#we’ve seen Mamma Mia
sarcastic-skeptic · 10 months
That lullaby is a banger though
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mooseyspooky · 3 months
Moz Solo was already on it @lovely-lady-fox! FamousWhenDead posted the whole thing:
Johnny Marr: How could Meryl Streep agree to be in Mamma Mia?
The guitarist lets us into his cultural life, from his love of David Hockney to making his friends watch a Joan Didion documentary
My favourite piece of music For a long time now, it’s been My Goal’s Beyond by John McLaughlin. Like his work with the Mahavishnu Orchestra, it is in a genre entirely of its own. It’s unquantifiable and makes me feel a certain way, no matter what happens in the outside world.
The lyric I wish I’d written “You’re going to reap just what you sow”, from Perfect Day by Lou Reed.
The instrument I wish I’d learnt Piano. I can play it, but only in amateurish fashion. I should say though there are guitar players who play the piano nicely like Neil Young, Paul McCartney and David Bowie. They play it as a means to an end and do wonderful things with it. But I would like to be a few levels up from there.
The music that cheers me up Any good pop music, which by definition usually means contemporary. There are things from my past that of course make me feel good. But there’s something about hearing music that’s fresh, upbeat and represents the modern world — it makes you feel that everything is OK.
I’m having a fantasy dinner party, I’ll invite these artists and authors Gary Oldman, Muhammad Ali and certainly Marilyn Monroe.
And I’ll put on this music Spirit Power: The Best of Johnny Marr.
Overrated I don’t tend to like shitting on people, but Mamma Mia!, for God’s sake, or We Will Rock You or any of those sorts of musicals. How did it get to that? We’re supposed to go along with the idea that they’re good. What was Meryl Streep thinking she was doing starring in that film, and Julie Walters? What were they thinking? There are a lot of things culturally that we’ve just gone along with and they really must stop.
Blindboy Boatclub, the artist and musician from Limerick, is best known as one half of the Irish comedy hip-hop group the Rubberbandits. He’s amazing, has such an interesting way of thinking and also hosts the brilliant series The Blindboy Podcast too. One of the best books I have ever read is his Topographia Hibernica. I can’t recommend him or it enough.
My favourite author
Aldous Huxley. People would assume I’m thinking about Brave New World orThe Doors of Perception, but I’m actually referring to his work after he moved to the United States in the second half of his life. His essays and lectures are even better than his earlier work. I rediscovered him in the Nineties and he is my actual hero. Everything you read of his is an education.
The book I’m reading
Autobiography of Red by Anne Carson. It’s a trip, moving around from style to style. The novel is loosely based on Greek mythology, but set in modern times. It’s relatable and super interesting. PJ Harvey introduced me to Carson, an intriguing cross between an essayist and a poet.
The book I couldn’t finish
The Perennial Philosophy by Aldous Huxley. Just couldn’t do it.
The book I’m ashamed I haven’t read Ulysses by James Joyce. It just sounds so hard going. I love the idea of it and feel genuinely bad that I haven’t read it, but I do also feel like I know so much about it already. I admire it enough, without feeling the need to put myself through the hassle of reading it.
My favourite film Sergio Leone’s film Once Upon a Time in America. When it was first released, I went to see it a few times and decided then it was the best thing I’d ever seen. I recently saw The End We Start From, starring Jodie Comer. It’s so good. Amazingly, I came away from it with this feeling of triumph of the human spirit. It says a lot about what it means to be human and what we fundamentally need, which is compassion, connection, love and understanding. And Comer is just so believable in the role.
The box set I’m hooked on I’m rewatching Nurse Jackie. There’s so much good stuff out there that whenever I occasionally revisit old, great stuff, you forget how much it stands up. I like anything Edie Falco is in. I also have just rewatched the documentary Joan Didion: The Center Will Not Hold. I’ve watched it at least three times and whenever someone comes to my place that hasn’t watched it, I watch it with them.
My favourite TV series It has to be Mad Men. One of my friends is eagle-eyed and noticed that when they put an album on a turntable, it has the correct label from the Sixties. That’s crazy.
The film I walked out on
There are loads, often stuff I take my kids to see and they don’t even notice I’d left. I didn’t enjoy Baby Driver — I didn’t like the music in that at all.
I wasted an evening watching Manchester City play in the Champions League final in 2021.
The last movie that made me cry These days I can cry at almost anything so I can’t remember.
The place I feel happiest Running around Brooklyn, over the Williamsburg Bridge. Or around Portland, Oregon. Whenever I’m at those places, I always run unless I’m injured. I’ve done a lot of things in my life, but nothing quite beats that.
My guiltiest cultural pleasure Cheese and onion pasty, chips and peas. Anybody who says that’s not a culture doesn’t know what they are talking about.
If I could own one painting it would be We Two Boys Together Clinging by David Hockney. Any of his work would be a dream to own. Even the iPad stuff is beautiful. I went to see David Hockney: Bigger and Closer at the Lightroom and it was great.
FamousWhenDead's post of the article
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[Mario opens the fridge door to see if there’s anything worth eating in there, as you do]
Snake: ‘Scuse me.
[Snake reaches in to grab a bottle of coke and a salad bowl]
Mario: Whats'a with the party food? You expecting company?
Snake: I already have company. It’s for the Sneak And Meet.
Mario: Sneak And Meet?
Snake: Yeah it’s a get together for all the stealth guys. It’s usually me, Sam, Gabe, Garrett, JC and Adam. Johanna, Emily Caldwin, those thief guys from Elder Scrolls. Oh and Rikimaru and Ayame sometimes attend.
Mario: When’s a this happening?
Snake: Now. We’ve been holding it here for the last five years.
Mario: But… I haven’t seen, or heard, anything about this.
Snake: Bingo. Ooh. Forgot the dipping sauce. 
[With sauce acquired Snake walks away leaving a dumbfounded Mario standing in the kitchen. Who starts to tip toe out of the room scanning all the corners for any sign of the stealthy guests to no avail.]
Sly: He forgot my chips.
Mario: Mamma mia!
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herbirdglitter · 1 year
Mamma Mia things I think about all the time:
- The implication that Fernando is Donna’s father and that both Meryl Streep and Lily James were playing a half Cuban
- How they used some of the guitar and piano solos from Abba’s live performances as background music
- How Harry ends up alone and should have really gotten with Bill. With the way they’re touching all the time? Come on! and they’re the only one’s looking at each other on the poster instead facing forward
- The random religion swapping with no explanation. Like they mention something about Catholic guilt and her mom, which makes sense because her mom spent time in Mexico I suppose which I guess is why they have a Catholic? priest, but then in the next movie they appear to remember that they’re in Greece and swap to a Greek Orthodox one but if that man is Greek I’m a monkey’s uncle. I was raised Greek Orthodox and that is the least hairy orthodox priest I’ve ever seen, greek or no. At least give him a beard. And he’s missing half of his costume pieces
- Speaking of which, they should have stuck with the Catholic if they weren’t going to do a Greek Orthodox baptism because no one was running around in circles or spitting and I demand authenticity at least in these aspects
- the use of Hasta Manana in Mamma Mia 2
- Look Stellan Skarsgard says kissing Julie Walters hurts his back because she’s so short. It makes far more sense for him to kiss someone more his height, say, I don’t know, someone he danced with, someone he did the Titantic move with, someone who he tied up on a pier, someone who he can be... spontaneous with, you feel me?
- Given that we’ve established the Latin American conection, what with Mexico and Fernando etc. I’m thinking if we get a Mamma Mia 3, they should throw in some of the Spanish versions. Please. I need it. They’re brilliant. 
- Speaking of which, I don’t know how they’d do it but I need If it Wasn’t For the Nights in there
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stranger-marauders · 10 months
i could never let you go
chapter four: voulez-vous mamma mia! au
chapter summary: You, Robin, and Nancy come together and perform for your daughter's bachelorette party. Lena's potential fathers all make a realization.
chapter warnings: language probably, daddy issues ig, use of y/n probably, single mom things, alcohol consumption
word count: 3.1k
series masterlist | masterlist
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You had worked your ass off to make the bar look as good as it did, and it had certainly paid off.
Because the bar was outside, you had made a great effort in making sure that the area was fully lit and decorated. There were lantern lights around the place, and you’d even had your boys make a makeshift dancefloor before they left. You’d also secretly had Leo make sure the stage was functional, just because it had been forever since you’d had live music.
Robin and Nancy also helped you decorate the bar area, even though you had told them that you didn’t need any help. Of course, since that conversation took place after your mental breakdown in your room about Steve, Eddie, and Jonathan, they didn’t want to leave you decorating alone. While you appreciated the help, you still wanted them to feel like guests.
That was part of the reason why you were surprised whenever they’d talked you into becoming the entertainment of the night.
“Ladies! Are there any here tonight?” Robin asked, speaking into her mic offstage.
The cheers of Lena’s bachelorette party attendants screamed in response.
“Well, for one night, and for one night only, the Pinestead Inn is proud to present the one, the only, the world’s first Girl Power band in all its grown-up wrinkly glory—”
“Speak for yourself, Rob,” Nancy muttered.
“One night! One number! ‘Cause that’s all we’ve got the breath for. Give it up for Y/N & the Dynamos!”
The girls in the audience screamed as you, Robin, and Nancy walked out in outrageous 70s outfits in honor of the selection that night. You were surprised that your outfits still fit all of you. While Nancy and Robin had hardly changed in terms of physique, you thought that having a baby twenty years ago would’ve made a difference for you.
As the curtains rose and the lights hit the three of you, you began to sing.
You, Nancy, and Robin had decided to pull out one of your strongest hits from back in the day: “Super Trouper.” It had always been one of your most popular hits, mostly because there probably wasn’t a person alive that disliked ABBA. While you three had many, many songs to choose from, especially if you pulled from your solo catalog, “Super Trouper” was without a doubt the best pick.
Now that you were singing again, you thought that it was odd that Steve wasn’t out in the crowd. The last time you had been that happy singing was whenever you could sing specifically to him, acting as if every other person wasn’t there. You remembered that part of your life almost like it had happened yesterday.
Back in those days, Steve would watch your set the entire night, then he would take you home, wine and dine you before he took you to bed. He would tell you how pretty you were up there, singing for him like he was the only man in the room. He would touch you like he would never touch a woman again, touch you again. Steve would love you like it was the last time he’d ever get the opportunity to do such a thing and he wanted you to know that no matter what, that love would never go away.
Even after everything he’d done to you, you really did miss him. Something about him was so simply irresistible, even all these years later. You hated to admit that he still had a place in your heart. Just seeing him earlier that day made your heart hurt, just as it had whenever you’d sent him away all those years ago.
Whenever you’d seen Steve standing at the very opposite end of the bar, out of the line of sight with Jonathan and Eddie, your heart nearly skipped a beat.
While Steve knew that it was a bachelorette party for your daughter that he was technically crashing, he couldn’t help but eavesdrop whenever he heard you were going to be singing that night. Being back on the island made him think back to the summer of 1990, the best summer of his life. Even after all those years, he still couldn’t get your voice out of his head, nor could he forget the smell of your perfume or the feel of your body under his. You had never been able to leave him, even after his marriage with Amy.
Steve had married the girl back home that he’d said he would whenever he left you on Pinestead Island. If he could do it all over again, he wouldn’t have married her, no matter what happened with you. That decision was something he regretted even after all this time. He should’ve thought about a way to get you back rather than just settle and marry Amy.
He’d been stupid to waste his life the way he had. While he had money, more money than he could ever want, he wasn’t happy. Not really.
Unsurprisingly, Amy had served him with divorce papers almost ten years ago now, telling him that now that the boys were old enough for them to co-parent from separate homes, it was time for their relationship to end. In Steve’s eyes, their relationship had ended the day that he met you.
His sons were sixteen and eighteen now, but at the time, they had been much too young to understand why their parents didn’t love each other anymore. Steve had always told them that he would them what he’d done to their mother whenever they got older. Whenever they turned thirteen and fifteen, respectively, Steve told his sons about you and about that summer (of course, the less explicit version). He’d also told them that if they ever cheated on their partners the way that he’d done that he would disown them, but they promised that they wouldn’t.
Even so, Steve didn’t regret all of what he’d done. While he regretted not going home after he’d met you to tell Amy that it was over, he didn’t regret a single thing he did with you. That single month with you had been the most right his life had ever been, and he would do anything to have one night with you again.
That was the real reason why Steve had accepted what he’d thought was your invitation back to the island. 
Steve had thought about coming back to Pinestead to see you for years. He’d dreamed of seeing you again since the moment he’d left the island to get married. He had your website for the villa tabbed on his computer back home, checking on it every once in a while to make sure that the place didn’t close before he got to see it in person. He had never gone to see you because part of him was scared that you would throw him back off the island the second you saw him. He didn’t want to risk seeing you so angry and upset with him again—he couldn’t take it. His heart broke at the thought of making you feel like that ever again.
Because of that, he knew that he loved you. He still loved you, really. He knew that he’d said it to you in passing maybe once or twice whenever you’d been sleeping together, but if he ever got to say it to you now, he would make sure you knew he meant it because, even now, he still felt that way about you. You were still beautiful, even after all these years. You were bold, sharp even if he had still been, deservedly, at the other end of that anger you had. You had even built the villa you two had designed that summer, making your and his dreams a reality.
Steve knew, however, knew that he would never get so lucky to have you again and that he would have to live with the decision he’d made to leave you behind all those years ago for the rest of his life. For that, he would always live in regret.
Whenever the song was done, you, as well as Nancy and Robin, had immediately walked over to the three men across the bar. While you talked, music blared through the area, leaving the young girls to fill the dance floor.
“What are you doing here?” you asked them, somewhat irritated.
“This is a bachelorette party,” Nancy said.
“Meaning no boys allowed,” Robin added, making sure that she was really selling the point home.
“Well, you know, we thought that we would wander around the property, enjoy the hotel as guests, you know?” Steve said, trying to act calm. Internally, however, his heart was beating rapidly. He thought you were going to tear him to shreds.
“Hm. Too bad this area’s being rented out for a private party. Emphasis on private.”
“Yeah, well—”
“They can stay if they want to!” Lena shouted, smiling as she danced with Sarah and Jenny.
Steve shrugged, giving a tightlipped smile. “I don’t know if you know, but, uh… we have permission from the bride.”
He, as well as Jonathan and Eddie, disappeared into the crowd as you rolled your eyes.
It was almost like he hadn’t aged. Even though he was forty-something years old, he still blended in with these young twenty-something young girls. There was something youthful about him, something so spontaneously interesting and simultaneously fun that it started to make your heart melt for him.
