#we start writing for ourselves
vsaintsin · 3 months
One of the homies, earlier this week - "Yeah, I didn't plan on reading your book because I was afraid I'd like it too much and then start driving you insane with questions and talking about it."
I-... My brother in christ WHAT?! If this is an excuse it's a bad one? I don't mind if you don't read it, engagement with my creation is not a stipulation of my friendship. I MIND THAT YOU THINK I OR ANY OTHER WRITER WOULDN'T GO FERAL FOR THAT?! Who do you think I did all this world building and character development for, THE WALL?!
I need a tea and a lie down, I've been deprived of the Rabid Reader. I absolutely cannot get this conversation off my mind, it's rotting my brain.
"Bother" that writer you like. If it actually bothers them they didn't deserve you, but the rest of us sure would be willing to take you.
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valiantstarlights · 1 year
Hob is a chef who owns a food truck selling authentic Indian food, and Dream is someone who doesn't really eat well. (He had a bad breakup a year ago and it caused him to eat less. He's trying to eat better with his siblings' help.)
Dream agrees to go with Death to one of those food truck fairs for her birthday. There's not a lot of people yet so some of the staff offer them free samples to entice them into eating more from their food truck.
Death is having the time of her life, and she thanks Dream for going with her even if this isn't his thing at all.
Dream says that he enjoys the atmosphere (a.k.a. no huge crowds yet) and appreciates the aesthetic of the food they have already eaten: the understated elegance of the mango bingsoo, the dancing bonito flakes on top of the takoyaki, and the satisfying cheese pulls from the megruli khachapuri.
Death, encouraged by his interest, asks him to pick another food that he likes the aesthetic of so they could try it next. Like before, it's understood that they'll share a serving so Dream doesn't have to worry if he can't eat a lot.
Dream agrees. He picks an appetizing-looking plate of butter chicken from a foodtruck selling Indian food near the edge of the fair grounds, where not a lot of people have ventured yet.
They are greeted enthusiastically by a very handsome man and Death does all the talking because Dream is distracted by his forearms and smile and manbun. (He's salivating, so he must be hungry. Right?)
The handsome man turns out to be both the chef and the owner, and he chats with Death while he prepares the food. His name is Hob. He quit his job at a fancy hotel because he wants to feel more connected with his customers and share the food that he loves cooking for his family. (Dream is falling for him the more he talks. He doesn't realize that he has yet to speak and has only been staring.) (Hob is highly intimidated by him but also thinks he's cute.)
The food is served. Death takes her first bite and says something like 'holy shit dude wow this is great' and Hob is just about to thank her when Dream takes his first bite and lets out the most sinful moan Hob has ever heard this side of his laptop screen.
He is (understandably) frozen in place, staring at this beautiful man devour his food while sounding like a porn star. He may or may not be violating food safety standards by getting hard in his jeans in the truck's kitchen area.
Death is astonished because Dream has never shown this much enthusiasm while eating before. Even when they were kids. She is now looking at Hob speculatively. Should she google 'how to politely ask a stranger to (please) marry your brother'?
Dream...honestly doesn't even notice anything other than how delicious the food tastes. When the plate is clean, and Death has only gotten to take that single bite at the start, he reddens and apologizes, but Death waves it off, and Hob says something like, "I have some dessert too, if you want."
Dream unconsciously licks his lips and says, "Please," in a voice that could either mean 'Yes, please, I want some dessert,' or 'Fuck me raw right now.'
Death, immediately picking up on the sexual tension, says, "We'd like some kulfi, but I'll take mine to go."
And Dream is like, "Sister, what--?"
"I just remembered Desire and I have an appointment to get our nails done so I have to go--oh, thanks, Mr. Gadling--bye Dream, love you, be safe!" And then she's gone.
Dream is left with Hob who is still holding the other kulfi in his hand, looking slightly stunned at Death's very abrupt exit. The kulfi is starting to melt. Dream, unthinkingly, leans forward and sucks the tip.
They both freeze and their eyes meet, Dream's pink mouth still on the kulfi. Hob gulps at the visual. Dream, still maintaining eye contact, licks it from base to tip, then starts sucking in earnest, eyes steadily darkening when he sees Hob's breathing becoming unsteady.
Hob hears some footsteps coming their way, potential customers from the sound of it. Hob hands Dream his kulfi and apologizes to the customers, saying that something came up and he has to close. Like, right now. Sorry for the inconvenience but this is really important.
