#we ran a good few bounties together and it was a really good time
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Sometimes running public exterminate bounties is a lot of fun, with really nice random squads who breeze through the mission together, stick together for multiple runs, and overall get up to fun nonsense
And then sometimes it's this
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skellyflowers · 3 months
My Bounty to Keep
AN: Finally done! Thank you to everyone who showed interest.
I use the first two episodes of 'The Mandalorian' for inspiration. I'll have one chapter for each of the Eppies. II is next.
Taglist: @nikipuppeteer
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Vessel x bounty
I'll admit that when I ran away from home two days ago I didn't really have a plan. I knew that I wanted to go see the galaxy beyond my home and settle down on a green planet. Maybe be a farmer, raise some livestock and just live a simpler life. However, that idea seemed to be more and more difficult after I got off world. 
After I get off my home world of Xehiri my transport shuttle brought me to our moon, Aliv-4. This habitable moon is Xehiri’s main transport station. I’m not sure how long I spent looking at the transport schedule. I want to go as far as I can, as soon as I can. I also need to be sure I will have credits after the trip.
I decided to get a ticket to Neshan 4. It’s a planet that is between the mid rim and the upper rim, so it's probably a safe place to stay for a while. Plus it is a water planet with cities under the waves. It would be a great change of scenery. Thirty minutes after I buy my ticket I get checked in and start my journey to Neshan 4.
The trip goes smoothly until an alert is played. The shuttle has to make an emergency landing due to a problem with the fuel line. We end up in the spaceport on Lao-2X9. Lao is a city planet, known for having one of the biggest casinos in the galaxy. It can be a dangerous place for your wallet.
“So sorry everyone.” I heard the shuttle pilot say. “Unfortunately we're going to have to spend the night here. The fuel line maintenance won't be done until the morning.”
I heave a sigh at the information. I try to look on the bright side, at least we got complimentary drink tickets for the bar in the port. I was not looking forward to sleeping in the port but a good drink would soften the blow. I just needed to remember that I would be back on my journey in the morning. It could be worse, I could still  be at home with my parents. 
The port is huge and has a few bars for me to choose from. I decided to follow a couple who broke away from the group. I overheard them mention the ‘east bar’ so I guessed that they had been here before. I ask if I could join them and the three of us walk together. When we get to the bar the couple get a table and sit at the bar. I give my ticket to the bartender who informs me that not only can I get two free drinks with my ticket but I can also get an appetizer. This night is really turning around. 
When I finish my first drink and my small meal I notice someone has taken the seat next to me. I looked over at the stranger when the bartender handed me my second drink and asked for their order. Their voice is… odd. Like it is coming through a filter. When I glance over everything makes sense. The stranger is a Mandalorian!
He is in black body armor. His helmet has a thick white stripe on the top and a red stripe at the bottom where his mouth would be.  He is wearing a cape and has a staff resting on his back. Not to mention all the other weapons he must have. I can see a red crest in the shoulder closest to me. The crest looks like wings almost. When his helmet tilts toward me I turn away. I have heard stories about what happens to people who upset mandalorians. I don’t want to take any chances.
“What brought you here?” I hear the mandalorian ask. The bartender is gone and I don’t see anyone else with us, so I assume he is talking to me.
“Me?” I ask.
“Yes. What brings you here?”
“I'm just passing through. My shuttle is refueling.”
“Is this your first time on Lao-2X9?”
As I look at the stranger I see that his helmet also has four black marks around the visor. It looks like he has six eyes. I wonder if he is even human. I can’t even see his hands.
“So you're not from around here?” He sounds disappointed. “I’m looking for someone. I heard that they might be around here. Their bounty is pretty high plus the client was willing to pay my extra fee for a live capture.”
“Well I hope you find those you are looking for.” 
“Can I show you a picture? Maybe they were on the shuttle with you.”
I am really reluctant to keep talking to him but I have heard that ignoring a Mandalorian can make things bad. So I agree to take a look. The Mandalorian takes out a bounty puck and taps the top. A hologram springs to life and the person is very familiar to me. Because the bounty he has is on me! 
I nearly fall on my face as I run out of the bar. I do my best to avoid the others in the port but for the few I run into I hope they will forgive me. I just found out I have a bounty on my head from the hunter trying to collect it!
I found my way out of the port and hid in an alley. As I try to catch my breath I realize I left all my things in the bar. Including my credits! So now my next moves are limited.
“Who put a bounty on me!” I quietly wonder out loud.
I cautiously look around on the street before I exit the alley. Or at least I tried to.  Just as I stepped on the street, hands grabbed me from behind. One around my mouth and the other around my middle. I get lifted as I try to kick and swing my fists. 
One of my wild kicks connects and my attacker grunts in pain. However my little victory is short lived. I get thrown into the wall behind me. My attacker then punches me in the stomach pushing all the air out of my body. While I attempt to recover I feel my wrists getting restrained. A gag is shoved in my mouth, and then I am blindfolded. This has to be the Mandalorian from the bar.
Something sharp sticks into my arm and I suddenly feel sleepy but not enough to pass out. It is a strange in between. I am aware of what is happening but I can’t really move or speak. I feel myself get lifted up and put over his shoulder. He walks steady with me over his shoulder. We must be walking back to the port.
“Hey, is your friend ok?” I hear someone ask.
“They’re fine. Just had too much to drink.” The Mandalorian replies. It’s almost like he is just being a good friend, not kidnapping me.
The feeling returns to my body when we enter a ship. The sounds from the port quiet down and I hear the sounds of boots on metal. He stops and presses some buttons and drops something on the ground. I’m then flopped into a chair, my wrists are then tried to the arm rests. The blindfold comes off next.
Just as I thought he took me back to a ship. He did take my bag with him, I can see it on the ground. He grabs my chin to force me to look at him.
“I’m going to take out the gag. If you scream or spit I put it back. Do you understand?”
I nod my head ‘yes’. Slowly the Mandalorian removes the gag. Clearly waiting to see if I disobey him. When I don’t move he leaned away and grabbed a flask. He put the flask to my lips and grabbed my chin again to lift my head back.
“Drink this. It will help the drug move out of your system.” He ordered.
I don't trust him but I don’t have much of a choice but to drink out of the flask. The liquid tastes like bitter medicine. But just like he said a few minutes after the flask was shoved in my face I felt more alert.
Looking around I see that I am in a cockpit. I wonder what type of ship this is. The Mandalorian stares at me for a moment. He then spins in his chair to start his ship. The ship has left Lao 2X9’s atmosphere when I feel my strength return.
“How long have you been following me?” I ask when I get the energy.
“I don’t think you want to know.”
“How long.”
“It doesn’t really matter any more.”
“You were never going to make it to Neshan 4.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that it was more work to damage your shuttle's fuel line than it was to find you.”
Hearing that was like a slap to the face. It's not that I was trying to be the most stealthy person in the galaxy. But it still hurts my pride to hear him say that. 
“Don’t be too upset. You did give me a good chase at the end.”
“Who sent you?”
“I’m sure you already know the answer to that.”
“Just tell me.”
“Given how much they were willing to pay, I would assume they are your parents.”
Hearing that is my last straw. I start to tear up. I can’t believe that they would do this! I just wanted to not get stuck in my hometown. I just wanted a life of my own. Even for just a little while.
“Stop crying. If you cry I put you in the Hold and I need to keep an eye on you. So stop.” He growls. 
I try to calm down, I don’t know what the Hold is but I don’t want to find out. I have had too many surprises for one day. When I calm down the ship jumps into hyperspace. After that the Mandalorian turns to look at me. I don’t want to look at him.
“So, what were you running from?” He asked. “It must have been important if your parents were willing to hire me after 24 hours.”
When I don’t answer he puts a hand around my neck.
“Answer me.” He said, hand tightening for just a moment.
“They decided that it was time for me to settle down.” I say when his grip loosens. “What’s your name?”
“You had a question, now I have a question.”
His helmet tilts to the side. “I’m called Vessel. Why did you want to go to Neshan 4?”
“It was the farthest I could get for the least amount of money. How much is my bounty?”
“10,000. Half when I took the job, the other when I drop you off.”
“Wow, that’s a lot of credits.”
“That’s why I wanted to know what you did.” He pauses. “Most of my clients don’t care if the bounty is warm or cold.”
“What do you mean by ‘settle down’?”
“My mom wants me to marry her best friend's son.”
“He's a loser with no ambition. What's that symbol on your shoulder?”
“That’s my clan crest. I'm from the clan Sleepwalker.”
A button starts to flash and beeping sounds out in the cockpit, ending our question game. The Mandalorian… Vessel turns away from me and pulls a lever. The ship comes out of hyperspace  and he starts the landing sequence. After we land he turns back to me.
“I'm going to untie you now. Are you going to walk or am I going to carry you?” Vessel asked. 
“I'll walk by myself.” I said. My pride can't handle being carried around like a prize. I guess in a way I am.
As we exit the ship Vessel grabs my bicep. I assume to make sure I don't run away. I couldn't even I wanted to, being back home has really crushed me. We walk to the spaceport entrance and I see my father. When he sees me and Vessel he taps my mom on the shoulder. She starts to wave her hand over her like we couldn't see her. Vessel lets my arm go once we reach them.
“Oh Sweetie,  you had me and your father so worried!” She said, giving me a hug.
“Thank you so much for your services.” My father says. I see him hand Vessel a small bag.
After collecting his credits Vessel turns away without a word. At least one of us gets to leave this place. I wonder where he will go next. My eyes start to sting as I watch him walk away. My parents led me out of the port to the family truck. I silently sit in the back and stare out of the window. My parents try to talk to me but I don’t answer. If I talk I’m going to cry. And I don't want to explain to them why I wanted to go.
It takes an hour to get out of the city and back onto the quiet town streets. The streets I grownup on and now the street I'll see for the rest of my life. Then suddenly I hear a loud bang. Then the truck veers into the brushes and hits a tree. We all got out to see what happened. The tire has a blaster hole in it! Who shot at us?
“Alright hands up!” Someone yells. I recognize that filtered voice!
Sure enough when I turn around there stands Vessel. Black armor shining in the sunlight. There is a speeder bike behind him. He is about ten feet away and he is pointing a blaster at us! What is he even doing here?
“You two keep your hands up. You, you're coming with me.” He says.
“What are you doing? You got your credits! LEAVE US ALONE!” My father yells.
I walk over to Vessel and he pushes me onto the bike. He sits behind me and starts the bike. As He leads against me I feel a chill go up my spine. I’ll have to explore that feeling at another time. However when his hand rests on my thigh  that feeling gets harder to explain away.
We are back on Vessel’s ship in no time. I have so many questions. It must show on my face because he laughs when he looks at me.
“You deserve to live a life. I’m going to give you a chance.” He explains. “Plus someone should teach you how to throw a punch properly.”
I don’t know what to say so I just laugh instead. You could have given me a thousand guesses about what would happen to me over the last four days. I never would have said this. Suddenly Vessel pushes me against the wall of his ship and covers my eyes. I hear a hiss, something metal hits the floor and warm lips are on mine.
“You’re mine now.”
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its-in-the-woods · 4 months
Chapter six (Final for now), Life's Too Short
Chapter one , two, three, four, five, <- if you missed it.
Cooper howard/The Ghoul x Lucy Maclean
Post end of season 1
No beta.. I tried to edit 🫠
Leaving it here from now.
⚠️ Warning ⚠️
This is fluffy and a lot of smut. Biting, riding, finger fucking, leaving marks, screaming.. it goes on. V and P. Deviates from canon clearly.
🚨+18 only - MDN🚨
Slow burn is over!
Please be nice this is my first fic in almost a decade 🫣
Will eventually post on AO3 once I can get access... or where suggested 🤷🏻‍♂️ Like please tell me I am old and don't know things anymore.
Getting out of the Deathclaw’s territory proved to be tricky. Particularly with a Brahma, the beast was not really happy about being dragged along. There was also the Deathclaw’s head strapped to it. Making sure it got water and something sort of like food was difficult. It made the traveling slow.  By the time they got to the next outpost, Lucy was out of water and Cooper was dangerously low on chems. They had gotten a lot of looks as they walked through the big pieced-together gates. Most went back to whatever they were doing. But some stared. Lucy made sure to keep herself close to the Ghoul. They hadn’t really discussed anything since the warehouse, much too busy trying not to die. But something had changed, the leather-cladded man didn’t scoff when she ran into him. Didn’t mind when she snuggled up to keep warm overnight. The idea of a bed and not being hunted by giant damn monsters sounded amazing. 
The head of the Deathclaw that Lucy had blown up hit the front desk of the outpost hotel. Well if you could call the two-story pieced together building that. The small man looked at the head for a moment, then back at the two of them. 
“I am guessing you want a room?” He raised his eyebrows at the two, his glasses perched on the end of his nose. 
Cooper also grabbed a paper from beside the hotel manager's head and slammed it down beside the head. “Also take the caps for its bounty, and where we could offload a Brahma.”
“Well,” The man looked up over his glasses at Cooper. “The bounty is for the full body of the Deathclaw, and the beast can go to the farm east of the town.”
Cooper leaned closer to the little man. “Want me to ‘ive yah directions to the thing? Or should I walk yah over to the corpse ‘yself?” 
The man had tried to lean away from the Ghoul but he had followed him. Making sure his face was within the inches of the man. Lucy bit her lip, something about watching him take charge did-. Well, it made things get hotter in the room. 
The man stammered, “Let me get my manager and we will sort your caps.” 
Cooper stood up and gestured dismissively at the small man, as he scuttled away. Coop leaned against the desk as Lucy watched the door hand on her pistol. The man came back looking flustered and plopped the bag of caps onto the desk along with the room key. Cooper snatched it up, tipping his hat at the man. 
They walked back into the town, Lucy bartered some of her bits and bobs with a merchant getting herself some radaway and a few stimpaks. As well as some better-fitting clothes, and a new poncho. Then she and the Ghoul walked a little ways outside the camp to trade the Brahma. The farm had looked a little flustered but offered to give them a good supply of dried foods and moonshine. They didn’t want to owe Ghoul but a Brahma was something sorely needed. Cooper had accepted the offer as he was not interested in hauling the animal around. 
Then they were back in town with all the eyes on them. Cooper had disappeared into a particularly shady spot. Dogmeat standing guard in the dingy alley. She made sure to keep her wits about her. The place wasn’t bustling but it wasn’t quiet either. Women sneered at her muttering about Ghoulfuckers. It made her stomach flip again. Was it that obvious? After being on the road for weeks, being beaten to shit by various creatures. She figured she’d had to have started to blend in a little. She looked around again. A couple more men had walked out to look at her. She moved closer to the alleyway entrance, her finger on the pistol. 
“Come on Coop, get the chems.” She muttered her hands mindlessly running over Dogmeats soft fur. 
The longer she stood out there the more people she saw looking at her. She licked her lips, they had become permanently chapped at this point. Maybe they'd be callous over time, like the rest of her. The wounds in her back and thigh still ached. The mark on her shoulder had healed, for the most part, but it still aches if she overused it. A hand touched her hip. She jumped hands on her pistol as she turned Cooper’s crooked grin greeting her. Her shoulders sagged as she leaned against him. 
“Come on Vualtie, let's go see what accommodations we got.” He guided her back toward the hotel.
Coop locked the door behind them as they got into the room. It was more of a closet with a somewhat functional toilet and standing shower. But at least they weren’t hiding from any deathclaws tonight. Maybe some pissed-off townsfolk but they’d take that as they came. Right now his eyes were on her. He had gotten a nice stash of Chems from the backdoor pharmacy, they had water and some decent food. As far as wastelanding went they were better off than most. Dogmeat had already settled into the bathroom closest to the door. 
Lucy had placed all their weapons within reach and laid out some food. She had even drunk a good slurp of water, and they could get more too. 
“What do you feel like? They said this was mole jerky, but I don’t know how reputable the vendor was. Plus I haven’t seen a mole that wasn’t glowing in a long time.” Lucy rambled, waving the offending jerky in the air. 
“Not really feeling like eatin’ food,” Cooper stated licking his lips. 
Lucy turned her brows furrowed, she looked up at him. “Oh. Well.” She looked back down at the food and then back up at him. He could see her piecing it together. 
“Oh. Oh. Do you mean?” Lucy blushed and looked down at her feet. 
“Don’t get bashful on me, killer. You nearly blew me up with a grenade and dragged me across the desert barefoot. Stripped me down to my unmentionable and pulled out a damn piece of bone out of my chest. You don’t get to play coy with me anymore.” He stated plainly as he walked towards her, his hand tilting her chin up so he could look at those big doe eyes. 
Lucy licked her lips looking up at him. He didn’t know what she saw in him but whatever it was had her melting in his leathery hands. 
He couldn’t fuckin take it anymore his free hand grabbed at her hips pulling her into him. His mouth clashed against hers as he kissed her. Not gentle like the first time, or even the second time. No, this was hungry. The months of being together, watching her move and change. Her lying on the floor of that fuckin warehouse. No, not anymore. He wanted her and he wanted her now. He wanted her more than he had wanted anyone in two centuries. 
