#we're literally in the phandom
ghostly-cabbage · 2 months
We need to talk about the worst thing about making AUs....
The fact that then when you inevitably think about crossovers you don't want the crossover with the canon you want it with your specific AU. Your brain worms, your circus, but THEN WHAT?
Oh, yeah, to understand this crossover you need to go read this entirely different fic/series? Girl help 😭 you can't do that
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danhowellz · 2 years
there's a war outside, but it can't get us here
pairing: dan/phil
words: 1k
dan and phil come home after dans last show in london
read on ao3
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notsosaucystuff · 2 months
Some important phannie vocabulary and phrases (in alphabetical order):
Delia Smith
Uma Thurman
All or nothing
Art is important
Breaking the sound barrier
Companions through life
Dip and Pip
Don't cry, craft
Do you know what a genre is?
Editing tips
"Embrace the void and have the courage to exist"
Forever home/Phorever home
Girl in Prague
Heart eyes Howell
Hello, my name is {Dan}
Help me Dad
Hey buddy
Hobbit hair
It hits different
Love eyes Lester
Lying makes you go to hell
Passenger Princess
Phil trash #1
Reasons why Dan's a fail (yay)
Right in the Florida
Soft and neat
Something something night changes
Square hair
The builders
"This guy"
"This is the most fun I've ever had"
Try new things
Twink Death
Twunk Birth
We're here, we're queer, and we're filled with existential fear
"What can I say?"
You in London?
Get the [Insert noun] out for the lads
"Here's the thing about [Insert noun]"
I'm at the cluuuuub, I need [Insert noun], but in a sexy way
Ph-[Insert almost anything]
The [Insert noun] fic
[Insert literally anything]-ussy
You will get through this [Insert noun]
🧡 (orange heart emoji)
Please leave additional words and/or phrases in the tags and I will have them to the list! <3
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freckliedan · 2 months
wait can you talk more about christmas 2018?
Anonymous asked: Just what you said in your post! "the first christmas where they publicly spent that much time together" did they usually keep quiet about where they were?
i can't speak to the 2014-16 era because i fell out of touch with the fandom at that time, but i was absolutely around during 2017 & 18. both of those years marked HUGE shifts, and both of those huge shifts came at the tail end of gamingmas/dilmas. you can check out my original frog theory post and my frog theory tag for elaboration on the function of gamingmas irt all of this. as just like. prerequisite framework reading.
ANYWAYS. the thing that was such a big deal was that dan was openly visiting the lesters with phil. yes, you can visit friends' families during the holidays. but it's much more frequently something you do with a significant other. so the ruckus was because dan and phil knew the conclusions people would jump to if we knew dan visited the lesters at christmas, and they still let us know that it happened.
(this got disgustingly long, so i'm putting the rest of this post under the cut.)
part of what made that such a big deal was having that happen after the no homo/closet era, the "we're not together we're not even that close of friends we're just roommates" era. the significance of their trust & openness was MUCH more tangibly felt. a way larger percent of the fandom at that time had been present when the vday video leaked/had joined shortly afterwards when that was one of the biggest things impacting both phandom culture and our relationship with dnp.
so in 2017 when we got a glimpse of dan up north at the lesters' in a couple of cornelia's instagram stories? we lost our fucking minds about it. it was only 2 (i think) background cameos, but it was quite literally unprecedented. it's not something that qualifies as openly spending time together at the holidays because of the method throug which we found out about it, but like. there's no way they didn't know that cornelia was posting those, and no way that they didn't know we'd know about it.
when i say we, i mean dedicated phannies. people who could possibly be reading this post, not casual subscribers to the gaming channel. because when it comes to casual viewers, or even people who aren't a part of dan and phil's usual audience at all? there's a lot of methods of communication that they just plain aren't paying attention to and won't be aware of.
the most direct, permanent methods dan and phil have for communicating are videos on either of their individual channels or on dan and phil games, and after that is instagram grid posts or tweets, as well as videos on their side channels. twitter replies, insta stories, livestreams, and their public likes on any social media platform? those are for a more private audience. their appearances in other people's posts reaches a similarly small audience.
knowing that they were starting to be more and more open through the communication channels only open between them and dedicated fans, and that it was a trend - december 2017 is also when phil, in a liveshow, read out someone's "you and dan are so married" comment and just.. laughingly said "it-it's a useful thing". (link to gifs of that). it wasn't a one-off. it was a trend.