“You okay?” Robin asked, putting a hand on your shoulder.
“Me?” you responded. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m okay.”
Without asking you, Nancy walked up to the bar, not even looking at the drink menu. “Three shots, please. Vodka.”
“Oh my God, Nance, are you trying to kill us?”
“No. No, this is good,” you said. “I need to start drinking, like, right now.”
All of this was too much for you. Why had Lena told them it was okay to stay? Your daughter couldn’t have known what she had just done. With Lena, Steve, Eddie, and Jonathan all in the same place, it wouldn’t be long until they realized that your daughter very well could have been one of theirs, too, and you wanted to be far from sober if you could to handle that conversation.
Once you and Robin had gotten so drunk that you were hardly able to stand, Nancy decided to bring you two up to your room for the night.
Of course, the bachelorette party still went on without you and the Dynamos.
After you had been forced to go to bed, Lena had decided it was as good a time as any to finally try to investigate who her father truly was. Her current plan was to talk to each of them individually to see if she could figure out the father that way.
The first person she could find was Steve.
Whenever Lena dragged Steve to the edge of the bar, which was away from most of the party, he didn’t mind. He knew he had to go with her, even if it was just to talk.
Lena truly did look just like you. She was such a beautiful girl, just like her mother. He couldn’t help but to love your daughter too.
“I’m sorry to drag you away from the party,” she said somewhat sheepishly.
“No, I’m glad you did,” Steve replied. “It’s, uh… It’s crazy seeing the island the way that it is now. It used to be so quiet, you know? Now it’s so different.”
Lena nodded. “So do you regret staying away for so long, then?”
“No,” Steve said. “I regret that I didn’t know what was here.”
“This place. The Inn,” he replied. “Your mom and I talked about building this place here a long time ago, but, uh… you know, she obviously beat me to it.”
She hesitated to respond to him. “Tell me something about my mom.”
“Your mom?”
Steve didn’t know what to say to her. What could he tell this girl about her own mother that she didn’t already know? He had only spent a month with you twenty-one years ago, but this girl had her whole life with you. There probably wasn’t a thing she didn’t know about you after all the time that your daughter had spent with you.
“Okay, I think I got something. I was, uh… I was actually the one that brought her here.”
“And that wasn’t the only thing you did, was it?”
Steve’s eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. “What’d she tell you?”
“Nothing!” Lena answered quickly. “She��She’s never mentioned you before.”
Something about that answer didn’t sit right with him. “No, no, no. You told me earlier that your mom never stops talking about her friends from the old days, okay? Something’s not adding up.” He paused whenever he saw the look of worry on her face. “What’s going on, Lena? Why am I here/”
Instead of answering him, however, Lena reentered the dance floor.
“Wait, Lena!” Steve shouted, trying to follow her. Of course, he was pulled right back into dancing with the young girls at the party.
The next person Lena spotted was Eddie. She pulled him to the very edge of the dance party, talking to him as she’d just talked to Steve.
“It’s crazy that Y/N has a grown-up daughter,” he said.
“Have you got any children, Eddie?” Lena asked.
“No, I’ve chosen to not put myself into the path of paternity.”
“It’s never too late.”
“Oh, I don’t think my other half would agree,” Eddie said, almost laughing.
“Do you not want children?” Lena asked, somewhat worried.
“Nah, it’s not that. We’re just old. Too old for a baby, anyway. Besides, it would’ve been hard to have kids on the road,” he said. “You know, I would’ve loved to have a daughter.” 
With that, Lena’s heart skipped a beat. “Really?”
“I don’t know, something about it. I would’ve spoiled that little girl completely rotten if I got the chance.”
“Must be your lucky day…,” Lena mumbled.
“Is your dad here?” Eddie asked. “I wanna meet the guy that made your mom settle down.”
“I don’t know.”
“I don’t know who my dad is,” Lena said, now speaking much more clearly.
Before Eddie could ask any more questions, he was brought right back into the dance circle. When Lena tried to find him, she was instead pulled to the side by Jonathan.
“Can I ask you a question?” Jonathan asked. “It may sound like I’m being nosey, but I’m trying to figure out how all of this is possible.”
“Go ahead.”
“How did your mother get this place? When I knew her, she was singing in a bar on the mainland.”
Lena shrugged. “I was really little when it happened. She was left some money in a will, I think. I know we lived with an older lady when I was younger. Her name was Darlene.”
“Darlene? Like my great aunt Darlene?” Jonathan asked.
“I think it must be.”
“I always heard her money went to family,” he said, trailing off. That was when he realized something. “Wait a minute. How old are you?”
“I’m twenty.”
With that, Jonathan went to go stand on the edge of the balcony, almost as if he was going to be sick.
“Jonathan!” Lena shouted, running after him.
“Sorry. I had to get some air,” he said, leaning on the edge of the railing.
“Why did your great aunt leave my mother that money?” she asked.
“I don’t know.”
“You do. Please, just tell me.”
Jonathan hesitated, turning to look at your daughter for only a moment. “Well, what did your mother tell you?”
“She won’t talk about the past. She doesn’t understand how much I need to know.”
“Well, you’ll have to talk to her about it.”
“This doesn’t have anything to do with her,” Lena finally said. “My whole life has been one big unanswered question, and I don’t want any more secrecy.”
“Lena, this isn’t my secret.”
She finally sighed. There wasn’t any point in sugarcoating it anymore. “Jonathan, are you my father?”
He hesitated. “I think I might be.”
“Well, you know what comes next.”
“Don’t tell me you have a win,” Jonathan said, his face going pale.
“No, no. It’s just me,” Lena said, trying to alleviate his worry. “No, I wanted to ask if you would give me away tomorrow?”
“Give you away?” he asked, not seeming to understand.
“I’ll feel like a real bride if I can walk down the aisle with my father.”
Before Jonathan could give her an answer, Jenny turned to tell Sophie something before quickly walking away, rejoining the dance circle. “The boys are back!”
“I’ll find your mother,” Jonathan said. “I need to talk to her about this.”
“No!” Lena replied. “Not tonight. We’ll keep this our secret until the wedding tomorrow, okay?”
“She’s gonna lose her mind, Lena.”
“She’ll be relieved. She’ll see us together and see that I’m happy.”
Jonathan pondered over the thought. “Oh, all right. I’ll do it.”
As he walked back into the crowd, Eddie came up to Lena again.
“Lena, I won’t beat around the bush, kid. I know why I’m here,” he said. “And let me tell you, I think it’s great. I’ve always wanted a little girl, and a big one’s even better.”
“No, Eddie! It’s—”
“I know I’m rushing things, but please tell me, does your mother know that I know?”
“No, she—”
“Okay, that’s good. Listen, I gotta know, who’s giving you away?”
“No one!” Lena said quickly.
“Wrong! I am!” he said, almost too excitedly.
“And don’t worry about your mom. She doesn’t scare me too much!” Eddie shouted, getting sucked right back into the crowd.
“Wait, Eddie!”
Before Lena could catch him, however, Steve pulled her to the side once again.
“Oh my God! Talk about slow on the uptake. I’m your dad!”
“Steve!” Lena said, almost begging him to forget his realization.
“I get it now, okay? That’s why you sent me an invitation. You want your ol’ dad here to walk you down the aisle. I’m not gonna let you down, okay? I’ll be there!”
Before she could catch him, as well as Jonathan and Eddie, Lena could only stand in the middle of the crowd and the loud music, regretting her decision to try and find her father in the first place.
next chapter
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writeforfandoms · 2 years
Andante, Andante
Find my masterlist
Here it is, the Mamma Mia au that absolutely nobody asked for!
First off, thank you my darling @green-socks​ for plotting with me and letting me squeak at you. 
A couple quick notes before we begin:
Although as always I try to make my readers as blank as possible, this one does specify that she was here ten years ago. To my younger readers... idk. Sorry. But I needed the ten years. (Be glad I didn’t make it twenty.) 
There are sections in italics, and in case it is not apparent, these are memories/flashbacks. 
Warnings: Swearing, allusions to sex, brief non-descriptive sex scene, Feelings, some hurt/comfort. 
Word count: 7.3k
Dave York x reader, Jack Daniels x reader, Javi Gutierrez x reader, f!reader
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“How did I let you talk me into this?” you groaned as you flopped face-down onto one of the beds in the apartment.
“I talked over all your complaints,” Sam answered blithely, actually setting her things down like a civilized person. And then flopping down next to you on the bed. 
“Evil person,” you groaned, words a little muffled. You pushed yourself up to sit instead with a huff. “Alright. Two weeks. This’ll be fine.”
“It’s a vacation, not a death sentence,” Sam reminded you, rolling her eyes. “Which we both need, might I point out. Two weeks of no work, exploring this beautiful place, good food, and having fun.”
“I know.” You lifted one hand to rub your temples. “I know.”
Sam softened a little, sitting up as well and bumping her shoulder into yours. “It’ll be fun,” she said softly. “And if you hate it here, we can change our reservations and go somewhere else.” 
You mustered up a smile. “I know. I’m just tired and grumpy. It was a long flight.”
“It was.” Sam stood, grabbing her bags again. “We’ve got some time before dinner, so relax a bit. Do not sleep or the jetlag will be worse.”
“I’m not a total newbie!” you protested at her retreating back. Then you pouted and shook yourself, getting to your feet. Well. Might as well get changed and ready for dinner. 
But you stalled next to the window, the gentle breeze wafting in the familiar scent of the ocean and seafood and citrus…
The view from your room was beautiful, straight out to the ocean. You stood and watched the sunlight dance on the gentle waves until you were almost late to dinner, finally throwing the curtains closed over the window in your mad dash to get ready.
Not this time, though. There would be none of that. Not for you. 
Taking a deep breath, you turned away from the window and the scent and the sunlight on the water, and changed your clothes. 
Dinner was a calmer affair tonight. Simple food, in a quiet restaurant away from the waterfront. It really had been a long trip, and you were both tired. 
Tomorrow would be a better day. 
You paused at a corner, about a block away from the apartment you two were renting. A man had just stepped into the villa, probably renting one of the lower apartments. You'd only seen him for a moment, no more than a glimpse of dark hair, but… 
"You okay?" Sam asked you softly. 
You blinked and then smiled. "Yeah, I'm okay. I'm gonna shower and get settled for bed, I hope." 
"Sounds good." Sam groaned softly at the number of stairs up to your temporary apartment, and both of you were grumbling by the time you went inside. "See you in the morning."
"Sleep well." You walked to your room to grab sleep clothes for after your shower. 
The water pounding against the tiles of the shower was almost louder than the music coming from the bedroom. You still weren't sure how exactly you'd convinced him to leave Dancing Queen on… but you were pretty sure the pouty look had helped. 
"Waiting for an invitation?" He drawled, stepping past you and into the shower, the spray wetting his hair immediately. 
"Just making sure I didn't wear you out too much," you teased, grinning as you gave him a blatant once-over. 
He didn't give you a chance to do more. One hand grabbed your wrist, pulling you into the shower and straight into his chest, where he kissed the laughter from your lips. 
You sighed and hung your head, turning off the shower and standing there for a few long moments. 
You knew this island was full of ghosts, but you'd hoped you'd have a little time before they came for you. 
Finally, you flopped down into bed, ready to sleep for the night. You had your alarm set so you'd get up on time. And you needed the sleep. 
So naturally you laid there and stared up at the dark ceiling for several long minutes as ghosts danced in your memory, soft voices calling you. Finally, you rolled over, buried your face in your pillow, and cried yourself to sleep. 
The next day you were determined to have fun. You would make new memories here, do new things with Sam. You didn't need anyone else. You certainly didn't need a dark-haired man. Nope. Not a one. 
That plan lasted a full two and a half days, as you and Sam had fun and explored and found delicious food. (So much delicious food, seriously.) 
And then a storm hit. 
Mallorca had storms. Generally they weren't too intense, with little damage done. You remembered two from your last visit here, and both had passed uneventfully, though you did remember passing the time. 
Rain pounded against the windows as you writhed under your companion, gasping out your pleasure to the steamy room. 
"Much better than sightseeing," he groaned softly, appreciatively, damp fingers spreading over your thigh. "So much better." 
But this storm knocked out power to your building, which you discovered when the two of you went back to take a little nap, and none of the lights would turn on. 
"So… what do we do?" You asked, flicking the light switch one more time. Just in case. Once again, nothing happened. 
"I guess we have to call the owner of the villa," Sam mused, hands on her hips. "I still have his number with the booking information, I'll call."
"Cool." You sighed and collapsed onto your bed again to wait. 
Well, this was a first. You'd never had the power get knocked out before, not on vacation. You snorted softly. 
"Guess we're not cooking tonight," you muttered, thinking of the ingredients still in the bags you'd left in the kitchen area. 
"Good news is the owner already knows," Sam called, footsteps approaching your room. "Bad news is we just have to hang out here to wait for him." 
"Oh that's not so bad." You grinned. "We can do some reading, be cats together for a bit."
Sam snickered at your phrasing but nodded. "Reading is always good." 
The two of you settled to read for a while. That was one nice thing about Sam - you could just hang out in quiet and read together, and all was good. 
A knock on the door interrupted you, and Sam hopped to her feet to get it. You stood as well, straightening your top to be somewhat more presentable. 
"...for the inconvenience," a soft male voice was saying. The speaker was still just out of sight, but you paused. That voice was familiar. But why? "But I do have somewhere you can stay until the power here is repaired!" 
"That would be great," Sam answered. "Let me get my–oh good, you're here." She smiled at you, looking excited. "Javi offered us a place to stay while the electricity here is being repaired."
"Javi?" It couldn't be. There wasn't any possible way. But the voice, the name… 
You stepped around Sam, looking out the door, and Javi smiled shyly. His hair was every bit as wild now as it had been ten years ago, his eyes just as warm. But he seemed settled in a way he hadn't back then. 
You, on the other hand, felt a bit like you'd been whacked over the head with a frying pan. "Javi." 
"I know you," he whispered, eyes growing wide. "You–it has been so long! Do you remember me?"
He looked so hopeful, so much like a puppy, that you couldn't contain your smile if you tried. "I could never forget you, Javi." 
Javi positively beamed, bouncing forward to engulf you in a hug. "How are you? You must tell me everything! Over dinner, we can sit and catch up!" 
"Sure," you agreed, a little weakly, one hand patting his back before you stepped back. "Sam will love getting to know you too." 