She started pulling at his duster fingers, shaking as she pushed the leather off of him. He grabbed the hem of her shirt and dragged it up off of her. She untucked his shirt and pulled it up over his head. Hat falling onto the ground behind them. Lucy giggled and snatched the hat placing it onto her head, before leaning back into kissing him. She pushed him down onto the mattress sliding herself onto his lap. He groaned as she ground her hips down onto his crotch. He grabbed her hips rocking up against her, eyes rolling back in her head as she felt him press. 
He grabbed one of her breasts in his hand rubbing against the smooth flesh there, fingertips rolling nipples that had Lucy biting her hand trying not to cry out. Cooper batted her hand away. 
“No, no, I want everyone to hear you.” He hissed, pulling her down so he could bite at the top of her breast. 
A small cry squeaked out as he left an indent on her skin. She ran her hands over his head holding it against her skin. He rolled her so he was on top, leaving a trail of fresh bite marks that had the Vaultie rolling underneath him.
His hands trailing along the edge of her pants, she tried to wiggle free of her pants but he held her firm. Licking and kissing along the top edge. Tomorrow if her shirt rode up everyone would see the marks. He wanted them to see the marks. To know that her screams came from him. He bit hard right below her navel and she bucked 
“Oh, Oh, dang it that hurt.” Lucy groaned and pushed his head down. 
“Come on darlin’ tell me whatcha want.” Ghoul grabbed at the edge of her pants pulling them slowly down.
“Just-” Her voice cracked.
“Come on. Say it.” He growled, pulling them a little further down. Her hips moving and wiggling trying to get him to take them off.
“I want you to lick me.” She swallowed looking down at him eyes so dark 
The man grinned, yanking her pants down. Leaving her underwear on, he pushes his shoulder in between her knees pressing his face against her. Breathing her in, she smells so good. 
Lucy lets out gasp her knees pushing against the side of his head as her ankles lock behind his head. His tongue flicked out to go over the thin fabric. 
“Come on, tell me. Tell me what you want me to do.” 
Lucy let out a few strangled sounds as her hands grasped for purchase. He sucked at the wetness coming out through the underwear. 
“Say it.” 
“Ohmy, if you-” She choked again as he kept sucking. “Please- ughn- I want to feel your tongue in me please.” 
“Good girl,” He grinned using a finger to push the thin fabric aside he leaned in and ran his tongue along her. She tasted so good, he groaned and sucked on her lips. Before sliding his tongue down using his fingers to separate her folds, she was dripping as licked in there. Her fingers gripped the sides of his head, as her back arched up pushing him forward. He moved his hands under her ass, lifting her hips towards his face. 
“Oh, don’t stop.” She trembled her body, vibrating as he licked inside of her. 
He pulled his head away licking at his tattered lips and sitting back to admire her. Lucy’s legs trembled as he pulled her underwear off, leaning in to nip at her thighs. She cried out as he left a line of marks up where her thigh and hips met. 
Lucy pushed herself up, staring at him, her eyes lidded, lips red and swollen. “If you don’t-”
“Don’t what?” Cooper hummed, taking his fingers to run up and down between her lips.
Her eyes rolled and she shuttered,” Torturing me,” Her words were stuttered and hardy formed as a finger sunk into the wetness. 
“Not torturing you,” He hushed, “No gulper bait here.”
She gasped as he pushed back and up, hitting a soft spongy spot that made her toes clench.
“Motherfucker,” Lucy gasped as her hips started to push down onto his finger.
The Ghoul leaned forward sucking at her clit as he pushed another finger in slowly. Purposefully dragging it out, making her keen and grabbed at the bed as he scissored and edged her. He watched her for a moment more before he began to a steady pace the wet sounds filling the tiny room. Her hips rolling with him, insides sucking him further in and squeezing tightly.
“That’s it, let it go.” He murmured licking and sucking against her clit. 
Her legs began to shake as her fluids gushed forward as his fingers kept going until she was trying to push him away. 
Lucy was a puddle, and there was actually a puddle under her ass at the moment. The damn man between her legs was going to kill her. Nothing in her very small sexual history had felt like that.
Cooper rested his bald head against her thigh as he lazily made circles around the bruises. Then he was moving before she had time to recuperate, his pants clattering to the floor as he snatched that hat off her head. 
“Think this belongs to me, little lady.” He grinned down at her, gold eyes almost black as he pushed his hips forward against her. 
Reaching up she pulled him down on top of her, she was so overstimulated but the hard line of his cock against her was making her want more.  Damnit if she didn’t want it right now. She rolled her hips up and kissed along his jaw. She could taste herself on him, they tasted so good together. 
“Fuck me,” She whispered into his ear taking the lob into her mouth, her hand found away between them fingers running over his hard length. 
“Come again,” He grinned and sucked at a new mark along her neck. 
Her toes curled as she stroked him, fingers pushing at the slit on top making his hips stuttered forward. 
“Fuck me, Cooper,” She said into his ear as her hand tried to get him where she wanted him to be.
He leaned back looking down at her like he had never seen her before, as if he was trying to memorize her features. Then he pushed his way in, and both their mouths opened slightly. The girth made her inside ache as he seated himself as deep as he could go. They stretched a hot fire that made her inside shiver. 
“Fuck, you are so beautiful.” He groaned and began to pull out, Lucy immediately wrapped her legs around his hips trying to get him pushed back in. 
“Nuh-uh,” He grinned as he grabbed her legs and bent her in half. He slid back out and then slammed himself back in making Lucy see stars as he bottomed out. “I am in control here.”
Each word was punctuated with a snap of his hips, Lucy felt like her brain had gone foggy, her mouth hanging open as she pushed back against him. His pace started to increase as he held onto her hips bouncing off of her hips, her breast bouncing. She let her fingers grab at her nipples pulling at them, how was she so close already? Heat spills into her stomach as another orgasm builds up again. 
“I am gonna-” 
He pulled himself out, making her scrambled to try and get him back. The Ghoul placed one large hand on her stomach holding Lucy in place. Cooper grinned from under his hat the tip of his penis sitting right at the entrance. 
“Told you, Princess. I am in control.” 
Lucy growled fighting herself up from under him rolling so that she was on top of him. She grabbed his cock without a second thought and pushed it back in. 
“Oh, oh yes,” Lucy groaned, tipping her head back as she started to move her hips in circles. His hands grabbing at her breast, squeezing, started to move his hips up against her. She tucked her legs a little, hands on his scared stomach pushing herself up and ridding him as he fucked her. 
The heat built as the man’s fingers rubbed at her clit. There was no stopping it now heat uncoiling as her hips moved wet making his dick slip in and out with slick wet sounds. Lucy’s voice came in as she called out his name, her second orgasm making her tremble and bite her lip hard enough that she felt blood. 
Cooper took the opportunity to roll them again, one hand grabbing both of hers and pinning her to the bed. He bit onto her collarbone hard enough to make her wonder if he was going to take a chunk out of her. His hips snapped so quickly as his other hand held her hips close, his eyes rolling close as his own pleasure slipped deep into her. Hips stuttered from overstimulation in jerky motions till he stilled. The Ghoul let go of his bite, a deep mark blooming, his head resting over her pounding heart. His tongue licked out over his lips.
Then he was up, Lucy groaned. Trying to get him to come back, she watched as he walked over to his saddle bag. Muscled body moving swiftly as it dug around for something. She sighed staring up at the ceiling. Her body hurt in many different ways. The marks would be visible for days. Lucy’s fingers came up and felt at the one on her collarbone, clear indents where his teeth had sunk in. Her face flushed realizing that everyone would be able to see that.
The bed dipped and Cooper handed her a bottle, the label was barely readable ‘Rad-x’. Reaching across he also grabbed the flask with water.
“Take two,” He said firmly before getting up again despite her small whines of annoyance. 
She looked the bottle over and uncapped it, taking out two of the pills. They smelled awful, not nearly as awful as some of the bugs she’d eaten. She popped both in and swallowed, they burnt a little but it could have been worse. Sighing she stared at the ceiling, it was stained. Lucy rubbed her face as Cooper came back in with a towel. 
His hand grabbed her ankle and he dragged her to the edge of the bed. She squeaked as he spread her legs and started to clean her. Biting her lip she watched as he carefully wiped her down. Leaning in to kiss the bruises before he tossed the rag into a corner. 
“Thank you,” She giggled, reaching for him, he climbed in dragging her to his chest.
“Anything for you. Life's too short."
I may come back to this, I haven't decided yet. But I like it where it is fo now.  
Let me know! Thanks for reading. More to come <3
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stinkysam · 11 months
Monkey D. Luffy - Maybe the paradise was the friends we made along the way.
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Warning : slight marineford spoilers
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : "let's say reader's dream is to find "paradise" and he's so so close to get it but that means leaving luffy and the crew behind so he has to say the goodbye (with some tears ofc) then the crew leaves but days even months later they're under danger and unexpectedly reader arrives to help them, when they all see him back it's bc he realized that the crew and luffy were his home and paradise (ofc he confesses to luffy in that moment lol)" - @vainillacookie
Reader : gender neutral (you/yours)
A/N : since it's canon everything that happened before the timeskip happened in a few months, readers comes back before the timeskip, so during the marineford arc
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"Are you sure ?" Asked Nami.
"Mh. I have to."
"We're going to miss you." Said Usopp.
"We better hear about you." Added Zoro.
"For once, I agree." Sanji said, lighting a cigarette.
You chuckled at their words and hugged them too, your hand patting their backs. You were going to miss them.
"You will. And I'll be back before you get to miss me. I'm close, I can feel it."
They smiled back at you, supporting your need to go a separate way for your dream.
"If you need us…" Nami began.
"Yeah, call us and the great captain Usopp will come to you !"
"Thank you, guys…" You smiled as you gave them a wave, before turning and walking away, leaving the kitchen.
Only one person remained.
He didn't understand why you had to go alone to find that damned "paradise".
You could find it together in the Grand Line ! But you had apparently already made up your mind.
"[Name], I'm sure we'll find it on the way ! Just like the All Blue for Sanji !"
"It isn't said it's in the Grand Line, Luffy."
"And ?"
"It means I have to roam all the seas to find it, but you, it's said it's in the Grand Line so you only have there to go !"
Luffy crosses his arms and frowns, clearly disagreeing but unable to come up with something.
"I still don't think it's a good idea."
"I'll come back when I find it."
"..." He stared at you, unsure. "You promise ?" His voice is softer, interest piqued.
"Yes. I promise, Luffy."
"Because if you don't, we'll come for you." He announced, still frowning.
"I know. I hope so."
He hummed, groaning, not wanting to let you go. You smiled sadly at him, ready to say your goodbyes and he quickly wrapped his arms around you to hug you.
"You better come back." He said quietly, a small smile on his face. "You'll always be a part of our crew."
You nodded, hugging him back, holding him as close as you could before parting. You tried your best not to cry, not really wanting to leave just yet. But you had to.
"Find it. Find that paradise."
"On it, Captain." You smiled in return, kissing his cheek on a whim before leaving the Merry, planning to stay in Logue Town for a few more days to continue your research.
Days had passed and your search continued. You had found a small boat and left Logue Town. You visited islands after islands to find your paradise and quickly days turned into weeks as you roamed the other seas. You couldn't stop thinking about your friends and Luffy, often seeing their bounty show up in the newspaper, always growing. It seemed like he made new friends along the way. Chopper, Robin, Franky and Brook.
Months had passed and you were now on the Grand Line, looking for Luffy.
You hadn't given up on your dream, you still knew that Paradise existed but now you knew where.
Why did pirates have to speak in riddles all the time and hide everything ? Couldn't they just say things ?
Luckily for you, you knew where to find Luffy. You've heard his brother was going to be executed and there was no way he wouldn't go there to try and save him. So you did the same, hoping you'd find him amongst all those marines and pirates.
You ran and ran, killing everyone that tried to stop you until you saw him, wearing a yellow shirt.
"Luffy !" You yelled running to him.
His eyes widened and a smile instantly appeared on his face. He kicked a few marines on the face as he ran to you, arms wide open, ready to welcome you in.
Within seconds you were reunited, lengths of arms wrapped around you, caging you against him as he laughed.
"What are you doing here ?! Did you find your paradise ? Are you coming back ?"
You laughed at his questions, he looked so happy to have found you.
"Yes, I found it now, it's by your side, Luffy."
He looked at you, slightly confused by your words.
"What ? I'm the paradise ?!" He smiled, laughing, not understanding.
"Yes, no. The crew is the paradise. You're my paradise, Luffy !" You cupped his cheeks and he grinned.
"So you're coming back ?"
"Yes !"
"Good ! Because I was growing impati-"
You cut him off by kissing him, unable to wait any longer, not caring if it was in the middle of a war with deadly enemies everywhere.
When you parted, Luffy giggled, smiling. Despite everything going on, Luffy was happy. He had you, and was going to save Ace.
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ladytanithia · 1 month
TES Summer Fest - "companion/fallen"
From "Dalliances with Dunmer"
Miranja fell really hard for her best buddy Talvas after taking him to Skyrim for a few weeks. But she didn't know how deep his Telvanni ambitions ran. When Talvas used her as a pawn to force Neloth's hand, it didn't end well - for either of them. (nudity, death - excerpt and pic below the cut)
"Our trip to Skyrim showed me that I'm more powerful than Master Neloth wants to admit. And of course, all the gold we split from our bandit raids and such helped me pay the Morag Tong. Neloth's been purposely holding me back and putting me down because he doesn't want me to overtake him. But I'm onto him now. And I've had enough. It's my turn."
"Oh, Talvas..." Miranja wept. "It doesn't have to be like this."
"I'm sick of Tel Mithryn, sick of Solstheim. I'm getting those secrets, collecting the bounty on Master Neloth, and going back to Morrowind in glory. You're either with me or not. I'd rather have you with me – I really do love you, Miranja. But if you leave me no choice..."
"I love you, too, Talvas, but you can't expect me to make this kind of choice. I love you both very, very much."
Talvas's face turned sulky. "You know I can't let you just go after this, right? If you're not going to be with me, I'll have to eliminate you as a witness. Neloth doesn't have to know that you're no longer alive."
"So be it," Miranja said, scrunching her eyes closed and mentally making her peace with her chosen divinities. She wasn't sure she wanted to live in a world where her precious Talvas was a twisted, evil mage-lord, anyway.
"I had so hoped you would see it my way, Miranja. I'm so much younger than Neloth; we could have had so much more time together."
"I'm not an elf; we would have five or six decades at the most, as long as I didn't get killed."
"Neloth knows life-extending magic – yet another thing he hasn't taught me yet. But you could help convince him."
"No, Talvas. This whole thing is wrong."
"Then perhaps I need to convince you." Standing next to the rack, he raised his hands, sparks arcing in his palms – and flew sideways across the room, a mass of electric sparks blinding her. Miranja blinked, her mind not comprehending what just happened. One second, she had been drawing a breath to use Bend Will against him, and the next, he was gone.
Then Neloth came into the room, anger blazing on his face and a veritable lightning storm flying from his raised hands toward Talvas. Before she could even cry out to stop Neloth, Talvas lay lifeless on the floor. Neloth stomped on his body for good measure, eliciting a shriek of horror from Miranja, then he came and released Miranja from the rack, helping her move her stiff legs, working the blood back into her numb arms.
"Are you all right?" he asked, stroking loose hair from her face and pressing kisses against her forehead. His long goatee tickled her nose, and she had to try very hard not to sneeze. In spite of her grief over Talvas, she was enjoying his comforting attentions.
"Yes, thank the Divines, I'm okay. Physically, anyway." She glanced at her beautiful, raven-haired Talvas on the floor and her heart broke anew. Tears flowed once more down her cheeks. "Gods, Neloth, why did you have to kill him?"
"If he was so far gone as to threaten you with bodily harm, then I am afraid it was already too late for redemption. I am sorry, Miranja. I know you loved him."
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akariarda · 1 year
Garmasako fluff
"Tell me it's Saturday." Misako murmured when she felt her husband move beside her.
The sun had just risen, and Misako really didn't feel like going to work.
"It's Saturday, my love," Garmadon said.
"You're not kidding, are you?" She asked him, turning towards him.
"Of course not," he said, kissing her forehead.
He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer. They stood like that for a while, both sleepy, enjoying the peaceful morning.
"Do you think we should get up?" Misako asked Garmadon when she lifted her head from his chest.
"I think we can stay a little longer," he said and kissed her. She returned the kiss.
"Don't you need to go to training?"
"No," he said, rubbing her back. "Wu is taking the ninjas somewhere with the Bounty. He said he doesn't need my help."
"I guess that's good," Misako said, resting her head on his chest again.
"Yes, my love," he said as he ran his hand through her thick silver hair. "It definitely is."
"What are you doing?" Garmadon came and hugged Misako from behind.
"Tea," she said, gently pushing him away when he started kissing her neck. "Do you want some?"
"Sure," Garmadon replied and went to get two cups.
"So," Misako said when they sat down. "We not used to having the whole day to ourselves."
