hey! Save it for the booth!” His Coach calls out and you feel your face flush as he just laughs above you and rolls off you “sorry coach!” he replies and you avoid eye contact, too embarrassed for being caught goofing off.
“The booth is going to be amazing tomorrow” he says and helps you wash your brushes. “I hope so” you whisper softly, your anxieties coming back. When you’re done you walk him to the gym door so he can head to practice “Hey” he says softly and you look up at him “i’ll see you at the booth tomorrow, okay?” he says with a grin and it makes your stomach flop and your heart race. Your cheeks feel warm as you smile back at him “i’ll-” you clear your throat so you can sound more confident and then grin “i’ll be looking forward to it”
You couldnt sleep, nervous for the kissing booth but now you were nervous because you knew at least ONE person would be there in your line. You didnt even care if you had no other people who wanted to kiss you because you knew your crush was going to be there. At least you hoped that was what he meant.
That morning you made sure you wore your favorite outfit and put on a little perfume, you did your hair your favorite way so you could have more confidence in yourself and at the end of getting ready you felt actually really good about yourself. You looked in the mirror and smiled, maybe today would be the day you would kiss your crush.
Mina shaked your shoulders and squealed “are you ready?!” she said and pushed you towards the booth you had been abiding all day a long “nooooo” is his you respond and she just laughs. “Time to switch!” she sings and your Captain laughs at the boos that Mina get and she waves “sorry boys” she says and pats your shoulder as she exits the booth “good luck” she says and you smile and swallow hard. “Now it’s time for y/n!” Mina sings and you walk through the booth, pausing for a moment when you hear whistles and cheers which was the opposite of what you were expecting. You take a seat on the stool and feel your cheeks flush as the first boy steps up and hands you a red ticket and then presses his lips to yours for a second.
After five minutes kissing didnt even feel like kissing anymore. You lost count of the people who wanted to kiss you but after a few more minutes the line ends and you get a break. You look at your phone to check how much time you have left. 4 minutes to go. You felt your heart begin to shrink when you thought he wouldn’t come. You were distracted by a text from Mina you didnt notice someone approaching until he spoke.
“Is this booth open?” he asks with a chuckle and your eyes snap up as a smile spreads across your lips “i thought you werent gonna make it” you say with a lilt in your voice and he laughs “how could i miss this? I get to kiss the most beautiful girl not to mention my long time crush” you feel your cheeks flush “i've been waiting for you all day, not to mention i won you this!” he pulls up a small teddy bear and your eyes widen with a chuckle “really! That’s so sweet Noya!” he gets a little nervous now, he confessed his feelings and you didn't say anything about it yet. He feels his face flush as he fumbles with his ticket in his hands. “So.. uh.. Yeah” he says and rocks on his toes as he looks at his ticket. You laugh and hold out your left hand for the ticket with a small smile. He grins as his cheeks dust darker pink as he places the piece of paper gently in your palm. You hop off the stool and lean across the booth to cup his cheek “i’ve been waiting all day for you” you whisper and then you press your lips to his.