He blinked, momentarily surprised, and then smiled. "Of course! Any friend of yours is welcome at my table! Oh, I nearly forgot! Please, wait for me downstairs, I have a car and will take you to my home. But first I must tell the others! I will see you downstairs." He left with one last squeeze to your hand, turning and nearly running down the stairs. 
You stood there, blinking after him, completely off balance. 
"Was that the Javi?" Sam asked from behind you. 
"Yeah," you whispered. "The one I met here, ten years ago." And he still looked good. Every bit as good as when you had met him, really. It was unfair. 
"Wow. What are the odds?" Sam stood next to you. "You gonna be okay? To stay with him? We can find another villa, it's not peak season." 
You shook yourself and turned to smile at her. "It'll be fine," you assured her. "Javi and I parted on good terms, there's no issue there. I was just… surprised. That's all." 
"If you say so." Sam turned and started walking to her room. "Let's get packed up, we might be away for a few days." 
It didn't take long to throw everything back in your suitcase and haul it down the stairs, with Sam right behind you. 
"Do you think he'll offer for the other people to stay with him, too?" Sam asked. 
"Probably, he's got the space," you mused with a shrug. "From what I remember, he had rooms he hadn't even used." 
"Wow." Sam grinned at you. "You should have stayed with him, let him take care of you." 
You snorted. But didn't have a chance to reply. Footsteps echoed down the stairwell, and you and Sam both looked in time to see Javi descend the stairs, two dark-haired men behind him. The first wore a signature gray jacket with brown patches at the shoulders, tie loosened around his neck, hat held in one hand and a suitcase in the other. The second man wore a plain gray t-shirt stretched tight across his shoulders and black athletic shorts, hair still mussed as if he'd just been finishing working out. Instead of a suitcase, he carried a duffel bag. 
You felt all the blood drain from your face, the world tilting and swaying under you. There was no way. No possible way. It was just… not possible. They couldn't be here, not all three of them. 
"I apologize for the wait!" Javi said, hurrying over to you and Sam again. "But this is everybody. Would you two care to drive with me? I have another car for the two gentlemen."
Sam agreed for the two of you, as your brain had yet to restart. The man playing with his hat hadn't yet noticed you, but the other one… 
Brown eyes locked onto yours from across the room, and his lips twitched. The game was up, then. Of course he had spotted you first. Dave was very good at spotting you, no matter how you tried to hide or play.
Dave looked almost as shocked as you felt, though it was shallow consolation. He hadn't moved, hadn't looked away from you, barely even seemed to be breathing. 
And then Sam tugged your arm and you turned, blindly following her out the door and to the car. 
You had no idea how you got from the car to Javi's villa, or anything that was said on the drive. Sam, bless her, took over talking. Giving you time to get over your shock, at least enough to be functional. 
You started actually paying attention again when Javi led the two of you into the villa. “Dinner is being prepared,” he told the two of you. “So you won’t have to worry about food. Of course help yourself to anything! My home is your home. I want you to be happy here.” He half-turned, big puppy eyes looking at you with more meaning than you could decipher right at that moment. 
You did manage a smile, at least. “Thank you, Javi. I know we will be comfortable here. You really saved our butts with this, I hope you know how much we appreciate it.” 
His smile turned shy, and he ducked his head, curls flopping over his forehead. “Is nothing,” he dismissed, waving a hand. “Ah! Here! Your rooms!” He opened two doors, right next to each other, and motioned you inside. “I will let you get comfortable and give you the tour later.” 
With one last beaming smile, he turned and left, presumably to go get the other two men.
"Go put your things down," Sam ordered in her best no-nonsense voice. "Then you're going to tell me everything." She picked a room and strode inside. 
A little numbly, you went into your new room and put your things down as well. Then you sat heavily on the bed, putting your face down in your hands, overwhelmed. 
How the hell were you going to manage this? 
Sam dropped down next to you on the bed. "Tell me everything." 
You took a deep breath and looked up finally. "You remember I told you about the three guys from my last trip here?" You asked, a little hoarse. "Javi you met. Jack and Dave are both here. They're the other two men. They're here. In the villa." 
"Oh shit." Sam blinked at you, eyes wide. "You're sure?"
You smiled grimly. "It's been ten years, sure, but I absolutely recognized them. They both look more or less the same. Same hair style, same clothing choices, all of it." 
"Okay." Sam sucked in a breath. "Okay. So. What are you going to do?"
"Avoid them like the plague," was your immediate knee-jerk reaction. 
"What? No!" Sam nudged your shoulder with hers. "You have a golden opportunity here." 
"...I don't follow."
"You told me that Dave was one of the best men you'd ever known and you were thinking of running away with him," Sam reminded you absolutely ruthlessly. "And Jack was the best sex you'd had and he was fun."
You groaned, covering your face again. "I regret ever telling you anything," you mumbled. 
"And now you have a chance with one of them again," she forged on, ignoring your distress. "This is unheard of! You can decide who you wanna pursue!"
"None of them," you grumbled at her, uselessly. You knew it would be no good. 
"Let's go over when you saw them last." Sam patted your leg, trying to get your attention. 
"Let's not." You hopped to your feet, shaking out your hands. "I'm hungry, I'm gonna find the kitchen and see if I can beg a snack from someone."
You ignored Sam when she called your name, striding swiftly from the room. You had a vague memory of this place, but only vague. You honestly wouldn't be surprised if you ended up getting lost here. 
Oh well.
You took a few turns and ended up outside. How, you weren't exactly sure, and you would absolutely need help getting back to your room later. But that was a later problem. 
You turned a corner without looking and ran straight into someone, letting out an oof and stumbling back a step. 
"Careful, sugar." A hand caught your arm, keeping you upright, and close to the person. Man. 
Close to Jack. 
You looked up into still-familiar brown eyes and swallowed hard. "Sorry," you squeaked. 
Jack blinked at you, and his lips parted. (You knew how that mustache felt when you kissed him, when he smiled against your skin, the scratch and tease of it against your thighs–) "Well, I'll be damned," he murmured, his other hand rising to cup your waist. "Is it really you?"
"It is." You swallowed again, licking your lips. 
"How long has it been?" Jack asked, slowly pulling you in closer. "Too long, 'course." 
"Ten years." You took a step back, more or less successfully. His hands were still on you, but you did put a little distance between you again. 
"And you're every bit as gorgeous." Jack grinned, giving you a blatant once-over. "What luck for us, huh? You staying here too?"
"I am, yeah." You shrugged. "You here on vacation?"
"Eh, sorta. Bit of work, bit of fun. You know how I like to do it." He winked at you, shuffling closer to you. "I could always give you a little refresher course, sugar." 
You smiled tightly. "I'm actually here with my friend, we're on vacation. Sightseeing. All of that fun stuff." 
"Oh yeah? You want some company? I can take some time for you." Jack slid his hand from your waist to your back. "And we can go back to my room at the end of the day, have some fun, like last time." 
"We'll see," you hedged. "I was actually just on my way to the kitchen, so–" 
"I just came from there," Jack interrupted you, grinning and turning so he was next to you instead of in front of you, hand still on your lower back to guide you forward. "I'll show you the way."
"Thanks, Jack." You fell into step next to him, letting him guide you. 
Jack made an excellent guide, clearing a path through the crowded waterfront and never letting go of your hand, keeping you close to him. Once the crowd had thinned out some, he tugged you up to walk next to him, his arm around your waist. 
"What do you say, sugar?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows at you. "Still trust me to find us a good spot?"
"You know I do," you said with a smile. "Impress me, Jack."
"Oh I plan on it." Jack squeezed your hip. 
"Here we are," Jack announced, hand squeezing your hip. "The kitchen."
You blinked rapidly to get back out of your own head. "Thanks."
"No problem." Jack didn't release you just yet, still looking down at you, something soft in his eyes. "It really is good to see you again, sugar." 
You warmed, smiling a little. "You too," you murmured. "I'll let you know, about the rest of it." You finally stepped away from him, making your way into the kitchen. 
The cook was a very nice woman who let you have your pick of snacks. You escaped with your snack and found a spot to sit outside, enjoying the late sunshine and the soft sounds of the ocean. 
You had no idea how you were going to survive this, especially if Sam was serious about you going after one of them. 
None of them had ever made you any kind of promise… and perhaps that's where you had problems. Because your traitorous heart hadn't waited for permission to get attached. 
Sighing, you tipped your head back to look up at the sky. You had no idea what you were going to do. 
A soft call of your name made you blink and refocus, and you looked at Sam and Javi. 
"Ready for the tour?" Sam asked, grinning teasingly at you. "We heard you already got lost."
You huffed as you stood. "I only got a little lost," you grumbled. "But yes, tour time. Sounds good." 
Javi beamed at you. "This way," he told the two of you. You were sure the three of you looked like a funny party - Javi in the middle with you on one side and Sam on the other. 
(You absolutely caught Sam eyeing him once or twice and you couldn't blame her. Javi was good looking, with his wild curls and unrestrained smiles.) 
The tour was fun and easy and you were vividly reminded of why you had been so happy to spend the last days of your vacation ten years ago with Javi. He was cute and funny and sweet and a generally good man. 
Which made the fact that you were barely physically attracted to him honestly a shame. 
Dinner was nicer than you'd expected. Mostly because both Jack and Dave had apparently not been invited, something that made you hide a grin behind your drink. 
"What do you have planned still?" Javi asked, looking between you and Sam. 
Sam took over, and you let her. The interest in her eyes was clear to you, though you rather doubted Javi saw it. 
The entire day the two of you were out, women looked at Javi. Mostly they were tourists, but you noticed more than one local with lust in her eyes. And Javi… didn't seem to notice at all. Or if he did, he ignored them all with aplomb. He didn't even look at them. 
He only had eyes for you. 
You took another bite of food, looking away from those two. Javi deserved the best in the world, you knew that. 
"Are you alright?" 
The soft question from the man made you blink and look at him. He looked concerned, big puppy dog eyes only for you. 
"I'm okay," you assured him. "Just thinking how crazy this all is. I had no idea you owned that villa in town." 
"I own two properties in town," Javi said with a nod. "I still have the olive groves, too! We could go see those." 
You smiled at his enthusiasm. "Sure, Javi. Your property is beautiful." 
"The whole place is beautiful," Sam agreed. "That pool is tempting me." 
"You are more than welcome to swim," Javi said, turning his sweet smile to her. "I want you to be happy here. You're welcome to anything." 
"In that case, I will." Sam grinned. 
You smiled watching her. She definitely needed this vacation. Especially since she was now having to put up with your bullshit. 
Not that you'd planned on this either, but still. Sam deserved to have a wonderful time, and you would do whatever you could to make that happen. 
Javi escorted the two of you back to your rooms after dinner. Sam broke off ahead of you two, saying she was going to catch up with some friends and update them on the vacation. 
You and Javi paused in the hallway. You didn't want to just go sit in your room, but you didn't have the energy to actually go explore and find a good place to sit, or find something else to do. 
"Come with me," Javi offered, holding out one hand to you. "I want to show you something."
You hesitated a bare moment before taking his hand. 
Javi held out his hand to you with a smile, a little shy, a little sweet. "Can I show you around? Is not much, I know, but–"
"Not much?" You laughed a little as you took his hand. "This place is beautiful, I love it. Please show me around."
His smile was nearly blinding and he squeezed your hand before he started walking. 
Javi led you outside, to a quiet spot that overlooked the ocean. He sat on a bench, and you sat next to him, looking at the moonlight on the water. It was beautiful. 
Maybe even more beautiful this time around. 
"Something weighs heavy on you," Javi said, soft and genuine. Guileless, as was his way. 
You sighed, leaning back and looking up at the sky instead. "It's just… a lot," you told him softly. It was easier to talk this way, not looking at him, not paying attention to his reactions. "I, um. I know the other two men. And. It's just." You sighed, short and sharp. 
"A lot," Javi offered softly, non judgemental. 
"Exactly." You finally looked at him to gauge his reaction. 
He just looked patient, a little sympathetic. "If you want to talk about it…" He trailed off carefully. 
You mulled over the offer, watching him. But he didn't waver. So you nodded slowly. "It's not the prettiest picture," you warned him. 
Javi snorted, amused, though you hadn't the foggiest idea of why. "Do not worry about that," he said, waving off your concern. "You cannot frighten me off." 
So you took a deep breath. "When I was here the first time, I met Dave. We… had a lot of fun together, and I…" You swallowed hard, blinking. This had not gotten any easier than the last time you'd talked about this. "Well, I really liked him. Then he left without a proper goodbye, just a note. That was… hard. Jack came into my life unexpectedly, and we had a few wonderful nights together. Never promised more than just some fun. And then he was gone, too." You paused there. "I don't really know how I feel about seeing them again now. But the feelings are definitely strong." 
Javi was quiet for a few long moments, and you worried you had gone too far. Then he smiled a little, holding out one hand to you. When you took it, he squeezed your hand. "You need space," he said softly. "And friends."
Relief washed through you, nearly overpowering. "Yes."
"I will give you whatever I can," Javi told you, squeezing your hand again. "Just ask and it is yours."
Unexpected tears spring to your eyes, and you leaned in to hug him instead as tight as you could. There was barely a moment of hesitation before he hugged you back, crooning soft Spanish into your ear as you tried hard not to cry. 
“You will feel better tomorrow,” Javi murmured, patting your back. You leaned back, wiping briefly under your eyes. 
“I will,” you agreed. “I’ll ask Sam, but maybe tomorrow we can go out to the olive grove.”
“An excellent idea!” Javi grinned, standing and offering you a hand up. “I will arrange a, hm, picnic for us!” 
“Sounds good to me.” You smiled. “Thank you, Javi. You’re a good man.”
Javi flushed and waved you off. “Go, rest. I will see you in the morning.”
Feeling better than you had all day, you turned and headed back inside, towards your room. 
Movement caught your eye and you stopped in the hallway outside your room. Turning slowly, you were somehow unsurprised to find Dave standing there. Hair neat and tidy. Eyes dark and intense. Hands loose at his sides. 
Miles seemed to stretch between you and Dave, despite the fact that you were in the same room. You could barely hear past the rushing of your blood in your ears, but Dave wasn’t speaking anyway. He was just… standing. Just standing. Watching you. 
After all, he’d had his chance to say what he wanted, and left the floor open for you. As if you’d be able to talk, be coherent at all, after the bombshell he’d just dropped on you.
The silence stretched, tight and uncomfortable. Dave opened his mouth to say something, and you turned away. No sound came from behind you as you opened the door to your room, stepped inside, and locked it behind you. 
You didn’t move until you heard light footsteps, walking away, growing fainter until they were gone. 
