#we just finished this game and tbh slay
cutesymortician · 9 months
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thatstroubling · 1 year
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when your favorite character makes it to the finale
As a fellow Danganronpa fan, I'd like to imagine that if Pre-game Shuichi wasn't, you know, gone forever because he'd given up his life to become an anime character like a dumbass and could somehow witness our Shuichi kick So Much Ass in Trial 6, he would be the one cheering him on the loudest. After all, Shuichi is his perfect little detective guy and the person he once hoped he could become. That's why I can hear the "You tell them!" in his voice in my head so very clearly. And in spite of being responsible for ending Pre-game Shuichi's favorite TV show in the world, at the core of it, Shuichi was ultimately fighting on behalf of his friends for what was right all the way to the end.
And who wouldn't want to get behind that?
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xxnu11-sku11xx · 8 months
Okay, so I just finished my first play through of Slay The Princes today, and I thought I'd share some stuff for fun!
Warning for spoilers under the cut!
Okay so except for the stranger which I did last, I died twice for all of my vessels. The ones I got were:
The Unwound Vessel
The Seething Vessel
The Endless Vessel
And the Burning Vessel
Some fun things I saw on my journey:
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I don't think that's just pessimism buddy
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That one part of the demo that made the lady kissers go wild
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THE FLESH WORRRLD (also hearing the broken cry was super funny to me)
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I always love these sprites, some of them have this vibe to them that I can't explain
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When you say you're happy with your rewards and you already collected a vessel, She makes you go back and kill yourself
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I like this form of her a lot, I just think it's pretty
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After this she says she misses home and that she doesn't know what home is, but it's out there(most likely referring to Her, the collection of vessels)
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I felt REALLY bad after saying I'd leave her, mainly cuz of her voice sounding so panicked, so I think I deserved to die tbh
I didn't save many screenshot after this, but I'll try to recall some good stuff from my head when need be.
The Smitten is a blight to this world that needs to be stopped/j
A good portion of the voices are down SEVERE actually lol
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I just recently noticed that she looks like a face
Also it was funny when the game closed after I said that I want to be here forever
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I can't fully make out what he is, possibly some wolf/crow mutation? Anyways he basically made us to kill her to eliminate death
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Also you can't kill death, death must still exist in a way in order for you to kill her, that type of thinking is flawed
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Then maybe your dream was flawed from the start? Just a little?
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I must say that I LOVE this design for her. It reminds me of the birth of venus a bit. And the bodies making up her hair and dress 👌👌
Also she isn't the concept of death, but moreso the possibility of it. Kind of like a reaper?
One more thing!
"Name every woman"
Her silly ass:
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alfiely-art · 2 days
Finished act 4!!!!
Act 1 reaction here
Act 2 reaction here
Act 3 reaction here
Intermission reaction here
Act 4 reaction:
“Next image” or “end game” What. What we just started ???
Ohhh I like this music tho
This looks like an rpg lol
HI??? FROG??? SALAMANDER???? Whatever you are you're adorable
Hi adhd amphibian
These guys are great I love then
Ohhh they're salamanders
This section would be a lot more fun if I could. Play Homestuck. Curse my computer for not allowing me to read homestuck
This section is also taking a very long time to load. It is pictures you're fine phone
Did he lift thr pumpkin off wv's head. Gay
HELP don't kill him he's turned gay it's okay
Yay hi Jade!!!!
???? There IS a pumpkin there what the fuck
Love the difference between John and Dave's reactions to Jade's dog
hi karkat!!!!!! You're being so mean… be nice to john or I'm Gonna bite you
Man I can like. Feel John's frustration karkat you're being so annoying I'm gonna bite you
Dave schizo arc … no I know he's being silly about the psychosis thing
Slur count: 9
“I love him” Dave why are you so random. Good for you though beeeee who you aaaaaare for your priiiiiide
ROSE IS IN PAN LAND!!!! They're putting chemicals in the water to turn the Rose's pan
Okay so we're going through the game thing again
???? Dave why do you want john to drink your piss,
Well that's one way to wake Jade up
I think WV, PM, and AR could be a poly
Oh :( Rose's mom left…
Slur count: 10
Okay which troll is this. Don't be rude about Rose's mom!!!! Bad troll
Best hatefriends forever <33 who are you
“Shit the bed” KARKAT TALKS LIKE ME!!!!
I understand why i was told i am karkat-coded
Slur count: 11
Laughing at a blind girl? Not cool egbert
OHH it's that one. The. Vriskas girlfriend!!!!
Guy with cat ears <4333
Oh. Oh that map is. Not great
Yo that shot looks sickkkk…
Yo rose is metal af
“TG: i command her alright i am like the pimpmaster hustledaddy of all snippy bookshrews” Dave what
Okay my font changed here. Easier to read tbh. Idk if it'll translate to tumblr but oh well
Omg… yuri?????
Help why do trolls sound so gay
Oh green troll is pretty… what's her name….
I KNOW THIS ONE!!! Great rap Tavros
Whatever video they linked to for “I got a present for you casey” is unavailable… rip
Trolls watch movies with modern manga titles. Will keep in mind
Terezi is so right. John is a stupidly adorable little guy
Awww… jaspersprite kinda types like my buddy. Meow meow
John's blasting off again
Did I miss something. When did Dave get a suit. When did Cal get added to the sprite. Wha
Yo what. John and Jade died??? Terezi noooo why did you ruin their session…
Slur count: 12
That didn't happen the way I thought it would. I think it's sweet that Dave chose to become a sprite to protect his friends. If they don't treat him nicely I'm killing all of them
But dang… doomed timeline…
Dave and Davesprite are so chill. Love them
AWWW. John remembered Dave's note….
Ohhh sick… jack is a queen(?) Now!!!! The guardian people are fighting!!! Yayyyyyy
Oh thank God Hussie will explain what's been going on
My reaction to Hussies's joke ._. That was. Lame
Aww. Terezi just wants to be his friend :> this better not be a trick my baby boy is so gullible
Dr Meowgon Spengler
John :( he's real Dave. John don't be ungrateful… honestly it's fair of Davesprite to be mad. Like John died in his timeline. He went back and chose to help the other Dave and all his friends and. Ourghh. Be nice to him
Yooo cal gets a cute little outfit !!! He's zipping around <333
Awwww… more bunnies!!!
IS THIS SOLLUX. I've heard of this one. Eridan lover
They are jamming!!
Maplehoof Maplehoof
Haha get pranked
I love the differences in how Rose and John name things
John you're So stupid why would you just stand on it
Fuck yeah ride the pony
AR so swaggy
Okay so. I swear. These guys are the midnight crew. That is literally Deuce. I'm not crazy right. They look the same. Maybe this is their sleepy selves… godtier… do they get godtier. Hmm
Idk what just happened in that animation but yay WV
Omg that's such a cute outfit for Rose I love it
Welcome to the party motherfuckers
Okay I'm really excited to see what Jade’s sprite is
I don't remember Dave getting thay suit. Did he steal it from future Dave. I mean future Dave doesn't really need clothes anymore but…
Oh okay yeah it's future Dave's. but cool!! Not a bad suit at all
Beautiful sword actually
Dave you're scaring the hoes
Dave looks like the autism creature in that selfie he took
Wizard fanfic!!!!
