#we were supposed to have art and pe teachers but they *never* showed up
berryblu-soda · 6 months
i think the most annoying thing abt loving urban fantasy and school settings and having a lot o my blorbos in them is, like, i´m *HOMESCHOOLED????* have been since 4th grade, but still the school i went to probably isnt a good frame of refference. so im lest just completely lost and looking for refferences is practically impossible, bc *WHO DIDNT GO TO SCHOOL??* amirite???
so i´m low key scared i´ll write something just completely uninformed which will be noticed inmediately by everyone, and i´ll be put in a cage in the plaza and get tomatos thrown at me :((
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hertzdo · 2 years
I guess It’s what it’s supposed to be, in a way, this blog. I mean, why are we here if it’s not to talk about our life. A bit, at least. So I thank anyone who is going to read this, and thank you for going on my blog at least once. Thank you for following me, thank you for reblogging/liking/commenting my posts, my art sometimes, thank you a lot, it’s not big numbers but I don’t care, because it’s at least something.  Something to go on by with.  And I think it’s beautiful to be connected with you people, with passion, sentiments, art.  Art is helping me so much right now, it always has, but right now it’s so important.  Because this is where/when I realize, it does not matter how beautiful it is, how well realized it is, if you put your passion into it, your emotions, your attention, your soul in a way, it is still art. It not has to be perfect. Nothing is perfect. You know that by now.  What I mean is, if it moves you, it does for someone else. Even if you don’t understand why, even if it’s not for the same reason. You were moved by something and someone else did (or will be?) and you were connected at some point of time, at some different place.  You were connected through space and time.  Now, we know time is supposed to be linear.  It is ?  I don’t know man, what is time really, if not a concept in human minds, a perception, a reality, and I must say, in art, we do like to fuck up with the notion of time, like we do like to fuck with the notion of dimension, and emotions.  And yes it is silly but it means so much to me ? I mean I’ve spent my life loosing people around me, death took away my father when I was eleven, and it destroyed me. It was a ticking bomb.  I was so young I didn’t realize what was going on but I also knew so much and I think I just slipped away from reality until said reality took me by surprise and then I started running and I never stopped.  Until I ran out of juice.  But I could never stop, because 10 months after my dad my grandfather died too (I was living with my grand parents after the death of my father, because I was already close to them, could have gone with my mother but she was psychiatrically speaking unable to take me in charge, and anyway she left my father and I when I was 5yo and spent most of her time harrassing us until then but nevermind)  And then my uncle, the year I was graduating (18yo I think ?) and was already FUCKIN’ TIRED OF EVERYHING IN MY LIFE, he was a sort of father figure, we where not really close but it was getting better but DAMN my grandma lost both of her children (she got a daughter, but she stopped talking to her when my grandfather died, and before my father’s death, she wasn’t allowed to see her  since she abandoned her studies because of my grandfather - great family drama apparently) and nevertheless, her husband.  And I passed, *avec mention* I’m not gonna talk about all my life and childhood trauma, all I meant to say is,  art saved my life multiple times. Passionate people moved my soul away from my pain, showed me emotions I didn’t know I possessed, and taught me about everything about life, it is with passionate people I learn, it is with passionate people I feel, it is with passion I live.  It is with emotions I connect, It is with art I communicate, it is with passion I thrive.  All my life I’ve been told I was too emotional, too sensitive, but also strong, intelligent, beautiful, but also mean, rash, brute.  I didn’t know what it meant. I was an animal. In survive mode.  People around me didn’t understand me, and I didn’t understand them. UNLESS we were passionate about something.  If I’ve learned english it’s because well, one we had to lol, but two also because I had good teachers, passionate teachers. And guess what, they were British, or American. (But sorry merica, ‘ive always preferred British accent). I wasn’t even good in english classes, I never was good in language course and I don’t pretend to speak well today, AT ALL.  But I’ve learned with passionate people, and through art aka: film, series, manga, video games, now some books lol poetry (wow) and internet of course, etc. ART IS A TOOL goddammit, a tool for communicating emotions, through space and time.  We humans do art from the beginning of our existence : LOOK
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https://www.leparisien.fr/societe/decouverte-de-la-plus-ancienne-peinture-rupestre-vieille-de-45-500-ans-en-indonesie-14-01-2021-8419043.php Did it communicate something to us ? Well maybe not an emotion (that being said, the first guy of our time who saw this must’ve felt something), but it made us ask why someone did this painting in that cave, when it was made, by who, in what context, what it is supposed to represent, what did they use, and so on.  ANYWAY, art saved my life, my faith in humanity, saved my faith in my life, it saved my soul when science couldn’t reach my mind anymore. I don’t believe in God, or gods, because I believe in humanity. Doesn’t mean I don’t respect their existence. They do exists, in a way, in a perspective, in a dimension I’m not really sensible too. No one can make me believe my family deserved to die. That, “it is what it is the way God decided”. Anyway I don’t care I’m not baptized. So yeah art, saved my life, is still saving me right now, because I’m on a thin line between being feeling really good and feelin really bad, because life still sucks and sometimes I’m afraid I will forgot it is still worth fighting for it. LANDMVRKS - Lost In A Wave
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venialsun · 3 years
to begin with, take warning (2/3)
[read on ao3]
1 | 2 | 3
When Damian found his way to his first class of the day, having missed something called homeroom and the first ten minutes, the instructor shook his head playfully and made Damian introduce himself and explain what he had done over the summer. He could not say he had spent the past few months traipsing across the globe, hanging out with killers and thieves, and dying more often than not as he tried to escape the oppressive feeling that had descended upon Gotham after years of tragedies and increasing catastrophes. So he said he spent some time with his mother’s family on their private island, which was close enough, took a seat at the back of the room, and listened to his classmates reconnect with old friends and talk about their vacations and holidays with an increasing sense of annoyance.
The rest of the morning classes were no better. The teachers would guide the students through introductions and some small talk, go through their syllabus, and sometimes begin a lesson that Damian was entirely bored by. A few of his classmates tried to speak with him, asking him questions about his family, about himself, and smiling welcomingly at him, but the last thing he wanted to do was talk about that can of worms. He was not sure what he would say, how to spin his life into something half-truthful yet still benign. He’d never had to before. The rest of the students ignored him, and he was more than happy to ignore them right back.
By lunchtime, he was contemplating leaving and telling his Father he was done with this whole experiment. But Yanez’s yellow slip burned in his pocket, and Damian was not one to give up so easily. He would make it through the day, if nothing else.
The technology atrium was between the main academic building and the arts auditorium. A squat addition to the main building with walls made of glass and supported by steel beams, it stuck out like a sore thumb against the dark slate stones and high neo-Gothic arches and spires of the rest of Gotham Academy. Damian glowered as he neared and realized this was not only the technology atrium but, according to the placard over the main entrance, the Kenneth H. Wayne Technology Atrium.
Of course.
Inside, rows of computers and long tables encircled a central desk where a young woman sat typing at a laptop. She looked up as Damian approached and asked, “What’s up?”
Damian fished out the yellow slip and showed it to her. “Principal Yanez assigned me community tutoring or whatever.”
She took the slip and scanned it. “Already? Dang, kid, what’d ya do?”
“Yeah, yeah, that’s what they all say. Hold on. Let me pull her notes.” She busied herself clicking and scrolling, then paused. “Oh, wow. I see. Well, hi, Damian. Glad to have you. I’m Miss Daisy.” She handed him back the slip.
“Daisy?” he repeated, incredulous.
“Well, Miss Daskalakis, but I got tired of all you runts mispronouncing it.”
“Miss Daskalakis,” said Damian, exactly.
Daskalakis smiled. “That was pretty good, actually. Okay, in about ten minutes, we should have some of the PSAT and SAT kids show up for their first prep. Make yourself comfortable at one of the tables, eat some of your lunch, and when they show up I’ll introduce you and explain the rundown.”
“You brought something to eat, didn’t you? Or you can go pick something up at the cafeteria.” She glanced at her laptop. “There’s still time, and since it’s the first day, there’s no rush.”
Damian hesitated. “Principal Yanez said I was to report here.”
“We’re not going to make you skip lunch, Damian,” said Daskalakis. “I’m pretty sure that’s illegal. Here, what do you want?” She pulled out her phone. “I’ll message my assistant to bring you something. He should already be at the cafeteria.”
“Anything vegetarian,” he said.
Daskalakis gave him a thumbs up. “Got it.”
He went to sit at one of the long tables. Surreptitiously, he pulled out his phone to figure out what in the world the PSAT and SAT were supposed to be. He was puzzling his way through the most confusingly worded, backwards maths questions he had ever read, when the door opened. Damian glanced up and froze.
The red-headed boy at the entrance to the atrium also froze, eyes wide like he had seen a ghost.
“Colin!” called Daskalakis. “Hey, this is Damian. Thanks for grabbing lunch.”
“Colin,” Damian said.
“Damian,” said Colin Wilkes. “Oh, my god. Damian. Dude!”
“Do you two know each other?” asked Daskalakis.
“No,” said Damian, at the same time Colin said, “Yes.” Then Colin said, “No,” at the same time Damian said, “Yes.”
“Cool,” said Daskalakis, dragging out the oo. “Cool, cool, cool. Can you guys figure that out? We have, like, five minutes.”
Colin approached and deposited what looked like a rice dish with vegetables in front of him. “Um, this is for you. I didn’t know what you wanted, so I got you a taco bowl minus the taco.”
“Thanks,” said Damian, accepting the not-taco bowl.
“So.” Colin sat across from him. “Long time no see, huh.”
Damian snorted. “I’ve been busy,” he said.
“No shit. Your family has been freaking out for like the past six months, saying you’re missing and Robin went rogue or something. Then the old Robin came back. The Titans restarted. Then there’s video of another Robin sword-fighting crime all over the world. I assume that was you. Dude, I thought you were dead.”
“To be fair,” said Damian as he opened his taco bowl and mixed the ingredients, “I was. A couple of times. Doesn’t seem to stick.”
Colin laughed. “Your mom?”
Damian chuckled, startling himself. “Something like that. Though the first time was a few years back. I was—gone—for nearly a year, and my Father resurrected me with alien magic.”
“Sick. I remember that,” said Colin. “You dropped off the face of the earth. Didn’t come by the orphanage anymore or sneak out with me for patrols. People were saying Batman went crazy. I thought you just decided you didn’t want to hang out anymore.”
“I—” Damian spooned some rice into mouth. Chewed, swallowed. Colin looked at him throughout, unrelenting. “I didn’t ignore you deliberately. And then after I came back, things were so…”
Colin waved a hand and unwrapped a greasy slice of pizza. He took a bite. “It’s cool, man. You literally just told me you’ve died multiple times. Plural. I can get over my hurt feelings. Seems kind of trivial in comparison.”
Damian frowned and ate some more rice. Colin ate his pizza. Then Damian set his fork down, resolute, grip tight on the handle. As evenly as he could, he said, “I apologize for not being a better friend to you.”
“Whoa.” Colin’s eyebrows shot up. His expression pinched with worry as he searched Damian’s face. “What happened, man?”
Damian swallowed.
Then the door opened again, and an older boy—sixteen or seventeen—peaked inside and asked, “Is this SAT prep?”
“Sure is,” said Daskalakis from the central desk. She stood and indicated Damian and Colin to follow her. “Come in, come in, I’ll set you up right over here.”
Damian stood. “Later,” he said in an undertone. “I’ll explain later. I promise.”
“Okay,” Colin agreed. “But if you disappear on me again, this time I know where you go to school, so there’s no use hiding.”
“Have you known me to ever hide from anything?”
Colin smirked and said nothing.
Damian’s face felt suddenly warm. “Shut up,” he said. “We have work to do.”
Surprisingly, tutoring his fellow students was not the disaster he thought it would be. There was some initial skepticism from the upperclassmen about being tutored by a fourteen-year-old, but after Daskalakis declared him “a genius prodigy or something, according to Yanez,” that eventually quieted. It helped that though the PSAT and SAT problems and questions were simple enough, the wording and specificity grated on him, and soon he was insulting the intelligence of the College Board and standardized tests in general. That endeared him to the upperclassmen, and afterward the rest of the lunch hour passed without trouble.
Colin sidled up next to Damian as he gathered his materials to leave and showed him a crumpled-up piece of paper. “What’s your next class?” he asked. It was his schedule.
“Physical education,” said Damian. He had already memorized his own.
“Oh, really? Sweet. Me, too. We’ll go to PE together. I met Coach Freeman at the orientation. I think you’ll like her. What about after?”
Damian listed off his afternoon classes: physical education, then biology, then ancient rhetorics, and ending with a free study period. They shared no core classes, only homeroom, lunch, and physical education. Colin teased him for taking the honors track, and Damian started to complain that the classes were not interesting let alone challenging. But then he got sidetracked by wondering why Colin was somehow not in the honors track but still Daskalakis’s assistant for community tutoring (which, Damian insisted, was a dumb idea for punishments and an even dumber name). Colin laughed and explained he mostly helped with the younger kids. He said he was good with them, thanks to all the practice he’d had helping the nuns wrangle traumatized orphans and foster kids while growing up in the orphanage.
“After all that, spoiled rich kids are easy,” Colin said. He nudged Damian in the ribs. “It’s why we’re friends.”
“I thought that was because we both liked beating up on creeps a little too much,” said Damian, wry.
Colin grinned, and for a moment his face seemed to take on the grisly severity of Abuse—Venom-distorted and menacing. “That too.”
Physical education—“Just call it PE, dude,” Colin said—was a bore, more than Damian had anticipated. After changing into their gym uniforms and the requisite round of introductions, Coach Freeman set them on an obstacle course made up of rubber tires and colorful ropes. Damian was not impressed. But he remembered what his Father had said about damaging school property and refrained from destroying the so-called obstacles as he passed his struggling classmates and returned to Coach Freeman.
“What now?” he asked. To his frustration, he had hardly broken a sweat.
“Excuse me,” said Freeman. “Why aren’t you on the course?”
“I’ve finished it.”
“You’ve finished it?” Freeman checked the stopwatch hanging from her neck. “In slightly under six minutes? I don’t think so. Did you take a shortcut?”
“No,” said Damian. “It was easy.”
“Right. Well, if it was so easy, then hop to it. Do it again,” she said. “And this time, I’ll be watching you.”
“Weren’t you already supposed to be doing that?” asked Damian, but he did not argue further and restarted the course. It was better than doing nothing and standing around like an invalid, anyway.
This time he forced himself to go slower, aware he had done something abnormal. But it wasn’t his fault he was above this child’s play. He jogged the 100 meters to the start of course, climbed up the wooden incline, jumped down, belly-crawled under the mesh ropes, alternated jumps between tires then between wooden slats, climbed the rope to ring a bell, balanced across the too-wide beams, swung from bar to bar, and finished off by climbing over three wooden walls of increasing height. At the last wall, he paused and pulled a girl who had been struggling for the last two minutes up and over. Then he jumped down and high-fived Colin, who had finished his first runthrough. Going slower had forced him to focus the strain on his muscles, and the burn in his body and clarity of mind was starting to feel comforting and familiar.
He jogged back to Coach Freeman. “Shall I go again?”
She clicked her stopwatch and stared at it. Then she stared at him. “Slightly under eight minutes,” she said. “What’s your name, son?”
“I’m not your son.” He crossed his arms. “And name’s Damian. Damian Wayne.”
“Wayne, huh?” Freeman grinned. “Well, Mr. Wayne, Gotham Academy’s happy to have you. What’s your poison?”
“Your sport, Mr. Wayne. Your sport. Everyone’s got one. And if you don’t, not to worry. The Academy’s got a team for everything. You’ll be attending the end-of-day assembly, correct?”
“It is mandatory,” said Damian.
“Perfect,” said Freeman. “The main teams will be doing showcases there. Scope them out, see what you think. General tryouts are in two weeks, and I expect to see you there.”
Damian grimaced. “Do you now.”
Freeman nodded. “Sure do.” Then her attention drifted; her nose scrunched, she blew her whistle and screamed across the field, “You two, under the mesh! Keep your hands to yourselves! No one needs to see all that!”
The rest of the day passed quickly. He ran the course twice more, for the hell of it, alternating between pausing to help a classmate over a particularly difficult hurdle or shouting at them to hurry the hell up so Damian could finish already. He got used to the rhythm of it, the formula of general teacher attention interspersed with student social-play. By Ancient Rhetorics, he was an old hat at describing his incredibly fun island adventure halfway across the world and not scowling whenever anyone bemoaned their envy at the life of a rich socialite without responsibilities or true problems. He had even managed to hold a few short conversations with two or three of his classmates, though for the life of him he could not remember their names. A day of nothing but introductions had thoroughly fried his brain and prevented him from retaining anything more complicated than Jessica—because there did seem to be an awful lot of Jessicas.
His phone buzzed as the early bell rang and he merged into the streaming crowd of students heading for the auditorium for the back-to-school assembly.
It was a message from his Father:
Dinner tonight.
He frowned and tapped out a quick reply.
“Hey, Damian, over here!”
Damian looked up. Across the auditorium, Colin was surrounded by a group of teenagers and waving him over. Damian approached, pocketing his phone as he went. Then he paused and groaned when he recognized the small girl with yellow hair ribbons hovering excitedly between Colin and another group of older-looking students.
Fuck it. Damian ducked behind some large boys in jerseys and helmets—not hiding, per se, just utilizing his extensive array of evasive maneuvers to achieve a desired outcome—but it was too late. She had already spotted him.
“Oh my crap! Damian! You’re here?!”
Damian sighed and accepted his fate. With as much dignity as he had left, he emerged from behind the football team.
“Of course you two know each other,” he muttered.
“Huh?” said Colin.
“It is you!” exclaimed Maps Mizoguchi. “Olive, look who it is!”
From the group of older students, a girl with platinum blonde hair glanced over and, seeing Damian, scowled. “Oh,” said Olive Silverlock. “I did hear a Wayne was coming to Gotham Academy. Weren’t you expelled already?”
“You’ll find I’m hard to get rid of, Silverlock,” said Damian.
“Yanez is a softie, of course she let you back in,” continued Olive, as if he hadn’t spoken. “Hammerhead would’ve rather died.”
“You guys know each other?” asked Colin, looking concerned and glancing between them.
“No,” said Damian and Olive, at the same time Maps said, “Heck yeah! We’re all friends!”
“Doth mine ears deceive me? Did I hear Wayne—as in billionaire, more-money-than-I-would-know-what-to-with, bordering-on-unethical-wealth Wayne?” An older boy with sunglasses popped up behind Damian and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. “Good sir, might I interest you in—”
“Remove yourself from my person at once before I break your arm.”
The boy held up his hands and stepped away. “Got it, got it. No touchy. I can respect that,” he said. “So, Wayne, how do you feel about acquiring some fireworks for your own personal mischief?” He tilted his sunglasses down, conspiratorially. “At a discounted price, of course. Us trouble-makers have to stick together, y’know.”
