#we were snuggling just before this and this is how she rearranged herself when I got up. absolutely tangled
soupacool · 2 years
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look at my perfect angel baby right the fuck now
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Do you think maybe you can write a Lady Lesso x Reader? Maybe one where reader is a teacher and she’s completely worked to the bone and while she’s in a meeting with Dovey and Lesso, she passes out? Maybe Lesso shows her a bunch of care and Dovey’s like “..I didn’t know she could do that..”
Just for you| fluffy
*Authors note~this is such a cute idea I love it sm Drabble coming up*
Trigger warnings~ over worked r
Prompt~ see ask^^^^
You were busy, that was an understatement and a half. It was that time of year for the school's librarian where every student and their mother was trying to get books and book computer times, the library constantly full and sometimes students trying to break the rules and be loud. It was maddening and a lot for just one person to keep track off, especially when you have a list as long as your arm from people who want the same book at the same time. Some students not taking the news the book was already loaned out to someone too well. That was the exact reason you were called for a joint meeting with your secret girlfriend and her counterpart.
Leonora knew you were over working yourself and stressing yourself out, but you looked as if you hadn't slept in weeks, you were pale and you looked thinner. Had you been eating? She wasn't sure because of how hectic things were you'd both not really been able to see one another. She couldn't help but feel the guilt when she spotted the dark circles under your eyes, she knew you only really slept well when you were with her, your past was certainly something else and she had missed the signs of you slipping backwards into this spiralling darkness.
Even as you spoke your words were slow and sluggish but what Leonora wasn't expecting was for you to stand and excuse yourself before collapsing on the ground. The red head was instantly up and on her feet, not registering how unlike herself these actions were, nor did she care right now. She settled you on to your left side and began to trail her fingers comfortingly through your hair. This wasn't her first time dealing with these episodes as you call them. She knew just what to do and how to help you. Meanwhile Dovey just stood their watching as panic filled her. She didn't know how to help but clearly the Dean of Evil did? That didn't make much sense to her but all she could do is stand there and watch.
As you came back round you noticed your girlfriends hands in your hair and her soothing words which caused you to instantly roll over and place your head in her lap, snuggling further into the comfort. "Mmm Nora" you whimpered happily as your eyes were still closed due to the headache from hitting the cobbled floor. "I know Dove, can you stay awake for me sweetheart? You hit your head love, Nora just wants to make sure you're absolutely okay" she murmured back as you whined in protest, your head hurts why can't you just sleep? "I know love, for me please?"
You agreed to stay awake but only if you remained in her arms, which she was happily obliging with. Dovey still watching in shock at how caring she was being to you. "I believe we need to rearrange this meeting Clarissa, she's in no fit state to continue" her tone left no room for any protest not that you would, you felt like rubbish. "Nora bed" you whimpered and the older red head shushed you, "soon sweetheart just stay still a little longer for me okay?" You nodded before whimpering, that hurt.
"I uh I didn't know you could do that" Clarissa mumbled causing the red head to bite back, "I'm evil not cruel, I do own a heart just reserved for special people like this one here. Now I think it's time I take my Girlfriend to rest in our bed." Was all she offered before helping you stand and lean into her side as she guided you out the room, leaving a dumbfounded Clarissa.
Word count~ 705
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sequinsmile-x · 2 years
I'll Always Look After You
Emily has the flu and Aaron looks after her.
A little thing for @sneetchestoo and anyone else who is currently unwell. I hope this helps even just a tiny little bit <3
Also, this was meant to be a Christmas fic, but it kind of just ended up just being set at Christmas? So it's like the Die Hard of the Hotchniss universe haha
Words: 2.6k
Warnings: Mentions of sickness etc but nothing explicit, a tiny bit of angst in the middle. Because it's me.
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
“I think I’m dying.” 
Aaron has to suppress his smile before he looks over at his wife, the sight of her bundled up on the couch, wrapped up in blankets with a trash can full of disposed tissues next to her enough to make him reconsider going anywhere. 
“You aren’t dying sweetheart,” he says, zipping up his winter coat before he walks over and sits next to her, “You just have the flu.” 
She leans into him, her head against his shoulder as she sniffs against her blocked nose, “You wouldn’t be saying just if you’d been the one to catch it.” 
“There’s still time,” he replies, turning his head to kiss her forehead and wincing at the temperature of her skin, “We really can rearrange if you want, I know how much you wanted to go with the boys.” 
She shakes her head fiercely, grimacing at the sensation, how it made her head pound even more. 
“No, it’s ok,” she rasps out, “We’ve been promising them for weeks, and we’ve already had to rearrange twice.” 
“Mason will miss you, it’s the first year he’ll probably understand what's going on,” he says, pulling back to look at her, to see if the thought of it upset her but she simply smiles at him.
“He always misses me, Aaron,” she replies, thinking of their four-year-old son, “You’ve said yourself - he’d crawl back up inside of me if he could.” 
It was why she’d been the one to come down with the flu out of the two of them. Jack came home with it first having caught it at school, and quickly passed it on to his little brother. Both boys were all about Emily when they were sick, seeking out the love and affection she always gave them so freely, pressed up against her as they slept off their fevers. It had been over a week since Jack had first come home sick, and now both boys were better and back to sleeping in their own beds Emily had caught it herself. Something that was inevitable, but still frustrating to her nonetheless. 
She’d never been good at being sick, always insisting she was fine even when it was clear she wasn’t. It extended through to wanting to be alone, feeling coddled if someone even offered to get meds for her so she didn’t have to, but that had never been the case with Aaron. She always wanted him near and found herself enjoying being looked after as long as he was the one doing it. 
“I feel bad leaving you sweetheart,” he says, tucking some of her hair behind her ear, “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you this sick.” 
She smiles at him, “You’re going to the Christmas Markets with a four-year-old and a 12-year-old, honey. You’ll be lucky if you keep them interested enough to be gone for a couple of hours. My plan is to take my next round of meds and sleep.” 
His hand shifts to her forehead, the back of his hand against her skin, and he frowns, “You do feel warm again.” 
“That's because-” her sarcastic response is cut off by her aching cough, her ribs and chest aching with it after over a day of her flu being at its worst. Aaron soothes her, his hand running circles on her back until the coughing fit fades. He passes her the glass of water that she’d been keeping close to hand and she takes a sip before putting it down, “Fucking hell,” she grumbles, her voice somehow more raw than it had been before, “Next time they’re sick, you can be the one to snuggle with them.” 
He smiles at her and leans in to kiss her flushed cheek, “Sure Em, like you don’t love every second of being the one they want.” 
She playfully narrows her eyes at him, but any response is stopped by the sound of Mason and Jack running into the room, already in their coats and snow boots. 
“Ready Dad?” Jack asks, smiling over at them both, and Aaron nods, turning to his wife to give her another kiss on her cheek before he stands up. 
“Ready buddy.” 
“We’ll get you a gift, Emily to make you feel better,” Jack says with enthusiasm as if the cure to her ailment would be for sale on one of the stalls at the market. 
“Thanks, Jack,” she replies, wiping her nose as she looks over at him, “That’s very sweet.” 
Mason frowns, looking more adorable than ever in his many layers, tilting his head as he looks over at his mother on the couch. 
“Momma not coming?” He asks, and Aaron smiles at his youngest, scooping him up into his arms. 
“No, Mase, Momma is sick, remember? So she has to stay here.” He says, walking over to her and leaning down, “Now, give Mommy a kiss, and we’ll be back before you know it.” 
Mason wraps his arms around Emily’s neck and she kisses his cheek and forehead, and not for the first time Aaron thinks this is the kind of story he will be able to tell the boy when he’s a teenager and no longer thinks his parents are cool. 
“Love you Momma.” 
“Love you too, sweet boy,” she says, smiling at her son as Aaron stands up straight before she turns her attention to her husband, “Make sure you get plenty of photos of them in front of the big tree, ok?” 
“Of course, sweetheart,” he replies, leaning down briefly to kiss the top of her head, “Remember to take your meds, you’re due them in about 30 minutes.”
“Yes, sir,” she says, a small smile on her face as he rolls his eyes at her. 
“Right, come on boys,” Aaron says, deciding to carry Mason out, and having his eldest walk ahead of him to the front door, “Let's give Mom some peace.” 
She listens to them chatting among themselves until the door closes, the house falling into silence she would have once found comforting.
Aaron wakes up suddenly, a kick to the shin pulling him out of his slumber. For a moment he’s disorientated, but then he hears Emily mutter something under her breath next to him and everything snaps into place. He sits up and turns on the lamp on his nightstand. 
It wasn’t unusual for one of them to wake up the other in the throes of a nightmare, which is what he thinks is happening at first. It sadly wasn’t an unfamiliar sight, to see her tangled up in the sheets, her face twisted in fear as her memories mixed with her subconscious. 
She found herself on the floor of that warehouse in Boston just as often as he found himself in the house he had once shared with Haley, the many who had killed her just out of reach. 
He reaches out for her, his hand almost at her shoulder, when she shifts away, muttering under her breath again, and she frowns. 
“Em, sweetheart,” he starts, but she shakes her head fiercely, twisting further into the sheets, trapping her legs even further, “It’s just me.” 
“Ian. No,” she breathes out, two words he can pick up from the almost constant stream of murmurings coming from her. It’s then that he realises her eyes are open, shifting wilding around their bedroom as if she was looking for an escape. 
She wasn’t having a nightmare, she was awake. 
He’s able to get his hand to her forehead, his chest aching when she tries to twist away from him, and he winces at the temperature of her skin. Her fever had clearly spiked again in the night, and he would put money on it being a little too high, and it had led to this. A delirium she wouldn’t break free from until he got her body temperature down to something a little closer to normal. 
Aaron pulls the sheet over her, freeing her legs, and he has to catch one of her feet to stop himself from getting kicked. 
“Emily, sweetheart,” he says, reaching for her face and holding her head in place, making their eyes meet, “It’s me, it’s Aaron.” 
She swallows thickly, something that burns against her throat, “Aaron?” 
He smiles, relief making some of the tension in his chest loosen, “Yes, baby. It’s me, I’m here.” 
Familiar fear seizes her, something she can’t shake off, “Ian?” 
“You won sweetheart, he’s dead remember,” Aaron says, pressing his forehead into hers, her skin burning him, “We’re here, in our home. The boys are asleep in their rooms” 
She whimpers, a sound he hates, something he’d never heard from her before, and he knows he has to do something. He knows she wouldn’t thank him for taking her to the hospital, something he knew wasn’t justified quite yet, but he needed to help her. He gathers her into his arms, cradling her against his chest, her body shaking despite how warm she was, and he stands. 
It hurts his back, something he knows he’ll likely feel for a few days, but it’s the last thing on his mind as he carries her towards the ensuite, using his elbow to force the light on. He apologises when she winces against the light flooding the room, his lips against her forehead. He walks into their shower and turns on the water, waiting until it was lukewarm before he steps under the stream. He slides down the wall, making sure he keeps hold of her, and she tucks her forehead against his neck, protecting her face from the steady stream of water. 
“I’m here,” he says softly, his hand rubbing circles up and down her back, “I’m here.”
He sits there with her until her temperature goes down, holding her close until she falls back to sleep.
Emily wakes up slowly. The first thing she notices is the pounding in her head from the last few days is slightly better, the first sign that she was starting to get over the flu that had seemingly invaded their home. 
She groans as she sits up, Aaron's arm falling from her waist to her lap as she does so. Her smile slips slightly as she takes in the sight of the pyjama shirt he’s wearing, and the colour of the sheets across them - both of them different to when she’d fallen asleep the night before. She looks down at her shirt and gets even more confused when she sees that’s changed too. 
“Your fever spiked in the night,” Aaron says, his voice making her jump because she was sure he was still asleep, “I had to get you in the shower to bring it down,” he adds as he sits up with her, “I had to change both of us and the sheets.” 
“I…don’t remember that,” she says, wracking her brain to try and find a memory of it, but the last thing she remembers is the boys excitedly giving her a decoration for the tree that they bought at the markets before they all headed to bed. 
“You were pretty out of it,” he replies, tugging her to lean against him, pleased that her skin felt somewhere close to normal for the first time in a few days, “I’m not surprised you don’t remember.” 
Even in her exhausted state, Emily doesn’t miss how he holds her a little tighter than usual, something desperate in his embrace. She shifts so she can look up at him. His jaw is clenched, as if he’s worried about something, about her, and she reaches up to cup his face, forcing him to look at her. 
“What happened?” She asks softly, and he sighs, closing his eyes as he turns his head to kiss her palm.
“Please tell me,” she says, cutting over what she knows will be an attempt to tell her he’s fine, “I’d rather know.” 
He stares at her for a moment before nodding. Honesty had always been a cornerstone of their relationship. They didn’t keep things from each other. 
“You were delirious,” he says, clearing his throat, swallowing down the lump that had formed there, “You thought you were in Boston.” 
He doesn’t have to say anything else, doesn’t have to explain any further, and she sighs sadly. She leans forward, her forehead against his shoulder as she holds his arm to her chest. 
“I’m sorry, honey. That can’t have been easy,” she says, imaigning how she would have felt if it was the other way around, deeply aware she wouldn’t have been able to carry him to the shower, or help him like he had helped her. 
“You have nothing to apologise for,” he replies, kissing the top of her head, “Nothing at all. I’m just glad I was able to help.” 
“You always help,” she says, and he immediately puts his hand on her forehead and she bats him away, “What are you doing?”
“Checking you’re not feverish again, you’re usually not this corny.” 
She scoffs, a curse word on the tip of her tongue when their door flies open, Mason across the room and on the bed in seconds. 
“Morning Momma,” he says, crawling across to settle in her lap, his dark wide eyes looking up at her, “You better?” 
“I am feeling a bit better, sweet boy, thank you,” she replies, holding him close. 
“What, am I invisible?” Aaron asks jokingly, tickling at his son’s ribs. Mason laughs, curling further into Emily’s embrace. 
“Hi Daddy.” 
Aaron smiles at his wife and son, matching grins on their faces that make his stomach flip and he shakes his head. 
“Is your brother awake?” He asks, ruffling Mason’s already messy hair, and the toddler shakes his head. 
“Jack still asleep.” 
Aaron rolls his eyes at his eldest son, the teenage years that he’d dreaded for some time now just around the corner. 
“Why don’t I go organise breakfast and you two stay here?” He offers, and they both nod enthusiastically. He leans in and kisses Emily quickly, “I’ll bring up some meds for you too.” 
“Thanks, honey,” she replies, smiling at him as he leaves before she shifts her attention back to her little boy. She goes to speak but she coughs, her chest aching with it, and when she recovers she’s met with her son’s concerned face. His brows knitting together in a way that makes him look so much like Aaron it makes her smile, “You ok, Mase?” 
“Momma still sick?” He asks, and she nods gently.
“Still a little bit, baby, but I’m better than yesterday.” She watches as his frown briefly deepens before he shifts, kneeling in her lap so they are face to face before he kisses her forehead in the same way she did for him when he was sick. She feels like her heart could burst, the love she felt for him somehow constantly increasing, something she wouldn’t have thought was possible the first time she saw him, tiny and crying as he was placed on her chest. 
“Better?”  He pulls back, his fingers tangled a little tight in her hair, and she reaches to untangle them, 
“Much better, thank you.” Emily smiles an nods at him.He beams at her and she lays down, tugging him with her so he’s laying against her chest. “Love you, sweetheart.” 
“Love you too.” He replies, snuggling further into her. 
Emily smiles as she hears Aaron moving about in the kitchen, and the first signs of life from Jack’s room, the sound of their house slowly waking up surrounding her as she drifts back to sleep. 
Tag list:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @sneetchestoo, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger
Join my tag list here!
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deejadabbles · 10 months
hi Deeja!!! I’m sliding through for the OC x OC asks, and I would love to see who you ship with Blizzard, our warm-hearted, snow-loving king 🥰
the highlights: Ace pilot, cold name warm heart, loves the snow and ice, lives for the freedom of flying, puts others needs before his own, sweetheart on the ground, deadly in the skies, tenacious, total flyboy, energy for days, thick fluffy curls, kind eyes, you can take him home to your family
total pleasure dom, will spoil tf outta his S/0
romantic or platonic works for me 🧡🤍 I’m so excited for this one!!!
I ship Blizzard with me look we're already married and buying a house together okay okay but seriously I knew who I shipped him with the moment I saw this and now I'm so soft over these two!! I ship him (romantically) with Jaylee!
Jaylee really admires Blizzard’s warm heart and it's a reminder that there is inherent good in people. She finds it easy to let her guard down around him and that's not something she's used to! It honestly scares her a little, but I think Blizz would just kind of naturally soothe those fears when he's around her!
I hope he's ready to have the coziest, softest sweaters he could ever want because she's making them for him. Sweaters and scarfs, for when he wants to have fun adventures in the snow! (Like seriously she knows that clone armor is temperature regulated but I'm just imagining her still being appalled that he'll run into snow in just his armor and her yanking a sweater over his head like “maker’s sake put this on- you're going to get frostbite!”)
Speaking of snow, I am super super soft while thinking of this: so winters were very harsh on her colony, so she unfortunately always associates the cold with hunger and fear. She never understood how anyone could take enjoyment in snow…until she met Blizzard. Seeing his delight in such a thing had her in awe honestly. And if he confides in her why he loves snow so much? She is very soft and doesn't know what to do with herself! So soft that she'll even let him coax her into a snowball fight!
At first she finds his flying quite terrifying, but he would exude such confidence and, more importantly, competence that her fears are quickly tempered. She still worried over his safety, she can't help it, but she knows that his skills will keep him as safe as possible. Eventually, if the opportunity presents itself, she'll even ask him to take her flying…so long as he promises not to scare her with too many flashy stunts!! If he wants her to cling to him there's other ways to accomplish that!
It will take her forever to admit it, but she absolutely loves to snuggle with him. Will make large blankets for them to share (“I made this blanket too big by accident so we have to share- stop giving me that knowing smile!”) and she doesn't care what they're doing so long as he's close to her. It makes her feel safe, something she isn't used to, and she's very thankful for Blizzard giving her that warm, secure feeling.
Also of note! Once she's sure that he's actually serious about the relationship they're building, she'll start slowly rearranging her apartment to suit both of them. She, like the clones, doesn't have much so it's not that hard to integrate the space to feel like their own and she wants him to feel like he has something to come “home” to. Small acts to make him feel comfortable and appreciated are very important to her and is how she shows love since she has trouble expressing it verbally.
Okay I'm gonna make myself stop there cos I keep having more thoughts (and a few thots 👀👀) about these two!! And I'd love to hear yours if you have any 🥹
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aria-i-adagio · 2 years
“kissing each other goodbye, in the morning before work, when one goes on a short trip, when one goes out for the night with some friends” for whoever you want?
Thank you!