"Yes," Garmadon said. "The last time we were alone like this was before Lloyd was born."
"How weren't we bored?" Misako asked.
"Are you saying I'm boring?" Garmadon playfully asked.
"Sometimes," Misako replied and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.
"I'll show you who's boring." He said and pulled her into his lap.
"Garm,Don't!" Misako said through giggles when he started tickling her.
"Do we really have to work on the shelves today?" Garmadon asked Misako.
"When else will we do it?" Misako said. "It's best when no one is around."
"I think I have a better idea," Garmadon said, grabbing her hand.
"For example?" Misako asked curiously.
"I think you'll like it," Garmadon said and kissed her hand.
"Do you think or do you know?" Misako raised an eyebrow provocatively.
"I know," he said and wrapped his arm around her waist, starting to kiss her lips, face, and neck.
"What time is it?" Misako asked Garmadon as they lay in bed together.
"4 in the afternoon," he said.
"What do you think about going for a walk?" She asked him.
"A little later," he said, pulling her closer. "Admit that my idea was better." Garmadon teased her gently.
"You win, yours was better," she said and kissed his temple a few times while he rubbed her back.
"I love you," he whispered in her ear as he kissed her neck.
"I love you too, Garm," she replied and kissed him on the lips.
He let her rest her head on his chest while her warm breath gave him goosebumps. He kissed her shoulder, which was warm and soft, and she embraced his shoulders as he leaned over her.
She pressed him into another kiss while he stroked her face and neck with his hands.
"Do you want to go for a walk now?" Garmadon asked her when they separated.
"Sure," she replied and gave him another quick kiss.
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mr-clow · 9 months
Ensemble 2: Greed and Politics. Part 2:
Six months had passed since the initial attack. Quatl was now on the podium, informing the other delegates that had joined the war the current situation.
Quatl - My speech has been sent previously to your translation units, any doubts please wait until the report is finished.
Quatl scanned the ample room that was barely occupied by fifteen different creatures. Al waiting to hear has been fished out of the war on humanity only for them to start arguing who would keep what.
Quatl - The war has progressed a lot faster than expected and with minimal losses. The first five standard rotations (Ten human days for the reader) were the cruellest, where we had the 90% of the total deaths and all the ships lost were during that period. After that, during the following 30 rotations, humanity retreated to the inner section of their system, fleeting with nothing more than what they could carry with their hands. As stated before, the humans cannot be trusted, so we established a barrier around the system, only stopping the ships that were trying to leave the system. No human ship tried to leave and we assume that at the moment more than humans are enclosed in that area. Sanarin and KalHal governments had been sending food to support their allies and we cannot stop them by the same council rules that we established to protect ourselves. As for now, nothing more than food has been taken inside the system, so there is nothing to worry about.
Quatl watched as several symbols of approval crossed through the different species. They all chipped in prepared for war with one of the most vicious species on the galaxy and suddenly this overgrown monkeys had shown their cowardly side, nothing could have been better.
Quatl – Now, we know that humanity faced a civil war, the actual ruler is a female without any experience in combat and deemed mentally unstable. Their industry resources are lacking, they are short on fuel, and as a civilization right now they cannot distinguish top from bottom. We will have an additional meeting to speak about the profits of this war, but I assure you, the bounty is plentiful. I would prefer if we coordinate said meeting before the replacement delegate of the Spin’d arrives, as the latter abandoned her post.
Quatl went down of the podium as voices of approval follow him. After reviewing a couple of documents with the rest of the present members, he went to Kiltnik office, as he had some doubts that the smart Rajne might solve. He went in and clashed on the resting surface that was set up against the wall. Kiltnik looked at him and sat on the other side of the desk.
Kiltnik – I am really impressed, we made out with 37 worlds, five of them already terraformed, a few others habitable and all the rest are full of resources.
Quatl – Yes, humanity have a superb sense for valuables. Now that we have taken all of their colonies, the commerce inside the council will reach levels never seen before.
Kiltnik – The most important question still remains unanswered, though.
Quatl – Don’t worry, I have a plan to convince those brutes that the planets we are going to give them are worth more than all our share together.
Kiltnik – I don’t have any doubts about that. I am wondering what will we do with humanity.
Quatl – That will be easy, but we need time. Eventually the other species will stop sending aid and humanity will have to perish or drag to our feet. They already ran like scared prey to they own system and we blockaded them. Maybe the civil war will make the job for us and humanity will kill itself.
Kiltnik – That is a good prediction. Sadly we can not stop the Sanarin and KalHal from sending them aid, but maybe shall we convince them in other way?
Quatl – When they see the share they missed, they will start doubting. Meanwhile, they are not bothering us with other things, so let’s wait a bit more.
Kiltnik – That means that you are not here to talk about humans, nor the share, what do you need to know?
Quatl – You should learn to do some small talk, ease those around you to be more receptive.
Kiltnik – You know that is not the way of my people.
Quatl – Well, well, alright. Do you know what happened with Gnacht? The Spin’d wouldn’t change their delegate just because.
Kiltnik – As you might expect, their central government got an anonymous word of the opportunity they lost because of her decision. It was an obvious response. They should have been on our side, now she will pay for it.
Quatl – I enjoy easing people to submission as much as you enjoy destroying their careers. We make an excellent team. I hope we stay on the same side for the rotations to come.
Kiltnik – That word is empty, make sure I’ll be on your side and I’ll do the same.
Quatl – And you should work on your ability to read between lines, but yes, the same as I said. I have to leave, remember to hand me your selection for the loot.
Kiltnik made a gesture to leave Quatl at ease as he reached for the door. Quatl happily walk to his room, he would leave an absence note to dismiss every appointment that required his presence, and he would bury himself to enjoy a long-lasting and well-earned meal.
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officialleehadan · 1 year
Wolf Whiskey
Cross Our Blades
For all that they had the supplies they needed, even with the horses to feed as well, Jasmin found herself wondering how long they could hold out in their small cottage. The food might not be very interesting after a while, but it was probably enough to get them through the storm.
They had found a quiet rhythm in their daily routine. First, they meditated, which Jasmine was not very good at, but had discovered was actually helpful when Nav let her ‘ride along’ with his so she could feel how it worked. Then, the animals got their care, and the humans got theirs, which was mostly dried fruit and oatmeal with snow water. After that, they settled in to amuse themselves for the day.
Recently, Jasmin had been exploring the small outbuildings around the main cottage. There wasn’t much to explore, but she turned up another bale of hay in a shed they missed the first time and a few more bags of grain that were clearly destined for the mill before the original owner of the cottage was killed.
Or so she thought, until she dug deeper into the shed, and made another discovery.
An old still, and dozens of bottles of what was clearly the farmer’s home brew. A careful sip proved that it was fresh, sharp, and so strong it could only have been pure, uncut alcohol. She carefully sealed up the bottle and carried her goods inside. At best, they would make passing the time more amusing. At worst, the potent stuff would burn, and might be what kept them alive if their supply of firewood ran out.
“Look what I found!” she said gleefully as she tumbled in the low door with the bottles carefully bundled in her cloak. “Our mysterious host was doing more than raising pigs all the way out here.”
“Moonshine?” Nav said after a cautious sniff of the bottle Jasmin opened out in the barn. “How much of it is there?”
“A lot. I’m going to bring the rest of it inside,” Jasmin said, willing to brave the cold for such bounty. They didn’t have a lot of room, but the bottles wouldn’t take up much, and she didn’t want to risk them shattering if they froze. They were too valuable. “Stoke up the fire a little will you? I’ll bring more wood inside too.”
“I’ll just sit here being your housewife,” Nav muttered. His broken arm left Jasmin doing most of their physical work, and he resented it. He wasn’t used to not being able to rely on his body, and they were both too used to magical healing for serious injuries. Healing the long way was exhausting, physically and mentally. He hated being helpless. “Tending the fire and making your tea.”
“You make a very pretty housewife, as long as you don’t try to make bread again, we’ll be fine,” Jasmin teased him with the memory of his last disastrous attempt to make bread for them. He had never done it before. His family was too poor to make their own bread, and then he was in the service of a master who supplied all his needs. His experience with cooking mostly involved boiling something until it was mostly cooked through. Nav snarled at her and tugged the cork out of one of the bottles. He took a long swig and Jasmin was very impressed when he didn’t cough, despite the bite of the strong liquor. “Don’t finish that without me. I’m going to get the rest before it gets dark.”
“Yes yes, off you go,” he growled and flapped his good hand at her. He didn’t have much in the way of basic, useful magic, and it was beginning to show. Jasmine had taught him some of her tricks, but it was slow going. He didn’t really have the heart for simple magic. Be careful. I heard wolves earlier. They didn’t sound like they should.”
“Really?” Jasmine paused with her hand on the door. As before, she was wearing her cloak and his, layered together and belted in close. “I’ve never seen wolves.”
“I have,” he said grimly and gave the door a wary side-eye. “And there are direwolves in these mountains. They tend to pack up with the smaller wolves sometimes.”
“Do we need to do anything about them? Jasmin had no idea how to handle wolves of any kind, although she had read a little about direwolves. Big enough to drag off a whole cow by themselves or tear a man apart, they were the nightmare of the far mountains. “The horses are already inside, and so is all their fodder.”
“While you bring in the rest of the bottles, I’ll re-ward the house,” Nav said, and got up slowly, still wary of his bad arm and ribs. “That, at least, I can do. Throw me a line of power and I’ll double them up.”
“Pull as much as you need,” Jasmin said as she opened up her mind to him and offered over the magic without hesitation. He was undoubtedly better at technical magic. If he thought thee wards needed to be redone, she would trust his judgement. “I’ll try to be fast. The sun sets so quickly here.”
“Don’t get caught outside,” Nav warned her, already writing runes around the scant windows. “If you hear anything- and I mean anything- get inside. Direwolves are clever, and they know how to hunt humans.”
Cross our Blades:
Roof Cave In (Subscriber Only!)
Sand and Robes  (Subscriber Only!)
East to the Mountains
Snow Fall Heavy
Once High in the Mountains (Subscriber Only!)
Cottage Secured (Subscriber Only!)
Mixing Magic (Subscriber Only!)
Bond Examination
Crystals and Sand
Sharing Storms
Wolf Whiskey (New!)
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palialaina · 1 year
It has been...
I may have lost my temper with Kenli, finally. He's not a bad person, he's just a damn doormat, and I can't fix his problems for him. I get Eshe's frustration absolutely, though I still think she goes a bit overboard in how rigid she is...
So, the deed I dug up for the Daiya farm a few weeks ago was apparently scrutinized heavily by Kenyara and she decided it wasn't good enough. Kenli asked me to get together a tax for the farm so that they wouldn't have to worry, and you know, I have the veggies to spare, so I did it. (I need to buy more wheat. I forgot to do that and ran out of seeds...)
And then he told me that it didn't matter because she'd decided that she was going to kick them out anyways and move in some new people. And he didn't know what to do, but could I maybe go tell them about it?
I'm a water person too, according to basically everyone I talk to, but the thing about water is that it is just as dangerous as any other element. Earth crushes, fire burns, air suffocates, water drowns.
I told him to stop being a little tiny creek, and be a damn tidal wave of no already.
...I think I scared him a bit, honestly. But for fuck's sake... at least he managed to scrape together the backbone to tell his sister no.
The irony-cherry on top being that the people Kenyara had selected to replace the best farming family in Kilima were scammers. They'd planned on taking Kenyara's advance money (what the fuck, lady??) and bolting.
So, yanno, my rare show of temper actually worked out pretty damn well for all involved.
....Jel gave me tea and macarons and made me go upstairs to rest for a bit when I stomped into the store. He's a darling and I adore him.
Also, apparently Lark also found one of Reth's fail-eggs. That was fun to walk in on. He was so purple~ Poor Reth. Maybe next time he'll actually keep track of where he buries those yikes things.
My next source of stress? I was tag-teamed by Hassian and Sifuu.
So, Sifuu's book is... sort of out. Caleri stuck it in the fiction section because of the intense amount of liberties Sifuu took when writing her own memoirs.
Seriously, when you piss off your own son with your embellishments, that's definitely a sign you went too far.
Sifuu's version was.. dramatic. Love at first sight. According to Hassian, that's all a lie, and Sifuu was childhood friends with Taylin before they got married.
So, already I was feeling kind of cranky on Hassian's behalf, because why lie about that, Sifuu? And then he goes on to tell me that there was kind of a mess about them being thrown out of their original village because...
So, Sifuu and Taylin worked as bounty hunters. And Taylin was supposed to kill a creature, but that creature came back and decimated a village. So her village thought she lied to get paid. Taylin swore that the thing must have regenerated, and honestly, I think I'm on Taylin's side. We have magical trees that heal their own axe cuts ffs, regenerating beasties is not exactly out there in terms of things this place could produce.
Well, they got thrown out of their village, and word was spread that Taylin was a liar, so no one else would take them in. Taylin went to try and clear her name, but never came back.
And yeah, I'm definitely on Hassian's side for this one. He was so upset. He doesn't usually let me touch him, let alone hug him, but I was able to give cuddles until he was calm again.
Then he got embarrassed, but yanno, it was cute.
After that, I went to tell Sifuu she was an idiot (because she was), and Sifuu id very clearly where Hassian gets his inability to communicate, if nothing else. She asked me to help fix things, and in this case it literally meant fixing a thing from his childhood, and old bow Taylin had made him. Wasn't hard, I have a stockpile of stuff at this point, so, ran home, ran back, gave her the stuff.
I really wish it ended there.
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She did give me this tho. I had Einar over to help me put it up high because I don't know what else to do with it, but it's too nice to just... shove into storage.
Also, I know I will cut myself on that thing if I do that, and Hassian would throw a fit.
Hassian did come around and gave me a lovely heartdrop lily. I'm going to keep it special for when I make him a pin. I just need to figure out what I can use to represent him... And maybe also see if he actually likes me that way, or if I'm reading too much into it.
(I did talk to Jel about it. Again. He repeated that as long as Hassian made me happy, he was more than able to share. He got kisses for that.)
So, okay, it does not end there, and I don't know if I wish it did, or if I'm glad it kept going, but like...
Sifuu asked me to come see her, because she really really suck at talking to Hassian in a way that gets him to... you know. Share. And I'm better at it, so she asked me to figure out why he was still upset.
Turns out, they'd started going through Taylin's things, and he found an old book of star charts. Apparently he's an avid star gazer! I wish I'd know that before, that's half the reason I love being out at night. The stars here are amazing...
So, anyways, I got together the stuff for making him a small telescope, and he seemed to cheer up. Said he was going to put it in his grove, so maybe I'll drop by in a couple nights and see if he'll let me look through it.
For now though, I'm going to take Jel's advice, have a hot bath and then we're going to play a few games of chezzu in the slumber party room so I can finally unwind.
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ninjago13 · 2 years
Chapter 10 from Memories
Okay, sorry. I know i said that i would post the last chapters on the same post, but now i'm not. I have now finished chapter 10 and working on chapter 11. I really hope you enjoyed the story and I will probably begin soon on a new one. I just really love writing 😅 Anyway, here is chapter 10.
Chapter 10
The negotiator
summary: I love to put Maul, Sidious, Dooku and Grievous in a battle against the Jedi, just to see how their reactions would be if they had to work together. Hope you enjoy it !
When he landed on Scarif, he saw a big house. They’re probably in there, thought the Jedi. But he could also feel something was wrong and it became stronger every second he came closer to the house. Obi-Wan could feel that Qui-Gon and the others were in danger. He entered the house and was surprised that there weren’t any guards. Then the young man saw Qui-Gon, Ahsoka and Anakin sitting on the square. He ran towards them and removed their handcuffs. ‘You shouldn’t have come,’ said Qui-Gon. Obi-Wan looked confused. ‘They are looking for you !’ said Anakin. ‘Then let’s get out of here.’ The other Jedi stood up and they ran towards the door. But before they could reach it, the door closed. Qui-Gon heard someone shouting his name. He turned around and saw Sidious, Dooku, Maul and Grievous. ‘Since when are they working together ?’ said Ahsoka. ‘Since we want you Jedi extinct. I will get my revenge on you, Kenobi !’ ‘I thought you already wanted that,’ said Anakin, with a sassy smile. ‘I would like to see you try.’ ‘With pleasure,’ said the Sith lord. 
‘How are we going to do it ? Alone or together ?’ ‘Let’s first try alone,’ said Qui-Gon. Just on time. Maul attacked Ahsoka, Grievous Anakin, Dooku Qui-Gon and Sidious Obi-Wan. The Sith lord had never been so full of hatred, he wanted to destroy Kenobi at every cost. At the same time Ahsoka had her hands full on Maul. He's fast for a guy who lost his legs, she thought. Maul was arrogant, but he didn’t know one thing. And that was that Ahsoka was trained by Anakin Skywalker. The young Jedi had become a master at Shien and Djem So. She had been practicing with Rex, Fives, Jesse, Echo and a few others. Maul barely stood a chance against her. While Ahsoka was busy with Maul, was Anakin trying to block and avoid Grievous’ lightsabers. Thank god he can’t use the Force, thought Anakin. 
