#we'll see what Endo does
lassify · 16 days
Behind Test Subject 007: The Science of Anya’s Telepathy
Okay guys… I’m gonna come clean. I’ve had some scientific hypotheses brewing for a while now (not least to use in my fanfic, lol), but since we might be getting close to getting an Anya arc in the SxF manga, I figured that now was as good a time as any to actually try to arrange those theories in something resembling coherent and share them with you all. 
Disclaimer: I am not trying to position myself as an expert. I have studied Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience at university level, so just for fun I ended up doing a ton of research on this, and I’ve got a lot to cover, so… wish me luck 😅 References will be embedded in the text!
Heads up that this is on the long side and complex as hell and my head physically hurts, so I’ll tackle it in sections:
Part 1: Psychology
My actual subject, but I’ll only skim over a couple of theories…
Part 2: Cognitive Neuroscience (Structural basis)
In which I will look at the individual brain areas which could be relevant to telepathy
Part 3: Cognitive Neuroscience (Functional basis)
In which I talk about how those brain areas communicate to each other
Part 4: Physics
I’ll admit, not my strongest subject, but I’ll mention a couple of theories which could be relevant
If you're ready for your brain to melt, feel free to keep reading...
Part 1: Psychology
There are 2 main theories in Psychology which could offer some explanation for Anya’s psychic abilities. 
Theory 1: Theory of Mind
In short, this describes a person’s capacity to understand other people. It is similar to sympathy or empathy, but actually it is the ability to understand that another person is different to ourselves, that they have their own desires, motivations, and thoughts, and that this is reflected in their behaviour. Even more importantly, it’s about being able to decode other’s mental states, whilst still being able to differentiate it from our own.
Any parent will know that it is a real effort to teach children about trying to understand other people’s perspectives: this is because children typically have an undeveloped Theory of Mind, and it is something that continues to develop even into adulthood. In adults, having a developed Theory of Mind helps us to understand other people’s perspectives, predict other people’s behaviour, and use both empathy and deception. 
Anya has a really strong Theory of Mind, which is actually so impressive for her young age. She understands the complex web of all the secrets: that Twilight is a spy, Yor is an assassin, Yuri is in the Secret Service, and Bond is precognisant. She also understands who knows what about each other, and how she can use all of this information to her advantage - those are some crazy cognitive skills!!
In terms of how this is related to telepathy, you could argue that someone with a strong Theory of Mind (like Anya) may be more likely to:
Understand that people have hidden feelings that they don’t show 
Demonstrate empathy for emotions 
Collate information about their likes and dislikes and past behaviour to predict future behaviour. 
If she is highly sensitive to these things, then it could look like telepathy (even if it isn’t). 
Theory 2: Hyperesthesia.
Many people will have heard of synesthesia, which is a synthesis of the senses to the extent that the sensory information overlaps, but hyperesthesia is about being highly sensitive to external stimuli of the senses such as sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch. 
I can imagine an overlap with Anya’s hyperesthesia and her Theory of Mind to pick up on the nuances of other people’s behaviour, to the extent that reading behaviour could inform the sensation of “reading minds”. 
In a science-fictional world like SxF we could imagine that hyperesthesia could stretch into the sense of extra-sensory perception, by being sensitive to the electromagnetic signals in other people’s brains (or even geomagnetic - more on that in Part 4). From this, it is possible that Anya could “read” people’s minds through deciphering the electromagnetic waveforms that people’s brains might project (more on deciphering brainwaves in Part 3…). 
Part 2: Cognitive Neuroscience - Structural Basis
I think we can all agree that Anya’s telepathic powers would largely be supported by the specific structures of her brain, especially given that Endo has already dropped hints of neuroscience in the manga, and we know that he’s very much interested in accurately depicting psychology and neuropsychology in his story. 
The best way to encourage certain brain areas to develop is by doing exercises and tasks which would use that part of the brain repeatedly: for example, consistent gymnastics practice would enhance the cerebellum, the centre of balance and motor coordination. But, I can picture the experimenters in SxF trying something a lot less… humane.
Like, experimental neurosurgery. 
For example, theoretically, they could artificially enhance certain brain areas by using a neural growth factor serum (this doesn’t exist in real life, but let’s indulge the science fiction elements for a second), and, theoretically, if the experimenters used glycoproteins as the serum’s main content (like laminins and netrins), they could control the pace and direction of neurons growing in a brain, choosing to focus on cellular growth in certain areas. Then, they would be able to view the activity of the targeted areas using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and measure it with electroencephalography (EEG, see Part 3 for more on this).
If Anya ever had experimental neurosurgeries during her childhood, they would have likely focused on the following areas: 
Corpus Callosum: The corpus callosum is the thick structure of white matter that connects the two hemispheres of the brain, allowing each hemisphere to send signals to the other. With an enlarged corpus callosum, Anya would be able to process neural signals at a much faster rate, and at an increased volume, helping her to process the additional load required for telepathy.
Wernicke’s Area: Named after German neurologist Carl Wernicke, this part of the superior temporal gyrus (usually of the left hemisphere) is a major part of being able to understand language. With an enhanced Wernicke’s area, Anya would be more sensitive to decoding the neural signals associated with linguistic thoughts, effectively enabling telepathic communication through language. (As an aside, this would also give Anya an advantage in understanding other languages… which could explain her natural talent with Classical Language!)
Superior Temporal Sulcus: This is another area that is important for processing human speech, and is critical for processing social cues, such as understanding others’ intentions (including Theory of Mind!). With experimentation in the STS, Anya would be better able to decode the subtle cues in others’ brains relating to thoughts and emotions.
Inferior parietal lobule: As well as assisting in the interpretation of language and sensory information, the IPL is also involved in tasks like perspective-taking and understanding others' mental states. By increasing connectivity in this area, Anya can "tune into" the thought processes of others. It’s also well-known for its’ role in visuospatial processing, which can help Anya see visual thoughts as well.
Anterior Cingulate Cortex: This system is composed of a number of different parts of the brain, all working together to be able to process things like attention, decision making, inhibition and emotions. Most interestingly, it is associated with detecting conflicts and errors. Increased sensitivity to the ACC would likely help Anya to detect cognitive dissonance and conflicting thoughts in others (the perfect formula to eventually understand tsundere tendencies…).
Amygdala: The amygdala is often known as the centre of fear, but actually it is hugely important in threat detection, emotional processing and emotional memory. If Anya’s amygdala was enhanced, this would aid her ability to detect threats quickly, as well as her empathy skills and help her to intuit others’ emotions and thoughts. (A negative side effect of an enlarged amygdala would be that Anya may be more vulnerable to the effects of toxic stress, possibly making her less resistant to the effects of psychological trauma.)
Mirror neurons: Mirror neurons specialise in helping us to carry out and understand other people’s actions and behaviours, playing a key role in empathy and Theory of Mind. These hold internal representations of thoughts or actions, and could potentially be the key for Anya to be able to translate another person’s thoughts or intentions, assuming that she has a particularly active mirror neuron system.