Two out of three; although, I have an idea for the third and a second idea for the second, so who knows what will emerge. ;)
Kissing Goodbye Before Work Given the amount of trouble the world seems to throw at Hawke, it’s a good thing that he’s a relatively light sleeper. It is, however, rather inconvenient when Anders wants to slip out of bed without waking him. No matter how carefully Anders disentangles himself from Adrian, he’ll roll over and close his fingers about Anders’ wrist before he manages to get one leg entirely out of bed. “Where?” Sleep still glazes Adrian’s eyes. The tiniest noises will rouse him briefly, but at some point, he developed the ability to assess whether there’s a real threat or not before waking. Anders sometimes wonders - more worries than wonders, truth be told - when he developed both traits. During the Blight? Plenty of the Ferelden refugees were still hyper vigilant years after the Blight. He suspects Adrian taught himself to sleep lightly earlier: guarding his mother and siblings when his father was away, monitoring Bethany when her magic manifested as a little girl and someone needed to help her control herself in public, the final dreadful months then weeks of Malcolm’s illness when rasping breaths merged with pained groans and the only meaningful prayer left was for the blessing of death. Most likely all of the above, one moment of broken sleep at a time until it was simply an ingrained habit for Adrian. Anders pulls his half escaped leg back under the warm covers. He strokes Adrian’s messy hair. “Just the clinic. Go back to sleep, ‘Dri.” “Still dark out,” Adrian mumbles as he snuggles into his pillow. “I know.” “Stay.” Anders would much rather stay in bed, under a heavy blanket and wrapped up in Adrian’s arms. He can’t though. He’d left a feverish but stable young woman asleep in a clinic with her mother to watch over her last night, and another mother is bringing her son back for him to check on whether a fractured arm had healed correctly very early this morning so that she can get to her job at a high town estate, and he’d left several potions that needed decanting last night to get to first thing today, and those are only the tasks he remembered, not the rest of the list he has scribbled on the clinic work bench. “I’m sorry, my love.” Anders presses his lips to Adrian’s temple and rearranges the blankets to keep him cocooned and insulated from the cold air. “They need someone." Really, they needed someone better, someone who could do more than bandage up wounds and send them back out into a world determined to crush them. "I’m what they’ve got.”
Leaving on a Short Trip Anders picks at his nails and watches Hawke toss gear into his bag. “I’d say you’re going to be the three wheel, but that’s not quite the right analogy here.” A fourth wheel on a tricycle isn’t nearly as intuitive. Perhaps a one of those toy ducks being pulled along after the tricycle composed of Merrill on her mirror mission flanked by Isabela and Fenris, who will be extra grumpy that Isabela dragged him helping Merrill with another trip to the Sundermount. “Eh, I’m taking Sobaka. I’ll sleep warm enough.” Anders snorts. “And the dog will be glad enough not to be sharing you for a few nights.” “Probably only one. I figure we get there, Marethari talks her back down, and we turn around and come home.” Adrian touches his lips to Anders’ cheek with a smile. “After I gather you a nice big bouquet of fresh herbs.” “Or Marethari pisses her off, and she redoubles her efforts.” Anders does actually understand why Merrill and her Keeper clash so; he wouldn’t care to be spoken to like that either. But then, he isn’t out making deals with demons and more than dabbling with blood magic. He’d hoped Adrian’s excursion into the Fade to save Feynriel would have convinced him of just how very, very easy it is for a demon to twist even the best of intentions, but Adrian remains painfully optimistic that Merrill will stop before she goes too far. Anders agrees that she would stop, if she recognized the point of no return before she crossed it, but she’s going to skip past all the signs and no ball of string is going to easily leave her back home. Adrian slings his backpack over one shoulder, which he persists in doing, no matter how many times Anders warns him that he is going to mess up his back if he keeps it up. “And that’s why we need Isabela around to make a few jokes and defuse the tension.” Anders catches Adrian. He tips his chin up with his thumb and leans down, kissing him tenderly and then running a hand through his hair. “This is a bad idea, ‘Dri.” “Anders -” Adrian winks at him. “When was the last time I had an idea that wasn’t bad?” “Just be careful, my love.”
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History (Damian Wayne x Scarlet Witch Reader)
A/N: This is still part of my Movie Night series but it’s just a lil blurb I though of. This also might be the shortest thing I’ve written on here and the fluffiest. I was feeling really uncreative with the title but honestly I’m just glad I was able to write something and I only hope you guys enjoy it! Please do let me know if you do, don’t be shy! And so here you go and I hope you have the loveliest of days! <3 
Details: In a nutshell, the first time Damian tells you he loves you ^^
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Words: 800
The first time Damian Wayne met the Titans, it wasn’t under the best or most willing circumstances.  
“I don’t need to be in a team. I work perfectly fine on my own,” he complained.
“That’s the problem,” Dick simpered as he drove them to the tower.
“Being competent as an individual is a problem now?”
“No one said anything about your competency, Damian. We know you can handle yourself, Bruce would never let you be Robin if that weren’t the case but you can’t take on everything by yourself. Eventually you’ll need some help.”
“And these teenagers are supposed to provide that?” he spat.
“Okay, one,” he side-eyed him, he was getting quite tired of his attitude, “they’re around the same age as you and two, you’re a teen who dresses up as a traffic light who helps a grown man who dresses up as a bat to fight crime.”
“... You’re the one who picked out the colors,” he grumbled.
“And I looked great when wearing them.” 
Damian tutted and crossed his arms. “Whatever. Teammates are a liability. They’ll just get in the way.”
Dick rolled his eyes. “Look, just try to keep an open mind to this. Who knows, maybe you’ll actually make a friend there.”
“Unlikely,” he muttered indignantly.
He remembers the exact moment he first laid eyes on (Y/N). He was being greeted by the other half of the Titans when he saw her and Beast Boy fly from the rooftop to the ground to greet him. 
He was very interested by the red energy radiating from her hands, he had never seen anything like that before. From the unsteadiness of her landing he was able to tell she was still getting accustomed to her abilities. Somehow, despite the wobbliness of it he still found her graceful. Upon finally locking eyes she gave him a friendly smile but he simply looked away. 
Never would he have imagined how important these people would become to him. Nor the bonds he would create with them or how fervently and unequivocally in love he’d become with (Y/N) (L/N).
To his credit, he came to the realization a lot quicker compared to how long it took him to recognize his feelings for her in the first place. It happened at night when they were getting ready to sleep after a particularly tedious mission. 
It wasn’t unusual for the pair to sleep over the other’s room, in fact their sleepovers had only become more frequent since they’ve kissed, and on this night it was Damian who came into (Y/N)’s room. They were all cozied up in bed, (Y/N)’s back against Damian’s chest while his arm was wrapped securely around her waist. He breathed in the soft scent of her shampoo and contentedly sighed as he watched her play with his outstretched hand. 
“Your hands are so pretty,” she mused.
“I much prefer yours,” he lightly chuckled at her random remark. “Mine are far too rough.” 
“I like rough,” she said in a suave tone as she traced the veins on his hands. “And I like you. A lot.”
“I like you more,” he kissed the back of her head and snuggled her tighter. “So much more, beloved.”  
She couldn’t see but Damian couldn’t stop smiling. It wasn’t a night unlike any other but this was his favorite night time ritual. (Y/N) in his arms, safe, content, and relaxed. She meant everything to him and normally this would scare him but with her he felt safe. And so he knew. And he wanted her to know too.
“(Y/N),” he started and she turned her head to look at him, “I need to tell you something.”
“I suspected so, my head has become too heavy and caused your arm to fall asleep,” she sat up to rearrange herself but he sat up with her and halted her movements.
“No, it’s not that at all.” 
“Oh. Then what is it you need to tell me?”
Damian gazed into her inquisitive eyes and gently cupped her cheek before leaning in and kissing her. It was soft yet it became more ardent as he laid her down and peppered her neck, temple, and cheeks with kisses.
“I… love… you..” he whispered in between kisses. 
“What?” she asked hazily. 
“I love you,” he repeated more clearly before kissing her again. “You don’t have to say it back just because-”
“But I do too, love you I mean,” she smiled as she caressed his cheek. “I love you Damian.”
Damian's lips curled into a lovesick grin upon hearing those sweet words escape her lips. Her hand slipped behind his neck, ushering him to kiss her again and he happily obliged.
Taglist: @trashmouthsahra​
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
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Harry is predictable.
He falls into the same patterns during every tour since he was on the Up All Night with One Direction.
The excitement that comes with the first couple of shows begins to fade as he starts his world wide tour that doesn’t end for nearly eight months.
His constant adrenaline wears off and his exhaustion from not having toured in two years settles deep in his bones.
YN senses it from a mile away, has nearly eleven years experience dealing with her jet-lagged, exhausted, and stubborn husband.
It hits the day of the Philadelphia show, they got in late the night before, and YN always set her alarm for seven thirty in the morning to workout.
Ninety-five percent of the time, Harry got up with her and they either did a jog around the new city or they took advantage of the in-hotel gym.
Four percent of the time, he would whine and tug the comforter over his head, whimpering, “M’too tired, baby. Stay in bed w’me.”
And then the one percent, which was today.
The alarm emits a low, constant beep that rouses YN, in the time she takes to rub her eye and come back into reality - Harry hisses with a sharp edge, “Turn tha’ fuckin’ thing off.”
She bites her tongue at his tone, reaching to turn it off but she can already tell what day they’re going to have.
YN slips out from under the covers and automatically gets a comment from her husband, it another whiney demand, “Cover m’feet, y’too the blanket off them.”
“Yes, your majesty,” YN replies reproachfully, rearranging the blankets before quietly moving around the room to change.
“Stop makin’ so much noise.”
“Turn off tha’ light.”
“S’too early f’this, d’you not care that m’tired?”
She chooses to ignore the remarks, hoping that he can sleep off the attitude.
When YN is about to leave, he grumbles, “Y’need to kiss me goodbye.”
Harry purses his lips for a soft kiss, not moving a muscle, and after that - she leaves to head down to the gym.
YN is required a body guard, definitely when she isn’t with Harry or a group of people, and she decided not to follow those rules today.
She had her TPWK water bottle in hand, a cute workout set on ***, and her AirPods tucked in her ear with some Spice Girls playing.
It’s only about twenty minutes into her exercise, a light jog on the treadmill, that a young girl slips up beside the machine.
YN is kind, stopping the belt to smile for a selfie before the girl scampers off and she resumes her run - music blasting.
However, what YN didn’t know, is that fans had found out early in the morning which hotel they where at and a hoard was rushing towards the small gym.
It’s not even ten minutes later when a swarm of fans in rushing into the work area, lining up around her machine with their phones flashing and recording.
She tries to be nice, “Hey! Uh, I’m just trying to workout. I’m sorry, but no pictures please.”
Then there is loud protest and people shoving each other, begging and pleading for a selfie or for her to sign something - all because she was Harry’s wife.
There is literally no exit to escape to, so she relents and anxiously calls Frank - one of the body guards - to come retrieve her.
The whole way back up to her hotel room, Frank is lecturing her about safety and how she could have gotten hurt.
And when he scans the keycard for her hotel room, she feels her stomach drop because Harry is sat against the kitchen counter.
His brown locks are rumpled and going every which way, just in his briefs that are low on his narrow hips, and absolutely irate expression on his face.
“Are y’fuckin’ kiddin’ me?” Harry snaps, brow furrowed and jaw clenched - his arms were crossed tightly against his chest.
“Good morning to you, sunshine,” YN mutters, shutting the door and kicking off her tennis shoes to the side.
“Don’t,” Harry replies sourly, “Please explain t’me why I get woken up by Frank to be told y’getting mobbed in the gym? And y’didn’t to call him.”
YN bristles at his tone, giving him a pointed look as she steps further into the room, “It’s not a big deal. I just wasn’t thinking.”
“Y’right about that, y’weren’t thinkin’. It is a big deal, y’could have gotten hurt - shouldn’t have t’babysit m’own wife,” Harry huffs, stomping back over to the bed and sliding back under the covers.
“You better watch your tone-“
They’re interrupted with a knock to their door, Harry throws the covers over his head and leaves YN to open the door.
It’s Jeff, who barges in with a coffee in one hand, “Come on, H. Did you forget? You have soundcheck early today and then you have to meet with FullStop to review the details of that new merchandise contract.”
“No, move it,” The popstar groans, muffled from the heavy blankets over him, and his manager and wife give each other a knowing look.
“We can’t. Get up, we need to leave in fifteen,” Jeff replies casually, unbothered as he sips from his to-go mug.
It has Harry dramatically ripping off the covers and getting out of bed, as he charges off towards the bathroom, he shouts backwards, “Wish someone would have fuckin’ told me! Like m’manager or m’wife!”
“Oh my god, here we go,” YN groans quietly to Jeff, snatching up the few things she needs for the venue as well as Harry’s and shoving them in his duffle.
He comes out a few moments later, dressed in running shorts and a vintage Queen shirt - going to tug on his Nikes without a word to either.
But in true Harry fashion, even when he’s mad, he’s still a gentleman. He slips the duffle off his wife’s shoulder so she doesn’t have to carry it.
“Thank you,” She murmurs but he avoids eye contact, being the first to open the hotel room and trudge towards the awaiting car.
It’s a quiet ride, Harry looks out the window with a deep frown and puffy eyes - eyes heavy from the lack of sleep.
Usually, he’d be curled into YN - snuggling as close as possible and asking for her to pet his hair to soothe him.
Not today. But he does have his hand on her thigh.
There’s already fans at the arena and Harry doesn’t acknowledge them - keeps his head down and walks quickly into the private entrance past the barricades.
When a irritated fan screams, “Asshole! We waited all night here for you!”
YN watches as Harry goes to turn, to say something but she pushes him forward through the door to prevent him from doing something he’d regret when wasn’t in a foul mood.
They manage through the long hallways, filled with bustling tour crew, and everybody there to make the show happen.
Sound check isn’t as fun as it usually is, the band stays low-key when Harry does exactly what he needs to do and nothing more.
And after the merch meeting, Harry has reached his limit apparently.
He was so tired, so fucking moody that he couldn’t deal with anymore human interaction.
YN has to step in when she gets a text from Harry Lambert.
Come get your husband. Sarah’s Kitchen.
She sighs, excusing herself from hanging out with Jeff and Glenne - she can hear him from the hallway and now she’s finally get irritated.
“I asked for that specific brand. It’s literally one of the only things I’ve asked for on this tour.”
YN takes a deep breathe before stepping in, there are crew trying not to stare as Harry complains to Sarah about something unimportant.
“Harry,” She says flatly, “Come on.”
He snatches his water bottle and follows his wife out without another word, trailing behind until they end up in his dressing room.
“You need to stop. You’re being a literal nightmare today,” YN tells him, watching him as he digs in the duffle.
“Where is m’charger? Did y’not pack it?” He ignores her words.
“I must have forgot. Harry, I know you’re tired but you can’t be treating everyone like-“
Harry pushes back the bag, seething for no reason, “I’ll treat people however the fuck I want!”
“You’re acting like a spoiled popstar right now,” YN replies, attempting to stay level-headed and calm with him.
“S’my show! M’tour!”
“Yes and everyone is here to support you and you’re treating them like shit. Including me, I’m your wife - the one person in the world that’s here for you no matter what and you’re being downright mean.”
“Y’so fuckin’ sensitive,” Harry mutters angrily, digging around to try to find a charger in a different bag.
And…that stung a bit.
When he doesn’t get a response, he looks up and notices how her demeanor had changed - it brings him back to reality for a little bit.
“I’m not going to stay here and be talked to like that because you don’t feel good. I’ll leave you alone because you are being insufferable.”
YN is already out the door, storming back to Sarah’s kitchen to apologize for her husband’s diva behavior and everyone shrugs her off - knowing it’s not her fault.
She is sat down with the band and a few others when her husband saunters in, he doesn’t look at anyone else as he walks up to his wife.
“Baby, can I talk to you?” He mumbles, his warm hand coming to cup her shoulder.
“Harry,” YN says back, they’ve been together for so long that those words are all she needs to say for him to formulate a response.
“Come nap w’me please, need you. I’ll apologize t’you,” Harry says, his palm encompassing and big on her.
“Harry,” She repeats.
The crew looks on in amusement as Harry huffs, he lifts his head and speaks loudly to the room at once, “I apologize for my behavior. I have no excuse for getting upset like I have been today. I hope you guys can forgive me.”
Everyone assures him that they forgive him, most of them have dealt with actual spoiled celebrities and Harry was just having a bad day (which still really wasn’t that bad.)
“Okay, come on, bunny,” YN agrees, satisfied and can’t help but smile a bit when she stands up and Harry automatically intertwines their fingers to hold her hand.
The sofa in his dressing room folds out to be a bed and they still had hours before the show.
Once they’ve locked the doo and settled down on the mattress - they’re both laying on their sides, facing each other.
“M’sorry, darlin’,” Harry whispers, “I haven’t been very nice t’you today. I was just upset about the gym thing and just being so tired.”
YN hums, combing throwing his fluffy curls with her fingers as his hands explore over her hips and belly like always.
“You always get like this every once in a while on tour, like a little spoiled popstar,” YN says softly, no sharpness in her tone, “You also need to be nice to your wife.”
“M’always nice t’my wife,” He mumbles childishly, leaning forward to nip at her chin, “I am sorry, know tha’ when I act like that it embarrasses you.”
“You’re better than acting like that,” YN reminds him, allowing him to tug her into his warm, now bare chest, “I’m never gonna let you turn into some fame monster. You’re gonna stay the kind, funny, compassionate person I met when I was young.”
And when YN doesn’t get a reply, she glances to see Harry’s eyes shut, mouth slightly parted as he breathes rhythmically and his entire face relaxes as he sleeps.
“Still my boy,” YN murmurs lovingly, nuzzling before letting sleep overtake her.
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Hi wifey 💘 hope u are fine! I have a request- can u maybe write something where Tom and the reader have a fight and Tom says something that really hurts the reader🥺 just angst with fluff at the end
I'm sorry it took me so long to answer this wifey! I hope you're happy with it though! I love me some gut wrenching angst, love you xx
Long Distance
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: angst, fighting
Summary: You’ve got some things to talk about when Tom gets home
“You’re home late,” (y/n) hummed, watching as Tessa ran to greet Tom at the door.
“I told you, we stopped for dinner on the way home,” he smiled, scratching the dog's head affectionately.
“I didn’t realize you’d be out so late, I could have met up with you guys.”
“Oh no need for that love,” he dropped his bag on the floor before moving to greet her with a quick kiss, “I’d love to hop into bed with you right away darling but I’m in dire need of a shower so I will be right back.”
“Alright,” she pursed her lips for just a moment, “I’ll be here.”
“You can join me if you want,” he offered with a smirk.
She rolled her eyes, “You just said you're in dire need of a shower.”