It took you a long time to fall asleep.
Javi was as good as his word, allowing you and Sam both to sleep in and then abducting you after breakfast. It wasn’t a long drive out to the olive grove, but it was a pleasant one. You sat in the backseat with the basket full of food, giving Sam the benefit of the nicer views. 
The picnic, of course, was lovely. The food was delicious. Everyone behaved themselves. 
It was just a really nice day, and you needed that. 
"I've been invited out to a friend's party," Javi told the two of you as you all worked together to pack up the remains of lunch. "Do you want to come with me?" He looked at you hopefully. 
You shrugged. "Sure," you said easily, putting the cap back on your drink. "If Sam wants to go."
"Definitely." Sam grinned, mischief in her eyes, which made you a little nervous. "What time do we need to leave?"
Javi shrugged, picking up the basket. "Any time this evening. I believe the invite said 8, but nobody will mind if we show up late." 
"Perfect." Sam looked at you, still mischievous. "Gives us plenty of time to get ready."
You had a feeling she meant more than just changing clothes.
As soon as the two of you were back at the villa, Sam dragged you back to her room, shutting the door and pushing you towards the bed. 
"Updates. Now." 
You sighed. "What do you want to know?"
"We've been with Javi all day and I saw no flirting!"
You snorted, you couldn't help it. "Sam. Babe. Javi and I are friends. We had a good talk last night and decided we're just friends. Which I am honestly grateful for." 
Sam nodded, looking contemplative. "So that's Javi. What about the other two?"
And there you paused. Because. You really did have a lot of conflicting emotions about them. "Sam… I don't know. I had a brief conversation with Jack, he seemed to want to pick up where we left off last time. And Dave…" You faltered there, throat closing. 
"Did you see him?" At your silent nod, Sam pursed her lips. "Has he apologized to you? For leaving?"
"Not yet." You sucked in a deep breath. "But it's fine." 
"Hm." Sam fortunately relented then. "So, party tonight. You did bring the dress with you, right?"
You rolled your eyes. "I did. I will wear it tonight." 
"Good." Sam looked pleased, going to rummage through her suitcase. "I'm gonna read for a bit before we have to get ready."
"Sounds good," you agreed, standing. "I'll be in my room." 
You did go ahead and get out your dress once you were in your room, examining it to make sure it didn't need to be ironed or anything. And then you sat on the bed to read and relax for a while. 
Sam knocking on your door prompted you to get up and change, putting in pretty earrings as well. A quick once-over to make sure you looked presentable, and you joined Sam in the hallway. 
"I will be the envy of the party," Javi declared on seeing you both. "Arriving with two lovely ladies on my arm." He winked, and you laughed. 
"How far is it?" You asked curiously as Javi led you both to the car again. 
"Not far," Javi answered. "In truth we could walk, but I am lazy and I hate this hill." 
That startled you into giggles again, and you were still grinning as you slid into the backseat. 
The drive was short, as promised, and you followed Javi and Sam into the party. There were lots of people around, but it didn't feel too crowded. At least not yet. 
And for a while things were fun. You danced with Sam, and you two dragged Javi out onto the dance floor with you. 
And then someone slid into your space behind you, hands light on your hips. You tensed, just about ready to turn and tell the person off, when a soft voice spoke right next to your ear. 
"Relax, sweetheart. I've got you." 
Almost against your will, you relaxed. You'd never been able to tell Dave no. 
"Easy, sweetheart," Dave whispered in the dark of the room, both hands on your hips, his chest flush with your back. "I've got you."
"Dave," you whined, biting your lip. 
"I've got you," Dave repeated, hands squeezing you before he started to move, so slowly it was torture. 
"Why are you here?" You tipped your head back, trying to look at him. All you caught was a glimpse of dark hair before he spun the two of you, keeping you upright but off-balance enough that you needed the help. 
"I wanted to see you. To apologize." He spoke right into your ear over the music. 
You grit your teeth, partly at his timing and scheming, and partly at his gall. "Not here," you ground out. 
Dave took your hand, pulling you into a spin before leading you out of the room. You'd lost track of Sam and Javi, and just hoped that they were still having fun. 
He led you outside and away from the party, ending up on a paved walkway between buildings. You stepped away from him, heart racing. 
"I want to apologize," he started, softly, hands out at his sides. Trying to show he was no threat. 
"Now?" You laughed a little, the sound cracking halfway through. "Dave, there's nothing for us to talk about. You dropped all that on me and left, and you couldn't even look me in the eye to say goodbye." 
Dave shook his head, taking a step towards you. "Sweetheart, no–"
"It's fine," you cut him off, stepping back. "I understand. You had things to go back to. I know. I saw you got married, had your own life. I’m glad. If you feel you have to make things right, don't worry about it." 
"Carol is gone."
The quiet words stopped you cold. "I'm sorry for your loss."
Dave shook his head, frustrated. "Sweetheart, she was never you."
"Don't," you whispered, pleading. "Don't do this to me." 
"I swear to you, I thought of you every day." He started towards you slowly, carefully stalking you, eyes intent on your every move. "She was never you. Do you have any idea how many times I almost tracked you down?"
"Dave," you whispered, wide eyed, pulse pounding. "What are you doing?"
His jaw clenched, eyes flashing. "What I should have done ten years ago." He boxed you in against the building behind you, one big hand cupping the back of your head and tipping your head up. But he didn't kiss you, keeping a bare distance between you. "I should have brought you home with me. I wanted to. I won't make that mistake again." 
"It's been ten years," you pointed out, entirely reasonably. "We're not the same people we were then." 
"Then tell me to go." He dipped his head, nudging his nose against yours with aching tenderness. "Tell me to leave you alone."
And you… couldn't say the words. You swallowed, mouth opening. But you couldn't speak. 
With a triumphant noise, Dave closed the space between you, kissing you with all the pent up passion of ten years. You moaned softly into his mouth, hands raising to helplessly grasp his shirt. Somehow, he felt every bit as good as you remembered. 
Someone knocked over something loud behind Dave, and you pulled back with a gasp. Dave's eyes narrowed and he turned to look, giving you a chance to look as well. 
Jack stood there, watching the two of you, lips parted just a little. Silence stretched, tension pulling tight against your skin. 
You broke first, ducking under Dave's arm and away from the wall. You fled. 
You did remember, on the walk back, to pull out your phone and text Sam that you were walking back and to have fun. 
And then you had time and quiet to think over what had just happened. 
Those feelings you still had for Dave were getting a whole lot clearer. 
But the question remained if you could move past the last time you saw him.
"I haven't told you everything." Dave stood a few feet away from you, his twitching fingers giving away his anxiety. 
"What, are you not really here for work?" You asked, half-joking. "Actually have a wife back in the States?" 
"No." Dave made a face. "I am here for work, but my work is… not as harmless as I led you to think." 
You were quiet for a minute, nerves simmering in your gut. "Just tell me. I don't like this guessing game shit."
Dave blew out a slow breath. "I was sent here for a contract," he said slowly. "My team and I eliminated a threat. I asked for extra time here after we completed our mission."
"Eliminated?" You asked faintly. 
Miles seemed to stretch between you and Dave, despite the fact that you were in the same room. You could barely hear past the rushing of your blood in your ears, but Dave wasn’t speaking anyway. He was just… standing. Just standing. Watching you. 
After all, he’d had his chance to say what he wanted, and left the floor open for you. As if you’d be able to talk, be coherent at all, after the bombshell he’d just dropped on you.
You blinked at him, mouth opening and closing a few times uselessly. "Aren't there rules against telling people that kind of shit?" is what you managed to get out. 
Dave shrugged, unconcerned. "Usually, yes. I trust you." 
You gaped at him. "You… What is this, Dave? Why are you telling me?"
"So you have the whole picture." Dave still didn't move towards you. 
"The whole picture," you repeated, a little numbly. "I don't know what to do with this. I really don't. I just…" You trailed off, staring at him. "Why now?"
Finally, his lips twisted in displeasure, eyes dark as he looked away from you. "I have to go soon."
"How soon?" Your heart dropped somewhere in your stomach. 
"I don't know exactly. Soon." 
You let out a slow breath. Okay. So he'd given you some honestly terrifying information about himself… but nothing to actually send you running. "Okay."
"Okay?" He looked back at you, fingers curling and uncurling. 
"Okay. At least for right now, let's shelve that and have dinner like we planned." 
He relaxed, shoulders lowering, and smiled at you. Finally, he stepped in closer, both hands rising to cup your cheeks. 
"You are something else, sweetheart." He kissed you then, too many emotions for you to parse between you. "Let's go to dinner."
You blinked back to yourself at the bottom of the hill. Javi was right, it looked like an absolute bitch to walk. You groaned softly but started up the hill. 
"Hey! Sugar!" 
You sighed and hung your head but you stopped to let Jack catch up with you. "Yeah?"
Jack didn't smile for once, instead searching your expression closely. "If you're in any trouble…"
"What?" You blinked at him, honestly caught off guard. "You mean Dave?"
His lips thinned. "Sugar, he's not a good man." 
Several things occurred to you at once. The first was that Jack knew what Dave did. The second was that Jack had some kind of job that meant he knew what Dave did. The third was… you really didn't care. 
"Maybe," you admitted. "But you know what? He's been good to me. You both have, in your own ways. So thanks for trying to warn me, or whatever, but I'm good." 
Jack blinked, momentarily flabbergasted. "You know?"
You smiled grimly. "He told me right before he left," you said. "Now. I'm going up the hill to go to bed."
Jack was quiet for a moment. "Mind if I walk with you?"
"Sure." You shrugged. Both of you were quiet on the walk back up to the villa.
Javi had definitely been right about the hill. 
"Sugar." Jack turned to face you, putting his hands on his hips, even as you were still recovering from the walk. "Just so you know… you can call me if you need anything. Get into trouble, need a lift, anything." He held your gaze, frowning just a little. 
You smiled, touched by the unexpected offer. "Thank you. I appreciate it." 
Jack nodded. "Well, I'm gonna go check in before bed. Night, darlin'." 
You murmured your own good night and trudged inside and up to your room. You moved slowly through your bedtime routine, too distracted to pay much attention to what you were doing. 
Dave had made his intentions pretty clear earlier. He still wanted you. Had never stopped wanting you, if he had been telling the truth. You were still mad at him for leaving you ten years ago without even a proper goodbye, but… but you had missed him. You'd missed being with him. 
Sam was right. You had a second chance here. All you had to do was take it, reach past the hurt and the questions. 
If that was indeed what you wanted. 
You laid there for a long time, staring at the dark ceiling, the quiet less soothing than you wanted for the background of your churning thoughts. 
You heard Sam and Javi returning from the party, and only smiled. You were glad they'd had fun. 
And that? Well. Guess you had your answer. 
So, naturally, you didn't see Dave the next day at all. But the following day he found you. 
You looked up from your book, somehow unsurprised to find Dave standing in front of you. You shifted to make room and patted the bench next to you in silent invitation. Dave sat quietly, posture rigid. 
He'd come for your final answer, then. 
"Let me ask you one thing." You looked straight at him, setting your book down in your lap. 
"Anything." He swallowed, lifting his chin subtly. 
"Why did you leave without saying goodbye?" You didn't succeed at keeping the hurt from your voice. Really, everything else you had already dealt with, but this? This had plagued you for ten years. 
Dave grimaced, like he'd expected the question but it still hurt. "It wasn't my choice," he answered slowly. "I was informed we had to bug out immediately. One of my guys came and got me, or I would have ignored orders." 
You sat quietly, letting that sink in. He would have stayed. He would have waited. For you.  
Taking a deep breath, ignoring the rabbit-quick beating of your heart, you turned to face him fully. Shoulders back, chin up, eyes narrowed just the slightest bit. "If you ever do anything like that again, you will never see me again. Understood?"
Dave blinked, lips parting a little in surprise, before ever so slowly he started to smile. "Yes ma'am." 
You swallowed, licking your lips. "Good." 
He lifted one hand, cupping your cheek, thumb rubbing over your skin. "Does that mean you'll come back with me?" 
"Yes." You didn't even think about it. At this point, there really was only one answer you could give. "I will." 
Dave grinned, sharp and triumphant and a little bit adoring, and kissed you. It was messy and passionate and there was more than a little bit of teeth involved, but it was perfect. When he finally pulled back, you had one hand in his hair, and you were panting. Faintly, you could hear him whispering against your skin as he pressed kisses against your throat. 
"Thank you." Kiss. "Never leave you again." A more or less gentle nip. "Never again." Teeth scraped over your collarbone. 
"Inside," you growled at him, tugging his hair. 
The two of you somehow got to your feet, a tangle of limbs and lips and only one incident where you nearly fell. 
Logically, you knew it wasn't this easy. You'd have to talk logistics and jobs and all that. You'd have to check in with Sam (although she was getting pretty cozy with Javi). 
But you were going to give this a chance. You were going to fight for this. For the two of you. 
And judging by the grasp he had on your hips and the way clothes were falling as soon as your bedroom door closed, Dave was going to do the same. 
That would be enough. You would make it work. You smiled, took a deep breath, and fell one last time, trusting he would catch you. 
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jelazakazone · 2 years
Liminal spaces in ep 6 of Heartstopper
As always, endless thanks to @barrows-teeth​ and @herewetumble​ for their insights and editing help and BT’s lovely gifs! Find the master post here. 
Episode 6 starts with Nick googling “best lgbtq+ films'' on his phone just before his mum says “Mamma Mia.” Nick rejects this suggestion and his mom leaves the room to dish up pizza. Nick is still looking at the list on his phone, snuggled next to Nellie, when Sarah Nelson comes back and suggests “Pirates of the Caribbean.” Nick looks like he wants to say something else, but just says “yeah.” 
As they watch the movie, Sarah comments that they had to watch the movie every evening when Nick was 11 and she knew it was because he liked Kiera Knightly. Nick resists “Mum!” “What, she’s a very pretty girl.” “Please stop talking!” They turn to watch the movie and we can see Nick struggling with the recognition that he is attracted to Kiera Knightly as well as Orlando Bloom. (Many have commented on how relatable this scene is for their bisexual awakenings occurred similarly.) 
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We have seen how comfortable Nick is in his kitchen with his mum and I think the living room is an extension of that space. He’s not ready to come out to his mum yet, but he’s more able to fully consider who he is. 
Back in the fuller privacy of his room, he listens to the bisexual vlogger and seems to start coming to terms with his own sexual identity. 