He closes up in record time while Dream taunts him by enjoying his dessert. He's already sitting on the passenger seat of the truck when Hob climbs into the driver's seat.
Desire's text the next day reads: 'DREAM YOU SLUT IM SO PROUD OF YOU'
Destruction for some reason knows Hob's number and has texted: 'Break my brother's heart and I'll break your spine.'
Dream slowly but surely begins to eat better. How can he not, with all the support he has, and Hob there to love him even on his bad days?
Hob gets everyone's approval, even Destruction's, eventually. He's the best cook and most considerate brother-in-law ever.
When Dream passes by his ex while walking down the street one day, he realizes that he's alright now, and is definitely better off without them. He's actually thankful, because if not for them, then he might not have even met Hob. He doesn't greet them because he still hasn't forgiven them, but he also doesn't feel like bursting into tears anymore.
At the end of the day, when he gets back home, Hob is there to welcome him with a sweet kiss, a warm meal, and a lifetime full of love.
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wundrousarts · 9 months
headcanon that edgy Nevermoorian teens make cringy wundersmith ocs with wildly inaccurate lore and there’s a whole forum dedicated to role playing them. Morrigan finds said forum.
This is actually what the group from the blurry Silverborn snippet is, tbh.
JK, but I was inspired. Enjoy.
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Text version of the chat:
MaximillianMårtensson: Finally, I’ve mastered all 9 of the Wretched Arts….. tch *shadow clouds his face, and he starts to chuckle* Lyd1aDr1sc0ll: i mastered all 10 :3 Xx_EsterOtten_xX: SKILL ISSUE. I’ve mastered 12 🔥💯💪 GigiGrand: hi i;m famous singer gigi grand MaximillianMårtensson: // STOP. Xx_EsterOtten_xX and GigiGrand are typing…
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“Sir, that’s my emotional support knee joint simulation model.”
—Hero (Probably)
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ssreeder · 4 months
Hey!! I just wanted to say thanks for all your hard work <3<3
I had been a little down when it came to creating more content or being involved in Zukka side of the fandom but seeing your update reminded me to just have fun. And okay this is going to sound bad but I swear I mean this as a compliment; I thought I was wasting my time working for months and years on the stuff I made, but then I realized your fic series brings me so much joy and I'd never, ever judge you for the amount of effort you put into your writing. Seeing it's actually inspiring, to see that someone holds that much passion and creativity and you are sharing it all for FREE. That a person could take all this time to intricately weave together a story, create memorable OCs, breathe new life and make the ATLA world so much bigger than it ever was in canon.
So thanks for accidentally giving me a kick in the butt to stop being judgy about my own work and making me realize you and every fan creator is AWESOME.
I hope you have a wonderful day, your writing is a blessing.
awwww I wanted to say thank you for sending me this ask! I know it’s not easy to put yourself out there, even on anon, so I think it’s cool you felt confident enough to come here and tell me about how you’re feeling.
I don;t think what you’re saying is bad at all haha, because honestly, I feel the same way. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wondered why the fuck am I still doing this? What’s the point? Do people even still care? What if it’s not good enough? What if people discover I have no fucking idea what I’m doing? Why am i spending so much of my time and effort doing this?? I mean… the self doubt is super real, and shiiiiiit let me discover one person that feeds into my self doubt and I’m full on spiraling haha. (Be nice to creators damn it! we are doing our damn best lol)
I’m really glad you think my fic is awesome, and if it weren’t people like you reminding me, I probably would have given up a long time ago haha. I do give my fic a lot of effort, and I hope you continue to give your creations the same amount of love and effort! I’m sure you’re amazing, and seriously don’t give up! I care about your creations and if I don’t get to stop neither do you! WOHOOO!!
Thanks for the ask anon sorry it took me so long to answer
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heart-songs · 3 months
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It’s nearly spring which means I’m doing just fine I hardly ever cry now and nothing reminds me of you.
- Cora Finch
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pumpkinrootbeer · 1 month
Hardware Store is a Weird Al song. During the bridge, he lists off a bunch of different tools and appliances very quickly, which I suppose could be considered "rap" if you've never listened to an actual rap song.