Your lips softly rest against his for a moment before you’re pulling back “no, wait” he says softly and cups your cheeks, pulling them back to his own. His tongue touches your bottom lip and you meet it with your own, deepening the kiss and humming in happiness as your lips move together
“Hello?!” the boy behind him asks annoyed and you pull apart with blushing cheeks “sorry guys y/n’s time is over!” Mina says from behind you. You dont know when she appeared but you felt embarrassed anyway. You wave to the long line of guys that had appeared and they all looked mad as Nishinoy just looked like he was in heaven as he walked around the side of the booth to meet you at the back. “Hi” you say shyly and he smiles “hi beautiful” he says you blush “I really like you, Yuu” you whisper with a shy laugh and he takes your hand, lacing your fingers together. “I would hope so! You kissed me like it!” you laugh and rock your shoulder into his playfully “wanna go get some cotton candy?” he asks and you laugh “yes! That sounds amazing. Then maybe we could ride the ferris wheel”
“Helloooo” he says happily while waving his ticket slowly in front of your phone “aren’t phones against the rules?” you laugh and roll your eyes “you’re here” you say softly and he smiles and runs a hand through his hair “here i am!” he says with a laugh that shows his anxiety. You take his ticket and then reach up and run your hands through his hair “can i tell you something?” you ask, grateful there isn’t anyone behind him right now. He nods, his ruby eyes shining as they stare into yours “I’ve been waiting for you Satori” you say and laugh shyly and he cups your cheeks, pressing his lips against yours softly. Its soft and sweet and when you pull back he’s pulling your lips back to his again and again, quickly peppering kisses against your lips as you chuckle. “Tendou?” he kisses you and hums in response “maybe” kiss kiss “we should” more kisses “tendou!” mina shouts and he pulls back to look behind you as he still holds your face “take her away, her time is over” tendou shouts for joy and hops through the booth window, taking your hand and leading you away as you chuckle “lets get some lunch and talk about how much you love me” he says and you laugh “sounds good to me” you respond and squeeze his hand. He looks to you with a gasp before his face turns into a grin “and obviously i’ll talk about how much i love you back. It wont just be about me” you laugh “i know, i could tell how much you liked me from those kisses”
“Hey there cutie” he says and you laugh as you shove your phone in your pocket. He always had a way of taking away all your anxiety. You smile up at him as he hands you a red ticket. “Glad you could finally make it Tetsu” you joke as you take his ticket, placing it in the basket with all the others. “I told you id be here” he said with a smile as he leaned his elbows on the booth and smiled at you now he was your height. “And here i thought you were just waiting to kiss all the girls” he hums and reaches out to tuck your hair behind your ear “nah, i only wanna kiss you. I mean, why would i want to kiss anyone else when i have you?” you hop off the stool and lean closer “and how are you sure you even have me?” you whisper and he cups your cheek softly “you have no idea how bad I am hoping” he says, his eyes showing how much vulnerability he is hiding with his teasing “same here” you whisper as he cups your cheeks and presses his lips to yours. The kiss ends sooner than you hoped but the way he is smiling melts your heart “are you done here yet?” he asks with a chuckle and mina behind you yells out “yes! She is! Go on!” she ushers you out of the booth. He holds his hand out to you and you take it with a smile, lacing your fingers together “I guess you were right” you say and he laughs “about what?’ he asks and you squeeze his hand as a blush dusts your cheeks “you have me”
“Hey!” he shouts and you look up at him “no hey hey hey?” you ask as you stand from the stool and smile. He laughs and scratches behind his head “i’m just a little nervous” he says with a shy laugh “hey” you say softly and he meets your eye with his cheeks blushing “I was really hoping you’d come” you say softly, your heart racing. “Really?” he asks and leans forward, placing his ticket on the booth edge and you laugh with a nod. You raise your hand and use your finger to tell him to come closer which he does with a smile and you cup his cheek with one hand while leaning into his opposite ear “i really, really like you Kou” you whisper and he hums in excitement “i like you too!” he says and you laugh “maybe i should kiss you now” he says and you nod as you feel yourself get twice as nervous. He cups your cheeks “so beautiful” he whispers before he presses his lips to yours. You hum at the same time and then chuckle as you kiss him deeper. He pulls back and you chuckle as you wipe his bottom lip with your thumb. Mina taps your shoulder “you’re done hun, now go get your man” she says and you laugh as you make your way around to Bo who excitedly takes your hand “do you wanna maybe turn this into a date?” he asks and you smile with a nod “I’d love that Kou”
You spend the whole day with him and watch the sunset form the Ferris wheel, stopping right at the top for you guys. “Wait” you say and turn to him “weren’t you supposed to be in the kissing booth too?” You ask and he chuckles softly “yeah I ditched. I don’t want to kiss anyone else but you” you smile, your cheeks flushing and heart dancing at his words “well if I knew that in the beginning” you say with a laugh and he cups your cheek “you only wanna kiss me too?” He asks softly, his eyes drifting to your lips as you nod. “Then maybe you should be my girl” he says and you laugh “yeah maybe I should” you say just before his lips press against yours for the umpteenth time already today, sending warm fuzzies to your heart and spawned more butterflies you were sure to fly out and into his mouth.
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bridgyrose · 8 months
So, for another prompt idea I just had...
A mishap with Ruby's Semblance leads to two characters getting fused together.
(Sorry this one took a while to do. Took me a bit to figure out the right idea I wanted to go for.)