“Quit it, Colton,” snapped Olive.
“Yeah,” laughed Colin. “That was Damian being nice.”
“You associate with these people?” Damian asked.
Colin shrugged. “I’m a part-time member of the Detectives Club.”
“Pizza club,” corrected Maps.
“The what.”
“Nerd club that solves school mysteries and shit,” said a girl from Colin’s group of younger students. She waved. “Hey, I’m Jess. Nice to meet you.”
Another fucking Jessica.
“Damian,” said Damian, putting up a hand in greeting.
This started another round of introductions and names he immediately deleted from his memory. Who knew Colin was so popular? It was the first day of school; he had not thought it was possible to align yourself with so many friends so quickly unless your name was Dick Grayson.
Slowly, both groups of younger and older students shuffled forward to their seats, helped along by the half-hearted encouragement of manic-looking adults. Somehow, Damian found himself squished between both groups, Colin on one side and Maps on another, as they chatted across him about summer and clubs and the teachers they already hated. Sensing an opportunity Damian told them of his run-in with Headmaster Hammer that morning, which triggered another round of commiserating laughter and louder complaints about what a hardass Hammerhead was—for they called the headmaster Hammerhead. Olive and Maps were the only ones to defend him, citing his one-man defense of the Academy when Joker had tried to take over the city two years ago.
“So?” said Damian. “Joker’s a bitch. He tries to take over the city all the time. That’s not impressive.”
By which a stuffy-looking blond boy in the row behind them became offended, scoffing, and Damian begrudgingly felt his respect grow for Colin’s friends as they immediately dog-piled on the boy for his shit opinion. Then no one could agree who of the Gotham rogues wasn’t a little bitch. And the argument devolved from there until Olive said Batman was a little bitch, too. Everyone laughed.
The lights dimmed. An off-key note rang out as the school band warmed up, and Headmaster Hammer and Principal Yanez stepped on stage.
Slowly in fits and starts, the auditorium quieted, and the assembly began.
next ->
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badwithten · 4 years
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doesn’t have to be a love story
〉yangyang x fem!reader
〉highschool au
〉word count 3.7k
〉warnings swearing, alcohol, vaping, violence? (not really)
 〉yangyang and y/n have been close for a long time but it didn't really make sense.  those two didn’t mix, especially if there was no romance involved. this is why their friends found it so hard to believe that this wouldn’t end in a relationship, it won't right?  
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“Yangyang it's pretty obvious you like her” It's not the first time he's heard those words, and he's certain it won't be the last. I suppose it was strange around here for guys and girls to be friends without a relationship. But that's all it was, only a friendship.
“It's not like that” He groaned and turned his attention to the block of wood he was supposed to be cutting for his hard material class, so far it was not coming along how he wanted. But he didn't feel discouraged, Xiaojuns one was way worse.
“Why don't you just say something?” Xiaojun was pretty reluctant with this whole Y/N and Yangyang thing, convincing himself that they were the end game. But in Yangyangs eyes it just wasn't like that. 
You two became friends in your first year of high school after being sat at the same table in math. You found joy in his jokes about the teacher and he thought it was funny he had to help you with your math every five minutes. Admittedly he wasn't the best at it either. 
Although the constant comments from his friends regarding the relationship between you two got annoying, he understood where they were coming from. He had never had this close of a bond with a girl before, especially not with a girl and it didn't lead anymore. But you were different. You were kind, funny, you understood him, you listened and even cooked for him when his parents went away for the weekend. Even though he loved his group of friends, they were ‘the boys’. It was difficult talking to them about things, it made it hard to talk about emotions or what he enjoyed in fear of not fitting in. He was probably being ridiculous but either way, it didn't matter, because he had you to express his feelings with anyway.
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What Yangyang didn't know was that you were also dealing with similar comments from your friends. They were suspicious about the amount of time you two spent together. Even after you explained to them, several times, that he was just a friend nothing more. They insisted that you make a move. It made sense to them, you were always complaining about being single, how you wanted someone in your life. The way you would describe the person you wanted, someone funny, caring, passionate and stood up for what they believed in. All those things were Yangyang, 
But that's not how you saw it, if you and him had gone out, it just wouldn't have worked. The friendship you had was too special to risk that. You will always be grateful for the late nights spent with him, only heading home when your mum calls you telling you she's going to bed. 
Maybe it was because you saw a different side of him. Yangyang, the class clown, who ditches class, doesn’t hand in homework and writes rap lyrics on his tests. But the Yangyang you knew was sensitive, he took into consideration his surroundings and how he affected others and despite what many people think, he was intelligent. The conversations you two had under the stars never left your mind.
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The sun was too hot for you to be stuck in such an uncomfortable uniform for any longer than you had to, yet Yangyang was nowhere to be seen. You agreed to meet him outside the gym after the last period since that's where his class would be, and he still managed to be late. This isn't surprising, he had PE. Five minutes after the bell goes, he and Ten finally pile out of the gym, the rest of their class nowhere to be seen. 
“Hey Y/N” Ten skips over with Yangyang trailing behind. He pulls you into a hug, you watch Yangyang roll his eyes from over Tens shoulder, causing you to laugh. “What's funny?”
Ten pulls away to look at you two but no one makes a move to say anything. “Well have fun on your date you two” Before you can get a word in to defend yourself he leaves, slapping Yangyang on the ass for good measure before dashing towards the front of the school.
“They’re still going on about that?” You and Yangyang finally make your way out the back of the school to start the long journey home. 
“Yeah don't worry about it, you know what they're like” You hum in agreement, not wanting to dwell on the awkward subject. Although you were both forced to hear these remarks every day, it was a different story when the other was with you. It just made things weird. Which caused even more confusion, you both strongly denied that you had any feelings, if so why did it make things awkward?
“Why did you get held in any way?” 
“Me and Ten kept getting balls stuck in the roof so we had to pack up” 
“On accident?” 
“Oh yeah definitely on ‘accident’. And you know what Mrs Hooper is like, doesn't like to have fun” You let out a laugh and rub your eyes, you forgot what he was like. You continue walking towards your usual hang out spot, the park down the road from his house. Stopping at the corner store first, getting drinks and chips to snack on.
“These pringles taste like ass” You look down in disbelief at the whole container of BBQ pringles that you had just bought after Yangyangs suggestion. “Why did you tell me to get these?”
“Well I think they're nice” He reaches over the table and snatches the container away from you.
“You baited me into buying you chips!”
“Not my fault you're slow” He gives you a cheeky smile and downs a few pringles followed by his redbull.
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“What's your speech on?” You almost jump out of your seat, not expecting Yangyang to come whisper such things in your ear. 
“I haven't decided yet, I've just been playing the snake game” You look around the room to see where the teacher is, yet you can't see him anywhere, the reason why Yangyang is standing beside you.
“I know I've been watching you” He sits down in the empty chair next to you. “You could always write about me you know?”
“Yangyang, I love you” He leans forward, resting his head on his hand and batters his eyelashes. “But no”
“Tsk your lost” As the teacher walks into the room he quickly stands to head back to his original seat across the class. 
“Yangyang, what are you doing out of your seat?” Mr Smith, a usually pretty chill teacher, still didn’t appreciate people mucking around when he's gone.
“Y/N needed help, sir” Your eyes go wide and you stare down Yangyang, he has the biggest smile across his face.
“Why didn't you say so? I'll be there soon Miss L/N '' You turn and mouth to Yangyang.
‘I hate you’
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“Aren't you cold?” Yangyang asks, you can hear in his voice that he himself is shivering from the cold, despite the fact he has a jacket on. 
“A bit but what am I supposed to do about it?”
“I got an idea” You expect him to offer you his jacket, or maybe his sweatshirt. But instead, you just get pain.
“Ow! Yangyang, did you just punch my leg?” You reach down and rub the spot he just hit, it wasn't that painful but you liked to play it up. 
“It'll burn up now, you're welcome” Even though it's pitch black, you just know that he has the biggest shit-eating grin on his face.
“I think I should head home now, we have school tomorrow” You stand up and pat down your slightly damp leggings from the dewy grass. Yangyang also scrambles to his feet.
“Wait if this is because of the punch I’m sorry” 
“No, what the, it's just I have to walk home and it's already so dark” You pick up your bag and head towards the footpath out of the park. His house is on the way towards your house so you always end up dropping him home first,
“I don't wanna leave yet, my parents aren't home, it's scary living by yourself” You stop in your tracks, unable to believe what he just said.
“If your parents' aren't home, then why have we been sitting out in the cold for the past 3 hours?” You hear the rustle of his jacket, indicating he simply just shrugged. “Oh my god, Yangyang. Do you want me to stay with you tonight?”
“Yes please,” You don't mind the idea of spending all night with him, especially if it means you don't have to walk all the way home. As you turn into his street you realize you've ever actually been to his house before, despite the countless times he showed up at your door. You were caught slightly off guard at how nice the place was, you don't know what you were expecting but something about Yangyang didn't exactly scream fancy. 
“Wow your place is really nice Yangyang” You comment as you take off your shoes at the door, the warmth comforting from the chill you had gotten.
“Thanks” Yangyang heads straight to the kitchen and you follow, unsure what to do with yourself. “Do you want anything to eat? We should probably make tea”
“Well, what is there?” He walks around the counter and opens up the fridge.
“Not a lot” You move around to look over his shoulder and are disappointed at what you see.
“Why is there only grapes?” 
“I don't know, grapes are good.” He grabs out the grapes and starts popping them into his mouth, unfazed by the fact that there's there's no real food in his fridge, apart from various condiments.
“How long have you been home alone for?” 
“A couple of nights”
“And you've been eating grapes the whole time?” He nods and continues eating. “Should I make some proper food?”
“Yeah, I can't cook”
“Yeah but I don't like onion or garlic, or tomatoes really” You sigh and rub your face, this was going to be a long night.
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You and Yangyang weren't the best at being organised, meaning you left his house at eight am, it took forty-five minutes to walk to school, and school started at eight-thirty. Luckily for you, you had art first, meaning there was no real pressure to get to school on time. Not so lucky for Yangyang who had studies of society. You get to school and part ways. You know you'll see him throughout the day but your conversations are never as good when other people are around. 
You get to the art room and the teacher says good morning, no comment about being late although you know you'll hear all about it from Ten when you see him sitting by himself.
“Morning,” You say as you drop your bag down. “Where's Winwin?”
“Sick apparently” He shrugs and focuses on the work in front of him, carefully shading in the portrait of himself with charcoal. “And someone had to leave me all alone this morning”
“It was fifteen minutes” You roll your eyes and wander off to get your art from the folder up the front, it's not your best piece but it'll get you a pass. A portrait of Harry Styles.  “I can't believe they let you do yourself for this”
“Why would I not be allowed to?” You sit down next to him and start working right away. 
“The project was a charcoal portrait of someone you look up to or who inspires you” 
“Yeah, I look up to myself” You laugh at his confidence, something you wish you had. You can't blame him though, the photo he chose is very flattering. And Ten is talented, it's coming out like a masterpiece.
“You like shit by the way” Ten is known for not holding back his comments, but even then he always catches you off guard.
“You know what I mean”
“Yeah yeah. I stayed at Yangyangs last night and didn't have any of my stuff” Ten groans and turns in his seat to look at you deeply. 
“Y/N this is frustrating. Do you like him or not?” 
“We've been over this a hundred times Ten, no I don't like him” Ten Reaches forward and presses the back of his hand onto your cheek.
“Then why is your face heating up?” Your eyes go wide and you rest your head on your arms face down on the desk. You hear Ten laughs as he begins rubbing circles into your back. “You're allowed to have feelings for him you know?”
“But I just don't want to ruin our friendship, he's special to me”
“So you do like him?”
“Ugh, Ten I don't know!” Your voice is louder than expected and the class turns to look at you, embarrassment bubbles up more in your stomach as you stare down at your desk.
“Y/N, Chittaphon. Quiet down.
“Sorry Sir”
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“Yangyang, why are you fifteen minutes late to class?”
“Sorry Miss, I had a guest round this morning and lost track of time”
“Ok just make sure you catch up, get Kun to explain the work to you” She sighs and flicks him away with his wrist, he hurriedly moves to the back of the class where Kun is sat, as well as a couple other kids.
“I thought you were home alone, who did you have round?” Yangyang is surprised Kun even heard what he said to the teacher, but apparently, it's one of his many talents. 
“Y/N stayed '' He immediately regrets saying anything but he knows he won't be able to lie for long either way.
“How was it?” 
“Fine” Kun looks over expecting more of a reply than that. “I don't know man, she made me pasta and we watched a movie. Nothing happened.”
“She made you food? She must be whipped.”
“In creative catering, she wouldn't even let me try her icing to see what it was supposed to taste like. Mine ended up being sour.”
“Ok, so she cooked for me? That doesn't mean anything”
“Hmm sure,” Kun turns back to his history assignment.
“Wait tell me what it means”
“God, are you that thick?” When Yangyang just stares at him blankly he drops his head. “She likes you”
“She does?”
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ten: did yangyang talk to you this morning
ten: about anything
ten: specifically y/n?
kun: Maybe? Why? Did she talk to you about anything
kun: He just told me she cooked for him
ten: y/n never cooks for anyone
ten: did he not pick up on that?
kun: Ikr 
kun: He seemed happy to hear that she likes him
ten: should i tell her that he likes her as well?
kun: Go for it
kun: Nothing will happen otherwise
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The next day you managed to get to class on time, although you can't say the same for Yangyang. You walk into a semi-full class and head to the back to join Ten and Lucas, accounting was boring and you never understood anything but Lucas managed to make things bearable. Ten, well he mainly made things worse. 
“Y/N, exciting news” Was the first thing said to you by Ten which usually meant it wasn't good news. You groan as you sit down, already feeling defeated.
“What is it?” Lucas seems more excited than you to hear about this.
“Yangyang finally admitted his feelings for Y/N”
“What?” You sit up straight, unable to believe the words you're hearing. Ten has a grin and Lucas is laughing harder than you've ever seen him laugh before. “Are you serious?”
“What's wrong with that?”
“Ughh” You rub your eyes hard enough you're sure that they're red. “I just, I don't know”
“You like him don't you? Isn't this a good thing?” Ten has gotten a bit more serious, not expecting you to be so upset by this news. 
“Yes but, I don't know, can we talk about something else please?”
You're also surprised at this news, you never thought you liked Yangyang. In fact, you were so certain you didn't like him. But finding out that maybe you do? It changes everything. Him liking you back only makes things more real. You would think you'd be happy at this news but you don't know. That's the only way to describe things right now. Confused. Yes, you like him, he likes you back. That should be the end of the story. But maybe not. Things are different and you don't know why. It's impossible for you to sleep with all these thoughts rushing. It's even harder for you to go to school without your friends bombarding you with a million questions about Yangyang. You wouldn't mind if it was something else, but you're so unsure of your feelings you don't know how to answer. You're certain Yangyang would have been told you like him as well, Yangyang has more confidence than you and you wouldn't be surprised if he made a move. The thought of him doing so makes you anxious, you don't want him to confess, you don't want to say yes, you don't want it. 
Your phone lights up the darkroom. A text from Yangyang, a perfect distraction from your sleepless night. 
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yangx2: hey
yangx2: wanna go for a walk after school tomorrow?
yangx2: i need to get some supplies for class
y/n: sorry i’m not feeling very well
y/n: idk if i’ll be at school tomorrow
yangx2: damn :/
yangx2: get better soon
yangx2: i have to go with lucas :(
y/n: haha you’ll be fine
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You didn't show at school for the rest of the week, being too ‘sick’ to do so. Every time a text would come through from Yangyang asking how things were, the conversation would die as quickly as it started thanks to your dry replies. You didn't know how to feel, didn't know what to do. Ignoring him was the only way for you to process your emotions right now. You just needed time. You couldn't be off of school forever, but thankfully it was over soon. It gave you two weeks to sort your shit out. During those two weeks, Yangyang stopped reaching out. You felt bad for giving him false hope but you knew this was what was best. Well, at least you thought so. Maybe things would have worked out in a different life. But right now, it wasn't the right time.
When school started again you were nervous, it was a fresh start. You hoped time just sorted things out. You walked up to the front of the school where you usually meet with everyone. Ten arrived first, then Xiaojun, Winwin next, Kun and Yangyang arrived together and Lucas was probably off at the skatepark vaping with Hendery. Surprisingly things went well, too well.
Everything was back to normal, almost normal. It wasn't awkward with Yangyang, but things weren't right. And you could tell. You two were not as close, he didn't come to annoy you during English, or invite you to his hard materials class to bully Xiaojun. He wasn't Yangyang around you anymore. You were scared you ruined things but maybe he just needed time as well. You hoped that was all, you didn't want to lose someone like him.
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The sleepout at Lucas’ you were all hanging out in a heated up way too quickly, with a mixture of sweaty drunk guys and various flavours of vape clouding the room. You couldn't bear to be in there any longer, deciding to slip out the back and sit on the deck outside. The air was harsh but it was a nice contrast to the hot smoke from the room within. Your cheeks were burning hot so the crisp air made it relaxing. You weren't out there for very long until another person escaped the room as well, Yangyang.
“Hey,” You say as he sits down next to you, it wasn't that you didn't want to see him, but it was the first time you two had been alone for a while, especially since he was a bit tipsy.
“You ok?”
“Yeah, it was just hot in there. Are you ok?”
“I'm great.” He looks at you as smiles brightly and you laugh, you miss seeing his face more often.
“Oh yeah,” You entertain his drunk ways and talk to him like a child. “What's got you in such a good mood?”
“I was talking to Nina on the phone”
“The girl I like remember, I'm gonna ask her out soon” Your heart sinks and you start to feel sick, although you're not sure if it's from the alcohol or this news. Jealousy spikes within you but you don't know why you have no right to be upset when you pushed him away. You feel stupid for believing that he ever liked you. Ten was just a troll wasn't he? He got you to ghost one of your closest friends who wasn't even interested in you. Thinking back to it, Yangyang always showed signs of liking Nina that he never did to you. Calling her pretty, defending her, buying her food. Yangyang never did that for you despite the fact you were so close. Your heart breaks, even more, knowing you never wanted it in the first place.
“Oh” You try to hide your pain through a smile, he would have been able to pick up if his senses were not blurred.
“Yeah she's great”
“I'm glad to hear that Yangyang, you deserve someone like her in your life”
“Hmm” It turns awkward, you don't know what else to say. Instead, you just stand and head inside. You need another drink to get through the night.
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“You ok? I went to look for you at Lucas’ the other night but Ten said you left” Yangyang took you off guard as he pulled up a chair to sit by you in English. 