#:v#listen as someone with a very very entry level knowledge of rap#there is absolutely rap music you (general you not you anon) can find that you'll enjoy#for pop rap doja's early music like cyber sex and all of planet her is a great place to start#Someone with more knowledge could absolutely give real directions for where to start#it's just crazy to me because there are so many genuinely great artists out there that people will never even try because it's rap#ik for a lot of people this is there first big exposure to rap because of the beef going on but like#kendrick has great music beyond his shit hating drake like go listen to some of his albums#the problem is white people generally are so unused to not being centered#so when there's art that isn't centering whiteness they often write it off#and those internal biases we hold as people raised in a white supremacist culture compounds with the propaganda and conditioning#it's something we as white people have to consistently and constantly work on#we have to focus on decentering and deprogramming ourselves#and i think a good easy simple base level start is engaging with media that isn't made by white people#whether that be music movies books tv shows#and like sure it's ''just not liking music''#but have you even ever tried?#have you ever actually listened to a rap song without writing it off immediately as a ''rap song''?#There is music out there that I'm sure you'd enjoy if you let yourself enjoy it#also like. you can be normal about a genre of music not really doing it for you#I'm sure#I can't relate because there isn't a genre of music I don't like out of hand#but for the people that do I'm sure you can be normal about not liking it#I believe in you#anon#ask
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go-go-devil · 2 months
Look I know you posted three pencils, but I've gotten so many asks that I don't want to spoil too much from each of the few WIPs I have...
So here's one from the Humbles Ending Epilogue fic I was talking to you about a few days ago :-)
“What are you doing here?!” Clara yelled, causing her twin to flinch hard as she finally noticed her. Trembling, she stood to her feet as Clara trotted up the stairs to meet her.
“I was waiting for you, sister,” She replied morosely, “Surely you can tell me how- Ahhh!”
Before she could finish Clara had already grabbed her by the scarf with both hands, not caring if her palms would be cut by hidden hooks in the process. Her double struggled, trying to push her away, only for Clara to retaliate by shoving her backward until she was pinned against the heavy cathedral doors, her grip on her still unyielding.
“You can’t lie to me,” Clara growled, “Tell me the exact reason why you’re still here, or else!”
“H-How should I know?” The double said, now appearing on the verge of tears, “When the next day came I was still standing on the altar of this lonely cathedral. My assumption was that you willed me back into existence, that was why I was waiting outside for you here!”
“Alright alright, stop shouting.”
Clara finally let go of her miserable twin, turning around to confirm that they had not drawn any attention. Thankfully, no one was close by enough to notice the pair.
“I had no hand in willing you back to life,” Clara explained in a much more gentle voice, “Today has proven to be just as unfathomable to me as it has for you, it seems.”
“It has,” Her sister turned her head away, grabbing her shoulders and running her thumbs across the texture of her jacket, “You must have performed the miracle by now, I’m sure.”
“…....I have.”
“Then there’s nothing left I can do to motivate you. Your fate is signed and sealed. Or I supposed our fates, as we are still one.”
Clara grimaced, doing her absolute damnedest to stop herself from strangling the double right then and there. Her next instinct was to keep arguing with herself over this mystifying destiny of hers, but what good would that do? Despite what she wished to believe, no part of her knew what this was all really about.
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Today has been the hardest day in a while and sometimes it feels all so pointless
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irisbleufic · 4 months
Oh no. Not this, not now. You are the last word-bound world I needed to wake from dreaming. Why do I even bother trying to shrug off the quicksilver jolt, the scorching down my spine. You lost too much in the years I turned away; you know all it takes is showing me the cost.
I’ll try my best to tell it in glimpses, in snatches. It will not be the same. I was dying when I gave you that last labored push, all my nights as I spiraled into the sickness, that weary, pain-spiked haze.
(But there’s a catch, isn’t there. I lived.)
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forgive-the-sea · 5 months
i think somewhere along the line (in my experience) after 2020 reader fan fic became less about enjoying a story and more about inserting ourselves into stories and idk how to feel about that
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polyamorouspunk · 10 months
First week of school go okay? If yes, YAY!!!! If no, Im sorry my guy and I hope it gets better!!