Precuneus: The precuneus is really difficult to research and is super complex, so I’ll do my best to keep this simple: Located in the medial parietal cortex, this part of the brain is essential for visuospatial imagining and processing, as well as episodic memory, self-reflection, and some aspects of consciousness. I suppose the main thing is that it has a big role in mental imagery, including being able to model other people’s views, therefore helping Anya to process the mental images in other people’s thoughts.
Broca’s area: This is very much non-canon, but I imagine that if Anya ever developed the ability to project her thoughts, the Broca’s area would be key for this. While Wernicke’s area helps with speech understanding, Broca’s area is key for speech production. In my fanfic (SSS), Anya’s Broca’s area probably functioned normally for most of her life, but in the recent experiments imposed on her, the ability to project her thoughts was ‘unlocked’ through the increased activation of the Broca’s area.
Part 3: Cognitive Neuroscience - Functional basis
The thing is, it’s not enough to just know which parts of the brain work for what - there is also the question of how they connect and work together to be able to fulfil their functions. 
Think of it as the wiring which connects the parts of a computer: a motherboard, mouse, keyboard, and graphics card (as examples) are built to fulfil their specific functions, but the real magic is in how they connect and send signals between each other so that everything works smoothly.
That’s where neural oscillations come in - otherwise known as brainwaves. These are generated by the action potentials of nerve cells, and their different speeds can be measured using electroencephalography, or EEG machines, which can measure the patterns of activity across a brain.
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Let’s bear in mind that I’m really skimming the surface of this subject, so I won’t go into all the types of brainwaves in too much detail, but I will focus on the ones that I think could be more relevant to Anya’s telepathy:
Gamma waves
This is the pattern of neural oscillations which are correlated with large-scale brain network activity, and are largely predominant in learning, working memory, and processing new information. In other words: gamma waves help Anya to connect all the different parts of her brain which are relevant to her telepathy, so that all the areas can communicate to each other.
(Just as an aside: I found this hilarious study that looked at the effects of different types of nuts on brainwaves, which saw gamma wave responses being improved through pistachios, while peanuts aided in generating more delta waves. I wonder if the lab scientists of SxF caught on…) 
Theta waves
Theta waves are especially prominent in childhood (during sleep). I imagine that the lab may have recruited children partially for this reason (the other reason would be that brains have more plasticity at a younger age, and so can be altered easier than an adult’s brain). In adults, theta waves are also prominent in hypnotic or meditative states, mind wandering, and the early stages of sleep.
I think it is really interesting that theta waves occur during deep relaxation, as well as the early stages of sleep, making it the only brainwave that can activate both during sleep and during wakefulness. (From what I can tell, anyway.) This could make theta waves an important component of Anya’s telepathy - for example, if her telepathy was important to her survival, then it is critical for her to be able to detect thoughts during sleep, and her amygdala could alert her if the thoughts were at all threatening.
During wakefulness, I can imagine that Anya’s theta waves serve as the precursor for the activation of psi waves…
Psi waves
Just to confirm, Psi waves are definitely fictional, but my rationale is that historically, ‘Psi’ (ψ) has been used to denote the unknown factor which is linked with parapsychology and psychic phenomena. 
My theory is that psi waves would be the frequency required for telepathy, which would allow Anya to detect and interpret other people’s thoughts through their pattern of neural activation. In other words: she can probably read brainwaves. 
Modern science is already trying out methods to interpret people’s brainwaves (which is honestly both supremely cool and extremely terrifying), so it’s not too far out of the realm of possibility that Anya would be able to do the same thing just by unconsciously using her psi waves. The psi-waves would essentially mimic a brain-computer interface in being able to process and interpret neural activity (aka thoughts).
If you require a bit more concrete evidence to believe me, I’ve made a list below.
Right now, we can analyse brainwaves using EEG to:
Decode whether someone answers “yes” or “no” to conversational questions 
Control the movement of simple robots, including wheelchairs, which can be locked/unlocked using EEG (and EMG) as a biometric security system
Detect and interpret what emotion someone is feeling, as well as learn how strong that emotion is (at an accuracy rate of 80-94%)
Deconstruct the cognitive processes underlying social interaction in people who struggle to verbally express themselves
And this study analysed brain activation using fMRI to interpret and reconstruct visual images
Neuroscience is really crazy, guys.
Part 4: Physics
So… this is the part I am the least confident about. Please be patient with me and forgive me for any mistakes 🙏.  Also, this is the perfect time to remind you guys that I am really engaging with science fiction here. Emphasis on the fiction 😂. 
Basically, there are 2 main theories from Physics that I think could explain Anya’s telepathy, as well as her weakness(es):
Theory 1: Geomagnetic Field Sensitivity:
All brain waves are generated by electrical activity in the brain, and they also generate electrical activity of their own, which creates an electromagnetic field around the brain.
Anya’s abilities could be tied to the geomagnetic field of the earth, especially during the New Moon: when the moon is positioned between the earth and the sun, this could affect the field’s strength. The subtle alteration in the geomagnetic field could disrupt the electromagnetic field generated by Anya’s brain, thus disrupting the neural processing. 
In other words: the New Moon could interfere with Anya’s own electromagnetic field around her brain, via sensitivity to changes in the geomagnetic field, which could be why she can’t read minds during the New Moon. 
Theory 2: Resonance:
Resonance can be observed in physics, acoustics, musical, electrical, and mechanical systems - but now scientists are even looking at resonance in consciousness, and resonance in brain waves on a quantum level. 
Without going into too much detail (I am not qualified), I think Anya would generate a resonance frequency of her own that helps her to facilitate telepathic communication: through resonance, Anya could synchronise her Psi waves with the brain waves of another person, and it is this synchronicity that helps her to interpret the other person’s brainwaves. 
If Anya ever encountered another telepath (as she does in SSS), I imagine that they wouldn’t be able to read each other’s minds because their resonance frequencies would cancel each other out. 
In SSS, I also introduced the idea of a sub-auditory sound wave which would stop Anya from being able to use her telepathy. The idea behind this was to introduce another weakness for Anya: when this sound wave is emitted or detected, it interferes with the brain's natural telepathic frequency. This is because the sound wave oscillates at a frequency that masks the neural signals required for telepathy, and means that Anya can’t interpret those signals as easily. 
Thanks for reading!
I told you this was long. Sorry 😅
The above is really just a collective mishmash of stuff I’ve been slowly putting together for about the last 6 months, and I fully accept there will be parts that are more plausible than others. 😂 But it was fun, and more than anything I am really excited to see what we get to find out in Anya’s backstory arc (when it gets here…), and if I see any mentions of brains or neuroscience in SxF I will literally die of joy
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yumeka-sxf · 8 months
My thoughts on Spy x Family: EYES ONLY Guidebook (English ver) - part 1
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I finished reading through my copy of the English version of the SxF manga guidebook "EYES ONLY." There's tons of fantastic information about the series, but I wanted to share my thoughts/commentary on parts that were the most interesting to me. Since there's so much content to cover, I'll be dividing it into a few different posts. Also, rather than go in the order of the book's sections, I decided to group the content based on topic. This first post will cover Endo's comments about the characters individually, as well as information about Garden.