“Oh yeah, I just wasn't feeling well” It wasn't lying, you just didn't say why you didn't say why. If he asks you'll say that you ate something funny. But in reality, you felt awful because of him. You swallow hard and bring yourself to say the next words. “Hows Nina?”
“Oh, I finally did it” His smile is bigger than anything you've ever seen on him, his eyes brighter than ever before. And it suits him. Being happy suits him. You know you'll never be able to bring him that, but Nina can. Nina suits him.
“Congratulations, I'm proud of you Yangyang” It hurts you to say that but you need to. You have to because you can't be angry at him, you can't. You left him. You ghosted him. Even if he didn't like you, it was a shitty thing to do as a friend. You thought you were so lovable that he had to have a crush on you, but in reality, it was nothing more than a friendship. Not everything turns into love, does it?
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I really can’t believe I was able to finish it on time! But I did! No beta, of course. And actually, it’s most of a blurp than an actual fic, I’d say. I just had this idea that I wanted to finalize it, but I didn’t have much time to do so. I think it’d work better as a 10k fic with everything described in detail, but... well. You have an idea, and I had fun writing it, so please enjoy!
PS: Forgive me the rushed ending, I literally finished writing it a few minutes ago. Also, forgive me for all the mistakes. It was beted in a rush too.
Elippo Week 2020 Day 2 Past or Future
Filippo never really thought about being a teacher. He wasn’t a model student in his school days and definitely didn’t choose his studies to become a teacher. But somehow, he became one. A few years passed since he started teaching art in one of the middle schools in Roma, but he still wasn’t fully used to it. And not only him. His friends and family never got tired of making fun of him, a light-minded scatterbrain, taking on such a responsible position. Eleonora still couldn’t believe that they really let him take care of a group of children even though he was still a child himself. Filippo tried his best not to comment on that.
But what was an even bigger surprise for everyone around was Elia Santini becoming a teacher. When he decided upon this career after high school, most people laughed at him. Especially his best friends who knew him all too well to know that he plus teaching sound like a bad idea. But surprisingly for everyone, he actually made it and became a middle school PE teacher. Although his friends still joked that Boccia wouldn’t be happy knowing that his top PE skipper ended up teaching PE, Elia proved to be an excellent teacher. The kids loved him, and he seemed to be really into what he was doing.
And by some strange coincidence, Filippo and Elia ended up teaching in the same school. Which should be great, after all, they used to be roommates for quite a time, they should be goods friends, and it should be lovely to work together.
Only that it wasn’t.
For some reason that remained unknown for Filippo, Elia didn’t really like him. To the point of avoiding and ignoring him every day at work. This was a few years long dislike that Filippo couldn’t understand. Especially since their roommates' days were wonderful. Just one day Elia suddenly became cold and distant and then moved out without giving Filippo any particular reason. Which bothered him every day because usually he didn’t mind people disliking him, but there was something in Elia that—
“Mr. Sava?”
Filippo snapped out of his thoughts, quickly looking away from the soccer team practice. Unfortunately, the art classroom had its windows facing the school’s soccer field. This meant that each week he had a chance to observe Elia Santini half screaming half laughing at the bunch of middle schoolers. And sometimes playing with them. These times Filippo liked the most. There was something alluring in Elia playing soccer with a group of students, taller than everyone else around him but surprisingly fitting between them. Filippo supposed that although he was almost thirty, he still had something of a teenager in him.
“Yes, what is it?” He sighed, moving away from the window. He wasn’t even interested in soccer in the first place. What was the point of staring at the school’s team practice every week then?
“On Tuesday I nicely asked him whether he’d like a coffee as I was making one for myself anyway and he said ‘no need’...”
“...but then I saw him making himself a coffee just a minute later!”
“Why he declined my offer then? Does he hate me so much that he couldn’t even accept my kind coffee offer?”
“Martino, are you even listening to me?”
Filippo sighed with irritation, taking a generous sip of his drink. He and Martino were meeting up almost weekly, mostly to let Filippo rant about how much Elia’s coldness bothered him. The thing was, Martino seemed to be less and less invested in his stories. Which made Filippo annoyed because not only he wouldn’t help him with getting the information from Elia, but he didn’t even want to listen to his hardships.
“It’d be easier if you just told me why he’s like that.”
“I already told you that I have no idea,” sighed Martino, not even trying to hold back an eye roll.
“And I’m supposed to believe it? You’re friends for years, of course he’d told you!”
“Well, surprise surprise, he didn’t. I tried to ask him, but he’s always saying that he doesn’t know what I’m talking about. He’s acting like nothing ever happened. So I don’t know… Maybe you really imagine things, Filo?”
This time it was Filippo who rolled his eyes. He knew he didn’t imagine things. Especially since he vividly remembered how different Elia was when they were living together. They used to spend a lot of time together back then. And it wasn’t only because they lived together. They’d hang out in each other’s rooms all the time, watching movies and stupid reality shows together, damn, even doing some chores together just to spend some time together. And then suddenly, Elia became cold and distant, and that’s how it was since then. It wasn’t just Filippo’s imagination. It was something more, and Filippo made a matter of honor to know why.
“Hey, what did I say about playing fair?!”
“Oh, come on!”
“Don’t ‘come on’ me! Go, do your penalty pushups.”
“Don’t be like that, Santini…”
“Add 10 for not respecting your teacher.”
“No way!”
“And the other 10 for pointless discussions. You want to keep bidding, Mancini?”
Filippo smiled against himself, looking at this scene. Elia might have tried to be all sharp and demanding, but at the end of the day, most of his students liked him. Probably because behind this hard-guy façade there was a laid-back guy willing to talk and hang out with his students after school, taking them to see a match or something (not that Filippo was interested in it). Not that Filippo had a bad reputation among the students. Well, maybe among the homophobic ones. But the kids generally liked him, at least those from the art club. Unless they were excellent actors and only pretended.
“Ugh, I wouldn’t want to be your student. You make me remember why I was skipping PE in my school days,” Filippo started, approaching Elia with a smile. The younger man stiffed, looking at him with a mixture of shock and annoyance on his face.
“What are you doing here? I’m in the middle of the lesson!” He hissed. Filippo only shrugged. It’s not that he didn’t know it. It was hard not to notice a group of screaming, running kids.
“Yeah, well, you’re avoiding me at the hallways, you’re avoiding me in the staff room, the same with school events and the schoolyard… I figured it’s time for the desperate measures.”
Elia said nothing, only clenched his jaw and looked back at his students, trying to pretend he doesn’t see nor hear Filippo. Typical ignorance strategy Filippo knew all too well. Not that he was planning on giving up. He already thought it through. During the lesson, Elia couldn’t escape from him. And if somebody asked, Filippo could say he came to ask Elia if he could use the hall for the upcoming art club exhibition. Doesn’t matter that Elia wasn’t a decisive person.
“Don’t you think it’s getting a little bit ridiculous? You’re doing it for years now, and you wouldn’t even tell me why.”
“I can’t see you doing your pushups, Mancini!”
“Come on. It’s not that hard. Just talk to me.”
“I’m in the middle of the lesson, Filippo.”
“Tell me and I’m gone then.”
Elia glanced at him as if he was considering it as an option. Filippo wondered whether he was genuinely annoyed beyond the point or maybe impressed his stubbornness. Or perhaps neither of this. It was really hard to figure out Elia sometimes. Or at least for Filippo.
“You should know it yourself. After all, you used to laugh at it all the time with your friends, thinking I don’t hear you. But well, I did.” Elia wrinkled his nose, his eyes focused on the kids playing… whatever, it’s not that Filippo paid any attention.
“I don’t understand,” he confessed because he genuinely didn’t. He had no idea which jokes Elia meant. There were so many, he was joking around with his friends all the time. He had no idea which ones could possibly affect Elia so much. They were generally some kinky stuff. Did Elia had a problem with kinky? He could just say so instead of moving out and becoming cold and distant.
“Don’t tell me you don’t remember. All those jokes about seducing me for fun...”
Filippo tired to remember those times when he was living with Elia and jokes he was making with his friends. They, in fact, did joke like that. Nothing special, just light jokes. About how Filippo should seduce his straight roommate just like in pornos just for sex. How fun it’d be and stuff. Filippo usually tired to silence them so they wouldn’t make Elia uncomfortable. Looked like he failed.
“These were only jokes and—"
“Yeah, only jokes, but you knew that I—"
“And I had no idea they’d disgust you! I mean, I know you’re straight, so did my friends, which is why we joked like that. About seducing my straight roommate and stuff. I mean, I don’t know, maybe they were more serious than I was, but for me, these were only jokes. I thought you’re chill enough to understand that. If you told me these kinds of gay jokes annoy you, I’d stop making them.”
Elia looked at him, confinement clear in his eyes. As if it wasn’t the answer he was expecting. For a second, it crossed Filippo’s mind that maybe didn’t understand it. Maybe Elia was aiming at something else. The question was… at what?
“Wait, so you didn’t know that I…?”
“Did know that you what?”
Elia looked away, suddenly looking shy.
“Nothing. Nothing, really. It’s... it’s all in the past anyway,” he decided with an awkward shrug. It didn’t really seem convincing, but Filippo decided not to press further. He felt that the conversation was going in a good direction, and he didn’t want to ruin it. All he wanted was to clear the misunderstanding and close the case. He could interrogate Elia some other time.
“Okay, so… I’m sorry for the jokes. I didn’t know they make you feel bad,” he tried. Elia started shaking his head before Filippo even finished talking.
“No, I’m sorry too. I should talk to you instead of… you know.”
Filippo nodded. For a while, they were standing in silence, neither of them knowing what to say and do. Finally, Filippo decided that he took enough time from Elia’s lesson. He was probably close to eventually getting into trouble.
“Okay, so… see you around?” He asked. Elia smiled, which made Filippo smile too. It wasn’t perfect, still very very awkward, but Filippo believed that was the start of a completely new era of his history with Elia Santini.
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toemuncher666 · 3 years
Bellatrix's Magical School Of Witchcraft
Season 1:
A young girl named Sarah Sanderson Salem always practiced her magic day and night to get into BMSOW. After getting an invitation on her 13th birthday to try out...she provided her most bedazzling spell...which went horribly wrong and blew up...but she still ended up getting in because of her passion for magic. After getting lost in the hall of talking paintings, she finally finds her way to the House Ceremony...where after demonstrating her magic...she was relegated to House Elixir of the Potion Witches. After being disappointed that her hard work didn't get her to be an Omni witch, she makes friends with a few other students (Hermione La Potter [a Wiccan], Melanie De La Looney [a celestial witch], and Sweeney Burton Barber [an elemental witch]). Days go by and Sarah and her friends meet up in the outdoor magic laboratory every night to keep up in class...specifically Sarah's inability to ride a broom in PE. During the month of Samhain...all the witches at school celebrate by dressing up as monsters (even tho a lot of students are monsters). But...a cult of the dark arts led by a man named Satanó El Diable raises an ancient witch from the grave...Luciferia De Vil. Angered at her continuous unrest...she awakens and corrupts her sisters Medusa and Lilith. Back at the school, the Samhain festival is all of a sudden interrupted by corpses of dead witches rising from the graves...and trying to eat the living. A new witch teacher named Serpentina repels the dead. Days go by and certain kids go missing...Bellatrix (the principal of the school who acts as Sarah's mentor) suspects that Serpentina is behind it. After her, Sarah, and Sarah's friends discover that Serpentina was abducting them...she reveals herself to be Medusa De Vil...and Bellatrix seems confused at Medusa's sudden evil nature, almost as if she knew her before but wouldn't tell Sarah. Medusa reveals that she knew Bellatrix and mocks Bellatrix for not having her "teacher's pet" at her side. Bellatrix promptly gets angered and starts spellcasting against Medusa...who gets defeated and Bellatrix "sleepifies" her.
Season 2:
After Luciferia learns of Medusa's defeat...she forcefully sends Lilith who shows hesitation. At BMSOW, a new teacher arrives named Raven...and Bellatrix recognizes her but refuses to tell Sarah the details. Sarah then gets hyped up by her friends and wants to become the best witch of all time. Her and Bellatrix start training sessions where Sarah tries to become an Omni witch...her first lesson...sword fighting and the dark arts. Bellatrix then notices that Sarah befriended Raven and was bringing Raven to help in her practice sessions with Bellatrix...who seemingly gets very jealous. After being told by Luciferia to kill Sarah...Lilith (aka Raven) decides that she can't do it due to Sarah's appearance to Lilith as a young girl...she even shared the same passion of becoming the best witch. Lilith reveals herself to everyone and reveals Luciferia's plan to become the true high queen of Salem...like she was supposed to before she died. Bellatrix steps up and reveals that she knew about Lilith the whole time...cause they were ex lovers. Lilith reveals to Bellatrix that she never left her on purpose...she was just cursed by Luciferia to remain comatose til Luciferia raises her again. Bellatrix spills out her emotions of how she thought Lilith left her for hundreds of years cause she didn't love her. Luciferia learns of her sister's betrayal and resurrects Beelzegoth, the ancient demon who cursed Luciferia out of her throne. Lilith and Bellatrix team up to help Sarah...and together they successfully teach Sarah the magic of the dark arts. Beelzegoth terrorizes Salem by eating the souls of witches and destroying villages. Bellatrix is then told of the return of Beelzegoth and gets Lilith, Sarah, and Sarah's friends to protect BMSOW from Beelzegoth all while Bellatrix destroys him. Lilith then takes everyone to Luciferia's castle where they seemingly destroy her.
Season 3:
Days went by after the assault on Luciferia's castle...Bellatrix and Lilith then teach Sarah, Sweeney, Melanie, and Hermione about the celestial arts of witchcraft. They also teach about harmonization which is when two witches have such a strong connection that their magic fuses and their souls tie to each other...they share each other's thoughts and their magic becomes 10x more powerful. Melanie and Hermione eventually fall in love (imma show hints throughout the series) and they go on a date...where they kiss...and their connection becomes so strong that they harmonized with each other. Luciferia is then shown to not be dead
and she's being possessed by Beelzegoth...the group gets wind of it and travel to Luciferia's castle. As they get to the main chamber which is locked...Sweeney opens a cursed book which shows them Luciferia's life. She was a normal witch who was supposed to become the queen of Salem...but she was executed for practicing the dark arts before it became legal...furied at her unlawful execution, her soul rises from the dead and creates an army of undead witches only to be stopped by her sisters Medusa and Lilith with the wand of Gazalan...a wand that Lilith had sent to Bellatrix as a "parting gift" before Lilith was cursed. Now Luciferia was resurrected by a man named Satanó El Diable. As Bellatrix and Lilith begin to fight Luciferia...they harmonize...for the first time in 900 years by requiting unrequited love with a passionate kiss and hug. They lift Luciferia's curse and set her soul free to do good things...and then everyone begins their search for Satanó...which leads into season four
Season 4:
As Sarah practices magic...Bellatrix and Lilith come clean about who Sarah is. Bellatrix reveals that Sarah is her daughter. Upset that Bellatrix and Lilith never told her...and left her to her abusive adoptive parents...Sarah storms off and talks to her friends. Hermione reveals that she never knew her parents, Melanie reveals that her mother died during childbirth and she came to school to make her mother’s soul proud, Sweeney reveals that his parents died in the war of the dark arts...and he vowed to use magic to show the world that no matter its appearance, it can always be used for good. Sarah then goes to apologize to Bellatrix for her outburst, but overhears Satanó’s name being mentioned. Sarah and her friends then make a plan to learn about Satanó to see if they can make him a good guy...they soon learn that Satanó is Lilith’s brother. Sarah and her friends come back from their adventure to confront Lilith...who reveals that her brother coerced her into cursing her sister out of the throne. This action would lead to the legalization of dark arts...and would lead to Lilith becoming the high queen...and not being outed for dating Bellatrix. Lilith tried to stop everything by trying to disband the Council of the Cursed Sigil...which led to Lilith being captured and forced into their plan to take over the world of witchcraft. We then see the Council resurrecting Beelzegoth...the creature that Lilith was forced to make to kill her sister...the creature harnesses all evil aspects of witchcraft...and the longer it remains on earth, the more powerful the council’s magic will get. Lilith then gets Bellatrix and Sarah’s group to head on a mission. The group go to The Rose’s Of Life...a meadow where Lilith repents for all the harm she’s done, she repents for the pointless wars she’s caused, and she repents for not being able to take action. Lilith revokes her role of high queen and gives it to Bellatrix...the woman Lilith knows holds the true power. Lilith then apologizes to everyone about her actions she had as the high queen...Lilith then reveals that she was never comatose...she served as the high queen for 900 years...she caused the dark arts civil war 11 years prior...and she apologizes immensely. Her sorrow was too much to handle and caused the Rose’s Of Life to collect Lilith’s sorrow and corrupt...the roses turned into abominations and started to attack the group. As the group learns that there’s almost no way to stop the roses...they fear for their life. As the main rose picks up Bellatrix and Sarah...Bellatrix apologizes to her for all the pain and sorrow she put Sarah through...Bellatrix apologizes for throwing Sarah away like that because of her depression from Lilith’s disappearance. Sarah accepts the apology...and her and a Bellatrix then harmonize as mother and daughter and revert the roses to their natural forms. As the group gets back to their school...Sarah then learns that harmonization is the main form of Celestial magic...and she just became one step closer to becoming an Omni witch. We then cut to The Council opening a portal...and resurrecting high king Azarath...Lilith’s father that she killed to become high queen.
Season 5:
Sarah practices Wicca with Bellatrix and Lilith...but throughout her practices...she keeps getting light-headed. Eventually Sarah passes out, but she finds herself in a dream world where Luciferia is locked up and sobbing...begging her to release her. Sarah wakes up and tells the others about her vision. Bellatrix then conducts a seance where Sarah travels to the dream world and helps Luciferia out of her chains...and they both wake up in the real world. Lucy (aka Luciferia) realizes where she is and she recognizes the people around her...but she’s not hostile. Lucy then explains to everyone that her resurrection was not her, it was not her own will and she was trapped in “The Otherworld”...the land of the forgotten dead where magic in the mortal world gets its power. Lucy explains that the Council of the Cursed Sigil forced her there where they stole her power and mind without her consent and forced harmonization (allegory for rape). Bellatrix then decides to gather The Council Of Diana...an old coven of witches who fought for good magic and equality during the civil wars. Bellatrix, Lilith, Lucy, Sarah, Sweeney, Hermione, and Melanie all learn to harmonize to invoke the power of Diana to recreate the Council. Upon realizing no one blames her for anything, Lucy starts a path of redemption. She takes everyone with her to The Tree Of Secrets where she must defeat her biggest enemy...herself. As Lucy gets defeated by her doppelgänger...Lilith apologizes to Lucy for all the awful things she’s done to her...Lilith tells Lucy that she’s sorry for destroying her life, killing her, and blocking her from ever being happy with herself...Lilith tells Lucy not to beat herself up, cause Lilith is the one who should be fighting herself for redemption. This causes Lilith and Lucy to harmonize Sister & Sister...where they beat Lucy’s doppelgänger. As they revel in victory, the group travels back to Salem...where they find High King Azarath eating the souls of innocent witches. The group try to stop him but are thwarted by Satanó...who reveals that he’s not the mastermind...or even willingly doing any of this. Satanó reveals that this is all caused by Satanó wanting to make his older sister Lilith happy...he wanted Lilith to be the high queen so he made a pact with the High Kings Of The Otherworld...but was tricked into an infinite contract where he would serve as their slave forever. Sarah and the others are then forced to ward off soldiers of the Otherworld as a coven of witches enter Salem...The Housecarls of the High Kings who tell them everything is ready. Lucy is then forcefully dragged away...as Lilith begins to break down in tears...but Sarah tells her that everything might seem like it’s her fault...but Lilith is not responsible for everything...and she encourages Lilith to deal with her past by fixing the current problems in her life. Which causes Lilith to gain confidence...and absolutely destroy the housecarls and destroy Azarath’s physical form...releasing Satanó from his unwilling mind control. As Sarah and her group travel back to the school...Bellatrix tells Sarah...that she unlocked the true meaning of being a Wiccan witch...standing up for others in their time of need...which means Sarah’s one step closer to becoming the best witch ever.