Dave is so real here. Rose and her mom could've talked :(
Uhhhh. Dave ded :( that's not good. Present Dave you gotta fix this
Man what if that Dave was still alive
I'm gonna bet 10$ that the goo John's getting is gonna be the alpha kids
Oh there are more beta kids as well okay
They are holding hands !
karkar you can't say that. Wait that's not his name. Whatever. Karkat bad!!! Unless you're like me as I am like you. Schizophrenic I mean.
Awww.. Lil dirk loves Lil cal… that's so sweet
Babysitter au!!! John be careful with all these babies
These babies are uglJAKE PUT THE GUNS DOWN!!!!
Karkat never say daddy again thank you
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Harley… like Jade Harley…
Jack Noir…
That was the best ending of an act. Oh my fucking god. I am crying
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brokendeathangel · 10 months
Have you read Tanjiro's Status chapter? (takes place Post-story)
I want to write a 50 page essay regarding the bonus chapter of KnY because I have a lot of mixed feelings about it (mostly anger and disbelief) and kinda lowkey disappointed how the bonus chapter turns out. I thought the timeskip/next generation ending chapter was super bad but no! The bonus chapter actually surpasses it; which shocked me! I wish it didn't even exist.
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But I'll just do a super short comment regarding the bonus chapter to avoid scaring people away. Lol!
First of all, the bonus chapter did everyone dirty! Especially the main characters! Like seriously? Gotoge-sensei, do you hate your main characters so much?! The main characters don't have any future life plans at all after demon slaying except Zenitsu (which we all know right from his first introduction that he wants to get married and live a normal life). I mean, I can understand that it's hard to think of something up for Inosuke but for Tanjiro to not have any future plans at all after demon slaying? Your main hero? Seriously?! Also, the poor boy mentioned that he can't sell coals anymore in the long run because people are switching to electricity and ... that's it. We were left hanging on what happens to Tanjiro's future after that. Yes, he will later on marry Kanao but even then, we only know this fact because it was mentioned by Gotoge-sensei outside of the official comic! Also don't get me started on Tanjiro and Kanao pairing. It is so out of the left field (It's like Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley pairing all over again but even more random!). Tbh I think Tanjiro should've married Mitsuri or maybe even Shinobu instead of Kanao because they have more chemistry and character interaction (at least in the anime). Gotoge-sensei could've made Tanjiro/Kanao work by showing how they fall in love after their demon slaying days ended, but nope! It's just one page (if I'm not mistaken) of Tanjiro visiting Kanao for medical check up in the Bonus Chapter. How are the readers suppose to pick up on the fact that they're in love and will live happily ever after just based on that one page?! Both Tanjiro and Kanao deserves a better love story.
Moving on to Nezuko. My poor dear Nezuko. Even when she's turned into a human with free will once again... she has no character growth. She's just nice. That's it. Just a nice girl. A nice and hard working girl. She's so nice everyone! And helps her brother and her friends around the house. Wow, amazing! Gotoge-sensei should've written the Bonus Chapter based on Nezuko's perspective instead. Write about how she felt when she was a demon all those long years and the anger/sadness/trauma it caused her. Or if you want to go for a more positive story, write on how she overcame her trauma with the help of her brother and friends. Alas! Nezuko ends up being just The Typical Nice Shounen Girl Character in the end.
Next, Inosuke. First of all, I just want to mention that when I was first introduced to this character in the anime; I immediately thought that he has the best and interesting character design and personality. Sadly, he ends up being the most boring character out of the main three because Gotoge-sensei really doesn't know where to go with Inosuke. He's just a loud wild child and... that's it really. In the Bonus Chapter, he remains relatively unchanged even after all the tragedy he went through. I mean it's not a bad thing to remain the same person but personally, I think Gotoge-sensei could've pushed the character to become more than just a loud wild child. What a waste of good character design. Also, I think Inosuke and Nezuko should've been the end game. Yes! I went there.
Lastly, my beloved Zenitsu. (Warning! I will be super biased here because I love my Zenitsu ok?) You would think that I should be really happy and pleased that the Bonus Chapter story actually revolves more around him. But no, I am actually angry that the Bonus Chapter focuses on him at the expense of destroying his previous character growth. WTF GOTOGE-SENSEI WHY YOU DO THIS?! I'm mad that he reverted back to his old personality after all the hardship, hardwork and trauma he went through. I mean sure, Zenitsu was suppose to be the comedic relief character (aside from Inosuke) but I think he no longer matches that role in the end; especially not after experiencing a life changing tragedy. Plus, wasn't it his goal to be a better person than before? Shouldn't that be Zenitsu's happy ending (besides marrying Nezuko)? Nope! Gotoge-sensei basically whacked Zenitsu back to the starting point in the Bonus Chapter. Come on man! The dude just killed his step brother and lost his grandpa; pretty sure a person would definitely grew leaps and bounds in terms of maturity after that (or breakdown...). But nope, Zenitsu is just a silly crybaby again. Back to square one. I tried to rationalize that perhaps due to all the trauma and tragedy he faced, he reverted back to his old lazy and crybaby personality but then, that would make Tanjiro look bad because in the Bonus Chapter Tanjiro was (in my opinion) very harsh on Zenitsu. He basically confronts Zenitsu; telling him he needs to grow up and start acting like a man if he wants to get married. To stop whining about the leg pains he still feels and to stop writing nonsense stories. Remember, the Bonus Chapter happens a few months after they defeated Muzan. Zenitsu has just experienced the craziest shit ever (i.e. killed his step brother, lost his beloved grandpa, watched his comrades die, watched his best friend Tanjiro died and later turned into a demon and witnessed his future wife Nezuko being hurt by his turned demon best friend). I don't think Zenitsu even had the time to process and heal from all the traumas he went through and here comes stoic Tanjiro; basically just flat out telling him to grow up and stop being useless which is so out of character of him. Yes, Tanjiro can be blunt sometimes but he's not cruel. I dunno, maybe Tanjiro is also not over his horrible traumas and is lashing out on Zenitsu but then again this would also be out of character. So yeah, it's bad writing all around. Yishhhh...
Also, I think Zenitsu should've end up with Kanao. Yes, I went there too! Lol!
Ok, I'm definitely gonna stop here. I could go on and on but... it's almost 2.00 am and I have work tomorrow. Lol! ;w;
Actually, I have another interpretation on why Tanjiro is super harsh towards Zenitsu in the Bonus Chapter but it has a more Tanjiro x Zenitsu flavour to it. More like, a conspiracy theory that actually Gotoge-sensei wanted Tanjiro x Zenitsu to be the end game but can't because of shounen anime reasons. If you guys want to hear my crazy theory just lemme know. Hehehehehehe hahahahaha!
