#we love her for it
cha0ticlesbian · 7 months
Carol Danvers is the type of person to be smart but also incredibly stupid
Like she’d be trying to make something to eat and she’d go “well if it’s gonna take THAT long to cook I might as well use my powers” and then she ends up lighting the whole kitchen on fire.
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achaotichuman · 4 months
This is exactly how Eltamcien goes.
Lucien- *Walking into his own home* "Elain, lovely! I'm home-"
Lucien- "..."
Tamlin- *Staring at him while sitting on a dog bed*
Lucien- "..."
Lucien- "Elain, sweetheart. Why is Tamlin sitting on a dog bed... in our house?"
Elain- *Appearing from upstairs* "Oh Lucien my love! It was awful! I found this poor thing out in the cold, all alone and shivering and scared! So, I decided to take him in."
Tamlin- "I was walking to my house, and she grabbed me."
Lucien- "..."
Tamlin- *Mouths help me*
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novelist-becca · 1 year
Luz: *straight up not having a good time*
Stringbean: I clingy to neck
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izzymcfeegles · 7 months
Bulma Briefs could have been the most popular girl at West City High School but instead chose to befriend every single feral karate orphan she came across.
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oliveo-il · 1 year
Thank you for the drawing! If you still need something to draw, What is Each main character's dynamic with each other? Some characters I feel like need more attention are Sweetheart, Captain Spaceboy, and the Bread twins, maybe draw that?
Since you ship Sunflower, What if you did Pre-Omori of them? (Flower and Omoriboy, Sunny And Rowan, etc.)
Have fun with any of these!
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I love Sweetheart so much, this is my first time drawing her! Thank you for the suggestions, they’re still open for everyone :)
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lucawrites11 · 2 months
Yeah, I am pretty sure it’s her cousins son as well. And I think she’s like a godmother for one of her baby cousins. It’s cute she brought him on. Love those moments.
it is so so cute and the only time we see leah smiling in the line up at the start of the match
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Supernova Snippet - Sneak Peek
I'm hoping to post the next update for Supernova next week, possibly Tuesday if I can, and I'd love to share a snippet of what's coming up next! If you've been following along, you'll know that things are getting darker, and Andromeda is ready to take revenge.
Here's a little preview of our queen doing her thing ;)
Claudius sneered at her. The dancing witches stopped their movements; like the witch dancing for Claudius, the others were shoved aside, and then the sultry music playing in the background disappeared.
“I need to speak with you,” she said calmly, eyeing his friends. “Outside might be best.”
Claudius crossed his arms over his chest. “What if I don’t want to?”
Andromeda rolled up her sleeves and took her wand out. “Your desires mean nothing to me. I will get what I came for and leave, with or without your consent.”
One of the boys wolf-whistled at her. “Travers, you didn’t say your ma was such a nice little totty.”
“She isn’t my real mother,” Claudius said coldly, meeting Andromeda’s gaze. “She’s just my father’s wife.”
“Even better,” replied the boy, licking his lips hungrily. “I won’t feel bad when I fuck her later.” Claudius and his friends roared with laughter, but Andromeda wasn’t flustered.
“Have I been a naughty boy?” Claudius leered, licked his lips, and glanced around at his friends. “Do I need to be punished, dearest stepmother?” His friends guffawed and made vulgar gestures, with one going as far as grabbing a witch and mimicking thrusting into her.
“You do, in fact, need to be punished,” she said, ignoring the suggestive motions of the young wizards around her. “I know what you did to Nymphadora.”
Claudius paled slightly and his eyes grew round. He quickly recovered his arrogant smirk and stood, his eyes narrowing at her. “What are you going to do about it? Tell Father?”
“I don’t need to.” Andromeda cleared her throat and twirled her wand around in her hand. “I’ve come to show you exactly the kind of fate that awaits you should you lay another finger on her.”
read Supernova here!