Sidious was furious. He had tried everything. Wait…. There was one thing he hadn’t tried yet. The Sith Force-pushed Kenobi as hard as he could and sended lightning right after that. 
Obi-Wan was surprised how easy the fight went. Perhaps my memories are coming back, he thought. Then suddenly he was thrown backwards. The Jedi made a backflip and ignited his lightsaber at the exact moment he landed. And it was good that it had become a habit, because Sidious sended Force-lightning right after that. Kenobi could block it just in time. Then the Sith lord pushed him against the wall and started to electrocute him. The Jedi felt confused. Was he dying or was he just starting to see random things that he couldn’t remember ? Kenobi didn’t feel the pain, he could only focus on those images. He saw him, Qui-Gon and a beautiful looking girl on the run for bounty hunters. Then he saw Anakin, Ahsoka and him picnicking with people in white armor. The sun shone at its brightest and a few of them jumped in the sea to cool down. Who were they ? He tried to remember, but there was some kind of blockade. 
Anakin was still trying to avoid Grievous’ lightsabers when he saw Sidious electrocuting the very same man who had trained him. Anakin gathered all the strength in him, he connected with the Force and pushed Sidious with the Force as hard as he could. He ran to Obi-Wan. ‘Are..you..okay ?’ he asked, out of breath. ‘Yes, i’m alright, Anakin. It feels good to be back,’ said the older Jedi. ‘Wait.. Are you..’ ‘Yes. Thanks to you and Qui-Gon. And Ahsoka of course. Now let’s get him.’ Anakin almost couldn’t believe his ears. His master had his memories back ! But the only thing that he said was: ‘This is where the fun begins.’ The two men shared a look. 
The two Jedi saw Sidious walking towards them, igniting his sabers. ‘I will take him on the right and you on the left.’ ‘As you say so, Master.’ They both laughed. A few years ago, just before the Clone Wars, they had a fight with Dooku. Sidious attacked and the fight began. 
In the meantime was Grievous searching for a Jedi to slay. He decided to help Dooku. It became a bit too dangerous when Grievous arrived. Qui-Gon decided to see how things went at Ahsoka. 
Anakin was surprised to see how powerful his old master had become.He sensed the calmness in his master and knew that that was his strength. Obi-Wan Kenobi had never been so powerful before. They both took their stance. Anakin used Form V and Obi-Wan Form III, also better known as Soresu. The two young Jedi shared a look. They would do this together. Dying or surviving. Anakin felt that Obi-Wan was nervous through their bond. He sent a reassuring smile and the older Jedi answered it. 
Sidious was delighted. The Jedi had his memories back, so now would be the perfect time for revenge. He only needed to get close to Qui-Gon. That was all he needed. But first he had to go through Skywalker and Kenobi. This wouldn’t be easy. Both Skywalker and Kenobi were powerful warriors. Perhaps…. No, that was too difficult. What was he worrying about ? He was a bloody Sith lord ! That answer came five seconds later. In the form of two lightsabers. 
Ahsoka and Qui-Gon were both exhausted. They had been fighting for more than twenty minutes against three Sith. Actually two and a half Sith, but still… We need to get out of here, thought Qui-Gon. Or we will never make it. He said that to Ahsoka. She nodded and made a backflip towards her master and grandmaster. ‘We need to get out of here !’ she shouted. ‘Alright, we’re coming !’ replied Anakin back, while blocking one of Sidious’ lightsabers. He nodded to Obi-Wan. ‘Three…two…one… now !!’ They both made a backflip at the exact same moment and landed near Ahsoka and Qui-Gon. ‘So, how are we gonna get out of here ?’ Qui-Gon asked. ‘We can jump over the gate, but first we need to get rid of them.’ ‘Good thinking, my old padawan. Force push ?’ They all nodded and Ahsoka counted: ‘Three…two…one… now !’ The four Jedi all pushed at the same moment and the Sith were blown backwards. They jumped over the gate and ran for their lives. Once on the ship took Anakin off and flew to space. 
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unitypiner · 2 years
Myg elixir of immortality tips and tricks
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A well known classic player (in juff) TheSadisticBlackDoll mentioned that the decked needed more Grim Lavamancers and Fireblasts. This is certainly at least a starting off point. My own rather casual attempt is as follows: A tougher job to accomplish in Classic than Modern, it is not impossible and quite a few players have 4-0ed a Daily Event with such decks. This deck archetype seeks to put the opponent on his back foot quickly and keep him there through direct damage and quick aggressive pressure. Of course one deck archetype which Erik loved and which I don't but am somewhat familiar with is Red Deck Wins. In the preparation for participating in this event which is in the Classic format (almost anything goes except for the restricted list and no gleemoxen), I started brewing some decks for the event. Or first player to beat Winter.Wolf (me), for example.) Have fun with it and be creative! (First player to play a forest from their hand. To make a pledge/offer a bounty (such as the one above) just tell BlippyTheSlug in game via pm what your pledge is and what the condition is to win it.Īnother way to contribute is to buy cards from Hammybot which will be online soon and pledge those cards as bounties for beating certain players or making certain achievements. I know many of you were touched by Hamtastic in various ways and his influence left us all richer than before we met him. One Plateau to the highest placed player of a Red Deck Wins deck (with at least 1 match win.)Īs Nushae pointed out on the mothership it is in the spirit of Erik's generous nature that prizes be given for things other than merely winning the event. Such as the one that I posted for the US portion and JustSin matched for the European portion of this event: What I would love to see are more pledges by individuals as bounties for specific criteria during the event. Players, pairings, and standings for both Events, along with the current Prize Pool, can be found here. PM them in the MTGO client and say " I want to play!" You may pre-register by letting BlippyTheSlug (US Event), or _Kumagoro_ (Euro Event), know you want to play. We request no deck changes between games (sideboarding during matches is obviously ok), but the "honor system" will be used. Registration and results: /join HAMCOM (Please do not chat in this room)ĭecklists will not be required. Structure: 4 (or more**) rounds of Swiss pairing, followed by a T8 playoff (All pairings & standings will be generated by DCI-Reporter)
These Events are free to enter, and you may play both Events.
Start Times: 1800 GMT (Euro Event) and 9:30PM Eastern (US Event), "last minute" registration will open 90 minutes prior to start time. The event details are as follows: (Excerpted from Overdriven! 20 by BlippyTheSlug)ĭate: Friday, May 4th, 2012 Happy Birthday, Hammy! This is unprecedented in Player Run Event history on Magic Online so kudos to Blippy for managing that and also to WOTC for being involved! If you aren't excited yet you should be. Including prize support from Wizards of the Coast. As my Dad is fond of saying "Minnesota Corn is the best in the world."Įven knowing how loved Erik is, it amazes me how well people responded with sponsorship of this event and how many in the community have come together to help with this. My Dad is from Minnesota where Erik lived and I can tell you Minnesota humor is both wry and corny. He has set up an event on the evening of May 4th called Ham on Wry (a nod to Erik's sometimes dry sense of humor.) I mentioned this in a post on the mothership and Blippy the Wonderslug picked up the idea and ran with it. He was always encouraging us to have a good time. Erik was a guy who seemed to really enjoyed parties. Rather than focus on the sad circumstances surrounding his departure from this plane of existence let's instead celebrate the day that would have been his birthday, May 4th. After all we shouldn't merely remember Erik for the final act, but the many wonderful things he did prior to that. But I kept silent out of respect and feeling that it was not my place to share such intimate details And I hope this was for the best. I wanted to vent my frustration and express my concerns for those of us nearer to the fringe than anyone ever realizes. Last year when I wrote my Eulogy for Erik I desperately wanted to tell you all how much it affected me because I have often struggled with similar problems. His brave wife, Tami, (on the anniversary of his death) through the auspices of the fine gents of Freed from the Real (Keya, Sebastian and AJ) gave us permission to discuss his death in the hopes of raising people's awareness for Erik's horrible affliction, chronic depression which led to his suicide. A year ago April 2nd, we lost Erik Friborg, a.k.a: Hamtastic to us on Magic Online.
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therenlover · 3 years
One Last Night In Madripoor (An 18+ Helmut Zemo/Reader Oneshot)
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Synopsis: Baron Helmut Zemo is a lonely, wanted man looking for some fun, you’re a piss-poor bounty hunter in search of a connection before leaving your life of crime behind, and fate has brought you together at a party the likes of which has never been seen before. You only have one night left in Madripoor, so why not take a chance?
Tags: Smut, SoftDom!Zemo, Hook Up, Semi-Public Sex, Drinking, Safe Sex, Explicit Consent, First Meeting, Wall Sex, Blow Jobs, Cunnilingus
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Swearing, Explicit Sexual Content
Word Count: 4200~
This fic has been crossposted under the same title to my AO3!
Madripoor was a place like nothing you had ever seen.
It wasn’t that the sights were anything special. You could find seedy criminal underbellies lined with neon where the streets ran red with blood anywhere if you looked hard enough. Even the ocean view didn’t do much to set it apart from any other place visually. No, Madripoor’s scenery and architecture weren’t what kept your eyes wide with wonder whenever you found yourself wandering through the winding back-alleys without a purpose. It was the people that kept you around.
Thieves, pirates, and miscreants had been taking shelter at the docks since before anyone there could remember. It was a city borne of the underbelly of society, the people nobody sees, but you saw them. You saw them every day when you stood in the main market waiting for an easy bounty. There were faces everywhere; big and small, tall and short, scarred and flawless. No two people in the streets of Madripoor were ever exactly alike. If you needed to remember someone, their unique face was right there waiting in your mind.
After living on the island for almost 6 months, most people were already cataloged neatly in your mind as friend or foe. This man, though, he was new. He was different.
The night was still young. There was some trouble at the Princess Bar that ended with Selby dead and a few murderers loose in the streets with a price on their heads, but you steered clear. Going after the killers meant going up against hundreds if not thousands of trained bounty hunters and assassins and no amount of money was worth dying over now, not while you were so close to freedom. Instead of chasing your doom, you decided to head to your room, get dressed up, and head out to wherever the music was loudest in search of a place to forget about your problems for the night. The thudding sounds of poorly DJ-ed club remixes led you to Leonardo’s Place. That’s where you found him.
You were two drinks in and sticking close to the wall when he stumbled into your line of sight. What initially caught your eye was his dancing. He couldn’t move for shit. What kept your attention, though, was his face.
There was transience to him, like at any moment someone could bump into him and he would disappear without a trace at their touch. Despite that he was gaudy. Everything about his clothing screamed wealth and fine taste from the thread count of his obnoxious purple turtleneck to the shine on his boots. He was strange, a walking contradiction, and one who had never had the pleasure of gracing your presence or screwing you over in the past. In the simplest of terms, he intrigued you. With nothing left to lose you downed the last of your cocktail and made your way to the gap in the crowd where the stranger had staked his claim. It was game time.
“You come here alone?” You asked. Your voice was barely a whisper above the heavy thrumming of the music.
He gave you a long look up and down before answering as if he were trying to size you up. Something about having his gaze linger on your body made your heartbeat soar. “I’m not looking for company,” His accented tone was gruff but left a sliver of room for reconsideration. You took the chance. What could go wrong?
With as much tact and grace as you could muster you let yourself slip a little closer to him. “What, do I look too expensive for you?” you teased, before backing off with a grin, “Thanks for the compliment, but I’m not here for that. My job is a little more… dangerous.” As you danced, the hem of your dress rode up your thigh just enough to reveal the knife holster in your garter belt. It pleased you greatly to see this handsome stranger do a double-take; that meant he was looking at your upper thigh in the first place. “I just liked what I saw in you… do you like what you see in me?”
Somehow, your little joke had endeared him to you, however minutely. Instead of brushing you off the man paused his jerky dancing for a moment to really take you in. Then, he caved. “Would you like a drink?” He asked.
You smirked. “Who would I be if I turned down a free drink from a handsome stranger,”
He met you in the middle as he offered you his hand. “I never promised it would be free,”
So, the two of you found yourselves at the bar, bodies leaned into each other and away from the rest of the sweltering crowd as the bartender slid you your order. The stranger was drinking a brandy straight while you opted for a sidecar. It was enough alcohol that you were starting to feel pretty buzzed, but you still felt in full control of yourself. You took a long sip before speaking. “So, what should I call you?”
It took him a moment to respond but once he did, he seemed sure of himself. “You can call me Helmut, but Baron is fine as well,”
You cocked up an eyebrow. “Is that a nickname?”
“More of a title,”
He took a drink as you gawked. “Like royalty?”
“Not like. I am,”
Your cheeks flushed. The rational part of your mind was so stunned by the ease with which Helmut lied that it seemed to short circuit completely, leaving you very puzzled and more than a little intrigued. “Well, pardon me, Mr. Baron. What’s royalty like you doing in a place like this?”
“There are plenty of reasons a man like me would have business here. A woman as beautiful as you, though… not so much,” he waved his hand in loose gestures as he spoke, “Why risk your life and beauty for this? A life living in the underground where you cannot so much as dream of seeing the stars?”
You finished your drink in one large swig. It burned down your throat but you relished in the pain. “Not all of us are lucky enough to be born in a place where we can see the stars. Funny enough, though, I’m just about to get out,”
“Is that right?”
“I finally saved up enough money from small jobs to buy my way out from under the Power Broker’s thumb,” Something about the way Helmut smiled at you made you feel safe. It was like you could tell him your worst, darkest secrets and not feel an ounce of fear or guilt. “I’m nothing special here, a small-time bounty hunter, and I kept it that way for a reason. I’m not valuable and I don’t know much. If I just pay my dues and keep the money coming until I can get their claws out of my back, I should be free to leave with a freighter tomorrow morning,”
Helmut was quick to respond. “Ah, travel by freighter. It’s terribly dangerous to be a stowaway, you know? Impossible to predict quite what the seas will be like,”
“Well, that’s just a risk I’ll have to take to get out of here and stop… what was it that you said I was doing? Risking my life and beauty?”
The two of you chuckled as Helmut took one last drink to empty his glass. Then, the conversation stilled. Around you people were alive, gyrating to the music as their pulses thumped to the beat, but it was like they weren’t even there. Instead, your whole being was focused on the strange man in front of you who had stolen away your sensibilities with his cool tone and thick accent. He made you feel alive. No, more than alive. Every color was brighter, every sound was sharper, every sip of your drink was crisper. He was a once-in-a-lifetime man, and this was a once-in-a-lifetime night. Oh, to hell with it!
“I like you, Baron,” you purred, pressing yourself close to him. His breath hitched the moment you touched him. He acted as if it had been a very long time since he was last touched like that. “And I think you like me too. In fact, I think you like me enough that we should take this conversation somewhere a little more private. What do you say?”
He didn’t respond. Instead, his gloved hand made its way around your wrist, and in a moment’s time, he was pulling you across the crowded dance floor towards a small, secluded hallway. You assumed that meant yes.
The instant you made it to the shelter of the shadows Helmut was on you like a man starved. One of his hands was quick to explore the skin just above the hem of your dress as the other pressed against the wall, caging you in and holding you as a more than willing hostage to his affections. He didn’t kiss your face, and you weren’t complaining about that, but he did put his mouth to good use sucking a dark bruise into your collarbone. His ministrations only stopped when a high, keening sound escaped your lips.
“You like that, don’t you, meine kleine schlampe?” he growled through gritted teeth. Something about his tone turned your already weak legs to jelly. The second you went limp in his grip, though, he pulled back. Straightening himself out, he offered you a steadying arm. You took it without hesitation. “I’m terribly sorry to be so rude. I assure you that I am not usually the type of man to hook up with someone on a whim, I’ve simply been… indisposed for many years and haven’t had many opportunities for pleasure, especially not with a woman as beautiful as you,”
His compliment was enough to have you blushing like a schoolgirl. You had killed more people than you could reasonably count, and probably fucked even more, but something about the way Helmut looked and sounded and acted made you feel almost innocent to his advances. He was a drug and you needed to get your fix before he disappeared forever.
“Does that mean you think I’m special?” You asked, all doe eyes with an innocent smile. Helmut ate it right up.
“Yes, schatzi. Very special,”
You hitched a leg up, letting your heel dig into his expensive dress pants and drag him closer to you once again. “First your little slut and now your little treasure? Which one is it, Helmut?”
“And so smart,”
“Move, Baron!”
At your insistence, Helmut was on you once again, leaving a trail of hot, wet kisses down your neck as he fiddled with his gloves, yanking them off and shoving them in his back pocket before he continued. “So demanding,” he chided, and yet he continued to lavish you with affection, his hand climbing higher and higher up your thigh. Your back was pressed flush to the wall now, and you were painfully aware of just how warm Helmut was. He smelled like a rich man’s cologne and yet his skin tasted of cheap soap when you leaned in to give him a bruise of his own.
“You love it,” you replied. He let out a husky laugh.
“I suppose I do,” he chuckled, and then his fingers brushed over your core. Your knees buckled. Helmut kept you upright with his body as he continued to taunt you through your underwear, but he seemed more confident now, almost cocky. “My needy schatzi, have you no patience?”