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noahtally-famous · 7 months
td 2023 s2 ep1 spoilers below the cut
(okay so I have not finished s1 but I know the general gist of what happens through mutuals posts and just the td tag lmaoo. maybe later I will actually sit down and watch the whole thing, but that time is not now.)
moving onto my thoughts of s2...
AHHHHHHHH idk how else to explain it but I absolutely LOVED the episode, and honestly I have a feeling I'll love this season, simply bc everyone is so great!!
heck even ripper and chase were tolerable, like, there weren't any fart jokes or anything, it was great!
MKULIA SWEEP???? HELL FREAKING YEAH idc if it's a friendship/alliance, I'm living in my world where they're toxic yuri
Caleb getting some much-needed character development??? I'm SO here for it, and the stuff mentioned during the episode def fits the kinda vibe I have going for him, so that's even better!! (potential caleb & emma friendship??? they can bond over kittens and of caleb being emotionally mature)
also his reactions to the team choosing was gold, I can't wait to see what A-Game he's gonna bring. I'm hoping he doesn't become a version of justin--I just want him to want to be a useful teammate and person for his team/friends/competitors and want to win as well. no overly crazy 'tda justin' villanry pls?? (I mean, I won't be averse to it if it does end up happening, but it'd be cool if things changed up this time around)
CHEMMA BROKE UP THANK FRICKING GOD, our prayers have been answered!! please please PLEASE have them stay broken up
raj & wayne on the same team again!! I was not expecting that tbh, but I'm curious to see where this goes
rajbow is so adorable, like bowie not even letting chris finish before he immediately picks raj first for his team is so 🥹
ngl chase is still a dumbass but now that chemma is out of the way, I mean it affectionately, I can't bring myself to hate any of the characters and that trend isn't going to stop here. that moment when he ran at granny hatchet and bowie was like "I don't believe it, I think he's gonna make it" like that scene was insane
damien is amazing as always, no words need to be said. manifesting a final two involving him
NICHELLE. FUCKING NICHELLE. GOD I CANNOT ARTICULATE HOW MUCH I ADORE HER HERE!! saving the best for last goddammit, I love her so so so so much, omfg the way she slayed the challenge, pls I'm so hyped for her character development this season, I can't wait for the other contestants to eat their words abt her
axel trying to 'be nice' ("i'm a work in progress" yes you are but you're doing amazing) but acting like an ass to ripper is something I live for. "I'm not following you, we're running in the same direction!" LMAOOOO
the fact that priya doesn't hold any resentment toward her parents still irks me, but I still love her character and I'm excited to see what's in store for her
I'm still hoping for some axelle content, but I'm more than happy with the mkulia servings we got
I'm lowkey interested in scary girl's change of character. I feel like this wont be the last we see of her--will she be like an amy and swim back to the island to enact revenge? or will she be like ezekiel and live on the island in secret? or will she be a secret third thing? I sure as heck don't know but I can't wait to find out!! her parting words def seem ominous enough to imply something
speaking of, scary girl's change of character and when she talked abt how she became "normal" everyone's reactions were sending me lmaooo
bowie going "you're never right" to chase but is the one to choose chase on his team, like yes dude frrr that frenemy whiplash was wack lmaoo I love it
same with bowie choosing julia, like yes we love to see two manipulative competitive strategists banding together
on a different note, I wonder what will come of bowie and emma's friendship from s1 and how that broke apart. maybe they could rekindle it in s2? hmmm
zee and their suitcase of sodas 😭
"she's an animal" OKAY MK TONE IT DOWN (pls don't, actually pls continue doing it) YOU'RE NOT HELPING MY MKULIA CASE HERE
millie being priya's first pick >>>
"what strategy? you just stop and run, it's not rocket surgery" 😭 I used to dislike ripper, but if he continues on like this, that opinion will def change. it's only been the first episode and I already don't dislike him anymore so-
chris is still 'tdi chris' aka the b e s t chris imo, and I'm here for it!! also chef and chris's dynamic is still spot-on
in conclusion, im so very excited for what this season will bring!! in case you didn't realize, I LOVED the first episode!
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hannahbanana29 · 1 year
Enha - When they're jealous Pt4
Heyyyy babes. Part four here... JAKE! Our Aussie mate had to join us at some point. I'm just gonna jump into it - requests open, hope your days are fab 💐
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Jake is flirty, clingy and puppy-like 🐕
Tbh, I think with ALL the members I can see them being jealous but also really chill
I think Jake just really loves you, tbh 😌
Congrats 🎉
What made his clinginess worse today was that he was looking forward to a really relaxing evening with you, and then it gets interrupted by... AHH I NEED ANOTHER BRAD-LIKE NAME 🤦‍♀️
✨Brantley✨ and these names are only gonna get worse I think... Lol
Braxton, ✨Brantley✨, Brady - WHATEVER NAME HE HAS
You said to Jake when he returned from his idol duties (lucky you with the rich bf) "Jakey, how about we go to the arcade?"
And you already knew he would be happy to go, which he was
Boy does a little doggy thing where he jumps up and down, then dives onto the couch on top of you, way too excited
Say it with me: "LeT's GaUrRr"
And so you do, but your friend ✨Brantley✨ happened to be there, and you couldn't just not play some games with him 💁‍♀️
"Jakey, I'm just gonna play (a game??) with ✨Brantley✨ and then we can play whatever you want baby"
"But... But skeeball." Jake pouts, holding your waist while trying to convince you by being cute n needy
Puppy dog eyes ENGAGE 🐶👀
But you were looking over to where ✨Brantley✨ was stood by the arcade game you guys had chosen to play, having forgotten it was there for so long and now wanting to relive it
"One minute, Ja-"
'Ja-' didn't let you finish; he'd connected his lips to yours, and at first you almost smiled and you leaned into it. A surprise kiss from your boyfriend was always accepted with delight 🥰
But you tried to pull away, and he didn't let you. Jake even pressed against you closer. You place a hand on his chest, just lightly to push away, but he still doesn't stop kissing you. 🤨
"Oh my gosh, Jake!" You exclaim, kind of shocked 😳
"Uhm, sorry, Jagiya. I just really wanna play-"
"And you thought you could get that by making out with me? Kids come to this arcade" you reasoned, gesturing to a 12yo who was by the air hockey game
You sigh "2 minutes."
While you're playing with ✨Brantley✨, you're both super into it
Biting lips, furrowing eyebrows, slamming your hands down when you make a wrong move 😤
You feel Jake snake his arms around your waist, but you ignore it as you're focused on your game for the moment
He then presses a kiss into your hair, but you don't react. Not to upset him ofc 😢 why would you do that? It was just because you were busy
But then he peppers little kisses along your jawline, closer to your face from behind and you can't just ignore him
You literally freeze 🥶 and stop paying attention to the game and -
"YES! I saw you were distracted and - ah! Won!" ✨Brantley✨ punched his fists in the air giddilt
You sulked. You weren't mad at your friend, ofc, but you were pissed with your boyfriend. Sure, you don't see him every minute of the day, but you hadn't seen your friend in weeks!! 😑
"Jake" you folded your arms, turning to face him with a stern voice
His imaginary tail stops wagging hopefully, and his imaginary dog ears stick to his head in guilt 😣
Basically, he tried to apologise but -
You wanted to have a light-hearted evening of fun. Couldn't Jake let you play a game with your friend for a few minutes at least? He'd have to make it up to you.