“Oh shush, if I was that gross you would have noticed already,” he stuck his tongue out before disappearing behind the bathroom door, leaving her alone with Tessa again.
She sighed, settling back into bed while she waited for Tom to clean up. Of course she didn’t want to get mad at Tom on his first day home, but the annoyance had been slowly building over his whole trip. It had been constant missed calls and texts, half assed replies only coming hours later. He never reached out to her unprompted, he seemed distracted on call, and then, to top it all off, he’d showed up hours later than he was supposed to, only telling her that he was grabbing food.
Tom left the bathroom, a towel hanging off his hips as he pulled one of the dresser drawers open, “Where are your jammies?” he frowned.
“Oh I rearranged the clothes, yours are in the top two and mine are in the bottom.
“Oh…” he pulled out some sweats and began changing, “I liked having them all together, then my clothes smell like you and yours smell like me, it’s nice for when I go away, reminds me of you,” he flashed her a smile, but it fell when he looked back at her, “What?”
“Doesn’t seem like it's a very good reminder.”
“What? Darling of course it is, it makes me feel at home, and that little piece of you is really comforting to me,” he sat at her feet, “You’re upset with me.”
She nodded, “Yeah, but I know you’re tired, we can talk about it tomorrow.”
“No, no, we can talk about it now, I figured we’d stay up for a bit anyway. Besides, it’s not good to go to bed angry,” he kissed her hand before crossing his legs, “Tell me what’s on your mind love.”
“Okay,” she took a deep breath, “I just felt like we hardly talked while you were gone and that really bugged me. I mean I understand that you were busy doing press and everything, but I felt like I was really on the back burner.”
“Love I called you every opportunity I had, and I warned you I wouldn’t have much free time, this is a big film, there’s lots to be done.”
“I understand that Tom, but I know you didn’t call me every chance you got because you never called me unprompted. I mean the whole time you were gone I only heard from you after I reached out, and I was lucky if I got a reply on the same day. Then you come home hours late, you don’t tell me where you are, you don’t invite me out with you, I mean I’m your girlfriend Tom.”
“I’m sorry you feel that way darling but I put my best effort in here, I don’t know what you want me to say, I was just busy. And I’m sorry I was late getting home but we’d been flying all day, we were hungry, we stopped for dinner, it wasn’t like I was avoiding coming home or something.”
“No but you didn’t invite me, and I’m not saying we need to do everything together, but when you're gone for a whole month I wanna feel like you're excited to see me when you come home.”
“I am excited to see you!” he laughed, cupping her face in his hands, “You can ask anyone darling, I was buzzing the whole way home, they couldn’t get me to shut up about you.”
“It doesn’t matter what you say to other people Tom,” she groaned, pushing his hands away, “I know I’m being petty here but you didn’t even want me at the airport, in fact you told me not to come because the traffic would be annoying and you’d be home at 8 anyway, and then you weren’t. Don’t you understand why that makes me feel unwanted?”
“Airports irritate you, I just wanted to save you the trip,” he defended, “I really am sorry it’s been such a rough month darling, but you could have let me know a lot sooner too. You know you can always come visit when I’m away, and if you really wanted me home right away all you had to do was tell me.”
“It’s not that simple Tom, I have my own things going on, I can’t just fly across the world because you’re too busy to take two seconds to text me back. And the point is that I want you to want to come home to me. I don’t want to have to tell you I want you to come home, I want you to do it because you want to see me as much as I want to see you.”
“Darling I know it’s not that easy but you knew what you were getting into with this relationship.”
“I knew that I was getting into long distance, but that doesn’t mean we don’t talk.”
“I wasn’t ignoring you, it’s hard for you to understand what it’s like but I was busy all day, everyday. Whenever I wasn’t working I was sleeping, I got back to you whenever I could, and I’m sorry that that wasn’t as frequent as you would have liked, but you weren’t the only thing on my mind.”
“I wasn’t on your mind at all, evidently.”
Tom sucked in a sharp breath, rising from his seat to cross his arms, “Is that what you think?”
“That’s what you made clear with your actions,” she retorted.
His jaw was locked, his cheeks flushed red with anger, “I can’t spend less time away (y/n), and I can’t always put you at the top of my priority list. It just comes with the job and if you can’t handle that you’re welcome to leave.”
“Leave?” she repeated, in shock that the words had actually left his mouth.
He nodded, confirmed she’d heard correctly, “If you’re not happy you can leave.”
She pushed herself off the bed, shaking her head in disbelief as she approached the dresser, “Fine.”
He stayed quiet for a moment, watching as she began tossing clothes onto the bed. The anger seemed to flood away in an instant, “What are you doing?”
“Darling wait,” he sighed, “Don’t do that. Let’s sit down again.”
“You told me to leave, so I’m leaving,” she snapped back.
“I didn’t say that,” he groaned, grabbing her hands as he moved in between her and the dresser, “Please stay.”
“I’m telling you that I miss you!” she snapped suddenly, tears starting to prick at the corners of her eyes, “That I need you! A-And I need you to know that you love me when you’re gone, not just when you’re here. Why is that too much?”
He froze, a wave of guilt washing over him in an instant, “It’s not darling, not at all. I got defensive, I’m sorry.”
She sat back down on the edge of the bed with a sigh, “You didn’t just get defensive, you told me to leave.”
“I didn’t mean it like I wanted you to leave,” he tried to explain, “But if you aren’t happy with me then you should leave, as much as that would absolutely kill me.”
“I am happy with you Tom, the happiest I’ve ever been,” she squeezed his hand.
“I’m my happiest with you too,” he pursed his lips, “I’m sorry sweetheart, I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. It just hurt to come home and immediately get told I’ve been being such a shitty boyfriend.”
“You haven’t been, that’s not what I was trying to imply either. I just need you to put in a little more effort next time you're away. I know it’s hard and you're busy, but I’m not asking you to sit by your phone every second of the day. I just need to know that you miss me too.”
“I do miss you, just…” he trailed off, sighing as he tried to put his words together more calmly, “It’s not easy being away. I mean I do all these press events all day and I get back totally wiped and I’ve got to stay in another hotel all alone. It used to be a lot easier to do that when I didn’t have you to come home too. I never felt like I was missing out on anything before, and now I feel like I’m missing all these moments with you. I try really hard to bury those emotions so I can be happy and do all the interviews and what not.”
“Why couldn’t you just talk to me about it?”
“I would have been a mess if I spent all day dragging on and on about how much I missed you, I had work to do, it was easier to bury it,” he sighed again, “I don’t know darling, I didn’t realize I was hurting you, I was just trying to get it all done so I could come home and be happy again.”
“Okay…” she set her head on his shoulder, “I know maybe it makes it harder for you, but just promise you won’t do that to me next time.”
“Of course not love, I’d never do anything I knew would hurt you,” he kissed her head before nuzzling his nose against her hair, “There won’t be a next time, I won’t go away again.”
“Tom that is not what I want, it’s your job, it’s okay that you have to leave sometimes.”
He shook his head, “It’s not okay if it hurts us, that’s a risk I won’t take. So I won’t go away again unless we’re going together, at least not until I’m sure you know exactly how much I love and appreciate you.”
She peaked up at him before pressing a kiss to his cheek, “Thank you Tom.”
“You’re welcome,” he squeezed her tight against his chest again, “I’m sorry for snapping at you earlier. I’d be fucking devistated if you ever left darling.”
“I would never leave,” she assured, “Ever.”
“Me neither,” he hummed, “You and me is the only thing I’ll ever want.”
“Me too,” she closed her eyes, snuggling into his side like she’d been dreaming of doing for a whole month, “You wanna go to bed now?”
He nodded, “There’s nothing I’d like more.”
Taglist: @spideyssunshine @niallberry @namoreno @paulaabellag @roseke @outshineallthestars @tomsirishgirlx @emistrash @andreagf956 
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
Almost ~ JJK [Request]
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GENRE: Angst, fluffy, established-relationship, jealous, happy ending
PAIRING: Jungkook x Fem!Reader
A/N: Hope this is okay, I took a different approach with it, rather than a huge fight I did a calmer one? Hope you like it!
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The sun felt as though it was burning your skin even through the layers of clothes you were wearing and the vast amount of suncream you had on didn't feel as though it was doing its job. You knew that Australia was going to be hot but you had no idea it was going to be this hot,
"You okay?" Jungkook chuckled as he stepped back to walk with you, you hummed at him taking the bottle of water he was holding out for you. 
"You sure?" He knew that you didn't handle the heat well but he didn't want to leave you behind while he and the boys travelled to Australia for Bon Voyage 5. This season was one of their more relaxed ones, just like season four when they were in their own place the boys had been offered their own small b&b to film the fifth season in. Whilst in Australia they could do whatever they wanted to do, including travelling around, touring the famous places and doing whatever it was that the boys wanted to do.
"Yeah, just out of breath." You giggled as you all came to a stop at the museum the boys had been travelling to. It was Namjoons day to pick what they were going to do and he had picked The Nation Gallery Of Victoria to go to which was why you'd walked most of the way. It was only a 30-minute walk from where the boys, crew and you were all staying so it wasn't a big walk. The heat however was making it a little harder on you.
"Once we're inside and they have enough shots we can walk around together sound good?" He questioned you as you all waited for the crew to go and get your tickets and make sure that the museum was clear for the boys to head inside.
"Sounds perfect to-" 
"Jungkook! Make-up!" His personal make-up artist called out to him making him look away from you and over at her. That was how it always seemed to be, whenever she saw you and Jungkook getting close to one another she would give some excuse for him to leave you alone or go to her. At first, you figured it was because of the show, he needed his makeup on for the cameras but even when the cameras weren't rolling and you and Jungkook were finally having some alone time she would come up with something to get him away from you. 
"I'll be back soon," He quickly kissed your forehead before going over to her. Lee Bomi was one of the most beautiful makeup artists that BigHit had to offer, she was also the most talented one too. She'd worked with a lot of the BigHit artists before being settled with BTS and becoming Jungkook's number one. Sitting down on a wall you watched the two of them interacting with one another. Deep down you knew that there was nothing going on between them since Jungkook and you were engaged but you still always had that sinking feeling inside of you. The jealously always bubbled up inside you whenever you got to see how close they were with one another. They'd known one another for so long there was no surprise that they were as close as they were with each other but it didn't stop you from getting jealous. Watching them laughing amongst one another with their inside jokes, watching how she could always get close to him physically without being pulled away. Even though you and Jungkook were engaged you were never allowed to have PDA unless you were alone, alone. BigHit had made it a rule when they realised how serious Jungkook was about you, you figured it was just to keep fans at peace.
"Cat got your tongue?" Hoseok asked as he sat down next to you on the wall and followed your gaze, smiling when he saw what you were looking at. 
"You know they're just friends." He reassured you as he held out some dried fruit for you to munch on,
"I know but I still can't help it...She gets to be around him all of the time..." Hoseok sighed softly as he nudged you playfully, it wasn't as though your relationship wasn't known amongst fans. BigHit had announced it months ago but you still weren't allowed to be overly physical with him. 
"She's a makeup artist, she has to be around all of the time," Hoseok told you as he got up and held out his arm for you to take. Everyone was starting to head inside for the tour of the museum and Hoseok didn't want you to wait outside and overthink every little detail about Jungkook's friendship with Bomi.
"I have these tickets for a small getaway, do you think he would want to go?" You questioned as you and Hoseok stood in front of a display case not paying attention to anything that was inside of it, Hoseok turned to you with a smile and nodded. 
"He loves spending time with you and a getaway after being cramped up with the crew and the boys will probably do him some good." He chuckled at the thought of it and you smiled, feeling reassured that you and Jungkook would finally get some time alone together.
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Later in the night, you were staying up late with Jungkook, sitting on the sofa with your head on his shoulder while some boring movie played on the TV. Neither of you was paying attention to it, you were too busy talking to one another and then kissing to bother looking at the screen. 
"I think," You started as you laid down with your head on his thighs, moving so that your legs hung over the arm of the sofa and looked up at Jungkook. 
"You think what?" He questioned, moving some of your hair from your face and smiling happily at you. 
"That when we head back home, we should go on our own mini-holiday? I've seen this amazing b&b just outside of Seoul, I've got some tickets that I got from a while ago..." You'd been wanting to ask him to go with you for a while but you never knew when to ask. Now seemed like the right time since he'd been working so hard lately. The break would be perfect, just the two of you on a mini getaway,
"It'll be romantic, we can just hide out together. Doing whatever we want," He told you as he bent down to kiss your lips softly, 
"I can't wait, babe. I'll talk to Sejin about it tomorrow morning," He promised you as he looked into your eyes, cupping your face in his hands. 
"Talk to Sejin about what?!" Bomi's voice called out as she forced herself down onto the sofa behind Jungkook making you move out of his lap so you could all sit on the sofa together.
"Y/n and I are going to take a romantic break together, just the two of us when we get back to Korea," You smiled brightly as Jungkook told her the plans and then held onto you tightly, you snuggled your head down into his shoulder. 
"Oh...What about our plans though? I thought we were going to binge-watch Demon slayer and then start working out," Bomi sounded disappointed as she said this to Jungkook, you turned to look at her and she had the puppy dog eyes out trying to convince Jungkook not to go with you. 
"We can do that when I get back, I just miss spending time with Y/n-"
"You're always spending time with Y/n! What about me?!" You frowned as she raised her voice at him and then spoke about you as if you weren't in the room, you stared at her as she got up from the sofa. Acting as though she was some child whose parents had just told her off for something she shouldn't have been doing. 
"She's my girlfriend if I want to spend time with her, I can?" Jungkook was confused as to where all of this was coming from with Bomi, 
"You can go and spend time with Kai?" He suggested as he thought back on Bomi's boyfriend back home but she began shaking her head and crying hysterically, 
"He broke up with me! That's why I was looking forward to hanging out with you so much." As soon as the tears began to roll down her face Jungkook turn to give you a sympathetic look and you knew you'd lost the romantic trip to her. 
"Fine, Y/n and I can always rearrange the dates?" He asked as he stared at you but you shook your head at him not wanting to talk about it now or ever in front of her. 
"Whatever." You mumbled before storming out of the living room, ignoring his calls for you to go back to him as you walked towards your room in the crew section of the B&B, locking the door behind you.
Jungkook knocked on the door over and over again throughout the night trying to get you to come out and talk to him but you weren't going to. You kept the door shut and pretended to be asleep so that he would just go away, all you wanted to do was spend some time alone with him and yet you never seemed to get that. Bomi would always come into it and ruin it somehow. 
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The next morning Jungkook waited outside your room for you to come out but you hadn't, he'd been sitting there since he woke up and you were nowhere to be seen. 
"Y/n left, she said she was going to go to the beach alone today," Yoongi told Jungkook when he walked down the hall to see him knocking on the door over and over again. 
"When?!" Jungkook was up on his feet in a flash and Hoseok came down the hall to see why the youngest member was yelling so early in the morning. It wasn't even 9 am yet so no one had expected him to be out of bed. Bomi followed Hoseok and they all stared at Jungkook, 
"She was leaving at 6? I got up to make coffee and she was going out of the door. Said she needed to think things over," Yoongi explained but this only earnt a scoff from Bomi as she folded her arms over her chest and pouted out her bottom lip. 
"It's a desperate cry for attention for Guky. He said no to going on a romantic get away with her," Hoseok frowned looking at Bomi and then to Jungkook who was already pulling out his phone to call you and find out when you would be coming back.
"He said no? I thought he would have loved it, I told her to go ahead and ask him." Hoseok sounded upset for you at the thought of Jungkook saying no but then he looked at Bomi who was staring at Jungkook. 
"Guky, can we go and play video games?" She whined pulling on his arms as he looked at his phone, ignoring her while he tried to call your phone. 
"Guky. You promised you'd make me feel better after Kai," That was when it started to sink into Hoseok that maybe Jungkook hadn't said no to you but that Bomi had convinced him otherwise.
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When you came back that night Jungkook was curled up on the sofa with Bomi's head in his lap, he was asleep with his head on the back of the sofa. 
"Hey, where have you been?" Hoseok questioned when he looked up from his phone, he'd been calling you all day to find out when you were coming home and what had happened with Bomi but you ignored everyone. Turning off your phone and just exploring the city on your own for a while, 
"Went out. That's a new development..." You whispered as you looked at your fiancé being used as a pillow, jealously beginning to bubble again but this time Hoseok didn't stop you from feeling jealous. In his eyes, you had every right to feel upset with how the two of them acted around one another. Bomi treated Jungkook as though he was her boyfriend and not your fiancé. All-day he'd had to watch Bomi cling onto Jungkook and try to steer him away from calling you but it was as if Jungkook was blind to it and Hoseok was torn between telling you or letting it go on. 
"Babe! I've missed you so much!" Jungkook mumbled as he woke up and saw you standing there staring at him but you made no attempt to go close to him. 
"Looks like it." You mumbled sarcastically, turning to Hoseok with a smile and going towards your room. 
"Babe! Wait!" Jungkook whisper-yelled as he slowly moved Bomi off him and chased after you. You thought you were safe in your room but he walked straight inside and stared at you, 
"You've been ignoring my calls all day, I was worried about you." He said as he tried to wrap his arms around you but you stepped away from him and shook your head. 
"You didn't look worried, it looked to me as though you'd been cuddling up with Bomi all day." You snapped as you began packing up your suitcase. Throughout the whole day of being on your own, you'd thought about how better it would be if you just headed home for the rest of the stay. 
"No, I haven't, I've been non-stop calling you. You would know if you bothered to check your phone," Scoffing at his statement you continued to pack while Jungkook un-packed everything you were putting inside. 
"What are you doing?" He questioned as he continued to watch you try and pack, 
"Leaving. You're clearly having more fun with Bomi here, I'll go home." You said dryly as your head continued to throw the image of them on the sofa together but he shook his head. 
"Bomi just needed comforting, Kai and her-"
"Kai and her broke up four months ago. I asked him while I was making coffee this morning," You interrupted him as you waited for the next excuse to come from him but he said nothing. Just standing there staring at you in silence, 
"Can't you see why she's doing it? She has a huge crush on you, it doesn't take a genius to see it." You told him as you finally got everything into your suitcase and zipped it up, turning to leave when you saw Bomi standing there. Tears streaming down her cheeks,
"I-I had a nightmare and you weren't there," You rolled your eyes and laughed as you turned to see Jungkook falling for it all over again, 
"See. Just like that, you're putty in her fucking hands." You dragged your suitcase off the bed and began to leave the room when Jungkook took hold of your hand. 
"She doesn't have a crush on me, she's just upset and lonely," He tried to defend her but you weren't going to stand for it anymore, you'd reached your breaking point. 
"I'm lonely too but I don't go around clingy to other people's fiancé's." This time you stared at Bomi as you said it to Jungkook, waiting for her to finally crack and tell Jungkookt he truth as to why she was always clingy onto him but she just smirked at you. 