Endo's Q&As and comments about the characters
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I like that Endo provides a reason for why Loid wears a WISE logo pin as it's something more than one fan of the series has questioned! And I totally agree with Lin about his "lack of distinctive features." Compared to so many other anime characters, especially shonen main characters, Loid's design is so plain, particularly in his hair and clothes. At least in his spy outfit he has a gun to make him a little flashier, but when he's in his casual clothes, he literally just looks like "some guy," haha. But that also makes sense for his character.
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I love how Endo gave specific numbers for comparing Loid and Yor's strength (Yor: 10, Loid: 6-7)
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I did notice what Endo is talking about how Anya's design changed over time. But that can be said for all the characters really, and it's definitely not uncommon for manga-ka's styles to evolve as they get a better feel for their characters and world.
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He mentions the classical language thing that was also brought up in chapter 42. Definitely makes me think that will somehow tie into her backstory.
Speaking of Anya's backstory, there was this little excerpt about the researchers at the lab. So one thing we can say for sure about her past is that she was not treated well there at all (which has been hinted at in the series).
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Endo also discussed the origin of Anya's pink hair (namely, there really isn't any origin, lol).
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Interesting that he spent the most time designing Yor, and also about the origin of her stilettoes. And his apology to the cosplayers for that bonus feature about Yor's hair, haha.
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I had to chuckle when he said they can't measure her strength because she keeps breaking the instruments! Also the fact that she hasn't learned how to make a single successful meal since the stew…Endo is such a savage sometimes, lol. But keep in mind that this book was originally published over a year ago, and obviously we know from recent chapters that her cooking is improving. I also like that he mentions that she has left witnesses to her work, like in Extra Mission 2. I wonder if that will be a bigger plot point somewhere down the line.
Like Anya having pink hair, Endo expresses some regret about making Yor an assassin (but his laugh makes it clear he's not terribly hung up about it!)
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I know some people are bothered by the fact that Yor is Bond's least favorite. But I think Bond's (initial) dislike for her originated from the chapter where he assumes he would have died from her cooking. Also the fact that Anya put the idea in his head that she would "murder" him if he did something she didn't like, like shun her food (which is obviously heavily exaggerated). But again, this book was published over a year ago, and the most recent chapter revealed that he definitely doesn't dislike her even if she's not his favorite. It's perfectly normal for pets to have family members they prefer over others for whatever reason.
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I love that Franky does charity work. I hope we'll see that in a future chapter.
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It's interesting that he ranks Fiona's combat ability so low, especially when you consider what she did to Wheeler in the recent arc. But to me, that wasn't so much a display of combat prowess as it was totally raw, uninhibited willpower.
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I love his blunt answer about whether Yuri has other interests besides Yor. Also intriguing that he mentions Nightfall when discussing Yuri's combat ability…maybe those two will meet eventually?
Information about Garden
Since Garden is still such a mysterious entity in the SxF universe, I tried to gather everything about them that the book mentions.
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It's interesting that Yor sees Shopkeeper as her mentor since he taught her survival skills in her youth. The book also raises the question about how Yor found Garden in the first place…maybe something Endo will expand on in the future?
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So the information Franky gives us about Garden is exaggerated? Gah, that just makes them even more mysterious!
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The above was a cool bit of trivia...so it seems like the secret police might know more about Garden than WISE. Perhaps Yuri will find out about Yor's real identity before Twilight?
Continue to Part 2 ->
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anomalymon · 1 month
The Plural Community Needs to Write More Essays and Make More Resources
This has been a pretty big push in the alterhuman community, but hasn't quite reached the plural community yet. So
Systems: Write about your experiences! Post them!
It doesn't have to be good or coherent, but we want to see more experiences that aren't just bland, blanket positivity posts or term coining with zero substance. Some of our favorite writings we've read have had poor grammar and disjointed paragraphs!
Reasons to write about your experiences:
It can make people who have that experience both realize they're not alone and learn ways they can explore that experience
It can be education for people who don't experience that so they can learn what it's like
It gives more potential for citation for those who are making more comprehensive resources
They can be used several years down the line to track trends and events within the plural community
Also want to combat anti-endos? Write about your experiences. Humanize yourself (for lack of a better term). Create solidarity with others and encourage them to be out about themselves. Don't let psychiatric texts, syscourse rants, and simple definitions be the only information about your group!
We'll tack on what we're interested in seeing, but feel free to reblog and add anything too:
Guides! Guides on how your system does things, or guides that can help other systems
How plurality intersects with other disabilities or neurodivergence
Headspace tours, art about your headspace, collages
The effects drugs or medication has on your system
Non-traditional roles, or even how traditional roles do their day to day tasks
Different types of plurality intersecting (i.e. systems who fit more than one of DID, endogenic multiplicity, medianhood, soulbonding, etc)
Spirituality and religion intersecting with plurality
Seriously, whatever you want to talk about
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antiendovents · 2 months
i genuinely dont get the 'build an alter' blogs... how the hell does that work??? HOW DO YOU BUILD AN ALTER??? i dont get how people see this disorder as a silly little make your own friend.... its not??? almost all of us in our system cant remember anything about when we were younger, and the traumaholders who do remember, go thorugh so much and people sit here and say 'just send in a rq and we'll build an alter for u^^' thats... not how that works.
yeah.. I have no clue what endos are on. Like no, Susan, you can't "build" an alter— what the fuck
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electricalstemplates · 3 months
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sysmedsaresexist · 18 days
What you're doing is incredibly brave. We really appreciate the risk you're taking sharing your journey. It's awesome to see someone so vocal and with such reach openly change their stance.
We wanna know some of your thoughts about something you've been saying in all of this, about CDDs being separate from endogenic plurality. Specifically, your thoughts on when the two do meet. Like, endogenic systems that get traumatized and develop CDD symptoms? Or CDD systems that practice headmate creation, and find created headmates working like the rest of their system? Or folks in either category that relate a lot with those in the other?
We're curious because we exist in that in-between; a system with DID due to trauma, but that doesn't view our plurality itself as coming from trauma.
And if you're not at all interested in that area of overlap, or in sharing those thoughts, no worries! Have a great day!
This is a pretty nuanced ask and each mod has a different view on things, so we'll all answer!
Mod Signal: I believe that endogenic plurality and the plurality found in CDD systems works differently, but that intersection you're talking about can exist. The majority of resources for CDD systems involve how to deal with trauma and different alters reactions to it. If an endogenic system goes through some shit and gets trauma later in life, and can get use out of grounding guides, or how to deal with flooding, I say use those guides (and literally anyone can improve their mental health from therapy as long as the therapist. You know. Isn't a cunt.) That being said. There are also endos who are very certain they're endos when they may have.... a bit more trauma than they thought. And that's normal. Incredibly so. But endogenic communities can lead to a bit more harm than good occasionally with those systems if they insist that the system in question isn't or couldn't be a cdd system, or encourages them not to look into resources on how to deal with trauma.