You just leave the arcade in a bit of a spiteful way, but it was understandable why
Jake seemed to think the only way to get your attention was through kisses. WELL! You weren't that easy 💅 slay queen
He does the K-Drama thing and runs after you in the rainy night
Grabs your wrist
You stay facing away from him, but he just talks to you from behind, not letting go of your wrist from fear that you'd walk away again
"Y/N. Just listen, please." He sounds serious and his voice is quiet. It must run deeper than simply wanting to play a stupid game
"I... I was looking forward to a nice evening with you after work. I always do, you know? But I guess I just want you to myself a lot of the time. You don't have to come back inside. You can go home. But not without me. I can't imagine you being mad at me without me being there to try and fix - "
that's too cute 🥺 WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO US? NAUR!
At home, he makes it up to you how you ask him to 😏
It's dirty
That's right. He washes the dishes when it's acc ur turn
Kidding. He makes it up how you want 😉
So that's my FICTITIOUS version for Jake. I've done jungwon, heeseung and Jay as well, if you want to see those. Thanks for reading <3 hope you enjoyed! 😄
Bye bye <3
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crowhyun · 1 year
- Life Update -
Hello, my murder (i’ve called y’all that literally once and then never again so i’m bringing it up now lol)
I thought it would be lovely to share a bit with y’all and talk to y’all some. I feel like I don’t talk to y’all enough, as I’ve been quite busy lately, so first, I wanna ask how y’all are doing, is everyone slay? Tell me abt what’s making you happy or sad or angry, I love to hear from y’all!
Recently, things have been going pretty good for me. For people who have been here for a while, ya’ll know that i don’t live in the healthiest household, as in, I don’t get along with my family and it’s detrimental to my mental health lol. BUT, I have some really good news!
I’m now employed! I’ve been looking for a job for a while, and it’s like no one is hiring, but I finally got a job, and it’s as a flight attendant! So, I’ll have to relocate for training and wherever my airline puts me, which is SO SO SO great, because I finally get to leave!
As for school, I dropped out of my science and math class bcs i was falling behind WAY too much and decided “fuck it”, BUT it’s okay bcs I go to a community college, and my classes aren’t breaking the bank at all. Now, I only have one class to take, because I finished my two 7-week classes, and the only class I have is english composition, which is really easy for me because I like to write essays and that’s all we do lmao.
But, because of the fact that I’m going to be going to training for my airline at the end of this month, the month of April will be very busy for me, and I most likely won’t be able to get any big works done. I want to start a little mini-series of 500-1000 word fics so I won’t leave you guys hanging, but I’ll try to get one Level Infinity chapter AND one vampire!txt work out this month! I’m just playing the waiting game right now before I can move, so I’m not very busy at all! Yippee!!!!
Anyways, that’s all that’s really going on tbh, but I also wanted to post some pics of me since I haven’t in a while 💃🏾 (and this house i built on the sims it’s so cute)
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vinmauro · 8 months
fanfic tag game
tagged by @userbats & @spoookysix, thank you both!! sorry this took me days to complete
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
7, soon to be 8 and more whenever i finish writing and editing.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
240,340 words across posted works.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
stranger things. bc as i told my mom, it's the only show i'm comfortable with bc of how many times i've watched it. i'd probably write ted lasso if i wasn't so painfully usamerican and anti sport.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
stranger i know so well at 150 kudos don’t, dont, don’t throw it away at 66 kudos pretty eyed, pirate smile at 52 kudos i will love you without any strings attached at 31 kudos tied me to you at 24 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i didn't used to but i just started to! i felt ummm weird about it and self-conscious but now i just think it's nice to say thank you<3
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i don't think i have one!! this one i'm currently writing might actually lmao.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
uhhh i think all of mine are pretty happy tbh. i think the happiest is peps bc i have a headcanon they get married in the front yard of the house so chrissy and barb could be there. also yk halloween graveyard wedding bc nancy caved to eddie's whims.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no, not outwardly. but i wouldn't be surprised since i write mostly about rarepairs that people hate<3
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
not really. i'll write smut adjacent things and lead ups but not the actual act, no.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
i don't have one currently except for the stranger things x buffy the vampire slayer au that's in my head. i need another btvs rewatch (and to finish this one i'm on but i don't want to watch the last episode ya feel???) and to finish my other current wips. but all i have to say is nancy wheeler as the slayer uhhhh slays?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i'm aware of, no.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i have not but it'd be cool!!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
twice. one of my first ever oc fics i once started co-writing with a friend of mine during a sort of all nighter after watching the crow. it did not last long and i ended up writing some more of it myself. and another time with a friend back when i wrote hp fanfic (groans @ past) but that never finished.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
i don't know if i have one. i have fandom specific ones but an all time favorite is too much to ask!!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
band fic you'll always be famous!!!!! (ronance one shot from it when????)
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think characterization is like the only thing i have going for me.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
grammar!!! tense switching for sure.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i usually try to stay away from it bc google translate isn't always to be trusted and then there's like regional specific translations and oof. i doubt myself even with saying like a word or two in a language i vaguely understand.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
i wrote bandfic when i started. mostly about good charlotte and mest. and occasionally early crackfic crossovers where all my favorite band people and skateboarders just uhhhh hung out... it made no sense but i was 11 so. embarrassingly enough the first non-band fic i wrote was harry potter. we all have to start somewhere i guess.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
peps. it'll always be my favorite ever.
no pressure tags: @stargyles, @rejectofsociety, @sweetpeapod & anyone who sees this and would like to do it<3
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great write up of Ranni honestly. Any thoughts on Rykard? Fascinating guy, love his wholesome family vibes while also, you know, trying to destroy the world. I'm wondering how he got into that heresy in the first place honestly
Tbh Rykard fascinates me because I feel like his long path of bloodshed wasn't his original intention, but that he ended up at it because the Golden Order was so strong that he could see no other path but the one that lead to the God-Devouring Serpent, Eiglay. Ranni gave him the Blasphemous Claw just in case that something went wrong on the Night of the Black Knives, which implies that he was in on the plan and thus knew that the requirement to end the Golden Order was to slay a god. Merging with Eiglay would have given him the power to challenge the Elden Beast if the worst came to pass, but the problem with fusing with a giant snake is, well...they need to eat a great deal of food to be satiated. Since Eiglay is specifically referred to as God-Devouring and undying, this was technically a good plan, but it seems to have lead him down the path of just straight-up eating everyone strong to grow his power, and then to eventually eat all the gods themselves. Which would be a problem, because the more he eats, the more Eiglay grows, until eventually his hunger would be so great that he would have become a virtual black hole of a being, not unlike Ungoliant from the Silmarillion (a vast devouring spider that killed the Two Trees of Valinor, which were ALSO giant luminescent trees that could be seen from everywhere. No this was likely not a coincidence).
