#we knew each other since elementary school and were so close in middle school. i never imagined we would grow apart
vamppeach · 1 year
warning signs that I forgot to eat:
1. I start thinking about that one friend breakup where I didn't get closure
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brownskinlemon · 8 months
Forever and a Day (d.f.)
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pairings: dom/reader
word count: 1.211
summary: Your bestfriend/roomate Dominic finds out about a secret you have been keeping
warnings: fluff, angst, swearing, kissing
authors note: loving the love, send requests if you wanna see something specific. Thanks to @gri1my for this request! <3
do not repurpose or repost as your own for any reason on any platform without credit.
You and Dom had spent the day at the beach, the same beach you always came to together since elementary school. You had come here so much you were almost sure there was sand permanently in your closet, between all the summer days and warm nights. Between bonfires, drunken group nights, tears on each other shoulders through every hard thing, you two had practically grown up on this sand together.
You had packed up for the day, trudging to the street to walk home, with Dominic in tow with his eyes nearly closed from how he had worn himself out surfing. You smiled softly to yourself, amused at how this big man with tattoos and a RBF looked so gentle and sleepy.
You had secretly had a soft spot for him ever since middle school. You cursed the way girls got googly eyes around him, and how he never seemed to notice the way your eyes saw him deeply, deeper than he would ever know. You had grown up and rented a house in your hometown of Naples, each with your own room. You were silently grateful that you were not privy to any of the activities he indulged in with other girls, though he rarely ever did, he had the decency to spare you the details and the noise. You had shoved your feelings down, doing what you knew best, avoiding your feelings and doing your best to get over it, filling the gaps with rare hookups and situationships. It was moments like this however, that brought you back to middle school, completely and utterly a fool for him.
Your keys jangled at your door, as you swung it open, and you both dropped all of your belongings on the ground. As you shuffled about the kitchen, unloading the cooler, you heard Dom scuffle behind you to the livingroom to flop onto the couch. You walked to the door frame of the living room, poking your head in to see the tall man splayed on the couch on his stomach, legs hanging over one of the arms. You padded quietly over to him, poking his forehead.
“Hey, can you get up and go shower? I’m about to cook and I know how you are about eating while feeling dirty.”
He slowly cracked one eye semi-open, peering up at you. He sighed and sat up to face you, head tilting up to you as you stood with your hands on your hips.
“I guess so…” He poked your exposed tummy, making your stomach clench, begrudgingly standing up and scuffing to the bathroom in his room.
You had decided on mac n cheese and salmon, silently moving about the kitchen, your thoughts about Dom keeping you busy. Your thoughts were interrupted by a call from your friend Sonya.
“Hey what’s up?” You put the phone on speaker.
“Did you tell him yet?” She blurted out, forcing you to immediately snatch the phone off the counter and take it off speaker, crooking it in between your shoulder and ear. 
“Can you hush?” You whispered sharply, “You’re acting like I don’t live with him”
“Sorry, sorry. So..?” She trailed off.
“No” You muttered, sighing to yourself. “I just…don’t wanna mess things up. We live together and if it goes..wrong, it would make things unbearably weird and our friendship would be nonexistent.”
“Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe,he likes you too?” She countered.
You stood there, silently toying with your bottom lip, and let out a heavy breath. “No, I don’t want to entertain that delusion.”
“Ok but if you keep waiting he’s gonna be entertaining someone else’s p-” She was suddenly cut off by Dominic yelling for you from his room.
“Y/N! Can you help me?”
“Watch it. I’ll talk to you later.” You whispered into the phone.
“Go get your man” She snickered.
“Bye” You smirked, rolling your eyes at her childish teasing.
You quickly made your way down the hall, bracing yourself for either an injury or a bad idea. You were shocked to find him in his bathroom, sitting on the edge of the tub with a hairbrush in his hand. 
“Um. What’s up?” You said, trailing off, leaning into the doorway.
“I need you to brush my hair” He deadpanned, eyes boring into yours.
“No way you called me in here to brush your hair.” You raised an eyebrow.
“Please?” He whispered sweetly, making your insides turn at how adorable he looked, Damp curls draping beautifully over his face, brown eyes doll-like. You pushed off the door frame, trailing over to him, taking the brush and standing on his side.
You began sectioning and brushing his hair silently, eyes catching his face in the mirror and he sat with his eyes closed, blissed out and nearly falling asleep at your gentleness.
“What were you and Sonya talking about?” He broke the silence.Your eyes locked onto his as they met through the mirror.
“What do you mean?” You feigned ignorance, failing miserably as your voice began shaking and your eyes avoided his, looking at everything but him. 
“About whatever secret you’re hiding from me” He said candidly.
“How much of that did you hear?” You sighed and muttered, accepting defeat.
“Enough. You’re kind’ve a loud whisperer.” He admitted, pausing for a moment. “Did you mean it?”
“Do you want me to mean it?” You had stopped brushing his hair by now, eyes caught on the tattoo on the side of his neck.
He turned while sitting, head turning to look up at you, eyes dancing between yours.Your breath caught in your chest at the eye contact. He slowly brought himself up to stand over you, eyes not leaving yours. He stepped forward so that your chests were nearly touching and his lips ghosted over yours, hands moving to cup your face.
“Can I?” He said, barely over a whisper.
“Please” You whined.
It took no time for him to respond, gently connecting your lips. He walked you backwards until your hips gently met the sink, lips languidly moving in tune with yours. He gently lifted you onto the counter, your hands lacing into his unruly curls, and his hands grasping at your thighs and the small of your back. 
You whined into the kiss, arching up into his chest as he gently tugged your bottom lip with his teeth. You gently opened your mouth for him, inviting his tongue to dance with yours. After a few moments, you both pulled away as his forehead stayed on yours, chests heaving and lips bright and dark from the kiss.
“How long were you gonna wait hm?” His eyes searched yours.
“Forever and a day probably” You admitted shyly.
“Why?” He chuckled.
“Because I just…I was scared that if I said something that you wouldn’t feel the same, and that it was gonna just fuck everything up.” You answered, eyes flickering between his blown ones. “Why didn’t you tell me anything?” You countered back.
“Same thing for me. I tried to push it down, but fuck it fought so hard to come back up. I was losing it” He sighed contently.
“I’m glad” You smiled at him,
He leaned back, helping you hop off the counter. He turned you in his arms, both of you facing the mirror as he began wrapping his arms around your waist and dropping his head to your shoulder. 
“This strangely makes sense…us…how we look together.” You whispered
“Mhm.” He smiled, dimples popping out and eyes squinting, as he kissed your cheek. “My hair looks nice too. You did good”
“I’ve been known to be a woman of many talents” You both chuckled, “Speaking of, you have salmon and mac n cheese waiting on you”
His eyes shot open. “I’m fucking starving that sounds heavenly” 
You left his arms, walking out of the bathroom backwards, “Well if you don;t hurry I’ll gladly take your plate…” You teased.
You both ran through the halls like children, giggling and squealing as he caught up to you.
“We should do this again.” He smiled as you were pinned on the kitchen counter.
‘Same time tomorrow.” You beamed at him. 
You both had dinner, settling into what would be your new normal. You hated to admit it, but for once, Sonya was right. 
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kesujo · 3 months
The Ifs and Buts of a Relationship
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"Yeah?" I answered, typing as quickly as I could.
"Are you using the time I'm taking to take a shower to secretly work?"
I immediately stepped away from my laptop and closed the lid of it. How did she know? "No," I said, trying to sound as innocent as possible.
Even through the closed door and the sound running water, I heard her sigh. Then, the shower stopped.
Calculating that I had about seven more minutes, I reached out to open up my laptop again.
"You better not be opening your laptop again!"
I drew my hand away as if the laptop were a steaming hot stove. Seriously, did she have a hidden camera somewhere?
So I patiently waited for her, and after the seven minutes I predicted, she finally did. And when she did, my mouth dropped.
Jessica was the princess of simple clothing. She never wore anything extravagant, and she always looked beautiful. So when she came out wearing an extravagant dress, I was not only surprised, but overwhelmed at how the cute princess I knew could be so beautiful. She was donning a sleeveless blue dress, a frilly layer of what looked like silk hovering over the first layer; that same layer started to jut out just enough so it would hover over the next layer, and so on all the way to her hips, each layer being about half a foot long, where the dress flattened out and followed her legs all the way down to her feet, a small slit running down each side, showing off her legs. She was also wearing matching blue heels, something else she almost never wore because of how uncomfortable they were.
She smiled brightly at me. "Ok Jinnie, let's go~"
Snapping out of whatever trance I was in, I smiled back and nodded, suddenly subconscious of my simple yellow Hollister T-shirt that had the words "SURF" in big, white capital letters, taking up the majority of the shirt, and my white skinny-pants/jeans.
I grabbed my jacket on the way out, just in case we came back late and it became chilly.
"Where are we going?" I asked curiously as we stepped in the elevator.
"I can't tell you~" she sang, sticking her tongue out at me.
I frowned. "Why not?"
She giggled and poked my cheek. "Being cute isn't going to prompt the answer out of me," she informed, eyes sparkling with laughter.
I couldn't help but smile; once Jessica started to laugh, it was contagious. "It’s not anywhere formal, right?"
She opened her mouth to answer, but was interrupted by the elevator's ding!, so she shook her head instead.
As soon as we stepped out of the elevator, she put my left arm over her bare shoulder and tightly hugged me. "This way!" she said, directing me to the right as soon as we stepped out of the building.
I was used to Jessica's clingy-ness. She was usually like this towards me, since we had known each other for about 20 years, and managed to stick together for the duration of elementary, middle, and high school, as well as college. We were also supposed to go to university together, but something came with her family, so Jessi couldn't attend grad school; so now, she was my assistant. Which was fine, except for in the mornings.
Jessica was by no means a morning person; in fact, she was more like an afternoon person. She didn't like to get up past 11:00 if she could help it; and the days where we didn't have much work to do, she would sleep in. Unfortunately, that meant she clung onto me until she wanted to wake up; and since waking her up was a bad idea, since one, her grip was as strong as steel, and two, if I did try to get out of her grip, she would continually hit me on the head until I stopped resisting.
But because of how close we are, most mistook us for a couple; and although I love Jessica, it wasn't necessarily in the romantic way. We had dated in high school, but broke up two years later as we both realized being friends was good enough for both of us.
"Jinnie, it's cold," Jessi whined, hugging me more tightly.
I sighed. "Aish, that's what you get for wearing that dress in the fall," I told her, knocking her on the head lightly.
"Owh," she whined, rubbing her head.
"I didn't even hit you hard," I said, taking the jacket I got and draping it over her shoulders.
"Thank you~" she sang, snuggling closer to me. After walking for a few more minutes, Jessi stopped us at a very large and very grand building. A little bit outside the building was a red carpet, the words "Chef Kim's Sushi" etched on it in gold letters in the middle. Above it hung a matching red, small silk roof of sorts. The carpet fed into a gilded revolving door, accompanied with a pair of doors, one on each side. "Here we are!" she said excitedly, leading me to the revolving doors.
I became even more self-conscious about my clothes. "And you said we weren't going anywhere formal," I accused her as we stepped into a section of the revolving doors, following it until we reached the inside of the building.
"Well, you don't have to be dressed. I already reserved a table, so its ok," she said, directing me towards the desk, past the humongous line of people sitting on the side, waiting for a table.
"Hello, do you have a reservation?" the waitress asked politely. She was wearing a very professional looking black and red suit, the restaurant's logo on the top right of her shirt, standing right behind a computer
"Yep! Under the name of Jessica Jung," she told her brightly.
After a few clicks, she looked back up. "Right this way please," she said, stepping out of the desk and leading us to our table.
The place was packed. Every table was filled with laughing people, joyously talking to one another and occasionally picking up a piece of sushi and popping it into their mouths.
"Here's your table," our waitress said, pointing us to a booth facing the window. The booth was as fancy as the restaurant: the table was made of blade marble, propped up by thick wooden legs spaced out enough to give customers leg space, and the seats were made of a red velvety material, the edges decorated with yellow knots, tying the material to a dark brown mahogany frame.
We both thanked her and sat down, Jessica taking a seat next to me. The waitress hesitated at first, probably shocked that Jessica didn't take the seat opposite me. When Jessica noticed this, she smiled at her. "I had preordered some dishes, so the menus aren't necessary," she said, motioning towards the large, rectangular black menus the waitress was holding.
"Of course," she said apologetically. "Your sushi will be here shortly."
"Thank you~" Jessi said, resting her head on my shoulder. The waitress bowed and walked away.
Already, I was noticing the stares we were receiving. I was used to it though; basically whenever we went to anywhere public, people looked at us because of how clingy Jessica tended to be. I, personally, didn't mind because she somehow manages to be warm all the time. Even when she claims she's cold, her hugs tell me otherwise; even in the winter one time, when she was wearing nothing but a T-shirt, a thin windbreaker, and skinny jeans, she was still warm. Really, it was pretty amazing.
Jessi began to pour the soy sauce into our little sauce-platters, mixing a bit of wasabi into mine, as she knew I liked spicy things. "So how was Tiffany?"
I sighed. About four months ago, Jessica decided that she wanted to play matchmaker with her friends and me. "She was nice and all, but I didn't really feel anything," I told her.
"Aww; Tiffany said that she already fell for you," Jessi told me, voice sad with empathy for Tiffany.
"Oh, really?" I asked, not being the best person to catch on to this sort of stuff.
"Yeah," she replied sadly. I immediately felt bad; Tiffany had a lot of desirable characteristics: looks, easy to talk to, an exceptionally beautiful smile, selflessness, among others. But still, I didn't feel anything special with her.
She sighed. "Well, I ran out of friends to hook you up with," she told me, causing me to let out a sigh of relief. I, personally, didn't want to go to these blind dates, as I didn't really have time for them, but Jessi insisted. And one did not simply reject her wishes.
"So you offered yourself as my blind date?" I joked.
"Well, no; it’s just bad that for you to overwork yourself," she told me.
"I haven't been overworking," I whined. She giggled at this.
"Well, let's see. For the past month, you have been bringing your laptop to bed just so you could work while in bed, and even so, you wouldn't stop working until 1:00 AM each day, stopping hourly for five minute breaks and for meals. Yep, you aren't overworking."
I pouted. "Well you can't blame me; I'm so close to discovering--"
She put a finger to my lips. "Shh, no talking about work. Just enjoy your time free from work," she told me. I sighed and agreed, reluctantly.
Just then, our waitress arrived, pushing a cart full of sushi. I looked at it with big eyes, wondering if Jessi really ordered all that sushi.
I was answered when the waitress put only three plates on our table, the whole top shelf. "Thank you~" Jessi thanked her. She smiled and walked away, continuing to push her tray. Once she was gone, Jessi giggled. "I saw your expression. Did you honestly think all that sushi was for us?"
I smiled wearily. "Yeah," I admitted, causing her to giggle again. I smiled as well, realizing how stupid that was. I picked up my chopsticks and reached for the nearest platter, picking put a piece of sushi and dipping it in my sauce. Just as I opened my mouth to put the piece of sushi in my mouth, I felt another one being pushed in.
Surprised, I put my sushi down, and then realized what happened. I looked at Jessi accusingly, who only smiled in reply. I pouted, causing her to giggle. "You're welcome~" she said, still giggling. I finished the sushi off and opened my mouth to speak again, but just as fast as last time, Jessi put another piece in my mouth, accidently brushing her fingers on my tongue.
As a kind of punishment for doing this again, I licked her fingers. Don't ask me why I thought that was a punishment, because I had no idea; but my brain told me to do it, so I did. But this only caused Jessi to giggle as she pulled her fingers away. "Yah, cannibal," she said, wiping off her fingers, continuing to giggle.
After I finished the piece of sushi in my mouth, I stuck out my tongue at her. "That's what you get fo--" but was interrupted as Jessi put another piece in my mouth.
I whined, causing her giggle to intensify.
An idea popped in mind. I tried to swallow as stealthily as possible, which turned out to be pointless as Jessi was feeding herself now. I still pretended to chew though, judging how quickly I could get another piece in my mouth.