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Meanwhile, the girls are having lunch in the canteen. Darcy quips “this is an interesting lunchtime gathering we’ve got going on here” as Tara and Elle both poke at their phones. Tara has just posted about her relationship with Darcy on Instagram and is getting mixed reactions, so she is happy for the distraction Darcy provides when she asks what Elle’s up to (looking at Timothee Chalamet’s Instagram? :)). Tara says “probably texting Tao” and they coax out of her that she does have a crush on Tao. “I knew it,” squeaks Tara. It is clear Elle has settled in and found her place with Tara and Darcy—a stark contrast to the day she walked in and the door closed behind her, leaving us all with an instant of panic — was she trapped in a lonely hell? 
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We have another scene of Charlie and Tao interacting with Harry outside school near the picnic tables which goes according to toxic masculinist ideas of heteronormativity. “Watch out Dicknozzle,” Harry spouts. Tao retorts, “if you want my attention that badly, why don’t you just throw something at me, like your last remaining brain cell.” Harry is left speechless and on his own turf, at that. 
They walk past Nick and Imogen sitting on one of the tables. Tao gives Nick a disgusted look. Nick looks at Charlie like he feels sorry about something. 
Tara is sitting in an instrument room, flipping through mixed comments on Instagram again. Darcy joins her and Tara warns her to “mind the door, that’s the one that locks you in if you let it shut.” Darcy reminisces that this is “the room...the special room, [they] got locked in and had [their] first kiss.” I love the fact that their first kiss was literally in a locked closet, before Tara was out. The orchestra teacher finds them and chastises them for being late for rehearsal. They remark she’s literally the only one in a 50 mile radius who doesn’t know they are together. So, maybe part of that closet still remains (and reminds us that we are always coming out). 
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In the orchestra room, one girl says to Tara “I never would have guessed you were gay, but it’s so cool and brave of you” and a few minutes later, in the background, we hear girls responding with disgust to Darcy’s comment about same-sex schools being a waste from her perspective “as an absolute lesbian.” Where the closet was a safe space for the girls, the open classroom is not. 
Nick and Charlie are lying on a blanket in the park and Nick says “How did you realize you were gay?” This is the first time we’ve seen Nick talk to someone about being queer. He’s been researching the topic in the privacy of his own bedroom (and obviously kissing Charlie in secluded locations) but this is the first time the topic has been raised in a more public environment. Charlie is secure with his identity (“It’s always been boys”) but Nick makes faces and Charlie guesses Nick “didn’t feel the same when he was little.” 
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This is reminiscent of the park with Imogen, when Nick was saying he had buried his real self and he was trying to figure out where he fit. Now, he says again “I don’t know what [sexuality] I am.” But with Charlie, he can be more clear about the topic and the open air reinforces our impression that Nick is becoming more comfortable with sharing his full self. Charlie even says that Nick doesn’t have to figure it out right now and that even he didn’t wake up one day and say “oh, look, guess I’m gay now.”  Society informs who we are. We aren’t defining ourselves in a vacuum. But when a couple walks by with a dog as they are about to kiss, Nick sits up suddenly, breaking it off. He is not ready. 
Nick accompanies Charlie into the gym for rehearsal and asks if he can attend the performance. Charlie moves away to get his drum kit set up and Tara walks up, taking Charlie’s position on the floor. They make a little small talk and then Nick tells Tara that he and Charlie are sort of “going out, but please don’t tell anyone.” Tara says “It’s funny how things turned out between us,” referring to the kiss they shared 3 years ago and they both agree that irony is not lost on them. 
Nick asks if the girls are out to their friends, and Tara talks about posting it on Instagram. 
Nick is clearly grappling with how much of himself and his relationship with Charlie he is comfortable putting out there. I think it’s interesting that the conversation is happening in the school gym, a location typically known for heteronormative relationships in sports. 
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Nick takes Tara up on her invitation to join her and Darcy for lunch on the field. On the other side of the fence, we hear Harry bullying Tao: “Not having lunch with your boyfriend?”  Meanwhile, enclosed in their own private bubble, Nick shares “I’m not really out, yet” and “I don’t even know what my sexuality is” while chatting with them. Darcy and Tara accept him for who he is, regardless of labels. Again, it’s interesting that this is happening on a sport field, another spot typical for reinforcing heteronormativity. Darcy suggests a double date and Nick agrees, saying, “I like milkshakes.” 
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In front of the door to the orchestra room, Darcy encourages Nick not to come out if he’s not ready. Nick asks Tara if she’s sure she’s gay or if she might be bi. Tara says kissing Nick was one of the things that convinced her she didn’t like kissing boys. As they stand outside in front of an open door, Nick reveals they are the first people he’s told about Charlie. Nick is starting to open his own door and come out a little bit more. Tara asks him if it feels good. He smiles. “Yeah, it really does.” AND WE ALL MELT.
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 Charlie is on his bed, lit up by the sun, waiting for Nick to come ‘round. Tori appears in the doorway and seems to know what’s up, even though Charlie can’t admit anything to her. On the floor, the boys are studying and Nick lets Charlie know that he has told Tara and Darcy that they are dating. Charlie’s bedroom has changed for Nick from a space of confusion to refuge to safety. 
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As Nick leaves, he tells Charlie about the proposed milkshake date and Charlie eagerly agrees. Nick opens the door, leaving it for Charlie to close. He looks back and waves goodbye before turning around and walking away. This time, there is just nice, bright sunlight as the door stays open. 
First to appear at the milkshake cafe are Tao and Elle. They are being their silly authentic selves out in the fresh air, but not at all open about their feelings for each other. And neither knows about Nick and Charlie, yet. The six friends sit under a tent and chat while having their milkshakes. Tao suggests having a second round. Nick and Charlie leave first to get the shakes. Charlie asks Nick out on a proper date (sometime) and immediately takes it back. It is as if the fresh air has pumped up Charlie’s courage for a split second. Luckily, he is with Nick, who thinks it’s a lovely idea. 
When Tao goes to help get the second round, Elle finds out her friends have been plotting without her consent to try to set her and Tao up. She is upset about this because she doesn’t want anything else to change. Nick and Charlie return to the table while Tao waits for the last two and Elle finds out that Nick and Charlie are together. It is worth noting that they are under the tent (the relationship is still a secret to all but these five) while Tao is out in “dark,” alone. 
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In the gym, Nick sits with Charlie at his drum kit. They are bathed in a beam of light. Nick says he’s been researching bisexuality and he thinks that might be him. Does Charlie’s drum kit have a protective force field around it? Maybe so. 
Meanwhile, Tara has run out of the room to escape the persistent homophobia surrounding her. She retreats to the secret (make out) instrument closet and Darcy follows, forgetting to leave the door open. Tara didn’t realize how differently she’d be treated after she came out and “just wants to live her life.” Darcy insists they can do that. In the meantime, Nick, Charlie, Elle, and Tao have been running from door to door looking for them. 
As they all run back to the concert, Tara and Darcy hold hands. Nick reaches out for Charlie’s hand and Charlie grabs it just as they pass a brightly lit window. Elle follows, waving encouragingly at Tao who lags behind. Tara and Darcy are leading the way, modeling one way of being out, and Nick and Charlie are following in their footsteps. 
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agentnico · 1 year
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023) Review
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Why is it that so many Hollywood movies these days have to include the same exact 80′s songs like ‘Take On Me’ and ‘Holding Out for a Hero’? There’s such a massive catalogue of superb 80s songs, yet for some reason these are used 24/7. They’re good songs, don’t get me wrong, but play same a million times and they lose their magic. 
Plot: A Brooklyn plumber named Mario travels through the Mushroom Kingdom with a princess named Peach and an anthropomorphic mushroom named Toad to find his brother, Luigi, and to save the world from a ruthless fire-breathing Koopa named Bowser.
So from the beginning one of the more controversial elements of this film’s announcement was the casting of Chris Pratt as the voice of Mario. For one, Mr Pratt is not Italian, nor do I believe he has any family members or ancestors that are connected to the Italian culture. He also is not from Brooklyn either, where Mario and Luigi are supposed to have their plumbing business at, so again, questionable choice. He’s also got the most generic everyday guy type voice, hence why he previously voiced Emmet from The Lego Movie, cause that entire character’s shtick was that he was ordinary, regular and in no way special individual. As for Mario, well he’s a very Italian sounding chap, with the “mamma-mia”s and the “let’s a go”s and the “I’ve got a familia”s.... Look, Mario is Italian. Luigi is Italian. Why are they being voiced by Chris Pratt and Charlie Day? Cause turns out, the writers cared zero to nothing about any reason or consistency within this film, as I am here to report that The Super Mario Bros. Movie is a mindless shameless cash grab.
The story? There is none. The narrative thread line is so thin that its pointless to talk about. The jokes? Not there. Well, they are there but they aren’t funny. And yes, I am aware that some of the humour is aimed primarily at children, and in fact kids as whole will have a ball with this movie. But making a Mario movie, the fanbase of which is made up mostly of grown up adults that grew up with the Nintendo brand and have a humongous nostalgia factor for the property, you’d think the studio would try to make a movie that’s appropriate for both kids and adults. Harkening back to 2014′s The Lego Movie, that film managed to appease audiences of all ages with both silly humour but also a solid story and enough pop culture references to appease adults who grew up building Lego. The Super Mario Bros. Movie on the other hand is simply children’s humour beginning to end, and like a thousand references and Easter Eggs thrown in from the original games that serve no other purpose other than “oh look, there’s that thing we’ve seen before!”. And as much as my heart thumped in excitement when Mario’s ringtone in the film was revealed to be the Nintendo GameCube theme song, it still doesn’t take away from the fact that at its core the movie is empty. There’s no substance to any of it. 
Visually I will say the movie does look great. The animators of Illumination as always deliver a colourful and eye-popping world, with the Mushroom Kingdom being fully realised in all its fun visual flair, and the characters from the games all being animated wonderfully. The music score too pays homage to Mario’s original themes whilst also in-keeping with the movie’s action. So from a technical standpoint the movie is well made, but from a creative side its got nothing.
At the end of the day, me and my friend both agreed that we were bored out of our minds throughout the entire movie, and many times were closing to falling asleep. Granted, we had a meal at the local pub prior and each had a pint alongside it, but a single pint does not knock someone out unless they’re flat out bored - which we were. Like, Chris Pratt wasn’t even that bad as Mario. He was just okay. All the voice cast are just okay. Jack Black makes for a solid Bowser, however them forcing Black to constantly sing that stupid unfunny Peaches song did grind my gears. The movie is 100% for kids, and there are nostalgic elements to it all, but I do believe that Illumination and Nintendo should have followed more in The Lego Movie’s footsteps and targeted the film for audiences of all ages. Should have had Phil Lord and Chris Miller produce, let’s be honest. I’m just going to go rewatch Puss in Boots: The Last Wish again - now that’s an animated movie that was way better than expected!!
Overall score: 3/10
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'Summer movie season is here, and fans are bracing for a showdown on July 21 — the fateful day when Greta Gerwig’s Barbie and Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer both hit movie theaters. And the absolute ideological whiplash between these two films has, so far, dominated the conversation around them.
Barbie and Oppenheimer are extreme opposites, both aesthetically and in subject matter. One is a colorful comedy about a favorite childhood doll; it’s over-the-top, saturated with bright pink, and unabashedly girly. The other is a gritty war drama about physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer and his work developing the atomic bomb through the Manhattan Project.
These films do have a few things in common: Both are helmed by critically acclaimed directors who have established a strong following, and each of these films play to their strengths. Gerwig’s Lady Bird and Little Women established her as a premier filmmaker for capturing coming-of-age stories and iconic girlhood cultural touchstones. And Nolan has elevated the classic thriller blockbuster into everything from high-concept science fiction to moving war stories in the likes of Dunkirk, Interstellar, and Inception. Both Barbie and Oppenheimer look engrossing, smart, and visually distinct. Both also have an absolutely star-studded cast.
Anyone craving a summer blockbuster has two stellar choices in July — it’s just really hard to choose between the two on opening day. Many fans have shared memes illustrating the difficult choice, or have committed to watching both, making jokes about the wild contrast and attempting to figure out which order to see them in.
Some fans have even edited together the two trailers to create one monstrosity: Barbenheimer.
Then there’s the sheer volume and tenor of Barbie marketing — which has made it feel all-encompassing and inescapable — made even funnier contrasted against the starkness of Oppenheimer’s own marketing push. Both films have received a handful of trailers, but that’s where the similarities end. The Barbie cast has appeared on The Kelly Clarkson Show and graced the covers of several glossy magazines, glammed up in pink. Pop star Dua Lipa released a single for the film, and rappers Ice Spice and Nicki Minaj did their take on Aqua’s “Barbie Girl.”
Nolan’s film, on the other hand, hasn’t had the same glossy marketing. But Nolan did tell Wired that filmgoers have been “devastated” by Oppenheimer, saying “they can’t speak” after watching it.
Warner Bros. Pictures has also gone all in on Barbie product collaborations. The Barbie movie was made with Mattel’s blessing, and true to form, there are a series of dolls and a DreamHouse inspired by the actors and the film’s lively set. Unsurprisingly, there’s also real-life Barbie fashion, accessories, and home decor items. But there’s also a Barbie Xbox designed to look like a DreamHouse, and a series of controllers. Maybe the biggest play for attention is a whole-ass house in Malibu that you can rent via Airbnb, with bright pink walls and roofing and an enormous slide going from — what else — the second floor to a ground-level pool. It really does feel like we’re all Barbie girls living in a Barbie world.
This Barbie-versus-Oppenheimer moment might not have come across as so extreme in past years. Summer blockbusters historically offered fans a range of films. That’s the whole point: There’s an animated film starring an animal for the kids, a kissing movie for your date, a PG-13 comedy for high schoolers out for the summer, and a biopic for your dad (or your depressed bisexual sister — we contain multitudes). Look at the embarrassment of riches that was the summer of 2008: The Dark Knight, WALL-E, Mamma Mia, Iron Man, Kung Fu Panda, Sex and the City, and more.
It has been years since we’ve seen this level of box-office showdown. Yes, it’s largely due to the COVID-19 pandemic tanking theater attendance, to the extent that major chains like Arclight completely shut down. In 2021 especially, releasing a film in theaters felt like a statement — a gamble that an audience would be willing to risk being in an enclosed space for several hours. But even earlier, streaming giants like Netflix disrupted theatergoing culture by making movies available on the day of release via streaming.
In 2023, this sort of showdown feels not only rare, but hysterical — and like a cause for celebration. Comparing the two movies is just as exciting as getting geared up to see them. And, yes, I do plan on seeing both.'