So: we know for a fact that Ranni trusted Rykard pre-Shattering, which means that he must have hated the Golden Order enough for her to feel safe to confide in him. We also know that he fed himself to Eiglay afterwards, which makes me think that its possible it was a sort of desperate contingency plan, one that might have sprung up during the Shattering as a means of gaining a great deal of power very quickly- perhaps because Ranni went into hiding to recuperate from her soul being transferred to a doll body, perhaps because the war against Leyndell had begun. Either way though, I feel like merging with a vast inhuman god-devouring serpent did a number on his morality/ended up skewing his priorities into eating a whole bunch of strong foes so that he could face and devour the Elden Beast, which caused a break in his troop's loyalty and the movement to bear serpent-men warriors to replace the soldiers that he lost/allying with Godskin nobility.
Which is a good deal of speculation on my end considering the fact that I never finished Volcano Manor (forgot to kill the Godskin), but I believe that he essentially became the melting point (heh) for a good chunk of the blasphemers of the Lands Between simply because he seemed to be the most dangerous opponent of the Erdtree out there, and that he chose to play the waiting game of bulking Eiglay up to the point where she'd be able to deal with the Elden Beast. So: good intentions, but perhaps not the best way to go about the bloody task of slaying a god. Ranni's work in the shadows and personal sacrifices ended up being a cleaner, faster kill than anything that Rykard would have been able to manage.
Also what the fuck is up with his bdsm torture dungeon. Like. Why is it like that. Sir why. I get that you've got some...interesting tastes, but what the actual fuck
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I just finished Game of Thrones and was feeling kinda empty so I started the House of the Dragon and I immediately regret it not because the show was bad but because I feel absolutely disgusted by the Targaryen name! 😭 like I was obsessed with them in GoT and wanted to know more about the them but now??? Mann make them walk through the streets of flea bottom nakey and ring the bell saying “shame” ( I hope you understand this reference lol) likeeee this family got pedophiles??? Incest?? rape?? Like damnnnnnnnnnn not even the Lanisters hit all these. Game of thrones had me thinking
Viserys ( Dany’s brother) acted that way for the plot but nope! It runs in the family tree or should I say circle 🫣 and I’m not half way done with the show have a feeling it’ll get worst
omg hey bestie. tbh i watched one (1) episode of game of thrones HAHAHAH so i cannot speak about it at all but i do know the feeling of finishing a series and kind of 🧍‍♀️ what do i do now
and HAHHAHAHAH your reaction to the targs HAAHHAH as you should. the only sane one on this website cos im not gonna like to you all i thought while watching is WHERE IS DAEMON WHERE IS MY WAR CRIMINAL WHERE ARE MY EVIL FAVS WHAT CRIME DO WE COMMIT TODAY WHO WHAT WHERE. literally watched hotd for the plot and by plot i mean:
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i do understand the reference though! the shame bell is quite a meme. i don't know when i realized it was from game of thrones but i only keep remembering its from there when people bring it up HAHAHA.
Yeah. the targs are a bunch of inbred degenerates. what can i say when you keep it in the family, your psychotic tendencies tend to flourish. they're a family wreath for real. 0 trees in sight. as i saw in a post, tolkien describe places of evil by saying, 'no trees grew there' yeah. -100 trees fr HAHAHAHA
I will say I know like surface level about daenerys' brother. i didnt even know his name was viserys. i just saw a pic of him and was like ah yes a pretty boy v on brand. but apparently hes really gross and yucky and deserved to die? HAHAH so yeah. good for him? HAHAHAHAH viva la muerte
and the lannisters HAHAHHAHAH also have 0 clue about them tbh but i know that lena heady's character is apparently at least a formidable force to be reckoned with and a girl boss city girl slay. but then again yeah idk aslashflasfhas
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love lena though <3 mother <3
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dykedragonrider · 18 days
(voice of someone who puts off reviewing things for days at a time) finished Inscryption and while I'm not into ARG stuff much so despite having looked into it I won't comment on that, I will comment on the fact that the substance of the game is. Really fucking good actually. I played MTG as a child with my friends and this game hits good because of that, to a degree.
First off. Love the metagame elements with interacting with the exterior world in acts 1/3. That's fucking great. Picking up little items to use along the way as you progress the story, or directly progressing it with them (I popped the fuck off about the eye thing tbh, that was sick). The presentation with the tabletops is also just like. There'll be a recurring thing here that I bring up, that it's exactly what you wish you had when you were playing tabletops sometimes, a whole space devoted to it, and it's all just beautiful.
The roguelike deck building is fun, I'm a slay the spire enjoyer (even if I'm not a Pro gamer:tm: at it), so it was pretty straightforward to make broken and fun decks, and the game knows this, I think the volatility of the cards plus the fact that bosses have bullshit stuff they can do makes this feel like, really earned? You get ideas based on that to break the game further and it's encouraging innovation in such a smart way? Act 2 and 3 do this better (shoutouts to the instakill turrets that respond to something being in front of them, i made one and it was soooo nice), and I really liked act 2 because Grimora's deck had some really cool like, pseudo-infinites it could enter with how it interacted with sacrificing, so experimenting with that felt rewarding as shit. I do wish we got to spend more time with her though, bc I liked her style.
And that's kind of like, exactly what I adored about this game? There's some cool metafictiony stuff and I like the found footage presentation, but the main core of Inscryption I think is done so well through Leshy, the sheer love of the game and playing a character and *making an experience out of it*. It's broken. And that's OK. I like that that even gets lampshaded with Kaycee's mod, tbh. But the ending is what elevates this from like, a solid cult classic to something that has stuck with me in terms of pure sentimentality? When the deletion starts, Leshy takes you for one more spin, purely for the joy of the game. I handily defeated him instantly (trifurcated strike card with 4 power) but he just. "we don't need score" and you play a few rounds, and when you can't go farther, you shake his hand.
Grimora comes next. It's something wholly new! I adored her segment, the presentation the style, I wish I coulda had a shot with this! I'd probably really like this! I did like what was there! But it's over. She's going. And you shake her hand.
Magnificus finishes, and his is this whole spectacle (with its own tongue in cheek reference that, despite not playing that card game, i got). It corrupts itself as data is lost, and he tries to go and shake your hand, but doesn't get the chance. I found myself rather struck by that? It was poignant, I wasn't too fond of the guy with what I had seen, but that doesn't mean that it didn't like. There's a great tragedy here.
And that's what stuck out to me about this, going into personal experience here (not that discussing art isn't invariably talking about yourself imo, but the pretense is being dropped here fully) was as a kid I was a bit of a joyless ass when playing MtG, I liked winning, hated losing, and tried to build decks that could cheese wins from my friends (but was limited by my lack of spending money on them) for easy wins. And as an adult I look back on that with both shame and adoration, I had something I cared about a lot that made me think laterally, it was nice, but it was also... I was going about it the wrong way. It's fine to be motivated by stuff like that, but the love of the game I had early that drove me got lost along the way, and this game captures that *feeling* of the love of the game so well.