At that time, she looked at me; I quickly pointed at my mouth, motioning that I was still eating.
Disbelieving me, she stared at me, studying my features from a few inches away from me. I smiled and continued to chew.
What she did next surprised me. In a flash, she closed the distance and gently connected our lips, causing me to try to scoot back, but was blocked by her hand. I stared at her closed eyes in shock: Was she actually kissing me-- but my thoughts were interrupted when I felt something wet move against my lips. Instinctively, I opened my mouth to say something, but she took the opportunity to plunge her tongue into my mouth.
After moving her tongue around my mouth a little, and me trying to force her tongue away, she backed off and withdrew. "You weren't still eating," she pouted.
"You--" I started, but decided to drop it. We hadn't shared a kiss ever since we broke up. And that one time where she rolled on top of me in the middle of the night a couple months back. "Well, I--" before I could realize the mistake of opening my mouth again, Jessi put another piece in my mouth.
I sighed in defeat, causing Jessi to clap happily, much like a child who opened up her Christmas present and sees that she got what she wanted, would.
After swallowing that piece, she held up another one. I quickly shook my head. "Come on, one more," she begged, using her puppy eyes.
After knowing her for 20 years, you'd expect me to build a resistance to it. But the thing is, its irresistible; there was probably nothing in the world cuter than Jessi's puppy eyes, and her sad aegyo.
Well, it’s just sushi. She's trying to feed you, there's nothing wrong with that, I tried to reason, but ended up shaking my head. "I can feed myself," I said, opening my mouth as little as possible. She frowned. Damn it. "Fine," I complied, opening my mouth.
Giggling cutely, she popped the piece in my mouth.
She rested her head on my shoulder again. "I should feed you more often," she commented.
"No, really, I'm fine without it," I said worriedly. I didn't want to live the rest of my life babied by her.
"Aww, why not?"
"I just--"
I was cut off by the waitress. "And here is the strawberry smoothie you ordered," she said, handing us the cup and two straws.
"Oh, you can take back one," Jessi informed her, bowing her head in thanks as she received the smoothie and the straw.
She smiled and nodded, putting the extra straw in the pocket knitted into the uniform. "You two make a cute couple, by the way," she added.
"Thanks!" Jessi said brightly before I could tell her that we weren't a couple.
When she walked off, Jessi began drinking the smoothie. "That's good~" she commented, smiling happily.
"Why did you tell her that we were a couple?"
She looked at me, confused. Which still managed to be cute. "No, I didn't."
I was about to point out what she said, but then realized that she actually didn't. I sighed, but had a smile on my face. "Smart aleck."
She only smiled happily and continued sipping the smoothie.
I watched her. She always had a thing for pink. She wasn't quite as obsessed as I gathered Tiffany was, but she certainly liked the color a lot; a lot of her clothes where pink, the wallpaper in her room was pink, the cover to her bed and her blanket was pink (which she never used, which is why my blanket is pink. She managed to convince me to change the color. You have no idea how persuasive she can be), and every time she could help it, the drink she ordered was pink. Her obsession with pink was quite cute, actually.
"Oh, did you want some?" Jessi asked, putting the cup in my hands. I realized I was still staring at her drink. I had the tendency to stare at something when I was thinking. It was a habit, if you would call it that.
"Oh, no, I'm fine," I told her, pushing the drink back in her hands.
"You should drink some though. It's really good," she told me.
I shook my head. "I'm not thirsty right now," I told her, picking up another piece of sushi.
She began to poke my lips with the straw. "Come on, you know you want it~" she sang.
I grinned. "Ok, fine," I complied yet again, opening my mouth and taking a sip. Wow. Really, it was good. Well, I guess it was to be expected, as this was a 5-star restaurant. Still ... this might be the most delicious smoothie I have ever tasted, or will ever taste.
I managed to finish about a quarter of it in one gulp, and only stopped because I realized the amount I was drinking. "See, I told you it's good," she said matter-of-factly.
"Yeah yeah," I said, popping the sushi in my mouth. Just as I was about to reach for another, Jessi put one in my hand.
"Feed me?"
I looked at her. "You're 27 already," I reminded her, although her personality often let others astray. Which once caused an awkward situation of someone accusing me of being a pedo.
"So?" she asked, frowning. "I fed you five times," she pointed out.
"Well, you forced--" but I stopped when she reached for another piece. Noticing that I stopped talking, she looked back at me and smile innocently.
"But--" I was cut short as she rested her forehead on mine. "Jessi, what are you doing?"
She ignored me and looked into my eyes, not blinking, while slowly moving her lips towards mine.
I started to back away, but this only caused her to cover that space. This continued until my back hit the wall.
"Um, Jessi?"
Jessi, noticing this, grinned. I instantly became nervous; Jessi almost never grinned. "Please, oppa?" she asked once again, pouring so much aegyo into those words I wanted to melt right there and hold her and never let go.
Giving in, I nodded. "Yay!" she scooted back and opened her mouth cutely, closing her eyes.
I smiled and put a roll in her mouth. She was sorta acting weird today ... weirder than usual. And more ... clingy?
Before I could fully take my fingers out, her mouth closed, wrapping my fingers, for a second, with her lips.
"Mm, tastes good~" she said, smiling with content. I reached for a piece for myself. "Although the sushi could have used a bit more sauce..."
I automatically nodded in agreement, taking my own sushi out of my platter and popping it into my mouth. Then I realized what she said.
I almost choked on my sushi, but still managed to swallow it before looking at her, who was wearing a bright smile with a matching pair of equally bright eyes. "Cannibal," I accused her this time. She only stuck her tongue out at me, followed by making a biting motion towards my fingers.
I smiled. When was she ever going to grow up?
"One more," Jessi told me, putting another piece in my hand. She interrupted me before I could protest, "Please, oppa?" she frowned and used her puppy eyes, once again.
And once again, I gave in and nodded, making sure the sushi was soaked in the sauce long enough before plopping it right in her waiting mouth. I even managed to get my fingers out before she closed her mouth.
"Mm, but that didn't taste as good," she said after she finished chewing.
"Oh well," I said, putting another roll of sushi in my sauce platter.
"Where are we going now?"
"It wouldn't be fun if I told you right away."
I started to become nervous. What could that mean? What harm could there be if she told me? Was it some sort of surprise?
When we got close, she insisted on blindfolding me. And it’s not that I didn't trust her, it's just that ... well, let's just say Jessi isn't the steadiest of all people. Even the smallest of rocks could trip her.
Luckily, somehow, during my blindfolded walk there, we managed to not fall, especially considering that Jessi was wearing heels. "Here we are!" she said, stopping momentarily.
"Here we are where?" I asked, reaching up to pull off my blindfold.
"Ah ah ah, not so fast," she told me, trapping my hands once again with her's. I sighed in defeat and continued to walk with her.
After a few more steps, an exchange between Jessi and someone, an elevator ride, and a few more steps, she lead me into a room. I could tell because the room, unlike the cold, air-conditioned hallways, had a different, slightly warmer atmosphere from the room.
"Ok, here we are," she said, reaching for my blindfold and taking it off.
There wasn't much adjusting to light, as the room was already pretty dark. But still, the light that was there caught my eyes off guard. But before they could readjust, I was greeted by a blast of voices. "Happy Birthday!"
Wait, today's my birthday? I thought, checking my mental calendar. Oh yeah. I had reminded myself yesterday with an email, but totally forgot today I recalled.
I rubbed my neck. "Thanks guys," I said, looking around the room. They were my grad school friends; the group I managed to insert myself in, and fit in with, during my lonely, Jessica-less days of grad school.
Jessica laughed. "I still can't believe you forgot about your birthday," she said, knocking my head lightly.
I laughed with her. "Yeah. I guess I was too caught up in my work," I said. Then, I looked at the room and realized: we were in a karaoke room.
"Well enough chatter, lets sing!"
After many songs and many drinks later, we had all decided to head back. By that time, it was 1:30AM, and Jessica drank so much that she passed out.
After saying goodbye to everyone, I tried to wake Jessica up. "Jessi, we have to leave now," I prompted her, shaking her lightly. She didn't budge though. "Jessi, c'mon," I continued. No use.
I guess I'll carry her home then I told myself, kneeling to pick her up. I never had to deal with a drunken Jessica, since she insisted, even at dinners with investors, that she didn't drink. So I was quite shocked when she had downed a whole bottle of wine (not in one gulp, thank god); she never drank, as far as I knew, so her being able to drink that much surprised me. Of course, I was more resistant, which was why I was still conscious.
Right as I picked her up, I realized something: the door would be hard to open with my hands full. So I set her back down and went to open the door. I couldn't though; it was locked.
"What in the--" I murmured and tried again. Then, I noticed a small piece of paper that was slid under the small crack under the door. I picked it up. It read:
'Hello, Mr. Han. Ms. Jung told me to slip this under the door, just in case she was unconscious and couldn't explain. Ms. Jung has already purchased the room you are currently in for the night; you will find the bed at the door behind the screen of the TV. The screen is attached to a piece of the wall that can be swung out. Hope you have a nice stay! -Karaoke Inn-'
I placed the note back down and walked towards the screen wearily. Did it honestly swing open, like those trap doors in the Scooby Doo movies?
And, sure enough, it did. I was too tired to gasp in awe, so I just carried Jessi to the bed. On my way there, I noticed a clean set of pajamas, so I laid her on the bed and grabbed the pajamas. Remembering how she was complaining how uncomfortable the dress was, I stripped it off and replaced it with the pajamas.
Right as I finished putting her pants on, she woke up. "Jinnie?"
I looked up at her. "Yeah?"
She looked at me and smiled before crawling under the covers and resting her head back on the pillow.
I changed, putting on just the pajama pants and stripping off my shirt before moving to the couch, using our clothes as a blanket. Just as I got comfortable, Jessi's voice broke the silence. "Jinnie, where are you?"
"Right here," I replied.
"Why aren't you sleeping with me?"
"Well, I--"
"Come here, Jinnie~"
I followed her orders, carefully setting the clothes on the couch before slipping under the covers and joining her.
Once she noticed I joined her, she smiled and wrapped her arms around me, resting her head in the crook of my neck. "Good night, Jinnie~"
I patted her silky hair. "Good night to you too," I told her, wrapping my arms around her warm body, sleep overtaking my consciousness.
Continuation of this can be found here.
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lovesodakid · 6 months
sworn to secrecy
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chris sturniolo x fem!reader
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summary: chris and y/n have known each other, pretty much their whole lives. y/n has always had a crush on chris. chris always viewed y/n as ‘nate’s little sister’ until one day, he realized, she wasn’t so little anymore…which nate sees..in which. he does not approve whatsoever. (“brothers best friend trope”)
warnings: slight mention of toxic household. shouldn’t be any more than that, if there is, lmk !!
i groaned as i opened my eyes, fluttering them multiple times so i could adjust to the sunlight hitting my face through my window, lighting up my room and painting a beautiful orange-like color onto my walls from the early morning sunrise. i extend my arm out from under the warm comforter, to turn off my blaring alarm. i move to my side to look over at the alarm as it reads, 6:04am.
i sit up, stretching and yawning as i grumble a few breathless words as i place my feet on the cold hardwood flooring of my bedroom.
i quickly shuffle my way to my closet to grab some clothes to change into. considering it’s the middle of august in boston, it’ll most likely be warm today, so i grab a short sleeve plain white t-shirt and light washed baggy denim jeans. also, of course socks, bra, underwear, the good stuff.
today is the first day of my junior year. which means, it’s the first day of senior year for my annoying brother, nathan doe, and the triplets, whom i’ve known since i was at least 5 years old. i’ve grown up with them. i’ve seen them pick their nose, pee in the pool, and scream that girls have cooties into my face. i’ve witnessed them going on dates for the first time and their first sip of alcohol. i’ve seen it all.
nick is my best friend in the whole wide world. hes the one person who knows every single detail about me. when mine and nate’s parents used to get into fights when we were younger, nick was the first one to distract me from it. i’d bring my barbie’s to the triplets house and play with him, while nate played x-box with matt and chris. speaking of those two, im very close with matt. he and i bonded in my freshman year, when i was discovering what having anxiety meant, so was he. we kind of helped each other along the way, ive always viewed him as a second brother. chris on the other hand? not as a brother.
christopher sturniolo. the guy i’ve had the fattest crush on since the age of 10. below that age, i also thought boys had ‘cooties’. until one day, when i was playing tag with chris on the playground in elementary school.
i was chasing chris down the sidewalk that separated the playground from the grassy area at recess, when i tumbled over and landed on my hands and knees. which caused my knees and palms to be scrapped up. as i stood up, my knees were slightly bleeding, along with my palm. i guess chris heard that i stopped, he hurried over to where i was.
“are you okay?” chris softly asked.
“n-no.” i softly cried.
he gently picks my right hand up, planting a microscopic kiss on the back of it.“here, i’ll take you to a teacher. okay?” he says, slightly holding onto my elbow.
“okay.” i sniffled.
from that moment. i knew. i liked him.
end of flashback
i sigh at the memory as i finish getting dressed.
once im done, i put on a pair of air force 1’s, and make my way to my vanity. i opt on just putting on some mascara and lip gloss, deciding that i dont want to do a full face of makeup today.
i pick up my hairbrush, slowly brushing out any kinks or knots in it. once im done, i walk towards my bathroom, and brush my teeth.
“hey! are you ready? the triplets are on their way!” nate yells from down the hall.
“yeah! almost! give me 3 more minutes!” i yell with a mouth full of mint toothpaste.
once im done in the bathroom, i make my way into my bedroom, picking up my backpack off the floor, and grabbing my phone off the nightstand. almost as soon as i head toward my bedroom door to open it, i hear a faint honking coming from outside.
“are you ready? they’re here.” nate says to me as i walk down the rigid, old stairs of my house.
“yes.” i say as i walk past him, to outside.
i make my way to the minivan in my driveway, as i walk around to open the door behind the passenger seat. as nate and i get into our usual spots. matts always driving of course. chris in the passenger seat, nick in the middle backseat, me sitting behind chris, and nate sitting behind matt. it’s the ‘unspoken seat chart’ we randomly came up with.
“you guys ready for senior year!” chris yells loudly.
“yes. my last year in this hell hole!” nate exclaims.
nick and matt just say ‘yes’ in unison.
“what about you, kid? you ready for junior year?” chris turns around in his seat to ask me.
“kid” how i hate that nickname.
“uh yeah, sure.” i mumble.
“junior year really isn’t that bad. don’t stress to much over it.” nick whispers to me
after 15 minutes of chris’s loud rap songs giving me a blasting headache, we finally arrive at the school. once we walk in, we all split our ways to head to our first period classrooms. this year, i have english, so i make my way there.
once i get into the room, i head to the seat furthest in the back. as soon as i sit down, the bell rings, signaling it’s time for first period to begin.
“good morning everyone. my name is mrs. steven’s, ill be your english teacher for this year. now let’s go over…” mrs. steven’s speaks to the room full of teenagers.
i allow her words to trail off as my brain blocks her voice out. i hate school. how long until summer break again?
a/n: okayy sooooo. i know this part is actually so boring and kind of short. idk if this is actually good or not so lmk if you want me to continue. in this story, the triplets and nathan are the same age and y/n is a year younger. ngl, i kinda gave up at the end lowkey, i just wanted to get this part out to see if it’ll be worth writing a whole story over, which i do have a lot a plans for actually. but it’s also 1:30 in the morning so im tired as fuck so.
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shhh-secret-time · 9 months
HIII could you do Kyle x reader where it's a soulmate au?? plsss and thank uuu
Anon you were so patient with me! Thank you! And thank you for requesting my favorite boy! I'm so down bad for the sweet red head.
Warning: Strong Language, Tooth-Rotting Fluff
Pairings: Kyle x GN!Reader
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'Oh my god! I'm going to fucking kill him.'
The tips of your fingers traced the golden ink like sentence on your palm, watching as the cursive font danced across your skin. It happened every morning at eight on the dot, a new sentence would sketch itself into your skin. When it first happened, you thought maybe someone drew on you when you weren't paying attention, especially since the next day the words changed. But the font was beautiful and shimmered in the light, what pen could do something like that?