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1 - 4 - 8 - 11 - 12 for Aurora
1. Their best friend: Nick — You're Got A Friend In Me, Toy Story
And as the years go by // Our friendship will never die // You’re gonna see it’s our destiny // You’ve got a friend in me
4. A teacher or mentor: Cooper — Pretty Little Sister, Monica Michael
I ain’t been the greatest role model, known fact / If I could change the things you’ve seen, I would go back / Please learn from my mistakes, don’t go off track / Don’t follow in my footsteps just to say, “hey I’ve done that” / I know that / I’ve left home, sometimes you feel alone / I’m just a call away, eleven digits on the phone / I love you to the bone / I wanna make it known / You will always be my baby even when you’re fully grown
8. Someone who has changed their life: Blaine — Space Between, Descendants 2
And nothing can stay the same // It’s growing pains // Be proud of all the scars // They make you who you are // I know you have to stay // But I’ll never really leave you // Nothing has to change // Even though we’ve changed // And you can find me in the space between
11. Their love interest: Sebastian — Our Last Summer, ABBA / Mamma Mia
We made our way along the river, and we sat down in the grass by the Eiffel tower.  I was so happy we had met, it was the age of no regret, oh, yes
12. A crush: Roman Kline (age 6) — Shut Up And Raise Your Glass, Moulin Rouge (i promise this has plot significance outside of it being aaron tveit)
Oh, don't you dare look back / Just keep your eyes on me / She said / you're holding back / She said / Shut up and dance with me
Send me an OC + a number
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adamgant · 8 months
Friday Faves 10.6
Friday Faves 10.6 https://ift.tt/OGp8hdV Hi hi! Happy Friday! The weekend is heeeeere. What are you up to this weekend? Liv has a dance camp, I’m subbing a Zumba class (Latin Cardio since I’m no longer certified but talk about a blast from the past), teaching barre, and we’re meeting up with friends for dinner. I hope you have a lovely weekend, too! It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party. This is where I share some of my favorite finds from the week and around the web. I always love to hear about your faves, too, so please shout out something you’re loving in the comments section below. (I don’t go wild with Halloween decor but I love these little touches around the house! Our giant Jack is definitely the most exciting thing we added to the collection.) Friday Faves 10.6 Read, watch, listen: Liv and I watched Dumplin’ on Netflix the other night and loved it. I’ve seen it previously but have been introducing her to new movies. Some of the ones we’ve watched together and have been hits (with strategic fast forwarding when necessary lol): Titanic, 13 Going on 30, Mamma Mia, Sweet Home Alabama, Miss Congeniality, Devil Wears Prada… let me know if we should add any to the list! How to reduce inflammation and even get it to build muscle. How a barbell got me to confront the harsh voice inside my head.  Check out this week’s podcast episode here!! Fashion + beauty: This gorgeous Tanaor bracelet that was a gift from the company. The entire Bible is nano-printed onto a chip, that’s implemented on all of their designs. It’s so unique and would make a lovely Christmas gift! Beautycounter holiday is out! ! SO excited for the holiday collection. If you’re looking to get your shopping done early, here are some faves: Mini Beyond Gloss Vault; split these up for stocking stuffers or gift toppers Good scents hand cream trio. I stock up on these during the holidays for dry hands! Keep one in my purse, one in the car, one at home, one for a friend, etc. Lip jellies! Huge hit for kids and tweens. Triple quench body butter set. I always stock up on these each year, too. Guess what?! We have clean fragrances now, too. I got to try samples of these about a month ago and they’re both light and fresh. Miles Away is warm and lovely, while Sun Spill is bright and beachy. Three of my faves in one set. Currently, you’ll get free shipping if you order more than two sets and you can use the code CLEANFORALL20 for 20% off your first Beautycounter order! This Anthro dress: It’s from Nuuly, which I still have mixed feelings about. I think I like Rent the Runway Unlimited more, but I was feeling blah about their collection. Rest in peace, Trunk Club. Even though it wasn’t a rental option, I always found so many things I loved this way and it made the process so easy. I’m determined to find a great substitute. Fitness + good eats: I have to give this cookbook another shoutout. We’ve tried a handful of recipes and they’ve all been SO good; bursting with flavor and easy to make. Highly recommend if you love Mediterranean food. She has lots of recipes on her website, too! FINALLY a store-bought salad dressing with awesome, simple ingredients. If you make anything pumpkin-y this month, make these!! My favorite forever and ever. Happy Friday, friends! xo Gina The post Friday Faves 10.6 appeared first on The Fitnessista. via The Fitnessista https://ift.tt/MCgLwus October 06, 2023 at 06:55AM
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opulvnts · 1 year
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   •  •  •    witchy  woman  by  eagles :    spotted !    if  it  isn’t  sage  baek  walking  through  the  streets  of  nyc .    people  say  she  looks  like  jennie  kim ,    but  i  really  don’t  see  it .    the  twenty-six  year  old  psychic  medium  is  out  here  making  mommy  and  daddy  proud .    while  they  have  been  known  to  be  intrepid ,    we’ve  all  seen  their  eccentric  nature  come  to  light .    sources  tell  me  they  remind  people  of  the  healing  powers  of  nature  ,   vulgar  exclamations  leaving  petite  frame  ,   elongated  mulberry  fingertips  waving  sticks  of  incense  .    /  demiwoman  /  she  ,   they  ,   them   &   her .
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♡     ◞        𝐷𝑂𝑆𝑆𝐼𝐸𝑅  ,   𝗍𝗁𝖾   𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗌𝗍𝗂𝖼𝗌 .
official   name  :  sage   rosalind   baek  .   nickname  :  sb  .   birthdate  :  febuary   20th  ,   1997  .   birthplace  :  christchurch  ,   new   zealand  .   citizenship  :  american   &   new   zealand  .   current   residence  :  soho  ,   nyc  .   gender  :  demi   female  ,   she / her / they / them   pronouns  .  orientation  :  pansexual  ,   panromantic  .   languages  :  english  ,   korean  ,   nzsl  ,   some   māori  .   occupation  :   psychic   medium  .
♡     ◞        𝐷𝑂𝑆𝑆𝐼𝐸𝑅  ,   𝘱𝘩𝘺𝘴𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭 .
faceclaim  :  jennie  kim  .   height  :  five   foot  three  .   build  :  slender .   eye   color  :  brown  .   hair   color  :  brown  ,    lavender   highlights  .   hair   style  :  constantly   changing  .   signature   scent  :  musc   noir   rose   by   narciso   rodriguez  .   style  :  bohemian  inspired  ,   comfortable  ,    androgynous  .    piercings  :  bellybutton  ,   both   nipples  ,    several   on  each  lobe  ,    both   daith’s  ,   rook’s   &   tragus’  .   tattoos  :  a  handful  of  small  ones  ,    most  stick  &  poke  .   scars  :  one  ;   down  right  side  of  neck  from  car  accident  .
♡     ◞        𝐷𝑂𝑆𝑆𝐼𝐸𝑅  , 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺 .  
big   three  :  pisces   sun  ,   cancer   moon  ,   sagittarius   rising  .   mbti  :  infj  .    label  : the   bohemian  .   traits  :  intrepid  ,   eccentric  ,   bold  ,   defiant  .   character   inspo  :  donna   sheridan   (  mamma   mia  )  ,   phoebe   buffay   (  friends  )  ,   beverly   katz   (  hannibal  )  ,   raymond   reddington   (  the   blacklist  )  .
♡     ◞        𝐷𝑂𝑆𝑆𝐼𝐸𝑅  ,    𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘢𝘭 .  
biological   father  :  seung   ‘samuel’   baek  .   occupation  :  financial   advisor  .   biological   mother  :  moon   baek  .   occupation  :  celebrity   yoga   instructor  .    siblings  :  tbd  .    children  :  brooklyn   baek-forester  .
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♡     ◞        𝑩𝑰𝑶𝑮𝑹𝑨𝑷𝑯𝒀  ,   𝘵𝘩𝘦   𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺 .
being  raised  in  the  new  zealand  countryside  meant  sage  had  always  had  a  big  appreciation  for  nature .    the  shift  to  the  united  states  came  with  towering  concrete  skyscrapers  and  smog  filled  air ,    the  complete  opposite  of  what  she’d  become  accustomed  to .
luckily  sage  managed  to  make  friends  quickly ,    of  course  who  could  deny  such  an  adorable  kindergartener ?
slowly  she  accepted  her  new  city  life ,    though  taking  every  opportunity  to  drag  her  parents  outside .    her  mom  had  been  very  similar  in  that  respect ,   free  spirited ,    hippie  like  and  big  on  holistic  wellbeing .   unlike  her  father  who  was  rigid  and  driven  by  the  9-5  capitalistic  drone .
in  high  school  sage  and  her  best  friend  decided  it’d  be  a  good  idea  to  loose  their  virginities  to  one  another ...    cue  the  positive  pregnancy  test  and  pure  panic  ensuing .
her  friend  toby’s  parents  were  wholly  supportive  whereas  her  mom  wasn’t  and  her  dad  never  voiced  his  opinions .    she  spent  a  lot  of  her  time  with  toby’s  family ,    bonding  with  his  mom  over  baby  stuff .
ultimately  her  dad  came  to  accept  the  decision  she’d  made ,    realising  if  he  didn’t  he  was  being  a  hypocrite .    seung  had  been  hiding  his  true  identity  for  majority  of  his  life ,    so  if  he  wanted  acceptance  from  his  daughter  he’d  have  to  show  it  in  return .
just  before  brooklyn  was  born  sage’s  father  left  her  mother  and  filed  for  a  divorce ,    coming  out  as  gay  and  revealing  he’d  had  a  boyfriend  for  the  past  ten  years .
sage  moved  in  with  her  dad  after  brooklyn  was  born ,    both  him  and  his  partner  doting  on  the  two  of  them  along  with  toby .
she  never  got  to  make  amends  with  her  mom  who  passed  away  a  year  after  brooklyn  was  born .
during  this  time  was  when  sage  started  to  get  more  into  spirituality ,    mostly  because  for  majority  of  her  life  she’d  had  feelings  that’d  turn  out  to  be  true  or  she’d  communicate  with  things  she  couldn’t  see .
after  years  of  research  and  practise  she  started  working  as  a  psychic  medium ,    her  father  and  his  partner  massively  supportive .    even  if  her  dad  didn’t  exactly  believe  initially .
unlike  other  spiritual  individual’s  in  hollywood  sage  is  the  real  deal .    she’s  no  bullshit ,    honest  to  a  fault  and  will  give  you  the  best  she  can .
a  lot  of  the  time  channeling  spirits  takes  a  physical  toll  on  sage ,    depending  on  the  session  this  can  cause  fatigue ,    headaches ,    nausea ,    nosebleeds  and  sometimes  depressive  episodes .
frankly  she  doesn’t  give  a  damn  about  non  believers  and  will  continue  her  work  to  provide  for  her  daughter .
thankfully  she  has  a  healthy  co-parenting  relationship  and  brooklyn  is  their  foremost  priority .
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♡     ◞        𝑴𝑶𝑹𝑬  ,   𝘵𝘩𝘦   𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘴 .
can  be  very  brash ,    sarcastic  and  vulgar  due  to  her  new  zealand  upbringing ,    she  spends  a  lot  of  time  there  when  she  can  and  plans  to  move  back  one  day .  
adores  stevie  nicks ,    witches ,    crystals ,    meditation ,    manifesting  and  spell  work .
not  super  into  hard  liquor ,    prefers  wine  or  micro  dosing  shrooms .
recently  has  been  offered  a  tv  show  similar  to  tyler  henry .    her  only  requests  are  that  there  is  a  big  focus  on  every  day  folks  so  that  celebrity  guests  don’t  saturate  the  show .
owns  three  cats ,    a  dog ,    a  turtle  and  a  rabbit .    mostly  because  she  adores  animals  but  also  because  she  can’t  say  no  to  her  daughter .