As far as purposefully created alters, they absolutely exist, and I know CDD systems that have created alters with it going ok, and CDD systems who have been *horribly* hurt trying. I've seen some tulpamancy guides out there that made me wince the whole time I've read them. Not because they're cringy, but because any time a CDD system fucks around with purposeful dissociation, it's Incredibly easy to fuck yourself up by accident. Even some guides to meditation can be harmful to systems if you don't go slowly and pay attention to your body (something that's already very, very easy to ignore if your system, like mine, is made of 90% pain holders lol).
It's for that reason that i haven't changed my pinned intro as "endo-neutral". I dont doubt endogenic plurality at all, but I still find a lot of critiques in the way the two communities mix. The labels are fucked anyway lol so. I dont know what label would best fit that stance. The problem does seem to be slowly fixing itself though. I'm happy that a lot of endos are leaning away from terms used by CDD systems. I view these problems for the most part as growing pains that will smooth themselves over as plurality in general becomes more accepted and more research about both sets of systems comes out.
Mod Quill: I’m feel like that’s a great jumping off point for me, someone who is so weird with syscourse that labels don’t fit me. I believe in endogenic plurality, I really do, but I also know this community has done so much harm to CDDs and vice versa. Part of me wants everyone to go to time out corners and think about what they’ve done.
In terms of the overlap between endogenic and CDD systems… I think defining it, at this point, is frankly meaningless, particularly for the reasons Signal stated. There’s so many endogenic systems who are actually CDD systems. On one hand, I want them to be able to access CDD spaces because, well, they have a CDD… but on the other, as someone who’s been horrifically damaged by endogenic spaces, who has spread a lot of misinformation and been fed a lot of misinformation due to those experiences… I’m wary of letting someone like that into a highly fucking traumatized space. (But I also have feelings about CDD spaces in general…)
At the end of the day, I feel like it’s not my place to draw that line. It’s up to each individual and their own system where they draw the line, and so long as it’s in-line with current understandings of CDDs and they don’t speak their personal experiences as if they’re gospel truth for all systems, I have no issues. If someone says they have endogenic DID (as in, they formed DID with absolutely no trauma), it’s not my place to directly confront that person and tell them that’s not possible; but if they shout from the heavens about how people are ignoring the truth, I’m going to post the truth as I know it, with sources to back it up.
The same goes for this overlap. A system who says “Hey, I have created alters, and I’m a DID system, and those things overlap?” Cool! Awesome! That’s actually my type of system. A system who goes, “Therefore, DID systems should split new alters for the benefits it has”? Allow me to traumadump about how my system completely destabilized due to that practice. The overlap is there, but it’s not for me to define for others; not unless they make their experiences universal.
Mod Robo: Oh boy, I have a lot of Thoughts on all of these questions! It's stuff I think about often. I love talking about all the in-betweens and overlaps, and I'd love to hear about your experiences too. Unfortunately, I don't think I can jam all of my thoughts in this post (it's already long enough) so I'll just talk about your first question.
First off, I want to say that I don't think it's all that unusual for someone with a CDD to feel like they've always been plural, even before their CDD. Of course, spiritual beliefs can play a role in that. Let's put spiritual reasonings aside though and look at it from a purely psychological view. It's our belief that all of our alters -- everything that can be them, will become them, etc. -- it's all there from the start. We don't believe that alters come out of a vacuum. All of my alters were born the day our body was born. Many of us did not exist as alters yet, but the foundation for us existed!
To give a personal example: some of us have memories of childhood that predate our existence as alters. These memories predate our knowledge of being a system or having DID. We've wondered how it's possible to have memories that predate our existence as alters. How is it possible for several alters to have these same memories, and feel as if it's their own but also not? How is it possible that we can't really attribute "who" those memories belong to other than just...us? All of us? It didn't fit into the mainstream idea that alters are supposed to be these distinct, clear-cut people sharing a body, with separate memories and no overlap, no utterance of our existence before becoming a separate alter.
Children aren't born with an integrated self. You probably know the whole spiel -- the mind integrates as you get older, blah blah blah. So, in our opinion, we were never not plural. We had an unintegrated mind full of parts as a child, and we grew up into an adult with an unintegrated mind full of parts and eventually a DID diagnosis.
I get that some people don't see themselves as existing before their CDD and that's okay, I understand that. I also relate to that, in a way! It can be weird to consider because you as the alter didn't exist until later on. But you as the brain did, if that makes sense.
All that being said, I believe that "endogenic CDDs" are a completely separate concept from "endogenic systems with CDDs." CDDs are diagnoses -- they have specified symptoms, diagnostic criteria, and treatment. Diagnoses are not people. You are. That's why plurality is such an incredibly personal thing, after all. We're literally talking about your own mind. Your self/selves. Your internal reality. No duh there are gonna be people who conceptualize and talk about it in different ways. Like, I firmly believe that's NEVER going to be clear cut and easy to understand.
OG Dude: First, I have to say, thank you to my mods. Their responses are fantastic, I support all of them. I brought them all in pretty early, and I wouldn't be where I am without them. Their pro/endo patience while I went back and forth, screamed and yelled... I love them. I love that they saw the good in me and decided to help me run this blog.
I agree with all that they said. For clarity sake, I'll give my own thoughts, even if they overlap or repeat.
I've posted from the beginning about how a lot of things that endogenic systems talked about were actually really normal in DID systems. Created alters, characters that take on life, MADD, loving your system, dysfunction in different areas of life, on and on. I think there's more intersection than a lot of people realize, but I really like how Robo talked about personal views. It took a really long time to realize that people defining their experiences in different ways isn't necessarily a bad thing, though it's unfortunate that sometimes this confuses systems that are still learning.
Yelling and screaming isn't going to help, though. There's another ask coming, this one about my thoughts on sophie, that I think will tie into this point and expand on it a lot more, so for now, I'll move on.
I don't have all the answers. I think CDDs are something extremely specific-- I think in a few more years, diagnosis will involve brain scans, biomarkers, and we'll be able to say with a lot more certainty where that line is, and what's different.
For now, I think I've learned that the best thing I can do for myself, and everyone else, endo or CDD, is just keep pumping out information.
A couple users on here are really good examples of these lines. They have CPTSD, PTSD, whatever else they've got going on, but they still hold the belief that their plurality and CPTSD are unrelated. It took a long time to come to terms with balancing respect for that self-determination, and my expectations of technology and the specificity of CDDs (meaning like, specific biomarkers).
In the end, I realized that it boiled down to, "are people getting the help they need?" Because in the end, that's all that matters, and if someone doesn't think they need help, why am I arguing? If someone does, who am I to keep them from resources?
What if that technology doesn't reach the mainstream, what if it's decades before it's refined enough to be financially feasible in diagnosis? What if people come out with the exact same brain structure as someone with DID and still refuse to admit that the plurality is related?
Well, shit, I don't know, but I'm guessing the answer is still going to be, "Don't yell at them, respect their self-determination."
I still firmly believe that plurality and CDDs are different things. I think that treatment for CPTSD and PTSD are different, and many endos without longterm, repetitive trauma in childhood have PTSD, and would benefit more from those spaces and resources than CDD/CPTSD spaces. However, I also admit that a general PTSD space isn't going to be prepared for the complex interplay of plurality and PTSD. All that said, it's not my job to tell someone which they have, my job should be to present information on both to everyone and let people come to their own conclusions.