"That's insane, you're not lonely," He told you as he let go of your wrist but you just walked away from him, ignoring his yells after you as you put your suitcase into the trunk of the rental car you'd gotten. 
"You can keep the tickets for the romantic getaway, you and Bomi might need them." You mumbled as you opened the driver's door but Jungkook slammed it shut, 
"Enough! What is your problem?!" He called out as he stared at you waiting for some kind of explanation as to what you doing. 
"I already told you. She's trying to come between us because of her crush on you and you're too blind to see it." You tried to open the door but Jungkook leant his back against it so you didn't have a chance to. 
"Bomi is a friend-"
"Does she know that?" You questioned turning around to see her watching you from the front door of the b&b, arms folded across her chest as she waited for all of this to be over. 
"You're being ridiculous," Jungkook grumbled as he looked at you but this time you didn't have a chance to say anything. Hoseok stepped in, 
"Jungkook all day Bomi has done nothing but stop you from calling Y/n, clinging onto you as though you were the couple." Your head snapped around to Bomi who was now smirking even more while tears rolled down your face, 
"No she hasn't, s-she's been upset over Kai and I wanted to comfort her like a good friend." You stared up at Jungkook as he spoke and it hit you that he really didn't see what Bomi was doing, that he was just an innocent party in all of this.
"You don't see it, do you? You don't see the way she clings onto you and pulls you away from me?" Your hand on the car door dropped as you realised he really hadn't seen what she was doing to the two of you.
"See what?" Jungkook sighed as he looked at you, 
"She's manipulative, she'll push a wedge between you both until she can slot herself in until she can finally get Y/n out," You turned around when you heard a new voice come into the conversation and Kai was standing there watching everything. Bomi moved out of the way and headed into the b&b while Hoseok looked at you and smiled weakly before leaving. After seeing Bomi and Jungkook all day he went to speak to Kai about everything to see if he could speak to Jungkook for you. 
"You cheated on her, you'll do anything to make her seem-"
"She cheated on me. Starting sleeping with one of the other crew members...Also engaged. That's what she does, she loves chasing after things she knows she's not supposed to...Jungkook don't throw away what you and Y/n have." Jungkook looked back down at you as he heard Kai speaking and it hit him. Everything she had been doing since before the trip to Australia. Everything hitting him as if he'd been driving and hit into a wall.
Jungkook convinced you to stay that night and he laid in bed with you, holding you close to him as you both spoke over everything to do with it. He was going to remove Bomi as he makeup artist and put forward that he was switched to someone else. It wasn't just to make you feel better but also himself, he felt awful for not seeing what she was doing until it was almost too late. 
"I can't believe I almost lost you," He whispered as he noticed you were nodding off to sleep
"I-I don't want to lose you," He whispered again as he began to draw small patterns into your skin, you hummed against his chest as he spoke to you about it. 
"I love you too much to let you go," He said to you again as you hummed tiredly in agreement with him. Yawning as you tried to speak to him, 
"I love you too...N-Not going anywhere." You whispered tiredly before drifting off to sleep in his arms, Jungkook holding onto you tightly throughout the entire night.
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Tagline: @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​ @rjsmochii​ @fan-ati--c​ @bisexualmess007​ @sweeneyblue1​ @sw33tnight​ @innersooya​ @jin-from-the-block​
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sunsetcurvecuddles · 3 years
If you're still doing the prompts you should do the gang (alex, julie, luke, reggie) and (platonic) cuddles!!! (I'm so soft for them and have read every jatp fic tagged platonic cuddles KFKZKDKD)
you know what ask and you shall receive. i wanted to write core4/juke cuddles today so here’s a mindless piece with cuddles and nothing else.
sit tight like bookends // 1.5k words // ao3 link in reblogs!
Luke’s kind of having a terrible day.
It’s not terrible for any reason. He’s just grouchy. For starters, he misses being alive. It’s nice to be able to touch Julie now, and to occasionally be visible to people with her help, but it’s not the same. On a day like this in the past, he might have gone for a hard run, just to sweat and feel his heart race. Or maybe taken a nap. Or eaten a bunch. He knows ghosts don’t get hungry, but he misses being able to eat just for the sake of it sometimes, for the comfort of warm food on a cold day.
Not that he can feel the cold anymore either. But whatever. You get the point.
So he's having this terrible, grouchy day, and he ends up spread-eagled on Julie's bed, even though he knows he's not meant to be in her room. It just sucks how long she's gone at school every day, and he knows he's not supposed to visit her at school even more than he's not supposed to be in her room. He's not even prying through her stuff this time! He's just innocently feeling sorry for himself.
Even with his eyes closed, he can feel and hear the presence of someone else poofing into the room. Then he hears Alex's voice, "Dude, you know you're not supposed to be in here when Julie's not home."
Luke cracks open one eye. Alex is standing with his hands in his pockets, but his shoulders aren't all up against his ears like they get when he's anxious. More than anything, he looks that particular, Alex-brand mixture of irritated and concerned, eyebrows raised, lips pressed together, eyebrows furrowed. "C'mon, man. What gives?"
Luke sighs, long and dramatic, and snaps, "I don't know, okay?!" mostly just because in the moment, it feels good to be a little terse. Then the moment ends, and he feels bad, his stomach turning all tight and guilty. "Sorry, Lex," he groans, dragging his hands over his own face and then keeping them there, so he doesn't have to see Alex's expression melt into that other Alex-brand look, the one where he's halfway between knowing and affectionate. Somehow, that face is worse than the irritated-concerned one. "I'm just... I dunno. I don't wanna be a ghost any more. And I miss food. And Julie's still not home. Today sucks."
"That's fair enough," says Alex, like he always has when Luke is whinging for no reason, because Alex only ever tells him to shut up or be reasonable or quit whining when he's really being ridiculous, and Luke appreciates that, that Alex knows when to let him ramble but knows when enough is enough. Luke feels the mattress move as Alex sits on the end of the bed. "Like, you shouldn't be such an asshole about it—" Luke can't help but smile at that, knows Alex is grinning too without even looking "—but it's still fair." A moment of silence. In his mind's eye, Luke can see Alex staring into the carpet like it holds some answers for him, thinking hard enough it basically counts as a workout. "Is there anything I can do to help?" Alex asks eventually, soft. He means it.
Luke shrugs. It's nice in this dark little cave he's created with his hands. "I don't know, man."
"Okay," says Alex. The mattress shifts more under Luke. Then, Luke feels his right side glow with warmth as Alex lies down beside him. Sometimes he wonders if since they became ghosts, he can actually feel his boys' auras, or something, because he's sure this sense of care and steadiness didn't radiate off Alex quite like this when they were alive. Maybe it's been since the Orpheum, actually. Luke can't really remember. "C'mere," Alex encourages him. "I'm good for hugs today, if you want some."
Maybe once upon a time Luke would have pretended not to be eager, but even then, he would have done a bad job, and now he doesn't even bother with the act. Immediately, he takes his hands off his face, blinking against the return of the light as he turns to Alex, flings an arm across Alex's chest and a leg over Alex's hip, snuggling up tight until he's plastered to the side of Alex's body. Alex just laughs, quiet, extends his arm out so Luke can pillow his head on Alex's shoulder, one hand coming up to mess up Luke's hair even more than it already was.
For a moment, they lie there together, Luke relaxing until he feels more and more like his body and Alex's body are synced, breaths coming in and out at a similar pace. The bitter, jittery feeling in his spine eases back, lets go of his tongue, so he feels less likely to bite at whoever comes close.
Which is good timing, because there's another whoosh, and this weight lands behind him, on the bed as soon as they arrive.
"You guys are cuddling without me?" Reggie says, but he doesn't sound upset. In fact, he sounds delighted that there's cuddling happening, period. There's scuffling, and then two thuds, because Reggie knows better than to let his shoes touch Julie's bed, and then Luke feels a different warmth, sweeter than Alex's, more caramelised, and Reggie spoons against Luke's back, his nose burying into Luke's neck and one arm laying all the way over him to rest on Alex's chest.
"We were cuddling without you, because Luke was being a miserable grouch, but we've been interrupted," Alex says primly, and as Luke manages a mildly offended hey!, Reggie laughs, not phased at all. Luke can feel it as it vibrates from Reggie's chest to his own back, the tangibility of his joy making Luke feel warm from the inside. Reggie and Alex start bickering over the top of his head, and he doesn't really pay attention to them. Some part of him is trying to string some lyrics together, about being warm, about being able to feel someone else laughing because they're pressed so closely to you that their happiness feels just as much your own. But he's not quite sure what he's trying to say, yet.
They're still there when Julie gets home from school. Luke hears the door open and close, feels Reggie go tense, like he's worried they're going to get yelled at. But Julie only sounds kind of exasperated when she says, "Seriously, guys? Boundaries?"
"Luke's having a bad day," Reggie explains right away.
"Not anything serious," Alex corrects him, "just in a bad mood."
Luke nods and wriggles a bit between his boys, sits up so he can look at Julie properly.
The feeling of his heart in his mouth when he sees her will apparently never stop. She looks tired and ruffled from her day at school, hair a cloud around her face where he can see she was running her fingers through it as she thought in class, skirt crumpled at the hem where she would have wrinkled it in her fist, rubbed the fabric between her fingers. She dumps her backpack on the carpet and offers him a grin, and he can't remember what in the world he could have been grumpy about. If being a ghost brought him to her, being a ghost is awesome.
He looks around at the bed and realises they're going to have to rearrange, but Alex and Reggie seem on the same page at the same time, because they're his favourites and he loves them and he wants them close to him always. They move, adjusting and shuffling around, until a spot for Julie appears in between Alex and Luke. With a relieved sigh, she flops down, and Luke might be fooling himself, but he thinks he feels her energy, too. It's softer than Alex or Reggie, enveloping, like warm water scented with something beautiful.
She leans over Luke to kiss Reggie's forehead hello, then kisses Luke on the mouth (she tastes like the cherry bubblegum Flynn always carries around), then she turns to kiss Alex on the cheek. "I have homework to do later," she says, but it comes out a little garbled as she surprises herself with a yawn. Luke, Alex and Reggie exchange a fond look over the top of her head — she'll be asleep before she knows it. Alex nods his head at the clock on her desk and mouths I'll wake her up, because Luke and Reggie both have absolutely zero time perception.
Luke wraps his arms around Julie's waist and holds her close to him, and she settles in, Alex curling up to hold her from behind while Reggie moves up a bit, so he can press himself to Luke and run his hands gently through Julie's hair at the same time. Their different kinds of warm all stitch themselves together, weaving over Luke's body like a blanket, like a shield. All that's wrong with the world is on the other side, kept away from him by Alex's fingers rubbing little circles into Luke's side, by the feeling of Julie's chest rising and falling with her breaths, by the movement of Reggie's arms over his head. By all of them curled as close to him as they can be.
Luke's day isn't so terrible after all.
jatp taglist (lmk if you want to be added or removed!!): @queenmolina @nickalicious @bi-reginald @malecacidd @burntchromas @jughead-is-canonically-aroace @cinnamonstickrayofsunlight @chickwiththepurpleguitar @fairylightsandrainydays @joyandthephantoms @fighttoshine @michelangelinda @queenofthequillandink @random-nerd-3 @silent-silver-slip @apolo81 @evashmz @bagoffriedrice @thedeathdeelers
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amysteryspot · 4 years
All I want for Christmas is you - Thomas Shelby x Fem!Reader
Request: hiii! can you do modern! tommy and reader spending christmas? thank you!!❤️
Requested by: Anonymous
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Female Reader
Summary: (Y/N) is staying with Tommy during the lockdown and, inevitably, the holidays, but he has plans to make her stay last a little longer.
Warnings: Swearing, Modern!AU and more fluff than what you're all used considering my history with angst.
Word Count: 904
A/N: I know, I know, in theory “Highway to Hell” was supposed to be the last Christmas related fic, but @caelys​ made my heart grow three sizes today, and I’ve received a request for Modern!Tommy, and I miss writing Modern!Tommy, so here we are. I’m sorry if it sounds too OOC, but I was just going with the flow.
Also, I saw that both @blinder-secrets​ and @pollyrepents​ were feeling a little down, so I’m going to dedicate it to them and anyone who is feeling a little low today in hopes that some Tommy fluff can get you all a little better.
Feedback is more than appreciated, especially during the holidays.
(Y/N) = Your Name | (Y/L/N) = Your Last Name
English is not my first language and this wasn’t proofread by a beta. If you want to be tagged in my stories, just send me a message.
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“Stop complaining and help me put this up,” she said, making Tommy huff.
“I don't know why you're so keen on it,” he complains but gets up to help her settle things on the table, reserving a space for the tablet so they would be able to do the videoconference with the rest of their families.
They wouldn’t be able to visit their relatives because of the lockdown. They weren’t even supposed to be locked up together, it just sort of happened. (Y/N) had been passing more time at his flat than her own, when the new lockdown was announced, Tommy said that it was easier if both of them were in one place together. She said nothing but counted the unusual request as a small victory.
“I just like to have everyone together, Tom. We didn’t have much of that when I was growing up.”
Tommy looked up at her, probably recognizing the hint of pain on her voice, and was quick to walk to her, sneaking his arms around her waist from behind and placing soft kisses on her neck and shoulder.
“I’m sorry,” he murmurs after a while.
“Don't be,” she answers, smiling.
Her family was... Complicated. She grew up almost without contact with her uncles and aunts, or her grandparents. It was only her brother, their parents, and her.
When she and Tommy started dating the prospect of being near them all gathered together excited her to no end, much to his dismay. Most of the time all he wanted was some time away from his family, even though he loved them dearly and made everything in his power to give them a better life.
“Christmas just lost a lot of sense for me after my mom died,” he confesses, in a low tone as if there were more people in the room and he only wanted her to hear it.
“Do you want to talk about it?” (Y/N) asks, turning around in his embrace and pecking his lips quickly, cradling his face between her hands.
Tommy leans in, kissing her more deeply, swaying with her from side to side for a moment, and then pressing their foreheads together.
“No, I just want you,” he said, bringing her in for another kiss, his hands wandering down her body.
“Tommy,” she warns weekly as his lips trail down her neck, and then before (Y/N) can say anything, the song of a videocall being received rings in the room.
They both look at the tablet to see who it is and Tommy groans, cursing.
“Fuck, why it’s always John?”
Laughing, (Y/N) pulls away from him and goes to answer the call, murmuring a ‘behave’ for him before answering the request.
Despite his complaints, Tommy did enjoy himself during supper. Their families were such a wild contrast: the Shelby’s were all loud and outgoing, the (Y/L/N)’s, calm and collected. (Y/N) always questioned herself why the both of them ended up together.
After midnight, when everyone disconnected and (Y/N) was putting the last things into place, having already changed into her sleeping clothes, she walked into the living room to find Tommy laying on the couch. The only source of light in the room being the Christmas lights and the light from the streets that seeped into the room through the thin curtains.
“Common, let’s go to bed,” she called, walking to him and picking up his hand to pull him off the couch.
“No, let’s stay here,” Tommy pulled her down to him, making her fall onto his chest.
They both giggled, as he rearranged the blanket to cover them both, making her rest her head on his chest, their legs intertwined.
(Y/N) thought that she couldn’t love him more than she already did, but when she looked up and found him already gazing back at her, the glimmer of the Christmas lights on his eyes, and that little smirk on his lips, she knew how wrong she was.
She kissed him, and then snuggled closer to him, in an attempt to pick up some of his warmness. They stayed in silence for what seemed like forever, the feeling of his hand gently moving up and down her back made (Y/N)’s eyes grow heavy, and she was already dozing off when she heard him say,
“I think you should move in,” he announced, simply, making her eyes go wide.
“Well, I think I already did,” she chuckled, with all the intention of going back to sleep.
“No, I mean permanently.”
Leaning on an elbow, (Y/N) blinked the sleep away as she stared back at him.
“What are you on about, Tommy?”
“I don’t want you to go back to your flat after this is over. Want you here, all the time. I want to wake up to you every day and go to sleep with you in my arms every night.”
“Tommy,” she called when he moved to pick up something from the side table.
“You asked me what I wanted for Christmas,” he said, opening the little velvet box in his hands, making her gasp and cover her mouth as her eyes filled with tears. “It’s you. You’re all I want for Christmas and the rest of my days. (Y/N) (Y/L/N), would you give me the honor of being my wife?”
“Yes,” she answered, unable to contain her tears anymore as she brought their lips together. “Yes, yes, a million times yes.”
Taglist: @stressedandbandobessed7771​ @captivatedbycillianmurphy​ @internalmess3​ @giowritess​ @theshelbyclan​ @peakyxtommy​
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anon-rebel-writes · 3 years
Meddling at the Liberty
This is for @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers Sprint Challenge! This time was definitely more challenging than the first (Because I decided to set a goal for myself of how many words I should write, probably will try to keep the goal low for next time XD)
I hope you all enjoy this! The prompt I choose (but kind of messed up, but it’s okay I think lol) was “If we both want to fit, we’ll have to cuddle.”
The story begins under the cut. Thank you all for reading! Ao3 Link
All Luka wanted was a lazy day on the boat. After having a crazy week of work, he didn’t think it was wrong to want a moment of peace. But he should’ve known that nothing “peaceful” can last on the Liberty.
Especially when his sister found a new hobby of meddling with his love life. Luka tried not to get her involved after she found out of his crush on a certain raven-haired girl, but Juleka was a hopeless romantic, which meant his love life became their love life.
Juleka and him sat across from each other in their shared room. Luka strummed some songs on his guitar, keeping his eyes closed to try and relax. “...So the gang is coming over today,” Juleka mumbled. “Why do I feel like this is gonna be a bad thing?” She let out a reserved chuckle and began playing with the ends of her hair. “It’s just gonna be Rose, Ivan, Mylene… Marinette.” His eyes widened. Luka didn’t really mind that his sister was involved in his romantic life, but he was pretty sure that if her plans continued, Marinette might not be comfortable around him anymore.
He let out a strained sigh and gently put his guitar down. “Jules-” The sound of shouting pulled them out of the conversation. Juleka shot up and began moving out their room, “Right on time, I’ll let them in.” She ran out before he could argue.
Luka wasn’t sure what he wanted to do. On one hand, he really liked seeing Marinette, but on the other hand, she was still confused about her feelings. The last thing he wanted was to cause her any more stress. He was debating if he should just sneak out his porthole before they came in, but a flash of pink entered his vision and tackled him back onto his bed.
“Luka! Your favorite Rose is here!”
He let out a labored chuckle and tried to pry her off of him. “As much as your ‘my favorite Rose’, I can’t breathe.” She jumped off of him to stare intensely at him. “I think today’s gonna be the day!” Before he could warn against her prying, she yanked him out of the room. “Come on! Everyone’s waiting for you!”