“You just came back from some… magical fairytale world and the first thing you want to do is use your semblance while carrying Blake and I, just so we can infiltrate the grimm infested building that used to be the Crown’s hideout, all because Headmaster Theodore asked you to?” May asked. 
“Its not just because he asked me to,” Ruby said as she rushed over to May, kicking up sand and dirt with her rose petals. “I have other reasons to go out there.” 
“Like what?” 
“It’ll be a great way for me to practice with my eyes.” 
“And we still dont know if you using your semblance to carry anyone is going to affect anyone yet.” 
Ruby went quiet for a moment as she thought about it, using her semblance to rush around for a brief moment, and watched as rose petals appeared with green, crackling energy running through them. “It’ll… it’ll be fine. I need to do this. If I cant  figure out how to control my eyes, then I’ll never be able to get Beacon back once I can make my way back to Vale.” 
“And she’s carried us before,” Blake said as she walked over. “She carried Yang and I together the other day and we’re fine.” 
May sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “And what is so important that the three of us need to get out there?” 
“Headmaster Theodore thinks there might be an aura transfer machine out in one of the old buildings that the Crown had used.” Ruby pulled out her scroll and pulled up a map that Theodore had given to her. “Some of the buildings closer to the edge of the city used to be research centers until sandstorms and grimm claimed them. And while he’s aware that one member of the Crown could siphon and give aura, with the amount of people that went missing a few months back, he’s pretty sure that one of those old research buildings will have what we need to get Penny back.” 
“If she’s actually in Winter,” Blake mentioned. 
Ruby felt her heart stop for a brief moment as she heard the word “if”, a small sigh escaping her lips as she tried to compose herself. “If… Penny is in Winter. But we wont know until we try. Though, the aura transfer machine isnt the only reason we’re going out there.” She pointed towards another building farther out from the city. “Pietro also needs a few parts that can only be found at an old outpost that was used for one of the original dust mines. I can get us out there, but we’ll still need you and your semblance to get us in so we can grab one of the old Atlas soldiers to repurpose.” 
May nodded as she looked over the map, moving her foot around in the sand. “And if we cant find anything useful?” 
“Then we’re in and out without issue.” 
“Fine, when do we go?” 
“We go now!” Ruby took hold of May and Blake, rushing forward with her semblance as it crackled in red and green petals with bits of blue and black swirling around. Her focus stayed on the small shack in front of her as she rushed ahead, only stopping once she made it into the building. She let her semblance drop as she pulled into a small room, watching the rose petals disappear as she kept an eye out for grimm. “Alright, we should be good to make our way in deeper.” 
“I’m not so sure this is going to work anymore.” 
Ruby turned to look at May as she heard her speak, pausing when she finally caught a glance at her. Cat ears stood on May’s head, the same blue as her hair before it faded to a black braid. The once, brown jacket was now white with brown trim around the edges and seams. But what worried Ruby was that Blake was missing, nowhere to be seen with May. “Where’s Blake?” 
May shrugged, closing her eyes to focus. “I think here with me but… I’m not sure.�� 
Ruby took a step back as she watched May turn invisible briefly, then appear again with a shadow like clone behind her. “This… this isnt how it was supposed to go. We were supposed to get in, find the aura transfer machine, and then get Penny-” She leaned against the wall as her head started to spin and her breathing started to pick up. For weeks she thought she had picked right, that she was enough for her friends, for her team. And now, here she was, everything starting to become another mess because of her actions. “I… I can fix this.” 
May looked at her. “Fix this? What do you mean-” 
Ruby didnt let May finish her thought before grabbing her arm and rushing around the room in her semblance, rose petals crackling with green energy once more until she dropped May and stopped to look. When it became apparent there was no change, started over again, grabbing May by the arm, bouncing around the room with her semblance, racing around and dropping May to check her, repeating over and over until finally her semblance sputtered out and she went crashing into a wall. 
“Maybe… its time… for a break…” May said as she struggled to stand up, dizzy from being spun around over and over again. “You still need to find-” 
“I messed things up again!” Ruby grabbed her head and started to slowly sink down the wall, hyperventilating as she tried to run through everything. “You told me this was a bad idea and I didnt listen, now Blake is gone, you’re part Blake, Yang is going to kill me, we’re still no closer to getting Penny back, and all I did was screw up again!” 