It's hard, but it's a skill I'm still trying to learn. Seeing more people talk about their experiences is probably the only thing that's going to help make it easier.
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purplecoffeebean · 1 year
Done gawking at the Fnaf Movie trailer?
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Here is the plot seeping through it:
New protagonist Cassie receive a call from Gregory who is still stuck inside the now ruined pizzaplex.
Like really, really ruined.
Seems like a fair amount of time has passed since the events of Security Breach took place.
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(There is a tree growing through the floor.)
This does raise some question on how Gregory could survive stuck there all that time. Maybe he is not Gregory but someone "mimicking" him *wink wink*
Anyway, Cassie seems to be a resourceful lil' bugger, using different items to hack her way through the Pizzaplex in order to rescue "Gregory"
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She even uses an item that would probably spell disaster for her: A Vanny Mask (Complete with Van-O-Vision)
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Also the Camera Feed makes a comeback.
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That skeleton you are seeing right now is what remains of Roxanne Wolf.
Yeah, none of the animatronics we've encountered in SB are in their best shape.
We got Roxy who has barely any casing left attached to her endo.
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Monty is pretty much in the same state.
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Chica is dead.
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Freddy is buried.
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But the Daycare Attendant is okay. Sort of. He says hi!
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And to wrap this up, quite possibly the part I'm most excited for:
We may see Glamrock Bonnie!
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Maybe. Honestly I'm just curious to see if my headcanon of him having the female endo model instead of the male version is correct.
Or maybe this is not Bonnie, maybe it is just another trick.
We'll know soon enough.
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 11 months
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 84... You have been warned...! 👌
(How do you keep on doing it Endo?! 😵)
But, before I start discussing this chapter, I'd like to say something about what happened in the fandom recently...
If anyone here is unaware, an account by the name of shinybluebirdwizard deactivated their account after being harassed for answering an ask about who they thought Anya loved more... Thinking back on the post, to me it felt like shinybluebirdwizard's answer was more of a joke then anything super serious, but we'll never really know for sure... As of right now, my biggest hope is that Shiny is doing alright and will one day return to the fandom... But, I also completely understand if they decide that they don't want to ever come back either... All I can truly ask for now from this fandom is to be kinder to one another and not be at each other's throats for a difference of opinion...
Anyway, let's get back to the review shall we...?
We start where we basically left of at in Mission 83, with Wheeler cornered by Nightfall and another agent...!
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Wheeler tries to convince Nightfall to let him go and that he doesn't have the documents, but of course, it doesn't work and the other agent subdues Wheeler and finds the documents...! Wheeler tries one more time to persuade Nightfall in letting him go, but she knows that he may have the documents memorized, so Wheeler will be imprisoned... But then...:
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Wheeler tells Nightfall to drop her gun or he'll break the other agent's neck, then exchange happens between Wheeler and Nightfall:
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Damn...! 😲 Does anyone else feel like Wheeler was being a little flirty with Nightfall...? 👀 No? Just me...? Okay... 🤷
Anyway, Wheeler escapes into the sewers and Nightfall goes to pursue him...! Then, um... Nightfall has this thought of if she were to ever die, and well...:
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Oh, Nightfall... 😌 No words can describe the amount of crazy you are...! 😏
After... THAT...! We catch back up with Twilight after his brutal fight with Yuri...:
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Twilight tries to get out of the sewers, but he overhears some footsteps and decides to be cautious... But then, the footsteps stop, and Twilight is unsure of where they were coming from... When suddenly...
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After Wheeler's initial attack, Twilight tries to convince him that he's with the SSS...
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...But it doesn't work...
Then, Wheeler figures out that this must be Twilight in disguise and says this to him:
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We cut back to Nightfall as she hears some fighting in the sewers, but when she finds where it's coming from, she sees this: 😰
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As Nightfall is shocked and stunned by what she sees, Wheeler proceeds to remove Twilight's mask, when...:
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and that's how the chapter ends, and HOO BOY...!! That chapter was INTENSE!! 😰 Especially at the end...!! 😥 And I know that this arc isn't over with just yet, but... I think that this might my new favorite arc of the series...!! 😆
The only thing that kind of confused me in this chapter was the part Nightfall was like: "No no no, that's Yuri Briar. He's no friend of mine!" and started saying "That's Yuri Briar" over and over again... I believe that was her starting realize that was Twilight on the ground defeated, but I don't know for sure...! 🤷 In any case, this chapter was still amazing and I'm eagerly awaiting for the next one to drop...!! 😆
Lastly, I'm sorry to anyone that just came here to read my review, but it was very important to me to talk about what happened to shinybluebirdwizard...
I was raised to treat others how I wanted to be treated, so whenever I see how mean people can be sometimes, it truly breaks my heart... We don't have to agree on everything, but we can at least try to be respectful to someone else's opinion... And if that means not interacting with them at all, then by all means, avoid them at all costs... But the one thing that I wish for the most is for everyone to be more kind and understanding of one another...! And then maybe, something like this won't again...
Anyway, that's all I wanted to say and I hope that you all have a wonderful rest of y'alls day...! Take care, be safe out there and be kinder to one another...! 💗 Later...! 👋
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kandidandi · 9 months
Use this ask to talk about one of your OCs :D
okay so glitter.
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OK SO glitter is a silly silly little guy i love her so much do you understand i made her back in oct 2022 i have had THOUGHTS TOO MANY THOUGHTS RGRGR RGH RAAHHH HNHN anyways shes the roller skating unicorn hehe im still thinking of her lore but theres two different universes with her, one where the roller rink and daycare are separated and one where the daycare used to be the roller rink HFDH THE LATTER HAS MORE ANGST BUT I LIKE THE ONE WHERE THEY ESXITS AT THE SAME TIME FOR SILLY HEHE OC X CANON STUFF RAAHH anyways grr again im still thinking of stuff but ive had ideas of her being a non-fazco animatronic until fazco bought the rights of her (?) then she was moved to the pizzaplex and redesigned + given more sentience yknow whatever makes the fazco robots so lifelike NAYWAYS GHHNN i like the idea of her existing before the daycare attendant maybe fazco saw her super thin endo and thought "oh we can do something like that right?" and then made the dca eheh hehehe also ive thought of her and glamrock bonnie (and or monty we'll see) having a sibling dynamic but it uh aha well you know what happens to bonnie fgdjgkfd lol BACK TO THE DCA so sun and moon didnt really like glitter at first (shes like the weird kid not many other animatronics like her listen shes my oc i can project if i want (also doesnt help that she wasnt actually made BY fazco so she really does feel like the odd one out sobs)) but after dca and glitter spend time together they're like "oh youre not so bad actually" and then EHEHE EHE REHJGDJHSRHEJKHSFDHVYTHLKFSD RAHHH <333333333 im screaming crying falling down stairs etc gregory does exist here and the things that happen in security breach also happen and- sigh- and. glitter is an optional boss if you want freddy to go faster (they take her fuckin skates) ruin is also here btw ahahahhsfdnjkfgd but i havnt thought about that much so lolol im sorry for the lack of full stops btw im going insane GJKFGHKLFGKLDKGLFDKLGNHNHNHN
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bubblyaquarium · 6 months
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「 ଳ The Aquarium ଳ 」
system of 30 || quoigenic || pd affected bodily 22 || white || uses he/it collectively
our system functions less as distinct people and more like variations of the same core(for the most part). we each have our own identities and names, but we aren't drastically different. our switches are usually pretty subtle and we blur a lot. because of that we usually can't tell who is who.
we're not going to bother with a dni list, we'll avoid or block those who make us uncomfortable. we do ask that any nsfw/kink accounts to not interact with us. we are pro-endo.
pfp by this lovely artist
our members (yes all 30 of us)
○ Corci ○ he/him ○ 22 ○ host/buffer ○ our default state, and the one that's closest to how we present irl. just a chill dude with a poor grasp on emotions and approximately zero motivation to do anything.