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roxtron · 1 month
uh uh for the character ask game, Pearl from splatoon! With the questions 2, 12, and 23!
okay yay uhh.. 2. favorite canon thing.. probably her personality and style honestly, I know she wasn't really popular when splatoon 2 came out but I've always kinda liked her and especially her style in the art books and splatfest art.. i'll probably go find some while looking for question 23 lol 12. I usually have a hard time coming up with headcanons but the translation error resulting in all the he/him idol memes is kinda funny to me, i never turn down a good trans headcanon lol, gotta project onto my favorite characters <3 so i guess if anything I'd probably see her as genderfluid or bigender or something like that, (not sure which label would fit best) which honestly kinda fits with some of her official art outfits tbh.. 23. ok time to go search.
ok i have finished searching. there's probably way more cool art of her I'm not considering but I was looking for like an hour already so.. from what I found I picked some of my favorites <3
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i think this is one of my favorites probably just because of the upper half of the outfit and the pose (ik this was supposed to be some nike promo but I couldn't care less about that, I'm not a brand person and I usually only wear sneakers if I'm gonna be walking a while so my feet don't hurt lol.) But I might also have a bias because I liked redrawing some of the splatoon official art when I was younger and I really liked the way that drawing turned out. It was back when I did traditional art so I'm too lazy to go find it but, it was a fun way to practice and figure out my art style and stuff, I've definitely been inspired a bit by the official artstyle. Unfortunately Marina doesn't look the best in a lot of the official art mostly because lot of people have pointed out whitewashing which sucks :( but I can't be too surprised considering one of the official or brand liscenced plushies was so heavily whitewashed I'd have thought Marina was white if I didn't know anything about splatoon and saw that plushie lmao.. anyway i found more art i liked so i'm putting it here too
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I like her more casual style in the majority of official art and I'm definitely biased considering I also wear really baggy t shirts and hoodies lol. with the mention of gender earlier ofc she can still be feminine and obviously clothes aren't inherently gendered and all but. I dunno I've always appreciated these outfits as more androgynous to me even before I realized I wasn't cis lol. whatever gender people hc pearl as we can all agree these outfits slay <3 it's very gender to me in a way I can't explain
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the-blind-geisha · 2 years
awww, that's so sweet! but tbh I don't wanna be just Pandemonium's anon for you, not when we used to have blog-to-blog relationship (does this even make sense?). Alright then, I shall make preparations to expose myself fully. But it has to be grand, it has to be breathtaking! So, we will see. Glad to hear that, then! You could say Cheshire is a different form of Emmett in a different universe!
Oh my God, no! Stay away from these pieces! They are ama-effing-zing. They don't need to be changed! <3 (my edits, on the other hand, could look better or maybe I could put more time into them xD)
Yes! Exactly that! At the same, I wonder if Nazarick's residents would be villains (at least, that fast) if Demiurge didn't kinda overthink what Ainz said about wanting "the chest of jewellery" or sth when they were looking at the night sky XD. Man, I absolutely love Demiurge for that, he's VERY intelligent, but sometimes, he can act a bit dumb? and overthinks everything? XD But I also absolutely love when he analyzes the supposed Ainz's plan and Ainz is sitting here being like "Yes, yes, good Demiurge, you saw through me (WHAT THE EFF DOES HE TALK ABOUT? DID I REALLY SAY THAT? AND MEANT THESE THINGS??)". Seriously, Ainz having to act tough and intelligent all while he screams inside because he's so lost with all stuff doing around is so effing good. But holy eff, Renner, that girl is just creepy. I didn't really know she wanted to end her self, but, considering her intelligence and people around her, I can imagine she would do that XD. And I really don't have a thing for yanderes, but at the same time, her character is just so great. Glad to see that humans in Overlord also have their twisted side. The way she manipulates everyone around her and the stuff she does later, in LNs is just *chef kiss* go slay queen, even if I don't really like you.
No doubt Tuare wouldn't want the innocents to be hurt! She gives that innocent, heart-of-gold vibe XD. So yeah, she would definitely care. I think it's more about not wanting to be around humans right now, which is understandable. That's a bit funny too cuz when she's done with her training, she's supposed to be a head maid of human staff in E-Rantel residence XDD. But I can see her doing that because it would be considered doing it for Sebas. Which is mood, I'd also do everything for him (Tuare and me being besties, simping to the same man au <3) But IF Sebas and Demiurge shared a woman, oh man. It would be like having mean and soft dom in your bed XD Also, they would absolutely argue meanwhile, like about which thing to do next. Poor woman, I think the argument would be so serious, she would easily get forgotten XD
I don't exactly read LNs now but I know spoilers? And don't worry, Demiruge will have a bit of a spotlight soon. Well, at least I think so. <3
Oh, Leon and Claire huh? I see you're a person of culture as well (dang, I know a person who would absolutely love to talk to you about Leon XD). I also love RE but I've never beat RE 1 so I feel you </3 Not only it effing lags cuz my computer is shit, but also, the puzzles:tm: and having to go back all the time, is tiring me so much. XD The only game I nearly finished was RE5 and damn, I really enjoyed myself. (Also, Chris could strangle me with these huuuuge arms and I'd thank him lololo).
Not gonna lie, the ability to sense through anon sounds absolutely sick and I'm kinda jealous. But I'm glad you have that ability XD. Oh well, then, time to make preparations to show my true form! (or more like, new form cuz I made yet another blog!... and, yeah, im so damn stupid cuz I had no email left so I deleted the blog I used to post a fanfic for you... so don't change your account without telling me where are you going! cuz this time, I don't think I'll find you XDDD
hope you're having a nice but peaceful day! <33 - Pandemonium
I completely get it, hon. And tbh, it's just my autistic side showing, where everything has to have a place and everything in that place where I label you as 'anon'. X”D But, deep down, I know you're more than a gray-face. Trust me there. ♥ But oooh, you have my attention! :O
LOL kinda! I mean...Cheshire is going to be a lot more 'forward' when it comes to his Creator Demona; whereas Emmett was far more reserved in that thought unless pushed to be so. XD Maybe a reincarnation where they're not the same emotionally (and even physically as Cheshire is going to be a wink/nod towards the same cat idea of Alice in Wonderland LOL) but same in other ways. X3
HAHA. I mean... I do still have them on my PC and they've not be trashed. XD Promise. ♥ I never was someone to toss old art I couldn't stand. I just redraw them. X3 But I am glad you loved those pieces! (I still won't tarnish your edits either, my dear. =P So HAH!)