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rjl11898 · 1 year
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This is the obvious other half of my “hot women committing atrocities” drawings 😂😂😂 anyway I just think she’s hot when she commits atrocities :)
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kiaerinnn · 5 months
I feel like it's not talked about enough but I really love how the writers of Ninjago made a whole kinda separate storyline for Nya when she was training to become the master of water and officially part of the team.
She was really only seen by the public as "the girl" or "the love interest" in the love triangle with Jay and Cole. She was always mad at the fact people kept taking it easy on her and telling her to do 'girly' things like when she wanted to be in the commercial with the other ninja but Darreth wanted her to teach young girls how to put on makeup (Which, honestly almost got ME as pissed as Nya). She was very often denied when she asked to come along on missions. So, she resorted to being Samurai X. No one knew who she was, and, she effortlessly saved a lot of people. She built it herself, showing how she was always a D.I.Y. tech machine gal, like Jay or Sora or Zane.
But even when the love triangle ended, the news and Darreth wanted to keep the rumor going just for, like, clout basically. She got more and more in touch with her element and her training. In Hands Of Time is when she was really needed with her brother Kai to save Ninjago from Krux and Acronix. She was forced to not be Samurai X anymore, which she was really sad about, because it was something she had created herself.
She started going on more missions and got more respected from the public and being recognized as part of the ninja team. Then, in Sons of Garmadon, she was completely part of the team, all the rumors disappeared, and she was no longer criticized. I love how the writers didn't want her to be in that "girls can't do things boys can" stereotype, so they just simply resolved it themselves in the show!
Sometimes it takes time for things to be right. :)
(Also, it's funny how she's canonically allergic to perfume)
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jigenstits · 9 months
"god forbid women do anything" - fujiko, after causing problems on purpose for the 30th time that week
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sunshine-1nc · 9 months
Me when I see a cookie run character that is blond and potentially insane
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Bonus points of their fem
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Cumulus: Unfortunately, to get on your level, I would need a boat to the Mariana Trench and a pair of cinder block shoes. It’s possible, but I’m not willing to do that.
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jardinvrm · 10 months
is fuyumi evil?
She's not evil anon. she's just... broken and devastated
her sense of justice is very odd yet justified, imagine losing your parents once, just when you thought you could earn love by new parents those ones get killed, and the person who orchestrated it is the person you loved more than anything, let alone said person was planning on killing you along with the other parents
it's very similar like.. Batman? he has a very odd sense of justice too
Fuyumi executed S.O.G because of everything they did but mostly because they killed her adoptive parents the empress and emperor, and since Harumi is gone she pretty much took her anger and pent-up rage on S.O.G
She's not sorry and she's totally shameless, because well her sense of authority is pretty high too and justifies what she does by saying that they all deserved it and the city should be thankful that she got rid of them
She's a morally gray character, she's not a bad person that's for sure, she does everything right for ninjago city and would cut her hand off before she intentionally did something bad to ninjago (mostly following her parents steps and because she wants to fix what harumi has done)
And mostly because she prefers to work behind the scenes? unlike Harumi Fuyumi can't mask her emotions really well so she just does her duties and everything behind the curtains and WHEN an interviewer asks or something she just says everything without breaking a sweat.
So yea she's not evil anon, she's too tired and numb from everything that happened and everything that's STILL happening around her to be evil
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Maybe I have a little too much fun doing this lmao
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lex-feldz · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Piper McLean, Shel (Percy Jackson) Additional Tags: Background Relationships, Insecure annabeth my beloved, percy’s just a happy boy for once, until he realizes there’s a problem, theyre in love your honor, Too in Love, so in love annabeth is worried, college vibes, New Rome (Percy Jackson), They live in an apartment there because praetor rights 🤨 Summary:
Percy keeps saying the same thing after sex and Annabeth is an insecure queen who just needs a little reminder about relationships by our queen queer icon Piper!! (My beloveds)
The one where Annabeth just needs a little reassurance of her relationship with Percy (again👀🫣)
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ichoric · 1 year
ryne is so baby but also prtty eager to stab things
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