May sighed and sat down next to Ruby. “Yeah, you screwed up, but we’ll figure this out. There should still be an aura transfer machine out here, right? If we find it, maybe we can use it to split Blake and I back into who we are.” 
Ruby froze as she felt May’s hand on her shoulder, her breathing slowing as she started to calm. “R-right, we’ll fix this.” 
“There you go. Now, where did Theodore say it should be?”
“Down the stairs and to the left.” Ruby picked herself up and slowly looked out of the small room she was in to make sure the coast was clear from grimm and slowly started to head down the hallway. “If he’s right about this, there should be a small research lab under the main room that will contain it behind a locked door. But if we cant open it-” 
“Then we’ll let him know and come back when we can.” 
Ruby nodded, taking a small glance at May out of the corner of her eye, almost seeing Blake’s smile crossing her lips. “You’re right. Follow me.”
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dantelionwishes · 4 years
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I saw @cryptidanaphafsi do something like this, and I wanted to try something similar!! 
RUBY/SAPPHIRE: the og gameboy version where he didn’t have a name revealed back then!
1. RUBY ver.
he would be in a team Magma Costume, running towards the player directly to battle you 
After the battle, Archie will come and drag him away from the player 
The young boy will complain and say he wants to do cool evil stuff like his dad, Maxie 
Archie will explain that the little boy is Maxie’s son, and that he’s taken charge of taking care of him because it’s too dangerous for a child to be part of the criminal organization  
2. SAPPHIRE ver.
he would be in a team Aqua Costume, running towards the player directly to battle you 
After the battle, Maxie will come and drag him away from the player 
The young boy will complain and say he wants to do cool evil stuff like his dad, Archie
Maxie will explain that the little boy is Archie’s son, and that he’s taken charge of taking care of him because it’s too dangerous for a child to be part of the criminal organization  
3. EMERALD ver.
He is not present in the Emerald Version! This is the canon story where the international police were in charge of keeping him because both his parents are criminals. 
“ORAS”/DPP: technically the “canonverse” of the current poppy!
Technically, he’s the main character in the Diamond/Pearl/Platinum versions
Replaces Maylene (no hard feelings girl, it’s just because he’s the fighting-type gym leader!)
Story is still in the making/to be revealed! I’m still working on it ;^)
POKESPE: the manga is a wild ride, so this is gonna be a long one--
Ruby, at some point, encounters younger Poppy (unnamed during this arc), dressed in a Magma Costume who childishly challenges him to a battle before ignoring him 
Sapphire, during a different time, encounters him as well but while wearing an Aqua Costume, also challenging her to a battle 
Sapphire obviously wins and tries to get information out of him, but realises he’s just a kid playing around in a costume before letting him go  
He cries about his loss and goes back to his dad, revealed to be Archie 
He’s in Archie’s custody because, unlike Maxie, he’s posing as the director of Hoenn TV so it’s deemed “safer” for him to be with Archie 
He’s seen again with Archie during the night Maxie challenges him to a battle
Maxie demands to give him back his son, while Archie retorts by saying that he’s HIS son, not Maxie’s  
With a battle beginning, Archie tells his son to run away as far as he can, so that Maxie won’t get a chance to grab him while they battle  
Maxie’s Pokémon stop him from running away, and their kid is forced to stay and watch his parents fight (he almost gets hurt, but both parents make sure they don’t accidentally hit him) 
Both Archie and Maxie truce at the end of the battle, and Poppy is overjoyed to see both parents getting along  
He’s excited to tag along with his family, but both Archie and Maxie firmly tell him that it’s too dangerous for him to join them
And until the end of the arc, both team leaders are busy with their evil plans lmao
Their son is last seen inside a police department, holding close both his Aqua and Magma costumes before a police officer (presumably Looker) walks up and tells him the bad news of their demise 
2. EMERALD arc
He isn’t present during the Emerald Arc
This is the timeframe when Poppy was having his own little story in Sinnoh 
Guile Hideout, however, mentions a certain someone he wishes he could see again 
When Archie gets Jirachi, he starts off his wish with it being related to “wanting to see…” before changing his wish to getting Kygore 
Poppy is a bit older, and is introduced beside Platinum, where both are playing together in the Veilstone Game Corner 
It might come as a shock to the readers that his personality is different, and mentions nothing about Archie and Maxie