Luka took a deep breath as he looked at the living room. He saw Ivan and Juleka rearranging some instruments while Mylene and Marinette talked. He tried to look away from Marinette, but he found himself unable to look anywhere else.
She hardly looked different than the last time he saw her, a little more relaxed, but still Marinette. Perhaps he was the one who was freaking out over nothing, she didn’t seem to mind being here. She always seemed comfortable at the Liberty.
Then their eyes met and it felt like the world stopped spinning. Her eyes were full of life and excitement, something in his gut told him that something had changed. She gave him a loving smile and walked towards him. “Hi Luka,” she said. His stomach was filled with butterflies that he only ever got when she said his name.
“Hey, Melody.”
“So, I came because I wanted to tell you something. Well not something- I came because Juleka invited me. But I also had something to tell you, not having to do with Juleka. Even though she invited me- Oh gosh, I’m messing this up.”
Luka reached out and held her shoulder. “It’s all good Mari, you don’t have to be afraid to tell me anything.” She stared up at him and her face slowly turned a bright pink.
After a few moments of looking at each other, soft laughs pulled them out of their exchange. They both turned and saw everyone staring at them. Marinette backed away with her face slightly red and Luka found himself feeling a little more warm as well.
“Come on, we’re going to the deck,” Juleka shuffled towards the stairs. Marinette let out a squeak and quickly followed her. As soon as everyone made their way to the deck, they were hit with a cold breeze. “Wow, it’s freezing,” Luka pulled down the sleeves of his hoodie to try and find some warmth. He looked over at everyone else and saw they put on different warm layers of clothes.
His eyes met Juleka’s as she gave him a sly smirk. “Oh, did I forget to tell you it was cold today?” He rolled his eyes at her and returned her smirk. “Yeah, you did.”
Rose ran over to him and gave him a fluffy blanket. “Maybe you should use this!” Rose gave him a devilish smile. Luka scanned Rose seeing as her innocent demeanor quickly came back and she scurried back over to Juleka’s side. He wrapped himself in the blanket and looked over to Mylene and Ivan. They both discreetly gestured to Marinette, who was rubbing her arms trying to keep herself warm.
At least the plan this time was innocent enough. Luka smiled and without thinking, he made his way over to her and lifted one side of his blanket. “Do you wanna share?” She stared at the blanket for a second, then moved her gaze to him. Luka realized that he was probably making her uncomfortable, so he looked past her to try and give her some space. “Sorry, I just wanted-”
He stopped his words when a soft, warm body melted into his own. He looked down and saw the top of her head snuggled into him. Luka was definitely red. He was also sure that his mouth couldn’t have been wider if he tried.
Marinette managed to look up at him, he saw her cheeks and nose were red. He wasn’t sure if it was because of the weather or situation.“The blanket was a little small, if we both wanted to fit, we had to cuddle.”
Luka softly laughed at her reasoning and wrapped her into a hug, engulfing her with the blanket. “Yeah, that’s smart.” His eyes wandered back over to his sister and her nefarious girlfriend. They were both hugging each other tightly as they watched Marinette snuggle herself into Luka more. Ivan and Mylene also stared at them, Ivan gently bounced as Mylene tried to hold him together.
“Luka, about what I was trying to say earlier…”
He looked down at her, waiting for her to continue. “I think, well I mean- if you still want to. I started thinking about what I wanted. I think that I may want...you?”
While this might not have been the day he thought he’d have, he couldn’t have been happier with the way things turned out. Even if this revelation meant more meddling from his sister, he found himself overwhelmingly warm at Marinette’s confession.
“I think that sounds perfect.”
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bunny-script · 3 years
Not a date pt.1 ~ Spencer Reid x reader
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Summary: Y/n and Spencer are inseperable, they're best friends. And they're in love with each other. Problem is, neither of them know about the others feelings. So it's not a date. Or is it ? (basically a really long build-up to something that may or may not be a date depending on who you ask.)
Wordcount: 1342
A/N: omg omg first part of "not a date" !! its part of the reason I created this account ! The idea has been inhabiting my brain for a while but I didn't have a place for it. Anyways this is terribly written, my apologies. Feedback, likes and reblogs are obviously very welcome. Thank you so much for reading, have an incredible day and enjoy ! - bunny
warnings: not that I can think of, if you need me to trigger warn anything please let me know !!
Standing up from her desk in the bullpen, Y/n stretched her arms out and cringed at just how loudly her back cracked, before gathering her paperwork and putting it onto a neat pile at the edge of her desk, rearranging the little fidget toys and pictures in her workspace to be in correct order again and throwing the strap of her purse over her shoulder.
She spotted Penelope in the break room kitchen and skipped over to her blonde, brightly coloured friend. Grabbing an energy drink from the fridge, she turned around to be met by her amused eyes.
“What?” Y/n questioned before bringing the sickly sweet carbonated caffeine bomb to her lips.
“Nothing… Just seem a little more excited than usual ‘s all. Could that be because of her ‘not date’ with boy wonder today ?” Penelope teased.
“God, Pen, It’s not a date!” She responded in a hushed voice. And it wasn’t. Not really, at least.
Truth is, Spencer and Y/n were head over heels for each other, and when your closest friends and colleagues are behavioural profilers, it was only a matter of time until everyone found out. And eventually, they all did. Except Spencer and Y/n of course, those two were still so deep in denial they would only scoff and nervously laugh whenever someone made the mistake of assuming the two were a couple. Only to lay awake in the motel room that night, thinking, dreaming ‘what if’.
But honestly, who could blame those people? The pair have been best friends and basically inseparable ever since Y/n joined the BAU around four years ago. They instantly clicked. Constantly touching someone, holding their hand or flat outsitting on each other might give outsiders the wrong impression.
They’d take the same lunch break and go out for coffee together, share rooms on cases, constanly talk on the phone or text each other.
They had sleepovers more times than they cared to admit.
Spencer’s apartment was filled with Y/n’s things, she had a toothbrush there, clothes, her own shampoo and conditioner, for gods sake he even emptied out a drawer in his dresser for her and hung up an extra hook next to his front door for Y/n to hang up her go-bag.
It wasn’t just Y/n inhabiting Spencer’s apartment though, the same deal went for him in her apartment. Only that Spencer is clingy and hates leaving her company for any reason, so the amount of books she never even read, that have been sitting in her bookshelves for so long...She really didn’t know how many there were.
So yeah, it was safe to say the two were inseperable.
Around a year ago during girls night, Y/n decided to come clean to her friends and tell them about her feelings for their resident genius. They all knew obviously. Everyone knew, except for Spencer, which she was incredibly grateful for.
They had all tried to subtly tell her that they knew for a fact he was in love with her too without directly saying “hey actually he confessed to Derek a while back” but she didn’t believe them.
“Okay cut the crap, we both know this isn’t just you two hanging out like you usually do. I dont have to be a profiler to know that, because I know Reid and I know you like the back of my hand. You’ve been fidgety and jittery all day and we both know he loves this dress you’re wearing, little miss “we’re just friends.””
The first time he’d seen the dress on her was two years ago when he opened the door to his apartment after hearing a knock only to find her outside, dressed in a soft, flowy sundress that suited her perfectly.
“You look lovely!” he blurted out instead of “hello” and earned a laugh from her and his neighbour who had just walked up the stairs behind Y/n. “Not so bad yourself, looking quite hot in that cardigan, Spence. Is it new?” She responded as she came in and put the grocery bags she brought down on his kitchen counter.
He blushed at the blunt compliment and helped her unload the ingredients for the dinner they had planned on making for the team. “No. I just haven’t worn it in a while. You? The dress, I mean.” Spencer explained and heard her say “Yes, I just bought it.”
At the end of that night when Y/n, Penelope and Derek were just about to leave, a tipsy Spence told her she should wear it more often.
She wanted to, but only found barely a handful of occasions to wear it after that night.
“It’s not for him. Can’t a girl wanna look pretty without an interrogation?” Y/n lied and excused herself to go and get Spencer. She found him still hunched over his desk, his two pointer fingers typing away on his computer.
“Hey, you ready to go?” Y/n asked as shecame up and hugged him from behind.
“Yeah, just another minute. Almost done with my report.” he quickly said in the most controlled tone he could muster.
Spencer had always had a problem with physical touch. He just didn’t like it, every fact he knew about the exchanging of germs screaming at him to not shake other peoples hands. And Y/n was no exception. At first. After they had grown closer and gotten to know each other, he let her hug him a few times. And it was like something in him just clicked. There was no yelling in his head, no fear of germs or letting someone get close.
He wanted her closer and closer, so when one morning hewoke up from one of their sleepovers and she was still sound asleep and snuggled into him, he embraced it with open arms. Literally. He slipped his arms around her and went back to sleep.
After that, it was all he thought about for days. The way her arms wrapped around his torso, her entire face nuzzled into his chest, her hand firmly pressed into his waist. She looked peaceful, so warm and content. Like they had been doing this for centuries. She felt so right in his arms and he never wanted to let her go. He couldn’t stop thinking about how Y/n’s legs tangled with his own that morning and how genuinely right and exciting it felt. Like a firework he didn’t know he was looking forward to finally going off.
And then it happened again a few weeks later, only this time she had woken up before him and found herself being spooned by Spencer.
To her it felt like contentment, finally being at peace with a situation she didn’t know how to feel about. Like finding herself in a field of flowers after wandering through confusing tunnels with only a candle to light her way.
At first, neither of them talked about it, just enjoying it whenever it happened and pretending to be asleep, desperately trying to stay like that forever.
Until one night when they were watching a horror movie. No matter how well she usually did or didn’t handle horror movies, this one terrified her. Unbeknownst to her, Spencer was just as scared as she was, so on one particularly bad jumpscare, they hid their face in the other persons shoulder.
They both laughed and instantly relaxed, just giggling at each other until the credits rolled. After that, he just pulled her into his arms and they went to sleep like that.
But that was ages ago, by now they’re so used to each others constant touch, holding onto the other persons arm, cuddling to fall asleep and laying her head in his lap while he stroked her hair so she could fall asleep on the jet.
But that didn’t mean her touch didn’t make him nervous, sent his head spinning and made his entire body flood with warmth and shivers.
Because it did, and he never wanted her to stop giving him that feeling.
116 notes · View notes
jetaime-jespere · 3 years
The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year
This is for the lovely @sequinsmile-x on her birthday. I started reading her stories back in December and was a huge fan from the beginning. Fast forward a few months, and I am somehow lucky enough to call you my friend. For all the pep talks, the inspiration, and the laughs- you have been a bright spot of 2021. But I stand true to my word if harm ever comes to Theo Hotchner, you know what’s coming your way ; ) Happiest of birthdays, my friend! Enjoy every moment and all the cocktails.
The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year
The Day After Thanksgiving
The fragrant aromas of hazelnut and vanilla waft through the air as Aaron precariously grips two full mugs of coffee in his hands. He sidesteps a few toys and a pair of shoes that were somehow missed in last night’s cleanup as he carefully ascends the stairs. The coffee threatens to slosh over the edge of the mugs and stain the hardwood floors; he slows his steps and tiptoes past closed bedroom doors. He avoids the squeaky floorboards - he knows exactly where they are by now - and kicks another stray toy against the wall in his haste to get to Emily before she wakes up.
Coffee in bed is a sacred routine for them, one they haven’t abandoned even balancing the demands of three children and two grueling careers. It’s one of Emily’s little pleasures, an act so simple Aaron can’t deny her whenever he gets the chance. That alone is how he found himself awake before the sun rises, rearranging the various pyrex containers of Thanksgiving leftovers to locate the coveted bottle of Emily’s favorite creamer in the fridge. It was wedged behind the cranberry sauce and macaroni and cheese they made for Nora, who vehemently refused to eat turkey. Of course, she’d eaten maybe five bites of her specially prepared dinner before she’d crawled into Emily’s lap in the middle of dinner. Yet it still brings a smile to his face; it’s their first holiday season as a family of five - something they never expected, something they’ll never take for granted.
Read the rest here or on ao3
When he shoulders the door open, Aaron finds her awake, feeding Leo. She holds him at her breast, her head tipped back and her eyes closed. She senses his presence innately, attuned to the softness of his steps as he steps over the threshold of the sanctuary of their bedroom. Emily’s face stretches into a brilliant smile when she sees him, but it doesn’t hide the exhaustion that paints her features.
“He’s awake again?” Aaron sets the mug on the nightstand and kisses her cheek then the top of Leo’s head. “I thought you’d at least get another hour of sleep.”
“He had other plans,” Emily murmurs, lovingly shifting their son in her arms. “He’s almost done.” She reaches for the coffee with her free hand, lifts the mug to her lips. “Thank you for this.”
“You don’t have to thank me.” Aaron watches her finish Leo’s feed with unabashed awe. There’s nothing but adoration in his eyes, amazement at how she handles motherhood with an abundance of patience and grace. There have been ups and downs, tears. arguments and fights, her nerves stretched thin and his worn down. But these moments make it worth it, ones he wouldn’t trade. He leans down to take Leo to give her a break. The little boy’s eyes are already closed, contentedly asleep once again.
“You’re spoiling me.” Emily says with a grateful smile. She rests back against the pillows, eyes closing again. “What was I thinking when I agreed to go Black Friday shopping with JJ and Garcia?”
“Might be good to get out of the house. Away from the chaos.”
“Into a whole new kind of chaos. Garcia means business. I’m afraid of her ambition.” Emily rolls her eyes at the thought of the shared document Garcia had sent to her and JJ - essentially a shopping itinerary, with all the best deals and discounts clearly marked.
“You say it like you’re surprised.” Aaron gently places Leo into the bassinet before crawling back into bed with his wife. “It is Garcia we’re talking about.”
“Maybe I’ll learn my lesson next year.” She snuggles against him, seeking a few extra moments of peace.
Christmas Tree Shopping
It’s scarcely a week after Thanksgiving when Aaron caves to the persistent demands from Nora and Jack, unable to hold them off any longer. Less than an hour later, as the sun starts to go down in the early December sky, the Hotchners find themselves at an idyllic Christmas tree farm in Loudoun County. They’re not the only ones, as families make their way through the maize of evergreen, the air thick with the cloying, yet not unpleasant, scent of pine needles.
“We’re becoming those people,” Aaron grumbles good naturedly, Leo strapped to his chest in a baby carrier. “Jack, please watch your sister!” A few feet ahead, Nora runs excitedly through the trees, clapping her tiny mitten covered hands with joy. But Jack looks just as excited and takes off behind her as they search for the perfect one. It’s a tradition he never had growing up; one he’d only ever heard stories about from his classmates as he swallowed an emotion he only identified many years later as jealousy.
“What kind of people?” Emily carefully picks her way through the grass, her hand enclosed in his. Her head falls onto his shoulder every few feet; they quietly murmur to each other in broken sentences, interrupted every few seconds by one of the kids, yet it’s a language they’ve mastered over the last few years. Glances and smiles, words that speak volumes, little touches here and there.
“Those Christmas crazed people. Pretty soon we’re going to have an inflatable Santa on the lawn or something.”
“Don’t say that too loudly.” Emily gives him a quick kiss, stopping for a moment to adjust Leo’s hat to cover his tiny head. “Nora said one of her classmates has one. She’s already talking about it.”
“Great.” Aaron rolls his eyes. “I bet Garcia has one we could borrow. Probably more than one.”
Emily laughs, lightly smacking him on the shoulder as Nora grabs her hand. “Mommy, Jack and I like this one!” They all stop in front of a tree on a corner. It’s bigger than Aaron anticipated - he has visions of vacuuming pine needles for the next four weeks - and slightly lopsided, with uneven branches and a few gaps in between. Certainly not what you might see in a magazine, and in no way picture perfect, but Nora and Jack are beaming, their cheeks flushed pink in the chilly early evening air.
“Oh, you mean you two finally agree on something?” Emily quips, letting Nora drag her around the base of the tree, listening as their daughter explains where she wants to put her collection of superhero ornaments. “Who would have ever thought?” But when her eyes meet Aaron’s, it’s clear they’re thinking the same thing too.
It’s perfect.
A Lesson In Gift Wrapping
“Damnit,” Emily swears under her breath as the wrapping paper seemingly shreds in her hands. How does Aaron make this look so easy? With her bottom lip between her teeth, she folds another piece of paper around the box, trying to mimic the process she’s seen him do so effortlessly time and time again. It’s not quite enough paper to wrap around the box, and she shakes her head in defeat.
“Of all the places I looked, I didn’t think I’d find you here.” Aaron’s baritone voice shakes her from her trance. He’s leaning in the doorway of the guest room, an amused but loving smirk on his face. The remnants of the day are there - a hint of shadow on his chin, tie loosened and sleeves rolled to his elbows.
“Thought I might get some of this done.” She looks up at him briefly before her attention goes back to the mess of wrapping paper, twisted balls of tape, and gift bows. “There’s a lot still left to do.”
“Did the North Pole finally accept your elf application?” Aaron teases lovingly, pushing the door  open and side-stepping a large pile of gifts that still have yet to be wrapped. “Looks like we’re a little behind schedule this year.”
With a roll of her eyes, Emily pushes a piece of hair out of her face. “You’re home earlier than I  expected.” She glances at the mess around her with a sigh, and her voice softens. “Leo needs to be fed when he gets up. I need to pick up Nora from school and Jack will be home in an hour.”
He immediately catches the tension in her voice. As the early days of December melted into weeks, the never ending hustle was clearly starting to get to her, especially since cases took Aaron out of town most of the workweek. Evenings were full of obligations - practices and errands, weekends packed with as much family time as they could manage. All the rest was pushed to the side, a never ending list of chores that was only added to, never subtracted from.
The team had spent almost a week in Bethlehem Pennsylvania, ironically called the Christmas City, searching for an arsonist that had the entire city on edge. Perhaps the nickname was an eerie coincidence yet nonetheless it was a grueling case. Since he’d gotten home he could sense the stress emanating from her, curling like fog around her. She couldn’t hide it from him; she couldn’t hide anything from him. And while he didn’t ask, he somehow already knew.  “I asked Garcia to pick Nora up to give you a break.”
“What about dinner?”
“It’s already been ordered.” Aaron says easily, settling beside her on the floor. “Pizza sounded good.”
Relief floods her face. “Pizza always sounds good.” She kicks the abandoned box out of the way to wedge herself against him, lacing her fingers through his. “We’ve missed you around here.” It’s honest, an understated relief that only years of intimacy can bring. Her head finds its way to his shoulder; she leans against him.
“We’re finished until after New Years.” Aaron holds their hands up to the light, staring at the bouncing reflection of their wedding rings. “You have me here until January.”
“Lucky me,” Emily says dryly.
Aaron picks up a stray ball of abandoned wrapping paper and chucks it at her. “What do you say we finish wrapping these together?”
“I say,” she begins slowly, eyes darting between the neatly made bed and his own. “We take advantage of having the house to ourselves.”