○ Angel ○ any pronouns ○ 22 ○ host ○ the social headmate that's very queer and very narcissistic. tends to front at work, and cares way too much about what people think. very bubbly and optimistic.
○ Circus ○ ze/click/any neos ○ 22 ○ host ○ chaotic clown boy, holds a lot of our adhd symptoms. doesn't care about much outside of our hyperfixations and like three people. tends to front around friends or when triggered out by our interests being mentioned.
○ Chloe ○ she/they ○ 17 ○ ex-host/anxiety holder/peacemaker ○ the responsible one, also our first host. gets anxious easily and can't stand conflict. big sister energy.
○ Sian ○ he/him ○ mid 20s ○ soother ○ pretty boy. one of our most frequent fronters. in charge of calming us down, also helps handle new or stressful situations. big music lover.
○ Inky ○ it/they/xe ○ 18 ○ ex-host ○ eccentric genderless teen. does its best enjoys life to the fullest but is super depressed. loves funky earrings and wearing way too much eyeliner.
○ Gray ○ they/he ○ 19 ○ romanticizer ○ hopeless romantic, sees the world through rose tinted glasses. loves music and tiktok and being outside. acts as if he's the main character in a coming of age novel.
○ ??? ○ ??? ○ ??? ○ ??? ○ resident witch, has been here for a couple years now. we mixed them up with inky as they're very similar, and are currently trying to figure out who they are still. they don't have a name yet, but for now we call them inky 2.
○ Chaos ○ he/it ○ 22 ○ protector/persecutor ○ edgy dick but we all love him. pretty aggressive and standoffish, doesn't like or trust 90% of people. constantly craving cigarettes even though the body doesn't smoke.
○ Mirror ○ she/gore ○ 20 ○ protector/trauma holder ○ the yandere anime girl stereotype if it was traumatized and also not a girl. a bit blunt but has a big heart. very romantic.
○ Rocky ○ he/him ○ 14 ○ anger holder ○ sulky teenage boy with poor social skills. would fight god just for the hell of it.
○ Delilah ○ she/her ○ 16 ○ trauma holder ○ soft girl that cries over everything. can't handle any stress or conflict and will apologize a hundred times if she thinks you're mad at her. clingy af.
○ Breeze ○ no pronouns ○ ageless ○ positive emotion holder ○ happy-go-lucky dryad. a bit of a hippie. lives mostly in our headspace.
○ Buttercream ○ she/her ○ ageless ○ trauma holder/persecutor ○ musicative of a source we won't disclose. she's not really allowed on here for our own comfort. she's very girly and loves anything frilly and pink.
○ Zee ○ xe/it ○ 15 ○ role unknown ○ nonbinary zombie popstar. very hyperactive, can't sit still when xe fronts. likes to change our layouts.
○ Jay ○ he/him ○ mid 20s ○ moodbooster ○ an absolute gremlin. dear god he is feral. goes batshit over anything sweet. will not shut up when he co-cons.
○ Jett ○ he/him ○ mid 20s ○ no role ○ jay's boyfriend. pretty much the opposite of his partner, he's quiet and keeps to himself. seems to only speak around jay or his other sourcemates.
○ Ren ○ he/him ○ mid 20s ○ soother ○ our resident soft boy. loves flowers, oversized hoodies, and iced coffee. absolutely hates to front. flower lover.
○ Ro ○ he/any ○ 20 ○ no role ○ sassy homosexual. his ideal night is lounging around drinking wine and complaining to himself.
○ Dio ○ he/him ○ 16-18 ○ no role ○ angry and dramatic teenager. yells a lot and that's pretty much it.
○ Ty ○ he/it/thing ○ 24 ○ emotion processor ○ feels everything at 100% and isn't afraid to be open about it. its motto is fuck gender roles and fuck society.
○ Wyatt ○ he/him ○ 20s ○ fragment ○ quiet, keeps to himself mostly. co-cons with jay.
○ Lenny ○ he/him ○ 20s ○ fragment ○ chatty and loud. co-cons with jay.
○ Sunny ○ he/him ○ 20s ○ fragment ○ if summer was a person. handles dysphoria. energetic and boyish, likes to be loud.
○ Marky ○ he/him ○ 20s ○ fragment ○ fronts very rarely. positive dude, good in social situations. frat boy vibes.
○ Johnny ○ he/they ○ 20s ○ fragment/protector ○ chill, laidback guy. the big brother of the system.
○ Dove ○ he/him ○ 20s ○ fragment ○ a type of soother, also holds religious guilt. rarely ever is near front.
○ Leo ○ he/ne/silly ○ agehazy ○ moodbooster ○ cheerful boy. his job is to remind us to focus on the positive in life. is currently dormant.
if you'd like to get to know us more our sp is @/thebubblyaquaruim
Pfp created by this lovely artist
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thelreads · 2 months
I've been taking notes on the spypocalypse so I can keep my thoughts in order and actually I ended up noticing something:
First, a lot of other slice of life sitcoms don't have character development because they need to keep the characters the same for the format. But as a result the characters can end up feeling stale because they don't develop and thus the creators fall back constantly on the same jokes. But what I like about spy x family is that the characters are slowly growing, even if that means sacrificing the jokes. Like, Endo is letting Anya slowly get better at studying and Yor slowly get better at cooking, so even though we still have jokes about how Anya is not the best at school or that Loid is a better cook than Yor, we also get to move past it so the jokes don't become old.
Second, in other manga that have serious and funny moments, I find that there isn't often a lot of crossover, character-development wise. Like, in SxF, Fiona running off to the mountains to train in tennis is a gag... And then it saves her life during the mole arc. Likewise, there's gags about Yuri being indestructible because of Yor, and then during the Yuri v. Twilight showdown he is actually really able to keep getting up.
So that probably means that the next time Twilight and Yuri go up against each other, we'll see a return of Yor-fu.
And last thing: even though there haven't been a lot of chapters that let us see it, I think Yor is definitely getting a lot more feelings for Loid. When she first moved in, Yor didn't even know if she and Loid would be sleeping in the same room. She was a bit bashful around him, but it was really only when she was super drunk that she went tomato-face mode (when Yuri told her to kiss Loid, when Loid tried to honey trap her, and then later the welcome home kiss). However, when they went to the murder ski lodge, even though she was completely sober and Anya and Bond were *right there*, she went super blushing flustered mode at the idea of sleeping in the same room as Loid. Ah, yeah, it's all coming together.