He is revealed to be the gym leader (albeit in training) in charge of Veilstone Gym 
Poppy promptly forgets he and Platinum played together in the Game Corner (how forgetful he is becomes a comical joke the whole time)
After being defeated by Platinum, he is the last to resolve the Team Galactic conflict by the Veilstone Department Store 
This causes him to want to fight Team Galactic for messing with his city 
Diamond and Pearl find both Poppy and Cyrus at Celestic ruins 
Cyrus is there to find information about the lake guardian trio, while Poppy is there to do the same (except for a specific lake guardian, Uxie)
Poppy confronts Cyrus for information both about team galactic and about the lake guardian 
Although Cynthia comes to fight Cyrus, and Cyrus escapes, Poppy vows to track him down  
All Sinnoh Gym Leaders show up in Spear Pillar, even Poppy, to defeat the Galactic Commanders and ambush Cyrus
They are all defeated, injured, and to be taken to a hospital, save for Poppy who is able to get up because of his conviction to see the Lake Guardian, Uxie
Because he is injured, this is the first we see of Poppy wearing his canon iconic bandages 
Because Poppy was carrying Cyrus’ unconscious body, he is also hit by Giratina’s shadow force, taking him to the distortion world
Honestly a super short arc
This is where the distortion world stuff happens 
Cyrus and Diamond talk to each other here, but Poppy is elsewhere where the main characters find him together with Uxie and the two other lake guardians 
If, at first, he was headstrong and stubborn into defeating anything in his path, this time he seems very distracted and rather absent-minded, even during the legendary whole battle 
Before everyone escapes from the Distortion World, Poppy hears a voice and the portal closes before anyone could help him escape 
4. ORAS arc
I haven’t actually been updated with POKESPE (I dont even know what happens in black and white) so I’m basing this off what i’ve read
Poppy shows up alongside Archie and Maxie, having both the Team Aqua and Magma logos on his hat 
He seems to have remembered everything and fights beside both his fathers after remembering and finding them 
He acts as their right-hand man, like a vice leader 
The voices he heard while in the distortion world were from Maxie and Archie, which is why the three of them appear together 
Poppy is desperate to keep both Archie and Maxie by his side once they start disappearing, begging them to stay 
Both fathers ask their son to protect the planet in their favour before fading away  
Despite being heartbroken over their forever disappearance, he sheds bittersweet tears that they were able to work together as a family before separating 
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gaetoeinhaler · 4 years
lucifer x female reader smut
words : 1.8k
warnings ; spanking, choking, degrading, jealous and rough sex, mentions of a fight
i'm not sure how long it's been since i've seen lucifer come out of his room. he's always occupied with his work, but never pays attention to me. that's not how a relationship is supposed to work. no matter how much i tried to get him to at least go out on a date with me, just to give him a little break, he never agreed and continued to focus on his work.
it got to the point where we had a fight about it. i can still remember his words echoing throughout my head. luckily, the other brothers were here to comfort me.
they said lucifer will soon realize what he did was wrong and come out to apologize. though, its been past a week. and i'm starting to slowly doubt their words.
sitting down, watching a movie from the human that i had picked out, it being "It chapter 2" , we were all huddled together. mammon was clinging onto my arm as if his life depended on it, levi was holding my other arm. belphie was asleep, beel was eating all the popcorn. asmo and satan were on the other side of the couch, focused on the t.v. screen. waiting for another jumpscare to come.
lucifer had finally finished all the paperwork that was needed to be done. he'd turn them in tomorrow to lord diavolo. though, throughout the time he worked on then, he had his mind wrapped around one thing and one thing only. (y/n). he didn't know how long it had been since he had last seen her.
he knew that she only wanted him to take a break. that she was worried for his health. but, he just had to go and lash out at her. he decided he'd make it up to her. he'd take tomorrow off, after he turned in the work, and spend the rest of the day with her. doing whatever she wanted for that day.
        he walked outside his room, seeing the hallways empty. the house was silent. that made him suspicious. he walked around, heading to the dining room. no one was there. he even checked the kitchen, expecting to find a hungry beelzebub roaming around looking for something to eat. he didn't, though.