Later as the years went by you learned that apparently you had a soulmate, and these were their thoughts. Whoever they were scared you sometimes with the things they thought about, usually very violent thoughts. It made you wonder what type of person they were. I mean you were sure they wouldn't act on it; you've thought tons of things but that didn't mean you were a bad person. It almost made you wonder what your soulmate thought of your inner voice.
South Park was a small town, not many people chose to actually live in a town that was riddled with a backwater run down mentality. It was famous for all the wrong reasons, but that meant everyone kind of knew each other, or at the very least of each other. The kids you went to elementary with followed you to middle and you followed them to high school. Now here you were in community college sitting in the library with the few people you could call friends.
Bebe Steven's was the first person to call you a friend, so her friends became yours, adopting you into their little group. A close-knit group of people who cared about you, what more could you ask for?
"I can't do it anymore Wendy, please!" Speaking of the blonde, the poor girl was slumped over the table with her cheek pressed into the math textbook. Her bottom lip was poking out and if you didn't know her so well you would swear those crocodile tears were real.
"Bebe you barley passed the last test, and that's because you were copying off of Nicole!" Wendy sighed as she gave into the pitiful whine of her friend, reaching over to pat the top of her curls.
"I knoooow but can't we just have a little break? Pleaaaase! I need to spill some tea!" Bebe sprung up and you knew what was coming. Bebe had a secret weapon, the most powerful puppy eyes in South Park. Before Wendy could avert her eyes, she delivered the killing blow. "Please Wendy? Just ten minutes~ it's super hooooot tea~."
You smiled softly at the both of them, shooting Wendy a look of pity as you watched in real time her lose the internal battle. Wendy's shoulders slumped forward, and she finally smiled.
"Fine...ten minutes and then we're going back to work."
"Yes!" Bebe cheered as she threw her arms around Wendy, pulling her into a tight hug. "SO, guess who found their soulmate!"
You tensed up at the subject maybe without even realizing it, you pulled your sleeve over your palm and held it up to your mouth. You had a horrible habit of chewing on your bottom lip to keep yourself from protesting the conversation.
"Like...waitress Mercedes?"
"Yeaaah! Ugh she's so lucky! I wanna find mine already! At least you're in the same boat I am." Pulling herself from Wendy, Bebe turned to look at you with a smile.
"Y... yeah. Wait Wendy is too, isn't she?" You muttered past your sleeve.
"No! Wendy already knows hers! She's just not doing anything about it!" Bebe sneered and crossed her arms under her chest, her lips pursed into a pout.
"I just want to focus on me right now. School is important and I don't know, I've got time." Wendy replied with a shrug of her shoulders.
You stared at her in awe, there were times when you couldn't help but admire her. Wendy seemed like she had it all figured out, like she knew what she wanted from life and wasn't afraid to grab ahold of it.
Maybe you should take a page from her book, start doing things for you. The fear of your soulmate being some terrifying violent person shouldn't stop you from at least trying to find them.
It was as if the conversation was breathing life back into Bebe, she perked up and grinned at you. But when your eyes met hers all you could see was the mischief in them, if you didn't know better you'd swear it was excitement.
"Apparently the closer you get to your soulmate the words on your palm with change! You'll be able to tell what they're thinking in real time! Haaaave yours changed yet?" Bebe sung out, her hands reaching across the table to gentle take yours.
She flipped your hand over, so your palms were facing up, her beautiful done red nails seemed to contrast yours. She traced them across the font on your palm with a hum. "Or are you like Wendy and you're waiting? You've gotta know right?"
"N...no I don't. I've been-", you stopped and bit your bottom lip again, "... kind of afraid to find out who it is."
"What? Why?" Bebe took your hand and gave it a squeeze like she was trying to reassure you to keep going.
That's when you pulled your sleeve up the whole way so she could see the rest of the sentence. Their eyes widened and silence fell over the three of you. You kept your eyes on your lap as you let them read it so you missed Wendy's little head tilt. The words ringing in her ears like she could hear it. No, it couldn't be...could it?
"Well, they're just thoughts, right? It's not like whoever it is will actually do it! Come on hun you can't let that stop you! Just, like, pay extra close to your palm today! There might be something sweet on there if they're nearby!"
You furrowed your brows at that if they were nearby? Maybe it was a little harder to tell when everyone in the school wore gloves because of how cold it was, you included. After a few moments of debating between everything you nodded at her and decided you'd keep your gloves off today. With that Wendy's phone chimed letting your little group know that your ten minutes were up, and it was time to get back to studying, but now you were out of it. You couldn't focus on learning anything else but your palm, watching the font like if you blinked you'd miss it.
But nothing changed, the threat on your palm stayed for the rest of the study session. With a sigh you packed your things and got ready to leave the library, the girls hugging you tightly as they went their own way. Leaving into the halls of the school, passing past other students whose voices seemed to fade into the background. But despite your attempts to smother everyone else out, no one could really tune out South Park's famous boys. Stan and Kyle were standing by their lockers talking and for once it was Stan that seemed to be getting under Kyle's skin.
"Dude, this is the fourth time you've blown me off! Come on, we made these plans last week!"
"I know man, but the band needs me! We've got a gig coming up and we have to get more practice in! I'm sorry Kyle, I'll make it up to you!" Stan shot him an apologetic look.
Kyle sighed and simply rolled his eyes, "Sure dude, one of these days I'm going to cash in all of the times you said you'll make it up to me."
Stan let out a laugh and wrapped his arm around the taller man's neck bringing him down to his level. You smiled at the both of them, you didn't know Stan very well, but Kyle was always nice to you. You admired the fact that he always spoke his mind, whoever his soulmate was had to be the luckiest person on earth. Not only because of how sweet he was, but again he always spoke his mind, there was no guessing at what he was thinking. You peered down at your palm again and blinked in surprise, it had changed.
'He's lucky he's my best friend.'
Oh. Oh.
'Are they looking at me? Do I have something on my face?'
You could feel your heart rate pick up, eyes bouncing between your palm and Kyle. Your head was now on a swivel looking around as if the answers would emerge out of the many groups walking around. When Stan broke away from Kyle with his guitar on his back, the red head began putting his books away. There you stood, glued to this spot watching him with intense eyes. So, when he turned and saw your passionate gaze he couldn't help but flinch on the spot, but he couldn't tear his eyes from you.
Your palm changed again. You couldn't believe it. Just a minute ago you were telling your two best friends about how you were afraid to meet your soulmate and now here he was. This felt almost too cliche, like the universe was tired of you trying to run from it. And now here you were standing in the hall, a few steps away from someone who was supposed to be yours. Did he know? Probably not from how quiet you were and how you liked to keep to yourself. So now here you were with all that knowledge and nowhere to run.
'Their eyes are so pretty; I don't know why I've never noticed before.'
Was he trying to kill you? You felt the compliment go straight to your heart, making it speed up. Your face was turning red at his words, even if he didn't say them, you could almost hear them. You felt something in your chest tug you towards him, like your heart was leaping in his direction and demanding that you listen to it. Kyle watched as you made your way to where he was standing, moving through the halls like nothing else matters.
"Um...hey, is everything okay?" Kyle nervously looked down at you, he couldn't help wondering why his heart was racing so hard.
Sure, you were attractive, but that wasn't all you were. Sure, he really liked your laugh when he heard you talking with Bebe and Wendy, and he secretly wished he made you laugh like that. Sure, you had the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen, but he would never tell you that. How could he? What if you thought he was a freak and oh my god you're saying something and he's not paying attention.
"- so yeah, can you take your gloves off for me?"
"H-huh my gloves? Uh sure." Kyle shook himself out of his trance, he didn't know why you needed his gloves off but that was his fault for not paying attention.
As he removed his gloves you got a glance at his palm looking for any signs of words on his palm.
'I never realized how tall he is.' Those were your thoughts. Your thoughts were on his palm, and he doesn't even realize it yet.
"Did you need to borrow them? Are you cold?" He's asking you with such a soft voice, care laced in his tone.
"No no I just um okay this is going to sound really strange... b-but can you think of an animal for me?"
"An... animal? Like my favorite animal?"
"Sure. That works." You chuckled at the confusion on his face, brows furrowed together in deep thought which was exactly what you wanted.
'Fox.' That's cute.
"Your favorite animal is a fox?" You asked looking up from your palm with a smile.
"Huh but I... how did-" He stopped. The whole situation came crashing down onto him, his mouth opened to say something, but nothing would come out. So now he just looked like a fish gasping for air.
"Yeah I- wow this is it. I think you're my soul-mate Kyle." As you showed him your palm you almost had to laugh about how many times you've flashed it at people today.
Those deep forest green eyes of his watched the golden light on your palm swirl and change as his thoughts did. The tips of his ears turn red as he desperately tries to keep his thoughts under control, soulmate or not he didn't want to scare you off with stupid shit his brain comes up with.
"Is um...is your favorite animal on my palm too?" No. It wasn't.
'His eyes are like emeralds.'
"You think my eyes are like emeralds?"
"You think my smile is cute?" You shot back with a small smirk making him look away, covering his mouth with the back of his hand.
Kyle and you stood in silence for a few moments, hearts racing and nervous shifting from foot to foot. "So, um...my weekend is free do you wanna grab a coffee?"
"I'd love to get coffee with you Kyle~" You let out a laugh, your hand coming up to cover your smile, but it was stopped by his.
The warmth of his hand beating back the chill of yours, they were softer than you thought they'd be. His thumb nervously rubs against your knuckles enjoying the way your hand felt in his, so much smaller but it fit so perfectly. Kyle smiled brightly at your response, a wave of relief washing over him and a breath he didn't know he was holding. He took the first step towards the door with you in tow, a soft glow between the both of you. Something deep inside of you felt complete, like pieces of a puzzle or links of a chain.
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sweetiesicheng · 4 months
jeonghan - playground
word count : 591
you looked down from looking at the nighttime sky and saw jeonghan standing a few feet away from you.
"oh, hello," you quietly greeted him.
he walked over to the empty swing next to you and sat down on it. you noticed a drink in one hand, most likely from one of the nearby convenience stores. he gripped one of the chains of the swing with his other hand.
"how have you been?" he asked you.
"i've been...alright," you answered, looking down at the ground in front of you. "have you been well?" you asked him.
"for the most part."
the two of you had broken up a few months ago, and you rarely communicated with each other afterwards. the last time you most likely texted him was on his birthday. you two had broken up on good terms, but you ended up just never attempting to communicate with him again. it was kind of awkward, considering how you two had many shared friends and other acquaintances.
it's sad to think you haven't talked to him. you always wanted to, but you never wanted to bother him. you never knew if he was talking to someone else…
"it's funny, us running into each other here," jeonghan said to you. you looked over at him, "at the place where we first met.” he took a sip of his drink and glanced over at you, “how's your sister?"
the two of you had first met back in high school. he was with a group of friends cutting through the playground while you were watching your younger sister, who was in elementary school at the time, playing on the playground equipment. one of jeonghan's friends, hoshi, had bumped into you, and jeonghan had helped you back up.
"we both live nearby. it's only natural to come here every so often," you said to him. "my sister, she's good. she's abroad right now and having fun," you mentioned. then, you stood up, "i'm going home. it was nice seeing you," you quickly said to him.
just as you were about to take a step, jeonghan spoke up.
"can i tell you something?" he asked.
you turned to look at him, putting your hands in your pockets since you were starting to get cold.
"y/n, i..." he trailed off, clearly conflicted to speak. "y/n, i come here because i miss being with you and coming here reminds me of you," he spoke, admitting feelings that he evidently wanted to hide at first. "i usually come in the middle of the night when i can't sleep, but i just..."
you stared at him, realizing something.
"sorry for keeping you from leaving. you should—"
"i come here because i miss you too, jeonghan," you spoke, interrupting him. you laughed, trying to not make things feel so awkward, "we ended it on good terms, but how come i'm so sad?"
jeonghan got up and walked over to you. once he was close enough to you, he pulled you into his arms.
"i love you."
you hid your face in his chest with tears streaming down your face.
"this is when you're supposed to say it back to me."
"how can i say it while i'm crying?!" you yelled at him, very muffled but jeonghan got the gist of it.
he pulled away a little and started wiping your tears.
"wanna come over? we can talk about this," he asked you.
you nodded your head. "can we get a snack first?"
"absolutely. come on."
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everythingmp3 · 7 months
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𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕜𝕚𝕤𝕤 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕟𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕕 ✧。
teen!Van x fem!reader
during the aftermath of the hunt, tensions rise in the cabin and one unlucky person ends up in the middle of it: Van. a heated argument ends with her storming off, and for the first time since you two drifted apart after years and years of being childhood best friends, you feel the need to protect her. when you go after her to try and offer some support, you reconnect more deeply than you expected.
warnings: slight infidelity (sorry Tai)
author´s note: thanks to the anon that sent me the request, here´s my first attempt at writing for younger Van! I like thinking about alternative realities for her, for example what if an ex best friend was out there in the woods with her? so here’s my version of that, hope you enjoy!
it was nothing out of the ordinary in a small town like yours: to go to elementary, middle, and high school with the exact same group of people. but there was only one person in that group who you cared about during the early days of your adolescence: Van Palmer. 
both you and Van had been rather shy kids, sensing that you were different to the others in some way, so the moment you two met in first grade and recognized that feeling in each other, you became inseparable. from that point on you spent all your time together: school, afternoons at the mall, sleepovers, whole weekends running around outside from dusk til dawn, always finding trouble to get into.
in high school you slowly became friends with other girls too, mainly due to soccer, and at first you remained a close duo, but once you were around 15 and both of you had serious issues of your own to cope with, Van´s including her on and off relationship with Tai, you drifted apart. there were no hard feelings, you were still friends, but only from a distance: no one-on-one hangouts, no phone calls, just short friendly chats during practice or lunch breaks, nothing intimate or deep about it anymore. 
even after the crash, stuck in the woods together, you two only interacted with each other in the group setting. sure, here and there you engaged in small talk, but you never sat down to have a real conversation, just the two of you, in private.
of course being stranded in the wilderness would wear anyone down, but for you it was especially hard to watch Van´s light fade more and more over time, knowing there was nothing you could do to help. sometimes you wondered if you should try to talk to her, but you knew it might have been uncalled for, especially considering all the other complex dynamics with Tai and Lottie and a few others that she already had to deal with. so you left her alone, worrying from afar, keeping it to yourself until the day of the first hunt. 
naturally, the aftermath that was not pretty. the irony of the situation was that once you had all finally gotten some sustenance into your malnourished bodies, everyone suddenly seemed to have regained enough strength to get angry and riled up again. it was like everyone collectively woke up from the permanent daze that the hunger had left you in.
the guilt and shame about what had gone down settled in and nobody was dealing with it in a healthy manner, so eventually the tension reached a tipping point and a fight broke out. Tai and Shauna were already upstairs and Lottie was just quiet in the corner but all the others were standing around the room hurling insults and accusations at each other, with one person getting the worst of it: Van. 
she was the easy target, the obvious choice for a scape-goat, since she had initiated the card pulling. at first she managed, but the thing that pushed her over the edge was a comment from Mari along the lines of : “well, you were pretty quick to push that fucked up game, maybe we would have found a better way”. nobody defended her, everyone just murmured, a few people even nodding in approval. before that, Van had pushed back, but by that point she was done, you could tell, so instead of justifying herself any longer she grabbed her scarf, wrapped herself up in it, and ran out, banging the cabin door so hard that a few things on the table fell over.
for a moment you all just stood there, a charged silence, and for the very first time since the crash, you lost your composure. you´d been a quiet presence out there, never demanding much, never complaining excessively, never refusing to do the work you were assigned. but in that moment your peaceful nature crumbled. 
you looked around the room in disbelief. “you are fucking unbelievable” you uttered, your voice harsh and unforgiving. everyone turned to look at you, surprised that you of all people were chiming in,“you guys are being so fucking childish, really, it´s pathetic! Van was the only one who had the guts to do something, to just push through so we wouldn´t fucking starve to death! she took that on and you should be thanking her instead of unloading your guilt on her, we all did it, that´s our shared weight to carry! grow the fuck up!” your face was hot, all the rage from the weeks before about your situation was coming out at once.