and compared to 2018, it was dust. they spent the whole year becoming increasingly open with us, through increasingly direct methods. it was a whirlwind. even for people who've watched all the videos and liveshows, you don't have the whole picture. the onslaught was coming at us from every angle at all moments. you'd have to also explore the full archives of social media posts, insta stories, meet and greets , social media likes, and like.. the archived recordings of every interactive introverts tour date. it was batshit.
it was genuinely one of the most insane years of my life. i was having physical symptoms. we all knew what was coming, we all could tell they were working up towards coming out, but nobody wanted to trust that we were right about that. my dashboard was regularly at a fever pitch.
and december 2018 was the culmination of everything. and then they were talking directly to us in a liveshow and being. insanely open. they told us that dan was going with phil to visit the lesters. and they told us that pinof was ending. and then dilmas started dropping, aggressively cementing the fact that dab and evan were sim-universe proxies for dnp, while dan and phil posted instagram grid and story updates about visiting the lesters. and then dab and evan came home to the howlter house for the holidays. and got engaged.
and then they went on hiatus, and we pretty much did not hear from dan until he came out.
the point is. we knew there was a fucking insane energy. we KNEW something big was coming. we fucking knew. it was a two year build up to dan and phil being the most publicly gay they'd ever been on the gaming channel and every single other platform - and part of that insanity was them being open about dan visiting the lesters, which coincided with them having their proxy sims get gay engaged while visiting family.
"did they usually keep quiet about where they were?" anon, the last time before all this that they had openly acknowledged dan visiting the lesters during the holidays was 2009.
the way they were acting over christmas of 2018 had me experiencing shrimp emotions to such an intense degree i was having verifiable psychic visions.
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pseudophan · 4 months
some post wad weekend thoughts...
i just wrote all this on the plane and haven't read it through so apologies for any mistakes
first of all, this weekend was incredible. i usually just kinda sit at home doing not much of anything, and this was a much needed break to actually have some fun. london in general always lifts my spirits but i suppose that danisnotonfire guy contributed a little as well.
guys i think i've met more people the past few days than i otherwise have in years. like. holy shit. i started listing people but i'm petrified i'll forget someone so i chickened out, sorry about that. but you all know who you are. i've met friends i've had for years, people i used to know but haven't spoken to in what feels like a decade, newer friends, and a frankly baffling amount of people i didn't know yet but who told me they've followed me for ages. like holy fuck you guys lmao what the hell??? and i mean did the reaction ever get old no of course it didn't. bad for my ego i'm sure but totally worth it. there's something very amusing and incredibly surreal about being chronically lame in most aspects of life and then suddenly finding yourself in an environment where you're kinda cool???? SO fucking fun oh my god, but also i do kinda feel like i've tricked you all? but hey i'll happily let you keep believing i'm cool, that is more than fine with me.
most importantly though everyone was SO lovely. like i said i don't think i've spoken to this many people in such a short amount of time in years and every single person i talked to was awesome. guys did you know phannies are kind of great... don't tell anyone but, lowkey... everyone is so funny and cool and absolutely insane but in a good way (shoutout everyone left at the gates until the very end, we should probably get some help).
and then lastly of course, mr howell himself. i talk about this a lot i feel like but fuck me that man was born to perform. whether you think he's actually funny or not, nobody can argue he doesn't absolutely thrive on a stage. he plays off the audience so well and he's so very obviously having the time of his fucking life. i'd already seen the show twice before this, and i didn't think anything would top the previous london show but man... the first night he came back out after the show having clearly been tearing up backstage, apologising for being an inconsistent absent parent, and i can't lie the "i had daddy issues and THEN i subscribed to dan howell" got me cause yeah no literally dude, you nailed it, exactly, well done. i think something about doing this show again, his magnum opus as he considers it, now after the dapg return was very special to him. he seems genuinely surprised that so many of us were ready to just jump back in like nothing happened, i don't think he was expecting so many people to still be waiting and it's... man. he comes off so grateful for us all and it's so fucking sweet. and then on the last night, i think that was my favourite, when the show ended and he got the standing ovation and people throwing him flowers.. he was so HAPPY. and clearly overwhelmed with emotion which, i gotta say, there is something honestly kinda funny about daniel howell standing in front of you trying not to cry. like no by all means dude go ahead, please, you've made me cry an endless amount of times it's only fair.
ugh. i'm proud of him or whatever. dick. and i'm proud of our ridiculous fucking community. i'm not sure what 14 year old nora would say if you'd told me i'd still be kicking it in the phandom a decade on, but at almost 25 (fml) i'm so so happy to be here still. you know, we get a bad rep, but i genuinely think as far as fanbases go we're pretty solid. and i love you all so much.