Season 6:
After practicing to become an elemental witch, Sarah is reminded of Medusa from the beginning of her adventure. After prodding Bellatrix and Lilith about it, they reawaken Medusa who is seemingly hostile...but Lilith convinces her to drop the act cause everyone knows that the curse isn’t real anymore. Medusa is then getting used to life at the witch school after revealing her true form...a goofball little sister. Lilith then ties up all of her loose ends...the curse wasn’t real and it was just her secretly serving as high queen for 900 years without her consent, she reveals Lucy was taken advantage of and she did nothing to stop it, she comes clean about being forced to kill Lucy, and she reveals that she in fact created Beelzegoth and helped Satanó reform the council of the cursed Sigil. Lilith sets off with the others (including Satanó) to practice her path of redemption by traveling to the Other World to confront the High Kings and form the true Council Of Diana. On their way, Lilith stops at the Hall Of Magika (the original source of magic) and returns The Wand Of Gazalan...which was the wand they used to imprison Lucy in the dream realm instead of saving her soul. The Wand senses her betrayal and calls out an intruder warning where Satanó redeems himself by helping all of them out of the hall and sacrificing his magical abilities in the process. As Lilith and the others travel to Diana’s Palace, Lilith opens up about her role in the wars. She was to keep them aflame to make sure no one notices the invasion from the High Kings...and she heavily apologizes for her role in causing the deaths of millions of people. After Sarah comforts Lilith, Sarah takes charge in the journey to Diana’s palace. The group eventually gets there and they meet Diana, Diana then learns to harmonize with her new Council to generate the strongest power. As the council tries to figure out what to do...Sarah takes initiative and says that they should strike one of the Five High Kings...Azarath. After destroying Azarath’s soul...he tells them that their world’s already taken over by Necra...The Goddess Of The Other World who orchestrated everything prior. After learning that Necra kept Lilith from telling the truth...and that she runs the council of the cursed Sigil...and that she started everything with Satanó...the group decides to go back by Sarah’s choice. Knowing that their killing of Azarath started a huge war between The Mortal Realm and The Other World...Sarah tells everyone that she must lead the war to save the realm that she knows and loves...but she also must save The Other World from Necra’s corruption. This passion of saving two worlds...and her impressive leadership through the ordeal led her to recognize what makes an elemental witch...bravery...leading Sarah one step closer to becoming the best witch of all time.
Season 7:
As Sarah and the others prepare for the war, Diana gives Sarah The Wand Of Zodia. Sarah is unable to use the wand but doesn’t really think anything of it, the group then come together and watch as soldiers of The Other World pour out of the portals. Diana summons an army of witches to fend off the soldiers as the council of Diana proceed into The Other World. In The Other World at The Control Hub, The Council Of Diana confront Necra...who Lilith recognizes as her Mother. Diana then confirms that all high queens are forced into a contract to become the host for Necra...the source of all power and magic. As the council approaches Necra, they’re confronted by an army led by their doppelgängers. As the council gets beaten by their evil twins...they remember to harmonize and control their powers to defeat their biggest enemies...themselves. As the group confronts Necra again...Sarah’s new wand begins to glow...Sarah begins to think awful thoughts as Necra addresses the group. Necra doesn’t even recognize them as witches...merely peasants bugging her for no reason...as Necra only has one thing on her mind...to gain what she lost when she was separated from The Mortal Realm...the realm she created. As the group tries to figure out a way to get her to listen, Necra sicks her little pet Beelzegoth on them. Instead of fighting, Sarah is fed up and approaches Beelzegoth...asking him why he follows her and if that’s what he truly wants. Upon realization, Beelzegoth reforms into his mortal body and lessens Necra’s powers...ultimately angering her. Necra sicks her council and High Kings on the group but they all harmonize together and reform everyone to their mortal bodies. After this...Sarah confronts Necra who doesn’t listen...this angers Sarah to where she destroys the buildings around her with her mind. Sarah’s frustration and anger with Necra forced Sarah to enter Necra’s subconscious where she meets the two prisoners...High Queen Veronica and Necra’s true self...after talking with both of them and forcing them to separate...Necra realizes the damage she’s done to the places she once loved. Necra then apologizes to her ex lover...Diana...where she reveals that after her mortal death she felt so ashamed of her form to where she tried her hardest to obtain what she loved...life...but by doing so, inadvertently took it away. After patching everything up and reforming all the witches under Necra’s mind control...Diana reveals that the wand revealed Sarah’s hidden psychic abilities...the ability to empathize even with those least desired...officially making Sarah an Omni witch. Sarah then attends her graduation with her friends...and says goodbye to everyone...and that was the tale of how Sarah Sanderson Salem became the best witch...and that’s the end of Bellatrix’s Magical School Of Witchcraft.
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orangeoctopi7 · 5 years
Back to School
: Chapter 1 : Chapter 2 :
Stan was sullen as they left their morning math class.
“That was great!” Ford chuckled, “I thought Mr. Grauberger was going to spit out his dentures when you answered that tax-cut problem!” But he noticed his brother wasn’t laughing along. “What’s wrong?”
Stan fidgeted with his backpack strap. “Yeah, the look on his face was definitely worth it. It’s just…” He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. “The minute he passed out that quiz, I froze! I should know that stuff, it’s finance, it’s what I’m actually good at, but I just couldn’t think!” He scuffed his feet on the linoleum floor. “All this time, and I’m still just the dumb twin.”
Ford scowled. "That's not true. It doesn’t matter what some arbitrary scholastic test says, you’re smart! I never would have made it home if you weren’t!”
“I know, you’re right.” Stan gave a small smile, “I just... wish I could’ve proved it to them.”
“They don’t matter.” Ford said shortly. “If it makes you feel any better, you can copy off my answers the next time you freeze on a test.”
“Yeah, just like the good ol’ days.” Stan chuckled sardonically. 
They tried to lie low through the rest of the day, not answering questions in class or talking to their fellow students. Neither of them really had any friends, outside of each other, which hadn’t been great for their social development, but at least it made things easier from a time-travel perspective. Nobody found it odd that the twins were keeping to themselves.
Of course, they didn’t have all the same classes together. Ford had advanced classes in Physics and Chemistry. Stan had an extra hour of PE that was basically just more time for boxing practice, and Choir, simply because it was an easy A. 
Stan was enjoying taking some of his frustration out on a punching bag in the weights room when a hulking figure, almost as wide as he was tall, stepped behind the sandbag.
“D’you mind?” Stan complained. He didn’t want to hit whoever was back there when the bag swung back.
“Well, well, Stan the lesser. Practicin' for tomorrow's match?” Crampelter’s ugly visage peeked from behind the bag.
“Ugh. I forgot they held you back a couple of years.” Stan rolled his eyes.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” The bully demanded.
“You wouldn’t get it even if I explained it to you.” Stan smiled smugly.
Crampelter stepped up to Stan. He was still almost a head taller. “Your brother’s supposed to be the smart-mouth.”
“We’re trading shifts.” Stan replied flippantly, not even remotely intimidated. “Now do you wanna do this right now, or can we save it for the ring? Y’know, where I can get paid to punch your face in.”
“You’re just scared to take me without a ref!”
“Not even a little. I just need the cash. I got a parking ticket to pay, apparently.”
With that, Stan swung a powerful left hook into the punching bag, swinging it directly into Crampelter’s gut. The bully doubled over, and Stan took the opportunity to get out of there. While he was confident he could take Crampelter even in a dirty fight, it really just wasn’t worth the trouble. 
He decided to skip Choir today and check on Ford. It seemed like their childhood bully was looking for a fight.
It took Stan a while to remember where Ford’s classroom was. He tried to just peek in quietly, but the teacher’s head immediately snapped to the door.
“He’s not here.” She said brusquely as soon as she saw who it was.
“Uh… d’you know where he went?”
“Said he needed supplies for his science fair project.” and with that, she returned to the board, where she was writing what Stan now recognized as the equation to calculate the gravitational forces two objects exert on each other.
There were a few places Ford could have gone to find supplies. First Stan checked the Chemistry lab and the art room. He finally found his brother in the auto shop, which was empty this time of day. When Stan opened the door, Ford was standing at the back of the room casually, with his best ‘innocent angel’ look.
“Oh, it’s just you.” the scientist went back to rummaging through the welding equipment as soon as he saw his brother.
“What are you doing!?” Stan hissed as he crossed the shop.
“Well I can’t fix the time tape using whatever dad’s got lying around.”
“Yeah, I get that part. But you could get kicked outta the science fair for stealin’ from the school!”
“As a wise man once said,” Ford flashed his brother a knowing grin, “Only if I get caught.”
Stan couldn’t help but be a little proud, but there was too much at stake for that right now. “At least let me do it, I already swipe enough stuff that they’ll expect it, and it doesn’t matter if I get in trouble.”
Ford rolled his eyes but relented. “Knowing how the administration feels about you, even if I did get caught, they’d probably find a way to pin it back on you anyway.”
Stan took a look at the box Ford had been ransacking. “So whaddya need?”
“The smallest soldering iron you can find.”
“What kinda filling?” 
“It’s called solder.” Ford corrected him automatically, “Ideally, Lithium, but I know they’re not going to have it. Tin or Copper should suffice.”
“Anything else?”
“A face shield and anything else you can find that'll help working with small circuitry."
"Pretty sure Dad's got some jeweler's lenses in the pawn shop. If you tell him it's for the science fair project, he'll probably let you use ‘em."
Ford grimaced. “I’m worried if I ask to use any of dad’s tools, he’ll want to see how it’s coming.”
“So just show him the preliminary frame. It’s not like he actually gets how the perpetual motion machine is supposed to work. You can just hide the time tape in a drawer or something.”
Ford nodded reluctantly. “Well, I suppose I’d better leave, if we don’t want to get caught. I wish cell phones had already been invented; I’d text you if I thought of anything else I might need.”
“Pch, we never needed those pieces of junk before!” Stan scoffed. “Oh, wait! Before you go, I was lookin’ for you to warn you. I ran into Crampelter earlier, seemed like he was lookin’ for a fight, so, uh, might wanna watch your back.”
Ford flashed him a vicious smile. “Honestly? I welcome the opportunity.”
“Tryin’ to stick to the timeline, remember?”
“Fine, fine, I’ll try and stay out of his way, but if he comes after me…”
“Then you can use your 30 years of sci-fi survival skills to get out of there without causin’ a scene.”
“You’re no fun.” The scientist pouted.
“If I can’t leave Shermie a note, you can’t beat up Crampelter.”
Ford wanted to argue that one of those would alter the timeline significantly more than the other, but he also knew that Stan would not want to hear it. And besides, he really needed to get out of there before anyone else showed up.
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jcforsapphics · 5 years
Andi Mack characters as stuff I heard in school
Amber: *point at TJ's notebook* what is that word?
TJ: that's 'that' in capital letters
Amber: that's not a 't', that's an 'i', sweetie
TJ: shit, I wrote 'ihai' instead of 'that'!
Marty: I know how the trans flag look like.
Buffy: you know how the trans flag look like?
Marty: *nods*
Buffy: why do you know how the trans flag look like?
Marty: ... I just do.
Buffy: are you kidding me?! That was a great idea! I almost voted for it myself before I remembered it was my idea.
Jonah: I want to draw the bisexual flag
Andi: why the hell do you want to draw the bisexual flag?
Jonah: ... Reasons.
Amber: so tell me about the show you're watching.
Cyrus: there's a girl, and she have a mother.
TJ: what's the name of the summer camp you went to? I might go there as well
Cyrus: gayland.
Andi: I don't think letting TJ and Marty work together is a good idea.
Buffy: it's not. It's really not.
Marty: *two sits away from TJ* I miss you so much!
TJ: I can't believe they won't let us be together!
Andi: I want to have a girlfriend by the end of this year. I mean, I go to art school! You don't go to art school if you're straight!
Cyrus: I made you a sandwich.
TJ: what? Why did you made me a sandwich?
Cyrus: you never eat at school and I was worried.
Cyrus: b- but he's a vampire, and he's soft and I love him!
Buffy: he's a vampire! He drinks people blood, how is he soft?!
Amber (teacher): what is that in your hands? It's not a phone, is it?
TJ: actually, it is
Amber: I gave you a way out, you wasted it
Buffy: what are you wearing?
Amber: pants.
Buffy: those are not pants. Those are boxers.
Amber: but they're long so technically, they're pants
Amber (teacher): who here thinks they're smart and have a future?
TJ: *put his hand up together with the rest of the class*
Amber, to TJ: put it down.
Andi: want to hear Simon Lewis entire life story?
Amber: please no.
Andi: you're in art school! You're not supposed to put your art inside a closet!
Cyrus: so Simon Lewis-
TJ: wait, his name is Simon Lewis? Like, he have two first names?
Cyrus: yes.
Amber: you know, this two girls from my class went to pride parade.
TJ: why couldn't they take me?
Andi: my teacher is totally gay, he likes art!
Cyrus: I got married.
Marty: ok, so that means you're gay.
Buffy: I can feel my iq getting lower just by standing in this class.
Amber: wait, so are you team delena or stelena?
TJ: delena
Amber: good.
Gus: that poster look like one of the Percy Jackson movies
Amber: we don't talk about them in this household.
Cyrus: I feel so alone, being the only one in this school who read this book and watched the show.
Amber: Andi watch Shadowhunters
Cyrus: Andi watch Shadowhunters?!
Cyrus: so what happened here?
Jonah: so basically-
Walker, mouthing behind him: don't.
Buffy: we honestly need cameras in this classroom, it's basically a zoo
TJ: were you the one that told me what was the most efficient way to cut myself?
Amber: no. No I wasn't.
Cyrus: oh no! I can't find my pe class! We're usually in the gym, but they weren't there when I checked! Oh well, I guess I have to go to the library or something like that now.
Gus: actually, they're in the basketball field! I can take you there!
Cyrus: nope. No idea where they can possibly be. Gotta go to the library.
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Dreaming While I Wake
Sanders Sides Foster Care AU - Roman-centric Angst & Hurt/Comfort & Abuse Recovery
Roman tries to be upbeat and hopeful despite all the shit that’s happened to him. And a lot of shit has. Luckily, his new foster home is with two literal rays of sunshine (and a sarcastic asshole). 