He makes her come three times before they hear Garcia’s car in the driveway, and twice more after the kids are in bed, for good measure.
A Deal With The Devil
The name that appears on the screen of his ringing phone is one Aaron can’t ignore. It’s terrible timing, but he’s not at all surprised. His mother in law had an uncanny knack for calling at the most inopportune moments.
“Hi, Elizabeth,” Aaron says hastily, pressing the phone between his ear and his shoulder as he wedges the final plate into the dishwasher. He barely got to the phone in time before it went to voicemail, and something tells him she’s only a little miffed about that fact. Elizabeth Prentiss has an abundance of patience for her grandchildren, but not much for anyone else, he’s come to learn.
“Good evening, Aaron,” she says crisply yet not unkindly. In the background he can hear the mellow crooning of Bing Crosby. He imagines Elizabeth with a glass of wine in one hand, a thick book in her lap. “Is Emily around? I tried to reach her earlier. She didn’t answer my call.”
“She’s giving Nora a bath.” He glances upward, the muffled squeals and giggles coming from the bathroom just loud enough to hear from downstairs. At least things have calmed down since dinner . He decides not to mention it’s already been quite an evening around their house, thanks to unfamiliar vegetables and a long day in preschool. “Is there something you’d like me to pass along?” Of course Elizabeth would call on the one night this week he isn’t away on a case.
“Actually, Aaron, maybe you can help me,” Elizabeth presses, and he knows whatever she’s about to say is something that’s already caused a disagreement between her and Emily.
“I can try,” he offers tentatively, choosing words carefully. The very last thing he wants to do is get caught between their fires. It’s never ended well for him.
“You sound tired, Aaron. Are you not sleeping well?”
“We have three kids, Elizabeth,” he counters back. “I haven’t slept well in years.”
He hears a soft laugh on the other line; for a moment he has to remind himself he’s not talking to his wife. Sometimes the similarities between them are uncanny, much to Emily’s chagrin.
He’s wrapping up the call, assuring Elizabeth they’ll figure out a plan that works for everyone yet doesn’t add any additional stress, while simultaneously cleaning the rest of the kitchen when he hears soft footsteps on the stairs.
“You’re on bedtime duty.” Emily appears behind him, leaning against the counter with an exasperated huff. “She’s in a mood tonight.”
Aaron comes to stand behind her, circling both arms around her waist. Her hips fit snugly against the cradle of his own; he rests his chin over her shoulder to nip at her ear. “I just made a deal with your mother.” He doesn’t miss how she tenses against him, a combination of frustration, annoyance, and exhaustion seeping through her body. It’s the first time they’ve been alone all day. He presses a palm against her chest, feeling the beat of her heart under the warmth of his hand.
“She called again? I let it go to voicemail earlier.”
“Just now. She wanted to talk to you. Luckily, you’re off the hook, because I talked to her.” He kisses her neck. He swipes at a few stray bath bubbles that have somehow found their way into her hair. Of all the versions of Emily he’s loved over the years, this Emily might just be his favorite.
“Let me guess. She wants us to come to her for Christmas Eve dinner instead of her coming here.”
“Something like that.”
“Does she not understand we have three children?” Emily grumbles. “I’ve been over this with her. She’s not the one who has to put them to bed on Christmas Eve, you know. It’s a whole different kind of chaos.”
“I think we can figure it out, Em.” Aaron chuckles. He holds her a little closer, voice reassuring and calm. “I made her a deal.” She noticeably relaxes, her body melding against his. Proximity is one of their love languages, the subtle touches an endless source of comfort for them both.
“ Mommy!” Nora’s voice is an insistent, urgent interruption, one they can’t ignore. “Mommy!”
Emily sighs in defeat, the moment of peaceful bliss abruptly over.
“I’ll go,” Aaron says immediately, leaving a trail of kisses down Emily’s neck. “I haven’t seen you sit down all day.”
“Have I told you lately how much I love you?” She presses her hips into his teasingly and turns her head to kiss him. It’s a promise of later, another little luxury they still manage to make time for.
“No, but you can show me once the kids are asleep.” He reluctantly lets her go as he heads in the direction of the upstairs.
“Only if I don’t fall asleep first.”
Visiting Santa
“This is not the smartest idea we’ve ever had, clearly,” Emily mutters under her breath as the crowd around them seems to thicken before their eyes. The mall is packed, full of shoppers and families lined elbow to elbow around a colorful, elaborate display to meet Santa. There’s fake snow everywhere, teenagers dressed up as elves supervising the line and a kids’ rendition of a Christmas song blasting from speakers. “What were we thinking?”
“The same as everyone else in Northern Virginia, apparently.” Aaron finds the small of her back through her coat, rests his hand there gently as Emily pushes the stroller a little to soothe Leo. “Not like we had much of a choice, sweetheart. I’ve been gone all week. When else were we supposed to do this?”
“I could have taken them myself one night.” She looks annoyed and rightfully so, as one of the elves announces it’s time for Santa to take a fifteen minute break.
“And miss all this fun?” Aaron jokes. He’s doing his best to hide his own annoyance, yet the flex of his jaw is a tell-tale sign that Emily spots immediately. “Not a chance.”
They’ve been in line for over a half an hour, and will be for at least another half hour. Beside Aaron, Jack grumbles under his breath and rolls his eyes without even looking up from his Nintendo Switch. He’d obliged reluctantly, partly because Aaron had promised him a new video game if he didn't complain. And from where Nora is nestled in the safety of her mother’s arms, she presses her cheek against Emily’s shoulder. “What if we miss Santa, Mommy?”
“We won’t, honey,” Emily soothes, catching Aaron’s eyes over their daughter’s head of dark hair. It’s the third time she’s asked the question, her dark eyes widening as Santa waves to the crowd before disappearing. “He’s just taking a break.”
“I can’t imagine why,” Aaron mutters under his breath. “Even Santa is over it.”
When they finally emerge from the mall almost an hour later, with three cranky children in tow, Emily passes over the photograph to Aaron. “This is an awful picture,” she snickers behind her gloved fist. It’s true. It was taken at the worst possible moment - seconds after Leo started screaming, Nora’s attention anywhere but the camera, and Jack’s eyes closed. “This is even worse than last year’s picture. We can’t actually display this anywhere, you know.”
“We can give it to Dave. He’ll love it,” Aaron jokes as he tucks the envelope under his arm. “Trust me.”
Twas the Night before Christmas
“Move over, Nora!” Jack elbows his sister squarely in the stomach in an attempt to crawl over his sister to get closer to Aaron. “You’re taking up too much space.”
“Ouch, Jack! Daddy, Jack is being mean!”
“There’s more than enough room for everyone,” Aaron says neutrally and cheerfully. It’s clear he won’t pick a side. “Santa doesn’t want to hear the two of you fighting on Christmas Eve. Last time we checked the radar, he was headed to the United States, wasn’t he?”
From where she cradles a milk-drunk Leo in her arms, Emily stifles a laugh in her fist. She makes a mental note to thank Garcia for showing it to the kids earlier that evening. It’s been the only thing to keep them from completely losing their minds with excitement ever since.
“Nora, why don’t you come sit over here next to Mommy and Leo?” He pats the sliver of space between his thigh and Emily’s, covered in matching flannel pajamas as Emily shifts over.
“Okay, Daddy,” she beams, scrambling off the couch and making a point to stick her tongue out at Jack along the way.
“Nora, apologize to Jack,” Emily cuts in smoothly with a sharp look at her daughter.
The little girl pouts even as guilt spreads across her face. “Sorry, Jack.” She breaks off a piece of the frosted cookie in her hand - the one she isn’t supposed to have on the new couch - and hands it to Jack. “Here.”
“Is everyone ready?” Aaron asks once Nora is settled and Jack has stopped kicking his feet underneath one of the many blankets flung around the couch. “No one needs anything?” He grins at the insistent pleas of both kids, hushes them quietly to avoid waking the sleeping baby on Emily’s chest. “Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house…” He begins, as a silence falls over them all.
Emily watches him read, transfixed by the sight of Jack and Nora completely engrossed in the story they’ve heard dozens of times, as if they never have before. Sometimes it still doesn’t seem real that this is their life now. She would have laughed ten years ago if someone predicted her future.
“A happy Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight.” Aaron closes the book in his hands, looking between Nora and Jack. “I think it’s bedtime, what do you think?”
There are grumbles from them both as they trip over each other on their way towards the stairs, not without frequent peeks over the shoulder to see if in fact Santa somehow materialized behind them.
“Maybe Santa will bring us a puppy, Jack!"
Christmas Eve
“You think they’ll be disappointed when none of these presents bark?” Emily jokes once they’ve finished setting up the pile of gifts. There’s a bottle of wine between them, and It’s A Wonderful Life plays in the background on low.
“I told them Santa doesn’t carry pets on the sleigh.” Aaron tucks his arm around her and brings her into his chest, dropping a kiss on the crown of her head. “Said it was too dangerous.”
“Did they buy that?”
“Seemed to.” He shrugs. “We might have some explaining to do if Allison and Shane end up getting Jude a puppy, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.” In the easy silence the movie stretches on; they share sips of wine and leftover cookies and murmur soft whispers over the final few minutes.
“I love this part,” Emily murmurs as George Bailey reunites with his family in a joyous, tearful reunion and the opening measures of Auld Lang Syne begin to play. She doesn't look away from the screen.
“You love this whole movie,” he teases gently. “You always have.”
“You don’t?”
“I have other favorites. But I’ll always watch it with you.”Outside, the snow has started to accumulate; it’s already formed a blanket of white across the grass, and is covering the trees. It doesn’t look like it’ll be stopping anytime soon.
“This never gets old,” Emily says from where they’re snuggled together on the couch, staring at the Christmas tree and the falling snow out the window. It’s been their tradition to do this since having Nora - set up presents and watch the movie.
They watch the falling snow in silence once again, their fingers linked, heads bent together, enjoying the few extra moments of peace. It’s only when Emily’s eyes drift shut does she realize just how exhausted she really is.
“Don’t fall asleep on me,” Aaron murmurs as she opens them. “There’s one thing left to do.”
“We did everything. We even answered the note they wrote for Santa. We forgot that last year.” Emily stretches as she stands, her limbs aching. “It’s time for bed, Aaron. I’m so tired.”
“Not quite yet, sweetheart.” Aaron is reaching behind the decorations on the mantle for the small hidden speakers, flicking a button. “I think you’re forgetting something.”
“What?” She yawns, not even bothering to hide it. “It’s so late.”
“You remember,” he says, holding out his hand as the music starts.
Emily rolls her eyes good naturedly, remembering just what he means. “Really, Aaron?”
“One dance, sweetheart. Please?”
“I'm tired.”
He rolls his eyes. It’s a line she’s used many times, yet for some reason, she always gives in. In fact, she’s stepping into his arms before she even stops talking.
“That’s what you always say.” He takes her hand and wraps his other arm around her back, drawing her in close. “Yet you always end up right here.”
“Because I love you,” she whispers, following his steps as he takes the lead.
Some soft Christmas jazz starts to play, a sultry sounding medley that might just lull her to sleep. “This is the song you picked?” Emily rests her head on his shoulder as he sways them in time to the music. “You couldn’t have picked anything more lively?”
“Shhhh,” he murmurs, his hand bracing against the small of her back as he dips her down and brings her back up. “Just go with it.”
So she does, letting him move them both around the living room in a series of smooth, even steps. When the music stops, they still for a few blissful, silent moments. Still wrapped in each other’s arms, they’re close enough together to feel the other’s heart beating in sync. “Merry Christmas, Emily. I love you.”
“I love you too, Aaron. Merry Christmas.”
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch47: The Terrible Twos Part 2: Fuck off, Clown.
 Intro: In the fourth year since the snap, Jamie enters the terrible twos.
Warnings: Bad Language words. Smut (NSFW, 18+)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N:  So this chapter is kind of a little different to the others here really, as it’s almost like a collection of long drabbles detailing their life over 2022. And just a little reminded, Phobias, Steve admits to Katie he has a fear of clowns…keep that in mind! @angrybirdcr​ really did outdo herself with these edits too...
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 48 Part 1
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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 September 2022
“Mom.” Emmy’s voice was soft and Katie instantly looked up from her laptop. “Where’s Dad?” “He’s gone for a run, well as much of a run as he can with Jamie hanging off his back.”  Katie said, frowning slightly as she saw her fifteen year old daughter wasn’t dressed for school. “Is everything ok? I can call him.” “No, it’s fine. It’s you I wanted to talk to.” Emmy hovered from one foot to the other. “I err…”
She looked down at her feet, a huge flush on her face. Katie closed her laptop and stood up. “Em, what’s wrong?” “I think I, well, no I know I err… I started my period and…” “Oh, Sweetie.” Katie chuckled slightly as she wrapped the girl into a hug. “You feeling okay?”
“Erm, I got cramps and I’m really tired.” Emmy mumbled, her cheek pressed against Katie’s shoulder “And, I err, I got some on the sheets.”
Katie smoothed back Emmy’s hair and shrugged “It’s no big deal. I’ll get you some painkillers and why don’t you go have a bath, I’ll sort your bed and then we’ll sit and watch shit on TV all day. I can stay home.”
Emmy nodded eagerly, and peered up at her mom. “Snacks?”
“Thanks Mom.” Emmy hugged her tight.
“It’s okay, I know how it feels. And, just for the record, beinga woman sucks at times but other times it’s kinda cool.”
“Cool?” Emmy frowned, stepping back a little.
“Yeah, you get boobs.” Katie gestured to her chest “They tend to fascinate most men.”
Katie followed her daughter upstairs where Emmy retreated into the bathroom, whilst Katie found her some pads before she stripped the sheets down and headed to the utility room at the side of the kitchen that held their washing machines and dryer. She was just turning the machine on when the door opened and Steve stepped in, Jamie on his back, giggling away. Steve’s face was red from the brisk November air and the part of Jamie’s cheeks which were visible from beneath his hat and above his scarf were also tinged pink a little.
“Laugh it up, Pal.”  Steve shook his head, as he bent down so Jamie could slide off his back “That’s the last time I’m taking you.” “You said that yesterday, and the day before.” Katie smirked, taking the kiss Steve offered, ignoring Jamie’s noise of disgust. “You love it.”
“Hmmm.” Steve made a non-committal noise in his throat. “Any breakfast going or shall I start some?” “Go get a shower and I’ll make it. We can eat together when Emmy’s out of the bath.”
Steve frowned “Shouldn’t she be on the bus?”
“She’s not feeling too good.” Katie shook her head. “I told her I’d stay home with her, today.”
Steve’s frown deepened as he shrugged off his running jacket. “What’s wrong with her? She sick?” “It’s nothing a day in front of the TV, a heat pad and a blanket can’t fix.” Katie gave him a significant look. As ever it took him a while to cotton on, but when he realised what she was saying, Katie really had to bite back the laugh as his face rearranged itself into a look of surprise, which flickered to pure dumbfoundedness as he struggled for a reply.
“Don’t worry, I got it.” She grinned, patting his chest.
“Momma?” A voice came from the kitchen and Katie turned to face Jamie who was stood by the fridge “I’m hungry.” “Yeah, I’m gonna start breakfast now, baby.” she smiled, “Eggs and toast ok?” “Nomm!” He grinned as he padded over to the table and pulled himself up into a seat. Steve had to give a snort, without his seat he could barely see over the top of the table. He made his way over, lifted Jamie easily with one hand causing the boy to cackle before he replaced him back on the booster and scooted him closer.
“That better?” He asked, dropping a kiss to his son’s head.
“Fankoo, daddy.” he grinned.
“You’re welcome, Buddy.” Steve said straightening up. He turned to Katie “I’m gonna go shower then I’ll come help.”
Katie waved him away with a smile. He took the stairs two at a time and headed into their bedroom. If he was honest he’d been shitting himself about this day for ages. He’d watched Emmy grow up way too fast for his liking over the past few years and now, well he didn’t even want to think about the whole turning into a woman thing. All he knew was he was thankful for Katie’s level head.
He showered quickly, dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a red plaid button down ready for his meetings that day and headed onto the landing, just as Emmy was emerging from the larger bathroom wrapped in a robe.
“Hey, Sweetie. Your Ma said you’re not feeling too good.”
She shrugged, “Not really.” “Will a hug help?” He asked and she smiled, nodding. He opened his arms and she stepped into them as he gave her a soft but firm snuggle.
“Thanks, dad.” she said softly.
“Any time, baby.” he dropped a kiss to her head. “Now I’d go get dressed if I were you, before your brother eats all the breakfast.”
When Steve came back that evening, his girls were pretty much in the same spot they had been in all day. When he asked if they’d moved at all, Katie grinned and pointed out that they were both in clean sets of Pyjamas and Jamie was in bed, so of course they had moved, and that they were getting take-out for Dinner because she couldn’t be bothered to cook and it was Friday after all. With a good natured roll of his eyes, Steve cast one final look at them over his shoulder before he headed upstairs to change, leaving them to watch Love Actually. It was nowhere near Christmas, but he knew what they were like when it came to their soppy films, so he left them to it.
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When he came back downstairs they were deep in conversation, so he paused for a moment at the door. He didn’t mean to listen in, but he didn’t want to interrupt. And if he was honest, there was something so pure and innocent about their chat that he simply couldn’t help it.
“You know, I still never forgave Adam Rickman for breaking Emma Thompson’s heart.” Katie sighed as Emmy scoffed.
“Has Dad ever bought you a really crappy gift?” she asked.
“No.” Katie replied. “He’s very thoughtful. Although the best gift he gave me wasn’t one he bought anyway.” “Your emerald?” Emmy asked, and Katie made a noise of affirmation. They fell silent for a moment before Emmy spoke again.
“Can I ask you something?”
“If anything happened to Dad, do you think you’d ever like date again?”
Steve frowned slightly as he heard Katie exhale “That’s deep Em. I dunno. I don’t think I’d ever be able to love another man the way I love Steve. In fact I know I wouldn’t. What on Earth made you ask that?” “Oh, Brooke is trying to get Jen dating but she keeps saying she loves Brooke’s dad too much and I kinda think it’s sad as he’s been dead for years. ” “Yeah, well, the thing is Em when you’re in love, and I mean truly in love, it consumes you. That person becomes as much a part of your life as you are and to lose them like that…well I can’t imagine what a hole that would leave in their place.”
“Yeah, suppose.” “You’ll figure that out soon enough.” Katie chuckled.
“Was Dad your first love?”
“He’s been the only man I’ve ever truly been in love with, yes.” Katie replied “For most people a first love and a true love are very different things.”
“How do you mean?”
“Well, for instance my first love was a guy called Mikey, he was my first boyfriend. I wasn’t much older than you, dated him for about twelve months.” Katie mused. “He was the first guy I ever slept with. Then there was Grant and we don’t talk about him, ever as he was an asshole.”