Oh yeah! The 'glittering box of jewels'? And Demiurge is like 'OMG, HE SAID WE CAN TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!' I swear, it makes me heckin' curious the flavor text Ulbert gave him to have Demiurge look for any and every sign of 'it's okay to take over the world'. X”D I think that's what's going on there where the devil is concerned. If you look under 'my screenshots' tag, you'll find a photo I took of where Demiurge does it again and at vol 15? I wanna say? Forget which one it was from... Ainz has caught onto 'that look' Demiurge does before he goes off the deep end thinking about Ainz's ideas. Ainz even told Demiurge to 'take a damn shower' in his head, basically. LOL
Omg, Renner is like...such a breath of fresh air where the New Worlders are concerned. XD All of the others are either boring or creepy in other ways (IE: hints of being child... 'lovers'... *shivers in disgust*) She's SO creepy too but in a good way! So I'll be happy when Ainz takes over the world and eradicates the idiots and gross people.
I can now see the 'Do it for him' meme with her looking at a collage of Sebas pics haha.
I'd gladly accept that dynamic! LOL
Ooh yes, the movie is going to be about Demiurge attacking Roble, so that'll be cool af!
//Grins big// Yessss. Also, I cannot get over Dead by Daylight Leon's moaning sounds of injury. X”D But the voice actor who did them had 'a good time' he insisted on Twitter... He knew what he was doing... the bastard. ♥
I am so glad you enjoyed one of the games from the series! I adore the series so much, and weirdly enough while it wasn't my first one, RE: Code Veronica holds a weirdly special place in my heart. Even if I never beat it either! I just really loved the atmosphere and everything. ♥
Bolder punching Chris Redfield. Heck yeee! ♥♥
Hah! Oh, when able, I'll tell you on DM how I got this 'super power'. XD It's too long a story to post here.
FOR ME?? Well, shucks!! I won't, I won't! I promise! ;^; I'll be super excited to read it whenever you post it! I know I will!
All my love, dear! I hope you're having a lovely day yourself!
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darnestdungeon · 2 years
But your opinion on DD2 can be useful feedback to make the gameplay more enjoyable. I would love to read your analysis on Dismas.
Yeah I know! I've been following the feedback channel on the official DD discord since launch and whenever I can think of something that hasn't already been said I post it there too. They even changed some small things I pointed out, it's neat that they're paying such close attention!
Thing is, I'm not sure if they would listen to feedback regarding the barks or the backstory of one specific character, especially when there are so many other issues to solve. Plus, I'm not sure if this is an issue for anyone else-- I think I've only seen two other people complaining about the characterization of specifics heroes, so maybe it's just me (plus one friend, I guess).
(More on that and some replies under the read more!)
Anyways, I've been trying to write my opinion on DD2 Dismas since I first played it, but the task always overwhelms me for some reason-- probably cause I'm overthinking this, if this folder is any indication:
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(Not a day goes by in which I don't feel like Charlie when it comes to DD2 Dismas.)
coffee-in-veins: aw, sorry that ask made you feel bad, that was definitely not my intention; sorry for that :{
Aww don't be sorry, you did nothing wrong!! I wanted to write about it, but like I said, I got overwhelmed-- probably because I feel very negatively about this, and this makes me feel small and petty, and then I wonder why I even care so much to begin with, and then I shut down and go play Hades until my hands hurt. Played 15 hours this week, my hands hurt so. Much.
So yeah, it's not your fault, I just can't deal very well with negative emotions lol
iceice-baeby: I don't like the game either, tbh. Maybe because the mechanics are different or my favourites are missing, maybe because of the weird romance mechanic?? (It just seems so tonally different, it clashes pretty hard with the rest of the game and I just don't think it fits, leave the shipping to the fandom :p) I don't even know all the character differences.
I have my issues with the relationship system, but I don't think the romantic aspect of it is weird or unfitting at all. People bond under adversity, there's nothing weird in that in my opinion.
My main complaints are: 1- the act outs need to be better balanced and more conditional (like, a character that could not/did not need to be healed should not complain about not being healed) and 2- desperately needs more barks. All of this can be improved as the game develops, it's already in way better shape than when it launched.
I don't mind the mechanics being different, they've made it pretty clear DD2 was not going to be Darkest Dungeon 1.5. I just have my doubts about the length of the acts. 4 to 6 hours playing with the same party is so tiring for me. I thought the addition of new enemies would change this, but you're still basically using the same moves on the same four heroes over and over and over, it doesn't take too long before it gets boring. Not to mention all the dead time we spend just travelling or waiting for the act outs to finish playing. And if you consider this is just act 1 out of 5, does this mean each full campaign will take around 20 to 30 hours?
I don't know. I love roguelites (played hundreds of hours of Slay the Spire and Hades), and what I love the most about them is the variety in each run. DD2 is still lacking this variety, and I'm not sure if adding more regions will help if you're still just using the same heroes the entire 4-6 hours. I'm not sure how could this be fixed in a satisfying manner though.
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theravennest · 3 years
Hot Loki Take: Sylvie was Right
*Spoilers for all of Loki the series up to and including ep 6.
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Sylvie was right to kill He Who Remains and free the timeline.
I’m deadass.
He Who Remains forced reality into an endless cycle between a time of Order (he rules as dictator) & a time of simulated and controlled "Chaos" (his Conqueror variants wage war). I say this “chaos” is simulated because when you think about it, it’s chaos that He Who Remains arranges himself by manipulating Lokis.
He Who Remains is so fucking sus but for some reason people are just tripping over their own feet to believe everything he says and vilify Sylvie for killing him. 
He literally tells them (and us) that his methods are deceptive and we know for a fact that he’s willing to murder trillions upon trillions of people, planets, and realities to get the outcome he wants. Yet some are still believing everything he says cuz he said maybe 4 things that were truthful, I guess, and cuz he’s cute. Some of us are so blinded by the fear/anticipation of Kang the Conqueror’s arrival, we are letting him bamboozle us.
He Who Remains perfectly and personally tailored the Ordered period of the timeline to produce this exact Sylvie and this exact Loki, had them meet/influence each other, and then had them travel to the end of time...to him.
Now Lokis by nature are agents of chaos and could suddenly swerve left, so to speak, for no reason. So let’s assume I believe that He Who Remains didn’t 100% know what they would choose once they crossed the Threshold (if the Threshold he described is even real, tbh). He also so carefully molded both of their entire lives for that moment in the Citadel. He may not have known 100% but he knew at least 90% of how they would react to everything he said and did when they were both pushed to this place/mindset.
Notice how he teed them up for the fight that ended in his death:
Manufacturing a scenario where they would meet via the TVA’s variant pursuit.
Manufacturing a scenario where they would travel to the Void and meet Alioth.
Kid Loki being in just the right place to give his sword to Loki.
Miss Minutes appearing to menacingly offer an obvious devil’s bargain.
Him slyly telling Sylvie that she can’t trust Loki, putting it into her head just before he gives them his ultimatum.
All of these thing practically gift wrapped that ending to the Loki on Sylvie fight.
Let’s elaborate.
What was even the point of Miss Minutes offering to re-insert them into the same Sacred Timeline with both getting their hearts’ desires there? 
Not more than ten minutes later He Who Remains told Loki and Sylvie to their faces that he manipulated all this for the sole purpose of making them choose between taking over as rulers of the TVA or killing him and ushering in a Multiversal War. Neither of those choices would result in re-inserting Loki and Sylvie back into the timeline.