        he wasn't going to jump to conclusions. he kept on walking until he heard the sound of voices coming from a room. he peeked through the door, and sure enough, there they all were. they were watching a movie. but, there was one thing lucifer didn't like. it was the fact that (y/n) was being smothered by two of his brothers. he frowned at the sight, and walked away.
        he'd do something about it later. something she couldn't refuse one bit whatsoever.
        after the movie had ended, i slipped away from the sleeping brothers. walking out of the room, i headed down the hall, towards the kitchen to grab a small snack. thoughts raced around in my head, the memory of me and lucifer's fight still present within my mind. no matter how much his brothers comforted me, it still made me doubt myself. it made me doubt that i was good enough for him.
        shaking it away, i sighed out. if lucifer doesn't want me then he shouldn't have dated someone like me. walking inside the kitchen, i grabbed a cup from the cabinet, trying to stay as quiet as i could.
        pouring myself a glass of (flavor) juice, i brought the cup to my lips. taking small sips, the juice slowly disappeared. the cold substance slid down my throat, refreshing my thirst. going to place my cup in the sink to wash it, a creak was heard. footsteps soon came, and out from the darkness was lucifer.
his black hair was disheveled, out of place. eyebags were under his eyes, tainting his pale skin with a dark purplish black color. his ruby eyes held exhaustion in them, showing how tired he was. but yet, a small smirk was placed upon his pink lips. "hello, (y/n)." i gave a small nod, to acknowledge his appearance.
i could hear his form move, the floorboards creaking as he moved. turning to the sink, i started washing my cup clean. as i moved to put it away, a pair of hands landed on my hips. hot breath fanned against my ear, ruby eyes staring into the back of my head. "did you have fun? spending time with my brothers?" he whispered into my ear.
"lucifer..." i breathed out, turning my head slightly to get a glimpse at his red orbs. jealousy was written within them. need, too. the need for attention. my attention.
"tell me, what did you do with them?" he asked, moving the cup from my hand and to the counter. his hands on my hips turned my body around, making me face his way. "nothing, we didnt do anything." i reassured him, making sure to use the right words as to not fuel his jealousy. his eyebrows were narrowed, his eyes peering into my own. he clicked his tongue, moving his face until it was only inches away from mine.
"tell me. who do you belong to?" his eyes never blinked once, staying open to stare in my (e/c) eyes. taking a breathe in, i stare back in his eyes. "i belong to you,"
his smirk widened,"are you sure? it seems that you've forgotten." he leaned closer, his lips centimeters apart from mine. "i'll have to remind you who you belong to, (y/n)." his lips caught mine in a quick kiss, prying his way between my lips to allow his tongue inside my mouth.
        it brushed against mine, giving off warmth before claiming wherever it went. his hands snaked around to my top, fumbling with the hem of my hoodie. he pulled away, lifting up my hoodie and soon my shirt. his lips reattached to mine, his hands moving to my back.
        his fingers made quick work, unclipping my bra and letting it fall to the floor where the rest of my clothing have gone.
        lucifer pulled away, taking in the sight before him. his hands grasped ahold of my waist, lifting me up and setting me on the counter. his mouth attached onto my neck, leaving kisses amongst my skin, and the occasional nibble. his fingers moved to pull my leggings down, dropping them to the floor. his thumb pressed against my clothed clit, a gasp escaping my mouth the more he pressed down.
        with one hand teasing my slit, feeling the wet spot on my panties, the other worked on my nipple. pinching it softly, getting it harder with arousal. his teeth dug into my skin, soft enough to leave a bruise but not hard enough to cause my skin to break. his teeth moved down, leaving bites from the side of my neck to my collarbone.
        his hands moved away, his head pulling back to admire the bruises forming on my skin. his teeth dug into his bottom lip, his hands moving to remove his shirt. lifting it up, revealing his frosty pale skin, his toned chest. once his shirt was fully removed, his hands moved to remove his pants, fumbling with the belt.
        now fully naked, his erect member standing out, he slipped my panties off to join the rest of our clothes amongst the ground. his hands found their way on my hips again, pulling me close.
        aligning his member to my heated entrance, he slid himself in, groaning at the tightness. my hands found their way to his back, my nails digging in softly at the feeling of his cock stretching my walls. "lucifer," i whimpered, staring in his eyes.
        his hands removed themselves from my hips, pinning me down against the counter. my legs wrapped themselves around his waist, pulling him closer.
        he pulled out, before pushing himself back in. a moan erupted from my throat, encouraging him to move more. his hips pushed against mine, his cock hitting deep inside me. more moans came from me, his hand snaking to meet my throat. grasping ahold, enough to not cut off my breathe and blood flow. he leaned down, bottoming out before thrusting in.