Yeah actually! I’ve had 2 classes so far, first one was just setting up and going around an introducing ourselves which as a kid I would have loved to brag about how cool I was and as an adult made me be like hi I like metal music and I’m watching Saw movies don’t talk to me and then I literally had a hot guy come up to me after class and walk with me to my car talking to me, and then after that I a girl in my class saw me and started talking to me, and then last class was “okay group work! I’m putting you guys in group to meet each other” which made me want to gouge my eyes out because if there’s one thing that makes me feel good about myself it’s being in a class full of idiots and realizing I’m literally one of the coolest people in the room because I’m either smarter then everyone else or if I’m not I’m not super fucking dorky about it. Like. There’s a guy in my class that won’t stop talking about the ACTs. Like okay dude. Chill. Go smoke some weed or something. And then there’s the kids in my class who are just Not Getting It and I’m like wow! I’m so fucking glad I am Not That Stupid! And then there’s the girl in my class who is like timidly raising her hand and I just want to take her and be like girl don’t raise your hand women have been waiting their turn for centuries speak your thoughts. Meanwhile home girl is literally an ICU nurse like girl you are telling me you watch people cut open people for a living and you literally keep people alive but you’re too shy to say anything without raising your hand first and getting acknowledgment from the teacher. But like man she was so cool to talk to as well. So like my plan of being antisocial isn’t working at all because I keep meeting really cool people. There’s literally a guy in my class in a metal band who is a tattoo artist. Like damn dude can we hang. Next class I gotta drop in online though because I’m gonna be on vacation. I want to talk to the guy who was talking to me on the way to my car more but after class last time he was taking to ACT dude about- wait for it- the ACTs and I heard him be like “hey can I get your number” like wait hey I want YOUR number you’re hot and you like Pierce The Veil… anyway yeah.
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silhouettecrow · 11 months
365 Days of Writing Prompts: Day 210
Adjective: Scarce
Noun: Miracle
Definitions for those who need/want them:
Scarce: (especially of food, money, or some other resource) insufficient for the demand; occurring in small numbers or quantities, or rare
Miracle: a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency; a highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or accomplishment that brings very welcome consequences; an amazing product or achievement, or an outstanding example of something
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zaggyzoo · 2 years
am so stressed
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violentdevotion · 2 years
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yes u r my designated shakespeare mutual bc u mentioned him like once also hi my one nsci class keeps saying 'xyz ameliorates disease symptoms' and then i stop listening and am like ohh i wonder how ameera is doing😁💗❕
hi hi hi hiiii !!! I'm doing a shakespeare adaptations module this semester so it's appropriate for the next for weeks for me to be <3 LOVE that I'm distracting u in class unintentionally. fun story so when I was like 10 my dad got me a little electronic dictionary bookmark and everyone in my class was fascinated by it and one thing we did was put out names into it to see the closest match and the closest match to ameera was ameliorate, to make things better, and it's such a pretty word that I remembered it for years and years and years and had 0 opportunity to use it in a sentence ever so it's my title instead and now 10 years later it's distracting you in class too.
#ameeras.got.mail#h tag#some boy that i think was bullying me broke it in highschool its whatever hes a prick and we go to the same uni but hes in the medicine#building and im in humanities and if he ever tries to speak to me im gonna report him and inshaAllah get him kicked out 🙏🏼#also i have a girl in my class who has the same name as u and she hates me AND the other day i had a friend tell me that she thinks brown#girls with sisters are bitchier and i was like NO !!! I HAVE A FRIEND WITH ONLY SISTERS AND SHES REALLY NICE AND I LOVE HER SO UR THEORIES#BAD but tbf she only said that bc she told me she can tell i havent got any sisters and i was rly offended#also how are you ?!#ohmygod no wait back to that conversation i then also told that friend that i gave u my address and ur from my favourite US state and she#gave me the worst look i just know all of my friends think im stupid af when i talk abt my tumblr mutuals 😭😭😭😭#anyway this week (starting 24th Oct) we're doing macbeth which is THEEE play ever ever ever like drama and all that and bc its an#adaptations class we're also doing macbeth orson welles and week after macbeth on the estate if u wanna stufy along with me#the past few weeks were 12th night#and our final assessment we have to write an adaptation ourselves and im gonna do brown muslim much ado about nothing#bc u know that scene where she faints at the wedding and her dads like yeah good if she had any shame at all shed die..... brown dad moment
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taintedsoul-if · 2 years
how will male ro react if female mc asks for open relationship and want or*y with many mens infront of ro's?
Anon squash that thought because that will never happen. No man/woman/person in their right mind would want to see their spouse being treated like a slab of meat. I write nsfw content but I cross the line when it comes on to orgy/sex party.
I am only writing one poly route and that is Cadmus and Atticus. There will be no outsiders in the ROs relationship route. Many would feel turned on in such a situation but unfortunately I don't. This is not some kind of erotic/porn script that is being written. I won't even bother to even give reactions to this kind of ask because in my eyes this is downright insulting/disrespecting my characters.
Anon I am a peaceful person. I do not have the time to have unnecessary arguments with people online. Please respect my characters and me as a writer and don't ask me things like this ever again.
Have a pleasant day and goodbye.
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