i believe i will have to rob a bank or something because the next time dan and/or phil do a tour i think i'll have to just show up at every date like i'm sorry but this was too good of a high we need to do it again immediately
anyway. back to work 💪
(by which i mean giffing dan and phil. i am still very much unemployed. fr though i'm two whole videos behind this has never happened i feel weird. who am i)
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Something I really like about the Tumblr phandom is that I feel like we're all just buds hanging out yk - like there's some ppl that post more than others but overall there's not really anyone who's. like. 'the popular ones' or the 'well known ones' if that makes any sense like literally at all? Do y'all agree?
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hannahmanderr · 10 months
hey phandom, we can do better
i know we're all getting sick and tired of tagging discourse, especially when it comes to dpxdc tagging, but i'm beginning to notice another problem this fandom has, usually with reblog tags specifically, and it's becoming a bit of a problem.
i know the joke in the phandom is that we all love gore/body horror/gruesomeness in general, and in general, the tolerance level is, on average, much higher than the average fandom, but i think it's important we realize that not everyone is okay with seeing such levels of gore and violence on their dash, and let's be real: we are awful at properly tagging posts with gore.
like i said, this really goes for reblogs too. i know i for one have an extremely low gore tolerance (in many cases, it can actually be triggering for me), and usually at least once a day i see improperly tagged reblogs of excessive blood on the lighter end and posts with Danny's (or whoever's) insides literally on full display on the more extreme end.
all i'm asking is for everyone to try and make an effort to properly tag gore. it can be very off-putting for new fans especially to realize that they're expected to fit into a one-size-fits-all approach to the levels of gore normally tolerated in the phandom, and it can be stressful for older fans who are just looking to engage with a silly children's cartoon they adore. we want the phandom to be as open and accessible to as many people as possible, after all.
tags like #gore, #body horror, etc. are great ways to start, and honestly, given that we're the phandom, we can even have tags like #dissection, since so much of gore seems to revolve around dissections.
it takes two seconds to add a quick tag so that people don't have to see potentially triggering subject matters <3 <3 <3
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slayter-kinney · 3 months
i've been trying to formulate how i feel about wad and this era of phandom since i finally got the chance to watch wad all the way through with my girlfriend last night and after sobbing violently following the smash mouth credits i think i have some semblance of a train of thought. long ramble incoming after the read more hehe
for context, i've been watching dnp for about 10 years, which for some of you is an extremely long time and for others is piddly. regardless, a decade of my life has been spent in varying amounts watching dan and phil and interacting with the phandom. and part of what i was trying to express to my gf after watching the show was that it really is a sense of pride to see the sad clown poster child for being, well, sad, to open up about his mental health struggles, to coming out, to making we're all doomed. i think this is a very similar reaction to the pride a lot of us feel for dan.
for me too, though, it's been the phandom (hi guys lol). I was really active in the phandom from like 2014ish-2017 (at which point i still watched videos as they were posted but i also just wasn't on tumblr as much and i had ~college~ to focus on), but that time was very formative teenage years for me during which i was going through similar mental health struggles, struggling with sexuality, regular ol' teenage demons, etc. and this sort of phandom revival has been making me feel this ridiculous nostalgia for those teenage years (even tho i was fighting for my life the whole time lol). i can sooo distinctly remember where i was when certain videos were uploaded, the feeling of being curled up in my bed at midnight in the summer with my iphone 5c catching up on the previous years' videos, making subpar edits on my phannie instagram while i was on a plane for my family's summer vacation.
having both the boys and the phandom (more) active again gives me that nostalgic feeling but with the feeling that everything feels So Much Better Now. i get the same excitement and rush watching new videos, sharing around edits and gifs, being insane with you all, but with the knowledge that i am older and i am better now. in a lot of personal ways i'm literally living the life i so desperately wanted when i was a teen and now i get to live it but with the same things that brought me joy when i was a sad 15 year old. despite the nostalgia, i dont think i would choose to go back to that time, but getting to look back on it now, and watch videos where dan and phil are unapologetically gay and happy and soulmate-y, see dan living his theatre kid dreams and is so so proud of his work, and to have this community of you all where we're all old(er) and queer and so proud of our dads (sorry). it's indescribable despite my best efforts to describe it. and yes i know i don't actually talk to a lot of you that's cause im awkward and bad at replying but if you've made it this far this is your open invite to start a convo with me in dms/ask box. anyways. i love you all. i love our boys. im grateful to be here with all of you.