        "you better quiet down, don't want my brothers to hear you now." he whispered. "they'll hear how much of a slut you are, taking me like this, letting me do such things to you, in this kitchen."
        his cock hit deeper every time he thrusted in, hitting deep inside my core and stretching me out more and more. i tried to keep quiet, trying to silence my moans, though when his dick hit that one spot, a small scream came from me.
he growled, his hand leaving my throat only to strike against my ass, leaving a stinging pain that only made me tighten around his cock. a groan came from his throat, feeling the sensation of my wells squeezing, pressing on his dick as he continued to thrust in.
“what did i just say? you little whore,” he huffed, his pace speeding up, chasing after my orgasm. “trying to get my brothers to hear your moans? how loud you are?” he groaned more, feeling my walls tighten more, signaling my orgasm would be soon. “taking my cock in your tight pussy,” his eyebrows furrowed, his red eyes peering in my eyes.
“lucifer, please,” i moaned softly, my thighs starting shake, wanting my release. “tell me who you belong to,” he huffed.
“you, i belong to you!” i cried out. “please, let me cum!” i pleaded, hearing him growl once more. “alright,” his words were spaced out. “cum when i say so.”
sweat dripped down his forehead and chest, his thrusts becoming sloppy as his cock twitched within me. his hair was more disheveled, ruined and out of its normal place. strands stuck out, his teeth sinking harsher and deeper in his bottom lip.
the tip of his dick kept hitting my special spot, drawing me closer and closer to my orgasm. until, the knot finally broke. not waiting for his command, i clenched my walls around him, using my legs and drawing him closer. my hands quickly found there way to his back, my nails digging into his skin and leaving red scratch marks.
waves of pleasure crashed over me, releasing on his cock. his tip twitched, before hot semen shot out and into my core.
panting heavily, my nails un-dug themselves from lucifer’s skin. my head fell against his chest, his muscles relaxing. his hands found there way, snaking around my form, and pulling me close.
“dont think this is over.” he whispered. “this is just only the beginning.”
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Zuffer, would you be willing to write Chisaki as a hero like in the comic, and his angel works at the school as a teacher ? If not thats fine! Be sure to take care of yourself and drinks lots of water! ❤️
Anon thank you so much, you have no idea how much I wanted for someone to ask for this
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"Eri..." he groaned with his fingers pinching his nose as she innocently had her arms behind her back cutely as she whistled like she hadn't just stormed off and almost made one of the students trip and fall.
Knowing that green haired kid by Aizawa's stories he was one of the most troublesome kids. Not in a bad way but he went to recovery girl many unnecessary times....
He also had to clean where him and that Bakugou kids thought due to principal Nezu requesting him to.
"What did I told you about storming off like that?"
"Well, you could be at Keats juice to others pa!" The white haired girl spoke while rolling her eyes cutely "If you keep acting like this you will be hated by the others!"
"Do I even care about that..?" He spoke almost in a begging to his daughter before he heard the sound of doors opening and students voices "Come on Eri, we have to go."
"Can I at least say hi to Aizawa-sensei?" She pleases and he mentally hissed. Knowing that the teacher just today had to correct the texts of class 1-A.
"Not now. Maybe on the exit." He looked around and started to walk as she pouted but still followed him anyway.
"Ara ara~" both stopped walking as Chisaki eyes widened and Eri gasped in glee "Looks like someone didn't had a good day in cleaning."
"Ma!" Eri smiled and dropped the buckets and sponges making Chisaki to growl ... he had just cleaned that freacking floor.
"Hey!" You smiled while taking the girl on a hug as he allowed himself to smirk at the scene.
He had just married you when all of that happened... Pops suddenly called you and him back to the yakusa, his daughter had abandoned the kid, saying that she was a curse for accidentaly using the quirk on her father.
"Cant believe it either boy..." the elder sighed as he clenches on of his fists together to hide the anger.