Chapter 10
chapter 1 for new readers - ffn mirror
tags: @bunny222
  Virgil took very long strides on the way to campus this morning. Roman was lucky he was quick, because Virgil has long-ass legs. It was a few blocks away, not really a terrible walk. Roman hated being up this early, though. He and Virgil didn’t even sign to each other. Roman was pretty sure Virgil would also give anything right now to go back to bed, just based on his glower and the way he kept seeming to lose focus.   Roman wasn’t doing any better. Roman kept yawning and accidentally tripping on uneven parts of the sidewalk. Virgil didn’t even make fun of him. Roman hadn’t known him that long, but Virgil never missed an opportunity to until now. Mondays, maybe. Or just mornings. Roman wasn’t sure it mattered. Maybe Virgil was mad at having to show Roman the way to campus early. He didn’t seem to care when Thomas asked him to, though. But Roman didn’t have the best read on him. The parts of the night he managed to sleep he had his patented nightmares again, so it just a step above complete insomnia.   When they got to campus, Virgil quickly veered off down a hall without waving bye as Roman headed to the front office. The exhausted-looking administrative personal looked up when he stepped in.   “Um, Roman Reinhart?” Roman said warily.   “On the right, first door on the left. Councilor's office,” She said, pointing behind her to the hall on the right, not looking away from her computer screen. Roman nodded and shuffled quickly down the hall, peeking through the cracked open door.   “Oh, Mr. Reinhart?” The man at the desk asked. Roman nodded and stepped in. “Alright, we’ve just put you in the core classes that we had spots left in based on the transcript from your last school. You just have to pick your electives. You can keep taking art if you like, there’s room in the class. This school doesn’t have Latin, so you can’t keep taking that one. There’s no room in Spanish II this semester year, but you can take it next year. You only need two language credits to graduate. Colleges like a balanced transcript, so trying something new wouldn’t be a bad idea. Pick two,” The councilor handed Roman a piece of paper with the remaining available electives. Roman just stared at them, dumbfounded. He didn’t know what he was interested in and he wasn’t even sure he’d be here long. Roman looked up at the counselor, looking at him expectantly and somewhat annoyed.   “Um, yeah, art, and uh, choir?” Roman said, picking the first thing that came to mind before the councilor got mad at him. The councilor took back the sheet and typed at his computer in silence while Roman sat there awkwardly. He probably thought of choir because of what Patton said. Maybe if Roman signed up for the stuff Patton wanted him to, he could… that was probably too much to hope. It was just a gut decision. But he could give it a shot. At least he could know if he liked choir or not before they kicked him out. It’s not like he was doing stellar in Latin. “Uh, I’d like to do cross-country, maybe? I’m sure I missed tryouts. How would I join?” Roman asked tentatively.   “Ask the PE teacher after class. You’ve got PE just before lunch, so you should have plenty of time to get it sorted out,” He said, continuing to work on his computer. After a few more uncomfortable moments, the ancient printer finally spewed out a class schedule.   “Here you go, kid. Maps and school calendar are on the wall in the front office. You’ve got about a couple minutes until the first warning bell goes off, so try to familiarize yourself with the map. You’ve got 8 minutes between classes to get where you need to go. Here’s your locker assignment. There’s no room in the sophomore locker hall so you’re with the junior lockers on the second floor,” He handed Roman a little slip of paper with a combination on it and the locker number.   “The teachers should already know to expect you, except for in art and choir. If you just ask them your seating assignment before the bell goes off and you should be golden,” Roman nodded and stepped back out of the office to grab the map off the wall and start trying to navigate this monster of a school. —   Roman sighed and picked at his school lunch as he sat alone at the edge of the cafeteria. He’d met some nice people in his morning English class, but they didn’t share his lunch period. Roman wouldn’t mind eating alone so much if it didn’t look like he was literally the only person doing it. He’d done this a million times before, so he knew he’d eventually find a friend group to tolerate him. But the first few weeks always sucked. And the food sucks. This breadtangle of pizza was soggy and gross, and what even was on these green beans? Why were they slimy? The texture of everything was pretty disgusting. He’ll need to ask Virgil what’s edible here before lunch tomorrow.   The PE teacher told Roman to come after school to practice to try out, and Roman kind of looked forward to that. They didn’t meet every day and the PE teacher said anyone who could run under an eight-minute mile could join. Roman had never timed himself before, but he was pretty certain he could do that. It would be nice to do something he was okay at for a change instead of always fucking up. He was still nervous about choir later this afternoon, but he knew he could run. You don’t have to try out for choir or anything, but he still didn’t want to find out he was a bad singer. It was probably a poor decision. Stupid impulsiveness.   Roman’s stomach turned as he forced down the food. It was vile, completely, and the texture was a nightmare that made his skin crawl, but he couldn’t throw it out and waste food. He still had some free time before the next bell, so he went to go sit outside. He needed some fresh air for the nausea from lunch. The cafeteria was really loud, and it was wearing on him, too. Roman sat back under a tree in some weird wood chip garden and took a deep breath of the autumn air. It was at least a good thing it wasn’t too far into the semester so he could catch up easier. But he will have an unbearable amount of homework this week. Roman leaned back and closed his eyes, trying to get a brief rest before lunch was over. —   Roman stretched out nervously. He was in kind of tight jeans and not exactly prepared for this, but he was just supposed to run with the others, keep in his lane, and clear 8 minutes, and then the PE teacher would make her decision. The regular-track kids were also here, and they were staggering start times to share the space. Roman watched football practice on the field while the track kids started off. He took a deep breath and joined the cross-country kids as the starting lines, waiting for the teacher’s whistle to take off.   Roman started running at the whistle, and some kids took off much faster than him, but Roman didn’t want to tear these pants. They were possibly just trying to show off, because they slowed down as the group turned the corner, and Roman pulled ahead with a smirk. He got a glower from one of the ones he passed, but the other held up his thumbs and looked pretty excited. As he turned the final corner, Roman ran faster to try to make sure he stayed under 8 minutes. Another two kids beat him to the finish line, but the exact middle of the pack was a good sign.   “Roman! 5:48!” The PE teacher called, walking up to him while he caught his breath at the edge of the track.   “What, really?” Roman smiled. He probably could keep going, too.   “You’re welcome to join if you’d like,” She said, sounding excited. “That’s an impressive time for a newbie,”   “I, yeah, yes,” Roman stammered.   “Well, go ahead and queue up with the same pack to run it again slower, and come to my office after practice so we can get the paperwork. You need parents’ permission to join so I’ll need you to bring back a signed form. You can drop it off during PE tomorrow or the next meet on Wednesday,” She said and Roman nodded excitedly and walked over with the pack.   “Hey, congratulations, dude!” One of them smiled. “I’m Toby,” He drank some water. Roman didn’t have the forethought to bring water out and felt like a thirsty idiot.   “Roman,” He smiled brightly.   “You’ve got pretty good form, did you run at another school?” Another boy asked. “Seth’s the name,”   “No, just a, uh, hobbyist,” Roman said as dismissively as he could manage.   “I can tell from the fact you’re wearing jeans,” Another boy scoffed.   “I didn’t expect to be able to try out as soon as I asked,” Roman rolled his eyes. “Maybe you should worry how fast I’d go with practice,” Roman smirked. Seth and Toby laughed.   “Yeah, chill out, Nolan. Roman’s new,” Toby said, patting him on the back.   “Ugh, whatever,” Nolan rolled his eyes and started stretching out again.   “That’s Augustine, call her Aggie or she’ll tackle you. The last one is Julie. She thinks she’s better than all of us so don’t bother talking to her,” Seth, Toby, and Aggie laughed and Julie scoffed.   “I am better than all of you,” Julie flipped him off quickly and went back to stretching.   “So why’d you pick cross-country over track?” Seth asked.   “Tracks get boring. I’m an urban runner if anything,” Roman shrugged.   “Same. We practice on a track pretty often and I get sick of it quick. Other than running around campus, they bus us out to a hiking trail or send us back to the obstacle course sometimes, unlike track, though,” Seth shrugged.   “An obstacle course?” Roman’s face lit up.   “Yeah, dude, it’s pretty cool. It’s splinter city, but it’s a pretty big course. Some other schools in the district even come out here to use it,” Seth smiled.   “We have a friendly competition about obstacle course times if you’re interested,” Nolan smirked mischievously.   “He’s literally never run it before, it’s not fair to him,” Toby rolled his eyes.   “No, I’m interested,” Roman said, eying Nolan suspiciously.   “It’s nothing major. Loser accepts any dare the winner chooses,” Nolan said with a small shrug.   “Shit, dude, that’s fine by me,” Roman laughed. He’d probably do any dare he was given anyway, he had shit impulse control and was very aware of that fact.   “Cool,” Toby laughed, and they walked to the track to wait for their start again. —   Roman’s mouth was dry as hell by the time he got back to Thomas and Patton’s house. He chugged some very metallic water from the fountain after practice, but he had that whole paperwork thing, and then jogging back defeated him. Lita barked excitedly as Roman came in. Roman bent down to scratch her head and made a bee-line to the kitchen to chug some water.   “Roman? Is that you?” Thomas called.   “Mm-hmm,” Roman grunted between gulps of water.   “I was surprised not to see you come in with Virgil,” Thomas said, walking into the kitchen.   “Patton told me I should try out for cross-country or something,” Roman said, pouring another cup of water.   “Oh, did you?” Thomas asked curiously.   “Yeah,” Roman breathed. “I don’t want to bother you or anything but there’s stupid stuff to sign so I can join,” Roman kicked his foot lightly into the tile.   “Oh, you passed the tryouts?” Thomas beamed. “Congratulations! I’m happy to sign a permission slip. Oh, we should probably get you some running gear. Did you really run in those jeans? I’m surprised they didn’t rip,” Thomas asked, sounding concerned.   “It was kind of a last-minute decision,” Roman huffed. “I don’t need anything,” Roman rubbed his arm awkwardly.   “Roman, half your clothes barely fit you from what I’ve seen,” Thomas said critically.   “I had a growth spurt at 14 and I probably will again soon,” Roman said dismissively, backing up a bit.   “That doesn’t mean we have to wait until your clothes don’t fit at all,” Thomas frowned. “Virgil, back me up here,” He asked Virgil as he walked past them to the fridge.   ‘About what?’ Virgil signed. ‘That Roman is an idiot?’ Roman rolled his eyes.   “I don’t think he was listening,” Roman took another drink of water.   “That Roman doesn’t need to wear clothes until he explodes out of them like the hulk,” Thomas said emphatically.   ‘That’d be cool to see, can you do that?’ Virgil signed, and Roman laughed.   “He’s not backing me up, is he?” Thomas huffed. Virgil saluted them and left the kitchen with a drink and chewing on something from the fridge.   “I think he’s on his own team,” Roman chuckled. “You just got me some clothes, it’s fine,”   “We got you two outfits worth, Roman, and if I knew most of your shirts were nearly see-through, I would have pushed for more,” Thomas frowned.   “I- I don’t…” Roman trailed off.   “You don’t what?” Thomas asked, leaning against the counter and looking at Roman in a way that just unnerved him.   “I didn’t… I don’t,” Roman stammered and drank his water nervously. He couldn’t say it. He left the kitchen. Thomas doesn’t want to hear it.   “Roman?” Thomas asked, following him. Roman headed upstairs and closed himself in his room. Thomas didn’t follow, luckily. Roman didn’t want to disappoint him again. He thought running would be free and just need to bother them one time. He didn’t realize the clothes were such a big deal. Roman leaned against the door and dropped his backpack on the floor next to him. He slightly pulled his hair as he ran his hands through it.   Roman slid down against the door and held his knees close to his chest. He didn’t have to join cross country. He could probably still back out. The sheet isn’t signed or anything. He wanted to make Patton happy, but Roman was used to being a disappointment. It was better than being a burden. Roman sighed and got up, picking up his backpack and dragging it to the desk. He had a shit-ton of homework to do and didn’t have time to mope. —   “Want to help us pick what to make for dinner?” Patton asked through the door after a quick knock. Roman rubbed his eyes, uncrossing them after looking up from his textbook.   “Too much homework. I’m fine with whatever,” Roman called back and glanced back down at his textbook. He fought the urge to just bash his head into it to try to force it into his brain physically.   “Maybe you should take a break, kiddo,” Patton replied. Roman managed to bite his tongue before he said he was fine again, but he did literally bite his tongue and it kind of hurt. He held open his mouth and felt it pulse slightly, but it didn’t taste like it was bleeding. “Roman?”   “Ah bit mah tongue,” Roman tried to reply. “Sorree,”   “Is it bleeding?” Patton asked with concern through the door.   “Nah, jus’ hur’,” Roman said and took a big drink of water. “Is good,”   “Can I get you some ice water for it?” Patton asked.   “No, is already fadin’,” Roman said and took another drink.   “Okay. I’ll come get you for dinner, then. Let us know if you need help with your homework,” Patton said.   “Kay,” Roman called back and rubbed his eyes again before getting back to catching up to the classwork. Why can’t teachers all use the same syllabus so Roman doesn’t have to do this all the time? Roman sighed. His eyes hurt from reading all this shit. Packets at least are the easiest way to do classwork and some of his teachers game him some. It’s like a scavenger hunt for answers in the textbook. What he wouldn’t give for some skittles right now, though. He was running out of steam. He was just going to finish this page and take a break. There was no way he could finish all this tonight, anyway.   Roman came down the stairs and waved awkwardly to Thomas as Roman passed his office. Thomas didn’t notice him, though. He headed into the kitchen, instead.   “Hey, are you okay if I take Lita on a quick run?” Roman said, pulling a water bottle out of the fridge.   “Go ahead, kiddo. Sounds like a nice break,” Patton said, stirring something savory smelling on the stove. Lita was wagging her tail brightly at Roman’s feet and made a very cute noise when Roman reached for the leash on the hook.   “Who’s a marvelous girl,” Roman cooed and scratched behind her ear before hooking up her leash. “See ya,” He waved to Patton before being nearly yanked out of the house by Lita.   Running in the cool evening air was much nicer than any other time of day. Lita was boisterously bolting as fast as Roman would let her go as usual. She stopped at the same stop sign and fire hydrant again. Dogs really were creatures of habit. Humans, too, probably. Roman kind of wished he had that kind of stability to get habits. He got a cute photo of her hopped up on a rock and barking at a squirrel up in the tree that threw something at her. She growled and Roman gave her leash a few gentle tugs and she jumped off and walked away from the squirrel angrily.   They settled back into a run after she was done fuming about the squirrel’s audacity. Which was very funny and lifted Roman’s mood a bit. The run helped clear his head, though not much. He probably should have thought to try running for fun instead of for work before. It was nicer than just working out in his room. Having a dog to run with was likely what made this nice, though. They turned the corner and Roman pushed himself to sprint as fast as possible to squeeze that last bit of run out of Lita. She raced excitedly up to the door, panting happily as she came inside. She trotted happily to the kitchen to get some water, and Roman followed.   “We’re back,” Roman said to Patton as he passed to the fridge for more cold water.   “Hey, there, kiddo! Did you have a nice run?” Patton smiled.   “Yeah, weather is nice outside right now,” Roman said and enjoyed some water. “Check out this photo I got of Lita yelling at a squirrel for throwing an acorn or something at her,” Roman said and pulled up the photo on his phone.   “Oh!” Patton cooed. “She’s got such an angry little face!” Patton squatted down to pet Lita. “Did that mean old squirrel assault you?” He rubbed her head and neck between both hands and Lita wagged her tail in a wide arc and licked his hand. Patton got up to wash his hands with a smile. “Send me that, wouldja?”   “Oh, sure,” Roman shrugged and sent it to Patton, then washed his hands right after him. “Do you need any help with dinner?”   “Nah, I’ve got it,” Patton shook his head and went back to cooking.   “Um, let me know if you do,” Roman mumbled and left the kitchen. He really didn’t want to go back to homework just yet. Dinner smelled good, and he was feeling lazy. Roman flopped down on the couch with the family laptop, opting for Minecraft. He probably didn’t have enough time to play the adventure game for long, but he could play creative mode for a bit.   Virgil came downstairs while Roman was working on his mansion behind a waterfall and leaned forward on the couch, watching Roman build as he laid across the couch with the laptop.   “You need the laptop or something?” Roman asked, trying to turn his head to see the answer. Virgil stuck his arm out to sign ‘no’ almost like a hand puppet. Roman shrugged and went back to placing the carpet pattern. Virgil stayed and watched, which was unexpected. Mostly because Virgil was willingly standing within three feet of Roman. He’d probably bolt if Roman made any sudden moves. Roman would, at least. Roman gave him a confused look, but he just shrugged in response. Virgil just watched quietly as Roman kept placing blocks.    Roman was putting vines on some marble pillars when Patton interrupted him.   “Dinner’s ready,” Patton called from the kitchen. Roman saved and quit while Virgil headed into the kitchen. Whatever it was, it smelled good. Roman put the laptop back on the side table and went to go eat dinner.
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aislinceivun · 4 years
Hi! I know that you’ve said that you won’t continue with the sequel planned for Wandering Bird, but I was wondering if I could inquire on what you might’ve written? It’s just, I really adore your fic; can’t get it out of my head actually (so I’m so sorry if I’m being insensitive!) You mentioned once that you were going to do a POV from Arthur Gwen and Morgana- does that mean they (Morgana and Gwen specifically) had an idea of Merlin’s fate? Could Arthur “see” Merlin during his adventures? Part 1
Part 2: (Again, I apologize for my questions-your story just has so many interesting plot points!!) How would Bonnie and Co interact/react to Arthur’s return? Why couldn’t Freya interact much with Merlin; Was it a lack of magic, interference or something else? Somewhat weird question: but did you have anything in mind for Merlin’s Vigil Night? (If he can get one poor dear). (Gushing continued in third ask I’m so sorry)
Part 3: I loved how you showed Arthur considering legal reforms before his death-and the Phoenix as the emblem? *Chef’s Kiss* Was the creation of the phoenix’s later on a reference to that? Random aside: I really adored how badass you made Merlin, without making him too edgy or dark, you know? Also I really loved the many prophecies/legends surrounding just Merlin as “Emrys”! I adore literally everything about Aithusa, and her final scene made me bawl (also your art is gorgeous!) You’re amazing!
Don’t ever apologize for asking questions about fics! Even if they’re old fics the author doesn’t plan on returning to, these kind of asks can really make their day and I’m sure 98% of the time they’ll just be over the moon that someone still thinks so much about their work :D I am!!
I still get emotional thinking about Aithusa, so I’m super glad her storyline made you feel so deeply. And that yuo liked Merlin’s portrayal and the lore about him! And thea art! Ahh, just, thank you! 🥰
Unfortunately, I no longer have my original outlines and the roughly 15k I’ve written due to my old laptop crashing, and it’s been 7 years (oh my gosh how) so I no longer remember the details. Which is too bad - I have several abandoned fics in my mother tongue, and I always uploaded summaries of what was supposed to happen to provide some kind of closure to readers. I can’t do that properly with Wandering, but I’ll try my best!
Putting the rest under a cut. :)
Feathers was inteded to be a series of 7 fics: 3 long main stories and 4 shorter (8-15k) standalone side-stories. The graphics are pretty much the only thing I still have  left x’D
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You know this one, 75k of how Merlin spends those roughly 1500 years between the end of the show and Arthur’s rebirth. Then, the stuff that never got finished:
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The Gwen POV side story, set during ch1 of Wandering. Focused on Gwen dealing with Arthur’s death, managing the kingdom and working on abolishing discrimination against magic users. Also getting together with Leon after a few years.
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The Morgana POV one, at parts corresponding to ch1 and ch2 of Wandering. Honestly, I’m no longer sure about the details, but the early parts were supposed to explain and detail show canon, and then... I think I meant to bring her back in as a literal bird. With the life span of it, just keeping her consciousness, so she can watch what happens in the world. She probably watched over Aithusa, too, and Merlin, and IDK but the goal was to show her thoughts and eventually give her character justice and closure.
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The Arthur POV one. He was kept in some kind of otherworldly, underwater palace-like place and could only interact with Freya, really, but he did get constant flashes of Merlin - especially where he was near Albion. This short was supposed to be very dream-like, as time works differenetly in that place. It’s kind of like when you’re half-asleep, y’know? So Arthur didn’t really live those 1500 years like Merlin did, but he followed his journey, in a way. When Freya “woke him up” at the end, they did have a conversation about it. He lost these memories when he was reborn. (But he still often dreams of water and a kind lady)
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The next big one! Set in 2012, this would’ve started with Arthur & Merlin going to uni and “meeting each other” and ended with Arthur finally regaining his memories. Merlin kept away from him while Arthur was growing up, you see - aside from that one time when he learnt that by pure chance, Ray (who became a PE teacher) ended up being one of lil’ Chris/Arthur’s teachers. As old man Emrys, he got himself some history teaching shtick because he wanted to see how Arthur was doing, but he quickly realized that this is not going to work, what with him being in love with the man Arthur is going to become. xD So he left after a few months, and kept away from Arthur. (But kept pestering Ray with questions :D)
Anyway, when Arthur goes to uni (by this point, he exclusively goes by ‘Arthur’ btw, dropping Christopher) Merlin magics himself back into his eighteen year old form and gets enrolled in the same school. Agatha and Mike would have had prominent roles as basically Merlin’s sidekicks. Aggie is especially close with him, after him mentoring her about magic all her life.
Arthur has no memories either of his old life or about the years spent with Freya, so the dynamic at first is pretty much show S1. Most of the angst would have come from Arthur finally wanting to get together with Merlin but Merlin pulling away because there’s just too much Arthur doesn’t know; how is he supposed to be together with him when he’s hiding so much, lying so much? This Arthur is pure and free of the tragedies of the past, and maybe it’d be best if Merlin left him alone... But something must be happening - something the world needs Arthur for, if he slept through WWI and WWII but NOW fate decided to send him back...
Anyways, he would have gotten back his memories aroud the end of this instalment. Cue a lot of crying from Merlin’s part.