Your response was breathless; a confession.
“Not with you,”
Something about your words lit a fire in Helmut’s eyes. In an instant he had your leg hiked up while he ground his hardened length against your clothed wetness. Your mind went blank. He felt big. A mindless whimper fell from your lips.
“How do you want me?” Helmut asked. As he spoke he ran a light finger down your elevated thigh. You offered up another whimper. “I’ll need you to use your words and tell me what you want or I can’t give it to you,” His tone had you wet enough that you worried you were dripping.
With a gulp, you managed to fumble out the words. “I’ll blow you first if you promise to fuck me,”
That had him grinning like a wolf. “Perhaps you are my little schlampe, so eager to get down on your knees for me…” And you were. Even on shaky legs, you found yourself happily falling to your knees as the Baron fumbled with his fly. It was only then that you found yourself gazing down the hall towards the cacophony of lights and sounds and people maybe 20 feet away from your hiding place in the shadows. As if he could sense your discomfort, Helmut paused. “Are you alright?”
You nodded quickly. “I just forgot we were out in the open for a second,”
“Do you want to stop? If the location is the problem, I would gladly pause so we can find a new hideaway,” he stopped short, looking down and meeting your heavily lidded gaze, “or perhaps the idea of putting on a show excites you?” Your heart jumped out of your chest. Helmut noticed. “Well, if my little schlampe is so keen on putting on a show, she should get a move on,”
That was your cue to get to work. In a swift motion, you finished unzipping his fly and shifted his boxers, letting his lovely cock spring free. It was a pleasant penis and far as they went, average in length but thick with a leaking purple tip at half-mast. Just looking at it made you clamp your legs together.
Slowly, you gave a tentative lick up the underside of his length. He felt heavy on your tongue in the best of ways. Helmut jerked upward, a man possessed. You couldn’t help but laugh. “It’s been a long time, huh?”
“Less talking, more working little schlam-” you cut Helmut off quickly by taking most of his length into his mouth. That seemed to shut him up. His wolf-like grin had dissolved into a slack-jawed mess the second you started to suck him off. Oh, this was going to be fun.
For the most part, the Baron let you set the pace, bobbing your head and taking as much of his length as you comfortably could, but after a short while his hands were buried in your hair as he fought the urge to buck into your throat, hard. With a particularly rough snap of his hips, Helmut pulled away.
“You are an angel from heaven, schatzi,” he groaned, pulling himself slowly from your mouth as you got your first good deep breath in a while, “but a deal is a deal, and it wouldn’t be quite fair if I got to have all the fun, now would it?” Your breath hitched in your throat. Finally time for the main event.
Helmut was surprisingly gentle with you as he offered you a hand and helped you back up, only pausing to wipe a line of dribble off your chin with his thumb. With anyone else, it would have felt wholly humiliating but with Helmut… well, it did things to you you would rather not admit. You quirked up an eyebrow, though, when he got on his knees in turn, mirroring your past position. “What are you doing, Baron?”
“I simply assumed my sweet schatzi would enjoy a reward for taking my cock so well,” his words had you biting your lip as your cheeks flushed, “now be a good girl and take what I give you. I want to hear those pretty noises you made earlier,” With that, his face disappeared under your skirt. He pulled down your panties and… snickered?
“What now?” you groaned, squirming as his hot breath hit your exposed nub.
“You’re sopping wet,” he replied. Out of habit, you moved to shut your legs but found Helmut’s large hand was holding them open. “I do enjoy being sandwiched between your thighs, but you shouldn’t hide yourself from me. Take your pleasure. You’ve earned it,” That was when he began his assault on your folds.
You had been with plenty of partners over the years, all with varying proficiencies when it came to giving pleasure, but no one had ever made you feel quite as good as Helmut did while you gripped his hair and rode his face with reckless abandon. He always hit just the right spot, alternating between sucking on your sensitive clit and running his rough tongue in sloppy circles against it. In no time flat your pleasure was building toward’s its peak as your knees trembled.
“Helmut,” you squeaked, “Helmut I’m gonna cuuuUUOH!”
You were suddenly thrown over the edge of pleasure as the Baron worked you open with his fingers, pressing that spot inside of you just right. It was a revelation. Nothing would ever compare to him and you hadn’t even fucked yet. Once you had regained some semblance of stability he emerged from his place between your thighs, face slick with your juices, wearing the expression of a cat that got the cream.
“You make such lovely sounds for me, schatzi,” Helmut groaned, rising from his place at your feet and reaching into his pocket. While he fumbled for a condom you took the time to actually remove your panties, lifting one shaky leg at a time before balling them up and tossing them on the ground. You could grab them later. Or not! In all honesty, your ruined undies were the last thing on your mind as your watched Helmut roll the condom onto his proud cock, pumping himself a few times. “Now, are you sure you want this?”
You had never felt more sober in your whole life despite the drinks you’d downed earlier.
“God, yes,”
He caged you into his body once again, lining himself up on your slick folds, and then with a pronounced bite against your collarbone, he was entering you. It wasn’t painful or uncomfortable, you just felt full, like a missing piece of your body had been completed. For the first few thrusts, you were too blissed out to really take note of anything around you, but once you tuned back into the world of the living you realized Helmut was talking. Well, babbling was more like it. He seemed to simply be speaking his stream of consciousness into your ear as he pistoned in and out of you like a madman. There was a jilted rhythm to it, but the abnormality kept you on your toes.
“I won’t be letting you go any time soon, schatzi, and definitely not on some dank freighter like a rat from the gutters. No, you will travel with me. Once I help my friends and slip away from the front lines I can take you anywhere your little heart desires. Paris, Vienna, Australia… Mein Gott, what a sweet cunt,”
Any sane woman, after hearing his sex-drunken musings, would have run. They would have heard the wild ramblings of a madman and left after their little fling was done to never see him again. It was only rational. He didn’t even know your real name. Sane women didn’t run away with strangers claiming to be barons they hooked up with in a seedy club selling stolen Van Goghs in a hub of the criminal underworld.
The only thing was, though, that you weren’t a sane woman.
You were a killer, a child left in the streets to live or die who had scraped themselves together and dragged themselves towards life. So what if the idea of some rich mysterious benefactor with a good dick coming in to save the day sounded fantastic? It was fantastic. Like your own personal version of Pretty Woman. Even if he wasn’t as rich as he claimed to be, being poor and getting dicked down by him was better than being poor and alone.
For just a moment, and with no regrets, you let yourself get lost in the fantasy and just let go.
It was as if Helmut could sense a difference.
“Are you close, little schlampe?” He gasped, letting his thrusts take on a faster staccato rhythm.
You could do little more than moan and nod as he pounded you into the wall. That seemed to be enough for him to get the message, though.
“What a good girl,” he purred. His mouth was so close to your ear, his hot breath tickling the sensitive flesh with each heaving breath he took. As he chased his own climax, he brought a hand between your bodies and rubbed tight, wet circles around your clit. It was already sensitive, your body was only barely recovering from your first orgasm, and yet something about the overstimulation was thrilling, like racing towards an impossible dream. With a shout, you came for the second time, melting into Baron Helmut’s arms as he quickly followed.
The two of you stayed there, slumped against the cool wall and still connected by your dripping sexes, for a few moments, breathing heavy. Surprisingly, you were the first to speak.
“Wow,” you breathed, letting a soft laugh escape your lips.
Helmut returned the sentiment. “You were wonderful,” In a strange moment of intimacy, he pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, but then he pulled out, tying off the full condom and tossing it to the ground as he tucked himself back into his boxers and zipped up his fly.
“Are you just gonna leave that there?” you made a gesture towards his litter.
“They have janitors,”
A burbling laugh escaped from your lips. “That they do,”
Back in the main room of the party, the crowd had only grown larger as the night progressed. Nobody had seen you, nor had they noticed your cries as they danced and drank and made merry under the neon lights. You were, for all intents and purposes, invisible at Helmut’s side. Within and without. There was something exhilarating about knowing he was the only one that truly saw you in a room packed with hundreds. It was like something out of a twisted fairytale.
“So…” you broached the subject gently while you pulled down your dress to protect your modesty, “Did you mean what you said back there about Paris and Vienna, or…”
“Oh, you heard that?”
You snickered. “It was pretty hard not to with you breathing in my ear,”
“I apologize,” he leaned against the wall beside you, shoulder to shoulder in the darkness, “but yes, I meant what I said. I-”
Suddenly, from down the hall, a booming voice interrupted your moment.
“There you are!”
“Goddamnit, Zemo, I thought we told you to stay low not hire an escort,”
There, at the mouth of the hallway, stood two massive men. They were obviously displeased, and though their faces were obscured by the lights you could tell you weren’t the one they were after.
They called him Zemo… where had you heard that name before?
Helmut stepped away from the wall with a shrug. “At least I didn’t cause a scene by forgetting to put my phone on silent,”
The larger of the two men stayed where he was, while the other walked to meet the Baron in the middle.
“I swear to God, man, you’ve gotten ten times more insufferable since I learned you were rich.
The Baron shrugged. “It comes with the territory,”
“But you don’t have to be such a jackass about it,”
You felt it was a good time to chime in.
“Thank you so much for that, Helmut, but I think I should give you guys some privacy,” you said, straightening out your dress and walking deeper into the hallway. There had to be an exit somewhere…
“Wait!” When you turned, you found Helmut rushing to meet you. The men in the background looked shocked and almost smug. “Save your money. Meet me out at the airstrip tomorrow afternoon if you feel like seeing me again. If not, know that the Power Broker doesn’t let go of assets cheap, and you just slept with a man with a million dollar bounty, so buying your freedom isn’t an option. If you want to go without me, you’ll have to hitch a ride on a cargo ship but not as a stowaway. Working for your keep is the best way to stay under the radar. Nobody can touch you once you’r-”
You cut him off by pressing a finger to his lips. “I’ll see you at your private jet, Baron,”
He smirked. “So you will,” With as much gusto as a man could muster, he returned to his companions but not before offering one last goodbye. “Farewell, schatzi, until tomorrow,”
As you leaned up against the wall once more, you watched them go with a twinkle in your eye.
“Who was that?”
“None of your business, James,”
“Guys, what the hell did I just step on?”
“I believe that was my used rubber,”
a/n: I hope you enjoyed the filth! I haven’t written for Zemo before, even though I’ve loved him for years, but he’s definitely going into my main rotation now. If you have any ideas, send them my way! I’d love to fill the void, because there just aren’t very many Zemo x reader fics out there. If you enjoyed this, maybe reblog or leave a comment! I’d love to hear your thoughts. Thanks again!
Please do not post my works to any other sites, thanks! <3
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lamamasjamas · 2 years
Twenty Year Vacation
Be My Baby-The Ronettes
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Summary: You cross paths with Mando after a few years. Maybe more than a few...
a/n: This is the first part of a series! With Young!Din. I was planning on doing just a one-shot, but I like the concept too much.
Warnings: pining, some angst, jealousy, non-graphic murder, alternates between past/present
Word Count: 5.6K
The night we met I knew I needed you so.
And if I had the chance I'd never let you go.
He first saw her in Ran's hangar. She was fresh from the hunt, dragging an unconscious body behind her. Fresh bruises covered her face and torso, and she had a slight limp, but she came in with a hint of a smile and a glint in her eye.
He liked that about her, despite taking the brunt of hits she would just walk it off. She was persistent, if not stubborn.
He acted as if he was paying attention to whatever Ran was telling him about, but really, he was watching as others came out of the ship and greeted you in passing. You didn’t seem to like them that much, only giving them a nod in response and going off to work on the ship after you dropped off the “special cargo”.
Ran said she was the designated leader of the group when he wasn't around telling them what to do. “Real serious that one, but she’s good at what she does”
You were in your shared room with Xi’an, evidently alone as the rest of the group left to celebrate a successful mission. You eyed him suspiciously, “Who’s this?” He was nervous, but the helmet hid it well. She looked as if she were bored, clearly not liking the disruption to whatever she was doing before Ran barged in.
“A new member to the crew” She crossed her arms and sighed, “We don’t need any more members Ranzar”
“I beg to differ. He’s a great sharpshooter-” “You already have one. Why would you need another?”
“The one we do have almost kriffed up the last time she was needed” She glares at him, “Almost. And that only happened because Xi’an couldn't keep track of her knives”
Ran put his hands up in surrender, “Alright, Alright I get it. But, he would be a great addition. He’s a mandalorian after all, he’s good, I swear on the maker”
You continue to glare at him and finally face the mandalorian in front of you. His armor looks scuffed, so he must have experience. You extend your hand out to him while staring at his helm. It was as if you were looking at him straight through the visor and into his eyes.
He was momentarily stunned by the contact and awkwardly shook it a second after it was deemed normal. You scrunch your brows together and retract into your room once again, quickly shutting the door in front of Ran’s face.
“She’ll warm up to you in no time”
He was alone. The kid was safe and sound with a jedi who could train him, and his mission was complete. Now, he just needed to get back on his feet.
The bounties he’s picking up are easy, but the pay is minimal. He needs a little more credits to be able to pay for a ship of his own. For now he would just take the easiest bounties he could get, but one job in particular seemed interesting. It wasn’t really a bounty, it was more like a hit. Nonetheless it was good pay, and it so happened to be for an ex-imperial high commander. It would be deserved.
Tatooine. The most crime-ridden planet in the galaxy it seemed. He’s sure he could find the imp easily, he knew the planet like the back of his hand. Mos Eisley was mostly populated by criminals and the like, and he was sure he already found the guy he was looking for.
If not for the constant nervousness, which everyone in the cantina could see, he could tell he was the one by the way he looks around the room constantly, every couple seconds looking behind him. It was as if he put up a red sign with letters in bold, “look here! I’m on the run!”
He approached, sitting down on the stool next to him. The bounty shakily moved his gaze to the mandalorian, but immediately averted it as he turned to him. A droid came up asking if he wanted a drink and he just waved it away. Now everyone in the cantina tensed, knowing that the mandalorian wasn't there for a good time.
The bounty could be for any one of them and they didn’t want to get into a fight with him, especially because of his reputation.
The man started sweating bullets, and his hands started shaking. It was as if he already knew the mandalorian next to him was there for him. He shakily reached into his pockets, looking for any spare change he could find. He pulled all of the credits he had available on hand and shoved them onto the table. “I'll give you more than offered! I-I swear- I have more stashed!”
The mandalorian stands, towering over him. The helmet tilts and he takes that motion as asking for more money. He stammers over himself as the mandalorian gets closer to him pushing him into a corner. “I-I didn’t lie, I swear I-I have more credits, somewhere safe!” He’s pleading for him to not take him in. Just as the mandalorian was about to take a shot to the imps head all of the lights blacked out.
The shot was heard and seen flying from a corner of the cantina, bouncing from his armor to the imp. A direct hit to the chest. He immediately turned and saw the culprit move towards the exit. The lights went back on. He ran and chased after them.
Kriff. He needed that bounty, he used most of his credits to be transported here. He was kind of irritated right now. They were running through the roof tops, skillfully jumping from roof to roof.
“Hey, stop! You took my bounty” Their movements stuttered, making them trip and misstep their jump. As they slammed against the ledge their helmet flew off landing on the ground below. In favor of not falling they gripped the ledge, not being able to catch their helmet in time.
“Dank Farrik” He would have recognized that voice from anywhere.
He called your name, out of breath and dreamily. You turn towards him in shock. So, it really was him, you weren’t just imagining it. You needed to go, now. Before he could say anything else, you were able to let go of the ledge by one hand and shoot him in the shoulder, right underneath where the armor didn’t protect him. Definitely her. He was down instantly and when he finally got up you were gone.
He could feel your annoyance from a mile away. He would just hang around, not really doing anything and that seemed to irk you recently. Really, he was just nervous, the helmet and armor made it seem like he was just observing, which he was, but it managed to give focus to other parts of him that weren’t filled with anxiety.
The first job was a week ago, and Ran finally decided to let him join in. You weren’t going to protest, you thought he was competent enough, a little quiet but you welcomed it. The other members were always loud, obnoxious. You embrace the silence every once in a while.
He ruined the job.
For you that is. It was as if he was trying to show off. Making the most unnecessary shots, causing a great scene and ultimately ruining your own plans. At the end of the day you were left in the ship cleaning up the mess he made while he and the rest of the crew went off to enjoy the night.
In trying to evade the multiple blaster shots of the wealthy target’s various guards, and in Mando’s own uncoordinated driving skills, the ship was left with dents, exposed wires and vaporized panels. In their opinion it was fine, but to you, it was in tatters. You worked hard for that ship, you'll be damned if they leave the Crest in ruins… again.
So, instead of accepting Mando’s offer of drinks you decided a much better use of your time was to be spent fixing your ship before it’s not functional anymore.
He was disillusioned when he heard your curt rejection of his invitation, only really offering to pay for drinks to get to spend time around you.
“Enjoy yourselves, I guess I’ll stay here fixing this mess” With a sigh she left, lugging around parts and tools for repairs.