“yes, we´re doing fucked up horrible shit, this is how it is now, deal with it or go ahead and get on your high horse and starve! but leave her the fuck alone with that guilt-trip bullshit!” you had gotten so loud that everyone was just staring at you as you wildly gestured around, almost shouting by then, remembering Van´s look from a few minutes earlier, the pain and weakness in her voice. even Lottie had perked up after being lost in thought for the past hour.
you shook your head, not waiting for a response, “honestly just take a fucking nap or something and get a grip before she comes back in and you can apologize for whatever the fuck that was”. somehow, they knew you were righteous in your anger, so nobody dared to say a thing as you also took your scarf and followed Van outside. it was in that moment that everyone remembered that you and Van had been best friends once. it wasn´t on anyone´s radar at all, but your passionate defense was a clear reminder.
in front of the cabin you just stood there breathing out for a moment, collecting yourself, giving Van a few more moments of solitude before looking for her. snow was still falling but only lightly, it was sunset, the light was disappearing quickly but it was not freezing enough yet for it to be unbearable outside. the stinging from the weather in your cheeks was actually a welcome change from the thick air inside.
at first you thought Van might be sitting by the fire pit but when you saw that she wasn’t, your next best guess was the large tree that had crashed to the floor behind the cabin and served as a kind of bench, and you were right. once you turned the corner and made your way over, you could see Van sitting there, her back turned to you, so you approached carefully, tapping her on the shoulder. “enjoying the cool breeze?”, she looked up at you, clearly expecting someone else because her hostile expression softened a little when she realized it was you. still, she didn´t smile, the joke not enough to get her out of her gloomy state of mind. 
you got it and saved the humor, “can I?” pointing to the space next to her, wiping off some of the snow and sitting down after she said “sure”. you waited a second before speaking again, “don´t listen to their nonsense okay? you did what had to be done and they don´t get to make you feel bad for that”.
that was not what Van had expected to hear, at all. she turned to look at you then, “thank you. I mean fuck, it´s not like I am this heartless monster who just did it without feeling anything, I just..” you put your hand on her shoulder then, squeezing reassuringly. “I know. you don´t have to justify it, really. I for one am just glad that it´s over with and that we´re gonna see another day.” she was struck by how much she needed to hear that, how uplifting it was, to hear someone not just tolerate her actions, but thank her for them. it had been hard to seem fearless, determined, to take on the role of the leader for such a horrific thing, so the moment you said those words it felt like a weight was lifted off her chest, like she could take a proper breath again. it was a good thing, to realize that at least someone in the group shared the ability to look at things more pragmatically. 
she relaxed a little, exhaling deeply. “god they piss me off sometimes” she admitted, shaking her head, you laughed then, “yeah. I´d say that was pretty high up on the list of horrible moments out here”, she nodded, staring up at the sky, “an endless fucking list if you ask me”.
you also looked up then, the snowflakes falling directly onto your face, “well, we do have our lovely reconnection with mother nature to add to the positives, so there´s that” you joked, she cracked a genuine smile then, “right. and our glorious  exploration of a different cuisine”, you nodded, “exactly, we´re really expanding our palette out here”. it felt good, natural, to return to a place of banter with her, after having spent countless hours laughing together for years, so much so that you regularly got kicked out of classes for it, stomachs cramping from saying the exact right things to get each other to break. you´d been a nightmare for teachers back then.
there was a comfortable silence for a moment, faint smiles on both of your faces as the memories came flooding back into your minds, neither of you said it out loud but something shifted in that moment and you could feel it, it was like your bodies were telling you “why did we ever stop doing this? this feels right”. 
you cleared your throat, “you know, I sometimes think about that summer”, Van looked at you from the side, you didn´t have to specify, she knew exactly which one: the summer three years before. 
during that time things had been at their worst with Van´s mom. she rarely had a single moment of peace at home, so you convinced your parents to let her sleep over for days, weeks at a time, because there was no school to keep up with and enough sympathy from them for her situation to basically let her become your roommate for a few weeks. 
you were the only one who knew all the details about her home life, who had been there for all of it: the panicked calls to your house asking if she could come over, the late night talks that ended with her crying and you soothing her and getting her spirits up by putting on a film and getting her to explain it to you, the few times you were at her house and helped her clean up and carry her mom from the couch to the bed. you’d always been there and never judged or told anyone.
at times Van had looked at you out there in the wilderness, with the feeling of “she´s the only one here who really knows me”, yearning for your understanding nature at times. you´d looked at her a few times with the feeling of “at least her mom can´t terrorize her out here” , a hint of pain in there too, knowing that Tai involuntarily also kept her from sleeping through the night.
“yeah I think about that summer too sometimes.” Van said, a clear sense of nostalgia in her voice, “remember how we climbed onto your roof one night and tried to smoke weed for the first time?” she laughed, you´d forgotten but the second she said it the images of you two laying there came back to you. “oh my god, yes! I think we coughed so loud that the neighbors yelled at us to shut the fuck up right?” she nodded, “yeah, and I think we hardly even smoked any of it”, a grin on her face, yours too “it was fun though. we could use some of that stuff right now actually”, she agreed, “oh absolutely. god what I wouldn´t give to just get high out of my mind and forget all this shit” her head in her hands for a moment, hunched over, you patted her back, “yeah me too”.
you hesitated a second before asking, “so… what´s going on with you and Tai?”,  sensing that her exhaustion was also partially due to their situation. a groan from Van as you brought the topic up “oh okay that bad, huh?”, she sat upright again then, looking back at you. “honestly, save yourself the headache of being talked through that mess” you eyed her, her scars that you were seeing up close for the first time, since you were barely a few inches apart.
“well, at least you´re getting some kind of action. I might just die out here without ever really having gotten with a girl so. I think I deserve some pity too actually” a look of surprise on her face then, she looked at you with her eyebrows raised, “huh? what do you mean?”, you shrugged, “exactly what I said”. 
“you don´t have some secret girlfriend out there who is mourning you right now?” she asked, a teasing tone, you shook your head, “not at all. what would make you think that?” she was still looking at you, a subtle smirk “I don´t know. I always thought you´d do really well in that department. have some hot older chick who picks you up in her car after school or something. you were always better than me at keeping secrets, so I figured you might have something going on” you laughed, considering it, “well if that´s the vibe I give off I´m glad, I really wish I had a juicy story like that to tell but no, sorry to disappoint”
it kind of shocked Van. you had always been close to perfect in her head, she´d admired you all throughout your friendship, so maybe she was projecting a little when she thought of you as being irresistible to other girls. 
it made her remember something, “funny thing actually, when Tai and I first got together, she asked me if she should worry about you. people were apparently convinced that we´d secretly been a couple before”, that took you off guard, “what? really?” she nodded, “hmm yeah”. it made you think, the funny thing was that during all those nights you´d spent sharing a bed, nothing had ever happened, not even a peck and you knew the reason. it was you two against the world during that time, so switching the vibe from best friends in the world to lovers would have required taking a big risk.
but of course, you weren’t oblivious, growing up you both knew that you were attractive to each other, it was always there in the back of your mind. a question hit Van in that moment: what if I had gone after her instead? what would that have looked like? what kind of relationship would we have had? she felt fucked up for thinking about it, but part of her liked the idea, regardless of her love for Tai, she couldn´t deny that you´d always been someone that had made her feel safe, cared for, that your love had been a calm and steady kind, a contrast to the push and pull with Tai. 
it was messing with her in that moment, how much she´d missed you, your solid presence, reminded of it by the fact that you were the one to come out and look for her, who found the exact right things to say. it didn’t help that your pretty face was illuminated by the last few sunrays spilling over the horizon, your eyes almost sparkling from it.
you were thinking of slightly fucked up things too, the jealousy you´d sometimes felt watching Tai and Van being affectionate with each other, knowing you might die without ever having that, knowing you might have experienced it with Van if you´d have had the guts before.
she broke the silence first, “so, when you say you never got with a girl back home, what do you mean exactly? like not at all or?” you thought about it, “well. nothing worth bragging about. the last time I kissed anyone was last winter during Lotties big party and that wasn´t great because I think she was straight and just treating it like a silly little thing to do while drunk” she shook her head, pissed on your behalf, “man that sucks. you deserve more than that” she couldn´t help it, part of her felt challenged by that, a voice inside was telling her: come on. do it. show her what a real kiss feels like. she also felt somewhat possessive out of nowhere, hating the idea of some random girl getting a chance with you who couldn´t even treat you right. 
you were both looking at each other, her gaze changing all of a sudden, something more intense creeping into it, and for a moment you tried to tell yourself you were imagining it but she kept looking and looking at you, not saying a thing, her blue eyes not moving away one inch, you didn´t look away either, breathing a little heavier then, hard to tell if the cold was the only reason your hands were shaking. there was hardly any distance between you to begin with, so as you both instinctively leaned closer you could immediately feel her breath on your lips, your whole body reacting to it.
Van´s hand moved to your cheek and before you could react she leaned in to kiss you, her hand wandering to the back of your head to pull you closer, yours grabbing her neck as you adjusted your position to face her more directly, both of you holding onto each other, at first it was just her pressing her lips against yours, her soft warm skin a thrilling sensation in the freezing cold, at first it was tender and sweet, but then you kissed her back with a force and eagerness that stunned her, but she matched it immediately, you were starved for intimacy and it was clear from the way you kept feverishly kissing her, no plan of stopping, your hand in her hair, her tongue in your mouth, a soft moan as you felt her getting more desperate, her grip you on you tightening, it felt like you were making up for something, like it was long overdue, so it turned sloppy and intense very quickly, the initial hesitation completely gone, one could have called it shameless, the way you were feeling each other up, hands roaming as you made out like you were trying to eat each other, not a single care who might walk out and see, who might catch you, it simply felt too good, having each other like that for once, after all that time, and somehow your bodies knew each other so well that it didn´t feel like a first kiss at all, it felt like a kiss between lovers who´d spent a long time apart, reuniting. in a sense it wasn´t that far off.
after a while your lips were burning and slightly swollen, your faces hot and glowing despite the darkness that had turned your surroundings even colder, so you finally pulled away, panting, hands still on each other, the air before you turning to smoke as you breathed out hard, trying to regain your composure.
Van shook her head, whispering to herself “jesus…” , you just sat there, your whole body burning, neither of you able to suppress your satisfied grins, “that was…” you didn´t really have any words, she looked at you, completing the sentence, “hot?”, getting a genuine laugh out of you, “yeah”.
“god I knew I was right about you being the type to make girls lose their fucking minds” she said, pointing towards you, you just nudged her arm in response, the shared giddiness almost inappropriate considering the circumstances but for a moment you were those same girls you were back then, sharing a secret, giving into your less noble impulses together. it felt too good to act like you felt bad about it.
after a moment of collecting your thoughts, you got up from where you were sitting, wiping the snow off your legs, “so, I´ll go in first and you´ll try and wipe that smile off your face before you follow, because otherwise they´ll ask what the fuck I did to you out here” she nodded, taking the order, smiling at you from where she was still sitting “got it. I´ll channel some of the energy from earlier”, “exactly, yes. see you in a minute then” you said, turning to leave, but before you could walk off, she pulled you back by your hand again for a second, “hey by the way, I heard you shouting in there earlier, what was that about?”. Van had a good guess, but she wanted to hear it from you. you cocked your head, eyeing her, “oh you know. just sticking up for an old friend”, she squeezed your hand then, “well I’m sure that friend is really grateful” , an undeniably soft look shared between you two then, before she watched you head inside. 
Van wouldn´t have admitted this to anyone, but as she sat there waiting for a second, coming down from the high of kissing you, she thought: how the fuck am I gonna spend all my days around this girl and not drag her off to do that again and again.
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froggoon · 1 year
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˚✧₊⁎ My Brothers Fiancé ⁎⁺˳✧༚
Rin recounts how he fell in love with Sae's Fiancé.
★ pairing: Sae x reader x Rin
★ wc: 2.53k
Rin remembers the moment Sae brought you home. Sae was in middle school and Rin was in elementary. He recalls his mom greeting you at the door before calling him over.
“Rin! Sae’s home! And his friend is here. Come down to say hi.”
Rin didn't care Sae brought home a friend, he just wanted to hang out with his brother alone, and now this friend would be interrupting them. However, Rin's thoughts quickly changed when he saw how pretty Sae's new friend was. You were so cute that Rin got nervous, choosing to stand behind his mom instead of saying hi. You laughed at young Rin's antics before pulling out a sweet from your bag to offer him.
You bowed slightly "Here Rin! Thank you for having me here!"
Rin approached you cautiously snatching the loli out of your hand, muttering a quick " thank you " and running away.
It would be like this for the next few years. You coming over to hang out with Sae and coddling Rin. To you, he was like a little brother, so cute with a chubby baby face.
It wasn't until high school that both Itoshi siblings hit puberty and shot up in height leaving you at a mere 5'2. Head pats to Rin became hugs and that cute little boy who would beg for treats and call you big sis, became a young man who was stubborn and rude. Unlike the growing issues between the brothers, you and Sae grew close. You were the only one Sae got along with and eventually, he began to see you as more than a friend. You've been with him for the last four years, comforting him, making him laugh, and encouraging his dreams. Despite the brother's disdain for each other, you managed to be a friend to both. You showed up to their football games, cheered them on, hugged them when they won.
You and Sae eventually started dating and Rin would see more and more of you, but this time in the arm of the person he was jealous of the most. Since then, Rin started to distance himself from you, no longer responding to your good morning <3 texts, and no longer inviting you to his games. You could understand where he was coming from though, he and Sae didn't get along so you could see why he no longer wanted to associate with you, That doesn't mean it still didn't hurt your feelings though. You valued your friendship with Rin, he was there for you when your cat died when you failed your math test, and when you had trouble with Sae. Sometimes he knew you better than Sae did.
Nevertheless, Sae was a good boyfriend, he never forgot an anniversary and always surprised you with gifts and flowers. The social media posts of you two really got to Rin. You and your "perfect relationship" flaunted all over your page.
Eventually, Sae had to go to Spain for football, but before left he planned a special event for the two of you and invited his family after. Sae told your best friends to take you shopping and get your nails done with his credit card then took you to a high-end restaurant. He brought you to the outdoor garden of the restaurant and got down on one knee.
" (y/n) You have been the love of my life for the past 5 years, we were childhood sweethearts to lovers and I cannot imagine my life without you and I can't imagine going to Spain without knowing your mine. When I look at the future I only see you. You've encouraged my dream and I hope to support you in yours. I will think about you all the time when I am away. And when I come back, I would like to make you my wife."
Your eyes swelled with tears, Sae was a romantic but this was perfect. While sobbing your eyes out you held out your hand for Sae to slip the ring on whispering one word " Yes."
You two went back to the Itoshi house to celebrate your engagement. Everyone was congratulating you, everyone but Rin. He was sulking in the corner thinking about the what if's. What if he didn't push you away. What if the moments you were hanging out with him while Sae was busy he kissed you. What if he wasn't a coward to confess his feelings. Would you and him be engaged now instead of his loathsome brother?
You were devastated when Sae left for Spain. Although you continued to pursue your dream as an artist and Sae as the best midfielder in the world, you two still made time for each other. As for you and Rin, your relationship got better. Your job was near his school so you would often walk home together or get food. You two even started having Friday night movie nights. It started when you started complaining to Rin about how boring life was without friends and Sae was always too busy for you. You also told him that you wanted to see the new Barbie movie but had no one to go with. And this is how you roped Rin into dressing up with you to see it.
You two got your drinks and snacks and made your way to the theater. Sitting in your seats Rin spotted a rowdy group of guys a few seats down from you. Realizing who they were he quickly ducked his head towards you, hoping to not catch their attention. However, a certain multi-color-haired person immediately recognized him.