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creatiview · 1 year
[ad_1] The last couple of years have seen a huge rise in browser-based puzzle games, tasking players with working out a certain kind of answer using limited guesses. Framed is one of the newest, following in the footsteps of Wordle, but offering a slightly different twist. You’ll still need to work out the answer using limited information and only six tries, but it’ll be movies that you’ll be guessing. You see, Framed focuses on individual frames, or stills, of an ever-changing roster of movies. Some show a fair amount of action at the start, while others will take careful analysis and decent trivia knowledge to crack. With each wrong guess, a new still is revealed, hopefully adding enough extra information and context for you to guess the correct movie title. With only six guesses at your disposal, you may need a little help guessing today’s Framed answer. To give you a hint, we’ve included some clues that will tease the title of the movie picked as today’s puzzle. If you’ve already failed today’s puzzle, or would just like to know the answer, we’ve detailed that as well. Framed hint for today Today’s puzzle is an American neo-noir erotic thriller film. Released in 1995 Directed by Martin Campbell Stars Pierce Brosnan, Sean Bean, Famke Janssen Framed answer for today (February 4) The answer for Framed today is GoldenEye. This is the answer for February 4 with a brand new puzzle tomorrow. Check back in if you need any help! How to play Framed To play Framed you just need to follow these steps, in your browser of choice. Note that any Framed versions you find elsewhere on app stores or other storefronts are likely to be fakes. Go into your browser and visit framed.wtf Take a look at the still for today Make a guess, if it’s correct, you will see the rewards screen If incorrect, you have five more chances, each showing a new still. Previous Framed answers Sometimes, when trying to solve the Framed puzzle of the day, it can be extremely advantageous to know previous answers. Here are the answers from the last few days. Basic Instinct Step Brothers Little Miss Sunshine Sin City Jarhead Fast & Furious 6 Lost In Translation Coraline I, Robot Finding Nemo The English Patient Marathon Man Heat The American Forrest Gump Ex Machina Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom The Iron Giant The Aviator Flash Gordon Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice In Time Face/Off Cake Alien The Royal Tenenbaums My Neighbour Totoro Due Date Nightcrawler Billy Elliot Vertigo Lady Bird Manchester By The Sea Top Gun 300: Rise Of An Empire Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire Home Alone Shazam Babe The Polar Express Elf Die Hard It’s A Wonderful Life Inside Out In Bruges The Purge Argo Mean Girls Batman Returns Side Effects Chicago Dumb And Dumber To Any Given Sunday The Nightmare Before Christmas House of Flying Daggers Black Widow Manhattan The Great Gatsby Bend It Like Beckham Australia Chef About A Boy There Will Be Blood Cars The Da Vinci Code Drive Warcraft Hocus Pocus Pain & Gain Koyaanisqatsi Mamma Mia The Hateful Eight Paul Wayne’s World Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory The Shape of Water Quantum Of Solace The Princess Bride The Hunchback of Notre Dame Cool Hand Luke Ted 21 Jump Street The Sound Of Music Moneyball The Hunger Games Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Ferris Bueller’s Day Off Iron Man Men In Black Gravity The Mask Escape From Alcatraz Gladiator Hugo Ghostbusters Halloween 2 Frankenstein The Hangover The Muppets Annie Bronson The Amazing Spider-Man A Nightmare On Elm Street Marriage Story The Thing Grease Frozen Amistad Saw Armageddon Memento Anaconda The Incredibles Fast Times At Richmond High Austin Powers: International Man Of Mystery The World’s End Chariots Of Fire A Few Good Men Perriort Le Fou Zoolander The Tree Of Life Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Juno Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Dunkirk The Matrix School Of Rock Fantastic Mr. Fox Ad Astra American Hustle Tropic Thunder Casino Royale Caddyshack Dredd Fantasia Sicario
RoboCop I Am Legend Deadpool Cool Runnings 2001: A Space Odyssey Monty Python’s Life Of Brian A Beautiful Mind Titanic Beverly Hills Cop Air Force One King Kong Rocky The Theory of Everything The Gentlemen Now You See Me The Notebook Dead Poets Society Captain Phillips Aladdin When Harry Met Sally The Mummy The Martian Hero The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty La La Land Braveheart The Revenant Who Framed Roger Rabbit Slumdog Millionaire Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Mud The Lego Movie Gremlins The King’s Speech Mrs. Doubtfire Moulin Rouge! The Hurt Locker Galaxy Quest Armadeus Free Solo The Goonies Black Swan The Social Network Talladega Nights: The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby Sleepless In Seattle Thor: Ragnarok Arrival Jojo Rabbit Her The Big Short The Breakfast Club Sunset Boulevard Notting Hill We’re The Millers Rango Knives Out Catch Me If You Can The Shining 12 Years a Slave Fruitvale Station Monty Python and the Holy Grail The Dark Knight Whiplash Seven Baby Driver Into the Wild The Cabin In The Woods Color Out of Space The Grand Budapest Hotel Saving Private Ryan Zodiac Back to the Future Minari Uncut Gems Bad Boys II Interstellar Up American Psycho Bad Education Howl’s Moving Castle Inglorious Basterds The Godfather. Apocalypse Now Children of Men Big Hero 6 The Proposal Parasite Crazy Rich Asians Soul 28 Days Later About Time Birds of Prey (or Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey) The Lighthouse Kong: Skull Island Joker Eyes Wide Shut Bird Box Isle of Dogs Midsommar Goodwill Hunting 10 Cloverfield Lane Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Moonlight Guardians of the Galaxy Requiem For a Dream Les Miserables No Country For Old Men 1917 The Imitation Game Godzilla: King of the Monsters The Godfather Pt II Brokeback Mountain The Truman Show Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Inception 300 Alien Resurrection District 9 A Quiet Place Birdman WALL-E Gone Girl BlacKkKlansman Jackie Brown Pineapple Express Hereditary Pan’s Labyrinth A Fist Full of Dollars One Hour Photo Schindler’s List The Exorcist Bladerunner 2049 Back to the Future Part II Black Panther Shutter Island O’ Brother Where Art Thou? The Witch Django Unchained That’s all you need to know about Framed, and the answer for today. For more puzzle-game goodness, check out our hints for today’s Heardle. !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('consent', 'revoke'); fbq('init', '2300206660218433'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); fbq('init', '370979561341328'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); [ad_2] Source link
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thespoonisvictory · 2 years
Top Ten Most Wilbur Streams Ever:
rules: no dsmp lore streams, no music streams. I also tried to pick one from each ‘category’ of wilbur streams.
10. ‘If Niki Laughs the Stream Ends’ - feat. Niki
I showed extreme self-restraint in not adding more Niki-Wilbur solo streams. Anyway, this is the most enjoyable Wilbur ylyl vod, and one of the best of the Niki-Wilbur chill content genre. Besides their great chemistry, the Shawty bit is one of my favorites from the chat, and Niki losing it at the dumbest videos is just really enjoyable.
9. ‘mcc 12 - How long can I go without saying 'Gogy' ‘- feat. TapL, Phil, George
This team got first place four games in a row, had everyone in the top ten at one point, and looked great doing it. Wilbur’s chemistry with TapL and George despite having not made much content with them is off the charts, and it’s generally just such a fun vod to watch. Not only that, but their complete dominance and ease in so many games make this a really satisfying pov to watch, making this a rare vod where the gameplay and jokes are both at the top of their game. their communication and morale and skills and insane battle box comeback make this vod my favorite mcc team for Wilbur.
8. ‘Ultimate Chicken Horse (Post-nap stream)’ - feat. Niki, Fundy, Phil, and Tommy
Just a good time. Peak early dream smp content groups where people were just trying different dynamics out. Fundy shrieking when he died, everyone doing so poorly. They spend twenty minutes at the beginning trying to get Tommy to leave so Niki can play, some random dude accidentally joins. Cinema.
7. ‘Text-To-Speech Mediashare’ - feat. Phil’s assistance
Chaotic energy in the year of our lord 2020. The premise is simple: typing in chat activates a voice command, such as the word “clap” producing a clapping sound. This, as you can imagine, goes horribly, and breaks several times, while generally being overwhelming. At one point, Wilbur thinks he broke the entirety of twitch. This is where the clip of him reacting to the pigeon’s head coming off is from, it’s top tier.
6. ‘Minecraft 100 Player Lab Rat Experiment’ - feat. Technoblade
Definitely the best 100p in stream format, although I prefer the edited videos of some others, which is what keeps the moles and birds stream off this list. This is peak techbur content, what more can I say. uhhhh the techno burning his hand story makes me laugh every time I hear it, give it a watch.
5. ‘drunk geoguessr and minecraft with Niki, Fundy’ - feat. Fundy, Tubbo, Niki, Jack
Literally does “drunk christmas eve stream with dream smp gang” need more explanation? Drunk mamma mia!! Drunk geoguessr! Wilbur gives a giant sappy rant about how he loves his audience! Tubbo accidentally making Wilbur and Jack chug a ton of vodka is a highlight, but the whole stream just has a bubbly chaotic energy that really bottled the late 2020 dream smp vibes. 
4. 'It's time for monopoly‘- feat. Niki, Minx
It is a three-hour vod of actually playing monopoly and it is the funniest gameplay of it I’ve seen in my life. Minx doesn’t know how to play monopoly and struggles the entire time, yet somehow, she’s winning for a majority of it. It’s the most shit-talky we’ve ever seen Wilbur be. featuring bits such as ‘Pussy so good gotta put it in jail- uh’, ‘it’s free parking you stupid bitch’, Minx taking so long on her turns that Wilbur starts timing them, and Minx trying to think of warm places to go and only being able to think of Spain. Wilbur comes from behind to win the whole thing through psychological warfare, Minx loses her shit. Iconic. It’s one of those streams where the full three-hour experience is needed to feel the relief when Wilbur wins, and yet it doesn’t drag at all.
3. LAST HOUSE STREAM Short fun improv n that with Jack and Tommy - feat. Jack, Tommy
This is Wilbur’s funniest stream. Ever. I’ve watched it like five times and it still makes me laugh hysterically, it’s the peak of crimeboys humor. While everyone has their favorite bits, there’s really not a bad one, but finding out that Tommy does a great Karen accent and Jack and Wilbur rping distraught girlfriends are highlights. It’s just. So funny. Watch it.
2. skyblock randomizer finale - feat. my tears
I don’t think the vod even exists anymore, but the edited video does. It’s notorious for making people cry, and for good reason. I talk about it more here, but what made this series so unique was Wilbur’s ability to carry a story entirely solo, in such a solitary and empty environment. It shows how simple it is for people to get attached to things, for them to build a home and find things to love, and it’s all over a pixelated fish.
1. Quackity Wine Stream - feat. Quackity, George
It’s all fresh in our minds, so I’m sure I don’t have to recap too much, but this is easily the best of the “Wilbur is rambling freely about whatever topic comes to mind” streams that actually exist on Wilbur’s channel. Wilbur and Quackity have amazing chemistry and just have really candid conversations about their friendship and content creation as a whole, once they get started there’s not really a moment of uninteresting discussion. Plus, the fact that they’re getting progressively more drunk is an added bonus, also Wilbur’s beret is really cute. Who knows if it’ll stay my favorite as time passes but it is rn
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ohisms · 3 years
𝑴𝑨𝑴𝑴𝑨 𝑴𝑰𝑨 !    (   lyric  /  sentence  starters  originating  from  the  2008  film  “ mamma mia ! ”   &   its  origins  in  the  “ GOLD ”  album  by  ABBA .   feel  free  to  change  pronouns  as  needed !   )
❛  i  have  a  secret . . .    and  i  can’t  tell  anyone  else .  ❜ ❛  i  always  kind  of  accepted  that  that’s  all  i’d  ever  know .  ❜ ❛  [ name’s ]  the one .   i  know  he  is .  ❜ ❛  god ,   stop  growing !  ❜ ❛  you  sound  like  you’re  having  fun  already .  ❜ ❛  i  used  to  have  fun .  ❜ ❛  ‘mother’ ?  we’re the same age !  ❜ ❛  you  make  me  sound  so  unromantic .  ❜ ❛  [ name’s ]  gonna  absolutely  kill  you  when  she  finds  out .  ❜ ❛  i  feel  like  there’s  a  part  of  me  missing .  ❜ ❛  you  look  like  an  old  hippie !  ❜ ❛  i  bet  you  don’t  remember  me .  ❜ ❛  you  haven’t  changed  at  all !  ❜ ❛  oh ,  please !  i’m  getting  married ,   not  joining  a  convent !  ❜ ❛  there  never  seems  to  be  a  single  penny  left  for  me .  ❜ ❛  don’t  sit  down  there !   it’s  broken .  ❜ ❛  all  the  things  i  would  do  if  i  had  a  little  money . . .  ❜ ❛  it’s  a  rich  man’s  world .  ❜ ❛  come on ,   let’s  go  have  fun .  ❜ ❛  do  you  wear  it  or  floss  with  it ?  ❜ ❛  that’s  the  price  you  have  to  pay  if  you  want  to  drink  before  eleven  o’clock  in  the  morning !  ❜ ❛  god ,  i’m  just  whining ,   you  know  me .  ❜ ❛  are  you  being  taken  care  of ?  ❜ ❛  are  you  getting  any ?  ❜ ❛  i’m  so  glad  that  whole  part  of  my  life  is  over .  ❜ ❛  it’s  an  adventure ,   [ name ] ,   it’s  good  for  you .  ❜ ❛  please  stay .  ❜ ❛  i  made  up  my  mind ,   it  must  come  to  an  end .  ❜ ❛  will  i  ever  learn ?  ❜ ❛  why  did  i  ever  let  you  go ?  ❜ ❛  i  can’t  count  all  the  times  i’ve  cried  over  you .  ❜ ❛  you  always  did  know  how  to  make  an  entrance .  ❜ ❛  you  don’t  know  each  other ?  ❜ ❛  why  are  you  here ?  ❜ ❛  it’s  good  to  see  you .  ❜ ❛  i’m  a  shoulder  you  can  cry  on .  ❜ ❛  you  were  always  sure  of  yourself .  ❜ ❛  why  didn’t  you  tell  us ??  ❜ ❛  i  can  still  recall  our  last  summer .  ❜ ❛  no  one’s  seen  you .  ❜ ❛  i  just . . .   lost  track  of  time .  ❜ ❛  you’ll  never  leave  me ,   right ?  ❜ ❛  you’ve  turned  my  world  upside  down .  ❜ ❛  i  wasn’t  jealous  before  we  met .  ❜ ❛  i  still  don’t  know  what  you’ve  done  with  me .  ❜ ❛  is  that  really  your  dream ?  ❜ ❛  well ,   now ,   that  takes  me  back . . .  ❜ ❛  are  you  okay ?  ❜ ❛  how  old  are  you ?  ❜ ❛  will  you  excuse  me  a  minute -  ❜ ❛  i  can’t  breathe !  ❜ ❛  give  her  some  space !  ❜ ❛  i’ve  been  tossing  &  turning  all  night ...  ❜ ❛  last  night  i  discovered  something  wonderful . . .  ❜ ❛  you  didn’t  even . . .   SUSPECT  that  you  were . . . ?  ❜ ❛  it’s  absolutely  hush - hush  for  now .  ❜ ❛  tell  me  what’s  wrong .  ❜ ❛  i  don’t  know  what  to  do .  ❜ ❛  you  know  what  to  do .  ❜ ❛  you  don’t  have  to  do  anything .  ❜ ❛  that’s  what  YOU  want !  ❜ ❛  i  don’t  know  why  you’re  going  off  on  me  now .  ❜ ❛  what  are  you  doing  here ,   [ name ] ?  ❜ ❛  this  is  my  reality .  ❜ ❛  i  can  deal  my  own  disasters .  ❜ ❛  i  didn’t  think  it  was  any  of  your  business .  ❜ ❛  i  love  being  on  my  own .  ❜ ❛  what  ever  happened  to  our  love ?  ❜ ❛  you  made  me  feel  alive ,   but  something  died .  ❜ ❛  let’s  pick  up  where  we  left  off  last  night .  ❜ ❛  last  night  never  happened .   i’ve  drawn  a  veil  over  last  night .  ❜ ❛  i  can  read  in  your  face  that  your  feelings  are  driving  you  wild .  ❜ ❛  does  your  mother  know  that  you’re  out ?  ❜ ❛  there’s  no  plan ,   god  knows  there’s  no  plan .  ❜ ❛  what . . .   is  this ??  ❜ ❛  i  can’t  accept  this .  ❜ ❛  no ,   you’ll  have  to  catch  me  first .  ❜ ❛  you  have  to  help  me .  ❜ ❛  baby ?   [ name ] ?!  ❜ ❛  you  don’t  know  if  you  love  me ?  ❜ ❛  of  course  i  love  you ,   i  just  wish  you’d  told  me .  ❜ ❛  don’t  do  this  now .   i  can’t  hear  this  now .  ❜ ❛  i  don’t  want  to  talk  about  things  we’ve  gone  through .  ❜ ❛  the  winner  takes  it  all .  ❜ ❛  i  was  a  fool  playing  by  the  rules .  ❜ ❛  you  know  i  miss  you .  ❜ ❛  what  can  i  say ?   the  rules  must  be  obeyed .  ❜ ❛  this  gives  me  an  excuse  to  come  here  much  more  often .  ❜ ❛  i’m  not  entirely  sure  what’s  happening  right  now . . .  ❜ ❛  it’s  only  the  rest  of  your  life .  ❜ ❛  you  love  me   &   you  know  it .  ❜ ❛  if  you  change  your  mind . . .  ❜ ❛  take  a  chance  on  me .  ❜ ❛  if  you  need  me ,   let  me  know .  ❜ ❛  speech !   i’m  gonna  make  a  speech ,   everybody .  ❜ ❛  i’ve  got  so  much  that  i  wanna  do  when  i  dream  i’m  alone  with  you .  ❜ ❛  i  think  you  know  that  i  can’t  let  go .  ❜ ❛  i’m  gonna  do  my  very  best .  ❜
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fuckingyrs · 3 years
100 fics recommendation list!