Most of the crew was drunk, except Mando. They didn’t notice your look of disdain as they walked by. They usually acted like fools, and you didn’t like partaking in their company, especially when they had no filter. You kept most of your focus on your work.
You just finished recalibrating the control panel, most of the wires were exposed and you had to rewire what you could salvage or just scrap and replace. This has become a constant in your life now. You don’t know whether to be grateful from the reprieve or mournful for your depleting credits. It was always a good excuse to not be around the crew.
From the hull you could hear something topple over and fall to the ground, followed by a “kriff”. You groan internally, thinking you would have to deal with one of your drunk friends.
He sees her lower down the ladder, and as quickly as he could he shoved the mess he made to the side where she couldn’t see. She was staring between him and the crate, expecting him to say something. He obviously had something he wanted to talk about by the way he was fidgeting his hand against his belt. He leaned against the wall in mock composure, and her eyes narrowed.
They both spoke simultaneously, “What are you doing here?” “I just wanted to say-” She urged him to continue but he was too embarrassed to repeat. With a tight lipped smile and a nod she turns around and packs her tools
As she was leaving he caught her by the elbow, he let go once he caught her perturbed look. She further adjusted her bag around her shoulder as she turned to him. He suddenly felt nervous, butterflies squirmed around his stomach as her hooded eyes looked up at him. She was tiny. Cute. Despite her obvious glare.
He was momentarily struck, his voice caught up in his throat. You were slightly amused when he cleared his throat. His voice cracked as he tried to keep his voice low. “You did good.”
You furrow your brows. “-in the job, you were great- I mean you are great. I-uh, Yeah.”
“Thanks.” and off she went. He stayed inside for a few minutes sulking in his own awkwardness.
You bruised your ribs from colliding with the ledge of the building. You're still in shock from everything. You knew he was alive, you just didn’t think you’d cross paths again. You were stricter with your jobs. Only taking in those that were for the ‘greater good’.
Laying in the cot, you couldn’t go to sleep. It was almost impossible to close your eyes without immediately feeling the dread building up in your body. You felt the need to run, to hide even if you checked the whole starcruiser. Once you collected your credits you would have to leave immediately.
You would have to lay low for a while, hoping he wouldn’t come searching for you. It’s not like he did before.
Din kept to himself most of the time, only ever really indulging in the company of his partners on rare occasions. He was only there to provide for his covert, nothing else. But, he did envy Xi’an, she was the only person you weren’t hostile with. He genuinely thinks you two would get along, but you have this conception of him he couldn’t quite shake.
In trying to prove himself he only irritated you further. Everyone else could tell he developed a sort of infatuation with you, which he adamantly denied, and they teased him for it. Another reason why he didn’t like hanging around them for too long.
He felt a bump to his shoulder. “You’re trying too hard”, Xi’an said in a sing-song voice. “You really shouldn’t waste so much time on her, y'know.” She puts her arms around his shoulders, “I’ve never seen her in a relationship, ever really” She puts her finger to her lip in deep thought.
He moves his head to her slowly, not really in the mood to be discussing this. He shrugs her arms off as he packs his weapons back in his own personal storage unit. The job before led to you being held up in medical. The red paint from his armor was able to hide the stains of your own blood. He couldn’t help you in time, before you passed out in the cargo hold.
He had to shout at the others to hurry up before you would bleed to death against his arms. You were too pale and too cold for him to be calm. The ride back to the station was quiet, with the occasional calling out of estimated time for landing.
No one noticed that you were injured, you were always quiet, distant. It wasn’t until you started calling out to Xi’an weakly that they finally noticed. There was a long pause to the usual cheerful conversation after a job well done. Everyone was still as with a whimper you said, “Help.” and raised your bloodied hand from your side.
He reacted first, asking you questions frantically, but you were too out of it, on the verge of passing out already. “Kriff!”, they all gasped as they saw the giant gash on your side and the skin around it turning a sickly gray and spreading.
You were about thirty minutes away from the Roost and you started to shake, as if you had a cold. The only thing they could do for you was give you a general anti-poison shot. He cradled you against him as you shivered and your body increased in temperature, trying to fight the poison that had spread across the right side of your torso.
The coolness of his armor helped you gain a degree of comfort back. The pulsing pain from the actual gash came and went, making you grip onto his hand in intervals. Ten minutes before arrival he felt you loosen your grip on his own and he panicked. He could hear Xi’an tell them to make the ship go faster.
Qin didn’t respond. That irritated him.
“Qin make it go faster!” Their eyes widen at his outburst, and the ship accelerates.
He hauls you off the ship, your body dangling from his arms, you almost looked dead but he could still feel a faint pulse. It didn’t take long to get you to attended in the tiny med center in the station.
The rest seemed to revert back to their regular selves after hearing that you were stable. He hasn’t. Xi’an was annoyed, not really seeing the point in him being gloomy over a girl that doesn’t like him back. There were other prospects around.
“Look today was a stressful day, we should all rest”, she emphasizes on the word rest. He just nods and walks past her.
He was there when you woke up, you were deciding whether or not he was awake. The helmet obscured the view to his face, he could just be looking down or he was genuinely sleeping in that awkward sitting position. You decide to throw a paper cup from the bedside table at him. He woke up with start, you could hear his sharp inhale even through the modulator.
He’s disoriented for a second, and he finally sees that you're awake. The chair screeches against the floor as he scoots closer. He places his hand on top of yours momentarily before pulling back and resting it beside you. “You good?”
Once again he feels his whole body tense and fill with tingles as you look up to his visor. You place your hand on his and say, “Yeah, thanks Ruby.” You laugh but stop after feeling a sharp pain at your side, as you see him tilt his helmet in question. “Your armor, its red. Like a ruby.”
He looks down as if he didn’t already know that and you chuckle and tug his hand to make him look up at you again. “Or do you like Manny better?”
“No” You both laugh.
He was able to find a cheaper mode of transportation. The cargo ship was crowded and overfilled with both things and beings. He’s pretty sure this was illegal and unsafe.
He was able to make it quicker this time. The small ship does not pay mind to the rules of space, often making strange turns and paths for short cuts. He just hoped he made it in time to intercept her.
Should he though? It wouldn’t hurt to try. He’s a changed man. A better one.
Maker, he missed you.
Landing on Jatir he could almost smell the rank odor of fumes through his helmet. He suddenly felt sticky, as if he was covered in a coat of the vapor from the air. He didn’t like the planets from the Colonies Region, most of them were like Jatir, full of factories. A true “marvel to Industrialization” and one of the many planets that stabilize the galaxy’s economy.
Jatir also houses many politicians, so it makes sense that bounty postings would come from this place. He was unlucky enough to land three sectors away from the meeting spot for the retrieval of bounty credits.
He’s shoved to move forward as a hoard of people exit from the hangar door. People aren’t in awe of him here, they all had their own problems to deal with, they didn’t seem to care that he was strapped to the teeth with weapons.
Sighing he contemplates why he even decided to come. He just lost a lot of his credits coming over and now he had to take at least two days to make it to the meeting spot, that is if you didn’t make it first. He doubts it, he was able to trace you back to a starcruiser dock. They were known for being nice, luxurious for those who weren’t normal citizens of the galaxy.
Especially luxurious to bounty hunters.
They were also slow; they were too big to make a hyperjump and the high-level capacity made it almost impossible to accelerate faster without an engine smoking out.
He could make it, he estimated you to arrive in about two days.
“Who are you messaging?”
“Family, some friends”
He tilts his head, he didn’t think you had other friends, he just assumed you were a loner. He opened his mouth before he could stop himself.
In an almost sarcastic tone he asks, “From where?”
“Alderaan”, you said it without missing a beat, it was as if you were both proud and ashamed. He couldn’t quite tell which one was most implied.
“Do you visit?”
You leave it at that.
You’ve been getting close. You two weren’t outwardly open to each other, but you both always answered when asked questions.
He asks you a lot of questions. He’s utterly fascinated, especially when he’s able to get a laugh or a smile from you.
He thinks he’s developing something more than a childish crush, but he can’t help but feel as if you know more about him than him you. Maybe that’s what’s attracting him to you. You’re this enigma, this puzzle he can’t solve. Yet.
He thinks you’re starting to like him too. He’s been getting bolder, sometimes getting a little too close for just friends. He’s rather lenient on his helmet “policy” around you. He even went as far as taking the whole thing off in the darkness of his room, just to eat dinner with you.
You of course asked him what his deal was with the helmet. He initially felt guilty when you felt guilty about him slightly breaking his vow of never taking his helmet off or showing his face to anyone.
Technically, you didn’t see his face. Yet.
You didn’t eat with him for a while, not until he practically begged you. You gave in, he was your friend, your only true friend.
You may have, sort of, built this codependency on each other. Without the other, you two would go insane. So arguments lasted about thirty minutes and most of your free time was spent together. Dare you say it, you two were best friends.
You were rather gloomy lately, not as talkative lately. He’s always there though, lending you a shoulder to lean on. He assumes it’s because of the many messages you get from your holo. You’re almost always on it nowadays, heaving a shaky sigh as you slam it down on the table, or your bed, or in this case, the ground.
She hugs her knees, pressing her back against the wall and looks towards the sky. From a distance she can make out Alderaan. No matter where she was in the galaxy she could point it out amongst all the other planets and stars.
It was her home despite being systems away. Her one tether being her family, whom she had to provide for.
“I feel like something is going to happen”, she leans against his shoulder and he couldn’t help but follow her gaze.
“Like what?”, he said it in a whisper, leaning his helmet against her head.
“You know what they don’t tell you about war?” He hums in question. “The economy goes kaput” You sigh and he finally realizes where you were going. In a mock posh accent you say, “But! Only to the poor”
You sigh.
“Alderaan has always been against the empire, it’s just that, for the past couple years, things have been bad. Even worse than before” He reaches for her hand and squeezes. The empire really made things harder for everyone, he understands your struggles, a little too much, sadly.
You eventually depart and leave to the crest. He always leaves you the bunk and he usually sits in the cockpit.
The next day you were finally off to the job. This time there was a hit on wealthy politicians. You were grateful only you and Mando were sent, it would definitely make everything quicker.
You didn’t know how but Ran was able to get you a gown, and an invitation for the gala the subject but was coincidentally going to attend. You looked at him in suspicion as he passed you a delicate box topped off with a baby pink bow.
You had Xi’an adjust the dress for you, which she did with disdain. She wanted to go on the mission, practically begging Ran to replace you with her. You needed the credits and Ran knew that, he had no choice but to reject her proposal.
You enter the room, and are greeted by a plethora of different types of socialites. The plan was to lure Senator Luzcando towards the balcony Mando was stationed in. Ran purposely chose you two for a reason, anyone else would be too suspicious, too loud.
Most of your time was spent sipping on a glass of champagne, lightly scowling at the many politicians who turned their backs to you. Everyone there saw you as a polite young lady, despite your reservations to make conversation.
Mando spoke in your earpiece hidden as an intricate piece of jewelry. He made comments on everything. Your smile turns genuine. You catch the stares of some as you laugh to yourself, often having to clear your throat to cover it up.
“Shut up” “No”
You turn and glare in the direction of the balcony you know he’s waiting. You know he’s watching, and you roll your eyes as you hear him chuckle.
The giant double doors open and you finally have your eyes on the target. Mando gets quiet. Throughout the night you try to keep up with small talk, slowly making your way to the direction of the senator. You only hear a comment from Mando every once in a while, mostly telling you where he happened to move around the room.
Just as you were about to approach the senator, you trip over someone’s feet. Having your drink spill all over your own feet and gown. You were caught by the waist and hand and were prevented from fully face planting to the floor.
He was much taller than you, even with your uncomfortable heels. Your eyes connected and they were so intense you felt as if you couldn’t breathe. With the way he caught you it was almost as if he were holding you up entirely by the waist.
He gave you the most dazzling smile imaginable. “You okay?” You oriented yourself quickly, but he kept his arm around you. You reply with a chirpy yes. Just as you were about to move away he pushed you forwards away from the crowd and towards a balcony.
You were momentarily stunned and almost didn’t catch Mando speaking into your ear. “What the hell are you doing?” You were being pushed to sit and he was kneeling, wiping your legs with a spare handkerchief.
“I can’t see you anymore. Where are you?” You ignored him completely, too lost in the feeling of being fussed over. He turned to you offering many apologies. “It’s okay, really”, you reply. He urges you to stand and as you look up at him he trails his eyes across your form.
“You don’t belong here do you?” His words startle you. Mando was already telling you he was on his way towards you, not liking where the situation could lead to. You act as if you didn’t know what he was talking about. You push yourself from him and he smirks.
He puts his hands up in surrender. “Hey, relax, I won’t break your cover.” You tense as he reaches into his pocket, “In fact, I also might have not been invited to the party” The insignia painted into a piece of cloth makes you pause.
You whisper in awe, “Rebel”
He just smiles in return, you thought he looked too smug. Your perception of rebels was momentarily confirmed, most of the youth who joined, you thought, just joined for the thrill, the self proclaimed glory. Pushing past him was harder than you thought, he just placed himself in front of the entryway. “Wait. Maybe we could help each other” You shove him to the side, “Doubt it” Just as you were pulling the door he pushed it closed.
He sounded desperate, “You're going for the senator right? Well, my guys are too. ” You look up towards the sky, as if you were in deep thought. “Hmm…” His face was full of hope, it was comical when it fell. “We don’t need your help” With an overly polite smile you left him alone on the balcony. You could barely hear him shout out to you as you closed the door. “Wait-who’s we?”
Your skills were proven once again, as you finally were able to lure the senator to the designated balcony. You were stumped when he didn’t appear. You harshly whisper to yourself, “Mando!”
Luzcando looks at you in confusion. You just smile as if nothing had happened. “So… you wanted to discuss plans? What plans exactly were you referring to?” Kriff, he was supposed to be dead by now. You didn’t really research much about him. “Uhm, I just wanted to discuss the new laws, its effects and such…” He furrows his brows, “You're joking right?”
“Uh, no?”
He makes to leave, you look around the area, only finding string tied around the fence. You kick him in the groin and wrap the string around his neck. He was choking and his breathing was being obstructed but it was taking too long and he was able to gain the upper hand by elbowing you on the side. He was released from your hold and you fell to the ground.
Just as you gathered your bearings you heard a blaster go off.
The same rebel, who you told, you didn’t need help from, helped you. “Where’s your friend?” He was being cocky now, and you chose to ignore it. “How’d you get the blaster?”
“I smuggled it”
He helps you up from the floor. Just then Mando could be heard landing on the balcony. They both point their blasters at each other and you look furiously at them. Your finger was at his chest, “Where the hell have you been?”
His shoulders hunch, “I’ve been looking for you?” “Why didn’t you ask where I was?” “I did”
Now that you think about it, you didn’t really hear him for a while at all. It wasn’t until you snatched the earpiece and actually checked it that you gave a deep sigh. “It was off” He just snorts and you roll your eyes.
Kneeling to the ground you checked the pulse, “Dead” It was sinister the way you smiled triumphantly, almost unsettling considering the party inside was concealed with a satin drape. Anyone can go outside for a bit of air and see three people circled around the dead body of a senator.
You dusted yourself off, another job well done. Mando pulls one of the senator's cufflinks and stores it in his belt. You were about to leave before being stopped by the hand, you almost forgot he was there. With a scowl that Mando was all too familiar with you turned and faced him.
“Wanna dance?”, he had this giddy smile, as if he didn’t just kill someone a few minutes ago.
Mando didn’t think you were going to accept, he was just about to tell him to back off before you said, “Sure”
You look to him knowingly, “When are we gonna have the chance to enjoy this again?” You shrug and lead the rebel inside.
He watches as he inevitably takes the lead towards the empty space in the middle of the ballroom. He’s pretty sure you didn’t know how to dance since you keep fumbling over his shoes. He watches for a while until they put on slow jazz. He kind of wishes it were him dancing with you.
He sees you glancing back at the mandalorian, “Focus on your feet, you don’t know how to dance as it is” You scoff, “You don’t even know me. What if I do know how to dance? Maybe I’m making you second guess yourself”
“What, like you did the senator?” You shake your head and roll your eyes, “Thank you by the way, but I didn’t really need you help”
“I’m sure”
You’ve been burning to know more about him. The only reason you accepted the dance was to ask him questions. He was too confident in himself, and you wanted to know the reason why the rebels were after the target.
“How’d you know I wasn’t going to turn you in?” He furrows his brows, “Were you going to?”
A couple bumps into you and you were forced to get closer, “No, not really, I wasn’t supposed to be here either”
“I assumed you were loyal to the…” He whispers in your ear, “cause”
You whisper back in his own ear, “What made you think that?”
“You are from Alderaan aren’t you?”
You pulled back in shock. He just shrugged and pushed a stray hair back in place. “It’s the hair, the braids, the slight accent too” He looks away, red coloring his cheeks, “I also thought you were very pretty”
You shake your head, trying to hide your growing smile. He suddenly spins you, this time pulling you closer to his chest. “Wanted to impress you to be quite honest with you”
You hum, still fighting back a grin. The music picks up and you panic. You really didn’t know how to dance. Tapping his shoulder you say, “We should go” He looks down at you and smirks, knowing why you suddenly wanted to leave, “Nah”
He picks you up from the waist and spins, you wrap your arms around him as he has you hovering above the ground. You're filled with giddiness as he spins. You haven’t felt this way since you were a child.