Emmy gave a snort
“But your dad, well, he was different. We cared so much about each other before we even started dating. I mean, if I’m honest, I loved him way before he even asked me out.” “Who made the first move?” “He did.” Katie smirked and at that point Steve gave a scoff and walked into the room.
“Liar.” “Oh you so did!” Katie looked at him, unabashed he’d been listening. “You kissed me after Rumlow’s party. You’d have kissed me before that as well if you hadn’t been such a chicken shit.” Steve rolled his eyes and flopped onto the seat at the opposite side of the coffee table. “You didn’t exactly push me away.” “Dur.” It was Katie’s time to roll her eyes as Emmy snorted “I’d been waiting for you to make a move for months.”
Steve raised an eyebrow at her as the teenager quipped. “You were still a bit slow on the uptake back then I see.” “Err, less of your cheek young lady.” He shot back and she giggled.
“You know the first time we had sex he literally ripped my pants off.” Katie grinned at Steve and he pulled a face as Emmy cackled.
“Jesus, Doll.” He flushed bright red.
“Wasn’t the only time either.” “Okay,” Steve stood up with a sigh, shaking his head, as Emmy cackled. He wasn’t particularly keen on discussing his sex life with his fifteen year old kid. “I’m gonna get the Thai Menu.”
Katie watched him go before she winked at Emmy and stood up, following him into the kitchen. She wrapped her arms around his waist and nuzzled into his shoulder. “I love how after all this time I can still make you blush.” “You’re a damned nightmare.” He chuckled as his hands rest on top of hers, using them to pull her closer as he turned to face her.
“But you love me.”
“Yeah, yeah I do.” He smiled, dropping a kiss to her lips.
Steve didn’t quite rip Katie’s pants off that night, but it was still passionate enough to send them both into an orgasm induced sleep almost straight away. But Steve was a light sleeper, not as light as he had been once-upon-a-time, as sleeping besides his wife gave him a sense of peace. That said, his super-soldier hearing always woke him should something be out of place, so when he was pulled from his slumber it took him a while to realise that the soft voices he could hear downstairs was the TV. Knowing it could only be one person, he swung his legs out of bed and pulled on a sweater before he padded down the stairs.
“Emmy?” He asked gently as he opened the door to the living room. The teenager looked up from where she was sat, knees tucked up besides her.
“Couldn’t sleep.” She shrugged and his sharp eyes didn’t miss the movement her hand made over her tummy. “And lying in bed was doing my head in.”
“Did you take anything?” Steve asked and she looked at him. “For the pain?”
“Oh,” she flushed slightly, “yeah, but it hasn’t worked yet.”
Steve nodded and headed into the kitchen, putting on the kettle. He made the pair of them a hot drink, stuck another heat-pack in the microwave and then paused as he passed the cupboard where he kept his secret stash.
Well, if this wasn’t an occasion it was called for then what was?
Emmy looked up as he walked back into the lounge. He placed the peppermint tea down on the table in front of her, before he passed her the heat pack and then wordlessly produced the Dairy Milk bar from his sweatpants pocket.
“You’re giving me your chocolate?” Emmy looked at him.
“Don’t tell your brother.” Steve said as he sat next to her, flopping his feet up on the coffee table.
She grinned and unwrapped the bar, offering him a piece which he took and shoved in his mouth.
“You’re pretty clued up on all this given you’re like a hundred and five.” She grinned cheekily
“Yeah well, I’ve been with your ma for ten years so I picked up a few tips.” He shrugged. She took a sip of her drink, rearranged her blanket and then picked up his arm so she could snuggle into him. He gently ran his hand over the back of her head as she got comfortable.
“What we watching?” He asked.
“Bad Boys.”
Steve chuckled. “I like this one. That is if I’m not too old to keep you company for a while?” “Nah.” She grinned as she placed a kiss to his cheek. “You’re good.” Katie found the pair of them flat out on the sofa the next morning, Emmy’s head propped up on a pillow as she snuggled up against Steve, her back pressed to his chest as the solider was stretched out down the sofa behind her, arms around his daughter as they slept.
October 2022
“All set?” Katie asked as she reached the bottom of the stairs as Steve walked back into the hall having loaded their bags into the car. They were heading off to Tony’s lake-house for a few days where he was throwing a bit of a Halloween party, nothing major but it was a chance for the kids to get dressed up in costumes and eat a load of candy whilst the adults could kick back and drink. Katie was looking forward to it for two reasons. Firstly, it was always nice to gather together with friends and family, well those of them that were left post snap-it made her feel normal, and she could push that persistent feeling of sadness that seemed to manifest on a daily basis, back down into the depth of her mind. And secondly, she was a little excited because she had no idea what Emmy or Jamie’s outfits were going to be.
Emmy had asked a month or so ago if she could be in charge of getting the pair of them costumes and Katie had agreed, simply handing over her card when she wanted to order whatever it was off the internet. She’d even resisted the urge to check her statement to see what it was, as Emmy had demanded she didn’t try and find out. Katie had a sneaking suspicion that Tony had also been involved in these costume choices, as the last time her brother had been over a few weeks ago, the pair of them had been huddled on the large arm chair, sniggering as they looked at something on Tony’s phone. With that in mind she was expecting Jamie to come down in some form of Iron Man or Captain America costume and she had every intention of filming Steve’s response.
“Yup. Locked and loaded.” Steve nodded, dropping a kiss to her cheek.”As soon as the kids are ready we can go.”
“No rush.” Katie shrugged, looking at her watch as they walked into the kitchen. “We don’t need to be there for a few hours.” She wrinkled her nose and slapped at Steve’s hand as he went to peek under the foil wrapped plate on the side. He sharply withdrew it and grinned at her.
“Tell me that’s a pie.”
“Apple and pumpkin, but it’s for the party.”
Steve pouted and she laughed and jerked her head behind her. “There’s another there as I knew you wouldn’t be able to wait.”
“You-” Steve pecked her lips “-are” another peck “-the best.”
“Flattery will get you everywhere, Captain.” She smirked as his lips hovered over hers and he deepened the kiss slightly, both his hands sliding down to give her ass a playful squeeze before he stepped back and walked over to his coveted prize. Steve peeled back the little cloth that was over the top and gave a little groan that was positively sinful as he inhaled the smell.
“Don’t eat that straight out of the pie dish,” Katie warned him as he made his way to the freezer for the ice cream, “I was gonna cut a few slices for the kids to munch on the way.”
“Then they can get their own.” Steve grumbled a little, but he grabbed a plate none the less.
“Oh yeah, where from?” Katie asked, her hands on her hips.
“Don’t know, don’t care.” Steve muttered as he cut himself a huge slice of the coveted pie. He ladled a generous amount of vanilla ice cream on top then carried it over to the breakfast bar, sitting down as Katie gathered the rest of the food items she had said she would bring which included a huge dish of Mac and Cheese that she’d coloured green with food colouring, spaghetti and meatballs that were supposed to be worms,  cinnamon and apple cookies in the shape of pumpkins and a batch of home-made raspberry and cherry gin which had been done using the raspberries and cherries from the brambles and trees in their small orchard at the bottom of the garden. She began packing it all into a hamper as Steve took the first bit of his pie and gave another groan.
“You know,” he swallowed, waving his fork at her as he gave her a playful grin, “I think this pie is actually better than sex.”
Katie looked at him, arching her eyebrow. “Is that so?”
“It’s a very close call.” He nodded.
“Well maybe I should make you a pie once a week instead of letting you get me on my back.” Katie looked at him, closing the lid on the basket and pushing it to one side, leaning over the breakfast bar.
“Okay, first off we have sex way more than once a week,” Steve pointed his fork at her, “and second-“ his eyes glinted cheekily “-you’re not always on your back.”
“True.” Katie pursed her lips and reached for his fork, snatching it from his hand, “but if you think I’m baking a pie more than once a week you’ve got another thing coming.” She used the fork to take a piece of the sweet treat along with a large blob of ice cream and shoved it in her mouth, closing her eyes. She moaned a little, ensuring that the noise that left her throat was as sinful as she could make it, before she opened her eyes and used her thumb to wipe at a little trickle of ice cream in the corner of her mouth. With her eyes locked on Steve she sucked her thumb clean and smirked a little at the familiar glint of dark in his eyes that he always got when he was turned on.
“You’re lucky you’re the other side of the breakfast bar.” He leaned forward a little, elbows resting on the marble surface, his voice a low timbre that sent those familiar sparks up Katie’s spine.
“Yeah? Why’s that?” Katie asked innocently, ignoring the sudden flutter she’d felt between her legs at his tone.
“Because if you weren’t you be in my lap right now testing my theory.”
“Shame.” She nodded, looking around. “I mean it’s not like you could reach and drag me over it or anything.”
“Well I could,”  Steve agreed, “but there’s a piece of pie in the way. And it’s too good to waste.”
“You’re a jerk!” Katie shook her head as Steve laughed, before he leaned back in the stool and patted his right thigh.
“C’mere pretty girl.”
Katie grinned, the sound of him calling her pretty girl always did things to her, as did the soft instruction to ‘come here’ in his Brooklyn accent. She rounded the bar and he reached out, easily pulling her onto his lap so she was perched sideways, legs hanging over the side of his right thigh as he curled his left arm around her waist, right gently resting on her thigh. Katie’s right arm slid round his neck and he titled his face to look at her.
“Just for the record you taste far better than any pie you make.” He grinned and Katie’s mouth fell open at his dirty comment.
“Steven Grant Rogers!” She snorted, slapping his shoulder slightly and he laughed, his hand on her thigh tightening its grip slightly, fingers curling round the toned muscles which were evident once more due to Katie having started training again. Steve actually kind of missed the softness that she’d had since having Jamie but he was damned if he was going to tell her that. He leaned towards her slightly, his nose bumping hers a little as she gently trailed her hand over the nape of his neck, nails scratching just below his hair line above the collar of his black sweater.
“Love you.” He muttered gently, his lips brushing hers and she smiled, her fingers tanging in the hair at the back of his head.
“More than apple pie?”
“Infinitely Mrs Rogers.”
“More than Mac and Cheese?”
Steve hesitated and Katie scoffed.
“For the record I love you more than anything.” Steve chuckled, pressing his lips to hers. “Well, apart from the kids.”
“I’ll accept that exception.” Katie chuckled, her mouth finding his again. The kiss deepened, Katie letting out a soft sigh as his tongue brushed against hers, tasting the apple pie and Ice Cream he had been eating before. Steve’s hand skated up the outside of her thigh coming to rest on her hip, finger tips brushing the strip of skin where her top had ridden up slightly as her own hand fisted slightly in his hair. Completely lost in one another they almost missed the little footsteps coming down the stairs and the giggles in the hallway.
Steve pulled back, looking at Katie who grinned. “Play your cards right we can finish this later.”
“At Tony’s?”
“Won’t be the first time we fucked in his spare room.”
Steve snorted at her and patted her ass as she hopped off his lap.
“Mom, Dad!” Emmy called. “We’re ready!”
“We heard!” Katie called back as Steve stood up, grabbing his plate of pie. He took another bite before he wandered into the hallway where he collided with Katie who had stopped dead just outside the door. Frowning he looked up and felt his heart jump.
A clown.
His 2 year old son was dressed as a fucking clown.
And not just any clown, which would have been bad enough, but that bastard clown from IT. The film he refused time and time again to watch because of said bastard clown, which was now stood on the bottom step of the stairs holding a red balloon.
And suddenly, all he could see was that damned clown at Coney Island chasing him through the stalls, Bucky’s laughter echoing in his ears, and then that fucking mirror maze where he’d had the panic attack as he was surrounded by them.
The plate holding his precious pie slipped from his hand and dropped to the tiled floor, where it broke into 3 pieces, its contents splattering all over the grey slate.
“Woah, Dad, didn’t think it would be that scary!” Emmy grinned from behind Jamie as she stood in her outfit, which was a superb replica of the Wicked Witch of the West complete with full green face-paint and a broomstick.
Katie looked over her shoulder at Steve and she could see from his face that he was really struggling to keep it together. Trying not to laugh at the expression of sheer horror on his handsome features, she clamped her lips together and turned to Emmy.
“Your dad’s…” she took a deep breath, trying not to laugh “He’s scared of clowns.”
“Oh…” Emmy frowned “Uncle Tony said he would love it.”
“I bet he did.” Steve bit out a little harshly and Emmy looked at him.
“Are you mad?” She asked and seeing the look on her face Steve inwardly cursed his phobia and his damned brother in law.
“No, honey,” he shook his head, “not at all…you both look…” he trailed off.
“Daddy, look!” Jamie grinned, and he jumped off the bottom step. “Balloon!”
He toddled over towards Steve who automatically took a few steps back and Jamie stopped in front of him, right by Katie’s side, a confused expression crossing his painted face. “Daddy?”
“Yeah, pal…I gotta…” Steve exhaled “I gotta put some stuff in the car so we can to go to Uncle Nee’s okay?”
“Kay…” Jamie said a little quietly.
Katie watched, her shoulders shaking in silent laughter as Steve went to move round Jamie, turning sideways so he could keep his eyes on him, before he pushed past Emmy and bolted up the stairs taking them three at a time.
The hallway was silent bar the sounds Lucky was making as he cleaned up the remnants of the pie on the floor, not wanting to miss a single crumb of his human food treasure.
“Em, why don’t you two take Lucky and go get in the car, we’ll be out in a little moment.” Katie smiled at her.
“Okay. Come on Jay!” Em grabbed his hand but Jamie, clearly now finding the reaction his dad had amusing, turned to his mom and made a little growling noise at her. Katie gave a fake scream and jolted back, causing Jamie to cackle a little, tilting his head back in mirth before allowed Emmy to lead him away.
As soon as they were out of sight and earshot Katie started to laugh. She laughed so hard that she had to retreat to the kitchen to sit at a chair. She doubled over, clutching at her stomach, trying to gather her breath as the tears poured down her face. Try as she might, she couldn’t get the image of Steve fighting the urge to punt his own son into another room out of her head.
Eventually she managed to sort herself out enough to grab her phone and swiped over to the number she wanted.
“Hey, Kiddo.”  Tony greeted
“Tony, you…” she started to laugh again “You better be able to run fast because Steve…he’s…”
Tony chuckled. “He liked the costume then?”
“Tony he freaked, like, seriously. Poor Steve. I expected some form of full Captain America outfit, not that!”
“Well, on this occasion the Spangles just weren’t enough”
“You’re a little shit, you know that?”
“It’s been said.” He conceded. “Did you get it on video?”
“No.” Katie sighed “I was going to but when I saw Pennywise on my damned stairs I knew what was gonna happen so…”
“Shame.We could have played that back later. For science.”
At that point Katie looked up as Steve walked into the kitchen, glancing round.
“He’s not in here…” She chuckled and Steve glared at her, before he gestured to the phone.
“That Tony?”
She nodded.
He reached out and snatched the phone off her. “You’re a dead man,” he growled down the handset, and Katie could hear her brother’s roar of laughter before Steve hung up and tossed the phone down onto the table.
“Calm down!” Katie laughed, standing up. “Steve, it’s just a costume.”
“Katie, they freak me the hell out!” he shook his head “You don’t…” his hands dropped to his hips and his head dropped. “Did you see his face when I backed away?”
“Oh, he’s fine!” Katie rubbed Steve’s arms. “He couldn’t care less.” Steve took a deep breath and she looked at him. “Do you want me to get him to change?”
Steve shook his head “No, he was so pleased with himself…plus, I don’t fancy that particular tantrum now do you?”
“Not really no.”
Steve shrugged “Then I guess I’m stuck with it. Come on, let’s get gone. Sooner we get there the sooner I can carry out my threat to kill your asshole brother.”
Steve grabbed the food hamper and headed out to the car with it, settling it onto the trunk of the car as Katie got into the passenger side. Once Steve finished his usual checks to ensure the door was locked, he climbed into the driver’s seat ant they set off.
“Yeah buddy?” Steve asked, glancing in the mirror automatically and once more was confronted by that fucking clown. He swallowed and turned his eyes to the front.
“No scared, daddy. I not a real clown.”
Katie chuckled as Steve pulled out of the drive onto the road. “I know pal, but it’s Halloween. Everyone gets scared at some point.”
Jamie nodded, accepting his answer and turned to look out of the window. As they approached a junction, Steve checked the mirror again and then sighed, shaking his head.
“You’re gonna hafta drive.” He looked at Katie.
“I can’t do it.” He shrugged “Every time I check the mirror, all I can see is…”
“Are you being serious?” Katie looked at him.
“Absolutely.” Steve unclipped the seatbelt and climbed out of the car.
And right then Katie vowed that if Steve didn’t kill Tony, she was gonna.
December 2022
“Did he go down alright?”
Steve dropped onto the couch, picking up one of the super strength beers Thor had send him as part of a pre- Christmas testing package, lifting his arm up so Katie could settle into him.
“Very well, actually,” he narrowed his eyes taking a pull of his beer, “almost suspiciously so.”
Katie chuckled as she replaced her glass and dropped her head to Steve’s shoulder as she pressed play on the remote. The two of them simply stayed like that, the odd movement and hands stroking shoulders, thighs or knees as usual, comfortable in their own little world, the light of the fire and twinkling of the Christmas lights giving the room a cosy, comfy ambience. They were about thirty minutes into the film when, Katie felt Steve’s head move off the top of hers and she glanced at him and saw the beginnings of a smile forming on his face.
He looked down at her. “You know,” he said, a light in his eyes that she knew all too well, “It’s Friday, Emmy’s out, Jamie’s in bed…” Steve trailed off and raised an eyebrow at his wife. She grinned too, mirroring his expression.
“I like where this is going,” she smirked and within seconds, her legs had been pulled from underneath her drawing a giggle from her lips as she lay flat on the sofa, Steve hovering over her. Katie wrapped her arms around his neck as their lips met, and she was just beginning to thread her fingers through his hair when they both heard a shout.
Steve dropped his head and groaned. “I’ll go.”
He placed one last kiss on her lips before he stood up off the couch and headed into the hall way.
“You’re supposed to be in bed,” he said as he headed up the stairs, seeing Jamie stood in his doorway at the baby gate.
“No sleep.” Jamie’s response was a whine.
“Not an option pal” Steve shook his head, a hint of amusement in his voice. “You know Santa won’t come if you don’t.”
“Can’t sleep.” Jamie tried again, and Steve had to bite back the smile that was about to cross his face. His son had certainly inherited his, and his wife’s for that matter, tenacity.
“Did you even try?”
There was a pause and Jamie furiously nodded his head in a blatant lie.
“Sure you did.” Steve rolled his eyes “Well what do you think would help you sleep?”
“Story, daddy!”
At those words a smile spread across Steve’s face. Over the last six months, Jamie had taken a real interest in the tales he told him, so much so that they had swapped night time readings of chapters from books for Steve’s real life stories, most of them being pulled straight from the streets of Brooklyn or Manhattan during Steve’s own childhood or adulthood pre-serum. 