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goldenpinof · 3 months
Why do you think dnp’s views have dropped so much lately? Its odd because the fandom is actually relatively alive atm
i'm not really good at analysing such things. not enough data, i guess.
i think the core phandom is alive (although, could be more alive, imo). but not everyone came back, and those who did... i feel like half of them looked at things for a month or two, and left again. we're not even on 2018 level, there's a lack of engagement within the phandom, and i don't think we will ever come back to at least 2018. there were changes made, in dnpg content. and i'm not sure if people like it, or are interested in it. i'm not talking about gay stuff, btw.
also, phandom grew up. it's hard to keep up with so much content. people have job, families, other hobbies. we kinda had to find other hobbies during the hiatus, you know. October-December were fun and, dare i say, nostalgic. spooky week and gamingmas — that's what we knew before the hiatus. there was some interest in "how is it now, 5 years later?" but after that... idk, i have my thoughts on why people aren't watching dnpg videos immediately, or why they are skipping some altogether. but i can't say that what i think is based on something solid. not enough data. and making polls, asking if people watch every video, how long it takes to watch a new video, do they participate in the phandom, etc. — i feel like tumblr isn't the right place because those who are the target audience for these questions aren't actually here 😂
anyway. my main point is. the core phandom is here, casual viewers stopped showing up, youtube algorithm doesn't bring new people at all (unless it's the actual gameplay like Poppy and It Takes Two, or generally popular video topics like TikTok compilations or react videos). dnpg clickbait titles work 50/50. i feel like, even the outsiders know what titles are clickbait and what aren't. to be fucking real with you, i think "Dan and Phil are BROTHERS?" is hilarious. i'd click on the video exactly because it's clickbaity and because i want to hear commentary on that. the lore is so deep, it's fucking exciting. but, do others find it the same as i do? do casual viewers even know? like, if not, then this title is just a game ad. and the video is so poorly edited that returning to it would be painful. speaking of ads. people might be tired of them. and if they see that the video is clearly an ad (Dragon City or Brothers) they don't even click on it. people seem also tired of the sims, which is interesting to me. is it because the wedding is done, so now it's boring? idk.
i'd love to see the stats on the TikTok video. it's so different from everything else. like, it's the least dnpg video ever. it's literally the ap video, but it performed better not only because of the algorithm but also because it's on dnpg. i wonder if it made anyone subscribe to dnpg. every time i go to the channel, i see this video and i'm like, "wow! you really are here, with almost 500k views, something that even 2024 sims videos can't get. good for you, mf."
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ahappydnp · 7 months
I’ve been in the phandom since 2016 and i’ve never been able to make friends here, please give me some tips how it’s done I just want friends to talk about dnp with as my irl ones just look at me like I’m insane 🙏
howdy! i can only speak from my personal experience but there's a few things that can help :)
add your age to your bio (doesnt have to be exact, just age range). i know a lot of us are less inclined to follow or interact if we don't know if we're talking to a fellow adult or a literal teenager
tag talk!!! i've befriended sooo many of my mutuals just because they had funny or interesting tags! this fandom is largely nd people being unhinged so feel free to leave whatever in the tags! also this is just a me thing but i'm less likely to follow someone if they don't tag talk or made posts because i'm not seeing any personality?
send asks off anon! which i know is scary but i promise most people here are LOVELY and like getting asks! the thing about tumblr is you get to skip all the awkward small talk that people hate and can IMMEDIATELY go scream at a stranger with the same interest
also just remember that you're talking to fuckin phannies!!! which are the least intimidating group of people on the planet like...we're on dan and phil tumblr my dude. we love new people and i really want you to feel comfortable to be seen! (also i started typing this right before they posted so now is the perfect time to try it bc we're all online rn afsdgsggkj)
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filthybonnet · 10 months
why Ramin when there's literally EVERY other Phantom tho
I'm going to answer this legit instead of being like "like whoever you like."
So 2004 I was super excited to go the midnight showing of "The Phantom of the Opera" movie. I hadn't had the chance to see the musical in person, coming from a family in which I was their main introduction to theatre when I was accidentally put into theatre class my freshman year of high school and decided I loved it. My sister and I fell in love the proshot of "Cats" (which my drama teacher introduced me to) and that was the first professional theatre show we saw live. We saw a tour of it in 1999.