As he lets you go and you try to reorient yourself he dips you and kisses you. It was so brief and sudden that you didn’t know how to react after. For a second you just stare at each other, feeling as the other couples move and bump around you.
“I’m heading to the ship.” He catches your panicked glance to the balcony, instantly regretting what he did. “I didn’t know you two were a thing, I’m so sorry”
“No, we’re not.”
“We should go”
Din couldn’t be more devastated, he just watched you kiss a man that you haven't even known for longer than a few hours. And on top of all of that he heard the whole thing. What a night.
You made it to the ship a few minutes after he did. This time accompanied by the rebel. He left shortly but not before kissing your hand goodbye. How charming.
You came in with a genuine smile on your face. He acted as if he didn’t notice you entering the cockpit. You appeared next to him out of the dress and in your normal attire.
With a pat at his back you say with an almost dreamy expression, “Let’s go back home”
Since the day I saw you, I have been waiting for you.
You know I will adore you 'til eternity
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the-little-ewok · 3 years
for the fluff prompts: 23 and 36
i'll leave it open for pairings. whoever you're in the mood to write for :)
Time for Tea
Din Djarin/The Mandalorian X G/N Reader (Ficlet)
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Rating: T
Word count: 1000 (ish)
Warnings: Spice (accidental drug use), fluff
Prompts (from the fluff prompts) : 23/36 - "This reminded me of you" & "You're a softie"
A/N - Thank you for your request! I hope you like it! (I went with one of your favorites)
Translations for context : Cyar'ika - Darling
Mesh'la - Beautiful
"Din! You're home!"
The Mandalorian looks you up and down as you attempt to balance yourself against the crates stacked in the hold, the world wobbling underneath your feet. He tilts his helmet, setting down the box of supplies he had returned with, while you give him your best grin. "You've been gone forever."
"I've been gone for a few hours. Are you alright?" His tone is worried, uncertain. You let out a giggle. Why would he be worried? You feel great. Din, on the other hand, watches in concern as you take another unsteady step.
"You're home. I'm always alright when you're home." You see him look around the ship, eyeing the open crate and the half opened snacks you've left strewn around the hold.
"Mesh'la, what happened while I was gone?"
"Um." Din watches as you stick your tongue out, trying to stand still while you think. "I cleaned the ship and then I went to make some tea. But we didn't have any. But I found some. And I made it. And I drank some. And it was soooo nice. So I drank some more. But then the ship started moving. Why did we park where the ship wobbles? It's not very safe. And why did you hide the tea?"
"The ship isn't moving... Do you mean the tea in the blue crate? Dank farrik! I didn't hide it. It was in there because it isn't tea. It's a type of spice. You're lucky it's a mild type. Shouldn't do any permanent damage, but cyar'ika, you could have gotten really sick. I'm sorry I should have warned you!" He sighs, pulling off his gloves and throwing them down on the bed before stepping towards you. He holds your arms to steady you as you sway, looking up at him with slightly unfocused eyes.
"Yes! Yes! With the funny symbol on it! It looked like tea? It said tea on the box? I can read, Mando. It was under the box of food." You pause to take a breath, your veins buzzing with excitement. "Anyway, while you were gone we ran out of tea so I looked for more and Din, Din…. Guess what?" You pause excitedly, waiting for him to guess.
"What?" He can't help the laughter that creeps its way into his voice at your excitement.
"I found some!" You exclaim with a clap of your hands.
"I can see you found some." He laughs when he notices that you’re staring at yourself in the reflection of his helmet. You reach out to touch the shimmering image, but Din gently takes your hand and pulls it down, lacing his fingers with yours.
You’re momentarily distracted by his touch then you snap your head back up to meet his visor and blurt, "Do you want some tea? I found this great tea!" With your free hand, you pick up the metal mug and hold it out to him. He takes it from your fingers, peering into the empty cup before placing it back down.
"I think you've drunk enough for both of us." He lets out a modulated sigh and carefully pulls you over to the bed. You stumble along, struggling to keep your balance even with his help. "Sit." He instructs gently, pushing you down. You sit, picking up the gloves he's thrown down, holding the leather up to your eyes.
"Your hands are so big." You pull one on, wiggling your fingers experimentally while trying to focus as the ship tilts again. Hearing the hiss of the release on his helmet, you look up.
"There's his face! I missed your face." Din smiles affectionately at you, his eyes flicking between your blown pupils and your toothy grin. Putting his helmet safely down on the side, he kneels in front of you, taking your pulse and feeling your forehead.
"Am I in trouble? You look unhappy."
The Mandalorian looks up at the sadness in your voice, his eyebrows pulling together. "No, cyar'ika. Just worried. It's my fault. The box says tea because it was being smuggled. I took it from a bounty. I should have warned you. I wouldn't want to be the cause of any harm to you." His hand cups your cheek, his thumb gently stroking your face as he looks you over once more. "I think perhaps it's safer for you to lie down for a while. It should wear off in an hour or two."
You shake your head violently, reaching into your pocket. "Wait, wait. I have a present for you! This reminded me of you." You press a small shiny metal button into his palm and close his fingers around it. "It reminded me of you because you're shiny and this is shiny. Do you like it? You like shiny things! You wear them all the time. I notice things like that."
Din studies the button for a moment, letting out a soft laugh and giving you a smile.
"Thank you. I will treasure it." He places a soft kiss on your forehead before helping you lay down. "You lay down for a while now, ok?"
"Yeah, ok. Bed is good. It's so soft. Soft soft soft. Like Din is soft."
Carefully he unties and pulls off your boots along with the glove you were wearing, before pulling the thin blanket over you.
"You're so good to me. You're such a softie. Not like…" you pause to think. "Not like beskar. But like pillows and clouds. And bed. Soft." You mumble, feeling your eyes start to drift closed, suddenly very tired. "Soft Din."
"Only with you, mesh'la. Go to sleep now. When you wake up, we can…" he trails off realising you're already gone, sleeping soundly. Affectionately he strokes your hair with a sigh, sending a silent thank you to the Maker that you hadn't gotten into anything worse. "I couldn't live without you." He admits softly, tightening his fingers around the button. He carries it always afterwards. He tells you it serves as a reminder to label everything on the ship properly, just for the next time you go in search of tea.
Thanks for reading!
Thanks to my beta : @the-scandalorian
Taglist: @fisforfulcrum ; @fett-ching ; @salome-c ; @mypedrom ; @pumpkin-stars ; @mbpokemonrulez ; @prettylilhalforc ; @one-hell-of-a-disappointment ; @jitterbugs927 ;
Requests are open (and I LOVE doing requests):
Fluff Prompts
From a certain point of view
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Din Djarin x gn!reader (no use of y/n)
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: non really, fluff, pining, feelings, soft!Din, Gorgu being adorable
Notes: This one is dedicated to one of my best friends: the lovely @ollypopp​, happy early birthday babe!! Thank you to @we-can-be-himbos​ for beta reading for me too! 
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The hull of the Razor Crest hummed quietly as you sat with Grogu. It was a rare moment of peace and quiet in your crazy life with the little one and the Mandalorian, and you came to treasure these moments whenever they occurred. You had just escaped from another bout with a group of bounty hunters who were after Grogu, and this time you felt lucky to have made it out in one piece. But that was thanks to the Mandalorian, who always looked after you and the child and did anything within his power to keep you both safe.
You gathered together three small plates of food while the little one watched with wide eyes. When you felt his gaze on you, you grinned at him, “I know buddy,” you told him softly as you put the finishing touches on one of the plates, “I’m almost done.” You heard him coo softly as he looked down with a little pout and it almost tore your heart out. The kid knew how to pull at your strings for sure, but you didn’t mind at all.
Then, as you held a piece of fruit, you got an idea. 
“Grogu,” you called his name with a grin and waited for him to look back up at you.
He answered with an inquisitive coo and immensely lit up when he saw that you held out the fruit for him.
“Come on, you can do it,” you encouraged him as you watched his eyes squint in concentration. A few moments of tension went by as Grogu focused his energy into channeling his powers. 
You whispered soft words of encouragement as he worked to summon the piece of fruit in your hand, and when he finally did, you erupted into cheers, “Yes! Good job!” You jumped with joy as Grogu happily nibbled on his prize with a grin of his own on his face, “You snack on that while I bring this up to Din.”
Grogu happily munched without a care in the galaxy as you grabbed one of the trays and went up to the cockpit. You knocked on the door before you let yourself in, a habit you developed without a real reason to. Din never minded when you joined him, and never asked you to knock before you entered. Yet you did anyway, just in case you caught him without his helmet on. That consideration was something Din really appreciated about you, among other things.
“Here, this is for you,” you set the tray down next to where he sat. The two of you stayed in awkward silence for several moments as you fiddled with your fingers.
“Thank you,” he finally broke the silence with a nod, and his breath caught in his throat when your face lit up with a smile. Din loved to see you smile, and he would do anything to see it every day.
You bit your lip and nodded, “I’ll leave you to it then,” you lingered in the doorway for another moment before you finally went back down to join Grogu. Din watched the doorway for a time before he let out a heavy sigh and turned his gaze to the tray you lovingly prepared for him.
Lost in a dreamy haze, you were completely unprepared for the sight that met you when you came back into the hull. Grogu had not only summoned his tray, but yours as well and he sat surrounded by knocked over piles of food. He sat contently as he munched on the various pieces you had set out. He had made a mess, but he didn’t seem to care at all.
“Grogu…” you chastised him playfully as you rolled your eyes. You couldn’t help but laugh though, and he quickly joined in your laughter.
You grabbed a cloth and wiped up his face and tried to clean up around him. Grogu watched you as he took another bite.
“You’re really special, kid, you know that,” you said with genuine care as you pinched his cheek lightly, “Special just like your dad.”
He cooed at you and tilted his head to the side, which made you feel the need to continue, “You’re both so strong in your own ways, and you both have a will like no other. No wonder you two bonded so well,” you flashed a sad smile, “I don’t know what I’d do without either of you.”
Grogu cooed happily as he reached out for you with a wordless plea to be picked up. With a smile, you complied with his request and cradled the little being in your arms as you went on, “I feel so lucky you chose me,” you said to him in a soft voice as you nuzzled his forehead with your own, “Both of you,” Grogu giggled at the mention of Din, “That Mandalorian has a good heart under all that beskar,” you placed a finger to your lips, “But that’s our little secret. We won’t let anyone know that the big tough Mando is secretly a softie.” That made Grogu chuckle again, and you joined in his laughter.
Unbeknownst to you, Din had come down into the main hull and heard everything you said to the kid. He felt conflicted; he never wanted to eavesdrop on you and break your trust, but every word out of your mouth went right to his heart. He stayed perfectly still and listened in silence as you poured your heart out to the little one, and he could tell that you meant every word you said. The earnesty in your voice made his heart melt under the beskar, and Din wanted nothing more than to reach out to you and hold you close.
When you suddenly turned around, you gasped loudly when you were almost face to face with the Mandalorian. He quickly reached out to you as a reflex to protect both you and the child in your arms, but retreated back into himself just as fast when he realized you were startled with his unexpected presence. 
“Din…” you breathed as you held tight to Grogu, “How… I… We… Ummm…” you stumbled over your words as you tried to formulate a complete thought. He stood silent as you cleared your throat and started again, “How long were you standing there?” you finally asked in a hushed tone.
Clearly you were nervous about how much he had heard, and when he tilted his head down in response, you knew he heard everything you said. Your eyes went wide as you dropped your gaze down to the floor. You tightened your grip on the child as a rush of nerves ran through you.
“Din I…” you took a step back as your voice quivered.
He interrupted you with your name, “Wait,” the sound of his voice stopped you in your tracks and you looked up to meet the gaze of his visor. Both of you fell silent for several moments, and the tension could be felt in the room. “I’m sorry,” he finally said, “I didn't mean to eavesdrop.”
You bit your lip and nodded, “It’s ok,” your voice was barely a whisper but you knew he heard it.
Din took a breath before he added, “You’re special too.”
That made your eyes widen and you felt the way your heart pounded in your chest. If the child felt it, he didn’t show it and he just watched the two of you in silence. Maybe he sensed the emotions from the two of you and decided to stay quiet and let you both work it out on your own.
“I’m glad you’re with us too,” he added as he took a tentative step towards you. He was covered head to toe in beskar armor, and yet Din had never felt more vulnerable or exposed than he did at this very moment. He wasn’t used to dealing with feelings, be it his own or someone else’s, but he felt it too important not to let it go. You were too important to let go. 
No, Din would face this head on like he did everything else in his life.
“You’re stronger than you realize,” he went on as he took another step closer when you didn't back away, “You keep us together,” Din chuckled softly, “And I don’t know what I would do without you,” he echoed your words to Grogu earlier and your breath caught in your throat.
Din carefully reached out to cup your face, gentle in his touch so that you could push him away if you wanted to. When you didn’t, he slowly wrapped an arm around you and rested his arm on your waist. It felt better than he ever could have imagined to hold you close like this, and when you let out a heavy exhale, he knew you felt safe and comfortable in his embrace.
You leaned into his chest and placed your free hand on the beskar plate in front of you. When you finally let your breath go, you felt Din hold you tighter and suddenly everything felt right. With Grogu in your arms and you in Din’s, you felt like the pieces of the puzzle finally came together. The three of you stayed like that for some time, just comfortable with each other.
This time it was you who broke the silence with a soft giggle. When Din questioned you, you peeled yourself off his chest to meet his visor again, “I was right.”
He tilted his head to the side in a wordless question.
“You do have a good heart under this,” you patted his armored chest and your heart skipped a beat when you heard him laugh softly.
“That’s supposed to be your secret,” you heard the grin in his tone and it made you smile even brighter.
Din used the hand that stayed on your face to lean your head forward a bit while he tilted his helmet down to meet your forehead. You let him guide you and you let out a sigh of relief when you felt the coolness of his helmet against your face. Din rubbed his thumb across your face in a comforting manner and you could feel his affection even through the layers he wore. You could have stayed like that forever, but a coo from your arms called your attention.
You glanced down at Grogu to see him rub his eyes and yawn, “I think he wants to go to bed,” you said to Din as you looked back at him. You couldn’t help the yawn that you let out as you suddenly felt tired as well.
“I think we all could use some rest,” Din said as he dropped his hand from your face and held it out for you to take.
It took you a moment to realize what he meant, but you lit up and took his hand when you did. The three of you all got settled in the little bunk and it didn’t take long from there for you all to fall asleep. And it was the most restful, peaceful sleep you all had in a very long time. You all were safe and secure together, just as you should be. And you all had never been happier.
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fett-djarin · 3 years
this bitch done YEET
anyway this is Boba Fett x f!Reader! I had this idea kicking around for awhile and shit finally came together and i was able to get it done!
Rating: 18+
Length: 4.1k
Warnings/Tags: SMUT, canon-typical violence (not in the smut), PiV intercourse, unprotected sex, fingering, riding, throne sex come get yalls juice, multiple orgasms, creampie, spanking, slight cockwarming?, pet names, swearing
Boba Fett was an enigma. He intimidated you, intrigued you--but he didn’t scare you. Boba could be violent, occasionally cruel, but only to those who had earned his ire. You had nothing to fear.
You still remember the day he stormed into Jabba’s palace, a wrathful spectre on a mission. You had been afraid you would be caught in the crossfire, an exchange of possession through violence. But then your chains were blasted apart, scum of men dying around you instead of finding your own demise. Instead of fleeing like the other girls, you dove towards a dropped blaster and levelled it at one of the smugglers putting up a fight. This particular one had been a thorn in your side for a long time. You’d be lying if you said you felt no satisfaction watching him fall lifeless from your well-placed blaster bolt.
“Nice shot,” the woman--Fennec, you had come to learn--commented. You had turned in a panic, pointing the blaster in her direction, her own rifle coming up in an instant, aimed squarely at your head.
“Easy, girl,” the Mandalorian--Boba--had said. “We have no interest in fighting you.”
“If you mean to sell me again,” you spat, “it would be easier to kill me now.” Your fingers flexed on the blaster, and you tried to steady your shaking hands. Fennec’s aim hadn’t faltered.
“Stand down, Shand,” Fett directed the sharpshooter, who immediately lowered her weapon. He then addressed you again. “I don’t deal in flesh.” You slowly dropped your arm. “What’s your name, girl?”
That had been...a few standard months ago, now. Boba ran his syndicate under a tight fist. He had no use for slaves, and had told you you were free, even offered you credits to return home. Some of the others took his offer. You had opted to stay--your birth planet had nothing to offer you, and you did not want to try your luck as a newly freed woman with nothing to your name on Tatooine. You didn’t even have a name, really. You were called something different each time you moved; your birthname was no longer you. That person had died long ago.