You look up above Rins head to see Bachira, Isagi, Chigiri, Nagi, and Reo. "Rin I think your friends are calling you." You said with a laugh. Rin didn't know his cheeks could turn any more pink when he turned around and saw his friends also all dressed up making their way toward him.
"No way you're here! ON A DATE TOO?"
You quickly shot that down saying you were Sae's fiancé and here to hang out with Rin. Ouch. Rin's mood immediately soured upon hearing that. You two had been spending so much time together and you still saw him as Sae's brother. The two of you and the Blue Lock squad all watched the movie together with Rin's mood slowly improving by listening to your beautiful laugh.
"Hey guys let's get something to eat, we haven't seen you in so long Rin! Hanging out with (y/n) too much." Reo just wanted some juicy gossip.
You pulled Rin along ignoring his protests to go back home as you all headed for the dinner. Seeing his friends was fun, he forgot how much he actually missed Isagi and Bachira's antics as well as Reo's confidence, Nagi's laziness, and Chigiri's coolness. But mostly he was focused on the way you lit up the room with your boisterous laughter and a radiant glow that had all the males' attention on you. You had the ability to engage in conversation, make people laugh, and make people smile, something that Rin had envied but with you he admired. You looked gorgeous all dressed up in your pink baby doll dress, white stockings, and pink high-heeled boots.
Then the question came. " So how did you meet Rin and Sae? What was Rin like when he was younger."
"Oh, I met Sae through school. He was my classmate and would always annoy me to ask me what we were going in class. He was always so zoned out so he would constantly poke me with a pencil to ask. Eventually, we became friends and I met Rin, who was a cute little snotty kid." You snickered at the last bit glancing at Rin who was glaring at you right back. And then you said it. The part that would shatter Rin's heart.
"He's like a brother to me. I can wait to be in-laws when I marry Sae."
You and the guys continued talking about your relationship and your past with the Itoshi brothers while Rin wallowed in his own emotions.
Like a brother
Those words echoed through his mind. Was he not enough for you. What did Sae have that he didn't. You guys had hung out every day since Sae left, heck SAE LEFT. He LEFT YOU. But not Rin, Rin was here every day for you. He ate lunch with you, listened to your problems, comforted you when you were sad, and cooked for you when you were sick. He saw you as a beacon of his heart, a light in his dimmest days, but here you were saying you saw him as a brother? Sae had everything, a promising career, skill, fans, but most of all he had you.
But no not this time Sae would not get away with everything again.
After dinner, Rin walked you home ignoring how your hands would occasionally touch.
"Thank you for tonight Rin. It's been really fun. And thanks for always hanging out with me. You know sometimes, you remind me of Sae."
Rin was fuming at that last part, but he chose to ignore it, he had to play his cards right if he was going to win your heart.
"I'm like Sae right? But better, I think I'm honestly funnier and more handsome than Sae... but listen, do you think I could stay the night? It's pretty late and I'm a bit too tired to walk home and I have a game tomorrow afternoon."
"Oh of course you can Rin! Come come, it'll be fun like a post-movie sleepover!" You dragged him into your apartment and set down your bet running off to your room to change. You had both decided to blow up the air mattress and let Rin sleep in your room with you like you and Sae did when you were younger. Ring Ring
"Oh Sae's calling ! He must have checked into his hotel." You quickly picked up the phone to see Sae's handsome face. " Hi baby, did you just get back to your Hotel?"
"Yep I just showed and now Im resting, how was your night?"
"It was good! Me and Rin hung out to see Barbie and then we met up with his friends at the dinner and It was sooo fun who knew Rinnie had funny friends."
"You've been hanging out with Rin a lot haven't you?"
"Yeah Rin lives so close we hang out all the time and-"
"Wait who's that behind you?"
Unbeknownst to you Rin's hair and shoulder were peaking into the frame. Sae knows you and Rin hung out but he didn't know Rin was sleeping over. Sae was no fool, he knew about Rin's little crush on his darling fiancé. He couldn't miss the longing glances of the younger Itoshi and the slight blushes every time you complimented him.
Rin jumped onto the bed right behind you. You could feel his chest against your back, the heat of his breath right in your ear and his hand resting on your thigh.
"Hey Sae. Me and (y/n) are having a sleepover." You could feel your ears getting hotter with the closeness of Rin.
You loved Sae but you couldn't ignore how the teal-haired boy made your heart race sometimes. As Rin got older you began to notice him more than just "Sae's brother" he was getting taller more fit and overall handsome.
"Yeah I didn't want him to go home so late so he's sleeping over !"
"In...your bed?" "No silly, over on the air mattress."
Sae couldn't deny the anger he felt towards his brother for trying to get closer to you but also towards you for being so naive to his brother's advances. Unfortunately for Sae his next actions would drive you straight into Rin's arms.
"Well, I'm pretty tired now. Im going to go to sleep."
"What already? We haven't talked in two weeks I miss-"
"Stop annoying me and being so clingy, bye."
And with a click, Sae hung up the phone, without even saying I love you.
You stared at the phone in your hand, heart feeling heavy and eyes welling with tears. You dipped your head down to let your hair cover your face in an attempt to hide your crying from RIn. "He didn't even say I love you. He hasn't called me in weeks, he called me annoying and clingy. It feels like he doesn't even love me anymore."
Rin couldn't help but feel a little guilty at this, maybe he pushed you and Sae too far. He wanted you but not like this, he didn't want to make you cry.
Your silence turned to tears and tears turned to sobs. Rin grabbed you in his arms holding you tight in hopes to soothe you. He let you cry in his arms whispering soft nothings about how everything would be okay.
You pulled away from Rin's neck seeing the wet marks of your tears all over his shoulder. "I don't even think Sae wants to marry me anymore, he probably has someone else in Spain."
Rin's short answer shocked you out of your emotions. You stared up at him with betrayal before he continued.
"Good because he didn't deserve you. (y/n) you deserve the world. Sae should be kissing the ground you walk on. He should never make you cry and never make you feel hurt. (y/n) I'm so sorry about Sae. He's a jerk and he's been like that since we were kids. You are the most beautiful girl I've ever met with a smile that could warm even the coldest parts of the world. You are driven, passionate and someone I wouldn't hesitate to marry. If I was the one that put that ring on your finger we would be married the next day. I wouldn't care what the wedding is like as long as I'd know your mine forever."
Rin felt his heart pounding. He had basically outed himself to you and laid his feelings on the line.
You looked up at Rin with a newfound admiration and leaned up to him. "Do you mean that? Do you mean every word?" Your eyes glistened with what Rin could only see as hope and desperation. Desperation for a love you had been missing for a while.
Rin leaned down wrapping his arm further around your waist. Your lips met as you both melted into a sweet kiss. A kiss filled with a craving for love. After a few moments, you broke apart and stared deep into each other's eyes.
"How about you take this off and we can continue," Rin said motioning to your engagement ring. You looked down at the sparkling diamond.
This was the ring Sae proposed to you with, but he was in Spain now and here you were with this last reminder of him that kept you tied down. You took off the ring and placed it in your bedside drawer. Sliding yourself back into Rin's arms and closing your eyes.
Rin smiled looking down at your sleeping form. You were finally his .
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Long Term Love with Azumane Asahi
Pairing: Azumane Asahi/Trans Male reader Warnings: Mentions of Dysphoria, references to sex Summary: Despite growing up together, despite dating since before middle school started, despite everything really, sometimes how much Azumane loves you still catches you off guard.
You've spent your whole life with Asahi, or at least all of it that your remember, he's been your next door neighbor since elementary school and your boyfriend since the summer of your fifth year. Every major milestone has been spent together. Everything that there is to feel with another person has been felt, and still, despite it all, Asahi still sweeps you off your feet. Often without meaning to. He's always been bigger than you, and when you first met him it was terrifying. You thought he was older than you, and like most older kids, was going to terrorize you, but he didn't. And once you found the bravery to stop hiding behind your mother and talk with him things changed. You learned he was in your grade, although not your class, and you went to the same school. He sought you out after that. He'd never met someone with so many things different from him and he found you interesting. You balanced each other out, his calm and quiet eased your rough and tumble tendencies. Listening as you shouted your way through arguments you could have won if he hadn't pulled you away, letting you get the anger out before finishing your walk home.
You like to think you were the one that fell first, Asahi will argue this point until he's blue in the face, but privately, you're certain. It was when you were finally sure of yourself, when you knew you were a boy not a girl. When after months of fearing what he would say you bit the bullet and brought it up. He was confused and after a lengthy explanation on your end he only smiled. "It... I'm glad you told me, but it doesn't change things between us. I'll be by your side as long as you'll have me Y/N, that's what friends are for." He put an arm over your shoulder keeping you close, "And now we can get you on the boys team for real." You couldn't help the laugh that escaped you at that, because of course that would be his main concern, "I am perfectly content watching from the bleachers thanks."
Asahi is the one that confessed first, and even then it was more of him stating a thought than revealing anything. It just came out and it felt like the world froze for a moment. You could still remember what you were doing at the time. You were both in Asahi's room going over the pros and cons of different high schools and you had made a comment about how you could pull off the Karasuno boy's uniform and probably pass in it and how nice it would be to finally just be seen as you were without having to explain things. "You know you'd look good in anything right? You don't have to say you like the uniform just because I wanna go to school there. I would still love you just as much even if we went to different schools." He didn't look up from his brochure until after you'd been staring at him for quite a while. It was only after he caught your eye that he seemed to realize what he said. "You love me?" You echo, and he nods too embarrassed to speak and you grinned, "Oh thank god, because I've had a massive crush on you since middle school." He goes red and just laughs. Things don't change too much after that since you and Asahi where already pretty free with your affections.
It's your third year and Asahi has finally rejoined the team and you were back to sitting in the bleachers as you watched practice instead of avoiding the building all together. It was nice, even if the first years were a bit much. After they'd interrogated Asahi they had moved onto you. What position do you play? I don't. Then why are you here? To support my boyfriend, and the rest of the team. Why haven't we seen you around before? Because Asa just came back. It went on and on until the warm up whistle, and without a second thought Asahi kissed the top of your head and jogged off to meet the rest of the team. And you just stood there a little uselessly for a moment, overwhelmed with affection. Then its finals season and you can't remember the last time you slept. You had to study, you had to make sure Asahi studied because you were pretty sure Takeda wasn't kidding about barring anyone with failing marks from the away games and that would break Asahi all over again and you just got him back. And then there is a cup of green tea where your studying materials had just been. It snaps you back to yourself and you look up to see Asahi standing beside your desk with a smile. "Let's have some tea, stretch a little, and then come back to this." You agree, even though you know what is going to happen after you stretch is definitely not going to be studying, and sleep will follow soon after, and tomorrow you'll try again with similar results. Finals will go fine as they always do.
Then, they're standing on the top of the world and you couldn't be prouder. The bubble bursts of course when a reckless reporter refers to you as Asahi's girlfriend. It hasn't happened in years, but the offhand remark already has your skin feeling too tight. Everyone that needs to know does, and Asa had corrected the reporter with surprising sternness, but the damage had been done. But before you can retreat too far, there is Asahi. Bent to your level with a serious expression. "Don't mind her." He says, and you almost snap about how it's not that easy, "It's hard I know. But i am with you and I will remind you how ever many times it takes that you are the boy i have loved my whole life."
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may-russell · 1 month
Everything has changed 💌
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Summary: Y/N and Hamzah ‘dated’ in elementary school, a puppy love that made them the talk of the playground. Eventually, they grew apart and lost contact, but years later, an unexpected encounter in college brings them back together, sparkling old feelings and memories. Now they wonder if their childhood bond could turn into something more…
Word count: 557
Genre: Fluff
!hamzah x fem reader
Chapter 1: Love Bugs 🐞
Y/N remembered the first day she met Hamzah like it was yesterday. It was the start of fourth grade, and the classroom buzzed with joy as everyone settled into their new desks. Y/N had just moved to town and didn’t know anyone yet. She felt a mix of nerves and excitement as she walked into the classroom, clutching her backpack tightly.
That’s when she saw him—a curly haired boy with big, brown eyes and a contagious smile. He was sitting at the back of the class, doodling on his notebook. As Y/N walked past, he looked up and grinned.
“Hi, I’m Hamzah,” he said, his voice cheerful and inviting. “Do you want to sit here?”
Y/N nodded, relieved to have found a friendly face. “I’m Y/N,” she replied, taking the seat next to him. “I just moved here.”
From that moment on, Y/N and Hamzah were inseparable. They spent their recesses playing on the swings, chasing each other around the playground, and sharing stories about their families and favorite cartoons. Y/N loved how easy it was to talk to Hamzah, how he always made her laugh and listened to her every word.
As the school year went on, their bond only grew stronger. They became known as the best of friends, always seen together in the hallways, at lunchtime, and on the bus ride home. They even had a secret handshake that only they knew, and matching lucky bracelets that Y/N made them as a symbol of their special friendship.
By the time fifth grade rolled around, Y/N and Hamzah’s friendship had blossomed into something more. They didn’t talk about it openly, but they both felt it—a silent connection that made their time together even more special.
One sunny afternoon, as they sat on their favorite swing set during recess, Hamzah turned to Y/N with a thoughtful expression.
“Do you ever think about what it would be like to have a first kiss?” he asked, his cheeks turning pink.
Y/N felt her heart flutter. She had thought about it, of course, but she never imagined having this conversation with Hamzah. “Yeah, sometimes,” she admitted, looking down at her hands.
Hamzah hesitated for a moment before continuing. “Do you think… maybe we could try it? Just to see what it’s like?”
Y/N’s heart raced as she nodded, her stomach a swirl of butterflies. “Okay,” she whispered.
They leaned in slowly, their faces inches apart, “I’m nervous” the boy admitted, “Close your eyes”, Y/N hoping to ease his worry, and then, with a mix of excitement and nervousness, they shared their first kiss. It was a quick, innocent peck, but it felt like the most magical moment in the world. When they pulled away, they both burst into giggles, their cheeks flushed with happiness.
“What’s that?,” Hamzah said, licking his lips.
“Oh, it’s my strawberry shortcake lip balm. 😊”
As they continued to swing together, they both knew that their friendship had turned into something special. Something sweet.
After that, their days were filled with numerous playdates at each other’s houses, teaming up for every group project they had in class, making little gifts for the other, (like valentines day cards ;) ), holding hands in the hallways, chatting on skype for hours after school, etc.
But eventually, they grew up. They weren’t interested in running around catching bugs in the playground anymore. They both made new friends and moved on, still talking occasionally, until Y/N moved schools in middle school.
Since then, they never saw each other again.
Hamzah always talks about his 5th grade relationships so I thought it would be fun to write about it. Also, I re-found this Taylor Swift song I used to love as a kid and it fits perfectly with the story!!! (I think)
Chapter 2: Fate.
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Evermore: Part. 4
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Warnings: Tissues are needed for this chapter.
Listen to this song, as you read this chapter:
Time McGraw Please Remember Me
Amazing Grace
I also wanted thank my babes @hollybee8917 for this wonderful Mood Board!
The room started to fill as family members and friends came to pay their respects to your husband. His friends in the Army, Sam and Rachel were present. Each one greeted you with hugs and sympathy. Your daughter, Chloe, was thankfully asleep in her stroller. In the background, were photo memories. In the table next to Ari, were the sentimental things. His beloved Boston Red Sox hat, car keys to his truck you hate driving, and a photo of your wedding. 
At this point, you did your best to be happy. You tried to fill your thoughts of the happy times with your husband. You always had good memories with Ari like the day you first met him when you were just a young girl at a birthday party. You were being picked on by a girl named Audry when you didn’t do anything. Ari came to your rescue and since then he along with Andy had become best of friends with you. 
There are so many memories that you can talk about and all of them made you smile. After the greetings were done, Andy went up the podium and everyone in the room took a seat. He cleared his throat and looked around the room, “Hello everyone, if you don’t know who I am by now, that’s okay. My name is Lieutenant General Andy Barber. Or just known as Andy. I’ve known Ari since we were both little kids. Our families would attend parties and we would sneak away to play legos. We went to the same elementary school, middle school, and High School. As kids, we both made a pact that we would join the military. He wanted to go to West Point and I wanted to join the Air Force. And we did.” 