Ok for real last thing: also I think the reason why Sigmund's tutoring worked better than Yuri or Loid's is because those two focus on one thing and get through it. They're both determinators who have no problem with snapping into focus on one thing at a time. Meanwhile Anya's mind has a tendency to wander. However, look at how Sigmund deals with it: when Anya turns Yuri's "whole enchilada" into the "swole Chihuahua", Yuri tells her to forget it and go back to focusing on the grammar. But when Anya takes Sigmund's "eureka" and turns it into "eucalyptus", Sigmund encourages her ("oh, you know so much about koalas! You'll ace your biology test!" And she may not have gotten a Stella star for it, but given that her only bolt was from math, she at least passed her bio quiz). Sigmund works with her wandering train of thought while gently pushing her back to the task at hand. Anya is a force of nature who conquers all in her way; Twilight and Yuri don't stand a chance trying to fight against her head on, but Grandpa Siggy knows how to work with the Lord of Storms.
Grandpa's are great, I'm gonna be so sad when it turns out Sigmund is a founding member of the Apple Project.
Oh, I like that slow development. It's so subtle and gradual you don't really notice it until something major happens and it all clicks together.
Yor is definitely getting more feelings. Yeah, she was not as embarrassed at first because she didn't really liked Twilight the way she does now. He was a handsome man and she was bashful, but now that she does like him like that, now that she's getting aware of her own feelings, oh now the fun begins...
And Sigmund there was definitely the right choice to teach Anya, and he does manage to get in her head because he has a lot of experience on the subject, he was a teacher for years, he understands the human brain because of his work as a researcher. Also because he knows how to handle test subjects from project apple after all.
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(I'm not plural, but I'm in a community that has a lot of systems (alterhumanity) and I never understood one thing about syscourse, I would like to ask you because I want to better know other members of the community. )
How different are endo systems from transid stuff?
Additionally: can you be an endo system who didnt self diagnose? Im asking because I saw a self-dx blog that was strictly anti-endo and it made me wonder because afaik being endo is almost always self-dx'd.
I see anti endo DNI and pro endo DNI almost equally thrown around and Im just here. Not getting it at all.
You don't have to answer if you don't want to though! I just thought this would be a good place to ask because this is a syscourse blog
Hi! We'd be happy to answer these to the best of our ability. Most of this is simple once you're in the community for a time but it's easy to see how it could be difficult for an outsider to understand.
To begin, plurality is absolutely different from transid stuff. Anyone who tells you otherwise is probably from the transid community first plural community second. Like with many things transid they like to try and slot themselves and their beliefs into our communities and co-opt it for their own use (if you can't tell, we're not exactly big fans, although transids are allowed on our blogs so long as they know we're not supporters, dnis are stupid in our opinion). The plural and endogenic communities are entirely separate from that movement, however.
Plurality refers specifically to the concept of being more than one identity/person within the brain and body. Endogenic means that your plurality formed for any reason other than trauma. An important thing to keep in mind going forward is that plurality does not inherently equal a dissociative disorder, unlike what many may say against us. The entire cornerstone of the plural community is that these experiences are often non-pathological and can occur for various reasons. For example this blog is ran by the Candlelight Society, we're a tulpamantic system, meaning we used tulpamancy to shape and for the most part create our system and plurality. There's plenty of people with DID/OSDD who also use the plural label, but the label itself is for everyone who experiences a state of being more than one regardless of origin or experiences related to it. The difference between this and transid should be pretty obvious. The closest thing we can think of to an overlap is the concept of "transplural" but that's just another way of saying created system brought into our community by transids, and is for the most part considered a ridiculous term in comparison to tulpa/tulpamancer, parogenic, or created system.
Onto your other question, this one's actually kind of funny, because it implies endogenic plurality is something that's diagnosable. Endogenic plurality is, as said earlier, not pathological or even a largely medically recognized thing at all. Plurality is an opt-in label, like alterhuman. You decide whether your experiences match up with the experiences described by the plural community. For that reason saying whether plurality is something that is self diagnosed or not is a bit silly really. You don't often hear people saying they self diagnose as alterhuman, not in our experience anyways.
TLDR: we're very different from transid concepts and we're an opt in label, thus kind of always self diagnosed if that even fits at all due to our non medical nature.
Hopefully this helps put some things into context. This was pretty quickly and sloppily written so forgive any grammar mistakes. Also if you'd like to learn more about plurality, tulpamancy, or some general syscourse topics feel free to send more asks and we'll provide some sources that may be useful to you when we have the time.
Have a great day!
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yumeka-sxf · 6 months
Today's new chapter was so intriguing 👀
First off, nice to see the Authens again. Guess we're sure now that Endo will make them reoccurring characters! Yor's embarrassment about being called "Mom" ("okaa-san" in the JP version) was really cute.
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They managed to translate this joke very well; in the JP version, the word "ebento"(event) makes Sigmund think of "obento"(lunchbox). Using the word "function" for "luncheon" was clever!
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But the main highlight of this chapter for me was seeing the ever enigmatic Melinda again after so long!
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She's a really a tough one to figure out, and this chapter only brought up more questions than answers. She seems extremely nice here, being very forgiving of Millie despite her harsh accusations against her husband. She also mentions that she'd be very resentful if anything were to happen to her family...which is kind of contrasting to her thoughts about Damian from the end of the bus hijacking arc.
I also loved the scene of Yor sticking up for Millie. Her expression was so blank yet so deep at the same time. It actually reminded me of Anya's expression when she punched Damian - in both cases, their blank expression doesn't match their action, but it makes sense because they're still unsure of how to act and what emotion to portray in many seemingly "normal" situations. Anger and annoyance aren't feelings that come naturally to them.
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In Yor's case here, having to defend someone against such accusations isn't something she's had much experience doing (at least not for someone who isn't family), and at the same time she can't just outright kill the hostile party like she would on an assassination mission. So despite being in such an awkward situation, especially for someone like her who struggles with social interactions, she managed to remain remarkably calm. As usual, Yor gets easily flustered when it comes to her own feelings, but if she sees someone else being threatened, her capabilities shoot up to maximum! That unpredictable expression should be feared from both her and Twilight!
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We also learn that Yor lost her parents in the war, which is something I always suspected. Her words in the below panel reminded me a lot of the thoughts she had during the end of the cruise arc. As I've mentioned before, despite her naivety about many things, she understands the tragedies that go on in the world, especially in terms of war - that it's not just soldiers who suffer, but the children and everyone else left behind. It makes sense that someone who understands that kind of loss and hardship has such outpouring empathy to others the way Yor does...
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...which is actually contrasting to the way Millie deals with her loss, by lashing out at others. It's said that those who have suffered can become either very sympathetic or very resentful. It was interesting to see that subtle contrast between Yor and Millie here.