“Call me anything,” you had told Boba. “I don’t mind.”
He thought for a minute, and then decided. “Mayen.”
You couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled out of you. The gruff, seemingly serious man had a sense of humor. Mayen--Mando’a for ‘anything.’ His lips quirked in a sly smirk. You liked it. Mayen it was.
“You know Mando’a?” He had asked.
“I’ve picked up things here and there,” you smiled in return.
He later on told you that you could pick your own name, you had no obligation to go by the silly pun he called you. But you had a sense of humor, and actually liked how it sounded. It was a new beginning. You decided you would keep it.
You knew quite a few languages, or bits and pieces you heard over the years. Boba had hired you as a translator, and you accompanied him to meetings with traders, smugglers, and pirates. He didn’t allow any of them to harass you. If they so much as leered in your direction, they tended to lose a few fingers or teeth, either by your hand or his. At Boba’s insistence, you now carried a blaster and a vibroblade. Fennec had been showing you how to properly aim and shoot so you could better protect yourself. He had gifted you the vibroblade as part of your payment.
Yes, Boba Fett was a hard man, but you appreciated his kindness.
His scars added to his imposing figure, and you often found yourself wondering about their origin. What he must have gone through for his skin to be marked so. You also wondered about how stupid some people could be--Mandalorians were legendary warriors, and Boba Fett had some infamy connected to his name, yet fools still picked fights they were destined to lose. His armor impressed you--and the dark stare of the T-visor when he looked your way always had something low and warm stirring in your belly.
It didn’t help that sometimes he would watch while you practiced with your blade. Your heart thundered in your ears the first time he came up behind you, chest to your back, and moved your arms into the correct defensive position. His boot also nudged your stance wider, centering your weight. It’s part of training, you told yourself. You prayed he didn’t notice the heat in your face or the way you refused to look at him. Stars, if you turned your head you could kiss him--
What could you say? He was a handsome man.
Occasionally he offered to spar with you, which was laughable. The first time you had outright refused. “I don’t want to die, thanks,” you said.
“You’re gonna have to face people bigger and stronger than you sometimes, princess,” he said the endearment mockingly.
“Most people aren’t Boba Fett.”
“You’re right about that. Still, come on, show me what you’ve learned.”
Your first fight ended miserably in about three seconds. You gave him a pointed look that said I-told-you-so, and he just shrugged. “Not bad for your first time.” Sparring became regular.
“You’re quicker than me. Use that to your advantage, stay out of my reach. Strike and retreat.”
“Arms up, but keep ‘em close--protect your body.”
“Stagger your stance, distribute your weight. Make it harder for people to knock you down.”
“Move with confidence--this is not the time to falter.”
His words of advice came with each session and stuck. After a few weeks, you could hold your own for a minute against Fett. Then five minutes. Then your sparring was like a coordinated, aggressive dance, blades flashing and deflected, ducking, dodging, weaving, spinning around each other. Once, you had even managed to disarm him, knocking the blade from his hand--you both froze in stunned surprise before Boba recovered and had you pinned to the floor in an instant.
“Very good.” He said from his place atop your legs, pride curling darkly through his voice. “But next time, press the advantage. You freeze, you die.” Now you froze for an entirely different reason--his weight on top of you caused something hot and wanting to smolder in you, his thumb gently stroking the hollow of your throat making your breath hitch. And then he was off you, pulling you back to your feet with ease.
You still couldn’t beat him--you don’t think you would ever be capable of that. The best bounty hunter in the galaxy against you? You much prefer being on his good side.
Boba had just returned from a recent bounty hunt alongside a fellow Mandalorian, having left you and Fennec at the palace. You had been helping her sort through the datalogs and contraband left behind from the previous occupants when he appeared, moving surprisingly silent for such a broad, imposing man.
“Mayen,” he called you, and you looked at him over your shoulder, having been preoccupied cataloguing the contents of the crate in front of you. He was still in his armor, adding to his bulk. The green-painted beskar gave nothing away. “I’ve got a meeting. You’ll be needed. Fennec, I sent you scouting information on the next bounty.”
You nodded, and with your acknowledgment, he turned and strode back towards the throne room. Fennec stood, brushing sand off her pants. “Careful,” Fennec warned. “Keep your blaster close. You never know how these meetings will turn out.” She patted you on the shoulder.
“Got it,” you said, adjusting your tunic so she could see the holster on your hip. It would be the first time she wasn’t there alongside you while Boba arranged deals with crime lords. Sometimes Boba would go in alone, or the both of you would attend. “Trained by the best.”
She cracked a smile at that. “If you’ll excuse me, I have to track down our next target.” She exited the storage room opposite of the way Boba went.
You gathered yourself, then followed after Boba. Entering the throne room was daunting, as the traders he was meeting with were already there and turned to stare. A few of them openly looked you up and down. Your eyes were fixed solely on Boba lounging on the throne, legs spread, seemingly completely at ease and exuding power. You strode past the group of men come to bargain, refusing to look away from the void of Boba's visor that tracked your movement. One of them muttered something as you passed that you couldn't make out, but it had not sounded pleasant. You took your place at Boba's side.
"Boba Fett, the legendary bounty hunter back from the dead," a wiry human man stepped forward, rubbing his hands together. His grin was more of a baring of teeth. "Now that you run this joint, I have a few propositions to consider--"
Since he was speaking Basic, you have to admit, you tuned out. You watched the two Twi’leks that had accompanied him, who kept throwing glances your way, murmuring to themselves. Something about them put you on edge. Of course, you never trusted the people who came to do business with Boba, but you liked this group even less.
You translated for a Rodian bounty hunter when it was his turn to speak. You noticed the Twi'leks and the first human had been getting antsy, shifting from foot to foot and continuing to eye you and Boba. The Twi'leks had never come forward. They spelled trouble. You were tense the entire time, but they reached an agreement and left without trouble.
Boba on the throne was a sight. Your mind wandered, wondering what it would be like to sit on his lap, straddle his strong thighs. You shook your head to clear it as Boba cleared his throat, drawing your attention.
"Go get some rest, little one." And with that, you were dismissed.
You touched yourself thinking of him that night. Imagining it was his fingers instead of yours bringing you to your peak. You bit your fist as you came, muffling your moans and preventing you from calling his name out into the night.
The next day, he had gone out once again. When he returned, you noted his armor had some new scratches, some of the fresh green paint chipped away. He beckoned you forward with a wave, following him to the throne room. He sat with a heavy sigh. You stood before him, waiting for his direction, when he removed his helmet and set it aside. There was a new cut on his cheek, dried blood sticking to his skin.
"You're hurt," you said, stepping forward. Boba grunted noncommittally in response, reaching into a pouch on his belt and pulling out a small container of bacta.
"Use this," his voice was gravelly and he tossed the container to you. He...wanted you to put the bacta on him? Your pulse kicked up. But you would do as he asked.
You unscrewed the lid, swiping your finger through the gel. "What happened?" You asked as you spread it as gently as you could over the cut.
"Those hunters from yesterday," he sighed. "Thought they could catch me unaware out in the dunes. Their last mistake." He chuckled. "This was really the only hit I took," he gestured to the cut along his cheek. You had finished spreading the bacta, but your hand still lingered. You were entranced, being this close to him. Your thumb mindlessly caressed his cheekbone.
"Mayen," he said your name. You met his eyes, the heat in his gaze taking you by surprise. He always had fire and fight in him, but this wasn't like that. It was wanting. Boba grasped your wrist of the hand that still held his face, his other coming up to cup the back of your head.
Then you were kissing him.
You don't know if you leaned down or if he pulled you down or if he leaned up or if it even mattered, all you cared about was his rough lips against yours. When you gasped into it, he took the opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth. Boba's kisses were all consuming, overwhelming--he demanded all of you, and wouldn't accept any less.
He leaned back, bringing you with him so you had no choice but to straddle his lap or be pulled off-balance. You settled along his thighs, sighing as you could now grind your center against his stiffening member. He nipped your bottom lip, breaking away to press kisses down your throat.
“Tell me, sweetheart…” he murmured, worrying a mark into the delicate skin of your neck.
You whined, rolling your hips against his. His hands clamped down like durasteel around your hips, stilling you. “Tell me. We stop if you say so.”
“I want you, Boba,” you gasped, and he rewarded you with another hickey sucked into your neck. He guided your hips back into a slow grind, thrusting up against you. The layers of clothes between you dulled the sensation, but warm waves of pleasure still radiated through you. You cradled his jaw, bringing his lips back to yours, before trailing your palms down his chest. You pawed at his chestplate and robes, making him chuckle.
“Eager, aren’t we?” he teased you lightly. You squeaked when he pinched your ass. “Take this off, princess.” His hands slid up under your tunic, running up and down your sides before caressing your breasts.
You lifted your arms, helping him slide your shirt over your head. Instinctively, your arms came down to cover yourself, but Boba tutted at you. “Don’t get shy on me now, mesh’la. Let me see you.” He murmured in your ear before lightly nipping the lobe, sending shivers down your spine. He encouraged you to put your hands back on his chest. You whined against him, need building in your core as he undid your bindings and continued to guide your hips in a deep grind.
Boba’s fingers crept along the waistband of your pants before diving inside. You moaned as they landed on your clit. “This wet already? Someone’s a needy little thing.” You felt your face heat at his teasing accompanied by his rough fingers circling your clit built you up even more. You hid your face in his shoulder, grinding against his hand for more of that raw pleasure. Boba suddenly pressed hard against your clit in a tight circle, making you cry out loudly and grip his robes for dear life.
“Boba, please,” you whined, lips tracing his throat, his jaw, wherever you could reach. You brought your own hand down to cup him through his pants, running your hand along his bulge. He cursed lightly in your ear as you gently squeezed him.
“Up,” he said, patting your ass. You stood, taking the opportunity to shimmy out of your pants and panties. He lounged back against the throne, taking in your form. You didn’t cover yourself this time. “Good girl. Come here.” You stepped between his spread knees and he took you by the elbow, pulling you down and turning you so your back was pressed to his chest and your legs were spread by his own. His touch returned to your clit, sliding through your slick folds to tease your entrance. You pressed your ass back against his hardness and he groaned.
His arm banded around your waist as he finally slid a finger into your dripping entrance. You gasped, head falling back to rest on his shoulder. When he introduced a second one, you began to squirm. The stretch was so good as his fingers slid within you, curling and pressing into that perfect spot that sent you soaring. You were practically riding his hand, your hips circling as his fingers moved faster and faster.
“Oh,” you gasped as he added a third, legs trembling. Your hand shot to his where it was locked around your middle, holding you against him, while your other curled up and back, turning his head so you could kiss him. Boba found that spot in you that made you clench tight around him and zeroed in with deadly precision. You felt him grin smugly against your lips as your breathing stuttered. “Boba!”
“Look at you, so desperate for my fingers. Squeezin’ me so tight, sweetheart, can’t wait to feel you around my cock.”
You found yourself teetering at the edge of release. You turned your head, burying your nose in Boba’s neck. “Please, Boba, g’nna cum, please--” you gasped out. It was a good thing he held you to him, else you would have been bucking off his lap.
“Cum on my fingers, cyar’ika.”
Your mouth opened in a silent moan as you tipped over the edge of orgasm, cumming hard around Boba’s fingers. Your cunt flooded with wetness, the lewd sound of his fingers thrusting into you becoming even wetter. If he hadn’t been holding you to his chest you would have doubled over with the devastating pulses of pleasure rocking through you from your center. He continued working you through it until you whined, pushing at his hand that still moved between your thighs, need building up in you again.
Boba brought his fingers up to his mouth and you moaned at the sight of him sucking and licking them clean of your arousal. “Taste so sweet,” he said. “Open.” You opened your mouth, and he slid his fingers inside. Obediently, you sucked on them, swirling your tongue around his fingers like you would his cock. Boba groaned. "Dirty girl."
He withdrew his fingers from your mouth and you begged. "Want your cock, please, Boba--please fuck me, please--"
"Hush, needy pet. You'll get what you want." He bit your neck, the sharp pinpricks fading into a warm buzz that made you squirm, wiggling your hips on his lap. Boba reached down between you two and shifted himself out of his robes, sliding his cock against your soaked folds. You looked down and Maker, he was thick. You were suddenly glad he made you take three fingers--you hoped you would be able to take his cock.
He rutted against you, his cock sliding through your folds and pulling breathless little gasps from you each time his head nudged your clit. Each slick drag of him against your lips coated his cock in your wetness. Boba evidently grew tired of teasing you, because he urged you up and took hold of the base of his cock, guiding it to your dripping entrance. You moaned at the feeling of his thick tip splitting you open, sinking down the first inch.
Boba's hand came around to rub little circles on your clit, making you jerk against him, his other hand caging you in by your hip. Slowly, he encouraged you to sit back on his lap, the thick drag and push of his cock working inch-by-inch deeper into you. Stars, you felt him in your fucking guts. Your thighs trembled, and when your ass touched his lap you nearly sobbed from how full you felt.
"Look at that," he murmured into your hair. "Takin' me so well, princess. Feels fucking good, doesn't it?" You clenched around him at his words, making him choke off a moan. He rubbed your clit a tick faster just to feel you spasm around him again and he laughed at your high gasp of pleasure.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, it was too good--that ache, the raw sparks shooting down your legs and up your spine. Shifting the slightest bit pushed him right up something devastating inside you and you couldn't stop the wrecked moan that tore from your throat. Boba gave an experimental thrust and you nearly shrieked and lurched off of him, if he hadn't grabbed a hold of your hips and held you on his lap. You babbled senselessly, too overwhelmed as every ridge of his cock pressed your walls just right. "B-Boba, Boba, move, please--"
His big hand slapped your inner thigh and this time you did wail, the hot sting fading into a pleasant, buzzing warmth. His fingers dug in to the soft flesh hard enough that you knew there would be bruises in the shape of his fingers come morning. Then he lifted you slightly off him, cock sliding only a few inches out, before pulling you down in time with a thrust upwards, burying himself in you with a deep grind. You let out a choked moan, stars bursting behind your eyelids.
"Ride," he demanded. Your breath hitched as you scrambled for purchase, hands going to his strong thighs for support. It was sort of an awkward position, your feet barely touching the floor, requiring you to go on your tiptoes to pull a few inches off his cock. Boba's thick fingers cupped your pussy in a V shape, so every time you rose and fell they rolled against your clit. You couldn't tell if you wanted to push your hips back away or forward for more stimulation.
He slapped your other thigh this time, rubbing to soothe the sting, encouraging you to bounce on his cock faster. Your breath was coming in high, moaning pants as each drop of your hips buried him deep inside you, reaching places you never had and lighting up your nerves like a star gone supernova. Paired with his touch teasing your clit with every thrust, you weren't going to last long.
Boba's hands on your hips guided you faster, rougher--each downstroke hitting deep and holding you there for a second just to feel how full, how stuffed your pussy was of him. His thrusts up as you dropped down allowed his cock to hit your g-spot dead on, over and over. You felt yourself rhythmically clenching around him, heard his groans as your cunt strangled his cock, and you were so close to cumming again. The feeling coiled up at the base of your spine, the pleasure winding tighter and higher and ready to burst.
And then--then Boba hooked his hands under your knees, pulling your legs up so all your weight rested on where he was buried in you, and he slipped another inch further inside. You couldn't stop the sob of pleasure as he held you like this, open for him to take, and he set a punishing pace. The dull slap of skin-on-skin paired with the wet gush of your arousal around him, dripping down his balls and onto the throne, made your head tip back onto his shoulder and wrenched moan after moan out of you.
You were talking, babbling nonsense--begging, pleading for him to make you cum again. Boba tilted his hips just right and you keened as it pushed his cock right against the soft spot along your walls. Each thrust shoved you closer to the edge right until that coil inside you snapped. Your legs shook and your pussy clamped down so hard around Boba's cock that it stunted him to short, shallow thrusts as you rode it out. You distantly heard him groaning, praising you, telling you good girl, good fuckin' girl--you were spasming around him, each jolt of pleasure like a white-hot knife radiating from your core to your toes. Boba kept fucking you through it and you nearly begged him to stop--it was too much, the bite of overstimulation burning your nerves--when he pulled you down, fucking into you as deep as he could and he came with a groan of your name, cock throbbing as his release coated your walls.
Somehow, you ended up turned, face buried in his neck and legs wrapped around his waist as you trembled and caught your breath. His hands trailed up and down your spine and thighs in soothing motions as you came back down. You sighed and cuddled closer to him, the hard beskar plating cold against your bare skin, but it felt good on your overheated body.
"Made quite a mess on me, sweetheart," he said, deep voice rumbling in his chest under your ear. You just mmm'd and clung closer to him while he chuckled. It was true. Your arousal coated your thighs, dripped down onto the throne, soaked Boba's cock where it was still buried in you. Boba pulled his robe around you and stood, supporting you with his hands under your thighs. "Come on, little one, let's go to bed." You closed your eyes as he made his way out of the throne room and through the palace. He didn't drop you off in your bedroom, instead taking you to his and laying you in the spacious bed before stripping off his armor and joining you.
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