Andy paused and wiped his eyes, “Throughout the years, we supported each other. I was there when he graduated from West Point and he went to my graduation at the Air Force. Ari was a man of great honor. He would do anything for anyone that he was close with, and he even got me out of trouble in our younger days. As I did the same. Ari had told me once that he fell in love and I looked at him, and I asked who it was. I didn’t expect him to say Y/N. I didn’t believe him at first, but when I saw them together one day, it came together. The love he had for her was so strong. When he told me that he was going to be a father, after trying for so long, I had never seen anyone so happy. But now, my best friend is gone. He died for this country and he died so that his daughter and his wife could have a better life. Ari, buddy. I’m going to miss you, your stubbornness, your obsession with beer and everything in between.” 
Andy then took a seat next to you. You took a moment for yourself before getting up.  
You’re normally not like this, but your hands start to shake. You're used to talking to large groups of people, a preschool teacher. You took a deep breath and let it out, “Hi everyone, I'm Ari’s wife Y/N Levinson. I’ve known Ari since I was a young girl. Our families went to the same parties, and we all went to the same school. I was younger than the two, but as Ari would tell me I was a monster when I got mad and I always act older than my age. Ari was a genuine, caring, and loving man. I knew that I was in love with him when I needed to be picked up from a friend's house. I was tipsy, and my boyfriend at the time had dumped me. Ari was in town from his deployment. He bought me food from McDonalds because I kept insisting that french fries are the best when piping hot. He took me back to his house and we sat on his rooftop. We talked all night and I ended up sleeping in the guest room in his house. He took care of me the next morning. He knew all the things I loved, and without me telling him, he knew exactly what I needed, when I was feeling down or when I was having a panic attack. His voice was always calming for me.” 
You paused, sniffed and wiped your eyes, “We married young, but that didn’t stop us. The times when he was gone for 6 months at a time were hard. Ari absolutely hated it when I ate on the couch. I was a messy eater and crumbs were always on the couch. His big GMC truck, that he would purposely block my car, so he would make me use it. Even when he knew that I hated that truck. So, in return, I would park his truck in the garage and leave my Outback behind it. He would call when he can. Emails were the only way I could get a hold of him when he didn’t have access to a phone. There were times when he surprised me by coming home early. If I could live in those times again. The last thing that Ari told me was that “Angel, I can’t wait to see you this Friday. I have plans for a vacation for us and Chloe. I love you Ms. Levinson.”
You paused and this time you couldn’t continue. You tried, but all that came out was gibberish. Holly and Andy came up to the podium and they both hugged you. You gave yourself a few minutes then you cleared your throat, “I don’t know what I will do now that you’re gone. Your baby girl will be without her daddy. But I promise you that she will not forget you. Rest easy, my Ari Bear. Sarge is waiting for you.” 
The next morning was the day that you were dreading. You didn’t get any sleep and Chloe was up the whole night just to add to the stress that you were already under. Your family, Andy, and Holly stayed the night so that you wouldn’t be alone. You found yourself up before anyone else and went downstairs to make yourself a cup of coffee. The house was quiet. You were used to it, but it’s different this time—empty, full of heartache, and without Ari. 
The moment you got to the kitchen, you smelt the scent of breakfast and coffee brewing. You walked into the kitchen to see Andy, Holly, your parents, and your extended family all around. Even Chloe was in her high chair, eating her breakfast. As you walked in, you stood there with all your emotions pouring out again. Andy looked up from his coffee and saw you. He immediately put his mug down and went to your side. 
“I know, I know-” Andy said, as he hugged you. 
You held onto him, and your mom went to your side as well, “Honey, I know it's hard and that’s why we are here to help you. You can’t do all this on your own.” 
Your mom said as you pulled away from Andy. You wiped your eyes and sighed. 
“I know, I’m just overwhelmed with emotions. I didn’t get any sleep last night, because Chloe wouldn’t go down and-”
“I know, honey, that’s why we all let you sleep in a bit more. Come have some breakfast, we can clean up here, while you get ready.” 
You sighed once more and let go of Andy. You then looked towards him and let out a giggle, “Um, sorry about your shirt.” 
Andy looked down and he smiled, “Oh don’t worry about it. It’s only a shirt. “ 
Despite everything that you're going through right now, a simple laugh warmed your heart for that brief moment. You wiped your eyes once more and then took a seat at the counter. Your dad handed you a cup of coffee and your mom placed down a plate of eggs, turkey bacon, hash browns, and two slices of toast with some butter. 
You didn’t feel like eating, but you had to. You haven’t eaten since lunchtime yesterday. You’re going to need all the energy for today.  
You sat on the floor of your daughter's room, as she laid down. She’s fresh from a bath and you were dressing her. A little black dress with white stockings and a black bow. 
“Who’s a pretty girl? Yes, you are!” You say, tickling her sides and she lets out a loud squeal. 
Once she was done, you scooped her up onto your hip, and hurried down the stairs. By the time you got downstairs, everyone was ready. Your mom took Chloe from you and you went to get her baby bag. You made sure that she had extra diapers, milk, snacks, and her food. Once you did, you placed on your shoes and were out the door. 
Locking the door behind you, you went to your Subaru where Andy was waiting along with your mom and Holly. Your dad and the rest of your family in another car. The drive would be an hour to get there.
“Are we going to the church first then to the cemetery?” Your mom asked. 
“Yeah, a private ceremony, then to the burial at the National Cemetery. Father Duncan will meet us there.” 
One Hour and 15 minutes later…
Andy entered the Massachusetts National Cemetery, where her extended family, Sam, Rachel and his platoon. The army guards, and along with the Army Band. It wasn't long, when the carriage pulled up. 
The moment you got out of the car, reality hit you again. You kept telling yourself this is a sick dream and you would wake up and your husband would be right next to you. But it wasn't. 
Your mom had Chloe in her arms, as you walked up to the carriage where Major. Sam was a Captain. Rachel. 
“Hi Sam,” you greeted him. 
Sam gave you a sympathetic smile and hugged you and to the same with Rachel. 
“How are you holding up?” Rachel asked. You let out a small sigh and tried not to cry. 
“I'm hanging in there.” You say. 
Before you could say anything else, Father Duncan came up to you and let you know that it was time. You turned around and the Hearse pulled up. 
The Army Honor Guard went into formation and marched towards the Hearse. As the casket was pulled out, you felt your heart tighten with pain. You watched as they marched towards the carriage. Once he was in place, you stood behind the guards. Amazing Grace from the bagpipes started and you marched on.
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mysticfoxdesigns · 10 months
Do you have any more Burns family headcanons? I saw your trans Kade post and wanted to know if any other Burns family members are also LGBTQ!
Yes! I do have more headcanons for the Burns family! So might as well just list them all out here.
Burns family headcanons
Him and Woodrow are half brothers. Charlie's father is out of the picture, and his mom remarried and had Woodrow
Him, Ezra, and William Fowler were all friends throughout school
All three of them were born and raised on Griffin Rock
The three of them also created go karts one summer that they rode constantly around town. This was the start of Rolling Thunder
Woodrow and him would hike up to Griffin's Crest and camp every weekend. During the summers they would stay for longer on the trips
Him and his wife knew each other as kids but never interacted
He was in the Military during the 80s
He reunited with his wife in the military where she had become a scientist
The military also is where they met and worked with Optimus Prime
They both left the forces when she became pregnant with Kade
After leaving the forces he became a police officer and they all lived on the mainland for awhile
When he became a chief police officer the family moved back to Griffin Rock.
He tries to do at one on one dad time with his kids each month. The activities are typically based on which kid he is with
He has a guilty pleasure for watching old 70s and 80s sci fi movies and shows
Was a mess for a while after his wife died. While nothing major happened that he regretted, it still put a slight strain on his and Kade's relationship
He's just glad that the younger 3 were oblivious to everything that happened after their mother died
He was always the cook of the family. He learned when he was a kid and only continued to improve as he grew older
Chase and him both enjoy riding out to Blossom Vale to watch the stars
Only has become more protective of Cody as the years have gone one, especially with how constantly he is in danger with the tech around town
Always wins at Mario Party
Main headcanon of course is him being trans, but I also see him as being bisexual
He came out when he was 9 and the family just moved to Griffin Rock. He started socially transitioning and besides for close family friends, no one on the island knows he is trans.
While he is an asshole at times, he cares deeply for his family and would lay his life down for them
He had a close relationship with his mother. She was his biggest supporter when he first came out
His mother dying in a fire was his main inspiration for becoming a firefighter
Has always been protective of Cody since he was born, but that protective nature only grew after their mother s death. He would constantly take time to make sure Cody was cared for when Charlie would work late nights
Never got to properly grieve his mothers death due to him being Dani and Graham's support system. But he would never let them know that
Blockbuster movies are his favorites, the Godzilla franchise being his number one followed by the James Bond movies (basically canon, but I see him as being a huge fanboy outside of what we see in canon)
Dani and Graham both used grimlins as a way to scare him. This led to several sleepless nights for him as a young teen.
In turn that meant he would take over comms for the night or stay in Cody's room watching over him
Was a trouble maker in late elementary and early middle school. Lead to a legacy with all of his siblings
Joined the sports teams in high school. Rugby and soccer were his best ones
Started doing firefighter training at 17 with the NVFC
Had several girlfriends and one or two secret boyfriends during highschool
Got into fights whenever someone was picking on Dani or Graham
Started working in highschool to help Charlie pay bills on their house
The family only moved into the firehouse once Kade had become a firefighter
Him and Charlie would get into arguments a lot of times after the other had gone to sleep. These arguments died down over time as Charlie started to move on past his wife's death
Their relationship is mostly repaired now, but if tensions grow there is the possibility of them getting into arguments again
Most of his ego is played up to fit a fearless persona he created
Past that ego, he is very well accomplished. He has several trophies from his time in sports, and he has progressed through his career a tremendous amount
Him and Heatwave both accidentally discovered that Cybertronian stomachs can handle human food in small amounts. So Kade sometimes will introduce Heatwave to different human foods to see his reaction. So far ghost peppers have had the funniest response
Always wins at Uno and is tied with Cody for Cards Against Humanity
Growing up with all brothers meant she became a lot more tomboyish as a kid and young teen
Would paint Kade's nails as a kid and still does to this day when its a slow night at the base
Was a fan of the first TopGun movie as a kid. This was her inspiration for becoming a pilot some day
Her and Kade constantly butted heads as kids, but it was always playful and there were never any hard feelings between the pair
Had a hoard of stuffed animals in her room. It was piled in a corner and one wrong move could bury you in them
I see her as bisexual with a preference for fem presenting people
And I feel like she would go by she/they pronouns
She owns dresses but wears them on the very rare occasion
She has an OG Tumblr account like the millennial she is
Speaking of Tumblr, she taught Blades how to use it
Her guilty pleasure shows and movies are romance vampire series. Kade and Graham tease her relentlessly for it
Mrs. Neededlander used to babysit her and TRIED to teach her how to cook. It never worked
She sent an application off to the real life TOPGUN academy. She's never gotten a response though so she has mostly forgotten about it
She wanted to become an EMT after Graham had fallen out of a tree as a kid and broke his arm. Watching the crew work is what sparked her curiosity about it
That inspiration was only amplified by her mother's death
Is always the one to win at Monopoly
Was picked on being the youngest up until Cody was born
Was diagnosed at a young age with autism
Both Kade and Dani were protective of him once he got into school. They both made sure that he would be safe from bullying
Watching what his mother and Doc Greene and wife did in the lab is what inspired him to pursue a STEM career
He narrowed it down to engineering after joining the robotics program in Griffin Rock's schools
Initially didn't think he would go into the first responder field, but after doing research into the different job opportunities, and seeing Kade and Dani go into the field, he decided to join them
He is also bisexual, but is demi aroace as well
Will completely forget to take care of basic bodily needs if he is wrapped up in a project
Boulder and him constantly stay up late tinkering in the garage
Almost flunked out of college because he couldn't handle being in person for classes. Once he switched to more online classes though, his grades sky rocketed and he graduated top of his class
Several times has fallen asleep at his desk in the garage, but always wakes up with a blanket around his shoulders or having been moved to somewhere more comfortable
Despite what his body type shows, he does have a fair amount of muscle from his work with heavy equipment
Always wins at Mario Kart and Scrabble
At some point in life he has looked up to each of his siblings
Kade, was when he was younger and constantly being babysat by him. His oldest brother was the 1st one he would see when he would wake up and the last person he would see before going to sleep. Due to this he was the first person Cody would come to when he was a child
Dani, he has almost always looked up to and has never really stopped. Her dare devil attitude helped to push him out of his shell as a kid, allowing him to be the extroverted person he is today. She is the first to propose something fun and crazy to him, which they then most likely see through with the plan
Graham, he looked up to during his time with Pioneer Scouts. Kade and Dani never really joined any scouting activities, but Graham nearly finished the entire scout program. While Graham doesn't really like it anymore, he is always up to talking with Cody about what he was doing in his troop
Of course though, being siblings, they all annoy the fuck out of each other
Prank wars are typically started by Cody
When he was younger there were times when Dani and Kade couldn't hug him when they got home. He was confused at the time, but growing up he realized why when he started to witness the rescues more
Completed all badges in the Pioneer Scouting program
AroAce but him and Frankie joke about being platonically dating due to people at school
Speaking of Frankie she is basically another sister to him. Its to the point where his older siblings will refer to her as their younger sister
Hopes for his own bot one day. However as time passes and they learn more about Cybertronian on Earth, that hope starts to fade
Honestly has no idea what he wants to do in life. Is conflicted on if he even wants to go into any first responder field
Starts out at college as a gen student, but soon switches over to animal based studies
After watching some Game Wardens in action while fishing with friends during college, he was inspired to pursue that job
Kept the fact he was training to be a Game Warden a secret from his family. Finally told them when he showed up to the firehouse in uniform
Him and the bots constantly sneak out of the firehouse to star gaze
He asks them about Cybertron, and what it was like before they left. This has actually helped the bots with homesickness
Blades is always up for teaching him about Cybertronian anatomy
Boulder and Heatwave both tell him about their cultural region's music, even being able to find human equivalents for him to listen to
Chase tells him about different Cybertronian stories and mythology
Quickshadow, High Tide, and Heatwave all use their holoforms to teach him self defense
He wins at Cards Against Humanity constantly, even when he was a kid
General headcanons
There is a separate washer and dryer in the garage for work clothes specifically
The bunker has been expanded upon greatly since the bots arrived. There are actually bedrooms for the bots to stay in, and keep their personal belongings in
Whenever they have to drop grocery shopping or eating at restaurants to respond to an emergency, they can always go back afterwards and pick up where they were. The grocery store worker would hold onto their groceries, and restaurant workers will have their food in to-go boxes or have it remade free of charge
Optimus and his team were at Mrs. Burn's funeral in holoform
And there are most of my headcanons! I didn't include the bots a whole lot, purely cause it would make this even longer. I can definitely share my headcanons of them though if people want!
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nothoughtsonlytrance · 3 months
Hey guys! I usually don’t post something like this, but I thought I might as well anyway, in honor of the 5th anniversary of Dan’s coming out video.
So I mentioned in a previous post in an answer to @demonqueenart that I am pansexual. I’ve known this since around the time that Dan and Phil came out back in 2019. I was in community college at the time, and it was my first time in a public school setting. Before then, I had been to private schools throughout elementary, middle, and high school, and there wasn’t a lot of diversity in terms of how people expressed themselves due to the restrictions and dress codes that the schools enforced. So I never really had a way to express myself in terms of clothing styles and stuff like that. I thought I was straight when I was in high school, and I was already an ally because I had a few close friends or classmates who were LGBTQ, and I accepted them no matter what, (and I was taught growing up that we are called to show kindness and love to others no matter who they were) but it was kinda kept on the down low because it was considered taboo, especially since our highschool was a Christian high school.