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Speaking of Millie, it was nice to see her get some redemption and backstory. Like Camilla, I still don't think this makes up for all the mean things she's said to Yor before, but it's something!
Good to see McMahon again after so long. Don't think he's made an appearance since the cruise arc 👀
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As usual, it's hard to say if this chapter is leading to a new arc or not. I'm sure things mentioned here, especially about Melinda, will come back later, but who knows if it will be right away or several chapters from now. I know we were all expecting something relating to Anya's backstory based on the previous short mission, but I still think there's a chance that what happened here could tie into that. We'll see! We're close to chapter 100 so I wonder if Endo is planning something special for that 🤔
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stomach-rental · 6 months
this is a very silly question, but what is endosoma? i've seen it tossed around here and there but i haven't seen an explanation
also, why do some character names have slashes (the /) in them?
Hi! It's okay, it gets a little confusing around here sometimes.
Endosoma is a concept similar to vore, but not quite as specific. It's about being inside of another person's body, but includes all Kinds of parts of the body, not just the digestive system-- heart, lungs, nerves, muscles, you name it! All vore is endosoma, but not all endosoma is vore, sort of like the rectangle/square type deal. It's very popular in "vore-type" media, especially from the late 1990s and 2000s, to use endosoma instead of vore since endosoma can be more exploratory, alien, and strange. It's also definitely less close to sexual-- after all, usually people are much smaller in endosoma and are inside of ships or similar things, so it's not as easy to push into the whole person on person dynamic. Think Innerspace, Magic School Bus, Fantastic Voyage, etc.! But there are types of endosoma where it Is just someone in the body instead of utilizing some ship, more popular with non-human anthropomorphized settings where parts of the body are actually little people running things, and those parts can be really cool too.
Endosoma is hard to come by due to the mass popularization of using endosoma as a catch-all term for safe vore, despite safe vore having its own terms already. This means that actually finding real endosoma content that isn't Just Vore is super hard to come by, and that's part of why I've been advocating so hard for people to separate the tags and only tag endosoma if it's beyond just the stomach/mouth situation (even though vore Does count as endo). It just makes it so hopefully we'll not be trying to find a needle in a hay stack anytime anyone wants to talk about endosoma specifically, AND ensures that people that might be triggered by this more body-horror-accommodating concept don't accidentally come across it while trying to go through their usual interests.
Some people use slashes or other things to break up names of characters directly from outside media that is not vore related, because Tumblr will automatically group those in with the *normal tags for that show/game/etc.*, leading to people finding the vore who were NOT wanting to see it. By putting the dashes and other separations in the way, Tumblr doesn't screw up the search system, and it's safer! Of course, I don't typically do that with my stuff because Getting In Deep is a vore centered story, and anyone looking for it is obviously going to be comfortable with vore to some extent that they will Expect it to show up. Same with OCs-- not that my OCs are usually vore centric, but. You know. Nobody's gonna be searching for them so they won't get surprised by it, which means there's no need to break up the names.
I hope that answers your questions!!
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helshollowhalls · 10 months
[Theory/Lore Rant] Ruin DLC Ending Spoilers!
Something that strikes me as odd is the complete lack of communication with Gregory in the ending where the mimic presumably gets scooped.
To be fair, I am not sure if the line from Gregory about "how he found a hiding spot" when Cassie puts on the mask in front of the Fredbear cutout is actually Gregory or not. Neither am I sure if Gregory actually messed with the elevator, since what Razzbowski said about the weird loud speaker noises? Loop? And the fact that the subtitles start completely new even though it is supposedly the same character speaking does point to the Mimic messing with Cassie by imitating Gregory's voice and messing with the elevator to keep her down there, but I digress.
The lack of communication with Gregory might be a hint from Steel Wool that those endings are not the canon endings (or the connection was cut again but I feel like they would make that more obvious if that was the case), but even so the fact that we don't get to hear anything from him is odd.
From the in-game dialog it is obvious that Gregory knew about the mimic and presumably helped develop and implement the security system to keep it locked away under the Pizzaplex (Roxy being the final node and the Mimic specifically luring Cassie into the abandoned restaurant, who is probably the only person who could get close to Roxy and deactivate her considering Roxy's personality and how she acts towards Gregory and in general is a whole different can of worms), possibly with Vanessa also being involved one way or another.
Added to that, my personal theory is that they fed the entity resembling Glitchtrap into the system to stop Cassie when he couldn't get through to her on the walkie talkie because of the mimic, since Helpi suggested that Glitchtrap appeared just now and hadn't been there before. Since the actual security machine down in the sinkhole is red and Glitchtrap blue, I assume that it must have been a later addition.
Gregory also seemed to have access to additional cameras to watch events unfolding at the old FNAF location, seeing as he relayed Cassie directional instructions and yelled something along the lines of "It's right behind you! Hurry!".
If the boy was understandably that hellbent on keeping the mimic locked away and presumably also getting Cassie out in one piece, why on earth was there no communication whatsoever when Cassie scooped the mimic? Not a single word. Assuming that Gregory was aware of what Cassie did, I would at least expect some sort expression of relief or panic from him, depending on if the mimic was actually done or not. Maybe even further instructions on how to deal with the now decommissioned mimic endo or at least how to get her back out again. Or a "we'll be coming down to deal with the mimic endo and get you out just stay right there". But there's nothing. Nada. Zero. We're left without knowing if what we did was good or bad. And considering Gregory was very talkative and involved in getting Cassie to the elevator and out of danger, the fact that he suddenly goes completely quiet and doesn't say anything at all is suspicious.
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rain-admist-the-tears · 2 months
Second Introduction
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As mentioned in our main blog introduction, we are Plural (of mostly mixed-origin, though mostly traumagenic/neurogenic). This blog is mostly ran by our hosts + projectors, protectors so there will likely be a lot of syscourse posts (that will be tagged but also if you don't want to see it at all I'd recommend not following). (We will in the future have a dedicated blog separate from syscourse at all.) We don't purposefully like to contribute to syscourse but a lot of that stuff does get reblogged.
We don't owe you information about our system. We'll share what we want to share.
This blog is endo-safe and also mostly pro-endo. (They'll be a longer post linked here in the future explaining why this is the case).
Also if you want to be friends don't hesitate to DM us!! (We don't bite) (Most of the time)
We may occasion post simply plural tutorials or templates as well!
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We are welcoming to: lgbtqia+, mogai, systems of any origin, furries, therians / otherkins, fictives/factives, xenogenders + neopronouns
We are not welcoming to: bigotry of any kind (homophobia, transphobia, abelism, racism), toxicity, anti-mogai, transid, transmed/truscum, sysmed/sys exclus, anti-endo, fake claiming of any sort, villainze mental illness (especially the ones that are often villainzed), radqueers, pro-contact harmful paraphillias. Proship (we are a minor. Please dnf.)
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Our main blog is @gurtusium (although heavy TW for blood and yandere content)
Previous urls: rainydaysystem
Sign-offs / Userboxes under the cut
🌧 (they/he)
💌 (h♡/h♡m)
🎪 (she/they/it)
🪦 (vamp/vamps)
This isn't everyone but it's the main people who'll probably be posting on here.
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