Anyway...so 2004 I'm in college super excited to finally see Phantom. I leave that movie theater so disappointed. I was like "I thought he was supposed to be able to sing. Also the fuck was Minnie Driver doing there?" After that I'm like "Ew I want nothing to do with Phantom."
2011: I'm in NYC for the first time but I'm with major red flag boyfriend (which is a different story). We're walking by what I later learn is The Majestic to get to our hotel. At the time I just see lots of Phantom posters and ads. I stop and look at them and am like The stage production has to be better than that movie. I ask Ex if we can go see it and he's all like we don't have the time. (of course we had the time, it was just not what he wanted to do).
End of 2017/Early 2018: I got "unlawfully terminated" from my job. I'm wasting a lot of time on tumblr. A few of my mutuals post a lot of Phantom content, lots of pictures of various Christine's in the dressing robe is what I remember the most. I like what I see and I'm like I should give Phantom another chance, I have all this free time. HOWEVER, I decide this time as I was a literature major, I'm going to the source material first. I look up the novel, read up on the newer translations, pick the one I like best. I fall in love. I finish the thing in two days.
I decide I'm going to suck it up and give the 2004 movie another chance after loving the novel so much. I contact my sister because I know she has a copy as an actress and a Gerald Butler lover. I tell her my reason. She replies, "No, I have something better for you. Come over." So while her husband is at work we have lunch, she curls my hair and she puts on The Phantom of the Opera Royal Albert Hall.
I wasn't paying too much attention at the moment because my sister was asking something about my hair but at that same exact moment Ramin's "Insolent Boy!" boomed through her sound system. No lie (and TMI) but my nipples instantly went hard and I turned towards the TV and was like "Hello! Who is this?" Him and Sierra were barely out on stage in the boat and I was already googling Ramin Karimloo.
In two seconds with just his voice, Ramin Karimloo made me fall back in love with "The Phantom of the Opera" In 2004 when I left that movie theater saying "I thought the Phantom was supposed to be able to sing" Ramin turned that around in two seconds. And then I saw him act. And then while watching it I found shirtless pictures of him on the internet.
I have seen many boots since and have seen 4 Phantoms live (5 counting Ramin but not for this point) and none of them do it for me like Ramin. I've had other Christine's impress me more than Sierra since (like Holly Ann Hull is my top now. Saw her 3 times live). And after seeing Ramin as Phantom 4 times that's it. Even his Phantom in Italy had differences from his RAH Phantom but still just such perfection. Seeing it person he just becomes the Phantom. It was like I knew I it was Ramin but all you could see was Phantom, not Ramin acting Phantom.
This might not satisfy you because the way your question is worded seems to imply you're not that fond of him. And I know some of the "phandom" considers him a gateway Phantom. However he's very much loved by lots of people and was chosen for reasons.
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lexosaurus · 1 year
dawg, this is wild. im a bit new to tumblr and i never realized there was such an active fandom for Danny Phantom (now I have an excuse to rewatch it from my childhood)!! How long have yall been booming? Also, on a scale of 1 to 10 (with 1 being not at all) how intricate is fandom lore?
Ayeee welcome!
I joined I think back in like 2017 maybe? But the online phandom scene has been booming since literally the early 00's. Before tumblr, everyone was super active in the Nick and Butch's forums (since deleted). A lot of that era was ship wars though, but since the early 2010's I think things have been a bit more chill, and then the mid 2010's introduced a new wave of people—myself included—who were not well versed in any phandom drama and frankly didn't really care. I think today we have a pretty healthy mix between the early 00's people who have stuck around cuz they love the lore, the mid 2010's people who joined for the memes and stayed for the lore, and now the early 2020's people who have joined for the AU's and hopefully they stay around for the lore too!
I would say, just because of how active the phandom is as well as the nature of an old, tight-knit community existing for so long, we have a lot of older memes and history. So I'd say the fandom lore is around an 8. Like it exists, it's a big part of who we are and it's inevitable that you'll also get to know it if you stay around, but we're not SO deep in fandom inside jokes and AUs that it's impossible for new people to make sense of it all.
Also, because we're such an old community, if you wanna Do Your Own Thing then people are pretty chill. It's not really "my way or the highway." I'd like to think I know everyone, but I'm still finding niche pockets of Tumblr phandom that are discussing DP ideas I've never freaking heard about before.
So welcome! Feel free to poke around! Check the pinned post on my blog for the yearly phandom events calendar! They're super fun and have varying commitment levels.
Enjoy your stay!