So what is the truth? Why waste precious moments with a creepy Miss Minutes menacing them in that vestibule scene?
Notice how Miss Minutes’ words pushed Loki further onto his path of no longer wanting power or a throne but desiring to change his attitude about himself and the universe. Notice how her words conversely pushed Sylvie into balking at the idea of accepting another “fictional” life after a lifetime of being manipulated and made her double down on her mission to free the timeline and get revenge.
Sylvie has the ability to see memories but interesting how he kept her distracted by condescending to her and provoking her, just stoking the fire to make her react negatively. (Interesting how he was far more focused on Sylvie’s reactions than Loki’s, most likely because he needed her to kill him for his plans to work.)
Now I don’t want to completely shift responsibility for her choices away from Sylvie. In truth, if she had held in her vengeance for let’s say an hour and trusted Loki a bit more, they could’ve sat down to talk about things and maybe found a third solution other than starting a Multiversal War or ruling the TVA that still could’ve even allowed her to get revenge. (More on the ultimatum later.)
But I can’t blame her for losing her cool, either. He Who Remains made damn sure she would burn as hot as possible because he tailor made her life to give her the personality he wanted. And any other version of her out there who might have made a different choice would’ve already been pruned.
He Who Remains tells Loki and Sylvie straight up that he set them on their particular life paths because he needed them to be “changed by the journey” to ensure everyone in that room was in exactly the right mindset to do what was needed to “finish the quest” and presumably “slay the dragon,” aka Him. (Notice the parallels to the speaker narration just before episode 2′s fight at the Ren Fair.)
We don’t know! Sylvie never enchanted him to read his memories because she was so filled with rage and Loki was too busy trying to stop her, he didn’t think to do it either. And we’ve already established that He Who Remains trained them that way. Nothing that happened in that office was without He Who Remains’ influence and meddling.
Another nail in the coffin that convinces me that He Who Remains is a no good dirty liar is Renslayer.
If He Who Remains’ end goal was to either have the Lokis choose to rule the TVA or destroy it and thus end up with no memory of her previous TVA judge role/life, why did he send Miss Minutes to Ravonna with files that caused her to pack her bags and search for what she calls “free will,” AKA the one in charge?
I’d bet dollars to donuts that when the next season rolls around the only people who will know what’s going on and still have their memories will be Loki, Miss Minutes, Sylvie, and Ravonna. (Maybe Kang the Conqueror will know as well but I could see it going the other way too. I’m 50-50.)
He Who Remains was planning something by pushing Ravonna the way he did. Does he want her out of the TVA so she doesn’t lose her memories when everything resets? Does he want her to go find the Conqueror version of himself? I mean, at this point, practically everyone knows who she is to Kang in the comics, so let’s not pretend that’s not an option.
Another thing to think about...it’s super suspicious that he was so eager to make them believe he’s one of the “good versions” of Kang and all these others are much worse while giving absolutely no evidence of that outside of an interactive blob powerpoint, a quirky attitude, and a couple of sad, weary faces????
Who’s to say He Who Remains isn’t playing the long game and always manipulates his variants to eventually give him the chance to seize control of the multiverse?
Who’s to say he’s not one of the Kangs that wanted to conquer too? Funny how the “pure of heart” Kang is the one who still wrested control of all reality, killed off every other timeline with a weapon of mass destruction, installed a fascist time bureaucracy, and set himself up as the dictator. Sounds an awful lot like some conqueror shit to me, just saying.
Even wilder theory: what if this really is the same Kang the Conqueror but at the end of his life? We only have hhis word that he’s a variant. He Who Remains tells Loki that this fight is for the “young and hungry.” Maybe the “young and hungry” he’s referring to is not Loki and Sylvie at all but his literal younger self. Perhaps he set up this entire cycle of chaos and order so that he can perpetually live, conqueror, rule, die, and start all over again? Reincarnation, as he says...
But let’s set that wild theory aside for a moment. Let’s circle back to the Multiversal War debate and say it really is is caused by an infinite amount of his variants.
I think it’s hella sus that He Who Remains was so insistent that Loki and Sylvie only had two choices to resolve this riddle: Multiversal War or running the TVA almost exactly the way he did while maintaining only a single timeline. Those are definitely not the only two options they had. In fact, I could probably name 1-3 other options off the top of my head right now:
Keep He Who Remains alive while learning how he manipulated time and using those skills to slowly unleash the multiverse while killing every version of Kang to prevent him from existing as either conqueror or dictator.
Kill He Who Remains, take over the TVA, and slowly change it to something not horrific or even build a brand new system for governing time.
Kill or keep He Who Remains, still take over the TVA, slow rollout the Multiverse and kill or prevent every Kang along the way.
(I’m not saying these aren’t also morally questionable options, I’m just saying they are different from the two choices He Who Remains presented.)
But let’s say these options I suggested are not feasible. I just randomly came up with them ten minutes ago so it would be fair if they were picked apart logically. 
So let’s contemplate this, instead:
Why should we assume/believe that a Multiversal War is actually a bad thing again??? Why are we assuming that He Who Remains’ Sacred Timeline really saved reality from total collapse? 
Assuming he told the truth about his motives, maybe he was just...wrong about the end of reality. Maybe he saw what he thought was the conclusion to the Multiversal War coming and erroneously believed it to be the end of everything but actually it was the multiverse sorting itself out and everything would’ve been fine after.
We (and He Who Remains too) will never know because not only did he not show any evidence to back up his claim that reality was on the brink of collapse, but he himself never allowed things to play out naturally. Whenever the end of the war comes to the brink of something, he always panics, weaponizes Alioth, and traps the universe in his cage of Order with the TVA.
Even more controversial take...maybe the collapse of timelines and the end of everything should be allowed to happen. Maybe the natural cycle of reality is to build and build, splinter and splinter timelines, until it collapses and starts all over again from the void.
Nothing is created and nothing is destroyed, all things exist in a cycle so why should the multiverse be any different?
After all in all, in all three possibilities an infinite number of timelines is destined to suffer and die. Whether it be during the Kang-controlled Order period, Kang-controlled fake Chaos period, or the unrestrained natural Chaos that collapses in on itself...an untold amount of people are dying anyway. There’s only one of those scenarios that has actual unrestrained free will where those people get to exist how they want, make choices they want (even bad ones) for as long as they can.
(Personally, I’ll take that over what the Kangs have wrestled the multiverse into.)
I’ll just take this moment to re-iterate: trust nothing He Who Remains says. He’s a known liar and manipulator, and unlike Loki he has done absolutely nothing to actionably show he’s not still lying or to show that he’s trying to change outside of some sad looks. It’s all pantomime, bruh. Like, the pageantry of it all astounds me. 
Is he maybe telling some truths? Sure. But that doesn’t mean he’s not using the truth to manipulate everything. It’s an illusion, I’m telling y’all! He was up to no fucking good.
Sylvie was far more right to kill him than to not. Loki, Sylvie, & team (prolly also the latest Avengers lineup too) now just need to find a way to break this Kang cycle.
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