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The last big one, a direct sequel to With Memories. A lot of recap and talking in the early parts, Merlin and Arthur reconciliating who they were in the past with who they are in the present and who they wanna be in the future. 
There was a Big Bad of some kind of malicious magical origin (not necessarily a person, but an “end of the world” kind of thing/entity. It was 2012 after all. Little did we knew the real shit was coming 8 years later It was revealed that Arthur had magic himself, plenty of it - he couldn’t use it, at all, but he wielded a lot of pure magic, maybe related to how he was basically marinated in magic-juice for over fifteen centuries and how his soul was pushed back into the world xD There was a lot of magical and dragon-related lore to be revealed. The Phoenixes came back to play a part in resolving the Big Bad, too. But it’s all very hazy. What I do remember is that to fix the Big Bad, Merlin AND Arthur had to hold their Vigil Night, in a way - not dying, god now, but both of them hand to give all their combined magic back to earth.  This resulted in the Big Bad no longer happening and Merlin losing his immortality =)
After figuring out their shit in the first half, they were pretty much together, btw. Learning each other in a new way. Arthur digged Merlin’s Phoenix emblem tattoo, that’s for sure. A lot of communication was needed, especially because it wasn’t easy for Arthur to understand Merlin’s grief (sometimes, Merlin looked so old despite the young form he wore; sometimes he felt ancient, and Arthur was a bit scared in his presence - not scared of Merlin, but scared of how to measure up to him, reach him, help him.) And Merlin had to understand that even with his old memories, Arthur wasn’t exactly that Arthur, the king - he had a life of his own in the present, a new identity, and it was unfair of Merlin to expect him to be the same. They no doubt talked a lot about Merlin’s lived experiences, his lost ones, Aithusa. (Merlin never stopped wearing the pendant made of Aithusa’s scale)
Happy end, of course :)
Well, that was a lot of vaaaague stuff, but hopefully gave you an idea? Bonnie wasn’t around too much, though I’m sure I’d have included some scenes with her. She probably didn’t met Arthur until Together Again. Aggie liked him fine but kept teasing him and she could be a bit harsh, what with her being so overprotective of Merlin. Mike and Arthur got along really well. Arthur was shocked when he was first fully introduced to the whole family and was met with his old PE teacher AND that brought up the fact Merlin attempted to teach him for a few months xDD 
Buuuuut.... this was still just 6, eh?
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Last instalment, another side oneshot, and a prequel to the whole series. Kilgharrah’s POV. Set a few generation’s before Uther’s rein, elaborating on some of the lore and backstories revealed in Together Again. (all of which I no longer remember, rip) I know we’d have met an ancestor of both Merlin and Arthur through Kilgharrah: Aurelius Ambrosius, who does some good deed to Kilgharrah, and the dragon blesses him - after this, the man takes the name Pendragon. And Coel, who was a dragon lord, husband to Ystradwal high priestess. Coel had a cheerful and kind personality, and he was the first human Kilgharrah came to like. They became friends. Coel was supposed to be Merlin’s grandfather, I think. Kilgharrah and his mate were expecting their first egg to hatch when Uther’s purge started, and that was pretty much the end of this short =(
All I have left aside from these is some tidbits of dialogue from the single file on the sequels I have:
“Whoa, Merlin, slow down. I can’t follow you.”
“I’m different from you. Okay? I’m not... I wasn’t... I didn’t reincarnate. I’m not a reincarnation of the original Merlin. I am the original Merlin. Do you understand? I never... Look, I never died.”
“You are. The same Merlin." Merlin nods. "The same Merlin who mucked out my horses and saved me countless times and magicked his way into my life.”
“I’m afraid, sire.”
The title comes without a conscious thought, and when he realizes, his heart twists and cracks.
Arthur just stares at him.
“So? Who are you guys, then?”
“I wasn’t lying about them. They are family. No! Gods, no, not like that,” he adds quickly upon seeing Arthur’s widening eyes.
“He’s our magical fairy godfather,” Mike and Aggie say in perfect union, completely straight-faced.
“The only times I was really miserable were the very first few hundred years, and later the roughly three centuries that followed Aithusa’s death. For the rest of the time, I wasn’t completely alone, and that... helped. A lot. But... it was hard. I hated how everyone I cared for withered away and died before my eyes, so I tried to keep people away for a long time. I was lonely, but that kept me safe from heartbreak. At least, that’s what I’d thought.
“But then I met Bonnie, and as I watched her grow up and start a family - a family that welcomed me - I realised how foolish I was for attempting to condone myself to a solitary life and deny myself the warmth of others’ love.”
Arthur wipes a hand over his face. “Owning a magical heritage but no apparent talent to use it... Just. Great. I’m a fucking Quibble!”
Phew!! What a trip down memory lane xD And I actually remembered more than I thought I would, so that’s nice. Thank you for enabling me to ramble and recall some stuff a really liked about this verse. I hope I was able to give you some closure! Cheers!♥
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wiggly-blue-shite · 5 years
Chapter 6 The Bell Doesn’t Dismiss You (Tedgens)
I get out of history and head to my next class. History is always boring. I know no one in that class. Well, I know people in that class but I don't like anyone in it. I also fucking hate studying history. Like I don't give a shit about how Napolean died.
While I walk to my next class, I have the sneaking suspicion I'm being watched. Y'know that feeling when you can feel eyes on the back of your head? Yeah, that.
I turn around to see if I can spot the person staring at me. There. Oh, it's just Henry. I smile and wave at him. He probably feels a little awkward for being caught staring. Acknowledging him might make him feel a little bit better. Henry turns bright red. Aw, that's a little cute. He waves back.
We pass each other without actually saying anything to each other. I want to say hi, or like tell him how good he looks in that outfit today. He doesn't usually dress like that so he should know it's a good choice. It like outlines him. You never really think about how in shape dancers are. I can feel his eyes on me and for some reason I get nervous. Knowing that I was him staring at me, made my hands a little sweaty.
That's weird.
I step into Art and go take my spot next to Paul. We're only taking Art this year because it sounded like fun and we didn't what else we would do. It's just some painting and it doesn't even need to be that good and you can still get a good grade. Easy A. It's a really fun class.
"Hey, what's up." I pat Paul's back. He laughs a little. He's already working on our next project. We have to do an abstract painting that shows our true emotions, or something. It's a nice sketch. Paul's actually not that a bad painter, don't tell him I said that though. Comments like that would go straight to his head.
"Not much man, not much." He continues to work on his sketch. It's pretty swirly and cool looking. "You?"
"eh," I shrug and take a seat in front of my easel. Now time to do some art! Yeah. Easier said than done. I really don't know what to do. I have the feeling of being watched again. I look around again to try to see if anyone is looking at me. No one is.
His lips were so red. His skin is so clear. His hair was great. And wow, why am I thinking about him. Need to think about something else. PAINTING!
The teacher is walking around. She walks up to me and Paul. She's always really supportive of everyone's are and she's understanding when you don't know what to do. I wish all my teachers were like that.
"That's a great start, Paul." I can tell she redirected her attention to my blank canvas, "having some trouble Ted?"
"Yeah, I guess." I'm not the most in tune with my true emotions.
"Well, how are you feeling? I know that's a loaded question."
I honestly have no clue. I guess I still have that feeling of being watched. But I don't really know how to paint that. Abstract paintings are so weeeird.
"How do you paint the feeling of being watched?" She's the art teacher here, she should know what she's doing.
"You mean paranoia?"
Well, paranoia is supposed to be negative though right. This feeling isn't really that negative.
"Not really, I don't know how to explain it."
"Explain it through your art." She's a cool teacher, but every once in a while she'll say something like that. Yup, this really is an art class.
I'll just draw some squiggles and make it into something later.
LUNCH TIME! The best part of the day. I just get to chill out and not deal with bullshit assignments and bullshit people!
Paul and I meet up with Bill and Charlotte at our usual lunch spot. The English building tree! It's this lumpy old tree that doesn't give off much shade but it's cool looking.
"Here you go!" Bill makes me lunch everyday. I don't really have any food at home, and the lunches they serve here are inedible. And Bill wants me to eat so he brings me some food.
"I'm ok without lunch." He's a little too kind sometimes.
"No fuck that you need to eat." Bill shoves the food into my hands. I actually really like the food he brings me. But he doesn't need to know that.
I dramatically spread out my jacket to sit on.
"One of these days I'm going to bring a picnic blanket." Paul sits down and opens the little lunch he has. "So in Art right now we're doing this really abstract thing and I really want to work in a dick in there somewhere."
"Mrs. Hawthorn wouldn't notice." Or she wouldn't care. She's a real hippie. Pretty sure she's come to school high a couple of times. I mean they call it HIGH school for a reason! Public school really is a tragedy.
"That's true." Charlotte has Mrs. Hawthorn fifth period I think.
Paul's staring at something, a smile creeps on his face. I follow his gaze and... yup! Emma and Henry. Why are they here? I'm not complaining, they make good company.
"Hi Emma!" Paul's like a little lap dog. You can almost see his tail wagging.
Emma sits herself down next to Paul. Paul shifts a little so his arm is behind Emma, almost around her.
Henry on the other hand kind of looks around nervously. That outfit might make him look a little intimidating, but he's still a dork. In a good way!
Bill pats the ground in between me and him, signaling for Henry to sit down. Henry sits down on the ground. No wait, those pants are going to get dirty. That sucks.
Bill pats the ground in between him and Ted, signaling me to sit there. So I plop down there. I didn't bring a jacket so I have nothing to sit on, but that's fun.
"Damn if I knew you were gonna be here I would have brought an extra jacket." I really would've, to save those pants. Paul really should bring a picnic blanket.
"No it's fine." No it's not! Nice clothes should be taken care of.
"I love your makeup." Charlotte does enjoy doing crazy makeup. Sam always says some bullshit about her looking a whore. So when Charlotte's not with him she get's to express herself more.
"Thanks!" Henry's eyes light up. He's pretty cute. His punk clothes can't fool me.
"I could never rock an outfit like that." I wish I could. I don't have the body for it. Henry on the other hand...
I can appreciate someone's looks without...
"Sure you could!" Henry smiles and laughs a little. He knows I wouldn't he's just being nice.
"Wow I can't even imagine Ted in full makeup." Bill laughs. That sounds so bad. I'm too messy everything would be smudged so quickly.
"I'm sure Henry would love to do your makeup." Emma suggests. Oh god that will be a mess. But hey it'd be a good story.
"Sure I'm down." I shrug. It would be fun.
"Yeah ok." Henry's blushing. I made him blush. That's...
"Yay!" Emma claps. I don't remember her being this upbeat. I thought she was more cynical. I don't know her that well I guess.
"Hey any word on the school play?" Paul doesn't give a shit. He just wants to make conversation.
"Nope. I think we're just going to be left in the dark until the week of the audition." Wow he really does care. "It's not going to be a Shakespeare show, because we did Shakespeare in the fall."
"Does that mean it's going to be a musical" Paul looks like he's trying to hide his disgust. I have no clue where his hate for musicals comes from, but it's kind of funny.
"Probably." Henry shrugs.
Paul groans. It really is funny how much he hates them. Like really, we have to force him to see Disney movies. It's a Disney movie like they're all good.
"Well I'm excited for it." Bill smiles. Bill and I have been going to school plays for a while. When I had a crush on Zoey, before she got with Sam, we started going because I thought she would notice me in the audience I guess. We still go because they're pretty good productions. They're all pretty good actors.
"Thanks!" Henry smiles awkwardly. He seems confident, I never would have imagined him being this awkward.
"Those shows always look like so much fun." I know I really enjoy seeing them. Even the sadder shows they've done seem fun. Henry and Norah always seem to light up when they're talking about it.
"You should audition." I hadn't even thought of that. "I mean you don't have to, we don't even know what the show is yet. But it is really a fun experience regardless of show. Though it is baseball season, and I know you're on the baseball team. Splitting time between the show and sports might be stressful."
Oh yeah, baseball season is starting. I get to be stuck in in practice with Sam and Coach Dickwad. I've already gotten all my PE credits. I don't need to take a sport to get out of PE anymore.
"Oh shit I totally forgot about baseball." There is no reason for me to stay in it, "if I'm being honest I might quit baseball. The coach is a dick, he-who-shall-not-be-named is on the team now, and I don't even enjoy it that much." I don't know why there's a silence. It's really not a big deal.
"Well there's alway seats open in theatre club." Henry smiles weakly. He's kind of like Paul, he can barely stand awkward social situations.
Imagine that. Ted Richards front and center stage in front of all the school. Fucking performing a monologue or something.
"I do not belong on stage." I'm 100% not a performer, "Charlotte knows what I'm talking about, my singing voice is awful." Charlotte giggles. That karaoke session was a hot mess but I do not regret a second of it.
"You don't have to sing. There's other aspects of theatre, y'know."
Well of course I know it's not just singing, but my singing alone should be enough to drive me away from the stage.
"You could be a techie!" Emma gasps. Based on Henry's expression I'm guessing that's a good fit for me.
A techie? Is that like a... robot thing?
"I don't even know what that is." Ted chuckle. I'll go along with what he says. He's the professional kind of. The
"You basically work backstage." Ah Ted backstage so no one can see my hideous face. "The show hasn't even been announced yet so there's not really any desperate need for techies. But I- We'd be so happy to have you!"
Did he say "I"? As in like "I'd be happy to have you,"? Am I looking to into this? I mean he's the one who said it. But why did he say it? Why do I care, it's not like it effects me.
"I mean if I end up quitting, I'll have nothing better to do." I shrug. I will definitely be quitting. And this looks like fun! And I want to do something I might actually enjoy.
And the bell rings. Paul and Emma take their leave, hand in hand, without a goodbye. They're a cute couple but like Jesus Christ. Bill and Charlotte are at least cool enough to wave goodbye.
I brush the grass of the jacket I was sitting on. I can see some of the dirt on Henry's ass. I should have brought a picnic blanket, I will tomorrow.
"Hey, if you'd like I can talk to Mrs. Murray about it."
Oh sweet this is like actually happening. I'm gonna get to see the inner working of a play! Not that it could be that complicated. I shouldn't start until I know I'm definitely out of baseball though.
"Well I need to quit baseball first." I pat Henry's shoulder, he tenses up. Huh... sturdy. "I'm looking forward to the makeover, see you later." I hope we actually do that. It'd be fun.
"Bye!" Henry calls out after me. My stomach flips. That's so weird.
I turn around to catch one last glimpse of him. He's off the theatre room probably. What am I doing, Looking at another guy like that.  I can't help it though.
That's so weird.
21 notes · View notes
1. Who’s your celebrity crush?
I don’t have celebrity crushes most of the time. I have people who I think are pretty and people that I admire, but I don’t have any of them that I crush on. Alongside my favourite voice actors (seiyuu), Emma Watson would definitely be up there. There’s something about intelligence that makes a person far more appealing.
2. Are you single or taken?
As single as they come! I haven’t even been in a relationship, and I don’t really have any interests in getting into one!
3. Rant. Just do it.
I’m nervous. I’m doubting. I hate this feeling in me. I feel so out of place, so uncomfortable, and it’s eating me on the inside. I wish I had friends in real life. I really wish I did, but it feels like I’m growing apart from everyone, and I’m pushing them all away because I can’t stand being reminded of my past, and I feel like every step I take is just a desperate attempt to get myself back on track, and I’m trying to be proud of myself. I really am. But I have a hard time acknowledging anything that I do. I never feel like I’m enough. I feel insufficient. I feel like I’m just a statistic. I feel inferior yet superior at the same time. My self-image is warped. I feel like I’m lying to myself and to others. It hurts. It hurts a lot, and I don’t want people to know but I do at the same time. It’s a pain unlike any other, and as much as I can say that I don’t feel lonely, I feel like there should be people in my life that I can call my friends, and I want someone that I can mutually call my best friend without them saying that they are just my “good friend”. I want to know that I mean the upmost to a person without feeling I’m burdening them. I want to be No. 1 at something. 
I dream about chasing dreams like becoming a medical professional, but I continue to realize and face my shortcomings that would prove that I’m not really fit for it. I want to do it, but quite frankly, I’m too stupid. 
I can’t even articulate what’s truly paining my mind. It’s difficult. I don’t know why my body and mind wants to destroy itself.
But sometimes, I think I fix myself better.
4. Do you think it's okay to separate the artist from the art?
Personally, I’m one of those people who usually say no to this question. Now, if you have weird kinks or like pineapple on pizza, that’s none of my business. I won’t hold it against you. However, I find it hard to separate when things are illegal or morally wrong.
Net-juu no Susume was a really heartwarming anime, and it was one of my favourite anime that depicted a wholesome adult romance that unveiled many truths about the real world despite spending its time online, but I would’ve never watched the anime if I would have known that the director was a Holocaust-denier. The rest of the staff? I don’t know, but I felt extremely uncomfortable even reblogging content after I found out.
I was planning on watching Rurouni Kenshin, and to this day, I believe I’m missing out, but I cannot support or condone or even watch a series that has a creator as wretched as Nobuhiro Watsuki. If you don’t know, he was charged in February of 2017 for child pornography. He was fined 200,000 yen. It was a slap on the wrist. Even though Rurouni Kenshin wasn’t a reflection on his person according to fans, I don’t feel keen on watching a show created by such a man.
In regards to actors, this goes for them too. If they are not supportive of the LGBTQ community, if they are racist, if they have committed acts that are cannot be condoned, I wouldn’t want to watch them or anything. Again, I have a hard time keeping track of who’s actually clean in this world, and in Japan, there is a lot of covering up. It was recently revealed that a lot of Madhouse anime that people love were probably made at the expense of animators who are human beings.
5. How many accounts do you have?
I have a few.
@nsisbest385 - my main where I stockpile my music @natsspammityspamspamham - This one where I am really open and reblog everything that I want to reblog (no exceptions; if I don’t even think about it, I just reblog) @natsthinkitythinkthinkthonk - used to be for inspirational stuff/writing, but now it’s mostly seiyuu stuff. I post things for their birthdays. I should’ve made a separate account. @semitranslatedseiyuublog - Where I semi-translate stuff but mostly transfer seiyuu content from Reddit. @awkwardbsd - This account has more followers than all my other accounts combined. It’s for awkward screenshots, memes, and other stuff surrounding the Bungou Stray Dogs universe. @dragontypepropaganda - I didn’t tell anyone this existed until now. I’m generally not on it. I just queue and leave.
6. How many pairs of shoes do you have?
Let’s see... uh... 1 for outside, 1 for exercise, 1 for my house slippers, 3 for orchestra that I never use, 2 dress shoes that I really never use, and I’m supposed to get 1 pair of slippers for outside.
7. Opinion on…
I don’t think I can answer this.