today i hit 100 followers here on tumblr! i’ve had this account for over a year and a half, and i never really thought it would go anywhere when i made it. i really only made it because i had spent a very long time filling up my main tumblr with rwrb content that i had a feeling my irls who followed me where probably getting bored with the lack of variety. so i made this account and now rarely use my original.
in celebration of hitting 100 followers, i felt like it would be amazing to recommend 100 of my favorite rwrb fics! this is a long post so hold on!
warning: there are over 1500 fics in this fandom, i could not possibly get to all my favorite fics into one list.
key: [general tag, rating*, word count, chapter count]
* G - general audience, T - Teen and Up audience, M - mature, E - explicit; only for adults
first: my own fics. i have seventeen rwrb fics, sixteen of which are completed and one being posted as it’s written. i started posting rwrb fic may 1, 2020 and still do to this day.
a different kind of feeling [Junora + Pez, G, 980, 1/1]
a long walk to london [Childhood Friends to Lovers au, G, 11k, 1/1]
growing up and going home [Alex & Ellen - Moving Out, G, 969, 1/1]
it’s quiet in the world tonight. [Kid fic, G, 3k, 1/1]
we've ridden the stars (seen everything from satarn to mars) [Breaking Up & Getting Back Together, T, 500, 1/1]
everything from this point onward is in alphabetical order!
here are five fics from a few of my favorite rwrb authors!
allmyloveatonce has thirty rwrb fics and has been posting fics within this fandom since march 21, 2020! twenty-nine of said works are completed plus one is currently being updated but completely written. 
Countdown [Reminiscing, T, 2k, 1/1] 
Race You to Forever [Marriage Proposal, E, 17k, 1/1]
Someday We'll Know If Love Can Move a Mountain [Angst with a Happy Ending - Canon Divergence, E, 60k, 22/22]
Somewhere We Can Be Alone [Medieval AU, E, 25k, 10/10]
What Do I Know? [Amnesia au, E, 83k, 25/25]
bibliosoph has thirty-one rwrb fics and has been posting fics within this fandom since january 31, 2020! twenty-five of said works are completed. 
Anamnesis [Memory Loss au, T, 3k, 1/1]
As You Wish [Princess Bride au, T, 33k, 19/19]
The Boy With a Storm in His Brain [Cancer fic, T, 32k, 18/18]
Mythology, Huh? [Greek god au, E, incomplete (39k as of now), 19/?]
Two Sides of the Same Coin [Merlin au, E, 86k, 43/43]
bleedingballroomfloor has sixteen rwrb fics and has been posting fics within this fandom since october 10, 2020!
A Mind That Never Sleeps [5 + 1 things, T, 3k, 1/1]
A Picture on Your Corkboard [Memory Loss au, M, 23k, 5/5]
Camp Llwynywermod [Summer Camp au, E, 56k, 8/8]
Eyes Blue, Like the Atlantic [Titanic au, M, 16k, 1/1]
(our last summer) memories that remain [Mamma Mia inspired, E, 91k, 20/20]
cmere has twenty-one rwrb fics and has been posting fics within this fandom since december 20, 2019!
A Tiny Shred of Hope [Canon Compliant, T, 1k, 1/1]
give yourself away sometimes, sweetheart [Canon Compliant, M, 3k, 1/1]
Heaven is You [Post-Canon - Emotional Hurt/Comfort, T, 2k, 1/1]
If You Hold Me Without Hurting Me, You’ll Be the First Who Ever Did [Smut, E, 2k, 1/1]
Truth [Smut, E, 21k, 4/4]
DemonPoxHerondale has eight rwrb fics and has been posting fics within this fandom since february 3, 2021!
A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes [Henry sees his future, T, 2k, 1/1]
Duchess of Albany [Fluff and Crack, T, 1k, 1/1]
I Feel Forever [Post-Canon, T, 1k, 1/1]
it's a little bit funny, this feeling inside [Post-Canon, T, 1k, 1/1]
You carry my love/Forever and always [Historical au, T, 38k, 11/11] 
floatingaway4 has seventy-four rwrb fics and has been posting fics within this fandom since june 30, 2020!
Baby grand [Kid fic, T, 575, 1/1]
Big sister [Sibling Relationship, T, 1k, 1/1]
The last letter [Afterlife, T, 2k, 1/1]
Three fights Alex and Henry never had [Domestic Fluff, E, 2k, 1/1]
Too quiet [Fluff and Angst, T, 1k, 1/1]
ifigo has nineteen rwrb fics and has been posting fics within this fandom since novemeber 23, 2020! eighteen of said works are completed.
A Kingdom for a Stage [Catherine/Arthur, M, 8k, 2/2] 
Cobweb Hearts, Empty Places [Soulmate au, M, 2k, 1/1] 
From Henry, To Arthur [Angst - Grief/Mourning, M, 1k, 1/1] 
Beautiful Indifference [Kidfic, G, 3k, 1/1]
The Crocodile Letters [Fluff and Crack, T, 2k, 1/1]
indomitablelove has eighteen rwrb fics and has been posting fics within this fandom since may 15, 2021!
The B Was Never Silent [Post-Canon - Fluff, T, 2k, 1/1]
brother, brother (let me love you) [Sibling Relationship - Grief/Mourning, T, 4k, 1/1]
into the spotlight [Actor au, E, 40k, 11/11]
lifelines [Canon Compliant - Outing, M, 27k, 8/8]
what we might do (if we stop keeping a secret) [Fix-it - Coming Out, M, 8k, 1/1]
schmulte has fourty-two rwrb fics and has been posting fics within this fandom since december 19, 2020! thirty-two of said works are completed.
Floating Lanterns and Frying Pans [Tangled au, T, 16k, 12/12]
Something About the Sunshine [Starstruck au, G, 11k, 4/4]
Tattoo Guns & Roses [Flower Shop & Tattoo Parlor au, M, 18k, 10/10] 
You Gave Me a Forever (Within the Numbered Days) [The Fault In Our Stars au, M, 27k, 11/11] 
Zeitgeist [One shots - Inspired by Hozier Songs, M, incomplete (4k as of now), 5/?]
here are five fics from a few of my favorite tags!
- as with any fics on this list, please check the tags before reading. in the fandom, about 20% of fics are labeled angst. some may be categorized as angst but not even tagged it. it’s a popular tag in every fandom, and rwrb is no exception. we can’t allow ourselves to be happy apparently
and the heart i know i'm breaking is my own by Princecess_Nales [Post Break up, E, 2k, 1/1]
don't you call him baby (don't you call him what you used to call me) 🍒 by 8glassesofmilkin3minutes [Canon Divergence - Break up au, T, incomplete (4k as of now), 5/7]
God Save the Blessed American President Mom by zipadeea [Assassination Attempt(s), T, 31k, 8/8]
How wonderful life is (while you're in the world) by Mlvdybug [Hurt/Comfort - shooting, M, 34k, 3/3]
Life on Mars by scorpiusalone [Death of an animal, G, 1k, 1/1]
alternate universes
- set either in an entirely different world than our own, or simply in on different than canon, alternate universe fics place our beloved characters in situations, unlike anything they’ve experienced. 
a pillar i am, upright by Inmoonlightigetseasick [Historical au, M, 18k, 1/1]
A Sporting Chance by clottedcreamfudge [College/University au, E, 126k, 7/7]
Heartaches and Cupcakes and Sunshine Boys by everwitch [Write/Model Turned Photographer au, M, 54k, 12/12]
Hetkeksi by Neuqe [Fantasy & Magic au, T, 13k, 1/1]
Texan Rhapsody by DracoWillHearAboutThis [High school au - angst, E, 37k, 9/9]
- the emails between alex and henry are a huge part of the book, as we all know. these fics are takes on emails not shown in the book
My Dearest, Alexander by rooftopkisses [Canon Compliant - Email Drafts, G, 813, 1/1]
Subject: Re: more bad metaphors about maps, but this time i mixed in a few about various musicals by lotsofregurtsactually(adykecalledCJ) [Late-night emails, G, 726, 1/1]
the one with the e-mails by sanjariti [Fluff, T, 873, 1/1]
To Love Another, Is to Cherish Life Itself by acuppaJo [Hurt/Comfort, T, 3k, 1/1]
Whiskey drunk by imasleepytea [Fluff, T, 1k, 1/1]
- sweet, heartwarming, typically wholesome. fluff. gotta love it. it’s the tag to choose when you don’t want pain and you just want is to see your favorite characters happy.
A Lover's Embrace by septemberleaves [Post-Canon, T, 2k, 1/1]
your love is sunlight by youlostpleiad [Post-Canon - Important Conversations, G, 1k, 1/1]
in wildest dreams (i never dreamed of this) by millsx [Domestic Fluff, T, 8k, 1/1]
your love is better than ice cream by i_m_disappeared [Comfort, T, 1k, 1/1]
Yes/No (Please Say Yes) by stardisnight [Domestic Fluff - Alternate Universe, T, 2k, 1/1]
- do you like fluff but want more than happy feelings? these fics will make you laugh and smile while still holding onto the warm feeling fluff gives you.
Keeping Up with the Alternate Hell Timeline of 2020 by ashspren & sconelover [Crack Fic, T, 4k, 1/1]
playing the game by laurentknows [Post-Canon - Trolling the Press, G, 1k, 1/1]
Thirst Tweets & Mean Tweets [FOR APPROVAL] by loveonpurpose [Post-Canon - Twitter, T, 2k, 1/1]
What happens in Vegas (doesn’t always stay in Vegas) by TheAmberFox [Las Vegas Wedding, T, 5k, 1/1]
17 Firstprince Moments That Remind Us How Single We Are by peppermintpatties [Post-Canon - Social Media, T, 3k, 1/1]
- do you like angst but want to feel good at the end? hurt/comfort is the place for that. commonly paired with the angst tag, you know these fics will break your heart and attempt to fix it again.
and i hope the sun shines (and it's a beautiful day) by betwecouldmakesome(softcinnamonroll) [Post-Canon - Break Up and Getting Back Together, M, 8k, 3/3]
i don't know about you, but i'm (not) feeling twenty-two by nopunintended [Post-Canon - Insecurity, T, 2k, 1/1]
My Rose Has Thorns (But They're Not Meant For Me) by absolute-worst-idea(cxptained) [Panic Attacks, T, 2k, 1/1]
The First Daughter and the Prince by totheworldwedreamabout [June and Henry friendship, T, 3k, 1/1]
the sadness you carry, it hangs like a ghost by 14carrotgold [Missing Scene - June POV, T, 2k, 1/1]
junora (+pez)
- t h e y. we need more fics with them. we need more junora fics. we need more june/nora/pez fics. but in the meantime, here are some great ones.
being good (it runs in the family) by demigodbeautiies [Smut, E, 3k, 1/1]
holding onto feelings i’m not used to feeling by ljghtswood [Getting Together, T, incomplete (5k as of now), 1/?]
i cannot fall in love (with you) by orionseye [Self-Discovery, T, 22k, 10/10]
My algebra equals you every time by PaulaLovelace [Canon Compliant, M, 11k, 1/1]
she is my all, she is the one, she is by captainegg [Marriage Proposal, T, 1k, 1/1]
kid fics 
- kid fics are very popular in this fandom, and for good reason! authors like myself, floatingaway4, ifigo, and allmyloveatonce all have amazing kid fics, but here are some amazing ones by authors not yet mentioned!
A Quiet Evening Alone by great_turkey_calamity [Domestic Fluff, not rated but probably G/T, 3k, 1/1]
Grown-Up Names by webeta123 [Kid’s Understanding of Names, G, 1k, 1/1]
Knights, Sword fights, and Whatever Else by Quire [Kids Play Swordfighting, G, 1k, 1/1]
Polaroids by MamaG [Child Meets the Queen, G, 2k, 2/2]
We'll Get Together Then by absoluteaudacity [5+1 Things, G, 3k, 1/1] 
- casey said it themself, they will get married, here are some ideas on how they would start that process. after all, who doesn’t love a good proposal!
a thousand, a million, billion thoughts, (all under the form of a letter to you) by CrayolaRainbow [PowerPoint & Lists, M, 4k, 1/1]
(baby) don’t make me spell it out for you by extasiswings [Light Lack of Communication, T, 2k, 1/1]
keep most of your heart in london by cresswells [Double Proposal, G, 4k, 1/1]
I'd Cross Oceans by 14hpgirl19 [Sick Fic, T, 5k, 2/2]
Take My Hand, Take My Whole Life Too by hazeleyedwriter [Fluff and Humor, M, 697, 1/1]
- please note that all fics under this category are rated E. 
check-in closes at too-early p.m. by coffeecatsme [5+1 Things, E, 8k, 1/1]
how simple life is by demigodbeautiies [Soft sex, E, 1k, 1/1]
I Love You I Love You I Love You by absoluteaudacity [Crying due to Overwhelming Love, E, 928, 1/1]
Love You In the Morning from Anonymous [Early Mornings, E, 1k, 1/1]
this life, this love by railmedaddy [Fluff - Frottage, E, 945, 1/1]
bonus fic!
- have you seen the netflix original Young Royals? if not, watch it, if so i recommend this young royals x rwrb cross-over! 
i’m all ears, take your time (we got all night) by ljghtswood [found family, T, 2k, 1/1]
i had a lot of fun doing this! if i get to two hundred followers, i want to do another one of these so i can shout out more fics and authors! i’ve read almost every fic in this fandom, having been here since august 2019. i know just how talented everyone in this fandom is. fanfic writers, you are loved. thank you for sharing your words <3. fanfic readers, thank you for supporting us!
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