“One more.” Steve caved and Jamie shrieked with delight. “But!” he continued in a warning tone, “You have to be quiet.”
Jamie stilled immediately and clapped his little hands over his mouth before he turned and ran, diving back on his bed. Steve chuckled and made his into Jamie’s room, as the two year old climbed under his Iron Man Duvet cover (Thank you Tony for that one…) and peered up at Steve as he settled down next to him, his son setting under his arm, snuggling into the crook of his arm against his chest.
“Did I ever tell you about the time that I went to the theatre-”
Katie didn’t wait for Steve to come back down, she knew full well that he would have been coerced into one more story. Their son had his dad wrapped around his little finger, and Steve at times found it simply impossible to say no. She glanced up at the clock, noting that it was almost nine… they could watch the film in bed. She turned the TV and tree lights off, she took the empty glass and bottle into the kitchen, let Lucky out for a pee whilst she made sure all the doors were locked before letting the now slightly older and slower dog back in.
“You staying here tonight, Luck?” She asked, and the dog yawned, stretching as he rolled onto his back in the dog basket which was placed in the hallway under the stairs. “Take that as a yes then.” She scratched behind his ears before standing up and creeping up the stairs to the door of her son’s room, which was open enough for her to peek through.
She loved Steve’s stories almost as much as Jamie did, if not for the same reasons. Jamie loved their action and adventure, often joining in with his own loud whoops and laughs, but Katie simply loved listening to Steve’s voice as he narrated. His tone would change from low and dramatic to loud and comical, and Katie found it simply adorable. A pure, unadulterated moment of love between father and son that made her heart swell every single time she watched or overheard.
“And then, all of a sudden this man appeared, in the alley way. And I didn’t have anything to protect myself with. So I picked up a trash can lid, and held it right here, like a shield.” Steve drew his arm across his chest. “Like Cap?” Jamie said, thrusting his Captain America bear at his dad.
“Just like Cap, yeah, Buddy.” Katie smiled to herself, Jamie was still too young to really understand about their history with the Avengers. He knew about who the Avengers were, well what he could grasp being so young, thanks mainly to Tony and Natasha, but he had no idea about his dad’s alter ego. And for now, it wasn’t important, they were just a normal family and long may it stay like that.
Katie watched as Steve continued to talk as he sat up on Jamie’s bed, his back against the headboard as his mini-me, led besides him, looking up at his father, eyes wide and full of adoration. These were the moments that brought out all of Steve’s best characteristics, and Katie simply loved him all the more for it. Smiling to herself she headed into their bedroom and tossed her clothes aside before she stepped into the shower in their en-suite.
Steve could read his son’s body language like a book, and about ten minutes after his super hearing heard Katie leaving where she had been stood outside the room listening, he could feel the little boy starting to droop slightly, one small hand fisted into Steve’s white t-shirt, the other was in front of his small face, thumb in his mouth as his index finger gently rubbed against that Stark nose. A few moments later he glanced down and in the dim glow of the dinosaur night light, he saw his son was fast asleep. Gently, he moved and stepped off the bed, tucking the duvet up under Jamie’s chin before he stooped, dropping a kiss onto his head, his hand gently caressing the shock of blonde hair. With a last look back he closed the door to, leaving it open just a chink, and headed into their room.
Katie was just emerging from the en-suite wearing a bathrobe, long hair piled up on her head.
“He has you wrapped around his finger.” She grinned, sliding her hands up her husband’s chest.
“Oh, and you don’t?” He muttered, hands connecting at the bottom of her spine.
“You gonna read me a bed time story then, Captain?”
“I got a better way of getting you to sleep.” He murmured, dropping his lips to hers, and she grinned as he backed her towards the bed. “There’s only one problem.” “Oh yeah?” She asked, as his arms pulled her closer, his lips trailed down her neck, mopping up the speckles of water from the shower that remained.
“Yeah, this is in the way.”
He softly kissed at that spot beneath her ear, his hand dropping to the belt of her robe. She grinned as he pulled at the tie and gently shrugged the robe off Katie’s shoulders, allowing it to drop to the floor as his lips claimed hers again. He wrapped an arm round her back, tugging her onto her toes so he could take a nipple in his mouth and she let out a groan as she looked downwards, moving her hands to undo the chords on his sweat pants.
“Off.” She muttered, pulling at the bottom of his t-shirt. He released her temporarily so she could slide it up, before he pivoted and dropped them both onto the bed, trapping her in between his hands and legs.
A familiar warmth exploded along her lower abdomen as he kissed her, one hand on the side of her face, the other sliding to her hip and across her stomach, making its way slowly between her legs. She arched her back and groaned as he slipped two fingers inside her, feeling him smirk against her neck.
“Fucking drenched aren’t you, Sweetheart?”
She let out another groan at his words. “Only for you.” A low growl rolled in the back of his throat as he slammed his mouth onto hers, shucking off his sweats as he began to kiss her chest, then stomach, before going down her legs.  He set his mouth to her, lapping at her, her sweet, salty tang, so familiar yet so delectable, and as he worked her, it was all she could do to mewl softly, and grip one hand in his hair as she writhed at his touch. His tongue flicked strongly and he sucked at her clit gently, before upping the pace as she whimpered, trying so hard to keep her noise down. Steve continued to tease and nibble and when he took her swollen clit between his lips again Katie let out a silent scream as her orgasm hit her hard, causing her knees to turn inwards, squeezing around his head, involuntarily. She fell back against the pillows with a sigh of satisfaction and looked down as Steve crawled back up her body, leaning forward, placing his hands on either side of her head.
“God, you’re gorgeous.” He whispered, making her grin before he crashed his lips onto hers, the sudden action drawing a small grunt from her mouth. She reached down taking him in her hand and he took in a sharp breath as he pulled away from her mouth, sliding his fingers down her legs. He moved her legs apart and pushed into her, a low sigh of satisfaction leaving both their lips before he began to move, burying his face into her neck, nipping at the spot under her ear gently. She keened underneath him as he grew more urgent with his thrusts, her eyes locking onto his as he gripped her hands at either side of her head, leaning back down to kiss her fervently. He was hard, fast, desperate for hris release and she met each of his thrusts fervently with her own hips happy to give herself to him. 
“So good,” He praised in a low voice, dragging his face against her hair before he looked at her. “I’m close, tell me you are…”
Katie responded with a moan, “Stevie.” and then her legs shook and she came again, closing her eyes as she tightened around him, burying her face into his neck to stifle her noises as the spasms came involuntarily around him again and again.
“Oh, fuck, Doll.” he stuttered, biting his lower lip as his eyes fluttered closed before his rhythm stilled and he let out a soft groan as he came, the utter bliss consuming him fully. He fell forward, head dropping into the hollow of his wife’s neck to catch his breath, his body slumped on top of hers, his familiar weight pressed her into the mattress as they both came down from their high. Katie ran her fingers through his hair, pressing soft kisses along his shoulder as her nails gently scratched at his scalp, causing Steve to hum out a soft sigh of contentment as he lay still, enjoying her touch.
“Stevie?” she muttered.
“Yeah?” “How long do you think we have before Jamie realises he can climb the baby gates now?”
“I’m amazed he hasn’t already.” Steve leaned up on his elbows to look down at his wife “Why?”
“Because I think we might need to invest in a lock for our door.” she grinned “For when you’re reading your baby momma her bedtime story.”
Chapter 49
 **Original Posting 1 2 3**
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docholligay · 3 years
Day 3: I’m Sorry. I do love you, you know.
All of HON HON HON is here. 2,300 words no one asked for!
Forgive and Remember
There was a knock at the door, and Athena’s announcement, and even when he heard it, it felt like it couldn’t be true. It was the worst fight he and Tracer had ever had. Come to think of it, it was the worst fight he had with anyone. He felt maybe for one moment what it was to hate someone you loved so intensely, that what he’d heard about the line between love and hate being so slim was far truer than he ever had believed. It was the first time he’d ever said he didn’t want her around. It was the first time it could ever have been true. 
Emily had been by that morning. Winston had started off arguing before she’d even said something, and Emily, in her quiet, good way, had simply listened to him rant and rae and rage before nodding and telling him he was right. Tracer was wrong. Cruelly so. But she would be by later, and Emily didn’t want that sprung on him. 
“Winston,” she said, “I didn’t come to tell you to forgive her. I only came to say she’s scared like I’ve never seen her. So if you turn her away, be kind at it.” She shook her head, “But you won’t.” 
“I might.” He’d grumbled. 
“No,” she’d stood then, putting her jacket, ‘You won’t.” 
He wanted to argue with her, holler and stamp his foot, but there was something in Emily that didn’t allow for that, something that surrounded her and forced you onto an even keel. She never rose her voice, and could even be described as mousy, sometimes, but when she said things with that perfect, quiet conviction, you knew they were true, however much a lie they sounded. 
“She’s scared?” it echoed in his head as he heard Tracer’s insistent knocking. 
“I think,” Emily headed for the door then that Winston was headed for now, “Telling us has made it a true thing.” 
WInston opened the door. There she was, as Athena had said. He stared at her a moment before reacting, a picture locked into his mind. It was strange, how he could know that there was so much different about her now, and yet she looked the same as he always remembered. Chestnut hair up at all angles from running her hand through it, freckles dotted across her nose like stars, her dark eyes bright and attentive, flitting about the entryway. Her smile did not quite have its normal boldness, but her chest was puffed out in a show of courage, that beat leather jacket furrowed and creased against the purple of her sweater. She held a box of Chinese takeout in her hands, and he could smell the shrimp. 
How he loved her. How he hated her. 
“Win?” She brightened her smile, “Can I--this isn’t even for me, just for you, thought I might buy me way in, right love? For old time’s sake?” 
He went to turn her away. “Of course you can come in.” Was what came out of his mouth. 
Tracer walked in the door, her usual bounce considerably smaller, and she put the takeout on the coffee table by the couch. She headed toward the kitchen and began to take down the plates, fishing the chopsticks out of the little cup where they lived by the sink. 
“Lena, forget the food.” 
Tracer turned, her hands full of soy sauce and serving devices. “It’s your favorite place. Even got those little doughnuts.” 
“You can’t buy me off, so don’t try.” 
“I’m not!” Tears sprung to her eyes, and she blinked them back. 
He had wanted to hurt her, and he had done it, and it didn’t feel nearly as wonderful as he thought it might. He had thought it would make everything feel more fair. It just made him feel mean, and ugly, and small. It made him feel like he was hurting his best friend, who was dying.
“I--”He tossed a hand in the air, ‘I know you aren’t. Emily told me you were upset.” 
“Em came by?” she slowly walked to the living room and set down the dishes, but did not wait for any answer, “I was. I am, really. Was trying to avoid this--It doesn’t matter, really.” She looked up at him and set her jaw fiercely, strengthening her voice, “I did it, and you ‘ave to decide if you can forgive me.” 
Winston shuffled into the living room and sat down on the couch, looking at her from across the coffee table. 
“I’m going to ask you some questions.”
“I need you to be honest with me. Not ‘don’t lie’,” he focused seriously on her, locking eyes, “Be as honest with me as you can possibly be.” 
Tracer nodded slowly. “All right, then.” 
Winston sat back. “How much longer do you have?” 
“I don’t know,” she gave a slight shake of her head, “Honest I don’t. Not sure Ang does. And I haven’t--we haven’t--properly given up, it’s only Ang--well her friend, really, ‘e’s rather running things, a neurologist, you see, more than Ang ever ‘as been--well, ‘e doesnt think it likely we’ll set it right in time. But who bloody knows what in time is? So I don’t know. Is the truth.” she shrugged and gave a small smile, ‘So honestly, if you look at it that way…”
“Lena,” he looked at her flatly, “Whatever you’re about to say, stop.” 
“Right.” She perched herself on the edge of the couch and rocked a little, staring at the ceiling as if she could fly right into it.  
“Who knows?”
“You, Emily, and Angela. That’s all.” 
“Okay,” he took a breath and pushed up his glasses, “Now, why did you lie--No, I’m not getting into that--why did you hide it from me?” 
Trracer gave a huff. “You’re always worrying over me, Win, why in the bloody name of England, Saint George, and the Angel and Crown would I possibly give you more of a reason to do that? Honestly though! 
Besides,” she stole a glance at him, “I’d been keeping that I was a bit off from you, since Fareeha and I was--you know--and I’d ‘ave ad to jump right to, ‘Leading professionals think I’m done for’ when I didn’t think it was that serious.” She stopped, ruffing her hand through her hair, “Or maybe I did think it was that serious. I feel like I knew the moment Moira did it, but I...this is hard to explain,” she leaned forward with a pitch and shook her finger at Winston, “and it genuinely is, I’m not putting you on. I’m not.” 
The silence hung as she tried to rearrange her thoughts. “It was like..do you remember when we was in Alberta? ‘Ow the storms would come in from far off, like a wall, almost? It was like that. I could see it, but it still felt like it might just...go round. I knew it was going to rain, but I didn’t know it would be like this. I don’t know. I’m trying, Win, really I am.” 
“You didn’t want me to worry. You kept this from me,” his voice took an edge, “all for my sake?” 
“No, didn’t say that,” she shook her head fiercely, “Want to ‘ear the selfish truth of it? You worry, yeah, and it can be just smothering. You were inspecting me like Fareeha does a pressed suit, after Moira, and I got tired of being treated like I’s made of china. So as soon as I got well enough to ‘ide it, I did.” She leaned forward, “I ‘ave always lived me life to the bloody ‘ilt. So when things started to crumble a bit, I kept it ‘idden, because I didn’t want to spend me life being asked if I was up for something, or didn’t I need to go to bed, telling people not to tire me. I like the way I live, is the truth, and I didn’t want to be responsible for ‘ow you felt about it.” 
“Sorry that I care about you.”
“Oh, get off the bloody cross, Win.” She scowled. “You asked me, and that isn’t fair.” 
Winston considered a moment. “No. It wasn’t. But neither were you.” 
“Not defending meself just now. Only asking you to listen.” 
They sat for a few moments, Tracer at her end of the couch, fidgeting quietly and looking around the room, Winston sitting in the corner of it where they so often sat together and watched movies, the Chinese food growing cold on the table in front of them. He watched her for a few seconds, until her eyes met his, and his voice choked a little. 
“Does it hurt?” 
“Not at all,” Tracer rushed off her edge of the couch and took him by the shoulder, shaking her head, “I’d ‘ardly notice, really, most of the time. Now,” she looked at him seriously, ‘In the name of honesty, I ‘ave no earthly idea what will ‘appen. But,” she perked back up, “I mean, it could just be that I’ll drop dead one day, and that wouldn’t be so bad, right? As endings go? So don’t lose too much sleep over me, love, because it’s really nothing, in the day to day.” 
“Yet.” He reached up and put his hand on her, letting his thumb rub across her cheek. “I wish you would have told me.”
“I tried. So many times. Honest I did.” 
He sighed heavily, and shook his head, withdrawing his hand and adjusting his glasses. 
“I have to move on from this, because I don’t want to waste what time you have left being angry with you. I love you too much for that. I would regret it forever. But, Lena, I am having a hard time forgiving you. You have put me in a terrible position. You,” he sighed, “You stole my right--no, my time, you stole my time to be mad at you. I don’t have it anymore.”
“Well, if I’d told you straight off, you wouldn’t be cross with me. So you wouldn’t need any.” 
“I’m trying--”
“Joking! Joking. RIght, maybe not the best time for it.” She snuggled up under his arm and lay against him. “I am sorry, really I am. I’ve been miserable the last few months, if that ‘elps.. I do love you, you know.” 
“I know you do.”
“Can you forgive me?”
“Maybe. But,” he set his cheek on the top fo her head, “I’m letting it go for now, is all I promise. Just, I know I make you crazy sometimes, but, Lena you have to promise me you won’t hide things from me anymore. Not about this. It’s not fair.”
“RIght, right, I know you’re right. It’s only--let me set me own limits. I’ll say when I’ve ‘ad enough, or I need you, but you must let me be the one to decide.”
A long sigh. “Okay.”
“And--” She scooted away a little bit, and turned to look up at him. “Please don’t tell anyone else.” 
The hair on the back of his neck bristled. “Are you kidding me right now? Do you learn anything?” 
“Please, Win.” she clasped her hands in front of her chest, “ It’s enough I ‘ave to deal with ‘ow I feel about it, I can’t deal with everyone else, as well, promise I’ll tell them just not--not yet. Please.” 
Winston stared at her. “When?”
“At some point,” she said softly, giving a weak smile, ‘in the future.” 
“You are,” he closed his eyes, “so infuriating. Are you determined to get into a fight with everyone who’s ever loved you? And Pharah needs to--well--in time you’ll--”
“Oh,” Tracer grabbed a box from the table, “I’ll be turning it over to ‘ana. I’ve decided it, Fareeha doesn’t ‘ave to. Considerate, me. Rangoon?” 
“Lena, I love you. I need you to stop being flippant about this.” 
Tracer set down the box. “Win, let me tell you something,” she rubbed her hands together thoughtfully, “me whole life, I’ve whistled in the dark. It’s not as I don’t know what’s ‘appening. I do live in me body, and I notice more than anyone. But I can’t linger on the shadow of it. That isn’t me. I must, if nothing else, be meself to the end of it.” She looked up at Win, “I’ve told Ang you can ask ‘er anything, and she ‘as me permission to tell you. But--it’ll be me wedding in a fortnight-- I need think more about ‘ow to live the rest of me life, than ‘ow to die, just now.”
It was then that Winston saw what Emily had seen. That slim, cold line of fear at the edge of her, that little hummingbird beat of wings against a glass pane, the slight panic in her voice, even her laugh like light through a window on a winter’s night. He had spent so long thinking of her as the brave one, of the two of them, that he had forgotten she could be shaken. He had forgotten she had plenty of her own monsters lurking in the dark. 
How he loved her. How hard it was to hate her for long. How strangely easy it was to remain so furious with her, and want so deeply to hold her tight against that encroaching darkness.
“I won’t tell anyone,” He took a crab rangoon off the table, “But you should. If you want me to help you tell--”
“I know.” 
He touched her shoulder. “If Pharah finds out on her own, she’ll kill you.” He smiled. “She hates surprises.” 
“Yeah,” Tracer let out a laugh, “bet that isn’t in ‘er little binder of plans, is it? Can’t wait to see the bloody look on ‘er face when she realizes ‘er desire to captain the ship alone ‘as finally come to. Bit of a cat’s pa--.” 
Winston wrapped his arms around her and held her tight against him, closing his eyes, the truth of it all hitting him so deeply in the moment he thought, for once, he might be granted the humanity of actual tears. Tracer hugged him back, softly whispering reassurances that barely came through the cloudiness of his mind. 
It didn’t matter how much time he’d been given. 
It would never be enough.
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