8. How many accounts do you follow?
9. Favourite brand of clothing?
I’ve been wearing more Uniqlo lately, but my wardrobe has a lot of hand-me-downs despite being so sensitive tactile-wise.
10. Name a dog
Atticus (boy) and Haruko (girl)
11. What unusual talent do you have?
I can whistle. I haven’t tried in a while, but I can put my feet behind my head.
12. What’s the most interesting school's gossip you’ve ever heard?
Keep in mind, I was only in school until grade 9-10. One of my PE teachers Ms. Snow had really scary eyes. When she got mad at me (which is pretty frequent considering she didn’t know who I was and kept calling me by other Asian people’s names because “we look the same”), I swear her eyeballs would extend from her sockets a little. They looked like they were about to pop out of her head. My sister said that urban legend states that she once fell down the stairs and both eyeballs popped out. She put them back in and carried on.
13. Ever prank called a store?
I think I almost tried once until I got a scolding or something (wasn’t even my parents).
14. What’s your coffee order?
Don’t have one. I don’t like coffee. I’m generally open to tea.
15. What’s a question do you constantly get asked?
“How are you?” I usually choose the easy route to answer to this question. I just say “good thanks”. You want the truth? I lie to myself.
“Why did you leave school?” It was a living hell. I didn’t feel safe. I was breaking down years ago. School nearly broke me, and if I stayed there any longer, I would’ve died (not an exaggeration).
“What are your hobbies?” I usually just say music and watching cartoons* (anime). They usually ask what else, and I just stare blankly.
16. If you had to get a tattoo right now, what would you get and where?
I wouldn’t want one.
17. Google the top song from the year you were born
Apparently, it’s How You Remind Me by *gasp* Nickelback.
18. Rant about your favourite musician
I seriously wish I was able to go to Sara Bareille’s version of the Waitress. I wish I was able to see it on Broadway. She’s such a talented individual, and she deserves all the attention she gets.
19. What’s your favorite teacher you’ve ever had?
All of my best teachers have been outside of school. I would say that my favourite teachers are my current bass teacher and my taekwondo master who has taught me for over a decade.
20. Describe your blog in 3-5 words
Fando(o)m, ranting, anime, seiyuu, random
21. What’s a conspiracy you believe in?
I believe aliens exist. I don’t think it would be logical to assume that Earth is the only planet that has “intelligent” (I say that very loosely) lifeforms.
“But they don’t have water or oxygen” Bold of you to assume that said aliens would need such a thing. I would think they can adapt like humans and all that. I just think it’s dumb to close ourselves off to believing that there are people other than ourselves that exist in this wide and expanding universe.
22. If you could see any concert tonight what would you choose?
I would really want to see the Waitress. If that doesn’t count, I would want to see some seiyuu singing live. It would depend. Hosoya doesn’t sing much anymore, Maaya Sakamoto has a waitlist longer than my lifespan (I have no luck with lotteries), and Saori Hayami has the same issue. I would want to see Sphere live too, but I don’t know all of their songs.
23. If you could break one of your bad habits which would you choose?
My depression... or my anxiety. Actually, those aren’t habits. I guess the closest I will get is doubting myself and beating myself up.
24. Can you dance? Sing?
A strong no to both.
25. What’s something you can’t stop buying?
Uh… I don’t go out and buy anything. I don’t make money so I don’t buy. However, if I did, I would really want to treat myself to good food and anime stuff.
26. Crowds or small groups?
Small groups... obviously.
27. How long before a trip do you pack?
Depends on where. When it comes to the Philippines, weeks for the Balikbayan boxes and less than a week for my actual clothes (usually pack a ton of clothes because I sweat a lot and “we’re not doing laundry!”)
28. What celebrity would you rate a PERFECT 10?
I feel like I don’t have a good grasp of the culture so I actually can’t say anything about my favourite seiyuu. We don’t even know if that’s their true personality. However, I feel like my perfect 10s are Emma Watson and Robin Williams. They might not be my “crushes”, but they are perfect 10s. 
29. What quote or inspirational setting do you think is bs?
“When you hit rock bottom, the only way to go is up!” Nah man, you just don’t know what rock bottom looks like. It’s gonna get worse.
“Don’t fix what isn’t broken!” All because you can’t see what’s wrong with it doesn’t mean it isn’t broken. Yeah, I’m talking about the school system.
“Pain makes you who you are. It makes you stronger.” I can say that my trauma gives me anxiety.
30. If you had to dye your hair an unnatural colour right now, what would you choose?
I go by “Purple Dino” online so I’d have to say dark purple.
31. You can change one thing about your life right now. what are you changing?
I wish I could breathe properly. My allergies make it so hard for me to exist. It affects my breathing, sleep, dental care, and so much more. I think that’s the one physical thing I would change.
32. How old do you get mistaken for?
Apparently, I look like I’m in middle school even though I’m almost a legal adult.
33. What do you think about a lot?
Anime, seiyuu, my own shortcomings. 
34. Do you like your Hogwarts house or do you wish you were a different one?
I like Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. I haven’t done my test in a while. 
35. What does home mean to you?
Home is where you live. It’s where the heart lives. It’s where you feel safe, and it’s where you can take off the mask that you live in during the day. It’s the place where I don’t have to lie through my teeth. I can cry, I can laugh, I can scream, and I can finally be me.
36. What do you think you’d be arrested for?
I feel like I would be caught for pirating anime even if I don’t profit off it. 
37. Have you ever been called down to the principal's office?
I’ve been there, but I haven’t been called down there because I really wasn’t important in school.
38. Post a picture of the outfit you would choose if you could have any outfit you wanted
Probably a dark coloured hoodie with sweatpants. That’s my default during the winter anyway.
39. Describe your aesthetic
Tired dead eyes with existential dread and depression. That’s how I see myself.
40. Answer with one of your ‘school memes’ (inside jokes you have with your class/grade) with no explanation 
I’m not sure how to say this, but I was really not in the “right crowd” at school, and I was never let into any of these things. I can’t answer this, and it pains me just to read this because I’m missing out on so much of my youth and “high school life”. 
I’m tagging @caratheillustrious who reblogged the questions!
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myka-writes · 6 years
Unheard - A Banana Fish Yakuza AU
Title: Unheard
Fandom: Banana Fish
Relationship: Eiji Okumura/Ash Lynx
Additional Tags: High School AU, Yakuza AU, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Falling In Love, Fluff and Angst
Inspired and Art by: @iamatrashfan​
Read on AO3.
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The room is quiet.
Eiji’s gaze stays downcast as he kneels before his father. The suit’s silk pressing against his knees as he rests his hands in front of him.
“From now on, you’re going to be the proud leader of the Okumura family.”
The words are spoken calmly. Like an invocation, a decree that cannot be disobeyed.
“Yes, father.” Eiji feels the eyes of the family upon him as he accepts the words. As he accepts the fate he’d knew was inevitable from the moment he was old enough to understand. The fate he’d often hoped he could escape from, even as he sat on the corner of a dinky basement and watched his father tortured traitors. Even as he felt rough heavy hands holding his small body still as a needle was pressed against his back.
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Art by @iamatrashfan​
Eiji stands when his father stands.
Bows when his father bows.
“Young master, the car is waiting.”
Eiji acknowledges the announcement by standing. “I will see you this evening father.”
“Don’t be late. Today you lead the council.”
“Of course.” Eiji doesn’t feel anything when he speaks. The way he addresses his father and his responsibilities as heir had become something mechanic within him. He always said the things he was supposed to say. Always did the things he was supposed to do. He never astrayed. He never disappointed. He was the perfect heir in his father’s eyes.
Eiji ignores the dozen men bowing as he leaves the house. The driver opens the door for him and he drops his backpack in the back seat and scoots over. When the door closes, he releases a breath he’d been holding for the few seconds he is alone. Releases all the thoughts and worries that turn his stomach.
His father’s sudden retirement along with his illness had pushed Eiji’s takeover by years. He had been supposed to take over in his late twenties. Not when he was barely eighteen and still in high school. A little bit of what had kept him composed all these years was the fact that he still had time. He had time to be free to do what he wanted and prove to his father that he could be great at something other than being a yakuza boss’ son.
As the driver opens the door and settles in his seat. Eiji straightens up, the mask instantly rolling over his features from years of practice.
“Hurry,” he instructs the driver in a monotone voice. “I don’t want to be tardy.”
Eiji stares at the track and field from the window of his classroom. Watching the track team doing their rounds during their morning practice.
It was too pretty a day to be indoors. Too pretty a day to become the boss of a yakuza syndicate. Too pretty to realize his dream had never been farther away.
Eiji rest his head on his hand as he leans closer to the window. A good thing about school was that he didn't have to wear the mask he presented in front of the family. Here he could pout when he was bored and sigh when he was disappointed.
“How am I gonna tell them I don’t want to be a yakuza leader?” Eiji’s eyes travel to the far side of the field. Towards the giant blue mat nested between a pair of high bars. “I want to be a pole vaulter…”
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Art by @iamatrashfan
The bell tolls. The track team rushes out of the field and back inside. The noise in the room disappears as the door slides opens. Eiji doesn't have to look to know the teacher had arrived, surely ready to start yet another lesson that Eiji already knew all about thanks to his private schooling.
He listens as two sets of steps head inside the room. Listens as the teacher drops his books on his desk.
The room hushes unnaturally. Eiji finally turns away from the window.
All eyes are on a tall youth standing up front next to the teacher. A boy with deep green eyes and fair hair. A foreigner. He keeps his hands in his pockets, a small pack almost rolling off one shoulder. His face is marked by a pale white gauze and a somber look or resignation.
“Everyone, this is Aslan Callenreese. A new transfer student. Be nice to him ok.”
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Art by @iamatrashfan
The room agrees in unison like they've been taught to do.
“Okumura.” Eiji stands as his name is called.
“Yes, sensei.”
“Please show Aslan around campus. Help him adjust.”
“Yes, sensei.” Eiji bites his lip as he answers. It isn’t that he doesn’t enjoy the responsibility of a new student, the timing was just simply horrible. His obligations have changed as head of the family now. He couldn’t take the luxury of staying in school after hours to attend clubs or doing anything he wanted to do anymore.
Aslan doesn’t utter a word as he sits behind Eiji. Doesn’t respond when Eiji introduces himself. The blond stares at his desk, barely bothering to pull out a pristine black notebook from his backpack. Eiji waits a tad longer for a response, but when he receives none, he quietly turns back to face forward.
There isn’t a single interaction between them for the rest of the period. Aslan doesn’t utter a word for the entire class. Doesn’t ask for assistance, doesn’t ask questions. It was unusual. Eiji had never met a transfer student that didn’t ask something .
When the bell chimes and everyone starts shuffling for the next period. Eiji turns around to find Aslan with his head against the glass. Not sleeping. No. The foreigner's eyes are slightly open, staring at the field down below much like Eiji had been earlier.
“We stay here between periods, then we have lunch and PE at the end of the day.”
Aslan closes his eyes slowly, but other than that Eiji gets no reaction.
“I can switch to English if that is easier for you.”
Eiji purses his lips just a bit. Did the school accept a transfer that couldn’t communicate? As far as he knew it was mandatory to understand Japanese or English at the very least in order to enroll. Aslan wasn’t the first foreign student he’d come across after all.
The bell chimes the start of next period.
Eiji sighs.
Aslan just turns a page on his notebook and continues to stare out the window.
As the last bell rings. Eiji makes his way towards the track field.
Aslan follows a few steps behind, like a shadow Eiji has surprisingly grown accustomed to in their short time together.
The transfer student had been difficult. Not uttering a single word the entire day. Eiji was certain that the foreigner didn't speak neither Japanese nor English. But when he asked a teacher, he’d just been given the very vague excuse that Aslan must hold some level of fluency, otherwise he would not have been accepted into the school.
Eiji’s best guess was Russian. He’d even googled a few words to try out, but had only gotten the blank stare he’d been subjected to all day as he uttered random Russian words.
At least the the day was almost over. In a matter of minutes he’d have completed his duties to escort Aslan on his first day. If a teacher asked he could properly report them on the experience and it would no longer be his burden to bear.
They reach the sidelines of the track field just as the team starts their afternoon practice. Both boys lean on the wired fence.
“The track and pole vaulting teams hold practice daily if you’re interesting in joining,” Eiji says, hoping for some sort of reaction from Aslan. He gets none.
A familiar voice rises from the end of the field and catches Eiji's attention. He watches as the pole vaulting team comes out into the field. As they round up in front of the mats and start setting up the area for practice.
For a second Eiji forgets what he's doing. Watching his classmates stretching, talking, laughing. The view causes a jab of hurt. An ache he hasn’t still been freed from. It hasn't even been a month since he was forced to quit the team. He should have been over it by now. He should have been able to keep walking without looking back. Yet somehow he couldn't stop thinking if he were someone else he would be among them. If he wasn't his father's son, he could be there doing what he loved to do.
Eiji's phone beeps with an alert. He can’t linger much longer. Has to return home to get ready for the meeting. He cannot be late.
“Okumura was it?”
Eiji's fingers squeeze the fence and his eyes widen at the sound of his name. Feels a bubble of nervousness he hadn’t experienced before. Not even on the moment his father told him he would retire and would pass on his legacy sooner than expected. It felt like the world froze beneath his feet and nothing made sense.
Eiji flicks his head just enough so he can see the boy beside him. “Aslan.” He hopes he pronounces the name correctly, watches for a reaction from the blond foreigner. The quiet stretches between them a few seconds longer than it is comfortable.
“Ash.” The blond finally speaks through chapped lips. “I like being called Ash. Not Aslan.”
Eiji blinks. Aslan’s japanese was perfect. “Ash.” The name rolls off his lips as his heart thuds loudly. “Ash...” he says it again. Suddenly desiring to know more. Every single detail. “Where are you from? What are you?”
The blond’s eyes turn towards him and for that moment Eiji can’t look away. Cannot think as the jade blinks and life seems to fade from them. “I’m just a toy to be broken. Nothing else.”
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Art by @iamatrashfan
97 notes · View notes
jvj246018 · 4 years
Next day
I pull my aching body from the comfort of my sheets and strat rummaging through my chest of draws settling in an oversized plane black t shirt and faded blue skinny jeans it was going to be a long day she knew it just by the feel of the morning after pulling on her flat riding boots on and grabbing a black jacket and her purple handbag/ back pack its one of those multi functional / compasidy bag that can hold literally everything perfect for my slaying gear and of cause my school supplies.
Grabbing my mobile placing it in my bag and quickly doing my make-up just light done to hide the bags under my eyes and the fact that I slept for literally 3 hours.
Then I head down to the kitchen where I hear Aunt Jenna toast I can make toast
Elena : it's all about the coffee aunt Jenna
Jeremy: is there coffee
Me : there's always coffee.
Oh aunt jenna have you forgotten about your meeting thing?
Jenna : that's at crap now...
Me : Go will be fine right guys
Jeremy huh .
Elena: of cause we will be.
Oh Nicki are you coming to school with me and Bonnie or making your own way?
Me : if it's cool with Bonnie I'd like a lift
Elena : I'll tell her it's both of us then.
Me : cool thanks .
In Bonnie's car.
Bonnie : so my Grams is telling me that I'm a psychic.
Me : maybe you are?
Bonnie : really not you too .Elena hey elena back in the car ..
Elena : oh god I did it again didn't I.
Me : its okay Elena we get it
Elena : you were saying that ?
Bonnie: that I'm physics now.
Elena : then product something somethings about me.
Bonnie : I see ..
Crack ..
Me : was that a bird ?
Elena : uhm.
Bonnie : yeah it was like a bird I'm so sorry guys.
Elena : it's okay we can't be freaked out by cars forever.
Bonnie: I predict that this year will be kick ass and all the sad and dark times are over and you two will be beyond happy.
Then we get back on the road and arrive at the school when Bonnie starts again.
Bonnie: total lack of male reliastate , oh wow look at the shower curtin..
That's where I choose to stop listening I don't like ragging on people's cloths it's not cool regardless of weather they appear to be wearing a shower curtin that's their perogative.
I'm pulled from my thoughts by Elenas whine he hates me.
Bonnie : that's not hate thats you dumped me and I'm to cool to show it but secretly I'm listening to air supply's latest hits .
Me : she's right he doesn't hate you.
Maybe you are psychic?
Bonnie : umhum.
Wait who's that ?
Elena : all I see is back.
Bonnie : that's a hot back, I'm scencing seattle he and he plays a guitar
Me : not gonna drop this are you.
Bonnie: nope I'm pretty much going to run it into the ground.
Care: oh my god Elena Nicki your here how are you, how are they are they good
Me : yes we're fine
Elena : much better.
Care : you poor things she says as she breezes past us into her other friends.
Elena : no comment.
The bell rings and we all go off to class I sit second left at the back because Tanner didn't want me helping Elena in class so here I sit the new guy is in front of me and there fore behind Elena. Tanner called on Elena and Bonnie and the new guy jumped to there rescue just as I was about to, I'm kinda glad because i was too tired to play the Knight in shining armor today, he even rubbed Tanners face in it. Harsh considering he was just trying to make them pay attention but it's was nice enough of him I think he's trying to let Elena know he's interested witch she already knows. But he might not know that so I'll give him some credit but you know I can't get this feeling that he's... there's something not right he feels old. He feels like Angle but different too he's the same and yet not. Deciding to shake that thought away since he's new and I'm supposed to be in class not in slayer mode not that I'm ever out of it but he's knew deciding I'll text Wilson see if he knows anything.
Its probably just my elevated paranoia but still.
I look down at my phone send a quick text and head to my next class without waiting for Elena since I'm in art next.
She has French on the opposite side of the school.
So I sit in my class drawing on to my canvas over the dry paint to draw a silhouette of the moon that I will paint later .
There's a few stems of trees too that will have leaves when I find my natural sponge.
I'm pulled from my thoughts by a text from Caroline.
Have you spoken to the new guy ?
I send her back a message No.
And continue as I ignore my phone after putting it on silent.
To continue the project scenary views the moon is the view from my window I have a picture to prove it.
My teacher loves that I work in the style of Bob Ross. So she's okay with me using it alot.
All in all I like this class it's a lesson where I don't have to hide just got to be me that's it.
The rest of the day went really quickly since I had double art and pe last. I found myself walking home to avoid the Stephen talk.
I also wanted to stop in to see Wilson see if he turned up anything.
Oh boy did he ever.
Inside Wilson's spacious but cluttered apartment he is sat at his desk I'm opposite him reading his ansesters diary on the Salvetor brothers. Getting frustrated I lean back into his blue arm chair using a ribbon as my book mark.
Wilson: Stephen is a ripper, a ripper that forces himself to eat animal blood to survive according to my ancestor he's actually a good guy when he's on the waggon.
But his brother Damon he's a peace of work. And determined to make Stephen suffer.
Me : grate. Anything else I should know ?
Wilson : not yet but if I find more I'll tell you.