When I finally entered community college in 2018, I was astounded by the diversity of people there and the way that people expressed themselves, whether it was by their clothing style, their gender identity, sexuality, etc. And I realized that some of the people who were there were really attractive. And it didn’t matter whether they identified as male, female, nonbinary, or whatever. I never did ask anyone out (cuz I’m a HUGE coward, lol), But I knew that it didn’t matter who the person I’d eventually date was as long as we had a connection, treated each other and others kindly, had a wonderful personality, and had things in common. Questioning my sexuality was one of the many shower thoughts I had lol
I remember scrolling through TikTok as well and seeing the countless ways that people expressed their identities, and it made me feel like I could be that way too. (Literally remember seeing a cosplayer’s version of Cat-ra from She-ra Princess of Power and blushing madly and thinking, “Wait, why am I blushing, why am I feeling this way?!”, haha)
I didn’t see Dan and Phil’s coming out videos until a little while later, but they touched my heart in so many ways when I did. Dan’s “Gay and Not Proud” video also helped me through my journey. So many quotes from the video spoke to me, especially the part when his spiritual subconscious told him,
“Depressed little emo Dan, it wasn’t his fault. Don’t hate him, don’t hate yourself…you have a lot to be proud of.”
Being proud of myself had kinda been a challenge, even to this day. Especially since there has been so much panphobia and harmful stereotypes surrounding pansexuality. Even when people mention different types of sexualities, rarely do they mention pansexuality, and it makes me wonder if I am valid too. I’ve been out to very few people, other than a few friends that I know will accept me, and I’m out to my sister and mother. Most of my extended family is LGBTQ accepting, but at the same time, I’m not sure when I should tell them, especially since I’m not really dating anyone at the moment and I’m kinda nervous about what questions they’ll ask if I do come out. I hope to eventually, tho.
I really do hope one day, I find the right person for me. I’ve never been asked out before, never had my first kiss, or even been on my first date. So no dating experience whatsoever, lol. It’s been really frustrating because so many of my friends and other people my age (early-mid 20s) have been going on dates, finding their soulmates, getting married etc. And it honestly makes me jealous because no one has ever said “I love you” to me in a romantic way. I truly do wish I find someone who loves me for who I am because I don’t want to die alone. I want to eventually start dating, but there’s of course always the risk of catfishing, and I don’t want my heart to be broken at the same time. So it’s been complicated, to say the least.
Well, that was a bit of a rant, but that's the end of it, haha. I hope this message finds you all well. Remember, you’re not alone in your journey, and there will always be people out there who care about you. And if you’re not able to come out just yet, just know that things will get better. I promise. Thank you so much for reading, and if you have any questions, feel free to leave an ask or reply!
I also (one last thing) wanna say a big THANK YOU to all the people who have liked and reblogged my Dan and Phil edits as well as my music. I’ve been getting better and better at using CapCut and GarageBand IOS (yes, I make the music and videos on my phone bc that’s all I can afford to work with, lol. Does it eat up my data? Yes. Do I care? No.), But each time I see that someone liked or reblogged one of my works, it makes me so happy and motivates me to keep going. So I really appreciate it!
More edits and posts will be coming soon, so stay tuned!
-Kristy, aka nothoughts_onlytrance
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axtorturedxpoet13 · 1 year
August (Steve Harrington x Reader)
Warnings: Slight smut, implied sumt, language, some angst.
Author's note: Here is the first part of the August series with Steve!! Hope you all enjoy. Sorry it is so long!
“Salt air, and the rust on your door, I never needed anything more. Whispers of Are you sure? Never have I ever before. But I can see us lost in the memory, August slipped away into a moment in time, cause it was never mine. And I can see us twisted in bedsheets, August sipped away like a bottle of wine, cause you were never mine.”
I’ve known the Harrington’s since I was in elementary school. My father moved to Hawkins to begin his new job and we moved in next to Harrington’s. Mine and Steve’s bedrooms were facing each other, and we created secret codes from our windows. Our families became so close that we would vacation to a beach house we all shared during the summer. We usually stayed from the beginning of August until the end, right before school started back. This year was a little different because I was a senior at Hawkins High School, but Steve was leaving for college. Steve is my best friend and I have not allowed myself to think about how it’s going to feel when the only person who gets me is hours away. Recently, Steve began dating Nacy Wheeler and I have seen very little of him. He missed our family movie nights, family days at Star Court Mall, and I felt so alone, because truthfully, I was in love with Steve Harrington myself. Feelings I denied all through middle school and almost all high school, but once we started to grow, my feelings for Steve did as well. I always had the hope he felt the same, but once he brought Nancy to a family dinner, I knew I would always be just his best friend.
“Are you ready, Y/N?” My mother yelled from downstairs as my father loaded the car.
“I’m coming mom!” I yelled back, as I pulled my hair up and ran down the stairs. When I walked from the front door, Steve leaned against our car, smiling at me.
“There she is!” Steve said coming over to put me in a headlock. Nancy was on the other side of Steve smiling at us. It was August 1st and we were heading to our beach house. It was going to be a whole month that the love birds would be apart, so Nancy came to send Steve off.
“You’re riding with me, kid”. Steve said to me as he walked back over to place his arm around Nancy.
“Well, I’m picking the music then, Harrington”. I said as I hit his arm. Steve smirks at me, knowing this is an ongoing fight between us two. I hugged my mother and father, as they load in the car with Steve’s parents. I get in the passenger seat of Steve’s car, as he sticks his tongue down Nancy’s throat, causing my skin to crawl. He climbs in the driver’s seat, as Nancy leans in the window.
“See you, Y/N. Take care of my boy”. She says while kissing Steve on the cheek. I really like Nancy and she is super sweet, but she will never know Steve the way I do. His deepest, darkest secrets. The nights we stayed up watching movies when his parents were being dicks to him. Steve spent many nights at our home and seen more care from us than his parents.
“Of course, I will make sure to keep Stevie in line” I say giving a thumbs up to Nancy. I notice Steve’s hand tense up on the steering wheel at the sound of my decades long nickname for him.
We have been driving for a couple of hours before Steve and I ever talked. Since I called Steve our nickname, he was quiet and didn’t even fight my music choices like usual.
“Steve, is everything okay? Did I upset you?” I say touching Steve’s forearm. I hear Steve sigh and run his hands through his always messy hair.
“No, no, you of all people would not be one to easily upset me”. Steve says touching my hand gently. I feel butterflies erupting in my stomach at his touch.
“What’s wrong then? Is it because you already miss Nance? You know you can tell me anything, Stevie” I say grabbing his hand. Steve looks over at me and lightly smiles.
“Yeah, of course I miss her, but I don’t know what I’m going to do without you when I’m at college.” Steve says staring straight ahead at the road. The butterflies get worse at his statement because I haven’t allowed myself to think about this fully. Steve and I sit in silence during the rest of the trip and just listen to music. There is a heaviness in the air and part of me hopes we are feeling the same thing, but I know that isn’t possible.
“Your back beneath the sun, wishing I could write my name on it. Will you call when you're back at school? I remember thinking I had you.”
We finally arrived at the beach house, and I ran right in to change into my swimsuit to get to the beach. I change into my red, high-waisted bikini and head out the door.
“Heading to the beach already, sweetheart?” My mother says chuckling at my eagerness. I notice Steve unloading our bags but stops once he hears my mother’s comment. He turned to look at me and suddenly back to the car, as his cheeks flushed red. What did I do? This isn’t the first time we have been to the beach together and not the first time he’s seen me in a bathing suit. I headed down to the beach to start tanning. Not long after I settled in, I hear someone coming up beside me.
“Hey, kid”. Steve says towering above me, smirking.
“Stop calling me, kid, Harrington.” I say rolling over on my stomach to get away from him. Steve snickers and finds a spot next to me on the beach. Even though he’s not paying attention to me, I look over at him while he is blissfully unaware of my gawking. His perfect freckles cascade down his back and it takes everything in me not to place kisses down it to mark my territory.
“Promise you won’t forget me when you get to college?” I say leaning up on my arms and staring at him.
“I could never forget you, you’re my best friend.” Steve says rolling over to look at me, a concerned look on his face.
“Call me every night to keep me updated on the college life?” I say squeezing Steve’s arm. I notice Steve tense at my touch.
“Um, of course, yeah.” Steve says running his hands through his hair.
“Alright, Steve, what’s going on? You’ve been quiet the whole ride down and now every time I touch you or call you a nickname, I’ve called you since we were seven, you act all distant.” I say sitting up to turn myself to Steve. He sighs and takes his sunglasses off to make eye contact with me.
“You wouldn’t get it if I told you.” Steve says, turning to face me.
“Try me. I know you better than you know yourself, so I bet I will” I say scooting closer to Steve to touch his hand.
“We’ve been best friends since we were kids, right?” Steve says, taking my hand.
“Umm yeah?” I was confused at where he was taking me.
“Then why do I feel this way about you? I have Nancy and I do love her, but seeing you this summer, all grown up and somehow different than I remember, I feel something. Maybe it’s me getting cold feet moving away from the only person who has ever truly known me, but the nickname, the touches, something is happening to me, and I can’t figure it out, Y/N.” Steve says staring deeply into my eyes and squeezing my hand tighter. I suddenly feel as if my body is numb and not in this reality. Did my best friend just admit to me he feels something for me, like I have been for him?
“You don’t have to answer me or even understand, but if I kept denying it, I would go crazy. Mom has a bottle of wine that I snuck into my suitcase. Want to head to our room and pre-game before dinner?” Steve says smiling at me and grabbing my hand to pull me up.
“Um yeah, of course, let’s go.” I say still processing his sudden confession of feelings. We headed back to the beach house and Steve holds my hand and my towel the whole way there. When we get back to the beach house, our parents are all dressed and fully made up.
“There you two are! We were wondering where you went” Steve’s mother says to us as we reach the back patio.
“Just catching some sun” Steve says slightly smiling back at her.
“Well, we are heading out to dinner with another couple from Hawkins that is vacationing here as well. You kids order pizza or get anything you need. We will be back late!” Steve’s mother says as they grab their purses and head to the car. Now Steve and I are left in our silence and confused confessions.
“Steve? Can I be honest with you?” I say turning to face him. Steve places his hands on my bare shoulders and squeezes.
“Of course, Y/N. Always.” He makes direct eye contact with me.
“I’m in love with you. I think I always have been, but I really realized it this summer and I like Nancy, but I hate seeing you give her the love I have been yearning for for so long.” I say nervously awaiting his reaction. Steve looks down, hands still on my shoulders. He takes my hand and leads me to our shared room. He unzips his suite case and grabs the bottle of win out. He pops the cork and offers me a sip. I take it and down a large swig. Steve chuckles and does the same. We sip on the wine all night until it’s all gone. We laugh and reminisce about the past.
“You remember that black dress you wore to junior prom with Billy?” Steve asks, leaning closer to me.
“How could I forget? That was the night you tried to kick Billy’s ass for feeling me up” I laugh as I push his hair out of his face. Steve tenses and clenches his jaw at the gesture.
“Well, I thought you looked so hot then. I was even jealous of Billy because he got to have you on his arm all night and not me. And he didn’t even appreciate the amazing person you are”. Steve says suddenly serious. He leans closer to me, our foreheads touching and the smell of the wine on his breath caressing my face. He puts his hand on the side of my face, bringing my eyes up to meet his.
“Steve….” I say, feeling the butterflies overtake my whole body and soul.
“Shhhh, just give in, damnit.” Steve says pushing me back onto the bed, on a cloud of white linen. Steve kisses me for the first time on my lips. It was everything I ever dreamed it to be, and my heart was exploding. I allowed his hands to roam my body and fulfill every fantasy I’ve ever had of him. Steve is so gentle with me, and this feels like a movie.
“This is everything I have dreamed about” Steve says breaking our kiss and staring into my eyes.
“Steve, is this the wine talking? Or is this real?” I say rubbing my hands up and down his arm.
“Y/N, I’ve always wanted to do this, but the wine is giving me the courage” He smiles at me and begins kissing me more passionately. With each minute that passes, we lose more pieces of clothing, until our bare bodies are wrapped in the white sheets.
“Are you sure about this? Do we want to cross this line?” Steve whispers in my ear, hands still roaming my body.
“I’ve never done any of this before, Steve. I know you have hooked up with several girls, but I’m sure as long as you want to cross the line” I say in desperation and lust. Steve smiles down at me and continues exploring every inch of my body as if he couldn’t get enough. I never in my wildest dreams though Steve Harrington, my best friend, would be my first kiss and my first time. He treated me so gently, as if one false move would cause me to break. It made me somehow fall even farther in love with him. Our parents were all too drunk to realize we had done “turned in for the night” and the drunkenly stumbled to their respective rooms. Steve spent those moments rubbing circles on my back and intently staring into my eyes with such admiration.
“Steve? What about Nance?” I say, placing my hand on the side of his face.
“Let me handle that when I get back”. Steve says kissing my shoulder, then my neck, then my cheek. I felt what seemed like fire burning deep in my stomach and my core as he continued to kiss every small crease of my body.
“Stevie?” I say as I close my eyes and allow my head to meet the pillow and my eyes close in pleasure.
“Yes, baby girl?” Steve says, pulling me close and placing small kisses on me still.
“Make love to me all night long, please. Hell, make love to me this whole month. On the beach, in your car, in this bed. I just need every bit of you every minute.” I say combing my hands through his hair and still shuddering from the pet name he just called me.
“Mmmm, baby girl, it would be my absolute pleasure to make love to you for every year we missed out on. Let me take care of you, let me love you how you should be loved and forget about everyone else” Steve pulls our bare bodies together.  
And that is exactly what he did. We snuck out to have make-out sessions on the beach, then we made love on the beach. We teased each other under the table at family dinners before we would excuse ourselves to climb in the back of Steve’s car. But it wasn’t all sex. God, we got so close. Even closer than I ever imagined we could be.
“So, what do you want to do with your life?” Steve asked while rubbing circles on my bare back, as we were wrapped in our sheets.
“I would love to be an English teacher and finally use my nerd abilities to help others” I say looking into Steve’s hazel eyes that were all on me.
“Well, you are the hottest nerd I’ve ever seen, always with her nose in a book” Steve says peppering small kisses down my collarbone.
“Stevie?” I ask, with my eyes closed, feeling as if round two wouldn’t be such a bad idea.
“Yes, baby girl?” Steve says, now placing kisses all the way down my stomach, but looks up to give me his full attention.
“It’s almost the end of August, what are we going to do when we get back? What are we? What about Nancy?” I say, feeling a knot form in my stomach. Steve stops suddenly and crawls back up to lay beside me, a now serious expression on his face.
“I honestly haven’t thought about any of that. I’ve been so caught up in what we’ve had this month. What do you want to be?” Steve asks, pushing a strand of hair out of my face.
“Steve, I’d be your wife right now if you asked me. I love you, so fucking much. Like you have no idea how much I love and care for you. But I’m afraid this has been some lustful summer of us catching up on the feelings we’ve denied for so long. I’m so scared Nancy can give you everything I can’t. She’s the same age as you and I’m still in high school.” I say, feeling tears welling up in my eyes. Steve pulls me in and combs my hair.
“Baby girl, it’s okay. It’s all going to be okay. This hasn’t been just a lustful summer. We finally gave in, and I have learned more about you than I ever have. I wake up every day truly happy because I’m waking up next to you, because I get to love you. Do I feel bad for blindsiding Nance? Of course, but do I love you? Hell yes. I always have. It’s always been you. I don’t give a shit if you are ONE year younger than me, you get me better than anyone else and that’s all that matters. I am going to be so lost without you while I’m at college.” Steve says while kissing my head to reassure me. My heart feels so full, but it feels too good to be true. But for now, I’m going to enjoy the last two days of August with the man I have been in love with since I was seven.