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danrifics · 5 months
BETHANIEE congrats on your notice i am also in shock he replied to me twice 😭😭 merry christmas to US
we're literally the most important people in the phandom right now i cant even believe it
we are absolutely slaying Christmas
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pocketramblr · 2 years
Hey can you explain the danny phantom vivsection fanfic lore iceberg?
Uhh well I'm not in the phandom but I can try at least here's the lore iceberg
- "Ignore the last episode" (planet phantom?)- widely hated, everyone in the fandom and outside knows to ignore it, also part of hating Butch H who no one likes, top of the iceberg
- "Danny trans"- widely known but not as universal, (maybe?? Maybe it is but doesn't even need to be talked about anymore??) picked up from the fact that Danny's clone is a girl, some comments from other characters that are probably supposed to be bullies, the fact that Sam can convincingly pull off a Danny disguise, Butch H hates it so obviously it's good
- Reputation as horrible angsty- at the very least in the "hey wait the main character kinda died in the first episode huh"
- Lil Nas X Possible Danny Phantom Gay Awakening- this is probably the waterline of the ice berge. We're gonna go under now
- Vivisection Fics - he's a half ghost who's parents are crazy ghost hunting mad scientists. If the secret was ever revealed.... The fandom is crazy about these I guess. This is under the water but like still visible from above the water I feel
- Ghost King Danny- little lower. Popular, makes for such cool art it gets bursts of attention still. Usually played angsty for the above reasons
- uh Dad Clockwork- common enough but not well know probably because I think the guy is like in what 3 episodes?? But where dads are lacking the fandom will find one. Used for hurt comfort kind of angst I presume
- Dead Danny AU- he's full dead because that's both the most angsty* option and because it's dumb that Butch H says ghosts aren't dead people even tho some in the show are confirmed to be so??? Includes Danny rotting maybe??
(*not actually the most angsty, there are things worse than death or half death as the phandom likes to explore... But theoretically)
- Hazmat au- a thing I guess I literally only found out about it yesterday but I guess it's been around longer? Gist is that Danny was actually fully wearing his hazmat suit in that machine that half killed him and that changes things... In different ways depending on the author?
- the Reveal goes worse- not Vivisection bad, but like. Real bad. Angsty reactions from horrified parents. Danny feeling isolated. All the stuff that kinda led to his Evil Future Version in the show but worse because the people he loves are still alive he just can't fully reconcile with them
- the Reveal goes ok fluffy fics - so deep in the iceberg I'm not actually sure they exist
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a-sterling-rose · 1 year
This may be an odd question to ask, but why don't we have more OC content from the Phandom?
Like, I get it. It's cool to expand and add more to Danny, but come on!
This concept is literally begging for new characters to be added in. You don't even need to stick with European mythologies. There are so many possibilities to work with, but we just aren't using them. Hell, you can even create your own halfa made from botched rituals or just naturally occurring(mushroom ghost, maybe?).
I dunno, maybe I'm just not seeing these works because I'm not looking in the right place. Or are they being buried by DPxDC works? It's just weird to me how we all know the writing flaws of Danny Phantom, but we aren't diverging from these flaws ourselves - mainly making everything so Danny-centric. I love the overpowered dumbass, but let's give someone else a chance to be the hero.
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pseudophan · 7 months
Honestly, getting into phandom in 2023 is a wild ride. Also incredibly funny searching all the old post and speculations and fun times you had while being actively aware of what's going to happen. Your blog is literally a gold mine of info. I think I'm more or less caught up on the biggest events now. I've just joined the fandom but it seems fun)
Thanks, Nora)
see now THIS is the correct way to get into dan and phil in 2023. not necessarily going through my blog specifically (although, thanks, and also i'm sorry) but browsing phandom posts from throughout the years in general. like yes you can watch every dnp video and be somewhat caught up but you don't understand the pure insanity of it all unless you dive deep into the fandom side because holy hell what a ride. imagine being us watching dnp for years and years before they even came out... anon there were GIRLFRIEND rumours, frequently! ofc they were all such obvious bullshit but like... imagine a reality in which every other month someone claimed they'd seen one of those incredibly gay fuckers with 😭 a girlfriend 😭 it was insane it was all so insane i can't believe This is our reality now. i know they've been out for four years but something about dapg being back makes it more unbelievable like man we're really witnessing frequent dan and phil uploads gay edition holy fuck
anyway, anon, i need to know what events you're caught up on. also feel free to ask if you're wondering about something i am soooo fascinated by new phannies this is like drugs to me
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