Me : this is just grate Stephen is vampire that may aswell have a drug addiction and he brings his brother that takes glee in murder and all things that vampires reval in.
Wilson : you may have to kill them.
Me : yes only problem Stephen is Elenas new thing.
Ugh this will be hard.
Wilson : your going to need to cast a protection charm.
Me : grate how do I do that? I don't have a spell book the things I taught my self were just academy's that kept happening I learned to control them
Wilson : here, taking the offered book I check the index .
Chaper 5 page 156780. Right .
So herbs holy water vervain talismans will that work on them they are of a witch made line.
Wilson : humm yes just pay attention to the making talismans really understand what you want them to do.
Me : right okay what do I use ?
Wilson : stones crystals metal wood just about anything really.
Me : okay where's that book on stones and what there for?
As if he predicted it he handed it to me then he sat with me and we found the one that will make it so they have to be invited in every time they leave and come back.
With that in mind she started digging through the crystals making sure to have them represent an angle since they are strong representation of a protector.
Carful to choose the representation stone tigers eye for Jeremy, Lapis lazuli for Elena , strawberry quartz for Jenna and amethyst for me. I figure I'm lucky that he keeps these things he's abit of a pack rat.i smile as I think this.
Then I made one for the house to be kept by the front door and it had all 4 stones in it each one is made from stones and steel for durability.
Then Wilson drove me home and thanked me for all my help with the restoration of old books.
Jenna might know but Elena and Jer don't so secrets to be kept.
After hanging the houses talisman up then I had jenna her one I attached them to the keys jenna nodded understanding and then I give Elena and Jer theirs and they thank me Jer likes his and Elena dose too its nice.
I never hide the supernatural I just don't come right out and tell them either.
They would never believe me.
And Elena would want to help but that would probably get one or both of us killed. They know I believe in this stuff and they think I'm mad for it. One day they'll know I hope but for now I'll just be the crazy sister.
Pulled from my thoughts by a text from Carebear or Caroline depends who you ask.
You better be coming to the back to schools bash .
I text back
Yes I am I'm just debating on an outfit I'm thinking riding boots to below my knee thermal leggings black boots navy leggings black dress top.
And a leather jacked .
She beeps back no the swishy floral top I gave you for your last birthday.
Laughing at her since she's grate at this kind of thing I pull on the top she demanded I use, and then the rest of the outfit.
Pulling it back off placing it to one side I think I'll just wear it all day tomorrow that way no big change and frees me up but care would kill me so my burgundy long top in place of the floral top for school.
Same purple bag I take for everything always be prepared.
Then I did a cleansing to keep out the vampires that Elena might end up inviting in, but she they won't be able to get in and out as they please.
I love Care but her need to be popular is suffercating its why we don't have the whole BFF thing going we are but out of the lime light I'm the one she can just be herself with not even Bonnie can claim to have that.
We have sleep overs monthly and she catches up on everything and in-between Elena tells me her self absorbed versions care is definitely the more trust worthy for gossip but you need to take her exaggeration with a pinch of salt.
With that last thought Nicki found herself headed out to patrol. She just hoped that she wouldn't have to slay Stephen tonight that would be a major downer.
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physicistdyke · 7 years
Voxman Teacher AU Ch 1
Notes: This is an AU where both Lord Boxman and Professor Venomus are teachers at a highschool. It’s meant to be a lot more realistic and slice of life then the show so some things are different. Venomus is not the tall purple snake boy he is, but probably a tall jewish boy now. Boxman has a prosthetic arm and glass eye from a collage accident. And all the other fun sci fy fantasy cool stuff will be translated as such. Hope you all enjoy!
"Jesus, how does a kid think like this?" Boxman mumbled to himself as he sits alone in his room grading quizzes. "I gotta switch to quia or something." He stands up from his desk and stretches, this had been the third lunch this week he's spent in his classroom, doing work. It hasn't been easy, teaching high school physics/technology and trying to go back to night school himself. Most days would be filled with coffee, algebra, and confused teens, like this one. He looks back down to the paper on his desk and gives a sigh. "Have any of these kids even had geometry yet?" The physics papers were the worst, maybe a small break would ease his mind. Besides, he had a freshman class next hour, he needs this. He walked through the science hall and turned into a “secret” (janitorial) passage to enter into the back of the teacher’s lounge without having to interact with anyone. Nice, Boxy. He gave a sigh of relief as he was in the cushy safe haven of soft drinks and occasional pastries. He made himself a coffee, and sat down on the 50 year old couch that had been purchased before even he had started working here. He gave a deep breath over his coffee, sometimes just a change of scenery was nice. "That stuff’s gonna kill you, Boxman." Boxman jumped a bit as he looked up to see the gym teacher, Ms. Carol, winking at him as she grabbed an electrolite-filled beverage. "Ugh, come on Carol, I'm just trying to relax" "And you think you're gonna relax with that? It's caffeine Boxy, that's not gonna do you no good!" She takes the towel from her shoulder and places it on the counter. "You know, I always offer an after school workout program for the faculty and it's quite popular!" Boxman gave a shudder at the thought of having to take PE again, gym clothes, gym locker rooms. Boxman rushed to think of an excuse. "Oh no, I'm sorry Carol, I have the classes I'm taking down at the university. I've been stumped with work." Nice, Boxy. Carol gave a laugh. "Alright Boxy, but one day you're gonna run outta excuses and then-” she went into a power stance, "-Push Up time!" Boxman was terrified and Carol could tell. She laughed and said "I'm just messing with you, you'd only do what you'd want to." "Alright, but social pressures would tell me that I'd have to do it, so..." Carol chuckled. "Touché, Boxman." She put the towel back over her shoulder and started to head out "See you soon!" "See you, Carol." he said as she walked out. He gave a relieved sigh, talking with Carol was, a workout in itself. He snuggled his way back into that perfect groove in the couch and started to enjoy his coffee. The period wouldn't be over for another, 30 minutes? And most teachers didn't have a prep this hour so he could enjoy his alone ti... the door opened again. Boxman gave an internal sigh. He looked up to see who was there and was thrown off when he saw before him new Biology teacher, Dr. Venomous. He had only ever seen him in a few meetings but had never been personally introduced. Venomous was, impressive to say the least. He was younger than himself, and had been able to get a doctorate. Not to mention he was,, aesthetically admirable. Boxman shuffled in his seat and straightened his back a bit. "Hello there, Venomous, was it?" He managed to get out. Venomous turned his head to him "Yes, hello, Mr. Boxman," Damn, he nearly forgot about his voice too. The man could melt Gallium with a voice that warm. Venomous headed for the Mr Coffee and filled his thermos. "Is this seat taken?" He asked as he approached the couch and gestured to the opposing corner. "N-no, not at all!" Boxman said, surprised by the sudden interaction. "Well, you know, I'm still pretty new here and I'd thought I should get to know some other adults in this place." He gave a smirk. "I honestly think I'll pop a blood vessel if I have one more conversation that includes anime, fidget spinners, or sarcasm." Boxman chuckled at the comment, oh had he been there. "I'm so sorry, usually the first few years here you get a lot of freshman classes. I think it's the collective way to see if a teacher can handle the education profession or not" Venomous smiled back. "Or nah, as they would say." They both gave a pained laugh at the bad and obscure meme humor of freshman. High schoolers in general. But particularly freshman who couldn't quite get the jokes right.
“Heh, well I'm glad you've finally found an adult to talk to.” Boxman said. It was strange, he usually didn't warm up to people this quick. “You teach, biology right? That's a fun subject”
Venomous settled into his cushion. “Yeah, but I wish I could could actually teach them the good stuff. Besides just telling them ‘the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell’, I mean come on. At least let me talk about ETP or something more than that.”
Boxman rolled his eyes, “I know right? I mean how do I get it across to them that vectors are going to be important if you want to learn about the really cool stuff. At least I have the AP class that's actually excited about physics and my tech shop classes.”
“You teach tech shop as well? What do you do in there?” Venomous asked, intrigued.
“Well, you know, it's a separate room, we share with the wood shop kids, but I teach more about circuity and metal working then the other mediums. It's only for upperclassman but all the kids who take it really tend to like it.” Boxman looked over from his coffee to see a beaming and curious biology teacher looking back at him.
“That sounds great! It's amazing they can have that at the high school level. I didn't even step into a lab with a good microscope until college.”
Boxman gave a soft laugh. “I'm glad you think that way.” He looked down at his watch. Still 20 minutes left to the hour,
“Would you like to see it?”
Venomous looked enthralled by the offer but returned to his calm demeanor. “That would be, very nice” he said blushing a bit, letting his nerdiness get the best of him.
They walked side by side down the open hall. Not a soul around except for them and the occasional kid going to the bathroom. Each class they walked past gave an insight onto a new subject and a new 30 set of kids bored to death by it. They reached the room at the end of the hall opposing the art room and Boxman took a key from his pocket. He unlocked the door, lead them both in, and then flicked a switch. Lights came on and a large ventilation fan started humming loudly.
“Sorry for the noise, it’s kinda set so that if you want the lights on and to work in here at all, you gotta have the fan on too.” Boxman said.
“It makes sense, safety you know.” Venomous commented as he looked down and smiled at the man.
Boxman gave a blush and looked to the floor “Hah! Yeah well I was actually the one who did the electric work for that and,, man you don’t know how many kids I get complaining.”
“I don’t think they’re old enough to see quality work when they see it.” Venomous gave a wink. Damn that man was smooth.
“Oh, oh yeah! Yesthankyou we can proceed with the tour!” He guided the taller man into the room further as he tried to hide the rouge he gained from that sick compliment he just received. He got more comfortable as he entered into his element. “Yep! We have everything here from mass blank blue prints to an industrial sized soldering iron! As long as the kid can show they can do something safely and have an idea, we let them go nuts!”
“Wow! That’s really cool how they can have an opportunity like that at such a young age!” He said as he admired the equipment around him. His eyes lit up with excitement, “IS THAT A 3D PRINTER?!?” He looked down to Boxman who was beaming at his own excitement. He gave a stifled cough and walked over. “Heh, why does it have the word ‘Jethro’ engraved onto it?”
“Oh, well after we got the printer, my AP design class decided we had to name it. You know how kids are with their creativity.”
Venom gave a snicker. “Hm, yep, it’s our job as the public school system to crush that.” he said jokingly to Boxman.
Boxman laughed “Hah! Yeah well this class found it particularly important and somehow decided on the name Jethro. So I real quick engraved it and he’s been Jethro ever since.”
“Charming.” Venomous said with a smile.
“Thank you!” Boxman said.
Venomous leaned back against a desk and looked at Boxman. Oh shit, is he checking me out? “I gotta ask, and if it’s not too rude,” Venomous made a motion pointing to his left arm and eye.
“OH! Yeah that,,” Boxman trailed off as he realized Mr. Hot Teacher was Not checking him out.
Venomous gave a panicked look “Oh I’m sorry if that was a sensitive topic! I was just cur-”
“No it’s ok! I’m willing to talk about it,” Boxman gave a laugh and leaned against a desk of his own. “You know I don’t even consider it most of the time unless I’m scaring freshman to follow lab safety procedures.” What the two men were referring to was the glass, mildly red tinted eye surrounded by burn scars, and a left hand made of a simple metal rig instead of flesh. “You see, it was my senior year of college, I was up late in the workshop finishing my final. While I was soldering I hadn’t realized some potassium had mixed in with my soder god knows how. And this particular invention was suppose to hold water, so when I filled it in to test and checked inside the cartridge to see what was making a sound… Well, the rest is chemistry.”
Venomous gave a shudder. “Jesus thats a lot, I’m so sorry, Mr. Boxman.”
Boxman looked up and gave a slight smile. “It’s really ok! It didn’t stop me from getting a degree in engineering or my teaching certificate! And please, call me Boxy.”
Venomous reddened a bit at the sweet genuineness of the man. Even though he was probably in his mid 40’s, and not the most conventionally attractive guy, he was still pretty damn cute. Venomous’ gay thoughts were cut off by an abrupt bell.
“Welp, heh, end of this period I guess. It’s been fantastic talking with you!” Boxman said as he started out the other door that lead to the science hall. Venomous followed to get to his own class.
“Yeah, it’s been great talking with, you.” Venomous trailed off as the two headed in separate directions. He had never felt so immediately felt comfortable with someone like that, and neither had Boxman. They both had the feeling though that this would lead to something great.
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strawberryspeachy · 5 years
Also im sick of obnoxious japanese eaters
Things ive found out are myths here
1) everyones nice.
No. Everyone smiles hard to cover up whatever assholery theyre doing - if theyre supposed to be nice to you. Public people are the same as usual... except theres alot more shoving
2) everything about school
They don’t pay for school. Its free. Just like ours. Except private school. Just like ours
They are not MORE overworked in school nor do they study more. Their rules are much loser. And just like the states, teachers have no real authority- but unlike the states - the students do not fear repercussions. They can be touched though but thats more because japanese people think its fine to touch each other a lot - ya know. Just dont hug as an adult - but all other invading of some kind of private bubble is fine
3) SLURPING No thats not just a “it shows you love the food!” Bs. Just like the states, the people you hear disgustingly slurping just eat loud and are gross... imo... people here dont seem to think its gross but far more people eat like civilized humans and dont slurp everything from solids to actual liquids.
K like every time the past two days ive had to be near people slurping their fucking food and as a person who HATES hearing people eat... its why im bitching here. LETTUCE DOES NOT NEED SLURPED
4) just anything they call “culture” they used a pretty word to cover for “thats just the dumb thing we do here” its literally like if we said aggressively speed driving and cutting people off is new yorkers culture
Japan has a lot of history and traditions. But mostly they have a lot of bs that theyre just too stubborn to acknowledge and change so they lable it culture. Any changes they make are pretty much like when my great grandmother got a cell phone.
She only turned it on to charge it and make a phone call - leave a voicemail saying that she called - and then would turn it back off. It wasnt ever even on long enough for her to need to charge it.
But in her mind no one could complain that she didnt have one. And the only emergency in her mind was her needing to call you - not vice versa. She wouldnt use it for any other purpose and generally resented its existence. She hated watching anyone else use their cell phones to check the time or take pictures or play games or have lenthy conversations.
Yea. Thats basiclly japan with everything new. They have it. But they dont use it , and its possibilities scare them so the old ppl say its not allowed to be used unless the old people need to use it
Sorry man i hate everywhere i am. My aparment is next to a bar that looks permanently closed during the day. I had no clue it was there till after i moved in and the loud karaoke blared into my window every damn night
My train line is a nightmare and if you wanna see the worst japanese people can be. Ride the train during rush hours
My post office is far away and they refuse to ring my doorbell when i have a delivery and instead just leave slip - if you dont hike over in their made up time period they throw your stuff away
No one will actually help you with serious stuff. They just smile and say sorry and run away — customer service. Yea. Not customer service. They could just as easily be a manican with a smiley face - itd serve the same purpose.
Theres too much paperwork constantly all the time about everything
Nothing is online
Another thing that prompted me for this “this is japanese chocolate”
Cool. I got that its japanese. Im in japan. Everything people point out for me “its japanese____” fucking imagine if we felt the need to point out every damn item as “american” in the states. Why? What is the meaning of this?
They gave me a table to sit at at this school. A table. That they make lunch on and put all their supplies on. A dude just kicked my chair as he came over for some shit. Why am i sitting at a table? Very very few japanese people ive worked with dont make me feel like an adopted pet dog that theyre not sure if itll bite. Dog. Not new person. They literlly have the children fetch me...
And ive grown so so very tired of being asked questions with the intention of having me overhype japan while maintaining that im so stupid that i know absolutely nothing about the country
98% of japanese people assume that you think of japan like youve never even heard of their country before arriving and that you just arrived two days ago
Also. Maybe they think their test scores and clases are so much more difficult because they cant seem to fathom that most other countries schools function the same way as theirs
Yesterday a teacher said “ah theyre so overworked. They have alot to remember” i thought she was about to tell me how many units were on their exam or something... no “english, japanese, science, math, history, pe, food class, art! Too many things. Theyre very overworked”
..... are you for real? Im pretty sure every fucking school has those subjects if you switch out japanese for the countries native language.... this is NORMAL
Im sorry. I know the reason anyone talking to me like this might not like me. Cause im not gonna go WOWWW SUGEII?!?!? So much stuff!! Poor them!
No. Yeah? Thats school...
Look im not an asshole to my kids. If they can manage to tell me any information about their life in english or simple japanese i can translate - i act surprised/ or am if their english is super good.
But adults... no man. Learn some stuff about the outside world. Youre not specifical
Also dating boys here is just like back home except they wont block you and they respond less
Instead of getting “nice” “oh” “idk” and “maybe” as there fading messages - they just leave you on read. Or give you some random information that you didnt ask about that has no relevance to the ‘convo’
Also also. “Speak slow” they dont say this in a ‘my english is not good so speak slower’ way. They say this in a ‘i felt really good about my english until you spoke at a normal pace and my classes and ass-kissing white dudes have taught me that enlgish is spoken slow and percisely so if you dont speak with a japanese accent, your fast english is wrong’
Whatever but like... could you return the favor by speaking japanese slowly. Speak it the way you want me to speak english....
Telling them to speak slow results in something like
... nihon..de〜 nan mabdnshsnabsjsnjsbshssnbsjsbsjshsh ka?
Woah ok... something in Japan... couldnt catch the rest of that
Id be more understanding of this. Its hard to speak slow. Lets both acknowledge this and not - teachers compalining to principals and boys... (1) sending me a fucking video on how to speak my own damn language properly
Also. Do you know how upsetting it is to listen to a student say something perfectly but before i get to praise them - have the japanese teacher jump in and “correct” them...... no no dude please. I know youll have a fucking meltdown if i say no your ways wrong. But now this student is so confused desperately staring at me positive theyre correct and all ive come up with to do is smiling and nodding at them while repeating the way they said hoping the japanese teacher wont notice/get offended
Also togo food... if its not american fast food... generally you cant take it to go... its sad. I have no friends. I just wanna take this home to eat in front of my tv. This isnt serious. Its just a minior inconvenience
Also joking... my japanese isnt good enough to joke. And... idk how... cant explain. The other day a student asked whats my favorite food
And another went hamburger?!? Mcdonalds!!?
I wanted to comment.. but. At least elementary students understand sarcasm. Their teachers dont. And whether the middle schoolers understand and just dont care is up in the air.
Oh! And. I was right last week when i didnt trust my teachers saying that the obvious bullying was just a misunderstanding and the obvious targets fault. Another straight up teacher said some kids have left the school because of bullying and theyre really awful when left alone in the rooms... i told him thats why we cant go unsupervised in america. Japan says the students are just perfect upstanding citizens, so much more caring and mature than other students. Nope. Middle schoolers will be middle schoolers no matter what country.
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