“Back when we were still changing' for the better, wanting was enough. For me, it was enough. To live for the hope of it all. Cancel plans just in case you call, and say, "Meet me behind the mall". So much for summer love and telling "us", Cause you weren't mine to lose. You weren't mine to lose, no, But I can see us lost in the memory, August slipped away into a moment in time, cause it was never mine. And I can see us twisted in bedsheets, August sipped away like a bottle of wine. Cause you were never mine, cause you were never mine, never mine. But do you remember? Remember when I pulled up and said, "Get in the car" and then canceled my plans just in case you'd call? Back when I was living' for the hope of it all, for the hope of it all, Meet me behind the mall."
Steve and I spent the last two days of August wine drunk in our room, making out, making love, and talking about the future. Not just about “us”, but the future we wanted. How many kids we wanted, out house, and our careers. It was time to load back up and head home to Hawkins, face Nancy, and the future. Steve left for college in tomorrow morning, and I already dreaded life without him for a bit. I would count down every day until I got to see him at holidays or on breaks.
“You good, baby girl?” Steve asked me, one hand on the wheel and the other placed on my thigh.
“Ummm, yeah, sure. I’m good. Just nervous for the future.” I say forcing a smile at him.
“We have each other, that’s all that matters”. Steve squeezes my thigh and looks back to the road. Somehow, I was losing hope this might be true. I was scared and nervous that once he seen Nancy, there would be no more “us”. He wasn’t mine, technically. He was hers. She had no idea about our August. She had no idea the deep conversations we shared. She had no idea we were in love with each other and always had been.
We pull into the driveway at Hawkins and Nacy is waiting on the front steps, excited to see Steve return. My heart sank and sank even more when Steve removed his hand from my thigh.
“Just until I talk to her, okay? Then I’ll touch you whenever and wherever to show the world you’re my girl.” Steve smiles over at me.
“Guys!! You are finally back. How was the beach house?” Nancy says squeezing the life out of Steve as he got out of the car.
“I was amazing. Best summer I’ve ever had.” Steve says looking over Nancy’s shoulder to mouth, “I love you”. I smile, but my heart still hurts. Seeing them together when all I want is to be taken into Steve’s arms.
“So, I called the crew and why don’t we go to Star Court mall tonight and catch up?” Nancy says excitedly.
“Yeah, um that sounds great. We’d love to, right Y/N?” Steve says, hitting my arm playfully.
“Yeah, yeah, of course. It sounds like so much fun” I say forcing a smile to Nancy.
“I’ll call everyone and tell them to meet us there at 7. I’ll see you guys then!” Nancy says walking from the house. Steve makes sure she is out of sight and then he pulls me close.
“Now that we are alone, why don’t we go to my room? Talk some more” Steve says in a flirty tone, while kissing my ear. Chills go down my body and I suddenly need him.
Steve takes my hand and leads me to his bedroom before closing the door and pining me between him and the wall. He takes my face in his hands and kisses me just as passionately as he did at the beach house. Our clothes slowly start to fall off, as we make our way to bed.
“Stevie, baby, I need you, so bad” I say as Steve crawls up my body.
“Oh, baby girl, I’m going to take good care of you,” he says as he disappears under the covers.
Steve and I lay twisted up in his sheets until we have to get ready to meet the gang at Star Court.
“Baby, we have to get ready” I say, giggling as Steve kisses my shoulders.
“Mmm, but I prefer you just as you are right now.” He says pulling me closer.
“As much as I would love to continue this, we have to go” I say getting up to throw my shorts on and grab one of Steve’s shirts. It’s a little big on me, so I tie it up, barely showing some of my torso. I throw on my converse and sit down in front of Steve.
“That looks way better on you” he says grabbing my hand.
“Sure, that Nancy won’t notice?” I say, worried about becoming the town’s scarlet letter.
“Nah, it will be fine”. Steve says getting up to now get dressed.
We jump in Steve’s car and meet the gang at Star Court Mall. Nancy runs up to give Steve a kiss, but he seems to dodge her lips and pull her into a hug. Nancy frowns with a confused expression. Part of me feels bad, but also content with Steve’s gesture. I hung out with Robin a good deal of the night, but that didn’t stop Steve from flirting with me or teasing me any chance he got. He would place sweet kisses on my head when no one was looking and would watch me in his protective way when Robin and I went off alone. We headed to grab some ice cream, but Steve grabbed my hand.
“Have I told you how fucking good you look tonight?” He whispers in my ear and causes chills to run down my body.
“Maybe a time or two” I say smiling.
“Give me 5 minutes and meet me behind the mall.” He whispers, smirking as he tells the rest of the crew he was heading to the bathroom.
“Hey, Steve! Wait up, I need someone to show me where it is and make sure I don’t run into Billy” I say as I run after Steve. Once we are in the clear, Steve grabs my hand and pulls me out of the back door of the mall. Once we are outside, he pushes me against the concrete wall and begins kissing me.
“Promise to call me every day?” I say into the kiss.
“Promise to always cancel your plans for me?” Steve says picking me up as I wrap my legs around his waist.
“Anything for you, Stevie” I say as I kiss him this time.
Steve takes me home after we eat, and I head to bed. I lay awake a good part of the night dreading the morning. Steve leaves for college and my heart feels like a part of it is leaving with him. He told me he was going to talk to Nancy once he dropped me off and let her know with going to college, it wasn’t going to work out between them. I fell asleep in Steve’s shirt and find comfort in knowing he may finally be mine, but hoping this all wasn’t too good to be true.
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sylpheedz · 2 months
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In Memory of Jeysen Perez Lyons (1996-2022) & Akira Toriyama (1955-2024)
    This is actually quite late, but I'd like to take a minute to pour one out for a very good friend of mine who took his own life two years ago now, and a man who's creativity touched countless young lives all over the world.
Eulogy below, puttin' it under a Read More. Warning, it does talk about s**c*de and if you're not going to be okay after reading about it, probably don't read it then.
I'd like to start with Toriyama-sensei (right). 
    Akira Toriyama captured hearts of millions every with stories of friendship, growth, and gloriously, ridiculously intense anime action since 1984. He was the man behind art of the Dragon Quest games, and most notably, Goku, the character that would inspire countless to always surpass their limits and giving their very best...or something like that. 
    I'll admit, I was never really a DBZ fan myself. Never did get with the hype. I'd catch it a few times on old Toonami, but it just never really captured my attention the way it did for so many others. Never even really made the discrepancy that it was anime, it was just another cartoon to me as a kid. 
    But the funny thing is, you don't even really have to be a DBZ fan to still be affected by it. While I never really watched the show itself, I was exposed to it by the animations by fans it inspired, specifically Super Mario Bros. Z, a fanfiction sprite animation series by one Alvin Earthworm where Sonic and Shadow team up with the Mario Bros. to fight Mecha Sonic for the chaos emeralds and prevent him from destroying any more worlds. There was that and Nazo Unleashed, which was a flash animation that used frames of the show for its fight scenes, which was the rawest shit ever to me as an adolescent. These animationss' fight scenes, which were very heavily inspired by Dragon Ball Z, are what inspired me to practice my art and work my way up towards animating.
    So while there may have been a few middle men involved, but even my creative mind's been influenced by Toriyama. And for what it's worth? I'm thankful for the madness he's given me. All the AMVs and fight scenes I concoct in my head while either laying in bed unable to sleep or taking a shower. Who knows. Maybe I actually will watch the show just for some ideas on animation techniques.
    While I may not have personally been as enamored with DBZ as everyone else, I knew someone very closely who was an absolute madlad for it.
    His name was Jeysen Lyons (middle), and he's probably one of the best friends I've ever had in my entire life. Hell, maybe even the best. I met Jeysen back in my very first year of middle school, along with Masatoshi and Chris, my first real friends after having spent my elementary days ostracized among the other kids to the point of suicidal thoughts. 
    He was a really funny kid, dirty jokes galore and could quote entire YouTube Poop videos from memory (and we had some much raunchier shit back then lmao, it really was a different time from today). It was always more fun when Jeysen was around.
    After graduating middle school, I found it harder to keep in touch. I'd always get so engrossed with my own life that I could never really keep up with old friends like I'd want to. Never was good at keeping up. But there were still some summers where we could get together at his mom's apartment for his birthday, July 10. Eventually, his mom found work in another state, and they had to move to Mississippi. After that, I hadn't heard from him for a while. I don't remember how, but at some point I managed to get ahold of Jeysen's Steam account and could talk to him from there, and we friended each other on Discord. It was always so much chatting with him online, though sometimes he would some concerning memes, which wouldn't be surprising considering he lurked 4chan.
    On that note, it seemed like he absorbed the sentiments regarding us queers as probably a lot of 'channers would normally have, ranging from "don't be publicly visible" to "just need to be shot". Once my egg cracked, it became one of those things that were more...complicated. And thanks to that, I wasn't sure how to tell him about...well, me.
    I wasn't sure how he'd react. Would he accept me while thinking me stranger tan he thought? Would he have still considered me a friend but disrespected my identity openly? Would he have completely and totally hated me, moving forward? I wanted to tell him, but I always got too nervous whenever I tried, so we'd just end up chatting, which was always still fun, but I so badly wanted to break the ice with him at some point.
    Other than that, we'd even talk about each other's personal projects, like my Revolutionary Vanguard Minerva, and his Perfect Universe, which is about a high school boy that gets caught in an alien war of good and evil and attains god-like power in the midst of it, and has to try to keep it from driving him mad. I always thought it was an interesting premise. I wish I asked him more questions about it.
    At some point two years ago, Jeysen contacted me sounding...exasperated. Panicked. I told him that whatever was happening, he could talk to me, and that I'd be there for him whenever he'd need me. But after I said that, he just said he'd be fine, and then left.
    Fast-forward to days later, in the middle of calling my representatives about another horrendous internet bill that came back, I tried talking to Jeysen again, as I was a bit worried. I got a response, asking me if I was "M". I asked them to clarify, and they asked if I was [deadname]. I said yeah.
And they told me they were his mom, and that Jeysen had died.
    I thought it was a really strange prank at first. I even got angry, told them to knock it the fuck off. But then I looked up his name, and sure enough, there he was, in an obituary.
I couldn't believe it. Jeysen really did do it. I lost my best friend. 
I lost my brother.
    From what his mom said, he was frantic about something involving "docksing". I'm thinking she meant doxxing. It sounded like at some point Jeysen caught the attention of somebody who knew how to get people's info, and that sent him into a panic attack while they were already trying to transfer him to different medication for bipolarism. 
    His demons got the best of him in a moment of emotional instability, and he was finally pushed too far, and now he's gone.
    It...still doesn't feel real. It still feels like I could just reach out to him, right now, on this chat client like usual and start talking to him again. Maybe it'll never feel "real" to me. But it is. My boy is gone.
    His mom assured me it's not my fault, and I know it isn't. But I keep replaying scenarios in my head, where maybe if I'd just...been the one to approach more, maybe he wouldn't have done it. If I'd taken more time to ask him about his day, ask him about Perfect Universe, to watch DBZ or other anime with him...
    If I'd just gone out of my way to spend more time with him... Maybe I could've made him stay. Maybe I could've saved him. Maybe, maybe... I could go over all the "maybes" in the world, but it wouldn't change the reality that he is not here anymore. Not a day has gone by where I haven't thought of him at least once.
    And this is actually why Toriyama's death hit me harder than other deaths. I actually started crying when I found out. It felt like I was losing a part of my bro, in a way. Which is probably silly, that's a whole-ass other person, another individual. It's not like DBZ is going to stop being a thing because he died. I have no doubt is probably as immortalized in Japanese and probably even worldwide culture as Astro Boy. Actually, more than Astro Boy. Atom's admittedly a little more niche...
    But the worst part? I never got to tell him. I never gave him the chance to reject me, but I also never gave him the chance to accept me either. Now I'll never know. I'll never know whether our friendship was flimsy and fleeting or made of iron. I'd like to hope it was, personally, but... 
    Either way, I'll always miss him. Life's much duller without my brother with me. I have so much that I want to talk to him about. So many new ideas, so many new things I wanna do with my life, now that I'm finally going through my transition journey. But I guess that'll all have to wait till I'm up there with him.
He'd better be up there. 😠
Lemme tell ya, folks. 
If I go up there and find out the Big Boss in the sky put him in the incinerator for "being a quitter" when he was already in inconceivable pain that caused him to take his own life? 
He is catching these fucking hands of mine. I don't care if I'm gonna lose, it's on sight for doing mah boi like that. 👿🔪
I will dive down to hell and fucking claw my brother out of the lake of fire myself if I have to.
But in all seriousness, if I could go back in time, even if it meant I had to start my life completely over, I wouldn't even blink if it meant I could see my brother again. I can only hope he's in a better place right now.
...Or ol' man God and I are gonna have to have some words. 😡
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legofanguy1999 · 4 months
LGBT Pride wisdom
A LGBT story featuring a intersex high school girl, which is a tough challenge for me as a writer as I have never write a intersex character before, for a entry of @thepromptfoundry Pride and Promptudice prompt wisdom.
As a Sophomore in her high school, Katherine is reading a science book for her homework in her bedroom when the doorbell rings and Katherine wonder how could be at her place around 5 before she realized whose it could be just before her mother called, "Kate, Helena is here." Katherine groans as she got up and step out of her room to see Helena Griffex, one of the popular girls in their high school, whose is under a study session with Katherine as her tutor to improve Helena's grades. The fact that their home room choose her was something that Katherine didn't like because Helena and her group of friends would bully her when no staff was around since Katherine is a intersex girl, which means Katherine is a mix of a girl and a boy. This was something that these bullies discover because one of those girls was in the girls' bathroom at high school and take a picture of Katherine's private parts from the other stall while Katherine was just to peeing like a man. Katherine's lead Helena to her bedroom and said to the girls, "Have fun studying, girls. Dinner is at 7." and leave the girls in the bedroom which Helena said to Katherine once the door is closed, "Don't get any idea, freak." and a anger Katherine begins her studying with Helena.
About a hour has passed during Katherine and Helena study session and both girls was not making easy for each other in their redo of Helena's failed math test, which the brown hair Helena said, "Alright. We are going nowhere. I can't handle this. I know that the other girls are going to have great jobs while I will getting a poor job, all thanks to you, freak." and that cause Katherine to finally explore as she yell at Helena, "Enough of this! You and the other girls has always mock me for the past weeks! I don't get why you bully me, because I was born different. Why don't you pick on someone else for a change, or better yet do some studying instead of hanging out with those girls so you can even get good grades?" and this made a anger Helena to yell back, "That is because I don't want to be a target for my sexuality!" and froze as Katherine's face to surprised over what Helena just said as her mind run over what she hear, 'Helena... is a queer?' The queer bully whose out herself step back and start to explains, "I guess it started when I was seven years old and I begin to realized that I like both goys and girls the moment that I watched Aladdin and I saw how hot that Jasmine and Aladdin were as they were not covering up their skin. However, my parents show their disapprove of me liking girls and I have been keeping that hidden since then, holding them in in my elementary and middle schools years. I even joined Pamela's Mean Girls group to fit in and to keep myself safe. Things start to changed when one of the girls show me that picture of your manhood and I realized how awesome you are. You were like this real life version of this cool intersex character in this manga I read this one, but Pamela didn't like your difference and emotion forced us on bullying you and we have to fall in line, or else we become Pamela's next target. You have to be the punching bag of the girls' jokes so I wouldn't suffered. You were right that I didn't have time to study because I scare of what would happen if Pamela find out who I'm in the inside. I'm so sorry, Kate. I miss you will forgive me for what I did." Katherine realized that her hate for Helena was wrong and said to her, "I'm sorry too, Helena." and the two girls kiss each other.
The next day, Katherine and Helena reveal the bullying to their homeroom teacher and the transgender woman said, "I understand, girls. I knew from experience what it was like, so I pair you girls up in hope that you would find a way to formed a friendship with each other. It is important to be wisdom about what others must feel." After that, Pamela and the other bullies get Detention and Pamela start to lose her control over the other girls once they see that Helena is not afraid of showing who she is since she start dating Katherine, and those girls become Katherine's friends, with more joining their friends' group. Katherine and Helena life in high school and grades improved, as well their love life, ever since they take each other virginity, but that is a story for other time.
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