"So you're raising her instead? Pops with all respect, your age isn't the most-"
"Dont dare to finish that sentence. I am still a fresh man." The elder spoke and almost, almost made him chuckle "But no. I cant raise my granddaughter... but I thought that due to her quirk being similiar to your own, I thought it would be a good idea for you to do me a favor.." pops sighed and rest his head on his hands as Chisaki blinked.
"... pardon?"
"I'm sorry to ask such a thing from you Chisaki, especially after you just married (Y/n)... but Eri is alone on this world and cant be taken care of by anyone else except from you... Please kid, you always say you wanted to repay me for taking you in after all..."
"... I.. is not only me on the line here old man but is my wife as well. Heck, we didn't even said anything about kids."
"Then talk to her... for my sake."
He exited the office with a desperate look as he walked on the halls, ocassionaly meeting with his old friend Chrono, whose different from decided to remain on the yakusa.
It was from him that he found out where were you. Walking he opened the door with a sigh, preparing to talk about the issue with you until he was stopped by giggles.
He looked up and widened his eyes at seing you there with a toddler, white hair and ruby red eyes as you made silly faces and talk with funny voices to her. This moment he knew already by the looks of that girl that it was Eri-chan and all his tension came back immediatly.
"Oh! Kai!" You spoke as both (E/c) and ruby's eyes looked at him "How did it go hun? Any problems with your dad?"
"I wouldn't say that... but..." he sighed, running a hand on his hair as he finally looked at you "We need to talk."
He cursed under his breath when you widened your eyes at him telling you that story of what that woman did with her own daughter and the request pops made for him.
"Listen.. I know this must feel weird yet I do own him for everything he did and-"
"Kai chill." You giggled as he arched one of his eyebrows up "Is just caught me by surprise.. so her name is Eri?"
"Yes... looks like she has a quirk similiar to mine, so that's why Pops requested me to be her... guardian."
You looked at the girl and hit her on your lap, relieved that she accepted and rested her head on your chest.
"We never really talked about kids huh..." you mumbled as he nodded "I thought you didn't liked them...."
He narrowed his eyes and looked at the girl blinking the sleep out of her eyes...
"I am not much fond of them... but I have to push this aside aparently..."
It was a awkward silence before you let out a chuckle, a series of giggles escaping as Kai looked at you weirdly.
"Who would think of! You and me as parents after one week married." You giggled as he only deadpanned at you.
"(Y/n) this is serious..."
"So am I!" You whispered exclaimed "Kai dont you think that what Eri went through is similiar with... what happened with you?"
"... What's your point?"
"That maybe pops is right. After what she went through maybe she can have a normal life, control her quirk and have at least... good parents... I dont know but... I kinda-" your gaze dropped to the sleeping girl on your arms "like this..."
His lips parted in shock at your confession... never would he have begged for any other woman to appear on his life... you jjst accepted this unknown girl , that was kinda supposed to be your nephew, and didn't even complained about the thought of raising her... even suggesting to adopt her.
He looked at the girl once again, paying attention if she had any signs of abuse like he did had for a time before entering the yakusa... a strand of hair fell on her eyes and he got the courage to pass through his mysophobia and brush it aside, widening his eyes at how she nuzzled on his hand and the way your eyes looked at him as if he was the most loving and caring father in the world.
"Pa just made Midoriya-kun faint." His thoughts were broke by Eri's voice and your gasp.
"Why?!" You asked him with wide eyes as he deadpanned and pointed at the girl whose gasped in offense.
"She just kicked a bucket while our cleaning and stormed out, bumping into that kid."
"And you had to make him faint?" You deadpanned as he winced at the tone of your voice.
"That's why no one likes him!" He sighed at Eri's complains as you got up.
"What will I tell to Aizawa..?" You talked with yourself while looking at the direction of class 1-A.
"If you go to Aizawa-sensei can I please come as well?" You exchanged looks with your husband whose shook his head a bit...
"Sure! Maybe you got to see Mirio and Shinsou-kun as well!" The girl cheered in glee as Chisaki glared at you "But only if you obey to your dad's orders."
"Sure thing!" She sais excitedly before taking the bucket and going at the place where her and Chisaki were suppose to go as you giggled at the distress of your husband.
"Why does she seem to only follow your orders instead of mine?" His eye twitched as you laughed it off.
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